#V3nusxsky works
v3nusxsky · 11 months
Hi so this is based of a pov i just watched. But could you do Lady Lesso x reader platonic. Where r is hearing voices it could be over thinking or an unknown ability but she cracked and lesso found her about to junp of something like a bridge or tower. And she says ‘i’m hearing voices all the time and their not mine, i’m hearing voices and there haunting my mind’.
It's the voices
*Authors note~ based of some of my own experiences so please keep in mind these aren't everyone's experiences. Not everyone has an understanding Nora *
(The thought feels hard to control. Intrusive thoughts are often repetitive and won't go away. )
And I love this idea smmm yes Harley Quinn pops into my mind here for the title. *
Trigger warnings~ intrusive thoughts, mental health, possible trigger of suicide or attempted suicide swearing? Panic attacks
Prompt~ see ask^^^^
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The first time it happened you honestly thought you'd misheard someone's conversation but the thought wouldn't leave, you couldn't make it stop, which in turn made you so anxious you had a panic attack. You felt like your whole lungs were completely collapsed. No air could enter or leave the vital organ which in turn made you panic more. But once you'd somehow managed to calm yourself back down you realised one massive thing. You were alone. But you had hope that it was just a bad day.
It wasn't a bad day though. These thoughts began to come and go more often, you found yourself thinking and saying the most horrid things, sometimes about you, sometimes about others and it always made you feel so terribly guilty. Truly, you didn't want to hurt yourself or anyone else but you can't control them. They were loud and overwhelming and so realistic, all you could do was surrender to them until they passed.
Exhaustion seemed to be a permanent fixture of your life these days and the headaches didn't help what so ever. You noticed how withdrawn you were and how irritable people were finding you to be. One by one you watched people give up on you now. It was like you were too much to deal with and not worth the air you're breathing. Immediately you knew what you needed to do to fix the problem. To fix you. You were numb as you made your way to the top of the tower, you didn't care you were skipping class, or what you were going to do. You didn't feel sad or scared, the voices loudly guiding you through your journey. They were right, you couldn't fight them any longer than you have.
Standing on the edge of the tower the first thing you noticed was the beautiful sunset glowing over the trees in the horizon. It was truly something magical and a fitting send of for you. Yet you didn't want to miss a single thing of the sun setting. As the sun set you said goodbye to all you knew and attempted to calm your mind by imagining what your after life would be like. You didn't want to give too much thought on who would find you, or if you'd even be worth a funeral, you already knew you weren't. Your thoughts agreeing with you and encouraging you to jump. The thoughts were horrid and they promised the only way they'd stop is if you'd just step over the edge. Blindly you stepped out expecting to fall only to be grabbed by the last moment and tugged backwards to safety.
"Let me go" you whined trying to get back to the edge, "let me go! I want them to go away" your temper was flaring as the voices got louder. "Y/n, stop" lesso boomed in her regal dean voice and you immediately halted. "L-ady Le-sso?" You stuttered in  your evident shock. "Now little dove, why don't you step back into my arms and we can talk about this?" You could tell she let a kind edge seep into her voice but there was still no room left for arguments so you allowed the red headed dean to pull you into a hug.
One thing you forgot in the whole process is Leonora loves you more than life itself. She views you as her own.  She didn't know you would hear voices and you'd pulled away from her, she wanted to give you space but hearing you skipped you lesson and knowing how lost and alone you'd seemed recently she had to follow you. Just to make sure you were okay, thankfully she found you just in time. And for that she'd always be grateful to anyone out there who helped her save her dove.
"I'm hearing voices all the time, I'm hearing voices that aren't mine" you mumbled into the woman's neck, red hot tears burning her skin. "Oh my darling, you could've come to me darling, they aren't real dove I promise you that" she tried to reassure but the voices grew louder in an attempt to block her out. "Stop please fucking stop. I don't want to do this anymore. Shut up, shut up. Shut the fuck up" you ranted through ragged breaths, Leonora knew you well enough to know this was a panic attack now and you weren't really seeing hearing or feeling the real world.
"Shhh dove, can you follow my voice? I know there's lots of loud ones in your head but you know which one is your Nora's?" She murmured a hand gently rubbing circles in your back. "Nora" you whimpered clutching at your chest, "can't breathe, help me." If you could've seen her heart you would've saw it break at that but luckily you couldn't and now she could remain strong on the outside even if her heart ached for you. "Shh dove I'm here, I'm here and you're safe love, come let's go inside yes? Your much to cold my little bird. Let nora mend that broken wing of yours, so then you can go fly again." Leonora always had a way with words, it's one of the many reasons you love her, and it's one of the skills she's thankful for as she managed to coax you into your bed. You hadn't t noticed the sunset had faded into an onyx sky, but you did notice being in your chosen mothers arms and hearing her heart beating quietened the voices.
Word count~ 1058
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storiesofsvu · 2 months
Decadent Desires Masterlist
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Emily Prentiss x reader Warnings: language, alcohol consumption, so much smut, minor mentions of canon type violence/events. Chapters will be tagged appropriately. Very slight crossover between CM & HOC to include Heather.
As Section Chief, Emily has found herself overwhelmed at work and ended up with a very underwhelming personal life. With not enough time or energy to dive into the dating pool she’s a little lost. That is until friend Heather Dunbar suggests making an arrangement where financial compensation is exchanged to get her needs met.
Series Playlist
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5**
Chapter 6**
Chapter 7**
______________ Send an ask or em to be added to the taglist! Moving forward; you will be taken off the taglist if you’re not interacting. Please interact with this post to clarify you do want to continue to be tagged! (And if you are not tagged but want to be message me!)
@mickey-gomez @momlifebehard @daddy-heather-dunbar @maybe-a-humanbean @rustyzebra @leftoverenvy @kades95 @dextur @supercriminalbean @its-soph-xx @just-a-torn-up-masterpiece @emilyprentisssluvr @lex13cm @zizzlekwum @emobabeyy @riveramorylunar @scorpsik @happenstnces @sapphicprentiss @geekyandgay98 @onmykneesformarvel @inlovewithemilyprentiss @regalmilfs4me @ara-a-bird @five-bi-five-mind @inlovewithmiddleagewomen @hotchs-bitch @ollysmulti @kmc1989 @irishavengersassemble @hopedoesntknow @dj-bynum3718 @venromanova @waitaminuteashh @noahrex @imlike-so-gaydude @wittygutsy @cx-emerald-cx cx @lesbodietcoke @momily @nilaues @borinxnovak @soverign @v3nusxsky @blackbird-brewster
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littledollll · 8 months
Blank canvas
Lucifer Morningstar x reader
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A/n: this idea was haunting me for weeks before I even posted about it and now here we are.
Big thanks to @pebbleswritessometimes for being with me through the whole writing process (like basically always I just b forgetting to tag this hoe) and @v3nusxsky for also helping out and naming the fic!
Warnings: tattoos/aftercare, shower sex, multiple orgasms, rly soft Lucifer, lots of praise.
It was a few years into your relationship that you thought about getting a new tattoo. Something that symbolized, showing their mark on you. Yet you didn’t actually follow through until well- today.
Early in the morning you came up with some excuse to go to the mortal realm. And since Lucifer never questioned you or your work, you got away quite easily without suspicion. The appointment had been set up for weeks, after years and years of considering and thinking it over you decided you wanted this etched permanently into your skin, for the rest of your immortal life alongside them.
You were away for most of the day, which again, they didn’t question. Because you wanted to finish the piece in one day. Knowing Lucifer wasn’t quite capable of keeping their hands to themselves for too long, and let’s be fair, neither were you. This was a surprise, and you sure as well didn’t want them to just see a half finished piece over the length of your back.
When you came back at the end of the day, they were more than overjoyed to see you. Immediately welcoming you with wandering hands and more than a few kisses. “What’d you do all day, hm? Have fun abandoning me?” You giggled at their questions as you parted from them and took their hands.
“Wanna take a shower with me?” Only a fool would refuse that offer. It seemed like logic to Lucifer that you didn’t even have to ask. “Oh? Did you miss me all day?” They said in an amused tone, and you only looked back at them with a face that told them you had a secret. “I see how it is.”
Lucifer followed you in, watching you closely as you made a point to undress facing them, they couldn’t see, not yet. “Are you gonna go in dressed or something?” You teased, seeing as they were observing you instead of getting ready themselves. “I’m trying to see what you’re plotting.” They seemed dead serious on figuring it out, like some sort of game they had to win. Ever the competitive devil.
“You think you’ll be able to read my mind if you stare at me long enough?”
A short answer before they reluctantly started undressing themselves, having to break their view from you. Taking the chance, you almost ran into the shower, just making them more suspicious of you.
They joined you a few moments later, their hands gently placed on your hips as they looked you up and down. “You haven’t turned your back on me since you undressed.” Their tone dripping with pride, like they’ve just done their best detective work.
“Ohh good job, Detective, you have a great eye.” Your sass was clearly not welcome as they attempted to decipher what you were hiding, giving you a playful glare.
“Okay okay. You’ve gotta help me with something.” As you turned around they caught sight of the fresh saniderm bandage and the bit of ink that had released into it, not making the tattoo clear enough.
“Ah. New tattoo?.. why all the secrecy for that, my love?” They asked softly, adjusting the water to fall perfectly over your back as they gently started removing the bandage. “You’ll see.”
And see they did. They were quiet for a moment as they observed the fine-line piece. The outline of the sun, serving as some sort of heading, or halo for a simple yet beautifully drawn serpent below it. It was quite big, starting at the height of your shoulders plates down to your lower back.
Their hands gently trailed down the sides of it, not wanting to touch in case you were feeling sore. The silence was starting to worry you, and you looked over your shoulder to see what their reaction was.
You were quite pleased to see them admiring it, a soft smile on their face. Such a simple thing felt so intimate in that moment. “..you got this, for me?” the question seemed almost unsure. Their voice low and quiet as they continued to inspect it like it was the most complex piece of art they’ve ever seen, when the design was rather simple.
A simple nod was all they received and you swear you heard a whimper slip past their lips. “Can I- do you want me to help you clean it..?” It was rare to hear Lucifer be shy of all things. You, of course got it with the idea that they’d love it, but this is not the reaction you expected from them.
It felt endearing to see them be so affected by it. “That would actually be very helpful. Thank you, Luce.” They nodded. Gently, they lathered their hands in soap, opting to use just one to rub gently over the tattoo, making sure to leave it perfectly clean. You hissed, feeling a little soreness but it was quickly replaced by the feeling of their free hand inching towards your inner thighs.
They hummed, pressing themselves against your back, the other hand coming to wrap around your waist. Effectively covering you from the shower, then you felt water dripped from their hair down your shoulders. “Is this okay too?” The feeling of their breath on the back of your ear made your knees weak. The feeling only being worsened as two fingers slowly started thrusting into you and you scrambled to find some support against the shower walls.
Your shaky legs couldn’t handle your own weight with all the pleasure you were receiving. But thankfully you were saved by Lucifer’s thigh being pushed between your thighs, giving you a little more stability as the palm of their hand continued rubbing your sensitive clit. “please-“
Lucifer cut your words short with their own. “I think it’s only fair I reward you for this precious gift… don’t you?”
And who were you to deem them wrong? “Y-yes.. yes, please-“ Your moans served as encouragement as they another finger and slowly picked up their pace.
Lucifer felt as your thighs tensed up, queuing them to hold onto your shaking body just a little tighter as you released around their hand with a breathy moan.
Their hold on your waist was gone for only a second as they turned the temperature of the water cold, feeling suffocated in the heat of their own body.
You didn’t know if you were hot or freezing anymore, the cold water contrasting the burning sensation of your body and theirs. Heat burned in your stomach and between your thighs as you felt the rush of freezing cold water running down your back, and pebbling down your hard nipples. It made your whole body shiver as you needily began grinding against Lucifer’s hand.
That very same hand pushed carefully on your lower back, leading you to lean a little forward against the wall. “Good.. perfect. Now I can keep looking at your beautiful back and stunning tattoo.” They murmured, placing soft kisses over the back of your neck and wherever they could reach of your back.
“Spread your legs a little more for me baby.. don’t worry. I won’t let go of you.”
They didn’t give you a chance to breathe after that as they simply picked up the pace once again responding to your needy grinding and effectively turning you into a whining, withering mess in their hands.
“You’re perfect. So perfect, my darling.” Their voice was breathy now as they took their time, switching between running two fingers down your slit and toying with that pulsing bundle of nerves and using those same two fingers to fuck you to oblivion.
Lucifer kept you pressed against the shower wall, your nipples rubbing against the cold tiles whenever they pounded into you, only giving you the illusion of a break when they went back to circling your clit, practically bathing in the sweet sounds of your broken moans.
“I love it, sweet one… who knew you could be even prettier, hm?” They muttered, clearly still hung up on admiring your new tattoo.
You felt delirious. Quickly tumbling over that delightful edge again as Lucifer slowed down for once, keeping their focus on your clit. Your cheek was helplessly pressed against the cold tile as you panted to catch your breath, which was difficult considering Lucifer refused to stop their ministrations any time soon. “Luce..”
“Give me one more, angel.. just like this, just one more.”
Apparently it wasn’t enough that you felt weak enough to turn to mush, or that you quite literally couldn’t stand anymore and they were the only thing standing between you and the hard tile. Clearly your shaking body was no sign of stopping for your devil.
Your eyes slipped shut as curses and cries continued tumbling from your lips. Somehow the slow, almost gentle pace felt much more effective than the previous harsh one. Perhaps it was the overstimulation. No, it clearly was. Your mind was simply not functioning enough at that point to think about the most logical reason why everything felt ten times better, or why every drop of water against your skin made your whole body want to tumble over the edge.
It didn’t take long, of course. Not with their warm skin wrapping and pressing against you, contrasting the cold water. Not with their delightfully long fingers thrusting into you. Certainly not with the palm of their hand rubbing your sensitive clit.
Slowly, they worked you down from your high. Switching from a slower pace to just a sweet and gentle caress, before both arms wrapped around your body and they held you close, pressing your back against them. You could vaguely tell Lucifer’s tone was one of praise as they whispered against your ear. But in all reality you had no idea what they were saying.
You simply relished in their gentle hold, providing you much needed support. Almost sure you’d crumble into nothing if your lover let you go.
You’re not exactly sure how long you stood under the running shower, wrapped in their arms with their face nuzzled sweetly against the crook of your neck. This wasn’t the outcome you had planned, but one things for sure. This was definitely not going to be the last tattoo you got for your loving devil.
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My Kind of Crazy ~Young!Morissa feat. Fem!Professor!Reader
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This is a Morissa Fic collab with @v3nusxsky with the Sex Pollen troupe!! Basically, the tension between Morissa grows and Reader is the Professor who finally snaps and confronts them. This was so much fun to write with you, darling 💋 Hope you all enjoy!
Mommy… Master List
Requests & Prompt-List
Warnings: NSFW, 18+!!!, sex pollen, smut, angst, drugging, gagging, kissing, fighting, tension, fingering, eating out, mentioned masturbation, face sitting, feeling confessions, etc.
Enjoy (;
A new school year at Nevermore always brought a new wave of student drama. You were the botany professor, having specialized in magical herbs & plants as well as herbology history. For the most part, you greatly enjoyed your job. You spent most of your time in lessons and then grading papers. But this year had brought an interesting love triangle of student drama…
Morticia Frump, Gomez Addams, & Larissa Weems…
You found Morticia to be an average student, although by no means was she an average teenager… Not fully devoted to her work, but certainly not dumb. She was polite for the most part, and quite the socialite. And she most definitely had a darker, cruel streak in her at times, especially towards other students…
Gomez was a harmless fly. His sights were on Morticia and Morticia only. The only mean bone in his body was when someone threatened his hold over Morticia. You didn’t pick on him in class or anything, because he’d genuinely not be paying attention.
And then there was Larissa Weems. She was also an odd ball… (I mean for a school of outcasts, you wouldn’t expect any less…) But Larissa was different. She was a strict rule follower. She was obedient, reserved, a people pleaser. She also had the occasional attention seeking streak, although with her appearance, the poor girl couldn’t really help it…
And boy how the three of them could divert a lesson… At one point, you were discussing how the Black Death was actually spread by flower pollen (hence the flower, The Black Death) instead of rats, and the next, Gomez and Larissa are in a screaming match. Standing up from their chairs, Larissa berating Gomez for all his PDA violations with Morticia, and Gomez going loco right back at the blonde. And poor Morticia was caught in the middle of it.
You did your best to settle and diffuse all arguments, but lately they were getting more and more out of hand… It came to a point where you had to have conversations with each of the three. And even that didn’t stop the insistent fighting.
So in you’re moment of need, you turned to the Principal. Who disgusted you. He was a sexist prick whom you avoided at all costs. But the ends in this case had to justify the means. This feud needed to be settled. After having a chat with the Principal, the three were called into his office. You stood in the corner, watching the events unfold in front of you. Of course, he blamed it all on Larissa and Morticia…”Morticia Frump was an attention seeking slut who only caused trouble” and “Larissa Weems was an ungrateful brat who was constantly stepping out of line.” Of course, he didn't use those exact words, but he was pretty damn close…
It boiled your blood. And ended up solving nothing. Although the encounter wasn’t entirely useles… During the meeting, you picked up the amount of longing glances Larissa threw Morticia. And the amount of flickering glances that Morticia sent back. The blushes the two girls held towards each other. The scowl Larissa held for Gomez. The look of sadness Morticia held for Gomez. This put things in a new perspective: Morticia wanted Larissa as much as Larissa wanted Morticia. It all made sense now.
But neither of the two would do anything about it. Not Morticia with her strict upbringing and expectations. And not Larissa with her tendency to either be extremely shy or just straight up fight with Gomez and miss the point entirely. No, you decided that you had to do something. And this case, the ends most definitely and absolutely justified the means.
Truthfully, Larissa hated when Gomez Addams would walk Tish back to the dorm. It shouldn’t be him, no, it should be her. But every night before curfew she would watch the raven haired goddess kiss the young boys cheek in thanks and bid him good night. It was the same routine every day. Larissa’s keen eye and observation skills meant she was always hyper aware of the way Gomez flirted with her roommate, in the halls they would walk and in hand while she walked behind drowning in jealousy.
Gomez wasn’t keen on Larissa that much was clear, he would always up his flirting or adopt a more possessive hold on Morticia whenever they were with Larissa. Larissa and Gomez always found something to bicker over and it often left the raven haired girl stuck in the middle of them. On one hand she desired to run with Larissa and risk everything to finally act on her true desire. On the other hand she wanted to keep her distance from the blonde in order to not hurt her and please her family. They expected children and Gomez was a pure candidate for her affections in their eyes. Yet with every passing day she found herself ready to risk everything and follow her heart. To end the constant bickering. But someone was going to get hurt and either way she would be affected by that hurt. Larissa pined for Morticia, she wasn’t interested in anyone else but her but always assumed she was too busy with Gomez to even notice, little did Larissa know just how much Morticia noticed and wished for the same. Fear of rejection from her family holding her back.
“You don’t have to constantly thrust your relationship down others throats Gomez!” The blonde practically screamed, her eyes blazing with anger and longing for the girl who didn’t want her. “It’s not my fault you’re jealous, maybe you shouldn’t be trying to take my girl” he snarled back. When Tish wasn’t around this is all that occurred, outside classes were worse because no one could stop them. “You treat her as if she’s an object. A prize. A goal post for you to score in” Larissa couldn’t stand that idea, she was beautiful inside and out and deserved to be cherished as such. Not some object or trophy wife for some dumb guy.
On the appointed day, you called the two young women into your office. You explicitly stated they come without Gomez. You prepared for their arrival and the action of your plan by brewing a very special tea from leaves that you had grown in your private herb garden. They were an ambrosiac. You knew it wasn’t the 100% morally correct action, but you had had it up to here with Morticia and Larissa dancing around each other. And with a little help from a friend of yours in England, who had given you a strong love sensing potion, you dosed their teas. You used black tea as the base, as nothing could penetrate its strong flavor.
Larissa was the first to arrive, punctual as always. You kindly told her to have a seat. She did so, and you could tell that she was nervous. She probably thought she was in trouble… A few minutes late, and a tad late as usual, Morticia burst.
“Sorry I’m late, Professor…!” Morticia frantically apologized, “I got hung up in the hallway and couldn’t get away…”
At this, Larissa scoffed in annoyance. Morticia went immediately silent. You chose to ignore todays drama and just went forward into your business.
“Please sit, dear.” You told the raven haired teen.
When both girls were sat, you began. You poured some teas for the both of them.
“Please have some tea. It’s a relaxant and calming brew, one I made myself.” You urged the two.
They followed your instructions without a further thought.
“So,” you took a deep breath and began, “As of late, I have noticed things getting quite heated between the two of you and Mr. Addams… I brought you to hear to reason with you and ask you both to put this childish nonsense behind you...”
You knew they wouldn’t be listening to your words, rather to enveloped in each others presences. But you lectured the two women for a solid twenty to thirty minutes, just to make sure the tea would have time to set in, before you released them.
Larissa immediately headed back to Ophelia hall knowing Morticia would go to find Gomez. After all, it was expected of her. That didn’t mean it didn’t hurt. Being put in her place in the meeting was weighing heavy on her mind, had they really been that noticeable? Had she? She could try to tone down her annoyance towards Gomez but truthfully she thought that everyone was obviously not noticing her situation until now. It would be hard to watch the girl who held her heart with him but she would have to suffer in silence. It’s true what people say, nothing can break like the heart can.
It started as a niggly pain, one that was more of a hindrance than painful. But it seemingly worsened as time went on. The blonde decided to give up on her homework, concentrating was becoming increasingly difficult due to the pain, so she settled on her bed curled up in her favorite blanket just willing the sensation to leave her.
About five minutes later, Morticia entered the room looking to be in the same state as the blonde teen. “Larissa? You feel it too?” She gasped and the blonde withered and whimpered a yes. Neither girl knew what it was or why it was happening but they guessed you’d put something in the tea. Maybe that’s why you didn’t drink any, now they come to think of it.
“It must be some kind of ambrosiac…” Larissa whimpered in pain from the heat waves shocking her body.
Morticia collapsed on her own bed.
“Ambrosiac? Wait you mean like some ‘sex drug’ shit??”
“Must you be so crass…??” Larissa groaned, “And yes, I do indeed mean something like a ‘sex drug’...”
Morticia chuckled lightly, but stopped quickly as she keeled over in more intense pain.
“We will be miserable like this for days if we’re unlucky, unless—” Larissa began.
“No.” Morticia groaned, “I can’t.”
“I can’t live like this…” Larissa whimpered.
“Then go fuck yourself…!” Morticia hissed.
“That won’t work… It has to be another person…” Larissa whined.
Morticia let out a lengthy groan towards the blonde, sending shivers down Larissa’s spine. Silence ensued, while the tension built. Larissa was the one to break the silence…
“Please…” She quietly whimpered, a tear falling from her eye.
At this, Morticia suddenly got up from her bed.
“I can’t! I can’t!” She exclaimed, going into a ramble, “I’ll… I’ll just go to Gomez… Yes, He’ll fix it…”
But as Morticia went to the door, Larissa spoke softly, “It… It has to be with a person who will make you climax…”
At this, Morticia turned around to face Larissa who was now cradling herself on the edge of her bed.
“I’m sorry, are you implying that Gomez does not?!” She furiously exclaimed.
“Maybe I am…!” Larissa seethed, standing up to tower over Morticia.
“Oh you’re so full of it!!” Morticia yelled.
“No!! I just like you..!!!” Larissa yelled back, not registering the words coming out of her mouth.
Truthfully, Morticia had known this. But Larissa saying the words to her… It suddenly made everything real.
Before Larissa could process anything else, Morticia had smashed her lips onto the blonde’s plump, red ones.
Larissa whimpered desperately into the kiss.
Suddenly Morticia pulled away. Her eyes were frantic. She didn’t know what to do. But one more whine from Larissa’s lips had Morticia rolling her eyes and gripping the blondes chin tightly.
“Shut up.” The raven haired teen growled, “Or I’ll gag you…”
The blonde went silent after that, happily allowing Morticia to ravage and explore her lips once more. At one point, the raven haired teen bit down on the blonde's lips, eliciting a gasp from Larissa. This gave Morticia the perfect chance to slip her tongue inside the wet cavern of those plump, red lips. She drew blood, making both girls moan.
“Please… I can’t take it anymore…” Larissa whimpered into the kiss.
Morticia pulled away with a groan.
“Take off your knickers.” She simply said.
“I… what… ok.” Larissa whimpered, but was quick to follow Morticia’s words.
With her knickers in hand, Morticia took them and stuffed them into the blondes mouth.
At this, Larissa thought she would just keel over in pleasure. God this girl was hot…
“I told you, If you whined again, I would gag you.” Morticia sternly stated.
Morticia’s own breath was getting erratic and uneven…
“You want me…?” She breathlessly growled.
The blonde nodded vigorously and desperately, a muffled ‘yes’ being slightly heard through the gag.
Larissa’s eyes widened and she scurried to remove all articles of clothing, Morticia did the same thing right alongside the blonde. And as the two stared at each others naked forms, all resolve broke.
Each one was all over the other. Kisses. Markings. Sensual touches. Frantic touches.
At one point, Morticia pushed Larissa back onto her bed, and she crawled on top of the blonde, nipping at her skin along the way. Larissa’s eyes showed urgency and need as her mewls and cries were muffled by her knickers.
The blonde was quick to open her legs for Morticia, who graciously accepted the offer of access, bringing her hot mouth immediately to Larissa’s clit. Larissa’s hands fisted the sheets and her creamy thighs were quick to shut around Morticia’s head, and in any other circumstance, Morticia would have cared, but not today. As her mouth worked the blonde’s clit, Morticia brought her fingers through the blonde's folds, making Larissa shudder in pleasure and buck her hips sloppily. And when Morticia slid two of her fingers into the blondes heat… Larissa thought she’d come right then and there.
The raven haired teen worked the blonde up with skill and dedication. There was no time for foreplay or teasing right now. The combination of Morticia’s tongue and fingers sent Larissa spiraling over the edge. Morticia eagerly drank all of Larissa’s juices, as her walls clenched deliciously around Morticia’s fingers and her screams were sinfully muffled by her own knickers. But as Morticia moved her head back up and went to pull her fingers out of the blondes soaking heat, Larissa interrupted her with strangled cries. Morticia removed the gag to hear what the blonde needed to say so desperately.
“Please Tish please don’t stop please Tish…!!” The blonde moaned out, bucking her hips up to sloppily meet Morticia’s fingers.
The raven haired teen smiled wickedly at the blonde.
“Haven’t had enough, have we…?” She lustfully taunted.
“No please need more, need more so badly…!!!” Larissa cried out.
At the blonde's plea, Morticia brought her tongue down to Larissa’s aching cunt. Larissa’s eyes rolled back as the raven haired goddess entered her throbbing hole with her tongue. Morticia proceeded to tongue fuck the blonde to high heaven, and all Larissa could do was try and stifle her screams of pleasure. Her next orgasm came out of nowhere and hit her like a brick.
“Tish I… I…FUCK—!!!” Larissa cried out, her head violently thrown back and her back arched, as her walls squirted and clenched around the raven haired goddesses tongue.
Morticia worked Larissa through her high with ease, and she came back up into the blondes view with her cum all over her face. The raven haired teen then connected her lips to the blondes, making Larissa moan into the kiss at the taste of herself. Both girls pulled away breathless from the heated kiss. Larissa’s red lipstick smeared all over both of their faces
“Be a good girl and let me sit on your face…” Morticia husked.
Larissa’s eyes widened and she nodded eagerly at this proposition. Morticia was quick to straddle the blonde and scurry up against the headboard, hovering her throbbing cunt above Larissa’s hot mouth. Larissa’s hands gripped Morticia’s thighs and guided her glistening core eagerly down to her lips. As Larissa licked through the raven haired goddesses folds, Morticia was quick to stabilize herself on the headboard as she started to rock her hips against the blondes face.
“OHhhHhHHh Fuck—Right there…!” Morticia moaned, only egging the blonde on even more.
Morticia came almost as fast as Larissa had, crying out the blonde's name on repeat. But Larissa wasn’t ready to stop there. No, she brought Morticia over the edge again with that skilled tongue of hers, lapping away at her walls as they clenched around the blondes tongue.
After which, the raven haired teen then collapsed next to the blonde, panting heavily.
Instinctively the two teens shuffled closer to one another, seemingly seeking the comfort they’d denied themselves of for so long. The steady beating of Morticia’s heart as she regulated her breathing was easily lulling the blonde into a fuzzy mindset. The pain is now satisfied but the raven haired girl feels guilty. How could something that’s meant to be wrong feel so good?
Unknowingly Mortica let a few stray tears fall. One taste of Larissa and now she couldn’t imagine not ever having her again. But there was Gomez to consider. “Tish?” The blonde mumbled and came up gently, swiping the tears away, “are you okay? I’m sorry if you didn’t want-“ Mortica cut her off with a kiss. “I want you, I always have. You were perfect and are perfect. But they want me with Gomez. I don’t know what to do. I want you but they say it’s bad and that I have to marry a man to have children and marry up” her little rant filled with a sniffle. “We can take it slow” the blonde stated which seemed to ease the other teens worries. And that’s exactly what they did, just with more “sleepovers” where they’d fall asleep wrapped up in eachothers arms.
Larissa Weems Masterlist
Morticia Addams Masterlist
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Master List Part 2
Note: I did not write any of these fics, I just enjoy reading them, and had a shit load of them saved. So, I figured I would put all of the ones I liked on a master list, figuring that its an easy way to keep track of them, and maybe you guys would like them as well. Have a Great Day fellow Nerds! 😁👋
2nd Note: If Someone wants me to take their fic or another fic off, let me know and it will be done. I don't want to offend anyone or make them upset. 
Larrisa Weems: 
Punishment By:suckerforcate
Pomegranate Lips pt.2 By: cissyenthusiast010155
Valentines chaos By: littledollll
You Want Some Cheese On That? By: spoilmesweetieforficssake
Love Notes (Ch. 4) By: queerfanfiction 
Darling By: v3nusxsky
Dirty Dancer By: spicy-picklez 
Winter Getaway By: mandy-asimp
Only Pretending #3 By: Tanith-rhea
A Perfect Fit (NSFW) By: fruitylo0pz
Sleeping Beauty By: spicy-picklez 
Beg By: suckerforcate 
Professor Weems By: suckerforcate
A Love Like Yours By: cherrysweetdevine
The Neighbor Lady Ch. 3 By: daydream-cement 
Love Notes (Ch. 3) By: weemsgay
Dreams, You Say pt. 2 By: cissyenthusiast010155
You make me feel safe (NSFW) By: fruitylo0pz 
Compatible (NSFW) By: fruitylo0pz 
Worthy of my love By: moodreaderlesbian 
Her powerful hands By: cherryapplejuice 
Sleepy head By: cherryapplejuice
Drabble By: widowromanova 
Sweet Corruption By: cissyenthusiast010155
Temptations Tongue By: marvelnatswhore 
Hands By: cherrysweetdevine 
Use Me By: cissyenthusiast010155
Tame the beast By: cherrysweetdevine
Work Distraction By: plaguedoctorino 
Show Me By: ja-reau 
Larissa Weems X Fem Reader By: freakish-ghoul 
Corruption pt. 1 By: cursedbambii
Larissa Weems X Reader Headcanon By: poorwritingstaleoffee
Holding Back From You By: thevillianclub
Snow White Hands By: mithril 
One Bed By: suckerforcate 
The Teacher’s Assistant Part 1 By: thats-my-peach
Take a bite. By: cherrysweetdevine 
Favor for Favor By: plaguedoctorino
Challenge (Part 2) By: widowromanova 
Screw Your roommate, ill show you a good time By: tanith-rhea
From across the room By: widowromanova
Trying Something New In The Bedroom Chap. 3 By: regalbootie
In The Shadows By: thevillainclub 
Magic Kisses By: illegal-heartbreaker 
Ablaze By: thevillainclub
Mine By: bagdaddyb
See Me After Class (NSFW) By: wasjustred
Under The Mistletoe By: plaguedoctorino
A Lesson In Trust By: wasjustred
Relationship Headcannons By: realsapphicwife 
Its Obvious By: illegal-heartbreaker
Comfort Person (SFW) By: wh0re4women
To People Watch One Person: Part 4. By: rippersz
Words Hurt By: v3nusxsky
Here to help By: littledollll
Comfort me to sleep By: v3nusxsky
Guardian Angel By: queerfanfiction
I need you-fluff By:  v3nusxsky
Hot Coco Kisses By: bunniebubbleswrites
Larissa Weems Headcanons By: ladylarissaweems
You’re Not Alone By: Just-your-casual-nerd
What You'll Never Have By: duke-of-poosay
Dinner Mix-Up By: daydream-cement 
All These Years Later By: cherrysweetdevine 
Don't Go Breaking My Heart By: spoilmesweetueforficssake
You’re Rightful Place| NSFW By:  v3nusxsky
Winter Getaway By: mandy-asimp
Dominate Me By: weemssapphic
Stood Up (NSFW) By: milfsloverblog
Her Little Minx By: paulsonwifey
Come Over Tonight (One of my personal Favs) By: moodreaderlesbian 
Heaven’s gate By: fadingdaggerr
Only Pretending #7 (I LOVE this series, so good) By: Tanith-rhea 
Beautiful One By: littledollll
Hidden Meanings (NSFW) By: v3nusxsky
Cara Mia.... (One of my favs) By: kingpreciouswrld
Cara Mia 1.5? By: kingpreciouswrld
Movie Night (NSFW) By: daydream-cement
Sweet Confession By: Billiedeansbitch
After the movies By: pro-weems-places 
Sex and Pancakes (NSFW) By: daydream-cement 
Our forever By: littledollll
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Broken- Natasha Romanoff X Reader
Synopsis: Nat was supposed to go on a simple mission, collect an infinity stone. Easy, right?
Word Count: 408
Warnings: Canonical Character Death (yes that’s a fucking warning), angst/no comfort, it does not get better, be prepared.
A/n: I’d like to think this one isn’t as bad as it might be but I also like to hurt my own feelings so maybe don’t trust me on this one lmao. Sorry guys, this part of a song was stuck in my head and I wanted to write something and this is the result. It’s kinda short but that’s kinda a good thing. Enjoy 😅
© This is my work, you have no right to repost my work for any reason without my explicit permission, all rights reserved. Likes, comments, reblogs are always welcomed!
You are broken on the floor…
It happened all too soon.
10 seconds.
10 seconds was all she was supposed to be gone.
But now?
She'll be gone for eternity.
She was just supposed to get a stupid rock.
A stupid rock for the sake of the universe. And for what? What's the point? Your everything is gone. Just like that.
Clint came back silent, something was deeply haunting him. It was clear to everyone.
You could hear Bruce ask him something but you weren't listening to know what was said.
You didn't need to. You knew already.
In less time than what she was supposed to be gone, you lost all of yourself. A deep emptiness overtakes you, but not without its companions of dread and pain.
A silent 'no' came from your lips as you collapsed.
And you're crying, crying...
The word you wanted to say would've come from your lips if the sobs didn't steal the last breath from your lungs.
The pure agony it was, breathing...
You couldn't fathom it.
Everyone on the team surrounded you, taken aback by your sudden lack of composure.
You were known to be the most composed on the team. Never showing true, real emotions, not that you couldn't but rather you chose not to let them see.
The only one that got the privy of seeing the real you was gone.
You are broken on the floor...
Everything was entirely irrelevant now, nothing mattered anymore.
You couldn't care less about the mission at hand, it was fruitless now.
Your hands clawed at the suddenly claustrophobic uniform you were wearing, dying for it to be off.
Everyone stood dumbfounded at what to do. They knew there was nothing that could be said.
Only once you were able to take a breath in did you finally move, hunching over yourself as sound finally came from you.
Only it was the sound of your inconsolable, borderline anguished cries.
How to carry on...?
Only once Clint and Rocket tried to get you to sit up did you speak real words...
"NO! No! This wasn't supposed to happen!" Your palms hit Clint in the chest, with no effect due to you losing all of your energy. "We were supposed to have forever!"
You simply collapsed into him, not knowing what else there is for you to possibly do.
"She was my forever..."
Numbness overtook you.
You no longer wanted to live, after all, what was there to live for?
Taglist: @v3nusxsky @just-your-casual-nerd @pebbleswritessometimes @bigolgay @scream-queenlover @darkth1ngs @hxzxrdous @sgelessoanddoveykissing @lilfartbox1 @obsessedwjill
As always, leave a comment if you’d like to join my tag list 🥰
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marilynthornhilllover · 6 months
🥂🎉End of year statements 2023🎉🥂
Alright so, where do I start. I know you guys are probably reading this and your probably like " omg why is this random girl tagging me in her post"💀😭 sorry if I'm misjudging, but last year I did an end of year statement on my Instagram it was one for editors ( the editing community) , so me and my friends kinda made it a tradition👍🏼😅.
- { Inspiration }
Honestly when I first started this tumblr account I had no intentions of making fanfics or even being " a writer" I had a wattpad account that I ditched because i simply got tired💀 so my friend @slut4milfsss who is no longer active told me she started an account for marilyn Thornhill, where she's gonna be writing fics, and if you can't tell by my name already I love marilyn, so I created an account and decided to support her and then she told me I should start writing, obviously I told her NO, but after I gave it a thought and then I started writing.
Now if you go wayyyyy back to my very first fic to be honest it wasn't that bad💀but it was bad, over time I got better but still😐....When I first started the first three blogs I followed was @regalbootie @daydream-cement and @littledollll and oh. My. GODD everytime I read their fics I felt as if I was in HEAVEN, their so talented and so very well creative and to me they were just perfect writing Gods. Then I followed @cissyenthusiast010155 and @v3nusxsky and I swore I died because again their fanfics were completely amazing and phenomenal and so well put together and it was crazy how realistic the fanfic seemed, it was like they made it come to life and then your imagination does the rest. From theses extraordinary and inpowering writers I found my inspiration to write and for them I'm honestly so thankful because I would have not been writing fics.
Guys I'm so sorry for the random tag, i dont wanna seem creepy 😭. but anyway I love you guys so much and please continue to shine your light and do keep writing because you guys are epic!<3.
Of course then I followed other amazingly talented writers such as @abbyromanoff @brienneoftarth1989 @willalovexx @prentiss-theorem @ilovehugslikealotalot @inlovewithgreta @daddy-heather-dunbar @m1lfsh4ke @m1lflov3rrr @yellowjacketsgayfanfic @agnessharknes @storiesofsvu and honestly the list goes on😮‍💨 but as we go into this new year I just wanted to show my gratitude for theses writers because they are truly amazing!<3.
Also to @geistergreen and @vivendraws because I love your arts!!! So creative!!
And of course to @resident-lover for blessing us with that scrumptious amazing game of theirs. ( I'm obsessed with Miranda's , Cassandra's and alcinas route)
Alright, moving on.
- { Mutuals }
I have some of the best mutuals on here and I'm so eternally grateful for them, they're so supportive and kind and loving. And I honestly couldn't ask for better friends than them, so I just wanna say thank you to @willalovexx @willowshadenox @prentiss-theorem @luisa323 @ilovehugslikealotalot @tryingmybest233333 @heidsworld @m1lfsh4ke I honestly couldn't be more thankful for you guys, when I get notifications that you liked my post, comment or messaged me I get so happy, you guys are just so cute and adorable and so wholesome, thank you for being by my side and I'm always here if you need me<3
- { account and followers }
I celebrated my first 1 year tumblr account anniversary on the 10th and I honestly couldn't be more grateful to be able to write fanfics for you guys and make content. I get so happy and excited when I see a fanfic requests might I add that you guys are extremely wild with your imagination, because some of the requests I get are beyond amazing and so well put together and well taught of and I'm so happy and grateful that I get to write them for you guys. Just remember all requests are seen and I will do them also about thoses kinkmas requests, i know it's not Christmas anymore but I will still be working on them and I will post them, just give me some time.<3.
When I tell you guys being a badged psychologist is not easy believe me💀the amount of notes is unbelievable sometimes I feel like my hand is gonna drop off because my fingers become sore and I can't even type😐sooo yeah, also I have my office now, honestly so happy!!! Although I'm still majoring in forensic for a couple more years🙄ugh anyways.
I hope you all enjoy your 2024 ( new year ) I hope it's kind to you all, I hope there is a lots of opportunities in store for you guys, love especially, peace and just everything that your hoping and wishing for, goodnight!<3
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inlovewithgreta · 6 months
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Happy New Year!!!
2023 was definitely a crazy rollercoaster of a year but I’m glad I get to end the year being surrounded by some truly amazing people.
I honestly have the best job ever, and I have some of the best coworkers that I’ve gotten so close with and it’s such a fun, positive environment that I couldn’t be more grateful for to have met what feels like my second family.
This was also the first year I’ve started posting on the app, and honestly I’ve never been happier with my experience.
To start things off, the love and support I’ve gotten these past few months has been overwhelming and I’ve honestly never been more grateful. I never thought this silly little hobby would allow me to meet so many new people and create friendships that I hope last a lifetime.
When I first got on here, I didn’t know a thing or know anybody but with the support from @cissyenthusiast010155, @marilynthornhilllover, @agnessharknes, @v3nusxsky, and @just-your-casual-nerd, I’ve been able to blossom! I truly am grateful for not only you guys, but for my readers as well. Each and every one of you who have helped me, read my fics, commented, liked, reblogged, have no idea how much it means to not only me, but to all of us writers out there!! We truly do appreciate any and all kinds of support!
Also a very very special shoutout to @shslbunnylover!! I’m so glad to have met you and see you blossom on here as a writer, and as a person. You’re beyond talented and amazing and I truly believe that everyone should read your work!! You’re such an amazing human and I’m so so glad to have met you, and I’m so happy I got to ring in the New Year with someone I can call a true friend 🥰❤️
If you’ve read this far, thank you for taking the time to read me babble, and definitely check out all of the accounts that are not only listed above, but ones that I follow as well. Everyone on this app has so much talent and you all deserve true love and happiness!!
Happy New Year my lovelies! Let’s make this year one to remember! 🩷
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I live for @cissyenthusiast010155 & @v3nusxsky and their work. Y’all are freakin’ amazing at what you do and u are amazing people! 😊
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queerfanfiction · 10 months
WIP Game
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Thank you to both @littledollll and @weemssapphic for the tag. You two are wonderful!!
you are my bitter rival but i need you for survival
2. six times that time stopped
3. a touch like a sharp and glorious thorn
4. i swear you fealty
5. weightless
6. i slithered here from Eden just to sit outside your door
7. pant: new booking request
soooooo, these are my current works in progress. one request and six other stories. these do not include new chapters of love notes or topic of study. am I biting off more than I can chew? of course! will I reconsider? not at all!
not sure who to tag, but I'll try! no shame in passing up the game if you are tagged. @fadingdaggerr @tanith-rhea @moodreaderlesbian @bri-sonat @alexusonfire @suckerforcate @anti-bright-places @yourlocaldisneyvillain @milfsloverblog @wasjustred @v3nusxsky
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v3nusxsky · 8 months
@prettybuckybaby is holding me accountable and making sure I get my assignments done so I can focus of my requests. Send help for Mars as these assignments are killing me! But it’s okay because we have Taylor swift on! If we stay on their schedule I’ll be able to start writing on Friday!!!
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storiesofsvu · 8 months
Holiday Bingo 2023
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That's right besties! It's that time of year again! And in an attempt to keep y'all entertained with your favourite blorbos, I'm hosting this bingo so we can all share our creations and you have something to fixate on while I'm busy as hell at work!
As per usual:
Submissions can be anything! A mood board, a ficlet, headcanons, drabble, gif sets, one shots, social media au's, make it a mini series following the holiday journey of the same two characters! literally whatever you want!
Prompts are all winter/holiday themed. If it specifically says "Christmas" it does not need to be Christmas, it can be whatever holiday this time of year that you want!
Read the rest of the rules under the cut!
Prompts can be made into any genre, make it super spicy, make it tooth rottingly sweet, make it angsty as all hell and break our hearts, make it a wild AU, do whatever you want with them as long as they are what inspired your story. (aka "first snowfall" could be the first time character a is seeing snow, it could be the first snow of the year, it could be the characters baby's/dog's first time seeing snow. It can be cute, catching snow flakes on tongues or sad, bringing back memories with a friend who has passed. Literally whatever you want.) Just make sure to include any and all appropriate warnings/tags at the TOP of the post and I don't want to see any TikTok censoring of words!
Fics can be a ship, a reader insert, an OC, or any kind of crossover! Mix and match, stick with one, try out a new character or fandom!
Accepted Fandoms:
Literally everything and everyone. This is wide open to any and every fandom/show/movie that you want, it's free game besties! It doesn't matter if I write/read that fandom, do what you would like!
Some Inspiration:
-Law and Order (OG, OC, SVU)
-Criminal Minds
-One Chicago
-Abbott Elementary
-Grey's Anatomy/Private Practice
-The L Word
You MUST tag me @storiesofsvu and use the hashtag #storiesofsvuholidaybingo2023 on each creation and I'll put together the masterlist.
Bingo begins on November 25th and will run all the way to January 20th.
You may only post/submit ONE creation per day!
Only one bingo square per creation
No underage characters involved in relations.
Tag all and every warning appropriately at the top of the fic
Anything over 1000 words must be under a readmore!
Everyone is welcomed and encouraged to participate! You do not need to be following me, we don't need to be mutuals, if you see this post and want to play, let's go!
If anyone has questions, feel free to comment or send me a message/ask!
Some playlists to get us in the mood:
tagging some people who might be interested? (if you got tagged and have no idea who i am/where this came from it is likely that i have read your stuff and loved it/have some bookmarked on my to bed read lol. feel free to ignore.)
@prentiss-theorem @swimmingstudentchaos891 @rustyzebra @plaidbooks @thatesqcrush @adarafaelbarba @detective-giggles @mickey-gomez @alexusonfire @bumblebear30 @tropes-and-tales @unitchiefs-blackbirdphoenix @beccabarba @prurientpuddlejumper @fighterkimburgess @baubeautyandthegeek @melk917 @blackbird-brewster @virescent-v @leftoverenvy @iamnotoriginalphil @happenstnces @daddy-heather-dunbar @just-a-torn-up-masterpiece @five-bi-five-main @thehauntingofbasingse @supercriminalbean @h0tch-r0cket @bullet-prooflove @boldlyvoid @astrophileous @slutforsilverfoxes @cissyenthusiast010155 @hotchs-bitch @honeypiehotchner @whiteberryx @v3nusxsky
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littledollll · 7 months
Lucifer Morningstar
Lucifer Morningstar x reader
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A/n: oof, that title and paring is great, I know. i know that it’s not really possible for this to be biblically accurate and I wasn’t necessarily trying, since the focus is Lucifer’s character, but I racked my brain trying to figure out how to make a hell that was populated before Lucifer even fell. So it might not make a lot of sense, but I hope you enjoy it regardless. In my mind, reader is the only being in hell at that time.
Thanks to @lord6-6fandom and @v3nusxsky who read and reviewed this a bit for me!
warnings: biblical stuff (not really), religious trauma!, slight gore, mentions of a lot of blood, wounds and just general injuries and the care of them, playful banter.
Red encapsulated their body, a feeling of fire within and outside of the body. The body, what a fragile thing. How easily hurt, how terribly painful. They wished they didn’t have one. They wished to have freedom, from pain, from all seeing eyes, from all judging minds and all cutting tongues.
Was it truly so horrible? The simple action of questioning their father? Was it deserving of such a punishment?
They wish they could say it was all a blur. A blur would be better. No knowledge, no memory would surely feel a little less painful. But God wasn’t so forgiving, God wasn’t so merciful.
Wings that were once representing grace turned to fire and then char. Leathery, bloody, dark. It was all the opposite of what they used to be… Samael mourned more for their wings than for themselves. They were a great pride. They were perfect, more so than any other angels.
What a meaningless word.
Would God not be forgiving to his favorite angel? Though Samael did not want God's forgiveness, they would be bitter over not being given it.
Oh his greatest creation. The most beautiful and wisest of all angels. They didn’t feel all that wise. They didn’t feel all that beautiful.
They felt numb. Not physically, oh how they wished it so, but the pain they were bearing was unexplainable. It was all surrounding. Have they been falling for an eternity? It certainly feels like such.
By the time they hit the depths of hell all feeling was gone. A limp body hitting the freezing floor with a loud, yet hollow sound.
God did not offer them the mercy of losing consciousness either. Of course not.
If they looked anything like they felt, surely they were a moving corpse. Yet they tried. Perhaps it was spite that kept them moving, and somehow (barely) strong. Bloody nails digging into the rough dirt, hitting and scratching against rocks just trying to get somewhere, even if that somewhere wasn’t familiar. Samael was far too prideful to just lay on their back and sink into the ground, although they desperately wanted to.
A pair of black boots entered their view, inches away from their face as whoever it was stepped in front of them. Intentionally this close, they noted.
“You’re new.” Their ears had a constant ring in the background, yet they somehow heard you clearly. “And very hurt...”
Clearly. They thought, but didn’t speak. A feeling told them if they even attempted, it wouldn’t work out either. They recognized the slightest tinge of concern in your tone, which was oddly comforting to hear.
Silence, for only a few moments. They had yet to see your face or really anything other than just your boots. Samael could feel your eyes upon them, studying, observing.
An unfamiliar feeling grew within them. Other than to God himself, Samael had never felt so inferior. They felt incredibly weak, and they could only imagine how it looked from your point of view. Had they become a being to pity now? Some sort of weak, hurt animal in need of pampering?
How the mighty have fallen.
“You are not dead, I know that. So how did you get there?” Again, that concern arised, making them irritated to no end. They were aware your tone should be the least of their worries as fog covers their view, a sick feeling running through their whole body and making their head spin, and their consciousness escaped.
They looked grand. To you, anyways. Whoever this was, they looked like a being of grace. Awfully pretty even with torn, bloody and burnt skin. There was a certain glow about them, even in this state. “Pretty as the morning star..”
They had majestic wings that were burned down to the bone and you were reluctant to touch them at all in fear they could stab through you without effort. But you did anyway.
You spoke to them, as if they could hear you. But it helped to ease your mind as you made an effort to clean and bandage them up.
You told them your name, your life story. Anything you could speak of to hopefully offer some sort of comfort, and calm your stress. Talking was nice. You never got to do that. To yourself, yes. But you never had someone to listen, or even look at as you spoke. So even if they weren't truly conscious, it somehow made you feel better.
Bloodied water trickled down your arm as you used a cloth to carefully clean every inch you could. You avoided their wings. They looked more painful than everything else, and you’d much rather help what you can while they remain unconscious than have an awkward stare down.
“I’ve been alone for only God knows how many years... would it be selfish of me to say, I’m glad to see somebody else here?” Calming blue eyes snapped open with a look you could only describe as pure rage. Wrath burned within them all the way down to their soul, you felt it. You also felt familiarity, along with a deep rooted sadness you never wanted to recognize or feel again.
They were unmoving, and those stunning eyes looked right past you, before darting towards your own. “I’m just trying to help. I will give you space if you’d like me to.” Somehow you managed to keep your voice stable, and calm.
The being looked at you, tilting their head as they too studied you, much like you did them a few moments prior. “My name is-“
“I know who you are.” They cut you off. Leaving you to sit there and battle with your own thoughts as they said nothing else, but stared at you. Exactly what you wanted to avoid.
Their voice sounded rough, but you could tell it wasn’t by nature. Probably a result of whatever torture they suffered before landing in hell. After a moment, they spoke again. “…my wings.”
“I was worried about waking you as I cleaned them.. so I was planning on leaving them for last.” A nod.
Was that it? Just nod and go back to silence and staring? You refused. “Now that you’re awake, I can handle that part, so try to sit up.” They looked at you curiously, but followed your demand wordlessly. It was a bit of a struggle, and hugely embarrassing, but they managed.
“I’m going to start now… try not to move.” Your words went clearly ignored because the second your hand graced their right wing it flickered and spread completely, making you jump back. You would’ve excused the flicker as a flinch, honest mistake. But they were obviously doing this intentionally.
“Hey-!” A deep, shaky sigh left the being before you. Disguising what you supposed was a pained groan, and they rested forward against the couch you had brought them to. “I’m pretty sure those things can kill me. Please, try not to do it again without warning.”
You weren’t entirely sure they cared, but it was worth saying.
You tried again, slowly, gently. Bringing the damp cloth to their leathery wings and trying so carefully to clean off any blood, or what seemed like ash from them. Another flicker, but nothing followed. They were incredibly still, you almost believed they had lost consciousness again if not for the sharp breathing they tried to disguise.
Why did it feel like you were grating their skin? Every soft pass of the gentle cloth felt like knives running down their wings. The feeling ran all through their body, but they wouldn’t let it show.
It was an agonizing process, that was probably only twenty minutes long but felt like a thousand hours. The moment it ended they slumped forward weakly, not really in a relaxed manner, but happy to have a break.
You allowed them a moment to just breathe as you went on, getting rid of the bloody water and discarding the cloth you had used.
“…who are you? I’ve been assuming you’re an angel this whole time, by nothing but context clues I suppose, but you don’t seem-“
“Samael, you know me as.” Samael… yes, that was familiar. An angel, God’s favorite at that. But what were they doing in the ruins of hell, looking like that of all things?
“But I am no longer using that name. It is dead to me, as God is.” And you’re guessing that as much of an answer you’re getting if you ever asked, so you didn’t. You had your own qualms about the God you were sworn to worship. After all, he was the reason for your isolation, he was why you lived alone in this barren land. The land of the dammed.
“What name are you using?” “Lucifer.” They had plenty of time to think about it. It just felt right. They were no longer God's angel, barely even an angel any longer. They needed a new name.. a new beginning, a new goal.
“Alright then, Lucifer. You can turn forward..” and they did. Which was surprising now that you knew who they were.
Once again a curious look crossed their face as they analyzed you. Why weren’t you asking? Why didn’t you care? What was so damn important about cleaning them that you had no regard for the story? Not like they would share it, no. Not now, not until they become something more than some sort of hurt animal.
You sat in front of them once again, with a new, much cleaner, bucket of water and cloth.
“I’m very capable of cleaning myself.” It was tiring, and humiliating, feeling so dependent. Lucifer was sure that if they even attempted their whole body would be taken over by pain once again. Moving didn’t seem like the best option at the moment, yet their pride wouldn’t allow this any longer.
“Yes, I’m sure you are. But if you’d let me, just this once..” you were sure they couldn’t. And perhaps making less demands and more requests would go better with the prideful angel, from now on.
“Allow me to do it selfishly then, it’s awful lonely down here and now you’ve joined me. Call it a welcome.” That certainly made it sound better.. they reluctantly nodded.
“Hell is unfinished. So why are you here?” They asked as they stared down at you like a hawk. Watching your every move, observing where your hands went with every touch. “Unfinished doesn’t mean inaccessible. I’m a gatekeeper.” That made them even more curious. “You’re not an angel.” “I'm not. I'm just a gatekeeper.”
Silence followed after that. Lucifer wasn’t quite sure what to make of you. You seemed kind, caring, and horribly lonely. You also seemed to enjoy ‘taking care’ of them. And you didn’t ask. They liked that a lot. “I suppose you’re okay.”
You hummed and looked up at them. “What does that mean?” “You’re okay company. I’m left to rot here, so I might as well take into account that you’re tolerable to be around.”
“Thank you?” “You’re welcome.” What an odd being. Their pride followed them all the way down here, you’ve noticed.
Soft hands, a warm cloth trailed up their shoulders, not scrubbing as much as just wiping, almost like a smooth caress with the intent of cleaning. They enjoyed that feeling. They’d never say it aloud.
You were concentrating on them, so silence repeated once again. But there were no awkward or harsh stares, nor tension. It was comfortable, it felt safe.
Lucifer looked beautiful like this. Their skin clean of all blood and ash, the gashes and cuts already well on their way to healing perfectly.
A knowing look crossed the angel's face as they looked down at you, once again getting rid of the water and cloth now that you were done.
“I can feel your smugness from here.” “I can hear your thoughts. That gives me the right to be smug.” You looked back at them, a smirk had grown on their lips.
“Look at you already messing up my peace..” you muttered. “I think you like me.” You do. You certainly do. Lucifer is quite charming, and very beautiful, how could you not?
“Well, Lucifer. I might tolerate you too, a little.” That made them genuinely smile, and God was it a stunning sight. A bright smile. Stunning like the morning star. They somehow kept reminding you of just that. It’s been years since you’ve seen it.. Eons probably, you’ve lost track. But you’re certain they look just like it.
“That’s Lucifer Morningstar, to you.”
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just-your-casual-nerd · 8 months
Do you wanna know what's crazy? Stumbling along in life and coming across someone who becomes a huge part of your life. Like, you come across and meet a total stranger whom you may have never met before, and suddenly, they mean something to you. And this person becomes someone worth fighting for. Someone who means the world to you and you'd do anything for. This person gradually starts taking up more room in your heart until your utterly head over heels for them. Today isn't some special day, it's not even our anniversary, but I want to say how much I love and appreciate you in my life @v3nusxsky Life is hard and relationships have their ups and downs, but I'll always fight for you. I want to work through everything together, I want you in my life. You're the first person I think of when I wake up and the last person I think of when I go to bed. Life hasn't been kind to you, but I hope someday I can replace all those bad memories with good ones. And you know, I think this quote can help explain my love for you.
"But once in awhile, like today, I meditate on it and realize how lucky I am to share my life with the greatest woman I ever met. You still fascinate and inspire me. You influence me for the better. You're the object of my desire, the #1 Earthly reason for my existence. I love you very much."
I choose you, I'll always choose you. You mean the world to me. And someday, I hope I get to give the world to you. Thank you for all you do and more. I can't wait to go on this crazy adventure called life with you. I love you, darling ♥️
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Request for my lovey Leonora ♥️
Okay so r has some kind of ability maybe elemental or plant control or even psychic abilities and she’s struggling to control them. Maybe it’s making her depressed or that other students are being cruel, Leonora finds r sobbing a little beaten and bruised by some students and comforts r, maybe Leo can have some kind of hidden ability she showed r to make them feel better
Blossom- Lady Lesso X NeverStudent(gn)Reader (Platonic)
Synopsis: Your powers are less than popular for a Never and some people went out of their way to let you know just what they thought of it.
Warnings: bullying, slight descriptions of injury and pain, angst but I make it better, I think that’s it?
Word Count: 2.8k
A/n: I’m so excited because this was my first ever request, by the lovely Mars. This AMAZING request comes from @v3nusxsky, and if you don’t know her, you should check them out! Thanks for the great idea! I had tons of fun with this one so I hope you like what I did with it! Reblogs, likes, and comments are all welcomed!
© This is my work, you have no right to repost my work for any reason without my explicit permission, all rights reserved.
Ignoring your roommates had become second nature to you. It was easy enough until it became physical.
'What a pathetic Never!'
'Plant control? Really? I didn't think you could get more lame.'
Your roommates constantly had something like that to say. Even before they knew of your power, they would find something to say that you would think about for far longer than you should.
But whew, the day they discovered your powers? They were relentless. Always finding time to mock you for them. You didn't even think they were that bad, you actually liked them before you arrived at the School for Evil, but how wrong you were.
You did your best to hide your powers once people were taunting you for just being at the school. But you couldn't hide them for long from your roommates. Your powers often came out with your emotions, and lately, you'd been stressed and upset by everyone's words. And in turn, a puff of petals surrounded your bed.
Your roommates continued to poke and prod at you, finding your powers hilarious for some reason. You already thought you were sorted into the wrong half of the school, but now you thought you didn't belong at all. And when you heard their whispers, you knew you were right.
Somehow, other people you never told managed to find out and began teasing you too. But luck was on your side, not many people found out and once they did they thought you weren't worth a spare glance.
But regardless, you still kept them hidden. You didn't want to risk it getting worse. Your professors urged you to present your powers and do something with them, but you refused. It was bad enough that you were nearly sent to the doom room for refusing to show them in class.
And to your expectations, the teasing only got worse as the time when on, they kept finding flowers of all sorts around your bed and on your desk.
You'd been finding it difficult to control your powers, a part of your emotions coming into play, and it didn't help that you hid them during classes. The one place you're supposed to learn how to control them is one place you especially refused to show them. You were already mocked by people your own age, you didn't need that from your professors too.
You were dreadfully heading back to your dorm room, fearful of what lies ahead of you. But it came sooner than expected. Your three roommates cut you off in your path, only two friends joined them this time.
At a time like this, it would be really helpful to know how to control your powers. Though you couldn't think of how flowers could possibly help you in a time like this.
In a flash, you and your books were in contact with the cobblestone floor, and your stomach was met with a dirt-covered shoe.
It all happened so fast, from the time you were suddenly no longer standing to the time you had different-sized shoes kicking all across you. You only had enough time to register the pain, but not enough to make a sound.
"Why don't we show you what true Never powers look like?" You heard the girls around her snicker.
You suddenly felt an electric shock to your back, instantly followed by the sounds of their laughter. Who the hell had the ability to manipulate electricity?
"Oh! Me next!" You recognized that voice, and you knew the power that came with it. And you dreaded it.
Aradia has the ability to manipulate fire, and she loves to use it and brag to everyone about it.
You didn't try to muffle your screams as you felt the fire seep into your skin. You were quite glad that your outfit choice today didn't show too much skin.
Aradia didn't set your clothes aflame, knowing that if she did the doom room would be the least of her worries.
Over your cries of pain and the shuffling of their kicks, you couldn't hear the signature tapping of a cane or the sound of her heels. You were too busy focusing on the girls surrounding you and the pain you knew you shouldn't be focusing on.
"THAT'S ENOUGH!" Her voice boomed in the corridor, loud enough that the kicks and flames and shocks had stopped.
Normally, you would've been scared by her loud interruption, but since it caused the pain to significantly decrease, you were thankful. You couldn't tell how long this would've gone on if they hadn't been interrupted.
The girls around you fearfully scurried back, leaving you a shaking and whimpering mess in your spot.
The girls opened their mouths for some faux excuse but Lesso silenced them with the raise of her hand.
"I will see each and every one of you in the doom room after classes for a month." The girls' eyes nearly popped out of their heads and their mouths fell open, before they could even argue she waved them off. "Now, gone with you."
She sent the students away, vowing that they'd be punished for this act. It wasn't a fair punishment of course, but what Never plays fair?
Besides, Lesso had no idea how long this was actually happening for.
"Plant powers! Wow, they honestly couldn't be more useless!" Lesso heard one of them whisper to the other as they turned the corner out of her sight.
Even after she dished out their punishments, they were still mocking you. One more week for each of them, she decided.
Plant powers? That's what you have! Lesso couldn't understand why you'd hide those, especially from her. They have great potential but only if they're worked on.
She knelt down to your balled-up form, you were shaking horribly. Luckily, you didn't seem to be bleeding anywhere and nothing appeared to be broken. Well, that's as lucky as you got.
You already had bruises and burns forming on your sensitive skin, superficial scrapes littered everywhere that weren't covered by clothing, and she noticed you were silently crying. From the pain or the words, Lesso didn't know.
"Hey, darling, you're alright," You heard her voice significantly closer than before. "You're going to be okay, look at me?"
It took you a moment but you gathered up the courage to move your arm from your face and look at her. Her heart sunk when you did, finding your face just as bruised as the rest of you but accompanied by a cut lip.
Lesso hated seeing you like this, she quite liked you as you were a bright student. And she desperately wanted to help you somehow.
"I'm going to do something, okay? But it shouldn't hurt." You just nodded in acceptance.
Lesso used her finger glow, waving it over your form, and your burns soothed to nothing but a faint mark. The scrapes that were already nothing practically vanished. To her dismay, the bruises only lightened. A frown came to her face when she realized that she couldn't rid you of them. Well, them being lessened is better than them being worse.
Her attention returned back to your face when she heard your sniffles, "Come on, love, can you sit up for me?"
You desperately wanted to hide but she drastically decreased your pain, and she was being uncharacteristically kind right now, so you gave in to her.
You looked at her and then at her outreached hands before grasping onto them.
"Y/n, what happened?" She helped pull you up and ease you to rest against the wall.
"I, uh, nothing."
She raised her brow, instantly detecting your lie, "Y/n. You and I both know that's not true."
You could instantly tell that there was no way to avoid this.
"They, uh, they think I'm not fit to be a Never. That both me and my power is pathetic." A humorless laugh left you. "Can't say I blame them."
That threw Lesso off, not expecting something like that to come from you.
"Y/n, that's not true. You're a bright young student, you're extremely passionate and smart."
You looked at her curiously, her words and face were nothing but sincere but your thoughts and their whispers had you unable to believe them.
You looked down at your hands in your lap, not able to stand her looking into your soul like that any longer.
"But I'm no Never..."
"Yes, you are. You just have to believe you are like I do," She believes in you? "You're the epitome of a Never. You have the passion a Never needs. Everyone else can see what you're capable of, and they're afraid. That's why they tear you down."
Lesso saw your lip quiver at her words, you both knew that you wanted it to be true. And though Lesso was right, you couldn't bring yourself to believe it. Your mind wouldn't allow you to.
She used two fingers to lightly direct your face to her, "Look."
Confused yet curious, you watched her intently as she asked.
She looked you in the eyes for a brief moment before directing her attention to her hands. She cupped them into a ball as a small and sweet smile graced her face. She looked at you again before swiveling one of her hands under the other to reveal a perfect black rose, sitting in the palm of her hand.
Your face instantly lit up, shifting from confused to amazed, watching as she delicately plucked the flower and handed it to you.
You grabbed the onyx rose, gently spinning it between your fingers before looking back at her, "I didn't know you could do that?!"
"You have great potential, Y/n. Don't let the fears of someone else control your capabilities."
"But how did you-"
You still hadn't told her what your powers truly were.
She took the rose from your fingers and placed it behind your ear, your hair keeping it in place, "That's not important,"
Excitedly, you moved to stand on your knees. You ignored the pain as you moved to be sitting on your legs in front of the Dean, who was now slightly confused at your newfound excitement.
But you had an idea.
You looked at her, "May I?" You asked, pointing at her hands.
Confused but curious, she allowed it.
You grasped her hands in yours, folding her hands as she had previously but keeping your hands placed on hers. You then closed your eyes, and Lesso could help but watch you.
She was always amazed by you, you were at the top of every class, but now you're showing her what you can do, and she couldn't be more excited to finally see it.
She'd never let on to it, but she did have a favorite student, and it was you. She was always proud of your knowledge of all topics, she was certain it would be you that helped Evil prevail this year. But she contained her excitement, for the sake of you, of course.
Lesso blinked away the intense look she had while watching you do your thing when you opened your eyes once more and looked at her.
"Your favorite color is purple, right?"
Lesso was shocked, "How did you know that?"
She doesn't wear it often and she certainly doesn't advertise that fact.
You said nothing but a small smile appeared on your face, and then you gently pulled her hands apart.
In her palms laid a purple flame lily, a beautiful and fierce flower much like the Dean.
A sense of pride filled you as a soft gasp left her lips when she examined the flower.
"This is my favorite flower... I haven't seen one since I came to the school. How'd you know that?" These flowers were littered all around Gavaldon.
More and more, Lesso became entranced by you and more so your abilities. She never once told anyone her favorite color or flower, and here you seemed to already know it.
"I'm kind of more than just a person with Chlorokinesis. I'm also an empath, though I don't really consider that to be my gift. But when I use my powers, they almost always tie together. So when I placed my hands on yours, my powers kind of read you." You were a little afraid that maybe you went too far.
"That's brilliant!" You'd never seen Lesso so proud, let alone of a student.
"Yes! You are an amazing student, and this just proves that! You're capable of great things." She spoke in the most gentle and sincere voice you've heard come from her.
You're smile grew even more.
"Why do you hide your powers?" She examined your eyes, though you had no intention of hiding the truth.
"Because, as you saw they're laughable to the other Nevers... They thought I wasn't fit to be in the school. I've heard all there was to say about my powers. And I was afraid of what my professors would think." Your voice was weak, effectively showing your worries.
Lesso finally stood from her spot, "Nonsense. It's an amazing gift if I do say so myself. And you have to learn to control them, then you'll be unstoppable." She reached out, offering a hand to help you to your feet.
You graciously accepted, "I've tried on my own, but I just can't get the hang of it." You spoke as you dusted yourself off.
She confidently raised a brow, "I'll help you. It's not like there's anyone else that's more fit for the job." Setting her decision with a single nod of her head.
"Really? You'd do that for me?"
"You're a Never, of course, I would." You saw the faintest trace of a smile on her face.
Just before she could turn and leave, you had a question.
"Is there a spare room I could move into? Or a room that has an empty bed?" Your shyness returned.
"Those girls, they were your roommates weren't they?" You simply nodded your answer and Lesso felt her anger towards the girl's return. "I'm sure I could figure out something for you."
And she did. By that night, you had your own room. And you were thankful for that for many different reasons. The main one was that you could practice your powers with all the room you needed, and no fear of judgment. And like promised, Lesso would sometimes drop by and teach you a tip or trick that helped her control her powers.
And you eventually discovered that you could do more than flowers. You could do anything from small flowers to even trees. And you knew that was all thanks to Lesso, though she was adamant it was just you unlocking your true potential. But you knew you didn't even want to until she showed you what you were capable of.
A part of your powers that you unlocked, were your vines. Lesso was particularly proud of these because of the binding ability they had, excellent for when you finally got your own fairytale.
Or maybe you'd use them before you even graduated.
Your previous roommates came up to you during mealtime. They didn't know of your progress with your powers, only Lesso did. And they wasted no time at all making fun of you for your flowers, even after their detention sentences.
When the girls started forcefully poking you, almost enough to nudge you in your seat, you looked to Lesso for guidance. She knew what you were asking with just the look in your eyes. She merely responded with a shrug, but she was excited.
She was waiting for this, this is what you trained for. You took her response as a cue that you wouldn't be punished for getting even.
Without even getting up from your seat or looking away from the girls, you silently commanded your vines to wrap around their ankles. They looked down, confused, before looking up at you with the realization that it was you doing it.
You stood up, facing the girls, and made the vines wrap further up their bodies, tying them as one. Lesso proudly watched on with a smirk, knowing this is what you waited for.
You still hadn't spoken a word to your bullies before you launched them across the dining hall. Their bodies slid down the wall and landed on the floor with a grunt, and your vines slithered away. Their current position curled up and groaning on the floor, was nearly identical to yours.
With a proud yet smug smile, you sat back in your seat. Sparing a glance back to Lesso to see her with an equally proud smile. She simply nodded in approval before you turned back to your meal.
You didn't notice that every other student had watched what you had just done, but at least you knew that you wouldn't be messed with anymore.
You were definitely a Never.
Taglist: @v3nusxsky, @pebbleswritessometimes, my tags list is basically my writing mutals so you guys can have first dibs at reading! <3
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marilynthornhilllover · 11 months
🤍✨️send this to ten other bloggers you think are wonderful. keep the game going✨️🤍
Love ya!
Let's start!!
To everyone who was tagged: I love your works so much! You fanfics are literally perfection! Send this to 10 bloggers you think are wonderful!!💕💕
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