#Technical Analysis Classes
streetinvestment · 10 months
Sensex slides 304 pts, IT stocks under pressure.
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sstradingacademy · 2 years
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If you want to become an Professional Technical Analyst In Just One Month. So, Enroll Now For Our Best Technical Analysis Course Online. In This Course We will discussed basic to advanced level of Technical Analysis. Let's talk some basic points.
Technical analysis is the examination of historical market data with the goal of spotting patterns and forecasting market behaviour. Charts and other tools are used by technical analysts to spot patterns that can indicate future action.
Although it is not a precise science, technical analysis can be a useful tool for traders and investors to spot opportunities and make more sensible choices. There are numerous methods that can be employed, and no one strategy is best for everyone. Gaining knowledge of technical analysis can help you develop your trading and investment abilities.
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ophthalmotropy · 2 days
There aren't enough fucking hours in the day to get real good at chess, violin, piano, singing, crosswords, film photography, contemporary dance, literary analysis, writing, film criticism, historical analysis, political commentary, tennis, Latin, French, German, Italian, identification of invertebrates, programming, cooking, musical composition, watercolour painting, philosophy, stage acting, fencing, psychoanalysis, and sickoposting online.
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whamss · 6 months
Every now and then I think I'm kind of sleeping on classpect analysis, but also what you have to understand about me is that I'm way less enchanted by the act of defining classes and aspects and way moreso by how individual Characters contextualize their relationship with their aspects and assign meaning to it based on their experiences
Something that I always found striking about late Act 6 Kanaya was the way she recontextualizes her relationship with her aspect as something so specific to her and her own experiences. Something about the juxtaposition between Alt Calliope mapping out hard rules about her classpect, saying "This is what it means to be a Space player" "This is what it means to be X" while Kanaya talks about how her experiences formulated her own relationship with her classpect. It's a fascinating difference between them where I never think that the story tries to say that either of them are Wrong about how they view Space. But there's such an underappreciated depth there where Calliope is demonstrated to be somebody who's obsessed with rules, strict categorization, while Kanaya says "this is what my experiences have told me, this is what Space means to Me." And Alt Calliope saying things like Space players are inseparably tied to loneliness are interesting claims, but also putting these beliefs in context with each other you can just as easily see how Alt Calliope's views of space can be formulated by her lifelong (deathlong) experience with isolation.
I think a big reason that I always found it hard to engage with a lot of classpect analysis is that there's this insistence that classpects must have strict categories that define people, when throughout the comic we consistently see how things like aspects and classes mean different things to different people. The way that Kanaya, Calliope, and Jade all see Space and their relationship to it is so so different, I sort of wonder if they'd have any common ground if they actually discussed it between each other (or wrote their thoughts down and passed it around, as Calliope would undoubtedly dominate that conversation lol). The same goes for Rose and Vriska with Light, the Time players... I don't know, it's striking to me. I can understand why the rumored Hussie Classpect doc is supposedly only a sentence or so per classpect because what do you even say? When the variety of experiences is so broad among them, it's impossible to define Classpects cohesively. Alternatively, aspects are something strictly defined by the meaning that people (characters) assign to them
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infernaltenor · 8 months
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missed their exact one year anniversary of the aquarium date but i figured id redraw it late anyway
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mayfay-analysis · 2 months
MHA Yandere Quirk Ideas
To preface this I'm not really into yandere stuff and such haven't explored it enough to know more than the bare bone basics. That being said I Am into quirks, and after getting inspired by @dystopyx-blog and @evilminji and their stuff decided to throw out ideas. It's not nearly as polished as my traditional quirk analysis but it's Something and I just haven't had the motivation to do something refined. So with that out of the way, Ideas
Aizawa: https://www.tumblr.com/threepandas/753060246354903040/exactly-if-youre-scary-hurting-your-target?source=share  (I already did a bit of this guy with Minji and there's more quirk based stuff hidden in another reblog chain)
Midoriya (It’s actually Inko but shush)- Not gonna touch OFA with a 10 foot pole but Midoriya himself is actually pretty interesting. They don’t have a natural quirk of their own, so what Is there acts as very convenient support for many of my theories surrounding vestigial quirks and quirk inheritance patterns (namely the fact they tend to follow the mothers line and quirks are a blend of the biological and magical, rather than being a stark divide). So what does this mean? Any sorta obsessive tendencies would be entirely unexpected in him!
Quirks have a major impact on their hosts biology, ranging from the physical to the mental to the near magical. Add to that their lingering changes passing on from one generation to the next, even when the actual quirk has long changed beyond recognition, and you have an Interesting mix. 
Midoriya (in this case) displays obsessive tendencies and other behaviors that leave him firmly in Yandere territory, but where oh where could he get that from? It honestly could be due to upbringing, he DID spend the vast majority of his developmental period in life heavily bullied and socially isolated which is bound to have Some sort of effect on him, but my bet is Inko. 
See, Inko has a mental quirk, something that is bound to have a major impact on her psychology. And while we never get to see much of her life, what we do know is that she loved Midoriya with all her heart and only really put her foot down for anything when he got seriously injured multiple times with little done to change that. We also see that she’s Very emotional, managing to literally worry herself into passing out during the sports festival MULTIPLE TIMES. That in itself is enough to give her the base to build yandere characteristics off of but on top of that she tries to keep all her known friends together (we only have Mitsuki as an example here, but she stayed close enough for Midoryia and Bakugo to end up with a strong enough foundation of a friendship to have their weird ass dynamic survive all the way to high school) and her husband “went overseas”. Now he very well might have, but we never do figure out MHA’s living wage to average wage ratio or how child support and potential tax exemptions due to children work (damn you Horikoshi) so Inko could very well be supporting Midoriya on just her wage, especially since production costs probably go way down with the introduction of quirks and potential tech advancement (particularly in building costs and how that might transfer over to cheaper rent). And failing that she could very well be utilizing a portion of some sort of life insurance or inheritance. That of course does lead to the question of WHY  Inko might have disposed of her husband, but there’s plenty of possible reasons for that. Top ones I can think of is how quirks tend to relate to personalities in some way (clarification at the end of Midoryias section), and a fire quirk would be particularly dangerous. Fear for Midoriya's safety due to his quirkless status and Hisashi’s theoretical anger issues. Or maybe Midoryia didn’t factor in at all and rather Hisashi’s quirk was a super dangerous mix with Bakugos when his quirk first came in. Hisashi would’ve posed a serious threat to her friends kids safety just by Existing near him (assuming some sort of passive or unintentional activation, like sparks).
So, Inko matches enough boxes to be a yandere! Happy days, but what about Midoriya? Well, I might’ve forgotten about him but pretty much everything we went over with Inko could carry over to Midoryia. Obsessed with friends, inherited mutations to the brain (heavily supported by his seemingly super high intelligence, analysis, and anxiety seeming to mostly match Inko, meaning it could have ties to her quirk and the supporting mutations it came with and passed down), a willingness to endanger lives for the sake of friends (USJ, Kamino, debatably Overhaul and Gentle/La Brava), and overly emotional. Enough on its own, but added to that are the more behavioral things that likely only popped up in him (or simply weren’t shown in Inko’s screen time). Stuff like his analytical abilities (supported by his obsessive behavior), willingness to put up with far too much for the sake of friendship, and attachment issues stemming from the previously mentioned social isolation (interestingly NOT translating over to being touchy feely, as that usually gets initiated by someone else instead and seems to leave him uncomfortable, though that could be due to the instinctual connections to Bakugo’s bullying and turn right around once he’s comfortable enough with someone, something I think is shown with his willingness to hug Inko whenever possible, though my memory is spotty there).
So yeah, I don’t know enough about yandere stuff to know what that all actually builds into, but I leave it to you, like a cat leaving a dead bird at the doorstep.
For clarification on quirks impacting personalities I actually think that, outside of a few exceptions like Bakugo, this has more to do with societal expectations than biology. Now mutations could definitely play a role, such as increasing adrenaline production or heightened senses leading to sensory overload, but growing up being expected and forgiven for being mad all the time because you have a fire quirk, and then being met with confusion and hesitancy when you move out of that stereotype, is a great way to raise a child/young adult to meet every emotion and interaction with anger.
Ashido: The tail end of a mutant line (clarification is worth a whole post, but basically she has an ancestor who was a mutant, which has an influence on her quirk) that I suspect was based on some sort of horned lizard based on the horns, acid secretion, black sclera, and very loosely her hair acting kinda like a crest, making her appear larger in a way very reminiscent of horned lizards spikes around their head (her pink skin actually isn’t a mutation, but instead a sort of stain from a reaction her acid has on her skin, though some horned lizards do have minor control over their coloration that could be tied to that). Many of the base mutations in the original lizard quirk are likely long gone but some relevant ones may remain. Stuff like their burrowing habits (translating over to blanket forts and digging under the covers in Ashido), more meat based diet, ambush hunting strategy, and preference for warm places.
Asui: While not a “pure mutant” Asui still has TONS of frog behaviors and that’s likely to leak through in any sort of yandere situation. Unfortunately I never did manage to narrow down what frog species she’s closest too, but she’s pretty similar to Ashido with some standard stuff like ambush predator instincts, preference for warm environments, meat based diet, and potentially even the burrowing instincts. Less like Ashido would be the strong desire for water/humidity, potential climbing habits, occasional loud vocalizations (though I think that actually was greatly diminished when being passed on, being the source of her “ribbit” at the end of sentences rather than a loud croak), and shy behavior that turns into intense aggression when jealous (though that last one may be applicable to horned lizards, it’s not nearly to the same degree. Frogs are vicious man). Added to all the biology is the more societal impacts on Asui, with many mutants being discriminated against (especially one as noticeable as her), made worse by any lingering prey instincts potentially flaring up around other mutants. Not nearly as intense as Midoryias situation but still very isolating. This is made worse by the lack of accessibility for mutants (they’re very accommodated for in UA, but any scenes outside show a very baseline human centric design, something made note of in the Vigilantes spin off series, though admittedly that was focused on large mutants), so who knows what was expected of her growing up both physically and mentally. Girl is accidental autistic representation with how much masking she likely had to learn, and still comes off as off putting and blunt (it’s entirely possible she IS in fact autistic, but we don’t get enough screen time to make any proper conclusions there)
Iida: Very little to work with quirk wise here outside of some minor mutations to the brain's processing speed during quirk use and maybe some slightly higher spatial awareness, but Iida’s far from a lost cause. He grew up VERY restrained, only ever really showing strong emotions when (failing to) reinforcing rules, panicking, or driven over the edge by Stain. Considering how he never seemed to speak with anyone about his feelings about Stain and the constant comparisons to a robot as a kid (shown in Vigilantes) it’s not a stretch to assume that any intense feelings would be buried and ignored until they built up and he had no choice but to address them. This would be made even worse thanks to the fact he grew up very upper class and has likely made his “role” his whole being. Being forced to confront the fact he’s not a 2 dimensional being who follows every rule perfectly and doesn’t have any unsightly emotions is gonna be *rough*. Especially since the only other time this has happened was with Stain, which is a whole other can of worms.
Uraraka: Million ways to interpret her quirk but there’s a good chance for mental mutations that were originally meant for supporting her higher spatial awareness but led to her wanting her people around her, not to mention any other unintended consequences messing with brain development might have. Also worth pointing out she doesn’t seem to have many friends in canon, only being particularly close to Midoryia, Iida, and debatably Asui and Ashido. No one she knew before coming to UA. Add to that her focus on making money and it’s entirely likely she grew up fairly lonely, spending her free time working or training instead of hanging out with friends (somewhat supported by her rather large quirk limits, even at the entrance exam. Some possibility she has a desire to touch stuff thanks to her quirk, explaining why she’s usually the one to initiate hugs and whatnot. This would potentially be made worse if touch based quirks are discouraged from touching people (very shakily supported at right before the entrance exam when she apologizes for using her quirk on Midoriya, despite just saving him from falling) and her hypothetical lonely lifestyle pre-UA leaving her somewhat touch starved
Other notable students I considered doing but lost the momentum to do were Yaoyorozu, Kaminari, Todoroki, Bakugo, Hagakure, and Shinso (Mineta would've been super easy but no, just no)
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unchartedentity · 9 months
Throwback to that time in 9th Grade where our Lord of the Flies Socratic Seminar essentially turned into everyone else in the group grilling me on symbolism and character development because I was the only person who actually understood the book.
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relicsongmel · 2 months
Being a music-based synesthete with absolute pitch is wonderful but so frustrating because the vast majority of people have no context for the way I experience music and thus whenever I try to explain it it makes no sense to them. What do you mean you can't tell what color this song is. What do you mean you don't hear a Bb minor chord and feel your body react to it before your brain does. What do you mean you can't feel the warm sunbeams of D major dancing across your face. My world is filled with musical color but even if people think it's cool they will never really see it and it makes me sad
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alientitty · 3 months
american economists will do anything to call as many people as possible middle class. ive seen some measures go straight from "poor" to "lower middle class" so they can avoiding even saying the word "worker." it's a great way to try and convince everyone that they're a potential business owner so that they side with policies that benefit million-dollar megacorps and real estate cartels because it's "good for business"
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nauticalynx · 8 months
the reaction to ruan mei so funny. shes not evil nobodys evil she just dont give a shit
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magentagalaxies · 1 year
i know i say this every week but i can't believe i'm seriously getting college credit for infodumping to my favorite professor about buddy cole for 45 minutes every thursday
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pallases · 1 year
YGHHHHFHF interviews are a joke
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unnamedcrane · 2 years
Who would've thought hyperfixating and studying psychology would go hand in hand
Probably multiple people but sh sh sh
But yeah i just kinda accidentally managed to make most notes we need to make this one group project analyzing a character just because i hyperfixated on that thing a while back ahahah
Like good for us less work when we meet up to do it together but also damn bestie calm down lets leave some of the work for the others
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stockvidyapeeth1 · 1 year
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loregoddess · 2 years
I've finished Ch11 in Engage, and like, no details bc spoilers obviously, but hrmmm the narrative is doing something and I haven't quite sorted it out in my head to even explain what it is doing, but it is so very good like, the narrative is actually so carefully and thoughtfully written in ways I was no expecting and I want to articulate it, but I haven't found the words yet, but hnngh
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wikibutch · 2 years
just revealed SUCH a fact about myself in the tags to a random post. childhood jasperism that absolutely nobody is surprised about
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