#The Heir's musing
nebularious · 5 months
What if being unaffected by trickster mode wasn't just a Dirk exclusive event but instead just a heart player thing
The other trolls: *making out and shit*
Nepeta, standing there: :33< youre all demewsional, time to go update my shipping wall- goddamit equius I thought mew were better than this
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classpecting-thoughts · 2 months
Apologies for a lack of posts! I fell down an AO3 rabbit hole and just crawled out.
I’ve been reading DCxDP crossovers, despite having 1) never seen Danny Phantom and 2) having never read any Batman comics, and only having seen like.. 3 Batman movies, none of which were the same continuity (The Batman, Batman Begins, and the Tim Burton one, for those curious. Of those three I only enjoyed The Batman).
That being said, I have aspect thoughts for some characters purely based on the fannon in these fics and would like to hear others’ thoughts. Note my above credentials and take everything with a grain of salt.
Batman, at least in any continuity it’s reasonable for him to have the Batfam in (glares at most of the movies other than The Batman), is a Blood player. He’s defined by his relationship to his city, his many children, his dead family, and his adoptive father/butler. He is 100% a passsive class, active use type. I’d say Knight, maybe Heir.
Danny is an Heir of Heart. Did I base this thought mostly on the fact that that is literally “One who becomes/inherits soul”? Yes. Do I still think it fits outside of that? Also yes.
Jason went grimdark when he came back and some of that stuck with him, maybe to the point that either his class or aspect fully shifted. I’m not sure what he was before nor what he is now, but I’m certain that they’re different.
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superxstarzz · 1 month
i have a lot to say, but I'll try to condense my yapping for yall!!! basically, I was designing a combined classpect for a sprite oc that ends up god tiering, and I was like!!! omg this is so fun!!! I missed designing classpects sm!! soooo long story short, I'm opening requests for combined class designs!!! the inclusion of an aspect or combined aspect in these requests is optional btw :3
TLDR: gimme class combos to design!!!
Also, here's the classpect for said sprite oc:
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iamnmbr3 · 1 month
Given that the Malfoys disdain the Weaseleys not just for their politics (i.e. being "blood traitors") but also for their relative lack of wealth, I cannot imagine that penniless Tom Riddle would have been greeted too warmly by the monied purebloods in Slytherin even if they knew he could speak Parseltongue.
And I don't think that even if his Gaunt lineage had been known from the start it would actually have helped him that much. I doubt the Gaunts were viewed as too respectable given their state of utter poverty.
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starlit1daydream · 1 month
Jay Merrick: Seer of Void
Alex Kralie: Prince of Light
Timothy Wright: Heir of Heart
Brian Thomas: Witch of Mind
Jessica Locke: Muse of Breath
The Operator: Lord of Void(?)
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spacemimz · 3 months
Yes you!!🫵🏻
Then you are in luck!!
Follow this link to join a discord server about my comic to learn some behind the scenes stuff about these silly goobers:
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clockworkbee · 7 months
Suren 🤝🏼 Minya
my beloved, non-human, enraged, and literally blue girls <3
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a-cloud-for-dreams · 7 months
I remember seeing a Choices confession that was talking about Maxwell being an LI. And personally, it makes the whole “Olivia not being an LI” situation much more of a wasted opportunity.
It’s pretty obvious but in books with 4 love interests, there’s usually two male and two female love interests. There’s the brooding guy, the charismatic/fun guy, the rebel girl, and the nice girl. One of the books that come off the top of my head is Blades with Tyril, Mal, Imtura, and Nia.
If they followed a similar structure in TRR/TRH, then they could have had a brooding Drake, the more outgoing Liam, the kindhearted Hana, and a rebellious Olivia. Idk it would have been more balanced and she’s genuinely one of the most interesting characters esp with her family’s bad rep following her around. They could even have Maxwell be another LI, they just would have had to make more room for him. And since TRR/TRH seem to have more episodes and was one of their most popular series, I don’t think it could have been that big of an issue?
I love Maxwell, he’s an absolute sweetheart (I’m ignoring the whole book profiting thing that was so weird to me). I’m happy he’s an LI even when he was written to be a younger bro/platonic friend at first, but I feel like the execution could have been more effective
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For people who are interested, there is a discord server you can join if you'd like some behind the scenes stuff and be pinged for updates
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helluva-hazbins · 6 days
Much too young to know what Chewsday is, the baby angel seems to honor it by grasping at the playful fingers dancing in front of his face, catching hold of one to promptly put in his lil maw and suckle. [ Lil Lucid for Lu @brokendreamscreation ]
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Duck Dad was busy entertaining. And his eyes only watch in wonder as the tiny duckling grabs for his hand and fingers with all the might that could be mustered, the cuteness factor is off the charts. He draws in a surpised breath before giggling. All just as the tiny harmless chomp down takes place. He makes a silly voice, babying the child, "Ohh Owie, are you twying to huwt Dada~?" He giggles again. What a silly Chewsday.
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thewickedbohemian · 2 months
"Rage", a poem I wrote based on the Emily Dickinson poem "Hope" and some of my positive interpretations of the Rage aspect
(and also kind of emotionally motivated by my struggles to try and get So Help Me Todd saved #savesohelpmetodd #renewsohelpmetodd)
"Rage" is the thing with fire
That's burning deep inside
When justice needs a little push
Or rules need be defied
And though it may not seem like much
When only from one voice
The rage of many joined as one
Can shout above the noise
The fire must be kept alight
And do not stop the song
For it's a call to set things right
Together we are strong
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sunnysssol · 4 months
The difference between Alfred and Annabeth is that Alfred would not put a tramp stamp on the West Virginia mothman statue. However, Annabeth absolutely would. Send post
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classpecting-thoughts · 3 months
All heroes of Heart have some manner of splinters and/or masks. They all tend to have different ways that this shows up, though there is some overlap.
A Prince of Heart splinters outward, creating different versions of themselves on the outside. This tends to lead to different variations of themselves being everywhere, and can leave the Prince unsure of who their true self is, or if they even truly have one.
An Heir of Heart splinters inward. They gather different versions of themselves on the inside. Rather than being destructive and tearing down their sense of self that occurs with a Prince, this interior splintering helps build their personality, creating more of it. An Heir of Heart will compartmentalize every part of themselves, and gather labels they associate with themselves in an effort to be able to share/explain these compartmentalized parts of themselves with others.
A Thief of Heart does something similar to the Heir, splintering inward, but rather than being mostly internal, the different bits of their self that they gather come from others. A thief of heart will pick up quirks and habits from those they spend time with or respect at a much faster rate than most. They take these bits and pieces and craft their personality and sense of self out of them, making them their own in the process.
A Rogue of Heart splinters more similarly to the Prince. Rogues’ different splinters are external, but rather than the masks made up of their own personality shown to other people the Prince has, they are splinters they’ve gathered from others in a similar manner to a Thief. A Rogue will take bits and pieces from those around them and reflect them back, making them into both masks and mirrors.
Those are all the classes I currently have thoughts on, but I’d be happy to continue discussing it! Feel free to add your own thoughts if you’d like (even if it’s to say I’m wrong!).
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flutteredvoid · 2 years
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drew my friend’s and i’s discord server bc i have no self control heehee (and from left to right!)
me! - mage of void
izzy - rouge of blood
oliver- knigh to space 
sam - witch of life
trevor - seer of heart
percy - sylph of life
lexy - witch of time
jarrett - lord of doom
alyssa - muse of breath
autumn - seer of mind
rory - heir of blood
rowan - prince of light
dayne - knight of time
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arcxnumvitae · 7 months
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Born as the heir of the royal family of a reviled nation, Kaisei felt that he was doomed to fail from the start. His family had a notorious reputation beyond the border of their land of dealing with demons, dark magic, and the like, and the royal family's reputation in turn influenced the way other lands viewed their people. They must all be as duplicitous and bloodthirsty as their rulers.
Kaisei in particular, a child born with horns and said to be "touched by evil", was rumored to be heralded as an exceptional heir, one all the more closer to the demons that his family consorted with. Many speculate that the heir of such a vicious kingdom is as dangerous and deadly as the rest of his people.
Kaisei is certain that he was doomed to fail as the future ruler of his land from the moment he was born.
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aparticularbandit · 12 days
am i going to have celeste/byakuya as a background pre-killing game ship
one that i will mention in a throwaway line and then proceed to not develop
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