#The Secret Sound of Dreamwalkers
pandorafairy · 2 years
Fire of Souls
Part 4: Celebration
part 1 // part 2 // part 3
Tsu'tey x Reader (younger sister of Jake Sully, dreamwalker) Enemies to Lovers
Contains: hunting, secrets, return home, and a party
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Anything written in italics is spoken in Na'vi
Tsu’tey moves silently through the bushes, his weapons dangling around him. I glide behind him, my feet stepping into his footprints. We’ve been tracking the beast for the entire day. Tsu’tey’s jaw is clenched and his eyes are focused. We are right on it's trail. 
There have been no signs of the Na’vi who attacked Tsu’tey but I keep my eyes open, prepared for anything. Tsu’tey crouches further to the ground as an animal chitters above us. I follow his lead, unable to see anything except his braids as he peers through some underbush. 
He lifts his hand, his long blue fingers pointing upwards, telling me to stop. I halt instantly, my heart rate rising. Tsu’tey’s ears flicker against the side of his head as he listens. I strain my ears, trying to hear whatever it is he hears. 
After a moment, he closes his hand and beckons me to keep moving. I follow after him, my back aching. The only time we’ve spoken is when we made our plan for killing the beast. After that, we fell into a rhythm of silently working together, knowing what the other person meant without them saying a word. It’s much better than our usual arguing. 
Tsu’tey leans back and puts something in his loincloth. His eyes meet mine and he gives me a curt nod that means, we’re close. I nod in response.
A crack sounds through the forest. I freeze as Tsu’tey reaches his hand in front of him, telling me to stay calm. Sweat gathers between my knees as a strong burst of air filters through the treetops above us. It smells of raw meat and decay. The beast. 
My eyes widen. Tsu’tey’s face goes flat, his lips in a straight line and his hands clasp around his bow. He creeps forward, not making a single sound. He pulls a string of leaves to the side. There, the beast stands in the middle of the clearing. His horns curled around his huge, unnatural head. 
My breath catches in my throat. Tsu’tey whips his head around. He cocks his head to the side, are you okay? His eyes ask. I nod, forcing my nerves down. Tsu’tey watches a moment longer, contemplating the nervous look on my face before lifting his three fingers up. It’s our signal. It's time to go. 
Tsu’tey breaks through the trees as one of his arrows goes sizzling through the air. The beast rears back in surprise. I climb up a nearby tree, my fingers digging into the bark as I cock my arrow into place. Tsu’tey springs out of the bush, distracting the beast as I shoot an arrow down. It slams right into the beast’s side. 
The beast roars an ugly, almost mechanical sound. Even the tree I’ve climbed seems to go still at the sound. I load another arrow and shoot again, this time ramming into the beast on the other side. It roars again, sending leaves down from a nearby tree.
Tsu’tey doesn’t hesitate to jump onto the beast’s back. He grasps its horns and clamps his legs around its throat. He looks up at me, his eyes viscous. I grab the long knife from beside me and throw it to him, angling the blade so it lands perfectly in Tsu’tey’s hands. 
Tsu’tey catches it even as the beast thrashes beneath him. He rears back and slams the dagger into the beast's heart. I suck in a breath as Tsu’tey jumps off and takes a few steps back. The beast roars, stumbles, blows out a nasty breath, makes a strange gurgling sound, and then collapses on its side. The beast shudders and goes still.
Tsu’tey doesn’t move as he observes the now dead beast. I climb down slowly, not fully believing our success. I drop my weapon and move closer to Tsu’tey. He begins to inch towards the beast.  I hold my breath until Tsu’tey turns around, a huge grin plastered on his face. A real smile, that spreads across his face and lights his eyes. “It’s dead!” He yells. 
“Hell yea!” I holler and pump my fist in the air. “We did it!” 
Tsu’tey turns back and whoops excitedly. I instinctively offer my hand like a high-five. He instantly grabs it, his fingers wrapping around mine like a handshake. He gives me a firm squeeze. 
I squeeze back, feeling the callouses of hands. 
“Not bad,” Tsu’tey says before pulling back. “Now, let’s go home.”
Home. I smile at the thought as Tsu’tey walks over and cuts off the beast's horns. 
I wake in my human body feeling weak and hungry. I push open the machine that links me to my Avatar. It takes a moment to fully adjust. It’s dark out but I can still make out the sharp outline of the Floating Mountains. I groan as I stand, my back cracking.
Grace and Jake’s voice float into the room, followed by a clatter of utensils. I sniff the air. It smells like burnt bread…
“Oh shit!” Grace yells from the other room. I chuckle to myself and head towards them. My legs feel weak and foreign. I miss my Avatar body the second I’m not in it. It’s starting to feel like my human body is the fake one. 
There’s a banging sound like Grace just plopped the bread down. I can’t wait to tell them about slaying the beast. Jake laughs but it sounds different, almost strained. Nerves bubble in my stomach.
“You have to do something,” Grace says, her voice serious. 
I freeze at the entrance to the room and push myself against the wall so they don’t see me. 
Jake hangs his head in his hands, his wheelchair pushed all the way against the table. He sighs. “I don’t know what to do.” 
Grace pulls out a chair with a loud scraping sound and sits beside him. “You have to tell Neytiri and soon.”
Tell Neytiri what? My hands flutter nervously at my side. 
Jake scoffs. “No way. She’ll never forgive me. And my sister…”
My blood runs cold. 
“You should’ve told your sister a long time ago.”
I step out from behind the entrance before I even have time to process a thought. I cross my arms as Jake’s face goes from shocked to nervous. “Tell me what?”
Grace lifts her eyebrows. She glances at Jake. “Well,” she heaves a sigh and stands from her chair, “at least you can check one of those boxes now.” She leaves, walking off to her own link station. 
“Tell me what, Jake?” My voice is rough, almost panicked. My nerves are growing by the second. Things are starting to go well for me. We just killed the beast. We’re going back to Hometree. I could be one of them. I just pray it isn’t all about to come crashing down. Jake doesn’t respond, he just runs his hands across the armrest on his wheelchair. “Jake.” 
He blows out a rough breath. “Okay, look,” he begins nervously, “do you know why we moved up to the Floating Mountains?” 
What is he getting at? I nod, clearly irritated. “Yea. Your dumbass was hanging around Quaritch.” 
“Do you know what we had talked about?”
I pause, unsure of where this is going and suddenly not sure that I want to know. 
Jake exhales slowly. “He wanted me to get the trust of the Omatikaya so I could negotiate terms of their relocation.” 
Relocation? I swallow the bile that rises in my throat. I dread the answer but I have to ask, “What do you mean by relocation?” 
Jake runs a nervous hand through his hair before meeting my eyes. His face is full of pain. “It was before I knew. Before I saw how amazing the people are and before Neytiri…” 
My heart starts pounding in my chest. Jake is always straight forward. Whatever this is– it’s bad. “Jake,” I say harshly, “out with it.” 
“Promise you won’t do anything rash,” he says. 
“They’re gonna destroy Hometree.” 
The air in my lungs is sucked out. I reach my hand out to steady myself as a wave of nauseous rolls over me. My ears are suddenly ringing. He can’t be serious. There are thousands who live in Hometree. It’s their home. It’s everything. I shake my head, unable to process this. 
Jake wheels himself closer, his face peering up at me. “We still have time.” 
I suck in a breath, trying to calm myself. Nothing feels real. 
“Y/n,” Jake mummers, “please, try and listen.” 
“What do you mean by time?” I ask, my voice raw. 
Jake sighs. “We have time to gain their trust and convince them to leave.” 
It feels like I’ve been kicked in the gut. My hands cradle my stomach as I let out a small moan. Tsu’tey’s trust? I’ve just barely gotten it, just silver. When he finds out… Any hope for friendship will be out the door. It will have been for nothing. “We have to stop them,” I say flatly. 
Jake shakes his head, his eyes sad. “We can’t. All we can do is warn them when the time is right.” He pauses as he observes my face. “Will you help me, sister?” 
I press my fingers to my eyes, fighting back tears. I wait a moment before nodding. “I’ll help you,” I whisper defeatedly, “what other choice do I have?”
Linking with my Avatar again felt like coming home. I opened my eyes to the streaming morning light. Tsu’tey had already packed the direhorses, the beast's horns curled from around the sides. There was something more relaxed about his demeanor; he’s happy to have killed the beast. Happy to be going home. 
His relaxed stance hasn’t gone away as we journey back to Hometree. I try not to think about what Jake told me. I try, with every ounce of willpower, to force it out of my mind. But it still plagues me. Making me feel numb. 
I don’t think Tsu’tey has noticed because we’ve hardly spoken any words to each other. We just move in silent agreement, a team that doesn’t need to write a plan; we just know. 
We’ve been going for hours and my legs are going numb. “How much further?” I ask, breaking the long silence. 
Tsu’tey slows his pace and looks back at me, flicking his braided hair over his shoulder. A small smile grows across his face. “Very soon.” 
I raise an eyebrow at the rare smile on his face. He breaks through a line of dense trees, the leaves brush against his calves. My vision is blurred by the greenery for a moment before coming into full focus. An entire crowd of Omatikaya stand before us. 
I gasp. Hometree looms right before me, looking mightier than ever. There’s no way Quaritch could destroy it. I force the thought away as Neytiri runs up to me, a brilliant smile across her face. “Welcome!”
I can’t help the grin that makes its way onto my face. All of the people have gathered outside Hometree. They're all cheering, whooping, and pumping their hands in the air. All of them are full of so much pride that it warms my heart. 
“Is the beast dead?” The Olo’eyktan, Eytukan, calls above the cries. The crowd goes quiet as he makes his way through in his feathered chest piece. Neytiri  backs away, joining Jake in the crowd. He gives me a goofy thumbs up but I look quickly away, not wanting to acknowledge him, not wanting him to think that I’m okay with this.
Tsu’tey dismounts and walks closer to the crowd as he holds his pack, the beast’s horns jutting out. I copy him, immediately hopping off my steed and falling into step beside him. Once, Eyutkan is right in front of us, we bow our heads in respect. 
“The People want to know,” Eyutkan says, his face stern but his eyes proud, “is the beast dead?”
Tsu’tey grins. His smile sends chills down my spine, it’s lethal and charming at the same time. He reaches down and yanks the horns of his pack. “The beast has been slayed!” 
The entire village erupts into roars of delight. Smiling faces as people hug and praise Tsu’tey the warrior. Then, I hear my own name. They are praising both of us. A small blush creeps onto my cheeks as various clan members look right at me and smile proudly. 
“We will have a celebration! Tonight!” Eyuktan yells again before turning and facing the crowd. “A feast in honor of Tsu’tey and Y/n.” 
The clan bursts into an array of activity: conversations and giddy excitement, as some run into Hometree and other’s grab hunting gear and head for the forest. A feast in my honor. Neytiri and Jake join us as Eyutkan pats Tsu’tey on the back. Tsu’tey’s eyes brighten at the gesture. 
Neytiri grabs my hand and squeezes. Jake smiles at me and I feel my blood run cold like I’m suddenly back in the Floating Mountains, talking to him about Hometree. I feel sick. I don’t deserve this feast. If only they knew…
Neytiri’s face flickers with concern but before she can say anything, Eyuktan asks, “did you have any hardship along the way?” 
Tsu’tey tenses beside me. I remember the cut along his chest, the poison seeping into his blood, and how I saved him. He remains silent beside me, waiting for me to speak. I clear my throat. “No, Tsu’tey and I worked well together.” Tsu’tey’s head whips towards me, his eyes light with surprise. I pretend not to notice and continue on, “all went well.” 
Eyuktan nods as he pats me on the back. Pride swells in me. Neytiri’s eyes flutter between Jake and me. She looks at her father. “They are ready.” 
Eyuktan grunts in agreement. “Tomorrow, take them to the ikran.” 
My mouth drops open as excitement pools in my stomach. I look at Neytiri to find her smiling at Jake. I raise an eyebrow. Interesting… 
Tomorrow, I’ll get to choose an ikran. I can’t contain my excitement to do something I’ve only ever read about. Tsu’tey catches my eyes and gives me a curt nod. My stomach flutters. He’s proud of me too. 
There is a large fire in the center of Hometree and the clan dance and eat all around it. Loud drums pierce the air as people talk and laugh. The celebration is in full swing. I’ve managed to forget about all my worries and just enjoy this moment. 
Earlier in the night, Tsu’tey brought me a plate of my favorite berries to which we shared a knowing look. Neytiri had cocked her head to the side in curiosity but said nothing else. Tsu’tey then tipped his head and stalked off, presumably to enjoy the party on his own. I haven’t seen him since and I pretend that I’m not slightly upset by that. 
Besides, I’ve been too busy dancing. Neytiri and I danced and danced. My feet are practically burning. All around me, the clan moves their bodies to the rhythm of the drums, it’s magnetic and alive. I’ve never experienced anything like it before. Then Jake comes and sweeps Neytiri off into a dance off their own. With my aching feet and tired muscles, I begin to push my way off the dance floor when a male blocks my view. 
“Congratulations,” he says. It’s a man I’ve never seen before. He’s tall, broad shoulders, and his hips are wider than Tsu’tey’s. Not that, I’m thinking of Tsu’tey… I shake my head feeling suddenly fuzzy from the party. The man tilts his head. “I’m Kiezan, I don’t think we’ve met.” 
I swallow, forcing myself to get a grip. His eyes are wide and amber. His hair is loose and tied behind his head with a single braid. He’s handsome. I smile at him. “I’m y/n.”
He smiles back at me. “Pretty name,” he reaches his hand out, “do you want to dance?”
I take his hand without thinking, allowing myself to get swept away once again in the enthrallment of the party. He is a good dancer and he leads me through the crowd with ease. The drums pound loudly and we sway our bodies, matching the rhythm, the heat of his body melting into mine. 
I catch Neytiri’s eyes from across the floor. She nudges her head as if to say, oooo. I roll my eyes and shrug. It’s nice dancing with Kiezan but it isn’t amazing. I don’t feel that warmth in my stomach or flutter in my heart. It’s just nice. 
My eyes move from Neytiri, across the crowd and up to the stairwell where a familiar frame leans against the wall. I jolt. Kiezan’s hands trail down my side as I watch the figure lean forward. There is something familiar about their stature… 
“You like dancing?” Kiezan’s whispers in my ear, his hot breath hitting my neck, making me feel suddenly sick. The figure on the wall immediately straightens before whipping around and disappearing up the stairs. I freeze as I watch their braided hair swing behind them. It’s Tsu’tey. 
I shove Kiezan’s hands off me. He grunts in surprise. “I’ll be back,” I muster as I run into the crowd. He calls after me but I can’t make out what he said. 
There was something about Tsu’tey’s posture, the way he was watching; it sparked a feeling in me, one I can’t discern. I’m following after him and I’m not even sure why. I guess I’m curious about him. Maybe he’s upset? He should be enjoying the celebration… After all, it is for him. 
I make it through the crowd and up the stairs. The air feels cool as it hits my skin. It’s darker here as I walk deeper into Hometree, searching for any sign of him. I keep going, my heart thudding in my chest. Why am I nervous? It’s just Tsu’tey. 
After a while, I’m nearly at the top of Hometree and I haven’t seen him. This was stupid. What was I thinking just going after him? He doesn’t need me. I shake my head, silently scolding myself before turning around. 
“Y/n?” Tsu’tey’s voice stops me right in my tracks. I slowly turn to find him standing between an archway that leads outside onto a branch. He peers curiously at me. He’s wearing a yellow and red beaded chest piece that brings out the gold in his eyes. I swallow. 
“I, uh,” I mumble, struggling to find words, “I was wondering where you went.” 
His eyes grow. “I just needed some space.” 
“Oh, right, I’ll leave you to it,” I say awkwardly.
“Would you like to join me?” Tsu’tey asks before slamming his lips shut like he hadn’t expected to ask me that. I raise my eyebrows in surprise.  A breeze floats in from the archway, blowing his loincloth softly. My heart begins to pound again as I nod my head. 
He turns and walks through the arch. I follow him to find myself on a branch, far above the ground. The night sky is clear and the moons illuminate the forest beneath us. I gasp in delight as I take in the sight. 
Tsu’tey hums under his breath, “I love it up here.” 
He sits down, letting his long legs dangle over the edge of the branch. I sit down next to him, making sure to leave a bit of space between us. I take a deep breath, tasting the sweetness of the air. “I can see why,” I reply. 
“I wanted to thank you,” He says as he looks out at the view. 
I tilt my head, my lips turning to the side. “For what?”
“You didn't tell the Olo’eyktan about my injury,” he continues as the moonlight hits his high cheekbones, “you could have gotten much praise but you chose not to tell.” He looks at me, his eyes containing a feeling that I can’t quite place. “You are unexpected.” 
My ears perk at his words. I’m not sure how to respond. I clear my throat and shrug, trying to seem nonchalant. “You don’t need to thank me for that.” 
“Hm,” he hums as he returns his gaze to the forest. Pandora is gorgeous at night. I’m constantly awestruck by the forest and the Omatikaya. Tsu’tey, despite living here his whole life, seems to still appreciate the beauty of it all. All the way up here, away from any noise.
“You don’t like celebrations, do you?” I ask him. 
He lifts his head at this and lets out a little laugh. “You are observant.” 
“I am a scientist,” I remind him, “and not a useless one.” 
He looks at me, his eyes gleaming with remembrance. “No,” he agrees, “certainly not a useless one.” 
My cheeks heat and I quickly look away. “So, why don’t you like parties?”
He shrugs. “Too many people in one space.” I can’t argue with that. There were so many bodies, all of them dancing, it could easily become overwhelming. I drag my fingers along the bark of the branch. 
Tsu’tey inhales. “Kiezan seemed to like dancing with you.” 
I whip my head towards him, my eyebrows raised and mouth slightly open. “What?”
Tsu’tey reaches up and scratches his forehead. “Oh, I just saw you guys. Nice that you have made friends but…”
“But what?” I scrunch my eyebrows together. 
“You could do better than Kiezan,” he says like it’s a fact as his tail flicks behind him.
A laugh escapes, full of disbelief and bewilderment. Why is Tsu’tey talking to me about this? His ears flatten against his skull for a moment before returning to normal. 
“What friends would you recommend?” I ask playfully. 
“Neytiri,” he begins as he counts on his fingers, “any of the hunters, not Jake but I suppose he is your brother, so...” 
I laugh again, the sound rumbling from my stomach. Tsu’tey’s eyes soften. I shake my head. “Okay, good recommendations,” I say lightly, “so who are your friends then?”
He freezes. His entire body goes rigid. My heart sinks into my stomach. Did I say something wrong? I bite my lip as Tsu’tey rubs his hands together as if he is contemplating what to say next. 
An ikran crows in the distance, piercing the silence between us as I wait for Tsu’tey to say something. I scratch the bark beneath my fingers anxiously. 
Tsu’tey blows out a breath. “I had a best friend, a  finance, I loved her so very much,” he says and the deepness of his voice pains me, “her name was Sylwanin.” My heart sinks lower into my body as I recognize the name of Neytiri’s sister. I hold my breath, waiting for him to say more. His lips turn downward as he stares at his hands. He looks beaten down, vulnerable. I’ve never seen him look like this. 
“She must have been pretty amazing,” I say softly. 
He nods. “She was killed by skypeople.” 
I gasp. I didn’t know that part. My brain searches for something to say, anything, but no words form as I watch the grief stricken man before me. 
“That is why I hated you so much,” Tsu’tey says, his voice barely above a whisper, “every time I saw you, I saw the enemy.” He turns to me, his face open, his eyes full of pain and something else– something hopeful. “But I was wrong.” 
My heart springs back into my chest and flutters. I blink a few times, processing his words. “I understand,” I reply, “when my brother died… I felt so lost. So lost that  I came to a whole other planet.” 
Tsu’tey’s face is somber as he nods. A shared sense of understanding floats between us. The same kind of understanding as when we hunted silently. We allow our pain to mingle quietly between us, not needing to speak to know it is there. The only sound is the chitters of animals beneath us. 
After a while, I decide to lighten the mood. It is our celebration after all. 
“I guess I should go back,” I say as Tsu’tey turns to me, “since I need to go find some better friends.” 
“Ah,” Tsu’tey replies, “I’ll be your friend.” 
My mouth falls slightly open. Warmth spreads through my whole body, starting at my toes and into my fingers. My lips split a part into a wide grin. He spoke to me in Na’vi. Friends. 
I nudge his shoulder as my grin turns into a smirk. “Who said I want to be your friend?”
Hi! Thank you so much for reading <3
I'm sorry I took so long to post, I've been having bad writers block lol
Let me know what you think of this part and if you have any feedback :)
Taglist: (i will be adding new people for next part!) (thank you all sm))
@qu33n0fth3n3rds @star-dusst @smol-book-nerd @elegantkidfansoul @h0n3y-sug4r @aonungs-tsahik @kpopslur @perseny @myheartfollower @perilous-pasta @zilena9 @galaxyfruits @tanchosanke @eternallyvenus @glitterandgoldfinds @willow-sages
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marymary-diva17 · 1 month
The other sully
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Family bonds had always been strong for the navi and the humans as well, family and people had become everyone things during hard times. There was true among the sully but mostly when it came to Jake sully, he did have a strong bond with his family back on earth but gave up his old life for a new one on pandora. Unware that the other sully on pandora life had been in danger by the rda, who were seeking revenge against the many traitors.
y/n " ....." the sunlight had soon hit your face waking you up from your slumber, as you soon raised from the bed you are laying in. it has been fifteen years since you had arrived on pandora. Your arrival here had been something of wonder and fear. When you came here to study the plant and the navi as well, but it soon become fear when the rda was after all of grace team and even those close to Jake. That was you his baby sister that had been capture and escaped, one life over for her and new one began shortly after.
y/n " another brand new day" the sounds of waves crashing had gotten your attention, as you soon moved to the common area of your home.
????? " good morning ma y/n"
y/n " hello my husband Raeyi" the fifteen years here you had been given refugee by the metkayain clan, after they found you clingy to the dirt wood in the water. A few miles from a crashed helicopter they had thought you were a dreamwalker or a demon, staying here in secret until they saw the tulkun protecting you from any danger. One of them even take you onto their backs, in hopes of saving you from death door.
Raeyi " is everything alright my yawne"
y/n " I was thinking about them again my brothers"
Raeyi " one of them dead and other one still living here unknown, to him that you are here as well"
y/n " I don't think the rda sent him a message right away like hey Jake sully we have your baby sister here, do you still love and care about her because it seems like you picked his side ... I don't blame him for loving pandora and finding love again but I feel like he left me behind"
Raeyi" it take heart to still holding someone so dear after all the pain, that you had been through ma y/n" Raeyi is the brother of tonowari and he had brought you back to the village. Ronal and tonowari had allowed you to stay, seeing that you were baldy hurt and the cloned spirt brothers and sisters would'nt let them bring you elsewhere at the moment.
Raeyi " there had been good that came out when you escaped from those demons, I had gotten to meet you the dreamwlaker I had made my mate or wife in human words"
y/n " still a man with smooth talking words even after fifteen years" Raeyi soon smile as he soon leaned in and gave you a kiss, you still wish to see your brother one day and speak with him.
Raeyi " i do my best ma y/n" soon the sound of footsteps walking towards the common area had caught the couple attention.
Raeyi " my sons good mornings" you had looked up to see your twin sons standing there, your sons Aiiu and Ati had made the clan surprised but when it came to you it was not a shocker. As your family had a long line of twins and it seems like you had kept that going. They are carbon copies of their father but did know the sky people language from you and understood, the humans tech and everything else.
Raeyi " i will be going with my brother on portal today"
y/n " that good to know but stay safe husband the rda had returned, and they will stop at nothing to fully their greed"
Raeyi " i will ma y/n if you promise me to stay safe as well I don't, wish for those demons to come get you ... I will not let them hurt you more like they already have done"
Later on that day
y/n " today everything seems to be going well ...." your words had been interrupted when the sound of a horn had drawn your attention. When you soon looked up to see mountain banshee a good group of them, flying towards the village. You had called your IIu and and headed, back to the village right away.
y/n " ......" you had soon reached the village and got off go your IIu soon swim in the water and towards the shore. That when you spotted navi from the omatacayia clan standing on sandy beach.
????? " daddy there is someone like us already here"
????? " tuk baby girl what are you talking about ....y/n" you had heard a voice you hadn't heard in so long, it was your older brother Jake he looked at you.
y/n " Jake"
norm " Jake who are you .... y/n"
y/n " norm" a few avatars had soon looked towards you and saw you standing there, shocked to see a avatar female all the way out here but more shock to see another sully here as well. Jake soon walked towards you and hugged you.
neytiri " ma Jake do you know of this women"
Jake " yes she is my sister neytiri the one I spoke about"
neytiri " your sister y/n"
Jake " yes y/n you are really here please tell me it true or have we been traveling to long and we are all seeing things"
norm " no Jake we all can see here and so can metekayain as well"
????? " father this is our aunt" you had seen three teens and the girl from before looking at you, with smiles on their faces.
y/n " you are a father now"
Jake " yes there is so much you have missed y/n"
mo'at " Jake sully this women is the sister you had been talking about"
Jake " yes but how are you here I thought you where somewhere safe, how are you here" you didn't have time to answer your brother questions as, the arrival of tonowari and your mate coming back from portal. Along side with ronal and her three children as well.
tsireya " aunt y/n is everything okay do you know these guests"
y/n " yes I do reya"
aonung " they are like you more of them seem to be from the same clan as you"
y/n " yes you are right aonung"
rotox " mother and father will love to have some words with them, alongside uncle Raeyi as well"
Raeyi " y/n is everything okay"
y/n " yes everything is fine we have some guests as we all can see"
Ronol " yes we do the some of the omatcayia clan have come to see us, lead by Jake sully himself"
Jake " hello we have come here in peace and mean no harm"
tonowari " why have you come here Jake sully please tell us"
Jake " we have come here seeking sanctuary for our children and our selves"
ronal " you know of y/n here it seems"
Jake " yes she my younger sister I never knew she was here"
ronal " ......"
tonowari " we wish for now war and more trouble we, already have enough trouble here"
Jake " we wish just to keep our families safe and we will help out" tonowari and ronal had looked at each other and soon back at Jake.
tonowari " you all can stay see how you have asked for our help and, how y/n here is your sister as well and member of the clan as well ... my people are guest will be staying with us and learning our ways as well"
tonowari " my children will be helping the children near you, the rest of my family and y/n will be helping as well when it comes to your group other help will be given as well"
Jake " thank you kids say thank you"
kids " thank you"
tsireya " I will show you all around the village"
y/n " I will help as well" you had helped the families bring some of their stuff over to the houses, they will be living in while they are here.
tuk " you are really my aunt"
y/n " yes I'm sweetie"
tuk " I'm so happy to have you as my aunt another sully in the family"
y/n " yes that is true"
neytiri " y/n we had thought you had been lost to us after the war with the rda, we had thought the sky demons had done worst but we are happy to have you here"
y/n " yes it good to have you all here and I will be here to help with lessons"
neytiri " thank you"
Jake " sister"
neytiri " come on tuk let leave your father and aunt to talk" tuk waved goodbye to you as you had smiled at her, and soon looked up at your brother.
Jake " I'm so happy you are here sister I thought I will never see you again, after all that had happened"
y/n " yes I thought we will be separated forever but it seems like we meet again"
Jake " you have to tell me and everyone else how you are here, we have seen rda use recoms but we never knew there were other already here"
y/n " I will explain all to you and everyone my brother .... you have a beautiful family"
Jake "thank you but they are your family as well I have told them so, many stories about you and Tommy" you and Jake had caught the kids looking at the pair, getting a smile from you and wave.
y/n " I will make sure to be there for them Jake I will not like the rda harm anyone else, after all they have done"
Jake " thank you sister but we will be here for you as well" you had nodded your head, feeling mixed emotions about your brothers words.
norm " hey y/n it good to see an friend"
y/n " hello norm I have to agree it good to see friends and colleagues as well, it has been fifteen years since I last saw you all"
norm " yes it has and it seems like we have much to discuss, max and everyone else are happy to hear about you and see you again"
y/n " good"
Jake " you have already made a life here so that will make everything easy"
y/n " yes I have made a life here so I will be helping everyone with their lessons if need be, when it comes to the adults"
Jake " thank you will you love to stay a bit longer for maybe dinner"
y/n " thank you for the offer but I should allow you and your families to settle in"
Jake " okay but let me tell you your nieces and nephews might be asking to spend time with their aunt"
y/n " I will welcome that time even with the boy who standing with them"
norm " his name is spider he is quaritch son"
y/n " oh yes I know that and he can spend time with me as well" the two males had nodded thier heads, as you soon left them to settle in as you walked home. You had came across Raeyi and his family and joined them, as most of them knew of your story and could see this might be hard time for you. Raeyi had embraced you and made a promise to be there for you during this time, and if needed he will fight your brother to keep you safe form any harm that comes from him.
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spidercomics · 2 years
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wc: 0.848k
contents: jake sully x f!avatar/na'vi!reader, whole fic is based around reader getting off on jake's abs so, f ejaculation, grinding, "riding", jake refers to himself as "daddy" once.
a/n: probs trashy (m sorry), @evanpetersluver thanks for the motivation man, couldn't have done it w/o u.
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"ah look at you girl..." jake's hands had firm grip around your hips, helping you move front and back over his abdomen, "making such a mess on daddy, hmm?"
to say that jake preferred his avatar form over his human body wasn't a secret. for obvious reasons he was mostly happy to have his legs back, but there were more physical attributes that he wouldn't give up for the world now.
for one, his human body had began to get weak, turn pale and lost weight since he started dreamwalking, but in his avatar body he was thriving. looking better than ever, blue, but he got used to the change pretty quickly. he had a tall build, with muscles that didn't even start to showcase his newfound strength. every body part was lean, all from his feet to shoulders, with strong calves and thighs, to abs and biceps that managed to help jake achieve anything he could've only dreamed of in his human body — all in all, jake deemed himself the luckiest man in the world. how many could experience life like this?
second, he loved the attention he got. his figure wasn't anything rare around the na'vi, the build and shape of him was really the way most of how the omatikaya warriors looked, with broad shoulders and slim waists, yet, the absolute confidence he radiated made him so much more attractive.
it was one of your favorite things about him.
sometimes, his confidence could come off as cocky, whenever he made sure you knew how good he looked or got you to confirm his own words, he always had that smug look written all over his face. but it was so attractive when he just knew he was hot, he knew that the way you were eyeing him up was much more than just a friendly look.
jake was proud over his looks, and knowing that you found his abs just as attractive as he did, it did something to him. it's how you found yourself grinding yourself on his abs, the small bumps, edges hitting just right over your clit, your wetness all over his stomach — and he found it so fucking hot.
"doing so good for me baby, looking so pretty," your legs on either sides of his torso, two hands holding your hips in place, "such a sweet thing, aren't you?"
he loved having you on top of him, he could casually display his dominance but also make you feel like you could take control of the situation if you wanted to.
you couldn't, but he liked to see you try.
he liked to see you withering, eyes scrunched shut from pure pleasure, mouth open letting the most filthy sounds bless his ears. it was his definition of heaven. he liked to see how big he was compared to you, your small, soft thighs rubbing against him, his hands encasing them perfectly. your hands were perched on his chest, leaning weight on his upper body. it made it easier for your body to roll like that on him.
your hips were like waves, grinding smoothly over the wetness you had left all over him. having your translucent slick glistening on his stomach was enough to make him miss the friction against his dick, a problem he would take care of another time.
"jake, i need you." you had your head thrown back, everything felt just right. his lean abdomen made your body bounce just a little whilst sliding over his abs, it was enough for your tits to move, and jake had never seen a prettier view. pandora was beautiful sure, but you were the most precious thing on the foreign planet.
"yeah, gotta be a good girl for me though, baby." he helped you slide quicker, heat pooling in a familiar boil in your lower stomach, bubbling over soon enough. the obscene moans slipping through your parted lips felt so dirty, and it felt so good. jake's hands rubbed over your ass, gripping you, guiding you. he pinched you slightly, jolting forward on his abs, making the perfect angle for your clit to repeatedly feel the budges and ridges on his stomach.
you sat up straight, hands leaving jake's chest to trace up your own, smoothing over the skin of your stomach and up to cup your breasts, massaging them whilst giving the man underneath you the best show possible.
along with every touch, pinch and grind also came your impending orgasm, the euphoria of pleasure building it's way up your lower belly. jake angled your hips, your clit catching the right spot, receiving the right pressure each and every time. your moans and whines upped in pitch, and jake's hands pulling at your skin made the sensation of the snapping coil all the more pleasurable. withering and trembling, you layed down on jake, his hands rubbing lovingly across your lower back.
he rolled you over, legs caught between yours, his dick poking against your thigh, painfully hard after your show.
"my turn now, hmm? gonna let me fuck you silly, baby?"
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© 2023, spidercomics - all rights reserved.
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polarisblitzwing · 16 days
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Ford's World - Dimension Fri3nds46/’
◇ Alternative Earth Variant ◇
● Humans have wings and feathered tails
● Alternative Pines family decisions timeline
◇ Stanford Pines ◇
● Ford is a minor god of dreams and a self-proclaimed god of anomalies
● 30 years old here (Young Immortal)
● Met Bill when he was 5 due to him attempting an interdimensional dreamwalk link, with Bill trying the same thing by chance, something that wouldn't work at their age without each other
◇ Gods Among Them ◇
● Most gods were mortals whose power was drawn to them like a magnet due to their personality in some way
● Fairly secretive and prefer to hide their works
● Rely on their believers to notice their efforts, resulting in an increase in power
● Can reveal themselves to the public, but building up power from faith alone is more sustainable for less powerful gods
● Stop aging between 25 and 100 (depending on what age someone wants to live forever)
Bill's World - For3verEuclydia
◇ Alternative Euclydia Variant ◇
● 360 years is the average lifespan of a Euclydian in this au
● No massacre
◇ Bill Cipher ◇
● Bill is a minor god of dreams and a self-proclaimed god of weirdness
● 30 years old here (Young Immortal)
● Met Ford and Stan when he was 5
◇ Gods Among Them ◇
● Only gods have wings and tails as a power symbol
● Their wings and tails are invisible to anyone that doesn't believe in them specifically
● “Omnipotent” Euclydian gods only know everything about their own world. Bill's knowledge of the third dimension is seen as false teachings to even them.
◇ Bill’s Family ◇
● Scalene is a goddess of Truth and Euclid is a god of Reality
● No one believes Bill is a god except his parents, as godhood is a power grant at birth to someone who the power is drawn to here. It can skip generations.
Bill: So here's my problem - I need to show them the stars. It gets real flat to hear “you're delusional, Bill” and “stop talking about a third dimension!” “Shh, you're gonna get arrested!” “It's not real!” Over and over again. It's time to change up the law and their perspectives.
Ford: Hmm.. that'll be quite the endeavor. You might need more power for that.
Bill: Ohh-ho-oh, definitely. Some of my ideas get real difficult along the way. The kind of stuff only a god with twice my power could pull off. 
[ Pulls up a holographic board with his first idea. ] 
Bill: If I could turn their eyes towards the stars and give them the same vision as I do, that'd be ideal. 
[ Ford manifests a danger sign over Bill's board; a buzzer sounds in warning. ]
Ford: Doing that to the entirety of Euclydia could potentially be devastating. Even if you get that newfound power, without centuries of diligent practice, you could end up permanently mutilating thousands of people in the process. Too risky. 
Bill: Uuugh… even if the people I wanted to show the most were immortal too, I don't think I could put up with more of their talk for that long. It has to be this century.
Ford: I get where you're coming from. I’ll do my best to make sure it happens when we figure out a plan that won’t have too many risks involved.
Bill: I could probably have the world dream of stars if you help, but that isn’t real enough to me. It drives me crazy that I can’t see you in real life. 
Ford: We’ll meet one day, I promise it. 
Bill: I sure hope so, Sixer. 
[ Pulls up two more holographic charts. ] 
Now.. back to my list of extremely great ideas.. what if I put really tiny stars in the world and contained the heat? Or flipped the world on the y-axis just to prove a third dimension exists first?
[ Ford manifests two more warnings in succession. ]
Ford: Could easily start a fire if anything went wrong, and for all we know, flipping the world vertically could cause everything to fall bottom to top infinitely until it’s fixed. Also runs the risk of killing a lot of Euclydians. Not to mention there could be other forces in your space that could affect the world.
Bill: Yeesh. Alright then, you got any ideas?
Ford: Actually, come to think of it.. 
[ Ford summons a hologram with a vision of his own forming. ]
Maybe instead of dreams, we tried something just a step up from multi-dimensional dream-walking, something like astral projection. We bring them out of their bodies, but tethered to their world, into space. Without the limitations of their physical forms, their eyes should be able to see more than what they could before.
Ford: Hah, well, I try.  
Bill: NOW THAT'S SOMETHING I COULD ACTUALLY PULL OFF RISK FREE! It might take splitting up the days people get to see it, but, they’ll finally see.
Ford: Well, hold on, splitting up the days could be risky for the groups who see versus who don’t on the first day, so, here's what I'll do. I'll give you my powers for as long as you need them for this. I would like to help personally, but I’d need to physically be there. This will be my contribution to your paradigm shift for Euclydia.
Bill: ..you really trust me that much? 
Ford: (smiles and nods) Of course. You're my best friend, my muse, the sun in my galaxy, Bill. I want you to be happy.
[ Ford offers his hand and godly powers out to his partner. ]
Bill: (chuckles, smiling) You’re the best, Fordsy.
[ They shake on it. ]
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avatarloverfrfr · 7 months
Fem! Omatikaya x Tuk(PLATONIC)
Where the reader is tuks bestie, she is Poppiti. And how the reader reacts when they have to leave.
Time skip to when Tuk and her are older, the Sully’s finally come back. And she sees how she’s changed how she’s like a lone wolf and stuff, or how she’s gotten new friends and forgot about her. But the matching thing they wear is something Y/n always wears.🫧
Tuktirey x Child!reader (platonic)
Warning: Crying. Separation. Angst WITH comfort. I cannot stress this enough children at that age do not really understand that it isn’t their friend’s choices to leave them so the reader will be angry at Tuk but will grow to understand!
Translations: pänu- promise; uniltìrantokx- dreamwalkers; tsamsä'o- weapons of war; kelku- home; pawk- horn; Mawey- calm
Word count: 612
Note: I literally love this, we need more tuk x readers (PLATONIC) out there. Also this background Omatikaya is so CUTE OMG
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Four years have slipped by like a dream since I last laid eyes Tuk, my dearest friend. Leaving me longing for the familiar comfort of her presence every day for the last four years.
Then, today the sound of the pawk echoed through the while village, signaling a return. No hunting party had ventured out, yet there was an unmistakable call of homecoming.
As the Olo'eytkan, Tarsem, emerges from his kuru, "Mawey, my people, mawey." he announces, drawing the attention of the gathering crowd near the ikrans.
Drawing closer, my heart pounds with anticipation, then I see them– the Sullys. A surge of emotion washes over me as I realise that among those returning, is Tuk.
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As we reached the top of the tree, Tuk's voice trembled as she spoke, "Taw, I heard my mom and dad fighting. They said we need to leave this clan. To seek uturu from another."
Confusion swirled inside me. "Uturu? Why? There's no war," I said, searching her eyes for answers.
Tuk leaned close, her voice barely a whisper, as if what she was about to tell me was a forbidden secret, "Yesterday, Lo'ak, Spider, Kiri and I saw uniltìrantokx, out there in the forest with tsamsä'o."
Reality crashed on me like a falling tree. "So now you have to leave..?" I asked, my heart sinking with each word.
Tears welled up as I leaped down from the tree, sprinting toward my kelku. Tuks footsteps echoing behind me.
Rushing into the kelku, tears streaming down my cheeks. I ran up to my sa'nok who was peacefully weaving a basket before Tuk and I barged in. "What happened to our pänu, Tuk? That we'd never leave each other!" I choked out between sobs.
"You have the audacity to wear a pänutìng you can't even keep!" I accused, pointing at her ankle and then at mine.
"It is final, my dad said." Tuk sobbed, reaching out to me.
"You said we'd always be best friends," I stammered, tears burning my vision as I looked at Tuk.
"We are. We always will be. As long as you and I both have these anklets." Tuk reassured pulling me into a hug.
"You promise you wont–" before I could finish my question, one of Tuks siblings called her away to pack.
As Tuk rushed over to Kiri, I felt a hand on my shoulder turning around I was met with the soft gaze of my kneeling sa'nok.
"Come Taw, she might be leaving. But your memories will stay for life." she said as I cried into her neck.
The next day was the day the Sully's had left, the day Tuk left me behind.
Watching as the family walks past everyone and onto their ikrans, my gaze meets Tuks.
I watched as Neytiri's hand went to push to toward me, encouraging a goodbye. I raised my hands up toward my mother and got carried by her, nestling my face into her neck breaking eye contact. A sign I did not wish to speak to her.
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My eyes lock onto Tuk's, my childhood best friend, and it's like she's been waiting for me too. Quickly I glance at her foot, searching for the familiar anklet, a symbol of our bond.
There it is, still clinging onto her ankle, just like mine. Relief flood through me as I meet her gaze again, and she's smiling, knowing exactly what I'm thinking.
"You kept our promise." we say together, rushing into each others arms. Wrapping in each others embrace.
Little did we know there were two people watching us, happy to see both their children reunited, knowing this friendship would last a life time.
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allwaswell16 · 7 months
hi :) if you‘re in the mood (no pressure pls!), here‘s three fic categories and i‘d like to hear your answers for them. feel free to tag others or send them different categories, or let it die here. up to you!
1. your favourite no-smut work that you‘ve read recently?
2. the scene your most proud of writing?
3. your favourite fic length range and the last thing you‘ve read in that category?
ooooh! I love these kinds of questions and asks! (And I'll tag @kingsofeverything @nouies @neondiamond @parmahamlarrie if they want to share their answers to these, too! Or anyone who wants to do this just say I tagged you :)
1 - another dream but always you by you_explode / @nobodymoves
Harry is a Dreamwalker; he has the ability to visit people in their dreams and help put them on the right path. He's assigned to Louis, who's struggling after the break-up of his band. It's an unusual assignment from the beginning; Harry has a crush on Louis, and Louis's subconscious immediately decides Harry is the love of his life. When Dreamers cast Harry as their love interest, he can usually redirect them, but Louis is insistent on being Harry's boyfriend, and despite knowing they have no future, Harry wants to keep up the charade.
2 - I won't put the exact scene here since it's a big spoiler if you haven't read it, but it's the scene from Consequences where the secrets finally get revealed. It kind of feels like I'll never think of anything that good ever again lmaooo
Two years ago Harry let his powerful family come between him and the love of his life, something he deeply regrets. Louis has tried to move on from their devastating break up. Sometimes, he even thinks he has. It only takes one moment to freeze them back in time.
An amnesia au
3 - If I had to choose I'd say my favorite fic range is anywhere around 30k. I'm not even sure why that's my sweet spot, but it's always been what I'd say is my favorite range.
The last thing I've read (and loved!) in this range was:
Get Out Of My Head (and I'll get out of yours) by Imogenlee / @imogenleewriter
“You really that desperate, are you?” Despite it being a shitty thing to say, Harry didn’t mind too much, as the bitterness in Louis’ tone sounded like music to Harry’s ears. Harry was winning tonight. “Can’t find anyone new to be interested in you, so you try to hit on Zayn.”
“I can’t find someone interested in me?” Harry asked, raising an eyebrow. “You’re having a laugh, mate.”
“Yeah, well, where are they, then? Because from what I’ve heard, you’re here alone.”
“As if I’d bring anyone to somewhere I knew you’d be. I wouldn’t wish your presence on my worst enemy.”
“Aw,” Louis cooed in a way that made Harry want to slap him. “You’re saying I’m not your worst enemy?”
“For someone to be an enemy, you have to give a shit about them. So, no. You’re not even on the list.”
“Oh–kay. Well, it’s been lovely as always, gents,” Zayn said before knocking back the rest of his drink.
Or the one for the Bottom Harry Fic Fest where Harry bottoming is more of a side plot, because angst got in the way--but it doesn't really matter because the fest stopped existing when I was halfthrough.
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gsstories · 10 months
Countries of Lumoria
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(Official flag of Lumoria-)
Lumoria is a continent that is quite far from other civilizations, which makes it hard, almost impossible, to find. This continent is divided in 6 countries: Aelina, Noctem, Kalesia, Elitan, Valen and Vynoria.
Here is how each country is like:
1. Aelina - It is the most well known country of the continent and it is known for its stunning natural beauty and rich cultural history, plus being the home of most nobles and royals. Its inhabitants are known for their skill in the art of sorcery, a unique form of magic that involves channeling the power of nature through ritual and song. This includes the abilities of the cosmos. Creatures like fae, centaurs, and elves live here in harmony with the Lumorians. This is Emery’s home country.
2. Noctem - It is a land of shadows and secrets, where the inhabitants are known for their expertise in the art of shadow-manipulation, a form of magic that involves the manipulation of the shadows to create illusions, hide one's presence, or even to attack. The people of Noctem are also known for their expertise in the art of silence, a form of magic that allows for the creation of silence, the manipulation of sound waves, and even the negation of spells, making them invisible to others and impossible to hear. The country of Noctem is shrouded in mystery and has a reputation of being a harsh and unforgiving place, where the people are hard to trust and even harder to befriend. They are only friendly and respectful towards other Lumorians, no matter the country they are from.
3. Kalesia - It is the most technologically advanced of the Lumorian countries, with a strong focus on research and innovation. The people of Kalesia are known for their intelligence and ingenuity, as well as their expertise in the art of illusion, which is a form of magic that allows for the creation of seemingly impossible and often convincing holograms that can trick the senses. Creatures like Kitsune and ghosts that have taken robots as their vessels inhabit this land. They are a rather common sight in these parts.
4. Elitan - It is a country with an abundance of bodies of water, such as lakes, rivers, and more. There is quite a bit of fauna there and it is in the coast of the countries so you are able to see into the vast oceans where different sea creatures reside in, such as sirens, mermaids and cecaelia. The people of Elisia are known for their expertise in the art of divination, which is a form of magic that allows for the reading and interpretation of omens and signs to forecast events and gain insight into the past, present, and future.
5. Valen - It is the most rugged and remote of the Lumorian countries, consisting of towering mountains and dense forests that are home to a variety of unique and sometimes dangerous wildlife. The people of Valen are known for their hardiness and adaptability, as well as their expertise in the art of transmutation, which is a form of magic that allows for the transformation of one substance into another, often with the goal of achieving a desired end. Creatures like dragons, dryders and naga live in the caves in the mountains. The residents of Valen are the most capable in combat compared to the other countries.
6. Vynoria - It is a land of mystery and intrigue, where the inhabitants are known for their skill in the art of invocation, which is a form of magic that allows for the summoning and control of spirits from other realms. The people of Vynoria are also known for their expertise in the art of dreamwalking, which is a form of magic that allows for the projection of one's consciousness into other realms while in deep rest. Many clouds surround the place, and it is the most peaceful of the countries. Mythical birds like the Phoenix sometimes go there to rest.
Emery travels to all other five countries each year to practice their magic. They have been doing so since they were young and have now become an expert at using all that magic. Due to so, they have larde amounts of stamina and don't get exhausted much, rarely needing any sleep. Whenever they do sleep, they take the whole day off just to do it.
(Royal Jesters AU belongs to @head-in-the-icloud , Emery and Lumoria, plus the countries, be made by me!)
I feel like this would be Emery's and Y/N's dynamic:
Y/N: *trauma dumping*
Y/N: I need a coffee...
Emery: What you need is help, for the love of Andromeda!
{Fun facts!}
Emery knows how to play the harp and has a fondness to gardening
Lavenders and lilacs be the continent's official flower
Emery's weapon be this:
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The Lumorians have a goddess they worship called Andromeda, Goddess of the Cosmos.
I imagine Y/N would sleep on Emery's fluffy tail while they read (yes, Emery got a tail and it is big and FLUFFY-)
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cunningrains777 · 1 year
The Secret History of Witchwalking.
The history of Witchwalking is as old as movement itself.
Like many other examples of occult knowledge, it is a legacy that often conceals itself within the various cultures and people who have engaged in its practice.
It is a tradition that sometimes emerges under different names and guises depending upon the societal climate and religious views of those in power. In many cases Witchwalking has remained hidden, becoming a ritual safest practiced at night or alone and far from the authorities wary of its power and benefits.
You may know Witchwalking as travelling the path of Songlines or Dreamwalking. You may know it as a North American initiation rite demanding the neophyte undertake an arduous journey through dangerous terrain.
Or, you may be aware of this practice as a marathon shamanic-type dance assisted by drumming and entheogens.
Witchwalking even survives within early Christian writings, thinly disguised as a meditative desert walk of 40 days and nights, as well as today in the stations of the cross. Another contemporary incarnation within Christian spirituality is the Camino pilgrimage.
The Latin phrase 'solvitur ambulando' means 'it is solved by walking’.
When we look with a keener eye we will find that Witchwalking is embedded into all of the world’s esoteric practices and rituals in one form or other.
Witchwalking continues to evolve even in today’s contemporary societies in the form of forest walks, ritual hikes to sacred places and even within the techniques of esoteric modern dance and musical therapy.
There are many reasons why someone is called to this path, be it for healing ourselves or others, or to gain insight from the deeper aspects of our minds. For more serious practitioners it is a way to contact ancestors and spirits of the land and to return from these trance states with advice and new knowledge.
But there is also a necessity at the roots of this practice. In many of the archaic, matriarchal cultures, from Catal Huyuk to the Hathor cult of ancient Egypt, there are embedded midwifery skills within the Witchwalking practices. The Moura Encantada, the female shape-shifters of Southern Europe, for example, were said to travel between megalithic sites, creating new life and spinning the sun. These motifs of ‘spinning’ and 'new life’ epitomise the coded and almost forgotten wise-women who assisted with childbirth and who were believed to draw souls from the spiritual realm and into new bodies. These were the same women who were almost erased from history by the later patriarchal religions and persecuted through inquisitions and demonization.
The writer, Ali Isaac, has drawn attention to specific mentions of walking ceremonies and processional paths within ancient Irish history and mythology.
Interesting, and possibly connected to Ali's Tara research, I have written about rites and ceremony related to pregnancy and birth before in this article for Ancient Origins.
There is inevitably a lot of speculation and guesswork in my own post but I found this paper on ancient Aboriginal birth practices a hugely insightful resource.
Another Witchwalking connection is ‘Well-Wyrding,’ which is a practice where women would visit a holy well or sacred spring on certain nights and divine prophecy based upon the movement and sound of the water.
This type of pagan spirit-contact at holy wells was so widespread in Europe that there was even a law in 1178 created to ban women from going out alone in order to receive these prophecies.
An ancient link between holy wells and wisdom occurs in the Irish Dindsenchas which describes one in particular, Connla's Well, as being 'The Well of Knowledge' or 'The Well of Wisdom' because of the hazel trees which grew over it and dropped hazel nuts into the water.
In Ireland, holy wells are still very much associated with cures and healing.
Specifically related to 'witchwalking', Holy wells also continue to draw visitors who practice the tradition of patterns and rounds, which is a type of meditative walk.
The esoteric practice of shape shifting is also intimately connected with Witchwalking in non-European cultures and is at the root of totem power and witches familiars.
Today, these techniques and spells, the wisdom and methods of spiritual contact are quickly being retraced and recovered. Cross-cultural comparisons are revealing that no matter how it is named or known, Witchwalking has always been a part of spiritual and ritual expression. Witchwalking in its many forms is once again revealing itself as an instructional and, ultimately, primal response to life.
Indeed, movement, change and discovery are the alchemical ingredients that lead us all down the pathways of questions.
Witchwalking takes us towards the inner parts of ourselves which has always known the answers we seek, if we are courageous enough to go and find them.
(C.) David Halpin.
Image: Andrea Kowch.
#witch #witchcraft #hedgewitch #irishwitch #irishpagan #pagan #yoga #folklore #mythology #wicca #animism #midwife #midwifery #megalith #holywell #celt #fairies #faeries #thegoodpeople #indigenous #healing #camino #meditation #goddess
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sapphyreopal5 · 11 months
Not an ask, just an opinion.
Personally, I think Jensen has been in love with Jared the whole filming of SPN and Jared and he were involved all that time. When Jared decided to try to make his marriage with Gen work, broke up with Jensen and wanted to leave SPN, it devastated Jensen to the point where he wanted to hurt Jared very badly, by stealing the legacy they created together and making the Prequel. That would explain the anger exhibited by those videos/pictures he posted of him body building during The Boys, the refusing to take responsibility for his own actions and blaming Jared, the bad decisions, the sadness and self-loathing he exhibits whenever he is around his wife, the self-aggrandizing (to get Jared's attention) and why he only looks alive and happy when he's with Jared. The supposed women he is having affairs with are just for cover, to appease his ego and stroke his soul, which is probably the only thing keeping him going right now, underneath the swagger of ego. He's an unhappy, jilted, ex who met his soul mate and now has to live without him. I don't see his unhappiness ending anytime soon.
Hmm interesting opinion/ask you shared with me here, Anon. I see you are a so called "tin hatter" who has managed to find my blog. Thank you for stopping by to share your thoughts with me. So, I am going to begin by saying that I will admit I myself have had some questions about some things I've learned and noticed myself with what I have seen, heard, etc. I do think a lot of what you're saying here has some truth to it. However, it is not as simple as them being exes or in a secret relationship or in love with each other and I highly suspect things are one sided. I don't know if you've read much about my blog or if you've just seen certain anti Danneel posts of mine but my blog is mainly about the SPN cast along with spirituality related topics, particularly divination. For that reason, I am going to share with you a reading I did about this topic back on October 4, 2023 after a friend of mine and I have been seeing some things while dreamwalking, and noticing some things that have manifested after seeing said things.
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In the Tarot, The Hierophant who is said to be the masculine counterpart to The High Priestess represents spiritual wisdom, religious beliefs, conformity, tradition, institutions, personal beliefs, freedom, and sometimes on the contrary challenging the status quo. The 3 of Cups is said to be a card of celebration, friendship, creativity, collaborations, independence, alone time, hardcore partying, and sometimes even the notion that ‘three’s a crowd’. The King of Pentacles is symbolic of wealth, business, leadership, security, discipline, abundance, or on the opposite end of things being financially inept, obsessed with wealth and status, and also a stubborn personality. The Page of Wands represents inspiration, ideas, discovery, limitless potential, a free spirit, newly-formed ideas, redirecting energy, self-limiting beliefs, and a spiritual path being presented. The 7 of Swords (a card I admittedly am not liking in this reading I did) is a card that stands for betrayal, deception, getting away with something, acting strategically, imposter syndrome, self-deceit, and states someone is keeping secrets. Death in the Tarot may sound self-explanatory as to its meaning but is not always meant to be telling of a literal death. In the Tarot, Death is about endings, change (and resistance to), transformation (internal and external), transition, and inner purging. Lastly, The Emperor in this deck ties in somewhat with The Hierophant with some similar meanings and what the card represents, which include authority, establishment, structure, a father figure, domination, excessive control, lack of discipline, and generally being inflexible.
So, I post an extremely small fraction of the things I receive divination readings about and post things with the direction of my guides. Some of my guides include the higher selves (in Jensen's case, former higher selves [currently a "dumped" incarnation]) of both Jensen's and Jared's. Some of the things I have not posted on here involve the true nature of their relationship, which again is not as straight forward or as simple as a said secret relationship between them or both being in love with each other. I do agree with you that Jensen seems to feel some hurt from some thing(s) Jared has done (or not) behind closed doors. After watching some old interview clips, con videos, etc., I do notice some interesting looks and behaviors coming from Jensen's direction (body language, how he looks at Jared compared to other people, etc.).
The King of Pentacles being diagonal from the Page of Wands (which I feel symbolizes Jared in this particular case) and also the 7 of Swords is very interesting (and concerning as I'll explain why). The Hierophant and The Emperor (boot looking card) paired in present in this reading together states there is an authoritative father figure that's fairly religious (Jensen's father who Jared reportedly called "Papa Ackles") involved that is a big reason why Jensen is in the closet. However, the 2 cards that tinhatters are probably not gonna like seeing the explanation for here are Death and 7 of Swords. As I'll explain below, these 2 cards are setting half the tone in this reading with . I am not here to appease to people with what I write and such. If it resonates okay if not then it doesn't, simple as that. The card in the center (Page of Wands) curiously is the same card I feel represents Jared. This to me confirms that Jared is more or less on the receiving end of things and isn't so much "giving" out as much as some think but instead "goes with the flow". I also believe greatly that Jared doubts himself a lot and seems to put himself down a lot when praising Gen and others, which is part of what's called Imposter Syndrome.
Based on what I know of his dad Alan and have seen in some YouTube videos (like this one, [trigger warning: this is a Pro Life related video so if this is a trigger do not watch!]), I do believe now based on what I've learned about his past, have observed both on and off camera with women versus Jared say, and even his actions (or inactions) that Jensen is not of the straight orientation. I believe also his dad is a big reason for this, as I think he is afraid of not getting approval from his dad should he not conform to the Christian family man image Jensen to this day tries to sell (and is failing at doing so more and more as the days go on). The Emperor (authoritative father figure) and The Hierophant (religious, institutional, and traditional ways of being) I believe tie in strongly with the dynamic between Jensen and his dad. Is Jensen afraid of "getting the boot" (The Emperor) from his religious dad (The Hierophant) and therefore his family? You mentioned the women/woman Jensen's sleeping with is all for cover and even his marriage with Danneel, or the so called "bearding". I have been wondering if this is why Jensen has never once that I can recall shown Danneel any real affection publicly (and vice versa). You can talk all you want about feeling this and that about her Jensen at cons but those of us who pay attention know better. Actions (and inactions) speak much louder than words. The 3 of Cups in this reading seems to point to what you are suggesting here.
With regards to the King of Pentacles representing Jensen, he likes to dress "nicer" (personally, I want to burn the green shirt he wore to the Charlotte con a couple months back), is VERY big on personal image and sticks with the Christian family man persona that clearly isn't working out. However, I believe he makes a lot of very poor decisions both from a business aspect (thus the "financially inept" tidbit from the King of Pentacles description coming into play here) AND in his personal life. I also elaborated a good deal here on the King of Pentacles representing Jensen in this reading I did a few months ago regarding Drake and Jensen's relationship dynamic (Drake being a so called "mini Jared" or "Jared 2.0). I also mentioned in that post things about Jensen wearing green velvet to interviews before The Winchesters aired. Rumors have been going around for a while that Family Business Beer Company is doing badly but I believe it's becoming more apparent in recent months. They are aggressively trying to expand the distribution of their beers yet their location hours remain at a solid 30 hours, which in itself is a troubling sign (as is being closed for 3 days of the week). Recently I've read a couple posts here on Tumblr mentioning possible layoffs have happened at FBBC in the last couple weeks, which is also always a troubling sign things aren't going so well. With respect to his personal life, whew I think that's just a downright hot mess. The lawsuit that was announced at the end of August with Jensen and Danneel Ackles named certainly will impact both their personal and business lives.
The house that Jensen bought back in July is surrounded by cemeteries (aka marked graves, who knows about unmarked graves), as I posted about here. I'll make another post about this but some speculated it was for business ventures aka a business investment to which my guides say "not quite, more like a real estate investment period". I agree with my guides 100% for multiple reasons and trust they are right. If Jensen intends on using this giant mansion for purposes remotely related to business investments, he and Danneel will be very unpleasantly surprised for multiple reasons. There is understandably some doubt about whether Jensen actually moved to Connecticut at all, due to several sightings of him in Texas at different times after he and Danneel were announced as the new owners of their CT mansion back in July 2023. Regardless of whether Jensen is fully living there, lives there part of the year, just bought it for a vacation home or whatever the story is, the fact is the Ackles don't seem to have had any strong ties to the state prior to them buying this house. Why buy a house on the other side of the country where you've barely visited previously if everything good going on for Jensen is in Austin, including Jensen's said best friend Jared?
I hate the be the bearer of bad news here but if you all think this is merely a business investment and that this will be converted into a B&B or another brewery location, I'll point you to 3 sources that says to me any plans Danneel and Jensen may have like this are extremely likely gonna get foiled real fast (type of zone their house is in, what you can and can't do in different zones in Connecticut, and oh my someone tried to petition to allow B&Bs in residential zones over 10 years in a house that's not even 4 miles away from the mansion and DENIED). Oh, and when signing the papers for buying the house, the lines indicating the purposes of buying the house per the online deeds records did not include any commercial purposes, only personal residence purposes. Hmm.... I would call the mix of these things being financially inept.
Jared on the other hand I wholeheartedly believe is represented by the Page of Wands in this particular reading. While both of them own businesses, are obviously wealthy, and both have refered to themselves along with Jeffrey Dean Morgan "the three kings", I believe that Jared has a more youthful spirit and can be more free-spirited than Jensen by a long shot. Generally, Pages cards represent either children, the younger self of a person in question, or in my opinion someone who has a youthful spirit (can be full of energy, enthusiasm for new ideas, is playful, etc.). Although the description of this card doesn't directly say it on the link I provided I always think of a youthful or playful soul when I see the Page of Wands. The Page of Wands in my deck has 3 peppers on it. It has been said that Jared switched out the prop Ghost Pepper jerky Dean ate in Season 15 Episode 5 "Proverbs 17:3" (scene clip from YouTube below) with real Ghost Pepper Jerky as a prank. Sam and Dean in Season 1 Episode 17 "Hell House" (which happens to be playing on my new TV in my room now as I'm writing this) also pulled quite a few pranks on each other going back and forth, and also reportedly did so in real life on the set but off camera. Jared I noticed also tends to dress more casually or if he dresses up more nicely it's not in elaborate outfits unlike Jensen. I mean also the second clip I shared from YouTube below says it all for me with regards to this card representing Jared in this reading from a youthful spirit point of view.
I also recall reading about how Jared explored Epcot Center and Universal Studios for a day by himself when he was just 8 years old, scaring his grandfather nearly to death who was crying when Jared walked out of the gates of Disney World. This to me shows that Jared is indeed a free-spirited soul who isn't afraid of embarking on new journeys alone (even if others don't like it and Jared doesn't end up liking what follows, thus at times does challenge the status quo even if he and others don't like the outcome), and seems to value novelty or discovering new things and even has more of a creative streak than Jensen if we're to be frank. It was also stated in this article I linked to earlier in this paragraph that Kripke felt that Jared's soulfulness and likeability would be more suitable for Sam Winchester while Jensen's more "charismatic" character would better fit Dean Winchester. Therefore it seems that Kripke and others just might agree with my statements about Jared's personality and that the Page of Wands represents Jared in this particular case.
If you notice in this reading, The Hierophant (the card that looks like a hand) is pointing down towards the 7 of Swords. Along with the 3 of cups being next to The Hierophant, this suggests that secrets are being kept hidden from the public's ears regarding sexual orientation and feelings overall (many signs point to it... literally). I'm not going to go digging through the tinhatters stuff because there's frankly way too much of it ha ha, and I'm sure you Anon are aware of at least a lot of it (and others who are coming across this will probably know some things). It's interesting going across the reading on the other side is the King of Pentacles above The Emperor which to me points to Jensen and his dad, along with society's expectations of men like Jensen as a whole (thus the whole Christian family man image Jensen's trying to uphold versus the reality of things).
Now, onto the part where at least a lot of tinhatters are likely not going to believe what I say or will like me less for it. I'm not here to appease people's beliefs or tell them what they want to hear but I'm instead here to simply state what I've observed, my interpretation of this tarot reading, etc. If someone resonates with this cool but if not, well that's on them not me. The 7 of Swords card is one of the most dominant cards in this entire reading and very much sets the tone. This card as I mentioned earlier speaks of things such as betrayal, deception, keeping secrets, ulterior motives, and even getting away with something. Jensen has been called homophobic for multiple reasons, including his remarks regarding how Brokeback Mountain ruined western films for himself and also saying that Destiel is not a thing. I have heard of the saying that the most homophobic men are in fact in the closet and trying to compensate. As Dean Winchester once said "Of course, the most troubling question is: "Why do these people assume we're gay?" and Sam Winchester said "Well, you are kinda butch, probably think you're overcompensating." (interestingly the website however says "but I just think you're overcompensating). People also do say art imitates life (and sometimes seems to predict things), which I won't fully explain here why that is the truth with Supernatural and Jensen and Jared holistically, not just in a tinhatter's kind of way. It seems Supernatural really did model Jensen and Jared's relationship in many ways... at least, that's what we're supposed to believe.
Based on what I've been observing myself, have been learning via divination (and watching manifest), and what another friend and I have been learning via dreamwalking, a lot of what we're all seeing publicly is in fact smoke and mirrors. I do believe that some of the negative things that have happened between them did manifest in part as a result of Jensen acting upon hurt emotions, but also due to more self-serving ulterior motives on his part. I believe Prequel Gate (along with The Winchesters related posts happening while Walker was airing on multiple occasions) and YANA ring a bell for some people.
Regarding Prequelgate, I saw a Tweet of an old clip where Jensen specifically said "hell no" about doing a reboot as Dean after Supernatural ends and Jared confidently says "I'll answer that for him... NO". I agree with the OP that this didn't age well... This goes back to the 7 of Swords card. I agree with Jensen's critics, that Jensen is an opportunist who looks at every chance he can get to make money. Did Jensen genuinely believe he'd never consider making a SPN reboot as Dean, or did he intend to do so in the back of his mind all along? Clearly The Winchesters became the Dean Winchester show. I was given an interesting nudge a couple weeks ago to watch the movie Jennifer's Body in my divine hearing. I realized there are many parallels between Jensen and Jared, and Jennifer and Anita "Needy. In fact, I have concluded that the relationship dynamic between Jennifer/Anita and Jensen/Jared is in fact 100% identical behind closed doors.
Something else that's been bothering me lately as I'm doing this research. Now, I'm not sure what Jared's views were when Jensen decided to open the Family Business Beer Company physically in 2018 given the name was clearly a nod to SPN, 2 years after Jared opened San Jac Saloon in 2016. However, the FBBC LLC itself was filed and therefore was actually born November 5, 2014, which was 2 years before San Jac Saloon was opened. Did Jensen have plans of essentially "taking over" the Supernatural brand possibly for years and cashing in on it without Jared?
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With regards to YANA, I noticed also in my research that Jared wanted to end SPN multiple times (from what I understand 2 of these times took place in 2008 and 2015) but was stopped from doing so by Jensen and perhaps others chimed in as well. Was Jensen truly concerned about Jared's well-being and just enjoyed working with Jared so much he doesn't want to stop and that continuing SPN (and therefore those big paychecks) was just an added bonus... or was Jensen simply acting concerned about Jared's well-being while having ulterior motives up his sleeve the entire time? Also why, just why would Jensen and Misha even go with the YANA nonsense? I mean some of the posts correlated with things like Jared announcing his return to Gilmore Girls, Jared's McDonald's commercial airing the same day a YANA video gets released, Jared getting his 3rd national corporate sponsor from Chevy again on the same day a YANA video gets released, etc. Honestly, this YANA businesses sounds an awful lot to me like another money grab. And don't sit there and say this was all the studio making them do it. At the end of the day, we all have choices. You can't really force people to do things they don't want to. Instead of choosing to say no to making YANA a thing, Jensen and Misha still went about it. Conforming to an authoritative institution's wishes (The Hierophant and The Emperor) for self-serving business and therefore financial purposes (King of Pentacles), eh Jensen?
I'm also interested in hearing from anyone why exactly Jensen reportedly made 50% more than Jared per SPN episode in later seasons (100k for Jared versus 150k for Jensen). The most logical explanation I could come up with based on research was Jensen got a director title attached to his paygrade after season 5, even if he wasn't actually directing the episode in question (directed 6 episodes in all). I suspect some favoritism may also have played a role, even if no one is saying it. I especially find it interesting that Kripke who was the original Show Runner for Supernatural initially didn't think Jared was smart enough to play the role of Sam Winchester. Sure, Jared certainly may have proven he is intelligent and therefore Kripke stood corrected on that tidbit; however, Kripke has repeatedly praised Jensen for things like his charisma (riiiight, go watch any interview of Jensen and you'll hear lots of umms, uhhs, and even inconsistencies between what he says from interview to interview), looks, charm, etc. It can't just be feeling overwhelmed or burned out with work as to why Jared wanted to leave SPN multiple times but didn't, nor does it explain why Jared had the breakdowns that he did in the past and why he was diagnosed with depression to begin with.
Edit: Adding this in because I believe it's very important to note here with the suspected favoritism and hostility on the set of SPN. Now, if this is remotely true at all, that Kripke got onto Jared's case "for having a bad day" and essentially holding production up over what some called "a hissy fit" back when he had his breakdown in 2007, oh boy am I now a big time Kripke critic. Also, Kripke overly praising Jensen as seen here is just absurd. Get it together Kripke, you're embarrassing yourself.
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Now, for the other part of this reading the tinhatters are probably REALLY not gonna like... the Death card. Like I mentioned before, Death in the tarot isn't always about a literal death but is often times about the death of something and following that, the birth of another. This translates to things like transformation, change (and resistance to), inner purging, and endings. *Shudders* ENDINGS?! Like the so called "Jivorce" is really happening?! THIS CAN'T BE OMG! Chill out all... just a bit. I don't believe as Poseidon said that they will completely drift apart. However, there are only so many chances someone like Jensen will get from Jared as far as maintaining friendships and such goes. I also believe that with the physical distance that is presenting itself, a distance between them on a spiritual, psychological and emotional level will follow suit if it hasn't started already.
I briefly touched onto Jared's playful, youthful personality earlier when I explained my interpretation as the Page of Wands representing Jared and how this card has 3 peppers on it. I also touched onto Jared pranking Jensen by switching out the prop Ghost Pepper jerky with real Ghost Pepper jerky. The title of this episode is "Proverbs 17:3". The ESV Biblical verse says "The crucible is for silver, and the furnace is for gold, and the LORD tests hearts." According to bibleref.com, the meaning of this verse says: "Scripture often uses the metaphor of a crucible: a container used to heat metals to burn off impurities. Passages frequently apply this in the context of God testing, purifying, cleansing, or providing loving correction to His people (Malachi 3:3; Zechariah 13:9; Jeremiah 9:7; 1 Corinthians 3:11–15). The "fire" of hardships, persecution, or God's testing proves what parts of a person's life are godly and which are not". Interestingly, Jensen eating real Ghost Pepper jerky could in a metaphorical sense be compared to "turning up the heat" physically and is therefore the "crucible" here. I believe however with the way things did go for Jared with regards to the set of SPN, YANA, Prequelgate, etc. that it is Jared's heart that is being tested and that Jensen (equivalent to crucible here) is being tested physically.
I mentioned the 3 of cups earlier having a possible interpretation that "3's a crowd". Interestingly, the Page of Wands happens to have 3 peppers on it. Often times this card is a very positive one and indicates a time of celebration, friendship, creativity, and even hardcore partying. I believe however that while this card offers a silver lining in that things will turn out okay overall for all parties involved, it won't be the happy ending certain parties involved are hoping for. In this case, the said wishes for Jensen of being involved with Jared as more than friends, and also any and all current lovers and relationships. I personally think that it's partially true what tinhatters believe but it's alot more complicated than what people want to believe. I've generally held more positive views of Jensen in previous posts. I still believe there is some goodness in Jensen somewhere. However, based on learning more things about Jensen, looking at his mannerisms and especially when I went to the main panel physically at the Charlotte convention earlier this year, my views of him have admittedly shifted some. After noticing some things personally, what I felt in the room during the main panel along with what I've learned about their dynamic, I believe Jensen has a so called "dark personality" for multiple reasons that in itself is for another possible post. Jensen can advocate for Jared all he wants with words BUTt based on the events and funny timing of when things were announced/aired surrounding The Winchesters versus Walker and YANA, along with other things, his actions sing a very different tune...
I mentioned earlier that I believe Jared struggles with Imposter Syndrome with regards to the 7 of Swords card, which is apparently common in people who have anxiety and depression. Jared was diagnosed with depression as many of us here know. I believe the one who is transforming and changing here is Jared, and Jensen is who is resisting these changes. Provided that Jared's been given the greenlight for a fourth season while Jensen's The Winchesters was cancelled (and not to mention a lawsuit naming Jensen and Danneel came out of it), it seems Jensen did not listen to signs pointing to no (and therefore resisted changing his ways). I do believe that the way things went with The Winchesters being criticized heavily was the death of Jensen's life as he knows it... Given the Page of Wands is in the center of this reading, it seems many signs and things in this reading point to Jensen and in this case ultimately going back to Jared. According to this Tumblr post, Jared took with him from the set of SPN the fact it's not necessary to work 14 hour days. Based on how this post was written, from my understanding of things it was suggested that Jared wanted it to be clear that people can joke around with him and be comfortable around him despite being the boss. I may be misreading this but to me, this does imply that there could've been some mistreatment or passive aggressive type of behaviors on the set of Supernatural... or just like I said earlier in one sweet word, favoritism.
On a final note, I noticed that timing is everything just as Jared knew while timing his announcements with the AKF versus YANA business. The Emperor in my tarot deck is the boot looking card and the 7 of Swords card is depicted as a mouse holding knives. The day I did this reading (October 4, 2023) I happened to watch "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 1" a couple hours before I did this tarot reading. In the first scene of the movie after the title screen and Peter is no longer a citizen of Earth, he is seen putting his headphones on and starts kicking around small creatures that stand only a little above his ankles (equivalent to the mouse in this tarot reading in the sense of being smaller than we are and both being seen as "pests") while wearing what appears to be rain boots prior to stealing The Orb from Morag. Peter Quill aka Star-Lord is certainly no conformist, loves his freedom, is obviously free-spirited, creative, and is highly receptive to changing for the better. On a perhaps more odd note, my guides have told me for a while now that I am essentially the real life female Star Lord (personalities being very similar, some intimate life details, many encounters with "other kinds", issues with educational institutions, leaving Earth [in my case via dreamwalking many nights, almost crossing over aka "ascending" off Earth multiple times, and almost physically once too over 10 years ago], problems with authority figures and discipline, and more). I'm not sure if this is true or not but as an added bonus, some websites including this one stated that Jensen auditioned for the role of Star-Lord/Peter Quill.
How interesting, given I received this particular reading on the same day I watched this movie for the first time since I finally understood why my guides kept saying "nope" for me screwing or fucking around", and would instead consistently say "you Fooled Around and Fell in Love"....
11 notes · View notes
leyia · 1 year
𝐒𝐫𝐢𝐧 𝐓𝐚’𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐚𝐧 (𝐓𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐁𝐥𝐮𝐞)
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Summary: working under Norm Spellman as replacement assistant for Grace Augustine’s position proved itself to be a challenging feat. However, having to babysit Sully’s children between shifts soon became an icky ordeal
Pairings: Lo’ak x Dreamwalker!FemOc
Reading time: approx 10min
Warnings/notes: y/n almost dies, ambient music, Quaritch Queen rage
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You regretted applying for the internship.
After the war, the damaged outer lab was decommissioned by the SciOps staff. Only a select few were allowed to remain stationed to pursue research by Pandora’s outskirts. Among the recruited candidates, only you had resolved to stay (had you not fallen lovestruck by the studies of the exo-biosphere and it’s bioluminescent habitants)
Fifteen years had passed but your cute fascination for Na’vi culture never subsided. It was as if you were one with them, even going as far as initiating unit expeditions and adopting the different types of tribe dialects. Though this only rendered coworking with Norm all the less bearable, as he’d always nag about your resemblance with Jake back in the day. Maybe that’s why his kids were left in your care?
You majored in biochemistry, detained a botanist degree and was fully fledged in the arts of herbal mastery. So why under Eywa’s watch had you yielded into making your workspace a kindergarten ?
You knew the little quadrio since they were still unborn babies. Neteyam, Lo’ak, Spider and Kiri often visited the labelled "old shack" when playing beyond the depths of the Omatikayan Home Tree. At first, supervising them was no harder than taming a banshee (one Yovo fruit each did the trick easily). But growing up, they kept you company by asking all sorts of questions about humans-avatars-and common history
“Peu lu sat miklor reykol?” (What is that pleasant sounding music player?)
Lo’ak’s inquisitive scrutiny took you off guard, marvelled by your Bluetooth speaker playing a serene tune never heard before. Poking at the buzzing device, his ears twitched adorably and tail wiggled with vigour. The boy’s intrigue had you muffle a toothy chuckle, but having heard it, he shrugged back feeling embarrassingly naïve
“It’s a Handpan duo, street musicians from Earth” you explained while mimicking the use of the percussion instrument, laughing out loud
It was a calm humid afternoon, the weather forecast had envisioned heavy rain. Now used to the environment’s tropical climate, you were also familiar with Lo’ak’s solo visits. He’d frequently drop by on cloudy days, mostly to find shelter after arguing with his dad. At least it seemed to be his excuse to help around with your experiments. Little did you know, the kid would offer himself in a heartbeat as test subject, if you were willing to let him that is
You’d be lying to say you weren’t expecting him to visit every other day, over a cup of hot cocoa. It became sort of an unspoken routine. And today was no different, Lo’ak sat legs crossed over the central workbench where you were manipulating a panopyra sample. Behind your desk, Norm was relayed to monitor Grace’s avatar capsule while conversing with Kiri-Spider-and Nete. You only listened to the background chatter indirectly, too focused on the task at hand
“Did you know this zooplantae detains a primitive nervous system like no other? It has a sensory tissue and a saprophytic epiphyte lifestyle, typically growing attached to other flora high in the canopy. Truly fascinating…”Eyes glued to the little organisms seen through your microscope, you had almost forgotten a third party’s presence
“You’re so smart Leiya, our people only collect it’s liquid for healing drinks. At best, the stems are used for making nets, or for mating aphrodisiacs” you could tell he was attentively listening by the compelling response, sometimes even proposing intuitive ideas for practical innovations
“Lo’ak you’re flattering me, it’s only factual groundwork for my thesis. But thanks”
“Hey but didn’t you also create a Dreamwalker vessel? How can that be a minor detail?” Looking over your shoulder you noticed Norm’s hand gripping down at it, now gaining everyone’s attention
“Really?? Can we please see her?” Kiri’s head promptly perked up
“Wow auntie Ley, me too!” Spider too had flowingly joined the chant
“Um, I suppose so. However it’s not entirely functional yet. Her name is Te’Leylah” without any restraint you led their daunting eyes towards your own hybrid-bed.
Although before you could go into detail about additional repairs, external voices outside the lab cabin had aroused suspicion within (and enough for you to go check for yourself)
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You were right for regretting working as an intern.
Recombinant infiltrators were lurking right outside your office, and it was no other than the human colonists based at Bridgehead. You knew fairly well news of new cryoexported deployments from home weren’t because of the lack of crew agents here. What you feared was a second invasion, potentially capable of fuelling another war. Even so, nothing was for certain
“May I help you gentlemen?” Your voice had cut through the overgrown grass: through your exopack mask, and turning five sets of heads. Uncomfortable wouldn’t begin to describe the situation
“Hm, yes. We’re going to be direct darling. Have you ever heard of a man named Sully? We’d love to have a friendly conversation with an old comrade. Since you seem to work here, I’m sure you have a vague idea” A sturdy soldier (Quaritch) strode forward, looking down on your petite frame
“I’m sorry, I’m only an intern who’s temporally on stay. I’m not sure to be of help, as this lab has been rusty before my commission…” you were aware lying was futile, but only buying time. No way these rugged guys hadn’t thought of forcibly raiding the place.
“I don’t think you quite understand, lady. Do we look like fools? it’s either you spit it out or we make you.” Another trooper (Lyle) exclaimed impatiently. The threatening didn’t faze you, but their weighing artillery surely did
“As I said, I’ve only crossed wild Prolemurises or Shimmyflys, no Na’vi or humans for that matter” there wasn’t any hesitation detectable in the response, though your body language spoke volumes. Cold sweat drew down your collar as they nonchalantly approached closer
“Oh really? I think you’re a bad liar… Lads, immobilise her” following their captain’s order, your limbs were fastened together by yellow wristbands. Slipping an acute wince pass your chapped lips
“Should’ve used that nasty tongue of yours more wisely. You leave us no choice but resolving to harsher methods, missy” With that, the group’s soldiers seeped through the ground vines and into the shack. Leaving behind their boss on watch
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“Um, chief the area is NSTR (all clear). What do we do?” Mansk, a tattooed bull of a man darted out moments later, scratching his nuke awkwardly. Thankfully, you assumed the kiddos must’ve escaped safely with Norm ; sighing in relief
“We might have cheap thrills extracting information from our new hostage, while we’re at it. DrLey this is your last chance” By the looks of the situation, Quaritch was loosing patience. In fact, it was only a guess that his child-like temper stood by a thread
“You mean through torture? Commander, we might be mistaken-” the subordinates agreed in unison on the matter, though it only made their superior grip and pull pack your hair violently. Exposing along the way in his brisk motion, a freshly sharpened blade to your nape
“Go ahead, I’m all yours. You’ll never find them anyways, heh” a fine line of blood was slowly festering from the cut, stinging, but you had already surrendered
“So you do know... Alright, let’s hear it pretty girl”
*ptish* spitting right in his face, you surely didn’t miss, smirking innocently
“Eat your own medicine @&*$%#!!”
“In that case, I won’t regret teaching you a lesson…B R A T”
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Faintly battering lashes, you slowly regained consciousness, only without an airmask, bathed in the humidity of your own blood and chocked for air. The rogue attackers fell quiet. Your ears merely caught up to inaudible grunts and cries, before reaching out to your damaged phone
Norm’s name appeared pressingly ringing on the fractured screen. However, dizziness overwhelmed your strength to respond
Pandora's toxic atmosphere was known to be unbreathable by humans, due to the high concentration of carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide. This deadly mix causes lethal reactions : including burning of mucous membranes, followed by death within minutes due to cellular oxygen deprivation.
The stars almost seemed to be welcoming you with open arms, softly taunting to join them, beautifully arranged in the steep blue of sky. They nebulously appeared so close you could almost touch them
“This is it” giving into the weight of your tired eyelids, they fastened for a long night’s sleep. Only to be shaken up by a frantic grip, which brought you back
“LEYIA ! C’mon, DON’T YOU DARE GIVE UP ON ME…Wake up PLEASE !” It was recognisably Lo’ak’s anxious roar that echoed through the clearing. He had came back with help from the Omatikaya hunters to shoot down the presently struggling invaders. Though it was too late to hope saving you, as your lungs were already charred by toxins and internal organs began to rot
“I won’t let you go out this way, we have no options but to resort to the vessel. Forgive me” He then turned to rush right towards the lab, shielded with Neteyam- Kiri- and Spider’s protection. Little Tuk had to sit this one out, but behind Jake’s back she was shed from the raining downfall of bullets and arrows
Inside, Norm was already preparing the capsules for transfer. Tension was at it’s climax : manipulating this type of tech in a hurry could cause him irreversible errors of piloting dysfunctions during reeducation, or more plausibly cut off branches of neuro-connections if done without caution. In other words, the chance for the emergency connection being rejected was at high risk
Splotches of scarlet blood began covering the floor as the large gash on your neck widened. Loa’k pressed on as tightly as he could manage, but your face was loosing it’s tint with minutes
Feeling your head spinning, everything went black after that
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“Leylah ? Can you hear me ?”
“Dr was it a success ?”
“Woah take it easy now ! Uh, how are you feeling ?”
. . .
“Leylah ? LEYLAH !”
“Huh? Ugh, mh- my head hurts”
Both sighed by the sight of you in motion and silently thanked Eywa for blessing this new birth
“I’m blue…” you exclaimed bewildered. Getting a first time feel for your body was an experience in itself, but you weren’t quite sure what to think of it. Looking back at Lo’ak, he gingerly placed your cool hands onto the warmth of his skin and locked in with your shimmering gold eyes
“You’re just like us now. Like me,
Welcome Home.”
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hobbielifes · 1 year
Strange Stories
Echoes of Enigma
In a world brimming with advancements and discoveries, there existed a tapestry of unexplained phenomena that whispered secrets beyond the reach of human comprehension. These anomalies, scattered across the globe like stars in the night sky, defied the laws of nature and confounded the greatest minds of science. They sparked curiosity, fear, and wonder in equal measure, revealing the limits of human understanding.
One such mystery unfolded in the heart of the Amazon rainforest, where locals spoke of the "Whispering Trees." Deep within the dense foliage, certain trees emitted a soft, haunting murmur that sounded like a chorus of ethereal voices. It was said that these whispers contained messages from the spirits of ancient tribes, communicating in a language unknown to mankind. Despite numerous attempts by linguists and anthropologists, the messages remained indecipherable, leaving researchers baffled by the source and purpose of the phenomenon.
In the desolate expanses of the Sahara Desert, a different enigma took shape. The "Wandering Oasis" was a mirage that defied conventional explanation. Nomads who traversed the desert sands spoke of an oasis that shimmered in the distance, promising relief from the relentless sun. Yet, no matter how far they walked, the oasis remained an elusive mirage, dancing just out of reach. Satellite imagery captured the image as well, but no physical evidence of the oasis could be found on the barren ground. Scientists speculated that the phenomenon might be a convergence of atmospheric conditions, but the mirage's ceaseless movement contradicted this hypothesis, leaving the truth buried beneath the shifting dunes.
On the frosty shores of Antarctica, the "Frozen Lighthouse" captured the imagination of explorers. A towering structure of ice, resembling a lighthouse, stood amidst the frozen landscape, emitting a faint, otherworldly glow. It was not a beacon of warmth, but a source of inexplicable luminescence. Researchers conducted tests on ice samples from the structure, finding no trace of known phosphorescent organisms. The Frozen Lighthouse remained an anomaly, casting its eerie light against the backdrop of ice and darkness, a riddle etched in the coldest reaches of the planet.
As mankind reached for the stars, unexplained phenomena extended their tendrils into the cosmos. The "Celestial Symphony" was an auditory puzzle that confounded astronomers. Radio telescopes captured faint melodies that echoed across the universe, composed of frequencies and harmonies that had no terrestrial counterpart. Were they the result of cosmic collisions or the vibrations of celestial bodies? The universe remained silent about its symphony's origins, leaving humanity to listen in awe and speculate about the cosmic conductor behind this enigmatic music.
Beneath the waves, the oceans held their own secrets. In the depths of the Mariana Trench, the "Phantom Shadows" drifted. Submersibles exploring the trench reported encountering translucent, shadowy forms that seemed to defy the laws of biology. These spectral creatures emitted a faint, bioluminescent glow and vanished as quickly as they appeared. Marine biologists puzzled over these evanescent apparitions, wondering if they were undiscovered species or ephemeral tricks of the deep.
Unexplained phenomena are also intertwined with the human experience. In a remote village nestled in the mountains of Tibet, the "Dreamwalkers" were spoken of with reverence. Specific individuals possessed the ability to enter the dreams of others, offering guidance, wisdom, or sometimes cryptic messages. Villagers sought out these dream walkers for insights into their futures, but the source of this mysterious gift remained veiled in spirituality and mysticism.
As the world's knowledge expanded, so did its collection of unanswered questions. The unexplained phenomena became not only enigmas but also reflections of humanity's boundless curiosity and humility in the face of the unknown. These mysteries transcended cultural, geographical, and scientific boundaries, reminding humanity that despite its advances, some aspects of the universe remained beyond reach.
Perhaps it was in these unexplained phenomena that the true essence of wonder resided. They sparked imagination, ignited conversations, and inspired new avenues of research. The allure of the Whispering Trees, the Wandering Oasis, the Frozen Lighthouse, the Celestial Symphony, the Phantom Shadows, and the Dreamwalkers beckoned humanity to explore the fringes of understanding and to embrace the uncertainty that lay beyond.
In a world where information was at our fingertips, these unexplained phenomena stood as reminders that the universe was vast and mysterious, ready to share its secrets only when it saw fit. And so, the journey to unravel these mysteries continued, not as a quest for final answers, but as a testament to the insatiable curiosity that defined human nature. The enigma of the unknown, far from being a challenge to overcome, was a treasure trove of discovery waiting to be explored.
Veil of Enigma
In the quiet town of Serenity Falls, nestled among rolling hills and meandering streams, an atmosphere of mystery hung in the air. This picturesque haven was known for its charming cottages, friendly inhabitants, and the unexplained phenomena that had baffled generations. These phenomena were woven into the very fabric of the town, becoming a part of its identity and drawing curious souls from afar.
The first enigma, known as the "Eternal Twilight," occurred every year on the same date – the summer solstice. As the sun dipped below the horizon, a soft, perpetual twilight enveloped the town. Stars glittered overhead, and the world seemed suspended between day and night. It was as if time itself had paused, allowing residents to wander the streets, their footsteps echoing in the tranquil twilight. Scientists could not fathom the cause; no atmospheric conditions could explain this extraordinary phenomenon. For the townspeople, the Eternal Twilight was a moment of reflection and wonder, a reminder that the natural world still held secrets beyond comprehension.
Not far from Serenity Falls, the Whispering Lake awaited those who sought solace or answers. Legend had it that if you stood on the shores at dawn and whispered your deepest question, the lake would respond with a gentle breeze that carried a word of guidance. Sceptics dismissed it as coincidence, but those who had experienced it swore by its authenticity. People travelled from distant lands to ask their questions and receive the lake's enigmatic answers. Over time, the lakeshore became adorned with stones, each bearing a whispered question in languages from around the world, a testament to the human pursuit of understanding.
The town's most enduring mystery, however, was the "Dancing Stones." In the heart of a secluded forest, a clearing held a circle of large stones. It was said that on the nights of the full moon, the stones would come to life, swaying in a mesmerizing dance as if guided by an invisible hand. Generations of townfolk had witnessed this phenomenon, yet no scientist could explain it. The stones' movement contradicted the laws of physics, leading to theories of ancient energies, lost rituals, or mystical forces. On these nights, the townspeople would gather at the clearing, holding hands as they watched the stones sway in perfect harmony with the universe.
In the arid expanse of the Desert of Whispers, another enigma emerged. Known as the "Mirage of Memories," it was said that when the desert winds howled, the shimmering mirage revealed scenes from distant places and times. Nomads claimed to have seen cities long lost to history, mythical creatures, and glimpses of loved ones who had passed away. Forlorn travellers sought solace in the mirage, hoping to catch a fleeting glimpse of a bygone moment or a lost memory. Scientists ventured into the desert to study the phenomenon, but the mirage remained elusive, slipping through their fingers like grains of sand.
Deep within the caverns of the Midnight Mountains, the "Luminous Veil" mystified explorers. The cave walls were adorned with an intricate, luminescent pattern that emitted an otherworldly glow. As visitors ventured further into the caverns, they reported experiencing vivid dreams and a sense of connectedness with the universe. Some believed that the patterns were a cosmic message, while others attributed the effects to unique mineral compositions. The Luminous Veil became a sanctuary for seekers of enlightenment, drawn to the caverns in search of answers to life's deepest questions.
In the remote village of Emberbrook, the "Harmony Stones" adorned the riverbanks. These smooth, ancient stones emitted a resonant hum when touched, producing harmonious melodies that resonated with the human soul. Musicians from across the land would gather to play alongside the stones, creating symphonies that seemed to transcend the boundaries of human artistry. Philosophers pondered whether the stones were a gift from the gods or a manifestation of the river's ancient wisdom. The Harmony Stones became a testament to the interconnectedness of nature and the boundless depths of human creativity.
As the years passed, these unexplained phenomena continued to weave their magic through the tapestry of the world. They reminded humanity that despite the leaps of knowledge and progress, the universe was vast and infinite, holding mysteries that would forever elude complete understanding. These mysteries were not challenges to be conquered, but invitations to explore, question, and marvel at the unknown.
In Serenity Falls, beneath the Eternal Twilight, residents gathered on a summer solstice night, each holding a whispered question for the Whispering Lake. They stood before the Dancing Stones, hands clasped, as the moon illuminated the clearing. The Desert of Whispers beckoned wanderers seeking lost memories, while the Midnight Mountains' Luminous Veil shone as a beacon of enlightenment. In Emberbrook, melodies harmonized with the river's song, and the world embraced these unexplained phenomena as testaments to the wonder of existence.
And so, the enigmatic remained intertwined with the human experience, a reminder that as much as we discovered, there would always be mysteries that defied explanation, urging us to embrace the beauty of the unknown and venture into the realms where science and magic danced hand in hand.
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omstreifere-blog · 7 years
Omstreifere oppsummerer det norske musikkåret
Omstreifere har satt sammen en liste over våre norske favoritt-utgivelser fra året 2017. På samme tid i fjor betegnet vi året 2016 som et usedvanlig godt musikk år for oss som liker americana, country og beslektede sjangre. Jaggu, har året 2017 har vært minst like fantastisk som fjoråret!
Hver uke skriver Omstreifere på våre Facebook-sider om en låt som har utmerket seg i uka som har gått i spalten «Ukas låt». Ofte inneholder denne spalten også en hyllest til albumet låten er hentet fra. Sitatene om albumene nedenfor er hentet fra denne spalta.
Trykk her for spilleliste.
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1. «Alt som har hendt» - Erlend Ropstad
Første singel fra albumet «Alt som har hendt» ble sluppet i august. Jeg husker veldig godt mitt første møte med denne låta. Det var en kjip dag. Det meste var svart selv om det var lyst ute. Da denne låta dukka opp i høretelefonene mine sang Ropstad akkurat det jeg trengte å høre. Jeg har ikke for vane å sette enkeltlåter på repeat, men denne kvelden snurret denne ene låta inne i hodet mitt i over en time. Etterpå var alt litt bedre.
Siden august har denne låta blitt spilt jevnlig. Ofte mange ganger hver dag.
For et par uker siden kom endelig albumet. Ropstad slo meg i bakken igjen. Det var en heftig opplevelse. Jeg klarer ikke å beskrive det på noen annen måte. Jeg har prøvd å tenke tilbake. Prøvd å tidfeste sist jeg ble så berørt av et album. Jeg tror jeg må tilbake til 1999. Til året Thåstrøm ga ut albumet «Det är ni som e dom konstiga det är jag som e normal».
Og, da tror jeg egentlig jeg har fått sagt det som skal sies om denne plata.
- Henning
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2. «No Offending Borders» - Torgeir Waldemar
Et album som stadig har blitt plassert høyere og høyere opp på min liste over årets beste album. Torgeir Waldemars «No Offending Borders» fikk noen runder da det ble sluppet i begynnelsen av året, men strømmen av fantastiske plater fikk meg raskt til å legge dette albumet til side. Jeg husker jeg likte flere av låtene, men jeg tok meg aldri tid til å fordype meg skikkelig i denne utgivelsen. I slutten av november og utover i desember har jeg endelig oppdaget hvor bra dette albumet er. Det blir spennende å se hvilken plassering denne plata får på listene våre når vår selvpålagte deadline går ut like etter julaften. Jeg kan allerede nå røpe at «No Offending Borders» er inne på en sikker topp 5-plassering.
- Henning
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3. «Triste Sanger og Vals» - Roger Græsberg & Foreningen
Omstreiferes kjærlighet til Finnskogen strekker seg lenger enn til møte med tettvokst furuskog og uberørt natur. Fra tid til annen kommer det også musikk ut fra «de dype skogene», en skog Omstreifere aldri kommer helt til bunns i. Roger Græsberg & Foreningen, med Roger Græsberg fra Finnskogen i spissen, har akkurat debutert med plata «Triste Sanger og Vals» til strålende anmeldelser fra både lokal-og landsdekkende presse. Gratulerer!
«Triste Sanger og Vals» vil snurre og gå kommende helg i kjærra til Omstreifere. Da setter vi kursen mot Finnskogen for å dokumentere livene til noen av menneskene som bor de. Kanskje klarer vi å bli litt klokere på hva Finnskogen er med Roger Græsberg & Foreningen som helgens soundtrack?
Henning Benjaminsen i Omstreifere ha tatt coverbildet på plata og pressebildene av bandet. Vi kommer derfor ikke til å anmelde denne plata.
- Martin
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4. «Verden av i går» - Levi Henriksen & Babylon Badlands
Vi laget aldri noen anmeldelse av dette albumet, men Omstreifere var tilstede på slippfesten for albumet. Rapport fra denne festen kan leses her.
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5. «Old Soul» - Unnveig Aas
Unnveig Aas har lenge vært stjerne i undergrunnen. I 2013 ga hun ut sin første EP «Time Has Changed Us», i 2014 slapp hun singelen «How Long Must A Woman Mourn» og i 2015 ga hun oss fine «Love EP». I dag kom endelig debutalbumet hennes «Old Soul» ut. Debutalbumet kommer til å gjøre henne kjent blant allmenheten, bli spilt i radio, Aas vil bli invitert til Lindmo og spille på de største festivalene. Jaggu kommer hun til å slå igjennom internasjonalt også. Oslo vil bli betegnet som den nye americana-hovedstaden i Europa. Hvis det finnes rettferdighet.
- Henning
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6. «The Secret Sound of Dreamwalkers» - The Secret Sound of Dreamwalkers
Aasvang og bandet hennes tar oss med på en vanvittig reise i et virvar av forskjellige stemninger og sjangere. Vi er innom hjerteskjærende country, breibeint 70-tallsrock, syretripper og ørkenlandskap. Tenk deg en vellykket kollasj av vuggesang, Cowboy Junkies, Emmylou og Parsons, 80-talls soul, Black Sabbath og masse andre greier jeg ikke helt klarer å beskrive.
- Henning
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7. «Palomino Motel» - Trond Svendsen & Tuxedo
I slutten av april fikk jeg stukket til meg en cd fra Rootsy-Vikeke som hun insisterte på at jeg måtte høre på. Dagen etter, grytidlig mandag morgen, putta jeg plata i cd-spilleren i bilen. Hodet verka etter en pils for mye på konserten jeg var på dagen før. Snøen lavet ned. Bilen skrangla, den skulle egentlig vært på eu-kontroll for et par måneder siden. Har utsatt det i det lengste, vet at det kommer til å bli dyrere enn jeg har råd til. Har stått opp altfor seint og vet at jeg snart kommer til å sitte fast i køen inn til byen.
Plata som blir spilt på anlegget snurrer en stund før jeg registrerer musikken. Vokalistens stemme blander seg med en kvinnestemme og instrumentene klager. Jeg skrur opp volumet og musikken som fyller bilen passer perfekt for snøstorm i april. Noen ganger treffer musikk knallhardt og uventet. Dette var en slik opplevelse. Plata rekker å snurre to og en halv gang før jeg kom dit jeg skulle. Denne dagen kunne godt køen gjennom byen vart evig.
- Henning
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8. «Southern Insecurity» - Country Heroes
Jeg drømmer stadig om Amerika. Jeg drømmer om å oppsøke brune buler der countrymusikken strømmer mot meg fra ei lita scene. Døse melankolsk i et hjørne med ei kald ølflaske foran meg på bordet. Sovne på et billig motell og dagen etter kjøre videre til neste by. Stoppe på en diner og ta en milkshake og en burger. På veiene suser den ene fete amerikaneren etter den andre forbi meg i motsatt retning. Jeg retter på hatten, tenner en sigarett, trøkker gassen i bånn og sikter på noen heftige fjellformasjoner i horisonten. Jeg drømmer mest sannsynlig om et Amerika som ikke finnes.
Drit i virkeligheten. Den norske gruppa Country Heroes tar meg med til en perfekt verden, der jeg kan oppleve slike ting som jeg fablet om ovenfor. Til en verden der dressene fortsatt er av polyester, der røyking ikke er farlig og skikkelig country strømmer ut av høyttalere og fra små scener til enhver tid.
Plata «Southern Insecurity», som nettopp kom ut på labelen Safe and Sound recordings, har magien som skal til for å kunne forandre en grå hverdag til ei sein natt på min drømme honky-tonk bule.
For en stemme og for et stødig band! For ei herlig country plate denne gjengen leverer!
- Henning
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9. «In Central European Time» - Dig Deeper
Omstreifere omtalte aldri dette albumet på våre Facebook-sider og har derfor ingen tekst å sakse sitater fra.
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10. «El Dorado» - The Anti-Music Bonanza
The Anti-Music Bonanza serverer oss et album proppfullt av klassisk boogie-rock iblandet kledelige doser skranglete country. Allerede i åpningslåta drypper det svette av cowboyhatten til vokalist og låtskriver Græsberg. Herfra og ut er det full fest i lokalet. Bandet gliser seg gjennom platas ti låter og serverer oss en uimotståelig suppe bestående av alle de riktige klisjeene fra musikkhistorien i blandet en stor dose kjærlighet til sjangerne de stjeler ubeskjedent fra. Plata er spilt inn i legendariske Silence Studio og det er tydelig at bandet hadde en strålende helg langt inne i de svenske skoger da denne plata ble festet på tape.
- Henning
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11. «The Santa Ana» - Sugarfoot
Der det forrige albumet hadde en mer rendyrket stemning, spriker dette albumet i flere retninger. De mer poppa og lystige låtene får mer plass enn de gjorde på «Different Stars», men vi blir også servert herlig kosmisk countryrock, og deilig gitarøs med klare hint til Neil Young.
«The Santa Ana» ser ut til å bli mitt sommeralbum denne sesongen og når høsten kommer tror jeg jaggu plata fortsatt kommer til å funke helt utmerket.
- Henning
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12. «Klokkene ringer!» - Onkel Tuka
Jeg sluker store mengder musikk. Hver eneste dag. Det har jeg gjort denne uka også, men denne uka har ingenting festa seg ordentlig. Jeg vet det har kommet ut plater som jeg garantert kommer til å høre masse på de nærmeste ukene og som kanskje vil komme høyt opp på listene mine når dette året skal oppsummeres. Colter Wall har endelig sluppet sitt etterlengtede debutalbum, norske Sugarfoot er aktuelle med ny skive og en av mine favorittartister, Daniel Romano, har med sin ferske plate fått bloggkollegaer og anmeldere til å overgå hverandre av begeistring. Dette er plater jeg vet jeg kommer til å få glede av, men ingenting har altså festa seg skikkelig. Bortsett fra en låt; Onkel Tukas «Tater» fra deres siste plate «Klokkene Ringer!».
Onkel Tukas nye skive kommer sannsynligvis også til å begeistre meg i ukene som kommer.
- Henning
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13. «Sesong Fire» - Tønes
Tønnesen har gjort det igjen. Han har laga strålende musikk basert på historiene til oss helt vanlige folk. Bernt, Peder og alle hverdagsheltene som bidrar til at samfunnet henger i hop. De som gjør det beste ut av det de har i vonde og gode dager, for å bruke en av Tønnesens tekstlinjer.
- Henning
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14. «Miniature Scenes of Sorrow» - Bluebird’s Ghost
Omstreifere satte stor pris på Ep’en «This Too Shall Pass» som duoen slapp i fjor og låta «Ragged Earth» fra denne Ep’en fikk en velfortjent plass på vår liste over fjorårets beste norske låter. Med denne utgivelsen fortsetter duoen å imponere. Sju lavmælte låter inspirert av amerikansk mountain music og blugrass spilt og sunget på en aldeles fabelaktig og gåsehudfremkallende måte.
Lydbildet er sparsomt og nedtonet og gir akkurat nok plass til ekteparets rørende harmonier. Lyden som strømmer ut av høretelefonene har ved flere anledninger gitt meg akutt behov for å legge meg ned på gulvet, stenge alle andre inntrykk ute og bare nyte musikken.
- Henning
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15. «Blåe Drag» - Tove Bøygard
Omstreifere omtalte aldri dette albumet på våre Facebook-sider og har derfor ingen tekst å sakse sitater fra.
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beau-m-swan · 2 years
I was just able to sit and finish a parody book called Unwrap My Heart by Alex Falcone & Ezra Fox (the only critic sticker they were able to put on the cover was "Unfortunate." from Publishers Weekly lmao). It was ridiculous from start to finish. I laughed constantly from the sheer absurdity.
The blurb from the back cover:
"Sofia is just a normal high school girl, worried about getting her homework done and looking cool in the lunchroom, when HE shows up: a devastatingly handsome new kid, mysteriously covered in decaying bandages and staring at her from the empty holes where his eyes should be. She thinks he's just a hipster, but is there more to this handsome stranger than meets the eye? Yes. He's a mummy. We're not really making a secret about this. The twist is he's a mummy. It's a book about a girl who falls in love with a mummy.
We've read young adult books about teenage girls unknowingly falling in love with vampires, werewolves, angels, demons, fairies, mermen, warlocks, dreamwalkers, and trolls. Seriously, there was one about trolls. It's time for mummies, dammit. It's time for mummies."
It's as goofy as it sounds and, if you're one for funny little books (only like 170 pages), then I recommend this one.
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fandomwriterstuff · 3 years
Traumtänzer (Pt. 2)
Rated T
German Translations:
Mein Gott - My God
Der Herr de Ringe - The Lord of the Rings
Il Principe - The Prince
Part 1
Part 3
“So… He went back in time to meet up with a woman he kissed once and who was happily married with children?” You asked skeptically. That didn’t sound like the Steven you’d known. But then again, you hadn’t known him all that well.
“It’s confusing, but that’s the gist of it,” Sam interjected, taking a sip of his tea. The four of you were getting cozy in your living room, though it was a bit small. Sam and James shared the couch and you and the Baron found yourselves in arm chairs.
“Why are you so willing to stick your neck out for him?” James asked, looking for more information.
“He,” you paused. How much should you say? “He helped me out when I had nothing,” you shrugged and looked down into your empty teacup. Chamomile had always been a favorite of yours.
“That explains why you owe him a favor, but you’re really going out of your way. You know we’re harboring a criminal,” James nodded towards the Baron. You squinted your eyes at him, wondering if he could be trusted.
“He kept my secret… He found out my background and he didn’t turn me over to the authorities or insist I go get tested on,” you could tell you’d piqued their attention with that one. It was true, what you’d been thinking before. You didn’t tell anyone about your background, but Wanda had seen you and told Steven, and he helped you get off the grid. “How do I know I can trust you?”
“You don’t,” the Baron finally spoke up. “But we’re not in a place to be helping SHIELD out considering the circumstances, so we have no real reason to turn you over.” You accepted his answer with a frown. It wasn’t a lot but he was right.
“I knew the Maximoffs when they worked for HYDRA because my parents were secretly HYDRA agents,” you looked down into the teacup again, fighting the tensing of your muscles and the urge to run. “They sent me in to be experimented on by the-” You lost the word for scepter. Damn it all. “The thing, you know.” You rolled your eyes and growled, swearing in Sokovian. The Baron smirked at that. “ The scepter, god what’s the fucking word,” you mumbled in Sokovian. You knew James and Sam wouldn’t understand but the Baron was Sokovian and should be helping you out. “ Help a girl out,” you pleaded in Sokovian, and you could tell he was holding back a laugh.
“The scepter?” He added in English.
“Yes!” You exclaimed. “They experimented on me with the scepter!” You were so excited to have found the correct word, you didn’t notice the silence or meaningful glances James and Sam sent each other. “So I got some cool powers, they ran a lot of tests, terrible time,” You continued quickly, wanting to get this part over with. “Steven knew this, and helped me get off the grid. I owe him more than a favor, I owe him my freedom, my life,” you said emphatically.
“So you’re HYDRA?” James asked, tensing up. You glared over at him.
“I do not associate myself with Nazis, James,” you were cold, but this was a tough topic. “I was forcibly experimented on for years, and you think I would willingly associate myself with them? You should know better.”
He had the self-awareness to look a little ashamed, though you couldn’t care less. You didn’t need his shame or his pity.
After a brief pause, you sighed. “You can stay here for a little bit. Where are you going next?”
“Madripoor,” the Baron answered smoothly, and you choked on your own spit.
“ Mein Gott,” you mumbled. “Why on Earth would you want to go there?”
“We have business there,” he said, noncommittal. You raised your eyebrows, so it was top secret. Interesting. You stared at each other for a moment, unsure where your next words would lead you. You didn’t want to push too far but your curiosity was burning.
“I suppose I will prepare dinner,” you finally said after losing a staring contest with a criminal.
It was an uneventful night. You prepared food and you all ate in silence. It was only later when you were sitting in the living room reading Der Herr der Ringe that things got weird. James was sharpening a knife while Sam fiddled with some electronics. The Baron was reading your copy of Il Principe quietly.
“ What is your superpower, then? Wanda has her mind tricks and Pietro had his speed,” the Baron was speaking in quiet Sokovian, though he didn’t even glance up from his book. You noticed James side-eye him, but he left it for the moment.
“ I hardly think I should tell you,” you huffed. He raised a single eyebrow, still looking down at the book.
“ Indulge a poor curious man,” he finally looked up and caught you in his gaze. You felt pulled towards him, like his fluent Sokovian was a homing beacon and you just wanted to be near him. It was dangerous, but you hadn’t spoken Sokovian in ages, nobody here knew it and it was becoming a dead language.
“ They called me a dreamwalker,” you whispered in your native language. “ I don’t know why I’m telling you this,” you frowned at yourself. You couldn’t trust him. But he was right, who was he going to tell? Alerting the authorities to you would also alert the authorities to him. You kept eye contact with him this time, tilting your head.
“ Tell me, Maus. How does dreamwalking work?”
“ I-”
“English please,” Sam groaned. You pursed your lips and made a quick decision to lie to him. He would have no such issues alerting the authorities. He was an Avenger.
“I was simply telling the Baron about my book. Der Herr der Ringe. The Lord of the Rings,” you replied smoothly.
“What’s so interesting about it?” James asked, this time genuinely curious. Though what was more curious was the small smile the Baron was giving you. You felt your cheeks burn at the attention and tried to hide it by glancing back down at your book.
“It’s the follow on to The Hobbit and follows the third age of Middle Earth,” you began, but James’ jaw had dropped.
“There was a sequel to the Hobbit and you didn’t tell me,” he glared at Sam, who only raised his hands placatingly.
“Dude, I didn’t know you were so into fantasy,” Sam raised his eyebrows.
“It’s actually three books,” you added. “Not just a sequel.”
“Oh man,” James shook his head. “I have been missing out. Is Gandalf still in it?”
You nodded, smiling. The previous topic was forgotten, you started telling him about the movies and how they helped you learn English.
All throughout the evening though, the Baron was glancing at you, trying to figure you out. You were sure he was curious about your powers, though you were sort of afraid to tell him. At the same time… It would be such a relief to talk to somebody about it.
You retired early after setting up the pull out couch and allowing the three men to figure out where they would sleep. They agreed that Sam and James would share the couch and the Baron would take the single bed in the guest room. Their explanation was that they’d be closest to the door if he tried to escape. You couldn’t sleep though, images from your past running through your mind.
It was nearing four when you simply decided to get up, make some tea, grab your book, and return to your room.
However, when you got to the kitchen, the Baron was sitting quietly at the table in the dark sipping on some tea.
“ Good morning,” you whispered in Sokovian, trying not to wake the men in the next room over. The Baron tilted his head towards you and smiled softly, the dark shadowed his face but you could see his features fine. You’d always preferred the night time and the darkness that came with it.
“ Couldn’t sleep? ” He replied in the same language. It must be nice for him to be able to speak it again, just like it was for her.
“ No,” you sighed. “ My mind was racing. And on top of that I’m not used to having guests.”
“You’re uncomfortable being vulnerable around us?” He asked softly, but you shook your head.
“ That’s not it.  I don’t want to accidentally walk into one of your dreams. I’m out of practice.”
He nodded sagely, it would make sense. You seemed like a polite girl and you likely wouldn’t want to intrude.
“ Tea? I made extra,” he gestured towards the teapot where steam was still rising and you smiled, smelling the chamomile.
“ Thank you,” you murmured and poured yourself a cup before sitting down at the table with him. “ You couldn’t sleep either?”
“Too much to do and plan,” he replied with a shrug of one shoulder. “ Will you tell me about your powers?”
You sighed, resigned, and nodded.
“ I suppose it wouldn’t hurt. I can walk through dreams and change them. It works for daydreams too, when people are in ‘the zone,’”  you explained. “ Though it’s harder then, when people are awake.”
I can also project my thoughts into other people’s minds you spoke this time directly in his head and his eyebrows shot up.
I haven’t figured out how to read minds per se, but I’m hoping I can learn.
“ Fascinating. Absolutely sensational,” you blinked and blushed at the praise, hoping he wouldn’t notice in the dark room. “ You’re incredible, Maus. Is there anything you can’t do?” He chuckled and you ducked your head, looking up at him through your lashes with a small smile. “ Oh, that’s not all, is it?” He wondered, a slow smile spreading on his face when you nodded your agreement.
“ It’s new… I have only developed it since my time in this flat. But just as I can project my thoughts, I can project my body. Sort of like teleporting,”  you murmured, smiling again when he looked at you, astounded.
“ You truly are wonderful,” he praised you again, this time noting your reaction. You spoke with him for a little while after that about the places you’d teleported to, but you found you’d drifted off when you ‘awoke’ in the dreamscape.
It looked like a forest, this place that your mind conjured. In the forest were many trees and shrubs but also little glimmering puddles. Those were the dreams. You walked as if in a trance, sometimes you had no control in the dreamscape. The puddle nearest to you was dark and murky, you were frightened and your chest tightened up, but you couldn’t hold back as you dipped your toes in and were immersed in the dream.
It was dark. It was always dark at first. But then there was a light and a voice.
You searched and walked around, looking for it, but you regretted entering this… this… this nightmare.
It was James as the Winter Soldier on a dark, cold night. You watched the scene as if in slow motion, and screamed as he killed his friend and his wife.
He jerked back to look at you, noticing you for the first time, and stalked towards you.
“You’re next,” he growled at you, but you scrambled backwards, trying to find your way out of the dream. You tried to conjure something to snap him out of it. You could usually do whatever you wanted, so you changed the scenery. You were on a hot beach, white sand beneath our bare feet, and the Winter Soldier kept stalking towards you.
“Let me out!” you screamed at him. “Let me out!”
You gasped and fell from your chair, and the Baron shot up to catch you.
“ Maus? Are you alright?” his arms were warm around you as you shook off the last of the terror. You were afraid of dying in a dream. You weren’t sure if you’d wake up.
“What the fuck?” James growled from the door frame, rumpled and angry.
“I am sorry,” you choked out. “I did not mean-”
“Stay out of my head,” he cut you off and retreated to the couch, where Sam sat, confused.
“ You might want to stay out of his dreams,” the Baron whispered, arms still caging you in, but you appreciated the strength as tears pricked at your eyes. You hated when people raised their voices.
“ I can’t always control it. I couldn’t get out,” you choked on the words. You huffed a ragged breath and righted yourself, finally pulling away from the Baron. “ I’ll start breakfast,” you mumbled and turned away from him so he couldn’t see the few tears you allowed to fall from fear and apprehension.
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tanoraqui · 3 years
AU where I gently tweak character ages to my whim so that when Jame is outcast, the next time Tori sleeps and reaches out for her reflexively in his dreams...he can’t find her of course. She’s lost in the dark somewhere. But he wanders the edges of that darkness searching, crying as he can’t let himself be seen to do while awake…and he stumbles into Kindrie’s garden
Tori is seven years old and dreaming. He wanders around, admiring the many pale-flowered plants, before he notices that one of them isn't a flower at all, but a white-haired, blue-eyed toddler sitting quietly in the corner.
(I don’t think it’s at all normal to slide from dream to soulspace at the age of 4, but this is Kindrie, who is just a little bit of a prodigy - and, of course, Tori, likewise.)
Tori nearly backs away in disgust, filthy shanir ringing in his ears in his father's voice (and this isn’t even the shanir he wants to see, wants with every lonely, not-quite-guilty-yet fiber of his being.) But the toddler’s eyes well up with tears at his disgust and Tori has never interacted with a baby before but he’s always been responsible. So he wipes the sneer from his young face and tentatively sits beside the boy, and asks what's your name, is this your garden, are there any adults here? (Kindrie, yes, a shy look toward the faint impression of a woman's face in a mossy wall.) Are you lonely, too? ...Do you want to play?
Tori wakes up before he gets much farther than explaining the strategies of tic-tac-toe. He doesn't go back the next night, because he wakes up inexplicably exhausted, like he hasn’t slept at all. He dismisses it as a half-forgotten dream.
But soon enough there’s another night - when Ganth raged at dinner, when the other half of the bed felt especially cold and empty - when he goes looking for the peaceful little garden again, and finds it after only a little bewildering wandering. Kindrie is there, and lights up to see him.
Maybe they just play tag, and water the plants - or water plants and end up splashing water at each other, Tori drawing Kindrie into not flinching at the sudden movements… Or maybe Tori asks, “Do you know how to play marbles?” and Kindrie says yes but points out that that there aren’t any marbles here, and Tori, with all the confidence of a young lord, says, “Well that’s dumb,” and conjures some marbles to play with. Because it’s a dream, and you can do that in a dream! (It’s a soul and most people can not do that in a soul, but the children who will one day be Creation and Preservation don’t know that.)
And then! They just! Hang out! No less often than once every few weeks, and sometimes every night for nearly a month. When they're young, it's more effort; it takes Tori days to regain his strength each time. When they're older, they both have more nights too busy or anxious to sleep, or too hurt and weary to choose anything but dreamless dwar.
By day, Tori keeps swallowing down his father's poison, but by night - obviously he, Tori, isn't a shanir. Obviously. it's Kindrie's dream garden. But Kindrie is - well, he's just a little kid (Tori thinks from the ripe age of 3 years older). He doesn't have claws or anything; he's not dangerous like Jame was. And by mutual unspoken agreement, neither of them talks in detail about their waking lives, but if Tori were to mention his father's view on shanir - well, Kindrie has been drinking his own poison since birth. Bastard, worthless shanir brat, and all the curses of the priests and their benefactress... He wouldn't argue, I think, with anything Tori said.
(As for that benefactress..she nearly catches them once, for sure. She's surprised to see another dreamwalker, but her reflexes are good: she flings a curse at Tori that would hit most souls like a well-aimed arrow, or at least like a discreet tracker tag. It bounces off his back as he dashes away; he barely notices. Kindrie is terrified. A door has developed over the years, from frequent use, between here and Tori's Haunted Lands keep. It's always been concealed behind a curtain of vines, but after that incident with Lady Randir, he hides it so thoroughly that Tori has difficulty finding it from the other side, next time he visits.)
The first time Kindrie follows Tori back through that door is when Tori, age 12, has broken his arm falling out of a tree, and been put sternly to bed but left too restless for proper dwar. Kindrie has learned enough in his classes for young could-be-priests to realize that this isn't a dream, but (guiltily) he hasn't told Tori, because Tori - best and only friend, and something like an older brother - will freak out about shanir things, and possibly never come back. This is the worst possible outcome.
But right now, even dreaming, Tori is cradling his arm with remembered pain, and Kindrie knows that when he grows up (if he grows up), he's going to be a healer (he has already been made so exquisitely aware that his talents lie in healing, himself if no one else). So he convinces Tori to take him back through the door to explore Tori's dreadful keep, and together they gather the ladder and hammers and etc. required to repair the few fallen beams.
(Ganth roars when Tori wakes up with an arm far more healed than one night of dwar sleep should have healed. Filthy shanir, monster! But he calms without delivering more than a few extra slaps. Tori dances desperately around the truth, because his dreams with Kindrie - best and only friend, something like a younger brother - are something they've never needed to swear to keep secret. The kendar who'd examined the break in the first place says, "Lord, my eyes are growing old, and Torisen is young and strong - maybe it wasn't as bad as I thought. A fracture, not a break. And he slept well.")
(Not a lie, just barely not a lie.)
(But these are kendar who would, in a couple years, every single one of them swear to take any dishonor onto their own accounts so that their young lordan could escape this place. It's not the first not-a-lie, and it won't be the last.)
"How can I?" Tori asks, agonized, surrounded by gentle white flowers, in one of the rare times they speak explicitly about the things they endure by day. Though Tori still doesn't give his full name, nor his father's, and Kindrie's given little more detail of his location than that he's studying to be a priest. He's never named the woman against whom he sometimes locks his doors so tightly that even Tori can't get in.
"One of us should escape," says Kindrie, who's 3 years younger but plenty old enough to be bitter.
(A few days after that, waking, Ganth demands that Tori drink a cup of wine with a drop of blood in it, "To my health", and something dark and rotten will take root in Tori's soul-keep. But it's so small, and hidden for now, not to mention ineffective, that Tori doesn't notice - and Kindrie hasn't come over to help clean up since the near-disaster of that broken arm.)
Less than a year after that, Kindrie is having a particularly bad day, the sort where even in his garden, he's doing little more than curl up in a silent ball. Tori sits nearby, sketching a map of the Southern Host's camp, so as to remember his new environs better. Unprompted, he says, "You know, I don't actually mind people thinking I'm a bastard."
"That's because you're not," Kindrie says, quietly into his knees, but just a little waspish.
"Maybe," Tori concedes. "But also it's..." He waves his hand at undefinable concepts, because he'll never be good at introspection. "Everyone assumes things, about me, about Lord Ardeth - assumes the worst, assumes the least of me. But it's not right at all, it's just because they hear the word bastard and think those things - so who's to say they're right about any other bastard?"
Another day, Tori is restless, pacing, and wearing armor even here, and won't say why. He doesn't need to - he's been keeping Kindrie abreast of the events with the god-kings, Karnids, and brewing war (though not every detail - not how the high priest spoke to him). If only as a listening ear at which to talk it all through, figure it all out.
He still doesn't, truly, overall mind people assuming he's Ardeth's bastard. But he hates the stupid games around that and being a Knorth at the same time, the spying and the constant not-quite-lying - and tomorrow, they reach Ukakarn, with enemies unknown.
"Kindrie," he says abruptly, can you keep a secret on his tongue - but that's a stupid question because all of this is secret, and always has been. "Would you mind knowing my name?"
"Tori?" Kindrie says, answer and question, blinking as his attention is pulled away from the flowers he's been meticulously winding around a trellis.
"Torisen," Tori says, with that same abruptness. "Torisen Knorth, son of Ganth Grey Lord." And because he cannot bear to unburden himself without offering something - "Lord Ardeth knows - that's why he's been mentoring me, and spying on me, this whole time. But I think he did mean it, when he said he wants to help me regain my father's seat - that's why I mean it, when I say I'm quite sure he'd help me get you out of this place" (the priests' college) "if you want. He could send for a new healer to attempt Dari's rotten teeth..."
He trails off in the fact of Kindrie's odd response: avoiding Tori's eyes, a small smile that he's failing to suppress.
"What?" Tori says, maybe more sharply than he should.
"It's just...my grandmother was a Knorth. I heard someone say it, once, when they thought I wasn't listening." Kindrie's mouth keeps trying to smile, but his glance is anxious, because the last thing he wants is to sound like he's angling for something. Like he's bringing this up - or worse, making it up - because he, like Lord Ardeth, wants some in on the hypothetical future highlord. He's known this for years after all; he never mentioned it before because it was a treasure for just himself. By old, unspoken agreement, there's a lot they don't share about their waking lives.
But Tori lights up. "Really? Do you know who?"
"Her name was Telarien, I think."
Tori, who has studied his so-empty family tree, who has been alone since he was 7 - stops his pacing and turns with hands outstretched. "Why, then we're cousins!"
(Tori has offered this more than once, and each time Kindrie has declined - no politically machinated release nor clever trick, nor even (once, when Tori was in a particular Mood, and maybe thinking of his sister) some sort of rescue heist. Because the priests' college is terrible, but it's familiarly terrible, and who knows what greater disdain and torment might be out in the rest of the world?)
And then came Ukakarn.
Tori doesn't show up cradling his hands, or the blood on them, and weeping, the next night, his dire keep under siege next door. He doesn't flicker briefly in and out, as his torturer disallow him true rest. He doesn't come to Kindrie's garden at all, because he has been taken into the bowels of Ukakarn, which lie in the same shadow that consumes the land north of the Haunted Lands - the same shadow, unbeknownst to any of them, that swallowed his sister.
But he's not dead. Kindrie can tell, can feel, that he's not dead. And Kindrie is a healer (in training) and this is his best friend and cousin and rightful lord (however illegitimate the blood claim may be, for the latter two). So he doesn't hesitate a moment before plunging into the darkness that has swallowed the place where Tori's soul usually looms.
It's a little bit like swimming, through shadows thick enough to choke on. It's a bit like finding the will to get up in the morning, struggle that that often is. But Kindrie, though only age 13 or so, has a great deal more expertise than Tori, age 7 did, and more natural talent as well. Off in the physical world, the priests deem him truly comatose this time, but he breaks through to Tori's haunted soulscape - running with cracks of fire, as though about to explode. Overlapping with a grander house, a manse whose dark hallways Kindrie doesn't know. He wanders, searching desperately, pressing against not shadows but the end of his own tether.
He only finds Tori when he catches a glimpse of a slim, ghostly figure he thinks is him - but her armor is white and her hair is long, and when Kindrie follows her, they end up in a cell that's dank yet too-warm, with Tori crumpled and chained to one wall. Kindrie watches the woman break those chains - then she looks over her shoulder and meets Kindrie's eyes, hers bright silver, and he knows this must be the sister Tori has let slip mention of - older, somehow, tender and wroth at once.
The surprise breaks his focus, sends him careening back into the shadows, and to the safety of his own hidden garden.
Kindrie is a bastard, except that he has a cousin. He's a rotten little shanir - yes, the best healer in his generation, even if he has no other prizes to his name. He's worthless and useless and unwanted - except that he has a friend whom sometimes he can still make smile, who has never been just a dream, who leaves the flowers of Kindrie's soul-garden blooming a little brighter every time he helps tend them, and who has scattered the place with marbles and books and even a sword. Kindrie has cleared away some of these, and kept others, hidden as carefully as the door behind the vines, and never once mentioned to Tori that this is a weird thing to be able to do. Also, illegitimate though he may (seem to) be, Kindrie is a Knorth and Tori - well, he was scared to leave, and he did it anyway.
So, in the fashion of Knorths, Kindrie stages his escape from the priests' college that night, about seven years earlier than canon, and he makes his way as fast as possible to camp of the Southern Host.
Nothing else changes about Ukakarn, except this: Rose Iron-thorn doesn't die, because Tori's hands aren't too badly injured to keep their grip on her, because Kindrie walks, clumsily rides, and pleads his way onto illicit trade caravans going down the valley, he spends as much time as he can in Tori's keep - no longer lost in shadow, but still cracked with flames, eroding with exhaustion, dust-drenched for lack of water. Tori is no help - if he notices at all, in more than a daze - but patients rarely are.
(Rose isn't in the water to guide their boat through the sea, but Kindrie, for lack of any proper sleep himself, keeps Tori going, and Tori keeps his few people, and all together, they find the safe shore.)
Tori has told him about the Caineron commander of the host, so Kindrie goes directly to the god-king of Krothifir. Quite frankly, tfw a moderately unhinged 13-year-old kencyr with a shaved head (for not being tracked by description) bursts into your royal court and starts insisting that a precious few of your army have survived the dread fortress that captured them, and are even now in desperate need of a rescue party in the near desert. Please believe me, Kindrie begs, I know it from a dream (a perfectly normal, if rare shanir trait - though it is on the tip of his tongue to shout at the kendar guards in the hall that this is their future highlord dying in the desert out there, and why aren't they moving already.
Kroaky lets Kindrie convince him to make a royal visit to the optomancers' Eye, and they are of course just in time to watch Tori's little group straggle back into camp. Exhausted though he is, Kindrie dashes off right then, maybe with a tipsy wolver at his heels. Krothen, alas, takes longer to get down the cliff - a king needs pomp and circumstance, after all. Gendar Caineron is dead before either arrives.
Once Harn is back on his feet and in command, he quietly adds Kindrie to the lacking ranks of a medic squad. Within a month, Kindrie has picked up the nickname "Whitey", for his growing-back hair and, of course, mirror to Blackie. (I'm sure the boys try to keep it subtle, and let the story be that Kindrie just happened to have a vision of these escapees...but it's not like an ever-growing proportion of the host isn't already politely not commenting on the fact that their Blackie is clearly a full-blooded Knorth.)
...and then they lived happily ever after, the end
(except Tori still won't admit to himself that he's a shanir until after Jame has metaphorically kicked in the door of the Kencyrath and less metaphorically set multiple parts of it on fire)
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unremarkable-comic · 2 years
Types of Possible Magic
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This is just a list of possible things that magic can do in Unremarkable’s world. It’s non-exhaustive and subject to change, if I so decide.
Open, shut, lock, unlock (doorway magic)
also: Teleport somewhere you’ve already been (or maybe just have seen)
Element + perpetual motion = engine
Bending an element, including for party tricks
Combining elements (fire + air = lightning, for example)
Connect, interlock (includes to summon sth or lock onto a target)
also: Magnet, anti-magnet
also: Tether, retain (physical or memory)
Heal wounds, but NOT cure a sickness
Protect, shield, hide (forcefield, invisibility, etc) 
Shapeshift, transmute (including size and durability)
also: Surface tension and matter state change
Illusion manipulation, sensory hallucination
Telepathy, walking in the waking mind
Dreamwalking is reserved for Nulgol and their descendants
Give sleep, hypnotize
Levitate (antigravity, heat manipulation, rising on air)
Intensify gravity (aether + time)
Intuition and emotion reading, lie-detecting
CANNOT force truth. Truth is sometimes subjective, but can never be manipulated.
Telekinesis (can be used to disarm)
Various forms of superhuman augmentation (strength, speed, etc) 
Soothe (emotions, rough waters, etc)
Bend sound (earth + air) - creates music, manipulates voices, etc
Fertility, probability, luck (entropy)
Heightened sense of detection (vibrations, internal bleeding, unseen presence)
Reveal (opposite of hide/protect)
Conjure something nearby or temporarily something that’s far away
Track, find (compass magic hehehe)
It’s bigger on the inside! (ex: Tohki’s hammerspace ability)
Camouflage, color change, or otherwise blend in
chameleon skin, chameleon arch, or just that feeling when you’re infatuated with someone else but they don’t know you exist
“blade” - Slice something without an actual blade
Create false memory, memory wipe, intensify old memory
also: Past life regression (demigod only)
these are largely time/mind-based
Secret-keeping - only the keeper and one chosen other can ever know
Duplication, mirroring (gemini)
Willpower manipulation, intense power of suggestion (illegal, dark art)
Partnership power increase (Pokemon’s “helping hand” but irl)
Echo/imprint reading (ex: see the last thing done in X space or sense the last person to touch X object) - TIME RELATED
Body switch (tentative...maybe not)
Translation machine, omniglot (only among humans)
Assist non-aerodynamic creatures with flying; assist non-hydrodynamic creatures with swimming
Breathe underwater
Withstand extreme heat
Other Demigod Only Magic
Survive a vacuum (for a limited time)
Time travel
Animate inanimate objects
Talk to animals and plants
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