#Vampires vs hunters
cherrysoulth · 3 months
What Hides In The Shadows - Chapter 7: Inference
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🩸It will show its true colours 🩸
💕Pairing: Taehyung x Reader, Jimin x reader
"What hides in the shadows will let you see who you really are."
✏️Genre/au: Vampires, Alternative universe (Future of humanity), Sci-fi, Horror, Romance, Action, Vampires vs. Hunters
✏️Rating: PG 18+, explicit
📝Word count: 4428
⚠️Chapter warnings: blood, sire bond (implicit: dominance and obedience), vampire hierarchy, rivalry, violence,
<<<𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 6 | 𝕸𝖆𝖎𝖓 𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙 | 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 8 >>>
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You remembered getting in the cubicle with Taehyung, cuddling in silence, and at some point you fell asleep.
In the odd feeling that dreams can be, you couldn't remember how, but you were now chasing something in the middle of the night. Only the light of the moon allowed you to see in the darkness of the deep forest where you were sliding through silently. You could hear the heavy steps over the dried leaves carpeted earth that were the main telltale for who you were running after. You could also catch on your pray’s breathing. He was scared and was starting to grow tired while your heart barely changed its pace. At the same time, you felt no joy about the whole situation. Instead, the sadness and sorrow flowed over all, your tired brain letting you feel down and willing to cry.
You could smell and feel the others, also playing the same part on the hunt party. Jungsik, being the fastest, was in charge of the wrapping. Everything was going as planned and the end was near.
Finally circling the prey, Jimin grabbed the neophyte vampire who was showing its teeth and blue as he tried to escape Jimin's grip, breathing erratic and terrified. 
"I've served you well, master. Please, please, don't do this. Please, don't kill me," begged the guy as tears of fear started dripping down his cheeks. There was a connection between you and the pleading prey, that you were unable to translate.
"There can be no exceptions." you said hoarsely, tears streaming down your face, as your heart ached for him. Just that it wasn't your voice, it was Taehyung's. You could feel the  powerful build of his body, muscles, tendons, every little fiber of his body ready to move at any change in the situation. You were in Taehyungs body and mind. ‘Everything is going to be ok,’ you added mentally. The words acting upon the vampire about to meet his end, as if he could hear you. He seemed to relax straight after.
Then you, he, pulled a knife and slid it from underneath the neophyte's chin towards his head, damaging the brain irreparably. You screamed but held into the dream, halfway in and halfway out, acknowledging the bright light coming from the ceiling. Jimin held the body, while a sob escaped Taehyung, not letting it fall but lying it down on the floor and closing his eyes with his fingers. 
"I'll carry it." offered Jungkook teary eyed. Someone was wiping your neck with a wet cloth.
"The last one." pronounced Jungsik sobbing. Jimin hugged him and he let out a pained whine before hugging back onto his cousin.
Pain teared you from the grip of your hunting nightmare. The tears from your dream had translated to reality, a mix of what you'd seen and done, and your own body aching and trembling from a high fever and something else that couldn't be described. You could feel your guts, your organs burning. Cherry's words about more pain coming your way resonated and you understood, still panicked that all of it was part of the change. That the vampire blood was still incinerating -at lack of a better word- whatever human cells were left in  you.
A heavy silence deffened your ears and the wind moving trees from the dream started taking over again for a moment. Taehyung appeared in your line of vision as you tried to look down from the ceiling but the pain was keeping your nervious sytem paralised. 
You wanted to scream but couldn't. Again. Adding to the pain with a forming knott on your throat. He was sitting on the bed, wiping the sweat off your chest and with the corner of your eye you could see his stern expression, dedicated and careful. 
There were too many things going on in your body for you to completely understand what was happening, too much pain to focus, and  you blacked out again. 
The next time you woke up, you were back in the cubicle. The only trace of what happened was that you were dressed in a clean, lily-white nightgown and had a soft, grey blanket on top while Taehyung hugged you in his sleep. 
This time, you realised you weren't alone in the room. Soft breaths surrounded you, senses sharp; disturbing, being able to tell where everyone was.
Taehyung pulled you closer, still sound asleep. The sun had started hiding down the horizon, that much you could tell, but the others seemed to be sleeping peacefully with no intention to wake up to it. In no hurry to wake Taehyung up, you gently moved his arm to the side and got out to use the bathroom. 
When you exited the bedroom, Jimin was in the kitchen, shirtless and in grey sweatpants. Your eyes unavoidably traced the muscles of his back, noticing a tattoo on his right ribs. His body was beautifully built too, sculpted. You had to give him that the second before you looked away. 
Turning around with his chin low, his magnetic stare allured you in a flirtatious way. He smiled and then put a finger to his lips, signaling you to keep quiet. Then he served a glass of warm blood for you, from a bag taken out of the machine. You were parched but tried to walk calmly towards him before grabbing the glass and giving in to it, letting it down your throat without second thoughts or care. 
It wasn't until you swallowed the last drop and breathed out that you realised something familiar in the blood. Your eyes went wide and you noticed Jimin’s unreadable expression.
"What do you think you'll do when you're alone with him and the thirst hits?" he asked you. You slapped him and charged at him without hesitation. He tried to contain your hits, as the anger boiling in you made you see red, but he didn't calculate how enhanced and taught you were until you grabbed his arm and his back met the main table then it cracked in half. You towered over him and launched your long nailed hand to his throat with a growl. But before you could attack further, the twins had rushed in, pinned you to the floor and Taehyung had ordered you to stay put. 
Cherry helped Jimin to his feet and moved to grab the robe Taehyung had taken off. At that precise moment, Taehyung was calmly folding the sleeves of his pyjama top and Jimin licked his lower lip. He took your blows that had split his lip and spilled blood over the rugs. You went slightly feral and tried to escape under Jungkook’s grip but he was stronger, by far the most built one. 
"He's mine!" you screamed. The taste of the mixed blood making tears drop down your face. Never had the taste of betrayal been so sweet.
"I told you to stay put!” growled Taehyung, showing his long fangs and his cold stare. The master command in his words hitting hard and making your muscles desist the fight against the arms pinning you. Jimin took the chance and kicked him in the stomach to get Taehyung on the floor. You saw red and surprised the twins by fighting harder; your nails digging into their arms, drawing blood.
“Let her go,” demanded Cherry. Even with that, because of the order, you weren’t able to approach the fighting males. You could only watch as they both measured their strength, tears falling silently down your cheeks. Anger, frustration, sadness, all piling up inside.
"You crossed the limits!" snapped Taehyung, before blowing a punch to Jimin, which this time reached its target under his jaw.
"Me!? You crossed them first!" Jimin twisted his hand behind his back and pushed him away. "You took her from me first!" Jimin kicked him in the ribs on his left. You heard and felt the crack but Taehyung didn't hesitate to throw another punch. You could feel his determination to set things straight with Jimin, also feel the energy exuding from him, as if it was palpable. Your will to hurt Jimin, the anger towards him, also felt very material.
"You were going to hurt her!" confessed Taehyung, angrily. 
“I thought you said you were trying to protect our kind…” replied Jimin with a smirk, skirting the blow and punching him in the stomach. They weren’t containing themselves but you knew they could be inflicting way more damage than they were doing. Still the situation felt wrong, as if you had to stop them. After all, the fight was because of you. Taehyung didn’t reply to his brother but tried to knock him down by side-kicking him in the face, yet Jimin avoided it. 
“Stop!” you finally shouted. “Stop this nonsense!” they both did, abruptly, looking at you as you cried. “I don’t even get why you guys act like this. This all-” you were overwhelmed by your own feelings again, their projected energies, and the scents coming from them. Taehyung must’ve sensed it because he approached to hug you and so did Jimin. “No. You don’t get to come near me after what you did. I don’t give two everloving fucks about your status,” you told Jimin in a cold tone, looking at him sideways. “You don’t just feed me my best friend’s blood and get away with it!” 
“Anya…” muttered Taehyung and your eyes tilted to him. “It wasn’t just Yoongi’s blood that was mixed…” It didn’t take a genius to guess what he meant after he had tried to beat the hell out of his brother but you still waited for the confirmation. "His was there too."
“Oh my god…” you covered your mouth but then finally exploded. Grabbing the nearest chair, you threw it on Jimin, who easily avoided it. It didn't break like in the movies. You had thrown it with such strength that one of the paws got stuck on the wall, turning the act of violence into almost art. It freaked you out how powerful you had become, how impossible to measure the extent  of your own strength you were. It sent a shiver down your spine. The image of what could’ve happened to Jimin if it had reached him horrifying you. But as you had those thoughts, the need to take it off on the offender took over and you launched towards him again. This time, Taehyung held you by the waist. “How dare you!?” you growled. Jimin gave a sort of puppy sad eyes as he stared at you, just for a second, before his sass displayed. 
“Well, he’s done it too and I wanted a chance… It’s very simple if you think about it,” he shrugged. Then your eyes darted to Taehyung. 
“Whatever brotherly bullshit you two have going on, keep me out of it,” you said, walking past them towards the door, slapping Taehyung's hand when he tried to stop you. “If you care or not, make your bloody mind about it. You’re confusing me by saying one thing then acting another, and I’m not staying here to play I want you- I want you not.''
As you reached for the door, the twins appeared to block you. This time the anger flowed differently than the explosive way it did before, it exuded through you, similarly to the other non-living energies in the room. It was volatile but very physical at the same time. It was like you  could touch them in an atomical level. 
Then suddenly it was like you could connect to the electricity flowing through the cables in the room with your own energy. 
Succumbing to your curiosity you went on with the flow and the lightning in the room started to flicker. This time it wasn’t tiring like breaking wood out of anger, it was light, scaryly extracorporeal, as if you were touching things with your soul, as if it could get out of control.
“Anya…?” muttered Taehyung. The twins were wide eyed. You could see your hair floating in all directions and there was a tingling sensation against your skin, making your hairs set on end too. Jimin dashed to embrace you from behind, disconnecting you, and you found yourself unable to move. He was so warm. His touch was so tender. It confused you snapping you back to a more human state. 
“I wanna leave,” you said tearing down again.
“You can’t,” countered Taehyung. “And you know why.” Jimin released you as Taehyung approached and halted in front of you. “I do care. I’m sorry if I’ve been too harsh on you. I do care,” Taehyung explained with a soft tone. “I have too. I made you. I think I’ve made my points clear,” he finished, caressing one side of your waist. You huffed and shook your head. You didn't understand.
'Why does it worry you so much that those are not romantic feelings? What did you expect? He's told you that, and you know the real reason why he turned you now. Stop. Overthinking. It. This is not a fairytale.'
“Good,” you voiced. “What about you, Jimin?” you asked, surprising both. “What is it that you want from me, huh? Why give me your blood when it’s obvious that you can’t make me do anything?” you snarked, moving out of Taehyung’s grasp to get closer. 
“You,” Jimin confessed. “I want you,” he repeated in a breathy tone and with a seductive look that set your skin on end. He was using a charm, you could tell but you understood it worked differently with your own kind. You sensed Taehyung’s breath change, a somber energy exuding from him. You darted from Jimin to return to Taehyung. Body against body. “I had to watch you for a while before I decided to do what I wanted to do. And you’re beautiful. Just like that, since I don’t hate you, I started craving you,” Jimin said, getting closer. Taehyung held a grip on your waist and you could feel him vibrate with anger. His jealousy and ownership made it crystal clear that in your bond he’d accepted the part of him that wanted you, too. Reflecting on it, it made you feel a bit objectified. You were his neophyte, his thing. Only that your natural responses were allowing his behaviour. “Just as he does.” 
“Back off, tiger,” you told Taehyung, tilting your head and looking at him sideways. His eyes bulged a little and he retreated slightly. “But what makes you think you have the right to make me drink your blood, or stick to any claim for that matter?” 
“You were tender with me when we first met just some hours ago. I saw a chance, I took it,” Jimin explained. “Males are like this in all species when they try to mate. You sure are aware of it.” 
“You are trying to mate with me. Is that what you’re saying?” you questioned, putting space between both vampires. “You are aware of how derogatory all of this sounds, right? Like I’m just a bitch you guys want to get your heat off with.” 
“No one is forcing you to do anything-” Jimin stated. “I didn’t force you to drink that blood. The fact that you didn’t even sniff it before drinking it. Coming from me, someone who wanted to turn you into a weapon against those you love, shows that you’re either stupid or simply comfortable around me. And I really think you’re smart,” he smirked. You were wide eyed and outraged. “I did not trick you. I saw an opportunity and just took a chance. I didn’t even try to hide it,” Taehyung surpassed you by getting face to face with him, in a quick move.
“You were aware she wasn’t in her full senses. She’s a newbie and you played her, that’s the end of it,” he proclaimed with a deep, harsh tone. You felt his desire to punch Jimin again.
“No,” you said, surprising Taehyung, who turned slowly to you. “He’s right. I can’t believe I’m saying this… but he’s right. I’m never unaware of my surroundings. I’ve not been recruited but I’ve been taught how to take care of myself, and I had my guard down.” you explained, Taehyung tried to speak. “No. If I wouldn’t have been comfortable with him or feared something he could do, no matter how high on my own shit I am, I would’ve still been careful. It’s what I always do. If he’s been watching me in public places, like clubs or anywhere else where I’m usually not comfortable, then he’d know I'm always careful… Now, I wasn’t…  So, he’s right,” you concluded.
“You thought you were safe and he used it against you. This is not on you, it’s on him,” Jungkook chimed in  while landing a judgemental look to Jimin, who raised a brow on him then narrowed his glare warning to which Jungkook only responded by switching his gaze to you.  
“Still though,” you muttered. “Even if I can't guess why, I let my guard down. It's a fact,” you concluded again. Yet you walked towards Jimin and without a warning you punched him in the face, making everyone else gasp but he didn't move. "I still want to shred you into pieces, but I'll take that for now." Then you grabbed his face by the chin and his eyes bulged. "Don't you ever feed me blood from anyone I know. Never again. Or I won't rest until I'm done with you." 
"Sounds fair," he whispered with a husky tone, leaning closer. Still you found yourself standing your ground but when he tried to kiss you, you placed your palm over his lips, keeping him away and you felt him smile against it.
"What do you think you are doing?" 
"Trying to kiss you," he said, leaning backwards a bit, and you felt his vibrating energy like a summer day. His scent was like recently rain upon wood and cherry blossoms. Grabbing your hand, he kissed your wrist and you felt the rest of the room containing a breath. Taehyung, still behind you, was like a hurricane about to hit the shore, making you not only pull your hand away but recoil this time. You turned around to soothe him. 
Once close to him, Taehyung looked at you with pained, angry eyes just a second enough for you to catch it, before returning to his inexpressive gaze. You unavoidably hugged him, gripping slightly on his white top and feeling the texture of his chest. The need to kiss him tickled on your lips. Unexpectedly, he leaned over, raising your chin with two fingers and went for it.
It was a breathy and shallow kiss, parted lips closing against one another while his other hand rested on your waist. Short, but it made a point. When you separated and you looked around, Jimin was fuming. Dangerous eyes set on Taehyung.  
"Uh. I'm out," you said, walking away from both to look for the fake book at the table and retrieving your phone out of it. 
"I thought you understood, I told you-" Taehyung started, approaching. 
"Put me with a babysitter. I'm not up for this," you told him, moving your eyes between him and Jimin, who showcased a surprised expression.
"We'll take care of her," offered Cherry to Taehyung, then looked at Jimin while approaching and putting her hands over your shoulders meeting your eyes. "Don't worry, sweetheart, when you come back they'll behave like the gentlemen they were raised to be," she scolded without looking at any of them. Both of them seemed to energetically back off and you felt the tension in the room start to fade.
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"You're leaving with Min Yoongi," confirmed Jimin, huffing air and looking away with a chuckle. You could easily tell that Yoongi irritated Jimin more than Taehyung did. You just couldn’t put your finger on why. 
“You can count on it,” you said to him, raising your eyes from the screen. You soon noticed the brotherly bond when Jimin exchanged a look with Taehyung. othing was said or gestured, but there was a  sort of communication. And, Taehyung's conclusion didn’t go as Jimin had wanted.
“Ok. You’ll guard her,” Taehyung said to Cherry, who smiled proudly and looked at you as if she’d been given something interesting to do. “But you’ll stay with us until past midnight,” he said to you.
Once the order was in, everyone started to scatter. Auria and Cherry went to the hallway where the bathroom was and disappeared for some time. Just as they did, Jimin went on one knee and picked a robe from one of the cubicles in the floor, where he had been resting. All the covers were still open and you were surprised you hadn't fallen inside in any moment. 
Then Jimin, as he walked out confidently, dedicated you one last turn, showing you his bare chest and a smirk. You rolled your eyes but caught a glimpse of his body, and something twisted in you. 
The twins waited until he had left the premises to start moving and seemed to have very different wishes. Jungsik left his and Jimin’s lid fall without care before leaving. Jungkook on the other hand was careful and made sure to not alter the silence that had befallen the room as he picked up the kitchen with an inhuman speed and left. 
Now, only you and Taehyung remained, and you caught him staring. He seemed upset, but you couldn't tell for sure. You thought maybe, the chemistry that existed -against your best wishes- towards his brother, bothered him. 
You moved to sit on the divan. Taehyung mimicked you but  kept a distance. You disgarded the space, scooted closer, and laid your head on his shoulder. A deep breath of relief left him. 
The girls returned shortly after. Cherry stood tall in a dress similar to the one she wore the night before. However, her hip-length hair was neatly braided and pinned back, matching the styles of a gorgeous Russian bride and a warrior Viking. Auria, on the other hand, had a delicate appearance in a green dress as if 20th century model with her thin frame and short hair in beach waves. However, her features were ruthless. 
Just as the two came out of the hallway, Yoongi stumbled in the room with a semiautomatic gun and everyone froze. 
He pointed it to Taehyung. 
"Let's go, Anya." he demanded. 
You stood to comply and he threw a bundle of clothes towards you. You grabbed it but didn't even look at it. You only kept moving his way, then shifted in front of the gun, so he had to move to relocate it towards his target but he wasn't there. You saw the girls leave through the main door at a gracious speed that made them seem like they were floating away with their long dresses. 
You pulled the gun from Yoongi and hugged him. His smell went to your nose from his throat and hit you like a train, making your fangs poke and be awkwardly aroused. You wanted to kiss him, fuck him, and bite him; all at the same time. It didn't sit well with you. You backed off. He was shocked by that, even more so when Taehyung didn't do anything after he'd threatened him. 
"There's no need for guns, she'll leave with you at midnight," Taehyung informed him, regaining part of his control over the situation. 
The fact that Yoongi had come in with one of Hoseok's weapons, like a kamikaze, with the intention to rescue you, made your heart swell. But, you felt terribly guilty and feared the consequences of it all for him. Taehyung put a hand over your stomach and got closer to your body,  choosing to be possessive at this exact moment. Yoongi moved and another hint of his smell hit you. You felt a stir inside your skin and tears started dripping down your eyes, as you fought the urge to pounce on him. "Cherry and Jungkook will come with you," Taehyung explained, with a contrasting calm tone. Yoongi wasn't surprised but he did startle you by keeping his eyes on him, as you kept crying. This time, it was Yoongi who's energy felt like a storm. Now, the idea of leaving didn't seem so attractive anymore. You were really scared of losing control and killing him. The thought made you shake. "You’re not going to hurt him. Once you've assimilated what you ingested, the need to drink him up will decrease," Taehyung whispered in your ear, still holding you.
"Why don't you just let her move on her own?" inquired Yoongi, misinterpreting the whole thing. Taehyung removed his hands off you, taking all the security you felt away. Yoongi sprinted suddenly and you clashed your back against the furthest corner in the room, hands shaking as you tried to take an impossible hold on the wall. The distress and your wild energy floating around your body touched the power lines behind the walls and the lights started flickering. 
"Anya…" said Taehyung. "Breathe," he whispered through the buzz of the electricity that you could hear. There was something distracting in it that you held onto. Then, all the lights went off. "Anya?" you felt like you were still pinned to the wall, connected, recharged on a very powerful energy. 
Then you felt a touch, a hand settling on your cheek as full lips parted yours for a quiet kiss. Tongue snaking to touch the middle of both, inserting its taste in your mouth. The moist, breathed air and the promise of breathtaking kisses before it was gone. 
Your knees failed and you fell on them on the floor, bringing the power back. Taehyung approached with Yoongi to assist you up. Yoongi was less tempting in regards to his blood, as your skin burned and tingled after the mysterious kiss. Taehyung exuded the musk and whipped cream scent again and his pupils were wide with desire. You realised you were aroused, again, and he had definitely caught on your scent. And, it seemed with Yoongi, who helped you to your feet, displayed  the same desire. 
You wanted them both but didn't wanna do them both. So, you rushed out and darted towards the bathroom. You climbed into the shower, cold setting, and you gasped, leaving was a good idea after all. Why did Jimin kiss you like that? 
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🩸Why did it taste so sweet?🩸
How much you like? Let me know your thoughts and reblog. If you dare... 😈
I'll see your little fangs in two weeks! ❤️
Big thanks to @/heathfritillary for doing the beta for this chapter. 💜
Taglist: @taebangtanbabe
© 2021-2024 Cherry Soulth, all rights reserved. reposting/modifying of any kind, translations, unsanctioned adaptations are not allowed.
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nohomie · 5 months
Character intro:
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Extra lore dump below
So yeah, Vampires are special because theyre actually manmade.
Vampires where created centuries ago, long before Human and Mythic agreed to live together peacefully. There were still fights between the two and Humanity was on the losing end. It was due to this that led to some royal family trying to play god and turn themselves into a mythic only for it to cause disaster and destruction.
Fun fact, the term vampire stems from their place of origin, Vamais. While not all vampires come from there, there are few that still exist who once lived in Vamais. You can easily tell if a vampire was once a Vami from their unique facial features (no visible nose and facial hair, not even eyebrows) and striking blue hair.
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D & Leila Meier Link & Charlotte
Two sides of the same coin...
802 notes · View notes
camo-wolf · 12 days
I think Damian should become the new vampire king at the end of dc vs vampires
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bardicious · 7 months
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The cute Damian + familial bits of DC vs Vampires: Hunters, you're welcome.
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clamsio · 2 months
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Kenshiro and his “sons” ((Yes sons))
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cricketmilk · 8 days
They actually got me super hyped for the finale of Mayonaka Punch
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kimtiny · 1 month
Gay or depression
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Submitted by @enerprime
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DC vs. Vampires: Hunters #1
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duckapus · 5 months
AU where Meggy gets turned into a vampire and Mario gets turned into a werewolf
They were bit in completely separate incidents and are keeping it secret from everyone, including each other and the rest of the Crew.
Luigi's the only one who knows that Mario is a werewolf because he was there the night Mario got bit (well, nearly mauled to death is more accurate).
Meggy initially doesn't have anyone who knows about her being a vampire, at least until Whimpu happens to stumble across her while she's feeding.
Mario can shift voluntarily into either a very-big-but-seemingly-normal wolf form, himself with wolf features, or a big scary wolf-man form, but it takes him a while to properly figure out how both because he and Luigi have to figure it out with no help and because he's an idiot.
He's also got an uncontrollable fuckoff-Massive wolf form with a mind of its own that he turns into when there's a full moon.
He's got some wolf mannerisms now, obviously
While Meggy does have the classic vampire weaknesses, they're thankfully the manageable versions (so the sun does hurt her but sunscreen deals with it, mirrors and cameras only don't work if they have silver, needs to drink blood but can still eat normal food no problem (unless it as garlic obviously), etc.) since for plot reasons I need her to actually be able to keep it a secret.
She can shapeshift into a variety of animals, not just bats, and one form in particular makes all the shit she has to deal with now almost worth it: Vampire Squids are a thing that exists, which wouldn't matter for most vampires with how situational it would be (due to vampire squids specifically being deep sea squids) but in her case it means she gets to have her Swim Form again (though modified a bit since vampire squids have webbed tentacles with tooth-like spikes on the underside)
Also I know that vampire squids are actually octopi but let me have this
The vampire and werewolf that turned them are still at-large and causing trouble in the Mushroom Kingdom (including making more vampires and werewolves, many of which are less inclined than Meggy and Mario to not follow their new darker impulses), bringing all manner of monster hunters out of the woodwork to deal with the problem (some, like the Belmont Clan, are more competent and altruistic than others, like the Guards (because of course those two would want to get involved in the latest violent trend)), which is a large part of why the two of them are keeping themselves a secret
Another big part is of course the fact that Anti-Shroomy Exists
It also turns out that Bob was a big-name monster hunter a few hundred years ago, and shockingly he's easily the most competent of all the hunters in town, so the Bros, Meggy and Whimpu are understandably extremely wary of him right now
and as if the situation wasn't bad enough, Demon Peach has somehow managed to crawl her way out of the Creep Pit and is prowling the Kingdom (surprisingly stealthily for something of her size and disposition, I might add)
more details and (hopefully) some pictures to come in later posts
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cherrysoulth · 8 months
What Hides In The Shadows - Chapter 6: Versus III
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🩸New bloods are always exciting 🩸
💕Pairing: Taehyung x Reader
"What hides in the shadows will let you see who you really are."
✏️Genre/au: Vampires, Alternative universe (Future of humanity), Sci-fi, Horror, Romance, Action, Vampires vs. Hunters
✏️Rating: PG 18+, explicit
📝Word count: 4402
⚠️Chapter warnings: blood, sire bond (implicit: dominance and obedience), vampire hierarchy, mentions of death
<<<𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 5 | 𝕸𝖆𝖎𝖓 𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙 | 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 7 >>>
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“Anya…” escaped Yoongi's lips in a heavy whisper, glaring at you wide-eyed, completely caught off guard. 
“What are you doing here?” you questioned, trying to stand but getting dizzy. Taehyung pulled you towards him before your knees met the floor.
“What did you do to her!?” Yoongi yelled, aiming towards Jimin who was closer, holding him by the collar of his white suit. Jimin didn’t move, his expression showed no emotion but he did raise his eyebrows slightly.
“Go ahead, hit me, if it makes you feel better. She won’t be less like us because of it--” Jimin replied with a cold tone you hadn’t expected from him. Yoongi tried, he moved, darted to punch him but against what your body was putting you through, you launched and hugged him, holding him still. 
“I’m still me,” you whispered, feeling the tears go down your cheeks. “I’m still me.” Even if everything you felt turned those words into a lie. 
The idea of him rejecting you twisted your heart as if it was going to shred. He turned around and held you close, you felt him shaking slightly, in utter shock. 
“Jimin–ssi, guys, leave the room, please,” said Taehyung in the most unreadable tone he could make use of. Jimin stared at him, about to object but then looked at you crying in Yoongi’s arms and stepped back to obey. The twins followed suit aiming a short bow at Taehyung.
“What have they done to you, Anya? This is horrific,” Yoongi said with a husky tone that hid his emotions, pulling from the hug and resting his hands on your shoulders. You met his eyes and started drawing his features. He had always been beautiful but you felt your attraction to him enhanced. Your eyes drifted down to his lips and you wanted to feel their softness, taste his mouth. Something under his perfume, scent, and energy changed and you felt the want turn into a need. He swallowed but he didn’t look scared in the slightest. Taehyung cleared his throat.  
“What--What are you doing here?” you asked again, taking a step back, seeing how you had practically absorbed Yoongi’s personal space. 
“It’s--” Yoongi tried to speak but got interrupted by Taehyung. 
“He donates blood in exchange for studying our kind. That’s how he came across his popular vaccine and generated so much wealth from it,” he pronounced sternly. “Right doctor?”
“Yeah. That’s it,” accepted Yoongi, trying to stay calm. You hadn’t stopped staring at him and he seemed to be unable to look away as well. Underneath his musk and whipped cream-scented skin, a watery undertone suddenly appeared. It felt like a winter breeze and cold salty water as if you were on board a ship in the middle of the ocean. The way it seemed to bottom in your heart as sadness sunk in. 
“Oh Jeez… Suga… What have you gotten yourself into… If they find out–” you said while caressing his face. He looked startled and you sensed the possessive energy coming out of Taehyung at that moment and felt the hurry to move away from Yoongi.
“They won’t. He’s been working with us for the last two years.” Taehyung pointed out, calmer than you felt from him. 
“Two years!?” you exclaimed, separating further from him. He looked conflicted and drew a thin line with his lips. You made the mistake of glancing at his throat, his scent tingled your brain. The musk over any other smell. Your body pulsated and you pushed yourself backwards, falling to the floor on your rear as one of your fangs poked into your lower lip, drawing blood. Taehyung was quick to help you up. “You gotta go,” you told Yoongi, meeting his eyes with an emotionless face. He stared at you in shock but also studied you since the cold blue eyes were now on you. Taehyung dried your droplet with his thumb and you heard him suck on it, like a kiss. Those tasteful lips and those long fingers. The sole image of that interaction raised your heartbeat and you felt your arousal spike. Taehyung pressed you against his body. He must have sniffed your state or sensed it somehow because you felt him starting to get hard and now it was him who smelled undertones of musk and vanilla, through his lavender and camomile-scented lotion.
You reverted back to what you felt in your teenage years; confused and overwhelmed by emotions that didn’t seem to have a source and getting horny by no means and reason. You hated that time and it didn’t seem like you were going to find much joy in your current circumstance either. But this time you had added pressure; sensitive to smells, connection to other's emotions, and, the ugliest one, the thirst.   
“They told me to bring fresh blood,” Yoongi showed a big thermo and your stomach twisted. You started crying again, over Taehyung’s chest in desperate sobs. “When did you turn her? Damn it… This is such a mess. She can’t go back like this and they’ll definitely know she’s missing when she doesn't.” he pointed out.
“I told my uncle-- I’d be staying at the Hotel for a few days, maybe-- I’ll manage to act normal-- by then,” you said while sobbing. 
“Could that be possible?” wondered Yoongi. He was genuinely concerned about how the whole thing would develop. You knew him well enough to catch on the majority of his cues and tells.
“Could. But she lost it just a minute ago… I feel like it would be sending her to an execution.” said Taehyung, caressing your hair. You looked at him.
“What are you planning on doing, sir?” Yoongi wondered, looking straight at Taehyung who was now staring at you. There was something soothing in your maker’s energy that brushed away any distress. His scent had changed to a river's water and woody kind, natural and relaxed.
“You can’t go out yet, you do understand now, right?” Taehyung told you, hand still caressing your hair and you nodded. “Now you should drink,” he said and walked towards the table and put it back in place gracefully and without an effort. Then he offered you a seat and made sure you were sitting properly at the table before calling Yoongi over, who obeyed. Taehyung started cleaning up the mess on the floor before he went to the kitchen for a wine glass and placed it in front of you and left the thermo. 
“I can’t,” you pronounced. The idea of drinking blood from a glass of wine felt ridiculously excessive but the idea of drinking in front of Yoongi disgusted you to the core. If you were to succumb to the thirst and act like an animal, as you had done when drinking from the bag, you knew you could never look Yoogi in the eye again.
“Doctor, why don’t you go back to work? I can take it from here,” Taehyung told him calmly, giving him almost an angelic look.
“You guys freak me out when you act like that. It’s worse than if you tried to scare me off.” Taehyung only replied with a boxy smile. “I’ll be just outside if you need me,” Yoongi told you. He looked concerned and it made you feel bad. Nevertheless, he obliged and walked out the door. Taehyung took off the lid of the thermo and served you the blood. As soon as you caught the savoury scent, all you wanted to do was to drink without stopping.
"Enjoy. There's nothing wrong with enjoying it," he told you, putting his left hand on the upper part of the chair while offering you the glass with his other hand. You took the glass from him and sipped, immediately closing your eyes as your tastebuds got the hint of the thick liquid flowing across your tongue. It was true, there was no comparison when the blood was warm. Taehyung’s tasted like the most profound and unhinged yet classy part of nature. Like the depths of the forest and caves, like roses under the rain, like the roots of human existence, if those things would have a taste. The fridge blood prickled the sensations but now that something wild flowed through you as you swallowed slowly. You left the glass over the table and then opened your eyes to look at him. Then he served you another one and repeated the process three more times until you drank yourself full. Taehyung had joined you by your second glass but he only drank one with elegance and seemingly with a lack of thirst, as if he drank for pleasure. He must've caught your expression “If you are well fed, you’ll be less feral and less likely to attack someone too. If you get the chance, try dividing your intake into little portions during the day. It makes you feel less thirsty and you’ll be more calm about it.”
“But you said—” 
“Two times a day. Yes, because that’s the normal way but there can always be a better way,” he said, finishing his last sip. 
When you put the glass over the table by the end of your meal, you felt strangely drowsy, as if you were drunk. You rubbed your eyes but could barely keep them open. Taehyung stood and caught you in his arms when you blindly tried to stand as well. 
"Listen to your body. It needs rest," he walked with you through the living room, then kneeled and pulled the lid of the chamber open, putting you in it. By the time your head touched the fluffy pillow, you were already out.
You woke up some time after, to a discussion going on in the living room. 
"I really mean it. They know me. They trust me. If she can hold herself together I can walk her through to make sure she's fine," you heard Yoongi say.
"You'd love that, wouldn't you?" murmured Jimin. There was a tone that you could have confused with jealousy if you didn't know better. 
"You need to get off your own ass. We wouldn't be in this mess if you didn't start it with your stupid vengeance plan in the first place." Jungkook cut him off with a tone you only expected from Jungsik. 
"Careful there, boy," warned Jimin, "I don't need to show you your place, do I?" 
"Let him be, brother. If you worry so much about status, I suggest you start acting accordingly to yours," Interrupted Taehyung. "Look where your spoiled-child tantrum has brought us."
"It was you who turned her and--" replied Jimin, trying to defend himself. 
"But it was your fault!" shot Yoongi, "If you hadn't had a shit-show planned to hurt The Guardians, she would’ve just kept going with her life. Normally and happily. Nothing to hide—" he reprimanded. Taehyung was fast to shield Yoongi from getting in front of him when Jimin moved.
"You know the way she looked at him," Jimin murmured, "There's no way you agree with this…" 
"If this prevents The Guardians from finding out what's happened, so be it," Taehyung replied. You pushed the lid open and stood out thinking the discussion was over. 
"We could ask her what she wants," suggested Yoongi. 
"Sounds like a great idea but I really gotta use the restroom," you said, walking your way toward it. 
After washing your hands and brushing your hair to look more decent, you went out again to discover a powerman meeting with the other five men sitting around the table with their suits and a dead silence settled in the room. 
You moved closer to them, walking calmly and observing them one by one before taking a seat yourself. It was difficult to tell Yoongi apart from the vampires, or rather the vampires from humans but when they all turned to look at you, you would’ve never been able to guess that there was only one human among them. 
"What shall I decide, gentleman?" you wondered, the question made them look at each other. 
"If you want to go back with Yoongi and play along to what your uncle thinks that happened," snickered Taehyung.
"Uh?" you didn't understand, "Going to the Hotel? Yeah, I can do that. Why is that an argument?"
"He meant the dating rumour," pointed out Yoongi, "I think it could distract him from any strange behaviour you might have and I could be around you to supervise whilst you figure out your next step, of course."
"Yes. You can't simply live amongst them anymore," declared Jungsik.
"This might give you some sort of closure," added Jungkook gently. 
"Is it safe to do that?" you questioned. "My self-control is kind of questionable…" 
"As long as you keep your guard up and use your head instead of your instincts you should be fine,” explained Taehyung, as if it was the most obvious thing, “My doubts are whether we’ll have time enough to teach you that, since you’ve told your uncle that you were quarantined in that hotel," he said, walking your way and caressing your face.  
“Plus, that bastard General of your uncle is likely to send someone to check on you, right?” pointed out Jungsik. You frowned at him and he raised a brow.
"This sounds like a bad movie. A stupid plan if you ask me," Jimin pointed out. "It'll go wrong. Her place isn't there anymore, closure or not. Her place isn't with you, Min Yoongi," he spat, standing and Yoongi followed with a glare, "But I guess I don't really have a say here," Jimin shrugged.
Walking to the kitchen, taking two bags of blood out of what looked like a high-tech oven and emptying them in a jug, making your mouth water. A knock on the door interrupted his doings, "Come in." 
Two heads poked through the cracked door when they opened it and two beautiful vampiresses entered the room.
"We wanted to say our welcomes to Taehyung," pronounced the brunette in a soft breathy tone. 
At first sight, she seemed almost as tall as Taehyung with the slim figure that was a trademark of movie vampires in the past. Their own Underworld Selene, if it may, but with rounder features, big brown eyes with long and abundant lashes, and cooper-brown wavy long hair to her hips. To your inner amusement, you did imagine she could be the kind to get on black leather suits to hunt werewolves by the way she carried herself. But her nude clothing, inspired by Ingush's bridal dresses, made her seem more like the diplomatic kind. Also, the moment she stopped talking you realised she had an unreadable demeanour, making her more unsettling than the other vampiress resting bitch face.
The bleached blonde possessed a much darker eye colour like two profound and dark lakes that pierced you like the void, matching her sharp features. Her golden brown skin suited beautifully the soft purples of the hanbok hugging her curves and she wore her nails in a long stiletto cut, making her look like a ferocious princess. You could have sworn she acted as such with so low interaction.
"It's not a good moment, Cherry," interrupted Jungsik. She sternly met his eyes and arched a brow, making him chuckle but fold to a smirk and glance away. Jungkook, on the other hand, smiled sincerely when their eyes met and she appeared sweeter. When she moved to greet Taehyung with a hug, jealousy poisoned your veins. The blonde hadn't even moved and stared intensely at you. Cherry looked over to her companion when she noticed the lack of her presence beside her before she followed her line of vision.
"Oh Jeez…" she whispered and it seemed to you that her face brightened, "You got yourself a lover! You sneaky prince! No wonder you wouldn't come back..." she spoke while still observing you, seemingly forgetting about Taehyung. She hugged you, unexpectedly. "Welcome home, dove," she arranged your hair behind your ears. Her brightness earlier appeared to have vanished and replaced with a familiar sorrowfulness, "I'm sorry for what you have left to go through, " she turned to look at Taehyung again. The blonde had moved to hug him and was now kissing his cheek. Your blood boiled. "That was very cruel of you, Taehyung… I would’ve never taken you--" 
"It's none of your business," he snapped, looking at her coldly while expressionless although you could sense his discomfort. The darkness in her eyes as she stood her ground stirred fear in you. Jungkook stood fast and hugged her from behind. By the way, he kissed her neck from behind to try to calm her and how heart rate immediately started slowing down, you understood they were likely a couple. It was only then that you caught their mixed scents, having been too distracted to sniff. Jungkook and Cherry almost smelled almost the same. 
Curious, you also whizzed on the blonde’s smell and realised hers had a fainting essence similar to Jungsik. However, Jungsik did not seem to have any of her undertones. It didn’t take a genius to realise you were smelling an intercourse after-effect. Finally realising, what was so telling that the rest would know what you and Taehyung had been up to. You blushed, embarrassed. 
"I'm Auria, pleasure to meet you," she said and you noticed Jungsik approaching. They looked serious at each other for a second until he invaded her personal space grabbing her by the waist. They smirked before kissing.
"Who would say they've been hooking up here and there for almost two hundred years, uh?" Cherry told you with a cheeky smirk, then winked at you.
"How long have you been together?" you asked her out of curiosity and trying to guess their ages. 
"We met in 2020 when she was twenty-four and I was twenty-three but didn't start dating until fifty years later. In six days, on the 23rd of October it’ll be five-hundred and fifty-two years since we first shared blood," Jungkook explained. Your eyes widened to the startlement. They did seem to share a common ground somehow and the way they appeared to predict the other’s moves and act accordingly, made it obvious they had been really close for a long time.
"It's not a walk in the park as you may guess but with some effort, it is just as easy as any other thing," she told you. Taehyung appeared relaxed watching you speak with her.
"What took you so long to start dating?" A heavy silence fell on the room and all eyes looked at you. Jimin smirked in amusement.
"We were together during those years," answered Taehyung calmly, breaking the silence. As if spending half a century with someone wasn't a big deal, "But it's been really long since then," You looked at the way Jungkook and Cherry were with each other again. In a way, it felt as if their bodies, the cells of their beings vibrated at the same frequency. It amazed you. You perceived it very differently from Jungsik and Auria. The way Jungsik kept his hands at her hips pressing his whole body at her back. The almost imperceptible rocking motion. Their restlessness of their obvious focus on each other's movements, translated in sexual energy, was so high you felt like they would get it done right there and then, although the only thing they were doing was hugging. 
“You may wonder in what category, you and the prince fall…" Cherry pointed towards the couple and then to you and Taehyung, "We normally share blood from both sides with the person we choose to be with and it stays mostly in a monogamous way. We don’t judge love or other kinds of relationships. We live way too long to limitate ourselves to a one specific way to do things, so any other kind of relationship raises no eyebrows in our society. Unless, of course, they were harmful to one or both sides.” Taehyung came close and put an arm around your waist, kissing your head again, apparently mindful of the others in the room. 
“In your case, of course, it’s a weirder one. We don’t have this kind of bond or relationship with our minions--I mean, that’s what your kind is meant to be created for.” Jimin looked at Jungkook as he spoke. Something in those words had bothered him.
“Weirdly, he could choose not to take your blood and just leave it like this,” pointed out Jungsik, "This way, others will not let their possible attraction to you become a thing because, basically, you are owned." Auria slapped him in the chest and Jungsik giggled. She rolled her eyes with a smirk.
Taehyung didn’t say anything but you guessed, from how he looked at you to what he'd said previously, that he was more than disposed to do so but you still couldn’t put a finger on why. If what he’d done was mainly to avoid bigger damage by causing one that weighed less: Why was he so… loving?
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🩸So warm🩸
How much you like? Let me know your thoughts and reblog. If you dare... 😈
I'll see your little fangs in two weeks! ❤️
Big thanks to @moonleeai for doing the beta for this chapter. 💜
Taglist: @taebangtanbabe
© 2021-2024 Cherry Soulth, all rights reserved. reposting/modifying of any kind, translations, unsanctioned adaptations are not allowed.
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autumnmobile12 · 1 year
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Question:  In a fight between the Castlevania trio and Seras, who wins?
This would've been a question of Seras vs Trevor, Sypha, or Alucard, but let's be honest: the Hellsing vampires are super over-powered compared to the Castlevania one, and Seras has a habit of going absolutely feral when threatened and generally has no problem annihilating multiple opponents in one hit.
All weapons apply regardless of time period. This is also full-fledged vampire Seras, her Shadow familiar and everything. (So it's really more of a two against three fight.)
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Let me know in the tags who you think would be the victor and the method of victory.
Or the third option.
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luxurysystems · 3 months
VampireHunter!Irwin R Schyster is just one of those AUs where I'm just like "oouuh my brain 😌" but then "ooOUUHH my feelings D: "
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camo-wolf · 2 months
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deathdefyinggarlic · 1 year
merlin and arthur, nandor and guillermo .... what is it about sad gays with weird power dynamics where one has a secret that is horrifying to the other....
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