loves-77 · 16 hours
You Are My Honey
*TW* Yandere, obsessive tones, mates, Bear hybrid, NOT PROOFREAD (Tell me if you notice anymore)
*One part of my story is inspired by a scene in another story I read, don't remember the author*
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*Not My Picture*
What had the world become? You sit alone on your couch in a small little apartment you could barely afford, for what? To get up in the morning go to your job at the floral shop and make a couple bucks a day?? All alone because you don't have time to invest in a romance that would probably end after a month, because who would want to be with a 'workaholic' who only has time to stay at their job. All your friends got some husband or boyfriend or...... mate.
The subject of 'mates' confused you, hybrids are just now being accepted into society and now are 'mating' on people. With how many hybrids are finding their mates the government is passing a law allowing them to be with said mates. The thought scared you, maybe because you didn't know enough about it. Imagine going about your normal day and some random person, with ears or a tail, starts talking about how you are destined to be together. Scary, or romantic??
Finally getting out of your daydreaming you look at the clock and realize you are gonna be late for work if you don't leave this second. Running out the door, almost forgetting your bag, you rush downstairs and run down the street. You lived pretty close to the floral shop so it was easy for you to get there fast. Barley making it on time your boss gives you a long list of orders you have to prepare. Your day has officially started..
*Time skip*
After work you make it back to the apartment, dropping your keys in your tray and making a bee line to the couch. Your phone rings and you realize your best friend was asking if you were free. Once you text them you are you start getting ready. They didn't give you a lot of details but told you to dress casual.
They text you to meet them outside your apartment in 30 min and they were gonna pick you up. Getting ready you finally make it down the stairs and wait outside for her. Seeing her car pull up and her getting out you both greet each other. "You are gonna love it" she said, "I got invited to some party on the nice side of town, supposedly there is going to be a lot of nice, respectable men there!!!" Winking at you she started the car and started driving. "You know I am not looking for anyone right now, no one is gonna wanna be with me when I can barely go out. I mean I got lucky today and my boss let me off early!" "You might find someone who doesn't mind.... Or someone who makes some money, so you don't have to work as much." Both of you start laughing.
Finally making it to the house you guys pull into the drive way and a bunch of people walking around, inside and outside. "Is the house made of just glass" you question. "I guess it is the new thing with rich people, let everyone see your business" You both get out of the car, after parking it, and walk toward the entrance. Suddenly the both of you tense, realizing there weren't just humans at this party. Now you both don't have a problem with hybrids going into public places or having the same rights you have, but never being near one before and seeing their sharp teeth or ears freaked you both out.
You were the first one to relax a little, realizing they were just there to have fun, like everyone else. "I didn't know they were gonna be here sorry" your friend apologized. "It's OK, they are here just like us, no problems." You both walk in together and browse around to see who and what exactly was here.
A loud booming voice can be heard across the room. Everyone's heads turn towards the owner of the voice. You freeze in fear, or maybe just shock, you aren't quite sure. But you know for sure that the owner of that voice is not someone you want to cross paths with ever again.
He was ginormous with arms that could pick you up and throw you a mile away.... maybe even more than that. His shaggy honey brown hair draped around his face almost majestically. He smiled and you noticed his canines are pointier that anyone you have ever seen before.... wait, wait, wait. You could hit yourself for not noticing the round brown ears on the top of his head. That is why he is so much bigger than everyone in the room.... he is a grizzly bear hybrid.
You look to your friend in panic and notice she had the same look on her face. Grizzly bear hybrids are rare and tend to be more aggressive than other predator hybrids. You have never seen one before in person, you considered yourself lucky until now.
Finally zoning back in from your panic you realize that some non-hybrids share the same look as you and your friend do. Looking back over to the owner of the voice you catch his stare. Freezing up once again you can't look away from those... black eyes? or maybe they are a dark brown, you can't tell from the distance. Snapping out of your shock you realize he stops to... sniff.... no he can't be sniffing the air... can he?
Then realization hits you when he starts heading your way. You heard that hybrids could smell who their mate is, but it couldn't be. You can't possibly be his mate. Panic sets in again and you couldn't tell if you were overreacting, it couldn't be you he was heading towards. But still, you grab your friend's arm and bolt away before he could get close enough to start a conversation.
"What- Where are we going??" Your friend asks "We need to leave right no-" "WAIT, YOU IN THE (F/C) SHIRT!!" You could have sworn the ground shook with how loud his voice was. You don't freeze, now that you know for sure he was looking for you. "Is that-" You cut your friend off "We need to leave." She doesn't hesitate to grab her car keys from her pocket and catch up with your fast steps.
Looking behind you see the hybrid trying to make his way through the crowd. "WAIT, WAIT!!" He sounded so desperate, you almost felt bad if you still didn't feel the pit in your stomach. Looking ahead of you again, you both make it to the front door, storming out of the house and to the car. While your friend was starting it you both hear the front door slam open, turning your head to the side you see the hybrid rushing out. Your friend gets the car started and hits the gas to go forward. Looking back, you see him chasing the car with.... were those tears in his eyes? No, it couldn't be, he didn't even know you. Finally relaxing in your chair, you lay back and look at your friend and say, "I don't think I am going to go to a party with you for a while." Making eye contact you both start giggling. "I understand completely" she says in between her giggling.
*Time Skip*
You wake up with a raging headache, barley remembering what happened yesterday you groan and sit up. Then you pause as you remember who you saw and ran away from yesterday. A chill goes down your spine and you remember his smile with those pointed teeth. But you snap yourself out of it and say, "He didn't do anything wrong; I shouldn't be scared for no reason." But you can't shake the feeling of fear you felt when you saw him.
Getting out of bed you get ready for work, which you are supposed to be there in an hour. Changing into a cute shirt and jeans you make yourself your (Favorite breakfast). Once you finish your food, you grab your keys and head for the door. Getting in your car you start heading over to the floral shop. Entering the store was a whole dream, all the beautiful flowers and the addicting smells you can't help but smile. Making it to the back your boss greets you and gives you the orders to start the day.
A couple hours later you hear the door open and close, looking up to greet the customer you freeze. "Welc-...." Standing before you was the (at least 6'3) huge hybrid from yesterday. "I have been looking all over for you! Since you left so abruptly yesterday, I tracked down your scent and found you here! I was going to go to your apartment, but I thought that might have been too far." The smile on his face not disappearing, even after you didn't respond and just stared at him.
"You found me by my..... scent??" The sheer surprise you had confused him, his eyebrows furrowing. "Well of course honey, how else would I find you?" ..... Honey?!?!? Why is he calling you that?? Shaking the shock off you respond "Excuse me? I don't know you sir and I don't appreciate being called honey." If it could even be possible his eyebrows furrowed even more, before it looked like he realized something. "Oh dear! I forgot to introduce myself!! My names is Caleb, and I realize this might seem weird for you but... how do I word this.... well you are my mate!" The smile on his face grew 10 times when he said 'mate'
Chills rushed down your spine, and not the good kind. "Did you just say mates? No that can't be, I am sorry, but you have the wrong person." You almost felt bad as his face dropped, but you reminded yourself he basically stalked you to work! "But -" You cut him off, "I am really sorry and I wish you the best of luck finding who you are looking for." Tears started welling in his eyes.
"(Y/N)!" Turning around you see your boss, "Yes, sir?" "Come here right now!" Looking back at Caleb you quickly turn and rush to the backroom. "Wha-" You were cut off, "You need to leave, and take the b-bear with you!" "What si-" "LEAVE! You are gonna make business go down, so take him with you!" "Bu-" You were being shoved out of the room towards a very hopeful looking bear.
"You kids have fun!" Turning around the store door was closed in your face. Turning around to look at Caleb, you turn and start walking towards your car, keeping silent. "Wait!" Your arm was yanked backwards. "LET GO!" "No." He growled with a snarl on his face. "You are going to come with me so we can talk. Don't argue because you aren't going anywhere." Shutting your mouth, you start to walk with him, not wanting to be on his bad side. But you can't stop the small tingle you feel in the spot he touched.
He led you to a black car, opened the door, and gently pushed you inside. Once he got in, he started the car and got on the road. "Where are we going?" you managed to get out in a calm voice. Smiling over at you he replied, "Home of course." You had the feeling that it wasn't your house he was talking about.
*Time Skip*
It seemed like you had been in his car for hours, but it was just 30 minutes. Glancing over at him he seemed very content with a light smile on his face. You realize this might be because he finally has what he has waited his whole life for, his mate. Thinking back, you feel bad you just ran away from him and didn't even give him a chance to talk. Looking at his face you think he is very handsome, and you are surprised you didn't notice before. His jawline sharp, light freckles dusting his face, his shapely nose, and he had longer lashes then you did. "I hope you are pleased with how I look." His deep voice scared you out of your daze. Quickly looking away from you stare at the road ahead of you. Out of the corner of your eye you see him look towards you and say "You are so beautiful. So much better than what I imagined my mate to look like." You felt your cheeks heat up as you take a quick glance at him, luckily, he was looking back at the road.
Now going through an internal debate, you realize you don't feel scared anymore. It was almost like your body was relaxing after being with him and not fighting it. Trying to fight off the feelings you can't help but look over at him and say "Why am I feeling like this?" He glanced at you before turning his eyes back on the road. Looking concerned he said "Feeling like what? Are you feeling ill?" Sighing you say "No I don't feel sick but why do I feel comfortable with you? You basically just kidnapped me." You see a small smile making its way on his face, "It is because we are mates, you don't feel it as intensely as I do, since I have better senses than a normal human. But we were destined to be together it's only natural your body is reacting to my pheromones while your brain might be denying it." He suddenly reached a hand over and grabbed your hand. Tingles exploded everywhere just from that touch. You didn't move your hand away, even though you probably should have. Staring at your intertwined hands you couldn't help it, it just felt.... right.
Not even paying attention to the time anymore it takes you a quick second to realize the car stopped. Looking up you make eye contact with Caled. The smile on his face was so sweet you practically felt yourself melting, those dang pheromones. He turned and got out of the car, gently dropping your hand. You can't help but want to hold his hand again, even after everything. He opened the door for you, gently taking your hand again as you got out. As he went to pull his hand back you held on, refusing to let you go. You could see a big smile formed on his face as he looked at your hands.
Looking up you realize how far you must be from the city; you look at the beautiful cabin house, the log details, and the wrap around porch. The forest surrounding you was just as beautiful. Looking to the side of the house there is a small gravel pathway leading into the forest.
"Welcome to my home, well I guess it's ours now."
Looking at him, the sentence and you lightly pull your hand away from his. There is no way you are going to move in with him after just meeting him.... mates or not. A big frown formed on his face when you pulled away and hurt flashed in his eyes.
"I am not moving in with you. We just met! I don't appreciate being pushed into things. I know nothing about you, and you don't know anything about me."
Stepping back from him just a little. You see a change in his eyes, anger, or frustration? You are not completely sure.
Completely ignoring what you said before he continues on.
"My grandparents built this cabin when hybrids were still outcasts. Then it passed to my parents and now me. My parents built their own house further into the forest and decided I could have this house for my mate when I found her. No one knows about it."
Something flashed in his eyes when he said the last sentence. A chill ran down your spine and not a good one. You didn't like the implication of that at all. Your instincts were screaming to run and you couldn't fight your instincts. Not even giving your brain a chance to think, you bolted.
Running straight into the forest you curse yourself for not wearing running shoes to work today. You heard Caleb behind you shouting something, he sounded desperate and wounded. He sounded far enough away you know you surprised him by running. But you knew he would catch up to you eventually and you could hit yourself for not thinking about it before just bolting. There was a pain that you felt in your chest, but your adrenaline stopped the pain. You jumped over rocks and logs not wanting to slow down or trip. You could hear behind you Caleb was gaining on you and fast. Your legs burning you suddenly change routes. You hear a loud curse behind you and knew you shook him off your tail for just a second. That small victory didn't last long as the back of your shirt was yanked. Your back hitting a soft but solid chest.
You were absolutely winded while it seemed like he didn't even break a sweat. Looking at his face you shrink into yourself seeing a furious look. He had a snarl on his face and his eyebrows were furrowed together. You can't help but whimper slightly and you see sadness flash in his eyes just for a second before going back to anger.
"Where do you think you are going." He growled and you couldn't help but flinch at his tone.
"I was being nice and showing you my home, the one you are going to live in with me. I was going be nice and give you a week to stay at your house before moving in but after that stunt you pulled aren't ever going back."
"I'm sorry!" you practically cry out, shaking with fear. Turning around and grappling onto him, crying into his chest.
You couldn't explain it but the moment you ran it felt like your heart got torn out. But now, next to Caleb, the pain stopped.
"Why do I feel like this?!?!" Tears streaming down your face.
"Why do I want to be next to you so bad? Why did it hurt when I ran away!?"
You feel his muscular arms wrap around you and start rubbing your back. He started cooing and telling you it was ok, and he would explain later. His anger completely dissolving as he realized you felt the same pain he felt when you ran. Like someone just stabbed his heart out. Feeling yourself get picked up, you wrap your legs around his waist, stuffing your face in his neck, and wrapping your arms around the back of his head. You felt yourself calm almost instantly after putting your head in his neck. But the tears didn't stop even if you felt better.
"Let's get you back home, then we can clean up and eat something." He spoke so softly you almost wouldn't believe the anger he held in his voice not even 10 minutes ago.
Relaxing into his body you think to yourself, maybe it wouldn't be to bad if you just stayed with him.
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yuwuta · 1 day
personally i feel like eren wouldn’t be one of those nonchalant guys tho.. def the obsessed w you crazy type
eren wouldn’t know what the word nonchalant meant if you printed out the dictionary definition and stapled it to his forehead he has never been nonchalant about anything in his life. at all. he was born chalant and loud and vocal and with all his feelings at 100% all the time always. and to make matters worse, he also has no tact omg like he just says anything and everything, there’s no internal monologue there’s no filter, he speaks therefore he is 😭😭
the sweet thing is that despite his sometimes brash or matter of fact delivery, he’s earnest and endearing. he often compliments you and flatters you, but is confused when you’re affectionate with him after or thank him for it—in his head, he wasn’t trying to flatter you, what he said was a fact; you’re pretty, you look good in that outfit, your hair looks nice today, your perfume smells nice—he meant it, but he didn’t /say/ it to be sweet, which, in its own way, is really sweet; he said it because he thought it, because he meant it, because it’s true. he can’t lie to you, he always means what he says; everything is at face value but it’s not shallow yk, he’s just very genuine (he doesn’t know how not to be).
the not so sweet thing is that he means everything he says, not just the compliments. when he said “do you want me to kill that guy for you?” it wasn’t a joke, he meant it and if you don’t realize it’s not a joke, and you don’t outright tell him no he’ll do it 😭 and if not him, he’s got friends that’ll do it for him. he can’t hide his feelings so when you tease and ask him if he’s jealous, his face is very straight when he says “yes, i am.” when he’s stuck brooding at some party he was dragged to and jean is groaning about he’s being a buzzkill, eren doesn’t think twice before rolling his eyes, “well i could have been home having sex with my girlfriend but you’re the one who couldn’t carry all the beer here by yourself.” someone hits on him while he’s at the store and there’s no letting them down gently it’s, “i have a girlfriend,” and if they don’t stop at that he has to sigh, “i said i have a girlfriend. and she’s hotter than you. and i would die for her.”
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szynkaaa · 3 days
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Left my own art, right commissioned from peacchip
ok ok I think I've vaguely figured out some of my OCs backstory for Black Myth Wukong.
She goes by the name Oz (奥兹 Àozī ) - it's not her "real" name, jsut what she prefers to be called. You can find more BMW verse info and OC fanart under the tag Cepheus Baskerville. A head's up that I've had her since 2017 and I throw her into any fandom I am obsessed with, so her backstroy gets adjusted according to my current obsession.
She is a modern OC that gets isekai'd into fantasy ancient China. Oz has met the Monkey King before as a kid, spending summer at her great-grandfather's house, and he has some random sorts of knick knacks lying around in the attic, one of them being a magic object that serves as a portal between two worlds. He was buried under the mountain by then already, she'd bring snacks and food and cake over and visit him and he'd tell her stories of the Great Sage Equal to Heaven. Also time flows differently between the two worlds, what is a day in her world sometimes it would be weeks or months or years that passes for Sun Wukong. Being the dumb 5 years old kid she is, she promises that she will save the Monkey King one day. He chuckles at the declaration and plays along with it.
And then summer ends and her great-grandfather passes away, and she grows up and forgets about the Monkey King, at this point it's just a vaguely rememebered childhood memory of an imaginary friend of a lonely girl that loved mysteries and stories about heroes and adventures. to be honest, SWK also forgets about her LOL like my guy was buried under a mountain for 500 years and he probably watched a lot of mortals growing up and passing away, she was just another one of them albeit an odd one out. Thinks she is already pushing up daisies by the time he got out under the mountain and journeys west
Fast forward to when she turns 2X years old and inherits her great-granfathers house and everything that is inside, finds said magical portal object again and what dya know, time to fullfill her promise and """save""" Sun Wukong, or help his reincarnation on his journey to obtain all artifacts.
As to why her great-grandfather has a magical object like that - maybe her ancestors were from that other world and escaped into this one through said object (probably because the Celestial Court is being a dick) and settled down and got married and had kids. Maybe there is some magic in her blood that has been dormant for centuries and with being back in fantasy ancient China, it slowly becomes active again? I can imagine that sometimes when they bump into Celestial Court members they'd be like "you seem awfully familiar your face but idk why and I don't like that feeling". probably gets called a traitor by the court a lot because of the actions of her ancestors LOL
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teyvatcompendium · 7 months
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Fluff-Fleece Goat: These gentle beasts can be found all over Teyvat and were among the earliest livestock tamed by humans. Fluff-Fleece Goat, as their name indicates, have soft and warm fur that is used to weave clothing. Humans also love them for their delicious milk. In the distant past, these beasts, often called "Soft-Furs," played an important role in the ceremonial affairs of the region's ancestral people, but that's a story for another time.
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laurents-secret-diary · 9 months
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oh damen we're really in it now.mp4
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starryeyeddreamer21 · 24 days
I love when radioapple is toxic
I mean that's a serial killer and the literal devil from the Bible. They are NOT sane they are so far from sane that insane doesn't even begin to describe them anymore. I just want them to be crazy and even crazier in love.
I want their love to hurt them and everyone around them but they just can't live without each other. I want them to be obsessed with each other.
I want their love to be the thing that kills them
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moeblob · 5 months
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I unfortunately picked up Bravely Default 2 again (I bought it back when it released) and then started over since I last played it in June 2021. And. You know what. I like these silly beans. And then I saw concept art for Dag's expressions and I am not the same. Why did they decide to give him huge fangs in it.
(also I'm trying so hard to avoid spoilers less for plot but more for characters so if you know anything that happens to characters shhhhh. also the expression concept is below the read more so you can see what I mean.)
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#bravely default 2#dag rampage#selene noetic#i only just recently reached ch2 in the game and i may have a problem#someone was like wait how have you not gotten farther in 25 hours#and im like im sorry its a problem i have an obsession you dont understand#and then he found out i had three of the four party members with two jobs capped at 12#and then the fourth only had one capped but a bunch high up#and then i told him i was trying to get the gambler asterisk and that meant i had to play a childrens card game#and then i had to do side quests when they popped up#and he was like wait at that point you probably dont need jobs at 12 omg#and im like i know its a problem i cant stop it#so anyway chapter 1 took me forever because i committed to the grind too much#the emotions i feel for silly lil side characters ................ its too real#like even the fact that you beat these two up in the prologue im like teehee funny lil blonde guy#then you dont interact with them in a ch1 quest but they show up again at the same time doing the same quest#and guys i am FEELING EMOTIONS theyre just funny lil mercenaries doin funny lil mercenary things#also please do not tell me anything about the game past ch1 because i want to continue to enjoy experiencing it#which is why i have my ask box closed bc its a game from 2021 and i know im really behind the times#but i managed to not know anything until now and i wanna keep it that way#also i dont really know how to properly draw noses especially when i doodle#but his nose is important and i already struggle with his big jaw so i had to include it somehow#and in the concept art it looks like he has a lil stubble but in game i dont see it so im like ... squinting at he
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bbqphantom · 7 months
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thinkin about his 1963 opel kadett horse
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thatthirstyweirdo · 1 year
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YIPPEEE FINALLY FINISHED SMT!! Ok so I finally decided to draw Mob Maverick!!! My beloved!! I have a lot and I mean A LOT of thoughts with him and loreee… But I’ll probably spread it out through posts over time. I should probably give some basic info on him…
So Maverick Mic is a part of the Darling family! The day he joined was the lowest point in his life and you’ll find out eventually why! Just know Maverick was but a husk of a man he once were when he joined Wally.
I like to think that he was mostly sent on solo missions to take care of unwanted rivals or those who got in the way. Just to make life easier for the family! But since he’s pretty isolated while working alone (he mostly operated from an abandoned radio station) and doesn’t have anyone close in the family he’s just kinda… slowly going insane… Until he got assigned to bodyguard Rainy! (Who belongs to @koifsssh ! Muah!) And ever since then things got a bit more interesting!… Which honestly is an understatement. Koi made a post about their relationship, and I might make one as well!! To put into words Maverick’s perspective on things.
Honestly Mob Maverick is the complete opposite of original Maverick. He keeps a lot to himself, not as outgoing, a pretty grumpy and tired guy (he gets zero sleep 💀) and overall a lot more quieter. It’s just he’s been with himself for such a long while that talking kinda doesn’t seem appealing anymore. And not only that his mindset at first is very pessimistic. He does what he’s told and moves on with his life. The guy died a hundred times so making connections lost its point… Until Rainy appeared :DDD now getting to know someone better gained its appeal back…
I also have some doodles! OH ALSO MADDY’S IN THIS AU TOO!! Couldn’t forget my babyyyyy! Honestly she deserves her own post! But I’ll say at least smt about her, here’s a fun fact: she’s the only reason Wally even considered taking Maverick into the family. Bless
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Also cannot get Rainy and Maddy shopping for goods out of my head istg
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AH and the mob au belongs to @/clownsuu !
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moe-broey · 3 months
Adjacent topic, but. One of my favorite things actually is when Alfonse pulls the player aside and is like "Let me think out loud real quick." and when the situation calls for it, "Also what do you think?" Like obviously this happens so much across any game ever, especially ones that have a designated partner character. But it feels so special to me...
Especially with Alfonse, especially when he calls the summoner by name. He didn't used to do that!! In the very beginning!!! And he slips up, as Lif. Trying So hard to take it back. It just feels so personal... 🥲🥺
#i have no greater point here i just like it a lot.#like to me i feel like he has that deep unique bond that the pmd2 partner has w the player#again could just be. two games w a designated partner character. but to me personally how i feel.#like i feel like it's comparable actually esp the way your partner pokemon will pull you aside too#making a point to include you. and also will just talk at you extensively LMFAOO but it's okay 😊💖#but also it just feels SO special and so personal and so rewarding from alfonse in particular.#like this guy did Not want that. he was so scared of that. he's also just one big loss away from feeling like he's lost it all.#one thing about me is that i don't agree. w how he feels about losing friends. i think it's okay. i think it's for the best.#i'm not lonely and sometimes it's a relief. knowing i'll never have to see that person again.#even when there's no hard feelings. even when i geniunely liked that person and they liked me well enough.#i just tell myself it's for the best. they'll move on without me. i'll cherish the memory. i hope they forget me.#but even as i say that it's like. i don't know how true it holds. but i do know it's fine to leave actually.#and i do know i'm not lonely. i've made peace w it a long time ago. i'm content by myself. i keep myself occupied.#meanwhile. i am always obsessing over what alfonse says and what he feels and i feel a DEEP. DEEP SEATED NEED.#to pelt him w rocks. FUCK YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU 😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤#this is why moe exists. the vessel. to pelt him w rocks.#fe alfonse
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compacflt · 1 year
do you ever think about/write about how maverick threw goose’s dog tags into the ocean? the letterboxd reviews have me thinking again.
yeah that was literally one of the first little things august 2022 me petulantly retconned . fuck that . he kept one.
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in my (and many other ppls) opinion those weren’t mavs to throw away they should’ve stayed with carole
and (i try not to talk about this as much as possible but) it suggests Something about mav & goose’s relationship that the filmmakers thought his dog tags should go to mav instead of to Goose’s wife (though i acknowledge and appreciate the usefulness of the visual metaphor of him saying goodbye to goose at the end of TG) (though that visual metaphor was rendered completely moot by the whole of TGM showing that mav HASNT moved on from goose and only moves on once he has the chance to save roosters life [which is why i retconned it])
ALSO? i am sure I’m not the first person to talk about this? But, to add a second layer of confusion & analysis, uh, the dogtags mav throws into the ocean aren’t goose’s.
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I’m reading “metcalf, mike” from the backside. Those are VIPER’s dogtags. for some reason.
now i choose to believe that’s a props issue… someone grabbed the wrong set of tags & they were like ehhh no one will notice… script supervisor not doing their fucking job… so i choose to believe the filmmakers MEANT goose’s dogtags & it doesn’t change the end of the movie for me.
But im interested to hear from you—does that change/add anything to anyone’s analysis to know that mav threw VIPER’s tags into the ocean? there are a lot of really weird implications that come from taking what is probably a props fuck-up at face value!!! (Viper giving mav his tags [weird], viper being mav’s surrogate dad figure, thereby this scene becomes about mav saying goodbye to his FATHER finally,.. etc.)
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
Aforementioned Napoleonic AU! Martian !! I said it would just be a wip but then oops, I basically finished it! Ty to everyone who was interested :D
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Really really proud of these I'm ngl! I rendered in a really different way than ever before and I'm very satisfied with it :D
Ramble about historical influences(basically me being a nerd about who I consider the F1 drivers of the Napoleonic era):
So I wanted to explain my thought process because I think that the specific context behind the uniforms I drew is very relevant, as I didn't just pick them on a whim.
I drew them in Hussars' uniforms(Austrian Empire = Red Bull, but like obviously not 100% accurate because the uniform colors are based off the RBR racesuits.) Hussars are, in my opinion, the F1 drivers of their time. Let me quote several things that led me to this conclusion:
"During the Napoleonic period, hussars, as in all armies, were employed as scouts, given raiding missions or despatched to harry and pursue a defeated enemy on the run. Mounted on light, nimble horses..."
"...Their flamboyant costume and their reputation for daredevil acts..."
"...developed a romanticized image of being dashing and adventurous.
Okay....so they're dashing and adventurous, riding specifically on fast, light horses, dressed in flamboyant outfits committing daredevil acts...sir that is literally an F1 driver!!! Tell me they aren't the historical predecessor to F1 drivers!!!
I have this big book of Napoleonic uniforms(yea I'm a nerd) and I was paging through it to see what uniforms I wanted to draw(I have a habit of drawing my one oc in the Napoleonic era. So when I started drawing fanart, I'm like of course I must draw them as this!) Austria's normal uniforms in this era are soooo boring compared to France's, so I was really 😒 about drawing them, but then I came across the Hussars, and then started noticing all these similarities and thought it was perfect. Also I need to mention the fact that Austria's royal cipher at the time was literally this:
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IT'S "F1", IT IS LITERALLY FUCKING F1, WHAT THE HELLLLL!?!?!?!? I had like a partial mental crisis coming across this, at that point it was destiny for me to draw this
*I forgot to include actual ref images 😐, so here you go!!
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*I wrote most of his around when I started this drawing, which was all the way back in April. And it's really interesting to consider now that I was basically immersed in the history of the Austrian Empire for a month. I apologize to everyone in my life who had to endure my lecture on why Hussars are the F1 drivers of their time. But god I could not hold it back when I saw some of these uniforms in person. And it was cool to pull out this drawing, even if it was just a wip, and be like "oh hey I've drawn these!!" Anyways, I digress.
Obviously the martian drawing is a direct reference to this pic from Malaysia 2010:
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My thoughts on this picture:
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I almost wanted to draw Seb in the Austrian Kaiser's outfit, but it is nowhere near as slay as the Hussar uniform, so Hussar uniform it is!
I have many thoughts and opinions on the lore of this au so pls ask if you're curious but it's also just a lot.
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suffercerebral · 4 months
me having gone to bed at 6 am every day for the past week and generally spiraling mentally while rotting in bed waking up this morning: a 4 mile hike in the heat is a really good idea right now, and while we're at it let's start like 3 art projects
#maybe my mom was onto something all these years telling me i'm bipolar#no i don't think i am but i do technically have a bpd diagnosis so like. mood swings up the fucking wazoo are not new#but i am not one to be like 'exercise will fix me'#i've also just come to terms recently with the fact that i didn't kill myself already so might as well start thinking of the long term#so not being in constant pain when im older is something im actually thinking of now#so like. gotta move more which i was doing during this semester! walking like 3 miles a day which didn't help brain but#it's gotta be good for you anyway even if i don't get the endorphins everyone says you get when working out#that's neverrrr been me bc also chronic illness w exercise intolerance#so it's like. wah i have a desire to move my body more and know it's beneficial#but chronic illness + mental illness + trying not to think about exercise in terms of weight loss bc i'm trying not to make that the goal#although certainly wouldn't be mad if that was the result but if i prioritize it over just overall health it's gonna make me obsessive#i'm saying a lot of words. i have no one to really talk to so i once again come to tumblr as a public diary#ANYWAY. trying to find balance with wanting to exercise for overall well-being but dealing with other factors like chronic illness#which has actually been under the most control it's been in years i barely even consider myself (physicslly) disabled these days#and also balancing the fact that while my disordered eating has never recovered and i still have extremely bad relationship with myself#im in a relatively better place with that. i'm not starving myself and im not going through binge/purge cycles#but my relationship with food and eating is still very much unhealthy#and i don't think that will ever really change bc it's so ingrained in the everything about me#i don't really know what i'm talking ahout anymore or what prompted this#i can't simply just say 'i'm gonna go for a hike today' and be normal about. always gotta psycho analyze myself#im in a very weird stage in my life where i feel like i have control over nothing and i barely even exist in my own body#im just like a cacophony of voices trapped inside a meat suit but im not in the drivers seat im stuffed in the trunk and tied up#and the guy driving is an old blind mind who should have lost his license his ass is NOT road safe!#so it's like i have all these ideas and desires and feelings and ahh!! but hey i'm locked up here let me out please#and also the state of the world. so bleak and hopeless and paralyzing that i've just kind of shut my feelings off so i'm rapidly switching#between numbness and overwhelming agony#what the fuck am i talking about
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lonely--seeker · 5 months
I feel like it takes me 2 to 4 working days to process every new Dungeons Meshi episode
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simgerale · 1 year
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they decided to have a night out at the bonzai lounge, and bronson got a wish to be a father again... 😌
#ts3#ts3 legacy#ts3 gameplay#i thought they would only have samson#but bronson saw noelle and instantly wanted another kid#and who am i to stop them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#they are so in LOVE#did i ever tell you guys how they came to be? probably not#scroll away if you do not care! i promise it's okie (^:#...................alright so noelle was dating another guy#he was quite immature and i noticed that he was kind of using her fame? he'd have parties that were super lame but noelle would come#and make out with her AUTONOMOUSLY#and i was like.........................................#they had lots of chemistry so i didn't think it would be a big deal#but then one fateful night after she watched a movie#she stumbled into bronson? he was just chilling outside the theater as sims do#i was like hey he's cute! and hey noelle is trying to befriend vampires right now! (she was kind of obsessed but idk why)#bronson ended up being super sweet#and always there for her#and so when noelle got in a fight w/ him and he didn't even try to patch it up#her bf at the time*#she broke up with him. and bronson came over so late at night to comfort her#she ended up feeling things for him and they flirted and stuff#made out#and had rebound woohoo 🤠 except they were both actually into each oter#so they started dating#he eventually moved in because their schedules didn't align (little did i know he was a festival worker lol)#and you guys saw when he proposed!#so yeah :O#if you read this............................... big hug
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neon-danger · 3 months
hello tunglr, this week a guy I told I didn’t want to see anymore followed my Instagram
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