#Warzone 2.0
dom-lly · 12 days
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s0ulryo · 2 years
König with a Medic S/O Scenario *:・゚
[König x Reader] Synopsis: König getting patched up by his favorite medic —you. Tags: Soft, konig lovers we rise, established relationship (i forget to put this tag on a ton of things whoops), mentions of distress (?) Notes: Prolly ooc, not proofread, his voice is so mmmmm, also my brain blanked so many times while writing this so im vv sorry for the wonky formatting
Thank you @uselsshuman for letting me write about this!
(Reader is always gn unless specified otherwise.)
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König dislikes a lot of things. He wouldn’t say he hates anything but the list of dislikes has grown over the years. For example, König dislikes crowded places, the smell of cigarettes, getting injured, having to go to a medic to treat his injury, having to see you — who is a medic to treat his injury, having to get chewed out by you for obtaining an injury — you get the point.
So here he sits, listening to you freak out about the injury he obtained while being deployed. He knows you don’t mean any harm by it; you’re just concerned for his safety — König appreciates it, he really does — but he’s also a little stressed out by your current commentary.
“Oh my God — König, how the hell did you manage to do this?”
He honestly doesn’t think it’s that bad; sure, the wound looks terrible — but it doesn’t feel too horrible, so it can’t be too bad, right?
“König, are you listening to me? König, are you alright?”
König’s very thankful for you. He thinks you’re awfully nice and very understanding about his feelings, and in all honesty, he’s not sure how he managed to get with someone like you, but he’s not going to question it — he’s just going to enjoy it.
“Sorry, could you repeat what you just said?” König mumbles out sheepishly.
He can’t help it. You’re exceptionally attractive, and König now realizes his arm is in an exceptional amount of pain — and bleeding tremendously. ‘Things like attractive S/O and immense amounts of pain due to physical injury usually make it difficult to focus,’ he reasons to himself.
Sighing, you shake your head. “König, please try to avoid getting injured — this is the second time this week….”
Nodding softly in acknowledgment, König continues to watch you gather the supplies you need to patch his arm up; his eyes flicker around in discomfort, bouncing his leg up and down to keep his mind occupied. Sure he’s sustained worse injuries than this, but getting patched up has always made him anxious.
Swallowing thickly, König tries to place himself out of this situation – somewhere nicer than your medical workspace that smells like antiseptic – anywhere else than here.
He watches you set to work, his eyes closely following the movement of your hands on his arm, cleaning the wound gently, trying to make the process quicker and easier on him.
He’s vaguely aware that his breathing got heavier or how he’s feeling light headed, heart in his throat – vaguely aware that you’re calling his name.
“…ig” “…önig”
He can see you talking, but he can’t hear you very well; bouncing his leg more rapidly, he tries to say anything to tell you how he feels, but he can’t get any words out.
“..ey…hey big guy – look, I’m here, you’re alright – okay?” You try to get him to focus on you, not necessarily your words but just on you.
"Try to take a big breath, big guy – yeah, just like that – breathe in, breathe out…You're doing great König.”
Following your instructions König (tries) to take a deep breath in and out, focusing on what you smell like and your voice. König feels a little stupid, he’s gotten shot – almost killed before, but he can’t take a little doctor's visit? So yeah, it's definitely a critical hit on his ego; he’s just glad it’s you with him.
After calming down a bit König bites the inside of his cheek, diverting his eyes to the door to the far left of the room. He considers bolting out of your office – he won’t have to get patched up, and he won't have to face you, so it’s a win-win situation—
“König dear, don’t try to run out of the room,” you tell him firmly, more so for you than for him – if he decides to make a hasty exit, you conclude that you would not be able to catch the injured man.
“…Am I that obvious [Name]?”
“Yes, dear…You are pretty obvious.”
The silence in the room was deafening, not super awkward – just a bit tense.
König sighs, visibly deflating in his chair; he mutters an apology, watching your figure look in the bottom drawer of your desk. He feels like he’s back in primary school when kids would make fun of him, leaving him all embarrassed.
Well, in this situation, he feels more ashamed than embarrassed.
He continues to watch you shuffle through the drawer until you find what you were looking for – suddenly, you turn to him, smiling triumphantly, motioning for him to stick out his hand to take what you were holding.
“What is it [Name]?” König asks, reaching out for the unknown object in your hand.
Upon further examination, König realizes the object is made of solid metal and cylindrical – resembling a car transmission.
“It’s a fidget toy! I like that one personally because I like the feeling of the transmission shifting gears – but I have some other ones if you would like.”
König stares at you dumbfounded. Diverting his eyes to the small toy in his hand, he starts to mess with it.
“König, I’m going to continue patching you up, alright? Please let me know if you need anything….”
Nodding, he continues to mess with the toy in his hand, gnawing at his bottom lip to suppress a smile.
König, a man that stands at six foot ten inches, just received a fidget toy from his medic S/O – how could he not smile?
“König, I’m done cleaning the wound, but you’ll need some stitches, alright? I’ll try to make this as quick as possible.”
König continues to watch you work while shifting the fidget toy from first gear to sixth gear, grateful for the newfound distraction from the distressing environment he’s currently in. He’s also immensely thankful that you are walking him through everything you do – even though he’s not entirely listening.
“Finished! All patched up, big guy – how are you feeling?” You say, tying off the final stitch on König’s arm.
“Better – I feel better,” König says, fumbling with his words, speaking with such haste, appearing as if you caught him off guard.
“Great, I’ll write down the care instructions for your stitches, so you don’t forget – come back here in two-ish weeks to remove the stitches, alright?
Standing up, he shyly extends his hand out to you, offering to return the toy you graciously lent him.
“Oh, you can keep that big guy – you seem to like it…So you can have it.”
König stares at you dumbfounded again, shifting his gaze from you to the small toy in his hand, back to you.
“…You sure?” König asks you quietly.
“Positive.” You respond, pushing his extended hand back towards him. “I want you to have it.”
König thinks he’s going to combust.
His awfully nice, exceptionally attractive S/O just watched him break down, patched him up, and gave him a gift. He’s not sure what he has ever done to be treated with such care, but if he thinks about it any longer, he might start to cry.
Bending down, he mutters a ‘thank you’ into your neck, tightly wrapping his arms around your shoulders.
“König..?” He hears you say softly, “Can we stay like this for a while..?”
Humming in approval, he pulls you closer to him, slightly swaying side to side, putting more of his weight on your body to keep you in place.
You don’t know what injuries König will acquire the next time he’s deployed, but for now, your mind is here – at this moment, with König holding you in his embrace and the steady beating of his heart proving that he’s alive and that he loves you.
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ojiisan01 · 4 months
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chadillacboseman · 1 year
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Positively no ass on this man. My god.
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knightwxlff · 1 year
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She's a tactical Goddess.
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alexa-mwll · 9 months
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Sometimes I understand the humor, but other times I don't. 😒🤣
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indristian · 2 years
More weirdly specific König Headcanons
By an austrian for an austrian character
He can hide how drunk he is pretty well, doesn't really start slurring his words and can hold deep conversations, the gig is over as soon as he stands up tho. He starts swaying pretty badly and has walked into more than one lamppost while intoxicated. Has apologized to every lamppost so far much to the amusement of everyone watching.
He isn't very religious but if someone starts praying the rosary in German his autopilot kicks in and he joins in. Same with certain church songs.
Started smoking at age 16 (don't worry, that was the legal age for smoking until like 5 years ago, then the gov changed it to 18) and regularly tries to quit. Nowadays he mostly smokes when stressed or drunk.
Tries to make everyone on his team say "Oachkatzlschwoaf" (means tail of a squirrel in an austrian dialect), refuses to tell anyone the English meaning bc he can't pronounce the word squirrel.
He's kinda choosy about the water he drinks. Water quality in austria is really good, so you can drink the tap water in the whole country. So when he's somewhere where the water is "technically" drinkable, but has a chlorine taste he prefers drinking bottled water.
Every new years eve at midnight he listens to the blue danube waltz, as is tradition in Austria.
There's a pocket in his tac vest that's reserved for Manner Schnitten. The people that saw something pink sticking out of his vest and made fun of him for it never get offered any when he opens a pack.
(Thanks to @court-of-fairytales for reminding me the Sissi movies exist) He has seen all of the movies, in theory, but the only times he has really seen them when he and his friends/teammates were "Sissi saufen" (saufen meaning drinking/binge drinking). It's a drinking game, mostly played around Christmas and new year, where you watch the 3 movies back to back and everytime someone in the movie says "your majesty" everyone has to stand up, say "long live the empress" and take a shot. Last man standing is the winner.
Has no visible tattoos but there's an AMA Gütesiegel stamp on his right buttcheek.
Kinds nsfw: Has absolutely quoted the "Ich will hinten rein!" ("I want in the back!" just with a lot more homoerotic implications) line when asked where he wanted to sit in a car and has gotten strange looks every time. (The movie this reference is from: (T)Raumschiff Surprise)
Kinda nsfw: He really likes talking to people in German (even if they don't really understand him) or teaching someone german words or phrases. The only thing he really hates is dirty talk in german, he'll do it if someone he's sleeping with requests it but he'll keep his face out of their sight bc he'll be 1000% be cringing.
Translates a lot of phrases literally bc the English equivalent "just doesn't have the right feel". Ends up saying things like "They look like a parcel someone ordered but never picked up", "They look like Bambi on stilts", "They have to pay attention like a clothes/shoe maker" ("aufpassen wie ein Haftelmacher", I know it as "aufpassen wie ein Haftelpitscher" but Google doesn't know it 😔) or "It's raining like the sky/like heaven is open".
Every time he sees someone with a Red Bull in their hand he has to resist the urge to say "You know, that's an austrian brand!"
The headcanons just keep coming!
And tbh after the last part I'm really tempted to make a playlist or a post compiling german songs König would get stuck in his head/would listen to. If anyone's interested please tell me!
Part one
Part two
Part four
Part five
Part six
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shotce · 11 months
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You guys best be checking for your free bundles, I finally got my little paws on a calling card with two of our faves and I didn’t need to grind for anything 😭
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callofdutylorist · 1 year
Alex and Farah: Why should we let you back in Taskforce 141?
Philip Graves: I brought Nicki Minaj
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dani-ordaz · 2 months
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I love Gromsko, maybe I'll upload art here
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docnukes · 2 years
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dom-lly · 22 days
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slowly but… im drawing
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s0ulryo · 2 years
Flustering König Headcanons .:*¨༺
[König x Reader] Synopsis: Flustering König plus some general relationship stuff. Tags: Softish, kinda silly, there’s not a lot konig content so i will continue to contribute, I forgot the other tags, established relationship (i forget to put this tag on a ton of things whoops) Notes: Prolly ooc n not proofread, big men go brrr, originally this was gonna be a drabble but I couldn’t think of one plot to stick to (whoops x2)
Thank you @theoutlawfaleena for letting me write about this!
(Reader is always gn unless specified otherwise.)
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Despite his massive stature, immense physical strength, and overall intimidating presence — König is a fairly reserved guy, outside the battlefield, that is. He’s not reserved out of humility or timidness, though — he’s reserved due to his anxiousness, constantly fearing being bullied or made fun of in some way.
König outside of the field is quite a fascinating sight. He rarely speaks, and when he does, it’s quiet and rushed, almost like he’s afraid to say something. He also tends to fidget a lot when speaking.
He also could be better with eye contact. Towards the beginning of your relationship, he would always look past your face or focus on your hands — he’s still not great with eye contact, but he’s much better than he was previously.
He tends to lose focus or entirely forget what he’s saying when he makes eye contact with you. It’s quite a funny sight; imagine this big guy fidgeting with his hands (or your hands) and diverting his eyes away from yours, looking at his feet or anything remotely interesting to spare him from embarrassment.
“Well, then I thought it would be cool to….” Then, swallowing thickly, König stops speaking, shifting his gaze from your eyes to his shoes.
“König is everything alright?” You ask him — your eyes filled with concern.
Stuttering, he mumbles out a yes and becomes super fidgety while continuing his story.
Stuttering is something that only happens when König is with you. When he makes eye contact with other people, he tends just to go silent— something that most people overlook because he's usually pretty quiet anyways.
The stuttering, though, comes as a result of wanting to talk or to continue to talk to you — but he tends to get nervous and back out mid-way when speaking, making him stutter.
He feels like a total idiot when he stutters around you, but he knows you don’t mind, which he’s super thankful for.
Something that noticeably flusters him is pet names. Whether he is saying or receiving the pet name, he will totally get flustered by them.
His favorite pet names to call you are ‘sweetheart,’ ‘darling,’ ‘love,’ or ‘honey’ (,or some Austrian German variation of those). He likes these in particular because they have a pleasant sense of intimacy.
König has definitely called you during his free time on the base or when he was able to when deployed and has totally addressed you by a pet name, forgetting that he was in a professional environment (and that his fellow operators are nosy) and got so much shit from his colleagues.
He really wanted to pass away that day due to the embarrassment the other operators teasing put him through.
Again, König likes pet names due to the sense of intimacy they have. That being said, he has some personal favorites of what he appreciates being called.
His favorite pet names to be called by you are either ‘love,’ ‘dear’, ‘big guy,’ or ‘handsome.’ He likes these in particular because they give him a sense of stability — they help ground him and help him remember that you adore him.
‘Big guy’ and ‘handsome’ make him feel happy and giddy — like smiling and kicking his feet giddy. He knows he’s taller than the average person. Still, König never really acknowledged his overall appearance, so the fact that you think he’s handsome and you recognize his physical features makes him feel special.
König, on the field, is someone else entirely, though. Sure he’ll still get flustered, but that’s covered up due to the sheer amount of adrenaline he’s running on — sometimes König won’t even think about what he said or what had been said to him; he’ll just bounce around and do his thing while being on that adrenaline high. However, he’ll be thoroughly embarrassed once that feeling wears off.
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ojiisan01 · 1 year
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he cannot reject
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chadillacboseman · 1 year
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Phillip Graves joins forces with KorTac in Warzone 2.0
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welldonekhushi · 1 year
Have I ever talked about Arjun's execution styles? If he was a playable character in Warzone, how would the Captain take down his enemies if he was ever close to them? Let's find out! 😩
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First execution: If a person is facing back, he first knocks the opponent's head off and when it turns around to face him he brings his knife and stabs it multiple times in the chest and then slices its neck, killing it smoothly.
Second execution: A person laying down on its stomach, he'd just sit on their back, grab their legs with his own and snaps it's neck.
Third execution: When the opponent is facing in the front, he'd first knock their face off with his fist, and then grab its head to knock it off with his knee and then shoot its head off.
Fourth execution: The opponent faces in the front and he just brings his knife on their chest, and then pulls it out and slices their neck.
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