#TW scratching
ayyy-imma-ninja · 6 months
Sunny dear…I think an apology to Y/N is in order. And a conversation. I think it’s time you both got some answers.
No anger. No fear. Just plain simple words.
tw: scratching, scraping
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best get some space, first...
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buttfrovski · 9 months
TW eye scratching, eye pulling
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leave tweek alone 2024
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thereal-evanrosier · 22 days
tw: sh/scratching
Whenever Evan is nervous, anxious or bored, he scratched on his hands. Due to this, the back of his hands are always full of scratch- scars and wounds. Barty became - of course - very worried about his "best" friend, and gifted him a pair of leather gloves for christmas. Barty knew about Evan's sensory issues when touching certain structures, and made him feel several ones 2 months before Christmas, so he would feel comfortable wearing them. Evan absolutely loved them, because now he had the full control over what he would touch. The leather was thin and breathable enough fo do daily tasks in them and feel rough structures, yet always seperated Evan's skin from the texture through a surprisingly robust layer.
But even though Evan now tended to scratch his hands less, he could never completely stop. In uncomfortable situation, he subconsciously pulled his gloved off and started falling back into old habits. The burning sensation and the skin getting number and number made him feel in control and reconnect to reality.
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blueinkjpeg · 1 year
CW!! Suggestive content, bites and scratches
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nokomitsuposting · 1 year
possible cw for harmful stimming !! please scroll if that may be triggering in any way!
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a bunch of reigen stim headcanons (ft um jammer lammy fan tome) because i felt like doing Self Care.
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00queasy00 · 7 months
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im cursing eczema 1000+ upon tom >: ) flaky skin and shedding. due to his snake-y heritage >:3 talks of tom's eczema + scratching under the 'read more'
maybe tom can't help but scratch and itch when he is thinking hard or anxious about something. he quit the habit of giving in to the urge by his second year in hogwarts with much much self-restraint and also helpful skin health spells. but when the new student arrived, well tom just can't help himself with falling into his obsessive tendencies -- and after 3 years of not scratching, his has a eczema attack the first week Hadrian was put under his guidance as a Prefect.
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malwaresilly · 2 months
sketch of what mal's back looks like
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(I was too lazy to make it look nice so you get this)
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remember-to-be-gentle · 4 months
This fic took me forever to write and its taken me over 45 minutes to post because of my shitty wi-fi but here it is! I'm so fucking hungry.
Subject: Genshin Impact, Neuvilette
Title: Justice
Trigger Warning: Size difference, breeding, dub con, double dick, claws, biting, nipple play, cunnilingus, scratching, kissing, rut (mentioned), some praise
By order of the Oratrice Mechanique d’Analyse Cardinale: You will be bred by the Hydro Dragon.
All you could do was stare dumbfounded at the sentencing from the Oratrice, the courtroom a riot of concerned whispers. Face placid, Neuvilette had been kind enough not to read your punishment aloud, instead walking down to your place on stage and allowing you to read it for yourself.
He breathed heavily beside you, his body so close the heat of him was like an inferno. Impossible to ignore.
You shivered.
Normally being besides your former boss was cooling and refreshing like fresh, clean water on a hot day. Your mouth grew dry remembering all that and changed between the two of you, and now this sentencing.
In the history of Fontaine, no punishment like this had ever been issued before. At least, as far as you knew.
And what crime was so great that you had to give up your autonomy? Forgery. For the last year, you'd worked as Neuvilette's assistant, and one month ago you were approached by a man looking to reduce a friend's sentence in exchange for more money than you could imagine. You caved. You sliced off ten years from his sentence.
And you'd been caught. Fired on the spot and scheduled for trial.
And now you were being sentenced to be bred by the Hydro Dragon, Neuvilette, your ex-boss.
In the last week you spent in jail, you dreaded the moment you’d have to face him again. Neuvilette was undeniably likable, and not just for his pretty face or deep, smooth voice. He wasn’t necessarily your friend, but you trusted him and disappointing him felt like an unforgivable sin. He’d been so kind to you at work, always happy to see you and ready to offer advice when you needed it.
"Meet me at my place tomorrow night," Neuvilette said quietly so only you could hear. His deep voice rumbled through you like thunder on the horizon, a taste of what was to come. His pearl grey-blue eyes bore into you, slit pupils cold and calm. This was the Hydro Dragon, not the judge of Fontaine. "I'll try to make your sentencing as comfortable as possible."
And with that, he turned on his heel and left you alone on stage, clutching your punishment between shaking hands.
All the next day, night threatened your every move. Each time a cloud passed in front of the sun was a jolt to your nerves, shadows growing as the dreaded time crept closer. The idea of doing anything knowing that once the sun was gone you would be spread open and fucked until the hydro dragon's seed rooted in your core... It made doing anything else impossible.
Neuvilette was the unattainable workplace crush. He was unearthly beautiful and tall and spoke with a voice that was both commanding and sensual. No man could compare and yet he was on an entirely different level. No one had the courage to so much as talk to him about anything other than work. The one time you'd tried ended in an awkward discussion about the weather and him recommending a new brand of water.
Even worse, you weren't even sure what to wear. It's not like it would stay on your body all that long. But still, this was Neuvilette's house, he was always so put together and calm. Showing up in your pajamas would be an insult, and despite betraying him, you still respected him.
Eventually you settled on a modest dress, long enough to the knees with a zipper on the back to take off easily.
By the time you'd finished applying an inoffensive red lipstain to your mouth, the sun was burning red against the green hills of Fontaine.
No more stalling. It was time.
The dragon's house was grand, not because of its size, but because of its warmth. Two stories tall and covered in flowers, boxes at the windows and lovingly spaced around the perimeter. Ivy crawled up the walls and tangled with a rooftop vegetable garden.
Smoke puffed from the chimney. Warm light spilled from the windows, clear indications that Neuvilette was home. Waiting.
All you could do was knock.
Within moments the door opened, Neuvilette's imposing figure filling the doorway. Without his judge's robes—and dressed down in simply a dress shirt, pants, and pink apron—you nearly thought you had the wrong house. But those cold, serpent eyes remained the same as they drank you in.
"Please, come in." He said.
Inside was well decorated, new vases of flowers and polished wood furniture. The fresh scent of warm bread and hot food tangled in the air with wood polish and pollen. Floorboards creaked pleasantly under your weight, the scuff of your shoes overshadowed by the deep thud of Neuvilette's boots.
"I made dinner for you," he said. "I thought I should at least do that for you before we... begin."
You nodded but your empty stomach was twisting. You weren't sure how much you could even eat knowing that soon you'd be pinned down with your other mouth stuffed full of a completely different kind of hot soup.
The kitchen was cozy, big windows giving a view of the street outside. Mechanic lights glittered in the dark. A hand-carved table sat in the middle of the room with two chairs, one place set for you and him. His seat already had a glass of wine poured and half consumed. At least he was nervous about this, too.
He pulled your chair out for you and offered you wine, which you accepted. In silence, he served your meal and set his own down on the table.
"The Oratrice has never made a decision like this," Neuvilette began. "I... I cannot imagine why breeding must be your punishment but its decisions have never been wrong."
You could only nod.
He didn’t look at you, fiddling with the wine bottle. "I will try and make this night as comfortable as I can, but you should know that my body only looks human. Not all of me has the same... anatomy."
You blinked at him confused. "I don't understand."
Neuvilette raised one milky white hand—you hadn't even noticed he wasn't wearing his usual gloves—and presented two blue-stained fingers. "I have more than one member. But fear not, one should suffice for tonight's... activity."
"I see." Two?! He had two cocks under those tight pants? Your head was spinning and you hadn't even sampled the wine yet.
The rest of dinner was had in silence. Neuvillette collected the dishes and placed them in the sink. Then his hand was on the back of your chair, the heat of his body a physical weight you couldn't ignore. "Shall we move to the bedroom?" His voice was nearly a whisper, so quiet it would have been easy to ignore.
You couldn't.
Like a ghost you followed Neuvilette to his room on the second floor. He'd prepared for the evening. New bottles of lube sat on his twin dressers, a sea of pillows spread across the mattress, and seated on a chair was a box of toys. Vibrators, dildos, blinding mask, and even handcuffs.
"I hope it's not too much." He said behind you. “I'm afraid I am rustier than I'd like to be.”
"Oh, no, it should be fine. It's fine." Nervously you sat on the bed. "Should I take my clothes off or...?"
"Please," Neuvilette sank to one knee, sliding between yours in a single, swift motion. His hands were on your thighs, parting them to give him more space. His heat sent a thrill of excitement through your core. "Allow me."
Slowly his thin, blue fingers slid beneath the hem of your skirt, just the tip poking beneath the elastic of your panties. He pressed his mouth to the inside of your knee, placing modest and thrilling kisses up your thigh, stopping just inches from your apex.
Your breath caught in your throat from the devilish glean in his pearlescent eyes. Just the corner of his stoic mouth was curled into a self-satisfied smirk. Never in your wildest dreams could you have imagined that the judge of Fontaine, aka your ex-boss, was a tease.
Just a hair further, Neuvilette whispered into your skin, his mouth so close you could feel the scrape of his teeth, "Is this to your liking, my lady?"
Heat rushed to your already red cheeks. You covered your mouth to try and hide the embarrassment. "It's weird to hear you call me that. Just call me what you normally would."
"Doesn't your name seem too... familiar? We no longer work together and I am bestowing the Oratrice's punishment onto you." As he spoke he slid his fingers around your ass, sinking into the soft flesh there, feeling you under your panties to pull you closer to him. "I should offer you some dignity, shouldn't I?" Neuvilette laid his cheek on your thigh, his white pale skin soft and practically glowing compared to yours. He blinked faux innocent eyes up at you, watching for your reaction.
"Fine." You huffed, your embarrassment and excitement only growing. "Just until we're done."
"Understood." And then his face vanished beneath the skirt of your dress.
You shrieked as you felt the thick length of his tongue against your cotton-covered cunt. Instantly you tried to close your legs, but Neuvilette's arms were under your thighs, strong and soft in the casing of his silk shirt. His thin but strong fingers squeezed your ass, pressing your clothed folds as close to his mouth as he could.
It was like he was making out with your crotch, the way his jaw worked and tongue explored, needy and smooth.
Suddenly Neuvilette pulled back, lifting your hips as he went. Your back hit the mattress as his movements intensified, his desire seeping into the fabric of your underwear as your core did the same. He groaned hungrily against your clit, the top of his white head bobbing between your thighs.
A noise you'd never made before threatened to squeak out of you and you bit your wrist to hold it back.
And just as suddenly as Neuvilette's intensity took over, it vanished. He lifted himself up, long snake tongue hanging out of his mouth as he caught his breath. His pale cheeks flushed red, pearl eyes unfocused. "Forgive my enthusiasm, I'm afraid my rut will be beginning soon. It's why I wanted to begin quickly, otherwise, you'll be trapped here with me for over a week and I won't stop even if you do conceive."
You weren't sure what to say to that, so you just nodded.
It was then you realized he hadn't stopped just to excuse himself. Your underwear was suddenly passing over your thighs and on the floor before you could even properly process it.
"Can I kiss you?"
You nodded.
Neuvilette leaned his face into yours, his mouth on your cheek then the corner of your lips. One hand traced teasing circles across your thigh, your bare cunt unignorable. And the other pressed against your upper back, working the zipper down as he pulled you closer. And just when the zipper was eased all the way open, his fingers ghosted against your folds.
You gasped and that's when Neuvilette captured your mouth in a kiss. Just the tip of his tongue was in your mouth, probing but patient, feeling everything he could without invading even as his hand did just the opposite.
Within a second, one finger was buried up to the knuckle inside you. You were already so wet, accommodating his thin digit with ease. Both of you groaned, him from your sucking wet heat and you from the pleasant feel of him against your soft walls.
His tongue moved a little further in, coaxing your own with his forked tip. It felt strange dancing over your taste buds, asking you to meet his enthusiastic lust.
Hesitantly you raised your tongue, carefully poking out to prod Neuvilette's teeth, tracing the path of his gums to his—you gasped at the sensation of his fangs, dagger-sharp and smooth as marble.
Neuvilette pulled away just enough to murmur against your lips, "You're okay. Did my teeth scare you?"
"Just surprised," you murmured.
A softness came over his face. Neuvilette kissed your cheek, then your jaw, slowly bringing his mouth to the stunning curve of your shoulder. Gently he pressed his front teeth to the skin, letting you feel their shape, then he opened wider to scrape his fangs on your skin. His teeth closed, exciting pain and a burning want inside you.
Your core fluttered around his fingers, suddenly threatening to snap. Unconsciously your hips bucked against his hand, asking for more.
"So sensitive," Neuvilette chuckled against your skin, breath hot. Goosebumps fluttered to life. "But I must ask you not to finish yet, my lady, I want it to be when you take me in."
Before you had a chance to process what he'd said, you were on your back, cunt empty as Neuvilette pulled back to unbuckle his pants. Black fabric slid away to reveal two blue erect lengths. Each of them was softly ridged and unmistakably inhuman.
White bumps lined the sides, growing larger towards the base of his cocks. Along the tops and bottoms were blue, scale-like ridges that followed the same gradient pattern as the rest of his lengths.
"I won't make you take both tonight,” Neuvilette was panting, his chest rising and falling with his eagerness, “but if our first attempt at fertilization fails, then using both may become a necessity." You could barely hear him, watching each head softly twitch with his desire. His cool hand cradled your heated cheek, forcing your gaze up to meet his. Burning pearl eyes commanded your attention. "My lady... Do you understand? I want to hear you say it."
You swallowed. You could barely imagine taking him in tonight, let alone taking two inside of you. "O-okay. I understand."
“Understand what?” He pressed, the ghost of a smug grin slipping into the corner of his mouth.
“That I might h-have to take both.”
Neuvilette seemed to relax, leaning in to nuzzle the side of your face with his own. His lips pressed against your throat as his hands slid lower, gently sliding your arms from your dress. He didn't wait to take off your bra, letting your breasts bounce free before engulfing them in his hands.
His mouth moved lower, breath coming fast as he enveloped the doughy flesh, teasing your nipples by squeezing them between his fingers. He relished your softness. Neuvilette brought his mouth to your hardening nipples, sinking his teeth inside of your breast, leaving bruises in the shape of his desire.
“Fuck,” he groaned. “I can’t wait any longer.”
Neuvilette reached for a bottle of lube, pouring enough in his hand to cover one of his members. He pulled back, lubed his cock and aimed it right at your core. The head pushed in suddenly, stretching you out, filling you in a way you hadn’t felt in a long time. Your fingers curled into the sheets, back arching as if trying to help him inside.
“Good girl,” he breathed, pressing in. The first ridge popped inside. “Just keep being good for me.”
Slowly, painfully slowly, each ridge slipped inside, strange and lumpy and pressing right against the top of your core, pushing up and into your g-spot so effortlessly you nearly came. And he still wasn't done.
The thick base of his cock began to press in, the ridges on the side struggling to squeeze into your cunt. It occured to you then that those ridges were for competition, to scrape out the seed of competing males. Knowing something so animalist, so feral and possessive existed on someone like Neuvilette who was virtuous with his patience and had a gentlemanly demeanor... It made your core flutter.
Neuvilette sighed, rolling his hips with notable frustration. “I fear I won't be able to get all the way inside. I feel something blocking me.” He shivered a little, his hands gripping your thighs with impatient squeezes. “I don't want to hurt you, but it's disappointing I can't go further.” His hips rolled again, as if testing if your body would really bar him from fully sheathing himself.
Gods, you felt so full. It was hard to focus on what he was saying, especially when the tip of his cock head kept twitching against your cervix in time with its twin hovering over your belly. Its shadow smoothed the bulge below your navel, a barely noticeable rise in your skin. Precum dribbled into your belly button.
He felt so good. Your mind cleared as the only thing you could focus on was the sensation of his cock bulging out of you. Your hips bucked, rubbing him up against your sweet spot, pleasurable shivers rising gooseflesh along your skin. You could probably cum just from humping him like this, forcing his cock head into that sweet spot over and over while his pearlescent eyes drank you in. You shivered again at the thought, fingers curling into the sheets as your core squeezed him excitedly.
Slowly, Neuvilette tested your cunt, pulling out an inch and rolling right back in. His breathing strained as he held himself back, trying so hard to keep himself trapped in the gentlemanly facade he showed the world as the animal he was vied for control.
Wet, pleased sounds escaped your cunt with each movement, eagerly swallowing his cock as best as it could. Pressure compressed against your cervix and just above, causing that sweet knot of release to tighten ever so slightly. The purpose of your union to Neuvilette vanished, only the animal need for more fuzzing over your thoughts.
He was barely moving and yet that the pressure of him, the space he took up inside you, numbed anything but the fire in your nerves. Your hips rocked to meet his, toes curling as you tried to get some kind of purchase under you.
Your clit ached for stimulation but the words wouldn't form in your mouth, too busy slumping open to leak your breathy moans. How did you become such a mess so quickly?
You reached between your legs where his cock was currently making mush of your cunt to relieve your aching but just as you pressed the pads of your fingers to your core, Neuvilette's hands were around your wrists. He pinned them above your head, his firm abdomen flush against your feverish belly. Feeling him press on the bulge of his cock with his other cock and his body, practically squashing his cock inside you and the hilt of his cock pushing up into your clit—
A high pitched whine escaped you as you bucked, head going blank. So close, so close...
“No need to rush,” he purred. “We have all night.”
“Neuvillette,” you cried, “please.” You didn't know what you were begging for. More? To cum?
“So impatient,” he huffed. He inhaled your scent, ghosting his lips over the marks he'd left on your throat. A light sheen of sweat began to glisten on his white skin. “I suppose if you're so wanting, I shouldn't hold back anymore myself.”
Hold back? You'd barely processed what he said when his shallow, smooth thrusts erupted into an animal frenzy.
His body slammed into yours, his bed rocking violently, practically throwing you to engulf more of his cock. Punishing, brutal, animal thrusts bounced you against him, leaving you to scramble to hold onto him for the ride. Pleasure burst like stars each time he rammed into your cervix, your nails burying into his back, legs vice tight around his narrow hips. Neuvilette seemed to relish your reaction, an animal purr escaping his throat.
He panted above you, sweat beading on his temples. White strands of hair stuck to his forehead, his cheeks. The clawed shaped of his blue-white fingers bit into his sheets for purchase, to better breed your criminal cunt. Suddenly the god-like gentleman Judge of Fontaine was disheveled and real and a man with human lust. You were probably the first human to see this side of him, and maybe even the last.
The thought nearly sobered you out of your pleasure haze until suddenly his sharp teeth sank into your collarbone. Pain erupted like white lightning and suddenly your core was snapping, mouth open to scream as you came.
Your wetness flooded down his balls, practically dripping but Neuvilette's pace didn't let up. He was moving faster if anything, shallower thrusts to humps against your cervix.
Your toes curled listening to your drenched core being churned, the sound so shamelessly slutty and crude it was nearly impossible to image it was coming from the space between your thighs.
A high whimper sounded in the back of Neuvilette's throat, his thick cock spasming inside you excitedly. “Close,” he grunted into your skin, breath hot. “So fucking close.” Those big teeth met your flesh again, leaving marks on the untouched side of your throat. That whimpering noise came again in time with his movements until his hips were hitching, bucking so hard against you nearly thought he'd managed to get his full length in. And then, melting his pelvis to yours, Neuvilette came.
Something thick, wet, and warm burst inside of you. It felt so strange, like an extra little pleasure right against your sweet spot. Your core twitched as you blinked away white desire. You hadn't realized you were panting until the world settled back under you, the bed still as Neuvilette recovered above you.
Slowly he let his weight pull him down, resting his head in the crook between your throat and shoulder. For what felt like a long time, he laid there breathing, nestled between your thighs and against your cervix. Then, slowly pulled out, standing up to his full height. Even sweaty with messy hair, he was beautiful. “I'll get you some water. I think Mondstat spring water would best suit our theme of tonight.” He didn't wait for an answer, leaving the room.
You went to sit up and felt everything gush out of you—lube, slick, cum. Something was surreal here but you didn't want to acknowledge it, naming what it was would make it actually real.
Carrying two tall glasses of water, Neuvilette returned. Condensation frosted the glass and you were grateful for something cold after how hot you'd just been.
Neuvilette knocked back his glass like a shot. Feverish excitement lit up his pearlescent eyes as they focused on you, slit pupils blown wide. “I think for our next round, a low angle might be best. Hips up and head down, like a stretch or yoga pose. I'm afraid I don't know the exact name of the position.”
Your ears burned hearing such perverse words come from your former boss’ mouth. It took you a second to realize exactly what he was talking about. You weren't done with your punishment, not for tonight anyways. After taking a careful gulp of water you asked, “Um, just how many times are going to be working on my punishment, tonight?”
Neuvillette reached for your glass, gently indicating for you to finish it. You obeyed, fully aware of the hungry stare that watched your throat bob with each swallow. When you'd finished, he took your glass and set it aside with his own. Only then he said, “As long as it takes.”
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uh! yeah.
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Chapter 3 of These Are Not Our Masks!
Raph and Leo snap back to attention at Draxum’s voice and arrival. He stands in front of a still open and glowing portal and has a look of pure disappointment on his face.
“You were supposed to collect your brothers and eliminate everyone else who stood in your way. Are you disobeying my orders!?”
Mikey holds onto Raph protectively.
“Yes they are! And nobody is going back with you!”
Draxum rolls his eyes.
“I should have made you all have some level of higher intelligence instead of putting it all in the purple one. This is not a situation where any of you have a choice.” His hand glows as he holds it out towards Raph and Leo.
The two of them scream out and hold onto their faces in pain.
Splinter steals one of Leo’s katanas and strikes at Draxum.
“You can not have them!
Draxum dodges.
“You fool, they were mine from the start! Now listen to my commands! Artemis! Atlas!”
Raph and Leo revert to their earlier behavior and go after both Mikey and Donnie.
“S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N! Release the nets!” Donnie commands.
“Here they come!” S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. shoots them out, getting both brothers caught and put to the floor.
They claw and thrash around which makes it clear the nets will not hold them for long. Another plan is needed, and fast.
“It’s a marvel what you’ve done with your limited resources. I’m sure you’ll make something better than this trash under my command.” Draxum waves his hand again.
Vines shoot up and around Donnie, completely surrounding him. A mask is held by several of them while others grab Donnie’s arms and legs.
The mask is smaller than the others, only being enough to cover his eyes. It’s metallic purple all across. There’s a goggle over one eyehole with two screws next to it’s top and bottom. The other side of the mask has gears and a geometric pattern around the eyehole.
If Donnie wasn’t in so much danger and didn’t know who it was from, he might actually be impressed.
He struggles heavily, also trying to bite the vines.
Splinter turns to help him but gets stopped by Draxum who he continues to fight with. Mikey pulls at the vines as much as he can. Every one he gets rid of has another pop up in its place.
“Donnie! BOOYAKASHA!” S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. gives out a battle cry and starts mowing down the vines.
Draxum notices while continuing his fight and moves some vines to grab the drone. He tears him to pieces, S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N’s head dropping to the floor.
Donnie’s eyes widen as his heart absolutely shatters alongside his robotic son.
“No! S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N! I’m going to turn you into lamb chops, do you hear me Draxum!?”
“Save that attitude for humanity.”
The vines with the mask slams it onto Donnie’s face.
Everything starts falling apart almost immediately afterwards.
Raph and Leo escape their nets, barreling towards Mikey since he’s the only one left without a mask.
Donnie is finally released from the vines.
That proves to be a mistake.
His fingers twitch unnaturally as he types, but he still manages to use his wrist device. Lasers start firing all over the place from different directions.
Leo gets distracted from chasing the lights, Mikey vaguely remembers when they were little and that worked on him.
Raph gets distracted trying to stop Leo from burning himself.
Mikey grabs at Donnie’s hand and attempts to get him to safety.
Donnie doesn’t move any inch.
“Leave me. Don’t go anywhere obvious. Warn April before she gets here. I’m destroying my controls for the tank. Go.”
Mikey tears up and shakes his head.
“No! I’m not-!”
Donnie slaps Mikey across the face, leaving him completely shocked and with scratch marks on his cheek.
“Did I ask you!? Do you know how hard it is to even be talking to you!? Get father and leave! Leave! LEAVE!”
Mikey runs and grabs his father’s hand instead, pulling him along as they run.
“Purple! Red! Blue! No! I will save you from this! I swear!” Splinter insists.
“What are you doing!? You’re letting them get away! Do as I say, Artemis, Apollo, Atlas!” Draxum orders.
Donnie suddenly appears next to him, having moved so fast the sheepman could hardly react in time. The wrist device is grabbed and smashed against his face as hard as possible.
Draxum shouts and reels back in pain.
Donnie tackles him, scratching and biting relentlessly.
“Artemis! Atlas! Get him off me!“
Raph and Leo move back over. Raph wraps both arms around Donnie tightly, lifting him off the ground.
Leo cackles.
It’s unsure if it’s at Draxum or Donnie.
Draxum stands up and glares down at the snapping soft shell.
“How are you able to resist my commands this much?”
Donnie spits at him.
“How should I know why your shoddy work isn’t functional!? I’ll tear you into pieces-“
“Now I remember, you didn’t steal one of my weapons. You aren’t attuned to mystic energy like my other creations. I’ll just have to imbue more of my energy in your mask. A simple solution that will also serve as your punishment.” Draxum places his hand on the mask.
Donnie’s throat hurts from how loud he screams.
Draxum smiles.
Donnie eventually goes limp, head only held up by Draxum’s hand. It falls down when he moves it away.
“Atlas, release him.”
Raph let’s go.
Donnie fails to his knees.
“Apollo, are you ready to be of use now?” Draxum questions.
Donnie lifts his head.
“Yes, Baron Draxum.”
Draxum smiles widely.
“Then it’s time you fulfill your purpose.”
Splinter portaled himself and Mikey into the tank then tossed the katana outside the hatch. It probably has some kind of a tracker, knowing Draxum.
He closes the hatch and gets into the driver’s seat. His heart aches as he knows he’s taking Raph’s place, but he presses the button to open the garage door and speeds the tank out of there.
Mikey silently sobs while sitting in his seat. Donnie might have hurt him, but he was doing it to get him to just listen and go. Maybe if he had just done that Donnie wouldn’t have anything to feel bad about later.
Splinter drives so fast that he barely has time to stop when they see April about to open a manhole.
Mikey very quickly hops out and pulls her in before Splinter speeds off again. He clings to her as much as he can, soaking her shirt with his tears. April squeezes him and decides to ignore the fact that she’s going to need a new shirt.
“What happened? Donnie texted SOS! Why isn’t he here!? Wait, why aren’t Leo and Raph here either!?”
Splinter grips the arms of the chair tightly.
“They’ve all been taken and forced to work under Draxum.”
April’s face pales.
“They’re….no way….Mikey’s the only one left?”
Splinter nods solemnly.
“I’m afraid so. Donatello warned us not to go anywhere obvious. They will look for us at your home. I know somewhere else we can go.”
“And that is?”
“LEMONADE! Todd’s special lemonade for my gue-! Oh no! What happened to you!?” Todd sets the tray with cups and pitcher down on his table and rushes over to Mikey and April.
Mikey sniffles and let’s go of April just to open up his arms to Todd.
Todd whistles and an army of puppies come running to tackle Mikey to the ground. They lick at his face, taking away any tears on it. He moves his head a bit so they don’t lick his scratch.
“Thanks Todd, I really needed this.”
“Of course! Anything for my best friend! But I could help a lot more if I knew what happened!”
Mikey sadly tells the entire story, fully filling everyone present in.
April and Splinter look even more terrified. Neither of them knew exactly how bad it had gotten. Now they’re aware that might be entirely screwed.
“Donnie did that to you….?”
“H-He wouldn’t have done it if he could help it. Even with how hard it was to talk, he wanted me to remember to warn you, April.”
She feels a little choked up that Donnie used some of his last bits of sanity to worry about her. April rejected hanging out with them today in favor of spending some time relaxing with Mayhem. If she had been there, she could have done something.
No, no time to think about that. She’s here now and her pseudo brothers need her.
“We need a plan! We can’t just let Draxum use them like puppets! Splints, what are our options?”
“If this is what I believe it to be….then I am not sure….but I do know where I can get some information. That auction house must have some of my family scrolls since they continue to sell things from my time as Lou Jitsu.”
“Then we go looking! There’s no time to waste!”
“Y-Yeah, let’s go!” Mikey tries to sit up.
April gently pushes him back into the puppy pile.
“Sorry buddy. It’s better for you to be here where they won’t find you. Todd will protect you, right Todd?”
Todd rips off his shirt and shows off a surprisingly good physique.
“Nothing will get to my pal while I’m here!”
“Okay, I wasn’t expecting all that, but my point is proven.”
“But I want to help! Leo and Donnie….they both made sure I wasn’t taken….I have to repay the favor by helping fix them!” Mikey whines.
Splinter kneels down next to him and strokes his non hurt cheek.
“My son, you can repay the favor by staying safe like they wanted. If Draxum gets you as well, it’s truly over.”
Mikey leans into his dad’s hand and sighs.
“Okay….I’ll stay. Both of you be extra careful!”
“You’ve got it. We’ll be back!” April heads into the tank again.
Splinter kisses Mikey’s forehead and follows after her. The tank speeds off quickly.
Mikey sighs.
“Don’t be sad, friend. Let me get you patched up, then you can have some lemonade and we can cook together and play with the puppies! Doesn’t that sound fun?” Todd holds out his hand.
Mikey takes it, smiling softly.
“Yeah….it does. It would just be a lot more fun with my brothers.”
Todd helps him up and leads him to the first aid area of the puppy park.
“You can always come back with them after they’re okay again!”
“You’re right. And they will be okay again!”
“That’s the spirit! Do you want a Dalmatian or Golden Retriever bandaid?”
“Dalmatian please.”
April sits in Donnie’s seat as Splinter once again drives the tank.
“So….you said reaching out to them helps a little?”
“Not enough, but yes. Perhaps if they could stay away from Draxum for longer. It wouldn’t be an easy task.”
April thinks for a second.
“If Draxum wants the guys to rule the world for him or something, Donnie would need more parts. He also can’t work fast if he’s distracted so any place he goes to has to be somewhere he can be alone. I bet he’d go to the Purple Dragon’s lair!”
“Please do not tell me that you want to try to find him there. You have seen what happened to Orange, and he told us what Red did to Blue. They aren’t themselves. He won’t forgive himself if he hurts you either.”
“I won’t give him the chance! Besides, I’ve known the guys for years. They’ve got weaknesses even they don’t know about but I do. If anyone is going to get Donnie back, it’s me.”
Splinter sighs.
“Then you want to split up?”
“Yeah! You drop me off and go head to the auction house. I’ll calm Donnie down enough for you to use whatever you find, then he can help us get the other guys back!”
“You’re sure about this?”
“Of course I am. You know I’d do anything for them.”
“Then let’s save our boys.”
After getting the address from April, Splinter changes course to the hideout.
He hopes he doesn’t regret it.
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goblinsatchel · 1 year
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Angsty doodles
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submissivekillers · 2 years
watch this: *stims* the lost boys: ...*stims*
the stimming never stops 💪
anon you are so correct and wise. i don't think this was a request but it made me think deeply abt how they would all stim so here have some headcanons. are most of these stims that i personally do? yes <3 also tw for scratching in point two of david's section - also based off a personal stim, but i know it can be considered a kind of sh so don't want to make folks uncomfortable
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Marko picks out the patches for his jacket not just for the aesthetic, but for their texture. He likes raised embroidery that he can run his nails over, but he's got everything from velvet to sailcloth on there in some form or another. Also likes to pluck at loose threads, which is why his sleeves are always fraying at the edges
He twirls his hair around his fingers, especially when he's deep in thought. Doesn't like when anyone calls attention to it - he was teased for having "girly" habits when he was a kid, and it still gets his hackles up
Lowkey feel like he's the one most likely to be into stimboards in the modern day
Dwayne is also very tactile, but tends to orient more around his jewelry than clothes. The charms on his necklaces are all hard materials like metals and bone, and in addition to just fiddling with them he'll tap them with his nails - the clicking sound is soothing to him. Also twists his earring a lot, and if you got him a spinner ring he'd fall in love with you (I mean he probably did already, but y'know)
When he's alone on the boardwalk, he'll repeatedly clench and relax his fists. If he gets irritated or overwhelmed, he'll dig his nails in the meat of his palm, often leaving deep indents
Would probably benefit from a weighted blanket. Makes do by always being at the bottom of the pile when you and the boys are cuddling
Paul has a lot of noise stims! He's always got music stuck in his head, so he'll hum, whistle, or outright sing whatever strikes him - and because he spends so much time at the boardwalk, sometimes you wake up at night to the carousel music being whistled outside your window. He also snaps his fingers a lot, especially if he's trying to remember something
So Much Energy! All The Time! All the boys can get pretty keyed up, but Paul in particular is bouncing off the walls - sometime's literally. If he's sitting down, he'll jiggle his leg or rock back and forth. if he's on his feet, he'll pace or jump up on elevated surfaces to test his balance. man's always on the move
David heavily values being the Calm and Collected Leader, so he's repressed a lot of his natural habits. The one that stuck the most? Popping his joints. His neck in particular, but he also cracks his knuckles so often that they feel stiff if he goes awhile without doing so. If you dislike the sound it makes, he'll lean in nice and close before he cracks his neck. Sit on him
He does strike me as the type to scratch or pick his skin when he needs grounding, at least when he was younger/less experienced. It's rare he does so now, and with a vampire's healing factor it's not a big deal, but he used to tear up the backs of his hands pretty bad - the constant leather gloves are a remnant of his efforts to shake the habit
Also I feel like when he was human he probably had some fussy behavior around food
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halfsizehellboy · 1 year
oh man okay. more thinking
hot shit do i feel enlightened bc audhd House makes so much sense to me!!! he surrounds himself with chaos and novelty and stimulation but still adheres to things that don't change-- his apartment, when he lives in it, it always set up the same way. it's mentioned he's had the same guitar for many years, as well as numerous medical texts. He uses his same red mug all the time at the hospital (he has a designated hospital mug. it lives at the hospital and he only uses it at the hospital). he is very adamant about his office space-- it only changes drastically for him in season 8. just before he leaves. he and Wilson have a fun schedule-- bowling nights, poker nights, etc-- and he does spontaneous stuff all the time, but he orchestrates it. he enacts enrichment time for his fellows and Wilson. he canonically spaces out during/stops processing conversations all the time because he's thinking. he will forget to do basic things while on cases, and there's that one episode where he stays up all night because he's cooking something. he is the king of "shit i forgot to eat. i forgot to shower and pee. i forgot--"
while im thinking of eating!! he has that bad hunger recognition. he will forgo eating for days for cases, fixations, pain levels. he usually eats off of wilson's plate anyways, and i think wilson mainly eats because he's made it part of routine, and that if he forgets to eat house definitely forgets to eat, and that usually ends badly. i dont think house has any specific avoidances but he does usually go for pizza, or anything wilson's made. he likes fries.
the adhd bit makes him more prone to addiction (it's a real thing) and he does show those behaviors (vicodin, alcohol). he has to have either the puzzles or the substances, taking him off both fucked with him a lot (mayfield and afterwards). in prison he got managed doses of vicodin, and he was getting antsy and desperate for the challenge of a good case towards the end of that arc. he all but jumps on that heat allergy guy, risking his chances of parole multiple times to try and get close. side note, did y'all see his equation scribblings on the wall by his bunk? hes so silly
ive also been thinking like. we see very large-scale self destructive behaviors from nearly everyone in the show but we don't see a lot of self-regulation outside of house's stimming so that means i get to make up my own and project onto wilson.
wilson spends a lot of time masking at work so we don't see him fully let loose and i think that he is a fan of full body movement. he's jumping up and down. he's pacing the apartment and swingin his arms. he sways and rocks in place. at the hospital and places that aren't safe he keeps the stim energy to his hands/fingers, or taps his foot/bounces his leg-- things easy enough for neurotypicals to pass off as nervous energy. he loves to click pens but he only does it when he's alone or with house because he knows that other people find it annoying (house doesn't care, he starts clicking/tapping too and it's like they're drumming together). he and house learned morse code and annoy the ducklings and cuddy with it all the time.
bad times wilson scratches a lot (this is me projecting btw). at his scalp, at his arms, anywhere he can get to; and usually he's self conscious enough to do it where he can hide it under his clothes (house is unaffected and can tell anyways)(usually because he's there trying to help wilson stop scratching)(but if he's not he can still tell and wilson doesn't wanna know how). he also presses/rubs his face a lot (in general and not just bad times wilson), and bad times wilson gets abrasions on his eyelids/cheeks from his sweatshirt when he has a meltdown. i've seen another person talk about this, but i think he absolutely tears his cuticles up. he's managed to stop biting/tearing his nails down to nothing but between vigorous scrubbing for the OR and not liking lotion (sensory bad. i need it for my arms and the backs of my hands sometimes and i always wipe it off of my palms and fingers) his hands are so dry. house makes fun of him but he does carry around a nail file because he's trying to stop picking at his fingers regularly, and limit it to a bad times emergency regulatory behavior.
house fights meltdowns to the death. he hates having them, he hates having to be vulnerable like that (and that's a canonical trauma response). he has held one off through sheer will for an entire week before wilson called out sick for him and made him take a day off. they ended up taking a long weekend to recover. on the occasion they're both melting down at the same time, it's a multiple days affair. wilson will recognize what's happening and try to make sure everything in the apartment is low effort and accessible from the floor because house's meltdowns are more often than not pain response and that means that house stays on the floor. and when wilson is melting /neg he doesn't want to leave house. on a sillier(?) note they have a tally/competition for shortest meltdown (wilson), longest meltdown (house), fastest to meltdown (house), longest amount of time spent holding off a meltdown (house), most efficient meltdown (wilson), and most meltdowns located in the hospital (wilson).
man i'm gonna have to make a fic for this, it's getting wild just on posts
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ravenzeppeli · 5 months
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Chapter 34 - Two Become One Pt. 2 |Ghiaccio x Reader Lemon + Fluff|
Warning: strong language, sex, scratching. MA.
Candles were scattered all over the room, the candlelight reflecting off of Ghiaccios' naked body. Awkwardly, you stood in front of him, your clothes mixed with his tossed aside on his bedroom floor. His eyes traced your body up and down, his face heating to a bright red as he stepped closer, his eyes resting on your breast.
A shaky sigh escaped your lips as you stared at his massive erection, not expecting him to stand this large. At 9 inches his cock proudly stood erect, the thickness causing your pussy to tingle. Rapidly, you felt your heart skipping a beat, not being able to remove your eyes from his massive length.
"Do you like it?" He muttered, closing the gap between the both of you with one final step, his hands slowly tracing across your stomach, sending chills down your spine. "You're so pretty." The softness of his voice was different, soothing, almost instantly calming you down.
The nerves were something that you still felt, but you also felt a new emotion washing over you. This actually felt right. With Ghiaccio, things always seemed to feel right once the two of you sat down and talked. He took his time with you, getting to know you and be with you. It was a nice feeling, and you felt something for him. Something that made you feel warm and fuzzy inside. Something that you weren't ready to admit to him.
"You're very attractive," you mumbled under your breath, letting your hand run up his toned chest, resting on his heart. You let your hand press against his chest, being able to feel the rapid beat of his heart, his heart beating just as rapidly as yours. "I.. don't know what to say." You've never felt this nervous in your entire life, and you let your two most intimidating boyfriends fuck you at the same time. This felt different. You were genuinely scared that you wouldn't please him.
"Don't be nervous," he spoke, his voice a whisper, "I think you're beautiful. I always have, and I'm going to make you feel so good." You could sense that he was nervous too, his palms sweaty as he quickly removed them, face flushing red. "I'm sorry about my hands. I.. they don't usually do this."
A low hum escaped your lips as you grabbed his hands, placing them on your bare breasts. Sweaty hands weren't going to turn you off. If anything, him being just as nervous as you made you feel a little better. "I don't notice anything." You kept your hands on the back of his, biting down on your lip as his hands began to softly massage your breasts. Despite the wetness of his hands, you felt yourself growing turned on, extremely turned on by his touch.
You stepped closer, letting his cock rub the front of your slick entrance. With no hesitation he pressed his lips into yours, his tongue slipping into your mouth, exploring every inch as he pinched your erect nipples. A low moan escaped your lips, the slick wetness quickly forming between your legs as his hands slid down your body, grasping your waist, pushing you towards the bed. He kept his tongue deep in your mouth, interlocking with yours.
As he gently guided you onto the bed, he kept his lips firmly pressed against yours, his tongue leaving your mouth. You felt spit trailing down your chin, his soft lips pampering your own lips with kisses. With a delicacy you weren't used to, his fingertips softly traced down your nude body, sending chills down your spine. You moaned into his lips, his hands resting on your stomach, inches away from your soaking pussy.
Never had your body craved someone so much before, your hand reaching out for his cock, grabbing his long length. Softly, you pumped back and forth, his lips finally pulling away from yours.
"You're.." he let his voice trail off, his right hand finally meeting your clit, rubbing gentle circles with three fingers, "actually all mine. You're actually mine." He nodded his head a little for reassurance, his glasses sliding halfway off of his face.
"Yes," you spoke softly, your hand massaging his smooth cock, other hand reaching up, pushing his glasses back onto his face before they fell off. A low whine escaped your lips as he fingers left yours, your eyes immediately going wide when he lifted his fingers to his mouth, your juices flowing down his three fingers as he stuck them in his mouth, tasting you.
"You taste as good as you look," he muttered, face heating up, his cock twitching in your hand. "Do you.. want me to use a condom? I have some in my nightstand, they're latex free. The cashier recommended them."
Ghiaccio wasn't like Illuso or Formaggio. He wasn't going around cheating on you, letting random women suck them off. The trust that you felt right now was strong, and you wanted to feel his bare cock pushing in and out of you. Birth control and at times plan b were your best friends, you would just pick up a plan b in the morning like you usually did. You did not want to bring a child into this mess. Who would the kid even call dad? All seven of them?
"It's whatever you want," you replied, a glare immediately appearing on his face. "What?" You frowned a little, letting go of his cock.
"It's your call," he muttered, a sigh escaping his lips. "You're allowed to decide things with me. We're a team. I want whatever you want right now."
"No condom," you spoke quickly. Your pussy was throbbing, you could feel it throbbing, leaking from his hot touch. "I really want you Ghia." Your voice was whiny, almost desperate. You were embarrassing yourself.. fuck. Why must you do this to yourself?
The glare immediately left his face, a smirk appearing on his face. Not once had he ever smirked at you before. "Aw, aren't you beautiful? You don't need to want what you already have. You can have every inch of me." The sudden excitement in his voice made you even hotter, your eyes staring down at his cock as he lined himself up with your hole. "I.. really.. deeply.. care for you. More then I'll ever be able to show you."
The three words almost slipped out of your mouth, your heart rapidly skipping a beat as you almost blurted out that you loved him. Did you love him? "I care about you too."
"I'm going to slide in slowly." He nodded his head once. Slowly, he began to slide in, your slick wetness providing natural lube. Halfway, he froze inside of you, his hips moving back and forth at a slow pace, dark eyes locked onto your face. "Do you want more? Are you okay?"
"Yes," you whined, your hands softly tracing his back, "I want you deep inside of me." Your pussy was already tightening around him, feeling a since of urgency to have him inside of you.
With a quick thrust, he fully pushed himself inside of you, a quick moan escaping his lips as he began to quickly thrust, wasting no time, almost as if the sense of urgency washed over him as well. "Don't tell anyone I moan," he gasped out, hands raising to grasp your breasts between his palms, massaging more rougher this time.
With each rapid thrust, you felt a sense of euphoria wash over you, low moans escaping your lips with each thrust. You weren't usually this vocal during sex, but you couldn't help yourself. The moans couldn't help but pour out of your mouth. Words wouldn't escape your mouth, despite you wanting to cry out his name and how good he was, all you could do was moan.
"Scratch my back," he commanded softly, "dig your nails into my back and mark me up. I want you to fucking mark me all over. Go on, do it now!" He pinched your nipples, giving them a pull, his lips brushing against your neck as he leaned down, clearly not satisfied with your now frozen fingers on his smooth back. "Come on baby. You can do it for me. Mark me up."
The words of encouragement provided you with the courage to actually go through with this, your nails beginning to scratch against his back, your face red hot, and heart rapidly beginning to beat again. You felt yourself tightening around him, your pussy making wet sounds that could only be described as the sound of mixing a cheesy pot of macaroni.
"That's what I like," he whispered into your neck, "goddamn your tight little pussy is so fucking wet. So warm. You feel fucking perfect, keep staining my back with your marks. I want you deeper." He suddenly grabbed your legs, your body completely going frozen as his legs raised up slightly, him dragging you down a little, pressing you into the mating press position with no warning. "I know you're a freak, and that's okay baby. I can be a fucking freak too, but only behind closed doors!"
You've only been pressed in this intense position a few times, you could feel his cock so deeply inside of you, pressing into your g-spot with each deepened thrust. Obeying his command, you let your nails dig into his flesh. "Ghiaccio," you moaned out, feeling yourself becoming close. Fuck, you were so fucking close, he felt so good inside of you. So huge, so fucking hot.
"That's it, baby," he encouraged you, placing wet kisses all over your neck, your claws scratching deeply into his flesh, close to drawing blood, but you wouldn't push that far. Never did you want to hurt him. You loved him so much. Oh fuck, you loved him, you loved him way before the two of you had sex. You were just too afraid to admit it to yourself. "Fill you up or pull out?"
"The first one," you replied, that same smirk as before appearing on his face as he pumped in and out of you more rapidly, the headboard beginning to slam against the wall. You were so wet you felt yourself leaking, tears of pleasure filling your eyes as your hands froze on his back, nails digging into his flesh as you stared at his curly hair.
As if he felt your gaze, he lifted his head, hungry eyes staring back at you, his red squre-rimmed glasses hanging halfway off of his face. "Y/N," he growled out your name with such intensity, his warm cut shooting deep inside of you, filling you up.
You came right after him, your legs shaking as you removed your nails from his back, letting your hands wrap around his waist. When he pulled out, you squirted, staining his sheets with your juices.
He let go of your legs, moving to the side, letting his body fall onto the bed next to you. "I'm just going to be completely honest and say that was the best sex I ever had," he confessed, pulling you into his arms. "Let's just lay here a while. Come on, don't be shy. You can lay on me."
With ease, his hand shot up, gently guiding your head on his chest, placing a kiss on the top of your head, his lips lingering, refusing to move from your forehead. "You were amazing, Ghiaccio," you told him, "I'm sorry about your sheets." You felt his cum mixed with yours still oozing out of you. "I'm still leaking cum."
"I have more sheets," he muttered, "I don't care. Stain the mattress, too. I'm proud I made you feel good." His voice was weak, tired, his grip loose around you. "I.. really.. l.. like you, Y/N."
"I really like you too, Ghiaccio," you confessed to him, not yet ready to confess your love. It wasn't the time. You were too scared to say it. Too scared to potentially mess up what you had with him, so you kept your mouth shut, letting your head cuddle into his chest and your mind drift away as you closed your eyes, listening to the soft beat of his heart.
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muder-boner · 12 days
My parents had a fight in the car and I'm afraid my dad is gonna hit her again but like why would you fight especially when I got myself cola and creeper ;(.
Im clean like 7 weeks or so. Uhm I'm close to cvtting again, ofc I sh in other form like scratching till bleeding or even biting, but like IDK.
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thecouncilofidiots · 5 days
I fucking hate having sensitive skin
We ran out of our usual body wash and had to use a different one until we can buy our usual type
And of fucking course
Our overreactive flesh started breaking out in itchy, red, bumpy rash(?)es
It fucking hurts
Slathered up in lotion (mild, non-scented, milk based, of course) because otherwise we'd scratch until we break skin, and the surface area (our entire fucking body) is too large for the medicated ointments/creams
Winter time is rough on us anyways (the cold+dryness fucks our skin up- questioned having eczema tbh), we do/did not need this :(
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