#The Jameson Raid
thebisexualdogdad · 4 months
With the new rookie season you gotta do more Lucy!!!
Maybe something like Lucy meets a PI who’s working a similar case as her and the two slowly flirt and nerd out on common interests.
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Lucy Chen x Male!reader
● as a private investigator you were hired to follow a man who's wife was accusing him of cheating
● lucky for her he wasn't cheating, unluckily for her he became entangled with a gang selling drugs and now he's missing
● which is how you meet officer Lucy Chen
● “Excuse me? What do you think you're doing? This is a crime scene you can't be here,” she questions as you're looking at the faces of a bunch of newly deceased individuals after a drug deal gone wrong trying to ID your clients husband
● “I'm a private investigator, Y/N Y/L/N, I've been hired by Mary Jameson to track down her husband Luke Jameson who is involved with all this”
● “do you see him here?”
● “no but-”
● “then I'm gonna have to ask you to leave”
● you don't actually leave, you just hang around outside the crime scene tape waiting to get any more information on where you're missing guy might be
● “he's still here?” Harper asks Lucy who has been keeping an eye on you for the last several hours
● “yeah he thinks I'm gonna tell him details about the case because he's a PI”
● “PI's are the worst,” Lopez chimes in
● “I thought lawyers were the worst?”
● “they are but I'm not married to a PI,” she laughs, “he says he's looking for a guy who deals for this gang right? Lucy take him to the station and find out everything he knows, he may actually be useful in helping us fill in some missing pieces”
● back at the station Lucy has you in an interrogation room, questioning you about Luke
● you tell her you've been tailing him for three weeks, he went missing two days ago handing over the photos you have of him dealing drugs as well as meeting up with the leader of the gang
● you actually were quite helpful for Lucy
● and even a little bit flirty
● and to your surprise Lucy was flirting back
● you find out you like the same TV shows and music artists
● you spend a little too long talking about the latest season of your favorite show
● but just as you're about to ask her on a date to get to know her more Lopez and Harper interrupt bringing your attention back to the case at hand
● Lucy relays all the information to them and thanks you for the help
● and after you leave Lopez asks her, “were you flirting with the PI?”
● “no of course not that would be unprofessional”
● Lopez and Harper simultaneously “they were flirting”
● you show up at the station again the next morning with coffee and breakfast sandwiches to see if they have any new leads on Luke
● “you brought me coffee?”
● “with almond milk and a shot of espresso”
● “how did you know that's how I drink my coffee?”
● “I'm a private investigator remember, it's my job to know those kind of things”
● you and Lucy end up working together to find out that Luke is being held captive by a rival gang
● the cops raid the warehouse and free him though he is arrested in the process due to your photos of him dealing drugs which his wife is certainly not going to be happy about
● “Guess this is the end of our team up,” Lucy tells you when she returns to the station with another officer towing behind with Luke in handcuffs
● “Seems so but it doesn't mean it has to be the last time we see each other right? Can I take you out to dinner sometime?”
● “yeah, that would be nice”
● “great, I'll get us a reservation at the blue orchid”
● “that's my favorite restaurant how did you- oh right private investigator,” she laughs
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stephensmithuk · 10 months
The Boer War (1899-1902)
If the 1897 Diamond Jubilee is seen as the zenith of the British Empire, the Boer War is arguably the start of its collapse.
There are two conflicts with the name "Boer War", of which the second is by far the better known.
"Boer" is Afrikaans for farmer. The two wars are known as "the Freedom Wars" in the Afrikaans language and "the South African War" in the country itself.
More specifically, the Boers were Dutch farmers who emigrated from the Dutch and then British-controlled Cape Colony north and east into the Transvaal region that is now north-east South Africa, to get away from what they saw as an oppressive government. As well as the fact that the British abolished slavery, which they wanted to keep. So yeah. They were more specifically known as "Trekboers" or travelling farmers. Trek is of course where we get the term Star Trek from.
The first conflict from 1880-1881 started after a farmer refused to pay an illegally inflated tax, had his wagon seized - and his friends then assaulted the auction.
The Boers, better equipped, better trained and far more experienced at shooting than their British opponents, managed to defeat the latter in three major engagements. Unwilling to become engaged in a major conflict, London negotiated a peace deal that gave the South African Republic effectively full control over internal affairs, although the British retained control of external relations. This was the first time the British had lost a war to rebels since the American War of Independence.
Then gold was found in the region and an influx of immigrants, mostly British, turned up, seeking their fortune. Johannesburg emerged as a major community overnight. This caused a lot of tensions, even more so when the government in Praetoria (the SAR capital) denied the 'uitlanders' civil rights.
In 1896, Cape Colony Prime Minister Cecil Rhodes authorised Leander Starr Jameson to conduct a raid into the territory with the aim of triggering a revolution. The raid was badly botched, failed and caused massive embarrassment to the British government, especially when Kaiser Wilhelm II sent a congratulatory telegram to the SAR government... and telegrams showing Rhodes' involvement were found. Jameson, while lionised in the press, spent 15 months in Holloway for the raid.
Shortly after this, the Second Matabele War saw the British have to deal with an uprising by the Ndebele and Shona peoples in what is now Zimbabwe. They defeated it, but with many losses on both sides.
Tensions between the British and the Boers continued to grow after the Jameson Raid; the uitlanders did not see their rights improve, the Boers mistreated the African population, and a lot of the British establishment thought it would be an easy victory. The generals, for their part, did not.
The SAR had acquired high quality weaponry from Germany and France, including bolt-action Mauser rifles. The British Army for its part was in dire need of reform.
The war broke out in 1899 after an ultimatum from SAR leader Paul Kruger for the British to withdraw their forces from the border. The SAR had allied with the Orange Free State by this point.
The Boers had formed civilian militias called "commandos". They launched an invasion of the Natal and Cape Colony, soon putting British garrisons under siege. One notable such siege was at Mafeking, where the British commander was one Robert Baden-Powell, whose use of scouting, along the deception to make his defences look better than they were allowed his force to hold out for 217 days until relieved. He would later use his experience in scouting to form, well, the Scouting Movement.
After a series of major reverses, it was clear the British were going to need to send major reinforcements, recruiting a lot of volunteers - the biggest overseas force Britain had sent to date. They also removed their local commanders and put new ones in.
The sieges were lifted and Praetoria was captured on 5 June 1900 - at which point the Boers (along with foreign volunteers) moved to guerilla warfare, something that they were very adept at, in stark contrast to the British. However, harassment is not the same as taking and holding ground.
Both forces tried to minimise the involvement of people of colour due to fear of what would happen if they armed Africans, but personnel shortages meant they ended up being involved anyway, usually in supporting roles. Mahatma Gandhi, who was a civil rights activist there, formed a corps of volunteer stretcher bearers from the Indian population.
Realising that they were only controlling the territory that they were physically in, the British changed their tactics.
Firstly, they built fortified blockhouses and armoured trains to control their supply routes.
Secondly, the British adopted a "scorched earth" policy; they rounded up Boer and African civilians, placing them in concentration camps, while also systematically destroying farms, crops etc. that the Boer forces could use to supply themselves.
The Spanish had used concentration camps in Cuba earlier in the 19th century, but this was a much wider use. With little or no soap, along with dirty water, disease swept through the overcrowded camps, with over 46,000 dying in them, including a quarter of the Boers in them - African numbers interned were not properly counted. Emily Hobhouse exposed the horrific conditions, and the matter was taken up by domestic politicians. A government commission led by Millicent Fawcett then recommended major improvements, which were largely implemented and brought down the death rate, but the damage had been done by this point.
The brutal tactics were sadly effective; the Boers were beginning to give up. However, the British themselves were running out of time and money, so gave them a generous settlement in the 1902 Treaty of Vereeniging; while the SAR and Orange Free State would be absorbed into the British Empire, Dutch could be used in schools and courts, there would be a general amnesty and reconstruction aid would be given.
Self-government was also promised and granted; it was decided that the issue of black enfranchisement would not be discussed until then - and full enfranchisement would not come until 1993.
The war was controversial in the UK; it was opposed by the opposition Liberal Party. Lord Salisbury called a snap election in 1900 and won with a slightly reduced majority. The next election in 1906 was a massive defeat for them though.
The conflict also exposed the dire state of British public health - with up to 40% of volunteers for the war being rejected on health grounds. This spurred the creation of the National Insurance system.
Arthur Conan Doyle volunteered for military service in the conflict; but was turned down due to his age. Instead, he served for three months in a field hospital and then wrote two books about the conflict. The second one, defending Britain's involvement in the war, was felt by Doyle to be the work that got him his knighthood in 1902.
The war was also notable for one journalist who after being captured by the South Africans, managed to escape from behind enemy lines, using the publicity to get into Parliament on his second attempt. His name was Winston Churchill.
At 2022 values, the war cost Britain over £19.9 billion.
They had also had 26,092 soldiers killed to the Boers 6,189. As with all wars at this time, disease was the biggest killer.
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proustian-dream · 2 months
At the time of post-punk, pop could still be a counter-cultural lab (endlessly raided by, but never subordinated to the diktats of Kapital). It really is not clear whether pop could be that again. Someone asked the panel on Wednesday if dredging post-punk up was an exercise in nostalgia. But this is entirely to miss the point of Jameson’s critique of the nostalgia mode. For Jameson, the nostalgia mode is exemplified by cultural artefacts which deny, or more radically, are unaware of their own total debt to the past. In other words, being contemporary does not guarantee being modern, especially not in a postmodern culture whose temporality is obsessively citational and commemorational. One of the most idiotic tics in cultural gatekeeping today is its need to justify the past in terms of the present: as if Gang of Four were only significant because they “influenced” no-mark, here-today boot-sale-tomorrow clones like Bloc Party and Franz Ferdinand. As if simply being here, now, meant that something New and Important is happening…
Mark Fisher, 'The outside of everything now', k-punk
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itsscromp · 9 months
the venom scene with Harry Peter and MJ at the table but with reader replacing Harry with the symbiote😶
Peter Parker x Venom Reader
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OOOH I love a good role reversal, This will be interesting. Thank you for this anon. Word count:943
It was a race against time for Peter to save you, He just managed to get the symbiote off of him, he went back to you and tried to warn you about the dangers of it rebonding with you. But you didn't want to hear any of it, you were more concerned about yourself and fought peter to get the symbiote back.
But when you did, he was horrified by what you became, you became this hulking monster. A more sinister version of what he endured with the symbiote suit. You raided times square and even killed Kraven soon after. What have you become y/n...
Back in Queens, MJ was reading the comments about her latest story from when Peter was under the influence of the symbiote, Considering to delete it now knowing the truth, she was interrupted by a video call from jameson.
"I hate this.." She sighed as she answered the call.
"I love this !!" Jameson greeted her.
"You do ??"
He chuckled "You've hit the nail on the head, FINALLY. Top story, Everybody's talking about it. This is EDITOR material."
"Editor" MJ was a little shocked.
"Congratulations, Your first assignment: write more juicy stuff by tomorrow morning !! Drama, controversy! Just like this"
"Like this..??"
"Get writing !!" And with that Jameson hung up, Crap this was not was she wanted, to continue to spread lies about Peter. She then picked up her phone and began to face time Peter.
"MJ.." Peter greeted.
"I, uh... didn't get fired from the Bugle, In fact, I think I got a promotion."
"Hey! That's what you wanted, right ??"
"Yeah, I... I thought it was"
Then that's... Great... Hey listen, something's gone... wrong with y/n"
"Wha... What happened ??"
But before Peter could answer fully, she got a knock on the door. "Hang on, someone's at the door."
"It's kinda hard to explain, just... Promise me you'll stay away from them, okay ??"
But when she answered the door, you were there, standing in front of her with a threatening look on your face.
"MJ ??"
You then raised your arm and tendrils emerged, slithering to her as you hung up the call. Shoot, you were there, Peter then swung as fast as he could to the house, he needed to stop you before you hurt MJ.
"Y/n, What the hell ??"
He tried to ring MJ again "Come on MJ, pick up !!"
But it went straight to voicemail. "Hey, it's MJ! You can leave a message, but why would you?? If it's important, just, you know... text"
"Dammit !! Please be ok"
He swung as fast as he could, finally making it to his house and rushing to the door.
Barging inside, he frantically looked for her. "MJ ??!! Where's..."
He then saw her... and you at the dining table... what were you planning.
"Pete, You look tense" You were disturbingly calm, the nerves striking Peter.
"Coffee ??" The tendrils wreathed from your back, reaching the coffee mug and pouring it into the mug, MJ gave Peter a Do what they say look.
"We need to talk" Peter tried to maintain his composure.
"You must get tired of making the world a better place. Every. Single. Day" You interrupted as you stood up. Going over to the counter and picking up a photo of Peter and Aunt May. "But I can help, All you have to do is let me" You turned to him.
"This isn't you..." MJ shook her head.
"Wrong" You turned to her. "This is the real me" You froze for a bit before going back to the conversation at hand. "I finally have the power to realise our vision... Are you... Giving up on me ??"
"Y/n... We need to get that thing off you."
Tendrils emerged from your arm, smashing the dining table, frightening MJ as she moved away.
"Do not... Call us... A thing..."
"We are not y/n"
The symbiote gradually began to consume you, Spreading all over your body, making you taller and muscular. Bringing back the hulking monster that Peter faced earlier... seeing you lose yourself.
"We..." Your voice began to change "Are..." Then... the transformation was complete. "Venom"
They were mortified by what you had become, But they didn't have time to think as you tried to attack Peter, MJ then protected him as they were both pushed into the kitchen, with the fridge falling on Peter as Venom began to drag MJ away. The tendril were consuming her as Venom planted a Symbiote in her.
Peter frantically got the fridge off of him, Rushing over to find MJ now consumed by the symbiote. Peter grew angry seeing this, what you turned her into. "Let her go !!"
But then MJ's symbiote gripped him and tossed him outside, causing everyone to flee in panic about what was happening. Venom soon went outside and saw the two about to fight "Show him what he's missing" Venom then leaped from the house, Beginning his plan.
Peter soon managed to help MJ fight off her symbiote "Am I... I'm OK!!" "You did it !!" The two shared an embrace before MJ realised she had one final task to do, Picking up the phone, she rang a certain someone. "WATSON !!! Where are you with my apple fritters !!! I'm starving and.."
"Jonah... Kiss my ass, I quit !!!"
"WATSO.." She hung up as soon as he could go into a rant.
The two shared a tender moment together before then having to begin to stop you from enacting your plan to 'heal the world' Peter didn't want to lose you too...
Taglist: @callofdudes @fun-k-board
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askfacultystaff · 8 months
Picrew pictures.
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Lucy Loud
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Sylvia Loud Chang as a teenager
For @neko-sufis-world.
Grieving And Moving On AU
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18-years old Protective! Rama: ....... Mr. Principal?..... Was that you? 😢
This AU is depressive, yet emotional, it's about Rama who moves on and tries his best to stay happy, but he stayed depressed for 6 years since Principal's death. He's not alone, his "Captain" Amato, felt ashamed for letting Principal who was 33 to marry Neko, it's not known if it can ruin his life or not. Even Neko, Usagi, Felix and others were devastated much too.
Due to fact how did Principal died after his and Neko's wedding cancelled all because he ran away, thinking it'll make Amato disappointed and upset instead of impressed and approved. It is believed Principal killed himself in guest's room by shooting his own head to avoid from getting caught by him.
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After his death, he became a ghost and his hair was completely different than before. Rama who was 12 at the time, adopted a black cat named Jameson who was walking past buildings. He visiting Principal's grave to grief and talk to "him". Onwards, he's the only one who can see him as a ghost, making sure to never give up and move on.
Yandere! Usagi-Ijah AU
Ghastly Regret Ending
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Insane! Felix: *Tearing up* I'm sorry.... B-but... I still gonna find Natasha, i won't hurt h-her!... Ok-kay?
Aftermath Of Incident AU
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Silent! Rama Raid
Teenager! Protective! Rama Raid AU
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Neko-Sufi: This is for you, Rama! 😄
Teenager! Protective! Rama: Hmm? A present? Thanks 😑
(This is not a ship, it's a friendship -v-;)
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corvidous · 1 year
Rahnam's Pack
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I've finally finished painting my space gnolls (Hyaenim)! Northstar Miniatures did a preorder for the new Scavengers set that they released a month or so ago, I ordered the deal that came with the Scavengers box, a sprue of Frostgrave Gnolls, a sprue of Barbarians, and a sprue of Cultists. As intended, I've kitbashed and converted and here are the first six minis, to be used as infantry in Xenos Rampant, Captain, First Mate, and Crew (or pirates) in Stargrave, and anything else that comes up!
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Being Me, I've written Lore.
The two up top are the leaders, Jameson 'James' Rahnam and Big Sheela. James was born to parents who had been captured in the Hyaenim Wars. The series of interstellar raids and skirmishes and police actions eventually resulted in an uneasy truce that the passage of time has now given the veneer of status quo, but still threatens to flare back into life at any moment. Humans just can't let shit go.
While human captives were, technically, assigned status of "below the Lowest" the social structures of the Hyaenim are complex, and a captive who "belonged" to a high ranking Hyaen might defacto outrank a lower, under some circumstances. Rahnam's childhood was not particularly happy but he proved himself a ferocious fighter and canny diplomat and eventually was able to win respect and acceptance in Hyaenim society. No small feat, but Hyaenim, like Humans, will enthusiastically pack bond with anything.
Big Sheela is a female Hyaen born to the dominant family of a mid-sized clan, and she's in the prime of her life, in what is called her "Seeker's Years," the traditional period of roaming, fighting, and getting into trouble that marks the transition of a young Hyaen from childhood into adulthood. These volatile young pups are expected to find or force a niche for themselves in society during this turbulent period, muscling their way into distant packs or starting their own. Sheela has taken this to a greater extreme than most, and has taken to roaming the stars with her picked band of piratical scavengers tough, independent-minded outcasts and wanderers.
Hyaenim society is strongly matriarchal, but again, the social structures are complex. Technically Sheela "won" Rahnam in a bet with another Hyaen, but it was an open secret that the loser had been looking to get rid of the restless and troublesome fighting man in some face-saving way. They had not, almost certainly, been looking to lose their ship as well, but Big Sheela maintains that James Rahnam is her new pack's good luck charm. He also allows the Pack to operate in Human space, acting as a name and a point of contact that doesn't immediately meet with suspicion and hostility from Humans in the Border systems, where the war hit the hardest and where Hyaenim raids are still very much within living memory. Never content to rest on his laurels though, Rahnam is more than just a pretty face. Through combat prowess, bravery, technical skills, and no small amount of charisma, James Rahnam has risen to true prominence in the Pack, overcoming every other Hyaen in the crew such that he acts as Big Sheela's second in command. The two of them work well together, but this position of "Top Man" would usually be reserved for the mate of the dominant female, a fact that remains a source of awkwardness and occasional contention amongst the Pack, as Big Sheela remains currently unmated. On the long nights between the stars, the weight of Hyaenim tradition often has the two questioning the exact nature of their relationship, though it is remarkable how quickly plentiful plunder salvage and money can silence uneasiness...for a time, anyway.
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rayvnwolf17 · 4 months
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Bullets & Betrayal: Deceiving Her Book Two
Now Available
Available on Kindle and KindleUnlimited Now:
🔥 Dark Mafia Reverse Harem
🔥 Found Family
🔥 Primal Chase Scene
🔥 De@th
🔥 Unaliving
🔥 T0rture
🔥 Miscarriage
🔥 Human Trafficking
🔥 All the spice
🔥 Cliffhanger
This is the life I choose to live, and right now, it is more tumultuous than ever.
There is a mole in my organization, and I am determined to find out exactly who it is. Have we put our trust in the wrong people? Am I destined to make my father's mistakes?
We have more questions than answers, and with Sean struggling to find his place within our group, I know the only way forward is through a united front.
Raiding Anton's warehouse yields surprising additions to our little family, leaving me more determined to end this war as quickly as possible.
With Kadence's help, I'm confident we can end this once and for all. But what happens when dark secrets and fresh betrayals are exposed, and I'm forced to make a decision I never wanted to make?
Will I stand tall and be the Queen this city needs... or will I become just another monster lurking in the shadows?
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hannahhook7744 · 2 years
Hey now, where'd you go?;
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Summary; aka my version of the pocket watch movie. Where Chad disappears and a few years pass, leading into the events of the pocket watch.
Trigger warnings; Favoritism, implied child neglect, dissolving sibling relationship, kidnapping, swearing, and disappearance of an older sibling.
Chloe knew that Chad wasn't perfect.
Even before he had disappeared, she had known he wasn't perfect.
Even though she was only 10 at the time, she had known.
He was rude, he didn't pick up on social cues, he wasn't the brightest. He wasn't very brave, made lots of bad decisions, and wasn't well liked. He was nowhere near perfect.
But she didn't care because he was her big brother and she loved him. Even if he didn't always seem to love her.
She loved him, because she knew him and remembered what he use to be like before he graduated middle school.
Before their grandpa died.
Even if the memories she had were only vague ones.
Their granddad took them to their circus, when Chad was 10 and she was 2.
Dumbo was there but she couldn't see him and started to fuss.
Chad, hair still fully curly, had simply smiled at her (instead of rolling his eyes in annoyance as he would grow to do) before lifting her up. Resting her on his shoulders so that she could see the elephants she loved so much.
He even shared his chocolate sprinkled popcorn with her even though their granddad told him not to.
It was her earliest memory and her favorite one.
"Chloe, Chloe" Chloe groaned, rolling over in her little toddler bed. Squinting into the dark. "Bubba?"
She was three and he was eleven.
Chad sat on the floor, criss cross applesauce style. Grinning at her, box in his lap. A messily made cupcake in hand wirh a lit candle.
"Happy birthday! I got ya something!" He whisper shouted, causing her to shot up in excitement. Eyes wide.
He put a finger to his lips "shhh. You don't wanna wake mom and dad or they'll make you go back to bed."
It was still dark out.
Chloe just gave him a sheepish grin "sworry."
Chad snorted, holding the cupcake up to her. "Don't worry about it, birthday girl. Just blow out the candle and make a wish."
Chloe did, though she couldn't remember for the life of her what she had wished for. But she still remembered what he gifted her that day.
Because she never let go of the stuffed elephant that he gave her.
Chad tossed her into the air, repeatedly catching her.
Grinning at her as she giggled and squealed, no doubt in love with being able to see over the hedges. Which she usually couldn't do because she was so tiny.
"CHADWICK JAMESON CHARMING!" Someone from out of her sight yelled, causing Chad to pale.
He caught her one last time, nearly dropping her, and simply said "oh shit."
One night it was storming when she was about 5 and Chloe got scared because their parents weren't there.
So Chad bulit a blanket fort, hung up some fairy lights, and stuck her in it with all the stuffed animals and blankets he could get his hands on before going to raid the kitchen. Returning with two mugs of hot chocolate, the whole cookie jar, and a big storybook.
They spent the rest of the night curled up in the blanket fort, reading and eating and laughing until they both drifted off to sleep.
In Chad's last year of middle school, he started to change.
Blowing her off, no longer spending time with her, Getting dismissive of her love of fencing.
He straightened his hair and got snappy when she asked why.
Refused to let her play with his pets.
He stopped coming home to visit when he got into Auardon prep.
He was nice to her for the most part when they saw eachother but it wasn't the same as before and she never knew why.
It wasn't until he was gone that she realized their parents tended to spend all their time with her even when he was home.
Till she realized they usually just gave him things so he wouldn't bug them as much and so he'd stay out of trouble. Only really intervening when he started failing.
It took Chloe even longer to realize that she didn't even remember the last time Chad had invited someone other than Audrey over. It took her twice as long to realize that she was sick and that it had affected him more than he ever let on.
It took their parents months to realize that he was even gone.
And it took her asking them why Chad had stopped calling her for them to realize it.
It made her heartache and even the pet elephant her parents got her didn't relieve the ache.
Nor could the multitude of cousins they suddenly had.
After Chad disappeared, Chloe started to attend Auardon Prep and made a new friend who called herself 'Red'.
Chloe came to learn that it was because red was her favorite color.
She also came to realize that Red was the best friend she could ever have because she didn't brush off Chloe's desire to find Chad like everyone else did.
She even offered to help Chloe find him.
Chloe took her up on that offer and the duo searched and searched, even as the years dragged on.
8 years passed and the pair eventually got side tracked. Eventually dragging Danny Darling and Hadie of the Underworld into the mix when the royal baby went missing.
"I'm getting really tired of pretending I'm not evil" Hadie complained as they trekked through Wonderland. Swatting flies and branches out of his way.
"That's because you're not evil, you're just dramatic " Danny replied, rolling his eyes as he fidgeted with the vial of pixie dust he wore around his neck.
"I resent that remark! I am very evil! I have my own song and minions and everything!"
Chloe glanced back at the pair, shaking her head when she met Red's eye. Trying not to laugh.
Hadie was the farthest thing from evil they had ever seen. And they had met Gil.
"Sure you are man. Sure you are. And I'm Captain Hook's uncle" Danny snickered snarkily as usual.
Only to have the grin knocked right off his face as Hadie tackled him, causing Red to stumble into Chloe who tumbled down a small hill.
The other 3 following almost immediately, with all four of them a tangled mess of limbs as they landed at the bottom.
Causing the odd pocketwatch they had burrowed to crack right down the middle and start glowing along with the ground beneath them.
"Oh fuck--"
"This is all your fault!" Hadie said shoving Danny, who looked indignant as they walked through the past version of Wonderland they found themselves in.
"What? How is it MY fault?! You're the one who shoved me!"
"You provoked me! So it's your fault that the stupid watch broke, which makes it your fault if we can't get home and stop the baby from getting kidnapped.."
"Why you little--"
"WILL YOU TWO SHUT UP?" Red snapped, annoyed. "It's both your faults!"
That just started a three way argument that Chloe wanted no part in.
She picked up the pace, hopping the other three would notice and knock it off. They didn't.
She really needed a break from them. They had been arguing nonstop all week.
A normalish looking bar caught her eye and even though she techinqually wasn't old enough to drink, she really didn't care at the moment.
Chloe quickly ducked inside, an excuse on the tip of her tongue.
"I know I'm not old enough to be in here but I really need to get out of the rain--"
She faltered, eyes widening as they adjusted to the low lighting-- helping her get a good look at the bartender. Who looked almost exactly the same as he had the last time she saw him, only older...
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aurorabayrpg · 1 year
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It's been about two months since the storm hit Aurora Bay and the town has been cleaned of debris, homes are re-inhabited, and any damage to businesses and homes is completely repaired. And with the flower festival having come and gone and summer just on the horizon, life feels pretty normal in Aurora Bay once more.
However, there has been talk around town recently about what may have happened to the money that was donated to Town Hall to help out the residents of Aurora Bay during the storm.
Some are concerned that not all the money was put to use and a journalist recently put out a report given by an anonymous source that the some of the money has disappeared and informed that this has not been the first time money has mysteriously gone missing. This has caused some residents to wonder just what this money is being used for.
Many have voiced their concerns, plenty of news outlets have written about it, but the Mayor of Aurora Bay, Raymond Ellis, continues to gloss over the issue--even as more records of money for the town seemingly disappearing continues coming to light and have started to have ties to the mayor himself.
Someone in town has had enough of this political corruption and hypocrisy though and has planned an attack on town hall. On FRIDAY, JUNE 2nd at 9PM a fire has been set in Ocean Crest Apartments from the inside, making it look like an accident on the 10th floor. All residents must evacuate the premises. While police and the Aurora Bay Fire Department will be busy trying to tame the fire in the apartment building, Town Hall will be raided by the culprit where they will find documents that prove Mayor Raymond Ellis has been stealing money from the town for himself.
Town Hall will then be set on fire with the Mayor trapped inside, effectively killing him.
An investigation will begin soon after to find out who is behind all this.
OOC Info under the cut:
This will be the second fire Aurora Bay has encountered. The first having been an accident in one of the abandoned buildings during the town's expansion five years ago. That fire had taken the life of Knox Ridley, an eighteen year old boy who had recently graduated from Aurora Bay High School. The survivors of that fire were Evelyn Watson, Blake Dixon, recently-released convict Jameson Cassidy, and Chief of Police's daughter, Darcy Anthony. No one but those names listed above knows Darcy was actually the one to begin the fire since her father covered up any evidence that led the fire back to her.
Darcy, Blake, Evie, and Jameson are not responsible for this fire at Ocean Crest but since they all live in the apartments and were in the first fire, some may assume it was them.
If you want any of your characters to be suspects you may message the main and let us know. Keep in mind, the people behind this are NPCs only, so your characters and the characters listed in the event are not actually guilty.
If you want one of your characters to get hurt, you may message the main and let us know who will get hurt and how and we will approve or deny based on our discretion. ANY SEVERE INJURIES POSTED ABOUT WITHOUT ADMIN APPROVAL WILL BE ASKED TO BE CHANGED.
Any firefighters in game can play major roles in this event since it will be all hands on deck for this. If you have a firefighter and you don't want to be involved directly with the fire, let us know!
Any detectives or police officers in game can also speak to us admins as far of investigation plots go!
Ocean Crest will need serious repairs after this, so feel free to have characters stay with friends or families in other neighborhoods! There will also be shelters created in the gymnasiums of the schools in town, just like we did with the storm event.
all starters must be tagged with aurorabay.fire. three starters can be done right off the bat before they need to be replied to first for more.
all non-event threads must be tagged pre-event
while in game the fire is at 9pm Friday, the dash will be open for event threads as of 11am EST.
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ashintheairlikesnow · 2 years
How would Nanda and Jameson fair in a zombie apocalypse / post apocalypse in general? I love them both and watched to much the last of us, so now I have Nanda and his pet apocalypse brain worms.
Honestly, they'd do fairly well! I think Nanda would turn to raiding at first, stealing and scavenging, and Jameson would be really helpful with that. And after a while they'd hole up somewhere away from the remaining survivors, just the two of them, and for Jameson it would basically just be bliss. Nanda would miss his job, but getting to deal with the zombies would help with that, I think.
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lamuradex · 1 year
Short Story: Mercenaries
(Thought I'd start with a spookier one because it's Spooky Month)
Title: Mercenaries
Wordcount: 3000 Words
Commander Aberdeen must lead his men through the jungle after a mission left them with a lot of loot and a long way to carry it home.
But when something starts whistling out in the woods, they realise they might not be as alone out here as they thought.
Entry 1: Day 1                                                                         03/04/08
Personal log of Commander Aberdeen of Wraith Company. Honestly, it feels strange to report my own name. Strange even hearing it. Most people I know just call me Commander. Mercs know their place and know respect when someone’s paying for it. I’m keeping a log here because I’ve always found it safer to have a record, in case there are issues later or inquiries, and because it’s something to do in the evenings. We’re here in the jungle, I won’t specify where, to raid a supply convoy of some rather vital and expensive things aboard. I won’t specify what either. If someone captures us and reads this, they can just ask our employers, whoever they are.
The raid went off without a hitch. Well, almost. We had intended to capture the trucks and drive them out, but Everett got a bit trigger happy and one of the gas tanks went up. We lost all three trucks, but saved the cargo. It was a steal or destroy op anyway. Just as long as this stuff doesn’t get where it’s going. Still, this stuff should be worth something, so we’re heading back with it.
It’ll take a while though. Between dodging local authorities, militia, and having to heft this stuff through the jungle, we’re estimating two months before we reach the airstrip. Not a problem. We’re in no hurry. Supplies are on sleds, and we’ve got a couple of ATVs to drag them. Six of us, including me. That’s me, Everett, Michaels, Cally, Gorman and Jameson. Those are just my codenames for all of them, by the way, in case we’re captured.
Two months to go. Just need to keep a low profile.
Entry 2: Day 3                                                                                 05/04/08
Been a little while since the first entry. Everyone’s staying well behaved. Almost throttled Michaels earlier today though when I thought he was whistling. Was about to call him out when I realised he wasn’t making a sound.
It’s coming from the jungle. Might be a bird or something, but now I’m not so sure. Thought I saw someone out there. Just a glimpse of something moving in the green. Thought I saw some eyes. Maybe just some locals, but we’ll keep watch. If they report to someone, we could be in trouble.
Entry 3: Day 7                                                                               09/04/08
Four days now, but the whistling finally stopped. It warbled like a bird, but then Everett whistled back. He always was our little musician. Moment after he did, the whistling stopped. Whatever was calling got its answer. Glad it’s gone.
Nonetheless, I had Cally double back to check. He says he found tracks. Couldn’t say if they were animal or human. Not really a concern. We’re armed to the teeth and in the middle of nowhere. Who’d hear a gunshot out here?
Entry 4: Day 14                                                                                16/04/08
Jesus Christ. Something happened today. It’s been about a week since my last entry, but I’ve got to get this on record.
We’re down a man and one bullet. Jonathan “Cally” Wilks, deceased. At least, we hope he is.
A couple of days ago, Gorman started to get a bit jumpy. He thought we were being followed. We kept an eye out, and others agreed. Then this morning, before we could pack up, something came running through the treeline. Gorman jumped and opened fired. The intruder fell dead.
It was bloody Cally. Gorman almost fell apart when he realised. But when we looked at him, Cally was a wreck. He was mud soaked, covered in scratches, and looked like he hadn’t shaved in a week.
Thing is though, he didn’t look like that yesterday. Cally slept in the tent next to mine. I heard him snoring. One of the men saw him that morning, clean shaven and fine. Everyone’s wondering if we’ve had an imposter with us this whole time, or if maybe the dead man’s the imposter. Either way, the “other” Cally is nowhere to be found. His stuff’s still here, but he isn’t.
The men are pretty shaken. They boxed up Cally and put him on the sled. Best thing is we take him home. He was a good man.
On another note, that whistling started again.
Entry 5: Day 19                                                                                21/04/08
 That damned whistling. It’s driving the men mad. Still, everyone knows to keep a cool head. We’ve already lost one out here. We don’t want another.
Thing is, I don’t think we’re alone out here. I was on patrol, shorthanded with Cally dead, when I saw something. A figure in the trees. It was pretty far out, but there was definitely something. A dark figure, peering at me.
Now, I’m not some idiot who’s scared of black tribal villagers. You work in jungles enough, you meet your fair share. Even traded with a few. So when I say this man was dark, know that I mean it. Skin like charcoal and piercing white eyes.
Then he was gone. I sent Gorman and Michaels to look and they found a boot print in the mud. It’s the same brand that’s part of our uniform. I had Jameson check the supplies, but we’re not missing any, and Cally still has both of his. Gorman says the boot print was messy. Says there was viscera in it, that’s how Gorman put it. We’ll be more careful with our night guards from now on.
Entry 6: Day 23                                                                               25/04/08
The whistling stopped again. No more sightings of the man with bloody boots. There is certainly someone out there though.
We keep coming across strange totems. Hanging off trees, buried in the ground. They’re made with animal bones, most still covered in blood. Might explain the boot print. Jameson says this region is uninhabited, but the rest of us are worried we’re walking into tribal territory. Even so, I think we can handle ourselves. So far we’ve seen one guy, at most. We can deal with a lot more than one guy.
Entry 7: Day 27                                                                              29/04/08
We found another boot print today, bloody as the first. Gorman almost stepped on it. I know we’re moving slow, but the idea they’re in front of us is unsettling. Still, it’s not my current concern. My current concern is Michaels.
When we found the footprint, everyone gathered round like it was a spectacle. But Michaels is silent. Now, I know I haven’t described him, but Michaels is a bloody chatterbox. It’s why I thought he was the man whistling, him or Everett. Everyone else is having their say about the footprint, but Michaels is just quiet.
He just got back to work without saying anything. I’m gonna find out what’s bothering him. I’ll beat the information out of him if I have to. Now’s no time to be keeping secrets.
Entry 8: Day 28                                                                             30/04/08
I’m not sure what to make of today.
I confronted Michaels, but he refused to talk till we were alone. Then he finally told me, and I wished he hadn’t. He’d recognised the boot print.
The most recent one was different to the others. There was a cut across the heel. I’d just thought a twig or insect had crawled through it, but then Michaels tells me this story about Everett. The idiot stepped on a serrated blade two tours back, and only missed losing his heel because Michaels kicked his foot. Still has the boot to prove it though.
First I was unnerved by this, then I was angry. I decided to confront Everett. I marched up to him and called him out in front of everyone, thinking this was some big prank. Turns out the others had words to say too. Everett had been acting strange. One man said he’d been staring at Cally’s coffin.
Everett never answered. Something changed in him. Even now, I couldn’t put a finger on what, but suddenly it wasn’t Everett anymore. It was just something that looked like Everett. “Everett” then opened its mouth, screeched like a goddamned banshee, then sprinted off into the jungle. Michaels drew his gun and took a shot, but we’re sure he missed.
A couple of hours later, the real Everett appeared, battered and muddy, like he’d been missing for a week. He was also missing an eye.
While Jameson, our medic, looked him over, Everett told us what he remembered. He’d heard one of us calling him in the woods, and stepped away to see. After a few minutes he couldn’t find anyone, so turned back. We were mid transit, so he wasn’t too alarmed when he couldn’t immediately catch up. When he couldn’t catch up after a day, he started to get worried. When he finally had to rest and fell asleep, he woke up the next morning with an eye missing, not bleeding a drop. Then he found us later that day.
He doesn’t remember finding his boot print. He even still has his scarred boot. By his report, he vanished sometime after we’d seen the first one. He’s been missing for about a week, but swears up and down it couldn’t have been more than three days.
On top of everything, Jameson gave his report. Everett’s eye wasn’t removed surgically. It was torn out. Until we can get to proper hospital, Jameson has taken a sports team badge off his uniform and given it to him for an eyepatch. For all the horror of the situation, Everett doesn’t half look silly with a Bolton Wanderers patch tied to his face.
Entry 9: Day 30                                                                            02/05/08
I’m glad I’m keeping this record, or I might think I was going mad. The whistling started again, and I’ll admit I felt goddamned scared. I’ve given a standing order to the men. No one leaves the camp without a direct order from me, given eye to eye. Not that they would. More and more, they’re reporting seeing the dark figure. Charcoal skin and watching us. It only occurred to me earlier today that the whistling could be multiple of them communicating. We just need to get out of this jungle.
Entry 10: Day 36                                                                            08/05/08
The whistling stopped. I don’t know if that’s more unnerving. Either way, I gave the men a new order today. No one travels alone. Not for a second. I don’t care if you need to use the bathroom, you have another man watch you do it. I’m not having any “I only turned my back for a second, then he was gone.” We are not losing anyone else.
Entry 11: Day 40                                                                             12/05/08
We found more boot prints today, with a noticeable bit missing near the left toe. Everyone hurriedly checked their shoes to see if they matched. None did. Then Jameson decided to check Cally’s in his coffin. It was a perfect match.
Entry 12: Day 43                                                                              15/05/08
We found a body. It was barely recognisable and at first we thought it was another totem. Then we saw its face. It was Jameson. This was doubly strange, as Jameson was standing beside me at the time.
Immediately guns were drawn. We all expected to hear that same banshee scream, but “Jameson” just pleaded with us, so we put up one of the tents and dragged him in. This one is talking, and we’re getting answers. The tent is so the others don’t have to watch.
I’ve only briefly stopped to write this. I need it in case I start to question myself. Jameson is an old friend. It’ll hurt torturing something that looks like him.
Entry 13: Day 43                                                                             15/05/08
Another man is dead. Eric “Gorman” Jenkins, deceased.
It’s a good thing I forgot to write that for Jameson.
Me and Everett set to getting information out of “Jameson”. He never broke. He kept saying he was the real deal. I wished I’d believed him.
Then we heard this godawful noise. Screaming and gunfire. We ran out and found Gorman ripped in half. Michaels was sitting nearby, bloodied, terrified, and clutching his gun. Jameson’s body was gone. When we finally got some sense out of Michaels, he told us what happened.
Him and Gorman had been listening to us work, when one of them realised they better box up Jameson’s body. It had been sat out there in the heat, and neither was looking forward to it, but it needed to be done. When they got there, they both saw something odd. A wild dog had found the corpse in their absence, but it just walked up, sniffed, then snarled and ran away. When they looked closer, there wasn’t a fly or a maggot on the corpse. Not a worm or a beetle. Lines of ants seemed to be threading their way around it.
They found this strange, but blamed whatever had killed him. They set to move the body when Gorman suddenly froze and went damned pale. He just pointed and Michaels moved to look. He was pointing at a Bolton Wanderers patch on the corpse’s shoulder. The same one Everett had been using as an eyepatch for the last week.
Gorman tried to radio us. Before he could, the corpse moved. It got up and turned into something. Michaels describes it as looking like one of those totems, just bigger and with more teeth. It grabbed Gorman and ripped him along the middle, then turned on Michaels, but he shot it twice and it ran off into the trees. Then we arrived.
We’ve let Jameson out of his restraints and boxed up what was left of Gorman. There are only four of us left.
Entry 14: Day 45                                                                              17/05/08
Michaels is not doing well. He’s doing his job, but he is not well. He keeps grabbing a patch on his arm, as if to remind himself he’s still him. It’s a logo of some indie band he follows. Told me once he met his girlfriend during one of their concerts. I’ve always like the logo honestly. Looks military enough for a uniform. Better than Bolton Wanderers, anyhow. It’s a pair of arrows crossing each other with a plane behind them. Maybe if we get through this, I’ll make sure to buy them both tickets. Whatever the case, I think this might be Michaels’ last tour.
Entry 15: Day 46                                                                              18/05/08
I saw the dark figure again. He was in our camp this time.
After everything, I was loathed to sleep. Everyone else was wired, but with two standing guard, two of us could sleep. I had to. The last few weeks have been more than I could bear. I slept fitfully, but got a few hours. I awoke in the middle of the night and decided to trade off with someone.
And there he was. Charcoal black skin that almost looked burnt, crouching on the balls of his feet by the fire. He was staring at Michaels’ tent, eyes wide open, unblinking.
It took me longer than I’d like, but I drew my gun. Before I could get it out of my holster, he turned, looked me in the eyes, and sprinted off into the trees. I raised hell, but no one else saw hide nor hair of him. Where he had been crouched, there were two footprints in the mud. They were both caked with long dried blood.
Entry 16: Day 50                ��                                                            22/05/08
We are finally through. We reached the airfield yesterday and we’re finally going home. No one is comfortable though. We’re all looking at each other with uneasy glances. I think everyone is thinking the same as me.
I’m scared it’s still with us. I’m scared of what might happen if it follows us back to civilisation. I’m scared of how little we understand about what happened.
Entry 17: Day 50 – Final                                                               02/05/08
I’m writing this from the plane. Just as the plane arrived to take us and the cargo home, I turned for one last look at the jungle. Then I saw him. The dark figure, standing barely behind a tree. He stood watching me from the treeline, then he smiled. A mouth filled with huge, pointed teeth. He grinned, then carved an image in the tree bark with his fingertips. When he was done, he pointed one finger at the plane.
He’d drawn two arrows crossing one another with a plane underneath. I remembered that it had been Michaels and Gorman alone who had seen what happened with the fake Jameson’s corpse. Only Michaels had survived to tell it. I turned and saw my men boarding the plane. I followed.
I’m not scared anymore. I know what needs to be done.
Accident and Recovery Report: Mountain Rescue                                    Dated: 04/05/08
Investigator: Edward Palmer
Two days ago, we received a report of a plane crash in the mountains. Mid-flight, the pilot was communicating with local stations when there was the sound of gunfire and the line went dead.
The plane was located, crashed in the snow. There’s presently believed to be a single survivor from a crew of eight. Evidence indicates two or more may have been dead before the crash.
Reports indicate Commander Aberdeen and his men were travelling home, when Aberdeen drew his pistol and shot one his men and the pilot, causing the plane to crash. Many of the bodies are burned beyond recognition, and their identities mostly unknown. Recovered pages from a damaged mission log name the individuals by codenames, and it is believed that “Michaels” and pilot Walter Philips were shot. The body of “Michaels” cannot be recovered, having apparently been jettisoned from the vehicle during the initial landing, and is currently lost in the snow. Commander Aberdeen refuses to explain his actions, and has been remanded to police custody.
There are reports that there may be another survivor however, possibly injured. Rescue workers reported seeing an unknown figure standing in the snow some distance from the crash. When they pursued to try and talk to them, the person fled, leaving behind a trail of bloody footprints.
End Report.
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maswartz · 2 years
Power Rangers Cyber Warriors
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(Logo by Elactrolight)
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A group of scientists has made an amazing discovery! The existence of an entire parallel plane! This Cyber Plane is made of data and code and reaches all around the planet and even beyond! Following this discovery the scientists create a way to turn matter into data and data into matter in order to traverse to the Cyber Plane. They use this to create avatar forms for themselves in which to better traverse the Cyber Plane. However after they enter they are betrayed by one of their own named Jeffrey who traps them within. Fortunately the scientists had already created five Cyber Cycles to help explore the Cyber Plane. Using the cycles they head out to gather supplies in order to repair their machine and return home. Along the way they are attacked by sentient viruses known as Virons and are forced to utilize their avatar forms to defend themselves. Soon the portal is repaired allowing the scientists to return home. However in their absence Jeffrey raided their lab and stole most of the data. Now calling himself the Web Warlord, Jeffrey uses what he has learned about the Cyber Plane to unleash Data Demons to make the world cower before him. The scientists must now use their technology and knowledge to fight back on the Cyber Plane and in the Material World as the Power Rangers Cyber Warriors!
Power Rangers Cyber Warriors! ONLINE!
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The Warrior with the Slashing Blade! Red Cyber Ranger! Tyler Rose- The lead scientist of the project, it was his research that resulted in the discovery of the Cyber Plane and how to transfer between the planes. He finds himself enjoying fighting more than he expected. When morphed he can channel energy into his blade. Eventually the dreaded Terror Bytes are unleashed who hide a devastating secret, they cannot be destroyed, any attempt simply causes them to reform. However there is said to be a weapon hidden in the Cyber Plane capable of destroying them. Tyler heads to find it alone so as to not attract attention. On his way he encounters a small Cyberbird who joins him. Eventually the pair encounter a Terror Byte. As the battle rages on Tyler tells the Cyberbird to flee and save themselves. This convinces the bird as it glows bright gold and grows in size. The Cyberbird reveals that they are the weapon he seeks and that he just proved himself worthy of its gift. By attaching to his blaster the Cyberbird grants Tyler a golden set of armor and the power to destroy the Terror Bytes. Face Claim: Dallas Liu
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The Warrior with the Savage Might! Blue Cyber Ranger! Aaron Connors- Friendly and fun loving. However if you hurt his friends you’ll taste his wrath. When morphed he gains incredible strength. Face Claim: Ben Schwartz
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The Warrior with the Striking Spikes! Yellow Cyber Ranger! Brianna Collins- The stabilizing mind in the team. She tends to pull Tyler back when his ideas get beyond his means. When morphed she wields a spiked club. Face Claim: Blu Hunt
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The Warrior with the Sonic Howl! Black Cyber Ranger! Bryan Jameson- Arrogant and egotistical. He does care about the others but will never admit it freely. When morphed he can unleash a sonic blast. Face Claim: Bobby Moynihan
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The Warrior with the Soaring Wings! Pink Cyber Ranger! Raja Sinclair- Curious and dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge. He’s always learning and exploring new subjects. When morphed he gains wings. Face Claim: Danny Pudi
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The Warrior with the Burning Spear! Gold Cyber Ranger! The Warrior with the Shocking Ax! Silver Cyber Ranger! Colin Thomas- A scientist who worked on the project until he discovered Jeffrey’s plans at which point Jeffrey sent him to the Cyber Plane with a prototype of the portal. Trapped for months he managed to create two Avatar Forms for himself, Gold and Silver. He finds that while using Silver his temper is unleashed and he can barely control himself. Eventually he manages to escape back to the material plane and joins the other Rangers for a shot at revenge against the Web Warlord. Face Claim: Logan Lerman
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The Warrior with the Tearing Jaws! Purple Cyber Ranger! Jessica Bethany (JB) Steele- Daughter of Ryan Steele of the VR Troopers, she is studying at an university in London when she finds out about the Cyber Rangers and their discovery of the Cyber Plane. Believing them to be exploiting and stealing credit for her grandfather’s creation she uses her father’s tech to create an Avatar Form and access the Cyber Plane. She attacks the rangers to try and get them to confess to stealing her grandfather’s work but she does help fight monsters believing that the public shouldn’t suffer because of her grudge. Eventually she learns that Tyler Steele didn’t create the Virtual World but merely discovered it meaning the Rangers are innocent of stealing his work. Humbled she joins them in defending both planes. Face Claim: Jacqueline Scislowski Cyber Cycles: Each Ranger has their own personal Cyber Cycle for use in both planes. Cyber Glasses: Due to its composition the Cyber Plane isn’t fully visible to human eyes so the Rangers create the Cyber Glasses allowing them to see the Cyber Plane fully. In the Material Plane they can be used to detect breaches and track Data Demons. Installing Cyberzords The Rangers create Cyberzords based on their Avatar forms with which to battle the Data Demons when they grow gigantic. Cyberzords Online! Red Samurai Cyberzord- A mighty warrior Blue Monkey Cyberzord- A savage fighter Yellow Oni Cyberzord- A cunning demon Black Dog Cyberzord- A swift beast Pink Pheasant Cyberzord- A soaring flyer The five combine to form the Cyber Warrior Megazord Red- Torso and head Blue- Arms and shoulder Yellow- Leg Black- Leg Pink- Shoulder armor, shoulder and swords Unusually for Rangers the Cyber Rangers can form the megazord at human height. Colin’s created his own Megazord, the Cyber Strike Megazord Gold Dragon forms the armor and weapons Silver Tiger forms the inner body The Cyber Strike Megazord can also form at human height. The seven Cyberzords can combine to form the Super Cyber Megazord. Red- Torso and head Blue- Left arm armor Yellow- Leg Black- Leg Pink- Shoulder wings Gold- Left arm, chest armor, feet and weapons Silver- Right arm
The Cyberbird can combine with the Cyber Warrior Megazord to form the Cyberbird Warrior Megazord Cyberbird- Armor spear and shield The Shark Cyberzord can form a solo megazord armed with a blade. All eight Cyberzords and the Cyberbird can combine to form the Cyber Ultrazord. Red- Torso and head Blue- Left arm Yellow- Leg Black- Leg Pink- Shoulder wings Gold- Right hand Silver- Right arm Purple- Left arm blade Cyberbird- Armor and spear Web Warlord: Jeffrey, now calling himself the Web Warlord has set up a base of operations on the Cyber Plane to avoid authorities. He strikes by sending a Malware Mask into any device connected to the internet. Once the mask manifests in the Material Plane it will attach itself to the first person it comes into contact with turning them into a Data Demon*. This monster can command the Virons.
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The Guardian Programs are a trio of powerful programs dedicated to defending the boundary between planes. As a result they’ll attack those who breach the boundary multiple times pitting them against both the Rangers and the Data Demons. In the end they join forces with the Rangers after they save them from an attack from the Web Warlord. Guardian Program Alpha- The leader of the trio, he becomes Tyler’s main rival as he deems him responsible for the breech due to his research. He’ll eliminate any threat to the Cyber Plane with his blade. Eventually upgraded into a red form. Voice Claim: Michael Benyaer Guardian Program Beta- Cool and calculating she strikes with piercing arrows. She admits she has no hatred to her targets but the Cyber Plane must be defended. Eventually upgraded into a purple form. Voice Claim: Kathleen Barr Guardian Program Gamma- The strongest physically of the trio he is smarter than he seems and often catches his enemies off guard when they underestimate him. Those who make that mistake end up pierced by his spear.  Eventually upgraded into a silver form. Voice Claim: Paul Dobson Zenith Warriors: A Cogger on Earth discovers a Malware Mask and is possessed by it. The resulting monster uses the Grid energy within the Cogger to attempt to merge the material and Cyber planes destroying both in the process. The Zenith Rangers join forces with the Cyber Rangers to fight this threat. Morphers: Cyber Badges- Hand held or worn on their clothing. These devices allow those wearing them to detect when the barrier between planes has been breached. Cyber Shield- A wrist worn shield used by Colin to morph. The Cyber Shield allows Colin to switch between his Avatar Forms. Cyber Tag- A smaller badge worn as a necklace by Jessica. She styled it after her father’s Virtualizer and activates it in a similar way. Morphing Call: Install the Warrior Code! Morphing: A field of ranger colored code covers the ranger forming the body suit as their bodies shift to match their Avatar Form. The Cyber Glasses form the visor of their helmet finishing the morph. Location: London, England (Faces by Joekeybladeaura) *Data Demons use the monsters design from Zenkaiger with the bodysuit from Donbrothers Power Rangers Zenith Force Powerverse Power Rangers Armored Swarm
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mediamonarchy · 1 year
#PumpUpThaVolume: April 17, 2023 ♬
#PumpUpThaVolume MP3: #April17, 2023 w/@STSWBand, #TheSleazoids, @PowerwolfBand & more! ♬
https://mediamonarchy.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/20230417_PumpUpThaVolume.mp3 Download MP3 Media Monarchy plays Sarah & the Safe Word, The Sleazoids, Powerwolf and more on #PumpUpThaVolume for April 17, 2023. ♬ Jameson Raid – “It’s A Crime” (Vinyl) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A96s5aVlfeo Sarah & the Safe Word – “A Littlle Evil Never Hurt…
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askfacultystaff · 1 year
At least you still with me.... Right, Mr. Principal?....
- 17-years old Depressed! Protective! Rama Raid to Principal's grave, still sitting along with his adopted cat, Jameson.
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brimbrimbrimbrim · 2 years
no more fortune teller/eddie content? 🥺
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I was legit writing more when you sent me this ask. Here, have a lil taste ya heathen. :P
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Suddenly, what once felt like a spacious hellhole of a home, has become a cluster fuck of claustrophobia, in particular, your room; it’s currently filled to the brim with two slug dogs (or demo dogs as Dustin clarified earlier), one said Dustin Henderson, a very tired looking Eddie Munson and one rattling Demogorgon. The Demogorgon, to its credit, has remained hunched over in the corner of your bedroom beside the lava lamp those basketball assholes didn’t break in their way inside your home… and your old record player. It has, for all intents and purposes, been content to stand and watch you without eyes. It’s unnerving, though not necessarily in a dangerous way, more like viewing a tiger behind wire mesh walls and several feet of safety barricades. It won’t hurt you, nor anyone else… and you know this because the omens know this.
“So,” Eddie says from beside you on the edge of the bed, his freshly scrubbed hands clasped loosely between his knees, “... who wants to go first?”
Dustin is standing between the slugs and the bigger, much more toothsome slug with an armload of your dad’s sweaters, jackets, scarves and work shirts, not that you’ve ever seen him in the work shirts or the sweaters or the jackets really. That asshole wore hawaiian shirts and wife beaters in January… and maybe a scarf or two.
“I vote your girlfriend does it.” Dustin says with synthetic fabrics piled under his chin. “She’s the one they trust not us…. certainly not you. I mean, I wouldn’t trust you if I were them.”
Eddie arches a brow, then both as if he’s as equally confused as he is waiting for an apology. “And what’s that suppose to mean?”
Dustin gets this lopsided look, kinda smiling but more of a dimpling amusement which looks utterly ridiculous smooshed above the ball of clothing. “Well, you’re like… you know…” Dustin wags his brows, showing the gap in his teeth, “You’re porking their mom. I’d hate your guts too.”
You give Eddie’s ruffled, shower-damp hair a look before catching his eye. Something red fills the metal head’s cheeks that makes you smirk despite the clicking, interdimensional monsters filling your personal space. It’s so cute when Eddie, despite all his philandering, gets embarrassed, even more so when it’s because of something a freshman said.
Eddie raises up a finger, rings gleaming against the purple-lava lamp light. He opens his mouth, but closes it after a half-second, face growing redder. You snort beside him, ignoring the way his head whips in your direction and the smell of your own shampoo mixed with his fresh, clean sweat slams into your nose; it’s like fucking kerostine for a bonfire the way it coils liquid warm between your legs.
Before Eddie can argue, you stand up from the edge of the bed and take the ginormous pile of clothes out of Dustin’s hands, tossing them in a large lump on the bed while Eddie starts grumbling curses.
“Cool your jets. He’s just joking around, Eddie. Now help me find something big to throw on the uh… the Demogorgon - fuck, we need to come up with a better name for it than that.”
“Oh!” Dustin exclaims, parking his ass on the bed while you and Eddie rifled through garments. “What about Al?”
“Naw,” Eddie, “ I say we call it Ozzie or Lizzy.”
You pull out an ugly christmas sweater and grin up at Eddie, “How about Jameson? Like Raid, ya know…”
Henderson grumbles, “I’m with Eddie on this one, Ozzie is cooler. Besides, it got no,” Dustin gropes the air awkwardly, as if he’s honking some hooters and nods, “you see? Lizzy’s a girls name.”
“I’ll have you know that Thin Lizzy is one of the greatest rock bands of all time,” you inform both Dustin and Eddie, the later you can feel making faces behind you, “Our demogorogon would be so lucky to be named after them.”
“You’re right,” Eddie leers, wacking your ass with a folded scarf before jumping back on his heels, avoiding what would have been a devastating sweater ripose. Sadly, the devestatingly adorable and chocolate eyed miscreant is far too nimble on his feet to get caught that easily.
You eyeball Eddie who cocks his head to the side, grinning cheekily and dashingly, looking like a right fucking rogue who’s got charisma dripping out his pours, so… you shrug a shoulder and say ‘fuck it.’
“Ozzie it is then.”
Both Eddie and Dustin high five each other behind you and you toss a several scarves into the Ozzie pile and try not to smile despite everything that has and will happen in the next thirty-six to forty-eight hours.
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kudosmyhero · 2 years
The Amazing Spider-Man (vol. 1) #23: The Goblin and the Gangsters
Read Date: October 04, 2022 Cover Date: April 1965 ● Writer: Stan Lee ● Penciler: Steve Ditko ● Inker: Steve Ditko ● Colorist: {uncredited} ● Letterer: Artie Simek ● Editor: Stan Lee ●
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Synopsis: The Green Goblin shows up to a mobster hangout and demands the thugs to bow to his superior skill as he wants to take over Lucky Lobo's mob. The gangsters and the Goblin don't see eye to eye and the Goblin flees and gets a write-up in the paper about him attacking mobsters. Pete heads over to The Daily Bugle's office, he sees J. Jonah Jameson meeting with Frederick Foswell, formally the mobster known as the Big Man. Deciding to give Foswell a second chance, Jameson gives Fredrick his old job back.
Meanwhile, The Green Goblin is up to no good and gets a list of unreported taxable income about Lucky Lobo's companies from a henchman. The Green Goblin gives the information to Foswell and he reports on it at The Daily Bugle. While swinging around, Spider-Man notices speeding police cars and a raid and watches as the Goblin throw a pumpkin bomb at one of the mobster's getaway cars. The Goblin leads Spider-Man into Lucky Lobo's hang out and leaves the two there to destroy each other.
Spider-Man temporarily ducks away to call Aunt May and as the mobster follow him in, he traps them as well as Lucky Lobo himself. Lucky explains the Goblin wants to shove Lucky Lobo aside so he can gain control of the mob and be "boss of the underworld". As the Green Goblin and Spider-Man fight, Spider-Man runs out of web fluid and the Goblin runs out of tricks in his bag as he flies away. Yet, the Goblin doesn't have luck on his side as he finds out that the police have caught the entire Lucky Lobo gang.
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Fan Art: Spider-Man VS Green Goblin by Furlani
Accompanying Podcast: ● Swinging Through Spider-Man - episode 26
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