#Uther is an AWFUL father
hopelessromantic5 · 8 months
Opening to a very long fic that I’ve been working on forever.
Merlin and Arthur meet as young teenagers instead of young adults. They grow and mature together. Arthur being aware of his magic the entire time. Also Igraine lives because I love her.
As far back as he could remember, life as a human, for Arthur Pendragon, was confusing.
When he celebrated his 5th name-day, and was gifted a brand new sparkling mirror for his chambers, Arthur would sit for hours looking at himself. At his body, wondering what was going on inside that he could not see, but could feel. The constant beat of his heart, the expanding of his lungs as he drew breath, of course he didn’t know the names of all these things yet, but he knew they were important. They must be, to be locked in a cage of bone and flesh. To be hidden from the world.
Some days, Arthur would peer into the looking glass and would not recognize himself. As if he were looking at a stranger, or a mythical creature that his mother liked to tell him stories of. It seemed so foreign, to have hands that flex and move muscles all the way up his arms, to stand on two legs and walk about the world, trying to do what, exactly? His young brain was attempting to compute things that no one has just one answer for.
There were times when Arthur could feel his mortality and physical limits like cold iron bars, he didn’t have a name for it, yet it always settled into his chest and left him staring at his canopy, unable to sleep.
But other times…
Other times he felt like he could fly off the ramparts, or take on an army with a hand tied behind his back. As he grew older, he learned to request leave from his father to practice riding when he felt this way.
By 10 summers, Arthur was more proficient with horses than most adult nobles, and nearly up to par with the infamous knights of Camelot.
His training started a year later.
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fluffykitteninabox · 2 years
ok I get why Morgana is in the villains category of the wiki, but why is Uther in the protagonists section??
Like he's an antagonistic force for more episodes than her!
I know Morgana turned evil or whatever, but have perhaps considered..
she had every right to!
She can commit mass murderer if she wants because I said so😍😍
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pondermoniums · 8 months
There are plenty of questionable moments throughout Merlin but one thing they did super well is Arthur and Uther's relationship. Uther's an abusive father, but Arthur loves him, and we see Uther's delicate side often enough to understand why.
A moment that really hits hard is in season 3, after Uther discovers Arthur and Gwen together, is when Arthur pleads his case. He scrambles between three different tactics, first sincerity, followed by more princely authoritative force, and then begging and apologizing.
Uther is unpredictable, a trait that makes him so awful as a father. So watching Arthur, who knows him better than anyone, swing wide so fast, within a single conversation, trying to find the right card to play in his father's game, is really heart-wrenching.
It shows a very special emotional intelligence in Arthur, albeit a devastating one.
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storygremlin · 14 days
Showing Merlin S2E5-6: Beauty and the Beast to my lesbian friend, A, for the first time:
• [Arthur waking up shirtless to Merlin spying on Catrina] Merlin’s face is so thirsty looking at him, don’t accuse him of infidelity Arthur, he can’t process your accusations right now
• [Merlin: she’s a troll! Arthur: *grinning* she’s not that bad] Aw, look at Arthur’s face, he’s so pleased thinking Merlin is taking his side. That’s not what’s happening Arthur, but you’re so gay for that.
• [Merlin breaking dramatically into the great hall as Uther and Catrina seal their marriage with a kiss] Thank god he was late, I would’ve hated being robbed of this moment—the best thing this show has ever done.
• [when Catrina puts Uther out with her troll breath] That’s not even magic, her breath is just so bad he passed out and forgot the whole thing
• [Arthur warning Merlin after Catrina accuses him of stealing her heirloom] Arthur responding to Merlin’s warnings about Catrina like ‘okay maybe the new queen of Camelot IS a troll, but more importantly—you.’ Insane behavior. I love it.
• [Arthur seeing the knights roughing up an old man for tax money] YOU BETTER NOT DISAPPOINT ME RIGHT NOW ARTHUR. [when he steps in] Aw good job, you’re doing great, look at Gwen watching him, she thinks he’s so hot after that.
• [Arthur standing up to Uther and refusing to participate in bullying the people over the ridiculous tax] This is the most attractive a man has ever been. I’d even let him kiss me on the mouth.
• [Uther trying to kiss Catrina] Do you think her Disguise Self includes hiding her breath, or does Uther just taste horseshit when he kisses her? Is he getting horseshit kisses? I bet he is.
• [Leon trying to persuade the king to postpone accepting Bayard’s suggestion to visit] No no, definitely let him come. Encourage him to visit immediately. Don’t ruin this for me.
• [Merlin and Gaius telling Arthur about their plan. Arthur: you never said anything about an antidote!] trust your boyfriend Arthur, he’s a powerful warlock [Merlin dropping the antidote] Yeah actually that tracks. Murphy’s law is really his thing. We should rename it. *contemplating* Maybe Merlin could just kiss him awake?
• [Uther: obviously there are many things I did under the enchantment I…regret. Arthur: I really don’t need to know, father.] *cackling* magic’s true revenge against Uther—his son knowing he fucked a troll.
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larluce · 5 hours
Nearly laughed myself sick at the latest Time Travel post. Merlin going "no rebellion -> Arthur can have a little rebellion as a treat -> wait fuck rebellion is still bad" was so good.
Also. I hate Uther, and I'm so glad to see him get called the fuck out on being a shitty, abusive father. He was so awful to Arthur, I can definitely see him killing Arthur's dog because he loved it too much.
Thank you! Comedy aside, I believed necessary to show Merlin's line of thought to remind us he is from the future. Merlin went through shit, so obviously Merlin, while he's worried about the rebellion and is pretty aware of the consequences it could lead, he's not as escandalized or horrified as he should be. He even considers it fit when he finds out how abusive Uther actually was with Arthur if only for a moment, which also shows Merlin didn't know Arthur as well as he thought and that he also missed some things. In canon Merlin is only aware of one time Arthur was sent to the dungeons (when Arthur went to look for the Mortaeus Flower to save him) and one time Morgana was (In "To kill a King" when Merlin overhears Morgana talking to Tauren about how Uther chain her to a dungeon wall), but besides that, Merlin wasn't really present when Uther mistreated their children (like when Uther holded Morgana by the neck in anger) and I doubt Arthur told Merlin, not because he didn't feel comfortable to tell him exactly but rather the topic never came up. Other thing is that Merlin does notice Arthur is acting differently to the Arthur he remembers, on more than one occassion, the only thing keeping him from noticing Arthur's feelings for him is his eternal denial.
About Uther getting called out what he is, I would say the most gratifiying thing was Arthur realizing it himself. Rewatching Merlin's rant to Gaius about "not doing nothing" we all know well in the show, I thought "It would be great if Arthur had one too" so I made one. It's not as good as Merlin's but I think it matches the feeling. This Arthur is mentally forty, has been king for 15 years and has learned of all his father's wrongings in the past decade. This doesn't mean he doesn't love him, Uther is still his father, but he doesn't respect him anymore.
Also I love how the knights were like:
Knights: The Prince wants to overthrow the King! this is outrageous!😱 Arthur: He killed my dog.🥺 Knights: That is unforgivable. We must rebel!😤
Anyways, thank you for sharing your thoughts. It keeps me going 😊
If anyone else wants to make me and ask just do, I'll be more than glad to answer ❤️
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ramblings-of-lola · 4 months
My thoughts on Merlin Season 4
@swans-chirping-in-the-distance @gay-for-zoya
Oddly enough, Lancelot's sacrifice didn't emotionally impact me that much. I'm not sure why, maybe because I never got too attached to him or because his sacrifice made sense for his character
I'm so happy there's another dragon!! But, I'm slightly worried for the next season with Morgana, since the white dragon healed her, I wonder if he'll align himself with her.
I loved when Merlin was able to age himself because he's so funny in that "disguise" as Dragoon
I'm really glad that Uther died because I hate him, but I was so sad for Arthur. And Merlin's healing spell backfiring because of Morgana was awful.
Lancelot being brought back to ruin Gwen and Arthur's relationship was so sad to watch. And seeing Merlin burn his body and say goodbye to him was also sad.
When it was revealed that Arthur led the raid on the Druid camp in the episode when Eylan was possessed, it just really put into perspective how Uther put his ruthlessness on Arthur at a young age. I can't imagine how hard that would be for Arthur as a teen.
The last two episodes where so good. I liked seeing Merlin be a bit ruthless and reveal who he is to Agravaine before killing him. It's not a side of Merlin that shown often.
Arthur and Morgana telling each other they are both like Uther was really interesting. These two siblings don't want to be like him, but they are to an extent. Morgana has Uther's hate and ruthlessness while Arthur has his father's loyalty to the laws of Camelot.
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landslided · 11 months
lawrusso merthur AU: daniel is merlin, johnny is arthur, kreese is uther, miyagi is gaius. the cobras are the knights of the round table. all of daniel’s love interests are witches or princesses or both.
johnny was made heir because he pulled the sword from the stone even though he’s a bastard. laura really didn’t want to send johnny to kreese but sid was more than happy to get rid of him. kreese tries to shape johnny into the perfect heir by training him personally and being generally a really fucking awful mentor/adoptive father. johnny grows up to become a bit of a douchebag and it’s only when he meets a newcomer in the kingdom that his behavior somehow gets better.
daniel is sent by his mother to a trusted family friend who is secretly a warlock. miyagi works as a healer in the castle (even though kreese HATES him) and he takes daniel under his wing to teach him the magic he knows. daniel is supposed to be the most powerful warlock who has ever lived but right now he’s 17 and a hotheaded little brat so the destiny of the kingdom might take some time.
kreese gives daniel the job of johnny’s manservant after daniel saved his life. shenanigans happen. they kiss a lot. they fight a big snake. daniel has a side romance plot with kumiko that makes johnny so jealous he almost throws himself off his horse. johnny and ali are engaged for about five seconds before ali runs off with susan. terry silver is a neighbor king that johnny duels to the death. chozen comes to show off his fighting skills and refuses to join the knights until daniel asks nicely. miyagi makes a potion that makes kreese lose his hair. johnny keeps missing the very obvious proofs of daniel’s magic because they keep making out. bobby has a whole arc where he tries to become a knight but because he’s not a noble they have to trick the king. daniel kills kreese accidentally but he’s really happy he did it and johnny kinda has to agree with him. season 5 of merlin doesn’t happen because i make the rules.
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cynthia39100 · 6 months
Merlin rewatch -- S1E11: The Labyrinth of Gedref
Unicorn's curse
I have issues with the whole unicorn curse and the tests…
The first one, Arthur passed, which was good. I don’t think he needed to give out the grain though. Arthur was right at first, everyone was starving. Letting the man go was mercy, giving out food was unjust to other equally starved people.
The second test was awful. This random man had stolen from the kingdom, insulted the Prince and then didn’t hesitate to fight him with a sword. He wasn’t unarmed! Arthur had every reason to strike him down. Also, Arthur didn’t seem to be the kind of person to lose himself from some cheap insult. I’d thought he was used to it from Uther. Or at least had a good ability to conceal it from his courtly training. For example in ep1 with Merlin and ep2 with Valiant he had acted graciously.
I don’t see how pride was Arthur’s downfall anyway. He wanted to prove his worth because that’s his duty, that’s what’s best for his people. Not because he was prideful. It certainly wasn’t why he killed the unicorn since he didn’t know what he killed was unicorn.
Without that second test, I can still believe Arthur would say “ I cannot think of my pride when our people go hungry” to Uther. In so many previous episodes they showed us again and again how different Arthur and Uther were, why should this one be different?
The third question was nonsense. Arthur was right. It proved nothing. It didn’t in any way prove that Arthur wouldn’t attack people again if they used his father against him, like in the second test. It proved that Arthur cared for his people more than himself, yes, but he was like this from the start! He didn’t kill the unicorn because he didn’t care for his people. And he kept asking Anhora to spare his people, surely that proved it already.
The ending scene alone was quite nice, but it still seemed that Arthur regretted killing the unicorn because of how powerful it was, not because of how beautiful and pure a creature It was. That should be what the unicorn wanted to see in Arthur, respect for nature and harmless magical beings. He didn’t learn any of them. It was also hard to believe that the unicorn was a pure-hearted creature when it cast this awful curse…
Next -> [other episodes]
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thatgirlonstage · 1 year
Continued Merlin brainrot but in the way of all “this could’ve been great but instead it is a mess” shows there will be lines that drive you absolutely insane because they could and should be so so so important but instead they were written for one episode and immediately forgotten
Anyway this exchange, from The Witch’s Quickening:
Merlin: Thank you
Arthur: For what exactly?
Merlin: For—
Arthur: Lying to my father to save your worthless hide?
Merlin: …Yeah
Arthur: If you ever put me in that position again, I’ll clap you in irons myself.
is like. Okay!!!! Before this exchange we could generally infer that one of Merlin’s reasons for continuing to keep his magic secret even as he and Arthur grow closer and trust each other more is that he knows it would put Arthur in an awful position. Even if Merlin could be 100% sure that Arthur wouldn’t want him executed—which, frankly, he can’t—Arthur would have to choose to either commit treason by sheltering a sorcerer and lie to his father’s face, or see Merlin executed anyway. Of course Merlin doesn’t like those odds! No one would like those odds!!! And then Arthur up and says it. He tells Merlin to his face not to make him lie for him. He tells Merlin in plain words that if it’s a choice between sending him to the dungeon or lying to his father, he will choose the former.
Do I think Arthur is speaking out of stress and anger here and would never actually follow through with this, especially if it got Merlin executed? Yeah. Of course. I don’t remember the show well enough to know if there is another incident of lying to his father’s face for Merlin after this, but like. He would have. No hesitation. I mean come on. But a) it makes total sense that Merlin himself can’t take that risk with his most life-threatening secret, and b) more importantly, maybe, Merlin hears the true thing underneath the anger, which is that Arthur hates lying to Uther. He hates breaching his honor as son and heir and while he’ll do it, knowing the alternative is severe punishment falling on Merlin (bc Uther would be happy enough to make an example of a servant), he never wants to go through it again. And Merlin, self-sacrificial idiot that he is, files this away like got it! Arthur can never know about my magic while Uther lives, because I can’t make him lie for me. Because Merlin will always, always, always take more pain and danger on himself to spare Arthur from it.
At least that’s what one is left to believe because this exchange is never mentioned or called back or referenced in any way after this episode so you just have to go insane about it by your damn self
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chocolatehouse · 1 year
i’m rewatching the witchfinder because of course i am and i have thoughts
-- arthur knows about merlin’s magic. period. done deal. did you see him when the woman confessed? (for one he was standing BEHIND his throne in shadows like batman which is hilarious) he IMMEDIATELY says how it might’ve been a truck of light, arthur would’ve known merlin’s with whatever group he was with and knew and wanted to stop the whole deal before it begun (also even if he didn’t know of it he definitely doesn’t agree with uther’s laws and isn’t afraid of magic)
— also uther??? that man is biased against magic(and grudgingly likes merlin). when aredian said it was merlin and he would need to search his room, if that were ANYONE else uther would’ve just killed them. no room searching necessary and uther trusts aredian (“he’s a trusted ally”) so why would he need any more than his word? yet he asks MERLIN, or at least looks towards him, and doesn’t say anything to aredian until merlin gives his consent to his rooms being SEARCHED NOT FUCKING RANSACKED (i’m still mad about that) then tells aredian to do so
— aredian walks into the room “i smell it, uther, the magic, i smell” 👃🏻🪄🪄 arthur “that’s definitely NOT because i fuck magic in my spare time” like seriously WHY did they make that scene so weird i mean yes aredian’s trying to be intimating but magic having a smell is a bit suspicious (of what i don’t know it just is)
— arthur was WATCHING merlin and saw THE moment when merlin snapped and i love that like yes pay attention to your boyfriend then him bringing him to see gaius? yes arthur break the law for your boyfriend (but seriously arthur wouldn’t have left merlin and gaius alone so was he just standing right outside listening to their whole conversation about magic?? if he didn’t know about the magic he certainly does now)
— gwen KNOWS morgana has magic. when aredian goes to question morgana then gwen goes to merlin saying “i’m worried, merlin, she’s close to breaking point” that’s vague enough to make merlin think she’s talking in general but ummm that’s sounds an awful lot like gwen knows because THEY ARE GIRLFRIENDS
— we deserved more gwen and merlin being badass besties and solving crime and breaking laws
— like father like son, apologies are like toads in their throats. remember way back when when merlin arthur’s like “i’m umm sorry that wasn’t fair of me to sack you” then uther trying to apologize to gaius whew it was hard to watch like you are the KING you are FEARED and your stuttering over an apology?? and gaius did NOT hold back
— this episode was super interesting because it’s the first time we see uther falter with magic. i know he’s not a good person by a long shot but he’s always just ruthlessly and without hesitation condemned people with magic but now it’s worse. because now we know that uther knows what he’s doing is wrong but he still condemned gaius to death. he’s too stubborn to change and when the laws become biased to people close are when they become so much more dangerous and yeah uther could’ve tried to change like he told gaius that something would change
— gaius and merlin making fun of aredians face when he puked up the road was amazing and i love them so much
anyway if you read this whole thing, why? and here’s a picture of our favorite gays because look at their smug little faces
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last thing THE TENSION in the photo below whew damn how the entirety of Camelot didn't know they were fucking is beyond me
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thekingofthenameless · 3 months
Thought I might as well post a snippet of Chapter One?
This is from Uther’s POV! Chapter One will be just him and Merlin; Chapter Two will open with the best boy Charlie! For those two chapters at least, it’s just going to be character studies :)
Here’s what it originally started as lol; it was 177 words there, and it’s 497 now!
Tws: ableism and false beliefs towards schizophrenia and psychosis; fantasies of murder/murder mentions, and blood mentions
Uther hates him. He barely resists sending the wizard a baleful glare (if he were across the room, it would be easier; however, he’s right beside him). At least he actually seems calm for the moment, but it might only be because that beast is resting its head on his lap. He raises his wine to his lips, glancing around the room. No one else is focused on them, instead talking to the people around them, (surely about his coronation, though; so he’ll ignore their lack of awareness) or eating their food. That, however, makes no sense. How could they eat when there’s a dragon right there? And when Merlin is with it? Merlin is mad, and he’s in his castle, and no one else cares. Why should it matter that he was the advisor of his father? He’s dead now, in the burial vault with his ancestors. And Merlin sees things that aren’t there. He replies to nonexistent voices; sometimes, he’s even convinced that his food has somehow been poisoned, and he makes his dragon eat it first. To him, at least one being is always watching him, is always behind him. But he knows why the wizard is like this, why his mind is cursed: because he’s used his magic for far too long. It ruined him. And despite that, he isn’t mean, and doesn’t use his curse as an excuse for awful behavior (even though he could, whether people believed him or not). Instead, he’s kind, and gentle, and nurturing to everyone he meets when the madness isn’t gripping him, and it’s disgusting. He apologizes too much. He refuses to kill unless he absolutely must, and he always uses his magic to incapacitate instead of his spear. He hardly ever gets angry, even when someone is yelling in his face (or as much as they can, since he’s six feet and eight inches tall). He cries easily. He’s distrustful of authorities until they prove themselves to not be in the position for the power of it, or because of their ancestors; and really do want to make a change. Honestly, he has no idea how his father dealt with someone so mad, rebellious, and soft. He wishes that he could kill him. He wishes that he could enter Merlin’s room when slumber finally takes him, when he isn’t going mad over the voices, and slit his throat. He wouldn’t be sloppy like whoever already attempted to, judging by the long scar there. Maybe beheading would be better, if he already survived that once; but either way, he wants the cursed wizard’s blood to run down his sword. But that damned dragon is always with him, so silent fury is all he can regard him with. Taking a deep breath, he puts that aside for the moment. He has to concentrate on keeping up appearances, being as outwardly kind as his father was, and proving that he can fit into the role of being king.
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Flesh and Blood
Part 3: An unexpected visitor
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Pairing: Prince Aemon the Dragonknight x Fem. Reader (Northerner /House Stark | Third Person POV)
Themes: Some angst
Warnings: Mentions of prior emotional neglect | References to canon Targcestuous marriages (Daena and Baelor)
Word count: 2.7K words.
Summary: Y/n receives a most unexected visitor.
Minors DNI
Rules and tag form can be found here.  
Part 1 | Part 2
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Y/n was seated under the shade of an old frangipani tree, reading several letters addressed to her. The tree was still flowering, and the air was sweet. She took a deep breath and sighed. The sweetness of the flowers was cut by the sharpness of salt hanging in the air. Y/n did not mind. The air was cleaner here than it was in the city. And the manse was near a sheltered cove. The water was calm most of the time and perfect for fishing and swimming.
"What did the letter say?" Uther skewered the last fish y/n helped him catch and clean. He stuffed the inside with herbs before placing it over a small fire to cook like the others. "Mother insisted I do not ask about it, but what did Aemon say?"
"Read it," y/n said, holding out the letter for him. She trusted Uther implicitly. "I do not mind."
Uther washed his hands in a bowl of water and took the letter after cleaning them. He read it once, then twice, carefully parsing through every word and line. There was sincerity in Aemon's words, and warmth. The prince wrote of the miseries plaguing his family and why he was so close to Naerys.
None of this is an excuse, he went on to say. You are my wife, and our marriage must come first in everything. I have come to see that I was wrong for not confiding in you and not being the husband that you deserve. I should have shown concern for your well-being instead of leaving you to fend for yourself. I cannot undo the past. I certainly cannot ask for forgiveness. The Seven alone know I have lost any right to do so. All I can do is ask for a chance to earn it. May I ask for it, my lady? 
Your humble servant,
Uther returned the letter to y/n. "The man has a way with words. Do you want to do it? Forgive your humble servant, I mean?"
Y/n had spent three sleepless nights considering it. Lady Cerwyn made discrete inquiries and learned that Aemon was indeed telling the truth. There was nothing untoward between him and Naerys. And y/n thought of it—forgiving him and going back. Then she remembered the lonely nights, the awful days, the pitying looks, and the ugly gossip. Going back to her husband without a second thought did not sit well with her after that. 
"I do not know," y/n said. Her attention went to her sister's letter. "And I do not know what to tell Serena either. She was against the marriage, you know."
"She is not the only one," Uther said. He stretched out his legs and sighed. "We were all against it." His eyes glinted mischievously. "Your grandfather looked at father and mother and asked if I wanted to take you off his hands. Then he would have an excuse to give the king."
Y/n snorted and laughed, for the first time in days. "Us? Married?" she looked at her cousin with fondness. Uther would only ever be like a little brother to her, just like she would only ever be like an older sister to him. "We would drive each other to madness and murder before long."
"That is what we all said." Uther chortled. "I still have not forgotten what you did with my tea."
"Only because you put ink into my tea first!" y/n cried. Her eyes twinkled when she remembered. "My teeth were black for weeks!"
"Three days," Uther corrected her with a blithe wave of the hand. "Mine, on the other hand, were black for weeks. Oh!" He clapped his hands to his chest in a theatrical fashion. "How I mourned for my teeth!"
"Yes, well, when Becca Mormont fussed you got over it quickly enough," y/n retorted. After she repaid his trick in kind, Uther walked into the Great Hall, ink-stained teeth and all, and the ladies fussed over him like hens, something he enjoyed thoroughly.
Uther flashed her a grin. "Yes. Yes I did. It felt wonderful to have Becca spoil me."
Y/n could only roll her eyes and mutter under her breath. Uther cackled.
"Little wolf." Lady Cerwyn walked up to them with a heavy basket in one hand, and a picnic mat in the other. She bent over to kiss Uther on the head. "My son."
 Y/n looked up and smiled. She made room for her aunt. "Sit with me, aunt Emma."
Emma spread her skirt over the dry tufts of grass and sat down. She eyed Aemon's letter. "Have we made a decision?"
"I do not know." Y/n put the letter down and sniffed. "I do not know what to do. He asks for forgiveness but how do I do it? How do I just forgive him? I cannot do it."
Emma ran a hand down her niece's hair and tutted affectionately. "Would you like to go home with us? End the marriage and leave this miserable place behind you?"
"You can do it," Uther added. "Your grandfather will demand an annulment once you tell him everything."
Oh, to go home and put it all behind her. To wake up to a late summer dusting of snow and the castle's wolfdogs baying beneath her windows. Hot pies and mulled wine for supper. Her lord grandfather entertaining everyone with his tales. Hours spent talking and gossiping with Serena. The feasts that would end in a brawl. The laughter that followed when heads inevitably stopped ringing. Staying up late during autumn nights in the hope Long Fang, an ice dragon that lived in the white waste, would circle the castle in his search for his lost love.
"No," Y/n said. Her grandfather was old and had enough troubles to contend with, and his demanding an annulment on his grandchild's behalf could turn the crown against the North. "Grandfather has enough as it is, dealing with Uncle Jonnel and Uncle Edric. I will not place more burdens on his shoulders."
"Then take your time and make Aemon come to you," Emma insisted. She looked over the garden wall. Her other children were on the beach, looking for pretty seashells and hunting for tiny crabs. "Make him earn his place by your side."
Y/n grew thoughtful. Aemon's letter was a first step, but it was not enough. She decided to heed her aunt's advice. Her husband had to make an effort. 
"Will you help me write a reply?" 
"You know I will." Emma smiled and spread out the picnic mat. She brought out what was in the basket. Freshly baked bread, butter, and cold water to wash it all down. Uther pursed his lips and whistled between his teeth. His siblings heard and ran back to the manse. 
The next hour was spent eating and talking. Y/n heard that Long Fang had already been sighted near the Fist of the First Men. The first bud had arisen on the old winter rose vine in Winterfell's formal courtyard. These were the first signs that autumn was approaching. Micken, Winterfell's chief scholar, would be sending the White Raven to the Grand Maester before long. 
I wonder what winter in this crowded city would be like. Y/n went over the letters before her. Her sister had written to say she was well and could travel. She would board the first ship bound for King's Landing. Lady Cerwyn made plans to leave after she arrived. The other letter was from her mother. Y/n went through Aemon's letter once more. She decided to deal with it after supper. 
A servant was seen hurrying towards them. "My pardons, my lady." He bowed and took a moment to catch his breath. He then knelt beside Lady Cerwyn and whispered in her ear. Emma listened and nodded.
"Thank you, Jory." Emma turned to y/n, her eyes filled with worry. "You have a visitor, little wolf. Finish up here, children. I will take your cousin in with me."
Believing Aemon had come calling, y/n rose and mustered her courage. She followed her aunt inside, not stopping until they had reached the solar. When her aunt opened the door, y/n stepped inside first. She was stunned to see who their visitor was. 
"Princess Naerys," y/n said, her mouth agape. "To what do we owe the honor of this visit?"
Naerys was standing by a window, looking out into the sea. She had been garbed in the pale gray and blue robes favored by novice septas. Her hair had been bound and hidden under a cowl. A string of polished prayer beads with a seven-pointed star between every seven beads looped around her right wrist. Y/n thought she looked pale and worn.
"Good sister," Naerys said timidly, her gaze turning to her feet when she caught sight of y/n and her aunt. "I... I must insist you call me sister. You are married to my brother. We are equals. And family."
Y/n nodded, confused. She had no idea what this visit was about. Her aunt called for refreshments. 
"Pray sit down," y/n said after Naerys helped herself to nibbles of bread and olives and cups of cold water. "You look tired."
"Thank you." Naerys smoothed her skirts and made herself comfortable on an upholstered oak chair. "The Grand Maester was against me traveling so far out of the city, but I insisted."
"Did you come by yourself?"
"No. Lord Commander Hardyng and a Maester traveled with me in case something happened."
The room went quiet. Naerys kept throwing glances at Emma. Perhaps she wishes to speak to me alone. Y/n turned to her aunt. "It is all right, Aunt Emma. I think I can manage."
Emma reached out and took y/n's hand. She gave it a gentle squeeze. "I will be nearby if you need anything."
Emma made her excuses and left. Y/n sat opposite the princess, and an awkward silence settled between them. Neither of them knew what to say. All that could be heard were the sounds of their breath and the waves beating against the shore. Y/n glanced at the princess. Naerys was beautiful, but delicate and frail. She was hardly seen about, preferring to remain cloistered within her chambers. The only times she left her rooms were to pray or watch Aemon joust. And that too only when her health permitted it.
One of us will have to start talking. Y/n finally opened her mouth to speak, but Naerys coughed and jumped straight in.
"My brother..." she said, her cheeks coloring with embarrassment. “I suppose he has spoken about our family?" 
Y/n thought of Aemon's letter, her aunt's discrete inquiries through loyal servants. "He has, yes."
“He said he would," Naerys said, bobbing her head like a little bird. "He said he made many mistakes when it came to you, and now he does not know how to make amends for any of them." She sighed softly. "We had no one to show us, you see. Uncle was always a joyless man despite his queen's many efforts. And my own parents… mother leaving us... and father…"
“Your brother said it all in his letter." Naerys was struggling to talk about her family. Y/n understood. She would find it hard if someone asked about her half-uncles. 
Naerys nodded and looked around. "Aemon is a good man," she said in defense of her brother. "He truly wants to save his marriage and make you happy. Please. Give him a chance. I promise you will not regret it."
"I... I need time," Y/n said. Aemon's letter and his sister's visit were too much to take in all at once. Her mind was a roil. "to think."
"I understand," said Naerys. She looked around again and said, "Your cousin Ser Uther is quite the fighter, Aemon tells me. Ser Addam is still abed with aches and bruises."
"He is." Y/n smiled. "My grandfather taught him." 
Naerys managed a weak smile. "Aemon speaks very highly of your grandfather. He said he had never faced a finer swordsman than Lord Cregan Stark. He speaks highly of your father, too. He said Lord Rickon was very brave, and the men respected him. A pity, really, that he died for the sake of Daeron's foolishness." Naerys gasped. Her hands flew to her mouth. "Please do not repeat that to Daena," she murmured out of fear. "She does not take kindly to anyone who insults her brother."
Y/n pursed her lips and nodded. Grief gathered around her heart like bees. The reminder that her father passed before his due time, and that too due to a king's foolishness, made a sharp pang of sorrow shoot through her. She took her time to compose herself and wondered what else to say. The room grew silent once more. Y/n knew she had to say something, her sister by marriage defied all good sense just to come all this way to clear the air. When a nearby bell struck the hour, Naerys rose and spared her the effort.
"Pray forgive me, good-sister, but I must leave," Naerys said, looking out the window. The sky was awash with a glorious display of gold, yellow, and orange streaks of light. "The Grand Maester was insistent I not stay away too long. Before I leave, I wish to offer my condolences for your father's passing. And comfort, however little it may be." 
Y/n rose as well. "Thank you... good-sister," she said after some struggle. Naerys was not responsible for her brother's failings after all. "Farewell."
Naerys smiled and took her leave. Y/n escorted her to the gate, alarm taking root when she recognized the courser by the carriage. "Did you bring your brother here?"
"No." Naerys appeared to be as stunned as her good-sister. "Aemon was away when I left."
Aemon had been talking to Lord Commander Hardyng. When he turned and faced y/n, he really smiled. It was as if nothing pleased him more than seeing her. Y/n did not know what to make of it. 
"Sister," he said and took Naery's hand. "The Grand Maester came looking for me. He said you went against his advice and came here. May I ask why?"
Naerys leaned in and whispered something in his ear. Aemon merely smiled and nodded. He helped her into the carriage. Y/n stood by the gate and watched while the carriage lurched and moved forward. She stayed while it and Lord Commander Hardyng turned into little specks in the distance. Y/n was aware of Aemon’s gaze on her. She mustered her courage again. This too, had to be dealt with.
"My lord," she said, turning to face Aemon. 
"My lady." Aemon grew bashful. "Are you well? You... you look a little..."
"Worse for wear?" Y/n finished for him. She laughed bitterly. "Well, three sleepless nights can do that to you."
"Is it because of me? Is it because of what I did?" Aemon stopped and shook his head. "Is it because of what I did not do?"
Y/n looked over her shoulder. Uther was standing by the front door, his arms folded across his chest. Emma was standing next to him. Her other children were a step behind her. 
At least I am not alone this time. Y/n drew courage from their presence and turned back to her husband.
"It is a lot of things," she said plainly. "I do not like being the target of court gossip. I want a real marriage—a husband that wants me, someone who wants to spend time with me instead of running off as soon as he has done his duty. I am tired of coming last, of being the object of pity, and of being treated as nothing more than a chore you want out of your way. I am tired of being alone, and unwanted, I am tired of trying to make myself more acceptable to you, only to see my efforts yield nothing. I..." Y/n sighed. Loneliness and the trials of over half a year came crashing onto her shoulders. "I... I am just tired,” she said softly.
Aemon came closer. He took y/n's hands into his. She was startled. Aemon had never done it before. She wanted to shrink back, to pull her hand away. And she could not bring herself to do it. Y/n felt like she had been starved and could not find it in herself to refuse such a tasty morsel.
"Your struggles are due to my failings as a husband." Aemon brought her hands to his lips. He kissed each finger repeatedly. "You had no one here save for me, and I failed you. I give you my word it will not happen again. I would be so grateful and honored if you came back. And I... I was wondering if I could ask for the chance to court you. I realized we never had a courtship, and I would like to start now, and get to know you better. I wish for nothing more than a chance to do that and earn your forgiveness. One chance. All I ask is for one chance."
Y/n swallowed. She tried to frame a reply. It was hard to do so when Aemon kissed her hands so tenderly. Her stomach started to flutter.
"I..." She finally shook her head and fought for composure. She remembered her aunt's words and strengthened her resolve. Aemon was not going to have an easy victory. She would not let him have it. He would have to earn his place in her heart first. "I would like to stay here. And I cannot promise anything. I am sorry."
"I... I understand. And I will come to you," Aemon promised, albeit sadly. He let go of her hands and walked over to his horse. Y/n looked over his shoulder while he fished around a bag attached to the saddle, wondering what he was up to. Her curiosity was answered when Aemon returned with a letter in his hand. The red wax seal bore the three-headed dragon of House Targaryen. 
There had not been a feast since the tourney began, and etiquette demanded the host, in this case the royal family, provide food and music and dancing at the end of each day of the tourney. Y/n considered the invitation. A royal hunt was one thing, she was grateful her aunt thought ahead and brought their owls for a hunt of their own. But the other things... a coronation... there was so much to be done and not enough time for it all.
"An invitation from the king and queen," he said, and gave her the letter. "For you and your kin. There will be a royal hunt in a week and Daena's coronation a fortnight after that. There will be a feast. I... we... would be honored if you all came." 
"I will give this to my aunt," y/n said, accepting the letter. Despite it all, she felt a giddy sense of excitement. A queen had not been anointed since the days of Aemma Arryn. "And we will come."
"Thank you," Aemon said gratefully. He took her hands into his once more and brought them to his lips. His hands were warm when they pressed over hers, and gentle. "And I will call on you on the morrow. Farewell, my lady."
"Farewell, my lord." Y/n stood by the gate, and watched Aemon mount his horse and ride away. Her hands tingled. She could still feel the impression of her husband's lips against her skin. 
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Tags: @immyowndefender​ 
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wordsinhaled · 1 year
favorite thing about bbc merlin is how it starts out as this campy joke of a show and merlin's idk, knocking things off of tables and bumbling about, right? then by the start of series 4, with an entire two whole seasons still left to go, merlin looks like he's lived a hundred lifetimes and everyone around is just, "ah yes, this is Arthur's Important Person," and people are reverently giving merlin the bridal carry whenever he's hurt, gently setting him down by riverbanks...
like. it's the fact that gwaine would follow merlin on any quest? and that merlin sends for lancelot to help arthur and lancelot comes when called? and all of the knights love each other so much!!! but especially they love merlin!!! and they believe in the world arthur is going to build!!! and like, this silly little show where uther pendragon fell in love with a troll is also the same show where you're laughing one second and the next crying about fate and love and devotion and loyalty. the same show where everyone believes in arthur but foremost they believe in merlin. it's merlin's steadfast belief that magic is good, his belief in other people, and his belief that he can do what's right in every situation, which is also his downfall, which is just awful but also riveting
it's merlin the kingmaker and merlin the pawn of fate, merlin who creates his own destiny and also his own doom by sheer force of Wanting Things to Turn Out All Right Because He Thinks They Should. merlin who loves and believes in arthur with everything he has and whose entire face lights up when he sees arthur and gwen together. merlin who just wants to see people be happy. merlin who BEGS arthur to let him go with him into danger and arthur who sends him home where he'll be safe even though it pains him to be parted. it's merlin teaching arthur wisdom and arthur admitting he has learned,
it's arthur who will be king soon and yet speaks soft-voiced to his subjects and says, i'm arthur, don't be frightened, it's arthur who kisses his father on the head and forgives him a lifetime of distance and cruelty and says i hope you'll be proud of me and resolves to be a different kind of king when it is his time, it's arthur telling merlin he is wise and brave, it's arthur who would die to save all of camelot in a heartbeat, it's the way he grows up and learns what dedication and humility mean
y'all this show just has everything ok??? everything i love
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superhell · 2 years
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worst fictional father of the year award lets hear it for these awful fucks!
(started with this post but just couldn’t fit enough bad fathers on it)
round one:
frank gallagher (shameless) vs denethor (lotr) WINNER: denethor (lotr)
round two:
reginald hargreeves (umbrella academy) vs homelander (the boys) WINNER: reginald hargreeves (umbrella academy)
tywin lannister (asoiaf) vs lestat de lioncourt (iwtv) WINNER: tywin lannister (asoiaf)
logan roy (succession) vs hannibal (hannibal) WINNER: logan roy (succession)
fire lord ozai (atla) vs john house (house md) WINNER: fire lord ozai (atla)
walter white (breaking bad) vs frank reynolds (iasip) WINNER: frank reynolds (iasip)
darth vader (star wars) vs chuck (supernatural) WINNER: chuck (supernatural)
uther pendragon (merlin bbc) vs john winchester (supernatural) WINNER: john winchester (supernatural)
homer simpson (the simpsons) vs denethor (lotr) WINNER: denethor (lotr)
round three:
reginald hargreeves (the umbrella academy) vs tywin lannister (asoiaf) WINNER: reginald hargreeves (the umbrella academy)
logan roy (succession) vs fire lord ozai (atla) WINNER: fire lord ozai (atla)
denethor (lotr) vs frank reynolds (iasip) WINNER: denethor (lotr)
chuck (supernatural) vs john winchester (supernatural) WINNER: john winchester (supernatural)
round four:
john winchester (supernatural) vs denethor (lotr) WINNER: john winchester (supernatural)
fire lord ozai (atla) vs reginald hargreeves (the umbrella academy) WINNER: reginald hargreeves (the umbrella academy)
round five (finals):
reginald hargreeves (the umbrella academy) vs john winchester (supernatural) WINNER: reginald hargreeves (the umbrella academy)
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forsakenmissives · 2 years
A Question That Has Never Been Posed Before
“There’s something about you, Merlin - I can’t quite put my finger on it.” Arthur's not an idiot; he can see the glimmer of gold in Merlin's eyes. But he's hesitant to call Merlin evil, and he's even more hesitant to call Merlin out on his sorcery. He won't lose any more than a night's sleep over the boy, however, and he certainly won't try to figure out what it is about the boy that has him so captivated. He won't. [A sort-of fix-it to 1x01.]
Rating: G
Word Count: 1.1k
Full text and author's notes under the cut.
Or, read on AO3.
A/N: Written for Merlin Watch 2023! I’ll try to do something for every episode, but no promises, LOL. Thanks for suggesting this little challenge/event, @bellamyblakru! ^_^
Title taken from episode one, too. Not beta'd.
Despite popular belief, Arthur is not an idiot. In fact, it may be that he’s the smartest of them all, and everyone else is bumbling, absolutely dumb.
Because here is this Merlin, some commoner – no, some peasant! – with zero muscle mass (Arthur is surprised he can even handle the flail), looking like a twig always one strong wind away from breaking, words lilted and movements clumsy, and Merlin may be the stupidest of all because, contrary to expectation, Arthur is not an idiot, and he can see the glimmer of gold in Merlin’s eyes when he stumbles back, when he trips on a rope, when his foot gets caught in a bucket. It’s a shaded area, for God’s sake! Arthur can appreciate a good romantic description, but even he knows blue eyes don’t turn gold in the sun, and most definitely not when they’re in the shade.
But also Merlin hasn’t actually tried to kill him, and Merlin is clearly more of a threat to himself than to Arthur or anyone else, and Arthur is still physically stronger than him, and he knocks that confidence out of him easily, leaving the patch-up process to Gaius. Arthur doesn’t know what to make of it, and he doesn’t know what to make of the old physician, who levels Merlin with a glare that says… something, that suggests he knows of whatever it is that may make Arthur softer on the boy. At least, as soft as not immediately having him executed for sorcery is.
       ✶ ‎
That night, he finds himself hopelessly awake, thinking of the fool. He meant what he’d said – there was something about Merlin. Not just the magic, but his fire, that spark that had him standing up to Arthur in a way no one else ever had. Arthur liked to think himself not so easily swayed, he was more than a moth and Merlin was not an actual flame, but he found himself caught anyway. 
Logic said all magic is evil, and perhaps logic sounded an awful lot like Uther, but the man was king for a reason. Arthur rolls over, staring at the wall until the shadows all merge into one, a phantom figure dancing about the room. He squeezes his eyes shut, brows furrowing. He’d only met the boy a day ago. He’s met kings of distant lands, countless beautiful princesses dressed in the finest fabrics and draped with jewels, bards with tales of epic romance, of knights defeating dragons, knights whose descriptions tended to greatly match Arthur’s – Arthur has met a vast array of people, more than an ordinary man could hope of meeting, and none have captured his attention quite like Merlin.
God. He’d only met the boy a day ago!
Arthur grabs one of his many pillows and puts it over his face. He does nothing as undignified as yell into it, but he squeezes it rather tight and wonders if perhaps suffocation is the only solution to his insomnia. It would certainly put an end to his problems. If only for a little bit.
       ✶ ‎
Arthur’s not sure if it’s a sign of his intelligence or if it’s just another part of that something Merlin has that makes him hypersensitive to magic. Surely he hasn’t always been this aware of it? Then again, what magic has been performed around him before? 
He can’t do anything about the Lady Helen – or not Lady Helen, he supposes, as his father would surely never invite the woman to Camelot, no matter how good a singer, if he suspected she so much as asked about magic – but as it turns out, he doesn’t have to. Merlin is there, still shadowing Gaius, still just in Arthur’s periphery, and Arthur doesn’t know if his eyes were blue or gold or if he said something to have the chandelier be up one second and down the next, but he does know – suddenly – his actions are not caught up with his mind. 
He wants to look to Uther, to see if the king has any clue what sort of web they’re caught in now, but his eyes do not move, only his thoughts racing from one point to the next, and his muscles only catch up to his mind when he’s on the floor, tucked under one of Merlin’s twig arms, staring at the dagger embedded in the chair he’d just been in front of.
Arthur rolls away from the boy and pushes himself up from the ground. He does not help Merlin back up. Uther is saying something, praising Merlin in that roundabout way he does when someone is finally worthy of it, thanking the boy, but Arthur can’t give the exact words Uther uses because he knows Merlin has magic, he has felt Merlin’s magic, whatever it did to him and the rest of the hall in those agonising, extended seconds, and because he knows Merlin has just used magic to save him – magic saved him. He swallows, finally turning to his father, who seems completely unaware of just how exactly Merlin saved his son’s life. It’s hard to reconcile his father’s insistence in reward with the gold he’s seen in Merlin’s eyes, with the feel of his heart as it slowed its pounding in his chest. 
It’s only when Uther gets to the specifics that Arthur’s ears register what they’re hearing. “You shall be awarded a position in the royal household. You shall be Prince Arthur’s manservant.” His father looks proud, like he doesn’t know what he’s just allowed inside, like he doesn’t know the turmoil he’s set off in his son’s still-pounding heart. Arthur’s voice cracks as he protests, so strongly opposed to the idea he is, but Uther only nods decisively and strides off, certain that he knows what’s best.
As Arthur has just learnt, been forced to learn very quickly, he does not always know what’s best. He turns to Merlin, who looks equally unamused and extremely ungrateful, and Arthur swallows down a groan. Magic is not something he’s ready to get acquainted with, but it seems he has no choice. Perhaps this could be a blessing in disguise – there’s that something about Merlin, only intensified after his sudden bout of heroism. This new role could help Arthur figure out what exactly it is. Arthur watches Merlin stumble over air on his way over to Gaius. Or… perhaps some questions, no one is quite ready for their answers.
A/N: Is this OOC and puts way too much faith into Series 1 Arthur? Yes. Do I care? Yes, but I'm being so brave about it. But, like, sorry, but all of y'all townspeople are insane if y'all can't see Merlin's obviously blue eyes go gold out of nowhere. Like... be serious. I say this all in good fun, though; I love you, BBC Merlin, my beloved little comfort show. Thank you for the laughs.
Also, I'd consider it completely AU'esque as canon has proven it very untrue, but still, I love the idea of Arthur's birth leading him to pick up on nearby magic users or creatures. Gaydar? Nah, Arthur only has mage-dar.
Anyway, again, this is also posted to my AO3, so please consider giving it a kudos and a comment there if you enjoyed! And if you're reading it here, it would mean the world if you not only liked this post but also reblogged it. ^_^ Besitos!
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hannahhook7744 · 1 year
Arwen kids info part 3;
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Full name: Arthur Giaus Pendragon.
House: Pendragon.
Age: 11 years old.
Birth place: Unknown.
Current location: Camelot.
Titles: Arthur the Less, The Youngest Son, Prince of Camelot, The Non-Heir, the Bastrad Child, and The Spare.
Occupation: Prince of Camelot.
Known as: Artie, Art, and Arthur Jr.
Known for: Being Prince of Camelot and being rumored to be Arthur's bastrad son.
General outfit: A classy white tunic, red linen pants, a brown belt, and brown boots.
Weapons/Equipment: A white handled sword with a gold blade.
Extra accessories: A clip on sheath.
Fears: Turning out like Uther, being disowned, being abandoned, losing his family, losing his friends, destiny, evil sorcerers, betrayal, etc.
Dreams: He wants to be a brave knight and King like Arthur.
Likes: Royal feasts, Tournaments, climbing trees, sparring, jousting, horseback riding, dragonback riding, listening to music, adventure, quests, magic tricks, hunting, swimming, listening to Dragonet's poetry, etc.
Dislikes: Being compared to his dad, being called 'Arthur the less', assassination attempts, Dragonet hurt, Dragonet endanger, people insulting the roundtable, people insulting 'his knights', council meetings, royal events, etc.
Favorite Color: White.
Favorite Food: Turkey legs.
Favorite Drink: Apple cider.
Favorite Animal: Dragon.
Favorite Season: Summer.
Favorite Weapon: Sword. Any type of sword.
Friends: Pucelle aux Blanches, Helior, Dragonet, Artie, Menw, Tom Thumb, Penpingion, Taliesin, Cerdan Jr., Mabon, Hélie, Esmerée the Fair, Thitis,  Galeholt, etc.
Parents: Arthur and Guinevere Pendragon.
Siblings: Iduna Pendragon, Llacheu Pendragon, Nathalia Pendragon, Aedulf Pendragon the 3rd, Amhar Pendragon, Loholt Pendragon, Duran Pendragon, Gwydre Pendragon, Melora Pendragon, and Hilde Pendragon.
Love Interest: A Chief named Tulip.
Children: Violet.
Animal companion: A dragon named Agathera.
Childhood: Arthur Giaus Pendragon was born in an unknown land to an unknown woman (presumably out of wedlock) and was abandoned on the doorstep of an orphanage.
Due to his uncanny resemblance to the great King Arthur, he was named after the man and as he grew, rumors of him being the bastrad son of King Arthur spread.
Leading to people cruelly nicknaming him 'Arthur the less.' A nickname the boy grew to despise for obvious reasons.
Eventually, he ranaway when he was 5 and was kidnapped by a bandit who heard the rumors and assumed they were true. Causing him to send ransom to a baffled Arthur who still went to retrieve the boy with the help of Merlin and his knights.
He was adopted by Arthur and Guinevere shortly after his rescue, and grew up despising most royal events because of the horrid, gossiping nobles. Causing him to prefer to spend his time with the likes of Dragonet, the round table's children, and outcasts like himself.
Life: Later in his life, he became a great knight. Almost always following his family and friends' into danger without a second thought.
Unfortunately, his legend spread throughout the land under the name 'Arthur the less' but at this point, his siblings' cared a lot more about it than he did.
Because at this point, he knew that he was not less than his adoptive father. No matter what anyone else believed to be true.
Death: Has not happened yet.
Quote: "I despise that awful name. I am not less than my namesake. No matter what you or anyone else believes."
Theme Song: "You can be king again."
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Full name: Melora Gyneth Pendragon.
House: Pendragon.
Age: 10 years old.
Birth place: Camelot.
Current location: Camelot.
Titles: The second youngest, The second youngest daughter, Lady Melora, Princess Melora, Princess of Camelot, and the Knight of the Blue Surcoat.
Occupation: Princess of Camelot and Knight.
Known as: Mel, 'Lora, Melo, Melly, 'Ra, M, M.G, M.G.P, and the love of Prince Orlando.
Known for: Being a Princess of Camelot, The love of Orlando, and the Knight of the Blue Surcoat.
General outfit: A light blue and lavender, long sleeved smock with matching pattens.
Weapons/Equipment: Mace.
Extra accessories: A blue drawstring pouch and a purple gem necklace.
Fears: Turning out like Uther, being disowned, losing her loved ones, destiny, evil sorcerers, betrayal, being poisoned, being tricked, getting crushed, spiders, etc.
Dreams: All she really wants is a happy ending with her loved ones. She also wouldn't mind becoming a knight or almoner, though.
Likes: Royal feasts, Tournaments, sparring, jousting, horseback riding, listening to music, adventure, quests, poetry, Orlando, Orlando paying attention to her, her subjects having their needs met, her loved ones and subjects' safety, reading, taking care of the horses in the stables, Scavenging, sewing, etc.
Dislikes: Her subjects' needs not being met, her subjects being mistreated, her loved ones being mistreated, the horses being mistreated, unneeded cruelty, assassination attempts, the color 'yellow', etc.
Favorite Color: Blue and Purple.
Favorite Food: Porridge.
Favorite Drink: Lemon Drink.
Favorite Animal: Horses.
Favorite Season: Fall.
Favorite Weapon: Small Hatchets.
Friends: Dragonet, Stephanie, Everard, Constance, Lohengrin, Mador, Verona, Levander, and Uranus.
Parents: Arthur and Guinevere Pendragon.
Siblings: Iduna Pendragon, Llacheu Pendragon, Nathalia Pendragon, Aedulf Pendragon the 3rd, Amhar Pendragon, Loholt Pendragon, Duran Pendragon, Gwydre Pendragon, Artie Pendragon, and Hilde Pendragon.
Love Interest: Prince Orlando of Thessaly.
Children: None yet.
Animal companion: A horse named 'Sigrid.'
Childhood: Melora Gyneth Pendragon was born in a Camelot a year after her brother, Artie, was and grew up willingly attending council meetings. Watching and taking note of how her parents interacted with their people, and promising herself that she would always do right by her people—all while completing her studies and playing with her friends and siblings.
Life: In her adult life, Melora takes up the mantle of 'the Knight of the Blue Surcoat' and goes on a series of quests to save her beloved—Prince Orlando of Thessaly—after he was imprisoned by an imposter of Merlin that Sir Mador sent after him. This is after she tricked Sir Mador into revealing how to free him, which required her to find three treasures—the Lance of Longinus, the oil of the pig of Tuis and a precious stone owned by the daughter of the king of Narsinga.
Death: Has not happened yet.
Quote: "Just because a man born of woman could not retrieve the three treasures does not mean that no one could, Mador."
Theme Song: "The Princess who saved herself. "
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Full name: Hilde Tortolina Pendragon.
House: Pendragon.
Age: 6 years old.
Birth place: Camelot.
Current location: Camelot.
Titles: Princess Hilde, Princess of Camelot, the youngest, the youngest born daughter, the youngest princess of Camelot, and Lady Hilde.
Occupation: Princess of Camelot.
Known as: Hil, De, the littlest Pendragon, and Hildy.
Known for: Being a princess of Camelot and the love of Prince Herthgegn.
General outfit: A short-sleeved, sparkly lavender ballgown with matching pattens.
Weapons/Equipment: Catapult.
Extra accessories: A lavander jewel necklace.
Fears: Turning out like Uther, being disowned, losing her loved ones, destiny, evil sorcerers, betrayal, spiders, bugs, rats, snakes, needles, etc.
Dreams: She wants to be the best princess/queen she can be or a governess.
Likes: Dolls, playing dress ups, fruit, most animals, Catapults, babies, baby animals, horseback riding, listening to music, reading, taking care of the horses in the stables, her loved ones' safety, Prince Herthgegn, Prince Herthgegn paying attention to her, playing the lute, feeding the animals, flowers, etc.
Dislikes: her loved ones being mistreated, animals being mistreated, unneeded cruelty, assassination attempts, things being unfair, bugs, spiders, rats, snakes, needles, evil sorcerers, assassins, etc,
Favorite Color: Lavender.
Favorite Food: All fruit.
Favorite Drink: Fruity tasting drinks,
Favorite Animal: Doesn't have a favorite.
Favorite Season: Spring.
Favorite Weapon: Catapult.
Friends: Dragonet, Stephanie, Constance, Lohengrin, Thitis, etc.
Parents: Arthur and Guinevere Pendragon.
Siblings: Iduna Pendragon, Llacheu Pendragon, Nathalia Pendragon, Aedulf Pendragon the 3rd, Amhar Pendragon, Loholt Pendragon, Duran Pendragon, Gwydre Pendragon, Artie Pendragon, and Melora Pendragon.
Love Interest: Prince Herthgegn.
Children: None yet.
Animal companion: None yet.
Childhood: Hilde Tortolina Pendragon was born in Camelot a year before Constance was and grew up as the quietest and most nurturing of her siblings.
She grew up playing with her friends, cousins, and siblings and collecting strays, much like her uncle Merlin, much to her father's exasperated amusement.
Life: In her adult years, Hilde Tortolina Pendragon goes on to marry Prince Herthgegn after he wins her hand in marriage (which was a win for her cause she had a curse on him).
Death: Has not yet happened.
Quote: "Baby! I wanna hold the baby! Please uncle 'waine, uncle Percy? Pretty Please!"
Theme Song: "Love Story."
Previous parts can be found here; Part 1 and Part 2.
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