#That bread part TOOK ME OUT 😂
coconut530 · 1 year
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25 notes · View notes
artemiseamoon · 9 months
What the heart wants
Pero Tovar x F Reader*
🤶🏾🎁Secret Santa fic ✨ for @blueeyesatnight !!! ✨ Happy holidays! (event hosted by @pedrostories )
Read below * or on A03
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Words: 7,621
Summary: As Spring rolls around, you find yourself content with your life. Business is successful, you have all the independence you want and good friends to share life with. A man wasn't something you needed or were seeking at the time as occasional lovers fulfilled your primal urges. But it was clear, life had other plans as a handsome but dirty mercenary blew through your doors.
Warnings: some canon period misogyny (not much), Pero 😂, language, brothel mention & mild sexual content.
*Reader notes: there are some details!!! So it’s not a completely blank slate; reader is female, in her upper 30s, sturdy/curvy built (visualize as you please) & often wears pants not dresses. No skin tone/race mentioned but she does understand & speak some Spanish. *Feel free to read as an OC if you prefer*
AN: If you already know me, you know I no longer crosspost to this site, nor write reader inserts. Since this is a special occasion, it’s both a RC & crossposted (here & on my A03) 😁 happy reading! This was so fun to write.
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Holding the cuff to the afternoon light, you examined your work closely, feeling satisfied with the end result. Growing up the daughter of a blacksmith, you learned several things, and though you could make a sword, you quickly found you preferred making jewelry; it filled you with joy, especially when you saw the end result and the look on people's faces.
You had kitchenware under your belt too, it was the kind of thing that always bought in coin, as it was a needed everyday item. Currently, you are perfecting your skills in armor making. You started to learn back in your early 20s, now in your late 30’s you could create decent work, but you wanted to be better. Never one to back down from a challenge, you made it your newest goal.
You just set the new cuff aside when the small bell chimed, filling the halls with the familiar sound. Stepping away from the desk, you peeked out of the doorway and down the hall, where you had a straight shot of the front door.
You quirked a brow as a man you’ve never seen before stalked in, the wind sweeping inside with him, along with a bad mood like a dark cloud overhead. Upon first glance, he almost seemed inconvenienced, yet you saw him walk in alone, no one forced him.
He was handsome with dark features, but dirty, and needed a good shave. The stranger wore the kind of scowl that would keep people ten feet away from him. His attire and the double swords strapped to his back gave his profession away, a mercenary. They often traveled through these parts en route to somewhere else and stayed a night or two; it made good coin for the local businesses when they did.
You thought about revealing yourself but chose to watch him a little longer. You observed him as he moved deeper into the shop, his eyes moving about the place as he took it in.
He scratched his beard, grumbling something you couldn’t hear, as he touched and poked at things along the way. He was a fascinating creature to watch, and one of the best-looking men you’ve seen in a long time, even under all the dirt and grime, and the sharp chip on his shoulder. That’s when you noticed the scar, one that made you curious about the how, and made him even hotter at the same time.
Even his walk was attractive, he seemed more like a wild animal than a man, like a feral wolf just wandered into your shop and right into your hands.
Pero (minutes ago)
Dragging his feet, Pero made his way through the town, eyeing signs on doors and windows, looking for work. He was tired, bone tired, his back hurt like all hell, his ass was numb from being on his horse so long, and he was annoyed. He was starving, he ran out of rations early this morning and was running on a piece of stale bread at the moment. He’d try one more place, then get some damn food, followed by a room, a bath, and a whore.
He was about halfway down the block when he noticed the blacksmith sign. In his half hour here, it seemed West Meadow had no work for him requiring his swords, but a man could always be useful in a shop like that.
Pero entered, his stomach grumbling and fighting with him. He expected to see a forge as soon as he walked in but was met with a plain room with a simple desk, two chairs, and a long table. Ahead was a hallway that likely led to some other rooms. The smells of iron, steel, wax, and fire met his nose, there was definitely a forge, maybe in the back.
Where the hell was everyone?
Patience wasn’t a friend of his. He called out and was only met with his own echo.
Cursing under this breath, he decided to ditch this plan for now, and just get some food. A door opened in the distance. He turned, expecting to see a man appear, but a man it wasn't.
Pero tilted his head to the side as his eyes raked over you. You were beautiful, with a face that was downright distracting, but that wasn’t all, when you smiled, you nearly knocked his bad mood right out of him. Your smile was so full and bright that he finally understood what that stupid saying, bright as the sun, meant.
You were well-built, sturdy, and curvy in the right places. That was clear even with the heavy apron you wore. Pero raised his eyes back to your own. Even the smudges on your face and a mask over your hair didn’t take away from your beauty.
Pero regained his composure, then asked gruffly, “who's in charge?”
Your smile dropped, “well, hello to you too.”
“Where’s your husband or father?”
“Are you serious?” you rested a hand on your hip.
His eyes dropped to your hand, you were wearing gloves, so he didn't know if you wore a ring or not, “Brother?”
An irritated laugh fell out of you as you shook your head.
“Unless…” he started, “you’re alone here?”
“I am the owner, you ass.” you held up your hands, then tore off a glove, “no husband either!”
He looked at you with disbelief in his eyes, “a woman alone, here? "his accent coming out even more now.
“Yes,” you growled back at him, growing more agitated.
Your initial sunny demeanor was gone, now you were like a cat with your claws out.
“Lo siento, “he held out a hand as he apologized like he was trying to calm a bull, “I’m just looking for work.”
He had a lot of questions.
A woman was usually married, which you weren’t, taken, or would be under her father's supervision, which you weren’t either. Or a whore, which you didn’t seem to be. You also claimed to run this business on your own, which was unusual. And you didn’t have a man guarding the door either, you were strange in fact, very strange.
“Not hiring,” you replied in Spanish, which made him raise a brow at you. “You can go now.”
You & Pero
What an ass.
You thought, sure he was hot, and you were very intrigued, but you didn’t need the attitude or the barbaric mindset. There were enough assholes in town who had opinions about you, and the kind of life you should live. You didn’t need some dirty mercenary putting his two cents in the matter.
You only made it a few steps away from him before stopping, you could feel him lingering, his eyes on you. You doubled back. You assessed him with your eyes and pulled the mask fully off your head.
Maybe he could be useful, you thought. “What are you good at?”
He smirked, taking a half step your way, “You really the boss?”
“Yes.” you hissed.
“Swords, blades, knives.” he paused, his eyes still on yours, even as he pointed at his suit, “repairs.”
“Hmmm,” you crossed your arms while continuing to study him. “I do all that. No need for you.”
He chuckled. Yeah, he liked you, he liked you a lot. Before he could stop himself, he asked,
“Is this really your place? No man is hiding back there?”
You rolled your eyes and pointed to the door, “see the name on the fucking sign, that’s my last name. My father is too old to work, I have no brothers, this place is mine. Got a problem with that?”
He smirked, liking the sass, this kitty scratches. “No problem.”
You locked in a stare with him, almost getting distracted by his eyes, you could lose yourself in them. In the back of your mind, you thought about the long list of things you had to do, and an extra hand around here might be good, but you weren’t sure if you’d reveal that to him yet.
You pointed to the door, “I’ll think about it. Come back tomorrow.”
Pero was about to say something when the door opened, he turned to see a man enter, then quickly looked at you again, seeing your smile return. Damn, it was a sight to see.
The man moved right past Pero like he wasn’t there and went straight to you. As you greeted each other, you pulled a pouch out of your apron and revealed a metal wristband.
“I was just about to send word, it’s finished,” you display your work proudly.
Pero grinned, a woman metalsmith, how odd. You continued to intrigue him by the second.
“Lovely work as always,” the man said your name while admiring it.
Your eyes darted to Pero’s. “Tomorrow,” you repeated sharply.
Pero huffed, then saw himself out.
Early Evening, The Three Bucks Inn & Tavern
As Pero parked himself at a table off to the side, he took in his surroundings. The Tavern was busy with locals, and a few people who looked like visitors.
“Can I get ya anything?” the barmaid asked as she stopped by this table, she spoke over the crowd, making sure he could hear her.
“Food and ale,” Pero answered while slapping the silver coins on the table.
She pocketed the coins. “Anything else?”
Pero sat back, really looking at her this time. The woman was good-looking, a little thin for him, he preferred them thicker. Like that woman from the shop, you were sturdy, you could handle him. He shrugged the thought away. A whore would be better anyway, get in, get laid, go to bed.
“A room and a whore,”
He’d been on the road for months, he needed to fuck a woman as bad as he needed a good bath and a shave. Plus, a good night's sleep, on a bed for once. He was getting older; all the years had taken their toll on his body. He was still skilled and quick on his feet, but he required more rest now.
“I’ll get ya a bed.” she pointed toward the door, “Take a left past the carriage house. Walk till you reach the end of West Street. Madame Mae’s is the last house on the corner. No missing it. Red door. Just about as subtle as you are.”
Pero frowned as the woman left to fulfill the order.
He was looking forward to a hot meal, real food, not the shit he was surviving on for the last few months. He hoped the whores at Mae’s were decent, he’d fuck what he could get, but someone nice to look at would be even better.
Well, you would be better. He tried to put you out of his mind, but like a phantom, you wouldn’t leave, he kept thinking about your smile, your form, and the way you shot venom with your eyes when he pissed you off. If you know how to forge metal, you could likely use a sword too, and the thought made his cock twitch.
The whore would have to do it, but you would be better.
Later, Pero
Now that Pero had a bath, a shave, and a satisfactory fuck with a decent whore, a good night's rest was next. But it was still a little early and he was feeling restless.
Maybe he should have gone with William. But what the fuck would he have done with himself? His blonde-haired friend had done the foolish thing of falling in love and doubled back to the place they left behind nearly a year ago. After they left the wall, they spent months on the road, taking jobs and for Pero at least, trying to get China out of his mind.
Pero’s solo journey wasn’t going so well, and if had to spend another 3-5 months on horseback, starving, cold, horny, and bearing the weather, he’d kill someone. A lot of someones.
Pero wanted to stop moving, just for a little while, make some money at the same time. A lot of money, preferably. He already spent most of this year and last on the move, and if this town had no work, he’d just drag himself to the next.
Soon his restlessness, and busy mind led him to leave the bed. Leaving the inn, he stepped out onto the street, the townspeople were enjoying the weather, and the night market was still going, though some vendors were starting to pack up.
Pero only walked a few minutes before he saw you again. You were chatting with a vendor, a woven basket in one hand, full of various items. You were dressed in a dark tunic tucked into dark pants and boots, with a blade holstered to your right thigh. He expected to see you in skirts outside of the shop, but again, you were no ordinary woman, not by any stretch.
Pero lingered in the background, watching, soon he heard your laugh for the first time. Fuck, it was wonderful, just as wonderful as your smile. You were both the sweetest thing he’d ever seen, and mean as a snake when pressed, you also looked like you could throw a punch, and he liked that.
As the vendor made you laugh again, Pero felt something else and wanted to kick himself for it. He spent a total of 5 minutes with you, what the fuck did he have to be jealous about? He chalked it up to his sleep-deprived state, and maybe needing to get laid again tomorrow - that should calm him down.
There you were, his shadow, and all it took was 5 minutes. He thought about you all day, in the bath while he jerked off, and even when he fucked that whore. Pero felt ridiculous. Maybe William wasn’t the foolish one, maybe it was him.
Before he could stop himself, his feet were moving as he made his way over to you.
You felt eyes on you the whole time but could finally pinpoint the source. There he was, coming your way. All dark and broody and sexy as hell and cleaned up.
“Oh, the brute. Are you stalking me?”
He grunted, “No.”
“Sure?” You smirked as you shifted the basket to your other hand. “Because stalking is not a good way to get hired. In fact, it’s creepy.”
“Don’t flatter yourself, cariño. If I want a woman, I pay a whore.”
You raised your brows at him, what you were feeling wasn’t offense, it was something you couldn’t put your hands on.
“Well, the next time you go, why don’t you ask for a job. Maybe they’re hiring.” Without giving him time to respond, you were off, taking long strides away from him.
No matter how hot he was, he was irritating as hell. Brute, yeah, that was a good fit and that's what he was. The last thing you needed was to get involved with a guy like him.
No. Do not go there, you remind yourself. Even if he was hot as sin.
The next day, You and Pero
You were just setting up for a ring you’re working on, then the bell chimed.
It was much too early for clients, and there was only one person you could think of who would be here right now. You weren't sure if you hoped it was him, or dreaded the possibility. Leaving the work desk, you stepped out into the front room and saw him standing there.
“Ugh.” You sighed then headed back into the other room.
In the back of your mind, you thought of bringing your dogs next time, so they could watch the front door.
Pero took it upon himself to follow you inside. You leaned against the desk with crossed arms.
“You said come back tomorrow.”
You were listening, well, half listening. He looked even better than he did yesterday, in the light of day, you could fully appreciate all the grooming he did.
As you noticed last night, he got a haircut, but it was still long enough to grab, to run your finger through. Unable to stop yourself, your eyes slid down his face, over his excellent bone structure, the cleaned-up beard, and down to his neck, even that part of him was sexy. You could feast your eyes on him for hours.
“Happy to see me?” He smirked, stopping in front of you, enjoying the way you greedily took him in.
“Not really,”
Pero's stance was confident, eye contact unwavering. “You need my help. Hire me.”
“What? So, you could protect me from men and beasts? I have a feeling you are both.”
He chuckled, fully amused, “I could,” he shrugged, “I am.”
“Besides, I’ve been in my share of fights. I’m good with sharp things.”
Fuck, Pero thought, your words hitting him right in his core and going lower. You were special.
“The team we’d make then, why not have the best swordsman on your grounds?”
You uncrossed your arms, "and you’re full of yourself, what a winner. I don’t need your help.”
Pero scoffed. “You’re short a man. Injury.”
You narrowed your eyes at him, how did he know that?
Auden hurt his arm pretty bad last week, it was mainly you and him here, he was your main employee. You had two apprentices, but they weren’t where they needed to be yet, you were carrying the bulk of work on your shoulders. This handsome, grumpy stranger did his homework.
Still, he irritated you, so you said, “I don’t need you. You can go now.”
Pero hated that. He didn’t mean to be so rough when he reached out to grab your wrist, but he didn’t like being dismissed.
He didn’t even know what he was going to say, just grabbed you, making you spin around to face him. Your eyes burned with anger and something else more sensual behind that. Before he could speak, you slapped him, clear across the cheek. He was more impressed than mad.
As he rubbed his face and chuckled, you grabbed an unfinished blade from the table and pressed the sharp edge to his neck. His brown eyes widened as he stared at you.
“Get the fuck out.” You warned through gritted teeth.
Your lips, that’s where his eyes went, even with a blade to his throat.
Instead of a fight, a counter move, or a slew of curses, Pero's sultry gaze lingered on your lips, then met your eyes again. Despite yourself, you stole a glance of his mouth, and those kissable lips of his.
Sure, the mercenary was a pain in the ass. Whatever depths of hell dragged this man to your front door, you didn’t know. He was like a dog who kept coming back and you didn’t totally hate that. In fact, you -
The bell over the front door chimed as a customer came in. You both heard it, yet remained locked in a tense lust-filled stare. When you licked your lips, simply to moisten them, his eyes followed the movement. The bastard didn’t even flinch with the blade to his neck.
Why have a whore when he could have you? Pero thought, the idea followed by images that awakened him in other places.
“Hello?” The patron called out your name, you knew who it was by voice alone.
“One minute,” you shouted back, eyes still on Pero.
“Repairs, the two blades I told you about,” they said from beyond the door.
“I start now,” Pero stated with a smug grin.
“Are you fucking serious?”
He chuckled, finding your astonishment cute. Pero took one more indulgent, long look at you then stepped out into the main room.
Unable to move, the blade still in your hand, you stared at the door. Did he really just walk in here, hire himself, then look at you like you were a steak dinner? Yeah, he did.
“Pendejo.” You cursed, then pushed the door open. “I don’t even know his name…”
Two weeks later, You & Pero
Pero continued to annoy and intrigue you at the same time. He was a good worker, skilled, able to repair things and even knew how to make swords and blades. It was impressive.
He wasn’t a warm guy, which was obvious from first impressions, an acquired taste really. You kept him away from interacting with customers because of his harsh, curt demeanor, leaving him to mainly work in the workshop and behind the scenes, while you handled the front of the house, you, or your apprentices Nura and Robert.
You liked Nura the most, not that Robert was bad, he was a fast learner, and attentive worker. It was just extra special training another woman. You enjoyed seeing her defy the social norms and carve out her own path, same as you. You saw her like a little sister.
Everything ran smoothly at the shop, but the two of you still didn't know much about each other on a personal level. Pero didn’t talk about himself, or his life, nor did you.
Having him around gave you more free time, and you used some of that to dive into your other love, herbalism. One of your dreams was to open an apothecary, the town already had one, but you wanted your own, and you already knew how to make yours extra special.
This dream was on your mind when you cleared out a back room in the building and started to play around with tinctures and blends on your downtime. Pero made little comments along the way when he saw you in there, they gave you a few clues about him.
Being on the road, he knew a few things and recognized some of the herbs. He had a comfort there, but when you were creating potions as he called it, you noticed he’d get a little freaked out, and it didn’t take long to figure out he had a thing about magic and witches.
You weren’t a witch, but you knew how to make some things, and some days, just to fuck with him, you exaggerated.
- Flashback, to a few days ago -
You only stepped away for a moment but returned to see Pero observing the jars from a distance. He stopped at a corked bottle with an unusual purple hue, and some kind of clawed root at the bottom.
Pero picked it up cautiously, then put it down, “what kind of witchery is this?”
You leaned against the wall and crossed your arms in a relaxed way, “ingredients to turn you into a dragon.”
Pero whipped around to you with a suspicious look, “Are you joking?”
“Yes,” you laughed, “unless, you piss me off.”
“I always piss you off.”
"You better be careful then. And stop leaving your hair around, I’m collecting it.”
As you laughed and walked out of the room, he ran his palm over his hair, which only made you laugh more.
- Flashback over -
Three weeks later, Pero
The tavern was alive, packed wall to wall, and the revelry high; it was a special night as you threw Nura a birthday party.
Pero didn’t do parties, but it was better than sulking in his room alone, and he was pretty tired of the whores at Mae’s. He’s been here over a month now, fucked most of them all, and it did little to calm what he really needed and wanted, you.
Whenever he saw you laughing, having a good time, or flirting he was tempted to march over and claim you for himself, to kiss you in front of everyone and make it clear he would cut the head off any man who tried to win your affection.
Pero was sure you were attracted to him, he caught the stolen glances, still you never made a move or voiced your attraction. He knew you weren’t shy. Was it him? Were you doing this to torture him? What a wicked witch you were.
Even when he had two whores the other night, it only took the edge off. How you haunted him so. He felt defeated, maybe? But he wasn’t a quitter. He’d get you all for himself somehow. Pero wished William was here, the blonde would give him advice, advice he needed because Pero wasn’t good at shit like this.
Fighting, fucking, eating, and drinking, be had that down. But trying to win a woman’s heart, he had no fucking idea how to do that. He had to do this right. He didn’t want you just once, he wanted you for good.
Could it be, were you his...princesa? No. You weren't a princess. You we're tough. You looked after yourself and made your own way in life. No, reina, that's more fitting.
Where’s the Irishman when I need him? I could use your help amigo.
As a drunk man bumped into his table, Pero scowled at him, then lost himself in thought again, downing his ale at the same time. Things you like, yes, he’d start there. Women like gifts, right?
He noticed you enough at the markets to know some things, including your favorite dessert at the bakery. Good. A plan. He nodded to himself, then stood. He stole one more glance of you, across the way and having a good time, then made his way out of the tavern.
The next morning
Your head was spinning, too much ale. To make up for that, you pushed your work back to the afternoon and planned to take a nap upstairs once Pero got in. Last night came to mind, he was there, then he wasn’t. You were surprised he even came.
“Speak of the devil,” you said while rubbing your temples.
Pero nodded, looking a bit awkward, then put the bag he was holding for dear life on the desk. “Here.”
You poked the bag, “what is this?”
He scratched his temple, his brown eyes looking puppy-like, “uh, that sweet round thing, with cream and berries.”
You grinned, “from the bakery?”
You bite back a full smile, then open the bag, “is poisoned?”
Pero sighed and then started to walk away.
“I’m joking!” you shouted back at him, “thank you Pero.”
He glanced back, and you swore you could see a little smile on his closed lips.
The week would be full of surprises. It started on Monday when he got your favorite dessert from Sweets n Breads Bakery. He was kind of awkward all day, didn’t say much to you, and seemed wrapped up in his own thoughts.
On Tuesday, there was another pastry waiting for you, and some of your to-do list was already completed. He explained he worked late and decided to get more done.
On Wednesday, you arrived to another pastry, and flowers with dirt and roots still attached, flowers you were sure he tore from someone's garden on the way over. Soil was all over the place, and you had to dust it off your papers.
He didn’t hand them to you directly, just busied himself in the forge while they sat on your desk. You waited until he was free to ask him about them. He was just finishing his lunch in the kitchen when you joined him.
“So, flowers.”
His eyes moved over you as he swallowed the last of his food, “women like flowers, yes? Even women who wear pants?"
Pero was panicking a little this morning, worried the pastry wasn't enough. On the way to work, he saw a guy give a girl flowers, and then get a kiss in return, so he figured, why not try. Even if he felt like a damn fool doing it.
You could see his mind going as you watched him. He was so cute, so innocent in this moment, you could kiss him right there. You also knew from the mix of flowers, they were from Mrs. Jennings' garden, and she was likely throwing a fit right now.
“Ever give a girl flowers before?” you asked as you sat next to him.
“No,” he answered, his eyes on you.
“Well, thank you,”
He shrugged, playing it cool, but you could see in his eyes he was hoping you liked his gesture.
“And the pastry, it was delicious, you’re buttering me up, Pero.”
“You like them. Yes?”
“I do.”
He smiled and relaxed back in his chair.
You leaned in closer, playing with his collar, “I won't say it's working but - “ you plant a kiss on his cheek. His eyes lit up as he smiled wider. “I have work to do.” You got up, taking one more look at him before leaving the room.
Nura was organizing something when Pero came in, he walked in like he was in a hurry, and spoke in a low tone,
“I have a question.”
She looked up at him with a smile, knowing it was about you.
At first, she thought Pero was an ass, which he is, but she liked him now, he grew on her, and when it came to you, he was kind of adorable and an idiot at the same time.
“If it's about flowers, Mrs. Jennings is on a warpath, I recommend you stop taking them before she bites your hand off. She may be old, but she's mean as hell.”
He nodded, then came around the desk to join Nura.
“What else does she like? Boots? I could buy her boots?"
“She likes practical things. Maybe something she could use.”
“She likes swords.”
“She loves them, maybe a little too much.”
“What if I make her one?”
“Pastries and flowers are nice, so are boots, but if you make her a custom sword, that may do the trick. No promises, just sayin.”
Pero nodded, he grumbled a thank you, then headed back to the forge. Robert passed him in the hall and joined Nura.
“That's a man on a mission, nearly ran me over.”
“He’s smitten.” she handed him a note, "the supplies.”
“Somehow he seems a little less - grumpy these days.”
“Little by little, but I think even if he is in a good mood, he’d still be grumpy.”
Robert hummed, “I still don't get why she likes him so much.”
“I think I do; they’d be cute together.”
Not agreeing, but not going to argue either, Robert just nodded, then made his way out with the list.
Days later
You weren’t supposed to come in today, so when you came through the door, rushing like a bat out of hell, it took Pero by surprise. Not just because he didn’t expect to see you until tomorrow, it was the dress that shocked him the most. In all his time here, dark colored tops, pants, and boots were how you dressed yourself.
“I’m not here, ignore me,” you shouted as you rushed past him, then Nura.
The younger woman caught a glimpse of Pero’s expression and laughed.
“She’s wearing a dress..."
“Once in a blue moon, for special occasions. Her childhood friend is getting married today.” Nura explained.
Pero’s brows raised higher as you appeared again, a pouch in hand.
“A dress-" he repeated, taking you in with his eyes.
You hiked up the dress, he got a flash of your legs as you carefully slid the pouch into your high boot.
As you smoothed the fabric down, Pero feasted on you. To see you like this, so feminine as the soft flowing fabric hugged your form and for the first time, he had a good look at your cleavage, the fabric cupping your breasts in a way the loose shirts never did; he was a man ready to pounce, to scale the counter and claim you then and there.
“Fuck-“ you cursed,
He laughed. Strong and independent, a mouth like a sailor. A lady, and a warrior in one. His perfect woman.
“Can’t believe I forgot this. I gotta go,” you started to breeze past them, then stopped as you locked eyes with Pero. You grinned, eyeing him with the same sultry gaze he sent your way. “Like it?” You asked while giving a teasing spin.
“Sí, you should wear more dresses.”
“Maybe one more this year, if you give me a good reason to,” you winked at him then dashed out of the door.
“That woman -“ Pero shook his head as he stared at the door.
“Oh you are far gone Pero,” Nura patted his arm, “just tell her already.”
“Tell her what ?”
“How you feel. I’m sure you’ve noticed; she has other suitors.”
“And I’ll fight them all.” He grew serious.
Dammit, the thought. He came here for work, rest and to get laid. He didn’t expect this, he didn’t plan to -
Nura’s light laugh pulled him out of his head. “Just tell her. She likes you too.”
“She flirts with me but makes no moves.”
“You really are adorable when confused.”
“Adorable? I’m not adorable.”
She chuckled, “Have you considered that she wants you to make the first move?”
“She’s no weak woman, she makes swords and wears pants.”
“That doesn’t mean she doesn't want to be perused, she takes charge daily, maybe she wants someone else, you, to take the lead this time.” She playfully tapped Pero’s head
He groaned and swatted her hand.
“Take the lead Pero, don’t overthink it,” Nura advised, then laid her hands on the counter. “We have a lot of work to do, ready?”
As they headed back, he asked something he was curious about. He started by saying your name,
“Are you the same as her? No husband?”
“No, and there won’t be. I’m gay.” She answered.
Pero quirked a brow.
She added, “I like women. And I do have a girlfriend, the bartender at three bucks, with freckles.”
Ah, Pero thought, he’d seen her before.
“This is a strange place indeed,” he muttered, “I’ve never been to a place like this, with such women.”
“I like to think our town is special. But that doesn’t mean we don’t have people with opinions or those who accuse us of devil worship or witchcraft.”
“Are you, a witch?”
“I know some things, “she grinned, “can I watch you finish that armored plate before I start my work?”
Pero grinned, “Sí, vamos.”
The kid, well Nura wasn’t a kid, she was 25 now, but he called her that sometimes; she had given him some good advice about you and handled his moods with ease.
In Pero’s time here, Robert still wasn’t a fan of his, but they had no fights between them minus some minor disagreements. Your main guy, Audin, was still in recovery but came in from time to time to help with smaller things. His role reduced until he got better. Pero liked the guy, what little he saw of him.
In these weeks, Pero found himself most fond of Nura, she was like the little sister he never asked for. He could see why you liked her so much and why you took her under your wing.
A couple of weeks later
Pero studied his work with a sharp eye, searching for any imperfections.
Any other time he made a blade, it was robotic, just doing something he knew how to do, but this mattered more than any of those times. It had to be perfect because he was shit with words, he hoped he could hand you this and you would know all the things he wanted to say to you.
Months ago, if someone told him a woman like you existed, he would have laughed and called bullshit. But you were real, very real, and meant to be his. For you, he’d move into this town for good, put the long journeys to rest, and figure out all that shit he avoided all his life, like how to win a woman's heart and share his life with someone. He was sure he'd fuck up, a lot, piss you off, and get it wrong, but as long as he had you, he would keep trying to get it right.
Once the blade was packed up, he made his way to your house on the edge of town. He was nervous, more than he'd been in a long time, and he felt foolish. He wondered what Willaim would say if he saw him right now.
Pero stared at the door, part of him wanting to knock, and the other wanting to run, to turn around and get the hell out of here before he got himself even more wrapped up in this, in you.
It had to be witchery; how else would you have such a hold on him?
What are you waiting for, get moving, Pero heard in his friend's voice, phantom William pushing him forward. He could hear the dogs barking and coming his way in the distance.
Pero knocked on the door…
Once Pero was inside, you offered him a drink. He sat at your kitchen table as you poured ciders then went over to him.
“A home visit, what’s the special occasion?” you asked as you sat.
“Visiting the dogs." he smirked.
"Of course," you shook your head and took a drink.
Over the last few weeks, you’ve seen a new side of Pero emerge, and it made you like him more.
You’ve made the first move before and thought about doing that with him, but it would be so much more fun if he did it. You wanted him to charge in here and ravish you, and you were hoping today was the day, but the sense of nervousness you’re getting off of him makes you unsure.
“I have something for you,” he pulled a wrapped item from his pouch. He placed it on the table as his eyes met yours. “A gift.”
Pero watched, holding his breath as you unwrapped it, revealing the most perfect blade you’ve ever seen. Down to the handle, and the engravings. In the past, you made a few for yourself but always felt like you were missing something. Pero, this man sent to you from the universe, somehow got it right.
You held the blade, running your fingers over it, admiring it as your lips parted slightly in shock. At first, Pero was worried you didn’t like it, but as your eyes lit up, he relaxed and dropped his shoulders.
“Pero - “ you breathed, your eyes flicking to his, then back at the blade. “This is perfect.”
His small grin turned to a full smile and before you could say anything else, he dragged your chair closer to his with one hand. While cupping your cheek, Pero leaned in, bringing his lips to yours.
Smiling as he kissed you, you put the blade down and grabbed his arms. Pero drew you into his lap as the kiss deepened, intensifying with each pass of each other's lips.
His kiss was passionate, consuming, desperate and you could swear, your body was feeling all the things he wanted to say to you and was too afraid to say; the floodgates blasted open and as your hands roamed, finally exploring each other's bodies, you knew there was no going back after this.
"Mi reina, I'll fuck you on the floor if I have to. But it must happen now."
The hoarse desperation in his voice only made you hotter for him.
You tugged his hair while teasing another kiss, “I prefer a bed handsome. Follow me.”
You held out your hand, he took it. As you made your way to the bedroom, Pero latched on to you, kissing and biting at your neck, his hands moving over your breasts as his cock pressed against your ass.
Hours later
Laying on your stomach, Pero beneath you, you traced his scar with your fingertip. He looked as good as you imagined naked; he was delicious, and you allowed yourself to feast.
He had a map of scars from his legs up to his face, he was beautifully shaped, from his hands to his cock, to his broad shoulders and bone structure. If you could only have one man in your bed from here on out, you’d choose him.
Pero felt calmer than he had ever been, relaxed after the come down from your second round some time ago. The first was hot, rough, and fast, like wolves in heat under the full moon. The second time was less rushed and even more enjoyable.
You traveled the length of the scar, then met his gaze. "What’s this one from?”
“A time I was left for dead. The bastards tried to take my boots. I took their lives.”
You grinned, imagining him out in the field, and all his adventures.
A comfortable silence fell between you for a while, until Pero broke it.
“- quite the game we played cariño.”
“Wasn’t it,” you lay on his chest, planting a kiss on his chin, then on his lips, “but, who says it’s over?”
“I haven’t seen your sword skills yet, we must duel.”
He chuckled, shaking you both slightly as it rumbled through his chest, “Yeah?”
“Yeah, and…” you kiss him again, “there’s a whole list of fun games we could play.”
He quirked a curious brow.
“Well,” you nibbled his ear before telling him what was on your mind.
“Dios mio - “ he said with wide eyes.
“You know you like it,” you grinned, then kept going.
“I do,” he confirmed, caressing the back of your neck as the games you whispered got filthier and filthier.
God, you were speaking his language, and he wasn’t sure if you were real - well if he hadn’t just fucked you twice, which was more than worth the wait, he'd think this was magic, witches work, but you, and this, were all real.
You continued, spilling your dirty thoughts in his ear while now stroking his length with your hand.
Fuck, Pero thought, he’d keep you forever, even longer after that. You would never know another man because you were his.
Pero took hold of you, pulling you into an earth-shattering kiss before holding you against him.
“Good thing for you, I'm not going anywhere. You're mine now.”
You smiled against his chest, “I think I might not object to that.”
“Woman,” he groaned with a slight laugh,
“For you,” you looked up at him and weaved your fingers through his, “I'll make an exception.”
“Now that we’ve come to an understanding, I want food,” he sat up, pulling you with him, “then we fuck again.”
“I like the way you think.” You straddled his hips, teasing him a little before getting off. “Come on my ravenous beast, I made stew last night, and I must say, it's damn good.”
You slipped on the tunic and then made your way out of the room.
Pero slipped on his pants and followed, “as glad as I am to eat, I’m more excited about dessert.”
As you busied yourself gathering bowls, Pero watched from the doorway. As good as it felt to have you, as happy as it made him to see your reaction to the blade, he couldn't shake his sense of worry. When he said you were his, you replied with a maybe, well, not exactly, you said,
“I think I might not object to that.”
Might not
That didn’t sit right.
He was all in, dead serious about it. If you’d have him, there was no one after you. But if you were unsure -
Pero called your name, prompting you to glance over your shoulder at him with that heart-stopping smile of yours.
His doubts felt stupid, with the way you’re looking at him now, the light in your eyes, that smile. Still, he needed to hear it, he needed to hear it from your lips.
Pero came over to you, you could tell his mood had shifted. With concern, you turned to him and took one of his hands in yours.
“What's wrong?”
“I mean it,” he said your name as he cupped your cheek with one hand, his eyes big, brown, and vulnerable as he stared into yours, “You’re mine.”
Your eyes softened on him even more, “lo sé.”
“Say it,” he demanded.
You slipped your other hand around his back, pulling him closer, “I’m yours, Pero.” you leaned in, brushing the tip of your nose to his, then nibbling his bottom lips. “and you are mines.”
The grunt that left him at your words was primal, like a wolf claiming his mate, and before you could say anything else his lips were on yours. That was all he needed, this was home now, you were his home, and he wasn’t going anywhere.
“What about dinner?” you giggled as he kissed the length of your neck and bunched the tunic over your hips.
“That can wait, I need you, now,” he growled, walking you backward to the table.
“Wow, I thought food was your first love,” you teased as you took his hardening length into your hands,
“It is, but now it has competition with you, mi amor.”
You smiled as he moved between your legs, “say it again.”
“Mi amor.” he threw the tunic across the room and quickly covered your breasts with his mouth,
You ran your fingers through his chocolate waves with one hand, guiding his cock inside of you with the other. You moaned together as he filled you,
“I love you too Pero,” you purred.
You closed your eyes, pleasure pulsing through your bodies as you moved your hips together. Thanking the stars and sky above for their gift to you; the very thing you didn't know you wanted in the form of a grumpy mercenary who stole your heart and set your soul on fire.
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More Pedro characters | More Pero
This was a special occasion, so I cross posted. Usually I just put previews on tumblr, all my other work goes to A03. You will need an account to view my archive. Lots of my older stuff 2019 - 2022, for now, is still on my master list here too.
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evilovesyou · 1 year
Can i ask what / how was it poorly organised? Sorry it left you feeling like that :/
I hope you know what you’ve gotten yourself into 😂
It started with just how to get into the venue… google maps told us it was a 20 minute walk but the entrance was so hard to find, with no signs or anybody pointing you in the right direction, that it took us at least 45 min.
We got there after the initial queues had passed, but still fairly early. (The second act was playing when we entered the grounds.)
There were 2 food trucks for (depending on the source) 20-30k people. Two trucks. And two bars that sold only soft drinks and beer. You could buy water at specific places just for that. One merch stand. 12 hammocks that they labeled “chill out area”.
They had talked about having vegan food options etc, but when we arrived there were already several things that were crossed off the menu. We stood in line for 45 min to get some food and when my girlfriend asked if they had anything vegetarian they offered her “onions, some peppers and lettuce in some bread.”
There was a separate line for fries, but the fries were sold at a drinks station so they just told us to cross over and get them since we’d already been in line for almost an hour at that point. Then somebody yelled at us for cutting the line lol
I got a chicken “sandwich” that was literally just a piece of fried chicken and two dry pieces of bread. No condiments, no lettuce, not even a slice of tomato.
So we paid €20 for some watermelon, fries, and a “chicken sandwich” that was so bad I almost cried.
There were a total of 2 trash bins on site I think and they were buried under mounds of rubbish so I’m not sure if there were actual bins or if people just decided for a communal spot.
As far as I know they were pretty good about handing out water and such in the afternoon, though the “free water” they advertised outside of the crowd at the stage wasn’t marked and pretty hard to find.
Before the show started, during “DJ” Carl Baracat or whatever his name was (he literally played the wildest mix of a playlist I’ve ever heard in my life. No mixing or anything. It was weird.)… I realised the heat was getting to me and I was feeling very thirsty so I asked for water from security and they told us they weren’t handing out any water until Louis got on stage. Essentially the message was “I’ll wait until you faint, even though you have time to access your needs right now and you won’t be able to once the main reason you’re all here is on stage”. I did get water half an hour later, during the second song or so.
After Louis’ set it was pretty quick to clear out and we were lucky enough to stay directly in Camaoire but @chaotic-bells has a story to tell about transport back to other towns nearby I think…
Maybe it comes from having worked in event management before, maybe it’s just my general virgo-ness and personality, but there were so many things that would’ve been so easy to solve on part of the venue and security and the organisers that I was just genuinely appalled at the lack of care.
So… I love Louis. I’m glad I was there for this and I got to see my friends. I’m glad I got to see the Blossoms live! They were awesome. The people were genuinely really nice! Louis was amazing as always. We got to hear Paradise and I know @fadeintolight lost her mind about that 😅 I got to hang out with @chickenstuffedwithmozzarella for the first time and it was awesome 🥰
I got to be at the beach with my girlfriend before the festival and then kiss her surrounded by lights. We got to leave our gay message for Louis. All is well in the end.
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thesolarangel · 1 year
Hiii again!
Ohh beauty that's totally okay I just said it because it was something that passed through my mind but I totally understand 🥰🥰 for the other part well.. If I want to specify maybe I'll say something like "Elrond as your boyfriend" maybe when he asks you if you want to become the said girlfriend? Or just what he would be like when flirting you know?
Idk I just feel he'll be so shy and blushes so much that I'm already melting ❤️ but honestly it's very late where I live so Idk if the idea is a good one 😭😂 So as I really love your writing feel free to do this or whatever comes to your mind with this pretty boy, I'll be here to read it anyway!
Hope all of this was not stupid and not helping 😭
Have a good night dear ❤️
Thank you so much for the lovely ask, my friend! ❤️ I hope this is to your liking:
Tags: mentions of alcohol
Elrond and reader are dating, Elrond is a bit shy, he’s inexperienced and blushes easily. The two of them haven’t said “I love you” to each other yet…
Elrond seemed a little distracted this evening. He dodged your looks and was fiddling with the hem of his sleeve the entire time you were walking to this supposedly secret dinner date, he had invited you to, just the two of you at a secluded place he wouldn’t tell you.
After a few minutes you had arrived at a small picnic Elrond had prepared and it looked very cozy and inviting.
You made yourself comfortable, but it seemed like something was bothering Elrond, he was glancing over to you, so you put down the bread you were going to eat and looked at him questioningly.
“What’s on your mind, Elrond?” you asked carefully.
“I would like to ask you something…”
“Yes?” you encouraged him without pressuring him too much, but now you were really intrigued.
His eyes met yours. “Will you be my partner?” It came out as a whisper and now he was really blushing.
“Oh! I thought I already am!” You were confused… you had been dating for a few months now. Surely he must’ve known that you were together at this point…
“Well, I wanted to make it official…” he was staring down at his hands again, too shy to look you in the eyes.
Now it hit you and you realized: This was something really special he had planned for you, you looked around at the gleaming lanterns, the wine and food he had set up and the place he had picked out.. It was truly romantic.
You took his hands in yours and looked up at him, smiling softly. “I’m yours, Elrond.”
His face lit up immediately and he almost knocked you over with the force of his hug, you yelped and then you were both laughing with excitement and happiness.
He held you tightly for a moment and then gazed at you fondly. His cheeks were slightly flushed and his bright blue eyes were glowing, your heart was pounding in your chest.
“I love you so much.” you blurted out.
He smiled from ear to ear “I love you, melissë… Can I call you that?”
“Of course.” you answered and pulled him into a deep kiss.
(I’m not very happy with the word “partner” here… but it’s the only gender neutral alternative for boyfriend/girlfriend I could come up with…)
Maybe I’ll write the “Will you marry me?” someday, too!
Headcanon 4 of 4, yay!
Tag list: @fenharel-enaste @lotrnonsense @lazymeriadoc @elrondscalaquendi @starlady66 @elronds-pointy-ears @bananaphanta @runawaymun @jefferson-in-the-tardis @mayatrueman @depressedplatypus @thetempleofthemasaigoddess @lady-of-imladris @mistergandalf @elrondswifey
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nerdieforpedro · 8 months
Weekend Update 01/14/2024
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Hey Nerdie! Posting kind late tonight?
Yeah, I worked this weekend. Not bad as far as weekends go.
That’s good. Anything new?
Making a list of Pedro and Oscar shows and movies I wanna watch while I’m off for the next few days.
Going to see a movie with my Mom Tuesday. Also she wants to come over my house to watch “The Grey Man” because it has Regé-Jean Page in it. The more stuff I watch with my mom, the more is becomes apparent that I get my fangirling honestly. 🤔 Interesting. She would never say she is, but I know. Anytime they almost call security on you at a convention, you’re fangirling too hard.
You still have that pickle…can you get rid of it?
That gherkin has grown on me, but I may find something else. 👀
I mean…but what….should we not complain about the pickle then?
Complain about what you want doesn’t mean I’m going to change it. 😎 Or maybe I will. 🤗
Oh dear…I don’t like the glint in your eye. You write anything this week?
I put out two fics this week. One was angsty and sad? I think. 🤔 Not really sure how to describe it but I like it. It’s my first Santiago Garcia fic. Titled “Canto para mí mismo / I sing for myself.” Grief and PTSD. Not heavy at all. It will be a 4 part series.
Then I followed that up with Marcus Pike smut. I wanted to add to the Pike Pool. I had thots about Marcus and “She’s Under the Weather” was written.
I also gave two dissertations on Oscar Isaac’s facial hair and what’s the best date a PP character could surprise you with? @rhoorl and @i-own-loki game me much to think about and to write. 🤣
I’m finishing up a challenge. I may be able to finish it on time. 👀 It’s just going to smell like old pita bread and metal. Like I didn’t know what else to do with the material! The time period is messing me up. 😑
I thought of a short series for Marcus from a movie tag game I think. The thots were thotting with @magpiepills and @maggiemayhemnj so when we have an angsty sexy menace of a Marcus Pike, see these two for your concerns. 🫣
I also fell into whatever Trash Panda pillow fort Dieter has made. I’m working on chapter 4 of “Weddings 101 Dieter.” I had some notes from some comment I made about Dieter doing a solo activity that has now blossomed into smut to the music of Donna Summer. Because if you’re gonna do it, make it disco 🪩 Lastly, working on my Bubble AU where Dieter picks OFC to bunk with him to help him sleep. That’s not going to turn into anything is it? Maybe sweet, maybe manipulative, maybe smut, maybe silly 😝
I think just for @mysterious-moonstruck-musings I’ll include a pomelo in one of my future fics. Might be in the Javier Peña one we talked about or a different one. 😘 We also mentioned another project idea with different food:
A plantain as a prop would be hilarious with the line randomly chosen, “I thought everyone knew how to use one of those, you don’t?” 🤣🤣🤣
The comments and tags are where the comedy gold is. 😂😂😂 I think we also mentioned a family gathering 😂
Good grief Nerdie….should we even ask if there’s anything else?
Still working on school. Took a break from the Statistics class was frustrating me very much. Instead working through a scholarship and leadership class. 😒 I might be useful one day, but likely not.
Have a great week everyone and stay warm!
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Love Nerdie! ❤️🪩
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ultimateaclrecovery · 9 months
Japan Day 5! Day trip Nara and Uji from Kyoto
Started our day at Fushimi Inari, and saw all of the red torii gates. It was early and still kind of dark which made it extra cool. Also Anthony is a power walker and I refuse to ask him to slow down so we hella power walked up and down this mountain 😂 but it was very efficient!
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Then we took the train on to Nara and feeding the deer! I had so much fun. Too much fun. But there were just so many tiny deers!
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After we fed the deer we saw the wordless largest Buddha statue and the temples and monuments in the area
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We got curry for lunch and then head in the Uji where we got a fun set of tea. Uji is known for their tea so Anthony also got a bunch of tea to take home (I didn’t because I never make tea)
After we got back to Kyoto we went to a light up temple where they gave us tea and it had these little sweets and mine had a deer on it!! 😍
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The light temple was really cool but a bit more religious than anticipated.
We then ended up getting Korean bbq for dinner
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Overly long travel diary
I put 2000 more yen on my ic card
Fushimi inari. All of the red gates.
Fushimi inari. All of the red gates.
I am torn between my desire to not be an annoying Instagram picture taker and get in everyone’s way, my desire to not annoy my bf with too many pictures, my desire to just be present in the moment and my desire to have all the cute pictures. I try to find a balance and take a couple.
It is really cool to walk through all of the red gates, they feel endless. They all have the same thing in the front but the backs have lots of different writings. As we go up the mountain the forest gets denser and darker and makes it almost ethereal. I like all of the fox statues and the shrine kitties.
I always forget how much of a power hiker my bf is until we start passing all sorts of people. I don’t have a problem keeping up but it does sometimes make me feel like I’m being annoying when I then invietablly stop to take a picture or just meander a bit.
The higher up we go the less people there are which is nice. We stop for breakfast on the way down and eat our 7-11 sandwiches at some benches overlooking the city
600 yen ice cream card
3 packs of 200 each deer crackers Anthony
4080 yen total for bag shipping Anthony
Then it’s off to Nara and the deer park. We start seeing deer almost as soon as we get there. They are little and have split hooves and many are so very friendly. We buy a pack of deer crackers and go to feed a couple. There is a bit of a swarm right by the cracker stand and some people are getting mobbed. We go further away and pick out a nice looking deer. A lot of them will bow for crackers which is pretty fun. We feed the deer and take pictures and generally take in the chaos. After two packs of 200 yen each cracker packs we continue walking towards one the the temples. There are still deer everywhere. Just like freely wandering the streets jumping over little fences, no fear and no hesitation. It’s extra funny to see them just walking amongst the shrines. They were worshiped in Nara for many many years and killing one of them used to be punishable by death.
We head into the temple. Anthony pays the 600 each yen entrance fee and we go to see the largest bronze Buddha statue in the world. The temple itself is huge and made entirely of wood. There’s also a couple other big statues inside and a 50 to 1 replica of the whole complex which is really cool.
We continue to walk around Nara and see some of the other temples including one that has a couple octagon buildings which is the first time I’ve seen that here. There’s also a five story pagado.
We try to go to the deer house that’s a part of one of the temples but alas it’s closed. We head back to the train station and I stop to get a soft serve ice cream cone decorated like a deer. It has little Pretzle bread antlers and googly eyes and a chocolate nose and is just so cute. We buy one last cracker pack and spend some more time feeding the hordes of deer and making friends. They are happy to be fed, content to be pet but do not want hugs.
We grab lunch in one of the markets at a curry place. A lot of the restaurants in Japan are designed for maximum efficiency. At the counter they have a button to push when you’re ready to order. And then give you your order slip with your food so whenever you’re done you can just take it to the front and pay and leave. Means getting lunch even at a restaurant is very fast. I get the chicken curry. It’s good but has many different vegetables, one of each feels like. I try most of them but give the ones I don’t like to my boyfriend.
On the way to the train I pause to take a picture of one of the manhole covers because it’s engraved with a scene featuring a deer. Some of the ones in the main area are also painted (but too crowded to take a picture). Lots of the manhole covers in Japan have pretty designs. The ones in Osaka had pretty flowers and a lot of them were painted too.
We then take the train to Uji which is known for its tea. My boyfriend picks up a couple of things of tea and then we go to a shop to get cups of tea. We order our flavors of tea and the lady tries very hard to ask exactly which thing we want but we aren’t really sure what’s she’s trying to ask? Some drawings later she ends up satisfied and we end up with their tea set which includes little scones and things and a full tea pot each of the kinds of tea we ordered. We were going for more of a single cup but also pleased with full set. I get a Carmel tea and he gets a melon earl grey. I am already at 29000 steps for the day. I tell my bf I think I’ll hit 40k today but he doesn’t think we have that much walking left.
We head up a couple of switchbacks to an observatory deck just on the edge of the city. It’s crazy to me how quickly you can be in very deep woods in Japan. The trees are so tall and only really have leaves at the very top. We have a snack of Mochi that we got earlier from a famous mochi store in Nara at the top. The red bean paste inside still had bean shapes in it which is a first for me. It’s pretty good but the bean shells weird me out a little.
We then head back to kyoto and then over to ayrishima where we have tickets for a night light up temple. The lighted paths are very beautiful and there’s a path through a bamboo groove which I love. The way lights shine on the bamboo creates a really prettt color. The tickets include a little tea ceremony with a little sweet, a red bean paste filled pastry (mochi?) with a little deer stamped on top. We try to use what we learned about tea ceremony yesterday here.
We continue through the temple and look at the shrines. In the main temple there is a guy giving a lengthy explanation or something in Japanese while shining a flashlight on different elements of the statue inside. We’re starting to realize that this event is much more geared towards Japanese people than tourists. And is maybe more of a ceremony than a come look at pretty lights. We wait with everyone else for him to finish his speech and then quietly work our way back out through the gardens.
We head back to our hotel and pack up our bags. We are going to send them ahead to Tokyo so keep only what we need for our one night in Hakone in our backpacks. It costs 4080 yen to have them sent to our Tokyo hotel.
We then head out to dinner. We wander for a bit before deciding to check out a Japanese version of Korean bbq. We also get a 15 sampler set of sake. I kind of a hit a bit of an overwhelmed moment with all the different food and drink options and how many of them are mostly new and that I only kind of like. But most of it is still delicious.
We think about getting more fish pastries but alas I am too full.
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the holidays are always really fucking weird, i dont like many of them but specifically December is just- ew
Anyway ill just thro my mini pitty party real quick:
These song explains how I feel about christmas time *perfectly*
Have yourself a Merry Little Christmas by mother mother (christmas playlist)
From heres basically a trauma dump about being in the hospital, but i typically talk about this in a tone more like "oh yea! i nearly died lmao"
When i was like, just turning 6 I had 💫pneumonia💫 & needed to go to the 💫hospital💫. So I spent like, 12/11-31/15 in the hospital. along the way i had these treats happen (not really in order, 💜=story from family member, ❤=i actually remember this)
💜being diagnosed by my sisters 16 yo boyfriend by looking at my gums, whereas medical staff took 4 days
❤Some mcdonalds, cool auntys banana bread, jello & making popin cookin sets w/ my older sister
💜a 5 day medically induced coma
lung surgery therefor cool fuckin scars on my back (WHICH I CANT FUCKING SHOW ANYONE CAUSE I WAS CURSED W/ TITS AND 2/3 ARE UNDER MY BRA)
💜waking up from said coma periodically only to say "im scared" w/ my mom trying to comfort me but i had ear shit going on
💜Finnaly actually woke up, yelled "IM DEAD", which is reportadly the scariest shit my dad has ever heard, my mom asks if i hurt, i say yes, she like "ur not dead honey" again i was 6 & in & out of a coma 😂 (idk why but I've always found that story funny)
💜my parents being thretened w/ truancy by my dumbass school
❤Christmas, I had *2* mini christmas trees in my hospital room 💅 1 was cool but my cool uncle & aunty got me a pink 1 which I still have to this day as a lamp
💜only trusting 1 of my doctors cause he looked like my grandfather who'd been deceased for 2years at that point
❤💜going on walks around the kids floor in a wheelchair & stealing a little gingerbread beanie baby ornament but they didnt care so they just let me keep it & i still have it somehwere.
💜my mom met a lady who had a son who was a few months old & they didnt expect to live past a couple weeks but he *did* (more on that later)
💜had food in the cafeteria and i proceeded to rub the pizza i got *into my hair*. My response? "Its just cheese" my family and I quote that to this day lmao.
💜being reverted to a toddler for a good minute (someone asked my age i said i was 3, i was not) & needing to relearn walking, talking, the little bit of reading i knew & getting into a shower w/out being scared of being pulled down the drain
❤said dude who asked my age worked at the hospital cafeteria & we visited him after most of my appointments. miss u uncle (that was what he went by), wish u well. Dont know where he since covid cause the part of the building cafeteria was in was torn down.
❤and after all that later and i got releaced on new years eve :>
From there forward i had a 20-30minute nebulizer to do every 4 hours (which my parents had to wake up at like 2am for a half hour for), 2 twice daily inhailers, 2 nasil sprays, "the tire" (tastes like shit and makes me feel anxious) (that isnt even all of it my mom counted 8 meds at one point) and i slowly dropped them year by year till they had me down to just rescue inhailer as needed & if my lungs r really shit for a min i go on the tire. (Tire=prednisolone but what 6 year old is remembering that name lol)
specialist appointments every week, then 2 weeks, then every month, 3 months, 6 months, now im at checkup every year and check in as needed
"Look whos inside again" by bo burnham is my life in a nutshell
To this day the smell of a consentrated area of hand sanatizer just has me stop in my tracks lol.
seeing a picture of tiny me on my parents facebook feed yearly of me unconscious in a hospital bed w/ tubes in mah face
couple of close friend i met post hospital (keep in mind i was like 7) didn't believe me so i ran around the playground cursing them the fuck out (never did get in trouble for that 😂) ((I still talk to 1 of them shes cool))
Idk where to put this but about that kid I was talking about before, I found out last year around this time he had just died- of 💫pneumonia💫. yea that fucked me up for a good minute, he was around 6 too which didn't help, I never even met the kid and I still had a weird form of survivors guilt.
Anyway have a merry fucking christmas i really dont get this holiday lol, treat yourself kindly, feel free to be the grinch you are and explain in detail why u hate the holidays u arent alone lol
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aminocamino · 5 months
Day 27 - 7 May - forced rest day LEON
First thing this morning I hobbled over to the physio for my 8.30. Cost 50€ and I left there at 10.20! Massaged the ankle and firstly isolated all the knots from walking. His expression was he needed to ‘clear’ it although he may have said ‘clean’ it! After an hour he used two machines. I can’t remember what the first one was - it pulsed and wow it HURT! The second was an electrical stimulation machine. His English was excellent I thought, but he admitted today (my second visit) that he was disappointed with it and it wasn’t as good as he would like it to be. Lets face it - better than my Spanish…. 😲
I decided on leaving I wanted to take him home…Carrie and I have discussed what we want to take home in our rucksacks. She would definitely take Bruno the dog. But in addition I would take the cute ukulele player, the owner of our Albergue in Castrojeriz (as would Carrie) and also Javier Pena Florez the physio. Hope Pete doesn’t mind..the house will be a very full house 😂 And I need a massive rucksack!
Carrie is now on day 1 without me 😔 but hopefully she’s ploughing on in good Nordic style. So glad the weather has improved. There are lots of Camino friends around and some staying at the same Albergue so she is in good company.
My walk to the physio took me through some interesting parts of Leon. Very narrow beautiful lanes. You can tell the older houses - they are made of adobe, a mixture of straw, clay, sand and water.
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There seems to be so many old buildings that they appear not to be protected so many are routinely modernised quite badly. But plenty remain.
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This huge historic building was undergoing conservation - think the sign said it was a historical archive/museum of some sort. Walking past a narrow little lane I could see an interesting gateway at the end. Wow - it’s old, neglected and graffitied. Seemed such a shame. I loved it.
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The second gateway was much better looked after and had been incorporated into an apartment complex.
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On the way back from the physio - I came across loads of little squares tucked away like this one. The red building is an albergue!
After the physio I went for breakfast at my favourite cafe for bacon and eggs. Since going there I have been totally fascinated by this wall photo of Leon as it used to be. However that amazing wall on the right still survives and is right opposite the cafe. It can also be seen around other parts of this beautiful city.
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And this is the amazing front entrance (only open weekdays) of the hospital.
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I had to rest then as the walk to the physio had worn me out.
But I did meet Carol for a drink early evening. She had been to a sushi restaurant as a break from bread, meet and cheese! I had pizza at the restaurant right outside the cathedral. Two glasses of wine, bottle of water and a pizza….22€ in the main Leon square!
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mayasdeluca · 1 year
Doing a rewatch and I am currently on S2 and I just got to the Maya/Jack situation- And ugh! I don’t understand who thought that was a good idea. Maya and Jack give off sibling vibes. They’re such a terrible pairing- and it seemed to come out of nowhere. If they really needed a man to drive the wench between Maya and Andy - then it should have been Ryan- the first person Maya had ever shown a vulnerable side to when she told him about Mason. In the S2 finale- when he brags about how they are the new IT couple- I will silently chuckle knowing that Maya is going to dump his ass soon. I kind of wish he had some hard feelings about Maya (who doesn’t do relationships) falling in love with another woman and marrying her (what I’m sure he thought was going to happen between them) but instead he was pissed for like 5 minutes and it was never brought up again.
It was such a stupid decision. They had that sibling type banter from the start with them always trying to one up each other and getting on each other's nerves and then we were supposed to believe that it turned into them liking each other??? Like what kind of failed enemies to not lovers nonsense was that?? Even more stupid if they did it just to drive a wedge in between Maya and Andy when their friendship was such a staple in the show especially during the early seasons so why are you letting a white bread of a man like Jack get in the way of that for some temporary useless drama? I don't get it. I forgot he called them the IT couple lmao what a joke. The way he took them so seriously and Maya didn't was 😂
I kinda wish he was more bitter about Maya and Carina's relationship because it was everything he wanted...but also the way he just fell for Maya so fast and acted like they were so serious annoyed me because why? All they showed them doing was having sex, it's not like we ever saw any emotional attachment or vulnerable feelings being shared so for Jack to have that kind of attachment was weird to me anyway. Whatever, I'm just glad they're long over and Maya is way better off.
They could've been such a good friendship that were each other's hype man and just went to each other to vent about life and stuff kinda like they did in 6x17 but now after everything that's happened between them and the mess they've done with putting him in Marina's stuff I don't want any part of it.
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silverhallow · 2 years
Giving you more time this year 😂 seeing as Lucia (aka Saint Lucy's Day) is in less than 2 weeks, could we see Charlie, Alex & Will dressed as mini-Santas, gingerbread men or little elves & Vivi dressed as one of Lucia's maids, with the whole family visiting grandma Violet to treat her with some light & baked goodies? 🥰 (maybe awoa would work for this since Lucia is celebrated in Italy as well?)
St Lucia’s day, or Saint Lucy’s day had been a big part of Sophie’s life growing up. Her Nonna Vittoria loved the day and Sophie had spent every St Lucia’s day as a child, dressed in a white dress with a red robe and a wreath upon her head.
Vittoria had always split the celebration using her Swedish and her Italian heritage as part of the celebrations. Vittoria, whilst she had been born in Italy, her mother was Swedish.
Sophie had adored the celebrations and always felt like a Princess and she loved the baked goods but this year, this year felt all the more Important to celebrate and remember as Vittoria had passed away just months before little Violetta Alice Bridgerton had been born.
she and Benedict had called their daughter Violetta to celebrate both Sophie’s heritage and Nonna as well as his mother, she was referred to as Vivi and she had been the light in their life after a trying few months for their family.
Charlie’s sepsis Infection, noticed and subsequently saved by Phillip Crane and then Vittoria’s stroke…
It had been a rough few months but with Christmas around the corner, Sophie knew this was the perfect opportunity to honour her heritage and Nonna.
Her father had been overjoyed when Sophie had told him she planned to celebrate this year and along with Alice and Albert had began to prepare all the treats and it wasn’t long before Sophie’s cottage style house was filled with the smell of Ginger biscuits and Saffron bread and she had three excited little boys in the kitchen desperate to help her.
As they entered the kitchen all three of them paused their grandfather and father behind them, holding their two month old daughter and he grinned at his sons“go on, we’ll sing it together”
Charlie took the lead as the eldest and with a little shove to Alex and William they began trying to sing the lyrics Benedict and Richard had been teaching them for the last two weeks:
Sul mare luccica l'astro d'argento
Placida è l'onda, prospero è il vento
Sul mare luccica l'astro d'argento
Placida è l'onda, prospero è il vento
Venite all'agile barchetta mia
Santa Lucia, santa Lucia
Venite all'agile barchetta mia
Santa Lucia, santa Lucia
Con questo zeffiro, così soave
O, com'è bello star sulla nave
Con questo zeffiro, così soave
O, com'è bello star sulla nave
Su passeggeri, venite via
Santa Lucia, santa Lucia
Su passeggeri, venite via
Santa Lucia, santa Lucia
O dolce Napoli, o suol beato
Ove sorridere volle il creato
O dolce Napoli, o suol beato
Ove sorridere volle il creato
Tu sei l'impero dell'armonia
Santa Lucia, santa Lucia
Tu sei l'impero dell'armonia
Santa Lucia, santa Lucia
Sophie beamed, having been filming an Instagram live video she quickly leaned over and cut off her camera before rushing around to hug her sons “oh mi cuccioli”
“We want to help Mama!!” Alex exclaimed loudly.
“Well my love, Mama has about finished but we do have to get ready for grandmas and I think Papa helped you all pick out your costumes?” Sophie said brightly as she took Vivi, already in her tiny white gown with her red sash from her husband.
“Oh mama!!! I’m so excited!” Charlie grinned at her
“Well them my little Prince, run off and get ready with Nonno and you can show Mama after”
All three boys squealed excitedly and ran out of the room as Richard let out a beleaguered sigh “these kids are going to kill me…”
“Blame Ben. They’re entirely Bridgerton in their nature”
“Excuse me, Alex yes… he’s so much like Colin but the other two…”
“Oh they’re like you Poppet… you were just as hyper on St Lucia’s day…” Richard laughed
“NONNO COME ON!!!!” Yelled Alex from the corridor
Chuckling Richard left the room.
“Have you got everything ready my love? Do you need a hand at all?” Benedict asked. Sophie was only just back on her feet after Vivi’s birth and he didn’t want her doing too much.
He would have put his foot down about her doing everything today but he knew how much it meant to her, how much it meant for her to honour her Nonna and he wanted to do so as well.
“It’s all in hand, Al’s making the Cuccia for me and I’ve managed to make the rest between our little Lucia’s feeds so it’s all good”
Benedict smiled; he knew that the Cuccia, a dish of boiled wheat berries often mixed with ricotta and honey which they served as a savoury soup with beans, was Albert’s speciality so it made sense for him to make it.
Sophie had tried once and it had been a bit of a rare disaster for Sophie.
“Thank you for teaching the boys the song. Nonna would have loved it” Sophie said as she pressed a kiss to her husband's cheek. “And for dressing Vivi…”
“We may have managed to find a matching outfit for you upstairs mi amor” Benedict said “and I’ve got a tiny crown for Vivi as well but we’ll put it on as we get to mums.”
Sophie nodded “what have the boys decided to wear?” Sophie asked
“Oh I can’t spoil the surprise” Benedict beamed “gimme our little princess and go get ready, I’ll pack the car up and then the boys should have finished messing around with Nonno”
Sophie handed Vivi over to her husband and dashed off to dress herself.
She was still feeling a bit delicate in places after her emergency c-section and subsequent hysterectomy and so the long white dress felt nice on her sore body.
She would never admit it to her husband but she maybe had overdone it just a touch over the last few days but she had been determined to honour her Nonna.
She winced as she pulled the red sash and put her hair into a quick bun as she saw her father stood at the door “Soph…” he sighed
“Dad… don’t”
“You don’t know what I’m going to say…”
“Yes I do. You’re going to take Ben’s side and tell me I’ve done too much too soon after Vivi…”
“He’s right though sweetheart, you nearly died… you shouldn’t…”
“It’s for Nonna dad… and besides I’m fine. I’m just tired is all. A newborn does that to you” Sophie said defiantly.
Richard sighed “I know it’s for Nonna sweetheart it’s why I’ve not said anything but please… take it easy okay. I can’t go through the thought of losing you again, and I don’t think Ben can either” Richard said
Sophie nodded “I will take it easy, even if I didn’t want to I think Ben Will force it on me”
“I knew there was a reason I approved of your husband” Richard laughed
“Dad… you think I’ve forgotten the two of you whisky drunk watching the rugby… you are sorely mistaken”
Richard grinned “I have no memory of that night, or very little memory anyway… but come on, there are three very excited little boys down stairs desperate to go see Granny Vi and show there Mama they’re costumes”
Sophie grinned and knew better than to ask her father, he kept secrets way better than her husband, and she made her way carefully down the stairs and gasped as she saw her three boys lined up at the bottom of the stairs.
William, having just turned 2, was dressed as an elf, looking adorable with the stripy tights and green and red hat that Aunty Daphne had clearly made. Charlie was dressed as a knight, he had insisted on it though it was a white knight so a nod towards the traditions as he had to protect his baby sister… and then Alex…
Sophie had to fight back the urge to burst out laughing, her little 4 year old trouble maker, dressed as a donkey. “Eeey orrrrrr” he said and Sophie broke…
And she burst out laughing as she hugged her little Boys “don’t you look wonderful! These are Fantastic!!!”
Benedict had dressed for the occasion, as Santa Claus much to all three boy’s excitement and he had gotten them into the car without much bother, Richard followed them in his having promised to collect Albert, Alice and Oscar on his way to Violet’s home for the celebration.
All the Bridgerton’s, after Kate’s insistence had dressed up, all the girls were in their white gowns with red Sashes and as a surprise Phillip had helped make everyone traditional crowns with Lingonberries and when Sophie, Richard and Alice saw the trouble they had gone into they had a little cry.
Well Richard and Alice had a little cry, Sophie burst into full blown sobs still a hormonal mess after her pregnancy.
It was nothing however compared to how she cried as they all sat down for dinner and little Charlie stood on his seat “Oscar… Neddy… Milo… Lottie…Ami, Bel, Cazzi, Davey… Manda…Oli…osc…” and all of his cousins, and his two little brothers all stood on their seats with their parents looking confused and they took a deep breath and they all sang the St Lucia song.
It took a full hour before Sophie calmed herself down and hugged all her Nieces and Nephews tightly and declared it had been the perfect way to remember her Nonna and the most perfect St Lucia’s day ever.
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rayatii · 1 month
Okay, this is gonna be an even longer one than last time.
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Time for cuddles with Principessa!
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Nemorino has been preparing his own meals, and developed a liking for cooking. I took him to Finchwick, and had him buy some milk. Mainly all he needs left is some bread, and he might be able to cook something other than tomato soup, until he levels up.
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It's just that Principessa snoozing while curled up like this reminds me a lot of my own cat.
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lmao I happened to take Adina to ThrifTea on a Comedy Night, and she has autonomously decided to improvise an amateur comedy routine 😂
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Adina creating a promposal sign!
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Tane said yes! (also I love Molly Prescott, the principal's daughter and a good friend of Adina, cheering at this)
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I love how everyone is on their phones and Adina has already pulled out her exam book.
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LMAO NOT SANTA/FATHER WINTER SHOWING UP AT A FASHION SHOW IN THRIFTEA (also in my save file he lives in Oasis Springs for some reason). And yes, Adina got herself a strawberry matcha bubble tea, and has discovered that she likes S-Pop music (the Sims equivalent of K-pop music, I guess? Very fitting, actually) by frequenting ThrifTea.
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Adina trying to increase Trendi sales on some of the looks she designed (as part of the Admired Icon aspiration) by showing off her preppy look Good Girl Chic.
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Guys, this is kind of an awkward angle to be sitting looking at the stars.
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It's the weekend (in-universe), so I decided to spend a bit more time with Nemorino, and his dad appeared in the morning and they hugged 😭
(which reminds me, absolutely no one has answered my poll on whether I should let the ghost cross over)
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Nemorino may not see Adina throughout their adolescence, but he sure sees her father, his landlord, whenever he comes for inspections. Here he is showing him pictures.
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Catching some beauty sleep before prom!
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Adina's latest conquest: Tane Ngata! But this time, I will not ask him to be her romantic partner, as the Serial Romantic Aspiration requires the Sim to have a strong romantic relationship with 3 Sims at the same time, and Adina's not a cheater! She's just vibing.
(She got gold at prom, but she and Tane barely interacted.)
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Jeb you're ruining the moment (also I'm hesitating whether to have Jeb Harris or his brother Gideon be one of Adina's next conquests, bc it's kinda weird to hit on 2 brothers)
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Fishing to provide food on the table, other than tomato soup!
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Nemorino caught a Future Cube, and when he asked it about his love life, he got this pretty bleak prediction. But not to worry, my boy! You destiny will change in time, for the better! Your Pixel God (i.e. me) guarantees it!
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Uncle Pepe invited Nemorino to the Flea Market in San Myshuno, but he (Nemorino) literally doesn't have enough money to buy anything, so he left early.
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Strumming time!
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waitwaitwait THE Agnes Crumplebottom (i.e. the prim old lady who smacks people with her purse when they engage in PDA in front of her) decided to purchase Adina's very youthful streetwear look??? (the one she was wearing when she kissed Tane after prom)
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Woah there Sanook, fixing the dishwasher is pretty dangerous, make sure you don't get yourself electrocuted (she didn't get electrocuted, thank goodness!!)
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LMAO not Uncle Pepe himself showing up at Poetry Reading Night in ThrifTea (then again, he might be the kind of bachelor millionaire who just does random shit in his free time)
0 notes
hotarutranslations · 2 months
2024's Summer Miyagi
Thank you very much! For the Hellocon, in Miyagi!
It was fun in full swing!
It was suppperrrr funnn!
It rained quite a bit during..
Thank you very much, for coming to the venue, packed in!
It was weakening a bit after it was over so, Everyone…I wonder if you were ok😕😕
The first floor was wide, and there are seats up to the third floor,
With the number of songs at Hellocon, While thinking, there isn't enough time--, Even then I saw many in the audience Also I saw a lot of cameras🫣 lol It was a wonderful scenery, There were a ton of lovely expressions I reallyy--- had fun!
I also participated in the MC today, I had a fresh and fun talk with, Akiyama Mao-chan❤️ Ise Layla-chan🧡 Shimakawa Hana-chan💚
Danbara Ruru-chan, had an MC where she talked about what she liked about me, Kyun..🥹🥹
Yagi Shiori-chan also introduced a story, about going to see Shiki Theater, With her mother and I
With Ghost & Lady, I actually went and saw it, because of Yagishio🫶🏻
Since it was really a wonderful work that I was moved by, And since its thanks to having met Yagishio, I'm verryyyy thankful🫶🏻
With that, I sat in the seats next to Yagishio's mother, and watched it🫶🏻 She is a kind mother, and gave a lot of lot of praise, towards Hello members… Thank you very much🫶🏻
Because it was going to be in an MC for Hellocon, I left out the details here on my blog! lol
I was completely, really, fun🪽
Behind the scenes,
All of the members, everyoneee, Told me, welcome home!😌💙
Today I gave them, Brazillian cheese bread and gave it out little by little, Everyone was cute coming and telling me, it was delicious! Thank you very much!🤍
Thank you very much to the girls who took photos with me for the first time🤍
Rather, for myself, I can't invite them to join unless its a time like this← and so I said, lets take a photo--!🤍
Everyone who took photos with me..
I want you to send..me the photos..
To show them to everyone..
.🫣🫣🫣 Lets talk next week←
Also seeing how busy I was today,
Its tough for you today Ishida-san! Ruru-chan waited for a photo in my seat,
Also I heard from Oda,
Oda and Ruru-chan, Seemed to have cleaned off my desk, like with my hair iron and hair ties, Ruru-chan? Thank you? Right?
.😂😂 Lets also talk about this next week lol
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With Hirai Miyo-chan💜
From the from to the back to the front, Since I was really having fun the whole time, It was fun sitting next to Mei on the way home, It was really a day of happiness!
Thank you very much
Please come hang out in Miyagi again🌻
I heard that Rikako was also in Miyagi today, amazing🌻 Thanks for your hard work at the summer festival🌻
Graduation Announcement Blog🐣🪽
Hello! Station #531 I also talk about my graduation in this video
📺Hello Pro Dance Gakuen Season 11
Every other Thursday at 11:30PM~ Learning Locking from HIYORI-san
📺Sendai Broadcast "Ara Ara Kashiko" Ishida Ayumi Goes~! I appear once a month as part of the AraKashi Family
The previous shows, and makings, are on OX VIDEO STORE!
📺Otoboke POPS
TokyoMX August 17th (Sat) 9:30~10:00PM Ishida, Sakurai, Yumigeta are appearing
Thank you for following.. Instagram💙🩵
💿 August 14th new single✨ "Nandaka Sentimental na Toki no Uta/saiKIYOU"
̗̀📣Cheki Sign Talk Meet Announcement
🪩Hello! Project 2024 Summer ALL OF US "Vega" "Altair" From July 13th~September 1st Traveling To 7 Cities Nationwide All Hello! Project groups are performing🔥
⚾️"Hawks SUMMER BOOST" July 28th (Sun) Mizuho PayPay Dome Fukuoka
After the match, we'll be having a live!
🪩"Morning Musume '24 Concert Tour Autumn WE CAN DANCE!"
Its Ishida Ayumi's last tour💙 I'm looking forward to seeing you
📚July 20th Release "non-no September" special issues cover is, Morning Musume '24
Releasing on July 23rd
"Up To Boy vol.341" September Issue I will be on the 7net limited cover page
📻Morning Musume '24 Morning Jogakuin ~Houkago Meeting~
Airs Every Saturday, On Radio Nihon at 12:00AM~
Past Broadcast Episodes Are Available →Program Details
I visited as a guest🪽 "Sayashi Riho and The Time From Now On" presented by Meiji Bulgarian Yogurt
As fun as it was, I'm suddenly, tireeddddddd! lol
see you ayumin <3
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romanoffsbish · 2 years
Natasha (G!P) Romanoff x Fem!Reader
This one is smut free, focused on domesticated bliss only 🤪😂
Last one in this little series, unless someone had a really good pitch for a song. 👀
Symphonic Journey (Short Series)
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Natasha smiled up at you from over her book while she lied in your shared bed. You were sat at the vanity, using your skincare items as if they were your lifeline.
"You know, this line here I name after you." You muttered, as you caught on to her staring through the mirror.
"Oh yeah, why's that?" She amusedly questions you with a knowing smirk, as she flips to the next page in her book.
"It's my worry line, grown rather prominent since I'd met you." You deadpan, as you begin to use your rose quartz roller to "ensure maximum absorption" as you would say.
"Ah, so it shows a life lived then." She quips, as she suddenly appears behind you, and lifts your face by your chin to place a kiss to your lips.
You sigh, melting completely into the kiss, and then she pulls back with the special smile reserved just for you upon her face.
"Yeah, a beautiful one at that." You conclude, as you turn back to finish up your routine, while your gorgeous wife makes her way to the bathroom to get herself ready for bed.
I took my love, and I took it down.
I climbed a mountain and I turned around,and I saw my reflection in the snow-covered hills.
‘Til the landslide brought me down.
"Y/N/N, I don't see why we can't just homeschool them, or maybe just wait another year..." Your wife pouts, as you two lay facing one another in bed.
"Darling, Niko and Eli haven't stopped talking about wanting to make friends for the better part of six months. They need the socialization, and if I'm being honest I need the brief period of silence."
"Dahlia will still be here, so why not just keep all three at home." She whines like a petulant child who didn't get there way.
"You know, I'm considering enrolling Dahlia into a preschool, maybe you too..." You chuckle out, and she groans against your chest as she pulls you close.
"Natty, Dahlia is going to enjoy the one on one, plus, she's pretty independent and as of late she naps a lot. Get some sleep now, we have a busy morning ahead of us." You tiredly murmur, placing gentle kisses to the top of her head, and lightly scratching your fingers down her arms.
Oh, mirror in the sky. What is love?
Can the child within my heart rise above?
Can I sail through the changin' ocean tides?
Can I handle the seasons of my life?
"Tasha, my love, did you make the twins lunches?" You call down to her from upstairs, and she stares down at the mess currently occupying the counters.
At the silence, you knew something was up, so you straightened Nikolai's shirt out, and placed the perfectly packed backpacks upon their tiny bodies.
"Cute." You mumbled out, as your tiny creations were stood before you in their first day outfits, nearly being swallowed by their 'big kid' bags.
"I'm not cute mommy, I'm beautiful!" Niko says, you smiled at him, and nod in agreement.
"Yes, mommy's beautiful babies..." You coo
"Now, let's go find mama, I'm kind of worried about her." You mumble out, and they giggle as they follow you down the stairs.
As the lot of you stumbled into the kitchen you were met with a rather amusing sight. Natasha had somehow slathered jelly every possible place besides atop the bread.
"Detka, this jelly won't spread over the peanut butter.”
You held back a laugh at your wife's expense, then made your way over to save the day. Their lunchboxes were rather hilarious to look at, it's as if everything you'd said had left the assassins mind.
"Well, my darling..." You begin, as you move in for a forehead kiss, prodding your tongue out lightly to lick at the strawberry jelly residing there.
"I had purchased the squeezable jelly for you, but it seems you found my bonus jar... So, there's like a whole science to this, first get rid of the knife and grab a spoon. Stir the jelly up until it's less coarse, and then slide it onto the empty slice of bread, versus over the peanut butter."
Natasha watches you with clear intentions, trying to 'perfect' the recipe, as she began mirroring your movements for the necessary second sandwich. You swiftly cut your sandwich diagonally, placed a kiss to her cheek, then readjusted the snacks in their bags when she wasn't looking.
Your younger daughter had yet to wake up, so you swiftly ran up the stairs. Seeing her peaceful face led to you just scooping her up, and holding her sleeping form against your chest so that she could continue to rest. You were pretty certain she was going through a growth spurt as she'd been snacking nonstop, and actually taking her naps, so waking her up wasn't exactly a necessity. Plus, cuddles had become harder to come by as of late, so you'll take it wherever you can get it.
"Okay everyone to the car, it's time to go." You shout, unintentionally disturbing Dahlia, who lightly shifts in your embrace, but thankfully remains asleep.
Natasha felt the tears she'd been fighting flood out of her eyes as your twins giddily made their way into the classroom with their teacher; not even sparing their mothers a simple glance back. Their innocent excitement had truly filled her heart with joy, but it also saddened her immensely to see this new chapter beginning.
Your hand landed on her shoulder, spinning her around, pulling her in for a reassuring hug, and allowing her tears to soak into your shirt.
"Oh, my darling, it's okay..."
"They're growing up so fast Y/N/N, I just wish it would all slow down." She sobs against you, before pulling back and taking your hand into hers.
"No you don't, because this is going to be an exciting time for all of us. I promise you after their long day, they'll come running out to see you." You relay as the both of you return to the car, the somehow still sleeping three year old hanging off your hip.
An indignant sigh falls from her lips, and your heart honestly cracks at her sheer reluctance in letting go. You wholeheartedly understand that she's not used to this sort of white picket fence lifestyle, and that entrusting her children to absolute strangers is rather daunting for her, but you just want her to see it from your side.
"I'm going to get them, this was a bad idea." She quietly mumbles, but you catch her hand and spin her against the car before she can.
An unintentional moan tumbles passed her lips at the impact, and your eyes widen in amused shock before you simply brush passed it for the time being.
"Natty, you're being ridiculous, they're fine. Tony already vetted this place before sending Morgan here, and we have access to the surveillance. Our kids have been trained by the best spies on the planet in defense, they're highly capable of finding an escape route, and they have a direct link to Wanda who we both know would be here in a snap." You relay with an air of humor present in your tone, as you run your fingers through her hair, slightly massaging her scalp as you feel her slowly relax against the car.
"This right here is the normalcy that they crave, the part where they trade their PB&J with some kid for their Twinkie. Where they get to surround themselves with other kids their ages, and learn how to be their own people. Learn to regulate their emotions when faced with the obstacles that kindergarten brings."
"Yeah, like who gets to be the dad during house, or who gets to be the dog in Monopoly Jr, and trust me, the list goes on." You laugh out, as your wife's face looks utterly confused, and you lean forward to peck at her lips until the frown flips.
"Wouldn't the boy just play —."
"Ah-ah Natty, due to society placing dad's at the top, everyone wants to play as the dad. Also, most of the boys seem to avoid playing house in favor of other activities, our little man tends to be the exception, but he usually plays the role of Eli's dog soo...."
"I'm sorry detka, it's just so hard to let go... Also really hard to keep up as well."
"I know, it's never easy... But look on the bright side, we'll have more alone time" You playfully quip as you point to your daughter that remains fast asleep in her carseat.
She sighs rather dramatically once you pull away from her body to climb into the drivers seat, as she continues to lean against the car for a brief moment. Glancing longingly at the door in the hopes that the twins would come bounding out in search of her, but it never happens. Once she enters the car, you watch as she curls into her seat and solemnly watches the city fly by. Without a word, or glancing over you'd simply interlocked your hand with hers to offer the silent comfort she needed.
Domesticity had always been a foreign concept to the spy who'd only ever lived a life full of constant change. Turns out, raising three kids with the woman you love comes with nothing but change, and it was the first time that something like this absolutely terrified her...
Well, I've been afraid of changin'
'Cause I've built my life around you, but time makes you bolder ;
Even children get older, and I'm getting older too...
Oh! I'm getting older too...
When you were nearing your exit you'd realized that both of your girls were now sleeping. The blissful silence inspired you to continue driving around to get some errands taken care of. By the time Natasha had actually allowed you to leave the school it had already been 9AM, and since Kindergarten is only four hours, going home wouldn't be worth it now.
In the hustle and bustle this morning you hadn't exactly eaten breakfast, so you found yourself in the McDonald's drive thru after running through the post office. As soon as the machine had crackled your daughters head flew up and she tiredly murmured: 'Chiten nug peas' before swiftly slipping back to sleep.
You chuckled at her abundant hunger that apparently transcends consciousness, and then ordered lunch for the three of you before driving off to enjoy it at the park.
Once you'd arrived, 'Lil 'Dahl had finally gained a semblance of consciousness.
"Mommy! Park!" She squealed, wiggling around like crazy against her seats restraints.
Natasha jumped awake at the sound of her shrieking, taking in the scenery, then lazily reaching into a bag to take a fry from both containers.
"It's called the 'sad mama' tax." She lowly whimpers, with a pout to rival your toddlers.
"Then I get one of your nuggets, because I didn't sign up for four children." You quip, then immediately got out of the car with bags in hand and approached a set of tables.
Natasha jumped out with a genuine smile upon her face as she grabbed the giddy toddler from the backseat, and met you under the sun to enjoy the afternoon with two of her favorite girls.
"Sometimes I wish I could just freeze moments like this." You murmured as you watched your toddler happily playing with a stray cat.
"You mean like a memory?" Your wife laughs from behind you as you sat up against a tree.
"No need to be a smartass Natalia." You grumbled, attempting to move away from her but arms secured you in place.
"To answer your question, yes, I do wish I could freeze these moments and keep you all trapped in bottles on my shelf."
"Natty, that's just.. Not what I meant at all." You nervously chuckle out.
"I'm sure Wands could help me do it, stop you all from changing..."
"Growing is a part of life, and it's a rather beautiful part."
"Change was never something that represented good for me, it almost always came with loss, and I don't want to lose out on anything else."
"Darling, if you run from change you'll actually miss out on a lot more than you think. We can hold our babies as close as we want, but eventually they will become their own people, and it's our job to ensure they have the most enriching route possible. Our fear can't be an excuse we use to hold them back, we just have to acknowledge that it's all one big learning game, and face the mishaps as we go. Holding them back would only lead to resentment."
"Also, let us not forget, had your favorite coffee shop never closed, you and I wouldn't be sat here right now having this discussion in the first place. Change can be a wonderful thing Natty, you just have to open your mind to all the possibilities."
Your wife tightens her hold around your waist as you two watch your daughter playing and she lets your words sink in. Gentle fingers grip at your chin, turning you to face her, then she places a lingering kiss to your lips.
"You're right, everything you said, thank you for being my stable base." She confesses against your lips, and you smile at her words.
"Now, if only you could say that after a fight then you'd avoid so many sleepless nights on the couch." You quip, laughing boisterously at the sound of her groans as you stand up.
"Moment ruined." She grumbled, then you aggressively pulled her to her feet, causing her to stumble into you, and suddenly your lips were pressed to hers.
"Guess what..."You whispered into the kiss, she hummed against your lips in response, clearly no longer interested in much else.
"It's time to pick up the twins." Her lips were ripped away from yours so fast you hardly registered the loss.
"Dahlia!!! Time to go!!!" Your wife shrieks as she scoops her up, and flies her laughing form back to the car.
Natasha made certain you were at the front of the crowd waiting for the class to be let out. Her body was buzzing, unable to remain still as she watched the door with clear intent. You watched in amusement, having not had the heart to inform her that they were released by means of a roll call to ensure safety.
The doors swung open, and Natasha's eyes widened, but narrowed rather quickly once she saw the clipboard. Shockingly, no complaints were muttered, and you were hopeful that the action had actually helped to quell any of her remaining anxieties.
"Parents of Jack Quenton."
"Who's last name starts with a Q?" She quietly grumbles from beside you, causing you to stifle a laugh in favor of nudging her side, and she simply shrugs her shoulders unapologetically.
"Parents of Athena Quill."
Her eyes widen at the second option, and this time you have to fake cough to cover yourself.
"Parents of Nikolai and Eli—."
"Here!!" She shouts, then the teacher looks up to her with eyes prepared to scold, but decided against it once she registered who your wife was.
The twins ran out in a rush, practically jumping into your wife's arms, and you chuckled as you approached the teacher.
"Those two were rather great today, here's the 'homework' for the weekend, it's really just a fun way to get me acquainted with them." She gently relays to you, and you thank her before wandering off to find your missing family.
Approaching the car you noticed everyone buckled up and ready to go, and the smile on your wife's face truly melted your heart.
"Mommy!!!" All of your kids shriek as you get behind the steering wheel of the car, and you turn to face them with a wide smile.
"My babies!!!" You shriek back enthusiastically, then settle in for whatever stories are about to come flying out of their mouths.
"I made a new friend! His name was Kaleb, and he tolded me that he liked my mohawk, then we played with some blocks. Thank you so much for helping me make it."
"Of course baby..." You coo, then turn to Eli to open the floor for her.
"Oh my goodness mommy, guess what! Our classmates thought I was lying when I told them that the Black Widow was our mama. I was sad, but since she was still outside for so long earlier I gotted to prove it to them. They were so shocked, treating us like we were cellebwitties! One boy even gave me his snack for free. Then my best-friend Lindsey asked if she would come to her next birthday party, I said maybe. I had such a great day!” She speedily rambles on, honestly scaring you as she nearly forgets to breathe, and you listened intently before passing back a juice pouch to all three of them, before driving off.
Your wife's eyes were brimming with tears as she listened to your daughter speaking about her as if she had hung the stars and the moon. Deep down she still struggled with the title of hero, but seeing your daughter animatedly describe her as such clearly warmed her heart.
The drive home was lively for all of ten minutes before the entirety of the backseat fell asleep. Natasha reached out to take your free hand, lifting it to her lips to place a lingering kiss to your knuckles, before linking your hands and settling it atop her lap.
“I told you they would be all over you my darling…”
“Yeah… Thank you detka, for helping me through today…”
“No need to thank me baby, it’s what I’m here for, I think we balance each other out well.”
As Natasha went to crawl into bed she found a few tiny bodies had made their way into her spot while she had been in the shower, and she pulled her phone out to snap a quick photo. Dahlia had taken up residence on top of you, with her tiny arms wrapped around you and her face was buried in your neck. Niko was in his signature position, with his body splayed out wildly, and his feet managed to land on her pillow. Then she found that Eli was laying on her side, head on her mama's pillow, and hand delicately placed in yours.
The sight caused her to audibly awe, as she set her new lock screen then leaned down to kiss your forehead. You instantly hummed at the contact, not even opening your eyes, but instead pouting your lips. A light chuckle fell from her lips before she happily obliged, firmly placing her lips to yours, and an endearing smile erupted on your face as she pulled away.
“Looks like we have a few visitors.” She whispered from above you, and you gently nodded in acknowledgment before tapping her pillow, narrowly missing your daughters head.
Natasha got the hint, as she gently crawled into bed, gently moving the twins over just enough so that her arm can protectively fall over all of you. You gently raised your arm, laying it over Dahlia’s back as you interlocked your fingers with hers.
“Forever…” “…Always.”
Natasha’s heart was full as she realized that no matter what life might throw her way, or however much might change, in the end she’s reassured that the abundance of love she’s blanketed in will remain the same.
3,274 Words.
@toouncreativeforausername @lostremind @my-skeleton-hats @battleg03 @fxckmiup @meurgen @hp-and-mcu @kjyarukivo @d14n4ol @inlovewithfaberry @yeux-sur-la-lune @youralphawolf72 @beenicejoy @lissaaaa145
That’s a supposed wrap on this little family besties 🤪
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bts-trans · 2 years
220829 Weverse Translations
Jin's Comments 💬 on ARMY's Posts ❇️
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💜: #bts_proof Jin 🏆🎾✌🏻✨💐😉☺️👍🏻💜💯
J: 영상찍느라 30분 걸렸습니다 자수합니다 https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/0-103916683?anchor=3-174987102
💜: #bts_proof Jin 🏆🎾✌🏻✨💐😉☺️👍🏻💜💯
J: It took me 30 minutes to film the video. I surrender.
Trans cr; Ali @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
💜: 짠 모햬????
J: 저 메이플스토리라고 제가 기획한 이벤트있는데 3일동안 그거하고있어요 이제 절반모음 메이플 반성해라 https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/4-103155176?anchor=4-174983027
💜: Jjan, what are you doing?
J: There's this event that I planned for MapleStory, so I've been doing that for 3 days. As of right now, I've collected about half. Maple, think about what you've done
Trans cr; Ali
💜: 진, 빅히트에게 새로운 상품 출시 속도를 늦추라고 말하세요 😭
J: 속도 늦춰라 https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/2-103932081?anchor=2-205224433
💜: Jin, tell BigHit to slow down the release of new products 😭
J: Slow down
Trans cr; Ali
💜: 오빠 건대 오늘 개강함... 나랑 등교하실? ㅠㅠ
J: 저 졸업이요 https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/0-103918768?anchor=4-174984655
💜: Oppa, Konkuk University starts classes today... Will you go to school with me?
J: I graduated
Trans cr; Ali
💜: 밥은 먹어가면서 게임하는거지 아들 〰️ ?
J: 우리엄마랑 똑같은 소리 하시네요 https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/1-103932468?anchor=0-205246063
💜: You're making sure to eat while you game, right dear〰️?
J: You sound just like my mom
Trans cr; Ali
💜: 쫜 오늘의 tmi는??
J: 아버지가 와인 30병 가져다주심 https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/0-103920107?anchor=2-205226139
💜: Jjwan, what's today's tmi*?
J: My father gave me 30 bottles of wine
(T/N: *'TMI' is used in Korean slang to mean little tidbits that people might not know about.)
Trans cr; Ali
💜: 찐 와인 한잔ㄱㄱ 할 생각 없어...? 나도 한잔팸 들고 싶어....😂😂😂😂
J: 저는 한잔만 먹지 않아요 https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/1-103939955?anchor=2-205231001
💜: Jjin, are you not going to have a glass of wine...? I want to be part of the drinking family too....😂😂😂😂
J: I don't drink just one glass
Trans cr; Ali
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💜: 석진오빠 너무 잘생겼어 무슨 색깔을 좋아하세요?
J: 빅히트는 방탄소년단 스티커가 들어있는 빵을 출시해라! https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/2-103941381/comment/2-205231385
💜: Seokjin you're so handsome. Which color do you like?
J: BigHit, release bread that has BTS stickers
Trans cr; Ali
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silviakundera · 2 years
So now that I've decided to overshare my opinions about Love like the Galaxy... SPOILERS SPOILERS
Ep 25-26 were really interesting to me watching Ling Buyi try (and fail) to be good at anything but military affairs. Very earnest and like NN he is so used to people being awful that he's mostly just good at stabbing back. The people he loves either aren't really interacting with the world (mom) or are so absolute powerful that LB doesn't have to worry about trodding on vulnerabilities (emperor the foster dad). Plus, perhaps a huge part of why LB is how he is comes down to how emperor father figure sincerely thinks this kid is kind and loyal. He gets away with murder (pun INTENDED thx) because his terse, abrupt manner and stubborn behavior are always taken as good faith from the emperor. This hasn't really encouraged him to moderate himself. (now ok emperor, pop quiz on ur dadding: has that I Have Social & Political Power Over You But Also Unconditional Love role model ultimately made LB into a husband option who has boundaries but is also patient and non judgemental???? Let's see!)
Evidently he's going to struggle at first to communicate with NN, who has MASSIVE (understandable) trust issues. She's used to people not truly listening to her reasons or caring, so she has stopped trying to have reasonable conversations with people. What's the point? Wasting her breath. Growing up she was degraded and mistreated by her aunt and grandmother. Her mother again and again has refused to take her perspective seriously or address the context around her actions. And so NN has simply stopped trying to explain herself. She's decided to be unreasonable, because that's how she has been treated and labelled.
The critical thing Ling Buyi was trying to express in the carriage with the bread discussion is that when he says "you shouldn't do this, cause this reason" this is the start of a discussion in a healthy relationship. (He's used to comfortably pushing back on dictates from THE EMPEROR 😂😭.) NN took it as an order that can't be questioned, because that is all she's experienced growing up and with the arrival of her parents. Ling Buyi is Not Good at expressing himself, so it'll be a rough ride I assume until he can get NN to trust he actually wants them to be partners who communicate and compromise with each other.
In a relationship like for real you do listen to your partner's opinions and you can't just randomly do whatever all the time. Your partner might say no, you shouldn't stay up all night watching Netflix because tomorrow we have to go to buy supplies for the stairs repair. And the other party is expected to listen and either say yeah, good point. Ok I'll go to bed in 2 hours. Or they might say, I hear you but I have insomnia and am super stressed out right now and this is what I need to do to handle it. Don't worry, I won't sleep in and mess up our plans. And other person takes in that explanation. Relationships take communication every day.
The question is, how much tension is this pair going to have until she learns to trust he is not trying to always shut her down and will listen to her. That he actually does care about her reasons and wants to understand them. And that she can in the same way give him feedback and expect him to listen.
(Like honestly, the more I think about it I'm... Foster dad u do get a 9/10 congrats. LB just assumes NN would be comfortable debating right back at him when they disagree, because he's so secure that this is how loving relationships go, even where there is an imbalance of power. You nag and fret because you care, then maybe they tell u why it's totally not gonna happen. Remember the consort and empress just kicking the emperor's ass OUT?! 😆 The emperor just venting on him and he pops up like a windup toy 😂😭 OMG DAD I WOULDN'T HAVE BROUGHT HER HERE IF U ARE JUST GONNA SCARE HER GAAAAWWWD 😭😭😭😭😭😭)
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bangtansmauyeondan · 3 years
OVER THE HORIZON (Two-Shot) | PART ONE - The Other Side
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Pairing: Jungkook x Fem Reader
Genre: ex to lovers, angst, fluff, slight crack, and drama.
Type: Two-shot
Wordcount: 4K
Status: Ongoing
Summary: Between the stars and the waves, promises and sweet nothings were exchanged between you and Jungkook. The sunset, the warm sand, and the vast ocean have been there all throughout your relationship; they heard you when you started talking about your dreams and daydreaming about your future together. They were also the first to see your tears and hear your whimpers when Jungkook walked away to choose a path that had no room for you. Two years later, you find yourselves standing in the same beach again. The sunset, the warm sand, and the vast ocean privy to your conversation.
PART ONE - The Other Side
a/n: SURPRISE!!! It’s actually a two-shot. I am surprised myself, but I didn’t want to rush things and squeeze their story into one long ass one-shot. ANYWAYYY this is my first written fic and my first Jungkook fic. I’ve always told my friends that I find it hard to write Jungkook for some reason because he’s my ultimate bias and my writing couldn’t do him justice. 😂🤧 So this is me being brave! I also would like to give kudos to two of my favorite Tumblr writers, @ahundredtimesover and @taestefully-in-luv, they have the BEST Jungkook fics I have ever had the pleasure of reading. I hope you enjoy this and please let me know if you want to be tagged on the next update! 🌊
Taglist - @persphonesorchid @thatbangtanjagiya
Your heels clacked against the marbled floor as you stepped out of the elevator to your spacious office floor. It’s half past six in the morning and your colleagues do not come in until eight. Even Hoseok, the cheerful receptionist, is still nowhere in sight. Only the light hum of the air conditioner could be heard as you crossed the open-floor area lined with desks and a wall of awards, trophies, and plaques to the frosted glass-walled board room. You leaned back on the closed door, closed your eyes and let out the breath you have been holding since you stepped into the building in the form of a heavy sigh. Your office usually has a very relaxed atmosphere despite the high-tech and smart equipment everywhere. So relaxed, that even the dress code is not that strict. You usually come to work dressed casually in a midi dress and sneakers, sometimes even jeans and a nice top. But today is different– dressed in a high-waisted navy blue pencil skirt, white dress shirt and a pair of pointy heels, you felt like a different person. Your hair that is usually pulled high up in a ponytail cascades in soft curls that frames your face. You’re no stranger to a set up like this– this is the type of meeting that you regularly facilitate and attend as the Senior A&R Manager for Genius Lab Music Ltd. Your apprentice, Jimin, usually scouts and negotiates with the artists your label wants to sign or collaborate with until such time of the contract signing, in which you take the reins on. Today is one of those days.
You went over to the head of the table to hook up your laptop to the projector and made sure you’re pulling up the correct deck. You were just going over the contract clause of the artist you’re signing today when the company’s brains, bread, and butter entered the room– Agust D, the rapper who catapulted to stardom upon the release of his first album. He self-produces all his songs and produces quite a handful of material for other artists as well, credited under the name SUGA. He’s also the person responsible for the growth of the company– the genius behind Genius Lab Music Ltd, your older brother, Min Yoongi.
“You’re early today… and in a suit too, look at you!” you gave your brother a once over.
He smirked at you before placing his iPad on the desk next to you and placing two cups of coffee down as well.
“You nervous?” he took a sip of his coffee while intently studying your face. “You don’t look nervous.”
“Well, because I’m not,” you replied in a singsong voice avoiding eye contact.
“Yeah? Then why are you here two hours before the new kid comes in?” he chuckled before taking a seat, “you even skipped breakfast this morning.”
“Yoongs..” you sighed exasperatedly. “Wait, why are YOU here this early? Did you leave the house before I did?”
“I was trailing behind your car, you didn't notice?” Silence.
“Anyway…” you dodged your brother’s teasing. “Jimin will be here in a while. Taehyung from HR and Seokjin from Finance will also be in attendance. The new artist is coming in with his manager–” you flipped a page off your planner to check, “--Kim Namjoon. I already forwarded the contract to you through your assistant so she can make copies as well, and other than that, I think we’re good! You have the option to have brunch with the artist and his team after they signed the contract so–”
“Oh you are so coming with me to have brunch with the quote-unquote new artist,” he winked at you. “Maybe halfway through, you would actually remember his name.” he poked your nose with his forefinger before turning on his heel, “I’ll be in my office. I’ll be back here before the meeting starts. Don’t forget to breathe, my dearest little sister!” and after one final chuckle, he exited the board room.
Go to hell, Min Yoongi.
Namjoon kept his eyes glued to his phone while sitting in the car on the way to their meeting with the Genius Lab team, “I just got word from Mr. Park that the CEO himself would be in attendance today,” he told Jungkook next to him. Jungkook just nodded his head while looking out the window, and Namjoon could not even tell if he’s listening or not. “Yah, are you listening?” Jungkook hummed. “Yeah okay, so what did I say?”
“That Agust D will be attending our contract signing today,” he answered nonchalantly.
“You know you can’t address him as Agust D, right? We will be in a professional setting and–”
“I know that,” he pouted. “I have to address him as Mr. Min, I know,” he glared at Namjoon.
“I’m sorry, you know I have to remind you! I mean, look at you, you’re not even dressed appropriately!” Namjoon scoffs.
“Psshh… Yoongi hyung goes to work in a hoodie everyday,” he mumbled under his breath.
“Nothing! I said I’m sure Mr. Min won’t mind,” Jungkook grabbed his coffee from the center console of the car and took a long sip, savoring the taste as he closed his eyes, “Now, Mr. Kim, don’t let the Genius Lab team see the end of the stick that’s permanently stuck deeply up your ass and try to smile more, alright?”
“How the fuck dare you?!” Namjoon feigned shock before the two fell into a fit of giggles that earned a glance from their chauffeur through the rearview mirror.
Fifteen minutes later, two burly men from Jungkook’s security team escorted them through the Genius Lab building where they were met by the beaming receptionist along with Yoongi’s assistant. “Hi, I’m Hoseok and this is Aera, assistant to the CEO.” Aera smiled and handed her hand out to Namjoon and Jungkook for a handshake, which the two men gladly accepted. “She will be walking you through the agenda for the day, and if there’s anything you need, just let me know, alright?” Hoseok smiled at the pair and nodded at Aera prompting her on.
“Come this way, gentlemen,” Aera led them through the open-floor area that is lined with desks that are now occupied by the employees who did not even spare them a glance or two— a tell that artists come and go through this office regularly. Both men were also in awe when they passed by the wall of awards that both the company and Min Yoongi have received throughout the years.
“So what should we expect at today's meeting?” Namjoon asked.
“Well, we have HR in attendance to discuss your new contract, clause per clause. We also have the Director of Finance to answer any questions you may have. Then of course our A&R team which you are closely working with. Yoongi will also be personally welcoming you to the Genius Lab family," Aera explained in one breath.
"Yoongi? You mean Mr. Min, the CEO right?"
Aera laughed lightly at Namjoon's puzzled expression. "Oh! We're on a first-name basis here regardless of your position. Boss's order, HR-approved."
Namjoon made out an inaudible 'oh' with his lips, while Jungkook smirked at his reaction. His manager is oblivious to the fact that he's known Yoongi before he even had his breakthrough at the music scene. To say he's not excited to be taken under the wings of Genius Lab is a lie, but he's not one hundred percent a fan of the idea either. There's just too much memories and history to account for.
"Alright, here we are," Aera announced before she opened the glass door to the board room.
Jungkook was expecting to see: Jimin, the A&R scout they have been working with; Yoongi, the CEO; two other people from HR and Finance. But instead of four, five pairs of eyes stared back at him when he stepped into the room.
The fifth one almost made his heart jump out of his chest.
The meeting went off without a hitch. Despite the occasional knowing looks from Yoongi, and Jungkook openly staring you down, you were able to run through your keynote deck about the partnership between Genius Lab Music Ltd. and RKive Management International for Jungkook’s comeback. You let Jimin wrap it up after Taehyung and Seokjin discussed their parts, with Seokjin not having to answer to pretty much anything with how generous the deal Genius Lab struck with RMI is. Congratulations and several handshakes exchanged later, you were already gathering your stuff as the men continued their chatter when Yoongi quipped, “There’s a restaurant nearby, about five minutes away. We should all go down there for brunch to celebrate.”
“Ohh, that sounds perfect. I’m actually starving,” Namjoon patted his stomach for effect before turning to Jungkook, “You hungry Jungkook?”
“When am I not?” Jungkook flashed his bunny smile and Yoongi couldn’t help but look at him fondly. Despite walking into the boardroom dressed in all black from head to foot, and face adorned with piercings, his boyish charm still could light up any room. Yoongi noticed Jungkook glancing at your busy figure, unplugging your laptop and checking your phone from time to time.
Yoongi then turned to Jimin, Seokjin and Taehyung who were still deep in discussion about promotional expenses, “Gentlemen? And Yn, you can probably leave them here for now and get them when we get back later.”
“I’m sorry, I can’t make it to brunch,” you smiled apologetically at Namjoon, which he returned with his dimpled one. “Seokjin and I have plans this afternoon and I want to run something by him first before that.”
Seokjin’s eyes widened at the mention of his name, “We do?” the confused creases between his eyebrows dissipated when he saw your expression, things suddenly clicking in his mind, “Yes, we do. We do have some stuff to review and we’ll grab lunch afterwards. I am so sorry, I can’t make it to brunch either,” Seokjin stood up and tucked his ipad under his arm. “We better get going then, Yn,” he smiled at you before turning to Namjoon. “As always, if you have any questions, I’m only one email away. Pleasure to be working with your team, Namjoon,” he extended his hand to Namjoon. “You too, Jungkook. Welcome to the team,” he did not miss the way Jungkook gripped his hand a little bit firmer and his eye contact a little bit more intense.
If it’s in any other set-up, Yoongi would have been doubling over in laughter already with what just transpired right before his eyes.
Jungkook found himself lying on the bed like a starfish that night, arms and legs spread out, staring up at the ceiling, still fully dressed from the night of food and booze with his friends from college, Yugyeom, Mingyu and Eunwoo. They were ecstatic when he reached out to them and told them he’s coming back to Korea for good after galloping around the world for two years. For a moment, they were worried about his career, but he assured them that he just wanted to be represented internationally by a label from his own country. If he’d continue to soar in his career, he might as well take his home country with him, and not a label from the land of the free. He asked them about you that night too, and they told him you had cut ties with them about a year ago when Jungkook started to make headlines on paper after paper. Jungkook felt bad, because he did too. Apart from the occasional replies to their group chat and a few emails, Jungkook disconnected from his group of friends back home too, often blaming it on his busy schedule. But his friends could read him like an open book and out of respect, they just let him be.
Jungkook’s mind drifted back to the meeting with Genius Lab this morning. He’s in awe of what the company has achieved in the last five years since it was founded, and for the longest time, he had to convince Namjoon to end his contract with his previous label and strike up a partnership with Genius Lab. He trusts Yoongi. It’s a shame he did not seem to trust him as an artist back then, they could have both risen to the top together. He could still remember when Yoongi told him that he has amazing talent, but his then start-up company could not jump the gun on him. Not because his talent is not good enough for Yoongi, but because Yoongi thought he had so much potential to do more if he would audition for the big shots instead of his measly recording studio. Full of encouragement and advice from your older brother, he decided to audition online for an international label which is solely based in the US. He did not think much of it at first, but a few days later, he heard back from Interscope, under Universal Recording Group asking him to record the original soundtrack for an upcoming film, and the rest is history.
Jungkook reached out for a pillow and pressed it firmly against his face, muffling his groan. He’s mentally prepared for the possibility of seeing Yoongi again. After all, he’ll be working with his record label. What he was not prepared for was seeing you again. He knew eventually you would cross paths again, but not this soon. It has only been a year since he decided to disappear completely from your life, and his heart still stings. Especially when he saw you interacting with Kim Seokjin– the same person he saw you with when he decided to come back for you.
June 2020
You concentrated on the feel of the sand underneath your feet as you curled your toes against it, trying to fight back the tears. Jungkook was holding your hands as he pressed his forehead against yours, muttering his goodbyes.
This beach is very special to your relationship. This is where you went for your first date; this is where you took your friends for a bonfire when you announced to them that you were official; this is where you talked about your dreams and created a lot of memories.Little did you know that this is also where he would take those dreams and crush them with his own hands.
“I love you, Yn. I want to be better for you,” he sniffed. “I can’t do that when I’m stuck here.”
You nodded. You understood. You knew about his dilemma with your brother refusing to sign him as an artist. A part of you wanted to blame Yoongi for encouraging Jungkook to audition for the big labels but you knew your brother meant well and did not mean to cause any harm. Jungkook took this once in a lifetime chance of breaking into the international music scene and who are you to hold him back?
“Yn, baby…” he lifted your chin and his heart almost shattered into a thousand pieces when he saw your glassy eyes and trembling lips. You looked away and stared at the yellow orange glow of the sunset along the horizon. “I’ll come back for you, baby. I swear,” he whispered. “I’m gonna miss you so much, you know that right? Please look at me.” You wiped your tears and looked up at him, reaching out to touch his cheek and wipe his tears with your thumb.
“I’ll wait, Jungkook.” Jungkook nuzzled his cheek against your hand and breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that from you.
“Come here when you miss me and look at the sunset. I will be on the other side, missing you just as much,” he said before crossing the space between you and pressing his lips on yours.
That night, he took you home and showed you how much he loves you, spending the last night before he left for America, tangled up with you between the sheets until the sun rose.
July 2021
Jungkook has been preparing for this day for a long time. He has lost contact with you six months into his move to the US, before he embarked on his Asian promotional tour. He has tried sending you messages and emails but they kept on bouncing back. He has tried reaching out to your friends but they couldn’t tell him your whereabouts either. All they know is that you have been busy at your new job and have not been hanging out with them either.
He was finally able to convince Namjoon to give him a break for a month or two so he could come home to his family and friends. He timed it perfectly on your birthday. You had no idea he’s coming.
He pulled up at your family’s house on your birthday and the look on your mother’s face when she saw him was priceless. She let him in and ushered him over to the living room where she told him to sit. She could smell something delicious from the kitchen and it looked like your mother had been making dinner when he rang the bell.
“Smells good, eomeoni. Birthday dinner?” he inquired, flashing her with his bunny smile.
“Yes, yes! I am so glad that you’re here!” she squished Jungkook’s face between his hands. “My Yn would be so happy to see you! Sit here for a while. Let me finish dinner.”
“Where’s Yn and Yoongi hyung?”
“Yoongi is at work, but he said he’ll be able to make it for dinner. You know him!” she waved her hand dismissively as she started slipping back into the kitchen, “Yn should be back soon. Seokjin picked her up this afternoon to distract her from this surprise dinner.”
Seokjin, who?
It felt like the wind just got knocked out of Jungkook’s lungs when he noticed the framed photos lining up the mantle of the fireplace. There was a photo of your family sitting on the very couch he’s sitting on, with Santa hats and a Sharpie marking on the corner that says “Christmas 2020.” Alongside that were several photos of you and Yoongi with your cousins and friends, but there’s a particular photo that Jungkook had zeroed in on. It was a photo of you in a yacht, donning a bright red life vest and holding up a fishing rod. Next to you is a tall handsome man, wearing the same bright red life vest, one hand holding up a tuna by the tail, mirroring how you’re holding up the fishing rod and his other hand resting on your waist securing you to his side. On the corner, the Sharpie marking says “Yn + Jin, Philippines 2021.”
Jungkook rubbed the back of his neck, also bending it from side to side as he cracked the tension away. His mind was going haywire, cogwheels turning at the forefront of his brain. Is that why he hasn’t been hearing from you for months? Is that why you suddenly… disappeared? His mind drifted back to a year ago when he left you to pursue his career in America. He told you he would come back for you and you told him you’d wait. But thinking back, was it fair? Was it fair to leave you hanging like that, completely deciding on his own when there were two of you in the relationship? Was he asking too much from you? The guilt started to bubble up in his chest. He realized he’s literally sitting in your living room right now, waiting for you to return… and when you return with your new man in tow, what happens next? He could not fathom the thought of putting you in such a compromising situation after what he has put you through. It’s enough. The reality hit him with a ton of bricks as he sat on your couch. So without saying a word to your mother, he got up and stepped out of the house. On the way to his parked car, he spotted a trash bin; and without a second of hesitation, he took out the small gift box from his pocket and tossed it in the bin before entering his car and speeding off. Away from the place you call home. Away from you.
Seokjin decided to treat you to dinner after work knowing the stress you must have been under during the day. It’s a sort of tradition on Fridays that you and your colleagues go out, but it’s the middle of the week and you’re grateful that he’s thoughtful like that. You ended up leaving your car in the office and taking Seokjin’s instead. You’ll hitch a ride with your brother tomorrow on the way to the office.
“He seemed surprised to see you,” Seokjin said in between bites of pizza.
“Mm-hmn. Though I am not surprised,” you pointed at Seokjin with your fork, “You have gorgonzola on your lips, Seokjin.”
“Not surprised about what? Not surprised to see him? Of course! You’ve known about this project for months,” he chuckled while dabbing the napkin on his lips. “I AM surprised you did not protest against it– and you call me Jin outside of work.”
“I am not surprised that he seemed surprised. Nobody in the team knows anything about our history,” you sighed as Seokjin listened intently. “Except you and my brother.”
“Your point?” He raised an eyebrow.
“Nobody could have given him a hint that I work for Yoongi.”
“But he’s your brother, I mean… Are there no expectations there, whatsoever?” Seokjin scrunched up his nose in confusion. “Did he even consult with you about this?”
“I think Jungkook knows that eventually he has to deal with me, but he’s always looked up to Yoongi and he’s always wanted to work under his label. So I guess career is still his number one priority,” you shot Seokjin a knowing look.
Seokjin smirked and shook his head in disbelief, “And Yoongi?”
“My brother may seem indifferent at times, but he’s not cold-hearted,” you scooped a portion of your caprese salad and transferred it to Seokjin’s plate. “When I copied him on the email approval that Jimin sent me about RMI, he barged into my office and looked at me like I grew two new heads,” you couldn’t help but laugh at the recollection of that moment.
“He wanted to make sure you’re not losing your mind before he gave it an okay,” Seokjin drizzled some honey onto a slice of pizza before transferring it to your plate. “Are you really okay with this though?” he asked, concern lacing his voice.
“I am, Jin,” you could feel him staring at you, searching for any trace of doubt on your face. “Believe it or not, I really am.”
Jungkook could feel his heart pounding in his chest as he got closer to the frosted glass door that one of the staff members had pointed him to. It’s Monday morning and he’s meeting with his sound engineer and seeing his studio at Genius Lab for the first time. The email said 10:00 am, but he found himself asking the security personnel to lead him to your office at exactly 09:00 am. He didn’t know why. He didn’t even think things through— what would he say to you? Would you ask him to leave? Would you be surprised to see him?
He took a deep breath and knocked twice as a warning before pushing the door open. There you were, looking up from your computer to see who just came into your office. His breath hitched when he saw you— barefaced, flushed cheeks, glossy pink lips. Dressed casually with your hair tied in a messy low bun, a stark contrast to the sharp-dressed woman he met last week during his contract signing. He couldn’t read your reaction when you looked at him. Blank expression with a gaze that could easily intimidate. Perhaps it’s a Min thing.
“H-hi…” fuck why did he stutter?
“Hi,” you smiled at him timidly in acknowledgment.
Jungkook cleared his throat and stepped further into the room. “Can I talk to you?”
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