#The Wolfverse Earth 301
Falling in reverse
Reverse batbrothers/ Bruce's relationship with his children
Damian and Bruce have the rockest relationship. When Tim came into the picture things got worse because Damian thought that Tim was taking his place. He even resented Tim because he believed Tim was going to take the mental of Batman which was rightfully his. Afters Tim's death they became distant only addressing each other when in costume. Damian blamed Bruce for Tim's death and never really got over it.
Tim and Bruce have the most complacent relationship. Tim doesn't blame Bruce for his death but it did mess up their relationship. Tim never really felt like he was good enough to be robin and after his death he saw himself as a complete failure thinking that he brought shame to both Batman and Robin. He still looks up to Bruce and has a great admiration of Batman. When he found out there was a new Robin part of him was glad because Batman needs Robin. Another part of him is terrified though that sometime is going to happen to Jason so him watches over the kid. After everything that happened he thinks doesn't deserve to be apart of the family so he choose to stay spreate. The pit made him cold and distant he uses that to his advantage, he starts working in the darkest parts of Gotham underbelly. He tortures and kills so that no one else has to, he doesn't take joy in it but sees it as he duty to keep the rest of the bats hands clean. (One of the main reason is he remembers how much Damian struggled with not kill and doesn't want him to relapse) Bruce and Tim both still care about each other but Tim is to afraid and ashamed of his past and Bruce is struggling with the idea that Tim could do all the awful things.
Cass and Bruce have a pretty good relationship. Cass gets along with pretty much everyone in the family. When she has a problem she usually goes to Barbara or Damian.
-Most of the Siblings go to Damian with there problems. At first Damian felt awkward not sure what to do or why they would come to him of all people. Now he's use to it and pretends it annoys him when in truth he loves that they rely on him
Jason and Bruce have the closest relationship out of all his sons. Bruce is the first real father that Jason ever had and takes an active interest in what Jason likes. Jason is the only one who actually calls Bruce dad.
Bruce does adopt Dick, due to the fact that Tim is legally dead but Dick never really thought of him as his dad more of a grandpa since Tim was the one who raised him. Bruce and him have a decent relationship.
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the-wolfverse · 9 months
Earth 301-Falling in Reverse
(Reverse batbrothers)
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Reverse batfam nicknames
-Pennyworth (Damian)
-Al (Tim and Dick)
-Alf (Jason and Stephanie)
-Big bat
-The vampire king (Jason)
-big bird (Wally started this)
-boy blunder (Barbara)
-Demon bat (Stephanie)
-Dami (Dick)
-The blood son (mostly Tim)
-Scary bird (Bart)
-Bat Jerk (Jason)
-baby bird (Wally when Tim was Robin)
-Little wing (Damian after he noticed how freaking small Tim was)
-The tiny one (Kori)
- Timbers (Roy)
-zombie (Jason)
-Timmy (Dick)
-Zombie geek (Stephanie)
- The Cat that came back (Rose, based on an old kids song)
-My undead nerd (Rose)
-Thing one (Rose)
-Jaybird/Jaywing (Damian)
-baby bird (Wally)
-Fire ball (Stephanie)
-Angry bird(Barbara)
-Jay (Dick and Damian)
-Jaylad (Bruce)
-Drake's brat (Damian)
-mini hood (Roy and Rose)
-little bat (Barbara)
-Tiny human (Kori)
-Dick "dramatic" Grayson (Jason when they are older)
-SFL/Single For life (Damian)
-Knife tester (Damian)
-Saint (Bruce because he puts up with Damian)
-The old one(Jason)
-Snack theif
-mediator (Tim)
-Thing two (Rose)
-Flame head (Rose)
-Archie (Tim)
- Einstein (Damian)
- Red-headed idiot 2 (Jason)
-Mine (Cass)
-Mc fly (Jason)
-Tiny Wally (Damian [Wally does not approve])
-Jason's Wally (Barbara)
-Beloved (Damian)
-Damian's Better half
-E.T. /Extra tolerant (Tim because she dates Damian)
-Barbara "no fun" Gordan (Tim)
-Bat Hacker (Jason)
-The cooler bat
-Snow white (Tim and Roy when she's not around)
-Cute and dangerous (Tim)
- Future nut case (Damian)
-Drake's better half (Damian)
-Hot Ninja (Jason)
-Crazy Ninja (Bart)
-Brat girl (Damian)
-Miss steal your hairdryer (Barbara)
-Ninja Bat (Cass)
-Bat sis (Jason Tim and Damian)
-Cutie bat (Bart)
- Bat assassin (Steph)
-Baterina (Steph)
-The favorite
-Heart stealer( Babarba and Damian because she is absolutely adorable)
- The only Sibling I'm claiming (Jason)
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Falling in Reverse Art
When Tim falls asleep
Damian's Robin Costume
Coffee cup
Ask 1#
Ask 2#
Ask 3#
Family portrait
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Reverse batbrothers~Gaming
Damian doesn't have much time from gaming so he perfers quick combat games. He usually he plays these with Wally or Tim
Tim likes games with lots of side quest because he loves checking things off list. He also loves games with deep lore and mysteries, even if it really isn't there. He's been watching games theory since day one.
Cass likes any game with a good sound track and stunning visual. Both her and Tim are extreme fnaf fans and listen to The Living Tombstone. This has led to a long list of fnaf related songs being banned from the cave and Bruce having a deep hatred for bear mascots
Steph is extremely competitive and loves racing games from Mariokart to Need for Speed The more she can screw up her opponents the happier she is.
Jason likes open world games where he is aloud to do anything he wants. Games that allow you to fly or drive off road are his favorites. He also loves minecraft and building games.
Dick loves any game with sonic or Mario, his favorite games are wii game because the kid can not sit still. He also loves just dance and forces Tim to play. Rose has plenty of videos of them playing together.
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Sneak peak at fanfic I'm working on
(Reverse batbrothers)
     "Can I at least get a hug?" Wally asked doing his best puppy dog eyes.
     "Hugs are for dying people," Damian responded applying pressure to the wound.
     "But I am dying" the red head wined laying back against the wall.
     "You're not dying West" Damian rolled his eyes.
     "You don't know that" Wally pouted "What if I bleed to death and you spend the rest of your life feeling guilty because you didn't give me a hug" 
     "I'll take my chances" Damian retorted focusing on the wound.
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My Reveres Robins Truth or Dare book is up on AO3 click here to read
Sneak peak
EuryOnIce- "Dare: Damian has to call Bruce “Dad” "
Damian:"Hey Dad"
Tim:"Okay what did you do with the real Damian?"
Damian:"I merely said Hey to my Dad"
Bruce:On the verge of tears
Damian:"Are you okay Dad?"
Bruce: hugs Damian 
2 hours later 
Damian:"Okay father you can let me go now"
Bruce:shakes head continuing to hug Damian
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Falling in Reverse
Tim's death
Tim was the Smart Robin. He relied more on his wit than his fists, Joker used that against him.
He gaslighted Tim making him rethink every step by messing with his cases. Joker would hide pieces of evidence until Tim was done looking then lay them down in obvious places for someone else to find. He got criminals to confess to crimes they didn't commit and created fake clues that led nowhere.
Tim was making mistakes and he couldn't handle it because he was supposed to be perfect, he had to be perfect or no one would want him. Joker preyed on Tim's insecurities, driving him to the edge.
Tim became paranoid and overworked himself trying to figure out what was going on. Worried over Tim's well-being Bruce benched him saying that he was unfit for fieldwork. This was the straw that broke the camel's back.
Tim was scared that Bruce would throw him away. Because if Tim couldn't be Robin then why keep him around? So he snuck into the cave and started looking over cases. One of the cases involved a girl. It was open and shut, a guy had confessed and even shown where the body was. Something about this seemed so off though the body had been so desecrated it was impossible to identify. Why go through so much work if the guy was just going to turn himself in?
He realized that the girl was still alive and was able to track her down to a warehouse. Instead of going to Bruce with this news, Tim decided to rescue the girl by himself. He couldn't risk being wrong again. Tim thought if he could find the girl if he could prove himself then Bruce wouldn't abandon him. When Tim heard the girl's screams he went in without a second thought. The girl, she made it out, Tim didn't. Tim spent the last minutes of his life watching the timer on a bomb. A bomb he could have so easily defused if his body would just cooperate with him. Worried about what he was going to say when Batman saved him then worried when he realized Bruce wasn't coming and maybe it was his fault. Tim Drake died a failure bringing shame to the Robin mantel. At least that's what he believed.
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Reverse Batbrothers Incorrect quotes
Oliver:"Aren't you worried that Damian will be a bad Influence on Wally?"
Barry:"Honestly I'm more worried that Wally will be a bad Influence on Damian"
Damian and Wally: setting in a buggy as Wally holds rope tied to the back of a truck with Roy in the Driver seat
Damian:"Are you sure this is what normal children do?"
Wally:"Absolutely, come on Roy start the truck!"
-Wally convinced Damian to get frosted tips once, Bruce almost had a heart attack
-He's also the one who got Damian to start wearing hoodie
-He's also has introduced him to try every junk food imaginable including deep fried Oreos
-Damiam loves them but won't let anyone know
#Deep fried Oreos are Heaven!
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Reverse batbrothers + Wally in costume
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I actually like how these turned out may make them into matching wallpaper sets
Top Wally cosplaying as Luff
Bottom Damian cosplay as Zorro
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Falling in Reverse
Friends:Part 2 Tim and Roy
     Tim drake didn't need anyone. He was born alone, he died alone, he came back alone. The Red hood however could use a teammate, so when a certain vigilante broke into his apartment Tim decided to give him a chance. Roy Harper, Green arrows ex-sidekick and an outlaw on the run. It started out as going on missions together, then it was sharing information over coffee. Soon they were setting on the couch watching stupid movies while eating pizza. And Tim started to realize he wasn't alone because Roy wasn't just Red hood's teammate he was Tim Drake's best friend.
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Falling in Reverse
Friends: Part 1 Damian and Wally
     Damian never wanted a friend. He had always seen them as weakness. That was until a certain Redhead forced his way into Damian's life. Wally West, an annoying speedster with an even more annoying appetite. At first, Damian wanted absolutely nothing to do with the redhead in fact he stabbed Wally the first time they met. Then he started using Wally like a pawn until Wally nearly got killed saving Damian's life. It was the first time Damian had ever felt worried for someone not related to him. He still has nightmares about that day. He and Wally are super close even if he never would admit it out loud. Wally helped him get through Tim's death and becoming a better brother to Jason. In the end, Wally made him a better person but Damian will never tell him because that's how Damian is.
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the-wolfverse · 2 years
A list of Drinks/Food from falling in Reverse
(Earth 301 of the Wolfverse)
The Bat - classic chocolate shake with black food coloring and a dark chocolate bat on top
The Cat - classic strawberry shake with black food dye and a strawberry milk chocolate cat on top
Kid flash express-Three shots espresso with the artificial banana flavor and strawberry whipped cream on top
Impulsive decision- one shot espresso with whipped cream and two cups of caramel
Red Robin bread- a sweet roll like pastry filled with raspberry jelly and sweet cream cheese filling also covered with a red powdered sugar
Robin on ice- a layered slushie of pineapple strawberry and sour apple with a red peep on top
Red Hood cold shot- a mix of coffee and dr. Pepper topped with whipped cream and caramel with a cherry at the bottom of the glass (Served in bars around Crime Alley)
Spoiler surprise- a Galaxy looking mixed drink with a blend between grape and strawberry top with whipped cream and edible glitter
Black Bat Bites-Black cookies with sweet golden Center filled with a Boston cream and sprinkles
Batgirl bomb- a dark purple drink with an intense cherry flavor and lemon whipped cream
Cherry Mayhem- dark red cherry flavored milk tea with boba and ice in the shape of bombs
The birdy challenge- four slushies one blue raspberry one strawberry one mango and one sour apple ( if you can finish them within 10 minutes you win a free dinner)
Death by orange- A swirl cake made of really sweet chocolate and really sour orange cake comes with a fake dager
Pink fire surprise- a strawberry milkshake with strawberry Pop Rocks, the rim of the glass is covered in cotton candy
Red shot- extremely sour cherry drink with Fireballs at the bottom and a cherry floating top
I'm going to start doing this for every Wolfverse Earth would anyone be interested if I posted the recipes along with short fanfics about the characters trying these on AO3
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Falling in Reverse Robin costume
Concept art
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Falling in Reverse
Tim and Rose
    Tim never really thought that someone could love him. Which was fine because Rose never planned on falling in love anyway. When she started working with the Red hood she never thought she'd actually care about him. It started out as playful bantering then flitting. It was fun to flirt with Tim because it always left him flustered. It wasn't until a cuddle pollen accident that they realized they like each other. Strangely they have the best relationship out of any of Tim's family (Even if it started with Rose holding a knife to his throat). Rose protects Tim from himself. The guy has no self-preservation skills. She makes sure he sleeps, eats, and takes a break every blue moon.
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