#This is the fic I wrote and then decided to start again from scratch.
ravendruid · 1 year
Game Night
This fic is part of the Critter Genfic Bingo to fulfill the Game Night and Modern AU slots, and is set in my Gamer AU. Read on AO3
Vax’ildan rarely gets to spend his own money on games these days as they are often gently covered by his subscribers, but a new game caught him unaware, so he didn’t have time to set up a donation goal or even make a poll to ascertain interest from his followers. The plan was simple: Vax was going to record his first playthrough of the game in solo mode and finally give YouTube a try. If it got a good response, then he would ask a friend or two if they wanted to play with him on stream. However, as his plans are wont to do, everything went down the drain when he mentioned buying the game on his next stream, and chat begged him to play live. 
“Well, I guess that answers it,” Vax jokingly replied to everyone’s requests. “Let me talk to some friends and see if anyone is up for it. Hopefully, I’ll have a group for the next stream. How does that sound?”
Vax’s chat went wild with names and requests of other streamers he could ask to play with him, but the main name in common was very clear: Keyleth. It took him a while to cede to ask her, but he made no promises that he would be able to convince her to play the game. In the end, it was easier than he thought. All Vax had to do was tell his girlfriend that she could customize her character and show her the different options for races and classes, and she was in. The next challenge was finding two more people to play, which Keyleth also fixed by asking Percy, who in turn asked Vex’ahlia. So a party was formed, with Keyleth and Vax squad streaming so their viewers could watch both their points of vision.
“What are you guys playing,” Vax asks as he starts building his character. His is an easy choice to make, and he starts customizing a half-elf rogue to look slightly like him as his chat flies in approval and suggestions. 
“I think I might try a ranger,” Vex’ahlia replies. Because she’s not streaming today, the audience will have to wait to see the reveal of her character, but on Vex’s screen is a female half-elf with a ponytail braid.
“Are you going to get a bear companion and call him Trinket, dear?” Percival teases his girlfriend. Everyone in Vax and Keyleth’s audience is familiar with Trinket, Vex’s large Newfoundland dog. At almost 70 kg, Trinket’s massive form and shaggy brown hair make him resemble a bear, which is where the joke came from one day during Vex’s first streams.
“Don’t tempt me, Percival.”
“What about you, Freddie?” Vax leans back on his chair, admiring his character. 
“I’m playing a human fighter, of course.”
“Chat is asking if you’re going melee,” Vax leans in to read the questions on his screen.
“No. I’ll be ranged.”
“Keyleth, darling, what are you playing? You’re so quiet.” Vex mutters, adding piercings to her character.
“Oh? Sorry, there are so many options and hairs. It’s a lot,” Keyleth sounds and looks overwhelmed. She’s not used to playing this type of game, especially for the first time on stream. 
“It’s okay, darling. Take your time.” Vex’ahlia reassures.
One of Keyleth’s biggest insecurities about streaming a game that is so out of her comfort zone was related to how her regular audience would react to the change. She usually streams cozy games that a lot of people use for body-doubling, and she loves providing everyone with a safe environment where they can go to escape from their daily lives. An adventure roleplaying game with a lot of action, dialogues, and possibly fights is not what her target audience usually looks for. However, Keyleth was pleasantly surprised—and relieved—when the poll results came in favor of her playing the game on stream. It turned out that a lot of Keyleth’s followers were avid players of tabletop roleplaying games or were generally interested in the game itself.
Although she felt better about how her audience would respond to the new game, Keyleth was still worried about stepping out of the bubble that shielded her from trolls. With a much more popular game being streamed—adding the fact that she is a woman with her camera on—Keyleth still couldn’t shake the fear that something bad could happen during the streams, which is why she recruited her best moderators, Pike and Grog, who were more than happy to stay on the sidelines and keep everyone on track.
“Okay, I think I’m done. Sorry, it took me so long,” Keyleth finally announces an hour after the stream starts. On her screen is a female half-elf druid with space buns and braids almost as red as Keyleth’s hair. She quickly reads the chat and smiles at everyone’s compliments about her character, most saying how fun her hair looks.
“No problem, love. Is everyone ready?” Vax asks. Everyone agrees, so they quickly name their characters after themselves before they move on to the next screen.
“We have to make another one?” Keyleth shouts, raising her hands to her head. On everyone’s screen is another character whose race and appearance can also be customized.
“What the fuck is a guardian,” Vex’ahlia asks, going over the different races available.
“I think it’s someone who will protect you and keep you alive,” Vax explains, quickly building a generic male elf. “You don’t have to fully customize them if you don’t want to. Just pick a race and whatever you want them to look like, I guess.”
“Yeah, right…” Keyleth looks distraught at her screen. “You know what… Chat, pick a race,” Keyleth asks. Her chat window quickly fills up with people firing races: there are a few elves, some asking for a dwarf, and a couple of people asking for a Githyanki, but the majority of the requests seem to be Drow, which is the preset anyway. It doesn’t take everyone a long time to finish building their guardians, and finally, the game begins. 
A lot of fun is had for the next few hours: Vax steals everything he can get his hands on (and flirts with the vampire NPC), a wizard is saved from a portal, and the group goes through their first dungeon, the overgrown ruins of an old temple where they find a sarcophagus in a dank crypt.
“Guys, I found a sarcophagus. Do you think it has a treasure inside?” Vex’ahlia asks. 
“We should investigate,” Percy crosses the threshold and waits for Vex to join him before he continues. 
For some reason, neither of them notices the notification in the corner that says they failed several perception checks, so once Vex’s character is by Percy’s side, he opens the lid to the tomb, making several explosions go off and fire erupt in the chamber.
“Vex’ahlia!” Percy screams in real life, jumping out of his chair so fast it tumbles back and hits the wooden floor with a loud thud. 
“I’m alright, darling,” Vex reassures him from the room next door, cackling at her boyfriend’s reaction. Her and Percy’s portraits on the left side of the screen are gray with a skull symbol next to them, indicating both characters are dead.
“What the fuck happened? I was gone for thirty seconds,” Vax shouts, sitting on his chair. He had just gone to the kitchen really quickly to grab some water for himself and Keyleth when he heard Keyleth’s screams.
“When was the last time you saved, brother?” Vex manages to ask, still laughing. 
“Right before we walked into this room.” Vax shakes his head, unamused. “Are you okay, Freddie?”
“Ye–yeah, I think so. That was—” Percy draws a long breath and releases it slowly, and when he speaks again, his heart has slowed, and his voice is back to normal, “—unexpected.”
Once Vax reloads the game, he goes through the room ahead of everyone to make sure he disarms every trap before they loot the sarcophagus. “Let this be a lesson about greed, everyone,” He jokes once the valuables are successfully stashed in his inventory.
Because one tragedy doesn’t come by itself, not long after, the party is suddenly ambushed by undead skeletons, making Keyleth scream in panic as her character gets knocked unconscious by one before she gets a turn to do anything. 
“I don’t think we’re strong enough to defeat these guys,” She cries.
“Yeah, we are, look.” Vax’s character appears next to Keyleth’s and stabs the skeleton that attacked her twice, leaving it with two HP. “I’ll always be here to save you, Kiki.” Vax’ildan being cheesy with his girlfriend on stream is not news, but it still manages to send both their chats over the edge. This will surely make the next fanmade supercut.
“Alright, lovebirds. Shall we kill these assholes, then?” Vex teases them. 
The battle doesn’t draw long once Keyleth’s character is back up—still at one HP, but up nonetheless—and this time, when they find another sarcophagus, the group allows Vax to spearhead the party.
“Well, that was fun, right, everyone?” Vax asks a few minutes later, once they get a new NPC ally and discover an arcane book that they put away to ask their wizard friend to check later. 
“Yeah. I wasn’t expecting it to be so fun,” Keyleth admits, leaning back in her chair and pulling her hoodie up. She can feel her battery draining fast. They have been streaming for a few hours longer than what she usually streams for, and her body is already reacting to it. 
“Even when I died,” Vex’ahlia jokes, petting Trinket’s head on her lap. She’s glad she’s not on camera today. Her hair is a mess and she’s wearing a stained t-shirt she stole from Percy’s drawer. 
“I did not like that part at all,” Percy chimes in, combing a hand through his shock-white hair and making it messier than it was.
“Just be glad I saved right before you two dingus went and set all the traps off,” Vax rolls his eyes at his sister and her boyfriend. His gaze darts over his screen to Keyleth’s stream, and he sees her bury herself in her hoodie and pull her knees up to her chest. For others, it might look like she’s just cold and getting comfortable, but Vax knows she’s overwhelmed and overstimulated, and she needs to relax, so he seamlessly brings the stream to an end with the promise of another one very soon.
More adventures await this group of chucklefucks, many mistakes and perception check failures that lead to not-so-good results, a lot of flirting with NPCs—Vax finds himself torn between the Vampire and the Wizard—and even a few not-safe-for-work unexpected scenes that make Keyleth slide down her chair and hide under her desk. At the end of the day, there is no denying that game night in general, and the new game in particular, is a huge success overall, and that everyone has plenty of fun playing and watching it.
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joeyb1989 · 5 days
running home to your sweet nothings* - joe burrow
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summary: after a frustrating and hard loss to the chiefs, joe only wants you.
word count: 3.7k
pairing: joe burrow x reader
warnings: angst, fluff, smuttttt, sad/anxious/frustrated joe, pet names
a/n: another fic from me? what is this? LMAOO no but i’ve had an idea to write a fic based on sweet nothing for a while and a request came in and i knew it was the right time. if this fic sounds like total brain rot im sorry. i wrote this while i have covid and i haven’t really left my room in three days😭😭 anyways, hope you all enjoy.
*i didn’t really read over this, so if there’s mistakes (or if it’s just bad😭) please ignore them*
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You were snapped out of your focused state by Joe placing a small object on the coffee table. “Look what I found in my pocket,” Joe added context to his action.
Your gaze left your notebook and found his outfit, seeing him clad in a gray t-shirt, which showed off his muscles nicely, and black cargos, which he loved wearing this past offseason. You look down at the small object to see the pebble you and Joe found in the off-season. “Do you think it ever misses Columbus sometimes?” Joe asked, joining you on the couch.
Flashback to this past off-season
“The sunset looks so pretty,” you smiled, taking a picture with your digital camera.
“You look so pretty,” Joe wrapped his arms around your waist from behind pressing a kiss to your cheek, earning a blush from you. “What’re you taking pictures of, sweetheart?”
You and Joe traveled to Columbus this weekend for his friend’s wedding a few days ago. You two decided to rent an Airbnb for the rest of the week to get in one last vacation before the season started.
“Those pebbles down there,” you said, pointing to two pebbles on the ground. One was an orangish-red color while the other was an almost-purple color – both Joe's and your favorite colors. “It’s like they represent us. They’re the only colorful ones.”
“How ‘bout we keep them?” Joe smiled as he picked the two up, putting the orange one in his cargo pants pocket, while handing you the other.
End of flashback
“Maybe,” you shrugged, “I thought we lost yours.”
“Yeah, me too. Yours is still in your memory box, right?” Joe asked.
“Mhm, we need to figure out what to do with them,” you sighed, “I don’t even remember why we took them home.”
“I don’t think there was a reason, baby,” Joe chuckled as you set your notebook on the coffee table, giving your full attention to him, “It just felt right.”
“I’ll put mine in your memory box before I leave,” Joe said, laying his head on your chest and wrapping his arms around your waist, “I wanna get my cuddles in right now.”
Even though Joe had this big male bravado out on the field, he was a total softie with you; which you loved. You loved how much comfort he found in cuddling with you, just like the comfort you found in cuddling with him.
“Nothing is bothering you, is there?” you asked. Joe would never say no to cuddling, but you knew that when he initiated it, something was going on in his head.
“Can I not just want to cuddle with my fiance?” Joe asked playfully.
“No, you can. But I just know that there’s probably something going on up there,” you said, running your thumb over his forehead.
“Just nerves, babe,” Joe sighed, burying his head into the crook of your neck.
Joe hated talking about his worries with anyone. The only exception was you, even if it did take a while for you to get it out of him. There were many times during his knee and wrist rehab when he would shut you out and keep all his fears trapped inside, but the two of you finally moved past that.
“Let me in,” you soothed, lightly scratching his scalp.
Joe sighed again before craning his neck to lock eyes with you. “The game tomorrow. I mean you were there last week, you saw how we all played like dog shit. I just… we can’t afford to play like that again. I can’t afford to play like that again. I know that we’ve improved this week at practice, but all of this outside noise doesn't help.”
“Joe,” you whispered while rubbing his back. It killed you to see him so worried about football. Football has been his life since he was a kid.
“I know I shouldn't worry about what people think… but I can’t take it sometimes. I know who I am. I know what the team is. I don’t get why we can’t put it together on the field. And those guys… it’s always hard to play them. I just… I’m tired of everyone’s opinions about me,” Joe expressed, undefeated.
The vulnerability and uncertainty in Joe’s words shock you to your core. Usually, Joe wouldn't care who was talking about him or what they were saying, but since the loss to the Patriots, he’s been very doubtful of himself.
“Baby,” you began, caressing his head, “I hate seeing you like this. You know why?”
“Why?” Joe whispered against your chest
“Because I know who you are and you know who you are. I hate when these middle-aged, couch potatoes of men get you down on yourself. You are Joe Burrow. You are a national champion, first draft pick, and one of the top quarterbacks in the league. But most importantly, you are Joe Burrow, the same guy that always gets back up when he’s down, the same guy that can do anything puts his mind to, and the same guy that always goes above and beyond everyone’s expectations.”
Joe sat up before bringing you into a hug, “Thank you, baby. It’s good to know that you’ll always be here even when the league gets tired of me.”
Ever since the two of you started dating Joe’s rookie year, you have always been there for him. You guys were just dating for a month when he injured his knee, but you made sure that you came over every day, even though you spent the night most of the time, to be there for him. You quickly fell in love with him after seeing how dedicated he is to everything in his life. He fell in love with you after seeing how caring and passionate you are about everything. You’re always there to hold him, comfort him, whisper sweet nothings to him, or give him endless pep talks after a hard loss or just a frustrating day of practice. He always found himself running home to you and your sweet nothings.
“What have you been working on today?” Joe asked, looking at your notebook on the coffee table.
“Just a little something,” you smiled, “you can read it if you want. I mean, it is about you.” One of your favorite hobbies was writing poems. It all started in college when you took a poem-writing class, and you just never stopped. Joe loved it about you. He’s read every poem that you have ever written. He always compliments you, it happens all the time. He loves them even more when he is your muse, though.
You watched as a smile curled on his face as he read your written words. “What a mind,” he said, kissing your forehead repeatedly, causing giggles to spill from your mouth. You eventually pulled his face down so that your lips would meet. The kiss quickly heated up as he moved you into his lap, his crotch under yours.
“Mmm, Joe,” you whimpered as his lips found the sweet spot behind your ear, lightly nipping at the skin. “Don’t mark me up too bad, baby.”
“No promises, sweetheart. Gotta let everyone in Kansas City know that you’re mine,” Joe growled.
Joe groaned as you started grinding your hips against his, feeling hardness below you. His hands went under your flimsy t-shirt as your lips found his again, Joe pulled away as he lifted it over your head. His eyes darted to your perky breasts – supported by an orange, lacy push-up bra. “Holy shit,” Joe said breathlessly, “I swear to God, you get more and more beautiful every day.” He unclasped your bra, watching it fall off your chest before attaching his mouth to your left breast, swirling his tongue around your hard nipple.
“Baby,” you moaned as his hand gave your other breast a hard squeeze before moving his mouth to it and his hand to the other. “Joe, I need you inside me. Right now.”
“You’re awfully needy, aren't you,” Joe smirked, but quickly whipped his shirt off before unbuttoning your jean shorts, pulling them and your panties down at the same time. You reached down and hooked your fingers in his waistband, prompting him to lift his hips to give you easier access to pull down his boxers and shorts. Joe caught a glance at the clock, knowing he had to leave soon to catch his flight to Kansas City. “Baby, we gotta be quick, ‘kay?”
You nodded, giving his cock a few slow pumps before lining it up with your slick entrance, both of you moaning at the fullness. You set a fast pace snapping your hips into Joe’s, making him groan in pleasure. Joe was never loud in bed, except for when you rode him. He loved watching you move on him, your boobs bouncing with every move while chasing your pleasure with his dick.
“Mm, Y/n,” Joe whimpered into your ear, making you feel hot all over, “Just like that baby. Making me feel so fucking good with that tight pussy.”
“Joe,” you whimpered a few minutes later, slowing your pace as your legs got tired. Joe immediately understood you by your body language and began helping you move on him.
“Shit, baby,” you moaned as he continued to move you, but started to buck his hips up into yours and take one of your nipples into his mouth.
Joe knew you were getting close to release as your walls squeezed around him. “Come on baby, make yourself feel good,” Joe panted.
That was all the motivation you needed to grab onto the back of the couch for leverage and start bouncing on his cock, chasing your own pleasure while making Joe feel good too.
“Shit, that’s it. That’s my fucking girl,” Joe moaned as his cock twitched inside you.
“Joe- I’m-” you began before he bucked his hips into yours, hitting your g-spot. “Oh my god-”
“You like that?” Joe teased as he did it again, this time harder, making your eyes roll to the back of your head.
“Joe!” you screamed as your orgasm washed over you. 
A few more thrusts later, you felt Joe empty his load into you, your still-spasming walls milking every last drop of him. He pulled you into his chest, kissing your forehead. “You did so good, baby,” Joe panted, “Are you okay?”
“Mhm,” you smiled, burying your head into the crook of his neck, “That was intense, though”
“I think I passed out for a minute,” Joe chuckled.
As you two caught your breaths while whispering sweet nothings into each others’ ears, you almost didn’t notice Joe’s phone ringing.
“Shit,” Joe murmured as you handed it to him.
“Hey man, are you… going to the game?” a man teased on the other side of the line
“Yeah sorry, I… wanted to get one last workout in and lost track of time. I’ll be there soon, Tee.”
“Workout?” you teased as you wiggled your eyebrows.
“Well… many calories were burned,” Joe smirked, lifting you off his cock, both of you hissing at the sensation. Joe walked into the kitchen and came back a few minutes later with paper towels to clean you up.
After cleaning you up, getting you dressed, cleaning himself up, and getting himself dressed, Joe grabbed his bags and loaded the car up with them.
“Be careful on your flight, okay?” Joe said, wrapping his arms around your waist as your arms went around his neck.
“I will, don’t worry about me,” you smiled, ruffling his hair before fixing it.
“I always worry about you, you know that,” Joe whispered against your lips.
“I know,” you stated, pressing your lips to his in a sweet kiss.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, okay? If you need anything, call me. I’m just a phone call away, baby.”
“I know,” Joe said, kissing your neck.
“Baby,” you giggled, “you gotta go.”
“Okay, okay. Didn’t realize I marked you up that much. My bad, babe,” Joe said, lightly tracing the purple marks from him on your neck.
“It’s okay, I’m used to it by now,” you smiled, secretly liking it that Joe always marked you up. It felt protective like he needed other people to know that you're already spoken for. “I love you so much, Joe. No matter what happens tomorrow, I’m proud of you.”
“I love you, Y/n,” Joe said, wrapping you into a warm hug, “Call me when you land, okay?”
“I will,” you said as you pulled him in for one last kiss before he drove off to the stadium.
The next day - Arrowhead Stadium
As you sat in the stands with Joe’s parents, you started to grow more and more anxious as you waited for the game to start; especially after what Joe was going through last night.
Flashback to last night - Kansas City, Missouri
Joe: Baby, are you busy?
You: No, of course not. Are you okay?
Joe: I need you right now.
You: Okay, I'm here, Joey. Do you want to call or meet me somewhere?
You frowned as you saw that Joe left you on delivered for five minutes. He was usually a fast-responder, so you thought about calling him to check on him. Just when your finger was going to hit his contact name, there was a knock at your hotel door. You opened the door, revealing your fiance with red and puffy eyes. “Hey baby,” Joe sniffed but tried to smile.
“Aww, come here,” you whispered as you pulled him in for a hug after he closed the door. He immediately melted into your touch, his face burying into your neck as his sobs filled the room. “Shhh, I’m here. I’m always here, let it out,” you whispered into his ear, while you rubbed his back.
“I’m so scared, baby,” Joe sniffled, his arms holding you so tight like you were gonna disappear if he didn't.
“I’m here, you’re safe with me,” you soothed.
A few minutes later, Joe’s crying slowed down. “You wanna sit down?” you asked before he nodded. You led him over to your bed, and he pulled you into his lap once you two sat down.
“Just being here… it’s got me freaking out. I just need you.”
“Do you wanna talk about it?” you asked with soft eyes.
“Same stuff we talked about at home, there’s nothing else you could say to make me feel better than you already have. Can you just hold me?” Joe sniffled
“Of course,” you sadly smiled, laying down and pulling him onto your chest. As his crying picked up again, you had to fight your own tears, hating that he felt like this and there was nothing you could do to help.
End of flashback
Little did you know, just being there for him made all the difference. Joe woke up in his hotel room ready for the game, feeling confident in himself and his team. When you saw him before the game, it was like total whiplash but you were happy to see him ready for the game.
Your entire mood flipped once the game started. The entire team’s demeanor had flipped from what it was a week ago. A team that once played unsure and scared was now a major threat to the Super Bowl champs; even if it was a close game.
The 4th quarter had you fiddling with your engagement ring and chewing your nails out of nerves. Even though the Bengals were still winning, the Chiefs only needed one field goal to win. Tensions rose even more when Joe had to pull Ja’marr away from the ref.
You grabbed Robin’s hand as you saw the Chiefs kicker walk onto the field. You covered your eyes as he kicked. You heard Chiefs fans around you go wild, knowing what had just happened. When you opened your eyes, you saw Joe slamming his helmet on the ground knowing how frustrated he had to be.
The three of you met him down at the locker room. Your heart dropped when you saw the look on his face. He looked so upset. Usually after hard losses, Joe wouldn't hug anyone for long, including you; and that was no different today. He hugged his parents both at once before locking eyes with you. “Be safe on your way home. I love you,” Joe kissed your forehead before bringing you in for a brief hug.
“Yeah, this one definitely hurt him…” you thought to yourself.
Later that night - Cincinnati, Ohio
Your plane landed a lot earlier than Joe’s did, allowing you time to clean the messy house. You were also trying to mentally prepare yourself for him to shut you out like he usually did after a hard loss. You understood that he needed time to process his emotions by himself, but it always hurt you that he dealt with it by himself first.
You were putting some dishes in the cabinet from the dishwasher when you heard Joe come into the house from the garage. You turned your neck to give him a soft smile, fully expecting him to go up into his office for a couple of hours. Instead, he dropped his bags on the floor and rushed over to you, pulling you into a tight hug. “I’m sorry I was an ass earlier,” Joe whispered, “Have you eaten anything?”
“You weren't an ass, you were frustrated… and that’s okay. And yeah, I ate at the stadium earlier,” you replied, “Have you?”
“No, but I’m not that hungry. Can we just go to bed?” Joe asked, his large hands rubbing your back.
“Mhm,” you softly smiled, leading him up to your shared bedroom, watching him strip out of his clothes once you two got up there. You picked out a matching set of satin pajamas and crawled into bed, Joe immediately cuddling up to you.
A few minutes of silence went by before Joe spoke up. “I’m sorry you went so far for a total shit show,” he mumbled.
“It wasn't a shit show,” you soothed, running your hands through his frosted tips, “Some terrible calls, but all of you played your heart out on that field. I know that you're frustrated, though and I’m sorry.”
“I just… cannot take it anymore, Y/n,” Joe sighed, “All of these reporters I think are trying to deconstruct my soul. All they want to do is make money off of my awful playing. I’m trying so hard, and all anyone is saying is that I should be doing more. You’re the only one that I can tell this to… but I think I’m just too soft for all of it. I’m just a guy wanting to play football. I understand it’s their job to talk about me as much as it’s my job to win a game, but I’m just so tired of it.”
“You’re the only one who doesn't want more from me. All you’ve ever wanted from me was just… sweet nothings,” Joe smiled. Even if the world was ending, or if everyone was busy with something else, all he needed was you. You were his home, you were his peace, you were his heart. Even in the awful football world where everyone was pushing and shoving, he had you to keep him grounded; and that was perfect for him.
You felt Joe’s body slightly relax after he told you how he felt. “You already go above and beyond for me,” you smiled, “Those reporters will see exactly who you are now, though. I think that game awoke something in you.”
“I’m sick of us being the underdogs. That all changes next week, that's a promise, sweetheart,” Joe smirked.
“You need to get something else off your chest?” you asked, “You still feel pretty tense.”
“No, I’ve got it all out. I do know one way I can get the rest of it out,” Joe smirked.
“How’s that?” you teased, playing innocent.
“Let me show you,” Joe whispered into your ear before he unbuttoned your pajama shirt, and kissed your body.
“Joe, don’t you think I should show you?” you asked
“Mm mm. You already do enough for me,” Joe smirked, taking one of your boobs into his mouth while he teased the other with his agile fingers.
Several moments later, after you and Joe both got each other off with your mouths, you found yourself below Joe, anticipating his thick cock to fill you up. “Please, baby,” you whined as he teased your entrance with his tip.
“Please what?” Joe smirked
“Please fuck me,” you breathlessly said
“Okay,” Joe smirked nonchalantly, pushing into you, making you gasp.
Joe set a relentless pace, you were moving up the bed more and more with each rough thrust. “God, baby, you feel so good,” Joe moaned before he leaned down and kissed you.
“Joe,” you moaned, “harder. Fuck me harder.”
“You. are. so. fucking. hot.” Joe said, punctuating each word with a thrust that was rougher than the last.
“Joey, right there,” you moaned as one particular thrust grazed your g-spot.
“So tight baby,” Joe whimpered, burying his head into your neck, as he, somehow, picked up the pace.
“Babe- I’m not gonna last long,” you whimpered, your nails scratching his back.
“That’s okay, just let yourself feel good,” Joe hissed.
A few thrusts later, you felt the rubber band in your belly begging to snap, “I’m- gonna cum Joe” you moaned.
“Cum on my cock, I wanna feel you,” Joe grunted.
“Joe!” you screamed as your high washed over you.
“Baby- I’m-” Joe said as his high washed over him, leaving him grunting and moaning into your ear.
After a few minutes of catching your breaths, Joe pulled out and pulled you into his chest. “I love you, Y/n”
“I love you more,” you smiled.
“That’s not fucking possible, but okay,” Joe chuckled, “I can’t wait to marry you.”
“I can't believe I’m marrying the love of my life in seven months,” you chuckled out of disbelief.
“I’ve been waiting for that moment since the first time I laid eyes on you,” Joe smiled. “Thank you for loving the parts of me that aren't easy to love,” he said with every drop of love in his eyes, “Like my smartass attitude and my nerves.”
“It’s a pleasure to love them,” you whispered before planting a kiss on his lips, “It’s a pleasure to get to love you.”
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itslixtoyou · 1 year
Miguel O’Hara x fem reader
Fic type - NSFW/smut (Minors dni)❗️
Warnings - Miguel is possessive, oral sex, semi-public sex because there’s someone in the next room, Miguel is a little forceful, p in v sex, lmk if I missed any.
Summary - You tell Miguel about the guy who’s been flirting with you at work, so he invites him over to clarify how he feels of this man’s pathetic behavior; but not with his words. ;p
Word count - 1,800 words
Note - This is kind of short and sweet, I wrote it while I was in a mood lol.
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“Yeah, that’s fine.” Miguel’s voice sounded tired as he walked inside, one hand holding his phone up to his ear while the other closed the front door; locking it as well.
You glanced up to look at him from where you were sitting on the couch. He gave you a small grin while he made his way through the house, continuing his conversation as he set his stuff down on the floor next to you.
“Alright, thank you sir.” He spoke, placing his hand behind his neck. “Okay, I’ll let you know in the morning.” He glanced at you with his eyes strained, silently complaining about how he wished the call would end already.
Fortunately for him, his pleas were answered.
“Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow. Goodbye.” He ended the call, sighing heavily afterward.
“Sorry, Cariño.” He smiled as he walked toward you, planting a kiss to the top of your head and taking a seat next to you on the sofa. “How did your meeting go?”
“It was good,” You motioned for him to lay his head on your lap; which he happily complied with. “It wasn’t as long this time so I got to leave early.” You started explaining, feeling him rest against your thighs.
“That’s good.” He slowly began circling your leg with his thumb, nuzzling his face against your soft skin.
“So, when I got there...” As you continued with your full report of the meeting, Miguel quickly began to tune you out. He didn’t mean to ignore you of course, but the minute you placed your fingers in his hair and began gently scratching at his scalp, he knew he couldn’t resist falling into his trance.
He closed his eyes to listen, not necessarily to the words you were blurting out, but to the sound of your voice.
What were you saying? Something about a co-worker? He didn’t care that much, all he was concerned with now was that soothing tone of yours and how it seemed to calm him, relaxing him after the stressful day he’s had.
“Mhmm,” he faked a response, reveling in your touch as you eagerly ranted on.
Coming home was always his favorite part of the day and the reason for that was right here, letting him rest on her lap. It was occasions like this that he enjoyed the most, fragments of time where he didn’t have to worry about a single thing. Though he had no clue as to the words you were speaking, his heart grew warm nonetheless.
That is, he wasn't listening, until something you said suddenly grabbed his attention.
“Wait what?” He quickly got up from your lap. “Say that again?”
“He asked me to have dinner with him.” You repeated your last sentence.
“Who did?!” He asked urgently.
“That new guy I was telling you about the other day. Apparently he didn’t know I was married.” You giggled at the miscommunication, however, your husband didn’t share in your giddiness.
Miguel was furious. He knew who this guy was. He’d been flirting with you from the day he got hired, but now he’d clearly decided to take it up a knotch.
How the hell could he not know you're married?! Did he not see the ring on your finger?
That’s when Miguel paused, remembering you hadn’t been wearing your wedding ring the past few days because you had to get it re-sized.
That must’ve been it! That must be the reason that little weasel thought he had a chance.
Since you were too preoccupied with your job, you didn’t talk much about your husband while at work anyways. If you did, it would’ve been with the employees you were close with, not someone you just met like this annoying new guy.
You probably hadn’t even talked about Miguel yet around him, and that’s why he thought he could creep his way into this marriage.
“What’d you tell him?”
You chuckled at his question; assuming you’d ever say anything besides “no.”
“I told him I have a husband obviously.”
Your hand swatted his shoulder lightly, telling him to knock it off with the newfound jealousy he was clearly feeling.
Except it wasn’t jealously he was experiencing, it was possession.
How dare this man pretend he even had the smallest chance with a woman like you, or that he could so easily replace the man you called your husband.
He shouldn’t even have the privilege to look your way, much less have the audacity to think you’d be interested in a bum like him.
This man was already an annoynace in your husband’s eyes, but now he crossed the line. And now he’d pay for it.
“Why don’t you invite him over for dinner?”
Your nose scrunched at his suggestion. “What?! Why?”
Miguel quickly leaned in to place a tender kiss to your cheek, pretending to have changed his attitude. “Just so he knows for sure that you’re married. Plus, we can set him up with one of the more desperate ladies in the office.”
You were confused at first. Why would Miguel want to have him over for dinner, he clearly despised the man? But while your husband placed a second kiss to your cheek, whispering about how “he’s got this” and “it’ll be fine,” you figured there was nothing to worry about.
After all, it’s just a dinner, nothing too terrible should come from it, right?
When your husband first asked you to leave the dinner table and follow him to the bedroom because he “needed help with something,” it’s safe to say you didn’t expect him to start making advances on you.
“Miggy!” You squealed as he pushed you down onto the mattress, assuming his position on top and trapping you beneath him. “What are you doing? We can’t do this now!”
“We’re doing it.” He answered with a stern tone, wasting no time in stripping you of the clothes that covered you.
He took a second to pause afterward, admiring your glorious body beneath him. He smirked gently at the sight, knowing this was a view only he had the privilege of seeing.
That little pervert still sitting at the kitchen table could never dream of observing something like this. Your figure was a work of art to put it lightly, every heavenly curve of your outline was nothing short of breathtaking.
And it was all Miguel’s.
He quickly adjusted his stance, spreading your legs widely and lowering his mouth to your cunt.
“Wait Miguel-”
“Hush querido,” he shushed you, leaning forward to spread you open and begin his revenge.
You tired to protest. It was beyond unsuitable to be doing this when your co-worker was unknowingly sitting in the room right next to you both. What if he heard?!
But you see, that’s exactly why your husband was doing this; He wanted him to hear. He wanted to prove to that filthy little urchin that he never had a chance with someone as astonishing as you.
That imbecile could never treasure you the way Miguel did, he’d never know how to make your back arch and your fingers tighten around the sheets the way Miguel does.
He’d barely even started, but just his tongue was enough to have your eyes rolling back and your lips spreading to moan his name. So much for trying to stop him.
You did try at least, but once he started lapping at you just the way he knew you liked it, your self control was all but gone.
Miguel knew every movement that made you shudder, every flick of his tongue that made your thighs squeeze against his head. He especially knew how much your pussy loved the feel of his cock plunged inisde you, how your eyes would well up with tears when he hit that sweet spot just right.
Miguel knew all these things that no one else did, especially not the man who was eating at his dinning table. The one who stupidly thought he could even come close to measuring up to your husband.
“Miguel! Nghh!” You moaned, trying to catch your breath as your husband reletnelesly paced inside you.
“Louder!” He demanded, making his thrusts deeper so you’d obey. “Louder hermosa, I want him to hear your voice.”
He gritted his teeth, grasping your thighs so he could nuzzle himself deeper inside you. Which quickly sent you over the edge.
“Ugh! Fuck!” Your legs trembled at his touch, feeling the way he was drinking you in; completing you.
“That feel good?” He cooed, placing a kiss to your sweaty forehead. “Who makes you feel this good, huh? Anyone else?”
You shook your head as a reply, but he didn’t like that answer.
“Say it! Who makes you feel this good? Anyone else?”
He repositioned himself, leaning backwards for a little head start before he slammed back inside you.
“Agh!” Your walls quickly clamped down on him, a blissful sensation washing over you in the process. “No- ugh!.. No one else Miguel- ahh.. only- o-only you!”
Your sentences were slurred and your breathing staggered. You were struggling to speak the words he commanded, but you got there eventually.
“That’s right. No one but me!” He boasted loudly, thrusting for the last time before he decided enough was enough and laid against your bare chest.
With how loud those sweet moans of yours were, there was no doubt that pathetic excuse of a man in the other room heard it. Miguel had made his point. He’d shown what a real man is capable of when it comes to pleasuring a woman the right way. He proved just how insignificant that little moron was. Also how idiotic he was for ever thinking he could even breathe your direction without compensation for it.
Looks like your new co-worker will be finding a job elsewhere, especially after the way he scurried out the front door once the two of you finally came back to that forgotten dinning table.
“No its fine, I just forgot I had plans! I should be going now!” The cretin was stuttering out excuses like there was no tomorrow. Going on about how he had a “family emergency” he had to get to immediately.
And Miguel had the greatest pleasure of hearing from you about how your little friend had decided to quit his new job unexpectedly the next day.
How odd. I wonder what made him decide something so suddenly?
Oh well, what a shame.
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floralsturniolo · 2 months
⋆.˚awoken ~ matt sturniolo💐
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summary: after trying his best to sneak into bed after filming a video, matt can't help but stop and admire how peaceful you look and accidentally wakes you up.
pairing: bf!matt x fem!reader
contains: fluff & just overall cuteness
warnings: none!
a/n: hiya guysss! this is my first ever fic i've wrote so i'm sorry if it's not great! i did spend like hours proof reading it and editing it as much as i could and this is the final product! any tips would be greatly appreciated💐🫶🏻
word count: 690;))
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“shh chris!” matt hissed, as he exited the garage and slowly tiptoed up the stairs, insanely weary of making too much sound. chris followed closely behind, almost stomping up the stairs and talking insanely loudly considering it was literally 2am. the triplets had just got back from filming their new friday video and chris was in his usual hyperactive mood, unable to stay silent as he moved through the deadly quiet house. nick just rolled his eyes at the stupid bickering as he trailed behind the both of them, trying his best to shut them both up.
“be quiet-! you’re gonna wake her up.” matt whispered harshly, trying to hush chris again, already knowing that you were asleep in his room just down the hallway. chris mumbled some sort of apology before reaching into the fridge grabbing another can of pepsi. “you should be.” matt replied, rolling his eyes, getting defensive over his sleeping girl. they all decided to sit in the living room for a little while just to wind down, talking about the new video they filmed before matt began to yawn almost uncontrollably , bidding goodnight to his brothers before walking down the hallway to his room.
matt opened his door as quietly and as stealthily as he could, peeking his head through the gap trying to observe you as closely as possible so he could enter the room without waking you. after he opened the door more, allowing himself to tiptoe in, trying his very best to not wake you up as the light of the hallway seeped in and fell upon your sleepy face. matt smiled as he saw you half wrapped in his duvet wearing his pink hershey’s kiss t-shirt, with your face resting on your hand, and stray strands of hair falling in front of your closed eyes.
he froze as he stood in the doorway, just admiring how angelic and peaceful you looked forgetting the door was almost wide open. you let out a quiet groan as the brightness of the light remained on your face, bringing you out of your slumber. matt slightly winced, cursing himself out as he quickly closed the door letting the room fall back into almost complete darkness and crept over to you, whispering some quick apologies. the light under the doorway disappeared after a second as nick turnt all the lights off before heading up to his room, now leaving the room in the pitch black.
“i’m so so so sorry for waking you sweetheart.. just go back to sleep- ‘m here now-” matt whispered apologetically as he took his plain white t-shirt off, leaving him in his grey sweatpants before climbing into bed next to you. you smiled tiredly accepting his apology as he wrapped his arms around your shoulders, engulfing your exhausted body into a secure cuddle before placing a gentle kiss on your forehead. “i love you so much.”
“i love you too.” you whispered softly shuffling closer to him, lifting your leg to rest upon his waist before nuzzling your face in the crook of his neck. the familiar yet faint scent of his cologne wafted through your system and the comforting warmth of his body finally laying next to you made you yawn. 
matt smiled to himself as he felt you yawn against his neck before yawning as well, but instead of closing his eyes and going to sleep he began gliding his hand up under the back of his t-shirt that you were wearing. he started to gently scratch up and down your back, the gentle tickle of the scratches makes you hum contently as you doze back off into a deep sleep almost immediately. 
matt lays there scratching your back for another few minutes, focussing on your soft breaths that were escaping through your mouth to ensure you were 100% asleep. once he was fully certain you weren’t going to wake up again, he stopped scratching your back, resting his hand at the small of your back. he placed a final gentle kiss upon the crown of your head before letting his eyes finally close and succumbing to his tiredness.
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juyeonszn · 7 months
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PAIRING lee hyunjae x f!reader
GENRES fluff ﹒smut
WARNINGS 18+ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT, mature language, established relationship, it escalates pretty fast ngl, fingering but there’s honestly no real foreplay, u tie hyunjae up with ribbon, dry humping, unprotected sex (wrap before u tap besties), cowgirl position, marking lowkey, scratching, hyunjae is a master at pillowtalk, creampie :P
SUMMARY that coquette bow trend on the internet really isn’t for the faint of heart. at least, that’s what you think when you decide to do it with hyunjae.
MORE 😂😂😂🔫 anyway. i actually wrote this in one sitting. in one night. bc i was insatiable for the coquette trend after a Very Passionate discussion with @kimsohn and @zzoguri <3 delusional sapphics 1, 2, and 3 back at it AGAIN! if u noticed, all 3 of us wrote something involving these godforsaken bows. this fic was a long time coming seeing as i wrote it a month ago but i remembered it was valentine’s day so,,,, here u go! pls dont forget to reblog if u enjoyed <3
PERM TAGLIST @winterchimez @maessseongs @itsbeeble @zzoguri @deoboyznet @cloverdaisies @vernyangel @ericlvr @sunwooverse @kimsohn
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“Can we try this?”
Hyunjae raises an eyebrow at you when you shove your phone in his face, scooting up higher from where you were laying on his lap. He watches the video with mild amusement. 
“You want to tie a bow around my bicep?” He asks you, as if your request was so far-fetched and out of the ordinary. He had nice arms, he’d look cute with a ribbon wrapped around it. The whole coquette vibe matched well with his pretty face. 
“Yeah, why not? It’s a cute trend. And at least I’m not suggesting the one where I tie your mouth shut,” you rest your cheek on his chest, blinking up at him with hopeful eyes. “Please, Jae? For me?”
It’s a little comical when you physically see the war waging in his head. He wants to decline, thinks the idea of you putting one of your ribbons around his fucking bicep is kind of stupid, but he could never say no to those eyes. Lee Hyunjae was a weak, weak man. 
So he agrees. 
Next thing he knows, you’re filming him flexing with the cute little bow on his arm to post on your social media. He should feel silly, standing still so you can record the perfect shot, but he doesn’t. You look so cute with your tongue poking out of the corner of your mouth, he feels his mind straying from the original plan. 
He wraps his arms around your waist when you go to edit the video, preparing to post it publicly. You squirm as his lips make contact with the sensitive spot below your ear, kissing tenderly and sweetly. “Jaehyun….”
Your warning tone does not dispel his efforts to distract you, the tips of his fingers dipping below the waistband of your sleep shorts. The pads drag along your hip bones while his mouth travels lower on your neck, nipping at the soft skin visible beneath your top. “Yes, my love?”
“Don’t fucking ‘my love’ me right now,” you whine, craning your neck to the side to give him more access to the surface. “You know what you’re doing.”
“Is it working?” Hyunjae teases, thumb applying the slightest amount of pressure on your clothed clit. “Are you gonna let me fuck you with these pretty bows on?”
The groan you release is guttural, because god your boyfriend knew how to turn you on like a damn light switch. Your eyelids flutter shut and your head falls back on his shoulder, phone slipping out of your grasp and onto the floor. His finger moves in tight circles on the bundle of nerves, cupping the rest between the apex of your thighs. Fuck, he was starting to get the better of you. 
“Y-Yes, but on— mmm— on one condition,” you force yourself to stay steeled, keeping your voice as stable as possible. 
“And what is that?” Hyunjae nibbles your earlobe, teeth grazing the shell and sending goosebumps all over the expanse of your skin. His ring finger presses up on your entrance over your dampened underwear, making you clench around nothing. 
Oh he was a dead man. You were going to make him pay. 
“You w-wear the ribbons,” your breathing hitches. “Let me— let me tie you up. I’ll make it worth your while, Jae. P-Promise…”
He halts his motions, like he’s contemplating your words carefully. It’s not like much would change, to be honest. Hyunjae would still be the one in control after a certain point. You just wanted the excuse to bind the smug motherfucker for once. And to keep the bows on him, but around his wrists this time. 
Hyunjae retracts his hands from your shorts to remove his shirt, the heat radiating against your back from his bare torso. Your chest heaves up and down as you watch him climb back to the head of the bed, sweatpants low on his hips. It takes a whole fucking lot of self restraint not to jump his bones then and there, but you manage, straddling his waist so you can tie his wrists to the bed posts with your pink satin ribbon. Your hands are shaky, like your breathing, but he doesn’t point it out, letting you have your fun. 
A low grunt escapes his lips when you pull on the fabric, ensuring it’s tight enough to hold him still but loose enough not to leave a mark. It doesn’t help that he can feel you pulsating through your sleep shorts onto his abdomen, his muscles contracting underneath you. 
You aren’t really sure if you can even keep up your own act, grinding down on his lap like a bitch in heat. It’s embarrassing how easy it is for him to work you up without so much as touching you. You knew if you didn’t stop now, you’d dry hump him until you were a quivering mess, fully clothed and all. Hyunjae knows you’re needy, too, the corner of his lips quirking up. 
“Can we— god— can we just s-skip the foreplay?” You whine into the crook of his neck, hooking your fingers into his sweatpants. “Want you inside me already…”
“Of course, baby, you know I’ll never say no to you,” he coos, mouth finding yours to kiss you slowly, gently, passionately. 
You push his pants and underwear down in one go, using your feet to kick them away so you can undress yourself as fast as possible. Your desperation is too strong to pretend it’s not there, so you give into your own carnal desires. Hyunjae hisses when your cunt hovers over his cock, so slick that it doesn’t take long for him to slip inside completely. 
Every time you have sex with him, you feel so full, the weight of his cock so deep in you that you see stars well before he’s even moved. You support yourself with a hand on each of his shoulders, lips still molded with his as you begin to bounce meticulously. Your moans are muffled with his kiss, practically impaling yourself on his dick. 
Your hips roll experimentally, throwing your head back with a drawn out moan and your nails clawing down his chest when he hits that particular spot inside your pussy. Hyunjae lets out a sound akin to a strangled moan, wanting nothing more than to get his hands all over your body so he can fuck you six ways to Sunday. 
He bends his knees to make it a bit smoother for you, relishing in the way you’re losing yourself to your pleasure without him having to do a single thing. You’re just rutting against him at this point, legs beginning to give out this early. 
“Don’t— mmm— Hyunjae, I can’t— ‘s too much,” your speech is already slurred, words blurring together and making hardly any sense. 
“Let me get out of these, baby,” he tugs at the ribbons. “I’ll fuck you so good, my love. I’ll give you— fuck— what you want.”
You nod frantically, not trusting your voice to say anything remotely coherent. Thankfully, Hyunjae takes note of the lack of strength you currently have, not expecting you to untie the knots on his wrists without struggle. You watch with heavy lids and he pulls harshly, tearing the satin binding him to the bed frame. So much for them being secure…
Your top half collapses into his chest and he grasps at your waist roughly, having half the mind to flip you over and pin you to the mattress. Instead, he presses up into you, slow at first so he can regain his bearings after being tied up, and then he’s bucking up into your pussy like a jackrabbit. 
“Thought you could take me—“ he cuts himself off with a groan. “Thought you could take me all by yourself like a big girl, huh?” 
Whining in response is all you can do, almost on the verge of tears. The sounds of your cunt sucking him in, squelching echoing around the bedroom, are nearly enough to knock you over the edge. The coil in the pit of your stomach stretches more and more, teeth sinking into his collarbone and marking up his supple, sweaty skin like it was your day job. His blunt nails dig into the fat of your hips as a means of grounding himself, holding back from finishing before you because you were his top priority. 
Your nimble fingers sneak between your bodies to massage your oh-so-sensitive clit, ring and middle digits working at double their usual speed. Hyunjae stares at you with hearts in his eyes as you try desperately to get yourself off. He thinks you’re gorgeous every second of every day, but for some reason, you look fucking breathtaking right now. 
“My pretty girl, taking it like a champ,” he grits his teeth. “You love when I fuck you like a pornstar, don’t you?” 
It’s when he connects your lips in a kiss so sweet it puts all the others to shame and so polar-opposite to the filth the two of you were committing, that you cum without warning, velvety walls constricting around his cock. Your head is empty and your vision goes white for a moment, static ringing in your ears. He follows immediately after, moaning into your mouth as he does so. You swallow the noises while your breathing stutters, the sensation of him filling you up with all he can give blindsiding your senses. 
You stay sandwiched together as you both calm down, tired and achy from such strenuous activity. When you stop to think about the cause of these events, you snort until it morphs into an uncontrollable laughter. (Then you wince because Hyunjae’s dick was still inside of you.)
“What’s so funny?” He furrows his eyebrows, making no effort to move. 
“That fucking bow trend led to one of the best orgasms of my life,” you’re still laughing, chin on your hands, which are folded over his chest. “It’s so stupid.”
“The bows are cute. Maybe you should let me try tying you up with them next time.” Hyunjae pecks your forehead, running his fingers through your hair. 
“Trust me,” you giggle, a yawn threatening to push past your lips. “There will definitely be a next time.”
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© juyeonszn. do not steal, claim, or repost.
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mooniiify · 4 months
emergency contact — bakugo katsuki
quirk: super sonic/speed; hero name: sonic
disclaimer: using the established hero identity from my bakugo fic on wattpad lol
contents: second chance, pro heroes in their twenties
her whole body hurt, that was the first thing she realized when she started gaining consciousness. her eyelids felt heavy, but she willed them to open, only for her to wince and close them back immediately as a harsh light hit her eyes.
it took her a moment. she took a breath. there was a soft beeping in the background. where was she? slowly, she fluttered her eyes open again, squinting until she got used to the light. she looked around, taking in the white walls and the IV drip stand next to her.
hospital. oh.
what had happened again? she remembered the villain attack in musutafu — she’d been called in, and kirishima, mina and todorki had been at the scene, too. the villain was preaching about the downfall of heroes as usual. she didn’t remember much of the fight, except getting hit really badly in the back of the head at some point.
with her left arm, she reached up and touched the side of her head, feeling the bandages.
she sighed and let her arm fall back down next to her. she looked to the side, noticing the red button that would call the nurse. this wasn’t the first time she’d been in a hospital bed like that and it wouldn’t be the last. she knew the drill by now — she pressed the button and waited.
a nurse walked in soon after, a smile on her face. y/n recognized her from the last few times she’s been here. “oh, glad to see you’re awake, sonic! how are you feeling?”
“mostly fine,” y/n answered. “how bad was the damage this time?”
“concussion, a broken leg due to debris falling over it. some scratches and bruises, but that’s about it,” the nurse read off of her clipboard. “everything was already taken care of and healed. we should be able to discharge you by the end of the day, but you should take it easy when you get home.”
y/n nodded. “that’s good. thank you.”
the nurse nodded before she wrote something on her clipboard. “are you feeling okay for visitors?”
y/n furrowed her eyebrows at that. “visitors?” who could it be? maybe kirishima or mina decided to visit. how did they get out of the fight, anyway? and how did y/n pass out? so embarrassing!
“well, mr. dynamight—“
“mr. who?”
no. this couldn’t be. why would he be here?
“mr. dynamight. bakugo katsuki?” the nurse scratched her head. “i thought you two were friends. or at least classmates back in ua.”
friends. yeah, no. “we were. don’t let him in.”
the nurse nodded and reached for the door. “all right. i’ll let him know.”
y/n sighed and looked back up at the white ceiling. seriously, why the hell was he here? how did he know she’d gotten hurt? okay, maybe he’d heard it from kirishima or seen it on the news, but still! how did he know which hospital she was at?
“tch, she’s still tired and doesn’t know what she’s talkin’ about.” y/n’s blood ran cold at the familiar voice coming from beyond the door. “i’m going in.”
“mr. dynamight, sir—“
the nurse couldn’t stop him. the door opened and in walked bakugo katsuki, still dressed in his hero costume, bar his mask and gauntlets.
the nurse immediately looked at y/n. “i’m sorry, miss sonic, i—“
“it’s okay.” it wasn’t the nurse’s fault. it was bakugo’s annoying stubbornness, as usual.
the nurse apologized again, then excused herself and left. bakugo moved silently from the door to the left of her bed, his arms crossed in from of his chest. “how are ya—“
“the fuck are you doing here, bakugo?”
bakugo’s lips shut in an instant. he looked to the IV drip in her arm, then to her heartbeat monitor — it was beeping a bit quicker now — then back to her. “the hospital called. told me you were injured.”
y/n’s eyebrows furrowed. “the hospital called you? why the hell would they? are you stalking me or something?”
bakugo grunted. “tch, speedy, you didn’t change your shitty emergency contact. you set it to me years ago, remember?”
right. “oh.”
y/n looked away from him and out through the window. her view was obscured by a tree, but it was better than looking at bakugo at the moment. “why did you come, then?”
there was a sound of metal scraping on the ground. startled, y/n looked back and noticed bakugo pulling up a chair to sit next to her. it looked small under him. it was funny, but she didn’t laugh.”
“‘cuz they called me and told me you were injured.” bakugo said as he leaned on his knees. “and i saw the news. i was worried.”
y/n sighed. “bakugo, we—“
“stop calling me bakugo. you know i hate it when you call me by my last name.”
“bakugo.” she gave him a stern look. “we broke up three months ago.”
bakugo was silent. to this day, even after having calmed down, it was still weird to see bakugo this silent. “i know.”
“then you can’t expect me to act fucking normal and call you by your first name just because you decided to come to the hospital because you were worried about your ex.”
“i fuckin’ know.” bakugo groaned, running a hand through his hair.
they sat in silence for a moment and y/n’s unfocused eyes watched him as he looked at the ground. they dated for five years before they broke up. from their first year at ua, up until a few months ago. it was understandable bakugo was acting like that, really.
“do you ever think we made a mistake?”
y/n’s eyes focused and his face became clearer out of shock. she opened her mouth to answer than, no, she didn’t think so, but closed it. after thinking for a moment, she nodded. “at least once a day.”
their break up hadn’t really been spontaneous. it was building up the busier they got, and at the end, they reached the mutual decision to part ways. they were stubborn, both of them fighting for the top spots in the hero rankings, so much so that they forgot about each other. it made sense, back then.
but now, as y/n returned to the same home she’d shared with bakugo every night to a now cold, empty apartment, she was starting to think how being a top hero was just so lonely.
bakugo nodded at her answer. “yeah. me too.”
y/n moved to sit up, wincing a little as she did. despite the healing, he ribs were still sore. bakugo instinctively moved, one hand going behind her back to help her up. “careful, speedy.”
“i’m fine. they’re discharging me later, anyway,” y/n explained.
bakugo nodded, his hand lingering on her back for a moment too long before he retracted it and sat back on his chair. he ran a gloved hand through his hair. “you know, i really fuckin’ miss you, speedy.”
her heart monitor beeped faster at the words and she felt her face warm up in embarrassment. bakugo had just heard how flustered he made her — there was no backing out now.
still, she didn’t look at him. she looked at her fingers that were playing with each other. “yeah, i miss you, too, katsuki.”
bakugo’s hand reached out, catching one of hers in his. she looked back at him again, at his soft, pleading face. “can we try again? we’ve been through so much shit together and, honestly, before we broke up, i never imagined my life without you in it. but now that i actually experienced it, i realized just how shitty it is. being a hero is so fucking boring if you’re not there to run by work just to tell me a dumb joke, or to sit on the couch and watch the news and make fun of shitty hair and raccoon eyes, or bantering over who’s going to be higher in the next hero chart, or—“
she’d heard enough. leaning in, she pressed her lips on his, her hands grabbing the sides of his face. the IV drip in her arm felt uncomfortable, but she ignored it best she could as she savored bakugo’s lips, the ones she’s been missing for so long.
bakugo moved his hand to the back of her head, the other one on her back. he didn’t really pull her too close because he was scared she would fall off the bed, but he didn’t mind. the fact that she was kissing him was enough.
they pulled away not too long after — it didn’t matter that the kiss was short, there was so many more to come — and y/n smiled as she looked into his red eyes. her right thumb stroked his cheek ever so slightly. “you know, i’m higher in the rankings than you this month. i’m twenty-fourth and you’re twenty-sixth.”
bakugo chuckled, his smile unwavering. “shut up, i saw. i wanted to call you and rant to you about it. that’s only ‘cuz i had to take a week-long break after i got injured.”
y/n waved him off. “excuses, excuses. just admit i’m strong.”
“never denied it, speedy.”
y/n felt warm again. it felt so right, being with bakugo and talking with him like that. she hadn’t realized just how much she’d missed it.
“i don’t know if this is sudden, but are you going to move back in now, or are you gonna wait and see how this goes? not that i’m pressuring you or anything, i just—“
bakugo interrupted her with a peck, sealing her lips shut. when he pulled back, he gave her a nod. “i’ll move back today if i can. i’ll call shitty hair to help me with my shit. hell, i missed the bed.”
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homestylehughes · 8 months
quinn hughes- drowning
summary: when y/n is drowning in her love for Quinn, and feels the need to step back from him. what happens that Quinn is also drowning in her love too?
wc: 1.9k OMFGG HELLOOOOOOO???? this the longest fic I've ever wrote. holy fuck.
authors note: dun dun dun I'm backkkkk. ive had free time because of my classes being cancelled because of the weather. so I decided to sit down and write about quinny today <3. I hope you guys enjoy this is the longest fic I've everrrr wrote. make sure to reblog if you like enjoy it. as always much loveeeee.
Everyone told me not to fall in love with Quinn hughes. I told myself not to fall in love with Quinn Hughes. That It would be impossible for him to ever love me back in the way I loved him. 
          Obviously I didn't listen.
I fell head over heels in love with him. I was sinking, no I was drowning. Nothing could pull me out now. I was in too far deep, I was in too far deep to care that I was in love with Quinn hughes. It was so hard not to care, it was so hard to not fall in love with him. Longing gazes when we were out with our friends. The way he'd put his hand on my lower back when guiding me through a crowd. The way he’d listen so intently to things I would say. Everything little thing he did pulled me into him, everything he did pulled me under. I was drowning, I couldn't seem to care. 
  That's what led me to this. 
I knew that I was deep, I needed space. I haven't seen or talked to Quinn in over 2 weeks. I told myself I needed to distance myself from him. If I could pull myself away from him, then I could pull myself out from drowning in him. 
So I threw myself into my job, taking as many stories as I could from my boss. Declining dinners and drinks from my friends, from quinn. Ignoring his texts and declining his calls. I thought what I was doing was the right thing to do, it seemed like the easiest thing to do. I knew if I ever admitted to Quinn that I was in love with him, he wouldn't feel the same way. I'm trying to save myself a heart break, but what's the point? My hearts are already breaking by doing this. 
When the 3 week mark hit of not talking to quinn i felt better. Kinda. I still miss talking to him, actually scratch that, i miss everything little thing about him. I continue to tell myself that this is for the best. Do I even know what I want, is this even for the best?  The texts and calls from Quinn stopped showing up. He gave up on me, no i gave up on him. I did this and it's for the best. Even though I repeated this to myself everyday, I still felt I was making the wrong choice. 
My friends finally convinced me to leave my apartment. Making me put in the tightest outfit possible, and pulling me into the nearest bar. I make a beeline to the bar, ordering a drink to hopefully calm my nerves and help relax me. Being here in this bar made me remember how much I hate bars. It made me remember how much I miss Quinn. 
We make our way to the table with trays of drinks in our hands, tonight is going to be a good night. Well I thought it was. As I glanced up to see where one of my friends went, my eyes landed on her with a group of men. Men that look very familiar to me. My eyes drift left of my friend, and land right on Quinn. Our eyes meet for the first time in over 3 weeks. My heartbeat starts rising immediately, and suddenly I feel like I'm drowning again. The dress I'm wearing seems even tighter, and the bar feels like fire all around me. 
I need to get out of here, I say to myself. My eyes trying to find the next exit, I turn to my friend y/f/n and say “hey, I'm going to go outside, I need some fresh air. I'll be back in a second!!”. I don't wait for her reply, I turn on my heels, quickly moving towards the closest exit. 
The minute I step outside it hits me. Quinn. Quinn is really here. Quinn, my best friend, the man im inlove with is here. The man I've ignored for almost a month or more with no explanation is here. It hits me, I'm a terrible person. Why did I do that to him, why did I do this to us. 
I need to go home now. Home. Home. Home. was the only thing on my mind. 
My hands are shaking trying to pull up uber to get a ride home. Anywhere is better than here right now, this is all too much. As I'm going to hit  “Confirm payment” on the car ride home. I hear an all too familiar voice shout my name.
This can't be happening. No No No. 
The next thing I know is that Quinn is standing right in front of me. “y/n” he breathes out at me. I can't move, I'm frozen. I'm in shock, this can't be real. “y/n” he repeats. I finally looked into his eyes, my eyes dragging all over his face. Everything is as perfect as I remember it. “Quinn” I finally uttered while looking at the ground. I wish I was dreaming. I wish that what's happening isn't real. I can't even look him in the eyes. I wish it was a dream, and that when I woke up this was all fake.
This definitely isn't a dream. 
“You know you fucking suck.” Quinn says. I know I do, I think to myself. As I go to open my mouth to say something. He starts again “I haven't talked to you in over a month. You've been ignoring me. And the first time I see you again with your friends at a bar?!?!”. I can't even look at him, continuing to stare at his Nike covered feet. My eyes filled with tears. I hear him take another deep angry breath. “SEE??? You can't even look at me, you can't even look me in the eyes. You won't even give me an explanation. You know that's really shitty of you y/n.”. 
I'm crying now. I'm sobbing. Everything he's saying is true. I am a terrible person, this is all my fault I know. I know.
I heard him scoff and began to walk away. I can't let this happen, I can't let this happen again. “QUINN” I shouted, finally finding my voice. His steps immediately stop, he slowly turns around. I can see the anger and sadness in his eyes. 
This time I'm approaching him, taking a shaky breath. Trying to gather the words that I don't have to say. “I know you hate me right now. I know that you want answers, hell you want an explanation on why i haven't talked to you in over month.’’ My breath labors for a minute, I'm sobbing, the tears are flowing, my chest is rising, I'm not ready for this. I know nothing I say is ever going to change what I did to him. 
I try to take deep breaths but each one I take makes the tears fall even harder. Here I am crying on the sidewalk in front of my best friend. who might not even be my best friend anymore. Trying my best to give him an explanation on why I've been so horrible to him. Why I've cut him out of my life just because I love him. Oh god i love him, how do i tell him that?? 
I feel a hand wrap around my arm, that quickly pulls me back to reality. “Hey hey y/n, pretty girl please look at me.” I'm still sobbing at this point, I don't think the tears will ever stop. I slowly take my eyes up to his face. “That's good, now take a deep breath for me, in and out come on i know you can do it.” he says. Quinns hands are now on my cheeks trying to help me calm down. 
My breathing starts to slow down, my tears let up a little bit. Our eyes are still locked, never once leaving each other. I know I need to say something. I know I need to tell him how I feel. I slowly pull away from quinns hold, I'm now again looking at his feet. I take a deep breath, it's now or never I think. “I fell in love with you. Fuck quinn i was drownding in you. You were my best friend and I couldn't feel that way about you. I know you'd never want me in the way I wanted you. I needed space, I thought that if I was away from you it would help my feelings, that somehow I could get over it?? That I could forget about you?? I don't know!?!?! Just move on??”. “But seeing you tonight made me realize that I could never get over you, and that I could never stop loving you.” 
The tears on my face are falling like waterfalls, I sadly chuckle to myself as I try and wipe them away as more fall. “I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. Nothing I say will probably make you forgive me. I understand i really really fucked up. But I won't say sorry for loving you. I love you and it's okay if you don't love me.”  I finally looked into Quinn's eyes, searching for anything. Anything. 
Before I can even register what's happening, Quinn’s hands are grabbing my face, pulling my lips to his. The kiss is fast, it's full of love and anger, sadness. All of the above. My lips struggle to keep up with him, my hands make their way to the back of his head, pulling him into me by the ends of his hair. A groan escapes his lips, as he pulls me even closer into him, if it's even possible. Our lips are moving at lightning speed, we can't get enough of each other. I don't want to ever stop kissing Quinn, it feels too good to ever want to stop. 
It feels like 5 years go by before Quinn pulls his lips from mine. Our chests are rising steadily. Eyes blown, swollen lips looking back at each other. “I've wanted to do that since I met you,” he says. My head is spinning, nothing that just happened feels real. Quinn sighs, grabbing my hands in his, his eyes never leaving mine. “I wish you would have told me how you felt. You would have known that I also love you. I've loved you for years. I thought i lost you y/n, i was going crazy with you. I thought you hated me. Baby I was drowning in you, I thought you knew, I wish you knew sooner.”
Quinn loves me? Quinn. Love. Me. my eyes are wide, his mouth is parted waiting for my reaction. Waiting for me to say something. I'm crying again before I know it again. A smile breaks on lips, i'm laughing, quinns laughing. I'm not sure if we know why. I pull his lips towards mine again. Feeling his smile on mine. “I love you''. I whisper to him in between each kiss. “I love you” he whispers back. 
I could drown in him forever, if it's on a sidewalk in front of a random bar. If it's a bed, a car. Hell even in a movie theater. I'd always drown for Quinn Hughes. 
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The Extended Booking
Note: I really had to take a break from my current wips, as I began to dislike every word I wrote, so I decided to try and start a whole new fic from scratch. This was an idea/request from @neonhairspray, a concept which we discussed as a joke but it now turned into a story. I hope you will all enjoy this lighthearted fic 🖤
Warnings: 18+! smut/fluff.
pairing: Modern!Sihtric x you (f)
summary: your stay at an airbnb came with a pleasant surprise.
wordcount: 3,4k 
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You couldn't believe your luck when you stepped into the most beautiful Airbnb you had ever booked in your life. Your trip to an enchanting and remote spot in England's countryside had been nerve wracking to say the least, as it was your first solo trip ever, but all stress fell off your shoulders as soon as you closed the door of the spacious bungalow behind you. One of your concerns had definitely been that your booked home was too good to be true, but you couldn't stop smiling when you dropped your bags and went to explore the incredible interior of your rental for the next seven days.
The place had many windows and was painted a warm shade of white, a nice contrast with the all black furniture and dark wooden floor. The living room had everything you needed; a TV that came with a game console and every possible streaming platform, all free of use, a comfortable sofa, two lounge chairs to relax in and a nice dining table with an impressive kitchen. There were three bedrooms, all equal in size, but one was clearly meant as the main bedroom as it had a beautiful dark wooden bed with a massive headboard, and there was a matching chandelier on the ceiling as well as an unlimited supply of candles to use. There was a bathroom with a walk in shower and a jacuzzi, with the walls and floor of the room made of white marble. The bungalow also had a back porch which gave view to acres of woods surrounding the place, and there was a little pond in the distance. There was no doubt you'd spot a lot of wildlife during your stay and, to top it all off, on the very end of the porch was a hot tub which was heated by firewood.
Your whole goal of this one week trip was to find yourself again and to hit that reset button on your life. Things had been rough lately and you needed to clear your head, and you immediately knew that this was the right place to do so.
The days went by faster than you wanted while you pampered yourself daily. You enjoyed several quiet hikes in the woods, reading books in the lounge chair, taking relaxing showers and you ended each day with a nice glass of wine at night, in the hot tub outside while moon bathing. You finally found that inner peace again but you weren't ready yet to go back home. You checked the forecast for the upcoming week and saw there should be loads of rain and thunder, and after the nice and sunny days you had experienced there you could only dream of being comfortable on the sofa with a book and a drink while the rain tapped on the windows and the thunder rolled through the sky. And so when you were supposed to pack your bags to leave the next morning, you opened the Airbnb app and saw that the option to extend your stay in the wonderful little palace of peace was available. Without any hesitation you booked another full week, and you threw your phone somewhere in bed before you fell asleep, feeling like a princess in a fairytale home in the woods.
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The next morning you woke up late and had your coffee while sitting on the sofa, gazing out of the massive windows as the rain started to pour down from the sky. You smiled and sipped your hot beverage, your hair still messy and uncombed while wearing an oversized shirt with bunny flip flops underneath. Life is good, you thought to yourself, for the peace and quiet was all you needed. But then your heart skipped several beats while your body froze, your fingers tightly clutched around the mug in your hands as you suddenly heard a key being shoved into a lock. You snapped your head to the front door, where the sound came from, and you held your breath as you stared at the entrance with wide eyes when it suddenly opened. You felt your cheeks heat up as you watched a handsome but rugged looking man walk in, who didn't seem to notice you, as he closed the door behind him and threw his keys on the cabinet next to it. You swallowed hard while he kicked off his shoes in the open hallway and then raked his hand through his long, dark and wild looking hair. And it was then that the handsome intruder looked up and saw you sitting on the sofa. His sofa.
'Gods, what the fuck!' he hissed as he jumped a step back and grabbed onto the cabinet to keep his balance, 'who… who the hell are you?'
'I… I,' you panicked after your mouth had gone dry, 'who are you?!' you half yelled.
'Me?!' he almost snarled, 'I own this place! Who are you?!'
'I rented the place!'
'What?' the man asked, confused as he grabbed his phone, 'no, that… wait,' he scoffed and was quick to check his agenda, 'yes, I had my house rented out until this morning. You were supposed to check out three hours ago already.'
'What? No!' you jumped up, 'no, no. I extended my stay last night. I paid for one more whole week right away!'
He stared at you, even more confused than he already was five seconds earlier, and he began to scroll through his emails, looking for any confirmation of your stay while you went to grab your own phone from the bedroom. You figured the man you were dealing with was Sihtric, who was listed as the owner of the bungalow, and you became concerned about what would happen next as you walked back to the living room. Sihtric glanced at your appearance as you walked past him, back to the sofa, and if he wasn't so confused and startled right now he would allow himself to think that you were adorable in your oversized shirt and fluffy slippers, but there was no time to flirt with a pretty lady right now.
'Look,' he said and pinched the bridge of his nose, 'I don't know what went wrong, but clearly something did go terribly wrong. My place was only supposed to be booked until this morning as I'd come back home from a business trip. Airbnb made a mistake somehow by listing it as available, when it's really not. I mean,' he scoffed, 'I live here. I literally live here.'
'But what am I supposed to do?' you scoffed back, 'I can't just pack up and leave, I already changed my train ticket. I have nowhere to go and I sure as hell ain't going to pay for another home or a hotel.'
'Well I sure as hell ain't going to pay for that either,' Sihtric almost snorted.
You stared at each other for a moment, unsure about what to do next, and he then sighed while shaking his head, 'I'll call Airbnb and ask what to do.'
You agreed and anxiously waited while you watched him talk on the phone, and before the conversation was over it already became clear that you were both kind of screwed in this situation. You would get your money back, Sihtric informed you, but there were no available rooms nearby anymore apparently, so he either had to be an asshole and throw you on the street, or he had to allow a complete stranger to share his house with him for a whole week.
And it turned out that the intimidating man wasn't as tough as you thought, because he could simply not tell you to pack your bags and leave with nowhere else to go.
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After your horrendous introduction, Sihtric had left the house to get some groceries to stock up his fridge. After he came back and eventually started cooking dinner, there lingered an unbearable awkward silence while you were both in the same room. You had quietly been eyeing each other up for at least an hour already, and both averting your eyes whenever the other would catch them.
You couldn't deny the fact that Sihtric looked good. His hair was messy but in a stylish way, he had a couple of tattoos on his body and was dressed in all dark clothing, his tight jeans showing off the good shape of his legs and buttocks. He surely was muscular and you wondered what kind of work he did, as a man in such good shape was probably not an office guy.
'Look,' Sihtric said, not being able to stand the silence anymore after a while, 'I'm sorry about earlier.'
You looked up at him as you sat at the dining table.
'I had a rough week,' he continued, 'a business deal went south and I had a long flight back home. I really needed some peace and quiet when I got home and I did not expect someone to be here. I never meant to be rude, that's not who I am,' he sighed and shoved a potato dish in the oven, 'I was just surprised and in a bad mood.'
'It's okay,' you smiled, 'I am sorry too for freaking out. I had nowhere else to go if you would've kicked me out, which I could've understood, because this is your house. So I'm really thankful that you're letting me stay.'
'Yeah,' Sihtric sighed softly again, 'we'll figure this week out, don't worry.'
During dinner you both started to warm to each other and to open up. You told him about the disaster your life recently had been and why you had booked a solo trip to ground yourself again, and Sihtric in return told you that he worked in finance and often travelled all over the world to close deals for his firm. He had houses all over the globe, renting them out whenever he wasn't staying in them, and this was the first time in years that a booking had gone wrong. 
You quickly started to enjoy each other's company later that evening and agreed to play a few games on his playstation. And slowly a certain tension began to grow, which wouldn't explode until a few days later.
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The weather was indeed awful in the days that followed, as the forecast had predicted. There were zero options to go out and explore the area, so you tried to keep yourself busy inside the house. You read a few more books while Sihtric worked from home, often being busy writing emails and making phone calls from his living room. You'd try and read a few pages of your book but couldn't stop your eyes wandering off to Sihtric as he was on another call, pacing back and forth in front of the window that overlooked his woods surrounding his home, and you became more and more attracted to him as the day progressed. He looked so handsome, dressed in a white shirt that showed off his figure and a pair of fancy black trousers with a black belt, and the silver watch around his wrist was the finishing touch.
Sihtric clearly had a way with words and his charm seemed to work even through the phone. He closed deal after deal during the day, while he made you dinner every evening and relaxed with you until it was time to go to bed separately. The bedroom you had chosen to stay in, with the massive headboard, was actually Sihtric's bedroom when he was alone, yet he had no trouble giving it up for another week. But after a few days you both quietly began to wonder at night what it would be like to share the bed with each other.
Every time you spent some time together you started to become closer, and suddenly faint touches began to linger and eyes began to hold contact. Hands and fingers teasingly grazed over one's arms in passing and during the evening you started to put your legs over his as you watched TV. Sihtric gave you a flirty smirk at that and gently ran his fingers across your bare legs, giving you pleasant tingles all over your body and causing you to squeeze your thighs together.
'What's the matter?' Sihtric whispered with his breathy and warm voice, the sly smile on his face telling you he knew exactly what he was doing.
'Nothing,' you feigned being composed and collected.
'Nothing,' he said with a soft chuckle, then leaned in and trailed his fingers over your neck and shoulders, 'so,' he said quietly and licked his lips, 'are you finally going to ask me fuck to you? Or are we going to pretend there's nothing here for the remainder of your stay?'
You gave him a cheeky smile and scoffed lightly.
'I have to ask you?' you raised an eyebrow, 'I thought you were the type who would just pick me up and throw me on his bed. But… I guess I was wrong,' you faked a yawn and noticed how his eyes darkened as he saw the mischief in yours.
'I'll prove you wrong,' Sihtric whispered, and he then got up from the sofa.
He grabbed your ankle and pulled you towards him, then lifted you with ease and threw you over his shoulder, to which you yelped as you laughed, and you couldn't resist giving his ass a firm slap as he carried you to his bedroom.
'Watch it,' Sihtric responded with a lighthearted threatening tone.
'Or what?' you giggled.
'Or,' he said and threw you on his bed, 'there's still time to kick you out of my house,' he said with a grin.
'Trust me,' you chuckled as you spread your legs, pulling your oversized shirt up to reveal your thighs, 'you don't want to kick me out anymore after you've had me.'
You looked up at him, smiling as you bit down on your lip while you watched him take off his leather belt and unclasp his fancy watch.
'Is that so?' Sihtric murmured and took off his shirt.
Your mouth nearly watered as his biceps looked so biteable, his shoulders looked like great leg support, and his chest was more than firm enough to place your hands on when riding him. You nodded at him and kicked your legs with anticipation as your eyes darted over his body, but you were stopped when Sihtric grabbed your ankle again to pull you swiftly towards him as he stood next to the bed. He then pulled you up by your hands and removed your shirt, exposing you completely apart from your underwear. He then told you to unbutton his trousers, which you did, and you felt his cock twitch in his boxers with each teasing brush of your palm.
'Someone's excited,' you taunted and pulled him down on the bed.
'Can you blame me?' Sihtric breathed as he grabbed your face, his lips touching yours when he spoke softly, 'you've been wandering around my house for days, barely dressed, giving me looks and touching me just enough to make it look innocent,' he paused and chuckled darkly, 'but we both know by now you're probably not that innocent, are you?'
'I guess you're about to find out,' you smiled and flicked your tongue against his lips before you sucked his lower lip gently.
Sihtric then crashed his lips onto yours, kissing you hard and deep, a kiss that told the truth about how you both had been secretly longing for each other ever since you met. You raked your hands through his loose hair, keeping him as close as possible while he slowly bucked his hips into you, both your private parts still clothed with a thin layer of fabric which became soaked with both your fluids of arousal. Sihtric pulled you on top of him, his hands massaging your breasts and his fingers occasionally pinching your nipples. He then looked up at you, his dazed mismatched eyes betrayed he was clearly hungry for more, and he kissed down your neck and to your chest, lightly sucking your breasts in between wet kisses, his tongue flicking slowly against your nipple while you grinded against his hard cock and moaned at the friction.
But it wasn't enough, and you pushed him away to quickly lower his boxers, his leaking cock jumping out. You smiled, pleased at the size of him, and you wasted no time to slowly drag your tongue up his length and you teased the tip while you looked up into his eyes. Sihtric moaned and threw his head back on his pillow, his hands finding your hair as you wrapped your lips around him and eagerly took him in your mouth, sucking him off until tears ran down your face and a mixture of drool and pre-cum running down your chin.
'Good girl,' Sihtric breathed and allowed you to catch your breath, gently pushing you away.
He didn't want to finish that quickly, not before he had giving you the fuck of a lifetime, so he grabbed your face and wiped your tears before he kissed you again. Then he picked you up in his arms and walked you to the living room, where he threw you in one of the big lounge chairs. He pulled your panties down and was quick to lift your legs upon his shoulders as he knelt down in front you. He grabbed your hips and teased you first with a few soft kisses to your wet pussy, but the taste of you was irresistible and he soon licked and sucked your folds until your legs trembled and you almost cried out his name while you grabbed onto his hair and grinded your hips against his face.
Sihtric stopped before you could finish and he kissed his way back up to your lips, letting you taste yourself as he pushed his tongue in your mouth, sloppily making out until you both couldn't take it anymore. Sihtric then quickly ran to his bathroom to grab the essentials, some condoms and lube, and you squirmed with a smile when you felt his warm hand teasingly rub your sweet spot with some lube, and he gave you just a small tease of pleasure when he slid two of his digits inside you.
'Someone's excited,' Sihtric taunted back at you this time, feeling your walls clench around his fingers while he left love bites on your neck and shoulder.
'Sihtric,' you whined, 'just fuck me already.'
'Your wish is my command, my lady,' he chuckled and then winked at you, 'it's an all inclusive stay after all.'
You barely had time to blink and he had already gotten a hold of your legs again. Sihtric got up from the comfortable chair and towered over you. He brought your legs up, holding your ankles with only one hand as he pressed them against his chest, with his other hand holding your waist firmly as he slowly entered you, giving you some time to adjust before fucking you relentlessly in that same position. He kept your legs pressed together as he refused to let go of your ankles, which caused him to grunt and moan heavily as you felt so tight around him, and it made you cry out in pleasure all the same while you grabbed onto the various pillows around you as he continuously hit that right spot deep inside you. And he didn't stop pounding into you until you came, with his own release following shortly after.
Once all cleaned up, Sihtric wrapped you in a blanket and threw one over his own shoulders before you both sat on the sofa, his arms around you while you rested your head against his chest, both tired but satisfied.
'How many more days are you staying?' he wondered quietly out loud as he nuzzled your neck and left soft kisses on your skin.
'Only two more,' you whispered, a little sadly while you both listened to the rain as it tapped against the windows and on the flat roof, and you took his hand to press a kiss to the back of it.
'Well, I think you should extend your stay,' Sihtric said softly and squeezed you in his arms, 'for free this time.'
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taglist: @foxyanon @alexagirlie @sihtricsafin @neonhairspray @gemini-mama
@lexeirikrleif @sigtryggrswifey @skyofficialxx @djarinsgirl27 @m-a-s-h-k-a
@verenahx @mrsarnasdelicious @diiickbrainn @little-diable @maii777
@urmomsgirlfriend1 @dixie-elocin @elle4404 @bubblyabs @ylvie50
@hb8301 @willowbrookesblog @apolloanddaphnis @jennifer0305
@carnationworld @justanother-sihtricgirlie @stark-head @reidsbookstore @thenameswinter99
@deathbluestar113 @ladyinred2248 @zaldritzosrose @maryelle-cats @penumbrie
@solinarimoon @thatawkwardlittlefangirl @yungpoetfics @legitalicat @stupiddarkkside @sleepjam @ewanmitchellfanatic @itbmojojoejo @lady-targaryens-world
if you want to be added to/deleted from the taglist, message me 🖤
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oukabarsburgblr · 3 months
Hello! I am new, and wanted to ask 3 things for you:
1.) Is Daichi a type of yandere, and why is he obsessed with the reader?
2.) Are you maybe interested in writing JJK?
3.) Can I be 🎃 anon?
-🎃 Have nice day studying/whatever your busy doing, keep up the good work ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )✧
Hello there and 3) yes u can be 🎃 anon, reminds me of that one game kubz scouts played for days on end. Pumpkin race? The one with the time that he tried to one up haha
1) to be honest, its been a while since i wrote that fanfiction and ever since then ive been focusing on my ocs so much hshsh. I do think daichi can be classified as a psychopath. A yandere? I wouldnt say he loves the reader (during his third year) and i could say for a fact even he acknowledges he doesnt harbor romantic feelings for the reader until much later (after the training camp shenanigan) however, he did harvest some type of attraction to the reader. An unhealthy one. Where the dynamic is between an object and an owner? Not a pet or a partner, but an object instead. Something he can switch on and off, mold into his liking and reader just so happened to be a perfect victim for it. Although he does grow to be fond of you, ever since how obedient you became. So many screaming nights passed in your house.
Now came the question of why? Why did he do all of this? Why did he instigate it the second the reader came into his view? I tried explaining it in the second part of the fic. Sugawara and Asahi would have treated reader like any other first year if it werent for Daichi. Maybe suga a bit sociopathic but daichi was the match that started the flame.
I think it came from the canon fact that Daichi was the rock of the team, their anchor, their foundation. I thought of him as someone youd look up to, youd rely on but there had to be days where he wasnt feeling himself right? Where he finds all of them a tad bit annoying, but that wouldnt be nice, they were his friends after all. And you came into the picture. On a bad day, where he just felt shitty and you suddenly came stumbling into the club, making a ruckus, curse words from your mouth scratching his eardrums and a thought slipped his mind where he found you so fucking annoying. However, it wouldnt be fair to thrust all that negative energy onto you so he did what he could, ignoring you until he could cool himself down. Maybe the day after he could find himself talking to you again. Wrong. He still finds you annoying and rude. Then there was this urge that came from deep within his stomach, this feral desire to grasp at you, clench at your face, pulling your skin back so you would behave- Too much blood so no can do. He still found you annoying though, hence, the snowball rolls where he decided to just change you. Sugawara and Asahi was a massive help, pinning you into the corner until he had you cumming around his finger.
If given the chance, where there would be no repurcussions, no trace of any evidence whatsoever, Daichi Sawamura would have murdered you, killing you in cold blood and burying your body deep within the mountains. A heavy burden would lift from his shoulders and he felt like the world would work his way again. But there was no solid plan for it so he never took the chance nor thought to.
Can you tell that Daichi is my favourite? Hahaha ive said this like three times now. I loveeeee him.
2) would i ever write jjk! One of my favourite readers have requested a satosugu x bottom male reader in my inboxes and i will consider but heres the thing.
I dont watch jjk😭
Well, i did, until i dropped it. I think it was at episode 20+ on season 1. I used to be a huge shounen person but now im a slice of life fan (although they can be quite boring sometimes) i guess im more into thrillers but in a normal setting? But i know jjk characters.
I used to have an obsession w sukuna haha. Ik maki, ik zenin naoya, ik todo aoi, like ik them and ik what happened to them (rip nanami) but idk i think i have to get hooked on really well for me to watch jjk so that i can write it. We'll see deffo! But i plan to watch chainsaw man first hshshs
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blitheringbongus · 9 months
Cold Hands
(This is my first ever fic btw, also not to be an ao3 writer, but English isn’t my first language so if you see spelling errors or sentences seem shit then blame it on that because I refuse to admit to myself that that is just an honest mistake, also I wrote this all in one go at a Christmas party-)
Scar can’t stand the Nether.
He never has, especially not after the incident in season 7.
But nonetheless, he agreed to go gather resources in it with Mumbo.
The Builder was actually quite surprised when Mumbo first asked, „Whu- me?“ Scar pointed at himself, staring wide-eyed at the taller Redstoner before him.
Said Redstoner shifted his eyes, „Well- yes, you.“ Scar laughed, „You’re aware of who you’re talking to?“ Mumbo nodded, „Mumbo you know the Nether isn’t Scar-safe! I thought you’re smarter than this!“ Scar snickered, the taller shrugged, scratching the back of his neck, „That I do,“ „Then- why? I mean I’m happy to be spending time with you but- for this?“
Mumbo only shrugged again, before sighing, „Do you want to come along or not?“ Scar knew he wouldn’t get an answer, Mumbo’s been doing this a lot lately: invite him to random things and refuse to explain why.
Not that Scars complaining.
So the brunette simply grinned at the Spoon, „Of course I do,“
Shortly after their little adventure started, Scar came to remember why he rarely visits the nether, aside from the creepy hogs and overall dangerous environment, the heat of it was monstrous.
He already shed his jacket, having wrapped it around his waist, rolling his sleeves up. He debated just completely shedding the shirt but the thought of doing that around Mumbo made him nervous, he doesn’t know why, he’s completely fine with doing it around literally anybody else, so why not him? Best not ponder it, that’s what Scars best at doing. (Aside from dying)
They went deep into the nether, digging tunnels and blowing up TnT in order to find ancient debree, they’d split half, Mumbo decided early on.
They talked about their builds and memories, past seasons and shared moments. They talked about pets and the nether, nature and flowers they enjoy. At some point the conversation shifted into a comfortable silence, both too tired and dehydrated from the scorching heat of the Nether, to talk about much else.
Scar eventually broke the silence, „I think we’re done for today,“ he wiped the sweat off his brow, only for more to form. „Yeah,“ Mumbo heaved, dusting his hands off on his suit pants before walking towards Scar, „Let’s go,“ „how much debree do you have?“ „Six pieces so far,“ „Sick,“ Scar put on that all too well known smug face of his, Mumbo sighed, huffing out a laugh, „Alright, alright, how much have you got then?“ „Seven,“ He said it almost in a whisper, grinning from ear to ear, mischief pinching at the corners of his eyes.
Mumbo delighted in Scars silly fey giggle, it was quieter than usual, but the circumstances explain themselves.
He huffed out a played out annoyed sound, lightly bumping Scars shoulder with his closed fist.
Scar kept giggling, just letting himself be led away by the former CEO of Boatem.
Lava lakes came and went. They passed raided fortresses, more lava lakes, more caves, more rocks, a soot biome, and even a warped forest! Scar insisted on getting some wood before they left, it’s always great for projects. Mumbo agreed, needing more himself.
After some time of venturing through the Nether, Mumbo came to a stop, looking around, suddenly confused,
Scar looked up at him, they were at the edge of another soot biome, „What’s up?“
Mumbo nervously laughed, „Aha, uhm- it appears that we’ve ah-„ he looked around, turning his body in the process, „-we might’ve lost our way, Scar-„
Scar just looked at Mumbo, and the soot splotches smeared on the mans forehead and right cheek, „Well that’s not good-„. Mumbo made a pained agreeing noise, „It sure isn’t!“
The brunette went up to the raven haired man, patting his shoulder, „it’s fineeeee-„ he drew out, worry bubbling in his own chest, he couldn’t spend another few hours in this heat, he’d surely have a heat stroke!
„We can ask for coordinates?“ Scar suggested, „Of the portal, I mean,“. The Redstoners eyes practically lit up, he grabbed Scars face excitedly, „Oh Scar you’re a genius! Why didn’t I think of that?“ he looked to the side thoughtfully, before taking his hands off of Scar and pulling out his communicator, typing away.
The moment Mumbos cold dead hands made contact with Scars scorching face, Scar was in heaven. He knew Mumbo was known to have cold hands, but that they stay cold? Under these conditions?
As soon as Mumbo put the communicator back in his pocket, Scar snatched the mans hands back, placing one long, elegant hand on his own forehead, and the other on the side of his own face, „Mumbo why didn’t you tell me about these miracle hands!“ He said, his words being slightly muffled by the man pushing Mumbos hand further against his cheek, squishing his lips vertically.
Mumbo stilled, wide-eyed and flabberghasted for a good amount of moments, before spluttering, „wh- huh- what?“ He didn’t make an attempt to move his hands.
„Your hands Mumby, how are they still so cold?“ Scar practically rubbed his face against the hands, they felt amazing in this heat,
Mumbo could only stare, „I- because-„ he opened and closed his mouth, knowing what to say but not sure if he should let Scar know.
Said Scar looked up at him, making a questioning face.
Mumbo pulled out his communicator, „Iskall answered,“ he began, telling Scar the coordinates, gently plucking his own hands off of Scars face, moving in the direction they need to go.
Scar whined and complained about being 'too hot' for approximately two minutes before Mumbo let him do whatever he wanted with his right hand.
They only had a few casualties, but made it home alive.
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luvsae · 1 year
Listen im a huge simp for Cha Hyun-su (sweet home) I even tried shifting there (im still trying)
And I wanna request for like were dating Hyun-su and were also infected so uh yeah
Idk but if you can try to do something with that
ask and you shall receive <3
(wasn't sure whether or not to do headcanons or a fic but... an actual fic is more interesting!!)
also,,, sorry if it's a bit short!! i was sleep deprived when i wrote this </3
infected love | cha hyunsu
pairing; hyunsu x gn!reader
- you and hyunsu are both infected but that doesn't get in the way of your love <3
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Ever since the strange days of the apocalypse started, you and Hyunsu made sure to be safe - that's why you stayed in your shared apartment at first.
That was until Hyunsu was infected.
Hyunsu was worried that he would infect you, but you told him that it didn't matter and you would love him no matter what.
Eventually, you did get infected, but you felt perfectly fine - especially with Hyunsu by your side.
When people found out that you were both infected, Eunhyuk decided to lock you two together in one of the rooms in the apartment.
Hyunsu begged for you to not be locked up but you didn't mind it, but Eunhyuk also declined his request.
Now, you and Hyunsu were starting to be let out more and socialize with other people. (Although it was awkward).
"That sweater looks cute on you," you cooed. "I think you should get more like that."
Hyunsu wore a blue sweater - it was from one of the bins located in the main lobby for anyone, and he decided to wear it, but you loved it more than he did. "Really?"
"Of course," you stood on your tip-toes and gave him a peck on the cheek. "You look cute in anything."
Hyunsu laughed, scratching the back of his neck as he was flustered. "You look cute in anything too."
"Thank you." You smiled.
Your moment was interrupted by Eunhyuk who called you to dinner. Dinner time was always difficult as people judged you - mostly Seok-hyun and any of the people were scared.
You took your hand in Hyunsu's, giving it a tight squeeze to prepare not just him but also you for whatever insults would be thrown at you.
Both of you followed Eun-hyuk into the room where everyone ate. You two already gained most of the looks in the room which gave you a little bit of anxiety.
"Hey, hey, Eun-hyuk. What are those monsters doing here?" Seok-hyun snarled, "I don't want my food to be contaminated."
"Seok-hyun," Eun-hyuk started, "not now."
"No," Seok-hyun started, "get out of here, both of you!"
You laughed as the man looked up at you, it was funny. "If you don't want to be infected then don't eat here, simple."
"What did you say?" Seok-hyun mocked your laughing. "You're being smart with me now? I've got to-"
Seok-hyun raised a hand to you but was stopped when Hyunsu held him by the arm tightly. "I know you don't have any manners or human decency, but I would stop if I were you."
You had never heard Hyunsu so serious and defensive. Of course, he defended you, but this was a new side of him.
"I-" Seok-hyun was flustered and embarrassed, he didn't know what to do in the moment. "Eun-hyuk, do something!"
"Just let them eat," Eun-hyuk said before walking out of the room.
After eating, you and Hyunsu decided to sit elsewhere in the building. Your backs against the wall as Hyunsu held your hand in his lap.
You had your head rested on his shoulder as a sigh escaped you. He noticed immediately and squeezed your hand. "What's wrong?"
"It's hard being like this," you started. "I don't mind being infected, of course it isn't ideal, but I just wish people wouldn't be so quick to judge."
"Hey," Hyunsu rubbed his thumb across the back of your hand comfortingly. "Who cares what people think? Especially Seok-hyun, he's an asshole."
You laughed. "You can say that again."
"Besides, I won't judge you," he told you. "Even if I wasn't infected."
"You're too sweet," you kissed his covered shoulder and smiled. "The best boyfriend I could've asked for."
"I love you," he blurted out. "So much."
"I love you more." You replied back.
"What should we do tonight?" Hyunsu asked, a smile still remaining on his face. "Do you have any ideas?"
"I wish there were more options," you sighed. "I think we should just be with each other. I want us to have a nice sleep."
"That sounds nice to me," Hyunsu smiled. "I'm sorry about what happened today, by the way. You didn't deserve that."
"It's okay," you told him. "Thank you for defending me. I appreciate it and I meant to thank you before."
"I'll always be here to defend you, I promise."
"And I will do the same for you." You smiled, leaning in the peck his cheek.
It started to get late as you and Hyunsu went into your room to get some sleep, or at least attempt to.
You two were the only ones locked up in the 'infected room' but it was nice, just being away from everyone and not have anyone complaining about being near them.
Eun-hyuk was nice enough to give you two a mattress from one of the rooms downstairs. It was slightly comfortable but being next to Hyunsu was the only thing that mattered to you.
You lay down on the bed, a sigh of relief escaping you lips as the tiredness dawned over you. Being infected could be hard - you were often tired and needed your rest.
Sometimes when you were in bed, the thoughts about what could happen after the apocalypse appeared in your head. What would happen if everything went back to normal yet you and Hyunsu were the only infected people? Would they take you in? Would they-
"Hey," Hyunsu snapped you out of your thoughts, "Are you okay?"
"I'm okay. Just tired," you told him, smiling. "Are you?"
"'I'm also tired." Hyunsu smiled back.
"Let's sleep." You turned on your side, Hyunsu shifted closer and wrapped an arm around you, pulling you even closer to him.
"I love you," he said, kissing you one last time - this time on your arm. "Infected, whatever, I love you no matter what."
"I love you no matter what either," you told him. "I'll love you forever."
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tsukimefuku · 6 months
these silly little memories ❖ nanami kento
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summary: you reminisce about the past while chatting with ijichi and yuuji.
tags: jujutsu kaisen, f!reader, soft/implied nanami x reader, fluff, poking fun at nanami's teenage bangs.
wc: 900
notes, etc: i wrote this to the sound of sunny (yorushika). this is a short little silly story that i had in my mind for a while before finally deciding on writing it, lol.
❖ collection of stories: "jujutsu partners au" → masterlist for fics listed in chronological order of events
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You, Ijichi and Yuuji were seated silently on a table. All three were waiting for Nanami to meet up just so everybody could take a single car ride — he and Yuuji were going on a mission together, and you were going home after assisting Shoko on her duties for the day.
You could pay for a cab, but then again, why would you do that if you could slack off some more benefits from Jujutsu High?
"So, Ijichi..." You began, half-minded at this point. It had barely been a week since you arrived at Jujutsu High.
He quickly propped up, ready to answer absolutely any question you could have as a new sorcerer (and somebody else to order him around, it seemed).
Since you were new to Jujutsu High, had not been on a mission with Nanami up until this point, and Gojo was the one to bring you in, Ijichi figured you'd still have questions about the way things worked around there.
"What is Nanami like here?" You questioned, out of the blue.
That caught both him and Yuuji by surprise, as both of them answered with a resounding eh?
You sighed.
"I mean, he was a very stern, serious teenager when I met him years ago. He looks a lot different, but is he?"
"Oh, you knew Nanamin?!" Yuuji asked, eager to pry some insight into his newly found mentor. 
You looked at him and smiled.
"Oh, yeah, I sure did. We met at Odate when he and Gojo saved me."
Ijichi's mind started to flash some things to him until he finally realized.
"Wait. That was you?!"
You blinked, confused.
"What do you mean, 'that was me?'"
"I-I..." Ijichi stuttered. "I was the one helping him in research during that mission."
"Oh... Oh! Ijichi, of course!" You exclaimed, much to his surprise, while you remembered decade-old bits and pieces. "It's good to finally be meeting you in person" you said, tapping his shoulder.
He smiled, slightly embarrassed for not having recognized your name when you introduced yourself a few days ago.
"So you knew him as a teenager too! Is he any different now?" You inquired, staring at Ijichi until he became a little uncomfortable.
"I-I think not. He was always the most responsible and m-mature one of us" Ijichi finally answered, and you smiled, reclining back on your chair. 
"Nanamin is very serious," Yuuji began, "and he usually lectures us when we have a blunder or are in the middle of a mission — or maybe it's just me that he lectures so much."
"No, it's every one..." Ijichi answered, involuntarily sighing.
"Oh, he still does that? The lecturing thing?" You asked. "I mean, maturity minus the bangs, right?" You chirped, chuckling softly. Ijichi covered his mouth, but you could see a faint smile forming.
Yuuji was at a loss.
"Bangs?" The boy asked earnestly.
"Oh, you're gonna love this!" You said, as you fished your wallet out of your pocket. From it, you took an old Polaroid picture that featured you, your best friend, your brother, Nanami and Gojo when they were on their mission in Odate. Then, you proceeded to hand the picture to Yuuji, and his eyes beamed, like he had discovered some very important piece of information instead of complete shenanigans.
"Those bangs were something. Once, when I had to patch his face up, his hair kept falling all over the bruises, it looked like someone had punched a blonde Gerard Way" you let out, scratching your head with a grin. Yuuji let out a laugh, and Ijichi seemed to scoff in an attempt to keep himself from laughing.
You noticed that.
"Oh, come on, Ijichi. You know it was funny and somewhat true. You can totally laugh about it with me, I won't tell if you don't, promise" you said, extending a pinkie finger in his direction.
He looked at your hand uncertain, but began lifting his own pinkie extended towards yours.
"What is the fun? I heard laughter" the already familiar voice resounded from behind the three of you.
Ijichi was paralyzed in stone, and you turned your face grinning mischievously at Nanami. Yuuji quickly tried hiding the picture, fumbling around and letting it fall to the ground.
"Hm?" Nanami got down to pick up the picture, and took a good look at it. "It seems that you have this ancient piece of history still in your possession."
"Of course. How else would I have a picture of 'bangs Nanami?'" You retorted, reaching for the picture while still seated.
He took a step back, pulling it away from you. 
"If I remember correctly, that morning you ate tamagoyaki inside miso soup, with salmon, also inside miso soup, all mashed up, and choked yourself," he said, lifting his gaze towards you, one brow up.
"Eh? T-that... did not h-happen at all!" It did.
"Wait, so you... Put your tamagoyaki inside your miso soup? Why?" Ijichi asked, slightly incredulous.
"And with mashed salmon too?!" Yuuji chimed in, also kind of aghast.
"Oh, shut up, the both of you!"
You crossed your arms over your chest.
"I just don't really care how I eat my food!"
"Clearly" Nanami noted. "She also mixes anything she has available to eat into a desecrated version of the original food. It's unsightly" he complemented, before handing the picture back to you.
You sighed, amusedly defeated, saying, "well, you have changed. Now you poke me back when I poke fun at you."
"I'm unaware of such a thing," Nanami replied, pushing his glasses into position with one hand, using the opportunity to cover up a discreet smile with his hand over his face.
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conkers-thecosy · 5 months
Five Fic Feedback!
Tagged by: No one! Seen this floating about a few fandoms, and decided to bring it over to bagginshield!
Rules: Pick five fics you've written, then tell us about how you feel about it vs how readers have received it!
1 - Bad Blood
My Thoughts: This one is way bigger than I meant it to be! It was going to be about 5k words and the only scene I had in my head was Bilbo biting the elven guard, haha! Readers: People really seem to love this one! I feel like feral Bilbo is always a crowd-pleaser, and this fic got much more attention than I ever expected it to! - 2 - Soldier My Thoughts: I'm really proud of this one. It was my first bagginshield fic, and it was after a loooong break from writing. Even though it's a bit weak in places, I have such a soft spot for it. Readers: I ended up re-posting this one after some harassment kicked my confidence down the toilet, but since then the reception has been very positive! - 3 - Poet My Thoughts: I'm sorry to say it, but this is probably my least favourite fic I've written. If it wasn't so popular I'd have removed it and altered the end of Soldier so it was just one fic! Readers: This fic seems to be very popular, and was the first time someone made art of my work - and more than once! I remember posting the first chapter and not expecting very much, only to come onto tumblr and see random posts where folks were super excited to see it was updating! It was such a lovely feeling! - 4 - My Ego Dies My Thoughts: I genuinely love this one, I think it's probably my personal favourite. I really enjoy playing about with the idea of "forgiveness" between Bilbo and Thorin, and this fic really scratched a particular itch for me! Readers: Probably my least popular fic - statistically, at least! I've found most folk weren't into it for one reason or another, but the people who love it, really, really love it! -
5 - Stealing Moments, Moments Away My Thoughts: I wish I'd taken more time with this one in some ways, but in others it really is the reshirement fic I wanted to tell. Again, I got to tinker with that "forgiveness" trope, and have a good look at what survival might realistically have meant for Thorin. Readers: This one is a quick read, and it's soft and fluffy, so I think readers enjoy it for that reason, though I believe some found it a bit boring. It was being updated almost daily, and the folks who were invested came back to comment and read practically every time I updated, which was just amazing to me! - 6 - Backs To The Wall (Sorry, I've written six, so I wanted to do all of them!) My Thoughts: I wrote this because it was something I wanted to read, and couldn't find. It's been amazingly fun, and I told myself when I started (knowing it was going to be fairly long - even if I didn't realise quite how long at the time, haha) that I wasn't going to take it too seriously, and I was really only writing this for myself, as the most self-indulgent kind of nonsense, ever! Readers: I can't begin to tell you how utterly blown away by the response to this I've been. Like?? It's just crazy to me how much folks are enjoying this, how excited and supportive everyone has been! I've been so grateful for everyone reading, and genuinely shocked down to my bones, haha! 💛 - No pressure tags for: @fantasyinallforms @lucigoo @lordoftherazzles @domesticgoddesswriter @thatfancygirlinwhite @lauramkaye @sass-y-squatch @mintedwitcher (and honestly anyone else who sees this and wants to do it, *waves a wand* you are Tagged!)
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panda-writes-kpop · 7 months
What does a demon and a function have in common? (You can test both of their limits!) - l. yb.
a/n: happy dami day! i know the timeline of this fic is messy, but just pretend that it's all okay and I will too :) also I wrote this because I was trying to understand my feelings as an aroace person towards love and I'm still really confused... but at least we got a good fic out of it! ❤️
tw: demons, undefined magic, lots of mentions of death, implied aroace! reader, a bit of religious trauma
word count: 2.6k
summary: you're in distress over your math homework and the pretty demon that helps you with it, and you're reluctant to let your heart do the talking since it ended pretty badly for your friend and her demon companion.
related fics: Demon! SuA - Tainted Love
♡ Masterlist ♡
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You shouldn't do this.
You glare at the leather-bound book in front of you as you furiously erase another answer from your sheet of scratch paper. The book was a gift from a friend, one that had struggled with a demonic relationship before.
You hadn't heard from them in a year and a half, and from what you heard from mutual friends, they weren't doing too well. Although you weren't positive that the book was bad news, you had never seen your friend so desperate to remove an object from their grasp.
After doing a bit of research, you realized that it was a cursed tome. There were seven different markings on the cover, which meant that seven different demons were tied to the book. Luckily, only one had been released when your friend had opened the book.
Now, you had to be the one to safeguard it. To make sure that no one would ever be hurt by the book again.
But, as you stare at your Calculus homework, you realize that you have no idea what you're fucking doing. And at 10 p.m. the night before an exam, the tutoring center is closed and the professor is probably counting sheep while their students are stressing out.
You're well aware that it's a stupid, very dumb, unintelligent idea to open a cursed book in order to understand Calculus, but what other choice do you have? Do you fail this exam then fail the class, which would put you a year behind?
What would your peers say?
What would your family say?
A shiver down your back, from the looming threat of parental disappointment, causes you to drop your pencil and reach for the book. Your hand gently traces the seven etchings on the cover, and you notice that one isn't filled in with color. 
The demon that took my friend away.
You really shouldn't be doing this.
You think about the laundry list of concepts that you have to master by 10 a.m. tomorrow, and your decision has never been easier.
I'd rather stick my hand in an open flame than do another problem with no help.
When you open the book, you realize that you're blissfully unaware of how to summon a demon. Do you say a bunch of random words in Latin? Do you do a little hand motion? Do you need an offering?
You decide that your best option at summoning a demon that won't smite you immediately is to plead with the book.
Because desperate never goes out of style.
“Listen, I don't know who I'm talking to, if I'm even talking to anyone in the first place. I'm having a problem. …Well, it's not a ‘the fate of the world rests in your hands’ type of problem, but I still could use some help.”
An orange trail of smoke leaves the book in your hands and swirls like a tornado in an empty spot in your living room. Objects start flying around because of the tailwind, and you have to duck before you take a pencil to the eyeball. 
“Who knew Calculus homework could be deadly?” You joke as you try to not think about the magnitude of the situation that you're in. You haven't even met the demon yet, and the smoke that it creates(?) it is trying to kill you.
Not a good sign.
Once your apartment is messy enough for your demon of choice, the book in your hands shuts itself as the orange smoke starts to dissipate. 
You set the book aside as you gawk at the woman- no, demon that stands in your living room. 
She's dressed in all black, ready to go to a funeral.
You just have to hope that it's not yours.
“How can I assist you?” She softly asks in a semi-uninterested voice.
“I need help with Calculus.” You blurt out as she clocks her head at you.
“I beg your pardon?”
This demon was exceptionally smart, which was good for your tired, mortal mind. She also didn't kill you on the spot - a good thing, you assume, unless the murder is waiting for you on the other side of the Calculus homework.
She was taken aback by your request, staring at you in utter surprise until she joined your side and helped you with your homework.
Her voice was gentle and smooth, and you would've fallen asleep if you weren't thinking about being killed in your sleep.
“Thanks.” You rub your eyes as you set the pencil down as you check your phone for the time.
You're proud of yourself for putting your phone on dark mode (you've flash-banged yourself in the past, it's a one time mistake) as you realize that it's only one in the morning. With a few hours of sleep and a large container of your favorite caffeinated drink, you'd be fine for your exam.
“Is that all you needed? …A bit of guidance with math?” The woman sitting beside you is in disbelief as you nod your head.
“Is there something wrong with that?” You joke, momentarily forgetting that she's a demon.
“Forgive me, but the people who usually hold the tome are more demanding… and a lot less cute.”
“Okay, back into the book you go.” You toss the book her way before trying to hide her embarrassment. 
She chuckles softly before running her fingers over the spine.
“You have no idea how any of this works, right?”
“Uh-huh.” You nod your head before starting to put your school stuff away.
“Right, right.” Her eyes meet yours for a moment. “Dami.”
“Huh?” You tilt your head at her, but she snaps her fingers and disappears with the book in an instance.
Well, that damn book is out of my sight and I now have a chance to pass my Calc exam. I'll take that as a win-win.
You don't remember climbing into bed last night (this morning? The days are blending together at this point).
Before leaving your apartment, you say a small prayer before grabbing your pick-me-up of choice from the fridge. You might have this exam on lock.
As you walk to class, you recite Calculus formulas in your head. Partial derivatives swirl around your mind along with the thought of the mysterious woman.
She's not a directional derivative, so you should focus on something else. 
You, at least, had the demon situation under control.
This semester, you officially renounced your academic weapon status; instead, you were an academic victim. Although you most definitely messed up the first problem (why do all of the problems have the same wording yet completely different solutions?), you had the rest of it down.
Your confidence evaporated when the two classmates behind you started discussing their answers and got completely different answers to you. 
Maybe another semester here wouldn't be so bad?
“You did fine.” 
You jump as your eyes lock with the demon from the night before.
“Sorry, sorry.” You apologize to the two people behind you as you step to the side to speak with Dami. “I like your confidence in me, and I wish I had a fraction of it for myself.”
“There's nothing wrong with having a little pride.” She shrugs as the doors to the lecture hall open.
“Well, at least there's another exam a few weeks after spring break.” Ryujin shrugs before closing the door and walking towards you. “How'd the exam go for you?”
“It was okay.” You softly shrug as you glance between Dami and Ryujin.
“You're too humble for how smart you are.” Ryujin scoffs before turning to Dami. “You new here?”
“I'm just visiting someone.” Dami winks at you, and your eyes avert her gaze afterwards.
Ryujin sighs before adjusting her backpack and clearing her throat.
“They're not interested in guys or girls…. or anyone, for that matter.”
You playfully smack Ryujjn's shoulder before she pretends to be in extreme pain from the hit.
“It's not an absolute thing. I'll know if there's someone I'm interested in.” You nonchalantly say as Ryujin checks her smart watch.
“Oh shit, I've got class in fifteen minutes halfway across campus. See ya!” Ryujin waves to you both before offering a nod to Dami. “Nice to meet you.”
She runs off in another direction as your attention turns to Dami.
“Why are you here, if you don't mind me asking?”
“I haven't been out of that book for centuries. I just wanted to see how humans lived.” Dami folds her arms before walking to you. “The world is so much different… better, if you ask me.”
“You're not like any demon I've heard of.” You blurt out before biting your tongue. “Sorry, that's probably really mean to say-”
“It's okay, and to be honest, I'd be surprised if I was like any other demon that you met. Not all demons fall from the sky, you know.”
It's been three hours, and you're still trying to come to terms with the fact that Dami’s a fallen angel. Who says that to someone after only two interactions with them?
Dami, apparently, because she's been watching you like a hawk as you sit across from her in the campus library.
“You think of me differently, don't you?” 
You don't look up from your computer as you tap your pencil against the desk three times.
Click. Click. Click.
“I don't.” You calmly say before writing an equation in your notebook. “I should be honest with you, though, since you were honest with me. It's only fair.”
You pause for a moment as Dami folds her arms and leans against the chair. She's trying to remain cool, but a small twitch in her left eye tells you that she's more interested than she appears to be.
It's cute.
“I had a friend who summoned a demon from that book… I don't know her name, and I don't want to. She ruined my friend’s life, Dami.” You explain your friend’s story, going through agonizing detail as told through their family and other friends.
You have to pause once to wipe your tears, and Dami offers a comforting hand as the other drops to her side. You, albeit hesitantly, take it. 
She should be cold like ice- undead, unfeeling. But there's some sort of warmth in her touch that can't be explained by the hellfire that she resides in.
Perhaps she's already gotten attached to you. You feel it too, you want to trust her. Can you, though?
She hasn't torn your arm off yet, so you're starting off on the right foot.
Trauma dumping counts as bonding, right?
You bite your lip before shaking your head, feeling the uncertainty of everything crash against you. What are you doing, trusting a demon that hurt someone that you care deeply about?
I can't do this.
“I should go.” You pull your hand out of her grasp as you quickly try to pack your things up. “I'm sorry, I'm probably shit-talking one of your friends that you've known for centuries.”
As you reach for your pencil, Dami grabs your wrist.
“I can't promise that I'm a ‘good’ demon or person,” She softly exhales before looking in your eyes, “but I won't betray you. Not now. Not ever.”
Something pounds, but it's not your head, swimming from the thoughts of your friends and the demon in front of you.
It comes from deep inside you, a feeling that you thought would be forever foreign to you. A magical feeling that “normal” people got to feel. The thing that makes them human, after all.
Your heart pounds.
This isn't you. You need to leave. Now.
Without exchanging another word, you run off into the afternoon light. You know she might follow you, but you hope she'll give you some space. 
I hope she doesn't hate me.
You need to get a grip, and fast, before you rock the boat that's been steadily keeping you afloat for years.
Five hours. That's the longest you can last in a little internet cafe before you put your tail between your legs and head home. You know Dami will be there, and you don't want to sleep on a park bench, so home it is.
Will she be mad at me?
Who cares? You're not in love with her, you just like her. 
As a friend. 
As someone you can hang out with. 
Someone to share secrets with.
Friends can kiss, right?
You've known her for less than twenty-four hours. You need to find where your sense of reality has gone and reclaim it before you head into your apartment.
But the key is already in your hand.
Your feet walk up the stairs without your brain telling them to.
You unlock your apartment door to see someone quietly sitting on your couch - the same spot where she helped you with your math homework.
Your stomach and heart fill with dread as you slowly take off your shoes.
She's been kind to you, and you ran off because you were upset about your own feelings.
You felt like a petulant child.
“I'm sorry for running off. I got upset thinking about my friend, and I should have talked through my feelings like a fucking adult. You're not like the other demon, just as I'm not like my friend. Feeling trapped by someone else’s opinions of you is rough,” You toss the keys on the counter before shedding your coat, “trust me, I know.”
Dami looks back to you, and the moonlight casts her in an angelic glow - she was ethereal and you didn't doubt that she was once an angel. You'd be more surprised if she wasn't one of God’s favorites.
Why was she here, instead of in the sky? 
You don't want to pry, but Dami’s the first one to walk towards you.
“I was worried about you,” She softly admits, “a demon, a former angel, a creature much older than you could comprehend, was worried about the safety of a mortal.”
When she is close enough for you to reach out for her, she reaches out her hand.
“I'm not an evil demon or a perfect angel. But I can promise you-”
“I think I like you.” The words spill out of your lips before you can truly think about what you're saying. “I mean, of course I like you, but it's not how I've liked anyone before. I like Ryujin as a friend, she's nice to me and we get lunch sometimes. But you… you're different. And being different scares me. It's not just because you're a demon, it's who you are. It wouldn't matter if you were a demon, angel, or human because I'd still feel the same way.”
You pause to take a breath.
“I'm not normal, and I'm probably not like any human you've met. I don't want a traditional romance with a wedding or kids. I don't want physical intimacy with someone who won't appreciate me. Hell, I don't even know if I want a partner half of the time. The only thing I know,” You take her hand before pulling Dami closer, “is that I want you to be by my side. As a friend or as something more. Whatever we will be, I know we'll figure it out together.”
“I want you by my side as well.” She softly mutters as you place your forehead against hers.
You're both quiet as you envelope yourselves in the serene environment that you've created.
“So, do I meet your devilish friends now, or do I have to take you to dinner first?”
Dami laughs warmly before pulling you close to her.
“Whatever you want.”
You're in deep. She has in her talons sunk deep under your skin, in less than a day. 
She could betray you.
You had to learn how to trust her.
And in time, you will.
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starboybutler · 5 months
Lights Up (Ch. 1)
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summary: john egan, sophomore, sees a cute boy in class and gets serious about his education. (not)
word count: 3148
warnings: objectification, drugs, sh, non-con (all briefly mentioned), blowjobs, john egan is kind of an asshole
notes: first chapter of my college au fic! this went through like. five rewrites before i was happy with it and even now i still kinda hate it. but!! i hope you guys enjoy!
chapter two | chapter three | ao3 link
here's some art for this chapter!
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john egan was not made for college in the slightest.
he enjoyed the experience– the parties, the friends he made, the experimenting with almost every drug in the book– but the academics? not so much.
he wasn't even sure how he got in, honestly. he did all the paperwork when he was high one night, and he gotten a letter saying he was accepted. his momma was so happy for him.
he had skipped class a lot, opting to go out and meet up with a dude he matched with on tinder instead and fucking his brains out in a shady alleyway and ghosting him the next day. when he did attend class, he would sleep through it and miss almost everything his professor said.
he was bad with his assignments too. he never turned them in on time, always promising his professors via email that he'd get it turned in by the end of the week. and when he didn't, he'd just leave it be.
that's the thing about college though– unlike high school, there was no one to breathe down your neck to tell you to do your schoolwork. they expected you to fend for yourself because you were an adult now.
john honestly never had a reason to go to class. until last week.
here he was, in god knows what class listening to his professor drone on about square roots…something like that. did he even sign up for a math class?
whatever. all he was focussed on was the pretty blonde boy that had found a seat right in front of him. he had sleepy blue eyes and pouty pink lips that put every woman he’s ever seen to shame. his hair fell in ribbons over his shoulders, shiny and soft looking. he couldn't take his eyes off of him.
he showed up last week without a word, hair in a messy little ponytail and dressed up in a frayed jean jacket and leather pants. john was so happy he decided to show up to class that day. the minute that blonde beauty walked in, he perked right up, immediately gaining an interest in this particular class.
that entire day, he watched as he wrote line upon line upon line of notes, muscles in his hand moving dutifully.
john had started waking up and walking to class everyday, even opting to get here early just to watch the new boy set up his little work station. he had plenty of pens and pencils and scratch paper to take notes on, but this week he seemed to have finally invested in a laptop for his notes instead– which was a shame, because he had pretty handwriting.
despite a week passing, he had only just text curt about the new boy today, telling him every little detail he’s remembered.
curtie 🖕🏻💚
‘hello???? you’re just gonna say all this and not send a picture???’
‘you’re evil’
bucky huffed out a little laugh.
‘i don't know if you've been told this, but taking pictures of people you don't know is weird.’
curtie 🖕🏻💚
‘NO curt’
curtie 🖕🏻💚
‘FINE. i’ll just come over there’
“oh god,” john sighed, letting his head fall forward onto the table in front of him, slightly embarrassed. he loved curt to death, but he acted like he was in heat sometimes- like he just couldn't help himself around a good looking guy.
he peeked at the boy again. today, the boy was dressed a little less flashy than the previous days– only wearing a simple white shirt and gray sweatpants.
he was hyperfocused on his laptop as he soaked up the professors words like a sponge, typing his words into a well organized word document with quick, nimble fingers. his glasses slid lower on his nose, making him take a hand away from his keyboard for a split second and push them back up to the bridge.
john was hypnotized by every movement of his. he seemed so calm, collected– calculated. he seemed like everything bucky wasn't. he was the type of boy that john had always fantasized about taking home and corrupting beyond repair.
fucked up, yeah, but the thought of taking this pretty, smart blonde beauty to bed and making him scream and yell and forget everything nerdy he was typing until he could think of nothing but john’s name– bringing him to filthy, low down clubs and having him take all kinds of things and then fucking him in his car while he giggled, just happy to be there…
god, what an image he created for himself.
“issat him?”
“christ–” john sputtered, startled as curt’s voice suddenly sounded in his ear, arm suddenly slung around his shoulder. “didn't think you were actually comin’.”
“you know me, bucky.” the boy smiled, eyes fixed hard on the blonde, scanning every single little detail. “i hear about a hot guy, i just can't help myself. it's a curse.”
“i gotta get you spayed or something,” he joked, tugging the shorter boy’s hoodie so that he was sat in the chair next to him. “siddown.”
they spent a good while just staring, before curt broke the silence with a filthy whisper in bucky’s ear.
“think he'd be down for a threeway?”
“what? man, god knows what you're thinkin’ i’m just brave enough to say what i’m thinking out loud.”
“yeah, in a class full of people,” he hissed, flicking curt on the side of the head. “keep your voice down.”
“what's your deal?” curt huffed, rubbing at the spot john had struck him bitterly. “you’d be flirting with a guy this hot by now. it's like you're scared or something.”
“i’m not scared– you're just bein’ too goddamn loud.” john said, elbowing him in the side sharply. “besides, he seems like the shy type- so i’ll have to get him to warm up to me before i can even suggest anything, y’know?”
“ughhh,” curt groaned, falling back dramatically and clutching his chest as if he were dying. “i dunno if i can wait johnny-boy. i wanna devour him like thanksgiving dinner and lick the plate clean.”
“i know you do.” john mumbled, rubbing at his temples. “just try and be patient, yeah? don't you got other boy toys you can sleep with in the meantime?”
“none as good lookin’ as him.”
“down boy.” john teased. “i got this. just give me a week and we'll have him in our dorm.”
curt huffed and stood from where he was seated, shoving his hands into his loose pockets. “alright, but i’ll be damned if i wait a day longer.”
and there he went, striding out of the classroom like he owned the damn place, pants falling low on his hips because he'd lost his goddamn belt somewhere the week before. that boy was more of a mess than he was.
class came to a close, and john sighed and picked up his bag nonchalantly. he had been brainstorming a way to even approach the guy, seeing as he looked like the quieter type. he had a nagging feeling that if he tried to just go up to him and strike up a conversation he'd freak him out a little bit.
he must've spaced out. when he came to, the room was empty, save for the professor organizing his haphazard work space.
“i know you aren't gonna ask me any questions about the lecture, egan,” the frumpy old man said, glaring up at him. “you know where the door is.”
“gee, thanks.” john mumbled under his breath.
he turned to leave, bag slung lazily over his shoulder, only for something glimmering under the fluorescent lights of the room to catch his eye.
he turned to look at the object. it was a pair of glasses.
he practically jumped over the table to get to where the blonde was sat previously, taking hold of the thin-framed specs in his large hand.
he dashed out of the classroom, hoping he could still run into him somewhere outside since class hadn't ended that long ago. he made his way into the hall, which was fairly vacant, and scanned for him almost frantically.
he was standing near the exit door, fumbling through his satchel for something– and john hard a fairly good idea of what he was looking for. he took a deep breath, straightened his back and walked towards him, shoving the bifocals in his pocket.
“hey,” he started, obviously scaring the blonde a bit as his eyes shot up from his bag, meeting john’s. “lose something?”
“oh, uh,”
he looked caught off guard, but his face remained surprisingly stoic. the only tell that he was nervous was his stiff posture and twitching fingers.
“yeah, lost my glasses. think i left ‘em somewhere.”
god, his voice was deep– smooth and soft with a hint of a southern twang.
his plump bottom lip twitched slightly as he took his hand out of his cluttered handbag, letting them rest at his sides. he fidgeted with nimble fingers, picking at a loose string that stuck out from his frayed jeans.
he was so much cuter up close. john could really get a good look at all of his features– his sleepy eyes, his soft hair, his straight nose, the freckles that dotted his cheeks, and the musky, sandalwood-vanilla scent that wafted off of him. john wanted to devour him.
he pulled the aforementioned glasses from the pocket of his basketball shorts, presenting them to the blonde. “y’mean these?”
the blonde perked up.
“oh, yeah,” he said, quickly taking them and sliding them back onto his face, missing the way john jumped a little as their skin made contact for a split second. “thanks. must’ve dropped ‘em.”
“nah, left them in class, actually,” john informed, nodding back to the door of the now barren math room. “saw ‘em sitting on the table, so i picked ‘em up.”
“uh, thanks,” he said, hands moving to clutch at the strap of his satchel. “how’d you know they were mine?”
john chuckled and gave his most charming smile, cocking his head to the side slightly, just to add to the charm a bit. “couldn't forget a cutie like you sittin’ in front of me.”
the boy turned his head away at the words, but john didn't miss the way his cheeks flushed a soft, sweet shade of pink. he couldn't help but smirk.
his neck tensed, letting john see all of the muscles in a way that made him want to sink his teeth into him right then and there. he didn't miss how his shirt was cropped slightly either, a little bit of skin showing as he reached to scratch at the back of his reddening neck.
“oh. uh, well…thank you.” he mumbled, a nimble finger running up and down the faded strap of his satchel. “nice of you to return ‘em.”
“of course. who wouldn't? i’m sure everyone would want an excuse to talk to you,” john replied, smiling wider. “what’s your name?”
“oh– it’s gale.” he said, gathering himself and making eye contact with john once more. “gale cleven.”
“nice to meet you, gale,” he crooned, holding out a large hand. “i’m john egan. friends call me bucky.”
“nice to meet you,” he said softly, a slight smile crossing his face as he took john’s hand, shaking it firmly. “bucky.”
“good boy,” he said seamlessly, watching as gale’s face went a pale pink once more. “how about you grab a drink with me? i’ll consider us even for the glasses.”
“ah, i’d love to, but,”
he faltered, and john’s heart sank for a moment. he must've overstepped.
“i don't drink. even if i did, i’m 19, so i can’t legally get a drink at bars.”
john shrugged, playing off his miscalculation as he released gale’s hand. “a’ight. how about a bite to eat then?”
gale went quiet, lip twitching once more as he mulled over john’s offer. bucky worried his bottom lip with his teeth in anticipation.
“not today,” gale exhaled. “gotta study, y’know. but i’m free tomorrow?”
“okay. i’m counting on you to keep your word on this.” he purred, flashing him a sly wink as he walked past him, out the door. “see ya tomorrow, gale.”
“so, did you ask him?”
“curt, didn't i say a week?” john huffed, shucking his shirt off and tossing it aside. “you're real impatient, you know that?”
“he's hot.” curt said urgently. “god, if i got a chance to talk to him i’d–”
“i know, which is why i didn't let you talk to him.” john laughed, sitting on the edge of his bed. “you’d scare him off and he'd probably report us or something. it’s happened before.”
“no one's reported us.”
“whatever.” curt sighed, crossing his arms like a petulant child. “did you at least get a name? what color are his eyes? what’s he smell like?”
“gale. gale cleven.” john recalled fondly. “he’s got big baby blues, and he smells real good. like those ridiculously overpriced colognes you love so much. god– his voice is so deep too, curtie.”
“...gale sounds like a chick’s name.”
“what, it does!”
“and you think you’d be able to get him to agree to a threeway? with a mouth like that?” john huffed. “you're such a shit talker.”
“it’s not on purpose, i promise.” he said with a bratty roll of his eyes. “i just think honesty is the best policy. ain’t that a core value or sumn?”
“it is– but not if you’re thinking of telling a cute blonde guy you wanna fuck that his name sounds like a chick’s name.”
“are you gonna tell me it doesn’t? honestly?”
“you just–” john pauses, lips pressed into a flat line. “you shouldn't say it.”
“so you agree!” he cackles, falling back with the force of his raucous laughter. “oh johnny, you're such a hypocrite.”
bucky all but pounced on curt, relishing the little yip that came from him as he was pinned against the shitty little dorm mattress. john’s hand was gripping the front of his hoodie, lifting him up slightly so that their faces were inches apart, breath mingling with one another.
“you've got such a smartass mouth, you know that?” he hissed, staring curt right in his crystal-blue eyes, which were wide with an obvious mix of arousal and fear.
this is what curt got a kick out of- riling bucky up and making him manhandle him. this wouldn't be the first time they had gotten carried away in their little friendly bickering matches, only for john to end up on top of or inside of curt. it was a little arrangement they had. they’d known one another since elementary school, and they'd only grown closer as they grew up.
curt was there for bucky throughout his worst– the drugs, the relapses- he’d seen john at his absolute worst, and he stayed right by his side.
he'd also seen curt at hit lowest, dirty and covered in blood and other fluids that were from men that curt didn't want to name because he was sure ‘they didn't mean it’.
so much they've been through together. so many nights they've spent curled up together- crying, screaming, or just silent.
“yeah?” the boy exhaled, erection poking at the back of bucky’s thigh insistently. “why don't you shut me up then?”
he didn't need anymore permission. bucky pulled his half-hard cock free from his loose basketball shorts, shoving it roughly into curt’s mouth, laughing cruelly as the boy let out a little whiny sigh.
“didn't even gag. how many cocks you suck this week, huh? how many men you let violate your pretty mouth?”
another whine, tears gathering in the corners of his eyes as he began to lick and suckle at his cock weakly, hands grasping at john’s thighs.
the words were harsh, but he knew it’s what curt liked. he loved being talked about like he was an object- a little plaything for john’s personal gratification.
he rolled his hips forward, smirking as curt gagged slightly at the nudge of john’s cockhead against the back of his throat. spit was running down the corners of his mouth, creating a pretty, messy little picture below him.
“fucking hell, love your mouth.” he sighed, settling into a slow rhythm, savoring the feeling of curt moaning and whimpering around him like a pitiful little puppy. “love when i get to take you like this. you think gale would fill you up like this?”
a downright filthy groan left curt’s mouth at that, nails biting into the plush skin of john’s thighs. bucky laughed throatily. tugging at curt’s damp curls until just his tip was in the warm chasm of his mouth.
“hah….thought he had a chick’s name? bet you don't really care. you’d still moan for his cock like the whore that you are, huh?”
curt’s tongue licked at the weeping head of bucky’s dick, shuddering at the taste of precum drizzling over his pink little tongue. his chest was heaving with each breath he took, eyes almost rolling into the back of his head as john forced him to swallow his cock once more.
“want me to cum down your throat, curtie? gonna imagine that it’s gale?”
a garbled word that sounded like ‘fuck’ escaped the shorter boy’s throat, his nails scratching down his thighs and leaving bloody little marks that would be hard to explain– but he didn't care. his thrusts got sloppier, more frantic as that familiar warmth built at the base of his spine.
he pulled free from curt’s throat with a filthy wet sound, jerking his wet cock as he spilled all over curt’s scrunched up face. his cheeks were pink and wet with a mix of john’s precum and his own spit, which made such a beautiful little picture as his spend was added to it.
they both sat there panting for a bit, before curt shoved him in his chest.
“i said down my throat, asshole.”
john just shrugged, smirking crookedly. “i hear cum is great for your skin. just trying to keep you looking young.”
curt shoved him again, enough to make him stumble off of his chest and onto the floor, which made them both laugh.
“god, now i gotta shower again,” curt huffed, wiping at his face with his hand. “god, you're such a dick.”
“you're welcome,” bucky called out as curt shuffled off to the bathroom, shooting him the finger as he closed the door behind him. he was left laying there, cock still wet and messy with curt’s saliva as his eyes drifted shut. images of gale, spread out below him, flushed and fucked out flashed prettily like a homemade porno behind his eyelids.
tomorrow, he was gonna win that blonde boy over no matter what.
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taglist: @mooodyblue @lauvmyself @kaiistheguy @slowsweetlove
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tiredofthehumanlife · 3 months
Marriage worthy (fem-ish flavor)
masc(ish) version
Barbie dolls: Regulus x reader
Words: 2.2k-ish
Summary: your parents force a wedding on you but at the alter you realize what you want
Warnings: You’re in a wedding dress and are forced to marry a man via your parents but I only use gn prounouns for you, regulus is a hater, aged up a little, allusions to not amazing parents, ebay and facebook marketplace mentioned, you ride in a taxi, i think thats it dude
A/n: this wedding has the wedding traditions and set up that I grew up with ie Christian wedding again I understand that other cultures have other traditions but that is not represented in this fic this is by no means a hateful “my culture is the only right culture” type thing I'm just writing what I know everybody’s culture is beautiful thanks for coming to my ted talk
You weren’t sure if you considered yourself the marrying type. Your parents felt differently apparently. You were enjoying the simplicity of your single life, and a few weeks later your parents were informing you of your fiancé. Your wedding was being planned in front of you and you didn’t even know the groom. When your parents were making the quest list, they added your best friend. You thought about this for barely a couple of minutes before scratching out his name. You appreciated Regulus but he was the type of person to speak his mind. Loudly at that.
Once you told him about a friend who wasn’t treating you in the best of ways, but you still loved them. Unfortunately, they ran into you and Regulus at the store. Regulus glared at them the entire time and then finally called them a couple of unfortunate names.
So you doubted he would stay silent at the wedding you didn’t even want. You imagined him sulking in the front row, leaning over to whisper to the person next to him about how much this guy sucked.
“Can’t even match his socks to his tie, embarrassing.”
“Oh god he can’t find his vows, I wonder if he wrote any at all. Have I told you, I’m a published poet? Yeah, four books under my belt.”
“Kind and caring? That’s all he’s got? They’re more than that. They’re the rising sun and setting moon, They’re the oxygen filling our lungs, They’re-“
“Oh thank Godric, they got to my favorite part- I object!”
You could see him jumping out of his seat, a hand in the air. Regulus would object the second he was given the moment of silence. He’d probably walk all the way to the alter, grab onto your arm, and escort you outside himself, insulting the groom on the way out.
It might’ve been a little selfish to remove Regulus from the guest list. It’ll probably hurt him when he finds out but that will give him material for his fifth book. You’ll explain yourself. You’ll probably write him a letter from your honeymoon destination, explaining everything and giving extra treats to your owl for a speedy delivery. That’ll be an odd conversation to have with your new husband.
“Sorry darling my pants are staying on, I have to write a letter to my best friend.” Well, scratch that, you’ll write him a letter as soon as you get a minute to yourself… on your honeymoon? Well, maybe you’ll send him a box of cookies as an extra apology for his explanation having such a long waiting period.
Time moved swiftly as the planning became more erratic. Your parents seemed to have decided waiting for the next season was stupid. They’d much rather have your wedding yesterday than wait. In two shakes of a lamb's tail, you were being buttoned into a white gown. You didn’t feel right. Maybe this was the classic cold feet feeling but every time you blinked you seemed to be nowhere near where you started. You would be in front of the mirror and seconds later you were standing outside the double doors about to walk down the aisle. You didn’t remember saying half of your vowels though you felt secure in your assumption that they were monotone. With your hands in his and the priest beside you talking, you looked at the rows and rows of family members.
Some of which you hadn’t seen in what felt like centuries. You scanned the seat looking for someone you recognized. You reached the end of the row without seeing anyone properly. You closed your eyes as you listened to your fiancé, soon-to-be husband, repeat the priest. You squeezed Regulus’ hands tighter. You felt the corners of your lips twitch for a second before you slowly opened your eyes. Your slight smile fell when you realized you weren’t holding onto your best friend’s hands at all.
You glanced around, remembering exactly where you were. You felt you had just been dunked in cold water waking you from your sleep.
“Do you take this man to be your husband, to live together in matrimony, to love him, to honor him, to comfort him, and to keep him in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?" The priest seemed as bored as you, his tone hollow and flat. You stayed silent, your mind catching up with the lots of information you just caught. Why would you wish you were holding onto Regulus’ hands at the altar if you were just friends? How long have you felt like this? Does this priest even know your name? How much was he paid? Could you sell this dress on eBay? Facebook marketplace? You heard mutters pass over the crowd of spectators. Your fiancé squeezed your hands while muttering your name. He kept repeating it but it faded into the background like the ocean rocking your body.
“I don’t want this?” You whispered. As you talked mostly to yourself, you remembered you had free will. You laughed as you pulled your hands away from this nameless man. You reached behind your head and yanked the veil from your hair. You dropped it on the floor, turning towards the crowd.
“I don’t want this.” You said, though this time you were sturdy. You knew what you wanted and it had nothing to do with this chapel. You pulled at the end of the dress before starting off towards the front doors. You noticed people in the rows standing up and you were certain you heard someone sounding easily similar to your mother yelling at you. You weren’t entirely certain where you were but you had a feeling your heart would lead you in the right direction.
Your heart failed you. You actually had to hail a taxi, and you were quite happy you memorized Regulus’ address and had pockets with money. The taxi driver seemed amused that they had picked up a runaway bride.
“What happened to the groom, sleep with the bridesmaid?” They asked, glancing back at you through the Reidveiw mirror. You laughed awkwardly.
“No. As it turns out I love another man. It appears I prefer obnoxious published poets with the fashion sense of a funeral director.” The taxi driver sighed deeply. You Looked out the window, wondering what they were probably doing back at the alter. Do you disperse? Head towards the open bar? You imagined your one aunt who you were certain lived 9 lives herself, swinging her purse over her shoulder and leaving without a second thought. She seemed to root for nobody and everyone all at the same time. You paid the driver and sprinted up the stairs of Regulus’ house. You knocked on his front door rapidly, ringing the door as you stepped back.
You heard Regulus groan behind the door before it opened a crack the chain stopping it. Once he saw you the door slammed again. You heard the chain smack back against the wall before the door opened again. Regulus stared at you with wide eyes. He took you all in, pausing at the massive white bow on your dress. you felt your shoulders relax when you saw him, letting out a sigh.
“I see you’ve had a busy few weeks.” You glanced down at your outfit, raising your hands and slapping them against the material.
“Yeah, I uh, I was going to send you a letter. I was getting married but I realized something while I was holding that guy's hands-“ Regulus cut off your explanation. He made a disgusted face, flapping his hand in the air.
“Oh Godric, you do not need to tell me what you were doing with your- what fiancé? Husband?” Regulus said, smacking his lips like the word fiancé left a sour taste in his mouth.
“Regulus, Shut up. Let me talk. As I was at that altar, every time I closed my eyes I realized I was begging for it to be you standing in front of me in a tux, not that other guy.” You probably looked a little crazy, drowning in white waving your hands around erratically like it would make your declaration a little less out of pocket. Regulus grimaced.
“It took a wedding for you to realize I might be more desirable than some random guy? Ouch.” Regulus rested his hand over his heart like you struck him. You shook your head.
“No. It took me a wedding to realize I'm in love with you, Regulus.” You stared at Regulus, taking in every slight movement in his face to catch if there was any rejection there. Regulus seemed to stop breathing, his eyes glazing over. You pressed your lips together. Is this really the guy you wanted? You tried to calculate if his reaction was a severe case of rejection or stupidity.
“So please just tell me if you feel even an ounce of the same. If you don't say that, I'll run all the way back to that chapel. I'll marry that guy, we'll go on our honeymoon, in a couple of years we'll have 2.5 kids named Taylor, Brayden, and the one on the way will be Raighleighn and-“ Regulus brought himself back to life with a fast breath. He cut off your irrational speech.
“Is that what you want?” You stared at him, blinking away your confusion. Regulus kept his face stoic, giving you no clue if he was being serious or not. You furrowed your eyebrows. He sensed your confusion, adding details to his question. “Is what you want 2.5 kids named Taylor, Brandon, and Raylen?” You pulled back, shrugging one shoulder up to your ear.
“Brayden and Raighleighn.” You corrected, quietly. Regulus tsked, glaring at you. You tilted your head to the side, egging him on just a little.
“Sorry, I don't have a perfect memory for the names of your hypothetical kids,” Regulus said while dramatically rolling his eyes. You decided to ignore his retort, bouncing back to his last question.
“Why on earth would I ditch my wedding, leaving hundreds of guests to fend for themselves, if the man I wanted was at the altar? Regulus, I want you. Granted I realized this less than thirty minutes ago so I’m not entirely sure how much of our friendship I’ve been harboring these feelings, but I understand they’re strong. I want to cook dinner with you. I want my toothbrush next to yours. I want my closet to have your clothes too. I want to fold our laundry together.”
“I’d probably have Kreacher do that, with proper care of course. He'd be employed not enslaved if that-” Regulus started rambling, letting go of the door to gesture with his hands properly. You groaned. You loved listening to Regulus ramble whether it was about his violin music or some observe book that really seemed to push his buttons but now was not the time. You were standing on his front doorstep professing your love for him and he was telling you about his activism. You agreed with him, of course, but time and place.
“Godric, Regulus are you going to kiss me or not? Are we something that could happen or should I start running now?” You stared at him as he shook his head like his thoughts of Kreacher could fly out his ears.
“Right, yeah.” Regulus pushed himself off the door, stepping into your space. He gently pulled you forward. His breath warmed your face, you caught hints of his favorite tea. You leaned forward, meeting him in the middle. His kiss was gentle like he still wasn’t entirely sure if this wasn’t a dream. Regulus pulled back before you wish he did. You kept your eyes closed just a little extra second. If you opened your eyes and you were still at the chapel, you’d be married to a man you just met. You felt Regulus’ thumb stroking your cheekbone, silently begging you to open your eyes. You grinned, your almost-husband wouldn’t touch you as gently as Regulus did. You met Regulus’ eyes. He was smiling back at you, granted it was small but that’s not the point. You fiddled with the buttons on his black shirt.
“I made extra dinner if you’d like to join me,” Regulus muttered, jumping over the kiss to talk about a mundane topic. You’ve shared dinner hundreds of times. You were glad after all the chaos of today you could easily return your dear Regulus and join him at his table like it was any other day.
“Mm you know I think my schedule might be a little packed, I do have a honeymoon to get to.” You muttered. Regulus groaned, stepping away from you. He pushed your shoulder towards his door, stepping out of the way. You tugged up your tulle-filled dress.
“While we’re still on the topic, what was your fiancé’s name?” Regulus asked, moving behind you to pick up your train. You gave him a confused look over your shoulder.
“I want it to be the title of my next poem,” Regulus said, helping you sit in his dark wooden chairs, throwing the white material in your lap when his timer went off. You laughed at him as he returned to the oven. He made you both a plate, settling one in front of you.
While you sat next to Regulus at his table in your stupid wedding dress, you thanked the stars for reminding you of free will seconds before you had to say I do.
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