#The Nerd from Midgard is talking
lealu · 7 months
As a nerd of northern mythology…I was so excited seeing this in the finale of Loki:
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We are talking about Yggdrasil, the World Tree. This connects the nine worlds, including Asgard and Migdard aka our Earth. In Norse mythology, the universe consists of nine worlds. Yggdrasil carries these nine worlds and connects heaven, earth and the underworld. I think it also represents all the characters.
In historical myths it basically goes like this. First is obviously Asgard, then Vanaheim which it’s place and the 'Wanen' stands for nature, art and fertility, then Alfheim, home of light-elves and beauty, healing and magic, then Midgard, which is our earth, then there’s Jötunheim, home of the frost and rock giants and complete chaos, then Muspelheim home of fire giants (a giant from there destroyed the world during Ragnarök), then Svartalfheim, a very dark world, home of dwarves and gnomes who’re blacksmiths, then Nilfheim, the realm of ice, fog and darkness (Hel, daughter of Loki, lives there) and then at last Helheim. Helheim is the subterranean realm of the dead. This is where the dead who did not die in battle but from illness or old age went, those who don’t go to Walhalla come here. You can’t come back from this place.
In some ways they also represent the characters (if we look past canon of these places and only take this into account) but I am not sure if I am satisfied with my arrangement yet...
Loki - Asgard
Mobius - Midgard
Sylvie - Muspelheim or Alfheim
Hunter B 15 - Alfheim or Vanaheim
Ravona Renslayer - Nilfheim
Ouroboros - Svartalfheim
He Who Remains - Helheim
Miss Minutes - Jötunheim
The concept of Yggdrasil was already established in Thor; however, Loki puts the crown on the whole thing, as Yggdrasil now also represents the entire multiverse. So it could also just be a nod to the whole thing and I just interpret things for fun. I would love to hear more interpretations though.
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ghosts-junk-pile · 6 months
Loki killed Baldur that, and in Norse mythology his punishment (after running away and making the fishing net and then getting caught) was to be chained up by the Midgard serpent/Jörmungandr and then during Ragnarök Loki apares despite previously being in his "underground snake prison". In TBI Loki was tought to be publicly executed(as punishment for killing Baldur) but plot twist she lived bitches. Her mind is a lot fucked up tho.
4. Unrelated to Norse mythology the second Lyff mentioned "the bandits" I was like "Its the mechs. Calling it now" AND IT WAS!
Thats all that I remember thinking in the moment and know thank you for coming to my Ted Talk
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bit-dodgy-innit · 2 years
Scared to Be Lonely- Part 2
Part 1  Part 3  Epilogue
Summary: Sigyn meets Steven. Feels and sexytimes ensue.
Rating: Explicit, Minors DNI!
Pairing: Steven Grant x Fem!OC, past Marc Spector x Fem!OC, eventual Jake x Fem!OC, past Loki x Fem!OC, past Steven x Layla 
Word Count: 4.2k
A/N: Oh my goodness everyone thank you for the great response! So encouraging for a long-time lurker, first-time poster. It helps me to keep writing and get the next part to y’all all that much quicker. 
TW/CW: Back with a healthy dose of angst, Steven being a mythology nerd, nipple play, oral (f receiving), fingering, riding, praise kink because hello it’s Steven, multiple orgasms, maybe a touch of softdom!Sigyn if you squint, aftercare
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Truthfully, Sigyn was glad for the brief respite from Marc’s presence. It wasn’t that she hadn’t immensely enjoyed what had just transpired, but it had been a long time since Sigyn had been so vulnerable with a partner, so open. She needed a moment to collect herself. 
After relieving herself, Sigyn looked at her tousled appearance in the wide bathroom mirror. Her hair was precisely the bird's nest she’d feared it had become after being railed by Marc. She extracted the pins and brushed out her hair. She washed her face too for good measure, finding her lover’s baritone voice drifting into the bathroom oddly soothing. 
His voice took an edge however, and then quickly became a mutter. Then a rustling of the duvet. Her curiosity piqued, Sigyn ambled back into the bedroom. 
Marc hadn’t moved from the bed, though he’d gotten under the covers. He wasn’t on the phone anymore. Sigyn took a moment to observe his change in posture since his back was turned to her. Marc was hunched over and seemingly had no idea what to do with his hands, his fingers drumming across the sheets and pillows. 
“Everything alright?” Sigyn asked, crossing to rejoin him on the bed. When he caught sight of her, Marc’s eyes widened and he instantly averted his gaze, as if he hadn’t undressed the Asgardian himself less than an hour earlier. 
“Oh! Erm, yeah. I mean, yes your highness.” 
Sigyn’s sapphire eyes twinkled. “Now you use my title.” 
“Right sorry, you said we don't have to-“
She climbed on the bed, further puzzled by how Marc seemed to coil like a spring when she got close to him. Was he having regrets? He had seemed quite content just a moment ago, but now everything about him seemed different…
“Are you making a jest of my accent?” 
“No, this is how I talk, I'm afraid.”
The realization slapped Sigyn across the face like a burst of cold water. She’d forgotten. The other man who lived within Marc. 
“I’m Steven.” 
Sigyn didn’t quite know how to proceed. She watched Steven carefully as he fidgeted in the bed. He truly did appear to be an entirely different person. 
“Lovely to meet you.”
“The pleasure’s mine really,” he insisted. His bashfulness made a stark, though endearing, contrast to Marc’s brooding self-assuredness. “It’s not everyday you meet royalty, let alone a Norse goddess.” 
Sigyn leaned in to Steven, covertly delighting in the way his body tensed again with desire at her closeness. It made her feel powerful in a way she hadn't experienced in a long time - while she and Marc had shared an evenly matched repartee, Sigyn knew she was in control with Steven. “Can I tell you a secret?” 
“Alright,” came Steven’s shaky reply. 
“The more time I spend here on Midgard, the more I believe we’re not all that different,” Sigyn divulged. “But you mustn't tell the S.W.O.R.D. agents that.” 
Steven countered, “Your secret’s safe with me. But I don’t think most of us can send pillows through solid doors.”  
“So you…forgive me–I simply wish to clarify–you could hear my conversations with Marc? See what he saw?” Sigyn inquired. 
The immediate flush that colored Steven’s cheeks answered for her. He fixed his gaze firmly on the blanket below him. “S-s-sorry, erm, it’s complicated. I didn’t mean to infringe on you, on your...on what you were doing…” 
Liar, Marc’s voice rang in his head with such scorn Steven could practically hear his eye roll. 
“Steven, stop.” Sigyn interrupted him. “I was married to a man who could shapeshift and make copies of himself,” she placed her hands on top of his. “I've had wilder nights, I assure you.”
That only made Steven blush deeper. Sigyn chuckled, she couldn't help herself. She found Marc’s mild-mannered alter positively darling. 
“We don’t need to talk anymore,” Steven’s head snapped up at the implications of Sigyn’s suggestion. “We could simply go to sleep.”
“No!” The vehemence in Steven’s protest startled Sigyn. Perhaps he wasn’t so mild-mannered after all. Before she could press further, there was a knock at the door. 
“The food.” Steven clambered out of the bed hastily to prevent Sigyn from doing so, so determined that he temporarily forgot his nudity. He fruitlessly tried to cover himself from the princess’s amused gaze as he rooted around for Marc’s discarded underwear. Sigyn put him out of his misery, conjuring a simple set of pajamas onto his form. He spooked at first, then sent her a grateful, sheepish grin, “Cheers.” 
Steven reemerged a few moments later, rolling the room service cart in himself.  “Figured you’d prefer some privacy.”
Sigyn murmured her gratitude and beckoned Steven to rejoin her on the bed. The sight of the Asgardian sitting in bed, sheets pooled around her waist, her chest still bare, her honey locks no longer pinned up but loose and framing her face could make Steven forget his own name. 
Forget it then and let me get a taste of that pussy, Jake urged him.
Steven ignored his alter and the pair helped themselves to the room service, falling into easy yet animated conversation. He couldn’t help but ask more about Sigyn’s life on Asgard, the guileless enthusiasm that shone from his eyes coaxing the princess to share. He wasn’t mining for intel like Marc, every detail Sigyn recounted about her home realm fascinated him. The princess matched his eagerness with questions about Khonshu and the Ennead, curious as to how their pantheons compared. 
“And the Bifrost? It’s really real?” Steven asked as he collected their plates to place them back on the cart. Sigyn nodded. “Is it a rainbow like in the folktales?” 
“Well, it’s made up of all the colors of the rainbow, but they shift and meld together,” she explained. 
“So not a proper rainbow.” 
Sigyn grinned, “Even so, I doubt you’d be disappointed if you saw it in person.” 
Steven’s eyes sparkled with wonder. “I doubt I would be either. Everything from your universe seems absolutely gorgeous.” 
Sigyn cocked her head - was Steven actually flirting? She hadn’t missed how his gaze would periodically slip down to her naked breasts. Ever the gentlemen however, he would always catch himself and bring his eyes back to Sigyn’s. 
“Ah! Just thought of another one. Sleipnir?”
“Odin’s horse?” The princess’s brow furrowed. That appeared to be a “no” on the flirting then.  
“So he exists, eight legs and all?”
“And did Loki really give birth to him?” 
Sigyn gaped. “I beg your pardon?!” 
“Sorry, I’m sorry,” Steven had been avoiding anything to do with the Asgardian’s estranged husband but his excitement had gotten the better of him. 
Well done, Marc sarcastically congratulated him. Only you would bring up the one sore spot of the naked woman in bed with you.
Steven could see that Sigyn was smarting from the mention of the god of mischief, he tried to backpedal, “There’s a story that he took the form of a mare and mated with a builder’s prized stallion to win a bet, supposedly? And he…um, then he got pregnant and ultimately gave birth to Sleipnir as a mare.”
Saying it out loud only humiliated Steven more. It was a bonkers myth to begin with, and Marc was right, sharing it with Loki’s very beautiful human wife was a beyond daft move. He tried to give Marc of Jake the body to abscond from his chagrin, but neither surfaced. 
Nice try, hombre, Jake laughed. 
We’re not cleaning this up for you, Marc chimed in, especially after I spent all day getting her to lower her guard down with me. 
“With us,” Steven retorted. 
“What was that?” Sigyn had heard him. 
“Nothing. I’m so sorry, Sigyn, your highness,” the apology spilled out of him, “I’m a right twit, a plunker for even mentioning it. I can go, I’ll just leave actually–” 
“I’ve never heard that story,” Sigyn’s answer stopped Steven. Her signature somber smile returned. “But apparently there’s a lot Loki hasn't told me, so who knows? It may just be true.” 
“He’s a bloody wanker for leaving you,” Steven declared, his tone now sure. “You know that, yeah? Sigyn, you’re…you’re radiant. He doesn't deserve you, never did if you ask me.” 
“I know,” her voice was thick with barely restrained tears. “Yet I let him have me anyway.” 
“He tricked you.” 
“There’s a dark, ugly part of me that hopes Gorr kills him. Slaughters him. Which is despicable. But even worse is, if I'm honest with myself, it’ll only hurt more if he’s gone.” 
Instinct overrode Steven’s timidness and he wiped a tear away from the crest of Sigyn’s cheekbone before it could fall down the length of her face. “We’re going to do you one better. We’ll find him and bring him to justice. He ought to answer for what he’s done, don’t you think?”
A hint of a smile danced across her lips. Sigyn put her hand on top of his to keep his touch tethered to her skin. “Will you do me a favor in the meantime?” 
“Anything.” He agreed without thought. 
“Make me forget,” she instructed Steven, “if only for a little while.” 
Sigyn closed the distance between their lips. It was an entirely different experience than kissing Marc. The other man sought to consume her, drink her in and dominate her, whereas the press of Steven’s mouth on Sigyn’s was much softer. Non-responsive almost. The princess pulled away to study him. 
“What’s the matter?” Sigyn asked, doused with fear that she’d overstepped. Steven had frozen, acting as if her kiss had turned him into stone. 
He swiped a hand across his brow. “What if I’m not as good as him? I won’t be, he has more–” 
“I don’t want you to be as good as him,” Sigyn stopped him. Now it was she who caressed his face. “I simply want you.” 
An uneasy exhale stuttered from Steven’s mouth. He wasn’t convinced. 
Sigyn took his wrist and brought his hand between her legs. “Steven, do you feel that?” She swept his fingers over her sex so Steven could feel the wetness already pooling there. He gasped again, but Sigyn held his hand there, looked him straight in the eye, and assured him, “That’s all for you.”
Steven crashed their lips together once more, and now with the reassurance from Sigyn, he kissed her with the hunger of a starving man before a feast who didn’t know where to start. 
“You are so beautiful,” he sighed, each of his words punctuated by a kiss on his jaw from Sigyn. 
The princess looked at him through her lashes and feigned coyness “You really think so?” Steven nodded fervently. Her expression darkened. “Then show me.”
He tried to capture her lips, but Sigyn stopped him, her long fingers grabbing his chin. “And Steven? Don’t hold back.”
Her command lit a fire in Steven. His kisses were more fervent and bolder as he slipped his tongue between Sigyn’s lips. She welcomed him greedily, gasping in delight when he trailed featherlight kisses down the side of her neck.
Steven earned another gasp when his hands at last sought their prize. He caressed her breasts, swiping his thumbs across her nipples. 
“These are amazing,” he murmured from Sigyn’s clavicle, giving them a squeeze. 
“Steven,” she whined, “More.” 
Desperate to please the princess, Steven drew one of Sigyn’s nipples into his mouth. The squeal it elicited from her was music to Steven’s ears, encouraging him to properly suck at the bud while he resumed ministrations with his hand on its twin. 
Sigyn squirmed against the pillows, soon slumping to the point where she was horizontal on the bed. Steven’s relentless mouth followed, her ecstasy emboldened him to expand his assault on her tits. When he switched mounds, he traced his tongue around her areola, then flicking it a few times before sealing his mouth over the nipple. 
“Steeeven,” she all but wept. She curled her fingertips into the back of his head to keep him in place. “Oh don’t stop darling, it feels so good.”
 He moaned his assent against the delicate, sensitive skin in his mouth, sending a tremor through Sigyn’s prone form. Steven was pretty sure he could spend the rest of the night buried between her tits. He redoubled his efforts alternating suckling each of her mounds and swirling his tongue around the circumference of her nipples, both now stiffened into peaks.
Sigyn arched into his mouth, another cry escaping her. She felt as if we were buzzing, surprised at how close she already felt just from Steven lavishing his ardent attention on her breasts. One hand released Steven’s head and slipped down to her sex, the pad of Sigyn’s finger just reaching her clit when Steven caught her wrist.
“I should be doing that, shouldn’t I?” 
Sigyn laughed breathlessly. Steven’s willingness to please was a heady contrast to Marc, let alone her estranged husband. “I…you don’t have to…you can keep paying all that wonderful attention to my tits.” 
Despite the fact he’d just spent the better part of the last several minutes sucking at her breasts, Steven blushed. 
“I want to pay you some attention here,” he confessed as he traced his fingers along her folds. “If that’s alright.”
“Oh, you will not hear any complaints from me,” Sigyn grinned. 
Steven pressed their lips together gleefully before situating himself between her legs. “Just tell me if I’m not doing anything right.” 
Sigyn quirked an eyebrow. Surely this wasn’t his first time? Before she could give it anymore thought, his tongue delved between the seam of her sex. Sigyn jolted at his touch. The strokes of Steven’s tongue were sloppy and inexpert, yet what he lacked in skill he made up for in zeal. 
“Darling,” she rasped, “flatten your tongue when you–oh! Yes, that’s it…” 
Sigyn’s fingers tangled themselves into Steven’s locks once more. She used her hold to angle his mouth to a better position. He lapped at her slit hungrily, SIgyn’s terms of endearment and direction only spurring Steven on further.  
He continued to lick at her pussy dutifully while the princess reveled in the sensation of his persistent strokes against her cunt, his prominent nose bumping deliciously against her clit. She was so lost in the feeling of Steven’s mouth that Sigyn whimpered when he pulled away. He wasn’t gone for long. Steven inhaled her scent deeply, then speared his tongue and fucked it into of her. The Asgardian keened as Steven probed her and clenched around the muscle. 
Sigyn battled between moving toward her release and staying like this as long as she could. There was something different about the way this man was pleasuring her that was unlike any of her past lovers. She studied him through heavy lids trying to place it as he swiped his thumbs gently across where he held her thighs open. Every way in which he touched her was reverent. At last it occurred to Sigyn. Steven wasn’t simply eating her out, he was worshiping her. 
In spite of her desire to luxuriate in Steven’s adoration for as long as possible, she felt her orgasm mounting to a point she couldn’t suppress. “Oh baby, I’m going to come.” 
Steven’s gaze traveled over the planes of her body to meet Sigyn’s. His eyes were wide and redoubled his efforts. 
“Use your fingers instead” she directed him, her climax only getting nearer when Steven immediately compiled.
“Like this?” He watched with awe as his index and middle finger disappeared into Sigyn’s slick pussy. 
“Yes, so good darling,” she praised him. “But I need more. I want you to suck on my clit. Do you know where it–” 
Steven answered the princess with his mouth, which instantly reduced her question to a moan. He may’ve been inexperienced, but he definitely knew where Sigyn’s clit was. 
Sigyn’s encouragement soon devolved into babbling as Steven worked her just how she liked it. She cried out, a high-pitched mewl, when she came, her orgasm snapping in her lower abdomen and spreading through her body at lightning speed. The princess’s eyes rolled back in her head, nearly taking tufts of her lover’s hair out of Steven’s head with how hard she gripped him as he tongued her through it.
Even after Sigyn floated back to Earth, she still felt as if her body was vibrating. At last, she glanced between her legs at Steven to find his eyes still on her, looking at her with pure astonishment. 
“Blimey,” he whispered, the wonder naked in his voice, “you really are a goddess.” 
Sigyn’s heart constricted. She wanted to tell him that she wasn’t a goddess at all, just an ignored youngest daughter who’d unintentionally married royalty. But the way Steven looked at her was intoxicating. No one had regarded her with adoration as he did so freely, and given all Sigyn had endured as of late, she held onto it desperately. 
“Come here,” she told him, “I want to taste us.” 
Steven couldn’t oblige quickly enough. Sigyn licked into his mouth as soon as their lips met, delighting in the taste of herself on Steven’s tongue. 
He moaned through the kiss and felt his cock get impossibly harder. He’d ignored his erection, so intent on pleasing Sigyn that when the princess’s hip brushed against it, Steven nearly jumped out his skin. 
Sigyn broke away and waved a hand. The pajamas she’d conjured him shimmered away from his body into the air. She wrapped a hand around his cock, slightly concerned by the dark flame that slithered down her spine at how her touch nearly pained Steven; he was so needy for her.
“Oh baby, you’re so hard,” she cooed as her fingers lightly cupped and moved over the length of his engorged shaft. Steven whimpered at her touch. “You made me feel so good, now let your goddess ride this big, hard cock of yours.” 
Steven had to be hallucinating. Had he smothered himself to death in Sigyn’s cunt? There were worse ways to go as far as he was concerned, plus there was no way the Norse goddess of fidelity was actually pushing him back onto his arse to straddle him, her perfect tits perfectly aligned with his gaze. He’d really outdone himself on imaging the Duat this time. 
“Steven?” Sigyn’s concerned tone and a warm hand on his cheek snapped him out of his thoughts, “Darling, are you alright?” 
“Wot? Yeah, yes,” he responded, still a bit bleary. “Can’t believe this is happening, that’s all. To me, of all people.” 
Sigyn fixed him with a bemused, but fond grin. “I don’t think you see yourself quite clearly.” 
Steven was too sheepish to hold the Asgardian’s gaze after her compliment. 
“Never mind that though,” she purred, taking a hold of Steven’s dick and dragging it from her clit through her folds, lining him up, “Let me take care of you.” 
She sank down on him swiftly and Steven could swear he saw stars when her pussy enveloped his entire length for the first time. “Fuckin’ hell!”
Sigyn smirked at him and bit her lower lip with a naughty glint in her eye. “You’re in for quite the ride Steven.”
Sigyn began bouncing on his cock and Steven had to squeeze his eyes shut to keep from coming. The feeling of her tight cunt was enough to bring him to the edge of climax, and Steven knew if he saw Sigyn riding his cock he’d come instantly. His first, and only, time with Layla had been over too quickly for his liking, and he didn’t want a repeat experience, despite how understanding and lovely she’d been. 
Let me take over then, Jake pressed. 
Jake’s comment backfired, wrenching Steven back from the precipice of orgasm and fueling him to show the other man that he too knew what he was doing. He blinked his eyes open and began thrusting to meet Sigyn as she dropped herself on his dick. Jake muttered pendejo inside his mind but Steven could barely hear it over Sigyn’s sighs and labored breaths as she rode his cock. 
“You fe-el blo-ody…brilliant,” Steven stammered, mesmerized by the sight of the princess’s tits jiggling in time with each collision of their bodies. 
“Fucking me so well, Steven,” she moaned in reply, pushing on his pecs so he fell flat against the bed. Sigyn leaned forward, keeping her hands on his chest for leverage as she somehow rode him harder. 
Steven continued to drive his hips into hers, the need to come and the need to prove Jake wrong equally inciting him. His hands flew back to Sigyn’s breasts, squeezing them as they both chased their releases together. 
“Are you close, baby?” she asked, a tempting, teasing lilt to the Asgardian’s voice. 
Steven’s attempt at lying was dashed when she clenched around him on her downstroke, “Ye-yeah.” 
“Are you going to come for me?” Sigyn was egging him on. 
All Steven wanted to do was surrender to the climax he’d barely kept at bay since Sigyn sat on his aching erection, but he was determined to wring another orgasm from her before he did. He’d make the goddess come twice, more than Marc had.
Steven trailed his left hand from Sigyn’s breast to her clit, rubbing the swollen nub like Layla had shown him. “You first.” 
Sigyn’s face contorted in pleasure. She leaned back to give Steven better access to the bundles or nerves, opting to keep his cock deep within her and grind onto him instead. 
“So beautiful, Sigyn,” he proclaimed, “Wanna see you come again, look so bloody divine…” 
His fingers didn’t stop as Sigyn swiveled her hips. They both drove toward their climaxes with dogged determination, their grunts and cries creating a carnal symphony. Steven did his best to meet Sigyn’s thrusts while he stimulated her clit, but she’d still yet to orgasm. Then he lifted his free hand and landed a slap across Sigyn’s ass. Whether it was instinct or one of his alters intervening, Steven couldn’t be sure, his mind too addled with lust to make the distinction. 
Whatever the impetus was, it did the trick. Sigyn stopped mid-circle on Steven’s cock as her orgasm overcame her. He watched in amazement. The way she froze on top of him, her face contorted in pleasure, teeth sunk into her plush bottom lip, he wanted to memorize it. It was an image more breathtaking to him than most of the fine art in the museum he’d worked at. 
Steven didn’t get to observe as closely as he’d have liked to however, because Sigyn’s fluttering cunt around his cock sent him hurtling into his climax as well. The release swept through his body like a tsunami, drowning him in pleasure as Steven shot his seed into Sigyn’s warm pussy. 
Once they’d both drifted back down to earth, Sigyn carefully unseated herself from Steven’s softening cock and flopped down next to him. 
“That was…” Sigyn searched for the correct words. It was a surprise, certainly. “Steven, darling, where are you going?” 
“Be right back,” he assured her, pushing past the post-orgasm exhaustion settling heavy into his bones and walking to the bathroom on legs as stable as a newborn foal’s. 
He appeared a moment later, damp flannel in hand. “May I?” 
“Yes of course,” Sigyn confirmed. Steven got to work on cleaning her gently. “Thank you.” 
Steven’s eyes were squarely focused on the sheets when he asked Sigyn, “That was good, yeah?”
She gently took the cloth from him, tossing it aside so the princess could lean over and capture his lips in a kiss. “You did so well, darling. I came twice for Valhalla’s sake.”
Steven couldn’t help the proud blush that colored his cheeks at the praise. Sigyn guided Steven to lay back on the bed with her, automatically curling into his side once they were horizontal, her head resting on his chest. 
Steven nearly jumped at the casual affection she touched him with as she drew little patterns into his abdomen. He was rather touch-starved to begin with, then when it came to Layla, every brush of their arms felt fraught with tension and the baggage of her marriage to Marc. Though Sigyn’s touch was unfettered from that history, Steven found himself wary of enjoying it, despite how much he wanted to. 
“Are you alright?” Sigyn thought to ask him. She didn't want to embarrass him by inquiring any further about his experience.
“Aces,” he told her dreamily. “Never better.”
“I’m glad to hear it,” she smiled into his skin. She dropped a kiss to his pectoral. 
Lying there with an Asgardian tucked into his side, Steven felt virile and utterly relaxed all at once. He considered it a privilege to stroke the princess’s hair, watch her eyes flutter closed and her breathing even out. Steven didn’t want to miss a moment, wanted to catalog every detail he could, but the pull to follow her into sleep was too strong. He surrendered to his fatigue, and it was the first time either of them had slept soundly in weeks.
Part Three
A/N: Thanks to everyone again for reading and the response! Trying to get the next part out as soon as I can, since it’s high time Jake met Sigyn...
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user1286 · 1 year
Uh I’m stuck at a wedding with boring music I can’t dance to so I’m impulsively deciding to drop my Magni and Modi redesigns for my au so I can just get it done with bc 1.I’m shy and embarrassed and I keep putting it off, and 2.uh fuck you💕
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(Things will be a bit vague and out of context bc… spoilers for my fic lmao)
Considering the fact that the Thor family is now in Midgard In Fimbulwinter, these bitches did not get the spell they’d need to “stay toasty” in the cold, so… they’re just freezing lol. Magni and Modi’s weapons were also revoked after being considered total failures in the eyes of Odin, and now they just use weapons they stole from the armory before escaping Midgard. Another note, they now have different fighting styles in case it wasn’t obvious. I decided to take inspiration from the Warlord and Raider from For Honor bc… they’re cool, and also bc my brother is a nerd and he’s helping me “choreograph” some fight scenes lmao.
Uh on elaboration on Modi, uhh after fully recovering from death, let’s just say he doubles down on his pathetic ass and in the process, morphs into a form of his father. Also his haircut was smthn forced by Thrud, he didn’t want it but was quick to give up fighting lmao. Oh yeah I also wanted to make him look more like his part: loser who hides in his blanky/j
On Magni, obvsly, no differences are drastic or whatever, but one thing I will say is that Magni now has a scar of the wound he died of. Same applies to Modi. Also also, just pretend I drew his face tats, I I literally hate drawing them I’m barely bothering at all anymore 😭. Uhhh other thing, Magni fucking hates shirts. He just hates shirts. He refuses to put them on LMAO. That’s why he just wears a pelt around his waist. Yes, he is cold he just never wants to admit it OSJDKSJ. Smol edit: I FORGOR TO ADD HIS HAND WRAPS IN THE DRAWING EKDJJD he wears hand wraps idk if that’s what they’re called I’m just gonna hope u know what I’m talking abt, you’ll see them in future drawings LMAO
Ok and uh sketch dump now except they’re all pr old, and I was still practicing drawing these ugly mfs. (I still am but I’m a bit more confident in it now)
1 and 2 will stay out of context bc I think it’s funny
3: young Magni
4 and 5 are just…. Yeah.
(Also Magni was originally gonna have some more scars from Kratos’ axe, but I just simplified it to just one on his face.)
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knightsofdamnren · 5 years
Happy Star Wars Day to my fellow SW nerds!
I wanted to do something to celebrate my love for this universe on this special day so I decided to share my ten favourite characters from the movies, because I’m not very familiar with the rest of SW.
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Kylo Ren
Kylo Ren is a complex character. For the first time, I really can feel how a Star Wars character is struggling between the Light and the Darkness. He is fierce and fragile at the same time. So full of contradictions. And, well, I always loved angry characters and the anger coming from Kylo is so palpable that I can almost touch it with my fingers through the screen. The man is so extreme in everything: his acts, his feelings, his tragedy. There is no way I can predict how Kylo would react to a situation and that’s what I love in this character. Adam Driver’s portrayal is so intense and nuanced. I really can’t wait to see where his character’s arc will end.
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Han Solo
The first character I loved in this universe. How can I say more than anybody else about what I love about him? Except that I always found him more human, more nuanced, more complex than Luke or Leia. And Harrison Ford’s performance in The Force Awakens made me loving him even more. His portrayal of a broken father touched my soul and gave a whole new dimension to Han Solo, making of him more than a legend.
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Jyn Erso
I can’t understand why Jyn didn’t had more love than she actually had in the fandom. For me, she is the best female character that we ever had in the SW movies. Jyn isn’t the perfect paradigm of honour and virtue. She is harsh and selfish. She is angry and has a more mixed opinion about the Rebellion than any other character and I love that. I love to see good characters doubting about their own side, not by lack of conviction but more about ethics. Her journey through Rogue One is beautiful. I would have loved to see more about her.
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Poe Dameron
How can I resist to Poe Dameron? He is brave and sassy. And he knows in what he believes. What I love in Poe is that he isn’t completely blind in his obedience. Poe isn’t one-dimensional. He is ready to do things dangerous or barely legal if he is convinced that he is right and that he does for the better of his people. He is a soldier and as a soldier, he knows that the world isn’t black or white. There is darkness in Poe and he is aware of it. But he decides to be someone good, to be someone great!
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Enfys Nest
I loved the design of this character at the second I saw it. The twist about this character made me loving her even more. I love to see Star Wars characters outside the eternal Rebellion/Dark Side dynamic. Enfys is a young girl but she is competent and she is ready to do something to change the world. And she has the respect of everybody, her friends like her enemies. I seriously hope that Solo isn’t the last time we will see her. She has too much potential to be wasted.
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Obi-wan Kenobi
I don’t really like the Jedis. Especially because I don’t like their privileged positions. And yet, I love Obi-wan. He is something particular in the Jedi Order. I don’t really know why but his Light is extremely attractive to me. And I love how quiet he is despite all the tragedies he faced. And I have to admit that due to the inconsistencies between the Prelogy and the original Trilogy, I can’t stop to laugh every time that Old Ben is saying something to Luke about his father. He sounds so much like an old little shit that I find it extremely hilarious.
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Qui-Gon Jinn
I have to admit that maybe I wouldn’t love Qui-Gon as much as I do if it wasn’t for his partnership with Obi. Even if he is acting like a dick with his padawan in The Phantom Menace, you can feel the deep love and utter respect between them. To also know that he loved to screw the rules of the Jedi Order makes me respecting him a lot.
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No words, just a weird language, blue eyes and a tall silhouette. But it’s enough to make me love Chewie. He is the guardian of Han and their friendship is beautiful. And I’m convinced that Chewie is the most important person in Han’s life (with his son). It breaks my heart to see him now without his beloved friend. It feels weird.
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Captain Phasma
Okay, the most ill-exploited character of the new trilogy but I still love her. I love that we finally have a female character in the Dark Side and I love that she is such an impressive figure. And a figure of high authority. She is bad and she doesn’t care about it. I live for this kind of female characters! And well, she is a badass.
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Shmi Skywalker
She is the beginning of everything. I love that the Skywalker family is coming from a woman and from a slave. She is sweet, gentle and it always breaks my heart that she agreed to let go Anakin so he would have a better life than with her. Her son has been her whole life and yet, she is willing to sacrifice herself. I would love for The Rise of Skywalker to be about her. Imagine that, the last Skywalker and the first Skywalker, reunited. How beautiful it would be to put an end to the Skywalker family history.
Post by Midgardian Nerd
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midgardiannerd · 6 years
I love Kylo Ren (and I say KYLO REN not Ben Solo), he is probably my favorite character from the whole franchise. Want to know who is my second fave character? Poe Dameron.
Poe Dameron is a good guy. He is an hero. Is he perfect? No. Is he without darkness? No. Will he become a bad guy? FUCK NO. Poe will never become a bad guy. Even if I like to read and to play with the idea of Dark!Poe in fanfictions, I fucking know that Poe will never be a bad guy in canon. Poe will not be a villain. 
Kylo is the villain. Do I think he can change? Yes. Do I believe that redemption is available for him? Yes. But for the moment, HE is the villain. Kylo, not Poe. Kylo will not become a good guy by Poe becoming a villain!!!! 
So Rey/los, STOP TO FUCKING DEMONIZING POE DAMERON!! (And Finn too, by the way!) If you truly care about Kylo like you pretend you do, you need to understand that he is KYLO REN not Ben Solo and that to become a good guy, the change needs to be from himself, not from Poe’s allegiance. 
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Jotunnary | Day 8 - Mythology
Pairing: Loki & Peter Parker (friendship or found family, works either way).
Word count: 600
A/N: Today's drabble is mostly based in @whatafuckingdumbass 's headcanon where Loki is a huge mythology nerd and will hyperfixate on any kind of myths :)
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“Mr. Parker, you’re having your presentation tomorrow morning”, said the professor, and Peter felt his whole body shrink and tense at the sole mention of that assignment. He nodded and packed his things up, ready to leave with the rest of the class.
When he mentioned Mr. Stark that he couldn’t go to the lab because he needed to study about a hundred books for the next day, he got interrupted by Thor.
“Youngster, I’m an old soul! I’m sure I can help you with your homework!”.
“Thor, you oaf, you could barely manage in your tutoring until about just a century ago”, chuckled Loki. “What’s this homework about, spiderling?”.
“It’s… well, it’s on Greek Mythology. It’s for literature class. I’m sure you know a lot about everything, but you’re Norse Gods, so I didn’t actually think you’d want to help me on Greek mytho…”, he stammered, but Loki intervened.
“I have news for you, Starkson boy”, Loki smiled, and before Tony could interrupt him, he got up and walked with Peter to the library of the compound, “I’m a big mythology enthusiast. I would love to help you with any homework you may need. Same thing with literature in general, I’m very well paced with Midgardian literature, therefore I’ve read every book in this compound and more”.
“Wow, that’s… impressive to say the least, Mr. Loki. Thank you very much!”.
Peter and Loki stayed in the library for as long as they could, engulfing books and knowledge. Loki didn’t stop talking about everything surrounding Peter’s homework’s subject, and from time to time Thor and Tony would peep in to check if everything was alright, only to find the two boys overly excited for the material —they weren’t even actively studying at that point, they were just being nerds over the stories and culture.
When the sun set and they began being more and more tired, Loki would tend to forget to use his Allspeak and Peter would hear his ramblings in Old Norse —thing he didn’t complain about at all, he loved to hear such different phonetics rolling off Loki’s tongue with such fluidity.
The lights went out in the middle of the night, and before Peter could even begin looking for light supplies, Loki started lighting up scented candles all around. Peter chuckled.
“This is what I had in my youth to study. Well, not exactly lemon-scented little candles in glass cups, but… candles. You know”, he muttered. “This evening is a whole trip back to my early hundreds”.
“I thought you were actually young, God-wise”.
“I am. I should be about twenty one in Midgard”.
“Oh, that’s interesting”.
“How so?”, he smiled kindly.
“You don’t look twenty one. Like, I didn’t picture you like an older brother, more like a…”, but he stopped on his words right away.
“An older friend”.
“As much as I’m flattered you consider me your friend, I’m afraid I am the God of Lies”, he smirked, and Peter hid his face between his arms.
“Let’s just keep studying”.
“Do you see me as a father figure, Parker?”, joked Loki, and Peter bursted out of laughter.
“I can’t believe you’re quoting Brooklyn 99!”.
“The Scarlet Witch has the terrible habit of wanting me to binge watch Netflix with her. And of course I’ll oblige!”.
Peter came to school the next day and aced the presentation completely. He was sure he was actually being extra encouraged, because the black cat from the window seemed a little too eager to keep on listening to what the spiderboy had to say.
Taglist: @lucywrites02 , @louieboo87 @the—departed—potato , @jesuswasnotawhiteman , @idontknow296 , @beksib , @spythoschei , @geekwritersworld , @whatafuckingdumbass , @mysticunicorn7 @shadowolf993 , @joscelyn02 , @t00—pi , @selfship—mishaps , @sallymagnoliaposts , @deadgirl88 , @theonewiththenerds , @vicmc624 , @spiderlaufeyson @theaudacitytowrite @bi—andready—tocry @alorev @justasmisunderstoodasloki @i—beg—your—pardon—laufeyson @theetoastyghosty @lokiprompts @sarahpaq08 @lostgreekgod @likeitloveitblogit
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potter-imagines · 3 years
Being Thor and Loki's Little Sister and Dating Peter Parker Would Include...
Notes: wow I haven't written a marvel one in a long time pls don't read too much into the timeline lol I know things overlap but just go with it (:
Warnings: none... I think ??
Word Count: 3.6k (sorry its a bit long for a write like this but I couldn't help myself)
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You managed to do a decent job at keeping your relationship under wraps from your brothers for quite some time
Of course every other member on the team knew before the two of you even begun officially dating
Peter had spent three months ranting and raving to Tony Stark about how cute he thought you were and how much he liked you
Tony insisted time and time again he should tell you but Peter’s fear of rejection was much too large for him to find the courage for that
Unbeknownst to him,
You had spilled about your crush on Peter to Wanda and Nat almost a week after living in the compound
Being the only other girls there besides Pepper, it was easy to confide in them
Day after day you would wander to Wanda’s room and lay on her bed and gush about how handsome Peter was and how kind of a heart he had
Wanda found it adorable
And Bucky, Steve and Sam had placed the pieces together after days on end of watching Peter and yourself flirt like school kids in the gym during training
Even after being frozen for years, Steve recognized the look of smitten on Peter’s face when he talked to you
Bruce on the other hand had to sit through most of the kids talks with Tony in the lab so he figured it out fast
So when the two of you finally confessed your feelings for one another and Peter asked you out, there was only one road block holding the moment back from perfection
Your brothers
You and Peter shared the news with all the other team members expect the two, possibly most important in your case, members
You’ve been close to your brothers since you were brought into this world so it wasn’t like you didn’t want to tell them
It was more or less how overprotective they could be that made you bite your tongue
And as nervous as you are, Peter is 1,000% more worried about your brother’s finding out
Like honestly can you imagine how petrified Peter would be to tell Thor and Loki you two were dating
He’d purposely walk in the opposite direction every time he saw either of the two for the first week
Couldn’t stop fumbling with his words when he spoke to either of them
Like he was terrified
It’s sort of a cliché to have protective older brothers but older brothers who were also both Gods ????
Peter felt like a deadman walking
When the day finally came that you did tell your brothers about your relationship with Peter, it was absolutely cringe worthy
Peter had been coming home to the tower after a long day at Midtown High School when he spotted you the second he stepped foot out of the elevator
His excitement had clouded his judgement as he failed to check and see if the coast was clear
“Y/n! Hey!”
He nearly tumbled over his own feet as he rushed over to you
His face was gleaming with happiness and for a brief moment you felt a smile creep to your face until you were pulled back to reality by his hand reaching out to grasp yours
Your eyes widened in shock as you stared at Peter and before you could warn him to stop, he had planted a soft kiss on your cheek
That adorable smile was glowing from his face as he reached down for your hand only to fall once you pulled your hand away
He gave you a look of confusion, clearly surprised by your lack of response
But when an awkward cough sounded from behind him, he suddenly knew why
Peter didn’t have enough time to make any sort of a move when a husky, all too familiar voice spoke up,
“Hello, man of spiders. May I ask why you just kissed our little sister?” “Oh shit- I uh, well you see I…um...she had something on her face so I uh…”
Loki would snicker in amusement at seeing the boy squirm and prolong his torture “So you kissed her?” “Yeah…” “Hm, there something you’d like to share, little one?”
It wasn’t exactly the way you were hoping to break the news to your brothers
But it was certainly one way of doing it
The rest of the night was filled with awkward tension as you and Peter had to confess the truth to your brothers, who then made you share the news with the rest of the team
Thankfully, the rest of the team pretended they were just hearing about your new relationship for the first time, seeing as no one wanted to deal with an angry Thor
Now let’s get into your relationship with Peter
Peter Parker is the most caring person in the universe
And dating him certainly came with it’s perks
You can expect to wake up every morning with a fresh coffee and a pastry on your nightstand, courtesy of Peter
He’ll also write you a sweet little ‘good morning’ note with a sketch of spider-man hanging from a web
(( he’s actually pretty talented in the doodling department ))
Makes cute sketches of him as spiderman and you as a princess ( vv fitting)
But also draws you as a total badass saving the galaxy bc… well you are
Count on him to be the first person to greet you when the sunrises and the last person to wish you a goodnight when it falls
Gets Mr. Stark to buy you an iphone so he can teach you how to use it
Has your name as “goddess” in his phone
The first thing he does is teach you about texting so he can pay you in imessage games
Refuses to play you in battleship since you somehow have crushed him every single time
Gets slightly annoyed with the overwhelming amount of random photos you snap of him
But he knows its all new to you and finds it irritatingly adorable
Loves it when you walk home with him from school
Will also keep reminding you that you shouldn’t have walked alone all the way to Midtown High School alone
Peter often forgets that you’re Asgardian and can protect yourself just fine
But it’s so cute how protective he is
He’s very observant and notices nearly everything
Like when you’re feeling a bit homesick
He picks up on it right away and will ask Thor and/or Loki for advice
Or when you start to become bored and tired at one of Star’s parties
Peter made his way over you before you even had the chance to turn and search for him
He’d escort you back to your room and lay with you until he was positive you had fallen asleep
Kisses to the top of your head
Is the boyfriend that will take your makeup off for you if you wear any
(( and sets yours lashes on the nightstand so neatly and labels which eye they were on cause the poor boy doesn’t understand ))
Spends weeks learning how to master the intricate braids that adorn your head
It’s so cute cause he’ll sit and look up Youtube videos and try to learn how to make the different braids and is just so confused but so determined
Taking Peter to visit Asgard
“Woah- this place looks like something from Lord of the Rings! It’s awesome!” “Lord of the Rings? I’ve never met that God.” “Uh, no, it’s a movie from Earth. We can watch it when we go back.” “To Midgard?” “Midgard? No, to New York.”
Loves it when your people refer to you as “Princess Y/n”
For some reason it makes him blush
Will tell everyone back on Earth that he’s dating a princess
I could def see Peter getting annoyed and frustrated with the Asgardian men trying to flirt and win your heart
Although that’s something that already belong to Peter
And even though Peter trusts you entirely
He’s still insecure from time to time
Especially when he sees how much taller and stronger Asgardian men look in comparison to him
But he finds reassurance in the feeling of your hand in his and the gleeful smile adorning your face as you show him around your homeland
Attempting to help Peter study
Although you’re not much help to Midgardian school work “Peter, darling, I don’t have a clue what a watergate is and I haven’t an idea how that could be scandalous.”
Maths however you excelled in
And Peter was thoroughly surprised to find you had the sequence of PI memorized to the one hundredth number- and in song form
Holding your hand 24/7
Endless cuddles on the couch
And when you’re walking around together, he does that thing where he swings your hands and back forth
Movie theater dates… at the tower b/c your brothers feel the need to be in close proximity the you guys at all times
Trying ice cream for the first time with Peter at two in the morning
One of Peter’s favorite things to do with you is take you through a walk in his world
At least three times a week Peter and you will walk around the city and find new things your Asgardian self has yet to experience
Like pizza
New York pizza to be exact
And hot chocolate
Ice skating at Rockefeller Center once the weather got cold
Loves to take you for drives in the more woodsy land of New York once fall set in and the leaves began to change
But by far his favorite thing is showing you Midgardian films and movies of all sorts
He loves that you don’t judge him for nerding out over his love for films
Not to mention you actually sit and watch Star Wars with him
(( maybe it was the whole space element but Peter was just thrilled you liked it ))
But then he shows you ‘Alien’
And it was an instant regret
It took him the rest of the night to convince you that the movie was fake
You made him sleep in your room just for reassurance
Your favorite out of the films Peter played was called ‘Toy Story’
Buzz Lightyear reminded you of Thor
In terms of TV shows
F.R.I.E.N.D.S. which quickly became your guys comfort show
Parks & Rec too “That Andy fellow looks an awful lot like Starlord, don’t you think?”
Peter refuses to let you watch Black Mirror
After the whole incident with Alien
Black Mirror didn’t seem like a good idea
Constantly teasing from the rest of the Avengers
Tony just can’t help it
He loves tormenting the two of you
Especially when Thor and/or Loki are around
“Hey Peter, I thought I saw you go into Y/n’s room last night but I didn’t see you leave until the morning. Heard a lot of noise too- thought Y/n was getting attacked. What was that about?”
“Kid, I got you those condoms you asked for. How’d you manage to run out of that last box so quick? I just bought it for you a week ago!” “Messing with you, they’re just sugar packets- Thor put Peter down right now!”
Aunt May absolutely adores you
Always tells Peter how sweet you are and is constantly inviting you over for dinner
Lets you two have sleepovers in his room at her place
As long as the door stays open
Peter can’t stop laughing when you compliment May on her ability to make an amazing bowl of cereal
She thought it was a joke seeing as she burned dinner the night before to a crisp and laughs until she’s in tears
And you’re literally sitting there so confused, clearly not understanding the joke
Peter then takes you on a trip to a grocery store for the first time to show you a whole aisle full of cereal
It is then that you realize Aunt May didn’t hand make the fruity pebbles
She still laughs about it to this day
Befriending Ned and listening enthusiastically while he gives you a full speech on the franchise Star Wars
And his rant on how terrible Star Trek is in comparison
Is shocked when you ask questions out of genuine interest
Ned immediately takes a liking to you after that and asks Peter daily to invite you to hangout
Whenever Stark adds an upgrade to his suit, you’re the first person Peter shows it to
He shares quite literally everything with you
As do you to him
The rest of the Avengers love gossiping about you guys
Nat and Wanda have already started planning the wedding and Pepper has the perfect venue in mind, much to your brothers dismay
For some reason
Thor and Loki are always within reasonable distance, enough so they can keep an eye on you but also give some sense of privancy
Thor is def always the first one to step in
“Peter, please remove your hand from my sister’s behind.” “Oh uh, ye-yeah… sorry, Mr.Thor.”
Loki would find Peter amusing
He loves to mess with him whenever given the chance
“Ah, Peter. Good to see you. I’m sure Y/n informed you of our task today. Very impressed that you offered yourself as the sacrifice to the aliens-” “Wait, what? Y/n?!” “He’s kidding, Peter.”
Everyone in the Avenger’s tower knew Peter was lactose intolerant and knew the repercussions of the boy consuming any sort of dairy
(( he physically cannot leave the bathroom for a full day ))
Yet Loki regularly will swap Peter’s specially labeled almond milk with a jug of skim milk just for the hell of it
There’s something so hilarious to him about the look of panic and alarm that smacks abruptly across Peter’s face as he quickly stumbles out of the kitchen to his room
It keeps him laughing for days
You’ll just shoot your brother a look of disapproval, clearly certain it was his doing
“Loki, why did Peter run off?” “Not sure, darling sister, maybe he’s got one of those stomach bugs. I’ve heard Midgardians are prone to them…weak bodies and such.” "You switched out his milk again didn’t you.” “I haven’t the slightest clue what you’re accusing me of, little one.”
Thor is a bit more hesitant on accepting your relationship with his fellow Avenger
He trusts that Peter would never harm you
Although he did not trust that you would never be harmed because of Peter
It was risky enough that both your brothers were big names in space, as well on Earth, however
Thor knew Loki and himself were capable of protecting you but Peter?
He was just a kid, in Thor’s eyes
However the one thing that kept him from telling you this was seeing how happy Peter made you
As your older brother, Thor trusted your judgement and tried his best to be accepting of his little sister dating
And as much as he wanted to deny it, he saw crystal clear the care and love Peter gave to you and he wasn’t willing to break that for you
Thor is the type of brother to barge into a room and shove himself between Peter and yourself without warning
This man does not care at all
At least Loki has the decency to give you two space as a couple
Thor does not
He is constantly third wheeling on your dates and will ‘accidentally’ walk into rooms he knows you two are in claiming he forgot something
Not that he ever grabs anything,
He’ll usually just stand and stare at the two of you until you either leave the room or ask him to leave
To which he always answers,
But with a smile
A smug smile
PDA is something he will never be okay with
Thor will yank Peter back by the collar every time he sees his lips on yours and glare at him, “Man of spiders, I know you’re in love with my little sister but kissing her infront of me is too far.”
And Loki will physically gag just to piss you off
For the most part, your relationship with Peter is nearly perfect
It would be entirely perfect if you weren’t constantly worrying about him dying on a mission or getting hurt
But still, just like any couple, you had your moments
And when you did fight, it was typically over Peter’s safety or him not wanting you to tag along for a mission
Your common way of dealing with conflict was the silent treatment
Which is pure torture for Peter
Not only does he miss the sound of your voice
He misses having you around
Seeing your smile
Hearing you laugh from something he said
He felt terrible everytime
He’d go to Tony for advice and spend hours rambling on to him about how sorry he was for yelling at you and for adding to the fight
Tony would half listen while he worked away on a new system and suit, offering a ‘yeah’ and ‘hmm’ every few seconds which pleased Peter who thought his mentor was fully listening
And after almost two hours of his non-stop talking, Tony Stark had reached his limit
Setting his wrench down on the metal table with a thud he turned around to face the young boy
“Kid, why’re you saying all this to me and not her? I mean, I’m all ears but I’m also not Y/n. I know we’re both good looking so I can see why you mixed us up, but you should be talking to her right now.”
Similar to Peter you also had someone to confide in when the road got rocky
Loki had always been the one you shared all your secrets with
As children you were attached at the hip to both your brothers but Loki a smidgen more than Thor
Your father, Odin, had Thor at his side 24/7 growing up
While he was busy learning the ropes to ruling Asgard, Loki and yourself run amuck causing trouble left and right through the royal palace
Through the years of bonding Loki become your best friend, and you his
So when trouble struck in paradise, your older brother was the one you ran to
He’d welcome you with open arms and a questioning gaze
Loki is by far the best listener in your family
Instead of telling you what to do, he asks what you want, which is a refreshing change
After a long talk with Loki you’d search the tower high and low for Peter while ironically Peter was doing the same thing
When you did finally make-up, it felt like coming home
The apologies were so sincere and genuine
You’d end up having a sleepover in your room watching 80’s films that Peter claimed were ‘iconic’ and laying in his arms
And that’s where you felt complete
Fights never occurred often but bickering ???
You two bickered playfully over everything under the sun
Like who’s the better superhero; Ironman or Captain American
Debates between living in New York and living in Asgard
Loves to pull up Midgardian inventions and ask you to guess what it is “Princess, what do you think this is?” “Oh! Oh! I’ve seen this one! Tony has one in his kitchen!” “Okay, so what is it?” “Yes, it’s a chicken nugget maker!” “It’s actually an air fryer but we only ever make chicken nuggets in them so I’ll give you a half point.”
Peter sneaking out of your room at the crack of dawn and sprinting to his
As much as Thor and Loki liked him and supported the relationship
He was sure they’d both team up to murder him if they caught him sleeping in your bed
Steve and Tony, who seem to be incapable of sleep, have watched him tiptoe out of your room numerous times but they only share a look of amusement then go back to their previous discussion
Playing hide-n-go-seek and tag on rainy days at the tower
Cuddling in Peter’s bed while he asks you to tell him stories about Asgard
Loves hearing about your childhood and what it’s like to grow up with siblings
Is fascinated when you tell him about Heimdall
Stealing Peter’s hoodies
Especially his Midtown High School ones
They’re insanely soft
Sweet little kisses throughout the day
He's just so sweet and gentle
Loves getting to hold you and snuggle in his bed
Most weekends you spend lounging on the couch with Peter’s head in your lap while you play with his hair
Other times you’re sitting next to Peter on his bed watching him play some video game and asking a million questions “Who is that man, Peter?” “That’s me, he’s the main character of the game. That’s Mario, babe.” “You’re not Mario- you’re Peter.” “No, the main character of this game is Mario, I’m just playing him.” “Oh… and what is that green dinosaur creature?” “That’s Yoshi!” “Adorable.”
Making out between games
In terms of... y'know... sex
Neither of you were keen on rushing the process
You had tip toed on the line multiple times yet never fully crossed it
Until you had decided to make the first real move after being together for about five months
You trusted him with all your heart so it wasn't exactly scary, but rather exciting
He had a way of making you feel safe, comfortable, and loved all at once
Lets be honest, Peter nearly fainted the first time he saw you naked
And still, no matter how many times the two of you have sex,
He worships every inch of you like it was your first time all over again
You couldn't have asked for a better lover
Dating Peter means a new adventure everyday
You’re constantly learning new things about each other and from each other
Despite coming from two very different worlds
You’ve never felt more connected to a soul until Peter came along
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musclesandhammering · 3 years
Non-Controversial Loki Headcanons for These Trying Times
1.) Loki has had dozens of Midgard-based aliases over the years, for no other reason than the fact that he was bored and it was funny. DB Cooper was one of them. Hank Williams was another. He may or may not have even pretended to be a vampire at some point.
2.) Loki can definitely sing. Not just in a funny ironic way, but like.. he actually enjoys singing. It shouldn’t even come as a surprise considering he’s such a fine arts nerd, but yeah. He plays the guitar too. Surprisingly folksy.
3.) Loki’s rooms in Asgard literally look like a witch’s lair. I mean straight up spooky. All dark earth tones, spellbooks strewn everywhere, runes drawn on the walls to keep certain big brothers from messing with things they have no business messing with, vials of poisonous stuff sitting on every available surface, shelves full of strange little trinkets and talismans, a dramatic ass medieval-looking bed, a whole ass cauldron… and then in the corner on a stand there’s his Hank Williams Guitar aasdfghhjkl-
4.) When people call Loki a witch, they’re not joking. He’s. Like. An actual stereotypical, like.. witch. He doesn’t just do finger wavy magic- he mixes potions, he does rune work, he recites spells, he has a cauldron.
5.) He also used to dress super witchy. Used to. Past tense. I’m talking black nail polish, lots of necklaces, rings, eyes makeup (ok maybe I wouldn’t go that far, but Loki in eyeliner would be pretty hot, right?), clothes that were like.. 15% scarier yet more fashionable than the ones he wears in canon. The only reason he toned it down was because someone whose opinion he cared about (it was Thor) made a joking comment about his appearance looking “wicked” or “evil” and it made him feel self conscious, so he changed how he dressed. :(
6.) He was rocking the whole short hair look years before Thor in Ragnarok. In fact, by pre-canon Loki’s standards, his hair in Thor 1 was even a bit too long. He did this because a.) he hates how his natural curls soften him and will do anything to get rid of them and b.) in Asgard short hair wasn’t really worn by noblemen because it symbolised servitude, so this was Loki’s subtle way of being defiant and deviating from the norm.
7.) As Frigga said in Endgame, Loki is very good at sneaking. Even when he’s not trying to. There have been many-an-accident in the Palace of Asgard because he unintentionally almost gave Thor a heart attack.
8.) Loki and Thor weren’t always at each other’s throats. They actually got along pretty well up until Odin started planning for the coronation. Loki was still jealous of the way Thor was treated compared to the way he was treated, but he knew that wasn’t Thor’s fault- not really. And Thor was still arrogant and entitled, but that was mostly directed at other people and not his own family, so while Loki knew about Thor’s character flaws, it didn’t really effect him personally. When the planning started, though, Thor gradually became even more superior and insufferable than normal, and Loki became even more bitter and unsettled, and their relationship just kind of went downhill from there.
9.) Loki absolutely joined the Mile High Club with that flight attendant from the first episode of the show. Her name was Florence and she was adorable, Loki thought so too.
10.) Loki’s the only person on Asgard who can beat Volstagg at an eating competition. He has a giant’s metabolism, after all. And, contrary to his elegant and refined tastes in most other areas, he’s actually a straight-up carnivore. I mean he eats other foods too, obviously, but meats are by far his favourites. Boar, fish, poultry, steak. Just meats. He doesn’t know it, but this is because frost giants are mostly carnivorous.
11.) His relationship with the Warriors 4 was always split down the middle. He and Sif always hated each other. Hogun never trusted him and Loki never had any interest in spending time with Hogun. Fandral and Volstagg, on the other hand, were always much nicer and Loki always sort of considered them his friends as well as Thor’s. This is why they were more reluctant to believe that he’d let the frost giants in in Thor 1.
12.) I refuse to believe Loki doesn’t have at least one tattoo somewhere. Probably more. Probably of a snake. The only parts of his body we didn’t see naked in Episode 1 were his thighs, lower back, knee area, pelvic region, and the back of his neck. So it’s gotta be in one of those places. (Might I suggest: snake thigh tattoo, tiny nape tat, goth tramp stamp lol, rune tat behind his ear, Norse mythos leg tat, badass above-dick tattoo).
13.) Loki’s prickly and insecure and has layers like an onion, but once you get to the point of actually being friends with him, he’s a total sweetheart. I mean a literal smol dork. A bit hyperactive and excitable, but still very very soft. It’s because he’s had so few actual friends in his life.
14.) Sometimes Loki only goes a few days before his gender changes, sometimes he stays one gender for years at a time. And he tends to shapeshift his body to match. That being said, one of his biggest pet peeves is how his other-gendered clothes get all dusty and musty when they have to stay in the closet for long stretches of time. So he’s taken to wearing luxurious gowns around the house when he’s in his male form. You know, just to air them out.
15.) Loki hates sleeping with people. Sex is fine, but he’s just so solitary and paranoid that he’s never been comfortable sleeping in a bed with another person. This may or may not have gotten him in trouble a few times when his partners woke up and found him gone lol.
16.) Laufey is actually incredibly similar to Loki, the way Odin is very similar to Thor. He prefers smaller blades (ice daggers), he’s very analytical and calculating, he’s very calm and non-confrontational even when he’s in a stressful situation, and tbh he seems like a better king than Odin- much like Loki probably would’ve been a better kind than Thor. (Whoopsie this one’s a bit controversial)
17.) Loki adores animals! …But he’s also a bit obsessive about keeping his environment clean. Not organised, per se, just clean. And animals tend to be hairy and slobbery and feathery and slimy and poopy and dirty, so he’s never been able to have a pet. He just takes a lot of nature walks to compensate :)
18.) All jotuns are naturally intersex, including Loki. This is a bit unusual for Asgardians, but because Loki is genderfluid and a natural-born shapeshifter- and has always had a tendency to change his body parts around as his gender changes (male, female, both, neither)- he’s never had a reason to find it very odd. In hindsight, that was one of the many eccentricities that should have made him realise something was a little fishy with his “asgardian” genetics.
19.) The snake + stabbing story from Ragnarok was nowhere near as nefarious as Thor made it seem. What actually happened was: Someone accidentally mixed a real knife in with the blunted practice knives. Thor and Loki didn’t know this, of course, and when they were playing a battle game, Loki ended up with the real knife. When Loki “won” and went to “vanquish his enemy” he ended up actually stabbing Thor for real. They were both hysterical and it took longer to calm Loki down than his brother. It ended up just being a flesh wound, though, so everything turned out fine.
20.) A lot of people think Loki discovered his “secret passageways between worlds” from TDW through some sort of inter-realm questing or magical study or something, but in reality, he discovered them when he was like 16 and desperately trying to find a way to sneak out of Asgard without Heimdall telling his parents.
Tagging @natures-marvel & @little-s-creampuff for expressing interest. Thx for listening to my mad ravings lmao <3
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multi-media-marvel · 3 years
MCU Characters' Favorite Horror Movies: A Thread In Honor Of Spooky Month 🎃
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How Could He Resist? Peter P Loves The Halloween Series Because It Was 'The Birth Of 100s Of Horror Movie References' And He Wants To Be Prepared Just In Case A Murderous Relative Comes Back To Kill Him. He Loves Every Movie In The Series, And Peter Is Definitely Going To See Halloween Kills This Year.
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Steve Is An Oldie, And Since He Missed Out On Some Horror Movies That Came Out While He Was 'Putting Bullies In Their Place', Tony Was Able To Order A Whole Case Of Horror Movies From The 30s And 40s For Him. Frankenstein Was Steves' Favorite Out Of The Bunch Since He's Kin To The 'Everyone Turns Away From Me Because Of My Appearance, But I'm Not That Bad If You Get To Know Me' Message From His Pre-Serum Days
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Bucky Isn't A Fan Of Watching People Get Killed And Murdered (Since He's Seen It In Real Life, A Lot Of It, Too Much) But Luckily, Sam Told Him That Horror Movies Don't Have To Be About Death, And Showed Him Goosebumps. Sam Also Explained That The Movie Was Based Off Of A Book, And Bucky Jumped On Those Quickly, Not Even Caring That They Were Written For Kids. Sam Calls Him A Book Nerd.
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Tony's More Of A Comedy Person In General (He Loves Keeping A Mental List Of References He Can Use) But He Thinks The Scary Movie Series Is Scary Because Of How Cheesy It Is, So He Counts That One As His Favorite Horror Movie. Being The Protective Dad He Is, He Doesn't Let Morgan (Or Peter For That Matter) Watch Them, But Secretly They've Sneaked And Watched It Lots Of Times. He Likes The 3rd One The Most Since He's A Fan Of Trilogies, If You Know What I Mean
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When Thor Spent His First Halloween On Earth, He Saw A Childs Play Doll Used A Halloween Decoration, And Gushed Over How Adorable The "Midgard Baby Replica" Was. Nat Suggested He Watch The Movie, Unaware Of The Fact That He Was Still New To Movies And How They Worked. Having An Impromptu Movie Night With Nat, Clint, And Sam, He Talked Through It Most Of The Time, Boasting On How He Would've Avoided Dying, But As Soon As Chucky Showed His True Form, Thor Was Shaking The Whole Time (Thinking All Human Babies Were That Evil) He Still Loves The Movie, Though
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Even Though Bruce Did Lots Of Experiments Involving The Human Body, Surprisingly, He's Not A Fan Of Seeing Blood. No One, Not Even Himself Knows Why, But Coraline Is About As Horror-y As He'll Get (No Matter How Much The Other Avengers Irk Him To Join Their Halloween Movie Night)
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Stephen Almost Always Avoids Normal Horror Movies When Looking For Something To Watch, Finding Them Predictable And Pretty Boring; If He Watches One, There Has To Be Something More To It, So He Prefers Horror That's On The Funny Side. Killer Klowns Is One Of His Favorites Since Its Comedy First, Then Horror, And He Has At Least One Full Chuckle Everytime He Rewatches It.
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Since Peter Q Was Taken By The Ravagers In The Mid 80s, Poltergeist (1982) Would've Definitely Still Been Playing In Theaters And On TV A Lot. Though It Has Some Intense Scenes, Ratings Back Then Were A Lot Lower Than They Are Now, And The Movie Was Counted As PG. Thousands Of Kids Were Taken To See This Movie, Or Sneaked Out Of Bed At Night And Saw This Movie While They Were Supposed To Be Asleep. Peter Was One Of These Few, And Its One Of The Only Horror Movie He Can Remember.
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When Peter Q Talked About Earth Movies, Gamora Explained How She Had Seen Lots Of Movies In Her Past Before, But Reality They Were Just Recordings Of Various Battles And Wars. Peter Explained To Gamora That Earth Movies Are Funny, And Cool, And Everything In Them Was Faked Acting. It Took Her A Long Time To Understand, But She Caved In After Some 'Pathetic Begging' From Peter. They Watched A Few Movies (Peter Could Only Remember 4 Or So) And Alien Was Gamora's Favorite, Due To The Blood Lust Of The Alien And Hilarious Portrayal Of 'Her Kind'.
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Furys' Movie Choices Are As Mysterious As His Backstory. He Loves Picking Underated Movies That Know One Has Heard Of, And He Believes Shark Movies Are What Defined American Movies (Jaws Would Be His Second Choice) He Especially Likes Russel, He Doesnt Know Why, But He Seems Familliar...
[If You Didn't Get The Above Joke, Samuel Jackson (Fury's Actor) Played In Deep Blue Sea]
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wolfish-trickster · 3 years
Lost traveler
Loki x female!reader
Word count: 1 573
Tag list: @gaitwae @lucywrites02 @hard-to-be-the-bard @birdgirl90 @laramoonworld
Summary: A mysterious traveler visits Asgard and thanks to an accident has to stay for longer than she expected. Bonds are created but also shattered along the way.
A/N: reader has elemental powers, something like avatar the last airbender.
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Sun was finally setting. Chirping of birds was replaced by owls howling. A cold breeze ruffled your hair. The entire forest became calmer. You loved it.
You wanted to be alone for a few while and enjoy the tranquility of the night time. So you volunteered to gather wood for bonfire.
Unfortunately Thor and Fandral went with you, more to show off their muscles than help you. Both of them were....odd. They wanted to be around you all the time, telling you of their strength and abilities (Thor wanted to show you some of his lightnings but got quickly turned down by Loki) and generaly tried to impress you.
You soon found out that Thor is a god of thunder, not a lightning thrower like you previously thought. Loki was god of mischief and chaos.
Sif told you she was to be the goddess of fertility but thretened you to keep it a secret
The rest were also gods, but they didn't have a certain domains like princes. They were just warrior gods.
When you returned with arms full of twigs and branches Loki, Volstagg, Hogun and Sif were already sitting around a circle made from stones. Loki jumped to help you and all of you started to place one branch after another inside the stone circle.
"I will lit it," Thor annoumced after you finished.
"Thor, I already told you, your powers are unstable. You can't use them otherwise you will hurt everybody around you!" Loki scolded him.
"Relax, it will be alright. Everybody, stay back," Thor pushed you behind him as his fingers started to sparkle. Suddenly a loud noise teared through the air as a giant lightning striked from the sky. But to a nearby tree, not the fire place.
"Perfect Thor, just perfect," Loki took out the fire from the burning tree with his magic. He played around with flames a little while longer. You watched him transform them into a bird and make it fly around you. You giggled at his tricks.
"Show off," Thor spat
"Look who's talking. I'm not the one who took off his shirt whenever she was watching," Loki grinned.
You ignored them and their argument. Your fingers were itching. You desperately wanted to firebend, but you couldn't. Not yet.
Sif nudged you. "They are like giant kids, aren't they?"
"Siblings argue. It's like their specialty," you shrugged.
"You seem like a sibling professional. Do you have one?"
You watched as Loki made the bonfire inbetween arguments. "No, but I met a lot of them on my travels," you both sat down as did the others.
"Speaking of travels, can I ask you something?" Hogun sat to your other side.
Loki plopped down directly opposite of you. "If you want to know where she is from, she won't tell. I tried," he smirked at you.
"I can't reveal everything the first day! Gotta keep some of my secrets," you laughed.
"That was not what I wanted to know. I meant to ask you if you've been to Midgard?" Hogun brought your attention back to him.
"Depends on what it looks like."
"Well," he began, "it's full of forests, animals, small stone villages,-"
"Don't forget mortals," Thor interrupted.
Thor nodded. "Aye. They are small, weak, quite dumb."
"From what I've read," Loki slipped in, "they aren't dumb. They are just slow learners."
Thor rolled his eyes. "Where's the difference?"
"The difference is, dear brother mine, that you only have to tell them once to not use their powers."
Thor showed him what you suspect to be a lewd gesture. In response Loki blew him a kiss.
You giggled. "No, I don't think I've been there. Why are you asking? Have you visited it?"
All of them shooktheir heads. "The Allfather forbade us to travel across the nine realms. He says we aren't old enough."
"Oh," you sighed.
"May I ask Astrid?" Volstagg broke the silence. "What is the most interesting place you've visited," Volstagg took his chance
You thought for a while. All of the planets are interesting in their own way. "Hmmm, I don't know. One of the more exciting planets has to be Pandora I guess. I have stayed there with a Na'vi clan and they showed me how to hunt and survive in woods. There are giant mountains hovering in the air with beautiful waterfals and the whole planet glows at night and there are dragons and giant wolves and spiritual trees," you counted down from memmory.
"Sounds exciting indeed. I must visit it someday," Loki mused.
"You must! It's really easy to find it. It's a blue planet rotating around a gas giant."
"So it is techicaly a moon, correct?"
"Yeah, it is," you said excitedly. You finaly had someone to talk to. Frigga was right, you will find a friwnd among them.
"Booo, nerds," Sif made fun of you two. "Now tell me, are at least these Na'vi guys handsome and strong? You can hardly find any good material among this," she gestured to boys sitting around fire.
"I will preted I haven't heard that," Fandral brushed his fingers through his hair.
"If you are into blue giants," you shrugged.
The atmosphere changed suddenly. It was no longer lighthearted and playful. All of them had a stone hard cold stare. You shifted in your seat. Did you say something wrong?
Thor coughed. "We don't really get along with blue giant folk," he fisted chunks of grass by his sides.
"What you just described wasn't Jotunheim, was it?" Hogun asked.
"It can't be. Jotunheim is a frozen piece of a rock. She said Pandora has floating mountains and rivers," Loki burried his dagger into earth at his feet.
"Are there also blue giants on Jotunheim?" you chose your words carefully.
"Yes, it's the land of Frost Giants. Monsters we talk about at night."
Hogun cleared his throat. "I have seen the injury they cause. On one soldier a long time ago. His whole arm was frozen and black as coal. I heard aome healers in halls talking abouthis whoel arm falling off when they touched it."
"They say," Thor said in a dark tone, "they know a secret passage through realms. And one day, they will invade Asgard and freeze everyone in their path. When they comw here, I swear to all my ancestors I will-"
His telling interrupted a distant screech from mountain which startled everyone. It sounded familiar, you just didn't know where from.
"I think that's a cue to shift to another story," Sif said.
"Agreed," everyone said simultaniously.
Cracking wood lulled everybody to sleep. After hours and hours of war stories and forgotten legends one by one young warriors and a traveler laid to get rest.
Loki had a light sleep. His mind was still wrapped around Frost Giants. How theymight enter Asgard any second and slaughter them all in their sleep. If what Thor told was true.
A sound of someone standing up and walking away woke him completely. He knew how each person's step sounded, this was unfamiliar one. 'Where are you going little traveler?'
He stood up and followed you, hidden in shadows.
You stopped near a river deep in the forest. Asgardian moon shone bright in its water.
He watched you sit down next to it and stare at the night sky through oak leaves.
Just as he wanted to walk towards you, you started to play with little droplets of water in the air.
"What a turn of events," you dropped them upon hearing his voice.
"Loki, you- why are you up? Did I wake you?"
"No," he sat down next to you, "you didn't."
You started to fidget with your fingers. "How much did you see?"
"Enough. Why didn't you tell me you were a sorcorer as well?"
"A what?"
Loki chuckled. "You called me a warlock, remember? We call those who deal with magic sorcorers. One of their ability is aquakinesis."
"Huh?" you looked so cute when you were confused. Loki made note to confuse youmore often.
"Water control."
"Oh, sorry. I call it waterbending."
Loki hummed. "Makes sense."
"Sooo," you looked at him, "are you going to tell them?" you pointed towards where the group was sleeping.
"Why would I? It's your power. Your secret. You tell them when you are ready. But," he pulled a ball of water from the river and held it above his palm, "I can teach you more of that waterbending than just control few droplets. If you'd like me to, that is."
You smiled. "I'd like that. Oh and by the way," you looked to side and scratched your head, "Astrid isn't my real name."
"I know."
"What?" you looked at him startled.
"I can tell when people are lying, and you," he placed his palm on your shoulder, "are a terrible liar," he chuckled.
Your giggle joined his. "Sounds fair. Anyways, I'm Y/N," you axtended your hand.
Loki took it in his own and bowed his head. "Pleasure to meet you Y/N. I am Loki of Asgard, God of Mischief," and hopefully he can add 'your friend' to the list of titles.
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auroracalisto · 4 years
started: 24 june 2020 last updated: 29 october 2020 see what I will write for here want to submit a request?  do it here (:
roman sionis
Roman’s Girl┆first chapter of multiple┆Roman Sionis gets what he wants. And when he sets his eyes on you, a girl ten or more years his junior, he’ll get you. Lucky for him, despite your shy and flustered nature, you want him just as much as he wants you.
married life┆short┆the two were always at it—now, the reader was in the middle of it. harley doesn’t care for roman, but she wouldn’t dare hurt you. hell, she would kidnap you—and that’s how you ended up here.
hormones and clubs┆one-shot┆the reader is pregnant and begs roman for a chance to go to his club before she goes into labor.  it doesn’t exactly go how she’d like it to go.  
emily prentiss
i love you┆short┆based on the quote “do you still love me?”
my everything┆requested┆by @millipop18​: Hi! I love what you write! Could I request a emily prentiss x reader where she comforts the reader who’s struggling with depression? Have a nice day, much love xxx
spencer reid
not alone, never alone┆requested┆ by @amy-de-l-abc​.  The request was quite long, but the jist of it was having a suicidal reader, but one who isn’t quite able to do anything.  She and Reid start out as friends but the ending will have them getting together.  Fluff on Reid’s part, as he comforts her when she is feeling down.  Reader also feels like she can’t depend on her therapist or her family, and unfortunately, not even a suicide hotline will help (in a very negative way, which is purely for this story’s purpose).  
empty hearts┆short┆in which the reader tries to get spencer to talk to them, but he’s just not listening. 
useless goodbye┆short┆the reader dies right in front of spencer. 
moon and back┆requested┆by @petrichor-ds.  “i loved you to the moon and back, you know.” for spencer when he’s comforting his SO who has been ~going through it~ w depression ??
jack-o’-lantern┆short┆where you carve pumpkins with spencer and he tells you how carving pumpkins became a thing.
derek morgan
something extra┆one-shot┆where you’ve been married to morgan and now you’re expecting your second child (with a little extra surprise).  the team decides to throw you a baby shower.
baby kicks┆requested┆by anon.  hiii, don’t know if ur taking requests rn. but if you are, i would love if you could do an imagine with derek morgan, where the reader is in her 7 or 8th month of pregnancy. and the team is out on the field and the baby kicks and everyone gets so excited, but especially morgan because that’s literally his baby? 
victor zsasz
forever until the end┆first chapter of multiple┆the reader is falcone’s long lost daughter whose mother fled to washington after an argument got out of hand. she was raised in an abused home where if she even mentioned her unknown father, she would be hurt. a couple of months after turning twenty-one, she’s beaten to the point she packs her things in the middle of the night and leaves. she does everything she can to get to gotham, even going as far as stealing a car. in gotham, she, fortunately, meets her father, along with a man named victor zsasz who was given the assignment of keeping the reader safe while she gets used to the city. zsasz has never dreaded a job more, but he ends up surprising even himself when he begins to like the reader.
you being done with victor’s shit.
sugawara koshi
grey┆one-shot┆you had always wondered why the stripe of color on your wrist was grey. moving to a new school in the miyagi prefecture, you find out exactly why.
rest of my life┆short┆what sugawara would say if you ever asked him if you could spend the rest of your life with him.
tsukishima kei
it’s you┆one-shot┆after watching Avengers: Endgame, you meet your soulmate for the first time.
ukai keishin
Unanticipated┆one-shot┆the reader is an English teacher at Karasuno, who lived in the United States for much of her life. Never did she think she would meet her soulmate; at the age of twenty-four, she had yet to find them. Yet, one day, after a day of teaching, her friend Takeda asked her if she would come to the boy’s volleyball club meeting. She did. To her surprise, she remembered how much she loved volleyball and actually found her soulmate in that very gym.
aone takanobu
jackets┆short┆where aone points out that you have something on your shirt and he gives you his jacket.  
how you meet includes hinata, kuroo, oikawa, tsukishima, sugawara, and ukai
draco malfoy
sick┆one-shot┆where draco comes to join you in the common room, coughing his head off. 
birthday surprise┆one-shot┆no one seemed to like Ivan.  except for you and the children where you worked.  with his birthday going unnoticed by your coworkers, you decided to call Natalia up and make it possible for them to celebrate, only asking for friendship in return. 
2p! nyo! america
pissy proposal┆one-shot┆Emily’s worried that you’re going to leave her.  You make sure she knows that she’s the only one for you.  
2p! russia
scared┆short┆our dear reader is pregnant.  and she’s really nervous about telling viktor.
cute neighbor┆short┆alfred ran out in just his underwear after the fire alarm went off.  you luckily had a blanket to spare.  
lucifer morningstar
willpower┆one-shot┆lucifer really doesn’t understand your motives.  he tries to figure it out.  platonic lucifer x reader. 
necessary goodbye┆one-shot┆where the reader loves lucifer, but he’s in love with detective decker.
necessary realization┆requested┆pt. two of necessary goodbye, where the reader is engaged and she brings lucifer her wedding invitation.  after she leaves to return to her hotel room for that weekend, he comes after her. 
lucifer preparing to show you his true face.
marcus pierce/cain
poisoned words┆one-shot┆where the reader is in love with pierce and they go undercover together.  reader is poisoned and she goes to the hospital.  after coming back, she tries to talk to pierce about how she feels.  he shoots her down.  i promise, there is a somewhat fluffy end to this.
uncanny resemblance┆requested┆you like the lieutenant.  you cannot figure him out.  it leads to a home invasion and your uncanny resemblance to a string of victims for anything to happen between the two of you.
lost and found┆one-shot┆the reader’s child, leo, gets lost and goes to the police department.  amenadiel and lucifer are there and leo goes straight to amenadiel.  
ella lopez
nerd basket┆requested┆being ella’s significant other is always filled with geeky questions and gifts.  for your anniversary, she has more questions than you anticipated for your early anniversary gift.  
fading┆one-shot┆The reader doesn’t know what to do with their self after Crowley dies, right in front of them.  There’s nothing that they can do except grieve.  
sam winchester
you hate when Sam says, “All Hallow’s Eve.”
steve rogers
101┆first chapter of three┆steve finally meets his soulmate at the ripe age of 101.  his soulmate is 24 and good friends with peter parker. 
tony stark
shut up, stark.┆short┆tony stark is arguably the reader’s best friend, despite the constant jokes.  he would give anything to help the reader with their constant anxiety. 
stephen strange
birthday plans┆short┆It’s Stephen’s birthday.  Tony called and said he was having a cookout.  But you need to make sure Stephen and your little girl, Rosa, are ready for the event itself.
peter parker
liability┆one-shot┆somehow, the reader is in a predicament that only Spider-man can save them from.  But just a couple seconds of Peter not paying attention literally cost them their life.  
stalker┆short┆where the reader is being followed and peter comes to the rescue.  
peter loves halloween and among us, a little too much.
natasha romanov
cute┆short┆about natasha calling you cute.
loki laufeyson
a little crush┆short┆in where loki is suuuper vulnerable.  fluffy. 
loki doesn’t like midgard holidays. 
bucky barnes
cynophobia┆short┆where you’re afraid of dogs and it takes bucky to save you from one trapped in your apartment.  
samwise gamgee
conceal, don’t feel┆short┆in which samwise doesn’t return your feelings.
diego hargreeves
replaceable┆one-shot┆in which diego loves lila, you love diego, and you witness the death of your best friend, elliot.  
klaus hargreeves
back to the future┆short┆in which you are in love with klaus.  he returns the feelings, but unfortunately for you, he does not want you coming to 2019 with him and his siblings.  
allison hargreeves
cuddling with allison.
for the love of you┆the reader is summoned by bonnie, on accident, to the world of the mikaelsons.  as confused as she is, she comes to realize that not only has she found her soulmate, she’s found four soulmates.  PART ONE PART TWO┆more coming soon
elijah mikaelson
The Soulmate Principle┆one-shot┆Dear Prince Elijah should have just left you alone. But with the Soulmate Principle, he just couldn’t help himself. And it just so happened to cost you your life.
hugs and kisses┆requested┆Hello! Can I request an Elijah x reader one shot; just fluff with lots of kisses and cuddles? Btw, love your blog ^^ — Anon
could you be?┆one-shot┆It’s been on Elijah’s mind for some time.  Would you feel the same way?  Would you want him for the rest of your life?  
ocean’s beauty┆one-shot┆Klaus, of course, the traveller he is, decides to take everyone along with him.  You’re a human and you’re married to Elijah.  Oh, and your ship’s hit an iceberg in the middle of the Atlantic—and it’s sinking quickly. 
kiss of life┆one-shot┆polyamorous reader in a relationship with elijah, klaus, and kol has died.  however, she comes back in a revenge plot by a witch who lost her wife due to klaus.  
injury┆short┆where you are injured and elijah takes care of you.  
glitter┆short┆based off of the song glitter, by patrick droney.  the reader is dead, but not entirely gone.  elijah doesn’t know this.
choose me┆one-shot┆elijah has been a bad boyfriend, in the sense that he’s always gone and never takes into consideration how that makes you feel.   
surprise parties┆requested┆Hii! If the bingo requests are still open can you do a one shot of elijah x reader with the birthday prompt it can be like rebekah throwing a birthday party for the reader or just like elijah fluff, up to you <33 — anon
she will be loved┆requested┆Hi! Can I please request an (platonic) Elijah x 3-4 year old fem!child oneshot where when Elijah went to Mystic Falls (when he needed Elena) and when he’s walking, he hears crying and finds her alone on the streets. I’m sure his heart would absolutely break at the sight and he would do anything he can to help calm her down. He obviously wouldn’t leave her on the streets, deciding right then and there that he wants to adopt her, so he brings her home with him. Omggg he would be such a soft (and veryyy protective) dad and all of the Mikaelsons (once they were undaggered) would love her so much 🤧  (Also Elijah would absolutely lose it if the Mystic Falls gang ever brought Y/n into any of the drama) — @kpopgirlbtssvt
a welcome arrangement┆requested┆Hi! If requests are open, could I request an Elijah x Reader where the reader is a vampire and long time friend to the Mikaelson's, and Rebekah and the others try to set her up with Elijah because they know they both like each other? I love your writing!! 💕 — anon
you adopt a child with Elijah.
klaus mikaelson 
you’re safe now┆one-shot┆the reader leaves the mystic grill with the intent of going home. instead, something distracts her and she’s attacked. her soulmate is the one who saves her life. crazily enough, it’s the same guy who she was staring at just moments earlier.
pretend boyfriend┆short┆ reader is being watched by some creepy guy at the mystic grill. she asks dear klaus to pretend to be her boyfriend.
which disney princess are you?┆short┆Klaus walks in on you taking a Which Disney Princess Are You? quiz on Buzzfeed.  Color him intrigued.  
heather┆short┆in where the reader is in love with klaus, but he loves heather.
endearment┆short┆klaus is in love with you.  but he doesn’t know if you return the feelings. 
kiss of life┆one-shot┆polyamorous reader in a relationship with klaus, elijah, and kol has died.  however, she comes back in a revenge plot by a witch who lost her wife due to klaus.  
forgotten lifetimes┆one-shot┆reader has dementia and has forgotten her children on multiple occasions.  now, she’s forgetting klaus.  
writer’s block┆short┆where the reader is suffering from writer’s block and klaus comforts the reader so they don’t get upset because of it.
silent treatment┆requested┆hi, can you please write an imagine with klaus mikaelson? his gf calls him by one of her close friend’s name (that he don’t like bc he’s possessive like that) and he gives her the silent treatment — anon
one night stands, and then some┆requested┆hi! i just wanted to say that i love your blog! i have a request, for a klaus mikaelson drabble/imagine. where the reade had a one night stand with him (instead of hayley) and now she’s pregnant. whatever else you want to do with that! thank you! ❤️  — @mikaelson-emma
a bolt from the blue┆one-shot┆the reader has recently moved from colorado and finds one of her first cases on the job to be a dead doctor, invited to a ball held by the mikaelsons.  she goes, expecting to find the killer, but instead, she finds that two of the mikaelsons have fallen for her—klaus and rebekah.  
kol mikaelson
take a hint┆requested┆can you do a kol mikaelson one where Caroline is distracting Klaus and she brought the reader with her so she could distract kol? maybe it can be based on the song take a hint from victorious? i’ve listened to it and thought it would be funny and cute! thank you! — @mikaelson-emma
family game night┆one-shot┆where you play Monopoly with the Mikaelson’s and the youngest finds out he’s developed a little crush.
kiss of life┆one-shot┆polyamorous reader in a relationship with kol, klaus, and elijah has died.  however, she comes back in a revenge plot by a witch who lost her wife due to klaus.  
tell me a lie┆short┆loosely based off the quote, “my favorite lie was, ‘i love you.’”  definitely not happy.  reader was cheated on. 
forsaken hearts┆short┆kol doesn’t love you.  what’s his reason?
talks of mortality┆one-shot┆about you trying to talk kol into taking the cure, but he doesn’t want to listen to what you have to say.  
truth or dare┆one-shot┆after a game of truth or dare, you reveal to your friends and siblings that you’re dating kol mikaelson.  
times of change┆short┆an argument between kol and the reader.
kol pisses you off
rebekah mikaelson
pesky┆short┆using the sentence prompt, “can someone kill him again?”
a bolt from the blue┆one-shot┆the reader has recently moved from colorado and finds one of her first cases on the job to be a dead doctor, invited to a ball held by the mikaelsons.  she goes, expecting to find the killer, but instead, she finds that two of the mikaelsons have fallen for her—rebekah and klaus.  
rebekah reveals how she truly feels.
damon salvatore
Closure┆one-shot┆a year has passed since Damon and the reader broke up. Damon was with Angie, the reader was a depressed shell of herself. A drunken three AM phone call is exactly what it takes for the reader to get some closure.
by your side┆requested┆Can I get a fluff fic of either Elijah Mikaelson or Damon Salvatore where the reader is going through a rough time (depressive episode) and they comfort reader through it? 😔  — anon
stefan salvatore
only time will tell┆requested┆a stefan soulmate au — @123cvcz 
lovelorn hearts┆requested┆heyyy, can i request a angst fic where reader is damon’s best friend and stefan has a huge crush on her, she overhears damon teasing him about it which leads to his confession, but she’s unsure if she feels the same way and he gets his heart broken all over again? (after elena) thanks, your writing is lovely. — @xoxosinister
hope hearing stories about you.
☼ X-MEN ☼
charles xavier
happiest year┆one-shot┆although the reader loves charles—although she makes sure he knows that she would do anything for him, he throws it all away. the reader leaves and moves on with her life.
erik lehnsherr
embarrassing moments┆requested┆BROOOOOOO i didn’t know you wrote for the x men … could i please request smth w erik?? smth with mutual pining ~~~ maybe reader is an awkward mutant who’s insecure and can’t talk to erik ……. bro the erik thirst has been REAL recently — @petrichor-ds
sparks fly┆requested┆reader is a cheerful mutant w some sort of electricity ability, and she’s bright until erik comes around.  then she’s removed, quiet, and reserved.  charles has had enough and pairs them up to do training demos tgt (electricity overlaps w magnetism a bit) and then ~romantic tension~ and then reader finally confesses to him after he’s like “why r u so nervous????” — @petrichor-ds
☼ THE 100 ☼
bellamy blake
you’re left behind at mount weather, instead of gina.  
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Request- Yes @thollandx
Word Count- 2.7k
One party. You could so do that. One tiny party for your boyfriend. You are the Goddess of Magic. You could handle a small party.
Well apparently you can’t.
“Ned! Can’t you just keep him occupied for a couple more hours? The party is tomorrow and I swear to Od- God if he finds out before-”
“I will but you have to make up an excuse.” Ned rushed out before he continued on “I got to go. Don’t screw this up- he deserves this,” You thanked Ned for the trust that he put in you with a roll of your eyes.
You were currently working out a plan with May so that he would be busy until the party when someone else texted you other than May.
Peter- Hey can I swing by and talk to you?
Shit. You couldn’t do that- you had already had tons of balloons and decorations stacked in your house not to mention the other plans you had.
You- Sorry, I am hanging out with a friend. Can I talk to you tomorrow.
Peter- Of course.
You didn’t quite realize that he meant of course by ‘of course you were busy’ and not that he agreed for him to talk to you tomorrow.
After a couple of hours you were sure that you had everything set up to perfection- ever since coming to Midgard to do you godlessly things you always seemed to stick to Peter.
He was just an ordinary boy in the eyes of your father or your uncles- if they knew about him- but he was everything to you.
He didn’t even know that you were from an entirely different planet- he just thought that you were home schooled somewhere in a place called Idaho.
He showed you Queens as well as a lot of other things and he opened the world up to you and you wanted to show him how much that he means to you.
A knock rang out from the front of your house- your mom wasn’t going to be home because she was at the lab so you didn’t know who it was.
You looked over at yourself hair messed up from painting the banner for his birthday a bit of black paint smeared on your inner arm and forearm.
As we walked over to the door you started to wonder who it could be, your family was- interesting.
As Thor Odinson and Jane Foster as your parents you honestly never thought about what could walk through that door.
And at the moment you didn’t think you would be answering the door to your loving boyfriend who looked as though he was going to punch a whole through your door.
“P-Peter-” You stuttered out shoving the door so that he couldn’t see into the house and to your birthday decorations.
“We need to talk.” He motioned to go inside before you shut the door quickly behind you with a nervous look to him.
He knew you were hiding something.
“What’s in your house that you don’t want me to see. Or Who?”
“No one is in my house, just me- my mom is working.” You confessed truthfully as another look crossed his face.
“I thought that you were hanging out with a friend.”
He got you there, he really did get you- you stumbled to come up with an excuse but nothing showed up in your vocabulary.
It was like you were frozen. Not able to do anything other than watch your boyfriend come to false conclusions.
“I should have known.” He scoffed out running a hand through his hair a hurting look on his face.
“Peter- it’s not that. I swear-” Cheating. He thought that you were cheating on the love of your life. You don’t think that you could even think about doing that without throwing up.
“No- I’ve wanted to talk for the past couple of months and you are always disappearing. I should have known about girls like you.”
“Girls like me? What do you mean-” A stark bit of anger slid its way into the conversation.
“Beautiful, Popular. I should have known that you were lying when you said that you loved me. Did you enjoy seeing me fall for you even though you were just playing me behind my back?”
Father- Come to Avenger’s tower. There is a family matter that we need to attend to.
“Is he in there right now? Texting you. Asking why you are talking to your nerd boyfriend?” He had it all wrong and he should have known that.
“No, this is my father.” The truth squeezed its way out as looked as betrayal crossed his features.
You- Dad, I can’t right now.
“You absentee father is texting you. Really Y/n?” Tear started to leak from your eyes, you were caught in a lie- it wasn’t a good one and it would risk everything that you built for yourself.
“Were done.” Those to words shook you, he was breaking up with you. You couldn’t tell him who you were- it would put everything that you built to ruins.
“Peter!” You screamed out but it didn’t seem to help well he was already walking away at an almost inhuman speed.
Father- Your uncle is trying to take over Midgard again. He has the cube.
Your angry tears flooded down your face as you watched Peter leave you broken-hearted. You had to go- this was your civic duty as a Goddess on earth. And your couldn’t leave that behind you swore to it.
Slamming his door Peter Parker grounded his teeth his face red from the tears that he shed over his girl- ex girlfriend.
“What’s wrong?” Ned came over to his broken friend who seemed as though he was dying.
“She is cheating on me. She has to be.”
“What? No she’s not. This is Y/n that we are talking about. She loves you so much, Peter. Please tell me that you didn’t do anything irrational.”
“I broke up with her.” Peter quietly choaked out still believing the worst as he sunk his head into his hands.
“Peter. You just ruined your life.” Ned yelled at him.
“How can you believe her over me? I thought you had my back, Ned.” Ned grabbed out his phone before pulling out the conversation with you.
His eyes scanned over the text as his heart broke all over again. She was texting Ned.
Y/n- I just found out that I can’t hold a paintbrush to save my life. Remember to keep Peter busy today.
Shit, I just spilled paint all over the carpeting.
Ned- Y/N! How do you do that?
Y/n- I am trying to do something nice for my boyfriend so hush, Ned!
I just called May, you guys are going to do something tomorrow and don’t ruin it. Please. Peter needs a break.
Ned- I know that, Y/n. And you don’t screw up either this is going to be important for him. I’ll go to him to go to like Lego land. He loves that.
Or get him a light-saber! We could watch all of the star wars movies at my house!
Are you still doing the Iron Man theme he is a slut for Iron Man.
And Nachos. Get him Nachos too and he will love you forever.
Y/n- My boyfriend is a slut for a 45 year old man. Okay.
Just found out that I am bad at writing on cakes with icing.
Ned, I miss my boyfriend so much. Can’t I just see him really quick, I miss cuddle times.
How do you work a fire extinguisher. My curtains are on fire!
We’re good now.
Ned- why are you in charge of the party?
And no! You wait until the party then you can have all of the ‘cuddle time’ that you want.
The party. They were planning a birthday party for him.
“You better fix this. Now, Peter.” Ned yelled at the boy who looked shocked at the phone. He had just broken up with the love of his life for no reason what so ever.
He ran over to the door getting your number on his phone and dialing it over and over again but you didn’t answer.
His phone buzzed and he immediately grabbed it hoping that it was you but his heart dropped at what he saw.
Mr. Stark- Come to the tower now kid. Bring your suit. Loki’s going bat shit and trying to take over the world again.
"You guys stand back. This isn't your fight." Thor Odinson commanded to the Avengers as he watched his brother try to take over New York Square, shooting bursts of light every so often.
"The Hell it isn't. What are you going to do it yourself?"
"Just evacuate the people. We will take care of the rest." Before anyone could question the God he roared into action slamming his hammer in the direction of his brother in which he barely ducked.
Slam after slam Thor hit after his brother only to get caught of guard not really feeling as though he should electrocute his brother.
Sending a bolt of lightning towards his brother he barely made it to the ground before catching a a side of the building sending a crack into a side of a main building.
You crept towards the side of the building seeing two people rushing others through the boundaries- Iron Man and Spider-Man. You didn't know that Peter was the Spider Man but he knew who you were as you were wearing civilian clothes.
As soon as he saw you he sprung forward trying to get you out of the area but Iron Man yanked him back keeping him from going anywhere near Loki.
"You don't want to do this, Loki!" You commanded to him as they watched your father coming to your side 2 gods next to each other.
"But I do, Y/n darling." Reaching into your pocket you grabbed a small pocket knife and cut your palm Peter bounded forward only to get stopped by Tony.
"Peter, I think that she is the back-up. Friday get Peter out of here." Peter looked at Tony about to tell him off when he was jerked to the ground- to the safety of a building, you slammed your palm into the ground.
It was euphoric as you felt your asgardian battle gear took over your form another person materializing next to you and behind you. Sif.
Lightning struck to your outreached hand your blade appearing in front of you, a blade forged by your own father.
Loki did what he did best he created illusions and one by one you sent strikes of electricity and of your own powers through them to determine whom was real and whom was fake.
Your father was doing something similar as you narrowed in on the staff that your uncle was holding.
"Komme" You muttered in Norse the staff coming you you immediately but it was redirected as he sent a force towards him.
Barely having a moment to duck you bared to the ground Sif sending her shield ricocheting away the blast. Again and again he sent it after you as you absorbed the blows with your blade before sending another blast causing him to fall over giving him a moment of weakness.
Sif gave the last blow her shield to his side as you grabbed the staff. It felt cool in your hands as it rested. Your father coming over to you as though to check if you were okay his hands wrapping around your waist to hug you softly.
"I missed you, dad."
"I am that great you know, I was only in Asgard for a week." You rolled your eyes trying not to think about the whole Peter situation and cry about it with your mom later.
Your dad was going to kill Peter if he ever found out that you were even dating. As you pulled away you saw the harsh gaze of your mentor on Asgard. The Iron man and Spiderling were coming closer to you- close enough to hear your conversation.
"Lady Sif..."
"Not a word, Princess. Thor Odinson, I thought that you were making sure that your daughter wasn't getting into any trouble on Midgard."
"Well its not my fault that my uncle is a narcissistic backstabbing little wanker." Loki made a sound from his mussel. "Not another word uncle otherwise I am going to hit you with a God bolt."
"What can I say, she is like her father."
"Dad- I want to go back with you." He looked over in conformation as you softly said it and he could tell that there was something on your mind.
"Wait here. Metal Man, Man of Spiders come here." You watched as the males came closer to you and Sif, Loki made a move to escape and within one moment you struck him with a bolt rendering him unconscious.
"Y/n!" You gave Sif a sly look as shifted out the staff and your sword still in your hands.
"I will take this, thank you very much." You glared at your god mother as she plucked the sword from your grasp.
"Who are you?" The Iron Man asked you his face thing off as you saw a sly smile on your face that you didn't know why was there.
"Thordottir. She goes by Foster on your planet. Jane thought it would be a better idea than Thordottir, she already has enough attention on her from having my godly good looks."
"I'm a god too remember, Father? And I'm more powerful than you." He scoffed at your audacity before pushing you behind him jokingly.
"Princess, might I remind you that he can send you to the Jotunheim for the next hundred years. As for the Princeling here, we will seek him to Asgardian justice."
"How many other Asgardian people live on earth, I'm just wondering."
"In one moment none. My daughter, Sif, Loki, and I will be returning to Asgard." Even if it was just a day you wanted to go. Peter wouldn't want to see you anyway no matter what you said to him.
"What?" A deep almost fake voice said from the spider suit as you looked over to it.
"Do I know you?" You questioned as though feeling some sort of familiarity with it, like you knew who it was but you couldn't put your finger on it. But when he tugged his mask off it all came into place. "Peter?"
"Wait, how do you guys know each other?" Your father asked as you stuttered out the truth without thinking using the language your father taught you.
"We are- were courting." You guys were done with he had made that clear but- he was spider-man. That didn't seem like it was coming at all.
"Courting? Are you joking? No, you are only 210 years old. What? Hold on. With the spiderling. Is he the reason you want to go back to Asgard?" Before your father could say anything else you grabbed onto Peter's arm and teleported back to your house.
It was almost a reflex for you, to teleport without a second thought, but it certainly wasn't for Peter. The look on his face showed that.
"Sorry, my father can get a bit overprotective when it comes to me. I totally understand if you want to go-" Before you could do anything the male stepped next to you holding you to him. On habit you changed out of your gear and into your regular Asgardian silks.
“I was stupid. I’m so so sorry, Y/n. Please take me back.”
“I should have told you and not snuck behind your back but then again we were both keeping secrets from each other.” You came up with an idea as you stepped away from him- he looked scared almost as you looked onto him in his suit.
“Hello, I’m Y/n Thordottir. I am Asgardian.” A silly grin went back on your boyfriends face as he noticed what you were doing.
“I’m Peter Parker, I’m from earth. And I’m spider-man. Would you do me the honor of courting me?” You laughed at the language that he used on you as stepped closer to him wrapping your arms around his neck.
“I would love that, Peter Parker.” 
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esepoimipullula · 3 years
So, one of the (many, many) things I mean when I say I’m a Norse-obsessed nerd who gets way too excited whenever Norse mythology or Vikings are involved or even just mentioned in Disney Duckverse & Mouseverse comics or cartoons is that I love the DT2017 episode The Rumble for Ragnarok! to bits.
Asgard! Valhalla! Male and female dead heroes in Valhalla! Norse-inspired architecture! Impending Ragnarok! Vikings being crazy about wrestling, which is actually kind of weirdly fitting if you consider glima! Vikings having a sense of honor! Vikings hating overly greedy people! Beakley picking “the Shieldmaiden” as her stage name, and her costume having a winged helmet because it’s supposed to be over-the-top and kind of ridiculous and we clearly see nobody else in Valhalla wears anything like that! The person on the writing team who apparently has my same taste in mythical figures and, instead of whipping up Odin and Thor (whom I do love, too, but come on... you can’t always use them!) as usual, went, “Hey, guys, you know what would be cool? If Loki’s kids were loved and appreciated and had lots of admirers and weren’t cast away or tortured or killed!”...
Anyway, right after watching the episode, I already had my own headcanons about Jormungand and Hecka and Fenrir being siblings like in the myths. And about Fenrir really being the Biggest Wolf Ever but also able to transform into the Regular Wolf form we see in the episode and another, unseen Anthropomorphic Wolf form, yet preferring the Regular Wolf one during matches because the crowd loves the whole “good boy” schtick and it’s also useful to trick opponents into underestimating him. And about attitudes towards Ragnarok actually having shifted only fairly recently (for Norse standards) and Jormungand being really a pretty decent guy, just way too addicted to the crowds’ cheers and praise after millenia of being considered a monster and a harbinger of unspeakable doom, making him even more insecure and prone to get in over his head and lose control than Dewey and...
Ahem. So, anyway, some time after watching the episode, just for fun, I tried my hand at making my duck-ified versions of Loki, Angrboda, and Sigyn, to round out the family. Unfortunately I can’t draw, so I used the Ducktales: All Ducked Out game, which means my options in terms of body type, clothing, and everything else where pretty limited. So, basically, I just shrugged and went, “you know what? Since now Ragnarok is seen as a good thing but keeps getting thwarted, Loki has been freed and told to keep himself constantly available just in case the time for him to lead the Jotnar against the gods finally comes, though of course he’s still not welcome in Asgard. Which is fine for him, because he and Sigyn are running around Midgard looking for their sons, who have just been turned into regular, non-talking wolves and cast out in some area well-known for traditional wolf-hunting or something because this is Disney and also an embarrassingly self-indulgent AU. Angrboda helps them on their search, because I hate Sigyn vs Angrboda stuff and because I ship all three of them together, but generally she hangs out in Jotunheim and then she always watches her kids’ matches in Valhalla if she can make it, which means she’s the only one who still keeps to Norse style instead of adapting to Midgard fashions or mixing the two together.”
You know, normal things a normal person thinks about.
Anyway, here they are:
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He’s meant to be some kind of hawk as a call-back to him borrowing Freyja's and Frigg’s falcon-cloacks on at least two separate occasions... though I’m sure it doesn’t come across that well. I would have liked to go for longer hair, but there weren’t that many styles available and I liked the two different colors thing this one had going on. If you pretend the second color is less pinkish and more reddish, it gives a kind of fiery effect --- and yeah, I know the fire association is actually pretty thin and likely more of a later thing, but it’s a popular thing and personally, I like it.
No, he’s not “Norse Satan.” He’s more like an ambiguously moral trickster who causes as much trouble as he fixes, is responsibile for the gods having a lot of cool stuff, is (equally or almost equally ambiguously moral) Odin’s blood-brother and Thor’s friend but eventually fucks up both relationships, and at one point fucks everything up so very, very, very badly that it starts the chain of events leading to Ragnarok.
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A regular duck, to go with my long-standing headcanon that she’s a bit of a plain Jane but Loki and Angrboda love her because of her wit, passion, and unexpected chaos-loving side. I like to think her necklace was gifted to her by Loki when they were courting, and is the one flashy thing she’s always comfortable wearing no matter the occasion.
No, there is absolutely nothing in the myths about her being forced or tricked into marrying Loki or him abusing her. Sure, she is not happy with some of his actions and their consequences for both of them, but she voluntarily sticks with him and protects him from having acidic venom constantly poured all over him.
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A big, strong, tough jotun woman! I’ve already explained about her sticking to her Norse roots, so I’ll just say that I didn’t have any ideas about what kind of bird I should make her. I actually kinda wanted to make her a dognose or something to emphasize how WEIRD her offspring with Loki is, but... whatever, guess she’s a duck, lol.
No, she is never named as Loki’s first or second wife, and she’s never connected to Sigyn in any text so there’s nothing about the two being rivals or hating each other. So I’m completely free to imagine she’s both Loki’s and Sigyn’s girlfriend. :)
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user1286 · 1 year
Gods of Disappointment: PART 3: Wound and Beast (1/2)
A/N:  Yo shoutout to my brother dawg, he helped me "choreograph" the fighting. (He's a For Honor nerd lmao)
Summary: Mystery ensues, Modi's hungry, and he irritates Thrud a little more.
With his brows furrowed, Magni loudly dropped his ax on the ground; the loud clanging echoing through the large cave everyone was sitting in.
“There’s no feed in this area. We need to move.” Everyone’s heads quickly turned towards Magni at the entrance. He then pulled a bag from his waist, ready to say more until Sif spoke.
“What?” Sitting on a log – like the two in front of her –, Sif raised an eyebrow.
“There’s nothing out there. It’s like all the creatures disappeared.” Magni explained. He then walked to his mother, placing the bag in her hands.
“What do you mean by ‘disappeared’?” Dumbfounded, Sif took the bag and looked into it — surprise and confusion took over her face —. “Where did you find these?” She looked up at Magni as she pulled vegetables and nuts from the bag. She noticed how fresh the carrot in her hand was and thought aloud,”We’re in Fimbulwinter, these shouldn’t even be alive…”
“There was a village.” Magni remarked.
“A what!?” Sif’s voice raised, as she continued. “You know we shouldn’t be in contact with mortals, if they hear a family of gods came to Midgard, word could reach Od-”
“I didn’t tell them anything!” Magni yelled back.
The silence echoed throughout the cave as Gulltoppr’s head rose, Thrud and Modi stared in shock, and all while Sif’s face formed into anger. She proceeded to get up from her log, and while being towered over by her own seven foot son, she looked up to his face, staring through his eyes, and quietly spoke.
“I’m sorry? Would you care to explain yourself?”
Stiff as stone, and with a quiet voice, Magni answered hesitantly.
“I… didn’t say anything. They didn’t sell meat, and I could only buy vegetation from them.”
Sif silently stayed put in front of Magni, practically squeezing out an apology from him. She then told him to sit down as she also slapped Modi’s hand away from the bag. 
Loosening up, Magni sat into Gulltoppr’s waist, who was to Thrud’s right. To her left, Modi, and In front of all was Sif,  who’s back was now to the entrance of the cave.
Magni then crossed his legs, and leaned back to rest. 
Sif inhaled and exhaled to calm down, then asking Magni,
“Why didn’t they sell meat?”
Magni began to pet the large cat as he answered her question. “They said the same thing was happening to them. No animals, all gone.”
Sif started to ration out the food to Thrud, Modi and herself.
“Did you eat already?”
Without opening his mouth, he replied with an affirming grunt.
The time spent eating the small meal was satisfying for Sif and Thrud. For Modi though, he felt different.
The two women went to talk outside, while Magni and Modi were both still in the cave, resting. One still in the same position, and the other with his back on the ground, three limbs sprouted, and one hand scratched at his head.
Modi’s stomach still growled and ached for more, annoying him, causing his mind to wonder. He turned his head to Magni, and asked his question in mind.
“So there really wasn’t anything at all?” He asked, breaking the silence between the two.
“Mm.” Magni didn’t open his eyes or move as he said so.
A tinge of doubt began to take over Modi’s tone. “Nothing?”
Modi paused, and gave his brother a look of suspicion. “You sure you didn’t forget a few steps to setting those traps?”
Magni opened his eyes and slowly turned his head to Modi. “If you’re so concerned about me forgetting, why didn’t you volunteer to hunt instead?”
“Did you not watch me get launched into a tree by an oversized cat yesterday?” Gulltoppr opened his eyes and loudly snorted at Modi’s face.
Trying not to laugh, Magni replied,”I mean, if I had a maybe~ 300 pound man sitting on my ass, constantly taunting me for trying to catch my breath after hours of walking non stop,-” Without uncrossing his arms, Magni leaned towards Modi and raised his voice continuing. ”-I would be so happy to launch him into a tree too.”
Thrud and Sif, still outside the cave, looked to Magni and Modi, with their attention turned towards them.
“We’re not fighting.” The two lied simultaneously, causing Thrud and her mother to continue their conversation.
Modi sat up, aggressively whispering and even pointing to Magni. “Listen, monkeyman, if I were to get out right now, and check on those traps, I bet I’d find them looking more fucked up than you.” 
Magni didn’t even bother to whisper, but instead, sarcastically remarked loud enough for Thrud and Sif outside to hear,”you think my traps were set wrong?!” 
Modi stopped pointing, and began to panic, frantically shaking his head, he whispered, ”No! No! No! I’m sorry, just shut up, please don’t do whatever you’re gonna do!”  
Magni continued to speak loudly, his voice echoing outside the cave,”You’d like to teach Thrud how to hunt while you check on them?! That’s a wonderful idea-“ Magni aggressively smacked Modi’s back, his fur coat barely cushioning the God of Strength’s large hand,”-brother!”
Modi scrunched his face and pursed his lips. He resisted the urge to yelp in pain, and instead loudly grunted through a closed mouth. Before getting the chance to object, Thrud turned her head to Modi with an eyebrow raised and spoke.
“Now, Modi?”
Again, before a sound left his mouth, his mother spoke instead. “That sounds like a good idea.” Sif then looked to and rested her hands on Thrud’s shoulders. “You two should get going before it gets dark. Your brother used to be very good at hunting when he was young, so I’m confident he’ll teach you well.”
“Uh Mom, I already know how to hunt tho-“
Sif’s back was already to Thrud’s face again, causing the girl to groan. Modi watched Sif enter the cave again, taking a sword and mace from the side, where a few other weapons were resting. 
She continued,”our weapons aren’t best suited for hunting, but we have to utilize their functions as best as we can.” She handed Thrud her weapons, and then turned to Modi, who was still sitting, desperately trying to rub his new bruise on his back. “Well? What are you waiting for?”
Modi paused for a second, with whatever sense of pride he had, beginning to bloom again.
“You know what? Nothing!” The man rose up to his feet, then looked down to Magni, whispering again. “If I bring some kind of meat by the time I come back, you’re bringing me twice the rations you brought us today.” 
Magni looked up at Modi, and without bothering to whisper again, he replied,”And if you come back with nothing, you’re coming with me to visit the village again. I think they might be able to offer us something worth our time…”
“Sounds like fair game…” Modi was about to give his hand to Magni for a shake, but was stopped when Thrud yelled into the cave.
“Hey tubby, are you almost done?”
“Augh, I’m coming, damn!” Forgetting what he was just about to do, Modi quickly grabbed a shield from the small collection of weapons and quickly asked Magni where the traps were set — finding that some were set along a river, and others near caves —. Modi and Thrud then bid their farewells, and then jogged off into the distance.
”Also stop calling me tubby, damn!” 
Thrud could only giggle in response.
The crunching of snow beneath Modi and Thrud’s feet accompanied the chattering between the two.
“I’m not into him!”
“Just admit it already, that bartender at the tavern always looked at you with hungry eyes!” Thrud bursted laughing,”I could tell he wanted to eat you like an animal!”
Modi playfully shoved Thrud with one hand, stopping her laughing when she landed face first into the snow.
Crouching over her, Modi mocked,”yeah~ who’s laughing now, tubby?!”
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Thrud lifted her head and shoved her hand on Modi’s face, pushing him over on his butt. She then stood up and bent over him; with still a smile, and through gritted teeth, she punched him on the shoulder. “I am!” 
“Aow!” Modi rubbed his shoulder, proceeding to chuckle and run to catch up to Thrud. “You know, you’ve gotten stronger over these years. You been working out extra before we came here?” He remarked, now walking by Thrud’s side.
“Ehh, not really. I guess dad’s strength is just kicking in…”
A moment of silence passed until Thrud recalled.
“Oh, wait, I did get to build up a lot of strength from all those times I had to drag your wasted ass out of the tavern, hehe.”
Modi’s eyes widened at the statement, startled, and then quickly turned his head and asked. “That was you who took me to my room?!”
“That explains so much…” Modi began to count his fingers,”Magni’s too much of a petty bitch to be that nice, Fath- actually I don’t even know where he even is when I was at the Tavern…” More realizations hit Modi as he tried to think of anyone else who would be able to carry him home; until the new information finally finished processing. ”I… saw that coming…” He lied.
“Sure.” Thrud scoffed and chuckled.
A few moments of silence passed between the two until Modi began to wonder,
“Why though?”
“Huh?” Thrud turned her head to look at Modi.
“Why did you bother? I’m sure I woulda’ been fine…”
“Uhh, because I care?” Thrud’s brow raised as she answered.
“Ehh, I just don’t understand…”
“Understand what?”
“Well, you’re- err, you would always get all pissy when you’d pick me and Mag up from whatever noise we might be causing, so, why would you bother anyway?”
Thrud’s brows pressed together and her mouth opened, appearing almost offended by Modi’s question. Before Thrud could say anything though, she heard yelling in the distance, proceeding to get pulled down behind a boulder, as Modi whispered,
“Piss, Raiders!”
“Yeah, I could tell!” Thrud whispered back, quickly whipping out her sword, ready to fight.
With Modi on all fours, and Thrud on her knees, he pointed a few meters ahead behind some trees and rocks.
“There!” He whispered, “I think four of ‘em.”
Sitting ahead were the raiders yelling and arguing about something.
Thrud couldn’t tell about what. She wanted to get closer, but Modi motioned her no. She then settled back down trying to listen, hearing “oversized beast” being mentioned in the conversation.
A thought then interrupted Thrud’s eavesdropping, causing her to ask Modi in a hushed voice,
“I thought you guys fought raiders before?”
“Not worried about that, just you.” Modi then turned his attention to Thrud. “Didn’t you fail that Helheim mission with that Loki freak?”
“Yeah, but that doesn’t mean I got my ass kicked.” She snapped back, with increased annoyance.
“Yeah, whatever, shut up real qui-”
An arrow swept through Thrud’s hair, narrowly missing her neck.
Modi looked above the four, finding that there was an archer in a tree, informing the rest about the two. The four raiders then grabbed their weapons and quickly charged over.
Thrud noticed the archer firing again, provoking her to quickly block an attack from a raider and manhandle him in front of the arrow. Another raider thrusted towards her, but she threw the body at him. She then jumped forward, and stabbed her sword through both bodies, finishing off the second raider. 
Modi – with a malicious smile on his face – pulled out his sword and shield, and leaped towards a raider. “Dumbass!” He sliced the raider's arm off, and bashed him into a tree. He then motioned his shield towards the next raider. The raider threw an overhead attack, resulting in Modi pushing his shield into the weapon, deflecting into the stomach. He then put the shield between the raider’s legs, throwing him over his shoulder, and smashing him into the ground; The sound of bones breaking caught Thrud’s attention for a second until she quickly looked back at the archer – ready to fire again –. 
Both the Archer and Thrud turned to look at Modi bashing in the face of the raider with the butt of his sword. The archer started aiming at Modi. Right as the arrow was shot, Thrud threw her mace at the branches, dropping the archer from the tree.
The arrow shot into the back of Modi’s shoulder, causing him to shout in pain.
“Modi!” Thrud called, as she ran over to check on him.
Modi stopped pounding at the raider’s face, gripping his shoulder. With his free hand, he stopped Thrud and told her through gritted teeth, “Get that fucker first!”
Thrud was quick to listen as she immediately turned around and ran to where the archer fell. The archer was already sprinting away.
“Thrud!” Modi yelled, and threw his shield to her. She then caught the shield and chucked it at the archer’s head; his body fell to the ground.
Again, Thrud turned and ran back to Modi.
“You got him?”
“Yeah.” Thrud replied as she knelt down to look at Modi’s wound. Observing the arrow, she sighed in relief finding it wasn’t too deep in his shoulder. Preparing herself, she blew a gust of air from her breath, gripped the arrow, and asked Modi,
“You ready?”
“Wh- NO!” Modi grabbed Thrud’s wrist and shoved it away from the arrow.
“We can’t just leave it in there!” Thrud tried to grab at the arrow again but Modi backed away, groaning from the sting in his wound.
Thrud then stood up over Modi as he kept backing away further, smacking at her hands as she persisted.
“Would you stop fighting- WOAH!” Out of nowhere, Modi grabbed Thrud’s ankle and yanked her down to the ground landing on her back. He then attempted to get up and run away, failing as Thrud yanked him by the legs dropping him on his belly. Proceeding to mount his back, she finally grasped the end of the arrow, and continued. “We just need that thing out!”
Having felt Thrud’s grip on the arrow – and desperately trying to escape – Modi yelled, “NO!” and moved what he could of his body, – unintentionally – finally tearing the arrow out. 
Both froze in a deafening silence. Modi quickly bit into the shoulder of his coat, and screamed for a few seconds. Meanwhile, Thrud held and looked at the arrow, thinking to herself, huh.
When the screaming stopped, she remembered there was still a wound in need of treatment. Tossing the arrow away, she looked at Modi with his knees tucked in and his head laying in the snow. Thrud snorted, and did only what she knew for a wound. Out of a pouch on her side, she took out a roll of a bandage and knelt down to Modi’s level again.
“Come on, you big baby, we haven’t even found the traps yet.”
Without moving, Modi groaned in an attempt to tell Thrud to go away.
Sighing, Thrud lifted the furry coat off Modi’s shoulder and began to unravel the bandage.
A/N: If you want an idea on how Modi fights, look up Warlord For Honor on youtube lol. Also yes, he and Magni have new weapons bc fuck you that's why. (The justification will be delved into in the story at some point lol). ALSO I redesigned the two bc I hate their actual designs, but also because four winters is one hell of a while, they had to change designs at some point lol. I plan on posting their redesigns soon, but If you don't find them, that means I either bitched out of shyness and embarrassment, or I decided to update them a little more fjdslajfjl.
also if anyone can answer rq, uhh should I keep posting my fics into the god of war tag idk if I'm being annoying or not with my fic bc I know hardly anyone cares abt magni and modi but idk idk bc I do keep finding like character x reader fan fics n such but  ?????? idk lol
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midgardiannerd · 6 years
sometimes I remember that my most popular post on this site is one praising every other ship of Sherlock than Johnlock and it makes me sad to realize how this fandom has mistreated non-Johnlockers  
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