#There are a bunch of great ones but they're *everywhere*
epic-kotlc-crossover · 17 hours
This is the second chapter of the Cyclops saga!! Hope you enjoy :)
(or cry. i did when I read this.) -cricket
Tags: @myfairkatiecat @ham-cheese-toastie @bookwormgirl123 @thesfromhms @justalunaticfangirl (let us know if you want to be tagged in the future!)
Fitz hadn't had his adrenaline so high in ages. He'd fought in a war, but this felt more... real. Instead of a bunch of people trying to kill each other—over a woman, even—he and his men were fighting against a cyclops.
A real life, hungry, cyclops.
"The rest of our crew wait for us!" Fitz roared out over the commotion. "If we get killed, they're as good as dead."
He lifted up his sword to the cheers of his men. "How great is your will to survive?"
600 lives to save. No backup. Fitz thought, narrowing his eyes and trying to think of a way to defeat the cyclops. I only have to kill him.
At the word "kill" he faltered, thinking of the infant. If he kept taking lives, how long would it take for him to become a monster?
This is different, Fitz reminded himself. But... instead of killing, maybe we can just maim him a little.
He reminded himself to reach out to Sophie as soon as this was over. She always helped.
"Don't die on me now, not when we're so close to coming home!" He charged forward, and managed to nick the cyclops on the leg, eliciting a howl. Fitz grinned, satisfied.
"Surround him!" The chorus of soldiers cried out. "Attack him from behind!" As they constantly stabbed and slashed at the cyclops, Fits was scanning for any way to take Polyphemus out.
He came up empty every time, and soon the thrum of frustration set in. Blood was flying everywhere, and he saw with grim satisfaction that the source of most of it was the cyclops.
"How great is your will to survive?" Fitz didn't know who said that, but it reminded him of why he was trying to survive.
Stay in his blindspot! Strike his heels! Fitz transmitted out the orders.
He's strong, but he's slow, he thought to himself. How could they use that to their advantage?
"No dying on me now!" He yelled. "We just need to take one life and we're free!"
He must've jinxed it.
A scream pierced the air, and Fits instantly realized that it wasn't the roars of Polyphemus that he'd been hearing for the past minutes.
No, he realized in horror, it was one of his men.
"He's got a club!"
That was....Dex. No. No, no no, no. Not Dex.
"He's got a club!" Someone screamed again.
"Captian, what are our orders?" Keefe asked urgently.
"Captain!?" That was Dex. Fitz rushed over to where his friend lay on the trampled grass. Dex looked like he'd been stepped on, which he actually might've.... His torso was bleeding from several gashes, and his legs were totally crushed.
"Dex..." Fitz started, tears burning in his eyes
"Captian--" he said, then coughed, blood trickling from the corner of his mouth. "Please don't forget to--" he coughed a little more-- "greet the world with open arms. For me?" Dex pleaded.
Fitz nodded shakily.
Dex's chest fell still.
Fitz vaguely registered tears streaming down his cheeks as he stared at his best friend.
Dex was dead.
Six people were dead.
He was snapped out of his trance as another one of his men yelled for him. Seven. Sven people died under his command. He stood up, shifting his sword around his hand. The cyclops was going to pay.
Only, before he could do anything, Polyphemus collapsed, a cloud of dust rising from where he lay.
Fitz grinned sadly. He'd forgotten about the lotus flowers in the wine. At least not too many people had died, yet.
We have to do what it takes to survive.
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fictionadventurer · 1 year
The more I learn about Civil War politics, the more I'm convinced that Lincoln's most impressive and useful leadership trait was that he never let his pride get in the way of doing his job.
Other people in Lincoln's position would have come to Washington with something to prove. They'd have resented the insults and tried to disprove them. They'd have tried to seize power and credit, rejected help, spent a lot of time trying to reach a certain level of respect.
Lincoln's response to, "You're just a backwoods lawyer with no executive experience who makes too many dumb jokes," was pretty much always, "Yeah. And?" He had no interest in petty personal power plays. He had a country to run. There was a war on. It didn't matter what people thought of him so long as the job got done.
He was aware of his personal shortcomings and was always willing to accept advice and help from people who had more knowledge and experience in certain areas. He presided over a chaotic Cabinet full of abrasive personalities who thought they were better and smarter than him, but he kept working with them because they could get the job done. For example: Stanton was absolutely horrible to him when they were both working as lawyers. Just incredibly mean on a personal level. But when Lincoln needed someone to replace Cameron, he swallowed his pride and appointed Stanton as Secretary of War, where Stanton proceeded to be mean to everyone in the world, but he whipped that department into shape and kept it running efficiently through a very chaotic war. Pretty much no one except Lincoln would have been able to put up with that. He could put up with people who were personally difficult if they could do the job he needed them to do--which he was only able to do because his own ego didn't get in the way.
Lincoln's example is a prime demonstration of how humility isn't underrating yourself--it's being so secure in your own abilities and identity that you don't need to attack anyone or defend yourself to prove your worth. He knew his shortcomings, but he also knew his strengths. He was willing to give other people credit for successes and take blame upon himself for failures if it kept things running smoothly. He was secure enough in his own power that he could deal generously--but firmly--with people who tried to undermine him. In a city full of huge egos, in a profession that rewards puffed-up pride, that levelheaded humility is an extremely rare trait--which is what made it so impressive and effective.
#history is awesome#presidential talk#so i went to a teeny backwater thrift store today#their tiny history book section just happened to have an old lincoln biography#i opened to the page about the cabinet#which describes the situation like 'seward was calling himself premier and lording it over everyone'#'blair was causing problems everywhere'#'welles was insulting everyone in his diary and especially hated stanton grant and seward'#'and stanton hated absolutely everyone in the whole wide world'#and as i was reading this i was internally kicking my legs with excitement and cackling with glee because this is the good stuff#i don't know why but i love these horrible petty men#they're like a bunch of raccoons fighting over territory in a dumpster fire it's so great#i read the whole chapter right there in the store#and it impressed upon me yet again how impressive lincoln was to put up with all these guys#(the writer was a bit simplistic and made a lot of these guys come off as worse than they were)#(like he made seward sound like a complete incompetent when he was a pretty good secretary of state)#(he had some grandiose ideas but the man deserves a lot of credit for keeping england out of the war)#(but for a one-chapter summary of these guys it wasn't exactly wrong and it was a ton of fun)#i very much did not want another book especially another american history book#but it was only fifty cents and i have a pouch full of spare change#and the writer's style was so much fun that i decided to take the book with me#i don't plan to read the whole thing (i'm sick of lincoln bios) but it's fun to dip into for things like this#and i had to talk to you about it
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todayimfour · 11 days
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And headcannons because mwah I love you 💕
I feel like he'd just describe his regression as "having some kid time"
Okay so no set age range, he's just a kid! Sometimes he's younger than others but he's fairly self sufficient.
But that doesn't mean he doesn't want to be babied!! And his regression is absolutely triggered (positively) by important people doting on him.
Grandma made cookies? "Sweet!! Thanks granny :)" Stan nodded approvingly at a repair he did? An almost silent "yuss"
He absolutely made a copy of Stan's hat out of paper and got really sad when the marker he used made the paper wet and thin so it didn't stay up right, but then he got the idea to use red construction paper and oh yeah it's coming together now!!
He's got one of those pens with a bunch of colours and uses it to doodle little ninja dudes on sticky notes, they're all cutting fruit and he leaves the sticky notes everywhere.
Also it's fun to take apart and put back together as a fidget.
"hey dudes I found this pen with like- nine different colors. I could draw so many fruit ninjas with this- like apples or strawberries or.. hey I need to look up more fruits!"
His regression isn't very noticeable if that makes sense? Like he's just so openly regressed like half the time that no one bats an eye when he does something childish because 'thats just how Soos is'
He's got a favorite cup and it's an off brand snack cup that has the spot for your snacks built into the lid. Stan bought a bunch for the store with the mystery shack logo and one had a defect so he let Soos keep it
He uses it basically every day, all the time, everywhere. "It's just so convenient!!"
Throughout the series (or I guess as summer progresses) Stan gets closer with Soos and I think this plays into Soos's regression in a positive way. Stan doesn't exactly become his caregiver but he watches for Soos, makes sure he's doing okay and draws with him from time to time.
(⁠人 ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)⁠。⁠*゚•
The board was made using PicsArt! None of the art was mine it was all found on the app!
Side note, for anyone curious, I'm still not really back from my hiatus. I'm trying to front more, I really am. Dennys is still the host for now- I was just supposed to front for a little bit and then I saw that Gravity Falls was kicking again on Tumblr so I had to make this. Have a great day/night!! -Ghostly
Tags!!! Aaa!! I have a taglist now I guess :D
@nottapossum @grauntiemotersblog
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sunsetkerr · 7 months
JESSIE'S BABY | j. fleming
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summary: a brief introduction to 'baby' and her relationship with jessie
pairing: fem!reader x jessie fleming
notes: first piece for baby!!!!!!!! she's so much fun and I can't wait to write more for her and jessie, because she is just a joy. big sorority girl on campus, our queen, our leader, our baby.
jessie never thought that she would get entangled with a sorority girl
but... spoiler!!! then you came along
jessie majored in materials engineering and environmental science
right she considered herself a total nerd in that retrospect
but she just finds it all so interesting!!!
so one day she meets a girl in one of her classes who is a sister of one of the UCLA sororities
her name is nina
they hit it off, it's great
jessie has finally made a close friend at college
so after a few months of them being friends, jessie is finally invited to the sorority house for a party
and she is NOT having it
she doesn't like to party
she doesn't like to hold eye contact for more than five seconds
and she hates talking to strangers
but after lots of begging
jessie admits defeat and comes along
she spent hours getting ready and deciding on what she should wear in front of a bunch of sorority girls
something pink? or is that too cliche
she ended up going with the first outfit she tried on
a UCLA athletics t-shirt and some jeans 
shes so insecure and not loving life
jessie has to hype herself up to even leave her dorm room and travel 
and then when she gets there and sees people everywhere she calls Nina low-key freaking out
like please come get me im too scared to come inside alone vibes
nina comes out with a gaggle of other girls following her
jessie is still on edge but feeling more calm as she meets all of these girls she was with
they seemed nice enough and they instantly invited her inside to play beer pong with them
they head inside and jessie realises that it was 10x more crazy inside than it was on the front lawn
she is shoving her way through the crowd as politely as she can without losing the group of girls in front of her
but jessie eventually is cut off by a guy chasing his friend with a beer and loses the group
shes left alone in this big sorority house with no idea where she is
jessie gets out her phone to try and call Nina again, but before she can a voice interrupts
"I love your jeans!"
she looks up and came face to face with the closest thing she thinks she will ever see to a god
you were standing there, a pink dress on to match the decor and your hair and makeup done perfectly
jessie is at a stand still
she doesn't know what to do or what to say
completely taken back by you
"I was looking at buying a similar pair last week, where did you get yours from?"
you finally look up at meet her eyes, and jessie didn't think she could fall more in love with someone
but she did
she finally managed to stutter out 'th-they're from a store in Canada.. encircled, I think"
and then you respond with some long-winded sentence about how you've never been to canda but would have always loved to
and about your jeans
and about her jeans and how much you like them
and about the party and if she's enjoying it
jessie's glad that you take the reins on the conversation because she was still too busy trying to recollect herself after making eye contact with you
she doesn't know how it happens
and maybe it's because you're so outgoing you don't even notice how awkward she's being
but you spend the entire night together
jessie ends up telling you that she knows nina
you tell her that nina just happens to be your roommate
you talk about her degree, she asks about yours
she finally works up the courage to say that she likes your dress
the look on your face was so genuine people could have thought that you have never been complemented before
you really were so beautiful, the most radiant person she had ever seen
jessie watched in awe the entire night as you floated around the house, dragging her along in tow
you never failed to introduce her to anyone
"this is my new friend, jessie" "jessie's from Canada" "jessie is on the soccer team, she's really good too" 
the way you complemented her even though you had never even seen her on the pitch made her heart flutter
you ended up inviting jessie to crash in your dorm at the end of the night
but she got too shy, saying she was happy to walk back to her dorm
so you walked back with her
you were the most fearless person that she had ever met
so ready to talk to anyone about anything
too friendly for your own good
too kind and too beautiful
it was almost unfair really
you both became fast friends after that night
you took jessie's phone one night and put your number in it
you texted every day since
the first soccer game that she played after meeting you, you were there in the stands cheering her on
possibly one of the loudest people there
you managed to get everyone chanting for jessie after she scored in the second half
you had this natural affinity for talking to people and making connections
she envied you in that retrospect
you were convinced that jessie had the same effect on people
she just didn't believe you really
you both would spend time studying talking in the library together
back and forth between each others dorm rooms
your sisters joked that jessie would need to pledge if she kept spending so much time at the sorority
jessie knew that she liked girls, had never ever told anyone about it
it was her biggest secret
but she knew that she loved you
you were so different to any other girl that she had laid eyes on
you made existing easier
jessie’s teammates started to notice the difference in her too
she had never been a loud or cocky teammate
but since you started coming to games she found that little bit of extra faith in herself
she scored more, played better and showed off a little more
they chalked it up to you bringing her out of her shell
people were confused by your friendship at first
future sorority president best friends with a engineering major???? unheard of really
but it soon became clear that you guys were a package deal
you were invited to a party? Jessie was coming
jessie had a bonfire with her teammates? it was assumed that you would be bringing marshmallows to toast come sunset
you both were rarely seen without the other
and that became your new normal
you had never spoken to jessie about any guys that you were interested in, but had never mentioned any girls either
so she wasn't sure for ages what your sexuality was
but when you organised a pride parade on campus and showed up with two little flags painted on your cheeks- she finally got that confirmation.
and it was as you painted two little flags of her own colours onto her face that she went for it
jessie fleming kissed you
little shy awkward nerdy jessie just came out and kissed you
I mean.. you weren't complaining
afterwards she was an apologetic mess
"oh my god, I'm so sorry" "that was so not okay of me" "I totally crossed a boundary there" "I am so so sorry" "I'll go"
but when you grabbed her face and told her to "shut up, fleming" and kissed her again it was like everything just kinda made sense?
jessie had never been more content in her life
no goal, or win, or trophy could ever top that first kiss with you
you were her baby, completely untouchable
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qsycomplainsalot · 1 year
I think the biggest wool pulled over everyone's eyes by right wing politicians is that liking history and tradition by definition makes you socially conservative, because the left agenda is to destroy your culture and absorb you into some kind of beige multiculturalism that really just means no culture at all. You'll see a lot of people gobbling that up who think being American means owning a pick-up truck while not knowing what a dulcimer is, because they keep voting for people who throttle their own education system, but likewise a bunch of left wing people who just grew up watching anyone into history with mistrust because this whole broad, general interest has been portrayed as people wanking over how great society was in the 1940's, which in itself is a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Now broadly speaking you can define culture and cultures in two ways, stuff that's been forged over thousands of years and resembles fancy arts and craft, and things like recounting important battles or what rich people call "workplace culture", stuff that never affected ordinary people so much as was inflicted upon them and will never be looked upon fondly by anyone who lived through it. You might notice that the first part is generally what people think of as culture and the second one just shit that happened.
Politicians will try and make you think that it's all one big lump but really it's just political maneuvering. Most of these boring assholes don't know the first thing about their own culture, and they know most people don't either, they're just pretending European culture is white privileges and glorifying some long-dead assholes to give it all an air of sainthood, when really European culture, much like everywhere else, is tasty dishes and silly hats. I don't think the left is against tasty dishes and silly hats.
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blindmagdalena · 3 months
thoughts on ep 4?
ohhhh man this is gonna be really long and disjointed because i just finished the episode. i'm just gonna be focused on the homelander stuff here bc i feel like that's what we're all here for lol
the energy he brought to that whole situation gave me the most intense anxiety. i feel like not even he was entirely sure how all of that was going to go down, but as soon as he was there, all these memories that he had repressed started flooding to the surface. obviously his relationship with Ryan is causing a lot of his trauma to come to the forefront, and this is the culmination of that.
i think what caught me the most off guard was how run down the place looked. a concrete basement with shoddy computers and post-its everywhere. a bunch of techs. it was so small, and yet it's like homelander said. it was a lot bigger when he was a child.
it was their day job. it was his whole world.
that very first moment when Marty calls him John, and he corrects "Homelander," in that boyish voice, i almost burst into tears.
the moment where he's staring at the incinerator made me feel ill for him. i already knew what was coming, and it didn't disappoint.
"I had nightmares about that exact moment, and you can't even remember it."
i had chills throughout this entire scene. it was such a succinct way to lay out how dehumanized he was his entire life. that so many people stood by and were so desensitized to his torture. they tuned out his screams entirely and played little games to pass the time. all while he watched.
this time, when Marty calls him John, there's no quiver in his voice. "Homelander," he corrects firmly, smile tight and closed. direct eye contact, waiting for a challenge. but they won't. he knows no one will stop him. not just because they can't... but because they simply won't. they wouldn't save a child. why would they save Frank?
"You're sorry? Now?"
this whole scene is such an interesting parallel to his conversation with Vogelbaum in s1, where he asks, "You want forgiveness? Now?"
something he rightfully denied Vogelbaum. in this instance, however, we see Homelander enacting his vengeance and giving that forgiveness... but only once they're dead. only once they'd paid his price. once they've suffered as he did. I forgive you.
the only time anyone expresses remorse for what they've done to him is when they're faced with it. when the regret eats away at them not for the harm they caused, but the damage done to the world, or to their own safety.
immediately following that, we see him call Marty over and not just apologize, but very specifically he asks, "Can you forgive me?"
it's perfect foreshadowing for what he's about to do to him. can he forgive the same thing Homelander is about to?
the scene that follows is so profoundly uncomfortable i had a lot of trouble watching. the reality of Homelander's life and teenage years is something that we as a fandom have always been very cognizant of, but seeing it addressed so plainly on screen was both nightmarish and vindicating.
i remember being really squicked out by his comment regarding Ryan getting Zoe pregnant, but it makes total sense that raising Ryan is bringing a lot of his own childhood sexual trauma to the surface. there's SO MUCH to be addressed here that it could be it's own post. but what's great is when Homelander calls an end to it: it's the moment Marty says he's sorry.
"I forgive you, Marty."
this is all about Homelander accepting what happened to him. facing it and the people who were part of it head on.
speaking of...
BARBARA. i know she's public enemy #1 right now, and rightfully so, but i found her so profoundly interesting. did she know Homelander was there? she didn't seem surprised at all. why would she come without backup? how did they even contact her with everything shut down? i don't know, but whatever the case, i really got the impression she already knew what she was walking into. she made a real attempt to get Homelander away from the other scientists, but he wasn't going to be swayed. they were already doomed.
she antagonized him. They were just doing what I told them. It's not their fault. It's mine. Leave them alone.
it's very apparent to me that among his fractured personalities, she represents the kinder motherly one. she, like Stan Edgar and Vogelbaum, are elevated above the other scientists. she's a figure of authority and she spoke to him as such.
"They were scared."
"I was a child."
"They were scared!"
and he does recoil at that. we KNOW Homelander hates being feared. it was his trigger with Madelyn, it's what kept him from lasering that crowd, and it's a blatant, desperate lie when he says to Starlight, "...being feared is a-one okie doke by me."
"Everyone was terrified of you from your first breath."
she breaks his heart a hundred times in this scene. from the reveal that he killed his mother in the same way Vogelbaum told him his son did—the source of that lie?—to the statement that their greatest success was making him obedient by withholding love. by turning his heart into a pit of need.
a sharp juxtaposition to Vogelbaum's You're my greatest failure.
and then she says to him no matter what you do, you will always be human.
here's the thing about Homelander's humanity. he doesn't associate it with kindness or love. he associates humanity with all the worst things that have ever happened to him. cruelty. selfishness. betrayal. his entire life he's been used and abused by the people who were supposed to protect him.
of course he doesn't want to be human. doesn't want his SON to be human. look at what humans have done to him. they're vile, they're vicious, they're dirty.
in another life, that desire could have been his drive to be good. if he'd only had a single fucking example of it.
"I'm not human. And neither is my son. And I'm gonna raise him so that he knows it."
in other words, he'll raise his son the way they failed to raise him. Homelander wants desperately to raise his son with the love he never had. he just doesn't know how to.
ultimately, like Vogelbaum and Stan, Homelander can't bring himself to kill her. he tears apart the people she tried to save, and he leaves her to stew in her own fucking mess.
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MORE Spider Society Headcanons
Halloween: Spiderween
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First of all: DECORATIONS??????
The ENTIRE campus done up with jack-o'-lanterns and lights and smoke machines and COPIOUS AMOUNTS OF SPIDERWEBS for the Spooky vibes???!!!
Spider decorations EVERYWHERE. From October 1st.
There's a haunted house on campus - filled with volunteers AND REALLY REALLY good jumpscare holograms made by Lyla
The food court starts serving Halloween specific food. Like a Vampire Miguel Milkshake at McMiguels.
TRICK OR TREATING Some people stay home at their universe and people portal over for candy and they get to see a glimpse of your universe
Or you get to hop universe to universe dressed like a Spider-person dressed like a giraffe. And since it's Halloween, it's fine if a bunch of Spider-people are running around dressed ridiculous because so is everyone else on most Earth's, Miguel's like 'yeah sure okay'
BIG BONUS POINTS if they dress up like ANOTHER Spider-person but like... Still over the suit.
Like wearing the crappy costume Miles had over your actual suit and 'acting' like someone else.
And EVERY TIME you see someone dressed as you, or wearing the same costume -
You know what you must to do.
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One year Hobie comes as Ben Reilly. All dressed up in punk but with a blue hoodie crop top to match . He spends the whole day wailing about the harrowing memories and crouching on ledges. Dramatically collapsing in people's arms
Is your Spidersona small? Imagine them dressed as Miguel. Walking around acting and irritated and fake angry and DOING THIS TO MIGUEL
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Miguels like 'are you serious? Cut that out-'
"aRe yOu SeRiOuS?? cUt ThAt OuT'
(and Lyla's like 'oooo that was good. They sound JUST like you Migs')
Lyla being a very popular costume
A bunch of Spider-people wearing fur coats and heart glass and they just decide to spend the whole day being useless to Miguel.
They all lounge around on all the seats like her, some even in bob cut wigs, and they follow Miguel and trying to get selfies with him LMAO
The Lyla with the cutest or funniest Miguel selfie gets put in the Campus newspaper
ALL the lazy Spider-people wanna throw a red party city wig over their suit and be like 'I'm MJ'. NO YOU'RE NOT.
Or some will even wear their MJ's clothes. Walking around calling everybody, Tiger. (Mayday gets the joke - they're supposed to be her mom - she thinks it's HILARIOUS and giggles the whole day)
Sidebar - can you image Gwen with a wig over her suit BUT LIKE under her hood??? SO SHE WOULDN'T LOOK BALD?? I'M SCREAMING AIRPOD LOOKING AHH
VILLAIN COSTUMES - Spider people dressed as Doc Ock over their suits, coming in with fish bowls on their head and going 'Look, I'm Mysterio!! Lol'
While the caged villains are looking at them like
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('y'all mfers got a lotta nerve')
I bet some people get REALLY REALLY into it and go all out, designing everything to a T. (Like the perfectionist!pavitr)
Some friends even do joint costumes - WebSlinger makes a costume for Willow so they match. Hobie does all his costumes DIY and it's like the ONE thing on campus he participates in.
Because he loves the DIY spirit. And the chance to mock his bosses on company hours.
Goes ALL IN on him and Gwen's (he wants to match) costumes. Or maybe he doesn't participate cause-
What's even better is people 'Punkifying' their suit to be like Spider-punk is a popular costume too!!
They throw together their own vest and jeans and jewelry and boots. And follow Hobie around, hands in pockets, and they all act all cool and fake punk all day , Hobie hams up the act for the occasion
Hobie of course weaponizes this by annoying Miguel with his 'clones'.
Ten Hobies outside his office sturming untuned guitars REALLY badly and Hobies likes 'Keep it up you !! U sound great!!'
Miguel's office full of Hobies and Lylas, Last year Margo went as Jess and Jess was touched
Then there's some Spider-people that are broke as hell. But since they all have top tier humor they make the intentionally cheap or out of the closet costumes. that ends up being stupidly hilarious.
Like wearing boxes and drawing a Spider-suit on it. Boom - Lego Spider-man.
Sometimes people might wear their makeshift suit over their new suit. So like a Spider-person having this as their costume OVER their suit
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And arguably the funniest of them all - having a really elaborate overdone homemade costume of a specific hero on campus, and everyone is like woah so cool have they seen you in it yet?
And you take off the costume mask... And it's just you... AS YOURSELF Like it's just the same mask underneath LIKE A HAT ON A HAT
Venom and Deadpool.
Venom is too risky. Deadpool is not allowed on campus and if THE REAL ONES seen they have to evacuate and deploy the capture team cause he gets too excited (you'd be surprised of what one man is capable of in the need of Spider-attention)
Anything else is fine though-
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centeris2 · 3 months
unfortunately I have been seized by the uncontrollable urges aka here is my SSO Quality of Life* Wishlist!
*as in small things that would/could impact daily play, rather than massive projects or overhauls
Cap frame rate to 60fps and enable players to cap their games lower. There is no reason why SSO should be trying to hit 100+ fps, the graphics nor the engine demand that sort of quality. SSO isn't a competitive or combat game, even the 'PVP' element it does are based on time, not player interaction. Players can not impact each other's gameplay at all (aka no collisions, physics, etc.) Not to mention it'd help my computer calm down if it wasn't trying to hit infinity frames per second.
Increase the shilling rewards in low density and hard to reach quest/race areas, like Mistfall and South Hoof. If the shillings I earn barely cover the fast transport and riding there takes a few minutes I'm gonna not go there. Increasing the rewards would increase the activity in those areas. You don't need new content (although South Hoof, Mistfall, and Dino champs would be great), but if the races and dailies there each paid out 100+ shillings and 250 or more horse XP they'd be more enticing to visit.
Change the trailer list into a trailer map. If it's a map pop up with all the trailer locations you'd click where you want to go. Seems easier.
Run two champs at the same time. I've wanted this back ever since they stopped doing that, and I miss it. One can always be running in the free to play area, and one can always be running in the Star Rider area.
Fix the UI at the top center of the screen, it's messy having timers and pop up alerts in the same spot. I can't read them if they're literally on top of each other.
Transparency/opacity settings for windows/UI elements. Why is the chat box transparent? Why is the quest log transparent? Why can't I make those opaque so I can read those easier without the game behind the windows occasionally making that text difficult to read?
Make the champ rank window accessible everywhere. As far as I can tell it's only visible if you click on a schedule board at a champ area or when you finish a champ. Why isn't that something you can look at wherever, so you can check your progress? It can be part of the High Scores pop up, like the champ schedule, since it's already part of the champ schedule boards at all the champ grounds.
A way to 'wishlist' items in shops. With everything being like 9000-max shillings you can only buy one item at a time, which is annoying if you figure out an outfit or a bunch of items you want to buy, but you have to remember what they are (or even what shops they are in).
If you go over your shilling limit the excess goes to your inbox OR you get the excess shillings, but you have to spend them before you log off or you'll lose the excess. So you get a popup telling you that you hit max shillings and if you try to log off you get another pop up warning you that you'll lose those shillings if you don't spend them, are you sure you want to log off and lose X shillings?
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thesoftboiledegg · 11 months
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"Auto Erotic Assimilation" from season two is one of my least favorite episodes because it takes one of the queerest concepts in the series and makes it aggressively heterosexual. Aside from a blink-and-you'll-miss-it scene with one male alien and a joke about Rick possibly contracting STDs from coal miners, most of the episode is a straight male power fantasy.
"Look at all the hot women with big boobs throwing themselves at Rick! He's the man! Unity's avatar is another alien lady with big boobs! Don't worry, folks--even if Rick talks to a man, he's really talking to HER! Don't you wish you were him, straight male viewer? Sexy alien orgies everywhere!"
The episode does have poignant moments and famously culminates with Rick's suicide attempt after reading Unity's final message, but a third of the plot is just a goofy teenage boy's fantasy. I watch it when I rewatch the entire series, but that's the only time I expose myself to that one.
When I saw screenshots from this episode that featured Unity, I thought "Oh God, not this again." Just let it stay in season two!
Admittedly, "Air Force Wong" handled Unity with more maturity. If this episode aired in season two or three, a bunch of sexy women probably would've mobbed Rick as soon as he stepped foot in Virginia. Here, the writers focused solely on the characters' relationships--not just Rick and Unity but Rick, President Curtis and Dr. Wong and their web of interactions.
I liked how Rick referred to Unity as "them," although he starts using "she" pronouns when she disconnects from the hivemind. This highlights one of my issues from the original episode: Unity is a hivemind, but she's also a hot, sexy alien babe who controls everybody, which are two opposing concepts. This seems like a backdoor way to make Rick's interactions Certified Hetero (which is probably what it was, to be honest.)
I also thought the resolution was unsatisfying. Unity's note at the end of "Auto Erotic Assimilation" makes it clear that she and Rick just make each other worse, but "Air Force Wong" implies that they should have stayed in touch. I was hoping Rick would get closure by ending it for good, but it seems like they're maintaining their distant but toxic connection.
I did like how the end of "Air Force Wong" parallels "Auto Erotic Assimilation." Rick heads back to the garage to drink, but instead of attempting suicide again, he decides to visit the president and put aside some of their differences. Like Dr. Wong says: it's a slow process, but he's changing!
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Aside from that, I loved this episode. President Curtis was hilarious ("Civil war, baby!" is already one of my favorite season seven lines), and he's as petty as ever. In fact, he's so petty that he was willing to enslave the entire Earth just for a 100% approval rating. He makes Rick look calm and responsible!
As usual, Dr. Wong was the voice of reason. She could've been just a crowd-pleasing cameo, but she guided Rick through his interactions and helped him remain stable in the face of emotional turmoil. While she flirted with the president, she didn't lose herself in some unprofessional whirlwind romance.
After watching "Pickle Rick" in 2017, who would have thought that Rick would not only willingly see Dr. Wong every week but try to punch the president to protect her honor? I wondered if he had a crush on her, but nothing he said implied romantic feelings, so I think he just feels protective over her because he distrusts the president.
Likewise, we're getting glimpses of how Rick treats his family: apologizing to Summer, sticking up for Morty when President Curtis insults him (I half-expected Rick to ruin that by giving Morty shit, but he didn't.) Morty sticking up for himself was nice, although man, the writers are underusing him. I think the president had more lines in "Air Force Wong" than Morty's had in these entire three episodes. And Morty's name is in the title!
Otherwise, setting up Prime's return was great. We're probably going to have a slow drip as season seven builds to their next confrontation. It seems like most of the trailer scenes are from the first four episodes and maybe "Wet Kuat Amortican Summer," so who knows what's in store for the other five.
And I mean--the Unity scenes weren't bad. Most of my issues are holdovers from 2015, which the writers can't change now. I'd prefer not to revisit it again, though. That's like taking another trip to Gazorpazorp.
Then again, later seasons have been correcting earlier issues (Summer saying "Sorry, Rick, but your opinion means very little to me" is one of my favorites), so revisiting "Raising Gazorpazorp" with a feminist lens could be another middle finger to the dudebros who are crying for Roiland's return and howling as Ian Cardoni outpaces him.
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thek1ngtalks · 2 years
Percy Jackson
Youre a bit of an oddball in camp. You were 15 when you were found, completely by accident. A saytr protecting another kid ran into you and that's the only reason he noticed you were a demigod.
You're,,, painfully normal, actually. Which, in a world of demigods and monsters, is in itself weird.
Being normal isn't a bad thing though. It's kept you and your parent safe, which is why they didn't put you on an immediate evac out to camp.
Sadly, your no monster streak was ruined as a frizzy red headed girl and a boy who looked like he tried to skate as a job while graffiting walls on the weekend broke into the band room you were trying to practice in
Great way to start off your highschool years, I assure you.
The redhead gives you a once over but deems you unimportant and starts trying to wedge herself between the wall and a bass drum.
The skater glanced between you and the red head before reluctantly joining her, hiding behind a bunch of bongos. They start whispering to each other, though it fails since you're pretty sure the red head's never whispered before
Your face pinches as you listen to them talk and like any normal person, you assume they're both crazy. Greek myths, what a joke.
Then, as the skater boy is about to reveal whatever big secret he's keeping, two cheerleaders step into the room. You vaguely remember them welcoming you in, although they called you a fish and stared at you funny.
Blah blah, they attack you, the skater boy– who the evil vampire ladies conveniently tell you the name of, Percy saves you both and then the school is on fire. Whoops?
Anyways, Percy brings you with him to camp, very shortly shows you around before things start getting crazy. Some centaur dude is on trial, Percy leaves for a quest and is dead for a little before he crashes his own funeral, overall a weird couple weeks.
After hiding in the Apollo cabin during the fight, handing things to the healers as they work, things seem to settle for a little.
He does come to see you to apologize for not being a very good guide and offers to show you a more detailed, and far more fun, intro to camp
That's when you start getting to know Percy more. His quirks, his skills, even his odd love of blue food.
He seems to seek you out often, answering only once that it's because you make everything so average.
You realize that with Percy's luck, everything is in extremes. When you're around though, he gets a break. If you can give him even a few minutes of peace, you don't really mind him calling you average (okay you still kinda do)
When you both inevitably start dating, no one's surprised. A few seemed disappointed they lost the apparent bet on Percy's love life, but no one was shocked considering how much Percy doted on you when you were around.
He also called you his good luck charm more than a few times, especially when you weren't around
Nico Di Angelo
You were a young mortal, emphasis on were. You had been a follower of the Chthonic Gods and with a life devoted to them, you got a bit of a cushy death.
You became a servant to Persephone, who had only needed a few extra hands temporarily and didn't care to dismiss you when things calmed down again. Obviously you don't remember much of your life but you were living a good death, so you weren't upset.
You had become an almost right-hand to her majesty, still a strong devote to her husband gave you a bit of a leg up in that regard.
And as her right-hand, she often gave you tasks she knew you could handle, you just weren't expecting to have to take care of a dandelion.
It definitely isn't one of the harder tasks she's had you do but it is more confusing. She had expressed that if one petal were to fall from it, Hades himself would send you to Tartarus, which is definitely NOT on your To Do List, so you've wisely took them to heart
You made sure to take it with you everywhere, taking care to keep the soil moist and talking to it often. You're not sure if it's helping but not a single petal has fallen yet, so you're positive that you're doing something right.
It's only after two weeks of this schedule that Persephone calls you to her room and tells you to bring the plant. Of course you listen
You're more than a little embarrassed when she turned the dandelion back into a broody teen, one who refuses to look back at you as he begins arguing with Persephone
Persephone dismisses you and the brooding boy takes that as his cue to leave with you, still avoiding your face
He thanks you for taking such good care of him and offers his name —Nico— but nothing else before he shadowtravels away
Over the next few weeks you find small trinkets from the overworld left in your room, in the spot you had left Nico's dandelion form.
After a month of this, you are walking with Persephone as she heads to her garden and are faced with 3 demigods
Your eyes meet Nico's and he seems embarrassed again before he begins arguing with Persephone again
You are ordered to help them navigate the underworld in search for Hades's newest symbol of power and Nico actually starts looking at you, talking to you, and being normal
He's quite nice and he doesn't seem to hold anything against you, which is nice. You get along a lot better when he can actually respond and after retrieving the sword, you ask Nico to drop his gifts off in person so that you can actually see him more.
It's barely a few years later when Nico leads you out of the Underworld in the midst of Thanatos being missing, apparently having already gotten Persephone's permission but oddly tight-lipped about how (he coughs up petals for a week)
As a human you begin aging again with small parts of your past coming back. Nico is delighted when you remember your name and makes sure to say it to you at least once a day in case you ever forget it again.
You follow him wherever he goes, even to Tartarus, and all of his friends are surprised when you announce your dating, only because they thought you already were
Nico has apparently been horribly obvious in his adoration of you and you're much the same
[I was supposed to write a platonic soulmate shortfic with like 10 characters and accidentally wrote this instead. Congrats, I guess. (I'm still gonna write the other one, you can't stop me)]
[L0v3, k1ng]
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sspextkr · 6 months
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rockstar's bf!coryo headcanons
☆ based on a newer au of mine, where reader is a famous musicianl/"rockstar" and coriolanus is their iconic partner, set during modern times.
☆ based on the song "paparazzi" by lady gaga :3
cw: suggestive themes, smoking, drinking.. yknow, sex, drugs & rock n roll! probably ooc!coryo but shhhh
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☆ we'd be so fantastical
coriolanus has been your biggest supporter since day one. he's watched you practice a million times in your parents shitty garage, and he's head over heels in love with you. watching your hands move across the fretboard of your guitar/bass guitar is such a fucking turn on for him. he can't help but wonder what else those hands can do
☆ leather and jeans, garage glamorous
he's always, always stealing your clothes. what he steals the most, though, is your leather jacket. you thrifted it a few years back, and he loves the way it looks on you. it smells like coffee, cigarette smoke, and the perfume/cologne you wear. if it's missing before a show/interview and you wanna wear it, all you have to do is find coriolanus, because there's a pretty good chance he has it.
☆ ready for those flashing lights
most of your sexual encounters happen right before or after shows, where adrenaline is high. he'll go down in you in a closet to help you unwind or let you fuck him/fuck you if you have the time. he just thinks you look so damn hot in your stage clothes, he can't help it :(( and your calloused fingertips alone are enough to make him come. he loves the way they feel against his skin.
☆ you know i'll be your paparazzi
coriolanus has a love/hate relationship with the paparazzi. on one hand, you look fucking phenomenal in every photo taken of you, and he's often with you when they're taking, solidifying your relationship to any questioning tabloids. on the downside, the paparazzi is everywhere and you can barely get a moment to yourselves outside. and also? everyone else gets to see how great you look. he knows others are jealous, and it fills him with delight. he's just so damn obsessed with you..
☆ i won't stop until that boy is mine
you're his, and he wants everyone to know it. if you fuck a night or two before a show, just know he's going to leave dark hickies/bite marks/scratch marks/anything he can. (think gerard way with his gay ass scarf). even if you tell him to stop, that it's just making the gossip worse, he refuses. people need to know you're taken.
☆ i'll be your girl, backstage at your show
you've had a few girls and boys try to hook up with you a few times.. and it just gets under his skin. they see the marks on your neck, the way he's always in your jacket. don't they know you're taken? coriolanus makes it a habit to kiss you whenever there's cameras around, pinning you against a wall and shoving his body right against yours. you'll call him your groupie to tease him, and in all honesty? he loves it.
☆ you're my rockstar in-between the sets
coriolanus loves getting to hang out with you whenever you're on the road. there's nothing like it, really, being cramped in a bus with a bunch of other people, having to sneak around if you want time together.. he likes the thrill of it. one of his favorite things to do is share a cigarette and a drink with you after a long day. he tags along on tours when he can and cherishes every moment of it.
☆ eyeliner and cigarettes
coriolanus loves to help you get ready for your shows!! whether it's doing your makeup, assembling your wardrobe, or whatever you need, he's your little assistant. he'll kiss you good luck and help you adjust the shoulder strap of your guitar/bass guitar before sending you off on stage. he 100% gets hard watching you.
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taglist: @on-plvto @theirgayyourhonour
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junowritings · 1 year
Hi friend, I hope I'm not bothering you. I stumbled across your twisted wonderland writings a little bit ago and fell in love with them. They're so good! I was wondering if you could do an angst comfort imagine with Jamil or Kalim where MC overblots? In game, Crowley piles so much work on poor MC, along with MC being the college's resident problem solver, and some of the students have called them worthless due to their inability to cast magic. I was wondering if you could play around with that idea? Regardless, thank you for doing what you do! Hope you have a lovely day.
Hiyya friend thank you for the love <3 I'm glad you've been having fun with these~! I'll admit this started off as a little thing but then the overblot brainrot kicked in thinking about the effects of blot on a non magic user and it spiraled from there lmao. Please do enjoy this though I had a bunch of fun giving my Scarabia boys some love,even if it is filled with angst!
The realization of what’s happening comes too late, as it always does. 
Eyes have been everywhere, watching your every move since you clawed your way from that coffin into this twisted wonderland. And each of them have expected something from you, saw fit to use you and take advantage of your situation for their own gains. Making yourself useful seemed to be the only way you could earn any modicum of respect, and so the pressure mounted and mounted as every day saw you taking on more responsibilities than you could handle. But you’d been so hopeful that it wouldn’t be that way forever - things would get easier, and you only needed to put up with the pressure until you got home; Crowley promised you that the day you enrolled at the school, and he wouldn’t lie when he was the only one capable of making that a reality, right?Right?
You should never have believed him; maybe that would have saved you.
This shouldn’t have been possible; with no magic to your name or even a magical presence to call your own the thought of you of all people overblotting was laughable, some cruel joke that was humored for the few seconds before you were deemed magicless, and thus no longer a concern. And yet the impossible pools at your feet and clings to your skin and clothes like a parasite as your brain spirals into a frenzy. All you can think about is what they’ve done to you, what they made you do. You were so useless to all of these people until you had some kind of purpose to serve, was that it? Running their errands; being a personal therapist and caretaker to so many dorms when you were still nursing your own wounds; having to take care of everyone else's problems only to return to your dilapidated corpse of a dorm at the end of the day. 
Perhaps it’s the stress, the mental fatigue drawing in all of that leftover magical waste with nowhere to go that accumulated the blot, allowing it to take root after months of being subjected to the worst that magic could do. It’s there which it festered until the pressure became too great, until it now seeps through your bones, your eyes, your fingertips in thick, viscous globs of ink for all to see. And from that blot comes the monster, a patchwork mockery of all of those overblots you’ve dealt with before taking shape of your deepest insecurities and regrets; and your own despondent sobs are drowned out by the screams of its birth as it rises to its full height, writhing and looming overhead.
But it’s imperfect; with no stable magic source to siphon its energy from the blotted creature latched onto you fights only to stay alive. The noises it releases are distorted, a hollow rattle that has the students taking an unconscious step back as a chill settles in the air. Many were smart enough to flee, yet there are those that stay, either foolish or frozen in fear at the sight in front of them.
You’re conscious, barely, the remaining dregs fading in and out of your control as your eyes, half blinded by the inky mass that pours from the blotted thing above you scans the sea of horrified faces. Friends, dormmates, and finally….
♡ Jamil feels the rush of students tripping over themselves to flee, can hear the screams of people too confused or too terrified to understand the impossibility of the situation, but his focus is trained solely on you and the thing that leeches off of you to stay alive. He watches it twist, heaving ink as it takes a defensive stance ready to attack anything that tries to get in its way. Your friends around you all make vain attempts to reach out to you; Ace and Deuce are frantically screaming out for you as they bat away an onslaught of inky limbs, and Grim gets close enough to barely brush your shoulder with his paw before the frantic swipe of the creature nearly sends him careening back in a torn mess had Jack not yanked him back to safety.
♡ For that moment he takes in the scene unfolding in front of him, watching the person who has fought to earn his respect and gain his trust being taken over by the flood of bottled up emotions preyed upon by the blot, and it hits him. Is this what you’d seen during his overblot? Is this how you felt seeing the person you cared for being reduced to a shadow of their deepest hatred and pains? If he closes his eyes he can vaguely recall the horrified look on your face in the muddled memories from his own overblot, but there’s no time to dwell, no time to panic, or scream, or cry when the most important thing is separating you from the blot and making sure you survive. And so he takes a steadying breath, steeling his resolve and shelving his emotions until you’re freed.
♡ Your friends are already mounting an offensive against the overblot and Jamil is right there in stride acting as a defensive force for those better equipped to attack. Each hit has the beast screaming, chunk by chunk being wrested away from its patchwork frame that’s barely holding itself together as is. Your screams echo along with it, only making the fight harder as hesitation hits your friends, Jamil himself almost making the mistake of stepping towards you before catching himself and refocusing on the fight at hand.
♡ He’d caught glimpses of the strain your situation had forced you under, he’d be a fool not to have noticed the pressure you’d been settled with. He knows the pressure well, having to play the part and live your life restricted by the whims of others. And yet every time he’d reached out to you, pulled you to the side away from prying eyes you’d only smiled and told him that you were fine, even if the sallow eyes and the constant tremble in your hands screamed otherwise. Jamil should have never taken you at your word, so sure that if whatever you were dealing with became overwhelming you would open up to someone - open up to him - before it was too much. Who could have ever imagined that it would get to this point? Jamil feels a sickness welling in the pit of his stomach just thinking about it, and the momentary lapse in attention nearly costs him a limb as a writhing hand slams down at his side when the overblot monster lunges forward, warbled voice screaming “-𝔸𝕎𝔸𝕐...𝔾𝔼𝕋 𝔸𝕎𝔸𝕐-!” again and again.
♡ Your overblot fights harder than anything they’ve faced before, even as the half formed twitching mass of energy that it is. Like an animal caged and surrounded it’s got no qualms pulling every ounce of power it can muster to ensure its survival even if it means turning you into little more than a husk. All it takes is watching you crumble, heaving and choking on some invisible force that saps everything from you for everything to finally snap. Whatever strength the creature pulls from you isn’t enough to keep it standing, and no sooner have you dropped the blot caves in on itself, still reaching out to you for more even in its final moments. In the wake of its dissipation the air is thick with an unspoken pressure, and the remaining students even torn up and bruised all make a beeline for your crumpled body, surrounding you in a wall of frantic calls of your name. 
♡There’s a lump in his throat as Jamil approaches the crowd, elbowing his way between Ace and Deuce kneeling before you. His breathing all but stops at the glimpses he catches of you among the hands cradling you, body limp as the remaining blot flakes from your skin and turns to whisps. Those seconds last for an eternity, bated breaths unwilling to ask the question that’s burning on everyone’s tongue. 
♡Are you…?
♡The next moment you’re gasping for air, rocketing up and narrowly missing headbutting the vice dormhead as you all but throw yourself up to retch. You miss the collective breath that everyone releases as the world starts to turn once again, relief flooding the atmosphere now that the imminent danger has passed. Someone mentions making sure you’re taken to the infirmary and Jamil can practically see the cogs turning in your head as you panic, finally coming back to your senses. You insist that you can take yourself there, scrambling groggily to your feet and shaking away the mass of hands supporting you only to immediately buckle the second your feet touch the floor. 
♡How lucky you are that Jamil catches you before you fall, one arm firmly gripping your elbow and the other pressed against your back to make sure you don’t try getting away on your own again. Surprisingly you don’t argue, in fact you hardly even say a word as Jamil whisks you away from the crowd; the silence is only broken on the walk there when Jamil has to stop you from nearly bucking again. You’re gripping his jacket for support when you ask “Did I hurt them?” focused on your hand wrapped into the fabric and not willing to look at him. There’s a pause, and Jamil watches your knuckles turning pale from your grip like you’re afraid of the answer. “It takes more than that to hurt any of those guys;They’ll be fine.” 
♡ Whether it’s the answer you wanted or not your grip loosens on his jacket but never truly lets go the entire walk there even as the infirmary sign comes into view around the corner. There’s no saying what effect the overblot had on you both physically and mentally, so the staff are on high alert as soon as you’re led into the infirmary. The nurse tries to take you off of his hands but you’re still holding onto Jamil for support and he’s quick to take the lead in getting you onto the bed so you can finally be seen to.
♡Jamil only allows the gravity of the situation to hit him once you’re in the capable hands of NRC medical staff, giving you some space to recover without being hounded by people as he tries to collect his thoughts. A part of him wants to stay there with you, especially with the way you’re so reluctant to let go of him during the initial checkup, but you’re drained both physically and mentally and need time to rest, and he needs to start picking up the pieces of the aftermath.
♡ The work keeps Jamil’s mind occupied, and provides a welcome buffer to the what ifs that are already beginning to creep in. But the moment he’s given a moment to finally rest it’s like all his energy’s been drained, using the nearest surface to keep himself upright as the events of the day finally fully sink in. You’ll live but all he can think about is what if you hadn’t; those few seconds where you weren’t moving, repeating over again and again. It’s an image that’s burned into his brain no matter how much he loathes having it there, and it forces his feet to move without thinking, heading straight back to the infirmary where he’d left you. Jamil needs to see that you’re really there, that you’re really safe in that bed and not taken whole by that creature again, and it’s something he finds himself doing long afterwards if only to set his own nerves at ease.  
♡ Kalim is horrified to see what’s happening to you, watching the creature that rises from your barely standing form like it’s tearing itself free from your very shadow. For a split second it’s as though he’s back at Scarabia watching his childhood friend overcome the overblot and change right before his eyes. That familiar chill of fear that he’s hoped to never have to experience again hits him square in the chest and his entire body goes cold as the reality of the situation settles with the wheezing howl that the overblot creature lets loose into the air. 
♡ Even though he can see it with his own eyes it’s almost impossible to come to terms with the fact that this is you. The one who always went out of your way to help people, who was so kind and there for everyone to help deal with their problems with hardly ever a thanks in return - there’s no way that the trembling, half coherent body looking out at the world with nothing but hatred burning behind ink stained eyes is really you. But it is, and there’s a beat, a split second where your eyes meet his and that anger flickers to grief, a lapse of the real you looking back at him before the hatred consumes you once again.
♡ It’s hard to think straight, and Kalim’s got little concern for his own safety as he joins Ace, Deuce and Grim in trying to reach out to you however pointless it may seem. He has to reach you, has to get to you somehow to make sure that you’re safe and get you away from that thing; he has to-!
♡ There’s a whoosh of air barely inches from his face, and Kalim only has a second to process the mangled claw that makes a swipe for him before there’s a hand winding into the back of his clothes , pulling him back into the dirt before those claws can bury themselves into his skull. It's enough to shock him back into the present moment, only now hearing the panicked voices of his friends and classmates as the chaos unfolds; there’s others here, and every single one of them is in danger the longer that this overblot is free to wreak havoc onto its new domain.
♡He hesitates to fight you - he just can’t bring himself to do anything that risks hurting you even though he knows that standing by and doing nothing it’s only going to make the problem worse. So he calls out to you, shouting your name with a near frantic desperation begging you to come to your senses even as the creature you’ve summoned continues it’s assault, gouging into the earth in its attempts to get at him with half formed joints. His cries are drowned out by the overblot monster’s screams, garbled words sounding like white noise ringing in the air only ever cut off when a sudden blast of magic from behind Kalim has the beast reeling. 
♡Your friends round up to make a wall effectively creating a barrier between it and the students, their faces grave as they realize what it’s going to take to make sure everyone gets out of this situation alive. The last thing he sees before they close in is you, the blot still dripping down your face as you let out an enraged scream, the months of bottled up emotions sending goosebumps up Kalims skin before you disappear back into the overblot’s hold.
♡Hesitating will only result in you getting more hurt, so Kalim tries to pour his focus onto helping elsewhere. Hoisting himself to his feet he takes charge in making sure that everyone not directly involved in the fight has a clear path to get to safety, ensuring that the debris scattering through the air never has a chance of hitting any of the students and causing more damage. All the while he’s fighting not to be distracted by the sounds of fighting - the gurgling of the overblot, the shouts of everyone co-ordinating together and struggling to turn the tide of the fight. He can’t allow himself to think too hard about what’s happening to you; the people he’s helping are looking to him as dorm leader to keep them safe and get them out of there, and if he thinks about it for too long he knows he’s going to slip up and someone’s going to end up hurt or worse. 
♡ A bloodcurdling howl brings everything to a standstill, and all at once something snaps in the air, the pressure on the back of Kalim’s skull dissipating as the blot that has soaked into every corner of the area breaks apart and disappears, no longer held together by magic. That means only one thing, and Kalim immediately drops everything that he’s doing to get back to where you are. The terrain is a mess and he trips up more than a few times on the huge chunks torn out of the earth beneath his feet as he grows more desperate to see you, to get to you. 
♡His heart drops into his stomach once he finds you through the sea of people who were fighting you not moments before, now crowded around you in a protective circle. You’re curled up on yourself, unresponsive and Kalim immediately sinks down onto his knees in front of you, not caring for the last broken pieces of the overblot that try to claw at legs for purchase even as it sinks back into the mindless puddle of waste it came from. Hands trembling, Kalim holds you as close to him as he can, wide eyes scanning your face for any sign of reaction, a sign that you’re back. The time stretches on and he feels his throat burn the longer you go without waking up; he’s here, calling your name over and over again, can’t you hear him? It’s okay to wake up now, everyone’s safe! You're okay right?... right?!
♡A groan cuts his thinking off, and there’s no holding back the sob he almost chokes on when you finally come to. You’re blinking away the haze that’s making your head pound and finally make out his face, caked in mud and debris and smeared with stark tear tracks as he cries. You bring a hand up to try and wipe away the tears and grime but that only makes him cry harder, though you don’t have time to feel bad before he’s pulling you even closer, pressing your face against his shoulder and wrapping his arms around you so tight that your ribs groan in protest. It’s not like you have the heart to push him away though - you’re so tired and drained and all you can think about is how glad you are that he’s here as you zone in and out of him gushing about how he’s so glad that you’re going to be okay.
♡Kalim refuses to let you go even as the others begin to crowd around to check on you for themselves; now that this is all over the last thing he wants to do is leave you on your own again much to the frustration of Grim and your other friends. It takes Jamil stepping in and none too subtly warning him that there’s a chance you’re still suffering from complications unless you get to a nurse and find out for sure before he relents, but even then he’s going right with you to the infirmary, taking a seat right next to the bed you’re propped up in and holding your hand and supporting you through the entire checkup.
♡All he can focus on is how tired you look, the exhaustion palpable now that the blot has washed away from your skin and clothes. He knows that it isn’t from the blot though; Kalim may be naive but he knows you were suffering before the overblot overwhelmed you. He’d tried so hard to help - offered you to stay at Scarabia any time you needed a break, insisted that you could always rely on him for anything, to tell him anything, just say it and he’ll be there! And yet it wasn’t enough to save you from all of this, and he can’t help but feel guilty that he couldn’t help you when you needed him the most…♡ You have to convince him not to call in the best doctors from back home just to come and see you the second the nurses are finished with their tests, insisting that he really doesn’t need to go that far despite his protests that he wants to make sure that you’re really okay. He’s already rattling off about how things are going to be better once you’re all healed up - he’ll come to see you everyday, of course, and he’ll make sure to bring plenty of things to keep you happy so that you can focus on resting and feeling better! It’s almost enough to forget the fact that everything that happened wasn’t just some dream your stress addled mind conjured up; however, even so exhausted you don’t miss the concern hiding behind his seemingly carefree smile, grip on your hand squeezing every once in a while as though to reassure himself that you’re both still here - he hasn’t lost you yet.
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adoremexxs · 1 year
You can have a story or a headcanon (From your AU, she is great)
Urogi × Extremely calm reader.
Don't know how to explain, they're like, like the sun and the moon. Underwater and cheerful Urogi and a calm, perhaps slow and sleepy reader.
thank you in advance! your blog is one of my favorites <3
AW, this means so much to me! So sweet!
also i’m sorry guys for not posting multiple times a day, my brain is fried and i’m extremely busy ☠️
Urogi with a calm S/O
warnings: none
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met him through Aizetsu
you and aizetsu are besties bc u both are extremely calm people and reserved
so whenever you came over to his house, you didn’t expect to see 4 loud and chaotic brothers
zohakuten was relatively quiet until sekido or urogi and karaku pissed him off
the first one to greet to you was urogi
immediately checking you out and trying to figure out who u were
asked if u were aizetsu’s lover
aizetsu said no so fast, he didn’t want to get harassed
urogi was happy on the other hand
“yay! that means they can be mine!”
sekido hit Urogi so hard for saying that
karaku tried to get into your pants a few times but you were like “no! bye!”
you started to befriend urogi and talk to him more, even starting to hang out
even though he is hyper 99.99999% of the time, you enjoy it
he can drive so he takes you everywhere, listening to “Eyes without a face” by Billy Idol
it’s very spiritual tbh
takes you to the beach
will take your instagram photos for you
he’s been trained
shows you his crystals that him and aizetsu collect
whenever you express that you collect crystals too, Urogi goes crazy and needs to absolutely see them which results in bringing him over
your room radiates your energy, sleepy and calm and Urogi realizes how much you are like Aizetsu!
which makes him even more clingy towards you
his energy can sometimes overwhelm you and when you snap at him, he gets so sad and leaves you alone
you feel bad but he’s happy within like 5 seconds
the day that he asks you out is on the beach, the sun is rising and you are watching it
he looks so nervous, you can clearly tell something is up
when you ask him what’s up with him
he pours all of his feelings out to you, expressing how he has liked you since the first day he met you and how he can’t get enough of you
obviously you accept it bc you aren’t dumb, like why would you reject HIM?! He’s so fine and cute and sweet
you are somehow able to deal with his energy most of the time, sometimes you can get overwhelmed but it’s not terrible
he gets REALLY clingy to you, he has to be touching you 24/7 or he has a freak out
whenever you saw the scar on his waist, you were extremely concerned because Urogi casually just said
“oh it’s from when my dad hit me with a beer bottle.”
he completely brushed it off?! like what?!
Urogi doesn’t mind talking about his childhood, he’s indifferent about it
it’s his way of coping with it, he acts like it wasn’t that serious, it’s just how he grew up
he ended up telling you about how he used to get bullied a bunch
and how he struggles with his self image sometimes, he gets really anxious sometimes and doesn’t eat for days but then he’ll end up eating a bunch later on
now it’s your job to get him back on track!
your calm energy relaxes him a bit
if he’s at your house, he is completely calm and sleeps on you
he’s heavy but you aren’t going to push him off
Urogi posts you a lot
he makes you known to everyone
you are referred to as “Urogi’s S/O”
random people will say hi to you in the hallways
urogi LOVES kissing you
everytime he sees you, he has to kiss you
he’s very passionate about it, he usually ends up out of breath
you almost die half the time, he cuts off half your air supply
Urogi is legit obsessed with you
he wants you to be equally as obsessed with him so he looks up love spells online
it works though
i mean he really didn’t need the love spell but man, you got equally obsessed as him
you are so calm that it terrifies him sometimes
if he did something bad, he’s scared that you’re mad
you’re not
Urogi doesn’t handle calm energy too well whenever he thinks they are angry
Urogi is a D2 overthinker when it comes to his S/O
Sekido is a D1 overthinker y’all
Urogi doesn’t think 90% of the time but the 10% goes to you
stresses over gifts and holidays and dates
it’s okay because you already take care of everything and take care of it for Urogi
everyone says you guys are the golden retriever and black cat duo
so that’s what you dressed up for halloween as
even though Urogi wanted to be a bird
tries to compare you to a bird
compliments 24/7
extremely loyal
he is in love with you and you take a lot of his firsts
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anzulvr · 8 months
ʚɞ On Purpose Karma x (fem) Reader || Chapter: 2 ୨୧
Prev || 02 Butterfly Effect|| next
Karma hadn't made it to class yet, he wasn't know for being punctual much less early. Rio, Fuwa and Hinano were hovered around Ritsu's main screen with anticipation.
"Ritsu what did you find out? The suspense is killing us!" Hinano asked.
Ritsu nodded, she'd even programmed a detective outfit for herself, taking her job as the investigator very seriously, "Rio was right, He lied about getting a call and met up with someone."
With a dramatic gasp, Fuwa exclaimed, "Sounds like a shady deal scenario? That reminds me of a manga I read where—"
"Not at all! I couldn't see her face or anything but he called her [Name]! They sounded friendly with each other... it's a relief that nothing dangerous happened." Before Fuwa went off on another one of her Shonen rants, Ritsu interrupted her.
"I told you guys! He totally has a secret girlfriend!" Hinano cheered.
Maehara rushed over as if the words '[Name]' and "girlfriend" in the same conversation had summoned him. "No way! Karma's going out with [Name]?!"
"You know her?" Rio questioned.
"Do I know her?! She's rejected me a bunch of times- I was worried I was the problem but if she's dating Karma it all makes sense!"
"You are the problem! She rejected you 'cause you're a womanizer." Isogai shouted from across the room.
"Maehara you're so loud- now everyone knows Karma has a secret girlfriend!" Fuwa chastised, Ironically everyone who was too preoccupied with their own talks to hear the conversation up till this point heard it from Fuwa.
"KARMA HAS A SECRET GIRLFRIEND?!" Fuwa winced at the overwhelming reaction from everyone.
Ritsu elaborated, "I don't want to give misleading information, I'm making assumptions based on one interaction, I was going to go through their chat logs but that felt invasive... I did calculate their compatibility and it's very likely."
"Well what did you hear?" Kayano asked
"Not much, they're going out to eat at the cafè Isogai works at after school."
"We should go then! To see what they're up to and what not." Kayano's eyes light up, like a child whose tasted ice-cream for the first time.
"You just want to go 'cause they sell pudding." Sugaya sweat drops.
"That's only half the reason!"
Isogai suggests, "You all don't need to worry about it, I have a shift today anyways, so I can keep an eye on them."
"No way! I wanna see it first hand!" Hinano counters insistently.
Everyone is startled when Korosensei appears in the middle of the group, thanks to his heightened sense of hearing he is always there when gossip is involved.
"Young love is such a beautiful thing... I could die of happiness right now." He dabs his tears of joy with a handkerchief.
Nagisa, clearly taken aback by his sudden appearance, asks, "How long have you been here?!"
"for one, I think we should help him on his date. We should get her flowers on his behalf and attach a letter with his forged signature. We can send it to her doorstep and—" Korosensei rambles on and on with his own pushy ideas.
Rio stresses, "We are not doing anything, you can't get involved. We don't need her fainting at the sight of you." 
"Yeah that would be hard to explain..." Isogai thought out loud, their dismissal makes Korosensei turn blue with shock, there's no way they're going to meddle without the wingman himself.
"I'm great at disguises! No one will suspect a thing! I promise I won't interfere! I'll listen!" In a moment of desperateness, He leeches on to any excuse that comes to mind.
"Stop getting your tears everywhere! We should plan this later, if Karma catches wind of it, we're so dead." Hinano couldn't help but shudder at the thought.
"Why would you be dead?" Karma walked through the door, timing couldn't have been better.
"NOTHING!" Hinano's shoulders tensed up as she instinctively answered
Karma paid little to no mind to her reaction, he sat down in his seat. His classmates on the other hand were exchanging weird looks. Hinano seemed especially apologetic. Everyone's strange reactions sparked some interest in him but he didn't care enough to delve deeper into the matter. 
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abbysimsfun · 9 days
Sims In Bloom: Generation 2 Pt. 44 (A Nephew and a Wedding!)
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Making the most of a rainy autumn, Heather travelled to Henford to meet River and Cassandra's son, Michael, before he was even a week old.
She marvelled at her tiny nephew while he slept. "It's incredible, Riv! That's your kid!"
"He's pretty amazing, isn't he? I can't believe he's finally here."
Heather had arrived with first-time grandmother, Bella Goth, who always looked incredible. Even now that her jet black hair had faded to grey, she dressed like she could stop traffic everywhere she went.
"He has my brother's chin," she said, glancing wistfully upon her grandson as he woke from his nap. Baby Michael had been named for Bella's brother, who died in a motorcycle crash at the age of 32.
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Bella was delighted to meet her grandson, but memories of her older brother still made her sad. He’d been gone for over twenty years, but he was her big brother - the only person she regretted leaving behind in Sunset Valley when she and Mortimer got married.
Cass cradled her new son. "I know how much you miss him. I wanted to honour his memory, and when he was born, we thought he looked like a Michael. Are you upset?"
Bella pushed forth a smile. "No, my goodness. My brother would have been thrilled to know his name lives on." Cass carefully studied her mother's face. "I know Michael's death triggered the depression that led to my disappearance, but I'm a stronger person now. I want to see my grandson grow up, and I have plenty to keep my mind busy. Diego keeps talking about taking a trip, and your brother's wedding is next month."
"Maybe Alexander and Lydia will give you more grandkids soon," Heather suggested sweetly as she cuddled Michael in her arms.
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"You know she doesn't even want a wedding?" Bella smiled. "I told Lydia there was no chance my son would elope at Brindleton Town Hall, but she doesn't want seating, because she doesn't want an audience. She doesn't want a wedding dress, and doesn't want Alexander in a tux. The guests will be more dressed up than they are!"
"If it's what she wants, won't it still be beautiful?" Cass saw the world in such a romantic way.
"She wants an altar made of palm leaves! In our mansion! The aesthetic has me gasping! But she says the only part of the wedding she's actually looking forward to is her honeymoon in Sulani. All she cares about is marrying Alexander, not showing off for a bunch of guests she doesn't know."
"I think that's sweet," said Cassandra.
"A part of me was mortified! But a bigger part of me wishes I'd had the guts to stand up to Mortimer's parents when I was thrown into the deep end of the society scene as his photogenic new bride all those years ago. I really like her."
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Heather and her siblings were all invited to the big day – a simple and phoned in ceremony (by the Watcher!) at the Goth family mansion in Brindleton Bay.
(I just wanted to make sure they didn't break up or something so I rushed it, quick and dirty. They're a side-side household at the moment even though I've tentatively plotted some of their future in my notes, but sometimes I just want to play and not do all this set up. And I'll shamelessly try to excuse it with storytelling every time.)
Surprisingly, no one complained about sitting on the floor for the ceremony. And even though it was raining, Heather chatted with Holly outside in their boho-style dresses.
"That colour looks great on you," Holly said, eyeing the purple dress Heather had chosen from the shop with almost no thought.
"Thanks, but I don't know where I might have a chance to wear something like this again." (The game picked it at random but I like how the colour nods to Gen 3)
"Maybe you should wear it with Conrad somewhere."
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"We're not really a dressy couple," she said. "All my clothes get covered in whatever Ash gets his hands in then wipes on my shirt. If he wasn't at his dad's this weekend, I'm sure the dress would already have at least three stains."
Holly laughed, shaking her head. "You're so unflirty, sis. I don't know how you have the hottest man on the planet practically begging to move in with you."
"I'm taking him home to Henford soon. I really want him to meet everyone, but I'm so worried it won't go well."
"Why wouldn't it go well? Didn't you say he wanted to come with you today but couldn't get away from work?"
"I'm just waiting for the other shoe to drop, that's all."
"What, like he's secretly working for the Landgraabs in some elaborate scheme to steal your code for your next mobile app?" She laughed at the thought, but Heather would be lying if she said the possibility had never crossed her mind, even once, in the months since she'd known him.
"I think it's more that if it doesn't go well, it would hurt too much."
"Then don't overthink it. You know no matter what, you'll always have us."
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As hard as it was to take Holly's advice, Heather spent the next few weeks focused on her clinic to keep her mind off her relationship fears. ->
<- Previous Chapter | Gen 2 Start | Gen 1 Summary | Gen 1 Start
NOTE: Lydia Kim-Lewis (now Goth!) is the youngest of three daughters of Eric and Alice. She's also Hazel Nesbitt's best friend since childhood, which is why the family-focused wedding had so many Nesbitts, too. For those who like updates on townies and premades, eldest Olivia married Imran Watson and they have three kids, and Spencer of course married Everett (and they have Greyson and Jett). Spencer and Lydia were both born in-game.
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hamofjustice · 1 year
nemona's sync pair story in pokemon masters ex can be viewed anytime as soon as you recruit her, and in just a couple minutes of dialogue we scarlet/violet story analyzers get some great subtext-made-text and new subtext:
confirmation of one instance of nemona working herself really hard for the sake of others and seeing anything less as a display of her own weakness and letting them down (even if the others are her pokemon in this case). it's something that i thought always seemed likely to be a theme with her if we knew more about her, with stuff like her mostly un-commented-on arm brace / compression glove and perfectly clean room nearly devoid of personality outside of her meticulous schedule and displays of her achievements, and what that implied about her relationship with her family, teachers, and idol
recontextualization of why she wears sporty athletic wear and runs around everywhere, even though she's a straight-A nerd who has to take a break every 50 feet when she initially takes you to school and is still winded enough to be worthy of comment from arven by the time you're running around in area zero
the fact that penny, the otaku shut-in, did not get called out like this means either she performed exactly as arven expected her to based on how she looked, or that nemona was doing the worst out of all of the group and might actually have some kind of chronic condition / disability like some fans theorize. nemona's stamina now being revealed to be a long standing insecurity of hers despite shrugging it off with a joke in area zero implies the latter to me
if she shrugged off a long standing insecurity with a joke, that could potentially say a lot about any other things she didn't want to make a big deal about that fans are a little suspicious of, like saying her parents were "hands-off in a good way" with her while her sister got all the attention, which i definitely think was an deflective understatement or simply not realizing there's a problem
and if her low stamina and "bad throwing" are in fact due to some kind of condition and mostly out of her control, that also makes her calling herself weak that much more tragically unfair to herself. someone hug this kid please
i trust these folks to write a compelling nemona if they were given the chance to, not just a fun and cute one. they get it.
her 15 minute storyline from her debut event is mostly just good fun with her meeting a bunch of people and almost winning a big tournament with her new friends hilda and bede. it also, however, touches upon how sad she is that people mostly get jealous of her rather than feel inspired by her (which she actually comes up with a motivational speech to try and combat this time, with hilda's help). it even has her tell blue and bede that florian/juliana back home is "a precious treasure" to her, which made me melt into boiling taffy.
now i'm looking forward to whatever else they come up with when nemona's more plot-driving friends arrive. despite how cheesy and hit-or-miss pokemon masters tends to be, they're treating scarlet/violet with respect so far. it's canon to me. i kinda need that right now when we're not sure what the friend trio are gonna get in the DLC of the actual game.
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