#They flirt and share a bed and finish each others sentences
siflshonen · 5 months
Asexual Aromantic Senku Ishigami and his gay, common law married best friend and roommate Gen Asagiri who travels for his job
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melagnes · 7 months
PECSA Weekend: One Bed
Synopsis: You are a teacher at Abbott Elementary and Barb knows Melissa has feelings for you. During PECSA weekend, Barb, being sick of the both of you avoiding your feelings for each other, only booked two hotel rooms, leaving you and Mel to share. It is just your luck that there was only one bed...
Pairing: Melissa Schemmenti x Reader
Word Count: 2.8K
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It had been a regular day at Abbott Elementary; a lovely blend of chaos, humour, and heartwarming moments. You had gotten to school an hour early that day, which left you with the much-needed time to prep your classroom for your students, and most importantly, brew a cup of coffee.
Upon entering the breakroom, you noticed that you weren't the only one who arrived early–Melissa's gaze turned away from the news on the television and focused on you. "Ey, Good Morning early bird. How's it going?" she greeted.
"It will be much better when I wake up with some caffeine. How about you?" you replied.
"Ah, you know Tesoro, I'm feeling quite good but maybe it's the anticipation of seeing you."
You blushed profusely–Melissa never failed to make you blush. The attraction you had for her was so strong, she was always on your mind. Contrary to your belief, but obvious to every single teacher at Abbott, Melissa felt the same about you. She loved to make you blush every chance she got. However, Mel had no idea you felt the same way about her, so she just playfully flirted with you; she didn't push any further since she didn't want to ruin your existing friendship.
"Mel, you're such a sweetheart. I hate to cut this short, but I need to head back to my class and prepare for my students. I'll catch you later at lunch," you said, as you left the room with the biggest smile and your cheeks still pink and warm.
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As the weekend approached, anticipation buzzed through the halls of Abbott Elementary–the excitement for PECSA weekend was immense. The annual Pennsylvania Educational Conference for the Southeast Area was a time for teachers to come together to discuss their teaching, but truly, veteran teachers Barbara and Melissa were looking forward to the Math-a-ritas.
However, this year was different. Barbara knew you and Melissa were both whipped out of your minds for each other, and this predicament was quite frankly getting on her nerves. She knew she needed to intervene since the two of you would not get your heads out of your asses.
In the breakroom, the three of you were sitting in your usual places for lunch; Barb beside Mel, and you next to Mel, naturally.
"Well, is everyone excited for PECSA weekend?" Barb asks, humming in excitement.
"Of course," you state with a smile.
Barbara directed her attention towards you, "Which got me thinking... Maybe you should join us? It would be a shame to miss out on all the fun together."
"Oh, uh, I don't know..." you glance toward Melissa, a hint of uncertainty in your expression.
"I'd love to have you join us, Piccola. It'll be fun," Melissa adds.
"As long as I wouldn't be intruding," you reply hesitantly.
"Oh, trust me, you wouldn't be intruding at all! We'd be thrilled to have you join us. It's gonna be a blast, and the more, the merrier, right?" Barbara reassures you, "Plus, I've got a feeling Melissa would be thrilled to have you there."
As Barbara finished her sentence, Melissa shot her a playful scowl, her cheeks flushing slightly.
You couldn't help but grin at Melissa's reaction, feeling a flutter of excitement in your chest at the thought of spending more time with her outside of school. "Well, if Melissa insists, who am I to refuse?" you say with a playful wink.
Melissa rolled her eyes, though the smile tugging at her lips betrayed her true feelings.
Barbara knowingly chuckles at the exchange, pleased with herself for putting the beginning stages of her plan in motion. "Great! It's settled then. PECSA weekend, here we come!"
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The weekend has commenced and you found yourself packed and ready to go, excitement bubbling in your chest. When you heard a knock at your front door indicating Melissa's arrival to pick you up, you couldn't shake the nervous anticipation that swirled within you. The prospect of spending the weekend with Melissa was both exhilarating and nerve-wracking.
When you opened the door, your breath caught in your throat, "Hey Mel." It was a reflex; whenever you saw her, her mere presence always left you momentarily speechless.
"Ya ready to hit the road?" she asked, her smile infectious.
"Absolutely, thanks for picking me up," you state gratefully.
After you put your bag in the trunk and crawled into the back seat of the car, your voyage to PECSA commenced. The atmosphere was relaxed as Melissa took the wheel, with Barb in the passenger seat beside her. Without much time at all, the two of them fell into their all too recognizable banter.
Sensing the opportunity, Barbara leaned back in her seat with a glint in her eye. "You know," she began, her voice laced with humour, "I suggest that you all drop your vices and take a hit of my drug of choice — J.E.S.U.S. Street name: Christ" she exclaims.
Melissa raised an eyebrow, feigning offence. "Uh, you've been known to demolish those little bottles of Chardonnay."
"And you snort that liquid marijuana." Barbara countered.
Their teasing sent you into a choke of laughter. Although amusing, their witty remarks settled a familiar ambiance you all appreciated.
As you sank deeper into the back seat, you found yourself stealing glances at Mel in the rearview mirror, unable to resist admiring her effortless beauty. It is unfair that one could look as good as Mel, while simply operating a motor vehicle.
Once you reached the hotel and the car was parked, you and Melissa unloaded the luggage, while Barbara went to the front desk to get your room keys.
When you walk into the hotel, you are met with a concerned-looking Barb, "It seems there's been a mix-up regarding the number of rooms booked, and unfortunately, there are only two rooms available."
In reality, this mix-up was not an accident–it was part of Barb's master plan to push you and Mel beyond the boundary of friendship. "Apologies for the mix-up, everyone. Now, how should we-"
"We can share," Melissa cuts her off while linking arms with you.
You felt your cheeks flush with heat as you exchanged a nervous glance with Melissa. "Yeah, of course."
"Perfect, it's settled then," Barbara handed you the room key and winked knowingly at the two of you before heading off to her room, leaving you and Melissa standing awkwardly in the hallway.
Taking a deep breath, you turned to Melissa with a hesitant smile. "So, I guess we're roommates for the weekend."
Melissa returned your smile, her expression softening. "Yeah, looks like it. Should be interesting."
As your shoulders lightly brushed against each other, you both navigated the hallway, tracing the numbered signs until your room came into view.
As you both stepped into the hotel room, a peculiar realization dawned upon you–there was only one bed. Your heart quickened as your gaze involuntarily shifted towards Melissa.
"So, uh, any preferences on who gets the bed?" you asked, attempting to ease the tension that hung in the air.
Melissa responded with a nonchalant shrug, "Well, there's only one, so I guess we'll have to share. No one wants to sleep on the floor, right?"
Your heart skipped a beat at her words, but you tried to play it cool. "Right, makes sense."
You were doomed.
Melissa broke the silence with a suggestion, "How about we head down to the pool and grab some drinks?"
"I'm in," you replied without hesitation. You knew a drink would be necessary to steady your nerves, especially with the prospect of sharing a bed with the woman you were in love with.
As you descended to the poolside, Barb was already there, greeting you both with a playful smirk adorning her lips. "Well, well, well, look who finally decided to join the party," she teased, raising an eyebrow at the two of you.
After taking a seat beside Barbara, a server approached with a tray of drinks. Melissa swiftly snagged a couple of Math-a-ritas, passing one to you with a wink.
"Here's to PECSA weekend," she declared, raising her glass in a toast.
You clinked your drink against hers, a grin spreading across your face. "To PECSA weekend."
After a couple of drinks in your system, tearing your eyes away from Melissa became an increasingly grueling task. Bathed in the golden hue of the sun, she seemed to exude an otherworldly allure, her features accentuated by the gentle light.
It was as if every glance only served to deepen the spell she unknowingly cast upon you. From the delicate way she brushed a stray lock of hair behind her ear, to the infectious sound of her laughter, each moment spent in her presence seemed to send you further into the depths of your emotions. Melissa was more than just attractive; she was captivating, a force that left you unable to break free from the mesmerizing hold she had over you.
"Hey, you okay?" Mel asked, shaking you out of your trance with a hint of concern in her voice as she noticed your distant expression. She had caught you staring.
"Yeah, sorry about that," you replied, offering her a sheepish smile. "Just lost in thought for a moment."
Melissa grinned, her eyes laced with amusement. "Must have been some pretty deep thoughts," she teased, giving you a playful nudge.
You chuckled, as you felt a flush of embarrassment creep onto your cheeks. "Just admiring the view," you said, gesturing vaguely to the poolside surroundings.
Her laughter rang out, a melodic sound that filled the air. "Well, I can't say I blame you."
The rest of the evening passed in a blur of laughter and conversation between the three of you, but eventually, the time came for you and Melissa to retire to your shared room for the evening.
After preparing for bed, you found yourselves lying side by side under the covers, a palpable tension hanging in the air. Despite the deepening connection between you, there was an unspoken understanding that crossing certain boundaries could jeopardize the precious bond you shared.
Something unbeknownst to you, however, beneath Melissa's tough exterior lay a secret longing for intimacy–a desire to break down the barriers between you and bask in the comfort of your embrace.
To your surprise, as you lay there, you felt Melissa's arm snake around your waist. This caused you to immediately tense up, your heart pounding in your ears as conflicting emotions engulfed you. On one hand, you've always wanted this—longed for the closeness and affection that Melissa's touch promised. But on the other hand, her unexpected move left you feeling confused and uncertain.
As Melissa's warmth seeped into your skin, you couldn't help but wonder about the implications of her actions. Was Mel attracted to you? Or was this simply a gesture of platonic affection? The questions floated in your mind, but before you could voice your thoughts, Melissa shifted closer, her breath ghosting over your ear as she whispered softly, "Is this okay?"
Her words send a shiver down your spine, the tenderness in her voice melted away your doubts and fears. With a hesitant nod and a whispered "yes," you surrendered to her embrace, gently placing your hand atop hers, allowing the warmth and intimacy of the moment to envelop you.
As the night wore on, neither of you could sleep, your feelings occupying your minds and you couldn't take it anymore, in a moment of recklessness, you turned towards Mel so your chests were pressed against each other and your eyes locked. Your breath hitched as you lowered your gaze to her lips, savouring the sight of their softness, their allure drawing you in. When your eyes flick back to meet hers, you're met with dilated pupils, a silent invitation that ignited a firestorm of desire within you.
With a trembling hand, you slowly tangled your fingers into her fiery red hair, relishing the silky texture beneath your touch. Your heart pounded in your ears, the anticipation reaching a peak as you guided your mouths together with a hunger that bordered on desperation.
Melissa tensed at the suddenness of your action, and for a split second, you feared you'd made a mistake.
"Mel, I-I'm so sorry, I didn't mean-" But before you could apologize, she surprised you by pulling you back to her lips with an urgency that matched your own. The kiss was warm and passionate. And as you lost yourself in the intoxicating taste of her lips, you realized that this is where you were always meant to be—wrapped in her arms.
"I've been wanting to do that for so long," Melissa confessed after you broke apart, her voice barely above a whisper.
You couldn't help but smile, the weight of her words lifting a burden from your shoulders. "Me too," you admitted, your heart overflowing with emotion.
And as you lay together, wrapped in each other's embrace, you knew that this was just the beginning of a love that would last a lifetime.
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The morning light filtered delicately through the curtains, casting a soft glow upon the tangled sheets where you and Melissa lay intertwined. With a contented sigh, you shifted closer to her, savouring the rhythmic rise and fall of her chest against yours. As if stirred by your movement, her eyes fluttered open.
"Good morning," you whispered softly, brushing a stray strand of auburn hair behind her ear.
"Morning," Mel murmured, her voice husky with sleep as she tightened her embrace around you.
For a fleeting moment, you lay there basking in the intimacy of the morning, the outside world fading into insignificance.
"I could stay like this forever," Mel confessed softly, her breath warm against your neck.
Your heart fluttered at her words, a blush rising to your cheeks as you pressed a gentle kiss to her temple.
"I mean... I wouldn't mind that" you admitted shyly, your lips grazing against her skin. "But we should probably get up soon," you chuckled, the reality of the day's plans creeping back into your consciousness. "Barb will likely be waiting to have breakfast before we head home."
"Yeah, I know," Mel sighed, reluctantly releasing you from her hold.
"But can we stay like this just a little while longer?" she groaned, her voice laden with desire, before drawing you into a kiss that ignited with a slow ecstasy. Your lips traced a path to Mel's neck, planting a series of tender kisses that culminated in a gentle bite, eliciting a whimper from her.
As she trailed kisses down your neck in response, a soft moan escaped your lips prompting her to shift her focus. She captured your mouth with hers, her tongue delving deep into your mouth. Your hand instinctively slid up her back beneath her shirt, caressing and exploring the warmth of her skin. It took every ounce of willpower to pull away from her at that moment. You stare at her, both of your breaths coming ragged as you met Mel's gaze, both of you wide-eyed and flushed with desire.
"Mel... it's time to go to brunch," you managed, your voice strained with longing. "I can guarantee you, there will be more of this later," you added with a suggestive nod toward the tousled sheets.
"Fine," Melissa huffs, playfully rolling her eyes, but a smile still plastered on her lips.
But before she could get out of bed, you grabbed her arm, "I'm glad this happened you know," you confessed, your voice barely above a whisper. "I've seriously had my eyes on you since I started working at Abbott. I was losing it seeing you come into work every day looking so good and I had to pretend as if I didn't notice."
"Is that so... well, I'll be sure to give you something to notice next time we're at work," Mel smirks at you and smacks your ass as she untangles herself from you in favour of getting dressed.
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Later, at brunch, Barbara's eyes widened in surprise as she took in the scene before her. Her gaze flicked between you and Melissa, her lips curling into a mischievous smile as she noticed the telltale marks scattered across both of your necks.
"Looks like someone had a good night," she teased, her tone laced with amusement.
Confusion gave way to recognition as you noticed the purple bruises scattered across Mel's neck, and her eyes widened as she noticed similar marks on yours.
A silent understanding passed between the two of you as Melissa chuckled softly, leaning in closer to you as she reached for her coffee. "We may have gotten a little carried away," she admits with a wink.
Barbara laughed, shaking her head in amusement. "Well, I'm glad to see you two are finally getting your act together," she says, her tone affectionate. "It's about time."
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spamgyu · 7 months
Pretty Boy // College!Mingyu – Love Language and Worms
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Started off as this prompt: no bc college!mingyu as someone who lives down the hall from your dorm and you always run into him doing something questionable [College!Mingyu Masterlist]
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They weren't together.
Not officially that is.
But they also weren't what they once were; they no longer danced around each other, pretending to ignore the very obvious feelings they felt for one another.
And it wasn't like they both didn't want to make it official – but it was all still quite new.
They were, what most who were in the grey area of pre-dating called, talking. A stage in which they were definitely exclusively only seeing each other, and no longer in that playful flirting stages – allowing for very couple like interactions.
Such as moments like this; the two relaxing in her dorm, with his head on her lap as she raked through his hair as rested from a long day of classes and practice.
It had become a daily routine for Mingyu to head straight to her shared room after practice, instead of his just a few doors down; claiming that she was the break he needed from his busy day as a student athlete.
And she was not complaining, after the third day of him doing this; Y/n looked forward to his visits, having a meal ready for them to share as they talked about their day.
She could have sworn that she hated doing anything remotely close to couple like activities, cringing anytime she saw anyone being a little too lovey-dovey with one another.
Turns out, she was just like any other girl.
"I got physical touch and quality time." Y/n giggled, turning her phone screen to show him her quiz results.
Cracking his eyes open, a smile formed his lips.
During their dinner, sitting cross legged across from one another on her bed, Mingyu had spilled to her his love language results of words of affirmation and physical touch; earning teasing from the girl claiming that he was ran through.
"How do you already know that? Your are so ran through."
Choosing to brush it off, he convinced her to take the quiz – for research purposes, of course.
"That's good to know." He hummed, making a mental note to use this to his advantage.
"I mean I could have told you that." Y/n rolled her eyes, setting her phone down.
There hasn't been a day since she had confessed her feelings for the boy that she hasn't welcomed his unannounced visits and plans to spend time with her. Her once calculated actions towards him were now thrown out the window, reaching for his hand that was hanging over her shoulder – locking her fingers with his as they walked.
"Just wanted confirmation." Mingyu reached up to take her hand in his, toying with the silver ring on her middle finger as he shut his eyes once again.
Y/n bit back the large grin that was threatening to form on her lips as she admired him – something she realized she had been doing quite often. It wasn't that she never thought that he was beautiful; his gorgeous face catching her attention during move in day.
But with the walls she had built up slowly coming down, Y/n was now more relaxed around him – openly allowing him to catch her stares.
"Want me to set an alarm for 15 minutes?"
Sighing, Mingyu nodded – holding her hand to his chest. Usually he would hug a pillow to sleep but this was much better than any feather stuffed cloth.
And she wasn't protesting.
Picking her phone back up, Y/n followed his requests before switching to her current favorite app; Tiktok.
"Ladies, ask you man if he would love you if you were a worm and if he–"
"Yes." Mingyu deadpanned without allowing the creator to finish their sentence; his eyes remaining closed. "A worm, a lint in my pocket, a water bottle."
"You love me?" Y/n moving her phone away from her eye-line, raising her brows at him.
She was obviously teasing; knowing it would fluster him.
"Wha-" His eyes snapped open, taken off-guard by her follow up question. "Wait– I, well–"
He was tired and wasn't thinking much of how the creator chose to word the current social media trend he had seen circulating around. Mingyu knew it wasn't long before she would jokingly ask him this question.
He just didn't think that she wouldn't veer off the script he had written in his head.
They liked each other.
Love wasn't something they talked about. Not yet at least.
They had strong feelings.
Very strong feelings, but love? That was a hefty word.
Especially for two people who were definitely not in an established relationship.
Y/n began laughing, seeing he had become at a loss for words – his eyes darting around the room as the gears in his head began to turn.
"We– Look," He sat up. "I mean– we're not off–"
"Mingyu, I'm kidding." She settled down. "Noted on that answer though."
A wave of relief washed over him, a pout forming on his lips. "You– My sleep is gone!"
"Sucks." Y/n shrugged with a giggle, her heart melting at his adorable state.
"I'll get you back, you know that."
"No you won't."
Rolling his eyes, he settled back down on to the bed. "I know." Mingyu grumbled, hugging her hand against his chest once again.
He never could tease her the way she did. She was quick to her feet when it came to jokes, at times unable to keep up.
Not that he was complaining – he enjoyed her sense of humor, even if it left him stumbling on his own words.
It was one of the reasons why he was so enamored by her.
Whether she was a worm, a gum stuck to the bottom of his shoe, or a piece of lint in his pocket; Mingyu will always be under her spell. He will always let her win their playful fights and allow all her jokes.
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@thegirlwhoimagined @forcheol @ohmygodwhyareallusernamestaken @f4iryjjosh @akeminy @yonabutnotyuna @tacosandbitch @aaniag @bettybotterboughtabitofbutter @xbaekcult @alwaysalmostthere @ashkuuuu @morkswatermelonnnn @isabellah29 @lottogyu @bubbly-moon @lllucere @bo-fairykim @pluviophile-xxx @daegutowns @jenoxygen @niktwazny303 @aahvii @fragmentof-indifference @leah-rose03 @haolistic @eclliipsed @joshuahongnumbers @gyuguys @yaaaridk @christinewithluv @yoonzinoooo @jaebammie @livelikejinki @watercolureyes @whoa-jo @primoisellerose
(for some reason it's not allowing me to tag some who wanted to be added to the perm tag list ... cries... pls check ur settings so i can for future posts)
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Had a idea since you have a watched some one piece
Reader is a chef at the local restaurant and likes to flirt a lot kinda like sanji
Of course, the yanderes aren't gonna like that they flirt with about everyone
If you could do it with your top 2 girl and.boy genshin characters that would be awsome
-ps absolutely love your work
i won't even bring up how down bad i am for sanji, he's simply so pretty, especially when writhing in pain <3
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Warning: this post contains yandere-themes, including delusional behavior, being held against will, emotional manipulation, and other potential topics. Please read at your own risk!
Yandere!Ayaka with a flirty partner would be like asking for a death sentence. She’s very protective over what’s hers and you are her’s. If you cannot control yourself then she’ll simply have to lock you indoors and remind you who you should be paying attention to. And that’s her and her only.
Ayaka sighed as she paced the room, hands fiddling mindlessly with her fan as she considered what to do. On one hand, she enjoyed having you out and about with her, your lively and flirtatious manner that had initially attracted her to you, but on the other she couldn’t have you acting so wildly, going about flaunting your attention to any breathing thing that walked. “You know, it’s your own fault that you’re in this mess.” Another flutter of her fan shutting against the force of her palm, Ayaka turns her gaze to you. Her eyes catch on the chain secured around your ankles, locking you to the bed frame that you were currently sat on. She didn’t even feel pity at the sight, only shame that it hadn’t been done sooner.
Yandere!Yoimiya would be sort of a 50/50. On one hand, she enjoyed your extroverted behavior, finding it to fit well with her own, but on the other, she didn’t like other people being so fond of you. She believes that you two are soulmates and soulmates should only focus on keeping each other happy.
“You’re my soulmate, you shouldn’t be flirting with anyone but me!” It’s hard to resist Yoimiya’s pout, the way she crosses her arms and still somehow manages to make you feel small and weak. You knew it was your fault, shamelessly flirting with everyone who walked by simply out of habit. It didn’t mean you loved her any less, if anything you loved her as much as someone could in your position. It was simply the freedom it gave you, being constantly weighed down by your ‘soulmate’ was suffocating. Wherever you were, she was there. Whatever you did, she did too. Whatever you thought about, she had to know. You two were soulmates and soulmates share everything.
Yandere!Diluc would not tolerate a flirty partner. He doesn’t care what he has to do, he will break you until you’re nothing but a husk. He’d rather an empty shell than someone too busy making heart eyes at every passerby to pay attention to him. So he gives you one warning, and when you do not comply, he sets you up in a room just for you.
Somewhere under the Dawn Winery, in a room with no windows or light, the only entrance being a hatch in the ceiling, you sit. The room isn’t even big enough for you to stand, having to crawl around on all fours or sit hunched over all the time, it’s painful. You only get fed once a day, if you’re lucky, and it’s never anything sustainable, oftentimes being scraps from Diluc’s own plate. You aren’t even sure how long you’ve been down here, all you remember is why. You had mindlessly flirted with a nearby shopkeeper, something that Diluc had already warned you about. And while he kept himself under wraps until you two finished shopping, as soon as you returned home he made his feelings very clear. 
Yandere!Alhaitham doesn’t entirely understand flirting, social cues never being his strong suit. For the most part, as long as it’s kept relatively simple and lowkey, he won’t even pick up on it, believing it’s just another social thing that he doesn’t understand. If he should pick up on them though, he’ll become upset with you, demanding that you cease such foolish actions at once.
“You are foolish to say such things to strangers, you have devoted yourself to me. Act like it.” Alhaitham doesn’t even have to speak in an upset tone to sound harsh, his typical manner of speaking and body language hostile enough as is. It had taken him longer than he’d like to admit to catch on to your flirting, believing your fancy manner of speaking was simply part of who you were. When he did catch on though, he felt an unfamiliar emotion bubbling up inside him, an intense feeling of rage. He was quick to pull you back home, hand holding harshly onto your wrist as he made haste through the crowd. Now that he knew your little tricks he would be sure to put an end to them.
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milawritesstuff · 2 years
hey lovely 🫶🏼 i wanted to request a pedri smut where they go somewhere and reader is jealous of some girl that flirts with pedri and when they get home he lets her take the control in bed
A/N: hope you like it. 😜
Warnings: ⚠️ smut
You sat there scrolling through your phone while Pedri finished an interview. You occasionally looked up and he would smile and wink at you. But you were annoyed. The interviewer kept on putting her hand on his thigh whenever he said something funny or even when what he said wasn’t funny.
You looked up again as she began to laugh and you saw how she leaned in against your boyfriend and patted his thigh. He smiled and looked down at her hand. You rolled your eyes which he caught a glimpse of.
You didn’t know why you had agreed to come with him if they always did this. It’s like it was a challenge for them when they realized he had a girlfriend.
The interview was finally over and Pedri walked over to where you were sitting.
-Ready to leave?- he asked standing in front of you.
You put your cell phone in your purse and rolled your eyes. -Finally.-
When the interviewer said goodbye and wished you well you didn’t bother to turn around. You waved your arm up as you continued to walk towards the exit. Pedri trying to walk behind you.
Pedri opened the door to his car as you went in. He quickly rushed to his side and turned in his car. You sat there with a pout on your face and your arms folded in front of you.
-What’s wrong Y/N?- be asked confused.
-Oh Pedri you’re so funny.- you said mimicking the interviewer as you finished your sentence with your hand in his thigh.
He laughed. -Oh that. I was hoping you hadn’t seen that.- he said with a smirk.
-Why? So you can come back tomorrow and get with her?- you ask as Pedri was driving away.
-You know I would never do that.- he said but you were no longer listening to him. You had taken your phone out again and were scrolling through your messages. Pedri decided to leave the subject alone.
Minutes later he broke the silence. -So where do you want to go have lunch?- he asked. You barely looked away from your phone before responding. -I really just want to go home. You can go out and have lunch if you want.-
He stared at you. -With the interviewer?- he loved to taunt you. You gave him one quick look before whispering -Fuck off Pedri.-
The rest of the drive home was silent. When you finally got home you dashed to the bedroom and closed the door. Pedri sat in the living room thinking about how he was going to make it better but in all truth thought you were overreacting.
Minutes later you heard Pedri open the door to your room. You were getting changed as you turned around.
-Can we talk?- he said.
-Aren’t you going to be late for your lunch date?- you spat back.
He let out a small laugh. -You know I just said that to piss you off right?-
-Well it works, Pedro.-
He widened his eyes. -Pedro … you must really be upset.-
You took your pants off. -It’s so tiring to have to share you. Why can’t they keep their hands off of you?- you explained. It was the first time you said that to him out loud. You had thought it a million times but the truth was it annoyed you how it seemed like you had to share him with the rest of the world.
He walked closer to you. -You know I’m all yours right? I’de be crazy to get with anyone else.- he said with a smile.
-Because I know nobody else would treat me the way you do.- he said nearing closer to you. Your bodies met and you could feel his warmth in front of you.
-I’m all yours.- he whispered.
-Then show me.- you said. You could feel his hand going up your arm. Touching you ever so slowly and sending electricity all through your body.
-I’m all yours baby. Do whatever you want with me.- you bit your bottom lip and stared at him.
Your lips immediately attached to each other. Usually he would have you pinned down on the bed but not today.
In between kisses you heard him say -You show me what you want.-
You turned him around and slowly managed to have him sit on the edge of the bed as you sat on his lap facing him. His hands went up to your waist as you continued to kiss eventually making their way to the hem of your underwear and he began to pull it down. You could feel him growing harder underneath you. His hands went around your ass.
You grabbed the bottom of his shirt and helped him take it off leaving his beautiful chest exposed. You proceeded to leave small kisses all around it. Then your hands went down to his pants and you helped him take it off along with his underwear.
He sat there as he looked at you in disbelief. He put his arms around you and helped you unclamp your bra only to throw it on the floor. He stared at your breasts with so much adoration and his breathing heightened.
-What do you want me to do?- he asked.
-Lay down.-
He did as you told him to and before he knew it you had lifted yourself up over his tip and let yourself go down having him fill you up. You let out a small moan once you felt him inside of you and he smiled.
You began to grind on him as you felt him going in and out of you. Every time hitting your spot and making you moan.
-I want them all to know you’re mine.- you said as your lips attacked his neck and you left small love bites. -I’m all yours.-
You found his spot on the left side of his neck and you began to suck while riding him. It was too much for Pedri who began to moan out your name. You wrap your arms around his neck as you continue to move our hips onto him.
His eyes are closed shut and his mouth is open. Seeing what you do to him makes you feel better.
-Tell me you won’t leave me.- you say. Pedri opens his eyes and looks at you with a smile. -I would never leave you.-
He fights his urge to start to buck up his hips against you because he knows you need to be in control. He knows how upset you were and that you needed it.
He moves his hands away from your ass to your breasts and he starts to knead them and eventually puts one in his mouth. You can feel his soft lips around your nipple and him inside of you and you can’t hold it any longer.
“Pedrito, I’m gonna come.” You say which makes him smirk. He prefers Pedrito much more to Pedro coming of your mouth. He places his hands around your ass and begins to buck his hips up, pushing you down onto him.
-I’m all yours.- he repeats as you feel the pressure in your stomach release itself and you become undone. You moan out his name. And while you’re riding out your high he quickly places you on the bed and begins to go in and out of you. Now he’s in control.
You spread your legs open even more trying to feel all of him inside of you. You become a moaning mess. He can’t control himself anymore and goes in fast and rough. -Faster.- you plead.
You can see his red flushed cheeks and the sweat coming down his forehead. -I’m all yours.- he says again and he hides his face by your neck which lets you hear his moans right next to your ear. He moans out your name and a few profanities as he comes.
After a few seconds and once he’s caught his breath he gets himself out of you and lays on the bed next to you. You put your head on top of his arm and place your right arm over his chest.
-You know you’re the only one that I want, right?- he asks as he places a soft kiss on top of your head. You smile.
-I’m sorry for acting jealous.- you say.
-There’s nothing to be sorry about.- he responds as he traces small circles around your right arm which eventually helps you drift off into sleep in his arms.
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ayatoismyhusband · 2 years
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diluc x fem reader
warnings: smut, drunk sex, mentions of alcohol, jealousy
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You have been friends with Diluc for some time, you have always seen him as a simple and shy boy. He liked you for some time, but he never showed any signs of liking you, on the contrary, he was talking to all kinds of girls. He kept telling you that he liked a girl, so you didn't have the courage to tell him anything to his face, you thought he was in love with Jean, and every day that passed you were sadder and sadder. What you didn't know was that, every night when you went to the tavern, Diluc noticed you, and seeing that your spark disappeared, he felt sad. He didn't know what was happening to you, when he met you you radiated happiness and you were all smiles, but now he didn't recognize you anymore.
One evening, at Angel's Share you drank more than usual to drown your bitterness in alcohol.He noticed you this time too, his eyes were fixed on you and your actions, and the moment you kissed Kaeya put a lid on it. He wanted to beat him to death, but he was not at fault, and neither were you, you were drunk, you were not aware of your actions, and in the end you were just friends.
Kaeya was confused, just like his brother, he liked you, and you could see that from a post, he always flirted with you, but you refused him every time, and now, when you kissed him, it was like a shock for him.
After the incident you immediately went home, Diluc running after you, ignoring the people entering the tavern. He reached you from behind and caught you in a tight hug. You were ashamed, you didn't want him to see your face, but when he whispered your name, you instinctively looked at him. His crimson eyes were fixed on you, not in a mean way, he was worried about you and you could read it in his eyes. You felt bad because you had just kissed his brother, a brother with whom he is not on the best terms, you were ashamed to look into his eyes, but, you had no choice. His big hand was on your cheek and neck forcing you to look at him. His thumb caressed your cheek while his eyes couldn't leave yours. Your heart was pounding, so was his, you were both equally excited. It was the first time you saw him like that, without the hardness in his eyes that he always wore, you felt like you were falling in love with him again, only now there was pure, honest feelings, not just a childish crush, it was true love, and you both felt it.
"Why did you run away like that?" he broke the silence. "I felt horrible for kissing Kaeya, especially in front of you" He knew what you were talking about, he finally figured it out, because he wasn't stupid, no words were needed, your actions matched each other, and he solved the mystery. "Diluc.. I lo-" He didn't let you finish your sentence because he pulled you into a passionate and full of feelings kiss. You answered the kiss by placing your hands on the back of his neck. He grabbed your waist and pulled you closer to him, your hands going through his fire red hair. He broke the kiss and pressed his forehead to yours "Me too..." he whispered. You were close to Dawn Winery, his house, and he invited you to spend the night there and you accepted without hesitation.
He pulled you into his room and laid you on his huge bed. You knew what was going to happen and you wanted him as much as he wanted you, and even though he didn't ask you, he knew what was on your mind every time. He started undressing you slowly, placing kisses on your bra covered breasts. "It looks uncomfortable, I think you'd be better off without it" and without thinking twice, he took off your bra, releasing your perfect breasts. He started sucking your nipples and teasing them, he wanted this night to be only about you and your pleasure. Then, he went down with kisses on your tummy , leaving some marks that would color your skin for a few days. He pulled your pants down, followed by your soaked panties which he smelled, then threw them on the floor with the rest of your clothes. You were ashamed, to stand like that in front of him, naked. And, the moment he put his face between your legs, you instinctively squeezed them. "Legs spread, let me taste you, I bet you're just as sweet on the bottom lips as you are on the top" You were red in the face, and you didn't know how to connect two words anymore, you were completely stuck, and, at the moment you felt his wet muscle licking your area, you couldn't help it and moaned muffled. Not that it bothered him, after all his goal was to give you pleasure, and once he heard you moan he started sucking on your clit, and his hands were squeezing your thighs, you will probably have some bruises tomorrow. Your moans were getting louder and louder, your hands being tangled in his long and thick hair. You were so close to come, and at the moment he touched your sensitive spot, came with a loud moan, pulling Diluc by his hair. "Ride my face" he said without hesitation, and you listened to him. He layed down on the soft bed, and you sat on his face. You were afraid of being too heavy or suffocating him, but that was his last problem, he would eat you out all night if he was after him. He devours you like a cake you couldn't get enough of, making you come almost instantly. He loved the feeling of being between your soft thighs and being intoxicated with your scent, he was in paradise. "I suppose you're wet enough." He stood up to take off his pants, and your eyes fell on his bulge. Your cheeks were on fire, and the moment he released his boner from his boxers and pants that were way too tight, your eyes widened "How is he supposed to fit in?" you thought.
Diluc tries to penetrate you slowly, without causing you too much pain, unfortunately it's kind of impossible because of his size. "If it hurts, tell me" You could only nod your head, it hurt, but you didn't want him to stop, you wanted him badly. The pain was too much but you endured, the pain slowly turning into pleasure. "Faster" you said without thinking,Diluc smiled, starting to fuck you faster. Your moans filled the room "Louder, I beg you!" Slowly, your love match has become one of wild sex, but both of you will love it like crazy. Good thing you were alone at home, because Kaeya would only have heard his brother's name from your mouth. After you both came, you fell into bed and fell asleep cuddling each other.
The next day, you went home early, you didn't know what was between you and Diluc because he hadn't asked you anything, you must have been drunk, but you remembered perfectly what happened last night.
Diluc was worried that he woke up without you, he looked for you all over the house, but all he could find was Kaeya who was planning to invite you out.
Diluc thought that he would clear things up with you tonight, because you will come to the tavern, and he was right, you did come. The problem was that you didn't come alone, Kaeya was with you, he invited you to have a drink together, and you accepted, because you didn't have a relationship, even though you loved Diluc, you felt used. Kaeya was too close to you, but you didn't object either, you suspected that Diluc was following your movements, and you were right, he was following everything you did, especially since you were next to his brother. He sat calmly at the bar and looked at you until Kaeya kissed you and wanted to go for a walk with you. That was the moment that filled the glass. For the first time in his life, he wanted to cry and he felt guilty that he didn't ask you if you wanted to be together, he did not judge you because you chose Kaeya, after all, it was his fault.
After a short time you returned to the tavern alone and sat down on a chair in front of the bar to see Diluc better. "What are we?" you asked looking straight into his eyes. "Nothing. You are with Kaeya and I will respect that" "But I don't like him, we went for a walk and we talked, I told him I have feelings for you, I hurt him, I'm not proud of it, but I wouldn't be with someone I don't have feelings for. So, I ask one more time, one last time, what are we?" "Do you want to be my girlfriend?" "Yes, of course I want to", you answered without hesitation and jumped on him.
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luvvvvangelssssstories · 10 months
What's luvvv?
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~ Chapter 4 ~
TW: Just cussin, N word usage and flirting
WRITTEN BY ~ Me (with the support of my bsfs Krissy, Yuri, Andy, Kevo and TJ! Thanks for believing in me when no one else did!)
When we started dating he just got his ass beat. But it was the fact he got his ass beat for me. It's been a week now, DeShawn ain talkin to us and Javier's just friends with everyone still. Me and Deandre? The closets we've ever been. We hated each other since childhood but now we're dating?? The shits crazy. Today me and him finna just watch netflix an shi. "Whatchu wanna watch. AND GET YOUR DIRTY ASS SHOES OFF MY BED! ALWAYS SOMETHIN." he rolls his eyes and flips me off while taking his shoes off. "Anyways I wanna watch spiderman" I pass him the remote and lay down with my hot cheetos.
45 minutes later
"Babe. Respectfully. Miles is so fucking fine. I'd smash." I say while sharing a honey bun with him, "I should be the only one gettin ta smash." he says at me while kissin my cheek. "Technically....in the first one with Miles on it I'd let him smash...you was my boyfriend for only a week so far. He's been my mans for like...eternity." he sits up from his spot, "I'll be ya mans till we die." he turns my head so that way he can kiss me on the lips but as soon as we do my mom walks in, "Ahem. This don't look like no friendship. Look like a goddamn relationship." I feel my cheeks get hot as hell, perks of being black is you will never see me blush. "Uh I was gonna go ina minute Mrs. Aiyannas momma. Uh cya tomorrow." he walks of as if he's embarrased too. Soon as he leaves the house shit goes down. My mom drags me downstairs to face one dad and over protective older brother.
"Guess what I just caught ya damn daughter doing Dante?" dad looks towards me and narrows his eyes "what the fuck you do?" before I can even open my mouth mom says it for me "She was over here kissin a boy with the goddamn door closed. And that only leads ta babies." my older brothers stupid ass just says "Whats his name. Finna beat that niggas ass. On god bro." I push my brother aside. "The only thing u finna beat is ya tiny ass meat. Lonely ass." he flips me off while moms talking about putting me on birth control. After a while I learn how to tune her out. I head upstairs and I see a phone call from Deandre. I call him back and we talk.
D: "Babe. Be real here. That shit was embarrasing as fuck.
A: "Uhm for me. Hows it embarrasing youuu?"
D: "Im the boyfriend of they daughter. Thats just akward on my end."
We go back and forth until I start getting tired. "Lil momma you sound tired as fuck. Go to sleep, schools back in tomorrow anyways." I only sigh out a sleepy "mhm.." then I think "I'm sorry you and DeShawn fell out because of me." he goes from sweet to pissed real quickly. "He put his hands on you, so I don't care" I sink into my pillow while he talks about shit going on. I fall asleep listening to his voice
5:12 A.M
I wake up and I start getting ready for school. It's not until I get out of the shower I notice he's still in the call. He does a face time request and I walk to the mirror. "Mkkk guys! It's time for the GRWM school edition!" I say in my best youtuber voice which makes him laugh "Anyways want me to pick you up? I don't want you on tha bus with DeShawn rude ass." I mumble something "When we first met I was tryna stay off the bus from your rude ass" he flips me off and rolls his eyes in the camera. "Anyways I'm on my way and we can pick up some starbu-" before he can finish that sentence I run downstairs with my phone and poke my head out. "Im ready! Where ya at bae?" He just shakes his head then pulls up 6 minutes later. Once we get my food and drink we head to school where we see DeShawn with this pretty ass girl. I know I have a boyfriend but the was DeAndre's looking at her it makes me feel jealous on the inside. She walks up to Deandre and hugs him. When she hugs him DeShawn smirks as if its apart of his plan.
I know this week finna be hard as fuck to survive through.
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Dating Matt Murdock
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People always say “marry your best friend” and that’s exactly what your relationship is like
He’s whipped and it’s obvious to anyone with working eyesight and/or hearing
“Yeah, she has me wrapped around her finger and I’m completely content with that”
That dreamy face he has around you 24/7 is so sweet it makes people want to vomit tbh
Matt laughs at all of your jokes, no matter how terrible
You know each other so well, you can finish your sentences, which backfires during arguments because you know EXACTLY what the other person is thinking, even if they state otherwise
But arguments aren't common, mostly chill exchanges, HOWEVER that doesn't mean things didn't get serious once or twice
All because you're genuinely worried for his well-being and Matt seems pretty laid back about possibly suffering a gruesome death
Back hugs. So many back hugs.
Small kisses whenever you're passing by each other
You often just hang out, doing your own things and enjoying each other's presence
He likes to be the small spoon and I will die on this hill
You read your books out loud to him and sometimes give goofy voices to different characters
Whenever one of you is invited somewhere, people are bewildered the other didn't tag along
Random dancing/swaying in the kitchen
You and Foggy exchange dirt on Matt
When you want to trash talk someone, he's there
Brings you coffee/tea to bed
You insist on putting ointment on his scars so they heal better and although at first Matt was pretty indifferent, he quickly grew to like it
I mean, you're taking care of him !!! His heart HAS to melt, it's the law
And the fact that you're happily putting your hands all over him
He refuses to ask for help in serious matters and it's quite upsetting because you have made it clear a thousand times that you'll gladly help him and that there's only so much a human can carry
But he's a little hard-headed when he sets his mind on something and believes he should deal with the hard things himself
Matt is the king of brooding and whenever he’s bothered by something, it's basically written in red sharpie on his forehead
He's gonna be okay, just let him lay with his head on your stomach/lap for a while
Raising cats together because Matt is 200% a cat guy you can't change my mind
Inside jokes that have a too long and complex history to ever be explained to someone
Matt's the type to jokingly stick his tongue out at you when you tease him
But be prepared for a witty rebuttal
The two of you love to listen to podcasts with scary stories
Compliments you a lot and is very smug about his smooth flirting
He can only imagine what you look like but that has never stopped him from claiming you're the prettiest person ever
Nothing can convince him otherwise
Matt is your number 1 fan
You do crosswords together
He smiles when he's kissing you, can't help it
Showering together
Matt will go to Heaven simply for putting up with your silly antics
You: Hey, wanna know a secret?
Matt: Sure
You: I like you
Matt, after being in a relationship with you for years: Color me surprised
You always have his back
"That's a stupidass idea, Matt... I'm right behind you."
He needs a little reassurance from time to time and you're more than willing to give it to him
You play with his hair when he lays on you
Sometimes, when he's gone all night, you sleep in his clothes, trying to at least pretend he's there with you
And when he comes back and catches you curled up in bed, wearing his shirt, it's so cute he might cry
Mornings are hard because neither of you wants to leave the bed
Giggly pillow talks
Sharing a tub of ice cream in the middle of the night and having intimate conversations
Cuddling!!! Once you give in, you're doomed. There's no escape. This is your life now.
Honestly, Matt wants to feel like he's bringing a positive change to the world, like his life matters, like he matters
You: You know, this world can't be hopeless. It sure does feel like it sometimes but it's not doomed. It can't be. Matt: Why? You: Because it has you.
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soleilsuhh · 3 years
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stray kids headcanons — little things about being in a relationship with them
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[✿] — CHAN. him going from shyly calling you his girlfriend/boyfriend/partner at the start of the relationship to casually calling you ‘my love’ out of habit even when in front of people. sharing a drink with two straws. always having a protective hold around your waist or hand in crowded places. simple gentlemanly gestures like opening doors for you or offering to place his jacket on your lap so that you can sit more comfortably when wearing shorts or skirts, etc. your smile making him smile and vice versa. the way his eyes light up when someone asks about you or mentions your name.
[✿] — MINHO. stolen gazes in public that become stolen smiles then stolen kisses in the dark. even when surrounded by other people, his eyes always find you and yours him. affectionately calling you dumbass. loving each other’s company so much that you lose track of time; sitting at a corner table in a quaint little café — that later becomes your spot — talking about your ideas and thoughts and dreams for hours and hours until the waiter interrupts, asking you to order again or to leave.
[✿] — CHANGBIN. the way you two always turn and look at each other in amusement when someone says something funny or questionable. compliments. hyping each other up. playfulness. teasing each other with words but never truly getting annoyed. looking at you with that ‘i’m in love’ smile when you’re laughing hard because of him. sending you a text or two throughout the day to check up on you or simply because he misses you.
[✿] — HYUNJIN. couple things; matching hoodies or jewelry. looking at you when you’re not looking. the soft, comfortable eye contact when you catch him looking and neither looking away as you giddily smile at each other. him saving extra treats like chocolate or candy for you and slipping them in your pocket as a little surprise. him subconsciously sniffing your hair or neck before hugging you even tighter. tracing your features with his fingertips during afternoon cuddles by the window because he finds you so beautiful.
[✿] — JISUNG. acting more like best-friends than lovers. matching your steps when walking; that somehow turning into a competition and him trying to mess with you to make you lose your rhythm, but catching you with laughter when you trip. taking turns to split the bill when eating out. playfully aggressive naggings when you’re not taking care of yourself. saving your contact with funny nicknames. sending ridiculous or inappropriate texts when you’re in the same room with other people just to watch each other’s overdramatic reactions.
[✿] — FELIX. wanting to be around each other so much that you make up excuses to have more time together before the date or the hang-out ends; him offering to walk you home and upon reaching your house, deciding to walk a few more minutes around the area. him instinctively putting his hand on your knee or on your waist when someone tries to flirt with you. surprise back hugs and soft kisses on the shoulder. innocent neck kisses in an attempt to tickle the other.
[✿] — SEUNGMIN. finishing each other’s sentences and staring at each other in surprise and amusement before laughing out loud. having your own little special handshake and showing it off to others. taking embarrassing photos of each other for blackmail later on. staying up till 3 a.m just to talk, kiss, cuddle, and roll around on bed. ditching hang-outs or parties and running off to explore the city together. planning fancy, elaborate dinner dates but ending up at the convenience store for ramen as always.
[✿] — JEONGIN. late-night cooking in the kitchen simply because you’re bored and can’t sleep; this, more often than not, turning into a dance party, but at some point, you’re both so tired that you end up slow dancing to some pop song, completely ignoring its fast beat. soft laughter and giggles. sitting in comfortable silence, enjoying each other’s company while you’re on your own phones then him suddenly edging closer to you for lazy snuggles.
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f1united · 3 years
Ensemble - Chapter Two: The Girl and The Gift
Charles Leclerc x Reader
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Summary: Your Arthur Leclercs best friend. So why, after a random night in London, are you falling for his brother?
Chapter One: The Start
Warnings: Mentions of alcohol and sex.
Word Count: 5.8k
Note: This chapter begins in London and is marked where it switches to Mykonos. There are then some flashbacks mixed in so just watch out for those. Let me know your thoughts, enjoy!
Chapter Two: The Girl and The Gift
Not long after Pierre had joined your table, Charles emerged from the toilets. Pierre had waved his hands to inform him of his updated location as he sat in the empty seat, unknowingly signing himself up for a night full of girly gossip and drama. The evening was spent reminiscing on childhood memories and sharing stories. It wasn't until Nat checked her phone that you realised how late it was getting.
"We better get going," She announced as she checked her phone. "The last train is in half an hour." You lived just outside of London which meant that most nights out were cut short by trains unless you had booked a hotel. You hummed in agreement as you finished your drink watching as Pierre began to whisper in Lucy's ear. They'd been flirting all night so her next sentence didn't come as much of a surprise.
"I'm going to chill with Pierre for a bit, I'll find my own way home tomorrow" The rest of the girls saw it coming too.
"Are you sure?" Katie asked. "I don't want you ending up in London on your own with no way home." She had a point. London could be quite daunting when it was late and dark, especially if you weren't a local.
"Well why don't you stay too?" Charles nodded his head towards you as he spoke. "That way you could leave together." Not one part of you questioned Charles' intentions as he spoke. He remained the responsible 'Arthur's older brother' that was being sensible and mature, making sure that everyone got home safely.
"If that's alright with you?" Your question was answered with a nod of his head. You all began to grab your things and headed outside, saying your goodbyes, telling them to text you when they were home safe as they encouraged you to do the same. By the time they'd headed for the station, Pierre and Lucy were already nowhere to be seen.
"I'm not sure about you but I'm in no rush to go back to the apartment just yet!" You spoke to Charles as you looked at the night sky above you.
"Where do you want to go in the meantime?"
“Have you ever explored London before?" You answered his question with one of your own. He shook his head. "So you haven't seen all beautiful sites it has to offer." The sarcasm was evident in your voice as you pointed down the alley way you were walking past full of black bins and plastic bags full of rubbish.
"I've only ever been here to celebrate races and I can't say I've seen much other than the inside of some bars and restaurants.”
"Well you're in for a long night Leclerc." Two hours ago Charles wanted nothing more than for him and Pierre to go back to the apartment. The lack of alcohol he'd consumed throughout the night was only adding to the tiredness he'd accumulated over the race weekend. However as you dragged him through the streets of London he realised there was no place he'd rather be.
You'd ridden Boris bikes alongside the River Thames, shown him your favourite restaurant in Covent Garden and taken him through Piccadilly Circus all the way to Oxford Street where closed shops lined the dark streets, pointing out your favourite ones as you cycled past. He never did things like this. As a F1 driver it was difficult for him to go almost anywhere without going unnoticed but tonight not one person had recognised him because for the night he was just a normal person with another normal person having a good time. 
After abandoning the Boris bikes at the nearest drop off point you both headed towards the apartment. It belonged to Charles' mother and was often used by you and Arthur whenever he'd come to visit and couldn't stay with you.
"You seem happier than when I last saw you." His comment made you smile. It was all he could think about as you wondered through the dark streets. The last time you'd seen him you'd just broken up with your ex. Your relationship had been on and off for years but you'd finally called it quits for good. It didn't take a genius to see the relationship was making you unhappy, the anxiety, tears and sleepless nights were picked up on by everyone albeit your efforts to hide it. Arthur was the only person who truly knew what was going on and it hurt him to see his best friend in so much pain when she thought she was in love.
"Thank you, I'm in a much better place now. I've had time to focus on myself." You'd completely lost yourself throughout the time you were together, focusing so much on what he'd wanted and expected rather than what made you happy. The situation had increased your maturity and for that reason you were grateful your first heartbreak had come at such a young age. You'd correctly assumed that Arthur had made Charles aware of your sensitiveness to the situation to some extent as he made no further comments. 
He had approached Arthur with concern after your last meeting. Despite a fun grand prix weekend you'd been blinking back tears and spent most of the time with a blank expression on your face. He hated it. He could see you trying to compose yourself, when he came to thank you for coming you'd done your best to smile, your voice was laced with excitement, but your eyes were empty, drained of emotion. He was grateful to see it had made its way back.
"Did you know I've never been to Harrods?" His random fact was a relief as he quickly changed the subject, allowing your mind to be brought back to the present rather than the dark times from the past.
"Even I've been to Harrods Charles. We should go tomorrow, you'd have a field day in the clothes section." As a part time student most of your spare money went into savings, a fund you'd created for your planned travels when you were done with your studies. It wasn't very often that you brought yourself nice things so despite your multiple trips to Harrods, you'd never actually purchased anything. You could see him deliberating your suggestion in his head. 
"You can wear sunglasses and a hat with your mask, just don't wear a bright red Ferrari top and I'm sure we'll be able to keep ourselves to ourselves."
"Don't you have work tomorrow?" His question brought you back to reality slightly.
"I'll call in sick?" you offered. It suddenly occurred to you that this was the longest time you and Charles had ever been alone together and the idea of leaving wasn't something that you wanted to think about just yet. 
Charles opened the apartment door with caution, neither of you wanted to interrupt your friend’s spontaneous night, nor hear any of the antics they were getting up to. You frowned at each other as you stepped into the entrance corridor. There were no faint voices, no mumbling or laughs, just the hum of the city that echoed through the slightly open window.
“Maybe they didn’t come back here,” your judgement became increasingly more likely as you followed Charles towards the kitchen and stood around the island.
“I’ll send him a text.” He pulled his phone from his pocket and tapped away before placing it on the marble countertop. It lit up with Pierre's reply not long after he'd set it down. “They went to some hotel, apparently he’s dropping her home in a second.”
“He’s not the type to bring girls back to his home turf then,” you took the bag off your shoulder and placed in on the counter, grabbing a hair tie from inside and gathering your locks into a low ponytail. “Smart move.” Charles shrugged his shoulders at your observation.
He’d never really thought about it before, but he was the same. The few casual hook ups that he’d had over the years had never been in places he spent a lot of time like his house in Monaco, or his favourite holiday home in Mykonos, and never this apartment. Sure, he’d slept with people in those cities, but never in his space. You were right though; it was easier to forget about the crime if you never returned to the scene.
"Do you have anything I can change into?" 
“There’s a top on the end of my bed.” You thanked him as you made your way towards his room. “I’ll grab some of my things so I can crash on the sofa once you’ve changed.” You stopped in your tracks, turning to face him as you stood in the doorway.
“I’m not kicking an f1 driver out of their own bed Charles, especially not post race weekend.” You crossed your arms as you lent against the door frame. “I’ll sleep on the sofa.”
“I’m not letting you sleep on the sofa.” He argued.
“It’s one night Charles, I really don’t mind.”
“I’m not letting you sleep on the sofa.” He repeated.
“Well then it looks like we’re sharing the bed.” Your words not only surprised you, but also Charles. Neither of you were sure where this increased confidence had come from, but you didn’t want it to become awkward, so you tried to justify your statement. “Me and Arthur used to share a bed all the time!”
The look on his face as your eyes met with his across the room was one you’d so desperately been seeking without realising it. His head cocked, eyebrows raised and small smirk tugging its way onto his lips provided reassurance, giving you the confidence to confirm that this relationship was very different to your one with Arthur. You already knew it, you had felt it every time you’d looked at him since you were about 16, but this was the first time you could say with certainty that it was reciprocated.
Charles was dying to climb into bed with you. To wrap his arms around you and stay like it all night. He didn’t care about the fact that your hair would be in his face or that his arm would most likely be dead within the first half an hour. He just wanted you there with him, so he could learn things about you that he didn’t already know and fall asleep with the scent of your faded perfume beneath his nose. He suggested that he’d sleep on the sofa because he knew that wasn’t what you were implying. 
“I’ll stay on my side,” you offered. “Promise.”
That’s what he was afraid of. Charles was a respectful man, he wouldn’t cross boundaries without permission, but he wasn’t sure how much longer he could go without your touch. The thought of your body lying so tantalisingly close to his while dressed in nothing but your underwear and one of his shirts was driving him crazy.
“I’m a very good sleeper, you won’t even know I’m there.”
You couldn’t stop listing reasons for Charles to join you. He wished you would stop; his head was already full of so many.
“Well go and get comfy and I’ll join you in a minute,” In that moment he made the decision to give in knowing that if this was the only chance he got to lay in bed with you he'd take the opportunity, whether your bodies were intertwined or not. “Do you need a drink or anything?”
“A water would be great!” You smiled as you turned around and headed to the bedroom. Charles spent the next few minutes alone in the kitchen trying to convince himself that this was a bad idea. That it was wrong. You were his brother’s best friend and he shouldn't be this nervous or excited to lay next to you, but no matter how hard he tried to dislike the situation he couldn’t because it just felt right.
By the time he joined you in bed you’d already made yourself incredibly comfortable. He chuckled at the site of you tangled in the duvet before climbing in next to you. You laid facing each other and remained that way as you chatted about memories from the past. Childhood holidays and his earliest racing days to you latest life plans and hopes for the future. That's how you drifted to sleep, listening to his voice was more comforting than you'd like to admit. When you awoke in the morning you were unsure what terrified you more, the feeling of one of you completely reducing the few centimetres of space left between you or never knowing what Charles’ touch felt like.
Maybe that’s why you were so unimpressed when Charles and Pierre joined the several of you seated around the long table on the patio with two unknown girls. The number of cocktails you’d consumed weren’t providing you with a great amount of rationality but then again it was difficult to justify being annoyed when you had no reason to be in the soberest of situations. The only person to blame was yourself, you’d had the chance to experience a night with Charles and a combination of your stubbornness, maturity and (let’s face it) fear of what could happen had meant that you’d missed out.
It was only as she threw her head back at one of his comments that it hit you, you were jealous. It was a feeling you hadn’t felt in years. Ever since your last relationship you had lacked almost every kind of emotion. You’d dated people since but that connection was never really there which is why you were full of confusion at the situation presenting itself to you. The feelings felt foreign to your body and you weren’t sure how to deal with them, so you did the one think that you were too young to do back then. Get drunk and try to forget about them for a night.
"Are you listening? Drink up, we're leaving in a second!" Arthurs voice provided a distraction from your thoughts whilst encouraging them. You tilted your head back as you finished the remainder of your champagne, your arm was already reaching out for the nearest bottle to see if you could sneak in a quick refill. You didn’t even like champagne but after having run out of cocktails about an hour ago you didn’t really have much choice. In any other situation you would’ve declined and waited until you were at the club but you weren’t really in the mood to sober up right now. You got up to follow everyone to the taxis, deciding that the bottle had too much in to be left at the table to waste, but not enough in that you couldn't finish it before you reached you destination. Putting the bottle to your lips this time, you took another gulp.
He noticed. He noticed the vast amount of alcohol you had consumed thus far. The unbothered façade you'd displayed during dinner was picked up by him the second he’d glanced in your direction. Your eyes often met his across rooms, at events, in the paddock, even at family dinners and it was always followed by a shared smile, but tonight you hadn't even looked at him and he couldn't stand it. Although he couldn’t be certain, he had a good idea what the cause was. Guilt was slowly consuming his thoughts. He shouldn’t have felt guilty, there was no real reason to, yet he did.
He knew if he had come alone you would've had a couple of drinks with dinner, just enough to prepare yourself for the club afterwards, allowing the sweaty people and sticky floor to become slightly bearable. He also knew that you weren't a huge drinker and that the lack of food you had consumed at dinner would only worsen the matter which was evident as he watched you fall into a taxi with Arthur and Carla as he climbed into a separate one with Pierre and, what they appeared to be to everyone else, their ‘dates’.
The club was busy, everyone excited to be back on the dance floor after its absence over the past year or two. Although it would've been nice to spend some more time with him, you were thankful that the crowds had engulfed you so you'd lose sight of Charles and her. You'd found your way to the middle of the dance floor and you remained there for hours losing track of time and somehow your friends too.
Unbeknown to you, Charles had lost his 'date' at the first chance he had. He'd met her on a boat during the day with Pierre and when his best friend had invited her best friend for dinner he felt bad for not doing the same. He was sitting at the bar with Pierre who'd picked up on the amount of attention he was paying you as you danced along with random strangers. The Frenchman questioned what he was doing when he noticed Charles tighten his jaw. Charles nodded his head in your direction and the pair watched as a man approached you.
The guy in front of you was only offering to buy you a drink but you knew you were way over your limit. You'd politely declined, naively assuming that he'd disappear back into the sea of faces but that wasn't the case. Your refusal  clearly not accepted as he insisted. grabbing onto your arm in an attempt to pull you in the direction of the bar. Yanking your arm out of his grip you instantly managed to sober up as you came to the realisation you were going to have to fight this battle alone.
Charles knew you were a big girl, that you could handle yourself in almost any situation thrown your way, but as the guy reached out to touch you he could've sworn he moved quicker than his Ferrari. His presence shocked you as you flinched slightly at the unfamiliar grip on your waist.
"It's just me ma belle." Charles whispered calmly into your ear, placing a feather light kiss onto your cheek. Relief instantly washed over your body. You wished you could focus on the conversation that Charles was now having with the strange man in front of you but you couldn't. The only thing you could focus on was the feeling of your skin heating beneath Charles' fingertips and the tingling sensation that lingered where he'd planted the kiss. He'd never touched you before, the brief hugs being the most contact you'd ever shared, and now he was standing in a club with his hand around your waist as he fended off a random guy who'd taken an interest in you. "I think we should head home." When Charles spoke it felt as though each word was coated in sex as it left his lips. He hadn't meant it in a sexy way, you knew that. He wanted to take you home so you were safe. However his intense grip on your waist and his stubble lightly grazing your cheek when he leaned in to speak to you was putting thoughts into your mind that you knew shouldn't be there.
You looked up at him, your eyes locking for the first time that night. Your eyes always showed a lot of emotion. Your body language was often hard to read but you always made eye contact when you spoke. He frequently used it to determine what mood you were in but this time he was met with one he'd never seen before. Despite them having a drunken glaze, your dilated pupils held a look of lust. He could've sworn you were mentally undressing him. You weren't. Instead you were thinking of how much you wanted him to undress you.
"I think that's a good idea." He could hear the smirk in your voice over the sound of the music as you let your lips gently brush his ear lobe while you spoke. He shut his eyes tightly and took a deep breath in an attempt to pull himself together. You were disappointed when his hand left your side but satisfied when it quickly intertwined itself with yours. His skin was softer than you were expecting, the rough patches slowly disappearing over the summer break. Your hands remained that way as you walked through the streets of Mykonos. Neither of you spoke, you just remained in a comfortable silence. As the villa came into view Charles was basically marching down the street, his strides increasing as your little legs tried to keep up. He dropped your hand when he reached the door, searching his pockets for the key to unlock it.
The villa was colder than you were expecting, a shiver ran down your spine as the air con hit you. You headed towards the kitchen and grabbed your sweater off one of the bar stools, sliding it on over your outfit.
“So you’d let Carla drive your car huh?” his face instantly broke out in a smile as you relieved some of the tension between you both. “You know that’s not true.” Charles followed you to the kitchen and watched as you perched yourself on the edge of the counter. He poured a glass of water and took a sip before handing it to you which you gratefully accepted.
“You’d let your date drive it instead?” He rolled his eyes as he chuckled at your sarcasm, hoping that you’d forgotten about the girl he’d sat next to during dinner as quickly as he had. “How many girls get a turn before me?” Although he didn't let it show, your question had offended him slightly. Despite his popularity with women he was never one to disrespect them, especially not you. He took a step closer to you, standing directly in front of your legs that were pressed firmly together.
“You’re the only one I want to see in that seat mon Cherie,” That was one nickname that he’d never called you, yet it rolled off his tongue so effortlessly. He leaned against your legs and you slowly parted them so he could stand in between, closing the distance between you both. “I’d let you drive it again in a heartbeat.” Your eyes were fluttering between his eyes and lips, your stare only breaking when he leaned in to speak in your ear just like he’d done in the club. He placed a kiss on your cheekbone and slowly worked his way up to your ear.
“You looked very sexy behind the wheel of my car.” You locked your hands with his while he continued to speak, closing your eyes in a desperate attempt to try and calm your heart rate down. You wanted to say something back, engage more in the conversation, but for the first time in a long time you were at a loss for words. You loved driving, you'd often join the boys go karting growing up and learned to drive as soon as you could, so when Charles asked if you wanted to drive his Ferrari back to your home after your Harrods shopping trip you were more than excited. It was a nice change from the train ride you were expecting.
He'd watched your eyes light up when you realised he was being serious. It was the closest you'd ever been to driving something even remotely similar to an f1 car despite it being different in so many ways. Your smile was infectious as you put your foot down on the motorway, leaving London behind. You'd never even driven an automatic car so this was a completely new experience. He'd taught you how to use the paddles to manually change gears if you wanted to and how to shift through its different modes as you drove around. The only disappointing part of the journey was reaching your destination, your trip home considerably quicker than you would've wanted. After spending the whole time focused on going fast and not crashing, you'd selfishly not noticed how Charles was feeling throughout the drive.
He'd been trying to keep his eyes trained on the road in front of him but couldn't help steal a glance in your direction every now and then. He was always surrounded by fast cars, something he realised after seeing you sat in his driving seat he'd begun to take for granted. He felt overwhelmed with pride, he was the one who was making you this happy. He felt privileged seeing you this free as your hair flew around in the wind while you rested a hand out the side of the car, trying to resist the force of the air pushing it back. It was his turn to be selfish as he realised that he always wanted to keep that moment for himself. He didn't want anyone else to make you feel like this, give you this experience. He wanted to be the one to make you smile.
“Don’t go quiet now mon Cherie.” That nickname. Again. “I think we still need to discuss what happened in the shower.” You instantly snapped back into reality at the mention of the shower. His hand fell from yours and toyed with the bracelet on your wrist. The one that you nervously played with in situations like these. The one that he’d gifted you last year. The one with his name etched into it.
The morning that you'd woke up in Charles' bed you were alone. An empty bed was something you'd become accustomed to over the past couple of years but in this instance it made you awaken quicker. The note left on his pillow stopped you from worrying, he was out on a run.
You respected his commitment to his career and took the opportunity to go for a shower. The warm water felt refreshing against your skin, goose bumps slowly appearing across your skin at the sudden change in temperature. Rubbing Charles shower gel into your skin you closed eyes and lent your head against the tiled shower wall. It wasn't clear at what point you'd become so aroused, but  the steam from the shower and the smell of Charles covering you definitely had something to do with it. You allowed your hands to roam your body, his name unexpectedly falling from your mouth as you brushed past your breasts. The careless use of his name had caused your eyes to widen and your hand to clamp over your mouth. It had left you lips so naturally but felt inappropriate to say aloud.
It wasn't until a few days later that you realised he'd heard. He almost hadn’t. If he’d unlocked the apartment a mere three seconds later your words wouldn’t have reached his ears. His run had been sweaty and he was still out of breath but his panting soon stopped. His eyes widened as he heard his name leave your lips and he froze. He didn’t want to announce his presence, he knew he wasn’t supposed to hear it and didn’t want you to feel embarrassed that he had. He didn’t know what to do. He felt as though he was invading your privacy but knew that if he shut the door you’d hear it close and know he was there. So instead he stuck his foot between the door and the doorframe to keep it slightly open as he waited for the sound of the shower to finish running. He tried to focus on something else, anything else, but he failed. All he could think about was you, in his shower, without him and how badly he wanted to join you, just so he could make his name fall from your mouth the way it just did over and over again.
You thought you'd gotten away with it. He'd entered the apartment just as you were stepping out the bathroom and he'd acted as cool as ever. The weekend was slowly becoming a distant memory that you were trying hard not to dwell on, hating that you were missing his presence so much already. It wasn't until you were at work the following week that it became apparent your secret crush was no longer a secret. You were in the office early, earlier than everyone else. That wasn’t unusual, you liked to be in early as it often meant you could leave earlier too. What was unusual was the box placed neatly on your desk.
Although the small parcel was addressed to you, you opened it with hesitation. A small gasp left your lips as your unwrapping revealed a red box, the golden engraving of the word ‘Cartier’ on top. Confused, you gently opened to box revealing a bracelet.
You placed it on your desk as you searched for a note. Despite it being awfully obvious who it was from, you wanted some kind of confirmation or, better yet, a reason as to why someone had put this into your possession. You'd spotted it in Harrods with Charles. You hadn't mentioned it, just spent a few minutes mindlessly staring at its beauty. There was no point even considering buying it for yourself, the price tag was close to your yearly salary. Eventually you found the note. 
'I've heard you like to moan it'
You picked up the bracelet once more, analysing it as you did so. It was so discreet, discreet enough that if the note wasn’t a big enough hint you might never have realised. His name. Etched into the inside of the band in the same font as the word ‘Cartier'. Any other name and he wouldn’t have been able to get away with it. No one had picked up on its personalisation in the past year. It had remained your little secret.
You gulped loudly, unsure of what to say next. The dull lighting hid your cheeks as they flushed red with embarrassment, just like they'd done when you'd read his note. Luckily it was situations like these you considered your stubbornness a strength. "All I could thing about was how much I wanted you to touch me Charles." With your lips dangerously close to Charles' ear you'd somehow managed to complete your sentence with confidence. The conviction in your voice had satisfied Charles although it was obvious that he hadn't expected it as he pulled his head back slightly to look you in the eyes. It was the first time you'd seen them so dark out of his crash helmet. They didn't have the same teasing smile paired with them as they did only a few moments ago. For a brief moment your heart dropped. What if he was just teasing you and you'd taken it too far? 
"Say something." Your voice was barely audible despite the eerie silence that had settled in the kitchen as Charles picked up on your nervousness. His expression softened but he remained silent, placing his forehead against yours and gently brushing your noses. You both very quickly realised there was no longer the need for words. The last thing either of you wanted to do right now was have a conversation about what was going on because quite honestly neither of you were sure. All you knew was that as soon as the space between your lips closed, there was no going back. You were craving each other's touch and it was as though the kiss you were yet to share would be the seal of approval you both needed to explore each other in a way you hadn't before.
You'd had enough of the teasing, enough of the wondering and what ifs, enough of wasting time without knowing how his lips felt against yours. You moved your head up slightly brushing your lips with his before releasing one of your hands from his grasp and placing it on the back of his head, pulling it down slightly. As soon as your lips pressed against his you became overwhelmed with emotions. You relaxed into it, it felt so right. His hands began to explore your body, one placed on your thigh and the other tracing lines up and down your back, sitting on the counter top had worked in your favour as you wrapped your legs around his waist. It wasn't long before his tongue found yours as you let your hands snake beneath his shirt feeling his back and arms tense beneath you as he lifted you up from the side and placed you on the dining table which was at a slighter lower level. 
His mouth left yours and you let out a small groan of frustration, he smiled at the sound as you realised he was only doing it to strip you of the sweater you'd not long ago put on, allowing him to rid you of it, not caring how cold it was anymore. In between the kisses he was placing down your neck you pulled his top over his head. Your eyes were trained to his shoulders as you admired him, only shutting when he re-joined your lips. 
The sound of a key turning the lock at the front door caught Charles' attention. There was a high chance he'd consumed less alcohol than you tonight which is why he giggled slightly when you chose to ignore the sound and bring him back in for another kiss. 
“WE’RE HOME” Arthur voice echoed round the villa. The sound of his brothers voice was enough for you to release him from your grip.
“Shhhhhhhhhhh, it’s 3am people will be sleeping.” Carla tried to whisper but the tiled walls carried the sound throughout the villa. You didn’t know if anyone else was home, you hadn’t checked and to be honest you hadn’t even thought about it. The only thing on your mind was Charles.
“Y/N and I are in the kitchen,” Charles called back. His eyes never left yours as he grabbed his shirt you'd thrown across the kitchen and redressed himself, not until Arthur stumbled through the door way knocking into chairs and making them squeal as the legs glided across the floor. You both watched as he regained balance and muttered a drunken apology before sitting himself on the floor.
"Good night Arthur?" you laughed slightly at the sight of him on the floor, he'd never been the most elegant drunk but at least he was entertaining.
"Great night." He confirmed as he laid himself down, a laugh leaving Carla's lips as she stared at the state of him. If someone had spoken to you a couple of hours ago you would've probably had a different opinion but as it turned out, you were starting to agree with him.
@imthebadguyyy @abysshaven @phatyak​
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frostedfaves · 3 years
Naive (2)
Pairing: demon!Wanda Maximoff x fem!reader
Summary: You quickly discover that Wanda is different during the night.
Warnings: 18+ ONLY, dark!fic, demon things™️, mental manipulation, smut: oral, fingering, overstimulation, edging, penetration, sex toy use, dom/sub dynamics, biting, slapping(? just a lil)
A/N: no more thoughts except please share your own after reading this! writing this slutty shit kept me sane today so enjoy
Previous part
To your surprise and relief that eventually transformed into disappointment, Wanda didn’t make an appearance at all for the rest of the week. You spent each shift for the next few days anticipating her return, watching for her over the heads of shorter customers and through the shelves on your way in and out of the bookstore. You were starting to think that she was simply passing through your town and you were just lucky enough to cross paths with her.
“Hi there.”
“Wanda!” you yelp after looking up from your phone hidden behind the register, clearing your throat as you tuck it in your pocket. “Um, can I get you anything?”
“I’m surprised you remember me,” she laughs. “I’m sure you get hundreds of customers a day.” 
“You left a lasting impression,” you admit before you can stop yourself and she grins.
“So did you.”
There’s a brief pause before she adds your name to the end of her sentence with a flicker of something unrecognizable in her eyes that sends a shiver down your spine. Not knowing what else to do with yourself, you go to ask again what she’d like in the same moment she places a bottle of water on the counter.
“I got a really good recommendation the last time I was here, and I’d like to have it again.”
“Coming right up.” You ring up the exact same order, letting your gaze wander to her hand again as she inserts her card. “I never got to tell you how much I love your rings.”
“What?” She lifts her hand after removing her card and chuckles breathlessly. “Oh yeah, thanks.”
A frown appears on your features when you notice the way she grabs the receipt from you, almost as if she’s actively avoiding brushing fingers with you in the same way she did during her last visit. You’re able to replace the frown with a customer service smile, but you can’t shake the feeling that you experienced rejection before even posing a question. 
“I’ll bring it out to you soon,” you tell her before moving to the glass case, grabbing the food items and frowning again when you find her staring at you from the other side. “Is there something else I can get you?”
“What time do you get off today?” she asks in a rushed fashion.
“I mean do you have any plans when your shift is done? I meet people all day long and you’re the first person that I’ve wanted to have a conversation with that lasts longer than a few minutes,” she explains a bit slower. 
“I only have an hour left,” you tell her as you slide her food into the oven. “What did you have in mind?”
“Maybe you could show me what fun things I could get into in this area. I’m a bit further away, Lane County, but I’m starting to enjoy it here more.”
“Well there’s a fair happening on the other side of town, if you don’t mind a long bus ride. I’m guessing you don’t since you live in Lane and you somehow ended up here.”
“Oh, I have a car.” She holds up her car keys with a grin and you laugh.
“Well then…” You pause and look over the counter to see that she’s wearing pants today. “I hope you’re not afraid of rollercoasters.”
Aside from the occasional flirting when you have no customers, Wanda waits patiently at the same table as before, standing and joining you the moment you reappear on the other side of the counter without your apron. Her rings are tucked away again, and she dares to brush her knuckles against yours as the two of you leave the bookstore.
“Let me get that for you,” she insists, jogging ahead of you to open the car door and you laugh.
“Is this a date? Should I be nervous right now?” you ask in a joking tone, well aware that you’re genuinely wondering.
“Only if you want it to be.”
You take a deep breath while she crosses to the driver’s side, offering her a casual smile once she’s seated next to you. She denies your request to give her the address, insisting that she’ll be able to follow your directions better instead of admitting that she just wants to hear your voice as much as possible. So you lead her to the expansive fairgrounds on the other side of town, feeling excitement build in your heart the closer you get to your destination.
“This place must hold some memories for you,” Wanda acknowledges your wide grin as she parks.
“No, I just haven’t been in a while,” you admit as you both get out of the car. “Friends are too busy and I try to avoid nighttime bus rides as much as possible.”
“You know, I don’t mind giving you rides at night. I’m well aware that public transportation isn’t the safest form of travel.”
“I couldn’t ask you to do that! You live too far.”
“Okay then.” Wanda meets you near the fair entrance and grabs your hand, sliding her fingers between yours. “I won’t give you the chance to ask.”
The two of you are latched onto each other, fingers intertwined the whole night aside from being secured on rides or bathroom trips. You’re walking into the games area, each holding a drink when you suddenly pull Wanda over to a booth. 
“Sorry, I just saw that huge giraffe and wanted to try to win it!” you explain as you release her hand to grab a ticket from your pocket. “Can you hold my drink?”
While your back is turned, Wanda sets both drinks on a nearby table and slips her rings onto her hands, returning just in time for you to finish the game. She hands your drink back to you carefully and reaches out to grab the small stuffed toy you’re offered, brushing her fingers against the attendant’s hand as she did so.
“She wants the giraffe,” she threatens, retreating with a pleased smile when he immediately pulls it down for you. “Thank you!”
“How did you do that?!” you question as she hands it to you. “I mean thank you so much, but wow. I’ve never seen anyone give in so easily.”
“I’ve spent most of my life figuring out how to get what I want, love,” she tells you in a low tone, and a shiver travels down your spine when her hand makes contact with your hip. “What do you think about getting out of here?”
“Yeah, that’s fine,” you agree quietly, starting to feel as if every other thought that enters your mind is incoherent. “Where do you want to go?”
“I’m taking you home.”
You assume she followed up on her word because you find yourself outside of your apartment building, and her hand closes around your wrist before you can leave the car.
“I had a lot of fun with you tonight.”
“Me too,” you admit, unable to prevent the smile that appears. “I guess this means you’re interested in more than friendship with me.”
“Is it that obvious?” She chuckles quietly as she raises her free hand to your jaw, watching you silently fall against her palm. “I’d bet you’d be a wonderful partner. My best girl.”
“I’d be so good for you,” you reply without hesitation, beginning to feel fuzzy and warm the longer she holds onto you.
Your wrist drops onto the center console as the hand that isn’t resting on your jaw slips under the elastic waistband of your pants and underwear. You gasp when her fingertips begin teasing your entrance, bucking your hips slightly when you feel pressure on your clit.
“Shh, it’s okay, darling,” she assures you, slipping her thumb between your parted lips and grinning when they close around her without a fight. “I want to see how good you can be for me.”
She uses her middle finger to stroke slowly over your clit, eyes flickering over to your hips occasionally as they follow her movements. Her thumb slips further into your mouth, and your eyes flutter open when her ring touches your lips and a new sensation follows.
“You’re fine,” she soothes you when you let out a muffled whimper, sighing when she notices a group of people turn the corner at the end of the block and begin heading your way. “Let’s go inside. I don’t need an audience.”
Her fingers are removed from your underwear and in her mouth in seconds, and she practically growls as she cleans the bit of mess you left behind. You hurry out of the car and lead Wanda to your apartment, even in your haze able to remember to get her inside before Ruth sees you. In a few blinks, she’s hovering over you on the bed, and just when you think you can’t handle any more overwhelming sensations, she kisses you.
It’s breathtaking, quite literally you feel air leaving your lungs as if she’s stealing it herself. Your eyes feel like they’re glued shut and the grip she has on your waist is almost painful, but you can’t bring yourself to complain when she’s guiding you to grind on her thigh. Her lips are replaced with two of her fingers as she begins making her way down your body, carefully undressing you with her free hand and biting and kissing the skin she exposes.
“You’re unbearably wet,” she comments from between your legs, dipping her tongue inside you while stroking yours with her fingertips and humming loudly so you’ll arch into her more. “So fucking good.”
Her tongue is replaced with her fingers, and she begins slowly pumping in and out of you while sucking on your clit just to get a reaction. She grabs your hands as they go for her hair and hold them together by the wrists, readjusting so that her thumb can circle your clit when she pulls her head away.
“Being good means not touching unless I tell you to,” she scolds.
“I’m sorry,” you apologize breathlessly through moans as she picks up her pace while adding another finger.
“You’ll have plenty of time to learn. I’ve decided to make you mine.” She continues to finger you as she brings herself back over you, ignoring your gasp when you notice her darkened eyes and pinning your hands above your head. “I can’t wait to make it official.”
Her head dips down and you fall over the edge just as she sucks your earlobe into her mouth, thrusting into you forcefully as she continues you fuck you well past the end of your orgasm while her other hand pushes your pinned wrists into the mattress as hard as she can. You’re just about to cum again when she pulls away entirely, quickly unzipping her pants and freeing a toy she had tucked away.
“That’s really big,” you comment with wide eyes that immediately flutter closed when she pushes the head of the toy inside you. “Fuck.”
“Watch your mouth,” she warns you with a quick slap on your cheek, lowering her hand to hold onto your neck just below your jaw while thrusting into you more. “If it’s so big, why is my pussy swallowing it so easily?”
“Because I want it,” you whine, releasing a loud moan when she slams her hips against yours. “Please please please, I want it.”
“I know you do, love.”
Her other hand pins your wrist against the mattress again as she leans forward and begins fucking into you as hard as she can. She slips her thumb back into your mouth to reduce your screams to muffled whines, grinning to herself when you sink your teeth into her flesh a few times.
“Begging for something you can’t even handle,” she teases, prying your mouth open with her thumb as she lowers her head closer to yours. “Perhaps we should start over.”
She waits until you start to cum and slips her tongue into your waiting mouth, and everything goes dark.
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nojey · 4 years
quackity / alex x streamer!reader
genre: fluff -> angst pronouns: they / them word count: 2.1k warning(s): cursing, suggestive jokes
synopsis: you had known alex since you started streaming but none of your viewers knew. you started getting closer and eventually you started streaming together but your viewers didn’t like that.
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“(y/n)!” alex screamed into his phone after you answered the facetime call.  “yes, my love?!” you screamed back. alex giggled and asked, “do you want to stream sometime soon? i mean like, we’ve known each other for a few months and we haven’t streamed together, i know you’re a fairly new streamer but i even asked dream if you could come onto the smp, and i have something planned- well karl and sapnap helped me plan it- but that’s not the point, the point is-” he rambled.  “alex? are you asking me on a minecraft date?” you asked. “no! well, maybe, okay yeah. i’m asking you on a minecraft date.” he confirmed.  “i’d love to go on a minecraft date with you, alex.” you said, blushing a bit. 
truth is, you’ve had a crush on alex for a few months. when he first slid into your dms you didn’t really expect it, but it turned out to start a beautiful friendship. you always flirted with alex in hopes that he’d notice, but it never seemed like he did. he never retaliated back but little did you know, he was just too shy to.
“uh- okay great! tomorrow, at 3pm your time, stream it. we’re going to have a lot of fun. wear pajamas, or you know- just be comfortable okay?” he rushed. you laughed a bit and said, “yes alex, of course. bye now,” then smiled and hung up. 
you immediately went tot twitter and started a thread: @(y/s/n): this weeks stream schedule (times are pst): @(y/s/n): tomorrow @ 3pm: minecraft date w/ someone i haven’t streamed with yet  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ↳ @ quackity: i wonder who this might be hmMmMMmm @(y/s/n): tuesday @ 1pm: i somehow got invited to an among us lobby w/ corpse, sykkuno, valkyrae, disguised toast, quarterjade, masayoshi, peterparktv, jacksepticeye, and ludwig  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ @(y/s/n): wednesday @ 1pm: if things don’t go well w/ person on monday- looking for a mc boyfriend! ↳ @ quackity: WELL THAT’S RUDE TO ASSUME THAT THINGS WONT GO WELL (Y/N) @(y/s/n): thursday @ 3pm: chitchat w/ nihachu !! @(y/s/n): friday @ 2pm: pummel party w/ ??
as soon as you tweeted all them out, you looked at replies and saw that quackity had replied to both monday and wednesday schedules. giggling to yourself, you replied back to him.
@(y/s/n): @ quackity way to make it obvious alex, if you wanna date me just say it (¬_¬) @(y/s/n): @ quackity how can you assume that it will go well alex (Ő-Ő) ↳ @ quackity: i just know (y/n)!!! truST ME!!!!
laughing once more, you plugged your phone into the charger and went to bed, excited for what alex had planned for you two tomorrow. 
getting ready for the minecraft date was very nerve wracking. the only thing you could think about was whether alex considered this a real date or not. deep inside you hoped that this was a real one. 
the ringing from your phone disrupted your thought. looking down on the screen you saw that the one person you were thinking of was calling you. 
“hello?” you answered. “hi, (y/n), are you ready?” alex asked. “uh, yeah, i just- i just need to start my stream and introduce what we’re doing.” “okay, um- i’m going to send you a link to the dream smp discord server. join it and join vc 4.” he replied.  “for sure, see you then.” you smiled. “see you.” he said and hung up.
“fuck,” you said and wiped your hands onto your pants. you definitely weren’t ready but still, joined the discord server and joined vc 4 then deafened. you set up your stream and hit go live.
“hey everyone! as you may know, if you follow my twitter, today i’m going on a minecraft date! uh no, no one knows who it is yet, but i have a feeling a LOT of you already know who it is.” you said, reading chat and wiggling your eyebrows.
“okay, i’m going to join the server and then share my screen when he’s standing in front of me.” you started playing some music so your viewers didn’t get bored while they waited for you to start. 
once you were logged into the smp you privately messaged alex and asked him where he was. before he could answer you turned around to look at the walls you were surrounded by and screamed out after seeing quackity’s naked body behind you. 
“chat, i’m okay, just got scared. um anyways, yeah.”  you said and showed your screen, revealing the man himself. “quackity!” you screamed into your mic. “jesus christ, (y/n) we can save screaming my name for later.” he said in a suggestive voice. you then started punching him and after each punch you said, “stop. saying. suggestive. comments. we haven’t even started the date yet!”  “okay, okay, okay! i’m literally going to die, (y/n) stop!!” he yelled out. you kept hitting him to see if he was lying but after the second punch quackity was slain by (y/mc/n) showed up in the chat. 
ranboo: i see that the date is going well
you started laughing uncontrollably while alex was silent. “(y/n),” he said in a more serious voice. you hummed as he continued his sentence. “why did you kill me?” “i wanted to know if you were lying. was that a canon life? i think that should be a canon life.” you laughed. “no it wasn’t a fucking canon life. (y/n) you’re not even an official member of the smp!” he said. “i could be,” you said wiggling your eyebrows and crouching up and down. “anyways. follow me, i’m bringing you to where we’re having our date.” so you followed him and when you reached your destination you were at party park with karl and sapnap standing in front of you. 
“hello boys. what are you doing here on our date. is this an amusement park date, quackity? i didn’t take you for that type of guy. it’s kind of cheesy.” you rambled. “no! this isn’t where our date is happening. jeez, have a little more faith in me (y/n).” he said, moving his minecraft character to look at you slowly and creepily. “well there wasn’t much to begin with,” you said, chuckling a bit. you heard karl and sapnap giggling to what you had said.  “hey! take that back!” quackity said, punching your minecraft character. you audibly gasped and turned to look at karl and sapnap again. “you guys saw that right? he just hit me.” you said, faking shock. they both quickly nodded their heads. “i can’t believe you would hit me on our first date.” you said, turning to look at him this time. “you literally killed me!” he yelled out.
so this went on for about 30 more minutes till quackity explained to you that your date would pretty much be a minecraft manhunt with quackity, sapnap, and karl hunting you but you had to find something instead of defeating the enderdragon. if they killed you and they won, you owed alex a real date. no stream, just them. 
“you’re going to hunt me for our first date?” you asked in disbelief. quackity then nodded his head up and down in a very fast motion. “mm cool,” you said as you punched him and ran away in a different direction.
it had been about 45 minutes and you killed karl and sapnap twice, but quackity had not been seen the whole time. but as you were running away from sapnap, quackity appeared in front of you and you faked trying to kill him, letting him just kill you because you wanted to go on that second date with him. 
(y/mc/n) was slain by quackity ranboo: date still going really well, looks like you guys are really hitting it off!
“awe man, looks like i have to go on another date with quackity!” you said. sarcastically faking the disappointment. reading your chat for the first time this stream, it wasn’t your usual happy messages. instead they were filled with negativity.
i don’t see why quackity wants to go on a date with them why did dream let them on the smp?? there are so many other content creators who deserve to be on the smp way more than they do they’re so fucking annoying begging for attention much?
so you grew quiet and just listened to quackity end off his stream while you ended yours without saying anything. but once he finished saying goodbye to his stream, you immediately said bye to him.
“i’m gonna go now alex, thank you for the minecraft date. text me the details for the next. bye.” you rushed.
alex found it really weird that you had just left like that, you guys almost always stayed on call after he finished streaming for at least 3 hours just talking. but he let it slide, hoping it wasn’t something he had done.
you went onto twitter to update about your streaming schedule. @(y/s/n): looks like my stream schedule may be moving around because i’m going on a second date with @ quackity!
alex quickly went to go reply to it but gazed over the replies to your tweet and wasn’t very happy with them. you don’t deserve to go on another date with him you’re literally just using him for clout what an attention whore leave him alone already!
knowing that you barely ever got hate, he quickly called you instead. thinking very hard about what he was about to do. looking at your phone you saw that alex was facetiming you, you wiped your face from the tears that had fallen and sniffled, hoping you didn’t sound too congested.
“hello?” you said. “hey um, i have to tell you something.” he replied. the serious tone of his voice got you very nervous. was he about to confirm everything your chat had told you or even the tweets you just read? “i really like you, (y/n).” he said. you looked at your phone in surprise and he continued. “and i really don’t know if you feel the same way about me but i read the replies to your tweet and i know that you’re a pretty new streamer and i just don’t want you to already be getting hate because of me, you don’t deserve that. you’re an amazing person and i just, i don’t want to be the reason you’re getting hate. so i think it’d be best if we just laid off talking to each other for now.” “i like you too, alex.” you whispered. “but i respect your decision. goodbye for now?” you said, offering a smile to the screen he was displayed on. it looked like he was just as shocked as you when he told you how he felt. “uh, yeah. goodbye for now. don’t be a stranger (y/n).” you smiled once more and hung up.
as soon as you hung up you started crying again. you really liked alex, but maybe you didn’t show that well enough, because if you did, maybe you guys would’ve been together at this point.
the next day, you streamed normally with a faked high energy that nobody seemed to notice, this time not paying attention to your chat. deep inside you really just wanted to curl into a ball and sleep all your stresses away. it really sucked to find out the guy you’ve had a crush on liked you back but he decided to end whatever you guys had going on.
but your chat couldn’t know so you kept a fake facade on, hoping no one asked about him.
though to alex, it looked like you were so unbothered by him pretty much ending your friendship. he started slightly believing the tweets that mentioned how you were just using him for clout. but after really thinking about it, he realized, why would you have been friends with him months before, without any of your fans knowing if you really were just using him. so he scolded himself and went about his day.
you were ending your stream with a big smile, as soon as you hit that end streaming button that smile was gone. you changed into a hoodie and curled into your bed. you just looked up at your ceiling and started crying, you pretty much lost the guy you really liked. your feelings being unnoticed by the public eye.
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jaesqueso · 3 years
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pairing: jeno x reader genre: smut, college au! word count: 1,775 warnings: corruption kink, virginity loss
You never really cared about boys, you always considered your studies more important After all you still had your whole life to find your soulmate once you’re done with school and get a nice job. Well, that’s what you thought until you got to college and this guy started to flirt with you.
At first you were shocked that the notorious campus bad boy showed interest in you. Jeno was in one of your classes and suddenly started asking to borrow your notes and even to study together. You tried to keep your distance, you weren’t about to let a boy distract you from your studies, but you still decided to help him after all it was just about school right?
You started to meet up in the library so that you’d have to be silent but he always found space for his cheesy pick-up lines. At first you tried to ignore when he flirted with you but as time went by you couldn’t help to giggle and feel butterflies on your stomach and he seemed to be happy about the mood change between you two.
If before it was bothersome to study with someone else, you eventually started to look forward to your study sessions and couldn’t help stealing a few glances of his beautiful features as he tried to concentrate on his notes. You’d never been flustered by a guy this way so you tried to push these new feelings aside, there was no way he actually meant it when he flirted with you, after all you were just his study buddy, strictly business no romantic interest.
That was until your professor assigned you two as partners for a class project and you found yourself sitting in Jeno’s bed at his dorm.
“Can we take a break?” He groans laying down on the bed and stretching his arms.
“Sure.” You chuckle stretching your neck.
“Can I ask you something?” He sits back up, turning to you.
“Hum, sure.” You gulp suddenly feeling nervous.
“How come I never see you with anyone else?” You widen your eyes and look away. “You don’t need to answer if you don’t want to.”
“I-It’s ok…” You play with your fingers trying to find the right way to say it without him judging you. “I don’t really have any f-friends…”
“Really? Why?” He widens his eyes and sits closer to you.
“I’m not really a social person, I often rather stay home and study.” You look around the room embarrassed to face him.
“But you are amazing, it’s selfish of you not to let other people see that.” He places his hand over yours.
“You think so?” You look at him feeling your heart beat faster.
“I do.” He smiles. “And I’m really glad we’re in this project together so I can get to know you better.”
“Honestly I’m happy I got paired up with someone I already knew, that makes things easier for me.” You flash him a shy smile.
“Well… I might have had something to do with that…” He looks down scratching his neck.
“What do you mean?” You tilt your head in confusion.
“I might have asked Mr Kim to put us together…” He sits even closer to you, your thighs touching. ”Look, I like you, Y/N.” You gulp as you feel your whole body warm up. “Would it be ok if I kissed you?”
You blink your eyes trying to take in this new information. So all the flirting was actually real? Now you had to ponder if you wanted to share your first kiss with him.
And then you nod.
He smiles placing a hand on your cheek and leaning in to bring your mouths together. You close your eyes and stay still, not really knowing what to do. His lips are soft and warm and they feel so good against yours, you never want this moment to end. But then he leans back again. You stare at each for a while and then your lips move on its own.
“Can you do that again?”
He simply smiles and fulfils your wish. This time you tilt your head and kiss him back. Jeno brings his body closer to yours deepening the kiss. You shyly clench your hands on his shirt almost as if afraid he would stop.
And then he does stop kissing you, but only to remove his shirt. You gasp unable to look away from his defined torso. You squeeze your thighs together feeling a wave of arousal taking over you.
“I’m sorry, I got carried away.” Jeno chuckles.
“N-No, it’s ok…” You manage to say.
“Do you want me to stop?” He looks into your eyes and you can see he wants you. “We can go back to the project-” He stops as you place your hand over his.
“No, it’s just…” You take a deep breath before you continue. “I-I’ve never done this before…”
“Done what?” He smirks, clearly teasing you.
“Anything at all.” You look away.
“Do you mean sex?” He asks.
“Yes.” You whisper and close your eyes expecting him to ask you to leave, why would he want to waste his time with someone inexperienced like you?
“And do you want to?” He interrupts your thoughts.
You open your eyes and look back at him trying to understand if that’s a real invitation. As he doesn’t back off from his question you shyly nod.
“Are you sure? We don’t have to if you don’t want to.” He comes closer to you again leaning against your ear and whispers. “But I can make you feel really good.”
You gasp feeling your insides burning. For some reason he makes you feel comfortable and you were bound to give yourself to someone someday right? So you nod.
He starts kissing your neck and you close your eyes. His hands wander in your waist until one of them moves to cup your clothed breast. You bite your lip as a moan threatens to come out.
Jeno slowly lays you down on his bed, pushing all books and papers from your project to the floor. You gasp and open your eyes at the sound.
“Don’t worry, we can pick it up later, there’s more important things I want us to work on now.” He smirks pulling your shirt over your head.
He lays on top of you, between your legs and kisses your mouth again. You start to get nervous as you feel his bulge against your clothed core. But he relaxes you by caressing your sides as he kisses down your neck again. He keeps going down leaving a mark in the mound of your breast. He then leans back to contemplate his work.
“A little something for you to remember today.” He winks at you with a smirk.
You bite your lip as he starts to unbutton your pants. He looks at you as if asking for permission to keep going. You nod and he takes them off dragging down your underwear too. You try to close your legs but you are unable to as he’s kneeling between them so you cover your cunt with your hand feeling embarrassed to be seen in the nude.
“Don’t be shy baby,” he pushes your hand away, “you’re beautiful.”
You squirm as he starts rubbing your clit, closing your eyes. He holds your hips to steady you as he pushes one finger inside you. You whimper and arch your back.
“You are so tight baby. I’m gonna have to stretch you out before you take me in.” He says as he adds another finger inside you.
You clench your hands in his sheets as he moves his fingers inside you, low moans escaping through your lips. Your breath gets heavier and you feel a high building up inside you but then he stops. You push yourself up on your elbows and watch as he removes the rest of his clothes. You widen your eyes at the size of his dick, how the hell is that supposed to fit inside you?
You hear him chuckle as he moves to his bedside table to grab a condom. You watch as he strokes his member a few times before rolling the rubber over it. He then gets back on top of you rubbing the tip of his cock in your wetness before aligning it with your hole.
“This is gonna hurt a little bit, but it will feel good after, I promise.” He gives you a peck on the lips trying to relax you as he notices your nervous face.
He starts pushing himself inside you and you grasp his biceps holding your breath. He lets out a low moan as your inner walls squeeze around him. He stays still for a while until he feels your body relax under him. He starts moving slowly in and out of you and after a while the pain turns into pleasure and your whimpers turn into moans.
“You’re such a good girl, taking me in so well.” He praises you as he speeds up his thrusts.
He then removes himself from you and in a quick move turns you around so that you are on all fours. He massages you ass before laying an experimental spank. You moan and then gasp surprised you actually enjoyed it.
“Oh, you like that?” He gives you another spank and you moan once more. “Is my good girl turning bad?”
You keep moaning as he pushes his length back inside you. He holds your hips as he pounds into you and you feel yourself getting close to your orgasm again.
“Are you gonna cum for me baby?” He asks as he feels you clench your walls around him.
“Yes.” You groan as he moves a hand to you clit rubbing it.
“Go on. Show me how good I make you feel. Show me how happy you are for letting me break you.” He says in a low voice and you cum right as he finishes his sentence. “That’s it baby, fuck.”
He pounds you harder as he chases his own high and in no time he’s spilling his seed inside the condom. A few more thrusts and he removes himself from you throwing the used rubber in the trash. He grabs a towel and goes back to bed to clean you up. Then he trows it to the side and lays down pulling you to his chest.
“C’mon, let’s rest for a bit and then we’ll finish the project.”
You close your eyes and chuckle as you almost forgot what you were going before.
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snelbz · 3 years
Tempting the Fates {Chapter 1}
Summary: It’s the final semester of Aelin Galathynius’ collegiate career and she is so beyond ready to be done. Her schedule is packed full of nursing classes and labs designed to test her knowledge and hone her skills for the real world and her “big girl” job. However, she needs one last elective to graduate, so she decides to study a subject she’s always been fascinated by: Mythology. Who would have thought that a class about gods and goddesses living complicated lives would end up complicating her own in such an unexpected way?
A/N: Fun fact about this one, y’all. I wrote the first chapter over 3 years ago and it was for a completely different story. This one has evolved on it's own and Tara and I are so excited to finally share it with you.
Word Count: 3493
Chapters will be posted every Wednesday.
Tempting the Fates Masterlist
Shelby’s Masterlist
Tara’s Masterlist 
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– King of the gods and ruler of Mount Olympus; god of the sky, lightning, thunder and law.
The waves lapped against the sand as Aelin sighed. Strong hands rubbed the muscles in her back and worked out the kinks in her neck as the warm sun heated her body. The smell of the salt water filled her senses and she settled into the cushioned chaise. Another set of hands set a fruity looking drink with a little pink umbrella on the table next to her head. She smiled at it.
“Can we get you anything else, miss?”
Aelin opened her mouth to tell them exactly what they could do to her.
Beep! Beep! Beep!
Aelin’s eyes snapped open and she glared at her phone, chiming at her to get up.
She groaned, reaching for the offending device and silenced it, pulling her pillow over her head. She began to doze back off when her bedroom door flew open, smacking into the dresser on the wall behind it. She sat bolt upright and found her roommate leaning against the doorframe, a bowl of cereal in her hands and a gleam of mischief in her emerald eyes.
“Rise and shine, princess,” Lysandra drawled. Aelin just continued to scowl at her roommate. The bright warmth of the sun in her dream faded away as she looked out the window. Ice coated it and she could see a fresh layer of snow coated everything. “Aedion is about to be up, too. If you’d like any chance of taking a warm shower before class today, I’d suggest-.”
She was up and in the hallway before Lysandra could even finish her sentence.
Thirty minutes later, she sat on the kitchen counter, hair wrapped up in a towel, eating an apple and going over her schedule for the thousandth time. Her four classes were split into two days each, mercifully giving her Friday off.
Her cousin, long golden hair tied into a ponytail at the nape of his neck, came into the kitchen, pulling the jug of milk out of the fridge. He leaned on the counter across from her and drank straight from the plastic bottle, glaring daggers at her.
“Can I help you with something,” she asked him sweetly.
“You used the last of the hot water,” Aedion sulked, taking another swig.
She looked over, blowing him a quick kiss. “Maybe you should have gotten up earlier.”
He rolled his eyes, identical to her own, and came over to look at her computer screen. “What classes do you have this semester?”
She scrolled down the list, reading them off. “Pathophysiology, Caring for the Childbearing Family, Health and Gerontology, a few labs, and Mythology.”
Aedion’s eyebrows pulled together as she read the last one. “That doesn’t seem like it will be very helpful to a nurse.”
She shrugged, closing the laptop and sliding off the counter. “I needed one last elective. I’ve always been interested in Greek and Roman mythology and it’s a freshman level class. I figured why not study something for fun for once?”
He couldn’t fault her logic and began pulling ingredients out of the fridge to cook breakfast as Aelin headed back towards her bedroom. “Whatever you’re cooking, make two,” she called over her shoulder. She didn’t even need to look back to know the obscene gesture being flicked in her direction.
Aelin was regretting studying something fun for once as she looked at the map of her classes.
All of her classes, save for one, were in the nursing building. Of course, that one other class was all the way across campus, in one of the general education buildings. At least walking there would take her right past her favorite coffee shop on campus and with an eight am every Tuesday and Thursday morning, she knew she’d take full advantage of that.
Thankfully today was a Monday, so she’d be spending the entirety of her day in the nursing building. But first, she had to have coffee. The first day of the semester required coffee.
Aelin parked in one of the student lots close to the nursing building. Throwing her leather bag over her shoulder, she slammed her car door. It was absolutely freezing and she suppressed a growl as she saw soft white flakes drifting toward the ground.
What a great way to start off the semester, she thought.
She made her way across campus, hands deep in her pockets and face buried in her scarf. As she crossed the quad, she pulled her phone out to check the time. She still had about twenty minutes to get coffee and get to class. Snow crunched under her boots as she picked up the pace, wanting to be sure she made it on time. Aelin was big on first impressions.
As she approached the door of the café, she reached for the handle, but the door swung open suddenly, slamming into her and knocking her off her feet.
The young girl, eyes wide, apologized profusely but said that she had to get to class and ran off. Aelin was mumbling something about where the freshman could go, when she heard a deep chuckle and a tan, tattooed hand appeared in front of her face. She glanced up and the air was pulled from her lungs.
The owner of the hand was a handsome man in his mid-twenties, with hair the color of the snow swirling around his head and green eyes. Not emerald like Lysandra’s, but deep and rich like a pine tree. A tattoo, similar to the one on his hand, snaked up his neck and onto his face. She’d be willing to bet it ran down the whole length of his arm. She’d love to find out for herself. He smiled at her, a wicked, beautiful smile. She could only stare at the gorgeous stranger as she gripped her hand in his. He lifted her to her feet.
“You okay?” He asked. Aelin nodded, pulling her hand out of his. He opened the door and motioned for her to go ahead of him. She stepped into the delicious warmth and immediately got her wits back.
“I’m Aelin,” she said, giving him a man eater’s smile.
“Rowan,” he said, a slight incline of his head in acknowledgment.
“Thank you, Rowan,” she said, letting his name slip out of her lips like a purr, as she’d heard Lysandra do it to her cousin many times. She knew it drove Aedion crazy and for some reason, that’s exactly what she wanted to do to this man. She walked to the line. He got in line behind her and she pulled out her phone, figuring that would be that. A bit of shameless flirting with a stranger was never a bad thing. She ordered her coffee and was surprised when the barista handed her the paper cup, a phone number written on the side. She quirked an eyebrow at the girl, who gave Aelin a knowing glance and looked over her shoulder. Aelin turned around, meeting a pine green gaze, and smiled at him. She headed back out into the frost and snow, pulling her phone out to snap a picture of the cup to send to Lysandra, knowing her best friend would love this.
Finding the classroom in the nursing building where she’d spent the bulk of the past two years was a breeze and she made it into the classroom with seven minutes to spare. She enjoyed her time with Professor Hafiza in the fall and anticipated she’d like her this semester again, too. Nonetheless, she settled in about three-quarters of the way up and looked at the coffee cup again.
Feeling bold, she entered the number into her phone and sent a quick text.
Any chance you want to sweep me off of my feet again and grab drinks later? I’m free anytime after 5:00. – Aelin.
Her phone buzzed almost immediately.
My last class lets out at 6:00 and I have to go to the gym afterward. How does 8:00 sound?
She typed a quick reply and placed her phone back on her desk.
Sounds like a date. The Beer Cellar, on Church Street.
She smirked to herself and glanced down at her watch. 9:58. Not even 10:00 am and the semester was off to a great start.
She unlocked her phone, shooting a quick text to Lysandra, letting her know about her new plans for the evening when she heard the door open and students started to hush.
It wasn’t the most exciting class, Aelin had to admit, but she supposed the information was necessary. Hopefully it wasn’t an indication of how the rest of her semester would go. She needed a little excitement in her schedule, that was for sure.
Aelin liked to be kept on her toes.
After two classes and a crappy salad for lunch from the school cafeteria, Aelin was hurrying across campus and down the street, toward her apartment. Lysandra was nowhere to be found, which meant she was either snuggled up with Aedion somewhere or still in class. Aelin’s bet was on the former.
After organizing her deskspace, Aelin went to her closet, and attempted to pick out what she should wear for the night. It was her first date of the semester, which either meant that it could be a complete win or a complete fail.
She ultimately decided that the sluttier the better.
Laying the gold dress out on her bed, she let herself into the Lysandra’s room, borrowing a pair of strappy black heels she knew her roommate would absolutely approve of and was back out the door, ready to suffer through her first lab of the semester. Three hours was going to drag by, but thankfully, it was only once a week.
And drag by it did, but Aelin wasn’t sure if it was thanks to the monotonous recap of her previous semester’s information or thinking about seeing Rowan again. She usually wasn’t so forward, even though Rowan had clearly been the one to start it all, giving her his number. But still, she typically would have at least waited a day or two before texting him.
But there was just something about him that she couldn’t get out of her head.
She grabbed her gym bag out of the car, thankful she had a bit of time to get a work out in before she went out. Thanks to tonight, Aelin was a pent up ball of energy and needed to get it out someway. After a solid forty-five minutes on the treadmill and nearly thirty on the free weights, Aelin was heading for the locker room when she noticed a silver head of hair across the gym.
She watched him as he pulled himself up on the bar, his chin going over the piece of metal each time. He wasn’t wearing a shirt, sweat poured down his chest as his arms swelled. Aelin had been right.
That tattoo went across his chest, and all the way down his arm. He did the pull-ups so effortlessly, and Aelin’s mind began to wander to unholy places.
It wasn’t until his feet hit the mat beneath him that she was brought back to reality and hurried into the locker room. If he was here, that meant their date was approaching, and she had to get ready. She checked her phone. It was nearly seven.
Aelin hurried back home and showered. She had once vowed, during her freshman year, that she would avoid the gym showers at all costs and only used them under emergency circumstances. Luckily, her and Lysandra’s apartment was only five minutes from the gym.
After a shower and a full-body shaving session, Aelin was brushing out her long, golden hair and blow drying it until it was flowing freely down her back. She kept her makeup decently simple - at least, that’s how she made it look, and straightened the slight waves out of her hair before putting on her little, golden dress.
Once she had slipped on Lysandra’s heels, she was looking at herself in the mirror and even she had to admit that she was looking hot.
After grabbing her clutch, she hurried down the hallway and into the living room, where she found Lysandra and Aedion snuggled together on the couch, watching a movie.
“Going out with a stranger?” Lysandra asked, brow raised. “I'm so proud of you.”
“Yeah, just keep it in your pants,” Aedion mumbled.
“I thought I’d bring him back here,” she said, winking at Lysandra. “You don’t want to have breakfast together tomorrow?”
“Absolutely not,” Aedion mumbled and Lysandra chuckled, leaning into his embrace.
“Have fun, call me if you need me,” Lysandra called as Aelin blew them a kiss and headed for the door.
Her Uber was waiting when she walked out front and before she knew it, she was walking down the stairs into her favorite bar. Glancing around, she didn’t see Rowan sitting at the bar or any of the booths around the room.
So she bought herself a drink and claimed one of the pool tables, setting her coat and clutch on a bar stool nearby. Over halfway through the game, she felt eyes on her and glanced up to find Rowan standing at the other end of the table. Giving him a smirk, she knocked the cue ball into the yellow-striped 9 ball. It sank into the pocket.
“Playing with yourself?” Rowan asked, and Aelin caught a slight accent that she had missed earlier.
Aelin’s grin widened. “Well, if I’m left hanging, a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do.”
Rowan breathed a laugh. “Fair enough. And if I asked to join?”
“You sure you don’t just want to watch?” she asked, leaning on the table, making sure her cleavage was perfectly visible.
Rowan’s tongue shot out and subtly licked his bottom lip. “Tempting.”
Aelin pushed herself back and grabbed the rack, starting to collect the balls. “Buy me a drink and then we’ll talk.”
Rowan bit his lip to hide his spreading grin. “Fair enough. I’ll be back.”
Aelin watched as he left, watched as he went to the bar and bought her another drink, alongside one for himself. He came back with two glasses. One was the color of the sunrise, the other a caramelly brown.
“Sex on the Beach?” Aelin asked, brow raised.
He shrugged and handed her the glass. “Sounded promising.”
“So… Rowan,” she said, letting his name drag out as she said it. He was dressed in a pair of dark jeans and the black Henley he wore made his hair seem even brighter in the dim light of the bar.
“Aelin,” he purred right back, pulling a pool stick from the wall behind her, nearly boxing her in. She realized then how much larger than her he was.
She loved it.
“I hope your coffee helped you get through the rest of your day,” she said, resetting the game and racking the balls. She glanced at him over her shoulder as she reached into the middle of the table, and he was watching her, staring at her ass.
Slutty was definitely the right option tonight.
“It certainly did, especially considering how boring it was,” he replied, reaching around her for the chalk that rested on the edge of the table. “But when I got your text, it gave me something to look forward to. Even if it made the day last twice as long.”
“Happy I could help.” She picked her drink up and stirred it, before taking a long sip through the straw.
“Would you like to break, or should I?” He asked, nodding to the pool table.
“Let’s see what you can do.”
He grunted as he stepped forward, lined up his stick, and knocked the cue ball into the others. They broke apart, but none of them fell into the pockets. Rowan stood there for a moment, his lips pursed. Meanwhile, Aelin tossed her head back and burst into laughter.
“Alright, alright,” Rowan said, straightening up and turning to face her. “So pool isn’t my thing.”
Aelin stepped up next to him and aimed her stick, leaning over the table, her ass nearly rubbed up against Rowan’s front. “Hopefully you’re better at other things.”
Rowan’s hand brushed along Aelin’s hip, just as she got ready to shoot, causing her shot to go haywire. She spun around, eyes narrowed. “That’s foul play.”
“No one said we were playing fair,” he countered.
“What about playing for drinks?” She asked, raising an eyebrow.
He lifted his own eyebrows and he said, “I’ve got an eight am…”
Shrugging, she said, “So do I.” Then she leaned in close, thankful for the three-inch heels she’d pilfered from Lysandra’s closet and breathed into his ear, “Don’t worry, I’ll make sure you’re up in time.”
“So sure of how this night is going to go,” he said quietly, just loud enough for her to hear him, and she felt his hand skimming over the curve of her ass. “Fine. We’ll play for drinks.”
It turned out Rowan hadn’t been lying about pool not being his thing. They played three games back to back, and he lost them all, but every time he returned with a drink for Aelin, he had one for himself as well. By the time she dragged him towards the small dance floor in the center of the bar, they were both stumbling and his lips found her neck before his hands even gripped her hips.
His lips were soft, gentle, nothing like she had expected. Maybe it was the alcohol, maybe he was just getting tired, perhaps he was usually rough.
But, when his hands found Aelin’s hips and he brought her back into him, she felt that roughness. It seemed Rowan was the best of both worlds. Gentle when prompted, rough beneath the surface.
Aelin turned to him and slung her arms around his neck, bringing his lips to hers. Their mouths crashed into one another, and their bodies slowed until it felt like they were the only two on the dancefloor.
Rowan pulled away, just a little bit, and breathed, his eyes wild, “Aelin-.”
“Take me to your place,” she said, her mouth finding his, once again.
Before she knew what was happening, they were in the backseat of an Uber, unable to keep their hands off of one another. Thanks to it being a college town, the driver didn’t say a word, just dropped them in front of an upscale building, just off the east side of campus.
She noticed how nice it was on the short elevator ride up, but was much more preoccupied by the way his hips pressed into hers. He dragged her along the hall, his lips never leaving hers, until her back was pressed against a cool door and he was fumbling to get it unlocked. It swung wide and she gripped his collar, pulling him inside.
Throwing her clutch and coat by the door, Aelin let her hands dive into his cropped silver hair and he responded by cupping her ass and lifting her up. Her legs were around his waist and he carried her through the apartment and into his bedroom. Neither of them had any delusions about how and where this would end and Aelin felt like she was going to combust as he dropped her on the bed and gazed down at her.
His eyes were full of lust, full of hunger, a wild animal with his eye on his prey. He wasted no time stripping Aelin down and admiring her body with his hands, his tongue, his lips. Rowan may not have been good at pool, but he was right when he said he was far better at other things.
He worshipped her, and Aelin knew it wasn’t the alcohol when she was sent into utter bliss.
When he rolled off of her, breath still uneven, Aelin watched as he dealt with the condom and fell back into the bed beside her.
She cleared her throat. “I can go…if you want me to.”
Rowan turned to look at her, and she could tell he was still just as drunk as she was. “What? No, of course not. You said you’ve got an eight am, too, right?” She nodded and he tugged on her hand, pulling her closer to him. They were both still gloriously naked and she could feel the heat radiating off of his body. “Then we can both make sure the other is up so we aren’t late. Or too hungover.”
Aelin snorted softly, resting her head on his chest. “I think that particular ship has sailed.”
“You’re probably right,” he mumbled and she could tell he was already starting to doze. She was on the brink of sleep herself.
Aelin decided then, as her eyes closed, that she didn’t care if she was hungover in the morning, or if she was late to her eight am. A night being praised by Rowan had been perfectly worth it.
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boneheadduluc · 3 years
I'm in need of some Andrea smut every time I read something about him there is no sex because this was in the 30's and it would be inappropriate to do it before marriage. So...let's get inappropriate (?
no mommy kink please, i can't cope with that
Actually this was going to happen v/ soon in my fic of Andrea BUT I'll write a quick drabble/one shot for you bc same! we need that in our lives :) I'll be doing gender neutral reader for dis ;) Warnings!! 18+ , loss of virginity, perhaps slight edging? oral on reader (female presenting) and NO mommy kink per request :)
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Rules were rules. Marry a nice man, then lose your virginity. You had been following those rules. Even now, you lived alone in a small cottage on a hill. And you still haven't lost it. You never felt inclined too really...and you were fine with that. It's just everyone in the village usually was a kid or a senior. No one was around your age, so you preferred a secluded kind of life. 
 Even if that meant following rules you didn't want to follow. You hated that you didn't have a choice. You hated how your parent's voice replayed in your head over and over. Telling you “wait! get married first!” You were sick of it, you were desperate sure, not desperate enough to lose it to whoever you met, but then...
 a new boy showed up, you learned his story since you were a bit close with Janet and Ursula, the old sisters who were housing the young man. So you met him, and god... he was just your type.
Plus they invited you over so he could play for you? meaning the violin. At first, you felt a little out of place... until he started playing. Needless to say, he was more than talented than you expected. You’d never heard anything like it, afterward, he wanted to talk to you surprisingly. 
“What is you name?” he tried his best to speak, you were told his English wasn't the best so you found it more endearing than anything and applauded his effort since he’d only been here for a few weeks. So you looked to him, sitting beside you with wide eyes and rosy cheeks. His hair was a bit shaggy as he shook the hair out of his eyes.
“Oh, my name is (y/n).” You gave a warm smile, shifting in your seat to face him more. “And you are Andrea, yes?” and he nodded before he repeated your name warmly, and honestly you loved the way it sounded in his mouth.
Weeks passed, you visiting, Andrea playing for you, afterward, you would talk to Andrea, his English noticeably getting better. And sometimes he would even be a bit of a flirt. So one day you just asked the sisters if they would allow you to take him into town. You did your best to sound as friendly as possible and it seemingly worked.
You showed him a few of your favorite places, took him dancing to the pub. Though he wasn't a very good dancer, you had to kind of show him. Guiding his hands to land on your hips and pull you close, telling him to watch your feet as he got red because honestly he couldn't help but stare at your face. 
Then finally he asked to see your home. And you couldn't help be nervous, he had been making eyes at you all day, smirking like a cat with cunning eyes. Like he had so much more in that head of his, thoughts that he wasn't sharing. Plus he was already holding hands with you, keeping you close to him as he kept calling you ‘Liebling.’ And of course you didn't refuse him, not at all. So by the time, you were halfway up the path on the mountain and he slowly stopped walking, staring at you with a sweet smile. 
“Something the matter Andrea?” you questioned- confused as to why he had stopped. He moved slowly, stepping closer to you, leaning in, quickly pressing a kiss to your cheek. Then backing away, checking your eyes for permission. You nodded and Andrea knitted his brows together, exhaling through his nose as he slowly moved to press a kiss to your other cheek. Gently. Wonderfully. Then your forehead. The tip of your nose, then finally his mouth hovered over your own. Breath shaking with feverish anticipation.
You ached to lean in and finish what he started, but you wanted to see if Andrea would do it himself, and after about 5 nervous seconds you felt him roughly slot his lips against your own.
You were lost, blindly lost to pleasure and yearning. You barely realized the way you pulled him up the hill, mouths slotted together as you rushed backward, your back soon up against your door, your hands at his waistband, he moaned against your mouth.
And soon enough you were turned around and inside and he was walking backward as you led him to your bed. Pushing against his chest as he sat and you climbed his lap. Kissing him so harshly you felt your teeth clink against his own, embarrassed you pulled back, your hand coming to your lips. 
“I apologize, Andrea-” You were breathless, with shy eyes and flushed cheeks. 
He looked the same, though less embarrassed. More lustful than anything. 
“No, no-” He started softly. “You are wonderful.” He spoke slowly, catching your eyes as he brushed your hair out of your face with his thumbs. Putting a strand of hair behind your ear lovingly. 
“But...I need-” He started up again, and he groaned out, almost a whimper really, like he was in pain and that's when you felt something poke against your inner thigh, and then you understood. You ground forward and watched as his mouth fell open. Andreas eyebrows furrowing, his face growing red, a moan caught in his throat.
“Oh, you wonderful creature.” You mused. Almost amazed at the power you held over him. So you did it again and again until he was begging for you to let him cum. 
“Please...Please (y/n)-” He buried his face into your neck, his large hands on your waist, fingers digging in deeply, his shoulders going tense at your dry humping. 
A part of you was nervous honestly. You didn't know if Andrea was also a virgin, but judging by his closeness already ...you were gonna bet on the fact he was, but then again you didn't know what you were doing anyway. 
So instead, you simply stopped. And he stopped breathing. He was frozen actually, and you wondered why, a part of you wanted to laugh, he was curled up into you, unmoving, holding you. 
“Andrea?” you questioned and finally he moved, looking up at you, 
“I do something wrong?” he slowly drawled out, voice tiny and nervous and you shook your head. “No, of course not I just...have you ever done this before?” It was your turn to be tiny and nervous now, especially self-conscious. 
He gulped, Andrea understood. And he slowly shook his head ‘no’
“I'm sorry,” he whispered and it almost broke your heart. 
“Oh my love, no! You have nothing to be sorry for. I have never...done this... either. So it's okay Andrea. And...and honestly, we don't have to do anything if you don't want to.” You cupped his face, giving him a warm smile and he returned one. Slowly pressing a kiss to your lips. 
“I want you.” He whispered after breaking the kiss barely. 
And that was all you needed to push him back on the bed so he was laying down. You climbed atop him, undoing his pants slowly. He raised himself on his elbows, watching you, breathing heavy, eyes flickering back and forth between you and your hands. 
And suddenly he took your hand, putting it away from him. Softly and gently and lovingly.  “first you. Let me...help.” He muttered, looking to you for permission and so you switched roles and he was helping you undress from your light dress. 
And you were naked and self-conscious and nervous in front of him. 
But he was smiling, eyes running over your perfect form. You were perfect to him, everything about you, even the things you considered a flaw, he would reach out, brushing his fingertips lightly over them. He muttered how you were beautiful before reaching with both hands to your thighs. Parting them slowly, gently as all his movements were. 
He slowly moved off the bed, to his knees as he pulled you to the edge of the bed, your legs over his shoulder, his eyes on yours, looking up to you the entire time. Your hands gripped the blankets harshly and nervously. But you nodded at him and he leaned forward, delving his tongue over your entrance. And you moaned, the feeling making you throw your head back. 
And he did it again, though opening his mouth even wider, taking you into his mouth, his tongue lapping up your wetness. Moving up to run over your clit. And you shivered, sensitive all over. 
He realized that was the spot, so he did it once more and got the same reaction, actually an even bigger one. Your back was beginning to arch. Toes curling. 
And he kept eating you out- tongue sometimes delving into you, into your warmth and he would moan against your wetness and heat. Eyelashes fluttering and closing as you would spread your legs further, pushing your cunt against his mouth- thighs shaking and quivering as you felt a knot of heat in your lower stomach slowly coming closer and growing bigger. And finally you were gripping his hair, pulling as he whimpered against you. 
“Oh Andrea- Andrea Im so- Im going to-” You could barely get a full comprehensible sentence out before your thighs were convulsing around his head and your back arching and a loud moan was drawn out from deep within you moaning- screaming his name as a intense orgasm slapped you right across the face, and god- you were exhausted in all honesty. You even fell back on the bed, his tongue still on you though as if he couldn't get enough, nose sometimes even nudging up against your clit as he hungrily and greedily tasted everything in you. 
And as much as it was amazing soon you were becoming over sensitive and with each lick and moan of his against your pussy you were being shocked, body twitching and you pulled back, breathless, a mess for a lack of a better term. 
And you began to chuckle as well as he rose up now, smirking at you, his lips and chin, all slick with your wetness and his own spit. And you grinned right back at him, and pulled him down to meet your mouth as you kissed him, without a care in the world. It was almost satisfying to taste yourself on Andreas tongue. 
But finally you broke the kiss, cupping his face as you knew what came next. “Your turn my love.” You muttered. Sitting up now as you went for his belt, undoing it slowly, hoping he wouldn't stop you again. Though it was worth it last time. But he allowed you to- Andrea even began unbuttoning his shirt. Throwing it to the floor along with your dress, as you followed up with taking off his belt and pulling the pants away- his cock finally free and hard. Fully upright, beads of pre-cum forming at his reddened tip. He was so desperate, it was clear in his expression. Mouth slightly agape as he watched you. 
You thought for a moment, wondering on what you should do now. On what position and honestly how all of this was gonna go. A part of you was scared as you shuffled back on the bed, and patted the space beside you, signaling him to come be by you, but first he began shuffling out of his shoes, then along with his pants until he was fully naked. The look on his face signaling he didn't want you to feel self conscious with him being half clothed, so he decided he too would be fully undressed for this.  He moved beside you now, huffing out a short breath, nervous. It was clear so you pulled him close, kissing his jawline softly.  “Lets go slow, yes?” You mumbled to him softly. He looked up at you, shoulders tense as he nodded. “Yes mien Liebling.” he whispered back, a small smile tugging at the corner of his mouth as he furrowed his brows again for you were laying back now, resting your head on the pillow as you slightly spread your legs for him to fit in between. So he moved to lean over you, head of his cock teasing against your lower belly softly, it made him whimper as you couldn't help but giggle as you looked up to him, he looked beautiful this way.  “Should I- uhm..” he stuttered, cheeks burning red as he lowered himself slightly, trying to align himself with your entrance.  “Yes Andrea- go ahead.” You bit at your lower lip, eyes gazing as he closed his eyes, throbbing tip budding at your opening, he pushed his hips forward, his tip sliding in before it slipped upwards, you really were that tight- though you felt bad, for if you were more relaxed it would've gone in easier. “I apologize-” you mutter, exhaling shakily but he shakes his head.  “No- not your fault.” Andrea shares a calming smile, his eyes shining as he looks deeply into your eyes.  “I try again.” he reassured and positioned his cock to your entrance once more, this time sliding it in your slickness and heat easily. You held your breath, feeling him stretch you wide, Andrea on the other hand groaned out, whimpered as his head fell into the crook of your neck. You couldn't imagine how sensitive he must be at the moment.  He kept sliding in until he couldn't anymore, and he filled you to the brim, you felt so full and couldn't help but moan softly, your hands going to the back of his nape, playing with his hair, twirling it around your fingers, admiring the feeling of his warm body atop of yours, holding you. he stayed still, immediately understanding you would need some time to adjust. So you two stayed still, breathing and trying to figure this all out, he lifted his head, and you just stared at him until the two of you broke into small laughter. Warm chuckles filling the air around you, and you caught his lips softly, he laughed into your mouth even- so shy and nervous, Andrea couldn't help it. But after a minute of kissing and nervously giggling you finally felt ready. You broke the warm kiss. And caught his eyes. “Andrea I think I'm ready...move...please?” You muttered shyly- you didn't want to sound demanding but were soon relived when he just smiled at you. Giving you a look as to say “of course.”  And he pulled out halfway, inhaling deeply as he then slid back in setting up a pace, not to fast not to slow, just right honestly. And that's when you felt the pleasure slowly beginning to take over the slight discomfort. When he soon began pumping into you like a animal in heat. You moaned his name over and over, arching your back as you watched his face turn desperate. He would mutter in polish and German. whispering into your ear and you couldn't help but scratch at his back. He changed his angle slightly, cock hitting your g-spot. 
“Oh! Oh Andrea you- oh fuck.” You cursed, closing your eyes. “Yes harder please.” you moaned out, feverishly. Everything felt so hot, you were even sweating across your forehead slightly.  And he did as you commanded, pushing harder, fucking into you, moaning brokenly each time he pushed in. The squeeze of your pussy around him making him lightheaded even. He dropped his head to your chest eventually. Tongue finding its way to your nipple. Opening wide and sucking on your breast. And you felt so sensitive, everything overwhelming you but in the best way possible. 
“Oh yes, yes-” you chanted, breathless and suddenly wrapped your thighs around him, flipping the two of you over so you were on top, he gasped- eyes wide as he looked to you, his face becoming flushed once more- the sight of him was enough to push you to the edge as you began to bounce on his cock, suddenly reaching you climax, steadying yourself by putting your hands to Andreas chest- your back arching as you clenched around his cock, falling forward now- pushing your lips together. 
He kept thrusting into you though- desperate to cum inside, “Please- please.” He begged for release, closing his eyes as you groaned softly, your insides sensitive as you sat back up, and it only took 2 bounces on his cock for Andrea to be moaning out your name- as he gripped your thighs and soon you felt his warm seed fill you up, he whimpered and fucked into you harshly now- sitting up and pulling you close, fitting his mouth over your tit to muffle the shameful sounds spilling out of him. 
As he fucked through his climax he soon began to slow down, exhausted as you moaned- feeling him suck your nipples softly now, closing his eyes as his breathing calmed. 
You ran your fingers through his hair softly. Kissing the top of his head- satisfied now and he now popped off your tit, lips a bright color that matched his cheeks. He smiled at you and you grinned back, pressing a kiss to his nose. You raised yourself off of him, and you felt his warm seed inside of you, you adored the feeling as you rolled off and laid down- he lowered himself to be by you. 
“You were amazing Andrea- absolutely wonderful.” You sighed softly as his hand reached your stomach, drawing invisible lines with his fingers over the soft skin. Andrea shyly smiled now. “Danke.” he whispered in German, you knew what it meant and chuckled softly. 
“Im sleepy.” you whispered, and it was true- your eyes were heavy and Andrea nodded. “Sleep.” he kissed your cheek warmly. And so you did, you fell asleep to him cuddled beside you, humming a tune that was familiar to you. 
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queenshelby · 3 years
The Last Semester - Part Three
Pairing: Cillian Murphy x Reader
Warning: Smut
Words: 3,345
Original Blog:
Previous Parts: Part One; Part Two
The Blind Date
It was 7 o’clock when you walked into the local Irish pub, looking for your date Patrick in a crowded room. Luckily, Emma had shown you Patrick’s Facebook profile and he certainly was handsome and easily recognisable.
Unsurprisingly, when you saw him standing at the bar with a pint of Guinness, he had already caught the waitresses’ attention and she tried her best to flirt with him until you approached.
‘Hi, Patrick?’ you asked and he nodded before shaking your hand and suggesting that you find somewhere else to sit.
Eventually, you located one of the high-top tables on the other side of the pub and sat down with your beers and began talking.
Patrick was a doctor at the university campus who had graduated medical school as little as two years ago. But, whilst he clearly was smart, you quickly realised that he was somewhat arrogant and lacked a good sense of humour.
Regardless, you tried to make the most of the night until, eventually, Patrick sought some reassurance from you that you would be going home with him that night. According to him, he didn’t like wasting his time if there was nothing in it for him.
His comments caught you by surprise and you quickly advised him that you were not that kind of woman and you certainly wouldn’t go home with someone you barely knew.
Patrick was disappointed and the conversation escalated quickly when he called you a prude and referred to you as being a woman who simply uses men to get free drinks.
You were speechless and, at half time, you put $10 pounds onto the table for your drinks and excused yourself quickly, grabbing your bag and headed for the bathroom.
There was no way you would be putting up with a man like this and you couldn’t believe that Emma thought that you would like him. Did she really think as little of you, you wondered?
Later that Evening
‘Cillian, hey’ you said as, after spending ten minutes in the bathroom collecting your thoughts, you walked out towards the entrance of the pub.
‘Are you alright Y/N?’ Cillian asked as he immediately noticed your red and somewhat teary eyes.
‘Well, let’s just say that my roommate set me up on a blind date with a total wanker’ you laughed but, really, you weren’t sure whether you should laugh or cry after what he had said to you. It certainly didn’t help your self-esteem and that was something you struggled with.
What you were, however, sure about was that you were ready to leave even if that meant that you would miss the second part of the game.
‘Do you want to get out of here?’ Cillian asked, his hand resting on your shoulder and his eyes giving you a concerning but yet reassuring look.
You quickly nodded and Cillian responded with a simple ‘common then’ before dumping his half full pint of beer and walking outside with you.
Once you made it out of the door unnoticed, you inhaled deeply. ‘Damn and I really wanted to see the game. Ireland is so close this time’ you pouted slightly disappointed.
‘I am going to watch the rest at my place. You are welcome to come along’ Cillian offered and you took a moment to think about his offer. You knew that your flatmates were having a party and the game was only available on pay tv and you would much rather sit on the lounge with Cillian and watch the Ireland beat France than clean up vomit and empty bottles of booze at home.
‘Uhm yes, why not. Thanks’ you said shyly and followed Cillian to his apartment which was only a five-minute stroll from the pub.
Finally some Privacy
‘Wine or beer?’ Cillian asked after you took off your shoes and sat down on the lounge in his living room.
‘Whatever you are having’ you responded and Cillian was quick to open a bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon.
‘Thank you’ you said as he handed you a glass and sat down next to you. You really weren’t much of a red wine drinker but pretended to enjoy it.
There was an awkward silence between you as you watched the second half of the game but you enjoyed it nonetheless.
You struggled paying attention to the commentators as your mind focused on the man sitting next to you instead. The smell of his aftershave mixed with detergence he had used to wash his clothes drove you absolutely crazy. And then there were his hands, which you watched every time he reached for his glass of wine.
But it wasn’t just you watching Cillian. He watched you as well and often gazed over to you, focusing on your soft facial features.
Eventually, after about twenty minutes into the second half, you couldn’t bare the silence any longer and started a conversation.
‘So, you wanted to ask me something yesterday when I came to your office. But then you didn’t. I am curious though. What was it?’ you said shyly, slightly encouraged by the wine in your system.
‘I was actually going to ask you whether you wanted to watch the game tonight’ Cillian murmured, looking somewhat embarrassed when he looked over to you.
‘So why didn’t you?’ you went on to ask, causing Cillian to chuckle.
‘Because I realised how inappropriate that would have been’ he admitted and you smiled, cheeks flushing red.
‘Well, here we are’ you said nervously, looking into Cillian’s deep blue eyes for a moment before trying to look away shyly.
But, Cillian wouldn’t let you, reaching for your face with one of his hands.
‘Hey’ he said quietly as his thumb ran over your chin gently. ‘I like when you look at me’ he then went on to say and, just like that, you leaned forward and pressed your lips onto his once again.
The kiss you shared was gentle and tentative, not rushed and not forced in any way. It was a simple kiss, brief but exciting.
‘I am sorry’ you said after your lips drifted apart, but this time, you didn’t look away and your eyes got lost in his.
Cillian shook his head briefly before drawing your face closer towards his again for yet another kiss. Again, it was tentative but, this time, you parted your lips slightly, allowing his tongue to enter your mouth and explore.
‘I shouldn’t be pursuing this Y/N’ Cillian said quietly as, eventually your lips drifted apart. ‘It’s not right on so many levels’ he went on to say but you quietened his lips with a third kiss, a passionate kiss which drew your body even closer towards his until you found your way onto his lap, facing him, pressing your body against his as your tongues moved with each other in sync.
‘I am a grown woman Cillian. I can’t see anything wrong with this and I certainly don’t want you to stop kissing me’ you said as your lips drifted apart again, a shy smile escaping you as you did.
‘I am also twenty years older than you and supervising your drama project’ he then went on to say somewhat concerned.
‘I don’t care about the difference in age and, technically, you aren’t my supervisor anymore, Aidan is’ you reassured Cillian, smirking at him as you did.
‘Still, not a good look getting involved with one of the students from the project’ Cillian said reluctantly but without making any attempt to push you away.
‘Well, I could leave now and you can ask me out again in three weeks when you finish up your volunteering position’ you then suggested all while you started to grind against him, feeling his erection strain against his jeans beneath you.
Your suggestion fell on deaf ears as Cillian already struggled to contain his emotions and needs with you on top of him and, just as you finished your sentence, he affirmed what he wanted with another passionate kiss.
The kiss you were sharing soon became heated and desperate and Cillian’s hands started to roam over your warm skin beneath your thin jumper.
His touch instantly sent shivers over you skin and down your spine and sent you into overdrive when his hands began to cup your small breasts.
You moaned into his mouth and, just after you did, you pulled back slightly, allowing him to pull your jumper over your head.
As he did, you suddenly felt a little nervous and self-conscious but it was obvious. He wanted you and his lips soon met yours again.
‘Cill…’ you said in between kisses and he looked at you, responding with a quiet ‘hmm’ as his eyes were questioning what you wanted to say.
‘It’s been two years since I have been with anyone and I don’t really do one night stands’ you murmured quietly and Cillian simply smiled, caressing your face with one of his hands before responding to your comment.
‘Good’ he said before giving you a quick peck. ‘Neither do I’ he reassured you without telling you that it had been six months for him too, which is when he broke up with his last long term girlfriend Nadine.  
After another minute or two of more passionate kisses, Cillian picked you up and, before you could really prepare yourself for what was about to happen, you were in his bed.
Nervously but eager at the same time, you looked up at him with what you hoped were bedroom eyes.
He got the message and hoovered over you, kissing you gently before continuing to undress you, gentle but a little hurried.
You had already lost your jumper in the living room earlier and now he was pulling on your jeans, getting rid of them in a haste and leaving you exposed in your grey cotton underwear.
‘I didn’t quite plan for this’ you said nervously as you weren’t really dressed to impressed, your underwear simple and not sexy at all.
‘You look beautiful just the way you are Y/N’ Cillian reassured you before leaving a trail of kisses on your warm skin.
The anticipation was already killing you. With each passing second, his lips trailing over your bare shoulders and up your neck, you felt yourself shiver, the heat traveling right down to the taut muscles inside you, right between your legs. It was slick there, the result of your growing arousal.
It wasn’t long until Cillian unclipped your bra, exposing your small and perky breasts. You were impressed that he had immediately noticed the clasp of the bra at the front. He certainly paid attention to detail.
By now, your nervousness had sat in and your cheeks began to flush as his eyes gazed over your body.
Cillian noticed and simply responded with a warm smile before nudging your nose with his.
‘We can stop if you want to’ Cillian began to say but you immediately interrupted him.
‘I want you Cillian, please’ you whispered and he responded with a gentle nod.
‘Relax’ he then whispered before kissing you again and you took a deep breath and closed your eyes.
‘Cillian’ you eventually moaned as he nipped your throat with his teeth before sitting back.
You opened your eyes again and watched as Cillian grabbed his shirt from the back, and pulled it down over his head. Next off were his jeans, and then his briefs.
You couldn’t help but stare at him. His body was perfect, his chest was only lightly covered with some hair and his skin was covered in freckles.
But, when you lowered your eyes, your sense of shyness returned and seeing him completely naked in front of you caused you to flush.
He was clearly aroused by you, hard and ready, even though you only just started.
As you nervously looked at him, Cillian leaned forward and began to gently run his hands over your stomach, leaning down to kiss it, before hooking his index fingers into the hem of your panties and pulling them down your legs.
You inhaled sharply, almost forgetting to breath out again as he exposed your soaking wet mound.
What now, you wondered? Like the two men you’ve been with in the past, would he proceed directly to the main event?
‘You are so sexy, you know that?’ Cillian went on to say and you couldn’t help but chuckle.
‘Sure’ you said nervously as he spread your legs before bending down and pressing his hot mouth right against your sopping wet slit.
You didn’t expect that and immediately let out a sharp gasp.
‘Oh god’ you moaned in pleasure as you put one of your hands in his hair and gripped the sheets beneath you with the other.
Cillian’s tongue ran through your slit several times before it swirled around over your clit gently.
‘Fuck’ you cried out, throwing your head back as he began to eat you out, his tongue working wonders on your sex-deprived pussy.
His hands were on your thighs, pushing them farther apart, fingers digging into your skin.
‘Please’ you eventually said, not even sure what you were pleading for. You just knew that he couldn't stop or you would scream.
Your pussy was sensitive, and it had been so long since you had sex and even then, you never quite experienced any sensation like this.
‘Cillian, oh god’ you moaned even louder as he sped up the movements of his tongue.  
Within bare seconds, you came with a cry and a shudder. Unable to hold back, you let go, shutting your eyes to ride out your orgasm.
Involuntarily, you were grinding up on him, your hips lifting off the bed, toes curling.
‘That was quick’ Cillian chuckled after you came down from your high and before giving your inner thigh another quick kiss.
‘I am sorry, I don’t know what just happened’ you said somewhat embarrassed as you never had orgasmed before when being with someone else. In fact, you never even gotten close to climaxing when someone else pleasured you orally.
‘Don’t ever be sorry’ Cillian said, kissing you gently before sitting back again and reaching for the bedside table draw to his right.
You couldn’t wait to feel him inside of you and, shamelessly but also somewhat nervously, you watched him pull out a silver condom wrapper from the draw.
You bit your lip in anticipation was you watched him open the wrapper with his teeth before rolling the condom onto his hard shaft.
Cillian then leaned forward again, spreading your legs further apart with a nudge from his knees. He looked powerful above you, his body trained, stomach flat, waist trim, looking at you with such lust that you forgot for a moment that, just days ago, you were trying to forget all about him. He leaned down, kissing you, tasting you, making the heat spread all over your body as he slipped two of his fingers inside of you, curving inward.
‘Still so sensitive’ he chuckled while you gasped at the sensation.
‘Cillian, please’ you begged. But he didn't seem to hear you and put pressure down, jerking his hand and thrusting his fingers right against your previously unexplored g-spot.
‘Oh my fucking god, no no no’ you cried out, bucking your hips again almost instantly, this time squirting right into his hand. Tears slipped from the corners of your eyes, your pussy still clenching on his fingers, desperate and needy.
‘Cillian, oh fuck’ you whimpered, not realising that you left a wet puddle on the sheets.
‘Wow’ Cillian grinned. He looked pretty pleased with himself as you sat up somewhat shocked, which is when you noticed what had just happened.
‘Oh my god. This is so fucking embarrassing’ you said when you noticed that you squirted for the first time.
‘Shh, it's okay’ Cillian murmured, calming you down and kissing you.
‘In fact, I think its fucking sexy and I hope I can make you do this again’ he smirked before guiding your back onto the mattress again.
‘I think you might’ you chuckled as you held out your arms and he melted into them, supporting himself with his arms.
‘I want to feel you so badly Cillian’ you moaned as his cock finally slid between your legs, making you squirm and buck your hips.
‘Patience’ Cillian said softly, and planted a kiss on the tip of your nose.
‘How can you restrain yourself?’ you asked, surprising you both.
Cillian raised an eyebrow, impossibly amused.
‘I’ve been restraining myself from wanting this for weeks’ Cillian said, and pressed his lips to your neck, kissing, nipping, biting and sucking. You closed your eyes, toes curling again, and gave into the pleasure. You did your best to wrap your legs around him, and he began to grind his cock down between your legs, right along the slit of your wet pussy.
When he finally entered you, you both let out a hiss of satisfaction, clutching at one another. The friction slow, drawn out, was enough to numb your mind. Your fingers dug into his back, his hands gripped the sheets, and he made love to you, driving inside of you with careful, deliberate movements.
‘Cillian’ you moaned as you felt him thrust in and out of you over and over again. But, hearing his groans and moans was exciting you just as much as the pleasure he gave you with his cock.
Cillian and you adjusted, getting familiar with one another, your bodies moving in slow grinds as he snapped his hips, making you shift yours off the bed. His pace quickened, and so did your breathing, and in one swift motion, you were a shuddering mess, feeling his cock hit that spot again, making you shatter.
At this point, Cillian was relentless, pounding into you, making you cry out in pleasure. You gripped his shoulders, fingernails leaving crescent marks behind, little slivers of moons, leaving your mark. He was yours and you were his.
You writhed under him, your pussy clenching around his thickness. His hands visibly shook, his breath wild as he moved in you, kissing you almost roughly, smashing his lips against yours, and in seconds, his tongue was sliding against yours as you tasted each other.
You anticipated each movement, feeling the bulge of his cock hard inside of you, filling you. Just when you thought you would come again, he withdrew and helped you to your knees, and when he entered you from behind, it was a whole other experience. He was deeper, and you seemed to drift together. You could smell his spicy aftershave, could smell your coupling in the air, thick and hazy, making you dizzy with desire.
Your bones seemed to ache from the feeling of his stomach muscles clenching hard against your back as he rutted into you. You pushed your ass back against his cock, and you found your rhythm, bodies slapping, panting and grunting in the dim light of his bedroom.
He was thrusting into you and with each passing second, you came closer and closer. You were whimpering, your entire body a mess of tightened muscles. An all-encompassing moan left your lips as his fingers found your clit, and as he rubbed, circling it, you came again, hard and fast.
Blinding gratification. Earth-shattering spasms. A delicious high, an overdose of emotions your body began to shake and your walls began to contract tightly around his thrusting cock.
‘Fuck Y/N’ Cillian groaned into your ear as he reached his high shortly after you did and you could feel his cock jerking inside of you.
His name was on your lips, but you couldn't say it; you couldn't say anything. You could feel every pulse inside of you, could feel every grunt and groan slip underneath your skin, could feel his taut muscles flush against your body. This wasn't just sex. It was heaven.
Just as you both finally came down from your high and while Cillian was kissing the back of your neck gently, he carefully pulled out of you and, just as he did, you could hear him swear.
‘Fuck’ he said in a trance as he pulled back, away from your body.
‘What is it?’ you asked and turned around immediately, looking down, noticing his cum leaking from you and down your inner thigh.
Tag List (Cillian):
@lilymurphy03 @deefigs @theflamecrystal @desperate-and-broken @weepingstudentfishhorse @livinginfantaxy @rosey1981 @atomicsoulcollecto @peakyboyslover @nerdy4itall @elenavampire21 @hanster1998 @mariapaiva13 @fairypitou @harry-is-my-sunflower @zozeebo @lauren-raines-x @kasaikawa @littlewierdalien @sad-huffle-nerd @theflamecrystal @peakymalfoyscullymulder @themissthang @0ghostwriter0 @stylescanbeatmyback @1-800-peakyblinders @datewithgianni @momoneymolife @ntmynouis @lilymurphy03 @mcntsee@cloudofdisney @missymurphy1985 @peakymalfoyscullymulder @otterly-fey @janelongxox @uchihacumdump @basiclassy @being-worthy @chaotic-bean-of-smolness @margoo0 @chocolatehalo​ @vhscillian​ @ysmmsy​ @littlewierdalien @crazymar15  ​
Cannot Tag (please check your settings):
@l0tsofpennies @trolleydolly @avonlady1985 @chrisevanshoeee @daydreamingnymph @fookingshelby
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