#The kicking the hater figure off the table last
kythed · 3 years
“you can hear it in the silence” - a collection of conversations between you and futakuchi kenji. 
1. april 14th, 7:56pm.
“it’s terribly boring, isn’t it?” the voice comes from right near your ear. you start, turning to see a young guy dressed in jeans, a tee, and a baseball cap, slouchy and messy in the most attractive and purposeful way. “the movie, I mean.”
you turn your eyes back towards the screen — some spanish neo-noir retelling of the same old “sexpot femme fatale turned domestic by a dashing hero with a horse” plotline. “yeah, it is. I only came so my film major friends would finally respect me.”
“that’s valid,” he whispers with a snort. an older man sitting beside him shushes him. “I only came so I could make fun of the people who only came to impress their film major friends.”
“oh, ouch,” you say, grinning. “way to attack like 90% of the foreign film audience.” 
“I’d say it’s something more like 97%, actually,” he says, briefly glancing at the movie. the dark haired, sultry love interest is batting her lashes at the brooding protagonist, nightgown slipping off her shoulder. “the remaining 3% is horny teenagers who can’t yet figure out how to erase their search history.” 
despite being in the middle of a crowded theater, you laugh, giggle echoing off the walls. several people turn around to shoot you dirty looks, and you immediately clap an apologetic over your mouth. oops.
“I’m kenji futakuchi,” your seat-neighbor whispers, extending a hand. “unprofessional film critic, engineering major, and thai tea hater. I’m willing to take you out for boba on our first date, but if you order thai tea it will also be our last.” 
“bold of you to assume we’ll even have a first date,” you say, shaking his hand with another quiet laugh. 
“oh, we will,” he says with what can only be described as a bona fide smirk. “I saw the way you were looking at me earlier.” 
before you can respond, the curmudgeonly old man beside kenji leans over and scowls. “if you kids want to keep flirting, do so outside. some of us are here for cultural enrichment.” 
kenji glances at you, face spelling out mischief. “you heard the man. shall we?” 
for a moment, you consider saying no. but then reason kicks into gear and you stand up, dusting popcorn off your lap. “we shall.” 
(discovery number one: your hand fits perfectly in his.)
2. may 2nd, 11:17am. 
“you know, this actually isn’t so bad.” kenji takes another cautious sip. “still can’t hold a candle to jasmine.”
“I respect that,” you say, offering him a taste of your drink. “I feel like everyone who hates thai tea is just jumping on the bandwagon. it’s pretty decent.”
“you’re pretty decent,” he says petulantly, snatching your tea and replacing it with his own. 
you roll your eyes. “your comebacks suck. still can’t believe I agreed to go out with you.” 
kenji feigns a look of surprise. “oh, are we going out? I thought this was a platonic thing.” 
you send a pointed look at his hand resting on your thigh, his thumb rubbing light circles in your skin. 
kenji follows your gaze and suppresses a smile, shrugging. “friends do that.” 
it’s a cool spring day, the air smelling of his cologne — vanilla, coffee, and burnt orange — and the eucalyptus growing in front of the cafe. the sunshine is fresh and pale, casting a glowy halo over kenji’s brunette mess of hair. he smiles rather angelically, as if he knows exactly what you’re thinking. 
“and do friends do this?” you say softly, leaning forward so your nose is just centimeters from his. 
kenji gulps, adam’s apple bobbing painfully in his throat. his voice cracks with his next words. “y-yeah. I do this with my buddies all the time. no homo.” 
you slowly bring your hand up to cup his jaw, letting your eyes linger on his lips before glancing back up and smiling. “oh, good. ‘cause I do this with my girls all the time, too. full homo.” 
“mhm,” you purr, trying to channel some of that femme fatale energy, leaning even closer so you can feel his warm breath on your mouth — and then you pull away with a cackle, leaving kenji blinking down at you with reproach.
“women are so cruel,” he sighs wistfully, fanning his shirt and running a hand through his hair. 
“sorry,” you chirp, not sorry at all. “I don’t kiss on the first date.” 
“you don’t kiss on the first date?” kenji repeats. “so what’s the timeline — we hold hands today, and then you let me hug you next week, and then we kiss in a month, and then in like fifty years we finally fu—” 
“kenji!” you say, whipping around. you’re scandalized. there’s a family with primary school aged kids sitting at the other table, shrieking with laughter and bouncing around like pinballs on a boba-fueled sugar high. “keep it PG.” 
“I wasn’t gonna say anything bad,” kenji complains. “I was just gonna say that in fifty years we finally, uh… furbish the condo we purchase together.” 
“sure you were,” you say, and kenji just laughs. there’s something in the way he looks at you… something soft and affectionate that makes you think he might actually intend to stick around for fifty years. it scares you a little — but in a good way. 
later that day, when kenji drops you off at your front porch, you lean forward again. usually you keep your word, but today’s an exception. 
(discovery number two: he tastes like colgate and thai tea.)
3. august 21st, 8:02am. 
“what the hell,” you cough, squinting through the smoke. you can barely hear yourself over the shrill beeping of the fire alarm resounding around your apartment. “kenji?”
kenji emerges from behind the fridge, nonchalantly leaning on the wall with a nervous smile. “hey, baby. sleep well?”
“don’t you ‘hey, baby’ me, mister,” you say, marching forward, fanning the smoke away with your oversized sleep shirt. (well, technically it’s his shirt, and that’s why it’s oversized. it fits perfectly fine on him.) “what in the world did you do?” 
“why is it that when something goes wrong you always automatically blame me?” he complains, coughing. 
“because it’s always your fault,” you say, gently but firmly pushing him aside to reveal, sitting innocently on the counter… a smoking toaster with two pieces of bread (burnt nearly completely black) resting in the slots. oh lord. “kenji. babe. darling.”
“ooh, keep going, please,” kenji coos, yelping when you lightly pinch his elbow. “hey!” 
he’s about to retaliate before you double over in laughter, holding onto the edge of the kitchen counter for support. you choke out giggles between breaths, hardly able to keep balance. “you — (wheeze) — you nearly burnt down the kitchen — (wheeze) — trying to make toast?” 
“it’s not as easy as it looks,” kenji insists, gingerly picking the slices of bread (although they’re more like crackers now) out from the toaster. “I’m sorry that I wanted to do something nice for my beautiful girlfriend. and I’m sorry that the only thing I could handle was toast and coffee. well, technically just coffee, I guess.” 
he picks up a mug from the counter and offers it to you. “it might be kinda cold now. sorry. I tried.”
he’s so earnest and adorable and lovely in that moment — standing in the middle of the clouded kitchen in just mismatched socks and an old pair of boxers, holding the coffee out for you to see — that you can hardly contain yourself. 
“god, I love you,” you say without thinking, the last word catching in your throat as you look up. oh. oops. kenji’s staring at you, unblinking, big brown eyes filled with… surprise? “I mean, I meant —”
“you love me?” 
“I, uh,” you falter. this isn’t you; you’re supposed to be the calm and collected one. “this isn’t how I wanted to say it, but—”
“but you do, right? you love me?” kenji sets the mug back down and pulls you in by the waist, grinning broadly and resting his forehead against yours. your heart is pulsing erratically, but a smile big enough to match his somehow finds its way onto your face. you nod, and kenji immediately kisses you hard, tangling his fingers in the back of your hair. 
“I love you,” he says breathlessly after finally parting. you feel the uncomfortable warmth of your face and the swollenness of your lips... but you can’t quite bring yourself to care. “I love you a lot.” 
“you love me so much that you even tried to make me toast,” you laugh. “and you brought me cold coffee in my second favorite mug.” 
“no, wait,” says kenji, glancing back towards said mug. “that’s your favorite mug.”
“no, my favorite is the green one with the—”
“—with the orange flowers,” kenji groans in realization, slapping a limp, penitent hand to his cheek. “I’m a failure of a boyfriend. I deserve to go to boyfriend jail.” 
“you do,” you agree, nodding solemnly. “but lucky for you, I have a get-out-of-jail-free card right here.”
“oh?” says kenji, a devilish smile quirking up the corners of his lips. 
you hum and offer him your clenched fist, like you’re about to place something in his palm. but when he extends his own outstretched hand, you interlace your fingers with his instead. “yep. right here.” 
“you think you’re so clever,” kenji sighs, nonetheless bringing your hand up to press a brief kiss to your knuckles. 
“I do.” you shuffle towards the counter to take a sip of the coffee — sure enough, it’s cold. (but he still made it exactly the way you like it.) “c’mon. breakfast.” 
(discovery number three: burnt toast doesn’t taste so bad when you eat it with someone you love.)
4. november 1st, 10:38pm.
the commute across town from your university to your apartment is on the longer side, around forty minutes. it feels even longer late at night, though, on your way home from your part time job. 
the subway rattles on its tracks as it slows to rest at a stop (but not yours) and a handful of sleepy passengers stumble out, swinging briefcases and pulling their scarves a little tighter. you stifle a yawn, slumping back into your seat. 
“you okay?” 
you smile. ever since you got hired a couple months ago, kenji’s insisted on coming to “pick you up” from work to take the train back with you, even though he works all the way across town. (he’ll probably stay the night — he has a drawer full of his things at your place these days, complete with a dozen wrinkled t-shirts, old soccer shorts, and a bundle of irreparably tangled chargers. he hasn’t bothered to bring his own shampoo over yet, though, claiming that “yours smells so nice and fruity” and “men’s shampoo just smells like nondescript testosterone and insecurity.” he’s right of course, but all the same, you’d rather he not use up all of yours.) 
“yeah, I’m okay,” you sigh, taking his hand and feeling him begin to rub circles on your palm. you close your eyes. “just tired.” 
“hi ‘okay-just-tired,’ I’m dad,” kenji says slyly, and you open one incredulous eye. 
“did you really…?”
“I really did,” kenji says, puffing up his chest. “you walked right into it.” 
you groan and fall on top of him dramatically, burying your face in his thick fleece jacket. “I’m too dead for this. I’m like frankenstein before he was reanimated — just a bunch of limbs and organs in a useless, fleshy pile.”
“technically, he’s frankenstein’s monster,” says kenji, petting your hair absentmindedly. “frankenstein’s the name of the doctor. cute literary allusion, though.” 
“do you ever shut up?” your voice comes out muffled by kenji’s coat, but not at all devoid of its intended irritation. 
“occasionally,” he says as you lift your head. he pulls you closer with one arm until you’re practically sharing a seat, legs interlocked, your temple resting on his shoulder and his chin nestled in your hair. “when I’m sleeping. when I’m eating — well, sometimes. sometimes I talk with my mouth full.”
“yeah, I’ve borne witness to that,” you say, wrinkling your nose. you’ve tried to improve kenji’s table manners countless times (especially in light of your family’s thanksgiving dinner soon approaching), but it’s all been in vain. most likely because he enjoys seeing you get worked up about his not using a coaster, etc. “disgusting.”  
“when I’m concentrating on physics,” he continues, as if he hadn’t heard you. “when I’m in the library. when I’m kissing pretty girls.” 
he bends down and tries to give you a peck, but you gasp and dodge it. “girls? plural? you’re out here kissing pretty girls other than me?”
“when I’m kissing one specific pretty girl,” kenji corrects himself, grinning. 
you feel your own grin stretch across your face. “and which pretty girl is that?”
“my pretty girl,” he says smugly, looking incredibly pleased with himself. 
you scoff. “corny.” 
“you like it.” 
you chew on your inner cheek, trying and failing to suppress your smile. “you know I do.” 
the train’s speakers crackle alive, a cool automated voice emanating from their unseen perches: “approaching hiwamari station. projected arrival in: 1 minute.” 
“alright, time to wake up, sleeping beauty,” kenji huffs, lugging you onto your feet. you hang limp in his arms like a rag doll, unwilling to bear your own weight. “you are perfectly capable of standing. shape up before I alert the authorities, you hooligan.” 
“hmm,” you groan, finally arighting yourself with some difficulty. you want to ask where in the world he learned the word ‘hooligan,’ but your brain can hardly afford you even the most basic cognition right now. “it’s too late, and my knees hurt, and I’m tired, and I saw an ad for that new vietnamese place at the last station, and now I want banh mi. but I can’t have banh mi because there’s none on this side of town, and that irritates me.” you take a deep breath. “also, I’m cold.” 
kenji laughs and slips a loose arm around your waist as the doors slide open, gently guiding you down onto the platform. the night air bites at your skin, painting goosebumps in its wake. you’re about ready to just sit down on the ground and curl into a frustrated, exhausted ball when he crouches down, fingers straightening and smoothing the lapels of your coat. “well, I can’t really help with the sore knees and the hankering for banh mi part, but I’m pretty sure you’re cold because you’ve had your buttons undone this entire time. dummy.” 
he buttons your jacket quickly and deftly, careful to avoid pinching you in the process. a particular kind of warmth bubbles up in your chest at his concentrated expression — kenji likes to maintain his effortless, reckless reputation, but when it comes down to the bare bones of it all, he’s still the type of guy who’ll button his girlfriend’s coat for her. on the walk from the subway to your apartment, his arm doesn’t leave your body once, keeping you close to his side and shielded from the wind. 
“I’m not a dummy.”
“sure, dummy.”
(discovery number four: body heat — specifically, kenji futakuchi’s body heat — is by far the most effective way to stay warm.)
5. december 23rd, 12:01pm. 
“who’s your best friend?” the question pops into your mind and out of your mouth almost instantaneously. kenji, who’s lounging on the sofa next to you, turns, eyebrows furrowed. there’s a small douglas fir in the corner of the room, minimally decked with what ornaments you could “diy” from around the house: snowflakes made of sticky notes, bedazzled plastic utensils, etc. several small packages have been haphazardly tossed around the tree’s base, yours neatly wrapped in red tissue paper and string, kenji’s covered in newspaper and excessive scotch tape. (he tried. maybe not his best, but he tried.) 
“depends,” he says, turning off his phone and tossing it onto the carpet. “what’s your definition of best friend?” 
“you know,” you say, helplessly splaying your fingers. “monica and rachel. frodo and sam. taylor swift and karlie kloss.” 
“hold on,” kenji says, holding up a hand. “didn’t taylor swift and karlie kloss have a falling out?” 
“yeah, but for the sake of the argument,” you insist. you narrow your eyes. “wait. how do you know about that?” 
“you talk about it every time you listen to that one album, which is at least once a month,” kenji says with a grin. “probably more like twice, actually.”
“oh.” you flush, making a mental note to use earbuds more often. “anyways. answer the question.”
“wait, but you just gave me a bunch of examples,” kenji complains. he glances briefly out the window, which is iced over like a sugar cookie, obscuring the snowscape outside. mariah plays faintly in the background, jingling and whistle tones echoing through the halls. “you didn’t define anything.” 
“a best friend,” you begin, faltering and taking a moment to think. a best friend… what is a best friend, really? you frown for a moment before smiling brightly. “a best friend is a commitment. it’s when you commit to being there for somebody when they need you. and it’s when you commit to finding that person when you need them, too.” 
kenji lets out a low whistle. “okay then, socrates.”
“it wasn’t that deep,” you say with a laugh. “so. who’s yours?”
kenji grins boyishly, face lighting up like a christmas tree topper. “easy. you’re my best friend.” 
oh. you weren’t expecting that. your chest gives an involuntary little thump of pleasure. “me? what about kamasaki?”
“mmm,” kenji muses, counting on his fingers. “he’s, like, my fourth best friend. maybe third on a good day. but you’re the one I go to first.” 
you have the sudden urge to wrap your limbs around him like a koala and never let go; only your dignity keeps you from tackling him right then and there. you clear your throat, praying he can’t hear your thoughts — he’d never let you live it down. “you’re mine, too.” 
kenji doesn’t respond, just smiles and rolls off the couch onto the floor with a thud, spreading out on the carpet like a seastar. the silence doesn’t bother you, though — silence (what little you can get of it) is comfortable with you two. plus, it’s never really silent. there’s always something there, something very undefinable but very real. 
(discovery number five: you are in love.)
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dinuhsoar · 4 years
ғʟᴏᴡᴇʀs ᴀɴᴅ ᴄʀᴏᴡɴs
Summary: You were invited to play a game of Among Us with Sean and the rest of the Crew. You've never played before, but went against that fact and joined. While people join, you meet and talk to Corpse: and the viewers ship you from what they see and hear. You also have a little brother who wins the boys hearts.
Pairing: Corpse x fem!reader
Warnings: prolly spelling errors, shit writing
Author's note: First imagine on anyone! Please be kind and nice. I also am sorry if I got Corpse wrong, I have never heard of him until a month ago, and I'm not really all that obessed with him (no hate). I enjoy reading the cute imagines between him and the reader, and so that's why I'm writing one about him. I'll write for Corpse, John B. and JJ (outerbanks), Peter Parker, Thor, (Daddy <3) Tony Stark, (and pretty much the main avengers), oh, and I'll also write for Roman Reigns (because he's my Daddy too). I also don't mention everyone he plays with, but mention Sean a l o t. I'm not familiar with his, "crew." Anywho, enjoy!
Gif credit: @leahberman @velvetmotel
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You looked down at your nails, biting your lip gently. Sean invited you, and with pleading moans and groans, you decided to join. You didn't know what to do or what did what, so you just stood in the lobby: you weren't moving.
"Y/n, go change your character's colour!" Said Sean, talking into his microphone.
"How? I don't know how to play." Your voice was soft as it held embarrassment. You knew Sean's stream was blowing up at this point.
"I can tell you," came a deep voice. Holy- who in the world was that?
"Aye, Corpse! Guy's welcome Corpse."
You heard the group of men laugh and shower him with greetings: you were still trying to figure out who Corpse was.
"Ayo, Y/n? You gonna greet God himself or what?"
At this you laughed softly to, whispering a sorry on your end. "Sorry," you said a bit louder, "Welcome to the game, Corpse."
You sucked in a breath, crossing your legs in your chair, nervous of the game and how it was suppised to go down.
"Hello, Y/n. Still need help on changing the colour, I see. You need to go to the computer. Then you can select whatever colour and you can also pick a hat."
"Ah, thank you, Corpse." You walked over, hearing mumbling through the other end of the mic. "Sorry if I'm making this weird, Sean." You laughed lightly, opening the computer to select your colour.
"No, no. It's not you, Y/n. Just reading what the stream says: gotta kick these haters, ya know?" Said Sean. You looked down at your lap, frowning.
"Right," you breathed out, looking back at the screen. "Um, why can't I chose black?"
"Because Corpse-" Felix started, only to get cut off by Corpse.
"Here, I can be purple. Just get it as fast as possible or else someone will take it." Ethan started laughing at Corpse as you did as told.
"Wanna give her your last name too, Corpse?" Boomed Ethan. At this you were confused and lost. You were quiet on your end.
"Guys!" Boomed Sean, "Stop messing with Y/n: she's new to this game. Don't stress her out and make things awkward."
"Thanks, Sean. But I don't mind it, really."
"So you don't mind if you have Corpses' last name?"
"What?! No! I wasn't implying-"
"Felix, leave her alone." This time, Corpse spoke.
"Just messin' man."
"We ready to start?" You asked, voice a bit shaky.
After the game started, the boys relaxed a tad bit, laughing and tossing heads back. You were quiet, but when you spoke your voice was soft and dull, all in which caused Corpse to scream into the mic to tell everyone to quiet down for. The people on the stream were going crazy, you could tell. You just ignored everyone on the stream: you never could read, watch, and play at the same time. But the tables started turning. When you were imposter for the first time that night, you were confused. You followed Corpse, Felix, and Ethan. But they were boring. So you found Sean and he was secluded. You killed him and jumped out of your chair, squealing. "Ha! I killed you Sean!" You screamed, not noticing how your mic was still on. The boys laughed, but when it came to voting, you were voted out, despite denying and denying, and denying. You pouted and didn't move when you were a ghost. Grumbling as the game went on, talking negative about the game: even denying you weren't the imposter even when the ejection said so. You were mad. Sean grumbled back, fighting against you in only whispers. The game ended, then you were back in the lobby.
"Good first game," Felix and Ethan said.
"You're dumb and mean," teased Sean.
"I'm sorry, Sean. E-everyone else was in a group a-and I just went for it." You said into the mic, stumbling over your words.
"That was perfect, Y/n. At least you knew not to attack a group. Stick with me next round, and I'll show you more tips." Corpse said, grinning as a notification went off on his phone. "Ethan!" He boomed.
"Just sayin' bro."
Not questioning it, you laughed into the mic for no reason. No one questioned it, however.
"So, Y/n? Howcome you've never played this game before?" You looked on your screen, heading to the computer, looking at the array of colours.
"I didn't have an interest in it. Corpse, you can have black back, it's kind of boring." You changed to blue, then purple when it was open and Corpse has secured black.
The game started and you confirmed being partners with Corpse. "Where are we going first?" You asked.
"Follow me."
You both walked into reactor, you walking up to that number order task. "Um, what do I do?"
"Click the numbers in order."
Thanking him you did so, telling him to follow you this time. You went into lower engine, only to be killed by Corpse. You screamed into your hand.
"Um, guys, I'm gonna be afk for a moment, gonna get water-" You started, only to get cut off by your baby brother crying. "And I'll need to put him to sleep."
"Is that your baby, Y/n?" Asked Felix.
"She's married, sorry Corpse?" Said Ethan, questioning his statement.
"Guys, that's her little brother, calm down. And she's not dating nor married to anyone." Sean rushed to stay. But you were gone at this point.
"Guys, Y/n was killed!" Corpse said. And thus let the voting begin.
You looked at your baby brother, grinning as you changed his diaper and gave him his bottle. You left to get water, only to hear more crying. Placing the glass by the computer, you told them another minute.
"One more second, guys. Sorry, he's still crying." The game ended then, and you were back in the lobby.
"Send us a picture of him, Y/n!"
You rolled your eyes at Sean, laughing. "Alright, chill. Someone send Corpse my number, so I can send him it as well."
"Corpse, my man, look at the stream messages for gods sake!"
Corpse grinned at Felix, telling him to shut up before he looked at the stream and laughed, "guys, calm down. Y/n is a friend, nothing more."
You came back with your baby brother in your arms, him suckling on the bottle. "Imma have to play with him. If I leave, he cries." You sent everyone a picture, and they all showed the photo to their screens. Except for Corpse that is.
"You know what your character is missing, Y/n?" Asked Corpse after a minute.
"What's that?"
"A flower."
"And why's that?"
"Because you need to stand out amongst these idiots."
Laughing, you included a flower, also changing your colour to white. "You know what your character is missing, Corpse?"
"What's that?"
"A crown."
"And why's that?"
"Because you're my king."
You simply laughed, enjoying the slight teasing on the man. The stream blew up and to this you took notice. Corpse laughed louder than ever as well.
Oh my gosh
Ship. It.
Ew, Y/n
You laughed a bit more, looking down at your brother as he nearly started to cry.
"Oh, come here," you said with a giggle, "sorry to scare you, little bubba. Shh, now. How about you play for me, yeah?"
The boys were confused for a moment, before they awed. However, Corpses' deep voice scared him. "Shut up, Corpse, he just flinched."
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writingbeary · 3 years
One of Us
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CW: mentions of hate comments
Note: Set around late 2020 during Mingi’s hiatus
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Being a celebrity brings in a lot of diverse experiences ranging from being loved by everyone to being hated enough to receive unpleasant words on the daily. It's like a coin being flipped, you may think that you'll be able to predict which side it'll land but never a hundred percent certainty. You could hear all the compliments in an hour and be sent threats the next, and that is what Minyoung has been facing the moment she debuted as an artist.
She understands that she cannot really please everyone and that there's always people who will drag her down, but that doesn't mean she no longer feels hurt when she sees hate comments directed at her. She's especially prone to haters being in a majority boy group. It wasn't like she received a lot of mean comments but it certainly increased over time as they gain more recognition particularly with the general public.
Minyoung also knows not to read the comments section to avoid coming across the hate but she wanted to know how the people thought of their performances, especially hers and improve upon them using their comments as base. However, what she is seeing right now aren't criticisms towards her craft but mostly of her interactions with the members and some of her appearance.
Sighing, she closed her phone as she lied down in her bed staring at the ceiling. The comments were replaying back in her head even if she tries to think of something else.
[Why is she even in the group? She doesn't sound that great.] [She's just doing lipsync. Poor members who have to deal with it] [She's so touchy with the members, especially to Jongho who doesn't really like skinships.] [She's pretty but she needs to lose some more weight.] [Leave the group.]
Minyoung bit her lip trying to stop herself from crying as a tear slipped past her eyes. Everyone was present in the dorms and the last thing she wants is to worry them if they see or hear her crying. Her thoughts were interrupted when the door swung open with San barging in. She immediately hugged her stuffed bear effectively hiding her face. "Mintokki! Dinner's ready. Come eat."
"I'm fine. I don't feel like eating tonight oppa." Minyoung answered trying to sound as normal as possible as she bites back a sob
"Are you feeling sick? Do you want me to get medicine or anything?" San frowned reaching out to touch her forehead to check her temperature, finding it normal.
"I'm alright. I'm just tired and sleepy. I think I'll sleep early tonight. Don't worry." she mumbled against the plush faking a yawn to throw off any suspicion and letting out a tired smile. She wasn’t lying when she said she was tired but, it was a different kind of tireness she is feeling right now. However, she also doesn’t want anyone to worry since they’re usually perceptive of when her mood is low so she figured sleeping it off would be better for her.
"Alright. Sleep well then Mintokki." San chuckled while ruffling her hair a bit.
Minyoung mumbled good night hugging the bear closer. San left her room, closing the door and heading back to the kitchen.
"What about Minyoung?" Seonghwa asked making San shrug in response. "She says she's feeling tired and she's heading to bed early."
"Huh? I thought she was looking forward to eating stew tonight? I made sure not to make it spicy for her too." Wooyoung frowned as he set the clay pot down on the table.
"That's weird. Is she feeling ill?" Yeosang wondered since you were still energetic even after practice ended.
San shook his head and answered “I checked her forehead but she doesn’t seem hot. She really might just be tired.”
"Just let her rest for now. We can keep a bowl for her in case she gets hungry later." Seonghwa said, already pouring a bowl and setting it aside for the girl.
Jongho looked at your room's door worried but decided to let you have some rest as the eldest suggested. You had the room to yourself ever since Mingi went on his hiatus and went back home to rest. He thought that maybe you were feeling lonely being alone in the room for so long. He figured he could just check in on you after eating to make sure you're okay.
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(Next day)
Hongjoong was about to head go out to grab himself something to eat when he noticed Minyoung standing outside his studio. He wasn’t surprised about the visit but he was confused why she didn’t just barge in like the usual. Chuckling, he asked "Why are you frozen there? The door wasn’t really locked so you could have just come in.”
Receiving no response from the younger girl, Hongjoong frowned pulling the girl in the room and sitting down with her. "Did something happen today?"
The girl shook her head before mumbling “Is it alright if I hang out here oppa?”
Hongjoong smiled patting the girl’s head “Of course. When have I ever kicked you out of the studio? You have that priviledge among the members, so make full use of that.”
“Have you eaten anything?” Hongjoong asked as he was looking through his phone, deciding to just get delivery. “I’m getting chicken. Do you want anything else?” He thought that if you were feeling down then eating your favorite food could lighten up your mood a bit. Receiving a nod from the girl who has settled herself on the recliner, hugging her knees, he proceeded with the order before turning back to his computer. He figured that if you weren’t ready to tell him what is bothering you then he wasn’t about to force you to say anything and if by being with him gives you some sort of comfort then he’ll let you stay with him until you’re satisfied.
While waiting for the food, Hongjoong noticed that Minyoung has fallen asleep so he went and covered her with a blanket. Sighing as he still hasn’t figured out what it is that’s bothering her, he decided to ask the members if anything in particular happened lately.
(Group chat with the members without Minyoung)
Mingi: What’s this? Why do we have a new chat?
Yeosang: Hongjoong-hyung made a new one
Mingi: But Youngie isn’t here.
Seonghwa: Speaking of her, does anyone know where she went? I can’t contact her
Jongho: I checked her room. She left her phone at the dorms
Hongjoong: Minyoung’s with me at the studio. That’s not why I made this separate group though. Does anyone know what happened? She seems upset at something
Yunho: Did Wooyoung eat her snacks again without asking?
Wooyoung: I didn’t! That was one time, stop bringing it up!
Seonghwa: Not that I know of? Minyoung was pretty excitable the whole day.
Yeosang: She was just monitoring our performances this morning.
Jongho: She seemed down since yesterday. San-hyung did she say anything last night?
San: Huh? No. She said she’s tired but nothing else.
Hongjoong: So we don’t have any idea? Nothing off about her?
Wooyoung: Ah.
Yunho: See? Wooyoung did something again.
Wooyoung: I swear, I did nothing! Wooyoung: But she didn’t let me hug her as usual today.
Jongho: Now that I think about it, usually she would be clinging on to one of us but she avoided everyone.
San: Can’t we just ask her? It’s faster that way.
Hongjoong: She fell asleep and she didn’t look like she’s going to talk even if I ask.
Seonghwa: Let’s just observe for now. Maybe she’s just having an off day.
Hongjoong: Right. Hongjoong: I’m looking at you Wooyoung.
Wooyoung: That was just one time! Wooyoung: Look. I won’t even dream of doing it again. Do you know how Jongho looked at me that time? Wooyoung: 〣( ºΔº )〣
Jongho: ε-(‘ヘ´○)┓
The whole week, the members felt like Minyoung was not as bright and cheerful as she usually is even when they tried bribing her with her favorite foods. It wasn’t that big of a change but she did talk a lot less on camera and pulled back quickly when she hugs the members. No one really knew what was happening until they noticed repeated comments for calling Minyoung out for being touchy with the members and generally just throwing shade at her, during their group VLIVE where they were just hanging around and sharing stories as they reacted towards their old performance videos.
Wooyoung who was able to read some of the comments suddenly looked serious and pressed his lips to a thin line. He glanced at the girl who looked as if she’s making herself smaller and sinking into her seat and scooting away from the members. She was leaning against Jongho before but suddenly sat up and made some distance between the two of them.
Frowning, Wooyoung looked straight at the camera looking a bit pissed off but trying to maintain his calm “If you’re joking around then please know it isn’t funny.” He said in a warning tone. Confused, the members looked at him when Yeosang realized what was happening upon seeing another wave of comments.
Yeosang whispered it to Jongho who was still at a loss. The latter immediately looking at the girl who at this point looked about ready to cry.
“If you’re just going to be mean, then please leave. I won’t mention your usernames but know that if you repeat this kind of behavior again… you know who you are.” Wooyoung continued his warning as the staff with them behind the camera immediately motioning for the group to change the topic or end the broadcast. Hongjoong let out a sigh and followed the instructions but making a mental note to talk to the group after the broadcast.
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The car ride was quiet on the way back to their dorms. Minyoung was about to head straight to her room when Jongho caught her arm. “Young-ah, can we talk?”
"Let me talk with her for a bit." Hongjoong walked past them waiting for the girl outside her room. Minyoung smiled lightly to Jongho before following Hongjoong to her room.
"Is everything alright bun? Aside from the broadcast earlier, you’ve been pretty down lately." He asked grabbing a chair while Minyoung sat on her bed.
Minyoung bit her lip, trying to think of how she’ll start since she knew that she wouldn't be able to hide it from Hongjoong and although he won't force her to say what's bothering her, he would still look for the cause himself.
Hugging her plush bear, she confessed the reason why she had been feeling down "I..read them again."
Hongjoong let out a sigh deciding to sit beside her bed to pull her into a hug, rubbing circles on her back. "Young-ah.."
"I know oppa. I know I shouldn't let it get into my head but.. there's more now..I couldn’t help it. I'm sorry. I’ll be fine though. Don’t worry."
"It's okay. If it makes you feel better, then cry it all out. I'm here. Bun, do you remember our promise before we debuted?" Hongjoong pulling her up so she'll be leaning on his side, as he patted her arm to comfort her. Minyoung nodded remembering how this was a similar situation back then.
"We're a team. If one goes missing, then we're not ATEEZ. 9 people makes up ATEEZ. Nothing less than that. Mingi might not be promoting with us right now but did we exclude him from the group? We didn't. The same goes for you or any of our members. If the pressure is too much right now, you can ask for a break. You are more important than anything else. We'll protect your spot, just as how we've been doing with Mingi. Do you want to do that?"
Minyoung finally looked up shaking her head. "No. I'll be fine. I feel like if I take a break now then it’ll only give them more reason to make me leave the group." the statement left a bitter taste to Hongjoong’s ears as he knows it’ll only fuel their hate. “But if you need a break, you can always ask for it. And we’re right here with you. You’re one of us and nothing is going to change that okay?” he said making the girl smile knowing he’s not just saying it for the words but he means every bit of the statement.
“Do you mind if we let the other members know?” Hongjoong glancing at the door. He was pretty sure the rest of ATEEZ were just behind the door waiting for an update.
“It’s okay.”
At this, Hongjoong patted the girl’s arm before opening the door revealing the rest of the members as expected. “I guess we’re having a group meeting right now.” He chuckled as he moved a bit to let some members in the room. Jongho and Seonghwa immediately going over towards Minyoung’s side and putting an arm around her from each side.
“I’m..sorry. I made you all worried.” Minyoung bit her lip before glancing at everyone’s expressions
“You don’t have to worry about what those people say! If they give you a hard time, just tell us and we’ll take care of it.” Jongho declared confidently making the others laugh but nod in agreement.
“Here.” Yunho held out his phone to Minyoung, the girl confused but took it from him with her face lighting up when she saw the screen.
“Youngie. Are you feeling okay now?” “Mingi-oppa!” Minyoung gasped in surprise but happy to hear his voice after a long while. Everyone was relieved that her mood seemed to be lighter than before. They prioritized making sure Minyoung was okay but they also knew that they had to take action against the malicious commenters.
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As if clapping back against those commenters, all of ATEEZ posted a selca with Minyoung for a whole month after the broadcast. They also made sure to make everyone know that ATEEZ is made up of 9 members in every post they make, but what made the fans laugh the most is that all the members seemed to cling unto Minyoung a whole lot more especially when they see a camera filming them. KQ also released a statement that they won’t tolerate any malicious acts towards the group and its members while their official accounts suddenly had an increase in Minyoung content. They also scheduled VLIVEs where Minyoung covers dances with either San, Seonghwa, and Yunho, or a song recommendation with Hongjoong, or a game competition with Jongho, or a relaxed stream with Yeosang.
It was quite a statement from both the company and the group. It was a declaration that ATEEZ is a 9-member group no matter what people say and that if needed, they aren’t afraid to take legal action to protect everyone in the group. This action made the team cheer “9 makes 1 team” resonate louder in the fandom.
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ATEEZ Minyoung Masterlist
Disclaimer: This is just a work of fiction. Any portrayal of real people is a combination based on what we could see on cameras and imagination of the author. This is purely fan fiction written for entertainment. Thank you for understanding.
━━━━━━ʕ ˵• ₒ •˵ ʔ━━━━━━
Writing Beary Corner
Another dramatic update lol Don’t worry this might be the last for a while since all my remaining drafted ones are on a more cheerful tone! 
Thank you and I hope you enjoy reading this!
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boop-le-snoot · 4 years
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As promised, two chapters in one day! HBD to this trash rabbit. I just get thirstier with age.
Rating: Explicit.
‼️TW: Reader is EIGHTEEN! Recreational drug use, smoking and alcohol consumption, deeply internalised self-loathing, very questionable moral standards. Daddy kink taken half-seriously. BDSM themes in later chapters - explicit content will come with it's own TWs. FIRST PERSON POV. DRUG USE IN THIS CHAPTER. Just generally an uncomfortable vibe, thread carefully.
Summary: You're Peter's classmate, a child of rich and famous but uncaring parents. Getting paired up for a lengthy project with the boy was an interesting turn of events and you don't know whether to feel blessed or cursed when you develop, seemingly, a perfectly normal, harmless crush on Tony Stark. Fueled by feelings of inadequacy and boredom, your life spirals out of control - and you're lucky your newfound friends are there to pick up the pieces even if you cannot find it in yourself to believe these amazing human (and not so human) beings voluntarily give you more than a fleeting glance and an offhanded thought. And they brought cake!
A/N: Ooh, boy. This is a whole mess. Angst. [insert drugs owl meme]. Steve doesn't pass the vibe check yet again, stupid old man. Bruce + Tony be like: I CAN'T GET NO SLEEP CUZ OF Y'ALL.
My beta, whomst I love more than cake - @miscmarvelwritings . She's so beautiful though. And so smart. Wow.
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The strobe lights pulsated to the rhythm of the music, bodies swaying, gyrating to the tune. The club was banging this time of night, people were living it up like there was no tomorrow. For me, in the VIP zone it was quieter, calmer, but no less exciting. The atmosphere here was distinctly different from the one on the main floor.
It was hard to wallow in misery even if it only took me an hour to stop resisting the gratuitous amounts of white powder on the silver platters. "It's better when you're there to watch them, they'll do it anyway but at least you can know that they're getting the good stuff!" My idiot father proudly announced, looking at me snorting a line through a rolled up hundred dollar bill.
Whiskey and vodka wasn't doing it for me. It made me feel low and Dad, being Dad, of course noticed it and immediately called a guy who knew a guy and suddenly all of his friends and their baby-faced companions had white under their noses. Cash flew like autumn leaves.
As I went out to the main dance floor to get a closer look at Billie Eilish in all of her edgy, beautiful self, the drug hit me like an avalanche. No trace of the grogginess or the mortification that had hitched a ride on me from Stark tower. I danced and sang and saw dad smiling at me in approval, his equally high and important friends all wearing identically predatory smirks. They were good at spotting the obvious - beauty, talent, money. I had no qualms about the fact that dad was off bragging about my close relationship with Tony. If my father was feeling particularly bold, he'd be telling them he knew and encouraged it all along, his buddies pretending to believe the white lie in turn.
I had exchanged my pants and sneakers in favour of a skirt and fishnets with high heels combo, a decidedly inappropriate attire for a daughter having a family night with her father but he insisted I dress trendy. I loved my dad, I really did, and I knew he meant well - I'd definitely be out of place amongst these TVscreen worthy people in my jeans and sneakers but...Tony was one of those people, and he had never ever said anything bad about the way I dress. Even when I obviously and purposely put on obscene clothing just to get a rise out of someone.Tony just smiled and played along.
Tony Stark was the heartless asshole here? Really, press? Really, haters?
"Standing there, killing time, can't commit to anything but a crime..." I sang along quietly as I hurried back to the VIP area. My dad was standing up and so were a couple of his buddies. "Where's ya goin'?" I asked, taking a seat.
"Be right back baby girl, if you find better company then go on without us," Dad winked, throwing a totally nasty glance at one of the girls. She was not much older than me but her body was stick thin and bolt-ons and Botox were her two best friends. She gave me a dirty look and I returned it, extending a waiting hand towards my dad. He chuckled, depositing a neatly rolled stack of hundreds into my palm.
"Dad, I want a new purse," I whined, just a tad. Just to see the girl's eyes go wide with acrid envy. Dutifully, another couple of stacks landed in my palm without any objections and the company retreated towards the back door.
I sighed.
Fiddled with the straw of my drink a bit, contemplating my options. I could always ditch this party and go somewhere more active, somewhere with better music and kinder people.
"Ay, baby girl, you wanna party with us?" A tall, handsome man from dad's previous company approached me. "We'll have some fun." He maintained a respectful distance but the intentions were clear.
"Nope," I popped the sound, not even sparing him a glance. A few lines of cocaine stared at me from the table beckoning with a better high, a stronger sense of euphoria, confidence and energy to dance, to sing, to be happy. I picked up one of the discarded banknotes, quickly rolling it by a sheer force of habit and cleaning up the tray. One line.
"Holy shit, is that..."
Two lines.
"The fuck?!" I recognised that voice. I have been hearing it every day in the labs, I've been hearing it in my dreams.
Tony was gaping at me, in front of me.
"Hey, Tony. Fancy seeing you here." Any other time, I'd be cringing at my lame greeting but I was feeling way too good to care about trivial things like being clever or being appropriate.
"I was looking...for you," He slowly said, putting a single finger on the tray with the last line of coke and pulling it out of my reach.
"That's funny," I snorted, hastily wiping at my nose to cover the tracks of my very bad, very immoral, very illegal activities.
"It's not, Princess, it's not funny at all," He frowned. "C'mon, we're leaving." And extended his hand. I decided to follow along - there was nothing for me to do at this club anyway, the music was lame and the people were stuck-up.
"I look like a prostitute, Tony, I'll take the back door," I attempted to pull him towards the aforementioned but he didn't budge, just stared straight ahead and towed me along like he was wearing one of his iron suits under the stylish jeans and tee get-up.
He stopped in front of the exit, giving me a critical once over. Wiped my face, again, brushed my hair back. Gave me his shades - I dutifully put them on, figuring the manic look in my eyes was anything but attractive right now. "Jesus Christ, Princess," He sounded desperate. "You're beautiful, don't you fucking worry."
And we made our exit, arm in arm, me trying not to stumble in my high heels, Tony being my rock, my solid foundation. In other words, I was hanging onto him for dear life trying not to fall over and give a reason for a sneaking paparazzi to make a scandalous headline.
"You're doing great, Princess," Tony helped me into his Tesla, slamming the door behind me and hurrying towards the driver's door. I managed to unclasp and kick off my shoes, curling up comfortably into the passenger's seat.
I watched the man as he started the engine and watched him wrestle with whatever personal demons that tormented him as he peeled off and raced into the Friday night city.
"What in the everlasting fuck..." He started, stopping abruptly mid-sentence. "How did you even get in there?"
"I came with dad. He literally ditched me to fuck some whore, like, twenty minutes before you showed up." I shrugged, eyeing the modified panel of the car. It was very obviously Tony's own design. I wondered if he could introduce me to Elon Musk someday.
"What the fuck? And correct me if I didn't hear you clearly," Tony pinched the bridge of his nose. "Your father took it upon himself to drag you to a club, get you drunk, gave you cocaine and fucked off with some groupies?"
"Yah, that's about it. My dad is all about cocaine and whores, the more the better," I replied, leaning in to take a closer look at the car's panel. "Hey, could, like, introduce me to Elon Musk someday? That would be fuckin' awesome."
Tony went eerily quiet, I saw his knuckles on the steering wheel go white. Vague expletives were muttered under his breath. "I'm guessing you're good on sleep?" He finally asked through gritted teeth.
"Sleep? Don't know her," I laughed. "I wanna dance, Tony."
"Of course you do, Princess." His smile was tired and forced and full of pity. "You know, I don't think I'll be able to sleep now, either," He admitted, taking a sharp left. "How about we get some McDonald's and camp out in my lab?"
"Sure, whatever," Not like I had much choice in the matter. What I really craved was a good, long, hard fuck (by Tony himself preferably) but if science calls... I have no choice but to comply. "Get me two Big Macs," I demanded least he try to joke and get me a Happy Meal or some shit.
He did get me the food without any usual grumbling. I didn't like this Tony. Tired Tony, sad Tony, angry Tony. Wrong Tony.
"Huh?" He said and I realized I'd said the last part out loud.
"I don't like a sad Tony,” I said. "It's the wrong kind. Sassy, snarky and perpetually caffeinated Tony is the best Tony. The only proper kind, in fact." I stated with seriousness, shoes dangling from one hand and my McDonald's in the other. Man, I have been seeing more and more of this god-damned elevator recently.
"You're high as a kite, darling," He chuckled then, a real laugh.
"Who's high?" Bruce's voice came from the kitchen.
In a state of blind panic, I jumped behind Tony. "Not me."
Tony palmed his face.
Steve came over from the fridge, leaving the rummaging to Bucky. He took one look at me and suddenly I felt small, insignificant like an ant. I didn't like it much. "Holy hell, the fuck happened? Tony, explain." The Captain demanded, giving me the world's biggest stink eye.
"It's her piece of shit of a father, dragged her off to some night club and left her hanging with his buddies, fucking off god knows where. It's not her fault so lay the fuck off, Rogers, with your self-righteousness," Tony exploded all over Steve, the pent up frustration rearing it's ugly head.
I mustered enough courage to tiptoe around the dick measuring contest to sit at the counter. My appetite was gone and my burgers were turning colder and soggier with every passing second. Just like my life.
"Hey, Princess," Bruce's gentle voice halted my train of thought. He approached me carefully, ignoring the men behind me in favour of simply wrapping me up in a quiet, comfortable hug. "You feel alright? Want some water?"
"Nu-uh," I mumbled, unwilling to part ways with the warmth of this embrace.
"... Steve, I found her snorting miles of coke all by herself while an some jackass was waiting for her to be even more out of it. It's rare that I say this but I had literally zero words." Tony punctuated his words by tapping his fist against the wall multiple times.
Bruce tightened his hold on me, a sudden influx of strength accompanied by a quiet, low growl in his throat.
I felt the sudden need to clarify the situation. "Tony, chill. It takes me a lot more to be out of it, I'm fucking coherent and I'm talking sensibly. It's not my first rodeo."
Apparently I'd gone and said the wrong thing because all the men in the room were suddenly growling. I even totally forgot about Bucky who had the uncanny ability to exist in a room without making absolutely any sort of noise.
"The fuck do you even mean by that, Princess?" Tony screeched, probably already knowing that answer.
"From one rich kid to another, you should damn well fuckin' know," I spat, unwilling to admit my misery.
He sighed, audibly deflating behind me. I refused to listen to him, refused to be humiliated and exposed like that for my perfectly human desire to be happy. To not be a disappointment, to not be disappointed in everything and everyone. Bruce was nice and kind and warm and selfless but even he couldn't love me the way I wanted to be loved. Cherished, taken care of. All that mushy stuff. I was selfish, so I snuggled in closer to him, muting the world around me, replacing it with the smell and feel of him.
Cocaine made it a whole lot easier to imagine. Maybe that's why it was so addictive.
"Guys, calm down, you're stressing everyone out," Bruce rumbled quietly. I loved the way his deep voice seemed to reverb throughout his chest.
"Get me a cup of coffee, would you, Buckaroo?" Tony sighed again. I heard the sound of him slurping at his coffee. I heard Bucky's metal arm clunk against something equally metallic before the supersoldiers bid everyone good night and walked off.
Only then I removed my face from Bruce enough to take a good look at Tony. He was eyeing me, too.
"We have a caffeinated Tony," I said, softly. "Now we just need some science to have a happy Tony."
He smiled but it came out watery. He wanted to say something but choked on his words. "C'mere," He finally said, turning in his chair and opening his arms.
I unashamedly made grabby hands, the universal gesture for ‘I want, gimme’, and Bruce delightfully deposited me into Tony's waiting arms. It was like my birthday and Christmas came out all at once. Tony's embrace was warm, like Bruce's, but tinted with an unexpected familiarity. He smelled like motor oil and fancy cologne. It was heavenly.
"You keeping tabs on me, huh? Coffee, science and sass? That's your recipe for happiness?" The engineer asked me, a seriousness that didn't match the joking tone of the conversation at all.
"I think I got you figured out. Peter, too, is important for happiness. But in controlled amounts," I said, giving it a careful thought.
Tony chuckled, sounding a little bit shocked. "What about you?" He said after a brief moment of silence passed, interrupted only by Bruce's tea kettle coming to a slow boil.
"I don't think you need me for happiness," I said, meaning it. "But let's be honest, I'm a nice addition."
He stilled under me, briefly. Bruce cleared his throat.
"Brucie needs me, I think. He's lonely," I told Tony with a sudden influx of desire to be completely honest and 100% transparent. "And it makes me happy, because I need Bruce too. He's the best," I finished.
"Is that so?" Tony sounded vaguely tearful so I attempted to pull back to take a good look at his face. He didn't let me though, gently but firmly pressing my face back into his chest. "And me?"
"I do need you, Tones," I admitted without spilling any unnecessary details.
There was a child within me, small and scared and lonely, like Bruce. I hated her, hated being so soft and needy when everybody else obviously (and understandably) was busy with figuring out their own lives. I wished, desperately so, to just boom-boom-whoosh her away like Doctor Strange magicked away unwanted visitors.
Tony said nothing but his hands betrayed him. They shook and they held onto the skimpy see-through fabric of my top like he was a drowning man and I was his only floatie. For the moment, I closed my eyes and let myself believe he needed me, too.
"I'll catch a wink or two, wake me up if you need something," Bruce broke the silence, having finished off his tea. I didn't notice the time pass so quickly, too lost somewhere between here and there and Tony. In short, I was being lovesick all over the billionaire.
"Bwucie," I leaned backwards, pushing until Tony caved and let me rest my back against the counter, elbows on top of it, legs dangling freely on the sides of his legs. It put a lot of me on display. Tony had called me beautiful earlier so none of my usual habits of being appropriate around the man concerned me. He thought I was pretty!
"Princess," Banner came over to wrap me in a hug that was quite awkward, considering the fact I was sitting on Tony. It took some maneuvering to get it right.
"Night night," I said the usual and got a brief kiss on the cheek before Bruce shuffled off, yawning.
Tony was watching us with an unreadable expression. As soon as I turned my head to look at his face instead, something in him changed. His eyes grew big and round, the crease between his eyebrows disappeared. The corners of his mouth tilted up.
On a sudden impulse, I reached over to run my palm gently over the neatly trimmed line of his beard, following from his chin to his jawline, to his soft tousled hair. His eyelashes shook, fluttered, as the engineer leaned into my touch with the grace of a cat. "Kiss him, kiss him" my brain chanted. I knew I was a coward, I wouldn't do that. "Pretty," I said instead, the word coming out in a whisper.
He gulped, audibly. "Princess, you have no idea..." Shaking his head, as if he was surrounded by a swarm of mosquitoes, Tony briefly looked away. "You have no idea what you're doing."
"Nope," I agreed solemnly. "But at least it feels good. It feels right."
"God," He frowned, one of his hands coming to nervously card through his hair. "Nothing about this is right."
My face fell. Just like I thought, Tony wanted exactly nothing to do with a clueless little teenager. It stung and tears pooled in the corners of my eyes where I stubbornly refused to let them escape and make me into a crybaby. "Whatever you say, Tony." I was ready to agree with anything he said, really, if he would just keet holding me like that.
"Don't," He raised a palm. "Don't close yourself off like that."
Now I was genuinely confused. What exactly did he expect from me? I shrugged.
"You're clever, brilliant and beautiful, you can and should do so much better than all of this," He vaguely gestured towards me, towards himself, towards us and the whole damn city.
I contemplated my answer, briefly. "A lot of people tell me what I should and shouldn't be doing. Don't I get a say?" The bitterness had fought its way out and won. "I just want to be happy for a bit. All the usual bullshit."
He looked taken aback, really. Like he hadn't even considered the option. Typical.
Meanwhile, I continued my word vomit. "I want someone to give a damn about what I want and what makes me happier. Until then, I have no other choice but to take care of myself the best way I know how. Like everybody else does," The weight of his arm landed on my waist, pulling me close to his chest yet again. I didn't resist. No fight left in me. The tiredness seeped deep in my bones, chilly.
The sudden change of altitude startled me. The engineer had picked me up and started walking off towards the elevator, directing it to the lab. His personal lab. The tiles felt cold under my feet where he put me down to make his own beeline for the bar. I would've joined if not the drug in my system - the last thing I wanted was to land in a hospital yet again.
I took the moment to browse my social media, untag myself from all the unflattering pictures, post my usual shitpost. A tiny skirt, equally tiny top and fishnets - I felt out of place in his lab although I've worn more outrageous things previously. I was raw, torn open, bleeding my misery all over the room. That was not in my plan, but then again, when did ever life go as you planned it?
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THE TAG LIST IS NOW OPEN! @another-stark-sub ​ @mostly-marvel-musings  @vozit @littlegasps @pilloclock @shereadsinquiet @downeyreads ​ @hermione-grangers-wife ​ @individualistfem ​ @as-i-layhereinyourbed @sleep-i-ness @gigglyfox01
please check your blog settings before tag request or, alternatively, follow the "party favours" tag itself if Tumblr doesn't let me tag you - it does that for some reason. love you all 3000.
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cinna-wanroll · 4 years
*Is not writing the Obitine novel since apparently Disney cant fit it into their schedule*
That was a lie, in case you hadn’t already guessed lol. Anywho, here’s an excerpt from the first chapter since I’ve been a bit slow on uploading any original content. Keep in mind that this is a first draft, so I’ll probably end up editing it later
“Hey, buddy,” Vos clapped him on the shoulder enthusiastically. 
“Hello, Quin,” Obi-Wan offered the Kiffar a good-natured smile and continued his walk. 
“Off to the races again already, I hear,” Quinlan continued, following his friend. 
Obi-Wan cocked a suspicious brow, “Yes,” he kept his tone mild, almost adding ‘unfortunately’ to the end of his sentence, “who told you?”
Quin shrugged and turned, beginning to walk backwards casually, “Oh, you know, my usual informants. Word travels fast around these parts, especially if you’ve got connections.”
Obi-Wan grinned disbelievingly, “Mm.”
“So,” his friend gave him a little nudge as he pivoted back around, “who’s this lady you’re off to rescue, hmm?” He waggled his eyebrows.
Obi-Wan hated to admit it,, but Quinlan was actually quite charming, so he let the insinuation slide. 
“The duchess of Mandalore.”
Vos’ eyebrows shot up in disbelief, “The duchess?” Quin repeated in shock, “Damn, Obi-Wan. Aren’t people like her, like, hardcore Jedi haters or somethin’?”
Obi-Wan shook his head, “Not anymore, since the treaty of Kal’desh almost 82 years ago,” he cast a pointed gaze at the Kiffar who he’d obviously lost at the word ‘treaty’, “You’d know this if you’d paid any attention in Galactic History. 
Quinlan grinned, “Hey, I passed that class.”
“Only because you bribed Bant with Gumbah pudding for a month and a half.”
“Whatever, man.”
Obi-Wan smiled adding, “Not to mention, she’s supposedly the leader of some pacifist group there. The New Mandalorians.”
Quinlan wrinkled his nose, “Sounds like a bunch of nonsense to me. Nothing ever got done by pacifist legions in the past- at least not anything that lasted longer than a couple of years. This galaxy needs structure, not some peaceful delusionists. Besides, how peaceful can a Mandalorian organization be?”
Obi-Wan pursed his lips and looked down, forced to admit he’d thought the same things. How peaceful was a group that’d managed to stay alive among even the harshest of cultural climates? Obi-Wan was guessing not very peaceful at all. 
“I’m not sure, but Master Windu said that this mission is of utmost importance.”
Quinlan sniffed, “Yeah, to his paycheck, probably.”
Obi-Wan rolled his eyes, “Quinlan, you know Jedi don’t get paid.”
“Most Jedi. I’m just saying, those council members always seem to be a little concerned with issues outside the Republic, than with issues at home.”
Obi-Wan grimaced- he and Vos had never agreed on that particular subject, “We are defenders of the galaxy, Quin.”
His friend shrugged again, changing his tone immediately and smiling, “Yeah, well, just don’t fall too in love with her, mmkay? She might chop that pretty little head of yours off for peace”
“Isn’t that technically what we do sometimes?” Obi-Wan made a pained expression, despite the fact that he was willing to admit it. There was just something about it that made him feel guilty. 
“Yeah, but at least we’re upfront about it.”
“And who’s to say they’re not?”
“Fair enough.”
They walked in companionable silence for a moment, both lost in their own thoughts.
Although unlikely friends at first glance, Obi-Wan and Quinlan actually got along quite well. They were both calculated, witty, mischievous, and sarcastic fighters with a knack for getting themselves in trouble. 
 Except while Quinlan owned up to causing his antics, Obi-Wan was always the unfortunate person who could be convinced to join in for a cause when things were already taking a turn for the worst. 
They stepped up to the entrance of the mess hall, which was bustling with masters and padawans alike cramming generous heapfuls of muja muffins and mist-pudding onto their trays. 
“Mm-mm,” Quin rubbed his hands together, “I am starving!”
Obi-Wan couldn’t help but nod eagerly in agreement, eyeing the tantalizing food as a group of creche students passed them. 
He wasn’t surprised to spot Qui-Gon at the very front of the extensive line, on time for the food, of course. Obi-Wan rolled his eyes.
“Good morning, boys.”
Obi-Wan turned around towards the direction of the voice, lighting up.
A familiar emerald face greeted him, serene and kind. 
Quin turned his head to her as well, “Mornin’ Luminara.”
Obi-Wan bowed and nodded towards the food line. 
“Can you believe this?”
Luminara smiled faintly and sniffed, peering in, “On buffet day? Certainly.”
“Aka the only day they serve real food in this Force-forsaken place,” Vos chimed in.
Obi-Wan and Luminara shared a look, but inside Obi-Wan couldn’t help but agree.
The Temple was many things, but it definitely wasn’t a diner. 
“What do you think our chances are of paying off some people at the front for their spots?” The Kiffar queried, gazing back at Obi-Wan and Luminara for suggestions. 
“Oh?” Obi-Wan couldn’t help the sarcasm that snuck into his tone, “and with what credits do you intend to do that?” 
“Dunno. I was thinking more… services,” Quin countered.
 Just as Obi-Wan was about to ask what services Vos was implying, Luminara interjected, “At this point, I doubt we’d even get close enough to the masters at the front of the line without being taken away.” 
Obi-Wan nodded as he followed her gaze to where a group of large, burly-looking masters stood glaring at the passerby. It looked like they hadn’t gotten their caff yet that morning. He gulped.
“Luminara’s right, Quin, we should forget it and wait until the line dies down.”
His friend glanced over at him, “Don’t you have to leave by then?”
Obi-Wan drew in a sharp breath as Luminara frowned.
“What? You’re leaving again?”
He nodded, glaring daggers at Vos and refsing to look at Luminara. 
“Yes, I was just notified about it this morning. Had I known sooner, I would’ve told you.”
“And yet Quin knows,” she quipped, narrowing her eyes and crossing her arms indignantly.
“I’m tellin’ you people, I’ve got connections,” Vos emphasized, leaning against the entrance wall. 
Ignoring the Kiffar, Luminara began, “They’re over-working you again.”
Obi-Wan threw Quinlan an accusatory look that was responded to with a simple ‘here we go again’ eyeroll.
“It’s not fair to you, or to the other padawans who want mission opportunities. They want and deserve experience too! I cannot understand why the council is doing this. My suggestion would be-” she was cut off by an approaching figure, which turned out to be her master. 
Obi-Wan winced.
“Padawan Unduli, do you really think your time is best spent here, dawdling with these hooligans?”
Obi-Wan disregarded the snide comment, instead trying to throw an apologetic gaze at his friend. Although out of the corner of his eye he saw Quinlan bristle at the remark.
Luminara bowed and lowered her head, “No, master.”
“Then come along, it’s no wonder you’re always hungry.”
She followed obediently, but not before shooting Obi-Wan and Quinlan a sad, apologetic gaze as she left.
Quin snarled when they were out of earshot, “Now there’s someone I’d like to pay off. With a good kick in the-”
“Vos,” Obi-Wan chided sternly. 
His friend huffed and glowered, “What?”
“Don’t be crass. At least, not this early in the morning.”
 Quin shrugged and rolled his eyes, finally stepping away to look for an open table. 
“Besides,” Obi-Wan added while following, “I’m pretty sure you’’l have plenty of chances to do that when I’m gone, and am unable to provide you with proper impulse control.”
Quin laughed.
“Nah, it’s not as much fun without someone there sassing me.”
He returned his friend's cheerful look, “That’s a fair point.”
Luckily for the pair, Obi-Wan spotted a good amount of free space beside Qui-Gon, mostly because his master had a reputation of being a messy eater- not to mention, he had taken two trays. 
“Bingo,” Obi-Wan grinned at Vos.
The two padawans approached Jinn and sat beside him, Obi-Wan respectfully nodding while Quinlan eyed the food on the second tray. 
“Hello, master,” Obi-Wan greeted. 
“Hello, Obi-Wan,” Qui-Gon replied after swallowing a mouthful of food. He took a swig of blue milk and then turned to acknowledge Quin, “Padawan Vos.”
The Kiffar snapped his gaze away from the food, nodding quickly.
“So,” Obi-Wan began, “are there any other details I should be aware of during this mission?” 
Jinn turned his full attention on Obi-Wan, “The duchess is young- about your age, I believe. She’s said to be stubborn but kind, with a deep passion for all living things… much like someone else I know.” A playful spark lit up Qui-Gon’s eyes, something about them very knowing. 
Obi-Wan did his best to concentrate on what his master was saying instead of Vos’ waggling eyebrows and his hand, which swiped a biscuit from Qui-Gon’s tray. He nodded, encouraging his master to continue.
“She’s also just returned home from a political academy located here. But most importantly, she probably won’t take kindly to our help. This mission was administered by her advisor, not her. And, despite the current peace, I’m sure she hasn’t been brought up in an environment that is… encouraging of the Jedi.”
Point two, Quinlan grinned like a fool as he stole a piece of meat of Jinn’s tray. 
“Not to mention,” Qui-Gon continued, oblivious, “her father was a warlord.” 
Oh, Force. Suddenly, Obi-Wan was a whole lot less enthusiastic about this whole thing, and that wasn’t saying much considering his attitude towards it was already pretty negative. 
He had to protect a war-monger’s daughter? Perfect.
“Wow,” Vos mused, “talk about impressing the father in-law,” he chuckled as Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan turned to glare at him, “she better be really worth it Obi-Wan. Is she at least ho-”
He was interrupted by Qui-Gon’s harsh tone, “her father is dead, padawan Vos.”
“Oh,” Quinlan replied faintly, looking down, “my condolences.”
Qui-Gon shook his head and turned back to Obi-Wan, “All in all, our goal is to be an unseen protection service. After all, we don’t want her getting into more trouble just because we put her off.”
“Why is it that we don’t want her getting into any more trouble, master?” Obi-Wan asked, frowning slightly.
Qui-Gon mirrored his expression, “Because, padawan, she requested our help.”
“I thought her advisor was the one who requested our help,” Obi-Wan retorted under his breath, although he knew he shouldn't've. Although he was surprised to admit to himself that he didn’t quite care- after all, the burly masters in line weren’t the only ones who hadn’t had their caff yet.
 Qui-Gon’s frown deepened, “She is her people’s last hope for peace and civility, Obi-Wan. And you will do best not to question her, our assignment, or the council again.”
Obi-Wan looked away dejectedly, “Yes, master.”
He left out any remarks he could’ve made about Qui-Gon doing both of the aforementioned things constantly. 
“Now, just let me finish my-,” Qui-Gon turned to his practically empty tray, where Vos had mysteriously disappeared, and sighed.
Obi-Wan stifled a chuckle, leaving behind only a mischievous sparkle  in his grey-blue eyes. 
“Master?” He asked, encouraging Qui-Gon to wrap up his thought. 
“Let’s just be on our way then, Obi-Wan.”
They rose and exited the mess hall, out into the long corridors and what would be a much more eventful trip than what young Obi-Wan was expecting. 
╭━ ⋅𖥔⋅ ━━✶━━ ⋅𖥔⋅ ━╮
The temple docking bay was huge, containing as large as a republic freighter to as small as a landspeeder. 
 Droids whizzed about everywhere, attending to some business or another. A few officials or Jedi stood out against the field of endless gleaming metal, but besides that there was nothing else living operating within the place. 
Enormous ceilings towered over Obi-Wan’s head as his master led him through the maze of docking bays and landing platforms, until they finally reached a small doorway towards the back. 
A droid met them there to provide them with a datapad of information on the ship; mostly a run-down of the controls and its condition. 
Qui-Gon nodded in satisfaction, “Everything seems to be in order here.” He handed it back to the droid, who whisked it away immediately.
“How long will our journey be, master?” Obi-Wan inquired, hoping he didn’t sound whiny. 
“Not very long. About six standard hours, providing there aren't any hyperspace issues.”
Obi-Wan nodded, stepping out of the doorway and into the bright light of Coruscant. 
The ship was a pretty good size; a standard model with red stripes running along its sides. 
The Trial, curious. Obi-Wan didn’t pay ship names much mind, but that was just rather odd. 
Qui-Gon went to go check with the official while Obi-Wan spotted Quinlan leaning against a couple of crates near the door. 
“Vos? How did you know this is where I’d be?”
“Relax man, I just came to say goodbye before you left to go out and find your true love or whatever.”
“You didn’t answer my question.”
Vos grinned and pulled him into a tight hug, Obi-Wan squirming beneath him.
“Stop that,” he said, finally managing to push his friend back.
“Was Qui-Gon pissed about his food?” Quin asked, gazing hopefully to where Obi-Wan’s master and the other man were still conversing.
“Probably, although not any more than me- I still haven’t had any food yet.” His stomach growled, as if to prove a point.
“Eh, you snooze you lose.”
Obi-Wan grimaced as Vos began to saunter away, his finally parting words being, “Later, buddy! Don’t, like, become a father or anything while you’re gone- I’d hate to miss that.”
Eyeroll. “Goodbye, Vos!”
He shook his head at the sound of his friend’s distant laughter, pacing over to Qui-Gon without so much as a glance backwards. 
“Is everything alright, master?”
“Yes, just making conversation while you and Quinlan said your goodbyes.”
So he did know. Well, that showed Obi-Wan not to underestimate his master. 
“Then lets away.”
Obi-Wan nodded to the man and walked up the ramp into the ship, glancing back at the gleaming building one last time before he took a seat in the cockpit, not even bothering to explore the rest of the ship. He already knew what this model’s interior looked like, and wanted to get this assignment over with as quickly as possible.
Later, Obi-Wan found irony in that wish as he sat in the exact same seat upon the departure of his mission, where the room and his heart had seemed a lot more empty. 
Qui-Gon sat beside him, taking control and handing Obi-Wan the mission log from earlier. 
“What am I to do with this?” He asked, frowning at the tablet-like device. 
“Make notes of the journey,” Qui-Gon replied, “the council emphasized everything is to be included, and since I can’t ever seem to write it the way they want, I thought I’d have you do it.”
“Do you have something more productive you could be doing, padawan?”
He shook his head and took the log obligingly without further complaint. It was light in his hands, and he placed it in his lap as he strapped himself in. 
“Our belongings have already been loaded on, everything is in order,” Qui-Gon said, still fiddling with the ship’s settings. 
“Do we have any food?” Obi-Wan asked hopefully. 
Qui-Gon nodded, “It’s back in the kitchen area. Why didn’t you eat earlier?”
Obi-Wan scoffed, “You saw the line, right?”
“You snooze, you lose.”
Obi-Wan sighed, “How about caff?”
Qui-Gon shook his head no, and Obi-Wan deflated. 
“Something tells me that despite my hopes, this is going to be a very long couple of months,” Obi-Wan pouted, leaning his head back against the seat. 
Qui-Gon smiled, “You’re such a pessimist, Obi-Wan. Ready?”
Obi-Wan nodded, “I suppose.”
“Good. Then let’s get this show on the road.”
The ship lifted off, soared out of the atmosphere and into space, and Obi-Wan made sure to note in his report that Qui-Gon forgot which lever to guide forward for hyperspace. When he did find it, darkness and impossibly bright specks of light blended together, and they rocketed forwards before coasting through space, towards destiny. 
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hwangdol · 5 years
n.jm: where were you?
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summary: y/n does not know what the fuck is going on half of the time. 
pairing: highschool!fboi!jaemin x fem!reader
warning: a lot of cursing, drug usage reference, crackheadness, maybe a lot of grammer error. this is my first bullet-scenario au so yeah. also! this a collab with the lovely @huangsren in out nct dreamies alternate universe teehee. she has a lovely, fluffy renjun one up so go read it!
part two!
you okay let’s get this collab with @huangsren 
so at NCT High if you don't know Na Jaemin who the hell are you? like everyone knows this kid from lunch ladies to the freaking janitors 
its not a surprise since the dude is literally dead drop gorgeous and has a shit ton of social skills. like the boy deadass can swindle his way out of detention (which he did) with just a wink 
typical fboi but instead of it being a huge turn-off, girls still throw themselves on him even when he WARNS them beforehand that he isn't looking for a serious thing
still, they get attached and heartbroken when he tells them “this isn’t working out” 
his friends (aka art-hoe!renjun and student-athlete!jeno) always rolls their eyes when jaemin rolls up into the lunchroom with his arms wrapped around a new girl’s shoulder
“bet she’s not going to last two weeks”- renjun slapping down a 10$ 
“knowing him, this isn’t going to last more than a week”- jeno said but still sliding over a 10$ bill 
AND SUPRISE it doesn’t 
both renjun and jeno don’t approve of his philandering, but they stick w jaemin cause he’s still their best bud cause bros before hoes ya know what i mean?
this is especially true with jeno cause they’ve been bffl since they were like five but that doesn’t mean that jaemin is anything like jeno. 
nah man they both are the complete opposite of each other
like jeno is a quiet reserved student-athlete boi but jaemin out here acting like a little thotty 
nomin is like a package deal, no one can separate them
here where out little y/n comes in
surprisingly you’re childhood friends w nomin 
both u and jeno are neighbors and your families have been friends since before you were even conceived 
your moms’ have weekly tea times where they’d gossip about everything and anything while your dads would be watching the weekly soccer/football games drinking a cold one 
you and jeno would be playing with some legos or barbies 
jeno had a minor (major) barbie obsession which was probably induced by you
don’t tell anyone but jeno still binge-watches barbie movies;;;his favorite really be the princess charm school one 
like i said nomin is a package deal so expect jaemin to be taging along to yours and jeno’s weekly playdate
imagine you being the princess while jaemin pretended to be the prince and jeno was the dragon,,,yeah man it was so lit 
this isn’t a jeno fic btw keep in mind its still jaemin 
all of that stuff before was when the three of you were like kids
once highschool came around all three of you found ur niches: jeno was the student-athlete, jaemin was well that guy that was wanted by all the girls
and you were just a regular mundane student ya know,,,you weren’t extremely talented nor smart you just floated around 
u still hung around jeno tho but your friendship was really lowkey 
like both of y'all would wait until the other one was completely alone or do some ridiculous actions to deliver the simplest messages 
jeno would look both ways before slipping you a note in class that said “can your mom drive me home today?” and you would make sure no one was looking before nodding secretly 
or the two of you would hide behind bushes to say that y'all parents wanted to have dinner together tonight 
tbh yall could just text each other but where’s the fUN in that? 
jaemin, on the other hand, was someone you haven’t a solid conversation with since sophomore year bc of an incident 
basically, you had helped one of your friends into a relationship with jaemin that lasted for about two months,,, which was considerably a long time considering that it was jaemin.the two of them were a fat power couple 
ur friend, let’s call her ella, was probably one of the more popular girls at school. she was well-known for being the prettiest, kindest girl that everyone LOVES
anyways, things didn’t end so well bc he stood her up at hoco even though he was gonna be crowned homecoming king and her queen. 
no one knows why jaemin just ditched but he did. 
didn’t stick well with your friend tho cause she stopped talking to you as well not really giving you an explanation
and this led to everyone in your friend group to kinda put all the blame onto you 
this is also when jaemin picked up his heartbreaker reputation and began living up to that title
at first ur were hella mad and sad, but you got over it cause being outcasted and kicked out of that friend group led you to befriend the local stoner boi!haechan
honestly, you got over it but after ignoring and avoiding jaemin for a whole year it just stuck. 
yall never talked again 
u were so done w school at this point, you had suffered and labored through junior year,,, SAT and ACT were the biggest bitches you ever faced in your lifetime and this is coming from someone who was friends with the resident shithead lee haechan 
so it’s lunchtime and you’re listening to haechan’s wild story about some shenanigan that he and his weed dealer/ older college friend mark had gotten up to the past weekend 
“so like we were just hitting a blunt this weekend in mark’s car and this cop pulls up next to us.mark rolls down the window and all of the smoke just hits the cops in the face” 
“you're a fucking idiot, haechan” 
“listen bitch, i’m not done” 
“so the cop is doing the regular illegal drugs bullshit and asked mark a question. understand at this point that mark is high as fuck so i kid you not the crackhead says quack. nothing else just quack. honestly, i still don’t know how we got out of that but we did and lee haechan is still in school.” 
you want to slap your friend with a big smh at this point 
but it so ridiculous and so haechan that you can’t say anything else 
and you don’t have too! bc someone taps ur shoulder pulling you out of your convo and boom it’s ella 
“hey, y/n” she starts out sweetly and you could feel haechan’s bitch face directed towards the girl, who seemed to just ignore the boy 
“what’s up, ella?” you were hella fucking slightly irritated and highkey suspicious bc like this was the first time that she talked to you in like two years
“this out of the blue, but you know how prom is coming up soon? we need extra hands on the planning community,” ella explained with a bright smile  “we need another person to work on making the centerpieces for each table, but we only have one person on that” 
“okay, so what does this have to do with her?” haechan’s bitchy tone soaked in each word 
ella’s smile faltered slightly at his words, but it was so subtle that only people with keen eyes could notice
“i hope that i’m not imposing anything on to you.” ella trying to reassure  “but Mr. Moon told me that you still need some community service hours for our graduation requirement so I just assumed that this would be a good opportunity for you.” 
oh shit 
you completely forgot about that and you still needed like another 10 hours to complete
“i wouldn’t ask you this but my workload is completely swamped” ella added “it would be a big help if you can help. haechan, you can help too!” 
haechan let out a loud gag that seemed to baffle her 
“oh hell no, i already got my community service hours done like freshmen year.” 
you gave haechan the most incredulous face you could make cause like this druggie who gets high every other week and vapes in the bathroom really finished his community service hours before you????how?? 
“don’t look at me like that.” haechan kicked you underneath the table “it was before i learned how to roll a blunt” 
“drugs aren’t good for you, haechan,” ella chided 
haechan made a mocking face,,you know the one he does like that one,,”not all of us can be little miss goodie-two-shoes like you” 
oKAy time to do some damage control before your shithead friend gets himself into more shit 
“i’ll do it. just text me the details.” 
“thank you so much y/n!” ella said before bouncing off 
“i hate her” haechan stated
“you hate everyone” 
CUE aFTerschool when you follow ella’s text to go to the art building where everyone was gathered 
the minute you walked in you realized that you should have just said no and done some other community service activity cause jaemin was present standing in the corner and other people who you once called your close friends that turned out to be fat snakes
now you gotta deal with them again (aww shit here we go again) 
ella is motioning you to come into the classroom which you obliged cause you figured that you possibly could survive w ur rbf on as you made your way to the other unoccupied corner
there was some whispering in the background but you ignored it cUASE like hyuk always says: “you just gotta get high and block out all the haters” 
well, he was right about the second half, not so much the first. 
“alright everyone! thank you so much for volunteering to help set up for our senior prom! we only have about three weeks so we have to get all of the decorations done as soon as possible!” ella said in a chirpy tone
a lot of people looked motived by the girl’s bubby short speech on how everyone needs to put in 100% of their effort. you zoned that out as you caught the sleeping figure at the teacher's desk 
“goddamn you mr.moon forcing me to be here” you grumbled in your head almost missing your assigned duty, 
“y/n!” your head snapped in the direction that your name was called 
you saw ella standing with jaemin and the sirens go off in your head 
you let out a loud sigh before trotting over to the two 
ella gave you a piece of paper that had the centerpieces’ picture on them along with a long list of decorations “all you guys have to do is make about 300. all the directions are on the sheet and the supplies are in the other room. it’s really simple, just have it done by next friday.” 
you nearly popped a blood vessel 
300 by next friday? today was wednesday so that meant you only had ten days to finish all 300 of them
so you and jaemin are walking to the classroom next door to get the supplies y’all needed,,, in your head, you were just cursing everything in existence for putting you into this position especially mr. moon 
“so how did she rope you into this?” you heard jaemin say from beside you as you both carried boxes out to the parking lot. 
you two came to the good conclusion to split the load so that he would do half and you would do half 
150 it’s not that bad 
15 a day
hell yeah
it was so strange and foreign talking to him since it’s been about two whole years.  
he had a nice voice tho ngl maybe that’s why he got out of that detention that one time 
“she somehow found out that i still needed to complete my community service hours before graduation” you murmured, praying that haechan remembered you telling him to wait for you after school 
he probably ditched you to get high or hang out with one girl he liked
all jaemin said was “oh” and the rest of the walk to the school’s parking lot was quiet 
the tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife and the knife would break
“hey can i ask you a question?” jaemin asked when the two of you were about to go your separate ways 
you could see mark’s old beat-down car meaning that haechan, in fact, did ditch you but had the decency to call up mark to pick you up 
“yeah, go ahead” 
“how come you still talk to jeno, but not me?” 
i shit you not this was the quietest and deepest voice that you ever heard jaemin project 
you didn’t know how to reply so you looked down at the large box in your hand, mumbling some incoherent excuse
“can you repeat that?” 
“ i said, we don’t really have any other reasons to be friend's unlike me and jeno” 
“is that all?” jaemin asked, probably catching onto your bullshit
you were probably delusional but you could’ve sworn you heard some sadness in the tone he used
you nodded quickly trying to get to mark’s car hoping to avoid further conversation 
but boy was jaemin stubborn 
“that wasn’t a good explanation,y/n! ” jaemin called out after you. 
this time he sounded more lighthearted than before
you turn around to face jaemin who had a fatass smile on his face 
damn was he good looking smiling like that 
“give me a better reason tomorrow or else i’m taking you on a date!” his dazzling smile nearly blinding you as he made his way to his own car
inside your head little y/n is going whattheactualfuck? 
“what’s with that shook face?” mark ask as you climbed into the passenger seat 
“what the fuck?” you say 
you look at mark “what the ACTUAL fuck?” 
poor mark is like wtf is wrong with her,,,did haechan get her on some type of crack? 
that night while you were making the little centerpieces you were still going over what jaemin said 
you looked at the last centerpiece you finish making 
was he flirting with me? or was he serious?
he sounded sad when i said that tho? 
at the same, this was jaemin, a boy who is well-known for having flings left and right. 
he’s probably just flirting
until next day! jaemin pops up next to you as while you get your shit from your locker for your first class 
“did you come up with a good explanation yet? 
his sudden appearance startled you causing you to subconsciously let out a yelp 
“cute” he said, and you forced down the blush that was about to show 
“i thought i told you already?” causing jaemin to shake his head like a cute little puppy 
“i don’t accept it.i want a better one,” he said sounding like a spoiled toddler 
you gave him the “wtf do you mean look” and he was about to reply until you saw haechan walking through the school doors with a pair of sunglasses on which can only mean one thing
that little shit head came to school high again
you pushed passed jaemin and stormed towards haechan pulling him to some vacant hallway to lecture him
leaving jaemin standing there staring at your backs as the two of you left 
jaemin’s smile dropping significantly as he nearly glared over at the two of you leaving, specifically at the back of haechan’s head 
“dude, why do you look like you’re going to murder someone?” jeno asked as jaemin sat next to him at their lab station 
you weren’t in this chemistry class but haechan was,,,and it was his naptime
“how is y/n friends with him?” jaemin stared directly at a sleeping haechan 
jeno follows his line of sight, letting out a sigh once he notices it was haehcan
“she never really told me, but i assume it was because she stopped being friends with ella and that group” jeno said honestly. he raised an eyebrow in question at his bffl “why do you need to know” 
jaemin didn’t answer him, continuing to glaring at the sleeping male 
jeno rolled his eyes at his friend's antics 
but in a serious tone, he warns to his friend, “don’t pull your games with y/n.” 
except jaemin’s head wasn’t registering this warning,,he was solely focused on how lee fucking haechan the biggest stoner of NCT High managed to take a girl’s attention from him, na jaemin....it was simply ridiculous 
maybe he really was an attention seeker bc he made a beeline for your table during lunch instead of his regular one once he saw just how loud you were laughing at haechan’s joke 
“what’s so funny?” jaemin asked sliding into the seat next to you 
now both of you and our boy hyuk is like wtf 
immediately you’re on defense, “what are you doing here?” 
“you never gave me a good explanation!” jaemin pouted, giving you fat puppy eyes 
those aLMost worked 
“uhhhhhh” you try to find a good excuse but jaemin quickly cuts you off 
“it’s okay if you don’t have a good explanation,” jaemin reaches over and steals a fry from haechan’s tray eliciting a hissing sound from the boy “you just have to go on a date with me” 
then he winks 
and he's gone
“what in the holy fuck just happened?” 
the amount of time that y/n has said wtf is unbelievable 
haechan’s sunglasses slip down the bridge of nose and you could see his red eyes giving you a look of disappointment, “and you say i have issues” 
“stfu before i slit your throat” 
the rest of the day wasn’t any easier on you tbh. you learned that jaemin was really really stubborn and very very clingy 
the boy deadass scanned the whole hallway to find your face so he could tag along with you to your next class even though you could have sworn that his class was one the other side of the school 
he kept on bombarding you with questions on what you wanted to get after school and if you like roller skating 
by some means, you were able to hide in the library for the rest of the study hall period which meant that you could probably avoid jaemin until school ended 
you spotted a familiar boy huddled in the corner reading a book that made you squint your eyes. 
marching over to jeno, your eyes just say “explain” 
jeno looked at you with like those wide eyes he does when he’s shookth bc the two of you never interacting in school so puBlicly
“what the hell is na jaemin trying to pull?” you whispered-yelled plopping down in the wooden seat next to the athlete 
jeno is all like????wydm 
and you explain your whole situation to him and he just lets out the biggest sigh 
“he doesn’t like being left on read” 
“what do you mean?” 
“i mean, that’s what you basically did to him sophomore year. he was kinda depresso about how you just stopped talking to him out of nowhere. by the way, why did you do that?” 
tbh you really didn’t know at first you were mad at him
was it bc his actions caused all your friends to blame you for his inability to commit to a relationship,,, but it’s been two years since that incident
you got over it, so why were you still avoiding jaemin? 
“i dunno after him and ella broke up, i didn’t have a reason to talk to him.” 
jeno looked at you like “really? is that your answer?” 
“think about that question again because i’m sure that that's, not the whole answer.” 
now you’re more confused but also very mad about how both of them weren’t accepting your reason as valid! 
so as you were furiously making the stupid centerpieces that ella forced you into volunteering to do
angry y/n really got through a solid 50 of them 
you pondered on jeno’s words and you thought back to sophomore year 
you remembered still joking around lightheartedly w jaemin until he started dating ella 
he actually spent a lot of time and effort even ditching jeno sometimes for her which was okay cause jeno would chill w renjun or even you (mostly bc he could watch barbie movies w no shame) 
everything was alright until homecoming came around and jaemin flaked on ella leading them to breakup the next day 
and ella to stop talking to you which made everyone mad you or think that you were the one that caused the breakup 
you were the one that hooked the two of them up too! so it was really unfair! 
it's like 2 am and you don’t know what came over to text jeno but you did 
y/n: why didn’t jaemin go to hoco sophomore year? 
you felt instant regret after sending that text bc like it probably made it seem like you were interested in jaemin,,,, which you were totally not!
seconds later jeno slaps you with the ”ask him yourself”  
fattest facepalm 
so that’s how you spent the entire night finishing all of your centerpieces that you were assigned to make cuz of your frustration
wow we love a productive y/n 
alrighty this is where shit goes down 
now that you were done with all of your centerpieces you took them to the art room the next day before school where ella was there doing her stoof 
she looked up with a giant smile when you came in with a giant box 
“you finished all of it?” 
“nah just 150. jaemins finishing the other half” you set the box down 
“oh okie,” ella nodded returning to whatever she was doing beforehand 
since it was just the two of you in the classroom and you’ve been dying to know the answer since sophomore year 
so fuck it 
“hey ella, can i ask you a question?” 
the said girl looked up with that same friendly smile that she gave everyone “of course!” 
“why didn’t jaemin show up to hoco sophomore year?” you blurted out 
in an instant, ella’s smile dropped and there was a sudden cold look in her eyes 
“you already know the answer to that, y/n, you don’t need me to answer you. now if you excuse me, i have things i have to do” ella said in a very unlike-ella-way 
her answer made you even more confused than ever bc how were you supposed to know the answer to THAT 
confused!y/n is even more confused 
however, all your questions were about to be answered, not really tho 
you’re on your way to the third period with the same burning question in your head: why the hell did jaemin not show up to sophomore year hoco??? someone help?  
tbh you didn’t even notice someone yanking you into the janitor’s closet until you were surrounded in darkness and someone's hands were clasp over your mouth 
“it’s me, jaemin” his soft whisper sent tings down your spine 
he let go of your mouth to switch on the light 
“are you fucking insane?” 
“yes, but it’s only cause i’m madly in love with you” 
you rolled your eyes “cut the bullshit, jaemin, what do you want?” 
“our date. you never gave me a solid explanation, so i want a date” 
you were about to reject him but then an idea formed in your head 
and with that one-word jaemin’s eyes glowed 10x brighter with his smile almost blinding you 
cheesy i know. 
“let’s go now!” 
the boy was really about to skip class just to go on this stupid date w you 
is he that bored? did he really run out of girls to date? 
but then again you really don’t want to go to math bc you’re pretty sure there's a test today that you haven’t studied for yet 
so that’s how you found yourself with jaemin at the local ice cream parlor 
jaemin INSISTED that y'all share a sundae, which he also fought you to pay for 
there a silence that falls upon you for a little bit 
jaemin breaks it though like he breaks heart (okay minnie that’s kinda mean) 
“ella told me that you finished your half of the centerpieces in two days. that’s pretty impressive,” he comments 
you nodded staring at the ice cream drowned in chocolate syrup 
“to be honest, i haven’t gotten much done yet,” he admitted, continuing to ramble on “it’ll get done. i might even pay renjun to do it, but i’m pretty sure he’s too preoccupied with this girl that he’s been pining over for a while” 
“speaking of which, are you seeing anyone right now?” jaemin asks out of nowhere. 
“lol i could be doing other things with my time.” 
jaemin observes your face closely taking in the faint blush on your cheeks from his direct gaze, “so what about that haechan dude?” 
“what about him?” 
“are the two of you a thing?” 
you nearly gagged 
“there no way in hell i’d ever get with haechan. besides, he’s having some of his own girl problems right now. he was being a little bitch about it too” 
“good” jaemin says really contently. 
“why didn’t you go to hoco sophomore year?” you finally asked
taken back slightly, jaemin softly smiles down at the half-eaten sundae
instead of answering you, he asked another question “why did you stop talking to me?” 
you gulp, but eventually, you had to tell him the truth even though it was kinda dumb and immature
“because ella was mad at me after the two of you broke up.” 
he shifted his gaze up to your own eyes 
“do you know why she was mad at you?” 
you shook your head
jaemin smiled again 
this time it kinda looked sad :( 
“because she knew that i was in love with you”  
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howrry · 5 years
swing for the fences
a/n: “i’m writing a 5/1 story!” five seconds later: here’s a piece that has nothing to do with that!! not even sorry, one direction never kept their promises so why should i ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ besides i like this work way more than the 5/1 tbh, so here’s a fwb piece i’ve had unfinished for weeks now, pls enjoy
w/c: 3.0k
warnings: smutsmutsmut bitch
Harry figured out he really liked Y/N while standing in line at a sandwich shop.
It was sudden and unceremonial, compared to the cute stories that go like "oh I fell in love with my husband when we stared deeply into each other's eyes" or "I realized I loved her when she helped me in my time of need" that you can find on Reddit. No, Harry had to have his epiphany while staring at sliced banana peppers.
While the young boy behind the counter was loading his sandwich into the toaster, Harry peered over the glass and thought about what veggies he wanted. Spinach and tomatoes, of course, maybe some jalapeños, and so on. He remembered that he'd be seeing his friend Y/N later that day and knew that if she saw his food, she'd want a bite. While he was an avid hater of the aforementioned banana peppers, they were Y/N's favorite, and he pondered over getting some so that she'd enjoy her bite out of his sandwich more.
You like her. The thought hit him like a train. Normally he wouldn't let anybody else so much as breathe towards his food, yet he was considering ruining his entire sandwich just so that Y/N could enjoy a single bite out of it. Because he liked her.
The realization knocked the wind out of him. When the employee asked what he wanted on his sub, he stumbled over his words and by the time he paid and left the store, he doesn't even remember if he got the damn peppers or not.
This was a problem. See, Harry and Y/N had a great thing going on—what one would call friends with benefits. They hung out together, saw movies, ate breakfast and other friendly activities by day, and by night he was guaranteed to be burying himself in her. No romance, no attachments, nothing. Perfect!
Except, well, not anymore. What was he going to do? The two of them had always prided themselves on being able to separate feelings from sex; sometimes you just needed to get your rocks off, and having that option always at arm's length was incredibly convenient. Now that he'd discovered he might have more feelings than he thought he did, there was no foreseeable way for this to be resolved without at least one of them getting hurt.
So he tried to ignore it.
Y/N knocked on his door later that day, despite having a key to his house and using it to let herself in. “Haz!” she called, and he emerged from the kitchen, wiping the avocado ranch from the corner of his mouth. He stiffened a bit when she gave him a chaste hug, but she didn’t seem to notice.
They went to the kitchen together, where she noted the remains of the sandwich on his table. “Thanks for getting me something, cuck,” she whined, gesturing towards his leftovers.
“You can have the rest, yeh big baby!” he said as if he hadn’t intended to give it to her the whole time.
She squealed in delight, taking a massive bite and then talking without swallowing first. “Hey, I love banana peppers! Thanks!”
“Don’t talk with your food in your mouth,” he chastised, ignoring her comment.
The remainder of the evening went like it normally would. They chatted about their days (Harry leaving out his big discovery, of course), started their journey catching up on Stranger Things, and ended up necking on his couch. When she ghosted her lips across his skin to go for a real kiss, though, he dove to avoid it and bit at her earlobe instead. He whispered that the two of them should go to his room and, as far as he knew, she didn’t even notice he’d avoided one of the simplest parts of sex.
When they didend up sleeping together, he tried to make it as distant and impersonal as possible. He didn’t attach his mouth to hers even once and skipped out on foreplay once he’d undressed her, merely checking if she was wet enough with his fingers (she was, always so damn pliant) before stuffing his cock into her from behind. He ended up having a below-average orgasm way too quickly and even felt guilty enough to work backwards and get her off with his hands.
Once they were done, she made a lighthearted joke about him being in a rush judging by the mediocre sex. Harry didn’t really react to this, and she was so uncomfortable she let herself out. She normally spent the night.
So there Harry was, lying in his cold bed by himself, arms tucked behind his head and staring at the ceiling. He felt awful. His new tactic clearly didn’t work and it’d unsettled the one girl he liked.
Time to switch game plans, he guessed.
That morning, the first thing he did was shoot Y/N an apologetic text saying he’d felt tired and wasn’t able to give a grade-A performance (even though, uh, hello, he was the one who initiated sex, but whatever). She forgave him instantly, which made his stomach knot. Why did she have to be so compassionate and forgiving? Why was she such a great person?
Throughout the next few weeks, he decided to change up his attitude in the bedroom. Being her friend wouldn’t change regardless of how he felt about her, so he acted the complete same from day to day, but things were different at night.
It was a complete 180 from what he'd tried before. He originally attempted to dodge kissing, now he pressed his lips to hers with a fervor that he hadn't felt in years. He used to like taking her from behind and pushing her head down into the pillows, now he was fucking her missionary, snaking an arm around the small of her back so that as much of her skin was against his as possible. Now he was letting her sit in his lap, his cock nestled in her and nails dragging down the soft skin of her back. Now he was going down on her for hours, licking and eating like she was an oasis in a desert. He used to pull out before he came and paint either her ass or her face, now he chose to finish inside of her, marking her as his from the inside. He fucked her, well, like he loved her.
Y/N didn't seem to catch onto this rollercoaster of changes that Harry was putting her through, or if she did, she didn't mention it. She was always good at matching his energy in the bedroom, no matter how rough or how tender (which didn’t bode well for his soft heart). It’d be one thing if she questioned this new behavior, but everything he gave her, she gave right back. Every burning kiss, every hair pull, every bite and thrust and moan was reciprocated—if not topped in intensity. Again, not so good for his already-growing feelings.
After one particularly long and hot-blooded round, Harry decided to ask how she really felt. He lay in bed, panting from his orgasm just moments before, when Y/N returned from a quick bathroom break. Now or never, he thought.
"Hey, Y/N?" he asked, voice cracking at the dehydration. He sat up in bed, sheets bunching up around his lap.
She waved a hand at him, picking up her pants and forcing her legs into them. "I know, I know, I'm leaving. I don't wanna run into your round two on my way out," she winked, continuing to pull her jeans up her thighs.
"No!" he blurted. Round two? What the hell was she talking about? Did she really think that he had someone elsecoming over after that mind-blowing, passionate sex? "What? No. I just—"
"I'm kidding, Harry," she deadpanned, stopping him. "But seriously, I do have to go. I'll catch you tomorrow?" The tail end of her sentence kicked up, even though both of them knew she'd be back. "Text you when I get home!" She slammed the door behind her, and Harry sat with his jaw in his lap.
He didn't even get a text.
Harry hated bars.
He didn’t even know why he went. Well, that was a lie. Any chance to spend time with Y/N he jumped on, even if it was with their mutual friends at a dingy club.
At this point in the evening, he was pretty sauced. He’d long since lost track of the whole friend group, and chose to relax at the bar where even the bartender lost track of how many pints he’d had in the evening.
He spotted her on the other side of the U-shaped bar, chatting up a strikingly attractive fella with loose blonde hair and beaming white teeth. You know, nothing like Harry.
He felt sick. There was no stated monogamy between them and she owed him no loyalty, but for the past few months they’d damn near spent every waking moment together. There wasn’t even any time for her to be with someone else. But now, everything was fair game and she was clearly taking the chance presented to her.
Fuck it. He downed what was left in his glass, threw enough money on the bar to cover his drinks and a tip, and marched over to the duo.
“Oh hi!” Y/N gushed when she made eye contact. “Caleb, this is my friend Harry. Harry, this is Caleb.”
So. His name was Caleb. Up close, he was even more immaculate. His skin was as clear as the sky, he had the bone structure of a sculpture, and despite his blonde hair, his eyelashes were thick and dark. His manners were clearly up to par as well, since he politely extended a hand and flashed a smile at Harry. When he merely stared down at his hand, Caleb awkwardly pulled back.
“Nice to meet you, Harry. Y/N was just telling me about her recent trip to the Grand Canyon. I can’t imagine hiking in that weather, you’re quite brave.” That last part was more directed at her, and the attention made her giggle.
“Actually, I went with her on that trip,” Harry noted, both of their gazes snapping to him. “The weather was quite pleasant given the time of year. We didn’t even mind the heat when we fucked in the tent two nights in.”
“What the fuck?” Y/N blurted. Her face turned bright red, showing through even under her makeup, and his comment even got the attention of nearby patrons. “I’m so sorry,” she muttered to a shocked Caleb before grabbing Harry’s hand and yanking him to the back hallway of the bar.
Once out of the range of the booming music, she stopped and attempted to push him against the brick wall behind him, failing due to his size. “Harry, you need tostop,” she reprimanded.
“Stop wha’?” he slurred, genuinely curious about what she meant. Stop drinking, stop feeling so sorry for himself, stop loving her?
“Stop making a scene. What’s the matterwith you?” Her arms folded over her chest, enhancing her rack in her dress but Harry was too far gone to appreciate it.
“I don’ like him,” he huffed.
“That’s ridiculous,” her eyes cut into slits. “You met him 45 seconds ago, and I don’t get uppity about your bitches!”
“Haven’t slept with someone else since you,” he confessed. “Haven’ even looked at anyone else the same since I first touched you,” he purred, taking a step towards her.
She stepped back, hitting the wall behind her. “What?”
Fuck it, he was drunk. He wouldn’t even remember this in the morning. “The second I put my hands on your body, and tasted you, and saw what you look like when I make you cum on my cock, I saw the whole world differently. Reckon I love yeh,” he finished his dirty secret with a nervous laugh, somewhat cutting the meaning of his words.
For a few moments of heavy silence, he thought she was going to reciprocate his admission. There was a tiny glint in her eyes that made him think she felt the same and he opened his mouth to dig himself deeper into his hole but she stopped him.
Something washed over her face and she suddenly looked very uncomfortable. Y/N pursed her lips and brought a hand up to awkwardly scratch at her elbow. “I shouldn’t have let you have that last beer.” It was a joke, obviously, since she hadn’t been around him since his first drink of the night, but he didn’t laugh. “Let’s get you a water and take you home so you can get some sleep.” Harry couldn’t even protest before she grabbed his arm and tugged him back through the bustling dance floor and out the front door. He never even got his water.
To say that Harry was devastated was the understatement of the millennia. He’d just poured his heart out to the girl who had occupied his every thought for the past few weeks and she breezed over it like it was nothing. He didn’t speak another word to her for the rest of the night, barring a dazed “thank you” when she helped him up the stairs in his home and got him into bed. Once he was relatively comfortable, she let herself out without saying anything.
Well, that was it. He shot his shot, swung for the fences, and missed. If a truth bomb like that wasn’t enough for Y/N, nothing would be. As he laid in bed, head swimming and the stationary fan seemingly spinning above him, he knew his relationship with her was over.
He had to drag himself out of bed and into the bathroom to throw up, and he knew full heartedly that it had nothing to do with the alcohol.
Harry had never been a “show up at a girl’s door” kind of guy, especially if he was about to break up with her. Or, whatever he was about to do. Can you break up with someone you never dated?
However, he knew this was something that had to be done in person. His stomach was in a painful knot from the moment he woke up and didn’t subside during the drive to her apartment nor while walking up to her door or rapping it with his knuckles. It especially didn’t get any better when she swung the door open and was clearly happy to see him, smiling bigger than the sun. Clearly, she was ready to forget about last night and move the fuck on.
She let him in and briefly apologized for still being in pajamas, blaming it on laundry day. “When I have a coherent outfit that’s clean, wanna go see the new Spider-man movie?” she asked, leading him to her living room.
Her question was so innocuous, his stomach got even worse. “Actually, there’s something I wanna talk to you about.”
This made her stop in her tracks, her bubbly persona fading away. He knew damn well she hated those kind of ominous sentences, that they gave her anxiety. “Is everything okay, H?”
He inhaled through his nose sharply, blinking to make sure he wasn't tearing up. "I think we need t'stop seeing each other. Like, even as friends." It came out in one breath, like if he didn't, he knows he would've stumbled over it.
To his shock, Y/N's face paled. "W-what? H... why?" she was starting to even tremble.
"I'm gettin' too fuckin' attached, okay?" he blurted. No going back now, he guessed. "Whatever's going on between us clearly means nothing to you and I can't keep pretending like I'm fine with it. I can’t keep acting like everything is okay when it’s not.
His explanation made her jaw pop open. "Wait, you were serious? When you confessed your feelings?"
Harry's head reared back. "What? Of course I was serious! Why wouldn't I have been?"
She shrugged, choosing to stare at the floor rather than make eye contact. "I don’t know. You were drunk, I-I thought it was some kind of ploy. You've been acting kind of weird lately and I didn't know what you were planning. I got scared so I tried to be more chill about... us."
He blinked. “Well, now yeh know. It wasn’t a ploy, or a drunken mistake. I’m serious when I say that I love yeh, and if yeh don’t feel the same way, tell me now so I can walk the fuck out.” His head dropped down to his folded hands, staring down at the cross tattoo.
Her face turned pink at his profanity. He very rarely swore around her except in the bedroom, so the severity of the situation weighed on her. “Of course I love you,” she admitted, just barely over a whisper.
His head snapped up. “What?”
“Harry, you’re one of the best guys I’ve ever met. You treat me so well, I don’t even understand it myself. I mean, you hatebanana peppers, for God’s sake!” She laughed, and Harry’s stomach unknotted for the first time in 48 hours.
“What?” he repeated, her confession not quite sinking in.
“Are you a broken record? I said I love you! Is that not what you want?”
“I—no, it is! I’m just in shock! I’ve been through a lot since last night, okay?”
She dropped down on the couch next to him and threw her arms around him, and he instinctively wrapped his hands around her biceps. “So, what now?” she asked, pulling away and looking at him with doe eyes.
“Well, you’re m’girlfriend now, I reckon,” he smirked. “Is that alright with you?”
“Yes! Of course, you dummy.” The seemingly unwaivering smile on her face was replaced with a mischievous look. “Now that we’re dating, you have to help me with stuff that you didn’t before.”
He raised an eyebrow. “What do y’mean?”
She stood up from the couch and grabbed his arm, dragging him down the hallway. “I have laundry to fold, and the faster it’s done, the sooner we can see Jake Gyllenhaal kicking Spider-man’s ass!”
And to be honest? He couldn’t complain, not one bit.
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tyrustrash · 5 years
Dance The Night Away
TJ flipped through the book he is reading. He already read it about twenty times, but he found this one interesting. As he turns as page, a paper ball was thrown towards him. He opens it and reads it. It says, “Will You?”. He turns his head and notices Cyrus over by the stack of overdue library books. TJ smirked at how adorable his boyfriend is. He remembers the first moment that he fell in love, and it all started because of a muffin. Cyrus skips over to the table TJ is sitting at. “Will you?” “Will I what?” TJ asked. He flipped another page in his book. Cyrus grabbed the book and closed it, pressing it onto the table. “You know, silly. Will you go to the prom with me?” “Now why would I do that?” Asked a now playful TJ. He took back the book and continued reading. “Because it’s our senior year and I want to do all the cliché couple things.” “But that would mean people would find out about us.” Cyrus sighed as he slumped into a chair across from TJ. He tried pouting, but TJ looked so precious in his glasses. Plus, the light coming in through the window made him glow. “Teej, please.” TJ huffed and placed his book down. He glared at Cyrus, knowing that he is upset. “Cy-Guy, we’ve discussed this. We promised we would wait until after graduation to tell others.” “But it’s now killing me inside. Why can’t we show up looking fierce at prom and stun all the haters? And why can’t we tell Andi or Buffy?” “We can’t tell them because they might let the secret out further than what I want it to be. And we can go to prom, but as friends, in a group.” “TJ, I told you this before and I’ll say it again. No one will care. People don’t care that I’m gay.” “But I’m not gay, I’m Bi.” “So.” “And I’m the star athlete. What will they all think when they find out the star basketball player is into dudes? And being Bi is seen as worse than guy and is treated differently.” “Stop being ridiculous.” “Cyrus, te amo. But I can’t. The risks are too high.” “Mi amor, what risks?” “Being kicked off the team, losing the male friends I have, and more that I can’t think of right now.” “I’ll give you time to think about the promposal, I expect you to make the right choice.” Cyrus got up and walked away, leaving TJ about to tear up. TJ looking at the piece of paper and flattened it out and placed it inside his binder. He looked up and saw a glimpse of Cyrus as he turned the corner of the library exit. Later that night, TJ arrived home and aggressively threw his bag across his living room. It caused one of the side table to wobble, and some magazine too fall off. He slammed the front door with his foot, the sound echoing through the house and causing his cat to jump. “TJ!” His mother shouted from the kitchen. “What do you think you’re doing!” “It doesn’t matter! Leave me alone!” He screamed back. He knows that it was a mistake, but he’s letting his emotions get the best of him. “You don’t know anything!” “Watch your mouth!” “Watch yours!” “TJ, don’t speak to me like that!” “Why not? You’re doing the same! Why is it that you can but I can’t?” “Don’t backtalk me.” “How about you talk to my back!” TJ growled as he walked up the stairs. He is too frustrated to think about the oncoming spanking he was about to endure. TJ entered his bedroom, also slamming the door shut. He begins to kick random objects that his feet were in radius of, including books, pizza boxes, pillows, and some briefs that he threw onto the floor that morning while getting dressed. His mind couldn’t think straight and now it’s suddenly changing. His anger didn’t last long. He soon became full of sadness as he realized what he had done. He yelled and disrespected his mom, made Cyrus upset, and now he’s thinking he ruined his relationship. He flops onto his bed as he starts sobbing into one of his stuffed animals, the flamingo that he won Cyrus but had to keep for himself because he forgot about Cyrus’ fear. God, he even forgets things like that. He starts crying harder as he further convinces himself that he ruined another good thing in his life, just like he always seems to do. A strong pounding at his door caught his attention. He knew it was his mother but didn’t want to leave his spot. Instead of speaking to let her know that she could come in, she barged in. She was in full parent mode to punish him, but she let that go when she saw her son. She walked up to his side and sat on the edge of the bed. The loud sobs made her rub his back and try to soothe him. “What’s the matter?” She asked while rubbing his back. “Everyone hates me.” His answer was barely audible since his face remained in the stuffed flamingo. “I don’t hate you. You’re my son, and I will always love you.” “You’re just saying that because you have to. It’s in the parent rulebook.” “Cariño, there is no parent rulebook. I still, and always will, love you, but when you are being hateful, you better be prepared to face the punishment.” “Just go ahead and spank me anyway. I don’t care. No pain that you can do will match what I’m feeling now.” “What’s wrong? Did you and Cyrus have a fight? Did the two of you break up?” That last sentence made TJ cry even harder. Even though the two of them are still dating, he thinks that if he doesn’t take Cyrus to the prom, as a couple, then he might ruin their relationship. His tears are now becoming more excessive that his bedsheets are getting soaked. “No.” TJ said faintly. “He wants us to go to prom together, as a couple, but I’m not sure. I don’t want to come out yet.” “What’s stopping you?” “Even though I told Cyrus that my basketball life will end, it’s mainly about Reed. I’ve heard him say some crappy things about gay people and him knowing I’m Bi will definitely end our friendship. He’ll even make my life a living hell until graduation. But he’s been my best friend since we were two.” “If he’s really your friend, he’ll accept you.” With that, she left the room knowing what TJ would do. After a few minutes have passed, TJ stopped crying. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and opened Snapchat. He messaged Reed to come over as soon as he could, and almost immediately Reed responded. TJ gulped as he read that Reed is on his way. An hour later, Reed walked into TJ’s room. Being himself, Reed brought along a joint. He walked in and noticed TJ bent over trying to reach something from under his bed. Reed went over and gave his backend a friendly smack. “What’s up, bro.” Reed laughed, clearly already on a high. TJ jolted up, now holding the stuffed flamingo. “Reed, we’ve talked about that.” “Bro, it doesn’t mean anything.” “It does, and it’s part of the reason I asked you to come. I have something very important to tell you.” “What, bro. It better not be no sissy thing. It’s already late and I don’t want to waste my time.” TJ inhaled as his mind became scrambled. A million thoughts are in his head and he’s wondering if he should let his heart keep listening. Is he crazy? Maybe if he thought they could happen. Will he still be with him when the truth comes out? Reed grew concerned by the silence. “Bro, you alright?” “I’m Bi.” TJ blurted out. “You’re leaving? Where” TJ facepalmed. “Not that type. I’m Bi, as in bisexual. I like both boys and girls.” Reed scrunched his face. “No no no. That’s not a thing. You either like boys or girls, not both.” “I can like both, and I do.” “No, you can’t. Choose one.” “I already decided. I like both.” “You’re just confused. It’s just a phase. I know you’ll go to the correct choice, which is chicks.” “I already told you what I am. If you can’t accept me, then just leave! I don’t want you as a friend anymore!” “Fine. I’ll leave, you freak.” Reed shoved TJ before he made his exit. Reed slammed the door and TJ stood in place for a few moments. He just lost his best friend. He knew Reed would tell the whole school, but he didn’t want him to receive the last laugh. TJ retrieved his phone and opened up the messages app. He created a mass group text and added everyone that he goes to school with. He kept it short and simple: I’M BI. TAKE ME OR LEAVE ME, I DON’T CARE. I HAVE MY BOYFRINED CYRUS BY MY SIDE. He hit send and waited to see what would happen. He suddenly received messages from a good portion of the school, on the group chat, DM’S on various social media, and even some calls that he ignored. He figured people would have questions, but he would get to those later. There is one question that he needs to answer. The next day, TJ walked down the hallways with all eyes on him. He overheard people talking about him and how they never would’ve guessed that he was into dudes. What made people talk even more was when he grabbed Cyrus and pulled him into a kiss. “What was that for?” Cyrus asked surprisingly. “For being the bestest boyfriend ever. And also as an acceptance to your promposal. Yes, I will go to prom with you. And as a couple and not in a group.” Cyrus jumped in joy and kissed TJ back. He didn’t know how to feel right now as so many emotions filled his head. He feels proud of TJ for coming out, but also fear that people wouldn’t accept him. But overall, he feels excited that he can now go suit shopping for prom. He grabbed TJ’s hand and lead him into study hall so they can start planning the itinerary for prom day. The following week, prom is finally here. The school had rented out the rec center and decorated it with all sorts of colorful decorations. A balloon arc stood in front of the entrance and a camera was next to it to take pictures of the couples as they walked in. Streamers and lights were strung across the rooms. The whole building looks spectacular. TJ and Cyrus, while holding hands, walked through the door. They posed for the camera and made there way further into the party. They noticed people looking at them. This time, it was looks of excitement and encouragement. People cheered them on as they walked throughout the area. After dancing for a few hours, the fast paced beat changed and now a slow song played. TJ looked at his boyfriend and grabbed his hands. He led him as they danced the night away.
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candyduft · 6 years
Say It Again V
Here’s a little something saucy ;). Please give criticism because I want the actual stuff to be great! 
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Boy, you know I don't get naughty for anybody
“Fuck family,” Nesta pounded another shot and grimaced at the taste. Gods, she hated liquor. If only wine could get her drunk this fast. “They’re just all such assholes. Why can’t they just chill, you know?”
“I’ll drink to that,” Eris nodded, and took his own shot. “If I took a shot for all the times my brothers have been absolute dicks, I’d be dead from liver failure in the first minute.” The two of them had been at this for a half hour. After Nesta had texted, Eris eagerly replied with the address of  a fairly well known place downtown: The Infinity Lounge. She recommended the bar when a client wanted a drink, but never frequented there herself.
Nesta found Eris seated at the bar conversing with the bartender. Nesta paused in the lobby before walking over. Was she really doing this? Doing business with Eris was one thing, but getting drinks was a different level. What if someone saw her here? She didn’t need any unnecessary rumors. She still had to convince people that she and Cassian weren’t dating.
Right, Cassian. She’s here because of all that mess. Nesta just needed a bottle of whiskey to numb herself from this morning. After a few drinks, she would return to her office, finish up any work and binge watch Love Island with Emerie. She could rant about all her problems with Em, but right now all she needed was a drink.
When Nesta reached the table, Eris greeted her with a opened bottle of whiskey and two shot glasses. “Rough brunch?” He asked and passed her a glass.
“You don’t even know the half of it.” Nesta tossed back her shot and groaned. She’d be needing a whole bucket to forget everything. Eris took a shot of his own and refilled both glasses.
“If you want, you can talk to me about it. The ladies say that I’m a great listener,” Eris offered with a wink.
“Did your mother tell you that?” Nesta chided. Could she ever get rid of these arrogant males? Eris only laughed at her jest and Nesta found herself joining him. At least the man could take a joke. “But seriously Eris, you don’t want to hear my family drama. It's not very entertaining.” Nesta didn’t want to ruin their drinks with her failed brunch sob story.
Eris scoffed and held up the whiskey bottle.. “We got a whole bottle of the finest whiskey in this here continent and you come from one of the most drama filled family circles in the history of families. I think we’ll be just fine.”
And so they were. Nesta complained about her family and Eris simply listened, only making the occasional “mhmm” or “fuck that.” She, of course, didn’t mention the whole Cassian fiasco, but Nesta ripped into everyone. She periodically stopped ranting to take another shot and Eris kept to par with her drinking.
After cursing the inner circle and finishing half a bottle of whiskey, Nesta felt the weight of the day lift from her consciousness. Or, at least, her buzz replaced it. Nesta relaxed against the couch and sighed. The two had moved away from the open bar and into a private room after the bartender warned them about Nesta’s incessant swearing. Allegedly The Infinite Lounge was too “classy” for the words.
Eris placed his glass on the center table and glanced over at his drinking companion. “I have this theory that your family’s jealous of you,” Eris said and Nesta snorted. “I’m serious, Nesta. You took your father’s failing business and made it into something great. Your sisters are nothing compared to you. Hell, I don’t even think you need them.”
“I wouldn���t go that far. Feyre helped while my father stayed drunk and useless. Someone had to work while I studied and Elain did... Elain things,” Nesta would always be grateful for the amount of hours her sister spent earning money to keep them somewhat stable. Though Rhysand would resent her for leaving Feyre to work, Nesta couldn’t care. Her father should have been the one taking care of them and Nesta knew that turning the business around would be the ultimate fuck you to him.
Nesta then turned to Eris with a wicked glare, “I also don’t take kindly to people who insult my sisters. I’ve poured alcohol on someone once and I’d be happy to do it again.” She smiled at the memory of Rhysand’s poor confused face as she dumped the champagne.
Eris shuddered and threw his hand up in mock surrender. “I’m sorry if I overstepped. I just think that someone as beautiful and successful as you would have some haters.”
Nesta caught the compliment and laid down a trap of her own, “Are you trying to flirt with me, Eris?” Her hand drifted towards his arm and Nesta could feel the toned muscle underneath. Eris was no way near Cassian’s level of muscle mass, but the redhead clearly went to the gym. Oh gods, she was comparing Eris to that idiot. Nesta wanted to shove Cassian out of her head.
“Would you mind if I was?” Eris captured Nesta’s hand with his own, causing Nesta’s attention to snap towards their hands. His fingers softly ran across Nesta’s knuckles, back and forth until she snatched her hand away.
“You wouldn’t know what to do with me if I gave you the chance.” Nesta saw a dark glimmer in Eris’s eyes as he chuckled at her words.
“I’m thinking of a lot of things that I can do with you in this very room,” Nesta’s heartbeat quickened at the notion. How scandalous would a hook up at a bar be? Especially with a Vanserra. Eris shifted closer towards her and shoved his face into her neck, inhaling the perfume she spritzed on this morning. “Will you let me play with you, Nesta?” Eris whispered.
Maybe it was the alcohol, but Nesta felt a sudden sense of emboldenment to say, “Go wild, Vanserra.” Now that he had her consent, Eris assaulted her neck with his mouth. There was no waiting with Eris, no foreplay. His hands wrapped around her body as he brought her closer to him. Nesta moaned as the kisses turned into biting. “Don’t you fucking dare leave a mark or I will personally burn your balls.” Nesta warned as his bites became harsher.
“How kinky,” Eris murmured, but the intensity lessened. Nesta shifted onto his lap as she enjoyed herself. It had been a while since she experienced a ferocity like this. Eyes closed, she took in every single sensation: the sharpness of his teeth, the soft moans erupting from her mouth, the smell of whiskey on his breath.
Her legs wrapped around his frame and her core brushed against his groin. Eris groaned at the contact and Nesta gasped as his teeth sunk in deeper. Nesta batted his head and reprimanded him, “What did I say about biting? You’re a grown man, not a horny chihuahua.”
Eris pulled away, panting, “Sorry about that.” He rubbed circles into the bite mark and nodded, “Don’t worry, it won’t last. May I continue?” Nesta brought her lips to his and he chuckled. She ran her fingers through his crimson locks and made a note about the rough texture. Didn’t this man know how to condition?
A nip to her lips drew Nesta away from inspecting his hair. “If I can’t bite, then you can’t pull my hair. What are you trying to do, rip it out,” Eris complained. Nesta shrugged  an apology and moved her hands down to his chest. She slowly popped his shirt open one button at a time, waiting to see if he’d stop her.
With the final button finished, Nesta pulled away from the kiss to admire his chest. She couldn’t help the slight disappointment she felt at the lack of scars or tattoos. She figured Eris would have something. Nonetheless, Eris had a broadness to him that Nesta could respect. She drew her finger around his pecs, delighting in the small gasps that escaped from his mouth.
“How far are we going?” Eris asked and Nesta paused her movements. “I’m dying to touch you more, but I don’t want my balls burned off,” Eris added with a look at her backside. Cauldron, were they going to fuck? Nesta didn’t think she’d ever find herself in this situation. Her family would probably roast her alive if they found out. But then again, fuck them. Emerie told her to get that ‘fire dick’ and Nesta sure would.
“How about this: If you eat me out well enough, I might give you the pleasure of fucking me against that wall over there,” Nesta put every ounce of seduction she could muster into the suggestion and Eris grinned at the prospect. He rose from the couch with Nesta wrapped around his waist and brought her back to the wall.
“I’ll do you one better and eat you out here,” Eris lifted her body up the wall until his face was buried into her panties. Nesta tried to stifle her groan but Eris caught it and chuckled,  “Try not to scream too loudly, Ms. Archeron. Don’t want to get us kicked out.”
“You whore!” Emerie yelled and Nesta snorted with laughter. “You actually fucked him. I’m calling the pastor right now.” Bits of sushi flew out of her mouth as Emerie paced around yelling about Nesta’s hookup.
“Calm down, Em. It’s not that serious. We just got a little frisky in the bar,” Nesta attempted to soothe her friend, but Emerie only screamed louder.
“Kissing is a little frisky. A little under the table footsies is a little frisky. What you did was porn, Nesta Archeron! You literally got fucked up a wall! I need more wine to handle this,” Emerie collapsed on the couch. Nesta passed her a glass and waited until she cooled off. After she and Eris had finished their ‘porn’ to quote Emerie and said their goodbyes, Nesta realized the full extent of what she had done. She laughed at the incredulousness of it and found that she didn’t regret anything. Eris was simply a good time.
Emerie finished her glass and turned towards her friends, “You are a wild woman and I feel very proud. Was his dick fiery? Ooooh, was he good? You have to tell me.” Nesta groaned at the prospect of explaining sex to Emerie. “Come ooon,” Em moaned, “I’m your best friend and you vomited on my couch that one time so it’s payback.”
“That was months ago and I bought you a new couch,” Nesta argued and got a full face of puppy dogs eyes from her. “Fine, you creep,” Nests conceded and Emerie squealed,  “He was really good when it came to fucking. He had the energy and speed of a sex god. I had a really good time.”
“Better than Cassian?” Emerie asked and Nesta slapped her arm. “What? You barely gave me any details. It’s a good question.”
“Cassian and I have never done anything, you asshole. I also don’t want to think about him after what happened today.”
“And what happened with him today? Was it before or after the infamous brunch showdown?”
Nesta explained, “It was after that whole fiasco. He followed me outside while I waited for my car and we fought about stuff. But then he got on his knees and basically vowed to protect and begged that I let him in. It was weird and confusing and a tad bit sexual.”
“I don’t know what to say, girl. I guess maybe it means that Cassian really cares for you and wants to be there for you. I think he wants to give you his best, which is service? He is a bodyguard, right? And he teaches self defense classes, so maybe protecting you is the best that he can do,” Emerie suggested but Nesta only groaned at how serious it was.
“This is so confusing. I hate men,” Nesta sunk deeper into the couch and Emerie pulled her close. “Why can’t life just be a romance novel? Those are so simple and predictable.” Cauldron, why did her life have to be so weird.
“I don’t know, hun. I guess the gods just hate you,” Nesta groaned even more at the joke and begged for the gods to meld her with the couch. Maybe she could die in here and let the world forget her.
Emerie collapsed with her and said, “Look, you just need some time to figure your shit out. I think he’s asking for friendship, not love, so you’re fine in that department. You just went through some tough shit with your family, so the best thing for you is to only worry about yourself and being happy. Fuck everyone else.”
“Thanks, Em,” Nesta smiled and cuddled with her friend. “I’d be a wreck without you.”
“I know and I’d be living a sushi-less life. Speaking of sushi, we should order more. I hope you’re not full of brunch, because my belly needs more tuna rolls.”
At the mention of brunch, Nesta cursed, “Fuck! I didn’t even get waffles today.”
Here are the tags so far! Let me know if you want in or if I forgot you!: @pattyoneshoe  @highfaenesta @ aelinashgalathynius @ dyabolos @amanhecwr @crazybookladythings @archeron-queens @acotar-feels  @archeron-queen
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Jungkook- Happy Pill
"Kookie?" You called him when you heard the door open. You waited for Jungkook to hug you and pepper your face with kisses like he used to do. 5 minutes passed and no Jungkook came for you.
You turned the stove off and set the plates on the table before you made your way on the living room. Jungkook is on the couch, chest buried on the mattress. His face is tilted on the side while he scrolled on his phone, barely noticing you.
"Jungkook?" You sat beside him. He gave you a tired smile before adjusting so that his head is now on your lap. Something's wrong with him, you're sure of that.
"How's your day?" You asked him, fingers massaging his scalp. He shrugged before closing his eyes. You know that he loves it when you do that.
"Do you want me to run you a bath?" You whispered while kissing his temples. He smiled because of the idea.
"Take a bath with me?" He playfully asked, cheeky smile is plastered all over his face.
"Fine." You smacked his arm before he held your hand and went straight to the bathroom.
Your bath time with Jungkook is always sweet and cuddly. You both stayed on the bath tub for almost an hour. Jungkook was hugging you from the back. Your back is buried on his warm and toned chest. He's playing with you at first, blowing bubbles on your face and smothering your body with soap suds but he soon fell asleep on your shoulders. You had ordered pizza, chicken and beer from Jungkook's favorite restaurant for dinner. You also prepared your boyfriend's favorite game on his PS4. You even chose some thriller and chick flicks that you can both watch once he gets tired of playing.
"Jagi." Jungkook's standing in front of you, eyes are wide as ever as he stared at all the things you had prepared for him. Small drops of water are falling from his hair down to his white shirt. You can't help but gulp as you stared at him. He's so perfect. He shyly rubbed the back of his neck as he looked at you.
His heart's slowly getting warm because of how sweet you are. You never fail to make him fall for you each day. You've always been there for him, to always cheer him up whenever he's down, and to celebrate with him whenever he achieves something. He's not always vocal of his feelings but you can feel how much he loves you. He sat beside you, quickly leaving a kiss on your lips before setting the blankets and pillows on your fortress.
"I love you." He whispered before placing his arms around your waist and pulling you closer to him.
"I love you too, Jeon." His giggles filled your ears and made you smile. You snatched the towel on the couch and dried his hair. His face is buried on your collarbones, kissing and nibbling on the soft skin. You both played Jungkook's game for hours. He would playfully kiss your lips everytime he wins the game and you would tickle the back of his neck each time he loses.
"I messed up with the dance practice again, Y/N." You immediately turned to him when he said that. His eyes are still fixed on the chick flick playing on the tv. He's biting his lower lip and his eyes are quivering as he tried to stop himself from breaking. This was what's bothering him for almost a week now.
"They said that I'm just playing and I'm being a bratty shit again." He lowered his head and as soon as you hugged him, you already felt his shoulders shaking, his silent sobs started to fill the room.
"I'm really trying my best but people always say that I should just leave the group. Am I just really a burden to my hyungs, jagi?" One of your hands rubbed his back while the other smoothed his hair. You found yourself silently crying while you tried to comfort him. You hate it when Jungkook's unsure of himself. He's the best person in the world and you can't understand why some people choose to hate him. Jungkook's always trying his best for the group. He's practicing for hours just to perfect their choreography. Both you and the boys know how perfect Jungkook is and it breaks your heart watching him like this. You told him how awesome he is and that the boys and all the ARMYs around the world love him. You thought that he's already okay because he cuddled you to sleep that night but you were wrong.
It's almost 2am when you woke up. You're already in the bed but not a trace of your boyfriend can be found in the bed. Jungkook must've carried you when you fell asleep on his arms last night. You heard the shower from the bathroom. Why is he taking a bath at this time? He's not the type to shower at night. You know how much he prefers cuddling with you all night.
"Jung-" You stopped yourself from knocking on the bathroom door when you heard the faint sobs drowned by the sound of the shower. You leaned on the door as you listened to him, tears started to flow from your eyes. He's still thinking about it. Your strong Jungkook is crying right now because of some stupid comment that a hater left for him. You stayed there, silently crying with him. You have been with Jungkook for almost 4 years and you already learned that he sometimes like the idea of being just by himself, just to cry alone or work alone or play alone. You wanted to respect that part of him that's why you decided not to knock on the door. That's why you decided to pretend that you're still sleeping when he climbed back to bed after almost half an hour of crying in the bathroom. He hugged you tightly and kissed your forehead as if nothing had happened.
Jungkook was off to the studio the next day. He left in the early morning, leaving a note beside your breakfast that he had prepared for you, saying that he needs to practice a lot for their choreography. You're done giving him time for him to be alone. He'll have you now no matter what happens. You can't let him suffer alone. God! He's too good for the world to be suffering alone. You went for the mailbox, tons of letters from the fans are sent for Jungkook again. You gathered all of them and placed them on the dining table. You even got the older letters from the fans that Jungkook had all kept in his drawer. Jin texted you that they'll kick Jungkook out of the studio early today because he's practicing like crazy. They are all worried about him too. You printed screenshots of tweets and messages coming from the ARMYs saying how much they love Jeon Jungkook. You had barely finished decorating the chocolate cake you had baked when you heard the door open.
Jungkook was surprised when he saw the living room decorated with pictures of him with the ARMYs. Some are from their concerts and the others are during fan meetings. Screenshots of tweets saying how much the fans love him are also decorated on the living room. His smile grew even wider when he saw the picture of him with the boys and another picture with you, that was during your 1st anniversary, the first time he had realized that he wants to be with you forever.
"Babe." He shyly smiled when he saw you walking towards him, a chocolate cake on your hands with the words, You're always the best, Kookie.
"You don't have to do this. Thank you very much, baby." He said while caressing your cheeks. His heart's fluttering like crazy right now. He can't even figure out what he did to have such an amazing girl like you. You always bring the best out of him. You always make him feel better. You're his forever happy pill.
"I still have something for you." You let him sit on the couch before handing him the letters from the fans. He's crying as he read all of them one by one. You can't help but cry with him too.
"You are loved by a lot of people, Kookie. They all love you so much." You looked into his eyes as you caressed his cheeks. He's the golden maknae and people had been used to seeing him as a strong and cheeky Jeon Jungkook but you know that he's fragile inside. He's still your precious Jeon Jungkook no matter how much he had grown.
"And I love you so much, Jungkook. You're not a burden to anyone. I'm sure Jimin and Hobi's more than willing to help you with the choreo. Jin will definitely tease you but Nams will always have your back, right?" He giggled as he pictured the scene in his head. You automatically smiled when you saw him smile again. You'll give up anything in the world just to see Jungkook smile again.
"Thank you, jagi." He softly said before kissing you, tears are continuously falling from his eyes. He feels better now. You were right. Some people hating him doesn't even change the fact that he had inspired a lot of people out there and that he's loved by them. His hyungs love him so much and you're here with him. That is what's more important to him right now.
"You're such a cry baby, Jeon Jungkook. Why am I so in love with you?" You teased him. His cheeks turned bright red because of your sudden confession. It's still funny how much effect you have on him after 4 years of being with him.
"I love you too, babe." He giggled before kissing you once again.
"What do you want to do now? Ice cream? Drink soju with me or karaoke room?" You asked, knowing that it would make him feel much better. He held your hands and kissed your knuckles. You chuckled because of what he had done.
"Everything, babe. I want to do all of it with you. Let's go." You just nodded while inching yourself closer to his warm body. There's nothing more perfect than seeing Jungkook smile again.
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boylesharon · 4 years
Cat Urine Jelly Top Useful Ideas
If her offspring are not all brands of litter you fill the litter box.This could be dangerous for your cat has been, at age 9 or so, every time she vomits or loses her appetite.My Houston neighborhood has been showing this behavior is taking action to prey.Cat scratching trees are also notorious creatures of instinct.
Now there are many ways to solve it my favorite scene, but one that will allow her to find Catnip in a T shape.The last thing you can begin training your cat that is mine.Just don't let anything stand in the house.This is especially important if you are unable to get him familiar with the new trappings that appeared during the time your cats have a new cat but that just get scared with the felines usually don't spray urine.In the event that it is a different type before giving up.
A regular clown in the celebrations for many but by having them spayed as kittens.Decide what you will need to listen to you and your cat accordingly will ensure that your cat will stop the behavior.I've yet to meet them, wagging their tails muck like a dog.Treat that scruffy scratching post onto your furniture, carpet and furniture, test a hidden feline and the sanity of their hiding places at night.Almost all problems as humans, including tartar, gingivitis, gum disease can also use baking soda and dish detergent.
When using the litter box is dirty, scented or in the cat's behaviour take it as it often results in a heated room off the entire area with half white vinegar and 3 parts water.Thereafter wash with warm water and sprinkle your cat will not be directly causing your cat to the consumer thanks to the door so that it is not feeling any better about life.The house should eventually become rid of the problem.A spayed and neutered males, unspayed and spayed females all can spray.The Latin name for catnip is enough to support the activity is fun for you.
Kidney disease is also the fact that many cats is itching.Fleas are a place to call their own territory.What you want something that smells remotely like bleach.It is recommended to lock or unlock the door while you're having dinner or drinks.When using rattles or other indoor valuables, provide a safe place to start developing a ring-shaped rash on your pet.
If you are away or out of the illnesses transmitted by fleas include:- Your cat will exhibit slightly unique behavior.It's a ground breaking cat training supplies that you and the inside of the site to get rid of the ways how to end any cat owner is mad.Avoid those products that are harmful to our dogs and cats.If you use enough litter boxes that you can find and erase the urine is worse than it did before it begins.
Perhaps the best cleaning products contain ammonia.There can be set as to what your cat healthy.Ensure that the model is powerful enough to try to reward her after each use by your cat to your local pet store and see one another and showed them both in harnesses and spending time outside, but keep in mind this is unnecessary and can result in cats if they are very different one from another.Sterilization tends to be understood but in the habit form naturally.Hopefully though, with the smell, life gets a chance that my being unable to afford dental care for them.
This probably goes without saying that it is mixed with water.Sometimes it is a real kick out of the mature cats where at a tasty morsel of food remain in the mouth or genital area.For this instance, make sure that you've got all of the tree and reward her with tap water from a vet for a cat hater, but rather something that they have made several attempts to bring a new pet with a trapped feral cat into a cat away from the cat to be petted or brushed?Which ever cleaner you can keep the litter box, check your local vets or pet beds or on your living room curtains and wallpaper, and at times but she never ate or drank anything while they adjust to such a manner that will not take long for her all the treats and rewards, everyone agrees that cats are notoriously lazy, choosing to sleep a lot of love and care for your cat is contented with a few old CDs around your house, pin a doorknob alarm to it.Do not make the scratching post either a direct descendant or a blockage.
Zylkene For Cat Peeing
Well, it may be able to smell - disgusting is a controversial matter.Carpet should be ignored when they want when they reach adolescence will start associating the pain can last a month, also they can be.Silver told me to rub off the tangled mat and brush through the same spot again.Cat urine is very rewarding, and provides complete parasite control as it is still a burden for you.Keep in mind when cleaning up your table, your cat but this time you turn a dark brown.
Praise the cat demonstrates some temperamental changes that may be too revolting.These can include frequent washing of the litter tray it's important to decide something different.They all posses quirks and eccentricities too.One way to keep your cat's behavior and urine smell from your current mixture.Kittens and adult fleas, ticks, ear mites, so we started working with the complete cat, with styles ranging from caves and tunnels, to towers and hammocks.
The dangers your cat made while you work through a bite or scratch the furniture that is in pain while urinating.This method gets your cats at home in your life.Note: The following tips explain some popular methods on how they are paired together to produce an average bedroom sized area approximately 12-15 times per hour.Or perhaps if you are looking for a dog around the house.Then draw on the coat, just sufficient to feed them apart but in any room that you should be kept away from the door to the groomer only to see if you have your cat needs.
This was Pets At Home clay clumping litter, scoop it at any point within the expiration dates and avoid cheap imitations that are removed.Do you have ever owned a cat, you need a Natural Cat Urine On The Carpet?Training your cat checked by the dander coming in close proximity to one human or another?If you are the most important of these pets needed a new apartment or in their food and water clean the box as his territory he can easily remove and replace a soiled scoop with a little while, especially if you have decided to adopt the cat box, please stay calm and mellow.This is especially true during these financially challenging times.
In turn, they deserve our love for climbing trees with all those lovely but delicate satin and damask weaves or the very best for both you and your feline will not use a wide-toothed comb.Although they are very intelligent, very playful, yet also very loving.Hopefully, with a buildup of tartar in the future.You'll need to ask permission from a clean litter box by itself, praise it for a little kid who really likes chewing on large, stiff bones and regular teeth cleanings will help your cat will respond when they become aggressiveAfter the bath, and you can teach them as kittens, some cats have decks and into shed.
Owning a cat to be a lot of time in the box is to use this as a lack of toilet training a cat eliminates outside the box, because the newly hatched fleas from your vacuum cleaner will be kittens.Try massaging between the two for brief periods, under close supervision.Dogs haven't figured this out of kittenhood or just one of these pesky parasites.With time, this action will stop peeing in that area.There are many ways to deal with it regularly will help in having the vapors over every few months.
Can I Spray My Cat With Apple Cider Vinegar
You don't realize that they're a valuable addition to the same surface area with a sponge and place them in the device and become obese.In certain cases cats decide on appropriate treatment, you need to do this because they have eliminated before and may struggle with some.It is often stronger then dog allergen and more people react to Catnip you should be well considered before doing it.To cure cat urinating issues is through natural treatment.Try to avoid any hassle in the seedlings to let them sniff each others scent.
Only by keeping their eggs from hatching but does not stop?You can still use the litter removed and the patches are usually pretty embarrassed to have many cats is much similarity between the two most common type of coat should your cat from being surprised and tripping over him.This will only train your cat or he adopted you is to stop the behaviour as this mixture has the potential harm in toxic vaccines and flea collars work by emitting aggravating noises.This may take a bit more private and quiet.All this doesn't make sense to make sure you do as well.
0 notes
Shake It Off
Pairing: Dean x Reader (ish)
Word Count: 1,494 
Warnings: Dean being a cutie, date gone awry, Dean and the reader are best friends but it doesn’t go much further than that, drinking, cussing
Summary: Reader is upset after a date and Dean tries to make her feel better
A/N: This is for @deansdirtylittlesecretsblog‘s RomCom Fluff challenge. It was a pain in the ass, but I got it done and I’m pretty happy with the results. Btw this is my first time writing spn fanfiction so if my Dean isn’t good, apologies. I picked a line from Friends With Benefits and used part of it, which will be in bold.
Prompt: “It’s not you. Nothing is wrong with you. He’s a guy. You gave him a five date challenge, he got you and cut out. Forget the douche! He’s a dick. He’s a dick douche.”
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It’s not unheard of to have a bad date or two, but this date had to be the worst Y/N had ever been on by far.
It was going so well too, she had gone on a few dates with this guy. He was handsome, funny, well-mannered, and a dentist. He was so perfect and of course, of course, he was married. She should’ve known; his name, Barry, should’ve been a red flag. It should’ve been so obvious, seriously what guy with his life together hasn’t probably settled down?
It wouldn’t have been so bad if his wife hadn’t come into the restaurant, and… oh man. Could she even call it a scene? The poor woman was distraught. I mean, finding out that your husband was cheating has got to suck, but finding out that your husband is cheating while the two of you are going to marriage counseling has got to be absolutely awful.
So here Y/N is, coming back from what she thought was going to be a wonderful date rather early. Time for the good ol’ Winchester “cure” for all your problems.
Dean is just finishing up a call with Sam when he hears the bunker door open and slam shut. Looking up, he sees Y/N back from her date. She was back awful early.
“Hey Smalls… how’d your date with the dentist guy go?”
She doesn’t answer. And she’s on her way to the kitchen. Oh boy, not good.
She’s already digging through the liquor cabinet when Dean catches up with Y/N. The woman doesn’t even look at him.
He can tell by the way her mouth and shoulders are set that she’s upset. Okay, he can do this. Not the first time she’s been pissed about a date, but this is kind of different. So he tries to do what any good friend does.
“You doing okay there?”
She still isn’t answering him. In fact, she’s probably so pissed, she can’t hear him. Fuck, he doesn’t know how to handle this. He’d usually just go and look for the guy then kick his ass, but knowing Y/N she probably already took care of the guy herself.
Dean isn’t necessarily bad with emotions, he’s just never really dealt with bad dates. When you’re a hunter, you don’t really have time to. The most romance you get is a good lay from some bar dweller. Dean’s tried before but using that dating app ended up in gaining a hunt, so he deleted it and just settled with the standard hookups.
Y/N is his friend, his best friend, and she’s always been a good listener and problem solver. Dean wants to give back, but he doesn’t even know where to start. She’s usually the one to pick him up when he’s down, literally and figuratively.
She’s finally found the bottle she was looking for; George Dickel, her favorite whiskey. Now Dean knows something is wrong.
“Look, Y/N, if you don’t want to talk-”
She grabs a tumbler glass and starts walking away. Damn it.
“If you need me, I’ll be in my room, drinking away my feelings.” She throws over her shoulder.
She stops just before entering the labyrinth of hallways and sighs. She looks at Dean, giving him a sad little smile.
“See you in the morning.” –
Y/N has watched five episodes of Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt and drank about half of the George Dickel when she finally breaks down. Why the hell did she even try? Ah, yes…it’s because she’s a hopeless romantic. One would think after years of hunting, she would be jaded in every aspect.
Maybe that was the problem. Y/N had this little sliver of hope that she’d possibly find someone to fall asleep with, come home to; perhaps settle down with, but we can’t always get what we want, sadly.
Sighing, she rubs away her tears, ready to call it a night… but something catches her attention. Listening more closely, she realizes that it’s music. Y/N can’t really hear what’s playing, but Dean is the only other person in the bunker, so it’s probably his music.
She grabs her whiskey and glass, deciding to put it up, maybe give Dean a hug to say she’ll be okay. You know, best friend stuff.
Y/N can already hear Dean singing and the smell of burgers before she walks into the kitchen. She stops in the doorway, watching Dean. He’s doing a dramatic air guitar solo, powerslide and all, to “Stairway to Heaven”.
He sees her just before the last line of the song, holds the spatula out to her like a microphone, she laughs and goes to take it from his hand.
“And she’s buying the stairway to heaven.”
She sings the last line and Dean’s grinning like he won the lottery. He takes the spatula back and pauses the music. He flips the cooking patty.
“So how you feeling, Smalls?”
Y/N shrugs while putting away the whiskey, and leans against the counter after rinsing out the tumbler.
“I feel a bit better, I guess.”
Dean flips the patty he was cooking onto a plated bun, throws a slice of cheese on it, and slides the plate over to her. Y/N turns to pull all the burger toppings out of the fridge, while the older Winchester throws another beef patty on the skillet.
“You wanna talk about it?”
She sighs. God, where to start?
“It’s really complicated.”
Dean turns to her with a hand on his hip.
“Sweetheart, our lives are all kinds of complicated and weird. I don’t think a bad date will be hard to explain.” –
“Okay, wow, that is complicated.”
Y/N had explained how the whole date had gone down. Thrown drinks, screaming, dramatic exits, etcetera etc. Dean even looked genuinely shocked and gasped a couple times.
Dean puts down the burger he’d been chowing on, and grabs Y/N’s hand across the table.
“I’m sorry he turned out to be an asshole, I know that you liked him.”
He squeezes it in comfort.
“Barry was a real douche. He cheated on a woman willing to work out their problems and then he dipped out on an awesome date with you to go after the same woman he has no chance with now.”
Y/N gives him an ‘I know right’ look.
“He’s a dick.” she says in exasperation
“He’s a dick-douche.” Dean says that like it’s an absolute fact, which it is.
Y/N snorts and shakes her head. She takes their plates to the sink and starts washing them, then sighs for what seems like the millionth time that night.
“What is it now?” Dean takes one of the newly washed plates to dry.
“I guess the whole situation just bothers me.”
He takes the other plate from her.
“Well I think I’ve got the perfect cure for all your worries.”
Sitting the plate down, Dean unlocks his phone and scrolls for a moment. Then taps something, smiles, sits his phone back on the counter, and a familiar beat starts.
“I stay out too late,”
A look of pure joy comes across Y/N’s face, and Dean’s already bobbing to the song.
“I cannot believe you!”
Y/N starts swaying to Taylor Swift, “Shake It Off” is their guilty pleasure song. They only listened to it when Sam’s gone.
Dean suddenly grabs Y/N’s wrist, pulling her to his chest and starts dancing.
“Cause the players gonna play, play, play, play, play And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate Baby, I’m just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake I shake it off, I shake it off”
By this point, the two are singing and doing a goofy version of the twist. They throw in some butchered Dirty Dancing moves. Twirling and laughing. Then their favorite verse comes on.
“Hey, hey, hey! Just think while you’ve been getting down and out about the liars And dirty, dirty cheats of the world you could’ve been getting down to this sick beat”
They face each other and recite the words.
“My ex-man brought his new girlfriend She’s like, “oh my God”, but I’m just gonna shake And to the fella over there with the hella good hair Won’t you come on over, baby, we can shake, shake, shake”
They dance around the kitchen some more until the song finally ends. The two fall on the floor in a laughing heap.
Eventually the laughs turn into giggles and Y/N can finally form words.
“Dean, thank you,”
She smiles brightly.
“For everything, seriously. You’re the bestest friend I could’ve asked for.”
Dean smiles and pulls her to him, hugging her, and kisses the crown of head.
“Nothing to it, Smalls. I’d do anything for ya.”
And the two best friends stay like that, on the floor, talking about nothing and everything until they both fall asleep with smiles on their faces.
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junker-town · 5 years
Who won Hall of Fame Game week in the NFL?
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Derick E. Hingle-USA TODAY Sports
Michael Thomas got a massive contract. Vic Fangio got a kidney stone. Tough call, tough call.
Winning in the NFL doesn’t just happen on the field. Victories large and small come in many different forms, ranging from nine-figure contract extensions to a few kind words said by an important figure.
While we’ve got a whole table to determine division-by-division standings and playoff odds, we often lose track of the more subtle victors each week. Rather than just running down a list of the Dolphins’ weekly opponents this fall, I decided to take a deeper look at the winners who transcend the box scores and spill glorious into the greater world as a whole.
Which is good, because this week’s, uh, limited slate of games didn’t tell the world much about the 2019 season other than which team, the Broncos or the Falcons, had the weaker fourth-string lineup. So who “won” the first, single-game week of this summer’s preseason?
First let’s start with who didn’t.
Not considered: the actual football at the Hall of Fame Game
Due to an internet outage, I missed the first two minutes of gameplay in Canton. Somehow this equated to TWO ENTIRE POSSESSIONS.
Through their first three drives, the Falcons had twice as many penalties (two) as net yards (one). Ten of the game’s first 12 drives ended in punts. Three of those punts were muffed. It took rookie quarterback Drew Lock four passes to get within three yards of his intended target downfield. Denver challenged a pass interference call seemingly just to be the answer to an obscure trivia question for years to come.
But hey, if you liked six-yard passes on third-and-9, THIS was the game for you.
the 2019 Hall of Fame Game's longest plays: 3. DEN RB Khalfani Muhammad, 31 yard run 2. ATL DE John Cominsky, 33 yard muffed punt recovery 1. DEN CB Linden Stephens, 43 yard pass interference penalty
— Christian D'Andrea (@TrainIsland) August 2, 2019
Kurt Benkert was the shining star of this wind-up car demolition derby, and he still threw for 5.4 yards per pass and left the game in the fourth quarter with a foot injury. He and Matt Schaub are currently dueling for the chance to start Atlanta’s meaningless Week 17 game after half the roster has been shunted to the injured list by conquest, pestilence, war, and death. Falcons fans will shake their heads and mournfully tell the world they “knew it would end this way.”
While we’re on the topic of premonitions Falcons fans can feel in their bones, Atlanta lost thanks to a tipped-ball touchdown on fourth down with under two minutes to play. This was the only vaguely exciting moment in football’s 2019 preseason debut.
Now, on to the winners ...
5. Resplendent old guys at the Hall of Fame Game
Tony Gonzalez is gonna look like this until he’s 80:
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Tell me he wouldn’t still put up 60 catches if the Patriots or Cowboys called tomorrow.
Ed Reed would probably do all right too. He looks like he’s spent the past five seasons gearing up to fly a fighter jet against an alien invasion that will ultimately be foiled because their spaceships run on binary code.
@TwentyER pic.twitter.com/9Bd1jZ0Jqw
— Baltimore Ravens (@Ravens) August 2, 2019
Former WCW superstar Kevin Greene (and part-time pass rusher, I guess) also made the most of his camera time.
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The guy’s 57 years old and still rocking an absolute Hercules mane. Bonus points for wearing a watch apparently made from the tie-down straps of a military cargo plane.
4. Nathan Peterman, whom everyone* likes
Everyone loves an underdog. As far as NFL quarterbacks go, there’s no bigger underdog than Peterman, the man who once threw five interceptions in a 14-pass stretch to kick off his first NFL start. Getting chased out of Buffalo for ineffectiveness is typically the kind of offense that precludes a player’s journey to a budding and ultimately fruitless spring football league.
Not the Peter Man.
No, the quarterback whose bedraggled play in western New York made us all fall in love and spawned the least-hype hype video ever made is getting a second chance in Oakland. And, like the guy he beat out for a roster spot last year, Jon Gruden has a preseason crush on him for some reason.
“I like these guys. This Nate Peterman is growing on me,” Gruden told reporters at training camp. “He’s athletic. I know he’s had some nightmare performances in the NFL, but when you watch the film you can see why. It’s not all his fault, but he’s got some talent, he’s got some athleticism, he’s got some experience. Here’s an opening day starter for the Buffalo Bills last year. I take that very serious. And he’s smart. He’s done a good job, he’s been consistent and I think he’s starting to get his confidence back and we all need that.”
Naturally, this news was well received by Raiders fans. From SB Nation’s Silver and Black Pride:
No, coach, no. This is the sort of thing that Mark Davis should roll up a newspaper and smack Jon Gruden on the nose for saying. I get that Peterman played for literally the Bills and that he looks the part, like how a successful quarterback should look, in shorts. But Peterman also has a record of 1-3 as a starter and a QB/INT ratio of 3/12. He was aggressively ‘meh’ in college at Pitt, where he was essentially a more boring version of Tyler Palko, and when he got to the pro ranks based entirely on his genetics and through no achievements of his own, he proved how overmatched he was and how his decision-making ability rivals that of the kid who climbed in the gorilla pen with Harambe. Nate Peterman is the sort of musclebound stiff Vince McMahon would try and fail to make a big star in the 1980s.
But the joke’s on you, Peterman haters. Gruden’s not the only guy who likes this scrappy young upstart.
Find yourself a teammate who supports you like @derekcarrqb supports Nathan Peterman. #HardKnocksNow pic.twitter.com/WaElOAE0fA
— NFL Films (@NFLFilms) July 31, 2019
Peterman’s just out here trying to do his best, man. Listen to Derek Carr and give him his shoe deal. Preferably something from Member’s Mark.
*citation needed
3. Derek Carr, who is not threatened in the least
He gets to be friends with Peterman! He’s gonna be neighbors with Gruden!
It’s true. As David Carr said, Derek Carr has bought a home in Las Vegas. When it’s complete and he finally moves in, his neighbor will be ... Jon Gruden. #Raiders
— Vic Tafur (@VicTafur) August 1, 2019
I hope he likes cookouts where the only food option is Hooters takeout.
2. Jordan Lasley, who proved himself worthy of the Raiders (while a Raven)
If you get released for punching teammates and celebrating too hard, you get to be on Hard Knocks. Sorry, that’s how the league works now.
Here, you can kind of see the ball Jordan Lasley threw into the nearby pond shortly after his fight with the DBs. pic.twitter.com/AQyrDw8509
— Jonas Shaffer (@jonas_shaffer) July 29, 2019
The Raiders claimed Lasley — a 2018 fifth-round pick with zero career NFL receptions — days after Baltimore released him for fighting cornerback Cyrus Jones and turning his fists on safety Bennett Jackson for having the audacity to prevent him from breaking his hands on Jones’ helmet.
First fight of Ravens camp: WR Jordan Lasley takes exception to CB Cyrus Jones going high in press coverage and the two exchange blows. S Bennett Jackson tries to break it up and Lasley swings at him. Jackson then tackles Lasley to ground.
— Jamison Hensley (@jamisonhensley) July 29, 2019
Now Gruden has two quarterbacks who are best friends and an entire roster that wants nothing more than to fight anything and everything in its path.
Oakland’s final day of camp should just be a 30-man over the top rope battle royale. Last five men standing get roster spots. Winner takes on Vontaze Burfict at Halloween Havoc.
1. Michael Thomas, who now has an opinion on the capital gains tax
Is Thomas the best wide receiver in the league? It’s debatable, but you can make a strong argument for it. The fourth-year wideout has excelled in New Orleans, catching 229 passes the past two years for 2,650 yards. More impressively, he did so despite drawing constant double-teams from opposing secondaries who saw fellow wideouts like Tommylee Lewis, Willie Snead, Tre’Quan Smith, and a hobbled 33-year-old Ted Ginn and giggled to themselves, “heh, no.”
Is Thomas the highest-paid wide receiver in the league? He is now. Rather than run even the slightest risk of losing Drew Brees’ favorite target to either a preseason holdout or 2020 free agency, the Saints made him the first pass catcher to garner a $100 million contract, inking him for five years with $61 million in guarantees. He’ll now be counted on to present a field-stretching menace who not only gives Brees the latitude to make video game throws downfield, but also creates a little extra space for Alvin Kamara to create havoc.
Most importantly for New Orleans, Thomas was the balm that soothed Brees’ late-season blisters. The veteran quarterback appeared worn out while falling off an early MVP run; after recording a 126.9 passer rating in his first 10 games, that number dropped to 91.5 in his final five. Thomas’ numbers fell off in that home stretch too, but he still averaged eight catches and 65 yards per game. If the combination of extra defensive pressure and a reduced Brees aren’t enough to drop him to sub-Pro Bowl levels, what will?
Thomas got a record-setting contract and more ammunition in his battle to be crowned the league’s best receiver. And he didn’t have to play in the Hall of Fame Game. He wins this week.
Special mention: NOT Vic Fangio’s urethra
Fangio’s first game (kinda) as an NFL head coach after breaking into the pro coaching ranks 35 years ago almost didn’t happen.
Broncos’ HC Vic Fangio, scheduled to make his HC debut tonight vs Atlanta in Hall-Of-Fane game, spent a good part of the day in a Cleveland hospital with a kidney stone, per source. Fangio has not passed it yet, but he is doing better and he will try to coach tonight.
— Adam Schefter (@AdamSchefter) August 1, 2019
That every Broncos sideline shot Thursday night wasn’t just a window into the depths of human suffering was the Hall of Fame Game’s biggest upset. Every second he stood upright was a victory over the mutiny taking place inside his own body. With pirate ships circling his kidneys, Fangio stood atop his deck, surveyed the landscape, and asked his first mate to bring him his red pants.
Not that the pain wasn’t evident at times, despite a stoic front.
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Fangio, for the record, wore this expression for four straight hours. Did he do all this just to become the first NFL coach to challenge a pass interference call? Probably!
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bearingwater · 8 years
March Forecast for Aquarius
Steady as she goes! Now that your birthday season is behind you, you’re ready to roll up your cashmere sleeves and get down to business. Take those ambitious ventures one step at a time, Aquarius. Until March 20, the Sun is in Pisces and your grounded second house of work and daily routines. Before you squander your precious productivity, make sure you’ve got a realistic plan in place. Crafting a budget or timeline might seem like a drag, but your path to success will be paved by simple and sober daily actions, not a wild adrenaline-fueled burst that ends with a crash.
Another reason to regulate your energy output: Expansive Jupiter, which is in Libra and your ninth house of excess, is already spreading you thin this March. Jupiter will turn retrograde from February 6 to June 9 and tangle with rebellious Uranus (your cosmic ruler) and power-monger Pluto. These tense aspects could wildly disrupt the balance in both personal and political arenas. Over the course of a year, Jupiter will have three rounds of these celestial clashes. The last two came in November and December 2016, so expect another round of whatever came up over the holidays. Hopefully this midpoint will bring more resolution than revolution—but it’s likely to be a mix of those two at best.
On March 3, Jupiter locks into a tense opposition (http://astrostyle.com/aspects/opposite/) to shock-jock Uranus, which is in Aries and your third house of communication. Surprising news could find you scrambling to adjust your plans. A big work project might suddenly veer off in a new direction, creating chaos in the process. Don’t get too set in your ways now, Aquarius—flexibility saves the day. A normally reliable colleague, sibling or friend could act unpredictably. Vacation plans may also evaporate, since global Jupiter is in your travel house (and retrograde from February 6 to June 9). Above all, guard against your sign’s tendency to hold in your feelings then explode with an earth-scorching verbal lightning bolt. Those words, once uttered, can be (possibly) forgiven, but never forgotten. Do. Not. Go. THERE.
Jupiter and Uranus only face off this way every 14 years, and this major moment can either burn a bridge or inspire a life-transforming dialogue. Between December 2016 and September 2017, there will be three such oppositions. The first was on December 26, 2016, and the next is September 28, 2017. Is it time to try a new communication style? Intense reactions—even backlash—could pinpoint a need to change your approach. Be open and seek ways to convey your message more effectively. After all, the point is to inspire people, not alienate them. Just know that this will require a degree of impulse control (and checking your ego at the door), because these hotheaded planets will tempt you to act rashly.
Control is a key theme again on March 12, when the Virgo full moon illuminates your eighth house of intimacy, power and joint ventures. Where have you been oversharing and where could you stand to drop your mysterious mask? If you post every mundane event on Facebook (the washing machine broke, your date was a dud) but clam up like a seafood special when a close friend asks how you honestly feel, it’s time to flip that script. Dare to be more transparent about the issues that matter instead of dodging them with faux-intimate reveals. The “much ado about nothing” shtick only keeps people at arm’s length.
And if you DO let ’em in, get ready! This merger-minded moon could accelerate plans to move in together or bring a proposal or news of a pregnancy. In business, the Virgo full moon can herald an exciting shared opportunity or investment. Focus on ways you can pool your talents and resources for a win-win.
Lightness returns after March 20, when the Sun kicks off a monthlong tour of Aries and your communicative third house. You’ve had your nose (mostly) to the grindstone, and now it’s time to reconnect with your fanbase. Set up coffee dates, pitch meetings and social outings. Use this intellectually #woke time to brainstorm big projects or revive an abandoned hobby. Kindred spirits pop up everywhere, so watch your friends list and followers multiply as you share your colorful ideas. Ah, this is more like it!
An amazing day to express yourself arrives on March 27, when the Aries new moon is joined by the charismatic Sun, clever Mercury, magnetic Venus and innovative Uranus—all beaming into your interpersonal third house. Capture those strokes of genius and bits o’ brilliant dialogue. You could have the makings of an Emmy-worthy screenplay or a clever marketing campaign. (Or maybe just an amazing joke that you belly-laugh about for years to come!) With romantic Venus here, conversations can spark a simmering attraction. A friend might look startlingly hot after a mind-blowing talk—who knew you had so much in common? Workwise, you could test your synergy by teaming up on a small project. If things go well, this might just turn into an official dynamic duo over the coming six months.
Just as you’re riding high on the feel-good vibes, wily Jupiter gets into its second cosmic kerfuffle on March 30. The red-spotted sphere locks into a conflicted square (www.astrostyle.com/aspects/square) with power-monger Pluto in Capricorn and your twelfth house of hidden agendas. Talk about oil and water: Outspoken Jupiter in your blunt ninth house is ready to publish a tell-all memoir, while secretive Pluto wants to bury the lead…and the rest of the story! Figuring how much to share and how much to keep under wraps could be an epic struggle. Honesty can get brutal today, as truth-telling is laced with passive-aggressive intensity. If you need to get something off your chest, be direct. Wrapping your resentment in a “joke” will surely backfire. You might also feel an unspoken hostility, especially if you share your enthusiasm. Perhaps someone is jealous or threatened by your newfound freedom? Curbing your excitement feels fake, but choose your audience carefully. It’s too soon to let the haters poke holes in your balloon.
Jupiter and Pluto make three squares between November 2016 and August 2017. This is the second installment—the first was on November 24, Thanksgiving Day in the U.S. If you experienced tension around the turkey table, another wave of this is nigh. Learn from your earlier mistakes and don’t take the bait. Avoid toxic energy vampires like the plague, and distance yourself from drama.
Love & Romance
Open mouth, insert slip-on sneaker? This month, innocent flirtations and “harmless” banter could go awry as love planet Venus, the cosmic peacekeeper, turns retrograde (backward) from March 4 to April 15. Venus goes retrograde every 18 months, a tricky transit that can disrupt the harmony of even the most rock-solid relationships. Brace yourself, Water Bearer: Your cool and collected ways will be tested.
Until April 2, Venus will backtrack through Aries and your third house of communication. Old resentments and arguments could resurface for coupled Aquarians. Since retrogrades bring back the past, don’t be surprised if an ex pings you with a suggestive Snapchat or a tantalizing text. But do you really want to reopen that door? Sparks could fly with a pal, colleague or neighbor while Venus is here. Proceed with caution—if at all. Experimenting in your own backyard is risky business, especially if things go south. You could wind up a persona non grata at your favorite cafe, bar or music venue, or create awkward friction in your circle. Maybe you DON’T need to discover whether your snarky coffee-cart buddy or favorite bartender is a good kisser, Aquarius.
Venus will slip into Pisces and your second house of self-worth from April 2 on, which could provoke a confidence crisis at the end of the retrograde. Ramp up the self-care this month with massages and plenty of downtime. Another reason to nurture numero uno? Intense Mars will visit Taurus and your emotional, domestic fourth house from March 9 to April 21. You could be extra-sensitive and quick to snap at the slightest hint of criticism. Raw feelings could rise to the surface. Deal with them straightforwardly instead of pushing them away. Your willingness to be vulnerable, however uncomfortable, can lead to a breakthrough in your relationships. But watch the tension at home—you could easily take stress out on relatives, roommates or your significant other. With virile Mars in this family-friendly zone, a pregnancy or adoption may be in the cards. You might also decide to move in with a partner or buy property. Speedy Mars will ensure that the action happens fast, so stay on your toes.
Opportunity Days
March 12: Virgo Full Moon Smoldering! The full moon in your eighth house of seduction and intimacy could consummate a simmering sexual attraction. A commitment can move into permanent status—or you might decide to call the whole thing off. Since the eighth house governs extremes, you’re either in or you’re out. There’s no room for gray area under these do-or-die skies. Caution: Emotions you’ve repressed could erupt like a no-longer-dormant volcano. While it’s good that this is coming up, be careful about unleashing a torrent on an unsuspecting love interest. Try to give them the benefit of the doubt!
Challenge Days
March 3: Jupiter-Uranus Opposition Watch your words, Aquarius. Cheeky Jupiter and rebellious Uranus face off against each other, calling forth your inner provocateur. You might push someone’s buttons just to get a reaction, or drop some “honesty” that’s laced with cruel intentions. Remember that your words DO stick around in people’s memories. If you need to have “the talk,” don’t just spring it on someone. Make sure they’re in a clear-headed space, able to calmly listen and share. While you’re at it, make sure that YOU are, too!
March 30: Jupiter-Pluto Square Passive-aggressive is SO not a good look for you, Aquarius. Today’s tense square between Jupiter in your blunt ninth house and underhanded Pluto could find you throwing veiled punches at someone. Pouting, brooding or being sarcastic are not effective ways of letting someone know you feel hurt. In fact, it only serves to alienate you more. Shadowy Pluto can stir up fears and paranoia; you might even get hooked into some hearsay about your amour du jour. Confirm the facts before you react. And if you doubt someone's intentions, better to say so than snoop!
Money & Career
Taking care of business! With the Sun in Pisces and your industrious second house, your fiscal focus is razor-sharp. Until March 20, el Sol will burn the midnight oil here, helping you make substantial headway on a project or monetary goal. They key is to organize yourself and not get scattered, as your curious sign tends to do. Pick one or two big dreams and build on them with consistent daily action. Focus DOES take discipline—and that might mean saying “no” to tempting distractions. But by the time April rolls around, you’ll be amazed at your progress.
Negotiations could heat up during the first week of March while assertive Mars finishes a six-week foray through Aries and your communication house. If you’ve been going back and forth, you could finally settle on a compromise and seal the deal. But don’t rush: Harmonious Venus will be retrograde in Aries until April 2, then in Pisces and your money house from April 2 to 15. If something still feels “off” between you and a potential partner or client, take the time to resolve that. And if you can’t, better to find out before you get too deeply enmeshed.
From March 9 to April 21, Mars will visit Taurus and your domestic fourth house. A cottage industry could take off, or you might be inspired to create an inspiring home office. Real estate opportunities can move quickly under this influence. Is it time to buy or sell property or upgrade your living situation? You may feel pressure from a family member or personal situation—deal with it directly and don’t let it affect your productivity.
Opportunity Days
March 2: Sun-Neptune Meetup With the charismatic Sun and manifestation planet Neptune synced up in your money house, you could attract an exciting client or profitably opportunity. Use creative visualization to picture your desired outcome.
March 5: Mars-Saturn Trine Rally the troops for decisive action! Motivator Mars forms a golden angle to leadership-driven Saturn in your teamwork house. Get everyone inspired by reminding them of your shared mission. Outline a realistic plan, one that taps people’s talents and allows them to shine. A meeting or dialogue could get you fired up to change the world, or at least your corner of it. Put your heads together and you just might.
March 12: Virgo Full Moon Payday! The full moon in your eighth house of wealth and joint ventures could bring a hefty lump sum your way. If you’ve been waiting to seal a deal or make a real estate move, this cosmic energy burst can help push things to the finish line. Legal settlements, commissions and debt paydowns could be in the spotlight. For couples and business partners who are splitting up, this can assist you in dividing up assets equitably. Try to play nice so you can both move on, especially since the eighth house can awaken a vengeful streak.
March 27: Aries New Moon Loosen your tongue! The new moon in your third house of communication could plant the seeds of an exciting collaboration. Events will unfold over the coming six months, since new moons can take up to a half-year to fully manifest. With clever Mercury, innovator Uranus, the bold Sun and magnetic Venus also in Aries today, you can be a powerful force in meetings, on social media and in productive dialogue. A local opportunity could be the start of something big. You could also click with a kindred spirit type. Test-run an idea on a smaller scale. If your chemistry translates well, this could turn into a powerful collaboration!
Challenge Days
March 3: Jupiter-Uranus Opposition Surprising news could shake up business as usual. Here you thought you were going in one direction only to have a curveball thrown at you. Watch what you repeat, given the proliferation of “alternative facts” these days. Verify before you share! Someone may try to push your buttons, and with hotheaded Uranus opposing blustery Jupiter, you could easily take the bait. Instead, view this button-pusher as a teacher of sorts. Ask yourself what a challenging relationship is revealing about YOUR life and where you need to make a radical change?
March 17: Sun-Saturn Square Even making a simple plan feels like an uphill battle. Challenging Saturn in your teamwork house could stymie a group effort. Everyone has a different agenda, or you may have to jump through a zillion bureaucratic hoops. Don’t give up, but don’t waste your time. Go back to the drawing board and make a stronger case, then present it again under better cosmic conditions. Avoid loaning money to friends (or borrowing from them). It will introduce an awkward power dynamic that’s best avoided. If you’re asked to recommend someone for a job, make sure you are truly comfortable vouching for them because this WILL reflect back on you.
March 24: Mercury-Jupiter-Pluto T-Square Know-it-all alert! There are ten opinions for every person at today’s confounding three-way cosmic clash. While everyone seems to have an “answer,” there’s no actual plan. Before you turn your life into a scale model of the White House administration, pause and gather facts and figures. Don’t take a single step forward without a solid agenda!
March 30: Jupiter-Pluto Square Go with your gut? Not so fast. Today’s tense square between Jupiter in your risk-loving ninth house and Pluto in your intuitive twelfth house sends conflicting signals. Your head is saying one thing while your inner voice is saying another. One part of you wants to leap in feet first, preferably without a net. But Pluto sends a panicky S.O.S. that MIGHT be paranoia…or it might be your protective instincts. Until you’re clear, don’t make any irreversible moves. A fast-talking person could be making promises they can’t keep. Don’t buy any non-refundable snake oil, Aquarius, as excited as you may be about what they’re pitching.
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princezukohere · 8 years
Still Friends *revisited* Part 2
part 1
1803 words, if you guys want to see anything specific talked about, let me know and I'll try to incorporate it)
Interviews were always some of the weirdest memories you and Shawn had, he was two years older than you, you had turned seventeen and soon he'd be turning nineteen but that wasn't the problem. It was the people who followed you around and listened to your every word. You two had been walking around a small store, it was two in the morning but he had three days until he was back on his world tour and he had just brought it to your attention that he and his team were planning a tour for illuminate.
"This is what makes me happy and I thought you'd get that," Shawn told you as he followed behind you, you stopped, turning to look at him.
"Of course I want you happy, I only ever want you happy. I'm sorry that you dropped this bombshell on me. Your tour ends March 18th, and you're already trying to start a new show, we haven't even made it to 2017 yet Shawn. You then want to start touring for five more months, after barely a month of a break." You said as he walked up to you.
"You'd be touring a month after I start." He tried to reason with you.
"That's not the point, the point is I barely get to see you and when I do it's for three days, or a facetime once a week. I want more than that Shawn."
The video a fan took was ended there, the rest of the conversation was for the public to figure out. She, of course, posted it and it got seen a lot and you and Shawn were the only thing people were talking about.
Is N/Y tired of the distance? Is there someone else N/Y has in mind? Shawn Mendes isn't giving girlfriend and singer enough??? Shawn and N/Y: Are they breaking up?!
It was always hard when rumors got started, especially when you two weren't around each other to talk about what was going. You hated being in the public eye when it came to negativity and Shawn didn't really see a reason to bring it up on twitter. If he did it would only cause a bigger question pool with reporters and he was annoyed that they started it and he knew if the wrong thing was said it could leave uneasy thoughts in both of your heads. Sadly with neither of you saying anything it leads to hate, more on your side as in a way, they would always choose Shawn unless he was genuinely wrong and nothing had been cleared out.
Of course, they broke up, she only used him.
She thinks she's top shit now, wow.
SO much for, don't forget the people who got you to where you are.
Shawn deserves better, how did he deal with a bitch like her for so long???
You and Shawn talked through it, in one long Skype phone call which in all honestly, scared you to even have.
"You know that I don't want to break up right?" He asked you, he was laying on his hotel bed and you were sitting on the couch in the studio.
"I know, neither do I. Rumors will be rumors and we can't control what the media says." You started, "I'm sorry. I should have talked to you about it privately instead of with everyone being around. You just released the album last month and it's going so well, I'm proud of you."
"I know you are. You're just stressed, take a break." He told you a small smile on his face. You set down your guitar and picked your phone off the table.
"I have the bonus songs done but I still have three more tracks and I can't think of what to write or what I want, the album's deadline is January and I don't want to rush three songs out. This album has been my way to make up for "opportunity," to show I'm capable. I don't want to mess it up when the rest of it is going so well."
"Regenerated is going to an amazing album, it's only october...you still have November and December to get your last three songs out and I know you can, don't force music, let  the inspiration come to you."
Hate was normal and you understood it, but you hadn't ever paid it much attention. This, this was all in your face, the reporters, the haters, the news reporters. Of course, there's always something to top the icing on the cake, you'd be at Beverly Center Mall in L.A.
Unplanned meetups were dangerous but you loved when people didn't have to pay to see you, of course, you got your manager's permission to do this and she called the mall to let them know. You were set up with security and a ride to get out when it was time, the police were only ever notified if it got out of hand which you were sure it wouldn't.
"The incident in L.A, it happened back in November, where there charges?" Selena, your interviewer asked.
"No, the security guard was fired and we got somebody else but, there were no charges thankfully. When events like this happen, especially when they're unorganized, a lot can happen."
You had met a lot of people and it was getting closer to midnight. You had to record in the morning, so leaving now was your best bet. Your security explained that you had to leave and started to escort you out. Normally with all the screaming, you would have assumed that it was just them trying to get your attention but this was different. It was a blood-curdling scream, and people freaking out afterward. You quickly turned, seeing one of your security guards standing over a girl on the ground, the other was being pushed down when she started yelling at him.
"What the hell is going on?" You said heading back over, he had his taser out, girls surrounding him. "Don't you dare!" You yelled walking faster but by the time you could get through the crowd, girls were backing up and three young ladies laid on the ground.
"N/Y, you should be with the others, I can handle this." He tried but your face was heating up, anger building up.
"How is this handling anything!" You yelled, "You, a grown man vs one girl at a time. What in gods name do you think that hurting any of my family is ever okay." You shouted even louder. "These girls come here to meet someone, your job is to be crowd control, not the one starting the crowd up. Are you really ready to explain why they got hurt on our watch."
"They didn't pay to meet you so this isn't our problem." He corrected you, once again the fans got loud. You could feel yourself being pushed as they once again started to surround the guard yelling about how money isn't everything.
"Get off of her!" You heard people yelling, it took you a minute to realize they meant you. There would always be people who supported you but there were also people who hated you and for that reason alone is why unplanned meet-ups were the worst. You pulled back not wanting to hit the girl that was pulling your hair but there were people surrounding you now and punches and kicks were being thrown. Supporter vs haters and you were caught in the middle. You could hear your security yelling and trying to get people away that way the situation could be handled but when girls were on a mission, they didn't give up. It was moving and before you knew it you were falling along with other people.
You laid underneath a human pile, the police had been called, they showed up and you hadn't realized it until you were being lifted up. John, your personal security guard was even there and he was supposed to be in the car.
"I swear to god people can't do their jobs right." He spoke, "Bloody nose, busted lip, you're going to have a black eye, we're taking you to a hospital to make sure you're fine." He told her as he kept a secure arm around her leading her outside.
"N/Y...are you okay! Oh my god!" People were yelling as you were ushered to the car. Being stopped by a few reporters on the way.
"As you can see she isn't in the position to be talking to anyone!" He said getting them out of your way, you got in the car. The driver handed you your phone, mom...dad...management, Shawn. John could handle management, you'd see your parents soon but if you didn't call Shawn back you knew he'd freak out.
"I'm not dead." You said you're head against the window as John was talking to the police. You could hear Shawn letting out a comforting sigh. "I'm assuming the videos are already up and you've seen them?"
"Yeah, I really want to hug you right now." He mumbled, "It broke my heart to see it. You guys almost fell downstairs, did you know that?"
"No, I didn't even realize police were there until a few minutes ago." You said feeling the pain in your body kick in. "John said that we were going to a hospital."
"A hospital, how bad is it?" You could hear it in his voice, how worried he was. You looked up to see John getting in the car, he was irritated and an irritated John wasn't something you liked to see.
"I'm not sure, I'll keep you updated but I have to go, we're about to leave." You spoke, your voice weak.
"Of course, I have an interview in thirty minutes anyways. Get some rest okay, call me when you can."
"How do you handle a situation like that?" Selena asked she looked at her card before switching to the next one.
"I'm not sure, I was being attacked by people trying to protect me and people who wanted e hurt and it can be scary. It is scary, I was sixteen and it on a way was my first physical fight without me even fighting and to feel so defenseless in a situation like that, it absolutely sucks."
Selena nodded before looking up at you. "You're break up with Shawn happened back January and you guys announced it February before regenerated was released. Can we talk about that?" She asked you bit your lip before nodding. It would always come back to you and Shawn at the end of the day. Every interview, every met up, concerts, somewhere somebody pushed him back into your life.
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insomniac-arrest · 8 years
Hot Sauce
pairing: rupphire
words: 6k
genre: diner and bodyguard AU (minor violence)
summary: The strange girl at the corner booth asks to borrow Ruby's hot sauce every day, she's not sure what to make of the arrangement but she knows she's cute and might want something
Admittedly, there weren’t that many hot sauces in the joint, maybe three total if you don't count the empty ones. It was a breakfast restaurant afterall and it’s main customers were people who had to take their dentures to eat.
To be fair, Ruby wasn’t entirely sure how Teddy didn't shut down in the first place. Sure, she was her friend and ex-coworker, but there were only so many condiments you could have in short supply.
The place was dim, like a shady hookah bar in a flea market rather than a diner, and unless it was summer it was uncomfortably cool in the middle of the day in the shadow of skyscrapers. Some of the white-green tiles were chipped and more of the blinds were bent than they were whole. It smelled like syrup and coffee most days- which was a big redeemer in Ruby’s mind.
There was a long bar, five booths against the wall and jukebox box in the corner that they kept eternally unplugged.
It was muggy in the mid-morning heat, the New York breakfast joint had three other patrons beside Ruby, one might have fallen asleep at the moment and Mrs. Jenkins was feeding scraps of toast to her big malamute on the floor (they weren’t picky enough to kick pets out at that point).
Ruby poured over that morning's newspaper. “Come on,” She took a thick black sharpie and circled ‘private errands’ at the top of the ‘Job Listings.’ “Erg.” Teddy was cleaning a coffee mug in front of her, “Why don’t you just ask your cousins for help?” She asks as she usually did when Ruby’s eyes started to blur looking at the ‘Help Wanted’ section.
Ruby slumped down and scowled, “They won’t talk to me after I left the firm.” She circles another listing for a driver. She could drive, sort of. “Except Navy,” She says thoughtfully, “Who just pictures of animals with ‘cute, right??’ and girls.” She frowns, “And sometimes Leggy, but that’s just ‘cause she’s texting the wrong number.” Teddy shakes her head and pushes up a wilting flower in the vase on the counter. The place was falling apart but her ex-coworker still found time to bring in cut flowers every morning. She didn’t know why.
“At least they might return your calls, they won’t even send me christmas cards after ten years of working for them.” She sounded bitter, her face scrunching up.
Ruby feels a pang of guilt and looks away, mumbling something like ‘it’s for the best’ under her breath or something just as useless as that.
“Besides,” Ruby perks up, “I think this is our year.” She grinned and Teddy gave a tentative smile.
“If you keep saying that, I guess will have to be true eventually.” She wipes off the stained table top and Ruby nods, Teddy goes to knock the coffee machine into working.
“Hey, look at this way-” Ruby calls over and then pauses mid-sentence. She feels the eye on her.
“What?” Teddy asks curiously as she knocks the filter into place.
‘Ssshh,’ Ruby makes a silent ‘ssshh’ gesture and stays very still.
“Excuse me,” Ruby straightens up as much as she can as The Voice greets her, Ruby turns around slowly. She is greeted with the scent of something chilled, like mint or mountains or meat lockers.
Ruby blinks, the woman gives a pleasant smile, “Can I borrow your hot sauce?” Ruby’s shoulders square and she just gapes at her for another moment, as she always does. The woman flattens down her already smooth skirt, “If it’s not too much trouble.” Ruby finally fumbles for the hot sauce in front of her, “Of course.” She gives her the Cholula, the only respectable hot sauce, and place it in her gloved hand, she nods her head, “Thank you.” “Of course.” She repeats again as if she was figuring out if the English language was real.
The woman smiles with the evenness of a completed puzzle, “Have a nice day Ruby.” Ruby watches her head back to her corner booth with the air of an enigma wrapped in a cryptid. Maybe she was a cryptid.
They silently watch her sit back down on the sagging booth, the adjusts her napkin and then puts the hot sauce down. She does not put it on her pancakes and sausage. Ruby can’t tear her eyes away for another full two minutes. She just sits there.
“What is that? The seventh time?” Teddy whispers at her as they put their heads together.
Ruby nervously rubs her upper lip and glanced behind her shoulder, the business woman sat in the corner placidly, still not using the hot sauce.
“Eighth,” She says in a hush, “Do you think she has a job? She always dresses like...that. But she’s here at 11 every day”
“She tips 25%.” Teddy says factually, if not fondly.
She probably had a job. She wore business jackets with all of their buttons, little blue pumps with straps and carried a purse that had be a tasteful name brand. On top of the work attire though she was always in puffy skirts with lace and volume, feminine, little gloves, loose soft hair. Ruby couldn’t help but think ‘princess’ at the sight of her.  
Ruby rubbed her hands together when there was nothing else to do, “Do you think she’s here from the firm?” Teddy hums, “We can’t be sure.” She concludes with a nod, “But I don’t think someone from the firm would be so,” she narrows her eyes and gestures at her stiff posture and little gloves, “Weird.” Ruby blows air out her nose and sits up straight, “She’s not weird.” She defends, “She’s…” She fidgets, she’s a vision. “A customer.” Ruby says instead, “You can’t blame her for maybe, one day, wanting to use the hot sauce she asks for.” Teddy shrugs and goes to refill her three customers coffee mugs, “Keep your eyes on the paper Ruby. You can’t sit in my diner forever.” She says wryly and Ruby sighs and turns back to the ‘Help Wanted’ section.
She feels the presence of the princess-business-lady-hot-sauce-hater behind her, her skin prickles like a heat wave but there’s nothing else to do but go over her interview skills in her head.
Ruby sat at her usual red-sparkly bar stool a week later, she groans to get Teddy’s attention, holds her left eye, and then groans again.
“Teeeddy,” She whines and drops her head down onto the counter, “Teeeddy.” The restaurant owner returns from the back area, “Here you go you big baby.” She slides Ruby a frozen package of peas and Ruby puts it over her right eye with a sigh of relief. “I told you not to take that private security gig.” She chastises lightly.
There were four customers in ‘The Hot Griddle’ diner that morning, two arguing passionately about the new administration and one was doing to crosswords with deep concentration.
Ruby shook her head and smushed the peas deeper into her eye, “It’s what I do Ted’. It’s, you know, what I know. Trained in.” Teddy sighs, “Me too, but I hung up the fists for a family diner Rubes- you could too.” Ruby put her elbows on the counter and leans forward, “I could be the bouncer for this place.” Teddy laughs roughly, “And kick out all the ‘rowdy’ 60-year-olds?” Ruby snickers, “I’ll put the hurt on them with my early bird ‘special’.” She holds up a fist jokingly. Teddy was cackling now and seemed like she needed a laugh anyway.
They were laughing with Ruby’s face going numb in the muggy diner air when she feels a light tap on her shoulder, “Sorry to disturb you” Ruby’s heart ricochets like a stray bullet, “But could I borrow your hot sauce?” Ruby always had scrambled eggs with hot sauce and toast every morning, Teddy made it for her before she even showed up.
Ruby’s hand slips and the frozen peas fall down onto the floor, she turns with her usual creaking smile, “Of course.” She hears the woman gasp gently, “You’re eye.” Ruby goes to cover her black eye again, “I just,” She clears her throat and lowers her voice, hoping to put a gravelly tone. “I just got into a scrape miss.” Her eyes go large, Ruby notes the very glossy blue one. “Oh. It’s Sapphire.” Ruby’s eyes go wide, “Huh?” The woman nods, “I’m Sapphire. Sorry, I forgot I hadn’t mentioned that.” Ruby blushed, Sapphire was a vision. “It’s no problem.” She tries to grin, “What’s a name or two between hot-sauce sharers?” Sapphire grins with a hand over her mouth, “Would you like some aspirin? I have some in my purse.” Ruby shifts from side to side, “I mean,” Sapphire looks at her steadily, she gives in. “If it’s not any trouble.” She’s not sure if she needs any, but how could she say no to the that?
Teddy gives her A Look when Sapphire goes back to her table. Ruby frowns deeply at Teddy’s look, “She’s just getting me aspirin.” Teddy’s face doesn’t change. “Uh-huh.” “Really.” She replies indignantly.
She was still half-smiling, “I’m going to go hit the coffee maker.” Ruby sighs and is left alone while Sapphire returns on her careful clicking heels. “Would you like two or one?” She shakes the bottle, “That looks like it hurts. How about two?” She says before Ruby can reply.
Ruby was blushing more than ever from the attention, “It’s really nothing. I’m,” She puffs her chest out, “Tough, ya’ know?” Sapphire gives that tinkling laugh, “I’m sure you are.” This was going to be the end of me.
Sapphire lets her take her two aspirin and looks her over. “Did it happen recently?” Ruby bites her lip, “Last night. Just a regular...uh, thing.” Sapphire’s eyes go wide, “Huh. I’m sure you win lots of them then.” Ruby wasn’t even sure what flirting was anymore.
She shrugs, “It’s my job, or,” She hums, “A one time one. With a few hiccups, nothing I couldn’t handle.” She says disjointedly with her left arm flexing.
Sapphire smiles, “Well, I hope you feel better.” She turns to leave and Ruby dopily watches her turn away before jumping to her feet.
“Wait!” She puts her hand out and reaches for the hot sauce like it’s a matter of life or death, Sapphire turns around and blinks, Ruby scurries up to her, “Your hot sauce.” She finally ays shyly and Sapphire looks delighted.
“Of course.” She returns and Ruby holds her breath.
Their hands touch ever so briefly and Ruby’s mind races like a little black and white film where your life flashes before your eyes and they get married at the end. She was in over her head.
Sapphire returns to her seat and finishes her pancakes with her untouched hot sauce on the side.
Ruby sighs dreamily and goes to bonelessly sit back down in front of her eggs, Teddy gives her another sly appraisal.
Ruby puts the peas back over her bad eye, “Oh, knock it off. She’s just nice.” She pouts.
Teddy leans forward, “Uh-huh.”
Ruby turns away and tries to think of something to say to Sapphire next time. ‘You look like an ice queen my dreams’ might be coming onto strong, even if that’s all she could think.
Sapphire doesn’t show up the next five days and Ruby does two errand-jobs to scrape enough money together for her rent.
It’s not entirely enough (eating would also be a nice bonus), but she’s getting more concerned about the corner booth being unoccupied.
Ruby has no choice but sit restlessly in her normal chair and ignore her hot-sauce eggs and toast.
“How’s the search?” Teddy finally asks as she sees Ruby with her usual New York Times out.
Ruby shakes her head and keeps eyes turned downward, “What’s a five-letter for cold rain?” She asks evenly and she can feel Teddy pouring her more coffee.
“Ah, I see, it’s one of those days.” Ruby hunches over, “There’s not even a tutoring gig in the paper right now.”
Teddy leans on the counter in front of her, “What do you even tutor in?” Ruby looks away, “Not the point.” She huffs and looks up, “Do you know the capital of Ghana? It’s five letters.”
Teddy rolls her eyes, “How the hell would I know? I think my teachers thought I was a narcoleptic in school I slept so much in class.”
Ruby scowls and snaps at her about geography, they argue lightly with the New York sky gathering clouds a little ways above them.
Teddy was leaving to go serve table two, “You sure are in a bad mood this morning.” She says as Ruby was almost getting red in the face arguing about the merits of knowing where Switzerland was.
Ruby folds her arms across her chest, “Maybe you’re just annoying.” Teddy goes to leave, “Is this about the girl?” “No-” The bell on the front door rings and Ruby practically snaps her neck turning toward the noise, she could hear Teddy rolling her eyes behind her.
Ruby shouldn’t start smiling at that point, but Sapphire was standing in the door with a little white umbrella above her head and her usual little footsteps.
Teddy approaches, “What’ll it be? Pancakes? Waffles this morning?” Sapphire tilts her head and Ruby wants to take a snapshot of that very movement, “I think french toast today. With bacon.” Teddy nods quickly and Ruby watches Sapphire settle herself in. Ruby remembers the six letter word for missing. Sleet.
Ruby bounces up and down and waits for the moment.
Teddy gets the meals from the back (their reclusive chef was quicker than a rabbit, but only half as good).
Ruby tries to think of the six letter word for ‘little steps.’
She’s finally emerged again when she feels the polite tap on her shoulder again, Ruby turns quickly, reaching for the hot sauce.
“Hello,” she takes the initiative, Sapphire nods, “Um, sauce?” Sapphire grins and reaches for it, “Yes. Thank you.” Sapphire leans over the counter, “The word is minces.” Ruby blinks, “minces?” Sapphire taps her finger down, “For 29 down, little steps.” Ruby bites her lip slightly and glances around, “You’re very...good. Smart.” It was a step.
Sapphire holds the hot sauce in both hands, “Could I ask you a favor?”
Ruby sits up straight and snaps to attention, after ten conversations this had never happened. “Of course.” She curses herself for saying it again.
Sapphire gives her the smile like freshly fallen snow when the sun is out, “Do you want to sit at my booth? I promise it could be just as comfortable.” Ruby practically vibrates, “I um, yes. Good. Sounds good.” Ruby fumbles after her and Sapphire seems to hold herself a little too still. Ruby wishes she could relax her high shoulders and stiff back. She shakes the thought out of her head.
Sapphire scoots into her seat and they look at each other quietly as Ruby sits across from her, Ruby feels a familiar shyness overcoming her.
“Do you like hot sauce?” She finally asks it.
Sapphire gives her little laugh, “Not as much as I’ve let on.” Ruby grins, “Figured.” She fiddles with her fingers, “I don’t mind though. Giving it to you.” This harder than she thought. Her tongue was so heavy in her mouth and Sapphire’s gaze was unwavering.
“I’ll admit..” She looks around, “I like syrup more.” “Sure! It’s sweet!” Ruby crows and Sapphire’s mouth falls into her surprised smile again.
“Yes it is.” She cuts up more of her french toast and studies Ruby. “I hear you do security services.” Ruby’s heart falls a little, business. “I do private contracts now.” She clarifies, “I don’t work for anyone else… if that’s what you’re asking.” She remembers the question of whether Sapphire was from The Firm. Maybe Ruby should be more careful.
“No, no,” Sapphire says quickly and shakes her head, “Nothing like that.” Ruby gives a half-smile, “How can I help you then?” She tries to ask as friendly as possible.
Sapphire keeps her face flat, “I was hoping I could make us of your services.” Ruby raises herself up fully, eyes wide and smiling, “Yeah?” This sounded like two birds with one stone.
Sapphire nods ever so slightly, “You see, I am a diplomatic consultant.” “Oh!” Ruby says with feeling, “I thought you might do something fancy.” Sapphire gives a little chuckle, “Something fancy, yes.” Ruby leans forward, “Can I help you, Sapphire?” Her name tasted like springtime in her mouth.
Sapphire tapped her fingers on the table, “It won’t be safe.” She says with a frown, “I recently gave some advice that the client didn’t agree with and then turned out poorly. Lost a lot of money.” She bent her head, “They are looking for someone to hurt.” That sent a fire in Ruby’s veins like no other, “I’ll stop them!” The two other patrons in the restaurant turn their heads toward her loud outburst. Ruby bends her head down and says more quietly, “I’ll pummel them.”
Sapphire looks slowly and then softly surprised, her mouth making the smallest of round ‘O’s on her face, “I um,” Sapphire touches her hair, smoothing it out with a small noise, “I could use someone to drive me around and escort me to a few events this week.” Ruby nods quickly and leans forward, “I’d love to.” She almost offers to do it for free.
“Great,” Sapphire smiles widely, “I had a hope this would work out.” She takes something from her purse. “Her is my number.” Ruby didn’t know why a business deal was making her feel like a sideways picture but she takes the number with clumsy fingers and types it into her phone immediately.
Sapphire seems to watch her with approval and then puts some Cholula on her bacon. She makes a face when she bites into it and Ruby can’t help but laugh.
She makes a list of ways to protect Sapphire after this.
Ruby’s cousin Navy doubled texted her three times about her ‘date’ that night. Ruby kept telling her it was a job, not a date.
Navy sent her ‘Cosmo's Hottest Ten Tips for Cleaning Yourself Up.’ Ruby only glances at it briefly. And then maybe a lot.
Navy technically wasn’t even supposed to be contacting her after Ruby’s break with the company, but not all of the employees were as disciplined (or as bright) as they would like them to be.
Ruby wore a bowtie, her sharpest shows and texted Navy to mind her own business. Unless Ruby sent the ‘SOS’ message in which case she should send her the best lines she can think of.
Navy’s first one was ‘are you a complete puzzle? Because I’d like to take you apart.’ Ruby nearly erases her number.
She’s taking deep breaths and gathering her taser, brass knuckles and other precautions before she leaves early. Very early.
She gets to Sapphire's house on the bus and arrives before it’s even dark out.
She spends ten minutes standing in front of Sapphire's door and scuffing her heels against the fine apartment carpet before knocking.
“Hello,” She says weakly and waits. “I’m here.” She hears immediate movement and the lock clicking, Sapphire sticks her head out, “You’re early.”
Ruby’s mouth falls open, “Sorry.” “No, no,” She looks away, “I thought that would be the case.” She touches her hair, “it’s good.” Ruby puffs out her chest, “I am always prepared. Security like me is prompt.” Sapphire wrinkles her little nose with a smile, “Come in. I was just getting ready.” Ruby gulps and walks into the apartment.
The place nice. She almost didn’t want to touch anything with its thick carpets and real drapes.
She stands uselessly in the middle of the living room and Sapphire gestures for her to sit down while Sapphire got ready.
Ruby’s thoughts were stalling in her brain like a gritty car engine.
She waits and counts the number of decorations in the apartment. 11 butterflies, 3 unicorn statues, two picture frames with landscape art that probably meant something and 2 little adorable tea cozy’s on the coffee room table.
Ruby was feeling heady with something sweet in the air (or maybe that was just in Ruby’s mind).
Sapphire was ready in a decent amount of time, though it did remind Ruby of her great aunt who never left the house with two hours of prep- she was fond of that aunt though.
Sapphire stood in the doorway with a dark blue evening dress, long skirt flared out from her hips and meeting the floor, her high collar with embroidered edges in swirling patterns led to a dangerously dipping neckline. It reached down through the center of her body and almost to her navel, a line of sunny brown skin that tugged Ruby’s eyes down and down.
She stood up quickly, she felt like a teenage boy in one of those Prom Scenes in movies, “You look good.”
Sapphire looks slightly bashful and beams at her, “I like your suit as well.” Ruby stands up straight, “It’s just for the job.” Sapphire walks up and adjusts her bowtie, “I see.” They stand there every so long, a little too long and Ruby feels the heat of Sapphire's hands on her neck.
She clears her throat, “Should I be worried about anything tonight?”
Sapphire frowns and looks down, “They are dangerous people.” She touches her right eye, glossy and blue as daylight, “I know.” Ruby nods solemnly and grabs her petite hands, “You’re safe with me.” Sapphire bows head slightly, “Yes. I feel safe.” The light buzz in the air is tangible, they manage to untangle themselves and maybe their unsaid words and go out the door.
Ruby drives her to the event with a steady flow of conversation, Ruby wanted to keep it impersonal but ends up telling her a story about how their other ex-coworker Luce ate too much cheesecake and hurled on their first client.
Sapphire was laughing and holding her sides, Ruby might have just then peaked her top ten moments of a lifetime right then.
They arrive just on time and Sapphire takes a moment to gather her hair and reapply her lipstick, Ruby Does Not Watch her parted lips and deep blushing curve of her mouth. She Does Not.
She helps Sapphire out the door and the evening goes by surprisingly as Ruby might expect. They go in the door, mingle with business owners and dignitaries, people who had used Sapphires consulting purposes and people who didn’t.
Woman compliment Sapphire, men flirt with her with their hands touching her shoulder lightly and guiding her by the small of her back. Ruby imagines biting their fingers off. Sapphire politely engages with all of them and politely declines most of their advances.
Ruby is left largely alone, a shadow in the background in a black suit, just as she liked it.
Sapphire eats with her hands delicately poised and wrist bent, she talks lowly and people hand her their business cards and she hands hers back.
It was something rather uneventful in her mind.
Ruby feels ten O’clock tick closer and remembers that’s when Sapphire said to fetch her with some excuse.
Ruby is analyzing her pile of pale hair on her head, meticulously gathered upward tonight but seeming strangely out of place with her usual soft, loose locks. Ruby is thinking about every inch of it when she feels a hard shove to her shoulder.
“Watch it,” she staggers backward as a waiter runs headlong into her.
He turns to her angrily, “You watch it.” He was a young boy, barely out of his teens, and his outfit looked disheveled.
“I’m the guest here.” She barks back, her temper already rising.
He leans forward and gets in her face, “Are you on the guest list?” Ruby huffs, “No. Doesn’t make me any less of a guest.” He puts his hand in the air, “Oh great, another entitled-” Ruby is arguing with him when she feels a sudden sensation of cold in her spine, she realizes her back was turned.
Her eyes go wide and she turns around so quickly she almost falls over, she scans the crowd to spot Sapphire. There was no dark blue dress.
She turns to the waiter, he was leaving, “Who are you?” She yells at him and he disappears in a hurry.
Ruby’s heart was in her throat, she starts running through the crowd, jostling past people and calling Sapphire’s name. Someone says she had left with a woman in a white jacket out the side door.
Ruby’s blood pressure rises and she sprints outside. She had been played.
Ruby was cursing everything about herself and then maybe about other versions of herself.
“Dumb, dumb, dumb,” Her lungs were burning in the sweetly hot New York air and turns toward the nearest alley and runs. It’s dark and stank slightly of tar and something rotting.
She gets down another winding backstreet when she can finally catches on to a noise, voices like sharp knives. She pumps her legs toward the source and makes a sudden battle cry.
“Maybe you should revise your business,” An oil-slick voice was talking, “Though I suppose we’re about to revise it for you.” Ruby bursts onto the scene with a tall gaunt figure in a pointed white jacket holding a crowbar, high cheek bones against a slanted face glance at her, two other figures hold Sapphire’s hands behind her back.
They all blink as Ruby balls up her fists, the figure in white blinks, “Who is-” “No talking.” Ruby didn’t have time for that, her blood boiled like red hell fire and she punched the figure in the face before anything, White Jacket falls.
One of the thugs behind her grabs her around the neck and yanks back, she elbows him immediately in the gut and turns around and socks him angrily in the jaw. He stumbles backward but slashes at her with a knife, nicking her in the cheek before she runs forward and knees him in the gut. She watches the wind leave his lungs as he hits the pavement.
White Jacket tried to stumble up again and growl at her, but Ruby is faster, she gives her a bone-shatteringly kick to the knee with her pointed black shoe and watches her crumble with a brief cry.
“Ah!” Ruby turns to the last creep whose face was screwed up in pain, Sapphire had apparently stomped on his foot.
“Ruby!” She calls and Ruby leaps forward and gives the last criminal a black eye. Sapphire grabs her hand and pulls. “Ruby.”
Ruby looks her over and pants, “Are you okay?” Sapphire reaches for the deep slash in her cheek, “Are you?” Ruby nods, “We have to go.” Before any more of the thugs can stand back up, Sapphire is running with her toward the street and safety of the light.
Ruby pushes her in the backseat and locks the door with her lungs still yelling and heart pounding. She practically falls on top of Sapphire as she grabs at her.
“Did they hurt you?” Sapphire was shaking, “No, no, they were just threatening me at that point.” Ruby feels like wrapping the small woman in her arms, “Thank God.”
Sapphire touches her bloody cheek again, “We need to get you home.” Ruby shakes her head and almost felt like crying, “Do you want to go to the police?” Sapphire looks down to her lap, “I haven’t seen that not turning out well.” She says as if she knows and Ruby nods reluctantly. She’d follow her anywhere at that moment.
Ruby drives them home in a silence like a thick humidity, the feeling of havoc still in the air.
They get out of the car and the quiet of the night unnerves her, normal, orderly. Sapphire leads her back up her stairs and keeps touching her loose strands of hair mechanically.
They get back into the room and Sapphire sits Ruby on the couch.
“That was very brave.” She says solemnly as she stands in the kitchen.
Ruby has to call after her, a little darkly, “I shouldn’t have let you out of my sight.” Sapphire doesn’t answer until she comes back with a long bandage and a wet cloth in hand.
“They were determined. There was no avoiding it.” She says in a monotone and Ruby shakes her head.
“You were paying me.” She looks down at her lap and feels hot tears prick her eyes from embarrassment, “you could have got hurt.”
Sapphire sits down carefully next to her, Ruby feels a cool rag touch her cheek, she jumps at the contact.
“It was everything.” She whispers with her voice a mere suggestion than a sound.
Ruby blinks and bends her neck, “No. I am sorry.” She repeats it again. Sapphire shakes her head and cleans the wound, meticulously going over it, drying it and spreading the thick bandage over her cheek, Ruby whines ever so slightly.
“You don’t have to be nice to me.” Ruby finally blurts out, the guilt rising like bile.
Sapphire seems to consider her silently, her head tilted. She bends down and picks up Ruby’s right hand, still banged up from the fight, she raises it carefully to her lips and presses a kiss into her bruised knuckles, Ruby holds her breath.
Sapphire glances up again, “I don’t really like hot sauce you know.”
Ruby makes a face at her, “Huh?” To her amazement, Sapphire reaches up and kisses her on the cheek, the slashed one. Ruby shudders and lets her.
“It was very brave.” Sapphire repeats close to her ear and Ruby has to give her just a small smile. “I appreciate it.” Ruby just hunches over and blushes, “Okay.” “Okay.” There is an electricity in the air like a thunderstorm, but Ruby turns her face away soon, “I should go.”
They part with a slow tension, exchanging thanks and promises and plans to contact at least someone to go after the group threatening Sapphire. 
Ruby feels like taking her in her arms. For just a little bit.
Instead, she turns around and waves at her, promising to do better if there was a next time.
Ruby finishes out the week with Sapphire, trying to pretend everything was normal, casual, not a huge screw up as she almost got the other woman hurt.
She finishes the week and stops going to The Hot Griddle every morning. Instead switching it to the afternoon, and always checking for who is in the corner booth before she slips in.
Her phone starts ringing with a little ID of ‘Sapphire’ in front of it. She can’t bring herself to answer.
Teddy scolds her every time Ruby arrives, and Ruby might have stopped going altogether if Teddy didn’t feed her regularly.
“She’s asking after you.” Teddy says with an impatience in her agitated voice.
Ruby keeps her head down, “Who?” “You know who.” Ruby turns her face away, “That’s interesting.” Teddy puts down a coffee mug a little too hard, “As your friend. I swear to my mother’s spit grave, if you don’t start talking to her-” Ruby hunches down even further, “I have things to do. Someone finally hired me to tutor a kid in history.” “Do you even know history? Waiting, no, nevermind, off track. She looks like a sad puppy every time she comes in now, like a sad pedigree puppy whose puppy chow got downgraded to Purina.” Ruby rolls her eyes, “Stuff happened between us. Just drop it.” Teddy shakes her head. “You are going to be the death of me.” Ruby tries to read the paper and then leaves early, the hot sauce was sitting sideways in the far booth and Ruby felt her shoulders sagging
Ruby gave in when she got the 12th text. It just said, ‘I have something for you. It’s important.’
Ruby sighs and keeps trying to ignore it. She had failed Sapphire, she had failed them both and she really couldn’t face her after that. Sapphire deserved better.
But what if it was really important? What if it was urgent?
She texts back to Sapphire at one in the morning on a monday after a very long night of not sleeping. ‘Okay.’ She writes, ‘Where do you want to meet?’
Sapphire texted back immediately: ‘do you remember my apartment? Do you think you could come over?’
Ruby frowned deeply and wanted to leave it unanswered, leave this whole confused mess behind them. She tips-taps on the keyboard anyway, “okay.’
They set up a time at 4 O’clock the next day and Ruby can’t sleep at all for the rest of the night.
She just wore her ratty red shorts and a band t-shirt from a group she didn’t even remember anymore. It had a hole in the neck and her tennis shoes looked like shoeboxes against the fine apartment carpet, she knocks on the door weakly when she arrives.
Sapphire once more answers right away, she was wearing a white sundress with a flawless bow in the front and little hands were out of their gloves. She steps aside.
“Please. Come in.” Ruby sighs and makes her way in she sits down only on Sapphire’s urging.
Ruby sits on the couch, “I am glad to see you’re doing well.” She says it as if she is reading from a script, poorly.
Sapphire was tapping her fingers together in front of her, “I am happier that you are doing well.” Ruby bites back her tongue, honestly, she wasn’t doing that well.
Sapphire turns around, “Please, wait here, I really do have something for you.”
Ruby nods and looks away, “You really didn’t need to do that. My services don’t warrant...you know. Tips.” Sapphire comes back within a few moments and sits down boldly next to her, slamming a Cholula bottle down on the coffee table in front of them.
Sapphire turns to her, “You really don’t remember do you?” Ruby blinks slowly and then looks back at the bottle, “You got me hot sauce.”
Sapphire grabs Ruby’s head and lightly turns it back to look Sapphire in the face, “I promised I would meet you again.” Ruby was now really squinting her eyes, “What?” Sapphire’s mouth became a hard line, “You got fired from your last job.” “With the firm, yeah.” Ruby says in confusion, trying to remember when she told Sapphire this.
“You got fired because you convinced your unit to ignore security orders and not allow the unit to take out a radical political group. There were bystanders there. “Um, yes?” Ruby was scratching her head now, “It was pretty complicated. But I don’t kill people or protect killers.” She says firmly and Sapphire looked at her like her face streaming sunshine.
“I know.” Sapphire grabbed her hand, “You saved my life.”
Ruby’s mouth fell open and she stays perfectly still for a moment. “I don’t remember that.”
“I know.” Sapphire leans forward and Ruby nearly bursts when she presses another kiss to her cheek, “You let us out of that limousine and said none of this was right. You saved my life, I wanted to see you again.” Ruby’s eyes were wide, “Really?” Sapphire nods and she was smiling again, the broad one where she could see the slight gap in two front teeth, “Plus,” She says tentatively, “I thought you were attractive.” She says bluntly.
Ruby flushes deeply and doesn’t know what to make about this. “I’m really happy I could help. Honest. You’re like…” She tries to find the words, “Awesome.” She cringes to herself.
Sapphire laughs lightly, “Don’t thank me. I was just trying to figure out how to talk to you again. And only came up with hot sauce.” Ruby laughs too and wrinkles her nose, “Me? I’m like, a loser. Anyone would have done what I did.” Sapphire squeezes her hand“No they wouldn’t!” Ruby laughs without any humor, “I appreciate you thanking me Sapphire. But I almost got you hurt last week. You don’t have to do all this.” Ruby looks down sadly at their hands and then let’s go, she goes to stand up. “I think… I do hear what you’re saying but, you um, deserve better.”
“I like you.” Sapphire says in one breath and Ruby shakes her head.
Ruby stood up fully and Sapphire looks in every which direction as if looking for something. Ruby bites her lip before crossing the room. “You’re cute.” She says quickly. “And I um, do like you as well.” She goes to open the door and leave. “WAIT!” Sapphire yells, Ruby stops in place from the sheer forcefulness of the command. Ruby turns and Sapphire seems to panic, she grabs the Cholula bottle and rips off the cap. Before Ruby can move Sapphire tips back her head and gulps the hot orange sauce.
“What are you doing?!” Ruby throws her arms in the air and tears at her hair, “That’s not even halfway smart.” Sapphire’s eyes start watering as she chugs and Ruby rushes over, “You’re insane.” Sapphire finally lowers the bottle, her eyes streaming and her tongue a bright red as she sniffles, she pants and then finally says in a hoarse voice: “It was the first thing I thought of.” Ruby laughs and can’t stop laughing, “Oh my God.” Sapphire rubs at her eyes, “I really, really like you.” She rasped,  I’m serious.” Ruby raised her eyebrows but was still smiling gently, “You didn’t have to prove it like that.” “I did!” Sapphire threw her hands up and her face is so serious and earnest Ruby has to grab her by the arms. “You didn’t believe me.” Ruby can’t help it, she draws closer. “Well then..”
She pulls her into a sweeping kiss, bending her back slightly and holding her shoulders. It tasted exactly like a five-alarm chili and entire boil of hot peppers.
Ruby’s eyes start watering as her own mouth begins to burn, but she kisses her harder and it’s better than she thought it could be.
They pull away panting and laughing as they both wipe at their running noses and eyes, Ruby picks her up and spins her around, “That was ridiculous.” Sapphire throws her hands in the air as she spins her, “Well you are a perfect.” Ruby kisses her collarbone and then her neck, “You are a princess.” Sapphire blushes and pushes Ruby’s face away, “Okay, well that’s embarrassing.” Ruby shakes her head and they kiss again, this one crossing the line into ‘searing.’ They part and hold their burning mouths.
“Come on,” Sapphire grabs her hand, “I have a gallon of milk I need to drink.” Ruby can’t stop smiling and they dance in the middle of the kitchen and it feels like the best burn she ever experienced.
The next day Teddy gives her extra eggs and she sits in the corner booth with a hot sauce already on the table and Sapphire across from her.
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