#UF!Sans Smut
missmoonysweetluna · 5 months
Please do not interact with or submit NSFW posts if you are under 18.
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the-fandom-qu33n · 1 year
Chapter 10____To Strike A Match
(UF Sans/Reader)
Rated M...violence, profanity and much else soon to come
burnt out sick of the recurring timeline everything is starting to break him down little by little... day after day drink after drink he needed something different a smoke would be good... just needed a...light?
".....'s dat so?"
....those words echoed in Grillby's head as his gaze shook in pure panic....he was staring right at you...he knew...his face he HAD to know....Grillby shook and flickered in fear...his breathing quickened...this wasn't happening...his perfectly calculated plan in shambles...in a matter of minutes...this...bastard...
flash backs began to run through his mind taking over his vision as he froze stiff again...
the first time they had met....... ...when was it?...what had happened...?...how DID he meet red?...
the scene set before him in dark shadowy whisps ...each whisp of the memory fade morphed into monsters set in the...once bright throne room...a clean ...large throne room...this is one he didn't recognize...perhaps this was because he was freaking out a mistake in memory..a faulty misconception.....this place wasn't the throne room he knew......the castles walls lack the decay and rot ...no cracks...no dust...it seemed this place was...taken care of...well kempt.....that wasn't right...Asgore couldn't he wasn't in the right mind after the child had died...what was his name again...no matter...the son of the king and queen was no where in sight...why was his majesty ok all of a sudden..?
it was strange to see...the king standing in all his glory smiling...a broken smile...his eyes was minus a few eye bags and every scar he adorned now.. wearing his old robes colors his old kingdoms symbols ...before the prophesy.....horns no longer broken...and ...Queen Toriel stood beside him? ..stars how long into the past had he taken himself in this panic attack?...seemed right before the first human had fallen...but...why was he remembering this..
why did his mind reel this far back?...did he meet Red here and not notice?...surely that couldnt be it...Red wasnt in his life that long...was he?...who exactly were these skeleton brothers...what had he missed so long ago...how old was this damned memory??...where was red and papyrus...he didnt see them in the room...could he even move...?
shaking his head away from all his thoughts he growled moving to one room or the other...each room was different...bright shining rooms that held...monsters conversing in a hushed tone...none looked like how he remebered...there was armour here...perhaps it was the dogs...?... if so why didnt he hear barking...no tails wagging no burnt dog biscut smell...heck he didnt even see Undyne..infact...judging by the armor the guardsmen were wearing... brilliant black metal laced in a shining silver... these guards...werent the royal guard...no wait...his gaze landed back on the king and queen...their faces...shown distress..
...damaged royals...a broken hope...
he saw it in their eyes as his soul seemingly stopped beating even for a slight second....there was fear in them...
he shook more looking around...no no no this wasnt right..this place wasnt right...these monsters couldnt be...the bright rooms...strange monsters...the fear...the castle...the symbols and newly polished guardsmen armour....
he knew this time...he knew it all to well...he knew these monsters... he knew why the king and queen looked so distraught this wasn't after the kid had died...
no...this was before...
a guard looked over at where he was...tilting its snake like head as it hissed out..
"sssstatuss report on the northern boundariesss"
the snake monster slithered over asking again....but what could he do...he couldnt speak...he couldnt be back here... another guard rushed over a cat one this time as it came when the snake had slammed its tail on the ground for help....they were concerned...checking over him ..words muffled by the now ringing in his skull as his gaze shook....
more and more guards rushed over to check him...but he couldnt do anything but hyperventilate and watch as each and every monster in the guards hall rushed in to see if they could aid him...each one brandishing the symbol...wearing the armour of the king...he knew these monsters...he knew their families...he knew their names...
he had to leave...this was a nightmare and nothing more...he refused to be here he refused to remember!...rushing past a few of the guards he heard them call out in alarm as he ran...left...right...down the second hall to the right again...down the spiral stair case...everything was as it had been...every decorative piece the royals had filled the walls with...every sword wielding statue..every painting of the greats before Asgore and lady Toriel...
each hall way and room he glanced into was as bright as the last...flowers in vases...flowers of various colors and types...none blue and glowing...more guards tried to slow him down as he ran throughout the castle ..but none fast enough as he...no one ever was...gripping the cloak around his neck tightly as he ran ripping the hood over his face...the magic taking ahold of him as his body shook...the coolness of the fabric ...the smell of ash...the glowing of the bright lava gem shone brightly as he ran before dulling again to a dark red....
the cooks were in the kitchens...the service staff awaiting their next request...the décor even the furniture made his soul ache...every damn room was the same...quickly he ripped open the next door he saw tears began to cascade down his face as he scanned the room...a beautiful library...thousands of books lined each and every wall...no space was empty on the white pristine shelves... books he knew all to well...the singe marks on his favorite chair...next to the crackling fireplace...the shelves of fantasy practically calling out to him again...running his fingers along each books spine he felt colder and colder...345 pages...the next was 238 pages..used to be 239 but he had accidently burned it to ash......160 pages...stories of grandeur stories of romance..adventure...stories his mother used to read to him...stories he read to himself in the late hours of the night until early dawn...every single book in this place he had read at least twice... looking to his arm he sobbed....he was wearing the damned armor to...wearing that damned bracelet his mama had given him before...she dusted...looking out the window he sobbed even harder falling to his knees at the first glance of the blinding morning light as the guards rushed in surround his broken state with medicines...a physician...the royals....and a mage....
.....................this was....
...this was before the war...
on the SURFACE
hope this was ok...sorry ive not been in the right head space lately... im sorry its a bit short...
if you took the time to read this i appreciate it...
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wendigonamecaller · 4 months
Hazbin Hotel discord [ READ THE RULES.] (Non-official)
Requests are open <3
Hazbin Hotel
Piercing Provocation (18+!!)
Lady in white description.
-Angel Dust (platonic)
-Lucifer Morningstar
-Charlie Morningstar (platonic)
-Vaggie (platonic)
-Carmilla Carmine
(Disclaimer: I will NOT be writing for Valentino x reader/oc, or Katie Killjoy or Tom Trench. I also do not write for Canon x Canon ships, and that goes for all fandoms.)
-Sam Winchester
-Dean Winchester
Undertale (Ut, Uf, Us, Mt, Mf, Dt, Ff.)
-Sans (I do not write romantic scenarios for US sans.)
-Papyrus (I do not write romantic scenarios for UT Pap.)
-Toriel (parental)
-Asgard (parental)
-Frisk (platonic)
-Chara (platonic)
-Flowey (platonic)
-Metaton (platonic)
Transformers (Bayverse, Knightverse.)
-Opimus Prime
What will I write?
Simple, I'll write almost anything. I focus mainly on darker fics because that's what I'm good at, which means smut and yandere themes are totally on the table. HOWEVER. I will NOT write scat, incest, or anything like that. I also do not write for furry readers, I tried once and I'm just not good at it. I do write BDSM themes, as well as sadomasochism and Dom/Sub dynamics. Keep in mind I am 19 and fixing to apply to uni, on top of looking for work, so please be patient.
Writing commissions are OPEN. If interested, dm me for more information, my online and available hours are [2pm - 1:30am EST] (Subject to change.)
Heir(ess) [Kai Anderson x oc] BEING REWRITTEN!!
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ut-museum-guide · 7 months
7 smut fics
3 Reader fics
2 shipless fics _ Burn Me Down and Roadside Attraction
1. Karmic Retribution
By Mercy_Run (127k) - Complete
Sans x Red x Edge
[author summary]
“Sans knew in his soul that there was only one way he was now in another universe. Erasure was one thing a reset would fix, but corrupting and breaking it would be the only reason he was here now.
He had expected to overwhelmed in this world of 'kill or be killed' but it was this timeline's version of his brother and himself that had him stepping up. He was a 1 HP monster, physically weak but he did have one thing on his side in a world so filled with LOVE.”
2. Broken Bones
By Lady_Kit (162k) - Complete
Edge x Stretch, Edge x Blue
[author summary]
“UF!Papyrus is gravely injured, and UF!Sans brings him to Underswap to recover. UF!Papyrus doesn't know how to handle genuine kindness, and US!Papyrus learns there's more to this other version of himself than he ever guessed.”
3. ain’t this the life
By nilchance
Sans x Red, Red x Edge
Eventual Sans x Edge
It mostly compiles of one shots Sans x Red but for the one shots with Edge, he steals the show.
[Restricted access]
4. A Fixed Debt
By undertailsoulsex (196k) - InC
Edge x Sans
[author’s summary]
“Sans tries to go back in time to before his brother is killed. He ends up in the Underfell universe and bites off a lot more than he can chew. Can Underfell Papyrus help him back home or will he be stuck in this awful world forever?”
5. Don’t Shoot the Albatross
By GypsumLilac (29k) - Complete
Reader fic, SFW
[author summary]
“Papyrus needs a mole with influence in the police force. You need a date to your cousin's wedding.
Papyrus needs information. You need information.
Your aunt is the mayor. Papyrus wants political influence.
Until he has no more use for you-
Until you have no more use for him-
Looks like you're dating a skeleton.”
6. Burn Me Down
By GypsumLilac (22k) - Complete
Reader fic, SFW
[author’s summary]
7. Roadside Attraction
By popatochisp (21k) - InC
SFW, Reader fic
[author’s summary]
“You get all kinds at your diner, especially working night-shift--but this is the first time you've ever been warned about one.
Just how bad can one skeleton be...?”
8. Ain’t this Lamia
By Kamari333
Ain’t this the life fanfic
Red x Edge x Lamia
[author’s summary]
“Red and Edge find something in their livingroom. It immediately catches Edge's attention. As usual, anything Edge likes, Red needs to test drive.”
9. And Bingo Was His Name-O
By keelywolf (3k) Complete
Stretch x Edge fluff drabbles
10. Killing Moon
By Nilchance
Red’s brainwashed and Edge tries to save him.
[Restricted Access]
11. Chain Me to You
By Trash Theater (52k) - InC
[author’s summary]
“Abandoned by his brother and overwhelmed by Underswap, Slim begins to fall apart. The only one who seems to know what to do with the pieces is Edge, but things in Underfell are getting worse and he doesn’t have time to babysit. Edge can lend a hand, but it wont be enough to keep Slim from falling.”
From @undertale-museum
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elegyclasp · 1 month
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Hello! You can refer to me as quack, I'm an Undertale fanfiction writer. I use she/her pronouns.
I write:
X Readers
Sans x Reader
Papyrus x Reader
Undyne x Reader
Different AU's, (I'll do US, HT, UF, and ofc UT!)
Short Fanfiction Series (At request, be specific!)
One Shots (BE SPECIFIC!)
Headcanons (Be specific!)
Anything else not listed!
What I DON'T write:
Extreme Descriptions of Gore
Sans x Sans, Papyrus x Papyrus, Sans x Papyrus (I also only do x readers anyway)
Be specific with any requests! Things included in a request should be: Length/Type of fic, what it should be about (plot), the AU, and with whom!
Be respectful, I'm a beginner author and a minor, it's not going to be perfect!
Have fun with requests!
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nastynobrainer · 2 years
Heya, I'll be writing about Undertale AUs headcanons. I won't be writing about Papyrus UNLESS it's UT, UF and US Papyrus. It'll be strictly Character x Reader, I'm sorry. Enjoy sending requests! <3
Account Rules:
(However, if I am unable to write about your request, I'll be sure to let you know!)
-Su!c!d3 (E.g Su!c!dal S/O is acceptable but actually committing isn't.)
-Smut (And any form of BDSM)
-Descriptive gore
-Any other fandoms
-Major death ☹️ (Eg. S/O parents passing is acceptable but S/O passing isn't cuz that's hella sad.)
-Mental disorders
-Basically anything not on the "No list"
-Different form reader (E.g Winged, monster, animal..)
-Any gender reader (If no specific gender, non-binary is the default.)
Undertale Characters:
(This is a list of AU characters that I'll mostly write for. You could try requesting Sanses that aren't on the list, I'll inform you if I won't write about them.)
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bubbleteasing · 1 year
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If you’re new here: hi! I’m Tea! I’m 27 years old and I write undertale fan fiction on Ao3 as a hobby! Self inserts with Sans (specifically Underfell and Mafiafell) are my usual go to 🫣
I mostly reblog other people’s art, but sometimes I post updates of my fics or some of my own art.
Some content might be suggestive, so I don’t want minors following this blog.
If you have any questions at all you can leave an ask! I’ll try to answer it as soon as possible.
Questions about my fics are always welcome! No matter how old the story is :)
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Answered questions
Fan art for my fics ♥️
My art
Works masterpost under the cut
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‘A cigarette at a time’ [48/48] Art
(Often referred to as acaat/acat)
Underfell!Sans/Reader -NSFW-
Tw: Blood, death of a pet, stds, mental health issues, stillbirth
A messy story about a messy couple; reader is a secretary from an accounting department and Red is a janitor. They start flirting and becoming involved until the angst ™️ starts happening.
This work has an (ongoing) additional story called ‘A smoke at a time’.
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‘Love covers a multitude of sins’ [18/18] Art
(Often referred to as lcamos/lcmos)
Mafiafell!Sans/Reader -NSFW-
Tw: Blood, noncon, suicide, graphic depictions of wounds, death, religious themes
Reader is a nun in a small convent. She’s always been sheltered from the outside world until she finds Sans badly beaten in a dark alley. From then on, he starts visiting her, way too often for her own comfort.
[Smut happens in the 17th chapter but it can be easily skipped without missing any plot]
This work has an additional story called ‘Above all, love each other deeply, because...’ and an alternate story with Dusttale!Sans called ‘For you were made from dust, and to dust you will return’ (please look at the tags before reading).
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‘Limited time offer 2x1!’ (ongoing) [14/??] Art
(Often referred to as 2x1!)
Sans/Reader Underfell!Sans/Reader Sans & uf!Sans
Tw: injuries, some blood, nothing major
Reader is a lawyer who was looking for a cheap room for rent. After Papyrus left to study culinary arts abroad, Sans was down to let her stay in his brother’s room for a fair price. They both have a great roommate relationship; they don’t know each other that well yet, but Sans makes her laugh. One day, she walks inside the apartment, wondering if she was seeing double or if there were two identical skeletons in the middle of the living room.
This work has an (ongoing NSFW) additional story called ‘Special lemon sale’.
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‘Blood under the bridge’ (ongoing) [06/??] Art
(Often referred to as butb)
Mafiafell!Sans/Reader -NSFW-
Tw: Blood, graphic depictions of wounds, death, non consensual drug use
Reader is a detective, determined to get rid of the mafia that has been taking over her city for decades. She goes undercover as a waitress in a restaurant where mobsters tend to gather. There, she meets Red, the only monster involved with the mafia she’s ever met. She starts befriending him, to the point of actually getting worried about him getting hurt if she takes action against his group.
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‘The Early Bird Catches The Bone’ (ongoing) [05/??] Art
(Often referred to as tebctb/ebcb)
Tw: car accidents, minor injuries, rough physical therapy, cheating
Reader is a radio host who gets into a minor car crash. She goes over to a clinic where Sans works as a physiotherapist. She hates how painful massage therapy is, but tolerates Sans enough to endure it. After finishing her treatment, she has a guest over on her radio show, who happens to be no other than Sans. To top it all off, the audience adores him.
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valkyrieofsmut · 4 years
Captive Love   18
UF!Sans x Reader (or Frisk if you wanna)
Summary: Um... Delicious sin... Hope it is, anyway.
A/N: Hmmm... been a long time coming! ha- ha ha... *puts hand over mouth and pretends Papyrus is in the background yelling* Saaaaaaaaans!
Masterlist      Series Masterlist
Sans is sweet.
Somehow, Papyrus managed to make shepherd's pie gross. 
He burnt the meat, made the instant potatoes too watery, and the cheese had somehow gotten burnt on top, but was still uncooked underneath. 
Someone needed to teach that boy how to avoid murdering food… (Y/n) had chosen that recipe, combined with the mostly instant components because she'd thought that no one could mess it up. 
How wrong she'd been. 
She decided that the next night, she was going to stand next to Papyrus and help him. 
After cleaning up the mess from dinner, (Y/n) and Sans went up to his room, hearing Papyrus watching a late night Mettaton show. 
(Y/n) went to the bathroom and changed, doing what she had of a nightly routine. 
When she got back, she climbed into bed and got comfortable. 
When Sans climbed into bed behind her, she felt his arm wrap around her middle, pulling her close against him. 
It only took a moment for him to start up, nuzzling and nipping at her shoulder and neck. 
"sweetheart, ya a'ways feel s'nice an' soft 'n my arms… makes me wanna stay up all night feelin' how soft ya are everywhere…" He murmured suggestively. 
She'd… like that, too… 
A soft snore blew across her ear, and (Y/n) had to try not to giggle. 
Poor Sans was so tired. He never looked like he got much sleep. 
(Y/n) moaned as pleasure shot straight through her from her nipple. 
She twisted, a hum leaving her as something warm and wet dragged over her throat. 
"mmm, sweetheart, are ya an archaeologist?" Sans' soft, low voice asked. 
"Huh?" (Y/n) asked groggily, dragging herself from sleep. 
"heh heh," he chuckled against the sensitive skin behind her ear. "i asked if y're an archeologist, 'cause i got a bone fer ya ta 'xamine," he told her, grinding his pelvis against her. 
A soft noise left her as her hips arched back to him, his name leaving her lips in a whine. 
"mm, say my name like that again, sweetheart," he growled. 
(Y/n) gasped as his hand slid over her hip and buried itself between her thighs, his phalanges pressing in to stroke over her sensitive area. 
"S-Sahns," she moaned. 
Sans pulled her onto her back and laid over her, one femur pressing against her pussy as his teeth and tongue met her mouth. 
(Y/n) moaned, arching up to him as her hands pulled him closer. 
Sans trailed his mouth down over her shoulder, nipping and licking as he ground against her. 
His hands slid down over her breasts, squeezing through her shirt. Her chest pressed up into his hands with a moan, and Sans ran them down her body to push her shirt up and uncover them, his skull pulling back to see them completely bare for the first time. 
"f-fuck, sweetheart… y-ya got-" He groaned hungrily. "fuck… such gorgeous tits…" he murmured before ducking down to them. 
His tongue trailed over one, leaving a tingling buzz in its wake. His tongue, which she knew was flexible, circled around a nipple before flicking off. 
(Y/n) cried out, her hands tightening on his shirt and tugging as her hips lifted to his. 
Sans growled, shifting fully between her thighs and ground his stiffened cock against the puffy, wet softness of her pussy. 
"tha's it, sweetheart, lemme hear ya," he groaned into her breast as he somehow pressed his tongue around her nipple and worked it with his teeth make it feel like a tugging, sucking motion. 
(Y/n) moaned, feeling herself getting wetter at the amazing feeling. She'd never felt something this good before. 
She whined as he pulled away, shifting to the other nipple, but let out a needy moan as one of his hands went to squeeze and play with the first.
She moaned his name again, her whole body arching up to his, but realized how loud she was being and covered her mouth with one hand. 
Sans looked up and pulled back, grinding roughly against her as he pulled her hand away from her mouth and pinned it near her head with his free hand as he growled to her, "don't hide it, sweetness, i wanna hear ya." 
"Wh-wha 'bou-" [what about-]
"don't worry, sweetheart, my brother's gone fer th' day," he soothed. "y'can be loud 's ya want- 'r loud 's i want ya- an', sweetheart? i want ya ta be loud, " he growled the last part, his low voice rumbling through her and making more moisture pool between her thighs. "ya wanna be loud fer me, sweetheart?" 
(Y/n) whimpered and gasped for breath from between her parted lips. 
"aww, listen ta those cute lil noises y're makin'… ya gonna beg, too, sweetheart? think i can get ya ta beg fer my cock," he told her, pressing the stiff length against her pussy hard before rubbing and managing to stimulate her clit. 
She let out a cry of his name, gasping for breath as he returned his mouth to her breasts. 
"shit, sweetheart, y're s'soft… s'hot… ya must really need some 'ttention there…" He growled. 
Good god, (Y/n) knew that she was flooding the shorts she was wearing, he was making her feel so good, and the dirty things he was saying to her… she was more wound up than she'd been in a long time. 
"heh, gotta question fer ya," Sans chuckled, going to (Y/n)'s lips and kissing her in his unique way with his teeth and tongue before pulling back. "d'ya believe'n karma, sweetheart? 'cause i know some good karma- sutra positions." 
(Y/n) looked up in confusion to see the shit eating grin on Sans' face, and started laughing when it clicked. 
Sans felt his expression softening and buried his nasal ridge in her neck as he licked her there, feeling a shiver travel through her. 
"s' do ya, sweetheart?" He asked softly, giving a pause to recover his normal voice from his nerves. "ya want me ta shove my thick cock in ya?" 
His voice was full of sinful innuendo, and it made (Y/n) bite her lip. 
Nervous, he pulled back to look down at her, one hand still holding her hand against the bed, the other holding her breast. 
(Y/n) took a deep breath, feeling the embarrassment shadowed excitement rising in her. 
She nodded, and Sans' tongue ran over his teeth a bit nervously. 
"y-yeah?" He asked, seeming a little surprised. 
(Y/n) nibbled on her lip more for a moment, then nodded again. 
"y-yeah- yeah," he stuttered at first, but continued confidently. "course ya do, sweetheart, lemme, um," Sans ran his tongue over his teeth again as he looked down at her and moved to pull her shirt off. 
She held on to it, not letting it go, and there was a nervous look in her eyes as her hand stayed in one spot in particular over her shoulder. 
Shit- that was the same look Sans had gotten when she'd tried to take off his shirt, he knew… 
Alright, then. Not like sex with clothes on was unheard of. He just had to… get rid of the important stuff. 
Sans' hands ran down her body as he made his way to her hips, the texture exciting her nerve endings.
He tried to think back over all of the things he'd seen in his exploration of human porn, and remembered that they used their mouths on each other. They used their hands on each other. They used- well, they pretty much used anything they had on each other… 
Sans remembered that little bump on the outside, and decided to see what he could do with that. 
He could tell that she was nervous when he tugged her bottoms off, baring her at once instead of layer by layer, so he went slow, letting the fabric drag over her until they came off and he tossed them away. 
Sans' tongue nervously ran over his teeth again as he leaned forward, starting at her knees with nips and nuzzles, making sure he wasn't going too fast; the women in those human/ monster porn videos were likely the only human women to have done this before, and he didn't want to scare her away before he'd even had her once, let alone before he managed to get his fill. 
(Y/n) just seemed to have the same kind of first time with a new partner nervousness he'd seen and experienced before, after all, this was such a vulnerable place to be; all uncovered and bare to the world and others judgment. 
Sans wrapped his arms around her thighs, reveling in the soft squishiness for a moment before going to the apex. 
An alluring scent met his nasal cavity, and when he sniffed it, he couldn't help but think how delicious it smelled. 
His tongue extended, touching her, and the gasp she gave encouraged him to crawl closer and engage more, careful to keep the points of his teeth from her, but letting his tongue slide over her wet folds. 
His sweetheart's flavor coated his tongue, and it could rival mustard and whiskey for the best thing he'd ever tasted. 
Sans played his tongue along her, letting it dance over her as he found out exactly what made her cry out. 
A twist here, a lick there… 
Soon her hips were arching with each movement, and Sans' phalanges were gripping her soft thighs to keep her still enough for him to continue. 
He was so buried in his work, that he didn't notice how close she was until her hips were shivering and a sudden whining cry came from her.  
His tongue licked her delicious taste from his mouth as he crawled back over her, his eyelights taking in her beautiful body as he made it back up to her mouth and his teeth and tongue met her lips in a passionate kiss. 
Her hands were stroking over his spine, ribs and shoulders as she kissed him back. 
She was so sweet and soft under him… 
He didn't deserve it, piece of shit that he was. 
Sans pulled back, looking down into (Y/n)'s eyes, his soul twisting inside his ribcage. "ya- ya sure ya want this, sweetheart?" 
(Y/n) looked up at him in confusion. Did… he not want to? 
"Do you?" She asked softly. 
He seemed surprised by that. "y-yeah- course i do, sweetheart- i-i was jus' makin' sure ya were still on board…" 
She gave him a soft smile that made him melt a little, and nodded. 
"yeah?" He confirmed. 
She nodded again. 
"yeah…" He was a bit nervous, so he leaned back down and kissed her again, his tongue sliding against her own. 
He didn’t know what it was that made her want a bum like him, but he was just going to take it as a win. 
(Y/n) moaned against his teeth, her chest arching up to his hand as it went back to squeezing and groping it. 
The kiss grew more and more heated, especially when the points of his teeth pressed into her lip, making her gasp. 
Sans' kiss turned to nips and nuzzles down her jaw to her throat, stopping at her collarbone. His hands trailed down her body as he straightened so he was kneeling between her thighs, leaving trails of goosebumps. 
His tongue licked over his teeth as they turned up in a carnal grin while his hands tugged at the strings to his shorts. 
"ya look s'fuckin' gorgeous all laid out fer me like that," he told her. 
(Y/n) felt a jolt of excitement shoot through her at his words, and knew her face was reflecting it when his grin widened. 
Finally, his shorts fell down his femurs, and (Y/n) could see when he had there. 
Her eyes widened at what she saw. 
He was maybe slightly longer than average, definitely a bit thicker. It matched his tongue in color, with a dark shadow in the center, and what may have been cartilage surrounding the shaft with what looked like a ribbed, slightly bumpy texture, the head was a bit brighter in color, and she swore she saw a glimmer that matched his false tooth somewhere down there. 
Sans noticed her staring, and a blush dusted his cheekbones. 
"like whatcha see, sweetheart?" He asked suggestively, taking himself in his hand and guiding the head to rub along her crease, giving a chuckle as her flustered state grew moreso. 
She was so wet that the head of his cock slipped between her lips and he began dragging it up and down, giving a groan. 
"stars, y're s'warm- nnnngh… pretty sure y're a'ready wet enough fer me ta make it in, too…" He focused his head over the dimple of her opening, rubbing and watching her squirm. "heh… uungh… 'm jus' torturin' both a us now, ain't i?" He asked breathlessly, pausing for a moment to watch her nod in agreement before lining himself up and starting to slowly push in. 
(Y/n) gasped, surprise at the feeling of him entering her showing on her face. 
He felt so… 
She couldn’t even figure out how to describe it. 
Maybe like using a silicone dildo? 
He was smooth, but still had enough grab that she felt him going in. 
Maybe it was how a normal human dick felt, but… honestly, it had been too long for her to remember… 
(Y/n) was glad that Sans was going so slow, since she hadn’t had anything that wide in her in at least a while, if ever, and she felt the stretch with every little bit of progress he made. 
As Sans inched into his sweetheart, letting soft curses out the whole way, his body seemed to be failing him, unable to keep him up, and he curled down over her more the farther he got. By the time he was hilted, one hand had managed to stay on the back of her thigh, but the other had twisted a deathgrip into the sheet over her shoulder, and his chest was nearly pressing against hers. 
“nnn, sweeeetheeeaart…” he groaned, “fuuuuck… ya feel s’goooood…” 
A soft, panted giggle of excitement and pride left her as her eyes opened to see him, his head bowed and eye sockets clenched almost like he was in pain as he panted. 
“Sans,” she murmured softly, not even registering that her voice was mostly working as a hand lifted to his jaw and directed his mouth back to hers. “You feel good, too…” She kissed him, and he lost himself in it. 
Sans slowly slid out, and she could feel each bump and ridge sending ripples of sensation the light up every nerve. She gasped, her hands tightening on him, and he paused, looking over her as she took a breath, then went back to her lips. 
When he started rocking his hips, she whined, and Sans growled into her mouth, each sound she made only making him hungry for more. 
(Y/n) felt Sans’ hand tighten on her thigh, holding it firmly around him as he started thrusting in earnest, now, the thick feel of his cock making him feel longer, she suspected, and the feeling of him over her, panting and groaning out surprisingly sweet nothings, made her want more of him, feeling greedy for whatever he’d give. 
“stars- y’re so fuckin’ pretty,” he gasped to her, “ya l-look s- so be-eautiful under me… haaah! shit! y’re so tight, sweetheart… nnnnggh! i dunno how ya can feel this good wit’out it countin’ as a sin…” 
His hips were picking up the pace, and (Y/n) whined and moaned louder, arching her hips with his thrusts and dragging her hands over him, her nails scraping over the bones hidden under his shirt. 
He felt so good- so right … 
So amazing… 
“Sans,” she gasped, starting to pant his name as his soft gasping made way to growls, his panted breath growing rougher along with his thrusts. 
(Y/n) panted his name like a mantra as he thrust, his movements filling her and leaving her empty in nearly the same instant. 
“aaaah, sweetheart…” his moan trailed off as his hand tightened on her thigh. “sweetheart, i wanna feel ya come fer me- fuck- i f-fuckin’ need ta feel ya comin’ on my cock-” Sans gasped for a breath that came back out as a growl that made shivers of need wiggle in her belly. 
His pelvis was slapping against her soft skin, his movements rhythmic and precise as he pounded into her. 
She was so wet that it was spreading everywhere, her inner walls starting to clench with Sans’ movements. 
"uuuuuuuuunngh, yes, sweetheart," he groaned, pushing into her a little harder. "come fer me an' let yer tight lil pussy squeeze me…" 
(Y/n) felt her inner muscles clench and shiver as she reached the edge, then, with a loud cry, she fell over and it was like free falling through clouds of ecstasy as all of the amazing sensations seemed only to intensify as Sans kept thrusting. 
"fuck- oh fuck- y-yeah," Sans groaned shakily, his hands tightening, one on her thigh, and one probably ripping holes in the sheet clenched in his fist as he continued to buck into her. "sweetness, y-ya feel s-so- …perfect," he sighed out softly before his jaw clenched. 
(Y/n) whimpered and held tight to him as she came again. 
"ungh! f-fffuuuck," he ground out, curling forward around her and groaning her name into her shoulder as he came. 
They panted together to catch their breaths, and Sans let out a small grunt as he pressed his pelvis against her. "nnn, stars- y're s-still suckin' at me, sweetheart," he groaned, sounding like he was in heaven. 
(Y/n) let out a chuckle, her face burying itself in his shoulder as soft, satisfied noises left her. 
Sans wrapped his arms around her and flopped over, rolling so that she was on top of him and stroking her head where it laid against his shoulder with the hand that wasn't cradling her on him. "mmnnnf, tha' was…" He trailed off as his arms gave a gentle squeeze. 
"Good…?" (Y/n) offered. 
"good? fuck 'good', sweetheart, that was fuckin' amazin' ," he groaned. 
(Y/n) felt her lips curl up in a smile, glad he was as affected as she was. "Yeah," she agreed. 
He let out a small grunt of satisfaction, and (Y/n) realized that he was still actually in her. 
That was… different… 
"Sans," she asked, moving her hips to let him slip out, but not feeling him move. 
His hands went to her hips to hold her still. "nn, jus', let it be, sweetness. it feels so good inside ya…" 
She stopped moving, but asked, "is that normal?" 
"fer me, yeah. humans don't stay in?" He asked. 
(Y/n) thought back over everything she'd learned or experienced. "Noh," she squeaked. 
"huh," he commented. "maybe ya jus' never met a guy with a big enough baculum," he chuckled, making it sound like it was a small dick joke. 
"A whakh? Whakh's that?" She asked, looking up at his relaxed face. [A what? What's that?]
"baculum," he repeated. "'s th' bone that jus' boned ya, sweetheart," he chuckled, "penile bone." 
She thought for a moment, then, realizing her voice worked better at softer volumes, softly told him, "I don't remember ever hearing about that bone in human biology…" 
Sans looked down at her in surprise. "ya mean humans ain't got one?" He asked. 
(Y/n) shook her head humming a no. 
Sans chuckled to himself. "well sweetheart, i'd tell ya a joke 'bout my penile bone, but ’s too long." He burst out laughing, sending tremors of laughter through her. 
(Y/n) snorted and let out a soft chuckle. 
After a moment, Sans hummed. "i have a feeling that boss's gonna be really pissed t'day," he told her, turning his jaw to give a nip at her cheek as his hands ran up and down her body that was still sprawled over his. "cause i feel like i owe it ta ya ta spend th' day showin' ya how it works, now," he teased, letting his tongue lick up behind her ear. 
Tag List!
@tephi101  @lilypalmer1987  @pingu89  @gifsbysimplysonia  @omnomsauruswrites<3U!  @keldachick  @Randomfandompenguin  @mannls  @screeching-student-unknown  @lizfawn  @ya-lyublu-tebya  @their-bibliophile  @the-fifth-marauder03  
A/N: Aww, how sweet, Sans!
Sans: shaddup! ain't like that!
I read it- in fact I wrote it, so I know it's like that.
Sans: only 'cause ya fuckin' embellished th' shit outta it!
*stage whispers* I toned down the sweetness. Don't need cavities when I'm already going to get my wisdom teeth out.
Sans: *flushed bright red* i said shaddup!!
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the-fandom-qu33n · 1 year
Chapter 8____To Strike A Match
(UF Sans/Reader)
Rated M...violence, profanity and much else soon to come
burnt out sick of the recurring timeline everything is starting to break him down little by little... day after day drink after drink he needed something different a smoke would be good... just needed a...light?
lets see..
Papyrus would be in the capital today along with the other guardsmen for the meeting with his highness...
Monsterkid was with Alphys due to his injurys...
thankfully he put out an add on Monstergram about 1/2 off drinks and burgers so most of the monsters including red would be to busy up in his establishment as well in just a few minutes ...to notice...
and luckily his trusted cook and his part time back up employee Ice wolf was working today and had taken up the offer to run the bar for a slight increase in overtime on his pay...all he had to do was open the bar ten minutes after they left...right now ice wolf would be causing a diversion up by the river..perfect
hopefully with his careful planning Snowdin would be desolate...
Looking to the stairs Grillby smirked in satisfaction as y/n stepped out
all he was able to see was his cloak...no fire..barely any smoke...good he was glad his concealing cloak still worked afterall the cloak was ages old..hadn't been used since back when he was a younger version of himself back...before the bar was established  back before he had wanted a bar let alone thought of one!
 y/n's face was practically invisible...no one would recognize her at all...in fact you couldn't even tell she was a fire monster...or that she was a she!
 giddily he told her to spin admiring his enchanted cloak work its magic...all of his problems would be solved today...he takes her to see a crystal cluster.. lie his way through the trip..he had grabbed some yellow flowers from waterfall he had hidden in his phones inventory so the flower issue would be resolved as well..
walking to the door he held it open for y/n..quickly she took the hood off revealing her face fully as soon as she pulled the hood back to let her flames swirl in curiosity... looking over as she went to admire the outside from his large window by the door.. watching her face light up in excitement before rushing out the door...it made his soul ache...he wanted her to be happy like this...he loved seeing that look of excitement crossing her flames as her fire turned a brighter hue...he loved his child truly...but he knew he wouldn't see it again...
this was a sacrifice to protect her...no matter how much hed regret it on late nights...when his mind ran while he tried to sleep...thinking of every lie and action he had made to keep her secured he hated himself for it but he had no choice...when she was older and hed been long dusted shed probably hate him ...probably throw his dust into the trash..he wouldn't blame her for it...but this had to be done.
sighing he walked over pulling the hood back over her smile as her face disappeared completely before going to the door. this had to be done...
this was it this was it!
the door was open...you could see the snow outside coated on the ground..sparkly white snow that glittered in the light of the..well you didn't know what made it so bright  but you didnt care...it was so sparkly!!!
taking a step closer to the door you could feel the chilly air from outside hit your face but it wasn't that cold...just very different than the warm temperature of the bar...hesitating you looked over to your father to see if he was serious about this...were you really going out?...
Grillby stood on the steps outside before ushering you out with a smile and a slow nod. 
"just...keep your cloak on and your hood up..."
Smiling back behind the cloak  you wasted no time once he finished his nod rushing past him and running into the snow with no fear  practically leaping off the steps into the open air with a happy giggle
Grillby flickered in shock behind you as you ran staying quiet as he watched you...
The snow didn't hurt! it was a slightly chilly sure but it didn't hurt...even with your shoes alight you could still feel mostly anything your flames touched..but you didn't mind...you were outside! out where the other monsters were out and free to talk to anyone you had wante-....there was no one around...?
stopping yourself mid frolic you looked around...no one was here...? come to think of it ..there was no one in the bar today either...looking to grillby in confusion for an answer...he gave a shrug before leading you off down the path...passing a large inn connected to a shop ...oooh you wondered what was in there..maybe a cool trinket you could get later when you came back...giggling to yourself you followed grillby who was walking in silence before you leading you farther into snowdins outskirts...this was going to be so fun!
grillby laughed stopping every few minutes you stopped to admire everything you saw..from trees to weird rocks...to weird foot prints in the snow...it was all new and exciting.. smiling wider as you passed a large sign to distracted to see it had said..
"UNwelcome to Snowdin get out!"
 as it was surrounded by shattered Gyftmas lights that once decorated it.. Grillby had seemed to rush you past it to an area close by a large bridge...in the clearing sat a .....painted crystal cluster and golden flowers that were seemingly dead...a poorly painted light circle was on the wall surrounded by crystals...nothing here looked like what you had seen in your dream..at least what you remembered..but Grillby was standing there with a big almost smile as he gestured to everything with some newly formed excitement that came out of nowhere...
"look we found what you were looking for Y/n isn't this just exciting?!"
he kept gestured to the flowers that were wilted and half way to dying before them...
"the flowers are here! and..look so is the bright circle !"
he gestured to a high place in the ceiling as well as his voice cracked with his flames as you went silent...what was this?
"even the crystals are here!"
frozen you looked at the area and then at him...he...thinks this was it?... this..wasn't anywhere close to what you had seen..but he looked so excited and happy to have found this...feeling a bit down you nodded to him in approval as he perked up at even more...he was so happy...
"dad its just...what I had envisioned thank you"
you hated lying to him but ...he would have been sad if he was wrong...feeling bad you decided lying was the best option grateful to the fact the cloak hid your emotions..lying was easier this way that was one bright side...but...you knew this area now...you could come back here with Grillby maybe convince him to go across the bridge..it looked interesting...
"we didn't even have to be out here that long ..i was afraid this trek would have been long...it gets mighty cold out here"
nodding he pulled out his phone....
"i had brought hot cocoa just in case though would you like some?"
nodding you sat down by the flowers as Grillby sat beside you as you remained silent looking at the scene before you...this wasn't what you had hoped for....but the cocoa was a nicer touch..sighing in approval you took the cup he offered as it to disappeared as you touched it to his view..but you could see it perfectly fine as you drank your disappointment slowly numbing away.... you'd bare it for your dad...
looking over you froze at the monster standing by Grillby
"we'll go back after a bit I'm sure you are getting hungry"
"yeah I could eat whatcha offerin"
if you took the time to read this i appreciate it...
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mystery-fic-anon · 3 years
Thirsty for You
Summary: Red meets Blue at the bar for a date after work, but he gets distracted by Blue's outfit. Kinky shit ensues. (This is a lemon/PWP, no plot here besides them dating each other and wanting to fuck)
Warnings: this has public sex and intercrural stuff
This is my NSFW piece for the You Are my Stars zine. I loved participating in this zine, and I highly recommend that you check it out! I loved participating in this zine, and I highly recommend that you check it out at @cherryberry-zine
It was beta read by someone in the discord but I do not remember who, so sorry. If it was you then please hit me up on Tumblr at mystery-fic-anon, and I will edit this bit to give you credit.
Read it on ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/36516019
Red sat at the bar, tapping one pointed phalange against the slick wood surface. The drink in front of him sat untouched, just as it had for the past five minutes. Red had clocked out a bit early to go find this place before his date with Blue, and now he was just waiting for his datemate to arrive.
Red glanced down at himself, wondering if he should have changed into something a bit fancier. He was still wearing his usual jacket and t-shirt, with his shorts changed out for black cargo pants and his sneakers swapped with a pair of combat boots. They had been together for almost five months, and even if Blue had seen him in casual clothes many times before they had started dating, Red still wanted to impress him. After all, it seemed like Blue had picked tonight’s destination with Red in mind.
Red glanced around the bar, a small smirk on his face. The place was roomy, and had the kind of classic style that Red enjoyed, like Grillby's with fewer blood spatters on the walls. There was a long, wood-topped bar, four pool tables, and a trio of booths in the corner for couples. The space was only lightly occupied by a smattering of humans and monsters making light, cheerful conversation. It was all a far cry from the shady places he usually drank at. Good. He didn't want to spend tonight defending Blue from some drunk stranger who was eager to pick a fight.
It was still early in the night, so there were only ten other souls in the bar, besides him and the staff. One was seated at the far end of the bar with a cocktail, two had made a beeline for the booths, and the rest were crowded around a single pool table. Red listened to the chatter for a moment, but then tuned it out. Nothing important or interesting, and no whispered comments about him. The scars on his face meant that he didn’t usually get bothered, especially not in such a nice place, but…
Red finally took a sip of his drink, the ice cubes in his glass clinking together. He didn’t usually go for whiskey, but this was supposed to be the house special. It wasn’t as good as mustard, but the spice to it had a nice kick, as did the burn when he swallowed.
He slipped his hand into his pocket, pulling out his phone. It was only ten minutes past seven, but Red couldn’t help wondering. Blue was almost never late for their dates, especially when he was excited about showing Red something. As he opened it, he realized that Blue had sent a message only two minutes ago.
‘So sorry, things got busy. I will be there in ten!’ Attached was a photo of his hand holding his uniform shirt, with some lockers in the background. He must be in the middle of changing, and the overhead lights glinted off of the pure white bones on his forearm.
Red leaned against the bar, hunching his shoulders a bit. He began mindlessly scrolling through his phone, just to do something. Huh, one of the dogs at the small shelter Blue was working for just got adopted. Good for them. Red clicked through a few photos of the tiny dog and a brightly smiling human, but then scrolled on. He kept his back to the rest of the bar, one part of the back of his brain vaguely alert in case anything changed.
A few minutes later he heard calm, measured steps coming over to him and he rolled his eyes. He knew Blue’s bouncy step anywhere, and this wasn’t it. Red lowered his head a bit more, hoping the way he was slouching in his seat would let whoever it was know he wasn’t interested in talking.
Then, the stranger set a hand on his shoulder. It wasn’t an attack, but Red jerked away from the touch. He turned, ready to give whoever it was a piece of his mind.
It was Blue. Red stared, unblinking, at the skeleton in front of him. He’d seen Blue in a few fancy outfits, especially on their first date, but this was different. Blue looked sexy, and not in the usual effortless way he managed to be.
Blue was wearing a pair of tight black leggings that hugged every curve of his ecto body, making it apparent that he’d formed everything from his stomach down. He had on an open, light blue leather jacket Red had never seen before, with a silky purple blouse clinging to his ribs underneath it. Red glanced down, noticing that Blue was actually wearing heels. It was no wonder he was walking differently; the black pumps were only a few inches tall, but Red doubted Blue’s usual skipping step mixed well with any kind of heel.
“Hey! Sorry, going home and then getting back here took a bit longer than I thought it would.” Blue hopped up on the barstool next to Red, crossing his legs and giving Red a bright smile. “I hope you didn’t wait too long.”
It took Red another few seconds to get his brain back on track, and he quickly snapped his gaze back to Blue’s face when he realized he needed to speak. “Nah, don’t worry about it. It’s fine.”
Blue reached out, brushing the delicate tips of his phalanges against Red’s knuckles. “You look good tonight.” Blue’s eyesockets went half-lidded, and he gave Red a private smile, the kind that he usually only graced Red with when they were alone.
Red felt his magic flare, and he leaned in slightly. He and Blue had been dating for a few months, and they’d talked about public displays of affection before. Blue’s body language showed that he was open to some of that tonight, and this place was safe enough that Red was happy to oblige.
Then, Blue turned to the bartender, who had come up to them.
“Hey, what can I get you two?” They asked, looking between Blue and Red. Red wasn’t surprised; Blue wasn’t exactly subtle about their relationship.
“Another whiskey, thanks.” Red drained the dregs of his glass, then set it down on the bar. The bartender then turned to Blue, clearly waiting to see which drink needed to be prepared first.
“A virgin blue lagoon, please,” He said, glancing at Red. “I’m happy to come to this bar, but I’d rather not get drunk.” Blue patted Red’s hand, giving him one of his usual cute smiles. “Of course, you can drink whatever you’d like!”
“It’s no skin off my nose.” Red smirked as Blue groaned and rolled his eyes, chuckling softly.
Blue had never enjoyed alcohol, so it was no shock that he was going dry tonight. Red had seen him drink a glass of wine at a few of their early get-togethers, but once Blue had felt like he could voice his preferences without offending them, he had been open about his dislike for drink. As long as Blue didn’t try to control what he had, Red didn’t give a shit.
“So, how was your day?” Red asked, settling in for one of Blue’s rambles.
Blue sighed, puffing his cheeks out adorably. “It was so BORING! Literally nothing happened until the LAST hour, and then only one person came in wanting to adopt a puppy! It turns out she’s severely allergic to fur, so we had to quickly vacuum one of the visiting rooms and then bring in the dogs one by one to make sure she didn’t have a reaction. I mean, I’m glad we found one she liked, but then afterwards we still had to clean up. Then as I was putting out water one of the dogs somehow managed to reach their snout through their door and knock the bowl over…”
Red half-listened to Blue’s story, barely remembering anything after Blue said it. Parsing through a conversation and only retaining the most important pieces of information was a useful skill to have, and Red had cultivated it both Underground and on the surface. Of course, he could repeat the most recent part back if necessary, but after thirty seconds everything that wasn’t life-threatening dissolved into static. Red tried his best to avoid doing it with Blue, but tonight he didn’t have a chance in hell of focusing, not when Blue was wearing that outfit.
The clothes were a bit different from Blue’s usual sporty style, and stars, they looked good on him. Would Blue be offended if Red told him he looked sexy? The jacket he was wearing showed off his broad shoulders, and the rest of his clothes clung to him in all the right places. Red knew Blue was more muscular than he was, but he hadn’t realized just how thick Blue’s thighs were until now. Even with his legs crossed, part of his ecto was hanging off the side of the stool, as if it was waiting to be grabbed. It was easy to imagine those strong muscles squeezing against the sides of his skull, trapping him in place as he ate Blue out—
“Actually, I was thinking of doing a photoshoot with some of our older dogs, and putting it up online! Then maybe we can finally get some interest. I took a couple pictures of Riley today, since she’s so easy to work with, but I don’t know if the lighting is good. What do you think?”
As Blue pulled out his phone, Red felt his sins crawling on his back. He took a large gulp of his drink, trying to cool himself down. Blue had clearly dressed up for this date, but he doubted Blue was aware of the effect he was having on Red. He and Blue had fooled around a few times already, but that had always been in one of their bedrooms. They never went further than kissing in public, and even then, it was more of a quick peck on the teeth than anything else.
Red leaned in slightly, looking as Blue swiped through five photos of the same dog. It looked like a mutt, with white and grey fur. As Red looked closer, he realized the dog was blind. The first three photos were normal, just the dog sitting, standing, and rolled over. The final two had filters on them, the kind that Blue often used to spice up his own pictures.
“The fake flower crown is a bit much. Maybe if ya put a real flower or two behind her ears in the sitting picture, it would get the feeling you’re going for?” Red suggested.
Blue swiped back to the first picture. “Hmmm, you think so? I’m worried the pose is a bit too boring. She’s pretty excitable. I was hoping to capture more of her personality.”
“Simple can be good sometimes. I dunno how that dog acts, but I think whatever ya do, it’s better to go with real lighting and decorations. If you put a bunch of filters, you’ll get people coming in for pets that don’t exist.”
“Fair point. Urgh, it’s ridiculous that I need to do this in the first place. Just because a dog is a little older doesn’t mean it’s any less of a loyal, loving animal! I swear, some of the people who come in…”
As Blue began ranting about prejudices against adopting older animals, Red’s mind went back into the gutter. His eyes slowly crept from Blue’s face down to his chest, admiring how well his shirt fit. He must have hand-tailored it for himself. Most of the clothes available in stores didn’t fit skeleton monsters so well.
While Blue was driving Red wild today, he didn’t want to suddenly change the way he acted around Blue, especially not for this. There was far more to their relationship than just sex, and Red didn’t want Blue to think that he only saw him in that way, even if he was looking him over right now. Fuck, what was he supposed to do? Underfell had prepared him for a lot of things, but this… romantic dilemma wasn’t one of them.
“Red?” Blue’s soft voice made Red jump, and Blue sighed softly. “Were you listening to me at all?”
Red tried to come up with some kind of reply, but he honestly couldn’t remember what Blue had been saying. He’d gotten too inside of his own skull, and he chuckled sheepishly under Blue’s scrutinizing stare. “Er, nah. Sorry. I kinda got lost there.”
Blue leaned a bit closer to him, giving Red a tantalizing view of his exposed collarbone as he looked closely at him. “Are you sure you’re feeling okay? You look kind of flushed. You haven’t been working too hard, have you?”
“I’m fine.” Red glanced away, trying to get himself together. He noticed one of the humans standing by the pool tables glancing over at them, and gulped. “There’s no, uh, no problem. Can we talk somewhere more private, though?”
Blue’s eyelights widened, and he quickly nodded. “Of course! Sorry, I should have thought of that.” He grabbed Red’s hand, tugging him off the barstool. “Come on, let’s take a booth.”
After getting a quick refill from the bartender, Blue took him over to the further wall. He stayed quiet, letting Red choose where to sit. Red chose the booth that was closest to the back wall. It wasn’t an ideal place to fight from, but it was the furthest away from the other patrons, and it gave him the chance to observe the entire bar at once. Blue took the seat across from him, showing his back to the rest of the bar. Red smiled; it was nice to know that Blue trusted him enough to defend him from any potential attackers.
The next few minutes passed easily, with Red and Blue talking about a science-fiction series they had both watched. Blue had some interesting takes on the alien designs, and Red had taken the opportunity to tell some truly horrendous puns. He knew they weren't very good jokes, but the way Blue scrunched his face up in distaste was adorable, so he kept going.
“Ugh, I can’t believe you!” Blue exclaimed, scooting towards Red in the booth. “That one didn’t even make sense, the aliens don’t have proper tentacles. I’m fairly certain they’re mechanical limbs—” He pulled out his phone, pressing up against Red’s side as he opened an image of the aliens. “See? That is not organic matter! It’s clearly some sort of synthetic polymer, and…”
Red’s brain skipped, not registering the rest of Blue’s sentence. How could he, when Blue’s ecto was pressing up against him like that? Red was able to feel everywhere they were touching, as if there was no barrier between them. Blue and him fit together perfectly, Blue’s gloriously soft ecto was pressing against everything from his hip down to his knee.
Red blinked, focusing again as Blue looked up at him. “I guess you’re right.”
“Good. Some of your jokes are decent, but you’ll never improve if you don’t accept constructive feedback.” Blue seemed satisfied, but he didn’t move away. He put his phone down, his eyes lighting up. Blue leaned in, placing his hand on Red’s knee. He only came up to the height of Red’s shoulder, so he had to stretch to reach the side of Red’s face. “I’m glad you could come tonight. I missed you.” Blue whispered, pressing a light kiss to Red’s temple. “You know, I’ve been meaning to ask you something, but it’s a bit strange. I hope you won’t judge me for it.”
“Well, I’m all ears,” Red said, sweating slightly.
Blue stayed close to Red, keeping his head turned so only Red could see it. “Have you ever done it in a bathroom?”
Red stared for a second, before asking a stupid question. “Like, in my own house or somewhere else?”
“Like here.” A blue tinge crept over Blue’s cheeks, and he squirmed slightly. “I-I mean, we don’t have to, but I may have, uh… scouted this place out and made a deal with the bartender. As long as we clean up after ourselves, there’s no problem with whatever we do.”
“Seriously?” Red knew that Blue was kinky, but he hadn’t gotten a hint of this before tonight. Blue had kept it under tight wraps, but with the way he looked now, there was no denying it: Blue wanted this, and he wanted it bad.
“Yeah.” Blue was clearly blushing now, and he looked slightly ashamed of himself. Still, he reached out and took Red’s hand in his. “I-I’m sorry if this is too much. You can back out any time. I just… I thought it would feel really good, and I wanted to try this with you.”
Red tried, he really did, but damn, the way Blue spoke so sweetly while touching bare bone was too much. His magic rushed down to his pelvis, forming a clear glow on the front of his shorts. Red tensed up, trying to press his thighs together, even if there was no hiding his problem. Fuck, he didn’t think he’d ever formed his dick so quick in his life. Red took in a deep breath, bracing himself for a lecture as he finally looked at Blue.
Before Red could reply, Blue moved fully into his lap, pressing his ass right up against Red’s pelvis. He wiggled a bit, making Red hiss. Blue took one of Red’s hands, squeezing it gently.
“Be careful, we need to keep this hidden.” Blue rocked his hips, grinding deliberately against Red.
“Y-yeah, okay,” Red choked out, grabbing the cushioning of the seat with his free hand. He dug his claws into it, feeling the fabric tear slightly. Blue was moving slowly but deliberately, rubbing against the full length of Red’s dick with every roll of his hips. The pressure was amazing, and Red found himself aching for him to go faster already.
Blue paused for a moment, turning his head to catch Red’s eye. “Is this okay?” He asked quietly, moving his thumb in slow circles against the back of Red’s hand. “If you want, we can stop.”
“No. Keep going.” The words tumbled out of Red quickly, but he didn’t take them back.
This was risky, but this part of the bar was quiet. No one had come up to them since they had sat down; this was the kind of place where you had to go get your own drinks. Besides, the thought of getting up and losing the sweet warmth of Blue’s body sounded horrible. No, Red didn’t want this to stop. He wanted more.
Blue gave it to him, repositioning himself slightly so he was partly leaning over the table. He still held one of Red’s hands, squeezing it a bit harder as he began moving his hips again. He moved slowly at first, but when he realized there was no one looking their way, he became bolder. He spread his legs in Red’s lap, hooking his knees over Red’s thighs for balance. The walls of the booth were high, so unless someone walked up to the table, they would only really see that Blue and Red were close together.
When Blue pushed back his hips next, Red’s dick wasn’t just pressing against his ass. He felt the softness between Blue’s legs, and Red groaned low in his throat as he realized Blue had already formed a pussy. His dick twitched, and Blue rocked his hips down harder in return.
Red lost track of how long it had been since they had sat down. All he could focus on was Blue, whose movements were beginning to get faster. From this close, Red felt every breath Blue took, and Blue began making soft noises with each exhale. Red leaned in, resting his face against the back of Blue’s neck. He opened his mouth, dragging his tongue up Blue’s vertebrae. Fuck it, he didn’t care if someone else saw them. Let those fuckers know that Blue was his , and Red wasn’t letting him go. As long as none of them tried to interfere, Red was fine.
Blue let out a soft, breathy moan, and Red’s self control snapped. Fuck it, he couldn’t take this. He needed to get more of Blue. He grabbed Blue’s hips, digging his claws into the soft ecto as he dragged Blue into a shortcut.
They didn’t go far. Earlier Red had scouted out the bar, taking note of where the bathrooms were. Red slipped out of the void again, holding Blue as he stumbled slightly. Blue was a bit disoriented, but luckily, shortcuts didn’t make him sick. Red quickly locked the door, then turned back to Blue.
The bathroom was small, but they didn’t need much space. It was cleaner than most of the bar bathrooms Red had seen, and the strong smell of flowery air freshener masked anything else. The floors were shining slightly, as if it had recently been mopped. Blue must have cut a pretty good deal with that bartender. There was a sign on the wall, with bold print saying “NO SEX” with a bright red “do not” sign over two stick figures fucking doggy style. Red chuckled softly at the sight of it, then turned back to his partner.
Blue had regained his bearings, and he let Red pull him into an embrace. They kissed properly for the first time that night, teeth pressing together as Red slipped his tongue into Blue’s mouth. Red moved his hands from Blue’s hips around to his ass, grabbing it and squeezing hard. Blue was just as eager, his hands slipping under Red’s shirt to feel over his ribcage. Red pinned Blue against the wall opposite of the door, kissing him with even more fervour. Fuck, Blue was making him so hot. His outfit was perfect, and the way he had thoughtfully planned all of this out as a gift for Red made Red eager to return the favour.
Red groaned as Blue’s hands moved lower. He traced over the curve of Red’s hips, then grabbed the waistband of his shorts and tugged on it. Red shifted, helping Blue pull his pants down around his thighs.
He finally broke the kiss, grabbing Blue’s leggings and tugging them down. He knelt down, pulling them all the way around Blue’s ankles. Blue’s ecto body glowed even brighter without the fabric. Red leaned in, drawn by the lovely colour of his magic. He dragged his tongue up Blue’s thigh, looking up at his lover. Blue’s pussy was right next to his face, and Red was already drooling at the thought of tasting it. He still held himself back, though. He was eager for this, but Blue had started this, so Red was following his lead.
Blue reached out, brushing his phalanges delicately over Red’s cheekbone. Red leaned into the touch, his soul fluttering at the way Blue looked down at him. He’d never seen Blue this hungry before, and Red couldn’t believe that a beautiful skeleton like Blue was so excited for him. Blue pressed his hand against Red’s cheekbone, guiding him back to his feet. He turned around, letting Red see the perfect ass he’d been thinking of all night.
Red’s breath caught in his throat as Blue leaned back, letting his dick slide between his thighs. Blue pressed them together, letting Red feel the familiar tingle of his magic. He looked back at Red, a small smile on his face.
“I’ll let you inside me later. I… I want to do it like this now.” Blue pulled at the edge of his shirt, tying it into a knot in the front. The newly-cropped edge showed even more of Blue’s plump body, and left Red with even more to grab. Red rocked his hips forward, and Blue gasped. “Ah, hang on!”
He reached into his jacket pocket, pulling out a small packet. Red’s jaw dropped as he tore it open, letting the goo inside drip down over his fingers. Red knew Blue liked to be prepared, and now he was more grateful for it than ever.
Blue opened his thighs, depriving Red of that glorious friction for a moment. Red flinched a bit as he felt the cold lube, but only a few drops touched his dick. Blue smeared the rest over his inner thighs, not letting any of it drip down too far. Once he was done he rested one hand against the wall, using his other one to guide Red’s dick right where he wanted it to be. He clamped his thighs together again, and Red bit his tongue. Fuck, it had felt good before, but it was even better with lube.
“Please, Red, I can’t wait any more.” Blue begged, rocking his hips back slightly.
How could he refuse such a sweet plea? Red grabbed Blue’s hips, digging his claws into the ecto as he began thrusting. Blue covered his mouth, but Red was close enough to hear the moan he tried to hide. Blue’s lips brushed against Red’s dick as he moved, slicking him up even more. Red leaned over Blue, pressing his chest against Blue’s back as he rutted against him. The slick leather of Blue’s jacket brushed against his exposed sternum, and he had to grit his teeth together to hold back a groan.
Red thrusted hard, but he tried his best not to speed up too much. He had to pace himself. He knew he could get himself close quickly, but he didn’t want to leave Blue hanging.
Blue supported himself, pushing back against Red. He was just as eager for this, his thighs twitching as Red thrusted between them. He was trembling a little, his ribcage heaving as he breathed heavily. Stars, he was perfect.
Red let go of Blue’s hips, moving one hand between Blue’s legs while the other went up to his chest. Blue’s spine was a no-go since it was covered in ecto, but there were still plenty of spots Red knew would drive Blue wild. He pinched Blue’s clit between two fingers, rubbing it firmly as he gave an extra rough thrust. Blue gasped, but he just pushed back against Red more.
Red slipped his fingers into the spaces between Blue’s ribs, hooking them so his claws would scrape against the sensitive underside of each bone. Blue keened into his hand, his thighs clamping so tight Red felt like he might finish. He leaned down, pressing his face against Blue’s shoulder as he did it again.
Blue moaned, pressing his hand harder against his mouth to keep from getting too loud. He was dripping more now, Red could feel it slicking his fingers. He shifted the angle of his hips, rubbing against Blue’s pussy more as he kept thrusting.
He tried his best to focus on Blue, instead of the bar noises that filtered in. The grinding earlier was one thing, but Red didn’t want to be caught with his pants down. This might not be Underfell, but he was sure there would still be consequences. Red pressed closer to Blue, trying to drown out his thoughts. It didn’t matter where they were, what really mattered was that Blue was here underneath him, pushing back against him.
The bathroom was getting hotter, and Red’s extra magic crackled in the air around him, searching for an outlet. Red felt sweat beading on his forehead and trickling down his spine, but he didn’t care. The mess between Blue’s thighs made lewd noises with every thrust, and it sounded like Red was actually inside him. Red’s needs had been weighing heavily on him all night, and it felt so good to finally let them out. Blue was offering himself up, and being so good for Red. Red would reward him for this later, but first, he was going to enjoy this to the fullest.
Red knew when Blue was getting close by how his sounds changed. His voice got higher-pitched, each breath he took undercut by a whimper or moan. He was getting louder, and while a part of Red was concerned by it, the rest of him gloated that he could make his mate feel so good.
“That’s it, cum for me sweetheart.” Red’s voice was more of a growl, and his sharp teeth brushed against Blue’s neck as he spoke.
Blue didn’t finish instantly from Red’s voice, but the whine he let out made Red’s knees feel weak. He squirmed as Red kept going, rubbing his clit and thrusting between his thighs. His movements were a bit more erratic, but they did the trick. Blue whined into his hand, his thighs clenching Red’s dick tightly as he came. As his orgasm kept going he relaxed again, trembling slightly as Red kept massaging his clit, drawing the pleasure out.
The feeling of Blue’s thighs quivering around Red’s dick sent him over the edge too. He bit down on Blue’s neck, groaning into Blue’s vertebrae as he came. He kept thrusting through his orgasm, cumming all over Blue. Red looked down as his magic dissipated, licking his teeth at the sight. Some of his cum made it on to the wall in front of him, but most of it was on Blue’s body, dripping down his thighs and staining the front of his pelvis with a red glow that was visible even from behind.
Red grabbed Blue’s hand, pulling it away from his mouth. Blue turned his head to face Red, gasping as Red kissed him. He quickly pressed into it, a soft noise escaping him as Red’s tongue slipped into his mouth again. Red wrapped both arms around Blue’s waist, just enjoying the feeling of Blue’s ecto pressing against his bones.
Blue kept leaning against the wall, his legs shaking a bit. Red grabbed some paper towels and wetted them in the sink, then stepped back to Blue. While most of Red’s magic had dissipated, there were still some clear stains around his thighs. Usually Red liked to leave his mark on Blue, but he didn’t want the other bar staff to realize what they had been up to, so he helped Blue clean up. There was a bottle of disinfectant spray next to the sink, and after a quick spritz and wipe, the wall was clean too.
“So, uh, did you like that? Should we do it again sometime?” Blue asked, sounding less sure of himself than before. Red was surprised to hear Blue so nervous, but he didn’t hesitate to reassure his datemate.
Red pressed his forehead against the side of Blue’s skull, nuzzling it gently as he spoke into Blue’s earhole. “Sweetheart, if you try that again you won’t be walking the next day.”
Blue giggled, and the smile he was wearing when Red pulled away made Red’s soul leap in his chest. Fuck, he would never know what he’d done to deserve such a lovely mate. He just wanted to take Blue in his arms and kiss him again, but the logical part of his mind knew they had already been in here long enough.
Red turned, unlocking the bathroom door again. Instead of stepping out of it, he moved back to Blue. He wrapped his arm around Blue’s waist, holding him tightly as he pulled them through another quick shortcut.
They landed back at the table, with Blue sitting down heavily in the seat next to Red. He began to move away, but Red stopped him before he could go too far. Red tugged Blue to rest against his side, slipping his hand under Blue’s shirt. He curled his fingers around Blue’s hip, squeezing it gently. Blue blushed, but he happily snuggled closer to Red.
They would have to get up for drinks eventually, but even then Red wasn’t going to let Blue go far. The night was still young, and Red wasn’t letting Blue go until he got at least two more rounds out of the lovely skeleton.
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silverryu25 · 3 years
Hmmmmmm....so um.......what’s the spicy version ? >;) if red had the chance to get more handsy? Sorry if it’s annoying question :/ but I think sans deserves some spicy loving >:3 (referring to ur recent Drabble ) BTW love ur drabbles 😊 Your writing is so good 🤗
Spicy you ask noonie? Well... since you asked so nicely, here is a little spicy treat under the cut UwU (You aren’t being annoying for asking! If I’m not feeling up to writing spicy stuff I’ll say so, but you aren’t annoying for asking ;3)
Other parts: part one | part three | AO3 link
Below the cut is for 18+ only please! :3
The moment Sans relaxed into the kiss, Red took over, pulling Sans closer and deepening the kiss. Their tongues danced as Red’s hands continued to roam over Sans’ ecto, squeezing and pressing his claws in all the spots he knew would drive Sans crazy.
The smaller skeleton pushed on Red’s shoulders to get him to pull back, face completely flushed blue and eyelights starting to fuzz around the edges. He took a moment to catch his breath, but when he saw Red licking his teeth, eyesockets lidded and a hungry look practically devouring Sans whole, his breath hitched. He couldn’t look away, his body heating up from the intent Red was projecting his way.
He didn’t get a chance to catch his breath as Red grabbed him and spun him around with one hand, the other reaching to the nearby desk and dragging the chair towards them. Sans looked into the mirror, trying to see what Red was planning, when the bigger monster suddenly pulled him into his lap. Sans was left straddling Red’s legs, still wearing his black basketball shorts, while Red massaged his waist.
“remember yer safeword, sweetheart?” Red asked as he leaned back down to nuzzle and lick at Sans’ vertebrae.
“y-yes. *ah* blue.” Sans breathed out, leaning his head to the side to give Red more access to his neck, bones softly rattling in pleasure and anticipation.
“good boy.” Red purred out as he slipped one hand below Sans’ waistband, ghosting over the soft ecto between Sans’ ample tighs. “den i’m gonna show ya just how pretty ya are, ‘kay?”
Sans couldn’t find the words, his ecto pussy already twitching from the light touches and the promise in Red’s words, so he just frantically nodded. Red chuckled into his neck as he pressed his teeth to Sans’ neck, not biting hard enough to leave a mark, but putting enough force into it to make Sans’ breathing hitch. He was gonna enjoy this tasty treat today.
Gently, Red spread his legs, pulling Sans’ with them and spreading him wide. Sans’ breath quickened as the fabric of his shorts pressed Red’s clawed hand into his sensitive ecto magic. Red didn’t hesitate to start moving his phalanges over Sans’ folds, teasing the magic into starting to slowly get wet. Sans’ body trembled as Red teased him with one hand and used the other to continue squeezing and massaging over the rest of his ecto. 
Sans let out a shaky breath, sockets closing as he tossed his head back into Red’s shoulder, trying to focus on the stimulation. His hips started to rock into Red’s hand as he chased the feeling, until suddenly Red’s hand stilled. With a whine Sans rocked his hips a little harder, trying to get Red to move again, but instead he felt Red’s hand on his chin pulling his skull forward.
“nu-uh sansy, ya gotta watch.” Red scolded, holding onto the little monsters chin firmly as he directed it to look into the mirror.
Sans’ eyelights were fuzzy and he was having trouble focusing, but he did his best to obey. He knew that Red wouldn’t let him finish until he listened and he didn’t really want to fight him on it. Even if the sight of his own body didn’t really give him a lot of comfort.
“good boy, sansy. yer bein’ so good fer me, ain’t ya?” Red purred and leaned down to nuzzle Sans’ cheek, his breath warm. “now look how pretty ya are as i make ya come undone.”
As Red said that he plunged two phalanges into Sans’ pussy, making Sans writhe in his lap over the burn. But his other hand held firm and made sure Sans saw everything. The way his ecto glistened as his body heated up, sweat spreading over it. Red’s hand moving inside his pants, a wet spot spreading around them as his pussy leaked. The way his jaw slackened as he lost himself in the pleasure, warmth spreading from his core through his ecto and bones, right down to his limbs, making his toes curl.
“yer so pretty, sansy~. look at ya. so soft and perfect.” Red continued purring into Sans’ ear, making sure that Sans was looking where he wanted him to. “yer body is mine and i ain’t lettin’ no one say nothin’ bad ‘bout it, not even ya. cause yer gorgeous. touchin’ ya makes me happy.” He backed this up by rubbing his erection into the back of Sans’ shorts, making sure Sans knew how he was affecting him. “feel dat sweetheart? yer gonna drive me insane.”
When he was sure Sans wouldn’t move his skull, Red lowered his hand back to Sans’ ecto and pressed his claws into it. It wasn’t hard enough to puncture the it, but it was enough to bruise. At the same time, he used his other hand to press deeper into Sans’s pussy, using his thumb to tease his clit. Sans’ whole body tensed as he could feel his peek getting closer.
“ya like dat?” Red chuckled as he asked. “like seein’ me all hot fer ya? fer dat pretty ecto ya have? den will ya come fer me sweetheart? show me how pretty ya are as i make ya fall apart? come on sansy. cum fer me.”
Sans didn’t need much encouragement. The moment those words left Red’s teeth, his fingers hitting Sans’ sweet spot and his thumb pressing on his clit, Sans felt the built up pressure in his core release. His pussy spasmed around Red’s phalanges, as his toes curled and his hands grabbed Red’s hand that was still pressing into his ecto. 
He could see it all. 
His own blissed out expression as his climax was drawn out by Red’s skilled hands. The way Red looked at him with pure adoration and lust. The gentle pets over his ecto as Red eased him down from the peek. And he could feel a wet spot pressing into his back. Red came. He came from watching Sans and touching his ecto.
Sans’ skull was flushed a bright blue, breaths coming hard as he tried to wrap his skull around all of that. But his eyelids were getting heavy and he was having a hard time keeping his sockets open.
Red must have noticed, because he leaned down to leave a chaste skeleton kiss on Sans’ cheek as he lifted him up and started carrying him out of the room. The smaller monster didn’t have the energy to form words so he just let out an inquiring whine hoping Red would understand.
“heh, clean up before bed.” Red snorted out, obviously very proud of himself.
Sans just scoffed in his general direction as he made himself comfortable in Red’s arms. Let the big bonehead do the work since he was the one to cause the mess, right?
... he’ll have to find a way to pay him back later.
Sans decided to start by leaving his ecto summoned while they napped.
This almost ended up with Sans riding Red, but I figured Sansy needed some nice loving after the whole self-depreciation episode and deserved to have all focus on him ;3
And Red did get a good reward! Naptime cuddles with Sans having his ecto body summoned! >:3
I hope you liked noonie! It’s been a while since I wrote smut so it probably has a few mistakes, but I hope it’s stil good.
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dale-the-human · 4 years
trailer | part 1 | part 2 | part 3 |  part 4 | part 5 NEW! | part 6 (coming soon) 
A dramatic reading of Songfell (Frans fic) by @ikustioa @songfell-ut Featuring Allie Jones as Frisk and the amazing @supershadicx250 as Sans!!! 
If you enjoy Songfell and would like to see more, please share and consider leaving the author a tip on her Ko-Fi
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lady-lyrjok · 3 years
How the Mighty Fall In Love*:On Top of the Bone Pile
I never understood what made your lips on my neck such an intimate affair Until your teeth grazed my pulse and I realized You could tear open my throat and make me bleed out in your arms but instead you chose to kiss
Themes: Soul sex Praise Biting/scratching Public place sex? (if you think really hard about it? Just want to be safe here.)
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valkyrieofsmutlist · 4 years
Captive love Masterlist
Underfell Sans x Female character (Reader or Frisk if ya wanna)
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(Oh gosh this pic was too damn cute not to use as the masterlist pic!)
Description: Monsters have made it to the surface and made a place for themselves. A place that's still dangerous for humans.
Feeling ill and heading to her apartment at the edge of the Monsters' part of town, (Y/n) runs into a wall, helped there by Sans, who she'd run into first. When she wakes up, she's a human in the middle of the Monster territory, with no way out and a couple of edgy skeletons for hosts.
Sans doesn't particularly want to hurt just anyone, but he has to keep his tough guy image up. What he wants, is to find out why this strange, beautiful human woman kissed him, especially after he'd thrown her against a brick wall, but she faints too quickly to ask. To keep her safe, he decides to take her home until she wakes up. ...and then maybe he decides she should stay there a little longer...
Types:  I, um... don’t even know what to put here, actually...                 
18+ (In progress)
Warnings: Discussion of prior domestic abuse and injuries. Smut.  (posted on @valkyrieofsmut​)
Read on Ao3
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5  Part 6   Part 7  Part 8  Part 9  Part 10  Part 11  Part 12  Part 13  Part 14  Part 15   Part 16  Part 17  Part 18  Part 19  Part 20  Part 21  Part 22  Part 23  Part 24  Part 25
If Reader had kinks?
Last updated:     11/26/2020   Next update:      working on it now! (11/30/2020)
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msmkcreates · 5 years
"White Flag" (UF!Sans/Reader)
A drabble commission for @popatochisssp once more, this time with Red! This is sort of a continuation of the "Rainy Day" drabble I wrote for @sj-potato from earlier today, it's the same reader and Red because I decided I like them.
Pairing: UF!Sans/Reader
Smut: Makeup sex, Daddy kink, dub-con, oral
Red was definitely lingering at work a little longer than usual, and it wasn’t any secret why.
He’d been in a mood this morning when he left, and you’d caught it like a cold, and somehow it had ended in an argument about him not helping you clean. It felt so similar to his arguments with Boss throughout the underground that he’d seen red, and instead of treating you like his wife, he’d treated you like an entitled brat, and in return you’d fired back by treating him like a spoiled asshole.
It hadn’t ended well, and you hadn’t even texted him on his lunch hour.
He was only a little sorry, but you were being a bitch, too. He can’t be expected to come crawling back with an apology when it wasn’t even clear which of your sour moods started it.
Still, he had to leave the office sometime, and he couldn’t excuse any overtime when he knew you were waiting at home.
He clocked out and ported to the front door of your small studio apartment, the sounds of the city louder here than at the Embassy. He actually kind of liked it, but he wished he could do better for you someday.
No, wait, fuck you, he’s mad at you.
He sighed and opened the door, hanging his hat and coat and kicking his shoes off. He considered, for a moment, being petty and tossing it all on the ground since you were so picky about messiness.
The house was a wreck, as if you had upturned every drawer and left it that way in protest, and knowing you, you probably did exactly that. The fact that you were abiding the mess all but confirmed it, and you didn’t even spare him a glance from where you were reading on the couch.
He stood at the end of the couch for a moment, gesturing to the mess. “really?”
“I thought you liked the mess,” you accused, bringing up the point he’d made earlier.
“come on, don’t be that way, this is ridiculous. i been at work all day, i don’t need this right now.”
You gave a long-suffering sigh before getting up as if it was the most intense effort ever, and he was almost impressed. “Fine. I’ll clean it up.”
He dropped onto the newly vacated couch and crossed his arms, and you gave him an annoyed look as if to ask if he was helping, but nah, he wasn’t done being petty. Besides, this was your mess, so you’d clean it up, exactly like you’d said to him this morning. And you knew it.
You started with the trash on the tables, which, admittedly, were actually his, and once the trash was clear you began to bend down to collect the loose clothing that you’d scattered about.
Only to give him an eyeful of peach as he realized you weren’t wearing anything under your dress.
His sockets widened as you straightened up, and he caught the slightest smirk on your face and he knew you’d done it on purpose.
Shit. You knew your strengths and his weaknesses, and you knew exactly how to win this fight. He’d missed out on the usual morning sex because of this argument, and now you were teasing him, you little shit, stars, he loved you so goddamned much.
As you bent over to retrieve something, you yelped as he startled you by grabbing your hips and pressing against you, his excitement easily broadcasted through his slacks.
“well, well, no panties, huh? naughty, naughty,” he purred, pulling your skirt up to your hips and squeezing your ass.
You huffed and blushed, tossing the clothes in your hands into the laundry basket. “Well, if you think you’re getting any tonight, you’ve got another think coming.”
You squeaked as his fingers probed your entrance, already embarrassingly slick.
“hmm? what was that?” He chuckled as you flustered, pulling back as you whirled around.
You grabbed his tie and pulled him down to meet you, and he groaned into the kiss, gathering your small form in his arms.
"You're gonna help me pick up after," you demanded, and he hummed in agreeance, unable to disagree when you were stroking his cock through his pants that way.
"okay," he huffed.
"And you'll pick up your sock," you cooed, sliding your hand into his pants to fondle his summoned magic.
He whined as you kneeled in front of him. "yeah, sure."
You unbuttoned his pants, pulling his cock out and kissing the tip gently, too gently. "And I need you to vacuum."
"yeah, babe, whatever you want," he breathed, tangling his fingers in your hair.
"Good," you sighed, gripping his cock with a playful look in your eyes. "Sorry I was a bitch, Daddy."
"apology accepted, princess," he groaned. "if you'll accept mine."
You answered by throating his cock and making him gasp, and he remembered what he forgot this morning when he was upset.
"i love you," he crooned as you swirled your tongue over the head of his cock.
You couldn't say it back when he pushed it down your throat, but your happy, muffled squeal was good enough.
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valkyrieofsmut · 4 years
Captive Love   16
UF!Sans x Reader (or Frisk if you wanna)
Summary: Sweetheart is a badass. Sans likes it.
A/N: Sorry I'm an idiot and posted the next chapter before this one...! Anyway... Yay!
Masterlist      Series Masterlist
A good morning.
(Y/n) woke as hands moved over her, smoothing over her sides and front. 
"good mornin', sweetheart," a rough voice greeted from near her ear where she could feel Sans nuzzling and nipping. 
She tried to greet him back, but it came out as a pleasured sounding hum as she shifted her hips and felt the pleasant soreness from the night before between her thighs. 
Sans let out a deep chuckle that sent shivers down her spine. "still feel it, huh, sweetheart?" 
She felt her cheeks heat at the reminder of what they'd done. 
"got some more a that 'f ya want it," he told her, his suggestive voice full of heat and promises. 
Sans was over her, straddling her thigh once more, boney hand up the loose leg of her shorts. 
He'd tried to get her out of her clothes, but she'd been so shy, ducking her head and pressing her face against him to hide that, he'd given in. 
He'd even tried to tell her that he bet she had the most beautiful body he'd ever seen, but, with a glance down at his own covered chest, he could understand that everyone had something they were nervous about letting others see. 
So he'd ended up here, with his hand up her shorts, fingering her to a quick orgasm as she clutched at his shirt and panted and whined against his clavicle. 
"mmnn, sound so good, sweetheart," he rumbled against her. "that one was quick, huh? let's get ya 'nother one…" 
(Y/n) was sure that if she had completely gotten her voice back by now, and hadn't been trying so hard to stay quiet, she would have lost it by now. 
Sans' finger bones were surprisingly talented, to the point that she wondered if he'd ever been with a human before, or if monsters' anatomys were just so similar it translated well. 
She came again, her teeth digging into his shirt covered clavicle to keep herself quiet. 
Sans let out a low, needy growl at her bite. "ooh, fuck , sweetheart… ya make me wanna straight up ravage that pussy…" 
(Y/n) whimpered, clenching tighter at his sexy, need soaked words. 
His hand had slowed down, gently stroking her through her orgasm so he didn't over stimulate her, and she wondered how long he was planning on doing this, and if he was planning… that , too… 
It would only be fair for him to come, too, after all… 
"SANS!" Papyrus' voice echoed in the hall, and Sans groaned out a sigh as his hand stopped. 
He turned toward the door and called back, "yeah, boss?"
Sans sighed again. "yeah, boss, got it, don't worry 'bout it," he called back. 
(Y/n) felt both excited and nervous at having Sans' hand still inside her as he spoke to his brother on the other side of the door. 
What if Papyrus got frustrated with the piece of wood and just came in? 
There were no blankets covering where Sans' hand was up her shorts… It would be glaringly obvious what they were doing. 
Sans looked over at her with a smirk and a chuckle at the feel of her nervous clench around his fingers at the thought, and wiggled them inside her, making her bite back a moan. 
Sans groaned in frustration and pulled his fingers from her, making her whimper at the loss. 
"i'm gettin' up right now, i'll leave in a few minutes, boss, i swear!" 
Papyrus finally left with a "SEE THAT YOU DO!" 
"sorry, dollface, i gotta go ta work," he sighed as he stood from the bed, digging in the clean pile of laundry he'd placed next to, but not in, his dresser to find some clean clothes. 
"Sa-ns," (Y/n) asked hesitantly, and broke off as she wondered how she could have let him touch her like he had been without even a care in the world about getting home and if he was still keeping her here against her will, or just to keep her safe. 
Oh, it was a dirty feeling… 
"yeah, sweetheart?" He asked, pulling a suitable shirt from the pile. 
"I- ...I ahm g-ng hohme, evehntu-lly… rigkh…?" She asked, trying not to sound as nervous as she felt. [I am going home eventually, right?]
Sans looked up at her, pausing in his search for a sock to match the one in his hand. 
Sans really wanted her to stay there with him- but he knew that he couldn't keep her there forever. He'd already witnessed a small dose of her ire, and he had no doubt that it would only get worse the longer it went on. 
He would have to let her go, eventually… eventually being the key word. 
"yeah. yeah, sweetheart," he told her. "gotta make it safe ta make the trip, first…" 
She smiled at him for his response, and it did a little to lift his soul from the ditch of misery it'd fallen into at the thought of her going. 
"C'n Ikh b-rrow y-r phohne?" She asked. [can I borrow your phone?]
Sans looked at her in question as he pulled out the device and unlocked it. 
He handed it to her and went back to searching for his other sock. 
(Y/n) listened as the familiar voice gave the store greeting, asking how she could help her. 
"Hehy, Sally," she greeted. "Who's theh m-nahger todahy?" [hey, Sally, who’s the manager today?]
Sans looked up at that. "heh, you tryna get through ta that idiot at yer work?" 
She nodded in reply. "Okh, graht," she sighed at hearing it was the same manager that had written her off as dead before. "Pahtch m- tkhrough, plehse." [Oh, great. Patch me through, please.]
Sans chuckled as he moved next to her on the bed, looking amused. "i gotta see how far ya get wit 'im." 
(Y/n) switched it to speaker and listened as he gave the store greeting, then said, "hihk Doug. Iht's (Y/n)." [hi Doug, it’s (Y/n)]
He let out a startled, confused stutter, and (Y/n) saw Sans holding back a laugh. 
"H-hi, (Y/n)! I-I heard that you- that you were in monster territory!" Doug exclaimed. 
"Ikh ahm," she answered. [I am.]
"O- oh… Wh- h-how are you calling the store, then?" He asked. 
"Mohnsters hahve phohnes, Doug, theh're not uh strihctly hum'n thihng," she told him. [monsters have phones, Doug, they’re not a strictly human thing.]
A chortle escaped Sans at that. 
"Oh… Um… Well, what can I do for you?" Doug asked. "You need someone to come out there and save you, or…" He trailed off, and (Y/n) was pretty sure it was because he was trying to think of what other reason she could have called, and if he could think of someone else to do it. 
"Noh, Ikh dohn't neehd uh r-scue, Ikh just neehd toh hahve mhy job wh-n Ikh geht bahck," she told him. [no, I don’t need rescue, I just need to have my job when I get back.]
After a moment, Doug told her, "you've missed a bunch of shifts, (Y/n). Lots of no calls no shows." 
"Doh y-u agreeh thaht b-ng in mohnst'r terr-tory as uh human is dahng'rous?" She asked. [Do you agree that being in monster territory as a human is dangerous?]
"Y-yeah," he agreed hesitantly, not sure where this was going. 
"Y-u agreeh that wahlk-ng thr-gh mohnst'r terr-tory would be lihke walk-ng thr-gh uh wahr gr-nd?" She prompted. [You agree that walking through monster territory would be like walking through a war ground?]
"U- uh, y-yeah," he agreed hesitantly again. 
"Thehn y-u agreeh thaht th-s fahlls under any l-w mahk-ng 't 'llehg-l to fihre uh 'mployeeh f-r b-ng tr-pp'd in uh w-r zohne?" She asked. [Then you agree that this falls under any law making it illegal to fire an employee for being trapped in a warzone?]
There was silence on the other end of the line. 
Sans' sockets widened. She could be vicious when she wanted to… 
It kinda turned him on. 
"S-so- do you have an idea of when you'll be back?" Doug asked. 
"W-r 's uh 'nprehd-ctable thihng," she answered, getting irritated that her voice was getting worse and worse with use. [War is an unpredictable thing.]
After she'd hung up, Sans commented, "gettin' tough wit 'em, huh?" 
She shrugged with a sheepish grin. "Thre-t-ng lehg-l 'ction uhs-lly mahkes pehple d' wha's rihght." [Threatening legal action usually makes people do what’s right.]
Sans' tongue flicked over his teeth. It was still turning him on. Especially with that adorable squeak. 
"Ohne mohre c-ll?" She asked. [One more call?]
Luckily, the call to her landlord went much easier, the secretary taking her information and making a note on her account, promising to do what they could about pausing the rent charges, or at least putting any actions on hold. 
When she was done, (Y/n) hung up and handed the phone back to Sans. 
She looked at her hands, rubbing them over each other. "Th-nks, S-ns." [Thanks, Sans]
Sans sat awkwardly for a moment before going back to looking for his other sock. 
The mood had fallen, and his poor sweetheart seemed pretty down. 
"y-you… uh- s-sweetheart, ya wanna come wit me?" He asked, his eyelights focused on the laundry, finally finding a sock. 
(Y/n) looked up at him in question, careful hope in her eyes. "R...lly?" [Really?]
"yeah, doll," he told her, focused on grabbing a pair of shorts. "'s what th' c- ...thing, is fer, after all…" 
The smile that grew on her face as she nodded made his soul throb. 
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