#TMNT prompt
Friendly reminder of the day:
You are ALLOWED to stim freely! 💜
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I'm currently de-compressing after a mission in my lab, which means spinning in my chair, watching Jupiter Jim & listen to my favourite song on repeat.
Your needs are VALID.
Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
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mxxnmxxn9875 · 2 months
-clears throat in tmnt fan-
I just randomly thought of something. Take this however you want. Take it if you want, idc.
Leonardo (whatever one, your pick) is homophobic. Yet, he is gay. He’s known he doesn’t like girls for AGES, and he KNOWS he’s gay (Usagi probably). And so, for whatever reason, he’s homophobic and got some INTENSE internalized homophobia. When Mikey comes out as (whatever) when they’re maybe 12ish, Leonardo (idfk)s.
One by one, his brothers come out as something other than completely straight over the years, until they’re (age). When they’re (older age), Leonardo finally works through all his homophobia through meditation or therapy with April or smth. So, Leonardo comes out of the closet, and they’re appalled or smth (ex. Donnie had figured it out and was mad scientist grinning and shouts “I KNEW IT”, there was a betting pool, etc)
That’s all I got
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mx-mongoose · 1 year
Crossover prompt, Casey and Casey Junior centric
So when meeting Casey Junior, the 2012 gang is just AWESTRUCK on how different Casey is in this universe. He’s nice, calm, considerate, well mannered, respectful- you get the point. Everything 12!Casey ISN’T. And most of the 2012 gang absolutely likes him. It feels nice to have a Casey that doesn’t constantly push their buttons and feel like they can have a mature or calm conversation with.
Leonardo spars with him and is shocked by how formally trained he is.
Since Junior grew up with Rise Donnie, he tries to help Donnie with projects when he allows him to and is actually good company for Donnie!
Junior is the only one who can stomach Mikey’s cooking since he survived on roadkill and scraps most of his life so maple syrup and tuna pizza tastes like Gordan Ramsey to him,
April is just appreciative to have a meaningful conversation with another human for once.
Raphael is the only one on the fence about Junior for a reason stated later.
As for 12!Casey, he absolutely HATES Junior’s guts. Mainly out of jealousy. He’s jealous of how his team trusts him and how they’re not generally annoyed to be around him, hell he’s even jealous of how sick his weapons are! I mean a chainsaw hockeystick fusion and a grappling hook?! No-one would trust him with those but apparently these guys do. There’s also this thing where Junior is just so… Bland?! (In his eyes) He can’t understand why anyone likes him, universal cosmo law or not that wasn’t Casey Jones and he’s not gonna share his title to the equivalent of white bread.
So it sparks this one-sided rivalry and Junior doesn’t understand any of it. Like Casey will start random competitions, will pick on him, purposely make him mess up on missions, hell he’ll even try and make Junior physically fight him a couple times before someone will have to tear Casey off of the poor boy. (It doesn’t help that 12 Donnie constantly calls Junior the “better Casey”)
Eventually the two of them talk and they make a truce then they become friends (i have no idea how, just imagine some emotional conversation between them)
Then they’re walking and they go up to one of the Donnies and ask
Casey Jr: Hey Dona- i mean Donatellos, my counterpart wants a replica of my weapon if that isn’t any trouble
Casey: What my good looking bro is trying to say is- Dude I NEED a hockey stick chainsaw
Rise Donnie: Okay two things, one-
2012 Donnie: No way in hell that i’m giving YOU a chainsaw
Rise Donnie: And two, who said you guys were counterparts?
Then there’s this long silence and Casey asks
Casey: how we are not counterparts? We share the same name, we share the same handsome face and both play hockey??
Rise Donatello: That’s because he’s the counterpart of your would-be-son Casey Jones Junior. Your counterpart is our friend Cassandra Jones, you guys haven’t met because she doesn’t visit much-
Casey Jr: It never came up! But i guess that makes sense, you do remind me a lot of my mom.
Rise Donatello: It also explains why when I asked Donnie over here how his Casey was sent to the past without mystic energy he looked at me like I was crazy
2012 Donnie: To be honest, I was more shocked that a Casey was put in charge of saving the world. Now I can sleep easy at least
Rise Donatello: You didn’t tell this guy anything did you???
After that, Casey loves to pull the “Technically i’m your dad, so you have to listen to me” and teasingly calls him “son”. Of course this is all out of earshot of Cassandra. But this also is a weight off Casey’s chest that this is indeed a separate person and of all things his son! Hell it kinda gives him an ego boost (not that he needs one) that someone as crazy as him can raise someone like Junior.
They’re close friends and I love them
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snowflakeanimelover · 2 months
TMNT x reader Prompt:
Turtles, reader, and April(Casey and Vern too if you want) had to move to readers old town house outside of the city because they were attacked my an enemy, destroying the turtles lair.
Everyone stays in the townhouse till they know what’s going on and to hide. And reader has been spending her time nonstop trying to listen to the radio, taking notes, and reading books on stuff for a lead. Even taking all-nighters.
Turtles get worried and try to convince her to rest but she won’t.
Can add where Mikey uses the radio to play some music and distract reader from her hard work. Reader and Mikey have an all out dance party in the room, letting reader finally relax and have fun.
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'The Tattoo - A Baby Turts' Story'
When we were small turtles, Leon asked me if I could write 'super girl' on his left arm since I was the only one of us four that could 'write' at that time (thanks to me being an artist: I just copied what I could see, I couldn’t actually write, nor could I read!).
And there was only ONE letter sequence I was able to remember...
With the most confidence I had I wrote 'shit' on Leon's arm.
He happily ran off to papa & shortly after that, papa started yelling my name.
I hid under the kitchen sink for 30 minutes & when papa found me, he scolded me & then Donnie saw Leon's arm (he could read at that time) & laughed so hard, he actually cried.
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Prepare for more of these to come! (*^▽^)/★*☆♪
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nei-ning · 1 year
Cherry Blossoming
Leonardo slowly walked in the dark sewer tunnel, lowering his eyes on the note he held. He didn’t recognize the handwriting so it wasn’t from anyone he knew. It was suspicious. The note was also very short and simple with only the address where he should come. His brothers were not aware of him being out alone since he had sneaked out, not wanting to worry his siblings or drag them in danger with him. Leonardo kept walking, feeling still rather safe in familiar sewers. He knew none of the outside world would come or be there… but that was a big mistake. All of the sudden Leonardo’s instincts screamed at him, telling someone just had appear behind him. Leonardo squeezed his hands into fists, getting ready to defense himself as he started to spun around but he failed. There was hard hit on the back of his head, knocking him out. A pair of eyes watched turtle fall on the moist sewer floor, unconscious. ** Blue eyes squeezed more shut at first, then slowly starting to open. Damn, it was bright! With a small grunt the turtle closed his eyes, blocking the brightness away. Leonardo hissed when he next noticed the pulsing pain at the back of his head. It wasn’t the worst he had ever felt but it was annoyingly nasty. Pushing himself to sit on the ground while rubbing the back of his head, Leonardo realized he was outside. He felt the sun’s warmth and gentle wind, hearing the rustle of the tree branches with leaves all around him. His eyes snapped open in fear, darting to scan the area all around him as he jumped up to his feet, getting ready to defense himself once again. However, he was all alone… surrounded by… blooming cherry trees. He gasped silently while lowering his arms to his sides, realizing he was at Flushing Meadows Corona Park in Queens – in the middle of the sunny day! H-how he had got there?! Why he was there?! Why there were no people?! Why he was there all alone?! What the heck had happened?! ”Ya like it?” In a flash Leonardo spun around, spotting his brother standing further away against one of the trees. Leonardo let out few faster pants, finally pulling himself together. ”Where is everyone? What’s going on? What happe-” ”I asked: Do ya like it?” Raphael looked stern as he now stood by the tree, not leaning on it anymore, his eyes strictly focused on his brother. ”I… I do like it. It’s beautiful in here. But ---” Raphael’s sigh with a spreading small smile stopped Leonardo in the middle of his sentence. ”Glad ta hear it. Come, let’s walk around a bit.” Small horror flied through Leonardo as he watched Raphael to turn around, starting to walk forward under the blossoming tree branches. Without a word, Leonardo rushed after his brother, walking silently by his side, relaxing eventually. He was soon eyeing the trees, the flowers, taking in their scent, enjoying warm sunshine on his skin which beamed down on him through the tree tops and leaves. The park was so silent, birds chirping and the wind playing with leaves and blossoms above and around them. ”Raphael? I need to ask something.” ”Yeah, yeah. It was all on me. I wrote that destination note, followed ya and knocked ya out. Mikey gave us a ride and helped me carry ya here. I waited near by ta see ya would be okay and wake up.” Leonardo gasped in disbelief, stopping on his spot. ”Raphael!” Bigger turtle stopped, turning to look his hurt and angry brother over his shoulder. It was clear Leonardo couldn’t believe his ears. How on Earth his brother could have done that to him!? Raphael eyed Leo up and down, sighing eventually. ”I had ta do it. Ya would had said no for sure if I would had asked.” ”Of course I would had say no! I mean look around! We are outside during a day time! As pretty as it is here, we can be seen! That’s --” ”Dangerous, I know, but shit, Leo! Ya could appreciate this a bit, ya know? Ya been talking it so many times how ya would like ta come ta see cherry blossoming during the day, walk here in peace, and now that I managed ta arrange it all for ya, it ain’t good or okay?!” Now Leonardo saw hint of pain in Raphael’s angry eyes. ”I… I just worry for our safety.” ”I know but I made sure we are safe. There ain’t no need for ya ta worry or fear. Trust me.” Leonardo sighed silently to himself, allowing himself to relax some once more. He couldn’t help himself tho. He always had feel responsible of their safeness so it came from deep in his backbone. It was hard habit to break. ”H-hold on, Raph. Do I even dare to ask what exactly you did to remove all the people from here?” Now Raphael snorted with a grin, turning around. ”I left that task ta Donnie and Casey. Gotta admit they did a pretty damn good job.” Leonardo gasped in shock again, running to his brother’s side, grabbing on his arm while still walking by his side, stern look on his face. ”What did they do? Tell me.” But Raphael said no other word, just kept grinning while Leonardo kept demanding to know more while hanging on his arm. ** Eventually the duo came on the spot where a picnic had been set. Leonardo eyed it all in slight surprise, Raphael walking to sit on the fabric without any hesitation. He smiled once to his brother, gesturing him to join him. Leonardo, still being more or less careful, took a look at their surrounding area before deciding it was safe to proceed. He came to his brother, landing on his knees which made Raphael snort. ”This ain’t a tea ceremony so sit normally.” With a gentle push, Raphael managed to shake Leo’s balance and his brother fell slightly, deciding to sit normally on the ground, legs crossed. In silence Leonardo observed how Raphael filled fancier glasses, offering one to him. ”Don’t worry, it’s alcohol free. Not gonna knock ya out the second time.” Leonardo gave a fast look over the glass, sniffed few times, and then nodded his approval. Raphael grinned while lifting his glass. ”Cheers.” Now Leonardo smiled, lifting his own glass. ”Cheers.” Glasses hit each other gently, both turtles taking a sip before reaching for snacks. They sat there under the blossoming trees for hours chatting and relaxing. It was nice to see Leonardo having small smile on his lips constantly, his head turning and eyes scanning the beauty around them. After all this had been his dream for years. Raphael felt quite proud he had managed to make so important wish come true. ”Raphael. Thank you.” ”Don’t mention it. Ya deserve this.” Leonardo huffed softly, his eyes lowering in his almost empty glass. ”Promise me something.” ”Hm.” Blue eyes lifted on yellow orbs, staying locked on them. ”Promise you will bring me back here. But no knocking me out or anything. I will come willingly.” Raphael grinned with a snort. ”I promise ta bring ya here next year but I ain’t promising anything about not knocking ya out.” Leonardo pouted seriously, his eyes squinting. ”Raphael.” Voice was low and playfully warning which made Raphael chuckle and lift the glass on his lips, taking a sip. ”We’ll see, Fearless. We’ll see.”
This I was supposed to post already in March but, hhmmmm, I forgot :’D Mainly because I use my laptop so rarely in these days.
I will tag @turtle-babe83 because she’s one of the members who’s hosting these TMNT Prompt events :)
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namaste1603 · 1 year
A few shorts of Prompts , please can someone do this..
#1 The Gang is kidnapped except raph and Donnie gets tortured by the bad guys into working for them, until raph comes to save them while he tries to protect leo and mikey sorry this has rape with object inseration and torture.
2 donnie gets attacked in a battle and almost drowns /
3. Mikey and Donnie get captured and experimented on and still donnie does everything to protecc.
4. A self starvation / eating disorder fic
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sunnyyyteaaa · 1 month
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🌺 combined days 4 n 5 in order to catch up 🤞 it's 2012 leo babysitting the turtle tots 😊
challenge prompts under the cut!
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sariphantom · 4 days
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I bet Leo's telling one of his dumb fish jokes to Nemo over here 🤣
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turrondeluxe · 9 months
Could you draw Mikey using his brothers as a jungle gym? They are all surfaces for his perching and climbing
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the Mikey Perching On Leo Chronicles
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kytiit0o · 4 months
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a lil follow up to this
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Leo: "Everybody seems to experience a mid-life crisis at some point in their life."
Me: "Approximately this happens at the age of fourty and up, which is considered the 'mid-life' of humans."
Leo: "Yeah, well... considering I don't even know when MY mid-life starts, I have made the decision to have an on-going crisis."
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Fair enough.
Though I cannot imagine Leo getting any weirder.
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andva-ri · 5 months
C2 or A2 for the outfit meme?
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☆ Hot Soup ☆
Lou Jitsu fashion week
☆ ko-fi | patreon | commissions | prints ☆
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abbeyofcyn · 8 months
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I made this for @pickledcarrotsandradish for the @rottmnt-secret-gifting event
I hope you like it and thanks to everyone involved in organising the event 💜🧡
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cupcakeslushie · 2 years
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Separated AU
Because there’s gonna be a looooong time before we have any cute Donnie April bonding moments, and I feel bad about that 🤣
So here’s a goofy comic, based off a little scene from Friends that was on in the background while I was working on the next pages.
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Leo's in the kitchen, doing the dishes & I just heard him say
"Who do you work for?? Who is your contact??"
While he repeatedly pushes a glass under the water.
At least he's trying to make chores fun for himself.
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