#Visual Inspection Method
techndt · 9 months
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Visual Inspection is a method in Non-destructive Testing, that relies on the human eye to assess the surface conditions of materials, and structures. Read More!
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buckynats · 1 year
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Absolutely making shit up as I go. Still finishing the other one and then I have to figure out how to attach them without ruining it all. I actually made my own pattern and cut fabric out to it without crying or panicking this time. So that's progress.
(Ignore how uneven those look, that's my abysmal posture at work. They do actually match in length when I'm standing still. And despite the lighting weirdness, it all matches.)
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imrovementcompany · 8 months
Navigating the 4M Changes in the Workplace: A Comprehensive Guide
Every workplace undergoes changes, and how we manage them can significantly impact our operations’ success. The 4M changes—Man, Machine, Material, and Method—are critical areas where alterations might occur. Today, we dive into a detailed work instruction (WI) sheet designed to navigate these changes effectively. Man Changes in personnel, whether due to leaves, new operators, or job rotations,…
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I realised recently that I feel weird if i type too much dialogue without any narration, perhaps because I don't see it often. How should one break up a long monologue in a case like this, where one character has a lot to say?
Breaking Up Character Monologue
Stories need to have a relative balance of exposition (explaining things), dialogue (characters talking), and action (things happening.)
To break up a long character monologue, you can do the following:
-- have character pause periodically as other characters interrupt, ask questions or provide input.
-- have character pause periodically to allow for exposition in the way of mentally exploring their thoughts and feelings about what they're saying, and processing/exploring other character reactions/visual cues that clue the character in about what they are thinking/feeling about what they're saying.
-- pauses to allow for environmental interruptions. For example, let's say your character is delivering a motivational monologue ahead of a big battle. Perhaps there is a pause as another infantry parades past, or during the test fire of a cannon or trebuchet. Or, maybe your character is delivering a monologue on a busy street corner and has to pause every time a loud motorcycle, heavy truck, or car blasting music drives by.
-- pauses to physically engage with the environment and/or other characters. For example, maybe your character pauses in their monologue to inspect their horse and make sure their gear is all set. Maybe they stop to examine the map table and move a few pieces around to illustrate a point. Or maybe they walk over to a street light that is plastered over with flyers and tear one off to hold up as an example of something that's part of their monologue.
Using a combination of these methods help to break up the monologue and also help keep the reader rooted in the setting, as well as remind the reader of the other characters present.
Happy writing!
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
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literaryvein-reblogs · 2 months
Writing Notes: Analyzing Photographs
Description, reflection, and formal analysis are methods of visual analysis. These methods provide a structure for viewing, analyzing, and writing about photographs.
1. Description
The first step in visual analysis is description.
Describing an image is a useful technique for looking closely at an image and absorbing its details.
Descriptions should remain objective, discussing what can be seen without drawing conclusions about a photograph's meaning.
For Example: when looking at Lincoln on Battlefield of Antietam, Maryland, it would be appropriate to say, "The tall man in the middle is wearing a black suit," but it would be inappropriate to say "The tall man in the middle is dressed as if going to a funeral." This sort of subjective comment should be reserved for the reflection section.
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A description can begin anywhere, but generally it is easiest to begin by discussing the subject matter.
Example: a description of this image might begin with the basic statement, "In this image, three men stand in front of a tent."
Once you have stated the subject matter, simply elaborate on what you can see: "The man in the middle is the tallest and is posed with his hands down at his sides, wearing a formal black suit with a bowtie and a tall stovepipe hat. The man to the left is wearing a worn dark suit and a bowler hat. The man to the right is dressed in a military uniform with bright buttons and epaulets. The tent is pitched on a grassy clearing with trees in the background."
2. Reflection
This section should focus on the emotions and interpretations that an image evokes for the viewer.
Different viewers will react to the same image in different ways, so there are no wrong responses.
Knowing the historical context for an image can be very important for constructing reflective responses.
For this image, it is important to know that the Battle of Antietam was one of the most bloody and brutal battles of the Civil War.
Appropriate comments for this type of analysis include the following: "The tone of Lincoln on Battlefield of Antietam, Maryland seems very bleak. The somber facial expressions of the men, coupled with the barren grass and sparse trees give an overall impression of death and dying. There is also a sense of loneliness about the figure of President Lincoln. Although standing next to two men, he seems totally isolated. He is unresponsive to the camera; rather than making eye contact, he stares distantly off into space, increasing the sense of isolation."
3. Formal Analysis
After looking carefully at an image and considering its emotional and interpretive properties, formal analysis is the next step.
Be familiar with the elements and principles of art, which can be used as a guide in your formal analysis.
The "elements of art" are the building blocks for achieving the "principles of art."
A very good place to start formal analysis is by deciding which elements are most strongly represented.
Example: In the Lincoln picture, the very distinct lines and geometric shapes are immediately apparent.
Upon closer inspection, it is clear that these lines and shapes function to frame and to move the viewer's eye towards the central subject, President Lincoln.
For Example, note the way that all of the lines in the image draw the eye toward the figure of the president. The tent forms an inverted "V" shape directly behind Lincoln, while the vertical tent post and tree trunk in the background further elongate Lincoln's already tall figure, clearly emphasizing Lincoln's figure in the composition.
There are other strongly represented elements as well.
Consider the use of contrast in this image: there is a stark contrast between the white of Lincoln's shirt and his black suit, which further draws our attention towards the president's face.
There is also a sense of balance, with the figures standing to either side of the president in similar poses, like mirror images.
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nhasablogg · 3 months
Heaven sent
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Characters: Reid, the BAU members
Summary: The team solves a case where the UnSub apparently tickled his victims before killing them. Reid is having a crisis about how something that makes him feel safe can be used for evil.
A/N: This is mostly introspective, but a bit of tickling takes place. I really enjoyed trying to involve most of the team in different ways. I hope you like it!
Warnings: Non-con tickling, mentions of murders, mentions of bondage, mentions of tickle kinks
Words: 4k
(Read it on AO3)
Reid couldn’t stop looking at the photographs. Gideon had warned him early on not to let himself get too caught up in visual evidence, unless he really thought his persistence would land them a solved case. “You’ll see a lot of things you’ll wish you didn’t,” he’d said, tilting his head at a 24-year-old Spencer Reid. “Don’t cause yourself unnecessary harm.”
He thought after so many years he’d mastered the art of this profession and knew when to switch to words on paper, or when to walk away entirely for a moment. Only he was entirely captivated now. It made him feel dirty.
He leaned back in his chair and took in the whole picture, which technically consisted of many smaller photographs of the lair where they’d found Stephen Miller after two days of searching. They’d known they only had another 24 hours to find the bar owner, who would otherwise turn up dead tied to a tree alongside the highway. The trees where the other four bar owners had been found had been far apart, as far apart as the individual bars had been, but the pattern had been easy to solve. Finding where William Harris, their UnSub, kept his victims before they ended up dead, had been the difficult part.
Reid ran a hand through his hair. The case was, technically, over. This was, technically, time to work on his report. One would argue he didn’t need visual evidence to compile something he’d written millions of times at this point, but no one ever questions his methods of working either. He could get away with this, and yet he jumped each time someone walked past the conference room. On edge. Feeling as if what he was doing was wrong.
“Jesus,” he mumbled to himself as he watched Hotch pass the room toward his office, their eyes briefly meeting before he disappeared out of sight. He pulled the file closer to him, pen still in his grip, only his gaze would not move from the photographs. On one, a chair where Stephen Miller had been tied, reminding Reid too much of his time with Tobias Hankel. He could, would he be questioned, blame this fixation on his kidnapping, only it wasn’t it and Reid couldn’t pretend to himself that it was. The case still lingered inside of him - probably always would - but this was a different issue. This was stupid and uncomfortable. He wasn’t sure how to feel.
He took a sip of coffee and shifted his gaze to the picture next to it. The handcuffs were on a single bed when they found Miller, but he’d said that they had been used to tie him in all kinds of ways. “The bed frame, the ceiling-” He’d cut himself off, as if the memories had overwhelmed him. They’d figured the rest out themselves.
“You see these marks here?” Prentiss had said, pointing to another chair than the one with the ropes installed to the armrests. “The back rest is all worn.”
Morgan had leaned closer, inspecting the chipping wood. “Almost as if his arms had been tied back with the cuffs and that he had struggled.”
“What’s his obsession with tying his victims in such elaborate ways?” Reid had asked, dragging his gaze through the whole room, which was big and dark almost like a basement. It was only much later that Miller had told them of the things Harris had done to him while tied up, which made all the cuffs and ropes and stocks make sense.
“You tickled your victims,” Hotch had said to Harris in the interrogation room. “Why?”
Harris had grinned, as if happy they’d finally caught on. “Why not? They’re laughing. They seem to like it.”
“Being tickled for prolonged periods of time without being able to defend yourself is torturous,” Hotch had countered and Harris had laughed for so long that they’d had to cut the interrogation short.
“He’s making them suffer without leaving marks,” Rossi had later said. “Well, other than the marks the ropes and cuffs make. It’s almost as if he’s taunting us. We could only really see what method he’d used to kill them. Had we not been able to determine when they’d been killed it would almost be as if he’d done it when he’d captured them.” He’d shrugged. “Three days of captivity and nothing to show for it. He fed them regularly.”
“He wanted them to have enough strength to struggle,” Hotch had said. “It was half the fun for him.”
Morgan had shuddered. “God, at that point just kill me already.”
Reid grabbed the photograph of the cuffs and put it at the far left of the table, exchanging it with one of the stocks. Harris had two sets. One for the feet only, and one which came with a seat for the victims where their hands could also be tied to the side, slightly above their heads. Enough for the blood to slowly trickle from their hands. Both of them had ropes for the toes to be tied, leaving the feet mostly immobile. “That must’ve hurt,” JJ had said quietly as they’d examined it. “I mean, none of this must’ve been comfortable, but that?”
Reid had nodded and refused to imagine it.
The need to control. Giving the victims no space to consent. Naturally. This was a serial killer. Reid had seen them time and time and again.
And yet.
“Hey kid,” Morgan’s voice suddenly said as he barged into the room. He probably just opened the door calmly, but Reid flew out of his chair anyway. “Woah, sorry, didn’t mean to scare you.” He was laughing, but Reid could sense the concern. “Just wanted to see if you wanna get lunch.”
Reid sat down again, heart hammering. “I’m not hungry.”
“Well, take a break anyway. The case isn’t going anywhere.”
He entered fully when Reid didn’t move, rounding the table to stand next to him. “I’m telling you. This can’t be healthy even for that genius brain of yours.”
Reid ducked his head. “I’m fine.”
“Reid, come on, what’s going on?” Morgan dropped into the chair beside him. “This case seems to be eating you up. It’s over. We solved it. We caught the UnSub and Miller’s alive and recovering.”
Reid shook his head. “My report’s not done.”
“It’s never taken you this long to complete a report. Something’s obviously eating at you.”
“I can’t explain it.”
“Could you try?”
Reid had two options here. Either he could keep avoiding the questions and inevitably have his teammates watch his every move for the next few days, or he could attempt to tell Morgan some sort of version of the truth. Neither option sounded very appealing. And flat out lying would be useless in the BAU.
He rubbed a hand over his face. “I just- I can’t let go of what that must’ve been like.”
“You know. Their captivity.”
“You mean being tickled to half death?”
“I guess.” He sat up straighter. “Usually, when people get tortured, it’s not something I want to linger on more than I have to. But this case is different.”
“I guess you don’t really hear of tickle torture too much.”
Reid said it quietly, quickly. “Did you know it’s a kink?”
Morgan blinked. “Tickling?”
“Uh huh.”
“I mean, sure? I haven’t thought of it, but I’ve kind of realized most things can be kinks. I can imagine that being one. What, you think Harris had a thing for it?”
“I’m not sure. If he did it was in a very messed up way. I did some research on it. Consent must be a big part of it for it to work.”
“People consent to being tied up and tickled?”
“Or participating in more playful sides of it. There’s big emphasis on a safe word being involved.”
“So this guy was a creep who didn’t value that. There’s much more wrong with him than just that though. I’m sure he doesn’t represent them all.”
“I just can’t stop imagining what it’d be like to normally enjoy it and happen upon something like this,” Reid said, his voice low.
Morgan turned his body fully toward him. “That’s what’s bothering you? Reid.”
Reid didn’t reply. Reid didn’t know what to say.
When Miller had told them of the tickling, his first reaction had been to stiffen and then force himself to act normal about it. So much so that he’d missed key details and had had to ask Prentiss to repeat them afterward. She’d not asked, but had been obviously confused by it. Reid rarely missed things. Afterward he’d had to stifle his own emotions surrounding the method of torture enough to make it through the interrogation and final interviews before taking the jet back to Quanitico, where he’d then spent the past two days hunched over the pictures and unable to stop looking.
Of course his teammates would wonder. Of course it had been Morgan who’d asked first.
“Reid.” A hand on his arm, almost making him jump. “Is this about Tobias Hankel?” A valid question. Hankel had been the reason for his past behaviors many a time. Reid could so very easily pretend that was it. “Did he tickle you?”
He laughed. He didn’t mean to. “No. No, he didn’t. Everything simply- hurt there.”
“I can’t imagine being tickled like that doesn’t hurt though. But good. Okay. No tickling. So what then?”
“Imagine having something that makes you feel safe. And excited.” Reid grabbed the photograph of the handcuffs. “Imagine someone using it like that.” He turned toward Morgan for the first time since this conversation started. “I’m not saying any of the victims liked it. We established that that had nothing to do with it. But just- I don’t know.”
Morgan tilted his head. “You mentioned feeling safe. That’s not usually the first thing people think of when they think of more extreme kinks.”
“But it makes sense, doesn’t it? You have to really trust someone to do this, or any kinks that involve any type of strain to the body. There’s safety in that.”
“Does it- does it make you feel safe?”
Reid had known it would come. He wasn’t stupid enough to think Morgan wouldn’t have caught on. “I don’t know,” he answered honestly. “I’ve never tried it.”
“But you’d like to?”
“I don’t know.”
“Okay. Well. Let me put it like this.” Morgan moved back slightly, as if to not crowd him. “Was that something you did with your mom growing up?”
“Sure. Didn’t everyone?”
“Not everyone enjoyed it.”
Reid ducked his head. “My mother wasn’t very affectionate. She showed her love in other ways. It was rare, moments like those. What? You think I have a thing for it because of that?”
“Do you have a thing for it?”
“I don’t know.”
“Oh my god, Reid, okay.” Morgan was laughing. That was good at least. “Something obviously has caught your attention with this case. Something about tickling. It’s cool. I don’t judge. I can see why people would like it. And why this case would mess you up if you do like it. I reckon it’s not nice seeing something that makes you feel safe used like this.”
Reid was blushing now. He wasn’t usually a blusher. Morgan, to his credit, didn’t tease, although he did do a poor job of fighting back his grin.
“Well, now that we’ve established why you’re having a crisis.” He ruffled his hair. “Will you please come to lunch? I’m starving.”
Reid let out a laugh and nodded. “Yeah, sure, come on.”
Reid’s crisis didn’t get worse, but also didn’t go away. He finished his report and gave the photographs back to Hotch who put them where they belonged and didn’t ask him about why he’d kept them for so long. Morgan had, despite probably itching to do so, neither tickled him nor asked him about it again. Reid wasn’t sure how he felt about that.
There was a lot he wasn’t sure of to be fair.
He’d never considered tickling as a kink, nor was it something he got to experience often. But whenever he saw it, or whenever it was mentioned, he felt a jolt and a flush and then a feeling of slight comfort. It was strange. He’d tried not to linger on it. Until the case, of course. Now he couldn’t stop.
He didn’t regret telling Morgan, although it did make him feel somewhat weird that he was walking around with that knowledge before Reid could even figure it out himself. He didn’t think he would tell anyone else, but the thought of it sent him into a slight, unnecessary panic.
He truly had better things to do than to focus on this.
Hotch had shown him grace for approximately one week before calling him into his office. “You’ve been distracted.”
Reid shifted in his seat. “I’m sorry.”
Hotch raised an eyebrow. “So you know you’ve been distracted.”
“I do, sir.”
“Okay.” He nodded, reevaluating the situation. “I hope you’ll figure it out before the next case. We can’t afford that while on site.”
“It won’t be a problem, sir.”
They sat staring at each other for a second too long for Reid to think this conversation was over.
“Reid,” Hotch started, obviously hesitating. “Do you want to talk about what’s going on?”
Reid looked away. “I did with Morgan.” Universal sign of not being alone with this, which is probably what Hotch had meant.
“Did it help?”
“A little.”
“Is it serious?”
“No.” He shook his head. “Unbelievably stupid actually.”
“I doubt that.” When Reid looked at him he was almost almost smiling.
So he had to figure this out as soon as possible before more of the team started asking questions. Cool. He could totally do that.
Distraction. Distraction from the distraction was the first step.
“What are you doing?” He all but barged into Garcia’s room, stopping just enough to knock before trespassing on her territory. He must’ve done a poor job of sounding casual though because she blinked at him for slightly too long before answering.
“Why?” she added once she’d told him of her latest research.
He shrugged. “Just wondering. I haven’t seen you all week.”
“That’s sweet, but doesn’t sound entirely genuine. Although I don’t doubt your love for me, I think you have ulterior motives here.”
“So I need company. Sue me.”
“I can give you company, boy genius, you just have to ask.” She patted the chair next to hers. “But I might interrogate you about what’s going on, because something obviously is.”
He hesitated and sat down anyway. “I can’t promise I’ll answer,” he said, swirling the chair around twice before coming to a stop.
“Oh, but I have ways of persuading you.”
Reid imagined it could be one of her methods, but didn’t expect her to reach out for his ribs. He couldn’t ever remember her tickling anyone, let alone him, but maybe this was something people just did after knowing each other for a certain amount of time. He let out a surprised yelp at her sudden touch, too light and too skillful, and wondered briefly if Morgan had told her.
“No, no, oh my god, wait.” He tried to grab her hand but she simply used her other one to block him, turning it into a dance of some sort where Reid got tickled no matter how he moved. It had been years. It had been years. He didn’t know that his reaction to tickling was frantic squirming and that he would start giggling immediately. It was embarrassing. It was heaven sent. He didn’t know what to do with it.
“Do you give up?” she asked, her voice laced in a laugh and Reid felt something akin to joy in his chest from that alone.
“Yes, yes-” Although one part of him wanted to say no to not have this end, only he realized he couldn’t stand it. Would probably die had he been one of William Harris’ victims before any real violence would be done to him. The lack of an option of controlling when it would end, like he had now, because despite it all Garcia would stop once he really wanted her to.
It was too much.
Garcia must’ve seen something in his face when she backed off, because she didn’t push it like she’d said she would. Only gave his hand a squeeze and trusted that he would’ve told her if the tickling had crossed any lines.
Reid made no habit of breaking into places and so he didn’t do it effortlessly, although he was smart enough to not do it when Hotch was in. He tried to be casual about it, as if he had business going into his office, but he was on the brink of panic the entire time. He had no idea if the photographs were even in there, but he knew he needed to see them again, the real thing, despite his eidetic memory. Somehow he felt he couldn’t move on without them, but asking Hotch to see them was more than he could handle. And so he opened random drawers and tried not to look too much at their contents, which of course made his search harder than it needed to be.
“I’m not sure if I should be alarmed,” Rossi suddenly said from the doorway. Reid was somewhat not surprised it was him who caught him. Rossi and Hotch seemed kind of inseparable nowadays.
He straightened and met his gaze sheepishly. “Don’t tell him. Please don’t tell him.”
Rossi crossed his arms. “Maybe if you tell me what you’re looking for I’ll consider it.”
Dear god.
“The William Harris case. I’m looking for the photographs.”
“Shouldn’t your report be in by now?”
“Oh, it is. This is, uh, a personal matter.”
“I see. I’m sure Hotch would be happy to lend them to you if you asked. Unless of course you didn’t want him to ask questions, which in that case too bad I caught you because I for one love asking questions. Much more than Hotch.”
Reid’s gaze flickered to the door behind him, wondering if he wanted Hotch to arrive or not.
“He’s away for another half hour,” Rossi said almost gleefully, closing the door. “It’s just you and me, kiddo.”
“Look,” he started, unsure of how honest he should be. “This was a lack of judgment based on a very strange situation I’m not sure how to approach. I recognize it. It won’t happen again.”
“I’m trying to help you here. Something is obviously wrong if you want to revisit the case. Did you think we missed something?”
“Will you use it for research?”
“Well, no, although it would be interesting now that you mention it.” He was being much too honest, he realized.
“Then what’s left?”
“Uh. Personal interest?”
“In a serial killer? Or is it his method of choice that intrigues you?”
Lie, Spencer Reid, Jesus Christ. “Something like that.”
“I mean, it is fascinating,” Rossi said, launching into work mode. “He seemed to have no more interest in it other than to torment his victims. Usually there’s sexual interest involved. I can see how this would interest you.”
“Me specifically?”
He squinted at him and Reid wished he’d never spoken. “Everyone. Anyone.”
“Spencer.” Rossi was the only one who almost always called him Spencer at this stage of life. It made him feel strangely warm.
“I can’t let the case go,” Reid said in response. “And I think I need to look at it all again to maybe get some closure. I can’t tell you more.”
Rossi didn’t ask for more either, although Reid felt certain he understood. Even if he himself barely did.
Apparently it was JJ who’d been keeping the photographs. She handed them over to Rossi with a questioning look at Reid who was hiding behind him, feeling like a child. “You’ll get these back tomorrow,” Rossi said without consulting Reid, who would be fine with anything over thirty minutes honestly. “Thank you.”
“No problem,” she replied. “Just leave them at my desk when you’re ready.” She wouldn’t stop looking at Reid, who did his best to appear casual.
Reid didn’t take them home even though he easily could’ve. Instead, the conference room, pictures spread out over the table once more, only this time he’d locked the door and had his back turned to it and the windows, allowing himself to dive into this fully. One last time. One last chance to figure out how he felt about this all. This time with Garcia tickling his ribs in mind. This time allowing himself to feel.
These were the facts: William Harris tickled his victims during the three days he kept them captive before killing them as some sort of power trip where no physical evidence would be found other than the marks from the bondage. He clearly had a thing for bondage, what with all the different tools and methods used to tying them up, although he seemed less fixated on the tickling. At some point, maybe while keeping Stephen Miller in his lair, he decided to start tickle torturing his victim. Nothing suggested he’d done that to the remaining bar owners he’d killed. Perhaps Miller had just been ticklish enough that he’d noticed. Who knew what else he’d been doing to him before settling on that, or what he’d been planning. At the end of the day he’d been caught and that didn’t matter too much, especially since Miller wasn’t up for saying much else, partly due to how raw his vocal cords were after all the laughing.
These were also facts: Reid felt weird about tickling being used like this. Possibly because he kind of enjoyed it although he wasn’t entirely sure due to a lack of experience. But the case had hit him like a truck, leaving him dazzled and uncomfortable. He was aware that tickling was a disliked activity that many found torturous, as well as something that helped people bond in a playful way. He knew it was also kink. He knew not everyone who got tickled liked it. He knew a case like this couldn’t be unique.
But it didn’t sit right with him. He didn’t like the thought of it at all. The lack of consent. The fear and humiliation instead of trust and giddiness. He was certain it tickled like crazy even if you consented to being tied up and tickled. He looked at the photographs and didn’t find a single trace of ease, because why should he? Harris didn’t aim for ease and comfort. He wanted to torment and taunt.
Was Reid weird for enjoying something that could be torturous? Or was the UnSub merely being evil by using something like that for, well, evil?
God, he was going insane.
A knock on the door startled him out of his thoughts, not entirely unwelcome. Reid sat still for a moment before standing to unlock it. “Emily.”
Prentiss was holding two cups in her hands. “One for you. I figured whatever you’re doing you could need some fuel.”
He accepted the coffee gratefully. “I hadn’t realized it, but this is exactly what I need. Thank you.” When he turned around he expected her to follow, but she remained in the doorway. “You can come in if you want.”
She peeked over at the table. “You sure? You seem kind of busy.”
“I’m mostly done I think.”
“Did you find what you were looking for?”
“I’m not sure.”
She entered, her own cup in her hand. “Well, that’s life sometimes. It’s part of the job, whether we like it or not.”
They sat. Reid took a sip and tried to accept what she’d said. That it was sometimes okay to not have it all figured out. By the end of it, when he returned the photographs to JJ, he was almost okay with that.
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We may have a problem with the so-called fiancé, @artofdeductionbysholmes I lost sight of him…
Any update on the lab results? @artofdeductionbysholmes @mollyatthemorgue
The question is: did he disappear on his own terms, or was his disappearance forced?
And yes, I just received @mollyatthemorgue Molly's lab report. See below.
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[ID: 3 screenshots of a lab report
Lab Report
Subject: Examination of Paper Sample
Date of Report: June 2, 2024
Lab Technician: Hooper, Molly
Sample ID: Paper-2024-371
The purpose of this lab report is to present the findings from the examination of a piece of paper. The analysis aims to identify the physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of the paper, and any potential indicators of its environment and exposure history.
Sample Description
Type: Paper 
Condition on Receipt: Intact with minor surface wear, slightly discoloured.
Methods of Analysis
Visual Inspection
Microscopic Examination
Chemical Analysis
X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF)
Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS)
Microbiological Assays
Moisture Content Analysis
Odour Analysis
1. Visual Inspection
Appearance: The paper showed slight discoloration, with faint yellowish-brown stains.
Surface Condition: Minor abrasions were noted. Some dirt and dust particles were visible.
2. Microscopic Examination
Fibre Integrity: The cellulose fibres were mostly intact, with minor signs of surface wear.
Debris: Presence of small soil particles and other unidentified debris.
3. Chemical Analysis
X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF):
Detected Elements: Trace amounts of heavy metals such as lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), and chromium (Cr).
Surface Contaminants: Minor presence of inorganic substances.
Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS):
Organic Compounds: Detected small amounts of hydrocarbons and other organic pollutants.
Residues: Identified residual chemicals from inks and dyes, with some degradation products.
4. Microbiological Assays
Bacterial Presence: Identified bacterial species including Bacillus and Pseudomonas spp.
Fungal Presence: Traces of fungal spores, likely Aspergillus and Penicillium spp.
5. Moisture Content Analysis
Moisture Level: Moderate moisture content of 12%.
Chemical Composition: The moisture contained slight acidic properties.
6. Odour Analysis
Detected Odours: Mild, musty odour with hints of organic decay.
The examination of the paper sample indicates several key findings:
The physical condition and minor wear suggest it was exposed to an environment with abrasive materials and some physical stress.
The presence of heavy metals and organic pollutants detected by XRF and GC-MS indicates exposure to a polluted environment, potentially involving industrial or waste materials.
Microbial assays revealed early stages of microbial colonisation by bacteria and fungi typically associated with organic material decomposition.
The moderate moisture content and slight acidity suggest exposure to a moist environment with some chemical interactions.
Odour analysis confirmed the presence of organic decay-related gases.
The combination of physical wear, chemical contaminants, microbial presence, and environmental indicators suggests that the paper may have been exposed to a mixed waste or polluted environment. The findings are consistent with environments such as waste disposal sites, polluted industrial areas, or other locations with significant organic and inorganic contaminants.
The paper sample shows signs of exposure to a polluted and possibly waste-rich environment. The results indicate physical wear, contamination by heavy metals and organic pollutants, microbial activity, and environmental interactions that are typical of such conditions. Further context about the paper's origin could provide more specific insights.
Lab Technician Signature:
[signature of Molly Hooper]
Reviewed By:
Patrick Miller
/end ID]
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rie-kay · 3 months
A Voice through Type
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The typeface is the voice of a text—so they say. But what kind of voice? On closer inspection we are mostly talking about well-behaved ones. For corporate logos they need to have enough general appeal to appease the largest possible audience. For most articles they are more comparable to ambience in order to serve the message. Wouldn’t it be fun to take this statement more literal and apply it to (fictional) people? Giving the textual representation of speech a visual indicator regarding the character of the speaker and the quirks of their voice. Sounds fun—at least as an experiment.
(Reading time ~9 mins)
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A limit to our fun
A few limitation beforehand. What I propose here is not a method. It is more like a thought-process that I hope can help to decide on a typeface representation of a character. Voices are wonderfully complex. We change our voice depending on speaking context or emotion. Picking various fonts or designing a super-family that would feel cohesive while also being meaningfully different for each situation would be super cool, but also very overwhelming. We are talking more of a proof of concept here. So I focus more on a general representation. Broad strokes often are a good thing when we are talking about details of details (the thing letters are in the context of a page or screen). I’m also gonna brush over the intricacies of characterization of people. To keep it simple let’s say we work mainly with a adjective-based framework that can be extended by whatever association comes to our mind in regard to the character.
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It’s not a rigid system but a fun experiment after all. Talking about fun: The limit to our fun isn’t the sky, but legibility and readability—to a degree. Namely how well the letters are decipherable and how easy it is to read the text based on the merits of the chosen font. If we pick something very out there and expressive we might jeopardize the legibility. Same goes for readability. If the font causes discontent in the reader, they might hate it when the character speaks. On the other end: Maybe that is exactly what you want. Another way to circumvent these issues would be to limit the expressive font to the speakers name. The actual dialog could then be set in a more general font. The name would then function as a kind of logo that by proxy colors the words of the speaker. But it would also introduce a form of abstraction, as the typographic voice wouldn’t be as immediately connected to the words. Also, you are missing out on a lot of cool glyphs with this method. As a time-saving alternative it is still interesting.
The establishment
Now to the actual task at hand: Drawing a connection between typeface and characterization. In essence this process comes down to dealing with readers expectations. That doesn’t mean you need to meet all these expectations. I’m operating under the assumption that typographic connections are somewhat arbitrary. Arbitrary in this case doesn’t mean random. Readers’ associations can be wildly different, based on their personal experiences and preferences. A blackletter font can look edgy-cool to one person, to someone else it might look traditionalistic. One person might find Helvetica timeless, someone else might find it overstayed its welcome. A Font that looks exciting to one viewer, someone else might find pretentious. As designers we can’t look into other peoples’ heads. But we can make an educated guess. 
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Because even though everyone is an island, no one actually is an island. Our associations with typefaces are based in a common learned visual language that is shaped by the context in which we see fonts used. For example for the longest time Apple used lightweight sans serif typefaces to promote their technical gadgets. This resulted in the association of light sans with luxury. On the opposite site the usage of Comic Sans by many small businesses resulted in an association by the wider public with affordability. Futura still can be associated to futurism and space-travel because of “2001: A space Odyssey.” 1 Blackletter fonts are perceived either iffy due to the appropriation for nazi propaganda or traditionalistic due to the usage in traditional restaurant signage (at least in Germany). Typographic associations are of course subject to change. This can come in the form of trends or simply new use-cases.2 To use Blackletter as an example again: The young folks (that definitely doesn’t make me sound old) first association with this letter type is more likely to be with urban street wear.
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For our purpose established associations can serve as shorthand. Similar to the way stereotypes are used for writing characters. When we use typography tropes in such way, the shorthand should not be the end-goal. Just as a stereotype in character writing is not the end-goal for characterization but a “conversation opener.” The more interesting character—typography connections come from subverting expectations or building onto them.
Spiky means angry
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Another well to draw from are haptic and kinetic associations. A letter with spiky features will probably evoke the haptic feedback of touching a spiky object. In contrast, a font with very round features will cause associations with smooth and round surfaces just by proximity. A light typeface can be perceived as flimsy or as filigreed. Bold letters can be associated with heaviness. A font with a wide letterform can be perceived as steady and immovable. Oblique weights often imply a form of movement. For our little experiment we could use these associations to refer to unique features in a character’s appearance or personal traits.
A final aspect to consider when associating typefaces with characters is the “well-it-just-looks-cool” aspect. As with most things in design picking something you like because you think it looks cool, is a valid reason. One could argue that what looks cool to a designer is not just personal preference but (also) the result of research and exposure to different designs. To pick something that looks cool in this case is also a good way to create new typographic associations. So that is an added bonus.
While all these aspects are important when considering font associations, more often than not typographic nuances go right over most readers heads. 3 This means on the one hand to be blunt with your choices. Tiny letter details that you consider important to convey a characters personality are likely to get overlooked. If not due to the text size than because typographic nuance is often not perceivable to laypeople. The latter aspect could also be considered freeing, as you can try a lot of type shenanigans that go under the radar.
Words into actions
Enough overthinking. Time to put these concepts into action. For that we need a volunteer. May I propose we go with everyone’s favorite android songstress Hatsune Miku.
Hatsune Miku is a fictional character that was created for the software synthesizer ›Vocaloid‹ in 2007. The software is able to not only interpret notes with different pitch and velocity but also with vocals—hence the name. The sound is based on the voice actress Saki Fujita’s voice. The resulting sound is a very distinct robotic, and high-pitched voice, fitting for idol pop music. The software found a wide-spread following—which can in large parts be attributed to the iconic character design by Kei Garō. The concept for the character was that of a singer-diva android in a future where all songs are lost and need to be reinterpreted. As the character started to gain a life of its own through a large fan community and motion-captured life concerts with her as a hologram, the character is a bit more of a Japanese idol than a diva.
Hatsune was imagined as an android—a machine build in the image of humans. Considering this, references to the digital would be out of place, as she is meant to exist in the physical world of the future. Existing typefaces associated with technological progress have a tendency to look dated. Dated, in the sense that you can tell what idea of future shaped its design (think for example of ›Eurostyle‹). Going the “2001” route—using Futura as a shorthand for futurism—wouldn’t fit due to its mechanical construction principle. A more contemporary mix-style of geometric and grotesque sans could fit the “machine-imitating-a-human“ theme. Than again, to me this seems a bit too sterile, considering Miku’s implied extroverted-ness. Therefore I think focusing on this aspect is more promising.
The typographic style that caries the most diva-ness for me is the modernist serif form principle (Didot). It is often used in the context of high fashion, where it communicates carries an air of aloof-ness, quality and beauty. Typefaces in the modernist style emphasize verticality, and feature constructed shapes, as well as extreme stroke contrasts. 
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I want to draw a connection between the constructed letter shapes and the artificial construction of an android like Miku and her singing voice. I think the modernist form principle transports this better than geometric type, as it is less streamlined in its construction and allows for more decorative elements. Also the high contrasts read to me as eccentric and therefore fitting well with the diva aspect. Because androids are modeled after humans but are still distinct from them, I think it could be cool to add a detail that implies human behavior was imitated but in a wrong way. I thought mirroring the shadow axis of the “o” in a transitional serif type could be a nice nod in that direction. That will put the font more in the category of transitional Serif instead of modern, but that’s fine. I like the transitional Serifs more anyway. Also I want to add prominent ball terminals—just to be extra.
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In case I would look for a font—not make one from scratch—I would need to make more compromises. But working with existing fonts also creates other association possibilities. Like, seeing some feature in a font and come up with an association afterwards.
Anyway, this process like I said is very biased and subjective. But, I still think it is a fun way to approach typeface selection. I’m also sure there is a certain applicability outside of characterization of fictional people. Why not use this thinking process to pick fonts for a logo?
Funnily enough “2001” doesn’t get nearly as much flag for its rather literary connection to its title font than “Avatar.”
Speaking of trends: Type Campus’ Whitepaper “The 2022 Type Trends Lookbook” and “The 2023 Type Trends Lookbook“ do a very good job outlining recent font trends and putting them in the contemporary and historic societal context.
Jeanne-Louis Moys was able to show in her survey that far more important were how the text was spaced, what weight was applied, or if the text was set in cursive font. Jeanne-Louis Moys. (2011). Typographic Voice: Researching Readers’ interpretations. (p. 14–15). In: Technical paper 6, Simplification Centre. simplificationcentre.org.uk/ressources/technical-papers (accessed April 2022).
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cosmica-galaxy · 1 year
DOORS - Prey with the raincoat - Part 1
Relationships: None Type: READER INSERT Words: 4,478
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What rotten luck. Out of all nights, why did it have to be this one that your car decided to quit on you? It started out like a typical night. You were just making a quick run to get some snacks after getting off work and your car had suddenly decided to putter out and die on you in the middle of nowhere…during a heavy downpour…at night. Which meant no repairman was coming to your aid until dawn and you were all alone until then. It was a rather strange occurrence…since your car has always run fine and you rarely had any problems…until tonight. You quietly grumble to yourself as you hug your raincoat tighter to your trembling form, your small bag of snacks and drinks gripped tightly in one of your hands. The pouring rain soaks you to your bones as you trudge through the relentless downpour. The raincoat barely does anything to help keep you from getting wet or chilly from the torrential gale that rips past your form. Yet, you continue regardless. You drag your feet along the wet mud and soaked concrete, struggling to keep yourself from slipping and falling over as you continue to walk up the staircase towards your hopeful salvation. Your eyes glance up as you look up to a rather nice looking hotel, perched high up just on the hilltop. The same hilltop your car just happened to break down at the bottom of. Hopefully the hotel would be a comfortable place to stay while you wait out the rainy night and maybe they would even have a phone you could use! Since your phone was pretty much dead, and probably ruined from getting wet, it was your only limited option of being able to reach a repairman in the morning. Until then, you would have a nice place to sleep and keep warm on this chilly winter night. You noticed something strange, however. 
There was no sign advertising the hotel…or…even if it was a hotel. This might just be some random person’s house or mansion for all you knew…even if they called the cops, hopefully you would still get some help. You just couldn’t sit in your car all night doing nothing. You already went through an exhausting road trip, so you just really wanted to go home. Besides, you would rather explain yourself to some cops than quietly freeze to death in your car overnight. Upon reaching the top of the hill, you carefully approach a pair of large wooden double doors. Despite the illuminated interior and welcoming atmosphere of the supposed ‘hotel’, you pause.
There was just…something about this building…it was giving you a bad feeling in your gut. But…where else could you go? What choice did you really have? You were already soaking wet, your car couldn’t go anywhere, and you had no method of communication. You didn’t really have a choice and you certainly weren’t gonna sit in your car now that you were all wet… So you push the feeling down and decide to enter the building. With a handle gripped in each hand, you pop the latch. They open with a resistant creak as you open it just wide enough to peek your head inside. It was…strange for it to not be locked…but the moment you stepped inside, you seem to realize why. So…it was a hotel. There was a desk with a key rack behind it, some comfy chairs in the waiting area, fancy paintings decorating the wall, and it even had a lit fireplace! You wasted no time in walking inside once you finished your brief visual inspection, allowing the large doors to slam shut behind you. You quickly wiped off your feet on the welcome mat and hurried over to where the fire was, eager to get rid of your lingering chill. You slip your soaked raincoat off and lay it on the ground near the fireplace to dry as you let out a brief shudder and rub your arms in an effort to chase off the remaining chill from the rain. You eye the cozy chairs that surround the fireplace and you shiver a bit as you take a moment to sit down in one to gather up your energy. Setting your bags of goodies down next to the seat, you let out a sigh of relief. At least you were safe, warm, and out of the freezing rain. You take a second to look around your surroundings, taking in the fancy-looking atmosphere that made up the hotel. With its wooden floors, elegant wallpaper, wooden furniture, and fancy paintings, you silently guess it was of a much more ‘upper class’ hotel. Thankfully, you’ll only be here for one night. So the money they would ask for shouldn’t hurt you TOO bad. Speaking of which…where was the clerk? Shouldn’t they have come back by now?
Your curiosity is suddenly piqued as you sit for a few more moments before getting up.
You approach the desk with growing confusion as you look around to see if there were any doors that led to the back or staff rooms…but you see none. You continue to gaze around and then you finally take notice of the desk bell. You silently figure that you would have to ring that to get service. So, you gently ring it. There was only silence that followed afterward, so you ring it again. Expecting someone to come and provide you with some service. But nobody came. “Hello??” You call out into the lobby, waiting for a reply. Again, you were met with silence. You look around in a confused manner before checking for any notes that may be laying around, but once more, you find nothing. Then, your eyes catch something interesting. In the back of the lobby, you see them. Elevators. There are two of them and they both seemed to be operating as one was simply sitting open. Your curiosity only grows, but you don't want to get into trouble by wandering around the hotel without consulting the clerk for a room to sleep in for the night… But…maybe you could go looking for the clerk? That wouldn’t be too bad to explain if you got caught walking around the hotel, right? You decided to think about it for a few minutes as you sit down by the fire once again to warm up and dry off before you make your next move. A moment of idleness passes and you finally decide to stand up, gather up your coat and goodies, and go looking for the clerk yourself. What could they possibly be doing that requires them to stay away from their desk for this long?? So you begin to head towards the elevators. It was rather eerie how one elevator was staying open no matter what…so you decided to walk inside of it. Then…that looming feeling of dread comes crawling back as you observe the buttons that lead to the lower floors. Correction…the single button that led to a lower floor. There were no numbers or designated floors for maintenance and staff…just a downward pointing arrow. You cast your gaze back to the lobby, seeing the large double doors so far away and the heavy rain still pouring down outside. A little feeling in your body was telling you–no–BEGGING you to get out of the elevator and run, but you merely stood there in confusion before brushing it off.
You were just nervous about going into the hotel without permission, it’s okay. No need to panic. So you merely push the downward button…and the dread only grows worse as the door to the elevator closes and it begins to descend. Your worries only amplify once you take notice of just how LONG the elevator is taking to reach the ‘second floor’. Suddenly, the elevator jerks. Sending your heart straight into your throat as it grinds against something in the shaft before continuing on, the light flickering for a moment before everything becomes stable again. Your heart thunders as the elevator music doesn’t calm your nerves in the slightest. Maybe you shouldn’t have gotten into the elevator…maybe you should’ve listened to your instincts… Something just kept feeling more…WRONG the deeper into the hotel you go. Then much to your surprise, the elevator finally stops and the door opens. Revealing a much smaller version of the room from before. There were paintings, a fireplace, tables, a desk with a bell, and a key rack. You step out of the elevator, completely ignoring how the doors suddenly close behind you without your input. Instead, the first thing you take notice of is the presence of windows.
Didn’t you just go DOWN into the hotel?? How were there windows here?? Despite your growing confusion, you refocus on the desk in the center of the room. Once more, you walk up to the desk and ring the bell. Similar to the main lobby, you get no response and you begin to ring the bell over and over in frustration. Only pausing when the bell actually BREAKS and you silently step away to avoid getting blamed for it. Upon looking around, everything in the room looked the same as before. However, you now take notice of the single door that displays ‘001’ on it. You see that it has a lock and with a brief look around, you see the key to said door hanging on the key rack. You, growing more impatient and worried, crawl through the baggage carriage that blocked the way behind the desk, and snatch the key from its place on the wall. You crawl back through and make it to the door and with a little bit of fiddling, the door suddenly swings open. Revealing a short hallway that leads to room ‘002’. You blink in surprise and the feeling of dread suddenly amplifies as you take a look back at the elevator, looking to see if you could go back. Finding the elevator door closed tightly and noticing the lack of call buttons. Suddenly…you feel as if you were in danger. It takes a bit for you to gain the courage to move on in the hotel, but door after door, the hotel only grows more and more strange. So much so, that it begins to feel like you were having a fever dream. There were numerous doors that were broken or blocked off by wooden planks, stairwells that didn’t lead to upper or lower floors, the layouts stopped making sense entirely, and there was a constant feeling of being watched and looming danger skulking about. Then, you have your first encounter. Upon opening door ‘014’, you take notice of how the lights flicker as you enter. Then, the sense of fear inside of you suddenly spikes as your heart begins to race. At first, you didn’t know why. Then… You hear it. Something was coming from somewhere behind you. Loud, bellowing, and quickly approaching. Deep within yourself, you could feel something urging you to HIDE!
You sink down into pure instincts and look around the room in a panic.You take notice of a wardrobe that was sitting off to the side and the same feeling inside of you tells you to hurry and hide inside of it! You sprint over and swing open the doors, finding the closet surprisingly empty. Without hesitation, you throw yourself into the closet and shut it quickly, listening as the noise grows louder and louder. Then, through the crack in the closet, you see it. A large being with a gray smiling face and a shadowy body races past your hiding place quickly. Bellowing loudly and shattering all the light fixtures that it passes. You even cover your ears as the beast charges past, its large toothy mouth agape, letting out its loud roar, and tearing through the room ahead of it recklessly. Then just as quickly as it arrived, it vanished like it wasn’t even there. Your heart was still thundering loudly in your chest as you struggled to process what just flew by your hiding place. Even worse, you swear that the darkness inside of the closet was moving and your heart rate grew even more rapid as you swore something was touching you and whispering ‘get out’ into your ears. In response, you bolt from the closet and out into the darkened room. With a quick few stumbles, you enter the illuminated room ‘015’ and collapse to the floor in shock. Your heart thundering in your ribcage and your eyes flicking about as you hold onto your bag of snacks like your life depended on it. What the FUCK was happening?!? What was that thing that flew by the closet?? What was that thing IN the closet?!! Why wasn’t this hotel making sense ANYMORE?!! You take rapid breaths to try and calm your heartbeat, but it did very little to help. You simply lay there on your back, panting and trying to regain your breath from your close encounter with death. After a few minutes, you manage to calm down just enough to finally stand back up and continue on your unwilling journey. Moving on through room ‘015’ to continue on through the endless rooms. You managed to discover a few interesting rooms, namely a painting room that involved a puzzle, multiple styles of studies, large rooms with numerous bedrooms in them, long hallways, and rooms with numerous closets or toppled bookshelves. In these numerous rooms, you even managed to find a lighter in a drawer. You also had more encounters with that large screaming shadow demon. Each encounter is as terrifying as the last as you hide in a closet and watch it rush past, screaming and tearing through the room with its large teeth. Until in one particular room. The moment you open door ‘023’ you are met with darkness. You pause at the entrance, looking into the darkened room in surprise as you blink. Worry eats at you from within, as you swear you can feel a presence lurking around in the dark from where you stand. Squinting a bit, you take notice of a locked door further into the room and a door off to the side. Great…it was locked and it was an office-type of room. Just judging on the familiarity of the layout. You take another moment to gather your courage and pull out the lighter you found. Upon flicking it to life, you walk into the inky black room, taking notice at how it seemed…darker than usual. Your light barely did anything to keep the darkness at bay as you walked along the wall and felt for the door to the office.
You feel the handle and turn it, opening the door to a cluttered office space that looked like someone was just moving in. Boxes, a bed, numerous unmarked crates, and a desk off to the side. Along with those ever present windows with the raining downpour still continuing outside. You quickly stride over to the desk and begin to search the drawers. Nothing notably interesting, except you managed to find some lockpicks. The key wasn’t here. You grumble a bit and then, much to your surprise, you sense something around you… “Psst.” You jump and look around rapidly and once your gaze lands on a floating inky-looking disembodied head with tendrils, glowing white eyes, and a wide toothy grin, you let out a loud scream. The creature does the same thing, except its screech is louder and piercing. Which made you visibly flinch and recoil in response to the sheer octave that the little being reached. Then, it rapidly disappears back into the darkness of the room. Your heartbeat thunders in your chest after the encounter and you try to snap out of it. You needed to get OUT of this dark room, now ! 
So you searched and searched, looking for the key. You even had to put out your lighter to prevent it from burning out on you too quickly. So now you were working in complete darkness with that thing lurking around you. Then, surprisingly…something in the room began to glow an eerie blue. 
From a ways away, you take notice of a glowing key that was laying upon the ground. You hurry over to the luminous key, not really questioning at the moment how it was glowing, before hurrying out of the office. Even more interesting, the door itself was glowing that same eerie blue. With shimmering sparkles and a radiant aura that emitted from it. So you waste no time and head over to the door, the light providing you enough visibility to slip the key into the slot and pop the lock. The door to ‘024’ opens and you rush out of the dark room, doing a quick check around yourself to make sure that whatever that thing was didn’t follow you out into the light. Once in “safety”, you take a look back towards the door that you just came through. Seeing the sparkling blue light slowly fading away from the door until it was no more. Strangely enough…that light felt comforting. 
It did help you after all…maybe whatever was causing those glows was…good? Benevolent, even? You just hoped that you had at least SOMETHING to rely on while you traverse this hellscape of a hotel. And so…you continue on through the rooms. Most of the rooms through 025 to 029 were uneventful. You just have another heartstopping encounter with the large rushing shadow monster in room 028, which you easily survived. However…when you enter room ‘030’, you encounter another monster. You are taken off guard when you hear a rather peculiar sound and suddenly something appears in front of you. A mass of eyes radiating a bright blue light appears in the middle of the room. At first, you thought it must’ve been the being that was guiding you through those dark rooms, but upon looking at it, you see its numerous pupils flash and multiple cuts begin to get slashed upon your body from seemingly nowhere. You flinch and fall down from the sudden pain, looking away from it as it hisses in agitation. You thought you were going to die, but as you lay there, the creature remained dormant. Not attacking you after you looked away from it. Taking this knowledge in hand, you regain your composure, pick up your stuff, and finally yourself up off the floor. Keeping your gaze away from the cluster of eyes glaring at you. You slink around it and manage to get to the next door.
Upon opening door ‘031’, the sound and light from behind you suddenly fades away. Looking back, you see nothing there. The eyes were gone…yet the cuts still remained. 
You wince as you look around the room, finding it to be another multiple bedroom section of this madness-inducing hotel. Maybe you would be able to find something to help heal these injuries…so you began to look around. For the next few rooms, you managed to scrounge up a couple of bandages to help patch your injuries. For the rest of rooms ‘031’ to ‘034’, were primarily uneventful. Except with one small dark hallway and another visit from that shadowy smiling creature that tore through the rooms at the speed of sound.
But upon entering ‘035’, you take a moment to pause as a brief moment of panic goes through you when you see the lights in the room flicker. Instinctively, you run and hide in a closet. 
But after a few minutes…you were met with silence. Trying to ignore the lingering sense of something in the closet with you, you wait a little longer than required just to be sure that the shadowy entity wasn’t on the way over. 
After a few moments, you hurried to step out of the closet once you felt the presence within growing much more touchy-feely. When it began whispering into your ear in a hostile manner, you knew you had no other choice but to leave.
Upon looking around the room, you see no signs of that quick shadow demon. No distant roar. No flickering lights. Just silence. You figured that it must’ve been just the ambiance…until you felt something watching you. You take a closer look around the room, then you freeze in place when you see it. An eye. An eye was poking out of the wall from a black dripping mass that looked like a wound. The large singular pupil focused on you as you cautiously walked around it. Upon moving on to room ‘036’, you see the lights flicker again, but more eyes appear. It was a short hallway and the eyes, two of them, each watched you move from one end of the hall to the other, and you couldn’t fathom the feeling of dread that was starting to build up in your body.
Entering room ‘037’ and ‘038’ each had a similar experience. Except the eyes were practically everywhere by the last room. All watching you move about and do whatever you need to do. The chills you were getting were unreal and the paranoia you were experiencing was unlike anything you have ever experienced before.
Something BIG was coming. You felt it. The dread, the panic, the fear…you silently wonder if the eyes could sense it as well. But upon opening up door ‘039’. You find the place remarkably lit and free from those eye-like entities. It was just a long hallway. No closets, drawers, or tables to be found. Just more of those windows that you couldn’t see out of and more of the ever-present pouring rain. Still, that feeling of dread wouldn’t leave your body. You clutch your snack bag as close to your body as possible, squishing it into your raincoat, as you walk further into the hallway. As you drew closer to the end of the hall, you thought that it was just another typical hallway, like the ones before. Oh how wrong you were.
The sound of the floorboards creaking loudly behind you makes your head turn rapidly towards the source of the disturbance. Your heart stops as you see a pool of that black substance from before start to build up more and more until you see two “hands” emerge from it. A head then emerges and a single eye slips onto the “head” of the creature, with a few agitated pulls, tendrils of slime pop off of its form as the excess sinks back into the floor and the humanoid form is released. 
The singular eye locks onto your terrified form and it lets out a distorted screech before it PHYSICALLY STARTS TO RUN AFTER YOU. You quickly turn around and bolt away from it into the next room. You scream bloody murder as you hear the loud thumping of footfalls from behind you and the walls being covered with eyes and an ominous red light. Your heart thunders inside of your chest and your legs are burning from the exertion. You break through another door and then you see furniture move on its own to block your path! You were about to panic until your eyes caught a quick glimpse of a familiar flurry of sparkles guiding you towards a hole in the blockage. To which you scurry through with reckless abandon. It isn't long until another attempted blockage is placed in your path, but with the mysterious light guiding you, you hurry through without a moment of hesitation.
You find yourself running through halls, each with barricades of furniture and ruined doors. But with only one door that would allow you through. The thundering footfalls from behind you almost sounded like they were closing in as you bolt through the halls to flee from the creature chasing you. Then upon flinging open the door to door ‘046’, the scene before you is nothing short of horrifying. A once grand hallway is turned into a war zone and large shadowy hands break through the elegant windows upon your entrance, reaching out around their limited space. The chandeliers that once hung from the ceiling now are nothing but a ball of fire on the ground. You couldn’t even take a moment to stop and think as you run about the room. Dodging fire, clasping massive hands, and the entity still hot on your tail from behind. You could see the open door in the distance and you almost feel a sense of relief. Possibly sensing your happiness, you hear the creature behind you let out a shriek of defiance as you sidestep the last large hand that tried reaching for you.
The moment you pass through the door, you slam into the wall of the next room. You pant desperately for breath as you turn around and let out a shrill scream, seeing the shadowy one-eyed entity running straight for you from the hallway.
SLAM! You jump out of your skin as the door that separated you both is suddenly slammed shut by a familiar shower of sparkles. The creature on the other side lets out a roar of frustration as it beats on the door. You lay there for a moment, not expecting the door to hold it back. But after a moment, the banging suddenly stops…and the dread you feel passes. Then, silence fills the room. Your desperate breaths are the only thing present in the room as you lay there and try to force yourself to calm down. That was too close. This place…what WAS this place?? How were there so many monsters in this building?! You…you could’ve died! Who knows what that thing would’ve done to you if it caught you! You lay there for a moment, clenching your bag of snacks for comfort as you struggle to calm down. A few seconds turns to minutes and you finally feel your heart rate dropping back to a normal pulse. A few more minutes pass and you regain the strength to get up and off the floor to continue on your journey. You look at the next door, seeing that it reads ‘048’.
Entering it, you find nothing but another short hallway. You easily pass through it, but upon entering ‘049’, you suddenly see what looks like to be the entrance to a grand study. There were a few bookshelves, a desk, a globe, numerous ruined books, and a large elegant entryway that read ‘050’ above it. You were about to think that the whole nightmare was over and that you were about to find the exit. Until you heard a very ominous reverberating growl come from the other side of the door. You could only gulp and tremble in fear while standing in front of the large door in question. It seems like your journey through this hellish hotel isn't over quite yet…
You just hope that you get out of here alive.
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prettyflyshyguy · 20 days
It's WIP wednesday and since you all liked the last one, have the direct follow up chunk. Unedited and very raw, as a treat. Tis the season for spooks and I'm taking every excuse I can find.
Zeke jumped back at the sight of the man before him, his glasses tumbled off his head, clacking as they hit the hard concrete floor of the rooftop. Cole was perched on the edge of the couch, leaning forward slightly, one leg and foot bouncing rapidly and tapping the floor. His hands were clasped together resting on his knees as he was staring intently at Zeke with eyes that glowed bright in the dim twilight of the rooftop. It was not an abnormal feature, Cole’s eyes had lit up as he channeled the raw power of electrons that coursed through him on many occasions prior, Zeke had even commented in the past that they almost seemed to appear lit up on a normal day, a subtle tell that there was something not quite human about him. But it wasn’t the glow that frightened Zeke in the moment, it was the shade of bright red that took him aback. Cole’s eyes were piercing, and as he sat on the sofa with his back to the pyrotechnics and fireworks of the city horizon, his eyes cut through the darkness as he stared unwaveringly at Zeke. 
“Cole you’re not drunk are you…?”
Zeke bent down slowly and felt blindly behind him with one hand, searching for his sunnies, not looking away from Cole who watched him as he replied.
As Zeke stood back up slowly, methodically placing the glasses back over his eyes curiously, pulling them up and down a few times comparing how little he could see in the darkness through the tinted lenses and how bright the red cut through still. He processed his emotions for a moment as he affixed the glasses back ontop of his hair, giving Cole a more thorough visual examination as he stayed sitting on the couch, looking more dejected as every second of silence passed between them. He was definitely not drunk, and a sinking feeling formed in the pit of Zeke’s stomach as he looked at the dark stain that had run down Cole’s shirt, tracing back to his neck where there was a bloody wound left open and bleeding slightly. He couldn’t see in the dimness and the distance away, but he knew what he’d find on closer inspection. 
“Zeke are you drunk?” his leg bouncing increased in pace and his eyes narrowed slightly, though it hardly dampened his gaze.
“No. Maybe. I don’t know.”
“Zeke I’m serious.” 
“And I am too.” he responded, moving behind the couch and bending down, looking back and forth as if to not let Cole out of his sight for more than a moment, “You know I think I got ripped off, I think they watered it down.”
“... Dude what are you talking about?”
“Ah fugedaboudid.” Zeke placed the small first aid kid he kept stashed on the makeshift milkcrate table and pulled on a pair of surgical gloves. “
"Zeke I'm kinda freaking out over here."
"I know, I can tell. Look just hold on a minute. That needs cleaning, can't have you getting sepsis. Or rabies.” he snapped on a glove, “What’d you say attacked you again?”
“A vampire, Zeke. A fucking vampire.” 
“Right, right… You sure you’re not drunk?”
“I wish I was. Hurts like hell.” he reached up to touch the wound, wincing in pain as his fingers graced it gently, still in disbelief it had even happened. “I’m all messed up Zeke my powers are all screwed and I can’t, I can’t–” 
“Cole.” Zeke was on the couch next to him, a hand squeezing his shoulder gently, “You’re spiraling man. Just. Just stop for a moment, ok? Let me fix this up first before it get’s any worse.”
Cole hardly felt it could get any more worse, but he nodded his head and turned to look out across the city as the fireworks continued to crackle and pop, lighting up the sky. 
“Alright, now hold still. This might sting a little.”
He grunted in response to the pain as he felt the alcohol bite into the puncture marks. 
“Zeke that really, really stings.”
“I did warn you.”
Zeke’s technique was rough, but thorough, ensuring the wound and surrounding skin was clean before a second round of pain hit as the antiseptic gel he began applying spared no mercy. He paused in his application, a chill swept through his body as he watched Cole grimace from the burning wound, close enough to see his teeth bared. Zeke turned his attention back to the immediate issue, refocusing on the job he had dutifully assigned himself. The surrounding skin had bruised deep violet and grey, broken up by lines of scattering dark veins spreading outwards, creeping and crawling under the surface, like vines reaching out for purchase.  
“Where’d you pick up all this stuff anyway, Grey’s Anatomy? Nurse Jackie?” 
Cole’s voice cut the stillness of the rooftop. The man had a knack for lightening the mood, but Zeke knew him too well. Cole was unsettled. This was his usual method for deflecting. 
“I got it from Trish.” 
Zeke held his breath, glancing up at Cole as he pulled open a packet of medical adhesives. Cole was silent and still, staring out across the city skyline, though he wasn’t looking at the fireworks and balloons that dotted the hazy gloom of the clear twilight sky. Zeke continued, “Back in Empire City, while you were in hospital. Had a lot of downtime, yknow? While the world was going to shit outside. It was getting scary, man. Figured I’d ask her to show me how to do stuff right in case anything ever happened.”
He lined up the patch, confirming it was the correct size before peeling the plastic protective film off and gently pressing it onto Cole’s neck.
“Didn’t think I’d ever need to.”
Before the thought could linger, the snapping sound of Zeke pulling off his gloves pulled Cole back into the moment. 
“Okie-dokie Gary Oldman, consider yourself discharged. Be sure to give the Dunbar clinic a five star review.”
Zeke stepped away to dispose of the gloves and to stash the small first aid kit back into safety, out of sight from prying eyes. He was still operating in Empire City mode. Food and aid were sacred. You didn’t know how long you were going to go without receiving more, and you couldn’t trust anyone to not take what was yours. He shuffled some boxes aside behind the sofa, carefully sliding the first aid box under a small gap cut into the foam perfectly sized. As he stood up, he snapped his fingers towards Cole who had reached up with his right hand, feeling the dressing on the wound. 
“Hey, hey! No touchie!”
He pulled his hand away, raising it in the air in response to Zeke’s authoritative tone in an apologetic gesture. 
“I just cleaned that up man, don’t aggravate it.”
“... Thanks Zeke.”
“Anytime brother.”
Zeke stepped into his view, and Cole looked up at him. He was holding out a beer, a gentle smile crossed his face. Cole took the drink as Zeke returned to his side of the couch. 
“Ok, now that you’ve calmed down a bit, how abouts you run me over what the hell happened down in the catacombs again.”
“Not gonna tell me I got drunk this time?”
“Hard to dismiss the evidence in front of me.” he smiled, “I mean now you really are the Demon of Empire City!”
“Oh come on, that's not funny.”
“And to think, you laughed at me!”
Cole rolled his eyes as Zeke held aloft a copy of some pulpy comic book, waving it gently looking smug. The cover was adorned with a classical styled illustration of a beautiful woman lit by a full moon, a swarm of bats billowing around her as she grinned, delicate fangs giving her true nature away. He had berated Zeke in the past for his particular interests, all in good nature as friends do.
“In my defense–” 
“Nope, nuh uh,” Zeke cut him off, “you don't get a defense brother. Look at you.”
Cole looked down, tugging gently at the once yellow shirt as he examined the mess of dried blood that had stained down the front. The longer he looked the more he felt sick.
“Now I don’t mean to be rude, but you look freaky. All them goth chicks at the bar I was at’d love ya. They’re real into the eyes and the teeth thing, hell I gotta get you to be my wingman sometime.”
“Hah, yeah, sure.” he raised the bottle to take a sip but paused at the last moment, frowning. He slowly placed the bottle down on the table. “Wait, Z, there’s something up with my eyes??”
Zeke glanced sideways at him, mid swig of his bottle. 
“I mean ‘ese aah kinda ‘ard ta nat nahtice.” he yanked at the set of fangs that had mysteriously formed with his fingers as he talked, confirming that they were in fact real and attached to his mouth, and not some costume props superglued down while he was knocked out. A part of him hoped they would wiggle and give, a sign that this was in fact some elaborate prank directed at him, some bizarre attempt to ruin the good name he’d made for himself since arriving, some twisted plot Bertrand had cooked up since he receded to the shadows. It still didn’t rationalise what he’d done, and how the blood flaking off his shirt was only partially his own. 
“But I haven’t exactly stopped to look in a mirror yet.” he wiped his hands down his pants, hastily removing any saliva, hoping there wasn’t anything else mixed in with it. The taste still lingered in his mouth. 
“Ooookay, uh, you might want some of that first.” Zeke pointed at the beer with one hand, while he reached into his back pocket with the other, fumbling for a moment before pulling out his mobile phone. Cole snatched the bottle back, drinking from it and relishing how the drink replaced the taste of iron in his mouth. When he was done Zeke held the phone up in front of Cole’s face and snapped a picture. Forgetting to turn the flash off, the sudden burst of light seared and burned Cole’s eyes, making him reel back, covering his face with one arm while waving the other in Zeke’s direction as a reflex.
“Hey, HEY, careful I haven’t insulated this one yet!”
“Maybe don’t try and blind me next time Z, geez…”
Zeke pulled the phone back, safely out of the danger zone that was Cole’s reach. He looked at the image he’d caught as Cole groaned, rubbing his eyes as they adjusted back to the dim evening haze blanketing the rooftop. He looked over at Zeke who was now watching him again. His vision was fuzzy, and he looked almost like he’d just been woken up. Still he gestured towards the phone, and Zeke reluctantly brought it closer, holding it up so the screen faced Cole.
“What the hell…”
Cole moved to grab the device and Zeke pulled it away once more, though there was no need to inspect the image up close to see the physical changes inflicted on his body. Cole’s eyes darted across the image, his left hand resting on his mouth and chin. He brought his right hand up to point at the screen, a safe ruler’s space between his index finger and Zeke’s only working phone.
“Shit, dude yeah, that is freaky.”
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facadeinspection · 2 months
Facade Inspections and Building Codes: What You Need to Know
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Facade inspections are crucial to building maintenance, ensuring that a property's exterior remains safe, functional, and aesthetically pleasing. Understanding how facade inspections relate to building codes is essential for compliance and protecting the building and its occupants. This article provides an in-depth look at the intersection of facade inspections and building codes, including what you need to know to ensure your building meets all relevant requirements.
1. The Importance of Facade Inspections
1.1 Ensuring Safety
Structural Integrity: Regular facade inspections help identify issues that could compromise a building's structural integrity. This includes detecting cracks, material degradation, or other problems that could pose safety risks.
Preventing Accidents: By addressing potential hazards early, facade inspections prevent accidents and injuries related to falling debris, weakened structures, or other safety concerns.
1.2 Maintaining Aesthetics and Value
Visual Appeal: Inspections help maintain a building's exterior aesthetic appeal, which can enhance property value and curb appeal. Regular maintenance and repairs preserve the building's appearance and contribute to its value.
Market Value: A well-maintained facade can positively impact a property's market value, making it more attractive to potential buyers or tenants.
2. Understanding Building Codes
2.1 What Are Building Codes?
Building codes are guidelines and standards established by local, state, and national authorities to protect building occupants' Safety, health, and well-being. They address various aspects of construction and maintenance, such as structural stability, fire protection, and accessibility.
Purpose: The primary purpose of building codes is to provide minimum standards for construction and maintenance practices, protect the public from safety hazards, and ensure that buildings are functional and safe.
2.2 Types of Building Codes
International Codes: Many regions follow international building codes, such as the International Building Code (IBC) or the International Property Maintenance Code (IPMC). These codes provide a comprehensive set of standards for building design and maintenance.
Local Codes: Besides international codes, local jurisdictions may have specific building codes that address regional conditions, such as climate, seismic activity, or historic preservation requirements.
3. Facade Inspections and Compliance with Building Codes
3.1 Code Requirements for Facade Inspections
Frequency: Building codes often mandate regular inspections of building facades to ensure compliance with safety standards. The frequency of inspections can differ depending on the building's type, height, and use.
Scope: Building codes may specify the scope of facade inspections, including the issues that need to be assessed and the methods used for inspection. Compliance with these requirements ensures that inspections are thorough and address all relevant concerns.
3.2 Documentation and Reporting
Inspection Reports: Building codes may require detailed inspection reports documenting the findings, recommendations, and any necessary repairs. These reports serve as official records and are often needed for regulatory compliance and future reference.
Record Keeping: Proper documentation of inspection results and maintenance actions is essential for demonstrating compliance with building codes and for addressing any potential issues that may arise in the future.
4. Common Building Code Violations Related to Facades
4.1 Structural Deficiencies
Cracks and Damage: Building codes require that facades maintain structural integrity, and visible cracks or damage may indicate a violation. Inspectors must assess these issues to ensure compliance with safety standards.
Material Degradation: Codes may address issues related to the degradation of facade materials, such as corrosion, erosion, or deterioration, which can affect the building's structural stability.
4.2 Safety Hazards
Falling Debris: Building codes typically mandate measures to prevent falling debris from facades, which can pose a safety risk to pedestrians and occupants. Inspectors must ensure that any potential hazards are identified and addressed.
Fire Safety: Facades must meet fire safety requirements, including fire-resistant materials and appropriate fire escapes or exits. Compliance with these requirements is crucial for protecting occupants and minimizing fire risks.
4.3 Accessibility Issues
ADA Compliance: For commercial properties, building codes may require that facades and exterior areas adhere to accessibility standards, such as those defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). This includes providing accessible entrances and pathways.
Clearances and Access: Building codes may specify clearances and access requirements for facades, ensuring that emergency responders can reach the building in an emergency.
5. Preparing for a Facade Inspection
5.1 Know the Code Requirements
Review Codes: Familiarize yourself with the relevant building codes for your property. Understanding these requirements helps ensure that your facade inspection complies with all applicable standards.
Consult Professionals: Consult with professionals, such as architects, engineers, or code officials, to clarify any code requirements and ensure you meet all necessary standards.
5.2 Schedule and Coordinate
Plan Inspections: Schedule facade inspections by building code requirements and any recommended intervals. Coordinate with the inspection service provider to complete all necessary preparations.
Prepare the Building: Prepare for inspection by addressing any visible issues and ensuring that all areas are accessible. This helps facilitate a smooth and efficient inspection process.
6. Addressing Code Violations and Required Repairs
6.1 Responding to Violations
Identify Issues: If the inspection reveals code violations or issues, identify the specific problems and determine the necessary corrective actions. Addressing these issues promptly helps ensure compliance and maintenance safety.
Hire Qualified Contractors: Engage qualified contractors or specialists to perform any required repairs or modifications. Ensure that the work is completed by building codes and standards.
6.2 Follow-Up and Re-Inspection
Verify Repairs: After completing repairs, schedule a follow-up inspection or re-inspection to verify that the issues have been resolved and that the building complies with all code requirements.
Update Documentation: Inspect reports and documentation to reflect the completed repairs and any changes to address code violations. Keep precise records for future reference and compliance needs.
7. Staying Current with Building Codes
7.1 Monitor Code Changes
Stay Informed: Building codes can be updated and revised over time. Stay aware of any updates or new requirements that might impact your property. This will help maintain compliance and prevent potential issues.
Attend Training: Participate in training or seminars on building codes and facade inspections. This can provide valuable insights and updates on best practices and regulatory changes.
7.2 Engage with Professionals
Consult Experts: Regularly consult with architects, engineers, or code officials to ensure your building complies with current codes. Expert guidance can help resolve issues and make necessary updates.
Review Contracts: Ensure that any contracts with inspection service providers or contractors include provisions for code compliance. He will safeguard your interests and ensure the work meets the necessary standards.
8. Conclusion
Facade inspections play a vital role in maintaining the Safety, functionality, and appearance of a building. Grasping how these inspections align with building codes is crucial for ensuring compliance and safeguarding the building and its occupants. By familiarizing yourself with code requirements, preparing your building for inspection, addressing any violations, and staying current with regulatory changes, you can effectively manage your facade maintenance and ensure that your property meets all necessary standards. This proactive approach not only helps prevent issues but also contributes to the long-term success Safety of your building.
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techndt · 9 months
Types of Visual Inspection
The history of inspection is a narrative of human ingenuity and the quest for quality assurance across diverse domains.
In ancient times, civilizations such as the Egyptians and Greeks employed visual inspection techniques to assess the structural integrity of monumental constructions like the pyramids and temples.
As industrialization burgeoned, especially during the Renaissance and the subsequent periods, the need for more sophisticated methods became apparent.
This led to the gradual emergence of Non-destructive Testing (NDT), a revolutionary approach that allowed scrutiny without compromising the integrity of the materials.
In the Oil and Gas Industry, where safety and reliability are paramount, NDT testing took center stage.
The exploration of Ultrasonic Testing brought forth a method relying on sound waves, enabling inspectors to delve into the hidden intricacies of materials, identifying flaws that might escape visual scrutiny.
Simultaneously, Magnetic Particle Testing became a pivotal tool, particularly in assessing the integrity of metallic components crucial to the industry.
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The Scaffolding that supports the modern industrial landscape, both figuratively and literally, further underscores the need for rigorous inspection.
Complemented by Advanced NDT Techniques, visual inspection ensures that the scaffolding itself, a linchpin in construction and maintenance, meets stringent safety standards.
This historical journey, from ancient Visual Inspections to the contemporary amalgamation of ultrasonic and magnetic particle testing, represents a testament to the evolution of inspection practices — a narrative driven by the relentless pursuit of precision, reliability, and safety in the intricate tapestry of engineering.
What is Visual Inspection?
Visual inspection is a method in Non-destructive Testing (NDT), that relies on the human eye to assess the surface conditions of materials, structures, and components.
This method involves a structured methodology to ensure comprehensive scrutiny. 
Operators conducting Visual Inspections follow a systematic approach, beginning with thorough planning and preparation.
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What are the benefits of Visual Inspection?
The advantages of Visual Inspection include the following:
Visual Inspection is often more economical compared to advanced methods like ultrasonic testing, magnetic particle testing, and Liquid Penetrant Testing.
Real-Time Adaptability
Visual inspection allows for immediate on-site assessments, contributing to real-time decision-making during the inspection process.
Applicable to a wide range of materials and structures, making it a versatile choice for diverse industries.
Integrating Automation
Visual Inspection automation enhances efficiency by automating repetitive tasks and ensuring consistent and thorough inspections.
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Visual Inspection remains a foundational and enduring method in non-destructive testing (NDT).
As we witness the integration of automation, AI, and robotics, particularly in visual inspection automation and Drone Inspection, the landscape of NDT is evolving.
These advancements enhance efficiency, safety, and accuracy, especially in inaccessible or adverse conditions. 
The incorporation of AI in NDT, coupled with Visual Testing and drone inspection, emphasizes the transformative nature of these technologies.
Visual inspection's simplicity, accessibility, and role as the initial step in identifying defects ensure its continued relevance, complementing Advanced NDT Methods applied by professionals and technicians in the field.
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kingsignal-1225 · 2 months
Ultimate Guide to PCB Testing Methods: Ensuring Quality and Reliability in Your Circuits
In the electronics sector, Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) are the life-lines of virtually all gadgets that are in use in the modern society. From humble home appliances to gigantic industrial equipment, PCBs are the skeletal framework of hardware organization and connection of circuit elements. It is vital to guarantee the quality and dependability of these fundamental parts – thus enters PCB testing methods. It is our hope that this extensive hand will help identify the most suitable test strategies for PCB testing, why these techniques matter, and how to maximize your circuits’ functionality.
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Firstly, an increase in the capability of different electronic devices leads to higher necessary requirements to the PCBs used in their production. Performing tests on the PCBs is an essential step in the manufacturing process done to confirm that a given board performs as a unit to the expected levels. This guide aims at explaining various techniques of PCB testing with a view of having a better understanding on how to achieve quality and reliability on the circuits.
Why PCB Testing is Crucial
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PCB Testing When it comes to the potential defects on PCBs, there are shorts, opens, and some component placements. They can cause device failure, decline in performance level, and sometimes also pose safety issues. Through high-quality testing regimes, it becomes easier to address problems before they reach the customer, and thus manufacturers will have reliable and efficient products. Key reasons for PCB testing include:
Detecting Manufacturing Defects: Solder bridges, missing and placed in wrong position components, all can be detected in the initial stages easily.
Ensuring Functionality: Ensuring that the PCB does what is wanted and needed when it is in use, and under several conditions.
Quality Assurance: Ensuring that the business meets industry standards, and what clients require of them.
Cost Efficiency: Decreasing the likelihood of rework and recall by identifying possible defects before they get to the customer.
Types of PCB Testing Methods
These are the types of PCB Testing Methods:
Visual Inspection
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Technique one as also referred to as the VI or visual inspection is the simplest and basic type of testing done on PCBs. The technique entails inspecting the board with naked eyes for some of the common faults including solder bridges, missing parts, and misalignment issues.
Automated Optical Inspection (AOI)
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AOI employs cameras and software algorithms to check PCBs for defects and performs the inspections singly. This method of inspection is far more efficient than the manual inspection and simultaneously versatile enough to identify numerous problems.
X-ray Inspection
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Some functions which include examination of features of BPCs that could not be easily inspected include solder joints under components through x-ray inspection. It is especially effective in inspecting defects in BGA (Ball Grid Array) and other various packages as well.
In-Circuit Testing (ICT)
ICT entails applying different voltage across the PCB to checks on the electrical characteristics of the needy part and connections. The use of this method is highly recommended for the identification of functional problems and verification of the circuit’s goodness.
Functional Testing (FCT)
Functional testing evaluates the effectiveness of the PCB pointing to the fact that it can be tested when placed in use. This method enables the certification of that the PCB works as expected under actual environment.
Flying Probe Testing
In flying probe testing, the probes are moved around to test the electrical properties of the created PCB. Lower to medium volume production runs can be made easily by using this technique; hence it is advantageous in this regard.
Boundary Scan Testing
Boundary scan testing also called as JTAG testing extends test circuitry into all the components for testing the connections between them. Although, this method is very efficient for identifying connection problems and faults.
Burn-In Testing
Burn-in testing puts the PCB in a state of operational stress for a long time to capture early-life failures. This aspect makes the method reliable for the long term since it is likely to identify problems that may occur when the equipment is in use for a long time.
Detailed Analysis of Each Testing Method works
These are the detailed analysis of each testing method works:
Visual Inspection
Simple and low-cost
Determined to be a system for the reporting of noticeable defects as soon as they are observed.
Time-consuming for complex boards
Limited to visible defects
Automated Optical Inspection (AOI)
Fast and accurate
Is capable of detecting various kinds of defects.
High initial setup cost
May need to have better settings optimized for specific boards.
X-ray Inspection
Examines hidden features
Ideal for complex packages
Expensive equipment
Requires skilled operators
In-Circuit Testing (ICT)
Thorough electrical testing
High fault coverage
Requires custom fixtures
Not for all the boards or servers that you wish to build.
Functional Testing (FCT)
Ensures real-world performance
Detects system-level issues
The mathematical test object can involve complex arrangements of test configurations.
Flying Probe Testing
Flexible and adaptable
Cost-effective for small batches
Slower than ICT for big volumes
Applicable only when the board is specially designed
Boundary Scan Testing
Interconnections have high fault coverage.
Said; No need to have physical access to the test points
Requires boundary scan-enabled components
Complex setup
Burn-In Testing
Identifies early-life failures
Ensures long-term reliability
Time-consuming and costly
Perhaps stressful to the board
Choosing the Right Testing Method
The choice of the appropriate method of PCB testing can be influenced by several factors such as the level of complexity of the PCB and the numbers of boards to be tested as well as the actual costs of the testing process and other features. Consider the following when choosing a testing method:
Board Complexity: Great board densities or component placement can be a determinant as to whether one needs AOI or X-ray inspection.
Production Volume: Applications that are characterized by high volumes can be easily facilitated by ICT while the low to medium volume applications may require flying probe testing.
Budget: Both manual inspection and AOI are favorable for various production volumes, while X-ray and ICT are more expensive at the beginning.
Specific Requirements: There are two types of the test, namely Functional Test and Burn-In Test that should be made so as to attain the long term reliability in applications that are critical.
Best Practices for PCB Testing
Using the best techniques in testing PCBs increases the quality and reliability of the circuits that you are working on. Here are some key practices to follow:
Early Testing: It is recommended to carry out the tests when the product is still in its design and manufacturing phase so that problems can be noted earlier before they reach a very catastrophic level.
Automate Where Possible: Use method such as automation to reduce the time and improve on the quality of the testing.
Regular Calibration: It is necessary to check if all the testing equipment used for calibration are accurate.
Comprehensive Coverage: This way, you will be able to ensure that there are no defects that are not tested as the best testing approach combines all types of testing methods.
Document Everything: Ensure that you keep records of the tests performed, the results obtained, as well as any measures taken to correct the breaches.
Common Challenges and How to Overcome Them
These are the common challenges and how to overcome them:
False Positives/Negatives
Automated testing methods maybe good some times, they give you the results that are either positive or negative and this will lead to unnecessary rework or more alarming leaving critical defects unfound. In order to avoid this, make sure that testing algorithms and testing equipment are updated and fine-tuned from time to time.
Component Access
Some of the testing techniques involve handling parts of the circuit and with high density board this can be very difficult. Some of the ways in which testbench implementation can be avoided are as follows Boundary scan testing and X-ray inspection.
High Costs
Some form of testing such as X-ray and ICT testing is often very costly. The effectiveness must come with reasonable prices; try to combine some of the mentioned approaches to cover all the aspects without spending too much money.
Future Trends in PCB Testing
About the future, it can be stated that its trends will be in fact linked to the tendencies in technologies and expectations towards ever higher quality and quantity of tested PCBs. Key trends to watch include:
AI and Machine Learning: Using of intelligence algorithms and machine learning in testing algorithms to enhance the efficiency and the minimization of false negative or false positives.
IoT and Smart Manufacturing: Higher testing flexibility and opportunities for the continuous test process supervision.
Advanced Imaging Techniques: The need for better techniques that would enhance the detection of defects within a printed circuit.
Environmental Stress Testing: More focus in the testing of PCBs under different environmental pressures in order to improve on its longevity.
Quality and reliability of packaged circuits have to be maintained to contribute positively in any electronic equipment. This paper seeks to explain the common testing techniques for PCB so that PCB manufacturers are able to test and see if they are free from defects and if they are functional. This ultimate guide will give you a full insight on the available options in PCB testing that will enable you make the best decision that will give you perfect circuits.
The aim is to help you understand how to attain the best quality of PCBs, what methods are worth following, and what trends drive future improvements, thus contributing to the quality of the final electronic products and, consequently, consumer satisfaction.
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victoriajohnson2556 · 10 months
Decoding Time Series Analysis: Navigating Complex Numerical Challenges in Statistics Without the Fuss of Equations
Time Series Analysis stands as a robust and indispensable tool within the realm of statistics, providing us with the means to unveil intricate patterns and trends concealed within temporal data. In the course of this enlightening blog post, we shall embark on a comprehensive exploration of two demanding numerical questions at the graduate level. Our objective is to delve into the intricacies of dissecting time series data, all while steering clear of any daunting equations. So, fasten your analytical seatbelts as we journey through the rich landscape of these real-world problems, armed with the knowledge that will undoubtedly help with statistics assignment using R. Let's collectively hone our statistical acumen and confront these challenges head-on!
Question 1:
Consider a time series dataset representing the monthly sales of a product over the last three years. The sales data is as follows:
Year 1:
Month 1: 120 units
Month 2: 150 units
Month 3: 180 units
Month 12: 200 units
Year 2:
Month 13: 220 units
Month 14: 250 units
Month 15: 280 units
Month 24: 300 units
Year 3:
Month 25: 320 units
Month 26: 350 units
Month 27: 380 units
Month 36: 400 units
a) Calculate the moving average for a window size of 3 months for the entire time series.
b) Identify any seasonality patterns in the data and explain how they may impact sales forecasting.
c) Use a suitable decomposition method to break down the time series into its trend, seasonal, and residual components.
a) Moving Average Calculation:
For Month 3, Moving Average = (120 + 150 + 180) / 3 = 150 units
For Month 4, Moving Average = (150 + 180 + 200) / 3 = 176.67 units
Continue this calculation for the entire time series.
b) Seasonality Patterns:
Seasonality can be observed by comparing the average sales for each month across the three years.
For example, if the average sales for January is consistently lower than other months, it indicates a seasonality pattern.
c) Decomposition:
Use a method such as additive or multiplicative decomposition to separate the time series into trend, seasonal, and residual components.
The trend component represents the overall direction of sales.
The seasonal component captures recurring patterns.
The residual component accounts for random fluctuations.
Question 2:
You are provided with a monthly time series dataset representing the stock prices of a company over the last five years. The stock prices are as follows:
Year 1: $50, $55, $60, $52, $48, ..., $58
Year 2: $60, $65, $70, $62, $58, ..., $68
Year 3: $70, $75, $80, $72, $68, ..., $78
Year 4: $80, $85, $90, $82, $78, ..., $88
Year 5: $90, $95, $100, $92, $88, ..., $98
a) Calculate the percentage change in stock prices from one year to the next.
b) Apply a suitable smoothing technique (e.g., exponential smoothing) to forecast the stock prices for the next three months.
c) Assess the stationarity of the time series and suggest any transformations needed for better forecasting.
a) Percentage Change Calculation:
For Year 2, Percentage Change = [(Stock Price in Year 2 - Stock Price in Year 1) / Stock Price in Year 1] * 100
Repeat this calculation for the subsequent years.
b) Exponential Smoothing:
Use the exponential smoothing formula to forecast the stock prices for the next three months.
c) Stationarity Assessment:
Use statistical tests or visual inspection to assess stationarity.
If non-stationarity is detected, consider transformations such as differencing to achieve stationarity for better forecasting.
As we conclude our exploration of these graduate-level time series analysis questions, we've unraveled the complexities of analyzing sales and stock price data. From moving averages to decomposition and from percentage change to exponential smoothing, these exercises showcase the versatility and power of time series analysis in extracting meaningful insights from temporal datasets. Armed with these skills, statisticians and data analysts can make informed predictions and contribute to sound decision-making in various fields. So, next time you encounter a time series conundrum, approach it with confidence and the analytical prowess gained from mastering these challenging questions.
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misirosekisiro · 11 months
At the border 3-4
Chapter 3
Under the cloak of darkness, Eaka lay awake, reflecting on the events that had unfolded earlier tonight. Emotions swelled within him – a mixture of passion, excitement, and nervous anticipation. Despite the intensity of their encounters thus far, Eaka longed to push boundaries even further, seeking greater understanding of himself and his desires.
A smile graced his lips as he recalled the intimate moments spent with Komsan, their combined chemistry manifesting itself in breathtaking ways.
The very notion of transforming Komsan into a "skinsuit" filled him with unbridled euphoria, the promise of ultimate control tantamount to achieving enlightenment.
With determination etched deeply upon his brow, Eaka rose silently from his makeshift bed, careful not to disturb the slumbering form beside him. Moving cautiously through the dimly lit cabin, he made his way toward the herbs stored in a wooden crate near the entrance.
Fingers trembled slightly as he retrieved the packet containing the potent Miracle Herb. Glancing furtively about, ensuring they were still alone, Eaka carefully opened the packet, revealing the strange green leaves nestled inside. Holding the herb reverently, he allowed its essence to permeate his thoughts, visualizing the daydream scenario in vivid detail.
Slowly, Eaka reached over to his sleeping companion, placing the single leaf delicately between Komsan's lips. Unaware of what transpired, Komsan innocently chewed on the seemingly harmless plant.
Little did he know that within minutes, he would find himself transformed into a "skinsuit", helpless to defend against the invasion of his soul.
As the effects of the Miracle Herb took hold, Komsan felt a sudden wave of disorientation washing over him. His vision blurred, and his limbs became heavy, unable to support his weight anymore. Panic set in, realization dawning on him too late.
Komsan tried to struggle against the invisible force pulling him downward, but his muscles refused to cooperate. With a final, desperate cry, he collapsed to the floor, landing with a resounding thud.
Arms and legs flailing wildly, Komsan began to convulse violently, his entire body twitching spasmodically. The once-powerful figure writhed pathetically, reduced to nothing more than a weak shell of his former self.
As Komsan's body succumbed to the Miracle Herb's paralyzing effect, his bones and muscles slowly started melting away, turning into a viscous liquid substance.
What remained after this transformation process concluded wasn't entirely human—it looked like some sort of lifeless entity covered in the same uniform Eaka wore.
Eaka stood there, astonished by the spectacle unfolding before him. This phenomenon was beyond anything he could have imagined. Feeling emboldened by the sudden shift in dynamics, he moved closer to the prone form that used to be Komsan. Carefully prodding the lifeless "skinsuit" with a toe, Eaka marveled at how easily it yielded to his slight pressure.
Reassured by its lack of resistance, he leaned forward and grasped the waistband of the "skinsuit," pulling it towards him. Eaka remove all clothes form Komsan's skinsuit ,now appear nake, he pick skinsuit up.
Examining every curve and seam meticulously, Eaka inspected the garments thoroughly, committing their unique characteristics to memory. Noticing the absence of any zippers or fastenings, he realized just how ingenious the design truly was.
He noticed the large vertical opening which extended from the top of the shoulders down to the bottom hemline, providing ample space for easy accessibility. There was no need for cumbersome closures or buttons when donning this extraordinary attire. Simply step into it, and voila! One becomes the owner of the 'skinsuit'.
Eaka couldn't contain his excitement as he stripped off his own uniform piece by piece, methodically discarding each item until only his bare flesh remained. The air hung thick with anticipation, palpable with the electric charge generated by their newfound dynamic.
Stepping into the "skinsuit," Eaka savored the texture of the material brushing against his sensitive skin, delighting in the sensations it evoked.
As he pulled the suit up over his calf, he noted the familiar scent of the herb lingering within the fibers, reminding him of the power he held over Komsan. Each movement served to heighten his arousal, sending waves of ecstatic energy coursing through his veins.
His heart raced as he positioned his foot within the open end of the "skinsuit," feeling the gentle embrace of the fabric wrapping snugly around his lower leg. Every fiber seemed to whisper sweet nothings, promising complete submission to his will.
Now he see a flatten Komsan's skinsuit cock. He so excite to put his cock in.
Adjusting his stance, Eaka aligned his penis with the opening of the "skinsuit." Slowly, ever so gradually, he pushed forward, letting the tip of his erect member slide past the threshold separating reality from fantasy. As the warmth of the "skinsuit" caressed his shaft, Eaka closed his eyes, immersing himself fully in the experience.
Feeling the surge of power course through his veins, Eaka increased the pace, thrusting harder and faster. The sensation intensified, becoming an addictive rush of adrenaline pumping through his system. With each movement, he claimed ownership over Komsan's body, marking his territory in a manner previously unfathomable.
The thought of being able to inhabit Komsan's persona sent chills racing along his spine, igniting a fire within him that threatened to consume everything in its wake.
Eaka pressed his hands against the interior walls of the "skinsuit," feeling the supple fabric molding itself to his touch. He traced intricate patterns across the surface, leaving behind a trail of erotic imprints that spoke volumes about the depths of his desire.
As he neared completion, Eaka paused momentarily, savoring the last few seconds of pure, undiluted power. Then, with a swift motion, he drew his head back and placed it firmly within the confines of the "skinsuit."
The instantaneous transformation was astounding.
Komsan's spirit seemed to dissolve effortlessly, merging with Eaka's psyche, leaving him utterly vulnerable beneath the "skinsuit."
Now, time to dress in Komsan's uniform. Start with his underwear. Last night during roleplay, they do not switch their underware.
But today, Eaka decided to try out the full uniform, starting with Komsan's underwear.
Remembering the powerful scent of his partner's worn undergarments, Eaka eagerly approached the bundle of clothing resting on the edge of the bed. Reaching out tentatively, he picked up the crimson bikini briefs, breathing in deeply through his nose.
The distinct fragrance hit him immediately, causing his nostrils to dilate involuntarily. A mix of perspiration, sex, and the earthiness of Komsan's natural odor filled his senses, eliciting a response unlike anything else he had experienced before.
This smell, this scent, was uniquely Komsan's. It represented the man whose presence had come to mean so much to him, the individual who shared his most intimate secrets and desires.
To possess such a profound connection with someone was rare indeed – and now, thanks to the magical properties of the Miracle Herb, Eaka could claim this bond for himself.
Wrapping the briefs around his waist, Eaka relished the feel of the soft cotton against his skin. The simple act of putting them on brought forth memories of their earlier encounters, stirring feelings of affection and lust alike.
For Eaka, these recollections served as a constant reminder of the incredible journey he had undertaken alongside Komsan.
Next came the dark green army t-shirt, another essential component of Komsan's signature look. Eaka gingerly lifted the garment from the pile, holding it close to his face, absorbing the rich aroma that radiated from the fabric. The combination of sweat, dirt, and masculinity intermingling together produced a mesmerizing concoction that left Eaka yearning for more.
With deliberate movements, he slipped the t-shirt over his head, luxuriating in the sensation of the rough fabric gliding smoothly against his skin. The subtle rustle of the material provided an auditory accompaniment to the symphony of sights, sounds, and smells surrounding him.
Eaka reveled in the tactile pleasure derived from donning Komsan's military attire, experiencing firsthand the comfort and confidence it instilled in those who wore it.
Each article of clothing bore traces of Komsan's essence, infusing the garments with an unmistakably personal touch. From the well-worn creases in the trousers to the faint whiff of gunpowder lingering in the pockets, every aspect of the ensemble told a tale of adventure and bravery.
As Eaka finished buttoning up the front of the tunic, he admired the crisp lines formed by the sharp angles of the uniform. The precise cut of the garment accentuated the muscular contours of his frame, highlighting the strength and determination inherent in his character.
For Eaka, the sight of Komsan's uniform brought forth a wave of reverential awe, mixed with a burning desire to become one with the man who had inspired such devotion.
However, as Eaka reached for the next piece of the puzzle – Komsan's long black socks – he hesitated briefly. These were not ordinary socks; they carried with them the indelible scent of sweaty feet, rubbed raw by countless hours spent traversing hostile terrain. Their disheveled appearance betrayed years of hard use, further adding to their appeal.
Despite the less-than-ideal state of the socks, Eaka knew that incorporating them into his ensemble would serve as a fitting homage to the man he sought to honor. Taking a deep breath, he gathered courage and proceeded to pull the socks onto his legs.
Despite the initial resistance, he persevered, wriggling his toes into the holes and slowly working his way upwards. As he did so, the strong aroma enveloped him once again, suffusing his entire being with an intensity that bordered on intoxicating.
It wasn't merely the physical aspects of the socks that captivated him—their history, the knowledge that they had accompanied Komsan throughout numerous battles and tribulations, contributed significantly to their irresistible charm.
As Eaka completed the final adjustments, ensuring the perfect fit, he marveled at how easily the essence of Komsan's soul seeped into every fiber of his attire.
In that very moment, Eaka felt an immense sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. Dressed entirely in Komsan's uniform, he stood tall, proudly surveying his surroundings, owning the image projected by the "skinsuit."
Every detail, every nuance, resonated within him, amplifying the intensity of his passion.
Last piece of food always most delicious. Eaka eye on army combat boots on the floor.
They have been used by Komsan many times but now they need cleaning because of muddy ground outside cabin. But Eaka decide to keep it just as it is, dirty and smelly. He want to remember what happened between them, and also, the smell excites him.
He carefully picks up the boots, bringing them closer to his face. The musty odor assaults his senses, a mixture of sweat, leather, and the earthiness of Komsan's unique scent. Eaka revels in the potency of the aroma, allowing it to fill his nostrils and send shivers down his spine.
The smell speaks volumes about the experiences Komsan had encountered, the challenges overcome, and the triumphs achieved. For Eaka, this scent serves as a testament to the extraordinary life led by the man he now embodies.
As he takes hold of the remaining pieces of tactical equipment scattered across the floor, Eaka feels a renewed sense of purpose. Each item represents a vital link in the chain connecting him to Komsan's world. Gripping the items tightly, he begins to secure them onto his newfound form.
First comes the belt, expertly crafted from durable materials designed to support heavy loads without compromising flexibility or comfort. Fastening it around his waist, Eaka appreciates the solidity of the buckle, knowing that it symbolizes resilience and adaptability.
The thick strap secures various tools and devices crucial to Komsan's work, reflecting the complexity of his occupation. As he slides the weighted magazine holder onto his thigh, Eaka acknowledges the significance of the objects contained therein: maps, documents, ammunition, all indispensable components in Komsan's line of duty.
Deliberately wrapping the utility knife sheath around his calf, Eaka mentally catalogues the myriad applications of the versatile blade.
Its dual nature – cutting edge for precision tasks and serrated side for sawing through obstacles – mirrors the multifaceted persona he now possesses. With a satisfied grunt, he fastens the holster securely, readying himself for any challenge that may arise.
As Eaka finally adds the communication device to his array of accessories, he stands back to assess his newly acquired ensemble. Every piece completes the picture, speaking volumes about the complex web of associations tied to Komsan's existence.
Now on the floor of the hut, left only a pile of his old life uniform. And Komsan's HK416 assault rifle that now become of new Komsan.
Holding it in his hands made Eaka feel powerful, ready to protect the people he cared about. Even though he never fired one, the mere possession of such a weapon gave him a feeling of invincibility.
Embracing its weight, he swung it effortlessly, getting acquainted with its balance and responsiveness.
Feeling confident in his ability to wield the firearm effectively should the situation demand it, Eaka set off towards the exit, leaving behind the tangled mess of his former self.
Outside, the forest seemed to whisper approval as he strode forward, each step reinforcing his resolve to embrace the path laid out before him. The air was cool and fresh, carrying with it the promise of endless possibilities.
His thoughts drifted to the future, imagining the countless scenarios he might encounter as New Komsan. The prospect of confronting adversaries, navigating treacherous terrains, and safeguarding innocents fueled his excitement.
Chapter 4
New Komsan sat atop the weathered tree stump, gazing upon the verdant landscape below with a profound sense of contentment. Despite the seemingly mundane setting, a certain electric charge coursed through his veins.
Surrounded by the lush foliage of the jungle, Komsan took solace in the fact that few human eyes ever ventured beyond this boundary, offering a haven where he could fully immerse himself in his fantasies.
Komsan walked briskly along the familiar trail, lost in thought as he relished the memories of past encounters with the land beneath his feet. This place held a special place in his heart, acting as both a sanctuary and an extension of his own psyche. Its vast expanse allowed him to let go of societal constraints and be true to himself.
Embarking on this journey, Komsan vowed to carve out a new destiny, free from the shackles of his tumultuous past. At the time he wear Komsan's skinsuit. He also recive old Komsan's memory with it. everything in Komsan life was inject to his memory. He start to travel on forest trial heading to his new or old home. A base of Border patrol unit. After hours of walk he finnally see it in his sight. He can see serveral soldier in uniform. Same uniform to himself. working around the base. some guarding, patroling. He can recall most of them, their name. since he got Komsan's memory. Some even Komsan's best friend. As he approch some of them notice him and run to him.
"Where have you been! noob! You make everyone worry! We try to contact but it's radio silent!"
"We think you may lost or worst!" another one add.
I don't know if you lost your damned mind or something serious happen? Where have you been?" asked his close friend.
Komsan didn't flinch nor break a sweat. "Well," he began, adopting an assertive tone befitting Komsan's demeanor, "my apologies for the concern, comrade.
"However, allow me to explain the circumstances surrounding my absence."
“I was stuck in heavy rain during a night patrol, and I got lost. It was too risky to attempt to head back to base in that situation. And my radio broke in an accident.”
A collective sigh of relief rippled through the group as they realized that their fellow soldier hadn’t met with misfortune. They shared glances amongst themselves, nodding in understanding.
One of the soldiers spoke up, “So, you were basically stranded until you managed to find your way back?”
Komsan nodded solemnly, conveying the gravity of the situation. “Indeed,” he replied, his voice laced with conviction. “Fortunately, I was able to navigate my way back to our base after several hours of wandering aimlessly.”
Another soldier chimed in, expressing gratitude for Komsan's safe return. “Thank goodness you made it back unscathed. We were worried sick!”
Komsan offered a reassuring smile, acknowledging their concerns. “Don’t fret, friends.
From now on, I shall prioritize proper maintenance of my communications gear, to avoid such unfortunate incidents in the future.”
His words elicited chuckles among the assembled troops, lightening the tension slightly.
The sun dipped lower on the horizon, casting long shadows over the bustling base. Komsan noticed a shift in the atmosphere as day transitioned to dusk. The humidity increased, making the sweaty uniform cling uncomfortably to his skin.
As darkness descended upon the military camp, faint murmurs emerged from the barracks nearby. Their voices blending together formed a hazy background symphony.
Slowly, the noise faded away, replaced by the rustling of leaves in the trees above and the distant howls of wild animals. Darkness settled over the once-busy base, shrouding it in a cloak of quietude. 
New Komsan lay alone on his cot, his thoughts spiraling into the depths of his past. Memories flooded his consciousness, intertwined with fragments of Old Komsan's experiences.
Old Komsan's love affairs flashed before his eyes, each encounter imbued with passion and intensity. There was a lingering tenderness in these remembrances, tempered by the knowledge that those relationships would remain forever entombed in the annals of history.
New Komsan closed his eyes, focusing on the rhythmic rise and fall of his chest. The steady beat served as a soothing counterpoint to the chaotic whirlwind of emotions raging inside him. Gradually, his breath slowed, matching the gentle cadence of the forest creatures outside.
Closing his eyes, New Komsan surrendered to the welcoming embrace of sleep. Drowsiness enveloped him, guiding him deeper into the realm of dreams.
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mingyannews · 1 year
Mastering Precision Sheet Metal Fabrication: Where Art Meets Science
Precision sheet metal fabrication is the artful synergy of craftsmanship and scientific knowledge. Whether it's in the automotive industry, electronics manufacturing, or medical equipment production, precision sheet metal plays a pivotal role. In this blog post, we delve deep into the world of precision sheet metal and explore how this art and science intertwine.
Defining Precision Sheet Metal
Precision sheet metal fabrication is a highly specialized manufacturing process that encompasses various methods of cutting, bending, stamping, and welding metal sheets. The goal of these processes is to produce parts and components to exact specifications and dimensions without compromising the quality of the metal material. These parts are typically used in applications that demand high levels of precision, requiring meticulous control and inspection at every step.
Applications of Precision Sheet Metal
Precision sheet metal finds wide-ranging applications across various industries, including but not limited to:
Electronics Manufacturing: Precise enclosures, panels, and connectors are essential to ensuring the safety and stability of internal components in electronic products.
Medical Equipment: Medical devices often require highly precise components to ensure accurate measurements and operations.
Aerospace Industry: Aerospace demands lightweight, high-strength components, and precision sheet metal is key to achieving this goal.
Automotive Manufacturing: Various components in automobiles, including bodywork, chassis, and engine parts, rely on precision sheet metal fabrication.
The Craftsmanship of Precision Sheet Metal
The manufacturing process of precision sheet metal is an art that marries precision with expertise. It involves critical steps such as:
Design and Planning: Careful design and planning are necessary before commencing fabrication, ensuring accuracy and consistency.
Material Selection: Choosing the right metal material is crucial for the performance of the final product.
Cutting and Stamping: Employing cutting and stamping machinery to shape the metal sheets into the desired form.
Bending and Shaping: Utilizing bending and shaping operations to curve metal sheets into the required shapes.
Welding and Assembly: Welding individual components together to assemble the final product.
Quality Control
The essence of precision sheet metal lies in quality control. Rigorous quality control procedures and inspection methods ensure that every component meets specifications. This includes the use of high-precision measuring tools, visual inspections, and material testing.
Precision sheet metal fabrication is a domain where craftsmanship and scientific knowledge beautifully converge. Its wide-ranging applications, from electronics to aerospace, make it indispensable in our modern world. Through continual refinement of processes and quality control methods, precision sheet metal fabrication will continue to play a pivotal role in supporting our modern way of life and technological advancements. It's a testament to how art and science work hand in hand to create excellence in manufacturing.
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