fickle-tiction · 1 year
Like an Old Married Couple
  “Oh, you two are in for it when this is over.” Despite her words, Diana didn’t actually seem mad as she tested Clark’s grip around her wrists. She could wiggle a miniscule amount, and she knew from past experiences that in time she would be able to pull free. Then the two men hovering above her would regret every choice they made that morning.
“This wasn’t my idea. If anyone should die, it’s Clark.” Bruce was kneeling on the bed next to Diana, hands resting on his thighs for the time being. Clark was sitting on the tops of her thighs, effectively pinning her in place. For now.
“Doesn’t matter.” Diana was rotating her wrists in Clark’s hold as she spoke. Clark pressed them further into the mattress. “You’re helping him, therefore you will go down with him.”
Bruce knew retaliation was inevitable when he agreed to help Clark, so he just smirked at his girlfriend. “Well then, Princess, I see no reason to show you any mercy.”
“Whatever you do to me, I will do back in double.” 
There was a 50/50 chance that was true. Bruce didn’t love those odds. “Eh, you’re not that mean.”
“Can you two stop flirting and get to the tickling?” Clark actually sounded a little winded, which was concerning and also a little annoying if you were Bruce. He didn’t even break a sweat when Bruce was the one being held down. “I can’t actually hold her down forever.”
“See? It was all his idea. And now I think he’s feeling left out” Bruce turns to Clark with a mocking smirk on his face. “Are you feeling left out, Clarkie?”
“Keep it up and you’ll be in her spot next.” Bruce would never say it out loud, but just the thought of that had phantom tingles racing up and down his nerves.
“This is why you two never manage to get me. You bicker like an old married couple, and by the time you remember I’m here I’ve already gotten free.” Diana wrenched her left hand out of Clark’s grip with a triumphant laugh, but it was quickly caught by Bruce and slammed back onto the bed, where Clark resumed his hold.
“Do I need to hold her down for you?” 
“Just get to it.” Clark grunted, struggling to keep his hold on Diana’s wrists as she relentlessly tried to squirm out of his grip.
“Strongest man in the world, my ass.” Bruce muttered, just before his wiggling fingers descended on Diana’s triceps. 
“Bruce!” Diana shouted before quickly dissolving into delighted laughter. Diana always gave in immediately, happy to release her inhibitions and enjoy the game. It was very different to Bruce, who’s laughter had to be dragged out of him after a lot of grumbling and grunting, until he can’t hold it in any longer. Fortunately, he had no qualms about laughing as one of his partners is being taken apart.
“Yes?” He teased, tickling fingers migrating down into her exposed armpits. Diana’s eyes reflexively snapped shut as deep belly laughs were drawn out of her. “Now where is your favorite spot, again?” As though he could ever forget. “Was it here?” He began tapping at that awful spot between armpit and upper ribs. The spot that made all of them jolt and try to squirm away like their lives depended on it.
“You wi-hihihihi-ll regret th-hihihihi-is!” 
“Was it her neck?” Clark asked. Just because his hands were occupied with holding him down didn’t mean he couldn’t suggest spots for Bruce to try.
“It might have been.” Bruce traced his blunt fingernails over the delicate skin of Diana’s neck. She tossed her head side to side to try to dislodge the fingers as giggles began to pour out of her. He let up after a few seconds when her laughter started to sound frantic.
“Or was it her thighs?” Bruce’s smile was scary when it was being directed at you and you couldn’t move. 
“Ihihihi am going to ti-hihih-ickle your ears until they fall off.” How did she manage to sound so terrifying when she was still laughing and smiling?
“This was his idea!” Bruce insisted, jamming a finger into Clark’s unprotected ribs to emphasize his point.
Clark inhaled sharply, body twitching since he couldn’t bring an arm down to protect himself. “What are you talking about, B? You asked me to hold her down.”
“I did not!” Bruce should have known Clark would try to pin this on him to save himself from revenge. He should have seen it coming, but noooo. He had to go and trust that his boyfriend would have his back since he agreed to help him out in the first place. He was in a relationship with two traitors. 
“One of you is going down for this.” Diana sounded far too calm for someone who was shaking with laughter a minute ago. 
Bruce knew he had to act fast, or he was going to end up flat on his back. It was now or never. He locked eyes with Diana for a second before he attacked, burying his fingers into Clark’s open armpits and wiggling them furiously.
Clark went down like a sack of potatoes, collapsing onto Diana as his arms gave out. “You hahaha fucking tr-hahaha-traitor!” Clark cackled, arms clamped to his sides as Bruce’s hands roamed his body in search of every sensitive spot he could reach.
Bruce climbed on top of Clark’s back, knowing his added weight wouldn’t hurt Diana. “You were going to throw me under the bus.” Bruce pointed out as he wedged his hand between their bodies to tickle at Clark’s stomach.
Diana was using her now free hands to tweak Clark’s sides, and Bruce seized the opportunity to tickle her armpit with his other hand. “Wouldn’t want you feeling left out, down there.” 
Yeah, that might have been his fatal mistake.
Diana ceased her attack on Clark’s sides and leaned in to whisper something into his ear. Bruce froze, eyes wide with panic. Diana was smirking at him, and Clark was shifting beneath him.
“Wait.” Bruce started, pressing down harder on Clark, to no effect. “Let’s talk about this.” 
One second Bruce was laying on Clark’s back, Diana beneath the two of them; The next he was wrapped in Clark’s arms, his back to Clark’s chest, and Diana was straddling his waist. “Oh fuck.” Bruce breathed, a nervous smile already stretching across his face.
“We didn’t want you feeling left out.” Diana smirked. Bruce’s arms were free, and his hands were hovering in front of himself in anticipation.
“This was his ide-heeeeeeaaaaa.” Bruce’s words turned into a screech when Clark leaned forward to nose behind his ear midsentence. 
“That may be.” Diana was prodding random spots on his torso, delighted to watch him squirm away from any real good ones she managed to find. “But you betrayed him. And now you must pay.” 
“Ihihihi was helping you!” Bruce was trying, unsuccessfully, to fight his laughter as Diana gently dug into his abs.
“And I was helping you.” Clark spoke up, lips against Bruce’s neck sending ticklish vibrations into the skin. 
“Ihihihihi-it wasn’t my-hihihihihi idea!”
“If you two could stop bickering long enough to tire me out, neither of you would be in this position.” Naturally, Diana used one hand to squeeze the spot above Bruce’s hip that drove him wild, while the other hand squeezed the muscle above Clark’s knee, drawing startled laughter out of him.
“Wait, wait, wait.” Clark laughed, unable to pull his leg away without hurting Bruce. He had no choice but to leave it where it was and take it. Naturally, the only course of action was to take it out on Bruce, so he attack his ribs with vigor. 
“Shihihihit!” Bruce laughed, squirming every which way on instinct. He was alternating between trying to capture someone, anyone’s, hands, and trying to fight back by tickling any spot he could reach.
This went on for another few minutes, during which Bruce received the brunt of the attacks since he was in the middle. When he couldn’t take anymore, he mustered up enough breathe to yell out “Truce! Tru-hahah-truce! Plehehehease!” 
It was the “please” that really did it. All hands withdrew, and Clark loosened his grip around Bruce’s middle. Instead of shooting to the other side of the bed, like they expected, Bruce slumped back against Clark, chest heaving as he caught his breath. Diana collapsed on the bed next to them, laughing, her arm slung loosely over both of their middles.
“I am never helping either of you again.” Bruce huffed, a tired smile still on his face.
“Neither am I.” Clark laughed, running his palms up and down Bruce’s stomach and chest to sooth what he knew were now  jittery nerves.
“It wasn’t my idea.” Bruce insisted.
“It wasn’t mine.”
“Yes. It was.”
“No. It wasn’t.”
Diana huffed, rolling her eyes fondly as her partners continued to bicker like an old married couple beside her.
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figureofdismay · 6 months
The 'he asked for no pickles' meme but it's a righteously annoyed protective Scully saying 'he doesn't like his given name, he asked to be called Mulder' with a nervously awkward Mulder lurking mutely behind her.
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Lasso of Tickle Truth
Summary: You are Wonder Woman's most evenly matched enemy, but she has a combination of ways to win.
Note: This was just an idea swirling in my head, and I apologize if some of the details about her aren't portrayed that well! Thank you for your patience!
Word Count: 1133
You stumbled into a run-down shed, desperate for any hiding place. You were finally out of view from an ongoing chase with your arch nemesis: Wonder Woman. You two were in constant battles, trying to defeat the other once and for all. Your current heist was to steal a sacred document that was too important to lose. You were successful in this task, but were too late in escaping before being seen. This is how you were in the position you were in now.
You breathed heavily, fleeing by car and then foot. It was dark in the shed, a place that probably hadn’t been visited in decades. A wood chip fell off the ceiling, startling you. You silently cursed, knowing that you needed all the help you needed. Having things fall apart only meant more noise to be made and a higher chance of you being found. 
You heard footsteps outside, getting closer by the minute. You held your breath, hoping it was any random bystander. Anyone but her. 
“Sorry I’m late,” you heard, just outside of the shed. You scooted in as far as you could, trying to disappear in the darkness.
“Not gonna speak?” Wonder Woman asked.
Your eyes widened when you saw a golden glow appear outside of the shed. If she used her lasso of truth on you, you knew you were done for. She would find out where you hid the document. All of that planning to escape would be wasted.
There was a moment of silence, and you were unsure of what you should do next. You were too scared of what her next move would be.
After a moment, the flimsy door to the shed flew open, revealing the superhero and her lasso in front of you. You backed up against the wall, knowing that you were stuck. You felt around in the darkness for a secret back door. Your hand felt the shape of a knob and quickly turned it to open the door. You pushed it open and sprinted out, not getting very far before her lasso was roped around your torso.
You fell to the ground, struggling to get out, as she quickly caught up, pinning you to the ground. 
“Well well well, what do we have here?” Wonder Woman asked, raising an eyebrow. With the lasso of truth around you. Luckily for you, your power was a strong ability to fight against this.
“N-noth-ing,” you struggled to say.
“I know you stole the sacred document. You’re not going to fool me,” she said, smirking down at you.
You turned your head away, refusing to fall for her trap.
“I can fight your silly lasso you know,” you spat back at her while glowering.
Her eyes narrowed slightly, and it felt as if you were two siblings fighting rather than two arch enemies. 
“Maybe I’ll need something a little more powerful then hmm?” Wonder Woman suggested. With the lasso still around your torso and arms, she began to tickle your sides.
“NOHOHO NOHOT THAHAHAT,” you shouted, knowing that this is one thing you could never defend against. Especially when you were stuck in her lasso.
“What’s this? The big bad schemer is ticklish? Who would’ve thought this was how you were gonna lose…” she commented with a grin.
“AHAHAHAHA IHIHI WOHOHONT LOHOHOSE,” you squealed, as her fingers moved up to scratch away in and around your ribs. 
“You may be able to fight the lasso pretty well, but combining it with tickling will make you spill for sure,” she said, now taking her finger and wiggling it in your belly button.
You shrieked, bucking so hard that you were able to flip onto your side, desperately trying to protect your sensitive giggle button.
“Awww does that tickle? Is that what this button does? It makes you laugh?” She asked, repeatedly poking into it, causing you to scream for her to stop.
“Tell me.” She demanded.
You were weakened by the tickles, and the lasso of truth was getting more and more difficult to fight against.
“N-never!” You barely said, as she flipped you back to your original position, face up.
“We’ll see about that. You know the thing is, I have intel on all of my enemies. I happen to know a little someone has very ticklish feet,” she said with a wicked grin and sat on your shins.
“NO! DONT YOU DAHAHAHARE,” you laughed while screaming and thrashing around. You desperately tried to take the lasso off, but Wonder Woman was quick, turning around and squeezing your hips, making you collapse again with a squeal.
With that, she continued to rake her nails over your sensitive soles, holding your toes back and tickling underneath.
“OHOHOKAY IHIHI GIHIHIVE,” you shouted, as she slowed her evil fingers.
“Speak now or forever hold your peace,” she said with a wink. You squirmed uncomfortably, before blurting out the location when she gave your knee a squeeze.
“IHIHIN THE HEHEADQUARTERS,” you squealed out.
“Thanks for the confirmation,” she said with a smirk.
“What do you mean?!?” You asked.
“Oh I figured, but at the same time it’s always fun to pick you apart,” she replied, as you flopped backwards with an eye roll.
“It is so funny though that you’re so weak to tickles,” she commented, gently flipping you over and tickling your back and neck while you were still in her lasso.
“It’s fun messing with someone who’s supposed to be equally matched with me,” she said, now letting you out of her lasso. You quickly tried to yank it, wanting to expose her secrets. However, it backfired as she gave it a much stronger yank, as she captured you and tickled up and down your sides. You entered yet again another fit of laughter, smacking her to tap out. You cursed yourself for this evil weakness. But being human, you knew she had to be ticklish as well.
“Oh big bad Wonder Woman~are you ticklish?” You asked, before tackling her and pinning her arms above her head.
“I’m not even touching you yet,” you teased, as she was already giggling like crazy. With that, you used your free hand to tickle her armpits, letting her experience the torture you just went through. You blew a big raspberry on her stomach while tickling her sides, which got a great reaction.
You finally let her up, knowing how bad it was.
“Maybe we have more in common than we thought. Shall we team up?” Wonder Woman asked jokingly.
“Yeah we should just go and use tickling as our new power,” you joked in reply.
“Oh I know you’d love to stay the villain though,” she teased, as you avoided eye contact and blushed.
“Knew it.”
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tickle-bugs · 1 year
Chase the Memory of it Still
Summary: Clark is deeply, madly, head-over-heels in love with the one person he can't have. What happens when he can have him, if only for a little while? Fake dating friends to lovers superbat hehe
this one's for @fickle-tiction as payment for being a goblin in her dms LOL love ya!! the sequel to this is in progress >:) also it literally doesn't matter but vicki has a jersey shore/boston accent to me. i won't justify it.
Edit: now with a sequel, But You Were Mine
Clark has never really cared much about his paycheck—not in the grand scheme of things, anyway—but fuck he really doesn’t get paid enough. 
“Sorry, Mr…Kent, but no press is allowed at the event. You’re more than welcome to wait outside with everyone else.” One of the guards—a bald fella who looks way too excited to turn him away—crosses his arms. 
“…in the freezing rain.” Clark attempts to wipe his glasses on a dry part of his outfit. All he does is push the water around on the lenses. His suit’s about three shades darker from the storm. Why didn’t he wear his coat? 
“You all seem quite dedicated. I’m sure you’ll figure something out.” The guard smiles at him and shifts his weight, looking straight ahead as if all six feet of dripping Kryptonian have just vanished. The doorman reopens the door and shows Clark his people—a swarming mob of reporters hunched behind metal barriers in windbreakers, using plastic bags to keep their livelihoods safe. 
“Thank you, gentlemen.” Clark clenches his fist until it shakes. Inhale, hold…exhale. He came all the way out to cold, rainy Gotham—wait. Gotham.
He glances past the guards and sifts through the noise of the gala until he finds the one heartbeat he knows better than anything. He smiles. 
“Oh, my mistake. I thought he hadn’t shown up. My partner is right there.” Clark points. They both turn to look—would’ve been an excellent time to subdue them if he was feeling more brash—as he waves across the floor at Bruce. 
He looks spectacular, honestly. His hair is doing that ‘I woke up this perfect’ messy thing, his shoulders are unfairly crisp under a three piece suit that’s probably worth more than Clark’s rent, and he just…glows. He’s chatting with a young woman who looks more than happy to fawn over him. Clark’s no longer staring but gazing, he feels it, and there’s absolutely nothing he can do. Maybe Bruce should stop being so…distracting. 
He sees the surprise and hears the murmured ‘Clark?’ under Bruce’s breath. He thankfully doesn’t say anything else as he approaches, just glides over with a glass of champagne. 
It’s at this moment that what he’s done, what he’s implied really sinks in, but it’s too late to turn back now. 
“Hey, I left my invite at your place and these…upstanding citizens can’t find room in their heart to let me by. That’s what I get for showing up to support my partner, huh?” He hopes his emphasis isn’t too much, but he really, really doesn’t want to stand outside after all of this effort. 
Bruce’s expression lands somewhere between pleasure and disbelief, minute and restrained as always. It’s only the uptick of his eyebrow and the slight narrowing of his eyes that gives him away. Bordering on amusement, but not quite. 
“That’s unfortunate. What seems to be the problem?” Bruce sips. The guards shift uncomfortably. Clark tries to quell his shit-eating grin. 
“I guess they think you’re outta my league.” Clark can’t help but snort a little. Bruce rolls his eyes. 
“Mr. Wayne, can we see your invitation please?” Baldy clears his throat and plays official, knowing damn well it won’t make a difference. Bruce hands it over without a second glance.  
“You look handsome.” Clark winks at him. He could smell Bruce’s cologne before he even walked over. At this proximity, he’s starting to get a little weak in the knees. 
“You don’t look too bad yourself.” Bruce reaches past and adjusts Clark’s tie. Nice touch. 
“Alright, Mr. Kent, you can enter.” The guards shuffle aside. Just to be an asshole, Clark shakes all the water off his form like a dog, splattering both the guards with the rainwater they tried to keep him in. Their shouts of confusion and disgust are the perfect soundtrack to his entry. 
Bruce offers an arm as if he hadn’t seen a thing and leads him over to the coat check, as if he would have a coat to check. He takes Clark’s glasses off his nose, dries them with his kerchief, and puts them back. Clark wrinkles his nose at the gesture—it’s so Bruce to just…do it himself. 
“Thank you. I’m so sorry,” Clark sighs. The lenses are terribly smudged. He plans for a headache.
“You owe me. Boyfriend? Really?” Bruce passes him a glass of champagne. 
“I know, I know. I tried to get by as press and when I saw you, I panicked. Lex is here and Lois and I have been trying to corner the bastard for weeks—“ 
“Hold my hand.” Bruce extends a palm. Clark chokes on his drink. If champagne wasn’t trying to migrate into his lungs, he would’ve taken a serious crack at x-raying and double-checking it was really his Bruce. 
“Clearly you’ve never done this before,” he murmurs, the very same palm sliding down Clark’s back. “Casual affection is key. We’re being watched.”
Bruce subtly laces their fingers together as they walk through the crowd. Clark tries to appear as put-together and boyfriendy as possible, but when he looks around, every single eye in the place is on him and Bruce. He starts to sweat and doesn't take another breath until they arrive at a little private corner on the far side of the room. 
“So, you were saying about Lex?” Bruce leans against the wall, scanning the room over the rim of his glass. His eyes catch back on Clark, warm and intense. 
“I, uh…he’s here.” Clark swallows. He’s starting to feel dizzy. This is a lot. He’s used to the grit of Batman or the gentle gruffness of Bruce. Bruce Wayne is a whole different creature. 
“Mhm. He’s looking for R&D investments again. I was told it’d be rude for me not to attend.” A wry smile crosses Bruce’s features. He breaks eye contact to scan and it gives Clark the wherewithal to finish his thought. 
“Lex is pulling his whole ‘get rid of anyone with superpowers’ shtick again. Really mad at me specifically, as usual. I’d bet you ten bucks he has a Kryptonite ray upstairs. He’s probably in the process of building more…or something worse.”
“You have a plan?” 
“I was going to go up there and, yknow—“ he mimes smashing something— “but I can hear about twenty people whispering about us and I don’t want to make you look bad. Not that you look bad, you look great! I just know your reputation is important and I put you in a weird spot and I’m sorry—“ 
Bruce shushes him. Clark blinks and splutters, because who shushes people, but suddenly Bruce is so close that he can’t think. He can see the tiny scar on Bruce’s lip, the one he lies and says was from a household accident. Clark wants to brush his thumb over it. 
He feels entirely normal about Bruce Wayne. 
“Stop overthinking. You’ll hurt yourself.” Bruce roughly pats Clark’s cheek. Clark has to actively shift his focus from the calloused warmth of Bruce’s hands to his eyes.
“Okay, ouch.” Clark rolls his eyes. “I’m just…this is your element. I’m not good at this.” 
“If you’re uncomfortable, you don’t have to stay.” Bruce tilts Clark’s chin down. Brushes some schmutz off his face. 
“I got us into this. It’s alright.” Clark can’t look him in the eye. He’s so painfully aware of all the ways Bruce is touching. A perfectly choreographed performance for the outside eye. An act.
For a moment, he indulges himself, allows his mind to wander to a different world where Bruce might do this for him anyway. Somewhere so gently domestic that their rituals of touch are sacred. He wonders what it might be like to have a Bruce that’d dote on him like this, even while fussing at him. 
Of course he has it now, but it’s not the same. Not when the eyes of hungry spectators cling to them from every shadow. 
“I’ll arrange for someone to pick you up.” He already has his phone out and is halfway through dialing by the time Clark can grab him. Bruce spins out of the hold and starts walking away, still dialing. 
“Bruce.” Clark yanks him back by the bicep. “I can survive mingling for a few hours. It’s no different than using a cover. What do I need to know?” Clark releases him only when it’s clear his stubborn streak is done rearing its head. Bruce works his jaw for a while and then sighs. 
“When you’re talking to these people, they’re going to try and get to the center of you. Try not to lie. The truth will always be easier to remember. Just repackage it.” Bruce adjusts the clean lines of Clark’s suit with his fingertips, procedural and routine. Clark wonders briefly how many times he’s done this. 
“Makes sense. Anything else?” Clark takes a measured breath. 
“We have to sell this. People need to see easy affection before they believe that we’re…doing okay. Now, imagine someone’s watching us—“
“Are they?” Clark tries very hard not to scan the room. He starts to sweat. 
“Shh. Someone’s watching us and you notice. They’re definitely gossiping. What do you do?” Bruce raises an eyebrow. The light of the obnoxious chandelier on the ceiling gives him a gentle glow. His eyes crinkle at the corners just slightly, even without a smile, and it’s beautiful. He’s beautiful. The surge of emotion in Clark’s chest knocks him off balance. 
“Well, staring isn’t—“ 
Clark kisses him breathless. 
Bruce leans into it, one hand cupping the back of Clark’s neck. There’s a perfect sunburst of giddy adrenaline—his hands find Bruce’s hips and pull them closer. Bruce’s heart thunders in his chest yet his hands are steady as they brace against Clark’s back. Clark cups Bruce’s jaw and brushes his fingers through the gentle stubble there, lets it tickle at his fingers. 
Clark breaks them apart with a quiet, triumphant chuckle—years worth of watching, waiting, and yearning all cresting towards this one moment. He can hear their comfortable status quo shatter as he does, but it’s worth it. It has to be. 
“Wow.” Bruce smooths his hands down Clark’s chest. He can’t tell anymore if the heartbeat thundering in his ears is Bruce’s or his own but he doesn’t care to know—if it’s the former, he’ll combust. Or faint. Somewhere in there. 
“How’d I do?” Clark manages to adjust his glasses without snapping them clean in half. 
“I might have a few pointers,” Bruce clears his throat and looks away. 
“We have plenty of time.” Clark steals another kiss and thanks the universe that Lois isn’t here to talk some sense into him.
“So, you and Mr. Wayne, hm?” A blonde woman with a massive fur shawl wound through her arms sidles up with a glass of champagne. Clark freezes at the snack table. 
“Hm?” He hides the multiple horderves in his hand behind his back. He’s very acutely aware that he shouldn’t be unsupervised right now, but Bruce is being flocked by investors with no hope for escape. He sneaks a pleading glance in Bruce’s direction.
They do lock eyes above the crowd, but the horde encircling him has the tenacity of seagulls on the boardwalk. Bruce apologizes with his eyes. Clark resigns himself to perish. 
“Phyllis Hough, a pleasure.” She extends her hand to him and he takes it out of practice, kissing the knuckles. Her skin is so dry and clammy that he has to bite back the urge to gag. 
“Clark Kent, Daily Planet.” He presses his lips into something like a smile. 
“Forgive me for intruding, but you’ve been the talk of the party since you arrived. How did you and Bruce meet?” She sidles too close, like they’re sharing a secret about someone else. Her demeanor reminds him too much of the foxes that used to terrorize his chicken coop growing up. 
The truth is always easier to remember. Just repackage it. 
“Well, he…needed my help. We met through work. We realized we worked well together and after that, everything sort of fell in place.” Clark shrugs. 
“That’s just darling. My husband and I met on a mission trip to Ghana.” She points to a deflated puddle of a man who’s leaned up on the bar, looking like he’d rather disappear than be here.
“A mission trip? That’s so…necessary.” Clark smiles and tries not to throw up in his mouth.
“I adore helping the less fortunate. It’s a hobby dear to my heart.” She places a hand on her chest, showing off the obnoxious diamonds on her bony fingers. Diamonds likely stolen from the same places she claims to ‘help’. 
“Ah, Mrs. Hough. Looking lovely as always. Do you mind if I steal Clark from you?” Oh thank god.
Bruce gives her a quick spin, using the move to squeeze closer to Clark’s side. He winds an arm around Bruce’s waist. Bruce rests his hand overtop Clark’s and he can’t help but grin like an idiot. He’ll never get over the little zing of his nerves every time they brush hands. 
“So soon? We were just getting to know one another.” Mrs. Hough tries to slide back into their space. Bruce stares her down, but not unkindly—just a blank, mannequin-like stare and a smile that almost looks real. 
A tense silence blooms between them. Clark’s sure if he listens just a bit harder, he’ll hear Bruce cursing this woman to high-heaven in his head. The silence stretches on.
“Forgive us. We haven’t spent much time together this week. I’ll admit I’m a little clingy. I never like to be far from him.” He cups Bruce’s cheek and gives him a quick, chaste kiss. Bruce chases his lips and lingers longer. Clark actually gets a little lost in it until a feeble cough splits them apart. 
“Well, who am I to interrupt love?” She strains the word strangely. “I best take my leave. I’ll see you around, gentlemen.” She waves over her shoulder and traipses back into the crowd. As soon as she leaves, Clark heaves a deep, weathered sigh. 
“How do you do this? I’d rather chew off my own fingers than rub elbows with these people.” Clark takes Bruce’s glass from his hand and downs it. The fizz is nice, but it might as well be water. He starts munching on his poached horderves. 
“Trust me, it’s not fun for me either.” Bruce grumbles, plucking a cracker with crab dip from Clark’s little stash. 
“Why do it then? Why pretend?” 
“It’s part of the job. You know that better than anyone.” There’s something so very tired in Bruce’s eyes. Even as he smiles, it’s empty and rueful—the light doesn’t make it to his eyes. 
“You don’t have to do that with me.” Clark squeezes his shoulder. Bruce’s gaze drops to the floor and his shoulder sag minutely, the tiniest give in his guard that Clark’s privileged enough to see. For a moment, he’s not Bruce Wayne but Bruce. 
He doesn’t lean to catch Bruce’s eye—he knows he hates that—so he just stands there and rubs circles into his shoulder. 
“I like who you are under the mask.” Clark offers him another cracker. Bruce takes it and taps it against Clark’s last ones, as if they’re holding glasses, and pops it in his mouth. Clark snickers. Only Bruce could make something so dorky look so charming. 
“Am I dreaming, or is that you, Bruce?” A feminine voice cuts through the din with ease. Clark catches the moment that Bruce’s muscles lock up and the eyeroll before he turns around. Just like that, Bruce Wayne returns. 
A woman in a long green gown slinks across the floor. Her posture sets her aside from everyone else in the room—her stance is powerful and lithe. 
“Vicki. It’s been a while.” Bruce gives her that practiced smile he’s been wearing most of the evening. His posture is so unnecessarily rigid that Clark rubs his back before he can think better of it.
“How’ve you been, Brucie? Hear you’re gettin’ into some interesting trouble. Speaking of trouble—“ 
“Vicki Vale, Gotham Gazette.” She sticks out her hand to shake. Tall, blonde, terrifying eyes—yeah, he could see how she would be Bruce’s type. Definitely an ex. 
“Clark Kent, Daily Planet.” He shakes her hand. “I thought press weren’t allowed in.” 
“I have my ways. So do you, it seems.” She winks and passes him a flute of champagne. He graciously accepts. 
“Ah, well. Perks of being around this guy I suppose.” Clark bumps Bruce’s hip a little. Bruce looks so startled by the motion that Clark can’t help but laugh a little. 
“Listen, Clark, I’ve been with Bruce before and—“ she leans in close but doesn’t whisper, like she’s giving the world’s most public secret— “He’s honestly a softie under all the suits and cars.”
“I am not a softie. I can hear you.” Bruce shoves his hands into his pockets. Even though he’s turtling, there’s a levity to it. 
“He has a thing for stubborn asses who get into trouble, ‘cause he is one. If that’s anything like you, you’ve got a good thing going here.” She smacks Clark’s chest with the back of her hand. Her honesty is…jarring, but not unfun. 
“Oh, do you now?” Clark raises an eyebrow at Bruce over the rim of his glass. 
“It’s not a thing. I don’t have a thing.” Bruce grumbles, the faintest hint of pink tinging his cheeks. 
“Kinda sounds like you have a thing, Brucie.” Clark grins. Bruce scowls. He might be pushing his luck but it’s the only fun he’s really had all night. 
“You two been together long?“ Vicki snatches a fresh glass from a passing waiter like a viper. 
“Few months. Feels like longer.” Bruce doesn’t skip a beat. Clark hopes his smile makes Bruce’s tone sound less under duress. 
“Wow, that’s pretty serious. Congrats.” She raises her glass in salute. Clark wants to cut in—that absolutely felt sarcastic—but Bruce gives his hand a squeeze. 
“Can’t imagine life without him.” Bruce gives him such an earnest look that Clark has to avert his eyes before he gets too hopeful. His stomach twists. Play the part. 
“Do you got somethin’ you like most about him?” Vicki locks onto Clark and he jumps a little. She dissects him with her gaze in that way only journalists can. He does his best not to shuffle under her scrutiny. 
“Vicki, I hope this isn’t an interview.” Clark gives her his best stern stare. 
“If it was, you botched it.” She bumps shoulders with him. “I’m kidding. Off the record. I haven’t seen Bruce glow like this, ever. Just lookin’ for your secret.“ 
That sends a sweet, traitorous flutter through his ribcage. 
“Do you want to dance?” Bruce abruptly turns on his heel and shoves his hand into Clark’s personal space. 
“Do…you want to dance?” Clark furrows his brow. Bruce looks like he might explode. 
“Come on.” Bruce pulls Clark onto the dance floor. 
“Bye, Vicki!” Clark calls over his shoulder, but Bruce is spinning him into the gentle embrace of violin song faster than he can resist. They glide far, far away from that corner of the room, losing her verdant silhouette in the crowd.
“Be honest. Did you just run from your ex?” Clark laughs, trying to keep in time with Bruce’s steps. He’s always had two left feet, but Lois had forced him to go to ballroom dancing classes with her enough times for him to pick up some semblance of rhythm.
“No.” Bruce leads just a little too fast for the music at hand. Clark drags his feet in an effort to slow them down. 
“I don’t buy it. You would’ve been happier to see Harley than Vicki.” Clark almost dips Bruce on autopilot. He course-corrects pretty quickly and pulls a tight-lipped Bruce close instead. Nearly cheek-to-cheek, Clark takes the lead as easy as breathing. 
Clark isn’t sure when he started humming, but he lets the music take them both. Bruce allows him to maintain the lead, surprisingly, and he guides them languidly around the dance floor. He even twirls Bruce, shocked he gets away with it, but he’s too wrapped up in whatever this is to question anything.
When Clark pulls back a bit to tease, Bruce is staring at him with those wide, pretty eyes. 
“What?” Clark can hear the gears in Bruce’s head turning, even when there’s nothing to say. A remarkable talent.
“I…didn’t know you could dance.” Bruce shifts his hand from Clark’s shoulder to his back. 
“I’m full of surprises.” Clark grins. Their form slowly morphs from proper ballroom to a casual, dance-in-the-kitchen kind of waltz--Clark links his fingers with Bruce’s and leads them by the hands, they somehow find a way to get closer to one another, and they end up in a slow, gentle sway. 
“We should dance more.” Clark spins Bruce again and they end up back-to-chest, arms crossed over Bruce’s torso. 
“You can’t be serious.” Bruce’s ears are adorably rosy. Clark chooses to remain alive and not comment on it. 
“It’s good for you, Bruce! Lord knows you could use the smiles.” Clark spins them again, back to proper form. Bruce’s whole face scrunches and he stops in his tracks. A tinnitus-like sound ringing gently from Bruce’s ear and into their personal space makes Clark wince a little.
Of course he’s wearing comms. 
“Diana’s got Lex cornered upstairs.” Bruce leans in and murmurs low in Clark’s ear. He fights tooth and nail against a full body shiver. 
“Diana’s here? You called for backup?” Clark adjusts his glasses.
“If anything we’re her backup.” Bruce scoffs. “We need people to see us disappear so we have an alibi. Act natural.” 
Clark walks away. Bruce yanks him back by the bicep and leans in close. 
“Flirt with me. No, no—Clark, like you mean it.” Bruce compensates for the awkwardness by messing with Clark’s tie, but it starts to look like a tic more than anything else. Clark caresses Bruce’s cheek but it looks more like he’s wiping something off his face. 
“I’m trying!” He huffs. “This isn’t exactly my skillset.” 
“You had all of…that a minute ago—“ Bruce gestures at him— “where’d it go?” 
Clark tries to summon ‘that’,  whatever that means. The best he can do is scowl uncertainly and lead them back into an awkward sway. 
“You could at least pretend like you like me,” Bruce huffs, uncharacteristically petulant. Clark almost gives himself away then and there.
“I’m not good at this.” He swallows and averts his eyes.
“Come on, American Pie. You’ve gotta be working with more than those doe eyes.” Bruce’s devilish smirk genuinely tears the breath from Clark’s lungs. He takes a ridiculous inhale to buy him time until—yep, there it is, the smirk disappears. 
“Nope. This pie is fresh outta doe…eyes…that was going to be a dough joke but I think I should let it die.” Clark lets his forehead collide with Bruce’s shoulder as they sway, relishing in the comforting pat on the back that he gets. 
“That would be merciful.” Bruce laughs. 
“Did you just laugh?” Clark perks up. 
“No.” Bruce’s jaw tightens. He can’t kill the sparkle in his eye though, no matter how hard he tries. It’s there and it's stunning, like the cosmos in its depths. 
“You actually think I’m funny. You laughed at my joke!” Clark doesn’t realize that he’s dipped Bruce until they’re nose to nose, sharing the space of a breath. He quickly pulls him back up. 
Enough dancing. Clearly he can’t handle that. 
“I think you are…moderately amusing.” Bruce rolls his eyes. Clark squints.
“I think you are super…man.” Clark drags out the pause. Bruce all-but-scoffs. 
“Seriously?” He shoves Clark’s chest. There’s a fondness to the gesture that makes his heart ache. 
“You wanna laugh. I see it in your eyes, you do this squint—“ Clark pokes Bruce’s nose, mostly because he can’t do anything about it.  
“I don’t want to laugh. I want to punch you.” Bruce gives his best scowl. Clark’s finger on his nose cuts most of the threatening aura. 
“You’re smiling though. You are!” Clark scritches beneath Bruce’s chin as a fond gesture, something Lois often does to him. 
Bruce squeaks.
“You are beyond immature,” Bruce huffs, jerking away from the touch. Clark’s brain struggles to reconcile what he just heard with what he’s seeing, as a suddenly perfectly-stoic Bruce adjusts his suit jacket. 
Clark reaches out to do it again and Bruce latches onto both of his arms to push him away. Clark pushes back with no strain, as if the grown man clinging to his wrists weighs no more than bracelets, and repeats the gentle tickle. 
Bruce smashes his chin down to his chest as a couple of scratchy snickers force their way free. 
“No way.” Clark beams. 
“Don’t you dare. Do not. Clark—Clark.” Bruce starts to back away. Clark snakes an arm around his waist and holds him tight. 
“What? I’m flirting.” Clark presses his fingers into the curve of Bruce’s waist and it earns him a headbutt—thankfully avoiding the glasses. He finds a spot beneath Bruce’s ribs that gets a snort. 
“You’re so cute. I wish you’d smile more.” Clark worms his fingers beneath the curve of Bruce’s jaw, chasing that squeak that opened up such beautiful horizons. 
“I am not cute, you dick.” Bruce tries to bite at Clark’s fingers. 
“Mmm, I disagree.”
“I’m going to bury you in the shallowest of graves.” Bruce grits out, curling into Clark’s shoulder. A strangled squeal flies out upon contact with his ears and Clark stays there, fascinated by the degree of squirming happening in his immovable arms. 
“I’m sure you will.” He persists until finally, finally, a choked giggle emerges. It’s quiet enough to float beneath the ambient noise of the gala, but it rings loud and clear in Clark’s ear. 
“Are you coming? Otherwise, I’m taking him to Arkham myself. He’s…irritating.” Diana’s voice is a tinny pinprick in Bruce’s ear, but Clark still picks up on her message. He stills his fingers.
“On our way,” Bruce murmurs. As soon as the connection is severed, Clark steals one more squeeze at his side before they vanish to the service corridors to meet Diana. 
“Boys. You’re late.” Diana looks up from where she’s been braiding the Lasso of Hestia. On the other end, Lex Luthor hums an irritating tune. 
“Busy day,” Batman grouses, flexing his fingers. He makes his way over to the contraption in the corner and starts picking at the wires. 
“Whatcha got over there?”
“A highly concentrated laser stocked with a rainbow of Kryptonite strands. We were right on time.” Batman dislodges something with a mighty crack. In his hands, a glass capsule full of suspended Kryptonite crystals glitters in the light. The lenses on the cowl flick blue as he analyzes them further. 
“Well, Lex, you’ve just made me ten dollars richer.” Superman puts his hands on his hips. He can feel the faint, crawling fatigue starting to burrow into him from the proximity of the Kryptonite, but he resists it. He yanks a handful of wires free from the machine, crushes the focus, and kicks the motherboard hard enough to disintegrate it. 
“I hope your investors don’t hear about this,” he tuts, crossing his arms. “I’d hate for Wayne Enterprises to leave you in the dust for the…what, sixth year in a row?”
“We’ll see who’s laughing soon, Man of Steel. Your supposed altruism is nothing but your own selfish desire, fueled by greed—“
Superman knocks him out before he can finish.
“What the hell do you gel your hair with? Cement?” Bruce ruffles Clark’s hair again with a scowl. It doesn’t move. 
”Mrs. Duvet’s Quick-Dry Iron Hold gel. Otherwise it gets super obvious when I’ve been out flying.” Clark carefully starts pulling strands to the front, mimicking Bruce’s helmet hair. 
“Of course you do.” Bruce continues carefully messing with his hair. Clark shivers at the fingers on his scalp. 
“I can just wet it and shake it out real quick?” Clark grabs for the sink handle and starts sizing up how to fit his head into the basin. 
“I’d rather not leave a soaking wet bathroom for the custodians.” Bruce runs his hands beneath the tap, then holds them towards Clark. “May I?”
He nods numbly. Bruce runs his hands through Clark’s hair and he utterly melts into it. Oh, it’s a crime this won’t last.
“Looking like, uh, we had sex is a lot harder than I thought it would be.” Clark starts fiddling with his tie. He can feel his face heating up at the idea of it. 
“There is an art to it. Here, let me.” Bruce takes the ends of the tie and gives it a quick full Windsor with practiced hands. Then he loosens it just right. 
“Honestly, Bruce, no one will notice if I sneak out. I’m just some reporter they’ve never heard of.” Clark’s eyes dart to Bruce’s lips for a moment. 
“These people have nothing but time and wealth—they’re always looking for gossip. We disappear and you don’t come back? In two days, someone will find you and hunt you down for the exclusive on our ‘tumultuous relationship’.” Bruce fiddles with Clark’s shirt collar. Undoes a button. 
“So I’ll tell them we went our separate ways. Big deal.” Clark clears his throat. 
“Vicki and I broke up eight years ago. To this day, she still gets harassed by paparazzi on her way to work. Maybe that doesn’t bother you, but what are you going to do when people with cameras and time start realizing how much you disappear from the Daily Planet?” Bruce makes an exasperated hand gesture that seems to lack a target. 
“Fair enough.” Perry and Lois can only protect him so much. Bruce, regrettably, has a point. 
“We’re playing a part. After this, you won’t have to worry. I’ll give a statement that we quietly split and in a week or two, you’ll be left alone. Let’s focus on getting out of here.” Bruce returns to fiddling with Clark’s hair. 
Clark takes Bruce’s hands in his own. His breathing stutters a bit.
“Can I kiss you, Bruce?” Never has a question felt so heavy, so precarious. 
“Is there someone in here?” Bruce’s voice drops low, eyes darting to the stalls. 
“No! No, I just thought it’d be easier to…y’know…rather than faking it.” He can’t bring himself to look Bruce in the eye. He loses track of whose heartbeat is thundering in his ears. He feels like he’s back in high school and fumbling his way through practicing in the mirror. 
“What?” No going back now. 
“It would just be for a minute or two. It might be more effective than pretending. We could kiss a little. It doesn’t have to mean anything.” Clark shrugs. Yeah. Logic is good. This is strictly a business arrangement. Friends kiss sometimes. They’ve been through hell and high water together, this should be easy. 
Bruce stares at him for a long while, long enough to make him sweat, to make him sick. Years of friendship and trust suddenly hang in the balance and he’s not ready for that. He’s not ready to lose that. What the fuck has he done? 
“Are you…reasoning your way through making out with me?” Bruce puts his hands on his hips, expression utterly unreadable. 
“Maybe?” Clark swallows. 
Silence envelops the bathroom. Clark starts running through ways to retcon the worst mistake of his life—passing it off as a joke? Yeah, that might work. He starts to fumble his way through the syllables of an apology, when—
Bruce laughs. Hand on the wall, shoulders shaking, laughs. He tips his head back as the last snickers float and echo. He looks at Clark down the length of his nose, still beaming. It’s the rarest thing he’ll ever see and he commits every detail to memory. 
“I don’t think anyone’s asked so nicely before. Is this how they do it in Kansas?” Bruce unravels Clark’s tie in seconds. He wraps both ends around his knuckles idly, hanging his wrists off of Clark’s shoulders. 
Clark grabs both sides of Bruce’s head and kisses him deeply to shut him up. Bruce tilts his head and pulls Clark roughly forward, slamming them both into the wall. He lets out a beautiful little noise as his hands slide beneath Clark’s jacket and absolutely ruin the clean press of his shirt. Clark has half a mind to hoist Bruce onto one of the sinks, but he resists. 
He’s beautiful. It’s the only clear thought that runs through Clark’s head as he starts unbuttoning the buttons of Bruce’s shirt. He tilts Bruce’s jaw up and presses tender, lingering kisses down the column of his throat. Bruce pulls at Clark’s hair, forcing his head up, and catches his lips with a growl. 
“That’s how we do it in Kansas.” Clark breathes, hovering in Bruce’s personal space. His glasses are fogged and smudged but he can still see the tantalizing tilt of Bruce’s lips. 
“Again, I have a few pointers—“
This time Clark does pick him up. Bruce’s eyes go wide. 
“Nevermind.” Bruce pulls him back in with a forearm around the neck. Clark surges forward and mouths beneath Bruce’s jaw. He can feel Bruce’s heartbeat nearby and he hunts for it, spurred on by the storm of his own want. When he finds it, he sucks slow and steady against his warm, soft skin until he’s sure it’ll bruise. Bruce lets out a keening whine that stutters into a gasp, gripping Clark’s shoulders. His thighs clench around Clark’s waist. 
Clark’s better judgment grabs him and he breaks them apart. Bruce doesn’t move away and that lights his brain up like a Christmas tree. He hovers there for far too long, fighting tooth and nail against the urge to chase the adrenaline. Bruce looks utterly sinful in his grip, flushed in a way Clark hasn’t ever seen. 
The concept of self-control comes to him in a whisper like it’s foreign. He remembers himself. 
“Are we…good?” Clark vaguely realizes he’s still holding Bruce and sets him down. He’s buzzing from head-to-toe, like he’s just taken a full day’s nap in the sunlight. He’s not entirely certain he can feel his face. He touches his own lips reverently. 
“What? Oh. Yeah, c’mon.” Bruce grabs him and leads them through the venue. 
When Bruce pulls him through the party and towards the front doors, he doesn’t even process the prying eyes and whispers. All that matters is Bruce’s hand gripping his own. 
Clark’s determined to catch this shooting star in his hand, even if it doesn’t last. Even if it burns him down the line. 
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bidisasterevankinard · 5 months
Several sentence sunday
It was leading the poll after I ended 6x11 so girl dad Buck and pediatrician Eddie
“Diana!” Buck loves his daughter more than anything in this world, but his little angel can be so fast in running away from him anytime she sees the playgrounds that even his long legs never help him to catch her. “Diana, stop, we talked about it! You can’t just run away from daddy!” he knows that all the moms on the playground judging him right now, but it’s not like even his the most strict voice, the one he is able to send to his daughter, chasing her in the park can stop his little demon from running to the skate park she spotted.
Finally catching his daughter right before any of the teenagers can knock her down, without noticing the toddler while doing tricks on their skates, Buck grabs his daughter in his hands and sending the most strict face he can, he tries to be a bad cop:
“Diana Maddie Buckley, we talked with you about running from daddy in the park or anywhere, right?”
The little copy of his pure blue-eyes and little pout of pink lips with little nods are seriously testing Buck’s strength, but he knows that he must be stronger than this. No matter how hard it is for him now not to start apologizing for his strict voice and not run to the ice cream store.
“But daddy it's a skate park,” his baby girl states, like Buck doesn’t understand the easiest things.
“Looks like cute little angel not such an angel when she has all her energy back,” the familiar soft with slight hoarseness, voice with big amusement makes Buck stop to teach his daughter how to behave in public places to raise his head to see all familiar beautiful caramel eyes and big plump, pink as peaches lips. “Hello, sweetheart,” the big smile on his daughter with a hand for shake that Diana with huge smile takes, and then not less big smile on him, "Mr. Buckley. Happy to see you two. Especially see that Diana gets her strength back.”
Dr. Diaz in tight black jeans and soft burgundy henley looks even hotter than in his white coat and Buck holds on all of his self-strength not to start to imagine what a good body hides under this choice of clothes. 
“Happy to see you, Dr. Diaz. And it’s all because of you,” Buck ticklish his daughter to make her smile. “This little energy ball is all healthy and back to her mischief. And as we are in a skate park I’m lucky she hasn’t stolen any skate before I got here. She could, right, little miss dangerous?” Diana only proudly agrees with a big nod of her head. 
Dr. Diaz laughs loudly and Buck thinks this man should stop being so perfect.
i was tagged by @jeeyuns @wildlife4life @rainbow-nerdss @wikiangela @daffi-990 @fortheloveofbuddie thank you <3333
tagging @eddiescowboy @elvensorceress @eddiebabygirldiaz @watchyourbuck @rogerzsteven @thewolvesof1998 @theotherbuckley @useramor @underwater-ninja-13 @pirrusstuff @aspecbuddie @spaceprincessem @spotsandsocks @spagheddiediaz @steadfastsaturnsrings @devirnis @giddyupbuck @hoodie-buck @hippolotamus @heartshapedvows @jesuisici33 @jobairdxx @jamespearce9-1-1 @ladydorian05 @loserdiaz @callmenewbie @cowboybuckleys @bigfootsmom @bekkachaos @mandzuking17 @monsterrae1 @malewifediaz @evanbegins @lover-of-mine @911onabc and anyone who wants
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Cool questions!
1: What's Chris/Thara & Jake/meredith wedding songs?
2: Dark question (feel free to skip) have the starburst duo ever been kidnapped? Like from school or maybe from their place?
3: Has somebody ever try to get revenge on the duo?Maybe a family member of a goon they stop tries to get revenge?
4: Let's say the duo filled their months with any drink of their choosing & the goal is to make the other spit it out, what would they do to each other & who spits it out first?
5: What's the super twins like with starknights/titans of tomorrow? Or maybe just Jake & mar'i?
Hmmmm....Lemme see what I can come up with @pin-crusher2000 ;-)
1) Chris/Thara: "Can I Have This Dance?" by Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudges; they’d have a waltz on the dance floor to that song
Jake/Meredith: "Hold Me” by Fleetwood Mac; The newlyweds can through on a performance with Meredith and Jake on guitar and drums respectively playing along to it
2) I would say it was primarily Jake who got abducted from his school during recess and then held up for ransom money by some mafia goons. In particular, since Jake is connected to billionaire Bruce Wayne via being the son of the adopted Richard Grayson-Wayne, the hostage takers demanded a payment up to $2 billion if Bruce and Dick are to see Jake unharmed. Thankfully for the Bats and Jake’s loved ones, these crooks weren’t particularly too technologically savvy so it’s was real easy for Cyborg to take down their locations via their internet signals and within the two hour mark after they post up their demands, Robin!Tim, Chris and Mar’i all came to Jake’s rescue, utterly curb-stomping the crooks. Still Jake was deeply embarrassed by this situation and vows to be extra careful next he ventures out of the school boundaries during recess.
3) Hmmm….I can probably see some of the street gang punk friends of Kryptonian Phantom Zone Prisoner and enemy of the House of Zod , Vla-Bol, all assemble around their ringleader after he tells them of his recent defeat at the hands of Chris. This Gang of Four can then sneak into General Zod’s base of Fort Rozz, hijack some of those Zone crossing pods many of the Fort’s residents including Chris long ago use to travel to Earth, and invade the planet themselves, going a mini rampage in Hamilton County to get Chris’ attention and start up a massive brawl, Chris trying desperately to lead said brawl away from the town and into areas worldwide where no one else can get hurt. It was a tough battle with him on the ropes many times but Jake’s, Penny Troy’s and the rest of the StarKnights’ timely arrival helped turned the tide long enough for Chris to borrow his Dad Clark’s Phantom Projector and send these Kryptonian street punks back to the Zone where they came.
4) I can see Chris mainly going for Jake’s ticklish spots while Jake would try making Chris laugh as hard as he can with some intentional slapstick and doing a small stand up routine filled with puns and other jokes his Uncle Gar taught him. It’s not even a real contest; Chris gets Jake to squirt out his grape soda not just out of mouth but also his nose.
5) Hmm….Okay so at least in this version or at least for a possible version that satisfies both Kid!Jon fans and fans of those two; I’d have them being raised by Mon El, Clark’s Daxamite de facto brother, after having to rescue them from the tyrannical clutches of Mongul during a mission at WarWorld.
As for their bond with the StarKnights and the Tomorrow Titans, I can see Osul being close with Chris, almost brotherly bond between them while also having something of a kinship with Robbie Long, something one can see being mirroring the bond Clark and Diana have. As for Otho, She’s no doubt part of a lot of friend group formed by Mar’i, Lian and Irey, an honorary member of that little Tenacious Trio and their shenanigans.
One thing is perfectly clear though; Besides Mon El, Osul and Otha are both very close to Chris and Jon as per usual.
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tickletastic · 7 months
Do you by any chance have any headcanons/thoughts about Bruce Wayne being ticklish that you want to share with the class 🥺
OMG abso-fucking-lutely
I think he can hold out weirdly long while being tickled without laughing, mostly as self-preservation so his kids and colleagues don't find out about it so easily, but once he's laughing, he is absolutely not stopping
I think some of his fondest memories with his mother are from moments when she was tickling him, because she was always so soft with him
I think that after his parents died he really appreciated any affection he could get (and Alfred would try to provide as often as possible) and as a result he also probably liked to be tickled, but got less vocal about it (and increasingly more embarrassed by it) the older that he got
I think that the older his kids get the more attentive they are to it as well (I think Dick absolutely tickles him on purpose, and Tim makes sure to give Bruce hugs when he can to make sure he's getting the daily recommended dose)
I think his worst spots are his tummy and thighs, and while tummy raspberries get him bad, the moment someone pinches his thighs he is absolutely hysterical
Weirdly, I don't think it was Clark that found out Bruce was ticklish first out of the JL, I think it was probably Diana, who promised to keep it a secret, but Hal was somewhere nearby and totally blabbed about it
He isn't a huge fan of Hal or Barry tickling him, because they usually go harder and their teases lean more towards making fun of him (because he scares them), but he likes when Diana or Clark do it, because they are much softer about it
Sometimes he lets his kids tickle him, but usually he's the ones doing the tickling, though he is known to let them get revenge every once in a while
When his neck or ribs are tickled he starts to snort, and he is incredibly embarrassed by it
He likes rougher tickles more than softer tickles, just because of how embarrassed he gets when he has enough brain power to think about the situation that he's in
No matter who's tickling him, whether they're stronger than him or not, he just kind of lies back and takes it, throwing his head back and curling his arms into his chest
I think he prefers when the ler is stronger, though, because he has to worry less about hurting them
I also think that every once in a while, maybe when Bruce is injured or tired, that Alfred still gets him pretty bad (and Alfred's teases absolutely tear Bruce apart)
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cantwritethetword · 7 months
Fic Masterpost
~A/N - Here is the Masterpost of my tickle fanfics! If they were written on my old account I have reposted them here but also linked the old post (labelled old) so that I can still keep all the old tags and comments that you guys have left on them ^^
Here's my Fandom List so you guys know what I'm super into at the moment. Requesting outside of that list is ok, just means I may or may not accept the prompt :D
But yeah! Here’s the links! ~
(old masterpost)
2K18: SHENANIGANS - Marvel // Tony and Steve and Bucky (Old Link)
2K19: NEVER RUN OFF ALONE - (Old) Doctor Who // Nyssa and 5 (Old Link)
2K22 (Part 1): THE DEVIL’S IN THE DETAILS - Lucifer // Lucifer x Chloe (Old Link)
2K22 (Part 2): COSQUILLAS NAVIDAD - Moon Knight //Jake and Marc and Steven (Old Link) 
2k23: GUNPOWDER, TREASON, AND PLOT - Red White and Royal Blue // Alex x Nick (Old Link)
Jake is struggling with getting paperwork done, and it seems nobody can find a way to help. Luckily Gina remembers something from their childhood that works wonders, and the team jump straight into action.
After a particularly nasty fight as the Daredevil, Matt needs to rest up. Thankfully, Foggy is there to make sure he does.
BLIND MAN’S BLUFF: (Old) Prompt Fic, Mini Fic
Matt is convinced he doesn’t giggle. Foggy is here to prove otherwise.
NEW DISCOVERIES: (Old) (wonder woman 1984)
With Steve’s new body, there’s bound to be some new discoveries for him and Diana.
WHEN BATS HUM (Old): (Superbat) Prompt Fic, Mini Fic
Superman tries to get Batman to relax…
BICEPS? REALLY?: (Superbat), Prompt(s) Fic
Superman accidentally stumbles across a rather odd ticklish spot on Batman. Of course, he can't let the opportunity to fluster his partner slip through his fingers.
Doctor Who:
A friendly argument between Donna and The Doctor turns into a reveal of one of the Time Lord's biggest weaknesses.
Charlie’s 17th birthday takes on an interesting twist when Tao adds a new rule to Laser Tag
LET’S PLAY A GAME (Old): Prompt Fic
There was nothing Nick loved more than teasing his boyfriend. And what better way than a game he could never win.
A sleepover-turned-pillowfight-turned-ticklefight filled with love, betrayal, and lots of giggles.
Nick tries to give his hoodie to Charlie, but gets stuck taking it off…
After Charlie’s been teasing him the whole day, Nick decides to exact his revenge the moment they get home.
Charlie oh-so-rudely interrupts a cuddle sesh with his laughter, and Nick definitely has absolutely nothing to do with it…
RUN BOY RUN (Old): Prompt Fic
Despite knowing Charlie is a fantastic runner, Nick still provokes his boyfriend into a chase.
Nick is nearly impossible for Charlie to pin, unless tickling is involved…
PROVING A POINT (Old): Prompt Fic
Nick and Tao wreck Charlie to prove who is his best tickler.
Nick gets a little too cocky during a rugby practice session, so the boys show Charlie the best way to take him down a notch.
Into/Across The Spiderverse:
During a training session, it's revealed that Miles is ticklish. Pavitr thoroughly enjoys the experience, and just when Miles thought it couldn't get worse, Miguel decides he wants to wrestle him. Surely Miguel wouldn't use Miles' weakness against him, right?
Steve and Bucky are playing cards, when Bucky realises tonight is a very special night…
Turns out that, although Cap can’t get drunk, HYDRA weren’t so thoughtful to Bucky.
Steve takes school very seriously. A little too seriously, in Bucky’s opinion. (Kinda Highschool AU but also kinda just young Stucky?)
SHOW ME WHAT YOU GOT! (Old): Rewritten After Accidental Deletion
When a sparring match between Spiderman and Mysterio goes awry, a very sensitive secret is revealed about our favourite web-slinging superhero…
You can’t help calling the Avengers by their super names, so Steve decides to take matters into his own hands and helps jog your memory. 
Steve realises that, now that he’s all superhuman, he can overpower Bucky quite easily. Unfortunately for Buck, Steve’s keen on some revenge from when they were kids. 
SUMMER LOVIN’ (Old): Prompt Fic
Steve’s grumpy, and Bucky is tired of it. Pity they can’t keep the noise down… 
Bucky and Steve can’t decide who the stronger superhuman is, so Sam helps them out by testing out one of their biggest weaknesses.
A SMALL PRICE TO PAY (Old): Prompt Fic, Reader Fic
You’ve been ‘borrowing’ things from Thor and Tony for quite some time now, but they’ve found your little stash. You’d better run!
THE CYCLONE (Old): Prompt Fic
When Bucky forces Steve to line up for The Cyclone at Coney Island, Steve is scared shitless. Thankfully, his best friend is there to distract him. 
Now that Bucky is superhuman too, Steve doesn’t stand a chance. 
THERE’S THAT SMILE (Old): Reader Fic
Exams are terrifying… Thankfully you’ve got some lovely superpeople to help you out.
STRESSED OUT (Old): Prompt Fic, Reader Fic
You’ve been studying relentlessly for an upcoming maths test, and you’re really starting to feel the stress. Thankfully, Tony is here to help. 
YOU CAN RUN (Old): Prompt Fic, Reader Fic
After teasing Thor, Steve, and Bucky for days, you finally get them to crack and give you exactly what you deserve. 
Steve is being an absolute little shit to Thor and Bucky, so they give him exactly what he deserved. 
GIGGLES (Old): Sequel Fic
Steve tells Bucky he likes being tickled, and gets absolutely wrecked as a result. Just good old Stucky tickle fluff!
You decide it’s a great idea to tease two of your favourite superheroes… I think you know what happens next. 
I KNOW YOU LIKE THIS (Old): Prompt Fic, Mini Fic
Peter pushes Bucky’s buttons a little too far, so he decides to wreck the friendly neighbourhood superhero in the best way possible.
After Peter messes with Doctor Strange’s spell, he discovers a very interesting piece of information about his resident Wizard.
I’M NOT TICKLISH (Old): Prompt Fic, Mini Fic
Steve isn’t ticklish. Not at all. Of course, Bucky disagrees.
Peter loves decorating the compound for the festive season, but when he ends up tangled in the lights some of the others decide to have some fun.
Peter enlists Bucky’s help to fix a grumpy Steve, and he has a rather entertaining way of doing it
Stephen invites Tony to watch his training at Kamar-Taj, but Tony can't help but wonder how Stephen trains in such bulky clothing...
Merlin refuses to get off an exhausted Arthur’s bed… Bad Idea.
Moon Knight:
Marc is sick of being stuck on the other side, and wants control. Luckily, he discovers a pretty interesting way to get it.
Never get between Marc and Steven’s competitions, you never know what the consequences could be.
Red, White, and Royal Blue:
Henry unconsciously steals the blankets in the middle of the night and refuses to return them, forcing Alex to get creative to get them back.
Sanders Sides:
When Virgil decides to steal Logan’s blanket, it certainly doesn’t go unpunished…
HEY, YOU OK? (Old):
It’s the middle of the night, and Virgil’s mind is tormenting him with some seriously scary thoughts. Thankfully, Roman is there to calm him down and help him get some much needed sleep.
Roman and Patton have a cruel way to tease Virgil.
You’ve been having nightmares for days, ever since you were captured and tortured for information on the whereabouts of the Winchesters. Thankfully, the Brothers in question have a pretty good remedy for bad dreams.
Stranger Things:
Eddie hears Steve laugh properly for the first time and is OBSESSED so of course he has to hear more.
Ianto’s been acting a little strange recently, and it doesn’t take long for Jack to figure out why.
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thebearthatreads · 7 months
Find the Word Tag
Thanks to @chauceryfairytales for the tag!
My words were cloud, wind, hair and floor.
I could probably have found all of these in my current wip for NaNo but decided instead to pull from my wip trilogy (it needs a little love whilst sitting on the backburner for November). Trying to keep them as spoiler free as possible, and to aid that I won't be identifying which books each passage is from. Just know each does appear at some point in the Venatores de Mythos trilogy.
“How long do we need to wait?” Shahrazad sits on the sand, fanning herself with her hands. She looks to Diana who’s fuming, stomping around letting out small, agitated noises, and waits for a reply. “Three hours.” Diana spits out the words, collapsing onto the sand beside Shahrazad and sending up a small dust cloud as she does.
“Ach, okay, yes it’s been lovely meeting you too.” Shahrazad laughs as the ticklish tongue ceases, Angha gives her a happy bark before launching off the ground with a gust of wind. In seconds, the fantastic beast she’d only heard of in her mother’s stories is concealed once more amongst the leaves. “Goodbye.”
“Well that’s not a great start,” sighs Nico as he brings his palms to his face, he pushes his fingers up along his forehead into his hair and then out. “This is going to take a lot of work, so uh why don’t you head back to the dorms while I figure out how best to instruct you.”
 ‘It’s not really like they expect everyone to be combative, they surely recruited me for a more intellectual reason.’ Shahrazad finds herself picking up Selby’s bad habit of biting her lip, as she pulls herself from the floor to exit the facility. ‘Allegria said it was to do with the fact I speak multiple languages, and surely that isn’t meant to translate to physical engagement.’
Very gently tagging @keysandopenmind, @kelefox, @innocentlymacabre and @cottonberryfinn - no pressure to do it unless you want to! Your words are chaos, poison, blood and cold.
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tulipthealtsblog · 11 months
Some of my ideas for tickletober 2023 (Will be updated once I think of ideas for certain prompts)
(Uses the list from @august-anon)
Anticipation: Protoman & Roll (Mega Man), Ler Protoman, Lee Roll
Accidental: Nina & Michiru (BNA), Ler Nina, Lee Michiru
Cuddles: Akko & Lotte (Little Witch Academia), Ler Lotte, Lee Akko
Weak Spot: Akko & Lotte (Little Witch Academia), Ler Akko, Lee Lotte
"I'm Not Ticklish": X & Zero (Mega Man), Ler X, Lee Zero
Chase: Bass & Bubble Man (Mega Man), Ler Bass, Lee Bubble Man
Flustered: Hannah & Barbara (Little Witch Academia), Ler Hannah, Lee Barbara
Ghost: Shadow Man & Spark Man (Mega Man), Ler Shadow, Lee Spark
Sneak Attack: Kris & Ralsei (Deltarune), Ler Kris, Lee Ralsei
Soft: Constanze & Jasminka (Little Witch Academia), Ler Constanze, Lee Jasminka
Tickle Fight: Amanda & Constanze (Little Witch Academia)
Unusual Spot: Azazel & Eve (The Binding Of Isaac), Ler Eve, Lee Azazel
Magic: Akko & Diana (Little Witch Academia), Ler Akko, Lee Diana
Arms Up:
Relentless: Amanda & Akko (Little Witch Academia), Ler Amanda, Lee Akko
New Discovery: Michiru & Nazuna (BNA) Ler Michiru, Lee Nazuna
Ticklish Kiss: Tulip (Oshawott) & Sparks (Shinx) (Pokemon Ocs), Ler Sparks, Lee Tulip
Incoherant: Najimi & Komi (Komi Can't Communicate), Ler Najimi, Lee Komi
Pinned: Dreambert, Starlow, and Bedsmith (Super Mario), Ler Starlow & Bedsmith, Lee Dreambert
Gang Tickles: Gemini Man & Snake Man (Mega Man), Ler Gemini, Lee Snake
Hysterical: Michiru & Nazuna (BNA), Ler Nazuna, Lee Michiru
Wake Up!: Susie & Kris (Deltarune), Ler Susie, Lee Kris
Caught: Diana & Lotte (Little Witch Academia), both switches.
Aftercare: Akko & Lotte (Little Witch Academia)
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fickle-tiction · 1 year
hey you guys should share some Bruce, Clark, Diana head canons with me to Jumpstart My brain. I couldn't even finish a drabble last night. Help.
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tuliptheoshawott · 11 months
LWA Headcanons #2: Lotte
For part 2 of my LWA headcanons, on to my favorite character in the series, Lotte!
Nonbinary, goes by she/they
Books are her preferred form of media, she likes watching tv/movies but rarely plays video games.
Much like Akko’s Chariot fanfiction collection, Lotte writes a ton of Nightfall fanfiction. It’s actually pretty good tho.
A follow up to one of the ones from Akko’s, Lotte is extremely ticklish.
She is absolutely obsessed with her skincare. She could go on and on about what lotions to use. She makes sure to always put on sunscreen before going out, uses a separate hand cream to ensure her hands don’t get rough, and wears shoes in pretty much any place that isn’t her room to ensure the same thing for her feet.
She’s an extremely cuddly individual.
They’re a gigantic theater kid, along with Diana and Andrew, and she also has the best singing voice of the group.
She was bullied in middle school, so she wants to create a comfortable environment for everyone around her.
She sometimes sings Akko lullabies, it helps to make her calm, because she normally gets into crying fits in her sleep.
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cantsaythetword · 11 months
omgggggg it’s totally okay if you don’t want to but i was watching wonder woman 1984 yesterday and i love them sm could you do steve and diana plssssss ??? 🥺🥺
(ask game answers under the cut for convenience lmao)
1. Who has the cutest tickle laugh?
Ok so this is such a hard question sdklajfhsfklh Cause on one hand you have Diana who has this adorable bright soft-screechy laughter (idk how to explain it in words but i know the SOUND) that is really smooth to listen to (101 odd ways for crow to describe laughter #71) But on the other you have Steve who would DEFINITELY have super bubbly giggly hiccupy laughter and would be begging in an INSTANT even tho he doesn't really know what he's saying and is v much enjoying the attention
2. Who is ticklish in unusual places and where would that be?
I have a slight theory that Diana has super ticklish wrists cause they're always covered by her armour (hehehe arm-our) so I will say her.
3. Who gets cheer-up tickles?
Honestly I'm gonna spin this question around and say that Steve lets Diana tickle him to cheer her up. Reminds her of her childhood and getting to tickle her friends when they play-fought.
4. Who takes advantage of the other one getting their arms stuck while taking off their shirt?
Oh both of them definitely catch the other with this. (But Steve will often get 'stuck' on purpose hehe)
5. How did they discover each other’s ticklishness?
Diana discovered Steve's first just from running her nails on him casually. After he got wrecked Steve was surprised that she knew what tickling was and asked her about it. She told him about the play/tickle-fights she used to get into as a kid and then he put 2 and 2 together (this was basically the basis of my WW fic lmao but it's from a while ago so it's not that great).
6. Who can’t take tickle bites?
Steve 100% cannot handle it.
7. Who has to be tickle-forced out of bed in the morning?
Both of them are pretty early risers but occasionally Diana will be cheeky and refuse to leave the bed so Steve will have to tickle her til she does.
8. Who gives up in a tickle fight?
STEVE STEVE STEVE OMFG this man becomes goop when he gets tickled he cannot fight back to save his life lmao.
9. Who is in danger of getting hurt when attacking the other?
I mean I feel the answer is obvious but it's Steve again lol. Both from Diana's strength being a risk but also just this man cannot move when he gets tickled his bones turn to jelly lmao.
10. Who always provokes the other into tickling them and how?
ONCE AGAIN STEVE and most of the time it's by tickling Diana first lol
Hope this was kind of what you were looking for!!!!!
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tickle-bugs · 1 year
Have you considered Bruce being super awkward and stiff when he's hanging out with Clark and Diana, pre relationship or early relationship or whatever, and Jason and Dick seeing that and immediately being like "nope. We're not having that. Dude needs to loosen up." And Bruce never sees it coming when they flank him and start going to town on his sides. And of course Clark and Diana are all "oh?? So he is human?? Interesting." And Bruce threatens to ground two grown men because he just knows his life is about to change. Clark and Diana are goblins. He's done.
continued: OKAY BUT Bruce in bed in between Diana and Clark and they're all that perfect state of sleepy loopy comfortable and warm. And Clark is rubbing these soothing circles over Bruce's stomach and chest and Bruce is just melting into the bed and Clark is all "who's your favorite partner" and Bruce doesn't hesitate to say Diana, just to mess with Clark. But of course it backfires on him because "Bruce, look at his face. How is he not your favorite?"
You KNOW how I feel about them FUCK anyways here's these two prompts smushed together because...Im love them.
This fic is a sequel to Smitten! You don't have to read it but it will enrich your experience :)
Baby, I Surrender
Bruce deals with bombshells professionally, both in and out of the cowl, but absolutely nothing could prepare him for the world of dating two superhumans at once.
He’d never been one for monogamy, and he was happy to let the tabloids chalk it up to whatever psychological buzzword they were abusing that month. It didn’t matter. The number of partners has never been his problem…it’s the dating part. He’s not soft. Kind words are never his instinct, touch has to be coaxed out of him--most people tire of trying to train affection into him by the first month or so.
Clark, for some reason, seems to like his awkwardness. When Bruce wants to backpedal out of emotional proximity, Clark’s there to box him in and sit in the vulnerability with him. He’s a tease in more ways than one, but mostly he’s sweet. Like, send Bruce a box of chocolates at work ‘just because’ sweet. Bruce is starting to settle into the reciprocation part--he sent a bouquet over to Clark’s earlier in the week and it only made him nauseous once. 
Diana had surprised them both. She and Bruce had been circling each other for a while, flirting for the fun of it at events. There’s always been something between them, he thinks, a soft and sacred thing at the center of an iron-clad friendship. She’s saved his life without breaking a sweat, but she’s also gone with him on those long, silent walks he needs to recall who he is. So when a friend--a woman like that drags your boyfriend over and asks the both of you to dinner…well, Bruce would’ve been a fool to say no. 
The three of them are still easing into the togetherness of this affair, still picking around the fragile parts with jittery trepidation. Bruce wanted desperately to avoid public attention, but he and Clark frequently cross paths for day job purposes as it is. Also, it would be…unbecoming of him to avoid Diana as one of the Smithsonian’s most generous donors. So, when the Smithsonian announced its ribbon-cutting gala for its new exhibition, Bruce decided that he was going to be brave and go with his partners. As a unit. 
Bruce descends the grand staircase to find Diana and Clark looking radiant as all hell. Diana slow-dances with Clark in a floor-length maroon gown that flatters both her strong shoulders and curves. Clark’s jacket is the same color as her dress and fitted perfectly to his body. Diana dips him and he laughs, holding onto her as she lifts him back up. 
There’s no music. Bruce’s heart couldn’t be more full. 
“You’re both…matching.” He pauses. They don’t stop swaying, but they both smile at him. 
“I think someone--” Diana gives Clark a playful look-- “May have overheard me trying to choose what to wear. He picked me up like this.”
“I have no idea what you mean.” Clark clears his throat and adjusts his glasses, but his cheeks dust a faint pink. 
“You look…You both look…” Bruce runs a hand over his mouth to hide his fleeting smile. “I just threw this on, but now I’m sensing that I should change.” 
“You’ve trained him well, Clark. That was almost a full compliment.” Diana leans back into Clark’s shoulder, but her eyes never leave Bruce’s. 
“Can’t take credit for that.” Clark laughs, winding a lazy arm around her waist. She laces their fingers together. The overwhelming urge to kiss them both senseless is a welcome surprise. Bruce takes it in stride. 
Bruce does not run upstairs, as that would be undignified and embarrassing, but he does hurry. He changes into a sleek black tuxedo set and loses the tie--there’s no time to get Alfred to tie one now. He rustles through his pocket square collection until he finds a gorgeous maroon silk to fold into his breast pocket.
He bursts out of his room and nearly slams right into Jason and Dick. 
“Woah!” They manage to swerve out of the way at the last minute. Bruce blanches. Father and sons contend with each other for a moment while Bruce desperately tries to sink into the Earth. 
“You haven’t left yet?” Jason brightens with the beginning of a smirk. 
“You’re one to talk. The two of you were supposed to be on patrol an hour ago.” Bruce fiddles with his cufflinks. Dick tsks at him and goes to fasten them for him, but apparently the cufflinks aren’t up to his standard. He huffs, disappears into Bruce’s room, and reappears with a different set.
“You were in a different suit an hour ago.” Jason’s eyebrows raise. Bruce can hear the little hamster wheel that is his brain rattling as he regrettably connects the dots. Dick looks up from adjusting Bruce’s sleeves. He and Jason have an unintelligible conversation with their eyes alone. 
Bruce regrets adopting such intelligent orphans. 
“Oh my god. Bruce, did you change to match Clark?” Dick gasps. Jason snickers into his fist. 
“No.” Bruce clenches his jaw. “Yes.”
“You look fine.” Jason claps his shoulder. 
“You look good.” Dick fiddles with Bruce’s collar. Bruce swats his hands away. 
“Thank you. Patrol. Now.” Bruce gestures back the way they came. 
“Be safe,” Bruce calls after them. He waits until he hears them walk away and then waits a little longer before he dares to leave. He does hurry down the steps this time, but only because the chance of encountering more of his kids is spiking by the second. Also, because they’re late. 
“Sorry about that. Let’s get go--mmph.” Bruce gets swallowed into a kiss with Clark, deep and sweet. Bruce grips Clark’s biceps to remember which way is up. 
“This whole situation is going to be a problem for me.” Clark gestures at Bruce, breathless. Bruce tilts his head and lets his eyes roam Clark’s exquisite form.
“I’d hate to cause any problems for you, Mr. Kent.” Bruce walks his fingers up Clark’s chest and tugs at his tie. 
“I’m sure you would.” Clark clears his throat. Diana wraps her arms around Bruce from behind.
“You’ll save a little bit of this for us, won’t you?” She hums, trailing her fingers down the column of Bruce’s throat and down to the exposed part of his chest. He shivers.
“The night is still young. We’ll see what happens.” He kisses her over his shoulder, turning to lean into it fully. He memorizes the way her lipstick looks so he can daydream about her leaving smudges of it on his skin.
Bruce perks up at a creaking floorboard, one that only creaks when one of his children has gotten un-sneaky in their sneaking. He narrows his eyes at the balcony. Jason’s tuft of white hair is just barely visible behind a pillar. 
Bruce heaves a deep sigh.
“I know you’re up there,” Bruce calls. Dick and Jason both stumble out from their hiding space and immediately adjust themselves. Their descent down the stairs is anything but normal, but Bruce is proud of them for trying, at least.
“You didn’t tell us you were dating Wonder Woman too,” Dick hisses, eyes wide. Diana waves at him. He meekly waves back. 
“Nah, no way. This has to be a charity thing.” Jason whispers not-so-quietly. 
“Not a charity thing, Jason, though I appreciate your unwavering faith.” Bruce huffs, but something sour does curl inside him at the jab. He should be used to it, but he isn’t. Jason must see something in his face because he shuffles his weight.
“Didn’t know it was serious. Sorry.” 
“I don’t know what it is, but I like it. Ideally, they also like it. Don’t tell the others until I’m—we’re sure it’ll work.” Bruce runs a hand through his hair. 
“Good luck keeping something like this secret in this house. Between Cass living in the walls and Steph’s crush on you-know-who—“ Jason tilts his head towards Diana— “you’re toast.” 
“Also, I’m pretty sure they heard you,” Dick murmurs. Bruce hangs his head in defeat. He can hear his partners laughing softly at him, but he chooses to strategically ignore it. 
“Clark, Diana. These are two of my children, Dick and Jason.” Bruce puts a hand on both of their shoulders and gives a firm squeeze. 
“We’ve heard plenty of good things about you.” Diana beams. Jason gives her a firm handshake. Dick kisses her knuckles. Bruce can’t help but smile at how excited they are. 
It bodes well for whatever this is, between the three of them. 
“So have we.” Dick beams. 
“Really?” Clark glances at Bruce with the softest smile. Bruce bashfully rolls his eyes. 
“Well, no. We’ve been trying but he won’t tell us anything.” Dick nudges Bruce’s shoulder. 
“It means he cares.” Jason mock-whispers. 
“Alright, you’re done. Out. Go. Bye.” Bruce shoos them away with firm hands on their backs, but they resist. 
“C’mon, wait, let’s get a picture!” Dick fishes out his phone and holds it up like a white flag. Jason leans up against the wall, keen to observe. 
“The press will take plenty.” Bruce frowns. 
“Yeah, but I think Alfred would love one of the three of you, don’t you think?” Dick blinks, all innocence. Bruce glares daggers at him. 
“A picture sounds lovely.” Diana sweeps Clark and Bruce into either side of her. Clark and Bruce touch hands across the small of her back. 
“Bruce, smile. It’s not a funeral.” 
“I know how to smile, Jason.” Bruce rolls his eyes. 
“Would you like to prove it?” Jason gestures at him. Bruce grimaces for the picture. 
Of course, he’s had plenty of practice faking smiles for a camera. There’s something about this picture though, the implications of it, that scares the Brucie routine right out of him. Maybe because it matters. 
“This is stupid,” Bruce grumbles. 
“It’s sweet. It means they care,” Diana whispers teasingly, kissing his cheek. 
“That’s so cute! Hold that--okay, nope, we lost the smile.” Dick sighs and puts his hands on his hips. Jason leans over to him and they murmur back and forth for a while. Dick’s eyebrows go up in that way they do when he has an idea. 
“Can you hear what they’re saying?” Bruce mutters to Clark. 
“I will not confirm, deny, or disclose it.” Clark grins mischievously. Something about the look in his eye is familiar, it sends Bruce’s stomach swooping in a strange way. 
Dick bounds up to Clark and bounces on his toes. His eyes are glittering with awe. 
“Mr. Kent--”
“Please, Clark is fine.” 
“Clark.” Dick bites his lip on a smile. Bruce makes a note to commend him for not squealing. “Would you hold this for a moment?”
“Of course.” Clark takes the offered cellphone. Dick leans up and whispers something in his ear, hiding his mouth behind his hands. Clark is suddenly aglow, grinning as if Christmas has come early. 
“What are you planning? What’s happening?” Bruce hisses, looking between the two of them. Clark shrugs dramatically. 
“Nothing, nothing. We’ve kept you waiting long enough. We’re gonna take one more photo, and it is what it is. If it’s terrible, Alfred can always grab one off the internet.” Dick waves nonchalantly, striding up to the three of them. Bruce narrows his eyes.
Dick fiddles with various elements of Bruce’s outfit, frowning deeply. He can’t seem to get things to lay the way he likes, which alights a deep spark of anxiety in Bruce’s gut. He knows he looks fine, but Dick doesn’t seem to think so—
“Jason, come help me fix this.” 
“My pleasure.” Oh, Jason is smiling. That’s--well, it’s lovely. Bruce doesn’t see it often anymore. But it’s also terrifying and an omen of chaos. Not lovely. 
Jason and Dick both duck under Bruce’s arms in unison and start tickling him. Betrayed by his own children. 
Bruce has fought off deadlier assassins blindfolded and with his hands bound behind his back, but the difference is that it’s frowned upon to punch his children. Which means, regrettably, he folds. 
“Hey!” Bruce manages to snatch one of Jason’s hands, but it leaves him open for Dick to squeeze his sides. Bruce’s laughter gets the better of him and he leans into Diana for protection. 
Diana gasps in sheer delight. 
“I didn’t know you were ticklish, Bruce! Did you know about this?” She tugs on Clark’s sleeve. He takes a few pictures of Bruce. 
“Yeah, I…found out pretty early. Figured I should let you stumble across it, lest Bruce suddenly ‘find’ that kryptonite spear he swears he got rid of.” Clark murmurs. Bruce gives him the finger, face burning. 
With some difficulty, Bruce manages to detach Jason and Dick from his person. They both grumble at being foiled, but they look like…they’re in trouble? Or expecting it, at least. It tugs painfully at Bruce’s spirit. 
He swallows the lecture he was going to give in favor of ruffling their hair aggressively. Dick laughs, Jason screeches indignantly, and Bruce figures that’s more than enough for now. 
“You look thoroughly debauched, we’re fashionably late, and I’ve just figured out what I’d like to do with the next three hours of my time. Minimum.” Diana smooths her hands over Bruce’s chest. 
“See, I liked the first part of that. How about we stay there?” Bruce hovers a hair’s breadth from her lips with a smirk. She closes the gap, pulling him close by the back of his neck. 
Evil fingers pinch his sides and Bruce squeaks into Diana’s mouth. 
“Sorry. Couldn’t resist.” Clark grins. Bruce scowls with no heat. Clark bestows a righteous apology kiss upon him, one that takes him out at the knees a bit. 
“I’m out.” Jason gags, trudging up the stairs. 
“It was nice meeting you both.” Dick winks, bounding after Jason. 
Bruce sighs fondly as they go. It’s Clark who holds his waist this time, leaning in to murmur in his ear. 
“Are we sure that we have to go?”
“If Vicki Vale is going to hunt me down for an exclusive anywhere, I’d rather it not be here. Again.” Bruce squeezes Clark’s hand. 
“It’d be a waste not to take these outfits for a spin.” Diana loops her arm through Bruce’s. He hums in approval and starts to walk them to the door.
“Maybe I can be convinced to make an early exit.” Bruce smirks at the way his partners stiffen beside him. 
They grace the gala for truly an hour at best—Diana and Clark have an express talent for winding each other up and Bruce is, in truth, a weak man. Their outfits spend more cumulative time on the bedroom floor than on their bodies. 
The moon lays a quiet blessing on the master bedroom once they’ve finished, bathing everything a cool silver. Bruce’s bed had always felt too big for sleep—he took any excuse he could to curl up on a couch or in the cave—but for them, it’s perfect. There’s no telling where one of them ends or begins, just limbs tangled in content fondness. 
“Who’s your favorite? Me or Diana?” Clark whispers teasingly. A chuckle rumbles low in Bruce’s chest.
“Diana.” Bruce cracks open one eye to drink in the glory of Clark’s offended face. Diana rewards him a hot, languid trail of kisses to the underside of his jaw.  
“Bruce, look at his face. How could he not be your favorite?” Diana tilts Bruce’s chin in Clark’s direction. 
“I thought you’d be flattered.” Bruce huffs. “Fine, Clark’s my favorite.”
“Bruce. C’mon.” Clark adds another love bite to the growing collection on his collarbone. “Just look at Diana.” 
“I am getting very mixed signals here,” Bruce gasps softly, clenching his fingers in the sheets. Clark’s kisses grow light and insistent. 
“Clark.” Bruce fights tooth and nail against the smile trying to fight its way onto his face. Goosebumps flare across his chest. Clark nibbles a little and Bruce twitches. 
“Yes?” He blinks innocently. 
“Don’t ruin this.” Bruce squishes his cheeks threateningly. Clark dives to nuzzle Bruce’s neck, scooping him up into his arms. Tired and shmoopy, Bruce giggles and reaches for Diana. She props herself up on her elbow, amused, and gives him her hand. 
“What?” Bruce snickers, flinching away from Clark’s deadly lips. 
“Just taking all this in. I’m meeting this version of you for the first time.” Diana hums. 
“I think Giggly Bruce is my favorite.” Clark peppers more kisses, the endless fount of affection that he is. 
“That’s not—there’s no—stoppit—“ Bruce curls in on himself. Clark wiggles his fingers into Bruce’s stomach and chases his blushing neck with his lips. 
“I agree, Kal.” The name catches beautifully on Diana’s tongue. Evidently, Clark seems to agree—he peeks over Bruce’s shoulder with a radiant smile. 
“Can I convince you two to at least try and sleep?” Bruce huffs, scratchy and fond. Diana hums and slides closer, tucking herself into Bruce’s chest. He skims his fingers across her back in gentle patterns. 
Quiet blooms in the room as their breathing starts to sync. The weight of Clark’s arm is as much a comfort as Diana’s breath against his skin. Bruce thinks, distantly, that he might like to fall asleep like this every night. 
“Di, c’mon—“ Clark snickers, then giggles. 
“You’re both terrible at this.” Bruce turns over to squint at Clark. Clark can’t even look at him—his entire being is scrunched in restrained laughter as he slaps Diana’s tickling hand away from his hip.
Bruce slowly turns to the other menace in his bed. Diana just shrugs. 
Bruce flops back down on the bed and actually manages to doze off, lured into floating sleep by the gentle rumble of Clark’s chest. This means he’s completely blindsided when the morning renews his partners’ unending playfulness, but safe arms to sleep in are well worth the sacrifice. 
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Fun Facts about Sick Girlfriend(My AU)
Tumblr media
She's 6'4ft,two inches taller than Sick Boyfriend
She has 3 forms: Her normal demon form, Vengeful demon form and Semi-Vengeful form
Her favorite drink is Cocoa Cola
She has five variants of herself: D-side(Diana), B-side(Misty), B3(Sick Shaya), Sick Grace and Bubbly Bikini Boatin(Marina/Half sister)
She sometimes hate spicy foods
She has a scar on her right leg from when she got attacked by Sick tabi
She hates Mary Sues
She has a horny meter whenever she sees Penelope naked or Penelope looking sexy
She's 22 years old
She has four siblings: Sick Chris, Sick Guyfriend/Jack,Sick Girl, Marina Watersalt(BBB SickGfriend)
She's a total tsundere
She has a pet hell poodle named fifi
Her Berserk button is Sick Carol, D-side Sick Kaity, Lila Sky, Layla Miller, Senpai, Sick Senapi, Purity Senpai, Drug Senpai, Sick Sky, Sick Pico, Sick Tabi and Lily Ann(Sick GF fangirl)
She smokes all the time but mostly outside because like Sick Boyfriend, Penelope also bans smoking in the house.
Sick Girlfriend hates Honey mustard
Sick Girlfriend mostly wears a two piece swimsuit to the beach while Penelope wears a one piece swimsuit
She swears in Spanish
She likes cherry ice cream
Sick Girlfriend sometimes visits hell for torturing dead villains
Her favorite flower is roses
In the past, her hair used to be brown which was dyed but she washed it out after the break-up.
She also loves bombs
Her ticklish spot is her feet
Sick Girlfriend is afraid of lemon monsters, lava, death, acid, etc.
She suffers from motion-sickness, car-sickness and air-sickness
She loves to eat vanilla rice pudding with her mouth open which grosses Penelope out.
She hates Pink sauce, especially when she's dared to drink it
She is also a trouble-maker at her workplace
When she gets too hungry, she goes on a hangry hunt for bad human meat.
Sick Girlfriend mostly gets sick when she sees Penelope take a huge bite out of a jawbreaker and blood comes out of it.
She's a Manly man to Penelope's Sensitive guy
When Sick Girlfriend cries, mascara comes from her tears as well but she doesn't show it to anyone, especially Penny.
Her Birthday is on March 1st 2005.
Sick Girlfriend hates going to the dentist because one time she had to go there to get her wisdom tooth removed, which hurt like hell.
She's a good dancer and a guitarist
Her favorite character from the SMG4 series is SMG3
She's sometimes a cat person but mostly a dog person
She got her sexy body from her mom and her toughness from her dad.
She can handle drinking alcohol but Penelope can't
She also hates Sky because she scared Penelope when they first encountered her.
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King Charles III
- According to an interview with Prince Harry from 2016 with Good Morning America, he dishes on his father and how ticklish the now, king is.
Link to interview - https://www.goodmorningamerica.com/amp/news/story/prince-harry-opens-princess-diana-kids-drives-candid-37725137
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