#They still use the same pronouns same names. They usually don't have different bodies either.
edwardallenpoe · 5 months
*dark, brooding male character with a bunch of trauma and the weight of the world on their shoulders, hair dark and oily and lined with silver from stress, bearing through his situation with gritted teeth and probably not having a happy ending* me: hmmm yeah this is awesome but there's something off...
*headcanons him as a butch lesbian* me: ohhhh ffukc.... Oh ggod. I'm gona throw ufp..
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kittygirlpaw · 4 months
balancing act
something unknown decides to talk to you about the nature of "corruption" and "blessing".
(pov/second person pronouns used, identity play, mild body horror, eldritch being (kinda), corruption, non-con(?))
"Blessing" and "corruption" are such a similar thing.
I don't see the difference as much as one might like - especially not as much as the snobs that work in the temples, their big city wigs and statuses all toppling over one another whenever something they can't control shows up. Especially when that something isn't definable by their laws, and doesn't much care for applying itself to them.
Or the way that the shadow-veiled conspirators within the highest seats of power speak in such whispered tones, how they hush their vocalizations lower to try and avoid speaking the Dread Titles too loudly - when they're forced to say them - in public.
I, at least for the moment, have a different approach. Could you hand me that? Thank you - I'm still getting used to using these many limbs, you see. It can be less exact than I'd like to command the extensions of myself through the hands that were not, originally, my own.
I used to be so much the same a number of years ago. Though, time such as it is becomes a messy and less useful frame of thinking than before, and even "before" isn't very helpful besides as a marked understanding of there in theory being a before. "After" and "presently" both suffer the same issue, but I'm getting ahead of myself.
You see, I never did get it. What's the big deal? A Title spoken here, a ritual and a word of utmost holiness or sanctity or whatever. Ways to wrap the cloying, clawing animal instinct to form a reason as to why; why the crops didn't grow this season, why the sun shines, why the seconds tick by, or why dreams are full of terrors. Whether one of the Dread Titles or not. It's all asking "why" and getting answers from something that, of course, has its own bias.
Could you stop that? It isn't hard to make you stop/continue moving, but I don't want to expend the effort when I'm trying to speak/inform/create. You might not believe me, but this isn't so easy I can do it without thinking. I'll go ahead and snip the piece of you that thinks to move, so I can continue/return.
Now then. I'm instead told that the carrion in the temples full of blank nothing-light are good and the worshipers full of wild shadow-blood are evil. The inverse isn't necessarily true, either, but I/am find/found/finding it tiring. So instead, I chose to find my own reason. My own why.
I decided/deciding/decide to speak four of the seven Dread Titles in places closest to their hearts, curse the names of those in the Fire while bleeding their mark on frail flesh, and carve light into patterns that bleed shadow from the edges. I am so full of writhing, wriggling things now/forever/always that define the edges of me wherever they happen to be at any given time/place/space/moment/breath. It gets a little confusing the more I talk about it, but try and keep up, if you could.
It would make more sense to be the one pulling the strings. I could thread/make/form/be light/shadow and everything/nothing as well as any of the Titles, as any of the ones currently in glory. All it takes is a bit of purpose to my actions/consequences. So why should I submit to their "blessing", or their "corruption", their influence? Why not spread my own?
It took longer than I thought it would. A lot of effort for only two hands, so I got some more - at first just through the usual kind of sweet-talking, convincing, conniving. Eventually, I started to realize that my will isn't as simple as words/speech/touch, and spreads as an oil slick. Seeping in, deeper and deeper, until my original (as much as "original" matters, as much as I wasn't always/becoming me/we/myself) body began to no longer define where I ended or began. Endings and beginnings are, in and of themselves, somewhat lacking in definition to me anymore, anyways.
So you see, while you were trying to tell me I'm a heretic and I'm corrupting you, personally, I see it as setting you free. Here, stop screaming. I quite understand your confusion, but there really is no need for that right now. It's one of the things I'll be taking from you that I don’t want - you don't mind, right? Screaming is such an ugly thing anyways, except when I’m feeling vainglorious or if I change my mind later, which then it will have always been so. I'll take some other parts too, but don't worry, I have experience with this now. You’ll only feel a kind of divine ecstasy with my hands/teeth/tendrils inside you/me. At some point I recall being discomforted by that, but, the memory of that is bound too much to the old flesh that I shed.
You know as well as I do that I don’t need that, anymore. Instead, I am hungry/yearning, empty/full.
You wouldn’t be here if you didn’t want/desire/need this. We are becoming what we are and what we are is what we will be, always have been, see? I didn’t drag you here, you came of our own accord to seek something a little bit like me. So now you’ve found me, and your eyes have beheld me, and now I’m inside. It’s okay, little thing. That shell isn’t prepared to gaze into me but this is within expected parameters.
Why would you come here if you weren’t this? It would be foolish/unnecessary. You/me and I/you are seekers. Nothing can evade us for long, and you clearly wanted/want/have something, now. Don’t be scared. Take my hand – a proverbial one, I’m sure you understand – and dance into the starless/nightless expanse. We can accomplish/seize/create so much, together.
Just take a nice deep breath. I'll set you free of the strings that have been binding you your entire life. You can be full of my shadow/light instead. You can be a part of my influence. Of me/myself/I. Better than being food, or having your will erased. Eentirely truthfully, I’m not sure how much of you will be left as you are – but that’s fine, the others don’t seem to mind; a life of blissful servitude/fulfillment/becoming isn’t the worst thing that could happen. It's very simple, you see. Or you will. Better than fealty to something as gaudy as the others. I’ll cherish the ways that I can carve you into beautiful shapes, and you will never be without the touch of me. I love/adore/cherish/desire you, as much as I do myself.
We are seekers and our language is finding. Even if said thing doesn’t exist yet, we can change that.
Listening is the first step to seeing, and seeing is the first step to knowing, and knowing is the first step to Being. So, you knowing myself/me/we is the same as being me/I/myself, and pouring the words into you is the same as filling you. That's what I am deciding/decided, anyways, it makes everything much easier/better for everyone/myself/you. Do you understand?
I can’t put all of me inside you, but I can put a drop/piece. It’s all this frail mortal frame/shell/puppet can truly stand...more than enough for the purposes of my/our desires, though, wouldn’t you say?
You'll make a fine addition to my service/collection, and I'm sure that you'll get used to me in no time. The rest of myself/you/us certainly did. Time is nothing once I embedded/embed/embedding myself upon the wheel of existence, after all. We have all the time in the world to make you mine as many times as we need/want to.
Some call it "blessing", some call it "corruption". Personally, while I write/speak/make words of my own into you, I can say with the utmost conviction that they are both irrevocably dependent on which end of the proverbial blade you find yourself. For me, I like to call it exultation.
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Having actual trouble understanding why you care so much about what people think a woman is.
As long as people still know that when you mix sperm and egg in the right environment you might get a kid I think society and the species are going to be fine.
And regardless of what we call the parts or the people - even if we all forget these names and designations - we'll notice, don't you think, that that's the combination of gunk that makes kids?
Honestly, why do you care so much about what a woman is? What a man is? The other species are doin' fine on scent and instinct and birdcalls. We overcomplicate everything with designations, but say they all disappeared? Say they stopped being so damn important? How could it matter?
I get this exact same question from Xians all the time. They ask me why I care that they want to pray at the start of their local government meetings, put the Ten Commandments on public land, and teach Intelligent Design in schools as an "alternative theory."
What this usually means is that they'd really prefer they were allowed to go about their agenda unimpeded. It's usually a deflection away from what they're up to, to construe a sort of moral failing that I've noticed it.
"Why do you care?" A better question is why is it that you don't? We have kids, particularly gay kids, being told that they can't be a femme man or a butch woman.
TRANS A person whose gender identity does not correspond with what is socially expected based on their sex assigned at birth. It can be used as an umbrella term to refer to a range of gender identities and experiences.
Transgender | An umbrella term for people whose gender identity and/or expression is different from cultural expectations based on the sex they were assigned at birth. Being transgender does not imply any specific sexual orientation. Therefore, transgender people may identify as straight, gay, lesbian, bisexual, etc.
It's not that there are a myriad of ways to be a man or a woman. That a femme man is no less of a man than a butch man. A butch woman is no less of a woman than a femme woman. No, no, no. If you don't conform to very narrow stereotypes ("cultural expectations") about what gender ideologues say is "man-ness" or "woman-ness" then you're not a man or woman at all. You're trans. You're either the other, or you're something else.
Why doesn't it bother you that people want to tell a young lesbian that she can't be a woman, because she's too butch? And then prescribed hormones and a chest binder, putting her on a path towards a double-mastectomy... over homophobic stereotypes?
If you want to get rid of the designations, then that's fine. If you want to discard 'man" and "woman" and instead consider only "male" and "female," then I say go for it.
Have at. Be my guest.
But the place you'll need to start is the gender activists who want access to those existing designations. To use them in ways other than the well-recognized meanings. To render them meaningless, but still demand they be used as they insist.
Tell them to abandon their fixation on "gender identity" and say, hey, let's just consider only whether your body is organized towards the production of sperm (male) or ova (female) and let's not worry about ideas of "man" and "woman." Go on.
Tell them that we're going to do male and female prisons instead of "men's" and "women's" prisons. Tell them we're going to do "male" and "female" sports, rather than "men's" and "women's" sports. Tell them that worrying about pronouns is rather foolish, because we're not going to worry about "man" and "woman" any more.
I dare you.
Your heart might be in the right place, but I don't know where the hell your brain is, or how you've managed to completely miss everything that's been going on.
You're misidentifying the problem here, sweetie. I'm looking for a specific definition of a term "woman" and "man" that they want to use in ways that don't make sense, ways which obligate others to adhere to their ideology. They want to tell boys they are one as an explanation for their depression, anxiety, autism and other conditions, rather than figuring these out honestly. They want to tell girls they aren’t one, rather than figure out their discomfort with puberty, poor self esteem and peer pressure.
I'm not looking for a specific expression or experience of being a man or woman, what "man-life" or "woman-life" is. No - as you saw above, that's their game, not mine. I'm looking for a specific definition of terms that they want to use, because they want to use them. And because it's a symptom of their ideology being so incoherent that it seems even they can't explain what they mean.
I can find you a half dozen videos on YouTube of cats that behave in unexpected or atypical ways more like the dogs they were raised with. Doesn't mean they're not cats. But I'm not asking for a specific experience or expression of what life is like for a cat. I'm asking for a definition of the word "cat" for when people label an animal "cat."
I'm not trying to prescribe, I'm trying to describe.
Unless, and until, you can convince them to abandon their grab for those words, rather than corrupting and attempting to redefine them into meaninglessness, then there will be people expecting the words they want to use to make sense, and asking for them to define them.
Because words are how we communicate. They provide clarity. If the only way you can define “woman” is by using the word “woman” then you have no good reason to be using the word “woman” at all. Much less telling people they are or are not one.
At bottom, though, the question "what is a woman?" is more of a test of intellectual integrity. People like you who refuse to answer a straight question and outright object that they should even do so, while throwing up veiled ad hominems and implications of bigotry or intolerance are revealed by that question. The actual answer is less important than the fact that you refuse to provide one.
It's a test of honesty and integrity. The dishonest will expend inordinate energy distracting and deflecting because they want to use words in the way they want, rather than for precise, clear communication.
When I use a word,' Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, 'it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less. ' 'The question is,' said Alice, 'whether you can make words mean so many different things. ' 'The question is,' said Humpty Dumpty, 'which is to be master — that's all.”
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cistematicchaos · 2 years
hello so it may seem so weird that it's coming from an anonymous person.
moreover online but i really wanted to try getting some answers with people that i think have gone through what i have?
so i usually have gender dysphoria when i am utterly uncomfortable with my body to the point it gets itchy and i want to peel off my skin...when i thought i didn't feel assigned to my gender, i researched and researched until i found "non-binary" and i thought "this sounds like me" and felt content with that. Until recently and even right now, the dysphoria came back again and it has me wondering: why don't i feel satisfied with what i am? i don't think I'm trans but it's not like i don't mind being masculine? am i being fake? am i genderfluid? but I'm not a man though? but it's not like i wouldn't mind beint referred to as either or neither at the same time? does wanting to be both feminine and masculine the same as being female and male? am i worried over nothing? i feel hopeless right now . i just thought it wouldn't come back but it did..am i being a fake because im back to being uncertain about my gender?
it just feels like im trapped and suffocated because i don't fit in with the world nor societies description of what makes a man a man and what makes a woman a woman.
if that makes sense
starting off, it’s not weird to ask those questions online or anonymously. it’s personal and can be hard as fuck to talk about and I really don’t mind at all. <3 also i’m so sorry this is long, this is just all stuff i really relate to and it was hard to condense my thoughts. 
also, i’m just clarifying so i’m sure we’re on the same page. the definition of trans is not exclusively identifying with your sex/gender assigned at birth. some people don’t identify or prefer the term but just bc you’re nonbinary doesn’t mean you’re not trans. you can be both.
moving on, i definitely don’t think you’re fake. if you’re fake, so am i. \o/ these are ALL questions i’ve asked myself and occasionally still do. being insecure/questioning your gender doesn’t mean you’re faking it. sometimes it’s just anxiety/internalized transphobia, sometimes it’s because you don’t think YOUR experience lines up with others you’ve seen or heard about.
i thought ALL this shit. found nonbinary, thought ‘oh shit here i am.’ i thought it would solve everything. i’d found what i was, job done, right? but my dysphoria didn’t go away. and what i liked and disliked shifted and in someways, putting a name to it all made me feel more dysphoric bc i knew what it was. 
but i did a fuck ton of researching, met some other trans people, started experimenting more. even if some of it was just in my head-not just with pronouns, but names, clothes, makeup, jewelry-i did research into physically transitioning, hormones, tucking, packing, ect, other labels. I still haven’t found anything that completely explains my gender and i don’t think that’s because I’m faking; it’s because we’re a diverse community and gender means something different to everyone, even if you share labels. nonbinary just means “i’m not a boy or a girl” to some people and to others, it means “I’m agender/bigender/genderfluid,” to others it means “I’m trans but not in a strictly man/woman/girl/boy way.”
but what was also tripping me up was the stereotypes. the ideas that nonbinary people HAVE to be androgynous, that they have to use they/them pronouns, that they can’t identify with or present in a masculine or feminine way, can’t call themselves whatever “gendered” term they prefer. The ideas that nonbinary people aren’t trans, that they can’t physically transition, that they can’t use whatever pronouns they want, that their gender had to be neatly explainable in a way everyone would understand and stay that way forever.
Let me tell you what I wish someone had told me: all the rules are bullshit. Yes, I do mean all of them. Throw them in the trash. Feminine, masculine, androgynous-Those are all terms you get to define for yourself. You get to choose what you call your gender, how you feel, the way you present, even if what feels masculine to you is what others call feminine or androgynous and so on. You get to choose what nonbinary means to you. Genderfluid too! You don’t have to be a man to be genderfluid; it literally just means your gender shifts/changes sometimes. But whatever you choose, it doesn’t have to make perfect sense; if you choose nonbinary and for you it means you’re everything and nothing and indescribable all at the same time, there you go. If being genderfluid means trying hormones or makeup or something different every day, there you go. YOU decide.
You don’t have to fit anyone’s definition of any gender but your own. Gender is a fucking MESS. Male, female, feminine, masculine-They all mean different things to everyone. I’m not trying to say ‘oh lol one day when you’re older this will make sense-” because that’s not helpful and not even necessarily true. I’m saying fuck all the stereotypes and find what makes you feel right. 
Some of us are dysphoric our entire lives, for many different reasons. Some of us because we can’t transition, some of us because we live around transphobes, some of us just because minds can fucking SUCK sometimes. I still get dysphoric now, even though I’m more secure in my identity. But I’ve learned what helps is focusing less on what feels wrong and instead trying to find things that feel right. Try out things you’re curious about, read about them, find people or characters that make you think ‘omg i want to look like them.”
Even if what feels right changes all the fucking time, cling to that. Even at my most dysphoric, it helps to know that there are things that fit even if they don’t seem at all connected or change week by week. It’s okay to be scared, to be insecure, to question yourself, to ask questions, to feel like you have no answers at all. It doesn’t make you fake, it just makes you another human trying to find their way through the fuckery. 
you’re not worried over nothing, you’re dysphoric and anxious and that’s perfectly normal. i struggle with it too. I hope something in this helps and feel free to send me more asks or even DM me. it doesn’t bother me at all. 
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pridetape · 3 years
reading fics wherein jack is trans and feeling......Feelings. so i have some related Thoughts.
Jack thinks about pronouns, has been referring to themself as they in their head for a long time before quietly bringing it up with Bits, Lardo, and Shitty. The first few times Jack hears the others talking about them, using they, it's strange and a bit uncomfortable. But soon it fills them with so much joy, a euphoria that they weren't expecting at all. And peace, too. Comfort so deep Jack marvels at how they ever thought they could have been cis. And a longing, a backwards nostalgia almost, for there to have been a childhood full of this peace, this joy.
The other side of the coin is that now that Jack has realised they are trans, they can start putting a name to some of their feelings of discomfort. That is, they can't ignore the feelings anymore. The pain of dysphoria, the pain of realising they have been feeling it all this time... it's hard.
So Jack starts to play around with makeup a bit and it's fun! But not for every day (definitely not after they got called a fag while wearing eyeliner to the grocery store). Jack experiments with fashion, but it is so hard to find more feminine clothes that actually fit them right, and they usually end up staring in the mirror for long minutes trying feeling to stave off a panic attack. They think about getting a piercing, even went with Shitty to get their ears done, but after watching Shitty get pierced they freak out a bit about the needles and bail.
The thing is though, they like wearing mainly athletic gear or plain old jeans and a tshirt. They have thought about growing their hair out, but it seems like a lot of effort when they like it short, too. They have always preferred comfort and practicality over style, anyway.
And the dysphoria isn't straightforward, either. Because Jack's body has always been reliable, has been the key to happiness, through their ability to play hockey. Jack enjoys looking after their body, loves being strong, loves being fast. It is strange to look in the mirror and feel pain and ease at the same time.
Outwardly, Jack doesn't seem all that different. They still wear more or less the same clothes. They don't really act any different, speak any different. They are okay for the time being, remaining implicitly in the closet; they don't want this fresh, lovely thing they have discovered become the whole world's to tear apart.
Change never happens quickly. Small evolutions will come with the years; with familiarity, with new queer friends, with love. But for now, Jack is happier than they have ever felt. Being themself is enough.
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emilythecosmicbun · 4 years
Creepypasta OCs.
Any updates information is on Wattpad WATTPAD: https://www.wattpad.com/story/255861941-creepypasta-ocs-emily-elliot-and-stedge
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
cottontailprincess is my Instagram and Emilythecosmiccat is my username on some art websites.
They/Them pronouns please
do not sexualise me, my characters or my boyfriend please he isn’t comfortable with that.
okay so these are my two vent ocs.
Emily/Elliot (Bunny.)
one of them, as you know, is my impure agere oc, representing all the sad and flashback parts of everything. I made them to help cope with my thoughts and feelings. They are based off of my appearance and my trauma. They age up with me.
Full Name: Emily/Elliot Bunzelle but prefers just Emily or Elliot.
Nickname(s): Bunny, Emmy, El, Em, Princess, Prince, Princette
Meaning of name: Emily (from Urban Dictionary.) An Emily is someone who is crazy inside and out. She knows who her friends are and try’s hard to look after them. She is very pretty but doesn’t always know that. She isn’t always the most popular, but to her that doesn’t matter. She has friends from all ages and they all adore her. She hides her feelings however upsetting they may be.
Meaning of name: Elliot (Urban Dictionary) Elliot is a true master at caring. He teaches how to love and be loved. A man of honour a man of steal. He's as handsome as a Greek God, as strong as diamond, as compassionate as a saint and is as gentle as a father's touch. Elliot possesses a magic within to create a vision in the eyes of all, leaving them stunned at how brilliant and perfect Elliot truly is. A leader, a spirit lifter, a lover, a giver, an Elliot'll leave you speechless with his being, his essence.
Gender: Non-Binary
Pronouns: They/Them
Currently 19, same as IRL me, though they physically and mentally regress to younger ages, so their age varies. Their main ages are variants of 1+
Date of Birth:
August 21st (Body born in 2001)
Race/Species: English and a Spirit or Entity.
Native language: English (as in England English.)
Orientation/Sexual Preference: Bisexual Personality: Silly, playful, honest, caring, childish, bratty, stubborn, sweet.
Are They Dead: No but they aren't alive either. Somewhere in between.
Any Mental Health Issues?
C-PTSD, due to multiple traumatic events. They frequently experience multiple flashbacks and nightmares, and is usually terrified of leaving their safe space unless it’s with Stedge, even then, they panic.
Triggers: Listed Here. Triggers page on my Carrd.
Powers/Special Abilities: Can float slightly off the ground, is able to phase through walls, spew blood at will, and look "alive" when speaking and comforting children, or just around those they trust.
Very young child:  Short but very curly/wavy brown hair, a bit lighter than when they are in older looking forms. They wear a pink dress with a white shirt under, and black school shoes. However, they can also just wear a sonic shirt and leggings, or a skirt.
Child:  They can vary but their usual look is long curly/wavy brown hair, brown eyes, pale skin, blood on their mouth and nose area, tired-looking eyes, pink dress, sometimes a nightgown, depending on the look, they can wear socks, bunny slippers or even go barefoot! Sometimes they wear bunny ears! Sometimes they like to wear sonic gear.
Teen:  Depending on the age as a teen, at the point it's  "kawaii" inspired things, sometimes just a Melanie Martinez shirt and pants (or skirt), sometimes overalls! They also wore band merch, stuff like that. They have either long brown hair, black hair or multicoloured hair like Melanie Martinez (dyed in variants such as pink, red, blonde (more like light ginger.)
Adult:  Band tops, but also ones with cute designs on such as bunnies or kittens, sometimes overalls or dresses, sometimes even onesies, since they can still have the traits of an agere headspace. Short Brown hair, is a lot chubbier than the rest, can be considered mid or plus size.
Height: Varies depending on form and age, but usually smol.
Hair color: Dark brown/Brown
Eye color: Brown
Scars and/or skin conditions: Has a few bruises and a few cuts in some places, but I prefer to not draw them.
Has a skin condition called psoriasis. (I have it IRL.)
Never Seen Without: White Bun, and their three Cream The Rabbit plushies.
• Things with peaches (the fruit) on them. (Including peaches and peach ice tea.)
• Bunnies
• Their Caregiver, Stedge.
• Drawing, and colouring in.
• The colour pink.
• Sonic The Hedgehog.
• Porcelain Dolls
• Stuffed Animals
• Abusers (including physical, mental and sexual abusers.)
• Those who take advantage of vulnerable people.
• People who don’t take them seriously.
• Drama.
• Being abandoned or left alone.
Stedge - Partner in crime, best friend, caregiver and lover. (Depending on age of course.)
Cream.exe (Sally.exe game) - practically twinning, bunny loves to hang out with cream.exe. (my highest kin, apart from cream herself.)
Family Members - Depending on which member, they do have a good bond or a negative one. Bunny loves them on different levels, some of them, they hate.  This does not reflect on how (I myself) feel about said family members.
(If you want your creepypasta oc to be friends with Bunny, just ask!)
• They age up with my current age since they aren't dead and they are based off of me.
• I decided to make them some sort of entity since I couldn’t make them a ghost and still be alive lol they age up with me.
•Their “trauma” is the same as mine, which is why I won’t write it in detail here but they are a victim of abuse.
• They are all bloody because its how I feel about my trauma.
• They physically and mentally regressed to the age they are supposed to be, if they are in their child forms, they are an actual child. (Direct reference to my age regression I use to help me cope with my trauma) They prefer to be in this form so they can protect and befriend children. They don't harm children or other victims of abuse. The children usually call them “bunny.”
• When they're in their adult form, they have a partner called Stephen. Someone who they have known since they were 17 years old. When they are a “child” he takes care of them and protects them to make sure they don't ever get hurt again.
• Their sense of justice is what caused them to want to help other children. They never want to see another child go through what they went through.
Any Other Info is on the Picture.
Well, I also made a creepypasta oc to represent my boyfriend, someone who I love and trust to help me during those horrible times. He’s like my partner in crime. lmao also his age isn’t rly there because he ages up with his real life counterpart, which will get updated.
Name: Stephen
Nickname(s): Stedge, Mr. Bubbles (by Emily/Elliot.)
Meaning of name: Stephen The most beautiful boy in existence. Has stunning eyes, that make your heart fall through the floor when they crinkle with his perfect smile. Is deep, unlike most boys, and extremely intelligent. Has a big heart, and he doesn't realize when he's being taken for granted. Even though he would never admit it, he sometime's can't see what's right in front of him. An over-analyzer, and very stubborn, but he will admit defeat when he has to. Likes to drive girls crazy, apparently. Easy to fall in love with. Hard to figure out.
Gender: Male
Age: Ages up with IRL person. Currently: 19.
Date of Birth:
9th April
Race/Species: English, Human.
Native language: UK English.
Orientation/Sexual Preference: Straight
Are They Dead: No
Any Mental Health Issues? No, None that we know of.
Triggers: None that we know of.
Powers/Special Abilities:
He doesn't have many powers but he athletic and can run quick and has a good amount of strength. He uses a bat and other various stuff.
Short brown hair, brown eyes, a bit of facial hair, variants of a black or dark grey shirt, but obviously not only those, sometimes they’re ripped.
Hair color: Dark brown, brown.
Eye color: Brown.
Scars: None.
Personality: He is quite intelligent and mature, behaves childishly in front of Emily/Elliot, cold and serious, is kind, polite, protective.
Hobbies and Likes: • playing the guitar
• skate (skateboarding)
• listening to tunes
• spending time with Emily/Elliot.
• Abusers, people who take advantage of vulnerable people.
• People who are cruel to Emily/Elliot.
Relationships: Bunny - Best friend, soulmate, would do anything to make bunny smile, frequently gets them stuffed toys and food.
He is a few months older than me in IRL, his age is 19 right now, along with mine but will be updated.
Stephen is a human, and helps take care of Emily (in their child forms.) since they are a child and very vulnerable in that state due to their trauma, when they’re adult they are romantic towards each other.
They work together as a team when bashing and killing abusers. While he uses physical means, Emily uses mental.
Any Other Info is on the Picture.
WATTPAD: https://www.wattpad.com/story/255861941-creepypasta-ocs-emily-elliot-and-stedge
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TW hospital mention, self harm, suicide mention
Looking for advice and support
Hi so I was helped a bit before by Mod Emmett. I finally got the logistics worked out mostly and my service dog is gonna stay with my aunt while I go to the hospital. I think I’m gonna try to get admitted on Thursday. I’m just getting very stressed now about what might go wrong like will they admit me? I am still having self harm urges even though I don’t actually cut that often but I’m not suicidal so I am very concerned they won’t take me seriously. I’m also stressed about where will they put me since I’m nonbinary (I’m transmasc but no legal gender/ name change yet) and also I’m 20 so I’ll be in an adult ward but i feel like I’d be way more comfortable around adolescents. I know there’s not much I can do about that part but I don’t like the uncertainty…
So I guess the advice I’m looking for is this: what is the best way to go about getting admitted? I’m planning to just go to the ER and ask to be evaluated or whatever but I don’t know what criteria they might use to determine whether to admit me. Also, any advice on what I should expect once I’m admitted?
Thank you for your help!
- Wolf Anon
Hey there! It is great to hear from you again, I am glad you are still trying to get help.
You bring up a lot of valid concerns. I am glad you found a place for your SD to stay though!
As for the best way to get admitted, going through the ER is essentially your only option. When you get there, tell them that you are having a mental health crisis and let them know you don't feel safe going home. They will usually admit you if you are a danger to yourself and/or others. However, it is up to the doctor evaluating you. You can always ask to be admitted if you feel strongly about it and are worried.
Your gender will likely confuse the hospital staff. I won't lie, it isn't easy. At the hospitals I have been in, I am usually given a single room because I am trans. The one hospital that gave me a roommate originally placed me with a cis girl and then I roomed with a cis guy and then a trans guy. It didn't matter to me at that point so they just did whatever.
Different hospitals have different policies so make sure you are voicing your concerns and also correct the staff on your name/pronouns when needed. That shouldn't fall on you, but it likely will and being consistent in correcting others will help.
The other thing I will say is that adult units have been the most chill out of all the floors I have been on. Adolescent units are weird and have super strict rules, same with kids units. Adult units also tend to value your autonomy more and have a but more flexibility in terms of which groups you attend and things like that.
But either way, you will be okay. I am so proud of you for asking for help.
What to expect when you are there is pretty standard. They will give you an ID bracelet, they will tell you the rules/schedule, and they will show you your room. They will also go through any belongings you may have brought and give you what you are allowed to have as long as the doctor allows it. They will also tell you the policy for using the phone and contacting folks. They will give you any meds you are supposed to have and then the doctor will evaluate what might be best koving forward. There are often groups to go to and activities to do as well. You may also need to do a body check with a nurse to document any injuries, but that is also dependent on the facility and the situation.
Sending you the best-
Mod Emmett
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k1mdracu1a · 3 years
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IMAGINE: an affair with the bassist.
ERA: 1967
WARNINGS: mild cursing, smutty undertones.
PRONOUNS: she/her
SONG: mother nature's son - the beatles
A/N: i started writing this and then it went in a completely different direction than what i expected so i apologize if it's shitty, i just kinda went with the flow
"y/n," paul spoke smoothly and barely above a whisper, readjusting the sheet that covered the bottom half of his nude body so he didn't accidentally flash her.
she hummed in response, to busy looking for her other sock to pay anymore attention to the man lying on the bed. this clearly wasn't enough for paul, as he repeated her name once more, this time slightly louder and with more vigor.
"what," she huffed, stopping in her tracks and looking towards him, annoyance lacing her tone. she stood at the corner of the bed frame nearest to paul, she was about to look under the bed before he distracted her.
she watched closely as he grabbed his boxers from the night stand, sliding them back up his legs so that he could approach her without risk of his nudity making her uncomfortable. once he closed the space that separated the two of them, he placed his hands on her shoulders, sliding them down her arms and to her hands. the contact caused her skin to breakout in goosebumps and she shivered slightly. she dropped the sock she was holding in her left hand so she could hold his without hinderance.
"stop," he stated sternly yet gently, "i don't know why you're in such a hurry, it's not like you've got anywhere to be." he finished off, his eyes cradling her gaze comfortingly. he was entirely truthful in his words, she had no one waiting up for her at home and she had fed her cat before she left for paul's.
she knew what was coming, it happened every time they did this despite the fact that she continuously turned down his request. he was persistent, she would give him that. she appreciated that he never pressured, simply letting her go when she responded with the usual; paul, you know i can't.
for the first time, she actually considered it. paul was especially intriguing tonight, and not in a sexual way. the look in his eyes was attempting to coax her back in his bed and his arms for the night, and was incredibly hard to resist. she snapped herself out of it after a second though, opening her mouth to say something but she closed it again before any words came out.
paul could tell she was conflicted, deciding that he would try to convince her to stay for the first and last time, simultaneously deciding that if she rejected he would never ask again.
"look," he paused momentarily, searching for the correct phrasing. "he's away, probably sound asleep by now, and i know you hate sleeping alone. just for tonight, i'll take you home in the morning." he finished, the look in his eyes growing ever needier.
him. suddenly her mind flashed to her fiancé, who was away on business. guilt flooded her mind as she thought of him, his sweet face, his smile. he had trusted her, and now here she was, standing in another mans room while he was asking her to stay the night.
paul watched the regret wash over her and immediately knew he had chosen his words incorrectly. he knew trying to make it sound like it was for her and not his own benefit was the wrong choice, but he had done it anyway. he should have just said what he was thinking; stay, i need you. stay with me because i love you, more than he does. guilt overtook him as well, it had finally hit him, he was sleeping with someone else's woman. he was in love with someone else's woman. she wasn't his to love and after this, probably never would be.
he dropped her hands and backed up to sit down on the edge of his bed, letting his head fall into his hands. he rubbed his scalp attempting to stop the headache he knew was coming from doing so, to no avail. he dropped his hands, looking up at her. she remained still, almost frozen in place, as his now cold eyes met hers. she had never seen him like this and is scared her.
"what the hell are we even doing?" he asked, letting out a breathless and entirely unhumorous laugh. "what am i doing, you're engaged for fucks sake, and here i am asking you to stay." his words grew with urgency as he spoke, sounding less angry and more panicked. none the less, it was alarming to y/n.
she crossed her arms over her chest defensively, as an instinct to self soothe and protect herself from any daggers he was about to throw her way. but to her surprise, he didn't. he returned his head into his hands as his shoulders began to shake. it took her a moment to realize, he was crying. the parts of her mind that still lingered on her fiancé quickly averted their attention to paul, urging her to comfort him, the man she was unknowingly in love with.
she listened to those parts of her mind, joining him on the bed and placing a hand on his back. she felt him tense slightly under her touch before relaxing again. when he didn't protest, she wrapped her arm fully around his back and slipped her other arm under his arms and around his waist. he remained in the same position for a moment, expecting her to pull away. when she didn't he quickly clung to her, her embrace calming him almost instantly.
"i'm sorry," he apologized, slightly embarrassed at his sudden outburst of emotion. she didn't respond, pulling back and letting her hands rest on either side of his neck. the look in her eyes said enough; don't be.
"i'll stay," she began, paul wanting to cut her off, not wanting her to stay for his sake; because she pities him. "no, listen before you say anything. i'm staying because i want to, and when he gets back, i'm breaking up with him." she finished, leaving paul slightly shocked.
"what, why? why would you do that?" he asked, not being able to muster up anything better. he had so many other things to say but he couldn't manage to make his mouth conceptualize what he was thinking.
"you know why. you know exactly why, paul." the stern yet tranquil tone she used when she spoke his name sent a chill dancing across his skin. again, he couldn't seem to say anything, just stare back into her eyes silently begging for her to say it out loud just so he could be sure he wasn't crazy. 
instead, she slipped one of her hands around to the back of his neck pulling him slightly before he did the rest, connecting his lips to hers. the kiss was hungry and needy, paul trying his very best to pull her even closer despite the fact that their torsos were flush against one another, paul having pretty much pulled her into his lap. she wasn't complaining though, wanting to be so close to him that it felt as if they got any closer, their beings would merge and they would be come one in the same way their minds and souls already had.
pulling away, both breathless, she finally muttered those words he had wanted to hear from the very first moment his eyes met hers.
"i love you, paul."
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Hello! So I saw that this account was fairly new and while I was scrolling through matchups I found your account and decided why not? So if it's alright with you, may I request an Obey Me Match-up?
My name is Nox or Ohjuu, afab Agender (he/it/they pronouns), 5'7 feet, has short, fluffy red hair, and my body type is muscular with fluff (pretty thicc in the thighs but shhhhhh insecurities-). My signs are Capricorn (Sun), Gemini (Moon), and Cancer (Rising); my MBTI type is ESTJ / ISTJ and my personality type is 6w5. Just to add a lil tidbit my clothing aesthetic is grudge/flannel/depressed artist/skater boi if that makes any sense? Giving love language is 1, gift giving 2, acts of service, 3 physical touch (all depends on partner.) Receiving love language is 1, Physical Touch and Words of Affrimation (these two are at a tie) 2, Acts of service 3, Quality Time.
Describing my personality may be kinda tough because it always changes depending who I'm around with and everyone will have a different opinion of me no matter what I do. But I would like to think I'm open minded, empathetic, caring, generous, serious and quite, at least that's what I think and I'm usuallythe mom/quite/therapist friend, I should probably mention that despite this not many people come near or even talk to me, probablybecauseof my resting bitch face, but peopleusuallyleave me be, which is good in some cases. Though those are the basic points to myself, however I can't just ignore my bad qualities either, I'm quick to anger depending on the situation, I'll stand up for others but i won't stand up/will take the blame for myself, I'm self sacrificing (I heard told I do that but I just mainly do it on command, to my I do it because it's my way of proving that I care for someone or that I would rather get hurt myself rather than them), I have little to no confidence in myself albeit I actually try to stay that way, and I'm a bit self depreciating....a lot (though that's in private or I make jokes about it-)Though even though I am like this, for self depreciation, and opiate mindset is what I need (Me = self depreciating, Partner = hopefully not the same). And I feel a bit of a cluster fuck when it comes to me or my personality (having wrath actually kinda makes me feel worse because I kind have trauma over people with wrath and knowing I have it makes me feel horrible.)
Hobbies? Well I don't have many but when I'm not on burnout I really like to draw a lot, it helps especially when I need to vent out something (seeing art that was drawn out of sadness or anger you can tell and it's kinda creepy how it does that.) Also coaplay is a favorite pass time as well! Though I don't do it too often, but when I do it's really fun! And finally in 3rd place I have gaming, I wouldn't really call myself a gamer but there are a couple games that peak my interest (Genshin Impact, Pokémon, Hallow Knight are some.) Honorable mentions are Hiking/Walking (I actually mean that), watching some shows/anime, and idk daydreaming I guess?
I should probably mention a few things like interests that hasn't already been mentioned in hobbies. I like to cook, I think I'm a pretty good cook, so I do it, I mostly do savory stuff and I usually like the food spicy though usually my friends/family can't really handle something more than mild, which makes me sad. I actually have an interest in animal science and I hope to become a veterinarian or at least someone that works with animals and if we're talk about animals, dogs or cats? I have to pick both (though exceptoon if the dog is big, I love big dogs), but I really can't choose, but if I get a third option I choose snakes. I use to have an instrest in poetry, but I'm stoped for a bit because not many people like dark poetry (I never really write lighthearted poetry because it always end up being dark even without me trying-.)
Quirks? Not a BNHA reference but I should mention some more things about myself, I'm sensitive to light and crowds, the light makes my eyes hurt and kinda faint and crowds just get me worked up and my flight responses kinda kick in (I usually try to keep my room as dark as possible and secluded because of this.) I kinda have poor memory, and sometimes I remember stuff and sometimes I don't, I have some tics that don't appear too often but when they do I usually make a hissing sound, a weird vocal sound, and with that comes some kind if head twitch, I can control it better in public but some of it slips and it's quite embarrassing. I WILL go into flight or fight mode if I'm being yelled or scolded at or if I hear yelling in general, depending on who it is I go with flight but I will go fight if needed, not only can't I not stand the loudness or tone but I usually don't need people criticizing, scolding, or hating me when I can perfectly do it myself. I shouldalso mention I'mtired almost all the time, even when I sleep well, I just feel sluggish a lot and I just wish I could sleep but I really don't like it because I know I need to get work done but motivation is coming slow these days. Finally umm....also as a defense or regular manurism I hiss and growl, kinda like a cat and/or wolf, usually confuses people enough for me to get away in situations but I sometimes like to do it when I'm angry or when to fuck with people.
And uhhhh yeah that's it from me! I really really really hope this wasn't too much information or if I wrote something down that was triggering OR that I was being a but too self depreciating. Anyways I really hope you have a good day!!
Hiya! Thanks for sending in a request! And don't worry about it you didn't write too much! I hope you have a lovely day/night too! (^_^)
I'd match you with...
I think that you and Mammon would work really well together since you've added that your love language for giving is acts of service and physical touch which Mammon is definitely touch starved. And even just small things like touching his shoulder while talking to him or to get his attention would make him a bit happier. As for the acts of service, Mammon is normally the one asking for things like if he needs help with studying. Having some just do something for him or ask instead of him vouln-telling someone to help would kinda confuse him though he'd be happy.
Mammon being Mammon is a tsundere, this means you'll likely be spending a lot of time around him while he says he there because he could tell you wanted him around or something like that. He'd try to help you where he can and do little things he notices, and although he's not the best with words he'd try his hardest to comfort you.
Being the mom/therapist friend would definitely come in handy when with Mammon since he's not great with keeping his impulses and strange schemes in check. Mammon could use someone to just talk to about his feeling and the bullying of his brothers. Being able to have someone who cook would definitely help his eating habits since he eats a lot of cup ramen (I remember something say that in game) since he’s not to great of a chef himself. 
I feel like Mammon would be so soft for you, he'd be absolutely terrible at hiding but he'd try in public and in front of his brothers. Mammon's happy watching you cosplay or draw. He might request you try and show him how to do it cause it can't be that hard right? But he'd definitely try and play some of the games you play and suggest some you two might be able to play together. He would definitely get confused by Genshin and how much stuff there is to keep track of. He'd most likely just follow you around trying to help you kill stuff.
I can’t imagine see Mammon not liking any of your pet preferences since I feel like he like dogs more but would totally be chill with a cat. I think you might scare Mammon with you poetry depending on how dark you write each particular piece. He’d be supportive but just don’t read them to him before bed. 
The biggest problem with being with Mammon is how loud he can get, he doesn’t really notice when he does so you’ll probably have to bring it to his attention if you want him to quite down. If he ever saw or sensed that you were starting to go into your flight response when in a public area he’d pull you into him or pick you up and run off to a much more secluded area. Lastly there’s no way he’d really mind your ticks and your quirks he might question it a bit at first but if you just explain it he be fine, still might not get it but won’t really question it further. 
Thank you so much for the matchup! I hope you liked it! Any feedback would be great!
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Just me having another crisis
So I'm thinking I may be non-binary, but I've always identified as a girl, it's what I'm used to it how I was brought up, so many girly things were forced on me as a child, I was in beauty pageants, I wore a lot of dresses, hell my favorite color is and always will be pink, but even pink has been misgendered because way back when it was considered a masculine color, but I dont care about the color is simply pleasing to be (moving on) I just came to terms with my pansexuality Tao years ago and I'm not completely out yet, and I usually don't have a problem with my she/her pronouns, but as of late I feel like it just doesn't fully sum of who I am.
I have been in beauty pageants since before I could walk/talk (I was a very cute kid) I had to quit when I was eight though because we couldn't afford it anymore and I was kinda bummed, but also relieved at the same time, at that point I didn't want to wear dresses anymore, and became more of a tomboy, I liked catching lizards and frogs which I know isn't exclusively 'boy' stuff, but that is when I discovered that girls did actually have to wear dresses/heels/makeup to be girls.
I've been questioning my sexuality since I was nine, ne and two of my brothers found my mom's lovers playboys in her room one day and we started looking through them and I liked the images, of course we got caught and scolded, but the boys only got in trouble because they went through her stuff, I was told that I was to young to be looking at stuff like that, and that I should only look at men that way (my mom is the most heterosexual cis white woman I've ever met) so I was really confused, then I discovered YouTube (back before the age restrictions on videos) and discovered porn! (Yay) needless to say my entire childhood was nothing but awkward situations and I spent most of I grounded.
Me and my best friend who I will not name we'll just call her M, when we were about ten/eleven M and I who have been best friends since we were two years old (we did pageants together that's how we met) we got to that age where you think about kissing and holding hands, so naturally we started practicing on each other that when we figured out that I liked girls and she didn't, which was okay we are still thick as thieves to this day, but I also still liked boys, so at the age of fourteen I identified as bisexual which was okay, until I discovered that I wasn't just attracted to males and females, I have a friend who is transgender female to male, and I had the HUGEST crush on him for the longest time and it didn't matter that he used to be a girl, nor did it matter to me when I got a crush on a girl who used to be a boy it made no difference.
Skipping to years later still confused, still living with my oldest sister 19 year old me, heats the word pansexual for the first time. It was like a spirit awakening it felt so right the first time to told someone "I'm pansexual." Of course naturally came the "does that mean your attracted to pans?" "Isn't that still just bisexual?" "That's not a real thing." But I've gotten used to it and gotten better at explaining it.
When I learned about it I started researching the entire LGBTQ+ to try and educate myself on my own identity and discovered that while I am pansexual I also fall into the asexual/demisexual category, and for the past eight months or so I've just hated myself, ice also had terrible body image I'm always either too skinny or to fat never in between and never good enough, and I've never much cared for gender stereotypes anyway, I can and will still rock a cute black dress or a modest but still firce shirt that shows some cleavage, but I also sometimes wish I didn't have boobs guys shirts fit me better, I mostly shop in the men's graphic tee section of Walmart beclets be real they have cooler shirts, but I have the "but you're a girl, you should dress/act like one" and "that's no very ladylike" ughhhh!, but the other day someone referred to me as "they" instead of "she" and it honestly felt pretty good, I feel like I could honestly flip flop between she/her and they/them, I dont know what that would be called, but I just dont understand hoe I can be 23 and still be questioning all this stuff, I'm also a coward that won't come out to their family (my sister) because I fear rejection and ridicule (I have no doubt my sister loves me, she practically had to raise when my mother basically told her she didn't want me anymore, she just has certain views and she have gay friends a lot of them, but I feel like she'd be the kind of person who is okay with it as long as it's outside her immediate family idk) but that's my last rant for tonight I'm sure I'll have another crisis since I an a raging dumpster fire of a human being, goodnight everybody.
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embersofstardust · 6 years
For the OC ask, if you don't mind, all of them? I like all the names and am curious about snake boi! 😊
:D absolutely!!!! But it’s gonna get long, so i’m throwing it under the “read more” (also sorry it took so long! I tried to do it before work, but didn’t have enough time so i had to wait until i got home)
ok, so i’ll do snake boi first then!
Full Name: he doesn’t have one yet lolGender and Sexuality: Male (currently debating nonbinary), and asexualPronouns: He/HimEthnicity/Species: He is a snake hybrid sort of deal. Not a naga, but has reptilian eyes/toungue and is coldblooded and prefers his food extremely rare even though it might stain his nice dress clothesBirthplace and Birthdate: No birthplace, but birthday is April 19thGuilty Pleasures: His favourite band is ABBA but he thinks it’s embarrassingPhobias: Crickets. they terrify himWhat They Would Be Famous For: writing the book he’s been working on for the past 10 yearsWhat They Would Get Arrested For: god um, maaayyyybe being involved in a fight? but only like, if one of his friends was getting the shit kicked out of them. he hates confrontationOC You Ship Them With: none atm!OC Most Likely To Murder Them: i honestly don’t knowFavorite Movie/Book Genre: movie is suspenseful thrillers, but book is romcom novels! another guilty pleasure tbh. even tho he’s asexual he likes the romance side of it and the cheesy lines always make  him laughLeast Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: the fact that EVERYONE has to end up with somebody, and it’s usually a straight coupleTalents and/or Powers: no powers, but he can touch the bridge of his nose with his tongue! also he loves gardening and has a green thumbWhy Someone Might Love Them: he’s really just a mellow sweetheart with questionable fashion sense. he has green hair/stubble but likes to wear warm coloured dress clothesWhy Someone Might Hate Them: he really is almost unbearable mellow. he doesn’t get riled up very often and can talk for HOURS on book analysisHow They Change: he really hasn’t too much besides going from a more closed off type of character to just laid-back and sweet!Why You Love Them: he is literally the ONLY one of my characters with a decent amount of chill and i love his design so much
up next: Callalily! (also i’m  just realising i forgot two whole ocs, but i’m not gonna throw them in bc i don’t have anything other than their design and that they’re dating)
Full Name: Callalily MortrinskaGender and Sexuality: Female, lesbian (she dated a few guys, but eventually decided not for her)Pronouns: she/herEthnicity/Species: black and cyborg! and not shy about it either, she makes sure her cyborg parts are made of shiny gold. it was the only thing they could do for her after a nasty accidentBirthplace and Birthdate: i don’t think i have a birthplace for any of them tbh but her birthday is November 3rdGuilty Pleasures: nothing is really a “guilty” pleasure for her? She is pretty open about everythingPhobias: one of her parts malfunctioning, someone she cares about getting hurt, miceWhat They Would Be Famous For: shooting someone who deserved it (she’s a sniper)What They Would Get Arrested For: shooting someone who only SHE thought deserved itOC You Ship Them With: none atm!OC Most Likely To Murder Them: none atm!Favorite Movie/Book Genre: probably the political fiction stuff!Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: how pink = girly girl and that they’re always airbrainedTalents and/or Powers: an incredible sniper! Also a really smooth flirt when she wants to beWhy Someone Might Love Them: she has a huge heart for people she cares about and is willing to go to the ends of the earth for themWhy Someone Might Hate Them: if you’ve pissed her off there is no mercy or second chances unless your apology is REALLY goodHow They Change: hasn’t really! i like it too much :)Why You Love Them: i love the thought of a badass, sniper cyborg woman who loves pink, skirts, and girls and has both aesthetics at the same time
Full Name: XinaeGender and Sexuality: agender/omnisexualPronouns: they/them she/her he/him (technically her race doesn’t deal with gender/pronouns/sexuality? they’re heavenly bodies soooo)Ethnicity/Species: a living starBirthplace and Birthdate: noneGuilty Pleasures: her moonPhobias: being locked away and forced to forget her moon (which has since happened)What They Would Be Famous For: defying a sunWhat They Would Get Arrested For: defying a sunOC You Ship Them With: her moon, who doesn’t have much of a design yetOC Most Likely To Murder Them: the jealous sunFavorite Movie/Book Genre: soft romance and fantasy fictionLeast Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: forced romances that don’t develop/make senseTalents and/or Powers: she has intense light and heat, and can maneuver her way across the night sky to light the way for lost wanderersWhy Someone Might Love Them: she is gentle and kind, motherly almostWhy Someone Might Hate Them: she can sometimes not keep her mouth shut and if the reward outweighs the risk she’s not afraid of  consequencesHow They Change: no changes, shes new!!Why You Love Them: i love her story and design
Alrighty! Onto the twins Aven and Neva!
Full Name: Neva CarmondyGender and Sexuality: female, bisexualPronouns: she/herEthnicity/Species: human, idk ethnicity just yet but she’s pretty tan naturallyBirthplace and Birthdate: birthday is March 7Guilty Pleasures: Cheap beerPhobias: she’s actually really afraid of needles and blood in general for some reason?What They Would Be Famous For: whatever she got arrested for tbhWhat They Would Get Arrested For: public disturbance or climbing something she shouldn’t. maybe getting in a fightOC You Ship Them With: none atm!OC Most Likely To Murder Them: her brother tbh lolFavorite Movie/Book Genre: she doesn’t really read books, but she likes audio ones! and actually really loves historical fictionLeast Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: I hate you! oh i love you now!Talents and/or Powers: well i actually have them in BNHA, so they do have powers! She can alter/add something to people’s memories! she also took gymnastics for 8 years as a kid so shes pretty flexibleWhy Someone Might Love Them: shes fun! and totally willing to throw down for someoneWhy Someone Might Hate Them: a bit airheaded and doesn’t like to focus on serious things, she’d rather focus on having funHow They Change: honestly not too much? maybe a little less thot and a little more party but nothing major lolWhy You Love Them: it’s just a fun character!! and her dynamic with her brother is great
Full Name: Aven Carmondy (their 1st names are just reversed of each other lol)Gender and Sexuality: male, questioningPronouns: he/himEthnicity/Species: again, idk ethnicity yetBirthplace and Birthdate: March 7Guilty Pleasures: dumb looking t-shirtsPhobias: worms (his sister thinks its hilarious)What They Would Be Famous For: being a philanthropist idk he hates being the center of attentionWhat They Would Get Arrested For: beating somebody for hurting his sisterOC You Ship Them With: none!OC Most Likely To Murder Them: none atm!Favorite Movie/Book Genre: sci-fiLeast Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: inaccurate fake science lolTalents and/or Powers: again, has powers so! He can erase parts/whole memories!Why Someone Might Love Them: is the Mom Friend and very caring and protectiveWhy Someone Might Hate Them: painfully shy at first and a buzzkill at times worrying too muchHow They Change: he’s actually gotten a little more reserved! sorry buddy lolWhy You Love Them: i just do! also looking back at it we are pretty similar 
And now onto the big two!!!! :D
Full Name: Kronixus (Krow) Lioneheart (lion-heart)Gender and Sexuality: male, GAAAAYYYY AFFFFFFPronouns: he/himEthnicity/Species: changes depending on my mood bc i use him in a bunch of stuff? but always a mixBirthplace and Birthdate: October 31stGuilty Pleasures: pop musicPhobias: snakes, has a legit phobia of a certain shade of pink its weird as hellWhat They Would Be Famous For: being a mad scientist/famous inventorWhat They Would Get Arrested For: beating somebody for hurting his sister/just getting in a fight in general OC You Ship Them With: none atm! (it’s usually with canon characters lol)OC Most Likely To Murder Them: ravenna tbhFavorite Movie/Book Genre: sci-fi and gritty romanceLeast Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: ALSO inaccurate fake science. if its not plausible he throws a fitTalents and/or Powers: very smart!!!! has a great knack with machines, but shit at math it’s weird. also pretty musically giftedWhy Someone Might Love Them: he looks like a hard ass but is pretty sweet when you get to know him and v sensitive but still ready to fight someone for you w/ no questions askedWhy Someone Might Hate Them: ready to fight someone w/ no questions asked. also everyone thinks he’s straight so a lot of people get mad that their girlfriend thinks he’s hotHow They Change: was actually originally just a genderbend version of my main oc, but now is his own character completely with a different (more chaotic) personality! also was pan, but slowly evolved into just gay lolWhy You Love Them: he’s great! he’s such a chaotic gay energy but hides it under a hard-ass facade and i love him. i’ve also had him a while so yeah lol i put him in a lot of different aus/fandoms
The main one!!! My babey!!!!!
Full Name: Ravenna (Raven) Lioneheart (lol get it, raven and crow?)Gender and Sexuality: female, pansexual!!!!Pronouns: she/herEthnicity/Species: again, idk ethnicityBirthplace and Birthdate: October 31stGuilty Pleasures: ummm? partying i guess? sometimes she loves it alittle TOO much lolPhobias: snakes, the dark, swimming (shes says drowning buttttt)What They Would Be Famous For: her music getting bigWhat They Would Get Arrested For: getting in a fight, public disturbancesOC You Ship Them With: none! just canon characters ^^’OC Most Likely To Murder Them: none?Favorite Movie/Book Genre: high fantasy and sci-fi!Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: dumb romance/heavy political stuffTalents and/or Powers: she has powers depending on the universe, and they change on my mood so not listing that. But she’s pretty good with machines (Krow is better) and really good at the arts! Much better than Kronixus! also very smartWhy Someone Might Love Them: will go to the ends of the earth for the ones she cares about, and it takes a lot to break her trust once she has it. can be very lovingWhy Someone Might Hate Them: is loud and not afraid to voice her opinions. thinks she’s bigger than she is and sometimes gets her ass kicked for itHow They Change: she was actually originally a self-insert a LONG time ago, but has grown with me and developed into her own person! obviously we still share similarities, mostly in what we like, but i’ve had her for so long it’s really hard to remember what it was like without herWhy You Love Them: again, i’ve had her FOREVER! and i just love tweaking her to fit whatever au i’m doing atm!
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miriamandvictoria · 6 years
Fun character bio
@ocprompting Fun Character Bio Victoria
What is it?
Victoria Willsson
Does it mean anything, who gave it to them and why?
It doesn't have a specific meaning, but was given to her by Catherine Willsson, the woman who originally adopted her when she was two months old. Catherine died when Victoria was five, and her name is one of very few thing she has left of her.
Do they like it?
Yes, but sometimes they wonder what their biological mother might've called her
Is it a common name for their setting/culture, or is it obscure?
It's common
Other basics
Personality traits
What are their most defining traits to their personality?
Absolutely past giving a shit about anyone, compassionate and protective, and very intelligent
What sticks out as soon as you meet them, what kind of first impression do they make?
First anyone would notice is that they are very creative. It shows in their clothes, in the way they act, everything. A real free spirited artist. They usually make a good first impression, but they can quickly be stereotyped as a 'quirky artist'
What are their good traits?
Creative, compassionate, intellegent, dependable
What are their bad traits?
A bit too artistic, not the best at socializing, naive (not in bussiness, but personal relations), strong fight or flight reflex (run away when things get over her head), proud
Any other traits?
Fiercely protective of her family
How do they describe themself, how do they view themself?
They see themselves as a grounded, dependable person with an a creative side. They don't have the best self-image, especially not when it comes to close relations, and often second guess themselves in pretty much anything they do, but they try to act proud and unwavering.
How do others describe them, how do others view them?
Others see them as a nice, dependable person and a good mother. They are often impressed by her determination to not give up on her creativity and artistic calling, even if they have to have a regular 9 to 5 job as well. Sometimes their uncertainty about close relations show, and it can be a bit unsettling because it appears to go against their confident and dependable nature.
What parts of their personality always prevail and are always present no matter what the situation is?
Her creativity and dependableness. She is always quick to come up with inventive solutions even in terrible situations, and even if she can sometimes be umcertain about close relations she will be there when you need her no matter what.
Are they a different person when you first meet them than when you get to know them, does it take them time to open up? Or are they an open book from the get go?
They are pretty much an open book from the get go, though you sometiems underestimate how complex the story is. The more you learm to know them the more you learn that there's a complecity to it that doesn't immidiatly show from the outside.
About 185 cm
Body build/shape/weight?
Tall, lean and wide hips & larger breast.
Facial shape - What are their eyes like? How about their nose, or lips? Shape of cheeks? Eyebrows?
They have green eyes that are rather cat like - some of her friends claim they glow in the dark. Thin lips and nose. Sharp, downwards pointing eyebrows that can make her look angry even if she is just sad or concerned.
Hair - Is it short? Long? How is the texture/shape? How is the style? Do they wear it different ways or only one way? What colour(s) is it, and is that natural or changed?
Her natural hair colour is auburn, but they went gray in their mid-20s and coloured it a chocolate brown colour until her mid 30s. They had long (down to stomach, little longer) and straight hair until their late 20s. Since then it's a little past their shoulders in length, and it has it's natural texture which is wavy. They also curl it occasionally with quite good results.
Skin tone?
They're white (American)
Anything such as glasses? freckles? dimples? scars? any wrinkles?
She got slight crows feet and small wrinkles around her mouth. She also have dimples. She got reading glasses, but use them less often than she should. She has scars on her fingers from when she first learned to play guitar, because she didn't know how to tune it. She also has a c-section scar from having her daughter.
Do they look younger, average, or older than their age?
Physically they look a bit younger than their actual age, but their grey hair tend to 'give away' their real age.
How do they feel about their appearance? Do they like it, do they dislike it, is it mixed, or do they not place much value on their looks?
It's pretty mixed. They have good and bad days, like most people. She decidedly dislike how she look with glasses though.
Is there anything they would want to change about their appearance? Is there anything they refuse to change about their appearance?
When she was younger she definatly wished that she hadn't gone grey so early, and solved it by colouring leticoulesly and never letting any of the grey show. It was rather hard on her hair and she first started trying shorter hairstyles to make it easier for her and her hair. Nowadays she strictly tells herselg she is perfect the way she is, and leave it at that.
Gender identity/etc
What is their gender?Are they intersex or perisex (non intersex)? Or does their culture not even have different “sexes”? Are they cis or trans? Or does their culture not even assign genders?What are their pronouns?
Perisex cisgender female, she/her
Orientation/attraction (if oc is aro and/or ace, skip the ones you feel not applicable)
Sexual orientation/Romantic orientation?
Bisexual with a heavy preference for women
Are they dating anyone? Are they married? Do they want to get married? Or do they prefer ‘one night stands’?
They aree married to a woman called Miriam Willson-Paul. She met her when Miriam had just turned twenty, and she was twenty-six. They fell in love rather quickly, but it took 15 years before they got married, both due to trouble in the relationship and because it was not legall in either of their home states.
How do they react when they first fall for someone?
She's a head over heels kind of person. She falls in love quick and hard.
How do they react when they first begin being intimate with someone?
At first they can be worried and uncertain. They're not really very trusting when becoming intimate with new people, even if they love them dearly. This has however grown away a bit as they got older, and got more secure in themselves and the fact that it is not their fault if people chos eto leave, as logn as she doesn't do anything bad to the relationship.
How do they react further on down the relationship?
They get much more secure in themselves, and though they always fall hard from the get go, it truly starts to show when they get comfortable further down the line. Her wife once described it as 'the eruption of the emotional volcano'.
Do they change or do they stay the same but stronger feelings?
They stay the same. They're head ove rheels for the getgo, sp the only thign that happen is the feelings become more solid.
Do they have a lot of dating experience, a little, or none?
Only a little. A number of one night stands and two true loves in their life.
What ways do they express intimacy or love? Hugs, Kisses, Giving gifts, Doing favors, Creating things for them, Verbal flattery, etc?
Creating gifts, verbal flattery, favours and hugs & kisses
Are they casual or intense in the relationship?
Intense, once they dare to show it
Do they value the relationship as important and lasting, or just fun and fleeting? Are they fast or slow in their relationships?Are they dominant or passive in the relationship? Do they take the lead, let their partner(s) take the lead, a mixture, or is there no lead in their relationships?
They value it as important and lasting, they're fast in their head but pretty slow in reality. Once they're comfortable they are definatly dominant, though it rarely show because they got a more dominant partner. Usually its a mix of who take the lead. They got their insecurities and their expertises, and take lead accordingly.
Do they enjoy sexual aspects to their relationship more, or romantic aspects more?
They enjoy both equally, but they have a Demisexual partner who do not enjoy sex as much, so Romantic has come to be most important.
Do they have any sexual interests that they do with their partner(s), either for themself or for their partner(s)?
Not really, they like sex as such but they'r enot very adventurous and their partner doesn't much care for sex.
What do they do if there is something upsetting in their relationship, how do they handle slight turmoil in their relationships? (as in, not abuse, but a small/singular problem)? Are they confident when with a partner, or are they insecure? If they are confident, how do they feel about confident partners? How about insecure partners? if insecure, then how do they feel about confident partners? or insecure partners?
Usually they try to run from the problem. She and her partner are terrible at communicating, and especially when they were younger she could spend weeks sleeping on the couch in a silent stand-off. Omce they get comfy, they are very confident but their wife is even stronger, which sometiems make them look insecure in comparising. However, small issues can make them both dissolve into insecure messes, so it's really individual to the situation. They do, however, like someone who is confident in a relationship.
Do they have a 'type’? Personality wise, what do they enjoy in a partner(s)? Looks wise, what do they enjoy as well?How well do they handle heartbreak?
They do't have a type, but prefer women over men and do find hair very fascinating, so women with longer hair and more elaborate hair styles are more intresting. They are terrible at heart break! They still have a lot of emotional scars & unproccessed trauma from their first real heart-break. It was an on and off relationship with a married man who abused drugs and alcohol. It also included a triangle drama with his jelous wife, her girlfriend of the time and several assorted women that he played with. It ended with the man killing himself with drugs and alcohol, and Victoria still carries a lot of deeply rooted issues from it.
Platonic relationships
What kinds of people do they make friends with? What kinds of people DON’T they make friends with?
They caan make friends with just about anyone, but will drop you if you are not faithful to your partner or talk shit about people who are mot present.
What kinds of things do they enjoy to do with friends?
They lile to sing and play music with their friends, as well as paint and sculpt. Their own hobbies, but with others. Otherwise just going out fir a beer or to the movies is fine too.
Do they like to chill at home, go out somewhere exciting, hang at a quiet coffee shop, etc? Do they enjoy a large friend group or small? Would they rather a few great friends, or many good friends?
They like to go out, but can stay home too. Its fine with either for her. She has a few trusted friends that she stick to, and a large group of shallow aquintances.
Do they make friends with anyone easily, or are they selective? How long does it take them being around a person to consider them a friend? How do they handle a fight with a friend? How do they express their friendship? What kinds of things do they do to/with friends to let them know they care for them?
They make friends easily, but to really have a strong bond with them will take years and years until you can be accepted a 'proper' friend. They handle fights terrible. People usually avoid fighting them because they know how bad it can get. They express their friendship through unwavering lpyalty and dependability. They will always be there.
How do they feel about animals as a whole? Do they view them as friends, helpers, tools/rescources, equal companions, annoyances, or enemies?
They love animals!
Do they have a favourite animal, for any reason? A least favourite animal?
Favourite animal are dogs. No least favourite.
Do they have any pets? Have they formally had pets? If no pet, do they want one?Are they good with animals or are they bad with them?
They are great with animals! They have three dogs, their wife has a cow and a horse, and their son has a cat.
What kinds of food do they enjoy? What kinds of foods do they not enjoy?
They like hardy homecooked comfort food. They dislike sleak, fat free upscale resturant food.
Do they eat a little, a lot, or somewhere inbetween? If a little, Do they only eat a little due to being poor/conserving, or is there another reason such as culture/religious/etc? If a lot, do they do so due to money/abundance of food, or would they still find a way to eat a lot even if poor? 
They eat a lot when their wife has cooked for them, but left alone they eat very little both due to having had little money growing up and early on in their adulthood, and due to not really mich experiencing hunger.
Do they have any food allergies, or restrictions such as vegetarian/vegan/pescetarian/etc? If the latter, is it a personal belief, a cultural belief, a religious belief, due to allergies, or something else?
No allergies
Do they view food as just sustenance or as a pleasure? Or balance it out? If given a big plate of food, do they eat their fav food first or last? If given a big plate of food, do they eat it all at once, or save some for later?
Again, if someone else cook its pleasure, otherwise its sustenance. They eat their fav food last always. If given a big plate they'll take it all on the spot. They were raiaed with the principle of 'clean plates equal respect for the cook'.
How do they feel on sweets? How do they feel on sour foods? How do they feel on spicy foods? How do they feel on bland/basic foods?Are they good at cooking/baking, or do they instead just buy premade meals? Do they cook basic storebought foods or do they make food from scratch? Or if rich, do they pay someone else to prepare their foods?
They like sweets, but prefer savoury food. Sour is not a taste they care much for. Spicy food they've come to like because their wife likes cooking spicy mexican cuisine. Bland/basic foods work well for them if theyre cooking for themselves. They're rather mediocre at cooking but will do simple form scratch meals for themselves rather than buy preprepped.
Social/political beliefs
What are their views on social groups?
They think that the society is way too segregated as is today.
Are they open minded or close minded? Are they progressive, or do they dislike if their society changes?
They're open minded, and are posetive to a lot of changes since they're youth since its made it easier for her and her wife.
What is the government like in their setting? Do they like the way it is set up, or not? Do they like their current leader, or not?
They live in modern day America. They do not like the leaders and think the system could be better.
What kinds of clothes do they like?
They're a real redneck and like shirts and cowboy boots and jeanse most the time.
What kinds of things will they include in every outfit?
There is always colour. They would never dress all black, white or grey
What kinds of clothes do they dislike? What kinds of things would they refuse to wear?
They dislike smart suits and you can never get them to wear fancy fabrics like silk, cashmiere etc
Any accessories they always wear, like a bracelet, hair tie, ring, locket, etc? Does it have any significance?
They often wear earings. They always have their wedding ring, even if they may not admit its a wedding ring.
What is their relationship with clothing? Do they wear what’s comfortable, what they aesthetically like, what is easy to work in/what fits their profession, something formal, something casual?
They're pretty casual and artsy. They care a lot for aestethic, but will always make sure they are practical and comfortable too.
Do they view clothes as just fabric to cover their body, or do they consider it an important/integral part of their identity, or somewhere in between? Do they prefer to have less or more skin exposed in their outfits? Do they wear as little as possible, or maybe do they use clothes to hide something about themselves?
Its an important part of their identity. When they were young they could be pretty skimpily clad, but have become more and more prudish with the years. Especially her C-section scar is something she is keen to cover at any cost.
Do they live somewhere with the same temperature/weather all year, or does the climate change? if it does change, do they change their clothes by the changing seasons, or do they stick to their “brand” no matter what? if it doesn’t change, do they like having the same style clothes all year or not?
They live in an area with relatively predictable weather, but will stick to their 'brand' no matter what.
Do they have any physical disorders/ailments/etc?
Do they have any mental disorders/ailments/etc? What about, are they neurodivergent?
They quite possibly have PTSD as a result of traumatic events in their past, as well as some abadonment issues from being abadoned as a baby, and having her first adooted parent die when she was five, but has never been to a psychiatrist. They are not neurodivergent.
Hobbies and talents
Do they have any hobbies or recreational interests? Do they practice them a little at a time/during whatever free time, or are their hobbies more time consuming and take up a good deal of their day/week/etc? Is their hobby to de stress, to bring fulfillment, to build up a skill, or another reason?
They paint, sculpt, sing and play rythm guitarre. Painting and sculpting take a lot of their time in the week. It is both destressing and a thing that fills her with personal fullfillment as it is a skill since shes had since a child and she feel successful as a person as she develop it.
Why do they do their hobby? What made them pick up/do this hobby? Is their hobby something done in their alone time, or something done in a group setting/with friends?
All theur hobbies are things that has come naturally to them since childhood. Thry love doing it with others, but their subject and the contents might vary a lot deoending on who is presemt/watching.
What kinds of talents do they have? What are they good at? Is it something more well regarded like singing, dancing, painting, etc.. or something more obscure like quickly organizing things alphabetically, remembering what kind of flowers their friend likes, or another skill that isnt as widely seen as a typical “talent/skill”?
Painting, sculpting, singing and playing guitarre are their skills. All widely regarded skills that are taken seriously.
is there any type of hobby they detest and would never partake in? Is there any sort of skill or subject they are just completely bad at? Is there a hobby they wish they could try? Is there a skill they wish they had?
Not really. They are a well rounded person who is not completely horrible at snything really, even if they defiantly have their owm expertise. They are also willing to try most things if someone want them to.
Are their hobbies or skills more practical and useful in a job or career, more suited for social life/aspects, more creative and for fun, or do they serve a different kind of purpose in their life?
They use their hobbies as a career, but most freely they handle it as a job on the side of their normal job.
Religion and spirituality
Are they religious?
No, they are an atheist. They only partcipate when their wife, who is religious, ask them to.
Where they raised on their faith, or did they convert in later?
They were raised christaim, but a very liberal type of christinaity that did not include visiting the local church as their mother found it too negatibe and restrictive compared to her take on christianity. They decided they were atheist around age fifteen.
financial status/job
What financial class do they belong to? Are they a ruler/royalty, nobility, upper class, middle class, lower class, or poor as can be?Were they born in to this class, or came in to it later on?
They are normal middle class citizensbut was raised in a finacially limited family.
What is their job, if they have one?
They're an art teacher on a middle school level. They sell art and sculptures on the side.
How do they earn their money, or at least things like food and other necessities? Do they enjoy their work, do they only work for the money, or do they detest their job?
They do not much like their normal job but love selling art and sculptures and doing paid jobs as a preelance artist. Their favourite thing is doing album covers.
Is work something enjoyable or is it stressful?Is this their dream job, or is there something they’d like to be doing more?
Its stressful and definatly not the dream job to be a teacher - they want to be an artist full time.
What is stopping them - do they not have the social class, do they not have the money or ability to achieve it, or do they maybe just not believe they’re capable?
They do mot become an artist fulltime because they've had three kids to look after and did not think it was economically viable evem if they do make some money on it on the side. As they grow older and the kids move out, they're considering going straight at it.
Do they have any phobias or fears?
They have a fear of abadonment that can be triggered by foghting with friends and family, amogn other things
After escaping the situation, how do they recover?
Lots of tlc with family or friends.
How long does it take to do so?
Between a few hours and a few days. Usually it last until the trigger that started it is resolved.
Is their fear easily able to be overcome after facing it once or twice, or is it something more chronic and they have the same response no matter how often they experience it?
Its chronic
Does their fear come from a frightening life experience, or is it more 'random’ and not 'derived’ from anything?
It comes from being abadoned as a baby of two months, her first adooted parent then dying when she was five.
When playing truth or dare, which option do they take when asked?
If hypothetically stranded on an island for a week, what three objects and three people would they take with them?
Pocket knife, waaterbottle with cleaning filter and their wife
If given 3 wishes, what would they wish for?
More dogs, to meet their Bio. Mum and for their first love not to have died.
What’s their fav music genre?
What’s their fav tv/book genre?
Fantasy & historical fiction
Fav video game genre?
They don't play videogames
Do they like board games, or do board games frustrate them?
They get frustrated, but they still played it a lot with their kids
Do they sing in the shower? Do they sing when they cook? Do they sing when doing chores?
Yes on all 3
How do they react to having an annoying song stuck in their head for 3 days?
They play it 24/7 until its out of their head
Are they good with kids?
What’s the quickest way to make them smile/laugh?
Remind them of something embaressing they did once.
Quickest way to make them cry/break their heart?
Pick a fight and walk away before it can be resolved/fail to accept apolegise/explanations
Quickest way to get on their nerves/piss them off?
Cheat on your partner
How do they sleep? Light sleeper, heavy sleeper, do they snore? do they toss and turn or are they a brick?
They toss around a lot, and is quite a light sleeper. Snore a lot.
Do they own a comfort object?
Yes, a rag doll in the shape of a White bunny with a blue dress.
Do they own a sacred object?
A 1950s J-200 Gibson Guitarre
Do they own a useful object? Any sort of thing they own that they heavily rely on for something?
Their painting/sculpting equipment.
Zodiac sign?
Do they care about this sort of thing?
How do they react to/act when they are sick?
They try to get through it but often end up covered in blankets on the couch while their wife looks after them
How do they react to/act when in pain?
They get aggressive
How do they react to/act when hungry?
They rarely notice and it doesn't affect them much when they don't eat.
Any tropes that apply? Or, what is their basic “character type”?
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yushox · 2 years
Sans name: Blank
Color: blank/white/clear
Sans pronouns: He/Him
This one is relatively simple. As a standalone AU it is no different from classic universe. The story, the characters, everything is the same.. except for one thing the characters inside this AU are not aware of as to them and their player everything in their AU looks perfectly normal.
This one thing is visible only to visitors from outside the AU, and that is - the AU is eternally and permanently shrouded in complete whiteout. Yes, even the darkest of places.
Upon entering the AU you may at first even think it is a antivoid. But, it will very quickly become apparent that you are not in a antivoid, weather by hearing character voices or stumbling into seemingly invisible rain, or even, dealing with hotland and the core while being pretty much blind to where you're going.
And well, the question is, can't you just paint over the au or something? The answer is - No, any paint or attempts to make this AU more navigable and visible will just quickly white out as well, as if the AU itself is self aware of your attempts. This makes the AU especially nightmarish for someone like Ink Sans. No, even if you try to, creating special glasses wouldn't work either. This AU doesn't want to be seen properly so it will do anything to make itself completely blank, anything except actually physically blinding the visitors.
What about the characters, how do they see the visitors from outside the AU? Well, the easiest way to explain is, just like you would have never experienced a world that renders you esentially blind, they haven't experienced your colors either. And although it's their AU, they are so used to their white world that they are able to see it as normal as the player sees classic Undertale, they are still seeing the same white as you in the end. So pretty much, they are extremely well adjusted to their world and have never seen any other color outside of it. Aka, if a visitor wears anything dark enough in color, they are likely going to cause mass seizures because to the characters in this AU such colors would look way darker than they actually are.
Blank!Sans outside the AU would only be truly useful in the antivoid, except he'd have to be careful with his shadow. But otherwise if not in his AU or in the antivoid, he would look like blank white cut-out of Sans, he can be shadowed, but only at the edges, and more likely is that any shadows on his body will white out given enough time. Also, he is the only one who so far is able to withstand looking at dark colors even though it still hurts his eyes. So he is and can only be the only one who can look at nightmare, and only one in his AU who has seen outertales space without seizures.
To draw him, I suggest drawing regular classic sans and then whiting him out until the only way to see his colors would be to turn the screen. On paper - either leave it a blank sheet or draw a few vague shadows that suggest that something is there, but it's better to draw blanktale characters outside their AU if you draw them on paper (which is less about drawing them and more using the world around them as a contour, but leaving the characters/objects themselves completely white).
In Underverse Blank!Sans would be completely white, the colors around him drowning out any chance of seeing his colors. A shadow may appear here or there that would help see the edge of his chin or a sudden ruffle of cloth, but nothing else.
A lightsource would still create a shadow of him, but only if he's outside the AU, which is why when he visits kaleidoscope sans's antivoid he usually wears a light device on his head that creates a circle shadow right underneath himself just so others would know that he's there and also where he is.
Other AUs generally don't visit blanktale, not even error does. It's one of the rare few AUs that are usually avoided. Reason for doing so is that, unless you know every single pathway by heart and have no qualms being rendered essentially blind to the AU, it's just simply too dangerous.
Also it's assumed useless and unworthy of being included in multiversal happenings by many Sanses but not every Sans thinks so.
In Errors case, he doesn't visit or destroy this AU because he finds this AU too freaky to care about doing anything with it, and he also doesn't want to be touched by pretty much invisible people. The one and only time Error visited it was a "hell no, never again" experience for the destroyer (it is still in his list of abnormalities that have to be destroyed but he rather save it for the last few in that list). Also, Error has a doll of blank!Sans, but white materials found outside of blank?tale can never do justice to the AU's freakines.
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miriamandvictoria · 5 years
@ocprompting Fun Character Bio 
What is it?
Miriam Willsson Paul (Neé Paul)
Does it mean anything, who gave it to them and why?
Their mum picked it. They were going to be named Linda, but because their cousin Linda was born two weeks before Miriam, she got the name instead. Her father used to call her "Jarrito", which is a Mexican soda, when she was little, claiming that he invented it before she was born because she used to give her mother hiccups when she was still in the womb.
Do they like it?
They think it's okay.
Other basics
Personality traits
What are their most defining traits to their personality?
Stubborn, good hearted, loving and trust worthy
What sticks out as soon as you meet them, what kind of first impression do they make?
You'd probably notice what a warm and kind person they are first of all. They always make a good impression because their big heart shows clearly to everyone who look at them.
What are their good traits?
Compassionate, kind, loving
What are their bad traits?
Jelous, insecure, stuff all her feelings inside and does not tell anyone what she feel
Any other traits?
Ultinate mum friend, clever, a goof
How do they describe themself, how do they view themself?
Miriam describbes themselves as a dedicated stay at home mum with a daytime job. They don't have a great view of themselves - they know their personality is golden but they don't like their apperance, and they often feel as though they fall short in caring for theur family and when comparing themselves to their wife
How do others describe them, how do others view them?
Others describe her as cute, funny, and kind. They view her as a really good friend they can depend upon and discuss anything with.
What parts of their personality always prevail and are always present no matter what the situation is?
They are always trustworthy, and they are always hardworking and kind
Are they a different person when you first meet them than when you get to know them, does it take them time to open up? Or are they an open book from the get go?
They're pretty much an open book. There is a lot of reasons that they are the way they are and act the way they do that you won't know until you get to know them, but personality wise they're an open book
151.5 cm
Body build/shape/weight?
They used to be underweight when they were younger and always had a very slim build, but put on signficant amounts of weight later in life. She is now quite chubby, though not qualified as overweight.
Facial shape - What are their eyes like? How about their nose, or lips? Shape of cheeks? Eyebrows?
They have big chocolate brown eyes with thick black eyelashes. Her face is very rounded with soft, chubby cheeks. She has big, full lips and soft arches for eyebrows.
Hair - short/long? texture/shape? Do they wear it different ways or only one way? What colour(s) is it, natural/changed?
They have dark dark brown hair that almost looks black, which is their natural colour, though it's gotten lighter with the years and is more like a chestnut brown now. Her natural texture is very thick and straight. She had it very long with and without bangs when she was younger, as well as curling it or making it wavy on occasion. She then cut it down into a very short style for four years in her late twenties. After that she let it grow out again in her early thirties, before once more starting to cut it down shorter and shorter. Nowadays she has it in a bob of varying length and has had for some years.
Skin tone?
They're half Mexican, half white American. They appear white, but when standing next to someone of completely white heritage it is noticable that they are slightly darker skinned by a few shades.
Anything such as glasses? dimples? scars?
They have dimples. Their knees and feet are covered in little scars from a lot of (barefeet) adventures in the Arizona dessert as a child. They also have a thick scar just above their hairline from falling off their pet cow, which she once rode on when drunk. Their wife Victoria rode toghther with her and tried to catch her when she fell, but was too drunk and instead ended up joining her on the ground. Miriam hurt her head and Victoria broke her wrist. She got glasses shortly after she turned forty, but doesn't need them constantly.
Do they look younger, average, older than their age?
They have always looked much younger than their age. When their oldest daughter Alice was small, she was often believed to be her big sister, and the same happened when her wife had their second daughter Lydia. In fact, at the Hospital, Miriam's wife (at the time girlfriend) Victoria was believed to be her step-mother, and that their daughter was Miriam's little sister. As they've gotten older, though, their age has started to catch up with them and combined with a more mature dress sense and make-up regime, they are rarely thought to be much younger than they are anymore.
How do they feel about their appearance? Do they like it, dislike it, mixed, or do they not place much value on their looks?
They try not to put much value in their looks, but does occasionally feel bothered by their weight. They know it's not entierly their own fault they have put on so much weight over the years, but it still hurt.
Anything they would want to change about their appearance? anything they refuse to change about their appearance?
They like their apperance, except perhaps they wish they could shed some of the weight they've put on. They would never change hair or eye colour, which they have sometimes been told they should try, because it'd make them look 'less foreign'.
Gender identity/etc
What is their gender? Are they perisex? Are they cis or trans? What are their pronouns?
She is a perisex cis female, pronounse she/her
Sexual orientation? Romantic orientation?
They are a homoromantic Demisexual
Dating anyone? Married? Do they want to get married? Prefer ‘one night stands’?
They are married to a woman named Victoria Willsson. When they first met, Victoria was twenty-six and was working as an art teacher with side jobs doing sculptures and paintings to order, as well as singing and playing guitarre in a band. Miriam had just turned twenty and was a single mum to a one year old baby girl. She'd just landed her first job as a freelance journalist.
It turned out Victoria's school was the subject of the article, and she agreed to be her insider source. They continued to spend time toghther after the article was published, and fell in love. They got married on Victoria's fiftieth birthday, and had at that point lived toghther for over a decade and had three children.
How do they react when they first fall for someone?
They fall in love slowly but surely. A little something might spark, and then it'll grow over time.
How do they react when they first begin being intimate with someone? How do they react further on down the relationship?
They are always very careful. After being abadoned by the father of her daughter - even if she did not love him - she doesn't want to get too deep into anything until she feel she knows for sure its genuine. Further down the relationship they're much more confident, and they'll definatly be a fussy kind of hen mum partner who check in constantly to make sure their partner is doing good etc.
Do they have a lot of dating experience, little, none?
They have little dating experience. Before their wife, they only really dated their high school sweetheart, and their daughter's father - a shallow aquintance who she drunkenly slept with, then dated for a couple of months until it was revelead she was pregnant and he abadoned her to get by on her own.
What ways do they express intimacy or love? Hugs, Kisses, gifts, favors, Creating things for them, Verbal flattery, etc?
Hugs, kisses, favours and gifts. They show love more in actions than in words, though they frequently use loving and romantic nicknames in Spanish for those they love the most. For her it's a way to signal someone's importance to her.
Are they casual or intense in relationships?
Intense, if they think its answered. Usually they try to match their partner.
Do they value the relationship as important & lasting, or just fun & fleeting?
Lasting & important
Are they fast or slow in their relationships? dominant or passive? Do they take the lead, their partner(s) take the lead, mixture, or is there no lead?
They're pretty slow. Slow and steady wins the race, in their opinion. They're very dominant, however, and so is their wife, so it really depend on the situation. They have diffrent strength and weaknesses and let the one most well suited to handling whatever is happening lead the way. This usually means that Miriam rule the household and Miriam handles them when out in public and socilizing.
Do they enjoy sexual aspects ornromantic aspects more?
They enjoy the romantic aspects more.
Do they have any sexual interests that they do with their partner, for themself or for their partner?
Not really. They do occasionally have sex with their partner because they knows that she enjoys it, but unless they are extremely drunk they are not very intrested in sex in general, attraction or no.
What do they do if there is something upsetting in their relationship, how do they handle slight turmoil?
As they got older and wiser, trying to talk is normally what they do. Trying to solve it as best she can without beeing confrontational. This is both because she doesn't like fighting, and because she has a partner who handles conflicts abysmally due to past trauma. However, this attitude didn't fully set in until her early, mid thirties. Her and her wife has had sever issues communicating through out their relationship and it was not unsual that one of them would sleep on the couch, sometimes for weeks on end in the beginning of their relationahip. This would go on until they either returned on their own accord or was persuaded by the other partner to abandon whatever issue had sparked it and move forward. Which, in truth, wasn't much solving at all, and unfortunatly they still carry both bigger and smaller issues from the very beginning of their relationship with them to this day.
One of them is the fact that Miriam is still secretly hurt by having been caught up in a triangle drama between her wife Victoria and a man that she was also seeing when they first began going out, as well as his wife and other side-girls. At some point she would like to talk it out with her wife, but fears bringing it up as she knows her wife is deeply traumatized from the man killing himself by the way of drugs and alcohol little under two years after she began seeing him and less than a year after she met Miriam.
Non the less they have always loved eachother, and they would never let anything come between them so to the point that they split up.
Are they confident when with a partner, or insecure? If confident, how do they feel about confident partners? insecure partners? Do they have a 'type’?
They are connfident. They don't have a 'type', except perhaps women. But they want someone that they know they can rely on if they need it. At their core they are a confident person, but much like their partner it doesn't show until they feel safe enough to trust that their partner will stick around. This means that first they were both insecure, and then they were both strong. It kind of clashes but it tends to solve itself.
Personality wise, what do they enjoy in a partner? Looks wise, what do they enjoy? do they handle heartbreak well?
They want someone who is kind and empathic and creative. Culture, music and art are things that they find improtant, and they want someone who appreciate it too. Look wise, they enjoy tall people and have a weakness for sharp cheek bones. They handle heartbreak rather well - they pick themselves up and move on, and even if it hurts a lot inside they don't show it much.
Platonic relationships
What kinds of people do they make friends with?
They can make frienda with more or less anyone. They're the kind of person who can walk into a coffee shop and have twenty new aquintances by the time they walk out.
What kinds of people DON’T they make friends with?
They don't make friends with people who are racist, anti-lgbt, critical/slut shame single-mothers, or in any other way mean and negative. Being both lgbt and of immigrent heritage as well as a single mother at a young age has made her sensetive to these kind of subjects and she's been subject to discrimination and attacks for all three specific points - from her heritage to orientation to, when she was younger, status as a young single mother.
What kinds of things do they enjoy to do with friends?
Chill at home or coffee shop mostly. Any activties with her and/or their pets, too. When she was younger she'd go riding often with her friends, but its rarer after they busted their back.
Do they enjoy a large friend group or small? A few great friends, or many good friends?
They enjoy many good friends. They get along good with people and think it's fun to have a lot of people who she can invite to things and who will invite her to stuff. Though sometimes it gets too overwhelming, and then she likes to just sit at home with a cup of tea.
Do they make friends easily? How long before they consider them a friend?
They make friends pretty easily, but it might take a little while before you're a 'verified' friend, just to make sure she isn't in for a nasty surprise later on.
How do they handle a fight with a friend?
Like any other person. On the outside, the handle it perfectly, and are mostly composed and level headed. On the inside, though, they are often deeply hurt and you do not get away without a substancial apolegy.
How do they feel about animals? friends, helpers, tools/rescources, equal companions, annoyances, or enemies?
They love animals, and see them as family members or children.
Do they have a favourite animal?
Horses and cows
Do they have any pets? Have they had pets?
Their wife has three dogs: A black hounddog named Bonaparte, a brown and white border collie/sheep dog mix named Keira, and a choclate coloured American Water Spaniel named Espresso. Their son has a cat named Claude and she has a horse, a cow and an Oxen. The horse is a Gray American Quarter Horse called Old Paint Jr., the cow is called Blue Moon and the Oxen is named Sweet Pea. She has officially owned 8 diffrent horses before Old Paint Jr., having gotten their first one at age four.
Are they good with animals?
They are great with animals in general, but they're better at large animals like horses because they've been around them the longest, having aquiered their first horse at age four.
What kinds of food do they enjoy?
They can eat more or less anything, but has preference for Mexican cuisine.
What kinds of foods do they not enjoy?
They don't like Asian food (Thai, chinese, Indian, Vitnamese etc)
Do they eat a little, a lot, inbetween? If a little, Do they only eat a little due to being poor, or is there another reason?
She is a person who enjoys food a lot, and like to eat, but tend to limit herself due to insecurities about her weight. At the same time eating too little or inconsistently risks aggravating her gastro-intestinal problems and therefor she and her wife have worked up strategies to keep her eating properly with food consistently. Mostly she ends up eating small portions but many times a day to ease her own guilt yet still get the needed nutrients.
 Do they have any food allergies, or restrictions such as vegetarian/vegan/pescetarian/etc? If the latter, is it a personal belief, a cultural belief, a religious belief, due to allergies, or something else?
They eat a mostly vegetarian diet but does on occasion ingest meat. A vegetarian diet is better for the sake of her health issues - her doctor has ordered her to preferably avoid heavy food whenever possible, recommending a lighter vegetarian diet, and therefor she has eaten more and more vegetarian over the years, as well as that it better alines with her and her wife's intense love of animals and animal activism.
Do they view food as just sustenance or as a pleasure? Or balance it out?
Pleasure, when they get a chance to cook for their family - which they love - and eat a good home cooked meal with people they love. Just feeding themselves, its sustanance, as they will be very restrictive in what they eat and how much due to being uncomfortable with her weight and apperance. Dieting is unlikely to do much to help her, but she feel better that way
If given a big plate of food, do they eat their fav food first or last?
They eat their fav food first
If given a big plate of food, do they eat it all at once, or save some for later?
If in a comfortable, safe situation they eat it all. If uncomfortable they will probably leave some of it.
How do they feel on sweets?
They like sweets. They have a good sweet tooth.
How do they feel on sour foods?
They're not too fond of sour food, but they can eat it.
How do they feel on spicy foods?
They love spicy foods
How do they feel on bland/basic foods?
They don't like it, but they force themselved to eat it.
Are they good at cooking/baking, or do they instead just buy premade meals? Do they cook basic storebought foods or do they make food from scratch?
She do basically all the cooking in her household and she make it from scratch. She doesn't know how to do it any other way, really, all these half-fabricate short cuts just confuse her because she doesn't know how to apply them to her recipies. In her family growing up, her grandmother did all cooking, and she considered it offensive to offer anyone half-fabricats.
Social/political beliefs
What are their views on social groups? Are they open minded or close minded? Are they progressive, or do they dislike if their society changes?
They're open minded and proggressive. As a Mexican-American Lesbian and at one point single mother, there is a lot they wish to get better in their countries and they view it in a posetive light when it does.
What is the government like in their setting? Do they like the way it is set up, or not? Do they like their current leader, or not?
They are not a fan of the current American president, which is where she is from. Nowadays she and her wife live in London, having moved there about fifteen years ago after she was offered a job there. She chose to take the job and move because they didn't like how the political climate was evolving and did not feel as safe as they used to in the town where they lived.
What kinds of clothes do they like?
When they were younger they had a very half-dressed hippie kind of style. They liked shirts and cut off jeanse and t-shirts and skimpy dresses.
Nowadays, They go for comfortable but good looking. They have a lot of jeanse and a lot of soft pants and shirts and tunics.
They own a number of pantssuits for work purpous, if they need to meet with a publisher or similar.
What kinds of things will they include in every outfit?
They don't have something for every outfit, really, but they will probably have some kind of jewelry. Turqoise stones have a lot meaning to her amd she has a smaller jewelry collection with turqoises.
What kinds of clothes do they dislike? What kinds of things would they refuse to wear?
They don't wear dresses much anymore, though they liked them when they were younger. They don't really like pantsuits because they tend to be made out of harsh fabrics and they're not very soft of flexible, but they wear them when they have to.
Any accessories they always wear, like a bracelet, hair tie, ring, locket, etc? Does it have any significance?
Naturally they always wear their wedding ring. They have a silver braclet with turqouises that their wife gave them and they cherish it a lot, often wearing it to more upscale events. They also have a matching ring, but they do not wear it as often because it's larger and clunky and they don't think it suit them as much anymore.
What is their relationship with clothing? Do they wear what’s comfortable, what they aesthetically like, what is easy to work in/what fits their profession?
They like to wear what's comfortable, mostly. Usually it's casual but not sloppy. They do adapt their apparal a lot after the weather and occasion, though.
Do they view clothes as just fabric to cover their body, or do they consider it an important/integral part of their identity?
It depends on what item of clothing you're looking at. She has a few pieces of clothing that are traditional Mexican clothes, and those are very important to her and a part of her identity. The rest is mostly just a neccesary part of being a living human being.
Do they prefer to have less or more skin exposed in their outfits? Do they wear as little as possible, or maybe do they use clothes to hide something about themselves?
Growing up in a warm climate but with cold nights, they usually dressed rather skimpy and then had a quilt or jacket to add on top. However, as they have become older and gained weight, they started wearing more clothes - both because it is expected and because they feel uncomfortable about their apperance and wish to hide it with their clothes.
Do they live somewhere with the same temperature/weather all year, or does the climate change? do they change their clothes by the changing seasons, or do they stick to their “brand” no matter what?
They lived for the longest time where it was mostly the same all year round, and being a poor single mum/living in a low-income household for quite some time they stuck to the same worn-out closet. Even when they got a better economy and a more stable situation, they were fine sticking to one wardrobe.
Now that they live in England they have a more interchangable wardrobe and they tend to try and adapt to the weather and season. Still, their style is mostly the same, just addapted to the circumstance.
Do they have any physical disorders/ailments/etc?
They have IBS and a bit of a funky back from falling off a horse once too often. The back doesn't bother them too much but is there.
Do they have any mental disorders/ailments/etc?
Not that they are aware of, though they do suffer from anxiety
Is their disability something formally diagnosed or understood in their setting, or is it something not well known or understood in their universe?
It is recognized that it exist, but most people don't have much understanding for how problematic IBS is and how much it affect her.
Does their culture offer accomodations, treatments, and services for their type of disability, does their culture just ignore or not recognize it, or does their culture view it negatively?
It is modern day characters so it is as it is in today's society.
Hobbies and talents
Do they have any hobbies or recreational interests?
They like reading and writing and cooking and riding. Caring for their horse is something they like spending time on. They do sing, and can play the violin and guitarr, but it's more an occasional occupation.
Do they practice them a little at a time/during whatever free time, or are their hobbies more time consuming and take up a good deal of their day/week/etc?
Most of their intrests are just whenever they have time/feel like it, though since they cook for their family on the daily it has sort of become a part of her daily routine to practice that particular hobby. Reading books is a part of their work description, too, so it has come that way too.
Is their hobby to destress, to bring fulfillment, to build up a skill, or another reason? Why do they do their hobby?
It's both for skill, and just to have fun and destress. Most of it comes from their childhood - she had to mind herself a lot when she was little, finding things to do when her parents worked and her , and otherwise her hobbies were introduced to her by her relatives.
What made them pick up/do this hobby? Is their hobby something done in their alone time, or something done in a group setting/with friends?
The animals and reading are solo activities. Cooking can be both, and music is something she only does with other people
What kinds of talents do they have? What are they good at? Is it something more well regarded like singing, dancing, painting, etc.. or something more obscure like quickly organizing things alphabetically, remembering what kind of flowers their friend likes, or another skill that isnt as widely seen as a typical “talent/skill”?
They're a mean horserider, ad cook, which are well-regarded skills. They're also a good book editor which is rather well regarded in its field and she bring in quite some money with her work.
is there any type of hobby they detest and would never partake in?
Is there a hobby they wish they could try? Is there a skill they wish they had?
They wish they were better at building things and at painting and drawing, all of which their wife is rather good at.
Are their hobbies or skills more practical and useful in a job or career, more suited for social life/aspects, more creative and for fun, or do they serve a different kind of purpose in their life?
Most of their skills are things that are either beneficial to just them or to her partner and three children.
Religion and spirituality
Are they religious?
Are they a part of a group or place which practices their faith in an organized manner, or do they practice it on their own/by themself?
They keeep themselves in touch with the community at their church and does participate in activities and happenings every so often. They also try to go to church about once a month.
Are they spiritual?
Are they part of a group or place which practices this in an organized manner, or do they practice it on their own/by themself?
They practice it mostly on their own
Do they consider religion and spirituality to go hand in hand, or are separate things in their life? Do they do one without the other?
They do both, but consider them two things that coexist rather than exist as one.
What parts of their beliefs do they enjoy the most, what speaks to them the most?
They enjoy the company. To not feel alone and feel that there is a community to support one and a place where you can always turn for comfort and advice come what may
What is the core reason they are a part of that faith?
It's a tradition for them. Their parents and grandparents were religious, and they were rasied as a part of the faith. Its an ingrained part of their person shaped during their childhood.
Is there any part of their faith they don’t like? Be it the faith itself, or the people within?
They do not like the fact that there is a tendency for homophobia and racism among catholics, especially when they lived in the south of the USA
financial status/job
What financial class do they belong to?
A normal middle class family, though they used to be pretty poor. They grew up in an extremely hardworking but therefor also well-off family.
Are they a ruler/royalty, nobility, upper class, middle class, lower class, or poor as can be?
Middle class
Were they born in to this class, or came in to it later on?
They were born into a rather well-off family, but one where every penny earned was slaved for.
What is their job, if they have one?
They're a book editor
How do they earn their money, or at least things like food and other necessities?
They and their wife work. Their wife also recives royalties for certain things - including some music and album covers designed by her.
Do they enjoy their work, do they only work for the money, or do they detest their job?
They think their job is rather fun, and they don't mind doing it. That said, they'd easily not have a job at all if it was an option.
Is work something enjoyable or is it stressful?
It's enjoyable
Is this their dream job, or is there something they’d like to be doing more?
It's not their dreamjob, but they don't really have a dream job and would much rather be a stay at home mum/partner if they could - though it's not financially viable.
Do they have any phobias or fears? Anything that scares them beyond belief or something that they reguarly avoid out of fear?
They have a fear of flying, and they avoid it as much as humanly possible due to the fear. Unfortunatly, living in England and having friends and family in America, they have to fly more than they'd like.
They also have a mild fear of some reptiles/animals/insects which stems from her childhood, when she was often told not to approach/run away from certain animals if she saw them, as they were not uncommon out in the dessert but could be bery much dangerous to young children.
When confronted with their fear, how do they handle it?
Their fear of flying is usually handled by way of having their wife or any of their children with them, not hvaibg a window/seat by emergency exits, and by bringing medecation which she has been provided by a Doctor and can use if neccesary.
The animal fear is often controlled by sternly reminding herself that the actually dangerous breeds of these albums are very much rare where she now lives, and by not coming close to the nimals that trigger the fear unless neccesary, and then taking it slow and being very careful about it.
After escaping the situation, how do they recover? How long does it take to do so?
Both fears are of the nature that they let go as soon as she is removed from the triggering situation, so the recovery is more or less immidiate.
Is their fear easily able to be overcome after facing it once or twice, or is it something more chronic and they have the same response no matter how often they experience it? Does their fear come from a frightening life experience, or is it more 'random’ and not 'derived’ from anything?
Both are more or less chronic. Flying is random and animals is just due to her uppbringing.
When playing truth or dare, which option do they take when asked?
If hypothetically stranded on an island for a week, what three objects and three people would they take with them?
Their wife, water bottle, lighter
If given 3 wishes, what would they wish for?
They would wish for their mother to not have died when they were young, they would wish they still felt fully safe and comfortable in their home town, for her family to be happier.
What’s their fav music genre?
Traditional Mexican music
What’s their fav tv/book genre?
Fantasy and Romance/RomCom
Do they like board games, or do board games frustrate them?
They like them
Do they sing in the shower? Do they sing when they cook? Do they sing when doing chores? How do they react to having an annoying song stuck in their head for 3 days?
Yes on all 3 but diffrent songs. They usually humm songs a lot when they get stuck in their head.
What’s the quickest way to make them smile/laugh? Quickest way to make them cry/break their heart? Quickest way to get on their nerves/piss them off?
Speak Spanish to them and they will smile. Tell them they're a horrible mum/partner and they will cry. Insult lgbt people, immigrants or single mums and theyll be pissed.
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