#The Infinity Stones
Avengers: Infinity's End
Chapter 8 - A Vision in Darkness [AO3 link]
Summary: Rory finally decides to try escape this place she's stuck in, and in the process, she unknowingly sees a glimpse of her future. But what does it mean?
Chapter 9 - Meet and Greet and What the Hell Happened Here? [AO3 link]
Summary - Rory finally wakes from her magical coma, but she's got a lot of questions. Like a lot of questions. Two years worth of questions. And the Avengers have questions of their own, especially since Rory has been promised like some "chosen one" type person to help them save the universe. They kind of learn a little more than they bargained for. So does Rory for that matter. Also, does Rory remember the promise she made to Tony?
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itismissswann · 1 year
@conjurerandking || Continued from here
As they trekked through the jungle, Loki followed the fading path of the clones he had sent out. Currently the clones were in a ditch, with other very real bodies in various states of decomposition, lined up as if they were aging slabs of beef across palms and banana leaves, letting the sun slowly cook them. The thought made him shudder and he quickly came back from his clone at the same time Elizabeth spoke.
“I’m following a breadcrumb trail, more or less. But where the clones are, is not where the tribesmen reside.” He said, “stay close.”
Eventually the smell of a burning fire hung in the air, and as they continued Loki could start to hear drumming get louder and the noise of rituals near. Abruptly he came to a stop when his eyes landed on the crew. His eyes met with Mister Gibbs’ and he could see the rest fall in line ready to fall into hysterics. Loki quickly motioned with a finger pressed to his lips, shushing the crew and placing a protective arm around Elizabeth, behind him. They almost blended in with the dense surrounding jungle.
Mister Gibbs was staring intently at him, tense and unmoving. “How did you play dead for that long?” He whispered, keeping his head on a swivel after he spoke, making sure the Pelegostos didn’t hear him.
“I’m just that good.” Loki grinned, “I’ll come back, just dont ma--” Loki’s voice faded quickly at the sight he could see through the trees. And just like that, all of his caution was swept away by the harsh breeze that rustled the palms above them. The trunks of coconut trees groaned with the high winds above that didn’t quite make it past the canopy. The thought crossed his mind, time and time again to just say to hell with blending in. But for him to stay hidden by the TVA, he had to do his best not to. The sight of the six infinity stones made his blood boil and his entire body go tense. Although just before his breaking point, he saw movement in his foreground, and he realized they were suddenly surrounded again. The group much more docile than before. But that didn’t calm Loki at all. In fact, he barely bat an eyelash in any other direction other than rage. His logical mind fighting to surface.
Loki’s patience was running terribly thin by now. he turned his head slightly when she said his name, a moment of concern entered his mind before one of the cannibals reached out and touched his hair. Like lightning he stopped them, grabbing the wrist of the cannibal with a strength that made him shriek in pain as Loki felt the bones shifting against his palm. “Enough!” He roared. The Loki (controlled by Thanos all those years ago) was coming to the surface, much like his trip in Germany. He was not having much more of this. For a moment, he thought that would have erupted the cannibals into attacking them, as this could have been seen as an aggressive gesture. But the group was frozen, staring at him with wide eyes, and some lips trembled at the sight before them.
Loki knew thousands of languages. Their language held some familiarity to him, even though this was an Earthly language, there were elements he could understand and he began to speak to them in a language similar to their own. His tone was dark yet powerful even if he was being very soft spoken. A voice of a true king, a god, who had very little patience left for this situation. As he spoke, the attitudes around them changed to something more willing and docile even more in nature. Even making them retreat back to camp, quickly fetching Jack from his throne to set him free.
Loki watched, but avoided Elizabeth’s gaze, and the crew’s. He was digging this hole further and further for himself, and he feared he was getting past the point of no return.
“We should return to the ship.. at once.”
There was a notable change in his behaviour. She could see the anger bubble up inside him, his eyes darkening. So lost in that moment and the torment his brain was in. His muscles tensed, an inability to think would soon follow. The rational Loki seemed to loose the battle. 
Her brows furrowed, watching how the grip around the cannibal’s wrist grew. She could almost hear his bones crack underneath the pressure. His other hand stayed firmly by his side, yet his words had more impact than they ever could. His voice startled her and the Pelegostos, and she followed their lead when they took a step backwards; alarmed by the potential danger that lingered around him. His demeanor was so high and mighty, like everything and everyone was all so far beneath him. 
He had managed to persuade the tribe to let them go, not through violence, this time communication lead to their freedom. Soon she would run out of fingers to count the amount of times Loki had saved them. This made her wonder, was this the reason why he despised Jack so much. His reckless adventurous a ticket to the grave.
The first half of their journey back to the Pearl Elizabeth had strolled next to Loki. He seemed conscious of her presence, although he was distant from her, so she decided to hold her tongue and not overwhelm him with questions. The other half, she spend on Mr. Gibbs side. He took it upon him to inform her about what happened with theatrical words. 
The weather remained ominous with dark clouds rolling in, pushed by an ever-increasing wind that churned the sky in threatening waves. The absence of thunder informed them it would most likely be nothing more than a possible downpour. 
The sight of black sails blending in with the dark clouds behind, managed to lighten up the exhausted faces of the crew. The tide returning, the wind favorable. Elizabeth rushed after Jack when he was aboard his beloved ship. “Jack!’ she said, grabbing his arm, forcing him to face her. His expression harsh as if he was upset about something. “You,” his gaze shifted to Loki only to return to her again, “certainly took your time to come and rescue us.” Bitterness crept through her as she dwelt on his words. “Ow Jack, don’t be absurd. We came as fast as we could.” A mocking laugh escaped his lips; pushing her backwards with two soft pushes. “Besides, aren’t you the one that got us into this situation in the first place?” Eyes on his back again when he turned, determined footsteps leading him to the safety of his cabin. Elizabeth had chased after him angrily calling his name. “You have not been entirely honest with us, have you! What is it you are running from?!”  Elizabeth reached for the door when she realized what he was about to do. “Don’t” she warned. There was a loud bang as the door slammed close in front of her, ending their conversation. Her hand on the doorknob, pulling it rather desperately. “Mr Sparrow, you can’t be serious!” she said through clenched teeth, making another attempt to open the door, but it seemed pointless. 
A frustrated sigh escaped her lips. When she turned around, she noticed him, his back turned towards her, watching the sea. His hair waved in the breeze, those gentle waves that defied rules and gravity with equal contempt. Something or someone had triggered something deep inside him. It couldn’t possibly just be Jack, could it? Yes, he didn’t trust him nor like him, but she was fairly certain something so trivial wouldn’t get the better of him. The jewels. She recalled how those gems had temporarily bewitched her body and soul as well. 
“We could steal them, you know” she whispered, leaning her arms on the railing of the ship when she stood beside him, eyes on the blackened horizon. “I have no intention of interfering in your affairs, but I couldn’t help but notice the impact those gems inflicted upon you.”  She let her gaze fall on Loki’s face, black hair blanketed his cheeks hiding his high cheekbones “So perhaps, this time, I can return a favor? I’ll distract him and you steal what I believe to be rightfully yours.” 
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lordoftheplatypi · 8 months
Me: Man, I really need to buy a belt
Narrator: Six months and a dozen close calls with a wardrobe malfunction later and he still hasn't bought that belt.
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pucksandpower · 4 months
You could tell me that this is straight out of a social media AU and I would believe you … but somehow it’s actually real 😭
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shihoerusu · 2 months
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You have seen me as worthy. As an equal even, because of that, I will serve you
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hellenhighwater · 5 days
Look I know I said I wasn't gonna. But then I had a pose idea, and two hours later, here we are.
Starting Sisyphus.
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k1dkh1dr · 2 years
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pepperpepi · 7 months
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hfjone infinity train au
i love them so much please
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guestp · 4 months
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✨Boyfriends with their PROTECTIVE matchmaker saga continues ✨ Hopefully, we get this trio more in season 8 because I love them so much🤞🏻🥺
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soliloquent-stark · 3 months
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tony crying alone as he slowly embraces death
robert downey jr in avengers: endgame (2019)
ps. @carsonian wrote a fic called forgive the winters, keep no records that deals with tony's recovery after nearly dying in space. it's heartbreaking and beautiful and i highly recommend it.
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wopfedra · 11 months
Not me thinking about how Green had always been the colour associated with Time in the Marvel Universe since the beginning :)
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worstloki · 5 months
imagine being Thanos and you get completely conned by this Asgardian Prince sorcerer guy you tortured and left with a mind-addling infinity stone years ago and when you chase him down 10 years later you find out he wasn't even Asgardian or their Prince the entire time
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pucksandpower · 5 months
Kevin Magnussen went out there today and said that if he can’t get any points, he might as well get something 😭
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slavhew · 1 year
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having a normal one about @pinetreevillain's timothy 🥹
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hipsternumbertwo · 1 month
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Exposing Our Cringiest Posts ft. The Try Guys | You Posted That
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zurenie · 7 months
yo drop some fandom hcs i wanna draw them
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