jkgnggj · 1 year
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A million thanks to @lu-kario for this wonderful gift <333 I am a firm believes in tori's firm titties and ass like have u seen the guy??? He's scrawny but gots cleavage u can't deny
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dig33 · 4 months
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Ready to rumble.
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greeen-bean · 27 days
Is this something?
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(Aled is down below because he sint asexual but demisexual so its a lil different)
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can we pls have some some tori amos propaganda <333
Yes, absolutely!
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Fuck first past the post. All my homies hate first past the post
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nando161mando · 3 months
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Always remember to stay informed
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brasskingfisher · 3 months
So I got this worthless junk mail toady
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And honestly, after the tory party's performance over the last 14 years, I really don't think alleging corruption on the part of your opponents, and complaining about the lack of investment in infrastructure is a stance you can legitimately take.
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dougielombax · 8 months
I find it genuinely hilarious how the idea of Irish reunification scares people.
I say hilarious, more like baffling.
Now I understand why some may be nervous or hesitant. I get that. That’s fine. Understandable even.
That’s not what I’m referring to.
I’m referring more to certain people in Ireland (partitionists) who start frothing and shrieking about the PIRA, “those bastards”, and terrorism if you do so much as mention it.
And no, I’m not acting as an apologist for terrorists.
If YOU think Irish republicanism is inherently evil and terroristic, that’s your problem and it says more about you than anything else. Fix your hearts or die! Starting yesterday!
It’s like the very concept sends them into a feral rage. They start panicking and resorting to all kinds of mental gymnastics to shut the idea down.
The ones who call themselves progressive and then start spouting British establishment myths and propaganda about Ireland as if they were an irrefutable truth. They’re a key component.
Sometimes they’re just straight up reactionaries instead who think that Irish republicanism is just a stupid meme, despite being a real political movement with goals and aspirations. (I’ve run into one here)
The historical illiteracy is off the charts with these types.
Other ones include loyalists in the north, though they react similarly to just about anything what doesn’t fit their narrow, parochial, small minded, genocidal, bloodthirsty, stupid, anthropocentric, insular, nihilistic, racist, jingoistic, miserable, stagnant, anachronistic, selfish, arrogant, bigoted, supremacist, monocultural world views, beliefs and aspirations.
Also British Tories and pathologically deranged Scottish loyalists too. And the tabloid press in Israel for some bizarre reason (I’m not quite sure why), also the UK tabloids but that should go without saying.
They seem to view the idea as some kind of ultimate irredeemable sin what dare not even be thought about or else.
It’s hilarious and sickening to behold.
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TORI VEGA PROPAGANDA: Jesus vs. Tori Vega is, in fact, hilarious, but I believe it's no contest. On the case of Jesus: If we believe that the narrators of the book The Bible are, in fact, reliable narrators, then the entirety of Jesus's existence went according to a divine plan (of course, there are different interpretations of how reliable such narrators are). Jesus suffered, yes, but he did so willingly, for the good of mankind, to fulfill a prophecy. Anything that happened in the text of the Bible is something Jesus chose, and as any masochist will tell you, pain you choose is taken better than pain you don't. If we don't believe the narrators of the Bible are reliable, then maybe all that suffering seems rather pointless and senseless. However, Jesus has a worldwide fan cult of millions of followers. I think he's doing just fine as far as fandom treatment is concerned. Maybe you'll argue that the fact that many modern Christians get so much of Jesus's message wrong is a way that he is a mistreated character. But then I ask you: who are modern Christians generally hurting when they misinterpret Jesus's message? Jesus, or marginalized people? It's the latter. Again, Jesus is doing just fine. Even people who don't believe the Bible is a reliable text often have no issue with Jesus himself. Plenty of non-Christians admire his message. Jesus isn't much of a point of contention as far as his message and his goodness goes. The contention is in regard to his divinity. Jesus himself is an often admired figure. Tori Vega, on the other hand, is largely reviled by her fandom for...(checks notes)...being a teenage girl in a new situation, making mistakes, and having flaws. Finding a Tori Vega defender can be difficult. Her fanbase certainly doesn't number in the millions, she did not choose her suffering, and, frankly, the reasons people hate her tend to be petty and arbitrary. She is generally treated differently than any other character on her show, and I've yet to see a logical reason for this disparity. TL;DR: Jesus has a fandom of millions and many people think he is a god and he is doing just fine. Tori Vega is a teenage girl whose flaws the fandom treats as grievous sins rather than youthful mistakes. VOTE TORI VEGA
This was very well written thank you anon
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journey-to-the-attic · 10 months
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ichverdurstehier · 11 months
Most Americans hate communism bc they're don't know anything about communism
I hate communism bc I watched the untamed
We are not the same
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dig33 · 4 months
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Tag team.
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wouldyoudatethem · 1 year
Tori Spring - Solitaire/Heartstopper
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Figured I would save Tori propaganda for a later round when she actually needs it, but... since we're talking about getting loud about women, sure, let's do a premature victory lap for this round!
As one of the top commenters on this performance put it: "She REALLY puts herself out there, not just through her lyrics but also through her playing and singing. At points in this performance she appears almost possessed by the song, singing in tongues. The courage to write and perform this way is something had by very few."
If you think anyone on this planet is doing it like Tori, you're dead wrong. She gets compared to so many of her peers and seems to get underplayed by many '90s fans, which is embarrassing for them. Tori is incomparable. She is a true artist, and gives off that slight vibe of madness that I sort of need an artist to have. Insanely skilled pianist with a haunting voice and lyrics that go from precise to bizarre, but she conveys the meaning anyway. She's also sexual in a completely unpandering way, a way that feels raw and animal and witchy and real. From the linked song: "I want to smash the faces of those beautiful boys, those Christian boys. So you can make me cum; that doesn't make you Jesus." And for the girls, Raspberry Swirl: "Everybody knows I'm her friend, and everybody knows I'm her man." She said that straight men are tortured by her shows and that's why you never see them there. I believe in Tori supremacy.
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nando161mando · 11 months
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destroy your local capitalist (fascist)
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