#Voodoo spirit
conjuremanj · 2 months
Erzulie Freda.
Okay. When I saw this I had to share it. This is from Houngan Jak. A doll of Ayibobo Mambo Maitresse Erzulie wearing beautiful real jewelry and clothing.
(If you're wondering. Ayibobo is a ritual word that's a equivalent to “Amen” or "Blessings" and a few other meanest depending on how it's used)
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👇Next is a photo of her being bathed in and bath made for her.
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👇This is her altar. With items that she loves.
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👇Oh, Check this out a Florida Water bottle created for her.
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These aren't my photo they belong to Senjsk a Vodou priest. I just wasn't to share these.
If you are a devotee of any spirit, deity, Gods, Ansestors etc Look at the things they like or tell you they like and create something personal for them that comes from you.
They'll like it.
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karoubrugarou · 1 year
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EDIT: I started liking this version, all thanks to my friend's critique.
I had a Pokemon mood as I also thought of what would happen if any of the original starters became Resralkers? Now I had been planning to do this for a while as I wanted to try to replicate the Sugimori style. I tried.
With Charizard, instead of a living corpse, it is a Spek'tas (Moju spirit). I got tempted make it a Ghost and Dragon type, but I couldn't choose. But at least it is considered a dragon in my eyes.
Art © Franchesca Huerta aka Chibi-Tediz/Chibi Brugarou
Pokemon © Nintendo and Game Freak
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||The cursed treasure hunt||
reserved au rp with @demon-blood-youths
"Anything yet?" Megumi blinks to hear this but he looks from his cell phone. He didn't know what was going on, giving the thought that something might have happened. Gojo was told Kisho still was on his on going mission to find the cursed items that came from that party. However, it leaves another wondering what was going on. He did have some help along the way so it was something.
Right now, Megumi was told by Gojo to check on him but he was not answering the text messages he sent a while ago. "I don't think so. I can try to call him and see if he can answer the phone instead. Or maybe something is effecting the signal."
"I guess that's possible but give it a shot." Yuji said. Megumi nods and goes to do that, seeing Kisho's number and hits speed dial and waits for him to find something.
"I'm sure they are fine you two..just call them and we will see their fine." Nobara said. Miko agrees hoping they were alright. She wanted to go with them but she was still on stand by to recover.
"S..same here..." she mutters seeing Megumi still waiting for Kisho to pick up.
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steven-myself · 7 months
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Voodoo- Hamidou Banor by Baldovino Barani for FACTORY Fanzine XXXVI
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theblissfulstars · 2 months
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atomic-chronoscaph · 2 years
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1950s-1960s Spook Shows
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freaky-flawless · 2 years
i love your art/redesigns! i'd love to see your take on hoodude voodoo, i think he's such a sweet and cute character but his lack of pants has always seemed…weird, especially considering he has a jacket LOL
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I had SO much fun with this one!
I love Hoodude but his backstory is atrocious. So rather than being Frankie's attempt at making a boyfriend, he is instead their attempt to make a sibling after they get jealous of hearing all their friends talk about theirs. He does live with the Steins, and they are raising him alongside Frankie (as well as another certain steam powered robot, but we'll get to that.)
Mr. Stein was studying him as there had been reports of a Voodoo doll that was showing signs of life, and he wanted to get to the bottom of it, having created life himself. After trying and failing, Frankie snuck into his lab and started talking to it. Feeling much more comfortable around them, Hoodude began showing signs of life, and the two eventually struck up a friendly conversation. After alerting their parents, preparations were made for him to settle with them, and eventually start at Monster High. Before that, Frankie enlisted the help of Clawdeen to help freshen Hoodude up and make him look more like himself. So after cleaning him up, dying his fabric blue, changing his eyes to his two favorite colors, and giving him some slick blue and red yarn locs, they dressed him in the sweater Mrs. Stein knitted him and started his first day at Monster High.
It didn't take long for the superstition surrounding voodoo dolls to spread, and so like Scarah, the student body became immediately wary of him. Being outcast for similar reasons, he and Scarah became quick best friends. He tries really hard to strike up a friendship with Jackson, given how different they both are from the other students and are also both being bullied by Manny, but Jackson does his best to resist. That is up until he's clued in on the fact that Hoodude is essentially Frankie's brother and he can use being friends with him as an excuse to get close to them. That plan ultimately fails, but the two do become actual friends in the process.
He's a HUGE Veronica Von Vamp fan, and his favorite animals are love bugs ❤️🪲
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So out of curiosity I went to the Monster High Wiki to find out how many dolls the Mansters have gotten.
Results are, interesting.
Deuce Gorgon : 6. You'd expect Cleo's boyfriend and the 6th person in the Theme song to have more.
Clawd Wolf : 6. Same as Deuce. But again, he's dating Draculaura and she has the most dolls out of the main Cast. So why does Clawd have to settle with 6?
Heath Burns : 2. This is just dissapointing.
Jackson Jekyll : 4. Okay, what about Holt?
Holt Hyde : 2... Why does Jackson get 2 more? Shouldn't they have an equal amount? And whose idea was it to never make a doll Half Jackson-Half Holt?! That would've been a perfect comic-con exclusive!
Gil Webber : 4. Though I know for some of you that's 4 too much.
Invisi-Billy : 2. What's weird is that one of them is in a random 5 pack with Draculaura, Clawdeen, Spectra and Gigi. Not even a two pack with Scarah?
Garrot Du Roque : 1. Kinda sad. They could have made a lot more considering he's a fashion designer.
Finnegan Wake : 1. Okay so he was the winner of doll vote and he earned it. Probably the most unique doll out of them all.
Neightan Rot : 1. Just like the other hybrids. Sad really, they could've done a lot more with all 4 of them.
Hexiciah Steam : 1. Kinda cool that he actually got one. And a comic-con exclusive two pack with Robecca at that.
Hoodude Voodoo : 1. Love that he's just a ragdoll. Another comic-con exclusive. Seems fitting. Also comes with Scarah.
Manny Taur : 1. Another comic-con exclusive. This time in a two pack with Iris.
Kieran Valentine : 1. Say it with me folks, "comic-con exclusive two pack" with Whisp. And from the looks of his diary, it wouldn't surprise if he was planned for another two pack with Spelldon Cauldronello. But of course, corporations are homophobic so we don't even get to see what Spelldon would've looked like.
Sloman "Slo-Mo" Mortavitch : 3. I'm sorry what?! Why does Slo-Mo get 3 dolls?! Heath only got 2! But Slo-Mo gets 3?!?
Johnny Spirit : 0. I wanna sue. This is illegal. He has nothing! Nada! Zilch! This is unacceptable. Not even a comic-con exclusive two pack with Operetta. Honestly any kind of two pack with Operetta would have been perfect! But no. Instead we get 3 Slo-Mo's.
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sleepdepravity · 1 year
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“man i really want to write a story about someone getting cursed “ *gets this idea instead*
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myhauntedsalem · 2 months
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Did Tituba Practice Voodoo?
Tituba was a slave owned in the 1690s by Salem Village’s minister Samuel Parris. After his daughter Betty, her cousin Abigail Williams and other local girls began to have fits, they accused Tituba of bewitching them. Some writers, like Marion Starkey, have claimed the girls made these accusations because Tituba taught them voodoo-style magic. In particular, Starkey’s The Devil in Massachusetts claims that the guilt and conflict the adolescent girls felt about practicing Tituba’s magic was the spark that ignited the Salem witch trials.
However, there’s not much evidence that Tituba practiced any magic at all, let alone voodoo or Voudou. According to Marilynne Roach’s The Salem Witch Trials, there’s just one documented incident of Tituba performing magic.
On February 25, 1692, before she was accused of being a witch, Tituba made a cake made from the afflicted girls’ urine and fed it to a dog. This was a form of diagnostic magic. If the dog became sick after eating the cake, it would prove the girls had witchcraft-tainted urine and were indeed bewitched. Baking a witch cake is not a practice associated with Voudou or voodoo, but is part of English folk magic. Tituba was in fact instructed to make the cake by Mary Sibley, an English neighbor of the Parrises.
When Tituba did confess to being a witch, her confessions matched those of her English Puritan neighbors. She had flown through the air on a pole to the witch meetings, had been pressured by the Devil to serve him, and had been offered animal familiars. These are all part of English witchcraft belief, not Voudou. Another Salem slave named Candy was accused of witchcraft, and her confessions also matched her Puritan neighbors. I think it’s safe to assume the slaves were just telling the judges what they wanted to hear. It was the safest strategy to prolong your life during the Salem trials.
It’s also not entirely clear if Tituba was of African, or even part-African, descent. The trial records refer to her as Tituba Indian, and her husband as John Indian. It appears they had come originally from the Caribbean, and some historians have claimed they were actually Arawak Indians rather than Africans. On American Horror Story Marie Laveau does mention that Tituba was an Arawak, but any connection between Arawak religion (now extinct) and voodoo or Voudou is mostly speculative.
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conjuremanj · 1 year
Father Black Hawk in Voodoo.
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Who Was He: Indian name is Ma-ka-tai-me-she-kia-kiak, or Black Sparrow Hawk, and he was born in 1767 at Saukenuk, located along the Rock River. Black Hawk was born into the Thunder clan. He chose to have only one wife, As-she-we-qua, or Singing Bird, they had five children—two girls and three boys.
Black Hawk was a leader and warrior of the Sauk American Indian Nation. Then he was an appointed war chief. During the War of 1812, Black Hawk fought on the side of the British. Later he led a band of Sauk and Fox warriors against settlers in Illinois and present-day Wisconsin in the 1832. After the war, he was captured and taken to the eastern United States, he died in 1838 in what is now southeastern Iowa.
A Spiritualist Saint: According to some Spiritualists, Black Hawk is a Saint sent by God. It is said that when Black Hawk comes to help, God is right behind him. Anyone who is recognized as doing the work of the Creator is considered a saint, whether or not they have been officially canonized by the Catholic Church.
Mother Leafy Anderson (circa 1887–1927), medium and miracle healer, from the black spiritual churches is considered by some as one of the founders of the Spiritual Churches here in New Orleans. Black Hawk was a spirit that she used and probably was apart of her spiritual court. He first appeared to her in a vision in Chicago, where she lived before moving to New Orleans. She described him as “the saint for the south,” while White Hawk, served the north.
After being brought to the spiritual churches in the south like where I'm at New Orleans we honor the Native American spirit of Black Hawk. Black Hawk is also considered a Voodoo saint, He is liked by many hoodoo practitioners as well. Because of exploitation by fake marketeers, the image of this Indian spirit guide has had a big influence in my opinion fake commercial hoodoo products.
The Indian is a significant part in the art and organization of the Mardi Gras Indians, as well.
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Father Black Hawk, is what he was called because no one could pronounce his given name, so it was change to Father Black Hawk by fake Root Workers. (In my opinion if you don't know who Black Hawk is and understand why he is important in New Orleans Voodoo and some southern hoodoo practitioners then don't contact him)
Is He Apart Of Hoodoo: No. Black Hawk is a spirit similar to St. Expedite meaning he is a conjured spirit and like Saint expedite he's called upon us to do certain things.
What Is He Invoked For:
He is invoked for help with money and protection, justice, release from prison, to win court cases, and to overcome trag­edy. He is the consummate warrior, and wants to fight your battles for you. They say he will come to those who have enough patience to sit still.
His Likes: Black Hawk likes beans and rice, bread, and fruit, served on Wednesdays and Sundays. He likes his own space on the altar.
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Setting Up His Altar: You need a statue or picture of him with his candle incense. But do not get a statue and place it in a bucket or a ceremonial bowl of sand or dirt a statue of an Indian warrior, along with a hatchet, tomahawk, and a spear. (Example above☝️)
Incense: It is usually a good idea to burn sage, cedar, or sweet grass or even Indian spirit incenses while petitioning Black Hawk.
Color: Red or White
Dislikes: Some people insist on giving him whiskey to “fire him up,” But this is a stereotype of a Indian man drunken on fire water. Disrespect.
Don't put lightning-struck wood on his altar is good (remember, he is of the Thunder clan)
Petitioning Him: put on some traditional Native American music or play a drum, rattle or flute. (I prefer a rattle while listening to native music)(see my post in rattles)
Offering: Offer him tobacco and food. Then recite one of the prayers to Black Hawk, afterwards talk to him and tell him what you need.
Prayer:. Isaiah 62:6-9 KJV. Is good.
Prayer to Black Hawk: Oh Great Spirit, hear my voice, I believe in your power and your ability to defend me. In the name of all that is good, I ask for your help with this battle, my battle, with those who intend to harm me. Oh Powerful Spirit, you are the Great Chief, Help me with your Warrior medicine and guide me to safety with your Divine protection, shield me from the attacks of my enemies, with your bow and arrow, protect me from the evil thoughts and actions hurled towards me. With your hatchet, cut the chains and ropes that bind me. With your feathers, brush away the negative energy surrounding me. With your eyes, see that no jealousy and envy penetrates me. With your peace pipe, create harmony where there is discord. See that no evil befalls me. Fight the battle to destroy those who will harm me. Take revenge on my behalf and destroy the insurrection of the wicked. This prayer I ask not just for myself but for all of my relations past and present, and for those yet to come, Amen.
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long-sleeved-sandwich · 2 months
cemeteries can’t be “haunted” like that’s just the ghost house 😐
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vendriin · 2 years
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Papa Legba -
American Horror Story
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steven-myself · 7 months
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Voodoo- Hamidou Banor by Baldovino Barani for FACTORY Fanzine XXXVI
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theblissfulstars · 3 months
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Total Solar Eclipse: April 8th, 2024,
This Solar eclipse on April 8th 1:27 pm starting in the state of TX and ending in Main for the U.S packs quite a punch. Places and people where the eclipse is visible will be most impacted, and of course please check houses and personal planets on the axis of Aries and Libra to see where you will be most impacted.
This eclipse is all about initiation regarding major reform surrounding ideas of nationalism and homeplace with a Cancer rising. With Cancer ruling the uterine reproductive system, I wouldn't be surprised if a major theme surrounding reproductive rights was brought to head this eclipse, as well as major conflicts surrounding immigration, borders, and national identity. With the ruler of the ascendant being in Aries, we can expect explosions, harm and destruction to play a major role as well within the overarching theme of this eclipse.
This destructive energy is hoisted up in the 10th house for this eclipse showing that there's going to be a broadcasting of the gory details in a shocking and upsetting way. This eclipse is taking place with a hard conjunction to Chiron, illuminating our collective wounds surrounding war, destruction, and patriarchal ways of being. The aforementioned configuration is square Ceres in Capricorn denoting that this is going to be a time of mass end and brutal climax.
With the ruler of the 10th house and eclipse ruler in the 8th house in Pisces, along with the influence from Ceres, we can expect the reaper to come for major political figures in a jarring and showy way. With the sixth house Ceres placement, and even the eighth house influence, this could be a significant “self-reapping” of a prominent political figure or even a secret taking out of a figure.
Mars is conjunct Saturn by one degree in the 8th house in Pisces, showing that there is a karmic exposure of secrets surrounding shared resources. Pay close attention to taxes during this time particularly institutions that deal with our taxes, as their rear ends will be exposed. Similarly, religious institutions as well are also going to be exposed surrounding practices, ideologies and behind the scenes behavior that's going to create schism and redirection of funds. This is going to come as quite a shock to the world, with Jupiter being conjunct Uranus and the 10th house, it is going to cause a major impact on not only the economy,but the environment. With comet 12P swinging past earth during this time until June 2024 which it only does in its eccentric elliptical orbit every 71 years, we can expect seismic activity, vulcanism, unrest and the fall of empires, how so…medieval, no?
There's going to be a major standoff in the global legal system as well with Ceres square Mars and Saturn, especially regarding crimes done in the dark, under the guise of religion and surrounding death. On a less grand stage, the federal legal system is going to be going through reform and reconsideration. Pay very close attention in particular to legal proceedings surrounding Donald Trump during this time.
The energies of this eclipse are somewhat like the ten of swords, where you hit rock bottom and have no choice but to change. This definitely marks a major pivoting point and a point of diplomatic relations with Venus being in the ninth house conjunct Neptune. Divinity and Destiny is at play here and with the North node in the ninth house, I cannot stress this enough, Creator is involved in the world right now. Destiny has a heavy hand move wisely.
The cards I pulled for this eclipse are as follows: 9 of cups reversed, 5 of cups reversed, 10 of pentacles reversed, 9 of wands.
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iartsysam · 1 year
Water Spirits: La Sirene & Mèt Agwe 🧜🏽‍♀️ ⛵️🩵
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titled: Son Mizik ou and Peny bò dlo
Translated to: Sound of your music and Comb near water both pieces are inspired by the mother of the Ocean.
Throughout history, the element of water has been associated with rich symbolism.
It is an archetypal symbol of birth, death, and creativity.
It is formless, containing potential form and possibilities.
It is the realm of dreams and the astral, the home of emotions, intuition, and inspiration.
Water dominates Haitian life, so it is no wonder that there are many religious beliefs centered on it. The Lord of the Water is Agwé, and his consort is la Sirène.
Because she lives between the ordinary and the magical, between the world of land and the world of the ocean, la Sirène is the keeper of occult wisdom.
As her name suggests, she also has the most beautiful voice of all the #Lwa — she is known as the Queen of the Choir.
La Sirene is the patroness of music; her voice is renowned as it carries over the seas, calling the men she will take as her lovers. 
The spiritual nature of music cannot be defined by religion, culture, or genre. Music precedes and transcends all of those frameworks.
Music is, at its essence, the sound of spirit. When created from the heart and with truth and pure intention, music is a spiritual expression of the universal nature and the highest order.
Music is an integral part of our life as it is a way of expressing our feelings and emotions.
Always with her is Met Agwe, her husband, the spirit of the sea. They are the Divine Royal Couple manifested within the ocean, and they carry all of the mysteries contained within the sea within themselves.
As with Met Agwe, La Sirene is a keeper of the secret knowledge of the sea, and she weaves this knowledge into the songs she sings for her children.
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