#Thalia: I would shit myself if I saw that coming at me while I was robbing a bank at night
newpercyjfan · 8 months
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“I plunge to my death” Percy Jackson Au
Ok first, if you somehow came up with this exact thing already, i wouldn’t know, I don’t even follow the Percy Jackson tag yet, but just tell me and I’ll take it down or tag it as an alt universe of your au and credit it, but I have like three other ones I’ll be posting so we’ll see.
- This au is connected to both the tv show and the book because I like what both did in terms of the arch episode.
- This mostly goes how the tv show episode goes, Percy gets poisoned, they get to the top of the arch, he sacrifices himself. But this time, he does pray to his dad as he falls over 100 ft to his death.
- His dad doesn’t answer. He’s the one who somehow last second, controls the water to save himself. He sinks to the bottom of the lake and gets stuck. He feels the poison and his wounds get slightly better.
-In this au, the nereid doesn’t actually help him get out of the water, because in this version it’s inspired by how in the books, when he left the water the wounds came back. If he leaves the lake, he could die.
- So he stays stuck there for almost three days while the nereids bring him seaweed and shit to eat, but eventually he gets sick of it.
- he learns that Poseidon didn’t really want him to leave, at least not yet, mainly because he knew if he left he would continue to be chased by monsters or die in some way and believed a war would come either way. Basically, if the Poseidon that said “heroes always end badly, I regret getting your mom pregnant” actually did something about it
- but of course, he can’t keep Perseus ‘I don’t listen to anybody but myself’ Jackson down in a lake without him going a lil crazy and he breaks the root holding him down and swims to shore, but the poison instantly kicks back in, and gets back in the water
- his father gifts him a hydrai (a large vase/urn basically that carry’s water) that holds basically a portal to the ocean in it. GUYS LISTEN, I HEARD THIS MYTH SOMEWHERE BUT WHEN I TRIED TO FIND THE SOURCE IT DISAPPEARED. I was positive I heard that there was a vase that held the ocean in it somewhere so just take my word 😭
- the mist makes it look like a water bottle with no label 😭💀💀💀
- Percy accepts the gift because he wants to get out of there, but he suddenly does not have a very good idea of the gods or specifically his father. I don’t think the nereid actually told him that his father really did care, at least a little bit, all he saw it as was his dad not thinking he would succeed/ he saw it as Zeus turning Thalia into a tree because he didn’t want to idk disprespect the other gods? Cause it was easier than defending her? That’s how Percy sees it anyways
- Meanwhile, Grover and annabeth are convinced he died. They looked and called for him, but there was no proof of his survival, so instead annabeth took his place in a lot of missions to fulfill the quest cause she’s a girl boss like that.
- I think her main theory of what happened to him is straight up “I saw him fall and didn’t see him land, so maybe he turned into the lake or a tree or something too” 💀😭
- anyways Percy gets chased by another monster but has no more fucks to give. He’s scary. He’s pale, has dark eyes and a taste for vengeance.
- he tries to find annabeth and Grover but they’re pretty ahead of him.
- my main idea is that they meet again in the underworld with hades and they are little wary honestly.
- also omg I didn’t think of this before but what if they thought, hey, he’s in the underworld, guess he did die 💀.
-But anyways what I thought would happen was annabeth and Grover get there first and annabeth has the backpack with the bolt in it. Hades asks if they wanted a trade and that’s why they came. He bluffs and tells them if they give him the bolt and the helmet he’d let go Percy’s mom or “bring back” percy. (Hades knows percy is not dead and is kinda pissed that Percy is constantly on the edge of death but making it because of his dad technically, and he can’t take him to punishment field or whatever he calls it idk)
- I think annabeth chooses percy and is about to give the bag over, but realizes he was tricked and he was never dead. But idk. There are so many diff ways this could go and I’d love to hear how you guys would write it. I’d love some reblog a that add to this idea.
Also I need unhinged percy content
(Sorry if the art or wording is bad, it’s late and I’m tired)
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ask-spidersisters · 2 years
Thalia: Holy shit! Athena leaves to go try and fix her main suit and comes back dressed in a edgy, badass new suit?!? That was fucking fast!
Athena: Natasha and Yelena made it for me apparently. And the timing couldn’t be better.
[attached an image of Athena dressed in an all black version of her main suit with a large red spider symbol on the chest, thin red lines on the seams and one of her hands up to show the red hourglass symbol in her palm. Her mask lenses shine a slight red in the light]
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thehopeofitalll · 3 years
2. enchanted.
THEY MEET! THEY MEET! anyways...just a suggestion, but you should probably listen to taylor swift's "enchanted" because, well it's an amazing song, what more can i say?
read it on ao3.
“Look who’s here!” Thalia said, grinning. “My…” She drummed her fingers against the table, making up for an imaginary drum roll, as a figure walked towards Annabeth, Jason and Thalia.
“...girlfriend!” Thalia finished, a rare smile on her face that she always showed to her aforementioned girlfriend.
“Reyna!” Annabeth exclaimed, smiling as she stood up to hug her friend. “You’re back? I thought you said it’d take you a few more months!”
“As you know,” Reyna began in a horrible imitation of a British accent, struggling to hold back her grin. “I am very well versed in the art of lying.”
“One of the truest things you’ve said in, like, your entire life I think,” Thalia added, getting a playful punch from her girlfriend.
“Still know how to be a badass, Chase?” Reyna asked, raising an eyebrow.
Annabeth smirked. “You should have figured that being a badass has been in my blood since I was born,” She replied.
“Maybe I could race you,” pondered Reyna. “It’d be fun to see you lose.”
“Hey! That’s not fair,” Annabeth muttered, folding her arms. “You’ve literally got a sports scholarship based on your running, and I bet you’ve practiced a lot all the way back in Berkeley.”
Reyna shrugged. “Yeah, you'd lose either way. So, it’s been a few years since we’ve seen each other and things have certainly changed. Someone’s got a little famous.”
“All because of her wonderful manager,” Thalia said, proudly.
“Oh shush,” Annabeth said, folding her arms. “Also, Thalia, about the whole getting-away-from-the-world-for-a-few-hours thing, I’m planning on sneaking away to Coney Island.”
“Coney Island?”
“Hey, I’ve wanted to go see it for a long time now, and this might be the perfect opportunity,” Annabeth reasoned.
“But so many people there could see you!” Thalia argued. “Like, thousands! It isn’t exactly the most secluded place for someone who wants to be anonymous and all that shit.”
“Relax, you know how good I am at disguising myself. I promise not to let the paparazzi get a hold of me. Okay?” Annabeth asked.
Thalia hesitated, then sighed. “Well…” she began. “Okay, fine. But you better be careful, young lady.”
“Yes, mom,” Annabeth said, rolling her eyes in Classic Annabeth Style, her voice dry with irony.
Usually it was Annabeth who was called “The Mom Friend” of the group (though she preferred to be the one who always advises her friends to not do the dumb shit they eventually end up doing. It wasn’t her fault she was the only one who had common sense).
“So?” Annabeth asked. “What’s the schedule for today?”
“Well, I’ve managed to give you around roughly two to three hours of free time, but besides that we’ve got the usual shooting. Thankfully, I think you have only a few scenes today, and I’m guessing the other stars are shooting most of their scenes today,” Thalia said, whipping out her clipboard.
“Late to work again, Perry Johansson?” Mr. D exclaimed, with a groan.
“Sorry, Mr. D!” Percy said, sheepishly. He’d thought it was a Sunday morning, pressed the snooze button on his alarm five times and was late to the cafe for work. “Won’t happen again!”
“That’s what you told a week back!”
“Rough morning, huh?” Percy’s best friend, Piper McLean, asked, her eyes surveying his more-dishevelled-than-usual hair.
“That would be an understatement,” Percy replied, groaning.
“Nightmares?” Piper asked.
He nodded, as she gave him a sympathetic look.
It was common knowledge to all of his friends that he had nightmares, caused by his abusive past. Sometimes he woke up, sweating, his throat sore after yelling in his sleep. When he stayed with his mom, and his stepdad, she would usually rush into the room as soon as the screaming began. But once he moved out, he learnt to calm himself down. It didn’t help though, he found himself having panic attacks while thrashing around in his bed.
“And, hm, let me guess,” Piper began, feigning to be in deep thought. “You stayed up all night painting?”
He rolled his eyes, confirming that she was correct. “The nightmares were getting too much for me,” he mumbled.
Piper nodded, staying silent. She, and all of his friends, knew about his past. It wasn’t exactly easy to hide the long scar that ran down your back, when you were the captain of your swim team back at school.
“Well,” he said, drawing out the l. “How are things with Jason? Didn’t you tell me that you started dating?”
“Yeah…” Piper smiled. “He’s amazing, Percy. He cares a lot about me. I think he’s...perfect.”
He grinned. “Well, years of screaming at both of you to date each other finally paid off,” he said.
“Yes, Jackson, I truly appreciate it,” Piper said sarcastically. She turned around to greet the customer who had just come in, with a perfect smile on her face. “Hello and welcome to Olympus!”
Percy pulled out his phone, scrolling through his nearly non-existent proof of his social life, not really paying attention. He eyed a few messages from his cousin, Thalia Grace, planning to reply to it later, when a single word caught his eyes:
Wait, what about Annabeth? he typed back hurriedly, fixing the typos that came along the way.
She replied almost immediately.
Knew that would catch your eyes, Kelp Head. - Pinecone Face
He let out a soft huff, but grinning affectionately nevertheless. He could literally hear the smirk in her message.
We’ve talked about this, Thalia. But what did she say?
Don’t worry, she didn’t say anything. I just mentioned her while reminding you about how dad wants you to come to dinner. And I know you well enough to figure out that you’d never check a message the first time you see it, unless it mentioned someone like, you know, Annabeth. - Pinecone Face.
You’re an asshole, Thals.
I know right! It’s one of the many things I’m good at, thinking of adding it to my resume~ - Pinecone Face.
He resisted the urge to roll his eyes. His eyes were trained on his phone as Thalia continued to be typing something more.
Don’t forget about the dinner! Dad specifically requested that you and Nico must be there, or something. - Pinecone Face.
He was going to type back a quick yeah, okay and head back to the front, where Piper was greeting customers, when another message from Thalia popped up.
Hey, if you’re lucky, we might even run into Annabeth ;) - Pinecone Face
Not the winky face, he replied, unable to stop the grin from coming on his face.
There I was again tonight forcing laughter, faking smiles Same old tired, lonely place Walls of insincerity Shifting eyes and vacancy vanished when I saw your face All I can say is it was enchanting to meet you. —🎡—
Percy yelled, “I’m leaving as soon as I finish three more orders, you hear me?”
“I hear you, alright!” Piper yelled back, as she picked up her phone and walked towards him.
“I honestly wonder why I’m such a good friend,” Percy said, leaning against the counter. “Why am I always the one who covers the last 15 minutes of his friend’s shift?”
“Because you love me, and think I’m the most amazing person to ever walk on earth,” Piper replied, grinning proudly, as she flicked her dark brown hair over her shoulder.
“Of course I do,” Percy said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. “Now, go meet Mr. Loverboy.”
“And you?” Piper asked. “What are you gonna be doing this evening?”
“Visiting the Ferris wheel in Coney Island,” Percy replied.
“Again?” Piper asked. “You were there, like, three weeks back. You need to get a social life, Perce.”
“Mm, I was just planning on spending my life with blue cookies,” he said. “And, it isn’t a waste of time. I learn more about landscapes and silhouettes, you know.”
“Ah yes, painting stuff,” Piper summed up. “Honestly, I don’t understand you at times, and we’ve been friends for so long.”
“I’m an artiste, Pipes,” Percy replied, grinning, with a terrible French accent on the artiste.
“Mhm, sure,” Piper mumbled. “Okay, don’t mess up the rest of the orders. I’ll see you soon.”
As Piper made her way out of the shop, Percy sighed. While he lazily waited for someone new to come in, he found himself bored, again.
He could blame his restlessness on his ADHD but in reality he never wanted to work here, he just needed some money while he struggled with becoming a popular artist, and he had to work here until the aquarium nearby finally accepted his resume. Then he’d be out of here.
He was tired. Tired of faking smiles, tired of seeing people bustling around in here, tired of vacant spaces. He couldn’t wait to leave this place behind him.
While he ruminated about this, another customer walked in, wearing a dark blue hoodie, with the hood pulled all the way down to their nose.
Percy stifled a groan and took his place at the counter. “Hey, welcome to Olympus Cafe. What would you like today?”
“One Chocolate Creme Frappuccino, please,” came the woman’s voice. He nodded, slightly pleased that he wasn’t the only one in the world who liked that drink off their menu.
He went inside to prepare her drink. When he came back, she was resting her head on her palm. “Name?” he asked.
“Oh? Uh, Annabe-Annabel,” she replied, stuttering a little bit.
He raised an eyebrow, but didn’t question her. Writing Annabel on the cup, he pushed a straw in her drink. “That’ll be $4.95,” he said.
She nodded, reaching to her pocket. Percy always hated this part of delivering an order: that awkward silence while the customer got out their money.
He looked at the woman before him, as she fumbled around while bringing out her wallet. He could barely see her, but she had tan skin and maybe he caught a few wisps of golden hair. A five dollar bill fell out of her wallet, floating towards the ground.
“Shit,” she muttered.
Percy tried to hide a smile at that. He didn’t know why a random woman before him mumbling profanities was amusing to him. She bent down to pick up the dollar, and when she stood up her hood had fallen. Percy looked at her, then suddenly stopped fidgeting around.
Was it…? It was.
He knew how she looked from their time in high school. Stormy grey eyes. Honey blonde hair. He definitely knew her, knew her all too well.
She quickly pushed the bill towards him, and pulled her hood back up. A faint flicker of recognition passed through those intimidating eyes, as he took the dollar.
He picked up the cup, and handed it to her. She reached out for the cup, her fingers slightly brushing against his. A little spark seemed to drive up his arm, and despite himself, he grinned goofily.
“It was enchanting to meet you,” He said, then winked at her.
She rolled her eyes in annoyance, a faint blush of red coating her cheeks nevertheless. “That’s the cheesiest thing I’ve ever heard,” she said, her voice low.
He continued to grin as she looked up, sea green eyes meeting grey, then turned around to leave the shop. There was no mistake about it. It was her. Annabeth.
Annabeth Chase.
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thejudgingtrash · 4 years
Virgin Percy and chad Annabeth omg
Here you go, love! :D Also kids feel free to stay away. It’s sfw/nothing explicit is going on, everyone is an adult but obviously there are small references about sex.
Let me swing that cliched trope, anon! :D also thank you again Torie @percyheartsannabeth ^^
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Red Solo Cup (WC: 2.4k)
It didn’t come as a surprise to Percy that Annabeth rushed past him into his apartment and threw herself onto the sofa. She basically was at home at the Jackson’s and a more than welcome guest. “What happened?” Percy asked.
“Broke off with Ethan,” the blonde shrugged and grabbed his cherry coke. Another boyfriend that the college freshman dumped, another nonchalant reaction from his 19-year-old friend. Percy had learned early on not to ask Annabeth why her relationships didn’t work out. His best friend would rage into a monologue for hours and talk about every little detail. Every single one.
From the small size of a penis, to the number of warts her ex’s grandma had. Every detail. Percy had been burned more than once before.
“Well another one bites the dust,” the young woman said and turned her favorite show on. Percy had to admit. He was jealous. Whereas Annabeth was living her fullest and free as a bird with relationships and flings, he didn’t. Instead of hanging out with new friends, he stayed in and babysat his sister. His interactions were mostly limited to group chats. The Dominican rarely got out. Percy didn’t know whether it was social anxiety speaking or just an extreme case of introversion.
He looked okay, passable. According to some of Annabeth’s girlfriends he was cute and looked exotic, although he didn’t like that word. Having light eyes and a deep complexion shouldn’t count as looking exotic. Percy wasn’t built like his cousin Charles Beckendorf and he also didn’t have the charm of Annabeth’s ex Luke Castellan. Or the coolness of Annabeth’s latest fallen boyfriend Ethan Nakamura. But he was passable. More than fine. Not a huge slob, a great listener, an amazing cook and a great friend. So how come he never had a real relationship. How come that he never had been kissed, that he still remained a virgin to that day? Was his quietness that off putting? Percy just hoped that he wouldn’t join the crazy ranks of 40-year-old incels spewing their bullshit online and potentially harming people. He just wanted to find his soulmate he could cover in his baking goods.
“What’s going on?” asked Annabeth who was confused at his silence. Percy was usually way more talkative and would fight for the remote control because he hated watching her dramas.
“I don’t know. I’d really like to meet someone to talk to,” he confessed and didn’t dare to look her in the eyes.
“Huh? What do you mean? We’re talking right now.” She took another sip from his drink.
Percy rolled his eyes. “That’s not what I meant. I’d like to have a relationship. Explore crushes and love and all of that.”
Annabeth was surprised. She didn’t know that being single annoyed him that much. “Oh please. Relationships are overrated. Trust me.”
“It’s not just that. I haven’t got any experience.” Percy was a terrible flirter. Sweaty palms, accelerated heartbeat, and stuttering. Middle school and high school had been hell. “I haven’t even kissed someone and I’m nearly twenty!”
“So what? You’re making a deal out of this. It’s so weird and just not like you. That literally doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of life. Don’t force it. When you’re ready, you’re ready.” His friend shrugged. “Also, if I remember correctly, we have kissed before.”
A sloppy wet kiss that Percy buried deep into the darkest pits of his mind.
“Come on, Annabeth.” Percy rolled his eyes. He almost would have been offended if he hadn’t been so tired. “That was in ninth grade and part of truth or dare.”
Annabeth crossed her arms. “I still think that counts!” she disagreed.
Percy just sunk into the sofa and sighed. “Alright. How many people have I kissed that haven’t been you?”
Annabeth remained quiet. Percy had a point. He really didn’t go out to meet new people. Meet new friends or acquaintances. Meet someone who he could see as a date. The blonde felt uneasy and licked her lips. Her gaze rested on the young man next to her who had a sour expression on her face and continued watching Grey’s Anatomy against his wishes.
“Okay, Mr. I’d like a relationship. There’s a party next week at Reyna’s,” Annabeth started and caught his attention.
“You want to have some experiences? That’ll be the place to be and see what you’ve got. You’re in?”
Percy had to admit. He felt uneasy and nervous. But then he sealed his fate and nodded.
“Okay, let’s go to bed, I’m tired.” Annabeth and he sleeping in the same bed was a habit they had ever since they were nine and it never stopped.
The week passed. Seminars and classes had been attended and assignments were half way done. Friday evening was the time where everyone was finally letting loose. Percy was getting ready in his room.
Annabeth’s advice was a text she had sent an hour earlier which only said don’t show up naked, wear something comfortable. Not particularly helpful. He settled for a white dress shirt and dark jeans. Perhaps too much, perhaps too little. He wasn’t a party person so he wouldn’t know. It wasn’t much until he saw Annabeth in front of Reyna’s house where people were already drinking and laughing in front of it. She was speaking to a little group of people and seemingly cracked a joke as they began to laugh.
“Percy!” She waved him over. She looked good in her jeans and the dark crop top. Lose golden curls that rested on her shoulders. The group dissolved and entered the house.
Annabeth examined him. “You look good,” she smiled.
Annabeth’s mouth was agape. Then she laughed. “You really need a lesson in flirting. Let me be your teacher.” He’d rather not. Annabeth in hunting mode was something you only wanted to witness once.
As soon as they stepped into the house, they were greeted by clouds of weed, sweat and cheap alcohol. A brunette shadow walked up to them.
“Perseus! You made it!” Reyna hugged him and he stiffly hugged her back. Yes, he was that bad with people. Even people he had known for years.
“Hi Reyna,” he laughed. Reyna raised an eyebrow and looked at Annabeth. The native Puerto Rican thought that Percy would bounce like he always did.
“Reyna!” Thalia, Reyna’s girlfriend called for her.
“Okay, see you guys around.” Reyna excused herself.
Annabeth turned to Percy. “Alright. Let’s scout and watch out for some prey for you.”
“You’re making it sound like you’re Bear Grylls ready to fight for some survival shit.” Percy was weirded out. Party Annabeth was scary.
Annabeth laughed and slapped his shoulder. “That’s basically the spirit.”
He followed her into the living room which was full of drunkards shouting and grinding over the worst DJ Khaled remix that he has ever heard. Before Annabeth could talk about the plans she had in her mind for Percy, the fates had other intentions for them.
“Oh hey! Annabeth, right?” Some blond schmuck approached them. He looked like a trust fund baby that has never heard the word no in his life before.
“Octavian! Oh my god, it’s been a while!” They hugged and Percy felt incredibly awkward. Being the third wheel was not fun.
“Who’s that?” Octavian eyes the tall young man behind her.
“Oh, that’s just Percy, don’t mind him.” Ouch. That hurt.
“I’m going to get myself something to drink. You two have fun,” Percy decided. Annabeth waved and promptly forgot about him.
Percy fought his way to the kitchen. He had forgotten how rude drunk and high people could be, especially when they loved to block paths. As he entered the kitchen, he ran into someone. A young woman with auburn hair and a frown on her face.
“Oh, I’m so sorry, are you okay?” He asked and helped her stand up right.
“Oh yeah. I’m just tired of this place. Why did I agree to come to this party?” she sighed and was glad that the cute stranger wasn’t part of the annoying drunk crowd.
“I feel you. I hate this,” he sighed. They both shared a smile and a laugh.
“Why did we agree to this?” she giggled.
“I guess we like to torture ourselves,” Percy chuckled. She was nice. Found an instant liking to her. “Percy,” he introduced himself.
“Call me Calypso,” she smiled. An instant connection had been made.
“Want to drink something? Non-alcoholic that is?” Percy proposed and hoped that his voice didn’t crack.
“Gladly,” she left and took his hand.
It dawned Annabeth slowly. She had forgotten something. Didn’t she come to this party with an intention? Not just drinking and dancing. But something else. The college student had been talking to Octavian, danced with him, talked a bit with his friends and now they were alone again. It was abundantly clear that he was interested in a short fling.
“Oh fuck,” she remembered what she had forgotten. Or more who she had forgotten. Percy. Where was he?
“Huh?” Octavian asked.
“I’ve got to check in on a friend, don’t move, I’ll be right back,” the blonde smiled and winked.
“Oh, alright.” Octavian said. He was trapped in Annabeth’s web. Just the way she liked it.
Annabeth looked out for Percy. She had seen her friends Piper, Clarisse, Hazel and Reyna again but none of them had seen him. Annabeth checked her phone. Apart from Instagram stories that had been shared frantically, no new messages. Percy was the type to text her immediately should he leave. Hell, he would have told her in person.
She reentered the living room with a frown on her face. Her gray eyes scanned the area and actually found his messy black haircut on the dancefloor fairly easy. Percy and dancing. A smile slipped onto Annabeth’s face. Then it dropped. Percy wasn’t working it in the middle of the room alone. He had his hands around the waist of a curvy small brunette. Percy had gotten his wish. The entire purpose of this operation was to meet someone new. And the way he threw his head back to laugh proved that he fairly enjoyed himself.
Annabeth felt a thing and that one thing only: boiling rage. Her feet acted immediately. She marched to the dancefloor and pushed everyone aside that had been in her way until she got to Percy and the mysterious girl at his side.
“Percy! There you are!” Annabeth said and threw herself onto him in a hug and broke his embrace with the stranger. Then she grabbed him and pulled him out of the crowd. Confused, the mystery girl followed them.
Percy was perplexed and looked down at Annabeth, who was behaving very oddly. That was not the usual chill Annabeth he knew. Percy looked to Calypso and saw the hurt in her eyes. Oh no, she must think we’re together, he thought.
“Uh, Calypso this is Annabeth, a friend of mine,” Percy explained and saw how the brunette visibly relaxed.
“Best friend you meant to say,” Annabeth corrected and stole his red solo cup. She had to admit that being reduced to a friend hurt her way too much. Her smile cracked at the taste of soda instead of a delicious liquor. She had forgotten that Percy was a non-drinker in the heat of the moment. She needed something that would wash her annoyance away. Annabeth shook hands with that Calypso girl.
“Calypso, like the dance?” she asked with a slightly condescending tone.
“Uh yeah, exactly. Like the dance.” Calypso said and raised an eyebrow as Annabeth got a hold of Percy’s arm.
Percy looked back to Annabeth and gently tried to pry her off. Her grip only tightened, and her fingernails dug into his skin.
“And what is this supposed to be?” Calypso asked and pointed at Annabeth who claimed Percy’s complete right side. She sounded annoyed.
“Nothing,” Annabeth innocently smiled. The cold harsh look in her eyes said something else.
“Um, Annabeth, weren’t you talking with that Octavian guy? Or what was his name?” Percy’s discomfort was clear, and Annabeth ignored the hint.
“Oh yes, but I’d rather spend my time with you!” she grinned and didn’t let go of him.
“Sorry girlie but it’s clear that you’re ruining our moment.” Calypso’s hand waved between her and Percy.
“What moment? Am I not allowed to hang out with my best friend?” The irritation in Annabeth’s voice rose. Percy and Calypso looked at her in shock.
“If he’s your best friend, then I’m pretty sure that you’ll see enough of him? Just leave.” Calypso rolled her eyes.
“What if I don’t want to?” Annabeth innocently pouted and tilted her head. “Percy’s always there for me which is what I want right now. Sorry Calypso. We’re having a moment right now.”
Calypso’s mouth pressed into a thin line. Annabeth enjoyed seeing her frustration rise up.
“Alright, listen Annabeth normally I wouldn’t say this but you-” Calypso’s eyes widened. Annabeth had turned Percy’s head to herself and pressed a kiss onto his lips.
Percy’s eyes widened before they automatically shut down. Annabeth was an excellent kisser and her soft lips felt like a dream. Percy had to admit that he enjoyed the kiss. He enjoyed it way too much. Then he broke it off. Shock was written on his face and his eyes wandered from the all too pleased Annabeth to a speechless and hurt Calypso.
“I can’t believe it.” Calypso shook her head, turned around and left.
Annabeth smiled a victorious grin. Then she looked up to Percy and saw him for the first time. Not as a friend, but as a handsome guy that she happened to know all too well. His sea green eyes scanned her face and his lips were slightly parted.
“Annabeth, what in the fuck was that-” Annabeth cut him off with yet another kiss that she deepened. This time Percy didn’t break the kiss off. He held her tight and touched her warm back. He felt her grinning between the kisses.
“Come with me.” Annabeth said. She didn’t give him a choice. She took his hand and dragged him out of the building. Party be damned, they could celebrate at home amongst other activities. Alone.
“What are you doing? Where are we going?” Percy asked.
“Oh,” she said and turned around to look him in the eyes. “I’m just making sure that no one else is bothering you.”
The End
Tbh, I don’t mind me some hot girl Annabeth... Thanks again for the suggestion, anon!
All Cookout Fics
Cute/Cursed Cookout Writing Prompts
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jasmine2042003 · 5 years
Nico di Angelo x reader (soulmate AU)
My first Tumblr post of Nico di Angelo, a soulmate AU, specifically pain. I read an avengers x reader soulmate AU similar, all scars and pain (including emotional) is felt by the soulmate. Depending on how this does, I might make this into a series, as for now, it will be a two or three part one shot basically. Enjoy the chapter xxx
Nico pov
Finding my soulmate seemed to be an impossible task. On top of the fact that I was generally unlikable, I pushed away anybody who could possibly care for me and finally, the nail in the coffin (non-intended death puns), whilst my body was sixteen, my brain was seventy! Anyone who could have possibly been my soulmate probably died during World War Two, like I should have. I looked around at my friends, all of them in a couple, already having found their other halves. Percy had Annabeth, Jason had Piper, Frank had my sister, which I still wasn’t massively happy about. Everyone had someone, but me. 
At least, unlike Percy, I would be able to tell who my soulmate is. I mean come on, Percy knew Annabeth for years before he got it through his seaweed brain who she was. Before anyone asks anything, yes I had a crush on Percy, that is definitely over now, you didn’t get in the way of soulmates, that was like giving the three fates the middle finger. Anyway, I sat there in my natural gloom, making little skeletal things, partially because it was kind of comforting, but mostly because it freaked Leo out and that little elf had pissed me off for the last time. 
“Dude, come on!” Leo shouted, alerting some of the nearby campers, “You can’t still be angry at me,” I chuckled menacingly and raised an eyebrow at him. “You wanna bet?” I asked with an evil smirk, a trademark of my dad’s that I had perfected. I touched the point of my inky sword to the patch of dead grass near Leo’s feet, a skeletal hand reaching out to grab his ankle, causing him to screech like a five year old girl and run away. I carried on my evil laugh, my sister shaking her head at me, “Neeks, you need to stop that, he doesn’t mean it, he wanted to make you smile, something other than that creepy smirk that you’re doing right now.” Hazel had a point, I guess. That doesn’t mean I was going to listen. 
I shrugged my shoulders lightly, my smirk falling off my face when I saw, yet another pair of campers, discovering their soulmate. Hazel followed my gaze and looked at me, “Hey Neeks, can I talk to you?” She asked, I nodded and followed my little sister to some shade under Thalia’s Tree. I sighed and looked into Hazel’s golden eyes confused, “You’re not about to tell me that you and Beast Boy are getting married right?” I joked, letting a small smile slip through my blank facade. She giggled and shook her head, her face lit up when she laughed, I loved when I could make my sister smile, it made me feel like I wasn’t a completely useless big bro. 
Her face slipped into a more serious note, “I know you think you aren’t going to find them Nico,” Oh here we go, ‘Nico you’ll find her, it just takes some time,’ I didn’t need to hear this again. “If I was able to find Frank in a world that I shouldn’t have even been alive in, I’m sure the great Nico di Angelo can find someone from the twenties who was in the same boat as you,” She continued, wrapping her arm around my shoulders. I sighed and nodded along, the truth is, I was fine without a soulmate. I mean, I haven’t even felt anything from my soulmate, not since I was eight years old. I got a scrape on my knee from absolutely nothing, Bianca then decided to tell me about soulmates.
I felt the tears cascading down my face, my cheeks red and my hands clutching my bleeding knee. Mom and dad were talking quietly in the corner, their hands moving as they spoke, a trait my sister and I had picked up. Bianca ran over to me once she realised that I was hurt and upset, she lifted my pants leg to the knee and had a look. She gave me the classic mother look, “Aww *povero bambino,” She muttered under her breath, “Looks like your little partner in crime is playing rough,” She tried explaining, only for me to look on confused. She sighed, picked me up, brushed me off and sat me on the sofa next to her, kids running around the hotel, laughing and cheering. 
“Nico, when you were born, there were special people who chose the perfect person for you,” She started, now I was even more confused, like, someone who can beat me at mythomagic? Someone I can play games with? Bianca continued, “This perfect person is the person you will eventually fall in love with,” I must have made a face because Bianca chuckled, “Come on squirt, you’ll get used to it,” I highly doubt that. “Anyways, when your soulmate gets hurt, their pain and their injury, will reflect on you,” She said, patting my knee. So whatever my soulmate feels, I feel it too. I have so many questions, does emotional pain count? Bianca had to leave for school, so I had to save my questions for later.
Bianca gave me a kiss on the forehead and left me with mom and dad. I sat around for a while before getting a great idea. “Hey mom, can I borrow a marker?” I asked her sweetly, she smiled and gave me a bright red, washable marker. I went into the corner and sat down, crossed my legs and took the cap off of the pen, holding it between my teeth. I rolled up my sleeve and thought about what I would write. Might as well go simple, “Hi, my name’s Nico!” I waited and waited for a response. It was days before they finally responded, “Hello, I’m (y/n),” I smiled, (y/n), what a beautiful name.
Flashback over~
I smiled at Hazel and gave her a quick peck on the forehead, “Look at my little sister giving me life advice,” I cooed. She giggled a bit and pushed me away. “Shut up, I can be adult if I want to be, I’m only four years younger than you technically!” I smiled, a small smile, but she was one of the only people to have achieved that feat in six years. I chuckled and pulled her close to my chest again, the only human contact I’ve had in a while, most people would get freaked out by me hugging someone, but I’d already lost one sister, I refuse to lose a second. Hazel hugged me back, her head hardly came up to my chin, she pulled back and pushed me towards big house, “You need to go, Chiron said he was looking for you,” I nodded and headed for the big house.
Before I had made it past the cabins, I felt pinching on my arms, like needles, it didn’t really hurt but I was kind of confused. I’m not sure what I did, I hadn’t hurt myself and I hadn’t felt anything from my soulmate in decades. I lifted my hoodie sleeves, there were little specks of blood, I stopped in my tracks. Okay, I know I don’t have scurvy, so the only thing left is my soulmate, (y/n). It might seem weird that I remembered her name, we barely spoke, I knew her name and that she was my age, or at least she was when I was eight. I stared at the spots of red on my arms for while, until one was grabbed by a large hand. I looked up startled, meeting Chiron’s worried face. “Nico my boy, you’ll want to see this,” He muttered before leading me away from the big house and towards the infirmary, passing my friends as we rushed over. 
Stepping into the infirmary, the entire place was in chaos. Apollo campers were running around, grabbing things, bandages, medication, bottles and needles. What the Hades was going on? That’s when I heard it. Screaming. Crying. A girl. For some reason it hurt me, all of a sudden, my chest tightened and my breathe became heavier and more laboured. Why was I suddenly feeling this way? I was in Camp, there is nothing to be frightened of. I tried to calm myself down, the feeling going away and being replaced with pure confusion. “Chiron what’s going on?” I looked over at the centaur, he pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed, tension and stress radiating off the millennia old man. “We found someone a few years ago that we think might have something to do with you,” He said quietly. 
Why would this person have something to do with me? I followed Chiron into a back room of the infirmary. I saw Apollo cabin’s best healers working around a single person on a cot in the centre of the room. There was the girl, I’m assuming she was the one that was screaming, she was gorgeous. (h/c) hair, (e/c) eyes, the most innocent and adorable confused expression on her sweet face. What was I saying? I had no idea who this person was. “Nico,” Chiron started, “When we first found her, she had writing on her arm, this is a long shot, there are many people with your name, but we wanted to be sure.” Will Solace from the Apollo cabin, and a genuinely good friend of mine brought an accurately drawn painting that looked like a photograph of the girl’s arm.
There were two lines of words, one in red marker and the other in black. “Hi, my name’s Nico!” and “Hello, I’m (y/n),” Holy shit. It was her. “(y/n),” I whispered quietly. Chiron looked at me inquisitively, “You know her?” He asked, I nodded in response. “She’s my soulmate,” I muttered, even more quietly, causing Chiron’s eyes to widen. As if in a trance I walked over to her side, grabbing a pen on my way to her. I sat in a chair next to her, looking her in the eyes. Her beautiful (e/c) eyes, they sparkled as if containing ground diamonds. Dam it Nico, focus! Her eyes seemed to be stuck to mine as mine were on hers, I took the cap off the pen and held it between my teeth, just as I had all those years ago. I gently grasped her left forearm, watching her face in concern as I wrote a few words, before gesturing for her to look down.
(y/n) pov
I gasped as I awoke. Panic filling my body as I looked around the unfamiliar room. A white cot sat in a room with wooden floors and walls, flowers and medical supplies were sat on the tables around me and sunshine flooded through the open curtains. I looked down at my arms, needles and tubes poking out of my skin. In my panic, a few of them had been pulled out, causing spots of blood to begin forming on the surface of my skin. I suddenly looked up when I heard the door open. A girl carrying fresh flowers walked in, meeting my eyes and gasping at my consciousness. How long had I been asleep for? All I remember is running through the woods before seeing an archway, some writing I couldn’t see, before passing out. 
Before I knew it, half a dozen more people had entered the room, trying desperately to calm me down. I shook my head erratically and moved away from the groping hands. They were all teenagers, ranging from maybe fourteen to nineteen, that made me think. How old was I? That was the moment I had felt intense waves of serenity wash over, it felt strange though, as if they weren’t my own feelings. I had no time to rationalise that thought as the door opened once more, revealing a man, or at least his upper half was man, his lower half however had a horse’s figure and legs. A centaur, a voice told me reassuringly, I knew I could trust this man. Behind him, walked a boy and he was beautiful. Dark, messy hair that was long but not unkempt, onyx eyes that were intense and full of an emotion that I couldn’t read, as if there were many emotions rolled into one.
He looked up at me and locked my eyes with his, surprise etched into the linings of his pale face. I couldn’t bear to pull my eyes away from his own as he walked over to me slowly, picking up something I couldn’t see. He sat in a chair next to my bed, his handsome features even more defined up close, I noticed the object he had grabbed was a pen. He took the cap off and held it in his teeth, a very hot move if you ask me. He looked at me in concern as he took my left forearm, writing a few words down, all the while looking me in the eyes to make sure I was alright. After he had finished, he leaned back and gestured for me to look at my arm, biting his lower lip gently. I looked down and gasped, ‘Hello (y/n), its me, Nico’. I looked up at him, a laugh of relief escaping the smile I had on my face. Looking at his arm as he pulled up his sleeve, the writing reflected perfectly of his porcelain skin. 
Let me know if this is something I should continue. Leave a comment or a like if you want and feel free to find me on Wattpad (Crazy-Otaku-demigod). Thanks for reading this you guys xxx
Final Word Count:  2393
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bold-moves · 4 years
Better Than You Think, 001: The Dark Knight Rises.
I want to start writing out why I like some of the movies that most people hate. The narratively derivative, corny, critically panned action movies that people write off. Those are my faves. So here goes.
Not as groundbreaking as Batman Begins or as critically acclaimed as The Dark Knight, The Dark Knight Rises stands as the odd one out of Nolan’s trilogy. It has some tonal similarities and the action is equally fantastical but for whatever reason, it’s not everyone’s favorite. 
It’s definitely mine though and I’m going to explain why for a bit.
I’m going to contextualize this and say, that I don’t like Batman. As a boy, I did for sure, but as I’ve grown up, I strongly believe that this guy is totally lame. Sure, singularity of purpose is admiral and I’ll give anyone that, but this dude is totally lame by my standards. He alienates his relationships, he’s totally detached from the world he’s in and his money insulates him from even his own cause. The idea that I will use my wealth and resources to strike fear into criminals is kind of an asshole way to go about it. Spider-man uses his powers to rise to the occasion of his responsibilities and Batman uses his resources to hold criminals responsible for what has happened to Gotham and had he spent his time intimidating corrupt judges and politicians instead of projecting his anger and loss on criminals, maybe the people who really have influence in the city would be galvanized and inspired to their jobs. But like the wealthy, resourceful, and privileged, they protect their own and Batman is absolving the elite with his “powers.” He’s a bit like Che Guevara to me. You have someone who comes from a wealthy background, sees the world and how fucked up it is, decides to do something about it, romanticizes his campaign, and when he’s actually in a position to make permanent change, he denies it and indulges is addictions to conflict and virtue signaling. 
He also looks cool on a T-Shirt.
Enter Bane. Bane is the hero of this movie for me. He is literally from the bottom. The movie deviates from the comics which depicts Bane as a person of color from a fictional country in Latin America, whose father was a failed revolutionary that escaped the country and due to the archaic laws of the country, is forced to serve the sentence of his father. He grew up surrounded by criminals and in this basin of crime and misery, built his mind and body to rival Batman. In this prison he hears about the tales of “The Great Bat of Gotham,” the personification of his own fear of the bats infesting the prison and decides to, unlike Bruce Wayne who uses his own fear of bats to strike dread into his enemies, kill the great Bat and subdue finally his fears.
He is not inspired to project his fears and insecurities on criminals. He does not pervert his responsibilities. He targets the thing that he fears and with singularity of purpose, sets out to conquer them by any means necessary, and always with the means he’s inherited from his isolation and resolve, not his wealthy parents.
Now back to the film. Bane, is equally romantic as Bruce, but practical. This is a person of great will and with will we can cut through our human failings and rise to our great potential. He is always aware of the true nature of things and will not let money, the constructs of society or those who believe they are in power adulterate his vision. There is no second personality. No playboy. No concessions. “No one cared who I was until I put on the mask.” Unlike all of us, scrambling to be known and validated, he has given up his face and uniquely personal ambitions to become, not a superficial symbol, but an agent of change. The bringer of true justice and the vicious wind that will blow away corruption. His response to evil and crime is not a crusade to strike fear into the evil and criminal. He wishes to protect true innocence. In the movie he fights off prisoners to protect young Thalia.  He wishes to defend those who truly cannot defend themselves. In the comics, His father is a coward. His mother, violated and murdered. His youth and innocence, burgled by a system that claims to bring justice but enlarges itself on the plunder of its own hypocrisy and inefficiencies. Bane purifies himself and purges his humanity to defend a principle of true justice.
This inspires me to no end.  Until I saw this movie, I didn't want to get big until I saw this movie. As soon as the movie was over, I went to Walmart and bought a pull-up bar. To be so intimidating. To be so replete with resolve. To use simple and devastating speech. To place the hand on the shoulders of some tiny, self entitled money bags and ask him,”do you feel in charge?” At the time, I was working at a Japanese company, taking shit all day, struggling within the customary submissive constructs of working for a Japanese boss. I had been training in martial arts for over a decade by that time, I was bilingual, I was fucking dangerous and instead I was taking orders all day from people I could crush with my bare hands. Seeing Bane was so inspiring for me at that time. I have this need to keep driving, and fighting. To not let peace defeat me. This was something I learned from this film. 
One of the other lines that really stung me was when Catwoman was urging Batman to escape the city with her, pleading, “you don’t owe these people anymore, you’ve given them everything.” To me at that time, I thought of all the placating, and self adjusting I had done to fit in. All of the time I’ve tried to make society value me. All of the time I've pleaded for love and just a chance to be happy. I was tired of working for that. I didn't owe these people anymore. When Batman responds saying “Not everything. Not yet,” I thought of a version of myself that has gone all out. A version of myself that has engaged that final gear of existing. Intense. Achieving. Severe. And this severity is something that I wanted to be associated with and I hadn’t given to the world, not yet. Over time it became less about the people and more about doing it for myself. In my recent viewing of the movie, another line has stood out to me. A concept that I think more accurately describes my current mood. While Bruce Wayne is in the prison, doing push ups, trying to regain his strength so that he can escape, a fellow prisoner asks him, “why build yourself?” and Bruce responds, “I’m not meant to die in here.” I don’t think this line was supposed to have that much of an effect but it  really spoke to me this time.
I’m so driven to self overcome. I joined the army to breakdown the habits that a comfortable civilian life had infected me with and to add another element of lethality to my arsenal.  I can’t stop thinking about how to improve and fortify and often people do ask me why I’m so intense. I often ask myself this as well. The idea of “not dying in here,” is the answer. “Here,” being an unrealized self. “Here,” being the prison of  conditioned impulse and self sabotage. “Here,” being the pressures to be something I am not. “Here,” is being content, agreeable,and submissive. “Here,” is the prison of weakness and the suppression of heroic ideals.  I build myself so that I can escape all debilitating humanity. 
So this movie, although not as revered as the other two Batman movies, is a banger and filled with the  “hard-style”, self-overcoming concepts that give me the chills. I always come back to this film when I need inspiration and a kick in the ass. I invite you to take a deeper look at what's going on. Take a chance on a line of dialogue and think about it a bit and if you find yourself on the bandwagon of disliking or liking something because everyone else does, ask yourself,
“Do you feel in charge?”
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kidblink-182 · 6 years
the lightning thief tour
i saw the lightning thief last night and hOLY SHIT! JUST HOLY SHIT! click the read more for my notes n stagedoor experience n shit. obvi SPOILERS
-so the show starts off with a quite literal BANG i’m talking bright white light and thunder noises so chirren b careful if you go to see it -i almost screamed when james went onstage and THATS when i knew this was real -hooray for grungy dancing our parents suck -they tore down the lightning bolt curtains and chris slid out and i lost my mind -“their father kronos-” “KRONOOOOOSSSSSS” -“please see me by the sphynx” (glass display turns around from pyramid to sphynx) -“i was on this field trip, and the x-rated art they had there? crazy.” -percy is literally so flamboyant and so sarcastic i was cracking up the whole two hours -james as gabe oh so help me gods -he sounded so desperate/afraid the whole time -“BEAN. DIP.” on the literal verge of tears -i loved sally so much. she can riff like it’s nobody’s business, and i can never get enough of it. i love carrie but jalynn... oh, jalynn. -“oh look. a goat in a trash can.” -classic “you’re a furry” joke. classic 10/10 -“i’m half goat!” “i’m sorry, this is just a lot to take in right now, okay?” -they did sally’s “death” in slow motion, which made it even more hard to watch. -also BIG FUCKING SEIZURE WARNING FOR THE MINOTAUR SCENE THAT SHIT IS INTENSE -i.... don’t know how to feel about poseidon. ryan literally goes to the bottom of his vocal range for poseidon and it’s the funniest shit (my mom loved it), and he’s like... he’s like a demon surfer. lowkey like jonathan raviv’s poseidon a lil better but ryan? oh gods he’s incredible. he’s the only man who can pull off hawaiian shirts. -annabeth comes in one of those wheel cart things you use to haul heavy shit -“another terrible day” in E minor? oddly needed and very refreshing. -chiron’s “reveal” scene was... interesting to say the least. -their sign :( my fave song of the show. so emotional. chiron puts his hand on percy’s shoulder at one point, percy shows so much emotion, and ryan can sing like an ANGEL i love his vibrato -when luke came on stage i literally whooped so loudly -oh gods there was this one scene luke: welcome to the dysfunctional family! oh, there’s someone who wants to see you grover: percy, i’m so sorry. satyrs are supposed to be protectors. i’m the worst satyr in the world. percy: grover, i’m so glad you’re here right now. then they hug and i sob -“it’s not a lightsaber” -oh btw jorrel is SO DAMN CUTE -clarisse’s battlecry is my energy -RYAN IS IN DRAG THIS ISN’T A DRILL RYAN IS IN DRAG AND IT’S SO EASY TO RECOGNIZE HIM BUT IT’S THE BEST THING TO WATCH -HE LITERALLY “HITS” HIS CROTCH WITH HIS AXE BY ACCIDENT -percy wheels himself in on the toilet. QT. -“she could’ve killed me!” “the plan would have worked either way.” -grover did a cute lil tap dance in “i’m the child of pan” -while crying you just hear grover go I DON’T LIKE THIS SONG ANYMORE then just keeps fucking dancing -“as long as you are here with me puts arm around percy” -“mr d wants to kill you- i mean, talk to you” -“it’s not just some silly lightning bolt on a traveling musical tour!” -“look at the boy! he’s hardly a thief!” “oh, i suppose, unless you’re a good actor, and OHOHOHOHO, i’m the god of drama, and i can say HE’S NOT.” -mr d’s obsession with dolphins is my will to live -the oracle is actually really fucking silly bc of everyone hiding under her dress -“AND YOU SHALL FAIL” “spirit fingers FAIIILLLLLLLLLL” -oh god good kid was making me feel things. the emotion, the lighting, the fog, the music, i was on the verge of tears. chris is so talented. -“if you’re the son of poseidon and you wanna be alone, don’t go to the lake. it’s the first place they look. don’t worry, i won’t tell chiron you’re here.” -“and i’ll be the second first! :D” -annabeth does a riff on her high note of QUEST and we don’t talk about it enough
-RYAN AS AUNTIE EM IS THE REASON I GET OUT OF BED IN THE MORNING. -“i had a boyfriend... deep voice ONCE.” -he kept moving his hips and dropping into a deep voice and moving his hips and i was sure i was gonna die -“nemesis... nemesees.... nemisisises... WE DON’T LIKE EACH OTHER.” -perc+grov literally pulled a dirty dancing so percy could chop off her head. -“but it wasn’t your fault.” “you’re right, it’s yours.” -kristen’s vocals were stellar as usual and they used this badass lighting to make it look like sunlight was pokin out through windows as lil disco lights. -oh btw i was blinded like 3214732148904722 times but idgaf -“i know a way to get our parents to notice us HELP ME BOX THIS HEAD” -“care of: ~perseus jackson~ and ANNABETH C H A S E.” -was ares wearing a tracksuit? what the literal- -HKJFDSALK grover pulled his hair up during the slomo part and it stuck upright -percy’s like “i swallowed a bug” -“i’m gonna pass out... pass out... p a s s  o u t.” -KRONOS MADE ME ALMOST PISS MYSELF IT’S SO CREEPY WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK -grover shakes him awake like “you really do drool in your sleep,,,,” -in tree on the hill jorrel was actually sobbing and chris got up at one point to go to him and it was so touching -the scene above them made my heart ache too, especially the freezeframe during “maybe if i’d been a little bit braver” where thalia’s collapsed and luke and annabeth are holding each other i just... a h -charon as the elevator woman is GREAT -her riffs made me want to get up and start boogie-ing -“like? the fish sauce?” -ARGUABLY THE BEST PART OF THE SHOW WAS HADES -HE’S FUCKING GAY -LIKE FLAMINGLY FLAMBOYANT. I’M NOT EVEN KIND OF JOKING. LISP AND EVERYTHING. THERE WERE T E A R S. -ares wears a tank top in son of poseidon and i died -sally and poseidon flirted like hell and POSEIDON SHOT FINGER GUNS AND POOR PERCY WAS SO AWKAWRDHFALHFJDASFJHK -in last day of summer percy tried reaching out for luke early but luke just walked away b4 mr d came on stage -luke grabs percy by the shirt when he says “good!” and shoves him back -gods i can’t get over james’ vocals. so good. SO GOOD. -luke took the banner w him when he stabbed percy and ran -bring on the monsters was actually a huge bop and i didn’t cry like i thought i would :0 -all in all i re-lost my voice screaming over this shit and i’m so grateful i got to see it
-so the stagedoor was super vague @ first bc i heard they weren’t doing it from a parent, but not even the staff were sure -so mom let me hang out by the stagedoor to see if ppl came out -chris came out first & i didn’t even recognize him til he was right in front of me (dramatic ass all bundled up like an eskimo) and he felt bad bc he couldn’t stay long and didn’t have a pen to sign anything but i couldn’ stop saying oH MY GOD OH MY GOD -then jorrel came out and was like “i can’t sign anything either but pics would be much quicker if you wanted them” and igOT TWO PICS WITH JORREL GUYS THIS IS NOT A DRILL -he was like “it’s so cold (findlay ohio) how do y’all live here?” and i was like “we don’t know” his dramatic southern californian ASS i loved him -i got a signature from sarah, and she was super sweet (she took the pic for me bc my fingers were numb from the cold. NEGATIVE WINDCHILL GUYS. WELCOME TO OHIO. -i asked jalynn to adopt me and shes like YALL ARE TOO SWEET and i got her signature too -i ALSO met kristen and got her signature+picture as well, idk how i wasn’t panicking but i was so flustered -someone told kristen they’d take a bullet for her and she went DON’T DO THAT -everyone else walked past and couldn’t bc of the cold but we cheered for them anyway -so yeah by the time i got in the car my fingers were literally burning and i couldn’t feel my legs but I GOT SIGNATURES AND PICTURES AND THAT’S WHAT MATTERS -i also got a t-shirt -who’s hardcore? me. i’m hardcore.
hope you guys enjoyed these notes lol
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squishyocalum · 5 years
Never {Three}
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This one is my favorite chapter so far
It’s been a month since Calum and I decided to give this a shot. Honestly I thought he would have gotten tired of me by now but it’s like he can’t get enough of being around me - but you won’t see me complaining. Today is the first day of our senior year, no one except for the guys knew that Calum and I were together and if I knew Calum at all then everyone would know by the end of the day.
I’m wearing a pair of black skinny jeans, black and white ‘old skool’ Vans, my shirt was just a plain yellow crop top with a black tank top tucked into the band of my pants; my black hair was straightened falling to the middle of my back and my phone was placed in my back pocket with earbuds attached and streaming music through my ears.
With around 30 minutes left before I had to be on the way to school I decided to stop by the donut shop down the road and grab a sausage biscuit. My dad was waiting in the living room for me as I bounded down the stairs. Usually he would be gone by now, but seeing as it’s my last first day of highschool, he made an exception.
“You look beautiful, Pumpkin.” I grinned at him pulling him into a hug.
“Dad, I’m like 17 years old. Can we not keep calling me Pumpkin?”
“Keep rubbing it in my face that you’re about to be an adult and I swear Thalia I will take your car and drive you to school everyday for the rest of the year.”
He was joking of course, humor laced his voice, but I knew he was sad about me growing up. Ever since mom died he’s dreaded me leaving the house.
“Okay, you can call me whatever you want, but please don’t take baby.”
I clutched my keys and he shoved me softly, I could see tears building in his eyes now.
“Dad, don’t cry.”
“Your mom would be so proud of you.”
“Well I mean I could still drop out, start hanging out with that Hood kid again.” I joked, not at all blind to the irony of that sentence. Now wasn’t the best time but I was testing the water to see if he still felt the same about Calum.
“If you dropped out, I would hope you would have better taste than that.” He said while he followed me to the door “Now go get some food, I don’t need you starving on me.”
“I wouldn’t starve if you’d cook every once in a while.” I sang, walking off of the porch.
“Yeah and I wouldn’t have grey hair if I didn’t have you.”
I rolled my eyes and sat down in my car, I started it before buckling my seatbelt and plugging in my aux cord. I noticed a text from Calum on the screen and quickly made sure my dad was back inside before checking it.
Cal - Hey, are we still meeting at Shipleys before school
Me - Yeah I’m on my way now
I put my phone in my cup holder and put my car in reverse accelerating down the driveway. I didn’t even get out of the neighborhood before traffic started to ruin my morning. From busses picking up kids, to new drivers not knowing what in the hell they’re doing I was ready to pull my hair out. It took me about eight minutes to get to the small donut shop, when I pulled into the parking lot I saw Calum leaning on his 67’ Impala staring down at his phone. He was wearing black skinny jeans, a black Green Day shirt, black and white hightop converse, and his hair was styled in a quiff. I pulled up next to him snapping his attention from his screen and he smiled through my window at me. As soon as I stepped out of my car he pulled me into his arms.
“I missed you.” He mumbled into the side of my neck
“Cal, it’s been two days.”
“I could be really cheesy and say two days without you is like two years but-”
“Ew. We aren’t in a fanfiction Calum. Calm down.” I laughed and grabbed his hand pulling him through the double doors of the shop.
We sat down, both of us having sausage biscuits and juice.
“So do I just not get a good morning kiss?” He laughed scooting closer to me in the booth.
“Mmm I gotta think about that.”
He scoffed and placed his pointer finger and thumb on my chin pushing my head gently towards him. I smiled up at him as his moved his hand to cup my jaw and attach our lips. I would be lying if I said I didn’t want to skip school and go back to his house with him. Not to do anything but just simply to be with him, there’s a huge chance that we won’t have any classes together and neither of us are happy about it.
“How likely do you think it is that your dad lets you hang out with Becca after school?”
“If I play it right, there’s a very high chance.”
Calabasas High School is the only place or thing in this world that I can genuinely say that I hate. Walking into the school with Calum by my side was a little better though, and knowing that we would be meeting the boys in the cafeteria was even better. We could find most of our schedules on the school website but most of them weren’t official, that’s why the student body was gathered in the cafeteria that morning. Tables lined the walls with letters printed on bright pieces of paper taped to the walls above them, administrators stood at the head of the table asking for last names and handing out those damned slips of paper.
“Thalia! Calum!” Ashtons voice carried through the large room “We’re over here!” Calum extended his neck to look through the crowd and spotted them over by the ‘I-K’ table. As we pulled through the crowd of people with our hands locked together Calum noticed some people staring and whispering amongst themselves. He didn’t laugh about it or flip them off like usual, instead he undid our hands and shoved them firmly to his side. My face twisted in confusion, but I didn’t let it go to my head.
“Holy shit, we’re seniors.” Luke said with a wide smile on his face, Mikey laughed and flung his arm over my shoulder.
“One more year until college.” He sang in my ear.
“Yeah yeah get off of me so I can go get my schedule.”
I shoved him off jokingly and glanced over at Calum for a moment. I thought about asking him to come with me but his efforts to avoid eye contact were enough to sway me from that decision.
I stood awkwardly in the ‘A-C’ line staring at my phone. For three and a half years at least one of the boys have been by my side almost all the time. Being surrounded by all these people with all the guys across the room is just weird.
“Last name please.” Mrs. Brown asked when I found myself at the front of the line
“Yes ma’am.”
She grabbed a slip of paper and handed it to me with a smile on her face. I returned the smile and turned to walk away, I was promptly stopped when I bumped into someone.
“Oh shit, I’m sorry.”
“Watch where you’re going.” The voice scoffed. I looked up and saw Audrey standing with her arms crossed over her chest and a sneer plastered on her face. It’s the first day of school, and there is no way in hell that I’m letting my day be ruined by her of all people.
“Sorry, have a good day.” I smiled cocking my head to the side and walking away. The boys were all standing in a circle looking at their schedules and when I made my way over to them Calum was the first one to notice me.
“Princess,” He smiled over to me “What lunch do you have?”
“Oh thank God.” Ashton breathed out “The group is safe for the semester.”
“So I’m assuming we all have second lunch?”
“Yup, now what do your classes look like?” Calum asked and pulled me into his lap.
“I have english first period, Trigonometry second, Biology third, Psychology fourth, then lunch. I get out after lunch, but do we have any of those four together?”
“We have every single one of those classes together except for Psychology, babe.”
I smiled and then looked over at the other boys, silently asking them the same question. Michael was the first one to respond telling me that we had Psychology together. Turns out that Ashton and Luke have Trig with Calum and I; and Luke and Calum both got out after lunch with me.
All the classes that passed before Psychology were a blur, for lack of a better word, even though I liked my teachers I just wasn’t interested in the subjects. I planned on majoring in Psychology when I got to college though so I could already tell this was going to be my favorite class.
The bell rang signaling all of us to take our seats, I sat in the middle of the class next to Michael and a light skinned girl with the most beautiful hair I think I’ve ever seen.
Listen. I am a sucker for ethnic hair.
“Good afternoon class, My name is Mr. Rogers and I will be you Psych teacher this year.” The man turned to reveal dark brown eyes and a nicely kept beard. He was unloading his bag onto the desk at the front of the classroom, pulling out a computer, a notebook, and a phone. “Let’s start with the cliches, starting from the first person in row one everyone stand up and tell us your name, and one fact about you. We’ll go to the back and circle back to the front.”
The class groaned at the instruction, but that didn’t sway the man’s decision. So as he sat down in his rolling chair and propped his feet on top on the desk the first student stood to her feet; she looked rather nervous and seeing as how I have never once seen her around this school I’m just assumed she was new.
“Hi, uhm. My name is Kaitlin - but I go by KayKay. And I just moved here from Texas.”
See I knew she was new. The next few people went at a boring pace, I knew almost all of these kids, and most of their facts were their ages or their pets names. Like come one, think of something original. We got to the third row about three seats in when Arzaylea stood up with an annoying smile plastered on her equally annoying face.
“Hi, My name is Arzaylea, or Arzay, and I-”
“Like to cheat on great guys.” I mumbled loud enough for about half of the class to hear it causing them to turn to me with shocked expressions.
“What did you just say?” She scoffed moving to place her hand on the table next to her supporting her standing position.
“I said I like cheese whiz, bitch.”
“Okay, so this got passionate quick. Moving along swiftly. Who’s next?” The teacher asked in an all too amused voice. When the next person stood to go , I believe it was Derek Green , I pulled my phone out and noticed a message from Michael.
Shicken Nugget - K but it’s so not fair that the other guys weren't here to see that.
Me - It’ll be okay.
Shicken Nugget - You should’ve punched her
Me - maybe next time
Shicken Nugget - Just let me know beforehand so I can record it and hold it close to my heart forever
I scoffed at the message and looked over to him, he was trying his best to not laugh at my reaction. Before I knew it the girl in front of me stood up and introduced herself. Prompting little ole me to think of my one fact. I stood up on my turn and spoke.
“My name is Nathalia Baker, Thalia. And I-”
“Sleep with four guys because I have no other friends and they wouldn’t keep me around if I didn’t.” Arzaylea didn’t even bother to mumble, she just straight up said it. A knot formed in the pit of my stomach as amused faces moved to stare at me. I cannot go through this rumor again. I saw Mikey move his phone up his chest very obviously recording, and I knew I had to make this juicy.
“I mean lucky for me that’s a very false rumor. Sadly for you, your Chlamydia is very very real.” I chose to ignore the look on her face and turned back to the teacher with a small smile. “But anyways, I’m taking this class because I plan to major in Psych when I get to college.”
I sat back down with a smug smile on my face, the look on Michael's face was priceless, and I couldn’t help but literally cackle at it.
“I’m just ready for the best nap ever.” Calum groaned tugging me closer to him and burying his face into my neck.
“I miss my bed.” I mumbled back
“Don’t you mean my bed?”
“No, babe, I mean I miss my bed.”
I pulled away from him and moved away. Thanks to Arzaylea there was a good chance that the one rumor that literally almost forced me into homeschooling could be starting back up.
I mean, I couldn’t even walk down the hall to the bathroom in one of the guys hoodies without being called a slut. Just imagine what would be said if they found out Calum and I were actually a thing.
“Dudes. She did the funniest shit in fourth period.” Michael laughed pulling his phone out and clicking on the video. “Okay so, bitch brought up that rumor that Audrey started a couple years ago and Thalia literally slaughtered her.”
We listened to the short video and Luke choked on his pizza. Calum laughed, but he didn’t miss the opportunity to look over to me with a worried look on his face.
“You did not!” He laughed allowing his deep dimples to pop. “Did she do anything?”
“I mean she like glared at me, but what else was she going to do? I’m not fighting her and risking my scholarship.”
“That’s my smart girl.” Calum moved to place his hand on my thigh but I pushed it away.
“I’m going to head home and start on the english paper.” I shuffled to push my notebook into my bag and grab my keys “I’ll see you guys tomorrow.” I avoided eye contact with all of them but I in no way missed their worried expressions. I made it halfway through the parking lot before I heard Ashton running after me.
“Thalia! Hey, are you okay? You seem off.”
“I’m fine, Ash. Today just didn’t...go the way I thought it would.” I kept my eyes leveled with the ground and my hands gripped tightly to the strap of my bag.
“Well do you want to go out with the guys and I tonight? We were going to go see a movie-”
“No. I have to get a head start on this paper.”
I didn’t give him a chance to say anything back, instead I glanced up quickly just and caught sight of Calum trying to make his way to me. My body turned itself around despite what my heart wanted and walked itself to my car.
I love all four of those boys, I love them so much. Even though the rumors don’t bother me as much as they used to I can’t keep myself from thinking about what would happen when people do find out that Calum and I are dating, would they get worse? Would they go away?
I’ve got one year left in this school, so maybe it would be better if I distanced myself.
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pjo-hoo-nextgen · 6 years
Thia’s Arrival
An Anon sent me this prompt from the list I posted!
Prompt: Please, just hold my hand.
— — —
There was no way to prepare for parenthood when you didn’t have months to plan for it. Percy and Annabeth? No worries, they had time to prep. Nico and Will? Time to prep. Thalia and Reyna? About five seconds to figure out what the hell was happening.
“I am literally going to drop kick my father in the balls,” Thalia’s hands sparked with barely controlled anger. “What was he thinking? Oh yeah, he doesn’t think!”
“I still don’t understand...” Reyna frowned examining the note over and over again. She’d flipped it over, turned it upside down, and even folded it before opening it again. There was no additional information.
“Read it to me again,” Thalia pressed her lips into a thin line as she paced back and forth.
“Thalia, it’s come to my attention that you’ve recently been looking to add a member to the family. I took it upon myself to sort out all of the necessary details for you. Prometheus has crafted a child in your likeness as well as Reyna’s. I hope this helps make up for the tough childhood you had. If you wish, I would happily recommend naming the little girl-“ Reyna didn’t bother finishing the note before she crumpled it up and chucked it across the counter.
“All of the necessities? What does he think you need to take care of a baby? Just two people and that’s it? That food spontaneously exists along with diapers and a bed and pajamas and more?!” Reyna was certain Thalia would spontaneously combust at any moment. It wasn’t that Thalia was upset at the child, it wasn’t the kid’s fault, but she was contemplating the many ways she’d beat the crap out of her father.
“Honestly, I don’t even know what to do.” Reyna groaned resting her forehead against the countertop. “I’m so far from the motherly type it’s ridiculous. When Maria was born she cried the first time she saw me!”
“That was a little funny-“ Thalia snorted before seeing the death glare on her wife’s face, “but I have a plan. It’s just temporary.”
“Thalia, love of my life, the best friend I’ve ever had, I hate to tell you that most of your plans are complete shit.” Reyna arched a brow as if she expected Thalia to deny the claim.
“You may be right, but I have some experience. It’s not the best, but I did handle Jason.” Reyna could practically see the gears turning in Thalia’s head. “I can run over to CHB in no time and see if there’s anything I can borrow from Percy. Last I heard Maria had outgrown pretty much everything and they probably have some of her old clothes.”
“Thalia I don’t want to be here alone! What if it cries?” Reyna frowned, she could feel her heart hammering in her chest.
“Then you hold her and rock her. If that doesn’t work maybe swipe some formula that’s left over from Eli. Make sure it’s not hot, test it on the back of your hand.” Thalia was beginning to remember the basics of how she’d take care of Jason all those years ago.
“And your knowledge is exactly why you should stay and I should go.” Reyna stood ready to pounce on the door and beat Thalia outside but the other girl was ready.
“Not a chance. I’m the fastest.” Thalia called over her shoulder already stepping outside. There was a slight crackle of lightning, a tit bit of thunder, and a gust of wind. Reyna groaned running a hand through her hair. Thalia has learned little less than a few months ago that she could run as fast as the wind itself.
“Why did I have to tell her to experiment with her powers?” A slight whine was the only response to Reyna’s words and her attention was drawn to the small baby still settled snugly in its blanket and box. “Oh Gods I’m so going to die.”
— — —
Explaining the situation was difficult but Thalia managed to rattle it off as quickly as possible. Percy had learned long ago to really stop asking questions when weird stuff happened.
Still, he was kind enough to scrounge up some bonus items from Leo and Calypso as well. Thalia had been smart enough to ‘borrow’ a backpack from a nearby store on her run over and it was now bursting at the zippers. “Thanks. Uh, gotta blast. Talk more later!”
And with that she was already jetting off back towards home. The trip took no more than a handful of hours which was quicker than if Reyna had taken a car or Pegasus. Bouncing up the front steps Thalia anxiously entered the house once more.
It seemed Reyna and the baby were having a staring contest. It was almost funny if it didn’t look like they were both going to throw tantrums. “Thank Gods you’re back.”
“What happened?” Thalia sighed taking the bag from her shoulders and digging through it.
“Nothing.” Reyna noted, “just...it’s weird.”
“Yeah, I’m with you on that.” Reyna watched as Thalia went on auto pilot. The daughter of Zeus seemed to know exactly what to do which was very different from Reyna’s ability at the moment.
The little baby seemed much more at ease the moment a bottle was in her mouth. Reyna watched curiously as Thalia kept one hand supporting the end while she also used the other to prop the baby upright. “So...how often do they do this?”
“A lot.” Thalia laughed. “It’s how they grow.”
“I see. Then what do we do after this?”
“You’ll see.” Thalia promised, “right now I’m just trying to make sure a baby doesn’t die in my house. We can decide the details later.”
— — —
Reyna made sure to stay out of the way through most of he evening. The only thing she really contributed to was putting back together the small crib Frank had dropped off which was Eli’s first one.
With the directions laid out Reyna did her best to follow the pictures. She hated small writing though, because it wasn’t just small-it was excessively small.
“Alright, you look old enough for this,” Thalia hummed. Reyna glanced up to see a soft towels sprawled on the counter with a very naked baby carefully settled on top. “Now, don’t you fuss. It’s actually pretty fun I promise.”
“She can’t understand you, you know that right?” Reyna laughed.
“Yes, but it makes things less awkward.” Thalia have Reyna an amused look.
“What’re you going to do?”
“Get her cleaned up. She was outside for a while which is bad. Immune systems in babies are horrible. That’s why everything has to be so sterile when they’re really young.” Reyna could tell Thalia was mentally cursing her father.
“Isn’t she too small for a bath tub?” Reyna questioned.
“Yes, which is why we’re going to use this.” Thalia picked up a small and soft little wash cloth and held it up for both Reyna and the little girl to see.
Reyna rolled her eyes on amusement and temporarily abandoned her work to curiously watch what was going to happen. “She seems excited.”
Thalia carefully took the end of the wash rag back from the little chubby hand that had grasped it. “I would be too, in all honesty.”
Reyna couldn’t help but be alarmed once more by how much the baby looked like her and Thalia. The same skin tone she had and the same colored hair. What small rift of hair the baby had literally wouldn’t lay flat and it was as wild as Thalia’s. Then there was the little smile that matched Thalia’s too.
The baby squirmed when the wet cloth first made contact with it’s skin but soon she seemed to be relaxed. Reyna noticed that Thalia’s touch was even more gentle once she reached the top of the baby’s head.
“Is something wrong there?” Reyna hummed in curiosity.
“Nah,” Thalia shook her head. “You just have to be careful. See, babies have a little soft spot on the tops of their heads where their skull hasn’t fused together all of the way. If they get hit or touched too hard their it’s bad.”
That bit of information absolutely terrified Reyna. “Oh.”
“There,” Thalia rested her hands on her hips for a moment, “done. You can dry her off if you want.”
“I’m perfectly fine with observing,” Reyna laughed nervously.
“Alright, if you insist.” Thalia bundled up the little girl with ease before tucking her snugly in the crook of her arms. “But she’s cute...look at her!”
“Believe me, I have.” Reyna replied. “For someone who was so ready to take on all of Olympus you seem to be rather...attached.”
“And you’re not?” Thalia quirked an eyebrow. “I mean look at those chubby cheeks. Though, they aren’t as chubby as Jason’s were when he was little. Boy did he have some baby fat.”
“Thalia, I’m gonna finish this up you can finish whatever you’re doing with her,” Reyna tucked her hands on her pockets, “then maybe it’s wise if he had a talk.”
— — —
Reyna had finished the crib and the baby was out like a light once it was set up in the edge of their room. Both Aurum and Argentum were curious as to what the heck was now in their house and sat outside the crib staring in expectantly.
“Are we really keeping her?” Reyna asked.
“Of course, what else do we do?” Thalia frowned. “It’s not like there’s a return policy.”
“I know,” Reyna rolled her eyes, “I’m just not-“
“Comfortable?” Thalia finished. “Rey, I wasn’t comfortable with Jason at first. You learn. That’s the whole freaking point. It’s not like we’re both at a complete loss. There’s an advantage in that.”
“Yeah well the whole idea of a kid being that small is-“
“Scary. Of all the things in the world you’re scared of a baby?” It wasn’t hard to read the mood of disbelief on Thalia’s face.
“It’s fragile.”
“Well duh.”
“I’m not good at ‘fragile’”
“Pffft, and I am?” Thalia laughed. Just the past week she’s accidentally punched a little kid too hard on the arm when trying to give him a pep talk. “You know what? Stay there.”
“What are you doing?” Reyna asked in alarm as Thalia scooped up the sleeping baby. “No, I am not holding her.”
“Come on! It’s not so bad.” Thalia sat on the edge of the bed giving Reyna a serious look.
“Don’t you dare.” But it was too late, Thalia had already thrust the sleeping child into Reyna’s arms. “Thalia Grace I will murder you!”
“I’ll take my chances.” Reyna was stiff, she sat with a straight spine, tense shoulders, and rigid hands gripping the sleeping little girl. “Loosen up, relax a little.”
“I am relaxed.”
“Then that’s horrible relaxation.” Thalia snorted. Reyna gave her wife a dirty glare and relaxed the slightest bit.
— — —
Reyna still wasn’t sure about the situation. She watched the baby’s nose scrunch up like a little rabbit’s, saw a small fist squished up against its cheek, and she felt that it was all a ploy to get her to fall in love.
She couldn’t be tricked like that-but then there was the cute little sneeze, and then the yawn. Her defenses were absolutely destroyed, but she was still cautious.
“You doing alright?” Thalia asked after a couple of moments.
“Please, just hold my hand.” Reyna held out her hand expectantly and Thalia took it in her own. “I’m literally shaking.”
“Good lord you’re so dramatic!”
“In Latin you idiot what do you expect?” Reyna scoffed.
“Can we keep her?” Thalia asked seriously. There was a long pause and Thalia’s anxiety only grew.
“Yes...but I get to name her.” Reyna decided.
“What?! Why?!”
“Because this was your father’s stunt. Not mine!” Thalia wanted to slap the smug smirk off of Reyna’s face but she reluctantly agreed to the deal.
“Fine...but only because I love you.”
“That’s what I thought.”
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sassysweetstories · 7 years
Empress Part 7
Summary: You’re apart of the 100. You’re very bad-ass and don’t take shit from no-one. However, the longer you’re on earth, the more complicated things become.
Ship: Bellamy Blake x Fem!Reader, Dimitri!Grounder x Fem!Reader
Warnings: fluff, crying, angst, swearing, minor smut, fighting, mentions of abuse, blood, gore, etc.
Notes: none of these gifs are mine, credit to owners. i realize not all of this is side by side accurate to the show, bare with me. i hope you enjoy!
Tagged: @bailey-hoover @kiralivelove @thalia-prior-of-ravenclaw@anamcg317 @bellasett @queentiffanyyy @archer-whovian-violinist @beingmadinwonderland @princessisabelle19 @violence-and-velvet 
Third P.O.V
“Where’s (Y/n)?!” Bellamy yells, looking between the group of kids only to find that she wasn’t with them. Panic started to form deep beneath his skin, bubbling inside his heart. “I don’t know, I didn’t see her come back. I just saw her fall. Except when we went to look under the bridge, nothing was there.” Raven said, heaving for air after the long run from their immediate danger. Bellamy, still breathing hard, glared daggers at Finn. “You got something to say-” Even at the most inopportune times, Bellamy is more than willing to pick a fight when there isn’t a need for one. “YEAH! AND I TOLD YOU NO GUNS!” Finn screamed at Clarke to which she replied, “AND I TOLD YOU WE COULDN’T TRUST THE GROUNDERS AND I WAS RIGHT!” 
Raven nudged him in the shoulder, grabbing Finn’s attention. “AND WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME WHAT YOU WERE UP TO?!” He shook his head at one of his loves. “I TRIED, BUT YOU WERE TOO BUSY MAKING BULLETS FOR YOUR GUN!” Bellamy cut him off, barking. “YOU’RE LUCKY SHE BROUGHT THEM! THEY CAME THERE TO KILL YOU AND (Y/N)’S GONE OR PROBABLY DEAD RIGHT NOW!” Finn threw his hands in the air, shocked by Bellamy’s already sure mentality. “YOU DON’T KNOW THAT! JASPER FIRED THE FIRST SHOT!” Octavia glared at Jasper, barely giving him the time of day before saying shortly and walking off, “You ruined everything..” The rest of them head back to camp, leaving Bellamy and Clarke. "How are we gonna get (Y/n) back? I didn’t see if any of the grounders took her but if they did it’s definitely a good move on their part, and don’t say you don’t want to go looking for her.” 
Clarke demanded. There was no way in hell she was going to leave (Y/n) alone, not when there was a chance that she was still alive. There wasn’t a body to be found, so there must be hope. “We go searching for her in the morning. The grounders know this place better at nighttime, I’m sure. Though she can be an ass, we need her. Besides-” He pauses, looking off in the distance to see a large mass barreling towards the earth at an alarming rate. “The Arke..” Clarke says with awe, happy tears beginning to form in her eyes at the thought of being reunited with her mother. That is until she noticed how fast the drop-ship was coming. “Something’s wrong-” All of a sudden, the ship crashed directly into the ground, a large explosion knocking a series of trees down in the process. “No..” Clarke said as she clutched her stomach in pain, heart aching for the last piece of her family left. 
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Your P.O.V
Peeling my eyes open, I see nothing but a giant blur. Nothing is clear and my head and left shoulder are throbbing for a reason unbeknownst to me. Groaning, I try to blink and clear my vision to get a better view of my surroundings. When I attempt to prop myself up with my elbows, I’m tugged back down by a pair of drapes that bind me to a bed. The bridge attack, I remember. I tug again but I’m not strong enough to break them, especially considering the amount of blood I’ve possibly lost. All I could remember was being shot and a large, black mass coming towards me. Now I’m strapped down to a bed in a barely lit cave, probably hundreds of miles away from camp, with little to no vision. I tug against the restraints again, cussing under my breath when they don’t budge. 
As my eyes begin to adjust, I notice a tall body in the corner by one of the candles. Instinctively I jolt back, ready to fight whomever dared to hurt me before flinching in pain. The body quickly got up and walked out of the cave, out of my view. The second he walks around the corner, I shake and shimmy under the restraints, heart beat rising as I try desperately to get out of them until three more large bodies emerge along with the previous man. Two flank on one side while the other one flanks on the opposite wall as a man walks in between them. My heart is thumping in my throat as I await for my inevitable doom but the closer the man comes towards me, the more I recognize his facial features. We look deep into each others eyes before it clicks. “Dimitri?” He lunges forward, wrapping me in his arms before releasing my bounds. I cling to him like he’s life support. If I was bound, was I really that unidentifiable? Had I got hurt that badly? 
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When he takes off his mask, I’m finally able to see his features, traces of him that I oh so love. “H-How did you find me? H-How did you know where I was going to be?-” Looking over his shoulder at the four curious eyes. Automatically, I stand up straighter and I can’t help but ask. “Dimitri, who are these people?” When he looks back at them, I notice a faint smile making its way onto his face. Because of Dimitri, I’m finally easing up to people but not enough to not be wary of them. “These are my closest friends. Princessa, I’d like you to meet Ruker, Dante and Sloane.” They take off their masks and I take their appearances in. Each one of them resembles Dimitri’s ensemble, this time taking notice to a distinct light blue bandanna with a white sun and moon symbol etched into it. All of them wear it on their right sleeves, near their armpits. “Thank you for saving my life.” I say, honestly. They must be in an entirely different clan to the ones we currently have beef with. Sloane and Dante give me a warm smile in return while Ruker eyes me warily, as if I’m going to strike at any moment. 
He notices me watching him, almost as if I read his own thoughts. “You don’t trust me. And you have every right not to. My people have hurt a large portion of grounders. Your wariness is valid and I do not take it to heart. I only wish to convey to you that I am not like them in their attempts to cause destruction. We are people trying to survive, only running on the mentality that we’d kill our own for one more day of life. That kind of way is almost innate. And I hope that with time your view of me differs.” I say with a strong voice before looking to Dimitri. “Love, how did you find me? How did you know I was in trouble?” Sloane explains before he gets the chance, almost aching to actually talk to a sky-person. Sometimes I forget that I’m a practical alien to them, someone they are genuinely intrigued by. “Dimitri had been looking out for you for a while and we have people always listening in on the other clans, heard there was going to be a meeting between Skykru and Treekru. We came to make sure you were alright.” 
I look at her in awe and then back at Dimitri. “You’ve been looking out for me? But I’m suppose to be your enemy, why? You all-” I look to them. “took a huge risk and saved my life. You could’ve left me for dead.. I am forever in your dept.” I feel Dimitri’s gaze on me the whole time before he finally looks back up at his friends before saying, “Can yu bants osir kom talk gon a minute?” His friends almost bow for him and I can’t help but tilt my head in curiosity. Sloane and Dante smile at me on the way out and I can’t help but return the kind gesture while Ruker continues to look at me unevenly. Was that a customary thing for his people to do? When I turn back, Dimitri’s lips crash into mine. I almost forgot what he felt like, his body pressed up against mine. “I’m sorry-” He says pulling away. “I couldn’t help myself. I just missed you. I wanted to see you.” Dimitri says, shrugging. I noticed he acts more carefree when he’s wrapped around my arms. Even with his friends, there’s a slight difference, like he has to act a certain way but with me, he’s free. 
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Placing my free hand atop his cheek, I can’t help but look into his deep, ocean blue eyes. “Thank you. Thank you for saving my life. That was a huge risk you took for me. And to get your friends involved, that mustn't have been easy. You sacrificed so much for me. I don’t know how to repay you..” He shook his head, pulling me closer to him but wary of my wound. “Princessa, I would give my life up for you. You haven’t to return anything to me. But I do have a question.” I sit up, leaning against the wall for support. I notice Dimitri’s demeanor change, face rough, almost warped into a scowl that I saw when we first met. But what he asks next is more than I’m ready for. “When we cleaned your wounds, I- we noticed wounds, ones that weren’t from the bridge attack.. These ones were cuts, bruises, burns, etc. Princessa, I wouldn’t ask unless it was necessary but you are my sonraun- er- my life. I can’t sleep knowing you aren’t safe.” 
Instinctively I wrap my arms around my body, pulling myself away from him, feeling as though I’m shrinking and honestly, that’s all I want to happen. I want to curl up into a ball and disappear. He’s found out my darkest secret and now it’s too late, he’ll throw me away like he did because I wasn’t enough. It’s like he notices my internal struggle. Dimitri gently takes my hands in his before bringing my chin up to look at his beautiful eyes. It takes me a second to realize that he’s crying and I can’t figure out as to why before he explains, “Princessa, you are my everything. I need to know that you are safe. I broke down when I first saw these bruises.. Nobody and I mean nobody has the right to hurt you that way. (Y/n).. please talk to me..” I don’t know what came over me but when I looked at him, I didn’t just see the boy I’ve grown to love, I saw his soul, one that I could trust wholeheartedly. And so I told him everything. I let it all out like a dam breaking, crumbling for the first time in years. 
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I tell him about the years of abuse from my father after my mother was floated. He never told me why she was killed but he blamed all of it on me. Kept telling me that I was useless, that we didn’t have enough to survive and I didn’t deserve food or the right to breath. I told Dimitri about the years spent trying to survive night after night full of fear, most of which were actually spent at Mrs. Kane’s place. She let me work and sleep there most nights. I told him about her saving me, about assaulting the guards to get down to the ground so that I could be free of my father. And when I’m done, I sigh a breath of relief. Dimitri took to his knees, his waist in between my legs as he wrapped his arms around my hips, sobbing openly into my side. I am more relaxed in this moment than I’ve been my entire life. Running my hands through his choppy, blonde hair, he continues to cry for me. Nobody has ever reacted this way, but now that I think about it, he was the first besides Mrs. Kane I’ve actually told. 
I don’t know how long we’re sitting like this until Dimitri finally pulls away, resting his hands on my cheek, I try not to flinch. The reaction is innate at this point, and sadly Dimitri notices the slight gesture, pulling away only for me to grab his hands. “Hey, look at me-” I lift up his chin to meet my eyes. “I’m not flinching because of you. I’m flinching because of what he did. I know you. I trust you. I’m not afraid of you. I flinch because it’s innate.” He shakes his head, face red with anger and sadness. Pressing his soft lips against my knuckles, tears fall from his eyes as he blinks up at me. “Princessa, as long as I have breath in my lungs, I will not let anyone harm you. Ever. It breaks my heart and hurts my soul to see this much pain brought to you. But I will always protect you. Some grounders may think that you and your people are the enemy but I don’t give a damn what people think.” 
He lifts my legs up to rest on the bed while he sits on the floor, running his thumb up and down my wrist. “Sleep princessa, you will better in the morning. Though I’d love for you to stay, you need to go back to your people and fix things. They need a leader. They need you.” I nod, smiling at him before I start to fall asleep. Right before I slip into unconsciousness, a series of voices surround me. “Ya know for a sky-person, she looks angelic. I thought she’d have like eight eyes or something.” Dante says. I feel his eyes almost watching me in fascination as Dimitri never lets go of my hands. “She’s the strongest of them all. No doubt about that. I think I’ve got a new best girl friend.” Sloane says, her voice chipper but strong nonetheless. “Ruker, I know you’re wary of her but I need you to trust me when I say that I care deeply for her. She could be a very strong ally.” Dimitri confessed as Sloane gawked. “You’re not suggesting-” Dimitri cut her off. “I am.” It was the last thing I heard before slipping off into unconsciousness. 
The next morning I wake up feeling better than I had before, more awake and rejuvenated. My shoulder is still sore from the bridge attack but I don’t let it stop me from moving. I have a heart to heart with Dimitri once more before thanking his three friends and heading back home. There was no way in hell I was going to tell my people know about them, especially not when the time wasn’t right. When I arrive back at camp, I realize it’s much quieter than normal. Taking off the hood of my cloak, I wave down the gun-men who unlatch the door and let me back in. One of the boys, Trevor, who never seems to leave my side or stop worrying about me, updated me on what’s happened since I was gone. “Murphy’s back, infected by a virus from the grounders. We already have had three deaths because of it-” I’m gone not even a full day and everything’s gone to shit. I shake my head before making my over to the drop ship, nodding to those who thought I was dead. Some gawk and drop their materials in shock as I walk by looking nothing but powerful. 
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“Clarke!” I shout upon seeing her nessled up on one of the cots. “(Y/n)!” She crokes, catching Finn, Octavia and Murphy’s attention. “Don’t come near me!” But it’s too late, I’m by her side and for some reason I know I won’t be infected. Octavia gives me a hug while I provide Finn with a respected nod. “How the hell did you get out of there? We were just going to send out a scouting troop but we were infected before we could.” I shake my head, laughing. “You wouldn’t believe me even if I told you. Trevor updated me on what’s happening. Is there a cure for this?” Octavia shook her head, looking at the sick bodies. “Lincoln said that there was no cure, that it wouldn’t last long but set the grounds for war-” She pauses and my eyes go wide. “They’re coming. The grounders are coming at first light.” 
I take a deep breath in through my nose, unaware of how much shit we were really in. Before I come up with a plan to get all of these sick kids out of here, three new people enter the drop-ship. Two guards caring a pale, bloody boy. It takes me a minute to realize that that pale boy is Bellamy. “Bellamy, oh my god!” I take him from the two boys, lifting him up on my own and rest him down on one of the free mats before he turns his head to cough up blood. Octavia is by his side in less than a second, crouching down to her knees to pat the sweat from his brow. “Hey, big brother.. It’s gonna be okay..” Bellamy looks between us, his left hand wrapping around mine while Octavia takes his right. “My two favorite girls.. “ My heart stops for a second. What did he mean by that. “-I’m really glad you’re both here.. You are both here, right? I’m not going crazy? You need to get out of here or you’ll get infected. (Y/n), we were going to send a scouting crew, I swear-” I shush him, actually smiling. “Blake, it’s alright. I also think that’s the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me. Maybe you’re not such an ass.” 
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Despite the serious situation, he lets out a low chuckle that turned into a cough. “Don’t get use to it, your highness.” I shake my head at his sass, shifting my weight so I can help the others. “Alright, get some rest-” But as I’m about to move, Bellamy’s grip on my hand tightens and I try not to flinch, not that he would notice it. “Please, don’t leave me. Just sit with me, please.” Bellamy’s voice is so soft and innocent, for a second I think that the man in front of me is not the obnoxious Blake boy I’ve come to possess a love-hate relationship with. I decide to get comfy and take a free rag to cool his sweaty head as he drifted off into unconsciousness. “Ya know, Blake. You’re not so bad when you’re not being a dick. You’re actually kinda alright. I know that you’re trying to the right thing but sometimes the thing you might want to do might not be right. Get some rest.” 
Whilst unconscious and practically tied to Bellamy’s hand, I talk to Octavia. “So what did Lincoln tell you? What did he say exactly?” Octavia runs from one side of the room to the next, helping the dehydrated kids while explaining. “Lincoln said that they use the drug to set the playing field for war, a strategy to enable our defenses. When we’re at our lowest, which should be at dawn, they’ll attack. Finn and Jasper are heading out with a bomb that Raven created in hopes to destroy the bridge that they use to cross over to get us. If they pull it off, that’ll buy us some time to get everyone out of here.” Taking a quick scan around the room, I hadn’t realized that Finn had left the room. I’m also reminded to catch up with Raven, Monty and Jasper when I get the chance. If this is the last time I get to see them, I want to make sure I see them once more.
“Okay. Until they get back, we have to make sure everyone heals, or is at least up to par.” I replace my hand with a blanket so that I can help spread water, looking over my shoulder to talk to Octavia. “And what if worst comes to worst? What do we do then?” She sighs, patting one of the kids head. “We run or stick all of the kids in here. This drop-ship is pretty strong and should give us enough time to come up with a second plan.” I nod along to her words before going out to grab some more water, helping the infected back into the drop-ship for quarantine. Before I know it, it’s almost morning and Clarke and Bellamy are both up, leading people inside, looking much better than they had prior to yesterday. “Welcome back to the land of the living. You feeling better?” I ask Blake as he rubbed his chocolate brown eyes. The bags are gone and he has more color in his face than he had before. “Much better. I don’t remember if I asked, but how did you get out of that attack?” 
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I open my mouth to come up with some bologna excuse that would be enough for him to accept until a loud explosion erupted from behind me. “Holy shit, Jasper did it.” Clarke said to the right of me while Bellamy gave me a faint smile as we looked up at a massive explosion erupting from the tree-line. I only hoped to god that Dimitri and his people weren’t harmed in the attack. The next two days pass by like a blur. I haven’t really been able to leave the camp to see Dimitri except when his owl comes to see me. He always comes when I’m by the fence at night, sending letters back and forth to one another. But besides that, I’ve been trying to pick up bits and pieces of what’s been around and too paranoid to have the grounders attack again. I’m so busy I almost don’t notice a fight that’s broken out and a small fire that’s burnt all of our food. Bellamy has taken the approach to break up the fight but we can’t use the water to put it out. “THAT WAS ALL OF OUR FOOD! WHAT THE HELL ARE WE SUPPOSE TO DO NOW?!” 
When the fire finally dimes down, I make my way over to Bellamy and Clarke. “We have to hunt, we don’t have a choice. We break everyone into groups, one gun per group, no later than nightfall.” Clarke smiles up at me, probably thinking the same thing I was. Bellamy glanced between the two of us, not satisfied with taking orders from us but in reality, I’m sure it was a weight being lifted from his shoulders. More than one opinion is better than one alone. I’m off with a group of my own, grabbing as much as we can find before heading back to camp. I thank my group for their hard work and then head over to Bellamy’s tent to update him on how much we brought and numerically how much more we might need. When I open the tent, my eyes go wide before forcing my gaze to the ground. Raven and Bellamy half naked, wrapping in each others arms, both their bodies covered from head to toe in sweat. 
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For some reason, I feel nauseous and dizzy. “Oh- jeez- I’m sorry. I should have knocked- I’ll go-” I’m gone and across camp, back to my tent before Bellamy or Raven can track me down. I pace across my makeshift tent, breathing heavily and unsure as to why I was feeling this way. I was heated and mad for some reason. Why would Bellamy’s sex life have anything to do with how I’m feeling? Maybe everything with the grounders is all getting to my head. I’m breathing heavily despite the fact that I have no reason to be winded. For some reason, I can’t pull the image of Raven and Bellamy together out of my head. However I’m not in there for long before Octavia comes in, telling me that both Finn and Clarke have been gone for far too long from hunting. 
Good, a distraction. I thought to myself before seeing Raven and Bellamy tag along. Raven gives me a respectful smile, as if she were trying to justify something to me. The longer I look at her, the more it makes sense. She didn’t sleep with Bellamy because she liked him, she wanted to get over the heartbreak of Finn. But why would she care, why would I care? I don’t have feelings for him? She walks with Octavia while I’m regretfully stuck with Bellamy. He carries his gun like it’s life support and I refuse to meet his strong gaze that seems to stair directly into my soul. His strong gaze makes me feel uneasy which is odd because I’m usually use to such facial reactions. But I can’t deal with it, walking in on such an intimate moment, whether he thought it was that or not. 
“You won’t look at me.” He says and I can’t help but roll my eyes. “Congrats, Sherlock. You’ve once again stated the obvious. Do you want a reward, or something?” Bellamy grabs my arm to get my attention and I try not to flinch at the sudden action, it’s not hard but it was definitely something I wasn’t ready for. “Why won’t you look at me? See something you like?” He has the audacity to wink and wiggle his brows up and down suggestively. This time I glare up at him with a fiery passion before ripping my arm out of his grasp. “Get your head out of your ass, Blake. You’re not my type. I won’t look at you because some people actually see sex as something important, not something to be thrown around willy nilly but at the end of the day it is your choice. I do not judge, I don’t have the right. Your sex life, or there lack of, has nothing to do with me, and I’d like to keep it that way. And finally, Bellamy Blake, I wouldn’t touch you with a thirty-nine and a half foot pole.” 
I march ahead of him, already exhausted with our childish bickering. “You sure about that, princess?” When he says it, I have swallow back down the bile that’s started to form. It sounds so much better coming from Dimitri’s soft lips rather than his. “It’s queen to you. You, Blake, remind me a Russian doll, full of yourself.” He’s about to retort but his radio cut him off. “There’s someone in the bushes.” Raven says, quietly. For a moment, we forget about out love/hate relationship. My heart is thumping out of my chest at every step I take, bow and arrow strung at the ready. Octavia and Raven get to the location first before we run directly into Miles, the other kid who was with Clarke and Finn when they ventured out. I kneel down and lift his head up before feeding him some of my leftover water. There’s an arrow wedged in-between his arm-pit and shoulder, along with one just above his knee, burred deep in his left thigh. “Miles, where are they? Clarke and Finn?” Raven asks with hope in her eyes.
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Miles barely gets the words out, but I almost wish he hadn’t, maybe then the truth wouldn’t have been set in stone the way it now feels. “G-Grounders..took them..” I watch as all three of their faces go from their bright color to a cold, clammy white. “Take it easy. We have to get him back to camp.” Bellamy says, and if I’m being honest, I’m surprised that it comes from him. Ninety-five percent of the time, I think that he doesn’t possess a heart whatsoever. “Bell, what about Clarke and Finn?” Octavia asks, looking between her brother and I for an answer. I’m to busy dipping some leftover alcohol onto his wounds to respond, and honestly I don’t know what to do. Raven gets up, looking pale and to the point of tears and I force my gaze away when Bellamy follows her lead, speaking so softly, it was almost inaudible. “Raven, I’m sorry..” 
The way he says it makes me think he’s got something to do with it, even though he doesn’t. Bellamy has a bad habit of feeling guilty for things that’ve happen that he has no reason to be guilty for. “We need to make a stretcher-” Raven says before walking off to do just that. Octavia and I work on Miles’ injuries while Bellamy radios Monty. “Monty, we’re heading home, do you copy?” When he doesn’t respond right away, Bellamy gives me a worried glance. “Monty?!” This time Raven and Octavia stop what they’re doing to look at the radio, waiting for a response, only for it to be silence. He keeps asking over and over again but there’s nothing but silence. We carry Miles back to camp and I can’t help but smile at the sight of one of my two favorite boys. “(Y/n), you’re back!” Jasper exclaims before giving me a warm bear hug. 
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Everyone around him watches in shock as I hug him back, not use to me displaying affection of any sorts. “Good to see you too, Jasper.” The longer I’m here, the more I realize that I’m like a mother to many of the kids here, matching Bellamy’s age, I’m one of the oldest, too. “You hear anything else about Monty?” He asks with hope in his eyes which quickly vanishes upon seeing my sad expression. “I’m sorry, Jasper. I haven’t heard anything yet since I returned with Bellamy, Raven and Octavia. But if I know them, they’re tough as hell. Monty’s a genius, Clarke is smart and Finn is a phenomenal tracker. If I can get out of the grounders grasp, then I know they can, too. We’ll go searching for them in the morning, I promise.” He nods, thanking me before helping Raven out with the explosives. Just when nobodies looking, I sneak right back out of camp. 
Nobody else is going to die, not Clarke, not Finn and not Monty. Though it’s quite dark and ominous out, I feel more alive than ever. My heartbeat is pumping so loudly I’m afraid someone would hear it. Just over the hills, I notice two faint flickers of light, bright enough that it gives off a orange-ish yellow hue around the area. As I creep closer, my suspicions are confirmed. A grounder group with Clarke chained in the middle, about twenty men along with the woman Clarke and I spoke to, Anya, I believe, at the bridge. I watch as another man comes from the left flank, jumping from the hill to yell down at her though it’s not loud enough for me to hear. Once done bringing down one of the many grounder leaders with just his words, he takes a step forwards towards Clarke with the intent to kill, stopping abruptly when a light from across the mountains lights up and fear washes over both Tristan, I believe, and Anya’s eyes before they leave Clarke alone for one of Anya’s soldiers to kill. 
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Once she’s gone, I make my way over to Clarke as one of the grounders stalks towards her, knife in hand. The rest of the grounders leave back down to the river. The second they do, I strike down, kicking him in the side before punching him square in the jaw. He stumbles back, obviously not ready for the attack before pulling his hand up, almost in attempt to stop me. Before I can hit him again, he peels off his mask and I can’t help but gasp. “Lincoln?” Grazing his jaw with his right hand, he scoffs. “You have a mean right hook. Come quickly. Finn’s not far. Help me carry Clarke.” I nod along to his words, wrapping myself in the cloak to disguise my face before lifting Clarke up and onto his horse, jumping on right after. I’m not sure how far we’ve ridden but before I know it, we stop at the highest hill where one of the fires burns brightly. 
Once Lincoln unties Clarke’s bounds before she runs over to Finn. When they look back at us, I remove my cloak when he takes off his mask. “Lincoln? (Y/n)?” I smile and pull Clarke into a warm hug. “It’s good to see you too. We have to go. Now.” With a quick slap the hip, the horse is off in the other direction while we run back to camp towards somewhere safe. My heart is thumping in my throat and I can barely breath, but for some reason I feel more energetic and alive than ever. I’m more adrenaline than I am human at this point as we run from possible death. I can hear the grounders barreling towards us from behind, not close enough for them to reach but not far enough either. Lincoln pushes away a set of leaves, leading to a tunnel. Clarke and Finn follow but I don’t. “I’m meet you guys back at camp. I need to go somewhere first.” They’re about to decline but I’m too persistent. “Don’t worry, I’ll be fine. I know these woods better than you think. Thank you, Lincoln.” 
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I say to him before running in the opposite direction, away from both my friends and my enemies. Heading to the one place that might have exactly what I need that might slow the grounders down, a poison, something. However as I arrived at Dimitri’s cave, a group of grounders, ones I hadn’t recognized, were attacking another who wore a bright blue bandanna that wrapped around his shoulder. My eyes go wide at the realization that that little boy was from Dimitri’s clan. The older grounders are yelling at him in their language and I can only pick up a few words here and there before I wrap my scarf around my face and prepare to attack. Drawing my bow and arrow, I fire at their shoulders, catching the two off guard as they plummet to the ground. Jumping from atop one of the hills, I crash down with my sword, screaming. Despite my recent injury, I move swiftly, grunting here and there when one of them hits my shoulder. 
The fight doesn’t last long before I’m standing in front of the young boy. I put my weapon away and remove my mask to let him look at my warm eyes. “Hey, I’m not going to hurt you, okay? Let’s get you home-” I say, crouching down for him to take my hand. His eyes shift from the grounders bodies over my shoulder and then back at me, slowly lacing our fingers together. The more I look at him, the younger he looks. Roughly less than the age of eight. I’m not sure where we’re going but he leads the way, practically running to the point where I have to skip after him. He refuses to let go of my hand the entire way before we stop right in front of a set of trees and I don’t go any farther despite the fact that he wants me to come with him. I crouch down and rest my hand on his cheek. “You need to go home to your family, okay? I need to go back to mine. Stay safe, alright?” 
I stand up to let him go but before I get the chance to move, he wraps his arms around my body before running the extra mile home. The entire run back to camp, I think solely about that boy and what he was doing out there at night. The more I thought about it, the more I realized that he looked quite similar to Dimitri, except his hair was dirty blonde instead of Dimitri’s natural color. I remembered being that scared little kid, never knowing how to defend myself or fight until I forced myself to learn. I grimace at the memory before arriving back home. Octavia’s at my side before I know it, Bellamy not too far from us. “Murphy’s got a gun and has Jasper trapped in the drop-ship. Bellamy’s agreed to trade himself.” Before I can stop him, he’s already halfway up the ramp. I don’t know what made me do what I’m about to do but I run in the opposite direction and jump over the gate before it closes, hitting the tarp and the ground with a loud, painful thud before standing up to meet the end of a gun. “How nice of you to join us, princess.” Murphy says with a wicked grin while another boy smiles up at me. Trevor. 
(I hope you guys liked it!! Please comment below! I really appreciate the feedback!) 
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chimerabal · 6 years
Enter Player 5
Got a new character during the second half of the campaign today *confetti*, and hoo man what a Wild Fucking Ride. Wow.
Last session we defeated the Big Bad demon leader of the cult we were investigating, and got sent back to Thraben for two weeks of downtime between missions. The party is staying in a church compound, the characters all have these apartment rooms they’re chillin’ in, and were given an initial week of time to do whatever. 
Sibyl spent the better part of her time decoding The Book she carries; a bible loaded with coded scribbles added in by a party unknown to me. She made some good progress, which the content of is also.... unknown to me. Proud of her though! She also built a flying contraption that makes both Uriel and myself turn green with envy- quit being cool. Mikela took time to write to her family and had a heart to heart with a priest over her moral dilemmas. She also took the time to visit our werewolf Katya, played by the dm, and her younger sister to escort them on the town for a relaxing pub visit (as the church keeps them locked away unless escorted- being werewolves and all). Fun bonding happened over Mikela’s unwillingness to drink, and Katya’s jovial insistence on having a beer. 
The merriment was cut short very abruptly when Katya recognized a group of rangers in the crowd from her Past- and they recognized her. They got in her face about being a werewolf bold enough to come into the city- Mikela got into the ranger’s faces about being pricks- a ranger got into the younger sister’s face wiTH A KNIFE. Things escalated very- Very quickly. Mikela and the younger sister were brought out of the pub, leaving Katya wildly outnumbered in the pub. Mikela was able to overtake the one dude outside. Inside, Katya transformed FULL WOLF (just out of view, awww) and started kicking serious ass. Some thugs left the pub to attack the sister; Mikela decided that Katya had it handled and they fled. While fleeing they ran into a high ranking church knight and a crew of guards, who recognized Mikela’s regalia and they helped end the conflict (barely, Wolf!Katya had it handled and all they really did was get her to a hospital post fight). The knight turned out to be canon character Thalia, the Guardian of Thraben. Mikela and Thalia had a good heart to heart, knight to knight, chat- however the whole ordeal still left Mikela exhausted (probably doubly so with how many ‘I told you so’s were thrown her way over taking the werewolf for a walk :T overall NPCs were understanding tho).
((Per the norm, if Uriel wasn’t involved I was probably zoning in and out, there may be missed events, lmao, I try.))
Uriel started their week by trying to get as many resources from the armory as possible, and making a guard Actually Ill by describing scaberen stuff. Very successful. Couldn’t secure a room with a bathtub though. The better part of their time was building scaabs, and the better part of my time trying to describe them, haha;;; They packaged up a shiny new set of leatherworking tools for the old man she robbed in the cult-ridden town, added a small note, and got dressed in their best clothes as part of a convoluted plan to get Mikela to like them. They explained that they wanted to send a shiny new set of tools (omitting that they STOLE the old dudes regular set) to the man who so kindly housed us during our mission as both a thank you for his kindness, and an apology for our bad behavior (and the unmentioned guilt of ruining the dudes lively hood and sanity)- but they don’t know where the courier is or accurately remember the old man’s address :/ Another huge honkin’ success, the hidden truth stayed hidden and Mikela now thinks Uriel is a far better person than they actually are, PLUS Uriel’s nagging guilt of possibly really ruining this dude is lifted. Uriel was also able to gain access to a private bath through Mikela *confetti emoji* which... although not essential to the plot... is a creature comfort that makes it Way less likely that my character will try and escape for home.
Mikela used her and Uriel’s time together to try and figure out something about what the Lunarch had told the group out of her earshot last session. Uriel wasn’t able to lie as efficiently as normal after all the kindness Mikela had shown, and when caught lying Mikela offered even MORE kindness that... honestly caused a short circuit in my character’s self preservation and deceitfulness centers ((or in dice terms, I rolled a nat 1 on deception)). Uriel said that, although Mikela is the person she would want to tell the most, that they’re not in a safe enough place to talk about it. I’m pretty sure this set off every red flag and alarm in Mikela’s head- oops- but the characters are now closer for it :’) The awkwardness and seriousness of the situation entirely left Uriel’s mind the moment she saw how Nice the rooms for the traveling diplomats and higher ups were, and although Mikela still had concerns the two parted because personal hygiene and space are top priority for my dumb child.
At the end of week one, the Grand Lunarch Mikeaus called the “Investigative Squad” (as we seem to have started calling ourselves) to a meeting over the werewolf fiasco, and to introduce a new member to the group. The new member wasn’t the Lunarch’s idea, but the idea of many other Very Concerned church figures who just aren’t totally sure about all this- having someone Mikeaus didn’t pick himself added some security? We didn’t get much time to ask because the new member back flipped (literally) into the room, followed by magical glitter and fireworks. She tried, awkwardly, to get some laughs or applause from our Totally Stunned party, but eventually resigned to just introducing herself. Aurelia, former humble street performer, claims to have joined the church to “better the world” and sees the Investigative Squad as the perfect opportunity... you know... to better things. The scientists were amused, but Mikela was... not. At all. She took it as a personal slight and got Sassy. Introductions went... strangely. Uriel did a damn good job at creeping Aurelia the hell out, especially so when the word ‘scaberen’ was used (it was dodged many times prior to Mikeaus getting sick of us chatting). Aurelia also got anxious learning that Sibyl works in nerco-alchemy. I’d say every other sentence from this girl caused an insight check to happen, but we didn’t get much out of it immediately. Everyone except Aurelia was dismissed, Mikeaus had one final thing to share with her in private.
All together, Mikela began filling in Aurelia on the previous victories of the squad- less out of kindness and more as like,,, a petty accomplishment thing xD Aurelia took interest in the slain demons and Uriel eagerly offered to show off the work she did with the parts. Uriel had a full... maybe ten max minutes... of glory in which she thought the Whole Party was interested in seeing the upgrades she did to Ugly, and the new sculptures she was able to put together, before shit started hitting the fan. Aurelia managed to slip past both Uriel and Ugly and into Uriel’s totally trashed room to steal some unguarded demon parts. While Uriel struggled to get Aurelia back Out Of Their Space, the door fell off the hinges (thanks Ugly) and EVERYONE entered their disdainfully messy apartment. :( Sibyl and Mikela did some checks on Ugly to determine if the parts were safe. They aren’t. :(. One of the checks involved a spell that was able to detect demonic energies and Mikela detected the stolen part. 
Its... hard to describe how many /just barely successful/ deception checks Aurelia had made up to this point and HOW on edge everyone else was... but it was intense- and right here is where it started really going wrong really fast. Mikela grabs Aurelia’s bag and demands to know what the hell is going on, why there’s demonic energy in her bag, and what shes ACTUALLY here for. Aurelia tries a few more lies that fail horribly. “Demon parts that’s SILLY why would anyone want THAT” was said to the faces of both a scaberen and a necro-alchemist. She slips that shes from Nephalia as well and Uriel recognizes her. They call her out as a parts dealer they bought angel blood from once, which sets Mikela OFF. Aurelia tries to flee and combat starts. Shes slippery enough to avoid getting caught by Uriel’s whip AND grabbed by Ugly, but with great effort Mikela is able to grapple her- in the process knocking a ton of highly volatile scaberen chemicals onto the ground and lighting the damn apartment on fire. Sibyl uses her attack to try and put out the flames, fails. Aurelia casts a spell that frees her from Mikela’s grapple, and the shockwave from which blows out the fire. She makes a run for it and leaps out the window. Uriel lays on the ground and checks out from this chase b/c ughhhhhfuck this I almost lost all my work and supplies I’m out.
Sibyl peruses with a flight spell, and Mikela grabs the attention of some church guards from the window to join in the chase. Aurelia casts hideous laughter on Sibyl, who falls out of the sky onto Aurelia, leaving them both prone with a chance for the guards to catch up- they don’t though. Sibyl casts charm person on Aurelia, which keeps her from attacking, but not from escaping as she casts an illusion and vanishes (?). Mikela leaves Aurelia’s stuff with Uriel in the room and rushes to the combat. 
The session ended and the DM advised on thinking up a background character just in case the party manages to catch Aurelia and kill her- or if Aureila escapes for good. I hope neither of those is the case because holy Crap that was a hilarious session. I gotta do some doodles from it because- just- MAN.
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potterblogs-blog · 7 years
ok y'all have been sorting pjo characters into hogwarts houses which would be nice if you were doing it right
it’s great that you’re trying and all but the thing is, I find a lot of them following the same pattern:
All the demigods are automatically in Gryffindor, because they’re super brave. Octavian and Ethan Nakamura and Clarisse and all sorts of people the fandom doesn’t like are obviously in Slytherin because, you know, Slytherin is hella evil. Then we’ve got the stuck-ups in Ravenclaw and the background characters in Hufflepuff, ‘cause apparently it’s the potato House.
Since all this is hella stereotypical and not at all correct, I was like, well, what would I do? Well hERE IS THE ANSWER ASSHATS
*bill nye voice* please...cOnSiDeR tHe FoLLoWiNg
Percy is a hella Hufflepuff, no denying it, not one bit. He doesn’t care about a position or nothing, he is just a pure Hufflepuff inside and out.
Let’s talk about some major Hufflepuff qualities here:
• Dedication (yo my boy percy is pretty dedicated to the camp and to staying alive am i right i mean he was literally not at all tempted to join kronos’ army like ever soo yeah. also. consider a thing. have u even read the books. if they are a smol bean and he has met them at least 15 mins ago u bet ur lil ass he’s dedicated)
• Patience (percy has not decapitated a SINGLE god on purpose and they all keep coming back, i mean it’s bound to happen someday but CMON YOU GOTTA ADMIRE HIM FOR THAT. literally so patient. even by ADHD standards and its ok u can ask me i have ADHD but that’s beside the point back to percy now)
• Loyalty (it’s his freaking fatal flaw wtf else do you want from him??? to jump into tartarus out of loyalty to his girlfriend??? you do one wrong thing to percy’s friend and he will mESS UP YOUR SHIT LIKE A TRUE HUFFLEPUFF DON’T EVEN PRETEND HE WON’T. remember nancy? I THOUGHT SO. FIRST FEW PAGES OF THE SERIES. AND IT ONLY GETS BETTER)
Don’t try to tell me my girl Annabeth is a Ravenclaw because she ain’t no Ravenclaw get outta my face and let me lay down some FACTS here
• Cunning (we all know what this means so lemme just throw down some hella rad SYNONYMS because those are just the bOMB DIGGITY: we got crafting, scheming, designing, and calculating rn. YOU KNOW WHO IS ALL OF THOSE THINGS? MY GIRL ANNIE. FIGHT ME. I GOT ANNABETH ON MY TEAM AND SHE WILL SLAY YOU WITH HER CLEVERNESS AND DECEIT BEFORE SHE EVEN TAKES OUT HER DAGGER. SHE TRICKED ARACHNE INTO WEAVING HER OWN DEATH TRAP FOR ZEUS’ SAKE)
• Resourcefulness (lil bby annabeth ran away from home in SAN FRANCISCO when she was SEVEN and met luke and thalia in RICHMOND which is in VIRGINIA. SHE WAS SEVEN AND SOMEHOW WENT FROM THE WEST COAST TO THE EAST COAST. GOTTA BE RESOURCEFUL FOR THAT. also remember that time when she broke her ankle, scolded it, then made a cast out of bUBBLE WRAP? BECAUSE I DO. AND THEN THE WHOLE WEAVING A BRIDGE THING. DANG GIRL.)
• Ambition (don’t deny it this girl’s fatal flaw is pride and those two things are connected aS SHIT. SHE’S SO INTENT ON BEING AN ARCHITECT THAT SHE GOT THE GODS TO GIVE HER A JOB REDESIGNING MOUNT OLYMPUS AND THATS A BIG ASS THING IF I DO SAY SO MYSELF. reminder that this girl had the chance to get away from a sphinx but she challenged it instead because it was sorta insulting?? who else do we know is like this?? oh yeah fUCKIGN SLYTHERINS)
• Wisdom (yeah annabeth’s mom may be the goddess of wisdom but if jason wasn’t wise then how the heckity heck would he have survived long enough to be made a freaking PRAETOR. also you know what fight me. jason is the equivalent of a giant dog that is a floofer and goes boof and loves small children but that has nothing to do with wisdom anyway he is one of the smartest out of the seven)
• Individuality (yeah that’s a thing go ask my girl JK. if jason isn’t so Original™ then explain to me please how he restored the Fifth Cohort to awesomeness?? he was a total badass who didn’t take any shit and turned it around for the whole cohort that’s how. this lil boi is an individual yis. one might ask how can one be a badass but also be a fluffball? well jason did it so stop asking ok)
• Acceptance (we are talking about the official mom friend and the founder of the nico di angelo protection squad what else do you want him to do, hug mother earth??? he wrote the song you’ve got a friend in me because he loves everyone)
Consider yourself a thing. Consider all of the Gryffindor Piper things. JUST CONSIDER THEM.
• Recklessness (subtle reminder that Piper used her charmspeak to fuckign steal stuff even though she knew she would get caught. also consider yourself some other things. remember when she anNIHILATED A FRICKIN GODDESS WITH HER IMPULSIVENESS BECAUSE YES. remember when she and anniebell had to do the thing with the stuff that was all about feelings and shit but lil orphan annie over there was totally lost and all like “this is hella illogical” and pipes was just all “we just gotta dO THE THING ANNABETH” and it was total badassery bc it’s the reason i live)
• Bravery (this girl went on her first quest like a week after she found out she was a demigod and would probably die a painful death bUT DID SHE STUTTER?? nah. REMEMBER WHEN SHE SCREAMED AT A CROWD OF ANGRY ROMAN CHILDREN WHO WANTED MURDER BECAUSE JASON GOT HIT IN THE HEAD WITH A BRICK AND SHE HAD TO PROTECT HIM??? BRAVE. went on her first quest knowing that her dad was probably gonna die and did all the things to make the giants angry and plan a rescue??? BRAVE AF.)
• Chivalry (HELLA amazing friend because she’s just sO GENUINE AND KIND and you know that if someone hurts you she will CUT THEM WITH HER SUPER BADASS KNIFE THAT GIVES PEOPLE NIGHTMARES. stands by jason ALL THE TIME especially when he needs her and actually everyone can count on her for all of the things.)
On the subject of Leo: This child is a Ravenclaw through and through no evidence needed but jUST IN CASE I WILL TALK TO YOU ABOUT THE STUFF.
• Creativity (we are talking about a smol bean who makes tiny helicopters and stuff that actually works WHEN HE IS NOT EVEN LOOKING AT WHAT HE IS DOING OR PAYING ANY ATTENTION TO IT. remember how this child saw a terrifying bronze dragon that everyone had tried and failed to tame and just went “sweet, imma grab that so we can ride off into the Canadian sunset”??? yeahp. remember when apollo needed a thing so he just casually freaking iNVENTED A BRAND NEW INSTRUMENT LIKE IT WAS NBD??? I DO. BADASS)
• Originality (leo practically becomes famous for his abilities to come up with plans that are so ridiculously original that nobody figures out what’s happening before it’s too late and if that’s not good enough for you then idk what is. allow me to raise you the cyclops incident, right next to the robot eidolons thing plus that whole fiasco where he fuckign died, also did i mention the valdezinator or the fact that he was the only person to ever figure out how to return to ogygia?? this kid is a mechanical engineer already and he’s 16 im pretty sure baby eight year old leo sat through calculus classes at a local college and got the best grades tbh)
• Wit (leo is the master of comebacks and rash two-minute ideas that actually end up working like damn son this is a purebred Ravenclaw right here lemme just appreciate this. also hey remember that time where he got launched off of a flying ship and was hurtling downwards at a very alarming rate because you know that’s what happens when you fall and he literally actually built himself a working helicopter so that he wouldn’t die all while free falling from probably at least a few thousand feet in the air like damn son)
Conclusion: Leo and Jason share the diadem. Leo gets it on mondays, wednesdays and fridays and Jason gets to wear it on tuesdays, thursdays and saturdays and on sundays they surrender it to the marble bust of Rowena Ravenclaw in the Ravenclaw Tower who says that LEO DESERVES TO BE IN RAVENCLAW EVEN MORE SO THAN YOUR AVERAGE STUDENT COME AT ME BRO
ok well hazel is somehow both my child and my mom so I’m not exactly sure how that works but anyway hERE ARE ALL THE REASONS THAT HAZEL IS A BEAUTIFUL, BADASS SLYTHERIN.
• Cunning (hey y'all remember that time with the cliff and the turtle and the feet?? terrifying huh?? yeah girl slay!! hazel will trick you and manipulate you and you won’t have any idea it’s happening until you’re being gobbled up by your own gargantuan pet sea turtle. Slytherins are also known for achieving their ends in any and all ways and all i could think of was how my child actually literally fuckign died so that she could stop the rise of acelonywhatever and the whole time she was 13 and staring death and gaea right in the frickin face and she didn’t give any shits at all)
• Resourcefulness (let’s talk about that time when hazel was “captured” by the amazons and basically had nothing so she did the only logical thing which was drown them in massive piles of jewelry from the warehouse and make them beg for mercy, also there was this horse thing that nobody could touch and she just casually goes “oh just a sec lemme summon a giant gold nugget that was probably at least a mile into the dirt because how else would it be this big” and he loves her and she rides him into victory. did i mention that hazel is my mom?? this is just one (1) of the sUPER RAD RESOURCEFUL THINGS that hazel manages to pull off)
• Ambition (hazel both believes and knows for a fact that she can literally do all of the things and she never once doubts herself like at all because she is AMAZEBALLS LIKE THAT. SHE WAS 13 AND THE AMAZONS WERE ALL LIKE “DANG GIRL WE WANT YOU ON OUR TEAM” and she was like “i got this huge to-do list but nbd i’ll get her done” like she is pURE CONFIDENCE AND. YES)
Not gonna deny that my lil noob Frankie's a tRUE PURE-HEARTED GRYFFINDOR. THIS IS WHY YOU SHOULD AGREE WITH ME.
• Chivalry (WE’RE TALKING ABOUT A CHILD WHO WILL TRIP OVER HIS OWN FEET AND PUNCH HIMSELF IN THE FACE IF IT MEANS HE’S SHOWING RESPECT TO YOU. my dude doesn’t care who you are, he will literally always show you respect until he’s given a reason not to. everything he eVER DOES is because he’s PROTECTING SOMEONE or he’s GETTING A LIL BIT OF PAYBACK and if that’s noT A GRYFFINDOR THING THEN DAMN SON YOU SHOULD REALLY SORT OUT YOUR PRIORITIES)
• Bravery (if you’re going to come into mY HOUSE and tell me that FRANK ZHANG ISN’T BRAVE then feel free to hit yourself in the face with a hammer because guess what losers?? this kid loses his mom and then his gma just goes “oh by the way you’re half god and you have a gift that you need to figure out for yourself and also here’s this piece of wood, don’t burn it or else you will actually die, now go with this pack of fuckign wolves to camp so that monsters won’t attack you and you won’t die, plus when you get there you have to beg forgiveness for this thing that your great grandfather did or else they might literally murder you. have fun” and frankie just rOLLS WITH IT AND KICKS ASS WHILE BEING A CUTE LIL CHUBBY BUNNY. LET’S NOT FORGET ABOUT HOW HE COMPLETELY OBLITERATED A WHOLE CITY’S WORTH OF MONSTERS to appease a stupid ass god and save nico and hazel from being forever plants and he gets back and trippy is absolutely terrified of him because omg he’s glowing red and he actually did the thing and oh also he kind of scared me so much that i sort of forgot i was a god and had power over him)
• Nerve (let me repeat how FRANK ENOUGH NERVE TO THREATEN A GOD WITHOUT EVEN THINKING OF THE CONSEQUENCES. I’M SO DONE WITH THIS. THIS IS MY SHIT THANKS. PLS APPRECIATE FRANKIE YOURE ALL BREAKING MY HEART. Also remember how he entrusted his real actual lifeline to somebody who wasn’t him like daaang boi that is so pure)
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andromedahawking · 7 years
NaNoWriMo Day 5
8,333 words! And the website refuses to make my daily progress bars green because fuck you, apparently. Here’s today’s stuff! (Italics mark yesterday’s work)
“What?! Dude, run! Run, run! Get going!” Maria exclaimed. “You’re not gonna make it if you don’t book it!”
“I know that already!” he said, already breaking into a jog. He sprinted across the courtyard, then vanished into the sprawl of buildings. Typical. He casually tosses out this information, as if he has more time to cross the campus than he actually does, and then he starts running. Honestly, if she were him, she wouldn’t even bother sticking around to chat, she would just start running at full tilt for the science building. But then, that wouldn’t be very much like Adrien. The dork. She smirked, turning away, and started walking towards English.
That evening, when she got home from work (and holy shit, work was a story and a half today, she would need at least a couple of strong drinks to simmer down from that before she went to bed tonight), she was greeted with an unexpected notification in her messages.
16:38 Tatie: Hey, can I ask you something?
What was Tatie doing texting her? Like, not the group project chat, but her specifically?
18:12 Maria: Sorry for the late reply, just got home. What’s up?
Tatie: Oh, no worries! I wasn’t expecting an immediate response. Anyway, I wanted to ask you: I know we haven’t really interacted too much yet, but would you be willing to meet up on Friday night for drinks?
What? Drinks? On a Friday night?
Okay, this was going to be an interesting conversation. Tatie was asking to go out for drinks? First of all, huh? Second of all, why?
Maria: Um, I don’t see why not… But I am a bit thrown, to be honest.
Tatie: Yeah, I kinda figured. I just thought it might be nice to get to know each other since we’re working on the History project together. Y’know, instead of just having each other filed away as ‘the chick who’s doing the thing with me’ in our heads.
Okay, valid point. They hadn’t really done much besides say hi to each other when they passed in the halls, and it was a tiny bit awkward to be working with her without a little more social interaction to make things go smoothly.
Maria: Okay, I can get behind that. Where were you thinking of meeting up?
Tatie: Do you know Lac de la Lune?
Maria: Yeah, I go there sometimes when I’ve got spare cash. That works.
Tatie: Good! Shall we meet there at, say, 19?
Maria: Sure! If I get there first, booth or table?
Tatie: Booth! I love the booths there.
Maria: We’re gonna be fast friends, Tatie.
Tatie: I hope so~
Okay, yeah, this was going to be fun. This was a good decision.
For the uninitiated, Lac de la Lune was a place that was a little more high-class than just a place Maria went “when she had spare cash.” Lac de la Lune was a special occasion place, reserved for things like birthdays or days that went exceedingly well. She went maybe once every two months, because that was all she could really afford.
That told her one thing about Tatie: if she was suggesting Lac de la Lune as a place to just get together for a few drinks, she had more cash to play with than Maria did. Not that that was a problem or anything, it was just something that she might keep in mind for later. That wasn’t weird.
Friday was also a good day to get together, because it was the one day when she didn’t have anything to do. No work, no school, no nothing. She could plan whatever she wanted without consequence. She had been thinking about maybe getting together with someone in the afternoon to hang out, so this was really a timely arrangement. After a couple of stiff drinks, she went to bed with a tiny smile tugging at her lips. She was actually kinda looking forward to tomorrow…
The sun woke her up nice and late at quarter to 9, and she spent another half hour enjoying the warmth of her bed before getting up to get breakfast. To her pleasant surprise, Thalia had already left for school of her own accord. Good, that girl needed to start relying less on her big sis to get her up and going, she was 15 years old already.
Feeling like indulging, she made herself scrambled eggs for breakfast, with two slices of buttered toast, and some coffee with a lot of cream and a pinch of sugar, just the way it was meant to be for a morning like this. She took her time eating, sipping her coffee slowly, looking out the window at the morning clouds, watching the cars on the road glide by with an almost lazy energy. The clouds were nice and puffy today, and there were some lovely cirrus ones way up high above the thicker packs. She checked the weather, and the forecast said it was supposed to be pleasantly cool, with a high of 20° Celsius hitting around 16, then a low of 12° late at night. She could get behind that. That sounded like a nice day to her.
After she finished eating, she decided to go out into the town for a little while. She ended up drifting down to the bookstore, where she bought two new books, and spent a couple of hours at a café reading the first one. Then, around 14, she went into Pleasant Hill and caught a movie that she’d been wanting to see for a little while now. The popcorn was delicious, and the movie was pretty great. By the time the sun was starting to sink in the sky, she was feeling just as good as she had been when she woke up.
She killed her remaining time window shopping in the malls near the bookstore, making preliminary notes for what to get Thalia and her friends for Christmas presents. She had been good with saving this year, so she could probably afford to get everybody something on the nicer side, which would be great to see.
Finally, it was half an hour ’til 19. She made her way down to Lac de la Lune, and as she’d expected, she arrived first. Typical of her, just socially anxious enough to arrive early every single time out of some unfounded fear of being late. But hey, that meant she secured a booth before the dinner rush had a chance to steal it away, so really, who was the winner in this scenario and who were the losers?
Tatie showed up at ten ’til 19. Maria looked at her, and instantly felt underdressed. Tatie had gone to the trouble of putting on nice makeup, curled her hair a little, and was wearing a nice sparkly shirt and a cute skirt. Meanwhile, here she was, in her usual button-up shirt and blue jeans. Very classy. Very.
“Hey there!” Tatie said, sliding into the booth. “How are you today?”
“I was better before I saw how nice you look,” Maria confessed. “Now I feel like I should’ve dolled myself up a little before coming here.”
“Oh, don’t worry, you look lovely,” Tatie said. “I take these sorts of things a little more seriously than most people anyway, you’re not the only one who’s told me that before.”
“Okay, that makes me feel a bit better,” Maria said. “How are you doing today?”
“I’m doing pretty good!” Tatie said, smiling brightly. “It was such a gorgeous day outside, I felt bad that I spent most of it at school instead of going out or something.”
“That’s exactly what I did,” Maria said with a small laugh. “I spent all day just out on the town, got a couple books, saw a movie. It was really nice.”
“Oh, that’s great!” Tatie handed her a menu. “So, tell me, what drinks do you usually go for here?”
“I’m generally a White Russian kind of gal.”
Tatie smiled crookedly. “I like it. I usually go for the brightly coloured cocktails, myself.”
“Those are pretty good too. I don't really branch out too often with my drinks, though, I have a few that are tried and true already.”
They ordered their drinks, as well as food to go with it.
“I need to come here more often,” Tatie said after they ordered. “I really like the atmosphere.”
“I wish I could come here more than I do," Maria said. “It’s just a tiny bit on the expensive side for me, so I have to plan accordingly for that.”
“Oh, does your job not give you too much money to play with yet?” Tatie asked.
“Pretty much. I have enough to have decent spending money after bills and everything, but not quite enough to make this somewhere I can go without a good reason.”
“Aw, that kinda sucks.”
“One day I’ll have a better salary, then I can go here whenever I want.”
Tatie laughed at that. “I like it! Maybe then we could make this a frequented spot.”
“I wouldn’t mind that,” Maria said, smiling. “But now I’m curious—if I’m the one who can’t afford to come here the most often, where do you get your money from that lets you come more?”
“My parents, mainly,” Tatie said. “I try to self-sustain, but unfortunately, there’s not much in the way of entry-level jobs that would give me enough cash to come out here. And technically, I’m already out here on their dime, so…”
“Where do your parents live?”
“We live in Raleigh. I’m living in our summer home in Moraga right now.”
“Okay, first of all, jealous. You have a summer home? All the way out here in California? When you live in North Carolina?”
Tatie laughed. “I’m sorry! My parents really liked it out here, but they settled in Raleigh before I was even born!”
“Okay, so what do your parents do that let them afford a summer home out here?”
“Well, Daddy’s an architect, and Mom’s a college professor. She teaches German.”
“Ah, I see now,” Maria said. “So I’m guessing your dad makes a lot of money?”
“Compared to Mom, yeah.”
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runningwolf62 · 7 years
So I made a post last night about my Pathfinder Game but now I’m going to get my thoughts in order and actually explain.
So there’s six players but two couldn’t make it. I’m playing Toddic, the Fighter. The Game is set on Innistrad from Magic the Gathering, and we’re cleaning up after the Apocalypse was cancelled.
So background, Toddic is from Kessig, which basically means he’s from where Lumberjacks and Werewolves are found, and people tend to be kind of gruff. He’s big and well built and also the oldest at twenty-one. We ran into the canon character Thalia. I, the player, love her immensely so I was really excited. She also was inspiring to Toddic, so he’s been kind of following her around as she took the party to her headquarters. Anyway we got there, and the session was a good one. Asides from the part where I rolled a 1 when leveling up so my health is... well it’s not terrible but come on now.
I’m going to put it all under a cut for length.
Thalia takes us to Odric, an NPC and basically an advisor. Odric doesn’t trust the party and doesn’t want us to be in their organization because we lack the training.
Odric: “Fine, we are short handed and we have several tasks that if done would aid us immensely. If you prove yourselves-”
Toddic: “We get it, you don’t trust us, we do you favors, you like us more, skip to the part where you tell us what you need done.”
The entire party: *stares at me*
Me: “What, that was a very Kessig thing to say?”
Ranger: “Dude work on your people skills!”
Me: “You’re also from Kessig!”
The DM/Odric: “That was a very Kessig response.”
The rogue is flirting with some people and we’re like “well how hot is she?” And finally I suggest rolling a d10. So the rogue rolls and then we’re all like, why not? And we all roll. Everyone rolled around a five, I got a nine.
Witch: *staring at his four*
The DM: “You know what I’ll let you add Charisma.”
Ranger and Rogue: “Yeah that’s a zero.”
Witch: “That’s a minus one.”
Me: “That makes me a ten.”
So I chose to chase the lead of a Caravan that was attacked in the woods on it’s way to Thalia’s group. The party meanwhile, gets hired by someone to escort him all the way to the ocean and back for a shipment of something.
They realize that maybe they should let me know about that, so they go looking for me.
Rogue: “I’m going to look for a woman and ask her if she’s seen a really attractive man around here.”
NPC:  "I saw some guy go past here and makes me regrets marrying the man I did. He was heading that way. My hubbie is a sweetie but… oooh."
The Ranger and Rogue both roll perception, the Rogue rolls high enough to see me heading to the Ramparts.
DM: “You, Ranger, see someone that has to be Toddic, no one else in the land is as beautiful as he is.”
Ranger: “I’m not interested in that!”
The DM: “His ethereal beauty surpasses mortal sexuality!”
So the Witch and the Ranger follow Not!Me, while the Rogue follows actual me to the plot. She fills me in once I’m done questioning people, and I’m like “You what?” and decide to go chew out my party for taking on a job like that. (look 200 gold a person is good but character goals).
Meanwhile the Ranger and Witch follow Not!Me to a sewer where he enters.
Ranger, who missed last session where I literally ditched the party to stay with Thalia: “You know it’s kind of weird he’s heading here.”
Witch: “Nah Thalia probably asked him to do it and he’d do it.”
Me: “You know just because it’s true doesn’t mean you have to point it out.”
So we get the party back together and I fail to explain what I learn because the Rogue got into danger but we save her, all good and we head to the inn for the night, I pay because the rest of the party is broke.
But I’m still arguing with them about doing this job because Thalia’s group has jobs for us here.
Ranger: “Why don’t you want to go through Kessig? That’s where you’re from!”
Witch: “Because Toddic’s following Thalia around and that’s why.”
Ranger: “Wait do you have a crush on Thalia?”
I’m not sure if this is in character or not so I just slowly sink in my seat and stare at the wall, because the answer for both player and character is yes.
Witch: “You’re not subtle.”
Ranger: “Oh my god! I know you’re cute but I think she’s like way out of your league!”
Me: “You don’t have to throw it in my face.”
DM: “I mean he rolled a ten, a nine technically but like… I mean looks aren’t everything but they’ll get you places. The personality is a deciding factor but looks will get you somewhere.”
We decided that it was in character that everyone was giving Toddic shit for his crush on Thalia, the Ranger in particular takes delight in this.
The next morning we show up to escort the Caravan through the woods (passing conveniently through the area Odric asked us to investigate.)
The Merchant who hired us does a double take. He’d promised to pay us all half of the gold upfront so that was 100 pieces each. He’d only seen half the party so he’d thought he’d agreed to pay three hundred, but was finding out he had to pay six hundred.
Merchant: “How many of you are there?”
Toddic: “Six.”
Merchant: “I don’t have enough to pay half upfront for all of you. How about fifty.”
Toddic: “Seventy-five or I’ll make you pay the cat.”
The DM: “What?”
Me: “Seventy-five or I’ll make you pay the cat, as in the druid’s cat.”
Ranger: “What would persuasion even be?”
Me: “Oh no, this is intimidation.”
I roll a seventeen with a bonus that takes it to nineteen.
Merchant: “Alright, I can pay you all seventy but that’s all I have!”
Toddic: “That’s acceptable.”
Ranger: “Remind me to bring you on all my jobs!”
So we find the Witch that’s been killing people, and get the caravan safely passed and they agree to go back and kill her for Toddic, who wanted to do that. (Because of his thing for Thalia.)
Ranger, “let me track this!” *rolls 15*
Me: “I’ll help!” *rolls 24*
Rogue: “I’m going to stealth.” *rolls good enough to hide*
Me: “… and I guess stealth too?” *rolls*
Me: “DM I just vanished off the face of the earth.”
I rolled a natural 20. I have out tracked the Ranger and out stealthed the Rogue. So I disappear and they find me at the edge of the bog leading to the witch’s hut because that’s where I lost the trail.
So we head over, and I make myself a big target because I’m the fighter and it gives the others a chance to get into position and attack her. A rough battle ensues (the witch is our only healer) but we kill her, and I get the final blow, and she’s dead.
Me: “So you all ready to mock Toddic?”
Everyone: *looks at me*
Me/Toddic: “We should probably tell Thalia about this.”
Everyone: *gives me a bitch really look*
But we finish looting and we’re standing around, deciding we should head back to the Caravan and the town it was heading to, meaning I wouldn’t get to tell Thalia’s group we’d killed the witch.
Rogue to DM: “Is there no way to get a message to the group?”
DM: “Not really no.”
Rogue: “So how about Toddic and I go back and tell them we killed the Witch while you two catch up to the Caravan.”
Me/Toddic, touched: “Thank you.”
DM: “With two people, running, you would be able to catch up to them pretty easily.”
I’m relieved I’m not spliting the party for long and really touched the Rogue, both character and player, are willing to do that for Toddic. So of course...
Ranger:  “Why don’t you take the message back to your girlfriend?”
Toddic: “Thalia is not my girlfriend!”
Ranger: “You wish she was!”
Toddic, trying not to get mad: “You are sixteen, you are sixteen.”
Ranger: “Yeah what of it?”
Toddic: “You’re at this age where you’re like this.”
Ranger: “Hell yeah I am!”
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familyfriendlyfilm · 7 years
Throughway - PJO
Hey! This is my first fanfic that I’ve posted here ever. I used the prompt of Liminal Spaces from a different post for a brainstorm and I found myself writing Percy and Annabeth, so I hope you enjoy!
Third person POV, Annabeth focus though. Some fluff but nothing too mature. 
Saturated orange light flickered as it filtered through the dirty window above the booth. The fluorescents overhead buzzed and filled the air with electricity, as if anticipating the coming storm. In the booth, sat a young woman, maybe 20 or 21, head in her hands, trying to find a way to control the sobs that racked her body. Her phone screen lit up and quietly dinged every few seconds, but she attempted to ignore all that.
She found herself, in a phone booth, at a rest stop outside of her city for one reason only: the betrayal of a loved one. Not 3 hours earlier, she had walked in on her boyfriend Nico and her best friend Will, shirts off and lips locked on her couch. All she could do at the time was stand in the doorway, mouth agape as they both scrambled to get off each other and stuttered out worthless excuses and apologies.
As she relieved that moment in her head, she let out a sad and frustrated groan, the buzzing and ringing and flickering driving her to a moment of insanity where she picked up the cell and through it out of the curtain that separated her from the rest of the world.
“OW! What the hell?”
Shit. She didn’t expect anyone to be out there, especially not at this hour. The woman peeked around the curtain to find a man with messy black hair in a blue hoodie rubbing his neck and reaching down for the now slightly cracked phone. He paused momentarily as the screen lit up again, giving it a scrunched look of confusion. Grabbing the phone, he stood straight and looked over in the direction of the booth.
The woman’s heart stopped as she quickly went to hide behind the curtain again. Those eyes. Large and green and almost glowing. She recognized those eyes instantly; of course, it was him. Quickly, she grabbed a crumpled tissue from her pocket and tried to wipe away some of her tears, taking small calming breaths as she did so. She barely had time to do so before she heard quiet knocks on the side of the booth,
“Um, do you want to explain why I was the target of this flying iPhone?”
The blonde woman took a second to compose herself and pull her curls into a haphazard bun before pulling open the curtain to face the man,
“I’m so sorry, I really shouldn’t have thrown that.”
It took him a moment to register who he was talking to, he could feel a slight blush creeping into his cheeks and he cleared his throat with a chuckle, holding the phone out for her to grab,
“Uh, you’re probably right but it’s all good. I may have read a few of those texts on accident, and considering the circumstances, I think I can forgive you.”
The girl gave a week smile and grabbed the phone, quickly turning it off as she threw it in her purse,
“Oh…you read some of that?”
He rubbed the back of his neck and gave a cheeky smile,
“I wouldn’t have needed to. I think getting hit in the head by a phone is enough to know someone is upset. I’m -ah- I’m Percy by the way.”
She blinked in surprise and frowned a little, so he didn’t remember her. Why would he? Every time we’ve met it’s been half drunk and not a lot of talk. Guess I should just do this like we don’t know each other.
she responded flatly, not really looking him in the eyes.
“So, what brings you to my domain?”
Percy smiled a little, a feeble attempt at lightening the mood while also trying to find out why this girl, one he had a complicated history with, found herself outside of town and at a shitty rest stop.
Annabeth could tell he was trying to be polite and just shrugged,
“I just needed to get away from the city. I just kinda drove until I couldn’t anymore, so I stopped here,”
she could feel her eyes beginning to water again so she pushed past Percy toward the parking lot,
“I’m sorry, I should leave now.”
His arm flashed out in an instant, grabbing her by the elbow and pulled her back gently,
“Woah, you’re in no condition to be driving right now. Why don’t you come inside to the café? I just close up shop but I can fix you up something to help you gather your thoughts a little.”
Annabeth nodded and let Percy guide her to the small corner café of the old rest stop. It was well worn and in obvious need of repairs and a fresh coat of paint, but it smelled of sweets and coffee, and that was enough for her not to protest when he sat her down at a stood with a little fluff sticking out of it.
Percy disappeared into the back, calling behind him,
“You don’t remember me do you?”
Annabeth bit her lip to stop herself from responding right away and took a moment to think how she would word what followed,
“You seem familiar…did we meet in passing?”
Upon hearing that response and knowing he was out of eyesight, Percy silently cursed as he prepared the drink and tried to trigger some memory in Annabeth,
“You’re Annabeth Chase right? Your dad is a history professor at the college?”
So, he knew more than he let on, Annabeth pondered to herself, rubbing her puffy, tired eyes,
“That’s me. ‘Professor Chase’s daughter’.”
Percy chuckled and peeked around the corner of the doorway,
“Oh come on, give yourself more credit than that. I’ve seen some of your writing in the paper too, some of the stuff on the new buildings on campus, it’s super good,”
she blushed at that,
“But I’m in your dad’s American Industrialization and War class. I enrolled sort of late so I had a lot of catch up to do.  I had one-on-one study sessions in his office a lot. I remember you’d always bring him coffee at 4:15 on the dot. He introduced us the first time I was there.”
By the time he’d finished, he’d brought out a mug of thick, rich smelling liquid and a glass of water. He leaned on the counter with a rag in hand, looking at Annabeth expectantly.
She gave a small smile and offered,
“Oh, uh, I guess I never got that great of a look at you? It’s Percy…Johnson?”
At that, Percy grimaced and threw the towel over his shoulder, turning around as he did so,
“You have no idea how often people get my name wrong. ‘Johnson’ ‘Jason’ ‘Jacobson’. You’d be shocked how creative some people can be. It’s Jackson. Percy Jackson.”
Annabeth couldn’t help but let out a chuckle, and hearing that, Percy smiled within himself. She stuck out her hand and said,
“Well, nice to officially meet you Percy Jackson.”
He turned back around grinning and heartily grabbed her hand and shook it,
“Gee thanks, nice to meet you too Annabeth Chase. Officially.”
For a moment, everything slowed down and Percy eyed Annabeth cautiously. Shivers ran down her spine as his eyes met hers again and for a moment, she forgot where she was, loosing herself in the mesmerizing greens. At the same time, all that ran through Percy’s head was how easily it would be for Annabeth to send someone running with her stormy gray eyes. Every moment it looked like clouds shifted in her eyes. He started leaning in, almost involuntarily. Almost.
The Spice Girls blasted from Percy’s hoodie pocket and he fumbled around for the phone, cheeks beet red as Annabeth stifled her laughter.
“Hello?...oh hey. Yeah. No, I’m still at work,”
Percy glanced back at Annabeth, who was grinning ear to ear, face red from laughter and tears in the corner of her eyes, this time happy ones. He’d never seen anything more beautiful,
“Um...probably late?...oh shit! I’m sorry I completely spaced…it’s a bit of a friend emergency…come on you know I wouldn’t do this on-hey! That’s not fair!”
The sudden change in his tone made Annabeth jump and Percy noticed. Running a hand through his messy black hair, he sighed,
“Listen Thals, I gotta go. We’ll talk about this later, deal?...and, uh, could you let Nico know Annabeth is safe?...Yeah she’s here…alright thanks. Bye.”
Annabeth’s smile had disappeared when she heard mention of Nico, her boyfriend. She turned away from Percy who quickly found his way around the counter and blocked the door,
“Now before you go throwing phones again, let me explain.”
“What’s there to explain? You know Nico. He probably sent you to find me. You’re just doing him a favor. I get it.”
Percy shook his head,
“That is not what I’m doing. Sit down and let me explain. Please?”
Annabeth hesitated a moment then went to sit down again while mumbling,
“The Spice Girls, really?”
She found her seat and played with the mug in her hands.
“You better drink that Sludge before it gets cold.”
“It’s called what now?”
“Sludge…come on try it before you judge, it’s good. A Percy Jackson special, only for the best customers.”
With a distasteful frown and a glare at Percy, she raised the glass to her lips. It tasted like blueberry pancakes fresh off the griddle and warm vanilla milk all at once. It warmed almost every inch of her body and woke her tired eyes up. She felt rejuvenated and instantly more forgiving of guy in front of her.
“Good right?”
She gave a shrug, not willing to succumb to his cheekiness. So, Percy sat down next to her at the counter and took a breath,
“The person who called me was my cousin, Thalia. I was supposed to join her on a double date tonight but I completely spaced so I had to cancel on her. She wasn’t happy but whatever, she can take her brother Jason if she wants to go so badly.”
“But you and Thalia know Nico my boyf-…ex-boyfriend.”
She grabbed the water, quickly taking a sib as she felt another fit of emotions surfacing.
“Uh yeah. He’s our cousin also. I saw him on your phone screen earlier and I put two and two together. I don’t talk to him a ton, I knew he had a girlfriend but I had no idea that it was you. It kinda surprised me, I thought Nico was into guys and even if he wasn’t, I wouldn’t have pinned you as his type.”
Ouch, that was a low blow. So now not only am I the one cheated on by my  apparently gay boyfriend, I’m not even worthy to be dating Nico in the first place?, Annabeth thought to herself with a frown. Percy realized his mistake from her quiet response and sighed,
“Listen that’s not what I meant. I just think he’s kinda dark for you. I expected you to go for the more…I don’t know, humorous type…”
He trailed off when he saw Annabeth’s face scrunch up. She placed the water down carefully and crossed her arms. This close together, Percy noticed the goosebumps on her skin and said hesitantly,
“I’m such an idiot, I left the AC on. Are you cold?”
She shrugged and glanced past him to the window, seeing the beginnings of a late summer storm,
“Nothing a little Sludge won’t fix.”
Percy grinned, and despite her protests, shouldered off the hoodie and wrapped it around Annabeth. His hands rested on her shoulders and she couldn’t help but close her eyes at the warmth of his touch, a touch she was finding herself craving, despite the fresh betrayal of Nico. She mumbled a thank you and he grabbed the seat next to her again. He had this look about him that she wouldn’t be able to place into words until later as protective.
He watched her quietly as she sipped on the sludge then grabbed my cup of water and sipped on it. Then, he began to make patterns on the counter with some of the condensation that had fallen down the side of the glass into a ring on the surface below.
There was something so beautiful about it, and it caught Annabeth in a sort of trance that she almost didn’t hear him say,
“So, you want to talk about it?”
She let out a sigh,
“Percy I hardly know you.”
Percy deflated a little at that, but then a thought came to his head and he perked up a little,
“Well then, let’s get to know each other. We seem to already have a lot in common, at least in our social circle. I think we’ve crossed paths before,”
More than just crossed paths, Annabeth thought to herself,
“So let’s make up for a little lost time and it’ll be a great distraction.”
He is cute, Annabeth gave him that, and eventually she decided maybe a distraction wasn’t so bad,
He flashed her another cheeky grin and nodded,
“Awesome. Okay, what is your dream job?”
Percy was taken aback a little,
“That was quick, why architect?”
Annabeth took a sip, finishing off the Sludge and told Percy what she’d repeated her whole life:
“I just love architecture. It’s mathematical and beautiful all at once.”
She hesitated a moment, contemplating whether to share the next bit with him, sure he was going to laugh,
“Plus…I want to build something permanent. Like the Greeks and the Romans did but also something that everyone will know my name from.”
She waited for the laugh, but instead heard an impressed whistle,
“Dang, that’s a pretty way of thinking about it. At least you’re passionate about something.”
Annabeth gave him a funny look,
“Are you not passionate about your future?”
He bit his lip in thought, which she found herself blushing over a little, then simply shrugged,
“I guess I still have a lot to figure out. I’m undeclared still. I was going to be a marine biology major but I hate traditional schooling. Honestly I’m considering just doing some sort of main stream degree like psychology and then just learning what I actually want to do by doing it.”
“That’s always an option. I think you’ve just have to find what gives you that drive and really let that feeling take you over and above all love what you’re doing.”
Percy snickered,
“Thanks for the advice, Wise Girl.”
She just rolled her eyes and said,
“Okay my turn. What’s your favorite color?”
He laughed at that one,
“Jeez, that’s the best you could come up with? It’s blue. My mom and I have a thing for blue food because my ex-step dad said blue food didn’t exist. So, we’d give him the finger by finding all the blue food we could and made a point to eat it in front of him. My turn wh-“
“Hey, I think you asked two questions last time?”
He put his hands up in defense,
“You caught me Wise Girl.  Now, while you think of a good, soul-searching question for me, I’m gonna through this mug into the sink and grab us another Percy Jackson special.”
He got up to head to the back and she called after him,
“Is Wise Girl really the best you’ve got, Seaweed Brain?”
He turned his head to wink and said dramatically before vanishing,
“I kinda like that. An ode to my passion.”
When Percy reached the backroom, he let out a sigh so heavy, it was almost like he’d been holding his breath the whole time. He dropped the mug into the sink and gave himself a little pep talk,
“Alright Jackson, she doesn’t remember you. That’s okay. You can do this. She’s just Annabeth. You’ve gone through this stuff before. You got this.”
All the while, Annabeth leaned her arm on the counter, propping up her head and recalled a memory:
Freshman year of college, Annabeth attended a ‘disorientation’ party at her friend Selina’s house. She kept to the outskirts of the warm, sweaty and drunken bodies, holding a blue solo cup in her hands, swaying to the beat of the music quietly. She’d never felt more insecure in her life, so she made a point to slowly make her way toward the exit.
At some point, she realized she had a sort of shadow following her, and she felt like someone was watching her. Glancing around, her eyes eventually rested on a cute, lanky looking guy with messy black hair in a flannel. When her gaze met his, he smiled and looked away in embarrassment. She decided in an instant she didn’t have anything to lose so she walked across the room over to him and said,
“Hey, I’m Annabeth. Do you want to dance?”
When his eyes met hers, her heart stopped a beat. They were so green. Like brand new spring leaves. He gave a sheepish smile and yelled over the music,
“Percy. And, I’d love to!”
The whole rest of the night, they were glued at the hip. They took shots together, they made a mad beer pong team together, and they danced the whole night away.
Every time their hands would brush, they’d awkwardly glance at each other. Percy offered to walk her and her friends back to their dorm but Annabeth just laughed and said,
“What good would you do? You can’t even walk straight!”
So, Percy, in a moment of wild, drunken courage grabbed Annabeth by the waisted and pulled her closely, his lips colliding with hers. She immediately reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck, smiling into that kiss. Annabeth swore that kiss stopped time until they broke to breathe. She smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek before reaching for her purse and grabbing a pen. Clicking it and grabbing his hand she said,
“Call me. I don’t want this to be the last time we see each other.”
She then gave him a pen and pulled him in close again, this time for a hug before her friends dragged her off back to the campus.
She didn’t hear or see him again until that one day her father introduced them in the middle of junior year.
“Um Annabeth?”
She snapped out of her daydream instantly. Standing before her was that some cute boy from the memory, though now he was taller and muscular and had some stubble on his chin. But the smile, the hair, the eyes, those remained the same.
“Hey, yeah, sorry I was just thinking.”
“What about?”
She grinned,
“The soul-searching question I have for you, of course.”
Percy gave a warm dopey smile back and then pulled out a bottle full of blue liquid from behind his back,
“Well if we’re going to be getting to the good stuff, then I present to you. Blue booze, a moonshine made by yours truly, patent pending.”
He popped off the lid and took a long swig before handing it over to Annabeth,
“There’s a room connected to the café from when it was 24 hours. It’s got a bed and a couch. I’ll take the couch, but no driving for us because this shit is strong. I just thought we could both use a drink.”
In response, Annabeth stood up, muttered a fuck it, grabbed the bottle from him and took two long swigs of the bitter liquid, just to show him up,
“Nobody tells Annabeth Chase she can’t hold her liquor. Especially not someone who I know can’t hold his.”
Percy looked at her, mouth slightly agape and face flushed, and not just from the booze,
“Wait so you do remember me?”
She wagged his finger at him and set the bottle on the counter, gesturing to the seat next to her for him to sit down,
“Ah, ah. I do believe it’s my turn still.”
Without a word, he grabbed a seat next to her and took another small swig of the blue liquid, awaiting her question just so he could ask his again. He had to know if she remembered.
“Soul-searching questions are more truthfully answered while under the influence anyways. So, my question is why work here? At a rest stop café? You could probably work anywhere on campus or off. You’re charismatic and attractive enough. God knows that’s all they look for now days. “
Percy blushed at that and grabbed another drink of the blue booze before answering quietly,
“Have you ever heard of liminal spaces?
“No clue.”
Annabeth grabbed the bottle from him and took another drink, set the bottle down then grabbed a drink of the water that still sat on the counter. She could feel here face beginning to heat up from the liquor.
“Well, liminal spaces are both physical and psychological places. The physical is basically a throughway. Places you are just passing through as you go from one place to the next. Like rest stops, grocery stores, mini marts. You feel weird when you’re in them too long and start to think about the concept of it all. The psychological side of it is similar. If feels like you’re floating in nothing, anxiously waiting for the next part of your life to begin.
I work here because I see people just ignoring this vastly important part of their life. They come then they go without a thought about where they are. They won’t remember this place because there are so many like it. I like to embrace that weird feeling you get from here because no one else will. I want to give it the recognition that it deserves. The space physically and mentally. I think that if I can achieve comfort in a liminal space for long periods of time, I can be so much more adaptable to life. It’s almost like a therapy too; working in a coffee shop and embracing the weirdness of it all.
Plus, I get to meet people in various stages of their life. Like you for example, you were just passing through and it was like the universe wanted us to meet again.”
He really stressed that word. Again. He knew she knew and she smiled as he spoke. This voice was beautiful and his words thoughtful. When he was finished, he considered her stormy eyes, they were long recovered from the tears that haunted them earlier in the night, and a relaxed smile was fixed on her flushed face,
“I know that was cheesy, I’m such a stupid romantic.”
She instantly grabbed his hand and entwined their fingers,
“Percy, that is one of the most beautiful things that I’ve ever heard. And it’s literally just the explanation of why you work at a roadside café. That wasn’t stupid at all. Being a romantic is nothing to be embarrassed about.”
Percy glanced at their hands and then smiled a little,
“Thanks, I like to think I’m passionate about the little stuff.”
She gave a little laugh, the liquor beginning to take its hold on her mood,
“Well at least you’re passionate about something!”
Percy laughed, something loud and joyous, also likely do to some inebriation, but it was like music to her ears and said,
“Two points to Wise Girl.”
“Oh, shut up Seaweed Brain.”
But at this point, neither of them could stop the fits of giggles from turning into something resounding and obnoxious and freeing for the two, both were doubled over on their stools trying to catch their breath. When they were finally able to regain their composure, Percy took on a slightly serious face and said,
“Annabeth, how are you doing, really?”
The mood of the room shifted instantly and in that moment, Annabeth realized how close in proximity the two had become, their knees almost touching, and their hands had somehow found each other again after their laughing fit, fingers interlocked. She could feel his pulse in this thumb, and swore it was going a million miles an hour. All this, she took in, in an instant before responding,
“I could live here, in this moment forever. I don’t want to go back and face what’s coming. I was so angry and upset with Nico and Will but even more with myself for not seeing either of them truly, that all I wanted to do was leave town and start over again. I’ve been so engrossed in these unimportant things that I forgot to stop and be with the people I love. But now? That all feels like a distant dream and all I want to do is keep talking to you and answering these silly questions and drinking this lighter fluid and start over with everything. It feels like the end of a lot right now.”
Percy was attentive as she spoke, and at some point his thumb had started rubbing circles on the top of her hand. He was quiet for a few moments after she finished, drinking in the words she had spoken and considering his options before saying,
“You know, it may be the end of those things, but I think this is just the start of something absolutely permanent.”
Annabeth turned her stood toward him and he placed his free hand on the outside of her thigh, all the while glancing at her lips. The sudden contact to her leg made Annabeth’s breath hitch and when his eyes met hers once more, as if asking permission, she parted her lips slightly and closed what little space there was left between them.
For the second time in her life, Annabeth felt like time had stopped and Percy, well Percy was just happy to be kissing her again, like he’d always hoped. Her lips tasted sweet and milky, probably from the Sludge, and to her, Percy’s lips tasted like the ocean, fresh and salty. They were in love with the taste of each other’s lips in one kiss. Her hand released his and both found their way to his messy black locks, and as she ran her fingers through his hair, she could feel him smile into the kiss. Meanwhile, he found his way to her thighs and explored upwards to her hips and eventually his fingers made contact with the bare skin of her waist under her shirt, sending electricity through both their bodies.
Literally. The electricity in the air from the thunder storm, in full force outside, caused Percy to shock her. They pulled apart quickly, resting their foreheads together and started laughing loudly. They were giddy and warm and neither of them had felt safer than just then. Annabeth could feel Percy’s hot breath on her face as he spoke quietly,
“So, I’ll take it you remember me, for real this time?”
She smiled and twirled one of his locks I in her fingers and said,
“God, Percy, how could I forget? That night was the best of my life. I thought you forgot about me because you never reached out.”
Percy pulled her closer, almost to the edge of the stool and said in a gruff voice,
“I could never forget you. Your writing was completely illegible. I tried forever to find you, but the school is just so big, I never did. It’s part of the reason I took your dad’s class. I was hoping I might run into you that way.”
Annabeth let out a small giggle,
“Well you’ve found me now, what are you gonna do about it?”
Percy paused, as if in contemplation then he started kissing her jawline delicately,
“One day, I’m going to worship you like the goddess you are…”
He reached her collar bone and then slowly started making his way up the other side of her neck and below her ear lobe.  She shuttered, every kiss sending a jolt of energy though her veins.
“But now isn’t right.”
He pulled away, planting a light kiss on her lips before retreating, then took a deep breath,
“I want to take this slow Wise Girl.”
She pouted at him for a moment before grabbing his hands in hers and smiled,
“I know. I need to figure things out before I dive headfirst into…whatever this may be. I think…I think it’s time we go to bed.”
Percy frowned but he knew it was for the best. He stood and she followed in suit. He led her by the hand to the back room, opening an old creaky door to reveal a homey looking bedroom, with fresh sheets and pillows. She closed the door behind her and the two of them quietly began to make themselves comfortable.
Annabeth slipped off Percy’s hoodie, her jean shorts and blouse, Percy politely looking the other way as he prepared the couch for himself. She threw the hoodie back on and zipped it up, the oversized thing reaching to her midthigh. She turned around to say goodnight to Percy only to find him already crashed on the couch, eyes closed and a small smile playing upon his lips.
She tip-toed over to him and affectionately moved the hair out of his eyes a little before placing a kiss on his forehead and whispering to him,
“Thank you for being my hero, Seaweed Brain.”
She then crawled into bed and turned off the nightstand light, burying herself into the blankets and sheets.
Percy opened one green eye and sat up slightly to look at the outline of the girl that graced his bed and was beside himself with joy and recalled what he said to the girl that had already become his passion; this is just the start of something absolutely permanent.
And it absolutely was.
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siflshonen · 7 years
#1: what made you start shipping Dende/Gohan? #2: how the heck did you come up with the plot for Heavy?? like,, it's such a well thought out au idk how you had the imagination for it,..
Aw, haha! Thanks for the ask! And thank you for reading Heavy!
I started shipping Dende/Gohan around the same time I started planning for Heavy, so the answers to these questions are kind of related.
The revelation of how just incredibly nonsensical the whole “Dende comes to Earth” subplot and other pretty basic and glaring holes in character choices, worldbuilding, and main plot are what crystallized into Heavy, since initially the story started as a place to explore who Gohan actually is and what went into that, but then expanded into repainting the Dragon World and giving it a real depth as well as trying to retain that magic, mystery, and wonder of the original series in some form or another, even if that meant looking at it through a slightly less flattering lense. In truth, Gohan’s not so much the main character of Heavy as he is the crux of the entire story, since all the conflict revolves around him in one form or another and coincidentally he’s at the center of all the things that bothered me MOST about the original series.
This thought vis a vis Gohan/Dende: I’d always thought Gohan marrying his high school bully was just really… weird and uncomfortable, you know? Like I LOVED the episodes when he and Videl are actually learning to be friends and just generally being silly (that episode with Angela and the teddy bear underwear? A personal favorite of mine), but the minute it just suddenly became OVER THE TOP romantic at the tournament, I didn’t like it one bit- not when I was a child and first saw the series (I actually own the first Saiyaman episodes on DVD!) and definitely, definitely not now. It was all in the way it was portrayed and how it (abruptly, unrealistically- especially since the initial Saiyaman saga unfolded and characterized Gohan to be more like his father in the dating and, ah, “interest” department) unfolded that I didn’t like, and so I started thinking much more critically about the kind of person he was and the people he knew growing up, and in the interim I ended up watching some Frieza-to-Cell DBZ and realized that the character who most supported and echoed his values and philosophy AND who could identify with his background was Dende. That, and rewatching the show made it abundantly clear that Gohan was like 80% of the reason Dende was down to go back to Earth, with Krillin being the other 20%. (The clencher was the TFS jokes about Gohan/Dende. The moment they pulled that joke, the moment I realized “holy shit it was apparent enough to get knocked a little!” much like you’d have to be a slack-jawed fool not to notice at least the REASON so many people like, ship, or otherwise at least see a shred of validity in Kakavege within the show for all the crap Goku and Vegeta do in scenes together - which is exactly why they knock THAT one in TFS, too.) But the drive to deconstruct and reconstruct nonsensical and weird stuff about the series and open the doors to new possibilities was the exact conduit to what became Heavy.
As for the structuring of the actual plot of Heavy itself - I tend to think in narrative format and I especially jive well with storytelling devices like simultaneity and just… total complicated melodrama, honestly, so I don’t actually think the plot is all that spectacular, myself! I just think in terms of character and worldbuilding, I guess! Hahah! I didn’t think anybody would like it once I actually started to wade in the deeper waters! In fact, there was one point I almost quit because I set up the whole red herring in like Chapter 8 or something (when Gohan has that heart-to-heart with Goten) and absorbed the positive reaction to the idea that humans were pretty puny and powerless compared to Saiyans….. all while I the writer knew very well that I’d reveal the main antagonists as human not three chapters later, especially considering the general climate of the DBZ fanbase!!! The surprise of the concept and thought experiment (that humans are actually pretty formidable and have their own secrets) I was initially so excited to share, I then felt SURE was going to actually just tick a bunch of people off. And so, I was scared to actually reveal that until I got a really, REALLY disgruntled review from a reader who chewed me out for spitting on humans when it was humans who taught Goku the basics and also advanced stuff like how to sense ki- and then I realized that there were, in fact, people who were THINKING about that kind of thing besides myself and had any sort of interest in the Earthlings of Dragon World!! I think that particular person stopped reading the second they hit “send” and left that review, ‘cause BOY, they were pissed, but if not, and they’re still out there somewhere, reading this or reading Heavy at least until Terpsichore’s introduction, I’d like to say thank you for making your feelings known because you gave me the push I needed not only to simply introduce Terpsichore and the Circle (who is, in Heavyverse, in possession of the single greatest amount of raw ki of ANY human alive, even though he is not the best fighter), but to unabashedly put Thalia in as the strongest human being on the planet and not let the VERY IMMEDIATE naysaying on that latter choice deter me. In fact, soon, you’ll be learning quite a lot about Thalia’s backstory and the true reason for her strength, and I’m quite excited to see how the readers react to it, both for better and worse, since it’s actually deeply involved with the backbone of the Dragon World’s canon structure and mysteries.
TLDR; The point of Heavy was to explore all the holes and tie the loose ends together into something new and that could carry water. 
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