#The source material is bountiful
caliphoria17 · 1 year
Avatrice AU: Swiss bartender, Ava Silva, has always been pretty vocal of her, ehem, admiration for international rising star, Beatrice Young (who’s also a Swiss native). And, hey, this up-and-comer is a certified polyglot, folks! Lucky (or unlucky, depending on one’s perspective) for Ava, BuzzFeed A*Pop had chosen all some of her “thirst” tweets for Ms. Young herself to read. Strap in! 🤐 (insp.)
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thankskenpenders · 1 month
The Knuckles show
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The announcement of a live action Knuckles streaming miniseries was surprising, to say the least. I mean, what would such a show even be about in a version of the Sonic universe with no Angel Island and barely any characters from the games around? Is he gonna go treasure hunting with the gang from Montana or something? Would a streaming miniseries have the CGI budget to squeeze in any new game characters, even briefly? Rouge? Amy? At least one member of Team Chaotix? Anyone?
Now the show is finally out, and it turns out what they actually made was a comedy show about bumbling deputy sheriff Wade Whipple, the minor comic relief character played by Adam Pally who you might not even remember all that well from the first two movies, with Knuckles as his sidekick. While, yes, Knuckles does get a decent amount of screentime and opportunities to punch bad guys and do cool moves from the games, large stretches of this show focus on Wade's personal life, to the point that a couple times I almost forgot I was watching a Sonic-related show. If you're judging it purely by the metric of how well it adapts and engages with its source material, this surely must be one of the worst adaptations the Sonic franchise has ever seen.
So then, despite some huge complaints... why do I kinda like it?
(This will contain full spoilers for the Knuckles show.)
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A brief summary of what the show is actually about because I know half of you aren't going to watch it
The show picks up not too long after the end of the second movie. Knuckles is now living in Montana with Sonic, Tails, and the Wachowskis out of a sense of debt to them, though he doesn't really see it as his home. He doesn't feel like he belongs on Earth, and his life currently lacks direction. After communing with the ghost of Pachacamac, though, Knuckles is instructed to keep his culture alive by teaching "the ways of the echidna warrior" to a new apprentice: deputy sheriff Wade Whipple, who's currently more concerned about winning a bowling tournament in Reno than anything else.
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Things are complicated by the interference of two rogue GUN agents - Agent Willoughby, played by Ellie Taylor in a bad wig, and Agent Mason, played by Kid Cudi. (Yes, the artist behind the second movie's credits song is one of the bad guys in this.) They want to steal Knuckles' power and sell it to a former associate of Robotnik's played by Rory McCann (The Hound from Game of Thrones), who now works as a black market arms dealer. Yes, they're still doing the thing where Sonic and friends' quills radiate some kind of super-energy that the bad guys all want. No, I don't particularly love this element of the Paramount Sonic continuity. Anyway, they go after Knuckles and Wade, complicating their straightforward road trip to Reno. Antics ensue.
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The Wade show
So here's the thing. While the first episode focuses largely on Knuckles, the entire rest of the show is very much the story of Wade, and by extension the other original human characters invented for this miniseries.
Episode 2 is about Wade having to rescue Knuckles from captivity after the GUN agents get him. Knuckles spends most of the episode in a cage.
Episode 3 is about introducing Wade's Jewish family, including his slightly overbearing mother and weird sister, so that Knuckles can learn about their family traditions and have Shabbat dinner with them (and then save them from bounty hunters that the GUN agents hired).
Episode 4 only features Knuckles at the very beginning and very end of the episode, probably for less than a minute total. Wade is captured by a bounty hunter he personally knows, and Knuckles decides to let that be a trial for Wade to overcome on his own.
The last two episodes feature the climactic showdowns with the GUN agents and their arms-dealing ally, who comes in with a mech for the obligatory final boss fight. You'd think this would be Knuckles' time to shine, but really, these episodes are mostly about the bowling tournament in Reno where Wade encounters his estranged father, wrapping up his own personal arc. While Knuckles does get some fights, a lot of the finale is spent on lengthy bowling scenes where Knuckles isn't in the room or even mentioned. It frequently feels more like a spiritual successor to '00s sports comedy movies like Dodgeball, Talladega Nights, or Blades of Glory than it does a part of the Sonic franchise, and the presence of ESPN 8: The Ocho commentary in the finale only drives those Dodgeball comparisons home. They get so immersed in the bowling stuff that it's genuinely hilarious when the show suddenly pivots and remembers "oh shit we still need to do the final boss fight"
Throughout all this, Wade is the protagonist. He's the character we spend more time with, he's the character who drives most of the major events, he's the character who gets more of an arc. The emotional core is Wade's journey. Knuckles is still present - sometimes, at least - but he's there as Wade's wingman, and also just as the excuse for there to be some fight scenes.
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How much Sonic stuff is actually in this show?
Honestly? Not much.
Sonic and Tails are only in the first episode. Sonic gets some good scenes, but Tails gets a grand total of five lines. I counted. Unsurprisingly, Jim Carrey is absent as Robotnik, though he does get mentioned a fair bit. (For that matter, basically the entire established human cast beyond Wade is absent, even including Tom, though Maddie is there in episode one.)
GUN is involved in the story, which helps it feel slightly more connected to Sonic, but it kind of feels like it's GUN in name only. They don't use any recognizable GUN tech, and they don't call in the military. It's just two agents in suits. They might as well be the Men in Black.
The Master Emerald is mentioned as something Knuckles has to guard, but it's never seen. Angel Island is pictured as a drawing during the show's intro, appearing exactly how it does in Sonic 3, but it's never referenced at all beyond that.
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I guess the climax taking place in and around a Reno casino is a reference to Sonic's many casino-themed levels. That's something. I'll give them that.
Oh, and if you're wondering if this is the point where we finally start to get actual music from the games: no, it's not. The soundtrack consists of a lot of '80s needle drops, many of which are generic Hollywood picks like "Holding Out for a Hero" for the billionth time, thought it at least has some slightly less obvious picks than the Mario movie. The theme song is '80s rock song "The Warrior" by Scandal. You'll hear it many times. You'll hear the Adventure era Knuckles raps zero times in this. You'll briefly hear classic A Tribe Called Quest song "Can I Kick It?" before Knuckles takes the question too literally and breaks the radio in Wade's car.
Beyond a handful of surface level references for nerds (one of which is admittedly wild - we'll get to that), this is probably the least an officially licensed adaptation of Sonic the Hedgehog has ever tried to actually engage with its source material. I struggle to think of another Sonic adaptation that has less to do with Sonic. For as much shit as I and countless others have given Penders for seemingly ignoring the content of the games in favor of building his own convoluted mythos, his Knuckles comics honestly included way more elements from the games than this show does.
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Somehow, the one new(-ish) Sonic character introduced in this is the ghost of Pachacamac of all characters. Not even Tikal! Pachacamac! A very minor character nobody has particularly strong feelings about! You can't even use the excuse that they already had the character model, because they completely redesigned him compared to his cameo in the first movie to better match his Sonic Adventure design. And he's voiced by Christopher Lloyd! Honestly, so many of his lines are strained that it sounds like he's on death's door here, but then he'll surprise you with a more casual line like "just do it, man" and it catches me so off guard that I can't help but laugh.
Pachacamac here has basically nothing to do with the game character he takes his name and appearance from. Where the game character was a cruel warlord who kicked off a 3000 year cycle of violence, Paramount Pachacamac is now just this chill old man who gives Knuckles (and later Wade) advice in two episodes of the show. Hell, he also feels completely disconnected from his established role in the movies, where he's literally the guy who shot Longclaw. The show will not grapple with this contradiction at all. He's just here to be a thing fans like me will recognize from the games. Again, if that's all they wanted, it's kind of baffling that they didn't just use Tikal.
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I don't love Knuckles in this
But what about Knuckles himself? Well, he doesn't feel all that much like Knuckles to me. Ironically, he sometimes feels like one of the weaker elements in his own show.
Back when the second movie came out, I noted that Knuckles' characterization seemed to be pulling heavily from MCU Thor as a gallant warrior from an archaic alien culture who doesn't really understand modern day Earth stuff. That worked for me in that movie. It was just there for spice. Just a little extra flavor for the character in what was otherwise a very faithful adaptation of Knuckles' storyline in Sonic 3 & Knuckles. Without those familiar elements grounding him and with a much higher reliance on comedy, Idris Elba's Knuckles becomes a pretty one-note character in this.
In damn near every scene with Knuckles, he's going to say something about being a proud, honorable echidna warrior, or brag about his glorious feats of strength, or be confused about some Earth thing and call it sorcery, or act like every other character is also a member of some noble warrior clan. He still has his moments for sure, but this schtick kinda gets old fast, and it just doesn't feel like Knuckles to me. His entire character feels derived from the scene in the diner where Thor smashes the cup on the ground and goes "Another!" Sure, I can picture game Knuckles smashing a radio to turn it off and being a little too gung-ho about busting holes through walls. That's Knuckles behavior. But building a barbarian combat pit in the living room so the Wachowski family dog can fight the mailman? Nope. That's some other guy now. It really does just feel like them taking a broad character archetype from something popular that kinda sorta fits Knuckles and just running with that, rather than trying to actually adapt the character.
Oh, but don't worry, he wears the OVA hat for like two minutes! AND he loves grapes! See, Sonic nerds? We read the wiki! That's his favorite food! Grapes! This is gonna come up like five times!
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Knuckles kind of gets an arc here, but not as much as Wade does. I think the stuff about him starting to feel at home on Earth thanks to Wade's mom and the way he connects with their Jewish family traditions is oddly sweet. This arc is kind of let down, though, by the fact that Knuckles' heritage is treated as a complete joke. He's a cartoonish pastiche of various historical warrior cultures stuck together in a blender and used mostly for comedic effect. When Pachacamac's ghost appears, he's reading a newspaper and bemoaning the fact that the Mets lost again. This is not the place for a serious examination of Knuckles' feelings on being the last of his kind.
This is far from the only time the show undercuts itself with its jokes and attempts at self-parody. In the first episode, for instance, Knuckles clashes with GUN Agent Mason and his tech-enhanced punches, leading to an extremely on-the-nose inversion of the "Do I look like I need your power?" scene showcased in the trailer for the second movie. Except this time, Agent Willoughby butts in and points out how stupid that line is in this new context, since they're literally trying to steal Knuckles' power. The fight can't just be cool, they have to get cute with it. A lot of stuff like that happens in this show.
Given all these complaints, the first two episodes left me thinking I'd be fairly negative on this show overall. This seemed like the version of the show from the fandom's collective nightmares, one that undoes all of the progress the movie series seemed to have been making towards faithfulness to the games. Like, just look at these cast posters. Is this what you want out of Sonic? Do these excite you?
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But then, something strange happened. Over time, I just kind of let the jokes and shenanigans wash over me and basked in how fucking weird this show is.
And I started to actually enjoy it.
Look. The Wade & Knuckles Show was never going to be peak Sonic. But that sure as hell doesn't mean it can't be entertaining.
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This show is so fucking goofy
Here's the thing.
The show is funny.
Unlike a lot of other people, I didn't hate all the wedding stuff in Hawaii in Sonic 2, because I thought a lot of it was funny, both in its actual jokes and in the ways in which they tied everything back to Sonic. Tom looking wistfully at some bodybuilders doing Top Gun shit and spraying each other with beer and being like "I wish Sonic had that" is weirdly funny. The twist that those muscle bros are all agents of the newly formed GUN, who orchestrated the wedding as an elaborate scheme to catch Sonic, is funny. Mr. Olive Garden becoming the fucking GUN Commander is VERY funny. Are any of these elements of my dream Sonic movie? No, of course not. But my dream Sonic movie was never gonna happen in live action.
The Knuckles show follows up on the comedy of the previous films by being probably the funniest live action Sonic release yet. Did every joke land for me? God no. There are some stinkers in there that made me roll my eyes. But enough of them landed that it worked out for me overall. A big part of this is the fact that they've got a good cast of actors and/or comedians here.
Adam Pally is funny as Wade, and I found myself liking him more and more as a character as the show went on. He becomes an oddly endearing loser, with some sweet moments in his personal arc that made me feel for the guy. I like Wade more than Tom now, thanks to this show. I will now be happier to see Wade in Sonic 3 than I would have been previously.
The supporting cast is frequently great, too, many of whom are playing completely cartoonish, over-the-top characters. They took a cue from how exaggerated Carrey's performance was as Robotnik and decided to just abandon all pretense that this is the real world. Stockard Channing as Wade's mom is funny, and carries some of the more sincere parts of the show. Cary Elwes as Wade's very British dad who abandoned him as a child to run off and be the world's most egotistical professional bowler is funny. Edi Patterson as Wade's sister Wanda is... well, she's kinda trying too hard, but she has her moments. The Mighty Boosh co-creator Julian Barratt(!!) as a scenery-chewing bounty hunter, who was also somehow Wade's former best friend and bowling partner, is VERY funny. I love this guy.
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(Honestly, they should let more people who were on Garth Marenghi's Darkplace be in Sonic stuff. Where's Matt Berry)
This is kind of a stacked cast for a bunch of stupid side characters in a live action Knuckles show! And honestly, that just makes it funnier to me. Even when they're not funny, the fact that this exists makes it funny. They somehow convinced Paramount to give them a bunch of money to make a spiritual successor to Dodgeball about a schlubby guy who wants to beat his dad at a bowling tournament... except also Knuckles the fucking Echidna is there as his personal life coach. My life is richer for the fact that I can say that sentence. I think about all the little kids who are probably watching this show this weekend, going in expecting a show about Knuckles the Echidna and having to sit through extensive bowling scenes and lore about Wade's family, and sorry kids, but I just have to laugh. Wade isn't even on the poster! The poster is just a picture of Knuckles!! They punked those kids!!!
In a franchise where every single aspect is so carefully micromanaged these days, it feels truly special to get an adaptation this bonkers. It frequently appeals to the same part of me that enjoys the fact that there's an officially licensed Knuckles comic in which Charmy Bee's best friend (also a bee) dies of an accidental LSD overdose from a drug-laced chili dog. Or like, everything about the original 1993 Super Mario Bros. movie. Or the fact that they made seven direct-to-DVD sequels to Alpha and Omega, one of which is half a retread of the adventure from the first movie (with more annoying supporting characters in tow this time) and half a literal clip show of the first movie. The sheer absurdity of the fact that these things exist is charming to me. Except, with the Knuckles show, it has the added benefit of frequently being funny on purpose! This is why I'm not sure I'd call it "so bad it's good." Like, it's not amazing, but there were a lot of parts that I enjoyed in the exact way I was supposed to enjoy them.
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Look. Here's a list of real lines of dialogue from the Sega-approved Knuckles the Echidna streaming show that they're billing as a pillar of the Paramount+ lineup, to drive this point home. Let these marinate for a minute:
"I only eat grapes, and Cool Ranch Doritos™."
"Annihilate this little girl, Wade. Crush her spirit. Humiliate her so badly her parents won't even look at her again." "Doesn't that seem like we're going a bit far?" "Not far enough."
"So is he Jewish?" "Half, I think."
"I had a friend who when he listened to Alien Ant Farm he could lift a Toyota Corolla over his head."
"I'm in dire financial straits. Due to my lawsuit against an unnamed rainforest-themed restaurant franchise, I don't have two pennies to my name."
"We're here in sunny Reno, Nevada, which is so close to Hell you can smell the sparks."
"You can't threaten me with your Jewish karate chops because I am a federal agent."
"I will say, regardless of how you feel about child abandonment - and I'm against it! - the deals at TJ Maxx can't be beat."
This is a Sonic show in which they got Paul Scheer and Rob Huebel to appear as ESPN 8: The Ocho commentators.
This is a show where Wade's mom insists upon pronouncing "Knuckles" with the throaty Hebrew "ch" sound, and declares that Knuckles is basically Jewish. Later, they watch Pretty Woman together while enjoying a nice slice of key lime pie. Knuckles comments: "I don't understand. This young streetwalker with a heart made of gold, why do the others treat her with such disdain? Is it so wrong to walk the streets?"
This is a show where the fourth episode is directed by one of the guys from The Lonely Island and features a hallucinatory low budget rock opera stage musical put on by the ghost of Pachacamac. It recounts Knuckles' life story, with Wade playing Knuckles and the "evil" Longclaw played by the bounty hunter guy who's played by the Mighty Boosh guy.
Look at this.
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And also, Knuckles' singing voice is provided by Michael Bolton, which they proudly announce in the middle of the musical.
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And also...
IBLIS IS IN IT????????????
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Yes, Iblis!
From Sonic '06!!
Knuckles is said to have looked for a mythical power called the "Flames of Disaster" to avenge his clan, which ended up being the power that was within him all along that lets him do fire punches yadda yadda yadda. As part of this, he apparently fought Iblis off-screen at some point, as conveyed with the giant singing papier-mâché Iblis in the musical.
...Then Iblis sings about hitting up Facebook Marketplace
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How? How does any of this exist? Why reference '06 of all games? How did Iblis get into the live action Sonic movie universe before Amy and Metal Sonic? Why are they using Iblis and the term "Flames of Disaster" in such a goofy way that completely disregards their original context?
I don't know. I don't know how any of this happened. But I love it. We got a Knuckles miniseries in which Michael Bolton sings the phrase "the Flames of Disaster." The world is a beautiful place sometimes.
Some people will tell you to skip episode four. "Knuckles is barely even in it," they say. "It's dumb and pointless," they say. "They clearly just ran out of special effects budget," they say. These are people whose opinions you should disregard. The episode with the least Knuckles in it is somehow the most entertaining episode of the show. I would, in fact, go as far as to say that if you only decide to watch one episode of the Knuckles show to see what goofy bullshit they get up to, it should be this one.
I cannot be mad at this show. It's so dumb, but it completely owns the fact that it's a dumb and unnecessary spinoff. Inferiority is baked into its very DNA. It's very self-consciously redoing the premise of the first movie, but stupider. It's about The Other Cop from the movies, instead of the competent one. Instead of being into a "cooler" sport, his life revolves around professional bowling. Instead of going to Vegas, he goes to Reno. Even his tragic backstory that shaped his entire life sucks. He was abandoned by his pro bowler dad in a TJ Maxx. Not even a nicer department store. A fucking TJ Maxx. This whole show is a Dril tweet.
They put a ton of effort into making it dumb in an occasionally spectacular way. So much effort was put into that joke rock opera that fans will just write off as stupid filler. They put their whole pussies into it. This is not a poorly made show. This has better production values than half the shit made for Disney+. This was made with love. Maybe not as much love for the Sonic the Hedgehog series of video games as we'd like, but it's love nonetheless.
Maybe this show broke me and these are the ramblings of a madwoman. Maybe I'm just really nostalgic for the '90s and '00s comedy movies all the Wade stuff is modeled after. Maybe the Alan Wake fan in me just really loves it when a story pivots to a silly rock opera for no real reason. I won't discount any of these possibilities. This isn't high art. This isn't something I would recommend to anyone with zero interest in Sonic, and it also isn't going to sway Sonic fans who hate the Paramount universe. I really can't blame them for being bewildered by this show. But for a specific type of person, this is the absurd three-star Sonic-adjacent comedy miniseries of your dreams. It's a mid masterpiece.
Again, I just have to step back, realize the fact that this shouldn't exist, and smile. Sega's too afraid to do stupid bullshit with the franchise like this these days. And I can't blame them, after years of Sonic being a treated as a laughingstock. But part of me misses some of the goofy shit. No matter how much I tore some of the Archie comics apart as I was reading them for this blog, I just look back on stuff like Cal and Al or the Many Hands issues and laugh. And that same part of me looks at this show about Knuckles being the sidekick to this fucking guy, and just goes...
"We're so back."
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In conclusion, I genuinely think this was a more enjoyable TV show than Sonic Prime.
I wouldn't go back and rewatch Sonic Prime anytime soon, aside from maybe, like, a couple of the Shadow-heavy episodes. Huge stretches of that show bored me to tears. The writers squandered all of that show's potential. But I would rewatch the Knuckles show, which takes a terrible premise and has a lot of fun with it, in a heartbeat. Even the bowling parts. The bowling scenes in the Knuckles show are more engaging than 70% of the fights in Sonic Prime. I am not trolling. I mean that sincerely, with all my heart. Don't @ me.
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Stray observations
There is effectively zero meaningful setup for the third movie in this, unless Wade's family or the two GUN agents come back or something. Project Shadow is not mentioned in this. There is no secret post-credits scene with Gerald
The CGI in this is pretty good. Not quite on par with the movies, but pretty good. Sonic's weird forehead wrinkles are distracting in his scenes though. Please fix that
I wouldn't say I liked this as much as the second movie, which obviously gets a ton of points for, you know. The Cool Sonic Shit. But I had more fun with it than the first movie, which I still feel is a painfully generic family movie that was only saved by Tyson's redesign
"Grapes are an interesting choice for someone who doesn't use his individual fingers."
Agent Willoughby was apparently the one at GUN who had to buy the Olive Garden gift cards and set up the fake wedding. Her origin story is that she hated doing shit like that and wanted to go fight aliens
This miniseries contains another Keanu namedrop because Wade's childhood bedroom has a Speed poster on the wall. I swear, if Sonic doesn't say Shadow sounds just like Keanu...
Knuckles is familiar with Paul Blart Mall Cop
Near the end the ESPN 8: The Ocho commentators say that the 1974 Reno bowling championship was also interrupted by an extraterrestrial, and given that was exactly 50 years ago I can't write off the possibility that that was Shadow. Please for the love of god give us a sequel series after the third movie where Wade takes Shadow the Hedgehog bowling. I need this more than I need air
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runningfrom2am · 5 months
cold nights // part six
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summary: all the stars aligned, and it was you.
pairing: coriolanus snow x fem!reader
wc: 2.7k
masterlists / nav / requests
tags/warnings: tribute!reader and mentor!coriolanus, r is very sweet (too kind for this world. literally.), sunshine x grumpy trope kinda, he falls first, violence typical for the source material, r is very smart (as she should), district twelve!reader.
a/n: i just finished writing s1, and we're halfway through! so in case anyone was wondering, s1 will have 12 parts :) i haven't started s2 yet but i am so excited to!!
series masterlist // playlist
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Days passed, no sign of Coryo. The only reason you know he isn't dead is because Sejanus came and told you he would be alright. That didn't do much to quell your worries.
Selfishly, you were scared you wouldn't get to see him again. You knew you wouldn't, actually. Now you were truly alone. Just you and his blanket, the book he gave you, and the dress your mother made. And Sejanus Plinth, you supposed. None of the surviving tributes would even talk to you- not that you really felt like talking. Just reading. You've read and re-read Romeo and Juliet no less than three times since Coriolanus passed the book through the bars to you the night before you went into the arena.
"I know you asked for this, and it's a little early, but happy birthday." Coryo whispers, smiling as the dark of night encases the two of you into your own little world.
He hands you a small box, wrapped in parcel paper and complete with a ribbon made of some kind of knitting thread. You grin, taking it from his hand and carefully untying the bow, delicately pulling the paper apart where it's taped together so as not to rip it. A copy of Romeo and Juliet. Old, tattered, falling apart; well-loved.
"Oh, Coryo, you didn't have to give me anything. That's too sweet." You grin, immediately flipping through the pages despite the dark preventing you from seeing a single word. "Thank you."
"Of course." He says, watching only you as your eyes flick over the pages. What little light falls from the moon is reflected in your eyes, and he wouldn't dare look away.
"My bounty is as boundless as the sea, my love as deep; the more I give to thee, the more I have, for both are infinite." You say softly, and at first, he thinks you're talking to yourself until you look up at him. A small, almost shy smile fit perfectly onto your lips.
"You like it?" He asks, the answer obvious even to him.
"I love it."
You were his tribute. Not a friend, certainly not more, but as he reaches through the bars to let his fingers brush over your cheek all rational thought means nothing. He doesn't realize he's staring at your lips until you comment on it.
"Is this why you asked if I have a boyfriend?" You whisper, your natural smile returns, and he's quickly looking anywhere else. Your eyes, your hair, the spot where his fingertips meet your cheekbone just below your hairline. Anywhere else. "Because I know it wasn't on that list of questions."
He's quickly backtracking, dropping his hand. This was wrong and he knew it. "I, uh, Tigris made you some cake. It's not good, but it's the best we could do." He says, redirecting his attention to his bag as he pulls out the small paper bag.
You sit back, blushing furiously. "I'm sure it's delicious." You smile, and it comes across more nervously than you intended.
"Here." He hands it to you, and you gently place the book next to you on the ground so you don't get any crumbs on it. "I have to go. I'll see you tomorrow."
And just like that, he's gone.
You're grateful when you see Sejanus coming back with his bag of food and water. It had become some form of a routine, at this point. The citizens of the Capitol weren't allowed to bring you food anymore, he was the only one who did for you now that Coryo was gone, and now that his tribute had escaped as well.
"Sejanus." You smile, standing up as he gets closer.
"Y/N. Holding up okay?" He asks, a sad look behind his tired eyes. He looked almost as tired as you, you were sure, but you hadn't seen a mirror since you left your house before the reaping.
You sigh. "I'm holding up." You answer simply. Sejanus is the only person you feel comfortable being totally honest with, but at the same time, you don't want to because you know he already feels bad for what you're going through. He's the only one outside this cage who kind of understands. "How about you?"
"I'm alright." He shrugs, reaching into his bag and pulling out a sandwich for you. You could never get sick of these. "I also have salt, if it needs more of that." He hands you a small bag of table salt alongside it.
"Thank you." You grin, tucking the bag into your pocket incase you needed it. "Any news about Coryo?" You ask hopefully, taking a bite. You already feel your starvation-induced nausea fading away.
"Not really. He's recovering, though." Sejanus answers. "Are you ready for the interview tonight?"
"As ready as I'll ever be." You grin. "I was right, I didn't need the book. I already had the whole thing memorized, but it's been so lovely to get to read it again."
"It must be." He nods. "Gives you something to do."
You hum in agreement, looking around at the other tributes. No one is even moving much anymore. "Can I ask you something?"
You look down at your sandwich while you think about how you want to word this. "Is Coryo..." No, that's not it. "I got the feeling that he actually cared for me. Is that true?"
"Coryo has never been one to tell anyone what he's thinking." Sejanus says, entirely unhelpfully. That's not his fault, though. "But if I had to guess, I would say yes."
"I'm just wondering because it's nice to have friends now. Here. At the end." You smile sadly before taking another bite. "And I was worried I had upset him."
"You? No." Sejanus shakes his head. "I don't think you could if you tried."
"Why's that?"
"Well... It's hard to explain. He's always been super focused on school, on the prize, but now, when it matters most, I feel like he's more focused on you and making sure you actually win." He tells you. "But, like I said, he wouldn't talk about it even if I asked him outright."
You nod. "Thank you, Sejanus. For always being honest with me."
"Of course. It's the very least I can do, all things considered."
"Can I ask you for one more favour?" You ask hopefully. "If not I understand, you must be quite busy."
"I have the rest of my life to be busy." He shakes his head. "What do you need?"
"Will you tell Coryo thank you, for me?"
"Yes. Of course." He agrees without hesitation.
"And do you have a pencil and paper?"
Sejanus headed home for a while and then back to the hospital after his visit with you, armed with your note in his pocket to pass on to Coryo. He was hoping he would be awake right now, he had been so on and off the last few days. More grumpy than normal, and Sejanus could tell it was driving him up the wall that he couldn't go see you. But the interviews had already started, so he would get to see you soon- even if it's just through the screen.
"Tigris." He whispers, pulling back the curtain as he sees the familiar girl sitting at his friend's side. She hadn't left her cousin most of the time he'd been bedridden, she was there every time Sejanus checked in.
"Oh, hello." She whispers, smiling at him. "He's still resting, but he's feeling a bit better today I think."
"That's good. I'm glad to hear it." Sejanus agrees, taking the seat next to her. "I went to see Y/N. She's eaten. She doesn't look good, though."
Tigris nods, returning her gaze to her sleeping cousin and pushing his hair away from his eyes. It's not like he needs to see, but she would do it anyway. Just to make sure he wouldn't be annoyed when he woke up. "He's been worrying about her. I can tell."
"She asked me if she did something to upset him. Has he said anything to you?"
"No, nothing." She shakes her head, lip jutting out at the confusing statement. Nothing at all would indicate to her that he was upset with you, but it's entirely possible that stuck in that cage day in and day out you could quickly become paranoid about who you could trust.
"Okay, good. That's what I told her anyway." He tries to be quiet as he speaks, but the whispering wakes his friend anyway.
Coryo's eyes fly open and he gasps, eyes landing on the two of them sitting in front of him.
"Coryo," Tigris says softly, a small, worried smile on her face.
"Y/N?" He asks, his voice husky from sleep. "Is she-"
"She's alive," Tigris promises, gently rubbing his arm, landing her hand on his and squeezing it gently.
"Is she hurt?"
"Not badly." Sejanus shakes his head. "A few decent cuts and bruises, but she'll be okay. I brought her some antibiotics the other day so nothing will get infected." You won't be okay, they both know that, but you certainly wouldn't be dying from the minor injuries you sustained in the rebel bombing.
He nods, slightly, trying to sit up. "How long was I sleeping? What did I miss?"
"Another tribute died from injuries," Sejanus replies. "Everyone is still scared. No one will go see them anymore, I haven't seen any of the other mentors there either. But I've been feeding her. She's okay."
Coryo nods, wincing at the pain in his back as he moves. The burn was bad, but apparently, it was healing well.
"Marcus is still missing. I haven't heard anything about him. They're hunting him but I still think he has a better chance out there than he would tomorrow."
"Tomorrow?" Coryo asks, rubbing his head with his free hand, Tigris still holding his other one. "They're still going ahead with the games?"
Sejanus just slightly shakes his head, looking away. Coryo knows that that is a yes.
"Oh no... Y/N.... She could've run," He mumbles. "But she saved me."
"I tried to convince her to. I did." Sejanus reminds him. "She wouldn't budge."
All heads turn as Lucky's voice on the TV catches their attention. "And now, our final tribute. I first met this young lady in the zoo not too long ago. From District Twelve, Y/N Y/L/N. Come on out here!"
Lucretius motions for you to step out onto the stage and you do, gently placing the book and the blanket you had brought with you on the floor in a neat pile before joining him.
"Lucretius." You smile. "It's good to see you." You're nervous in front of so many people, the audience in front of you is much larger than the small one you spoke in front of at the reaping, and being in front of a camera without Coryo by your side made you antsy.
"You as well, Darling. Now, I was told you had something you wanted to do for us so I'll just leave you to that. Charm us! Remember, the world is watching." He smiles, gently patting your shoulder before walking just out of view of the cameras. His statement was far from reassuring.
"Uhm..." You stare out at the audience, and suddenly you're scared you've forgotten the entire thing. You had to do well. For Coryo and his prize. He needed this. "I've become aware that not many people know this play." You chuckle, trying to hide your nervousness behind it. "But Romeo and Juliet has always held a special place in my heart and I want to share that with the world, before I go."
You take a deep breath, closing your eyes. You wonder if Coryo is watching. He's not here, you're sure of that, but you do hope he gets to see. And he does.
He stands up as soon as your face first appears on the screen, declining help from both Tigris and Sejanus as he limps over to the TV, cranking up the volume. Your fate depends on this, he knows it, but he can't look past the blue tint under your eyes and the bruises that litter almost every part of your exposed skin. The cuts are what get him the most. Your knuckles are cleaned up, mostly, but red and irritated as you twist your hands together nervously in front of you. Same with the crude black stitches on your upper arm. Irritated, neglected by professionals, but at least it wasn't serious.
"Come on... You can do it." He mumbles mostly to himself, and Tigris reaches up to place a reassuring hand on his shoulder as the three of them watch.
"O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?" Immediately, he is confused. He expected to be, of course, but he could also tell as soon as you started reciting it, after the first line, your confidence was coming back to you. This play was your safe space.
"Deny thy father and refuse thy name. Or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love; and I'll no longer be a Capulet." You look out at the silent audience as you speak, a smile forming on your lips. They're listening. "'Tis but thy name that is my enemy: Thou art thyself, though not a Montague."
Coryo is wishing you had explained more to him about what this play is about. "What's Montague? It is nor hand nor foot, nor arm nor face nor any other part belonging to a man. Oh, be some other name." He should have asked. Why didn't he ask? You told him yourself that you could talk about it for hours. Why didn't he take advantage of that when he had the chance?
"What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet; so Romeo would, were he not Romeo call'd, retain that dear perfection which he owes without that title." A rose. Of course a rose, was this for him? He longed to understand it better as he watched the donations tracker tick up and up toward the thousands.
"Romeo, doff thy name, And for that name, which is no part of thee," You take a deep breath for the first time since you started speaking. "Take all myself."
It was a beat or two before the audience clued in that you were done, and then the cheers started. A standing ovation, people wiping their eyes and clapping for you like you had changed their lives.
"Wow! Now wasn't that something, everyone!" Lucky laughs, coming back into the frame of Coryo's view from the camera. Tigris was in tears. The continual uptick of the donations counter was reassuring to him. As you smiled, cheeks flushing red. "The donations are just flooding in with a record high! That must feel good."
"Thank you, it does." You nod at Lucky, trying to place all your focus on him so you don't get too embarrassed in front of the crowd. At least you knew Coryo would be pleased. If you understood his prize situation as well as you thought you did, this was very good for him. "I just want to make my family and my mentor proud."
"You have a real talent. It's such a shame." The host says to you and you laugh awkwardly.
"Well, everyone loves something. I just loved books."
You continually referring to yourself in the past tense makes Coryo want to puke, looking away from the screen only briefly to take in the other nurses and patients watching too.
"We have just a few moments left, but I need to know, what is that about?"
"Oh! Well, Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy." You explain, back to yourself again. "It's about two star-crossed lovers from feuding families. So, what Juliet was talking about, to put it very simply because I could go on and on about this, was that she loved Romeo for who he was- not just his name or his family. It didn't matter to her that they came from different places. She loves him anyway, and if he couldn't let go of his family, she would give up her own life for him."
Coryo's eyes widen. So it was about him. He can't help the tug on his lips that threatens to form a smile.
"Alrighty then, that's very sweet." Lucky replies. "Now, you said it's a tragedy. What is so tragic about a love story?"
"Well," You chuckle nervously. "They both die at the end."
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if your user has a strikethrough i wasn't able to tag you! i'm so sorry!
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dailyadventureprompts · 9 months
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Villain: The Cult of the Wyrm Eternal
Any adventurer, alchemist, or awestruck child can tell you that there is power in the body of a dragon, and like all sources of power it's only a mater of time before someone comes along to try to capitalize on it.
Enter the Cult of the Wyrm Eternal, which emerges from long buried vaults to dissect the bodies of dragonkind like flesh eating beetles. The cult originated from a time beyond remembering following the teachings of a profane text known as the Har'Khon Libram, which survives into the modern day as a sort of how-to manual for those seeking forbidden knowledge allowing them to revive the cult's practices and discover its caches of lost power.
It's in this manner that the cult has survived millennia and numerous purges at the hands of heroes, holy orders, and oligarchs: With each iteration caching away knowledge and resources for acolytes they will never meet.
A prominent dragonborn hero and ally of the party disappears, leaving behind few clues and a mystery to solve. Lacking a true dragon to carve up for ingredients the cult abducted the dragonborn and plans on sacrificing them after a gauntlet of strange rituals intended to suffuse their flesh with power.  Its a race against the clock for the party to find their friend before there’s nothing left of them but a grisly scattering of magical items bound for the cult’s armoury. 
The local warlord has a new pet, a young dragon provided to him by the cult in exchange for his protection and material support. Tales of him riding out to wreak destruction from its back send shivers of terror through the populace. What a surprise then when the party encounter it in the wild, rampaging aimlessly after  slipping her bonds.  Brainwashed by cult doctrine the parry find themselves  negotiating with a creature with the drives of a caged tiger, the volatility of an abused teenager,  and the destructive potential of an artillery battery.  Talking her down will be as difficult as diffusing a bomb, but they might just come away with important information or even a new ally should they help her evade recapture.
Using knowledge purloined from the mysteries of the mother hydra herself a cell of the Wyrm Eternal has been working on a ritual to create a true dragon, experimenting with drakes, basilisks and other reptilian monsters, filling the wilderness with bounty worthy monsters that will inevitably bring the party crashing into their lair.
Background: The knowledge contained within the Har'Khon Libram is cursed, part of a scheme by the book's original author in an attempt to evade both death and those who hunt unlawful immortality. Reading the book not only imparts the authors knowledge upon the prospective cultist, but also a vestige of their cosiouness, which steers them towards the same course of action that has kept the cult alive for so long: constructing more vaults, hoarding draconic power, and propogating the Libram's knowledge so that the infection can spread through time.
Hidden in the depths of each vault are tablets of further tainted lore, which causes the seed of malign presence within the Wyrm cultist's mind to blossom, opening their mind to the space between life and death and allowing their patron's thoughts to swirl into their own. In this way the party can end up fighting the same villain through many proxies, the unseen master of the Wyrm eternal studying them as they cut down vessel after vessel before formulating a counteroffence.
Dungeon Dressing:
Wyrm Eternal vaults vary by the culture that originally constructed them, but are always in remote, sheltered areas that could endure largescale devastation. Their entrances are hidden and warded against intrusion, protected by magical cyphers that can usually only be broken with aid from the Har'Khon Libram. Vaults can also contain these doors within, locking away the greatest treasures until the acolytes have further tainted their thoughts with the Libram's curse.
Undead are ubiquitous within dungeons claimed by the Wyrm Eternal, ranging from simple servitors to looming guardians to dragonbone infused war machines just waiting to be unleashed on the cult's enemies all with green corpsefire flickering in their heads. Access to these undead armouries and the arsenal of magical items that come with them are one of the primary drivers for individuals to become cultists in the first place.
Each vault will likewise contain preserved pieces of dragongore, ranging from single skulls placed on altars to whole cellars filled with blood magically preserved in clay or glass vessels. If a cult cell reached full operation, it's likely to have atleast one mummified corpse preserved in an onsite tomb, it's vital organs ( and perhaps a few spares) preserved in canopic jars waiting nearby.
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xcrust · 8 months
Ok just because i’m in my promotion era. Here is the chapter that leads to meeting Stolas!!!
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Note: It’s more of a reader insert compared to a slash fiction. Depending how the story goes i’ll be more than happy to add that plot line for whichever characters we got too. However, I’m going to try to keep the story as close to the source material as possible!!
GN! reader
Word Count: 1.6K
If you value an ounce of your sanity, then a bit of advice that would be given is to not be royalty growing up. Living in a place full of murder happy screw ups can sometimes get to you while growing up. Well it's already getting close to the year where all the angels that were old are eligible to take part in the execution and those who are not get to learn about why they do it. However as a Morningstar, you get a lot of that information thrown at you from a young age.
Even though the infamous siblings of hell were not actual angels, they had a certain specialty of having the mix of both; some may say that in their prime they could be more powerful than the king of hell himself. I wouldn't believe it. I don't have anger issues like most of these people.
You've gotten used to waking up and being pampered every two seconds. But with living a life of royalty you get the treatment whether you like it or not. Especially for a princess to the king of hell. Don't get the wrong idea though. You could never be more grateful for living the bountiful life since birth. However, the way things are going in the castle, it seems it's time for an escape.
Being born into such power should be a sin in all cases. Lucifer giving life to his children had also given life to a half angel which means by all cases this family is powerful in all senses. You can have all the money you asked for and physically and magical wise it's superior to all classes hell has to offer.
These thoughts of your position seem to lay in your brain more than a regular amount in your lifetime. Currently sitting in the bathtub actually seemed to be the best place to think. These thoughts wanted out. Out of this life that seemed to have tarnish and hope for good around you. 
Dripping water onto the tiles seemed to be the wake up call that it was time to get up. 
Only a few years being around mid 20s, well physical wise. In hell time does not work exactly the same for each race as earth but if you were to guess it would be around a hundred and seventy five years? Not too far of a stretch considering Charlie was 200 years. 
“(Y/N)! Get out of the washroom!! I need to pee!” Well that's the most ridiculous thing you've heard from your sister's voice.
“We literally live in a castle, go to another one you dipshit” That's right; you are (Y/n) Magne. The child of Lucifer and Lilith and the younger sibling of Charlie. With this fact you'd think that she would choose an unoccupied bathroom. 
“Coommmmee onnnnnn, this was the closest bathroom to me at the very current second of the very minute of all of hell”
Looking down to your pruned skin It's been about an hour now, the water has gone cold and miserable. At least it gave me some time to think about things. 
“Fine, but I'm coming for your neck the minute I'm done getting ready” You're not actually mad but it's definitely the definition of a sibling being annoying. 
So you immediately poofed a robe on and went out to your room. Instead of coming inside the washroom, Charlie started following you. "Didn't you really need to pee like two seconds ago?”
“uhh … I don't need to anymore! That feeling kinda just came and went.” 
“Charlie thats the most disgusting thing ever what the fuck” Turning with a devious giggle. The look on her face looked mortified with the most dramatic open jaw.
“Ok well I did NOT pee myself, I was just bored and wanted to bother you but now i see i'm just being shamed here”
“Hey i'm not the one that peed themselves on the bed wayyyyy to many times to count when we were younger, the more you defend yourself the more it sounds like you did”
As you were walking back to your room there were imps ransacking the castle making sure everything was pristine and fine. Some of these people that you have known for years and some were a new face every single day. Your parents loved you very much but in your lifetime it seems as though it were only the imps that cared. However, even that wasn't possible because they are all only here for a check. No where else to go. I guess that's a place where you can relate. You definitely felt trapped beyond belief.
“Anyways, what have you come to bother me with today?” Opening the door to your room. You never knew why you maintained a level head and polite, you're in hell so there really wasn't any point
“I adore you but you're invading my space lady” you pause returning to your desk “Why don't you go to your boyfriend's house? You know dad likes when you both are out and about” 
“UHhghUGUHh yeah he's not bad but can’t I hang out with my sibling every once and a while”
You took a moment to think about your thoughts from a few moments prior. “You know I love you right?” 
“You sound like you're about to say your last goodbye to me” Charlie said excitedly. “But of course I do! You're the most fun the place has to offer. Even if you are a little grumpy pants” 
“What?!?!? I am the furthest from being a grumpy pants, miss sunshine and rainbows” you both never could argue. It's just naturally you guys being stuck like glue that makes you work. Keep everything light hearted. 
“Ok that's not even rude, that's just a fact.” she said while jumping onto your bed “Ok yes there is a itty bitty favor that i need to ask you” 
“So the truth comes out” The most obvious deadpan that you could give was just laid out to your sibling. “What do I have to do?!?!” 
“Hehehe… So you know how that goetia family is having a kid? I knooooow you went last time but I'm a little too tired for this one.” 
“Wait, what do I get from you if I go?” Remember that deadpan from moments ago? It just got 6 feet underground. 
“My love and affection?” that deadpan is now in double hell. See you didn't hate going to all these balls. It's the best form of entertainment, watching different levels of nobles try to fight for your attention. Really if it weren't for that you wouldn't even think about going to these parties.
“Uh huh, I don't even have to be there, you're the only one they really want to see. The heir of hell” maybe you should go though, it has been getting pretty lonely in the castle. “Ok fine, but whatever you're doing while I'm there better be worth it”
“Who says im bu- I MEAN yes I will i'll be doing too much work so”
“Yeah yeah now cut the shit when is this happening?”
“Oh hehe it's tomorrow”
After many hours this is what it has come too. 
Looking in the mirror there you were in the most lavish attire for a party. No matter how many times you look at yourself you get shocked about how extravagant it gets. Oftentimes those don't wonder why the Magne children became so humble. 
Every time there is a party, Charlie always asks (Y/n) to go because of the fact that other than at these points she never gets to go out. It was her few hours of freedom. Meanwhile (Y/n), wasn't an heir to the throne. So most of the time she really just got to indulge in free time stuck in the castle. A classic fairy tale if anyone asked
Like Charlie they were a precautionary heir but unlike charlie they were something special. At least physical wise. Like her family they resembled the  most out of humans but oddly enough (y/n looked the part the most. It made them desired. 
So as much as status was present, being such an impossible being just made everyone want them. Although most people in hell other than the nobility don't talk about them. To them the existence of (Y/n) was the stuff of legends. Which is really lucky for them when they've been to different rings of hell. They could actually be normal because the people don't know much about them. 
So what's the game plan for today? Maybe we go and get a box full of feathers to start some drama. Actually no, the last time you did something like that there were practically 20 imps thrown out of the last party. OR maybe you could just ignore the hosts until the end of the party? 
In all honesty you never heard much things in high regards towards the one named Stella and as it is her party maybe we can bother her a bit. The Goetia have been an important family for the longest time. However, Satan knows how stuck up they can be. 
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Feylin Week 2024, Day 1: Art and Music
Headcanon: Feyre paints roses on Tamlin's fiddle just like she painted flowers on her cottage walls.
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Source - images taken from Etsy and linked back to the respective owner.
As Feyre notes in canon:
...Our house still bore the marks of it, even if the paint was now fading and chipped: little vines and flowers along the windows and thresholds and edges of things, tiny curls of flame on the stones bordering the hearth. Any spare minutes I’d had that bountiful summer I used to bedeck our house in color, sometimes hiding clever decorations inside drawers, behind the threadbare curtains, underneath the chairs and table. ~ A Court of Thorns and Roses, ch. 2
and later on, Tamlin says:
... "It might take a few days to track them down, but the paint, the brushes, the canvas, and the space are yours. Work wherever you want. This house is too clean, anyway.” ~A Court of Thorns and Roses, ch. 16
While the text isn't clear about the style or materials that Feyre used, it seems to me that she would be more comfortable painting on wood instead of canvas, at least at first. Tole painting is a delightful folk art tradition that uses common household objects as one's "canvas", usually made of wood or tin. I can just see Feyre adding decorative touches to the windowsill in her new little studio to make it feel more like home. Then, when Tamlin comes into her studio to see her paintings, he notices the decorative touches by the window. Rather than being upset that she "defaced" his property, he asks her to paint something on his fiddle, too.
Once she gets over her shock, she, of course, chooses roses. ❤️
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legionofpotatoes · 8 months
All other criticisms of modern Star Wars aside, the thing that gets me the most is how every single story is being written to fit into some Avengers-level grand finale that just isn't laying a solid enough foundation to make it worth the wait. Regardless of whether the individual stories are good or bad, what makes them fall so short, imo, is that there's usually no real payoff within their own runtimes (unless you count cheap callbacks or loose promises of More, which you shouldn't)
Like, I already knew halfway through Ahsoka that we were in for a cliffhanger and it's just like...alright, guess we'll see how this ends in about 5 years? Even Mando, which had a great first season and was poised to stand on its own two feet and ride off on a rootin' tootin' bounty huntin' adventure, has ultimately become yet another dusty path on the road to the current Big Plot with an indeterminate due date. That's not deliciously addictive media, it's a dry-ass carrot on a spindly little stick, lol
Of course, this is a problem that many franchises are happily getting cozy with lately because everybody wants to have their own Infinity War / Endgame moment, but I guess it seems a bit more egregious with Star Wars because, ironically, it used to work best because it had less overall focus. Like, sure, we had concurrent movies, animated series, and games, but they were always happy to do their own things and tell their own stories with definitive conclusions. Now it all has to funnel into the Big New Plot and, man, I honestly just can't bring myself to care when it feels like an endless waiting game
I definitely need to get around to watching Visions at some point because, every time it pops up, it sounds like the lifeblood that Star Wars sorely needs atm
Yeah the setup-and-payoff a-to-b type dramatic clarity that seemed so entrenched into the very bones of cinematic grammar - up to around the emergence of streaming, wink wink nudge nudge - is sorely missed in star wars atm. sure maybe downsized writers rooms fidgeting with limited series formats instead of doing actual seasonal TV has something to do with it, but even that is probably such a small piece of the larger issue that spins all this longform storytelling bullshit ferry wheel around.
Another part is certainly chasing the MCU business model of it all like you said. Carrot on a stick is verbatim how I've often described these things myself, the endless promise of another promise of another promise instead of forming a complete thought with a beginning and an end. servicing the plot before story at all costs. another part still is reverence towards the aesthetic trappings of the source material instead of its themes, trying to nail the exact texture of tatooine's huts and dial in the perfect balance of lightsaber choreography and pay homage to a thousand iconic shots before articulating something true in the text.
And like it's an endless laundry list, this confluence of capital-I Issues both industry-scale and creatively-driven that seem to be flaying the skin off the bones of whatever star wars even "is" nowadays. no one can answer that in the context of billions of dollars made off toys and storylines centering around this one moment in fictional history about sons and fathers and empires and rebellions. so they just keep twisting in the wind filling in any gaps within that period. I don't know nonnie, it's all so bleak. ahsoka and obi wan and even mando tbh. as charming as season 1 was, it truly felt like it coasted on its incredible restraint to avoid muddying its aesthetic with cameos, and lucked into effective storytelling as a result of that utterly unintentional alchemy. that's obviously well and truly gone now as its true optics have reared head.
what star wars is by itself is such a pointless discussion, right? andor argues it's a perfectly functional heightened universe that can support incredibly nuanced and dramatically charged stories of grassroots rebellion and the bureaucratic strain of fascist regimes. visions argues it's a world beholden to the force, an endlessly mutable and elegant metaphor that can support infinite monomyths and fairy tales. both are equally fantastic at executing on their takes, despite being in diametrically opposite extremes of interpreting the source. so it's not really about that at all, why the other stuff sucks this bad.
they're just bad at the craft of it, that's really it. whether it's auteur worship or business decisions rotting that fish down, it still rots all the same. maybe the new writers' guild contracts can shift the winds a little, because I was so securely done with star wars and then the aforementioned 2 shows came and affected me. so, so profoundly that I'm back on the hook again. like a lil sucker!
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lgbtpopcult · 2 years
A note from the editors...
On First Kill and What it Says About Netflix, Media and the Undo Burden Queer Women Have to Carry
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I have no criticisms for First Kill. The people who worked on it did their best with the limited budget and experience they had. Even with its flaws the concept was good and the story of the two girls alone managed to get more viewership than many Netflix series that are constantly renewed.
I will however talk about Netflix. I have been very vocal of my criticism of Netflix in the past but always put that aside so we can promote wlw media on this blog wherever they came from. But it was always blatant how the idea of queer women leads is viewed on the platform.
Netflix initially launched into mainstream culture in great part due to offering diverse shows like Orange is the new Black (a show specifically diverse in terms of women's sexuality, with queer women leads). Shows that were considered alternative and progressive compared to Network TV. After succeeding in gaining popularity because they offered the thing others didn't, Netflix content shifted. Even though investing in creating a quality show with a wlw main couple had paid off in the past they decided being more like network TV was the best strategy. Any attempt at inclusion for queer women was either carefully veiled behind projects that "are not really about the gay girls, the gay girls are just there" like The Prom, promoted without a hint of the lgbt content like Everything Sucks and Teenage Bounty Hunters or not promoted at all like Feria The Darkest Light, The Half of It and I'm Not Ok With This. They were generally given very little room to succeed. Most of the wlw focused projects were never promoted, had unknown actors and given a small budget.
If the project was big, well promoted and expensive it meant the screentime of the queer woman was limited. Even Warrior Nun (based on very gay source material) and Babysitter's Club (with everyone thinking the lead has to be queer) simply gave a side character 2 minutes to be out as a gay girl and called it a day. If they're investing big you can count on the gay woman part to be small. This came to a head when they changed the lead's sexuality in Archive 81 (who was a lesbian with a wife in the original podcast) and made her wife her gay roommate. "And they were roommates!". It was in some ways laughable to what lengths they'd go to because of their need to limit queer women to side characters in big projects they're actually invested in.
But First Kill was a series putting the wlw couple front and center so we had to believe all of the above was a coincidence right? We gave them another chance and they proved everything we had been seeing was right. They set it up to fail and when it didn't they justified the cancellation by saying it didn't succeed enough. That's the thing. It would have succeeded enough if they hadn't set it up to fail so blatantly.
Netflix will rain unbelievable amounts of money to get the biggest names from the TikTok, acting and music worlds to star in their big budget straight cheesy romances. They gave First Kill 10 dollars and candy to paraphrase a person who worked on the show. They were unwilling to pay for the really good, experienced writing team needed to turn a vampire romance story into a well fleshed out TV show. As a result the writing was acceptable for a vampire romance novel but not for live action TV dialogue. They were unwilling to pay for good cgi. As a result the cgi made CW shows look good in comparison. They were unwilling to pay for expensive, popular actors. They were unwilling to pay for any sort of production value. Why? Because they don't have enough faith in projects about queer women to invest in them. But the wlw shows have to succeed anyway or else we confirm their aversion to invest in our projects was right. We are asked and creators are asked to make a hit out of something without given the proper tools and then told we don't sell.
That is our vicious circle with Netflix even if it's proven that when money and work is put in to a project that centers wlw, people will come. Even if millions are lost on failed projects that center straight ppl. Even in a world where Gen Z is set to rule the world and it's a generation that is more and more queer.
Queer women are expected to consume projects that are lesser than those of straight ppl and even those of gay men. Unfortunately, we live in that messed up intersection of misogyny and homophobia that makes investing in us somehow the last risk to take. As they liberally throw money away on worthless trash. But it's straight trash so...
Good news is Network TV is dying. Netflix imitating their focus on a default basic straight audience (and the white gay pretty boys they can fetishize) does not seem like a good strategy for the future. Other services that are putting real effort into bringing queer women out of the TV margins will become the entertainment providers of the most sexually diverse generation of women we've ever had. Let's bring about that future as soon as possible. Go watch Paper Girls, Yellowjackets, Harley Quinn animated series, Dickinson, Crush... If you're a woman, or non-binary person, and not straight, fuck Netflix. Cancel your Netflix account.
Do fear for The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo. Expect as little from Netflix as possible. That's what they're willing to give you.
Twitter said it best:
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cienie-isengardu · 9 months
Jango Fett' childhood on Concord Dawn
One of the things that I think bothers me the most about Jango Fett: Open Seasons comics series is how a 8 (or 10) years old Jango was told by his dad to repair a harvester
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and then… left alone for who knows how long in the middle of a crop field?
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I was born in the city so obviously I don’t know how life on a farm goes and all so forgive me my ignorance but:
A) Jango was introduced with a weapon in his hand, while he walked through his own family’s property
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and was taught by father how to use a blaster at the age of 8 - 10.
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At this point in the story, I think it is safe to assume Jango’s dad knew Mandalorians were in his field, as he brought food to Jaster and his men. So I assume he was contacted by comlink or he already talked in person with Jaster and he probably had some idea of what was going on - unless Jaster didn’t warn him about Death Watch on his trail, but I think this is pretty unlikely, as the Mandalorians stayed hidden in the field, instead of coming to Fett’s house.  
So there is a reason to think that leaving a kid alone in the middle of the field was not the smartest idea.
B) Jango has never been any technology genius or even that good with it in sources? His jetpack was repaired by a droid whose main job was to take care of little Boba on Kamino. I’m pretty sure Jango as a Mandalorian Merc was capable of maintaining his armor, weapons and ship but if the harvester was so important to put back into use - and I assume this is the case, as Fett’s parents were usually described as simple farmers and the first part of comics clearly represents the season of summer (childhood) and this was very likely grain harvest time  - then I would not pick a kid to do the job, unless the kid was Anakin Skywalker who could fix all kind of machinery, as it was his specific gift. Jango though? I’m not so sure about his 8-10 year old self’ skills.
Of course, the harvester’s problem could be a simple matter but then why not send Arla, Jango’s older sister (14 years old) to either do the job, or help Jango to speed up the repairs? Not saying Arla did not have her own share of duties and all (unless the kids were treated unfair, as Arla did not hold/use a gun against the invaders
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but that could be just matter of her being too terrified or there could be not enough guns which is why only the mother was armed), but considering how the comics implies that Jango’s dad, mother and Arla were at home when he was working during sunny (if not hot) day, in the middle of a field, no shadow, repairing a vehicle bothers me a lot. 
And sure, on Concord Dawn living on farm could be just that tough even for kids, but looking at AotC novel (that admittedly does not mention Jango’s time with Mandalorians at all) 
Other than that, though, this was just a  job,  well  paying  and  easy enough. Financially, he couldn't have asked for more,  but  more  important, only the Kaminoans could have given him Boba - not just a son,  but  an  exact replica. Boba would give Jango the pleasure of seeing all that he might have become had he grown up with a loving and caring father, a mentor  who  cared enough to criticize, to force him to perfection.
This, then, was Jango Fett's greatest reward, right here, sitting  with his son, his young replica, sharing quiet moments.   Quiet moments within the tumult that had been Jango Fett's entire life, surviving the trials of the Outer Rim alone  practically  from  the  day  he learned to walk. Each trial  had  made  him  stronger,  had  made  him  more perfect, had honed the skills that he would now pass along  to  Boba.  
and old source material like outdated starwars.com’s databank entry:
Fett all but disappeared from bounty hunting circles as he took time to raise his son. He sought to experience what his life might have been like had he been raised by a caring guardian.
I can’t help but wonder about Jango’s childhood before the Mandalorians showed up.
So far my research showed, only Fact Files v.3 #14 mentioned he had "as idyllic a life as could be while making a living off the land, in close family unit with his mother, father and sister, Arla"
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which gives some hope Jango's childhood although tough, was a relative happy one.
[Just to be clear here: I don’t think Jango’s biological family was by any means pathological, I just think Concord Dawn is a pathological place as this planet's record is not the best when it comes to people's backstories.]
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rivensdefenseattorney · 6 months
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Here's a link to the source for each image: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Capital: Tides
Government of Andros: Dual-Monarchy
Demographics and Population
Population Size: Large
Population Distribution by Race:
Merfolk: (45-50%)
Fairies: (20-25%)
Elves: (10-15%)
Human: (10-15%)
Other: (5-10%)
History and Origins
In the realm of Andros, the two kingdoms, Terra and Mare, share a profound connection. Their bond traces back to a time long past, when a union between the Faefolk of Terra and Mare forged a single lineage that would shape the destiny of the realm.
The Royal Family of Terra, stemming from the fairy ancestry, preside over the sprawling landscapes and majestic cities of the surface kingdom. Endowed with wings of delicate beauty, an affinity for the natural elements, and a mastery of earthbound enchantments, they oversee the flourishing forests, meadows, and towering mountains of Terra.
The Royal Family of Mare, stemming from the merfolk ancestry, reign over the oceanic expanse of Andros. With their ethereal beauty, iridescent tails, and an innate understanding of the ocean's secrets, they hold court in the shimmering palaces beneath the waves. Their lineage boasts an intimate connection with Morphix, harnessing the elemental magic that pulses through the depths.
Though distinct in their heritage, the Royal Families of Mare and Terra are bound by blood, sharing the legacy of their common ancestors. Over the ages, this shared lineage has fostered a tradition of collaboration and mutual respect between the two kingdoms, symbolizing the inherent balance between land and sea.
Kingdom of Terra
The Kingdom of Terra represents the land regions of Andros. The fertile earth yields bountiful harvests, making agriculture one of the epicenters of this realm. Vast fields of vibrant crops stretch across rolling hills and verdant valleys, a testament to the kingdom's thriving agricultural industry. Visitors are greeted with open arms, embraced by a sense of warm hospitality that permeates the tropical air.
Amidst the picturesque scenery, a lively energy permeates every corner. Terra pulses with the rhythm of festivals, the melodies of music, and the infectious spirit of dance. The people of Terra are often fluent in a multitude of languages. They effortlessly weave a cultural tapestry that celebrates diversity. They come together in joyful gatherings, sharing their traditions through cultural exchanges.
Tourism thrives amidst this blend of natural beauty and cultural richness. Visitors are drawn to the kingdom's idyllic beaches, verdant jungles, and cascading waterfalls, finding solace in the laid-back atmosphere. Adventure seekers and relaxation enthusiasts alike find their haven in Terra's tropical paradise, where every experience is colored by the kingdom's zest for life and celebration. The air is filled with the aroma of unique spices and flavors, as Terra's cuisine, a fusion of diverse influences, delights the senses and leaves an impression on every traveler's palate.
Kingdom of Mare
Intertidal Zone
Here, where the sea kisses the land, the Halflings find their home. Halflings move effortlessly between the surface and the depths. Their communities, nestled in hidden coves and near coastal cliffs, serve as a bridge between the kingdoms of Terra and Mare. Halflings, being adept at traversing both realms, act as intermediaries, facilitating trade, cultural exchange, and cooperation between the two kingdoms.
Photic Zone
As sunlight pierces the surface waters, it bathes the photic zone in a mesmerizing glow. This well-lit region supports an abundance of marine life. Here, the cities of Mare flourish, their structures crafted from luminescent materials that harness the sunlight filtering through the waves. The merfolk inhabitants, with their affinity for illumination, enhance this zone with enchantments that create breathtaking displays of bioluminescence, turning the ocean depths into a living tapestry of color and light.
Aphotic Zone
In the dark and mysterious depths of the aphotic zone, Merfolk with unique adaptations thrive, attuned to the energies of Morphix. Their bioluminescent features, whether glowing orbs or intricate patterns that shimmer like ancient runes, attune them to the lifeforce, allowing them to draw sustenance and power from its essence. The cities of the Aphotic Zone exist as captivating marvels beneath the shroud of darkness. The cityscape shimmers with a mosaic of colors, vibrant and ever-changing, as Merfolk artisans infuse their creations with Morphix. The architecture within these cities is a testament to the mastery of bioluminescent craftsmanship.
Infinite Ocean
The Infinite Ocean is an endless expanse that transcends the boundaries of realms. The Infinite Ocean stands as a testament to the unifying force of water, an eternal realm that unites the disparate seas of Andros into a harmonious, interconnected whole.
The Labyrinth of the Abysses
A complex labyrinthine system spread across the abyssal depths, shrouded in an aura of ancient pathways. It constantly shifts, creating a maze where paths change. The Labyrinth serves as a threshold to the heart of the abyss, guiding seekers toward the source of Morphix. Explorers and seekers often traverse this labyrinth, facing trials and tests of wisdom.
The Deep Blue - Heart of the Abysses
The Deep Blue represents the epicenter where Morphix emanates, radiating a mesmerizing blue luminescence that illuminates the darkest depths. Revered as a sacred sanctuary by merfolk and creatures of the abyss, embodying the ocean's life force and primal energy. Various merfolk societies hold rituals or ceremonies, offering reverence and seeking blessings for their communities.
Morphix, a luminescent and multifaceted energy, is the lifeblood of the infinite ocean, replacing conventional needs such as sunlight or fire, granting vitality, sustenance, and life to oceanic flora, fauna, and ecosystems. Its essence adapts to diverse oceanic environments, catering to the needs of creatures dwelling across varying depths and regions.
It emanates from sacred locations such as the Deep Blue at the heart of the abyssal depths, generating life, fostering growth, and offering spiritual sustenance to the ocean's inhabitants. It powers the ocean gates, serving as a cosmic key that enables safe passage and interconnectivity between different underwater realms.
Morphix is highly revered, enshrined in lore and cultural practices, and embodies unity and interconnectedness among diverse underwater communities. Its purity and uninterrupted flow are guarded by custodians and gatekeepers who ensure its sanctity, protecting against disruptions, and maintaining its integrity for the stability of the ocean gates and vitality of the oceanic realms.
Mood Board Notes
I decided to try adding a mood board last minute to this post, so forgive me if it isn't the best. I've created mood boards a couple years ago when I first started my rewrite, but I'm not sure if I feel conformable sharing them as they are. I don't fully get the ethics/legality of mood boards using copyrighted materials, so I just wanted to play it safe with some images I found from a free to use image website.
I'm thinking of possibly creating a collage instead for the character mood boards I currently have. I think those are more transformative? If anyone has some insight on this I'd appreciate any info and advice you have. I'd also like to know if this is even something anyone would be interested in seeing before I put all this effort into figuring out how to add some visuals. @_@
Andros Notes
I've always envisioned Andros, especially Terra, to be like a mixture of the Caribbean and Polynesia across it's various cities if it were to be real. This is only my first draft, so I'll most likely be adding more information in the future to what I see fit.
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robobirdie · 4 months
Some Ninjago arts
Just some arts I made for my Ninjago stories. First up the Treehorn features in my story so I decided to give its design a more detailed overhaul. Some of the inspiration for its design came from ants.
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Just a little sketch I made to go with my story Anatomy of a Droid. Got a new tablet for the holidays and decided to try something small while learning to work with it so I made this. It's just a little sketch of Zane playing a video game with his best friend Pixal who as a fellow droid can connect to the special Cyber-teddy he has next to him.
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The teddy sitting next to him is this:
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A snippet from the story featuring this:
“Yha but electricity isn’t all the same. The difference is the volts in its current that’s why you have to use an adapter when charging your phone or laptop. If you just plugged them into an outlet without an adapter you would damage your battery and it wouldn’t really charge it properly. Pure raw electricity is dangerous for Zanes power source that’s why when we do hook him up to a computer or anything that could transfer electricity to him the connectors we use have adapters built into them that way they don’t cause any stress to his heart. That is also why Lloyds powers are safer to help Zane than Jays. As pure energy his can deliver a much lower and gentler form of electricity that doesn’t easily hurt or overwhelm Zanes heart. Since he only has half the material from his original heart it’s more sensitive to being overworked and overloaded. Luckily his new bodies’ digestive system is more efficient at producing energy than his old body so it really helps keep his heart stable and healthy,” Nya explained and Kai wondered, “given the effects it has on him do you think Zane ever regrets giving up half his heart?”
“Are you kidding, you just see him and Pixal hanging together and you know he doesn’t regret it. Not only that he would do it again no matter how much it affects him. You remember how many times when Pixal was in the computer we found him having fallen asleep next to it or with a tablet after just trying to spend time with her,” Cole replied and Jay added as they continued on the trail, "yha that was pretty sad. I can't recall how many times we had to put him in his bed after finding him sleeping there. That's why I made that special teddy for him. I got one of an Ice Jaguar and modified it putting a special device me and Nya whipped up in it that not only had recordings of her voice but she could connect to it when they hung out together so they could spend time together. He still has it; it's in his nightstand; he sometimes brings it out when Pixals gone for long periods." Kai stated, “that period was kind of weird but also very sad. He carried that thing around a lot and often sat it next to him when we were relaxing or even at dinner. It did really make him happy though even if the thing gave off this unsettling being watched feeling. You know you're right there’s no denying he doesn't regret his actions there. Those two were meant for each other... 
Also for my stories I made my own version of the Bounty:
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The stories mentioned:
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charlotte-official · 7 months
THE STEAMBIRD - 10/17 to 11/7
Note from Charlotte!
Ah!!! Hiya everybody! I’m so, so, so, so, so sorry I’m late. Waaay too late, in fact! It’s been three whole weeks!! I’m so sorry for procrastinating even though this was supposed to be out last week!! There just wasn’t a lot of material for me to work with-
(and irl stuff got in the way, oops)
-and so I ended up just writing these small blurbs instead.
I swear that next week I’ll get back on track to writing the regular issues!! But for now, I’m going to count this as a Steambird ‘special…’
Again I’m super sorry!!
The Duke of Meropide, Wriothesley, reluctantly allowed Charlotte to pay a visit to the Fortress of Meropide to interview a certain Fatui Harbinger (Tartaglia) on the pot brownie scandal. All thanks to the Head Nurse of the Fortress, Sigewinne. Regrettably enough, the Harbinger was not even present at the Fortress, so the interview was thus cancelled.
Clone of Harbinger, Dottore, (clone in question is Webttore), complains about alleged “loudness' ' coming from Il Dottore and another fellow harbinger, Pantalone- the Regrator and 9th Fatui Harbinger. Which yes, indeed implies that the two were being intimate if you catch my drift. 
Sandrone, 7th Fatui Harbinger, backs up the claim and Dottore retorts back saying that Sandrone was loud during the night with Arlecchino, founder of the House of the Hearth and 4th Fatui Harbinger, as well.
Does this mean Fatui Harbingers are essentially hooking up with each other?
It depends if Webttore, Dottore, and Sandrone are reliable sources.
Light of Ksharewar’s anon- scary, in particular- was exposed to have a bad sleep schedule despite consistently reprimanding Kaveh for having a bad sleep schedule himself. Kaveh was upset since this was naturally a display of hypocrisy, and Kaveh, alongside his other anon, ᓚᘏᗢ (cat) anon- now more commonly known as “adi cat anon”- chided scary anon. 
Scary anon then attempted to flee and hide in Diluc Ragvindr- owner of the Dawn Winery-’s blog, but upon learning about what had happened- via cat anon- also chided the anon, who then left again to try and hide out in the Duke of Meropide’s blog!
Rinse and repeat because cat anon followed after scary anon and informed the Duke, who told them not to hide in general. Thus ending the blog hopping scandal.
Later, scary and Kaveh squabble about sleeping habits (after Kaveh shrugs off the incident, saying it was really all in good fun), and cat anon tells them to BOTH fix their sleeping habits, Kaveh gains two more anons, yellow heart anon- the second parent- and wine anon- the menace. Kaveh also tries to send wine anon to the Fortress of Meropide.
Diluc and UTA are still not beating the allegations.
Pantalone offers a 500k bounty of mora for whoever helps solve his rat infestation(literally all of the rats in question are just Dottore’s clones) regarding his office. When a young girl solves the issue, the bounty ends up being worth triple the original amount.
Webtorre tries to sell a.. Really weird looking skull. 3 rats in a trench coat are down to buy it. ..and also 3 rats in a trench coat tries to give Collei the plague
The Regrator gets robbed. With a lack of a solution or person to blame, naturally everyone just begins to blame each other frantically.
Kaveh confesses to actually being three fungi in a trench coat.
Head Nurse of the Fortress of Meropide, Sigewinne, pastes stickers all over the Fortress of Meropide. Especially in the Duke of Meropide’s office.
Kaeya makes it down Dragonspine safely, or has he? No. No he hasn’t. He lost his vision on the mountain, so now, while Diluc is now taking his brother to the Dawn Winery, Lisa is trying to gather a team to go back up the mountain to look for it.
(Ignoring the Dragonspine RP canon and following Albedo and Diona going to Sumeru.)
Albedo wakes up from a nightmare, and Diona tries to comfort the alchemist.
Dottore(Prime) releases a poll on the crowd’s favorite Dottore. Ask-Dottore ended up winning, but the close second was UTA. Most notably, Madame Faruzan’s bias was UTA, while Diluc said none were likable altogether.
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sinisterexaggerator · 3 months
I miss reptile daddy-husband #4. How is he? How is my cute lil scaly baby?
Is Bossk hot-headed? How does he deal with being annoyed or pissed off? Does he just walk off? Assuming this is for someone he likes????? Also, what's Bossk's biggest red flag?
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LOL. HMMMmmmm.
He is definitely hot-headed. I feel we see that in the Clone Wars at least, and for that brief appearance he made in Dark Disciple. Even though he’s quick to be annoyed, I think he knows how to control it too -- when the situation calls for it. He knows how to live to fight another day, in other words. Granted, I am not a Bossk expert and there is A LOT of source material, especially in the Legends books. He also appears in a lot of comics, but I have yet to read these.
He can be moody and rather serious. He’s very efficient and ruthless when it comes to his job. He doesn’t take any bullshit, but he gives respect to those who deserve it, like Boba Fett for example. He follows the kid and is a part of his gang, Krayt’s Claw, for a good long while during / after the Clone Wars, so he is capable of working alongside others.
He’s also fair and honest and upholds the bounty code at all costs, so you might say he is a man of honor. I assume when he’s pissed and doesn’t have an outlet he seethes, lets it fester, and shows it through a bad attitude. He makes it EVERYONE’S problem until it can be resolved. I am sure he shows his emotions outwardly more so than hiding it inside.
If it came to someone he likes, wink, wink he might be a little more patient, or a little more easily able to forgive their transgressions, but I suppose it would depend on the situation and what he’s upset about. Maybe he does have the ability to take the high road, walking it off so he can blow off some steam before things get out of hand. I see him as intelligent and intuitive. He helped trained Boba for goodness’s sake, and acted as a sort of father figure toward him. But of course he also ate most of his hatch mates and killed his own father, so.
I bet his biggest red flag are hunters who lie and cheat the system, those who don’t follow the code, or those who act in ways that are untrustworthy. Like I said, he’s super into honor and most likely loyalty by default. If you “cheat” on him, don’t expect to get any second chances.
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brightwingedbat · 9 months
Beware wandering the wilds of Tyria alone at night...
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If you do, Kytos Corpsetaker is the last person you want to come across.
Meet my new Necromancer, Kytos Corpsetaker. A charr who once got trapped in the Mad Realm for a year, and was sent out a year after, unable to get back in before the barrier grew too strong.
His personality is rather all over the place, he is surprisingly well spoken, he would be a perfect host were it not for his true self. He loses all sense of composure and becomes near feral in moments of stress.
(Backstory involves undead and all that necromancer squick)
The year within the realm addled his mind, he became obsessed- incredibly so about the Mad King Thorn. So obsessed that even the Mad King himself had had enough of the consistent interruptions. And yet killing the man would have risked his soul being stuck there forever, having him outside and attempting to break the barrier from there was much preferred, and so locked out of the Mad Realm come the next halloween. Much to Kytos' despair.
But that doesn't stop him, oh no. He's too far gone, the Mad King is all on his mind. He needs to win back the King's favour, he needs to impress him, entertain him! But how? Oh but the Mad King does love theatrics... Kytos believed his way back would be to create a theatre play, one which he had full control over...
A theatre of necrotic minions.
But he needs a source for them, and no decayed corpse will do for his Mad King, no. He needs them before the rot sets in. And so does he hunt, for living souls, to use their bodies as material for his grand theatre.
Most don't survive a meeting with him, though he has been spied on at times. Tales tell that when alone at his decrepit shack of an abode, he can be seen curled over a glowing book. Whispering to it, as if speaking to the Mad King. Is he really speaking to him through the book, or does he just think he is?
None can say, but there is also one account of someone getting close enough to see the tome, to touch and read it. The short time they did, it appeared to all be studies of demons and the Mists, with a large segment especially dedicated to the Mad Realm.
When found by Kytos, he flew into a barbaric rage. Roaring and hissing that no one can touch his book, no one.
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The spy barely left with their life, and vowed to never again go near that place.
Guards have been sent to deal with the threat, bounties have been placed. And yet every hunt ends the same way.
With Kytos' stock of theatre materials growing.
And though every year, he gifts his Mad King with a grand show. No matter how good he does, the Mad King locks him out every time. Mad King Thorn finds his efforts heavily entertaining, but not enough to deal with the obsession once again.
Kytos is too mad to blame his King, he needs the approval. He will build up his stock, and create an even grander show. Every year, unceasingly, until he no longer lives to create.
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disguisedcheezed · 1 year
If baby Dirk lived all alone, how did he learn to talk and stuff?
and get stuff other than fish and sea plants,cause pretty sure under his house was like an oil rig(https://www.nytimes.com/2016/03/08/science/marine-life-thrives-in-unlikely-place-offshore-oil-rigs.html)
paradox babies are very smart on their own, (dirk literally wanted to go back right after he was born) and he would learn from watching movies and anime from the internet, of course. [see under the cut]
and as for other food sources, we wouldn't really have any other way to get anywhere but the ocean. but he would have some seeds(and various planting materials for them) left for him in his kitchen from rose at least (for making tea c:). not to mention the orange sodas with it. (because rose told dave to get those for him)(and rose would have plenty of things left for both dirk and roxy. :) )
and i think that the apartment beams full of marine life would be beautiful. very bountiful. absolutely good for the baby.
it's just funny. why could i not.
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(Added from my tags)
I also think Dirk's kitchen would have plenty of kitchen appliances and all kinds of knives. He would use a good ol linemen knife to skin wires! ^^
Also several tea sets and various seed packets.
Hoho so self indulgent XD
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eriexplosion · 4 months
Might as well keep going because I'm 0% tired at 1 in the morning, Bounty Lost it is.
SERIOUSLY WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON WITH CROSSHAIR He is BARELY conscious and he is LOSING IT. So either the chip was having one last spike of effectiveness before going down from the radiation or they did actually take it out as the only way to make him effective rather than rabid.
Bane's rude little bot out here to mock the child because she's the only person that can't kick him like a football right now.
He really didn't even check if Hunter was alive just shot him and went 'anyway that's probably enough' and called it a day. Didn't even do a second shot just to be sure. IT'S SLOPPY IS WHAT IT IS. Good that Bane is getting lax in his old age.
Honestly the thing with Lama Su is he has ZERO reason to tell Nala Se to kill Omega after getting the genetic material needed. WHY WOULD YOU KILL OFF YOU PRIMARY SOURCE? This is exactly what happened when Jango Fett died eventually you'll need another one! Short sighted dumbass.
Yeah sure, Todo, Bane's not helping you just because 'he's very busy' remember that time he turned you into a bomb?
I am shocked at how few trans Omega headcanons there are with the pure genetic replication thing, like I know there are other holes in it like hair color but come on. Trans Omega!
OMEGA IS SO SMART I LOVE HER. And she does fix him before turning him off! It's very polite of her to do that.
By hook or by crook, you're coming with me thanks that's terrifying.
Omega's first reaction to seeing Taun We is to try and help her, genuinely she is such a good girl
I simply do not like the mutant creatures in the Goo.
God though the way Fennec YEETS Omega into a hallway
At a certain point in this fight it genuinely feels like Bane and Fennec have completely forgotten about what they're supposed to be doing because all they're doing is FIGHTING EACH OTHER.
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Fucking bandages over the clothes. I will never be normal about this WHY DID THEY DO THIS? SHOW US HUNTER'S FUCKING TITS OR ELSE.
Tech sleeping in a chair with some Gadget clutched in his hands is so cute
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Why he got his leggy up like that
This is a really sweet scene though I do love it. I thinkkk this is one of my least favorite of the season but only because it lacks any BIG SPIKES OF AFFECTION, it's still a really solid episode.
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