#TW mentions of abuse
cupcakeslushie · 3 months
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Recovering your autonomy vs Completely cutting yourself off from your support system. FIGHT!
This happens sometime after the ongoing Kendra reunion comic, but not far enough along that the brothers have figured out how to navigate certain landmines.
Donnie is still re-adjusting to communicating his needs in a confident manner. Sometimes he gets a little too worked up, and lets the panic take over. He regrets the yelling later.
…The next morning
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blu3b3rryj4mp1r3 · 9 months
Friendly reminder that "I bought you nice things", "I gave you food and a roof over your head" and "I've never hit/physically hurt you" does not justify emotional abuse, neglect or parentification.
And if when being confronted they make you feel guilty and get defensive and passive aggressive saying some variant of "Oh well I must've been such a terrible parent!" and tell you how they bought you nice things for your birthdays and how your basic needs were met, that does not make your feelings and trauma invalid. You're not a bad person or ungrateful for feeling hurt.
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factual-fantasy · 1 year
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Okay so I did some research on Seam and realized that it would be a crime to not add him to my AU in someway where him and Jevil reconcile and they escape to the multiverse together and are free and they're best friends and- 😭😭😭
I had a dark story all thought up for this but half way through drawing I changed the story so this isn't really canon anymore?? Or it might be idk- my Deltarune AU is only a few days into development so its constantly changing <XDD Sorry-
If anyone's interested in the story I've got it below the Keep reading :}} (Fair warning, its rather dark and disturbing..)
TLDR: This story is super dark and interesting to me but it might not be canon XD
ANYWAYS! The story behind this was Jevil and Seam come from a very dark and corrupt AU. Ruled by an even darker and wicked King (Lancers dad). In this AU they were Kings royal Magician and Jester as per usual. They were best friends though and preformed these beautiful displays of magic together. Side by side, hand in hand. They were best friends for years and always dreamed of one day running away together and finding a safe place to live.
Eventually Jevil met someone. Someone who spoke of a way to leave this place. They spoke of walking through your own reflection. And if done right, one could leave their AU entirely.. Jevil believed them out of desperation and tried to tell Seam about it. Seam thought Jevil was losing his mind. Walking through your own reflection? That makes no sense..
King caught wind of them plotting to escape. And as punishment to both of them he commanded Seam to lock Jevil away using his own magic.
In Seams eyes, Jevil was his best friend. His brother, the only thing in this world that he could trust. But he was more afraid of what King would do to him or Jevil for disobeying him, then he was willing to stand up against him. So while believing Jevil was sick in the head and needed help, he acted out of cowardice and sealed Jevil away..
I'm thinking that eventually sometime later, Jevil is able to escape through his own reflection. A mirror. And either he goes back and sees Seam dressed in these beautiful robes and thinks "well the king must be treating him well. Guess I'll just leave him to reap the benefits of betraying me.. >:(" And leaves with a bitter heart. THAT, or he just left. Never going back to check on Seam or see if King was treating him well or not.
So the AU continues. With Jevil traveling from world to world, meeting new people and learning new things.. When eventually he's with the whole gang and they're all sitting in a restaurant or something.
When Jevil suddenly feels this overwhelming sense of doom. Something horrible is about to happen to Seam. He just knows it, its in his bones. Deep within his soul he can feel it. He knows- he needs to save him.
He falls back out of his chair into a mirror and heads straight for his old AU. Showing up just in time to stop Seam from.. well..
They end up talking. Turns out that after Jevil was imprisoned, Seam tried to sneak down to the basement and visit him. He wanted to apologize for imprisoning him and explain himself- but he was caught by King.
"I just wanted to see him!"
"For that I will take your eye."
"NO! Please don't take my eye!!"
"For talking back, I will take your voice too."
King took Seams eye and stitched his mouth shut. He could still talk but not very well. To make things worse, when Jevil escaped? Seam thought he had died. Why wouldn't he? His magical barrier was never broken and Jevil was gone. Surly he must have died somehow.. Meanwhile everyone else was under the impression that Seam let Jevil escape because they were friends.
Seam then suffered greatly for years as punishment for "letting Jevil escape". He was bound by these magical chains made by King. He was abused for years and at this point he had enough. But before he could do anything rash.. Jevil returned.
Jevil then felt the sinking horror realizing that he left Seam alone in this world to be abused by King. He abandoned him. After all those years of promising to one day run away together..
Seam betrayed Jevil, and Jevil abandoned Seam.
After realizing all of this and having a long emotional talk. Seam and Jevil deeply apologized to the other, and forgave each other. Marking the beginning of their new friendship. And despite Seam feeling like he doesn't deserve freedom, he agreed to run away with Jevil and finally be free with him.
Now this story is super cool and morbid and all but now I'm questioning the story and wether or not I want it to be canon <XD
I have some other ideas that I really like too and this one is just a biiiiit dark... ish. I mean I've made worse- but idk I guess this one just has a bad taste to it..
I also like the idea that Seam has been with Jevil this whole time and was the first person he saved. Which motivated him to try and save other people and give them the same freedom that he gave to Seam. But then that would change the Grillby fight and Spamton situation a bit and also maybe effect the Goner kid situation- GAH!! I'll figure it out eventually- <XDD
I hope this wasn't too hard to stomach and if you read all the way through I thank you :}} 💖
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najsigt · 8 months
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In "A Convoluted Game of Dice" you wake up to find yourself stuck in Limbo. To escape you have to prove yourself to the Dealer by beating him in an unfair game of dice.
This is a fake game I made mockups for during a game pre-production workshop in school. I wish it was real so I could play it myself, but alas I can't code!
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oramn · 7 months
this is a rant about mcyt tiktok (maaaybe twt but i don��t go there)
i hate seeing shit about shelby’s abuse and people calling it the “wilbur and shelby situation” and then other people saying “it’s not the wilbur and shelby situation it’s the shelby situation with wilbur allegations” like babes you are so fucking close. YOU SRE RIGHT THERE
It’s not the wilbur allegations, wilbur wasn’t mentioned or involved whatsoever! Let shelby heal and move on. it’s shubbles situation, nothing more, nothing less. sure there’s things that line up , but that doesn’t fucking matter unless wilbur comes out and admits it, or shelby actively says it was wilbur.
innocent until proven guilty and believe all victims are two things that can coexist and there is little to no nuance on tiktok where conversations like the ones described above are being had.
i also saw someone on here say something along the lines of “good people can do shitty things, good people can be bad in a relationship, good people can be the bad in a relationship ” and i agree, but that is not a conversation many are willing to have, they will jump straight to conclusions and make a woman’s story of abuse about a man.
edit (2/27/24) he posted an 'apology' on twitter, I don't know how I feel about it but he did it. Wilbur abused shelby while they were in a relationship together. He is guilty of what he was speculated of. official ruling imo: fuck that guy
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variety-fangirl · 1 month
Neighbours / Moon Boys x fem!reader
Summary: you're the new neighbour, looking for a change of scenery and people, a fresh start. Your neighbour, Steven, is someone you find yourself trusting easily and quickly. Something about you both draws the other in, enticing each other to explore what this could mean. Yet, you have a secret about why you moved, will you feel comfortable enough to open up to him?
Warnings: 18+ NO MINORS angst but mostly fluffy, mentions of previous toxic and abusive relationship (beginning of physical abuse, manipulation, and emotional abuse), swearing, let me know if I missed anything! Will add more later as the story progresses.
Author's note: Hello! I am back with something quick and lovely that I have been working on for a while. It feels good to get slowly back in to writing 😊 College really had taken so much out of me and my joy for writing when all I was doing for 10 months straight was writing long essays, it was also nice to take these months to relax and come to terms with everything. So much has been happening 😮‍💨 But I hope I will be back more consistently now, fingers crossed! I've been mostly writing to get new and fun ideas, hoping it would entice and inspire me to write. I hope you guys enjoy anyways and feel free to ignore my rant 😅 Feedback, comments, likes and reblogs would be greatly appreciated and lets me know how I'm doing. Thank you for reading and enjoy my loves 💜
Word count: 1.9k
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You huff as you place another box on the floor of your new apartment, watching the movers bring in two more. You felt thankful that you had decided to pay extra for the movers to help you bring all your belongings up, far too much to have done on your own.
There were endless stairs, and it would have taken you hours to bring it all up here yourself, especially with your new sofa, bed, and dining room set. All were bought cheaply from a friend second-hand who was more than happy to help you. She was one of the only ones you'd told where you were going, and had left your address and new number with to contact you. Everything new and different, nothing to remind you of the old life that you'd left behind.
You started unpacking the basics whilst they brought the rest up, there were still quite a few boxes because you had to buy most stuff brand new. Luckily you had hidden as much money as possible before leaving, so you had more than enough to buy what you needed. You would work on buying extras and niceties when you had spare money throughout, you'd moved far enough that you were hoping not to have to move again unless you wanted to in the future.
That was at least the hope. Not because you were forced to leave in the middle of the night terrified for your life.
You try to take a deep breath as you subconsciously rub at the scar on your neck, you are safe now. You wanted to distract yourself for as long as possible, so you sorted the boxes out where they needed to go, to their newly allocated rooms.
It would be weird to live on your own again after so long, it had been five years since you'd run away from home and four since you'd started dating and moved in with your now ex, Noah. It was a scary thought once more, to be alone. More alone now than you'd been before, at least you had your best friend, Natalie, at home. Now, she lives four hours away from your new place in London.
You made her promise to conceal your number and hide your address, you knew he'd go to her first to ask where you'd gone. She would lie, she'd always been good at it but he wasn't stupid. He knew you would have told her, you just prayed he wouldn't hurt her. You could never forgive yourself if she got hurt because of you.
She was one of the only people who meant anything to you in this world. She at least had her boyfriend, Tyler, who was like a brother to you. He would protect her, he always hated Noah for how he treated you. Tyler had hated Noah from the moment he met him, made you known of it also but you just chalked it up to a bad first impression and yet it never improved no matter how much time they spent together. It wasn't until three years in that Noah showed his true colours and by that point, it was too late. You were in deep and he was a master manipulator and narcissist, he'd played you well. He almost came between you and Nat but she wouldn't allow it, tried to make you see him for who he really was. It didn't take much convincing when the major problems started in the last year of your relationship together.
The first time he'd hit you was a year before you left him, he apologised and said he was drunk. The typical excuse and blame on anything but himself. Promised he "won't do it again", two months go by and it happens again but this time more frequently. He drank more, went out frequently, and came back later. By the six-month mark, you caught him cheating for the first time (that you knew of).
That was the moment you vowed to leave him, it was as if all the years of manipulation and abuse faded away and you came to your senses. You had to save enough though to leave, so you let Nat and Tyler know of your plans and they helped you to set everything up. It took you six months of planning and saving, and you were finally ready.
The night finally came, you waited and told him before he had a drink, that you were leaving him. He started out crying, begging you not to leave him, you didn't budge. He tried to initiate sex, but you said no and he didn't like that. That night was the worst abuse you had endured the whole of your relationship combined. He threatened you, managed to get you down on the living room floor with a knife in hand, and held it to your neck to the point of blood drawn. You sobbed, pleaded with him, said just about anything to get him to calm down. You would still leave but you would say anything to get him off you. He began slowly slicing your neck open whilst screaming that he loved you, only luckily managing to get an inch before you kicked him in the balls hard enough that he collapsed just to the side of you.
You ran to the bathroom and locked the door, terrified out of your mind. You grabbed the first aid kit to clean and patch up the gash on your neck. Having done this a few times when he threw stuff at you or pushed you into surfaces sharp enough to cut skin. You had a few scars all over your body, it wasn't pretty but you wore them proudly to signify that you were a survivor. He tried to bash down the door before leaving, yelling about going to the bar and he would 'see to you later'. You knew that would be your only open window to leave, he would be at least two hours there. You immediately called your best friend, she and Tyler came over to help you in any way they could.
You packed two suitcases of clothes and shoes, a duffel bag of prized possessions and important bits, a backpack of money and goods to sell, and quickly changed from your bloody clothes into something clean but comfortable. You grabbed the first aid kit too for your neck. Everything was packed into your car in less than an hour, saving you enough time to wipe anything important and any trace of you behind, away. You immediately booked a two-day stay at a cheap hotel an hour away on Natalie's computer for the night so you could figure out your next move. He would come looking for you the second that he realised your stuff was gone and that terrified you, he was not a man who gave up on things he wanted.
It had taken you two months to find this apartment after a lot of rejections and failed apartment searches. It had immediately caught your eye when you saw the ad for it on one of the apartment renting sites. It was perfect for your situation. Multiple floors of tenants would make it far harder to search through unless you knew which floor to look at so you could blend among your new neighbours. A locked front door that had a security number code to be allowed entry and without it you couldn't enter. Security cameras on each floor show all angles of the apartments, which each tenant has access to for their safety and peace of mind through an app you can download on your phone.
You had downloaded and gained access before you'd started moving the boxes in. You were given access a week beforehand, which helped your anxiety and tight chest to ease just an inch. You knew it would take some time for you to feel safe and be able to walk down the street without looking over your shoulder every five minutes or keep your taser on hand in your pocket with your fingers gripping it just in case. You were constantly worried and paranoid that he was watching you from around the corner like he would pop out at any moment and drag you "home".
The police had never given a fuck about you or your situation, Noah's family has money and connections, so it was always swept under the rug. Just another number, another person to suffer in silence, until one day your dead body would have turned up. They would just pretend they didn't know. A murder gone wrong, you imagine they would chalk it up to.
You take a few calming breaths whilst unpacking, listening to the footsteps and quiet chatter from the moving company men. It eased the anxiety when someone was around, it helped you to feel safer and calmer. As if, if someone was with you or near you, you could be protected from the 'big bad wolf'. You were hoping to become friendly with some or all of the neighbours on your floor, not just for safety in case something happens but also because you'd never been allowed to make new friends with your old neighbours. Noah had made sure of that.
So, you were hoping that this move would be the perfect opportunity for you to do so. You loved to bake cakes and savoury treats but hadn't been able to with Noah because he always ruined things you loved, but now he was gone you could finally pick it back up again. You were planning to bake something sweet as a gesture to introduce yourself to your neighbours, hoping it would make a good first impression.
You walked back into the open apartment that was now your own little safe haven and smiled with contentment, this was the start of a happy new beginning for you. No more fearing what mood Noah would be in that day when he woke up, no more being abused daily, no more sobbing silently into your pillow or taking an emotionally broken moment of peace to cry out your feelings in the shower after he'd hit you. Just you, your new clean apartment, and the ability to do as you please without fear.
It didn't take the movers long to bring the remainder of your boxes up between the three of them. They took off just moments ago, and now you were finally alone. It felt strange, not hearing shouting or items smashing. Just pure blissful silence in your home. Your own place to do with as you please. It felt wonderful to have freedom.
You felt tears cloud your vision as you stared out the window you'd opened when you first stepped inside the apartment, feeling the warm Summer air blow in. The overwhelming emotions of freedom and serenity hit you like a punch to the gut, a sob immediately pulled from you as you sank to the ground. You felt the year-long toll of abuse and terror that had been weighing down your shoulders finally crumble and release you while the sun flowed into the room. You fought the battle and came out victoriously on top for the first time in your life and it felt amazing.
Once the sobs quieted down and the tears had stopped, you took a moment for yourself. You opened a bottle of your favourite wine and picked up an empty glass to pour yourself a drink. You took the bottle with you as you sat back down on the floor in front of the open window, feeling the warm breeze kiss your skin gently and watched the sun in peace. It was still early in the day, you would have plenty of time to unpack later on. But for now, you just want to relax without worry for the first time in a long time.
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bxttxrflybxddie · 3 months
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Sigh...thinking about Rolan taking comfort in your image during his apprenticeship.
He imagines your physical and verbal reassurance during his days and nights at Sorcerous Sundries. A customer is testing his patience and suddenly, you're there. You'd rub his arm and lean in to whisper that he has the answers to the hundreds of questions; it's surely a part of his journey to be a great wizard.
Lorroakan is especially brutal, something must've ticked him off terribly today. Your hands would graze over his wounds like a caress, and the most impressive healing spell you know would mend his skin together again (You're great at reuniting broken things, apparently). You'd mutter a joke at the ginger's expense, so he smiles and exhales a laugh for secrecy. His master catches it anyway and the beating is worse.
That night you'd continue to nurse him to health; using magic or otherwise. You'd press gentle kisses where your lips could land and cuddle him. The pillow he practices his kisses on and holds into the depth of night is something he's learned to cherish, it and memories are all he has of you.
Yeah, him <3.
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lilybug-02 · 6 months
Sorry to bring this up, but you used to draw with a guy under the name GameTheSoldier right? Have you seen what he recently posted?
Yes. For starters, I want to reiterate that anyone reading this post NEEDS TO BLOCK HIM. He is an online predator and emotional manipulator.
Trigger Warning Below: (Mentions of manipulation, predatory behavior, grooming, and pornography)
Me and 2 of my close tumblr friends would draw with him constantly on magma.io (all of 2022). He had strange tendencies of guilting us into drawing late into the night and emotionally breaking our characters. February of last year both of my friends came out and told me that he had been talking and drawing with them more privately. He had asked and guilted them into drawing pornography and extremely violent artworks of his and their characters. Both were underage.
I can tell you that what he has "admitted" in his most recent post is not even close to what he actually did.
Gamethesoldier, as a 22+ year old man, targeted MULTIPLE minors online, heavily MANIPULATED them, started long and serious relationships with them, and MANY more disgusting acts with pornography and gore. I went to the police last year, but was unable to get him arrested as he and his victims were in different countries and I myself was not one of his victims.
What he has done is unacceptable, despicable, and criminally illegal. One of my friends was heavily impacted by his actions and is still clearly shaken by what happened. They are at no fault for any of what he did.
For respect to my friends, I kept this quiet, deleting all of my art with him. But recently I saw he was with another magma.io group and... I could NOT let that stand. He does not deserve pity or empathy. He is a criminal and one who has manipulated minors to a horrifying degree.
I apologize for the extreme degree of this post. But I wanted to make it clear, he is not a good person.
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swannieluv · 10 months
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。゚・The Bold Mendacity - 1. Second life, second chance
✦⸼࣪⸳ As you met death, the waters of truth make its way towards you with the blessing of a second life. Can you be happy this time?
✦⸼࣪⸳ 𝐆.𝐈 𝐕𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 (𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐜) 𝐱 𝐆𝐍!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 <3
✦⸼࣪⸳ 𝐖𝐜: 1.6k
✦⸼࣪⸳ 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆!!: Mentions of child abuse (?) and death.
✦⸼࣪⸳𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐨: ♡
✦⸼࣪⸳ A/N: Finally the first (officially) chapter! I hope you all enjoy this story as much as I'm enjoying writing it. <3
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Second life, second chance
Death. The act of dying; the end of life; the total and permanent cessation of all the vital functions of an organism.
That's the most common definition given to that word. Yet you slowly woke up in the midst of a sea of darkness. There wasn't any pain, it was more like a peaceful drowning.
Some of your memories were playing around in bubbles. Events like your first word, your first time meeting the Hydro Archon and the Iudex, and your death.
The night you were born was also there. A stormy wind was making windows clap like crazy and things got carried by the wind. Your biological mother had just gotten rid of you, throwing her baby inside a lake on the outskirts of Fontaine and running away.
The Hydro Archon was also there in the bubble, staring at your newborn self with a smile on her face. Confusion plagued your mind, since you thought she had never actually interacted with you outside formal events.
But now you understood, she had been the one to take you out of the water. For some reason, no one had ever told you that during your fifteen years living in the Temple of Aestas.
You couldn't bring yourself to like her, she was just a reminder that your freedom had been cut as she found you. To save a nation whose only person who would stand still is its goddess, that was why you were brought into this word. Maybe that was why she felt the need to save a baby, because they were useful.
Except that fate made a mistake. You were never the real Child of the Prophecy, the people from Fontaine only mistook you for the date you opened your eyes to the world and their archon's actions. In the end, the real one was born and you hadn't even the chance of meeting them.
You subconsciously extended a hand to touch the bubble. It popped instantly, causing a feeling of slight lightheadedness.
“Is this what dying feels like?”  Your thoughts were being twisted as the water pushed your body down. The quietness of the place was causing a sense of uneasiness, there wasn't anything there.
“So here you are…”
You heard a serene, divine-like voice coming from above you. The sound was so familiar, yet you couldn't recall where you first heard it. But the person sounded as refreshing as the rain on a hot summer afternoon.
“I thought it would take longer until the other one was born, I'm glad it happened now.”
The woman who was talking to you had a warm presence. Her face was blurred in your mind, as if she had intended it to be.
You tried to speak. Your mouth opened and bubbles came from it, as if silencing the words never spoken.
“You did it well,” A pair of hands grab your wrists and pull your figure closer “Thank you, my child.”
“I hope you enjoy the second act I prepared just for you.”
And with that, the stranger gave your forehead a kiss. That action felt just like a maternal embrace, something that you only got from one person along your whole life.
Then, the woman disappeared from your view.
The water around you started to look fake, like a limbo. Suddenly, the place you were in disappeared and the only thing that could be felt was your heartbeat.
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You breathed and cried. It was just like coming out and breathing after a long time underwater.
But the sobs that left your mouth were too high pitched for a teenager.
Rain was the first thing you noticed. It was storming heavily, shaking all the leaves and making a rustling sound. Never in the past had you witnessed a storm so violent as that.
In your field of vision were also marble pillars and statues. The majority of them depict the image of the Hydro Archon. The buildings surrounding them had some lights coming from inside the chambers, it looked like a temple.
It brought bad memories from when you used to live in the Temple of Aestas, one of the four principal temples in the nation, and spent your whole life worshiping the Goddess of Justice and being worshiped.
A bad taste came to your mouth as you thought about it. You decided to just shrug it off.
Maybe it was just a dream, a postmortem hallucination or even an ascension to Celestia. But the scenario was too ordinary and shabby to be the residence of the gods.
“Waaaa–” You tried to speak, but only cries came out from your mouth. Then you tried to move your head to the side.
You were getting soaked and that was when your situation became clear: You were alive once again.
The urge to bawl your eyes out again was really strong, and that's what you did. It was like fate was punishing your sins even after your demise. Was being a fraud that bad? You didn't want to deceive a whole nation, yet it happened anyway.
Your sobs subsided as soon as the sound of something moving around the bushes was heard. Shivers went down your spine. A boar? A Hillichurl? A person? What could it be?
“I think I've heard something…,” A female voice met your ears. A small dot of light could be seen in the dark woods, most likely someone with a lamp. “Hello?”
Unexpectedly, a melusine came out of the forest. Her body had a contrast of blue and lilac, and she was wearing a blue uniform while carrying an umbrella. She looked down at the small cardboard box you were left in.
'Oh, one of the Marechaussee Phantom. It's strange to see her here.' You blinked twice at the strange presence.
“Poor one…” She took the box in her small arms and examined it looking for any name or evidence. Nothing was found.
“Oh, I'll take you to the Temple! They'll know what to do!”
She ran rapidly through the rain to the inside of the building. It was a lot different from the one you lived as a child. The melusine knocked on a big wooden door before opening it.
Inside the room was a woman dressed in a classic Fontainean religious outfit. She had dark brown hair cascading from his shoulders.
“Veleda? What's the hurry late at night?” She looked confused at the presence of the melusine. They must already know each other.
“I found this small human outside in the temple's garden while patrolling. Do you know anything, Sister Dora?” Veleda handed the box over to her. Sister Dora seemed to be one of the devotees here.
'In which one of the other three temples am I? It certainly isn't the Temple of Aestas.' You were still drenched from the storm. And as a baby, it was very much risky to stay so.
“I'll talk about this with the rest later.” The woman looked at you with a concerned expression. “I don't know how many hours they spent out in the cold, so I should hurry up on warming them. Thank you for finding this child, Veleda.”
“It was my pleasure to help!” The melusine bid her farewells and left you alone with sister Dora.
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In the room you were brought into, the fireplace was getting hotter every second. You had your clothes changed and put in a small crib with a few blankets to warm your tiny frame up. The sound of rustling didn't stop, the rain was getting more and more violent.
It was relieving after such a long time in the cold.
'Living as a baby with full awareness… Yet not being able to do anything,' The only thing your baby body could do was look up. You couldn't even turn to the side yet. 'How wonderful.'
The woman had left you alone for a few minutes to look for any soft food a baby could eat.
Knock knock.
A soft knock caught your attention. The door slightly opened and dark blue hair could be seen from the other side. When the person noticed no one was inside the room, they entered and closed it.
'Hm?' You blinked twice, it was a girl. She didn't seem to be older than seven and was carrying a small wooden sword. Her clothes were soaked from head to toe.
From behind both of you, sister Dora appeared again holding a tray with a plate mashed potatoes and a bottle of milk.
“Clorinde! So here you are!” She left the tray on a table and went to the child with a worried look. “Everyone in the south part  was looking for you! Do you know how risky it is to stay outside in a weather like this?”
She grabbed one of the unused towels she had picked for you and started to dry Clorinde's hair. Her face didn't show much emotion and her eyes were sharp for her age.
“Sorry, I wanted to train a bit more…” She left the training sword leaning against the wall and then looked at you.
“A baby, really?” She pointed at the crib you were in “Are they going to that orphanage too?”
“Oh, no. Our partnership with that place ended last year.” She left the towel with Clorinde and went back to you.
Sister Dora walked to you and took your small body in her arms. Her embrace was almost maternal and safe. You started to tear up at her action.
'Maybe it’s not a punishment from above, but a second chance? Maybe I can finally be happy in this life…'
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toasternuggets · 5 months
Roy being comforted by his friends when he has a panic attack about his uncle’s abuse regarding…ya know. Roy is a major comfort character for me and I relate to him a lot, so I’d really appreciate you drawing this
It’s ok if this makes you uncomfortable and you don’t wanna draw it <3 I completely understand
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I just want to say to everyone out there who is going through/went through this kind of thing, please tell someone. I know it can be hard, but once the hard part’s over things will be ok. Healing from things like this takes a long time, so don’t be hard on yourself. It was NOT your fault. Stay strong.
Also a good way to deal with panic attacks to anyone who needs it;
See, smell, touch, taste, hear
Name 5 things you can see, 5 things you can smell, 5 things you can touch, 5 things you can taste and 5 things you can hear
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impulsivesuperrobin · 4 months
in regards to this post (semi rant-y stuff incoming; tw for mentions of abuse, abuse not specified)
i’m so not joking when i say the bad kids deserve to do everything they are doing to the rat grinders. like, they were tormented the entirety of their most stressful year bc the leader of this group of kids they never even interacted with before was jealous of the trauma they endured.
in my time at high school i had to deal with people like the rat grinders. someone who was jealous of the fact that my life was “harder” than theirs and they took it out on me. i tried my best not to engage when they got petty, and even to help them bc they were indeed going through things, but they refused bc they would rather wallow than accept any advice or help from me. they even took steps to enable my abuser and claim our traumas bc of that as linked. they also tormented my friends the entirety of our time at high school, even after we had cut ties with them.
and remember the bad kids are (mostly) 16! you think you, oh great and objective moral compass holder that you are, would have not gone absolutely apeshit on your high school bullies if you were given a free pass at 16? or even, as this situation is more like, the people who made your friends lives a living hell? ivy got the insult she said to mazey thrown back at her, and ruben got sent to the tamest version of hell ever (he’s a roadie instead of a musician forever). and actually, the bad kids gave them multiple chances to switch sides and they didn’t bc they’re beyond redemption in their current state. for a person to redeem themselves they have to want redemption.
sure, from a narrative standpoint it’s disappointing if you look at it totally detached from the pov of the series. but this is the bad kids’ story. it’s the logical conclusion to the arc of the season AND if the rat grinders were one dimensional they wouldn’t be formidable foes and good foils to our heroes, they would be combat cronies that could’ve been done away with in the first few episodes.
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uranium-city · 11 months
ASC Thunder Spoilers
some of y'all are fuckin weird about Squirrelstar/Brambleclaw
by that I mean the few people that viscerally hate Squirrelstar as if she personally killed their mother, plan to boycott the series until she dies, & are trying to pass off Brambleclaw as a completely innocent, misunderstood, wounded uwu baby with an annoying, naggy wife whose sympathy from the fandom is undeserved.
like i get it's just a fictional series about cats but the way some people try to justify Brambleclaw's abusive traits, claim that Squilf deserved to be mistreated by Bramble for one reason or another, act like those abusive traits aren't actually that bad, that they don't exist, or that they're just normal behavior creates some really horrible implications about the way people recognize & sympathize with those in abusive relationships. they may be fictional cats, sure, but passionately ranting about how badly you want the abuse victim to die & how innocent, misunderstood, & "overhated" the abuser is is very uncomfortable idc.
i'm not saying people can't dislike Squilf or even that they can't like Brambleclaw as a character, but when talking about these very real abusive traits that affect people in real life, if your first reaction is to try to justify them & pretend like they're not actually abusive traits that is genuinely disgusting & has really scary real life implications.
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hannahbarberra162 · 3 months
Can't Fix Fix A Broken Heart, Chapter 8
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18+, MDNI
Now on Ao3
All chapters
Things get explicit in this chapter. Yandere in full force.
TW dubcon, mental and emotional manipulation, mentions of past abuse, mentions of past SA.
You heard Marco calling to you from the hallway. You didn’t know how he had found you, but he sounded angry. You came out of the closet and saw a cross Marco with his arms folded across his chest. You fought the urge to grovel immediately but did start pinching your fingers. You didn’t know what you did - but you’d do anything to get him to stop scowling at you.
“Hi Marco.”
“Why are you sleeping in the supply closet?”
“Oh. Um. I guess I just got sleepy and took a nap here? Sorry, it won’t happen again,” you said sheepishly.
“Wrong answer.”
“Ah, um…I don’t…I didn’t…um…” You floundered. Marco had never taken this kind of tone with you and you didn’t know what to do. You were starting to panic.
“Oh, Y/N, what are we going to do with you?” sighed Marco, putting his face in his hand and shaking it from side to side. “My brothers and I have really put ourselves out there for you. We saved you from the Marines, we brought you to our ship, we’ve helped you in so many ways. This is the thanks we get?”
“I am thankful! I really, really am! I’m so grateful for everything everyone has done.”
“It doesn’t feel that way. Why didn’t you tell me that you were having trouble sleeping? That you were sleeping in closets and cupboards? That you can’t sleep without your back to the wall? Do you think we can’t help you? That I can’t help you? That I’m not a good doctor? That I don’t care for my siblings? Is that what you think of us?”
“No! No, I just… Marco, please, I… j-just didn’t think it was import–”
“It IS important, Y/N. Why should we keep helping you if you don’t trust us?”
“I d-do trust you! I do!” you were close to crying from the tension radiating off Marco.
“I don’t know if we can continue to have someone on our ship that we can’t trust. That doesn’t trust us. I think our time together may have come to an end. I will inform Whitebeard on your behalf.” Marco turned his back to you and started to walk away.
You were bawling now, you didn’t want to leave the ship.You didn’t have anywhere else to go and if you left you’d have no one and and and…so you called out “wait, Marco!” Marco stopped, but didn’t turn towards you. You ran up to him and grabbed his hand from behind. He allowed you to take it but remained turned away from you.
“What, Y/N?”
“P-p-please, isn’t there anything I can d-do? T-t-to show that I t-trust you? I don’t wanna b-b-be k-k-kicked o-o-out, p-p-please..” you were sobbing so hard you couldn’t form words without stuttering. 
“Well,” he said, moving his head from side to side in thought “I suppose if you showed your trust in us..”
“No more secrets, Y/N. You have to be completely honest with us.”
“O-of course, w-whatever you want to kn-know.” You were still crying but were starting to hope that Marco would forgive you.
“And since it seems you can’t take care of yourself properly, you need to surrender that task to us. You need to listen to us when we tell you what’s best for you. I’ll meet with my brothers and we can set some rules for you to follow so you can earn our trust.” You weren’t sure what that meant exactly, but you would have agreed to let him rip out and eat your still beating heart if he asked for it.
“Y-y-yes, ok, thank you M-Marco. Thank you.” You nuzzled his hand in thanks, trying to deepen your breathing.
He turned his body all the way towards you his expression softened. He cupped your face in both of his large hands. “I know you don’t mean to hurt us, Y/N. I want you to be our good girl, and I think you want that too, isn’t that right?”
You nodded your head up and down in his hands. 
“I know the perfect way you can start to earn back my trust.”
“H-how?” your crying had stopped but you were still hiccuping your words.
“Kiss.” he commanded and brought his lips crashing down on yours.
Ace had overheard an emotional conversation in the hallway and had cracked his door to see what was going on. He watched as Marco ordered you out of the closet and began speaking sternly to you. Ace’s eyes opened a little wider - he hadn’t known you were sleeping there. If he had found you in there, he’d have taken you straight to his bed. He decided to stay hidden and see what happened.
Listening to Marco talk to you was a masterclass in manipulation. Marco had maneuvered you so well, so easily and you hadn’t noticed a thing. Ace knew Marco wasn’t worried about your loyalty, but you sure didn’t. He had gambled on your insecurities and won the grand prize. Now they were all able to collect. Finally, they’d be able to have you in the way they had wanted. 
As he watched Marco kiss you in the moonlight and knew he’d be doing the same, and soon. You looked like a little angel, all breathless and submitting yourself willingly to Marco. He handled his growing bulge over his pants, fondling himself to your teary- eyed kiss. The scene was too hot for him to endure untouched, so he took his cock out and started slowly stroking himself from base to tip. He was leaking precum just from watching a kiss, like he was a teenager. He imagined it was himself kissing you, fondling you, getting to touch you. He pumped his cock a little bit faster as you started making small sounds from Marco’s hands traveling over your neck, shoulders, and down your front. He imagined the sounds you would make around his cock as you rode him, how he would bite your neck, suck on your nipples, give you marks to let everyone know he was there. That he would always be there. 
Marco’s kiss was all encompassing. All you could think about were his lips as they expertly kissed your own. He had caught you off guard-  your mouth had been closed. He licked at the seam of your lips, wanting you to open. You opened your mouth slightly and he pushed his tongue inside. He was still holding you in place, kissing you at his pace. He was in control and was showing you what he wanted. You followed his lead, kissing him back. You wanted to show that you wanted this too, that you wanted them, that they didn’t need to get rid of you. You tried to pour all that emotion into your side of the kiss. 
When he stopped kissing your mouth and started feathering light kisses down the column of your neck. His hands were roaming all over you - your arms, neck, and starting to creep up your stomach. “Ah, Y/N, I knew you’d be worth the wait.” You couldn’t answer - your breath was coming in short gasps as his kisses trailed downwards. “Let’s go somewhere private - I wouldn’t want anyone else to enjoy the show yoi.” Marco cocked an eyebrow towards one of the open doors briefly but you didn’t see anyone.
With that, Marco threw you over his shoulder and took long strides to his room. Once in, he sat down on a loveseat and put you in his lap, facing him. “Come here, Y/N, show me how good you can be.” He began kissing you again, moving from your lips to your neck down to your collarbones. You started to let out small whimpers. You couldn’t help yourself - you knew you were incredibly wet. You started moving and grinding on Marco, hoping for some friction. 
Marco was kissing your shoulder, and had started putting his hand up the hem of your shirt, teasing your lower back with light touches. “Ah, wait. I don-” You tried to object. Kissing was one thing, but showing your back was another. No one had seen it in years, it was a source of deep shame and humiliation. You wanted to keep your shirt on for now.
“Y/N, this is the exact kind of thing we need to be working through,” Marco said with a frown. “I thought you had agreed to listen to us yoi,” he continued. He gripped you by the shoulders and stopped your movements on him. You realized belatedly you were grinding on his cock - and he was huge. There was no way it would ever fit…but you refocused back to the present. Your back? You gulped - was this what he needed from you? So he could trust you? You could do it, you thought, trying to gather your own courage. It was just skin, and he’d seen scars before.
Marco had changed the position of his hands, holding your thighs down to prohibit your rocking. “You can take it off” you said in a small voice, looking down at your lap. Marco flashed a smile at you as he raised your shirt off your body. 
You lifted your arms and Marco pulled it all the way off. He ran his hand over the middle of your back and paused. You hoped he would continue to tease and kiss you, but he just picked you up and faced you the other direction away from him so he could see your back better. He was examining it silently. You knew it had killed the feeling in the room from the way he was looking at it. He reached out a finger to touch the angry red, raised lines. He touched one and you hissed a little - they were extra sensitive lately. He just looked at you silently for a few moments. Marco didn’t say anything but sat you down next to him, off his lap.
You hung your head in shame. You couldn’t look at him. Not only had he seen your back, but you had disappointed him. He didn’t trust you. You had another crew’s logo on you. He didn’t want you anymore, he thought you were ruined. You were ruined, just like you were told. You were going to be sent back, discarded like the trash you were. You just waited for Marco to tell you to collect your things. 
‘Y/N, what is this yoi?” he said in a soft voice. He was being gentle with you, delicately touching parts of your scar that were less raised. 
“It’s old scar tissue, it’s healed now.”
“What’s it from?”
“Most of it is a branding from when I was on that pirate ship. They - they burned their jolly roger on me. Some of it is from a whipping the Marines gave me. Those are the more recent marks.”
“Why did they whip you?”
“Escape attempt.”
“Do they hurt yoi?”
All the questions were digging into your deepest sources of shame. You wanted to be strong but you started crying again.
“Y-yes. I think they don’t let me stretch my skin enough back there. It always feels tight. I’m not really sure, I try not to look at it.”
“I’m s-sorry M-m-marco. I really tr-tried to be g-good for y-you. I’m j-just r-ruined.”
“You’re not ruined, this wasn’t your fault,” he said absently as he continued gently touching your back. You couldn’t see, but you felt a pleasantly cool sensation along some of your scars. Was he trying to heal you? The flip between the harsh Marco of before to the sensual Marco to this soft Marco had you so confused. You didn’t know how he was going to take anything. You let him look in silence. He broke it by quietly asking “why did they brand you, not tattoo you?”
You gave him the answer you had been told, in a deadpan voice “Crew get tattoos, property gets branded.”
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choccochocco · 2 months
If I had to make my own au of x men evolution, I’d make Todd based off of the Vijayan's night frog, and I’d make him really short (the frogs are tinyyyyy)
I’d also make Kurt’s tail stronger looking, and more like a monkeys tail (still with the arrow shape like a spear tho)
and I want to give kurt an arc where he learns to not insult others based off of their appearance. His arc would be slow, span a few ‘episodes’
maybe he gets stuck with Todd and has to escape an angry, mutant hating group, and they end up really far away, lost cus they were distracted with escaping
they then slowly get to know each other a bit better, learn they’re not so different, and that Todd has it harder that him in some ways
(in the au, Todd ran away from his family bc they keep ignoring his struggles (like sensitive skin that absorbs things like frog skin does, dietary needs, allergies due to his mutation, etc), but the brother hood are his family now)
and kurt just has a moment where it (the brotherhood’s behaviour) all clicks
also, the possibilities for Todd’s frog species are insane
there’s the flying frog (they actually glide tho), the glass frog, poison dart frogs ( hc that in a universe where he is a dart frog, he’d be non poisonous due to not eating the diet he’d need for his body to build up the chemicals, though he could use chemicals to do it), red eyed tree frog, purple frog, Indian bullfrog, hairy frog, etc
I like to imagine he’s tried to eat one of his friend’s (the brotherhood’s) fingers after frog brain mistook it for a worm
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*Flips over sofa* WHAT IF!...What if Oyei does owe debt collectors BUT it's not just because the gym is in financial trouble? It's clear Oyei regards Cher as more than his lover. Cher has booked clients and ran the gym while Oyei and Yak were away. He is a part of the business. He's also the brains of this operation. Unless there is a plothole, it would be difficult to believe that he doesn't keep a close eye on their finances because Oyei's gym isn't in trouble, THEIR gym is in trouble. This isn't only Oyei's burden to bear, which he doesn't seem to grasp BUT OKAY. Wouldn't he be able to connect that they have more money on hand than they make off fights and clients?
I wrote all that to write that what if Oyei and Yak's daddy is struggling and Oyei's sending him money? We're now in uncharted territory because all of the scenes from the trailer have played out. We have not seen or heard them speak of their dad yet, but we know that Yak sees Oyei as his father figure, which means their dad is a BUM in my mind. Despite that possibility, what if Oyei feels some filial piety because his dad was his hero and he feels the need to help him out even though he is struggling himself? It wouldn't be hard to believe. The show is not subtle about how alike the Phadetseuk brothers can be. Yak needs to finish uni to honor his mom's wishes. Maybe Oyei is helping their dad financially even if he's a BUM, alleged by me.
Okay, I'm done.
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No I'm not. NOW! We have the knowledge that Oyei saved Cher when he was being assaulted by his ex-boyfriend. Probably not the first time he's been abused. Abusers gaslight and belittle and make you feel insecure, and we've seen at least three times in the last two episodes where Cher's insecurity has reared its head. He knows Oyei is hiding something. Trust is probably a hard thing for him, so to know that his handsy, flirty man who he trusts wholeheartedly suddenly has a wall up between them? He's internalizing that because what else could it be if not him? Ugh. Plus, we finally see them kiss as we're on the precipice of Yak and Wandee admitting that nothing about their relationship has been fake. What if as Wandee and Yak make it official, to no one but themselves but go off, Oyei and Cher's relationship goes through a rough patch due to Oyei's secrets?
A lot of what ifs because I don't know, but what I DO know? Oyei's ass is in trouble once Cher finds out about the debt.
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Edit: One more thing. I find it so incredibly attractive when someone is fiercely protective of those they love, but you cannot set yourself on fire to keep others warm. Especially if said loved ones would never ask that type of sacrifice of you and want to protect and take care of you just as fiercely.
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sinningvin · 9 months
Tw: Rant, ableism, R4p3, mentioned 4bus3 and t0rtur3
Talking about a very ableist (imo) Plural!Ghost x reader oneshot as a system
So, I just saw a oneshot for one of my fictional husbands, Simon, where he had sort of kind of Osdd-1b. I’m pretty sure because the description (even though it was really demonizing to one of the alters) and the title (alluding to a trauma response to do with alters, keeping it secret as to not give it attention) but it’s never said outright. In the oneshot, he had 2 alters. Simon and Ghost. The premise was that Ghost was unexpected fronting at home after a mission, and takes you up to your room to have sex and stuff.
It was really bad.
It used inaccurate and misleading terms, demonized Ghost, had VERY dubious consent which devolved into basically r4p3 (this was not tagged), normalized unhealthy relationships, brushed all the r4p3 off by you reprimanding Simon lightly, portrayed his osdd as a big hurdle you had to get over, and was very dehumanizing to Ghost. Also, it was extremely upsetting as not only an ACTUAL OSDD-1B SYSTEM, but also as someone who’s special interest is Simon “Ghost” Riley. For context for the people who don’t know, He was abused frequently by his father from a young age, and later was tortured in every way you can think of (ESPECIALLY R4P3). His story brings me actual comfort as a system, and it even inspired me somehow to reach out to a therapist, who has saved my life. So it is ESPECIALLY disturbing seeing how the writer basically used his trauma and his disorder as a cheap plot point to write a r4p3 fic. I don’t know what’s worse, if the writer didn’t or did know the lore.
Expect me to step in with my own list of headcanons of dating osdd-1b Simon “Ghost” Riley. I’m so Appalled and disgusted. Do better Cod tumblr.
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