Analyzing things in ATSV part one
Okay so I have to be absolutely insane about Ganke for a bit, so this will probably take up several posts because screenshots/videos galore.... ermmmmm....
HAVE FUN (will edit and update as needed)
I'm going to start off by analyzing this piece of concept art
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Taking a look at Ganke's tapestry on his wall, that absolutely looks like the CS:GO logo, just flipped and without the text. Ex:
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Taking a look at more things on the walls as well:
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1) who is doing this math. Is it Ganke? Is it Miles? Is it both of them? I like to think that is is Ganke writing things down and then coming back to them later, or, maybe Miles writes things down and Ganke corrects them/adds stuff.
2) I'm pretty sure that says deadly twins. Is this a game? Movie? A play on words? Makes me think of seven deadly sins, but I'm not too knowledgeable in the world of entertainment.
3) (not the jet) is this a schedule? Lunch schedule, perhaps? It's on the bulletin board in the final cut of their dorm as well, just redesigned. Has to be something school event related. It says "Spring 2023 Brooklyn ________ Academy." I can't make out the middle word.
4) I just like the little spider included in the drawing :3 Miles FOSHO draws all over the whiteboard all the time. I love it.
5) I love love LOVE the stickers he put on the drawers, and I'm guessing there also from video games, but again, not good with logos. If anyone knows though please tell me and I will put it on here.
6) I think it's neat that they have a poster of a bunch of cassette tapes on the door. That was definitely Miles's doing, as well as the record player that i found in there (it's his way of honoring Aaron.)
7) Peep the No Expectations drawing on Miles's side of the bunk. I love the little Easter eggs all over. This is so special to me. Makes me think of the Chekhov's gun principal that they did with the Spider in ITSV and are continuing in Across.
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8) Ohhhhh so he's a soccer guy. I wonder if he likes the sport, players, or had played it himself. Maybe that's why he got buff, bit I doubt it (BRING ME BACK LOSER NERD CHUB GANKE)
9) Taking a look at the photographs that Ganke has and comparing them to what I could find in the final product. Ganke has a camera on his desk, so obviously he takes all of these himself, but we will get to that later.
10) This looks like a picture of himself to me. Self portrait. Look at that blurred out smile. It's either him, or one of his parents, but I'm guessing it's of himself. Did someone take that for him, or did he take it? Maybe it was Miles.
11) might again be a stretch, but it looks almost like two people leaning against each other. Headcanon that Ganke is just like Lilo and takes pictures of random people interacting for funsies (reminds me of them Gwen & Miles leaned on each other on the building but I have HIGH doubts it is that)
12) ..Again, just bullshitting here. But this reminds me of the scene from ITSV where Gwen and Miles first were introduced to each other. Could he totally off, but there were a lot of kids in the background that resembled and could have been Ganke. Who knows what that kid does in his free time. (I bet he has a lot of photos of Miles that he doesn't know about...)
13) i don't have any idea of what this could be but uhh.... we're open to discussion. Train???
14) Looks like a party. A school dance perhaps? Winter formal? Homecoming? Something. Reminds me of the Prom scene in Gwen's universe.
I absolutely love all the stuff they have in their dorm room for food. Those sillies!! Look at them! Eating dinner together! Fully equipped! Who owns this shit! Banking on Ganke owning most of it because like... just look at his fucking setup.
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15) Here's that record player I was talking about!!!! I wonder if it's a brand new one of something Miles got when they went through Aaron's stuff after he died...
16) Coffee machine even though Ganke drinks like 7 energy drinks a day (this boys' coffee addiction is.... wow. Also personally I feel like Miles wouldn't really be too fond of coffee. Imagine if the caffeine messed with his venom strike and caused him to chock everything and himself a billion times lmao)
17) what is this???? Is this some kind of like.... portable burner, or something?????? So they can boil water/use a pan??????? If anybody knows it would be GREATLY appreciated.
18) We've seen the air fryer/rice cooker with googly eyes and I love that... oh, I bet that was Miles's doing. Maybe as a prank or a joke to mess with Ganke and they kept it. There's so much personality here.
19) ignoring the condiments for a moment- THEY AHVE A MINIFRIDGE???? DO THEY EVER NEED TO LEAVE THEIR DORM, ACTUALLY????? It almost looks like it has sparkling/seltzer water in it but.. gross. They really decked this place out, huh.
20) and in ITSV there's a microwave too. Everything to fuel Ganke's crippling chronically online illness.
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21) SPRAY CANS!!!! Oh how wonderful. These are hidden/scattered throughout their finished dorm, too. I love that. I wonder if Ganke and Miles ever become delinquents and go off to graffiti stuff. (However, I don't see Ganke as being very artistic when it comes to things like that, so maybe he just tags along with Miles and acts as lookout.
22) FIDGET spinner!!!!!!! Oh boy. Oh boy. I know that these were a big thing a couple years back, but please consider... Audhd Ganke.... thank you.
23) is this an alarm clock? Radio???? Why do they need another source for music when they have like... three.. seperate ways.... okay.
24) You cannot convince me that this isn't Yoda. Or at least a similar character.. but I'm banking on Yoda. WHY DID THEY CHANGE SO MUCH STUFF THERE WAS SO MUCH PERSONALITY HEREEEEEEER
25) look at this slanted ass bowl. This supports something I will talk about later, but keep him in mind.
26) SKATEBOARD! Does Ganke skateboard??? Oh man. Oh boy. It's Canon because I said so. Skateboary Ganke!! You think he goes somewhere with Miles just to show off the tricks that he knows. I do. It's also his because it's leaning on his bed and there is a pretty clear separation of whose side of the room is whose.
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27) Here is laptop #1
28) BIGASS speakers they deafen EVERYONE when they start playing music.
29) HIS FUCKING PC??? BROTHER, WHY DOES HE HAVE THAT EXPENSIVE ASS PIECE OF EQUIPMENT IN HIS DORM ROOM. WHAT DOES HE HAVE AT HOME?????? Bros got eh curved screen and everyrhing. Also is he making MUSIC. Ganke in his producer era (what genre do you think he makes?) Also, not pictured, but he has a Webcam, too. StreamerGanke....
30) HERES THAT CAMERA I MENTUONED EARLIER!!!! He has hobbies other than gaming like... photographing Miles.. and......... taking.. pictures of Miles..
31) is this some kind of console, maybe? We see him playing the Spider-Man 2 game, which is playable on both PC and Playstation, but I'm pretty sure it's confirmed that Ganke is, in fact, playing it on his ps5 (do not quote me on this that is what Google has told me...)
32) his professional-ass microphone.... pray that nobody ever finds out the kind of LOOT you have, Lee, or you will be robbed blind. (Not sure if this is still kept in the finished version, I'll have to check) ((also the stuff on his bulletin board? Brother.... broski you live with him.. you don't need to have him beside you on the daily))
33) This looks like an IPad to me, but I could br wrong. Also, he's watching Miles on it!!! COME ON. I know Spider-Man is his favorite superhero and all.. but come on, this is "person-who-has-crush-behavior" and I don't think that's too wild of me to say...
34) look at him with his little soundboard!! In the final version it ends up looking more like a keyboard than what it does right now, but he obviously makes music on the side as well. He's so dear to me.
35) This little drawer pulls out on his desk!! Where he stops his billionth keyboard and mouse. (In another angle of their dorm, in ITSV, their is a random unused keyboard propped up against the wall)
36) ANOTHER FUCKING LAPTOP. Bro has one for his games, one for school, one for talking to his online friends, and one for coding stg /hyperbolic
37) Here is the console for his computer. Simply that. Just astounding to me.
Just look at how much mire comfortable they are with each other now versus ITSV!!!!!! Good friends, good match, good sillies. The only thing I DONT like is the inconsistencies of the room... but perhaps they got a different dorm room this year and still chose to bed down together. Historians will just call them best friends.. rommates... anything but lovers.
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Oh you thought I was done?
No, I have one more thing to say.
One more tiny, tiny detail I fished out while studying their room.
Are you ready?
In the concept art.
Underneath Ganke's desk.
Is a bag.
And what's on that bag?
Some pins.
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Oh but what's that?
That yellow one??
Is that the intersex flag?
Is that another game logo that I'm too uncultured to understand, is that just a coincidence, or, is Ganke intersex?
I don't know enough about people that are intersex to get into it, but.. Has anybody else noticed this?
I can't find it in the finished version... but. But guys. Guys.
Please tell me your thoughts on this.
I'm going to analyze that scene in ITSV with the hyperlapse of Miles sleeping and Ganke.. dicking off all night next. Might not be tomorrow but it will happen.
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I gave Ganke longer hair because he looks bald without it. THATS ALL BYE
Part 1.5
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hollowfaith · 11 months
❛ that is… literally illegal. you’re describing something illegal. ❜
Sitting at the sunny table of the Spirale University library, the angel deigned to raise his delicate gold lashes with the faintest trace of perplexity.
"I don't quite understand what you mean."
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"Surely it's no issue if the subject personally consents?"
"But...it's still not right! You can't just take away someone's free will like that! It's—it's brainwashing."
"With consent," Aurelius replied brightly, holding up a law book. "Quite permissible under current times and with the right forms, if you'll just read Appendix IV, Section 4.32, in this tidbit here regarding mental health—" he paused. "Do you recall our discussion on lobotomies? It is quite similar but with far less risks, as the procedure is perfectly reversible."
Zhilan slammed the table in an uncharacteristic show of indignation as he leaned forward. "How are any of them going to ask you to reverse it when they won't remember anything except—except how loyal they are to you?!"
Aurelius closed the book and set it aside. Mortal laws could only get him so far—it was now time to debate the merits of the metaphysical.
"The human pysche is a remarkable thing, apt to perform best in the most trying of circumstances. If such weak-willed souls have gathered enough resolve to resist my powers, then it proves they're ready to accept their identities again. I will naturally release them from my hold then."
"Would you really let them go?" Zhilan was skeptical. The question only made Aurelius frown.
"I have no interest in keeping a petting zoo of docile halfwits. The fact that I look after them at all is already an act of charity. Besides," he went on pleasantly, "This is only reserved for the most hopeless cases. You will find that my staff is perfectly capable of handling the rest in the normal human ways."
"It's still illegal..."
"Are you really so eager to follow the laws of a place that took us here by force?"
"It's not just here! It's illegal...everywhere!" Isn't that just common sense?
"Very well then, I'll be sure to keep the records off the books. My gratitude for your input, though I gather you aren't a member of the law profession yourself."
Zhilan had plenty more to refute, but it seemed Aurelius was done listening. He gathered his books, stood up from his seat, and left with a small nod of his head, though not before sliding an elegant white business card across the table.
"Do come by for a visit when we open. I believe it'll be far pleasanter than whatever nightmares you're imagining."
As he left, the scholar studied the embossed design of a silver wing framed by gold on the paper before his eyes rested on the black text on the bottom.
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wcatradio · 1 year
In this episode of The Catholic Bookworm, Kiki Latimer interviews Ronda Chervin on her book Talkaholics: Fate or Work-in-Process (March 31, 2023) Why would I ever think I talk too much? Here are some tiny stories to show you why:“Ronda,” asked my spiritual director, “what would it be like if you joined a table (at the seminary where I was teaching and took my meals) and didn’t talk first?”“Ronda,” a co-professor at a university told me: “when you interrupt me while I am talking it feels as if you think nothing I am saying is important, only what you say!”“Ronda,” a mentor asked me: “how many sentences do you enunciate which start with the word I”?“Ronda,” someone said: “it’s as if when I talk your foot is on the brake, but ready in a second to jump onto the accelerator to say what you wanted to say, not as a response, but just what you happen to think is more important.”During a conversation with another talkaholic, David Dowd, a co-author of mine of the book “Always a New Beginning, ” we joked this way: “How about we start a group called Talkaholics Anonymous?” Talkaholics: Fate or Work-in-Process? | En Route Books and Media
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49311grayson · 2 years
[Batfamily] Adjective
me: Use one word to describe Dick.
Bruce: ……Hopeful, is one of it.
Alfred: Sincere. (saying proudly)
Jason: Definitely a talkaholic. Talking to him never run out of conversation, he can always start a new one. (rolling eyes)
Tim: Considerate. He helps me a lot in a lot of things.
Stephanie: Agree. You can't find a better listener than Dick.
Barbara: Energetic, for sure. One of the reasons I love him so much. (smiling)
Cassandra: Kind.
Luke: Beautiful. ……Don't stare at me like that. I'm talking about his movements when fighting.
Dick: Awww. I love you guys! (be touched) How about you, little D?
Damian: Sexy.
everyone: (staring at Damian)
Damian: (shrugging) What?
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wordtowords · 11 months
Imprimatur, ADD, and the Talkaholic
imprimatur - noun - a person's acceptance or guarantee that something is of a good standard (Google).
The other day, I came across this word in a somewhat facetious text message that a fellow member of my book club had sent to the group. Apparently, her daughter issues the same imprimatur, "That's funny" to all examples of humor, no matter what. As I put down my iPhone, I asked myself this question: If someone uses the same catch phrase all the time in response to whatever, is the person truly listening? Did the person actually hear and comprehend what was just spoken? I would wager that the answer could be no. As I get older, I am realizing that listening to others can be a behemoth task, especially if the diagnosis is ADD and the speakers provide TMI, too much information, but not the salacious kind.
ADD, Attention Deficit Disorder, can affect not only children but adults, too. Mine comes and goes, which makes me think that what I have is voluntary ADD as opposed to involuntary. Simply put, I select what I want to hear and disregard the rest. Like a kindergartener, my attention span is limited. It has been said that small children can only concentrate for a sustained period of about 25 minutes. I think I can only focus on what is being told to me for only five minutes, but it varies depending on the speaker and the content. 
I have found that I have little patience for "talkaholics," communicators who jabber interminably sans  breaths at points of punctuation. If there are indeed any end points, these folks make it impossible to tell. Oddly enough, I know more garrulous men than women, and they tend to be bachelors. Which isn't surprising. People who live alone can be lonely. When placed in social situations, they overreact/overcompensate in a sense, becoming grand mal communicators at the expense of their listeners. At present, I am trying to avoid a new male friend, who talks so incessantly about himself that I can't get a word in edgewise. It's frustrating as I find that I am forced to step on his words just to participate in the conversation. It feels like being on the losing end of a tug-a-war rope.
If you are open to it, here is some practical advice from a former Public Speaking teacher (i.e. me): 
If you are self-aware, most likely you already know whether or not you are a talkaholic. Unfortunately, there isn't an AA equivalent for those afflicted with this malady. Whatever or whoever you are, just be cognizant that your receivers can be suffering from ADD. Limit what you have to say so that there is genuine give and take. Without the interplay, there is really no conversation, just a monologue or soliloquy that perhaps belongs on a stage rather than in two-way communication. 
Considering the state of affairs nationally and internationally these days, there is a lot to talk about. I will issue an imprimatur of excellence (A+) to those who can step up and step back to allow for a balanced, equitable conversation. 
Thanks for "listening." 
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art-of-manliness · 1 year
Podcast #882: The Power of Keeping Your Mouth Shut in a World That Won’t Stop Talking
We live in a chatter-filled world. People will talk your ear off when you see them in person and everyone is constantly sharing their thoughts online. But my guest would say that all this chatter may be hurting us more than we know, and it would be better to close our pieholes and sit on our typing fingers a lot more often than we do. His name is Dan Lyons, and he’s the author of STFU: The Power of Keeping Your Mouth Shut in an Endlessly Noisy World. Today on the show, Dan unpacks how being quiet and speaking with greater intention can improve your life. We discuss why some people tend to overtalk more than others and the six types of overtalkers out there, from the blurter to the most extreme case, the talkaholic, for whom overtalking is practically an addiction. We then discuss not getting sucked into spouting off online, avoiding conversational narcissism, the argument for spending less time working on your personal brand and more time doing quality work, how silence is power, how the best way to deal with issues in a marriage may be by not talking about them, and more.  Resources Related to the Podcast * AoM Article: The Virtuous Life — Silence * AoM Article: The Spiritual Disciplines — Silence * AoM Article: The Quiet Man’s Power * AoM Podcast #389: What It Means to Be a Quiet Professional * AoM Article: How to Avoid Conversational Narcissism * AoM Article: Why the Secret of a Happy, Successful Marriage Is Treating It Like a Bank Account * AoM series on becoming a better listener * Jonathan Haidt on how social media is causing a mental illness epidemic in teenage girls  * “Millions of Followers? For Book Sales, ‘It’s Unreliable'” * International Listening Association  Connect With Dan Lyons * Dan’s website Listen to the Podcast! (And don’t forget to leave us a review!) Listen to the episode on a separate page. Download this episode. Subscribe to the podcast in the media player of your choice. Listen ad-free on Stitcher Premium; get a free month when you use code “manliness” at checkout. Podcast Sponsors Click here to see a full list of our podcast sponsors. Read the Transcript The post Podcast #882: The Power of Keeping Your Mouth Shut in a World That Won’t Stop Talking appeared first on The Art of Manliness. http://dlvr.it/SlYlBs
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tonkiyu · 2 years
Yakyak yak
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Will and company loved the idea of the puzzle theme, but felt it didn’t have the same ring as the other three theme entries. As a matter of fact, TATTLETALE was in the first version. I love playing with the onomatopoeia of words like BLABBERMOUTH and TATTLETALE. Every few weeks she would send a note home to my parents, coming up with a new way to say I talked too much! I was “outspoken,” “chatty,” “loquacious” (We had to look that one up!), “vocally engaged” and on and on. Evelyn Singer, at Northrop Collegiate School for girls in Minneapolis, circa 1970. This puzzle is near and dear to me and is a tribute to my seventh-grade English teacher, Mrs. It also makes its New York Times Crossword debut in this puzzle. TALKAHOLIC does not get a lot of hits on Google, but it is a thing. I had not heard 17A’s TALKAHOLIC or 44A’s BLATHERSKITE (Ah! My research department informs me that the last time BLATHERSKITE was in a New York Times Crossword, it was before I was solving on a regular basis), but they are certainly fun, lively words. Of these, I was most familiar with 27A’s BLABBERMOUTH and 59A’s CHATTERBOX. Michaels offers us a set of four words that describe someone who talks a lot. state postal abbreviations” is MALAWI (MA for Massachusetts, LA for Louisiana and WI for Wisconsin). The “African nation whose name consists of three U.S. Am I alone in this? What words make you laugh?ĥ2A: I love trivia-style clues. Tricky Cluesġ0A: Everyone here knows that, although the country is now called Thailand, because the story takes place in the 19th century, when the country was called SIAM, right? Right.Ģ2A: I probably need to look into this with a medical professional, but the word THWART is the only one in the English language that can send me into peals of laughter. Be careful with words like “Really?” or “Wow!” because they will trigger a sidebar explanation of everything the speaker just said, after which he or she will continue with the original story and keep talking until it’s time for one or both of you to start collecting Social Security.Īnd now, I will stop blathering and start explaining. The key to getting through a one-sided conversation while conscious is to maintain eye contact while interjecting an interest-feigning sound like “Huh!” every now and then. I also have been on some wonderful trips to blissful places in my head, made mental to-do lists and wondered what my dog was doing at home, all while I was busy appearing to be listening. Try not to snore, because that’s a sure giveaway, and it’s often a cue to the compulsive talker to - heaven forbid - start their story all over again (“You made me lose my place! Now where was I? You know what, let me start from the beginning ….”) The trick is to master the dual arts of sleeping with your eyes open and not falling out of your chair, because those are both clues that you might not actually be listening. I take some of my best naps when someone is relentlessly talking at me. Peaceful, isn’t it? Sure, it’s easy to get irritated because the other person is using up all the oxygen in the room, but I think that’s an unproductive way to look at the situation. MONDAY PUZZLE - Have you ever been in conversation with someone who just goes on and on and on, talking until they’re blue in the face without letting anyone get a word in edgewise?
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daphinatrix · 4 years
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psychologyroots · 3 years
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Talkaholic Scale Talkaholic Scale Here in this post, we ... #psychologyscale #researchscale #talk #talkaholic #talkaholicscale
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lyrical4ces · 4 years
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DJ Raze – Talkaholic Plug Superstar DJ Raze is here with the Gang 1st official mixtape tagged ‘Talkaholic Plug‘, powered by Talkaholic Gang.
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Can anybody else see 42 Ganke using horrible brainrot language just to piss Miles off.
"Yeah so then I whipped around and fuckin' venom punched him in the face." (Miles!42 has the same concept for naming things as 1610, or he's just a liar and a thief)
"On skibidi?"
"Dude shut the fuck up like actually. What is wrong with you. Where are you learning this." (Miles is not an internet kid like Ganke is)
"Bro what are you talking about my rizz game is literally on point."
"Ganke, you literally walked up to me, sweating, whispered *gyatt* while stammering like 6 times, and then immediately turned and ran into a wall."
"Okay but like did it work..."
Miles: sneezes
Ganke: "Awww are you allergic to my Alpha male energy, kitten?"
Ganke: sitting alone in a dark office in front of a huge screen in what appears to be a villians lair. Everything is quiet, intimidating as shit. Miles is approaching him from behind, planning on taking him down, however, he pauses when Ganke turns around....
"Errrmmmm... what the sigma ☝️🤓"
Miles actually cannot stand it and forcibly drags Ganke away from his 5 laptops/monitors (where he has a RIDICULOUSLY high screen time) and makes him go outside. Brings him to a park. Watched him touch grass. Sprays him with a hose maybe when he tries to look at his phone. Ganke won't tell him, but he likes the attention.
Thank you for coming to my stupid ass Ted Talk.
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Hi! So a while ago you wrote a story about Rodimus's Conjux that was thought to be dead but was found on an alien planet half dead. Could you please write a part 2 for that?
A lot of things had happened after you crash-landed on that planet and went missing. Optimus died and Hot Rod- no, Rodimus, became the Prime but then Optimus came back to life, Megatron gave up on the war, Starscream became the leader of Cybertron and now Rodimus is the co-captain of a ship looking for Cybertopia. Really, it sounded like something you’d hallucinate after drinking some bad high-grade but it was all true.
You glanced at Rodimus who was talking with the bartender, Swerve you believed his name was, ordering some drinks. Your optics raked over his frame, trying to fathom that this mech really was your Hot Rod. Last time you had seen him he had just barely reached your chest and his paint job had been much more pink. He really had changed a lot.
When Rodimus came back to the table, two cubes of high-grade in his hands, you smiled at him on reflex before taking one of the cubes he was handing to you. He smiled back as he sat down on the seat next to you. “I got these for free. Swerve said they were for celebrating ‘the reunion of two lost lovers.’”
“How nice of him” you commented before taking a quick sip. The high-grade made your mouth tingle in the most pleasant way and a distant part of your mind quipped that this was the first taste of real high-grade you had had in years.
“Yeah, Swerve’s a good mech, he’s just a bit of a talkaholic. Once you get him started he won’t shut up.”
“A bit like you then” you teased and Rodimus huffed, pouting oh so adorably.
“Ha-ha. Very funny.” Rodimus spread out on his seat and waved one of his arms around in the air. “I will let you know that I have matured quite a bit. Why, just last week Magnus told me my paper work was adequate! And coming from that mech I might as well have been given a Medal of Honor!”
Your smile faltered for a second. While being stranded, time might as well have stood still for you, but Hot Rod had been through a lot. He had grown. If it had been the old him, before the Matrix, he would have clambered up to sit in your lap instead of just sitting next to you. And paper work? The old Hot Rod would have rather eaten his left pede than sit at a desk. He had never been the responsible type. Had he outgrown you while you were gone?
Not wanting to sour the mood you elbowed him in the side and laughed. “Paper work, Rodimus? Oh, the world must be ending! Soon you’re going to tell me that Prowl have settled down and retired to a beach planet!” Rodimus let out a snorting laugh and after taking a quick swig of his drink he threw his arm around your shoulders. You leaned into his touch.
“The day that happens is the day I paint myself green and call myself Springer!”Both of you laughed and you were just about to take another sip of your high-grade when you noticed that a bot was approaching your table. It was the empurata, Whirl, you remembered. He had been one of the bots to find you.
Without even asking if the seat was taken, Whirl sat down on the seat across from you. He tucked his pincers underneath his helmet and stared at you and Rodimus. “I see that you’re finally up and running. Good! It would have been a waste to have you restricted to berth!” You smiled at Whirl. While you didn’t know a lot about him he was one of your saviors and the reason you got to see your Hot Rod again so you liked him already.
“Yes, Ratchet have me the all clear-sign just earlier. Rodimus decided to celebrate by taking me here.”
“Well you certainly look fine to me! If you know what I mean.” Whirl turned his optic on and off again in an imitation of a wink and you just laughed. Some friendly flirting were always fun. Deciding to humor him, you leaned in over the table and gave him a confident smirk.
“You look mighty fine yourself, Whirl. May I say, your chassis looks absolutely stunning this evening.” Now it was Whirl’s turn to laugh, throwing his head back to let out a barking laugh before leaning forward towards you, his optic bright.
“Why, thank you. Feel free to take a closer look later if you enjoy the sight of it so much.”
You were just about to say something in response when suddenly Rodimus started crawling over you, almost spilling your drink as he did. You stared down at him but he wasn’t looking at you. Instead he was glaring at Whirl, frowning. He then sat down on your lap, grabbed your arms and pulled them around himself. Still frowning, Rodimus stuck his nose up in the air. “Sorry Whirl, they don’t have time for that. The two of us are going to spend a lot of time together to catch up on the time we lost.” He glanced up at you, optics twinkling. “Right babe?”
For a second you were silent, trying to comprehend why he was acting this way, when it dawned on you. You cackled before leaning down and kissing him. “Of course. Sorry Whirl, I’ll have to take you up on your offer some other time.”
Radiating amusement, Whirl just shook his head. “Your loss. You lovebirds have fun together.” How a mech without a face could smile you had no idea but Whirl stood up and left the table, leaving you alone with Rodimus still in your lap. You gazed down at him with soft optics.
“Jealous, Rodimus?” He pouted for a second before it transformed into a smile.
“Can I really be blamed if I want all your attention for myself?”
You chuckled. “No, not really. Not when I feel the same way.” Once again you kissed him and you felt some of your fear and worries melt away. Perhaps you were worrying too much. After all, it appeared Hot Rod was still very much the same mech you had fallen in love with all those years ago.
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recurringwriter · 3 years
fic is up to 7.7k words and guess who just showed up to triple that count? our local talkaholic percival narcisse fraldarius
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n2r-au · 3 years
Headcanon: Since Neon J is basically just my grandpa but a robot toymaker; when he gets older than he is already he becomes a talkaholic.
I love my Grandpa, but good lord he talks a lot. XD
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land-under-wave · 7 years
Is there any sort of happy ending for Hotaru?
There isn’t exactly a simple way to answer this, but the short, cop-out version is .. . it depends?
The longer version is that Hotaru could have a happy ending. Assuming you want him to return to the way he was, with a f*ckton of therapy and counseling and hard work, it’s possible that Gakushu returns to being someone who resembles his high school self. But for that to happen, Gakushu would have to want to return to being that person.
The expanded version of Hotaru is going to flesh this out, but Gakushu has no intention of reverting to his former self. He’s achieved a sort of contentedness with his current state. Even if everyone else is horrified at what he’s become, he himself is at peace with it. And that, in a way, is a happy ending.
It might not sound that happy, but part of that is because Hotaru is told from Karma’s perspective, with his inherent biases. To Karma, Gakushu has always been his rival, and he’s suddenly discovering that Gakushu has grown past that point, leaving him behind. Karma likes the old Gakushu better in part because he’s a lot more fun for Karma, and Karma’s sort of held him in his head as a concept over these years to have someone to compete against, to drive him forward. He is genuinely horrified that Gakushu has lost his individuality, but it’s mixed in with the horror that he’s lost his place in Gakushu’s life and that Gakushu can no longer be that somewhat idealized rival figure for him anymore.
I think itis possible that Gakushu may decide to work towards unbreaking himself. I think enough exposure to Karma might make him remember the good things about the way he was, reawaken the spark in him. But that’s a long ways off, if it does happen at all. And even if he decides to work towards that, he’ll never be whole again. Considering how unnerved Karma is by this Gakushu, I don’t think it’s very likely.  
So back to my original answer. The reason I said, “It depends,” is because it depends onhow you’re defining a happy ending. If you’re defining it as “Gakushu being happy,” then it’s already a happy ending. If you’re defining it as, “Karushuu becomes a reality,” then maybe, in the future. There’s a chance. If you’re defining it as, “Gakushu returns to normal,” then that’s the same as the Karushuu question. I’m not sure whether you meant any flavor of a specific happy ending above or anything that could possibly construed as happy when you asked about “any sort of happy ending,” so if you meant the latter, then yes; if you meant the former, you might have to clarify the ending you were talking about. I tried to cover every one I could think of, but I am notoriously good at missing really obvious answers. It’s probably a lot clearer why I took so long to answer this question now, huh?
Aaaaand I took a yes/no answer and wrote a paragraphs-long monologue. Which would’ve been even longer except I cut out some of the spoilers about the expanded Hotaru and a slightly off-topic section about the meaning of the name. Um. I’m sorry? I hope the answer to your question is buried somewhere in here.
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bradshore · 5 years
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