#fluff-fleece goat
teyvatcompendium · 7 months
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Fluff-Fleece Goat: These gentle beasts can be found all over Teyvat and were among the earliest livestock tamed by humans. Fluff-Fleece Goat, as their name indicates, have soft and warm fur that is used to weave clothing. Humans also love them for their delicious milk. In the distant past, these beasts, often called "Soft-Furs," played an important role in the ceremonial affairs of the region's ancestral people, but that's a story for another time.
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ribbonsweetcreme · 8 months
Cocogoat, meet Fluff-fleece Goat.
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Fluff-fleece Goat, meet Cocogoat
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deandoesthingstome · 2 years
Hall Pass - Chapter 2
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Paring: Henry Cavill x Reader (RPF)
Series Summary: You run into Henry Cavill at the start of a two-week house-sitting vacation. You had some previous plans. Some were ruined by your now ex-boyfriend. Some were made better. Guess by whom?
Series Warnings: I’ll be honest, this whole thing is just self-indulgent smutty fluff. Here’s what I offer: meeting, making out, and having sex with Henry Cavill (rpf). I’m probably NOT going to be adding chapter warnings unless I get a bug to re-write and something worms it’s way into the story that I wasn’t expecting.
A/N: I started this story shortly after the fiasco of The Witcher and Superman announcements. I thought about how great it would be to try and cheer him up a little. For the purposes of this story, he is single. No hate to anyone in his life right now, in whatever way you imagine that to be. I also understand if you do not read rpf. Feel free to scroll on by. I don’t need to hear about it.
This was going to be a looooong one-shot, but solicited feedback prompted me to break it up for you. 
Playlist: I will add to Spotify with each chapter.
Word Count: 3.8K
Chapter 1
In the morning, the smell of freshly brewed coffee forced your eyes open. You hoped you had enough time to shower before heading out to say goodbye to Henry. Plus you needed to tame the lingering fantasy from your dreams the night before. Somehow while reaching for the bottle of body wash on the floor of the tight shower cubicle you almost slipped and fell out, cursing loudly and grabbing on to the shower curtain, praying it held while you found your balance again. You heard a sharp knock at the bedroom door.
“Everything alright in there?” Henry called.
“It’s fine! I’m fine. I’ll be right out,” you hollered back from the bathroom.
You tried to hurry while still taking your time to keep your footing. One more quick rinse, then a dry off with a fluffy towel and you were back in the room slipping into fleece-lined leggings and a comfy oversized sweater.
He had another fire roaring in the great room and was sitting next to two mugs of coffee at the breakfast bar.
“Good morning! I heard a shout when I came to see how you took your coffee. Everything okay?”
“Oh, just clumsy me. I’m fine. And black is fine, thank you very much.” You glanced at your watch. So little time left.
“Yeah, I should probably get going soon. The store said 10 and I recall it was about 30 minutes out?” You nodded in response to his query. “Yeah, so a quick cup and then I should run.”
You hoped your face hadn’t fallen too low. Could you fake a need in town so you could head in with him? Ooh, go back for the honey! No, too desperate.
“Henry?” Might as well try, desperate or not.
“Do you… where you’re staying… Is there any reason…Would you want to…I mean, there’s a table that gets good natural light you could take over and work on your model…oh, but Kal…shoot, nevermind.”
“Were you offering this farm as my hiatus home?”
“Yes? I mean, you could take up more space than a table. Plus the grounds are inspiring to wander around. And the goats. You barely had time to meet them while you were making out with the horses yesterday.”
Henry gave a hearty chuckle. “That’s really sweet of you. Very kind. But I’ve got…”
“Yeah, right, of course. Ignore me. Please. This must be so weird for you. A total stranger offering you a room in a home that isn’t even hers.”
“Well, I wouldn’t call you a total stranger and I’ve often found that Henrys make the best friends, but yes, I do have Kal and my assistant to think about.”
“Yeah, of course. No worries.”
You offered to jot down the directions back to town while you finished your coffee with Henry. He asked you to text him the details instead, reciting his cell number for you.
“I can trust you won't just go handing this out now, right?”
“Never!” You clutched your chest in mock dismay.
Too few moments later, you waved down the drive with a bittersweet smile on your face as you watched him go, then turned to re-enter the house and settle into your non-anniversay day. It had started out so lovely, but now that you were alone…
Oh, but not! You shifted gears and headed into the barn, where Caleb was mucking stalls.
“Did you have a visitor last night?” the old man greeted you with a cheerful smile.
“Sort of? The strangest thing…”
“And where’s your better half this morning?” He watched your face fall and tried to recover. “Everything okay?”
“It will be.” You paused for a moment. “We’re done. He just couldn’t tear himself away from work, not even for our anniversary.”
“That stinks. I’m so sorry. Was that him I heard leaving just now?”
“Not exactly…” you hedged as Caleb laughed at your reticence.
“Okay, well, keep your secrets then,” he winked. “Want to help out here?”
You jumped at the chance to get a little more familiar with the care and handling of the horses. Caleb helped you lead Mikka and Sadie into the field. You asked if you could have Butterscotch saddled for a ride in a little bit, which meant Telly would stick nearby. He never went far without her. Caleb recommended waiting to saddle the horse until the work was done so she wasn’t uncomfortable for the duration. The manual labor kept your mind off both Henry and your ex for the time being. As soon as the stalls were done, you headed back inside to pack some provisions for the afternoon. When you headed back out to the barn, you turned your attention to the goats who were ready for mid-morning nibbles.
Caleb was just about to saddle Butterscotch when a familiar vehicle wound its way up the drive.
“Holy shit,” you whispered under your breath.
“Any idea who this is now? Wait, isn’t that the SUV I saw on my way in?”
“Sure is,” you were almost beaming. Henry Cavill was driving back up the road to you with what looked like a large bear in the passenger seat.
Henry parked and stepped out of the car, making his way toward you and offering a hand to Caleb in greeting.
“Good afternoon! I’m Henry. You must be the horse master?”
“Sure am. Name’s Caleb. Nice to meet you.”
“Henry, what on earth are you doing back here?” you asked.
“Well, I got to thinking. First of all, we forgot to grab some photos for your hosts. And second, why would I spend my hiatus in a fancy hotel in the city, when I could just as easily enjoy this beautiful country-side? If the offer still stands, that is.”
“You a photographer or something?” Caleb asked, and it was all you could do not to laugh at the older gentleman. 
“Uh, no. Nope. Not a photographer,” Henry smiled. 
“Caleb, Henry forgot to give you his last name. Seems that’s his schtick. This is Henry Cavill, he’s an actor. Plays Superman,” you offered, thinking it would be the easiest character for Caleb to identify with.
“Well, played, yes,” Henry countered and you almost fainted from embarrassment. Of course! He’d just had some terrible news about that role. And after leaving The Witcher, no less. Poor guy was having a hard time of it lately. 
“Oh, yeah. Think I knew that. Well, what’s a big Hollywood celebrity doing all the way out here?” Caleb asked.
“I was picking up some items from a store nearby when I got sidetracked and wound up at this wonderful farm last night. And now I’m hoping I can impose for a little while longer.” He smiled at you with a genuine sincerity and you couldn’t stop grinning back. Suddenly a sharp bark sounded from the SUV.
“Oh, yes, and Kal! Caleb, are the horses good with strange dogs? I’d love to let him run free, but happy to keep him inside if it’s a problem?” Henry asked.
“As long as he’s good with horses, they’re good with him. Sadie and MIkka are out in the pasture right now, but Telly and Butterscotch can show him around.”
While Henry retrieved Kal from the car and introduced him to you and Caleb, an idea began to form and before you knew it you were giving it voice.
“Caleb, would it be too much trouble to saddle Telly as well? If Henry’s up for it, I’d love to take him for a ride this afternoon,” you gave a questioning glance toward Henry, hiding your panic that he might think you were once again insinuating a different kind of activity altogether.
“Oh, well if it’s not too much trouble for Caleb, that would be a wonderful treat.” If he did notice the double entendre, he wasn’t showing it.
“Sure. Happy to saddle ‘em up for you. Think you can get ‘em untacked when you're back?”
You nodded, noticing Henry did as well, and Caleb proceeded to get the horses ready for you while you led Henry back into the house.
“Oh, and here, for you” Henry handed you a small brown paper bag. You opened it and peered in to find two jars of honey. “I wasn’t sure which flavor you preferred, so I just asked Josh if I could have one of each.”
“Well, thank you!” You put the honey in the kitchen and continued down the hall to drop Henry’s bags in his guest room. While he used the bathroom, you took the time to gather a few more items to add to the bag you’d already packed to take with you on your ride, then led Henry back out to the barn.
“Alright, you two. I’ll be back this evening to gather the other two and get them all in the barn for the night. See you later!”
You waved as Caleb took off, then headed into the barn to grab a helmet. Henry followed.
“Do you think I could borrow a helmet as well?”
“Oh, I didn’t even think. I usually wear one because, you know,” you gestured to yourself, “clumsy. But I didn’t want to assume, since you ride so often.”
“Well, it’s always a good idea to take precautions, I think. Maybe just to stay on the safe side,” he winked at you. Or tried to.
Once you were settled in the saddles, Henry asked where to.
“There are a few different paths around the property. If you don’t mind, I’d like to take an easy ride through the pasture and around the woods.”
“Sounds just fine.”
Henry and Telly fell in line with you as you led Butterscotch down the lane and into the field at a slow pace. Kal ran ahead and returned every so often to make sure he was headed in the same direction you were. You asked Henry how he managed to switch up his plans.
“I just felt so welcome and unbothered here last night, I really didn’t want our time to end. I called my assistant and had her bring Kal to meet me in town. Gave her the rest of the hiatus off and hoped for the best. I just texted her while I was settling my things in the guest room to go ahead and cancel the suite as well, since it seems I have another lodging option now.”
A warmth spread from the tip of your head to your toes. Henry Cavill wanted to spend more time with you. It seemed you wanted the same. You let your sincere smile speak for itself and enjoyed the rest of the ride in a serene quiet, listening for the sounds of nature instead. Every so often, you snuck a glance to see if the videos you'd watched online did any justice to the way this man sat in the saddle.
They did not.
Soon, you turned Butterscotch to enter a small copse of trees and Telly followed suit, barely requiring a nudge from Henry’s reins. A short distance in, you pulled to a stop and turned to see how Henry was reacting to the landscape in front of him.
“What in the world…?” he marveled.
“It’s a small natural hot spring. The next town over is famous for them. There’s a hotel, spa, roman bath house, the whole works. It’s their tourist draw. My friends were lucky enough to find this small pocket on their land. They set the flagstones surrounding the pool and even created some stone seats once you step in.” You paused, realizing Henry had just told you how unbothered he felt here and now it seemed you were making a play to see him practically naked. “If you want to, that is, no pressure at all.”
“Well I don’t know if I’m prepared…”
“I snagged a pair of swim trunks while you were settling in,” you admitted, sheepishly. “I was already packed and getting ready to head out here when you showed up. I really hope you don’t mind.”
“How could I mind? And the water’s safe?”
“Absolutely. They test it just about every week, but it stays consistently warm and without bacteria. It’s really a wonder!”
“Well alright then. Let’s do it!” Henry smiled wide and dismounted with such ease you were almost embarrassed to get down in front of him.
It honestly felt like you were flopping yourself to the ground every time you got off a horse. But once you were on solid ground, Henry approached to help you unpack the saddle bags. You let the horses saunter around the clearing, trusting Butterscotch to keep Telly close.
“There doesn’t seem to be a changing room out here,” he joked, making a show of looking around.
“Yes, well. I thought you could just step behind that rather large pine over there and change while I get in. There’s no one around for miles, I swear it.”
Henry accepted the trunks and towel you offered, then marched off to the makeshift dressing room. You set the food and drink you’d packed on the side of the spring, then peeled off your clothes down to your bathing suit and stepped in, sitting quickly to fend off the brisk, wintery air, keeping your back towards Henry, lest he actually be too big to fit behind the tree as well.
In a moment, you heard a rustle and footsteps heading your way, so you turned and almost lost your breath. He was striding toward you, jeans and sweater in hand, towel draped around his neck, and looking just fine in the borrowed swim shorts. They fit him snuggly and it may have been the best idea you’d ever had, short of actually inviting him to stay with you at the farm.
As he got closer, you moved to the far side of the spring to give him room to enter. He sat and released the same satisfied sigh you had when you first entered the warm water.
“I didn’t realize how chilly the air had gotten until you had me strip naked behind a tree. But this is just phenomenal.”
You laughed and apologized, but he waved it off. 
“I’m glad you suggested this. It’s a welcome treat. And I see you have champagne?”
“Yes, well. My plan was to come out here and drown my sorrows alone…”
“Oh, right! Ah, today’s the actual day, is it?”
“Was. Yes. So would you care to toast the demise of my most recent blunder with me?”
“Absolutely. And his loss, by the way. Absolutely.”
You ducked with a sudden shyness and took a sip of the champagne.
“Did you also bring strawberries for this? That’s a pretty standard anniversary thing, isn’t it?” Henry teased with a wink.
“I would have if they didn’t wreck my insides. I can’t stomach the tiny seeds. But here,” you turned and grabbed a small container to open and hand over. “Have some grapes?”
Henry thanked you and grabbed a few, then apologized if his strawberry joke was in poor taste.
“You had no idea. How could it be?” you assured him.
“You know, I’ve been meaning to thank you.”
“Thank me? For what?”
“For not treating me like a celebrity. With kid gloves and as if the whole world revolves around me. It’s been refreshing from the moment you bumped into me. You’ve listened to my ramblings about my hobbies and haven’t asked once about that Witcher fiasco. Or Superman for that matter. It made it very easy for me to accept your offer of a few weeks of quiet country time and I really appreciate it.”
“Yours or mine?” he asked.
“Ok, go.”
“You’re my Hall Pass.”
“I’m sorry?”
“Hall Pass. It’s like…”
“Yes, I think I’m aware, but you aren’t in a relationship anymore, right. Not since the very minute we met, if I’m not mistaken. Do you need a pass now?”
“No. No I suppose I don’t.”
“Good. Because I really wouldn’t want this to ruin anything you’ve got going.”
You blinked your eyes with confusion. “This?” you asked, not sure if you were afraid he would give you the answer you assumed he’d give, which was something along the lines of anything that hinted he had no real interest in you. Or if you were afraid he’d give you the answer you hoped for and that he meant he had the same undeniable attraction to you as you had to him.
He licked his lips, tilted his head, and furrowed his brow ever so slightly. You could see the way his mind sought the right words.
“I suppose it’s my turn to apologize and hope I’m not being terribly forward when I say that I don’t mind saying I’d like to kiss you.”
You blinked again trying to decipher the words that sounded like a jumble and yet also appeared to mean exactly what you wanted them to when combined with the sexy drop in his voice and the way he leaned in ever so slightly.
Don’t shake your head to clear the cobwebs, you idiot. But do something soon so he doesn’t regret what he’s just said.
“I think I’d like that, too,” you managed to whisper, afraid of the tremble you were sure would accompany the regular volume of your voice as he inched closer.
“Is now okay?” and he waited just long enough to see you nod before he bent his head left and captured your lips between his.
It was sweet and warm, a tender, gentle touch. At first. But the groan that escaped his throat as you swiped your tongue across his bottom lip when you very much couldn’t hold back sent shivers down your spine and a heat wave through your core. Henry placed a hand against your neck to hold you firmly in place as he tilted your head back and answered your silent ask with his own deepening of the kiss, tongue swirling into you.
The various ways you imagined kissing Henry Cavill could go each time you pressed play on one of his movies or shows did absolutely no justice to the real thing. And maybe you were naive, but this didn’t feel like an “acting kiss.” No, this was real, at least for you. Every tingle, every spark, every butterfly struggling for release. And yours wasn’t the only body reacting.
Henry pressed closer, pushed you gently against the side of the small pool, one hand behind your back to cushion you against the stones. You felt his knee wedge between your thighs and when your hand touched his side to hold him close you could swear you felt goosebumps. But that must just be the cold air.
Suddenly he pulled you away from the wall, backing himself up to the other side and dragging his hands down your back before lifting you onto his lap and coaxing your legs to either side of his thighs. He never once let go of your mouth, so you had no choice but to moan wantonly into his as you could now feel what else this kiss was doing to him.
His hands roamed your body, fingers pressing and squeezing gently before settling on the small of your back so he could shift you closer into the grind of his hips. After a few moments of even more passionate kissing with heads tilting back and forth in a carefully choreographed dance of lips and tongue, you felt him pull back and reluctantly let go.
“If we don’t stop, I’ll likely come right in these borrowed pants and I wouldn’t want to mess with the pH of the hot spring,” Henry confessed with a little sadness in his voice. “I’m sorry, I know I started that.”
“Please stop apologizing to me,” you answered kindly, attempting to retreat to the opposite side of the spring. “If nothing else, on my darkest days I can at least remind myself of a hot tub makeout session with Henry Cavill.”  
Henry didn’t let go.
“Oh, well, I was hoping…I mean, is it presumptuous of me to imagine there could be something else, more than … well.” The way he simply stood up as he shifted your legs to wrap around his waist and turned to set you on the ledge. “Is the air too cold for this?”
“I have a feeling you can take care of that,” you grinned, accepting his arms around your shoulders as he bent for another taste of your lips. All his residual body heat was keeping you warm and even if it wasn’t, your mind was decidedly on other things for the entire time his mouth was on yours. 
Suddenly, your phone’s alarm sounded and you jumped, knocking your head against his once again.
“Shit! Sorry! That caught me by surprise,” you apologized.
“That phone seems to cause you more trouble than it’s worth,” he teased, letting you free so you could stand up and grab your cell from the bag.
“Oh, I'd rather say this phone has provided me a unique experience," you replied before glancing down to silence the alarm. "Oh…fuck,” you tried to keep your flash of concern to a whisper but Henry heard.
“Everything alright?” he asked, already slipped back into the warm water where you also wished you could be at the moment.
“Uh, yeah. It’s…oh, god. I swear. You are going to think I am just trying to take all kinds of advantage of you,” you offered, while wrapping yourself in a towel to stay warm.
“I mean, I’m not exactly protesting here, am I?”
“No, I suppose not. But this whole day is just..okay, well it was supposed to be an anniversary date, if you recall. So what’s happening now is that we need to pack up and head back to the house because in sixty minutes I have a massage booked.” You grimmaced, hoping it didn’t sound like just another excuse to be next-to-naked next to Henry Cavill. “I could just cancel, eat the fee, it’s not a big deal…”
“Absolutely not. Unless that’s what you want to do. This is your day, right?” He watched you nod. “And do you want to have a massage?”
What you wanted was to continue your time with Henry in a hot spring, but you had also shelled out some major bucks to schedule two in-home 90-minute massages for you and your dolt of an ex. Canceling now would mean losing the entire fee. And Henry was here for another two weeks. There’d be plenty of time to get back here, literally and figuratively, if that’s where things were really going to head.
Plus, the stress of everything over the last several months left you longing for the sensation of palms and knuckles and fingers kneading into deep tissue to release stubborn tension. You could send one of them home, maybe. Eat that cost. Unless…
“Would you be interested in one as well?”
Henry paused for a moment. “There might be some things to consider with that…ah, fuck it. Why not?”
Chapter 3
Tags: Please let me know if you want on or off or moved.
@littlegreenplasticsoldier - you opened this floodgate. Sorry.
Anything: @mayloma @fvckinghenrycavill @geralts-yenn @sillyrabbit81 @kittenofdoomage @liveoncoffeeandflowersss @aireraume @kebabgirl67 @marantha @sweetdreamsofgelato @beck07990 @itsrubberbisquit @dedicated-to-mr-cavill @alexakeyloveloki @feelmyroarrrr @raccoon-eyed-rebel @angelmather1 @lizzystuffsthings @kingliam2019 @enchantedbytomandhenry @omgkatinka
Hall Pass: (askers and likers, though if you liked the teaser post and you aren’t here, Tumblr won’t let me tag you)  @crymeariversworld @tess-lecter-blog @codykosuckmytoe @casadutti @fefa-la-printcessa @kaylamontaniz @kemillyfreitas​ @urmom3sposts​ @alicasalime​ @florxdexcerezo​ @lothbrokcore​ @straightforwardly @fuzzyugly-blog @livesinfantasyland @thereisa8ella @coldmooninthedark @12dilucswife @ms-angiealsina @7eamfan7asy @band-of-brothers-memes @ms-betsy-fangirl @cavillsslut
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stars-at-dawn · 4 months
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Rhythms from the Conch
The breeze carried with it the sweetness of qingxin and the salt of the sea. The cliffs of Yaoguang Shoal rose above the waves, bathed in moonlight. Ping stepped easily across the rock columns, surefooted as the fluff-fleece goats of Chenyu Vale. The ocean below beckoned for her but she paid it no heed.
A soft melody filled the air gentle and mournful. The great full moon lent itself as a backdrop to the one whose voice had called her to this place. Pure white sleeves fluttered in the wind, silver hair caressing the shoulders of the one who sat upon the cliffs.
The singing stopped and the God of Dust turned towards Ping. The smile on her face was well practiced but could not mask the sorrow within.
“Ah, Ping! Lovely night, isn’t it?”
Guizhong patted the rocks next to her and Ping took the invitation, settling herself by the goddess’ side. A companionable silence settled between them as they peered out over the waves, the summit of Mt. Yougou far in the distance.
“What were you singing? I’ve never heard that song before.”
“I was inspired by tonight, the wind and the waves and the conch I picked up while walking on the shoreline,” Guizhong held the blue shell up towards the sky, seeing something that Ping could not. She handed the shell over to Ping. “They say that past voices can be heard in conches like this.”
Ping turned the blue shell over in her hand. Guizhong placed her hand over Ping’s and guided the shell to her ear. She closed her eyes and listened closely, but could only hear the waves crash on the rocky shore. Guizhong laughed.
“I guess this one hasn’t picked up any stories yet, what a shame.”
Ping smiled and placed the shell between them, “If it hasn’t chosen yet, then why don’t we give it one?”
Guizhong tilted her head in a silent question. Ping summoned her guqin, laying it across her lap with fingers poised to play.
“Sing your song, and I will accompany you.”
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pip-says-hi · 2 months
Some more Black Lamb content for y'all!
I finally got the velcro in, so I have made the tabs to hold the head closed. Which is much easier than pinning it for a photo.
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They're red, so they don't stand out too terribly against the rest of the mouth (and I cut them into little tongue-shapes to help with that, too).
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Here you can see how the tentacles coil up inside the head. That's how they "retract". The head is un-stuffed- it's just an empty bag that the tentacles store in. The tentacles themselves are the stuffing.
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The whole head just splits down the middle to release them.
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And when it's fully closed the fluff of the fleece hides the seam. Also, USA Today best-selling queer horror novel for scale!
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I didn't have goat eyes, unfortunately, and I don't do resincrafts so I couldn't make my own... if I make another Lamb, I will definitely be seeing if I can find some proper horizontal-pupil goat/lamb safety eyes on Etsy. For this one, cat eyes (inserted horizontally) will have to do.
If anyone wants to make their own, it's a pretty simple adaptation of an existing lamb pattern! Just make sure to split the lamb's head down the middle (I had to split the central head gusset) and make an entire secondary head of your red lining fabric (also split down the middle), which will line the plushie's hollow head like the lining of a handbag. And then just jam as many tentacles in there as will fit. This took a bit of trial and error, but it was still a delightfully fun project, and I am glad that so many of you out there love it as much as I do! Stay creative and prove love y'all!
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iwant-fuitgummi · 7 months
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new genshin oc!! peizhi, a fluff-fleece goat adeptus from chizhang wall ^^
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violetjedisylveon · 7 months
Eda Raises Two Gods AU Creature Info Dump
Spider Sheep, Wisdom Bunnies, Spider demons, Bee demons Vampires and Dhampirs
Spider sheep are like extra fluffy kinda short sheep with eight legs, they have a goat like relationship with gravity and can climb anything. Their extra fluffy fleece helps them slow their falls and are impact absorbent, so they basically have built in fall damage protection. It also keeps them warm. Their fleece natural comes in many different colors because of how they digest stuff and what they like to eat.
They are venomous but don't bite often and their venom isn't often deadly, only because of antivenoms. Their tail is basically just a big round ball on their bums and that's where their silk comes from.
Spider demons did not domestic them, they are part of the mutualistic relationship the sheep have with Wisdom Bunnies.
Spider demons will harvest the silk from their old nests and use fleece to make wool when it is time for the yearly trim of the winter coat, they still have lots of fluffs tho because they need it for fall damage cause they fall a lot. They aren't dumb, they just know gravity doesn't affect them and falling is the faster way down.
They make these cozy web nests in the trees they like to live in.
Wisdom Bunnies are basically just mountain viscachas with white muzzles. They are super soft and have thick coats, they are venomous and poisonous, so no eating the cute fluffy round bois.
They are chonky by design but still pretty fast. They have very sharp senses of hearing and smell and can find hidden food very easily and they are adorable little diggers.
They have a special type of spit that is very sticky so they use it as an adhesive to make little leaf cloaks to help them camouflage. In addition to being sticky, it also preserves the leaves so they don't have to constantly remake their cloak unless it gets damaged, if it gets damaged they will eat the old cloak and make a new one. They take very good care of their cloaks.
They have a mutualistic relationship with spider sheep. Wisdom Bunnies act as lookouts and they warn the sheep when danger is near, in return, the sheep will drop good fruit from trees down for them to eat. Spider sheep also take Wisdom Bunnies into their web nests at night to protect them from ground dwelling predators, and the Bunnies will still be alert for danger.
Wisdom Bunnies are so chonky that they can't really climb anything so the sheep do the climbing for them.
And calls these guys Boiling Isles crows and wolves because they will actually hang out and form friendships with each other. Each of them usually has one main buddy and they do a lot better with their buddies. The sheep will carry their buddy around on their back or make them a nest to carry them in, and the Bunnies will make little leaf capes and hats for their buddy.
Spider demons got roped into that mutualistic relationship since when they showed up, they were able to provide a role as a protector for when predators did attack and their many limbs are very useful.
So it started as Bunnies give the sheep and demons warnings, the sheep get the good food for both since they can climb higher than both and the spider demons protect both when something attacks and now all three species kinda depend on each other.
Spider demons are the only ones allowed to harvest silk or wool from the sheep, unless you are a very good beast keeper, cause they don't like anybody else. And they leave a lot of wool left on the sheep so they can keep doing their sheep thing, so the spider sheep wool supply isn't very high because the spider demons care about the sheep for more than their wool. It simply needs to be removed each year and they make stuff with that.
They don't see either as an animal or a lesser species, they see them as their friend and family member, they refer to them as Bondlings.
Most spider demons work in some form of textile, fabric or weaving trade, they are regarded as the masters of that trade since they've kinda been doing it since day one and no one else has six dominant arms to make stuff with.If they don't work in that trade then they do it as a side job or hobby, like Saethrith, since weaving, spinning and just creating like that in general fixes that instinctual urge they have. They really like doing it and they are almost always doing some sort of spinning with at least one set of hands.
Silk and wool from spider sheep is very sought after.
All spider demons have at least one set of the buddies that they've known pretty much life long, and most have more than one since both animals live in groups. Spider sheep will take their bunnies and demons to their nest for bed time so that usually involves a little silk strand wrapped around one of the demon's hands as they take them into their nest.
Like spider demons, bee demons also have an instinctual urge, theirs is an urge to make food and provide for others, usually it's baking. Baking floods their brains with the happy juices so they almost all love doing it and feeding people.
They still make honey and the usually use their own honey in baking.
And they could absolutely kill you if they wanted to because they are poisonous and venomous. If they let some of their poison slip in, you are in for a rough food poisoning.
There are two types of vampires, a more witch like vampire, so your typical vampire but with some small horns and more bat like ears than witch ears, and the more beast like vampire, which are still bipedal but have a lot more features of the bat creature both types of vampires can turn into, such as harrier bodies, bat like eyes and noses, and big bat wings and a tail.
They are very closely related species, the more witch-like have just barely diverged from the beast-like. Vampire is used interchangeably for both of them.
Neither type of vampire burns in sunlight, they are nocturnal and prefer to avoid the bright thing in the sky cause "ouch too much light in my eyes I'm leaving".
Skara's O'pa is a witch-like Vampire. Yeah Dhampir Skara is a thing here, also in my other toh AU. I just think Dhampir/Half Vampire Skara is cool. Also amputee Skara happens in both. Cause I said so.
I wrote over a thousand words of rambling on spider sheeps viscachas but cuter, spider people, bee baker people, and vampires
Fuck I love world building.
I ran out of characters on ao3
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endlessskymaster · 8 months
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Gorou and the Fluff-Fleece Goats - Chenyu Vale
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ghostlyanon · 8 months
me on the expanded liyue region: -TOSSES NET AT MY FIFTH FLUFF-FLEECE GOAT.
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teyvatcompendium · 7 months
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Fluff-Fleece Goat among the tea leaves in Qiaoying Village, Chenyu Vale, Liyue
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xonerose · 5 years
Warrior Prefixes Ideas
Disclaimer: Some of these may already be existing prefixes!
Animals: Beaver, Calf, Cow, Lamb, Filly, Mare, Colt, Goat, Horse, Magpie, Chaffinch, Hen, Chick, Chickadee, Raccoon, Possum, Vulture, Skunk, Porcupine, Bear, Cub, Swan, Gosling, Yearling, Bull, Prey, Butterfly, Locust, Snail, Hornet, Cocoon, Chrysalis, Cougar, Lioness, Tigress, Rooster, Cicada, Firefly, Chipmunk, Mallard, Wasp, Viper, Raptor, Grizzly, Pheasant, Buck, Sheep, Rook, Leech, Cricket.
Actions: Bound, Dodge, Fling, Latch, Rip, Rumble, Splinter, Shatter, Whistle, Swipe, Sink, Crash, Rough, Slash, Melt, Wither, Whisper, Yowl, Stalk, Whip, Burrow, Howl, Snap, Slither, Pin, Pierce, Soar(ing), Hum(ming), Flitter, Shrivel, Shudder, Beam, Hopper, Chime, Drown, Trail, Hush, Dash, Glare, Blush, Streak, Dive, Hook, Swoop, Trickle, Sting(er), Flare, Glint, Shine, Silent, Quiet, Burn(ing), Gnaw, Sway, Wander, Roam(ing), Harvest, Fade(ing), Bleed(ing), Shed, Rapid, Raid, Hatch, Flick(er), Slice, Buzz(y), Hunt, Mourn, Thaw, Singe, Char, Swarm, Chip, Wade, Chirp, Hook.
Nature: Pollen, Cotton, Mushroom, Sapling, Aroma, Field, Forest, Wood, Pumpkin, Bud, Thicket, Brush, Valley, Hive, Venom, Mountain, Burrow, Flurry, Drizzle, Froth, Dune, Trunk, Frozen, Freeze, Wheat, Drop(let), Shore, Nest, Lotus, Magnolia, Glade, Straw, Pinecone, Flood, Powder, Flock, Sprout, Waterfall, Chestnut, Spore, Warren, Antennae, Rocky, Grove, Snowflake, Lilypad, Torrent, Hill, Sap, Core, Tree, Tulip, Lavender, Rainbow, Steam, Grain, Evening, Noon, Miasma, Zinnia, Poison, Pellet, Gully. 
Colors: Dim, Warm, Hot, Cold, Ginger, Tan, Cream, Hazelnut, Maroon, Mahogany, Ruddy, Pink.
Body: Scruff(y), Blood, Fleece, Cotton, Silk(y), Heart, Horn, Antler, Rough, Fleck, Smooth, Hoof, Talon, Scale, Bone, Fluff(y), Stripe, Velvet, Beak, Marrow, Bush(y).
Etc: Omen, Bitter, Narrow, Veil, Dream, Eclipse, Proud, Bell.
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buckybarnesbingo · 4 years
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BBB Flash Week 4 Roundup!
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Title: Like an Hourglass Collaborator: Ribbonsflying Card Number: 3 Link: AO3 Square Filled: Memories Ship: Stucky Rating: Mature Major Tags: Past/Referenced Car Accidents, Recovery, Mentions of Alcohol Abuse (other driver) Summary: Steve has a private blog set up where he posts the pictures and makes memos of the things that happened every day. Sometimes it’s an exercise for Bucky too. “What do you want to put on the blog tonight?” Steve asks, just to see what Bucky can remember from the day. Sometimes Bucky can remember significant things from that morning… Other times, Bucky can’t remember much past the previous few hours- unable to recall anything before dinner time or unable to tell Steve what they had for lunch. “I don’t remember,” always on his tongue. (Based on a client we had at the law firm where I used to work.) Word Count: 6331
Title: Plums Collaborator: BookDragon13 Card Number: 3 Link: Tumblr Square Filled: Bucharest Ship: Bucky/Reader Rating: Gen Major Tags: Fluff, mention of Bucky’s time as the Winter Soldier, mentions of the Great Depression and WW2 Summary: Bucky learns of something he can’t live without Word Count: 320
Title: Ice to Meet You Collaborator: PoliZ Card Number: 2 Link: AO3 Square Filled: Fluff Ship: WinterIron Rating: Gen Major Tags: Modern No Powers AU, meet-cute fluff Summary: Thanks to a slippery sidewalk, Bucky meets a handsome stranger. Word Count: 411
Title: Maybe With Steve - Chapter 2 Collaborator: buckybarnesdeservestobehappy Card Number: 3 Link: Tumblr Square Filled: Red Ship: Stucky Rating: Teen Major Tags: Winter Soldier, Memory Loss, Recovery, Captain America: Civil War compliant, Protective Steve Rogers Summary: Bucky Barnes doesn’t understand everything, but he knows he wants to be better. Fighting alongside Steve is what finally gives him the courage to heal. Word Count: 577
Title: Blue Sapphire, Red Velvet Collaborator: Ribbonsflying Card Number: 3 Link: AO3 Square Filled: Red Ship: Stucky Rating: Gen Major Tags: Injuries, Blood, War (mostly as a background to the story- no battles) Summary: Their countries are at war and have been for generations. Prince Bucky is injured and alone. Enemy Prince Steve finds him. But they have something in common: this is not their war. Word Count: 2722
Title: FUBAR (Frosted Up Beyond All Recognition) Collaborator: PoliZ Card Number: 2 Link: AO3 Square Filled: FUBAR Ship: WinterHawk Rating: Gen Major Tags: Drabble, fight scene Summary: Clint and Bucky make a desperate last stand.  [Fluffier than it sounds] Word Count: 100
Title: Maybe With Steve - Chapter 3 Collaborator: buckybarnesdeservestobehappy Card Number: 3 Link: AO3 Square Filled: Memories Ship: Stucky Rating: Mature Major Tags: Bucky Barnes Recovering, Memory Loss, Wakanda, Canon Divergent, Shared Bed Summary: Bucky’s awake, but when he sleeps, images assail him. These aren’t childhood memories. These are more intense, more private, and decidedly more erotic. Word Count: 1146
Title: A Hat Without Magic Collaborator: MagicaDraconia16 Card Number: 5 Link: AO3 Square Filled: Goats Ship: Bucky & Tony & Mad Hatter | Jefferson Rating: Teen Major Tags: Humour, minor angst, canon-typical insanity, alternate universe, multiverse shenanigans, a lot of swearing packed into one paragraph, goats Summary: When the bright flash of light faded, Tony staggered and fell sideways into a literal wall of fabric piles. Word Count: 1184
Title: Meetings Get Boring. Bring Your Cat. Collaborator: Ribbonsflying Card Number: 3 Link: AO3 Square Filled: Alpine Ship: Steve/Bucky (if you squint), Mostly gen Rating: Gen Major Tags: Work, Pet Sitting, Avengers Support Cat, Bring your pet to work day, Steve/Bucky only if you squint, No Romance, No beta we die like mne Summary: Bucky takes his new cat to work thinking no one will know. Everyone soon knows. - This is featuring young Alpine. Word Count: 813
Title: Redox-ulous Situation Collaborator: PoliZ Card Number: 2 Link: AO3 Square Filled: Rusted Ship: WinterIron Rating: Gen Major Tags: Drabble, multiverse shenanigans Summary: Tony and Bucky get sent to another dimension that tests their metal. (This is not a typo.) Word Count: 100
Title: Maybe With Steve - Chapter 4 Collaborator: buckybarnesdeservestobehappy Card Number: 3 Link: AO3 Square Filled: Alpine Ship: Stucky Rating: Gen Major Tags: Bucky Barnes Recovering, Not Canon Compliant, Alpine, Pet Adoption, Protective Bucky Barnes Summary: Since they’ve been back in New York, Steve’s away far too often for Bucky’s taste. He walks the streets to help ease his anxiety. He does it to work through his thoughts until a plaintive cry and an impending rainstorm changes all that. Word Count: 1109
Title: Portrait of the Artist Collaborator: Ribbonsflying Card Number: 3 Link: AO3 Square Filled: Found Family Ship: Stucky Rating: Gen Major Tags: one mention of vomit? (Not graphic) Summary: Bruce had knelt down to the little girl’s level and made a show of being surprised how much she had healed. Steve pulled out his camera and snapped a picture just in time. “Banner tonight?” Bucky asked, wrapping his arms around Steve’s middle and resting his head on Steve’s shoulder as he peered around at what his boyfriend was working on. “Bruce is so great with kids,” Steve commented as he lifted the print from the water and clipped it up on a wire. - In short: Steve takes pics of all the Avengers doing everyday, non-Avengers stuff and puts them in his hallway as a shrine to his friends. Word Count: 3515
Title: Winter Soldier Silhouette Collaborator: PoliZ Card Number: 2 Link: Tumblr Square Filled: [image of Winter Soldier in standing sniper position] Ship: none Rating: Gen Major Tags: fancraft Summary: Simplified version of the image square (Winter Soldier in silhouette) in fleece and felt with embroidered accents.  
Title: Maybe With Steve - Chapter 5 Collaborator: buckybarnesdeservestobehappy Card Number: 3 Link: AO3 Square Filled: Found Family Ship: Stucky Rating: Mature Major Tags: Bucky Barnes Recovering, Not Canon Compliant, Found Family, Forgiveness, Celebration Summary: Living in the Avengers Tower can be a little overwhelming, especially when unexpected visits interrupt private moments with Steve. Word Count: 1066
Title: Avenger: An Inside Journal - Chapter 7: Getting in Trouble Collaborator: Caiti Card Number: 3 Link: Tumblr Square Filled: Found Family Ship: James Barnes/Natasha Romanoff/Clint Barton/Darcy Lewis Rating: Teen Major Tags: Journal/Diary style Summary: Darcy muses on getting herself into trouble. Word Count: 561
Title: The Burden of Bucharest Collaborator: Ribbonsflying Card Number: 3 Link: AO3 Square Filled: Bucharest Ship: Stucky Rating: Gen Major Tags: Snipers, Bucky Barnes in Bucharest, Memories, Snacks & Snack Food Summary: Steve was quiet a long time, just listening. Bucharest didn’t sound like New York. Sure, there was the sound of cars and dogs and music and various machinery, but it was still somehow distinctly different. “Why did you choose here?” Steve asked. “For the mission? It’s where we thought was best to-“ “For yourself,” Steve interrupted. “When I found you here.” - Conversation between Steve and Bucky on a cold rooftop one night in Bucharest. Word Count: 1835
Title: Unexpected Alliances Collaborator: Poliz Card Number: 2 Link: AO3 Square Filled: Silver Ship: Stucky Rating: Teen Major Tags: Fantasy AU, enemies to friends (lovers?), referenced/implied torture Summary: Buckthorn’s refusal to use his fae magic to support his captor’s cause has left him battered and broken; when he is given a shifter as his cellmate, they become unexpected allies. Word Count: 882
Title: I'll Be Around For You Collaborator: IndigoNight Card Number: 5 Link: AO3 Square Filled: picture prompt Ship: WinterHawk Rating: Gen Major Tags: Deaf Clint Barton, Kidfic, Family Feels Summary: Bucky can’t breathe. He reaches out and grabs Clint’s shoulder, fingers digging in almost tight enough to bruise; as though he’s entirely lost control of his body, he catches himself shaking Clint. “I cannot lose Steve’s kid!” he says, only dimly aware that he’s shouting. Word Count: 2783
Title: Bucharest Collaborator: Caiti Card Number: 3 Link: Tumblr Square Filled: Bucharest Ship: Natasha/Clint/Darcy with future implication of James/Natasha/Clint/Darcy Rating: Teen Major Tags: Alternate Universe - No Powers Summary: Bucky's inspiration has dried up and his artist's soul needs something to revive it. Enter three Americans on Spring Break. One look at them and he thinks they could keep him fueled for years. Word Count: 1112
Title: graphic Collaborator: LBibliophile Card Number: 8 Link: Tumblr Square Filled: AU Ship: Winter Soldier & Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes & Steve Rogers Rating: Gen Major Tags: back from the dead, but not really, identity theft, delusion, AU Summary: Winter Soldier is not and never has been Bucky Barnes, but Steve is so desperate to have his friend back that he thinks he is. And the Soldier looks at how Steve reacts to 'Bucky' and wants that, so plays along.
Title: Atlantean Dreams Collaborator: Caiti Card Number: 3 Link: Tumblr Square Filled: Red Ship: James Barnes/Darcy Lewis Rating: Teen Major Tags: Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Mood boards, Headcanon Summary: Prince James of Atlantis and Pirate Queen Darcy Lewis have a stormy path to their shared destiny. Word Count: 250
Title: Baking in Bucharest with Codruţa Collaborator: rebelmeg Card Number: 3 Link: AO3 Square Filled: Bucharest Ship: Bucky & Cranky old lady OFC Rating: Gen Major Tags: Bucky makes a friend, fluff, baking Summary: While James is trying to figure himself out in Bucharest, he makes an unlikely friend. Word Count: 900
Title: Kiss With A Fist Collaborator: IndigoNight Card Number: 5 Link: AO3 Square Filled: Azzano Ship: Stucky Rating: Explicit Major Tags: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Spanking, PTSD, Cathartic Crying, Anal Sex, Established Relationship, Porn with Feelings, Mild D/s Summary: “Undress,” Steve orders, resting his back against the door for just a second while he braces himself for what he’s about to do. He’s only done something like this a few times before; usually it was Bucky pulling him back into line and draining the pent up rage out of him after yet another back alley fist fight. But now Bucky needs him, and he’s damn well going to do whatever Bucky needs. ***** In the aftermath of Azzano, Bucky is drowning in the pent up rage and fear that he can't let go of. Fortunately, Steve is there to help. Word Count: 5142
Title: Small Treasures Collaborator: rebelmeg Card Number: 3 Link: AO3 Square Filled: Found Family Ship: Bucky & Avengers Rating: Gen Major Tags: people like sticking things to Bucky's arm, fluff and humor, found family Summary: Bucky finds a new magnet on his arm and adds it to his box of little treasures. Word Count: 1030
Title: Red Collaborator: BookDragon13 Card Number: 3 Link: Tumblr Square Filled: Red Ship: Bucky/Reader Rating: Gen Major Tags: angst Summary: The Soldier remembers someone from his past Word Count: 100
Title: Gold Collaborator: Sagana Rojana Olt Card Number: 6 Link: Tumblr Square Filled: Gold Ship: WinterIron Rating: Gen Major Tags: Marriage, gold things Summary: Moodboard
Title: Avenger: An Inside Journal - Chapter 8: The Morning After Collaborator: Caiti Card Number: 3 Link: Tumblr Square Filled: Memories Ship: James Barnes/Natasha Romanoff/Clint Barton/Darcy Lewis Rating: Teen Major Tags: Diary/journal style, Mood board, Alternate Universe - No Powers Summary: Darcy's finally accepted her place in the quartet. Word Count: 532
Title: Protector Collaborator: Sagana Rojana Olt Card Number: 6 Link: Tumblr Square Filled: Recovery Ship: WinterIron Rating: Teen Major Tags: Serious injury, coma, recovery Summary: Moodboard
Title: We Could Happen Collaborator: ralsbecket Card Number: 1 Link: AO3 Square Filled: Image: Sergeant Barnes Ship: Bucky Barnes/Pearl Pangan Rating: Gen Major Tags: Stark Expo 1943, Filipino Character, Military Uniforms, Flirting Summary: Bonnie drags Pearl on a double-date with Steve and his ladies-man best friend, Bucky. Word Count: 699
Title: Small steps Collaborator: Sagana Rojana Olt Card Number: 6 Link: Tumblr Square Filled: Enemies to Friends/Lovers Ship: WinterIron Rating: Gen Major Tags: Developing relationship, soft things, cuddles Summary: Moodboard
Title: Plums and Strawberries Collaborator: Sagana Rojana Olt Card Number: 6 Link: Tumblr Square Filled: Plums Ship: pre-WinterIron Rating: Gen Major Tags: Desserts, developing relationship
Title: Small Differences Collaborator: Sagana Rojana Olt Card Number: 6 Link: Tumblr Square Filled: Siberia Ship: pre-WinterIron Rating: Gen Major Tags: Major Civil War compliant (the fight didn't progress into Bucky losing his arm)
Title: Got Your Goat Collaborator: IndigoNight Card Number: 5 Link: AO3 Square Filled: Goats Ship: WinterHawk Rating: Gen Major Tags: Goats, Idiots in Love, Getting Together, Fluff Summary: Barnes shifts and at first Clint thinks it’s impatience but he squints and studies Barnes a little closer and it’s… awkwardness? Uncertainty? “Steve said you grew up on a farm,” Barnes elaborates, like that isn’t a non sequitur completely out of left field. “Um… sort of?” Barnes nods decisively. “I need your help.” He turns around and starts walking, adding over his shoulder, “come.” Clint blinks blankly at the Winter Soldier’s retreating back for a long moment. Then, as per usual, his curiosity wins out over his sense of self preservation and he starts trotting down the sidewalk after Barnes. “Where are we going?” Word Count: 3703
Title: Journals Collaborator: BookDragon13 Card Number: 3 Link: Tumblr Square Filled: Memories Ship: none Rating: Gen Major Tags: Fluff-ish Summary: Snippets of Bucky’s journals Word Count: 100
Title: Fear That You Can't Reverse Collaborator: ralsbecket Card Number: 1 Link: AO3 Square Filled: Scars Ship: WinterHawk Rating: Teen Major Tags: Mentions of past mind control, nightmares, referenced PTSD Summary: Bucky considered Clint quietly, unafraid to look him directly in the eyes. There was a vulnerability in them that he’d never really seen before, an openness that he wanted to fall into. Word Count: 922
Title: Avengers Family Collaborator: BookDragon13 Card Number: 3 Link: AO3 Square Filled: Found Family Ship: Platonic Bucky and the Avengers Rating: Gen Major Tags: fluff Summary: Bucky finds a new family in the Avengers Word Count: 100
Title: All that Glitters Collaborator: LBibliophile Card Number: 8 Link: Tumblr Square Filled: Daybreak Ship: WinterIron Rating: Gen Major Tags: Moodboard, Drabble, Mornings... Summary: Tony hates mornings. But with a view like this, maybe he could learn to like them. Word Count: 100
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yastaghr · 5 years
Projects (Fresh’s DDFL Oneshot)
Pairing: Kedgeup
Characters: Underfell Papyrus, Undertale Sans
Warnings: None (this is fluff)
Summary: Classic is working on a project in a snowstorm. Edge takes care of him. For @freshouttaparsnips
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/23029627
A skeleton walked through the blowing, cold wind of the mountain winter. His boots were tall and red. His pants were tight and black, riding low on his pelvis. His uncharacteristic sweater was thick and warm, a cashmere wool number in a light orange borrowed from a friend. His teeth were sharp and three lines bisected his left eye socket.
Edge stepped into the basement. He closed the door and knocked the snow off his caked boots, then tramped down the stairs as loudly as he could so he wouldn’t startle his datemate. When he got to the bottom of the stairs he sighed. Classic was still hunched over his project. Edge had no idea what it was. At the moment it looked a bit like a steampunk teapot, but earlier today it had looked like a projector box, so that didn’t mean much. Edge didn’t really care what it was. All he knew was that his datemate was absorbed in fiddling with it to the point of being totally unaware of such paltry details as what time it was and whether he should eat. So Edge had decided to fill that role himself.
The tall skeleton slipped a plate of food into the space between Classic and his project. It held a hummus and tomato sandwich with baba ganoush and tzatziki sauce on it, just the way Classic liked it. There was also a piece of baklava off to one side.
Classic made a startled noise when the food inserted itself into his world. He turned to see who had brought it. Edge took the opportunity to steal a kiss from his datemate.
Classic reluctantly grabbed a triangle of the sandwich and peered at it. “hummus and tomato?”
Classic let out a startled moan when he bit into the sandwich. He stared at it with wide eye lights before turning his brilliant smile on Edge. “thanks, edge. i really appreciate it,” he added with a genuine twinkle in his eye, “especially the baklava. you know a good piece of that sweet honey goodness makes me go absolutely nuts.”
Edge put on his best disapproving face to hide the startled laughter in his soul. He secretly loved his datemate’s puns, but he knew Classic absolutely loved it when he played the straight man to his comedian.
Classic chuckled. “sure thing, babe. but seriously, thanks for the food. i must be starving if i’ve been working that long. it has to be…” He pulled out his phone and checked the time, “...5 o’clock? sheesh, that’s late. how was your shift?”
Classic narrowed his eye sockets. “what elephant? i thought you worked in an antique shop.”
“i bet,” Classic said around a mouthful of food. Edge knew he only did it to get his goat, but it worked. Edge glared into the smiling face of the monster he loved.
Classic waved to him as he left the basement. “bye! don’t stomp too hard on the stairs. you might break through!”
Edge’s only response was to slam the door on the way out.
An hour later Edge returned to the basement to fetch the plate. Classic had set it off to his left and had cleared it. Edge smiled. He was always happy when Classic loved his food. He might not be a professional chef, but he still took pride in his cooking. It was eclectic and simple. Classic seemed to love it.
Speaking of Classic, he was bent over his project with a pair of tweezers and a bunch of wires. The project now looked like one of those rides you see at fairs that have a bunch of chairs suspended by wires that spin around and out at an angle. Edge had no idea what it was.
“HELLO, LOVE. HOW IS YOUR PROJECT GOING?” Edge asked quietly, not wanting to startle Classic and mess something up.
Classic set down the tweezers and swiveled in his chair to face Edge. He had a smile on his face, and his eyes were twinkling. “well, wire you asking? tweeze projects of mine don’t usually interest you this much.”
Edge scoffed, secretly impressed that Classic had managed to come up with two puns that fast. It never ceased to amaze him how gifted his datemate was in the pun department. Edge could appreciate a good pun when he heard one, but he was absolute garbage at coming up with them himself. His coworkers at the antique shop seemed to send them flying back and forth all day long, but Edge’s best attempts always fell flat. He’d given up on coming up with any, leaving that to those who had the skill, like Classic. His puns were better than their puns, anyway. Edge wasn’t biased. Not at all.
Classic grinned. “aw, edgelord, that’s sweet. too bad i can’t tell you. it’s going to be a surprise~!”
Edge narrowed his eye sockets at his datemate. That was such a typical Sans move. Well, two could play at that game. “WELL, THAT’S GOOD. I HAPPEN TO HAVE A SURPRISE OF MY OWN WAITING FOR YOU UPSTAIRS, SO DON’T STAY DOWN HERE TOO LONG.”
With that, Edge grabbed the plate and sashayed his way up the stairs and back out into the deepening snow.
It was late at night when Classic trudged up the stairs and through the snowstorm to the main house. He still wasn’t entirely convinced that he should be stopping. The interdimensional phone didn’t have nearly the clarity of tone that he wanted, but he really couldn’t fiddle with it any longer. When he was younger, maybe, but now his eyes gave out much sooner than they used to. It was better to take a break and sleep off the shivers than to push himself.
He felt absolutely caked in snow by the time he opened the front door. He couldn’t even see through the snow plastered to his face. Knowing that his brother was likely staying over with his datemate, Classic immediately started stripping off his ice-cold layers before he got chilled to the bone and soaked through.
It wasn’t until Classic was down to his t-shirt and shorts, after he had used a clear patch of his hoodie to wipe off his face, that he could see the room in front of him. It was… not what he had been expecting. If he’d been expecting anything, it was that the room would look as it usually did; the new couch that they had gotten when they reached the Surface, the old tv that worked better than it used to thanks to a little tinkering on Classic’s part, the joke/quantum physics book on the table in the corner, and the pet rock on the dining table. Most of those things were probably still there. Probably. It was hard to see them around the giant blanket nest that took up the majority of the room. Edge must have put in every blanket, pillow, and cushion in the house!
Classic grinned and crawled over the mounds of fuzzy fleece and warm wool that grew into a giant mountain of comfort. Sitting on top of (and slightly within) the pile was Edge. He had a self-satisfied expression on his face, like a dog with a big stick or a cat with a “dead” string. He had a large bowl of popcorn in one hand and the tv’s remote controller in the other.
“SO. DO YOU LIKE MY SURPRISE?” Edge asked his datemate.
Classic chuckled. “it certainly is surp-rising. how long did it take you to build this thing? i can see you used the pool noodles to maintain the pile’s structural integrity without sacrificing softness.”
Edge preened under the compliment to his engineering even as he glared at the pun. Classic knew he would. Edge loved it when his datemate praised him, and he was especially proud of his skills as a puzzle engineer. This might not be a puzzle, but the same principles applied.
“IT IS A RATHER INGENIOUS IDEA, ONE TRULY WORTHY OF THE GREAT AND TERRIBLE EDGE,” his datemate said as he set down the remote, freeing up one hand to help Classic over the last few feet of pillows and into the little divot in the covers that Edge was sitting in. “I HAD THOUGHT OF USING THE THROW PILLOWS, BUT THEY DID NOT HAVE THE LENGTH I NEEDED FOR THIS WORK. THE POOL NOODLES SEEMED AN OBVIOUS NEXT CHOICE.”
Classic smiled. “you don’t give yourself enough credit. i know i never would have thought to use them. i probably would have given up on the mountain-like design and just made a pillow fort.”
Classic chuckled as he settled into the curve of his datemate’s arms. He loved how nicely he seemed to fit in the other’s grasp, like both of them were designed perfectly to fit one another. His legs could curl up right next to Edge’s while his skull rested on the other’s ribs, and when he did so Edge could rest his skull comfortably on top of Classic’s. His brother had called it perfectly, sickeningly sweet, like eating a whole bag of pure sugar. He’d meant it in a good way, though.
“that’s okay, edge. if we all thought the same way then the world would be a really boring place, no bones about it. now, what did your insightful brain come up with for us to watch?”
Edge’s face went from a small frown at the pun that didn’t reach his eye lights to a brilliant smile. “WELL, I WAS THINKING OF STARTING UP…”
Edge had no idea what time it was when the credits started rolling. It was dark outside still, but with the way the snow was falling it could be high noon and still be dark out. He didn’t have his watch available to check. That wasn’t because he didn’t have it on. No, he couldn’t check the time because Classic had fallen asleep while wrapped around that arm like a little koala bear. It was absolutely adorable.
Edge set aside the empty popcorn bowl and grabbed the remote controller with his free hand. He switched off the tv and relaxed into the mound of pillows, content to lay here with his datemate forever.
The sound of the snow hitting the windows and the lullaby of Classic’s snores quickly lulled Edge into a doze. His eyelids drooped. He fought the sleep, wanting to stay awake, but it was a futile effort. He gently drifted into sleep while curled happily around his datemate in a mound of blankets while a snowstorm raged outside.
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evanstarff · 6 years
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Word Count: 1650
Summary: Steve Rogers comes home.
Warnings: A bit of angst that eventuates into fluff.
A/N: This is written for @softhairbarnes​’ amazing 750 writing challenge! Congrats lovely!! ✨ You guys should check out her Masterlist - her blog is also full of pretty things. My prompt was “sunlight” and the reader is adopted.
Masterlist here.
A quiet history peeled from the corners of the ceiling. It bled through the floral wallpaper and whispered echoes of conversation between past lovers from the walls.
Steve tossed the bag unceremoniously to your couch and it smacked against the cushions. Worn blue and firmly set to the papered character of your cosy apartment. Heavy and pocketed with the weariness of being on the run. Visits to the Golden City were usually full of joy. Peace.
He felt off today.
You sensed the ripple of something unsure in his demeanour. Different from the last time. The shade of concern pressed through your face as you watched him push your door shut with an agile boot.
Steve brushed a gloved hand through dark blonde locks that had grown long and harried as the days gone by. The sigh passed pink and once sweet lips, now laced in something unsettled. Unsure.
Your feet crossed the floor to stand before him and Steve felt the quiet warmth of your smile pass through his chest as you spoke.
“Hey.” He watched your eyes search his own with careful consideration. “I’m gonna go to the store.”
“It’s late,” Finally found his voice as strong, roughened fingers found your own.
“It’s only four in the morning late,” you replied.
You glanced to him when he didn’t take your usual bait. Frowned with lips that pursed and worried in the corners of your usual smirk.
“Hey.” Hands gave his own a squeeze. “You okay?”
His eyes came to rest on yours. Blue and hesitant as if trying to bury away some shadow of uncertainty.
Breaths passed between you both. A procession of unease and contemplation until Steve let go of your hands, turning to his bag and began pulling out clothes. Hooded fleece in grey, roughened jeans, a t-shirt that looked just a touch too small for his broad and hardy form, and a simple baseball cap for good measure.
Steve pulled off the heavy star-spangled shadow from his limbs. Pushed them past a back that muscled through, like currents of an ocean deep and dark. Past hips, then thighs that spoke of too many sprints and not enough direction.
Sitting down on the edge of your couch, you watched him tug on civilian clothes, leaving his boots on. Perhaps he didn't have any other shoes, you realised. Fugitives didn't tend to just walk into a cobblers for repairs, let alone one former captain.
Steve rolled his shoulders. Habitually. A way to ease the tension and memories of the days before. Rubbed his chin now furnished a dirty gold and cloaked down behind his ears to flaxen hair. Gaze drawn across the floor as he tried to simmer the restlessness from his body.
“I have an idea,” you decided at last, sitting up from the couch. “Let's go visit Bucky.”
Steve felt strings of warmth and rapport creep back to his body and touched the corners of his lips.
“Afraid of leaving me alone?” he teased, feeling the words familiar in his mouth as he came closer to you.
You scoffed, though your heart leapt. Felt your eyes narrowed to his own, bright and blue. “It’s only the 84th time you’ve been in my apartment.”
“Only.” Smart-ass.
“And you brought a lick more attitude with you this time, Rogers.” You laughed and it echoed wonderful and sweet in his ears.
“Well, I just got here and we’re already leaving?” Blue eyes beamed bright and full to your own and you felt your chest swell with a warmth that reached your face.
“I haven't seen Bucky for a couple of days,” you pressed on with a smirk. “Better make sure he hasn't been eaten alive by goats.”
Steve exploded with laughter and it softened the prickly edges of your apartment.
“Lead the way.”
You turned to the door, pulling your boots back on and wrapped the tunic around your shoulders. Threw yourself out your apartment door before you could change your mind. Twelve hurried steps down your corridor, a corner then another three down the steps outside to the night. Steve walked a little faster to catch up, boots scuffing the sanded concrete.
Fingers grazed then entwined as the remnants of the night shadowed skin on cheeks. Cool and measured through your hair and in his lungs with the promise of something new.
Steve pulled you close as you both wandered down the waking street. Tucked you into the curve of his arm shaped like you. Brought fingers to his lips and brushed his nose through your hair. The scene of cotton sheets and wildflowers curled comfort through his lungs, warm as the feeling of home.
The familiar thumps and crackles of a market rising for the day echoed through ears. You carved a path to the outskirts of the city’s improbable blend of wood and metal. He adored the structures’ glow beneath the retreating light of the stars. Traced its lines and edges to his mind for a later time handled by charcoal and paper.  
The thunder of hunger made itself known as you glanced up at Steve. Amused eyes at his embarrassed face as he felt the smile meet the curves of his lips.
“Sorry,” he laughed quietly, feeling it ease through his shoulders as his stomach twisted.
“Come,” you chuckled. “Gotta feed the super soldier before we visit the geriatric.”
You pulled away, drawing heat from his broad and steady form toward the market stalls. With hands tucked into fleeced pockets, Steve followed your easy form navigating through the quiet streets.
Hunger grumbled louder as he looked up to see you bounding back to his trailing form.
“Speed up, Rogers,” you smirked. Planted a kiss from pointed toes to his exquisite face as you pressed the offering into his hands. “Aren’t you normally up for a run at this hour?”
Steve narrowed his eyes at you. “Hilarious.” He glanced down at the package seeping warmth through his hands with soft billowed heat.
“What’s this?”
“Rolex,” you told him amidst enthused mouthfuls. Parcelled paper already torn like a toddler ripping open a gift, revealing thin fried bread and its steaming contents. Foil and paper flowered around your fingernails as he watched you chew happily, a tomato painted dash in the corner of your lip. “Consider it breakfast.”
Steve snorted at the vision before him. Messy in ways that made perfect sense and a comfort that fit in all the shadowy parts of his heart.
“What?” It was your turn to narrow your curious eyes.
He only smiled and shook his head with laughing eyes of blue. Brushed a thumb to red in the corner of your mouth and pressed his lips to yours. Soft with the breath of spiced egg melded together with bread. It was hungry and warm through his lungs and into your own.
Steve pulled away too soon. A thumb-licked smirk on his face at the hazy expression in your eyes.
“What,” he shot back, eyes teasing and amusement curling in his lips as he took a bite from his own roll. Felt the familiar warmth of a kebab shop in the secret corners of a battle-blown New York street. Memories of beloved and wearied friends chasing warmth and deprecation ached through his heart, muscle and soul.
He sighed. Eyes closed. Content and felt a quiet sense of acceptance begin to creep into his chest.
“Hey, Rogers.” You rested your hands on his forearm, breaking him from his reverie. Comforting like sunlight finding home in the splendour of the morning sky. “You okay?”
“Sorry,” he apologised for the second time since he arrived. You watched those ever-furrowed lines relax as his eyes rested on yours. Fingers tucked a stray hair behind your ears, bringing heat through your cheeks. “Had a lot on my mind.”
“Take all the time you need.” Your voice was soft and sweet against his palm and it bloomed in his heart.
Steve took a breath. Quiet. Measured. Let it out. Felt his body full and drowned with affection.
You were beautiful and he couldn’t help himself.
His lips were careful on yours. Earnest and sweet, his tongue brushing ever so lightly on yours. You felt the pleasant hum in your throat and in his grin as lips pushed more heated now. Beard brushed deliciously against your lover’s bow, prickly and sweet on your cheeks.
Strong hands threaded through your hair, warm against the skin of your neck and pressed firm behind your head. You felt your body melt into his own, almost breathless. Giggling against his mouth as lips pushed and pulled and your fingers were tangled against the fabric on his broad and steady chest.
You felt drunk and it was everything.
Steve pulled away. Again all too soon. Felt his lips graze your nose, your cheek. A quick one to your lips and then his fingers pulled yours from the fleece of his hoodie. Kissed them ever so sweetly and smiled in the way that utterly melted your heart.
“I see you took my advice,” you breathed at last, eyes laughing as Steve pressed a kiss to your mouth in response.
“Sure did.”
You fell back into step with one another, weaving your way to the edges of the city once again. Found the towering trees to the familiar pathway that led to the clearing you both adored.
The glow of the promised morning sprinkled light to the dirt and pebbled path. Well-trodden and familiar as the strong fingers that now entwined your own. The particular shade of the clearing was the kind you would find in any light. Green and gold and textured like the painted tapestry found only in the soul of your heart.
Sunlight found its path across the field. Sprinkled in golden pink across the field; hues that you could not quite describe, except in the folded parts of your soul. Bucky’s hut came into view and he watched you dart ahead, shards of grass softening in your path.
Steve was home.
Masterlist again if you like my things! 💗
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atlasoflostislands · 5 years
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On the island of Urbok, goats seem to outnumber halflings.
Herds of pygmy goats roam the southern hills of Urbok feeding on scraggly grass and growing out their soft, luxurious fleece. Every spring, the island’s goatherds gather in the hamlet of Pottsville to shear their flocks and breed their ewes. The bundles of cushiony fleece are carted to Flodwyn, the safest harbor on Urbok. From there, the famous fleece is shipped out to Janusport and further afield.
When Flodwyn isn’t shipping out goat fluff, it hosts a fleet of fishing boats. Tiny, single masted barges, they rarely sail beyond Noisy Bay. The bay was named for the gaggle of sea lions who call the rocky shores home. The occasional boatload of exotic fruit is enough excitement for most of the island’s dwellers.
But there are those few who need more adventure in their lives, and for them there’s always the Hagswood. Spread across the northern highland, the forest is home to foragable flora -- wild mushrooms, truffles, huckleberries -- and interesting fauna -- colonies of stirge, dangerous wild boars, some have even claimed are dragons in the Hagswood, but they are probably lying, or confusing fairies for wyrms. But there are rumors among the fungus fiends and the birdwatchers of an Ivory Tower hidden deep in the forest.
Few have stumbled upon the tower, but the most reliable narrators describe a forty foot tower of white stone topped with a green copper dome set on a rocky hill. No one who’s seen the Ivory Tower once has found it twice. Some say it only appears at dawn after a full moon. Others claim it can only be found on the third day after the equinox. Some swear it moves, never in the same place twice. It seems you can only find when you aren’t looking for it. None of the claimants seem to have entered the tower, or even knocked on the massive door. But on Urbok just glimpling the tower is enough exhilaration to last a lifetime.
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veronicaaldous · 6 years
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Madame P. I have spent 3 hours drafting stays. Now stays for dolls aren't like human stays. These are of lilac mauve silk. I haven't laced them as yet. She is also sporting her silk britches. Yes I know they wore only petticoats but Madame P requested I make these at once. I do want them she squealed. '' les jolies'pantalons!'' ❤️ I made her wig too and it took 2 weeks. I processed the fleece of a beautiful prize she goat. I bought a ton of shorn fleece. Made wefts and sewed them to a hand formed mesh wig cap. I was covered in fluff for days. #artdoll #americanduchess #costumes #eighteenthcentury #interiordoll #dollmaker https://www.instagram.com/p/BslrZFfBH02/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=jjaclvte4btz
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