#Vacation Rental Sites for Hosts
suitespotz · 11 months
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At Suite Spotz, we believe that everyone deserves to experience the luxury of a vacation, no matter what their budget is. That's why we offer a wide range of properties at different price points, so you can find the perfect one to fit your needs and budget. And because we're committed to providing our guests with the best possible experience, all of our properties are well-maintained and come with all the amenities you need for a comfortable and enjoyable stay
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jtargaryen18 · 2 months
The House of Shadowed Roses
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Words: 5.4k
Pairing: Edward (Loosely based off a "A Different Man") x Live-in Companion Reader M/F
Disclaimer: The author of this work claims no ownership of characters aside from the reader, and original secondary characters mentioned. This work is not intended for those under the age of 18 due to explicit sexual content and darker themes. By reading this work or any works on my blog (jtargaryen18), you agree that you are at least 18 years of age. I do not consent to have my work hosted on any third party app or site.
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"You could have flown away A singing bird in an open cage Who will only fly, only fly for freedom..." - "Walk On" U2
A/N: This is my spin on Beauty & the Beast. Edward, at the beginning of the story, has the condition neurofibromatosis as he does in the film. But this isn't going to be used in a negative way, nor are we going to include depictions of him being mistreated by others as a result. (Edward has structured his life in a way to avoid that.)
As you were reading over the short list of rentals into today's paper, you felt your frustation rising. Were you going to find another place to live before you had to leave your current apartment?
It had been a long few years. 
You graduated high school, started college pursuing a degree in business.Your first year in the MBA program was at the smaller Michigan university not far from your hometown. Your grades had been fine. You just realized after five years of business you didn't feel anything about it, one way or another. Did you really want to spend your life like that?
You took a gap year, working part time jobs to pay your bills and to keep your tiny, dark little apartment. You'd started working as a kennel assistant at a local veterinarian's office and what do you know? You found something you loved doing. Sure, you started out walking dogs, scooping poop, and cleaning kennels. But after a few months, you were trusted with other tasks in the clinic. You helped pull kittens or puppies when there was an expectant mother, you looked after animals boarded there. You helped put together prescriptions, sometimes helped the receptionists get vacations or personal days.
It was an easy choice, you were going back to school. The vet-med program was in Virginia but in four years, you'd earn a DVM. It was a job that you knew you'd appreciate and that would allow you to make a real difference. 
The problem was, now you were heading for thirty and the student loans were piling up. After two years in the program, you earned a two-year technician's degree. It was as good a time as any to get some work in the field and pay some of that debt down.
The veterinary hospital in the small Virginia town was even nicer than the first one you'd worked in back home. It was female-owned with three female doctors, two other techs who were guys, and a competent staff of receptionists, kennel assistants, and even a couple of volunteers. After six months, your job there just fortified your desire to achieve a career as a veterinary doctor.
The problem? Living spaces.
You knew the apartment in the old -- really old -- boarding house was probably a risk. The building was a hundred and twenty-five years old, there were drafts, creaking floors, and leaks from the ceiling when it rained. The electric wiring needed repairs often.
When you received the notice that the building where you lived was being condemned, you panicked. You had just a month to make other arrangements which meant your living conditions probably weren't safe. But its affordable rent had really helped you put some money back. 
Where were you supposed to go now?
When someone called your name the next day in the break room, you walked in to see Dave, one of the other techs, sitting at the table eating the lunch he'd packed and scrolling on his phone. He looked at you expectantly when he spotted you.
"Weren't you looking for a place to live?" he asked.
"Sure am," you told him.
"There's an ad in the marketplace," he told you, looking back to his phone. "Room for rent. Looking for someone to help with shopping and small errands. In exchange, will rent space: a bedroom, office or living room, and full bath. Kitchen and laundry can be shared."
When Dave read the address and the rent price per month, you were floored. It sounded like an elderly person looking for a housemate to help them with shopping or cleaning. That would be perfect for you and it was just fifteen minutes away from the hospital. 
"Can you send me that?" you asked him. "When was it posted?"
Dave took another look at the ad he'd read to you. "Says it was posted today."
"Perfect! Thank you," you told him.
Grabbing your phone from your locker, you were going to call right now. Hopefully, it was still available. It had the potential to be a really good deal for you.
Your call went straight to voicemail. A digital voice told you to leave your message at the tone. You did. You probably sounded like an idiot, but you quickly asked if they could call you back about the rental. You left your number and name.
And then nothing. At the end of your shift, there were no messages. The next day, no return call. The day after that? Nothing.
Damn, someone beat you to it. 
You spent the weekend doing laundry and boxing things up. You did your normal search each day in the papers, marketplaces. Maybe something you could afford would come up. You had two weeks now. You were gettting desperate.
You'd been home for maybe an hour Monday when the chime of your phone had you fishing it out of your purse to see who it was. The number was private but since you'd called to ask about another apartment this morning, you assumed it was them.
A deep, rough male voice asked to speak with you. When you confirmed it was you, he mentioned his house on Garden Street. You were floored! It was the house from the ad Dave told you about, the one where the owner was looking for help and offering a really affordable price. 
"Yes," you responded. "I am very interested in your ad."
"Do you live in the area?" he asked. 
His voice was strange. He didn't sound old per se. It was hard to tell. His voice was rough and sounded a little garbled. You had a little trouble understanding him. But there was no way in hell you were going say that. You wanted what he was offering.
You explained your situation and the urgency of it. Then you told him you appreciated his consideration. There was a long moment when he didn't say anything. Was he still there? Was he considering your case?
"I'd like to interview you," he said finally. "Tomorrow."
Really? "Okay, I can do that," you said. "What's a good time?"
Whatever you needed to do, you'd do it. Take the evening off from work even. 
"Come at eight-thirty," he said after a long pause. 
"In the morning?" You wanted to make sure you got it right. 
"No, tomorrow evening," he said. "I'll text you the address."
Okay. It was a little odd. But you needed a place to live. "I'll be there," you told him.
When you got off the phone, when you went to  bed, you could rest easier. Sure, there was a chance that you wouldn't get the place. But there was just as much of a chance that you would. You got a good night's sleep. 
Nerves were about to get the best of you as headed down that narrow dirt road in your car, pulling up to what looked like an old southern mansion. Twilight still clung to the deepening colors on the horizon and there was just enough light left to hint at a magnificent old house, a few of the first floor windows were lit up with soft light. There was a huge, elegant weeping willow tree in the front yard and what looked like huge flower beds on either side of the ornate front porch, their colors swallowed by the night.
Summoning your courage, you climbed out of your SUV and headed for the front door. The heat of a hot August day still lingered on the humid air and the chorus of crickets all around you made you feel like you'd entered some enchanting storybook tale.
What a beautiful place. What would it be like to live here?
You had enough time to go home and change out of your scrubs. You went with a strappy summer dress and cute sandals, a soft, summer cardigan lending a demure look to the outfit. You'd ultimately decided to carry a small purse with your phone. If you needed to make notes, you were well prepared.
The soft notes of piano music reached your ears as climbed the stairs to reach the front door. For a moment, you just listened. It sounded like someone was actually playing a piano rather than a recording and you smiled when you recognized the song. "Dream a Little Dream of Me."
You hated to disrupt that but you didn't want to be late either. Your smart watch showed you it was eight-thirty-one. 
Here goes.
Three sharp knocks on the door, announcing your presence. And just as you suspected, the music stopped. Footsteps grew louder as they neared the door. You smiled when the door swung open, anxious to greet your host and hopefully your new landlord.
But all you saw was his back as he walked swiftly away from you down a long shadowy hallway. 
"Come in!" he called back over his shoulder in that strange voice.
You hadn't expected that, hoping you hadn't done something wrong already. With nothing else to do, you quickly closed the front door behind you and followed him down the hall. He'd turned to the right, light from the room casting a spotlight on the floor. Slowly, you went that same route, peering into the room before you walked into it.
You couldn't help but smile to see all the beautiful antique furniture, a gorgeous Tiffany lamp in delicate shades of pink and purple glass adorning a small table by the window. There were no photos on the walls, which you found strange, but there were gorgeous paintings of beautiful nature views. The floor was polished wood, gleaming under your sandals as you slowly walked further into the room. You also spotted the small piano, it's dark wood catching the soft light around it.
Finally, you spotted your host sitting in a shadowy corner of the room in a huge leather chair.  He sat there so still that it startled you a little at first. It took you only a second to understand why. Your host's face... It was horribly disfigured. Swollen and misshapen, covered with bulbous areas beneath his skin. His hands were normal, telling you he probably wasn't that old. He was dressed nicely in slacks and a black dress shirt, looking ready to curl in on himself under your scrutiny.
Only one eye was really open, the other buried in the odd landscape of his face, and it was blue. That one-eyed gaze was fixed on you and you instantly read the fear and anxiety there. 
The poor man. Was it Proteus Syndrome? Or something else?
Instantly, you smiled. Years of seeing all sorts of animal injuries and conditions had you switching into the same objective mode you used at work and school. You noticed a chair sitting off to his left by a beautiful, large window. It was oddly placed several feet from him, but you understood why. You wanted him to feel comfortable with you.
"Thank you for agreeing to speak with me," you said in a tone you would have used with anyone else. Motioning toward the other chair, you asked, "May I?"
"Of course," he said, that fearful gaze on you as you took a seat. "I'm Edward. Thank you for coming out. I appreciate your... kindness."
With a nod, you told him your name, maintaining eye contact as you took a seat. 
"So, your ad mentioned needing help with shopping and small errands," you said, realizing why now.  "What are you looking for there?"
"Not a lot," Edward replied. "As you can imagine, going out can be difficult for me at times. My condition is called neurofibromatosis. I've always had it so I'm used to people's reactions. It's just, the older I get, the more I just... You'd think I'd be used to it by now."
Your heart cracked a little in your chest. You couldn't begin to imagine what life had been like for the man before you. What did you say to that?
"And forgive me, but," Edward paused for a beat. "You're just so lovely."
Saying "thank you" didn't feel right. You certainly didn't see yourself that way so you waited for the uncomfortable silence to pass.
"I'd like a weekly grocery run," he explained. "During spring, I'd like someone who could run to the garden center for me to get supplies. That would be quite a few trips actually. I enjoy gardening. It's a place of peace for me."
That had you smiling. Everything around you, the home, the landscape outside, looked gorgeous. Maybe his condition had condemned him to a life in the shadows because of his appearance. But it sounded like he enjoyed making his environment beautiful and it really was. You found that inspiring.
"It's a little dark outside," you said. "But the flower beds around the porch are gorgeous. I bet they're even more beautiful by day."
Slowly, he nodded. "Thank you."
"That's mostly it," Edward finished. "I might ask for take out once in a while. Not often. I'll make sure you have plenty of money to get everything on my list and whatever you might want for yourself."
None of that sounded like a problem at all for you. It was incredibly generous.
"You'd mentioned you were taking a gap year from college," he said. "How old are you? If you don't mind my asking."
"I'm turning twenty-nine soon," you said. 
Edward nodded, seeming to consider this. "How long do you plan to be here?"
"Oh, a while I'd think," you explained. "I'm about three months into my gap year right now. I'm going to the vet-med college. I still have two or three more years to get my DVM."
"The goal is to be a veterinarian?" he asked.
"It is," you told him. "I really love the hospital where I work now. I'm kind of hoping once I finish my degree that maybe I can stay and work there."
"So you're planning to live here," it wasn't a question, "instead of just passing through."
"I'm hoping to, yes," you said. "I work there full-time as a vet tech. I'm there by six in the morning and I get out around four. Most days. Some days we have last miute emergencies that keep us longer but it's not often. Maybe a couple of times a month. It shouldn't interefere with getting you what you need when you need it. If I get the accomodations that is."
Edward nodded, seemingly considering your words.
"Do you have any pets?" you asked him.
"Not at the moment, no."
That was a shame. The love of a pet could be good for someone like him. 
"If you ever decide you'd like to adopt a dog or cat, let me know. We work closely with the county shelter and a few different rescue leagues. There are a lot of pets in need of good homes."
"I'll keep that in mind," Edward said.
You nodded, feeling a little awkward. You felt like he was smiling. There was no way to know for sure because his face...
"My offer is this," Edward said, pulling you out of your thoughts. "You live here. Like the ad said, you get a bedroom, living room, and full bath. They are very spacious rooms. The kitchen is here on the ground floor and it should be equipped with anything you need. The laundry is in the basement. Washer, dryer, ironing station."
An ironing station? That had you smiling.
Thinking about room in this house, you felt a small spark of excitement growing. Not yet. You didn't know how much he was going to ask for rent. You could just hope that if you were willing to run errands and shop for him, he'd take the price down a little. His house was incredible.
"You run errands for me, help me when I need you, and do the shopping," he went on. "We'll call it even."
"Even?" you asked.
"I don't need your money," Edward said. "I have enough for a couple of lifetimes. My father left me quite an inheritance."
From the looks of everything around you, that appeared to be true. But you could stay for free?
You knew your confusion had to be showing on your face. Edward made a rough sound. Was it a chuckle?
"I have a couple more rules," he said after a moment. 
"Of course," you said, still waiting for the punch line. This man didn't know anything about you and he was just going to let you live in his old-fashioned mansion for free? Just for running his errands and getting his groceries?
"I enjoy a peaceful life here," Edward said. "No loud television or music."
That wasn't an issue. You enjoyed peace yourself. You nodded.
"I don't mind if you have deliveries here," he went on. "But no visitors."
No one at all? That wasn't a huge problem. Still, there was your sister Monica, her husband and your nephew Lucas. They stayed so busy with work and Lucas's little league games that a visit wasn't something you had to worry about right away. But if they wanted to visit? Were you were supposed to just meet them in town?
"Does that pose a problem?" Edward asked, his gaze with that one blue eye intent on you. "Is there a boyfriend?"
"No," you said instantly. Dating was hard these days with an endless array of guys on dating apps looking for Miss Right Now and tasteful nudes. You weren't into one-night stands. You were hoping one day to find someone to be friends first because friendship was the foundation of every great relationship you'd ever witnessed. With the right person, intimacy and love came later, building a beautiful life on top of that all-important foundation. That was what you wanted. And you weren't in a big hurry. Not right now while you were still in school, building an occupation and a life for yourself.
Was that a hint of surprise in that single blue eye?
"No," you repeated. You didn't elaborate. You didn't know Edward but for some reason, you sensed that your relationship - or lack thereof - was important to him. 
Edward studied you for a long moment. "I'm surprised."
Okay, you were a little uncomfortable being put on the spot about your personal life. You were looking for a place to live for a while. That usually involved signing a lease and a credit check. But this?
"I've been busy between school and work for a while now," you explained awkwardly. 
"You're beautiful," Edward was blunt. "That's why I was surprised."
You blew out an exhale. See? He was just being kind.
"Do you accept the offer?" he asked.
Wouldn't you be stupid to refuse him? Free rent would help you put back money for school that much faster. If you wanted to see your sister, you could go visit her. If you did meet someone? Well, you could evaluate your situation then.
"Yes," you told him. "Thank you... Is there an agreement or lease or something you want me to sign?"
"There will be," he said. "I'll have my attorney put it together for us."
Just like that, huh? No one else was competing with you for this?
"When can I expect you to move in?" Edward asked. 
"Well, I only have two weeks left," you explained. "I don't have a lot so I should be able to get everything packed up this week. I could maybe move in this weekend. If that's okay with you?"
"That sounds perfect," he said in his strangely distorted voice. 
"Would you like for me to run errands or shop for you this week?" you asked, grateful for the offer he made you. He was lonely man and you understood that. Compassion for a beautiful place to stay sounded like a good deal to you. 
"No." You sensed he was smiling again. "Make your preparations. You can move in this weekend and we'll sign the agreement then."
"Thank you," you told him. "I really appreciate this."
"I'm hoping this situation is one we will find mutually beneficial," Edward said softly. 
You nodded, rising to leave. Smoothing the skirt of your dress as you stood, you felt his gaze on you. Again, that sense of foreboding hit you. But why? Edward didn't feel like a threat to you. He was a lonely man looking for companionship maybe, some help in getting the things he needed.
"I'll call Friday," you told him, "to arrange a time for this weekend."
Edward shook his head. "No need. Come anytime you want this weekend."
"Thank you," you said, ready to go. "Goodnight."
You turned to leave, the piano catching your eye as you approached it. That had you turning back.
"You were playing the piano earlier," you said.
Edward nodded.
"Your playing was beautiful," you admitted.
Some emotion flashed in his eye. It was a little frustrating because you really couldn't read his expressions. You only had intuition to go on. But you sensed that you pleased him.
"Thank you," he said, adding your name. "Be careful on your way back to your apartment."
Nodding, you turned back to make your exit. When you walked out the door of Edward's mansion, you felt the cool night air wash over you. It was darker now but the moon was bright overhead. It lit the way back to your SUV. The night was gentle, peaceful when you climbed back into the driver's seat and started the engine. 
With one last look, your gaze roamed over what was going to be your new home. A beautiful old house and a gorgeous southern landscape. Free rent all for being quiet and getting whatever your new landlord needed. 
It was more than you could have hoped for.
You didn't notice Edward standing in the window, watching you leave. 
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s7ray-cat · 5 months
PSA for any LGBTQ2IA+ people traveling abroad
This is a link to the LGBTQ+ Travel Safety Index
(Disclaimer: These are excerpts from an article I found)
These are some tools to find safe places to travel for LGBTQ2IA+ people:
LGBTQ-specific travel news and safety basics
U.S. State Department ✈ A section of this government-run online resource offers basic pointers for LGBTQ travelers such as travel document checklists, general safety tips, and information about travel insurance and various U.S. embassy locations.
Equaldex ✈ Launched in 2014, this interactive map-anchored website keeps a running tab on LGBTQ rights–related laws around the world via a global network of user contributions.
National Center for Transgender Equality ✈ This Washington, D.C.–based advocacy organization addresses information relevant to gender-nonconforming and transgender travelers. It features a particularly comprehensive guide to airport security that addresses concerns related to potentially intrusive TSA screening procedures.
OutRight Action International ✈ Formerly known as the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission, this nonprofit publishes news, studies, and reports on LGBTQ issues around the world that can help travelers stay informed about safety in various destinations.
Erasing 76 Crimes ✈ Journalist and LGBTQ advocate Colin Stewart heads up this news-oriented blog that spotlights global developments related to LGBTQ rights spanning countries across the Middle East, Asia, Africa, Europe, Oceania, and the Americas.
GoAbroad’s LGBTQ Study Abroad Guide✈ For queer students interested in studying abroad, this PDF provides a wealth of information, including tips for coming out to a host family, LGBTQ-specific scholarships, and a list of queer-friendly study abroad programs.
LGBTQ-friendly accommodations and services
The International LGBTQ+ Travel Association ✈ This website acts as a one-stop-shop for all things related to LGBTQ travel planning. It brings together a massive network of queer-approved hotels, transportation providers, tourism boards, travel agencies, tour operators, event promoters, and local media in over 80 countries worldwide; it also maintains recommendation-based travel and business blogs.
Purple Roofs ✈ An LGBTQ mainstay since the late ’90s, this booking website showcases small, family-owned bed-and-breakfasts, hotels, vacation rentals, inns, and tour companies worldwide. It also hosts a variety of related travel resources, including event listings and a dedicated LGBTQ travel blog.
World Rainbow Hotels ✈ This modern travel directory combines a curated list of stylish, queer-friendly hotels in countries where attitudes toward gay, lesbian, bisexual, and trans travelers are for the most part accepting. The website also features an image-driven blog full of travel inspiration, global news, events, and other articles.
Travel Gayand Travel Gay Asia ✈ These twin booking sites serve a predominantly gay male audience, pointing international travelers to city guides with relevant information about bars, clubs, saunas, shops, beaches, and events, as well as queer-friendly hotels across the globe.
GayCities ✈ A similarly gay male–focused online travel guide, this web resource recommends gay-friendly bars, clubs, restaurants, hotels, shops, gyms, and more in 238 different cities from Cape Town to Mexico City.
In addition to explicitly LGBTQ outlets, you can now find pages dedicated to LGBTQ consumers on mainstream online travel booking sites like Expedia and Orbitz. Queer-oriented promotions and packages are also often offered by big-name hotels such as Marriott and Kimpton.
LGBTQ-specialized tour operators and agencies
LGBTQ-friendly tour operators for organized trips
For LGBTQ travelers who’d rather leave trip planning to the experts, award-winning tour operators such as Outstanding Travel, Zoom Vacations, Out Adventures, Toto Tours, Detours Travel, and Concierge Travel all offer a diverse array of international group and private trips. International tour operator R Family Vacations also designs and leads LGBTQ family-friendly trips (plus a few new adults-only options) on land and at sea for public groups and individuals. The queer-run wilderness education organization, The Venture Out Project, operates LGBTQ-specific backpacking trips in the United States for teens, adults, and families.
LGBTQ-friendly cruises
Inclusive travel company Vacaya hosts curated LGBTQ getaways on chartered cruise ships, as well as to all-LGBTQ international resorts. The popular lesbian travel brand Olivia Cruises has been running entertainment-filled cruise, resort, adventure, and riverboat group trips exclusively for queer female–identified travelers since 1990. And cruise company Source Events, which caters predominantly to gay men and their families, organizes both all-gay charters and private LGBTQ groups aboard larger cruise ships (as well as personalized cruise journeys and on-land group itineraries).
Related Free Travel Apps to Download Before Your Next Trip
LGBTQ-friendly travel and networking apps
From joining queer-specific networking groups, to checking for upcoming LGBTQ events in different cities, to starting important conversations about shared experiences through hashtags such as #travelingwhiletrans, LGBTQ travelers have long relied on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter when planning for domestic and international trips. More recently, meetup apps have created new opportunities for connection between LGBTQ travelers.
Apps (available on iOS and Android)
Meetup ✈ This stalwart community-building platform is a great tool for connecting with fellow LGBTQ folks and getting to know local queer scenes on the road. The “LGBTQ Meetups” section points app users toward various happy hours, professional networking events, book clubs, and hiking groups, as well as playgroups for LGBTQ parents.
SCRUFF Venture ✈ Gay dating app SCRUFF recently launched a travel-oriented edition aimed at making it easier to connect with LGBTQ people “before and while you travel.” By clicking into one of the app’s 500-plus destinations, users can view members marked as “visiting now” or “visiting soon” in each given location. The app also provides travel tips from city “Ambassadors” (members who volunteer to give advice and recommendations to visitors), plus updates about LGBTQ issue–related travel advisories.
Refuge Restrooms ✈ This important resource for trans, intersex, and gender-nonconforming individuals maps out safe restrooms in various countries around the world, which users can search for based on proximity to a location.
Related Seeing the World Through Rainbow-Colored Glasses
LGBTQ-focused travel magazines and blogs
Out Magazine’s online outpost Out Traveler covers everything from luxury LGBTQ-friendly hotels and nightlife hot spots to the latest must-have gadgets for jet-setters. Passport Magazine, available in both digital and print formats, touches upon a wealth of topics related to LGBTQ travel, with sections devoted to food and drink, hotel reviews, product roundups, and events. Also worth checking out is Connextions Magazine, which compiles long-form hotel reviews, human interest stories, destination guides, and other global lifestyle content relevant to LGBTQ travelers. (The print and digital publication also has a Spanish edition.)
Although not their main focus, many widely circulated LGBTQ lifestyle outlets like the Advocate, Curve, Autostraddle, Diva, and Chill also feature travel-related news, commentary, city guides, hotel reviews, profiles, and more.
Touted as “a lifestyle blog for men and other stylish travelers,” the popular blog Travels of Adam hosts op-eds and personal essays, LGBTQ travel tips and hacks, and restaurant, bar, and hotel reviews in destinations from Egypt to England. Married couple Auston and David head up another gay male–focused travel blog called Two Bad Tourists, which features navigating international gay-friendly destinations, festivals, and events.
On the queer female travel blog Dopes on the Road, you can expect to find a wide range of content, from travel diaries and safety tips to pop culture commentary. Beautiful photo galleries, travel journals, LGBTQ profiles and interviews, travel tips, and destination guides dominate Once Upon a Journey, a helpful travel blog from lesbian couple Roxanne Weijer and Maartje Hensen.
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mariacallous · 1 year
As few as 2 percent of New York City’s previous 22,000 short-term rentals on Airbnb have been registered with the city since a new law banning most listings came into effect in early September. But many illegal short-term rental listings are now being advertised on social media and lesser known platforms, with some still seemingly being listed on Airbnb itself.
The number of short-term listings on Airbnb has fallen by more than 80 percent, from 22,434 in August to just 3,227 by October 1, according to Inside Airbnb, a watchdog group that tracks the booking platform. But just 417 properties have been registered with the city, suggesting that very few of the city’s short-term rentals have been able to get permission to continue operating.
The crackdown in New York has created a “black market” for short-term rentals in the city, claims Lisa Grossman, a spokesperson for Restore Homeowner Autonomy and Rights (RHOAR), a local group that opposed the law. Grossman says she’s seen the short-term rental market pick up steam on places like Facebook since the ban. “People are going underground,” she says.
New York’s crackdown on short-term rentals has dramatically reshaped the vacation rental market in the city. People are using sites like Craigslist, Facebook, Houfy, and others, where they can search for guests or places to book without the checks and balances of booking platforms like Airbnb. Hotel prices are expected to rise with more demand.
Search for a short stay on Airbnb, and there are few places scattered across the map. Many of those old listings have turned into stays of 30 days or longer—meaning they do not need to be registered.
AirDNA, a short-term rental intelligence firm, found just 2,300 short-term rentals on Airbnb in New York City by late September. The number of stays advertised as long-term rentals now makes up 94 percent of Airbnb’s listings in the city, AirDNA’s data shows. Hosts must meet strict requirements to be approved as a short-term rental—they can have only two guests, and the host must be present in the home during the stay. This change banned many whole apartment listings, except for those that fell under a Class B dwelling category, like hotels, boarding houses, and clubs.
But people are finding ways around the rules. Many listings on Airbnb now include a space in the property’s description for hosts to enter a registration number or state that they are exempt. WIRED searched Airbnb for stays in New York and found many short-term rentals that list themselves as exempt from the city’s registration rules, but there are still several entire units available for short stays that do not appear to be hotels or exempt units.
In one listing marked as exempt, the host asks for guests to avoid interacting with the building’s concierge. On another listing, a host claims they used to live in the unit but have moved to New Jersey and now rent it out. One appears to be a rowhome in a mostly residential neighborhood in Brooklyn. Airbnb uses the city’s verification system to flag unregistered units. The company did not provide comment for this story addressing these specific listings flagged by WIRED. Nathan Rotman, the public policy regional lead for Airbnb, says the company is “working closely” with the city as it implements the new registration law.
Inside Airbnb’s data shows some 2,300 short-term properties have listed themselves as exempt from registration on Airbnb. There are a few hundred more that do not say whether they are exempt or registered, according to the data. Another 35,000 are long-term rentals. Airbnb did not confirm the numbers in the data scraped by Inside Airbnb. The Mayor's Office of Special Enforcement in New York, which manages the registration program, did not provide an update on the total number of short-term rentals it has registered, or whether it has issued violations for illegal listings. 
The New York City law is just one striking way cities are fighting back against short-term rentals. Supporters of the rule argued it would free up apartments for New Yorkers, who pay high rent prices and are facing housing shortages and insecurity. But others, including small-time landlords, said it would take away a source of flexible extra income without making a dent in the housing supply crisis.
Those smaller landlords are still pushing New York City councilors to change the rules to allow them to rent out their units. RHOAR is made up of hosts who own and occupy single-family homes or homes with two dwelling units. These hosts feel they have been unfairly looped in with big landlords. Grossman says RHOAR has met with city councilors in hopes of changing the law so that smaller hosts can still legally do short-term renting.
Outside of Airbnb, people are posting listings and seeking short-term rentals in Facebook groups. Ads on Craigslist for rentals have weekly or nightly prices listed—WIRED found one listing with a weekly and nightly price on Craigslist that also appears on Airbnb, but can only be booked for 30 days or longer on Airbnb. These off-platform rentals pose risks to both guests and hosts, who could get scammed without the protections of bigger companies like Airbnb. 
Craigslist did not respond to a request for comment. Meta, Facebook's parent company, did not comment on specific listings flagged by WIRED, but the company's policies require buyers and sellers in Facebook Marketplace to comply with local laws, and the company prohibits people from promoting illegal activity in Facebook pages and groups.  
Then there’s Houfy, another website listing short-term rentals. WIRED found that many of the listings come from guests who joined the site in September, the same month New York’s new registration rules took effect. The intention is for guests to book directly with hosts—think Airbnb without the fees. The site compares prices for the same property on Airbnb and Houfy and claims to show how much people can save by avoiding Airbnb’s fees.
Houfy has received a notice from New York City about the new rule and is “reviewing how to comply with their rules,” Thijs Aaftink, CEO of Houfy, tells WIRED. Aaftink says Houfy, unlike Airbnb and other rental sites, does not take commissions on transactions between hosts and guests, and argues the company “is therefore not part of the transaction.” He says hosts are responsible for complying with local laws when listing properties.
After the rule change, Airbnb is shifting attention away from New York, which was once its biggest market. Airbnb CEO Brian Chesky has recently said the company is exploring longer rentals, as well as car rentals and dining pop-ups. And it has got its eyes on Paris, its largest market and home to the 2024 Summer Olympics.
“I was always hopeful that New York City would lead the way—that we would find a solution in New York, and people would say, ‘If they can make it in New York, they can make it anywhere,’” Chesky said during an event in September hosted by Skift, a travel industry news site. “I think, unfortunately, New York is no longer leading the way—it’s probably a cautionary tale.”
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Starting Feb. 1, booking a room in a Vancouver hotel, Airbnb or vacation rental by owner (VRBO) will come with an additional 2.5 per cent tax as the city seeks to raise revenue to host the 2026 FIFA World Cup.
To help offset hosting costs, the B.C. government and Destination Vancouver have agreed to the temporary tax rate on sales of short-term accommodation for the next seven years.
Revenues from the temporary tax hike — known as the Major Events Municipal Regional District Tax — will be used to finance planning, staging and hosting the soccer tournament.
The City of Vancouver asked the provincial government for the tax hike last fall, saying the city would have to run at "above and beyond normal operating city service levels" for the World Cup.
Revenues from the major events tax will go toward offsetting the costs of staff, security, venues, resourcing and training sites.
Vancouver and Toronto are among 16 North American host cities and will hold 10 of the event's 70 matches. [...]
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Tagging: @politicsofcanada
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boarding005 · 4 days
Affordable Holiday Rentals in Los Angeles
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Introduction: Los Angeles, the entertainment capital of the world, offers a wide array of experiences for visitors. From the glitz of Hollywood to the sandy beaches of Santa Monica, LA is a dynamic city brimming with iconic attractions. However, like many popular tourist destinations, the cost of accommodations can add up quickly. Thankfully, there are numerous affordable holiday rentals options available throughout the city that make it possible to enjoy Los Angeles on a budget.
On bOarding.com, we’ll cover how to find affordable holiday rentals in Los Angeles, the best neighborhoods to stay in, and tips for making the most of your budget while exploring this vibrant city.
1. How to Find Affordable Holiday Rentals in Los Angeles
A. Explore Vacation Rental Platforms
Finding affordable holiday rentals in Los Angeles is made easier with the help of online platforms like Airbnb, Vrbo, and Booking.com, Boarding.com. These platforms offer a wide range of rental options to suit different budgets, from shared spaces to entire homes or apartments. The key advantage of these platforms is the ability to filter rentals by price, location, and amenities, allowing you to find the perfect place to stay within your budget.
Airbnb: As one of the most popular vacation rental platforms, Airbnb offers a broad selection of properties in LA, ranging from shared rooms to private homes. With flexible pricing options, Airbnb allows you to find accommodations in various neighborhoods throughout Los Angeles.
Vrbo: Vrbo specializes in whole-home rentals, making it a great option for families or groups. While some areas of LA may have pricier options, Vrbo’s flexible search tools let you narrow down affordable choices.
Booking.com: Known for its variety of lodging options, Booking.com offers vacation rentals, apartments, and hotels in Los Angeles. Their deals and discounts help travelers find budget-friendly accommodations in even the most expensive parts of the city.
Boarding.com: b0arding is a travel booking platform that helps people make the most accurate travel choices and take better trips.Backed by Google, Booking.com, Amadeus, and others, b0arding.com is the only go-to site for finding hotels & vacation rentals with video reviews from those who have been there before.
B. Book Early or Take Advantage of Last-Minute Deals
For those looking to save on holiday rentals in Los Angeles, timing is key. Booking several months in advance can help you secure lower rates, especially during peak seasons. However, if you have flexible travel plans, last-minute deals can also offer significant savings. Rental hosts often reduce prices for unbooked properties as the date approaches, making it possible to snag a great deal at the last minute.
C. Leverage Long-Term Stay Discounts
If you’re planning to stay in Los Angeles for an extended period, many hosts on platforms like Airbnb and Vrbo offer discounts for longer stays. This can be a cost-effective option if you’re staying for a week or more, as daily rates often decrease significantly for long-term rentals.
2. Best Neighborhoods for Affordable Holiday Rentals in Los Angeles
Los Angeles is known for its diverse neighborhoods, each offering a unique atmosphere and attractions. While some areas, like Beverly Hills, may be out of reach for budget travelers, there are plenty of neighborhoods where you can find affordable holiday rentals without sacrificing convenience or comfort.
A. Silver Lake
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Silver Lake, known for its trendy vibe and hipster culture, is a great option for budget travelers. The neighborhood offers a variety of affordable holiday rentals, from cozy apartments to private rooms in local homes. Silver Lake is also home to many affordable restaurants, coffee shops, and local markets, making it easy to explore the area without spending a fortune. With its proximity to downtown Los Angeles and easy access to public transportation, Silver Lake is an ideal spot for those who want to experience the city without the high cost of staying in tourist-heavy areas.
B. Echo Park
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Echo Park, located just north of downtown LA, is another budget-friendly neighborhood with a vibrant local scene. Known for its eclectic mix of indie boutiques, cafes, and cultural landmarks, Echo Park is perfect for travelers looking for an affordable yet trendy place to stay. The neighborhood is well-connected by public transportation, making it easy to reach popular attractions like the Hollywood Walk of Fame, Griffith Observatory, and Dodger Stadium.
C. Koreatown
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Koreatown, one of LA’s most dynamic neighborhoods, offers a range of affordable holiday rentals while still being centrally located. This vibrant area is known for its incredible food scene, with many affordable Korean BBQ spots, cafes, and late-night eateries. Staying in Koreatown means being close to downtown, Hollywood, and the Miracle Mile, all while keeping accommodation costs relatively low. Many vacation rentals in this area offer excellent value for travelers seeking a central location on a budget.
D. Culver City
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Culver City is a burgeoning neighborhood offering affordable holiday rentals with easy access to both the beach and downtown Los Angeles. Known for its growing arts district, galleries, and local food scene, Culver City is perfect for travelers looking for a laid-back experience. It’s also just a short drive or Metro ride away from Venice Beach and Santa Monica, allowing visitors to enjoy LA’s famous coastline without paying beachfront prices.
E. North Hollywood (NoHo)
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North Hollywood, or "NoHo," is an up-and-coming neighborhood offering a range of affordable holiday rental options. Located in the San Fernando Valley, NoHo is known for its arts district, local theaters, and eclectic dining scene. While it’s a bit farther from central LA attractions, NoHo’s affordable accommodations and easy access to the Metro Red Line make it a convenient and budget-friendly choice for travelers.
3. Types of Affordable Holiday Rentals in Los Angeles
Los Angeles offers a variety of holiday rental options to suit different budgets and preferences. Whether you’re traveling solo, with family, or in a group, there’s something for everyone.
A. Shared Spaces and Private Rooms
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For solo travelers or couples looking for the most affordable options, shared spaces and private rooms in local homes or apartments offer a great way to save money. bOarding.com hosts in LA offer private rooms with access to shared living spaces, providing a budget-friendly alternative to hotels. Shared spaces are also a great way to meet locals and get personalized recommendations for exploring the city.
B. Studio Apartments
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Studio apartments are another popular option for budget-conscious travelers. These compact, self-contained units are perfect for solo travelers or couples who want more privacy than a shared room but still want to keep costs low. Many studio rentals come equipped with small kitchens or kitchenettes, allowing you to save money by preparing your own meals.
C. Entire Apartments or Homes
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If you’re traveling with family or a group of friends, renting an entire apartment or home can be a cost-effective solution. Splitting the cost of a larger rental among several people often results in lower per-person rates than booking multiple hotel rooms. Look for affordable holiday rentals in neighborhoods like North Hollywood or Koreatown, where you can find spacious homes or apartments at reasonable prices.
D. Hostels and Dorm-Style Accommodations
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For travelers who prioritize affordability over privacy, hostels and dorm-style accommodations are available in some parts of Los Angeles. These are the cheapest options and can be a great way to meet fellow travelers. Hostels are typically located in areas like Hollywood and Venice Beach, offering affordable accommodations in popular tourist spots.
4. Tips for Saving Money on Your Holiday Rental in Los Angeles
Staying in an affordable holiday rental is just one way to save money during your trip to Los Angeles. Here are some additional tips to help you stick to your budget:
A. Travel During the Off Season
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Los Angeles is a popular destination year-round, but visiting during the off-peak season (typically from October to March) can help you save on accommodations. During these months, rental prices tend to be lower, and you’ll avoid the crowds and higher costs associated with peak travel times.
B. Use Public Transportation
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Los Angeles may be known for its car culture, but the city also has a reliable public transportation system, including buses, the Metro Rail, and the DASH shuttle. Opting for public transportation instead of renting a car or relying on rideshare services can help you save money on transportation costs. Many affordable holiday rentals are located near Metro stations, making it easy to explore the city without the expense of car rentals or parking fees.
C. Cook Your Own Meals
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Many affordable holiday rentals in Los Angeles come with kitchens or kitchenettes, allowing you to cook your own meals. Dining out in LA can be expensive, but preparing your own breakfast or dinner can help you stick to your budget. Visit local grocery stores or farmers’ markets to pick up fresh ingredients and enjoy a homemade meal.
Finding affordable holiday rentals in Los Angeles doesn’t have to be a challenge. With a wide variety of rental options available across diverse neighborhoods, it’s possible to experience everything this vibrant city has to offer without overspending. Whether you’re staying in trendy Silver Lake, dynamic Koreatown, or up-and-coming North Hollywood, Los Angeles has budget-friendly accommodations to suit every traveler.By booking at bOarding.com in advance, using vacation rental platforms, and taking advantage of public transportation and local dining options, you can make the most of your budget and enjoy a memorable stay in the City of Angels. Start planning your affordable LA getaway today!
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standspro1 · 5 days
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ITB Berlin 2025: A world-class travel and tourism event
It is anticipated that ITB Berlin 2025 will take place in Berlin, Germany, between 4th-5th March 2025. Following the great success of 2024 ITB Berlin, the event was brought back in Berlin to be the very first time for the general public. The host country for ITB 2025 in Berlin is Georgia. Visitors are able to easily walk through ITB Berlin’s exhibition hall. ITB Berlin exhibition hall with indications of the layout and sections in the marketplace. The topics in the fair are split into distinct segments, including the Business Home Tourism segment to LGBT+ and Medical Tourism Adventure Responsible Cheap Tourism, Youth Travel and numerous others.
Insights of the ITB Berlin 2025
ITB Berlin is a three-day event to showcase businesses, trade visitors, media, and consumers. Marketers also have the opportunity to use modern tools for digital marketing, like Artificial Intelligence, Data Analytics, and machine learning, to better understand their customers and enhance their campaigns according to the results from ITB Berlin 2025. The event will be immediately followed by the ITB Berlin Lighting Awards, which recognize the best lighting. It is expected that ITB 2025 Berlin will cover an array of topics and the most renowned professionals will display their products and 11 of them are in the following order:
Entertainment, Travel and Tourism Officer
Business trip
Career Center for Education, Career and Orientation
Cultural tourism
Directions to ITB Berlin
LGBTQ+ Tourism
Luxury Travel
Health tourism
Travel technology and technology
Budget accommodation and youth travel
Event Details: ITB Berlin 2025
Name of the Show: ITB Berlin (Internationale Tourismus-Börse Berlin)
Dates: March 4th to March 6th, 2025
Location: Berlin, Germany
Organiser: ITB Berlin is organized by Messe Berlin GmbH, one of the world’s leading trade fair companies, with extensive experience in hosting international travel and tourism events.
Exhibitor Profile: ITB Berlin attracts exhibitors from various sectors of the travel and tourism industry, including:
Destination Management Organizations (DMOs): National and regional tourism boards promoting tourist destinations, attractions, and cultural heritage sites to travelers and tour operators.
Travel Agencies and Tour Operators: Travel agencies, tour operators, and travel wholesalers offering vacation packages, adventure tours, cruises, and specialized travel experiences.
Accommodation Providers: Hotels, resorts, lodges, and accommodation providers showcasing their properties, amenities, and hospitality services to travel professionals and consumers.
Transportation and Logistics: Airlines, railways, cruise lines, car rental companies, and transportation providers presenting their services, routes, and travel packages to visitors and travel agents.
Technology and Travel Tech Solutions: Providers of travel technology solutions, booking systems, travel management software, and digital platforms for online booking, reservations, and travel planning.
Why Attend the Show:
Networking Opportunities: Connect with travel industry professionals, decision-makers, and experts from around the world, fostering collaborations, partnerships, and business relationships.
Market Insights: Gain valuable insights into the latest travel trends, market developments, consumer preferences, and emerging destinations in the global travel and tourism industry.
Product Showcase: Explore a diverse range of travel products, services, and destinations from exhibitors, gaining inspiration and ideas for future travel experiences and itineraries.
Educational Seminars and Workshops: Attend conferences, seminars, and workshops featuring industry leaders, thought-provoking speakers, and experts discussing topics such as sustainable tourism, digital marketing, and travel innovation.
Business Development: Discover new business opportunities, forge strategic partnerships, and expand your network within the travel and tourism sector, driving growth and success for your business.
Organiser Website Link for More Info: For more information about ITB Berlin 2025, including registration details, exhibitor information, and the event program, please visit the official website: ITB Berlin
In summary, ITB Berlin 2025 is a must-attend event for travel industry professionals, offering valuable networking opportunities, market insights, product showcases, educational resources, and business development opportunities within the global travel and tourism sector.
ITB 2025, located in Berlin, is an event where professionals from industry, decision-makers, and buyers from around the world come to the trade fair for travel in Berlin to find out about the latest trends in the field, build business relationships, and create business throughout the globe. Berlin International Tourism Fair ranks among the top international tourism fairs worldwide, as it is the biggest event in the world of travel. The ITB Berlin 2025 Germany also has a high participation proportion, more than 90 percent.
Get ready for the ITB Berlin 2025 showcase stage by getting the contact details of a dependable exhibition stand builder in Berlin. Look at Stands Pro, renowned for its exquisite exhibition stand in Berlin. With our vast expertise and unparalleled knowledge, We ensure that your presence during ITB 2025 Berlin will leave a lasting impression.
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Luxury at the Shore: Why Beachfront Rentals Are Worth Every Penny
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A beachfront rental offers an exceptional vacation experience by combining luxury accommodations with direct access to the ocean. These properties provide immediate proximity to the beach, allowing guests to enjoy stunning ocean views and effortless beach access right from their doorstep. With amenities designed for comfort and relaxation, such as private terraces, gourmet kitchens, and exclusive access to beach activities, a beachfront rental ensures a premium and personalized stay. Investing in a beachfront rental is a strategic choice for those seeking a memorable and high-quality coastal escape, providing both a unique lifestyle experience and potential long-term value.
1. Unmatched Ocean Views
Imagine waking up to the sight of the sun rising over the horizon, the gentle waves lapping at the shore, and a panoramic view of the sea from your own private balcony. This constant, direct access to ocean views is something that hotels or inland rentals can rarely match. The sight of the ocean can be incredibly soothing and invigorating, making your vacation feel truly special.
2. Direct Beach Access
With a beachfront rental near Hermosa Beach, the beach is just steps away from your door. It means you can easily access the sand and surf without having to navigate parking lots or crowded public beach access points. Whether you want to take a morning swim, build sandcastles with the kids, or enjoy a sunset stroll along the shore, having direct access to the beach enhances the convenience and enjoyment of your vacation. This level of proximity is ideal for spontaneous beach outings and leisurely beachside activities.
3. Enhanced Privacy
Many beachfront properties are standalone homes or private villas, providing a secluded environment where you can relax without the presence of other guests. The extra privacy is perfect for romantic getaways, family vacations, or group retreats where you want to enjoy each other's company without interruptions. You can unwind in your own space, host private gatherings, and enjoy the tranquility of the beach without the usual hotel crowds.
4. Luxurious Amenities
From private pools and hot tubs to gourmet kitchens and spacious living areas, these properties are designed with luxury in mind. Many also feature outdoor spaces such as patios, decks, or terraces where you can relax and take in the view. Some beachfront rentals even offer additional perks like personal chefs, concierge services, or private beach access. These amenities elevate your vacation experience, making it truly memorable.
5. Unique and Memorable Experience
The combination of luxury, privacy, and direct access to the beach creates a one-of-a-kind setting that’s hard to replicate. Whether you’re hosting a special event, celebrating a milestone, or simply enjoying a family vacation, the setting of a beachfront rental adds an extra layer of excitement and charm. It provides a memorable backdrop for your holiday, making it an experience you and your guests will cherish for years to come.
6. Opportunities for Activities
You can enjoy beach sports like volleyball or paddleboarding, go snorkeling or fishing, or simply relax on the sand with a good book. Many beachfront house rentals near Manhattan Beach and Hermosa Beach also offer nearby attractions such as restaurants, shops, and cultural sites. Having all these opportunities within reach enhances the overall vacation experience, giving you the chance to explore and enjoy everything the area has to offer.
7. Personalized Experience
Many rental properties are managed by individual owners or local agencies who take pride in providing a unique and customized stay. You might receive personalized recommendations for local attractions, special touches like welcome baskets, or even custom services tailored to your preferences. This personal touch can make your vacation feel special and cater to your needs, adding to the overall enjoyment of your stay.
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elsie--young · 1 month
Nepal Vacation Rentals: Your Gateway to an Authentic Himalayan Experience!
When planning my trip to Nepal, I was faced with a big decision: Where should I stay to make the most of my experience? Nepal is known for its stunning landscapes and rich cultural heritage, but finding the right place to stay can be a bit tricky. Do I go for a hotel in the city, or do I look for a more authentic experience? That's when I stumbled upon Nepal vacation rentals, and I realized that this might be the perfect way to immerse myself in the local culture.
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Problem: Finding the Perfect Stay in Nepal
Choosing accommodation for a trip to Nepal can be overwhelming. The country has a wide range of options, from luxury hotels in Kathmandu to simple guesthouses in the mountains. But with so many choices, it's hard to know which one will give you the best experience. I wanted to be close to nature, have easy access to local attractions, and stay somewhere that felt like home.
Agitation: The Risk of Missing Out on a Unique Experience
I didn't want my trip to Nepal to feel like any other vacation. I wanted to experience the local culture, connect with the community, and wake up to the view of the Himalayas. Staying in a standard hotel room just didn't seem like the right choice. I was worried that if I picked the wrong accommodation, I would miss out on a truly authentic experience.
Solution: Choosing Nepal Vacation Rentals
That's when I decided to look into Nepal vacation rentals. These rentals, ranging from cozy apartments in the city to rustic cottages in the countryside, offer a unique and personal touch. Many rentals are hosted by locals, which gives you a chance to learn about Nepali culture firsthand. For example, I found a rental in Bhaktapur, an ancient city just outside Kathmandu, for around $50 a night. This allowed me to explore the city’s rich heritage and enjoy home-cooked meals prepared by my host.
1. Staying Close to the Action:
My rental in Bhaktapur was just a short walk from the famous Durbar Square, a UNESCO World Heritage site. It was an ideal location for sightseeing without the need to hire a taxi or rely on public transport. Staying in a vacation rental meant I could explore at my own pace and return to a comfortable home base whenever I needed a break.
2. Connecting with Locals:
One of the best parts of choosing Nepal vacation rentals was the chance to connect with locals. My host, a friendly Nepali woman, shared stories about her life in Bhaktapur, gave me tips on where to eat, and even invited me to join her family for a traditional meal. This experience was priceless and something I wouldn’t have found in a hotel.
3. Cost-Effective and Comfortable:
Vacation rentals in Nepal are often more affordable than hotels, especially if you’re traveling with a group or planning an extended stay. I found that my rental provided all the comforts of home, including a kitchen, living area, and even a small garden. For a similar price at a hotel, I would have been limited to a basic room.
Conclusion: Why Choose Nepal Vacation Rentals?
If you’re planning a trip to Nepal and looking for a unique and authentic experience, consider Nepal vacation rentals. Not only do they offer comfort and convenience, but they also provide a chance to connect with the local culture in a way that hotels simply can't. Whether you're staying in the heart of Kathmandu or in a mountain village, vacation rentals offer a home away from home. So, when planning your Nepal vacation, look into vacation rentals to make the most of your Himalayan adventure. For those seeking an authentic experience, Nepal vacation rentals are the perfect choice.
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suitespotz · 11 months
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prameethsd · 1 month
Unlock the Power of Unique Local Experiences with HomestayDNN’s Airbnb-Like Module
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Looking for ways to elevate your vacation rental business and stand out from the competition? HomestayDNN’s Airbnb-Like Experience module is the ideal solution. This feature empowers hosts to offer unique, locally curated experiences, driving guest engagement and increasing revenue. Whether it's guided tours, cooking classes, or adventure activities, the feature enables hosts to create limitless experiences.
HomestayDNN provides seamless integration of these experiences into rental listings, making it easy for admins to manage bookings and earnings while boosting exposure to potential guests. The platform supports instant bookings, real-time transaction tracking, and effortless experience management. With added flexibility for hosts and easy booking for guests, HomestayDNN's solution provides a strategic edge for vacation rental businesses looking to increase revenue streams through immersive local experiences.
The Airbnb-like experience feature also offers admins full control over what is showcased on their platform, enhancing quality and appeal. By integrating these experiences into your vacation rental site, you attract new customers and provide added value, improving both bookings and retention.
Incorporating HomestayDNN's Airbnb-like experience module into your rental platform allows you to tap into the booming demand for authentic local experiences, enriching guest stays while generating additional income for hosts. Schedule a demo with HomestayDNN today and explore how this feature can help grow your vacation rental business effortlessly.
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southgatetravels · 1 month
Experience Luxury with Premium Car Rentals in Kochi
Kochi, known as the Queen of the Arabian Sea, is a vibrant city that beautifully blends tradition and modernity. Whether you’re in town for business, a special event, or a leisurely vacation, the best way to explore this dynamic city is by opting for a Premium Car Rentals in kochi . Renting a luxury vehicle not only adds comfort and style to your journey but also ensures that you experience Kochi at its finest.
Why Choose Premium Car Rentals in Kochi?
When it comes to transportation, premium car rentals offer a host of advantages over standard options. From unparalleled comfort to the prestige of arriving in a luxury vehicle, the benefits are numerous:
1. Unmatched Comfort and Style
One of the primary reasons to choose a premium car rental in Kochi is the sheer comfort and style these vehicles offer. Whether you’re navigating the bustling streets of Kochi or cruising along the scenic coastline, luxury cars like Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Audi, and Jaguar provide a superior driving experience. With plush interiors, advanced technology, and top-notch safety features, you’ll be able to relax and enjoy your journey in absolute comfort.
2. Make a Lasting Impression
First impressions matter, especially if you’re in Kochi for a business meeting or a special event. Arriving in a premium car instantly elevates your status and leaves a lasting impression. Whether you’re attending a high-profile business conference, a wedding, or a cultural event, a luxury car adds a touch of sophistication that’s hard to beat.
3. Explore Kochi in Style
Kochi is a city full of contrasts, from its historical sites like Fort Kochi and Mattancherry Palace to its modern attractions like Lulu Mall and the vibrant Marine Drive. Exploring these places in a luxury car not only enhances the experience but also allows you to travel in style and comfort. Whether you’re visiting the city’s iconic landmarks, enjoying a drive along the scenic backwaters, or heading out for a fine dining experience, a premium car ensures that you do so with elegance.
4. Perfect for Special Occasions
Premium car rentals are an excellent choice for special occasions such as weddings, anniversaries, or milestone celebrations. Arriving at your event in a luxurious vehicle adds a sense of occasion and ensures that your day is as memorable as possible. Many car rental services in Kochi offer packages that cater specifically to weddings and other special events, allowing you to choose a vehicle that complements your celebration.
5. Professional Chauffeur Services
Many premium car rental services in Kochi offer professional chauffeur services, adding an extra layer of convenience and luxury to your experience. With a skilled and courteous driver at the wheel, you can sit back and enjoy the ride, free from the stress of navigating through traffic or finding parking. Chauffeur-driven cars are also an excellent choice for business travelers who need to focus on work while on the move.
6. Flexible Rental Options
Premium car rentals in Kochi come with a range of flexible options to suit your needs. Whether you need a car for a few hours, a day, or an extended period, you can choose a rental package that fits your schedule. This flexibility is especially beneficial for business travelers who may need to adjust their plans at the last minute or for tourists who want to explore Kochi at their own pace.
7. A Fleet of Choices
When you opt for a premium car rental in Kochi, you’ll have access to a wide range of vehicles to choose from. Whether you prefer the sleek design of a sedan, the power of an SUV, or the luxury of a convertible, there’s a car to match your preferences and requirements. Each vehicle is meticulously maintained and equipped with the latest features, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable ride.
Choosing the Right Premium Car Rental Service in Kochi
When selecting a premium car rental service in Kochi, it’s important to consider the following factors:
Reputation: Look for a service with a strong reputation for reliability, professionalism, and customer satisfaction.
Vehicle Selection: Ensure that the rental service offers a diverse fleet of luxury vehicles to choose from.
Chauffeur Services: If you prefer a chauffeur-driven car, check the qualifications and experience of the drivers.
Pricing: Compare rental rates and packages to ensure you’re getting good value for your money.
Customer Support: Choose a service that offers excellent customer support, available to assist you with any queries or issues.
Exploring Kochi in a premium rental car is an experience like no other. Whether you’re in the city for business, leisure, or a special occasion, a luxury vehicle enhances your journey, providing comfort, style, and convenience. With a wide range of options and flexible rental packages, finding the perfect premium car rental in Kochi is easier than ever.
So, the next time you’re in Kochi, treat yourself to the luxury and elegance of a premium car rental, and discover the city in a whole new way.
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nishithakrish1 · 1 month
Build a Competitive Vacation Rental Platform Quickly with Our Vrbo Clone
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Vacation rental platforms are an essential component of the tourism business in the current digital era. With the growing popularity of platforms like VRBO, starting your own vacation rental site might be a profitable business venture. However, developing a feature-rich and competitive platform from scratch may be time-consuming and costly. This is where our VRBO clone script comes in. Our clone script is designed to help you establish a vacation rental site quickly and effectively, and it includes a variety of features to make your platform stand out in a crowded industry.
Why Should You Pick a VRBO Clone Script?
1. Budget-Friendly Solution
Creating a vacation rental platform from scratch requires substantial expenditures, such as hiring developers, designers, and constant upkeep expenses. Our VRBO clone script gives a pre-built solution that is both economical as well as effective, enabling you to concentrate your budget on marketing and growth rather than development.
2. Quick Launch
In the cutthroat vacation rental market, timing is everything. Our clone script was created to be up and running in an instant of weeks, not months. With this rapid deployment, you can begin attracting users and earning revenue much sooner.
3. Feature-rich
Our VRBO clone script includes a full set of features necessary for an efficient vacation rental platform, such as:
User Profiles: Allow hosts and visitors to build and manage personal profiles.
Search & Filters: Users may discover the ideal rental using advanced search options and filters.
Booking Management: Simple booking procedure with calendar integration and payment processing.
Review and Ratings: Allow consumers to provide comments and rate their experiences.
Administrative Dashboard: A robust backend for handling listings, bookings, and user accounts.
4. Customizable and Scalable
Our clone script is designed to be fully adaptable, allowing you to personalize the platform to your own requirements and branding. Whether you wish to add new features or alter current ones, our script allows you to do so. Furthermore, if your company expands, the platform can simply scale to handle additional traffic and new services.
Getting Started With Our VRBO Clone Script
1. Contact us
Contact our team to discuss your needs and get a demo of our VRBO clone script. We'll provide you with all of the details you need to make a knowledgeable decision.
2. Customize your Platform
Collaborate with our developers to tailor the script to meet your branding and functionality needs. This is an important step to verify that your platform is consistent with your vision and business objectives.
3. Launch and Promote
Once your platform is complete, promote it and start branding it to attract prospective hosts and visitors. Use digital marketing methods to increase awareness and traffic to your website.
4. Monitor and Optimize
After launch, keep track of your platform's performance and user feedback. Use these details to make adjustments and keep your platform competitive in the market.
By selecting our VRBO clone script, you are not only investing in a ready-made solution; you are also working with a staff dedicated to your success. Begin developing your competitive vacation rental platform today and benefit from the rising demand for vacation rentals.
Please contact us to learn more and take the first step in starting your vacation rental company.
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mariacallous · 10 months
In the fight to regulate short-term rentals, New Orleans had a novel idea—it would hold a lottery. The plan was simple: Carve up the city into blocks and use a hand-cranked lottery machine to draw numbers, allowing one rental property per residential block. For the winners, the prize was a license to keep listing their property on sites like Airbnb and Vrbo. For the losers, despair.
But the controversial rules, enacted in March 2023, led to just one lottery before being temporarily halted by a federal judge in August. As the city awaits a final decision, short-term rentals in New Orleans have been left in limbo. The city has said it is no longer accepting applications for the short-term rental licenses it requires hosts to have, nor is it renewing existing ones. And, until the court makes a final ruling, the lottery balls have stopped spinning and the city has halted enforcement of its latest licensing rules.
The limbo stems from an ongoing lawsuit against the city from a short-term rental services company and a group of hosts who were unable to even enter the lottery due to narrow licensing rules.
Like many popular tourist cities across the world, New Orleans has a lot of short-term rental listings. On Airbnb alone, there were nearly 7,000 listings in early September—the majority of which were whole-home or short-term rentals, according to Inside Airbnb, a housing advocacy group that tracks Airbnb data. That’s about one listing for every 54 residents. By comparison, New York City had one Airbnb listing for every 220 residents before it enacted a sweeping law that caused the number of listings to plummet.
The average rent for an apartment in New Orleans is around $1,350 per month, but the average price per night of an Airbnb in the city is $198 per night, according to Inside Airbnb. That’s nearly $6,000 per month if booked each night. Officials say there are nearly 9,000 short-term rental listings in New Orleans, though the city did not answer questions from WIRED about how it tracks that number. More than 200 of those have been added in the past month.
Dawn Wheelahan, an attorney representing those suing New Orleans over the lottery law, disputes the idea that the city has too many Airbnbs. In a court document that uses city data, Wheelahan mapped which blocks would have multiple short-term rental applicants, and found most only had one applicant, while more than 50 blocks had three or four applicants and only one block had five applicants. “I just don’t see that there’s any proliferation” of short-term rentals, Wheelahan claims.
Whole-home rentals—the sort of bland and luxury stays that have become popular for travelers— are the ones perceived to eat away at housing stock, and can be owned by big-time landlords. New Orleans has tried and failed to stamp those out. Last summer, a federal court blocked another New Orleans law intending to ban whole-home, short-term rentals, ruling that it interfered with interstate commerce by barring people from out of state from owning and operating rentals in the city. Under the new, halted rule, people can own out of state, but there must be a host living on the property.
New Orleans wants to see the lawsuit resolved so it can “provide certainty and stability in this area of law for all citizens of New Orleans,” says Ashley Becnel, the chief zoning official with the city’s Department of Safety and Permits. The city maintains that the laws enacted this year “are constitutional” and “[it] is hopeful that the injunction will be lifted in the near future.”
In New Orleans, housing advocates say short-term rentals are hurting local residents—many of whom work in the tourism industry—and pushing them farther from the French Quarter, the city’s hub of bars, restaurants, and clubs. But residents fighting against the proliferation of short-term rentals face a Sisyphean task.
“It’s an industry that requires a lot of work to regulate, because [the short-term rental companies] don’t want to be regulated,” claims Allen Johnson, president of the Faubourg Marigny Improvement Association, a neighborhood group in the district next to New Orleans’ French Quarter. “It’s not really an industry that you can come to some sort of settlement with,” he argues. When one attempt at regulation fails and another is introduced, Johnson adds, there are new plaintiffs ready to challenge them. “It’s starting to feel like a game of whack-a-mole for legislatures.”
And for short-term rental hosts, the confusion and erratic shifts in regulation bring frustration and financial loss. Elisa Cool Murphy, a real estate agent, was operating a small Airbnb attached to her home in New Orleans. She says she entered the lottery for a license this summer before the court put a pause to the law. Like some other hopeful hosts, Cool Murphy was pitted against her own neighbors to compete for a lucrative short-term rental license.
Cool Murphy has a small suite on the property where she lives. She put the place—just a kitchenette, bed, and bathroom—on Airbnb. It’s not the kind of property a full-time tenant would likely lease, she argues. She says she took it off Airbnb temporarily due to the changing licensing requirements. The chaos around the lottery and the subsequent court delays have “needlessly caused a lot of anxiety and stress to people,” she says. Cool Murphy put the little suite back online in October after learning that the latest licensing rules weren’t being enforced.
Smaller short-term rental hosts like Cool Murphy say the New Orleans rules unfairly shut down dependable side hustles. Before the new rules were enacted, Airbnb hosts in New Orleans made a combined $114 million in 2021, with an average host earning over $16,500, according to the company. Airbnb also positions itself as a source of income and tax revenue for hosts and cities; in 2022, the company said it collected and remitted around $23 million in tourism taxes in New Orleans alone.
Airbnb isn’t involved with the current lawsuit, but the ruling would have implications for the company’s hosts. “The majority of hosts in New Orleans share just one home, and one-third say the income from home-sharing has helped them avoid foreclosure or eviction,” Nia Brown, an Airbnb regional policy manager, tells WIRED. “We believe there is a path forward to craft a sensible alternative to the current rules and hope lawmakers will bring all stakeholders, including our host community, to the table to find common ground.”
The saga in New Orleans is the latest example of a city trying to wrest back housing and calm rising rent and property prices. It’s been a problem around the globe ever since companies like Airbnb made short-term rentals a lucrative alternative for landlords.
In Florence, Italy, lawmakers recently voted to ban new short-term rentals in the city center. New York City began enforcing a strict law on short-term rentals earlier this month. The change immediately led some 15,000 short-term rentals on Airbnb to either disappear or convert to long-term listings. The move is seen as a test: If America’s biggest city can stamp out illegal short-term rentals, it sends a loud message for other cities looking to do the same. But the latest languishing court case in New Orleans shows just how difficult it can be for cities to wrap regulations around the unwieldy short-term rental industry. As it sits in limbo, the bookings continue.
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Vacation rental pensacola beach area
Are you looking for a relaxing and enjoyable vacation spot? The Pensacola Beach area is perfect for a getaway with its white sandy beaches, clear blue waters, and lots of sunshine. A vacation rental in this area can provide the comforts of home with the perks of a hotel. Let's dive into why choosing a vacation rental in Pensacola Beach is an excellent idea and how you can make the most of your stay.
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Why Choose Pensacola Beach for Your Vacation?
Pensacola Beach is a beautiful part of Florida's Gulf Coast, known for its friendly atmosphere and stunning scenery. Here are a few reasons why Pensacola Beach should be on your list:
Beautiful Beaches: The beaches in Pensacola are some of the most beautiful in the world. The sand is soft and white, and the water is clear and warm, making it perfect for swimming, sunbathing, and building sandcastles.
Exciting Water Activities: If you love water activities, you'll find plenty to do here. You can go snorkeling, kayaking, paddleboarding, or fishing. The area is also great for dolphin-watching tours and boat rentals.
Rich History: Pensacola is rich in history, with many interesting museums and historical sites. Visit Fort Pickens, the Pensacola Lighthouse, and the National Naval Aviation Museum to learn about the area's past.
Delicious Food: Pensacola offers a variety of dining options. You can enjoy fresh seafood, Southern comfort food, and international cuisines at the local restaurants.
Family-Friendly Environment: The beach area is safe and family-friendly, with plenty of activities for children, including the Pensacola Beach Boardwalk, which has shops, restaurants, and a playground.
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Benefits of Staying in a Vacation Rental
When you stay in a vacation rental in Pensacola Beach, you get more than just a place to sleep. Here are some benefits:
Space and Privacy: Vacation rentals often provide more space than a typical hotel room, with separate living areas, bedrooms, and sometimes even a private pool. This extra space allows for privacy and comfort, making it ideal for families or groups.
Home-Like Comforts: Many vacation rentals come with fully-equipped kitchens, laundry facilities, and other home-like amenities. This setup allows you to cook your meals and do laundry, saving money and adding convenience to your vacation.
Cost-Effective: If you're traveling with a group or family, a vacation rental can be more cost-effective than booking multiple hotel rooms. Plus, having a kitchen allows you to prepare your meals, saving money on dining out.
Pet-Friendly Options: Many vacation rentals in Pensacola Beach are pet-friendly, so you can bring your furry friend along on your vacation.
Local Experience: Staying in a vacation rental allows you to experience the local culture and neighborhood. You can shop at local markets, meet neighbors, and live like a local during your stay.
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How to Choose the Perfect Vacation Rental
Finding the perfect vacation rental in Pensacola Beach is easy if you know what to look for. Here are some tips to help you choose the right one:
Location: Think about what you want to do during your vacation. Do you want to be close to the beach, shopping, or restaurants? Choose a rental that is conveniently located near your desired activities.
Amenities: Make a list of the amenities that are important to you. Do you want a private pool, a full kitchen, or a washer and dryer? Check the rental listings to find a property that meets your needs.
Reviews: Read reviews from previous guests to get an idea of what to expect. Look for comments about cleanliness, the accuracy of the listing, and the responsiveness of the host.
Budget: Set a budget for your vacation rental and stick to it. Remember to factor in additional costs such as cleaning fees and security deposits.
Pet Policy: If you're traveling with a pet, make sure the rental is pet-friendly. Check for any additional fees or restrictions related to pets.
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Tips for a Great Vacation in Pensacola Beach
To make the most of your vacation in Pensacola Beach, consider these tips:
Plan Ahead: Research activities and attractions in the area and plan your days accordingly. Make reservations for popular restaurants and tours in advance to avoid disappointment.
Pack Essentials: Bring sunscreen, hats, and sunglasses to protect yourself from the sun. Don't forget your beach gear, such as towels, umbrellas, and chairs.
Respect the Environment: Pensacola Beach is known for its beautiful natural surroundings. Help keep it clean by picking up after yourself and disposing of trash properly.
Explore the Area: Take time to explore beyond the beach. Visit local attractions, try different restaurants, and take part in cultural events.
Relax and Unwind: Remember, the goal of your vacation is to relax and have fun. Don't try to pack too many activities into your schedule. Take time to enjoy the beach and the company of your family and friends.
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Contact Information for Pensacola Rentals by Owner
If you're ready to book your vacation rental in the Pensacola Beach area, consider contacting Pensacola Rentals by Owner. They offer a variety of rental options to suit your needs and preferences.
Website: Pensacola Rentals by Owner
Address: 111 SE Syrcle Dr, Pensacola, FL 32507, USA
Owner: Jeff Kennedy
Phone: +1 205-222-2487
A vacation rental in the Pensacola Beach area offers the perfect blend of relaxation and adventure. With its beautiful beaches, exciting activities, and comfortable accommodations, Pensacola Beach is a destination that will leave you with lasting memories. Whether you're looking for a family vacation, a romantic getaway, or a solo trip, Pensacola Beach has something for everyone. Book your vacation rental today and start planning your dream vacation!
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iwebscrapingblogs · 1 month
Vacation Rental Website Data Scraping | Scrape Vacation Rental Website Data
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In the ever-evolving landscape of the vacation rental market, having access to real-time, accurate, and comprehensive data is crucial for businesses looking to gain a competitive edge. Whether you are a property manager, travel agency, or a startup in the hospitality industry, scraping data from vacation rental websites can provide you with invaluable insights. This blog delves into the concept of vacation rental website data scraping, its importance, and how it can be leveraged to enhance your business operations.
What is Vacation Rental Website Data Scraping?
Vacation rental website data scraping involves the automated extraction of data from vacation rental platforms such as Airbnb, Vrbo, Booking.com, and others. This data can include a wide range of information, such as property listings, pricing, availability, reviews, host details, and more. By using web scraping tools or services, businesses can collect this data on a large scale, allowing them to analyze trends, monitor competition, and make informed decisions.
Why is Data Scraping Important for the Vacation Rental Industry?
Competitive Pricing Analysis: One of the primary reasons businesses scrape vacation rental websites is to monitor pricing strategies used by competitors. By analyzing the pricing data of similar properties in the same location, you can adjust your rates to stay competitive or identify opportunities to increase your prices during peak seasons.
Market Trend Analysis: Data scraping allows you to track market trends over time. By analyzing historical data on bookings, occupancy rates, and customer preferences, you can identify emerging trends and adjust your business strategies accordingly. This insight can be particularly valuable for making decisions about property investments or marketing campaigns.
Inventory Management: For property managers and owners, understanding the supply side of the market is crucial. Scraping data on the number of available listings, their features, and their occupancy rates can help you optimize your inventory. For example, you can identify underperforming properties and take corrective actions such as renovations or targeted marketing.
Customer Sentiment Analysis: Reviews and ratings on vacation rental platforms provide a wealth of information about customer satisfaction. By scraping and analyzing this data, you can identify common pain points or areas where your service excels. This feedback can be used to improve your offerings and enhance the guest experience.
Lead Generation: For travel agencies or vacation rental startups, scraping contact details and other relevant information from vacation rental websites can help generate leads. This data can be used for targeted marketing campaigns, helping you reach potential customers who are already interested in vacation rentals.
Ethical Considerations and Legal Implications
While data scraping offers numerous benefits, it’s important to be aware of the ethical and legal implications. Vacation rental websites often have terms of service that prohibit or restrict scraping activities. Violating these terms can lead to legal consequences, including lawsuits or being banned from the platform. To mitigate risks, it’s advisable to:
Seek Permission: Whenever possible, seek permission from the website owner before scraping data. Some platforms offer APIs that provide access to data in a more controlled and legal manner.
Respect Robots.txt: Many websites use a robots.txt file to communicate which parts of the site can be crawled by web scrapers. Ensure your scraping activities respect these guidelines.
Use Data Responsibly: Avoid using scraped data in ways that could harm the website or its users, such as spamming or creating fake listings. Responsible use of data helps maintain ethical standards and builds trust with your audience.
How to Get Started with Vacation Rental Data Scraping
If you’re new to data scraping, here’s a simple guide to get you started:
Choose a Scraping Tool: There are various scraping tools available, ranging from easy-to-use platforms like Octoparse and ParseHub to more advanced solutions like Scrapy and Beautiful Soup. Choose a tool that matches your technical expertise and requirements.
Identify the Data You Need: Before you start scraping, clearly define the data points you need. This could include property details, pricing, availability, reviews, etc. Having a clear plan will make your scraping efforts more efficient.
Start Small: Begin with a small-scale scrape to test your setup and ensure that you’re collecting the data you need. Once you’re confident, you can scale up your scraping efforts.
Analyze the Data: After collecting the data, use analytical tools like Excel, Google Sheets, or more advanced platforms like Tableau or Power BI to analyze and visualize the data. This will help you derive actionable insights.
Stay Updated: The vacation rental market is dynamic, with prices and availability changing frequently. Regularly updating your scraped data ensures that your insights remain relevant and actionable.
Vacation rental website data scraping is a powerful tool that can provide businesses with a wealth of information to drive growth and innovation. From competitive pricing analysis to customer sentiment insights, the applications are vast. However, it’s essential to approach data scraping ethically and legally to avoid potential pitfalls. By leveraging the right tools and strategies, you can unlock valuable insights that give your business a competitive edge in the ever-evolving vacation rental market.
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