#Trans Inclusion
jamechloe · 17 days
Redefining beauty on my own terms. 💅💜 #TransIsBeautiful #ConfidenceGlow
Help reblog trans family 💋❤️
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an-albino-pinetree · 5 months
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And a standalone of the boyo ✨
[PT: and a standalone of the boyo]
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fixing-bad-posts · 1 year
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[Image description: A tumblr text-post, edited erasure-poetry style and superimposed over a picture of a field of dandelions gone to seed. Resulting text reads, "There is room in womanhood for somebody who was born with a penis", followed by a white heart emoji.]
There is room in womanhood for somebody who was born with a penis ♡
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talisidekick · 10 months
You're not LGBTQIA+ inclusive if you police transgender or intersex bodies, and expressions.
This goes out to transgender and cisgender people everywhere. I don't care if you're gay, bi, lesbian, aro, ace, an ally, etc.
If you think art, literature, or media shouldn't depict men with boobs and a vagina, or flat chested women with penises, because it's "fetishistic", let me be very damn clear: if you don't get the same feelings from seeing cisgender men and women in the same situations, you are the one oversexualizing trans bodies, not the artist, author, animator, or producer. You aren't being an ally, you're promoting bigotry; go check yourself.
I'm quite frankly tired of walking into supposedly LGBTQIA+ friendly spaces only to find out that my presence is unwanted because I don't conform to the cisgender man and woman body expectation. You're not an ally to me or people like me, you're a fucking threat preying on the hope the acronym and flag provide that say you'll be kind and inclusive. And frankly, thats awefully shitty of you, more shitty than just dropping the T or I from the acronym and putting up signs I'm not allowed, because at least you're letting me know in advance to stay away and not telling me I'm disgusting and unacceptable to you to my face.
I exist, and I shouldn't have to conform to cisgender male or female expectations to be recognized for my existence.
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genderqueerpositivity · 9 months
It's that time of year again!
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void-inked-pen · 7 months
You know what I find funny?
JK Rowling hates Drarry. Like she despises it.
Not only is she a terf but she really hates the gay shit she wrote in her own books.
So keep making drarry content.
Keep making Hermione black or Harry Indian
Keep including trans characters in your fics
Because she fucking hates it
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lgbtqtext · 3 days
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nothing0fnothing · 7 months
I'm so sick of seeing terfs bring up pads and tampons as if they're a sacred resource trans women are stealing from us.
Do I know why a trans woman would buy pads or tampons? No. Do I care? Also no.
They're £3 a box and available in every supermarket, convenience shop and women's toilet in the country. They're not stealing resources from cis women or personally victimising you in any way by buying pads. Grow the fuck up. 💀
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meepertonton · 1 month
I need someone to explain to me what tirfs believe pls
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pinkspacevampire · 5 months
Just a reminder that the homophobes don't care if you are "one of the good ones".
"Yeah I'm gay but I don't wear rainbows or make it my entire personality." They don't want you to get married. They want to make you straight.
"LGB drop the T and Q+". They don't give a shit about you. They are going to take away your rights too.
"Yeah I'm trans but not one of those xenogender users". They probably think you are both freaks.
They hate us, they are trying to get rid of us and we have to fight back and support each other because they sure as hell won't.
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reasonandempathy · 1 year
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an-albino-pinetree · 5 months
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I love this audio clip -v-
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fixing-bad-posts · 2 years
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[Image description: A tumblr text-post, edited blackout-poetry style to read, "I think transwomen are real women and belong in womens spaces because trans cool." The image has been superimposed over a photograph of a pink flower in bloom.]
because trans cool
Submitted by @autisticfordprefect
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the-cimmerians · 9 months
It is that time of year again. I have reached out to the families on my list to gather girl scouts to purchase cookies from. Please consider choosing a trans girl scout to get your cookies from this year - the kids are under attack this year more than ever, so lets give them some joy.
Note: When purchasing from one of these trans girl scouts, please choose the “ship the cookies” option and not the “deliver the cookies” by hand option.
With no further adieu, here are the scouts! Please check back as many more often request to be added after publication, and I will keep this post updated with any that join in:
Dotty: Dotty is a trans Girl Scout who is a born entrepreneur and cares a lot about helping aquatic animals. You can buy cookies from her here!
Ryan: Ryan is a trans Girl Scout who is part of an inclusive troop that has helped create a safe space for all kids. You can buy cookies from her here!
Candor: Candor is a nonbinary Girl Scout participating in their 10th cookie season to raise funds for their Gold Award. You can get cookies from Candor here!
Joshua: Joshua is a trans Girl Scout thriving with her troop and who really appreciated all of the orders last year and hopes the internet wants more cookies in 2024. You can get cookies from her here!
Em: Em is a nonbinary girl scout who is looking to fund a trip to Savannah, GA as well as planning activities with their community nursing home. You can get cookies from Em here!
Lily: Lily is a trans girl scout. She and her LGBTQ+ friendly troop are hoping to earn enough money to go on an overnight adventure at SeaWorld! They will also use the troop funds to pay for yearly dues so our low income families won't have to worry about that additional fund with Girl Scouting. You can get cookies from her here!
Logan: Logan, who sometimes goes by Rapunzel, is a trans girl scout looking to earn money for craft supplies and to replace camping supplies that burned in a fire. You can buy cookies from her here!
Gabby: Gabby is a trans girl scout who plans to use the money to support her troop’s camping trip this year! You can buy cookies from her here!
Ash: Ash is a nonbinary scout looking to pay for summer camp and service projects! You can get cookies from Ash here!
Logan: Logan is a 7 year old trans girl scout full of glitter and sunshine. She’s raising money to fund the first camping trip for her troop: You can find her cookies here!
Olivia: Olivia is a trans girl scout that loves all things ocean, especially mermaids, and is excited to earn her pets, bugs, and arts and crafts badges soon! You can get cookies from her here!
Brie and Lexie’s Troop: This trans-affirming troop has several members that can be on this list. They work every year to make sure everyone is supported and loved. Instead of posting individual links, they have a page that goes to the full troop’s catalog.
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Hello everyone! If you are 16 or older and live in the US (or a US territory) please take the National Trans Survey (especially if you are older or transfem because mod knows that those groups are underrepresented in the blog following/other online trans spaces)!
The survey is open till November 21st and you can find it here.
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void-inked-pen · 6 months
Gonna be real with you all… that post I made about Drarry started some unwanted discourse that defeated the whole purpose of that post.
“You can’t ship drarry because the REAL reason JK hates it is cause he’s a racist/bully!”
Dude when did I say any of that? Also BOY do I have some information for you that your not gonna like about JK
“Shipping canon drarry is toxic!”
Again… where are the askers?
“Don’t spread this misinformation!”
Okay, I’m gonna stop you right there and ask you to take a step back. JK Rowling has been confirmed to be a terf, racist, and general horrible human being for a long time now. Trying to “um actually” me in a post that was encouraging the fandom to keep making what they like and ignoring the creator by making everyone of her hated tropes fanon is not helping anyone or yourself.
I’m of the opinion that drarry functions as a ship so long as Draco himself gets the character development he so obviously was deprived of. (I’m also of the opinion that that CD needs to be beaten into his skull brutally before his true self can even come out but I digress)
You can dislike the ship all you want but calling it “toxic” just because of canon will not give you browny points here. Canon can go suck an egg.
To reiterate my point for people who seem to ignore it: JK Rowling hates drarry not because it’s “not healthy” but because of what it represents, which is a legitimate gay relationship between her protagonist and a character she beat into the ground.
Flawed characters are interesting because they are flawed.
A relationship is interesting in a story because of the potential that it brings to the story.
So again: make your trans characters, make your poc Harry and Hermione, make your marauders drip the rainbow (forgot to include them last time whoops), because the garbage human being who made our childhoods is mad about it.
That’s all.
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