#This story was inspired from youtube
lovable-chica · 7 months
The Sodor Red Stone Infection Part 3
Note: This content bleeding, bites and screams after Amber knocks bah-bah unconscious, she takes her to the outside of her house along with the trio and Ryan brings back Edward and Emily along with doll.
Thomas: “echo voice to bah-bah” Bah-Bah, wake up Bah-Bah!
Bah-Bah: “wakes up” Thomas?
Angel: Bah-Bah! Thank goodness you’re awake, here have some water. “Gives her water”
Bah-Bah: Wait, we’re am I? What happened!?
Thomas: It’s alright your safe here, we’re at Amber’s house.
Bah-Bah: Amber’s House?? No, no I should not be here!! “Panics” SUZI!!!
Angel: Bah-Bah calm down!!
Bah-Bah: No! Suzi and Valarie are still at the hyper mart!! They are not okay.
Thomas: Um, Amber didn’t mention about Valarie and Suzi and what do you mean they are not okay?!
Bah-Bah: They’re not safe.
Amber: “walks in” Oh Bah-Bah, You Awake! Thank gosh.
Bah-Bah: “turns around and looks at Amber Angry” YOU.
Amber: Bah-Bah, I know your upset but-
Bah-Bah: “punches Amber”
Angel: BAH-BAH!!
Thomas: What are you doing?!
Amber: Uhhhh, my head.
Ryan: What is Wrong with you Bah-Bah?! Amber just saved you!
Bah-Bah: OH, Saved me? By knocking me out and not letting me save my friends?!
Thomas and Angel: “Looks at Each other then to Amber and Bah-Bah”
Bah-Bah: “looks at Thomas for a second then to Amber” did you tell them?
Amber: I had to leave out a few details to them.
Ryan: You Knocked Bah-Bah unconscious?!
Yap: you said to me and yip that she was in danger and we had to get to your house immediately!
Amber: She is in Danger, in danger of becoming like Carol! You know what that means do you Thomas?
Thomas: becoming like Carol?
Doll: did you tell them?
Bah-Bah: Tell us What?!
Amber: What Became of Suzi, that’s what happened to Carol and that happened because Carol bite Suzi. And Out there at the hyper mart you said that Valarie got bite as well.
Bah-Bah if you go back in there, we all know you wound have had the same fate so I saved you!
Abby: Wait! So what happened to Carol, can happen to other people?!
Ryan: if they are bitten, that’s what it seems like.
Bah-Bah: So you Amber, out of the kindness in your heart decided to knock me unconscious so I wouldn’t go help my friends? And now they’re left to.. rot??
Amber: Not Exactly, we don’t know why this is happening to them there’s so much more to research. I got Ryan and Doll to find 2 engines to know about these stones called “Red Stones”
Angel: Red Stones? I’ve not heard of them.
Amber: it’s a red rock that has not been seen in many years, Carol found them and well being contact with them and she got infected.
Bah-Bah: So Now, Suzi and Valarie are Infected as well?
Amber: That doesn’t mean there is no cure and that’s why I need you guys, I need the furry six this something faced before but it’s a disease we have no idea about.
Thomas: but if believe you and them all together, the elements of sodor-
Amber: We can figure something out Thomas, “to Bah-Bah” Ok?
Bah-Bah: “look angrily at Amber and Walks to The Crouch and Sits”
Amber: Hey, You can be Mad at me Bah-Bah and I’m just glad that your here safe
Percy: This Conversation you people and engines forgot, that we have to tell Sir Topham Hat!
Angel: Oh No, We have to tell every engines on Sodor too about this disease.
Amber: for this disease you guys are talking about, we have to tell all the engines about it and them The Fat Controller.
James: Well from apart from the red stone, it matches my paintwork “makes a smutty face”
Amber: James Focus, in Carol’s Notebook, she explained the stages she went through so James what i need you to do is tell Sir Topham Hat about this disease and also tell him this is real stuff. Me and Thomas needs to figure out much as we can do.
Bah-Bah: Ok, Also Because Yap and Yip are Part of the Furry Six and Even Though Suzi is Now Infected, also when it comes to the rest of the people here and you don’t care?!
Thomas and Percy: “Cross” What are you saying?! You want everyone infected too?!!
Amber: We’re Not Letting Anyone else get sick! But Bah-Bah makes a good point.
Thomas: “looks at Amber confused” What? Your not going to tell Sir Topham Hat?
Amber: Thomas, you may not have been infected but I Don’t know how this thing spreads until I do I’m going to put you, James and Percy in a safe shed.
Thomas: Oh, like a shelter? Ok???
Percy: Can’t we at least help you with this disease? We can’t let this spread anyone else!
Bah-Bah: “Rudely” Well Valarie looked fine, but that wasn’t enough for you Amber?
Amber: This is the best way to keep you safe Bah-Bah, Keep an eye on you and see what I can do to help you.
Ryan: and what can do to help her? What if she try’s to go back to the hyper mart and become like Carol?
Amber: Then we’ll turn her back.
Doll: and what if you can’t?
Amber: we’ll think of something else.
Ryan: um, another problem I’d like to tell.
Amber: “turns around” what is it?
Ryan: your missing too of the elements.
Angel: Well me and Percy can go get Them.
Amber: No, that’s too risky and Dangerous. I got you guys here and I want you to stay here safely, I don’t know how far this infection has gone but we need to find a way to contact with Yap and Yip and the Skarloey without setting a foot or wheel out of here.
James: Why don’t you send them a letter that makes more sense, you know like how when your mom is away.
Amber: Well I Doesn’t work like that, I can also sent letters to Engines or The Fat controller.
Bah-Bah: I guess you can get Percy to do it for you, as he is not in the furry six and you won’t care if he gets infected.
Abby: “cross” Bah-Bah!
Amber: Sending a Letter by Train is to slow, no offends Percy.
Percy: I can take it😉
Amber: We Can contact Sir Topham Hat and Skarloey themselves, and explain the situation see what they think.
Thomas: Yeah! They”ll know! They may faces something like this before.
Percy: Yep, It feels a lot better to know that Skarloey and Sir is with us.
Amber: Ok “looks at Doll” Doll take a message!
Later at The Quarry
Skarloey: “Reading the message with Sir Topham Hat holding it” Sir, it seems that Amber and Her friends are in Trouble, but we’re already in a situation of our own”looks at his friends Yell that is Already Infected and in a cage” aren’t we yell?
Yell: “Breathing Heavily and Growling”
Skarloey: “Hears a Whistle” come in.
Peter Sam: “Comes in Skarloey’s Big Shed and chuffs next to him” I know you said she wasn’t well but I didn’t imagine-
Skarloey: This happened a few days ago after she came back from exploring the whispering woods, now Yell doesn’t seem to recognize me at all.
Peter Sam: The Sickness! What is it doing to Her?!
Skarloey: This Seems to be doing something to her from the inside, those stones that are growing out of her skin are Red Stones, Peter Sam I wanted you to see this for yourself understand this stone is from many years ago and it’s growing again, the affect it has on people is not good.
Peter Sam: W-well what have you done to help her? Have you tried anything??
Skarloey: none of the medicine is not helping and each day it’s getting worse.
Peter Sam: “Sadly and Chuffs closely to Yell” Oh Yelly.
Skarloey: I’d stay away from those bars Peter Sam, She showed violent outbursts.
Peter Sam: So That’s Why she is put in a cage?
Skarloey: I’m not risking it spreading though the quarry, and it’s your job to make sure it doesn’t spread though the Blue Mountains Quarry and Peter Sam it’s reached Yap’s Hyper Mart! Amber has told me so.
Peter Sam: Does She and Thomas know about Yell’s..Condition?
Skarloey: No, she has enough in her mind as it it, she and Thomas are looking for a cure and I think if we put are minds together surely we can come up with something.
Peter Sam Was Quiet for a moment and then speaked.
Peter Sam: So, you want me to go back to the Blue Mountain Already?
Sir Topham Hat: Keep the rest of the narrow gauge engines safe and don’t let no one near Yell, Do Not let anyone bit.
Skarloey: and the stones that bloomed there, don’t let your driver Darla touch them. The Red Stones have a weird peculiar glowing smell but just in case stay clear of it.
Darla: Do we have The Police Officers to destroy the many red stones we have?
Skarloey: It Cannot Be Done Darla, They Glow back up faster and also you two will put risk of the police officers of being infected too, We Have Friends Peter Sam and Darla just like Thomas, Keep them Safe.
Peter Sam: Ok, I Have to go back immediately but, Amber, Thomas and their friends are they okay?!
Skarloey: At the moment yes, their isolating as well that’s all we can do.
Darla: Alright, We’ll going to be with the rest of the engines here. “To Yell” Bye Yelly.
When Yell Started Breathing Aggressively, Darla Started to Panic and jump on to Peter Sam’s Cab and Chuffs away.
Skarloey: I Swear Yell, I’ll find a cure.
At Tidmouth Sheds, Yap was Still Thinking about what happened in the woods.
Yip: “sees Yap unhappy” Hey, You still thinking about it?
Yap:”sighs” how could I not? The fear on Suzi’s face, The Blood from that bite mark that Carol did.
Yip: Yeah but I just don’t understand why Carol did it.
Rebecca: Huh? Are you girls okay?
Yap: “Sadly” I’m just worried about Suzi Rebecca.
Rebecca: She’ll be Fine Sweetie, She’s under The Nurse’s Care, She’s the best nurse on Sodor.
Yip: Yeah but I just keep on remembering the scream, Why wound Carol bite her?
Rebecca: “Sighs” I don’t know Sweetheart, Maybe she wasn’t well.
Yap: I just hope that she gets better soon two.
Nia: Listen you two, why don’t Chantel make you some peppermint hot chocolate?
Yip: Oh Yes Please!
Nia: “Hears a weird noise outside” “gasps”
Henry: “Screams” Bubbling Boilers!
Yap: What Was That Noise?!
Rebecca: Oh! Probably just the wind.
Yap: Um, Are you sure Becca?
Rebecca: Don’t be scared, let me just check”chuffs closer to the door of her berth”
Now She hears knocking
Henry: “Scared” Is someone knock on the door?
Edward: “Worried” I’m not Sure
Everyone was frightened, especially Gordon but then the door opens and it’s Luna the Were-Penguin
Everyone: AHHHHHHH!!!
Gordon: “Cross” Luna!!
Luna: Hey Gordon! Is Something wrong guys?
Gordon: Well You scared the heck out of us!!
Luna: Well Sorry, didn’t mean to ya I was just trying to get in because it chilly outside and just thought that Amber, Thomas and the others were here too. You guys really need stop locking doors All the time anyone can come in here besides bad guys!
Yap and Nia: So what are you doing anyway?
Luna: Listen Everyone, something is going on here on Sodor, something is not right.
Emily: What on Sodor are you talking about Luna?
Luna: My Detective Senses were tingling, they’ve gotten worse and worse and something bad has arrived.
The Engines and Yap and Yip were Quiet and looked at each other then to Luna.
Yap: are you talking about what happened to Suzi?!
Luna: I don’t really know, what did happen to Suzi?
Emily: No this is not related, girls you can go in my cab if you want.
Yip: But Emily-
Emily: No Buts or your sleeping in the tiny shed tonight, your choice.
Yap and Yip: Ugh! Fine”went into her cab”
Emily: “Sighs” Luna you can’t just go around saying weird stuff that, you’ll be scaring young children.
Luna: “cross” Ok Bossy Boiler, Sorry for Trying to warn ya!!
Emily: Well what sort bad stuff are you talking about?
Luna: Well My Detective Tell me, like for instance I went to warn Bah-Bah, but when I got to the hyper mart I got this horrible feeling that just pulled away from there.
Emily: are you saying that Bah-Bah is not safe?! should we go help her?
Luna: No, You guys need to do the opposite “has a bag with her” here’s a bag of some stuff for you guys and yap and yip, first aid kit, just stuff that you don’t have to come outside for a while.
Emily: Why would I not come outside?
Luna: Emily Trust me, you don’t want to something is happening and don’t want you and the others to a part of this, and I know Amber and Thomas senses it too.
Emily: Well what do you expect me and the others engines to do?! Just take your advice and sit here with the children?
Luna: My Detective Senses never failed me before, do you think I’d lied to you about something bad like this?
Emily: “worried” No
Luna: Good! Now you stay here and I’ll be back tomorrow morning Alright? Don’t go outside i already talked with sir Topham hat.
Emily: Alright, I trust you
Luna: Awesome!! See ya later! “Walks out of the shed”
Emily: “to herself” how does she manage to stay so on the bright-side? There’s something bad here on Sodor but what?
Part 4 coming soon
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Percy: Hey Wise Girl, did you know that I have a YouTube Series? The Mysterious-
Annabeth: The Mysterious Disappearances of Percy Jackson, I’ve seen it
Percy: Really?
Annabeth: Yeah, you’ve got several, but we’ve all got one. I was Rockabye Runaway
Percy: All of us?
Annabeth: Yep
Percy: So Nico-
Annabeth: His is “Nico Di Angelo: Boy Lost In Time or Dangerous Fraud?,” comes from a conspiracy channel called TimeTravelersRUs
Jason: What about-
Annabeth: Whatever Happened to the Grace Family by Famous Family Misfortune, they also have one on Piper called Piper McLean: American Darling or American Criminal?
Leo: Ooh, do I have one?
Annabeth: Yeah, yours is “The Boy Who Set His World On Fire: The True Story of Leo Valdez” by Baby Criminals Dot Com, they are convinced that you’ve committed serial arson
Percy: Hazel and Frank?
Annabeth: another TimeTravelersRUs vid called The Girl Made Of Diamonds and a video by someone called True Stories From Around The Globe called Canadian Terror: The Frank Zhang Story. They both spent the entire time mispronouncing their last names
Piper: Hey I think I remember someone asking about that at school-
Leo: Hey someone asked you that too? Nice!
Frank: *sighs* I’ll talk to Chiron
Nico: How did you even let these things get on YouTube anyways?
Annabeth: In my defense, we aren’t even allowed to use technology
Hazel: I’m still confused on what a YouTube is
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ph7soy · 12 days
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── ⋆⋅ ♰ ⋅⋆ ──
“when will you learn that it isn’t about you and your problems? this is about my name. the prescott name.”
“nathan is everybody’s favorite voodoo doll–kill the rich kid!”
“yes, he takes serious meds–but that’s not his fault, his family treats him like a total freak!”
“i prefer the term ‘manipulated’–i became a sort of father figure to nathan.”
“i think about him chilling out on the grass in the other timeline–i hate what he did, but i can’t hate him.”
“…my life is hell.”
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roguemonsterfucker · 8 months
don't mind me i'm just watching some monsterfucker movies for 'research' purposes
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caluupin · 11 months
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apologies for the lack of postings, have a neuvi doodle
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katyayani16 · 2 months
I wanted to write a depressing poem about me being empty…. Then I accidentally found a picture of mine in the mountains….. I ended up posting an instagram story about how much I love the mountains ……… I might finish that poem later….. But not right now…..😚😚
This is not the picture that I found accidentally…… But this is me in my recent trekking trip………
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idleglowingpixels · 1 year
So I just watched the Season 5 finale of Miraculous Ladybug, aka what the creator said was the ending he had planned for the show before it got renewed for more seasons, aka the unofficial official ending, and all I have to say is... (DON'T PRESS KEEP READING UNLESS YOU'VE SEEN THE FINALE OR DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT SPOILERS)
I am SO GLAD I don't feel ANY obligation to continue watching the show anymore :') And don't get me wrong, I'm not gonna pull no fan entitlement shit, I think the ending could have been SOOOOOO much worse and for what it is, I'm content with what we got for the majority of it
BUT I also have a right to criticize it, so I will; they really forgot about the most important fucking part, the identity reveal, so Adrien continues to not know the truth and Marinette, the only person who knows what happened, sure as hell won't tell him, he deserves so much fucking better than that
(Okay coming back to this part, check the comments!! I got a little excited when I initially posted this haha. I think at this point it's just up to interpretation -- Felix was the only one of the two outright confirmed but you could argue either side for Adrien still. Also I don't hate the idea of Senti-Adrien, I just know the show would do a terrible job executing it because they'd never have Adrien know the truth. Poor kid keeps having to live without knowing what truly happened just makes me sad :( It could also leave him vulnerable to attacks and stuff, that's one of those things he deserves to know if it's ever explicitly canon y'know???)
Also bless Nooroo, he deserved a happy ending too :( Slay for Lila tho, I figured she was gonna become the next Hawk Moth/Papillon
So anyway, about that Miraculous Ladybug rewrite I was gonna do --
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quaranmine · 4 months
i'm completely normal about things <- watched adventure archives and yearning again
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magentagalaxies · 10 months
on the note of kith season 6 (didn't want to derail the other post but have been thinking about this lately): one of the only things i disliked - or, rather, that felt off about the revival - was how crisp everything felt in terms of the aesthetic. like ik filmmaking technology has evolved since 1994 and they couldn't do the live studio audience even tho they wanted to bc of covid, but idk the original series despite clearly working with cbc and hbo always had this diy energy, vs the new season just very much felt like oh this is a corporate thing that was location scouted and filmed on a lot
but what's interesting about this fault is that you look into anything else the kids in the hall have made themselves in the past decades and it still has that exact diy aesthetic, sometimes unintentionally but that's the best part. like, i'm the most familiar with scott's works for obvious reasons, but you look at something like contemporary mouth congress music videos or any other video project scott's made just bc he wanted to make it and you can see obvious green screens, the fact that it was clearly filmed on an iPhone, using stuff around the house as props, etc. and if you look at bruce's youtube channel you get that sense as well, and it's so delightful to see bc yeah this comedy isn't a corporate entity, it's just something these guys have to make bc they are passionate about it
anyway i guess what i'm saying is if they ever decide to do another kith revival season they should have paul bellini direct it on his iphone 5 and film 99% of it at the toronto library's green screen room
idk maybe this post is too niche bc a lot of the stuff i'm citing (i.e. mouth congress music videos) hasn't actually been released yet and also i have literally been on these diy sets in the past year where someone just set up a pop-up greenscreen in their living room and my "job" is to make sure the pets don't wander into frame. but yeah idk i find it very funny that watching the revival my only complaint was the lack of that genuine diy spirit and then one year later i'm part of that type of production
#no idea if this is relatable i just had thoughts lmao#this is also inspired by the obvious greenscreen and using-his-real-cast-as-a-prop in scott's promotional video#like again it's probably bc i've been there when scott and paul are just casually filming something at paul's apartment#but i look at something like that and i can just feel all the conversations that went into putting it together#and it's funny bc i get that sense watching the original kith tv show but not as much the amazon show#(which is wild bc i have heard behind the scenes stories from the amazon show too??? spoiler alert people were very stressed)#and i also think the diy tendencies are why i even had a chance to connect with the kids in the hall#bc so many comedians just get accustomed to working exclusively on projects that a studio has set out for them#but the kids in the hall and ESPECIALLY paul bellini love smaller projects where they get to build something from the ground up#paul has made 5 different feature films that he wrote and directed and filmed entirely on an iphone 5#(not sure if they were all specifically that model of phone he may have upgraded at some point lmao)#(also he's planning to release them onto youtube soon!!)#but yeah the goal with these iphone films was never to win every award and make a bunch of money. it's the passion for making movies#and i think since i'm a very diy-oriented person who's like ''idc if someone gives me permission i'm gonna make a multimedia musical''#that's what made paul see potential in me which is why i even got the chance to do any of this stuff#anyway i guess what i'm saying is my advice for everyone is: just make the thing! even if you have no budget and no backing#bc even a scaled-down version of the thing is still impressive bc you made it!!#if scott thompson can film a ''crowd scene'' in scottland by drawing faces on a bunch of fingers and just filming people's hands#you can make your project something iconic
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ronqueesha · 11 months
Me and @cycian with the headcanon that Andreja's native language is primarily based on Arabic mixed with other languages:
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Also me being super nerdy: there is already a scifi language that is primarily based on Arabic mixed with other languages: Fremen! I'm a huge Dune nerd, so this was a natural fit for me.
What if... what if some certain lyrics to this song are the words Andreja softly whispered to Sarit one night, words that are never meant to be spoken outside of Va'ruun'kai, and certainly never meant to be said to a non-believer.
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lovable-chica · 7 months
The Sodor Red Stone Infection
Note: This story starts in the whispering woods, and Yap, Yip and Suzi were coming to visit Carol the owl(my oc) at her cottage, this content bleeding, bites and screams.
Suzi: Will you two hurry it up?
Yap: “yawning” we’re coming ok?
Yip: it’s almost the afternoon, should we get back to the store?
Suzi: Come on girls! We haven’t seen Carol in 3 weeks, and she hasn’t been visiting the engines and sir topham hat too!
Suzi: and I bet she’ll be happy to see us.
Yip: maybe she went on a holiday or she doesn’t feel like coming outside.
Suzi: well, we made it this far into the Whispering Woods, this will be quick ok?
Yap and Yip: “sigh” okay, I guess.
Suzi: We Made it!
Yap: Since when was the last time her house was quiet?
Yip: Well this is a small forest.
Yap: Yeah, we usually see birds here but I don’t see any birds here, do you?
Suzi: Yap? Can you please stop with all the creepiness, it’s freaking me out!
Yip: Yep!!, have you been reading one of those horror books or films again?!
Yap: No i didn’t!
Suzi: “Laughing” yes you have! Ofc you did!😏 just look at her face.
Yap: well scary stuff doesn’t scare me!!!
Suzi: Well, they do and you don’t have to read all the time.
Suzi: Alright I’ll knock on the door first, “knocks” Hello? Carol? It’s Suzi, Yap and Yip!
Yip: Maybe she didn’t hear you or she is sleeping.
Suzi: Hello? Carol?! We came to say hi!, huh??
Yap: What is it?
Suzi: It’s Pitch Black in the living room.
Yip: I was Right! She did went on holiday! Or she just does not want to come outside.
Suzi: But Carol never told us that she was on holiday, she sometime does. What if something happened in there?
Yip: Like what Suzi?
Suzi: Well, she live by herself, maybe she is knock unconscious or just sleeping. We have to check on her!!
Yap: Wound that be breaking in?
Suzi: not if she is in danger or hurt!!! “Opening door” Carol? Are you Ok?
Carol: “Making growling noise and bleeding”
Suzi: Carol??! “Gasps and Screams”
At Knapford Station
“Thomas and Percy was Having 3 days off from work when Amber Arrives”
Thomas: Hey Amber.
Amber: “breaths heavily like a dog because she is half-dog and Panic”
Percy: Whoah! what is the panic?!
Amber: Guys we need to get to Yap’s Hyper Mart Right Now!!
Thomas: WHAT!!? But Why? What Happened?
Amber: I just saw Yap and Yip, They said something about Suzi being injured.
Thomas: Cinders and Ashes!, well we have to chuff over there quick!!
Percy: I’m coming too!!
“So Thomas and Percy Chuff along the track to get to the store with Amber in Thomas’s cab.”
Bah-Bah: Oh Thomas this all my fault, I told her not go to the whispering woods I should have known she be a little stubborn.
Percy: What happened out there?
Bah-Bah: Well, honestly Percy I don’t know. It just happened so fast I just had to rush for help, it look like she been bitten??
Amber: The whispering woods is full of different types of animals, we talked to her to find out what happened. Did she go by herself?
Bah-Bah: No, She went with Yap and Yip. They wanted to see Carol the owl.
Thomas: Oh Carol? We haven’t seen Her in 3 weeks.
Percy: Yeah, it’s been awhile since I have seen her around the island.
Amber: Hey, Don’t worry B.B let’s get some answers and bet up that owl who hurt her.
Bah-Bah: That Sounds Good, let’s go.
“So they went to check on Suzi”
Suzi: Thomas, Percy and Amber? What are you guys doing here??
Bah-Bah: They came to check on you Suzi, After you decided to run off to the whispering woods and getting yourself injured.
Nurse: I gave her some pain medicine and antibiotics to prevent the infections, she should be okay for now.
Suzi: It still hurts though, and it’s bugging me.
Thomas: Nurse, Were you able to find out how Carol bite her?
Nurse: Well Thomas that the thing, Suzi Sweetie the marks on your arm appear to be from “Owl Teeth”
Valarie and Doll: Huh?!
Amber, Thomas and Percy: What!!!??
Bah-Bah: Suzi Honey?, What happened out there?
Suzi: Um Well, I don’t want to say much because I didn’t want to worry you but, Carol Me, Yap and Yip went to go see her and I knocked on the door but no answer so i went in and She didn’t look well at All!
Suzi: There was blood and Glass Everywhere and her eyes they were pitch black with red pupils.
Amber: Carol, Was she still-
Suzi: Yes, She was still moving that’s when she saw me and bit my arm, all I did was scream and ran out. We had run far away to get away from that crazy owl-girl.
Bah-Bah: Suzi, Promise me you are telling the truth, no time for games.
Suzi: I swear, something did happened to Carol
Nurse: It Sound like Carol was Attacked.
Percy: We are going out there and Save her!!
Thomas: If We can try.
Doll: Well Me, Nurse and Suzi are coming too.
Bah-Bah: You are going to the whispering woods? What if a creature that got Carol will get you too???!
Amber: we’’ll be fine Bah-Bah, We’ve dealt with stuff before. You Stay here with Valerie and I’m bring James with us too.
Doll: WHAT?! why?
Amber: Because He’ll protect friends like me.
Thomas: Alright everyone let’s go!!
“They Brought James along with them and went off to the whispering woods”
Doll: Hurry up Slow Coaches!! Rescue mission are important then this.
Thomas: we can only go this fast Doll! Stop trying to show off your speed like James here!!
James: Hey!😡
Doll: I’m Just saying, if Carol is in a pool of blood with black and red eyes then she has not much time, LETS GO!! “Runs like a cheetah”
Percy: Doll just likes to be quick.
Thomas: do see anything in there?
Doll: “looks on the door widow” No.
Thomas: Nurse let me and Amber go in first.
Nurse: Yes, Thomas
“They Go in”
Thomas: Carol?? It’s Thomas the tank engine and Amber, we’re here to check if your Alright.
Amber: “smells something” Ugh! What is that awful smell?!
Thomas: Carol? “Hears a noise sound of growling”
Amber: “Gasps in Horror to see Carol on the floor with stone all over her body”
Amber: Oh My Goodness, Carol!!! what happened to you?! Carol: “Trying to Get up and speak”
Amber: What is it? What are you trying to say?
Thomas: “worried” Um Amber? Carol: “Try’s to attack Amber” Hisss!
Thomas: AMBER!! “Push Amber out of the way and Carol puts her hand on Thomas’s buffer trying to pull it off”
Amber: THOMAS!!!
Thomas: “pushed Carol out of the way” I’m fine!
Carol: “push thomas��
Amber: NO! “Turns into a ali-pup and zaps Carol with her horn” Oh No I’m so sorry Carol!! I’m Sorry!! “cries a little”
Thomas: Is She-
Amber: Yeah, She’s Dead.
Thomas: what in the name of sodor happened to her? Why was she trying to attack me? Why is she covered in those rocks or stones?
Amber: I don’t know thomas, something is going on here, we need to find why this happened “but then finds a notebook that was carol’s” her notebook may find answer for us.
Thomas: Bust my Buffer! We have to get out of here and does my buffer look okay?
Amber: Yeah, let’s just get out.
Percy: Thomas, Amber! What happened in there we were worried sick!!
Amber: Carol is…. Gone.
Percy: oh no, but did she bite you Amber?
Amber: No, I’m fine, I think we should leave it’s almost getting dark.
James: alright, should we check inside?
Thomas: no, it’s best if you stay away from the body, this is not a scary creature we are dealing with, it’s something different.
Amber: But she almost attacked you thomas!! And almost broke your buffer!!
Thomas: I know, but I’ll be fine don’t worry 😉
Amber: Ok, I’ll let the other engines and sir topham hat know about this, this something big on this island and not good at all, don’t worry we are going to be okay.
Part 2 coming soon.
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a---fire---inside · 1 year
Fabrizio Moro -Tutta La Voglia di Vivere
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chronicbeans · 1 year
Iolite Hospital as random things I have thought of while watching YouTube videos:
Aluminum talking about his incident choking on a dino nuggets: I am the choking expert, Dr. Baxter. Nobody has choked like I have. I choke so often it sucks.
Dr. Baxter, barely holding in laughter: Aluminum...
Aluminum: WAIT-
Dr. Cogsworth: Who needs love? I function perfectly without love. I don't need love. Platonic or romantic.
Dr. Clown: You cried when I gave you a muffin for your birthday.
Dr. Cogsworth: Shut up.
Maya: Uncle I made a friend!
Dr. Baxter: Oh my goodness! Let me meet them!
Maya: *Pulls out a rat*
Johnny Doe: HAHAHA! I wasn't listening.
Chef Galexia: WHERE'S THE LAMB SAUCE?! *Slaps raw turkey*
Aluminum, sobbing: Please I just want my food...
Dr. Cogsworth: Your test results came back positive.
Aluminum: Positive for what? What were we testing for?
Dr. Cogsworth: You are positively worthy of happiness.
Aluminum: That is the nicest thing you have ever said to me-
Aluminum, dramatically: I don't have any...
Derek: [... Are you okay...?]
Aluminum: That was a joke.
Aluminum: ... But no, I'm not. Thanks for asking! :D
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broke-on-books · 1 year
Don't know exactly how to express this in words but the Fast Car Tracy Chapman youtube comments section is a new emotion on its own
#i was going to take a screenshot of one comment but i just kept scrolling down and almost all of them were just affecting me#like i closed my eyes and listened to the song but scrolling through what people all over the world had to say was something as well#just the mix of appreciation for the music and love for it and how it affects all these people mixed with snippets of stories of#people using this song to get them through or inspire them to get themselves out of terrible situations#its just... things that make you feel human#its like this is a persons story. these are people we are all people and come from different places and have gone through different things#but we can all relate and feel the same. no matter where we come from we can feel the wish to escape the want to be somebody the desire to#change and the hope to do so. but theres also the fear and the responsibility and through all of that just wanting someone to love you and#go with you and not be alone#its just things that are real and true and make you feel how much of a person you are#i 100% recommend listening to fast car on youtube right now and then scrolling through and reading some of those messages by the way#its a whole other emotion of its own#its like the fast car tracy chapman emotion but more and even realer if that is even possible#its like one commenter said the song was a novel in five minutes but listening and then reading is even more than that. its not a book its#not a library its all these stories and lives around you coming together with your own in this one spot this one means of understanding and#through that you see part of all these journeys and these people and all understand each other and yourself and what it means to be a person#a little more#that seems like a lot of stuff but i dont know what to tell you. its true.
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greatladyalpaca · 1 year
mountains nature landscape clouds water travel
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scattered-winter · 2 years
buddie as running partners...buddie as RUNNING PARTNERS...!!! (does that make the 118/firefam an entire cross country team? coach!bobby? athletic trainer!maddie? idk, idk how cross country teams work.) nonetheless...say more.... <3333
here's a lil overview real quick so y'all can pick up what I put down: cross country teams are all different, and can even be formed by a community group instead of a traditional "school that competes in the individual districts," but the basic layout is coach/trainer, assistant coaches if necessary, and the athletes who actually compete. some teams have a team captain appointed from the ranks of athletes, and the captain's specific duties/responsibilities varies from team to team but essentially they're like.....the assistant assistant coach. they watch out for the team and are the unofficial leader if the coach isn't around. teams compete at meets (races) against other teams; the amount of teams at meets really just depends on what the race is for/who organized it. smaller meets can have 2-5 teams, but the big regional meets can have hundreds. in official competitions like regionals, scores are done for both individual runners and overall teams. if an individual runner finishes in the top 10 or 15 runners, he'll place as an individual, but if the overall team score beats other team scores, then the whole TEAM will also place. the scoring system is based on what place a runner gets. 1st place gets one point, 2nd gets 2 points, 3rd gets 3 points, and so on, all the way down the line to the very last runner who comes in. to get team results, the whole team's scores are added up, and the team with the lowest combined score wins. the more runners that finish higher up in the race, the lower the overall score.
I think ideally bobby would be their coach, and the whole 118 would be a cross-country team. I like the idea of maddie joining their team after running (ha) from doug and I also like the idea of hen being the team captain :] interim captain hen my BELOVED!!!!!!!!!!!
I think for spice <3 the 126 as a separate team that they compete with. they have dual meets a LOT (which is a cross country race with only two teams. there's no pressure to compete for times or positions at the bigger, more important races, and they're sooooooo fun. every time I've done a dual meet we always hung out with the other team afterward at a lake or restaurant and it was sooo <333) so the 126 and 118 are still Competing in the sense that they're gunning for the same positions in the regional/national races, but it's a very friendly competition because the teams are very close. no hard feelings if one team wins over the other, because they're all good friends and they're super supportive of the other team because it's a great accomplishment for them. judd is the coach <3 not owen <3
and onto BUDDIE <3 the thing about a running partner is like. they're your constant. sure, you've got the team, but your running partner is like your other half. someone with a similar pace as you. you train with them, you compete with them, and it gets to the point where you don't even need to use words because you know each other better than anyone else. racing isn't just a physically exhausting sport, because there's a HUGE mental factor in it as well. there's lots of strategies and techniques, and every aspect of the course is broken down into how it can make you faster, even the surfaces you run on (grass, concrete, pavement, etc. each one has different benefits and disadvantages), or how you run around a corner. each tiny aspect can shave seconds off your time, and that can be the difference between first and second place. and as a running partner, buck and eddie both know what the other person prefers. they know the precise way the other will run a hill, or jump a log, or take a sharp turn. during training they laugh and joke and have a great time but during races they're a force. there's certain maneuvers two running partners can do around a turn or up a hill to be mutually beneficial, and they do them without even thinking or communicating that they're about to do it. they just know.
and there's also just !! the intimacy of it !!! after running with the same people for so long, you get to the point where if your teammates were lost in a cluster of running people all wearing the same t shirt, you'd be able to pick them out from the crowd just by the very specific and unique way they hold themselves while they're running, even if they're all the way across the course. each person has their own unique "style," and the entire team can pick each other out from a group of 50 other runners just by looking. another aspect is after the race is over !! collapsing at the finish line isn't just common, it's almost expected. and more often than not you'll see teammates who just finished a race together holding each other up or kneeling to untie each other's shoes to get the timing chip.
the 118 team is comprised of hen, chim, buck, eddie, and maddie. the order in which they finish changes up every race, but generally, in order from fastest to slowest, it's chim, buck+eddie, maddie, and hen. bobby and athena are the coaches, so they don't actually compete unless it's for a "coach's race" that some meets have after the actual races are finished, just for fun. when they do race, athena usually finishes ahead of bobby.
the 126 team is comprised of tk, marjan, mateo, paul, nancy, and tim. generally, it goes tk, marjan+paul (running partners), mateo, and nancy+tim (also running partners). judd is the coach, and carlos cheers his boyfriend on from the sidelines :]
my last and final thought is that <3 they have pasta parties before big meets <3 basically the whole team meets up at someone's house and they all eat pasta and bread <33 carbloading AND teambuilding at the same time :]
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