eliotbaum · 4 months
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more CoS Kasper doodles out of context
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g0lb3tty · 10 days
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teashh · 30 days
So I just binged Maxton hall and as a certified opinionated person- I have opinions. First let me start off by saying; this series is reminiscent of 2000s elite school tv. And I'm here to eat that shit up. But what this show does better than those series is this:
Each character is multilayered. Who starts off as the alleged mean girl (Lydia) is smart, intelligent, calm and quiet and understands the nuances of the relationships around her. James is a huge red flag but his red flag is his possessiveness and aggression. He has been nothing but a sweetheart to the people he loves and cares for which makes it easy to sympathise with him.
It does the studious girl trope really well. It doesn't go the "I'm not like other girls" route. In fact, most students have been very supportive and uplifting of each other. The hate we see toward Ruby is class difference rather than a gendered one.
And our previous Ruby Bell is a likeable character. She is strong. Opinionated. Doesn't back down from a challenge. And she knows what she wants and she goes for it. Not once have her priorities taken a backseat when she finds love. Which is such a cool thing to see. I was so scared she'd be another Elena Gilbert- helpless, self absorbed and what not. But she's actually caring and has self respect. Which is mwah.
Then we have our very own loser of the year, James Beaufort. He's protective of his people. But he definitely has some red flags he needs to work on. But he acknowledges when he's wrong. And we like that because a lot of red flags in series don't. Plus he's such a simp for Ruby Bell and we love to see it. Bro isn't ashamed to transfer quails and catch them AND make his friends work as well if his lady needs it.
Lastly if I had a nickel for every strawberry blonde character named Lydia who seems like the mean girl but is sweet smart and caring and VERY VERY intelligent; I would have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice. (I'm looking at you Lydia Martin)
My favourite new look is James Beaufort in love. Bro looks like a puppy and I'm here for it. We need more loser men honestly.
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315 notes · View notes
inlovewhithafairytale · 5 months
Teen Wolf
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She looked at me as if there was something worth seeing in me(Theo R.)
I think we lost her(Theo R.)
Because I love you you little piece of shit(Theo R.)
I think we lost her II(Theo Raeken)
Morning Love(smut(Theo R.))
Friends Dont look at friends that way(Malia H.)
You belong with me(Stiles S.)
You're beautiful just the way you are(Stiles S.)
First time you ever listen to me( Sister reader)
You got the devil on your team(Void Stiles)
Maze Runner
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He was only 17(Newt)
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Keep your head up soldier(The Winter Soldier)
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Elijah Mikelson x Reader Headcannon
Yandere Klaus Mikelson x Reader Headcannon
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I don't want to forget
A letter from Y/n to reader
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POV series wich include a mini stories of Winchester little sister reader.
Why and how this is going to go...
part 1
part 2
⛥⛧Flashback series
" flash news. you have a little sister"
"promise you wont leave"
POV: The Winchesters have a little sister 1 2 3
Supernatural masterlist.
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Requests are open for:
Stranger Things
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whitegoldtower · 7 months
Skyrim NPCs Reactions (This time, if you hide in a cupboard and jump out at them)
Ancano: He’s camp about it and you can’t convince me otherwise. Clutches his pearls and shrieks before regaining his composure. If you breathe a word of this to anyone, there’s a fireball with your name written on it.
Ondolemar: was too focused on his work to notice your hiding spot. Jumps a mile but sighs and sits there with his head in his hands for a moment before he’s ready to face you.
Vingalmo: knew you were in the cupboard. Waits to watch you make a fool of yourself for his own entertainment.
Serana: knew you were in the cupboard. Jumped anyway and scowled at you. You’re cruel. How does it feel to be a horrible person?
Cicero: goes one of two ways. Either he screams and then laughs and dances around to get the uncomfy out of his system, or you end up with a knife against your throat. Or worse.
Lydia: she turns around with lightning reflexes and throws a haymaker directly into your face before apologising profusely (provided that she hasn’t knocked you out). She tells you off for it whilst pressing a beefsteak against your face, and you can only acknowledge that you totally deserved that.
Vex: A knife whizzes past your ear and lodges into the wood. “Next one goes in your eye.”
Elenwen: walks up to you and throws her drink over you. “Pour me another by the time I get back.” She turns on her heel and storms out to walk it off.
J’zargo: *GROWL HISS*… *decides that he can’t be bothered*
Festus Krex: he knows you’re in there. “Stop it.” If you jump out anyway, he throws whatever he’s holding at you. Probably a mortar and pestle.
Arnbjorn: knows you’re in a cupboard. Doesn’t know which one. Threatens the wrong cupboard door.
Vilkas: sees you hiding and tells you to wait for Farkas.
Farkas: screams at the top of his lungs. Falls over his own feet.
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themerrymallgoth · 2 months
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Lydia Deetz by ArtistAbe
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layer-of-slayers · 2 years
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer as tumblr text posts 22/?
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Miraak: When someone upsets Leara, I usually advise them to start making a will.
Lydia: She doesn’t seem to be the type to seek vengeance.
Miraak: No. But who knows what I might do.
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uglynavel · 5 months
Call me cliche but I'm kinda upset we never got to see vampires in teen wolf. You know, a werewolf's natural enemy.
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knowncorpse · 13 hours
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Cooking up a sweet little Nosferatu girl <3
She was one of the many who were turned out of spite for the beauty she once had.
She was fortunate enough to be picked up and nurtured by two kindred. They aren’t the best father figures but they are hers 🫶
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rosariumpartone · 1 year
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quote from White Rabbit Syndrome
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bloodtiesstilllives · 2 months
These Two Would Be Dangerous Together
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And it would be so awesome. They are both tough, smart, sophisticated, and will get ready to put in work in a split second.
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Peter loves to talk...
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Henry is a good listener and would probably draw as Peter goes on and on about whatever.
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And they would have a ball. Everyone would think they were always talking about them behind their back, but that's not true. They just look like the types that would do that.
Nope if they are gonna roast you they would do it to your face as a united front.
Especially to Chris Argent.
Sadly his instincts would have him do this.
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But he tells that stupid voice to shut up. And takes the ribbing like an adult
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These two would be such hot menaces and Henry would keep Peter out of trouble while they are out there stalking people for fun...for hot guys these two can be creepy creepers lol.
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aloneatpeace · 30 days
Cosmic Chaos
Chapter 19
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The ancient looking book sits on your bed untouched, grams given you saying it will help you discover about yourself but something about it doesn’t seem right like you can’t just open right now, you can but every time you try you feel like it’s not the right time, maybe you should just give it back to grams let her do the work but again the startled look…the fear in her eyes makes you hesitant, is what ever you’re really bad.
Your door opens and grams comes in with smile on her face “how are you doing my sweetheart?” She sits on your bed her eyes fall on the book. “You haven’t open it?”
“No. it doesn’t seem the right time” you sit up and position yourself laying your head in lap fingers tracing the book.
“Is that so?”
You nod looking up to her “and…. when I touch someone, I see something I can’t explain.”
She hums running her hands through your hair “tell me some”.
“Sometimes it’s their past, their memories I guess…….and I saw you…...I saw you dying” you whisper the last bit.
“You can see the past, present and future. Isn’t that amazing” she said with a smile.
You sit with frown “did you not hear grams; I saw you die”
“Everyone dies in the end, dear. And I’m sorry you had to see that” she takes your hands in hers. You turn away making her sigh. “If that’s my future you can’t do anything about it”
You turn to her with your jaw set in anger at her nonchalance in the matter of her life. “But your death doesn’t seem right. it was pointless. I felt it”
“I don’t fear dead”
“But you fear me. Why?” you quickly close your eyes in anger at the slip of your tongue.
The smile vanishes from her face and you curl yourself into you scotting away making grams heart clench “I don’t fear you; I know you could never hurt me or anyone who you love”
You look back at her sensing a but coming “then what is it?”
“My dear girl” she scoots over taking your hands in her “you don’t know what your capable of, and what you harness is something bigger than anything I ever known”
Your eyes held uncertainty “you’re afraid of what I’ll become. Am I not supposed not have this chaos in me”
She shakes her head “No. from what I’ve understand there is only few across the multiverse who can harness this power.”
“If you think, I don’t deserve it or capable of this power can we get rid of it?”
Grams see the fear in your eyes now mind going to dark places, you mind become ocean of wild waves, the thought of someone fear you for what you are is something she known.
She takes your face in her hands “don’t be scared, the power you harness choose you because it deemed you worthy. You can control it you already have. You never ever should be scared of yourself. You hear me”
You nod with teary eyes she smiles at you kissing your forehead and settle back in the bed.
“How do I do it?”
She thinks for a moment before standing up “get ready we are going somewhere”.
“Where?” she doesn’t give any answer hurry to get dressed. “What about my class?”
“Like you actually prefer going to class.” She raises her brow at you.
“Fair enough” shrugging you send quick texts to stiles and scott saying you won’t be coming and to derek to lay low.
You settle yourself in the passenger seat as grams starts to drive, she had asked you to take few things with the book which is seated in the back seat. You been driving for few hours yet you didn’t reach where you are going grams didn’t tell you where the both of you are going.
“Okey we are almost at the edge of the town. Where are we going?”
She hums “somewhere you can let yourself go without fearing anyone”
Your eyes widen “But I needed back home. My friends need me”
“And when they do you will be back. It will only take few hours” she comforted “beside I told bonnie to stay with her dad tonight”
“We won’t make it back evening?” your voice get high.
“So, how exactly we do that?”
She checks her phone a message pop up on her device “first I need to know what exactly you can do, to see what you can and can’t do”
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Once you’re out of town you both drive for a couple of hours before she stops at the front of the motel only few cars on the parking lot.  Grams get out the car and you follow her; she stops and turn to look at the other side “I didn’t know. you two would come”
Confusion settled in you and your eyes follow her direction, two guys stride towards you both. They both are tall, one of them is a little bit taller than the other. The tallest one had brown hair and light green eyes there is little bit of brown hue, puppy dog eyes with broad shoulders and slender body. The other had green eyes, muscular frame a cheeky grin on his face that decorated with light freckles with dark blonde hair.
“Well, I couldn’t just sit when the Bennett witch, asked to wanted take a case near” the short one said with smug smile on his face. He turns to you “hi sweetheart, dean Winchester” he put his hand forward you glance at grams she doesn’t seem to annoyed by them its like she knew that they would be here you shake your hands with him saying your name dean gives you wink.
The taller one glare at dean and an apologetic smile on his face “don’t mind him. I’m sam Winchester” you shake your hands with sam nodding.
You then turn to grams “can you please tell me what’s going on here”
“The Winchester brothers are hunters” your eyes widen “not the mindless one who kills every supernatural being. Don’t worry. I asked they have any hunting nearby”
You glance at the brothers and sam give you soft smile while dean give you smug one its adorable actually but you cannot say it out loud or express it.
“And we do, not one but two actually a wendigo few miles ahead and a vampire nest” dean said
You nod wondering what does this has do with you and remembering how stiles would have found this terrifying but also amazing.
“And where are here to assist them?”
Grams look at the brothers then you “I was planning to send you alone”
  “What? you were sending me to die!”  your voice gets high dean and sam exchange looks of concern.
“You will not die, I wanted to see what you’re capable of how your magic works” grams said calmly “beside I will be there to if anything goes wrong”
“Is she not a witch?” dean asks
Gram sighs “I’m not exactly sure, she does harness chaos magic but there is something else”
Dean looks confused while sam seems intrigued looking at you “I didn’t think chaos magic exists” he said.
“I thought too, but here we are” grams said “which hut is near?”
A serious look comes over dean face “Wendigo but are you sure sending her alone is safe?”
“Boy her best friend is a newly turned werewolf and she already had encountered an alpha and if I’m correct two vampires” grams explain.
Dean close his mouth turning to you “I don’t know how I did it” you said quickly after seeing deans questioning glance.
“Wait grams, are you sure it’s good idea. I barely lived last time.” You lean towards her whispering “With them”
She nods “Yes. Do you not trust me?” and turns to the boys “and I’m guessing you boys won’t sit one this out” they nod agreeing. “Then this what we are going to do. She will do this alone and if only if she needs help you will intervene and I will be connected to you to see what you are exactly do when use your ability”
Everyone agrees and set out the first location. You wonder what is going on back home.
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While you were asleep on the other side stiles and scott along with derek just got away from the argents and police.
“What part of ‘laying low ‘don’t you understand?” scott yells while driving, they are almost out their reach.
“Yeah, be lucky it was us, if she is the one coming to save your ass. You’ll be hearing a lot” stiles add with scott agreeing with him silently. “She literally told you to stay low few hours ago”
“I almost had him!” derek hiss shifting in his seat
Stiles eagerly lean over “who the alpha?”
“Yes! He was right in front of me, and the freaking police showed up.” Derek grunt impatiently.
Stiles faced is offended on the behalf of his father “Whoa! They’re just doing their jobs- “he gets cut off by derek scoffing “Yeah, thanks to someone who decided to make the most wanted fugitive in the entire state!”
 “Can we seriously get past that? I made a dumbass mistake. I get it” scott speaks, finally calming down after shaking of them.
Stiles sighs “all right. how did you find him?”
Derek stays silent for a moment making scott look at him in annoyance “We talked about this. You have to trust at least if you expect us to help you”
“Yeah. y/n, she would not like it if you keep secret from us” stiles said nonchalantly making derek look at with a done face.
“Look, last time I talked to my sister, she was close to figuring something out. She found two things. The first was a guy named Harris.”
 “Our chemistry teacher?”
“Why him?”
“I don't know yet.”
“What’s the second?”
“Some kind of symbol.” Derek shows it scott his eyes narrowing when he sees scotts face “What? You know what this is?
“I’ve seen it on a necklace. Allison's necklace.”
Stiles slumps in his seat “that just amazing.” He takes out his phone “I’m tell y/n about all this”
“NO” derek and scott yell together the three looks at each other
 Stiles squint his eyes at them “I like to hear the reason why not”
“we will tell her. not now because one she might be sleeping and she will be pissed when she knows we were involved in freaking chase. “
Stiles nods and turns to derek who roll his eyes “same reasons”
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You taken in the sight of tall tress standing packed though its morning the cloudy day hides the sun, the plan is simple you along sam and dean would go in and you will take down the wendigo while grams who had done a spell that connected her with you. she said she needed peaceful atmosphere without anyone disturbing the spell. The identical charm you are wearing would act as medium that would foam the connection.
You three walk through the woods the brothers were a little behind you the tall one is carrying a bag.
“What do you guys wanna know?” You know their inching to ask you something, sam and dean look at each other.
“Well even though your grams said you are familiar too the supernatural. You seem pretty well put together, for someone who doesn’t know about her powers” dean said you stop walking and turns to them.
“Oh, I’m actually terrified to be honest, but grams believe in me and though I don’t fully understand what I am. My powers actually did save me when thought I was going die” you confess looking at your hands. “And grams trust you both to aid me and I trust you as well” you glance up sam give you reassuring smile as dean give you an understanding nod.
Sam walks up to you “do you know anything about wendigo?” he asks dean catch up and three of you resume walking.
“I know they know as the evil that devour human / mankind. That’s they were thousand-year-old was once human turned to cannibal in order to survive. They feed on human flesh and oh they use mimicry to make their prey vulnerable to lure them in and super strength and speed and that we can kill it using fire, silver bullet” you think missing how the brothers looks astounded as you speak.
Sam was hoping to share his wisdom on supernatural beings maybe even show you his dad’s journal to educate you more on the matter. Looking at dean, sam realizes his brother is equally shocked and impressed to be honest.
“And why you both look surprised?” they snap out of their trance and see you glance at them self-consciously.
Sam was quick to answer “how do you know all these? Did grams teach you”
“No. me and my friend stiles are part of online gaming community that battles mythical creature” you sheepishly say in front of the real hunters.
Dean open his mouth but nothing comes out. “Anything else I need to know?”
“Anasazi symbols. Its protection circle wendigo can’t cross over, just like simple salt circle” sam said gripping his bag tight. “Three people had gone missing few days ago around here, and only one made it alive barely he’s still in the hospital, and we did our research it’s likely the wendigo”
 “Do you think they’re alive?”
Dean nod to your question “a wendigo knows how to last long winters without food. It hibernates for years at a time. when its awake, it keeps its victim alive. It stores them so it can feed whenever it wants”
“Not to be skeptic, but what if its something else? What did the guy said about what happened” All though you trust their verdict as they are far more experienced than you there is chance that there might be something else behind the missing people.  
“Well, why don’t you just hear what he said” dean said and turns to sam “Sammy”
Sam rolls his eyes at the name before bringing a bag to the front and take out a recoding device, you three circles together.
“Hi, we’re special agents investigating your friends missing case. Could please tell us what exactly happened” sam voice heard through the device first.
A moment pass “we were just having a good time. it’s been while since we get together, joe’s birthday was coming up and he loved camping so we planned it. everything was going great until….  it was the night. We heard someone call for our help. It spooked us bit but James one of my friends wasn’t scared. He’s not the type to get sacred easily…… we had already called the police. when he had gone to take a look it when it silent. He called out but no answer came then…. we heard some sound where James had gone and next thing, we hear is James’s voice calling out for help he sounded like he’s in pain. We both run towards him but Erik stopped suddenly I don’t know what he saw I was behind him. then he screamed at me to run…. I kept running when stopped Erik wasn’t behind me either I called for them…but something else came it slashed me across my chest, it looked like hum…. I don’t know…... just please find my friends”
“The guy was lucky police come quickly” dean said sam nodded.
“I wanted ask, while I was looking up here. I saw there is so many murders happening in your town” sam said looking at you with questioning glance.
You nod sighing “yeah. Well, there is alpha going around killing people and there are two vampires in town. One is killing people left and right. they are brothers as well. I don’t know if you know them the Salvatore brothers, Stefan and damon “
“The ripper?” sam voice come out loud, the name he had read so many times, you stands confused at the name.
“Sam quite we don’t want it come out to us” dean hiss
Sam eager eyes finds yours “you’re saying the ripper is in your town and you meet him?”
“Who is ...the ripper?”
Dean intervenes “sam we don’t have time for history class”
Sam eyes doesn’t move from you “which one’s the ripper stef- “You cut yourself off when you feel someone’s presence making you alert.
Sam and dean also realize that they’re being watched. Then a blood curdling scream echoes from the side.
Dean take out his flare gun along with sam, you glance at them “are you ready?” dean whispers to you.
You take a deep breath, trying to tap in your power the thing is watching you, analyzing from the darkness of the cloudy day and dense trees. Nodding you walk towards the sound the Winchester brothers just behind you.
The screams for help echo around the woods, but you suddenly halt a sudden feeling of hopelessness hit you raw and painful.
Eyes turning purple and you see the two missing guys tied up in cave. Without a thought you run towards the direction the brothers follow. 
“The people are in there” you say looking down the slope that led to a abandon mine.
Series masterlist
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Heart of the Ocean 💙 | Teen Wolf Miniseries Part 1
Takes place in between 3A & 3B of Teen Wolf
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Teen Wolf Masterlist | part 2
Characters & Pairings: Hale/McCall Pack x supernatural!reader (female/platonic), eventual Peter Hale x reader (romantic), reader x male!oc ( past romance) & reader x supernatural!reader (platonic). Characters in this imagine: Scott McCall, Stiles Stilinski, Lydia Martin, Allison Argent, Isaac Lahey, Derek Hale, Peter Hale.
Content Warnings: light angst, profanity, references of historical event disaster, mentions of death, blood, murder | afab!reader (she/her pronouns) | wc: 3.1k
Requested 📨 yes/no (rules for requests)
Premise: Suspicious deaths were a common occurrence in Beacon Hills—especially after things seem to be actually looking good when a previous problem is fixed. Now Scott and the pack are having to investigate a string of murders happening that not only reek of supernatural, but linked to an renowned event they’ve learned in history class.
Note: I’m hyperfixating on Titanic as of late so I have a lot of ideas involving AU’s and retelling with various fandoms. I just did a TGM au with Bradley Bradshaw and currently have a Twilight one in the works so expect a lot of Titanic in my works when I’m not writing requests.
Riddles were a tricky little thing. And when used in a malevolent way where to find the answer to a solution one must crack the code, riddles can become a person’s worst enemy.
And the one laying on the table of Derek’s loft was becoming their enemy.
Murders, which was becoming a common occurrence lately in Beacon Hills, were happening where the people were nearly drained of their blood by cutting their throats and wrists before letting them hang upside down. Stiles' father was overwhelmed with stress. Not to mention he was having to come to terms with the reality his town was a beating heart for supernatural creatures. Like how his sons best friend since childhood was a fucking werewolf.
And while it was presumed a human serial killer was responsible for the murders, the pack had an inkling it was more sinister. Investigating on their own they found more suspicious reasons to believe it was supernatural.
Only problem, they had no clue who or what it was.
They were all gathered over the table—save for Peter who was nestled on the couch. Stiles was rubbing a thumb over his lip, becoming frustrated as he was usually on top of solving riddles. Lydia was beside him, deep in thought as she read over the paper silently.
“He just left this here?” Scott glanced at Derek, who was standing with his arms crossed on the opposite side of the table.
“Right outside the door. Like he wanted us to find it.”
“And you heard nothing?” Stiles’ question earned him a glare. “Super hearing and you didn’t hear someone stabbing a piece of paper into your front door?”
“If I did you think I would’ve let him leave the damn note?” Derek spoke harshly.
“—knowing all it is is a distraction so he can kill more people.”
“It’s not just a distraction,” Allison interrupted the two bickering, staring hard at the note. “It’s an order. He’s asking us to find someone.”
“Yeah,” Isaac scoffed, “who we have no idea is.”
“Read it again,” Scott sighed, running a hand through his hair. With a huff, Stiles took the paper in his hands, clearing his throat before reading aloud for all to hear.
Have you figured it out yet?
Were my clues not enough?
You’re thinking too hard now,
Let me show you it’s not so tough.
Our faces the same,
As they were the day we changed.
Only the eyes no longer its color,
A price for the exchange.
You’ll find it almost disheartening,
When you learn of what we do.
Our nature is uncanny,
But it’s not so far from you.
Find the one I’m looking for,
And I’ll stop the chaos and the pain.
Are you ready?
Here’s your hint.
Time is of the essence,
So you better make it quick.
Wearing the Heart of the Ocean,
She’s closer than it seems.
For I seek the one I turned,
Who was on the Ship of Dreams.
Silence fills the loft, everyone thinking hard of what it could mean. There were so many clues but so vague it was difficult to puzzle them together.
“Well we know it’s someone supernatural,” Isaac hummed, attempting to lighten the situation.
“Yeah we got that genius,” Peter muttered.
“And he’s looking for a woman,” Allison added, ignoring Peter’s sarcasm. “Someone he turned. And was on a ship?” It comes out more like a question, “that could mean a lot of things.”
“Could it be a werewolf?” Scott turned to Derek
The man shook his head, “I don’t think so.”
“But the thing about the eyes—.”
“Many shapeshifters' eyes are like ours. That doesn’t mean it’s a wolf. Plus he said they’re not wolves.”
“How do you know?”
Derek rolls his eyes as though it were obvious, “he wrote, ‘our nature is uncanny, but it’s not so far from you,’. If they were wolves he would’ve said so.”
“Maybe another Kanima?” Allison suggested, “the master looking for his puppet?”
Stiles cuts in, narrowing his eyes on the last verse, “Why would he bold the first and last line of the last clue—these ones,” he places the paper flat on the table. Lydia, the closest to him, leans in as his finger points to the verse. “Heart of the Ocean and the—.”
“Ship of Dreams,” she finishes, voice going low as realization hits her. All eyes turn to her, confusion in their gaze until the name leaves her lips. “Titanic.”
“What?” The question came from Scott, but all were thinking the same. There’s no way she was talking about the most famous shipwreck in history.
“Titanic,” Lydia repeated, this time more confidently. Her own finger came up to point where Stiles' finger had been. “They used to call it the Ship of Dreams.”
“Titanic?” Isaac’s tone was full of doubt. “You mean the ship that sank a century ago?” He couldn’t help but add, “And the movie Leonardo DiCaprio dies in.”
She rolls her eyes, “I don’t recall any other having the same name.”
“The anniversary is coming up,” Derek starts to say, deep in thought like it was all coming together. “It would make sense.”
“Wait—hold on,” Stiles lifts a dramatic hand. “We’re talking about THE Titanic—like Isaac said—that sank a hundred years ago. A hundred,” he repeats to show his point. “Anyone who is alive—even if they were a werewolf or shapeshifter or whatever the hell you want to call it,” he glances at each of them, “would pretty much be on their last breath of life. If this woman were a newborn baby at the time she’d be at least one hundred years old by now.”
In the debate none had noticed Peter moved from the couch to the window. The chuckle leaving his mouth caught their attention. Stiles makes a sound, “I’m sorry, do you wanna share with the class what you obviously know that we’re missing?”
“Our faces are the same,” he says the opening line of the second verse, only drawing confusion and annoyed looks from the others. “As they were the day we changed.” The man pauses, letting it sink in before continuing, “If the woman he’s looking for was on Titanic then she likely was an adult. Considering he turned her, probably by saving her from freezing to death or drowning, and she wears the same face she did the night she was turned…” Peter steps away from the window, now facing the group.
“She’s not aging. At all. Meaning…..she’s immortal.”
The silence following his confession is eerie, eyes flicking over each other to see if they were reacting the same. Immortal. Though the term was familiar it felt almost foreign. Never had they dealt with someone immortal. Unable to die and was walking the Earth acting as though they were human. Now Beacon Hills had two in its possession. They needed to work fast and the riddle only had pieces of the puzzles.
So who—or more like what, was immortal?
"What are you getting to?” Scott narrowed his eyes, Wanting a straightforward answer to what they were dealing with.
Peter clasps his hands behind his back, slowly inching forward,” It’s not shapeshifters you’re looking for.” He takes a step closer, “or a Kanima and its master.” Another step, “or a dark Druid.” Another step brings him right next to Derek, eyes flicking to the paper. “There are few creatures blessed with immortality—or cursed if you look at it another way. But most of them are born with it. Take Gods and fairies for example.”
“Oh my God—those exist?” Stiles feels his mind implode, “Are we about to fight Gods?”
“No,” annoyed at being interrupted Peter rolled his eyes. “I just said those are immortals that are born with their powers. And I don’t know if they exist, I’ve haven’t met one yet. Anyway, this one—.” His finger touches the riddle, “was turned. And likely the person who did was too.”
“So what is it then,” Scott was becoming impatient. And who could blame him really. For all they know it someone was already being drained of their blood at that very moment. “What’s the immortal that’s turned not born?”
“Come one,” he scoffs, like he couldn’t believe they hadn’t figured it out. “Ever wonder why the victims were drained of their blood?” The one question had everyone's face become colorless. “Has Stiles's father not caught on the wounds were made after they were dead?” Why their throat was slashed….but had two little puncture holes on either side?” Peter glances around at every person, catching the nervousness of their gaze as though they already knew what he was about to say but wished it wasn’t.
“The creatures you’re looking for…..are vampires.”
The rest of the night the pack was gathering as much information as they could about the passengers aboard Titanic—all 2,240 of them—while also trying to figure out any other clues within the riddle. They still couldn’t believe it was a vampire responsible for the murders. And that he was hunting someone he created who, still to their shock, was a passenger aboard Titanic.
And with 2,240 people on the ship during its ill fated maiden voyage…they were in for a long night.
“Okay so we know they’re vampires—our killer is the one who turned the woman he’s searching for into a vampire. She was on Titanic when it sank meaning—,” Stiles wrote furiously across the notepad, the riddle next right beside it. “He was on it too. Now we could narrow this down several ways. Either by searching through the passengers class or going through who survived because as Lydia pointed out,” the hand holding the pen points to the redhead, “RMS Carpathia recorded the names of the survivors before they reached New York.”
Either method was good, but there was a problem with the latter. As Allison pointed out, “but what if they never knew she was there? I mean having a newly turned vampire on a ship filled with people is a recipe for disaster.”
Derek nods, agreeing with her, “Her eyes would’ve made it obvious.”
“How so?” Asked Isaac.
Peter is the one to explain, “Vampires in our world are different from what you see on TV. They aren’t these pale, corpse-like, individuals who look like they belong in the morgue. They’re rather human-like if they’re equipped with a special glimmer that allows them to come off as mortal.”
“Glimmer?” Lydia raised a brow, finding the word a bit comical given the creature they were dealing with.
“We’ll get to that. But any vampire who’s newly turned will have red eyes—blood red eyes.”
“How fitting,” Stiles couldn’t help but groan. “So what, are you saying she’s likely wearing contacts to hide her eyes.”
“Possibly,” Peter hums with a shrug, “wouldn’t be surprised if she is. This day in age makes it easier for vampires to conceal their nature. But considering our little vampire was turned in 1912…her creator probably hid her on the Carpathia—or as outrageous as it sounds, swam her across the remainder of the Atlantic ocean.”
Derek closes the book in front of him, detailing the events of the RMS Carpathia rescue of Titanic’s passengers. “However he saved her can wait,” he leans his hands onto the table, “We need to figure out the last clue of this riddle.” Moving the riddle to him, Derek reads, “Wearing the Heart of the Ocean, she’s closer than it seems.”
Lydia bites her lip, typing away on her laptop. “If I didn’t know it any better…it sounds like he’s trying to reference a piece of jewelry. Probably a necklace or something.”
Peter rubs his jaw deep in thought, “That could be the source of her glimmer.”
“The necklace?” Stiles wonders aloud.
“Usually most vampires would prefer a ring or bracelet,” he waves a hand, “It’s small and concealable. Very easy for a Druid to enchant the item and allow the vampire to give off the effect to other supernatural beings they’re human. Prevents them from being obliterated by the sun. That’s their glimmer. Sealed within the jewelry to act as a camouflage. So long as they have it on,” he shrugs lightly, “you’d never know what they truly are.”
“And she’s been passing off as a human in Beacon Hills. For God knows how long,” Lydia opens a separate browser, hands hovering over the keyboard. “If her necklace has a name like Heart of the Ocean it shouldn’t be too hard to find. We find the Heart of the Ocean, we find her.” Her words have Allison come over beside her, realization crossing her face.
“Isn’t that the name of the necklace Rose wore in the movie?” Right as she finished her sentence, the image popped up on the screen of said necklace after Lydia typed the name into Google. “So it was real after all?”
“Appears to be,” Lydia was just as amazed. Stiles leans over her other side, eyes bulging at the sight of the large blue heart-shaped diamond surrounded by tiny little white ones.
“That’s gotta be worth a billion dollars.”
“350 million to be exact,” Lydia reads off. “At least today it is. Back then it was worth probably not even a quarter of that price—but still big for its time.”
“So…” Isaac taps his finger to his mouth, glaring up at the ceiling from where he was seated, legs perched on the table. “We’re looking for a vampire—probably at least 120 give or take a few years—who is passing off as human because of a magic necklace worth more than our entire lives. Wonderful.”
Scott takes a glance, letting out a whistle, “That had to have belonged to a first-class passenger. I’d say we start there.”
“On it,” Lydia begins to search records of the names aboard Titanic with First-class tickets. While she’s doing that the pack gathers to the makeshift board Stiles had created, adding notes to it as they go.
Stiles tapes the new information on the necklace to next to the verse on the copy of the riddle they made. “Heart of the Ocean a.k.a the magic necklace making the vampire appear human. To be honest, if someone were wearing a necklace that extravagant in Beacon Hills it’d be noticeable.”
Scott agreed, “She’s probably keeping it under her clothes. I mean I would. Lydia, did you find anything on who it belonged to?”
The redhead makes a huff, “from what the article says,” she clicks on a link, “it belonged to American socialite Y/n L/n as a gift from her husband Theodore Ford on their wedding day. He had it custom made overseas on a trip to France.” Lydia’s eyes widened at the next line, “She was the niece of John Rockefeller and he was the nephew of Henry Ford.”
“Good God,” Stiles made a sound, many of the others showing a similar reaction. “What a match made in heaven…and money.”
“Great,” Peter plops onto the couch, “our vampire was a once billionaire socialite—well maybe not billionaire. That’s a far reach. Since she was only the niece of Rockefeller and her hubby was a Ford she probably only had a snippet of their families fortune.” The man rolls his neck, hands clasped on his lap with his legs kicked up. “She shouldn’t be too hard to find then. All we need is a picture.”
Derek gives his uncle an annoyed look, “We don’t if it’s her or not. Maybe the necklace was stolen by her creator and that’s how she got it.”
“What else does it say?” Allison turns her attention back to her best friend. In her head she couldn’t help but feel there was something missing. That they were so close to the answer.
Lydia continues on, “It says here that they married in 1901–Y/n aged nineteen and Theodore aged twenty-one. They had a son, Benjamin, born 1905 and Theodore died six years later in 1911 from a car accident.” She scrolls down a bit, brows furrowing a tad and makes a sound of ‘eureka!’ “Y/n was gifted two First-Class tickets for her and her son aboard Titanic by her uncle John Rockefeller. They boarded the ship during Titanic’s first stop to Cherbough, France….survivors of Titanic recall last seeing Y/n place her son Benjamin into a lifeboat before being denied entry since it had reached maximum capacity,” a feeling of heartbreak fills the redhead, soon followed by defeat as she reads “It is believed Y/n L/n drowned as the ship submerged beneath the surface on April 15, 1912, as her body was never recovered as one to have perished from hypothermia in the freezing waters. Nor was she listed on the records of survivors on RMS Carpathia. Her son Benjamin was soon taken in by her mother where he remained in New York City until his sudden death in 1918 by influenza.”
A moment of silence passes as they take in the information. For Allison and Lydia, they couldn’t help the sadness for the woman they didn’t even know. To have to say goodbye to your child, likely promising them you’d get on the next boat and would be reunited shortly, only to never see them again.
The redhead suddenly straightens her posture.
“What is it?” Scott hears her heartbeat quicken. Worry takes his features when Lydia appears as if she saw a ghost. Everyone else looks the same when she brings a hand to her mouth. “Lydia?” There’s a slight tremor in her hand when she pulls it away.
“She’s closer than it seems.” She whispers the line from the final verse. Tone filled with near distraught.
Allison takes a hesitant step forward. From where they were all standing they could also see the light of the screen hitting Lydia’s complexion. Whatever was on it was hidden from their view. “Lydia…”
“I-I thought it meant that by finding the Heart of the Ocean we’d be able to spot whoever was wearing it. That we’d have to maybe knock on every door in Beacon Hills until we find whoever is hiding it—as stupid as that sounds. Because who in their right mind if they knew they were being hunted would just hide in plain sight? But….” her breath picks up, slight horror and astonishment as she stares back at the screen. “He knows where she is—h-he wants us to find her, because she can lead us to him.”
“Lydia….” Stiles slowly draws closer to her. Peter moves to stand from the couch, expression unreadable as was Derek’s.
But Lydia’s eyes never move from the screen. “The riddle—it was just his game. He knows exactly where she is. He has to. Because she’s been under our nose all along—closer than we could’ve imagined.” Finally the redhead looks up to the anxious eyes of everyone, revealing the shocking truth with the slow turn of the laptop.
“She boarded Titanic as Y/n L/n,” the screen shows a sepia image causing Allison to gasp, Isaac to mutter ‘holy shit’, Stiles to drop his marker, and Scott to feel his stomach drop. Derek and Peter shared a look, Derek more anxious than his uncle. “But she’s been living as Loretta Andrews.”
There on the screen, listed as the socialite Y/n L/n and wearing the jaw-dropping necklace called the Heart of the Ocean, was a woman whose face the teenagers had seen every Monday to Friday for the last three months. Who looked no older than the age of 30 like in the picture and had arrived in Beacon Hills shortly before the spring semester.
Their English teacher, Loretta Andrews.
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nicstylus · 1 year
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The Dragonborn, in fact, went into eight more caves before he got back on track.
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