#Visual Inspection Types
techndt · 9 months
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Visual Inspection is a method in Non-destructive Testing, that relies on the human eye to assess the surface conditions of materials, and structures. Read More!
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debushit · 11 months
i got cornered by a spider in the bathroom and my cat came to the rescue and killed it, and she can tell i’m feeling anxious so she’s now on protective hunter mode which is really cute but it’s making me more anxious
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You know know those fics that make one of the waynes a halfa?
I’m just saying, do ectoblasts have the ability to be shaped to the wielder’s will?
Because if so..
“This is fucking stupid.”
Jason huffed as he tried to push out another blast from his palm.
“It only feels stupid because you’re not used to it.”
“Of course I’m not used to it. Pretty sure the people who would find this natural would be tamarans.”
Sweat was building under his brow as the green flickered in his palm as he braced his arm and took aim.
The glass broke with a shatter but more to the force of the new crater in the old car they were using in the junkyard than his aim.
Danny hummed as he inspected the damage, Jason plopped down with a huff.
“You’re putting too much of yourself into the blasts. You’re draining yourself with each shot.”
Jason raised a middle finger in the general direction of his compatriot,
“You said it was like the baster, when the things’ crappy battery fucks off I just kind of shove all the energy I can into it hope for the best.”
Danny felt gravity suddenly take hold of him as he jolted, with a quick dip into the ground he righted himself to gawk.
“What?” Jason parroted back, “what’s with that look?”
Danny brought his fingers to the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes for a second before asking,
“Dude.. how have you not passed out yet?”
“Spite and audacity. Mainly spite.”
“No shit.”
Danny moved so that he was facing Jason with consternation,
“Jay.. how do I best explain this? Yes, you are the power source both, you do power both the ectobasts and the blaster. The problem is that you are not taking into account that you are not a blaster.”
Jason snorted,
“Yeah no shit I’m not.”
“No you don’t- wait let me just-“
Danny reached inside of himself and pulled out a wrist ray.
“So normally these guys only have about two shots before they need to naturally charge, what we do when we force our ecto into the battery is the equivalent of a super charge. The thing is, the battery has a natural cap to how much ecto it can take. If it didn’t it would just turn into slag.”
“Yeah, and?”
“Jay, you don’t have that cap because you are both the power source and the battery when you ectoblast. You don’t have a power cap other than what you can make at a time!”
Jason blinked for a second,
“So what you’re saying is i have basically been hail marry-ing it whenever I have been dealing with these stupid things!?”
“Hey this is good actually!”
Danny as he raised to his feet,
“you’ve been accidentally doing endurance training and nowww we know what was wrong. We just need to give you a better mental visual to help you! What’s a weapon you know that will make yourself limit your ecto? It’ll have to be a projectile and your ability to visualize it has to be almost instinctual, can’t have you fudging up because of a cloudy mind-“
And one would think that Jason’s mind would go to his guns. His primaries that he kept with him wherever he went.
But guns were complex things. How well maintenance, what types of mods, and the ammo; there was a lot of small things that went into a gun.
Further more how would he hold his hands to shoot?
No, his mind didn’t go to his guns.
There was something new up red hood’s sleeve.
Something different.
It was green and didn’t come out often, but it was never a good day when they did.
When a gang had Hood pinned with limited ammo they thought they had finally did the impossible and toppled the crime alley boss.
Only to watch one of their associates get cratered into the nearby wall with a groan from the impact of a glowing blur.
Ted gaped at the fallen member and was only able to let out a confused,
“Was that a green batarang?!?”
Before all hell broke loose.
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I realised recently that I feel weird if i type too much dialogue without any narration, perhaps because I don't see it often. How should one break up a long monologue in a case like this, where one character has a lot to say?
Breaking Up Character Monologue
Stories need to have a relative balance of exposition (explaining things), dialogue (characters talking), and action (things happening.)
To break up a long character monologue, you can do the following:
-- have character pause periodically as other characters interrupt, ask questions or provide input.
-- have character pause periodically to allow for exposition in the way of mentally exploring their thoughts and feelings about what they're saying, and processing/exploring other character reactions/visual cues that clue the character in about what they are thinking/feeling about what they're saying.
-- pauses to allow for environmental interruptions. For example, let's say your character is delivering a motivational monologue ahead of a big battle. Perhaps there is a pause as another infantry parades past, or during the test fire of a cannon or trebuchet. Or, maybe your character is delivering a monologue on a busy street corner and has to pause every time a loud motorcycle, heavy truck, or car blasting music drives by.
-- pauses to physically engage with the environment and/or other characters. For example, maybe your character pauses in their monologue to inspect their horse and make sure their gear is all set. Maybe they stop to examine the map table and move a few pieces around to illustrate a point. Or maybe they walk over to a street light that is plastered over with flyers and tear one off to hold up as an example of something that's part of their monologue.
Using a combination of these methods help to break up the monologue and also help keep the reader rooted in the setting, as well as remind the reader of the other characters present.
Happy writing!
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
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madraynesims · 2 months
The Sims 2 PSP Cut Content: Part 1
I had been looking for the best way to implement this info on the Sims Wiki (but these are cut Sims, so there's not really a place for them? Or maybe someone else can do it). I've also been working on some videos talking about them. (I love watching these types of videos and prefer that visual format) but at this rate who knows when I'll finish it. So here we go! If you love Strangetown and crave any ounce of lore that you can get like me, here's a few townies. They even have their own secrets! Please read p6tgel's post to get all the info about the cut character TA7, everything I know about him is over there, so I don't have anything to add here. All I'm going to say is... I remember wanting to find out so badly who Mister Smith's friend was after playing The Sims 2 PSP for the first time. I'm so glad they actually did add more to the story. Learning more about the alien society and getting another title (like Pollination Technicians) just makes me want a Sixam neighborhood even more lol go read about it!!
Missing Kine Society Cult Members
Tunak Tun
Tunak is the only cut character that I could find photo evidence of in an old screenshot. He is a cut Kine Leader (like Sara Starr), as seen in his brown robe talking to Bull Dratch. The schedule file for the Kine Dairy indicates that Tunak would have spawned only during the day.
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Unfortunately, it's a view of his back, but his character file confirms this appearance. (just want to say... the details on the Kine robes are actually beautiful. The crunched down quality we got in the final release makes them look like rags) Gender: 0 = female, 1 = male. The eye color is only specified if they're not the default brown. (I'll be using the Sims 2 PC to recreate them, as it shares a lot of assets with the PSP version)
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Tunak Tun's Details
Bio: "A member of the Kine Society." social = 7, intimidation = 1, personality = 1, His social and intimidation scores are on the lower end for Deadtree locals, so social games aren't as difficult. He has the Air personality type. His topic sets (interests) are cow, cow milk, cow bell, cow beast, full moon, and crystal ball. A visual of these:
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Tunak Tun's Secrets
 (Personal): "Has been known to sneak in a burger or two on the sly."
 (Intimate): "Likes to wear loose robes for that 'fresh and ventilated' feeling."
 (Dark): "He actually just made up his other two Secrets. He's a pathological liar."
According to the game code, Tunak Tun would also count towards the goal to "Earn the Trust of a Kine Leader [Relationship 4]", just like Sara Starr and Sinjin Balani.
Zen Mu
Zen Mu is regular Kine Society member that wears a white robe. The schedule file for the Kine Dairy indicates that Zen would have spawned only during the night.
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I went through every face template available in the Sims 2 PSP CAS and I can't find Zen Mu's (might be hidden like some hairs/clothes are) and I don't see the stubble hair in the PC version.
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Zen Mu's Details
Bio: "A member of the Kine Society." social = 7, intimidation = 1, personality = 2, Their social and intimidation scores are on the lower end for Deadtree locals, so social games aren't as difficult. They have the Water personality type. Their topic sets (interests) are cow, cow milk, cow bell, and cow beast. A visual of these:
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Zen Mu's Secrets
 (Personal): "Severe lactose intolerance has made her unpopular in the Kine Society."
 (Intimate): "She is deathly afraid of cows, but don't let the cows find out … they thrive on fear."
 (Dark): "When she meditates, her power animal is a horse … the highest form of Kine blasphemy."
Interestingly, Zen Mu's gender and character model is male, but all 3 of Zen's secrets uses she/her pronouns. Small fun fact - Personal Kine robe for the player: It looks like we would have received our own kine robe at one point, probably after passing inspection, according to the item list file (item 72). Now, we can just go to a wardrobe and buy a robe ourselves.
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Extra fun fact that I randomly like to talk about on my twitch streams, but I don't remember if I've said it over here? These two award winning cows were actually given names by the devs in the Kine Dairy level spawning file. Bessie and Gertie! <3
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columboscreens · 10 months
columbo is so gender to me but i dont think i could ever look like him</3
i think it's totally possible for anyone to embody his essence. you can even manage to rock something directly inspired by columbo without looking like you're cosplaying.
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if you have columbo's hair type, it's actually pretty easy to emulate his styles. i even know people who show pictures of columbo to hair stylists to get his look. my partner's hair in its natural state is very similar to columbo's--dark, wavy, tending to grow in spite of gravity rather than with it. whenever he gets his hair cut, he shows the stylist photos of late 60s/pilot episode peter falk, whose look is actually pretty on-trend for the current era. it works out pretty well.
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your swag may have aged well pilot columbo but you can't beat floof
failing that, getting any haircut that is natural, low-maintenance, and not too attention-grabbing captures the visual language all the same. for reference, natasha lyonne in poker face has her hair in natural-looking, messy waves that to me just exude columbo.
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how you present yourself to the world is up to you, but if you want to invoke columbo, there's a lot more you can do than buy a tan raincoat.
in an era of sharply-cut, wide-lapelled constructions, fat tie tuesdays, and gucci loafers, columbo stands out as classic comfort personified.
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his collar, tie, and lapels are slim, proportional, and unassuming; they'd look good in almost any era. his pants fit closely to his leg but not too wide or slim, and sit at or near the natural waist. though his suits, shirts, ties, shoes, socks, and even coats rotate, there is a consistent color palette keeping him "on model". he embraces earth tones: creams, forest greens, light browns, dark browns, stony grays, rusts, and roses. his clothing seems like an afterthought, but it's an extension of his personality--rumpled and unassuming at first, yet sharp and deliberate upon further inspection.
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amid the 1970s explosion of synthetic popularity, it says something that every stitch of textile on columbo's person is natural (aside from the raincoat, which is probably nylon or poly--he wears it without a lining and uses it as essentially an oversized windbreaker). his boots are leather with crepe latex soles; his tie is silk. his shirt is cotton, a bit boxy but comfortable and properly fitted. because the construction of his suits is roomy and unstructured, and because they're made of linen, they wrinkle easily.
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this is easily confused for appearing slovenly. actually, all things considered, his clothes fit him pretty damn well, it's just hard to avoid wrinkling natural fibers like linen and cotton, especially in hot weather. he's running around los angeles sweating up a storm, the man needs loose, breathable fabric.
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point is, columbo dresses very thoughtfully. since these clothes are workwear for him and he works a hell of a lot, it's imperative that he factors in the weather, his comfort, and proper fit when picking clothes. he wants to like and be comfortable in them while looking unassuming. so even though he sometimes ends up looking like an unmade bed, his choices are deliberate.
you could invoke these principles in your own appearance by picking earthy colors/jewel tones and comfortable, natural fabrics that you enjoy wearing, which has the added benefit of being better for you and the environment. consider also taking a few garments in to be altered. it's usually not that expensive, supports your local needlefolk, and makes even cheap clothes fit great.
as a last little aside, i think having a "signature" clothing item akin to columbo's raincoat would be a nice touch. a jacket, a pair of shoes, even a watch or necklace. something you always wear. if you really do want a raincoat like his, just make sure you're not buying a trench coat, because, repeat after me: columbo does not wear a trench coat.
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literaryvein-reblogs · 2 months
Writing Notes: Analyzing Photographs
Description, reflection, and formal analysis are methods of visual analysis. These methods provide a structure for viewing, analyzing, and writing about photographs.
1. Description
The first step in visual analysis is description.
Describing an image is a useful technique for looking closely at an image and absorbing its details.
Descriptions should remain objective, discussing what can be seen without drawing conclusions about a photograph's meaning.
For Example: when looking at Lincoln on Battlefield of Antietam, Maryland, it would be appropriate to say, "The tall man in the middle is wearing a black suit," but it would be inappropriate to say "The tall man in the middle is dressed as if going to a funeral." This sort of subjective comment should be reserved for the reflection section.
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A description can begin anywhere, but generally it is easiest to begin by discussing the subject matter.
Example: a description of this image might begin with the basic statement, "In this image, three men stand in front of a tent."
Once you have stated the subject matter, simply elaborate on what you can see: "The man in the middle is the tallest and is posed with his hands down at his sides, wearing a formal black suit with a bowtie and a tall stovepipe hat. The man to the left is wearing a worn dark suit and a bowler hat. The man to the right is dressed in a military uniform with bright buttons and epaulets. The tent is pitched on a grassy clearing with trees in the background."
2. Reflection
This section should focus on the emotions and interpretations that an image evokes for the viewer.
Different viewers will react to the same image in different ways, so there are no wrong responses.
Knowing the historical context for an image can be very important for constructing reflective responses.
For this image, it is important to know that the Battle of Antietam was one of the most bloody and brutal battles of the Civil War.
Appropriate comments for this type of analysis include the following: "The tone of Lincoln on Battlefield of Antietam, Maryland seems very bleak. The somber facial expressions of the men, coupled with the barren grass and sparse trees give an overall impression of death and dying. There is also a sense of loneliness about the figure of President Lincoln. Although standing next to two men, he seems totally isolated. He is unresponsive to the camera; rather than making eye contact, he stares distantly off into space, increasing the sense of isolation."
3. Formal Analysis
After looking carefully at an image and considering its emotional and interpretive properties, formal analysis is the next step.
Be familiar with the elements and principles of art, which can be used as a guide in your formal analysis.
The "elements of art" are the building blocks for achieving the "principles of art."
A very good place to start formal analysis is by deciding which elements are most strongly represented.
Example: In the Lincoln picture, the very distinct lines and geometric shapes are immediately apparent.
Upon closer inspection, it is clear that these lines and shapes function to frame and to move the viewer's eye towards the central subject, President Lincoln.
For Example, note the way that all of the lines in the image draw the eye toward the figure of the president. The tent forms an inverted "V" shape directly behind Lincoln, while the vertical tent post and tree trunk in the background further elongate Lincoln's already tall figure, clearly emphasizing Lincoln's figure in the composition.
There are other strongly represented elements as well.
Consider the use of contrast in this image: there is a stark contrast between the white of Lincoln's shirt and his black suit, which further draws our attention towards the president's face.
There is also a sense of balance, with the figures standing to either side of the president in similar poses, like mirror images.
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finnofamerica · 6 months
The Next Future Mrs. Malcolm- Ian Malcolm X reader | Smut
Summary: Reader enjoys a very romantic night out with Dr. Ian Malcolm.
Word Count: 2,234
Date Posted: 03.25.24
Prompt: Could it be a smutty romantic fic of Ian with a GF with a praise kink?
TW: AFAB LANGUAGE USED, Toy use in public, dirty talk, praise, oral (giving)
Note: The toy Used is the Lovense Lush 3. Linked so you can get a visual.
|| Masterlist || Request Here || Fandoms/ Characters || Req by @melonpire
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The package left on your doorstep was a large brown box unceremoniously taped closed. There was no return address, but you suspected you knew who it was from. See, your boyfriend Ian just got back from his book tour, and he loves to surprise you with a romantic night out. 
You opened the box, the true surprise inside. There were several beautifully wrapped boxes of different sizes, each completed with a neatly tied bow. Sitting on the very top of the pile was a note. 
Pamper yourself today. I’ll pick you up at 7:30 for dinner, and your outfit is included in the box. I can’t wait to see you, Beautiful. 
You did exactly that. You spent the morning in the shower exfoliating, shaving, and doing anything else that you could think of in preparation for your surprise date. Ian had bought you an entirely new outfit—new lingerie that contrasted your skin beautifully and gave you the perfect amount of cleavage. A small box contained a pair of thin, silvery dangling earrings that looked like stars falling from the sky when the light hit them just right, as well as a matching bracelet. A large champagne-colored box contained the dress that hugged your body like a second skin. But there was another box, baby pink, wrapped in a champagne bow. 
Your brows furrowed, and a complete outfit was sitting on your bed in front of you; you couldn’t imagine what was in this box. Gently, you untied the bow and opened the lid, a note falling from it as you did. Inside sat an oddly shaped hot pink silicone device. It was kind of egg-shaped, with a long, thin “tail” extending from one end to a small circle that had a button. 
You inspected the smooth surface of the device before picking up the note. Ian gave you directions to the app to download and instructions on how to share control of the device. Taking it to the bathroom, you gave the device a quick wash with mild soap before setting it on a clean towel to dry and setting an alarm for six-thirty. 
Your heart raced as you stood in front of the mirror, dressed in the gorgeous black body con dress that accentuated your features. The vibrator was surprisingly easy to insert with a little bit of lube, and the shape allowed it to sit inside your vaginal canal without slipping out; it was quite a snug, comfortable fit. The tail sat outside of your body, curling up toward your stomach, held against your skin by the crotchless panties Ian had bought you. 
You inspected your appearance. You looked hot. Ian really knew how to dress you, and telling you what to wear was one of his favorite things. He wasn’t the type of guy who told you what to wear because he didn’t want other men to think you looked sexy. In fact, his intentions were almost the exact opposite. Ian loved buying you clothes and dressing you because he wanted other men to be jealous. He wanted to show you off to the world and show them the gorgeous woman he bagged. 
Seven-thirty on the dot, there was a knock at your door. Ian stood on the other side, towering above your short stature, with a single rose, dethorned, and a mischievous grin on his lips. 
“Hi, Sweetheart,” He scanned your outfit and caressed your cheek, “Don’t you look beautiful.” 
You couldn’t fight the smile on your face as heat rushed to your cheeks. He’d just arrived, and he was already turning you into a melty puddle of girl goo. “Thank you.” 
“Spin so I can get the full view.” 
You obeyed his request, turning slowly as he inspected you. The second your back was fully turned, he landed a swift smack to your ass, making you yelp. 
“Just as I thought,” he mused, “You’re perfect.” 
His praise filled you with warmth and an inexplicable desire to please. You were frozen in place as he leaned in to whisper in your ear, “And after dinner, I’m ruining that beautiful makeup of yours.” 
And there it was. A rush of arousal shot through you, making you shiver in anticipation. 
“Are you ready to go?” You asked, swallowing down your nerves and taking his hand. 
“Just waiting on you, Beautiful,” He grinned, leading you downstairs to his car. 
The restaurant wasn’t the fanciest in town, not that that mattered to you. You didn’t care if you went to an Olive Garden as long as you were with Ian. It was a lovely white tablecloth restaurant located on the bay with outdoor seating that overlooked the sea. Once parked, Ian reached underneath your dress and turned on the vibrator, connecting his Bluetooth to it so he could control the vibration. 
The lowest setting was a soft steady rumble that pressed against your G-spot with every step as Ian led you to the host stand. 
“I have a reservation for Dr. Malcolm.” He said suavely. 
“Oh!” The host beamed, “Right this way, we have your private table ready.” 
She led you both outside to the patio seating, half of it blocked off with beautiful flowered hedges on rolling planter boxes. You passed through the deliberate gap in the hedges, your table sitting center in the decorated space. 
“Ian,” You squeezed his hand, nerves crawling up your spine, “This is so fancy.” 
Of course, by fancy, you meant expensive. Expensiveness made you nervous - guilty. You didn’t want to be a financial burden. 
“Hey,” He gave you a comforting smile, “Only the best for my gorgeous girl.” 
You let out a shallow breath, letting him guide you to your chair. He pulls it out for you like a gentleman before scooting you in. 
“Here are your menus,” the host said, placing the hard-covered menu books on the table. “Your server will be by shortly.” 
Every aspect of the dinner was lovely, only heightened by the vibrator buzzing inside you. Throughout dinner, Ian had adjusted the settings, making it difficult for you to sit still, but somehow, you managed. You were more worried about wether or not there would be a wet mark on the butt of your dress from how much you felt like you were soaking. 
The vibrator suddenly stopped, making your brows furrow in confusion. You honestly missed the sensation now.
“Y/n, I often used to make jokes about how I’m always looking for the next future ex-Mrs. Malcolm. But I’ve realized I don’t want another Ex-Mrs. Malcolm.” He paused, and your heart sank. Was he breaking up with you? 
“I just want the next Mrs. Malcolm.” Ian got down on his knee. Your breath caught in your chest. “I want you to be the next Mrs. Malcolm, and I am determined to make it last this time. Will you marry me?” 
Tears welled in your eyes as you nodded. You hopped out of your chair and pulled him into a hug. 
“Yes, I will.” You kissed him, refusing to let your tears spill over and ruin your makeup. Ian slipped the beautiful moss agate ring on your finger and kissed your hand. You chuckled, “For a second there, I thought you might be breaking up with me.” 
Ian laughed as he helped you back to your seat, “I don’t want to break up with you ever.” 
Finally, the bill was settled, and the server brought out dessert and two glasses of sparkling wine. 
“Congratulations, you both,” The server, Richard, bid his farewell as you enjoyed the final moments of your meal. 
You were completely filled with warmth as Ian drove you both back to your shared apartment. The second the door clicked shut behind you, Ian’s lips were on yours, and his arms wrapped around you. 
“Ian!” You protested with a giggle, “Can we at least make it to the bedroom first?” 
“I don’t know, Sweetheart,” He growled slightly, “You just look so damn good as my fianceé. I can’t wait to make that makeup run.” 
Arousal rushed through you again, practically making you salivate. You managed to separate yourself from him just long enough to get to your knees, hastily undoing the belt to his sleek dress pants, freeing his thick member. 
Ian let out a groan as you licked him root to tip before taking the head of his cock in your mouth, smudging your recently reapplied lipstick. 
“Fuck you’re good at that,” His hand fell to your hair, pulling the strands away from your face. “I remember we we first got together, you could barely get it in your mouth without gagging.” 
You relaxed your throat, inching your way down his cock until your nose pressed to his groin. 
“Look at you now.” He praised, “Deepthroating like a champ. I’m so fucking proud of you.” 
Ian slowly rocked his hips, gently fucking your mouth as you forced yourself to sit on your hands and relinquish control to him. You loved pleasing him, listening to the string of praise falling from his lips as he fucked your throat until tears spilled from your eyes, and arousal was practically pooling on the floor underneath you. 
“I need to feel you,” He pulled his cock out with a satisfying pop, helping you up from the floor. Ian stripped off his shoes and pants before ushering you to your bedroom, swiping the boxes off the bed. “Be a good girl, and let me strip you.” 
You gave him a grin, turning so he could unzip your dress, letting fall to the floor around your heels. 
“You’re so beautiful,” Ian praised, running his hands over the lacy lingerie that he’d picked out for you. Large, warm palms cupped your breast as he kissed your shoulder, taking his time with you. You let out a satisfied sigh at the feeling, relaxing into his touch. He undid the clasp to your bra, letting that, too, fall to the floor, leaving you in nothing but crotchless panties and heels. 
He laid you down on the bed, pulling out the vibrator with a wet pop and tossing it to the side. Your hands fumbled with his shirt buttons as he caressed your pussy. 
“So wet already, Sweetheart?” He teased, making you huff. 
“You’re the one who teased me the entire dinner,” You spat back, pushing his shirt off his shoulders, light glinting off your new ring. 
Ian stroked his cock twice before lining the head with your entrance; you let out a breathy sigh as he slid in with ease. As always, his cock filled you to the brim, making you feel pleasurably stretched out. He kissed down your neck to your shoulder as he slowly pumped in and out, taking his time, allowing the pleasure to build in you. 
“God, you feel so good.” He praised, reaching over to grab the Hitachi wand sitting on the bedside table, slotting it perfectly between the two of you. Even the lowest setting built a wave of pleasure in you, “I missed this pussy on my tour. Next time, I’m bringing you with me so I can have it every night.” 
You rolled your hips up into his, moaning softly. “I’d like that. I love pleasing you.” 
His lips met yours again, moving in unison as each thrust pressed the vibrator harder against your clit. 
“Ian -“ you whined slightly, wanting more from the vibrator between you. 
He turned it up to the next setting, stating his condition, “You’re not allowed to cum until I tell you to.” 
You nodded helplessly, grinding into the vibrator. Ian picked up his pace, clinging to you like you were the last life preserver on a rocky ocean. Each wave builds that pleasurable pressure within you. A hot coil of arousal burning in the pit of your stomach. 
“Ian -“ You moaned, this one like a warning. “Ian, please, I can’t last much longer.” 
He gripped your hips as he leaned up straighter, one hand holding the vibrator in place. “Come for me, Y/n, be a good girl and come for your Finacé.” 
It was like he pulled the ripcord as your building orgasm released and your entire body spasmed around his cock.
“Good girl.” Ian praised. His name fell from your lips, fragmented by moans as he turned up the vibrator again, fucking you stupid. “Good girls get rewarded.” 
It was like you were floating into space as he held the vibrator to your oversensitive clit. Every thought left your mind as you drooled into the pillow, riding out the aftershocks being sent through you. Another orgasm built in your core as he continued to rock into you, washing over you the second it hit its peak, no longer able to maintain control. It was wave after wave of orgasms rolling through your body.  It wasn’t until you hit your fourth that Ian’s hips finally stuttered as he spilled his seed deep in your cunt. 
He collapsed on the two of you, turning off the vibrator and removing it. His heart pounded in his chest against yours as you regained your breath and your soul returned to your body. 
Ian peppered kisses to your cheek as he held you close, both of you exhausted from your romp. 
“Good night, future Mrs. Malcolm.” He whispered in your ear as you both drifted off into a very restful night of sleep. 
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Tags: @melonpire
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The Unnatural and Unexpected (Embry Call x Black! Reader) Pt. 3
A/N: Here we are! Part threee! Nothing much else to add except Enjoy! Like, comment and reblog. Please let me know if you'd like to be tagged in the next one :)
This is set during Eclipse around newborn battle. This is tailored for a African American/Black female reader specifically, however all are welcome to read..
*All gifs credited to original owner!*
Part 1
Part 2
Imagine being Embry’s imprint and tagging along with the wolves to their newborn training session. However, you’re always in for an unexpected surprise when you’re around Bella..
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“Take your filthy hands off her.” You turned toward your imprinter, slowly, and began to walk toward him.
“Embry, let me explain. How much did you hear?” 
“Enough to know this bloodsucker thinks he has some claim to you. I knew something was going to happen the more you were around them!” His voice escalates, now beginning to echo through the forest.
Embry was never the type to really lose his temper. He was one of the most even natured members of the pack, so to see him like this was terrifying.
“She did not know, Embry. You have a right to be upset, but if you’re going to take your anger out on someone, take it out on me. I’m the one to blame.” Jasper rationalizes, as he steps in front of you slowly, never once taking his eyes off of the shifter about 10 feet away from him. For a moment, you forgot all about him.
He pushes you behind him as he continues, “Leave (Y/N) out of this and let’s talk about this rationally..” You flinch internally. Wrong button.
“We wouldn’t be in this situation if it wasn’t for you! You don’t tell me what to do!” Leave it to Embry to still think clearly and make logical sense, even while pissed.  
And before you could blink, a slender, giant wolf sits directly in front of it, teeth bared and ready to pounce. Then, he charges–making a beeline straight for Jasper -with you still standing directly behind him.  
Oh, shit. 
Suddenly, the wind is being knocked out of you as you're pushed to the side. You feel yourself hit something hard before rolling down something else, you presume stairs, before coming to a stop. 
With half-lidded eyes, you can see both Embry, in shifter form, and Jasper duking it out in the Cullen's own backyard. You honestly couldn’t say a damn thing because what reaction did you expect to this situation? The only thing you could hope for was that they didn’t kill each other-or you.
You feel yourself gently being lifted to your feet by ice cold, dainty hands. After your vision begins to focus, you recognize your savior by their familiar long, blonde hair. 
“Are you alright, (Y/N)? Are you hurt?” Rosalie inquires, as she visually inspects you for injuries.
You notice the rest of the Cullen’s and the wolves, attempting to pull back each respective member of their clan and stop the fight. Watching this spectacle, pure adrenaline kicks in for you and you do the only thing your instincts tell you to:
“I gotta get out of here. Everything’s a mess!”
“Are you sure? I think Carlisle should take a-.”
“No. I got to go. I can’t stay here.” Something in your tone, this time, resonates with her and she drops her grip on you. 
Reluctantly, she nods in understanding. You return it, affirming her silent plea that you’ll let her know you’re alright. With that, you take off to the front of the house, heading for your car. Hopping in and starting the engine, you speed off–leaving the ensuing chaos behind you. At least, for now.
After Rosalie loses sight of you, and hears the screech of your tires. Her patient demeanor she had with you drops entirely when she turns back toward the commotion.
If there was one thing she could not stand, afterlife or otherwise, is women being hurt because of men’s ego and shenanigans. She also grew to like you and, if nothing else, respected the fact that you did not let any of these supernatural men run circles around you–unlike Bella. 
“BREAK. IT. UP!” Channeling her rage, she speeds over toward the commotion barreling toward both her brother and the shifter, sending them flying in opposite directions like bowling pins.
  This sudden distraction gives her family and the pack the opening they need to pull their members back entirely, finally ending the brawl.
Esme sighed looking at her now destroyed back porch. What a mess.
The ride home was a blur to you. Not even the dash of the forest on Jasper’s back could compare, and that was saying something. About five minutes after you left, your phone starts buzzing constantly. Even when you walk in the door, it’s still buzzing. But after texting confirmation to Rosalie you toss it somewhere, ignoring it entirely. 
Thank goodness your parents were downstate at a conference and didn’t have to explain why you looked like who did it and why. Flipping on the light in your bathroom, you take stock of your physical appearance: Your usual put together hair was all over the place. Bloodshot eyes replaced your vibrant (y/e/c) ones. Your clothes had slight tears in them, barely concealing the long bruise and now bleeding cuts on your side, ending mid-back. Now the adrenaline is wearing off you started to feel EVERYTHING. 
You didn’t recognize who was staring back at you. 
Biting back tears, you start to pull out the rubbing alcohol and gauze from the first aid kit. Never in your life had you ever felt so out of control, so fragile, so vulnerable.
And you hated it.
 Maybe it was misplaced, but for right now you wanted no reminders of anything or anyone that made you feel the way you do right now. You couldn’t let anyone see you cry. You wouldn’t let anyone see you cry. 
At least that you could control. 
Hearing a knock at the door broke you from your concentration. Didn’t the unanswered phone calls for the whole day give them the hint: You didn’t want to see ANYONE right now. Whoever was at the door was going to get it. 
Carefully, you maneuver yourself downstairs to not irritate your cut even more.
“Didn’t I make it clear that I wanted to be alone? Why can’t you give me space?” Throwing open the door, the last person you expected to see stood there at your doorstep.
“Because it looks like you need stitches and I know you’re not going to a hospital.” 
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Tags: @fckwritersblock @zoexme
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castle-of-ruin · 8 months
A/N: Hi! So, this story has been in the works forever. I've always wanted to write for Deacon. I've always wanted to write Bodyguard!Deacon specifically. It's something I've thought about from the very beginning of my journey with Swat. I find it important to clarify that this is an au. The events that take place in this story are completely and utterly my own. They are made up and not true. I hope that, as readers, you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it.
Rating: 18+ MDNI
Pairing: Bodyguard!Deacon x f!Reader
Reminder: This is a bodyguard au. It in no way relates to the actual plot of Swat.
Warnings: mentions of injuries, violence, death threats. There are no explicit descriptions of the readers' body type or other features. Brief use of the word 'her', reader is not named, and there is no use of y/n. Mutual pining, use of the word sweetheart.
Other characters: Jim Street, Dominique Luca, Daniel "Hondo" Harrelson
Word Count - 3.2k
Author's Note 2: If I forgot any content warnings please let me know. Once again I hope anyone who reads this story enjoys you. Feedback, reblogs, comments, likes are all welcome and much appreciated. I'm really putting myself out there by posting this story. It's personal and something I'm so passionate about. Happy Reading!!
Disclaimer: I do not condone people taking my work and reposting it as their own. Do not steal my work.
Adding some visual inspiration for the people who care💕
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In the Beginning 
When you first began working with criminals, you never expected your life to be threatened. Sure, there were risks of taking a job like this, but all you were asked to do was to determine whether or not a person was classified as fit to go to trial. That meant oftentimes you had to postpone hearings and trials due to a person's mental capacity. 
You understood how upsetting it could be and you understood why people would blame you for justice not being brought forward. It was easy to empathize with those people, but it didn't mean your life needed to be in danger. 
The first night your life was threatened you were just getting home from a grueling day in the office. Your feet ached and your stomach grumbled. Upon your arrival home you found a note taped to your front door. You tilted your head inspecting the letter before you ripped it off the door. Bile rose in your throat as you read the letter. 
I will kill you for what you've done 
The note was scribbled haphazardly and hardly legible, but you were well aware of what it said. Never in your four years of working had you needed to go to the cops. People you'd worked with time and time again. 
The Los Angeles Police Department was unhelpful when it came to answering your pleas. It wasn't until you went to your childhood friend Jim Street that you were finally heard. 
You hadn't seen Jim in over 3 years. After he left for swat the two of you hadn't had much time to get together anymore. You spoke occasionally, but had no time to really see each other anymore. 
When you showed up at his door he was surprised to see you. The greeting was cut short, you were rushed and scared. As you explained everything to Jim, Luca, Jim's roommate and coworker listened carefully. He was actively trying to think of a way to get you helped out. 
"What about Deac's security business?" He piped in. 
The two of them looked at one another.
They spoke briefly to one another about their old coworker. Explaining to you how Deacon departed from SWAT and took up doing security details full time. You nodded as you listened to them. It wasn't a bad idea, but you didn't know how long it would be before something would take place. 
As if they heard you in your head they had already made the phone call. Luca spoke briefly with someone on the phone, you assumed it was Deacon. Jim smiled softly at you, trying his best to give you some kind of comfort. 
You stayed with Jim and Luca while you waited for Deacon to arrive. You felt safe with them and you took advantage of the opportunity to rest. With eyes closed you lulled to sleep for the first time in days. 
Your slumber was rudely interrupted by a warm hand on your shoulder. The action made you jump, and your eyes searched for the culprit. Jim smiled at you sheepishly, apologizing with his eyes more so than with words. 
"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you." He told you. 
"It's okay, just, jumpy is all." He nodded his head in understanding. 
"He's here." Jim stated. 
You got up and followed Jim out of the den and back into the living room. Luca talked to another man, you assumed it was Deacon. 
Luca turned when he saw you come into the room. His face lit up, he had already accepted you as one of his people. 
"Hey Deac, this is her." He patted the man on the shoulder and he turned to face you and Jim. 
You hadn't paid him much attention before he turned, but you were shocked to say the least. He was a surprisingly handsome man, and it made your heart pound in your chest. 
In the few seconds before Luca introduced the two of you, you allowed your eyes to trace over him. The hair on his head was mostly gray aside from the occasional dark strand here and there, his beard joined in the majority of gray. The black t-shirt he wore hid no ounce of his muscled form. You wondered if he wore a shirt two sizes too small on purpose.
A clearing of a throat disturbed your thoughts. You blinked rapidly and pulled your eyes away from Deacon. Luca introduced the two of you and you shook Deacon's hand. Heat creeped up your neck as he stared down at you, with a soft smile. 
The smile slowly faded and he crossed his arms over his chest becoming serious. 
"Luca tells me you need some protection? Care to explain the story to me a little bit?" He asked. 
You nodded, and took a seat on Luca and Jim's couch. You explained the story to him as thoroughly as you could. Jim grabbed your shoulder in comfort a couple of times when the emotions overwhelmed you. 
"This isn't the usual detail my team and I take on, but you're a friend of a friend. I'll make sure you're safe. I'll work on this personally." He nodded to you and to Jim. 
Tears welled in your eyes. 
"Thank you Deacon." He smiled and nodded again. 
"Of course. Now, first things first. You need a safe house of some sort while I work with my team to track down the people after you. Is there somewhere you can think of that won't be public knowledge?" He asked you. 
You thought about it for a moment before you nodded. 
"I do.”
The cabin air was frigid as you made your way back inside. Placing the firewood in its rightful place you take a piece and set it on the fire. Rubbing your hands together you enjoy the warmth seeping into your skin. A car pulling into the driveway draws your attention away from the fire. 
Getting up you make your way to the window on high alert. Your guard falls when you spot Deacon getting out of his car. You watch as he scans the area before coming to the front door. He knocks twice on the door and you go over to it to open it. 
When he enters he hands you the bag in his hand. 
"What's this?" You ask. 
Deacon smiles softly, "Dessert." He states and you peer inside. 
Your smile widens upon seeing apple pie and vanilla ice cream in the bag. 
"Damn, Deacon, I'm surprised you got something so unhealthy." You laugh. 
He shakes his head, "I eat ice cream." 
"Doesn't look like it." You mutter to yourself. 
"What did you say?" He asks. 
"Nothing. Ignore me." You shake your head. 
Taking the bag into the kitchen you unload everything into the freezer.  You notice dishes still left over from this morning in the sink and go over to wash them. Under the running water your thoughts drift over the past 2 months. 
It felt like nothing was happening. You felt stuck, and frozen. Like a prisoner with nowhere else to go. This was meant to be for your own protection, but being stuck in your family's old cabin in the woods was driving you to madness. Plus, being stuck here with Deacon, alone for all hours of the day was testing every amount of strength and willpower you have. Which was just about none when it came to the older man. 
Since the beginning of month 2 things have felt different between the two of you. In month one Deacon wouldn't even sit on the same couch as you. He always sat in the chair furthest from you at the small table in the dining room, and he never looked at you for a moment more than necessary. 
Now, something was different.
He sits next to you on the couch and actually joins you when you watch tv. Now, he doesn't hide his lingering gaze, nor does he sit in the chair furthest from you when you eat. The subtle changes in his behavior drove you mad. 
From the very beginning you were heavily attracted to him. Now, even more so. 
"Hey," Deacon's voice draws you from your thoughts. 
"You okay?" He asks. Coming forward and leaning against the counter. 
Your eyes are drawn to the way his arms bulge as he crosses his arms over his chest. You gulp and look away. 
"Yeah, I'm fine. Why do you ask?"
He chuckles and leans forward, your breath catches in your throat as you look up at him. He switches the water off and leans back against the counter. You let out a breath and close your eyes. 
"You were washing the same dish for 10 minutes. Obviously something is wrong." He states. 
"10 minutes?" You ask and he nods. 
You let out a deep sigh and grip the edge of the sink. Tears well in your eyes and you decide not to hold them back any longer. You let yourself cry and put your head in your hands as you lean on the sink. Deacon touches your back and you allow yourself to lean into it. He rubs soothing circles on your back and allows you to cry. 
After a while you sniffle and wipe your face. 
"I'm sorry." You wipe at your eyes and look over at him. 
His smile is sad as he looks at you. Deacon swipes a stray tear from your cheeks and cups your face in his hand. He leans in as if he's going to kiss you but, then the moment is broken when something clicks in his head and he pulls away clearing his throat. 
"Don't be sorry. I'm gonna go contact my team. See if there's any updates." With that he exits the kitchen. 
Fuck. You think to yourself.
For the rest of the day Deacon avoided you like the plague. It made you feel even worse than you already did. Loneliness pangs in your chest as you sit on the couch and aimlessly scroll through the channels. 
Deacon busts into the room and you jump. 
"We have to go now." He states, throwing your jacket at you. 
Jumping to your feet you throw the jacket on and follow Deacon to the back of the cabin. You grip his jacket tightly in your hand trying to stay close to him. He turns and looks at you, pressing one of his fingers to his lips. 
He opens the door quietly and inches out slowly. Deacon grasps your hand in his and drags you out into the woods. The two of you run for a while before he stops. 
"You see that ridge up there?" He asks pointing. 
"Yes," You pause looking at him. 
"Go. Get up there and hide. Don't come out until I come get you." He instructs. 
You grip his arm. "Deacon, what if you don't come back?" 
He grips his phone in his back pocket and places it in your hands. 
"Call, Street. Tell him where we are. Tell him to send the team." He states. 
You nod, with tear filled eyes, and trembling lips. Releasing his hand you take off up the hill and hide. Pulling Deacons phone out of your pocket you dial Jim. 
"Hey Deac," 
"Jim, it's me. Deacon told me to tell you to send the team. Hurry Jim. I'm scared." You sob. 
"Where are you?" He rushes out. 
"Near the Oregon border." You stutter out. 
"Keep the line open, we're tracking Deac's phone." You nod, but he can't see you. 
Gunshots could be heard in the distance. Tears fall freely now, rolling down your cheeks. 
"Got it, we're on the way. Stay hidden." He urges and the line goes dead. 
You pull your knees as close to your body as you can trying to hide away in the dark nook. The gunshots fade in the distance and your heart races faster. Every part of you wants to run and see if Deacon was okay, but you listened and stayed put.
After what felt like forever a helicopter could be heard overhead. Staying in your hiding spot you close your eyes and hope they make it to you soon. You were freezing. 
After a few more minutes you could hear voices and footsteps. Some shouting out how many people were dead, others asking where Deacon was. You heard Jim's voice in the distance calling for you. Now you got up from your hiding spot and went tumbling down the hill. You ran as fast as you could back in the direction of the cabin. 
"Jim!" You yell his name when you finally see him. 
He comes running towards you and you slam into him. Hugging him tightly, tears once again falling freely. His hand goes to the back of your head as he holds you close. 
When you pull away you search his eyes seeing if they hold anything. 
"Where's Deacon?" You ask. 
There it was. Jim averts his eyes from you for a brief moment. Something the normal eye would never pick up. You grip his arm tightly. 
"Jim please, tell me." You beg.
"He's alive, but he's been shot. Plus some other injuries. He wasn't conscious when we wheeled him out of here." He tells you truthfully. 
Your shoulders sag. "Is he going to be okay?" You ask. 
"We don't know yet. Come on, let's get you out of here." Jim wraps his arm around you. 
"But, it's not safe." You stop. 
"It is now. Has he not told you?" Jim asks. 
You tilt your head. "What do you mean?" 
"Deacon, and his team were able to locate the men who threatened your life. He had me, Hondo and the rest of the team go in and take them down." He pauses for a moment. 
"Some got away. They had found your location and we couldn't get to them before they left. We were just barely able to warn Deacon before they showed up." He finishes. 
You haven't cried this much since your childhood pet died when you were 16. A part of you died that day with him. Now, here you were crying over a man you may never get to see again because he too might be dead.
Jim leads you to the helicopter and helps you get in the seat before doing so himself. You watch the land below get smaller and darker the higher into the air you go. Jim grabs your hand and squeezes it for a moment. You know it was him trying to comfort you. Jim had never been good at that. 
Being able to go back to your home felt wrong. It was crazy to think that two months living in the unknown would change your entire view on your life. You desperately want to go to the hospital to see Deacon. Make sure he's okay for yourself, or see for yourself he's not okay. 
Jim agrees to take you to the hospital. Upon arrival you notice how many people were there for Deacon. He was held in high regard amongst his former teammates. It was a sight to see. 
Someone calls your name and you look in the direction of the voice. The man you knew as Hondo approaches you. 
"We've heard a lot about you. It's nice to finally meet you." He tells you with a genuine smile. 
You nod, unable to form words of any kind. Your throat was sore and scratchy. Making it feel impossible to speak at the moment. You need water. Once again reading your mind, Jim appears with a bottle of water in hand. You smile thankfully at him. 
"Thanks." You croak out.
You find a seat and wait with the rest of the people in the waiting room. The hours tick by as all of you wait for an update on Deacon. 
Three hours after you get to the hospital a doctor comes out of the OR doors. Everyone stands, and the doctor's eyes widen. 
"Are all of you here for Mr. Kay?" He asks. 
Everyone nods. The doctor takes his glasses off and wipes them before adjusting them to his face once more. 
"He's going to be fine. Recovery will suck, but he will recover. Gunshot wound, cracked ribs, fractured arm, the list goes on. It's a good thing he has all of you." He nods. 
"Can we see him?" Your quiet voice pokes through the crowd. 
"It's after visiting hours, but I can allow one of you back." He states.
You expect someone to go back and see him, but when no one does you step forward. Jim nods at you. You found it odd the people who have known Deacon the longest would allow someone who's only known him for two months be with him while in this position. 
The doctor nods and gestures for you to follow him. He leads you down the hall of hospital rooms and stops when he reaches Deacon's door. 
"I'll have them bring in some blankets and pillows. If you don't plan to stay, let me know." He states. 
"No, I'm staying." He nods and leaves. 
You examine the small hospital room. The monitor beeps to the rhythm of Deacon's heart. This is the first time you've seen him in over 5 hours. You weren't sure if you ever would. 
Taking him in you frown at the sight of him. A bandage on his left cheekbone, busted lip, a splint on his right arm. He was a mess, all because he was protecting you. 
You pull the chair over to him and sit down beside him. 
"Damn you, Deacon." You whisper. 
You grab his open hand into your own, looping your thumb around his. He didn't close his hand around yours, but that didn't matter. Feeling his pulse thump in his wrist was enough. You lean your head down and place it on the bed, closing your eyes. Allowing yourself to take in his warmth. Meaning he was very much alive. 
A nurse enters the room and gives you a soft smile before setting up the small bed in the corner of the room. You silently thank her. Your eyes snap to Deacon when you feel his fingers wrap about your hand. 
His eyes are just barely open as he looks at you. 
"I'm sorry." He croaks out. 
"Sorry? Why are you sorry." You raise your eyebrows at him. 
"Scaring you." 
"Deac, you saved my life. You have nothing to apologize for. I'm the one who needs to apologize. I'm the reason you almost died." You grip his hand tighter. 
He laughs, then groans in pain. 
"It was my job sweetheart. You don't have to apologize either." He reassures you.
"I guess we both need to stop apologizing." You laugh out. 
"I guess so." He gives a small smile. 
You rub his arm softly and he watches you do so. 
"You should get some rest." You tell him as you stand up. 
He watches as you lean over and press a kiss to his cheek. Your breath catches in your throat as you linger a moment longer contemplating things in your head. His beard scratches your cheek as you loop your arm around his neck in an awkward hug. 
"I'll be right here if you need me." You tell him. 
He nods. Flicking the light in the hospital room off you make your way to the small bed in the corner and try to sleep. 
"Goodnight Deac." 
"Goodnight Sweetheart.”
Tagging a few who may want to read it : @obiknights @chelseasdagger @streakyglasses
A big big thank you to @spnshortcake for encouraging me to post this. I'm grateful for you. Thank you love ❤️.
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funpuddle · 3 months
Does anyone else, when tired and closing eyes but most definitely not asleep, receive a crystal clear visual of something that you can scan and look at like you would anything irl. Iike it's not just made up, it's fully actualized Infront of you, uncontrollably, in the black background of sleep. I just saw a new type of tractor with weird little buttons on the outside but upon further inspection it melted into nothing.
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We may have a problem with the so-called fiancé, @artofdeductionbysholmes I lost sight of him…
Any update on the lab results? @artofdeductionbysholmes @mollyatthemorgue
The question is: did he disappear on his own terms, or was his disappearance forced?
And yes, I just received @mollyatthemorgue Molly's lab report. See below.
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[ID: 3 screenshots of a lab report
Lab Report
Subject: Examination of Paper Sample
Date of Report: June 2, 2024
Lab Technician: Hooper, Molly
Sample ID: Paper-2024-371
The purpose of this lab report is to present the findings from the examination of a piece of paper. The analysis aims to identify the physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of the paper, and any potential indicators of its environment and exposure history.
Sample Description
Type: Paper 
Condition on Receipt: Intact with minor surface wear, slightly discoloured.
Methods of Analysis
Visual Inspection
Microscopic Examination
Chemical Analysis
X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF)
Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS)
Microbiological Assays
Moisture Content Analysis
Odour Analysis
1. Visual Inspection
Appearance: The paper showed slight discoloration, with faint yellowish-brown stains.
Surface Condition: Minor abrasions were noted. Some dirt and dust particles were visible.
2. Microscopic Examination
Fibre Integrity: The cellulose fibres were mostly intact, with minor signs of surface wear.
Debris: Presence of small soil particles and other unidentified debris.
3. Chemical Analysis
X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF):
Detected Elements: Trace amounts of heavy metals such as lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), and chromium (Cr).
Surface Contaminants: Minor presence of inorganic substances.
Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS):
Organic Compounds: Detected small amounts of hydrocarbons and other organic pollutants.
Residues: Identified residual chemicals from inks and dyes, with some degradation products.
4. Microbiological Assays
Bacterial Presence: Identified bacterial species including Bacillus and Pseudomonas spp.
Fungal Presence: Traces of fungal spores, likely Aspergillus and Penicillium spp.
5. Moisture Content Analysis
Moisture Level: Moderate moisture content of 12%.
Chemical Composition: The moisture contained slight acidic properties.
6. Odour Analysis
Detected Odours: Mild, musty odour with hints of organic decay.
The examination of the paper sample indicates several key findings:
The physical condition and minor wear suggest it was exposed to an environment with abrasive materials and some physical stress.
The presence of heavy metals and organic pollutants detected by XRF and GC-MS indicates exposure to a polluted environment, potentially involving industrial or waste materials.
Microbial assays revealed early stages of microbial colonisation by bacteria and fungi typically associated with organic material decomposition.
The moderate moisture content and slight acidity suggest exposure to a moist environment with some chemical interactions.
Odour analysis confirmed the presence of organic decay-related gases.
The combination of physical wear, chemical contaminants, microbial presence, and environmental indicators suggests that the paper may have been exposed to a mixed waste or polluted environment. The findings are consistent with environments such as waste disposal sites, polluted industrial areas, or other locations with significant organic and inorganic contaminants.
The paper sample shows signs of exposure to a polluted and possibly waste-rich environment. The results indicate physical wear, contamination by heavy metals and organic pollutants, microbial activity, and environmental interactions that are typical of such conditions. Further context about the paper's origin could provide more specific insights.
Lab Technician Signature:
[signature of Molly Hooper]
Reviewed By:
Patrick Miller
/end ID]
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writingseaslugs · 2 years
Scarabia: Injured Reader
Disclaimer: All characters in this series are aged up. For more information about my version of this world and the type of reader you can expect, please do a quick read of THIS post.
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Injured Reader Headcanons
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Kalim Al-Asim
Kalim rarely gets injured since Jamil is pretty good at making sure he doesn’t. Getting poisoned is normally what happens, and it’s been years since the last time. So he’s not all too experienced with injuries other than common ones, like stubbing your toe or getting a paper cut. He finds sucking on his finger is more than enough, despite Jamil groaning and telling him to run it under water and put a plaster on it.
Kalim was the number one witness at his own party, watching as you fell down and got stepped on by a student who bumped into you. It was an accident, but he wanted to cry as he ran over and pulled you away from the situation. He sat you down away from the party and apologized that he let you get hurt like that…even though it wasn’t really serious. At most, you’d have a bruise, but he still felt horrible about it.
If you get an actual injury though, he’s grabbing Jamil to help him. He’ll even be asking him if he can teach him how to treat the injury, so if it happens again it can be him helping you out. Once the injury is treated, he’ll be sticking by your side and offering you to stay over at the dorm until you’re all better…even if you insist that’s not needed. Besides, Jamil is already making some food for you to get better with, so might as well stay for dinner.
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Jamil Viper
Jamil is far too careful to get injured seriously. He’s had a few incidents as a child, and some at basketball practice. At the end of the day though, his experience is taking care of Kalim and his siblings. He was taught at a young age with proper first aid techniques, so if the young master ever got hurt he could help. Those skills do come in handy though since he goes to a school with a bunch of reckless idiots, and sometimes Kalim is begging for him to help out.
Jamil is going to be annoyed when he watches you grab onto a pan that you thought was cool and burn your hands. Hiding his concern, he grabs your hands and pulls them to him and inspects the damage. He’s going to be sighing and looking at your face, making sure you don't have tears in your eyes. If you do, he might get a bit softer on you and just drag you to the sink to run your hands under water
Whenever you get injured in his presence, he’s dragging you to his room, your bathroom, or the nurse’s office (depending on where you get injured). Be expecting a good scolding while he tells you not to be so reckless and more aware of your surroundings. He’ll make sure you’re better though, and if there’s a potion to help you out, then he’ll be grabbing some. He has a pretty good first-aid stock at his dorm since he can never be too prepared.
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Beta Fishies:@kingheinrey, @epiphyllous, @mint-moushi
Are you a fan of Diasomnia like me? I bet you are if you read my content (we love the boys in this household). Want to support a visual novel that will feature Diasomnia dorm, has multiple routes and endings, as well as some spicy visual scenes? Check out @twstfournights and if you want info, check out their announcement post!
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elwenyere · 6 months
ooh please tell me something about Fake Imperial Husbands if you'd like? 👀
Thank you so much for the ask, friend!!! I also got a question about Fake Imperial Husbands from the wonderful @smoosey. (Titles are from this WIP game.)
The full working title of this fic is Fake Imperial Husbands of the Infinite Sith Sadness, or FIHOTISS, and it's inspired by/in collaboration with this 'verse created by @frostbitebakery. The fic will be a 5+1, with some twists on a Sith Obi-Wan and Purge Trooper Cody premise. I've shared a few snippets here and there in the past. Here's another small, very drafty piece from the opening scene!
“What are your orders, sir?” CC-2224 requested. Lord Tash was bent over the holomap: non-regulation apparel, Core accent, calluses and microscarring on the hands compatible with military service. CC-2224 waited. Time elapsed: five seconds, ten seconds, fifteen - 
“What would you do in this situation, trooper?” Lord Tash asked. He turned: his eyes were yellow. “What would be your strategy?” 
CC-2224 blinked, stalled.  
Reply type: non-standard. Run analysis. Possible results: question (type: rhetorical) - risk level minimal - wait for elaboration; question (type: leading) - risk level moderate - assure commanding officer of full compliance with standing protocols. 
“I would follow orders, sir.”
Lord Tash scanned CC-2224’s face - length of visual inspection: protracted - and CC-2224 had just registered a twitch in his right masseter muscle - physiological response: irregular; initiate - when the General broke visual contact and turned back to the map.
“Of course,” he said - vocal tone: unreadable - “2224, prepare the men to retreat to the caves.”
Thank you very much for the asks, friends!!!
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francisofgotham1 · 5 months
Percy Jackson Characters Explained by Dogs
So, after reading this post about how Percy Jackson is actually terrifying, but we (the readers) don't notice it as much because we're always on his side, I commented that certain dogs can explain it more visually. So, I decided to make it into a post (with images). Now, here we are, putting dog photos next to PJO-HoO characters. Here we go:
Percy Jackson = Caucasian Shepherd or Belgian Mallinois
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He’s a sweetheart to family and FAMILY ONLY. To everyone else, he will label you as a threat until proven otherwise. (Also, I just realized Percy fits the Mastiff type dogs perfectly, which is what Mrs. O'Leary is).
2. Nico di Angelo = Dalmatian
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He’s not seen as violent, but every now and again he will tear someone or something to shreds. Which, coming from a "harmless-looking" individual, makes him creepy. (Ironically, Nico went to Dalmatia in HoH).
3. Jason Grace = Rhodesian Ridgeback
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He will stare down and hunt down lions, but is not known for violent outbursts. (I just realized it also fits his "raised by wolves" bit, since the RRs need good socialization to be stable).
4. Annabeth Chase = Border Collie/Dingo
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She's highly intelligent, fierce, adaptable, and extremely intimidating when focused on a task (usually involving hunting of some kind). Also, the size difference between Percabeth is an added bonus. (Can you imagine the tiny Dingo with the giant CS curled around it?)
5. Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano = Greyhound
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She's dominant, laser-focused, and will chase down her goal, no matter who or what stands in her way.
6. Leo Valdez = Basenji or Nureongi
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He's slightly out of place (Basenjis don't bark, but yodel) with a very dark past (Nureongis are only bred for dog meat), but has the personality of a sweetheart with a hidden fire.
7. Hazel Levesque = American Foxhound
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She's good around horses, and feels comfortable in both violence and family.
8. Frank Zhang = Dogo Argentino or Aksaray Malaklisi
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He doesn’t seem intimidating at first glance, but a closer inspection reveals a strong ferocity that has killed many beasts (also, he's freaking huge).
9. Piper McLean = Calupoh
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She's extremely beautiful, which allows her to get away with certain things that would otherwise turn some heads (reference to her charmspeak, as well as her desire for revenge).
10. Thalia Grace = Carolina Dog, Siberian Laika, Canaan Dog, Brazilian Caramel, or Indian Pariah
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She's too wild to stay in one spot, but always close by whenever someone needs assistance.
So, yeah, that's what I got so far. I might make some more in the future, but we'll see.
PS: I changed the "were" to "are", since some companies in Korea still breed Nureongis for meat only.
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jeritten · 2 years
HTTYD Hiccup x Male!Reader: Chapter 2.
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[Previous Chapter: 1]
yo!! :D i'm rlly excited to bring another chapter of this fic!! it's so fun to write in the httyd universe oh my godd as always this will be crossposted on my Ao3 acc (@/No1RatedSalesman1997) if you'd prefer to read it there!! :] anyways,, story begins under the cut!! - Jeri <333
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“This is Toothless.” The boy that you now know as Hiccup states, gesturing to the dragon that is now peering at him with caution from the other side of the clearing. “As you can see, he’s also a Nightfury- er, that’s the name that we on Berk gave this type of dragon.”
Toothless eyes you curiously, large pupils hollowed into slits and set on you, unmoving. 
Despite your countless years of dragon research, you find yourself sheepishly admitting that you don’t know very much at all about this type of dragon: Ulfur is the only ‘Nightfury’ you’d ever seen, so you’d just come to assume that they were naturally illusive, or simply extremely uncommon. 
You fix your eyes back on the dark mass at the other end of the clearing. It more or less looks visually like Ulfur, body low to the ground and sleek, black scales obscuring powerful muscles working beneath. Maybe a little younger, you supposed, noting the size difference in both the extruding spines trailing its back and body mass in general. 
The reptile creeps slightly closer to the pair of you, lashing its tail to the side, perhaps as a sort of warning.
“... He’s missing a tail fin?” You turn your attention to Hiccup as you speak, now noticing the obvious absence. 
“... Yes.” Hiccup replies to you after thinking for a moment, looking to his feet. “I’d like to tell you that it was all a massive accident, but I was the one who shot him down and ripped his tail fin. On purpose. Um, but it wasn’t on purpose, you know? I mean, my Dad had all these expectations of me and I thought that-” 
“Don’t worry.” You chuckle, giving him a reassuring pat on the shoulder as you cut him off. “I know what Vikings are like: I grew up in a family of them, so…”
He turns his attention to you, obviously startled.
“What- really..?” You can practically see the thoughts whirring around his head, and it brings a smile to your face. “There are Viking settlements outside of Berk..? Uh, I mean, you don’t look like a Viking-” 
You chuckle, his sudden inability to piece together a sentence reminding you a little of yourself in a somewhat weird, reassuring way. 
“Yeah, I have been told that before. I sort of abandoned the lifestyle after Ulfur and I started travelling.”
You turn your attention back to the wary dragon ahead of you once again, finding that he’d inched his way to about ten or so feet in front of the two of you. He was visible in the light now: the sun's beams bounced off his scales in the most familiar way, forest green eyes still set on you- although now seemingly more of curiosity than of caution. 
“Ah, he’s friendly.” Hiccup blurts out beside you, and you let out a poorly stifled laugh. “... Not that I need to tell you that, but I have spent the last half a month with him building up trust.” 
He ambles towards you, pupils dilating slightly as he moves to greet Hiccup with a friendly mewl. Circling around the boy, he sniffs him up and down, occasionally looking up to him expectantly. 
“Oh, sorry.” He begins, placing a steady hand on the eager reptile's muzzle to steady him. “I didn’t bring you any food today, it completely slipped my mind.”
You took the moment to study the creature as he stared up at you, head tilted slightly to the side. Upon closer inspection, his head was slightly narrower than Ulfurs, facial features and overall appearance being more dainty and nimble. His wings are unfurled and splayed out slightly at his sides, a subconscious reflex that you’d noticed previously in Ulfur when he wasn’t quite comfortable in a situation. He chirps and coos as Hiccup pets him to your side, a noise that you’d grown accustomed to as a welcome constant over the course of your chaotic, exciting life. Now that you thought of it, it did bring you a sense of ease to know that Ulfur at least wasn’t the last one of his kind as you had been beginning to believe. Toothless carefully moves his attention to you, flat nostrils flaring outwards as he treats you to a cautious sniff. He’s beautiful, you conclude. One of the dragons that Nature really chose to outdo herself on. 
“... I wonder if Nightfuries are territorial..?” You zone back into what Hiccup is rambling about as he absent- mindedly pets Toothless beside you. “I mean, just think! There’s just… so much we don’t know about them. Like, do you think they're solitary dragons..?” 
A realisation hits you hard as you register his question. Something that you probably should have taken into account before placing yourself in front of a massive, extremely dangerous reptile. 
You look down at the dark-scaled dragon in front of you with newfound fear. He ruthlessly searches your cloth shirt for your scent, and for a minute you’re left completely unsure of what to do. 
You take a deep breath. 
“... I think we’re about to find out.” You reply to Hiccup’s open-ended question, looking to his somewhat confused expression with one of fresh panic. 
Just as you catch the boy’s expression turn quick from questioning to realisation to horror, your back hits the ground and all breath leaves your lungs. Dust clouds plume around your face, a substantial force pinning you down to the dirt by your shoulders.
As you blink open your eyes, blazing green irises bore into your own.
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so,, welcome to the end!!
thanks to all the people who have liked my posts so far,, it really means a lot <333
ooo also,, i'm gonna start doing a thing where i put the next chapter (if it has one) in the bottom author's note,, and the previous at the top!!
anyways,, bye for now!!
-Mod Jericho :PP
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