#Tomorrow will be better
dumblr · 11 months
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enii · 2 years
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I hope tomorrow will be a little bit better🐻💕
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healthfullysol · 1 month
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sweet dreams ☁️🌙
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foldingfittedsheets · 10 months
My parents decided to just roam for the month of December. Who knows why. They said they didn’t want to do holiday stuff until the new year. Found out later they’d had thanksgiving with my nana. Honestly it woulda been fine if they’d just said they didn’t want the kids over? But instead mom decided lying that they weren’t doing it at all was easier.
My transphobic sister is having a baby so they decided to drive down to her state to see her, after telling me they’d come to my choir concert. And again. That’s fine, I get that the baby is a bigger deal.
But mom asked me to look after her chickens while they’re gone. I dragged myself over aching in every bone from overexertion yesterday, including the concert. When I called concerned about one of her hens dragging a lame foot around she told me that’s just how that chickens always been and not to worry about it. Didn’t ask me how the concert had been.
When my betrothed got home I was deep in sadness pits. I told them, “I feel like that chicken. Hobbling around receiving inferior care and attention from my mom.”
They baked cookies and we cuddled about it.
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calebs-hangout-corner · 8 months
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Damn Brooke, that’s kinda gay—
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rainbowsky · 9 months
Tomorrow Will Be Better combined version (4 different mixes).
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finleyforevermore · 9 months
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Goodnight, my incredible, beautiful, magnificent, wonderful friends!!! All of you are blinding, shining stars (/ref) and I love all of you so so so much!! 💖💖💖💖💚💚💚💚💙💙💙💙💖💖💖💚💚💚💙💙💙💙💖💖💖💚💚💙💙💙
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dreams-incorporated · 6 months
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okaydays22 · 2 months
good night everybody who's going to bed... i hope tomorrow will be great cuz you're great <3
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lesbianjudasiscariot · 3 months
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fallevs · 8 months
Day five of the @klaineccfanficlibrary event ❤️
This fifth poem is called The power of love is a curious thing, set in A Wedding (6×08), the night Kurt runs to Blaine.
"Kurt, are you okay?"
"No. I'm not okay, okay? I-I love you. I-I still love you, and I-I know everything was completely messed up before, but everything's fine now. So will you will you– will you go to the wedding with me? I-I mean, unless there's there's somebody else."
"There's no one else."
Kurt cannot explain how he feels at that moment. A mix of awe, wonder, and surprise. He welcomes Blaine's lips, soft and fresh, as if it were his last day on earth and he were being asked to make a last wish. That would be it, he thinks, the last thing I would want to do before I die. The last thought, the last kiss, the last caress. If he had one last chance to give love, the answer would still and always be Blaine. Blaine, his beginning and his end. The certainty, the safety, the anchor to cling to without fear of falling.
Blaine, that smells like home and happy memories.
Kurt clings to him as if it were the most natural thing in the world. As if he can't help himself. He holds him close, touches him, has to figure out if he is real, if he is not imagining, if he is really here with him and not still outside running endlessly without ever arriving.
And what amazes him most is how Blaine is welcoming him. He feels him giving his all, leaving nothing behind, not omitting even a small gesture. Why? He would like to ask him. Why do you want this disaster with you? You have the world at your feet, you have the sun in your eyes, the light in your heart, and you still want me. Me, who will continue to make mistakes but now I know how to speak the right words.
It's beautiful, beautiful, so beautiful the world together with you.
"I want to make love with you," Kurt tells him without breaking away from his lips. Blaine smiles, barely breaking the kiss. "There's nothing else in the world I want to do," he whispers.
And Kurt loves him so much that he feels his heart flare up and burst, but he doesn't care.
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A short time ago,
talking to someone,
I had started to say
that by now
I would never go back
to believing in love, because
love began and ended with you.
With your gentle touch,
the flutter of your eyelashes on mine,
the sweet smile you reserved only for me.
Love began and ended with you.
With your trembling hands,
your weak legs clasped around me,
the sweat on your neck;
sighing and
welcoming me.
Love began and ended with you
and I know I didn't deserve your return
to me
but you chose me, again
you chose us, again
and you saved my life, again.
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mrpicasso-face · 16 days
I'm excited for tomorrow,
Not that there's much of a plan
Or really any plan at all.
To be honest with you
I don't even know what a,
"Monarch Festival",
But I find myself
In gleeful anticipation
To find out.
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wavesoutbeingtossed · 5 months
Your Mind Is Not Your Friend (Feat. Phoebe Bridgers) - The National
Don't you understand? Your mind is not your friend again It takes you by the hand And leaves you nowhere You are like a child You're gonna flip your lid again Don't you understand? Your mind is not your friend
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thedungeonbat · 15 days
Monday, September 9ᯓ★
To be honest, today was rough. Finding out that the AP Politics exam on Friday is actually taking place really stressed me out and math class gave me even more anxiety.
I was in the library from 11:30am - 2pm and mainly lend out books to grades 10-12. We had some issues with the geography books but I couldn’t fix it since I ran out of time. I’ll either figure something out tomorrow, on wednesday or move it to my tutors to do list.
Didn’t go to pe but instead went out to run a few errands. Shops were crowded with tourists- it was horrible.
Finished Greys Anatomy and Station 19 tonight which left me feeling not so great.
I’ll go to sleep now; tomorrow will be a better day.
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narryffdreaming · 6 months
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🫶🏻 god im so happy
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youngchronicpain · 1 year
The brain is beating the ol' drum again. I feel bad! I feel bad! I feel bad!
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