#Thunderbird Dinwiddie
yourdailyqueer · 5 months
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Traci Dinwiddie / Thunderbird Dinwiddie
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Lesbian
DOB: 22 December 1973
Ethnicity: Syrian, white, Native American (Cherokee)
Nationality: American
Occupation: Actress
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melancholyromance · 10 months
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Matt Mangum as Savior DJ (via Matt’s Instagram)
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spngeorg · 2 years
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Episode 98: 5.16 Dark Side of the Moon
We finally get to explore the Great Gig in the Sky... Heaven, as it were. I could talk about this episode for hours. Days, even. But what is Time. (and yes, I considered just assembling this entire post out of song titles and lyrics from the album, but I figured that would give us all Brain Damage... fine, I’ll stop now)
We finally get a peek behind the curtain, but what are we actually being shown? Who’s actually doing the “showing,” and what agendas (including Chuck’s) are influencing what Sam and Dean experience there?
Plus Dean and Cas both take major blows to their confidence in having any hope of defeating Lucifer and stopping the apocalypse. God has always been a dick, honestly. Sam... is still desperately clinging to hope, for now. Things are looking pretty grim all around, though.
I talked long enough in the episode, so here have some links:
The Superwiki page
My Tag for the episode
My cosmology of the spn universe tag
my tag for Heaven (and hell, purgatory, and the empty)
my tag for soulmates (mercifully briefer than the previous two lol)
filming locations map
the Network Draft script
an interview with Thunderbird Dinwiddie (Pamela)
Listen now on AnchorFM, or wherever you enjoy podcasts!
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fleursfairies · 3 years
ok so you know pamela barnes from supernatural and how she was so cool
well her actress’s name is thunderbird/traci dinwiddie THAT IS SUCH A COOL NAME
and she’s bisexual
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yulebrinner25 · 4 years
I’m sure this is a long shot but I’m wondering if there is any fanfiction written about the characters Elena and Peyton from the 2010 LGBT Nicole Conn film, Elena Undone? It’s one of my favorite films and I watched it again for the 10th Anniversary. I’m desperate for more of their love story but haven’t been able to find anything in my (admittedly) few Google searches. If anyone knows of any out in the ether somewhere, I’d love to read it! Thx!
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221blilli · 5 years
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grande-caps · 4 years
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Supernatural 14.10 - “Nihilism”
size: 1920x1080                             2,341 screencaps
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multifandomdestiny · 6 years
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Pamela cleaning up Dean’s face
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laurelwinchester · 6 years
Tracie Dinwiddie does not age, wow!!!! I have missed Pamela.
she actually doesn’t go by traci anymore (she has officially changed her name to thunderbird dinwiddie) but - yes, 100% agreed! she looks amazing and i was so so happy to see pamela again!
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rainbowskittle · 6 years
Supernatural ladies that I have crushes on... (ok I would do all of them but tumblr only allows 10 gifs or pics in one post .. so I’ll do my top 10.. random order.)
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Pamela Barnes [Thunderbird Dinwiddie]
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Charlie Bradbury [Felicia Day]
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Rowena [Ruth Connell]
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Ruby [Genevieve Padalecki]
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Constance Welch [Sarah Shahi]
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Alex Jones [Katherine Ramdeen] , Donna Hanscum [Briana Buckmaster] & Clair Novak [Kathryn Newton]
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Jody Mills [Kim Rhodes]
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Meg Masters 2.0 [Rachel Miner]
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Eileen Leahy [Shoshannah Stern]
This list helped.. and just look at how beautiful they all are! Incredible at acting too! Great job at casting! 🌈 🖤
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almanyalilar · 5 years
Mr. Brooks
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Mr. Brooks
İnsan karnı doyunca, varlık içinde yüzünce ve hayatında bir ideal, ulaşabileceği bir hedefi, gerçekleştirebileceği bir rüyası olmayınca dünyanın en tehlikeli ve bir o kadar zararlı varlığıdır. Film bu tez üzerine kurulmuş. Hayırseverlik, başarılarına seni oralara götüren insanları da ortak etmek, açları doyurmak, muhtaçlara yardım etmek, bu tür şeyler batı toplumunda nadir görülen…
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spngeorg · 2 years
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Episode 70, 4.10 Heaven and Hell
If their ability to find an escape hatch out of this one irritated Chuck, I can’t help but imagine that’s at least part of what pushes him in 4.18 to “write himself into the story,” you know? When does Chuck ever show up in the story, when the Winchesters could really use a helping hand from a loving God? Nah. Well, maybe a little bit... but mostly it’s when they’re finding loopholes in the story-- the whole “we’ll find another way” rather than make this most awful choice the narrative has been pushing them toward. But that’s besides the point, because this episode isn’t about him :’D
Mostly what we learn about here is the intro to all the stuff that will underpin Castiel’s entire character arc for the next 13 seasons-- the nature of angel grace, what an angel is, what differentiates and what makes them similar to a human soul, and the oppression angels experience under Heaven’s rules of “obey or die.” Right there you get the foundation for Cas’s fear of allowing his “humanity” to blossom, and if you let me I’ll rant forever about why this alone makes his end in canon the ultimate tragedy. But I won’t do that today >.>
We also learn a little more about Dean’s 40 years in Hell and that he wished he couldn’t feel any of that at all-- the worst human emotions. He’d give up the good stuff just to not have to feel all that bad stuff, as Anna tells him even knowing what he experienced and feels right then is worth it to her, that she doesn’t want to give up any of it to go back to being an angel who can’t really feel any of it... 
(I miss you pb&j in 9.11... was not about a sandwich...)
okay, on to the references for this week’s episode!
The Superwiki page for this episode
My tag for this episode
but especially these posts:
the destiel uh.. the dean/anna sex scene and other callbacks to 4.01
June 2019 rewatch notes
on Dean’s “weakness”
angels and emotions
this episode’s installment of lizbob’s “dean and cas are in love” series
and a second “dean and cas are in love” post for this ep
Anna, Grace, and Humanity
April 2017 rewatch notes
that old nugget that “Cas stole Anna’s role in the narrative” after this episode... if you read this you must read the whole thing and not cherry pick the bits that confirm your preferred narrative, while remembering that tvtropes and the fandom wikia are not reliable info sources :’D 
The cut scene of Cas and Uriel talking about their orders that is absolutely essential, likely cut because it gave too much away of the larger plot (1:47 long video)
The CW promo for this episode (:20 long video)
an interview with Gen Padalecki talking about Ruby’s motivations
Thunderbird Dinwiddie discussing Pamela’s return to Supernatural
Listen now on AnchorFM, or wherever you enjoy podcasts!
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qwertyfingers · 4 years
okay thunderbird dinwiddie is native american, part cherokee apparently, and i feel v bad for laughing at the name now; my brain made the connection btwn thunderbird and that dumb show w the models and thought it was funny but its not actually and i should be more respectful!
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