#TW! abuse
mengy007 · 1 year
Predicament for TSAMS or what could happen:
(TW! Sunny boyo getting beat up, angst)
Sun was humming a cheery tune, fixing up some barrels and mainly doing okay, Earth wasn’t in the daycare at the moment, and Moon was in his room charging.
“Wha-yeah?” Sun responded, turning around only to be met with a strong punch to the face, he yelped and fell backwards, “ow! What was that for?!” Sun said, looking upwards at Roxanne, “You tried to hurt Gregory! AND you tried to manipulate him into thinking you were nice! You’re a monster!” Glamrock Freddy said, “I didn’t hurt him! I swear!” Sun said, fearful. “We’re here to take you out Sun” Roxanne said “W-What? But the daycare is my home!” Sun said, “not anymore, you’ve done enough” Glamrock Freddy said, Roxanne kicked Sun back down.
“Mom! Stop!” Gregory called out, running over, “Gregory? I told you to stay behind! He’s dangerous!” Glamrock Freddy scolded, Gregory tried to run over to Sun but Glamrock Freddy stopped him, “Mom! Stop, he’s not even fighting back! He’s nice!” Gregory said saddened, “it’s all just a trick Gregory, let your mother handle it” Glamrock freddy explained.
“Stop- stop,stop,stop,stop!” Sun cried out, Roxanne picked him up and practically threw him against the castle lining on the ballpit
New Moon heard the ruckus and woke up, he then ran out of his room and looked down from the balcony.
Something inside him snapped…
“Oh gosh now Moon’s coming” Glamrock Freddy said, picking up Gregory
“Dad stop! Put me down!” Gregory said.
New Moon yelled in pain and twitched violently as he held his head, he then passed out the fell into the ballpit with a large thud
“Dad I think Moon’s hurt!” Gregory said, Sun gasped and looked up at Roxanne, who was about to deliver another punch to the face.
Moon’s voice called out. He jumped in front of Sun and shoved Roxanne back.
Sun gasped, this wasn’t like New moon, Sun looked up at his brother, broken faceplate and dirty casing
“M-Moon…?” Sun said weakly, his voice trembling, Moon turned around to look at Sun and his eyes glowed a dangerous shade of red, he turned back to Roxanne, Freddy, and Gregory
“You hurt him, why would you hurt him?!”
Moon sounded angry
“You two-“
“Get out.”
“What?! What do you mean get out-“
Moon snapped at Roxanne, Roxanne got up and backed away with Freddy and Gregory
Once they were far enough, Moon’s red eyes faded and he turned around and immediately went to tend to Sun
“Moon?” Sun said hazily, “Brother, brother I’m here, I have no idea but I’m not fucking dead” Moon said, his hands on his brother’s shoulders, “Wait…you mean?!”
“Yes, I’m back brother”
“Oh my god, Moon!” Sun said, pulling his brother into a tight hug and sobbing
“Wait what? I thought those two hated eachother?” Roxanne said to herself
“I told you they’re not bad!” Gregory said.
“What did they do to you…” Moon said, putting a hand on Sun’s broken faceplate, “Erm- it’s a lot to explain” Sun said, glancing away, “So basically…Erm”
(One explanation later)
“Yeeeah Eclipse has the star now…” Sun said “moon, I’m so, so sorry!”
Moon sighed and pat his brother on the head “Don’t worry about it, we can talk about that later…I’m here now” Moon said, “s-so…you’re not going to hit me with the stick?”
“Oh no, I’m definitely going to hit you, just not right now” Moon said, “ah-ha welp-“ Sun sighed. “I’m just glad to have you back…” Sun said, “I’m glad to BE back” Moon smiled.
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ladyddanger · 2 years
Holding myself back from writing an essay about how the funny loanshark duo bit of Quackity thinking Foolish wanted to sleep with him is actually a great example of his trauma from being constantly sexualized by c!Schlatt.
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Dadzawa and Deku angst 🥲 part 3!
The Teachers dorm is right next to the students dorm basically connecting the two buildings together so sometimes when a pro hero and a students would walk by the will sometimes wave bow respectively and more or just ignore them(Bakugou vibes)
Aizawa's P.O.V: When Problem child fainted i saw how tired and broken he looked.. His eyes looked red and puffy his hair was all wet and was a mess his clothes was soaked and his nose was red. Looks like he has been crying and not sleeping for a few days..
I carried problem child till we we're at the parking lot.(Normally all the teachers use the dorms just like how Aizawa does so on the weekdays they go to their own homes.)Deciding that i should take problem child home instead back to his room..
✨Time Skip✨
Soon after when I got into the house I check Problem childs temperature shocking me as his temp. Was at 39 celesius (102.2 fahfenheit) Soon after before i knew it (my) the kids eyes started to flutter open and Question where he was. I soon started to tell him to sleep without arguing he understood and went back to sleep.
Part 4 is Our broken boy! Midoriya!
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wildbasil · 6 months
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things haven't been great but i think they will be. eventually 🌻🌼🩷
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I decided to clean up an old comic of mine! A thirty something year old Tintin reflects on his childhood with Chang.
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teaboot · 1 year
Adult ProTip, from a security professional: If a kid tells you, "My parents are gonna kill me / kick my ass / kick me out" for something relatively minor, don't respond with shit like "Really? ;) that sounds a little extreme, don't you think sweetie?" because that shit really does happen.
Instead, respond as though whatever threat they are afraid of is fully valid, and offer whatever you can do to help- ask if they believe they are in danger of being hurt in any way, and work accordingly.
If they're overreacting, they'll usually realize and dial it back, self-correct and begin thinking a bit more rationally.
If they're not overreacting, and the danger is real, then they'll need a level-headed adult in their corner, not another condescending authority figure who doesn't believe them.
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animentality · 4 months
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noah-levi-16 · 7 months
More Noah angsy bc I said so and this might be weird but idc!! But TW: abuse !
*Noah once again failed his test, as he walked inside of his parents house just for his mom to be there again because she knew he had another test, before the mother spoke.*
Give me your test. You stupid brat.
*Noah would of course hand it to his mother as she reads the work of the test.*
.. what the FUCK..? HOW DUMB ARE YOU.. to FUCKING FAIL YOUR TEST AGAIN??.. YOUR A FUCKING FAILURE. . *the mother yelled at noah. Before she Smacked him annd punched him right in the face, as she pushed him onto the floor Kicking him once or twice. * Your a fucking mistake! Get that through your idiotic brain. That’s all you’d understand these words execpt test. Now GET YOUR ASS UP AND Go! Back outside where you fucking belong I don’t even wanna fucking see you.. Get back here again before midnight. Because you aren’t gonna eat tonight.
*Noah have a nodd of course shaking as he got himself up and brought his bookbag with him because he rather bring it then leave it there as he walked out of the house looking where to even go to calm himself down since he was literally Shaking since he was afraid and which of course injured in his face by the punch- and smacking and maybe etc. he was walking around looking at the pavement side walk.*
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ladyddanger · 2 years
Can’t stop thinking about c!Pumpkin duo being c!Tubbo’s idea of a healthy relationship. He and c!Ranboo get in a fight once and the whole time c!Tubbo is waiting to get hit or kicked out because that’s just what happens when you fight with your husband.
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transcowgirlslut · 7 months
it's kind of bullshit that people will react with horror to me discussing my fantasies/kinks until i clarify I'm the sub in them. like even my therapist was all like "ohhh it's ok to want to hold power so long as it's consensual" and then clearly relaxed when I clarified I wanted to be the sub.
i love you everyone and with rape kinks, those who want to roleplay kidnapping and abusing someone, i love you i love you i love you. this ain't me fishing for a dom/me to be clear---you are VALUED as a person, outside of your sexual fantasies. I care about you and appreciate you, and there is nothing wrong or bad about you!!!!
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bonefarm · 7 months
While we are on the subject - financial abuse is not always just physically taking money away or not having a savings account or escape stash. For a lot of people it is the other spouse sabotaging your credit score, constantly overspending, and you being unable to trust that joint household bills and loans are paid. Did you know that once you add an authorized user to your bank account it’s nearly impossible to remove them without their permission? Did you know that your spouse, who likely knows your birthday and SSN, can often gain access and reset passwords for any online accounts and create new ones?
Financial abuse will ruin your life and there’s really nothing except significant time that fixes it. If you are in a situation where you think this might happen to you you should freeze your credit with all three major agencies. You can find info on how to do this at USA.gov/credit-freeze
This is not something that only happens to tradwives. You are not exempt because you are independent or competent.
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caliburn-the-sword · 9 months
"hur hur gabe wasn't as abusive as he was in the books" people can all shut up. percy's jaw TREMBLED when ares yelled at him, which had nothing at all to do with his god status - percy backtalks gods just fine. he had trauma response to ares yelling. ares didn't so much as lift a finger. that goes to speak volumes about what percy was experiencing at home
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lostmf · 11 months
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fayevalcntine · 3 months
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Claudia + Birds + "Baby Lulu" [insp.]
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jigsaw-copycat · 1 year
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who's coming to the saw patrol double feature /j
[ID: An article headline from the website Den of Geek reading "Forget Barbenheimer and Get Ready for Saw Patrol. Saw X and Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie are now set to be released on the same day." End ID.]
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