#There are lipstick smudges everywhere.
woeismywaffle · 11 months
Airlena thoughts
10/10 would search up on ao3 and be sad that there's no fics about it again 👌👌
I've been thinking of writing a fic for them myself where it's just Elena rambling about the origin of sirens and how they weren't really potrayed as fish people in the beginning because I saw a video on the same topic(And because both sirens and Airazor are bird women from ancient times skqks) and Airazor would just sit there and listen to her, partly because she's fascinated by all these strange human stories and partly because it feels nice and soothing to listen to her not-gf's voice. There's a strange sort of beauty to the sounds that human beings produce, especially Elena's voice, so unlike her own kind yet not so different at the same time.
I'm abysmally lazy though and bad at writing in general so I have no idea if I'll ever go through with it sjwkssjsqsj
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I have never not picked the option to want to lay down in bed and eat ice cream all week after getting dumped by mortum
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Face it dear, you need someone like me.
Synopsis: You live a happy life with your husband, Ralph, who never notices you running off in the middle of the night to a certain radio host…
Warnings: Cheating, NSFW under the cut! Alastor being Alastor! Oh and Human Alastor because he will always be my fav <33
Navigation!! // Masterlist!! // Serendipity Writes (event )
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You lived a quiet life. Your husband Ralph was more than enough. He worked in construction and was busy all morning and into the late hours of the night, getting home at eight p.m sharp every evening. The two of you had a lovely marriage, some would say picture perfect even. A small house, living in the city. What more could you ask for?
Well maybe some alone time. Or financial security. But hey you can’t have it all right?
You hadn’t intended on cheating on your husband. Hell you didnt even want to get involved with Alastor, he was just a colleague. But, he had so sweetly convinced you to go dancing with him one night after your husband knocked out on the couch. Sneaking out was easy when he slept like a log and honestly? It was the best night of your life. You felt alive. Like things were okay. You felt so pretty in your dress, with your hair done up. The two of you had even shared a flask on your way back to your home.
But then Alastor turns down the wrong street, and now you’re on his doorstep, the both of you fiddling with the lock, trying not to pull away from each other even though you both need air. But everything felt so good, so right. When he finally opens the door to his home you both stumble in, giggling all the way. He hazardously removes your coat, letting it drop to the floor as he does the same with his. You kick your heels off, while he does the same with his. Garments are tossed as you both make your way up the stairs, sliding into walls and becoming an entangled mess of laughter. His hands are everywhere they shouldn’t be, and yours remain wrapped around his shoulders, manicured nails raking through his hair as the kisses descend from your lips down the side of your neck, where he bites down ever so slightly. He kicks the door to his bedroom open wider, the two of you walking in as he sits you on the bed, pulling back to see your face. Lips are swollen, and the red lipstick you had worn for him was smudged off the side of your lip. The marks down the side of your neck were beginning to form despite only being made moments ago, but he’s a passionate lover who loves to leave his mark on things.
No, you hadn’t intended on cheating on your husband. But he was so gentle with you, so warm and loving, his touch lit you ablaze like if you were a forest fire. Feeling something felt amazing, and he felt all the better.
No, you didn’t want to cheat on your husband. You didn’t plan on taking your lunch breaks just to walk around the park with Alastor. That wasn’t done intentionally, it just happened. The same way everything else did.
You didnt want to cheat on your husband, but when he knocks three times on your door nine thirty you know it’s Alastor. You don’t even think twice before leaving to spend the night with your favorite man. A man who isn’t your husband.
You dont like cheating on your husband. No, not when you hear him talk about how much he wants to start a family with you. How painfully you have to smile back at him, knowing you aren’t even interested in sleeping in the same bed as him anymore. What a cellophane Alastor called him.
“That man is undeserving of you dear. When are you going to be honest with yourself hm?”
He’d say, at the worst damn time too. Slotted perfectly between your legs, asking you these things when your mind is nothing but mush because of him. But isn’t that the best part? Because it’s him you’re doing all this for. It’s Alastor you choose to spend your nights with, and that makes him want you so much more. So you could imagine his pain when he knocked three times and you didn’t answer. No, not when he heard those sweet sounds of yours from the other side of the door. How dare you.
Yes, Ralph was your husband. But Alastor was so much better than him, it was almost hard to fake it. “I love you so much Y/n.” Your husband said with a sigh, sleep finally taking over his body. You just nod, feeling guilty. No, you don’t like cheating on your husband. But how are you supposed to feel when your husband doesn’t feel like your husband anymore? When he feels like a man you sleep with so he doesn’t become angry with you? You gather yourself together quickly, not even recognizing the time, and shut your bedroom door quietly. You make your way to the kitchen in a robe, and almost jump out of your skin when you see Alastor standing next to the counter with a cup of tea in his hand.
“Alastor…- Alastor I-“ You were at a loss for words. How did he even get in?
“Tell me, my dear. Why won’t you leave him?”
Alastor asks, setting his hot cup down on the counter. His smile doesn’t change, but it’s thin. You know he’s upset with you. “I don’t know. I don’t know how to, break the news to him.” You say, looking down. Alastor scoffs, pushing off the counter to walk towards you.
“Do you love him?”
Alastor asks, stopping a few feet away from you. “I do…but-“
“No. Do you love him?”
Alastor asks again. He knows the answer. You both do. “No. No I don’t.” You whisper to yourself, tears brimming your eyes. Alastor smiles wider now.
“Then why do you let him use you? You know he isn’t half as good with you as I am.”
He says, getting close enough to take your hands in his. Tears fall from your face, and Alastor coo’s as he wipes your tears.
“I don’t want to hurt him.” You say, sighing. Alastor just smiles.
“Why don’t,”
He says, moving to tilt your face to look at him. He smiles as you stare at him teary eyed, and though usually he’d love it, right now he wants that sad look gone.
“You get your things, and why don’t we leave?”
Alastor asks. You stare at him wide eyed. “Leave? But, my home-“ Alastor tut’s at you, pulling away from you to walk back to his place by the counter. You stand there, shocked.
“Do you really need to stay?”
Alastor asks with a laugh.
“Darling, you’ve already hurt him enough.”
He says, hoping that will snap you out of it. When he see’s you still, stuck there, he pinches the bridge of his nose, glasses moving up.
“He can’t give you what I can.”
He says, and you shake your head.
“Alastor he’s been a good man to me. I can’t just-“
“Can’t what? Sleep with another man and then try to act like you’re perfect? Dear you and I both know we are far from perfect.”
Alastor says, and it hurts because you know he’s right. You’ve already hurt your husband, so why are you still sticking around as if you care?
“He’s been there for me through so much. He needs me.”
You say in a low voice. You didn’t think this would hurt you this much.
“What about what you need?”
Alastor asks, studying your features closely. He walks back to you again, this time pulling you closer to meet him halfway. This time you’re forced to look at him. He gets closer to your face, and you hate the way you feel butterflies when his thumb traces your bottom lip.
“Face it dear, you need someone like me.”
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helluvapoison · 3 months
(can i be gyatt anon tysm!!)
Kissing HCs
The Vees x Reader
[warning: suggestive content]
˚✧₊* Velvette ⁎⁺˳✧༚
• Be prepared for kisses all throughout the day
• She’s on the phone and getting irritated? A quick smack on your lips before she goes into the other room and /screams
• Every time she has to leave the room really, you’re getting a damn kiss
• Partial to seeing evidence of her affection, she’ll hold your face still and stamp her lips right on your cheek
• Similarly, Velvette will snap pictures of your dazed, flushed face with her lipstick all over from a passionate makeout-sesh
• Those are her favorite
• “That’s a good color on you, doll.” She winks
• Miraculously, her makeup isn’t smudged in the slightest
• Something about reducing you to a hot mess, hair fussed and clothes wrinkled from her pulling and grabbing, brings her a heaping burst of pride
˚✧₊* Valentino ⁎⁺˳✧༚
• Very, very, very rare moments will Valentino softly kiss your forehead and just admire you in his bed
• There’s no innocent kisses in a relationship with Val, it always leads to one thing
• On occasion you wonder if he’s more dog than moth, what with the way he uses his tongue
• It’s everywhere. In your mouth, down your throat, on your lips— if it’s yours, he claims it for himself
• “Can you blame me when you taste so good, mi corazón?” He chuckles
• And he’ll get pissy if you wipe it off in front of him
• If you think returning the favor would turn him off you couldn’t be more wrong!
• You’re pinned to the nearest surface and attacked before you can blink
˚✧₊* Vox ⁎⁺˳✧༚
• As touchy as he is, kisses can be far and few between
• You begin to wonder if he genuinely forgets it’s an option
• One day he can’t seem to get enough of your lips all over his screen, he’d rather make out with you instead of work. The next you might be lucky to get a goodmorning kiss
• Vox has gotten better about integrating it into his daily routine, one to start the day and one to end it
• Now if he misses either it throws him off balance
• In the heat of certain, ahem, moments, he feels like his screen doesn’t allow him to get close enough to you
• It might get a little messy
• His tongue comes out of his screen to slide past your lips
• He makes little noises (that he’ll absolutely deny later) as he pulls you flush against him, getting frustrated with his own demon body that he can’t have you where he wants
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kalims · 10 months
what's that on your face?
⎯⎯ some type of, red smudge?
cw. gender neutral but mc wore lipstick (briefly)
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leona just liked you.
even if it took him less time to realize, and more wasted on just denying the thought; he knew there was something off when his eyes seem to focus from it's blurry lens full of sleep when his eyes land on you—that's not normal cause one of the things he does is space out when someone's talking.
it's not that he hates the person, he's just not interested in listening. his time would be spent better if they'd close their mouth and let him continue his sleep.
maybe that's what he likes about you. whenever you're around of him even if his eyes close, he can't seem to control his ears cause as much as he wants to block out the words you spout; he still listens attentively.
he was never one to sleep easily in noisy environments (not that he can't, he just wants peace. get it?) but there's something about your voice that lulls him to sleep. he isn't too upset about missing out on whatever you talked about when he drifts into the euthymia of dreams, cause even then. you show up when he isn't even awake, he could still hear you talk there anyways.
awake or asleep, you're everywhere. leona feels that he's neither irritated or elated about the fact.
should he even be upset when in the back of his mind—when you notice he's fallen asleep from his still stance from the grass floor you immediately shut up.
weirdly enough he feels cold for a second but that's quickly fading away when he feels a new type of warmth near him.
he wonders what you do when he's asleep cause he knows that's most likely you.
"what's that on your f—"
leona should be offended at ruggie unable to keep his gaze on the man's face before bursting into a fit of giggles, more so even finish his question.
with a furrow of his brows, and a cross of his arms. leona casts a steady, nonchalant look at ruggie, albeit confused. "what are you on now?"
he watches ruggie lean on the wall, almost having slid to the floor from how much yapping he was doing. he quirks a brow in intrigue but there's just really more impatience that curiosity from his tensing shoulders. what was wrong with his face then? last time he knew he was awfully handsome.
(you didn't fail to comment on that hours ago anyways.)
leona releases a long drawl of a sigh. he wasn't that bad looking, and even if. ruggie's seen his face for a long time. everyday, yesterday, just this morning. his face can't have shifted to that of a clown in a day and he really wants to believe it has if his normal face is something to laugh about.
you frown too much. stains your pretty face. he scowls, rubbing his ears. please leave his thoughts.
were you right?
he debates on just walking out because he can't deal with this but ruggie's just wiping the last of the stray tears that he spouted midst his fit of laughter. leona notes that he, essentially isn't looking at his face—but his forehead.
his frown deepens. "did I grow a damn third eye or something?" some type of spell that landed on him and no one told him about?
ruggie chortled even harder.
"you and (name) been busy being love birds?" the hyena pauses, grinning. a look of amusement. "ah wait. love lions?" then laughs at his own correction and joke.
leona doesn't find it funny at all, not a single muscle in his face strains into anything but the dead look carved into stone. he's heard a good portion of ruggie's lion jokes and it was getting out of hand.. and unfunny...
the hyena doesn't even give him an answer. too enraptured into shitting tears, the watery drop in the edges of his eyes are prominent and even slides down his cheek every time he has to blink but he even laughs harder.
to think he assumed ruggie was done when he was able to speak.
no, he laughed even harder.
with ruggie not responding to his questions—well, not that he's able to with the amount of snorting he's been doing that just takes away his ability to speak real, actual words. leona's forced to deal with his inner monolog picking out what he's done this time.
but please. if taken literally he doesn't do much.
what was so damn funny about his face?
leona's face twitches into a deeper look of irritation, his voice is drowned out by the loud laughter from ruggie so the boy can't even hear him and he doesn't even want to raise his voice.
if anything, you just kissed his face a while ago so if there was something wrong with it he would've been made known to that.
to be specific you kissed his forehead.
leona pauses. raising his hand to swipe his thumb finger against his forehead, the crease of his brows twitches when there's a pigmented, red shade on his finger. having more similarities to pink than the actual color due to his smudge.
seven.. he literally walked from the botanical garden, to the mirror chamber and now savanaclaw. his very existence demands respect and he's reduced to this.. man with a lipstick stain on his forehead like some type of mark.
leona can't help the huff that excludes from his mouth, partially stumped by your mere audacity and the whole predicament he's stuck in. even with all the realizations he's going through ruggie is still dying on the floor so he ignores him since the boy wasn't much use to figuring it out anyways.
it really wasn't that funny!
the other portion... maybe a bit smug, with all the goating he's made about you being his you were never too vocal about him being yours.
while there's been some kind of mutual understanding between you and leona, non-verbal. him, yours. and you, his.
you were bordering between the line of being loud about it and keeping it a tight label between the two of you only. but you were never this bold about it. the most you've done is probably mess with him in public.
but he can't deny there's some strange satisfaction within the thought of something of yours on him.
he shakes it away before it starts encasing his entire brain.
next day he makes sure every beastman can smell him on you, everyone else? feast your eyes upon the necklace (that he totally did not force you to accept) he always wore around, now fit rather snugly around your neck.
he always returns his favors after all.
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note. behold my half assed writing isk eat well. not pr
com me <3
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mvybanks · 1 year
I was just thinking of something cute with jj x reader where they are making out and her pink lip stick smudges on her face and all over his lips, and there just so in love
the one where jj loves your lipstick
a/n: ahhhh, so cute!!!
warnings: making out
my masterlist
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“‘m your lips taste so sweet, baby,” jj mumbles against your mouth before taking your lips with his again.
you’re sitting on his lap with your hands grabbing at his now messy hair while his hands explore your body, the softness of your exposed thighs, the warmth of your naked skin whenever his fingers travel underneath his your shirt draws him even closer to you, if that’s possible.
you pull away for a second, needing to breathe, but his lips never stop kissing you all over your face. he needs you everywhere. although you spend every second together, he’s still so touch starved and can’t stop himself from touching you all over.
“j!” you giggle when his actions seem to never stop.
“look so pretty like this, baby,” he chuckles looking at your messy face.
you forgot that you wore lipstick today and you bet you look freaking hilarious right now.
“wait, let me go take this stuff off my face,” you laugh, but when you go to get up from his lap, his hands stop you.
“no way. you look beautiful. all mine. i love this lipstick,” he whispers against your neck and you can’t resist him, not when he gets like this.
you take his head in your hands and bring his lips to yours again for a needy and desperate kiss. you let an unexpected moan out when his hands grab your bottom and he smirks against your mouth.
“ ‘m i love you, baby,” you breathe out when his kisses travel down to your neck as your eyes close instinctively at the feeling.
“i love you, too, pretty girl,” he bites your neck a couple of times, “you’ve got no idea how much.”
you run your fingers through his hair and he hums against your skin. when you get a look at his face, you giggle at the pink lipstick all over his mouth.
“you look pretty, too, you know?” you smile cradling his face in your hands. he furrows his eyebrows in that cute way that makes even your fingertips ache, “you’ve got my lipstick on your mouth, baby.”
“yeah?” he smirks and you know he’s happy about this, so you grant his wish by kissing his cheeks, his forehead, his nose, his chin, the corners of his mouth, until he whines at the loss of your lips on his and you do just what he wants you to.
“how do i look?” he asks when you pull away.
“like you’re all mine,” you say before pressing your lips on his cheek again.
“mh? want me to make you mine too?”
and the smile you give him is everything he needs to flip the two of you over and show you just how much he loves this lipstick on you.
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oddshroom · 11 months
【 𝙻𝚒𝚙𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚌𝚔 𝚃𝚛𝚎𝚗𝚍 】💋
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➴ Includes: 𝙼𝚎𝚐𝚞𝚖𝚒 𝙵𝚞𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚐𝚞𝚛𝚘 & 𝙶𝚘𝚓𝚘 𝚂𝚊𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚞
Themes: 𝚂𝚞𝚐𝚐𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚟𝚎, 𝚏𝚕𝚞𝚏𝚏, 𝚔𝚒𝚜𝚜𝚎𝚜
A/N: They were roommates 🫢
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𝙼𝚎𝚐𝚞𝚖𝚒 𝙵𝚞𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚐𝚞𝚛𝚘
Megumi by far is the hardest person to convince when it comes doing things, however after coming across a tik tok where a girl in red lipstick covers the face of her boyfriend in the prettiest shade of red. You couldn’t help but imagine how you’re boyfriend would look, with an equally red lips over his own face. Megumi, however, is the only person who has a problem with that. “No. Absolutely not”. You groaned as he shook his head at you, “You don’t even know what I was going to say!”. “You were going to say something stupid,” He said while laying back on your bed. “It doesn’t require you to move!”, you were determined to get him to do this trend. Raising his brows, “Fine just get it over with already..”. You grinned wide and pulled out your dark red lipstick, smoothly applying it on your lips. Your heart fluttered, despite this being a trend you begged to try out, you still couldn’t help but to feel flustered.
Approaching him, you watch as he gets up. “Now what?”, he asked slightly curiously. You watch him blink his pretty lashes, “..hm close your eyes”. Sighing, you watch him shut his eyes, you lean forward pressing a kiss against his forehead before pulling away slowly. Looking at his face, a dark red mark of your lips are left. Continuing, you press more kisses over his face watching as the color of dark red disappear into its lightest shade. His face had been completely covered in your marks, you watch as he opens his almost pitch black eyes before turning to look at the body mirror in you room which is when he sees his entire face covered in dark kisses. You watch as the same shade takes ahold of his face and ears. Facing you once more, he leans in before wiping away the remaining lipstick on your lips with his own.
𝙶𝚘𝚓𝚘 𝚂𝚊𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚞
Trying on the newest shade of red lipstick you had bought, you couldn’t help but to remember a lipstick trend which had started almost a week ago. You knew that Gojo would appreciate any and all of your kisses, however with these ones you decided to try and catch him off guard. The only problem was, he wasn’t exactly easy to catch off guard. His ability to find out what you were doing in a given moment was quick. You just had to be quicker, grinning to the reflection of yourself in the mirror. This will be good.
Wandering into your room, you gaze at the emptiness of a obnoxiously loud voice. “Satoru! Can you come to the room I need to try something”. Looking towards the door in anticipation, he stumbles in stretching his arms. “Need something” he asks grinning, “Yeah, actually could you come over here?”, smiling innocently enough to make your actions seem genuine. Seeing as he moves closer towards you, pretending to reach over to grab something you take a quick glance at him before stopping whatever you were doing. “There’s something on your face”, you said while reaching for his face. He had no clue on what you were planning to do, so he simply just leaned forward. Never had you ever met someone with such a shade of blue in their eyes, you could admire them later however right now you simply just placed a kiss on his nose. Looking at his face, you watch how his eyes slightly widened.
Next thing he knew, his face was being littered with red marks. His pale skin now with lip marks everywhere. Eyeing your creation, there had been kisses pressed against his jaw and lower jaw. Some under his eyes, the sides of his face. All of them were smudged together. Gojo was absolutely speechless, he didn’t know what to say or what to feel right now. Usually he would make a egotistical remark, however right he struggled to even for a sentence. A small smile appeared on your lips, looking like he was having some sort of internal conflict as he looked at the scene in front of him. His eyes met your gaze, a smirk tugging at your lips. Just as you were about to get up, his arm reached out and pulled you back into him. “Funny how you think I’d let you leave like that”, a grin of his own had formed now. Pressing a kiss of his own against yours, you look at how your last mark was smudged on his lips. Leaving a similar shade of your own on his.
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he-calls-me-kitten · 1 year
Thoughts on the brothers going on up to F!MC's room (And actually knocking for once since Simeon is over and they don't wanna barge in no matter how much they don't like them being alone) only for F!MC to open the door 🦆-ing disselved. Hair messed up, lipstick smudged, shirt halfway unbuttoned and hanging off their shoulder, her face flushed as she holds onto the doorframe yet totally unfazed by her current appearance as she just casually responds with a 'What's up' like it's normal. (Which probably is-) While Simeon is just on her bed in the background, shirt gone, covered in lipstick and bite marks from his face down to his lower stomach, face flushed as he pants and whines about them leaving
(Oh and MC being like short BC we love short dominant women 😋😋)
- M.🪭🪷
As a short fiesty girl myself, I very much approve this idea. Also um power up and get ready to tell "STAY" cause can you imagine the instant riot this is about to cause?
Or it might be more of a lengthy passive-aggresive couple of days for Simeon if this is the Nightbringer universe we are talking about.
"What's up?" You say with unbelievable nonchalance. The brothers look at you with widened eyes - at your newly exposed skin and the obvious signs of intimacy with someone.
They feel a burning inside them. Whether it's jealousy or the animalistic desire to rebrand you with their marks instead.
And if that wasn't enough - they actually see Simeon. Lying down and panting, with his face flushed and eyes struggling to stay open from the sheer bliss of it all.
His fingers were grasping at the sheets around you. "MC..." His needy voice slipped out.
Fuck. MC did that?
Suddenly everyone wants to be Simeon. They stare at the nails on your hands, your lips look even prettier with the smudged lipstick, your teeth peeking through your smirk - they want to feel it all.
Lucifer tries his best to remain calm but his eye twitches frantically as he calls out to Simeon to "have a quick word with him". And his face gets redder as he sees the marks you've made on Simeon up close, and glares at you. It should be him you should have been doing this with.
Mammon and Levi get into a tug of war, both trying to get you to their rooms. In the end, they both end up taking off their shirts and kneeling in front of you, silently begging you to bite them senseless like you did with Simeon. They promise they'll be good boys, way better than Simeon.
Satan's eyes dart everywhere in keen observation - as if trying to recreate in his mind whatever transpired between you and the angel. So he can imagine how it would feel if it was him. He imagines you on top of him, smirking the same way as you are now.
Asmo on the other hand shamelessly asks Simeon for details. How hard do you bite, how soft do your lips feel, how your tongue feel on his skin, what you do with your hands, what you say during - he gets aroused just listening to it.
Beel stands there stunned, cheeks flushed as he has a vague idea of what might have happened. Belphie full on hides his scarlet face in his pillow and groans. They're both about to have some very questionable dreams tonight.
And Simeon? Well he can't stop coming back for more. Even though you both almost got caught, he appears the next night, shirt almost off and his pants unbuttoned. You need to finish what you started.
You smile as he coaxes you back to your bed and on top of his lap. You tut at his impatience - "The door. We didn't lock it."
"Leave it be, please I need you now, MC." He breathes against your lips. You kiss him silly, hearing him whimper through it. You grab his shoulders much to his delight.
"They might see us in the act this time." You warn him. He pulls you closer, burying his head against your chest.
"Let them, I want you too much to care." He lets himself fall, at your whim and mercy. You oblige him and revel in his almost musical moans.
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munsons-melody · 6 months
putting the x in sixx
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summary: you and eddie go to a party in LA where your old celebrity crush, nikki sixx, starts to hit on you
pairing: rockstar!boyfriend!Eddie x female!reader
cw: mentions/insinuates sex, mentions of alcohol, etc, established relationship w eddie, little smutty towards the end
recommended song: girls girls girls by mötley crüe
word count: 1.8k
a/n: i wrote this after i watched the dirt last night, also not proofread at all :)
requested? no
part 2 can be found here
i do not consent to having any of my works republished, translated, or posted to any other site except here. if you see my works anywhere but tumblr, it has been republished without my knowledge, consent, or permission.
you looked at yourself in the mirror, admiring your new outfit... leopard print pants with a black corset top, your hair teased and hair sprayed to the gods, and your usual makeup, only with a little extra here and there
"hey babe we should probably get a move on cause-" eddie stopped in front of the bathroom door, giving you a look up and down and finishing with a wolf whistle
"jesus" he breathed out, leaning on the door, staring at your outfit causing a small blush to creep up on your face
"you like?" you asked sheepishly, already knowing his answer
you often didn't wear scandalous outfits like this, opting for the most basic t shirt, jeans, and your lived in reeboks that never got a day off but now that you and eddie were out of hawkins for the week as corroded coffin were playing shows at the sunset strip in LA, you figured you'd get less stares wearing an outfit like this
"i love" he purred, stalking closer before locking his lips with yours into a passionate kiss, his hands gently cradling your face as his tongue slipped into your mouth and your hands snaked up to his neck
he started trailing down your exposed neck, and you smiled, knowing what he wanted to do instead of heading to this party gareth heard about and was very persistent in everyone attending, hearing rumors of other rock gods showing up
"eds, as much as i know you'd rather stay here and do this, we really have to get going" you giggled, and he stopped kissing, leaning his head on your shoulder
"do we have to?" he mumbled, his voice vibrating into your chest
"gareth wants the whole band to go with just incase anyone cool happens, hey who knows maybe you'll run into mick mars or kirk hammett" you laughed
eddie moved his face to meet yours, his arms wrapping around you and pulling you in, almost like he'd lose you if he let you go
"already checked, metallica is playing in ohio tonight so slim to none chance I'll see kirk" he said, leaning in for one last kiss before he unwillingly pulled away, walking over to his bag and slipping on a old cut up band shirt and fixing his studded belt
"eddie" you groaned, checking yourself one last time in the hotel mirror, seeing your lipstick smudged
"what" he replied with the same annoyed tone you had
"you ruined my lipstick" and he let out a small laugh
the car ride from the hotel to a massive mansion was fairly short, and you, along with the rest of corroded coffin, stumbled out of the car onto the driveway that you were sure could fit 10 of you and eddie's shared apartment
the music from the house was blasting and you wish you knew half these people, or whos house this even was but alas, you were just as clueless as the boys as you walked into the mansion
people were everywhere, you couldn't walk more than 2 feet without seeing a drink or bottle of alcohol, music was blaring, the lights were nice, adding to the ambience of a party
eddie grabbed your hand, lacing together your fingers as he motioned a "come on" and you followed, leaving jeff, dougie, and gareth to themselves
you and eddie walked to the giant kitchen, where you heard a voice yell "oh my god, are you eddie munson?" eddie immediately turned to where the voice came from, seeing tommy lee and nikki sixx leaning against a table, drinks in their hands
eddie looked at you with wide eyes, suppressing a giant smile which showed a mix of "oh my god they know who i am" and "oh my god they know who I am"
"go" you whispered, lightly nudging your boyfriend towards the two rockstars
he let go of your hand and headed towards them, and they greeted eddie like they were old friends even though they'd never met before in their lives
they immediately started into a conversation, you only heard bits and pieces but it was all shop talk about guitars solos, tour dates, etc.
you took this time to get a drink, walking deeper into the kitchen
you saw an opened pack of beers, and grabbed one out, opening it on the side of the counter (a helpful trick eddie taught you a few years back), and took a few sips, admiring the amount of people at this party and listening to the songs that were playing in the background, barely heard over the amount of people talking
you went to take another sip when you felt a presence next to you, and you look to your left to see none other than nikki sixx
dumbfounded that your old celebrity crush of a few years was standing next to you, you stuttered out a hello and he smiled
"y/n... right?" he asked and you nodded, a taken aback and confused look writing onto your face as he held his hand out to shake yours
"eddie told tommy and i about you just now, thought i'd come say hello" he said with a smile, leaning against the counter and inched closer
"well hello," you said, however, your voice moved faster than your brain processed, and it came out more flirtatious than you intended
maybe it was the subconscious part of your brain that was excited the guy you fantasized about before you met your boyfriend was in front of you, but now all you could think of now was showing him you weren't interested and that eddie was all you cared about
"so eddie's a pretty cool guy.." he said and you looked over at eddie who was engaged deep in a conversation with tommy, a drink in both their hands
you looked back at nikki who took a swig out of a jack daniels bottle he held in his left hand
"yeah, he's so cool i've been with him almost 4 years" you joked, awkwardly taking a sip from your beer
"you ever think about expanding your horizons?" he asked, the flirtiness in his voice increasing
"expanding to what?" you laughed, brushing off the awkwardness and hoping your heart rate would slow down
"to the room upstairs, there's a perfect little balcony overlooking the beach where no one can hear us...." he leaned in closer, his breath hot on your neck
"or see us... me fucking you senseless, my grip on your waist as my thick cock pumping in your tight little pussy, making you scream my name" he finished, leaving a hot, open mouth kiss on your neck under your ear
you felt a few shivers go down your spine, along with heat traveling to your core as a blush spread across your cheeks as you turned to face him
if this was a few years ago, before you met eddie, you wouldn't care that you'd be just another girl in the millions of his roster, you'd be halfway naked in the kitchen on your knees by now
but it wasn't a few years ago, this was now and even though you had the one man you had the biggest crush on literally beginning to have sex with you, but you also was dating someone you had an even bigger crush on
"i- i can't" you stuttered out, looking up at eddie and moving alway from the grip he had around your waist
it was like eddie could read your mind cause he turned around to see you with nikki, and him and tommy came sauntering over
eddie immediate wrapped an arm around you, pressing against your back and pulling you close, causing nikki to stand up straighter next to tommy
"what were you two chatting about?" eddie asked with a smile and nikki shrugged
"not much, just getting to know one another" nikki said, sending you a wink
"holy shit you're mötley crüe" you heard jeff say as him, gareth, and dougie walked up to tommy and nikki
"well half, you guys must be the rest of corroded coffin, right?" tommy asked, extending his hand to fist bump the boys and they all nodded excitedly
"hey while we're all here, let's talk tour dates, we've seen a show or two, and we need an opener" tommy said, extending an arm around nikki and gareth, walking off to where there was an opening on one of the couches, leaving you and eddie by yourselves in the kitchen
you turned around to look at his face, gently holding it with your hand as his arms wrapped around your waist
you kissed him gently and he kissed back, eventually pulling away with a smile
"uh, i just wanted to tell you, nikki hit on me... just now... when you were talking to tommy..." you told him
"oh wow..." he said, trailing off, looking over at nikki then back at you
"well, they always say don't leave your girlfriend alone around motley crue... i guess that actually is true" he chuckled
"yeah, but... he did tell me about this private room upstairs, incase you feel a little jealous and want to take it out on me" your voice again travelled faster than your brain as eddie's eyes darker, a smirk crawling up his face over his lips
"well what did he say exactly?" eddie asked, pulling you in closer and slowly moving his hand down your lower back
"something about screaming his name while he's fucking my tight little pussy-" you cut yourself off, kissing eddie
he pulled away, your foreheads touching
"did he get you all worked up? huh pretty girl?" he asked, staring to move his hips against yours and you whimpered out a yes when he suddenly stopped his movements
"i can't have you hot and horny for some other guy now can we? i guess i have to show you who can make you feel really good not some doped up rockstar who can’t please you the way i can..." he said again
you just nodded at him, staring, feeling like if you take your eyes off him, you wouldn’t get your release
“let’s take this upstairs, shall we?” he asked, extending one hand to yours and his other to one of the bottles of alcohol sitting on the counter opposite of him
you started to head upstairs when mick mars walked up to the two of you, stopping your path upstairs
“hey eddie, right? nikki was telling me all about you!” he said enthusiastically
“later mars, i gotta please my girl” eddie said in a rush, and the two of you ran upstairs to the bedroom
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tulipsforvin · 27 days
smudge of love & lipstick ✦ wj. moriarty
⚠️: a little suggestive, make out sesh with liam. not proofread.
author: creds to val dearest for the idea @.starsh1ne-va1ly btw
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art by @.ogata69 on x // william j. moriarty x fem!reader
“lord william is certainly the very epitome of gentlemanliness out there, isn't he?”
“of course, lady adelaide! not only is he kind and gentle, but also smart, good-looking and...” chirping from noblewomen fade into the background. william exhales slowly, looking down at his pocket watch.
forty six minutes.
in forty six minutes he'd have to open up an entrance for his colleagues to slide in and go forth with their mission for tonight; however, with the way things were going on, women from high society clinging onto him—it certainly proved to be very difficult.
“hm..” william hums absentmindedly, gaze searching for you in the crowd. he seems to be doing this more often than usual these past few months. he tells himself it's because he's looking out for you—another colleague of his, but he knows the way he looks at you is different than the way he looks at others.
did he perhaps like you...? no way. certainly not.
“looking for someone?”
you pop up behind him, hands behind your back and a cheery smile on your lips. he stares at you too long, though, and you can't help but ask: “william?”
“ah, yes. i...” he clears his throat. “there is something i wish to talk to you about.” he glances back at the noblewomen all looking curiously at you two, eager to listen in to your conversation. a sigh. “privately.”
“oh.” you nod. “okay, sure. let us go, then?”
william gives you the smallest twitch of a smile and turns to the noblewomen with a bow to excuse himself, “pardon me, ladies. i will be right back.”
“exactly where are we going, by the way?” you question the blond when the two of you are scurrying away from the party with long, fast steps.
“somewhere private.”
“not much of a hint, willie.”
“it was a joke.”
you could tell he was fidgety than usual. had something gone wrong with the plan? his calculations? what was the issue here? unable to ask and wanting to co-operate, you follow him silently.
“woah. pretty.” you look around when you finally enter a tall but cramped room, dark and heavy purple silk curtains draping everywhere, accompanied by the sense of incense, a table in the middle with cards along with a hand-held mirror atop it and an.. orb?
“it's a fortune reading room.” william explains when he reads the confusion and curiosity on your face.
“mm.. well,” your fingers travel across the fabrics of the purple silk lazily. “what are we doing here?”
“do you have lipstick on you?”
you pat the hidden pocket on your dress. “yep.”
“kiss me.”
you freeze. a brief, almost painful pause.
“kiss me.” he repeats, like the first one wasn't clear enough. “..for the success of the mission, of course. being swarmed by a horde of noble ladies would prevent me from entering the men's club and opening a route for fred to infiltrate, thus dropping the success rate from a whole 100 percent to—”
“okay, okay, okay.” you throw your hands up in the air. “i understand. just, y'know, don't speak maths.”
“my apologies.”
you make your way to the round table, take your seat, hold up the handheld mirror, pull out your lipstick and start painting your lips red. occasionally you'd happen to peek at the reflection from the mirror to william and what you'd see was:
a strange expression. heavy—yet not sad. contemplative—yet not harsh. soft and hazy—yet focused on you. fond; the way he looked at you.
“okay, i'm done.” you stand up and make your way to a william staring at you with folded arms, leaning against a wall. “how.. do i look?”
you can't help but ask.
and he can't help but answer: “ravishing.”
as always. he'd add, but that would be too much.
“here i go, then.” you lean in and william leans his head downwards. your heart beats are loud, drumming past your chest and into the open and..
a soft, barely there kiss, no—a peck on the cheek.
“...” that ended too quickly for william. he seems almost disappointed when you pull back and away.
you hand him the hand held mirror and he observes the light mark of your red lips on his right cheek.
although it was a mark enough and visible to the naked eye, it wasn't enough. for him, to be exact.
a single kiss on the cheek isn't enough for him.
“that won't cut it. we need to be convincing, (name). as much as possible.” he leans back in towards you, pulling you back to him gently by your wrist. perhaps he was being too selfish. “let me have some more.”
“..alright.” but it didn't matter anymore. especially when he feels the touch of your soft lips bless his skin once more. it starts innocent; a kiss on his nose first, then his cheeks again, one on his brow and—
“ah,” your lips press somewhere on his neck, somewhere that makes him shiver—somewhere that causes the adam's apple on his neck to move.
“oh—oops. too much?”
were you teasing him?
william looks down at you dizzily, pupils dilated and his voice is slightly hoarser, rougher when he begins speaking once again. “no.. please continue.”
and so you go on with your charity of kisses, placing them wherever his bare skin laid; more and more. bolder, harder, passionately. hotter and hotter—he feels his composure, the one he was known to hold during all difficulties snap in an instant with you.
a loud crash. and then silence.
william's knee is between your legs, pushing you up against a wall—your wrists pinned against it's cold, hard texture by his long, slender hands.
“haa.. haa..” hot breaths tainting each other's skin; panting and panting. there's a look in his eyes; wild and feral, almost teetering on animalistic. his gaze falls to your lips; those soft, alluring lips of yours inviting him in for a bite. william gulps, licks his lips, contemplates, hesitates. and then pulls back shakily.
“sorry.” he mumbles hoarsely, staggering a step back in shock of his own actions. he clears his throat, trying to regain his composure. “i'm sorry, (name).”
he'd almost gone and done it. he almost, almost kissed you. almost pulled you in by your waist. almost ruined whatever relationship the two of you had—
william's eyes widen in surprise. hot, wet lips against his own trembling ones. you take a step further, fingers digging into the fabric of his sleeves, pushing yourself onto your tiptoes all the while you're stepping on his shoes. but he doesn't seem to mind.
not one bit.
he leans his head down, angles his lips to your own lips, holds you by the hips and kisses you back with the same passion, the same heat and desperation.
you pull back for air. “if you're going to do it, go all the way. don't back down—that's not like you.”
“..haha.” he's too drunk in your shared kisses, he chuckles half consciously; gaze hazy and nips on your bottom lip teasingly. your hands loop around his neck and attack him with more of your heated kisses.
and they go on for a while; lips smushed sloppily against each other—stopping only when the two of you head voices outside of the room, making you both flinch and bringing yourselves to a halt.
“before we go out..” he whispers lowly, forehead resting atop yours; his eyes are closed—his expression calm, but it was clear from his thundering heartbeat that it was the opposite.
“i must tell you something i've hidden too deep in the crevices of my heart for far too long.” a deep breath. “i do not remember when you first made an appearance in my life, all i know is you been there since—with and without your presence; you have made a home for you to live in every inch of me. every hour, every minute and every second i spend thinking and drowning in a possibility of you and me.”
and then he presses his lips against your own for the last time; infinitely softer. “i love you dearly, (name).”
he pulls back, detaching himself away from you.
both of your appearances are messy when you return from your secret little rendezvous, messy hair, half crumpled clothes and lipstick smudges everywhere. it is certainly a sight to look at and you realize nobles—men and women alike are practically gawking at the two of you. william slips past for a few minutes to finally clear a secret pathway for his colleagues to enter through and follow on with their mission, all while noblewomen swarm you with questions.
“my god, lady (name)! did you truly kiss lord william?”
“are the lipstick marks on him yours?”
“what is going on between the two of you?”
an arm wraps around your shoulder. william's back.
“i must apologise for my curtness, ladies. but i must ask that we all be calm with our queries and curiosities. can we do that? my darling seems to be feeling a little under the weather, you see.”
“p-pardon? ‘darling’? then—!" the noblewomen feel their eyes practically fall out of their sockets.
“yes,” he smiles kindly at the noblewomen. “if i'm allowed to, and would certainly feel honoured to, i can answer any questions you have in my her stead.”
click. all lights go off. people shriek. they are here.
and you are nothing but glad because at least in the dark nobody can see how red your face is burning up in embarrassment and fluster, especially when the blond pulls you in close to him protectively.
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trendywaifus · 1 month
imagine hate sex with Kafka where you just heavily dislike Kafka, although the woman and her antics somehow manages to make you submit to her and right now you’re being fucked roughly as you can feel her pent up feelings w u while doing so of course somehow despite ur hatred towards Kafka u can’t help but feel aroused everytime she looks at you as if you were her lover.<333
ur cookin!!!!!
“ don’t look at me with those eyes, kafka. “ you grunt, brushing off the weakness in your knees as she stares down at you with those deceivingly gentle eyes of hers. they carry some sort of tenderness to them that makes your throat dry and hands clammy. the corner of her eyes crinkle as a playful smirk runs across her red lips. you so desperately want to kiss them swollen and smudge her perfect lipstick.
“ what eyes, darling? “ kafka asks, feigning innocence which you’re very aware of. she skims a finger up your arm and tucks a strand of loose hair behind your ear. “ describe to me how i’m looking at you right now. “
you roll your eyes, smacking her hand away in annoyance. “wow you’re insufferable, woman. go do that weird flirty shit with blade or someone else. like, what do you want? “
not bothered by your remark, she laughs—she fucking laughs. “woah there. no need to be like that, little tiger. but to answer your question, what i want is, “ she lifts your chin up with a finger, licking her lips. “ you. “
heat crawls up from your neck as her pinkish purple eyes narrows into a seductive gaze. you scoffed, still trying to maintain your ground. “ which is unfortunate because i don’t want you. “
“ but you do. “ kafka rasps, now caressing your cheek with her thumb. you clenched your fists, “ and how would you know that?”
“ I can see it in your eyes, baby. you’re not very good at hiding yourself from me, no matter how hard you try. shame, shame~” before you can retort back, she presses her lips against yours, making you swallow your words. tilting her head, she slots her bottom lip between your parted lips and slips her tongue inside.
it hasn’t been an hour yet and you’re already in kafka’s cabin—in her bed, all tied up, covered in lipstick marks, getting fucked dumb. “ untie me so i can return the fucking favor!” you spat before a moan erupts from your chest. “ no can do, darling.”she smirks devilishly, proping your legs up and pinned your knees to your chest into a mating press. you screamed as kafka’s plastic cock fills you up in a deeper angle; the mushroom tip hitting your g-spot roughly.
“ f-fuck, fuck, fuckkk! “ your eyes rolls to the back of your head, already squirting on her strap. she smacks her lips with disappointment at the fluids spraying everywhere onto the dark velvet sheets. “ aw, these bedsheets was my favorite set. .oh well, this is a special occasion anyways. “ <3333
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moonlightchildz · 3 months
a yearning anticipation; jk
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summary: your lover, jungkook, has confessed to devote himself only to you
rating & warnings: M, smut, use of marijuana, creampie, doggy, f. receiving, m. receiving, mouth fucking, missionary, pwp!
Part One I:
The clock ticking was in by no way helping your anticipation. Anxious eyes flickered to the round object every few or so minutes, eyebrows furrowing as you tried concentrating at the task at hand. Your hand held the pen, but the sticky note in front of you was scribbled with a few words of your incoherent thoughts. Your manager seemed occupied as he talked amongst a group of coworkers about the oncoming project.
“Damn it,” you muttered out, spinning your pen over so you could scribble over the same sentence you’ve been working on for the past thirty minutes.
“Okay, if you haven’t finished planning out your outline then I suggest you take the rest of your time to do so. Remember it’s due tonight!”
Your notebook, laptop, and the stupid sticky notes that were useless were already packed inside your bag rather hastily, your finger already shutting the zipper. The ride home was spent with you scrolling through your messages.
jk: baby, same place & time
Your heart hammered as you raced to get home to get ready for the night. It gave you such thrill that he always chose and made time specifically for you. In return you mad sure to doll up and get sexy for him. The desire was already eating you up, making your body hot, wet, and sticky with pure arousal. God, you needed him inside you so badly already. You wanted him to devour you already. It had been ages since you last saw him. You were buzzing all the way over to this place, applying lipstick knowing it would smudge all over him and his clothes.
A special knock was made between the two of you and as soon as the door opened you shoved right past him.
“Make love to me.”
He slammed you against the door, hips pressed against your core as you shamelessly opened your legs wider for him. His fingers tangled themselves into your hair, tugging softly at the roots of your hair so he could angle your mouth directly against his. He was breathing erratically, haughtily glancing down at you. He watched how responsive you were to him, loving how just with the trace of his lips ghosting upwards your neck, mouth leaving open hot, wet kisses behind, drove you completely crazy. Your breathing had picked up, thighs starting to grind against each other.
“I’ve missed you,” He hotly breathed out against your mouth before momentarily kissing you again. You nodded, panting already as you tried to reel him back against your lips again.
“I love you,” you said in between heavy breathing kissing and he easily lifted you up. Your arms instantly went around his neck, a gasp escaping your lips as you felt the bulging of his muscles.
“Yeah,” he smirked, his teeth sinking down on your bottom lip. “I know that already, baby.”
He slightly pulled away from you and as he watched you follow in pursuit trying to still get a taste of his lips with your eyes still closed, he smiled against your lips.
“Bed? Couch? Carpet? Kitchen counter?” He began to list off as his lips trailed down the crook of your neck now, causing you to shiver against his warm body. You tilted your head, a soft moan managing to slip out of your lips already as his lips softly nibbled on your skin.
“Everywhere, I don’t care,” you whined out, hands gripping on to his biceps. “Fuck, you’re so fucking hot.” You blurted out without thinking.
You could feel his grin against your skin.
“I could say the same thing about you, princess.” He hummed out, tongue sweeping your collarbones now. He nipped and sucked, leaving behind his mark on your body in his wake. And you shamelessly mewled over it, fingers tugging at his shaggy mop of hair.
“Let’s do bed first. I feel like my neighbors might have missed us.”
He threw you on the bed, hand on the back of his shirt as he began to dispose of it. His shirt slowly rode up his body, and you were watching him like a fucking hawk as you propped yourself up on your elbows, eyes taking in his well taut body. Months without seeing his body had definitely not prepared you for now. He was bulkier, his arms and thighs had gotten bigger, thicker and you couldn’t be more happier as you eyed the happy trail that led into his low hung jeans. Veins ran up his arms, his tattooed fingers looking quite tempting to suck on. It didn’t help that his biceps bulged as he balled up his shirt and flung it somewhere in his room.
The teasing asshole tried to slowly dispose of his rings, lustful eyes taking you in as you began to fling your tank top off your body. You were already halfway from slipping out of your shorts when you softly moaned out, “Please keep them on and choke me already.”
“Fuck,” he groaned out, sounding almost in pain as he saw your bare breast in full display already. You were a teasing little shit as your ran your hand over your breasts, a finger tweaking your nipple as you gasped at the sensation.
He was there in seconds, crawling on top of you. You urged him as you helped him by pulling him up by his arms to kiss him roughly on the mouth. Your legs were spread open for him, hips rutting against his harden cock.
“I need you.” You moaned out, desire beginning to overwhelm your body.
“And you don’t think I don’t?” He retorted as easily. His hands were hooking on to the band of your poor excuse of underwear. It practically only covered your cunt and the rest was just lace. “But you’re not wet enough, baby. At least, not yet.”
His fingertips skimmed your thighs as he threw your underwear behind his shoulder. He teasingly ran his index finger down your slit, gathering all of your dripping juices while groaning at the sight in front of him. He slowly began to roll figure eights on to your clit with the back of his thumb, dark gaze drinking your reactions in. There was a cocky grin laced on his pretty face, watching in fascination as you arched your back, mouth slightly open, and eyes screwed shut.
“Still so responsive to me, huh? Baby still loves it when I touch her, mhm?”
“Yes,” your voice hitched, becoming a soft mewl in response. Just the sound of his voice made you a horny, hot mess. 
He muttered out, “So wet for me, already? You missed me that much?”
His fingers were buried inside you, gathering up your moans and relishing in them. He loved teasing you, watching your mouth spell out his name as he curled his fingers inside of you, your slick making his movements more easier. Watching seemed torture for him so he knelt down, burying his mouth into your pussy.
“I’ve missed this pretty pussy so much,” he moaned against your cunt and your fingers fisted the sheets, tugging harder as his mouth sucked on your clit harshly. You had forgotten the sex between the two of you. God, who were you kidding. Of course you couldn’t forget the sex, not when he was eating you out like a deprived man.
“Oh God, oh fuck,” you whimpered out, the sensation driving you to the point of becoming so sensitive.
You could feel his tongue sliding in and out of your hole, curling and mouth slurping with his nose brushing against your clit. Your legs had begun to quiver, your hips had began to move to the movement of him tongue fucking you. Your fingers had weaved into his damp hair, cunt grinding directly on to his tongue. You felt breathless, toes digging into the mattress as your loud moans filled his room.
“Please, please, Jeongguk,” you were panting now, legs beginning to quiver from delight. You were squirming underneath him and his hand pinned you by your hip, keeping you still as his tongue slid into your hole.
“I’m sososo close, fuck me,” you incoherently began to spill out, mind and mouth becoming numb. Instead of coherent words coming out, moans were slipping from your lips, eyes rolling to the back of your head from the intensity.
he chuckled as he slid his fingers inside you while sucking on your clit. that alone has you a numbing mess as he sucked until your sensitive body gave out and you came right on his tongue. he allowed you to gather your senses, kissing your forehead, hands rubbing on your sides for gentle comfort. love emitted from his actions, only making you more eager to return the favor to your lover. it was soon enough, that your tongue slid up his cock, mouth wrapping around the tip of his cock. It was prettily glancing up at you, precum beginning to drip down the base of it. You hollowed out your cheeks, tongue sliding against the shaft before slowly taking it in your mouth. You slurped and sucked until Jeongguk’s fingers curled up against the bed sheets.
Jungkook had his arm swung over his eyes, soft panting emitting from his lips. His thighs were spread apart with you in between them on your knees, happily sucking his cock away like the good girl you were. At one point your fingers were digging into his meaty thighs, earning such responsive whimpers from him in return. He was moaning your name softly over and over again, incoherently saying into air, “f-fuck yeah, just l-like that.”
His fingers tangled themselves into your damp hair, tugging slightly harshly. he couldn’t help it, it just felt so fucking good. he was losing control just having your mouth around his fucking cock. his nerves were all over the place but your mouth wiped away every single thought out of his conscious.
“Such a good girl for me huh?” he bucked into your mouth, voice coming out low and headily. “Sucking my cock into your pretty little mouth like that.”
Your eyes fluttered open, humming along in agreement. He nodded, jaw slack as he stared right at you in the eye. He almost blew into your mouth right then, but how couldn't he when his pretty baby was sucking him dry. But he needed to cum inside of you. He needed to finish inside your pussy so badly.
“Baby, you’re such a slut,” he cooed out and you moaned out. He lost it. Your hands were fisting the rest that couldn’t fit, head bobbing up down as his cock slid inside your mouth. Watching Jeongguk lose himself like that, whimpering nonsense into the air, “so, so, so good to me.”
“Let me—”
“No,” he shoved you back against the bed, and he began crawling over you to pin your arms above your head. “Spread your legs for me, baby.” He ordered, voice low and raspy. “I know you love to.”
You spread your legs for him, and he teasingly grinded himself over your dripping cunt, the tip of his cock nudging your clit ever so deliciously. A low, strangled moan escaped your lips as he rolled his hips against yours and he kissed you, catching it between his lips, eating off from it. He coated his cock with your juices, grunts coming from his pretty lips as his grip tightened around your hands. His fingers intertwined with yours, pressing them against the mattress as he rolled his hips against yours, each thrust gliding his thick cock against your dripping cunt.
“yes, yes,” you whimpered out in desperation. “Fill me up. Get inside of me and cum all you want,” you begged him, pleading as your fingers dug into his.
Instead Jungkook just placed his lips against the shell of your ear, teeth softly nibbling your earlobe, tongue following pursuit to trace down from your ear to the crook of your neck as he continued to run his tongue all over your burning skin.
“Please, I need you,” you choked out, tears welling up in your eyes. “Please.”
“I know, princess,” he roughly grunted out, teeth biting down his bottom lip.
He leaned against his side, his veiny hand tightly gripping your thigh as he hitched it over his waist. He kissed you hungrily and so desperately. His tongue rolling over yours, nipping and sucking at your bottom lip as you exhaled deeply and shakily. Your hands had wandered up from his broad shoulders to his dark hair, tugging at it as you eagerly obeyed and parted your lips for him.
A throaty groan emitted from his lips, his eyebrows furrowing and his pupils blown out in pure lust. He slowly slid out and slammed his hips against yours, and you needily gripped on to him, hands digging into his broad back. Your mouth opened for him and he wasted no time into sucking your tongue in his mouth.
“Oh, fuck,” you managed to softly moan out, the roll of his hips against yours making you feel stupid dizzy. You grinded upwards, meeting his rolled movements in sync. Your breathing had increased, becoming mixed into choked up mewls curse words. 
He gathered your legs, pressing them against yours chest. You could hear his soft groans emitting from his lips, your pussy milking him so sweetly. 
“You feel so good, princess,” he inhaled sharply at the sound of his cock sliding out of your dripping cunt, groan becoming muffled against the crook of your neck. His hot breath fanned against your skin, fingers curling on the side of the covers. 
The bed was beginning to move along the rhythm of his hips grinding against your pubic bone. His chest was starting to drip with sweat, strands of his wavy hair damp and beginning to stick on his forehead. You watched how Jeongguk lost himself within you as he rolled downward, grunting as a small whimper escaped from your mouth. Your breast were bouncing as he deliberately fucked your pretty brains out. 
It was nice to touch you like this after so long.
“Turn around, ass up for me baby.” He ordered you, and like the good girl you were, you complied eagerly to please him.
You got on all fours, ass sticking up just the way he liked it. He licked the palm of his hand before massaging your ass in his hands. With a loud smack, he left behind his handprint on your swollen, red cheeks as you buried your face in the sheets, mouth wide open in such a heeding state. He slid inside you once more, causing you moan so loudly as your pussy welcomed him once again. The headboard smacked against the neighbors wall and your moans weren’t helping either as he fucked you senseless.
You were sliding off the bed at this point, but it felt so fucking good.
“Fuck, fuck I’m c-close,” he moaned out against your shoulder, biting down on your skin. You clenched tighter, loving the sound of skin on skin. He didn’t last long after that, crumbling right behind you.
“Fuck,” he breathlessly let out, sliding out of you to lay down next to you. He was kissing you roughly, mouths clashing with front teeth scraping and tongues wanting to rival one another. His arms winded around your body, not wanting to let you go at all. It made your heart flutter. God, you loved him so much.
“I forgot just how good you could fuck me,” you said, rolling over to grab a joint from his jacket. He was handing you his lighter, his other hand running its finger into his messy hair. His cheeks seemed flushed, a boyish grin lacing his features.
“Gotta make sure my baby is reminded every single time,” he winked as you blew out smoke directly on to his face. 
“C’mere,” he patted his thighs and you slowly crawled over him, joint in mouth as you settled between his thighs. 
He gently took it out of your mouth, setting it in between his lips instead. Smoke engulfed the both of you, and you leaned into his arms. You wanted to feel and hear his heartbeat once more.
“I missed you.” He confessed after a while, his eyes set steady on yours.
“I’m sure you did.” You rolled your eyes in defiance and he fiercely grabbed a hold of your face to stop you in your place.
“I’m being serious,” he began, slowly inching closer and not letting go of you. “I love you. You are the one for me.”
He ran his fingers down your spine, eyes taking your beautiful features in. He was simply watching you in awe, your presence reminding him of what he had let go quite stupidly. He never led you on, promising you what you always wanted when it seemed nearly impossible, but he was so fucked in love with you. He dreamed of you and yearned for you to be by his side already.
He said with such utmost sincerity, “I’m gonna blow off my engagement.”
You hummed in contentment. Jeon Jungkook was the price and you had won. Though his fiancée would be messy to deal with, you knew he would protect you against her, plus you already had a house and cars under your name. All assets would soon be yours.
“I knew you couldn’t stay away,” you giggled against his mouth. In all seriousness, you were ecstatic to hear that your lover was finally about to cut off the only thing standing in your way.
His fiancée.
“Can I bounce on your cock as a celebration?”
You settled yourself in between his legs, taking the joint from his hand.  You inhaled deeply, feeling hazy and warm in the comfort of your man’s arms. “Yes?”
“By all means,” he waved his hand towards his cock. His hand was already placed behind your head, inching you closer to him. His lips mouthed against yours, “Be my guest. It’s all yours.”
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just-jordie-things · 1 year
since your asking for blurbs here you gooooo
how about jjk men (at this point i think you know my faves) with the lipstick trend on tiktok? yk the one where they mess up the lipstick and then the camera pans to the bf with lipstick marks:)) -🌿
ofc i love this trend <3
has not seen the trend, and does not know that filming a tiktok is your intention when you sit on his desk right in front of him and cover his face with kisses. he knows that you're leaving lipstick stains all over his lips, cheeks, nose, jaw, and even on his neck, but he doesn't think twice about it.
this behavior isn't exactly out of character for either one of you. and it' honestly a miracle you're allowed to work together because you were both nothing but distractions to each other.
like right now, satoru is leaning in to steal another kiss from your red smeared lips, only to find that you're applying more lipstick in the camera reflection on your phone.
unbeknownst to him, he actually perfectly imitates the trend as his hand curls around the back of your neck and pulls you back in for more. ___
has seen the trend because you showed him the other night. but when you suggest filming a tiktok for it, he flusters.
nonetheless, he watches as you perfectly apply a layer of pink on your lips. he's always liked when you wore lipstick, and he definitely likes to watch you do it.
you cap the makeup when you're done, spinning away from the bathroom mirror to smile at him prettily. his hands find your hips as he helps you onto the bathroom counter and you're already peppering his face with smooches. you kiss everywhere your lips can reach. your hands are playing with his hair while you drag your mouth down his neck, and megumi definitely forgets the purpose of this makeup session.
(in his defense, your makeup sessions haven't really had a goal before. besides, well, ;) you know)
all too soon, you're pulling away with a giggle, grabbing your phone to hit record as you reapply your lipstick. however when you accidentally smear it, megumi doesn't reach to wipe it away like he's supposed to. you turn the camera towards him, capturing the perfect lovesick and stunned look on his face.
he ends your video and lifts you off the counter, whisking you away. he's not a fan of social media usually, but maybe he should finally get an account. ___
doesn't have the time to follow tiktok trends but an excuse to make out with his girlfriend??? shit he'd plop you onto his lap as soon as you asked!
he actually does, much to your surprise and you have to explain that you have to go put the lipstick on first. you kiss for a little while anyways because he was already excited.
when you come back with a bold red lip, yuuta's only more excited, and is grinning and giggling as your lips scatter lipstick stains all over his face. his palms are rubbing eager circles into your hips, hoping this moment could last for an eternity.
pouts when you pull away to grab your phone for the video, but honestly is just as eager to make the tiktok with you.
you reapply your lipstick, purposefully smudging it at the corner. and with a gentle hand, yuuta thumbs away the mistake, smiling at you lovingly.
the video is so cute that your friends that follow you comment about how you make them want to throw up :) success! ___
actually saw the trend before you did, and went out the very same day to pick out a dark red lipstick for you to do it yourselves. you might think it's a little cheesy but you can't say no when he gives you puppy dog eyes.
so you apply the bold lip and give him so many kisses you worry he's going to faint. he's smiling and humming and enjoying every kiss you bestow upon him to the fullest. he thinks it's the cutest when you kiss the tip of his nose. by the end of it, his face is so covered in red that there's some parts you can't even make out the print of your lips.
when you go to film the tiktok, you're the one blushing like crazy as toge precisely fixes your purposeful mistake, the pad of his finger soft as he wipes away the red stain on your cheek. as you turn the camera to face him, he grins, proud to show off all the lipstick marks you'd given him.
after recording the tiktok, you really have to convince him to wash the lipstick off his face. he pouts, upset to wash away the hard work and proof of your affections. you promise to make more cute tiktoks with him in the future if he agrees to let you wish his face.
you also promise to go back to what you were up to before ;) that always does the trick. ___
xoxo ~ jordie
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charles-eclair16 · 10 months
Can't keep my hands to myself: Charles Leclerc
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Pairing: charles leclerc x fem!reader
Genre: Fluff🌥️
About: One where he couldn't keep his hands to himself
You were sure that he was doing it on purpose. The slow drag of his hands on your thighs was him purposely teasing you, the high slit of your dress only encouraging his roaming hands. It wasn't out of character for him to keep his hands on your thighs as he always preferred to keep it there. But today his hand just was not resting there but was slowly trailing up and down your thighs dangerously close to your underwear.
"Charles! Stop it!" You warned when his hands squeezed your thighs, your eyes closing on their own accord.
"I can't help it... you're killing me here babe" he whispered in your ears nuzzling your neck and leaving a small kiss on your bare shoulder. You knew he liked the red dress you were wearing to the FIA Prize Giving Ceremony, even had helped you pick it himself. The appreciative look and the kiss he gave you when you first came out of your room did make it clear that he loved the look today.
"Can we leave?" The question snapped you out of your memories as you looked at him shocked. The innocent grin he gave you in reply wasn't helpful...his eyes were dark as he looked you over.
"You haven't received your award yet Cha" you replied holding his hand as it trailed down your legs. A shudder went through your body and he smiled. Fuck he was making it so difficult to concentrate.
"How about after that? You think we could skip the after party?" He mumbled quickly pressing his lips to yours before you could answer.
"But you have to do some interviews after that baby...we can't just leave" you had answered when he pulled back from the kiss, a little smudge of your lipstick visible on his lips.
"wait just let me" you pulled his face towards you and gently wiped his bottom lips with your fingers. He uttered a low curse when your fingers grazed his lips.
"As if I could answer questions in this state...I really need you" he groaned hiding his face in your neck. A chocked moan left your lips as his hands went a little higher on your thighs squeezing and drawing slow circles.
"You guys okay there?" Charles jumped hearing Joris's voice causing the group around the table to laugh.
"They probably need a room!" Pierre chuckled winking at Charles who pulled back from you and threw a balled tissue towards him.
"The Formula 1 World Champion 2024 Charles Leclerc everyone!" You kissed his cheek as he stood up, clapping heard from all around the room. You couldn't be more proud than now watching him thank his team and the people who had helped him achieve his dream. He looked so good in his custom made suit. The black suit perfectly molded around his body and the confidence he executed as he stood there giving his speech. Maybe you could skip the after party. Watching him there achieve his dreams really did something to you. He kissed you as soon as he saw you after stage. A low moan left your mouth as his tongue traced your bottom lip.
"Let's go" he mumbled around your lips his hands digging on your waist as he pressed his body to yours.
"We can't...not another hour at least" he frowned at your answer but understood that he had a few more things he needed to do before you could leave. He nodded and took your hand leading you back to your table.
To say the next hour was pure torture would be an understatement. His hands were everywhere...on your legs drawing circles, squeezing your thighs,on your hands trailing up and down, on your waist as he guided you to meet different people and the small grazes on your bare back as he stood behind you. As you watched the closing of the award ceremony with fireworks, Charles stood beside you his arms wrapped around your waist and he sometimes trailed his fingers on your waist. You had shivered as his hands trailed down your spine and dipped low. A kiss was pressed on your shoulder.
" My god! Charles! I've been trying to not say anything but I just can't bro!" Joris exclaimed as he saw Charles press his body against you. You laughed at the face Joris was pulling...poor man has already seen enough.
"Fuck off" Charles laughed. He really can't help himself, he tried he really did but it was as if his hands were automatically drawn towards your body. It didn't help that you looked so beautiful in the red dress- a Ferrari red. The high slit of the dress, showed your long leg and he had accepted very early that your legs were his soft spot, he loved trailing his fingers on your legs and watching your legs become covered in goosebumps. It was fascinating. So when you had sat down beside him and he could see your leg peeking out he couldn't help himself- it had become an automatic habit to keep his hands on your thighs. But when he felt your bare skin, a tingle went up his arms and he swore it was electric.
It was after an hour when he was finally free from his duties and he couldn't wait to leave. His hands were back at their place on your waist as you said goodbye to your friends and some of the team members of Ferrari.
"Babe come on!" Charles pulled you along the hallway hurrying before anyone could drag you guys to the after-party.
"I'm wearing heels!" You laughed as he shook his head and chuckled.
"Then there's only one solution!" You gasped as he bent down and picked you up in his arms. You were thankful that there was a back exit otherwise you were sure that you would wake up tomorrow with your face plastered on the internet.
He slowly placed you down on your legs as you reached his parked car. He pulled you in for a quick kiss before opening the car door for you.
"Should we go?" He winked at you as you pulled away from the parking lot.
His hands rightfully finding their place back on your thighs.
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goingmerryfics · 2 months
Affection & PDA w/ Smoker, Corazon, & Robin
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Content: Gender neutral reader as always. Lots of fluff here! 
Smoker loves to be affectionate with you. He’s most comfortable when he’s able to touch you in one way or another, and he most definitely will keep you trapped in his arms for as long as he can get once you’re there
He’s not shy in telling people you’re his person, but he also isn’t very comfortable being too lovey in public
He’s got an image to maintain as a Marine soldier, and he’d rather not have you shadowing him on the job both for his own focus and for your safety
The exception is if you crossed paths while he’s on his patrol around town, of course. He’ll light up when he sees you and ask what you’re doing out, and after a quick conversation he’d be just fine kissing you good-bye and promising to see you later. Tashigi makes a comment at how his cheeks have a tint to them, and he’ll grumble something under his breath along the lines of ‘stop talking’
If you’re in public and he’s off the job, he’s got no problem holding your hand as you walk together, kissing your cheek or sitting close together to share a drink
All that to say moderate PDA is fine
Smoker’s favorite way to show affection is to lie on the couch with you with you on top, head on his chest while he plays with your hair or rubs your back- whatever you’re more comfortable with
Of course he also loves to kiss you anywhere and everywhere he can get. Cheeks, especially
He peppering you with kisses and watching you laugh and try to squirm away from him
He’ll get super embarrassed if you two get caught, though
Cora is also someone who is very affectionate with his partner, so much so that they are usually covered in lipstick smudges
His favorite spots to kiss are your nose, lips and neck and they are usually stained with his signature colour
He has definitely taken you down with him a few times while trying to give you kisses
Neither of you is really sure how you two ended up toppling over while you weren’t even moving
He’s not shy to show you off to people, either. Unlike Smoker, he doesn’t care who knows about your relationship
But years of living with a certain someone’s attitude has made him wary
Cora pours his heart and soul into the people he loves, and he doesn’t like to share
He knows all too well the manipulation tactics his brother could impose on you to make you feel bad, or worse- to sway you into his arms instead
I fully believe Doffy would steal Cora’s partners. I haven’t seen Cora’s episodes yet so who knows how accurate this is but I’m sticking to it
Cora is extremely possessive over you. So being publicly affectionate with you only comforts him in knowing that everyone believes you’re his
His favorite thing to do is to pick you up, your legs wrapped around his torso, pressing kisses all over you
It doesn’t happen often with how many times he’s dropped you or himself, though
Corazon would love surprise kisses
When you’re alone, he’ll ramble on and on about how he feels about you, all sorts of sweet things
Robin is not shy about giving you affection, but she is classy with it
With her Devil Fruit powers, she can reach you anywhere to hold your hand or give you some sweet touches
Her preferred method of showing you love, in her motherly fashion, is to gently caress your cheek with the back of her hand
She’ll also keep an arm around your waist or shoulders, knowing how the feeling of being held is comforting to you
She’s comfortable giving you quick kisses and loving words in front of the crew, but in a public setting- especially when you’re all new to the area, she’ll go as far as holding your hand and that’s about it
The best time to give her affection is while you’re out on the sea
Lazy days in the sun, just sitting together while she reads, your head in her lap while she swipes her thumb over your cheek in soft, slow motions
It would be very easy to fall asleep there if it weren’t for the chaos of the rest of the crew
Robin will welcome affection anytime, too. No matter what she’s doing on the ship, as long as she’s in a good mood, if you sneak up behind her and wrap your arms around her or lean down to kiss her cheek in passing, she’ll always end up smiling to herself 
Robin isn’t used to being treated kindly- at least in a physical sense. It took her forever to learn to trust the crew to that point, and a little longer with you because of how intimate your relationship was. So having gotten to this point where you two are happily able to share these precious moments is very important to her
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partycatty · 4 months
i want to give old man mk11 johnny little kisses all over his face with lipstick on and leave little kissy marks that he doesn’t know are there so when he goes out everyone sees them but he doesn’t.
i love ya 💙💙
older!johnny cage > peppered
johnny didn't know your makeup wasn't smudge proof when he went off to work.
[ masterlist ]
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• "i'm headin' out!" johnny calls from the foyer, grabbing a bag and keys from the hook beside the door. "don't miss me too much, alright?!"
• "wait!!" you sprint down the steps, the biggest grin on your face. you were wearing your usual face of makeup, bright red lipstick included. johnny returns your grin, beaming down at you when you charge yourself at him and wrap your arms around his neck. "i love you."
• johnny chuckles, eyes flicking between yours. "i love you more." his voice is gentle, honest. it was always nice to see his domestic side when he wasn't kicking ass or talking about how amazing he was.
• you kiss him, smushing your face against his in a strange competition to see how hard you could kiss him before he'd complain. your noses squish together and you can hear johnny giggle into your lips. when you pull away, your smile only grows when you notice there is a firm print of your lipstick on his mouth.
• "what's that look for?" he asks, noticing your staring. you decide to take advantage of his lack of knowledge, leaning in for another kiss on the side of his mouth. he smirks, nose scrunching at your contact which only makes you kiss him more.
• "i love you-" you plant a kiss on his cheek. "i love you-" one on his eyelid. "i love you-" one on his jaw. after some time of this, you've thoroughly peppered his face with lipstick marks, one in each section of his face and even a couple on his neck. you made art of his skin, and he was none the wiser.
• "okay, okay—" johnny laughs, pulling you away by your shoulders and kissing your forehead. "i'll be late if you keep loving on me like that." you manage to squeeze in one last kiss before he heads to work.
• when johnny arrives on the compound, he's greeted by an amusing amount of stares - which isn't unusual, considering he's a part-time movie star, but this time he felt more like a clown than an action hero.
• he stumbles into jacqui before the meeting, and she tenses up, at first raising a finger to inform him of his new face paint but opting not to — maybe cassie would be better to bear the news?
• arriving in front of the SF army, he notices that his daughter is already commanding the troop, standing front and center. johnny slinks in casually, so as to not disturb the routine.
• the sunglasses come off, and he notices that the crowd falls eerily silent, some even biting their lips to stop a smile. cassie takes notice and pivots to include herself on what seems to be so funny.
• "commander cage," johnny says with a nod, scanning the crowd nervously. "is... is everything...?"
• cassie bursts into laughter, doubling over and completely breaking from her professional stoicism. johnny can only throw his hands up exasperatedly.
• "seriously, what the hell is going on? people keep looking at me like i'm crazy." johnny pinches the bridge of his nose as cassie finds her handheld pocket mirror, one that he gave her many years ago.
• taking the mirror, he opens it and inspects his shirt, wondering if maybe he spilled his coffee. but when he catches a glimpse of his neck, he notices two reddish smudge marks. slowly angling the mirror upward, he realizes what's so god damn funny.
• he flushes red. sure, everyone knew you two were dating, but this was the least professional thing he'd done in a while — which is really saying something.
• "jesus, dad, you couldn't have washed them off before coming to work?" cassie asks, still cracking a smile. "reader's nice, but i didn't need to know how nice she is to you. oh my god, it's everywhere—"
• "i didn't know i had 'em," johnny mutters, wiping his face embarrassingly.
• you were in for one hell of a phone call when his break rolls around.
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