#Toad family Back Together!
metalinjector95 · 6 months
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“ A Tearful Reunion”
I only wished the Toad gang was back together in the end, or at least the credits show a picture of Grimd meeting Percy and Braddock to deliver Sasha’s message.
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selfrinsert · 11 months
I’ve been rewatching am/phibia with my partner and heh. heheehoo. self insert ideas
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livlaughloveluke · 3 months
𝐢𝐧 𝐚 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐰𝐚𝐲- 𝐥.𝐜 🐡
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daughter of hypnos! reader x luke castellan 💤
headcannons in which luke is dating the sleepiest girl around💘
“and i know you’ve been having nightmares lately, and i’m sorry i fall asleep first” -faye webster
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he totally calls you “sleepy.” 
it started off when he was a dumb teen, just him being an idiot and teasing everyone. but i mean, the name wasn’t exactly incorrect. and so it stuck, carrying along as you grew into a young adult and began dating !
he’s such a sweetheart when it comes to you. while he gently yells at the campers for their lack of effort, he would never even think about raising his voice when speaking to you. even if you skipped training because you “needed to rest.” (you had slept a full ten hours before)
but when you did show up for archery or sword fighting, he’s over the moon, showering you with praise.
“that was amazing!” 
“you did so good today, sleepy.”
(you shot two arrows and then dipped)
nightly stargazing!! 
you and luke spend hours laying on top the grassy hill, staring above at the twinkling stars. you pointed out all the constellations, and luke would point to a star and say it was yours.
“thats our star, babe.”
“luke that’s part of the orion.”
he would sneak into your cabin on his restless nights, and you would comb your fingers through his hair to send him into a deep sleep. and you made sure all he had sweet dreams instead of his haunting nightmares.
reading him stories all the time ! 
he hates reading, since all of the words get scrambled and it hurts his brain to put the letters back together. but when chiron adjusts the temperature so it would rain and water the strawberry fields, there wasn’t many indoor activities to do. so, you let him pick a book you could read together on those rainy days.
after a week visit to your home, you brought back your record player and some of your favorite vinyls, and luke was absolutely fascinated. he never really listened to music before, so hearing such majestic sounds was a new experience. now every time you travel back into the world, he requests a new album. he’ll listen to it on repeat until you’ve acquired a different record.
you would share abstract stories about monsters, greek heros, and other intriguing topics to the campers around the bonfire, while luke stared with hearts in his eyes. he like to think that one day, hundreds of years from now, a camper would be reciting a story about you and him. the daughter of hypnos and the son of hermes, two children who were the closest depiction of soulmates ever known. 
secret weekly sleepovers in cabin 15 were a necessity ! 
he always showed up with a bouquet of wildflowers, and one small yellow daisy for each of your siblings.
all of your brothers and sisters loved him, constantly dragging him into family board game night.
similar to stargazing, watching for clouds !
when you had free time, you were constantly laying in the dry fields and staring up above at the clouds, trying to picture them as objects.
“it’s a cowboy hat!”
“that’s clearly a toad in a sailboat.”
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prythianpages · 5 months
Dandelions | Azriel x Witch Reader
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summary: Azriel accidentally welcomes your dysfunctional family into your home.
warning: I can't really think of any at the moment besides violence from a witch fight, basically you being protective over Az
a/n: There's not very much known about the witches in the ACOTAR universe so I'm just taking creative control here (: If you're interested in reading more of Az x witch reader, you can find the masterlist here.
As Azriel sits in your living room, the familiar weight of concern settles in his chest. The past few days have felt like a quiet storm and the bond between you, has fallen eerily silent far too many times to go unnoticed. 
Of course, he’s already asked if you were alright but he sensed the lie as it brewed in your eyes before it slipped out of your lips. The shadows that remain at your side keep him updated on your whereabouts but besides a crow following you one day, there’s nothing else to report. He wonders if you’re upset with him.
Azriel tries to engross himself into the book–as it’s one you recommended to him– in his hand but his eyes keep drifting from the pages. He steals glances toward the closed door of your study. A vibrant green glow, your magic, spills from the edges of the door. He tries to pull on the bond but cannot find you on the other end. You shut him out. Again. 
Three knocks pull him out of his thoughts. Ignoring the skittering dance of his shadows and the way Pearl–your pet spider–retreats back to her corner, he opens the door. There’s no one on the other side. A perplexed furrow forms on his brow as he peeks into the hallway, dispatching his shadows to investigate further. They return with no insights, leaving an unsettling silence in their wake. 
“Hey Az?”
Azriel closes the door and locks it. He turns to see you stepping out from your study. You smile at him sheepishly, toying with your glowing hands. “Can I have some of your blood?” Your voice is surprisingly calm, despite the look in your eyes, and you must mistake his silence as apprehension because you’re adding: “Just a drop!”
He would’ve gladly granted your request but before he can even utter a word, a sudden shift in the air catches your attention. Your eyes widen, a touch of panic flickering within them. It’s a fleeting moment where control slips from your grasp, and in that heartbeat, your side of the bond bursts open.
His wings quiver as if struck by an invisible force. A torrent of emotions crashes over him like unrelenting waves on a storm sea, flooding and overwhelming his senses. Worry etches lines on his face at the raw intensity of your feelings. 
“Toad’s blood!”
In the blink of an eye, he’s standing in front of you, his hands cradling your face. The hazel depths of his eyes burn with concern but you avoid his gaze, your frantic eyes darting around the room as if looking for something–someone.
“y/n, my love,” Azriel implores softly, his heart pounding in his chest as he desperately tries to navigate through the sea of your emotions. “What’s wrong?”
Your eyes land on the door and a palpable tension fills the air. “You opened the door.”
Azriel’s eyebrows knit together in confusion. “Someone knocked.”
You swallow thickly. “How many?”
Your voice is firmer this time. “How many knocks?”
You’re pulling out of his grasp abruptly. You run back to your study and a trail of perplexed worry etches further across Azriel’s face as he follows after you. With a furrowed brow, he observes your hurried actions. Windows are slammed and shut and locked in quick succession. He blinks and you’re running to your room next. “y/n, please talk to me! Tell me what’s wrong!”
You pause, if only for a brief moment, your eyes finally meeting his. “You just opened the door to a gateway of evil.”
“Evil??” Azriel’s wings flinch, the word carrying an unexpected weight. “What evil?”
“My mother.”
A sense of impending danger guides your every move and you’re sprinting past him. Over your shoulder, you urgently command, “Quick! Lock all the windows!”
Azriel responds without hesitation. He races back to your living room, determined to secure the window he opened earlier. As he does so, he sees a crow flying toward him. It’s familiar to both him and his shadows. The dark tendrils hasten to close the window beside him and the crow, unable to halt its trajectory, collides with the glass.
“I think that's all of it,” you say with a sigh of relief. However, it’s short lived as an overlooked detail dawns on you. The window in your kitchen.
Azriel, his shadows and you are already racing toward the kitchen but despite your efforts, you’re too slow to close it. Your sock clad feet glide across the floor and Azriel wraps an arm around your waist from behind, preventing you from falling. It tightens around you, drawing you snugly against him in a protective embrace, just as the crow flutters its wings menacingly and tauntingly above you. His eyes narrow at the bird and his shadows poise like a snake ready to strike. 
Shrouded in a swirling cloud of purple smoke, the crow undergoes a mystical transformation. Its plumage shifts and twists, feathers unraveling and converging as if guided by an unseen hand. A silhouette begins to take form amid the enchanting mist and as the last tendrils of purple dissipate, a beautiful older female stands before you.
“That is not the way to welcome your mother, Dearest.”
The last time you saw your mother was when Hybern became allies with Spring. She had asked you to join her coven, out of worry for you if you stayed in the court that was crumbling apart, but Feyre had already secured plans to bring you to Velaris. The City of Starlight was a safe haven for you…until the Hybern attack unveiled its secret. She’s been reaching out ever since–sending countless letters and when those did not work, she started sending ravens.
Though she delves in dark magic, you know your mother means well. She loves you and has been protective of you. Overly protective. Perhaps, you were being dramatic about it all but you weren’t ready for her to meet Azriel yet. You didn’t even get to finish the protective spell you were planning on casting upon him. All you needed was a drop of his blood to complete it…
“Mother,” you reluctantly greet.
She smirks at you. Every muscle of your body tenses and you place your hand over Azriel’s to let him know it's okay. Ever the perceptive one, your mother catches the subtle gesture. Her gaze falls upon the protective presence behind you. She narrows her eyes and points a perfectly manicured finger at him as if to say “I’ll deal with you later.”
With a wave of her other hand, a cage materializes out of thin air. You can barely make out the tiny green creature in it before your mother is thrusting it into your hands.
“Hold your father, will you? I need to go fetch your sisters.”
She says it so casually, it’s comical almost. You grimace as your gaze flickers to the small lizard. It nervously scurries within the small cage it is confined in and you’re tempted to drop it. 
Your father, a former high noble fae from Spring, had been cursed into a feeble gecko at the powerful hands of your mother. She did it shortly after she caught him trying to take your life at the mere age of two. He had plans to kill your mother next and take her heart for his own so now your mother loves to torment him by carrying him with her so that each remaining day of his life is as miserable as can be.
Verena, your mother, walks over to your door as if she owns the place. With an air of confident authority, she swings it open, revealing two females on the other side—your sisters, each birthed from a different father. One, with dark, flowing hair and sinister eyes, wears a smirk that mirrors Verena’s. Maeve. The other, with lighter hair, possesses kinder eyes, and delicate white feathery wings. Thea. She looks at you apologetically. 
You’re slipping out of Azriel’s grasps and joining your family in your living room. The cage falls from your grasp, rolling onto the ground. Binx dives out from the shadows, eyes alight as the cat spots the green creature within. A curious paw swats at it, its claws peeking through the thin gaps at the top of the cage but no one bats an eyelash at the terrified squeak.
A scowl settles onto your face. “Mother, Maeve, Thea. As quickly as you arrived, I want you all to leave,” you say, clapping your hands at them for emphasis. “I did not invite you here.”
“No,” your mother agrees with a nod but her eyes are fixed on something–rather someone behind you. “He did.”
Four pairs of eyes are on him and Azriel only cares about one. Yours. His knowledge over your family is limited. He knew your father was a piece of scum but he did not know he still lived. There’s a tightening in his chest and he knows it's coming from your side of the bond. He sends a wave of reassurance through it because if you’re okay, he’s okay. Even if your family is a little overwhelming.
Verena circles around him, her gaze sharp as the crow she morphs into. Azriel stands still, his shadows swirling defensively. When Verena extends toward the talon of his wings, the shadows snap at her, causing her to withdraw. A wicked grin appears on her face.  “A Shadowsinger,” she observes. “What is your name?”
Verena hums, stepping back, her eyes scanning every inch of him. There’s a devilish gleam in them when they settle upon his large, membranous wings. He instinctively tucks them back.
“By The Mother, you look absolutely ravishing,” purrs your dark-haired sister.
The lighter haired sister beside her smiles. “He is quite beautiful.”
“Maeve,” the darker haired sister introduces herself. Her dark brown eyes sparkle in amusement. She holds her hand out to him. “We haven’t yet had the pleasure. y/n has been hiding you for far too long.”
Azriel does not take her hand. Instead, he watches her with wary eyes and she laughs. As her eyes deepen in hue, mirroring the unsettling darkness akin to yours, an ominous glow envelops her hands. It resembles a delicate yet foreboding cloud of gray smoke that dances around her fingers. 
“Don’t touch him,” you growl, raising your own hand. A raging green fire roars from your fingertips as the darkness takes your eyes.
Maeve turns to hiss at you. Her cloud of smoke is steadfast as it continues its path to Azriel. Your mate. You hiss back but your mother rests a hand on your shoulders and out of the corner of your eye, you swear Thea sends a reassuring gesture your way.
“Oh, come on.” Maeve persists, her voice, both enchanting and seductive, beckons like a magnetic force. She steps closer to him, ignoring the heated glare you send her way.  She places a hand on his arm and you're shaking with rage as you recognize the haze that clouds Azriel's eyes. 
“You look hungry. Would you like a taste? What do you think, Shadowsinger?”
Smoke wraps around him, infiltrating his senses and charging the air around him with an alluring energy.  It smells like chamomile and lavender–a scent intricately tied to you, the enchanting witch he calls his own. You’re shoving away from your mother and prancing on your sister, the two of you tumbling to the ground. “Let him go!”
The room becomes a radiant spectacle, bathed in the ethereal clash of gray and green magic. The air is charged with the tension of their coexistence and you’re pinning your sister to the floor beneath you. “Why do you always have the thirst to take everything I have?”
“Because it’s fun,” Maeve hisses at you, her dark eyes a reflection of yours. “Besides, our family is in need of a new pet, don’t you think?”
“Girls, stop it this instant!”
“Can it be something cute this time? Like a puppy!”
“Thea, shut up!” You say brusquely as you look up.
Thea winces at your tone. Maeve takes the sliver of your distraction to push you off of her. The two of you hastily get to your feet and you hold your hands out ready to unleash the vibrant, verdant rage coursing through your veins at her. 
“I think y/n is ravishing this evening. Don’t you?”
Azriel’s voice is light, dreamy almost as he’s in a trance. He blinks and the tendrils of magic briefly cloud his vision before it clears. He steps away from Maeve’s cloud of smoke, repulsed by her magic and his eyes are searching for you.
His gaze, steady and filled with a profound warmth, captures yours and it feels like a gentle cascade of water extinguishing a flame. The vibrant green fire in your hands gracefully fades away, mirroring the softening of your eyes in the tender exchange. 
“And he’s not even lying,” Maeve frowns with a huff, her voice and eyes returning to normal. Disappointment is written all over her face. No one has been able to escape from her power of seduction before. “How dull.”
Your hand finds solace in Azriel’s and he locks his fingers with yours. You smile at him and he smiles back. You are the only enchantment he desires and your heart swells. You're so happy you could kiss him--
Thea, always one step ahead of everyone, gasps. “He’s your mate.”
Your mother’s eyes undergo a shadowed transformation of her own, reminiscent of a crow’s ominous gaze. Azriel feels a subtle unease but you remain composed. Gracefully, she approaches, her movements mirroring the fluid elegance of a bird. With a discerning sniff, she assesses the air around you both. Her keen eyes flicker to Azriel’s chest–where the emerald, the greatest token of your affection, securely rests beneath his leathers. His siphons awaken in response, pulsing with a powerful and protective luminescence.
“Your heart. Your precious, precious heart,” she whispers, her voice on the brink of tears.
There’s a drastic shift in her voice when she speaks again. It darkens with a mother’s fierce intensity and echoes through the room like a hissing serpent. “You’ve given it to him.”
Your mother outstretches her hand, toward Azriel, her gesture laden with an unmistakable agony. With a resolute urgency, you press your hand against Azriel’s chest, your other hand still wrapped around his. You can feel the pulse of his heart beneath the gem. It’s fast and erratic but gradually soothes under your touch. 
Given your family's history, you can't blame your mother for reacting this way. Maeve's father was a charming merchant, who enjoyed traveling through the sea, and was very aware of his heartthrob status. Your mother was not immune to his allure and though she did not love him, she was possessive over him. So when she caught him touching another female, she cut his hand off, forcing him to always think of her for the rest of his life. She keeps the hand she severed preserved in a jar at her house. 
On the other hand, Thea's father was a peregryn warrior who loved studying the stars in his free time. He was probably the best male out of all three...if he hadn't picked his loyalty for his court over your mother. Surprisingly, your mother left him alone and unharmed but she made a good example of him to you all because even the kindest of men were not to be trusted.
But Azriel is different. 
His sweetness, care and love create a warmth that gently embraces your heart. You’ve spent a lifetime shielding your heart as your mother taught you but with Azriel, it feels different. He is your mate. Your other half, crafted by The Mother and Cauldron itself. In his presence, you find a haven where vulnerability is not a weakness but a welcomed connection. 
“I love him.”
Wheeling with a snarl, she fixes her sharp gaze back onto you. Her hand tenses midair and her talons peak out before dropping it back to her side. She leans so close you can feel her breath tickle yours.  Her gaze travels down to the obsidian necklace you keep on at all times for protection and she feels her throat tighten when she sees the new charm attached to it. It’s an initial. A for Azriel.
“You stupid, foolish girl. What have you done? Have I taught you nothing?”
Azriel growls and his shadows tense as they await their master’s next order. Your hand tightens against him and you send a wave of reassurance through the bond. This was exactly what you had been hoping to avoid. The last male you introduced to your mother was turned into a frog and you hadn’t put up a fight as the male had fallen under Maeve’s spell. But this time, you were willing to fight and defend what was yours. 
“I think it's quite brave,” a dreamy voice cuts in through the tension. “A true testament to love.”
“Shut up, Thea.” Maeve snaps. “No one asked for your opinion.”
“I’ll keep that in mind next time you ask for a reading!”
“Azriel.” Your mother’s voice is sharp, demanding attention. “You hold something extremely dear to me now. If I find you to be careless with it–if you so much as hurt y/n in any shape or form…I will hunt you down, rip your heart out and eat it for breakfast.”
“She’s not joking,” Maeve decides to chime in. “She ate Thea’s lover for dinner once.”
“Must you always jump at the opportunity to remind me?” Thea retorts with a look of pained disgust on her face and you almost feel bad for her. She did love that male terribly, as undeserving as he was.
“I don’t know why it’s such a big deal, my dearest,” your mother says in a perplexed tone. She rolls her eyes at the scoff she received in response. “He was a human.”
“He was the love of my life!”
“And others too.” Maeve cuts in, lips curled into a lopsided smirk as she gazes at her nails. “Mother did you a favor there.”
“This,” you say to Azriel, lifting your chin toward your family. Your mother and sisters continue to bicker back and forth while Binx zooms after the rolling cage imprisoning your father. You sigh deeply and Azriel now understands why you were on edge all week, why you had shut him out.
 “This is my family.”
As if on cue, your family turns to him. Binx rests a paw on the rolling cage, halting its movement. Even the green gecko inside seems to peer curiously at the Shadowsinger, its tiny eyes glinting in the dim light.
 Your mother, a formidable figure with an air of ancient wisdom, focuses her attention to Azriel. The expression on her face is a complex blend of skepticism and concern. Her dark eyes narrow as if probing his very soul–a look that has sent many to mad chaos and the room seems to hold its breath as Azriel meets her gaze. 
You step in between them both. “Mother, must you always do this?”
“It’s okay. I have nothing to hide,” Azriel reassures you as he holds your mother’s gaze, unwavering and resolute. “I would never dream of hurting y/n. I love her.”
“He speaks the truth, mother. He’d kill for her, I’ve seen–ow!”
Your mother’s keen eyes linger on him. Despite Thea’s words, she wants to see for herself. The room feels suspended in time as she carries on with probing into his very soul. She’s peering into the depths of his heart, seeping into its cracks and searching for any hint of insincerity. The tension in the room starts to dissipate as she must sense something she agrees with. Slowly, her lips gradually curve in a smile–a genuine one. 
“I like this one,” your mother says as she turns to you. “I shall spare you the part of my visit where I ask you to come back home with me as I now know it will be pointless. So let’s have dinner, hmm? All this excitement has me famished.”
Your mother clasps her hands together, springing the room into action. Binx resumes messing around with your father and Maeve makes her way to your kitchen, your mother following after her.
“I did not agree to you staying for dinner!” You call after them, shooting Azriel an apologetic look.
“She was going to agree anyway.” 
Azriel turns to your sister–the closest to a normal relative you seem to have. Her blue eyes, flecked with silver hold a spark of otherworldly wisdom as she regards him. 
“You can see the future?”
She tilts her head, a cascade of blonde curls falling over her shoulder. Her lips curl into a knowing smile and her peregryn wings flutter. “Only what the stars tell me,” she replies cryptically. “Would you like me to read your cards?”
Azriel contemplates for a moment. He turns toward the kitchen and his eyes find you. You’re engaged in a lively debate about the perfect amount of herbs, claiming that only a pinch of thyme is needed while Maeve stubbornly shakes her head.
“Out of my kitchen! Go seduce a pig for all I care before I hex you with an angry nest of bees!” 
His love for you deepens with every passing second and he nearly startles when he feels a flutter in his chest. It’s you. You echo the sentiment very loud and clear through your end of the bond.
“Why not?” She teases, though she already knows the answer.
“Because right now, I have everything I could ever want.”
Once your family departs, relief washes over you, and you finally feel able to breathe freely. Leaning against the door, you release a sigh, allowing your eyes to flutter shut momentarily. When you reopen them, your gaze lands on Azriel in the living room. He's seated, head tilted back, eyes closed, weariness evident. Moving towards him, you saunter over, and without a word, he instinctively pulls you onto his lap, his eyes still shut in a shared moment of exhaustion and solace.
Your hands tenderly cradle his face, bathed in the soft glow of your green magic. You massage his temples, your fingertips tracing away the remnants of the headache your mother’s earlier probing had left behind. A contented sigh escapes him at your soothing touch. 
“Thank you,” he breathes and his hands find their place at your hips.
You press a gentle kiss to his forehead. “I should be the one thanking you.”
He opens his eyes and there’s a subtle perplexity among them. “How come?”
“Because they’re chaotic,” you answer and tipping your chin down sheepishly, you continue, “I’m sorry for shutting you out. I was doing my best to keep them from coming but I should’ve just told you instead. I was trying to protect you from all of this–”
A scarred finger props your chin up, urging you to look back up at him. The hand that remains at your hip tightens with a comforting reassurance. You find yourself lost in the depths of his beautiful hazel eyes and like always, they anchor you like a tranquil forest bathed in sunlight.
“You don’t have to protect me from this. I accept it–all of you. I love you,” he murmurs. The corner of his lips tug up into a small smile. “Though I do find you unbearingly adorable when you’re protective.”
“Adorable?” You can’t help but laugh. Others would beg to differ. You're sure your eyes have given Cassian nightmares.
“Especially when it’s all for me,” he nearly purrs, pressing kisses to the corner of your eyes. The very eyes he adores, even when they transform into inky pools of black.
He kisses the nape of your neck and your breath hitches. “Did you mean it?”
Azriel hums against your neck. “Mean what?”
“What you said to Thea earlier,” you say, mindlessly confessing that you had been listening to his short conversation with your sister. 
You feel him smile against you. “Of course I did. Whatever the future may bring, as long as I have you, that's enough for me. You’re my everything.”
When he pulls away to look at you, you’re beaming at him. His nose brushes against yours and your hands cup his face again, eyes flickering to his lips before you guide them to yours in a slow yet passionate kiss. You slide your tongue along the softness of his bottom lip, reveling in his honeyed taste and he parts his mouth for you, a small sound of pleasure slipping between your lips.
You kiss him and kiss him until the future seems like a distant thought, overshadowed by the perfection of the present.
a/n: I was driving to an appointment when I randomly thought of how chaotic reader's family is and wanted to introduce them formally in case I want to incorporate them in future imagines. This takes place shortly before the one where you get kidnapped.
Also, I'm currently watching the Witcher and I couldn't help myself and use this scene to help me write the part where Maeve tries to seduce Az.
tagging: @fxckmiup
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luveline · 9 months
more girl dad! hotch plsssss 😫😫😩😩😩
hotch navigates his small family ♡ mom!reader, 1k
Hotch speaks with a softness you could spin into silk. "That's okay, sweetheart. You fill this one out for me next." 
You peer through the small gap in the door. Hotch is sitting behind his desk with a case file open in front of him, though you assume any photographs are sequestered away, because in his lap sits a small girl, a toddler with dark, neat hair and a matching frown. 
"This one next," she says, picking up her crayon. 
"That one next. Good job, I'll be finished in no time with you helping me." 
"And we can have… uhm…" 
"Yes, please." 
Hotch leans down to kiss his daughter's small head gently. "You're so polite. How about we leave all this grown up work and get you a rusk now?"
She turns on his leg to slouch into his stomach. Hotch picks her up, the sleeves of his shirt tightening at his biceps as he wraps them behind her back and under her butt, pushing the office chair aside with a careful leg. 
He sees you in the doorway and smiles. 
"Hi, Mr. Hotchner," you say. 
"Hi, mommy," he says, directing Jane's little body your way so she can see you where you're standing outside of his home office. "What are you doing?" 
"Just coming to check on you both. And I need help with something." 
You've stopped expecting him to pass you whatever kid it is he's carrying anymore. When Aaron is home, he's home, and he's dearly attached to his young daughter. He'd be attached to Jack if he weren't constantly out in the backyard looking for toads. He kisses your cheek, careful not to squish Jane between you. "What do you need help with?" 
"I can't get the lid off of the pickles and I promised Jack I'd get him the biggest one." 
"Why are our children so hungry?" he asks, putting his hand behind your shoulder as you walk down the stairs together. "Could it be because they both refuse to eat their breakfast, even when mommy says you'll regret it?" 
"Breakfast?" Jane asks, blinking owlishly. 
You smile at her. "No, sweetheart. Let's have rusks and milk, should we? With honey. Dad's gonna make it just the way you like it." 
Jack is back in the house tracking mud footprints over every inch of the kitchen. Only then does Aaron pass you Jane. She's light and easy to hold, she doesn't wriggle or gripe. Despite her resting frown, she's a happy girl who's content to be passed from person to person. "Daddy?" she asks. 
"Two seconds." Jack stands guiltily by the fridge, looking down at his shoes and then up at the ceiling, like looking away will get rid of the mess. "Jack, we've talked about this. You can play in the yard when it's wet if you take your shoes off before you come in."
"Well, I thought my shoes would be more dry," Jack says. 
"You can't leave water everywhere. What if Y/N slipped while she was carrying your sister? Then they'd both be hurt." 
"I guess," Jack says. 
"We're gonna have to mop it up. You can help me, buddy. You remember where we put the mop bucket?" 
You prop Jane on the island by the sink basin. She immediately puts her hand under the faucet, fascinated by the automatic water. "Wow, lots of fuss," you say. 
Aaron helps Jack take off his messy shoes and puts the mop bucket into the basin with a heap of praise for Jane's assistance, such a good helper. He lifts Jack up to squirt cleaner into the water. He's still laughing when he sets him down. 
"Rusks, dad?" Jane asks. 
Aaron almost barrels you over trying to hold her, lifting her back into his arms to kiss her soft cheek. "I am, I promise." He gives you a pleading look. "Honey–" 
"Yeah, okay. I never do the mopping, anyways. Me and Jack will learn together." 
You can hear him drowning Jane in love and sweetness as you and Jack get to work. "It's like this, babe, we push the mop head into the drain so we can soak up all the muddy water, then rinse and repeat." You drop your voice to a whisper, hands slack on the handle. "Don't worry, I'll do all the hard work." 
"Can we still have pickles?" Jack asks. 
"Of course we can. Dad's not mad, he just doesn't like the mess. Quicker we clean up, the sooner we can have a snack. You're not super hungry, are you?" 
"I'm starving." 
You put the mop back in the bucket, looking Jack up and down. He looks like he could use some proper warming after his time outside in the late September cold, pale cheeks rosy and his nose kissed with chill. 
"Aaron? Me and Jack have to pause the mopping, we're hungry." 
"Pretend I believe you and sit down. I'll make you something." 
"We really are hungry, dad." 
Jack takes your hand and pulls you toward the kitchen table. It's an organised chaos, your work things, Aaron's coat, Jack's science project. Underneath it lays a carpet of baby toys and Jane's washables; she plays under the table often to be close to her dad when he's working and you're cooking, or he's cooking and you're reading. 
You put him in a seat next to the highchair where Jane spoons warm rusk-mush into her mouth hurriedly. Aaron has secured a baby pink bib around her neck with a safety pin and filled her little sippy cup with watered down orange juice. She looks as happy as you've ever seen her as she misses her own mouth. 
You fill Aaron's seat as he vacates it to watch her. You and Aaron are good at filling each other's gaps, parenthood akin to the world's most loving game of musical chairs, and you're just as good at being together, you'd say —he squeezes your shoulders as he leans down. "For the record, you know how to mop. I just don't see why you should." 
"That's the right idea," you say happily, laughing as he kisses your cheek. 
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palskippah · 1 year
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Hi! You saw preg Bowuigi, but may I present to you… preg Mareach ✨
The thought won't leave my mind after I mindlessly drew Mario asking Luigi how is it to be pregnant and then it escalated from there 😔
So! Here's some headcanons (that you can find too in the drawings) for this:
-Mario and Luigi's mamma and uncle are twins, so they have this 'twin gene', and it just so happens that Mario got twins first try and Luigi didn’t.
-Mario has thoughts when seeing his bro expecting, he develops a serious case of baby fever that he refuses to tell anyone about. Like he catches himself thinking about him and Peach expecting and her acting in the overly attentive way that Bowser does, or thinking of a tiny blonde baby with a button nose and blue-sky eyes. He feels a bit guilty about these thoughts.
-Luigi eventually pries the information out of Mario and tries to convince him to talk to Peach about it, that she’d be understanding even if she doesn’t like the idea. Mario’s stubborn and just doesn’t and feels bad for wanting a baby too just because his bro is going to have one.
-To Mario’s surprise (and relief) it’s Peach who mentions the idea of having children (he feels a bit embarrassed that she easily used the exact words he scolded himself for: “I want a baby”), so they shyly entertain the idea.  And they decide they'd like to be parents in the future.
-When Magma (that's the Bowuigi baby's name!) grows and gets to the toddler stage, Mario finally decides that they could start trying.
-(Corny and I pulled this from Deadpool 2 but) He gives the 'green light' to Peach as a sort of anniversary gift and she's so happy she jumps in place and holds him to her chest and rambles about what to name the baby and how they'd look and what they'll do together and– Mario jokingly reminds her that first she's gotta put a baby in him for that to happen.
-Luigi is really excited when Mario and Peach tell him that they’re expecting. He hugs them both and says he can’t wait to finally be an uncle, and that they’ll be great parents.
-Luigi spoils his bro the same way Mario did with him when he was expecting Magma, like baking him treats and his favorite foods whenever they’re at their house and overall being a very good bro.
-Soon Peach arranges a room to make a nursery and plans how it’ll be.
-When they discover it's twins she makes arrangements again to adapt it for two babies, assigning a color to each baby’s things, because she thinks that Mario and Luigi having their signature colors is adorable.
-When they’re back from the doctor after discovering they’ll have twins, they’re both happily thinking about two children. Peach of snuggly wrapped little babies with round noses and brunette hair, and Mario for some reason thinks of two blonde toddlers with matching hats and blue overalls.
-Mario's belly looks big soon and Peach is over the moon because he's so round and handsome.
-He's so shaped.
-Due to almost all of the Mushroom Kingdom citizens being small Mario often loses sight of them, especially when talking to toads. They love to stand close and right in front of him, even if Mario tells them to stand at his side so he can see them. Mario's pretty sure not even the toads can see him over his belly and yet they don't listen.
-Mario lives at Peach's castle but he and Luigi still kinda often stay at their own little house at the outskirts of Toad Town. Luigi sometimes goes by himself or brings some of his children. They like to have some kind of peace apart from their families and the royalness of it all. (Thinking about the fact that Bowser went on a vacation by himself as Junior said once in a game sjdks)
-Peach is very excited for the babies and she always asks for permission to caress his belly and to hold it and to kiss it. She talks a lot to the babies too, even at times holding very long one-sided conversations with them while Mario listens in with an absolutely besotted smile.
-Many nights, when Mario's sprawled on his side with his arms in weird positions and snoring away and Peach's at his back holding him, she mumbles on and on sweet words to her children and her boyfriend, and holds Mario closely.
-Ever since they know he's expecting, Peach randomly suggests baby names to Mario, who shakes his head or actually explains why he doesn't like them. She suggests one day a couple of names just for funsies and to her surprise Mario loves them.
-Peach leaves their bed very early to focus on her royal duties all morning, while Mario's asleep almost until midday surrounded by an insane amount of red and pink pillows.
-Peach eats red power up mushrooms to be able to easily carry Mario around when he gets too tired, that way she doesn't get tired either.
-Late on Mario gets the 'pregnancy brain', he forgets things and sometimes does stupid stuff. Once at their house he dropped a fork, and since it never crossed his mind to ask for help or pick another one from the kitchen cabinet, he ended up stuck in a crouch when trying to reach it, yelling for Luigi to come help him up.
-Donkey Kong and Mario are mean besties, and DK often teases Mario and vice versa. Like DK purposefully drops something and asks in a faux nice voice for Mario to pick it up for him, then does the laugh™ as Mario stares at him unamused.
-DK used to (gently) push Mario to sit in soft furniture and laugh at him for getting stuck. Mario would sulk and cross his arms over his belly until the stupid monkey dignified himself to help him up. Until DK did it one day that Mario had been particularly tired about the pregnancy, and besides the usual reaction he also got misty-eyed and his lower lip wobbled. DK freaked out and couldn't figure out how to console him as Mario silently cried. Peach almost obliterated DK on the spot when she caught them.
-Since then DK isn't as mean with Mario until the babies are born weeks later. Also, he's a bit terrified of Peach now.
-Magma, who's still a toddler, often asks her uncle-mama when the babies are going to come out of his belly so she can meet them.
-They have twin girls! They're identical when they're babies and kids but when they grow older they have more noticiable differences (like height, same as Mario and Luigi and their mom and uncle)
-They’re Nettarina and Mariella. Sadly I don’t care how silly the names are, I like them and so does Mario aksjdksajd
-Mario has strong genes so their babies look a lot more like him than Peach (who’s glad, because she wanted to have two mini Marios!), although he hoped they’d look more like her.
-Mario is already fat and he gets even fatter with the pregnancy.
-The girls (and Magma too) speak fluent italian and english.
And that’s what I have so far! I know i missed some characters that I could have mentioned like Daisy or Toad and others, but maybe I’ll think of them too for another post c:
I hope you liked them, and if you have any other ideas or headcanons feel free to share them, I’d love to know!
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grimmcheems · 4 months
Naruto…..but if he was raised by the frogs/toads instead.🐸🍄
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This AU has been stuck in my head for the longest time bc…….why couldn’t Naruto just have been taken out of the village completely since those mfs hate him anyways, and be raised by Jiraiya instead??!?! Though Jiraiya is sort of a deadbeat in this and just leaves Naruto with his toads and makes them raise him instead💀💀
Of course Jiraiya is his godfather in this and Tsunade is his godmother. Jiraiya has to keep Naruto after the whole sealing Kurama thing and Tusnade avoids responsibility for him by going off to missions and cutting contact(until she is forced to come back and be Hokage). The toads decide it’s time to return Naruto to be among people like him that can actually help him navigate being human, and in doing so he arrives unannounced in the leaf village where Tsunade is surprised to hear that Jiraiya just up and left him and she ends up pissed bc Naruto literally knows nothing about anything. He’s like a mysterious visitor when he arrives.
Was thinking of having Naruto be nonverbal in this but that wouldn’t really make sense since the Toads can actually speak lmao, but he is a bit illiterate since the toads don’t really have resources to teach Naruto how to read or write anything that they don’t already know(plus webbed feet/hands). Sasuke never went rouge in this so he’s just a lil goober and is Lee’s sparring partner, the two are on par with each other’s skill and often practice together. That is, until Naruto shows up to the Leaf village oop.
Also Kakashi and Iruka partially raised Sasuke since his brother still leaves him in this. The two (K&I)have to teach Naruto how to be a ninja. Sakura is more combative in this, she’s also the first girl Naruto sees around his age(until he sees the rest of the girls). Everyone talks about Naruto behind his back bc of his more carefree and animalistic nature until they find out that he’s Tsunade’s Godson. He is later given his family crest and inducted into the village with that status and he learns about his family history while everyone suddenly grows interest in him and Sasuke not being the only member left of a clan anymore. [Maybe the two are instated as the heads of their own clans later on and get to participate in decision making for the village that way but idk about that detail yet.]
Other than that I love Naruto with frogs/toads🥲💖🤲🏽
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thelov3lybookworm · 5 months
Weeping Heart (part 2)
Part 1
Summary: An unexpected visitor arrives.
A/n: here you go children, my lil shawarmas. have fun 😉
The cold wind bit at Y/n's cheeks, and she had to wonder whether even all of the world's warm clothes would be able to ward off the cold that had seemed to have taken up permanent residence in her bones.
"Woah, look at you. I thought it was some beast coming out of your tent."
Y/n rolled her eyes, choosing to ignore that remark from her second in command, Herb. She did agree with him though. She did look like a bear, with the thick blanket she had thrown around herself over her jacket, under which she wore her armour and her clothes.
She walked up to her mare, preparing her for their trip to a nearby small town. The small party that had left from the palace on this mission included about a dozen soldiers who were all too happy to follow Y/n into the freezing hell, and they were camped just a mile away from the border of the town that harboured their next target.
The rumours of rebellion Y/n had left to inspect had been just that. Rumours. But it had taken a whole month to make sure that no one got any ideas. And after that it had just been travelling to every village and city on the way back and spying on all the people and their families who had helped Madoc.
It had been a long time since Y/n had last seen her best friend, and a part of her was glad, even if her heart hated her for running away.
Before leaving, Y/n made sure to inform Jude to keep giving her such missions, to keep sending letters if there were more such quests to ensure she could stay away and keep whatever was left of her heart intact.
"Looks like someone woke up on the wrong side-"
Y/n was glaring at the handsome male before he could finish his sentence. He lifted his hands in a I'm a harmless little man gesture, the grin on his face wide and carefree.
Y/n turned back to her mare- one she had named Toad one drunken night- and continued to stroke her mane with a brush.
Herb came to stand on her side, stroking Toad's nose as he began humming a tune. Y/n put away the brush in favour of smoothing her hand down Toad's body, lost in thought.
"Oh, I nearly forgot to tell you. We received a letter this morning from the Queen."
Y/n stilled, then resumed stroking the mare. "Oh?"
She felt him nod. "It has not been opened, though the men are dying to know if we get to return."
Y/n hummed, turning away from Toad to begin her walk back to her tent to discard the extra layers she had put on. And then she would lead her best soldiers to the village and get into positions as planned before.
Easy and simple.
Later she would want to laugh at her assumptions.
Herb, of course, followed her, but thankfully he kept his big fat mouth shut until right before Y/n's tent came into view.
"Oh, and also, someone is here to meet you."
Y/n glanced back at the fae, his skin the lightest shade of green, so light it was barely noticeable. His beady, completely black eyes shone in the early morning light as she rose a brow at him.
"Are you sure you are not loosing your memories? You should see a healer." He shrugged, his smile unwavering. "Who is this someone?"
Y/n turned back to look forward, and she got the answer to the question before Herb could answer.
There, standing right outside the flaps to her tent, was... him.
"The high king."
Y/n stopped midstride, her eyes trained on the male who looked around, rubbing his hands together for warmth before his onyx eyes met hers. He smiled his signature, careless and cocky smile.
"Herb?" He hummed happily, and Y/n's eyes narrowed just a little, and she whispered her next words only loud enough for Herb to hear. "You better hide and pray that I don't skin you alive."
Y/n began walking again, an after a moment, she heard the unmistakable sound of feet running over crunching snow, fading gradually to signal that Herb was not dumb enough to ignore her warning.
Good for him.
If only he had been smart enough to give her vital information before disaster struck, he would have had a higher position in the army.
Y/n ignored the warm feeling spreading through her chest at the sight of the grinning male, and walked right past him, nodding her head towards the tent for him to follow.
She saw his smile drop from her peripherals, but knew he followed nonetheless.
Y/n sighed internally.
It's going to be a long day.
General taglist: @bubybubsters @cassie6392 @harrystylesfan2686
Cardan taglist: @kennedy-brooke @hnyclover @minnieoo @sidrapotter @123345566 @mp-littlebit
Taglist: @dreamsarenicer @kennedy-brooke @123345566
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holylulusworld · 1 month
Designed by pain (7)
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Summary: Broken hearts are hard to put back together. 8 years ago, Dean lost something he didn’t even know he had in the first place. Will he get a second chance?
Pairing: former AU!Dean Winchester x fem!Reader
Warnings: angst, language, past break-up, arguments, daddy Dean
A/N: This was an alternative idea for the first chapter of my Bucky story: Monster-in-law masterlist. I decided to use it for a story with Dean.
Designed by pain masterlist
Designed by pain (6)
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“Dean, a word,“ you square your jaw watching your son show Dean all the cars on his shelves. Dean doesn’t hear you, engrossed in listening to his son’s explanations. “DEAN!”
“Mommy, we are busy here. We are talking about manly cars,” your son huffs and turns his attention toward the stranger he let inside your house.
“Bud, you shouldn’t talk like that to your mom,” Dean sternly says. “We can talk about your cars later.”
“Promised?” Your son sniffles when Dean turns around to walk out of his room.
“Promised, bud,” Dean looks over his shoulder and nods. “We will talk about your cars as long as you want to.”
“COOL!” Your son clasps his hands together and grins. “You’re so cool, Mr. Dean!”
Dean chuckles, and you get even madder. How dare he come here and play the cool guy. Of course, your son is all over Dean. He has no clue that the very same man left you and his son when things got complicated.
“There you are,” Sam joins you and Dean. He still holds the toad in his hands, helplessly lifting the poor thing. “What do we do with that toad now?”
“TOADIE!” Your son shoves you out of his way to snatch the toad out of Sam’s hands, but Sam lifts the toad so Michael can't reach it. “I’ll show you my room now.”
“Great,” you glare at Sam. “Why didn’t you put it in the garden, Samuel Winchester? Now I’ll never get rid of that thing!” You jerk your head toward Dean. “And there is the toad.”
Sam snorts. “I can bring the toad in the garden. My brother is another story,” he sighs deeply. “Again. I’m sorry, Y/N.”
“HEY! Sasquatch,” your son grunts and tugs at Sam’s jacket, “give me back my toad. Toadie is my friend, and you can’t have him.” Michael purses his lips and holds out his hand. “Give him back!”
“Michael, stop that,” you tut. “We don’t yell at guests. Sam will bring the toad back into the garden. Toadie wants to go home. Our home isn’t their home.”
Your son pouts. His lips wobble, and he sniffles silently. “I wanna keep Toadie!” He grasps Dean’s hand, tugging lightly. “Mr. Dean, please tell Mommy that a man must have a toad. All the cool guys have toads.”
Dean looks at your son holding his hand. A smile crosses his face, and he holds his hand a little tighter. “Sammy will bring the toad to the garden. If Toadie wants to stay, he’ll wait for you in the garden. But maybe he’s got a family and wants to go home.”
“You think so?” Michael sniffs. He wipes his eyes with the sleeve of his shirt and sniffles. “But…I’ll miss him. He’s my friend.”
“He’ll always be your friend, bud,” Dean crouches down in front of your son. “Sometimes we must let people go, even if we love them very much. And sometimes, people we love leave us.”
“O-kay,” your son nods and gives Dean a cracked smile. “Maybe he comes back to me. OH!” He gasps loudly. “What if he brings his family too?”
“No way,” you shudder at the thought of the toad coming back with the whole family. “Toadie will go back home and be a good toad.”
“How about I show you pictures of my Baby? I got them on my phone,” before you can take his son away from him, Dean wants to make sure to get to know the little boy better. 
“He’s got thousands of pictures of his car,” Sam snickers behind his brother’s back. “You’ll get tired looking at all of them.”
“YES!” Michael grins. “I love cars, mister. I bet Mr. Dean has the coolest pictures of the coolest car in the world.”
You purse your lips and clench your fists. Dean already snaked his way into your son’s heart, and you don’t know how to undo the damage he did within not half an hour.
While Michael guides his father out of his room, you stare at the toad in Sam’s hands. You’re unsure what to do now that Dean came here to get to know his son.
“I should bring the toad out, and … uh… maybe I can distract Michael so you can talk to Dean. I know you’re mad at my brother, but please at least talk things out. If you need a clean cut, do it. I’ll bring him back home and make sure he’ll leave you alone.”
“He broke my heart,” you don’t look at Sam. “Not only because he didn’t contact me or stopped me from leaving. He flirted with that woman, and let your mother walk all over me. We were so in love with each other and suddenly everything was different.”
You sniff and wipe your eyes. “I only thought about the life growing inside of me. The baby he didn’t know about. The whole day I tried to find the perfect moment to tell him. It never came, though…”
“I know this doesn’t mean anything to you,” Sam softly says, “but Dean never was happier than with you. After you left, he wasn’t the same. He had some affairs, but I think he was never in love with any of the women he dated. Dean only ever loved you.”
“Sure,” you snort. “He loved me so much that he left me…”
You storm out of the room, determined to get Dean out of your house. Even if it means making a scene in front of your son.
“You!” You stop in your tracks when you see Dean and your son on the couch. Your son is looking at pictures on Dean’s phone, grinning from ear to ear.
“MOMMY! There are pictures with you in Mr. Dean’s car,” Michael runs toward you, Dean’s phone in his hands. “You look so cool.” 
He grins and shows you the image on Dean’s phone. You’re sitting on the hood of his car, winking at Dean. It’s one of the last pictures Dean took of you.
“Uh…that was a long time ago, baby boy. Mr. Dean and his brother want to go now. It’s almost dinner time, and you still need to bathe and brush your teeth after dinner.”
“Mr. Dean must stay!” Michael purses his lips. “I want him to stay in our guest room and we can eat pizza and pie.”
“Michael, I—” you swallow thickly when your son starts to sniffle. It breaks your heart watching him bond with the man breaking your heart. 
“Pizza and pie. Pizza and pie,” your son chants. “Please, mommy. He’s cool and nice. Mr. Dean wants to show me more pictures of his car, and you!”
“What…no…he can’t…” Your voice cracks. “What about his brother? We can’t send his brother Sam away.”
“Hmm…” Your son nods thoughtfully. “Mr. Dean can sleep in your��room, and his brother at the guest room.” Michael grins. “Right? You got a big bed all for yourself.”
“I can sleep on the couch,” Sam hastily says. “Or maybe…uh…there is a hotel nearby. I can get me and Dean a room. We can leave after dinner.”
“I can stay for dinner,” Dean finally says. “But you can’t ask your mom to share her bed with me, okay.”
“But…” Michael sniffles. “You will come back tomorrow for breakfast. Right? We can make pancakes and … oh! You must try mommy’s pancakes. You’ll marry her if you taste them!”
Your son’s words hit you right in the chest. Daggers sent to your fragile heart. If only… you think while your son plans a wedding and to keep Dean around.
“I’ll call a hotel and,” Sam gives you an apologetic smile and pats your shoulder, “I promise to get him out of your house. At least for tonight…”
Part 8
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rayshippouuchiha · 28 days
the kits making sure Naruto has a good birthday for the first time tho
When Naruto's first birthday post the team coming together rolls around he doesn't really think much of it.
He's not completely ignored or chased off on his birthday anymore and there are a few people who wish him well and Iruka even gives him a cake but it's just ,,,
The day has never been about him even with the few people he knows care about him and Naruto gets that, understands it, knows that even with the festival the day is more about mourning for the older generations than anything.
And his time outside of the village has gotten him out of the habit of looking for anything else from anyone else too.
So he figures he'll do what he'd done during his years on the road, summon a fox or two, maybe even a toad now that he's back in Konoha, and do some training.
It's late when he gets back to his apartment, the festival is still in full swing and Naruto knows that there will be fireworks soon. So he'll do what he used to do as a kid, make his way onto the roof of the building and watch them from a distance.
Only when he lands on his balcony he pauses.
There's someone in his apartment.
Three familiar little someones actually.
Naruto huffs out a small laugh, pulls the balcony door open, and steps inside.
He feels himself melt just a bit at the sight that greets him.
His kits are all cuddled together on his bed, limbs thrown over each other, still in their festival kimonos and all of them sound asleep.
But what really gets him is the fact that his apartment has been decorated.
There are streamers and a half dozen very obviously stolen festival lanterns strewn all over the place. There are prizes from the festival stall games he was never allowed to play piled on top of his kotatsu, including three separate goldfish, all of them vibrant and oddly colored, in their own little bowls, right below the banner that reads "Happy Birthday Naru-sensei" in an adorable mix of three different handwritings.
And there, in the center of the table itself, is another cake, orange icing only looking a little bit melted from having sat out.
Naruto immediately abandons his previous plans.
Instead, he ghosts through the apartment, grabbing a change of clothes as he slips into his tiny bathroom to clean up.
Once he's done and wrapped in a new loose yukata, he ghosts back out of the bathroom, a clone appearing with barely a thought and moving to scoop the cake up to slide it into the fridge before quietly dispelling.
Naruto slides his way into his bed, eyes crinkling closed at the force of his smile when his kits move for him automatically, bodies separating from each other to move and latch onto him automatically. Heat-seeking little leeches that they all are.
Naruto sighs, nestles his head back into his pillow, and lets his eyes slip closed.
He lays there for the longest time, basking in the warmth of what has so quickly become his family.
When he finally falls asleep his dreams are sweet.
In the morning the kits are outraged that they slept through him coming back home, upset over having missed his actual birthday and vowing that next year will be different.
They end up having cake for breakfast as Naruto oohs and awws over the various presents and prizes they'd won especially for him at the festival.
He refuses to admit that he tears up a bit at the three actually wrapped presents that were buried underneath everything else.
It ends up being the best birthday of his entire life.
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pianokantzart · 1 year
Broken Warp Pipe AU
Based off of a concept by @multicolour-ink and @wiz-witch​ where the warp pipe in Brooklyn breaks down, leaving Mario and Luigi stranded separate dimensions: X.
From there I just went off the rails.
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Mario (Brooklyn Side)
Mario has not stopped working toward finding a way to The Mushroom Kingdom since he and Luigi were separated, and has run himself ragged in the process.
He started off trying to discover if there is a working warp pipe somewhere else in the world. After all, if there was one just under their noses in Brooklyn, surely there’s another somewhere! He just needs to search, and search hard.
He’s always on the move, working some side-gigs to stay afloat while spending every second of free time pursuing and studying warp pipes. He eats bad, sleeps bad, and even smokes sometimes when he’s sleep deprived and can’t focus (though he always feels guilty about it afterward. Luigi would NOT approve.)
Mario hates being alone, but spends most of his time alone, because he feels that’s what he deserves at this point. He’s reached so many dead ends he feels like he’s already failed his brother, but refuses to slow down all the same.
When he’s feeling particularly hopeless or lonely, sometimes he talks to nobody as though he’s talking to Luigi. This helps a little. 
He calls his family every couple of months to let them know he’s okay, and to see if there’s any sign that the Brooklyn warp pipe is working again. These phone calls are brief, and he never properly explains where he is or what he’s doing.
 Mario has stolen (and usually returned) many ancient artifacts and documents, and broken into many a location trying to uncover a warp pipe. He hasn’t hurt anyone, but his impatience and determination has earned him a bit of a criminal record in the human world. 
In his travels, Mario found one or two working warp pipes, but they led to weird alternative dimensions not even close to The Mushroom Kingdom. He has done some heroism in these places whenever the situation presents itself (he’s still a good guy), and has been rewarded with helpful information about warp pipes and how they work.
Through knowledge he gleaned from his travels, combined his own advanced skills with traditional plumbing, Mario eventually pieces together how to repair warp pipes, which he uses to fix his own pipe back in Brooklyn.
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Luigi (Mushroom Kingdom Side)
When Mario first got trapped in Brooklyn, Luigi desperately tried to fill his brother’s shoes until he returned. When Bowser inevitably reattempted to destroy The Mushroom Kingdom, Luigi tried to channel his brother by taking the tyrant on alone. He was very nearly killed as a result. DK, Toad, and Peach successfully fended off Bowser in the end, but Luigi was left physically and emotionally scarred in a way he has not quite recovered from.
Luigi still does his best to be a hero despite everything, but is only barely functional unless he has someone backing him up. Princess Peach sticks close to him whenever possible, and Toad is ecstatic to have him as a friend and adventuring buddy.
 Luigi has an official place on the Toad Brigade, and is happiest when he’s doing missions with them.
He eventually develops into one of the most formidable heroes in the dimension, especially after he gains the powers of the thunder hand. He rarely gets recognition for this though, because he very much does not behave like the traditional hero, and far prefers the sidekick position. He wouldn’t have it any other way.  
Luigi does not spend a lot of time in his and Mario’s house, save to keep it clean and tidy. He has not moved any of his brothers things, except to keep them dusted. A part of him still holds out hope that he’ll be back one day.
Princess Peach hooked Luigi up with an apprenticeship with Professor E. Gadd during one of his slumps, and he spends most of his nights sleeping over at the lab. The professor is happy to have him around; Luigi keeps the place so neat and organized, and makes the best cup of coffee!
Though they have some wardrobe changes, both Mario and Luigi have their original hats, and are extremely protective of them. 
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up-to-some-good · 7 months
Solid plans
A little late, but happy birthday to one of my favourite characters! Written for @wolfstarmicrofic prompt - scarecrow (513 words)
4 November 1983
The problem with having a three year old, Remus thought, was that nothing ever seemed to go according to plan. Though, that could be because the three year old in question was the son of James Potter, who hadn't ever followed instructions in his unfortunately short lifetime.
The plan was quite simple: Sirius had been away for a week for work, which had included his 24th birthday, so Remus had planned a surprise birthday lunch for when he arrived home, including all his favourite foods and a cake, baked using Effie Potter's red velvet recipe. It wasn't anything major or complicated, but Sirius would enjoy a simple meal with his family more after his long week.
The plan hinged on two things: first, Remus's ability to bake a cake without screwing it up the way he had always done previously, and second, Harry's cooperation.
The first, shockingly, went fine. Remus followed Effie's instructions to the letter, and managed to produce a tasty, if poorly iced, cake for them to enjoy.
The second part, Harry's cooperation, was where the problem came in. Because he'd been away for a full week, Sirius had not only missed his birthday, but Halloween as well. As such, Harry was insistent that they should welcome his godfather back by recreating Halloween and going trick-or-treating together.
Remus had tried to explain to the little boy that trick-or-treating was not an option, given that it was four days after Halloween and the middle of the day. He had tried to appease him by letting him wear his scarecrow costume, accepting that their birthday lunch would be slightly Wizard of Oz themed, but Harry was still not happy.
Remus spent the morning darting between setting up the table for lunch and stopping Harry from escaping out the front door, armed with his pillow case for candy-collecting. Eventually, Remus cast a shield charm over the door, at which point Harry decided to sit directly in front of it and throw his leftover Halloween candy at the shield, giggling as the sweets bounced off the magic into the room behind him.
Remus was in the kitchen when he felt a tug at the wards, and turned to see Sirius step through the Floo - only to be hit in the middle of his forehead by a flying peppermint toad.
He watched as Sirius took in the scene, from the little scarecrow staring up at him to the half-set table and lobsided birthday cake. Harry ran over to him, letting his godfather scoop him up into a hug and press kisses all over his face.
"Happy Halloween, Padfoot!" Harry yelled.
The pair then turned to Remus, Sirius grinning brightly as Harry giggled in his arms.
"Happy birthday, love," Remus said. "and welcome home!"
Sirius walked across to him and kissed him gently, before pulling him into a hug, Harry still squirming in his arms.
"You're wonderful," he whispered. "I love you both so much."
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3rdsleeper · 3 months
r/s fics rec list!
(simplified by highly specific tropes)
remus does not want sirius paying his rent and sirius is having a normal one
inflations, invitations and flirtations by mblematic
summary: The Li-Lo at Lupin's. In which plenty of people crash on Remus' air mattress after Hogwarts, and Sirius isn't jealous at all. complete - 9k
practical oddities by lurikko
summary: Regulus needs a place to stay, Remus needs to get over Sirius. It’s August 1979 and things are getting out of hands. complete - 47k (ok this one technically they do live together, but its not necessarily remus' first choice iykyk please read it)
how remus got his groove back by RealityShowJunkie
summary: Remus Lupin becomes king of the cockroaches, Fabian Prewett writes a book, Gilderoy Lockhart is a catfish, and Sirius Black realizes he's a fucking idiot. complete - 42k
the son and heir of nothing in particular by aeridionis
summary: Remus is nineteen and tired, now. And he knows that if he and Sirius were ever going to become anything—if Sirius loved Remus the way Remus loves, and will probably always love, him—it already would’ve happened. complete - 23k
frog and toad aren't friends anymore by swordfishtrombones
summary: “Some people just aren’t good flatmates. I wasn’t trying to say I liked Adrian and Mary better than you, or whatever you’re thinking.” Sirius runs a hand through his hair and squints at the streetlight, twisting his mouth like Remus is truly hopeless. “It hurt,” says Sirius, “my feelings.” complete - 10k
an episode of skam (in the sense that remus is avoidant dismissive /j /j)
the lord of desperate longing by reyghost
summary: Sirius has a lot of feelings, Remus has his own issues too, and James is a very good best friend complete - 13k
and only felt good while moving by aeridionis
summary: The summer before university, Sirius falls in love and throws a punch and then he makes a friend. complete - 17k
SHAME by wiltedtddaisy (taotu)
summary: Sirius has some figuring-things-out to do. He’s not sure if Remus helps or makes things worse. complete - 82k
angle of doubt by mblematic
summary: The Map had been going missing. Or—not missing, exactly. Sirius always knew where it was; Remus had been spiriting it away. Which, it should be said, was fine. Really. complete - 9k
a bird at your door by moongnome
summary: Of pub quizzes, old films, Chinese takeaways, broken arms, and impassioned discussions of literature: Remus is confusing, and Sirius is just trying to figure him out. complete - 31k
if you're the bassist, and i'm the lead singer, then who’s flying this plane?
the cadence of part-time poets by motswolo
summary: After losing his mother at age eleven, Remus has spent the better part of the last four years bouncing from school to school or else running around London and pretending as though he wasn't the kind of well-bred boy his father brought him up to be. Now, with his chances all run out, Remus is sent to Hawkings Independent School as a last-ditch effort to clean up his act. There he meets the very people who will set up the rest of his life, and is forced to confront the pieces of himself he'd long thought had been lost. complete - 979k
dress up in you by MsKingBean89
summary: Sirius attends a charity rock gig organised by his best friend's girlfriend, and the tall, quiet bassist catches his eye... complete - 88k (ok sirius is not in a band in this one but please just go with it)
sirius black & the six by BellaBabe
summary: Remus shrugged. “Not much for the spotlight.” “Right,” Sirius drawled. “I bet you’re also not much for the rock ‘n roll perks.” Remus tensed, sparing Sirius a scathing glance. “I’m sober now.” Sirius quirked a brow in disbelief. complete - 79k
saturday nights and sunday mornings by SoupyGeorge
summary: A story about music and family, the price of fame and finding love somewhere completely unexpected. (its an arctic monkeys au) complete - 121k
sirius black learns the meaning of true love. remus lupin does too but in a much more put together and chill way
a series of sketches done in black ink by musntgetmy
summary: Sirius had always imagined the aftermath of falling in love would mean lightness, and an escape from all the horrors of his childhood. But the past never leaves, and even love can't stop bad memories from resurfacing. complete - 57k
dissonance by renaissance
summary: Remus searches for solace in all the likely places, but somehow he keeps coming back to Sirius Black. Featuring sad acoustic indie, spearmint gum, and irresponsible usage of social media. complete - 4k
the time when you were mine by renaissance
summary: the walk from Grimmauld Place to Parliament Hill is just under an hour, but it's easier going at four in the morning complete - 9k
as red as hearts and autumn by Rosie_Rues
summary: it's the autumn of sixth year, theres a flu epidemic at Hogwarts, and the Blacks want their heir back. complete - 43k
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dreamingofmarauders · 11 months
You idiot!
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Fred Weasley x fem! reader
Summary: In which Fred promises you he will be careful during the battle, but things don't always go to plan.
Trigger warning: Violence, death (to some sort), blood, injury
Note: Not really sure what I did, but I tried. Also if anything seems off, I am sorry, but I tried my best to catch any mistakes. I hope you all will enjoy it to some extent! :)
It was the early hours of May the Second. Y/n sat at the Gryffindor table, her leg bouncing up and down in anxiety. A mere hour ago, y/n was in her room, flipping through a photo album of when she went to Hogwarts, giggling at the moving pictures that contained herself along with Lee, George and Fred.
Her boyfriend. Her one true love.
The boy she had developed feelings for in her fourth year, not confessing until her final year, when the pair were stuck together in a broom closet which would not budge. Only when the two were in each other's arms had the door swung open to reveal a triumphant looking George and Lee. Turned out it had all been a scheme by the pair of best friends to get Fred and y/n to confess they fancied one another.
The two had been together since then. Fred had asked y/n to move in with him the summer after she graduated. The twins had left school earlier to start up their shop but also since they were done with the pink toad known as Umbridge.
Y/n had been living with Fred in the flat the two brothers had above their shop. Y/n realized she was in love with Fred when one night, Fred had found Y/n crying. Her last bit of family, her brother, her twin, had joined the Death Eaters. She had broken down completely at that but y/n slowly recovered. Months after the news, Fred had discovered y/n crying her heart out in their sitting room in the flat, much to his surprise. Fred had simply held her until she stopped crying, and then pampered her the whole night. It was then y/n realized she didn't fancy Fred, she loved him.
However, with Voldemort having taken over, they had shifted to Fred's Aunt Muriel's place. The months passed by slowly but each day was almost dreadful, as y/n feared of hearing of anyone else she knew having been killed by Voldemort's death eaters. At one point, y/n had decided to join alongside Fred, Potterwatch, a radio station with real, accurate, up to date news. She adopted the identity of Valerie.
As the clock was nearing midnight on May the First, y/n's quiet, peaceful atmosphere had been interrupted by Fred who had burst into her room, his face looking solemn. Y/n felt her stomach twist in nervousness.
"Freddie, what's wrong?"
"It's Harry. He's at Hogwarts, we've all been called to the front." Fred answered, holding up a coin that had been used for communication between D.A. members.
Y/n gulped.
This was it. The final battle.
It all ends.
Y/n had stood up and rushed into Fred's arms.
"Promise me." She said, her voice muffled against Fred's chest.
"Pardon me, love?"
Y/n broke away and looked up at him, raising her hand out. "Promise me you'll be safe."
"Promise me, Freddie."
Fred had looked at her with soft eyes until he sighed and nodded.
"I promise, my love."
As y/n sat in the Great Hall, listening to the instructions being given out, her head spun with many thoughts.
What if they lost? How many casualties would there be? And... what if something happened to Fred?
A warm hand intertwined into hers and y/n broke out of the cage in her head, and turned to look at Fred beside her. His chocolate brown eyes provided warmth, a comfort that made y/n feel at home. Fred was her home.
He gave her a reassuring smile, giving her hand a gentle squeeze, and y/n felt herself relaxed a bit.
Perhaps everything would turn out alright in the end.
Oh how wrong she was.
During the fight, y/n had been separated from the twins and she ran, dodging spells, helping anyone who needed help, fighting back her attackers.
Y/n needed to see him. She couldn't rest until she was with Fred again. Y/n rounded another corner and paused for a moment.
Fred and Percy had just backed into view, both of them dueling masked and hooded men. Harry, Ron, and Hermione came up behind y/n and the four ran forth to help:
Jets of light flew in every direction and the man dueling Percy backed off, fast:
Then his hood slipped and they saw a high forehead and streaked hair - “Hello, Minister!” bellowed Percy, sending a neat jinx straight at Thicknesse, who dropped his wand and clawed at the front of his robes, apparently in awful discomfort. “Did I mention I'm resigning?”
“You're joking, Perce!” shouted Fred as the Death Eater he was battling collapsed under the weight of three separate Stunning Spells. Thicknesse had fallen to the ground with tiny spikes erupting all over him; he seemed to be turning into some form of sea urchin.
Fred looked at Percy with glee before his eyes landed on y/n who had just stunned a death eater and turned to look at him. Although, Fred didn't realize, y/n's face had paled. Augustus Rookwood had shot a spell aimed in the two brothers' direction. Y/n began to move forth.
“You actually are joking, Perce… I don't think I've heard you joke since you were-“ Y/n got to Fred but right at that moment, the air exploded. They had been grouped together, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Fred, y/n and Percy, the three Death Eaters at their feet, one Stunned, the other Transfigured; and in that fragment of a moment, when danger seemed temporarily at bay, the world was rent apart, y/n felt herself flying through the air, her grip tight on Fred, his arms around her.
The pair slammed onto the ground hard. Y/n's leg was warm and sticky, her skin burning, meaning blood was pouring out of a nasty gash. The dust and debris had swallowed them all in darkness, shouts and screams bounced in the now torn apart corridor.
When the dust settled, y/n was finally able to see. Her face paled and y/n's heart stopped at the sight before her.
Fred lay beside her, his body limp, his arms still loosely around her, his eyes shut, his head profusely bleeding.
"No, no, no..." Y/n murmured out in horror. Fred lay lifeless beside her. Y/n shook Fred, tears racing down her face. "No! You promised!" She yelled at him, beginning to lose control of her breathing. "Wake up!"
Percy and Ron kneeled down beside y/n, their faces distraught, shock flooding their whole body.
"Y/n," Percy tried, who was also crying. "He's gone-"
"NO! HE'S NOT!" She yelled at him, sobbing.
A thought suddenly occurred to her.
"Check his pulse!"
"What?" Ron spoke out, baffled. But y/n didn't hear, she hastily leaned forth and placed her ear against Fred's chest. Y/n strained to listen, her heart pounding harder and harder by the second. She couldn't hear anything and she was starting to lose hope.
Until, she did.
A very quiet and slow heartbeat answered to her.
Her Fred was alive.
A relieved whimper of joy escaped her.
"He's alive!" She said, crying with joy. The other two brothers looked at her with wide eyes and let out watery laughs of relief. Hermione and Harry smiled gently at that, wiping their tears away.
"We have to get him out of here." Percy ordered and with the help of Ron and Harry, they lifted up Fred and began to move as fast as they could, with y/n and Hermione right behind them.
Although not too soon did a loud, menacing voice ring throughout the whole castle, causing all signs of the battle to cease.
Lord Voldemort had granted Harry Potter an hour to surrender himself or watch the battle resume once more, with even deadlier consequences.
The group walked off to the Great Hall, where everyone was regrouping. Bodies of the fallen were being brought in, the injured were being treated, families searched for one another and hugged one another out of the relief of being alive. That was how the rest of the Weasley family was.
They were gathered together, embracing one another and trying to find more of their group. George was the first to spot the newly arrived.
His eyes went wide as his face paled. He felt all the breath leave him at the sight of his twin, his best friend, being carried in such a state, making George fear the worst. The rest of the family, noticing George's gaze, turned and felt all their worst nightmares come true.
Molly was the first to act, rushing forth as Percy, Ron and Harry gently placed Fred on the ground.
"My boy!" She cried out, going onto the ground beside y/n. She then looked at Y/n who sat there, staring numbly at Fred. "Oh my dear, y/n..." Molly said, bringing her into a hug. Y/n embraced the older Weasley tightly before pulling apart.
"He's alive." Y/n said, causing the whole family to sigh in relief, as Percy came with Madam Pomfrey who immediately began to tend to Fred.
They all silently watched, and after a painfully long ten minutes or so, the matron straightened and said, "I've done everything I can. He should wake up soon." With that, Madam Pomfrey moved onto another patient.
They all nodded, waiting for Fred to wake up.
Not soon after, Fred suddenly gasped, his eyes fluttering open, roaming around as he tried to recall where he was. The entirety of the Weasley family plus Harry and Hermione let out cries or gasps of relief. Y/n had begun to cry, and that's what made Fred look at her.
His eyes softened and he slowly sat up, wincing at the pounding in his head. Fred gently placed his hands on y/n's face, making her look up at him.
"Y/n," Fred said, feeling his heart shatter as y/n merely began to sob. "Y/n, love-"
Suddenly, y/n smacked Fred on the arm, making him groan and everyone else to look on with surprise.
"What was that for, love?" Fred murmured out in pain.
"You idiot! What were you thinking? Joking around like that during a battle? You bloody promised to be safe!" Y/n let out a sob once again, "I almost lost you."
Fred sighed and brought the girl into his chest, who held onto him tightly afraid he would disappear.
"I love you." She breathed out, making Fred freeze at the confession. He placed a kiss on y/n's head.
"I love you too, darling. I love you so much." He confessed back
With that having been said, the two would repeat those words to each other everyday for the rest of their lives, as Harry would claim victory over Voldemort in the final battle, ending the reign of terror over the wizarding world for good.
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vodika-vibes · 11 days
hi!! i’m back on the wrecker train bc i love him soooooo much!!!
anyways i was hoping to request a fairytale AU with wrecker please! i really love the princess and the frog (disney movie) so could you write something using that with a gn reader? i would also love for this to have romance and a sprinkle of comedy please!
absolutely no rush for this also!
The Soldier and the Frog
Summary: You visit a psychic on a whim, thinking that it’ll just be a funny story to tell your family when you go home from your vacation. The last thing you expect is for her to turn you into a frog. Well, no, the very last thing you expect is for the curse to be contagious, though you learned that the hard way when Wrecker, a nice guy who wanted to help you, offered you a kiss to turn you back to normal…only to turn into a bullfrog himself.
Pairing: TBB Wrecker x GN!Reader
Word Count: 1863
Warnings: None
Prompt: Princess and the Frog AU
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly
A/N: Hihi! Thanks for your request. I'm not so sure about this one, because I didn't want to follow the movie exactly, so I made a few changes. But also, I'm struggling to focus for long periods of time. Pain is very distracting, lol. I hope you like it!
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“This isn’t so bad,” Wrecker offers as he hops from a fallen log down to the ground, “I mean, it could be worse.”
“Speak for yourself. You’re at least big enough that people will notice you,” You grumble as you carefully hop down behind him, “I’m so small that I’ll get stepped on.”
Wrecker laughs, “I’m not going to let that happen.”
“You’re a nice guy, Wrecker, but you’re still a toad.”
“Bullfrog,” He corrects as he slows and waits for you to catch up, “Don’t be so glum, all we have to do is find this witch-doctor and he’ll definitely fix us up.”
You sigh, “Yeah, yeah. I know.” You pause, “I just feel bad. You were just trying to help me and now you’re cursed too.”
“Don’t worry about it. Better to be cursed together than having to deal with this on your own.” He glances towards the sky for a moment, what little that can be seen through the thick trees, “We should find someplace to take shelter for the night.”
You won’t admit it, but you’re grateful that he’s here. In all honesty, you’ve never been the best at dealing with crises, you tend to panic and forget everything that you’ve ever learned in your life. And this, right here, is a crisis if you’ve ever been in one.
Of course, you never received any lessons on what to do when you’re cursed by a fake psychic and are turned into a tree frog. It’s a rather noticeable hole in your education, now that you’re thinking about it.
Wrecker seems to know what to do, at least. Or, if he’s panicking, he’s not showing it.
He leads you over to a tree and you follow behind him, “Hey, Wrecker?”
The much larger frog pauses and turns to look at you, “What’s up?”
“How are you so calm about this? I would think that panic would be a normal reaction to being turned into a frog.” You say as you hurry to his side. 
“Well, I’m a soldier.”
You make a face, “What, and the army prepares you to be cursed?”
He laughs, “No. Not like that.” He grins at you, “They do, however, teach us that panic is the enemy. If you panic you die. So I don’t panic.”
“Well, that’s one of us, at least.” You say dryly.
“Don’t worry, I won’t let anything bad happen to you.” Wrecker lightly bumps you with his side, “Come on, it looks like there’s an opening at the base of the tree.”
He leads you over to the tree and investigates the hiding spot carefully, before allowing you to enter. Once he’s sure that you’re secure in the small opening, he squeezes in next to you, and rests his chin on the top of your head.
You think, for a moment, that you should be bothered by this. You barely know Wrecker. In fact, you’ve only known him for a couple of days, but you don’t think you’ve ever been so comfortable with another person in your life. 
“So,” Wrecker asks as rain starts falling from the sky, “We never really talked about how you ended up in this situation in the first place.”
You huff and rest your chin on your webbed hands, “It’s dumb.”
“Dumber than kissing a frog on the off chance of curing a curse.”
You laugh, “Okay, when you put it like that-”
His weight presses down on you slightly, though it’s comforting, rather than suffocating. “Come on, let’s hear it.”
“Alright, alright.” You pause, “So I came here on vacation. A ten day vacation to get away from everything. I saw the signs for a psychic and I thought it would be fun. A funny story to bring back to my family.”
“Yeah. And, like, I’ve had such a hard time with relationships lately, so that’s what I asked about and…then I ended up like this.”
“Which psychic?”
“There are a lot of psychics in the area.” Wrecker clarifies, “Which one did you visit?”
“Oh.” You think for a moment, “Lady Violet, I think.”
He sucks in a breath, “That would explain it.”
“What?” You squirm to look at him.
“Well, Lady Violet has something of a reputation.” Wrecker offers, “She targets tourists. Odds are, she would have thrown you in a jar and then blackmailed your family for your release.”
“How’d you escape?”
“I jumped out a window.” You admit sheepishly.
Wrecker laughs, “Clever.”
“I didn’t even think. I just panicked and jumped.” You add with a laugh of your own, “I…” You pause, “I feel really bad for getting you involved in this, but I’m also really glad that you’re here.”
“I’m glad that I’m here too. Plus, this will be an interesting story to share with my brothers.” He lightly nudges you with his head, “Come on, let’s get some sleep, we should reach the Witch-Doctor’s house tomorrow, assuming nothing interrupts us.”
You settle under him, “You know this Witch-Doctor?”
“Well, know is a bit strong of a word,” Wrecker allows, “But I know of him. He’s a decent sort. He’s worked with some of my brothers before.”
“So this magic thing is normal, then?”
“Not normal so much as not abnormal.” Wrecker corrects, “Now, stop your fretting. Everything will be fine. I promise.”
You believe him. How could you not?
Slowly you drift to sleep, feeling safe and secure with Wrecker pressed against you, even if you are both little more than frogs.
You wake several hours later, to the sound of Wrecker speaking with…someone. You blink bleary eyes and notice that you’re no longer in the tree where you fell asleep.
No, it looks like you’re in a house of some kind.
Surprised, you jump up to where you hear Wrecker’s voice. He glances at you and favors you with a small smile, before he focuses his attention on the man speaking to him.
“Awake at last,” The man, who looks more like an ancient troll, says kindly.
“Did you sleep well?” Wrecker asks as you walk over to him and peer up at the green skinned man.
“I think so?”
“Good.” He nods towards the man, “This is Yoda, he’s the witch-doctor that I was telling you about.”
“Master of my art, I am.” Yoda confirms, “Curious, this case is. Strong, is the pall of magic.”
“But you can help?” Wrecker asks.
“Yes, yes.” He hobbles away from the table that you and Wrecker are sitting on, going over to a wall of books, “Simple, this curse is. Easy to reverse.” He turns his gaze back towards you, “You are the vector?”
“He’s asking if you were the one who was originally cursed,” Wrecker clarifies.
“Oh. Yes, that’s me.”
Yoda hums and turns back to the bookshelf, “Only a moment, this will take.” He pauses and carefully lifts you and sits you on a chair, before carrying Wrecker to another chair.
You watch as Yoda hobbles over to a work table, and mixes some items together, before he walks over to you and sprinkles something over your head. You’re vaguely aware of him doing the same thing to Wrecker, but then there’s the sensation of being lifted, and you squeak as you, now human again, fall off the chair.
A large hand appears in front of your face, and you look up at Wrecker, who’s grinning at you. He’s human again too.
Gratefully, you take his hand and allow him to hoist you to your feet.
“Thank you Master Yoda,” Wrecker says, “We appreciate you helping.”
“Happy to help, I am.” Yoda replies as he lightly pats Wreckers knee, and then motions for the pair of you to follow him.
He leads you through his home and pushes open a door, revealing a bedroom, “Um…what’s this?” You ask.
“Not safe to travel,” Yoda warns, “Frogs require less than Humans,”
You’re not sure you completely understand, but you get the basic idea. Essentially, you and Wrecker are going to be hit by a wall as the last couple of days come back to bite you.
“Thank you, Master,” You offer politely.
He smiles at you and lightly pats your hand, before he hobbles away, and you’re pretty sure he mumbles something about properly punishing his wayward apprentice, though you’re not positive. 
Wrecker ushers you into the room, and shuts the door behind him as you sit on the edge of the bed. There’s only one, though it’s a big enough bed for both you and Wrecker, not to mention three other people, if you had to guess.
“How are you feeling?” Wrecker asks as he sits next to you.
You consider his question seriously, “Honestly. Tired. How about you?”
“Same. Though I suppose I’m not surprised.” Wrecker moves so that he’s stretched out in the middle of the bed, his eyes closing as he sinks into the soft bed, and you watch him for a moment. 
“Hey, Wrecker?”
“What happens next?”
He cracks open a single eye, “What do you mean?”
You hesitate. Honestly, the idea of being separated from him makes something painful lurch in your chest. “Just…what happens now?” You try to clarify lamely. 
He’s thoughtful for a moment, “Well. We rest and recover from our ordeal. And then we go back to the city and you go home.” There’s a frown on his handsome face as he says that. “Although. I’m not sure I like that.” He admits.
“Which part?”
“The ‘you leaving’ part.” He smiles at you, “I’d prefer it if you stayed.”
You watch him for a moment, “You hardly know me, Wrecker.”
“We just spent a week together as frogs.” He points out, “We’ve avoided crocs and birds and frog hunters. We’ve bonded.”
You laugh quietly, and kick your shoes off, before you crawl into the middle of the bed next to him, dropping your head on his shoulder, “Well, I’m glad that you’re thinking the same thing as me.” You admit.
His arm folds around you, and you feel, more than see, him sigh in relief. And then you feel warm lips against your forehead, “We’ll make it work. Together. Just like everything else this last week.”
You shift so that you’re able to see his face properly, “I’d like that.” You admit. And then, quickly, before you lose your nerve, you lean in and press your lips against his, before you pull back.
He stares at you, stunned. And you’re about to pull away from him, only for his hand to press against the back of your head and pull you down into another, deeper, more proper kiss.
“This is much better than kissing a frog,” Wrecker mumbles against your lips, before pulling you back into the kiss carefully maneuvering you so that you’re laying on top of him.
And that’s about when the exhaustion slams into the both of you. You tuck your head under Wrecker’s chin, and he folds himself around you, and you both drift off to sleep.
You have no way of knowing what’s going to happen from here on out. But so long as you and Wrecker are together, you’re not worried.
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palskippah · 1 year
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Hi! You saw preg Bowuigi, but may I present to you… preg Mareach ✨
The thought won't leave my mind after I mindlessly drew Mario asking Luigi how is it to be pregnant and then it escalated from there 😔
So! Here's some headcanons (that you can find too in the drawings) for this:
Edit! I deleted the suggestive-y ideas to make it more all viewers-friendly, sorry!
-Mario and Luigi's mamma and uncle are twins, so they have this 'twin gene', and it just so happens that Mario got twins first try and Luigi didn’t.
-Mario has thoughts when seeing his bro expecting, he develops a serious case of baby fever that he refuses to tell anyone about. Like he catches himself thinking about him and Peach expecting and her acting in the overly attentive way that Bowser does, or thinking of a tiny blonde baby with a button nose and blue-sky eyes. He feels a bit guilty about these thoughts.
-Luigi eventually pries the information out of Mario and tries to convince him to talk to Peach about it, that she’d be understanding even if she doesn’t like the idea. Mario’s stubborn and just doesn’t and feels bad for wanting a baby too just because his bro is going to have one.
-To Mario’s surprise (and relief) it’s Peach who mentions the idea of having children (he feels a bit embarrassed that she easily used the exact words he scolded himself for: “I want a baby”), so they shyly entertain the idea.  And they decide they'd like to be parents in the future.
-When Magma (that's the Bowuigi baby's name!) grows and gets to the toddler stage, Mario finally decides that they could start trying.
-(Corny and I pulled this from Deadpool 2 but) He gives the 'green light' to Peach as a sort of anniversary gift and she's so happy she jumps in place and holds him to her chest and rambles about what to name the baby and how they'd look and what they'll do together and– Mario jokingly reminds her that first she's gotta put a baby in him for that to happen.
-Luigi is really excited when Mario and Peach tell him that they’re expecting. He hugs them both and says he can’t wait to finally be an uncle, and that they’ll be great parents.
-Luigi spoils his bro the same way Mario did with him when he was expecting Magma, like baking him treats and his favorite foods whenever they’re at their house and overall being a very good bro.
-Soon Peach arranges a room to make a nursery and plans how it’ll be.
-When they discover it's twins she makes arrangements again to adapt it for two babies, assigning a color to each baby’s things, because she thinks that Mario and Luigi having their signature colors is adorable.
-When they’re back from the doctor after discovering they’ll have twins, they’re both happily thinking about two children. Peach of snuggly wrapped little babies with round noses and brunette hair, and Mario for some reason thinks of two blonde toddlers with matching hats and blue overalls.
-Mario's belly looks big soon and Peach is over the moon because he's so round and handsome.
-He's so shaped.
-Due to almost all of the Mushroom Kingdom citizens being small Mario often loses sight of them, especially when talking to toads. They love to stand close and right in front of him, even if Mario tells them to stand at his side so he can see them. Mario's pretty sure not even the toads can see him over his belly and yet they don't listen.
-Mario lives at Peach's castle but he and Luigi still kinda often stay at their own little house at the outskirts of Toad Town. Luigi sometimes goes by himself or brings some of his children. They like to have some kind of peace apart from their families and the royalness of it all. (Thinking about the fact that Bowser went on a vacation by himself as Junior said once in a game sjdks)
-Peach is very excited for the babies and she always asks for permission to caress his belly and to hold it and to kiss it. She talks a lot to the babies too, even at times holding very long one-sided conversations with them while Mario listens in with an absolutely besotted smile.
-Many nights, when Mario's sprawled on his side with his arms in weird positions and snoring away and Peach's at his back holding him, she mumbles on and on sweet words to her children and her boyfriend, and holds Mario closely.
-Ever since they know he's expecting, Peach randomly suggests baby names to Mario, who shakes his head or actually explains why he doesn't like them. She suggests one day a couple of names just for funsies and to her surprise Mario loves them.
-Peach leaves their bed very early to focus on her royal duties all morning, while Mario's asleep almost until midday surrounded by an insane amount of red and pink pillows.
-Peach eats red power up mushrooms to be able to easily carry Mario around when he gets too tired, that way she doesn't get tired either.
-Late on Mario gets the 'pregnancy brain', he forgets things and sometimes does stupid stuff. Once at their house he dropped a fork, and since it never crossed his mind to ask for help or pick another one from the kitchen cabinet, he ended up stuck in a crouch when trying to reach it, yelling for Luigi to come help him up.
-Donkey Kong and Mario are mean besties, and DK often teases Mario and vice versa. Like DK purposefully drops something and asks in a faux nice voice for Mario to pick it up for him, then does the laugh™ as Mario stares at him unamused.
-DK used to (gently) push Mario to sit in soft furniture and laugh at him for getting stuck. Mario would sulk and cross his arms over his belly until the stupid monkey dignified himself to help him up. Until DK did it one day that Mario had been particularly tired about the pregnancy, and besides the usual reaction he also got misty-eyed and his lower lip wobbled. DK freaked out and couldn't figure out how to console him as Mario silently cried. Peach almost obliterated DK on the spot when she caught them.
-Since then DK isn't as mean with Mario until the babies are born weeks later. Also, he's a bit terrified of Peach now.
-Magma, who's still a toddler, often asks her uncle-mama when the babies are going to come out of his belly so she can meet them.
-They have twin girls! They're identical when they're babies and kids but when they grow older they have more noticiable differences (like height, same as Mario and Luigi and their mom and uncle)
-They’re Nettarina and Mariella. Sadly I don’t care how silly the names are, I like them and so does Mario aksjdksajd
-Mario has strong genes so their babies look a lot more like him than Peach (who’s glad, because she wanted to have two mini Marios!), although he hoped they’d look more like her.
-Mario is already fat and he gets even fatter with the pregnancy.
-The girls (and Magma too) speak fluent italian and english.
And that’s what I have so far! I know i missed some characters that I could have mentioned like Daisy or Toad and others, but maybe I’ll think of them too for another post c:
I hope you liked them, and if you have any other ideas or headcanons feel free to share them, I’d love to know!
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