#Told me they are praying for me everyday to go back to them
ginnsbaker · 23 days
My missionary parents just came to my room to tell me that while they are away on a mission trip, my girlfriend can't sleep over at our house while im house-sitting it... The house that I bought with my own money....for them.
That's Christianity for you folks.
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chocolaytte · 2 months
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밤 (night) - i
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adoregojo · 3 months
secret admirer.
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hihihihihihihihi, i cannot believe i actually slept for two days in a row? wth? and also that i never did this kind of posts? im such a lazy bum mb yall, I promise I'll write a real fic soon. summary: bllk characters as your secret admirers: isagi, bachira, chigiri, reo. how they fell, what do they do, how did they confess.
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him. just him.
you once held his shirt collar to stop him from planting flatly on the floor.
and when you walked away, you walked with his heart in your palms.
yea, just like that
but honestly, isagi himself didn't knew he was such a big sap inside
and the moment he realised you two shared a few classes was the second he almost kneeled and thanked the sky itself for this.
an absolute swoon from looking at your side profile.
he once was long gone within the abyss of daydreaming about you, he genuinely just couldn't look away.
then got called out by the teacher for being too distracted.
definitely prayed that you didn't see that.
writes your name unintentionally in his notebook.
gets so embarrassed about it later and rips the paper.
still dose it again the next day and almost ripped the whole book apart form cringing at himself.
he once was musing over you too much to the point that your name slipped out unwittingly on the dinner table.
his parents couldn't stop teasing him about it, wondering when they would see you walking down their house door.
leaves love notes in your locker almost everyday.
it's something short and simple like: "you look pretty today."
then when he goes home he'll realize how dumb that was because you literally look the prettiest everyday.
dumb, dumby.
takes time to make the first move though.
he just feels like you're way, farther away from his reach.
it's okay, he still considers himself lucky to be one of those who got admire you.
he just hoped you saw him behind all of them, even if it was a glance.
omgg pretty boyyy
despite chigiri being a confident and self-reliant, the trigger words of his old injury was like a pulling a pin of a grenade to his still-raw sorrowness. something that'll always haunt him.
and what dose he dare to say when they were nothing but truthful? like a salt to his wounds, he tends to just take it and suck it up, or at least try to ignore it for his sake.
but everything flipped when you stood up for him.
from that moment on. chigiri knew that he was far a goner.
out of everyone here he's definitely the most romantic one.
reads all your favourite books and analysis it.
probably named a cat after you.
like isagi he writes love letters for you.
just a little too poetic..
it it's short then it's something like: "loving you is like breathing." or "i hope your days are filled with the same joy you give me with your existence only."
but mostly is: "my definition of love, i see the true meaning of living behind your hue of life. you shall lighten my soul with your existence alone, i was born to see you shin each day, witnessing you is a blessing from heaven itself. the day that i stop seeing you as the owner of the stars is the day my body shall vanish, yet my soul will know it way back to you. from your only and one your admirer."
what a lovesick clown.
he might be a smooth talker on the outside, but trust me the butterflies of sentimental keeps on swirling in his stomach on the sight of you.
told his mother and sister about you.
it was his biggest regrets.
because the next day his sister shouted your name in a demand for you to spend the night for the 'meeting of the future in law'.
he had to physically drag her back to the car, freaking embarrassing.
couldn't meet your eyes for a while after that.
wants to hold your hand.
like, really badly.
it's just that feeling your skin against his cold, pristine hands must've feel like the loveliest, cosiest thing.
the thoughts alone are making him go crazy.
he confessed first, just couldn't help himself.
he just hoped if you would go to the end of the world alongside with him.
the sunshine boy himself.
the definition of fell first AND fell harder.
it all started when the class was ordered to work as duo for a project, something he always despised.
you may say that because bachira was definitely not having the word 'smart' in his book, you'd be right actually.
but mainly since no one really wanted to group up with him.
it was embarrassing, to just sit there and wait to be picked was putting him under the lights that pointed him out as the most pitiful creature in the room.
then you pocked him on the shoulder, and asked him if he wanted to be your partner.
and when he didn't see the sarcasm reeking from you, he knew he tripped hard, and couldn't find it anywhere in his feet to back him up.
it was strange, bachira never had a company, let alone a crush.
but the signs were there, and were painfully vulnerable.
painted you in art class multiple times; you with a smile, you reading a book, you sniffing a sunflower.
maybe also you and him... holding hands or hugging...
stares at your face a way, way too long.
he tells himself it's to crave your features better and detailed.
even he doesn't believe that however.
he draws your eyes a lot.
his second favourite colour is your eyes hue.
he was never the best at writing romantic poems, and his hand writing is just........
so he insisted gets you a gift!
which is a rock.
yes you heard me, rock.
he would even paint a little face with a smile on it and leave it on your desk by the end of the day.
almost went bald from joy when you had it hanging as a small march on your bag.
and when you had a bad day, that goes unnoticed by him.
so imagine your surprise when you would find two pairs of rocks, one kissing the other who had a sad expression on it face.
that somehow that foster a blissful smile on your face. like that little action extinct any remains of the past negative you carried.
and bachira was more than happy to be the reason for your happiness.
definitely rambles about you to his mom.
and his monster.
he once ha a dream about you two smooching.
cried when he woke up because he wanted it to be real more than anything.
you two confessed first, at the same time.
and boy was he dancing on cloud nine at it.
he almost smooch you that moment and then.
it's mister perfect everyone, cheer.
you fell first, he fell harder.
no, literally. you fell. tripped flat on the floor.
and somehow, that made the reo mikage heart move.
love at first (fall??) sight.
he definitely leaves a trail of gifts for you everywhere.
your chair, desk, locker, bag.
he switches between chocolate and flowers to letters and perfumes, necklaces, etc..
you say how he picked them?
easy, see something that reminds him of you, he buys.
and it's pretty foolish since he sees you in almost everything.
reo is convinced that you're within everything that shins beautifully.
he actually paid the teachers to let him be in the same classroom as you.
paid even more to get a seat next to you.
rip to whoever was sitting next to you.
he once heard that a guy was bothering you.
the next day the guy was the talking of school because he suddenly moved out of town due to his dad losing his job.
hm, must be karma then.
has a shrine of you.
but you didn't hear that from me.
talks about you none stop to nagi and ba-ya.
genuinely sobbed when he imagined you with someone else.
has a flight under your name.
made a makeshift doll of you so he can practice his confessions on.
had a mental breakdown of the idea of you rejecting him.
reo can the most horrible, miserable day to a human kind to live.
then he sees you smiling
he's all happy and smiling again, also a little giddy.
you once greeted him good morning, the next day he was planing what ring would suit you the most.
had two planes to write on the sky: 'will you go out with me?' and your name next to it in a shade of a heart.
now, you definitely cannot reject that. (Please don't)
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have a nice day everyone.
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danikamariewrites · 5 months
Eris x reader
A/n: I’m all moved in and still getting settled so plz enjoy this lil fluffy piece with Eris 🤗
Warnings: hurt/comfort, fluff
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The pain in your back was reaching debilitating heights. Ever since Masha threw you off her back, yours had been strained. You knew you should go see a healer, but you didn’t want Eris to fuss. Or be seen as weak.
You winced adjusting yourself in your seat. Praying to the Mother you hoped went unnoticed. If your mother saw she would tell you to smile through it or that you were being dramatic.
It seemed Lady Autumn noticed. She gave you a quick sympathetic look that no one else saw. “Y/n,” she said softly, “Would you do me a favor dear? Can you run this to Eris for me?” You nod at her. She was giving you an excuse to leave. Cauldron bless this caring, kind female.
Slowly you get up, being careful not to bother your back. You take the paper she held out for you. She nods at you in dismissal. As fast as you could you left her receiving room before your mother could object.
Once out in the hall you unfold the note. All it read was, “Go rest dear.” You smile at her elegant handwriting. Thankful that someone in this house cared for you. Besides Eris of course.
Wanting a quiet place to lay down you head to Eris’s rooms. It would be empty this time of day since he prefers his rooms serviced in the morning. Slowly pushing the door to his rooms open, you poke your head in. Empty and quiet. Just as you hoped.
Weaving through the sitting room furniture you head for the bedroom. You kick off your shoes and pull on the laces of your dress, letting it fall at your feet. Helping yourself to Eris’s clothes you pick out a loose fitting shirt and a pair of his boxer shorts from the closet.
You carefully pull yourself onto Eris’s large bed. It’s always warm under his covers. Maybe some of his warmth was still lingering from this morning. When a healer had initially checked your back after the fall she had told you heat would help. Of course you hadn’t listened, thinking you would be fine just taking an everyday tonic for the pain. You are regretting that decision now.
Laying flat on your back your eyes fluttered shut. It felt nice to be back in bed. Maybe Eris will be back soon. His father kept him busy all day meaning you didn’t get any alone time. As you drifted off you thought about his hands and how he could use them to warm your back. How the pain would melt away with a single touch.
When you woke up the sky was a brilliant orange-yellow from the sun setting. The room was no longer dark, a small fire burning in the hearth, and the fae lights set to dim. Turning your head you find Eris sitting against the headboard. A book in his hands. He looked peaceful. “Hey,” you say tiredly.
Eris smiles down at you, closing his book and placing it on his bedside table. “Hi wildfire,” he coos, brushing loose strands of hair away from your face. “My mother told me I’d find you here. She said your back was hurting, do you need anything?” Something about Eris’s mother knowing you’d go to his room warmed your heart.
You could lie and say no. But you weren’t interested in denying yourself the comfort of Eris’s warm hands. “I was wondering if you could do something for me?” Eris nods, “Anything you need.” “The healer said heat would help the pain. Can you use your powers to help?” He gave you a sympathetic look. The fact that you were silently suffering for so long killed him.
Silver lined your eyes as you pouted up at him. “Please.” Eris leans down to give you a soft kiss. “Let’s get you comfy, yeah,” he murmurs against your lips. Snaking an arm under your back Eris pulls you against his chest. He gently moves you to lay on top of him, legs tangled together, and your head on his chest.
Leaving the blankets at your waist Eris starts to slowly run his hands up and down your spine. On the last pass he pulls the hem of your shirt up, his fingers causing goosebumps to spread across your skin.
“Where does it hurt most?” You let out a small hum, snuggling closer into his chest. “Between my shoulder blades and lower back.” Eris places a large hand on each spot, warming his hands to comfortable temperature. You sigh at the relief. The heat felt wonderful. You could feel your muscles loosening as the minutes passed. Eris checks in with you, making sure the heat was enough or if he needed to move around. If the two of you could stay like this forever life would be perfect.
As your breathing evens out, signaling you’ve drifted off, Eris kisses the top of your head. “Sleep well, wildfire.” He whispered. You leave a quick peck to his chest right above his heart.
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lovingmattysposts · 5 months
You don't know me
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P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 P11 P12 P13 P14 P15 P16 P17 P18 P19 P20 P21 P22 P23 P24 P25 P26 P27 P28 P29 P30 P31 P32
pairing: y/n and chris sturniolo
summary: you and chris came from two different sides of the spectrum when it came to the social scale. You had the perfect life, the perfect boyfriend, the perfect parents, but when you start to peal back that layers things got messy. Your life was set and stone, your future was set and stone. That was until he comes and changes everything.
warnings: drinking, partying, smoking, mentions of a toxic relationship. mentions of drunk driving, mentions of alcohol poisoning, smoking
hello!!! and welcome to the first part of my new chris series. I think you guys are going to LOVE this one. I cannot wait to hear your guys thoughts on this, love you as always. also CHRIS HAS A LIP RING IN THE SERIES. you're welcome.
xoxo, autumn
This party sucked. Everyone smelled like beer. It was too loud. Everyone around me was wasted and I just wanted to go home. Every single person I've come in contact with tonight has managed to piss me off in one way or another. Including my boyfriend, Max. Every time he drinks it's like he thinks he can finally say or do anything he wanted to and it did nothing but anger me, but I never said anything. He drinks, that's okay. I guess. I don't. That's okay too, I think.
So mostly being the only sober one at every party he drags me too, isn't necessarily my idea of a good time. Yet I suck it up almost every weekend because I didn't want to upset Max. He does a lot for me I can do things for him. Even if it means that I have to sit in the corner of the room watching my friends get wasted. I mostly find myself watching the clock, hoping one of them decides to call it a night early, or at least get sick so we have an excuse to leave.
This particular night Max was really, really pushing my buttons. First it was about my outfit. He hated it, basically forced me to change. He told me, 'You're an Labraut, you're suppose to look classy Y/n', I remember him glaring at me in my room. Next it was about who was driving. He always insisted to drive every time we went out, promising me that he would let me drive his car home, spoiler alert, he never did. He always wanted to drive home. Insisting that he was fine to drive. Clutching the seatbelt and the door handle as he whipped his brand new BMW across the neighborhoods, begging, praying we got home safe.
We fought in my driveway, over which who was going to drive. Him or me. I told him he could even drive there, just please let me drive home. Somehow within the argument I gave in, letting him drive. He kissed my head and told me not to worry that he would let me drive home this time. I reluctantly smiled as we picked up each of our friends and drove them to the party.
Max used to push me on drinking, not anymore. He gave up early in our relationship. Along with most of the affection, unless he was drunk, then he was all over me. Especially when we went back to my house because my parents would let him stay the night. My parents loved Max. Sometimes I even questioned if they loved him more than they loved me. They told me all the time as I was growing up that they wished I was a boy. That I was suppose to be a boy. They stopped saying that when I turned 14 though. I guess they realized wishing that I was a boy everyday wouldn't magically make me wake up with a dick.
God they were assholes sometimes. They let me basically do anything I wanted, which I gets lonely after a while but you get used to it. I definitely was. Like I said, they were assholes. I think they started to semi-like me when I started dating Max. Which Max ate up. I was getting kind of tired of the way he was treating me. We fought almost the entire way to the party before I agreed to go to his hockey game next weekend that was three hours away, might I add. He couldn't understand why I wouldn't want to drive that far on a Saturday. He didn't understand that sitting home and reading sounded like a better plan to me.
The longer we argued, the more I wanted it to end. So I would ultimately give in after a while. I think Max started to catch on too, because he would never give in until I did. I've learned throughout my life that speaking up for yourself does nothing but cause trouble for yourself. Or at least that's what my mom always taught me. I'm starting to think that's true since I spent the entire rest of the car ride starting out the window, fighting tears.
Max kissed me before we walked into the party. Just a peck, as If to say, "I'm sorry for being such a dick". I smiled at him and we continued into the party.
That brings me here, absolutely annoyed and tired. Sydney walked over in my direction with her usual soft-pitying smile. She was my best friend, really sometimes the only person I could stand in my life. I smiled softly towards her direction.
"Hey babe" She said looking at me. I nodded at her. She sighed.
"If you want to go, I'm sure I could convince ash to let me take him home" She said looking down at me. I shook my head. I didn't want anyone else dealing with drunk Max. That wasn't a task I would put on my worst enemy really.        
"It's okay I don't mind. I'm sure he'll want to leave soon" I said softly. She sighed and looked down at her drink.
"Let's try and find him, I'll ask" She said motioning me over to the main living room. I followed her through the crowd.
"It's really fine Sydney, It will just make Max mad if he knows I want to leave" I whispered to her as we approached Max and Cayden, Sydney's boyfriend. Max smiled down at me. His eyes lit up.
"Look! My beautiful girlfriend!" Max said wrapping his arms around the side of my waist and kissing my cheek. "You're so beautiful. Isn't she so beautiful?" Max asked looking over at Cayden who was talking to Sydney. I cringed as he squeezed me tightly against him. Yep, five minutes in and he's wasted. He looked over at Max and raised his eyebrows. His eyes trailed to me. He smiled at Max and shook him off before directing his attention back to his girlfriend.
I attempted to wiggle out of his grip but he squeezed me tighter against him. His lips found the side of my face as he kissed me. He started to nibble on my ear when I pushed his face away. We were in a room full of people. "Max come on" I groaned cringing away from him. "But you look so pretty, in that dress" He whispered. My face was turned away from him.
I was still pissed about our argument in the car. He was being a dick and I wasn't about to forget about that because he decided he's over it. Max kept his hands placed around my waist as he turned me to face him and pulled me against him. He smiled and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.
"I hate when we fight" He pouted. I sighed and resisted myself from rolling my eyes. "Then don't cause fights" I said looking at him. His face fell flat. I could tell he wanted to push the subject, attempting to tell me that the fight was in fact not his fault, but mine, but I knew he wouldn't because I knew where this PDA was about to lead too. I looked up at him, smiling slightly. He just looked down at me, before lifting his hand off my waist and to my jaw propping it up before connecting his lips to mine.
I kissed him back briefly before parting as he attempted to push his tongue into my mouth. His eyebrows furrowed as I parted. I looked around. "We're in a room full of people" I mumbled looking around us. No one was really watching us but I still didn't like the idea. "Babe, no one is watching" He said moving his thumb across my jaw. I turned my head before locking eyes with someone across the room.
His hair was brown. His eyes were blue. He was wearing a t-shirt and somewhat bagging cargo pants. Completely and utter underdressed compared to everyone else in the party. I squinted my eyes at him. I recognized him. His name was Chris. He was standing next to a kid on Max's hockey team that I knew to be Nate. Neither ran with our crowd. I don't really know what they were doing here. He took the drink in his hand before taking a sip. What was he doing? Just standing there watching me, and he wasn't breaking the eye contact. I suddenly felt Max's hands that we on me a lot more than before and I felt my face go red.
Max grabbed my face and positioned it back to him. He bent down and kissed below my ear before whispering something to me. "Can we go somewhere more private?" He said into my ear. There it is. I sighed before grabbing his arms and pushing them off me and stepping back from him. "Max, you're drunk. You know I'm not doing anything when you're drunk" I said crossing my arms over my chest. Max groaned and looked up.
"Babe, I've had two drinks. Two! Cayden-Tell her how many have I had?" Max said holding his hand out to Cayden, who looked pretty invested in whatever Sydney was whispering into his ear right now. Cayden looked up to Max and leaned up wiping the smile off his face. "Huh what? Oh! Right, no it's it's third at most" Cayden shook him off. Max's faced turned angry. "Second" He mumbled through gritted teeth. "Yeah, Whatever man" Cayden waved him off before grabbing Sydney's arm and walking towards the stairs. I watched them as they walked off.
Max turned towards me. "Second, third, forth, I don't care. Not while you're drinking" I said looking at him. He groaned and shook his head. "Oh my God, y/n-" He said shaking his head.
"Max!" Someone yelled from the kitchen. He sighed and then looked over in the direction of the the noise. He looked back down at me. "Don't move okay? I'll be back and you better still be here" He said pointing his finger at me as if I were a child. I huffed before he walked off towards the kitchen. I watched as he greeted other people that had just got there.
I looked up towards the ceiling, trying to calm my anger towards him down. I looked over to the same spot that the boy was staring at me from, but he was gone. I glanced around the room. I didn't see him anywhere. I pursed my lips as I stood in the room alone. I suddenly wondered why I was doing what I was told. Staying put. Fuck that. I walked across the room searching for anyone I knew. I found no one. I looked up at the ceiling.
Why did I do this to myself? I was miserable every time I came. Yet I always allowed Max to guilt trip me into going. I looked toward the back door that led to the backyard. I sighed and walked outside. Maybe some fresh air would do me some good. I stepped out of the door before closing it shut. I sighed breathing in the fresh air. It felt good. Not stuffy like inside. The noise of the party was now muffled.
I crossed my arms over my chest feeling the cold air come over me. It felt nice. I needed some space from Max before I absolutely blew up on him. Today was not the day to push my buttons, I wish the could just take the hint sometimes.
I walked over to the edge of the porch that was attached to the nice house. It was a pretty night. It wasn't cloudy so you could see all of the stars in the night. It was my favorite kind of night. Looking up at the stars made my problems feel so minuscule, and I loved it. Taking the attention off my own life for a second and looking at something bigger than myself. I let out a shaky breath as I looked up.
I jumped turning around, meeting the same blue eyes from earlier. I let out a breath clutching my chest. He scared the shit out of me. He smiled down at me. I noticed a lip ring that hung on the side of his mouth. I wondered if that hurt. Why would you pierce your mouth?
"What the hell are you doing sneaking up on people like that?" I breathed looking up at him, my hand still on my chest. He just looked down at me before bringing the cigarette that was in his hands up to his mouth. I waved the smoke out of my face as he blew it out. He just looked down at me.
"Those's kill you. You know?" I said motioning to the cigarette. He looked down at the cigarette and then at me, before turning and putting it up to his mouth again. I watched him as his lips wrapped around it and when he inhaled the end of it lit up and the the smoke he exhaled through his lips. I swallowed. He blew out the rest of the smoke before responding. His eyes glanced down to meet mine.
"A lot of things kill you. Might as well choose the one's that feel good" He said glancing down at me. I wanted to laugh at his statement. "That's stupid" I said shaking my head and looking down. He raised his eyebrows before throwing the cigarette down at our feet. I moved over away from it. He chuckled. I looked up at him.
"Don't worry princess, it's won't get on your designer shoes" He said shaking his head. My eyebrows furrowed. My shoes were expensive, but I didn't overly care about them. It was the way I was brought up. I was taught to care. So I do. What's wrong with that? I swallowed and looked forward not likely the energy between us.
"So where's your boyfriend?" He asked after a few seconds of silence between us. I felt a blush creep up my neck remembering that he witnessed that. I didn't want to be that girl who hooks up with her boyfriend in front of a bunch of people. I licked my lips and looked at my hands.
"I don't know. Inside?" I guessed. I didn't want to talk to him about Max. I didn't really want to talk to him at all period. I just wanted some fresh air. Some peace and quiet. I looked up at him, he was staring forward. Didn't look like he was going anywhere anytime soon. He lifted his eyebrows and put his hands in his pockets. I crossed my hands over my chest.
"Why were you watching me in there?" I suddenly asked. He chuckled. I hate when people did that. Laughed at things I said that weren't meant to be funny. It made me feel little. Max did it constantly. He sighed and looked down at me. "I just thought it was interesting" He mumbled. I scoffed. What was so interesting about me and Max?
"You thought what was interesting?" I asked meeting his gaze. He looked down at me, with a small smile on his lips. He shrugged. "That you weren't giving him what he wanted" He said looking back forwards. My eyebrows furrowed. How did he pick that up from the few seconds he looked at me? I suddenly felt very vulnerable in front of a boy I'd never talked to before. I felt like he knew me. Like he could read me.
"Feel like that doesn't happen a lot with your kind" He said. I turned towards him, starting to get angry of his demeanor. "My kind?" I asked. His face turned towards me and smiled as he realized that I didn't like that. It was like this was entertaining for him. To see me squirm.
"I'll have you know that Max and I's business is none of yours. And for you to sit here and attempt to belittle me, for what? Because you know I have money? I was just coming out for some air and some peace and quiet and you approached me. You didn't understand anything that you think you saw okay? Stop attempting to figure it out" I spat at him. 
His face didn't change as I yelled. He just licked his lips and looked at me. His gaze held power. I felt it in my body the way he looked at me. So calm, yet overpowering. I just yelled at him and a smile still was on his face, vaguely.
"You done?" He asked raising his eyebrows. My eyebrows furrowed. I took a deep breath unfolding my arms. "Yeah" I breathed. I give in easily. I don't know why. It's just the way I'm wired. I think it comes from my parents. Or maybe from Max. I don't know. I just don't like fighting.
He nodded before reaching in his pocket and pulling out another cigarette and then grabbing a lighter and lighting the end. I just watched him as he did this as if we weren't in the middle of an argument. He breathed It in and blew out more smoke.
"How many of those do you smoke a day?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows at him. He finished his other one nearly 3 minutes ago. How could he already want another one? He dropped the hand the held his cigarette and he looked down at me. I swallowed.
"Why? Are you worried about my heath?" He smiled. I bit back a smile and looked down. I shrugged. "Maybe" I breathed. We both laughed and looked away.  Silence fell between us.
"It was just nice seeing him not get what he wanted. Your boyfriend's kind of a dick" He said after a few seconds. I rolled my eyes. "So you are" I said back. He shrugged blowing out smoke. "True" He smiled. I smiled and shook my head. I should definitely not be smiling this much with another guy. I suddenly felt like I was doing something wrong. I felt like I should walk away, go back and find Max, but my feet weren't moving and my mouth wouldn't stop talking.
"Where's your friend?" I asked looking up at him. His eyebrows furrowed and then clarity hit his face. "You mean Nate?" He asked looking around. I nodded. He shrugged. "Lost him a few minutes ago when I went to smoke. He doesn't smoke" He said looking down at me. I smiled and nodded.
"Ah, sounds like Nate is the smarter one of you two" I said looking up at him. He raising one of his eyebrows and looked at me as he inhaled another round of smoke. "Is that what you think princess?" He asked quietly. Jesus Christ. I swallowed and looked away from him. Why can I hear his voice throughout my entire body? I hated it.
"Stop calling me that" I quickly said looking away from him. He didn't stop looking at me and I felt his gaze burn into the side of my head. I let out a shaky breath. He finally looked away humming. I suddenly hear the back door open.
"There you are! Geez, stop running away!"
We both turned around at the noise. I saw Sydney walking towards us and she grabbed my arm starting to pull me away from Chris. Her eyes shifted to Chris and looked him up and down before looking at me and giving me a confused look. I just stared at her with a blank expression feeling in my soul as if I had been caught doing something bad.
She didn't say anything as she continued to drag me away back towards the party. I turned and looked at Chris, who had an unreadable expression on his face as he watched me be physically dragged away. She pulled up back into the house and closed the door. She turned and faced me withe a furrowed expression.
"What were you doing?" She asked looking at me. My face turned red. "I just wanted some air" I said looking at her. She just looked at me for a second as if investigating my expression. She shrugged and then walked towards the steps. I quickly followed behind her. She started to walk up the steps and turned to face me.
"The boys are upstairs, I think they might want to leave soon" She said as we walked. I sighed of relief. Thank God. I felt like I've been here for ages. I nodded as we walked and finally made it up the steps. The room was very crowded, almost more crowded that downstairs. This house was absolutely huge, so there had be like 200 people here to make it feel this small.
I hated crowded places, even though I'm forced to go to huge events like this more often that the average person. I hated it, but it's what I had to do. With a last name like mine, you don't get by with skipping an event here or there. You have to attend every. single. one.
Sydney started to look around people looking for our boyfriends when I glanced around the room seeing two people getting to it on the other side of the room. I made a disgusted face and was going to by pass them when something caught my eye. I looked back at the two people.
Max was wearing that shirt.
I narrowed my eyes. The guy's back was to me but he had a girl pinned up against the wall, sucking on her face. Curly brown hair. The blue shirt. My fucking boyfriend. I gasped catching Sydney's attention. She turned towards me and looked where I was looking.
"Did you find them?" She asked scanning where I was looking when she suddenly made the same gasp as me. Anger rose in my system. Are you kidding me? I clenched the fists that were at my side and I felt anger rise up my neck. "Is that-" Sydney started to asked. She turned to look at me but my face was glued on the people. "Y/n-" She started to say but I turned and immediately bolted down the steps.
I don't think I've ever been so angry in my entire life. My face was pounding. I could hear it in my ears. I couldn't think. No thoughts were going through my head, but anger. The room got louder. It got blurrier. My fists were still clenched as I wanted to scream. I wanted to kill him. I made it down the steps. Sydney was quick to follow me.
"Y/n! Stop! Wait a second!" She yelled trying to follow me. How could he? I couldn't even think to be sad because of the amount of anger that was fogging my vision and my decision making. I didn't wait for her as I moved through the crowd of people. Did it suddenly get hot in here? I'm burning up. My jaw was clenched. I needed revenge. That was the only thing that my mind could think of. I didn't need planned revenge. I needed immediate fucking revenge.
I made it to the kitchen and placed my hands on the counter. Sydney followed me in. "Are you okay? What are you thinking? What do we do?" She asked a million questions at me. She was panicked I could tell. I just breathed heavily as I looked down at my feet. I looked back up and scanned the room, meeting the faces of others. Revenge. Revenge. Revenge.
"Y/n talk to me. What are you thinking?" She asked looking down at me. I turned to scan the room. My eyes met that backdoor. That boy. I picked my hands up off the counter, pushing myself up off of it. I hate him. I hate him. I could kill him. I set off towards the backdoor. Sydney quickly followed me. I opened the door violently and walked out.
Nate was now outside with Chris. Both of their eyes shot towards me as I walked outside. Chris raised his eyes at me. His gaze overtook me again as I walked towards him. "Party is inside Princess" He said looking at me, brushing me off. That comment would piss me off if I wasn't already clouded with anger towards someone else. Nate didn't say anything he just watched me as I walked up to Chris.
Chris looked down at me. Sydney stopped from a distance. I looked at his cigarette in his hand. I reached up, taking it out of his hands before bringing it up to my mouth. Chris just watched me.
Please lungs don't fail me, I swear I'll never do this again.
I inhaled slowly and softly letting the smoke run down my throat. I took the cigarette out of my mouth before blowing the smoke out of my mouth. By the grace of God, without coughing. He raised his eyebrows at me. I threw the cigarette down at my feet before stepping on it with my shoes. Not thinking in the moment of the repercussions of my $600 shoes.
I looked back up at him. He opened his mouth to say something but I reached up grabbing his front of his shirt with my hand and pulling him down to me. I connected our lips. I heard Sydney gasp. It took him a second to figure out what the hell was going on, as well as me. My lips froze for a second as well as his, but after half a second his lips overtook mine, kissing me back. My lips started moving again once they felt how good his lips felt.
I dropped my hand from his shirt and placed my hands on his face as we kissed. This was weird kissing someone other than Max. It felt different, it felt good. I felt his lip ring against my lips. The cold dark metal. It felt so good. That's why he has a lip ring.
I tugged on it softly with my teeth, making him breathe in slightly. I felt him swipe his tongue on my bottom lip and then into my mouth. I let him in as we kissed deeper. He tasted like cigarettes, alcohol, and bad decisions. It was an amazing combination. If two people weren't watching us make out right now, I would have allowed myself to moan, but I had already been publicly embarrassed enough for one night.
I felt his arm snake around my back pulling me against him. God this was good. This was so good. I smiled against him as we kissed. One of my hands went up into his hair.
"Y/n!" Kylie whispered sternly. I disconnected our lips, but we didn't move apart from each other. We both just stayed breathing heavily. Staring at each other, connected. He removed his arm from my back and I moved my hands from his hair, separating us. I looked over at Sydney who looked horrified at me.
"Alright then" Nate said looking at me.
I looked back, feeling myself start to turn red. "What was your name again?" I asked feeling myself go blank. My head was still spinning. He chuckled and looked at me smiling. "Chris" He breathed. I nodded before turning around and walking up Sydney. She stood frozen looking at me. I walked past her, grabbing her arm on my way, dragging her back inside. She stumbled behind me as we went inside.
"What-What was that?" She laughed looking at me. I let out a deep breath. I was no longer angry. Every angry though and emotion that was running through my veins left when my lips touched him. Like a breath of fresh air. I smiled at her. "Revenge" I smiled. She shook her head laughing.
My moment of clarity of happiness and calmness was shaken when I saw Max making his way over to me from across the room. Anger started to rise inside of my stomach again. I should just punch him. Not give him an excuse to explain himself. I felt myself get angrier the closer he got to me. His eyes met mine and he smiled. Smiled. How could he stand there and smile knowing what he just did? I'm going to kill him.
He finally made his way in front of me. "Hey, babe I was looking for you" He breathed, his dimples showing promptly through his smile. I clenched my fists and opened my mouth to scream at him. To humiliate him. To destroy him right here in front of everyone for what he just did to me, but I stopped. My eyes glanced down to his shirt.
A white shirt.
My face went pale. I looked up at him, unclenching my fist and guilt washing over my whole body my legs almost went numb. "Your-your shirt" I pointed at his shirt. His eyebrows furrowed and he looked down at his shirt. "What about it?" He laughed lightly at me. I looked over at Sydney who's expression was the same as mine. Horrified. I swallowed looking up at him.
"Wasn't it b-blue? You were w-wearing a blue shirt." I said looking at the shirt again, panicking. He looked down at his shirt and then back up at me. "Babe are you okay? Did you drink anything?" He chuckled placing his hand on my shoulder. Oh my God. Oh my God. I looked down and felt my heart beating out of my chest.
I just cheated on him.
I shook my head quickly and didn't look at him.
Suddenly one of Max's friends came stumbling up to us. His name was Mitch. He grabbed Max's shoulders attempting to stabilize himself. Max looked over at him laughing. "Dude where'd you put the other beers?" He slurred at him. I looked at him. Blue shirt. Curly brown hair. Fuck. I felt my heart drop. It was Mitch kissing that girl, not Max.
"The fridge dumbass" He laughed pushing him off towards the kitchen. Mitch smiled at him before looking over to me, waving. "Ms. Y/n" He nodded at me. Max pushed his chest. "Go. Stop gawking at my girlfriend" He said smiling shaking his head. Mitch laughed before turning and stumbling into the kitchen. I ran my hand through my hair, attempting to calm my heart rate that was quickening, fast.
"I'm ready to go if you are, I'll go grab your purse" He said bending down and kissing the top of my head. I didn't say anything as he moved past me and out of our view. I snapped my head towards Sydney. She walked forwards grabbing my arms and with wide eyes.
"S-Sydney I could have sworn-" I started shaking my head. She cut me off. "Shh. Shut up. Don't say anything. It didn't happen. Nothing happened, okay y/n? We went outside for air. That's it. It will be okay. You can't act like anything is wrong." She said shaking her head. I swallowed. My heart was pounding in my ears, I could barely even hear her. I felt tears brim to my eyes.
"Sydney, I just ch-" I started but she covered my mouth with her hand. She shook her head. "We will both forget this ever happened okay? Listen to me. Act like nothing is wrong. Like nothing is different" She said looking at me. I nodded as she removed her hand from my mouth. Max walked back over to us. I tried to compose myself. Push down my emotions to my stomach as he handed me my purse.
"Thank you" I smiled at him. He nodded and pulled me to him wrapping his arms around me. "Syd, Where's Cayden? Tell him were leaving" Max said motioning her towards the main room. She nodded and quickly walked away.
Max looked down at me. I smiled at him. Nothing is wrong. Nothing is eating me alive. I love you. We're dating. No one cheated. Everything is fine.
"I'm really drunk" He chuckled pressing his forehead against mine. I smiled at him, leaning up and connecting our lips. The lips that were just on another person's mouth. He pulled back and furrowed his eyebrows, moving his lips around. My face fell, my heart was beating out of my chest.
"Were you smoking?" He asked looking down at me. I swallowed and shook my head. "You taste like smoke" He said looking down at me, but not letting go of me. I shook my head. "You're just drunk Max" I said smiling through my pain. He shrugged before leaning down and connecting our lips again. I pulled away this time.
"You know that I love you right?" I whispered looking at him. His eyebrows furrowed and he nodded. I hope he doesn't think it's weird that I'm randomly telling him this. He sighed and pulled away. "You know just because we fight, it doesn't make me think that you don't love me" he said pulling me into him and wrapping me in a hug. The fight. Yes the fight. I'm saying this because of the fight.
"I love you too" He breathed. I sighed of relief. "I'm here!" Cayden announced himself as Sydney dragged him into the room. Max and I both laughed. Sydney looked more than annoyed. "I leave him alone for 5 minutes. How many shots does he take? Eight" She said shaking her head. I smiled and shook my head at the couple in front of us. Cayden leaned his head on Sydney's shoulder.
"I don't feel so good" Cayden said squeezing his eyes shut. Sydney's eyes snapped towards him and pushed him away slightly. "Do not puke on me I will literally break up with you" She said glaring at him, and we all knew she was serious. Cayden lunged forward, holding his stomach. Max and I stepped back. Sydney gasped and pushed him towards the backdoor. He tumbled over towards the door.
"Out! Out!" She yelled pushing him out of the door. Max followed quickly behind them and I was behind Max as we followed them out. I immediately regretted walking outside, completely forgetting Chris and Nate were still out there until I saw them.
Cayden ran towards the grass before emptying him stomach on the grass near Nate and Chris. My face went red as I looked at Chris. He looked towards Max and then at me. I immediately looked down, not making anymore eye contact. Guilt. Guilt. Guilt. Forming in a pit in my stomach.
"What the fuck?" Nate said turning his head and backing away from Cayden. Chris didn't move. His eyes glanced from me to Max. I swallowed. Please. Please. Please. Don't say anything. I secretly wished in my mind over and over.
Sydney walked over to Cayden rubbing his back. "You know I hate when you do this shit" She groaned at him, but I wasn't focused on the fact that Cayden might have alcohol poisoning. I was focused on Chris's eyes burning into mine. I stayed behind Max, hiding like a pathetic little girl who just got in trouble. Hiding from their parents.
Max noticed Chris staring at us, because I felt his body turn towards him. Please. Please. Please.
"What are you staring at freak?" Max spat. I'd like to think that Max wouldn't have been that harsh if he wasn't under the influence, but Chris was right. He was kind of a dick. It bothered me at first, it still bothers me now, but I stopped commenting on it knowing it only made him more angry and hostile. He says that he has to separate his status from others. That he has to show them their place. He didn't say that to me until after we started dating.
After we started to be known as Max and Y/n, Hastings and Labraut. Status and Status. After my parents fell in love with him and after I'd already been on his private jet with his entire family three times. If he had said it prior I would have never gone out with him. I was already in too deep. Our parents had already started picking out wedding venues. I couldn't say anything. I always bit my tongue for the sake of what seems to be the rest of my godforsaken life.
I squeezed my eyes shut, preparing for the worst outcome of this situation. I glanced up, Chris was looking at me. I didn't have the courage to shake my head, to beg him silently not to say anything, to mouth anything, to even look at him for more than three seconds. Chris looked towards Max, emotionless before turning towards Nate and motioning him towards the gate of the house.
Nate looked at me and shook his head before following Chris away. Sydney and Cayden weren't focused on the silent battle that almost ruined my relationship. Cayden was now down on his knees. "I feel like I'm dying" Cayden groaned. Sydney sat next to him. "We have to get him into the car" She said turning towards us.
I, still frozen, didn't move, didn't react. Max stepped forward and walked over to Cayden picking him up off the ground. Sydney took him from Max, wrapping Cayden's arm around her shoulders, carrying him. Max stepped back and looked at me.
He reached in his pocket before throwing me his keys. His keys. I caught them mid air and looked down at them before looking back up at him smiling. He smiled back at me. The one time he decides to be nice? Really? Tonight? Didn't even fight me on driving, and I just cheated on him. I swallowed looking down at the keys.
"You're gonna let me drive?" I mumbled looking at him. He smiled and walked over to me. "I promised you didn't I?" He said kissing the top of my head. Guilt. Guilt. Guilt. I nodded before looking at him. Max smiled before pulling me into him. Sydney stumbled over to us, while Cayden held on to her for dear life. "Walk please!" Sydney said from behind us. We both looked at her and then walked back through the door of the house.
We maneuvered through the crowed house before walking out of the front door towards the line of cars that filled the street. I saw Max's BMW parked a little ways down the street. I couldn't help myself from looking down both ends of the street looking for any sign of Chris. I looked both ways, but nothing. He was nowhere to be seen. He disappeared. I sighed of relief. I didn't realized I had stopped walking before I heard Max calling my name. I snapped my gaze towards him. Feeling as if I had gotten caught.
"What?" I asked quickly. He smiled before shaking his head. "Babe, unlock the car" He said motioning towards the car and Cayden who was now doubled over against the car, groaning. Sydeny sighed as she rubbed his back. I quickly walked over to them before unlocking the car.
"Dude, you puke in my car and I'm taking yours" Max said looking at Cayden before opening the passenger seat sliding in. Sydney opened the back door before shoving Cayden in, then following him. I swallowed and took a deep breath and sliding into the drivers seat.
heyoooo hope you absoluely loved the first part, tell me what you thought
tag list:
@rac00ns-are-c00l4 @miastromboli @secret-sturniolo @sturnsclutter @sturniolodreamz @paper-crab @chrisolivia4l @mwah0mwah @recklesssturniolo @ejswift @kitaysworld @meg-sturniolo @nickmillersn1gf @fr3shl0ve @adrianaturnedpretty @oversturn @ghostgurlswrld @flowerxbunnie @ilytrinsworld @lustfulslxt @kiarastromboli @gemofthenight @blahbel668 @haunted-headset @sturnybabes @bethsturn @d3adlyclassrat @sturnybabes @mattsbitch @chrisluvbot @nickenthusiast @sturniolossmut @biimpanicking @iloveneilperry @chalametbich @dsmja @bernardsleftbootycheek @lovingsturniolo @aoxash @idrkk-123 @gingerbreadgodofhyperdeath @babagurlrichey
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Hi! Super super in love with your writing. Completely just *muah*! I don’t know if you’ve ever done it before, sorry if you have, but would you be interested in writing a little scene where the villain approaches the very tired and very under-appreciated hero (who was once bright eyed and full of love) and offers to make everything better for them. To make the city regret not seeing how much of a savior they are and all the hero has to do is say yes (and maybe even a hint of romance). I’m super in love with the way you write villain and hero dynamics, you’re like amazing! Thank you either way!
"You look worn down to the bone."
It was probably true, but the hero didn't even find themselves jumping or tensing at the unexpected voice. It may as well have been another inevitable shit show that was going to happen one way or another. They did turn, though, after a beat to clock the villain standing a few rows behind them.
The church was empty, somewhere between peaceful and eerie in the solitude, heavy with dust and expectation.
"Am I interrupting your praying?" the villain asked. Their lip quirked, as if amused.
The hero shook their head, and turned forward again, turning their face up to the light filtering through the stained glass windows. A kaleidoscope of sacrifice and martyrdom and suffering.
The villain moved closer, stopping behind their pew, fingers curling into the wood on either side of the hero's shoulders. The hero stayed as they were, leaned back, feeling the back of their head brush against the villain's chest as it rose and fell with metronome breaths.
"People never come and talk to me in here," the hero offered, after a moment of silence.
"I'm not people."
"If you're here to fight, I'd rather take it outside."
"I'm not here to fight."
The hero glanced up at them.
The villain's hand rose immediately, palm tracing the air an inch above the line of the hero's throat, not quite touching. Mapping. "I remember that you used to pray," the villain mused.
"I remember that I used to do a lot of things."
"Mm. You were a bright eyed thing - all shiny. All new. So hopeful."
"I can still kick your-"
The villain laughed, softly, and curled their fingers around the hero's throat. Gently. More like they wanted to cradle the hero's pulse in their hands, like a baby bird, then do anything especially untoward. Or, perhaps, more like they wanted the hero's eyes on them instead of the icons and the saints and old hopes of the city before superheroes came along.
"Yes," the villain said. "You could."
The hero stopped talking, more out of surprise than anything else.
The villain looked down at them with such blazing, breath-taking fondness.
"I told you they'd wear you down," the villain said, and their kindness was almost cruel, or maybe their cruelty was almost kind. The hero wasn't sure which was which, only that the villain loomed over them with enough presence to fill entire cathedrals. "I told you that the tide would turn, and as the miracle of you became mundane, everyday, they would stop appreciating you." The villain squeezed, just slightly. "All gods die. All pedestals crumble. All heroes must fall."
"Ah, I see." The hero kept their hands at their side, unafraid or perhaps uncaring. "You came to gloat."
"Not especially."
"You sound like you're gloating. It's very speechy. Did you practice?"
The villain's lips quirked again. "I have...considered approaching you many times, if you would like to call that practice."
The hero's brow furrowed.
The villain's grip loosened once more, but the hero kept their head tipped back lazily against the bench, watching the villain inverted and upside down.
"I come with an offer," the villain said.
The hero raised an eyebrow.
"You have saved this city from me time and time again," the villain said, "more times than anyone can possibly know about."
"It's in the job description, yeah."
"But they know enough. Enough to know better. Enough to treat you better."
The hero's head tilted. They blinked up at the villain and (perhaps, always perhaps) there was - if not fondness in the hero's eyes, than something more enduring. Understanding. "And you would make them pay for that," the hero said. They finally moved their hand, but only to set it atop the villain's on the edge of the pew. They squeezed, too, gently. "You're always so ready to make someone pay."
"They deserve it."
"Maybe," the hero shrugged. "But I don't."
The villain frowned.
"I didn't work this hard to help them, just to let you have them now," the hero said.
"I know you're tired."
"So you thought you'd try me when my defences were down?"
"That's not - I'm not-"
"No," the hero said, a little wondering, "you're not, are you?"
The villain yanked their hand back. Their jaw clenched.
The hero twisted on the seat, so they were facing the villain properly.
"You're a fool," the villain spat.
"It's the one bit of me I haven't lost yet."
The villain closed their eyes.
The hero's lips curled in a smile. They reached out again, taking the villain's hand and winding their fingers together. "But, in defence of my foolishness, you do give me hope occasionally."
"One day you'll say yes."
"One day you'll say no."
The villain did laugh again at that, seemingly despite themselves, a bitter thing. Their eyes opened and they looked at each other - both exhausted and both relentless.
"I would be your dark side."
"And I would be your good."
"They don't deserve you," the villain said, again.
"And do I deserve you?"
The villain, it seemed, had nothing to say to that.
The hero pulled the villain's knuckle to their lips, and pressed a kiss to it, before letting go.
"Thank you," the hero said. "For offering. Really."
"I'll ask again tomorrow."
And, every day, the villain did.
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117luv · 11 months
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synopsis: jungwon and ni-ki met each other at a summer camp and found out they were fraternal twins. this leads to events where the two ex-lovers, heeseung and yn, are reunited after 14 years by their children.
genre: exes to lovers, smau, fluff
pairing: lee heeseung x fem!reader
warnings: cursing, poor attempts in humor, grammatical errors, marriage, pregnancy, parenthood, miscommunication
taglist: CLOSED!
a/n: hi my loves! apologies since it took LONGER than my usual sched for updates which is average of 2 days, it just i have many things in mind and im having a minor writer's block hence the slow update but rest assured my update sched will be consistent since its my final week of school T.T ne ways enjoy n love ya <3
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Having dinner with your ex is an awkward event, especially if it's your own kid who asked for the event to take place. Yn can't say no to her son, whom she hasn't been with for almost 15 years; it's the least she can do for him. As she got ready, the boys waited for her downstairs as they watched a show on the TV. A doorbell rang just after she went downstairs. She opened the door and met the eyes of the man who is not only the father of her children but also the guy she still deeply loves and cares about despite being apart for more than a decade. They got in his car and drove to the restaurant. The car ride was filled with the boys playfully teasing each other as she looked at the rear mirror. She was met with a scene she didn't think could be possible after all these years. Her twin sons are playfully bantering as Heeseung hums to the tune of the song playing on the radio. It felt like a family enjoying the weekend and having dinner together. A complete family she had wished she could have fought for in the past.
They stepped into the restaurant and sat at their table. The boys were busy looking at the menu while the two tried to avoid each other's glances. As the waiter got their orders and, after awhile, came out with their food. They peacefully ate while the boys shared stories while they were in the camp. She can see that the boys indeed have a bond with each other despite being apart for such a long time. It pains her that this could have been their reality if things had turned out okay. It was time for dessert, and Heeseung excused himself to go to the restroom, which she quickly followed as she instructed the boys to wait for them. As she found him, she quickly grabbed his arm and asked him if she could talk to him in a private area.
"What do you want us to talk about?" he asked. "I think we should tell them; I can't bear waiting any longer to see them not know about their situation, she responded. Heeseung gave her a reassuring smile and said, "Okay, if that's what you want, then we can tell them. They deserve to know about it." — "Thank you. We should wait and tell them when we arrive in my place since we are still in public, to which he nodded and agreed. They got back to the table, and the boys were just talking as they saw their parents. She told them that her and Ni-ki's dad would tell them about something. The ride back was silent as the boys felt nervous for what was about to happen.
"So, what do the both of you want to tell us?" Jungwon asked as they all sat on the sofa. "Okay, me and Heeseung have been hiding something. I know this might come as a surprise and if you two are angry or feel betrayed by the both of us, its completely understandable. Jungwon and Ni-ki, the both of two are twins. Ni-ki, I understand if you feel hatred towards me. I been nothing but an useless mom to you. I failed to give you the right to experience to have a mother. I as your mother would like to apologize deeply. I know my apology doesn't make up for the 15 years but I hope you know that I always have you in my mind. I prayed everyday that you and your dad are safe. That you're eating well and growing into a respectfully man. I'm always proud of you and I'm grateful to be your mother." as she spoke Ni-ki cant help his eyes to tear up. He finally found his mom, the woman for whom he had longed for a long time. He can finally have someone he can call 'Mom', or someone who will shower him with affection. The day had come, and he was the happiest he had been for the longest time. "Can I hug you?" he spoke to her, and she opened her arms as the boy hugged his mom. "I've been wishing to feel your hug for the longest time. Whatever reason you and dad have, you can just explain to us next time. I just want to hug right now. Also, does this mean I can call you 'Mom' and taste your meals?" the boy finally looked at his mom, who shared the same tearful eyes as she looked at him: "Yes, Sweetheart. You can call me 'Mom, and I will cook you anything that your heart desires. Anything for my baby." as she placed a kiss on his forehead.
As the scene unfolds in front of Jungwon. He can't help but look at Heeseung, who is sitting near him. His dad is within arms reach; he can't believe he can finally meet him. He got up and hugged him tightly. "I can't believe I can finally hug you, Dad, he said while the older male hugged him tighter. "Me too, Kid. Me and your mom want to apologize about everything. The both of you don't deserve this but we can't undo the past anymore. Let me make for years I wasn't there for the both of you." Heeseung replied, "Thank you for telling us. As Ni-ki said, just explain to us next time. I want to be with you, I really want to be close to you." he said as Heeseung caressed his hair and placed a kiss on top of his head while hugging him. The day ended on a good note. There were many emotions poured out, and the four of them hugged together. The family is finally complete.
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taglist [CLOSED] : @yangwaa @emikisses @yohanabanana @arizejkt19 @skuwu-blog @beatr2x @svarcq @softiehee @enhastolemyheart @deobitifull @emxshu @bucketofhiros @lost-leopard-beanie @soobin-my-beloved @azurez @flwrshee @beomgyusonlywife @lalalalawon @yanagisprettygf @astrae4 @myjaeyunn @sesame-street-lol @yumilovesloona @jhopesucker @omgjwon @yoonjunshi @wannatinyus @yeahhemmings- @coupscheri @aefolrin @neozon3nha @mevalemadrws @wonyoungsvirus @ilvsoup @dneltrise @chirokookie @noascats @sxftiell @onionzzzs @nokacchan @i-yeseo @02zluvbot @iamliacamila @nicholasluvbot @ilovewonyo @ddazed-lhs @tobiosbbyghorl @youmenotyummy @minhoie @enhaz1
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luveline · 1 year
Hiiii, Jade <3 How are you? Could you please write a single dad!au for Spencer? Pretty please, with a cherry on top :*
hi! I'm okay thanks so much, and ty for your request! I hope you like it ♥︎ single!dad spencer x fem!bau!reader
Amanda is, as you'd expect, a very small version of her father but without the photographic memory. She is a happy, lovely, caring sweetheart of a child, and everytime you see her, you think you might like to marry her dad. 
There's something to be said for the heart of a parent. You look at Amanda and it amplifies every bit of Spencer's goodness, especially now when she's napping in Spencer's lap at his desk in the bullpen, completely at ease. He has one hand behind her back and the other stretched over to his desk.
"You know," Emily whispers, leaning against your desk with two hot cups of coffee, "he told me why he named her Amanda. It might kill you." 
You take one of the coffees. "Thank you… Do I wanna know?" 
Your crush on Spencer is common knowledge for everybody except him: he's a genius in everything beside social relationships. 
"Amanda," Emily says quietly, "I don't remember the Latin word he definitely told us it's derived from, but I do remember what it meant. 'To be loved,' and 'Worthy, of love.'" She raises her eyebrows at you. "He said he wanted there to be no mistake. That she was loved from the beginning, and she always will be." 
"Oh no," you say. 
"Are you kidding?" you ask. 
Emily laughs as you cover your face with both hands, long sleeves pulled over your fingers. You hide away from the world and Spencer and his tiny pretty daughter and pray you'll be swallowed up by your uncomfortable chair. 
"You'll be okay," Emily says. "Drink your coffee. Only six hours 'til we get to go home." 
"I don't even really want coffee," you mumble, lips against the rim of your cup. 
She pats your shoulder. You return to your work but absolutely can't focus. Ever since you started your job here at the bureau you've had the world's worst, most ridiculous crush on Spencer. There are a myriad of reasons why but the most important is that he talks to you. Everyday, all the time, he talks about things you'd never even heard of before, and he talks about the weather. He knows more about you than most people know and he shows it so subtly. 
He links trade routes back to your favourite treats, because this boat got stuck in this place so there's going to be a short supply but he knows where you can get some and he can get them for you the next time he goes. He read this book lately by an author you'd definitely hate, but she talked about a different article Spencer thinks you'd love, so he forwarded it to your email last night. He and Amanda went to Niagara Falls last weekend — here's a mug with a rainbow waterfall on the side because he noticed your old coffee mug has a chip in the lip. 
You scratch down a phone number wrong three times in a row and feel your eyes closing of their own accord. He makes it hard to think. 
"Hi, Miss Y/N." 
You look up from your things to find Amanda waiting still as a post by your chair. 
"Hi, beautiful," you say. You look over her shoulder for Spencer and find nothing but files and computers and the click-click-clicking of twenty computers. "Dad's in the bathroom, huh?" 
"You want me to drag his chair for you?" 
She shakes her head and rushes back to Spencer's chair, pulling it with her back to your desk. She struggles up into the chair and you pull her in, her shiny black shoes rubbing against your knee. 
"Sorry," she says. 
"No, that's okay, you don't have anything to be sorry for. These are nice shoes, baby, I think your dad's been spoiling you again." 
"He says they make me walk faster," she tells you, "'cos they have ergo-domic shapes." 
"Oh wow! You look amazing, you always dress so smart." You smile at her gently. "You want some dried fruit? I have mango, pineapple and apricot. Or I have a normal orange with all the juice," you offer. 
She nods. You have no clue what she's nodding for so you give her the dried fruits and the orange and smile to yourself when she says a breathy thank you. She can eat all your snacks. You'd offer your moon cake if you weren't worried about her being allowed. Fruit is a safe bet. 
She sits happily eating fruit for a while. You try to poke some light conversation out of her, how's school and how's their pet fish Mr. Banana, and is it fun to be at work with dad today? 
You bite your own tongue. Amanda doesn't acknowledge her father beyond her head dipping back in wait of his hand. Sure enough, he reaches over the back of the chair and strokes her baby blonde curls, brown towards the ends. You imagine they'll be the same warm brown as his when she's older. 
"Hey, Spencer," you say, crossing your hands over your tummy. 
"Is everything okay?" 
"Yeah. Why wouldn't it be?" 
You're lying. He's a profiler. You both know both of those facts. 
He squints at you playfully. "You should tell me if something's wrong." 
"Dad," Amanda interrupts, "we have to… have to give people space." She offers him the dried fruit bag. "To tell us in their own time." 
Despite the clumsy, adorable way that she says it, she has a point. Spencer bites back a smile, properly chastised, and takes the bag. 
"What is this?" he asks. 
"Sorry," you jump in, "I should've asked you first, I just didn't," —you lower your voice— "really know what to do. I'm not bad with kids. I'm, uh, not good with them, either, maybe." 
"You're great with kids," he says. "Having a baby is complicated, but taking care of them once they get to Manda's age is easier. She just needs love and patience and regular feeding. You're one of the most loving people I know, and your patience is appropriate. And, you know." He passes back your bag of dried fruit. "You always have snacks in your desk." 
His easy compliments warm your face. You cover your cheeks with your sleeves.
"Dad, you made her happy," Amanda says, pleased. 
Spencer laughs and the sound lights you up from the inside out, reaching over the chair to lift Amanda into his arms. He pushes his hand into the small of her back and straightens out the skirt of her red dress. If you'd been paying attention, you'd notice the slight pink tint of a blush working over his ears and cheeks. 
"Aw, Mands," he murmurs, "we really have to work on your context clues." 
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antiquarianfics · 11 months
Reader wonders how their life might have looked different in 1944, but they know they still would have loved Bucky Barnes.
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Author's Note: I have not written fanfiction in years, merely lurking and reading. However, "Timeless" (Taylor's Version) (From the Vault) just screams Bucky x Reader to me. I had to come back. So, enjoy. :) Genre: Fluff Pairing: Bucky Barnes x G!N Reader WC: 725 words
"What was it like?" You spoke hesitantly, choosing your words carefully as you break the comfortable silence where you and Bucky had been quietly looking at the antiques and knickknacks around the small store.
"What was what like?" Bucky looks down at you, eyebrow raised.
You nudge him with your shoulder.
"Hush, I was getting there," you laugh. "What was it like in the '40s?"
Bucky had told you plenty about his life both pre and post Winter Soldier; however, you still felt like asking again.
Bucky smiled softly, looking up and around the room. "It was hectic. We had just entered the war and everyone was panicking. I remember Ma and Becca were practically begging me not to enlist." He pauses, gathering his thoughts. His mother and sister were hard for him to talk about sometimes, so you grab his hand and give it a reassuring squeeze.
"It was funny, though. After enlisting, I felt like I was on top of the world. I was proud to join, y'know? Think Ma and Becca were proud of me, too. Just scared."
"Understandable," you agree. You bite your lip, thinking. "Did enlisting get you a girlfriend?"
Bucky blows out air in a stifled laugh. "No, but it didn't hurt my game," he teases.
You roll your eyes before settling on an old photograph in a catch-all sort of box labeled "Photographs: 25¢ each." The photo was lying neatly on top of the others, practically calling you toward it like a siren to a sailor. You begin moving towards it, letting Bucky's hand fall out of your grasp as you go to pick it up.
"Why do you ask?" Bucky questions, coming up to stand behind you at the photo box. He gently slides his arms around your body, hugging you from behind, gazing at the photograph over your shoulder.
You hum. "I don't know; I guess all this old stuff just got me thinking."
Bucky stays silent, letting you pull your thoughts together.
"You think this would've been us?" You ask.
The photo you were drawn to was of a '30s couple smiling and laughing on the porch of their first home. You didn't know who these people were, obviously, but you recognized them as you and Bucky. It was a strange feeling, and you hoped Bucky would understand it, too.
"Oh, for sure. I woulda been crazy about you back then," Bucky smiles, imagining you in his time. "You in victory rolls, the long skirts, out dancing? God, you know I would've been talking you up."
You giggle, feeling flustered. "I would've married you, bought you a house, given you kids, whatever you wanted," he continues. "I would've had the prettiest person in all of space and time sending me off to war."
You frown slightly. "You know, for people who fight bad guys and aliens on a regular basis, I really don't like the idea of sending you off to war. It's too dangerous. You might fall off a train, or something."
Bucky laughs, poking you in the side. "Come on, now."
"No, seriously. I hate it. I pray every night that you'll come back unscathed when you go on missions with Sam, and... I just can't imagine having to rely on letters or not being able to just go with you," you take a breath, grounding yourself. You realize you're working yourself up.
"I would have, though."
"Would've what?"
"Relied on the letters. I would've read them every night, and write you just as much. Telling you not to be stupid and not die. I would've sat by the mailbox everyday just to get your letters and know you're alright."
Bucky grins. "I would've come back. For you."
"If you could've just gone back, don't you think you would have?"
"Nah," Bucky dismisses the thought. "If I hadn't fallen off that train, I'd be ancient or dead right now and I wouldn't have gotten to love you."
You set the photo back down in the box before turning around in Bucky's arms. You slide your arms around his neck and he lets his fall to your waist.
"I'm serious," he says when the two of you make eye contact. "What we got, Doll? It's timeless. I was gonna end up in your arms one way or another."
You lean up and kiss him.
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outsideratheart · 1 year
Can I Ask You a Question? (Alexia Putellas x reader)
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A/N: Chapter 3 in the Legacy Series
The sun shon down on the beach in Ibiza. The heat along with the smell of the sea was enough to make you forget about the past and the future. For the past 4 days you had been in the present and it made you feel more at ease than you had done in months. A couple of nights ago you had bumped into some of the Barcelona girls and in Jill’s slightly drunken state she had invited them over to your house for food and drinks. This is something you didn’t fight, in fact you encouraged it stating that you will set up the entire night. All the Spaniards had to do was show up.
Alexia had reached out after the World Cup final and the two of you had been talking ever since and much to your surprise football didn’t get brought up once. It did however bring up feelings that you feared would come but you couldn’t blame yourself the woman was beautiful and getting to know her on a personal level only added to your crush.
“Y/N!” You heard Daan shout from up at the house.
The villa you were staying in was beautiful and owned by a family friend. It had everything you needed: several bedrooms, a huge pool and a private beach. You really had no reason to leave but there’s no way you can come to Ibiza and not venture out to experience the electric night life.
“Coming!” You unbury your feet from the sand before making your way to the house so you can get ready.
Choosing an outfit proved to be a difficult choice. Alexia, in her nervous state, had messaged you earlier in the day asking what she should wear. A couple of hours later she sent you a photo of a dress. It was simple yet you know it would take your breath away once you saw her in it.
As you looked through your wardrobe, which was full, you felt like you had nothing to wear.
You stormed into Jill’s room in frustration. The blonde only laughed at your child like behaviour before reaching into a shopping bag. She help up an olive green silk dress with a low cut front which was borderline on being too low.
“I saw this when we went into town earlier. I thought it would suit you and it will be sure to drive any woman wild, especially Catalonians who you may or may not have a crush on”
“Can you blame me? Alexia is hot, like really hot”
Jill may not have mentioned her name but she saw the way you watched the Spanish woman dance when you bumped in them the other night. She would say you had heart eyes but they were full of lust.
“I thought you weren’t the type to have flings”
“I’m still not”
“Not even a little holiday romance”
“That’s not who I am and you both know that it’s not like I can sleep with her here and not face the consequences when the season starts”
“Wait! What!”
You had been so careful to keep you mouth shut and having told Jill out of all people might come back around to bite you in the arse.
“I mean it could do, if I decide to go there”
Silence filled the room for all of five seconds before Jill changed to the subject and showed you what she planned on wearing for the night. You could only hoped she believed your cover and if not you prayed to the higher powers that she keeps her mouth shut but you knew it was a gamble because Jill had no filter when she drank.
Alexia took one last look in the mirror as she gave herself the once over for the fifth time in last ten minutes. Whenever she came to Ibiza in the past her main aim was to relax and recover in anticipation for the upcoming season but tonight she was willing to let go and have fun. She wasn’t sure what the future held and knowing that this might be the last night she saw you for some time she was planning on making the most of it.
“Ale! do you want a dri—“ Leila comes barging in the room, stopping in her place as she sees her friend standing in the corner, a little uncertain of herself.
“Is it too much?” Alexia felt a little insecure, it wasn’t everyday that she dressed like this.
“Not at all” Leila walked towards her “You look beautiful Alexia. I’m not saying you are but if you are dressing to impress a certain someone then I think this will do the trick”
“You think?”
Leila didn’t tease her captain for admitting she wanted to impress you although she didn’t mentioned you by name. This was uncharted territory for her best friend.
“I know so. Speaking of the Dutch, well not really but still. Lieke has just text me saying that they will be ready in half an hour and for us to get there in about an hour so that the chef can prepare the food”
“It seems Y/N is pulling out all of the stops. It’s almost like she wants to impress us” Leila raised her eyes playfully and Alexia knew exactly what she was insinuating.
“Leila please do not mention it tonight” it was a warning and Leila showed her understanding by pretending to zip her lips.
You were speaking to the chef when you heard the front door open. You couldn’t know for sure who it was but the butterflies that had suddenly formed in your stomach was a good indication. When you entered the outdoor area which had the makeshift bar, the sight in front of you filled you with happiness. The Dutch and the Spanish together, acting like they were old friends reacquainted.
“Bienvenidos” you join the now double in sized group of football players although only one player has acknowledged your presence.
“Gracias para la invitación” Alexia hands you a drink. She senses your hesitation due to not knowing what was in the glass “I saw Lieke make it”
You were in the clear. The drinks Lieke made are safe, you can have a few and still stand. You other team mates on the other hand well they preferred alcohol percentage over taste.
Not before long you were called over for dinner. The long table held just enough seats to fit everyone and unlike the other nights spent at it, you choose against sitting at the head of the table. Whether it was on purpose or not, one side held the Dutch and the other sat the Spanish with Alexia sitting directly opposite you.
At first you thought the language barrier might be an issue but you soon find that everyone has agreed to speak English, as broken as it may be. The first course is served and the whole table settles into a comfortable silence as they savour the meal prepared for them.
“What?” You whisper as you see Alexia looking at you whilst she takes a sip of her wine.
“Nada, I mean nothing” Alexia corrects herself but the smirk that tugs at her lips lets you know her mind is far from being empty.
That’s how the next half an hour or so went. You and Alexia stole glances when you thought the other wasn’t watching only to get caught in the end. It filled your head with thoughts that you had tried to bury deep over the past couple of days or if you’re being honest ever since you met her at the seaside restaurant in Barcelona. Now whilst her execution was poor that night, she did show just how much she want you to play for Barcelona and her clear passion for the team reminded you of that same passion your father had.
You were in the middle of a stare off, the only words spoken with your eyes. Oh her eyes, the hazel orbs which looked perfect as the sun hit them at the right angle.
“Señorita Cruyff” a member of the chef’s team politely taps you on your shoulder.
You couldn’t know for sure how long she had been standing there or if she had been trying to get your attention but the look of the other women at the table told that this wasn’t the time time she had called your name.
“¿Quieres más vino con el plato principal?”
All eyes are on you with your Dutch team mates not knowing what the woman was saying and the Spanish waiting to jump in.
“Sí. Por favor traiga lo que recomienda”
And with that the woman leaves you be but when you turn your attention back to the table you are met with eyes that hold something you don’t recognise. They had never heard you speaking Spanish before and even though you had a Dutch accent when you spoke Dutch and English, the Spanish one you had when speaking Spanish was almost native.
“I forgot she’s Spanish” Patri explains your fluent Spanish to her friends.
Whilst Patri was correct you always saw yourself as Dutch because that is where your family is from. The only time your place of birth got brought up was when you were chosen to play at a senior national level. You had only ever played for The Netherlands youth team but when the time came to chose a senior team Spain came calling but it never got passed a phone call. Your father played for the Netherlands and so would you, there was nothing more to discuss.
“She’s Dutch” Jill corrects her “it’s bad enough you get to play with her all season, you don’t get to have her for international break too” she says the last part under her breath but you still can’t believe she said it out loud at all.
“Jill!” You scold her hoping that only you and her had heard what she said.
Just like the rest of the night you turn you attention back to the person sitting opposite you only to find her watching but hopefully not listening to the discussion taking place between you and your best friend.
In a split second you decide the best approach is to imagine that she was none the wiser.
“You seem to be having a good time in Ibiza” with anyone else this could be classed as small talk yet with Alexia it didn’t feel this way.
“I always do. My favourite day so far have been the boat trip we went on yesterday”
“Those are my favourite days too”
“Yeah Y/N loved the photos you posted it. She was a big fan of your bikini” Daan added from her place down the table.
A deep blush flushed your cheeks as you get all but outed by the brunette. Your trail of thought shifts as you remember the photos in question, there were five in total but it was the third one that caught your eye the post. Alexia posed against the railings of the boat wearing nothing but a bikini. The way she posed showed off her toned body enough to fill your mind with less than innocent thoughts.
“You did?” Alexia, for the first time since meeting you, felt like she had the upper hand.
“The bikini—it erm—verdomme“ you finished what was left in your wine glass “You looked hot, beautiful in fact”
You could tell the entire table was enjoying seeing you flustered but you wasn’t a fan. Not when the woman who played a huge part, yet did very little, was sitting in front of you. Wanting to remove yourself from the centre of attention you stand to leave but Alexia reaches over the table and grabs your hand.
“You can’t leave now. The main course is coming” Alexia used her other hand to point behind you where low and behold there was in fact servers bringing out the next course of food.
Vulnerable. That is how you felt as you ate your food. Alexia was now aware how you saw her, you only found a little bit of peace knowing that she didn’t know just how beautiful you found her.
Once all courses had been served and dated you politely excused yourself making sure to take your glass of wine with you. You wasn’t exactly sure where you were going but you knew that the glass of red would be needed.
Alexia watched as you walked away. At first she thought you would go back into the house for whatever reason but instead she sees you walk towards the edge of the grounds the house sat on, unaware of what it lead to.
She tried to include herself in her friends, and yours, conversation but it was to no use. Her focus remained on you even though you were no longer in site. There was a lot she wanted to say to you, even more so with what she had learnt in the last hour or two. When the barcelona captain sees one of the bartenders bringing out the last couple of bottles of wine she is quick to swipe one and go in search of you.
There was something about water that made you happy. Maybe it had something to do with memories of walking along the canals of Amsterdam with the your father when you would take the family dog for a walk or how the entire Cruyff family could spend the whole day at the beach in Barcelona yet still want to go back and do it all over again the next day. As you got older you came to the conclusion that it’s because the ocean makes you feel small and it puts your life into perspective. You would spend hours looking out at the never ending water whilst letting you mind run wild.
“Care for a top up?” The voice makes you jump but your heart beat soon returns to its natural pace when you see the who had spoken.
“Please” you hold your empty glass up.
Alexia uses the action as a way to sit next to you without it being a big deal. The two of you slip into a silence with the only audible sound coming from your friends back at the house.
“So I’m beautiful huh?”
You let out a groan at Alexia’s teasing because that’s what is was and you both knew it.
“Can we please talk about something else?”
“We could talk about what Jill said?”
“I take it back. I’d rather talk about your beauty”
Funnily enough Alexia didn’t have much to say at your compliment. When you said she was beautiful at the table she thought it was just something you said to please the table but now it was just the two of you, surely you meant it.
“Can I ask you a question?”
You hesitantly nod.
“Have you talked to anyone about it?” She needed need to be specific, you knew what she meant by it.
It was a good question. Apart from Aitana, you hadn’t really talked to anyone about your move. You knew that you could trust Lieke but she played for Barcelona and as your best friend you thought she would be biased but at the same time no one knew more about your struggles. You didn’t want to talk about moving to Barcelona with your family but the reasons why you didn’t want to would only bring up emotions that you had all tried desperately to bury as unhealthy as that may be.
“I’ll take that as a no”
You took a large sip of your wine before you try to explain the thoughts that have been keeping you up at night.
“It’s hard”
“When you came to the match it —“
“Was the first time back since it happened, yes” by cutting her off you stopped her from saying the words.
You could already feel your breathing building at a rapid pace and like any other time this happened you hands began shaking in suit although you had learned to control that or hide it, at least that’s what you thought. When you feel Alexia take your hand in hers you realise that it must have been obvious.
“The club meant a lot to him and I don’t think I could handle—“
“The pressure” now it was Alexia who attempted to finish your sentence only she got it all wrong.
“His presence”
“I lost my dad a few years ago” Alexia knew that she was asking you to open up to her, someone who was closer to a stranger than she was a friend. Hopefully if she shared a little bit of her pain that you would feel comfortable to do the same “I know I don’t wear his name on the back of my shirt but it is his family name that gets said when I win an award. I understand what it’s like to live your life hoping to do someone proud when they can never tell you themselves”
“He always wanted me to play for Barcelona. He said that is where I will play the football that I am destined to play”
“I think he’s right” Ever since the meeting where she learned you would be leaving Ajax she couldn’t help but think about what the two of you could achieve together. The team was a perfect fit for you but she couldn’t make you move there. Right now she would settle for being your sounding board.
“Of course you do. If he is right and I do what he wanted then I come to Barcelona. That has been you aim from day one” the look you give Alexia lets her know you are playing and trying to get a rise of our her yet she cannot help but bite.
“I was out of line but I can’t sit here and say that I don’t want to come play for us because that would be a lie. This is your decision and you have to do what is best for you. I know that whenever I go back to Mollet my heart is heavier and I can’t imagine facing that everyday but I know what it’s like. The thing about Barcelona is we aren’t only a team, we are a family. You will never be alone on your bad days, I know this because I never am”
“Alexia” you could feel your nose begin to tingle as your emotions rose to the surface. In this moment she wasn’t appealing to the player, she was talking to Y/N the girl whose heart broke in 2016 and had been in pieces ever since.
“I have an idea” Alexia eyes light up “I leave Ibiza the day after tomorrow and I have a couple of days before we need to prepare for the WICC cup in Portland, I’m guessing you have a few days left off too. Come to Barcelona, don’t tell anyone but come. I’ll show you around and give you a taste of what life could be like off the pitch because that is when you will really see the city”
The Catalonian waited in anticipation, worrying that she may have crossed a line but she couldn’t help herself. The thought of you moving to Barcelona felt more like a reality and to say she was excited would be an understatement.
“Can I take a rain check?”
You physically saw her face drop in disappointment.
“I’m sorry Y/N. I got ahead of myself, I shouldn’t have said anything. I think it’s best I leave” Alexia hastily stood up. She was embarrassed and didn’t want to stick around to face a rejection.
“Alexia” you stood up just as quick as she did and grabbed her hand, stopping her from walking any further “I have to go home to Amsterdam tomorrow. I have some meetings that I cannot reschedule but I would love to see Barcelona though your eyes whether I move or not”
Not only had you given Alexia something to look forward to. You had told her that you wanted to see her again regardless of your decision and that was enough to make the risk of opening up to you worth it.
The two of you finish the bottle of wine whilst admiring the view before rejoining your friends who in your absence had managed to drink the left over wine and move onto the cocktails and shots. Yet another moment where you shown a scenario that could become a regular occurrence.
You left Ibiza the following morning lighter than you had felt in months because the impending question of Barcelona or Arsenal was no longer looming over you.
A decision had been made.
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theclassiccosmic · 3 months
Pick a Pile / March Epiphanies
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Images from Instagram & @hikayelertukendii
PILE 1 - White Tulips
Pile 1 - 6 of Pentacles Reversed, Page of Wands, Knight of Cups, Nine of Wands, Ten of Swords Reversed
Miracles, Strength, Tenacity, Fortitude, End of Suffering
You are stronger than you know. I’m getting the image of the Disney movie, Hercules. He is raised by his mortal parents, always having to be careful with his strength and abilities. However, in this time, it’s like you are coming “online” to the fact that this is your authentic identity. No more “being careful”, no more hiding. You’re taking a leap in something, even if you’re scared. As soon as you take that leap, I see miracles being rained down on you! Yes, babe!! You are leaning into your strong leadership role. You’re being your true self, even if you’ve been told that you are usually “too much” for people. Let those people go find less. You are embracing who you are now. You are loving yourself. You are filling your own cup. You should be so so proud of yourself! I’m proud of you <3
Oracle Cards: Quiet Your Mind, My Heart is Open to Love, Radiate Confidence
These tell me that you should take time to regularly meditate or pray. Everyday. Your thoughts become things, so make sure you’re quieting your mind daily. This will bring out your best timeline. Grounding will make you more confident, less anxious. Embracing your authenticity will open your heart up to love. Loving yourself, loving others, attracting a romantic partner. This will all culminate for you, as you *actively* participate in bringing it in. Spirit and the Universe/God, is always here for you. They are cheering you on as you enter this new chapter!
Song for Pile 1: Can I Jump? - Freya Ridings
PILE 2 - Red Tulips
Pile 2 - Five of Cups Reversed, The Emperor, Three of Pentacles, Queen of Pentacles
This will be a month for you to release a toxic ex or situationship. This connection left you out in the cold. It was all you initiating and desiring (ie. You doing everything, and them not doing sh*t) Too one sided. You might have met them at work, like you two work together, or you went to their place of business looking for a service and met them (like the barista at your local coffee shop). But here’s the thing, your attention was only the first way they were *taking* from you. You were also giving your power away by giving their establishment money (examples that I’m getting: paying for coffee, continually going to them to groom your dog, going to them for some sort of healing service - chiropractor, reiki, massage). And they just kept taking! Bc they knew you liked them and their ego was getting stroked. But not anymore!! With the Queen of Pentacles and The Emperor I’m seeing you taking your power back! They were bleeding you dry, keeping you disempowered, until you reached a big mental shift and energetic upgrade (could be peaking this month!) Finally you are coming out of the cold (this pile is the only one where the flowers are in the snow - coincidence? I think not). You are choosing yourself. You are realizing that you are worth more. You are worth reciprocal energy exchanges. You are worth receiving as well as giving. You are worth the Sun being shone on YOU instead of the other way around all of the time. Yes, babe! I’m loving this for you!
Oracle Cards: I Release All Negative Energy, Surrender to the Spirit Energy, Strong Brave Bold, You Will Not Stand in the Shadow of Another
The Oracle cards even speak of this being a negative/toxic connection. Actively work on releasing it (cord cutting ceremonies, meditation, journaling), they are not worthy of you boo! You are strong, brave and bold and sometimes people see that, and instead of being *attracted* to it in a romantic way, they are drawn to it in a way that brings forth envy. They want to take it from you. But like these Oracle Cards say, You will NOT stand in the shadow of another! It’s giving…self respect okay! Move on and watch your glow up explode!!
Song for Pile 2: We Can’t Be Friends (Wait for Your Love) - Ariana Grande
PILE 3 - Lilac Tulips
Pile 3 - Strength, Four of Wands Reversed, Six of Pentacles Reversed, Queen of Swords Reversed, Ace of Swords
3 out of your 5 cards came out reversed. You’re definitely laying something down now. “Laying down the struggle” is what just came through. In the deck that I’m using, even your upright Ace of Swords is showing a hand dropping the sword. You’re not fighting anymore. You’re done making life hard. I’m getting this visual of that old Disney movie The Sword and the Stone. In all of your cards, your swords and your wands are pointing down, they’re falling. I’m seeing them fall into the stone from that movie. And then you come along, with all of your innate intuitive power, and pull them out. You are making what hurt you, now *work* for you. You better get it, fam. Side note: when I looked up that movie, the year really called out to me. It was made in 1963, and when I look up the angel number 1963 online it says “Angel Number 1963 asks you to trust and believe that you will always have plenty to care for yourself and your loved ones. Know that you are able to confidently serve your life purpose and soul mission with your wants and needs being met along the way. The angels and Universal Energies will ensure that your material needs are always met in Divine right time. Trust that the Universe provides all.” [Sacred Scribes blogspot] Which brings me to the energy of the Strength card. On my deck, strength is represented by the bull. Very much like a Taurus. You may have a Taurus Mars {the planet of action and doing) or you may have a lot of Taurus or fixed energy in your birth chart. Either way, this is telling me that everything is going at the pace in which it should. Divine timing is at play right now. I’m feeling like some of you may have been feeling frustrated by how long this “healing journey” has been going on for you. Peep what the oracle messages had for you “everything will reveal itself in time”.
Oracle Cards: My Destiny Will Reveal Itself in Time, Surrender to the Spirit Energy, Consider All Your Options Before Acting, Let Go of Things That No Longer Serve You
There is healing happening here. You are surrendering. You are trusting the divine timing of it all. And if you’re *not* doing that, then the message here is for you to lean more into that this month. It is imperative for your growth and ascension. In life we must let go of things, people, environments that no longer serve us. It’s sad but it’s true, not everyone is meant to go with you on this journey. Consider your options. Trust your intuition. Don’t let others make your decision for you. Make the decisions and life choices that will make your heart happy. In doing so, you will let go of a lot of hurt and strife that you are no longer meant to be experiencing, love. You’ve got this!!
Song for Pile 3: Now is the Hour - The 1975
DM me for personal/private readings or if you’d like to dive deeper into one of these piles! Until next time -xo
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vioartemis · 7 months
Two’s company, three’s a crowd (Part 3)
(Tara Carpenter x fem! reader || Sam Carpenter x fem! reader)
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Summary: Things aren't really going well after what happened, and a new murder spree does not help. Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 Warnings: violence, blood, death, Ghostface, explicit language at one point, angst maybe (?) a/n: honestly I was on freestyle mode the whole time so idk if that even make sense 😭 (English isn't my first language, I'm sorry if there are mistakes or if something doesn't make sense TvT)
The atmosphere was tensed at the apartment. Tara wasn’t talking to you or her sister, and you both felt bad for hurting her. Sam for ‘stealing’ the girl she loved, and you for breaking her heart after giving her hope.
You tried to tell her in the less hurtful way possible, but that kind of thing always hurt, no matter how you handle it.
As if it wasn’t enough, their roommate, Quinn, wouldn’t stop making dirty jokes about you and Sam, not caring if Tara was in the room. You liked the redhead, she was nice, but sometimes you just prayed someone would make her shut up.
Quinn wasn’t exactly known to be quiet. She was pretty loud even. Especially when she was getting fucked by whatever guy she brought back to the apartment. Which happened like everyday.
It was part of the reason why Sam and you spent most nights at your apartment, so the mood isn’t ruined by Quinn’s moans. It was also to give Tara some space, and to keep a distance between her and your sexual life.
This night, however, you were at Sam and Tara’s apartment; after the news announced a murder in the neighborhood and that a Ghostface mask was found on the crime scene, it was the best thing to do.
Everyone was gathered in the apartment: Sam, Tara, Quinn, Anika, Mindy and Chad. You were making dinner with Sam while the others were chatting in the living room -minus Quinn who was in her room.
While you were watching the pastas, you felt Sam’s arms wrap around your waist from behind. She rested her chin on your shoulder.
“Thank you for staying… I mean- you could’ve left New York and-”
You turned around to face her, her arms still around you.
“Hey, I’m not leaving you here. We don’t even know if it’s really Ghostface, maybe it’s some kind of joke. Whatever it is, I’m staying with you, okay?”
She smiled softly, touched by your words. She kissed your lips and stayed close to them after pulling away.
“I appreciate it, but I don’t want you to get hurt…”
“I’ll be okay, I promise” you replied immediately, kissing her again
She hummed and kissed your forehead before going back to preparing dinner while saying:
“Your pan is overflowing, baby”
You quickly turned back to it and took it off the stove.
“You could’ve told me earlier!” you whisper-shouted
Sam chuckled.
“Sorry, I preferred kissing you”
You rolled your eyes with a smile, grabbing a sponge to wipe the water off the stove.
Suddenly, you heard noises coming from Quinn’s room. Not that it was unusual, but this time it didn’t sound like moans. Rather muffled screams.
You looked at Sam, then at the others, who apparently heard it too.
You walked a bit closer to her room.
“Quinn? Everything alright?”
No answer.
The noises in the room became slightly louder; you could hear fight noises now, as if someone was thrown against a wall, or the pieces of furniture were thrown across the room.
You tried to go in the room but Tara and Sam held you back.
“Y/n, no!” Tara said, holding your hand tightly
Sam agreed, her arm in front of you.
“Whatever is happening it does not sound good! We can’t-” you paused; the noises had stopped “Why did it stop?”
You looked at the others, fear rising.
The door burst opened, taking you all by surprise, and a bloodied Quinn was thrown forward, falling on Anika. You tried to help her up, but were dragged away by Tara, allowing you to dodge Ghostface’s knife.
She started running to the door, hand still holding yours. You were almost at the door when you were pulled backwards by your hair, causing you to let go of Tara’s hand.
She took a step closer to you.
“No! Go, Tara!”
She looked at you hesitantly, not wanting to leave you in that situation. Ghostface didn’t let her more time to think and kicked the door closed before slamming your head against it. You swore you heard your nose crack.
When the grip on your hair loosened, you fell on the floor. You felt dizzy, the world was spinning around you.
You felt someone lift you up and carry you for a few seconds. Things were all blurry around, and when your senses came back to normal, you saw blood all over the room.
Anika was next to you, bleeding. Sam, Mindy and Chad were trying to push Quinn’s cupboard against the door leading to the bathroom.
Ghostface was banging against the door, to the point it was shaking. It was clear it wouldn’t last long.
“It’s not going to last! We need to find a way to get out of here!” Chad said
You silently agreed. Having regained your composure, you ripped off a part of Quinn’s sheets and tried to tie it around Anika to slow down the bleeding.
Mindy let her brother and Sam holding the door and took a look at the window.
“If we tie the sheets we could escape by the window!” she said
“Or we could just open the other door and flee the apartment” you whispered loud enough only for your friends to hear
They all look at you with wide eyes.
“That’s… that’s actually a good idea”
“Thanks Chad. Now we might want to hurry up, quietly”
"Wait, who goes first?" Chad asked
"Anika. Then Mindy, Sam and you"
"No no no, you go before me. You're hurt." Sam declared
"I'm fine, I promise. Trust me, okay?"
She didn't move, hesitant, before nodding reluctantly.
You gave Anika and Mindy a nod, signal for them to go and open the door as quietly as they could. They did and walked to the apartment door, which they opened as well. Chad followed them soon after they left you field of vision.
You were now alone with Sam, trying to keep Ghostface busy with the bathroom door.
"Go!" you whispered to your girlfriend
She gave you an unsure look; the door was going to break soon, and she didn't want you to die.
"Sam, go! I'll be right behind you, I promise" you reassured her quietly
She finally nodded and walked to the door.
Almost as soon as she left, Ghostface managed to kick the door open, causing you to stumble away due to the shock. He was soon on you again, pushing you on the floor, and tried to stab you.
You didn't have time to think and protected yourself with your left hand. You felt the blade sink right through it.
You thought it was over. You were going to die there. There was no way you could defend yourself, not when every fast movement made your head spin.
Luckily, Sam hadn't gone too far already, and came to rescue you. She slammed the knife stand on his head as violently as she could and kicked him in the face too.
That seemed to work, because Ghostface was on the floor, trying to regain composure.
Sam didn't lose any second and lifted you up before carrying you out of the apartment and down to the street. When you got down there, everyone was here.
An ambulance didn't take long to arrive.
They took care of Anika first, as she was the most hurt of the group. Then they checked your forehead, opened due to your head being slammed against the door, and bandaged up your hand after stitching it up.
While the police what interrogating Sam, Tara came to you.
"How are you feeling?" she asked quietly
It was obvious she felt guilty for letting you in while she was safe outside.
"I'm okay, it's nothing too serious, don't worry" you reassured her She hesitated for a minute, before hugging you tightly.
"I was so scared... A-after the door closed I- I tried to go back inside but.." she sniffled "If I were there maybe I could’ve protected you…”
"Hey.." you hugged her back as best as you could "I'm okay, I promise"
"But your head, a-and your hand...
You rubbed your forehead.
"That's nothing. And that..." you looked at your wounded hand "Hey, we're twinning now!"
Your words caught her by surprise but caused her to chuckle slightly.
"Yeah, we're twinning now" she said with a little smile
After that, Anika stayed at the hospital. Mindy was chosen to keep her company and protect her -just in case. Gale and Kirby joined your little group, as did detective Bailey -Quinn's dad- and Ethan, who 'had e-con' when Ghostface attacked the apartment. He wasn't really convincing though... maybe he was the one who attacked you.
Thanks to Gale's help, you discovered a shrine dedicated to Ghostface and the previous Woodsboro murders. The one who did that clearly was obsessed with everything Ghostface related.
After that, Kirby 'kicked' Gale out of the group -saying it was not a place for a journalist-causing her to get attacked at her apartment. You were all afraid another original was about to die, and you hoped she would be okay.
After Gale's attack, you tried to elaborate a plan to kill Ghostface, and decided to lure him into the shrine, lock him in, and kill him.
"We should go there using the train" someone said
It was a terrible idea. There were so many people. Too many people.
You got separated from the rest of the group almost immediately. Luckily -or not- Ethan was with you. You took out your phone and texted Sam to tell her you had to take the next train.
Surprisingly, nothing bad happened on the way to the shrine. It was even a bit odd, considering it was a perfect occasion to attack Ethan and you.
You were almost at the shrine's door when you felt something hit the back of your head violently.
You knew it was going too well to last.
When you opened your eyes, you were inside the shrine, tied up.
“Ah, great, you’re awake. Perfect timing, really”
You turned around to see detective Bailey coming towards you.
“W-wait Ghostface, he-” you started, before being cut off
“I know, I know” the man said as he lifted you up and led you to the main room of the shrine.
When you got there, you saw Sam and Tara being held hostages by two people; Ethan -as you could have predicted- and…
“Hey pretty girl” she smirked and waved at you, knife in hand
You were completely lost; she was supposed to be dead!
In your confusion, you noticed Chad was nowhere to be found, and so was Kirby. You hoped they were safe.
“Enough talking.” Detective Bailey declared, pressing his knife against your throat “Now Y/n… I’ve been told you had trouble making choices”
Quinn winked at you.
“I figured you might want some help” she said
“It’s just a little plus to what we planned” Ethan added
“What? What are you talking about?” you asked
“Let me explain simply” the older man started. He pointed at Sam and Tara. “You get to choose who lives, and who dies”
Your eyes widened at his words.
You looked over at Sam, held by Quinn, knife dangerously close to her throat, then at Tara, whom Ethan was keeping still, also threatening her.
“So, Y/n? What do you decide?” the redhead asked
“Fuck you” you spat
“I’d rather fuck you, honestly” she smirked “If you knew how many times I’ve wanted to just pin you against a wall and fuck you right there, I-”
She didn’t have time to finish her sentence, as Sam threw her head back, hitting the other girl right in the face. Taken aback, she let her guard down, which allowed your girlfriend to take the knife from her hand.
Next to them, Tara managed to kick Ethan where it hurts, and tried to take his knife as well.
If Bailey was surprised by all that sudden action, he didn’t show any sign of it. Instead, he plunged his knife right in your stomach.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you” he told the girls, who were about to stab the two other Ghostface
They turned to look in your direction and stopped all movements. They were hesitant now.
“Drop your weapons, now.” the man said
As they weren’t moving, considering all the possibilities, he twisted the knife to the side, making you whimper in pain and spit out some blood.
“Okay okay, stop!” Sam said, almost pleading him to stop hurting you
“You know what to do if you want me to stop”
He punctuated his words with another twist of the knife in your stomach.
Sam dropped the knife, and so did Tara.
As Quinn and Ethan bent down to grab their weapons again, a gunshot was heard and Bailey’s legs seemed to get weak. You took the opportunity to escape his grip.
Sam kicked Quinn in the face as she was still bent over, probably breaking her nose in the process -and maybe even a few teeth. Tara was quicker than Ethan to grab the knife, but slower to get back up. He grabbed her by the throat and tried to choke her, laughing like a psycho. The smaller girl had trouble moving.
Her sister was busy fighting Quinn, so you were the one to help her.
You took the knife from her hand and stabbed Ethan in the mouth.
“Don’t. Fucking. Touch her.” you said as you twisted the blade in his mouth, before pulling it out, letting his body fall to the floor
You turned to Tara.
“Are you okay…?”
She nodded, and was quick to hold you when she saw you stumbling.
“Are you okay? You’re bleeding a lot…”
She was worried, and afraid you were losing too much blood.
Sam soon arrived next to you, as concerned as her sister.
“Tara, please, can you try to slow down the bleeding?” she asked her
The youngest nodded.
“What are you going to do?” she asked her sister
Sam turned to where Bailey was, starting to stand up while holding his bleeding leg.
“Take care of him.” She said with a stern, cold voice
Tara led you away from the fights and took care of you. You were barely conscious at this point.
You didn’t see Sam and Kirby close to Bailey. You didn’t hear Kirby tell Sam she would just shoot him and it will be over. You didn’t hear Sam deny her, and stab the man at least 30 times, punctuated each stab with cold words, filled with venom.
She was so mad he hurt you. She was enraged. No one had the right to hurt you. No one had the right to even lay a finger on you.
<><><><> ♡ <><><><>
Months after this day, everything was back to normal; you were happy with Sam, and Tara had moved on. She even had her eye on someone.
Your wounds were healed, and the only remaining thing of them were scars. As you thought, you now had a matching scar with Tara, on your left hand. And just like her you had to train your hand everyday so you could use it properly again. Some nerves were cut when the blade went through your hand, which wasn’t the best thing.
But let’s see the positive: it gave you an opportunity to spend more time with Tara and bound together over something, even if it wasn’t the thing you would’ve imagined.
You braided each other’s hair every day, and you were regaining more and more control over your hand. It was like before, just you and your best friend.
Sam’s relation with her sister also improved after the events. They took time to talk, to really talk and listen to each other.
To say it briefly, you were back to an almost normal life, and you hoped it would last.
[Previous part]
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maluondrugs · 23 days
Happy Mother's Day!
Alicent Headcanons with her children
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This is the first time I write something like this so I hope you enjoy it. Also, english is def not my first language so forgive me for any mistakes.
Those are mostly about the book characters!!!!!
• When Aegon was a baby, Alicent was very proud of him and liked to boast him to everyone in court;
• As a little boy, Aemond used to pretend to be her protector and would follow her everywhere with a wooden sword on the waist, and she always complimented him for his strength and bravery;
• Alicent spends more time with Helaena than with the boys. She's her most religious child and they go to the sept together, do girly things together like walk in the gardens to pick flowers, embroidery and charity work;
• She likes to receive long letters from Daeron and read them multiple times;
• When the twins were born, Alicent withdrew from her court activities to teach Helaena how to be a mother. They dismissed a few of the maids and nurses and spent a lot of time with the children. They became even closer after that;
• Alicent can't have a good sleep when Aegon is out during the night. She waits for him and asks the guards to report her any news about him. Sometimes, she even walks through the hallways of the red keep, only waiting for him to show up;
• When Aemond lost his eye, he spent a week under the effect of the milk of the poppy, delirious, sleeping most of the time. She never left his side, not even for a moment;
• When Daeron left, she hold back her feelings and didn't cry in public, saying everything was alright and talking about the wonders of Oldtwon, but once she was alone in her chambers, Alicent cried for hours;
• Alicent wants Aemond to fall in love and find a wife, but he has no interest on it yet and she doesn't find any of the ladies good enough for him;
• Everyday she pray to the gods for forgiveness for marrying Aegon e Helaena;
• She gives many compliments to all her children and is very proud of all of them, even with all their flaws;
• She likes Helaena's hair to look like the Oldtwon fashion, just like she used to wear when she was a young girl;
• Daeron was her most loving and affectionate boy. She misses him everyday;
• Everytime Aegon enters the hall during an event he kisses her face; 
• She never forced her children to dress in green, but Aemond always likes to use it;
• Alicent loved to read stories for her babies;
• She always tells them about the old king Jaehaerys and the time she spent reading and taking care of him;
• Everytime Helaena shows up in a new dress or looks prettier than the usual, Alicent says she looks like a perfect queen;
• When Aegon was a child, she used to refer to him as “our future king”. When Rhaenyra's sons were born, she told him he was the legitimate heir to the throne and that he would be king one day;
• She always tells Aegon and Aemond how much she would like to see them as tournament champions;
• She's not very fond with animals but allowed Helaena to have as many pets (and bugs) as she wanted as a child;
• She wanted to have another girl to be Helaena's friend, but as it never happened, she is grateful for her daughter and they are best friends;
• When she got pregnant for the first time, she was afraid of not being able to love her children, but the moment she saw Aegon for the first time, she understood she would never love anything in the world the way she loved him. She would kill and die for him and for her children. They are everything for her.
Let me know if you like it! Happy mother's day!
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bumblesimagines · 22 days
look, the sex is great, but i don't want to get involved.
i don't feel that way about you.
Maddy Perez
look, the sex is great, but i don't want to get involved.
i don't feel that way about you.
Pronouns: He/Him/His, M!Reader
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As much as he hated admitting it, house parties weren't a complete waste of time. Sure, half the time the only way to have fun was drinking until you were comatose and praying nobody caught the embarrassing moments on camera, but at least they were a good way at meeting others. (Y/N) merely had to wait for the party to really begin once everyone had a bit of alcohol or weed or harder shit in their system and were screaming the lyrics to whatever song the host put on, most often from a hip hop playlist full of songs about gangbanging or doing drugs put together by a suburban white kid who'd only ever touched weed once in their life. Sometimes, he'd wait around for Maddy and her posse to show up, wait a couple mintues while she pretended he didn't exist until the party bored her and she dragged him someplace private, but (Y/N) wanted to spice things up. After all, his father had always told him that 'men eventually get bored of eating the same meal everyday'. 
So, after scoping out the scene at the little house party some random classmate had thrown, (Y/N) found himself being approached by a pretty redhead he vaguely recognized from 3rd period English class and only had to take a few sips of the spiked punch before leaning in to kiss her. It'd all been going well. The redhead whose name slipped his mind the second after she told him had perched herself on his lap, the pink lipstick she wore certainty smudging against his lips though he hardly minded. He geared himself up to ask if she wanted to head upstairs, only for his eye to catch Maddy making a beeline straight for him with her two friends tripping over themselves to follow. 
He hardly had time to react before Maddy grabbed a fistful of the redhead's hair, a shriek of pain and surprise leaving the girl as Maddy pulled on it and dragged her right onto the floor. (Y/N) shot up from the couch while everyone around them moved out the way, making a circle around them and fumbling for their phones. 
"The fuck's the matter with you?!" The redhead shrieked, one hand holding onto Maddy's wrist in a vain attempt at getting her to let go. 
"The fuck's the matter with me?! Look at yourself, bitch!" Maddy shouted back at her, ignoring Kat and Cassie's pleading shouts for her to calm down until she finally released the girls hair with a forceful shove. The redhead grunted, touching the back of her head where Maddy had grabbed her before she reached for a nearby unattended cup and tossed it in Maddy's direction, drenching Maddy's miniskirt and most of her thighs in beer. A chorus of 'ooh's spread around the crowd, shining lights from phone's recording pointed at the two of them. "You dumb fucking slu-"
"That's enough, Maddy," (Y/N) coiled your arms around her waist before she could lunge for the girl and hauled her off, shoving his way through the crowd while she withered around in his hold, shouting insults and threats at the top of her lungs. Her nails dug into his hands, trying to pry them of herself while he searched for a door that hopefully led to an empty room. He found one by the stairs and opened it, flickering the night on and finding himself looking into the garage. Good enough. He walked in, minding the small step, and shut the door behind him with lock for good measure. 
"Let me go." Maddy demanded and he loosened his grip enough for her to wriggle free. She staggered forward and looked down at herself, irritably groaning and wiping her palms across her bare skin in hopes of drying herself. (Y/N) exhaled heavily and took a glance at the back of his hands, finding red lines from her nails. He typically never minded scratch marks, but only under the right circumstances. 
"What the hell was that about?" 
"Oh, I'm sorry for interrupting you before you could fuck that bitch infront of everyone. I didn't realize you were into that shit, my fucking bad." Maddy snapped, letting out a huff and raking her hand through her hair, pulling strands away from vision. She murmured angrily under her breath when she looked down at herself again before fluttering her eyes shut and taking in a deep breath. "Whatever. Forget about it, okay?"
"No, no I won't forget about you almost ripping some chick's hair from her scalp for no reason!" 
"You stick your tongue in her mouth for five seconds and suddenly you start giving a shit about her? Give me a break. She'll be fine, (Y/N). She'll have a headache for a couple hours and that's it." Maddy rolled her eyes and scoffed. "I didn't even hit her."
"That doesn't explain why you did it, Maddy. You were fine one second and the next you're trying to fight some chick you've never even spoken to before. What's your problem?" He stared at her and she refused to look back at him, instead keeping her head angled toward the tools hung up on the wall.  
"Forget about it, (Y/N). Let's just... let's just have some fun, okay?" Maddy exhaled softly and finally looked at him, her heels clicking against the concrete floor as she closed the distance and slung her arms around his neck, her perfume invading his senses and maroon-colored lips capturing his. He grunted, grabbing hold of her hips and pushing her back. "Come on, (Y/N). You know you would've ditched her for me if I asked."
"But you didn't, Maddy. You cockblocked me by dragging around that damn chick and you won't even tell me why. You getting jealous on me or something? 'Cause that's what it looked like." (Y/N) pried her arms off his shoulders and stepped around her, creating distance between them. Maddy crossed her arms, head tilting back and another groan leaving her mouth.
"So what if I was?"
"So what? Look, the sex is great, but I don't want to get involved with whatever bullshit you've got going on with Jacobs, alright? You're a cool chick, Maddy. You're practically perfect. But.. I don't feel that way about you. I've seen you and Jacobs. You'll never let each other go, and that's just not for me. I'm... sorry."
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f4iry-bell · 2 months
Grayson x reader argument angst/comfort
dates and bags
this was supposed to be in my current series but I've decided to stop it and so it's here!! idk if it'll come under comfort tho because it's just vvv little confort but YEAH!!!!!
It has been exactly a month since things started becoming a bit serious with Grayson and her. A month of pure contentment. But it didn't last long, it was like someone was praying for them to seperated because Grayson started being distant. Everyday phone calls became text messages, text messages became one word reply or being left on read. Weekly dates or just them going out together became rare. He barely answered her calls, he'd text her ‘im bust’ after ignoring her calls. At first she believed that he was actually busy with work, after all he had his own life. But how long can one stay busy? Probably Grayson Hawthorne but this time Grayson Hawthorne has a girlfriend or whatever they are right now. A serious commitment.
It took her three phone calls and use of imperative sentences to convince him to meet her at a cafe they used to meet. Neither of them spoke much once Grayson arrived at the cafe late. 
“So, how are you doing?” She asked him with a bland tone. 
“Fine” He replied with an aloof tone.
“Are you sure?” She asked with her eyebrows raised. 
“Then why have you been acting like an asshole to me all week?” She snapped.
Grayson was taken aback by her snapping. But he kept his cool. “No need of vulgar language to resolve whatever silly reason you're mad at me for” 
“Silly reason?” She scoffed.
“I don't think I have done anything for you to be this mad” He said.
“You've been distancing yourself from me and ghosting me for a week!” She tried hard not to yell.
“I told you, I have been busy. Plus, I do answer your texts.” 
“No, you don't. You say ‘ok’, ‘i'll text you later’, ‘i’m busy’. You don't answer me.” She cleared it for him.
“I thought you'd understand that I'm a busy man, I don't have time for you all day”
“But you did when we met! If not all day, you had time for me for at least an hour. Now you can't even spare me a minute” She breaks down, the anger now turning into hurt.
Instead of giving her a reason, a real reason. Grayson tried to leave. “Look, I don't have time for this. I'll talk to you later,”he said.
“Screw this. Don't bother. If you even bother enough to think about me.” She stood up, grabbing her bag and taking out a bill to pay. “I'm out of this. I'm done” 
“What do you mean?” He asked as he watched her move out of their table.
“You know what I mean.” With that the one romantic relationship that worked out well for Grayson ended.
She tried not to think about Grayson and how he used to treat her, she tried not to care at all so she wouldn't be hurt. But she failed every time. It has been exactly four days since she called it off and blocked his number, not that she was expecting him to call or text. At 1 in the morning someone knocked on her apartment door. She walked out of bed and started to think whether or not to answer the door, it's 1 am, who could it be? 
Sighing she opened the door just 3 inches to see who it was while holding a broomstick behind her. She was surprised and angry to see who it was. 
He smiled. “Hello, love” She can smell the alcohol in his breath.
“What are you doing here?” She asked, and she noticed he was still holding a flask. How much did he drink?
“I missed you” He looked at her how he used to.
“Well keep missing me, cause I'm not talking to you. Go back to your place” She said and was about to slam the door but stopped when he gagged like was going to puke. 
“Sorry about that. Anyways, you look so beautiful,” he commented with a cheeky smile. Her anger only grew.
“Did you drive here?” She asked and he nodded. “Are you stupid? Driving while you're this drunk?” She asked, followed by an annoyed scoff.
 She shook her head and asked him to book a cab and go back to his place again, when he tried to get closer to her he almost lost his balance.
“You're so frustrating.” She said and grabbed his arm to help him inside her apartment, she helped him to sit on the couch and went to grab a glass of water for him. When she came back he was drinking from the flask again, she snatched it from his hand and handed him the glass. “Drink this”
“Thank you” He drank it. “Shouldn't you be mad at me?” He asked. 
“I am.”
“Then why are you offering me water?”
“So you can sober up and leave”
“Wrong. Because you're nice,” he said. “Too nice. Too pretty, too adoring, too passing, too considerate” He kept going.
“All that and yet—” Grayson cut her off mid sentence by talking.
“I told my brothers about you” He said. “And what happened”
“What did they say?” She tried not to think that Grayson told his brothers because he thought he messed up.
“They called me an idiot” He smiled.
“You are”
“I know. They also said you deserve an explanation. I guess that's why I'm here” 
“Go on, explain”
“Like I said, you're just too good. Too good for me, I don't deserve you but I decided to be selfish when I asked you out. But I started to panic because I was getting attached to you, I thought this would just be a fling but it was becoming so much bigger. It wasn't supposed to be like that for me, I can't stay selfish for a very long time. If you know my family history you'd hate me.” He explained.
“You think you don't deserve me? Grayson, I'm not special. And that is no excuse to distance yourself from me. Do you know how much you've hurt me? And I don't care about your family history, I liked you for you. You as an individual.”
“You liked me? You don't like me now? I understand. It was a false hope for thinking you'd still like me, I did act like an asshole to you” He let out a fake chuckle.
She thought for a moment before speaking. “I still like you, you know. You can't dislike someone just like that, especially someone like you.” She said.
Grayson blinked “You do?”
She nods.
“Does that mean you'd be willing to forgive me? My brothers said I should at least try and ask you for another chance” He asked.
She rolled her eyes. “First of all you didn't apologise yet.”
“I’m sorry.”
“For what?”
“For pushing you away because I hate myself and can't allow myself to have nice things” 
She sighs. “It's gonna take a lot more than a drunken apology.”
“So you'd be willing to try?” He asked with a hopeful smile.
She shrugged. “Now come on, let's get you to bed.” She said and took his hand, and laid him on her bed. “And don't you dare puke on my sheets” She warns.
He moved to the corner giving her some space, she climbed next to him and he wrapped his arms around her. “Is this okay?” He asked.
“It's fine.” She said, totally not bothered by his touch.
After five minutes of silence she spoke. “You know, you deserve to be loved. I don't why you think you don't, but you're a nice person, Grayson. And if you let me, I might fall in love with you”
“Thank you for saying that. Also, take back what you said earlier.” He said.
“When you said you're not special. Because you are, to me.”
 She turned to his side. “Don't sweet talk me. You owe me multiple dates before I officially forgive you”
“Just dates?”
“And a bag, maybe.”
“Dates and bag it is then”
She smiled. “You're really good at pushing people. But this better be the last time. Okay?”
“Yes, ma’am” 
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sanscat0414 · 4 months
Sideline 1
Hawks x Timid Reader
Scenario: Hawks loses his memories after a villlan fight leading to head trauma. His sidekick was all the more ready to take your place as his girlfriend. She fed him lies to make Hawks hate you. Will he remember you or will you remain a thorn in his eyes.
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It had been 2 months since Hawks was hospitalized after a long stressful fight. Each day you pray he would wake up.
You were there every possible moment waiting and hoping for the day he woken up. You had to work but You would stay by his side up until visiting hours where over. You would come home to your small little apartment crying wanting to have him back. You missed his warmth and you miss all those silly moments you had together.
You immediately rushed over to the hospital once your business trip was over to check on him. When you opened the door you saw him with his side kick, Vivian, the Shadow hero. Vivian was straddling Hawks and they were flirting with one another. You were grateful that he was finally awake but heartbroken seeing him with another woman.
“Hawks?” You asked trying to hide your broken heart.
“That’s the woman I was telling you about. Always trying to tear us apart.” Vivian said.
“What are you talking about I’m-“
“Don’t act all confused now! You weee always budding in like a crazy Fan and you always harassed me! Saying mean things about my body and coming on to Hawks like a creep!” She said.
She win an Oscar if she was an actress with all her crocodile tears. That wasn’t that part that make you hurt. What made you stop and broken was the look in Hawks eyes. No longer was the loving stares he gave you, there was only hate in his eyes.
He gave you the coldest stare you ever seen and sternly said “Get out. Look I don’t know what your problem is but stay away form my girl friend and Me.”
“Wait Hawks but we ar-“
“I don’t want to hear your delusions, please leave before I call security.”
He wouldn’t listen to you. You had no choice but to leave the room. You figured by now that Hawks didn’t remember you. You look back through the small window of the door. Hawks was happy, staring lovingly toward Vivian. You left crying running home. You tried everyday to see Hawks but the staff inform you he didn’t want to see you. They looks at you with pity knowing that you cared for him deeply despite them not knowing your relationship with him other than you were on his emergency contacts.
Once he was out you went to his agency to try to reason with him. He never listened brushing you aside like you were nothing but trash to him. Vivian did her best to keep you or any memory of you from surfacing, going so far to go into his office to remove any trace of you. Hawks even told the secretary to not let you in after 3-4 times you ended up there.
After a while you gave up, Hawks didn’t want anything to do with you. You lost hope that Hawks would ever love you again. Night after night you cried and wake up from nightmares only to wake up to another nightmare. One which Hawks despise you, one that Hawks was no longer your man, no longer look at you with love, no longer Hawks even look at you. You wake up looking up hoping you catch a glance at him only for you to see nothing.
You were walking home when you came across Tokoyami. Tokoyami wasn’t that close to you but Hawks sometimes brought Tokoyami along to have lunch or dinner so you two were really well acquainted.
“Oh Hi Tsukuyomi. It’s been a while how are you?” You asked putting up the best smile you can.
“Fine. I noticed you and Hawks are not talking. Did something happen?”
You couldn’t hold yourself back from crying. You could barely even tell him the whole truth. He guiding you to away form the crowded streets and held you as cry on his shoulders. Once you calmed down you told him what happened, how Hawks hates you and refuses to speak to you.
“… he won’t listen to me. Hawks doesn’t believe me. I been sidelined by Vivian…”
“You shouldn’t give up. You love him don’t you?”
“OF COURSE I DO! But what can I do? He’s happy with her, He hates me. I can’t even get a word in before he pushes me away! I can’t… I can’t do this anymore. I don’t know what to do Toki. I don’t….” You said.
“There you are.” You and Tokoyami heard.
You both look up to see Hawks. You immediately tried to hide yourself behind Tokoyami.
“Why are you here? Are you bothering my intern now?” Hawks said annoyed as soon as he saw you.
Tokoyami look back at you as you held on to his cap. You shook your head as if to tell him not to say a word.
“No, she’s not bothering me Hawks. She’s a friend of mine. I was helping her with something.”
“Oh. Well we should continue your patrols. I wanna ask if you want to have lunch with me Viv is gonna be there too.”
You flinched a bit hearing him call Vivian by a nickname so lovingly. You kept silent. Tokoyami declined and said he was going to escort you home the continue work. You can’t do anything but watch as he leaves you and Tokoyami. As he lifted you couldn’t help but try to reach out only to pull your hand back as you watch. Once you were home you laid on your couch scrolling through all your photos. Hawks smiling with you on your date to the amusement park, he was in disguise but it was a funny picture with a fake mustache. You smile at all your memories but you tears continue to fall as you remember your nothing to him now.
You can only watch him soar from the sideline.
Part 2
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