#This is very important for SCIENCE I totally SWEAR it is!
wayfinderlegacy · 2 months
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tuxedokit · 1 year
what are your funniest sashamilla headcanons
They have that constant mental link right? They absolutely use it to mess with eachother. Sasha will be doing an important presentation or something and Milla will think of some stupid science joke or some inside joke and try to make him lose focus cause funny. It goes the other way too.
They swear a lot more in their heads, or to eachother mentally. Just cause the idea of Milla going "What the Actual Fuck" to something drives me insane, but i feel like that is reserved for Sasha Only. and maybe Morry. Maybe.
They like to snuggle !!! I think Sasha is so very touch starved, but he is also touch averse, so only Milla is allowed, and only sometimes (autism win). anyway, i think sometimes when/if they share a bed, Milla will climb into it and Attack Sasha with cold hands/feet. He hates it, but its so fucking funny. He always shrieks.
Sasha will sometimes be obtuse on purpose to mess with Milla. She can never tell when he's messing with her or actually means it when he says things that are generally Incorrect/Silly. If he is joking, he will clear it up after by saying, still monotone, "It was a joke Milla. A trick. I deceived you." She always cracks up when he says that (his delivery is hilarious to her, he loves her laugh and smile so he does it)
They totally gossip mentally right? Sometimes they'll start doing like, grand exaggerated gestures while doing so, even though they arent speaking aloud. On purpose. Like, entirely for the bit.
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heliads · 1 year
Tasm!Peter x m!reader who is just as smart if not smarter than Peter, both of them being busy with their own stuff they are never available when the other is so that obviously pushes them away from each other until they eventually break up. With the breakup reader devoted his attention to his work and made something out of himself and is now very successful and super rich, and bumps into Peter one day and you can take it from here I suppose 🧪💞 you already know
combined with this request: "Male reader x Tasm Peter, reader cancels a date due to work or something related to it and Peter saying it’s fine but it’s not really fine and Peter has an outburst saying “I just want you”."
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You and Peter Parker may not work out. It is a sad truth, yes, but it is the truth, and you have always been in favor of that. If you look at the facts, they do not lie. At some point, you and Peter are going to fracture past the point of no return. It feels as if that moment is growing closer by the hour. 
Hell, it may even happen today. You had a sinking feeling all afternoon that you were forgetting something, a sensation that only worsened when evening came and went to find you still in your lab. It’s not your fault, not really; science has a way of taking up more time than you would like, and your work is important. 
Still, it wasn’t until you finally made it out of the lab and back home when the revelation hit you. Namely, it was the sight of your irritated boyfriend leaning outside your door, coat off and twisted around his hands as if he had been waiting for hours, that finally made your brain connect all the dots. Tonight was date night. Or, tonight would have been date night, but you missed it by at least two hours.
You suck in a breath at the sight of him. Peter has always been good at attracting melancholy and hopelessness, a magnet for the unwanted sort of luck that would have anyone else knocking on wood or throwing salt over their shoulder. Still, you never counted on being a part of that misfortune yourself.
“I’m sorry,” you offer up by way of hello, “it totally slipped my mind, I swear. I’ll be better next time. I’ll even set an alarm on my phone,” you joke, but Peter doesn’t crack a smile and your halfhearted laughter fades off into the whir of the air conditioning unit three doors down.
You can’t look straight at him when he’s like this, so you opt to shuffle your key into the lock, twisting it a bit more harshly than necessary so you don’t have to jiggle it back and forth like the shoddy mechanism usually demands. Straightening up, you gesture somewhat unceremoniously for Peter to enter first. He does so without another word, plunking a wilting bouquet of flowers onto your kitchen table. The thud of the mildewy petals against the wood makes you flinch.
It is not your fault, all of this, just as it is not Peter’s fault that he cannot make you stay, that either of you are so incapable of finding time for each other that your paths only ever meet in half-dark hallways or empty chairs at restaurants booked weeks earlier. Between your work in the lab and Peter’s habit of perusing the darkened city alleyways as Spider-Man, neither of you have much time for anything else. 
Even for each other, as it turns out. You can’t recall the last time the two of you were able to speak more than a few hurried lines over text or voicemail. That was the whole point of tonight, after all– both of you were so fed up with missing each other that you staged tonight’s date as an intervention. It would have been a good idea were it not for the fact that you totally forgot about it.
Peter is standing behind a chair, knuckles curled around the back. He meets your gaze from across the kitchen and it occurs to you that you should look for a bigger apartment. The ceiling is much too low to contain the sort of bitterness radiating off of Peter at the moment.
“I called your phone six times,” he announces, “they all went unanswered.”
“I was in the lab,” you plead, “you know I can’t touch my phone. I did enough biosafety cabinet trainings to learn that lesson.”
Peter grunts, unimpressed. “You could have found a way. You’ve done that before.”
You glance away, opting to train your attention on the moth beating itself senseless on your window as opposed to the boyfriend still staring at you with such disappointment only a few paces beside you.
“It’s just one night,” you excuse yourself, “things happen, we get past them. Can’t we just schedule another date? I swear I’ll make that one.”
“What,” says Peter slowly, “because you’ve learned your lesson now? That’s not how this works, Y/N, and you know it. We’ve been steadily missing dates for months. This one was supposed to fix things. It didn’t.”
You grimace. “I know that, Peter. I know, and I’m sorry, but I was busy. Lab doesn’t have a strict schedule and you know that. I can’t dive in and out of work whenever I want.”
“And I can?” Peter finishes your unspoken thought. “That’s what you were going to say, wasn’t it? Photography is way easier to manage than your lab.”
You sigh. “If you want to fight, Peter, just go ahead and get it over with. Us discreetly sniping at each other obviously isn’t doing what we want.”
Peter shakes his head. “I don’t want to fight, Y/N. I just want you.”
The way he says it, so desolate, so pure, makes something in you twist with anger instead of guilt. He wants you to feel bad, you can tell that just by looking at him, but you’ve felt bad for quite a long time indeed. Maybe it’s time that he feels a little bit of that as well. After all, you’re not the only one who’s ever skipped out on quality partner time.
So, you fold your arms across your chest, and fix Peter with a glare just as severe as his.
“Yeah, well, I wanted you, too. I wanted you when I came home late to an empty apartment every night because you won’t let anything come in between you and patrolling. I wanted you when I had to keep making excuses to my friends about why you weren’t there whenever we were all supposed to meet up. I wanted you at every work event, every important thing in my life when you were late. I wanted you all the time. Maybe it’s good that you know what it’s like to want me as well.”
Peter’s eyes widen, but you’re already scoffing at his sudden reversal of emotions and grabbing your keys once again. “I’m going for a walk to clear my head,” you announce.
The door closing behind you cuts off any chance at a reply, and Peter is gone when you get back. The only sign he had ever left is the window left half open, a cool breeze already putting your heater to ruin.
You break up about a week later. It is a mutual ceasefire, brought about by too many fights and too little love left to care. It still hurts like anything, of course, to see Peter gradually bringing over the boxes of belongings that used to frequent his house just as often as you once did, but it also feels like winning. Maybe this is how you get the upper hand, by pretending that you’re not remotely as affected by this as he is. Maybe you claim victory by not having to cave and apologize.
Still, arriving back home after late night after late night to an empty apartment doesn’t let the laurels rest quite as easily on your head as you had envisioned. There is no one waiting to help you make dinner or listen to you complain about the new intern who can’t seem to figure out how to parafilm aliquots of cell media without spilling half of it over the surface of your shared workstation. There is no one there at all, in fact, and that hurts far more than you could have ever imagined.
You tell yourself that this is not the worst you have ever felt, that this too shall pass, that one morning you will wake up and not automatically reach out for someone who is not there. The affirmations come true eventually, but they take far more time than you imagined. 
Even on the good days, the ones where you don’t find yourself trying to text Peter most every hour, the memory of what it was like for him to be yours still plays on loop in your mind, a stilted, half-gone recollection of a song stuck in your head. The verses may be incomplete, the melody only half there, but it still judders through your temples on repeat, unable to break free.
To distract yourself, you throw yourself into your work more than ever. It feels like justification of why you’d left, in a way:  if you come up with good results, good papers, then it shows you were right to have to keep skipping dates for this. It gives you a reason to not be in the wrong.
Soon enough, you get that eureka moment. What you had previously dismissed as a mere anomaly, cells acting strangely because they like making your life difficult or something like that, ended up being a key breakthrough to understanding how the human body takes up a certain kind of protein. It’s the sort of thing that has immense opportunities for future development, a once-in-a-lifetime kind of win.
It’s also the sort of thing that wins you a lot of money and attention. Most times, important scientific breakthroughs tend to stay in the annals of Nature magazine-style fame, well known by professionals in your field but never really breaking into the public knowledge, but your discovery is different. You end up emblazoned on the front page of newspapers and magazines, everyone clamoring to hear about just how your achievement came about.
It’s a rush, to be sure, and for a while, it is more than enough to distract you from what had become of you and Peter. It was enough, at least, until you ran into him one morning on the subway.
Neither of you were expecting it, that much is obvious. Peter looks up with wide eyes when you happen to step onto his train compartment of all compartments. You have half a moment to wonder if you could pretend you’d forgotten something and step off again before the door closes behind you and any chance of escape is gone for good.
Peter is still looking at you with that open, haunted gaze. “It’s good to see you,” he says quietly. Most of the statement is directed towards the floor, but you can tell by the roughness of his voice that he’s not merely speaking to the grimy linoleum tile.
“It’s good to see you too,” you whisper back.
It’s painfully awkward, which makes the whole experience even worse. Is this what the two of you have become, bare acquaintances who can’t even make pleasantries on a morning commute tolerable? The two of you used to know each other’s secrets backward and forward. You were the first one Peter ever told about being Spider-Man. Hell, you might have been the only one. And now here you are, swaying slightly on a speeding train, hoping only for the destination to arrive so you can get off again and escape him.
Peter flushes as if thinking the same thing, then tries again. “I read about your work in the paper,” he mentions, “it sounds really interesting.”
You smile without thinking about it. “Thanks, Peter. Honestly. I couldn’t believe it when everything first started coming out, but it seems like the whole world is super excited about what I found. It feels good.” Casting a hesitant gaze towards him, you add on: “It might make up for all those missed dates, right? If I was doing something worthwhile?”
Peter chuckles. “I always knew you were doing something worthwhile, sweetheart. This just means that other people know it too.”
Softly, daring not even to breathe lest it impede your ability to hear him on this all important topic, you dare to follow up on what you want to know the most. “Does that mean you forgive me?”
Peter smiles again, this time more sadly than before. “I forgave you months ago. I forgave you about ten minutes after you left the apartment when we fought, every single time. We’re just busy people, Y/N, and busy people don’t often work together.”
“What if we could?” You ask.
Peter exhales slowly. It takes him a few moments to collect the strength to answer you, but when he does, his grin is more courageous than before. “I think I’d like that quite a bit,” he decides at last.
“I would too,” you reply.
You do not leave the train alone that morning. Not really, even if Peter’s destination isn’t for another four stops. This time, you know that you will not have an empty house waiting for you when work finishes up tonight, but a home, and a home with someone you love lingering inside. It is enough to put a spring in your step as you walk the remaining steps to your lab. It is enough to make you want to try again.
requested by @fadedver, i hope you enjoy!
marvel tag list: @namoreno, @thatfangirl42, @rogueanschel, @mycosmicparadise, @ellobruv, @callsign-scully, @with-inked-solace, @sher-lokid7, @amortensie, @23victoria, @watchreadfangirlrepeat, @gods-fools-heroes, @w1shes43, @deafsuperhero, @/fadedver
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salsakiyoomi · 1 year
GAHHH OH MY GOD OKAY OKAY first of all holy smokes I love the theme on your blog so much it's so cool and the red is just,,, chefs kiss oh man💗💗🥹!!
OKAY AJAJA would it be alright if I asked for a matchup for Spiderverse (either of the other fandoms work if they're easier/more fun to work with!! I love all of the fandoms there as well ajajja) :O??<3 please take as long as you need with it!!💗🙏
my persona:
name: ellie :D
personality: ENFP/ENTP (but E and I are bound to change depending on how I'm feeling while taking the test BWAHSHSHD so here's another description!!): I'm a generally optimistic person with the sense of humor of an eight year old boy. I will laugh at your mom jokes and then apologize and then make another one😭 I enjoy helping people and creating things, but I do tend to question my morals a lot and wonder why I am helping those people !! I really like the idea of self-improvement and knowing there's always room for more :D reminders are always great too because I forget a lot of things SJDBSJSJHS
zodiac sign: aries!
ideal type: i'm okay with being paired with any gender, no preference! i'm also a minor/highschool student if that helps at all :D (i'm totally on board with platonic matchups as well, i'm unlabeled so for me i can roll along w just about anything!! whatever is easiest GAARAHH). i really admire people who are kind at heart, it doesn't matter how they show it :D i admire people who are humble but not meek, and are willing to speak their minds when it feels right to them OH MAN and I also love people who i can go on and have deep talks with them and fall asleep next to them giggling like im 7 years old at a sleepover every night. OH AJDJSJ and I also love watching shows meant For Literal Children/cartoons because I find them genuinely hilarious and the lessons are always so good 😭🙏 creativity is important to me as well + education for passions :D my giving love language is words of affirmation and physical touch, and my main receiving is acts of service and physical touch! :D
my favorite trope: SHDHDJDJ FOUND FAMILY FOUND FAMILY FOUND FAMILY or any forms of domestic fluff!! 💗💗(sharing a bed and hurt/comfort and being held after a nightmare is my JAM BWAHHS)
favorite season: autumn :)))
hobbies: I absolutely love biology/biomed/environmental science :D! I love going to aquariums and (art) museums and learning about my passions. i definitely want to work at an aquarium as one of those people who give tours to the 3rd graders one day 🥰🙏 I also love listening to instrumental scores from movies!! (I CRIED OVER THE ONES FROM ATSV I AM UNWELL) how to train your dragon and big hero 6 are definitely up there as a few of my favorites :D oh man I also love performing and doing musical theatre for the sake of the community WAHHHSJ,, I love art and writing even though I can get pretty bad writer's block AND OH MAN I love tutoring a lot and going on bike rides when I'm alone !! I love hanging out w people but I also value my alone time as well, and soMETIMES (I AM WORKING ON IT SJXJSJ) I tend to become a doormat where i can't say no and worry about how I am in public places (bUT I HAVE NO PROBLEM DOING PRESENTATIONS WHICH I FIND HILARIOUS SJXNSKJD), but again I SWEAR I am working on it !! =D💗
and the fandom for spider verse would be great :D!! but again anything else is totally okay!!!
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— honeymoon :
– hobie thinks it's a little funny, honestly, how things turned out with you — the two of you are almost polar opposites, but you know what they say ; opposites attract, and you were his missing puzzle piece — hobie didn't like labels, but there was no denying that he certainly had a thing for you, and you couldn't deny that you liked him either, so you settled in middle ground.
– hobie would come to your place every night — that's how it started, you'd watch a movie or two and once the clock strikes midnight, you find yourself laying in bed with him, huddled up in his arms with your head resting on his chest and his face buried in your hair, the two of you talk about alot of stuff, jumping from one topic to another about completely unrelated things — he likes listening to you talk, likes the sound of your voice and how it immediately soothes him into a good mood — but once the clock nears five am, and you start mumbling and tripping on your words and your eyelids become heavy, he places a soft kiss on your lips, telling you it's time for bed before holding you close and the two of you eventually fall asleep.
– hobie has a knack to convincing you to do things you wouldn't usually do, like going out with him at three am on a supposed 'date' where he takes you to one of the city's highest rooftops with a couple of snacks and the radio playing your favourite songs, he likes to draw and often brings his sketchbook to those dates, so the two of you doodle on the pages, slapping stickers on them and creating a perpetual memory, and he thinks — actually, believes, that no matter what, he'd never forget you, and he has reached a conclusion that maybe, just maybe, he may be in love with you.
— what's on the radio : moonlight, kali uchis
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a/n : hello??? kirishimas-manly-eyeliner ?? 😭😭 i used to follow you, i loved your blog sm and you were legit one of my inspirations to write 😭😭 i didn't know you were aware of my blog holy shit, i love you so much 😭 thank you for the request and your ask was so much fun to read like shejwkwk, you're such a nice person help 😭 thank you sm for the request again, ily — also atsv was so good, i cried alot during the moving so you aren't alone, and i loved hobie's animation ! i loved the way they colored him and how he looked like he was out of a panel and the way he changed colors (??) it was so good, he's one of my faves pls 😭 i hope this did you justice and that you like it ! once again thank you sm for the request <33
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lyriakisser · 1 year
HWJJSJS totally 💖💖
ALSO YAYA NO PROBLEM !! i will explain it to the best of my abilities wahhdjdjd
so uhmuhm when placing overlays i think theres like 2ish types ( those being frames nd the other just random decorations nd stuff !! its all kind of vague idk wjdjjsj )
first off i find frames very helpful bc they can block out stuff on the edges to bring attention to the center of the photo or bring attention to one focal point ( same thing w arrows nd random lines nd the like !! ) like these two !!
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where uu want ur focal point to be is very important tho !! as a general rule theres a grid on all photos ( IGNORE HOW BAD MY LINES R IM TRYIJG NY BEST I SWEAR JSJDJDJD ) nd i always like to put what i want to be noticed either approx where the grid lines meet or in the center ! thi concept is called the rule of thirds btw !! its used a lot in art nd photography nd stuff for aesthetics nd just the science facts that i forgot
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like here i used the lines nd cirlce to bring lots of attention to the center / an ! this is all a matter of preference tho ofc !!!
as for random deco i kind of use the same rule of thirds thing but also it depends on whats in the picture for me !! i kind of try to stick w a few that work well together nd w the img / feelings (?) i want the edit to have !
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for example in the an one here i actually added an extra whispy laser line underneath her head to give the edit some more Vibes nd fill up what i felt was a little empty / bring attention to her face once again
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visual weight is also a super important thing regarding placement !! sometimes in photos theres a lot of empty space so its easy to get lost in it as a viewer, but on the other hand, there can be too much going on in the photo that uu get overwhelmed ! u can manipulate visual weight in a vast number of way, including adding overlays nd even coloring / lighting !! darker colors / shadows will almost always have more weight than light colors / highlights ( as seen in the middle img ! )
its ok to have an even distribution of weight depending on the edit but i find that having one side heavier than the other helps a lot ! k as seen in the len nd rin edits ) it helps a lot in zeroing in on one spot aesthetically rather than just kind of aimlessly glazing over it
theres also a math side that i cld kind of go into but this is insanely long now nd im lind of embarrassed thay ive been writing this for like 20mins or smth so yeah !! i think thay kind of explains it ??? IT SEEMS KIJD OF CONFUSING SO IM RLLY SORRY WJJSJSJ 😭😭<- if uu need me to clarify pls do ask i have shit explanations
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chaeiimimi · 3 years
How I Met Your Mother
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Timeskip!Kuroo x Fem!Reader
Warnings: None 
it was a fine afternoon, the sunlight illuminated your whole house, the noise from the tv in the background and  Kuroo was on the coffee table catching up with some of his paper works he failed to finish during the weekend, he casted a quick glance at your five- year-old son who was reading a science encyclopedia, Tetsuya was basically his carbon copy, from his feline eyes, to his raven black bed hair not to mention the same love for science and hyena laugh, they would pass as twins. You were out with your friends (Yaku’s and Kai’s wife), therefore he was in charge of the house for the day.
Kuroo went back to his task when he saw his son immersed in his encyclopedia. Not even five minutes have gone by and his son was walking towards him dragging along his Brontosaurus plushie his Uncle Kei got him, his son tugged on his shirt and he tears his eyes away from his computer to look at his son
“hey buddy, you want a snack?” he lovingly ruffled his son’s hair
Tetsuya nod “want dino nuggies daddy” man literally had to bite the inside of his cheeks to stop himself from screeching at how adorable his son is
“alright, daddy’s gonna make you dino nuggies” he says taking off his reading glasses and going to the kitchen while his son trailed behind him like a lost puppy
He sat Tatsuya on the counter’s chair while he brings out the dino nuggies and some ingredients for a sandwich and lemonade as well
“daddy?” his son called out to him and he answered with a hum while taking the nuggets out of their container
“how did you and mom meet?” he looked at his son who was looking at him with the most curious eyes
There was an instant tug on the corner of his lips as he remembered that day, internally slapping his face for feeling like a giddy teenager again
He went back with his work on the chicken nuggets and started
Aside from the sound of the chalk screeching against the board and the voice of his Literature teacher, it was a rather quiet afternoon.
Time seems to be going by slowly for Kuroo, he was uncontrollably tapping his feet and drumming his fingers on his desk, he was eager to get out of this class which was the last class for the day, he was eager to practice, the pressure of the upcoming nationals weighed heavy on his shoulders, his mind was filled with volleyball and classes and college applications that he was barely eating and sleeping
When the resounding bell that marked the end of the class, he immediately got out of his seat and hurriedly walked towards the door only to be blocked by the class president
“where do you think you’re going Kuroo-san? You’re on plant duty today”
He inwardly groaned, how could he forget? Today was Friday
He dragged his feet back inside, placed his bag on his chair and proceeded to look for the water can
He found it on its usual place and walked outside to fill it up, once done, he went to the classroom’s backyard and saw you with gloves on, your hair on a clip as you patiently pull out weeds
Kuroo swears his heart skipped a beat when you looked at his way and gave him a small awkward smile
He walked over beside you, took the gloves in his pocket, put it on, and started pulling some of the weeds as well
“so, which class are you from?” he asked nervously trying to strike up a conversation
“the same class as you, see?” he looked up and saw that you were pointing at the sign with your class on it
A million thoughts were running in his head like, “how come I never saw her before?” “Has she always been in our class?”  “Did I come out as rude?”
Until he heard a chuckle coming from you
“don’t worry, I get that a lot” you say as you continue to pull out weed
“I’m L/N Y/N by the way, Ayumi-chan is sick that’s why you’re stuck with me for now” you said and gave him another smile
‘I don’t mind’ he wanted to say that but he decided to just nod
“the nationals, it’s next week right?” you asked still not looking at him
“yeah” he answers
“well, good luck to you and your team, I’m the only one in the class who hasn’t wished you luck yet” you said as you started digging some holes to put your new seeds in
“thanks, I need a whole lot of that stuff” he chuckled nervously 
“well, I never thought I’d see the great Kuroo Tetsuro get nervous” it was true, Kuroo always appeared composed and confident, the total opposite of you who was shy and demure
“I’m still human you know?” you watch him as he pulls out a particularly large weed
You chuckled and nodded
“you look like you need a break” you say and went back to your own work
It was now his turn to look at you and tilt his head in confusion
You looked at him and pointed your finger to his face
“the bags under your eyes are telling me you haven’t had a goodnight sleep in these past few weeks, your cheeks has slightly deflated implying that you haven’t been eating much, plus you don’t laugh at Tadashi-Sensei’s stupid science jokes anymore, meaning you’re not really having fun or something’s wrong”
You put your finger down after voicing out your long observation and went back to your task
Kuroo was stunned to say the least, he thought he was putting up a good façade, boy was he wrong
While realization was just hitting you and your eyes widen
There was a long deafening silence before a hyena-laugh broke out
“its fine its fine” he said in between laughter while you stood there with a flushed face
“It’s just that you were the last person I expected to hear that from” he said after laughing
You gave him a small shrug
“I just don’t like to see people losing interest in something they’re passionate about” you look at him and smiled
“if you envision the ideal outcome of what you’re doing and it doesn’t spark you joy, then there’s no point of doing it” your words dug its way into Kuroo
You went back to your work and continued “I think that you are very passionate about volleyball and I can see that school is important for you as well, you just need to take a step back, look at the bigger picture and tackle every situation one by one, you can’t experience the dream you had for three years with that depressed look in your eyes”
He freezes on the spot, everything you said digging its way to his system, a flash of relief spreading throughout his body, he felt his vision slowly widening, and for the first time in two weeks he felt tired and hungry
The birds chirping, and the sound of water trickling from the water can were the only things that were heard, the setting sun illuminated your skin as it perfectly glowed and you happily planting the new seeds into the dirt will always be engraved in his mind and heart as one of his most peaceful memory 
“hey, I’m getting food after this, do you wanna come?” he asked his eyes pleading you to say yes
You were taken aback but you eventually nodded with a small “sure”
and so you spent the rest of the day eating at a ramen store with Kuroo (man was hungry he literally finished three bowls) and went to an ice cream parlor for dessert 
After walking you home, Kuroo laid in his bed his hair wet from the shower as he sends a chat to the volleyball team apologizing for skipping practice
           “good thing you did, you looked like you were falling apart”- Yaku
           “you looked like a zombie from the house of the dead”- Kenma
           “you badly needed it man”- Kai
He shook his head as he opens another chat box, his bright smile turning into a soft one
           “hey, thanks for today, I had fun”- Kuroo
      “i don’t even know what I did but you’re welcome? Thanks for the treat”- Y/N
 “… and that’s how I met your mother, we went hung out very often after that and I asked her out after the Nationals” he said as he placed the food in front of Tetsuya, the giddy smile still plastered across his face
“Mom talked a lot to cheer you up even though she’s shy” he says as he takes a bite of his dino nuggies
“well she did confess to me that she liked me since the first year of junior high on our wedding night” he says with a smug look on his face
“you could’ve just leave that part out” both of the boys turn their heads toward you
your son immediately got off his chair and ran towards you as you lift him up and hugged him tight, he started talking to talk about everything he discovered while reading and you listening to every word he says, with a mother smile plastered on  your face.
your husband stood there, staring at you, eyes filled with love and adoration. He was pretty sure he was a hero who died for his country in his past life. There was no other explanation on how he got this lucky, how he managed to get the most perfect wife the world could offer and how he was given the most perfect son he could ever ask for. 
staring at you as you smile gently to your son, he didn’t know it was still possible to fall even harder even after being together for fourteen years.
omg this is my first ever post, It’s kind of a mess but please bare with me I am still learning.
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randomshenaniganery · 3 years
If I somehow got into Obey me! Shall We Date part 2
Me and Levi while videoing Solomon: I wanna be the very best like no one ever was, to catch them is my real test to train them is my caUSe. My whole life was meant for this gonna show the wORLLD!!
M: Horny bastard literally and figuratively
M: So like for science do you have complete control over that tail? The fandom deems this as important knowledge
M: Kuya from Ayakashi Romance Reborn is just what happens if you smush Beel and Belphie into one person
M: Beel... Look at your wings... They’re tiny... If you can actually fly I will single handedly try to murder God.
M: I don’t understand why you’re mad with all these pregnant jokes, I MEAN YOU GUYS TOLD ME THIS INFORMATION and think that I won’t use it????
M: Heaven is pretty controversial not gonna lie
M: Luke you are a baby not just cause your smol but because you think like a baby
M: HEY remember what I said about racism? Knock it off
M: Why do you like me? Like honestly just WHy
M: LMAo who thought that leaving me alive was a good idea
M: Levi I blame you for making me say LMAo outloud I used to only say lol or IDK 
M: I do have a least favorite brother but I’m not telling who because it would cause the same problems saying who my favorite brother is 
M: Sometimes I think I’m more of a demon than you guys are
M: I made a meme I think I’m going to die after this but I’m going to be very proud about dying and then I’ll see you later cause bitches know I’m going to end up in hell anyway
M: Is this real life? or is this fantasy? 
Me and Levi still videoing Solomon but now we’re all dancing and singing: Gotta catch’em all-gotta catch’em ALL POKEMON 
M: Satan for confirmation are you or are you not a furry? wait no put that knife down-
M: Beel please be my model for this drawing I have thanksiloveyoubye
M: Beel is definitely in my top three faves list you just have to figure out WHERe he is in that list
M: Levi I fucking told you to stop GATEKEEPing
M: What the fuck are you listening to Lucifer
M: I legit can’t listen to 40% of the songs I have in my playlist because they mention demons and I’m too embarrassed to listen to them now
M: Levi please let me sleep in your tub it honest to God looks so comfy-stop making faces when I mention God you KNOW that I’m atheist
M: Asmo hi please do my nails idk self care who dat bitch
M: ugh I have feelings and I HATE It
M: Am I a kuudere or a tsundere? I can’t tell but if it’s the latter I’m going to commit sui-wait no I’ll still end up in hell FUCK
M: I would never kiss anyone oh you’ll pay me? YOu never said where bitch-
M: I’m not greedy I’m just broke
M: See mammon gets it
M: Levi if you pay me I will draw Henry for you
M: Oh my god I’m henry 
M: Diavolo please let me adopt the giant snake in your labyrinth
M: Solomon I’m going to carefully watch you while you cook so that I can understand on what level can you fuck up food so bad
M: If I ate that apple I’m going to kill my clone because there can only be one
M: I really think that I’m more demon than you guys are 
M: Mass murder isn’t wrong if it’s in the name of God says the bible-stop it Luke I’m making a joke
M: Simeon tell me on what level of friendship do I get to call Lucifer Lucy
M: Satan there is literally no way for me to give you a new nickname
M: the angrier you get the more like Lucifer you sound so-HEY DON”T FLIP THE TABLE MY ONION RINGS
M: Belphie if you want humanity to die just make them all so lazy no one will ever get up 
M: I swear to God that I will not wake up the demon king-okay fine mentioning God’s name doesn’t actually make it more sincere fucking-
M: if any of you look at my reddit history its either I die or you die
M: Bleach is a very powerful weapon
M: Who the fuck designed your demon clothes
M: God is kinky confirmed
M: I want humans to know the existance of demons but I also don’t want Diavolo to be exposed to the horny ones-no I did not mean that literally
M: I know he’s supposed to be the Prince of Hell but I can’t stop visualizing him as a cuddly large demon teddy bear
M: I’m so mad that there aren’t that many stray cats in devildom What’s the fuck point
M: Barbatos if I give you a recipe will you finally answer that question about being a sadist or a masochist? No? goddamit
M: I was going to say goddamn you but clearly he already has
M: I’m going to contact a family therapist
M: Beel please carry me I want to feel tall for once
M: My neck hurts from looking at all of you
M: Belphie move over or I will crush you that’s my sleeping spot-yeah I know that’s Beel’s lap THAT’s THE WHOLE POINT
M: I am constantly in a state of surppressed rage so how do I feel satan?
M: I can’t take you seriously your name is Satan
M: heh-no I do not look like Barbatos shut the fuck up
M: I totally did not draw Lucifer in a comprimising position and sold it online 
M: Hi mammon it’s pretty high up huh?
M: Beel I won’t tell anyone if you share that pizza with me
M: it’s not bribery if its not money-that doesn’t work? fuck
M: My type is literally anyone who isn’t human so ya know sorry solomon
M: god made demons and decided that evil was an aesthetic
M: I know I sang and Satan will tear you limb from limb but I swear I just forgot about the lyrics and not that I actually think nah no I think you’ll actually do that I’m not apologizing for shit
M: I’m so nice, I’m a family therapist for free. You motherfuckers better fucking pay me
M: technically I can call the cops any time since you did kidnap me 
M: Oh my god the dads are coming * after seeing lucifer and diavolo walk up *
M: Diavolo don’t avoid the question who. is. the. top??? 
M: Levi I know you know what Archive of our Own is don’t lie to me
M: Every time I see Cerberus I have the urge to climb the highest thing in the vacinity
M: I love Hades but saying that here would just incriminate me and I don’t want to boost Lucifer’s ego
M: Lucifer as an angel I feel like he would be even more obnoxious what? nO put that ROPE DOWN NO KINKY TODAY-
M: * first time seeing asmo* are you gay or european? 
M: My life is constantly referencing memes
M: Solomon’s theme song is pokemon we’ve already decided on that
M: I don’t want you guys to sing because I will physically combust 
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bnha-mha-imagines · 4 years
Soulmate au: Denki’s tattoo is covered up by Jirou and you both don’t know your soulmates. Jirou tried dating him but he rejects and says that he likes you.( prob why she did that) He still refuses even after seeing the fake mark lmao!!!!! I’m hating on Jirou rn
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Denki Kaminari x Reader
AU’s: Soulmate tattoo au, college au
Words: 4074
Warnings: Manipulation, loss of friendship, angst on Jirou’s part, fluff on your part :) i didn’t know which character to follow and keep switching lolol
Summary: You and Jirou are best friends, but everything changes when Jirou realizes you and her crush, Kaminari, share soulmate tattoos. She tries her best to keep you apart… 
A/N: Literally I haven’t STOPPED thinking of this request since it came in however long ago. I sat down and wrote it and lowkey didn’t realize how long it got haha. Lol why all the hate on Jirou my dude? XD
You and Jirou have been best friends through thick and thin. From elementary school to U.A, you’ve been together to experience all of life’s biggest moments. You were there when Jirou nailed her first gig, you both took pictures together at all of your homecoming dances, and you’ve taken more road trips together than you’d care to count. 
It was no surprise to either of your families when you decided to dorm together at the same university. Some friends find that when they become roommates that their living habits are incompatible; not you and Jirou. With everything you’ve been through together, you regarded her more of a sister than a friend. 
Jirou trusted you with all of her insecurities, and you trusted her with all of your secret thoughts. You knew that soulmates existed, but never would you have thought you’d be lucky enough to organically find an additional best friend soulmate! You often joked with her about it: “What if we actually secretly have the same tattoo and we never knew?” You’d both laugh, knowing how ridiculous that would be.
Soulmate tattoos only develop after you’ve first interacted with your soulmate, and seeing as you and Jirou have known each other for most of your lives, you both knew that the joke held no weight. However, this did mean that the both of you had a very real chance of never meeting your soulmates or seeing your tattoos develop. It was a sad thought, but a reality that many people face. But you both were still young and in college, and you were hopeful that you had plenty of time.
Even if you did never find your one true soulmate, you knew you at least had a friend like Jirou who you could live your life with. There was no one else in the world you’d rather spend time with, and you knew if and when your actual soulmate came along that they’d have to learn to share.
Truthfully, you were more in love with the idea of soulmates than Jirou. Where you tended to hold what people would call ‘hopelessly romantic fantasies,’ Jirou considered herself a realist and didn’t mind the idea of finding love that wasn’t divinely ordained. It was a growing practice to date without tattoos, and over time the importance of them seemed to lose its touch. Still, you figured it wouldn’t hurt to give your prospective soulmate some time before you give up on it.
The universe, however, always was a lover of irony! Just your luck that Jirou was the one looking to date but you were always the one getting hit on. You knew it frustrated her, though she would never say. You knew, and while you did your best to hide it, you couldn’t help feeling excited each opportunity a tattoo might develop only to feel disappointed when it never showed. You were both luckless in love, but you were luckless together, and that made it a little better. 
That was, until Jirou met some guy majoring in computer science named Denki Kaminari. You’ll never forget her face when she got home that night; she was all grins, and you couldn’t help but tease her about it. You were excited for her, you truly were! She had sat across from you on your bed while she told you all about how they had sat next to each other in a math class. 
You watched her lips twitch up as she described how he cracked jokes at her throughout the class while she struggled to stifle laughs. Finally, she told you that they were going to hang out the following night, and you screamed while giggling as if you were little kids again.
You helped Jirou pick out the right outfit, sitting on your bed while she tried on clothes for you. You helped straighten her hair while she carefully drew on a thin line of eyeliner. And then, like a parent sending their daughter off, you waved her out the door in your sweatpants and slippers. 
Eventually, one hang out turned into many, and Jirou confessed to you that they had become rather good friends. You remember feeling a little disappointed. “Only friends?” you had asked her while she nodded her head. But, she assured you that she was happy about just being friends with Kaminari. And with a warm smile, you believed her.
After a month, stories of the mysterious Denki Kaminari were no longer satisfying. “Jirou!” you practically pounced on her when she came home from her music theory class. “Take me to lunch with you! I wanna meet your friend!”
Jirou looked at you, and though her eyebrows furrowed slightly, she could find no excuse not to agree. Playing with her earlobe, she nodded her head. “Uh, sure! I’m leaving now, though, I just came to drop off my bag. Are you sure you're ready?” 
Hopping away from her, you scrambled to throw on your shoes and fix your hair. “Yeah, yeah, I’m ready!” you reassured her, grabbing your keys and your phone. Looping your elbow around hers, you grinned. “I can’t wait to meet your friend! You talk about him so much.”
Jirou nodded, walking with you across campus to the cafeteria she agreed to meet him at. As you walked, you asked her how her class was; you let her speak even though you had no idea what sort of musical things she was talking about. 
Finally reaching the cafeteria, you followed Jirou in and scanned the tables, trying to pick out Kaminari based on the description Jirou had rehearsed to you all those times. “There,” you heard Jirou say before she stepped past you. You followed her quickly, peeking around her back to finally see with your own eyes who this famous friend was.
Your eyes caught his hair first; it was a golden yellow, a bright color that fit the wide grin on his face. Reaching the table, you couldn’t help but inhale sharply. The boy was devilishly handsome, and Jirou’s words had not done him enough justice. 
“Hey Jirou!” Kaminari drew out his greeting, standing up to give her a sideways hug. You couldn’t help but chuckle as she got embarrassed and shoved him off her. You could tell that in the time they’ve known each other that they’ve gotten close. “Who’s this?” Kaminari was the one to bring you up, and you gasped.
“Oh! Right, sorry,” you apologized, smiling. “I’m (Y/n), Jirou’s friend. Sorry for intruding on your lunch, I hope you don’t mind!” You stuck your hand out to shake his, and when your skin touched you swear the hairs on the back of your neck stood up. 
He held your hand a little longer before letting it go, his smile meeting his eyes. “Not at all!” he said warmly. “Especially not someone as cute as you! Jirou, you should bring your friends along more often!” You laughed, a little bashful, before taking your seat. Jirou only rolled her eyes, choosing to sit across from you next to Kaminari.
“So you can hit on all of them? Yeah, gross, stay away,” Jirou spoke, causing both you and Kaminari to laugh.
“Ouch, didn’t know you were so protective of them,” Kaminari feigned hurt. “I’m not that bad, am I?” His eyes were teasing.
Jirou tched, smirking slightly. “Oh, you’re the worst.” 
Before you could feel too awkward and left out, Kaminari turned back to you. “So (Y/n)! What’s your major?” You told him, and continued the conversation with a few questions of your own. You both got to know each other rather well, and after only a few minutes of talking you realized why Jirou liked hanging around with him so much. 
You were talking so much that your throat was beginning to get dry. You didn’t notice how much time had gone by, talking with Kaminari was just so easy. Suddenly Jirou cut into the conversation. You had almost forgotten she was there. “(Y/n), don’t you have class starting soon?”
You blinked, and a quick glance at your phone had you scrambling to collect your things. “Crap, thanks Jirou!” you said, grabbing your bag from the floor. “Kaminari, it was lovely to meet you! We should all hang out again soon.” 
Kaminari smiled, a look of amusement on his face as you quickly grabbed your keys and phone from the table. “Denki works fine. And totally! Before you go, take my number.” You exchanged contact information, too busy rushing to notice the look Jirou had on her face. Waving goodbye to both of them, you hurried to class. 
Nothing could have prepared you for what happened the next day.
“JIROU!!!!” you screamed from the bathroom. Jirou practically fell out of her bed, reaching the bathroom just as you opened the door. Steam from your shower leaked out from the bathroom into your bedroom. You held a white towel around your body, your hair still coated in shampoo. 
“What, what happened?!” Jirou asked, worried. You had a strange expression on your face, wide eyes and a slight flush to your cheeks. With a trembling hand, you lifted your arm to reveal a small design on your wrist. Jirou’s heart seemed to jolt violently as her eyes traced the tiny outline of a lightning bolt on your skin. “I-Is that…?” she couldn’t seem to finish the question.
“Yes!” you screamed again, laughing. Despite the wet towel covering your body, you gave Jirou a tight hug which she returned. Excitedly jumping together, you gushed for a few moments over the tattoo before Jirou forced you to finish your shower. 
Once she heard the water go back on, Jirou let her face fall. It couldn’t be because you met Denki yesterday, was it? The universe would have to be cruel to pair you with the one person she’d managed to fall in love with. “No,” she reassured herself with a hushed voice. “(Y/n) had a class yesterday where they met tons of new people. With 50 people in there, it’s much more likely that they met their soulmate there.” 
Jirou sat back down on her bed, reasoning with herself as she waited for you to finish showering. She rehearsed that same line over and over in her head so that she could tell you it when you got out again. You met them in your class. You met them in your class.  
That night, Jirou was getting ready to leave. You watched as she threw on a hoodie and slid on the converse she had converted into slip ons. “Where are you off to?” you asked curiously. “Going to see Denki?” Jirou didn’t miss the way your voice raised with interest at his name.
With her back to you, you didn’t see the way she rolled her eyes. “No,” she said casually. “Just going to the music practice room again.” She peeked back to see you nod your head and reimmerse yourself into the Netflix show playing on your laptop. Releasing a small, relieved sigh, Jirou left before you could ask any more questions. It wasn’t that she liked lying to you, but she couldn’t help but feel irritated about how chummy you and Denki have gotten recently. The fact that you developed a soulmate tattoo didn’t help either. Besides, he had texted her specifically to come over, not you. She was excited for some alone time with him.
Walking down the familiar path to his dorm building, Jirou let the cool air calm her worries. Trying to reassure herself, she made her way up to Denki’s room and knocked on the door. She barely finished before the door swung open and he pulled her in. “Denki, what?!” Jirou cried, startled.
“Thank goodness you’re finally here, Jirou! You walk like a grandma!” Kaminari said jokingly as he closed the door.
Jirou snorted, her heart warming. Right now, it felt like it did before she introduced you to Denki. Just the two of them in his room, joking around. “I’m gonna pretend I didn’t hear that,” she said, taking a seat on the beanbag that she’s come to love. “So what’s with the urgent texting?” she prodded, a teasing smile forming on her face. “Forgot the notes in class again?”
Kaminari scoffed, crossing his arms with a smile. “No,” he said. “That was one time… okay maybe two. But, no, I texted you because of this!” Jirou felt her heart shatter before Denki even rolled up his sleeve all the way. No way. There was no way. But, the ink didn’t lie. There, on his wrist, was the same small lightning bolt that Jirou had seen that afternoon on your skin. 
Jirou swallowed the heartbreak in her throat, keeping a calm face. “You got a soulmate tattoo?” she asked softly. Denki nodded his head enthusiastically.
“Can you believe it!? These are like… super rare now! I swear, I thought I was gonna go my whole life without ever meeting my soulmate. But look!” Jirou didn’t want to look. “That means they’re here on campus somewhere. I interacted with them! Can you believe it?” 
Jirou could only manage to nod her head, but it seemed enough for Denki who was dominating the conversation.
“Jirou,” Denki said, his smile audible in his voice. “What do I do? I have no idea what to do!” Jirou’s heartbeat was pounding in her ears. She took a few seconds before she started to answer, willing the tears in her eyes to stay put. 
“Well, Denki…” she started, and at the serious tone in her voice he quieted. “It’s not really popular anymore to have a soulmate.” The venom in her words was hidden perfectly, and he didn’t seem to pick up on it as he slowly spoke.
“What are you saying?” he asked, the excitement gradually dying in his voice. 
Jirou couldn’t help the words coming from her mouth. “It’s out of fashion, Denki. People are going to think you’re shallow if you wave that around.” Seeing the pain spark in his eyes, Jirou swallowed. “Most people just ignore it and date whoever, you know?” 
Denki was silent, tracing one finger over the mark on his wrist gently. “I mean,” Jirou continued, “you could keep it but… I really wouldn’t. Here, let me help you hide it.” Denki still didn’t say anything as Jirou began to dig the foundation out from her bag. 
Bringing the chair closer to Denki’s, Jirou gingerly grabbed his hand and began to blot away the small tattoo. The concealer was slightly off color, but it was enough to do the trick. Satisfied with her work, she tried to calm the pounding of her heart. “S-See?” she spoke, breaking the silence. “Just like normal.”
“Yeah,” Denki mumbled finally. Jirou didn’t like seeing him this dejected, but she knew that it had to be done. She knew she could make him happy if he just… noticed her. 
“I know what’ll cheer you up,” Jirou offered. Denki lifted his head slightly, eyes dull. “I’ll play a movie. You know… like old times!” Getting no yes or no from Denki, Jirou put a movie on while he sat on his couch. Turning off the lights, Jirou grabbed a blanket and plopped down next to him. As the movie played, she noticed how he kept glancing down at the covered tattoo on his wrist. With a dash of annoyance, Jirou curled up closer to him. He’ll forget about it, she knew. He’ll have her, and he’ll forget all about you before he ever got the chance to know you.
After that day, Jirou tried to keep you from Denki as best as she could. She was the only one who knew about both of your tattoos, so as long as neither of you found out, she should be able to get away with it. She’d ask you about different classmates to throw you off. “Did he have the mark?” “No…” “Maybe it was that other classmate then!” And for a while, this seemed to work… on the surface. 
No doubt you were becoming exasperated about finding your soulmate. You retraced your steps many times, but still, you couldn’t find them! As for Denki, Jirou could tell that he was still thinking about his mark. He tried to be present whenever they hung out, but his mind always seemed to drift. The worst part was when you asked about one other. “When will I see Denki again?” “Is (Y/n) gonna be there?” Gosh, it was insufferable! You only met one time and it’s like you’re already in love! 
Having enough of it, Jirou devised a plan. While you were out at class, she walked to your desk and borrowed one of your black sharpies. Carefully with the thin tip, Jirou traced out the delicate shape of a lightning bolt on her wrist. You flaunted it around enough where she had a pretty good mental image of it. 
Satisfied with her work, Jirou capped the pen and rubbed at it to make sure it was set in place. Reaching for her phone, Jirou texted Denki. We need to talk. I’ll be over in 5 minutes. She was already halfway to his place when he finally replied with a simple ‘okay.’ Knocking on his door, Jirou invited herself in the instant it opened. 
“Are you okay?” Denki asked, concerned. Jirou said nothing, only walking to the center of the room before turning to face him.
“Denki,” she said, taking a deep breath. “I’m sorry I didn’t reveal it sooner but… I was worried about ruining our friendship.” Silently, she raised her wrist to reveal the forged tattoo. Denki watched, eyes widening as they landed on the small lightning bolt. 
He went to speak but Jirou quickly cut him off. “I know I told you to cover yours up but honestly… I was dumb. I was scared. But I’m not scared anymore and I’m ready to be with you. We’re soulmates, Denki…” Jirou smiled nervously. “We’re meant to be together!”
Denki was speechless, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. “Ahh, wow, Jirou,” he said finally, an awkward chuckle falling from his lips. “I-I… I don’t know what to say.” Jirou felt her nerves wrack through her.
“You don’t have to say anything. We can just… continue like we were! We were practically dating anyways…” At this, Denki seemed to jump, startled. Jirou’s mouth went dry.
“W-Woah woah woah,” Denki defended himself quickly, waving his hands in front of him. “We weren’t dating before… b-besides, Jirou. I’m flattered, really but… I… I already have a date with (Y/n) in a bit.” 
Jirou stopped breathing for a moment. “W-What?” Jirou had forgotten that you both exchanged numbers… did that mean you both had started to hang out without her? Wait… no. He didn’t know about your tattoo, there was no way. “Can’t you cancel? Denki, look at my wrist!” 
Denki sighed, the nervous smile falling from his face. “Jirou, look. Weren’t you the one who said that soulmates didn’t mean anything anymore? Well… maybe you’re right. The truth is, you’re a good friend! But, soulmate or not, we just don’t… have chemistry like that. I’m sorry. Please don’t make this worse than it has to be.” 
Jirou couldn’t move. Her brain seemed to stop firing completely at his words. After a moment of waiting for a response, Denki sighed. “I’m sorry. But, uh… I actually have to go meet (Y/n) so…” he checked his watch. “I don’t wanna rush you, so just lock the door before you leave? ...text me later. We can talk more later if you need.” 
And then, just like that, he was gone through the door. Jirou’s hands fell limp at her sides, staring where Denki once stood. She felt her knees buckle before she hit the ground, a silent sob rippling through her. Angrily, she scrubbed raw at her wrist, only barely smudging the ink. Her phone buzzed tauntingly, your name lighting up her screen like salt to the wound. Vision blurred with tears, she blocked your call.
“Aww man, Jirou!” you hissed under your breath at the sound of her voicemail, pulling the phone from your ear. With a sigh, you set the phone on your lap, your legs swinging gently off the bench. Right now, you could have used a word or two or encouragement from your friend.
Sure, you knew you hadn’t told her about the date yet, but were you really at fault? Jirou had grown oddly distant recently, and you barely had a chance to speak to her these days. She was always running off to the practice room, though you had a feeling she may have been lying a few times about it.
At first she’d been happy to help you find your soulmate, helping you pick out which guy to investigate. But once you ran out of classmates, she seemed to abandon the search all together! You could only think of one other person… the boy who you were currently waiting to meet on the campus bench. 
You and Denki had been texting ever since you exchanged numbers, though this was going to be the first time you saw each other since your first meeting. It seemed rude to hang out together without Jirou, but by now your curiosity had overcome your sensitivity. All you had to do was look at his wrist. You just had to know… 
“(Y/n)?” you heard a voice call your name, and you looked up to see none other than Denki Kaminari walking towards you. He seemed a little on edge, but one flash of your smile and he seemed to relax completely. 
“Denki! Hey! Good to see you again,” you chirped, standing up to give him a hug. Though this was technically only your second meeting, you felt as though you practically knew him already from all of your late night conversations. 
His arms hung around you for a little longer than an ordinary hug would have lasted, but you liked the way it felt nonetheless. Pulling away, your smile softens a bit. “So…” you start slowly, your voice adopting a tone of apology. “This may seem a little strange or old-fashioned…but I think it’s worth a shot.” 
You watched Denki’s expression carefully, his eyes willing you to continue. You bashfully played with your thumbs. “Do you… do you think I could see your wrist?” You watched his eyes widen, and immediately fear you overstepped a boundary. 
“A-Ah,” you stutter, quickly back-tracking. “I swear I’m not a weirdo, it’s just--!! Here, look.” Without a question, you push up your sleeve and offer your wrist to him, revealing the small thunderbolt tattoo. 
Denki’s breath hitches, and you observe his reaction carefully. “No way,” he mutters breathily. “Thats--” 
“A soulmate tattoo, I know,” you laughed softly, already beginning to drop your wrist. “They’re rare, but I got lucky! Well, not too lucky. I can’t find them anywhere! That’s why I, you know...” Denki didn’t move, and you were beginning to suspect he didn’t have what you were looking for. 
“Sorry for making it weird. I didn’t mean to lead you on, it’s just that… I need to find them. I’m sorry, maybe I should--” 
“No, wait!” Denki cut you off, catching your wrist as you turned to leave. You feel a blush rise to your cheeks as he turns your wrist over to stare at your mark again. After a moment, he wordlessly turns over his own wrist, and with a few hard scrubs… reveals his own hidden tattoo.
You feel a mix of emotion at the sight, gently taking his wrist in both of your trembling hands. “I-It is you…” you gasp. “But you covered it up.” Hearing your voice droop slightly, Denki takes your hands in his own.
“I didn’t want to,” Denki explained quickly. “I think we’ve both been misled.” 
You paused a moment before realization dawned on you. “D-Do you mean that… that Jirou?” Denki nodded, taking you into another tight hug.
Face pressed into his chest, you allow yourself to be washed over by his warmth. He smelled like lemongrass and lavender, and the feeling of his lips pressing against your hair filled you with an indescribable tenderness.
“That doesn’t matter right now,” he said, a choked laugh sounding from his chest. “I found you, (Y/n). I found you.”
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twstedtales · 3 years
༺ 𝐦𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐫 !
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credits to @/ruggiegucci on twt for the template! <3
this section is not a must-read and may indeed bore some of you that didn't care for such unnecessary things but go ahead and read if you're curious hehe.
i decided to revamp my introduction and be a little more specific. If you wanted to get to know me a little betterーor find something we have in common and perhaps wanted to hit me up in dms or asks?ーhere are some of the information I would love to share!^^
languages :: japanese and korean (fluent), english and german (so-so), latin (studying rn)
pronouns :: i don't particularly mind anything you call me. Whichever you feel comfortable goes!
i'm very vocal with my hatred and scepticism in our governmentーactually, politics in general 😂 however, i will make sure that my writing blog is safe for things like that.
i will usually reblog posts about what I think is very important and those who were about raising awareness on my sideblog @frustratedgirlathy (and that was a dump of reblogs about many fandoms i'm interested in to not clutter my writing blog) so my political bitterness will usually goes there 😂👏
gender :: heteroromantic asexual
mbti :: isfp-t
nationality :: german by birth!
university slave student
i'm currently attending my second year in college, so if i fail to post a writing request or whatever shitposts, that's because uni is slaving me away. i used to be a fine arts majoring in fashion design back in my first year but i decided to shift to political science (on my way to become a lawyer!) where i'm more comfortable now 😌
animal rescuer (?)
i love, love, love taking care of animals so much. i have nine cats in total (all of them are rescued from accidents or i picked them up in the streets), two dogs, five birds and a family of ducks. 
martial artist
back when i was a child, i used to practice different kinds of martial arts because my family specialised in them. I learned how to play kyūdo (japanese archery), and kendo (japanese swordsmanship) from my father. its been years since i practiced kung fu and muay thai so i don't know if i still can do them well 😂🔫
i'm a school journalist!
i've said above that i'm very vocal about my political stance, but my favourite part is writing them as the school newspaper articles 😂💦 i've never had any experience in creative writing before (this writing blog is my first ever 🤔) so forgive me if my writing feels so stiff and empty sometimes! Old habits die hard, as they say.
i'm not a very religious person (but i'm a buddhist btw!) but i don't mind hearing about other religions, too. just make sure you aren't forcing your values to others, were good!
i love playing a lot of otome games, either in my nintendo switch or mobile or online, my favourite set involves: the ikemen series (ikesen, ikevam, ikerev, ikegen, ikelive and ikepri), piofiore no banshou, collar x malice, tears of themis, obey me!, mlqc, msyme and more!
i also love rhythmic and adventure games like twisted wonderland, mahoutsukai no yakusoku, genshin impact, touken ranbu, kingdom hearts, onmyoji and final fantasy.
unlike most japanese, i'm not very fond of watching anime now sjshs though I used to really like detective conan and other fantasy anime back in middle school.
my oshis have one similar characteristic: the ones with shady and questionable personalities. and wearing glasses, and perhaps with white hair. (eg. jade leech, floyd leech, azul ashengrotto, trey clover, xiao, tartaglia, zhongli, vyn richter, akechi mitsuhide, nokto klein, yang, lucien, barbatos, etc.) the only excemptions for this are zhongli, xiao, venti and xingqiu lol
my hogwarts house is currently ravenclaw and i get sorted in either diasomnia or ignihyde a lot.
my childhood dream is to become an accountant but now, i wanted to be a successful lawyer :D
with all of this, i hope we become friends! ^^ feel free to dm me if you want to talk to me about something! i swear i don't bite...hehehe.
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sonnetthebard · 3 years
can you do a oneshot with peip spy paul and secret ccrp boss melissa? (yeah this is cause of the stuff sent to hatchetfieldtheories so what lmfao)
Um hell yeah I will! I have read the original theory, but you're also going to get my take on it because I got ideas just by reading the prompt lol. Apparently @hatchetfieldtheories and I are now getting lumped together and I am perfectly okay with that.
Genre: Action/ Thriller kinda?
Words: 2727 (once again... perfect)
TL;DR: Paul's cover as a PEIP agent is blown, and he finally gets to meet exactly who he's fighting against.
TW: Swearing, Guns, Violence, Murder, Blood.
Paul sighed, reading over his report before he sent it in. Was the report work related? No. Well... yes and no. Not for his job at CCRP technical. But as an agent of PEIP? It held information that could be absolutely crucial to the work they were doing. So it kind of had to be perfect. One mistype, a spelling mistake, could change the entire context of how it was read and how his superiors reacted. Perfection was key. Especially with what he had found. God, had he found out a lot.
Paul hadn't originally worked for PEIP. No. No, it was a bit of a long story. But... to sum it up, Paul had been caught dead in the centre of a world-ending event. An attack from what had looked like aliens at first but was actually an entity named Pokotho- or Pokey. Paul had very nearly died. He'd almost caused the end of the world. He had almost thrown a grenade dead into the centre of the meteor that was playing host to Pokey and his hivemind formula- which would have simply spread the spores. Luckily, one PEIP field agent- a Xander Lee- had managed to keep himself safe while his unit was infected, and he was able to stop Paul before he made a world-ending mistake.
Xander, through a lot of science Paul did *not* understand, was able to send Pokey back into his own dimension. The world was saved. It still kind of felt like a sci-fi fever dream. Most days, it still didn't feel real. The Hive had healed those it had destroyed, so... most people came back. Not Charlotte or Sam, because they weren't technically killed by the Hive. But Ted, Bill, Alice, Deb, Emma, and even Hidgens were back completely unscathed. Paul and Emma had actually gotten a chance to go to that movie. They were dating now. For three months, to the day. Paul had a bouquet of roses ready to surprise her with after work. He knew she wasn't usually big on the sappy romance stuff, but... he kinda was.
It was about a week after what was now widely known as the 'apotheosis' had passed when Paul got an email from Xander asking a favour. A very classified favour. Since Paul knew about PEIP and what it stood for. Apparently, they'd been picking up suspicious activity from CCRP for months, and they'd been trying to figure out which of their agents to send undercover. But every alias they'd made up had been rejected for an interview. So Xander got the idea that since Paul worked there, maybe he could keep an eye out for them. And as dangerous as it seemed... Paul said yes. The work PEIP did was too important to risk delaying. He was briefed through text, and he learned his job online in a matter of days. Ever since, he had been PEIP's agent in CCRP. And PEIP was more than right to be concerned.
Paul hummed, satisfied with his report. It was concise, precise, and detailed everything he'd seen. Which was a lot. This week... this week, he'd finally made his breakthrough. He was able to sneak to a higher level. Sylvia's level. She was talking on the phone about temporal breaches, trans-dimensional fluctuations, and lots of other jargon he didn't even come close to understanding. He'd bugged her office with a microphone PEIP had sent him so that they would understand more clearly. And when he'd snuck to the lower level, he was finally able to get past that second level of security. And what he'd found there was... eerie. He hadn't gone in. He just looked through the window. But it appeared there were hundreds, if not thousands, of... himself. Just standing there. He'd left a camera. Needless to say the report was more than full of information.
Paul heard the click of heels behind him and he quickly pressed send, closing the tab. He faked looking through his analytics before the clicking stopped. Paul could practically feel the presence looming behind him. At first, he just kept working as if he didn't notice. But... then it started to bug him. Because whoever the heeled coworker was who had stopped behind him was, they hadn't moved yet. He slowly turned, trying not to show any nerves. But he was a terrible liar, so he had a feeling that wasn't working. In front of him stood... oh good, Melissa. He sighed in relief.
"Hey Melissa. How's it going?" Paul asked.
"I need to see you for a moment... in Mr. Davidson's office." Melissa told him shyly.
"You need to see me?" Paul asked, still getting up nonetheless. This was Melissa. She was a sweetheart. She probably had a computer problem.
"Yeah... don't worry, it won't take of your much time." Melissa bit her lip, walking away. Paul followed.
"Did Davidson's computer crash because of that solitaire again?" Paul guessed.
"Um... no. No, this isn't about Mr. Davidson's computer." Melissa chuckled nervously.
"Uh oh... Paul's getting called to the principal's office!" Ted taunted teasingly.
"Shut up, Ted!" Bill groaned. "I'm trying to finish my report! Can I not have peace for five minutes?"
"You can... if you move to another department." Ted smirked. Paul only knew he was smirking because Ted had popped his head over the cubicle to watch him go by.
"I'm not in any trouble." Paul rolled his eyes. "Go back to what you were doing."
"Alright, alright!" Ted snickered, raising his hands defensively and lowering back into the cubicle.
"Sorry about him." Paul sighed, seeing the way Melissa blushed. "I swear he's not as much of an asshole as he seems most of the time."
"Oh, it's fine." Melissa shrugged. She walked into Davidson's office. Suddenly, her demeanor completely switched. "Ken, I'm going to need this office for a minute."
"What?" Paul blinked, his heart immediately sinking to his stomach. There was a pit in his stomach, and it was growing by the minute.
"Sure thing, Mel." Mr. Davidson nodded, getting up and walking out of the office.
"What's going on?" Paul asked, though there was no one specifically he was speaking to. He was just very confused.
"Why don't we sit?" Melissa offered, confidence oozing off of her as she took Davidson's seat behind the desk.
"Um... okay." Paul nodded warily, taking a seat. "Melissa..."
"Let me do the talking for now, Paul." Melissa sighed, leaning forward on the desk.
"Alright." Paul blushed, already intimidated. Yeah, he was totally agent material.
"You probably think you've been pretty slick, don't you?" Melissa chuckled lowly, looking at the cowering bundle of nerves before her. "Slipping bugs all over the facilities, sending your little reports while you're supposed to be writing reports for us... quite the secret agent, aren't you?"
"I... don't know what you're talking about." Paul lied.
"Paul, you're not that bright." Melissa scoffed. "In all your stealth and espionage, you seem to have forgotten that we have security cameras."
"On those floors?" Paul blinked. "I... didn't see any feed from them when I checked."
"Well we're not going to stream it to where anyone can see it!" Melissa rolled her eyes. "And you know exactly why."
"Yeah... yeah, I probably shouldn't have just assumed..." Paul sighed.
"So you admit it then? You're a spy?" Melissa checked.
"Well... yeah. Yeah I am." Paul sighed.
"For PEIP?" Melissa clarified.
"Who?" Paul tried to lie again.
"Paul, you used our network to send your files." Melissa rolled her eyes.
"Yeah, but I followed their..." Paul muttered.
"Which we're well aware of here, and well aware of how to overrule." Melissa sighed. "Really, Paul... you're sloppy."
"I'm not trained." Paul blushed.
"I figured as much." Melissa scoffed. "So they pulled you over to the dark side?"
"They saved my life during the apotheosis..." Paul shrugged. "When they told me something might be up here, I knew I had to help. And they were right, Melissa. Stuff is going on here."
"I know." Melissa smirked. "I oversee it all."
"You?" Paul raised his brows, a bit taken aback.
"Me." Melissa smirked. "You're probably thinking it's a bit weird... me, being in charge, choosing to take on the role of a secretary."
"I'm honestly just trying to wrap my head around you being in charge in general." Paul muttered.
"You want to know why?" Melissa asked. It was, of course, rhetorical. "It's actually pretty simple. The CCRP Technical department had some good cloning candidates. I wanted to be close to the action. Hand-pick who we used. And who would ever suspect anything of the shy, sweet secretary? You certainly didn't."
"So you hand-picked me?" Paul blinked in shock. He was doing a lot of that.
"You're a good size, amiable personality... smart enough, though evidently no genius." Melissa reasoned. "You, in mass, would make a great crew of workers for the Moon Project."
"Moon Project?" Paul asked.
"Oh, you've barely scratched the surface on what we're doing here, Paul." Melissa chuckled darkly. "But you won't be getting any further."
"What are you going to do to me?" Paul shrugged, a faux confidence in his tone. "There are people out there who know me. If I just go missing, they're going to get suspicious."
"Oh... Paul, you think I would tell you?" Melissa started to laugh. "You're so sweet! No. No, we won't be doing anything to you right now. But... let's just say PEIP won't be getting any reports from you in the near future."
"You brought me here just to tell me that?" Paul asked apprehensively. "To gloat?"
"Just to let you know that we knew, yes." Melissa sighed, she pulled out a cellphone, diverting most of her attention to it. "I like to deal with things myself. Handle things face-to-face."
"What are you doing?" Paul asked, a pit growing in his stomach as he watched the way she tapped at the screen.
"Wouldn't you like to know..." Melissa mumbled. "Go home, Paul. Take the rest of the night off. Go to your girlfriend's coffee shop. Bring her the flowers. Happy three months, by the way."
"I want to know what you're doing." Paul stated firmly. Melissa looked up at him before starting to laugh.
"Well isn't that just too fucking bad!" Melissa snickered. "Go. Before I call Ken back in and make you go."
"Okay..." Paul relented, getting up. He looked her dead in the eyes. "If PEIP is concerned about the work here, so am I. This isn't over."
"Yes it is, Paul." Melissa sighed. "Have a nice life."
"Life?" Paul blinked, freezing in the doorway.
"Sorry, did I say life?" Melissa chuckled. "I meant night."
"Right..." Paul bit his lip, admittedly uneasy. He tried to walk silently back to his cubicle... but with Ted Spankoffski around, there was no way he was getting out of this unscathed.
"So, did you get fired?" Ted popped up.
"Nope. Everything is fine. Davidson just needed a bit of help with his computer." Paul lied.
"Shit, he told me I'd be able to fix it next time!" Ted grumbled. "Is he giving you a bonus for it?"
"Nope. It was just a favour." Paul sighed.
"Damn... you fucking pushover." Ted snickered.
"Yeah, I get it, I let people walk all over me." Paul rolled his eyes. He picked up the bouquet of flowers from his cubicle, continuing to walk for the door.
"Hey, where are you going?" Ted furrowed his brows.
"As a thank you, he's letting me off early. So I can surprise Emma." Paul smirked. "We've been dating for three months to the day."
"Yeah you have... give her butt an extra squeeze for me, horndog." Ted teased. Paul blushed.
"Fuck you!" He called back, making his way out the door.
Paul felt something off the minute he stepped outside the CCRP building. Something deep in his bones. He physically shuddered under the weight of it, but... what could he do but keep walking. Yeah... yeah, it was probably just him feeling uneasy after the conversation he'd just had, right? Right... he was okay. Everything was okay. They were probably just gonna put a block on his communications with PEIP. No biggie. He'd survive it. He'd figure out another way to spy, and to get his findings to Xander. Everything was going to be just fine. He was going to be just fine.
He rounded a corner, walking across the street to Beanies. Just as he was about to reach for the door handle he felt a hand cover his mouth and another wrap around his waist, pulling him back. He tried shouting and screaming, but it was muffled. He resisted as much as he possibly could, but this person was stronger than him. Finally, they stopped in an alley, and the hand was removed from his mouth. Paul took a few deep breaths, setting the flowers down and raising his hands in surrender. At about the same time, he felt cool metal pressed to his temple. What a time to be mugged.
"I don't have anything on me to give to you. I used all my cash at lunch. All that's in my wallet is my driver's license." Paul stated levelly. "Believe me. You've got the wrong guy."
"No, Paul... I haven't." An almost identical voice sighed behind him. Paul blinked in confusion. He made a very, very stupid move and turned in the man's arms while his grip was a bit looser. He found himself staring dead in the eyes at... himself. His eyes widened. "You have everything I've ever wanted."
"You..." Paul breathed, before becoming suddenly very aware of the metal on his head. He took a sideways glance, seeing that it was a gun. He had thought it was, just... best to be sure. "Please. Please, you don't have to do this."
"Yes I do. It's either this or the moon, and... I don't want to go to the moon." The other Paul told him, voice shaky. He moved his finger to the trigger, hesitating. "Thank you. For the memories. For giving me the life I'm about to live."
Bang! There was smoke, and then a thud. Paul- the original one- fell to the ground, limp and lifeless. The death was almost instant, just as Paul 23 had predicted that it would be. He'd let go at the right time... and he hadn't gotten any blood on himself. It really had been his day! His cell malfunctioned and opened for him. Then he found the gun just... hanging there on the rack. He was free and armed, and ready to carry out everything he had fantasized about since he was made! It was like the stars had aligned for him! And as a cherry on top... Paul had even brought flowers. If the memories planted in his head were any indication, it was his and Emma's three-month-iversary. These would be absolutely perfect!
He stepped over his lifeless counterpart, rushing to get to the flowers before the puddle of blood forming by Paul's head got to them. he picked up the flowers tenderly, grinning. He took a look one final time at the original Paul, the the flowers. He set the flowers down, picking up Paul and propping him on a dumpster. He pulled out a small chip, slipping it in the appropriate place under his tongue. The finishing touch to his plan. Now... they would think this Paul was him. That he'd managed to erase his tattoo. He tossed the Paul in a CCRP marked dumpster, sighing.
He picked the flowers back up, walking out of the alley. God, this was great! He was about to finally step into the life that was rightly his. His brothers, the other clones, would kill to be him. But of course he wasn't actually going to let them kill him. No, unlike the real Paul, he knew to always be on the lookout. He knew he would never be safe. But for now... was it ever going to be worth it. He walked up to the door at Beanies, walking in. He saw Emma at the counter, and... he couldn't hide his excitement. He beamed, grinning widely. Like a small child. He walked up to her, holding the flowers out for the love of his life.
"Hey, Emma... Happy Three Months!"
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url-is-url · 3 years
Can you please talk more about valerie red huntress symbiote au ? Just general thoughts on how it would work ? I know barely anything about Venom but imagine valerie would get the symbiote from Axion Labs.
First of all: I will be referring to the symbiote as Venom, a la movie canon, because I have a deep and passionate loathing for the past three years of Venom comic canon, do not get me started on this because I will not be able to stop.
Okay firstly: YES Venom totally comes from Axion Labs. I have not watched Danny Phantom since it was actually airing so I'm definitely checking the ole wiki as I write this but apparently Axion Labs was its own thing and then VladCo bought it? Idk how Venom got to Axion Labs, but it got there and the scientists were like "idk wtf to do with this" and just sorta. Put it in a drawer with a label that says "weird space goo" and forgot about it. (That is VERY MUCH a thing that happens in science labs you would not BELIEVE the shit you can run into if you start poking around old storage objects in labs.) And then VladCo buys Axion, and Intern Valerie is helping organize things and she finds the jar of lost space goo. Idk what happens after that; maybe she determines it's some flavor of alive and passes it to Vlad under the assumption that it's a Weird Space Ghost, maybe she drops it and Venom escapes and bonds with her. I don't know, the details of how they get together aren't important IMO, the important part is the interactions between symbiote and host.
Valerie is still in high school and this is very important to me. Depending on what you do and don't consider canon, Venom is between several thousand and six hundred million years old. Depending on what you do and don't consider canon, Venom has BEEN TO EARTH BEFORE! I am of the opinion that Venom is actually extremely knowledgeable about physics and chemistry and other like, not-Earth-specific things, because they're old as balls. So imagine you're in high school and you're in AP World learning about the Vikings, and you hear this bass-ass voice in your head go actually it wasn't like that at all and suddenly you're RELIVING some other creature's memories of fighting Vikings. Or you're in high school and you're in biology watching a video about octopus camouflage and this voice in your head goes we can do that too and your arm turns "invisible". Imagine you're on your period and you ran out of Advil and you think to yourself "I swear to god if this lunch line doesn't move faster I'm gonna eat the kid in front of me" and the voice in your head goes no, eat the one behind you, he looks juicier LIKE WHAT THE FUCK
Valerie and Venom get together way after Danny becomes Phantom. So Valerie has this huge crush on Danny, but then she also hates Phantom's guts. Venom has senses that humans don't so they can tell that Fenton is Phantom, and Venom regrets their life choices re:bonding with a human, because oh no, these bald apes are so fucking stupid. Every day Venom considers informing Valerie about the secret identity thing. Every day Venom remembers that Phantom's ghostly wail is extremely deadly to them specifically. Every day Venom does not tell Valerie about the secret identity thing.
Most of town is probably at least a little convinced that the huntress is some sort of weirdass ghost, because humans aren't that big. I headcanon Valerie as being short but muscular as hell, around 5'4". Venomized Valerie? Pushing 7' and built like Athena. People assuming she's a weirdass ghost pisses Valerie off SO MUCH, and it pisses Venom off too though for different reasons (I AM TAKING VERY GOOD CARE OF MY HOST SHE IS ONE HUNDRED PERCENT ALIVE I AM INSULTED BY YOUR INSINUATIONS THAT SHE IS IN ANY WAY DECEASED)
Oh hey wait, if Venom can tell the Dannys are the same person, Venom can also tell that the Vlads are the same person. Vlad has never demonstrated anything along the lines of a ghostly wail, so his secret identity is NOT safe and Venom tells Valerie what's what. Valerie is so disturbed, but then she decides to give Vlad the Homophobic Rich Grandpa treatment and pretends to go along with what he wants so she can get that sweet sweet tech, then she turns right around and does whatever she wants when he's not looking. Maybe Venom (as in the big lady) and Red Huntress are assumed to be two different people because Valerie works for Vlad as Red but then does her own stuff as Venom?
Carnage. Oh god, Carnage. So, the Carnage symbiote (often referred to as Red, I love a coinkydink) is Venom's offspring. In the comics, it is possible for a host to experience sympathetic morning sickness and shit in advance of the symbiote spawning. Please imagine you're in high school in a small town, and you are nauseous as fuck and having weird dreams and cannot eat enough chocolate (chocolate is a good source of phenylthylamine, which is a neurotransmitter that symbiotes need to eat) and one of your shitty high school friends goes "omg are you PREGNANT" and you know that whatever you say, everybody in the universe is gonna hear it. You've never had sex in your life but you still have a moment of panic like OH GOD AM I THE NEXT VIRGIN MARY SHIT and then your body roommate is like actually, this one's on me. DO YOU LOSE YOUR WHOLE GODDAMN MIND OR DO YOU LOSE YOUR WHOLE GODDAMN MIND. "wait Venom I thought you were a guy" "why would you think that i have a concept of gender" "...your voice is deep?" "humans are so fucking stupid"
The big weaknesses of symbiotes are fire and certain frequencies of sound. Venom is scared shitless of Ember McClain, send tweet.
There's a re-appearing ghost who hosted Venom when they were alive. This could be a canon character or an OC. Either way, the interactions maximally play up the "awkward ex" thing.
A better source of the phenylthylamine Venom needs to live is BRAINS. This is now a ghost hunger AU also and Valerie catches Phantom noshing on like, a ghost deer or something. Cue Venom SEE IF HE CAN DO IT WHY CAN'T WE
Hey Venom's an alien who is old as balls, it's called the INFINITE REALMS, there's probably LOTS of alien ghosts with opinions about symbiotes
One day Phantom gets hurt really badly and Valerie feels bad enough to go save his ass (if only because the only person that gets to kill Phantom is HER tyvm). Venom is very Exasperated Parent about all of these fool human children so they just. Pick him up by the scruff like a disgruntled kitten and drag him to safety.
Venom has a very, very low opinion of the Doctors Fenton. Venom knows one (1) thing about humans and that is Protecc The Children and these morons are continuously shooting at their own child. The only reason Venom has not eaten them is because a) Valerie insists that humans are off menu and b) Danny's ghostly wail is scary. Also the only competent ghost hunters in this town seem to be Sam, Tucker, Danny, Jazz, and Valerie. Valerie why are the only competent people in this town children. "i wish i FUCKIN KNEW"
I'm now headcanoning that Valerie has a Very Southern grandma or auntie just to have an excuse for Venom to learn Very Southern expressions. Please imagine doing something stupid and the alien that lives in your brain stem just goes "oh bless your heart". Please imagine that some asshole yoinked the whole town into the Ghost Zone again and the alien that lives in your brain stem is like "dear jesus give me patience" I just think that would be funny.
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kimthwariru · 3 years
Another Day
Jungkook x Reader 
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Taking this class was a big mistake. What even is a python and why do you have to use it for Data science? You remind yourself that you brought your favorite book with you, just in case. The great Gatsby. Re- reading this book is like entering a new world all over again. It's your comfort book at this point, and you treat it as such. It has sort of turned into a journal. You have highlighted things you liked about each page. You've written opinions on certain conversations, you've circled words you found important. This book had your identity in it. And you loved it for that, even though the exterior was obviously worn out by time, a few torned pieces of paper here and there. still, to you, it looked as good as new.
The bell finally rings and you're free from this nasty lesson. You get up in a hurry, leaving quickly to find May so you could go to the coffee shop right in-front of your Collage. You knew everyone hanged out there, and you told yourselves you would find some people to become friends with. Because if you continued only talking to each other, the only people you would end up knowing would be Jungkook and Hoseok.... And you for sure didn't want to be around that pretentious ass for the rest of your years there. Not that he seemed to want to be around you either.
At this point an hour had passed. You and May found a couple of kids from her class and made some small talk. They seemed chill.
"Tripleleggs classes are just too fun not to attend, am I right y/n?" Felix asked you out of the blue. He was a cute blonde boy with an attractive deep voice and an all around cool vibe.
"Totally agreed! You're taking his classes this semester? I don't think I've seen you around before" you ask
"No, I don't. Took them last year tho. Best year of my life" he chuckled.
"I'm hearing Jungkooks taking all of tripleleggs classes. I swear every girl is attending History of Science because of that asshole" Mina-A friend of Felixs- rolled her eyes.
"Oh come on Mins, you can't be mad at the man forever" Felix pushed her lightly as a friendly gesture.
"Oh sorry remind me next time to thank him for hooking up with me and my best friend at the same time" Mina barked.
You immediately lock eyes with May. You knew he was bad news, but still, getting this reassurance startled you.
"That's terrible Mina..." you say in a serious tone
"What's more terrible is that I let myself believe that he could change. But boys like him never do."
You were walking to your dorm when your body suddenly collided with someone else's. You loose your balance and fall down. You look up, and what you see makes you furious "If you have eyes, use them, or donate them to someone who needs them." you hissed at Jungkook, who was looking at you, his usual stupid smirk on his face.
"Oh y/n...Always with a nice word" he stretched his left toned arm, offering you help to lift you up from the ground while his right veiny hand was holding a blue -very familiar- looking book.
You quickly get up yourself, ignoring his help. "Hey, what's that?" You point to the book
"That, my dear  y/n, is called a book. You should try reading one sometime" he seemed so proud of himself for saying that.
"Very funny" you pause. Taking a good look at the book's cover. No... it can't be? The Great Gatsby? You squint your eyes. Is that a butterfly drawing at the bottom right? No... that can't be right. you quickly open your bag, trying to find your book. Jungkook was staring at you like you had gone mental.
"You ok...?" A weird look on his face
You searched and searched for the book inside your bag, but it was no where to be found. "Hey, where did you get that?" You chanted.
"None of YOUR business" he replied with his usual tone, that a lot of girls would find attractive.
Ugh. He is so fucking annoying. And for what? "Yeah, actually, I think it is." You stared at him in anger "That's MY book. I must have left it in the amphitheatre on the second floor."
Jungkook took a good look at you. Obviously realizing now that this was indeed your book, since he found it exactly there. His face quickly formed a side smile. "Ohhh you're such a hopeless romantic y/n. What a surprise"
You can feel your cheeks burning up  in embarrassment. This book was private and wasn't meant for anyone to look inside it. It was your personal thoughts. Your privacy felt violated. "Reading personal things is not cool. Give it back" you scold him. But he seemed unfazed.
He flipped through the book, and smiled "She laughed again, as she said something very witty, and held my hand for a moment." He mocked the way your voice sounded as you stood in place, frozen. "Looking up into my face, promising that there was no one in the world she so much wanted to see. That was a way she had..."
"You're a huge dick, you know that? Why even read this. You're obviously not the bookworm type."
Jungkook low key looked offended. But it was true, if you looked at the man, the last thing you’d see would be a book lover. He was more of the popular guy in one of those 2016 teen movies. "Hey I like me a good Fitzgerald from time to time!" He threw the book in your hands "Even though The Great Gatsby is shit”
"The Great Gatsby is the best American Novel in history. Asshole"
"Uhhh I don't think so. I mean, we get it. Money. Lots and lots of money. But for most of the novel it almost felt like I was being held captive at one of those boring frat parties. Forced to listen to the wanna be rich guy brag on and ooon about his questionable summer vacation. And all that to impress the girl? Please... Daisy wasn't even worth it."
You frowned like a little girl that was told she couldn't eat anymore ice cream. How can he get on your nerves so much? "Why do you feel the need to always be the controversial guy in the room? Do you win a prize or something?"
"Agreeing with the public is boring. Having opinions is fun." He simply said.
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itskateak · 4 years
Mint Ice Cream & Bubblegum Kisses - Chapter Three
(Bucky Barnes x Single Dad!Reader)
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Series Summary: Y/N L/N works as an intel specialist at the Avenger’s Compound. He scans chatter on the international - and intergalactic - level for any information that might be helpful to the Avengers and other agents. But he’s also a single father to a beautiful eight-year-old girl: Angelica L/N. It’s tough raising a little girl on his own and working a full-time job, but he’s managing. A promotion has him launched up in rank at the Compound, leading him to work directly with the Avengers team. The only problem is it’s a 24/7 job. Life around the compound gets a little strange when his daughter is added to the mix of enhanced humans and ex-assassins.
Chapter Summary: Angelica seems to be settling in nicely and Y/N is still getting used to having his kid around in his workplace. Especially when she's known to be a little mischievous.
Word Count: 2.6
Warnings: Fluff, pranks, like four swear words, discussion of PTSD but it's very brief. Like very brief.
A/N: this is in light of me recently being able to play Black Widow for work. as I said in the last chapter, things will be moving a lot quicker
Taglist is open! PM me, send an ask, or @ me on a chapter to let me know you’d like to be tagged! Strikethrough means I couldn’t tag you, but I will send you a message to let you know :)
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Angelica snuck down the hall toward the common room, trying to keep her steps light or as close to silent as she could get them. She resisted the urge to look up at the ceiling, knowing Peter was just above her. This was a new system they were trying out where Angelica went first as a decoy and Peter would follow for the proper scare.
They had a shared love of harmless pranks and therefore had started a small prank war on the other inhabitants of the compound. At first, it had only been against each other, but they figured out that they could do way more if they teamed up. 
Y/N had warned them not to do anything too bad, knowing how some of the people in the compound were affected by sudden surprises. He'd sat Angelica down and explained what Post Traumatic Stress Disorder was and how what she might perceive as a harmless trick might trigger something or cause a breakdown. 
She had understood and in her very solemn way promised to run her more "fear factor" ideas by him first just to be safe. When he did shut down her ideas, she never argued and dropped the plan. Confuse not abuse was their motto.
Y/N, meanwhile,  was working in his office, watching text scroll across his screen. There was a lot less than when he worked general intel, but that didn't mean he could focus any less. Any small detail could make or break whether the information was crucial or not. Everything that came across his screen was very important, but some things had to be taken note of.
He had mastered reading and writing at the same time, his shorthand notes making no sense to anyone but him. He'd learned that the week before when he passed the intel off to Tony and he just stared blankly at the paper. Now, he translated his notes so others could understand. Sometimes, he couldn't tell what he was meaning to say.
A transmission from The Benatar came through and he pulled his seat closer. It was just a simple message about their whereabouts and where they were headed. Gamora had signed it off, saying that it was nice to meet him and that whenever they stopped by next, they had to properly meet. He wrote down their message before typing a message in response.
Received. Glad to know you all are safe and having fun up there. Stop by anytime you want. My daughter would be overjoyed to meet all of you. 
 - Y/N 
Y/N leaned back in his chair, taking up a pen to make notes as information on underground movements possibly related to Hydra agents flooded in. More bases had been popping up recently, despite Steve's attempts to drag them all down in the past. Instead of being against the Winter Soldier, though, he was with them. Which gave them the upper hand since he knew their inner workings.
A knock on his office door made him glance up. Bruce stood in the doorframe, his knuckles still against the wood of the door. He gave a shy smile. "Am I interrupting?"
"Not at all. Come on in, Bruce." Y/N set his pen down and rolled his chair to the end of his desk. "What can I do you for?"
"I just came by to see how you were settling in. We haven't talked much since you were offered the promotion." Bruce sat tentatively on the couch, looking very unsure of himself. 
"Things have been going well. It's nice of you to stop by, though." Y/N swiveled back and forth casually. "I like having my own office."
"It's great, huh? I have a whole lab to myself most of the time. Tony invades my space once in a blue moon but he has his own lab somewhere else." Bruce relaxed a little, laughing gently. 
"Angelica breaks the peace at least twice a day, but she's my kid so it's not as annoying. Except when I really have to focus. Then I kick her out for a bit." He said with a lopsided grin.
"She wanders into my lab every so often to say hello or ask for help with her science homework. She's lovely." Bruce smiled. "Very bright."
"Yeah, she is...I can't keep up with her at this point. She's going to surpass my skills soon." He chuckled, shaking his head. "Good thing she's got you guys to check her science. I barely passed it in high school."
"Really? I wouldn't have expected that from you." Bruce said.
"I was okay up through my sophomore year but once I hit physics, I lost all understanding. Algebra was never my strong suit, either." Y/N rolled his eyes. Bruce was going to respond when shouting down the hall caught their attention. 
Peter sprinted by the office, yelling over his shoulder: "Every man for himself!"
Angelica was a few seconds behind him and she slid into her father's office. "Hide me! Quick!" She slipped around his desk and curled up underneath it.
"Kiddo, what are you doing?" Y/N asked, giving her an amused look.
"Shhhh!" She shushed him and pressed herself into the corner, covering her mouth to hide her giggles. 
"Peter Benjamin Parker! Angelica Ellaine L/N! Get your butts back here!" Natasha seemed to be the source of the yelling as she stormed down the hall. She paused at the door to the office, leaning casually in the doorframe. "Hey, boys. You seen a tall spider or a little monster recently?"
Angelica shook her head vigorously in her father's peripheral vision. He pretended not to see her, making sure not to look anywhere close to her location. "Snitches don't get cookies." She whispered as quietly as possible.
"What'd she do now?" Y/N asked. He had to uphold the Code. Snitches don't get cookies, and he'd never betray his daughter.
"She tried to jumpscare me and then Peter swung down from the ceiling and scared the hell out of me." Nat folded her arms over her chest. "So, I'm trying to grab both of them to dump them in the pool."
Y/N laughed and shook his head. "I haven't seen her, except for a few seconds ago. She ran by on Pete's heels."
"Bruce, have you seen them?" Nat turned her gaze to the scientist, who suddenly grew visibly nervous. 
"Uh," He glanced at Y/N. "They ran by just a minute ago."
"Uh-huh...Well, I guess I'll just keep looking." Nat pushed off the doorway and started to leave before poking her head back in. "You're still a terrible liar, Bruce." She winked and disappeared.
"Is it safe?" Angelica whispered.
"Yep. Come on out." Y/N rolled back a little bit to give her space to move out. "Good luck out there, kiddo. Watch your back."
"Thank you, Mr. Banner! You deserve a cookie." Angelica smiled at Bruce, the full personification of the smiley-face emoticon. She snuck to the doorway and glanced down the hall before turning the same way Peter had run.
"How long do you think it'll be?" Y/N asked, returning his chair to its proper place.
"Until what?" 
His question was answered by a scream from down the hall that devolved into squealing laughter. There was some indiscernible shouting from three different people.
"Until Nat caught her at the corner." Y/N watched as Nat went running by, laughing, with Angelica thrown over her shoulder.
"Peter! Help! She got me!" Angelica yelled through giggles, hand extended out behind Nat's back.
"Angelica! No!" Peter followed, reaching for her. "Nat, give her back!"
Y/N shook his head fondly as the chaos grew quieter the farther they got. "We're settling in well, as you can see. She's making friends and creating chaos. I'd be worried if she wasn't."
"Did she always play pranks on you?" Bruce asked, smiling uncontrollably.
"On more than one occasion, I found shaving cream in my shoes." Y/N wrinkled his nose up at the memories. He had hated that feeling of shaving cream squeezing between his toes in his socks.
"Gross. She and Peter were bound to get along well, then." Bruce glanced at the clock and got to his feet. "I should let you get back to work. If Angelica has a science or math question, you can totally send her to me."
"Thanks, Bruce. You're a genius." Y/N rolled back over to his work station, shaking his mouse to wake his computer up. 
"I wouldn't say that," Bruce said as he walked backward out of the room, pausing in the doorway.
"Don't sell yourself short, Bruce! You're totally a genius." Y/N pointed with his pen, smiling as he spoke.
Bruce ducked his head sheepishly and nodded before he left the office.
Y/N returned to his screen, pulling his notes back into reach, and scanned the text again. Another couple of hours before lunch.
✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ 
"Your kid." Tony suddenly popped in, holding his phone out to show Y/N what was on it. "Your kid keeps changing my phone background."
Y/N looked up and glanced at the screen before bursting into laughter. It was a photo of a sloth dressed as an astronaut. In the past year, she'd managed to change her father's phone background and laptop wallpaper to that stupid sloth photo without his knowledge at least sixteen times. 
"Why?" Tony asked, defeated. "Why is she doing this?"
"She read about someone online who did the same thing to their parents and she took inspiration. I'm happy to see she's moved on to other targets." Y/N shook his head in amusement. "Shouldn't your phone be super secure or something?"
"It is! I don't understand how she keeps doing it. I've changed my password eight times and even had Friday monitor any attempts to hack in." Tony sank down onto the couch, tossing his phone beside him. 
"Well, she definitely can't hack things. She's smart, but not that smart. Usually, a password change will keep her from trying again." Y/N swiveled to the side, head cocked.
"This is the second time today," Tony grumbled, brows furrowed. "I don't get it."
"Well, you're the genius here." Y/N snorted, glancing at his screen again. "If my kid's not the one hacking your phone, who is?"
"Oh, my god," Tony said, standing quickly. He rushed to leave but paused in the door. "You're the genius, Y/N."
Y/N arched a brow in mild intrigue. "Uh-huh. You're welcome?"
Tony flashed a smile before turning. "Peter Benjamin Parker, how many times have I told you not to hack into my stuff!" He shouted as he walked down the hall.
"Kid, you're sowing chaos." Y/N glanced at his daughter curled up under his desk. 
"Huh?" Angelica looked up from her book, confused. "What's going on?"
"Peter hacked Tony's phone and changed his phone background to that astronaut sloth." He responded, returning to his work.
"Oh, Pete didn't do that." She said, turning her page. "Mr. Banner did after seeing us do it. Somethin' about getting back at him for leaving crumbs all over his lab."
Distant yelling floated down the hall to the office. High-pitched 'Mr. Stark, it wasn't me!'s were the only things that could be properly made out. Angelica made eye-contact with her father.
"Should I?" She asked.
"Nah." Y/N said and they both started to snicker. "He's a big boy. He can take care of himself."
Angelica giggled and returned her attention to her book. 
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Y/N pulled himself out of the pool, shaking his head to fling water off his face. He hadn't gotten to use the facilities yet since they moved in. The pool was really nice - way better than any of the public pools he'd been to. He used to swim once a week but work got in the way. Now that it was Sunday, he could enjoy the free access for as long as he wanted.
He grabbed a towel, dried his hair and face, and walked to the locker room. His shirt was folded up on a bench with his shoes sitting beside it. He dried the rest of his body off and pulled his shirt on. He slipped his feet into his shoes and froze.
"Dammit, Angelica!" Y/N shouted as shaving cream seeped between his toes and spilled over the top of his feet. He grimaced and kicked his shoes off, quickly wiping the shaving cream off. He picked up his shoes and went storming off to find his daughter.
✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ 
"Hey, Y/N. Sorry to intrude after hours." Sam knocked on the doorframe to his bedroom. 
"Hey, Sam. No worries." Y/N looked up from his book and set it aside. "What's up?"
"Bucky and Steve are coming back really early tomorrow morning. Like, three in the morning early." He wrinkled his nose up. "They might have sensitive intel from their raid so Tony's asked you to be in office by the time they get back."
"I won't yell at you since you're just the messenger, but really?!" Y/N groaned, running a hand over his face. If he wasn't a morning person before, he surely wouldn't be a happy camper at such an early hour. "Guess my plans to stay up reading have been shot."
"Sorry, man. It's what the boss wants. But really, blame Barnes because he wanted to get back as soon as possible." Sam crossed his arms and shrugged. "Always his fault if somethin' goes wrong. Man brings bad luck wherever he goes."
"I think that's a little harsh and biased. I haven't even met the guy, yet." Y/N leaned over to set his book on the nightstand. He snagged his phone and started to set an alarm or two for the morning. 
"I'm sure you've heard all the rumors. Some of them are true - about him being grouchy and an anti-social person - but a good majority of the rumors is just scuttlebutt. Er, gossip. He's got a good heart, but man he can be annoying as hell," Sam smiled fondly, though he tried not to look it. 
"Sounds about right," Y/N chuckled, sliding his charging phone underneath his pillow. 
"He's really slow to trust and open up, so if he's a little closed off and rough around the edges, it's not you. It's all him, so don't worry." Sam explained. "Might want to ease him into meeting the little rascal, though. He's skittish on his bad days and after missions."
"I took the liberty of reading over all of the team's files so I get why. Thanks for letting me know. I should get some sleep so I'm not as grumpy in the morning when I greet them." Y/N yawned on accident, covering his mouth with his hand. 
"No problem. I'll let you get some rest." Sam reached forward and closed the door as he left.
Y/N turned out the light and sank down in bed, drawing the covers up. He had at least four extra blankets just for the weight. He liked having the excess weight since it made him feel secure and grounded. 
"Hey, Friday?"
"Yes, Mr. L/N?"
"If I don't wake up from my alarms, please wake me." 
"Of course." 
Y/N fell asleep shortly afterward, not fully aware of how tired he had been. Moving and getting used to the new environment had really taken it out of him and his body was begging to catch up. A shame he'd only get five hours before being dragged from bed. That was going to be one of the very few downsides of this new job.
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Taglist- @supernaturalwintersoldier​ @shadowolf993​ @myybebe
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gins-potter · 3 years
If it’s okay with you (and if you haven’t done it yet), I would love to hear your headcanons for Tecna and Timmy’s relationship 🥺
I’m always down to write more headcanons for any of the winx ships.  Actually I think I’ve got about three different sets of headcanon prompts that I’m slowly working to complete for each couple (and after that I’ll probably find more 😂)
who can outdrink the other?
I think Tecna can probably outdrink Timmy, who I see as a bit of a lightweight.  But neither of them are particularly big drinkers, maybe just one or two each, and only really in a social setting.
who says “I love you” more?
Timmy for sure.  It’s not that Tecna doesn’t love Timmy as much as he does her, but I think she’ll always have a bit of trouble expressing her emotions as clearly or openly as Timmy does.  Instead she tends to show her love or affection through non-verbal methods.
who has trouble sleeping alone?
hmmmm i don’t think either, but maybe Timmy a little.  I think Timmy would need to call or facetime Tecna and then he’s able to sleep better, and Tecna doesn’t really need that but she’s certainly not going to turn it down either.  If you asked her why she sleeps fine without Timmy, I think she would say something like “the quicker I sleep the quicker the next day comes, and the quicker we’ll be back together again” for her it would be that simple.
who swears more?
heh neither?  I feel like it’s illegal for Tecna and Timmy to swear (along with Flora).  Maybe the most they get to swearing is Tecna saying damn or something.
who does more of the housework?
they definitely split it evenly and probably do a lot of it together.  they’ll listen to music, or just talk as they go.
who forgets their anniversary?
Tecna would but she has a reminder set up in her phone for the next 100 years or so.  Timmy never forgets.
who steals the duvet in their sleep?
Tecna, she runs a little cooler than most and is a total blanket hog.
who keeps the other awake at night with their snoring?
Neither.  Lmao maybe Tecna but she’ll never admit it and Timmy would never betray that secret.
who finds stray animals and begs the other to let them keep them?
Timmyyyyyyyyyy.  He’s too nice for his own good and can’t handle seeing skinny or sick strays hanging around.  Tecna allows them to adopt a couple of cats but eventually has to put her foot down.  After that they take them to a nearby shelter that they regularly donate money to.
who usually makes dinner?
Timmy.  Tecna gives off the vibes that she would eat instant ramen every night but she’s actually quite nutritionally minded and has definitely gotten down to a science how much they should eat each day for maximum nutrients.  But that’s usually her focus and flavour tends to come in second.  Timmy on the other hand has an amazing cook for a mother and so is pretty decent in the kitchen, and can work out how to balance Tecna’s meal plans with actually flavourful food.
who plays their music out loud?
both.  they have a similar taste in music so neither minds listening to the other’s music.
who hogs the bathroom?
pft. neither.
who gives the most compliments?
Timmyyyyyy.  He’s always telling Tecna how pretty she looks, or how good she is at something, or how much he likes her new haircut, and he loves how it makes her blush.
who usually starts/causes arguments between them?
Hmmmm both?  But in different ways.  Tecna tends to be stubborn and a bit oblivious and sometimes hurts Timmy’s feelings without meaning to which inevitably causes an argument.  But sometimes Timmy pushes her too much and doesn’t pay attention to the signs that Tecna needs some alone time.
who isn’t afraid to embarrass the other in public?
neither is really like that tbh.  Tecna might joke around with Timmy a bit but she would never intentionally make him feel bad.
who gives the other cringeworthy pet names?
ooooof neither.  Timmy tries to call Tecna babe like once and it’s just no.  Very much not them.
who fusses over takes care of the other when they get sick?
Both!  Timmy makes a mean chicken soup, and Tecna will team up with Flora to try all sorts of herbal remedies to make Timmy feel better.
who finds it impossible to stay angry at the other for long?
both again, but especially Tecna.  She doesn’t see the point in holding a grudge, and it upsets her too much to let a fight go on for too long, so most of the time she’ll go looking for Timmy so they can sort their shit out.  She’s stubborn but like a temporary stubborn.  She’ll hold onto something until it makes things blow up between them and then she reconsiders how important it really is.
who clings to the other for comfort when they’re sad or scared?
Tecna!  It takes her a bit to admit that she actually is feeling sad or sacred but once Timmy gets it out of her and hugs her, you’d be hard pressed to separate them.
who is more ‘physically passionate’? (hugs, kisses, or maybe more…)
Timmy.  He’s more likely to take her hand, or touch her shoulder, but once he does Tecna is pretty quick to reciprocate.
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doyoufancyathought · 3 years
Through The Utility Closet Part 2: An Unexpected Visitor
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Y/N looked up from where she had landed on the floor. There was a table of open mouthed individuals, and one very confused presenter, looking down on her. Whoops, this is something she'd have to text her best friend about when she got home.
"I'm so sorry," Y/N stood up and dusted off her apron. "I had no idea there was a second door in the closet, and I couldn't find the light switch, and-"
And she was cut off. "Where did you come from?" The presenter asked.
Y/N motioned to the closet she had just spilled out of. "The storage room?"
"That's a coat closet. And we don't even keep coats in it. How long have you been hiding in there?"
"I'm so sorry," Y/N started to back up, not liking the route her evening had taken. "I swear I wasn't hiding, I was just in the room to put a box on the shelf, I was only in there for a minute, I swear."
He looked confused, as did the people seated around the table. "We've been here for 20 minutes, and there's no way you snuck past us carrying a box."
"Oh, there must be a different door that I came through, then. I'm so sorry, I'll be going now."
"Wait a minute," the man walked over and blocked her from getting back into the closet. "This is my coat closet, and I want to investigate where you came from. Rogers, come here please."
A hulking blonde man stood up from the opposite side of the table and started walking towards our heroine. He said a quiet "Hi, 'scuse me." and maneuvered past her and joined the other man in the room.
"Tony, there's no other door, just the one right here." The blond man said.
I suppose it's important to establish that it's not normal to have secondary doors to coat closets unless you live in a haunted Victorian home full of ghosts that have already plotted 63 different ways to kill you by Tuesday.
"I know, Steve!"
"Then where did she come from?"
"I don't know! She certainly didn't sneak in since we've been here!"
The two men in the closet bickered back and forth for a few minutes. Meanwhile, Y/N turned to the room full of strangers who were observing both her and the argument in the closet in equal amounts. She caught the eye of a massive brunet, and gave him the classic smile given to those you wish to scootch past in the grocery store. He looked away, and a man who I could have sworn had just had a red complexion rose from his chair to stand beside Y/N.
"I do apologize for our manners. My name is Vision, what's yours?"
"I'm Y/N."
"Lovely name. And where are you from, Y/N?"
This gave her pause. She assumed that she was from the same place as they were, the town they were all in at this very moment.
"I'm from here?"
"And where exactly do you think here is?"
"What, you think this door teleported me? I'm in (hometown) of course, same as you!" Y/N chuckled as she looked around the room. She caught the rest of the group exchanging looks, and sighed. "Right?"
Vision gently patted her shoulder. "I'm so sorry to be the one to tell you this, dear, but you're not in (hometown) anymore. You're in New York."
Y/N looked between Vision and the others. "What? That's crazy! I'm not - there's no way. You guys are crazy." Y/N looked over her shoulder to see the two men in the closet peering out at the rest of the room. "Did you find the other door? I really should get back to work, and I'm sure you all should get back to your meeting."
They shook their heads and moved out of the closet, although it was a battle between who entered the doorway first.
"I'll find it, and I'll be on my way." Y/N charged back into the closet, and crossed the foot and a half wide floor with one step. Surely she'd be better at finding a mysteriously elusive door than two men, right? She ran her fingers over the walls, looking for a hinge or a handle or even a bump to indicate an opening of any kind. She'd even pull an Alice in Wonderland and crawl on her hands and knees through a hole in the wall if she must.
Still, no luck. The wall was as smooth as a baby's bottom, which were usually quite smooth. So, Y/N returned to the boardroom with her arms crossed.
"Alright, this joke is very funny, but I'm really ready to go back to work now!"
"We're not pulling a prank here, I promise, we're just as surprised as you are."
"Seriously? Who paid you to do this? I don't know anyone who could pay you to pull this off. Who did it?"
"Seriously, lady, there's no joke here. We're not pranking you."
"Then," Y/N paused and licked her lips. "Hey, man, where did you say we are?"
Vision told her that she was in New York now. It was too much. Between the heat and the stress and the exhaustion, Y/N's brain couldn't take it any longer. Steve barely had time to leap back over the table and catch her in his arms before she crumbled to the floor.
When Y/N woke up, she was still in the boardroom, laid out on the floor, surrounded by good looking strangers. Weirdly, her life was looking better than it usually did.
"What happened?"
"You fainted, dear." A man with a goatee spoke up. "Don't worry, you weren't out for very long. I'm a doctor, by the way. Doctor Stephen Strange."
"That's, well," Y/N searched for a better word to describe her situation. "Strange." The man frowned down at her. "Not you, I'm sorry, just, I don't faint, I'm not really the damsel in distress type. Where am I?"
"This again?!?!" Y/N recognized the man from before, Tony. "You're in New York! Where did you come from?"
"I came from work, in (hometown). I don't just wear this apron around for fun, you know!" Y/N gestured to her apron, which conveniently had the company logo on it. She sat up and rubbed her eyes. "So, I'm in New York. And I came out of your coat closet. And before that, I was at my job in (hometown), just going about my day. How did I get here?"
"Well," the man called Vision came back into the room. "I'm not quite sure, but if I had to guess, which I don't do often, you've just come through an inter-dimensional portal."
"A what now?"
"An inter-dimensional portal. You've travelled through space, clearly, possibly time as well, and I would guess you've also travelled across different planes of reality since you seem to have no comprehension of who we are. Thus, you've crossed into a different dimension that the one you usually reside in."
"That totally makes sense."
"Oh, really?" The blond giant from earlier asked.
"No, absolutely not. That did not make sense at all, Vision. I thought portals only existed in sci-fi, like Star Trek or stuff like that!" Y/N was, indeed, very confused.
"I think the science might be a little beyond your understanding, dear." Vision said. "But it appears to me that your storage cupboard was a doorway to this universe, to this reality. Sometimes these things just pop up, you know."
Y/N looked at Vision. "No, I don't know that these things just pop up! Pretty sure I would have heard about it on the news." Everyone sat for a moment, pondering their next steps. "So does anyone have any ideas on how to get me back to my world?" Y/N looked around hopefully.
The group of people around her all looked at each other, and Tony, Vision, and Dr. Strange looked thoughtful.
"I think that between the three of us we can probably figure out how to get you home." Dr. Strange finally said.
"And how long will that take? Like a couple of hours maybe?" Y/N asked from the floor.
"Uh, no." Tony stood up and started clearing off a whiteboard. "Inter-dimensional portals cannot be figured out in just a few hours, strange lady. It'll take a few days, at best. You got somewhere to stay?"
"Tony, she's not going to have anywhere to stay, she's not from here." Steve explained.
"She can stay with us!" a dark man with a buzz cut offered. "I've got a spare room in the basement still, she can stay there until we figure out how to get her home. I'm Sam, by the way."
"Hi Sam, I'm Y/N. You don't have to take me in, I can just stay in a shelter if there's one nearby."
"Hang on, I'm calling Fury." Tony dialled a phone, and pointed at me while it was ringing. "You're not staying in a shelter."
"No, it's fine, I'm sure it won't be too bad."
"They're terrible, you're not staying at a shelter, you're coming with me." Sam said.
"And why would I stay with you? I don't know who you are, why should I trust you more than some homeless shelter?" Y/N was standing now, and crossed her arms.
"We're the Avengers! You can trust us."
"I don't think you understand how little that means to me. Who are you?"
"The Avengers."
"And what is the Avengers? Sounds like either a league of superheroes or a terrible pop group."
"We're superheroes."
"Oh shit really?" Y/N blushed. "You're superheroes, for real?"
The group around the table nodded.
"So who's got the laser eyes?"
The group looked mildly confused, because none of them had laser eyes, but fortunately they didn't have a chance to answer, because Fury answered the phone, and Tony set it to speaker.
"What can I help you with, Stark?"
"Well, see, here's the situation. We're just sitting here, having our meeting, and the closet door pops open and this girl comes flying out onto the floor."
"Okay, so you have a spy, you know what to do with that."
"I'm not done yet. We thought she was a spy, but we've come to the conclusion that she actually just came through an inter-dimensional portal."
"So you have an alien in your conference room?"
"She's not an alien, Mr. Fury." Vision interjected. "I've scanned her, and she seems to be perfectly human."
Y/N frowned. She didn't like the thought of being scanned without consent. And how could Vision tell that she was human anyways? And did this guy think she was an alien? Were aliens common in this world?
The man on the other end of the phone sighed. "Is she there?"
"Yeah, she's been here the whole time. You're on speaker." Tony responded.
"I'd like to speak to her."
"Talk away, she's right here."
"Hello, what's your name?"
"I'm Y/n." she said, moving closer to the phone.
"Hi, well welcome to Earth. I'm Nick Fury, director of SHIELD. Welcome to Earth."
"Thanks, but I'm already from Earth, I don't really need a welcome."
"Ok, we'll brush past that for now. Have they explained the inter-dimension portals to you yet?"
"They tried, but if I'm being honest that's a little bit out of my league."
"Fair enough. You're in good hands there; we have the best scientists in the world at those labs. As you might imagine, it's not really an exact science, these portals, so it might take our team a while to figure out how to get you home."
"So are you guys like the men in black? Do you have that movie here?"
"Yeah, we have that movie here. I'm guessing that your world is very very similar to ours, so we're going to be taking you down to one of our labs and running a few tests so we can better determine where you're from. In the mean time, I'll let the Avengers take care of you, they don't have any other pressing matters at this time, and just in case you're a violent alien, they're best equipped to deal with you going rogue."
"Uh, well, I guess that sounds good. I promise I'm not an alien though."
"We'll see about that." Fury hung up and I looked around the room.
"I should make introductions, pardon my manners." Vision stood up from his seat (he kinda seemed to float, but maybe he was just hella graceful).
"This is Steven Rogers, you might hear him referred to as Captain America." The blond man who had earlier joined Tony in a closet gave a quick wave and a smile. He seemed very friendly.
"This is James Barnes, he's very quiet, so don't take offence if he doesn't say much to you. He means no harm." Vision pointed to the brunet I had locked eyes with earlier, and he gave a small smile, but didn't wave.
"This is Sam Wilson, as you know. He, Steve, and James all live together in Sam's house, and I suppose you'll be joining them. I'd offer you our couch, but my wife Wanda and I," here he pointed to a lovely brunette woman seated beside him. "are in the middle of renovations, and I'm sure a spare bedroom would be more comfortable for you than a dusty couch."
Y/N nodded. She was going to have a bit of trouble keeping track of everyone's names.
"This is Bruce Banner, this is Natasha Romanoff, Scott Lang, Clint Barton, Stephen Strange, Tony Stark, and of course, I am Vision." They all waved as their names were said.
"Wait, what's your last name?"
"I don't have one, dear. I'm a computer."
"Oh?" Y/N was shocked, understandably so.
"We don't have that in my world."
"Yes, it's uncommon here as well. Are you ready to go do some tests?"
"Um, I guess so. Nice to meet you all."
Vision and Y/N walked out of the meeting room and started down the hallway.
Tony decided to pick up from where they left off. "So as I was saying,"
"Tony!" Steve yelled at him. "What are you doing?"
"Getting back to the meeting we were having?"
"We just had a girl pop through a portal in our closet, and you want to go back to the meeting?"
"Um, yeah. Vision's got her."
"Aren't you curious?"
"Not really."
"The first time something pops out of a portal and doesn't try to kill us, and you're not interested?" Sam asked.
"Yeah, why?"
"Dude, you're crazy. I'm going down to the lab to watch the tests." Scott jumped up from his seat and started making his way to the door.
"Yeah, me too." Steve and Sam stood up, and Bucky followed suit.
Soon enough, the whole team was exiting the conference room and following the path that Y/N and Vision had taken down to the labs. Tony eventually decided to follow them, because he didn't want to be alone.
They got down to the labs, and found Vision waiting in the hallway.
"They sent her to get changed," Vision explained as the team assembled. "If she's staying here for a while, we're going to have to get her some more clothes. I'm sure she doesn't want to stay in her work clothes the entire time."
"Yeah, I'll get Pepper to make arrangements." Tony said.
After a few minutes, Y/N stepped out of a room just off the hallway. She was wearing grey shorts and a black tank top, and nothing on her feet. She frowned as her bare feet hit the cold tile floor.
"Ugh, so cold. Alright, let's figure out where I'm from."
A nurse came and got her, and led her into another room just off the hallway. There was an observation window, and the team gathered around to watch the tests. They watched her as she jumped up on the table, and smiled at the nurse as she began to hook up wires and prep for a blood draw. Soon they would figure out just who this unexpected visitor was.
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wisdomrays · 3 years
TAFAKKUR: Part 433
A. J. Arberry has also pointed out that the reason for the spread of Islam is Islam itself and its religious values. (Aspects of Islamic Civilization, p.12)
He writes:
‘The rapidity of the spread of Islam, noticeably through extensive provinces which had long been Christian, is a crucial fact of history. The sublime rhetoric of the Qur’an, that inimitable symphony, the very sounds of which move men to tears and ecstasy…and the urgency of the simple message carried, holds the key to the mystery of one of the greatest catalysms in the history of religion. When all military, political and economic factors have been exhausted, the religious impulse must still be recognized as the most vital and enduring.’
Brockelman, who is usually very unsympathetic and partial, also recognizes the religious values of Islam as the main factor for the spread of Islam (History of the Islamic Peoples, p.37). Rosenthal makes his point as follows: ‘The more important factor for the spread of Islam is the religious Law of Islam (Shari‘a, which is an inclusive, all-embracing, all-comprehensive way of thinking and living) which was designed to cover all manifestations of life.’ (Political Thought in Medieval Islam, p.21).
Besides many other reasons which are responsible for the spread of Islam, it is the exemplary life-style and unceasing efforts of individual Muslims to transmit the message of Islam throughout the world which lie at the root of the conquest of hearts by Islam. Islamic universalism is closely associated with the principle of ‘amr bi’l-ma’ruf (enjoining the good) for Islam is to be spread by Muslims by means of ‘amr bi’l-ma’ruf. This principle seeks to convey the message of Islam to all human beings in the world and to establish a model Islamic community on a worldwide basis. The Islamic community is introduced by the Qur’an as a model community: We have made of you an Ummah justly balanced, that you might be witnesses (models) for the peoples, and the Messenger has been a witness for you (2.143). A Muslim or the Muslim community as a whole thus has a goal to achieve. This is the spread of Islam, conveying the truth to the remotest corner of the world, the eradication of oppression and tyranny and the establishment of justice all over the world. This requires the Muslim to live an exemplary life, and thus the moral and the ethical values of Islam have usually played an important part in the spread of Islam. Here follow the impressions of the influence of Islamic ethics on black Africans of a Western writer of the nineteenth century:
‘As to the effects of Islam when first embraced by a Negro tribe, can there, when viewed as a whole, be any reasonable doubt? Polytheism disappears almost instantaneously; sorcery, with its attendant evils, gradually dies away; human sacrifice becomes a thing of the past. The general moral elevation is most marked; the natives begin for the first time in their history to dress, and that neatly. Squalid filth is replaced by some approach to personal cleanliness; hospitality becomes a religious duty; drunkenness, instead of the rule becomes a comparatively rare exception chastity is looked upon as one of the highest, and becomes, in fact, one of the commoner virtues. It is idleness that henceforward degrades, and industry that elevates, instead of the reverse. Offences are henceforward measured by a written code instead of the arbitrary caprice of a chieftain–a step, as everyone will admit, of vast importance in the progress of a tribe. The Mosque gives an idea of architecture at all events higher than any the Negro has yet had. A thirst for literature is created and that for works of science and philosophy as well as for the commentaries on the Qur’an.’ (Quoted from Waitz by B. Smith, Muhammad and Muhammadanism, pp.42-43)
The tolerance of Islam is another factor in the spread of Islam. Toynbee praises this tolerance towards the People of the Book after comparing it with the attitude of the Christians towards Muslims and Jews in their lands. (A Historian’s Approach to Religion, p.246). T. Link attributes the spread of Islam to the credibility of its principles together with its tolerance, persuasion and other kinds of attractions (A History of Religion). Makarios, Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch in the seventeenth century, compared the harsh treatment received by the Russians of the Orthodox Church at the hands of the Roman Catholic Poles with the tolerant attitude towards Orthodox Christians shown by the Ottoman Government and prayed for the Sultans (T. Link, A History of Religion).
This is not the only example of preference by the followers of the religions for Muslim rule over that of their own co-religionist. The Orthodox Christians of Byzantium openly expressed their preference for the Ottoman turban in Istanbul to the hats of the Catholic cardinals. Elisee Reclus, the French traveller of the nineteenth century, wrote that the Muslim Turk allowed all the followers of different religions to perform their religious duties and rituals, and that the Christian subjects of the Ottoman Sultan were more free to live their own lives than the Christians who lived in the lands under the rule of any rival Christian sect (Nouvelle Geographie Universelle, vol. 9). Popescu Ciocanel pays tribute to the Muslim Turks by stating that it was luck for the Romanian people that they lived under the government of the Turks rather than the domination of the Russians and Austrians. Otherwise, he points out, ‘no trace of the Romanian nation would have remained,’ (La Crise de l’Orient).
The Muslims’ attitude towards the people they conquered is quite clear in the instructions given by the rightly-guided Caliphs: ‘Always keep fear of God in your mind; remember that you cannot afford to do anything without His grace. Do not forget that Islam is a mission of peace and love. Keep the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) before you as a model of bravery and piety. Do not destroy fruit-trees nor fertile fields in your paths. Be just, and spare the feelings of the vanquished. Respect all religious persons who live in hermitages or convents and spare their edifices. Do not kill civilians. Do not outrage the chastity of women and the honour of the conquered. Do not harm old people and children. Do not accept any gifts from the civil population of any place. Do not billet your soldiers or officers in the houses of civilians. Do not forget to perform your daily prayers. Fear God. Remember that death will inevitably come to every one of you some time or other, even if you are thousands of miles away from a battlefield; therefore be always ready to face death.’ (Andrew Miller, Church History; Ali lbn Abi Talib, Nahj al-Balagha)
A historical episode which Balazouri, a famous Muslim historian, relates, tells about how pleased the native peoples were with their Muslim conquerors is of great significance
When Heraclius massed his troops against the Muslims, and the Muslims heard that they were coming to meet them, they refunded the inhabitants of Hims the tribute they had taken from them, saying: ‘We are too busy to support and protect you. Take care of yourselves.’ But the people of Hims replied: ‘We like your rule and justice far better than the state of oppression and tyranny in which we were. The army of Heraclius we shall indeed, with your help, repulse from the city.’ The Jews rose and said: ‘We swear by the Torah, no governor of Heraclius shall enter the city of Hims unless we are first vanquished and exhausted.’ Saying this, they closed the gates of the city and guarded them. The inhabitants of other cities–Christians and Jews–that had capitulated did the same. When by God’s help the unbelievers were defeated and Muslims won, they opened the gates of their cities, went out with singers and players of music, and paid the tribute (Futuh al-Buldan).
To sum up, although most Western writers, under the instigation of biased Orientalists of the Church, have alleged that Islam spread by the force of the sword, the spread of Islam was because of its religious content and values, and ‘its power of appeal and ability to meet the spiritual and material needs of people adhering to cultures totally alien to their Muslim conquerors’, together with some other factors. Some of these factors are the tolerance which Islam showed to people of other religions, the absence of ecclesiastic orders and hierarchy in Islam, mental freedom and absolute justice which Islam envisages and has exercised throughout the centuries, the ethical values it propagates, and Islamic humanitarianism, universalism and brotherhood, and its inclusiveness. Sufi activities, the moral superiority of Muslim tradesmen, the principle of ‘enjoining the good’, and Islamic dynamism and the magnificence of the Islamic civilization contributed of their own to the spread of Islam.
The main religious qualities which attracted people to Islam were:
(i) the simplicity of the theological doctrines of Islam based on the Divine Unity;
(ii) rationalism of the Islamic teachings;
(iii) the complete harmony of the Islamic ideals and values with human conscience;
(iv) the inclusiveness and comprehensives of Islam, covering all aspects of physical, mental, and spiritual life of individuals and societies, hence the harmony of religion and life which it established;
(v) the lack of formalism and mediation;
(vi) the vividness, dynamism and resilience of the Islamic theology, and its creativity and universalism, and its compatibility with established scientific facts;
(vii) the cohesion and harmony of the Islamic principles, and
(viii) the shortcomings of other theological systems.
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