#This hit hard and I cried a lot writing this so I'm sorry if it sucks
badbtssmut · 8 months
Hi mami,
Can you write a detective!Jimin × suspect!y/n where he fucks her to get her to confess
Thank you for considering, I really love your work 🥰
“Are you still not going to say anything, miss y/n?”
“P-please, ah, please, I don’t know, I swear—“ You whimpered as you were sandwiched between his body and the hard desk.
"Please what? Use your words."
The sound of skin slapping against skin echoed through the room as you struggled to even form a coherent thought, let alone a sentence.
"P-please, sir, I, ah!”
You cried out in pleasure as his cock slammed into your dripping wet cunt, over and over. The detective behind you kept up his quick, deep thrusts, and you couldn’t stop moaning and whining.
“I know that you did it, you would make things a lot easier if you’d just admit to it. Or are you just enjoying this that much? Enjoying my cock so much you don’t want it to stop? Is that it, you rather get fucked than confess?"
You shook your head frantically. It wasn't true, but you also didn't want him to stop.
“No, no, I told you sir, I didn’t—Ah! Please, please, sir, Detective, sir, I can't, I—!"
His cock pounded into you mercilessly. He wasn’t holding back. He would make you confess even if he’d have to fuck you for hours on end.
The detective had it with you, the man was called to help investigate a large amount of money that was stolen from your workplace; a six figure amount of cash that was withdrawn to different accounts. One of them was yours.
He had gone through your bank account, and found the money that was put in your account a few weeks ago.
And yet here you were, claiming you didn't do it. He didn't believe you, not one bit. You had the money, there was no doubt about that, and it was his duty to get a confession out of you.
"I-I can't, I can't..." You whimpered. You felt so good, your pussy was on fire, and the heat was building up quickly.
“We can do this all day.” Jimin gripped onto your hips and bounced your body back against his. “I got all the time in the world to fuck the truth out of you. Are you sure you can't take anymore, sweetheart?"
"I... No, sir, I..." You shivered, feeling yourself get close. The way his thick cock spread your pussy apart was almost too much to bear, and you were starting to see stars.
"Come on, then. You can cum for me, go on."
He gave your ass a quick slap and the sensation pushed you over the edge. You moaned loudly and came, shaking as he fucked you through your orgasm. But he didn’t stop, pounding into you with the same speed.
“I didn’t say I was going to stop. Remember what I said? We can do this all day."
You were breathing heavily, still coming down from the intense orgasm.
"Sir, I... I can't..."
"Oh yes you can, darling. I believe in you. Now come on."
You moaned as his cock filled you up over and over, your body feeling like it was burning up. Jimin thrusted into you relentlessly, and you started to drool, eyes rolling to the back of your head as your cunt was used and abused by him.
"Come on, tell the truth." He coaxed, and you could only moan, unable to form a coherent sentence.
"You did it, didn't you? You took the money, and now I want you to tell me. Confess, and I'll let you cum again."
You gasped and whimpered as you felt him push even deeper into you, his thick cock hitting all the right spots.
"I... I did it, sir!"
"Hmm, that's right. You took the money. Didn’t you, you little criminal?”
You nodded frantically.
"Yes, sir, I did. I'm so sorry, please..."
"Good girl. That wasn't so hard, was it?” He pulled out of you, stroking his cock, spilling his seed on your back. You could only whimper, completely exhausted, still coming down from the fucking.
"Now, we'll have to take you into custody, and make sure that the money will be returned to its rightful owners."
“W-what?” You grabbed your clothes. “No, please, I can’t afford this, I don’t want to lose—“
Jimin chuckled.
"Well, I'll see what I can do. I'm sure we can come to some sort of agreement."
"What do you mean, detective…."
"Shh, I'm sure we'll come to an agreement." He repeated, pressing a finger against your lips. "After all, I'm the one in charge here, aren't I?"
Your eyes widened as you realized what he was saying. Realizing that your only options were either to get fucked, or to be fucked and spend time behind prison bars… you knew what you had to.
You bit your lip and nodded.
"Y-yes, sir."
"Good girl.”
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vivwritesfics · 5 months
Shine A Light Into The Wreckage
Chapter One - Spilled Coffee
Bob Floyd was many things. He was an instructor at Top Gun, a lover of Tolkien books and a huge fan of coffee. But Bob was also clumsy. That was how he bumped into the table, knocking her drink onto her notebook.
He felt bad about it. Bad enough to come back time and time again, in the hopes that she would be there. And, every time, she is. Each time looking a little worse for wear. It doesn't take Bob long to realise he has to save her.
Warnings: Abusive relationship! Abusive hair pulling! Abusive slight choking! Forceful sex! Seriously don't read if you're affect by stuff like this
Okay so one day I was reading Stiff Competition by @roosterforme and the next day I was writing this and I haven't stopped since
Series Masterlist
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Bob Floyd was a coffee man. It had started at the end of high school, when he used to wake up early to study. It continued on when he joined the navy. 
Through his first stint in Top Gun, Bob would go on regular coffee runs. They took it in turns, always going on their own and challenging each other to carry as many coffees as possible.  
It was a habit that Bob had kicked after Top Gun. He knew it was a bad habit, relying on coffee to wake up. So, he stopped.
But then he was once again at Top Gun. After graduating once, he was back again. And, once again, the coffee runs restarted. Bob redeveloped his habit for a cappuccino with chocolate sprinkles on the top. From the first sip, he couldn't remember why he had given it up.
Even after that mission, Bob stayed in California. The man from Montana stayed at Top Gun, becoming an instructor, along with Natasha Trace and Jake Seresin. Rooster returned to Virginia, said he had a girl out there. The rest of the squad returned home or were stationed overseas. It wasn't the easiest to keep up with. 
The coffee runs continued. This time, with just himself, Nat, and Jake, the coffee runs were a lot easier. Especially when the barista put the takeaway cups with one of those cup holders meant for four. 
The coffee runs changed every day. One day Nat would go. And then Jake would. And then Bob. Always one at a time, always in that order. 
Whenever Bob was on the coffee run, he looked around the café. His eyes moved from table to table, looking at the people sat there. An older couple drinking coffees by the large window, a teenager eating a sandwich with headphones covering his eyes and people on their lunch break. One at the back of the café tapped away at her computer keyboard, periodically taking a break to sip at her drink. The other sat at the table by the door, her bag on the other seat as she scribbled away in her notebook, a full mug of coffee beside it. 
Bob didn't make any other observations as he collected his coffee and turned to leave. He had both hands on the cup holder as he turned to leave the café. 
He wasn’t clumsy. Well, he sort of was. Making a mess at the hard deck while ate peanuts, that time he accidentally hit Bradley in the stomach with the pool cue. 
But Bob couldn’t deny his clumsiness when he hit the edge of her table. Maybe if his hands weren’t full, he could have caught her drink before it fell over. 
A gasp left her lips as it spilled over her notebook, staining the pages brown. The writing on it was indistinguishable beneath the coffee. 
But that wasn't what this young woman cared about, not at first. She stood as she furiously wiped off her pencil skirt. "Fuck, fuck, fuck!" He cried, grabbing the napkin that sat under her glass. But the napkin was already soiled. 
Bob jumped into action. He put his coffees down onto her table and rushed to grab the napkin dispenser from the counter. "I'm so sorry!" He cried, grabbing napkins  and helping her to wipe off her skirt. 
But when the water stopped scalding, she stopped wiping at her skirt. Instead she dabbed the napkins at her notebook as a frustrated sigh left her lips. "Let me get you another drink," he said as he threw the used napkins in the bin. 
She shook her head at him. "No, I've got to get back to work," she muttered as she picked up her bag. She slung it over her shoulder and tucked her ruined notebook beneath her arm. 
"I'm sorry!" Bob called as he watched her disappear from the café. 
She sat at her desk, inspecting the darker grey patch on her skirt. It had been new, bought just the weekend before. But she didn’t much care about her skirt. That could be replaced. Sure, she'd have to take out money she didn’t have for a new one, but it was just a skirt. 
Her notebook was in front of her computer, months of work stained with coffee. The coffee had smudged her writing, making it unintelligible. It wasn't just the top pages, wasn’t just her most recent piece of writing. It was everything. 
Almost all of her writing was gone. 
Frustration ran through her. Frustration and then sadness. She couldn’t bring herself to be angry at the military man. It hadn't been his fault, really. 
But her writing was gone. It was months, years, of work. Her only way of escape and, within a matter of seconds, it was gone. 
As she sat through her shift, she tried to salvage what she could, making notes of the plot points she could remember. Tomorrow, when she went to the café, she could rebuild. This time she could spend all day there, not needing to run off to her job. 
It wasn’t easy to concentrate on her day job as she wrote down what little she could remember from her stories. But, too soon her day job was over. She still didn’t put her sopping wet, coffee stained notebook in her bag as she got ready to go. "See you Monday," she said to one of her co-worker as she pulled her jacket over her blouse and placed her bag on her shoulder. 
With her notebook on her arm, she took off. She looked down at her shoes as she rode the elevator down to the ground floor of the building she worked in. 
The elevator arrived at the ground floor far too quickly. She sucked in a breath, held her notebook against her chest and walked out of the building. Each step she took was heavy, as if her feet were reluctant to take her home. 
But her apartment building was far too close to her place of work. She opened the door and started up the dimly lit staircase, up to the top floor. Around her the yellow wallpaper was cracked and peeling. 
She missed the step ready to collapse in on itself and avoided the suspicious damp patch on the carpeted top of the stairs and pushed open the door to her apartment. 
"Hey, Ken," she said to her boyfriend, the man she shared her apartment with. Kenneth Johnson hadn't been called Kenneth since he was a boy. He went by Kenny to his friends or more importantly, Ken.
 She placed her notebook on the sofa, her bag on top of it, and hung her jacket on the back of the door. 
"Hey, Barbie," he said in a way she hated. It had been a joke back in high school - his name was Ken so, obviously, she was Barbie. "I cooked you dinner." 
She looked at the small, round table in the middle of their kitchen. 'Cooked' wasn’t exactly the word she would have used to describe the half eaten microwave dinner on the table. "Ken, where's the rest of it?" She asked, her voice light. Almost as if she was talking to child. 
The smile dropped from his face as he yanked open the fridge. "Can't you just be grateful, for once?" He growled as he opened his can of something (she didn’t look up, didn't see what he was drinking as she ate what he had left of her dinner). "I make you dinner and you just want more of it."
She ate in silence, finishing her food quickly. When she was done, she cleaned both hers and Ken's plate away. 
As soon as she was standing up and walking to the sink, Ken looked at her up and down. "What the fuck happened to the skirt I just bought for you?" He asked as he clenched his can. His grip was so tight his can crumpled, liquid spilling everywhere. 
"C'mon Ken. It was just a little spill. It's gonna wash out before Monday."
The still full can clattered to the floor, spilling beer everywhere. "It doesn't matter that it will wash out," he said, keeping his voice calm. "What matters is that you're pissing away my hard earned cash!" 
Suddenly he was in her face, fingers wrapping around her hair and pulling her up. An involuntary cry left her lips and she dropped the dishes back into the sink. "Don't talk back to me," he growled, voice low. His hand snaked around her throat, but he didn't apply pressure. Not yet. "Don't ever talk back to me."
Gulping, she nodded as best she could with the way he held her. And then he let go of her hair, but he didn’t release her neck. "You know I hate doing that, baby," he whispered, stroking her cheek. It didn’t matter how gentle his touch was, it was still searing. 
There was nothing she could do but whimper as he walked her out of the kitchen, leaving the mess of the dishes and the spilt beer.
She walked willingly to the bedroom. But really, how willing is it when you fear so much for your safety?
When Ken told her to strip and get onto the bed, she did just that. "Throw this out, I can’t have you looking like a slob," he said as she stepped out of her skirt. 
"Kenny," she started to say. But, suddenly she was on the bed, laying on her stomach. "Ken, please-"
But Kenneth Johnson wasn't listening to what his girlfriend had to say. He held her body down, hand on the back of her neck as he pulled her underwear down.
He freed himself from his trousers and pushed his cock through her folds. 
There was a time where they weren't like this, a time where they really were in love. Back in high school, back when she didn't mind being Barbie and Ken, he was sweet. He brought flowers and chocolates to her while she worked weekends. He visited her regularly when she went out of state for college and moved with her to San Diego.
It was a few months after they moved to San Diego together that Ken changed. It was a few months after they moved in together that his true colours began showing. 
She didn't cry anymore. There was no point when it didn't get him to stop. 
She laid there until he came and rolled off of her. Kenny laid in the bed and rolled away from her. Still, she didn’t move. She stayed until light snores left his lips. 
Only then did she climb off of the bed. She climbed into the shower that hadn't yet heated up and scrubbed her body. Hidden in an empty tub of body lotion was birth control. Birth control that Kenny wouldn't let her take. But she couldn’t have his baby, she just couldn't.
After cleaning up the mess left in the kitchen and scrubbing at the stain in her shirt, she crawled into bed beside him, but she didn't sleep. 
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skzooweemama · 9 months
Y/n tickling the members to get what she (or they, whichever gender you write for!) wants??
I feel like tiny fics of that would be sososoo adorable😫
Ty but you can ignore this if you want!😅
yesss this is my fav kind of tk stuff 😈😈
tiny fics it is!
plz excuse how long i've been gone- life kinda took me through the ringer in the last two months...
but i'm back for now!! and i wanted to say thanks for 100 followers! y'all are the best!!
i hope you all had a happy holiday season!! enjoy!!
Bang Chan:
chan was unaware that he was no longer alone until he felt a soft touch on his back that startled him so much he nearly screamed. he hadn't heard the door open while wearing his recording headphones, and now he was paying for it. whipping around in the chair, chan's racing heart was immediately calmed upon seeing you standing behind him. he sighed in relief as he pulled his headphones down to sit around his neck.
"jesus- you scared me..." chan groaned, rubbing his eyes.
"i'm sorry, channie. i didn't mean to startle you." you replied, smiling sheepishly. chan nodded, turning back to save what he was working on. "how's it going?"
chan hummed. "well, i can't get this chord progression right and the defaults on this program are pretty hard to change, so not too great..." he trailed off again, eyes focused on the audio files disguised as colorful bars on his monitor.
you nodded in understanding (even though chan's back was to you) and glanced at the clock on your phone. it was nearing 11pm and it was clear he wasn't gonna get much further without some sleep.
"do you maybe wanna call it a night?" you asked, your tone soft as your hands made their way to his shoulders. he holding a lot of tension there. again.
"is that why you're here?" chan shot back, causing you to roll your eyes.
"i'm just worried about you, baby. seriously, all you're doing right now is getting yourself worked up. wouldn't some sleep help?" you're still trying to be diplomatic, but here's your boyfriend, stubborn as always.
"you know how sleep is."
"alright, now you're just being difficult. c'mon, i made dinner." you say finally, going to grab his coat from the coat rack. of course, chan did not listen and is still typing away when you come back. "christopher bahng, let's go."
and yet again, he ignored you.
you groaned loudly and threw his coat down, now determined to get his butt up and out of this studio. for a moment, you play with the idea of giving him one last warning, but... it really has been too long since you've seen him laugh anyway.
“your funeral…” you mutter, reaching around the back of the chair to grab at chan’s sides.
“what are you- AH!!” he cried out as soon he felt your fingers on his ticklish skin and then broke off into his squeaky giggles. “wait!! nahaha!!”
“i’ll only stop if you agree to come home~" you singsonged, your fingers tickling anywhere you could reach as chan thrashed in his seat. you knew how ticklish he was, he wouldn't be able to hold out for much longer.
chan shook his head "no" for only a moment before he felt your fingers dig into his lowest ribs. "NAHAHA OKAY!!" he relented, giggling madly. you took your hands away as he caught his breath. "alright, lehet's... let's go home now."
you chuckled and pressed a kiss to the crown of his head. "that's what i like to hear!"
Lee Know:
sometimes eating really took too much energy. it was a complete hassle, especially now. you were so close to finishing a giant assignment for university and you were completely locked in. of course, this is the moment your stomach decides to inform you that it is empty.
the hunger pains hit you like a truck, and you groaned as your train of thought was completely derailed. a glance at the time told you that you had been working for hours, which must've been the reason why you were feeling ravenous.
after much deliberation, you decided that you were at a decent stopping point on your assignment, especially seeing as it wasn't due for another couple days. time to go find some food.
the hallway was pitch black when you finally emerged from your office. it had become pretty stuffy in the time you were in there and you took a deep breath as you made your way to the kitchen. it was dark in there as well, and you assumed minho had probably gone to bed awhile ago.
no matter! you were perfectly capable of making yourself something to eat.
at least, that's what you thought before you ended up standing in the refrigerator light, staring down all the options before you. it was much too overwhelming for your tired brain to handle and you ended up standing there for much longer than intended.
arms snaking around your waist and a nose burying itself into your neck was enough to snap you out of your haze.
"what're you doing, jagi?" minho purred in your ear as you grasped at the arms around you.
you leaned back into him. "'m hungry..." you sighed, shutting your eyes briefly.
minho huffed out a small laugh. "yeah? you should eat something. staring at the food won't do anything."
you groaned and turned towards him, wrapping him in an embrace of your own. "i'm too tireddd..." you whined.
"awe, you're too tired? my poor baby." minho hummed, and you could practically feel him smiling against your shoulder.
"don't tease me." you said, smacking his back lightly. "you should be making me food, though. i worked really hard today. i deserve it."
"do you?" he fired back, tone lilting and even more teasing now that you were getting worked up.
"yes! will you? please?" you pulled away from the hug just slightly to give him your best puppy eyes.
minho hummed like he was thinking. "i dunno... i'm kind of tired too..."
"minnn!" you whined once again, squeezing him tightly. as you did, your fingers dug into his sides just slightly, causing him to jolt in your hold.
"yah! don't do that!" minho cried out, suddenly desperate to escape from you.
you laughed as you realized what had happened and dug into his sides once again. "do what? hm?" he bit back a squeal and pushed at your shoulders. "if it tickles so bad, make me food~" you cooed.
minho's blushing face and red were illuminated by the light of the fridge. he looked so cute, but of course he still had to be sassy. "starve." he choked out, still fighting his own laughter.
you raised an eyebrow. "oh? if you won't make me any food, i guess i'll have to look elsewhere." you shrugged and gave him a devilish smirk, before diving forward to begin to nibble at his sensitive neck.
"AHH!! NOHO!!" minho laughed, shoving at your harder now. you held him fast and giggled into his neck at his reactions, which brought out his snorting and made you giggle harder.
the two of you stood in the soft light of the refrigerator, you tickling and minho laughing and trying to fight you off, until he finally relented and agreed to make you some food. he huffed and puffed and called you annoying, but you knew he didn't mean it. it was his fault that he was so sensitive, after all.
it almost seemed like the clock was moving extra slow to taunt you. when changbin said he'd be at the gym for a while, you didn't realize he would be gone this long. it had been nearly 3 hours! you couldn't imagine what he was doing that took so long. stray kids did have a big comeback tour soon, but usually that meant they'd rest in the weeks before they left. surely chan wasn't encouraging changbin to work out this much.
just as you were about to send a text to check in on him, you heard the front door open. moments later, changbin came around the corner and into the dining room where you were sat, doing some work.
"hi baby! how was the gym?" you greeted, beaming at him.
your smile faltered a bit when you took in his appearance. he looked tired and worried, with his brow drawn up and a far-away look in his eyes. you also noticed his hair was damp with sweat, meaning he didn't shower at the gym like normal.
he offered you a small smile and came over to kiss your forehead softly. "it was alright, nothing special." he patted your shoulder and turned to head down the hall. "i'm going to take a shower."
changbin was gone for a quite a while, and in that time you made dinner for the both of you and waited patiently for him to come out. the shower eventually stopped, but instead of him coming to investigate the smell of food like he usually would, you heard the bedroom door shut. you decided to give him some space and ate alone. after another hour, you decided to bring the food to him, just in case he was really too tired to come eat.
"baby?" you called into the bedroom before opening up the door all the way. "i have food for you! do you-," you cut yourself off as your eyes adjusted to the dim light in the bedroom.
changbin was sitting on the floor at the foot of the bed, legs drawn up to his chest as tears streamed down his cheeks.
"oh my god." you whispered, quickly setting the food on the dresser and practically falling to the floor to take him into your arms. "bin, my baby, what's wrong?"
changbin leaned into your embrace and sniffled, choking back a sob. "the comeback- i don't look good enough- i can't-," he barely got the words out, but you understood immediately.
"oh bin, you're so beautiful and strong- you know all your fans admire you for it!" you cradled the back of his head as he leaned into you and kissed the side of his head. "i do too, of course i do... please don't think so negatively of yourself."
changbin nodded against your shoulder, hands fisted in the sweatshirt you were wearing. "i know, i know. 's hard sometimes."
you hummed in acknowledgement and moved so you could take his face in your hands. "it is, i have days like that too." you wiped at the tear stains on his puffy cheeks and pressed a kiss to his forehead. "but you help me out of them, yeah? so i'll help you too."
changbin nodded once again, flushing slightly at your actions. you giggled when he averted his gaze, trailing your hands down his neck and to his shoulders, and then to his chest. you gave him a teasing look and squeezed his pecs gently. he flushed a deeper shade of red, and bit his lip, swatting at your hands gently.
"you're so strong, my love. and so handsome. i can't help but feel you up~" you giggled, leaning forward to kiss his warm cheeks. changbin opened his mouth to say something, but instead a gasp came out when you ran your fingers over the ticklish spot on the side of his chest. "oh? are you feeling ticklish right now?"
changbin shook his head, intent on scrambling away from you. "bahaby, please!" he pleaded as you caught him in a bear hug.
once you had a good grip, you used your body weight to slow him down and dug into his weak spot with a fervor. changbin screamed immediately, throwing his head back and breaking into loud cackles right after. you laughed at his silly giggles and tickled him some more.
"do you promise to come to me next time you're feeling sad?" you asked once you thought he'd had enough.
"YEHES!!" changbin shrieked, still fighting you (but just barely). his face way flushed and more tears streaked his cheeks, but you knew these ones were good. you let him go, but not before drowning him in about a million kisses.
it had been about a year since you'd been able to go home to america, and honestly it was fine with you. sure, you missed your family and friends from back home, but you had made new friends here and met the love of your life. plus, your parents visited just last month. what was there to miss?
ah. that's right. american snacks.
korean snacks were good, but none of them were like what you had back home. none of them tasted like your childhood in the same way a good old bag of american cheetos did. sometimes you think you'd sell your body parts for just one taste of something overly processed from your home country.
when hyunjin ended up leaving for tour in the states, you knew this was your chance. while he was there, you sent him a list of snacks to bring back for you. and he did, arriving home about 9 weeks later with your goodies.
you tried your hardest to savor them, but unfortunately it was yet another good thing that was gone too soon. you were back to missing your snacks once again.
that was, until you came home one afternoon to see hyunjin with a collection of entirely new snacks.
"where did you get those?" you asked as soon as you laid eyes on the items.
"what, no hi first?" hyunjin snarked back at you, and you rolled your eyes.
"hi, baby." you said, not at all sarcastically. "where did you get those?"
hyunjin shrugged. "care package."
you looked at him dumbfounded. "from who?" as far as you knew, he had no american friends.
"your mom." he replied curtly, reaching to grab a small bag of oreo bites from the hoard.
"my mom?! and she didn't send anything for me?" you cried out dramatically, looking through the pile of packaging for any sign of a care package for you.
"it might've been addressed to me and you, but honestly i think i'll just keep it all to myself." hyunjin's voice was teasing, but his words made your blood boil. you leveled an icy glare at his stupidly handsome face.
"you better share." you growled, walking towards him slowly. he just shrugged and moved the pile closer to himself. "hwang hyunjin!"
hyunjin stuck his tongue out at you childishly. "make me~"
even though heat rose to your cheeks at his words, you still wanted those snacks. and maybe you wanted to humble your cheeky boyfriend just a little too.
"fine." you shrugged, giving hyunjin a devilish smile as you rounded the coffee table. you plopped down on the couch and tackled him onto his back, your hand immediately finding the familiar spot on his right side. hyunjin didn't put up much of a fight as you dug your fingers into the spot and burst into loud cackles. you cooed at him teasingly, moving so you caged him in beneath you. "aww, did someone wanna be tickled?"
"GAHAHA!! NOHOHO!!" he cried out, throwing his head back as more screams of mirth poured from his lips.
"no? are you sure? does that mean i can have some of the snacks?" you punctuated this question with a jab to his ribs on the left side, which had him gasping and reaching for your hands.
"WAHAHAIT!! AH- AHAHA!! PLEHEHEASE!!" hyunjin forced the words out between loud laughs, his hips bucking from beneath you. you leaned forward to see glistening trails of tears running down his cheeks. you didn't wanna kill him, so you let up on the attacks on his midsection in favor of scratching gently at his neck.
hyunjin was panting and squirming beneath you, soft giggles escaping him as he looked up at you with half-lidded, teary eyes. god, he was so attractive.
"so? are you done being a snack tyrant?" you asked, smiling down at him and dropping a kiss to his wet cheek.
hyunjin shivered when you accidentally scratched at the especially sensitive spot below his right ear, and nodded. "yehehes, yes i'm dohone!"
finally, you stopped your tickling and dropped a quick peck on his lips. "good! i've been craving cheetos like crazy." you chirped as you climbed off of him.
hyunjin sighed and watched you go searching through the pile. you were lucky he loved you so much. he didn't share snacks with just anyone after all.
"han jisung, i swear to everything that is good and holy, if you sing that song one more time, i'm going to freak out!"
"babyyyy! ed sheeran is so good! i can't help it!"
this had been an ongoing argument for most of the day. you just wanted some help decorating for christmas, and of course your wonderful boyfriend was more than willing to help. you expected a day of holiday music, a fire in the fire place, and maybe some hot cocoa. instead, jisung had officially ruined "shape of you" by ed sheeran (although, let's be honest, that song was pretty much ruined anyway). over and over and over again he sang the chorus. sometimes loud, sometimes soft, sometimes in english, and sometimes poorly translated in korean. he said he needed the practice for when they translated their own songs, but that seemed like an excuse.
regardless, you were at your wit's end and you just needed him to stop.
"my love, you know i adore your singing, but please pick a new song. there are so many nice christmas songs!" you said, rooting through box after box in search of your christmas tree star.
jisung was looking through a box of his own and sighed loudly at your words. "fineee. it's just stuck in my head!" you shot him a look. "...but i'll find something else to sing..." he grumbled in defeat.
"good. ah!" you reached into the box and pulled out the shiny gold star. "found it. wanna put it at the top of the tree for me, ji?" jisung immediately perked up and nodded, grabbing the star from you and quickly scaling the ladder you had set up next to the tree. you laughed and stood behind him, grasping his waist when he wobbled a bit as he reached to set the star on top. "be careful!" you scolded playfully, giving his waist a squeeze.
jisung nearly fell of the later again when he felt the squeeze, clasping his hands over yours as he buckled over with a yelp. you giggled and took your hands off him as he climbed down.
"sorry baby, i didn't mean to tickle you~" you cooed, kissing his reddening cheek. jisung pouted a bit at you, but when you moved to grab his hips again, he ran back to the boxes to find the lights and ornaments.
the two of you spent another hour decorating the tree without much more incident. the lights were sort of a pain to untangle after having been in storage, but eventually you had gotten them placed on the tree while jisung began to hang ornaments from the highest branches. after the lights were all plugged in, you went back to get some ornaments of your own. jisung was still stood on the ladder with his back turned to you when you heard a faint murmur.
"girl you know i want your love..." the sound just barely reached your ears, but it was enough to draw your attention.
"jisung. what was that?" you asked, crossing your arms. jisung made a coughing sound, glancing back at you briefly.
"um. nothing?" his words were unsure, and you knew he was being a little liar because of the blush sneaking up the back of his neck.
"oh really? did ed sheeran's ghost just invade our home then? because i was sure i heard someone singing shape of you again." you said, words teasing as you walked back over to where jisung stood on the ladder.
"yeah! yeah that must be it. i dunno what else it could be." he still wouldn't look at you.
"oh you don't? well i definitely do." with that, you reached up and started squeezing at his hips. jisung was just able to hang the last ornament in his grasp before he squealed and collapsed backwards. luckily he wasn't too far off the ground and you could catch him before he hurt himself.
you wrapped you arms around him, hands poised to attack his sensitive little waist. jisung craned his head back to look at you, his eyes wide and pleading.
"baby! please don't!! i'm sorry, i won't sing it again!" he whined, squirming in anticipation.
you gave him a look of faux sympathy before you dug right back into his flesh. the pinching, massaging, and scratching had jisung weak in the knees as loud laughter escaped him.
"GAHAHA!! NOHOHO!!" he shrieked, kicking out. you sure were glad that you were behind him now.
you giggled at his reactions and pressing ticklish kisses to the back of his neck, causing him to throw his head back and wack you in the nose.
immediately, you let him go with a cry of pain and cupped your throbbing nose. blood poured from your nostrils, covering your hands and face.
"oh no! oh no, baby, i'm so sorry-" jisung cried, pulling you into a tight hug, clearly not caring that he was wearing a white sweatshirt. when he pulled away, he took your face into his hands. "lemme see. i need to see if it's broken." after a trip to the bathroom to stem the bleeding and some poking and prodding, it was determined that nothing was broken. some cuddles on the couch healed your bruised ego, however, that was probably the last time you'd tickle your boyfriend for a while.
"felixxx! you know i can't make them like you do... will you please help me?" you whined, throwing yourself dramatically on the bed.
you were on your period and absolutely fiending for some of your boyfriend's brownies. they were relatively simple to make, but you could never make them like felix did. and now he was outright refusing to make you any, instead playing games on his PC with seungmin. what were you supposed to do??
felix snorted out a laugh at your words but made no move to turn away from his game. he had been playing league of legends with seungmin since he got home from rehearsal. which was only like an hour ago, but still- didn't they get enough of each other already?
"are you even beating him?" you asked, now staring up at the ceiling.
felix let out an affirmative hum. "yep, he's losing. badly." he sounded way too smug.
you scoffed and sat back up. "yeah? i doubt it." you moved to stand beside his gaming chair and took a look at his monitor screen. it looked like felix was winning. "huh. surprising."
your boyfriend huffed at you and reached over to grab at your side.
"hey!" you cried out, jumping away from him and muttering, "jerk."
"watch it, i won't help you if you're mean to me."
you groaned, and sat back down on the foot of the bed. felix went back to his game and you watched him, praying he'd be done after this last round. the gentle clicking of his keyboard would be relaxing- if you weren't craving the brownies with every part of your being. no matter, you could be patient.
thankfully, by the time your patience had worn thin, felix was powering down his PC. you sat up, ready to go make the brownies and finally halt your craving in its tracks, when you were tackled back onto the bed. a head of blond hair started nuzzling into the crook of your neck, and the familiar tickling feeling make you jolt.
"gah! i thought we were gonna make brownies!" you cried out, making felix's chuckles reverberate through your body. in sharp contrast to your words, your hands just naturally slipped beneath his sweater and began to trace shapes on his back.
"'m tired." felix grumbled against your neck. you knew he was being a little shit to get you angry. you could practically feel him smirking.
"lix! please? can't we cuddle after?" you were getting more and more restless.
he made another noncommittal noise, so you decided to take matters into your own hands. literally.
"felix, if you don't get up and help me make brownies, i will tickle you within an inch of your life." as the threat left your mouth, you wrapped your arms tightly around his waist.
"i- what? GAH!"
you dug your fingers into his sides when you didn't hear an immediate "yes i'll help you", and felix immediately began to thrash on top of you, desperate to get away. but your hold was tight and you weren't budging until he gave you the answer you wanted.
"NAHAHA!! I'M SOHOHORRY PLEHEHEASE!!" felix screamed, barely able to speak through his laughter. he was so loud, especially since he was right by your ear. part of you hoped he learned his lesson soon, but the other, more sadistic part of you hoped you could tickle him until he passed out.
fortunately for felix, you did still want those brownies. you let up your attack just a bit so he could catch his breath and finally agree to help you out. he did, pulling away from you with a flushed face and frizzy hair, still giggling like a kid.
you smiled and smoothed his hair out, pressing a kiss to his lips before scooting off the bed. the rest of the evening was spent in the kitchen, felix teaching you how to perfect his recipe and you marveling at just how lucky you were.
movie nights with all of the members of stray kids were your favorite, no contest. you always had so much fun when all nine of you gathered together to watch whatever film they voted on, either taking over one of the dorms or your apartment. in dating seungmin, you gained a whole friend group that you couldn't be more thankful for on top of a cute, caring, and funny boyfriend.
tonight, the movie was kill bill: volume 2 (you had watched the first one all together last week), and you all were wondering if the bride would actually kill bill this time. unfortunately, you never got the answer to that question because you ended up falling asleep only 30 minutes into the movie.
"hey," a soft voice roused you. "we're gonna head out, is seungmin okay staying here?"
you opened your eyes to make out the form of chan standing over you with a soft smile on his face. everyone else was standing by the door, and they waved "bye" when you looked over.
"yeah, yeah, no, he's fine. where is he-," as you went to sit up, you felt a weight on your lap and looked down to see seungmin fast asleep on your lap. chan giggled a bit at you, and you gave him a sheepish smile. "ah. yeah, he's fine."
"alright. let me know what you thought of the movie if you get a chance to finish it." he said, headed towards the door to join his members. you nodded and waved as they left.
after the front door shut, you rubbed your eyes and stretched, reaching for your phone on the coffee table beside you. the screen lit up and you saw that it was late. oh well, you had weekend off, as did seungmin.
your eyes moved to the boy sleeping in your lap. he was on his side facing you, his cheek squished against your thighs as he let out soft, hardly audible breaths. you smiled. he was pretty cute when he was asleep. he was cute all the time, but when he was sleeping he had the tendency to be significantly less annoying.
while you were perfectly content staying on the couch and allowing seungmin to use you as a pillow, your bladder had other ideas.
you really had to pee.
at first, you tried to move gently off of your lap, but either he was really heavy or you were really weak because he was not moving. no matter, you just had to wake him up. it wasn't ideal, especially because he gets grumpy after naps, but peeing yourself was not on your agenda tonight.
gently, you brushed his bangs away from his eyes and patted his cheek. "min? baby, i have to pee. why don't you go get some clothes to change into and i'll meet you in my bed?"
seungmin groaned, turning to bury his face further into your lap.
you sighed and ran your fingers through his hair. "can you move just a bit? please?" no response from the sleepy boy. "kim seungmin, i swear to god..." you muttered.
suddenly, an idea came to you. it was mean, but you had no choice if he wasn't going to move on his own. you moved your hand from his hair and rested it on the nape of his neck. seungmin didn't react, so you gently scratched at his skin.
he shifted and tried to pull away from your hand while still using your legs as a pillow. you felt him start to shake as he tried to bite back his giggles. he was awake, that brat.
"seungmin, i know you're awake~," you cooed, bringing your other hand to double the attack on his neck. "better move or this will get a whole lot worse."
seungmin rolled over just enough so that you could see the sleepy smile on his lips as he giggled. "nohoho!"
"no? alright, whatever you say." changing tactics, you reached down and began to massage his sides quickly. your boyfriend let out a yelp of surprise and tried to roll away, which only ended up with him on the ground.
you followed him as he went, tickling wherever you could reach when he landed on his front. once he was fully off of you, you squeezed his hips one more time, patted his butt, and got up to run to the bathroom. seungmin whined at you, promising revenge.
he wasn't actually gonna do anything to you, he was too tired. that is, until you turned around before you reached the hallway and stuck your tongue out at him. oh, you were in for it.
as much as you loved your boyfriend, sometimes he sucked, especially when you wanted to cuddle. granted, you knew when you started dating him that he was not one for a lot of physical touch. in fact it was one of the first things you learned about him.
however, once you started dating him, you realized that you were his kyptonite. he didn't like cuddling unless he was cuddling you. he hated to admit it, but it was true.
it was friday and your week had been complete shit. with changes happening to the company you worked for, you had been at risk of getting laid off. you didn't, thankfully, but you did lose a few coworkers that you were close to and now you had to take on their workload as well. all in all, it was beyond stressful and you just needed some affection.
jeongin knew that. of course he did.
so why was he cleaning the kitchen instead of joining you on the couch?
"innie! please? i'm so lonely..." you called from the couch, slumped over dramatically.
"in a minute, jagi. i have to finish cleaning up." he said, glancing up at you with a smile that was just big enough for his dimples to peek out. god, he would be the death of you.
you looked away from him to avoid flustering yourself and crossed your arms over your chest. "yeah, whatever. dinner wasn't even that messy..."
jeongin chuckled at your words and went back to cleaning.
about ten minutes later, you decided the kitchen was clean enough. you pulled yourself from the couch and walked into the kitchen, pulling him into a back hug.
"are you getting restless?" he asked, his voice teasing.
"i miss you..." you mumbled into his back.
"missed me? where have i been that caused you to miss me?" at his words, you reached beneath his sweatshirt and tweaked his side. he let out an "ah!" and tried to pull away from your grip.
you giggled. "don't be a smartass. come cuddle."
"i will, i will. i just need to- AH! dohon't!!" you cut him off with his own giggles as you started squeezing his sides again. jeongin collapsed forward, leaning against the counter as you tickled him gently.
you weren't sure where you got the idea to do this, but it seemed to be encouraging him to listen for once.
at least, that was until he suddenly broke free from your grasp and began to run like his life depended on it.
"hey!" you cried out, following him down the hallway.
jeongin slipped into the bedroom and tried to shut it before you could get in, but you caught the door before it swung shut and tackled him onto the bed. you boyfriend started laughing in anticipation before you even touched him, which was so cute that you couldn't just let him go now.
though he was stronger than you, you managed to pin him in a way that allowed you one free hand to wreck every spot you could reach. you squeezed his sides, scratched his tummy, counted his ribs, and even dug into his armpits when he tried to push you away.
jeongin was thoroughly exhausted by the time you were done with him, red, tear-streaked face and all. he was practically boneless as you let him go, only moving to pull you into his chest and press a kiss to your hair.
finally, you got the cuddles you craved (and one slightly vengeful boyfriend), and your shitty week suddenly had a bright side.
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bidisasterevankinard · 5 months
Not even close to 7 sentence sunday
i have plot and some sentences that I was quick to imagine for my fratboys bucktommy au, but ofc it might be editing when I'll write the whole thing still i need opinion on this part(again not really bucktommy)
“So, you bang both girls and guys?” The guy, Sal, who Buck already during his first shift pinned as a jerk, definitely just proved that he is right. 
“Sal!” Hen hits the man’s shoulder, and Buck smiles at her with a slight nod in appreciation, but he knows how to fight his fights against the type like this one.
“What? I'm just curious,” Sal says it with the same assholish manner and Buck just rolls his eyes. He looks at Buck with the challenge and Buck will not let this idiot win. He is not ashamed of himself and he will not let anyone try to make him ashamed. 
“Yes. I bang both,” Buck sips the coffee Hen bought him, making a mental note to say sorry to her, Chim and Bobby, and even Tommy, for the way he behaves now, but he should say it to shut this guy.  
He looks Sal straight in the eyes and smirks.
“Even tho, most of the time I prefer guys to bang me. Or girls. Or anyone who wants to actually,” Buck licks his lips and leans closer to man, using his best charming lower voice, in which sarcasm is heard, and smiles, not forgetting batting his eyelashes. “Wanna try as it's our day off tomorrow and you're so interested? I’ll even ride you so you don’t have to do a lot of work.”
Tommy chokes on his food and Bobby and Chim hit him on the back, while they are like Hen laugh so hard Buck’s sure they can start crying.
Sal the one who looks pretty angry, clenching his jaw so that Buck can hear his teeth sliding against each other. Buck loves the face Sal makes. The jerk knows he lost and Buck is too smug. Buck 1, Sal 0.
When laughter dies and Tommy stops coughing the pasta Bobby made, Sal makes the worst fake smile.
“Nah, I'm not that interested. You are definitely not my time. I like chicks,” the man says it like he is the best guy ever and any woman should be happy he looked at her. Buck just rolls his eyes again and he smiles at Hen who does the same.
It was such a weak come back, Buck barely contains his laugh. 
“Yeah, I had enough guys who said that they only like girls. And you know what? They really liked fuck me so I can't walk for at least half a day after or cried in pleasure under me, begging me to fuck them harder and deeper. So never say never, sweety,” Buck blows the kiss into Sal’s direction and decides to make himself useful. “Now if your ‘cool straight guy’ questioning of bi guy is done, I'm gonna go and clean the truck.”
He sends a fake polite smile to Sal, and then real apologetic to everyone in the room and goes away from the loft.
I was tagged by @wikiangela @dangerpronebuddie @daffi-990
@watchyourbuck @rogerzsteven @tizniz @theotherbuckley @pirrusstuff @saybiwithme @spotsandsocks @devirnis @diazsdimples @fortheloveofbuddie @hippolotamus @cal-daisies-and-briars @bibuckbuckley @bi-buckrights @bewilderedbuckley @neverevan @monsterrae1 @rainbow-nerdss and anyone who wants too
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kyokikia · 9 months
Hello I just saw that you take request so I wanted to take a swing at it.
Can I have a Luffy X (fem) Reader, The crew if fighting (you can chose) and during this battle Reader can see that Luffy needs help so being the person she is she rushes in to help. But doing that ends up getting them both very hurt, and as they lay on the ground reader and Luffy turns to each other and that when Reader confesses to him.
What happens next is up to you, thank you for your time.
Not just as a friend.
Pairings ; Monkey D. Luffy × fem!reader
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Type ; angsty to fluff, romance
Warnings ; little angsty i guess?? With the nsture of the request, noth of them get very hurt and reader cries. this takes place before luffy and the crew gets like too strong! Obvious fighting, luffy is really ooc sorry
Sorry i really am having trouble with writing the requests, writers block is hitting even though i just started being a writer 😭 again, im sorry for the wait but please be patient with me!
The crew was at battle with some other pirate crew, one that was a little bit stronger than the straw hats, enough to give you guys quite some difficulty. Your specialty wasn't too much on fighting, but you could still fight decently. Everyone was fighting a pirate of their own or working in a duo, you were left with fighting one of the weaker pirates.
The pirate was easily dealt with, just with a little scratches. Once the pirate was done and knocked out, you looked over at your friends and your captain, Luffy. Who you may or may not have had feelings for. The entire straw hat crew knew it too, other than Luffy of course he was just that oblivious. But it's not like you told the straw hats of your feelings for Luffy, you were kind of just obvious and they asked and teased you about it often.
From what you could see, the rest of your friends were dealing with their opponents with some trouble, but Luffy seemed like he was having the most trouble dealing with the enemy crew's captain. Like a lot of trouble.
So quickly you began running to him, trying to offer him some help. Sweat dripping off your face from the previous fight and added anxiety since the enemy captain seemed quite strong. You could obviously see Luffy was struggling with this fight, and you wanna help as much as you can.
The enemy captain was much stronger than you had anticipated, he was giving both you and Luffy a lot of trouble. He got Luffy really injured and you looked over at the other Straw Hats, it seemed like they were all having trouble and wouldn't be able to help for a while.
As you looked back at Luffy, you see him as he gets hit and flown really hard into the distance, not too far away though, "Luffy!" You yelled out, hoping the rubber boy wasn't too hurt. You turn around to the captain, knowing you wouldn't be able to defeat him by yourself.
You try holding out against the enemy as long as you can by yourself, leading you to get very injured while you pray that your crew-mates would be able to help you,
The enemy captain hits you hard as well and blows you away, into the same direction as Luffy. The blow really injured both you and Luffy, and your friends took notice of that. By then, they had finished dealing with their opponents and they rushed to deal with the captain.
Meanwhile, you and Luffy were laid on the floor, trying to get up but at that moment, both of you were too injured to do anything. With you even more injured. Everything hurts so much, you thought to yourself as tears welled up in your eyes.
You managed to bring yourself up to slowly walk over to Luffy, really wanting to see if he was alright. "Luffy?" You lowly ask, crying from the pain and being worried. You lay down beside him, "are you alright y/n?" Luffy asks, using his hand to wipe your tears.
You nod, lying as you mumble, "mhm. I'm so glad you're not dead." The last sentence, wasn't a lie though. The tears keep flowing and you try to stop, but you can't. You cry as you give Luffy a soft smile, staring into his concerned eyes. Luffy really did care about you, more than anyone else on the crew,
"i really love you Luffy, you know that?" You lowly confess to him as an evident blush forms with your smile, you watch as Luffy gives you his signature big grin, "I love you too y/n!"
Your smile grows even bigger, as the tears flowing turn into happy tears instead as he says, "I wasn't sure of my feelings y/n, but Robin helped me realize that I love you, and not just in a friend way!" He confesses, smiling as he's confirming that he doesn't just love you as a friend.
Oh my god i hate this like i really hate this im sorry its so bad?? Like i have no idea how to end this and im just unsatisfied with the entire post as it is, im sorry its no good! I really wanna make this better but i dont know how too 😭 Luffy is literally so ooc and i hate this im sorry i couldnt write the request that good, writers block just hitting me way too hard right now.
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mazzystar24 · 5 months
I totally get I just finished my exam week (I had to do a math test at 8am Sat😭). Wish you luck tho!
Also do you have any good buddies fics? Destiel too?
Math test at 8am is BRUTAL
Thank you I will definitely need it😭😭
Unfortunately I only have buddie fics to offer😔:
(Warning I do like a fair amount of angst)
Right where you left me - by hyacinthusbloom ( @thebloomingheather on here) - when I say I might be as big a fan of this fic as I am of the show I MEAN IT, you do not even understand how much I love this fic or how obsessed I am with it, I have reread it so many times despite it still being in progress that I think I may genuinely qualify it as addictive, me and @estheticpotaeto legit wait for updates like a dog at the author’s door istg, like everything about this fic is flawless and written with so much love and emotion and the way the writer captures the effects of trauma is just amazing because it’s so rare to find this level of diving into ptsd and the more uncomfortable aspects of it that are more taboo or less understandable to people, like I can yap for an hour about this fic but I’ll just say READ IT
Any fic by daisies_and_briars ( @cal-daisies-and-briars on here) but one of my favourites of his is Both blade and branch and muscle memory and four can keep a secret and appetency and the two she’s writing right now (change the prophecy and steal my sunshine) -wow at that point I should’ve left it as any fic because that’s a lot of favourites😭😭
Any fic by @loserdiaz plus with them you get enough lighthearted fics to even out the angst
Ooo I’m not sure what their username on here is but lizzybizzyzz is also another writer who I just love their fics
Fractals by hobbitprincess - one of those fics that make you squeak at how much love these fictional characters have for each other
Beneath my mother tongue by archerincombat - the angst the writing the way they hit every single emotional beat? Amazing
Anything by this_is_moony_lovegood
Leave the light on (I’ll be coming home) by HMSLusitania - the presumed dead Eddie fic of your dreams, a constant reread for me it’s just 👌
Anchored by adorkable_buddie - sorry Chris you gotta be injured sometimes just for us to get our buddie dreams hope you understand and we appreciate your sacrifice 😔🫶
empty, broken, lonely, hoping by daniweb - when I tell you I love the presumed dead trope you best believe I’m telling the truth because the ANGST?? Yes please, LISTEN it’s the closest you can get to the emotional beats of killing off a character without ever killing them off because you love them and happy endings too much so TIM MINEAR TAKE NOTES I KNOW YOU SAID YOU LOVE THEM TOO MUCH TO KILL THEM, anyways back to to the point this fic again is just flawless execution by the writer like absolutely love it
every time we stop talking (the universe starts screaming) by withmeornotatall - emotional destruction and I absolutely love it, divorce era 2.0 and it HITS
Home is where it hurts- by rileyblue2001 - can you tell I hate the Buckley parents because I HATE the Buckley parents
The one with the return of the sex addiction by buddiefication (pumpkincreamcoldbrew) - I’ve reccomended so much angst so have a funny little light hearted buddie fic with the father bobby vibes we all love❤️❤️
Falling Slowly; Sing Your Melody (I’ll Sing It Loud) by Princessfbi ( @princessfbi on here who I also love sm of their fics so highly suggest just going on their page and looking through all the fics) - absolutely love it, legit gave me brain rot and got me obsessed for a GOOD while
I'm comin' back, don't let me go by wikiangela ( @wikiangela on here also love love their fics again so check them out but this one is probably my favourite of theirs)
Okay this is looking more and more like a uni reading list so I’m gonna shut up now but I hope you enjoy these fics and that a few of them emotionally damage you like they did me because I love to spread the joy (see: pain and suffering) 🫶🫶
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kalolasfantasyworld · 11 days
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Paper Hearts anniversary
Today passes exactly a year since I published the first chapter of PH and at the same time joined the BC fandom.
I want to thank everyone who supported me through this amazing journey. Tumblr is annoying and is not letting me tag people so I will make few posts with some special thanks yous 🥺 Treat this post as the main one of sorts.
There will be few of these and I'm sorry I probably won't get to everyone. If you're not there please don't take it as if I don't appreciate you, because I really do. I also won't talk too much, because we would be sitting here all day, but I really wanted to thank few people directly. Also it's a PH anniversary, so that's what I'm focusing on with these.
Have a little art of my blorbos. These characters gave me so much and I didn't expect to love them as much as I did. I had PH plot obviously planned beforehand, but while writing I fully connected to the Silvas and in a way discovered Helena.
If you're curious about the story how PH came to be here's an explanation post.
PH gave me so much this year. I talked to my friends about it when I was very emotional, that this fic in fact will come to an end at some point. It was then when I summarised some of the amazing things PH gave me.
This story is the reason I engaged in the fandom in the first place I wouldn't have posted my art if not for PH Posting the fic kind of started everything But it also brought so much change to my rl
It got me through a serious break up. I learned how to have fun by myself, made new friends, saw who were the fake ones, laughed a lot, cried as well, stayed up many nights, learned how to draw, had an escape when uni was hard, learned how to be true to myself and brave. but I suppose most of all PH brought back my inner child I lost it four years ago, when my life hit me hard and it took me 3 years to get it back to start dreaming and coming up with stories again to go back to my fantasy world
now you know the story behind my username 💕
Thank you BC fandom for accepting me here and giving me this little corner to call my "internet home".
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mustainegf · 4 months
This was requested personally by one of my absolute favourite people on this app @ihavenolife346 I love you so so much and this was such a good write!!
WARNINGS: Rough sex, choking, spanking, degradation
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James was relentless, his eyes flashing with power each time he snapped his hips back.
"You like that don't you, slut?" He hissed, his large fingers wrapping the width of my throat.
I stifled a whine, it was all too much, his cock pistoning at an unforgivable pace, the squeeze on my throat, the spanks on my ass and thighs that were becoming increasingly more frequent.
His hand came down hard on my ass, the sharp sting making me cry out. He spanked me again and again, each slap sending jolts of pain and pleasure through my body.
"You're such a dirty slut," he snarled, his hand moving to grip my hair, yanking my head back so he could see my face. "Aren't you?"
"Yes," I gasped, the word barely more than a whimper. "I'm your dirty slut."
"Do you like that?" he demanded, his voice a harsh whisper in my ear. "Do you like being fucked like the little whore you are?"
"Yes," I cried out, the pain and pleasure making my vision fade. "Yes, James."
I could feel tears forming in my eyes, the force of his thrusts, the roughness, it was a lot. I loved it, craved it, but it was becoming too much. I tried to hold on, to endure, but the satisfaction was mingling too closely with the pain.
"Blue," I whispered, barely audible over the sounds of our bodies slamming together. "Blue."
James didn't hear me at first, his focus entirely on slamming into me, marking me as his own. I cried out again, louder this time, my voice breaking with the effort.
He froze, the realization hitting him like a bucket of ice cold water. He pulled out of me immediately, his hands releasing their grip on my throat and hair.
I collapsed onto the bed, tears streaming down my face, my body shook with a violent tremor.
"Oh, God," he said, his voice full of panic and remorse. "I'm so sorry. Are you okay, baby?"
He pulled me into his arms, holding me tightly, his hands gentle now as he stroked my hair and my back. I could feel the regret through his skin.
"I'm so so sorry, honey," he whispered, his voice choked with emotion. "I didn't mean to hurt you. Are you okay?"
I nodded, still trying to catch my breath, the tears drying on my cheeks. "I'm okay," I replied softly, my voice hoarse. "Just... just needed it to stop."
He held me tighter, his lips planting a kiss on my forehead. "I love you," he murmured. "I'm so sorry. I love you so much. I never want to hurt you, honey."
He continued to hold me, his hands moving in sweet patterns on my skin. "We'll take it slower," he promised. "Whatever you need. I'm here."
"I'll run a bath for you, sweetheart," he murmured, his voice fueled with concern. "We can cuddle in there, and I'll take care of you, hows that sound?"
I nodded, sniffling as I wiped the tears from my cheeks. The idea of a warm bath was exactly what I needed right now. "Thank you, Jamie."
Without another word, James carefully lifted me into his arms. His strong, familiar body made me feel safe, and I wrapped my arms around his neck, resting my head against his sweaty shoulder as he carried me to the bathroom.
He set me down gently on the edge of the tub, his hands lingering on my shoulders as he made sure I was steady.
As the bath filled, James turned back to me, his eyes crammed with remorse. He knelt in front of me, taking my hands in his. "I'm so sorry," he said again, his voice breaking. "I never want to push you too far. I love you so much."
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mymelodymia · 11 months
Hey bby how r u? I got a request cause my emotions have been wonky asf can you write where Mike has a younger sis like 13-14 basically going through a lot and is getting bullied at school for not being the "prettiest" being teased and picked on constantly for being the "weird" one, shy, mostly to themselves hard to make friends etc. Iv gone through that and it sucks :(
Uhh fluffy lots of comfort mike lowkey beats the shot outta them. Anyways ty 😊 have a good one hun 🩷
Bullys // Mike Schmidt x sister!reader
**not a ship**
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Summary: you're being bullied and don't say anything,
Warnings: bullying, bruises, Mike beating the shit out of some middle-schoolers,
Age: 13
A/N: hi baby! I'm doing good, I hope you like the way this came out 🥰
You had been being bullied for a while now. You kept it a secret for a while, most nights you cried yourself to sleep. What did you do to them? You hadn't done anything to them, they just did it to be little pains in the ass.
You tried to make friends but no one liked you and you didn't know why. You got good grades, you helped people in class, and you were literally the sweetest person in the world.
One day you couldn't take it anymore, you were riding home on your bike when you were suddenly hit the ground. Some kids had pushed you, (assholes) you skined your knees on the road, and Injured your palms from catching yourself.
They all took turns kicking you, before an old man walked out in a robe, yelling at them to get off his lawn (sorry)
You were badly injured from the force of the kicks. You could barely stand back up. You had been able to cover up most of your bruises with hoodies and sweaters, but you couldn't take it anymore
You broke down crying on your bike, sobbing loudly. You somehow had the strength to slowly peddle the bike and got home two hours after your curfew. It was now sundown, the street lights had turned on not long ago.
Mike was extremely worried about you. You had been very distant and quiet over the past few months. You spent most of your time in your room. And you oddly always left food on your plate. He didn't know why, he assumed it was connected to puberty in a way.
But when he saw you biking down the street, he let out a sigh of relief, but soon turned angry.
"Where have you been!? Do you know how late it i-" he yelled, pausing when he saw your tear-stained cheeks and puffy red eyes. "What happened? W-who did.....whats wrong?" He asked holding one of your shoulders
You slowly took of the jacket you were using to hide the cuts and bruises all along your body. He gasped and gently caressed a few down your arm.
You sniffed and he hugged you. Wrapping his strong arms around you securely. "Who did this to you?" He asked as you sobbed into him. "Y/n...please tell me who it was, i need names." He said in a soft tone.
You slowly whispered every single person who ever hurt you. And that took a while since practically everyone in the school was bullying you.
He listened carefully, remembering everything you said. He carried you inside, sitting on the couch, he allowed you to crawl into his lap and cling to him.
You wrapped your arms around his neck, he held you to his chest. He couldn't belive someone would hurt his baby sister. This disbelief quickly turned into anger.
Filled with rage, he slowly set you down and took his car keys and put on his coat. You didn't have the strength to follow him, so you curled up into a ball and sat there for a good hour.
Mike returned with a small bruise on his cheek, just under his eye. Let's just say that he took care of them 😈
He picked you up like a baby, cradling you in his arms. He walked you over to his room and plopped you down, forgetting about your injuries.
When you winced in pain he immediately apologized, "oh im so sorry, i forgot, im sorry baby.." he said taking you his arms again, kissing the top of your head.
He walked out for a moment and returned with a tube of something, he applied a small amount to his cheek in a mirror, before coming over to you.
He rubbed it gently into your skin, being sure not to hurt you.
You thanked him when he was finished, he set the tube down on his night table, he climbed into bed and wrapped his arms around you gently. You rested your head on his chest softly.
"Hmm" he responded, waiting Patiently for you to continue. "They have been doing this for a few months now, they'd call me fat and ugly all the time and whenever i would laugh they'd say its ugly." You kept going on and on about what they did to you for a few more minutes.
"Y/n, baby, you are not fat, and your laugh is one of my favorite things to hear, dont let that stuff get to you okay? I love you, and since i haven't heard you laugh in so long i would definitely tickle you right now, but i might hurt you so, just wait until your bruises are gone" he said with an evil smirk on his face. You whimpered, giggling at the same time, you snuggled into his chest.
He ran his fingers through your dark curly locks, rocking you back and forth, he sung you a lullaby to lull you to sleep. This was one of the only nights were he didn't dream abt Garrett.
This was a good excuse.
None :((((((
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fishhawish · 5 months
Can I have a yandere Miss Circle and Mr Demi x Fem reader?
I seriously have like 5 almost finished requests and the writing block hit me so hard because the only thing I wanna write about is FPE rn
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Remember that it is not okay to act like this in real life and if you do feel this way I'd advise you to get professional help.
Miss Circle❤️
• She's already murderous as is. Now she's obsessed with her co-worker and murderous? That's wonderful.
• She wouldn't dare let You catch her harming a student for a failing grade. She needs to always look innocent in front of you.
• She always tries to eat lunch with you if possible, and she packs some of the weirdest lunches too.
• She gets upset when you call her demon horns a cat ears, but she doesn't show it and just giggles.
• Her confidence can get overwhelming, she'll leave notes for you on your door asking for a date with something like "You're pretty >:3" and stuff.
• Occasionally she tries to pack you lunches but her own lunches are questionable so sometimes you have to pretend to like it.
• She can canonically change her height at any time and usually remains at 9'7, but she's used her ability to change in order to spy on you.
• She probably has atleast one picture of you guys together from a teacher meeting or something
You turn around to see someone approach you in the teachers lounge while you're getting water. "Hello there, I was questioning about something." She says confidently. However after getting to know her, you could see she was slightly nervous. "Yes miss circle?" You look at her smiling politely. The faint blush creeping onto her face as she tells you how much she admires you and that she adores you. "I've never felt such emotions. I never thought I'd say this to someone like you, but will You go out with me?"
You look at her smiling, heart feeling like it's going to burst out of your chest at any moment. "Yes, I will." You say to her somewhat flustered. The 9'7 demon lady giggling in excitement, happy beyond what words could ever explain. "Let's meet up tonight at 7pm after school" she said before running out of the teachers lounge with her inhumane speed. Later that night she meets you at your house, dressed neatly for the occasion. The simple yet beautiful picnic in the sunset was definitely something she'd always remember forever.
"I'm sorry Miss Circle, I don't reciprocate." You said looking away from her. She silently walks out of the room with no hint of any emotion or expression she's feeling right now. When you went home at night you couldn't help but feel like you where being followed. She picks you up from behind, using her compass to keep you stable off of the ground sandwiched between her and her arm. With her other hand she drugs you to sleep. You never had a choice anyway.
Mister Demi💚
• So shy when he met you, he tried to hide away to the library. Unfortunately for him you where in front of the teacher lounge exit so he had no escape.
• Fell for You when he watched how caring and compassionate You are with the students. He's seen what some other teachers do and he's not fond of it..
• Wrote a whole song for You on the piano but won't ever show you. He's to scared that you might dislike it or be uninterested.
• He doesn't know what he's feeling and so he panics, like, a lot. He talks to Miss Sasha about it and she tries her best to explain to him that he's having a crush but it just makes him panic more.
• A crush soon turns into infatuation and he's too deep in. He starts panicking immediately noticing that this isn't healthy. He's seen normal couples and none of them act the way he wants to act.
• Also cries to Miss Sasha about the unhealthy infatuation but she's ends up more concerned about his mental over his feelings.
• Gets urged by Miss Sasha to seek professional help so he gets therapy (which he's terrified about) but the feelings don't stop.
• Literally acts like a fan girl after you talk to him or even breathe the same air as him.
Miss Sasha walking up to you during lunch with second hand embarrassment, note neatly tucked away into the pocket of her shorts. She politely starts up some small talk with you before getting to the point. "Sorry to bother you but, Mister Demi has feelings for you. He sent me over with a note to give to you." She smiles at you handing over the note. The note says "I really like being around you, you're so pretty. Please like me back. I'm sorry"
"Miss Sasha, please tell him I feel the same." You say to her giggling. She's so excited to watch your and his new relationship blossom. Sasha does however tell you about the obsessive behavior and that he is getting professional help for it. Although you are very keen on staying with him to help him though it. She's so proud of both of you, and herself for being the amazing wing woman she totally is. She goes back to Mister Demi who's sitting across the lunchroom. When he hears the news he is joyus. But he also slams his head down to the table in embarrassment. He's really shy but gathers enough courage from Sasha cheering him on and you both exchange numbers.
"I'm sorry Miss Sasha, I don't believe I know Mister Demi well enough to form an opinion or feelings." She smiles and nods understandingly. However she whispers to you about the obsessive behavior and warns you about it. You're absolutely shocked. Glancing over to him immediately feeling uncomfortable. Sasha returning to Mister Demi with the news and handing him back the note. His whole world falls apart in front of everyone. He can't handle rejection well. He goes into a depressive and desperate state. Changing everything about him so that you'll love him. Eventually you don't even recognize him anymore until you realized how shy he is.
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devilish-blue · 5 months
Hi 👋 Could you Maybe Do Miguel Diaz x reader? Maybe Reader gets Miguel high for the First time and they Bang it out high asf 🙏
HIHIHI!!! So this is actually the first one I'll be writing as I've finally got time on my hands 🙏 I absolutely love this request so your request is my command! <333
Miguel Diaz x GN!reader
!Warnings!: Mentions of drugs, Mentions of female anatomy (AFAB), Dirty talk, Mentions of spanking, unprotected sex (Don't be silly, wrap that willy.), p in v. (I think that's it.)
You were a stoner. To put it as simple as possible, you smoked a lot of weed, and your boyfriend was always curious but way too nervous to try it. Until finally, one Wednesday afternoon, after telling him everything feels so much better when high, he agreed. So now you two were in your apartment smoking a joint, but of course you were the only smoking it as of now because he was starting to chicken out.
"Miguel! Come on! You promised." You whined as you held out the joint to your obviously nervous boyfriend.
"I know! Its just, what if I...I don't know...Suffocate?" He said wearily, looking at the joint with nervous eyes.
"Then I'll give you mouth to mouth, or something!" You said as you handed him the joint, watching as he took it with shaky hands. "How about this, you smoke a quarter of it and I'll suck your dick. Deal?"
And that seemed to be all it took for him to start smoking the already slightly smoked joint. Of course he coughed the first few times, and started freaking out, but eventually mellowed. About an hour had passed and the joint was gone, and you two were higher than the alps.
And not one to break promises you were now stuck in between Miguel's legs as you sloppily sucked him off. Running your tongue along the sensitive veins, and the head of his cock made him shiver and groan with delight.
"Fuck, baby. Just like that...Take it all down your throat.." He said as he pushed your head down to where your nose was touching the dark patch of hair at the base of his cock. You gagged and looked up at him as your drool started to pool around his base. When he finally let you up for air you gasped and looked up at his panting form.
Standing up you stripped out of your clothes and got on top of him, pulling him close and kissing him with hunger. Reaching down and grabbing his member you aligned it with your cunt and slowly slipped it in, feeling his thick cock stretch you out nicely. you threw your head back and moaned as he bottomed out listening to his loud moans. He let his hands roam your your body as he put one nipple into his mouth, sucking and biting, and pinched the other, rolling the sensitive bud between his fingers.
Once he felt you were adjusted enough he quickly started thrusting in and out of you, his grip tightening on your breasts. your body lurched forward at his aggressiveness as you clung to him, unable to control your moans.
"Holy shit...Miguel, slow do-down.." You stuttered out as it was already becoming too much for your already sensitive body to handle.
"I'm sorry baby...Fuck, I'm so sorry but you feel way to good." He said as he gripped your hips, making you match his thrust, his cock hitting that certain spot that makes you see stars. Miguel's body started to shudder as he felt a tightness in his own core. He lifted one of his hands and slapped your ass, hard, knowing it'll leave a pretty little handprint.
You yelped in surprise and couldn't help but bury your face in his neck as you babbled out, "Oh Gods, I'm gonna cum.."
Miguel nipped at your skin and whispered in your ear. "That's it, cum for me baby.." He mumbled as he continued the same rough pace. And cum you did. Your body shook and shivered as you cried out, the wave of your orgasm crashing over you like a tidal wave. And he wasn't long after. Shortly after you came he quickly pulled out and stroked himself a few times before thick hot spurts of cum covered your stomach.
There, you sat in the aftermath, entangled on each others arms. Her placed his forehead against yours and looked at you with red, sleepy, eyes. "That wasn't so bad, after all.."
AN: I really hoped you liked it guys!! <3333
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familyvideostevie · 1 year
Completely felt - I wanted to (selfishly) request a pre relationship w bradley where he like comes over to r’s place and there’s like a random assortment of handyman tasks that are either poorly done or waiting to get done. I’m in my acts of service era. But of course do not feel pressure I will love u regardless
this is so juicy i took 1000 years to write it!!! pre-relationship with the promise of something more :) <3 hope you like! | fluff, pre-relationship, 1.3k
Your new place is a dream come true apart from all of the work it needs. The sink leaks, the kitchen cupboard is crooked, the lock on the bathroom door sticks. The lawn is a mess and the brick path to the front door needs relaying and the door itself needs some paint. But it's yours. A small house in the most beautiful town you've ever seen.
It's hard to make friends as an adult in a new place but lucky for you, you've got some already. You know Nat from before she had set her sights on the sky and you've heard so much about Bob you feel like you've met him already. They both come over to help you unpack.
"This is so charming!" Nat cries when you open the door. She tugs you into a hug. "Bob, don't be shy."
"The infamous Bob," you say, smiling. He grins at you and waves before sticking out a hand.
"Hello," he says. "I feel obligated to say that anything embarrassing Phoenix has told you is probably true."
You laugh. You're about to usher them in when you see a dude in jeans and a UVA t-shirt checking out your mailbox. Nat follows your gaze and sighs.
"Rooster!" she calls. The man -- Rooster? -- snaps his head up, eyes hidden behind sunglasses. "Stop manhandling her mailbox and get in here to be useful." She looks back at you and shrugs. "He's from our squad. He knows a lot about home repair and I thought he'd be helpful since you said this place uh..."
Bob looks at the chipping paint on the front door. "Needs some work?"
"That's putting it lightly," Rooster says, walking up the brick path. Okay, kind of a dick thing to say, you think. He wiggles a few loose ones as he does so, shoving his glasses into his hair and frowning at his feet. "You're gonna break an ankle on these things." He seems to remember himself and looks up at you. He grins and it's like someone steals all the air from your lungs. Yeah, that was kind of a dick thing to say, but he's tall, tanned, and so very, very handsome.
"If you can fix them, be my guest," you say. "I'm --"
Your name rolls off his tongue like it was made for him to say. "Nat talks about you all the time. Sorry to crash the unpacking party. I'm Bradley." Nat scoffs and covers it with a cough. He sticks out his hand and you take it. It sounds ridiculous in your own mind but you swear you feel something when your skin touches. Get it together, you tell yourself.
"Wellllllll," Nat drags out. You pull your hand back and hope you're not noticeably flustered. "Shall we go inside?"
You lead the way. Bob starts to unpack your books while Nat tackles unwrapping your frames. Someone starts to play '80s classics on their phone and you're hit with a rush of gratitude. These people, two of them who don't even know you, are so quick to help. You hope the rest of their Navy friends are this nice.
The boxes of dishes seem to be calling your name so you start on those, pulling off paper and opening cabinets. Who knew you had so much shit?
You feel him next to you before he speaks. "This is a little loose," Bradley says, wiggling the kitchen faucet. "Do you mind if I fix it?"
Apparently, Nat was serious about his handyman knowledge. "Uh, sure," you say. It feels like he takes up the entirety of your small kitchen. "There's a toolbox underneath already."
"Smart," he says. You cannot believe how warm the praise makes you feel. You just met.
You start talking so he won't see how flustered you are. "Sorry if this is a dumb question," you start, not looking at him. He's tightening something, arms bulging under this t-shirt. "But should I call you Bradley? Or Rooster? Which I assume is your...pilot name?"
"Callsign," he corrects with a smile you can't help but notice. "It's up to you," he shrugs. "You'd be the only one to call me Bradley, probably."
"I just don't know how to call a grown man Rooster," you admit. He laughs.
"Fair enough," he says. He looks up from the sink and his eyes narrow on the cabinet you're opening. "Hey, careful," he says, reaching for it. His fingers brush yours as he grabs the door, moving it back and forth a little. "This looks loose. Can I..."
"Be my guest."
You have no idea how much time passes. Bradley tightens every single cabinet door in your kitchen and fixes the jammed utensils drawer as you talk about his job on base, your new one close by, the rest of the squad, the best restaurants in town. Anything and everything. Part of you wonders if you're going to wake up in your own bed and all of this is going to have been a dream.
The music pauses and Nat and Bob come into the kitchen. The sunlight through your un-curtained has changed and you realize it's been hours.
"Do you guys want to go to the Hard Deck?" Nat asks, eyes bouncing between you and Bradley. "I could use a drink."
"You can meet more of the squad," Bob says. "And Penny. She's going to love you."
"Alright," you say. It really does sound nice -- meeting new people, and starting to create your own community here. "Do I need to...change?" You look down at your own jeans and t-shirt.
"Nah," Nat says. "You're perfect as you are." Bradley hums and you allow yourself to think that it's in agreement.
"I can drive you if you want," he says suddenly. "I parked down the street."
Bob and Nat seem to do some weird pilot-WSO silent communication thing and then they smile at you both. "We'll meet you there." They're out the door and down the driveway before you can say a single thing.
"Let me grab my keys." Bradley waits by the front door, arms crossed as he looks at the chipping paint.
"Hey," he calls as you walk back towards him. "I hope you don't think I have been implying that your place is..."
"Shitty?" you supply, laughing. He grimaces as you shut the door and start across the crooked bricks.
"It's really nice," he amends. "To have your own place. You're going to make it really beautiful."
"That's kind of you."
"You can say no," he starts, and you look back at him, wondering where this is going. "But I'd be happy to get some of that stuff fixed. Paint the door, redo the bathroom lock, and relay these bri--"
Your foot catches on a half-crumbled brick and you stumble. Bradley's hand darts out to catch you by the arm firmly but not too tight.
"Whoops," you say. You look up and his face is much closer than it was, brows drawn in concern. "Thanks."
"Please let me fix these damn bricks," he says. He does not let go.
"Okay," you breathe. "Can I help?"
Bradley releases you but doesn't step back. The concern melts into amusement. "You know how?"
"No," you say, stepping carefully now. "But I bet you can teach me."
He doesn't say anything for a second and you worry that you've overstepped, you've read it all wrong, you're going to have to fake sick and beg out of drinks.
"Alright," he says. You look back to find him grinning and spinning his car keys around one finger. "I'll teach you." You manage to contain the shiver that wants to run down your spine.
All of this is exciting. A new town, a new house, new friends in Bob and Bradley and whoever you're going to meet tonight. This right here, you and a naval aviator you met a few hours ago standing in your driveway grinning at each other, feels like a beginning.
thank you for reading <3 reblog, send feedback, masterlist here!
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bluegalaxygirl · 10 months
Hi, may I request a oneshot or whichever you feel comfortable writing with Zosan x reader reacting to their new bounties. Reader, who has one of the highest bounties, tries to cheer up Chopper and Sanji about theirs and Zoro just teases Sanji about his. Poor Chopper still has a very low one and Sanji still got that ugly picture of him on it, extra kudos if you make a smal mention about Luffy’s situation at the end!! Here’s the link if you’re interested watching the clip. Thank you soooooo~ much hun and hope you’re having a beautiful day!! ❤️❤️❤️
I'm happy too do this its so fun and i hope you like it. Also how can i not mention Luffy in a cage and Nami going super nova on him and Jinbe for trying to help the boy.
Zoro X Sanji X Reader, Poly relationship, Established relationship, reader is Female and has the ability to control the snake tattoos on her arms that come alive when she commands, they are also connected to her emotions.
Warning: Spoilers, Bad language, Violence and Fluff.
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Nami clung to you as she cried, her bounty went up but all she could think of was having that kind of money "Nami thats amazing, you did so well to get such a high bounty" You smile a little as you rub her hair "Its not fair i want that kind of money, do you know what i could do with 366 million?" The orange haired girl looks up at you her eyes streaming with tears, with a sigh you use your sleeve to wipe away her tears and run a hand through her hair to get it out of her face "I'm sorry" A mumble catches your attention looking over to see Luffy locked in a cage, his face beaten up and puffy thanks to the navigator "Please let me out" The captain holds onto the bars as you grab Nami who tries to hit him again and yell at him, you soon manage to calm Nami down and pull her to face you "Sit down and relax ok. I'll check on you later" You state patting her head and helping her sit on the railing of the Sunny, she does some breathing exercises as you walk away only to stop when you hear a whimper form Luffy "Sorry Captain but i don't want my ass beat" You sigh walking over and patting him on the head "I'm sorry" He states again but you only nod before walking away, you wanted to help him but you were scared of Nami's wrath. You hadn't had a chance to look at your own wanted poster yet since your main job now was to calm those who took their bounty's hard, you managed help calm Usopp before, who was scared about being a target because of his high bounty. The poor sniper was now sitting against the wall still staring into space but at least his eyes weren't bulging out of his face anymore.
Robin managed to calm Chopper down by giving him some cotton candy, the poor reindeer's bounty went up but it was still the lowest on the crew and the poster also called him a pet. "You ok now?" You ask walking over to the doctor who's sitting on Robin's lap and eating his cotton candy "They still called me a pet" Chopper whimpers shoving the candy into his mouth, with a small sad sigh you bed down and pat his head as Robin rubs his back "It went up a lot so don't worry too much, the government is stupid and often doesn't bother to get their facts straight, I mean poor Franky's poster just shows the Sunny" Your comment seems to make the deer cheer up a bit as Robin giggles behind him "So i'm guessing yours went up too? How much?" You ask turning your attention to the black haired woman. Robin looks up at you with a closed eye'd smile "930 million" Your eyes widen at it since its much higher than your old bounty but you soon snap out of your shock and stand up straight with a smile "Nice one robin" You cheer for her as she lets out a small laugh before reaching to grab something and handing it to you "Oh by the way i think this one is supposed to be yours but i'm not sure" With a confused look you hesitantly take the wanted poster off her and look it over, your even more confused now than you were before. The image was of your two snakes destroying a building with just the simple name of "2 snakes". You gasp a little at the bounty feeling your heart drop "What's wrong?" Chopper asks looking up form his now empty stick while Robin gives you a sad look.
You try to hide how your feelings with a small smile "It's ok... like is said the government get things wrong all the time but at least your not the lowest anymore" You smile down at the reindeer showing him the bounty poster with the price of 500 berries. The doctor jumps up in shock about to yell when someone crashes behind you, the three of you look behind you to see Zoro getting up with a growl "Bastard" Sanji yells kicking down to the floor but Zoro moves out of the way and blocks another kick with his sword. With a sigh you roll the paper up and put it in your pocket and pinch the bridge of your nose. Jinbe walks over trying to calm the two down but you place your hand on the fish-mans shoulder "What are they fighting about now?" You ask watching your two loves continue to fight, you knew it wouldn't last too long but Sanji seemed way more pissed this time. Jinbe simply hands you the two wanted posters, looking them over you smile proud of your two boys but you notice a few problems right away. The first thing that you noticed was Sanji's old image that he hates more than anything is back on his wanted poster and even though his bounty went up a lot to 1 billion, 32 million, the cook was now bellow Zoro, the swordsman's being 1 Billion, 111 million. "I'll take care of this don't worry" You hand the wanted posters back to the fish-man earning a concerned look only for Brook to walk over and place his hand on Jinbe's shoulder "Yoohoo, don't worry, she'll calm them down" The skeleton smile being very happy about his own bounty going up.
Walking over you manage to catch what their yelling at each other as they fight across the deck of the Sunny "It's not my fault your a 4th placer" Zoro laughs with a wide grin seeing the Cook glare at him and kick at his chest "I'm gonna kick your ass" Sanji yells only for you to grab his leg as he tries to kick Zoro while your other hand grabs Zoro's wrist which is holding his swords. The two look at you with a gulp knowing their in trouble with the unamused look your giving them "Shouldn't you both be happy not fighting" You glare at the two letting go of them, so they can back away form each other and rub the back of their heads "Sorry Love but" Sanji goes to say only for you to place a finger on his lips and take the unlit cigarette out of his mouth "No But's... now kiss and make up already" You sigh putting the cigarette in his pocket and patting his chest not really wanting to deal with the two's bickering, its normally very playful but you could tell the two really pissed each other off, Zoro sighs and steps closer placing his sword back on his hip "Sorry... I was just messing around... i didn't mean to upset you" Zoro rubs the back of his head looking over at Sanji who suddenly hugs the swordsman while lightly crying "They changed my picture back" The cook cry's, Zoro hugs the blonde back and rubs his back trying to sooth the man "I know honey, their assholes" You step closer rubbing Sanji's arm as Zoro nods in agreement not really knowing what to say to cheer the cook up. "But i'm proud of you two.... your bounties went up so much" You giggle hearing Sanji sniffle and pull away to wipe his eyes trying to stop himself from crying.
You reach up and wipe his cheek as he turns to look at you then Zoro "Thanks love... I'm sorry I was just so mad about my bounty picture that when you made a comment i just blew up" The cook explains looking at his hands that are resting on Zoro's shoulders. The swordsman sighs placing a small kiss on the cooks head before pulling the blonde into another hug wrapping his other arm around you and pulling you into them "It's ok" His simple words make Sanji calm down a bit nuzzling his head into Zoro's neck while putting his arm around your shoulder and running a hand through your hair "So did you see yours yet?" Zoro asks smirking down at you only for your body to stiffen feeling embarrassed by your new low bounty, the two notice turning their attention to you "Oh Love it's ok if its not as high as ours, we still love you" Sanji smiles cupping your face and kissing around your face making you giggle and try and pull away, Zoro on the other hand is very concerned looking you over soon spotting the rolled up wanted poster in your back pocket. The Swordsman grabs it and opens it before you can stop him "No wait" You yell trying to grab it as his eyes widen but the green haired man lifts it up out of your reach "Give it Zoro" You panic a little hoping to tell them in privet in case they cause a scene again, Sanji raises an eyebrow and looks at the poster his eyes going as wide as Zoro's both shocked.
You sigh giving up and put your face in your hands "The Fuck?" Zoro finally speaks his hand tightening around the paper, you were worried he would destroy it "This has to be a mistake right?" Sanji asks looking form the wanted poster to you pulling your hands away form your face "Their gonna pay for this. Those bastards" Zoro yells throwing the wanted poster aside trying not to tare it up into tiny piece "It's ok really" You state trying to calm the two down but it doesn't seem to work the angry looks are still on their faces. Zoro pulls you into him holding you close to his chest "We'll get it fixed i promise you" The swordsman had no idea how to change the bounty but that didn't matter, if he had to destroy a marine base for you he would. Sanji places a kiss on your head getting you to look up at him "Don't worry love" The cook could tell you were sad even though your trying to hide it, their comfort made you feel much better but you did hate how you did so much work and fought so hard only to end up with your bounty going way down and your name and picture not even on it. You kept thinking it must be some big mistake but you didn't find any other wanted poster around. Foot steps get your attention, looking over you see Robin carrying chopper in her arms both of them giving you a sad look "We're sorry" Chopper holds out cotton candy on a stick making you smile wide and take it "Thank you Chopper, your so sweet" You giggle as he wiggles in the Robins arms making the back haired woman giggle.
Seeing the situation seeming much calmer the new member of the crew decides to head over "I'm glad you've calmed down, nice work Y/N" Jinbe walks over with a smile bowing a little at you, rubbing the back of your head you nervously laugh not used to this kind of formality. "Is something wrong?" The fish-man asks noticing the others around you either angry or sad you jump a little and shake your head "No, no its nothing" You didn't want anymore trouble or fuss but your boys seemed to have other ideas, with his hands still on your waist Zoro growls "Y/n's bounty went down" Sanji nods placing a hand on your lower back "Those idiots got everything wrong too." The cook yells catching the other's attention wondering what all the yelling is about "Their gonna pay for this, how dare they" Zoro growls making you sigh and hand the cotton candy back to chopper so you can try and stop the two form yelling "boys please, lets not make a big deal out of this" you turn trying to calm the two down placing your hands on their chests but that doesn't stop them as they yell about how their going to tare the government apart. Jinbe tried to help you out only to get yelled at soon being pulled away by Robin and Chopper who know better than to mess with the two when their like this. Nami and Usopp look at each other hearing about your low bounty getting upset at their own reactions, both of them were upset for different reasons but at least their bounty's went up. The two nodded to each other heading off in different directions while Brook and Franky stayed well out of the way not wanting the two's anger to be turned on them.
You managed to calm the two down as best you could but Zoro was still mad "Babe, they lowered your bounty aren't you mad?" Zoro asks looking down at you his hands gripping your hips tight, it hurt a little but you just wanted them to stop so you stayed put "I am but yelling and screaming isn't going to solve anything" you calmly tell the two making them both groan in annoyance "You did so much, its just wrong" Sanji growls but you place you hand on his cheek and give him a soft smile "I know" you whisper leaning up and placing a kiss on his lips, the cook kisses back running his hand up and down your back before you pull away and turn to Zoro who leans closer "You calm?" You ask leaning back, so he can't kiss you, the swordsman sighs taking a second before nodding, leaning in you place your other hand on his check and place your lips on his rubbing your thumb over his cheek. "Urm... Y/N?" Usopp calls out standing close to the caged up Luffy holding a wanted poster in his hands. You pull away and turn to the sniper with a hum, you pause though once you see his eyes, their wide, and he's panting slightly "Usopp?" You ask concerned for your friend, Franky walks over placing a hand on the snipers shoulder to try and snap him out of what ever trance he's in while looking down at the wanted poster. A huge smile grows on the cyborgs face as he starts laughing wiping tears form his eyes in joy "What?" you yell out slightly annoyed at what Franky is laughing at.
Sanji raises an eyebrow and places a hand on your shoulder to try and calm you down as Zoro looks around wondering if they got their hands on the wanted poster he threw away but it was still on the floor. "Sorry.... i can't believe it" Franky manages to calm down as Usopp starts to shake "Your wanted poster was in the tree" The sniper manages to finally looking over at you in slight fear "My wanted poster? so that isn't mine?" You ask looking over at the paper on the floor "Dam girl, your bounty went way up..... It's 2 billion" Franky smiles wide giving you a thumb up, you gasp running over and snatching the wanted poster out of Usopp's hands. It was true, your picture was on there and your name along with the price of 2 billion berries. "What?" Nami gasps clinging onto Chopper who hugs her back shocked at the amount while the others cheer or laugh. You smile wide and hug the poster to your chest relief and joy washing over you only for two body's to tackle you, you squeak a little as Zoro and Sanji pull you into a hug the both of them smiling wide "No way... your is the second highest" Sanji laughs kissing your head as Zoro burys his head in your neck "Well done baby" The swordsman whispers hearing you laugh and cry slightly with joy, you can't believe it but its right there on paper. Sanji kisses your cheek making his way over to your lips which you gladly lean into kissing him back even with a big smile on your face. Zoro kisses your neck and once you've stopped kissing Sanji he garbs your cheek and crashes his lips onto yours.
Luffy mumbles something behind you that you can't make out while attempting to smile and give you a thumbs up "Shut it" Nami yells hitting him on the hand he reached out before turning to you "This is awesome" she states once the two boys have finally let you go. You let the two look over your wanted poster as you hug Nami "Super" Franky cheers doing his stance making you laugh and thank him "Imagine what i can do with that kind of money" Nami evilly smirks holding you tighter, you knew she was joking but there's always room for doubt so you pull away with ease and pat her head "You gonna hand me in for the money Nam? Too bad, i guess no more spar days" You turn only for the girl to grab your waist "I would never" you laugh and turn patting her head. Looking over your wanted poster Zoro smirks turning to look at Sanji who's eyes look almost heart like as he looks over your picture "I was wrong for calling you fourth place" The swordsman's words get Sanji to look up with a small smile "I know it's ok" The cook's smile fades though when seeing Zoro's cocky grin "It should be fifth place" letting go of the wanted poster he grabs his sword pulling it out to block Sanji's kick "Oh you wanna play three swords?" Sanji yells shoving your wanted poster into Usopp who's still frozen before starting to fight with the green haired man again but with a cocky smile no longer fueled by anger. Jinbe try's to clam the two down but as he gets closer you place a hand on his shoulder "Don't worry their just messing around now. no harm" You calmly state making the fish-man look form you back at the the boys "How can you tell?" He asks only hearing you giggle and walk away "You'll get used to it, just look at their faces"
Making your way back over you take the wanted poster off Usopp and pat his shoulder "You ok their bud?" You ask managing to snap him out of his own head "Y-Yea, its just..... we're gonna have so many people after us now" The sniper gulps as you pat his shoulder "Don't worry we'll protect you" You reassure him before pushing him over to the men's quarters "Why don't you go and lay down, put your feet up" The sniper nods at your words and walks into the room leaving you to close the door for him, you couldn't help but shake your head at him taking a seat on the mast bench and watching the rest of your crew before looking down at your wanted poster. "Y/n?" Chopper runs over holding a wanted poster in one hand while the other holds the cotton candy before jumping up to sit next to you and holding the paper out to you, taking it you look it over seeing it's the one you thought was yours but it makes sense now, this wanted poster is for your snakes not you. "I don't get it... if the snakes are a part of you then why do they have their own bounty?" The Doctor asks looking over the wanted posters in your hands while eating some of the candy "Like i said before the Government gets things wrong, maybe they don't know" You shrug rolling up the posters and putting them to your side before patting Choppers head "You feeling better now? your bounty's not the lowest now, my snakes are" you giggle getting the reindeer to smile up at you and nod offering you some of the candy.
Things had calmed down a lot but your poor captain was still in the cage hanging form the tree, Nami was still mad but you and Sanji deiced to sneak him some food while Zoro kept watch in case the navigator showed up. Luffy was grateful although you and Sanji had to tell him to shut up multiple times when he was talking about how good the food was "Sorry Captain" You whisper as you follow Sanji to the kitchen with the empty plates, you wished you could just let him out but again you were scared of Nami's wrath if she found out it was you. Zoro entered the kitchen soon after wrapping his arms around you as you washed the last of the dishes and handed them to Sanji to dry, the swordsman hummed into your neck before kissing it, you could feel the smile on his face. "What?" You ask knowing he's either thinking of something or is up to something, either way you know it's gonna affect your night "Nothing, just thinking about the bounties, thats all" Zoro chuckles moving to the other side of your neck kissing up that one too, Sanji rolls his eyes and takes the last plate you hand him and drying it "You sure thats all?" The cook asks watching as the swordsman lets you go to grab his waits pulling Sanji's back into Zoro's chest "Maybe" the green haired man reaches up to pull the cooks shirt collar down before kissing his neck. Emptying the sink of water and drying your hand you lean against the counter watching the two wondering what the swordsman's up too, he hasn't had too much to drink, so he's not touchy because of that so it has to be something else.
Your brought out of your thoughts by Zoro grabbing your waist and pulling you into him "Stop thinking so much" The swordsman leans down crashing his lips onto yours, you hum relaxing into him and kissing back feeling his tongue work its way into your mouth, he's being more gentle than normal but you ignore it for the time being. Sanji puts the towel down and runs his hand through your hair watching with love filled eyes, he's also been wondering what Zoro is up too, but he doesn't want to stop all the love and attention he's getting. Zoro soon pulls away leaving you breathless as your hand grips his shoulder feeling slightly light-headed but the swordsman just smirks turning to Sanji who runs his hand up Zoro's arm and too his cheek. The swordsman grips the cook's waist tighter as he crashes his lips onto the blonde, Zoro moans slightly when Sanji opens his mouth before the green haired man can even move his tongue feeling the eagerness to be loved. The two make out as you catch your breath, you couldn't take your eyes off them, handsome, strong, supportive and loving, how did you get so lucky? Zoro soon pulls away panting slightly but with a big smile as Sanji moves his hand to your chin getting you to look at him before leaning in to place his lips on yours. It was light and sweet at first but soon deepened as you open your mouth wanting more, the cook obliges his tongue meeting yours as your lips move together. You hum into it letting him know its good to which he hums back getting a little rougher and harder starting to get really into it.
You have no chose but to pull away when you need air, looking up at Sanji as you both pant you notice a little bit of blood running his nose, you reach up and rub it away. "Gods your both so sexy" The swordsman mutters making the cook blush and you giggle lightly and wipe the blood on your thumb on a napkin "Zo.... what do you want?" Sanji asks his cheeks red as the swordsman leans closer just to tease him "Just you two" Zoro chuckles placing kisses along Sanji's neck before going to yours and doing the same. You now know why he's acting like this, he's a very proud man and with all the excitement and bounties being very high he must be overjoyed. "Just say your proud of us hunk" running your hand through his hair the swordsman looks up at you and Sanji placing his hands on your cheeks pulling your faces closer to his "I'm proud of you two" Those words fill you with so much joy you can't help but kiss the two, all three of your lips meeting at the same time. A three-way kiss is very rare and for special occasions but all three of you enjoy it trying to make it last as your tongues meet and lips touch. Unfortunately when air is needed you all have to pull away but you keep close while trying to catch your breaths, you couldn't be more happy with today, your bounty sky-rocketed and your snakes got their own bounty. You also couldn't be prouder and happier for the two you love, not only are their bounties much higher now, but they tried to defend you when you thought your bounty was so low. "I love you two" You smile at them as you all hold each other with your foreheads pressed together "I love you both too" Sanji gives you a loving smile before looking at Zoro who closes his eye feeling relaxed "Love you both."
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sugarcoated-lame · 2 years
Into The Woods
Joel Miller x Reader drabble
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*This is pretty much straight up filth so 18+, minors please do not interact!!! you will be blocked! (:
Summary: You and Joel get some much needed alone time while on a hunt in the woods
or i just needed to get out my thots about Joel fucking you against a tree (:
Warnings: smut, unprotected piv, outdoor sx, just me being absolutely feral for Joel Miller (: <3, takes place after the events of the first game so like a mild spoiler ? at the very beginning if you haven't watched the finale, but otherwise spoiler free
WC: 900
a/n: this is my first attempt at writing for Joel so i'm sorry if it sucks, pls be kind <3
dedicating this to the lovely @sebsxphia for always indulging me and my Joel thots <3
It's been a few weeks since permanently settling in Jackson. A reprieve after months spent on the road with Joel, escorting the 14-year-old girl who had become family to you both, across the country. Months spent in close quarters, the three of you just trying to survive.
Even now, in your new home, you and Joel don't get a ton of alone time living with Ellie. There are nights in your shared bedroom of course, but the walls are thin and you're never able to be as loud or uninhibited as either one of you would like to be when you're both busy worrying about waking Ellie who's sleeping in the next room.
Nights where Joel’s thrusts are stilted, hips stuttering against yours, his rough hand covering your mouth to quiet your moans that he oh-so-badly wants to hear. So many nights wishing that you could give in fully to that primal need you feel for one another, the both of you just left wanting more.
It's lots of lingering touches in the daytime, feeling the intense warmth of Joel’s brown eyes burning into you almost at all times as you go about your mundane day-to-day activities. You watching the way his deft fingers gently stroke the strings of the guitar that he’d fixed up and wishing they were stroking you instead. The tension between you thick and palpable, the two of you craving each other immensely.
That tension finally snaps when you and Joel are out in the woods one warm, sunny day, outside of Jackson hunting for food. He's walking behind you, unable to pay much attention to anything but the curve of your ass in your jeans with every step you take through the desolate forest. Joel needs to have you immediately, and his calling your name in that husky Texan accent has you turning to face him in an instant.
He wastes no time lifting you up in his strong arms, dropping both of your guns to the ground—he knows there’s nobody around these woods for miles—and pressing you up against the trunk of the closest tree that stands tall next to you. A small ‘oof’ sounding from you as your back hits the hard wood, your arms moving instinctively to wrap around Joel’s shoulders, legs around his waist and he’s kissing you breathless.
It’s quick and dirty and rough, both of your jeans frantically pulled down just enough for Joel to slip inside of you in one quick thrust, knowing you’re more than wet enough because you’ve been yearning for this just as much as he has. You cry out at the stretch, burying your face in the crook of Joel’s neck as strong hands grip your thighs to hold your body up. Giving you a moment to adjust, his hips keep you pressed tightly to the bark of the tree as he ruts into you.
It’s only a matter of seconds before he’s pounding into you roughly, pulling nearly all the way out, and slamming back into your wet heat with every thrust, his cock hitting that spot inside of you that has you seeing spots in your vision and makes your toes curl. Your breathless whines and whimpers, pleas of ‘harder, Joel’ mingling in the fresh woodsy air with Joel’s deeper grunts that are right next to your ear and going straight to your core.
Joel knows you’re close when your velvety walls begin to clench around him, nearly strangling his length in a vice-like grip as the volume of your quiet cries rises into louder moans. Finally getting to hear you cry out for him the way he’s been wanting you to for so long only spurs on his movements, quickening the pace of his hips and fucking into you harder.
Rough hands grip the soft flesh of your thighs so tight you’re sure they’ll leave bruises. Joel’s lips trail kisses along the skin of your neck as one of his hands moves to bring his fingers to your clit, the calloused pads rubbing tight circles over the sensitive nerves. You cling onto him for dear life, nails digging into the strong muscles of his shoulders and thighs squeezing tighter around his hips.
“Wanna hear you, darlin’. Let go for me. Can be as loud as you want for me out here, baby.”
Joel’s words have you coming around him with a sound that’s a mix between a moan and a scream, your walls clenching impossibly tighter around him and triggering his own high. Joel thrusting one, two, three more times before his hips still against yours, pressed as deep as possible inside of you as he spills into you with a deep, throaty groan.
He fucks the both of you through it, your oversensitive walls still fluttering around him, Joel’s thrusts slowing and only coming to a stop when he’s fully spent.
He keeps you in his hold, head resting on your shoulder as your fingers card through his thick, graying curls. The both of you panting heavily as you come down from your highs, breathless words whispered against your sweat-shining skin.
“Did so good for me, baby girl.”
idk what this was, the Joel thots have taken over my brain like the cordyceps virus and turned me into a feral monster (:
Thank you for reading! x
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a-strange-familiar · 2 years
please give us part 2 with happy ending 😫😫😭😭😭😭
Better man -2
A/n : I know you guys hate me, but guess what. Jokes on you cause I hate myself too. I'm sorry I took forever to write this. I know, I'm sorry. As I said my life is shitty rn so I stuck to just reading for a while and I didn't want to write with a wrong state of mind. But I'm back, here is your promised part 2 of Better man.
Warnings : Angst, alcohol mention, lil swearing.
Summary : Harry is a typical asshole rockstar and Y/n is naive and in love with him.
(I'm sorry again for the late. I love you all. Thank you sticking with me.) Part - 1. ( read part 1 before )
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-- 6 months later --
This love is a fucking shit show. You fall in love with someone and literally fall, you'll fall and crash, and break your bones but nothing hurts. No matter how toxic the other person is or how shitty they treat you, you will be in that high and can't even feel any of those things. But when you come out of that high, when you start to see the real colours of that person then you will realise the pain. The aftermath is horrible.
After that night when Y/n ended things with Harry she felt numb for few days. She didn't feel anything for a while, she cried that night but later nothing for few days.
But after a week it hit her like a train. Everything, all the things they did, all the memories they had, everything made her cry. She cried and cried and cried until she felt there are no tears left in her anymore.
She was broken, she still didn't understand why she was not enough for him. She still didn't understand why is it that hard for him to love her back. But everything is over so she tried to get over him, she did everything to stop thinking about him.
She gave him her world and he shattered that world into pieces. Obviously it's hard to get over it. She took time but she did it. She changed.
She is over him now.
It's been months, few hard months but she is strong, stronger than ever before. Yes, there were days when she drove around the city and parked her car at some random parking lot and cried there alone in one of his old t-shirts he left at hers because every place reminded him, her house, her balcony, her bedroom, her favorite coffee shop.
But as the time goes by she started to understand that she deserves better than him and she just can't sit and cry for someone who don't even give a single fuck about her.
Eva, her best friend was her biggest support in this process. She made sure Y/n is doing well, she is like sister to Y/n that she never had. Eva used drop by at midnights to check on Y/n. Y/n will be forever thankful for her. She was soo lucky to have her in her life. And Eva never said anything like 'told you so'. Y/n know that she was upset but she understood and Y/n was glad that she did.
And even Sarah understood everything, she made sure Y/n was ok. She couldn't take sides because Harry is also her friend and her boss. But she understood where they both were coming from. She couldn't do more than just consoling them. And Y/n understood.
Now she is healed. She became a better version of her self. She stopped depending on others for her happiness. She started loving herself, which a very big change. She stopped checking about him on social medias or asking about him, trying to know about him.
But it's not completely possible to forget him like that, she still remembered him time to time. After all she loved him with her entire soul. But she made sure that it doesn't break her anymore. But a small part of her heart still beats for him.
While Y/n is healing and getting better Harry is breaking and getting worse.
He left her house that night after staring at her closed bedroom door for a while. He never understood why he didnt say anything. He just left.
For a while he didn't understand why it's hurting him.
He didn't love her or anything, so why is does it feel like some thing or someone is breaking inside ?
He spent many nights thinking about her. About what she might be doing at that particular moment, is she still crying? Or did she finally realised that he is an asshole and forgot him.
He knew he hurt her, but he can't help it. He didn't do that on purpose. He could never do it on purpose. Yes he was a dick to her. But he was afraid, afraid that he might hurt her and himself. His life is a shit show, everyone he meet will be in public's eye. People will make their life hell. He didn't want that to happen to Y/n.
That's one of the reasons. But the main reason was, he was afraid of love. He was afraid of commitment. His past relationships taught him a lot and he was afraid. And Y/n is an angel, she don't deserve him so he kept telling himself that it's not worth it. That he will make their both lives hell. So he just kept doing what they were doing.
You know that feeling? when you find a person who is a walking green flag. But you become a walking red flag because of your past relationships. That's what happened to Harry. They turned him into an asshole, so he stopped thinking about others and became selfish.
But nothing gives an explanation to why he hurt Y/n. He knew that too. He can't give a perfect reason why he hurt her, broke her. He could have left her the moment she told him her feelings but he didn't, he just pretended that nothing happened. A part of him didn't want to leave her.
There were days when he used to sit and wonder why he was such an ass to her.
"Am I that hard to love, Harry ?"
Her words used ring in his eras, he still remembered her eyes when she asked him that. The pain in them, the hurt. He literally used to beat himself whenever he remembered that expression. Thinking why couldn't he answer her at that moment?
He used to drink until he blacked out. He used to drink and sit and cry like a baby in his room. He felt like his heart was breaking into small pieces and he could feel every piece breaking.
He used to cry thinking about her. Tears running down his face, he couldn't figure out why ? He used lock himself in his room and sob thinking about her. Her memories used to kill him. He used to behave like a zombie and it scared everyone. He started to zone out at work, he started skip his studio sessions and spent his time alone thinking about her.
And he finally understood that he love her. He always did, but refused to belive it.
The moment he saw her sitting alone in that party while everyone are drinking and having fun he knew that she is different. As cliché as it sounds he just felt it.
And in the process of getting to know her he like her, a lot. But he never said that to her, they were going casual and he wanted to keep it that way. He tried to be as distant ad possible, he ignored her on purpose. He know if he didn't he will fuck up and fall in love with her. But he did anyways. But now it's too late, he can't do anything other than sit and cry.
He tried to get into contact with her but she blocked him everywhere which he expected and deserved. He used to ask Sarah about her but she said nothing which he also understood.
He was at his worst, he still is after months. He still didn't forget her. He know he can't, she everywhere. He started to see her in every person, no girl is as perfect as her. No one can be a comparison. He wished that he said that to her. Said how much she means to him, how much he love her, how much he adore her. But didn't and now he can't. He don't even know whether she will for give him or not.
It's been months since he actually had fun. He stopped hanging out with his friends and going out a lot. He stopped hooking up with girls, he pretty much stopped everything. And his friend are worried about him because he is not himself so they forced him to go out today.
So here he is, sitting in the bar and pretending to listen to the conversation happening around and sipping on his drink. He could have done this at his house too.
Thats when he saw Eva. He know Eva, he met her a couple of times. She is Y/n's best friend and he also know that she is not a very big fan of him.
She is taking with a blonde guy at the other side of the bar, he swiftly checked if Y/n was here too. But for his disappointment she is not. Eva is alone with that guy.
He contemplated on going to her and talking. It's been months and he don't know how Y/n is doing, and he wanted to knoe very badly. But most probably Eva will not talk to him.
He saw that blonde guy wishpered something and leave. Harry thought it's the right time, if he hesitate now he may never get a chance to know about Y/n. So he excused himself from his friends and his way towards Eva.
"Eva." He called her with a hesitant voice.
She turned and looked at him. She had this unpleasant look on her face which is Harry is not used to, but he know that he deserves it.
"Umm... hi. How are you ? "
She rolled her eyes. "What do you want, Harry? " her tone is uninterested.
"I - I just wanted to say hi." He scratched back of his neck, he is uncomfortable.
"I'm not interested in small talk with you. So if you don't mind." She started to leave.
"Wait" he said in a hurry.
"I just wanted to talk for a minute."
"What do you wanna talk about Harry ? About Y/n ?" She asked in a mocking way.
"Umm. Ye - yes. I just want to know how is she doing ?"
She scoffed "Are you for real?"
He sighed "Look , Eva I'm sorry for everything. I never wanted this to happen this way. I know I'm a dick. I don't deserve her"
"Yes, you really don't." She interrupted him
"I know. But I don't.. I can't get her out of my mind. I just - I just I feel like ... it's killing me. "
She was silent for a moment.
"Look I just wanted know about her, how is she ?"
"Oh she is very happy ,Harry thank you for your concern." She said sarcastically.
"I'm sorry."
"Sorry for what ? For hurting and breaking her heart while you were enjoying with other girls?"
He closed his eyes. Everything hurts, listening to her say those things out hurts even more.
"I know." His voice is shaky. He is on the verge of crying. But he can't.
"Harry, I don't know why you didn't love her, I don't even wanna know. But atleast you could have left before everything went to south. She don't deserve this. You have no idea how much of dick you are." Her anger towards him, and her concern and love towards Y/n is clearly visible in her eyes and voice. And he is kinda happy that Y/n have a friend like Eva.
"I know I ruined her. Bu-"
She cut him with a laugh. A real laugh like he said something funny.
"Ruined her ?" She scoffed.
"You might hurt her or break her heart but you can never ruin or destroy her. She is stronger than you think. Maybe she is an idiot to love someone like you but not weak. No one can ruin her , not even you."
He know that. He know she is strong. He know that his Y/n is stronger than anyone else.
It's silent between them for a minute.
"I need to go." She said and started walking away but stopped after taking a step.
"She doing fine without you. So please don't bother her anymore. " With that she walked away leaving him alone.
It's been two weeks since he talked to Eva. She said Y/n is fine. He is happy to hear that, that's all he want. But he is not sure about trying to not to reach her. He actually tried to many times in all these months but never dared to directly meet her. He also went to her house many times but came back without knocking on the door. He was afraid.
Right now he is sitting in Y/n's favorite cafe. It's one of Y/n's most favorite places. They came here together once. It's a beautiful place, it's really cozy. It's have a welcoming atmosphere and ambience. The rich aroma of coffee hitting his nose and the small chattering of people making him feel better.
He sat at the very end of the cafe. With his coffee infront of him. He came here hoping that he would see her. It's not the first time, he came here many times before to see her but never did. He thought maybe she stopped coming here or he didn't catch her at right time.
He was in his thoughts when he heard the chime of the bell on the front door. He looked up as an instinct, then he saw her.
He saw Y/n coming inside of the cafe. She is beautiful as always. But definitely different, something is missing, at the same time it feels like she has something new in her.
She is wearing a high waist jeans and a red halter top. Her hair got a bit longer than the last time he saw her and she is smiling.
Oh god he missed her smile.
Seeing her here feels a bit surreal to him. He missed her like hell. He missed her smile, her voice, her touch, everything. He just want to run to her and hug her right now but he know that he can't.
He was so caught up on admiring her that he missed to see that there is a guy walking behind her. She was smiling at him, laughing at something he said.
His chest tightened, he breath hitched.
She was with someone, someone that is making her smile and laugh. Someone who is making her happy.
She looked happy.
That guy was handsome brunette and maybe a couple of inches taller than Harry. He have a sharp jawline and a charming smile. Just in a word he looked soo good. And Harry hated that.
They both sat at the far and of the cafe from Harry but he can see them clearly, he can see her smile the way she is looking at him and the way she is soo concentrated on whatever the hell he is saying.
That's the moment he understood that he lost her. He had her for soo long but he kept pushing her and now he lost her.
It felt like his world is completely crumbling right under his feet and there is nothing he can do.
She is happy, he can tell that much. And that's what he want. He made her sad and hurt her a lot and now he wish nothing but happiness to her even if it's leaving her and stepping aside and letting her go.
This is it.
With a sad smile on his face and tears rolling down his cheeks he got up from his seat and went out of the cafe without a single glance back at her.
Meanwhile Y/n didn't know that Harry was in the cafe watching her and left heartbroken. She was busy listening the story the guy in front of her was telling. Noah is telling her about his parents last year's wedding anniversary.
Noah, he is her colleague. He is a very nice guy, handsome and charming. He is a literall dream guy for every girl. The coffee machine in their work place is not working so they just took a break to get some coffee.
He was looking at her with that charming smile and sparkle in his eyes, and she can't help but think about what if she have someone like him in her life, who will understand her and not hurt her. But she couldn't entertain that though for a long time because the minute she think about someone Harry pops up in her brain. His emerald eyes, his beautiful smile. She is over him,yes, but it's not that easy to completely kill the love on him. It'll take time.
"The Coffee here is amazing, thank you for bringing me here, Y/n." Noah said with a sweet smile on his face.
"Your welcome, this is my favorite place. I always come here, it's just soo peaceful here." She smiled at him. She always came here, almost everyday.
He kept looking at her for a while with a smile on his face, she wonderd will he ever stop smiling. His smile is soo beautiful and pleasant it's like a beam of sunshine.
"I'm glad we could get coffee together, but I was wondering would you like to go on a date with me ? Like a real one ?" He asked her with hope in his eyes.
Y/n could feel her heart thumping, she didn't know what to say him. She wanted to go but also she is not quite ready.
"Noah, I- um... I can't. I'm sorry." She said softly.
His smile dropped, she cursed herself for that.
"I'm sorry, I like you. It's not that I don't, I do. But I can't now. "
"Oh. I thought you are single." He said after a beat.
"I am." She said in a kinda sad voice. What is she supposed to say to him? Of course she is single.
Tears are forming in her eyes threatening to fall free, but she can't cry, she won't. She got over crying for him.
It's was silent between them for a bit before Noah spoke again with a soft and gentle tone.
"Did you love him ? "
Y/n looked at his eyes, he have this expression in them that she can't quite describe. His graze was gently and comfortable. He looked at her like he know what she is feeling, he looked at her like he can understand the hurt.
She just nodded head.
He smile again." I don't know what happened or I don't know who the guy was but all I know is that he really hurt you. I can see it in your eyes."
She took a breath and tried to hold her tears, she don't even know why she is crying now. She didn't cry about him in a while, she thought there are no tears left.
"Some thing that my over priced therapy after getting my heart break taught me was 'if you spend too long holding on to the one who treats you like an option, you will miss finding the one who treats you like a priority. '"
"You are an amazing person, Y/n. Just know that you are worth everything. You should be loved for who you are. Trust me when I say I that I know what you are feeling now. "
After a while they went back to work and Noah never bought up about the date again.
She couldn't help think about Harry for the rest of the day. She restrained herself from thinking about him for soo long, she almost became numb.
She hate him because she still loves him. It's soo hard not to.
He was the one who thaught her how loves feels like, even without himself realising it. He showed how beautiful it is to be loved only but he didn't.
Yes , he ignored her, pushed her but when he is with her he was there, really there for her.
He made her feel like at the top of the world. Not only while having sex, but also when they were alone. He made her feel like the most beautiful girl in the universe while he is with her only to make her feel insecure while he is with others.
That's why she hate him, he made her feel every possible feeling that a human can expirence.
And that's the reason she can't completely let him go. Maybe she is still waiting for the impossible to happen. To feel his love again, real love this time.
It's been two days since Harry saw Y/n in the coffee shop, and he was miserable again.
It's killing him that he lost her. To see her with someone else.
And he exactly understood how Y/n felt when she saw him with others. How hurt and hopeless she felt . At that time he didn't get it , but now he is feeling the same.
He want nothing more than going back into the time and fix everything and tell her how much he love her. But he can't.
He was in his room when he heard the door opening and closing. And after a minute his bedroom door opened and reveled his mother.
Anne came into the room and looked at his son sitting on his bed like a lifeless body. It broke her heart to see her son in that situation tears blured her vision.
"Harry." She called him.
He looked at her and he couldn't hold it back anymore. He just got up from the bed and rushed towards his mother and hugged her.
She hugged him back and ran her hand through his back in a soothing way. No matter how big and famous his become, he will always be her little boy.
"Aww, love. I'm here, I'm here. You are fine." She rubbed circle on his back.
They both were like that for a while. After he calmed down Anne made him sit on the bed and brought him some water.
She sat beside him with a hand on his.
"What happened, honey ? I knew something was wrong, I could sense it for a while. But I never thought it's this bad. Please tell me what it is ?"
He looked at his mother with his blood shot eyes. His eyes, head everything hurts.
"I fucked up, Mum."
He told Anne everything, from the beginning. How he met her, how he hurt her, and how much he love her. Everything, he didn't miss a single detail.
Anne was silent for few minutes, deciding what to tell her son. She know that he is the one who did wrong here, he messed up and hurt an innocent person.
"People don't know what they have until it's gone, but what about me , mum. I knew what I had, but I did nothing about it. I took her love for granted. What am I supposed to do now ?" He asked his mother hoping atleast she can give him a suggestion.
"Have you atleast tried to talk to her ?"
"No." He shook his head. "I'm afraid, afraid that if I go meet her she will not accept my apology and that will be the last time that I will see her."
"I think it's time that you go and talk to her." She said looking at him in the eyes.
"What?" Harry is confused.
"I think you should go and talk to her. Let her know that you feel guilty and Let her know how you really feel."
She squeezed his hand.
"You messed up, Harry. I love you, you are my son but what you did is absolutely wrong. I didn't raise you like this. If you really love her go to her tell her that you are sorry. Let her curse you, be angry at you but you deserve it, you know you deserve it."
"But what if she don't want to listen to me ?" He asked with a hint of fear in his voice.
"Beg her until she does." She said simply.
"And if she don't forgive me ?" He asked again.
"Mmm. There is a possibility for that. But atleast you will not regret later that you didn't even tried . But I hope that's not the case."
Harry looked down at his feet. His mom is right, he atleast should apologise, he has been a coward and didn't dare to meet her, but now he will.
"And Harry, I don't want to higher your expectations but if she really love you she might even give you a second chance. If she does, make sure that she won't regret trusting you again, be a better man to her."
Anne gave him a motherly smile and pushed back his curls falling on his forehead.
"Go, be a man she deserves."
After talking to his mother Harry immediately got into his car and drove to Y/n's place. His nerves were all over the place thinking about all the possible things that can happen.
After a long drive which felt like forever for him he is finally at her place.
He practically sprinted on the steps because he couldn't wait for the elevator and finally he reached her front door.
He took a long breath and knocked on the door and waited but there is no response. He knocked again but there is no movement.
He caught the door Knob and twisted it, the door opened. His silly girl always forgets to lock the doors.
He went inside the house and checked for her.
"Y/n ?" He called but there is no response, he went and checked her bedroom but there is no hint of her.
He returned to the living room, thinking where she might have gone.
He looked around the place again. He found her phone on the coffee table.
She left her phone back, she never leave her phone while she is going out so she might be near. And then it clicked him, he know where she is now.
He closed the door and made his way to the terrace. If she is not in home at this time she definitely will be on terrace. He know how much she like to spend time there.
He got there and looked around to find her. And then he saw her, he could see side of her face. Standing at the corner looking at the moon. Air blowing her hair in an angelic way, moon light and lights from distance made her face glow.
God she is soo beautiful.
He took few steps towards her.
"Y/n." He called her softly.
Her shoulders tensed, but she didn't turn towards him immediately. He can see her taking deep breath from the side angle.
"Love ?" He called again. Now she turned fully towards him.
He took a sharp breath and took in her appearance, she is as beautiful as ever.
"Hi, love." He said hesitantly.
"Hi." She replied without much of and emotion in her voice.
He again took a deep breath and walked two more steps towards her. Luckily she didn't step back.
"I'm getting straight into the point, I already wasted soo much of time and i dont want to any more." He said looking at, and she didn't show any sign of disagreement.
"I'm sorry , love. I really am. I'm an arsehole, a dick, a douche bag. I fucked up, big time. I hurt you. I was soo bad to you. I know , I'm sorry. I regret each and every time I hurt you and I would do anything to make it right. I have been a pussy to come and talk to you all this time. I was afraid so it took me this long." He was rambling at this point. A single tear escaped from his eye.
He took one more step forward ao there is only a little bit of distance between them and fell on his knees in front of her. He bent his head down and wiped his tears and again looked at her. She was also crying, tears are escaping her her eyes too.
"I'm sorry. Im sorry. I'm sorry." He chanted and he let out a soft sob.
"I don't deserve your forgiveness and I don't deserve your love. But god knows what I will do to get both of them again." He breathed out.
"It hurts to loose you. I don't want to loose you." He mumbled mostly to himself.
"You had me, Harry. And I was not enough for you." She talked for the first time.
It felt soo good to hear her voice again after soo long. And he loved the way his name sounded with her voice. He missed it.
"I know , baby. I know. I'm an idiot. And please, you were always enough for me, more than enough but I just couldn't gey my head out of my ass." He said.
"I don't if you are ever going to forgive me or of you are ever going to look at me the same like before. But I want to tell you, I don't want be a coward."
Cool air made them both shiver a bit.
"I love you, Y/n."
" You are my everything, I love you with every fiber in my body. You were always enough for me. I love you for yourself, you are no comparison with all those fake models I get along with. They can never be you. And you are always the most beautiful and amazing and loving person. You deserve the world. Sorry that I couldn't give it to you back then. But I will give you anything to you now if you let me." He completed.
She sucked in a breath, he said the three words that she thought that she will never hear from him.
"I shouldn't be telling you this now, you may have moved on, forgot about me and maybe.... and maybe you are with someone else too." Those words came out like poison from his mouth.
"Do you still love me, Y/n ?" He dared to ask , he actually don't want to know the answer but a part of him still hopes that she love him.
She wiped her tears and cleared her throat.
"Get up, Harry." She said with a straight face.
He got up and stood on his feet again. Because of his height he was towering a little bit over her.
"Do you really think I love someone else ?" She questioned him.
"I saw you with a guy two days back in your favorite cafe. You looked happy." He told her and looked down at their feet.
"You were there ?" She furrowed her brows.
He nodded
" He was just my friend." She said and he was relieved a bit with that information.
"You really hurt me, Harry. I hate you for that, but I also love you because... because you were the world to me. But you didn't even gave a fuck about me."
He shook his head. Please, "I'm sorry. Don't say that. It hurts." He pleaded.
"I don't know what to do. I'm afraid Harry. I'm tired. Afraid of getting hurt again and tired of feeling hurt. I don't know."
"Baby." He took her soft hand into his.
"I'm sorry. I love you. I should have said this earlier but I didn't. As I said I will do anything to get you back."
They both were silent thinking about everything.
"Can I tell you something?" He asked her.
She nodded her head.
"I can't rewind our life and go back and fix things but I want to start over everything. Let's start everything again, from the beginning. And this time I'll be a better man for you."
She looked at him on awe.
"Can we start over ? We'll become strangers again, we'll introduce each other again, we'll make fresh memories. Only if you want to. I'll leave of you want me to. But remember one thing even if I leave now I will always love you, forever and I'll be waiting for you."
She is speechless, she don't know what to say. She was supposed to be angry at him but the moment she saw him all the anger just flew away. And the minute he fell on his knees and said her that he love her , she completely lost it. Of course she still love him, of course she still want to give him a second chance, but she is afraid.
"I promise that I'll never break your heart again."
He threaded their fingers together and looked at their hands.
"Tell me, love. Will you let me be a better man for you?" He asked all the sincerity hoping she will say yes.
He is worth of a second chance. She thought.
"Yes." She breathed out and smiled.
His smiled reached his eyes for the first time in a long while.
He hugged her. Really tight to the point where she thought she might loose her breath.
"I love you. I love you. I love you." He said and kissed her forehead.
She smiled." But let's take it slow, I still need some time."
"Yes take all the time you want, we'll go as slow you prefer. Im fine with it as long as I know that I have you. Just know that I love you, and will never hurt you again. And one more thing, please get used to me saying I love you a lot. Because I'm not stopping anymore."
He took a step back. "Let's start again."
He stretched his hand out for her. Let me introduce myself. "Hi, my name is Harry."
She laughed at him, thinking about the first time they met.
"Hi, Harry. My name is Y/n."
A/n : well, well, well. Here it is as I promised. Please don't shit at me for the late. I'm not making excuses, but u know why. I'm genuinely sorry.
And , while writing this I reread the 1st part. And I found a shit ton of mistakes and typos, I myself cringed at my work. I'm sorry u guys had to read that shit. But I have my reason. 1. I wrote that whole thing on my phone and I have big thumbs. 2. I blame my autocorrect. I'm sorry, and I hope there are no lot of mistakes here..
Thank you for reading, hope you likes it.
Please like and comment and reblog.
And please please please share your thoughts and talk to me. Pretty please 🥺
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shinmelodia · 1 year
Love & Process: blue (2002)
Hello to everyone reading, and welcome to a highly belated attempt to squeeze some of my thoughts and emotions through some semblance of a creative process and onto a page. Today, I want to introduce this blog by talking about a lovely film, blue (2002), directed by Hiroshi Ando and based on a manga by Kiriko Nananan.
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Since I'm still somewhat new at diving into live action film, especially, like, uh, Japanese indie film, its helping to start with the yuri genre. Because like practically any other woman on this site, I quite enjoy lesbians. blue's manga original offers something of an alternative to the yuri norm, though, and the film follows suit. Both are definitely examples of the Japanese filmmaking trend I've heard of called "mumblecore," (or maybe mumble-komi for the manga equivalent) that most people know through the likes of Inio Asano's early work. Like Solanin or Girl on the Shore, blue is shoegazey, quiet, and contemplative, adorned with moments of subtle physical intimacy, layered emotion, and stunningly beautiful compositions of daily life.
My metric for these kinds of slow mood pieces, which I've previously tended to watch at random whenever the mood struck me, is that if my barely-medicated ADHD brain can even finish them, there's clearly something special going on. blue passed with flying colors; yeah, ok, it took two sittings, but I spent all of both enraptured, immersed, and invested in the mono no aware of silent, fragile love and messy asymmetry that formed this movie's emotional palette. blue is about love, of course, but its also about process and expression, both emotional and creative, and how processing things, artistically, verbally, non-verbally--is often required of real, human love.
In being about this, I think it did things for me that a lot of yuri often doesn't and gently hit me in a place that I really needed to be hit. So, let me get into it. This is going to be...very personal, and also obviously spoil the details of the film, if you care about that, although I'm sure there will be plenty of depth left in the text that I leave untouched. Whether you read it or not, I'll be happy I made it. Oh, and sorry if I come off as really New for being so struck by themes and aesthetics that are probably sort of standard for this type of film. I can't help what I feel like writing about, though.
Kirishima Kayako lives in a small town by the sea, one much like dozens of other anonymous, disaster-prone exurban towns in Japan at the turn of the millennium. She rides the bus to her girls' high school every day, where she eats lunch with her friends and tries her best to learn something in class. Really, though, she's aimless, quiet, lonely, and introspective. She's trying, but its rare for others to be able to tell. She's also in love with her classmate, Endou Masami. When she confesses at the end of the first act, on a windy beach against the vastness of the ocean, Endou responds that she's glad, and the two become our lesbians for the movie. Kayako falls to her knees and cries in relief. Masami is different from the others--she sees how hard Kayako tried. Does that mean she loves her back, though?
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Endou Masami has cool passions and interests; she collects American CDs, which she expertly critiques and describes while lending to friends. The mere view of her vibing to her American alt-rock while smoking a cigarette in front of her apartment window is album-cover worthy in itself. Kayako feels the same way: one of the most intimately gay scenes of the pre-confession portion of the film is when Masami lights a cigarette and asks if Kayako is shocked. The quiet girl declares without hesitation, "No, I'm admiring the way you lit the match."
The whole early film is such a delectable, lonely vibe. The slowly intertwining couple's solidifying dynamic is the kind that forms between an emotionally complex introvert and the perhaps even more unknowable yet somehow more confident object of their affection. The two are classmates, (there's no classic yuri kouhais and senpais here) but for the early part of the film we are seeing things from Kayako's perspective and Masami seems unmistakably older in spirit. There's something about the dense emotions conveyed in her gazes at her new girlfriend, the almost world-weary tinge of recklessness in her distant grins. She talks about music Kayako's never heard of and lends out books with Romantic-era paintings that she has well-formed thoughts on. Kayako even openly admits that if she could, she would want to be Masami.
I think we've all loved a girl like that.
It's a pretty typical experience in middle school or high school, for really anyone lonely who loves women, to be drawn to these sorts of sad, beautiful, oh-so-seemingly-complex femmes. I guess straight men have a similar thing going on with the whole Manic Pixie Dream Girl archetype, but for us women (or, women-to-be, at the time, I guess), the phenomenon of these people to us often involves a sort of existential jealousy. I'm not sure what is so alluring to other people about the sense that the object of their love has Something Going On that they are working through, or a vast and complicated life beyond the scope of one's understanding, but it me it always felt like something I was missing out on for myself. Obviously, a lot of their experiences and interests must be interesting and fun and super cool, you think, but even what pain you think they convey must be somehow more edifying than yours.
For me, the edifying aspect was the mere fact of femininity itself. The idea of a girl who has deep and Real emotions, who feels Real love and Real sadness and can actually express that in how she looks, beautiful and imperfect, always threw into stark contrast my own inability to express myself comparably. I was depressed, I was growing up, and I felt things, too, but, as someone who everyone thought was a straight boy and who was too scared to admit to being otherwise, I lacked that sort of beauty, that means of expressing what was inside me through fashion, makeup, book or music knowledge or taste. Or at least I thought I did. Thus, my own emotions must have also meant less. So, I ignored them and belittled them, and entire years passed before I processed a thing correctly. I always wanted to be some other girl. That was the only thing that would fix me.
I assume that the teen (and, uh, sometimes beyond) existential pining experienced by some other people in real life usually lacks the fun bonus that mine had of a screaming void where my femininity should have been, but I'm not sure how much this actually matters to the crux of the kind of experience I'm talking about. That some kind of void is there is all that matters, really, and its there for Kayako in her relationship with Masami at the beginning of the film. She has nothing, Masami is everything, and just being close to her is enough, for now. Just being noticed, just sharing something with her, is all Kayako feels like she can ask for.
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Of course, this incomplete way of seeing love can't last, which brings us to the next part of the film, which starts when the two are hanging out and Masami reveals through a guarded, distant grin that she had an abortion a while ago. This isn't something that shocks Kayako or is really meant to shock the audience, and it isn't the big moment where she forced to reconsider her feelings. Rather, she asks how it went, and Masami responds honestly. She mentions she felt horrible the next day and had to be picked up by ambulance from the nurse's office, prompting Kayako to recall silently what to us was the film's first scene, a view from her window during class of an anonymous ambulance, sirens turned off, discreetly rescuing a student.
That she had this ambiguously traumatic, and at least unpleasant and potentially taboo experience is something that could have made Masami feel even older to Kayako, her pain even more distant and obscure. It certainly already is a way that Masami herself feels distant from others. Yet, by considering her own special, observant view of the ambulance back when it happened, it becomes one that Kayako can in some small way assertively share with her. Rather than continuing to put her lover's experiences on a pedestal, Kayako in this scene makes a silent decision to turn a blossoming mutual acceptance simply that they happened into a moment of true intimacy between the two, a sleepover punctuated by smirking kisses and satisfied cuddles initiated by each of them for the other. Despite her remarks that Kayako is weird for unhesitatingly wanting to stay with her, its an intimacy that Masami is happy to accept. This is all an important turning point in Kayako's development because she begins to choose insight, closeness, and assertion over the distant admiration that trapped her earlier.
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As we go on, we'll start seeing how blue's gentle impact comes from the way it doesn't glorify or sugarcoat that earlier kind of unhealthy and immature dynamic. Instead it subverts it by giving Masami depth and Kayako agency, before reaching an endpoint that reflects on how the dehumanization of that kind of depressed, pining relationship can be overcome. In that sense, blue is a yuri romance mostly about the couple coming to accept their own and each other's humanity and capacity for expression. Like any good mumble movie, its full of long silences and almost unrealistically hesitant dialog, and doesn't give any explicit internal monologues like a lot of manga do. The world of this movie is one where expression is an uphill battle, something that has to be worked towards and struggled through. It's the world that Kayako and Masami share, in their own separate ways. And that's why its such a triumph to watch Kayako finally find her voice, her passion, and her process, which all starts in this scene.
First, though, it's time to learn about the Something that Masami has Going On.
Things begin when Kayako is still sleeping. Masami gets a call on her house phone that she doesn't answer, but that sends her into a silent spiral of emotional dread. She spends the next day at school in the nurse's office, refusing to tell Kayako what's going on and confiding only in her friend Nakano. Then, when summer break comes along, she disappears, leaving Kayako alone at home, pouring silently over the book of still life oil paintings that Masami lent her.
It ends up being Nakano who tells Kayako why she left. It's the story Masami didn't tell about the source of her abortion: an adult, married man whom she had a relationship with and eventually a pregnancy from. She got things taken care of without telling him, alerted her parents and tried never to see the rotten salaryman again. That is, until he called. He wasn't getting along with his wife anymore, apparently, and she had some sort of attachment to him that made her come running back. Her taste in music originally came from him, after all. It seems that, for the time being, her devotion to this mysterious, abusive man is going to perpetuate a brutal cycle: she'll keep hurting both Kayako and herself all at once.
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What really destroys Kayako and her relationship, though, is that she lies about it. When she comes home after some predictably rough interactions with this guy, she tells her supposed girlfriend that she was enjoying a vacation with friends, and even gives her some grapes, supposedly grown in the prefecture she was hanging out in, as a twisted souvenir. The more assertive Kayako enforces her boundaries without hesitation, though, in equally as blunt a tone as she complimented her love, as when she told her she wanted to stay with her, all those nights ago. "Why are you lying to me?" Its with that same grin, now tinged with emotionally oblivious deception, that Masami dares to at first first feign ignorance.
"Eh?" Her smile is shallower than its ever been.
So Kayako walks away.
Their dynamic has now become worse than just immature; it's entirely toxic. From an outside perspective, Kayako is working on her shortcomings, while Masami refuses to reconcile her past. This kind of toxicity, though, is sadly just as common in high school (and even sometimes middle school) as is the kind of misunderstanding, lonely pining I talked about earlier, just usually among different sorts of people. Appropriately, its often even that exact kind of beautiful, hurting, mature femme (in the eyes of disastrous, moody lesbians like Kayako) who is going through that sort of pain. Its that mysterious and tragic byproduct of compulsory heterosexuality that causes a lot of girls to seek validation in the love of an older man, and that I imagine becomes a sort of addiction to that validation that only masquerades as love. Hell, Masami attributes much of what made her seem so interesting on the surface, her love of music, to this guy. She feels like she'd be nothing without him, and the way Kayako praised her, at least in the way she interpreted it, did nothing to dispel this fear. Which I think is really why she decided to go back, even though it would mean betraying the very girl whose love provided her an escape from it all.
Its an ugly truth, and its one that yuri media usually shies away from portraying, but it is explored with refreshing frankness and resolved with astounding maturity by the end of blue. And I think its the source material's status as "alternative" (I guess in Japanese parlance, Garo-inspired) manga, not to mention the movie's simply as an independent film, that allows it to break with genre limitations in this way. There's been tons of writing done on how yuri definitely presents a fantasy of the sapphic experience. Mainstream yuri's origins in Class-S still to this day often cause it to portray romances between women as fundamentally different, and inherently more pure, than those involving men, trapping them in a bubble of unassailable innocence. While that kind of makes sense and seems extremely cool to those of us who celebrate having little interest in moids or whatever, it also has the effect of sugarcoating and sometimes even outright obscuring what real women, even (and sometimes especially) sapphic ones, go through.
There's already a decent amount of yuri, especially among those aimed at older demographics and those where its more of a secondary genre, that do deal with compulsory heterosexuality and the experiences that come with it. What are much rarer are yuri series where one of the lover's flaws more resemble Masami's than Kayako's. Not enough that I've read at least is willing to make its relationships messy, or have one of its leads just do straight up bad things like self-destructive cheating and lying.
Because, really, its the same as what Kayako went through, isn't it? The lonely longing for something more that feels like it can only be cleansed by denying oneself all one has and betting it all on being close to someone else. The only difference between the two's actions is temperament and perhaps socialization--one sought it from a cooler woman, the other from an older man. And somewhere out of sight, that sad, irresponsible, fucked-up adult was probably hopelessly lonely, too, just like Kayako had to accept Masami was. Maybe disaster lesbians, disaster bisexuals(?), and yes, disaster straights aren't so different after all.
Well, other than that Kayako has worked to process her feelings, while Masami went and ruined her relationship over them. That's an important difference. Still, though, even Kayako has some work to do about how she feels about all of this. Masami's pedestal has been smashed, whether she likes it or not, and now she's lonelier than ever. So where does this vampiric cycle of taking from others end? What substance can replace loneliness in this ouroboros of etropic emotional alchemy?
Kayako doesn't touch the grapes. Instead, she silently processes things, lies on the floor listening to the cicadas scream in the garden. The grapes go rotten, and her brother throws them out. She sulks for a while.
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Then, she starts painting. A still life of grapes, inspired by the books that Masami lent her. At first, her drawing is lousy, as the school fine arts instructor later tells her, but the colors are gorgeous. The deep purples of the fruits are expertly layered to capture light and tell a story, one deeper than the instructor could possibly imagine. It's the story not only of the transformation of a relationship, but of the growth of one of its participants. As the hot, still air of the coastal Japanese summer cloys around her lonesome final vacation of high school, Kayako finally salvages a passion to call her own out of a floundering relationship. When school starts again and she picks up art classes, going to Tokyo for uni, a dream that was previously held only by Masami, starts to be within her reach. She has a future, an interest, and a way to process all has happened to her.
And then comes the time for Masami to try and return. She proves unwilling to address all that happened before, instead trying to kiss Kayako after school in the art room. Her undeserved attempt at intimacy is rejected with a shove, but so too is her self-pity that causes her to instantly run away. There's more that needs to be said that simply "I'm a terrible person." Kayako pursues her into the town's small shopping district as night begins to fall and neon crackles to life against a cool late summer night. Now the emotional climax of the movie begins.
First, Kayako starts talking. She tells Masami about the painting, about her summer, about how lonely she was without her, about all the places she wanted to go with her. She talks about how happy she was at the same time that she found something she wanted to do without her. This approach is new for her. She's never so far relied on words so heavily to express her emotions. When Masami points this out, Kayako says:
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This is how she's choosing to process things for the time being. At first, it was being silent to carefully consider her emotions. Now, its speaking up to keep them focused on what she really wants.
Then, its Masami's turn, for the first time, to tell the truth. By now they're away from the small cluster of lights, staring out at the blackness of the beach where they first got together. Masami broke up with the guy, she says. But she also asserts that she came to his emotional aid to begin with because she felt his need for help was more important than anything else to her. She couldn't tell her girlfriend this before, because doing so would mean telling a truth she didn't think Kayako could bear to hear: that he meant more to Masami than she did.
Kayako already knows this, of course. And by speaking up to quell her justified anger, by weaving words like the deft strokes of honest color on the tip of a paintbrush, she's gotten herself to a point where she can accept it, too.
I mean, think about it. Masami is broke now; Kayako needed to buy her a sandwich so she wouldn't be hungry on their impromptu date. Her sabotaging drive to be validated and her inability to accept love from the girl willing to give it has, by all accounts, ruined her life for the time being and harmed those around her. Even though she broke up with the guy out of necessity, or out of some fleeting impulse to run back to Kayako, she still feels like nothing without him. As she says to Kayako later, now the envy runs in reverse--Kayako is passionate about painting now, while Masami will still amount to nothing. Despite it all, though, Kayako is willing to love her. She's called Masami out on what she needs to be, then decided to stay nonetheless.
"I always come second. You broke up with him, so the number one spot is vacant. When someone else comes, you'll put him there...
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For most of my life, I believed that artistic expression was primarily the product of unrestrained, innate, and self-indulgent passion. I thought it was just something people either have or don't have, and that when they do, its something that can drive them to great heights of accomplishment and happiness otherwise impossible for humans to reach. It was mostly Japanese otaku media that instilled this into me, I think. I grew up exposed to a dizzying array of diverse and often miraculous artistic products that captured my imagination in ways the safe output of my own boring, monolithic home empire never did, and most of them were made by people who literally poured their lives into working on them. From Eiichro Oda's future-destroying, decades-long devotion to making One Piece to Kentaro Miura giving his life to practically paint the ceiling of the Sistene Chapel in pen on page after double-page spread in Berserk, to all of the hyper-passionate, universe-shattering early works of Hideaki Anno and his animator cohorts, I thought that I lived in a world of weird and wonderful treats whose cooks had the work ethic of demigods and the talent to match.
And even on the lower levels of the medium, among fan artists, cosplayers, writers, posters, historians, I felt surrounded by people who lived and breathed impossible passion, whose lives must have been defined by a kind of information processing my brain simply wasn't capable of. They had some ability to inhale the miraculous vapors of an abundant artistic landscape and spew out works of their own that further decorated the texture of a fleeting age of impossible marvels. And all that time, there I was, left on the sidelines, interested in many things but passionate about none, and lacking the motivation to really work to pursue anything at all. It was (and, honestly, still is) a state of existential discomfort similar to that sort of lonely-girl-pining, but doubtlessly far larger in scale. Some people had passion, while I had nothing to show for all my years of being alive. For fuck's sake, there was so much stuff out there, and I barely could muster the motivation to even read any of it most of the time.
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After a while, I started to feel like I was simply broken, like I was an empty person that didn't belong in the very world I loved living in. And while I think this might be a niche outlook and insecurity (although one represented, to my profound gratitude, in Masami), I think it's also how a lot of people think about love. Love is often portrayed as a feeling sparked entirely of instinct, one that, when a person truly feels it, will never cause them to make any mistakes or do anything fucked up to those they care about. Something that will drive those bolstered by it to impossible heights, improve lives beyond the sorrow and loneliness to which they are otherwise condemned. But, as Kayako learned and as Masami and I are having to find out, that isn't really the whole story.
Expression is love. Love is process. Therefore, expression is also the labor of putting love through a process, of rigorously trying to get your ass in a seat and put in the steps of putting your feelings into form. As this is required of art, so is it required of relationships. And so the two are a cycle. Creation requires emotions to process; relationships require emotions to be processed. And the love that creation inspires feeds itself into the love for others that inspires the emotion to fuel more creation. A Labor of Love. Again, I know I'm New.
But this is what Kayako has been working up to all movie long, first with her silence, then with some words, then with the labor of painting, the iteration of getting better, then with more words again. She has found a slow cycle that is elevating her above her loneliness, a cycle that Masami helped create, and is welcome within, but that can, if need be, exist without her.
Love, labor, process. Expression, creation, process. Creating, processing, choosing...in the end, to do it all again. To stay with what--and who--you have labored to love. And that is the choice Kayako has made.
I have not yet answered what, after thinking and writing about this movie for days on end, might be the substance that can replace loneliness as fuel for the alchemical cycle of emotional taking and giving. By the end of the lovers' reunion, sitting by the road under the slowly-illuminating blue of a haphazardly-clouded dawn sky, Masami doesn't feel like she has an answer, either. She feels small and hollow, manipulative and weak. She's jealous of the coping strategy her own girlfriend has developed to deal with the effects of her bad behavior. So, in the end, what is she? What is there even left for Kayako to love?
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I'll be honest, this feeling is so fucking real I get perilously teary every time I think about it. Because, for as much as I mused about Kayako's feelings resonating with me as a former and sometimes girl-piner, when it comes to my current relationship at age 22, it's Masami in whom I see myself most clearly and brutally. It's hard not to when she is the only representation in romance, let alone in yuri, I have seen so far who is as much of a fucking brat as I am at times. Whose tendency to sabotage her own relationship makes it so asymmetric that what her girlfriend feels appears almost one-sided, but whose love is real all the same. If she lacks process, talent, maturity, mystique, if no one is ever going to be good enough for her, then what at all does she have left?
The answer to all of this is the thing that lies at the core of her being, that makes her who she is. The source of her potential to express herself, the starting point of a process yet to fully begin. It's hard to see, but it's there. Its what makes her Endou Masami. And its what Kirishima Kayako loves the most.
It's color. It's the thing at the core of creation that can't be described with words, that forms the motivation for any process. Its the vivid purple of a painted grape whose intentional creation transcends deception and nurtures discovery. It's the blue of a dawning sky whose light guides two girls in messy, lopsided love back into each other's arms. It's Kirishima Kayako. It's Endou Masami. It's what everyone has, and it's all anyone has.
It's the source of love, its process, and its object.
Eventually, Kayako has to leave for Tokyo. That's the decision that's best for her, and its a decision that, for the time being, will leave Masami behind in the countryside, hard at work on the process of learning to love herself. At the end of the film, she sends Kayako one final piece of proof of who she is. It's a painting of sorts, recorded on VHS, composed not of oil but of compressed light and sound. Stylistically, as the camera zooms in, it begins to resemble less Renoir and more Rothko: at first, its the beach, then, simply the point of the horizon, the area where the sea and sky meet. Its raw, not quite processed, pure color, vibrant blue, filtered and compressed into chunky, washed-out 800x600.
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By way of description, "this is all I can do."
For years, I've struggled to believe that my emotions, hindered by depression and self-sabotage, have any value at all. As someone for whom love, passion, and expression have always felt difficult, even putting my thoughts down on a page, let alone drawing, painting, composing, or directing, has always seemed impossible. Recently, though, I've grown a lot. I've found the beginnings of a process learned to accept its existence. Both this process, and all the loves that go along with it, are often uncomfortable. They are painful and brutal and blissful things into which to pour the labors of communication and the torments of understanding. I've learned to process discomfort for the sake of creation, to create for the sake of love. It sounds cheesy, but again, I can't help what I wanted to write about.
I hope you'll join me as I find more new things and tough feelings I love to process on this account. There's so much more I'd love to say about blue, just for starters. I could talk about my undying appreciation for the work of Mikako Ishikawa, or how the shots in this movie are so gorgeous and evocative that I'd seen many of them before in "Japan in the 00s" vibes compilations.
But, until then, this is all I can do.
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