tricksterdraws · 6 months
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People do not dream of boys in colors speaking an unknown language. People do not dream of boys in colors. People do not dream of boys. People do not dream.
from: There's something about you, calling to me by @thisliminalspacedaydreams
So my hand slipped and I drew fanart and ya'll need to drop whatever you're doing right now and go read this fic because it's amazing, great and the last chapter update made me postpone studying by like 2 hours the day before the exam
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Heaven and Hell have had enough.
Battling for the Earth like children, sending their Angels and Demons to enact their good and evil plans, only to see it defeated by the other side.
An ultimatum is decided upon: they have exactly one year to unleash everything they’ve got on the Earth.
The winning side will own Earth and all its inhabitants, finally putting a stop to this battle.
Now, if only these Angels and Demons could stop acting like humans…
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bubu0h · 6 months
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I am the moved on by ThisLiminalSpace
Origami Dreams by Etienne Adolphe Piot
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People always seem to rush into things. They never sit still anymore, they’re always digging. Sirius doesn’t want to dig. He wants to sit on the bow of the boat with the boy whose skin is a map of scars, and watch the world go by.
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dramioneasks · 2 years
Echoes in Eternity - ThisLiminalSpace - E, WIP - Hermione knows the moment he enters the Arena, because the crowd goes insane. He’s walking, head high, shoulders straight, ready for battle. He doesn’t acknowledge the crowd, doesn’t acknowledge anything. His eyes shoot up to the balcony, quick and perfunctory, and he— stumbles. Actually stumbles, eyes wide when he sees her. And then. Murderous. To her horror, she realizes why the crowd has been so loud. Why the Arena is full. Why she’s been brought here.
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industrations · 1 year
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Reggie of the day: poor baby is sick :(
Requested by other sick baby @thisliminalspace-on-ao3
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patolemus · 11 months
As I promised the lovely @lucy-andreas here’s a list of my favorite jegulus fics. Be warned, it’s a weird mix all around:
1. One Thousand Wildflower Fields by ThisLiminalSpace
James is a good citizen. He pays his taxes, waves at his neighbours, remembers his mother’s birthday, works on things and stuff on the Internet like any other human in this day and age, and certainly has never been involved in anything illegal.
There is a first time for everything.
Notes: no-magic, abo au where omegas weren’t allowed out of the house until recently. Regulus deals with his new found freedom by fighting in illegal rings. James deals… not. Completed.
2. Of Pinstripes And Potions by pansysnarkinson
When James wakes up, his head is pounding. He can’t remember drinking anything, but supposes he must have because it feels like he’s been hit square between the eyes with a bludger. He’s never been one to get hungover, but he knows this is what it’s supposed to feel like. Although, come to think of it, he doesn’t remember celebrating their victory on the pitch, isn’t completely sure they had one at all. The last thing he remembers is turning to look to the stands, revelling in the roars of his fellow Gryffindors, certain that they were going to beat Hufflepuff. Then, he turned and… was hit square between the eyes with a bludger.
Now he’s stuck in the hospital wing, and the bed next to his is occupied by none other than Regulus Black.
Notes: not much to say about this one. Very light as far as jegulus in Hogwarts goes. Completed.
3. James Potter's Application to Court Regulus Black by MiriamMT
“Hello and welcome, my name is James Potter and this is my presentation on ‘Why I should be allowed to date Regulus Black’.”
* * *
When James asks for Sirius' blessing for his and Regulus' relationship, Sirius insists on a formal application and a presentation on why he deserves to be with his little brother.
Notes: hilarious and very fluffy. It’s a one shot and there isn’t much going on in the background. Completed.
4. the golden king by maladaptivewriting
When Regulus Black woke up in 1991 after he was supposed to die twelve years prior, he realized two things. One, the locket he had worked so hard to steal had never been destroyed so the Dark Lord was still alive. And two, Harry Potter, James Potter's son, was in danger.
Regulus goes to school with the Golden Trio.
Notes: one of my favorite Regulus-survives-the-cave fics. Also one of my favorite jegulus fics in general. Follows the golden trio + de-aged Regulus as they go to Hogwarts, and how Regulus’ influence changes things. James may or may not be dead, though he is definitely present. It’s complicated. Ongoing, but has steady updates.
5. All you need is love by touchlikethesun
James Potter is so helplessly in love with Regulus Black. And miraculously Regulus loves him back. And in the end, isn't that all that matters?
Notes: morally gray James. It explains most of what happens here. It gets pretty dark at some point, but I personally love me a Death Eather!James Potter when done right. And this one is definitely done right. Hopeful Ending? Ambiguous Ending? Something like that. Surprisingly, the only steady relationship is jegulus. Everything else is a mess, as Marauders tend to be. Completed.
6. my almost lover by alarainai and salmon_says
“If I was dating Regulus, I would have noticed.”
A pause. His friends all stare at him with various levels of disbelief. Suddenly, he feels very stupid.
“Are you sure?” Remus asks.
Regulus and James are a couple. James is the last person to realise this.
Notes: fluffy and funny. Very light, almost no angst considering the canon material we have to work with. James is a very lovable idiot as per usual. Completed.
7. quite like us by alarainai and salmon_says
[18:12] Seriously, wrong number. Don’t send shirtless pictures to strangers.
[18:13] Padfoot, this rejection hurts.
[18:16] What’s a Padfoot?
[18:17] Wait, is this actually not Padfoot?
[18:19] I don’t even know what that is, but no. I’m not a Padfoot.
Notes: modern au with a wrong number situation. Strangers to lovers, very cute all around with a healthy doze of panic and angst (but nothing too terrible). Completed.
8. Only the Brave by Solmussa
Regulus Black is angry. He wants revenge. He wants to watch the world burn for all it's done to him. He also wants to make out with James Potter, but that's a secret he'll take to the grave. Vengeance is more important than... whatever it is that chokes him when he lays eyes on Potter.
James Potter is confused, because Regulus Black is, all of a sudden, hot. And it's unfair because Sirius is going to kill him if he doesn't get his impulse control in line.
A fic about two idiots falling in love (x2 because there's wolfstar, too) during a war, and the sacrifices they'll have to make to survive it.
Notes: one of the best jegulus fics I’ve read in my life. Gut wrenching, soul shattering angst. It’ll make you cry at five in the morning while contemplating your decisions and at four in the afternoon, also contemplating your decisions. The fluff will kill you, as will the hurt/comfort and the happy ending. Everything in this fic is designed to hurt, but you’ll thank the author because it’s all worth it in the end. A monster with more than 600k worth of words so thread with caution if you’re thinking of starting this at night like I did. Other than that, put on your seatbelt because you’re in for a ride. Completed.
9. Mastermind (Love Made Me Crazy) by MiriamMT
Regulus is consumed by bitterness and pain after his brother Sirius ran away from home, and he blames James Potter for taking him away.
Seeking revenge, he plots to take James away from Sirius. But what starts as a means of vengeance quickly turns into a tumultuous affair, and Regulus finds himself falling in love. Passion and desire turn into feelings and the wish to do and be better for James.
But, as he navigates his complex feelings for James, a dark wizard rises to power, seeking to gain followers among the Hogwarts students. Trapped between duty and love, Regulus is forced to confront his fears, as he tries to protect those he cares about.
Notes: the only reason this didn’t break me the same way Only the Brave did is because it’s half its size. Which is still an impressive 300k worth of words, but you don’t spend wallowing in despair as long. I can promise a happy ending but at what cost? Completed.
10. i regret you all the time by inevitablestars
What happens when James falls for Regulus and his friends lose their trust in him?
Notes: deceptively short summary. I still haven’t finished this one out of sheer fear of how much it’ll break me. I never do MCD or canon compliant fics when it comes to jegulus but the Death Eather!James Potter tag seduced me. I regret it all the time (pun intended) but at the same time I don’t. Can’t say how it ends because I still haven’t gotten the courage to read the last chapter but… thread with caution and keep a pair of tissues near you. Completed.
11. glimpses of heaven by lunahunt
In the aftermath of the prank, James Potter is at an all time low. He can barely look at Sirius, Remus’s dad is keeping him locked up all summer, and Lily Evans hates him even more than usual.
In an effort to get James out of the house, Euphemia signs her son up for a summer Quidditch program with the famous Josef Wronski—seeker for the Grodzisk Goblins and inventor of the Wronski Feint.
The last person James expects to see there is Regulus Black.
[slow ish burn jegulus fic beginning the summer after the marauders fifth year and continuing through the rest of their years at hogwarts] [not canon compliant (aka everyone won’t die)]
Notes: one of the best James characterizations I’ve ever read. The author makes him so inherently flawed and human and it’s wonderful. Post Prank Angst, of course. My only regret reading this is that it’s incomplete, though I still harbor hope that the author will update again.
12. Crimson Rivers by bizarrestars
Regulus Black was fifteen the first time his name was called at a reaping. He's twenty-five when it happens to him again. A lot has changed in that time, and one of them is that he's ready to do whatever it takes to make it home. Nothing or no one will stop him, not even James Potter.
James Potter has no plans to stop Regulus Black from making it home. In fact, his plans revolve around the opposite. He has his reasons, but he's made his choice to get Regulus out of the arena, even knowing it'll be the last thing he ever does.
Sirius Black was sixteen when he volunteered to take his little brother's place in the arena. At twenty-six, without the option to do it again, he has no choice but to be a mentor to his brother and best friend, knowing that only one of them can make it back out.
Two names called, a mentor on the verge of falling apart, and more secrets and grief between all of them than they know how to handle. None of them are prepared for what comes next, or how far they'll go to make it through.
Notes: is it really a jegulus fic rec list if I don’t recommend CR, aka the best jegulus fic of all times? No it’s not, so here it is, the best jegulus fic I’ve read. The Hunger Games au, with aged-up characters. Promises a happy ending but at what cost? Prepare to bawl, scream, look blankly at your wall, laugh and fall in love with this pair of idiots as they fight for their lives. Surprisingly, not everyone dies, and there is a happy ending. There’s pretty graphic depictions of violence though, so thread carefully. It’s a 865k words monster fic (longer than the Bible!) but it really doesn’t feel that long when you’re desperate to see what happens next. I don’t recommend reading this if you’re planning on stopping for long periods of time, though be ready to feel emotionally drained afterwards because this one is the definition of a rollercoaster. You have to have an account to see this work. Completed.
13. just lovers (like we were supposed to be) by bizarrestars
Regulus closes his eyes and shakes his head again, looking pained, then he opens them and sighs. "And your solution to this is me? Pretending to be my boyfriend?"
"Yeah. It's actually bloody brilliant, if you think about it. Everyone will leave happy. I'm going to fake date my way into falling in love," James announces grandly, sticking his hand out and waving it through the air like he's presenting a banner.
Or, the one in which James Potter wants to prove he'd be a good boyfriend to Lily Evans and comes up with the brilliant plan to fake date Regulus Black his way into falling in love. It doesn't quite go as anyone expects.
Task failed...successfully?
Notes: no Voldemort au, fake dating trope, angst with a happy ending. As always, Zar delivers complete masterpieces. Also one of my favorite jegulus fics of all times. The angst, thankfully, is not of the life or death variety, which is refreshing in this fandom. You’ll suffer, but you’ll be happy about it. You have to have an account to see this work. Completed.
14. By Your Heart's Calm Strength by pansysnarkinson
Nobody knows who started the fire at Grimmauld Place.
Some people swear it was Sirius, hell-bent on taking revenge on an unloving family.
Others swear it was Regulus, gone mad like other Blacks before him.
The only thing James Potter knows is that the mystery is occupying far more of his mind than is healthy.
Notes: I read this a long time ago but I remember being bamboozled when I did. James slowly discovers the truth of what happened at Grimmauld Place, and falls in love with Regulus along the way. Fluff and angst, of course. Completed.
15. Carpe Noctem by evareinadeescocia
Golden boy,
Lion boy;
Tell me what it’s like to conquer.
Fearless child,
Broken boy;
Tell me what it’s like to burn.
In which a very nosy James Potter notices that every weekend, when everyone falls asleep, Regulus Black sneaks into an abandoned fifth-floor classroom, and he can't help but try to find out what the little Black is up to.
Notes: another one of my all time favorites. Enemies to lovers, secret relationship, standard jegulus fic. This one has Seer!Regulus, which is both very important and at the same time not relevant at all. Non canon compliant and a promised happy ending which is the only reason I read it because at the time it looked too similar to Choices and I don’t touch canon compliant fics with a ten feet pole. A 680k word monster, it’s currently on hiatus but I strongly believe the author will come back to finish it. Every time I think about it I consider giving it a reread.
16. Finders Keepers by jeggie_toast
"Bloody hell," he murmured. "I really fancy you, Reggie."
It sounded like music, coming from James' lips; a piece that Regulus would like to listen to for the rest of his life.
"...I fancy you, too."
A slow-burn, canon-compliant fic documenting the relationship between James Potter and Regulus Black - from the first time they officially meet, throughout the development of their friendship and eventual romance, right to the moment it all ends. Lots of fluff, no smut :)
*FOR THOSE WHOSE HEARTS CAN'T TAKE CANON-COMPLIANCY* - Stop reading at Chapter 99, then go read my Happy Ending Au: He Is!
Notes: to be completely honest, I did not read the last chapters and skipped to the Happy Ending Au so I have no idea how it ends in canon compliant. I can take a guess though. As usual with jegulus fics, you’ll suffer but you’ll be happy about it. The Happy Ending Au is pretty great. Completed.
17. blue and yellow skies by alarainai and salmon_says
#starchaser is trending.
Regulus Black ✓ @littleking
Why is this a thing? I don't even like Potter.
James Potter ✓ @jfprongs
Replying to @littleking
He's lying. We're desperately in love.
Regulus Black ✓ @littleking
Replying to @jfprongs
die :)
Quidditch Rivals turned Quidditch Lovers. That's what the world sees them as, at least.
Too bad Regulus hates James Potter's guts, and James? Well, it doesn't matter what he feels about their definitely fake, definitely emotionless relationship.
Notes: no Voldemort, modern technology meets magic, professional Quidditch au. Enemies to lovers (though are they enemies if they were in love with each other already?), fake dating trope. Fluff with the appropriate angst dosis, amazing happy ending. Completed.
I know there’s many other fics that are considered must reads for the fandom, but they’re either canon compliant or have MCD, so I haven’t read them, nor will I ever read them. I’ll still leave the links in case someone is interested, but I won’t give any descriptions.
1. Choices by MesserMoon (Canon-Compliant).
2. Art Heist, Baby! by otrtbs (Tagged MCD, the only one of these I may read if I ever find the courage).
3. The Heart of a Lion by orphan_account (Canon-Compliant and Tagged MCD).
Other must reads I have not read yet, so I won’t be giving any descriptions. I’ll still leave the links though.
1. Falls by vantelk
2. pink lemonade by moonysbookshelf
3. Best Friend's Brother by bizarrestarts (needs an account to read)
4. when you were mine by sequinhaze (needs an account to read)
5. The Blood In Your Mouth by moonysmirrorball
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imsiriuslyreading · 1 year
there’s something special about meeting up with fanfic friends. i think it’s cause you all know each other’s deepest darkest secrets, kinks and depravity so the bonds run deep 🤭
anyway love u guys @withmetoghosts @thisliminalspace-on-ao3 @industrations @imdamagecontrol @alarainai @solmussa 🫶🏽
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Fic recs
someone asked, so here, send me an ask if you want more
All marauders fics, mostly Regulus-centric, all 34k+, all on ao3
ART DECO by EnbyHighMage, high school au, Regulus-centric, wolfstar and Rosekiller, 40k
May These Memories Break Our Fall by MidnightStargazer, Pandora-centric, v sad, assumed MCD
To The Dark Lord by MidnightStargazer, Regulus-centric, same series as above, MCD
Toujours Vivant by MidnightStargazer, Regulus-centric, happy ending alternative to above
falling apart (what it means to be broken) by illu_gremlins, Regulus-centric, tw child abuse and disassociattion HEARTWRENCHING, one of my faves, 40k
Ice Ice Baby by Calypte, Regulus/Sirius centric, Ice skating au, wolfstar, jegulus, Rosekiller, and QPR Regulus/Evan/Barty, lots of French, happy, incomplete with unlikely updates, but it’s super funny, 62k
blinding lights by introvertedhufflepuff, fame au, jegulus and wolfstar, 96k
The Mystery Of the Pears by sonwar, Reg survives the cave, jegulus, 90k
The Veil Of Secrecy by Ibbsterkisster, Reg-centric, jegulus, marylily, Rosekiller, violence, disassociation, TW TW TW but so goood, 65k but updates still coming
The Stars Cried Requiem by starsmacabray, Trans Reggie, his transition and growing up, jegulus and wolfstar, 297k and still coming
Death is an Art-I am an Artist by Narritiuncula, Regulus is reincarnated as a di Angelo, Percy Jackson crossover, 34k and maybe-updates
Meet On Telegraph Avenue by ani-wahstan, 1999 Bay Area au, jegulus and a little wolfstar, 34k
A potion a day from The Black Apothecary by ani-wahstan, Regulus owns a apothecary, James is a dad, fluff fest, jegulus, 36k
Ogni Parte È Viva (Every Part Is Alive) by euphorial_docx, Jegulus, Reg lives in Italy, James is visiting with Sirius, fluffy but have google translate open, 42k
There is something about you, calling to me by ThisLiminalSpace, Alien! Reg, no colors, deeply dramatic, cool af, metaphors metaphors metaphors, Jegulus but it’s just Reg having premonitions about James, still updating, one of my faves, 37k
These are some of my faves, but I have another 200 in my collection so feel free to ask
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midnightpink · 5 months
I am the moved on
read it here on ao3
It takes a second for him to realize he’s wrong. It’s not Sirius’ voice, familiar as it is.
“No, though I’m not surprised you’d think so. I’m the overlooked sibling.”
The overlooked sibling, as it is, has backed away—James is sure his head was resting on his thighs a second ago. Regulus stands a few feet away now, his posture overly casual. One leg is stretched out gracefully before him while the other curls up to his chest. He’s calculated nonchalance, with an arm draped effortlessly over his raised knee. Playing a great game of pretend. He looks bored, almost. Almost, because there is no mistaking how sharp those gray eyes look, catching and dissecting every movement in the room. Resting on James with something like confusion.
by: ThisLiminalSpace
Words: 54,388, Chapters: 9/9, Language: English 
Fandom:  Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Regulus Black, James Potter, Harry Potter, Euphemia Potter, Fleamont Potter, Sirius Black,Remus Lupin
Relationship: Regulus Black/James Potter, Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, Harry Potter & James Potter, Regulus Black & Harry Potter,Regulus Black & Sirius Black,Sirius Black & Harry Potter
Additional Tags: , Angst, Panic Attacks, Existential Crisis, Betrayal, Secrets, Flashbacks to Hogwarts era, 6 years later, Mpreg, BUT NOT ONE (1) USE OF THE WORD PREGNANT THOUGH, a love letter to Aix-en-provence, Unreliable Narrator, Smut, Eventual Smut, Eventual Happy Ending, everyone is really upset at everyone, for A good long while, If you’re here for the mpreg you’re going to be disappointed, But if you’re not here for the mpreg you’re also going to be disappointed, We are taking canon and putting it in a little jar, Shaking it beautifully and then throwing it at the wall and destroying it, references to walburga’s a+ parenting, Parenting for Dummies, Sexual Content, Past Relationship(s), Hurt/Comfort, sand metaphor out of the ass, just saying, prepare yourself, Sibling bond, James Potter is Harry Potter's Parent, Baby Harry Potter, Desi James Potter, Exes to Lovers, Exes, Second Chances, Brothers, Raising Harry Potter, Implied Mpreg, Post Mpreg, Family Secrets, Family, Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Romance, Room of Requirement (Harry Potter)
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chaoticbindery · 1 month
I am the moved on by Thisliminalspace @thisliminalspacedaydreams
I don't even know where to start, lol. I loved this fic, but let me tell you, the lovey person behind the story... just love ya mar!!
This fic was a whole thing. I went from 1 idea to another, trying to make it perfect. Ultimately, I got to accept that things can't always be flawless and all those flaws are parts of me.
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As always below the line, there are spoilers... and more pics
So the typest had to be reworked a few times. I was unsure as to what I wanted, so I kept it as close to what I felt was the essence of the fic and mpreg... did I motioned this was an mpreg fic?
I had to
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I added gold foil to the titles. Initially, I was looking to do a multi color thing, but it didn't work out. Additionally, I used wooden letter blocks for the drop caps and brooms for the scene breaks
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After that, we have the binding info. This baby was printed on what I would call happy paper, lol. I love the texture and the colorful dots on it, I also hand dyed my thread to match my bookcloth. The endpapers also match the bind.
The bind style was inspired by @rhipidurafan, thansk to the renegade server for helping me with advice as to how to put this case together! 💙
Here are a few process pics of putting the case together. The cover was machined foiled for the story title, I did hot pink and used a very fun patterned foil for the writer's name
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Hand-made endbands using viscous thread and 2mm leather core. I also included a nice golden ribbon
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As always, if you would like to learn how to bookbind, consider joining the @renegadeguild discord server
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z0mbieb0ys-recs · 8 months
Menotte-Moi À Ton Âme
by: @greenvlvetcouch , ThisLiminalSpace
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Chapters: 2
Words: 15,903
Ship: Regulus Black/James Potter
Rating: Explicit
The door shuts them in, and Regulus bangs his head, a little too hard, against the fridge door. He thinks he disassociates for a minute. He’s not handcuffed to the fridge handle to the man who easily destroyed his entire life a little less than a year ago. He’s not in Sirius’ house. Sirius hasn’t pushed water in their direction with a motherfucking broom, and in fact, none of this is happening at all.
He’s quite content to keep his forehead on the white fridge, one magnet digging into the right side of his head.
Regulus cannot hear his voice, and certainly cannot handle his name being pronounced the way James pronounces his name.
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ThisLiminalSpace FAQ
On Bookbinding : I allow bookbinds to be made of my fics for personal use/gifts, as long as no money is involved for the exchange (also I love seeing them).
🐺 I hunt for you with bloodied feet across the hallowed ground : Werewolf Regulus, canon divergent 👽There's something about you, calling to me : The colorless, Alien spaceship soulmate AU
Dramione 🪄Echoes In Eternity : Gladiator retelling but also definitely not at all, wandlore reevaluation, we're building Horcruxes.
🐺 I hunt for you with bloodied feet across the hallowed ground : Werewolf Regulus, canon divergent 🚣🏻 We qualify angels by weight of wings, isn’t that a little shallow? : Fake dating, wizard AU 🐈The third option : Asexual Regulus Black. 👽There's something about you, calling to me : The colorless, Alien spaceship soulmate AU ♾️ The sound of your own drowning : The Old Guard AU, exploration of Quynh and Andy's story line as Jegulus. 🌊Heartless : MCD. Davy Jones retelling but I don't listen to the rules and just do what I like, prosed poetry. (Taken down for rework). 👶🏻 I am the moved on : Mpreg jegulus but really not in the way you think. A story with not one (1) mention of actual pregnancy. 🌼 One Thousand Wildflower Fields : A/B/O, underground fighting. Smut. 🦯 Everything I Thought I Knew has Fallen out of View : MCD. Orpheus and Eurydice retelling. Blind James, bargaining as a love language, except it's canon and he's gotta die. 🌎 Le Mange Dieu et le Dévoreur de Mondes : Regulus does not think he deserves good things. It takes 5 years, but James proves him wrong. JEGULUS💫/WOLFSTAR🐺⭐️ ONE SHOTS ⏳Parallel Lines : Inception, a life within a life. My personal fav story. ✉️ To you, who knew me : MCD. What makes everything so hard is that I am so easy to love, but I am the only one thinking so. ⚰️ Roast in Peace : Another fever dream of dumb coffee puns and light smut though it's mostly jokes and humor. 🚬 Kissing other boys : Sharing kisses and cigarettes 👼👿 Raise hell : Angels and demons, soulmates, also known as the Frankeinstein fic 🥐Collars and Croissants : I can't apologise. Croissant date ☕️The Brew : I'm sorry. A/B/O, texting 😢Peak : I just don't want anyone to be happy 🤵🏻‍♂️Runaway Groom : Don't let me get married let's drink wine 🕷All the ways Regulus avoids using the subway : Spiderman James 🧹Save a broom, ride a chaser / Save a snitch, catch a seeker : Established slice of life, fun teeshirt and dino mug 🛳Musical chairs on a sinking ship : MCD. Everyone drinks blood and then dies. A close second favorite. 👻Shadows : I take the french subway too often clearly 😷Of all the things you could ruin, I hope you choose me : I was in my spit Jeggy era please excuse these filthy surgeons. 💦Tell me what you want : I just wanted to make friends with Greenvlvetcouch so I wrote them filth. 🏅Goldeneye : I can't play sports, even imaginary ones.
DRAMIONE✨ 🪄Echoes In Eternity : Gladiator retelling but also definitely not at all, wandlore reevaluation, we're building Horcruxes. Explicit ⚔️ - Dramione - In progress
Your maker: Maple syrup and Titanic, wine&paint and myoelectric arms. Something soft and unshakable: happy birthday Levi
Ace♠️ing it Podcast I'm doing with my lovely soulmate B.
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industrations · 1 year
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Reggie of the day:………tiny horse
For context:
For my fellow tiny horse enthousiast @thisliminalspace-on-ao3
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limetimo · 1 year
Best Part of Waking Up by starling011, TemieTem Sirius/Regulus later with addition of Remus, PWP
Listening to Your Heartbeat (If only you knew how much I love it) by thestarsforus Regulus and Evan were kidnapped by vampires when they were little, survived on the run for years, got adopted by Alphard, and finally got to go to Hogwarts for their OWL year. Bartylus
Little Star (How I Love You In All The Wrong Ways) by fairies_withspirits Regulus/Sirius/James/Potter, porn with soooo much feelings also [spoilers] James kills Snape with his bare hands
Tiny Hands (or, Heg loo) by featherprongs Jegulus raising Harry cute oneshot
Stupid For You by fullonbicrisis musicians Black brothers, Jegulus, long and sweet
i said i'd never let you go (and i never did) by JohnnysLittleMonster jegulus, trans james, harry is regulus' son, regulus kills voldy
step into the daylight and let it go by serendipitysirius halloween '81, regulus returns, lily dies, james needs to learn how to go on and to love without guilt, lots of therapy. Loved it
Twins Potter and The Goblet Of Fire by sorrowfulroseheart013 regulus is reborn as harry's twin, starts collecting his old friends
pipe down with the noise, i cannot bear my sorrow (i hate who i was before) by JohnnysLittleMonster after the prank sirius is super low and goes to commit suicide. v background jegulus
horrified looks from everyone in the room (but we're only looking at you) by JohnnysLittleMonster Regulus is being coerced into an arranged marriage. Effie Potter won't allow it ♥ This is super good okay
don’t talk to strangers (hey pretty boy) by lolokids for leabrut james ALMOST sleeps with a stranger. dramatic black brothers.
Goldeneye by ThisLiminalSpace professional quidditch players jegulus au with a lot of pining. Also Goldeneye is a galaxy brain nick for Regulus okay
Warm by UnfortunatelyDisastrous super lovely, regulus plots revenge on sirius by seducing his friends to the dark side. except, he kinda really likes being friends with remus and peter and dating james... long and sweet
I Know the End by ButIAmTheChosenOne Regulus makes his decision about the cave
To Get Back Home by ButIAmTheChosenOne everything's fucked, hermione and mtf theodore nott yeet themselves to the past (the 70s) with a Black Fam ritual
Whatever happened to the young, young lovers? by georgia_sk BAMF regulus kicking ass and being mentally unwell and emotionally unstable
Power Over Me by star4daisy vampire hunter James and his 3 vampire boyfriends
Of His Bones by MesserMoon for BerryLou royals Sirius and Regulus, pirate James and Remus, wolfstar, jegulus, soft but covered in blood RoseKiller and build up to Narcissa/Alice which is driving me feral in the best way
For Reasons Unknown by m3535, Zayhad remus/regulus gryffindor regulus
Ivy Grows by Rosemarilee lily out of blue cheats on james with mary, realises she's unhappy with her life becuase she didn't stop to think what she wanted since she got pregnant some 15 years ago. Regulus has a massive crush on James and is the support James needs in these trying times
The Boy from Beauxbatons by haey1 sirius was sent to beauxbatons for some reason and now he's back to england for the triwizard tournament. wolfstar
One Last Goodbye by haey1 regulus and beauxbatons sirius say their goodbyes couse they know the war is going to part them
vitriol spills forth from my lips (i wish it were acid instead) by Excalis sirius bullies regulus
All That Remains by CelesteMagnolia for Artemisia_Black_95, MerlinsSequinedHotPants my boy is looking for a proper wife and oh my god he's so stupid kill me and spare me the second hand embarrassment
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imsiriuslyreading · 1 year
life is life-ing so hard right now and i’m trying Very Hard to Be A Human™️.
writing panville and reading wolfstar and jeggy are the Only Things keeping me even remotely sane. i’m not sure sane is the word actually.
also reading all the fics my friends write. seeing those little ao3 emails coming in with “thisliminalspace has found a new obsession to write about”. or “solmussa posted a new chapter of this fic you’re waiting for” or “damagecontrol has added more smut to the roster” or “motswolo has completed a heartbreaking fic you’ll never be able to read but you appreciate knowing she’s writing stuff and things”.
these are my saving graces thank you and goodnight (good morning it’s 8am)
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