#TVD writers sucked
B.S. Excuses
The reasons the writer’s didn’t have Caroline end up with Klaus was because it would be “disrespectful” to Stefan’s memory.
So what you're telling me that;
It wasn’t disrespectful when Elena kissed Damon, well Stefan traded HIMSELF for the cure to save his brother?
Or Stefan, repeatedly walking out on Caroline, wasn’t disrespectful.
So Caroline, is supposed to spend the rest of her LIFE, eternity, honouring the memory of the guy she was only married to for ONE DAY, when he choose to die to protect his ex-girlfriend (and you can’t tell me she wasn’t a HUGE reason for why he did that), and brother? 
That Caroline is supposed to set aside her own happiness, to honour a sham wedding that only took place to bait out Katherine?
EVEN IF, even if they WERE married, it’s been YEARS, (Lizzie and Josie were 4 in TVD, and 15 in TO), so even after 11 years, after over a DECADE, she can’t move on and be happy?
Now, let’s look at a different hypothetical scenario, if it was Caroline who died that day, they would have had Stefan ALL OVER Elena, in the primer of a hypothetical season 9 of TVD.
The only reason this happened was because Nina (I have nothing against her) decided to leave the vampire diaries, forcing the writers to think of an alternate romantic plotline. Caroline was literally treated like Elena’s understudy! 
So SCREW B.S. excuses, Klaroline should have gotten their happy ending, and them even attempting to use Stefan’s death, and “Steroline”, to prevent that, DISGUSTS ME!
(I knew their was a reason why I camp out on the Ao3 “Caroline Forbes/Klaus Mikaelson” tag like a little troll under a bridge, because canon SUCKS, and Klaroline fanfiction is my happy place.)
^^^This is my opinion, you don’t have to share it, or even agree, it’s just mine^^^
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melmedardasworld · 24 days
Bonnie would be the only actual one on the show with a strong and good enemies to lovers storyline no matter who you pair her with (Jeremy excluded).
She can fight against them (most being supernatural themselves) on equal footing, and she wouldn’t make ten million excuses for her s/o's ass not even if they were in the lover stage. Granted, she would make (some) allowances as we saw her do once she fully accepted the Salvatores (mainly when she became besties with Damon) on her end. I have my grip on how that was handled because the writers really suck with relationships and pushing certain dynamics whether platonically or romantically (for all the girls, btw).
But as the seasons progressed, Bonnie got more colder and self preserving because of her experiences. So the whole 'Bonnie is too moral', 'Bonnie would never', 'They hurt her...', doesn't hold as much. At least, it doesn't until she finally accepts them in her circle of loved ones.
I mean, she says it herself.
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Bonus: Look at Enzo's jealous ass when he talks about Bonnie having Damon's back.
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She calls him out, and Enzo's yeah, keep on yapping, but I want that from someone too. Sidenote: Bonnie bringing up family so fiercely like that, I know it hurt her deep down too because her parents just... existed in her life.
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Though it takes a while for her to warm up, that fits the enemies to lovers' slow burn.
Lmao, my girl can be petty and nasty if you get on her wrong side and hurt her friends and family. Bonnie won't hesitate to tell them off and beat their ass into submission (and most of them lowkey loved it and became obsessed with her).
Anyway, the TVD writers can not write proper enemies to a lovers' and while they tried to do it with other ships, it was far from what I personally classify it as. They also didn't take the time to develop stuff when it came to Bonnie. It was usually half assed or came out of the blue (see the Twitter receipts and interviews about her canon relationships if you do not believe me).
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galvanizedfriend · 5 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thank you for the tag @kirythestitchwitch and @morningstargirl666 🤗
How many works do you have on ao3? 22! But I think I currently have two or three fics that are private because I keep meaning to rewrite and never get around to it.
What's your total ao3 word count? 1.617.205 😗
What fandoms do you write for? Currently only The Vampire Diaries/The Originals.
Top five fics by kudos: The Wolf (surprising no one, The Originals S1 rewriting), The Wolf II (surprising no one², The Originals S2 rewriting), Vice & Virtue (very surprising this has more kudos than TWIII lol, regency AU), The Wolf III (The Originals S3 and 4 rewriting) and The Sound of Settling (that time I committed coffee shop!AU).
Do you respond to comments? Yes! I try to always keep up with comments, but I get a little behind from time to time, especially with comments left on older fics. Sorry, folks 🥲 With WIPS, I tend to always reply to comments right before or immediately posting a new chapter.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Pendulum, for sure. The alternative ending is pure angst (and I love it very much, there's so much meaning and to me it's a perfect ending for that story).
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? All the others lol All my fics have a happy ending, Pendulum is an exception.
Do you get hate on fics? Not so much anymore, though I did recently get a bitter anon here on tumblr. But yeah, I've received a lot of hate over the years.
Do you write smut? Occasionally, when I feel like the story asks for a smutty scene, but more often than not I go with the classic fade to black.
Craziest crossover: I've never written crossovers, though I have written lots of AUs inspired by other things (I forgot what those are called now).
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Yes, I have. A while back this nutjob stole a bunch of fics and published them as originals on Amazon and The Wolf was among them. I got lots of comments from people warning me about it and I managed to get it taken down.
Have you ever had a fic translated? Yes, I have! To Russian and Chinese.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? I have not, though it's a fun idea.
All time favorite ship? My favorite ship is always the current one and I've been stuck on Klaroline for a few years now. Those two idiots in love have my whole heart.
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I have so many. 🥲 I really wanted to give the TVD S5 rewrite a chance, but really don't think I have it in me to start something like that again.
What are your writing strengths? Oh boy. I suck at paying myself a compliment. But I've heard I write good action scenes? I don't know if it's true. Personally, I think I do a decent job of writing AUs, as in adapting canon aspects to other universes. I don't just plaster names on characters, I try very hard to make sure everything is still recognizable even in a totally different setting (then again, that's very subjective 😂).
What are your writing weaknesses? Wordiness. I am so freaking wordy, my stories are so goddamn long. I wish I could simplify my writing, shorten sentences, but alas. I have these ideas for writing exercises I would like to try with a couple of ideas I have, but I need to finish the ones I have started before I can jump into something else.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language? If it's single words or short sentences, it's ok. I kinda like it even, but when it's full dialogues in languages I don't understand, it kind of loses me.
First fandom you wrote in? I think I wrote some semblance of fic when I was like 12 for Charmed, though I didn't even know that was fanfiction. But the first conscious fic I ever wrote was for Torchwood.
Favorite fic you've written? Pendulum. I think it's the most original and profound (lol) thing I ever wrote, it expresses many aspects of how I feel about KC. But I also really, really like The Unexpected Grace of Falling Apart. I LOVE romcoms and I think that story is everything I love in that genre, without being completely silly (in my opinion, ofc). Those two fics couldn't be more different if I wanted to, but one thing they have in common is the fact I spent years working on them.
Tagging @definedareasofuncertainty, @howlingmoonrise, @misssophiachase, @jinxedwood, @bettsfic, @bellemorte180, @marginally-accurate, @b-mina and @austennerdita2533!
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teaforthotxxx · 11 months
I hate the state of tv in media these days. Like we can’t ever get any OUAT, TVD and Gossip girls anymore because shows just keep getting cancelled and its not worth it.
Netflix keeps prioritising the wrong projects and they suck at producing good long running storylines because writers are scared things will be cancelled.
This isn’t just about Six of Crows. This is about Everything Sucks and Sense 8 as well. These shows could have easily been long running series with large fandoms but they aren’t alive for long enough.
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cancerian-woman · 1 year
in one of the panels JM was asked how klaus would single parent hope (i think Hayley was cursed) and both him and DG agreed that freya would do the lion's share of the childcare like why did y'all ever introduce this damn baby if you never intended for him to actually be a father like...
thank you! this is exactly what I meant. This is long for a warning lol. I thought my two lined comment was understood but lmao but okay!
I’m not naive I was never expecting the Mikaelson’s raising a child to be easy or not drama-filled. I was expecting plenty of issues. A family that has lived for a thousand years and accumulated plenty of enemies was never going to have it easy with a helpless baby around! The last time that family had someone young around them was their brother. Who they rarely mentioned in TO.
I get Freya and Hayley were new compared to Klaus/Elijah/Rebekah & later Kol. They had to build foundations for them and this is no way I’m blaming Freya/Hayley but the writing(cause I know how some of y’all think lmao.) In return Hayley is the best mom-werewolf queen and fighter ever! Freya is the selfless witch for her family! Now, again I DO believe the Mikaelson’s would’ve fucked up at points. Plenty of times actually because who can say they were “perfect” at being family…nobody lol. But, question proposes again why introduce the magical baby that we can all agree doesn’t make sense. If Klaus or any of the Mikaelsons that was propped up into this plot prior to Hayley or Freya etc etc if only timeline wise was going to give them 2-3 years with Hope in total span of 5 seasons that stretched over 15 years of Hope’s life.
Klaus reason for creating hybrids was because he didn’t want to feel alone. Rebekah at that time of TVD was the only one who caught on. Hope would’ve finally been his chance at not feeling alone and yet Hayley spends more time parenting than Klaus ever does. Now, who was expecting perfection? Nobody, but why is he NEVER with Hope vice-versa. Hayley had more time as a parent and even a werewolf. TO completely ignored Klaus’ werewolf side and only showed us his biological father for one episode? They didn’t so shit but allow Hayley to suck up all the development and storylines in that regard. Then have characters such as Freya or Declan/Hayley’s boyfriend throw in Klaus’ face repeatedly throughout s5 of TO how Klaus is never around as that’s his fault. Yeah, Klaus could’ve contacted Hope for sure but physically being there would’ve went against the whole point of separating the Hallow. Even then if the writers wanted to break the rule for Klaus and Elijah then they could’ve done so for Hope. Instead, Hayley’s constantly held as the better parent/option. Mind you Hayley herself continued to bounce back and forth with her thoughts on the Mikaelsons..
Now despite all of this we could’ve been praising Marcel and the Mikaelsons as a family but the plot constantly is racist towards Marcel.(often inflicted by Elijah…) Typically his feelings towards the Mikaelsons become ignored due to his relationship with Rebekah.
I have zero issues with Hope but most fans that do have problems with her. ONLY find issues with DRR!Hope they never have animosity towards the baby-child Hope. Yes some fans hate the baby plot and that’s okay! I’m not referring to those fans I’m talking about the ones who suddenly go on this tangent that Hope has always been the issue in her family. She’s spoiled, bratty, entitled etc etc all because she dared to have feelings about how her family treated her and went drastic measures to see her dad. It shouldn’t have taken Hayley’s death for Hope to finally say she feels apart of the family. She spent most of her years alone with Hayley and clearly while she’s love Hayley, it simply wasn’t enough. Period. I do think Hayley shouldn’t have had to die for this be understood by her family but atp oh well. I don’t see an issue in fans wanting to see the Mikaelson outside of Freya & Hayley spend time with Hope or watch her grow up lol. The narrative that LGCS ruined all of the Mikaelson’s characters is false. Hope called it out that no one would care for her if Klaus died. Which is very true. The Mikaelson’s literally sent her back to school and moved on with their lives. TO knew how to “function” with the impressionable baby-child but did nothing to prepare for the teenager-woman.
TO could’ve centered on their past lives since they never let Hope stay around her family.
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slutisnotabadword · 6 months
I want you to know that I don't support Klaroline because I believe that Klaus never truly loved Caroline. He was infatuated with her because he found her beautiful and admired her kindness and compassion, but what he felt for her was not love.
How can you claim you love someone when you constantly hurt them?
Klaus ordered Tyler to bite Caroline. He threatened to kill her. He stabbed her and then infected her with his werewolf venom. He did absolutely nothing until it was almost too late as she was painfully dying from his werewolf venom.
That's not love.
I'm not a Klamille shipper either, by the way. But I am not a Klaroline shipper and never will be.
I definitely see what you mean, but at the same time, it has been shown over and over time again throughout TVD (idk much about the originals because I have not watched that entire show) that Klaus do not know how to love people. And I compare that to his relationship with his siblings.
I know that deep down he does love his siblings, and yet, he daggers them whenever its convenient for him or if one of them interferes with his plans. I don’t know what his relationship with his daughter or Camille or his siblings in the Originals is like, but in TVD, Klaus SUCKS at loving people, even when he’s trying to. He lets his foolish pride and cruelty get in the way within his relationships. I do believe he loves Caroline, but he would’ve never shown it in its entireity because he doesn’t properly know how to. And sometimes it’s like that for people because love is enver shown the same for everyone, even if it’s in a toxic form.
Viewing Klaroline in a critical view, they are toxic for each other. Because of Klaus physically hurting her, and Caroline using him for her own personal gain or her friends’ gain. Most of the time whenever she’s being nice to him is to either distract him or to get something from him. The only time that I have seen them in a pure setting where they weren’t hurting eachother or using each other was at the Mystic Falls pagent in season 4. And even then, Caroline was practically forced to be his date lmao.
However, viewing their ship in another view, I could see the beauty in their ship, as well. If the writers really tried (or if TVD ended at season 4 and allowed Caroline to crossover to the Originals), I think they would’ve had an amazing growth and would’ve had a great storyline together. As I watch the show over and over again, a lot of the ships (probably all of them) had its flaws and were borderline toxic or should’ve never happened (maybe not Bonenzo, tho, they were great). The show is not particularly… “good” at handling their relationships, and that goes with friends too. But honestly, sometimes you have look deeper into the context that you’re given and kind of ignore the “bad writing” aspects of the show.
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andreal831 · 7 months
If you were to rewrite Jackson, would you still implement the love triangle? If so, would you make it more of an unrequited love or would you truly explore Jayley? If not, what type of role would you have him play?
TGW outtake suggestion:
In chapter 30 (I think) it mentioned Elijah never called Hayley for her birthday, and knowing Elijah, he’d probably feel guilty about this. So I’m thinking this could start from the dinner Hayley, Elijah, and astra we’re having together and at the end of the dinner, Elijah pulls astra aside and tells her that he wants to plan this whole day out as a surprise to celebrate her birthday. Then the next day could be them doing all sorts of activities and Elijah giving her some sort of expensive gift or something.
That explanation sucked, basically just Elijah plans a day to celebrate Hayley’s birthday because he feels guilty that he missed it.
If I was the writer from the beginning, I would have gotten rid of any love triangles. I've said it before, I don't like them. They are unnecessarily messy. Especially in a show like TO where the plot is so heavy. It worked better in TVD because the show centered more around the relationships. Most of the enemies were part of the romantic drama. But TO was focused on family and the enemies were typically after power or revenge. There wasn't time for messy relationship drama. I would have preferred for the show to have established relationships that could have been partners/supported each other throughout the show.
I've loved Nathan Parsons since before TO even existed so I was so excited to see him in TO. Fun fact, he was one of my first male crushes. I was then super disappointed to see his character be so underutilized and underdeveloped. I would have introduced him as alpha of the pack without the arranged marriage. I know many cultures have arranged marriages and that is great as long as everyone wants it. Hayley was not comfortable with it and said it multiple times. I hated that the show just kept going down that path and introduced the arranged marriage again in season 2 just under a different name, the "unification." If I was in charge, the women would have much more autonomy in the show.
I would have kept the warring family idea and even had Jackson be warry of Hayley's sudden appearance. This girl who is supposedly the long-lost "princess" of the pack shows up, pregnant by their enemies, and living with the Mikaelsons. Hayley would have had to earn his respect as well as the packs, but once she did, he would teach her the pack's history. I would also make him a better alpha. I don't think I would make him more politically minded because I would have played more into the fact that he has spent his entire adult life as a wolf because of the curse. He would have leaned on Hayley who naturally seemed to know how to make allies with the other factions. Instead of a marriage to fix the rift in the pack, Jackson and Hayley would have created a bond based on mutual respect and love for the pack. They would have introduced the idea of co-alphas without needing it to be romantic or sexual.
I hate when shows can't allow opposite gender individuals to just work together without it being romantic or sexual. I love a good friendship. That is one of my biggest complaints about TVDU. It created such great friendships but instead of developing them, it focused on the romantic drama. The friendships/found families in New Orleans were what was going to save it from war. You have Marcel and Davina, Vincent and Cami, Cami and Marcel, Vincent and Freya, etc. These bonds that transcended the factions was what saved them over and over. But the wolves are left out of that since, after Jackson died Hayley basically forgot about the pack. They could have done it with Eve, but she died to early. It would have been nice to see Jackson forming those bonds with the other factions, starting with Hayley.
I wouldn't do an unrequited love storyline. These always just make me sad. I know it happens in real life but that's why I love fiction, I don't need to add any unnecessary pain that way (I know that's ironic coming from me). If I did explore Jayley, I would have actually shown them developing feelings for each other. Show Hayley being torn between her feelings. And then shown that even if you love someone and try to make it work, for various reasons, it may not. This doesn't mean it was bad or one of the partners was "evil." In real life, relationships don't work out, it doesn't make the relationship any less important or impactful.
I truly do think Jackson deserved better from the writers. This is why *spoilers for my story, The Great War* I had jayley end the way they did. It was on Jackson's terms. I know some people thought it was out of character, and maybe it was for the show, but that's the point. Jackson is supposed to be a strong leader, yet he couldn't stand up for himself in the show. He gave Hayley ultimatums instead of setting boundaries and then just left when it got hard. They needed to have a real conversation. So in my story, when they did have this real conversation, they realized they were never going to get what they wanted out of the relationship. Jackson deserved to be able to set his boundaries and get away from the Mikaelsons. He deserved to have a love that isn't forced or manipulated. It's why I didn't kill him. I hated that so many characters were sacrificed just to push certain ships or push the Mikaelson story forward (RIP Gia).
I have already written an outtake for chapter 30 but I do love this idea. And y'all know I love writing haylijah. I'm not sure when I'll get it done but I will definitely write this!
Thanks for the ask and the suggestion!
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scienter · 7 months
Anon from last ask about tvd series finale.
TVD writers should have declared that Stefan had transformed into superman when Bonnie injected the cure because no way in hell a normal human could survive a stab wound,a gun shot and being beaten & kicked by a 4000 year old psychic within a span of 72 hours only to end up with a scratch on his forehead! And how the hell did he still have the cure in his body after bleeding out so much every single day! Silas sucked Katherine out of her blood to take the cure.Amara did the same to Silas.But it took only a small syringe of blood for Stefan to turn human! Nonsense!
Stefan came to Mystic Falls as a suicidal guy,spent his entire narrative with passive suicidal ideation,went on a suicide mission not less than 48 hours before he got married and then actively chose to end his life widowing his wife and gleefully screamed I WAS FEELING EPIC while Lexi CHEERED? LEXI of all people celebrating Stefan's suicide?
.This was HIS STORY?This was the end of Stefan Salvatore?
I DON'T BUY IT. This is NOT Tragedy.This is NOT dark.
This is CHEAP.PRETENTIOUS.And this is probably how the finale discussion went down👇🏼
KW: I want Stelena endgame.
JP:I know but that won't make any narrative sense.
KW: But Stelena is epic.
JP: yeah but Elena declared her undying love for Damon.
KW: Paul wants Stefan dead.
JP: We can work on that.But what about Caroline?
KW: Caroline who?
*awkward silence*
KW: Umm I don't know put her with someone Ric,Matt,Tyler...Klaus!
JP:Klaus! Of course! But Stefan and Caroline are married...
KW: Stefan and Elena are soulmates.
JP:But in s6 finale,Stefan said Elena didn't come into his life to be his soulmate.
KW: What S6?
JP:Well! If I kill Stefan, then Klaroline switch-bait will be easier! And Bonnie will get her powers back to save Elena's life.
KW: So,Stelena is endgame?
JP: Don't worry.I have everything under control.Oh and We will blame Nina in interviews.
*violent sound of writing*
Stefan dies by self-immolation.
It was E-P-I-C.
I had a similar reaction to Stefan's actions in the finale:
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zutaralesbian · 1 year
Top 5 major storylines from shows that you would erase or handle differently?
In no particular order…
1. Seasons 3 and 4 of Killing Eve in general. Like, just erase both seasons completely and start over. There’s so many cool places they could have taken the show after how S2 ended and they went with…that. If I had been in charge I probably would have leaned further into dark Eve during S3 and would have eventually had her go off on a rage-fueled revenge quest against Villanelle. (Which ofc would have ended with hate fucking lol).
2. Bonnie’s love life in TVD. (Really, just Bonnie’s storyline in general). Sorry to my mutuals who liked Bonnie/Jeremy or Bonnie/Enzo but both of them are a no from me. (Bonnie/Enzo had potential but the execution sucked imo). I would have had Bamon happen and start developing romantically in S6 or, as a second choice, introduce Nora a bit sooner and make bi Bonnie canon. Either of those options would have been better than what we got.
3. Buffy and Spike from btvs. If they still had to happen at all, I would have had it been completely over after Seeing Red. If it’d been up to me, Buffy wouldn’t have forgiven him, let alone make a big bulk of her storyline be about defending him during her final seasons. Fuffy would happen instead.
4. Speaking of btvs…I would have had Xander die during Seeing Red instead of Tara. He and Willow had been friends since they were kids, that would have been enough to trigger dark Willow. And then Tara would have been the one to bring her back. I have complicated feelings about Tara/Willow as a ship but I still think they should have been endgame. Also men dying for the character development of women? A+.
5. Zutara being canon in atla. I think Aang could have still had a crush on Katara but it would have ended towards the end of book 2 with them having a conversation and Katara telling him that she loves him but not in that way. Zutara would have been hinted at in book 2 but would not happen until book 3. I think it could have been cool if Katara somehow found out Zuko was the Blue Spirit during book 2 and they started having secret meetings in Ba Sing Se, where they eventually develop a tentative friendship with romantic undertones. Katara would spend that time trying to convince Zuko to fully switch sides and he almost does…only to fall back back into old habits when Azula offers him the choice in the catacombs. This would make Zuko’s betrayal even more dramatic and angsty because Katara would have developed feelings for him. And then Zuko would struggle with his relationship with Mai in the Fire Nation because he’d have Katara at the back of his mind…I’ll stop myself here lmao
Honorable mention to what the SOA writers did to Tara and Gemma’s dynamic. I would have 100% changed that too.
Thank you! ❤️
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spnfanficpond · 1 year
New Member Spotlight - May 2023
The Pond is always growing and we want to make our new members feel welcome! Here’s a list of recent additions to our fishy family, along with a little info about them!
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@rayraywillis -
Other SM names? - Discord: rayraywiilis66#8881, Twitter
OTP? - Destiel
Other fandoms? - OFMD (but not very active)
Looking for in the Pond? - I love reading and listening to fics, mainly the latter because of visual impairment. I still have some sight left but I am very low vision/legally blind. I have been an avid reader my whole life and it sucks I am losing my sight, but glad to have found podfics and audiobooks. I am a finale denier. I think what they did was a travesty and Jensen should get his chance to finish sharing his fix it with us. I hope and pray they get picked up. I look forward to diving into all the stories that u guys have to share.
Something to signal boost? - I make rec lists on request and share with the community. Mainly I just comment, boost, reblog/tweet, and support all the awesome writers and artists I meet. I love sharing their stories and art and getting them the most exposure I can to help them out.i always like/ give kudos, comment, rec/share all the goodies I find. I subscribe and follow and just try and support as much as I can since I can't contribute any other way. I have wondered what being a beta entails and would be open for that if possible. But I am here to enjoy, explore, and support.
Pairings you read? - Destiel, Gabriel, samifer( if done right), saileen, and sometimes debriel
Genres you read? - I like angst as long as there is fluff/smut or a happy ending, smut of course, pwp, porn, fluff, prefer m/m slash the smuttier the better but not a deal breaker if it's not smut as long as it's fluffy and has feels.
Favorite writer(s)? - Omg that one is hard NorthernSparrow is in my top 5 for sure but bendingsignpost, serperis, @castielslostwings, aleandri, exterminator, nerdynerdinstien, tenoko1 litra, , @bunnymaccool, @godoflaundrybaskets, @malmuses, @icaruspendragon, @bobwess, missannthropic, and skeens_leap round out all my favorites.
@raiseyourhandifyourenobody -
This new member is cool and mysterious, like Billie, but without the scythe and drama.
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Guppies, Jellies, and Mutuals, oh, my!
@sammysnaughtygirl -
Other fandoms? - TVD, OTH
Looking for in the Pond? - Friends and more writing experience.
Something to signal boost? - I create gifs, stories, graphics for Sam and Sam/Brooke (OTH)
Pairings you read? - I like SAm with almost anyone, but Brooke (OTH) is my fave.
Genres you read? - Everything, just not too much smut
Favorite writer(s)? - I like them all!
What do you like to write? - All kinds of stories with Sam, Brooke (OTH), and Damon (TVD)
Masterlist - Don't have one.
@the-family-business-83 -
Other SM names? - @t-dog, Discord: Don'tTouchMyBlueberries#1868, Instagram
Other fandoms? - Marvel, Star Wars, Harry Potter
Looking for in the Pond? - Looking to grow my outreach and exposure as a writer, to grow my followers and be more established.
Pairings you read? - DeanXFemale reader, DeanXOC/OFC, SamXFemale reader, SamXOC/OFC
Genres you read? - Everything
What do you like to write? - Mostly angst and genfics, and the occasional fluff, but i dabble with writing smut as well.
Masterlist! - Don't have one, yet.
Most underappreciated fic? - The Long Haul
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That's all for this month, folks! (If we're missing anyone, let us know and we'll add them to next month's list!) Make sure to say hi to the newbies and make them feel welcome! Thanks to all from @manawhaat, @mrswhozeewhatsis, @mariekoukie6661, @princessmisery666, @thoughtslikeaminefield, and @katbratsupernaturalwhore!
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hellsbellschime · 1 year
I think one of the saddest things about tvd looking back at it, is that is could have really been so much better if the writing team had just followed through more, instead of resorting to pulling shit out of a bag and relying on relationship drama to fuel the show. It doesn't read like other 'bad' tv to me, because in those shows you often need a complete rewrite because the foundation is really flawed but they had really solid ideas but didn't understand their characters enough to follow through with them.
I'm not a good writer lmao but I think I would have liked it to focus more on internal conflict. off the top of my head, the show starts with Bonnie, Caroline and Elena being bff's and the recent loss of Elena's parents. then their lives all get blown up by the supernatural so I think the best thing would be for their friendship to sort of implode as well. Have Caroline fall out with Elena after she refuses to cut Damon off, have Bonnie discover her witchy powers and start to drift apart from Elena because she doesn't want to interact with vampires because she senses really bad juju. Have Elena grapple with the loss of her parents and her own moral character.
All of this is really plausible with what they set up so I dont really know why they always defaulted to dating drama or a new halloween monster that wants to kill them. I saw Paul Wesley talking about his thoughts on there being a reboot and I hope if there is ever one in a decade or two, that they take it in a different direction.
Yeah agreed, it sucks because the show had moments where it was GREAT, but it rarely lived up to its highest moments and it really went downhill fast after it hit its peak.
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zalrb · 2 years
Personally I always hated the idea of a cure for vampirism. Stefan puts it best: “You’re a vampire. Loss is a part of the deal.”
Like you said, TVD vamps are slightly more durable humans, and I don’t buy that Damon and Rebekah mourn their humanity because there literally is no difference to them. Stefan, I get, but his suffering adds dimension to his character. I emphasize with Elena because being immortal would suck, losing your loved ones, always remaining unchanged.
What I would have liked would be Stefan and Elena actually coming to terms with vampirism. The show almost did it with Stefan, I would have liked to see him master his bloodlust and ripper urges and maybe have Elena accept that she’ll never have children and grow old, that she’d have to watch Jeremy and Bonnie age and die and be forced to live with it. Just seeing Stefan and Elena hate being vampires but their love for each other making it bearable. That being said, I’m a terrible writer and a STEM major, you could probably come up with something way better lol
Well yeah it’s like I don’t really care for humanity switches but the entire concept of vampires just being vampires is something I’ve spoken about at great length which is why I just decided to answer the question about what I would do with a cure plot line.
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the ending of 'friends' was super cute. i really loved it! it was super nice how you mixed a tvd episode to it and changed it.
i also really do agree with the other person that you write damon salvatore well, cause you really do. + you have became my favorite fanfic writer. i have read your stuff for a short time, but everything you write is just pure gold.
thank you!!!! I'm suck a sucker for a reader insert into an existing episode/movie :)
also - thank you this is so nice wtf???? I am so honoured to be considered your favourite and so so happy you're enjoying my work x
Read 'friends' here
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nikkiruncks · 2 years
(001) tvd and/or teen wolf
I didn’t finish teen wolf so I’ll do tvd (didn’t finish that either but I’m more familiar with it)
Favorite character: Bonnie and Tyler are tied for me
Least Favorite Character: The writers fucked up everyone, but I'm gonna choose the Salvatores and Klaus (I don't like Elijah either but he doesn't rile me up AS MUCH)
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Stelena, Bamon, Forwood, Kalijah, Jeranna
Character I find most attractive: Bonnie and Tyler
Character I would marry:^^^
Character I would be best friends with: Katherine, Rebekah, early seasons Caroline
a random thought: how is tvd so popular? in what world would klaus be into caroline?
An unpopular opinion: I have so many, but Tyler had every right to leave and avenge his mom. Plus he was back to having no control over his life and apparently he should've sucked it up to make Princess Caroline happy? Couldn't be me. Also Katherine >>>>> Klaus
My Canon OTP: Forwood
My Non-canon OTP: Bamon
Most Badass Character: Bonnie and Katherine
Most Epic Villain: idk honestly. Most of them were trash but s4 Silas was interesting and I love Kat.
Pairing I am not a fan of: A lot but DE, KC, SK are my main. I also hate Bonnie's canon ships.
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): ALL OF THEM
Favorite Friendship: I have so many but this is mostly in fanon/before plec fucked it up. So I'll just say stexi
Character I most identify with: Rebekah and I hate to say it, Caroline
Character I wish I could be: Bonnie with Katherine's self preservation
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kiss-my-freckle · 19 hours
I get the same comments from TVD fans that I got from TBL fans... that I should've been in the writers' room. No, I didn't take any classes for writing, but I've been writing since I was 12 years old. tbh, my ADHD hinders me to the degree that I don't belong in the writers' room. I don't do well with deadlines because not only do I get distracted, I don't like being pressured to write something. For me, the moment you turn writing into a job is the moment you suck the fun out of it. Writing is more like my hobby. Something I actually enjoy. Perhaps it wouldn't be if I didn't have ADHD, but it is what it is. I take notes while my ADHD is affecting me, then work from those notes when it's not. Right now, I have at least 100 pages of notes.... and a bunch of mead notebooks that I write poems and stuff in.
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all-the-tyler-talk · 2 years
And the kids whining and not listening to Clark's reasons for keeping his secret from them and Lana for years, and Clark basically disowning Jonathan for his mistake with the XK, it was just so out of character all for the sake of some angst. At times, I thought Jon was going to try to kill himself, he was so obviously depressed and feeling ignored. A lot of the writers haven't worked on TV as staff writers before and it shows, and others come from shows like TVD/TO which were terrible, when they need people who worked on actually decent critically acclaimed adult dramas instead if they want to be actually good instead of just another CW teen drama.// the whole XK plot was infuriating because it was clear Jon was in pain and needed emotional support and they simply couldn't do it, they kept blaming him and left him alone to deal with it, glossing over the fact he was basically crying for help. That's also why it sucks they have so many characters to focus on and they draw away from the Kent's. But in that instance I was annoyed by Clark and Lois way to handle things, and her being just stubborn and loud does not equal assertive or supportive. But that's why I think they're having a hard time writing her as a mother probably for the lack of experience/ voice in the writing room.
A couple of the writers are fathers, but I think most of them don't have any children so a lot of what they write is just based on popular 90s and early 2000s teen shows that they used to watch and take inspiration from.
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