#To you. To past versions of myself. To the woman I used to want to be. To the friends I pushed away. To the friends I lost bc of fear.
natashatrace · 11 months
i miss you
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igotanidea · 3 months
Smooth criminal: AK!Jason x reader
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part 1 : Somebody's watching me
part 2: Run baby, run
Yeah... I know it's been a while. Sorry guys. But here we are :)
They say that history repeats itself. That’s its merely a one big circle in which people get lost endlessly, not learning from the past mistakes, instead doing them all over again.
Like an Uroboros, forevermore biting his tail.
And that was how Y/N felt at the moment, shaking over the cup of tea Dick so generously offered her alongside with his hoodie. And even more kindly – not asking any questions of why she showed up at his apartment (or rather under it) in the middle of the night looking crazy.
She was back at the beginning. Back over Jason’s grave, sobbing and shaking while the memories of the news of him being gone forever haunted her mind.
Felt like all her efforts to forget and move on have come to nothing.
“No. No please I don’t want to talk Dick-“
“I was just gonna say you can stay here for as long as you like. I don’t know what got you so freaked out, but the Y/N I know – knew­ – was not the one to get scared over a spider or a mouse. So it must have been serious. Stay.” He grabbed and squeezed her hands reassuringly. “I’m serious.”
“No, no it’s too much to ask for—”
“Good thing you did not ask then.” Dick grinned “Cause I believe I offered It myself.”
“You really didn’t change a bit, Grayson. Same golden, sunshine boy.”
“And you’re still the same, not holding back girl. Woman. How long has it been exactly?”
“Two years.” She sighed
“Two years.” Dick sighed too, his eyes becoming a little blurry from the memories. “I missed you, you know. And not only me. So did Tim and Alfred and Damian and I’m sure even Bruce became a little more grumpy without your presence to challenge him.”
“He’s got enough criminals to keep him entertained I believe?”
“Oh, Y/N, criminals he can handle easily, they are no fun. But having a woman with a sharp mind? That’s something Bruce still needs a lot of training in.”
 It was shockingly easy to reconnect with Dick.
Or maybe not, given the fact he was always awfully friendly, keeping in touch even with his exes and even having considerably good relations with some villains.
Long story short, in a months’ time she was regularly back in his life and he was back in hers. And much to her surprise, this time it was not a constant reminder of the person she lost, neither filling the void, but rather a soft recollection that she was not the only one who felt the repercussions of Jason being gone.
If anything, after that time apart, it felt like Y/N and Dick’s relationship could finally move past the tragic events and bloom. Not in a romantic sense, because he had Barbara and was making plans in that area, but like a true, deep friendship, cemented with similar feelings.
And she even got the guts to meet with the rest of the batfamily, ditching those girls who left her alone at the party. Slowly, but steadily, she was getting back to her old, familiar self, dropping the act of a girl who wanted to be anything but the version she was when Jason was alive and with her.  She was not running from the past anymore, but rather embracing and accepting it. And that was the real healing.
Only that Jason was not gone.
Observing her carefully from the shadows, watching almost every step, be it himself or using his militia. With explicit orders given to not let her know they were there. He had bigger plans coming, and making the same mistake as before, by coming as close as to touch her, could never happen again. Even if somewhere deep inside, the very subdued part of him screamed for that. For the warmth he remembered and knew would come with tenderness and not pain.
She never gave him anything less but love and devotion.
If anything Jason was only cursing himself that he let her step into the Batman world again. That is was his reckless behavior that drove her back into the arms of people, who were nothing but bad news. Who would eventually end up hurting her too.
And he was going to protect his little, innocent princess from that.
So yes, he was watching.
Sending his goons when he knew she was walking back home from work late, to ensure no one would lay a finger on her.
Causing a commotion in the area that happened to be dangerous only so she would choose another way.
Sending her colleagues threat letters so they would drop the chase for the same promotion at work as her.
Beating up a guy who was trying to flirt with her when she was buying coffee-to-go at her favorite place.
Doing it all smoothly, like a professional he was.
Building up a way to execute his master plan that would keep her safe from any danger, real or hypothetical. Forever.
“She got home, boss. Safe and sound, not one hair out of place.” One of his militia officers reported to him
“Good.” Jason only grunted in response. One whole month and he was so close to the finale. The end was right in front of him and he had to hold himself back to not make a single rookie mistake that would derail his efforts.
“If I may, sir, why exactly are we wasting resources on some woman? She’s no one important, just a regular—”
“What did you say?”
If the sinister voice wasn’t enough to make the man stop his sentence, the iron grip on his throat did.
“I- I-“
“No one important? Huh? Was that what you said?” Jason mocked tightening fingers on the man's jugular. “Answer me!”
“I- I-“ he was struggling for air.
“Pathetic!” Jason threw him on the ground, retrieving the gun from his holster, pointing it at the man’s head.
“Please, don’t—”
“I should put a bullet in your head for talking about her like that and second one for questioning my plans.” The gun outlet was now pressing into the man’s temple. “You are doing what I tell you, you hear me? No questions. No doubts. You are here to serve me, unless-“ Jason put a little bit of pressure on the trigger.
“No! No please!”
“You’re a piece of shit.” Arkham Knight muttered, taking the gun away. “But I am feeling merciful today. We can’t have blood on the floor when Y/N arrives. Now go! Get out of my face before I change my mind! And you make sure everything is perfect because if not—” he  caressed the arms with a cruel glint in his eyes, enjoying the way his officer rushed out of the room, throwing commands left and right, halfway out the door.
“Soon, baby… Soon we’ll be back together…” Jason muttered to himself once he was finally alone.
He was so close to having everything he needed.
@vaniasagitaa @gone-batty-fics @astrelz @not-herexo @deans-spinster-witch @calicocat45 @princessbl0ss0m @rosieandthethorns @beingaturtlespiritually @grierpilots @killerwendigo @teenytinytunes
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a-lexia11 · 18 days
Is it weird that I want to know Leah's POV from Part 2? Like, what's going on in her head? What's with her reactions? Thank you for a beautiful fic, by the way. Keep on writing!
Ask and you shall receive.
In the original version of the story, I had included Leah’s POV, but I decided to remove it to concentrate more on the reader’s emotions and perspective.
But since you asked so kindly, here’s the version with only Leah’s point of view.
(Btw thank you for the compliments, I appreciate it🫶🫶)
Full of love (Leah’s POV)
Part 1
Leah Williamson x reader(past)
Alexia Putellas x reader
Ending things with Y/N was, without a doubt, one of the most difficult decisions I've ever made, but deep down, I knew it was necessary.
The love I once felt for her had faded, and I couldn’t ignore the growing unhappiness in our relationship any longer. It wasn’t fair to either of us to continue pretending.
Looking back, I have to admit that the way I handled it was far from right. I should have been honest with her sooner.
Instead, I distanced myself, ignoring her and, in doing so, only caused her more pain. When she told me she deserved better, she was absolutely right. She deserved so much more than the half-hearted efforts I was giving her.
Y/N was truly one of the kindest and most selfless people I’ve ever known. She had a way of making everyone around her feel loved and valued, and I was no exception.
Those five years we spent together weren’t just filled with good memories—they were some of the best years of my life. I was deeply in love with her, and she brought me so much happiness during that time.
But somewhere along the line, something changed. I don’t even know exactly when or why it happened, but I fell out of love with her.
It was one of the most painful realizations I've ever faced.
This was the woman I once dreamed of marrying, of building a life with. I imagined us having children together, growing old side by side. But as much as I wanted those things, I couldn’t force the feelings that just weren’t there anymore.
The break up was devastating, not just for her but for me as well. It felt like I was tearing apart everything we had built. Yet, in a way, it was also a relief.
It was like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders because I was finally being honest—with her and with myself.
I wasn’t living a lie anymore, and I wasn’t continuing to hurt her by pretending everything was okay.
So, while it was the hardest decision I've ever made, it was also the right one.
Y/N deserves to be with someone who loves her wholeheartedly, and even though it hurt to let go, I hope that by doing so, I’ve allowed her the chance to find that happiness again.
It’s been four months since Y/N and I broke up, and during that time, she has meticulously avoided me.
It’s as if she’s made it her mission to steer clear of any interaction, as if even the slightest chance of crossing paths is something she desperately wants to avoid.
Watching her like this has been incredibly painful for me. I can see the depth of her unhappiness, and it’s crushing to know that I’m the cause of it.
The once vibrant spark in her eyes has completely faded, leaving them dull and distant. It’s a stark contrast to the person she used to be, and I feel a deep sense of regret for what I’ve done.
Her attempts to appear happy around our teammates are painfully transparent. To others, her smile might seem genuine, but I know better. I can see through the façade she’s putting on.
There’s a heaviness in her expressions, and the joy that used to accompany her presence is now absent. It’s clear that she’s not truly happy, despite her best efforts to project otherwise.
It’s heart-wrenching to witness her struggle while knowing that I’m the reason for her suffering.
We were gathered in the meeting room, a place that usually buzzed with discussion and camaraderie.
Today, however, it was different. Jonas gave a subtle sign to Y/N, who stood up from her seat, her movements betraying her nervousness.
She walked over to stand next to him, her posture tense and her hands clasped tightly together.
When she finally spoke, her voice wavering. “I want to let you all know that I’ve decided to leave Arsenal and join Barcelona,” she announced, her words hanging heavily in the air.
The shock hit me like a physical blow. I couldn’t process the reality of her departure. The idea of Y/N leaving Arsenal—leaving me—was inconceivable.
My mind raced, but I found myself utterly speechless. The room fell into a stunned silence, the usual hum of conversations replaced by a heavy stillness as everyone absorbed the unexpected news.
I saw Y/N glance my way, and in that moment, she caught the full extent of my shock. Her eyes were filled with a mixture of sadness and resolve, and it was clear she was aware of the impact her decision was having on me.
Beth began speaking to Y/N, but her words seemed distant and muffled as I struggled to process what was happening.
The noise of the room, the soft murmur of conversations, all faded into the background.
One by one, the other girls began to rise from their seats, moving toward Y/N to offer her hugs and words of support.
Their gestures were heartfelt, and they tried to provide comfort, but I remained rooted in my chair, unable to bring myself to join them.
I felt a profound sense of helplessness and disbelief, paralyzed by the gravity of the situation and the sudden void that Y/N’s departure represented.
“Leah,” I heard a soft voice, calling out for me
I looked up, her eyes meeting mine, and I rose from my seat, moving closer. “Y/N, you can’t just leave. Arsenal is your home, your family. We’re your family,” I said, my voice trembling.
“I know,” she murmured. “But you need to understand that I can’t heal here. Not with you here and the memories of us everywhere I turn. It feels like a huge part of me vanished when we broke up. Arsenal no longer feels like home; something has fundamentally changed. I’m not happy here anymore, and I need to address that. I can’t just stay and be miserable.”
Tears welled up in my eyes, and I quickly blinked them away, “Are you leaving because of me? We can still be close, even if we’re not together. I can still make you happy as a friend. You don’t have to leave.” I begged her desperately.
She gently took my hand, squeezing it reassuringly. “Staying friends will only complicate things for me, Leah. I want you to know that I will always care about you, but this is something I have to do for myself. I need to find a way to move forward.”
I nodded slowly, my voice barely audible. “I understand. But that doesn’t make it any easier.”
“It won’t be easy for me either,” Y/N admitted,“But I genuinely believe it’s the right choice.”
I remained standing in silence for what felt like an eternity, overwhelmed by a flood of memories and emotions.
My mind kept replaying the moments we had shared, the laughter and challenges, the bond we had built over time.
The realization that she was leaving for another country and joining a different club hit me hard. The weight of it all was crushing.
Finally, I broke the silence with a sigh. “When are you leaving?”
“End of the season,” she said quietly. “I want to make sure I finish things here properly, give it the closure it deserves.”
i just nodded sadly“Okay. I suppose… I’ll see you on the pitch.” I simply said and walked away.
Being around her was excruciating, knowing that she would soon be leaving. It was a constant reminder of the impending separation and the emotions I was struggling to keep in check.
I had to remind myself not to be selfish, even though it hurt to see her in pain.
Despite the fact that my feelings for her had changed and I no longer loved her in the way I once did, my care for her remained profound.
I wanted her to find happiness, even if that meant her leaving and starting anew.
Seeing her unhappy was unbearable, and if moving to another country and joining a new club was what she needed to feel fulfilled, then I had to accept that.
I saw Y/N again at her farewell party, but I made sure to keep my distance, avoiding her as much as possible.
I wasn’t keen on attending in the first place, but Lia had insisted, arguing that it would be disrespectful not to be there with the entire team.
From where I stood, I watched her quietly. Despite the sadness of the occasion, she appeared a bit more radiant tonight.
Maybe the anticipation of her new journey was lifting her spirits, providing a sense of excitement that was hard to miss.
As the evening wound down and people started to drift away, I felt a heavy weight in my chest. I refrained from hugging her, knowing that if I did, I would likely dissolve into tears.
Instead, I gave her a brief, gentle pat on the shoulder and offered a simple, “Good luck,” before turning and walking away.
It was a difficult moment, and I knew that this might be the last time I’d see her for a considerable period.
The reality of our separation felt almost unbearable, and I wanted to leave before my emotions got the better of me.
Today, I’m in Barcelona, visiting Keira after a long time apart. It’s great to reconnect with my best friend, and I’m looking forward to catching up.
However, being in Barcelona also means I’m bound to see Y/N, especially since Keira invited me to join her and some of the Barça team at a bar tonight.
The thought of seeing Y/N again brings a swirl of emotions.
When Y/N joined Barcelona, I asked Keira to give me updates on Y/N. I was hoping to hear that she was thriving and happy.
Keira, at one point, mentioned that Y/N had become close with Alexia Putellas, which made my heart skip a beat.
It stirred up feelings I hadn’t anticipated, a mix of curiosity and something deeper that I couldn't quite place.
When I arrived at the bar, I took a moment to scan the room, searching for Keira. That’s when I spotted Y/N, and I was struck by how beautiful she looked.
Barcelona seemed to have suited her well; she had a glow about her that I hadn’t seen in a while. Alexia was beside her, her arm resting comfortably around Y/N’s shoulders.
It was a familiar sight, one that reminded me of how I used to hold her similarly when we’d go out with our teammates.
As I made my way toward Y/N, my nerves were on edge. She noticed me, as did Alexia. I watched as Alexia leaned in, speaking softly to Y/N. I saw Y/N nodding, and then Alexia placed a tender kiss on Y/N’s forehead.
It was a gesture that resonated deeply with me, reminding me of the affectionate moments we had shared.
Seeing this intimate display stirred a mix of nostalgia and regret, leaving me to navigate the complex emotions swirling within me as I approached them.
“Y/N,” I said, my voice shaking a little. “It’s good to see you.”
“You too, Leah,” she replied, her tone light. “How’s London?”
God,I missed the sound of her voice.
“It’s… London,” I said with a small smile,“How about you? Barcelona seems to suit you.”
“It really does” she admitted. “I love it here. The city, the team… everything.”
I glanced around, taking in the lively atmosphere. “I can see why. It’s beautiful.”
A brief silence fell between us, and the unspoken tension was palpable.
I could hardly believe that, after all these months, she was standing right in front of me. It felt like seeing her again for the first time.
“So… Alexia?” I asked tentatively but curiously,“You two seem close.”
Y/N glanced over at Alexia, who was chatting with Keira but I noticed that Alexia still kept an eye on Y/N, looking her way every once in a while. Y/N nodded. “Yeah, we’re dating.”
When those words came out of her mouth, I felt a slight tightening in my face, a physical reaction to the reality of the situation.
I had been prepared for this; Keira had given me a heads-up, but hearing it directly from Y/N made it all the more tangible and impactful.
I struggled to grasp why I was experiencing such intense emotions—jealousy and envy—despite my belief that my feelings for her had faded.
I had convinced myself that I was no longer in love with her, or at least that’s what I had tried to believe.
Yet, seeing her now, so vibrant and full of life, stirred something deep within me. Her smile, her laughter, the way she spoke—it all evoked memories of the Y/N I had once loved so deeply.
It was as if the past had resurfaced, and I was reminded of the affection and longing that still lay dormant inside me.
The realization hit hard: perhaps I hadn’t truly moved on; perhaps, on some level, I was still very much in love with her.
I forced a smile. “That’s… that’s great. I’m happy for you, Y/N. Really.”
“Thanks,” she said softly. “She’s… different. It feels right.”
I looked down, my fingers tracing the edge of her glass. “I’m glad you found someone who makes you happy.”
I’m genuinely glad that she’s found someone who makes her happy—Alexia clearly brings her joy.
However, I won’t pretend that I don’t wish I were still the one who could bring her that happiness.
“Um… how about you? Have you found someone?” She asked, her voice filled with curiosity.
“Um… not yet,” I responded quietly, almost in a whisper. “I’m trying to put myself out there again, but it’s been challenging.”
It’s been incredibly challenging for me because, with every date I’ve been on, I find myself constantly comparing the other girls to you. None of them have come close to matching the unique qualities that you have. Each time, I’m reminded of how special you are, and it makes me realize just how irreplaceable you are… you were in my life.
But you don’t need to know that.
Y/N nodded understandingly, and offered me a gentle smile “I’m confident you’ll find someone, Leah. You’re an incredible person, and anyone would be lucky to have you in their life,” she said encouragingly.
I genuinely valued her words, but they don’t reflect the truth. I don’t see myself as an incredible person.
Someone truly incredible wouldn’t have caused such deep hurt that someone had to leave the country, nor would they have given up on the love of their life.
As the conversation lulled, Alexia got closer to Y/N and gently touch her back, and send me a smile.
“Leah, it was really good to see you,” Y/N said. “I hope you enjoy the rest of your time here.”
“Yeah,” I replied, forcing a smile. “It was good to see you too, Y/N.”
She gave me a small wave before turning back to Alexia, who immediately wrapped her arm around Y/N’s waist, pulling her close in a tender, intimate gesture.
From where I stood, I could see the way Y/N looked at Alexia—her eyes brimming with genuine love and affection, mirroring the way Alexia gazed at her. It was a beautiful and heartwarming sight to witness, and it was evident that Y/N truly deserved this kind of happiness.
Alexia was treating her with a tenderness and care that I had failed to provide, making Y/N's joy and contentment unmistakable.
As I observed them, a deep, lingering part of me acknowledged that I still harbored feelings for Y/N. It was a painful realization, compounded by the knowledge that I had hurt her profoundly. I had driven her away, and now she was finding solace and affection in someone else’s arms.
The finality of it all hit hard—I lost her forever. I couldn’t help but second-guess whether ending our relationship had been the right choice.
Seeing her so happy with someone else made me question whether I had made the biggest mistake of my life.
No, it’s not a question it’s a fact, I made the biggest mistake of my life.
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spaceysoupy · 7 months
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So apparently it’s that time of year again where I have to post about this.
On lesbianism, white queerness, and 2S identity
Text below readmore
I am a two-spirit. My identity is specific to my Tribe and Clan, and even more specific to my family. I am not a man, I am not a woman, and I am not nonbinary; I am not defined by what I am not.
I am a two-spirit and I am a lesbian. That's not debatable.
But I am not a non-man.
There's an idea of two-spirits that we are just the ethnic version of non-binary
We're not. The reason you're so comfortable calling us nonbinary is because your idea of queerness is centered around the binary&what you are not: you're not cishet, you're not the oppressor, etc
White queers like to speak about 2S identities constantly as if we are monolith. "It's just a gender" "it's not a gender"
"they're not trans" "they're not queer" "they don't belong here"
The community tries to decide for the individual and that's so weird to me.
So much of white queerness is inherently about exclusion.
You need strict labels to exclude the people you fear. You write your definitions around your fear of intruders and by consequence you exclude the people that need your support the most.
You need people to "prove" they are queer before you let them in. You're like a fortress and you let vulnerable people drown in the moat; ignoring that the real oppressors don't need to be a Trojan horse to do damage, ignoring they are actively burning down the castle.
It's very sad to me, because it's ultimately tearing the community apart even further.
I've never felt very welcome in white lesbian circles and they've never understood my experience of gender, but it's gotten worse in the past 5 or so years.
As TERFs start to revive gold star lesbianism and center hatred of men as their definition of lesbianism, you start to get these younger lesbians that don't know history that start to parrot the rhetoric. First it's "non-men loving non-men" then it's "you're too close to Man™"
For many two-spirit lesbians like myself, this is very concerning. White lesbians are historically not the ones targeted by radfems.
Now we've gotten to the point that there are people denying that lesbian is an spec (multispec) identity while including (white) nonbinary people
White nonbinary people (usually AFAB nonbinary people) are seen as woman lite and are welcome in white lesbian spaces while queer Indigenous people are considered dangerous because white lesbians can't understand their gender.
When did understanding become a requirement?
We're getting very dangerously close to "lesbianism is ONLY attraction to women" and very close to "lesbianism is only attraction to *a very specific type of (white) woman*" and I really need young white lesbians to read about political lesbianism so they can see this
I don't want to hear "not all lesbians" or "well then they aren't welcome" because every time this rhetoric goes unchallenged you are actively welcoming these people to continue it and make it more and more extreme. Yes, even the kind that seems to have nothing to do with racism
Almost all of your exclusionary rhetoric is based on the racist ideas of political lesbianism and I do not know why you all cannot see that they want to move goalposts. It wasn't just bi lesbians, it wasn't just he/him lesbians, it wasn't just nonbinary lesbians. It's a tactic.
It really feels like young lesbians are not only letting us go backwards, but encouraging it. And that's thanks in part to the historical racism of political lesbianism, but many of these people ARE old enough to think critically and talk to people who've been through this.
So far I've seen this in younger lesbian spaces; the ones with older generations (the ones that don't welcome TERFs) have been pretty welcoming even if not totally understanding, because they at least recognize that you don't need to understand someone's experience to validate it.
But I'm really concerned for the young Indigenous lesbians who don't feel comfortable around older people and are going to these younger lesbian spaces only to be indoctrinated with thinly veiled TERF rhetoric. It makes me very concerned for our spaces as well.
So I'll say again
I am not a non-man and I am not a non-woman. I'm not defined by what I am not. I do not ascribe to your binary-centric definitions of queerness. I experience queer attraction to women. I'm a lesbian. You do not get to use community to decide my individuality.
Thread by ~Alitsanosga
Pronouns: hi'a/vsgina/utseli/uwasa
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theabigailthorn · 10 months
Hey I’ve been a fan for a little while now, and I just wanted to say that you’ve been an inspiration for me, a younger transfemme. But I do wanna also ask: what’s it like being a trans woman with her life together? I’m 19 (as of sending), been on hrt for almost 5 months, and have been trans for a year and change. But I’m scared. So, I guess, I wanted to ask: does being trans ever become the norm, my baseline? What’s it like after 2-3 years? And does it get any less confusing or scary?
I think there are a few things going on here.
I don't have my life together as much as it might seem; I just don't show you all the ways it's not. I don't talk publicly about the auditions I don't get, or the things I try and fail at, or the insecurities in my own head that hold me back sometimes, or the handful of decisions I've made that were bad calls and which still keep me up occasionally. I've talked about trauma and mental illness in the past, but I only ever discuss stuff I'm comfortably over - when I'm overwhelmed or in the middle of a crisis I don't post about it. I don't set out to deceive you by presenting myself that way, I just keep my most private stuff private. Everybody has failures and regrets and insecurities: "it's a sign of having lived," as my friend Phoebe told me today. But you see a curated version of me that appears not only more together than the real person, but more together than any real person.
Also, if you're 19 a lot of your life hasn't been in your control until pretty recently and a lot of it still might not be. I'd say it's okay to not feel like you have it all together. You just transitioned, which I think is one of the hardest things a human being can do: you can give yourself credit for that even if you feel like you're not settled into it yet. Congratulations!
As for it becoming the baseline, I mean yeah? Kinda? At least for me. Sometimes I forget. I had a moment today in the gym where I saw a man and I was like "Oh yeah, I used to be one of them, sortof? Weird!" The first year is the hardest, or so they say. I wouldn't say I get less confused or scared now, just scared and confused in different ways. I worry less about getting attacked in the street than I did in my first year, for example. (I'm lucky and privileged in that regard.) But I worry a lot more about other people. I struggle a lot with survivor's guilt, which is something only people who survive get! Anyone who's had a drink with me in the last six months has heard me beat myself up because the night of The Prince premiere in New York was the night of Brianna Taylor's vigil in the UK. That wasn't a deliberate decision - the premiere was booked and paid for months before she was even killed - but I've become a lot more sensitive to those sorts of feelings precisely because I spend less time worrying about myself. I'm more aware now of what my transness means for other people. Like, I made an ironic joke when I came out that I'd become The Transgender Princess of TERF Island, and it's kindof haunted me since - I didn't set out to become "a famous trans person" but it's happened a little bit and it's going to happen a lot more next year. That comes with serious responsibilities and a few mild drawbacks, as well as perks, obviously. So I guess that's a longwinded way of saying I might be a weird person to ask this question because, at least for right now, my transness, my whole self, doesn't just belong to me.
Oh also, some great advice I got from my friends: Paris: "Only change the things that bother you on your good days," and Mattie: "Don't believe anything you think about your life after 9pm."
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laylaysdelusions · 2 months
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Sim wife. (Paige bueckers x reader)
Summary: Paige catches you playing sims with a married version of herself 
“Hey!” Paige(your roommate) says as she walks through the door, putting her gym bag down.
“Hi” you muster up the courage to not sound shy.
Everytime the woman speaks you practically fall to your knees, it’s even more unbearable, considering you live with her. She makes your mouth go dry and your cheeks go slightly pink.
“How was your day?” She asks with her classic grin that makes any fangirl swoon. She’s been in an extra good mood recently.
Ever since the two of you moved in together, as close friends, you’ve been head over heels in love with the blonde. She’s never given you the ick in any way it’s like she’s unrealistically perfect.
You suddenly feel her fingers snap in your face to grab your attention, pausing your daydream.
“Good- it was pretty good” you say way too quickly for your liking. You want to seem calm and collected but damn does she makes it difficult.
As she gets closer you get a better look at her.
She’s wearing basketball shorts that hanging off her hips, revealing the top of her boxers. Her hair is in a low slick back bun. Oh, she looks freaking delicious.
“Oh that’s good I’m happy, what made today so good?” It felt like Paige knew she was teasing you, it was almost like she knew that you couldn’t really answer that.
“Well I hung out with Dylan and Maddy in my room for most of the day” you say while smiling, thinking about the memories with your best friends.
To be honest your best friends poked fun at your debilitating crush on Paige often today, and that was a pretty big part of your conversations with them, but Paige doesn’t have to know that of course.
They were given an even bigger opportunity to say something when they saw that you made Paige in the sims 4 and you married her.
‘Aww she’s too cute’ Maddy put her hand on her heart while looking at Dylan.
You had to jerk yourself back into reality.
“Is something wrong, you seem to be daydreaming a lot” Paige asks.
You assure her you’re just fine and even though she doesn’t really believe you she lets it slip past.
“What’s your plans for tonight?”
“Oh well nothing really just video games” you answer as you’re fighting back the urge to just jump in her arms(or make out with her.)
“Actually I was wondering if you wanted to had a movie night with me like old times? a girls night?”
“Sorry Paige I need alone time to unwind, you know how draining Dylan and Maddy can be from time to time” she sighs and rolls eyes at you.
“Why have you so been so introverted around me recently?” She looks at you with a questioning voice
You try to breathe and stay calm. There’s no way you can sit next to her for two hours or longer while still containing your feelings, especially since your ovulating.
“Just a little more reserved nothing to worry about” you say quietly before speed walking to your room.
“Shit..i just made an absolute fool out of myself” you whisper while having a big pout on your face.
While you’re sitting on a self hate train you decide to self soothe by playing with your imaginary world of sims. You pull up your save file and begin playing.
Not long after you heard Paige knock on your door.
“Um hey I got you pizza I thought you might be hungry”
“Thank you” you say with a sheepish smile
“Hey are you playing the sims?” Paige laughs.
Uh oh. You hoped and prayed she wouldn’t notice the sims you made.
“Y-yeah” you mentally facepalm at your stutter.
“I used to play this game with my friends all the time, throw back” Paige says amused.
What you didn’t realize is that Paige found it adorable and she wasn’t judging you whatsoever. She thinks you’re pretty damn cute.
The screen accidentally moves around a your sim self appears.
“Oh gosh is that you?”
You nod.
“She has your facial features and mannerisms down perfectly, are you married in here?” She sounds eager to see save file but you’re not willing to show her considering her name is in there.
“M-mhm” you say not wanting to lie, you want her to like you and that means being honest and likable in everything.
“Can I see?”
“Why not?” She looks puzzled but still amused.
“Come on sweetheart just let me see it’s not that serious it’s not like I’m gonna judge a sim” she playfully rolls her eyes.
The pet name didn’t slip past you. Your face flushed and your knees went weak.
Paige’s hand overrides yours on the keyboard and she sees your sim wife.
“Paige bueckers is your sim wife hm?” She says with a smiles and her eyebrows move.
You’re frozen and no words can come out.
“I didn’t know my princess of a roommate had that big of a crush”
“Look- I’m sorry can we pretend this never happened” you say, so embarrassed.
She leans down to your ear and whispers.
“Don’t worry I like you too”
Relief and flustered emotions come over you. Does she really or is she just messing with you?
“Yes, really” Paige says almost as if she could read your mind.
“I see the way you peek down the hallway to get a glimpse of me or how your cheeks are pink when we make eye contact, I’ve been doing the same thing for a while now honey you’re oblivious”.
“So this means..we can be date?”
“Well yeah I was gonna ask you to be my girlfriend, what do you think?”
“Yes!” You say extremely fast.
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ham1lton · 4 months
you said u read ao3 fics! what are your f1 recs?
ahhh!!!!! this is the best question you could have ever asked me like ever i love you so much. i’ve been dying to talk abt this for a hot minute. i opened myself up to any sort of ship mostly because i cared more abt the fic quality then the ship you know? kinda glad i did it because my fav ones are not necessarily ships i am a fan of. it’s really long so i put it under a read more!!
okay so number one has to be the fic that was my first fav f1 fic. this is steal the air out of my lungs (make me feel it). now this has a lot of elements that i love. guy who’s in his own head vs other guy who’s also in his own head but pretends he isn’t. also idk why but i’m always a sucker for a good medical au and this one fucking delivers!!! another maxiel fic i read was three rounds and a sound which has coffee shop owner daniel w/ stressed out student max. a lot of introspection but it’s also unfolding while the romance is. idk i just love this. it’s so good. last maxiel fic is come on, star boy which is a alt universe where daniel is the american guy he always wanted to be and max is the new transfer to his small town’s football team. it isn’t just incredibly written but everyone feels so real and vivid. i can visually see this in my mind everytime i read it. i listened to a lot of ethel cain while reading so that helped. i love this so much and the brocedes in the background?? you’ll never get away from the sound of the woman that loves youuu 🗣️
i’m not really a landoscar girl, i’m gonna be honest. however, where i am going is right where i am, is just incredible. alt universe where the drivers live on a street version of stars hollow? brocedes that influence everything even though they’re long over? charles being insane over max? pierre hating on esteban every second that is possible (i was laughing every time he would just cuss his ass out unprovoked) and annoying george being their street’s version of gilmore girls’ taylor?? what more do u need in ur life?? also oscar in this fic is just my dream man. i think a croissant from him would fix me. actually i read a lot of this author’s landoscar fics and they’re so cute i was sending kudos as much as i can. like already home! just want to bite them both and put them in my pocket. they’re so obviously in love i want to shake them down and scream and smoosh them together. lawyer!oscar i love you. check out their profile!! incredible writer :)))
i’m also not a galex truther but the two of us, in sympathy is so cute!! rich boy!george with broke junior doctor!alex. george attempting to court alex and just absolutely failing. i love it. they’re such a mess i need them in my life. also this loscar future fic is so intense but incredible. i’m really bad at describing but i binged it on my train home and i was really glad i did - i promised to forget you now.
the reason i even got into f1 aka brocedes. this fic i think was one of the first i read. on the faultline which is just amazing. i can’t recommend it enough. read it if u can. another fav is a brocedes threesome with their toxic fucking each other via proxy aka new money, and it’s all cash. cute brocedes!! nico thinks lewis is his sworn enemy but everyone knows otherwise. roseberg’s vs haminkton. this was so cute and funny. cause why was nico saying lewis, the owner of a tattoo shop was stealing business from him… when he owns a florists… he’s so dramatic i want to tuck him in my pocket. this job will take my sole has the same premise but they’re both shoe shops which makes a lot more sense. i just love stupid rivalries and dramatic nico.
now back to my sweethearts, the lights of my life, the fires of my heart - sewis. all of these fics have past brocedes just for context. every tongue should confess talks about religion and queer identity in such a nuanced and delicate way? i adored this fic. transmotion which is another alt universe with fashion designer!lewis and footballer!sebastian both figuring out their careers, themselves and their relationship. maybe together we can get somewhere - this is an mpreg fic which usually isn’t for me but it’s about seb and lewis going on a road trip for an abortion and it’s so good. honestly the ending line of ‘it’s a good feeling, to know that sebastian’s outstretched hand is right there.’ it just stuck with me. i loved it. the numbering at bethlehem which is thee sewis fic to me. professor au?? this was made for me. like perfectly moulded. everything about this is art. i could do a full essay on this fic. just read it, it’s incredible. just amazing. sebastian as the child prodigy who has nowhere else to climb?? i love them both in this fic so much!!! tnab sewis get behind me!! i’m gonna protect u!!
okay i’m sorry this is so long. i just love art. i love writing. i just love the work these authors’ have spent putting together these masterpieces for free!! check them out!! leave kudos!! comment!! <3
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emmett6 · 1 month
i am being attacked by antis.
this is emmett. emmettnet, emmettverse, emmettland, emmettundead, emmettlab. whichever blog you knew me from.
i am a whump creator. i've been in the whump community for a few years now. and now, i am unable to share my work with the community on here because people are mass reporting me for being a proshipper, and Tumblr keeps deleting my blogs as a result.
(if that isn't the reason why, i would be more than happy to get the explanation from @staff that i've been asking for.)
now, that is speculation on my part based on the timing of each termination (it's after i put my pinned post in the whump tags).
but here are the facts:
months ago, i became comfortable enough to share proshipping content. seeing as how every other artist would link their nsfw work on here, i thought it was acceptable for me to do the same so long as the preview image did not violate any rules.
an anon asked if i was a proshipper, and i said i didn't ascribe to that label*, but i agreed with the philosophy.
*i don't have any choice BUT to use it now because my posts get removed for describing what the content is
note that this anon asked multiple people in the whump community if they were proshippers. it was the same person each time, same copy-and-pasted responses.
i kept posting my proshipping content, all with links and extensive content warnings.
i started getting anon hate.
my account was terminated. after further reflection and rereading the terms of service AGAIN, i figured maybe links are not allowed and so i switched to DM only.
this time, the anon hate was consistent. every week was something new. every day felt like bracing myself to open my inbox. i kept anon on, since i have so many people who feel uncomfortable sending asks off anon and didn't want to take away their safe space.
months pass. i go on hiatus for all of July. i find out someone stole my old nsfw art and reposted their edited versions of it to rule34, a site that i never wanted my work to be on. this person waited until the exact starting day of my hiatus to do this.
i come back to more anon hate in my inbox.
suddenly, out of nowhere, my account is terminated again.
i make a new blog. more anon hate. another termination.
lather, rinse, repeat.
i stopped doing DM only stuff. i figured, if i just link my other platforms and only post safe things on Tumblr, there's nothing in the rules against that. everyone has links to their social media.
i still get terminated. and again, i keep getting terminated after i post my pinned post in the whump tags. which -- speculation again -- leads me and others to think that these antis are stalking the whump tags, waiting for me to show up so they can mass report me and get me terminated.
i have NO idea what they would report, aside from claiming i'm trying to "dodge being blocked". which, i'm not. in fact, i say every single time i come back that i WANT people to block me if they need to.
but regardless, it keeps happening.
i'm losing a place i considered home.
i'm being forced out of a community on here i love so dearly.
and you want to know something funny? for some strange reason, i'm unable to block my anons. yup. an 'error' message comes up. and i'm apparently unable to report them too -- like reporting the one who called me a 'tumblr tranny' and said i would 'always be a woman' for hate speech. oops, sorry. error message.
by now, i've been called evil. told to listen to my intrusive thoughts. told that i should be on a watch list. told that it's disgusting that someone's mutuals still interact with me. told that i have no place in the whump community.
i know that's not true.
i'm so sick and tired of being treated like this. i'm tired of being dehumanized. and i'm disgusted with this behavior.
at this point, i'm just screaming as many times as i can. i'll keep losing blogs, because i know my attackers will read this and just keep on reporting me. what do they have to lose? nothing. they don't have enough of a conscience to care. and why should they? clearly, i'm a monster. i'm a piece of shit. i don't deserve basic respect, and i apparently don't deserve to keep my 'platform'. to stay in my community and to keep my livelihood.
my discord is emmettnet. send me a DM if you don't want to lose me, because there is no point in following me repeatedly just for every blog to be terminated.
if you want to reblog this to spread the word and show your support, i would be eternally grateful. but i understand if you choose not to; i don't want anyone to be subjected to what i'm going through.
thank you for reading.
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cutielights · 7 months
Hey pookie!! I luv ur work sm and I was wondering if u could do a rottmnt boys x spider woman reader ab them reacting to her stopping a collider like miles did? Idek if u watched into the spider verse but maybe something like that if not u could wing it if you'd like tysm hope u have a good day/night! ❤️
>>:] yes. For the purposes of writing, im going to act as if you were a spider person for at least a year before this. Not supposed to be Miles’ story, but pretty similar (if that makes sense)
i waNT THE THIRD MOVIE. Frikin dying of miles morales deprivation over here, hand over the sunflower boy with in tact parents
That Really Big Earthquake
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“Heyyyy, I haven’t seen you in twenty four hours which truly is a record for us, I missed you, did you miss me? I bet you did right? Go on tell me aaaalllll about it.”
“So, I was just kinda minding my own business, y’know, thwipping and thwapping and going about being an awesome hero when I bumped into myself? Kinda. They looked like me, but they were different, and didn’t look like me, but, I knew they were me! Because my spider sense went off and they could do stuff I could do, but also some different stuff! And then we freaked out for a little bit before I went to auntie May to show her and she showed me four more other me’s who were hiding out in her basement and then we tried getting them home and we had to sneak about in this fancy restaurant wearing bow ties, and we cried and they went into this collider thing, also it turns out my favourite cousin was working for the evil genius corporation and he’s dead now and it feels like my fault, I’m so totally fine don’t worry about me. Howwasyourday?”
“Haha, what.”
“Stopped the collapsing of the multiverse.”
“Oh it sounds so simple when you put it like that.” Yeah okay sarcasm queen
Made you some tea after that, let’s just, take a breath for a minute, m’kay?
He has decided it’s a self care day now, at least he did after thoroughly checking you for injuries
How you do not have a concussion will always escape him, not one broken bone? Seriously? After all that?
Please remind him you’re an actual super hero and not a pane of glass
“Wait what was that about your cousin?”
“Hey! How was your weekend?”
“Crazier than yours.”
“Okay, Bet.”
One explanation later sponge bob narrator voice
“Wait, so you’re telling Raph, that huge earthquake that happened, happened because of you and five alternate versions of yourself?
“That’s excluding a lot of things I just told you but, I am telling Raph that, yes.”
Huge bone crushing hugs are in order, according to him at least. And I mean, is he wrong?
Not letting you out of his sight for ages, please, Raph, let them go home
“Why are you so worried? I did it, I won!”
“It’s more the fact that it happened and less the fact that you’re mostly fine.”
Othello Von Ryan: Stay home, S.H.E.L.LD.O.N has picked up on some strange (possibly universal fabric destroying) activity. Also there has been some earthquake activity in the area you were in yesterday, not that I have a tracker on you. Because I don’t.
Only Two Legs: I handled it don’t worry :D
Othello Von Ryan: ?
Othello Von Ryan: Traverse to My Lab.
“Heyyy Deee.”
“Stop. Explain. This better be your attempt at humor.”
There was silence for a long while after you had messily glued together words to describe the past 24 hours, before he took a deep breath.
“First, How dare you stop the multiverse from collapsing without me that’s incredible rude. Second, therapy. Third, that earthquake and power surge destroyed My Lab, thankfully I have backup backups to my backups, but I couldn’t use the internet for an hour straight.”
“Y- You’re more concerned about the internet?”
“Not what I said. Now let me check you for a concussion.”
“Hey they took down those art displays.”
“The what?”
“Oh you weren’t here, BUT there was these reaaaallllyyyyy cool art statues along this street! Look, hey, look, I took pics!”
“Oh cooollluuuhhh that’s not an art display that’s five different fire hydrants merged into each other.”
“Haha yeah it does kinda look like that doesn’t it? I thought it was supposed to be a dog.”
“Mikey, no-“ You pulled him aside into an empty alleyway, trying to explain what had happened over the past twenty four hours.
It was an interesting experience, but you got there eventually.
Best believe this boy is giving you the biggest hug ever, and then buying pizza.
Oh, and Dr Feelings is going to be paying you a visit. Multiple. You can’t escape him.
“So they weren’t art displays?”
Speedily bulk writing and scheduling rn bc im going on a holiday with zero internet.
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keruimi · 7 months
Found Myself Because of Her
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Obanai Iguro x reader
Note: I just hope that this fanfic can help you realize something. Mention of self-hate, sexual assault, death, and scars. Not proof-read
When did everything start? When my eyes suddenly just started to look for her.
An unfamiliar woman that just caught my eyes during my journey to the Ubuyashiki Estate as she played with the children of the village.
The woman who I lock gazes with as she sends a smile to my way that made my heart skip a little.
It was the first time I saw her in that village that made me question my fellow Hashira who she was.
How can she have a huge effect on me?
"Oh, she was the woman you saved from the Entertainment District" Shinobu informed me as the gears on my mind started working.
"She must be strolling around the village"
Somehow, seeing her with the younger generation made me think how it feels to be near her.
Seeing the happiness of the kids she is playing with, made me curious on what kind of woman she was.
Why does that kind of woman end up in a place like the Entertainment District.
Until destiny finally let us meet again. She made a huge impact on me as her first impression was still lingering on my mind.
The happiness she showed when she met me.
I never saw someone that happy when they saw me.
"You must be Obanai-kun that Shinobu is talking about" she started as she bowed towards my direction that made me lower my head to return her greetings.
The moment she raised her head to see me, I felt my heart skip a beat.
That made me question how beautiful she is.
"Here" she handed me a book as I stared at it. "It's a book of appreciation"
I took the item from her hands as she properly stood up. "I never got the chance to thank you. I owe you my life"
I quietly observed the book she gave me before I brought it closer to me before giving a nod to her.
"I was just doing what I was supposed to do" I finally muttered a sentence as her eyes widened a little before she look down.
"Well at least you still did..." I heard her mutter.
I felt her gaze soften before she uttered the words I never knew I would hear for my entire life.
"You are unknowingly the writer who chose to continue my story that was already reaching its ending"
I felt silent on her words that made me feel that saving someone is indeed a big deal.
I finally felt like my actions finally had a huge impact on someone. I let out a small smile under the bandages that were covering the lower part of my face.
I saved someone...not only physically but mentally too.
That was the first encounter we had. And I silently yearn for the next one.
On the four walls of my room, I flip the pages of the book she gave me.
How can I forget... That I love reading these things.
A small smile lifted from my lips when I remembered her. There was no day that I didn't read the book that reminded me of her.
A book that comforts the person in me. It was like an eye opening for me.
Nobody is perfect.
Nobody is born as a mistake.
The person you are today is shaped by the painful past that you have lived in.
Nobody is cruel;
Nobody is completely free
From the chains of hatred they have locked themselves in.
In life, you can be at the highest peak of the mountain,
Or at the floor of the deep ocean.
But it shouldn't be a reason nor an excuse to suffocate yourself.
You are beautiful, just as you are.
Love yourself, it's never too late
It feels like, destiny is finally comforting me. That reminds me how deep my self-hatred is.
Because I look like the monster I fear when I was a kid.
How long can I fight the demons that have been living in my mind?
How long will I last?
"Obanai?" I heard her voice below that made me look down and just saw her smiling up to me.
"Don't you want to eat lunch with us?"
I shook my head and I didn't hear her bother me anymore. And the moment I finally went back to reality, there was already a rope on the branch above me as she pulled herself up while carrying a basket.
I just watched as she did her best to reach me.
To be close to my distant personality.
"You should eat. I'm the one who cook it" she stated as she landed in front of me and started setting up the small table and the food she brought for me.
"Take care of yourself, Obanai." She looked at me with her soft gaze. "You need it to keep going"
I felt a pinch in my heart on her words as I let out another small smile under my mask.
I'm thankful she is trying to take care of the body I am abandoning.
I whispered a small thank you before she decided to leave to give me the privacy I need as I look at the food she made.
I felt tears slowly build up in my eyes as I thought to myself...
How long will I hide the ugliest part of me?
Our path keeps meeting and I found myself watching her gracefully dance under the moonlight like a free soul that is not ruined by the world.
I felt the cold breeze as I sat on the floor of the gazebo as my thoughts went hazy again.
I want to know her more. I want to know how she learned those comforting words she never failed to utter every time we meet.
It's God, finally giving me mercy?
Is he finally willing to cure me from the past he let me experience?
The past that was still engraved on the very part of my body. The body he gave me, is it wrong for me to hate it?
"Obanai?" Her voice made me snap my train of thoughts as she walked closer to my direction.
I internally compliment how she looks good at the light yellow kimono she was wearing.
How can someone be this beautiful?
"Are you okay?" She asked me with a small frown on her face as I lifted my lips to a smile but immediately stopped as I imagined how I looked without it.
"I'm fine"
I am not...
She quietly sat beside me as we both gazed at the garden in front of us whose beauty was completely shown by the moon that illuminates its light.
I felt her giving me side glances as she was really thinking if she would ask me to let out myself.
I know that but... Maybe I just want someone to ask.
If I was really fine. I want someone to ask, if I need someone.
Because I badly needed one or I would really lose against my own insecurities.
"I was known for being Tengen's first wife" I heard her mutter that made me turn my head in her direction as she didn't remove her attention in the garden.
"No one knew who I was" she stated as a small smile lift from her lips.
She was Tengen-san's rumored first wife?
I want to know how she ends up where she is now as I properly sat on the floor.
"Tengen is a nice guy. But that alone was not enough for me to survive with his family. Because of that action I made, it ruined the relationship we both have" She continues her story as my thoughts wander again.
Tengen never mentioned her...
"Ever since that incident, there is no day I didn't endure the torture of hatred his family had when he was not beside me. But knowing we were not in good terms yet, I never mentioned it" she finally turned her head to look at me.
Her smile never faded from her lips.
"Obanai, I have scars too" it felt like our surroundings went silent when she let out those words.
It was a moment where she was sharing the most painful part of her story that was not heard.
"There are times I want to cry so badly because I won't have the same perfect body I have when it was marked on me. It was permanent damage to my body, it was a painful strike to reality."
"That's why I left him" She whispered as she let out a low chuckle before facing the garden again. Yet my eyes never left hers.
"I was burned, whipped, poisoned, and beaten. Because I killed a person, I killed one of his brothers" my eyes widened from how she states every word without any hesitation.
Is it really okay to share this with me?
"Now that you heard the reason why I experience that kind of torture, what do you think of me?"
I saw her eyes turned glossy as I felt my heart ache with her.
Burned, whipped, poisoned, and beaten everyday? If I was her, would I kill somebody too?
I wouldn't.
Because ever since I was a kid, I was scared to protect myself. I was helpless.
"I wouldn't kill someone knowing he is important to the person I love. No matter the torture I went through." I finally spoke my mind as I looked at the moon above us.
"But what if it was self-defense? What if that was the only choice so I won't get rape? Would you still blame me?" I snapped my head in her direction when I heard her words.
"Then I can't blame you for it..." I breathlessly whispered and a smile lifted again from her face as a look of slight happiness adored her face.
"You see, we were characters of an untold story. People's opinion is based on who's telling the story. Whether we would become a hero or a villain, it was already a decision we can't decide"
I listen to every word she says.
"People's thoughts are something we can never control. So even if you're perfect just the way you are, in their eyes, you have flaws and that's okay" she turned in my direction before lifting a hand to ruffle my hair so I just lowered my head so she could reach it.
"It's okay to be quiet, it's okay to stay silent. But you should be aware when your limit is" I felt her hand lower as it reached one of my cheeks.
"I know you're experiencing your own war with yourself but remember"
"You have no one but yourself" we both stated in sync as she gave a thankful smile before caressing my cheek.
"Ourself is our worst enemy, but also our greatest ally. Never forget that"
And that night, the painful past we both have buried was opened again.
And I found comfort in the woman I never spoke too much with. I found my heart softened on the time I cherished with her.
It felt like I finally found the partner I needed to survive.
I never knew that the night could be this peaceful. It felt like the haze on my mind was finally clear.
Having the strength to look at myself again in the mirror, I slowly removed the bandages that were hiding the ugliest part of me.
I heard Kaburamaru near me as I traced the healed mark on my mouth.
"Is this really fine to show?" I muttered to myself as I looked at myself in the mirror.
Seconds passing and I already felt the fear and hatred creeping behind me as I tried my best not to look away from the mirror.
You are beautiful, just as you are.
I shut my eyes to calm myself down as I felt Kaburamaru circle himself on my wrist as I slowly opened my eyes after I calmed myself down.
The moment I looked at myself back in the mirror, I thought of a question I should have asked long ago.
"Why did I hate you?" A tear slipped from my eyes as I weakly muttered those words.
Nobody is completely free
From the chains of hatred they have locked themselves in.
"It was never our fault..."
The person you are today is shaped by the painful past that you have lived in
"How come I hated you?..."
"You have no one but yourself"
The God just harvested those sinners who have committed grave sin. Whether they died or not because of me...
It was not in our control anymore.
I found her sitting under the Sakura tree, seems to be sewing my haori that I forgot at the gazebo yesterday.
I walk closer to her as she looks up when she hears my footsteps. She greeted me with a smile as I kneel in front of her and sat at the heel of my foot. I watched how she went back to sewing my ripped haori.
"I never got to know your name" I decided to break the silence as a giggle pass her lips.
"Pardon me, I'm Y/n" she playfully introduces herself and manages to lift a small smile from my lips again.
"Thank you for clearing my mind yesterday" I continued and she showed me a gentle smile before tapping my cheek.
"You need it"
I felt my heart warmed from her words as I decided to sit beside her and face her direction where no one would see my face.
I want to know if she is willing to stay or leave.
"I want to show you the scar that ruined me" I whispered to her that made her tie the threads when she finished what she was doing.
She turned to face me.
"Go on" she muttered and I felt nervous if I was doing the right thing.
Noticing my hesitation, she gave me a gentle smile. "I won't leave"
Hearing her assurance, I slowly removed the bandages that were covering my face as I hid it from the world.
Her eyes never left mine as I completely removed the cover.
Please don't leave me...
Without wasting any second, I felt her hand on my cheeks as she gave a proud smile as her eyes started to turn glossy.
"You did great" she whispered and I can't help the tears that were building from the corner of my eyes, attempting to escape.
My trembling hands touch her own as she drapes my haori on my head.
"You did it"
I can't forget the happiness she felt for me and my heart chose her over and over again.
I want her to be with me. That made me ask to court her and she gladly accepted it.
She was the person my tortured soul needed.
When we became a couple, I was the happiest. I didn't care about her past anymore.
I was her present and I would make sure I would be the one with her in the future.
My relationship with her is nothing but happiness and comfort. Something I never had nor given with.
I never hesitated on going to her arms for comfort or even assurance. A side that I only show to her and only her.
It's hard to show it during the daytime with many people watching.
I also saw her scars that littered her body. Some left a mark, some completely healed.
I just found myself tracing the scars of the whip on her back as she put some cream on her body.
Both of us would love any flaw in each other's body.
And I can't ask anymore for a better partner like her.
While on the left side of her hips, the burn is found. There are bruises that have already turned darker than her skin color so it's not easy to hide it.
She was silent the whole time I observe her body. I decided to snake my arms around her waist and pull her closer to me that made her look at the mirror just to see me.
"The scars never makes you less beautiful" I softly whispered as she let a gentle smile before kissing my cheeks.
"I know..."
Our body became a book where the scars of our past are written.
Having someone like her, all my fears disappeared.
I would trade the world for her
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lendeah · 7 months
The currents of destiny
Chapter 3: Guilt and remorse.
Summary: In his third vision, Astarion observes himself trapped in a relentless cycle of thirst, remorse, and yearning within the shadows, witnessing others moving forward while he goes back to familiar patterns of the past. Pairing: Astarion x Fem!Reader/Tav Word Count: 3.6k Tags: Heavy Angst, Psychological Trauma, Blood and Violence, Character Death, Psychological Torture (kind of), Emotional Manipulation, Verbal Abuse, but just chapter 2, Angst with a Happy Ending, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Eventual Fluff, Eventual Happy Ending.
a/n: tysm to @tinystarfishgalaxy for helping me with this chapter &lt;3
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Astarion wept, as his body shook uncontrollably. His thoughts and emotions were swirling, Tav's agonized screams still echoed in his mind, haunting him. And those staring, lifeless eyes... they would forever haunt his darkest dreams. He shuddered at the thought of what he could have become: a soulless monster who would have used and abused Tav without remorse. The weight of guilt and regret bore down on him like a heavy cloak, suffocating and unrelenting. He wanted to kill that version of himself, he wanted to erase him from existence.
He briefly believed they were returning to the vast emptiness of space. But before he could process that thought, he was being violently pulled once more. Then, everything went black.
Astarion's heart clenched with fear as he quickly realized that he was inhabiting another body, once again a different version of himself. His mind was still spinning from the previous vision, but he forced himself to calm down and focus on his current reality. None of this is real, he told himself, you can still change everything.
The first thing he noticed was the emptiness in his head, the silence. The lack of parasite buzzing over his senses. That explained why his limbs felt heavier and slower, without the surge of power he had grown used to. He was back to being a vampire spawn.
We won, then. We beat the Nether Brain.
He would have laughed, had he not noticed the feelings coursing his body: regret and a deep-seated remorse. It was a stark difference from the empty void of emotions that had possesed him while inside his Ascended body. This version... this future Astarion, was filled with nothing but guilt. And hunger, so deep it shook his frame to its core.
He looked around, taking in his surroundings. He was crouched against a damp stone wall, his body weakened and exhausted. The putrid stench of the city sewers filled his nostrils, adding to his misery.
His clothes, ragged and wet, were clinging uncomfortably to his body. Hells, he looked like a wild animal.
Astarion's senses heightened as his body caught a whiff of fresh blood, human blood. His stomach growled and he could feel the thirst coursing through his veins, demanding to be sated. How long had it been since he last fed? Judging his estate, he estimated it had probably been weeks, if not a whole month.
He hadn't felt this feral in years. Since...
Since Cazador buried him alive for a year. Have I been starving myself?
His body forced itself to stand up, legs shaky and weak from lack of nourishment. He stumbled through the dark corridors of the sewers, following the scent of fresh blood like a predator on the hunt. The sound of voices echoed off the walls, growing louder as he neared his destination. He froze at the end of the tunnel, straining to make out their words.
"There's another body. How many innocent civilians have to disappear before someone takes action?" A woman's voice said.
"I know. We're doing our best to find those damned bloodsuckers. But the Dukes seem to have other priorities at the moment." Another male voice responded wearily.
Astarion's heart sank as he realized what they were talking about. Shit, the spawn. They are in the sewers too.
From behind the corner, he could see two Fists standing outside. Their weapons of choice were stakes and swords, a comical sight if he wasn't in so much pain.
He crouched down, trying to gather his strength and formulate a plan. But before he could process everything that was happening, his body was wracked with searing agony. His vision blurred as he fell to the ground, clutching at his stomach.
Then, everything was a blur.
His body launched itself at the unsuspecting guards. The sudden attack threw them off guard, their shocked cries echoing through the darkness.
What are you doing? Stop, you bastard!
Astarion willed his new body to halt, but it paid him no mind. With ruthless precision, he sank his fangs into one of the guards' necks, and tore the soft skin in seconds, hot blood pouring all over him. The other guard scrambled for his weapon but Astarion was too fast, too desperate. He struck again. However, the guard managed to slide the sword out in the process and lunged forward. Astarion barely managed to dodge it, the blade grazing his arm instead of piercing through his heart. The pain shot through him like lightning but did little to deter him.
He buried his fangs in the man's neck, relishing in the warm rush of blood as it filled his mouth and quenched his hunger. The guard struggled against him, but Astarion was far too strong in his primal state.
It wasn't until both guards lay lifeless at his feet that Astarion snapped out of his bloodlust-induced haze.
The silence was deafening. He released the limp body from his grasp, letting it slump onto the cold stone floor. The hunger had subsided for now, and he was left with a chilling emptiness; a void that echoed with his victims’ last moments.
He felt…dirty. Disgusted with himself and the monstrous actions he was forced to commit while under the control of this abhorrent future self once again.
The future version of Astarion sat in a corner of the room, his back against the unforgiving stone wall. He crouched over the blood-soaked floor, holding his knees tightly to his chest.
A bitter laugh escaped his body. "Look at what you've become," he muttered, "A monster...a butcher." His voice was barely a whisper, drowned out by the steady drip, drip, drip of the sewer pipes.
Oh, hush, Astarion supplied inside his brain, you are just trying to survive.
Survival was indeed his main priority now. With no friends or allies, Astarion had to do whatever it took to stay alive. And if that meant giving into his vampiric instincts and becoming a ruthless killer, then so be it.
But even as he tried to justify his actions to himself, guilt gnawed at him from within. One thought kept resurfacing in his mind - Tav. The one who had shown him kindness when all others saw him as nothing more than a tool to be used.
How could he face her after what he had done? Would she still see him as someone worthy of forgiveness or would she turn away in disgust?
How did you even get to this point? he asked himself.
Astarion's future self felt a strong urge to chase after her and make amends, begging for her forgiveness and asking her to take him back. But his pride wouldn't allow such a display of vulnerability. Instead, this version of himself reveled in the anger he felt towards her for not helping him complete the ritual. After all, it was her fault this had happened. If only he had ascended, he wouldn't have resorted to killing innocent people now.
No, he told himself, you would be killing her, you idiot.
But as always, he didn't listen. Didn't know.
As his eyesight blurred and shifted, Astarion found himself in another scene. It was late at night, and he was slowly making his way to the Elfsong tavern. Astarion felt a sense of unease, concerned that future him might harm his companions. But then it became clear: he was there to beg for forgiveness at last.
He watched for a moment as his body hesitated at the entrance of the inn. From within, he could hear the sound of laughter and music spilling out into the night. Through the dimly lit window, he saw his companions seated around their usual table, their faces glowing with warmth and camaraderie. There was Wyll, spinning tales of his latest exploits while Shadowheart listened with feigned indifference. His heart ached as he saw Tav, alive and well, her eyes sparkling as she shared a story with Lae'zel and Gale, her laughter more enchanting than any song sung in this tavern.
His heart swelled at the sight of her, revealing on seeing her unharmed, happy. If he had been in his own body, he would have cried of relief. For a moment, he allowed himself to imagine what it would be like to hold her in his arms again, to feel the warmth of her embrace. What he would give to feel it right now.
But instead, he felt future Astarion's heart sink. A sense of longing for the life he could have had if he had chosen a different path. He could have been sitting with them, laughing and sharing stories instead of being haunted by guilt and regret, like a wild animal, resorting to living in the sewers to escape the sunlight.
The weight of his shame was too much to bear, and he couldn't bring himself to ask for their forgiveness. He convinced himself that they were better off without him anyway. As tears threatened to spill from his eyes, he glanced one last time at the scene before turning away from the window. He didn't want them to witness his broken state - humiliated, reduced to a mere shadow of his former self.
And a part of him, real him, thought it was true. They seemed so happy without him, like he had never been there to begin with.
Do they even miss me?
His consciousness was pulled away once again. When he came to his senses, he found his body standing pressed against the cold stone wall of an abandoned alley. He took in his surroundings, trying to make sense of this new place. Through his future self's eyes, he sensed he was scanning the darkened streets for potential victims. His gaze lingered on a handsome young merchant, who despite his drunken state, still exuded a certain innocence. His body stepped out from the shadow, a charming smile already playing on his lips. The image was too familiar, and for a brief moment, he wondered if he had somehow traveled back in time instead of forward into the future.
The merchant's eyes, predictably, lit up at the sight of him.
"Well well, what do we have here? A handsome stranger wandering about all on his own?" he purred, trailing his finger down the man's arm. "My dear sir, it's far past bedtime for such daring adventure on your own."
The merchant blushed and stuttered something about getting lost. Astarion chuckled softly and offered to escort him back to his lodgings - an offer the man happily accepted.
His real self could only watch everything in disgust and shame; he had reverted back to his old ways. And this time, he wasn't even under the influence of his master.
Guiding him down an even narrower alleyway, Astarion couldn’t help but curse himself inwardly for what he knew he was about to do. Astarion wished he could look away as he saw his body lean in close, his voice a smooth whisper in the man's ear. He could see his blush and giggle, taken in by Astarion's false charm.
Oh, how he wished he could warn him of what was to come. But all he could do was watch on helplessly as his body continued this dreadful performance he had practiced so many times before.
I am back to being a puppet.
His body stiffened at the sound of his name, and he turned to face the voice.
"Tav," his body breathed her name. Their eyes locked, and for the first time in a year, he felt something other than the hunger that had become his constant companion. A sly smirk danced across his lips as he effortlessly masked his true emotions. "Well, well, what brings you to this enchanting alleyway?"
"I could ask you the same," Tav replied, her voice filled with a mixture of concern and shock. She glanced at the merchant standing next to him, stumbling in his drunken stupor. Her eyes filled with sadness as she took in the scene.
There was a tense silence as they stared one another down. Astarion swallowed hard, racking his brain for an excuse that would believably explain his current situation. Before he could come up with a response, Tav spoke again.
"Astarion," Tav uttered again, her voice trembling slightly. "Are you... are you okay?"
No, I am not.
"Of course, darling," he replied smoothly, flashing her a charming smile. "Just enjoying a late-night stroll with this... gentleman." He gestured towards the drunk merchant, who was now leaning heavily on Astarion for support.
Astarion's heart, however, constricted at the concern in her voice. He desperately wanted to tell her the truth, to hold her close, to kiss her breathless.
Do it, tell her. Kiss her. Save yourself.
"Are you sure you're okay, Astarion? You... you can tell me," Tav asked once again, her voice tinged with worry as her eyes flickered between them, clearly not buying his explanation. Astarion could feel her searching gaze boring into him, trying to read him like an open book.
Just as he was about to confess everything, Shadowheart appeared behind her, sliding a hand around her waist.
"Love, what are you doing in an alleyway? You are asking to get murd-" her eyes suddenly locked on Future Astarion. Recognition and shock flashed across her face before it hardened into a scowl.
"Shadowheart," Astarion acknowledged her presence coldly. His gaze was caught on the way Shadowheart's fingers rested possessively on her waist; a sight he found increasingly difficult to stomach.
What is the meaning of this?
For once, Astarion felt the same way as his future self; confusion and hurt mingled with betrayal and anger. Shadowheart and Tav... together? When did that happen?
Tav turned around to look at Shadowheart, a soft blush spreading across her cheeks. "I was just..." she began nervously, gesturing towards Astarion and the merchant. "I saw..."
"Astarion." Shadowheart's voice interrupted, cold as ever. Her grey eyes looked past him to the merchant who was almost passed out at this point. "You have poor taste in company these days."
Despite the icy edge to her voice, Astarion could make out a hint of worry in her eyes as she looked at Tav. It was a concern that echoed his own, one that served only to intensify the bitter taste of jealousy creeping up his throat.
"Perhaps," Astarion finally replied, his voice filled with false cheerfulness."But at least he knows how to appreciate a good drink." He then mumbled, "Anyway, I should probably take him home," gesturing towards the unconscious man.
As he started to walk away, Tav weakly protested and broke free from Shadowheart's grasp to approach Astarion. "Hold on!" Tav interjected, still unsteady on his feet. "You still haven't answered my question."
A tense quiet settled over them as they locked gazes once more. Astarion could see the mix of emotions in her eyes - confusion, pain, and yet a glimmer of hope. His other self didn't understand, but he did. He saw right through her.
She wanted him to ask for help, because that would mean he was ready to rejoin their group. She needed to help him. To redeem herself and close the wound he had opened a year ago.
He desperately yearned to do it, to return to his friends, to her. Instead, his body betrayed him and spoke on his behalf, "I assure you, Tav," he declared with stiffness in his voice, fighting to keep his emotions in check. "I am doing perfectly well without you."
Like hell you are!
Tav's face fell at his words, her eyes widening in shock and hurt. But before she could respond, Shadowheart spoke up again, her tone sharp and accusatory. "Oh yes, Astarion. You are the very definition of perfectly well." She directed a pointed look to the boy, who was sobering up and looking utterly confused, "You should go home," she said firmly.
The boy stumbled away, casting a final bewildered look at Astarion before disappearing into the darkness. Astarion watched the boy leave and turned his gaze back to Tav. He could see the disappointment in her eyes, but he couldn't explain or apologize, trapped as he was inside his own mistakes.
Tav hesitated for a moment before talking again
"Why didn't you return? We could have searched for a solution together."
Astarion's heart was heavy with the pain in Tav's voice. However, watching them together, watching how they had moved on without him, was stirring up a sick and ugly sensation within his chest. He could feel the longing consuming him, but his future self chose to focus only on the anger instead. Focus on the pride.
"Yeah, looks like you all missed me so much." Astarion quipped bitterly, glancing between Tav and Shadowheart.
Tav flinched like she had been hit. Astarion wanted to hit himself for it.
"Astarion, we didn't mean to hurt you, I-"
"That's not what it looks like. In fact, it seems like you both have moved on quite easily without me."
"Enough, Astarion," Shadowheart snapped, her patience clearly at its end. "Stop playing the victim. You disappeared without a word. What did you expect us to do? Wait for you forever?"
Yes. Maybe.
Tav's words were softer, her face etched with worry and regret. "You could have come to us... we would have helped you..."
Astarion scoffed. "Like hell you would." His tone was bitter, but he couldn't bring himself to meet their eyes. "You were the reason I left in the first place. Your betrayal."
His body had expected to feel relief upon seeing them again... but all he felt now was an overwhelming sense of loss. The sight of Tav and Shadowheart together brought a reality crashing down on him – they had moved on and he was stuck in the past. In the same toxic cycle from his time with Cazador.
There was another tense silence between them as they stood there in the dark alleyway. Astarion could feel their gazes burning into him, but he couldn't bring himself to meet their eyes again.
Shadowheart spoke up again. "What are you going to do now?"
Astarion shrugged casually. "Who knows? Maybe I'll just find someone else who actually keeps their promises," he said with a tone of bitterness.
But that was far from the truth. He felt completely isolated and alone, with no one to turn to for comfort or support.
Tav glanced at him once more, her head shaking as tears streamed down her cheeks.
"I'm so sorry," she said brokenly.
No, I'm the one who is sorry.
The need to reach out was overwhelming. But he could just watch in despair as his body decided to keep quiet, and observe as she silently turned around and left.
Shadowheart, however, stayed put, looking at him dead in the eye.
"I thought you'd come back for her, you know?"
I almost did, he told himself, I almost did, but I am a coward.
"You know, I thought you of all people would understand why I left. How could I stay after she ripped me off my only opportunity at freedom?" Astarion responded, finally meeting Shadowheart's gaze.
He expected anger, but was instead met with deep sorrow.
"When you left, something in Tav... it broke. She cried for you, night after night. For months, Astarion."
Of course, he knew. He had seen the scene at the Elfsong Tavern. However, this version of him hadn't.
He scoffed in an attempt to hide his pain, but Shadowheart continued relentlessly.
"She suffered so much because of your selfishness," Shadowheart said, her voice barely a whisper. "I... I had to pick up the pieces, Astarion. I had to convince her not to... not to lose herself."
Astarion felt a wave of guilt wash over him as Shadowheart's words hit him like a physical blow.
"I'm sorry," was all he could manage to say, his voice breaking with emotion.
Shadowheart's expression softened for a moment before hardening again. "Sorry doesn't fix what you've done. What you said," she replied, her tone biting.
"I know," he mumbled quietly, feeling the weight of his mistakes crashing down on him.
They stood there in silence for a few moments longer before Astarion spoke again. "She's hard not to fall in love with, isn't she?"
Shadowheart's eyes opened in surprise, and the softened slightly.
"Yes. Yes, she is," she replied under her breath.
Astarion shook his head.
"Is she happy?" he asked, unable to help himself.
Shadowheart sighed. "She’s getting there," she admitted quietly. "But she won’t be if you drag her back into your mess now."
And he knew what that meant. Let her go. She is happier without you.
Astarion hung his head, feeling a familiar pain bloom in his chest. He was quiet for a long moment before finally looking back up at Shadowheart.
"I won't," he promised, swallowing hard around the lump in his throat.
Shadowheart’s gaze bore into him for another moment before she nodded, and finally turned to leave.
"And Astarion?" she called over her shoulder, causing him to look up at her again.
"I hope you find your happiness too. You deserve it."
And with that, she walked away, leaving him alone with his thoughts. Astarion watched as she sauntered towards Tav, who was standing a little ways off. He could barely make out the details of her face from where he was standing but even from the distance, he could tell she was beautiful – more beautiful than he remembered.
Shadowheart gently approached Tav, her hand resting on her arm before leaning in for a tender kiss. Astarion couldn't help but feel like an outsider, witnessing this intimate moment between the two. As he watched them, he noticed the way Tav gazed at Shadowheart with such adoration and love - the same way she used to look at him.
He watched their retreating figures until they disappeared into the night. And his heart threatened to break into smaller pieces at the thought that this had probably been their last conversation.
In a flash, Astarion was once again standing in the void, surrounded by darkness. He felt a sense of unease wash over him as he waited for G'axir's voice to come through again.
See now... Astarion? G'axir's voice echoed around him.
See what? All I see are stars. Astarion asked, feeling frustrated at the cryptic messages.
Amidst the shroud of remorse and longing... lies the opportunity to redefine. Hope's whisper still lingers... in a realm unseen.
Tag list: @tinystarfishgalaxy, @imaginarypetlizard, @nanamisfriedstick, @stuckinaoaktree, @madislayyy, @cosywinterevenings, @fandom-garbage, @generalstephkenobi
a/n: I kind of hate G'axir. If I was Astarion I would be throwing hands, ngl. Anyway, hope you enjoyed the last angsty chapter! Thanks for the support! And lmk if you want to be added to the taglist☺️✨
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candyskiez · 9 months
I know it probably wasn't meant to be a trans allegory but GOD does Steven's time with the diamonds resonate as a trans allegory to me. Like. Everyone disregarding his name. Being forced to wear uncomfortable clothing. People regarding his name as a funny joke. Being told he's just being childish. "I just want you to be yourself!" The ripping the fucking gem out SCREAMS of it. The purity talk. And just the. God. The scene where it showed Pink, then Rose, then Steven got me so hard as a trans person because it just. Reminds me SO much of just. Trans. So much trans. Because it just reminds me of looking at the past versions of me before I figured myself out. They're still a part of me, they still made up a lot of my life, but I am not them anymore. And that's what that scene resonates to me so much as. That gem is not Pink or Rose anymore. Reminds me of that one thing that goes "my parents were right, I DID kill their son." Pink is gone, Rose is gone, Steven is neither of them Steven is MORE Steven is alive and he is not that girl, he is not that girl, he doesn't want her name or her dresses or her life or her room, this is HIS body now, this is how HE sounds, he's not pretending to be someone else. This is who he is. He is not Pink or Rose. He is Steven. She's gone.
And god the scene where he hugs pink Steven just. It reminds me so much of accepting my gender or gender euphoria or just the realization of that's what I am, I am me, I am not broken, I am whole and i am not that girl. I don't need to be that girl because it doesn't make me happy. It's okay that I'm not that girl.
And just the. I am a child. What's your excuse? And the absolute "so what?" of that. Yeah, I'm a kid. This is still me. Why do you care so much about my body? Why does me being happy upset you so much? The girl you knew is gone, and maybe she never existed. It's your fault she's gone, and now I'm left, and it's my gem. It's my body. And this is who I've ALWAYS been.
The "I've always been me" line resonates so much. "I've always been this. I just needed to figure it out." Not how being trans works for everyone, ofc, everyone's relationship with their gender is different, this is just the vibes I get from this specific thing.
I do also like to dabble in reading Rose as a trans allegory too. Because I am self indulgent shh. And that ones less "I always was this" and more so "being the person I used to be made me miserable and I hated my own body, I hated my own life. So I grew into this new body that I love, and chose a new name, and a new identity that makes me happy." Which,, am I overanalyzing. I dunno man I like hitting my favorite characters with the transgender beam.
You can also read it with the lense of "I killed that old version of me and I am a woman now. This is who I am. That person is dead." Which. Once again. Am I overanalyzing. This feels too easy to read as trans. I am probably overanalyzing.
Anyways the way gender works for different people is really interesting, I like Steven Universe, I like making my favorites stories trans allegory-ified, and I cannot be stopped. Peace ✌️
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donaweasley · 1 year
Sway With Me
Pairing: Loki x Fem!Plus-sized!Reader
Time changes several things, including a person’s appearance. The reader was once fit and confident about her physique but recent changes in her lifestyle has made her bloated. Ashamed of her current body, she shuns away from Loki, and keeps him at bay whenever he tries to get close to her. That was until our Silvertongue decides to erase her insecurities once and for all.
Warnings: Body issues.
Read time: ~6 mins
Note: The song mentioned in the story is “For All You Give” by The Paper Kites.
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I wanna take you everywhere I go
Have you by my side
Take a walk round in every town
Drive across state lines
Like the sun sends a golden stream
Into our front room
I could be the same old light for you
“Come on, dance with me,” Loki pulled her out of the couch and flush to his body.
“You mean ‘sway’ with me,” she giggled.
“Whatever you would like to call it,” he rested his cheek against hers.
“I love this song!” She hummed.
“So do I.”
The lyrics floated through the room, and rippled with the movements of the two bodies swaying to the whims of the accompanying music.
Like the morning is always new
Give it back to you
Like the rain, it just passes through
For all you give
I'll give it back to you
“You know I love you, right?” Loki murmured on the skin of her shoulder.
“Then why do you say things that hurt me?”
An exhausted sigh left her. She pulled herself away ever so slightly, just enough to be able to look into his green eyes.
“I never wanted to hurt you, Loki. It’s true, isn’t it, that I don’t look as I used to. I don’t like this version of me.”
His eyes looked deep into her soul. There was a command in them, as a king would hold while addressing his subject. But it was softened by a reverence and an equally unparalleled love.
I think about it like a man in need
Every time I'm gone
Wait to see you like a mile-long train
Is passing by your door
And my life is set around you now
Tangled up the same
And I'll be the one who calls your name
“But I still love you,” Loki declared. “You. How you look has never mattered to me.” 
She raised a playful brow at the statement.
The trickster let out a soft laugh. “I mean, I love the way you look. Any time. In any form. You have always mesmerized me, love.”
“But I disappoint myself,” tears had begun to form at the corners of her eyes.
“Why do you let your looks define you?” Loki slipped a slender finger beneath her chin and held it up. “You are a queen! It is not your looks but your attitude and your work that should define you.”
“Easy for you to say, god!”
Loki sighed in defeat. There seemed to be no way he could convince her with his words.
“Come here.” He took her by the hand, and walked to their bedroom.
“Love, I get it. I get your point,” she chuckled, assuming Loki’s “intentions”.
“No, you do not. You say that you have understood, and then I see you hating yourself all over again. Were you not the one who had taught me to love myself no matter what the world says? Were you not the one to tell me to look past my faults, and find the light inside? I did. And I found you. I found us!”
“I still love myself,” she tried to reason, “I just...it’s this mirror that I don’t like.”
“And this is exactly the reason why I need you to look at it.”
Loki positioned them to stand in front of the mirror, with her facing it while he stood behind her.
“What do you see?” He asked her reflection.
“A gorgeous god with a bag of fat,” she laughed, knowing the reaction she’d receive from him.
“You know what I see?”
“A humble god with a ravishing woman?” She jested.
“Partially correct. The woman is ravishing, yes. But the god is gorgeous, too.”
“Narcissist!” She smacked his arm playfully.
“What? One should always appreciate oneself! You are the one who has taught me that.”
“Hmm,” she hummed in agreement, letting a stubborn smile take over her features.
“But I also see a gracious amount of soft skin hidden behind this ugly piece of cloth,” Loki pulled at her t-shirt.
“Don’t you call my baggy tee ugly, mister!” She laughed.
“Shut up. It is ugly because it does not allow me to feel the warmth of your skin. Do you have any idea how much your touch soothes me? How I crave for your skin...any part of it whenever I am feeling anxious?”
“I know,” she whispered.
“Then? I see this ugly thing again, not hugging but clumsily falling over your beautiful, curvy waist,” his hands gently squeezed her waist. “You know how much I love these curves of yours. But did you know that now there is a lot more room for me to dig my fingers into as I make love to you?”
The way he was purring into her ears, and the manner in which his long fingers were slowly gripping her, made her giggle and squirm.
“Ticklish...just the way I like it. See, you do not even allow me to tickle you anymore.”
The more she wiggled under his hold, the more he continued his mischief. Their laughter filled the room until she was panting and begging him to stop.
He kissed her neck before speaking, “And these?”
His palms had now snaked up her body, stopping only when they came to rest on her breasts.
“Do you have any, any idea how much I love these?”
“I guess, I do,” she replied through ragged breaths. Either his hands were exuding magic or she must have lost her senses during the whole tickle-fight, she thought.
“No, you do not,” he breathed in her ear. Yes, it was him and not her, she was sure now.
“If you knew,” his mouth continued with the words while his hands continued with something else, “you would not have left me craving for days.”
“(Y/N)?” He turned her around to face him, “Why are you depriving me of things that I love? Things that I need for survival? I need you. All of you - the good and the bad. Although there is nothing ‘bad’ about your body but only about the way you look at it. Look at yourself the way I look at you. And then you shall see what a marvellous creation you are!”
A tear ran down her cheek. Wiping it off, she tried to laugh but almost choked on her emotions. “I still don’t understand how you can love me so much. You, a god!”
“I am,” Loki kissed her face, “but a simple man with a heart that beats for you. And yes, the most charming man in the entire universe!”
His mischievous smirk made her laugh. Loki stole the moment to pull her flush to him.
“You are my queen,” he ran a hand over her head and down her neck, “my angel. You are…the most beautiful creation that can ever exist. And never ever will you doubt yourself.” He leaned down to whisper in her ear, “Or else I shall punish you.”
A pleasant shiver ran up her spine. “Is that a threat from a god?” She whispered back.
“It is a promise from a god,” his breath warmed the shell of her ear, “and a god always keeps his promise.”
@huntress-artemiss @evelyn-kingsley@dryyoursaltyoceantears@modestlyabsurd
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cherriegyuu · 10 months
memories of us | lsm
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pairing: seokmin x f!reader - soulmate!au summary: every night seokmin dreams of his past lifes, when he met and fell for his soulmate countless times. genre: fluff, angst word count: 11.9k warnings: reader has really low self esteem a/n: this is not, in any way, connected to elevator. both stories are centered around soulmates, however the rules are different. in elevator people carry marks that vanish from their bodies once they meet their soulmate, here is the bond is created by eye contact. i hope you enjoy it :)
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Today, when I woke up, the first thing I thought about was you, but that’s not something new. You’re always the first thing I think about when I wake up and the last one before I go to sleep. My mind is consumed by thoughts of you the entire day. There’s not a single minute when you don’t make your presence noticed,  even if you’re not really here by my side. The funny thing is that I haven’t met you yet and somehow you are the only one in my mind. 
I started to dream of you when I was sixteen. At the time I had no idea of what was going on, I didn’t know what Memorous were, and I couldn’t even phantom why I was dreaming of an older version of myself. I was young and the naive teenager version of me thought that it was something everyone goes through. Ah, maybe these are memories from my past lives. I was right about that part, but I didn’t know the length of what was going on with me. 
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It was only a month later when I told anyone about it. Because those dreams were something no one ever mentioned around me before, so I was afraid to speak about them. What if, because of those dreams, people started to label me as a freak? I had already a very negative reputation, so to say, I didn’t want to make it worse. When I finally mustered the courage to talk to someone about it, I figured that I should tell my mom about it. She was a mother, my mom, and like all moms she would probably know what to do. 
She didn’t. 
For a while, she just sat there and stared at me, not like I was a freak but as if I had become a stranger. I was no longer Lee Seokmin, her eldest son who on most days seemed like the youngest. I saw her eyes change that day, from a mother who loved her son to a woman who didn’t know who the boy in front of her was.  
It was also the first time that someone told me that I was cursed.  
None of us could be sure whether I was cursed or not, but she said it with so much belief that I knew that it had to be true. 
I don’t think I have ever felt so alone. Before my mother said those words to me, those words that would be forever stuck in my brain, you are cursed, Seokmin, and there’s nothing any of us can do to change that, I used to be normal - or as normal as a sixteen-year-old hyperactive boy could be. But the second those words were uttered, released into the world, something inside me changed.   
I think that the best way to describe it would be a click, I felt a click inside my heart. There’s no other word I could use to describe it. 
After everything that happened in the span of minutes, I changed. I started to be more restricted, no one else in the world knew about the dreams or about me being a Memorous. My circle of friends got smaller and smaller. What if, by accident, I told one of them something about the dreams, about you? That couldn’t happen. 
In reality, I didn’t have many friends. You know, the kind you tell secrets to and are really close to. Those were the kinds of people that I wanted to avoid at all costs. I wasn’t a loner, though. I had people I could hang out with, people that I would go to a bar or a club with, but I liked to be alone. 
It’s weird, isn’t it? I had friends but I wasn’t actually friends with any of them. I wasn’t a loner but the thing I enjoyed the most was being alone. 
When I turned eighteen and high school was finally over, I moved away from home. For two years I saved every cent that I could, my main goal was to just leave. I studied my eyes off in school so I could get into a university that was as far away as possible from home. I needed to get a scholarship so I wouldn’t need to ask for help from my parents. 
Doing those two things made me feel somewhat proud of myself. It was like I was telling them see just because you think I’m cursed doesn’t mean that I can’t do what I want. 
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 Let me explain to you how the dreams work: every night I dream of you, no exception but every night is a different life. 
This is how Memorous must live. I remember every single thing about our past lives, all the details that people usually forget about their lives. I remember them, more or less. I know what you were wearing on April 18th, 1811; I know what was the first word you said to me in Madrid, it was a curse by the way; the first time we bonded.  
Sometimes it feels so real that I think if I look by my side, I’ll see you there. That couldn’t be true, I haven’t seen you in this lifetime - I would never be able to let you go if I had. 
There’s a trick about being a Memorous though. Once I fall asleep and dream of a different life everything I dreamed the night before vanishes and I can’t remember anything. At first, I thought that it happened like that because sometimes we forget about the dreams we have. It was as if it simply vanished from my mind, and I could only remember it when I dreamt of the same life again. It’s like a selective memory kind of thing. 
You know, the feeling of a dream being so real that you could either wake up in panic or just really happy and satisfied? 
For me, every dream was like that. If I held your hand in my dream, when I woke up I would still get the feel of your skin against mine; if we fought for whatever reason I would still feel the sadness and the anger lingering in my body. 
When I understood what was happening, I started to write down the dreams, every little detail that I could remember. Slowly I started to find a pattern in the dreams, slowly I learned to tell the lives apart and so I started notebooks. It’s a little weird, I know, but I had to keep track of our lives. Maybe, at some level, you might think that I’m crazy or that I’m a stalker. But could it be considered stalking when it’s my own life? 
I can’t wait to meet you.  Although I haven’t actually met you or even seen you this time around, I feel like I have known you all my life. Is this the feeling we’ll get when we finally meet, this feeling of fullness? 
I wonder if you feel that too. 
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Out of all our lives together I have a favorite one. I mean, it is expected, isn’t it? After such a long time of living countless lives, every day being a different person - although I’m ultimately the same - we are bound to have a favorite one. 
If I do say so myself that life is very much Shakespearean. Okay, so imagine this: two families who were very powerful but were opposites and hated each other with a burning passion. And there you have it. Sounds very much like Romeo and Juliet, doesn’t it? Maybe if it happened a couple hundred years earlier, in England, then maybe I could say that we actually inspired him, but we happened far too late. 
You know, I still remember the first time I saw you that time around. I think that maybe that bond was the strongest one we’ve had, probably because we were supposed to hate each other. The idea of an unexpected bond between two opposite families is kind of thrilling, isn’t it? 
We met at a party. Because our families couldn’t even stand to be in the same space together, mostly our dads - why is it always the dads though? -, they send you and me to represent the families. As you can probably imagine, we had no idea of what the other person looked like. 
So, there I was walking inside this immense ballroom, and you were the first person I saw. Looking at you I just knew that you were out of place, that kind of environment wasn’t one you felt comfortable in. At that point, you weren’t looking at me but when you finally did, it was like the entire world stopped. I felt my heart thump inside my chest, but I could feel you too. I saw as you went wide-eyed. You took a step closer to me but then, realizing what you did, you took a couple of steps back. For the entire night, we didn’t approach each other but my eyes never left yours, as yours never left mine. 
We followed each other through the night.  I got angry, really angry, when someone wanted to talk to me because all I wanted to do was look at you. Whenever my feelings changed, I would feel yours changing too. You felt mostly curiosity. How could this man, someone you had never seen before, catch your attention in such a way that you couldn’t look at anything or anyone else? 
Back then it wasn’t like today, you know. The bond happened more quietly, or maybe we only thought it did. Though the bond is something that has been around since the beginning of time, we only found out about it much later in life. I suppose that back then we still didn’t know much about it. Maybe the change everyone felt around a couple that was bonding was there but because we didn’t know what it was supposed to be we just overlooked it. 
Back to the story. 
You were the first one to make a move to leave but I couldn’t let you go, no way. I followed you out and much to my own surprise you were waiting for me, because somehow you knew that I had to go after you. We didn’t say much, just promised to meet each other a couple of days later. 
From that moment on, things took off, or as much as you could possibly expect from a couple in the early nineteen century. We would always meet each other. Everything was exciting because no one could know about what we were doing. Besides the whole ‘my family hates yours’ problem that we had, there was also the problem that both of us were promised to other people. You were supposed to marry a young Duque and I had to marry the daughter of a rich family. If we were against it before, imagine what it was like after we found out about how we felt for each other. 
Our happiness didn’t last very long. We were careless and, although we were trying to hide it, we weren’t as stealthy about it as we liked to imagine. 
It’s needless to say that when our families found out they were far from happy. They didn’t try to kill us or anything that dramatic, but they started to rush things. Your marriage that was supposed to happen only a year later was set to two weeks later; mine was happening in a few days. Of course, neither of us accepted that. 
On the night before my wedding, I felt something trying to pull me. It was like my legs were moving on their own and I saw myself walking out of the house and into the city. I found you there, all alone in the middle of the street, staring at the church I was supposed to get married in. I realized then that the sadness I felt was only partially mine, a lot of it was coming from you. I didn’t really understand how it was possible for me to feel everything that you were feeling but I knew that there wasn’t another explanation for it. 
You couldn’t control your emotions and tears were running down your cheeks, you tried hard to push them aside, but it was of no use. The more you tried to make the tears stop the more they fell. I couldn’t control myself by then. You were afraid when my arm went around you but once you knew that it was me you turned in my arms. The tears that ran down your face were no longer out of pain and hurt, they were because we were finally reunited. 
We ran away. We didn’t take anything with us. There was no time to go home and get clothes, or say goodbye. We were sure that if we were together then everything would be alright. Because we had each other nothing in the world nothing could hurt us. 
That's… that’s as far as the dreams go. I’d like to think that we had a happy ending. 
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 Two years into college I finally understood what my mom meant when she said that I am cursed. 
You see, the dreams I have at night are just fragments, tiny little pieces of an entire puzzle. I could only see a day or a week, at most. But the thing is that I only saw us young, meeting, starting the bond, falling in love. Not once did my dreams show us a little older, getting married, having kids, or even if things didn’t work between us. I never dreamed of those things. 
At first, my guess was that the dreams were trying to show me a way to get to you, find you in a world that’s filled with billions of people. That wasn’t the case. 
One night I dreamed of you dying. I woke up in despair. Instead of the sweet dreams, filled with warm touches and whispered words, I faced images of you surrounded by blood, a lifeless body in my arms. 
For a while I wanted to make myself believe that it was just a nightmare, that it would eventually go away but I knew it wasn’t that simple, nothing ever is. 
I kept seeing the same thing for days and every day it got worse and worse. It got to the point where I stopped sleeping at all. Every time I closed my eyes I could see your body on the ground, eyes wide open. I knew that it wasn’t true, but I felt like you were looking at me, like you blamed me for your death. 
I searched it up. If the same thing happened to other Memorous I wanted to know how to make it stop, if I could even do something like that. From task number one I had problems. 
For one, Memorous doesn’t like to be clear about it, we are heavily judged by it because no one understands what it is like to be one. Most people just think that we are making a fuss over nothing, that knowing what your soulmate looks like, what that person likes and dislikes makes it much easier to find the person you are supposed to bond with. What they don’t know is that, like everyone else in the world, people’s taste, personalities and all else changes. In one of your lives, you were a dancer, the stage was your home, and being watched by people was something you thrived off of but in the next one you were a shy girl who couldn’t bear the thought of people looking at her (this actually happened, just so you know). 
Second, there aren’t many Memorous in the world. We are considered an anomaly, there are very few of us. I believe that we will only be able to understand why we are born this way when a scientist is born as a Memorous. 
But not everything is a lost hope! God bless the people who aren’t scared to share their stories because they want to help other people. I found this post, on a very weird and hard to find website, saying that there is a way to break this ‘curse’. That’s the good news. The bad news is that it’s not up to us to end the cycle. Well, technically it is but it’s not a choice that we can make. It’s confusing, I know. 
Apparently, the only way for us to stay together for a long time is if both of us are born Memorous, meaning that you and I must know our past lives. The one who wrote the post was a young boy, claiming that it was his grandparents’ story and that both of them were still alive and fine. 
It’s not much but at least it’s something. I can’t help but wonder if this time around you already know who I am. 
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I saw you today, or at the very least I thought that I did. I looked at my right and you were right there! Your eyes went anywhere but me, it was like you were purposely trying to avoid me. I went after you, called after you (even though I don’t know what you’re called in this life). It seemed that you were running away from me, though I’m sure that wasn’t the case. How could you run from someone you don’t know? 
On days like this, I think I’m starting to lose my mind. The dreams are starting to feel more real than ever, and I don’t know what to do. Is it because we are getting closer to each other? Maybe we are in the same city? I hope so. 
I’ve hoping for something, just a tiny signal, for the longest time. Was today it? I think about seeing you, how the dreams are now just a repeat of all the first meetings before, how every day when I wake up I have a feeling inside my heart telling me that we are getting closer to each other. 
Are we? Does this mean that we are getting closer? 
Maybe this is the universe’s way of letting us know. Because our lives, all of them, have been so messed up that this is fate’s way of apologizing for all the crap that it put us through. 
I’m going to find you soon. Hopefully, wherever you are you’re also looking for me and that will probably make our lives that much easier. 
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You closed the journal and put it aside. You managed to hold yourself back while reading, you didn’t want the tears in the back of your eyes to fall on the pages, the precious pages that told your story through Seokmin’s eyes. 
It had been hard to come to terms with the idea, the fact, that he was your soulmate but over the years you became more and more used to it. Your lives were too different, your backgrounds complete opposites, and yet - somehow - you were it for each other. 
The first time you saw him on TV, you clearly remembered how you felt. It was as if someone had just punched you in the chest. On the other side of the tiny screen was the boy - now the man - you had been dreaming about for years of your life. You never thought that you would find him, especially so soon but then again if you thought about all your dreams, both of you seemed young - maybe even younger than your 25 years. 
You stayed away from the TV for about a month after that, but you knew that it wouldn’t last much longer than that. The entire time Seokmin was in the back of your mind, always making sure that you wouldn’t forget him. That was simply something that would never happen, you forgetting about him - even if that was one of the many things that you wanted to do. Eventually, you found yourself turning the TV on again, watching every single program, every video, and buying any magazine that featured him. 
Thinking back at it, you felt sort of stupid for doing those things and not just trying to look for him. You were right, your soulmate was Seokmin but your own insecurities were holding you back. Out of everything you had, there was one problem you considered to be major: you had nothing to offer him. 
You were the kid no one wanted, the kid that had been tossed into an orphanage at the age of eight, and no one had gone back to take claim. Like a monkey on a tree, you moved from house to house without a chance of staying, even the prospect of making friends didn’t exist. 
Growing up you always dreamed of meeting your soulmate, imagined the way you would finally meet the other person. In your mind you were always the hotshot, someone who could make anything happen with a simple word. As you got older you wanted to just live a decent life but all you had was a shitty rented apartment in a sketchy area of the city, a shower that didn’t run with hot water, and were living paycheck by paycheck. 
That wasn’t the life you wanted, it was a life that you were almost embarrassed over. How could you ever share a life with someone when you could hardly sustain yourself? That wasn’t possible. 
But then it happened. You got dragged by your friend to go to the TV station and watched as Seokmin recorded a program. Jun said that he wouldn’t notice you, that you would sit far in the back, and you could put your bangs down and cover your eyes so there wouldn’t be a single chance of the bond happening. 
It was a lie, you knew that. Jun lied straight to your face, and you let yourself fall for it. You couldn’t say no to him, much less to his kids. Hana was so excited about it. Watching Seokmin on TV was her favorite thing in the world, more than dancing or watching cartoons. He’s pretty and funny, my soulmate has to be just like him, she said. It was funny and endearing to watch. Sometimes you just wanted to meet Seokmin because of her, because she was so in love with him. The day you decided to take a step forward was also the day you took eleven steps back. 
“Are excited?” Jun bumped his shoulder into yours and smiled. 
He could be the kind of person your silly heart would fall for if there weren’t any soulmates. Jun was essentially a good person, with a heart made of gold and filled with so much love that his kids would never go a day in life thinking that he didn’t love them. 
“No" yet another lie. 
You were excited, a little too excited. Or maybe your excitement was actually just fear. Fear that the bond might happen, fear that Seokmin would be disappointed in who you were, fear that maybe your dreams would come true. 
“You said that Seokmin is pretty” Hana called out. 
A moment of weakness that you regretted. 
“Handsome, honey. Boys are handsome” 
She repeated the word a few times as if trying to memorize but everyone knew that she would just keep calling boys pretty. 
“Why are you carrying her around like she’s three?” 
Hana sighed and hugged Jun’s neck, her head on his shoulder. 
“I’m daddy’s little girl” 
Jun looked like he was about to cry and Hanbin just groaned, his sister’s act wasn’t something that he was too fond of. You could only smile at them. They were almost too cute for you to handle. 
You were one of the first people to get in so there were still a lot of empty spots to choose from. The second you and Jun started to move towards the back Hanbin and Hana protested.  Of course, they didn’t want to sit in the back. Besides being kids, and too short to be able to see anything, both liked Seokmin so being too far away was not something that they wanted. In the end, you caved. You couldn’t say no to two kids who were doing the puppy eyes at the same time. 
As minutes went by and the studio got filled with people you started to get nervous. You ran your sweaty hands on your jeans trying to get them dry, but it was useless. Every person who walked inside made your heart skip a beat because you thought that it could be him. It never was. The scared part of your brain told you that it was a good thing, that maybe he wouldn’t show up at all, but the other part, the one that wanted to see him in person just once, told you to just wait a little longer because he was going to show. 
You waited, for over an hour and there was no sign of him. You knew that in this kind of event it could take them a while to get everything sorted but you were told that it shouldn’t take long once you all went inside. 
“Stop,” Jun said, his hand on your arm “Don’t overthink it" 
He was smiling at you kindly. It was the kind of smile that was supposed to calm you down and reassure you and yet all it did was make you even more nervous. 
“What if we bond?” 
“Then you’ll deal with it later” 
What if I don’t know how to deal with it? 
When people started to scream you looked up and saw the host walking in. He talked for a couple of minutes, made a few jokes trying to be funny and then he introduced Lee Seokmin, a TV personality. The crowd went crazy, there was a girl behind you screaming so loud that you thought you’d go deft. 
Seokmin walked in, his characteristic smile in place, as he waved at the audience. 
Seeing him in person made the world slow down, even your own heart. Instead of going crazy, your heart nearly stopped, as the sight of Seokmin put you at ease. Your hands were no longer shaking, you didn’t feel like trying to hide yourself anymore. In fact, seeing him made your soul scream at you it’s him, what are you waiting for? Your soul was begging you to go to him. After all, it knew him, because despite being apart for years it recognized him immediately. 
And then Seokmin looked at you. 
His eyes were on yours as he stood frozen there. You could feel him everywhere. He was shocked, surprised, caught off guard, hopeful, and just so happy. His happiness was contagious because inside you felt happy too. You wanted to stand up and hug him, stay as close as possible to him. The fear you felt for years was momentarily forgotten in the back of your mind. 
Your legs moved before you could even realize what you were doing. You stood up and walked to him, stopping only a couple of steps away from him. You felt his heartbeat like it was just under your skin. Being so close to him made your body tingle in the best way possible. Your entire being was begging you to just take another step, just one closer to him, just so you could touch him and feel him all around you. 
When Seokmin moved forward, his hand raised ready to touch you - just like you wanted to do - you took a step back. Suddenly the realization of what could happen came crashing down around you. Your dreams, and images of Seokmin lying lifeless on the floor that had been engraved in your mind were unexpectedly in your eyes. You could see it coming, your downfall, and the things you dreaded the most, happening. 
Seokmin wanted to say something, anything, but he didn’t know what he was supposed to. What words could he possibly profess that would make the fear running through your body go away? 
“I’m sorry, I can’t do this" 
Turning around and walking away from him might have been the hardest thing you ever did. 
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You tried your best to keep living normally but it was close to impossible. Every second that went by you were reminded of Seokmin, of the broken look on his face when you walked away, of the way he felt like he had somehow done something wrong. And he felt unloved when it was supposed to be just the other way around. Even before the bond, before you had the chance to look at him in the eyes, you already had feelings for him. Perhaps it was because you knew that you were supposed to love him, you knew that once you met him your feelings would be unstoppable, or it was just because he was charming. 
And just how charming he was. 
You didn’t know one single person who disliked him, someone who would flat-out say that there was nothing good to like about him. Everyone loved Seokmin, his easy smile and friendly eyes pulled everyone in. 
“Until when are you going to keep avoiding him?” 
Jun had become the personification of what was happening inside of you. You wanted to meet Seokmin, desperately. You wanted to find out where he was and just go to him, introduce yourself, and just talk to him. Everything seemed so simple inside your mind, and in Jun’s as well, but it was so far from it. 
“You’re just avoiding it, you know that” 
“So, what if I am? I’m sorry if I don’t want to see my soulmate die!” 
You weren’t angry at your friend or even Seokmin, as he would feel sometimes. You were just angry at everyone else, at the world, at destiny, at anyone in the world who decided that it was a good idea to make you see your soulmate die every night. 
“I know that, but wouldn’t it be better if you could spend some time with him? Let’s say that you’ll have six months together, that’s it. No more and no less. Don’t you want to be with him for as long as you possibly can instead of keep hiding in here?” Jun moved his hand showing the lounge of his dance school “Think of all your past lives, about how happy you were because you were with Seokmin. In this life too, shouldn’t you be able to feel that kind of happiness?” 
Jun was the only person who knew that you were Memorous and he was also the only person who would say that there was nothing wrong with it. You aren’t cursed. If you ask me, you are one of the lucky ones. I would anything to have more memories with Seol. He was also the kind of friend who wasn’t scared to say that you were messing up your own life, that you were doing something wrong. Most days he would act like the dad you never had. You were grateful for him, for having someone so eager to make sure that you were happy. 
“Here’s a wild scenario” Jun smiled at Hana, who was running to him, as he stood up “Seokmin doesn’t die" 
His words left you speechless as you watched him move away from you. 
When you got home that day Seokmin’s journals were waiting at your doorstep. 
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Reading Seokmin’s words was much like reading your own. Since you started to have dreams, you thought that you were the only one who felt like that, like the only one who didn’t have anyone else to run to. Yes, both of your lives were very different, the place both of you came from was also different. But looking at it or wasn’t all that different. 
His words and the way he described his feelings for you were the things that made you take a deep breath and go meet him. 
I know that you are scared, I can feel it but please reconsider it. I’ve been waiting for a moment like this for a very long time and I would like to believe that you have too. I’ll be in the city for a few more days so let’s meet. If you don’t come to me, I will go to you. We can’t run away from this. 
Somehow you found yourself getting out of your tiny apartment and going towards Seokmin. You knew just how much he could feel your nervousness and yet he tried to stay calm so you could feel at ease too. The entire time, since you left the TV station, you could feel him in your mind and it was like he was talking to you, trying to convince you to meet or just to be comfortable with the idea of him. 
At times you could swear that he was talking to you, his voice clear in your mind. It’s okay, you don’t have to worry. It was like Seokmin himself could read your thoughts. Of course, there were moments when he would feel that spark of fear, and anxiety but most of the time he was in complete control of his emotions. He was doing that for you, there was no mistake, so you felt childish for being all over the place and guilty for bombarding him with emotions that you couldn’t fully grasp. 
That was one of the many reasons why you decided to go to him. His words had been the main reason, but you also wanted to put your heart in peace. From the second you walked away from him your heart had been heavy. It was the kind of emotion that was impossible to verbalize, the only word that could possibly come to mind was lost. Your heart was lost. You walked around feeling like there was a huge part of you missing, your eyes looked for something, someone, that was never there. 
It was like that until you got his journals. Although you didn’t feel whole you could feel that a little piece of you was back. Perhaps it truly wasn’t a part of you, instead what could be the missing was a piece of you never found before. 
The missing piece had always been Seokmin. 
You stopped in front of his door, your hand closed into a fist just an inch away. 
The truth was that everything you felt, every tiny thing, could be summed into just one word: fear. You were scared. 
For years you saw Seokmin die in your dreams, he died in a new way every night. You saw, more times than you could count, the life left his eyes as he took his last breath. Sometimes you would just hear about it from someone, just words thrown into a conversation – words that always managed to break your heart. It never mattered how you found out, it always happened suddenly and unexpectedly. 
Whenever you and he were settling into a life together, when you allowed yourself to love each other freely, it happened. You always thought that your love for him, as his for you, worked like a time bomb. And the moment the bond was made was when your time started to run out. 
The only thing you thought about was how if you never made the bond then Seokmin would be able to live a long and happy life. It was okay if once, just once, you didn’t find your soulmate. As long as Seokmin got to live, you were fine with whatever life threw at you. Many people went through life without ever finding their soulmates but that didn’t mean that they weren’t happy. It just meant that they had to find other ways to be happy. 
“Just, please, knock on the door” 
You turned around, startled by the sudden presence behind you, a voice that you had memorized a long time before meeting the person to whom it belonged. Seokmin was there, looking at you like he had just walked out of some kind of sappy movie with his hair a mess and a hoodie that was at least three sizes bigger than him. 
“How long have you been there?” 
He smiled at you then making you feel like your insides were melting. Seeing him was like making the bond all over again. Your hands were sweating, your heartbeat out of control, slow, fast, and slow. The air around you was heavy and the tension between the two of you was almost palpable, like a thin sheet separating you and him. 
“Long enough to know that you’ve been hesitating, for at least, five minutes” 
How was it possible for him to be so calm when you felt like your heart was about to combust? Having him so close to you made your entire body shake. You almost wanted to take a step back before you fell to your knees. It was like your legs were barely there to support you. 
“I want to say so many things but I’m afraid that if I do, you’ll run away again” 
You shook your head at him. This time around you weren’t leaving or running. You had made it this far, there was no way you were backing down. Somehow, seeing Seokmin in front of you made you feel stronger like you could fight the entire universe just because he was right there by your side. He wasn’t doing anything, but he looked at you like you were everything that he had been waiting for and then some more. 
“I came so that we could talk” you tried to smile in reassurance, for him or yourself you weren’t sure “Do you want to do this here or somewhere else…?” 
“I think that it would be best if we had some privacy” 
You took a step aside to let Seokmin open the door to his hotel room. 
You had always been scared of people, not of what they could do to you in the spot but of what they could cause in the long run. From a young age, you learned that you were alone and that the people around you never really wanted you there. For the foster homes you went through most of your life, you were just a way to get easy money; for your first boyfriend you were just a pity bet; for your high school friends you were just the girl they let hang out with them in exchange for assignments; for your parents, you were just someone, something, that they could easily toss aside when they finally got bored. 
All of those things left deep scars on you. Though you did your best to cover them, they were always there right under the surface. You always smiled at people and made sure to tell them that you were perfectly fine even though you weren’t, even though all you wanted was to curl into yourself and let yourself feel all that pain. 
Jun had been the first person to get through to you, the only one who had stayed long enough for you to think that maybe he was around you because he actually liked you and not because he wanted something from you in return. 
It was true that Seokmin was your soulmate, that once the bond is made someone can never really walk away from it. You knew all of those things, like a book that you were constantly reading. Knowing something is completely different than doing it. The insecurities, always in the back of your mind, screamed at you louder than any belief or hope. Your brain always told you that someone like Seokmin, someone who had everything – and anyone – he could possibly want, would never stay for someone like you, bond or no bond. 
“Do you want something to drink? I can get you anything you want” 
Seokmin opened the door for you and pointed at the couch in front of it. As you had expected his room wasn’t just room, it was like a goddamn apartment – hell it was bigger than half of the houses you went through as a teenager. 
“I… it’s fine. I’m fine” 
Seokmin knew that you weren’t fine but chose to stay quiet about it, he knew that it wasn’t a good idea to tell you just how much of you he could understand. It wasn’t only because he could feel every tiny thing coming from you but also because you were like an open book, filled with words begging to be read. 
“I got your journals,” you said “I also read them” 
Your words made Seokmin sigh in relief. He thought that if you saw his journals, and read his feelings, you would be able to understand how desperate he felt, how much his feelings had been all over the place – despite him trying to remain calm. His feelings mirrored yours very much, almost in every way. 
“Because you shared yours with me, I think it’s only fair if I do the same with you” 
He looked up at you, surprise all over his face as you handed him the small box you had been carrying. 
“I’ve dreamed about you, for the past ten years, too. Every night I saw you and fell for you, every version of you” 
The surprise Seokmin felt, the happiness, and the relief that ran through his body the moment he saw you at his door was almost completely gone when he heard what you were saying.  He wanted to think that maybe he heard it wrong but the look in your eyes assured him that he hadn’t heard it wrong. Your words had been loud and clear, ricocheting inside his brain. 
“For how long you have known about me?” 
Your heart was breaking, shattering into tiny pieces when you saw and felt the change in Seokmin. He held the box with your journals like it weighed a thousand pounds, his face was contorted with something that you couldn’t decipher but his feelings were clear, like the sky on a starry night. Seokmin felt betrayed, hurt, and unwanted, all things that weren’t true. 
“Since you started, around the same time, since I was sixteen as well” you whispered. 
Seokmin felt his heart drop all the way down to his toes feeling sick to his stomach. He had always wanted to find you, from the day he understood what his dreams meant he looked for you – everywhere and anywhere in the world. You were the reason why he even started to work in TV, he thought that if he got a job that required him to talk to a lot of people then it would be easier to find you. But the idea, now the fact, that you had always known about him but even then, decided not to look for him, not to take a step away from him, was like a slap to his face. 
“Do you know that I tried to look for you everywhere? I nearly went crazy. Every day since my dreams, the memories of us, started I searched for you. While you…” he scoffed like the world had played yet another sick joke on him “You knew who I was but you never…” 
He couldn’t bring himself to say it; thinking about it – feeling it – was already bad enough. Seokmin didn’t want to voice it, if he did then everything would become that much more real, too real, more heartbreaking than anything else in his life up until that moment. 
The dreams crushed his heart every morning when he woke up. Seokmin felt his heart die a little inside his chest for the life he never got to live with you, for the words he never got to hear from you, for seeing the bright light leave your eyes time and time again. But ultimately those dreams were just that: dreams, memories of a different period in time, of a different life that although felt real, it no longer was. 
“I was afraid, Seokmin…” 
“I know that you were! I felt it, with fiber in my body, I knew that you were scared, terrified that for some reason I wouldn’t love you. I knew all of that like it was my own fear” 
The despair he had in his voice was felt in your body, every tiny cell. You hated that he was feeling like that, that your first ever encounter with him – a proper one – was only worth a fight. That was not how you wanted things to go. You thought that if you ever met him things would run smoothly but the reality of it was far from your expectations. 
“Like you, I am a Memorous” you had to say it, you needed Seokmin to hear your words just once “The first time I saw you, like you are right now, was on TV but it was so fast that I couldn’t be sure. I was on the bus, passing by a TV store. The next day I stayed in front of the same store the entire day, waiting for that brief second of your face for hours. When I finally saw you I cried, right there in the middle of the sidewalk because I just felt so happy to see you, to finally find the boy that I had seen so many times before, the boy I loved so blindly, even though I have never met before. 
“But the dreams… they are alive inside my mind. I don’t forget them like you do. My brain stores them like they are memories of this life, all those feelings were as real as if I lived them this time around. I thought about all the times I saw you die, and I couldn’t live through that again. I couldn’t let that happen to you, not after I saw you. I only knew you from the screen of my tv but my feelings were already so strong. I wanted the bond to happen, you can’t doubt that for a second, but I was scared. I would very much rather live knowing that you were somewhere out there, living a happy and long life than having you live a short one with me” 
Your words were more than enough to make Seokmin stop. Until that moment, his mind was flying all over the place but the second you opened your mouth he couldn’t bring himself to be angry anymore. Those feelings, the fear of seeing your other half – the one you were supposed to be with – die, was one he knew very well. He often wondered what would happen when he finally met you. 
The first time he saw you, he had been over the moon, he felt you and everything else. He felt the pull and your desire to get closer to him. To say that Seokmin was surprised when you ran away was an understatement. He didn’t truly understand everything that was happening inside of him, the unthinkable mix of you and him made him feel dizzy because he couldn’t set you apart. 
He could finally understand the things you did but it didn’t mean that he liked them. 
“I think it’s going to be a very long night” 
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Seokmin read your journals in front of you, and it didn’t feel embarrassing. Those journals, your words, had been written for him and for him only. While you wrote down your dreams you thought of him, of how he would read them one day and how much you wanted him to. 
You spent the entire night in his hotel room. You talked for hours and hours and suddenly the subject wasn’t as heavy anymore, both of your fears momentarily forgotten, and you were simply enjoying each other’s company. 
Seokmin was everything that he seemed to be, but he was also that much different. His bubbly personality was still there, fully out in the open for everyone to see, but there was also a shy side to him - one that not many people knew about but it was cute to watch. More often than he would like to admit, Seokmin would trip over his words, insecure about what he could and couldn’t say to you. The ice is still very thin, it’s making me nervous he said at some point in the night. 
You had scooted closer to him or maybe he got closer to you, how it happened didn’t really matter. You found yourself sitting on the couch with your knees pulled to your chest as Seokmin quietly played with your fingers. 
Just having him around you felt like a dream but the moment his skin touched yours? It was like fireworks exploded under your skin, like every single nerve in your body was suddenly awake. You could feel him everywhere, like he was not just the man in front of you, but he was also part of the air, like he could be all around you whilst staying in the exact same spot. He gave you calmness, a sense of peace and security. Things that up until that moment no one had been able to give you, not even yourself. 
“I really want to kiss you” you whispered.  Seokmin’s fingers stilled in yours and something sparkled in his eyes as he looked at you. The moment was suspended in the air as if it wasn’t neither here or there, as if time itself had stopped and all the attention was now on the two of you and the way you were feeling in that very second. 
You couldn’t bring yourself to look away from him, you didn’t want to. It was the first time, in your entire life, that you craved someone’s touch and presence. With Seokmin you wanted that and so much more, everything that he had to give, you wanted. 
Feeling like that for someone after only knowing them for a couple of hours was impossible, the kind of thing that you would never expect to happen, the kind of thing that you would laugh at because something like that couldn’t exist. But with you and Seokmin, nothing was as it seemed. 
It was true that you had only known him for a little while but just in this life. When you looked at him you saw traces of the many different people that he had been in the past and because of that, it was like you fully knew him. That wasn’t the case, and you knew that, but even so, the feeling of reconnection still existed. 
Seokmin inched forward, his eyes focused on your lips, as he interlocked your fingers and pulled you towards him. There was one second of hesitation, one tiny second that felt like an eternity before his lips finally pressed on yours and then it was pure magic. 
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Seokmin had to leave a few days later and you hated the idea of having to see him walk away. It wasn’t final, you knew that, but it hurt all the same. He had stayed in the city for you far longer than he was supposed to, his phone always blowing up with text messages from people concerned about his whereabouts when in reality he had been locked up with you inside your apartment. 
On the contrary to what you previously thought, Seokmin didn’t care about your tiny apartment, about the fact that you had been to more foster homes than what you were willing to admit, or about the fact that you didn’t have a degree. I like you for you, not for the baggage that comes with you. 
You sat at the airport for hours after his flight departed, the emptiness growing inside of you as the seconds ticked away. 
Seokmin felt the same way. He wanted to stay or for you to just go with him, but he didn’t dare to ask. He knew that even though you didn’t think much of your life, you liked it. You loved to be a receptionist at Jun’s school, loved being surrounded by the kids, loved the city you lived in, and you were a little proud of yourself for being your own person and living your own life - even though you would never admit it. He got into the plane with a heavy heart, but he had to figure things out. He had to find a way for the two of you to be together. It was uncertain of what the future held for you. You could be together for just a year before one of you died or your entire life was still ahead of you. The not knowing drove him crazy. 
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 Three weeks apart was all he could take before he found himself boarding a plane to the other side of the country and breaking a few contracts while he did so. You called every day, facetimed whenever there was a chance and texts were always a constant but just that wasn’t enough. 
Due to the distance, the constant pull to you only grew stronger and the grasp he had of your feelings, how Seokmin could tell exactly what was going on with you, was slowly disappearing. It wasn’t that you were learning to control what he could and couldn’t see. Once the bond is made the newfound soulmates need to stay close to each other, it’s physically and mentally tiring to be away. He noticed that you sounded more exhausted on the phone, as your eyes nearly closed when you talked on Facetime. 
All those things pulled him to you, yes, but Seokmin also wanted to see you desperately. 
He didn’t tell you that he was coming to see you, he wanted to make it a surprise. The entire flight he felt just how happy you were, probably because you were at the dance school with the kids, but he also noticed your worry, because he hadn’t answered his phone in a few hours, as you tried to push it as far back in your mind as possible. 
The long see-through glass walls of the school allowed Seokmin to see you inside. He heard your laugh before he saw you, the sound had been imprinted in his mind like the type of song that just gets stuck. And then he saw your profile looking at the little boy in front of you lovingly. When you smiled, he thought that his heart would explode inside his chest. 
Seeing you, even from far away, was like going home after a long time. The feeling of calmness, the feeling of finally being able to breathe properly. Just looking at you made him lighter in a way that he couldn’t exactly put into words. 
The kids were the first ones to see Seokmin. The little boy you talked to gasped, and his eyes went wide. All the other kids had the same reaction, some of them pointed at him while others just went back to what they were doing before. 
You stood frozen in place and watched Seokmin walk from where he was to the door. You had to make sure that he was really there, that it wasn’t something that you were imagining. If it wasn’t for the cute selfies he sent you stored in your phone, you would be sure that meeting Seokmin and everything else that happened after had been nothing but a dream. It wouldn’t be the first time you wished for a life that could never have. 
You got up and took a step away from the kids before walking as fast as you could - nearly running - towards him. He met you halfway, his arms reached for you before you collapsed into him. 
You sighed in contentment and relief when you felt his skin against yours, when his warmth enveloped you. Everything else was forgotten and it no longer mattered. 
“You’re really here,” you said against his neck. 
His chuckle ran through your entire body and he tightened his arms around you, pulling you as close as possible to him. 
“Half a country away is too much" he murmured. 
You stayed in place for minutes, long enough for one of the kids to get bored and call out your name a couple of times. One of them ran inside and got Jun, because the little boy thought that Seokmin might be holding you for too long. 
“This reunion is great and all but it’s weird for the kids” 
At the sound of your friend’s voice, you let go of Seokmin but you didn’t go too far. Three weeks had been long enough, you would take whatever few moments with him that you could get before he had to leave again. So you stayed by Seokmin’s side, your fingers interlocked with his. 
“Seokmin, this is Jun” 
“I was the one who gave him your address, how else do you think he would send you his journals?” 
Seokmin looked at you, with surprise in his face. He hadn’t expected you to tell someone about it, about his journals, or about anything at all. From the moment he saw you, and even from the journals you wrote, he knew that you were the kind of person who didn’t tell those around her much about her life so it was a surprise that you had talked about it with someone. 
“It’s good to see that things worked out for you,” Jun said, he looked at the watch on his wrist before looking back at you again “Go on, take the rest of the day off” 
You shook at head, pointing at the kids behind him - who were already making a fuss all over the place. 
“I still have a few more hours to go and you need help with the kids” 
Jun just rolled his eyes when he took a few steps closer to you and Seokmin, pretty much pushing out of the door. 
“I’ll let you know that there was a time when I managed this place just fine without you” 
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 For the rest of the day, you walked around town with Seokmin. He held your hand the entire time, letting it go just to put his arm around your shoulder, either way, he always had his hands on you. You didn’t mind it, in fact, you liked it a lot. The idea of always being close to him made your heart flutter in impossible ways, made you imagine what life would be like when you finally got to be with him for more than a few hours at a time, it made you wish for a future when you would be able to see him every day and talk to him and just be around him. 
“I’ve been thinking,” Seokmin said when you reached your neighborhood. 
“That could be dangerous” 
During the time you and Seokmin talked on the phone, he told a lot about his childhood and there was one thing that was clear to you: he was an unpredictable kid. His ideas were always crazy and so unnatural for a child. When you were in foster care you thought that the other kids were crazy, but they were just reckless, Seokmin was wild. 
“I should have never told you those stories,” he said with a sigh, a tiny smile on his face “I’ve got this job offer, here in the city. It’s not like what I do now but I think that it could be fun and I’ll try to make it work as much as possible. If I do take it, we’ll be closer to each other” 
You were shaking your head before he was done speaking. Seokmin changing jobs, and doing something else that was not what he wanted initially was a huge no. 
“You’re not moving here” 
He sighed again and took your hand in his. 
“I know you’re worried about my job, but I only started to do it because I thought that it was the easiest way to find you. I can do something else, anything else, if it means that I can have you” 
You turned to look at him, your hand squeezing his. His words assured you, more than anything in the world. Hearing those words was the only thing you needed. 
“Remember how I told you that Jun’s soulmate mom is a social worker? She told me that there is this University, not the most prestigious one but a university nonetheless, that is more likely to give out scholarships. A couple of months ago I took the test to get in and I got the results a week ago” 
Seokmin nodded at you, not really understanding what you meant. Truth be told, he was a little hurt. The second he mentioned it you were already denying it, like the mere idea of having him close to was repulsive. He knew that couldn’t be the case, knew that those things never reached your heart but even so, the feeling of getting rejected was there. 
“I got in. I have to move there in the next few weeks or so, to settle in and find my way around town” 
“Where… where is that?” 
You laughed and kissed him quickly. He looked way too cute with the confused look on his face. 
“I didn’t ask for your address just to have it, Seokmin. I want to be close to you so I was looking for a place near yours but also close enough to the university” 
Before you even done speaking Seokmin already had his arms around while he placed quick kisses all over your face, making you laugh. 
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Moving away was harder than expected. There weren’t many things that tied you to that place, but the few things that did make it heartbreaking. 
Just as you predicted, telling Jun was easy. Your friend, like always, had been supportive saying that he had your back in all the choices you’ve made and the choices that you would come to make. 
His kids were a completely different story. When you told Hana about it, she started to cry, tears running down her little face and sobs escaping her lips. You knew that it was going to be hard to talk to her, but you didn’t think that it was going to be like that. Hanbin was easier but you knew that he was also feeling it. 
“Will you call us every day?” 
“I’ll call you every Sunday morning,” you said pinching her cheeks “We all know how much your dad loves Sunday mornings” 
Jun groaned but he still had a smile on his face. 
“Why do you hate me?” 
It broke your heart to leave all three of them, but it was something that you had to do, not only because you wanted to be close to Seokmin but because of yourself. The change was something that you needed to do in order to move your life forward. 
Moving day wasn’t as terrible as you expected. Seokmin had helped you move all your stuff, boxing everything to perfection. You didn’t have much you wanted to take with you but even so, everything you owned had been labeled and wrapped. 
Somehow Seokmin had managed to convince you to just move in with him. You tried to deny him at first. It didn’t make any sense; you had just started something with him and suddenly you were putting your toothbrushes together. That was way too fast. “We don’t know how much time we have together so why waste it by being apart?”  You tried reasoning with him “What if I can’t stand your habits and you hate mine?” To what he just said, “I’ll love all of your nasty habits and I’ll be the perfect prince, so you’ll have nothing to complain about”. 
It all ended with a heated make-out session on your couch. 
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Seokmin was feeling edgy. He was supposed to be home hours ago, he knew that you were worried but restraining yourself from calling him. He loved his job, he really did, and it was amazing that he got to keep it and be with you at the same time, but he hated days like those. He hated the late-night shootings when he had to be away - especially when he could feel how worried you were - and he didn’t even like to think about when he had to do something out of town. 
The drive back home felt endless. He broke God knows how many speed limits, and crossed a few red lights. He didn’t know why he was feeling like that, he knew that there wasn’t anything wrong going on at home. You would have called him in case something happened, he would have felt something change. 
But at times he couldn’t help but feel anxious. 
It had been four years. Four years since you found each other, since you started your life together, probably the four happiest years of his. But whenever he wasn’t expecting it, whenever Seokmin started to feel comfortable again with his life and you around him, his dreams would come back to haunt him. Instead of seeing you, in the past, he saw you as you were in this life. He saw the woman he loved, more than any of his dreams could have let him know, die in front of him, in his arms. It was always like that, you had a smile on your face, a tear ran down your cheek and you said that loved him. 
On nights like that, he would search for you. His arms moved directly to you and pulled you to him as quiet sobs escaped his lips. You always cried with him on nights like that. You didn’t have those sorts of dreams, but his despair and fear ran through your body as if they were your own. 
That night was just like that. The whole day he had a sickening feeling in his stomach. Like the world was telling him that something was bound to happen. The one thing that had somehow calmed him was how at ease you were during most of the way. 
Seokmin walked inside a house in darkness, the light in the hallway the only thing that could possibly tell him that there was someone home. You always did that for him when he had one of his late nights. 
You were sleeping in the bedroom, so Seokmin tried his best not to make a sound. But he knew that all his efforts were useless when he walked out of the bathroom to find the bedside lamp on and you looking at him. 
“I didn’t mean to wake you” 
You sat up and smiled at him, shaking your head. It was a good thing that he had woken you up. Your sleep wasn’t peaceful, no nightmares or dreams but although you were asleep you still had that weird feeling of being awake while sleeping. 
“It’s fine, I actually have to talk to you about something” 
Seokmin wouldn’t like what you had to say to him, in fact, you were pretty sure that he would probably hate it. 
“I talked to your sister today” the words left your lips in a quiet whisper. 
Seokmin stood still, his eyes focused on you, but his mind was somewhere entirely. He finally understood why you had felt so anxious and nervous during lunchtime and why he was feeling on edge the entire day. 
“We’re not doing this” he shook his head. 
“Seokmin it’s been 12 years, you’re going to have to talk to them at some point” 
You reached for his hand at the same that Seokmin scoffed at you. 
“You haven’t talked to your parents in 22 years and I don’t push toward them” 
Seokmin regretted his words the second he said them. He watched as you tried your best to control your emotions and not let him feel just how hurt you truly felt about his words. You pulled back the hand you reached to Seokmin and tucked it under the blankets. 
“I did try to look for them, Seokmin. I found them. It went the same way as it did when I was eight years old. They didn’t want me” 
You never told anyone about that, it wasn’t the kind of thing that you liked to talk about. To be honest you didn’t even like to think about it. 
A week before you moved in with Seokmin you searched for your parents. With Jun’s help, you managed to find them, quite easily. They still lived in the city, in the same house you lived in for the first eight years of your life. All it really took to get a hold of them was to find the documents they filled when they left you in the foster house. Your meeting with them didn’t last long, less than five minutes and they didn’t even invite you in. All the conversation was done at their doorstep. “We can’t do anything for you, we’re not parent material,” they said to which you answered, “I’m no longer a kid who needs care and protection”. 
For them to suddenly find their inner parent wasn’t something that you wanted or expected but you thought that they could, at least, be part of your life but even that they refused. They only showed some kind of interest when you mentioned Seokmin and just by looking at them, you could tell that their interest was more on what Seokmin brought with him than for you. 
After that you never mentioned them again, never allowed Jun to talk about it again, not even thinking about them was allowed. 
“Just because people bond doesn’t mean they become good people, Seokmin. It just means that there’s someone out there who won’t judge your choices” 
Seokmin crawled on the bed towards you, his arms going around you and tangled his legs with yours. 
You stayed quiet for a while, unmoving. That was your favorite place in the world, his arms. Even if you had just some kind of argument with him, even if you were hurt by what the other person said, you never turned your back on each other. 
“I’m afraid if I let them in again the same thing will happen. I can’t go through that again” 
You turned in his arms, facing him. 
“They were probably just afraid Seokmin, the things people say about Memorous aren’t nice. Maybe they were just afraid to lose their son. Your sister did sound really sorry on the phone” you ran your hand on his cheek “You’re thirty years old, the feelings you had at eighteen are not the same and you certainly are not the same person. Maybe we could try talking to them, and if it doesn't work, it doesn’t” 
“Thank you for reminding me that I’m old” 
You giggled against his chest, which made Seokmin kiss the top of your head. 
“You’ll only be old when our kids kids go to college” 
Something in Seokmin’s eyes changed, all the anger and laughter from just a second before suddenly disappeared. He rolled on the bed, so he was on top of you. 
“Are we talking babies now?” 
You wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed your way up from his collarbone to his lips. 
“You’ve been lacking in that department lately, husband” 
He pulled your hands away from his neck and presses it against the mattress. 
“I’ll be sure to make it up to you, wife” 
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taglist: @wonwooz1, @ryuwonieebae, @sobun1est, @mirtaspace, @feat-sun, @wonvsmile, @belladaises, @mhlsymlysn, @immabecreepin, @uniq-tastic, @miriamxsworld, @aaniag, @k-drama-adict, @maiamorrrrrrrrrrrr, @roguesthetic, @sofix-hc7, @@scarlet789, @moonlightgrleric, @r6njunlv, @mixling-blog, @cinnamongirl127, @haowonbins, @valgracia, @shuabby, @slut4donghyuck, @manutuankim
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itjazzbicch · 11 months
Ice To A Flame
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Pairing:  Bi Han x Fem Reader 
Summary: When the reader agrees to spar with Raiden & Kung Lao, the reader is easily angered by Kung Lao's arrogance, doubting their abilities because they're a woman, and when everyone only sees the reader's outburst, her other half, Bi Han comes and settles her anger...
Warnings:  Reader beats up Kung Lao (LOL) Softer version of Bi Han (The man deserves more fluff, so I tried lol.), established relationship
Word Count: .9k 
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Preparing Lui Kang's 'champions' was indeed a task. Raiden showed promise in his fighting abilities, but Kung Lao? He ground my gears.
Bi Han and his brothers went to handle some things with Lui Kang, and while they were gone, Raiden and Kung Lao convinced me to spar with them.
Raiden was good, making me put in some effort, but arrogance started to anger me when it was time to face Kung Lao.
"Come on, Y/N. I'm taking it easy on you!"
"Is that so?!"
We were exchanging quick blows. He should've been grateful that I wasn't using my true abilities against him, his following slick comment making the vein in my temple throb as he blocked one of my kicks:
"I'd give up if I were you, girly, ha-ha-OH!"
As he was laughing, I showed my true strength, roaring as I smacked his hands down, hitting him with a nasty uppercut, and as he began to fall, I kicked him square in the chest, sending him into a tree.
"Crap-" He was groaning, holding his chest in pain, and I didn't show the slightest amount of sympathy, yelling at him:
"If I were you, I'd be humble and be grateful that I'm showing you mercy! I may be a woman, but I could easily snap you like a twig if I wanted!"
I always tried not to let my anger best me, but his consistent remarks got under my skin, going to the tree and towering over him:
"Your arrogance will be the death of you if you plan to be a 'champion,' Kung Lao," There was fear in his eyes as he stared at me, needing a breath, and scoffing at him as I turned away, "That's if you can even make it that far."
"I'm sorry-" He sighed, managing to stand and offering his hand to me; that only made my anger boil for some reason, but I took his hand and warned:
"Don't be sorry. Be careful."
Looking before me, Bi Han had returned with his brothers and Lui Kang, staring at me puzzled as they all had seen what had just occurred.
Locking eyes with Bi Han, considering he was my other half, he knew I was trying to stay calm and composed, but some steam still needed to be settled. I walked past them and murmured as I heard Kung Lao's groans:
"Make sure that I didn't break any of his ribs. I need a moment to myself."
There were many gardens at the Wu Shi; I found one further away, sitting next to a shrub of flowers and meditating, slow deep breaths helping my blood pressure decrease.
"Y/N." I knew that one of them would come to check on me, Bi Han's voice making me turn to look at him and self-reflecting:
"I apologize for my outburst. I could've handled that situation differently."
"What did he do that made you do that?"
They must not have heard what Kung Lao was saying to me, sighing as I explained:
"He kept making remarks about how he was 'taking it easy on me' and assumed that he was stronger because he's a man."
Facing away and taking a deep breath, the thoughts made me a bit angry again, expressing my frustrations:
"It angers me. I have spent my whole life perfecting my combat skills just to be belittled by that boy-urgh."
"Well, think of it this way," Sitting next to me, his thought process made me chuckle, "He'll never do it again given your response to his remarks."
"I'd hope so," I breathed in, calmed again, and truly felt guilty, "I am sorry, though. I shouldn't let little things like that bother me like they do."
"I'm not worried about the matter. Sometimes, people need to be put in their place," He mumbled, eyes fixed on the view of the garden but locking into my eyes as I took his hand:
"Thank you for understanding," I smiled softly, thumb caressing the vein in his hand, and even though he still had his mask on, I could see his little smirk.
No one could thaw his ice as I could, squeezing his hand the more I smiled, but paying great attention to his words:
"You are Lin Kuei, and that's all I need to say regarding your little doubts. Never forget that."
"I never will," I nodded, pulling down his mask to kiss his cheek, "I cherish you, Bi Han."
Taking off his mask, he started looking around to make sure we were alone, which I pretended to be upset at:
"So, what if someone were to see?"
"Hmph," His nose flaring almost made me laugh, freezing in place when his lips found me. His kisses always blew me away; it nearly felt like the first time. My eyes still closed as he pulled away, "Content now?"
Slowly opening my eyes just to get lost in his big, brown eyes, I got goosebumps like I did almost every time, smiling again as he gave a soft one back at my reaction.
He rarely smiled, and my heart was whole at the thought that I was the one who could make that happen, nodding and squeezing his hand again as there was a slight breeze, leaves dancing around us:
"Always when I'm with you, Bi Han." 
2023 © itjazzbicch — do not repost or translate my work. Likes, reblogs, and comments are always welcome 
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cussima · 3 months
(kinda fake title so i feel like im writing a column in a romcom)
6 steps to getting the sp that makes you feel like a nervous idiot
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(talks sp. accidentally putting people on a pedestal + how i manage it. started as a rant ended up as a master plan)
okay here's the thing:
theres this One man. who i think is cute. i think he's real cute. but i can't take him off a fucking pedestal
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this GUY. some 20 smth year old guy. he's tall and funny, cutest eyes ever, and i really like him but he makes me so stupid.
listen to my low concept symptoms:
• i want to listen to the music he likes so he thinks im cool (NOOOOOO an angel just lost its wings)
• i want to dress in a way that's attractive but not too hot so i don't scare him off but not too boring so he doesn't think I am boring but i don't want to go too cute in case he doesn't like that (SISTER RUN AWAYYYYY)
• i get jealous of every pretty/fun/cool woman he sees (WHY WHY WHY THEY DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WRONG IT'S NOT THEIR FAULT)
• i want to know he finds me pretty (an angel just died)
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FUCK HIM!!! we all hate that mf (im so getting past this and making him mine)
so heres my plan for that !!🫦
• I'll concentrate on myself.
that's it. This is a me issue and honestly i dont understand why im projecting them into this guy. or what is making me project them onto him. Here's how I concentrate on myself:
• I first accept I feel this way: Accepting my feelings makes me calm down, it makes me feel less desperate for his attention, giving me back my power. I like him that's it. This also helps me see he's just some guy not some impossible god with super powers, he's tied down to all the laws everybody else is to: He's got no more free will than anybody else. (which means I can use things like thought transmission to my favor)
• Going back into myself: Exploring my hobbies and trying out new things! I already like the way that I am and the things that I do. Judging myself from the eyes of someone I've made up in my head is useless. It's also not helpful since I'll be creating a less than ideal version of him.
• Going on about my life and hobbies is also a great way to forget about him lmao, that way he's not the only thing on my mind !! Which is so important because I don't want to step into limmerence territory. (If I already am then damn my bad)
• I'll keep affirming good things about myself obviously. I won't give up my hard work for some man, even better, this will help me get an even better self concept and come out hotter than ever.
• Shadow Work: I don't waaant to do it, but if it comes to it you can't ignore it or rather I don't want to. I don't know what part of me is wounded for me to react like this but I'll take care of it specially since he makes me so freaking nervous 👎
• OBVIOUSLY!! THE MOST OBVIOUS ONE OF THEM ALL!! I'll fulfill myself in my imagination. I'll just imagine my desired version of him (and us 🫦)
I'm really about to do some sort of 6 steps of grieving of this but more like a 6 steps to getting the sp that makes you feel like a nervous idiot.
I'll decide whether or not I want to be in a relationship with him once I get a hold of myself. I will take my time with it because I want to but if in 10 years I have his babies I'll let you all know.
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