#Was gallivanting around with a commoner
princelawarrior · 1 year
Did OG!Villainesses of Isekai Actually Do Anything Wrong?
I mean think about it.
You are a noble lady arranged to a man of higher standing than you (usually the crowned prince).
Maybe you actually ARE in love with him, maybe you just convinced yourself that you are, or maybe you're actually just trying to make it where you're marriage is at least civil, who knows.
But either way once you and your fiancee reach a certain age you start attending a prestigious school.
Everything is going...fine.
You're surrounded by friends and you get to see your "beloved" whenever you want.
So what if you're friends are only hanging with you because of you're future position.
I'm sure they'll start to like you for you eventually, right?
And so what if you're fiancee comes across as rather cold and disinterested.
You just have to keep trying to get his attention, and maybe he'll at least be your friend, right?
But then...THEN everything goes wrong.
You catch word that your so-called fiancee has been seen spending time with *Gasp* a peasant girl!
And he's doing and saying all the things you wished he did to you!
What do you?
You can't go to the the king and/or queen because they'll probably just brush it off as "boys being boys".
You can't go to your parents because they'll probably tell you to "suck it up. You're going to be queen."
You can't confront/punish your fiancee yourself because he's of higher standing than you, and he'll probably use this to make you look bad and call off the engagement.
So that leaves only one option.
Scare the peasant girl away.
Did you go to far?
Most definitely.
Did you mean to go to far?
Probably not.
But it doesn't matter anyway.
You lost everything and now your ex is probably married to the peasant girl who doesn't know the first thing about royal etiquette and has probably made a laughing stock out of you kingdom and brought it to ruin.
So I ask you again, did the OG!Villainesses do anything wrong?
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thebramblewood · 5 months
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You mean you don't show affection for your one and only brother by repeatedly throwing the love of his life's tragic fate in his face?
Featuring a very tiny cameo by @moonfromearth's Veronica!
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Caleb: You look… refreshed.
Lilith: Yes. Thankfully, Veronica’s supply hit the spot. [appraising glare] I could say the same to you. I can smell her stink from over here.
Caleb: [momentarily alarmed] Whose?
Lilith: [rolls eyes] Don’t play dumb, Caleb. That spellcaster bitch! I can always tell when you’ve been gallivanting around the Realm.
Caleb: I’m sorry. Do I need your permission to visit a friend?
Lilith: Of course not. I just don’t know why you still bother. The only thing you two ever had in common has been a literal pile of ashes for years.
Caleb: I’m not talking about this with you now - or possibly ever again.
Lilith: Oh, she got you all riled up. [shouting] I know you’re hiding something! You’ve drawn an iron curtain across your thoughts, but I’ll tear it down eventually. I always do!
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hopontf2 · 10 months
Support Class Reacts To Reader Stealing Their Uniform
Wanders around the base trying to find his uniform to change into. Asks around and checks everywhere.
Walks into base common room to see y/n gallivanting in around in his ill-fitting uniform.
"Oh my..."
He gets a giggle out of it and alerts y/n to his presence to which he then crosses his arms and smirks.
You blush and stammer to explain yourself but he stops you. He takes his glasses off and puts them on you.
"Here...'Zis will complete 'ze ensemble!" He chuckles.
Sniper tears his van apart looking for his uniform before storming into the base to search further.
He walks in on y/n striking poses and dancing around on top of the table as the other mercs watch and laugh. Something about wearing his clothes makes you feel like you're in magic mike.
Sniper glares daggers into y/n's skull as he stands in the doorframe.
Y/n freezes as Sniper looks as though he will hunt you down and repossess the clothes himself.
Spy begrudgingly hunts for his missing suit and mask. His angered french muttering between drags of cigarette ring through the base.
He hears some commotion from the room over and decides to cloak and sneak in. He sees y/n trying on his suit.
Y/n can feel hands adjusting the lapels and cuffs of the suit. Spy's cloak fades and he can be seen altering the suit to look correctly.
"If you are going to wear my suit, you might as well wear it right..."
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ladyloveandjustice · 4 days
The Liveblogyssey! (Part 2)
It's been a little while but it's time for more liveblogging The Odyssey! See the liveblog from the beginning here.
So what’s happening with Penelope while Telemachus is off gallivanting around?
Well the suitors are plotting to kill Telemachus as soon as he gets back, which Penelope’s house boy informs her of, and to which she responds “wait a fucking second, he LEFT? Without telling me? And none of you said anything?”
And everyone says "well in our defense he didn’t want us to tell you because he thought you would stop him” and she’s like “YEAH!!! I WOULD HAVE!”
I love this one guy who’s just like “well he’ll either come back home or he’s met his fate”. Super comforting, thank you for your contribution.
Penelope goes to her room to cry and pray to Athena. So Athena decides to show up in Penelope’s dreams in disguise and use that opportuniy do a shameless self plug. I’m not kidding it's like
Athena (in disguise): Don't worry about your husband, girl,  he’s got Athena in his corner. She’s a helper many men have prayed to have! She has great power! She’s the COOLEST god, the BEST god perhaps--
Penelope: Uh. Are you actually Athena? Because I feel like you’re Athena. Athena please tell me where my husband is”
Athena: who knows. Bye.
Athena then goes up to Zeus and is like “okay so Telemachus is going to die if we don’t do something, do you feel like helping out. At all.” And Zeus is like “daughter, this was all your idea in the first place??? You wanted him to go on a heroic quest right??? Figure it out” But he does send Hermes to tell Calypso to stop imprisoning and raping Odysseus.
Calypso points out this is a fairly hypocritical thing for Zeus to scold her about (true), and why is it okay for Gods like Zeus to rape mortals and toy with them but when Goddesses do it SUDDENLY IT’S A BIG DEAL? HASHTAG DOUBLE STANDARDS.
Calypso is literally the shallow lean-in type feminist who wants women to be equal simply so we can be corrupt CEOS and oppress more people like men get to do and that’s so funny. Some things are timeless.
I mean yeah, she’s technically right that it’s unfair, but girl, is Zeus what we want to aspire to here? Can we not aim higher?
She also mentions that every time a Goddess takes a mortal lover people kill that man and cites Demeter and Iason (saying Zeus killed him because double standards) and Dawn (Eos) and Orion (saying Artemis killed Orion because double standards).
So of course I had to look them up! The thing with Zeus definitely does reek of double standards, Demeter slept with a dude (CONSENSUALLY TOO! Amazing!) and Zeus got jealous and immediately killed him with a lightning bolt. He and Hera really do have some things in common!
But while there are several myths about Orion and Artemis, I don’t see any ones where her killing him had anything to do with him being a lover of Eos. In fact her reasons for killing him are either extremely justified or she does it accidentally. She either killed him because he raped this girl (valid and correct), she can kill him because he tries to assault HER. A GODDESS. (Dumb bitch definitely deserved to die for that).
Then there's the second-funniest version of Orion’s death. Basically Apollo notices Artemis has been hanging out with him too much when she should be spending time with HIM, so while Orion’s swimming, Apollo points to the dark shape in the distance, is like “bet you can’t hit that with your arrow! bet you can’t!” and Artemis is like “Yes the fuck I can!” and then kills Orion. Siblings are always pulling those silly little pranks!!!
(The absolute FUNNIEST way Orion can die is when he’s hanging out with Artemis, brags he’s going to hunt and kill every animal on earth,Gaia’s like “bitch no you won’t” and kills him with a giant scorpion)
Anyway, where was I. Yeah so Calypso’s assessment of why Artemis killed Orion appears to possibly be inaccurate.
Calypso goes down to Odysseus who’s just been sitting there on the beach sobbing about how much he misses home. Apparently he's been doing this every single day but Calypso just now decided to notice. He also talks of “not wanting her even though she still wanted him” Definitely rape!
There is an possible implication it might have been consensual at one point with the specific phrasing in this translation “she no longer pleased him”. Doesn’t matter if it was since you can take back your consent at any time, so it IS rape now regardless, but boy the people who are like “he never cheated on Penelope how dare you imply!!!" are going to hate me acknowledging this ambiguous phrasing, huh.
So when Calypso tells him he can get on a raft and go home, he’s like “yeah. So. I don’t believe you. You’re 100% going to murder me on that raft, lady.” and can you blame him?
Calypso gives him clothes but before he leaves she makes sure to be like “I don’t get why you’re so into your wife. I’m definitely hotter than her. Look at me. Look at my sexy body. Also I’m taller than her too.” (It comes up a couple time that women being tall is apparently desirable in Ancient Greece, which is an interesting reminder that beauty standards are fake and change constantly throughout time and cultures).
So Odysseus goes sailing off but Poseidon sees him while hanging out with his horses and says “nuh uh” and makes the sea all deadly. Odysseus is just ready to give up, going “I seriously wish the Trojans has killed me at this point, it’s better than having gods torturing me endlessly at least I would have gotten a funeral.” Poor guy.
Fortunately a passing goddess Ino takes pity and helps him. And! She says! “Why does enraged Poseidon create an odyssey of pain for you?” That’s right! Even Ancient Literature know the art of the title drop! And that’s a good place to pause for now.
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wildmelon · 2 years
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day 11— clan leader 🔪🎱🧛🏾‍♀️🚬💣 6/?
for @nikatyler’s 28 bloody nights of cas
⌁ download this sim
lore & details ↓
ronnie, martina, and dominik have been a family unit for [redacted]. grumpy, hard-edged, and often harried, ronnie is a very capable and fierce leader of the lower east side clan. her softer side has emerged since falling for gilda. her companions claim she’s never smiled this much.
fun fact: ronnie loves movies, especially horror, and went through a phase of watching any vampire film she could get her hands on. she chose her last name after the star of one of her favorites, a girl walks home alone at night.
[lore: long-term relationships and found family units are common amongst vampires. many spend the first few centuries of being undead gallivanting around the globe before loneliness compels them to seek companionship and settle in some capacity.] 
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sloanesallow · 1 year
invisible string
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Five years after their graduation from Hogwarts, Ominis travels to Siobhan Sloane’s home in Nottingham for an overdue visit. Having suppressed his feelings for her for years, the encounter causes chaos in his heart. And then, to his everlasting surprise, Siobhan says, “please take me to bed.” Who is he to deny her?
Ominis Gaunt x f!MC  Tags: Sexual Content
read on Ao3 | read on wattpad parts of this story have AI generated voice overs on TikTok @ siobhan_sloane
 August, 1898
Dearest Ominis,
I would be delighted to have you visit my home. It has been far too long. 
Your ever-patient friend, S. Sloane
Ominis read over the letter with his wand again and again as the carriage trotted along, finding humor in its brevity and warmth in its tone. Sloane— Siobhan , as he insisted on calling her—was right, it had been several months since he visited her last, and it was hard not to hate himself for it. Long gone were the school days in which they spent most of their time together, usually up to no good with their mutual friend Sebastian Sallow. It had been five years since their graduation from Hogwarts, and despite the assurances they’d stay close friends, fate had other plans. 
Sebastian had initially— surprisingly —accepted a professor’s position at the school, taking over for a retired Hecat in Defense Against the Dark Arts. After his sister Anne made a miraculous recovery, the two moved to America, and the last anyone heard from them they were gallivanting across the land, simply enjoying life. Siobhan was still living in her childhood home just outside Nottingham, devoting her time to magical research and muggle-wizard relations. As for Ominis, he’d accepted an Auror’s position with the Ministry of Magic, much to the chagrin of his family. Despite his estrangement, the harassment continued, his family sending letters threatening the severance of his inheritance if he didn’t accept one of the many unfavorable marriage contracts they’d drafted. He tossed all Gaunt correspondence to the fire. 
When he learned his new assignment would be taking him to Leicester, the first person he thought of was Siobhan, and sent an owl to inform her he’d be in the area. He’d be lying to himself if he said he wasn’t hoping for an invitation, struggling to remember the last time he saw her— figuratively . It had been Christmastime, the previous year, a somber affair with it being so shortly after her father’s death. His final wish, she’d said, was to see his only daughter married and happy, a promise she intended to keep. Ever since, the emotions he thought he’d quelled years ago resurfaced, plaguing his mind. Siobhan would soon be wed, and he’d have to put his lofty dreams of pursuing her romantically to bed for good. The visit would ache and soothe his heart all the same. 
Since she technically lived amongst the muggles in the countryside, he took care to transfigure his wand into a walking cane—a disguise he’d relied upon now for years while working for the Ministry. It was not as precise, but he could still easily get around without too much scrutiny by the common-folk. He had barely exited the carriage, paying the driver with what he hoped was the appropriate amount of muggle money, when he heard her boots along the cobblestone, rushing down the path to greet him. 
“Ominis!” He expected her excited demeanor, but did not anticipate the way her arms wrapped around his neck, the force of her hug nearly toppling them to the ground. He steadied himself, reaching his free hand around her back as he returned the embrace. It wasn’t that he had an aversion to physical affection, he just found it strange when people, especially Siobhan, wanted to touch him. If he had it his way, he’d stay wrapped up in her warmth forever. 
“Merlin’s beard, have you gotten even taller ?” He was sure he hadn’t, but Siobhan loved to tease him about it ever since he spouted up in seventh year, towering over her and Sebastian both. She was looking up at him, that much he could safely assume, and he angled his chin down to flash her a smirk. 
“Perhaps you’ve gotten shorter , my dear,” he teased, chuckling when she playfully pinched the back of his neck in mock offense. 
“Come along, the supper is almost ready,” she pulled away, and he followed closely behind. 
Once they were inside the cottage, he took stock of the surrounding environment, checking if anything had changed since he’d last been there. He touched the back of a settee, dragging his fingers along the wool of a blanket that had been there last winter. Siobhan had draped it over him when he fell asleep before the fireplace. It was empty now, unused due to the summer heat, but based on the sound of chickens in the garden and a slight breeze, she had opened the windows. 
“Sebastian sent me a lovely bottle of whiskey for my birthday,” her voice called from the kitchen a few paces away. Ominis frowned to himself—all he’d sent was his well wishes in a letter. “All the way from New York City, though, I’m not sure how it’ll taste with the duck.” 
Annoyance prickled his spine—he didn’t want to talk about Sallow. He had long moved past the turmoil the boy had put them through during their school years, but still did not enjoy it when he was the focus of conversation. “Might we stick to wine?” 
Siobhan hummed in thought, oblivious to his short-lived displeasure. “Good idea.”
Ominis made his way to the table, disappearing his cane to the magical ether in which the rest of his travel belongings were temporarily stored. He followed her movements around the space as best he could, listening as she set the table and poured the wine. He wished he could be of more assistance, but then again, Siobhan enjoyed being able to dote on and serve her guests. 
“This smells delightful,” he complimented, waiting until he was sure she’d taken a first bite before lifting his silverware. “Tastes wonderful, too.” 
“Thank you,” she replied. “It all came from the garden, and the local butcher gives me a discount.” 
Pleasantries aside, he struggled to think of a topic for casual conversation. There was so much he wanted to ask her, so much he wanted to say, but was unsure of where to start. Would she consider moving to London so he could visit her everyday? No , that was too forward, and assuming. She’d never leave the place where she grew up. What if he agreed to move to Nottingham? He had little experience with farm animals, but was willing to learn. Even if he had to smell like sheep everyday, and chop wood with an actual axe. 
Siobhan broke the silence for him, in an unexpected manner. “He proposed we get married.” 
Ominis nearly choked on his wine, snapping his hand to his mouth to wipe the spittle from his chin. “What— who proposed?” 
“The butcher, Mr. Nelson,” she explained, rather casually. He was truly at a loss for words, staring in her direction with a flabbergasted expression. Where did this come from? She sighed. “You disapprove.”
He scoffed, “I was unaware my opinion would be so valued when it came to potential suitors of yours.” 
“ Of course I want to know what you think,” she started. “He might be thirty years my senior, and already grey in the beard, but I suppose you could call him handsome. Oh, and he’s missing at least three fingers, lost to a mislaid cleaver. But he has a successful business, and is rather friendly with all the old bitties around town. How does Mrs. Siobhan Nelson sound?” 
He was going to be sick. “You can’t be serious.” “Definitely not,” she snickered. It suddenly dawned on him that she was having a laugh at his expense. Her laughter grew, and he couldn’t help but smile at the sound, despite his slight embarrassment. “The look on your face, Ominis.” 
“Please tell me the fifty-year old butcher didn’t really ask for your hand,” as preposterous as it sounded, and unlikely as it seemed, he still couldn’t bear the thought of her agreeing to be a butcher’s wife. 
“No,” she said. “But my options do seem to be dwindling. My father is rolling in his grave.” 
Ominis supplied his own joke, “Have you considered sending for Leander ? I hear Prewett is still a bachelor. A very successful one at that.” 
“And you aren’t?” 
Touche . Though, he would never suggest she marry him . At least not outside his fantasies. In reality, even if by some miracle she felt any romantic love for him, it could never work. His family would never allow it. A muggleborn? He was ashamed of what other, more unforgivable terms they would call her, terrified of the potential physical harm they could cause. 
She pulled him from the darkness again, a cheerful giggle lighting his senses. “Could you imagine ? Me and Leander ? Our poor children.” 
What a horrid thought. 
The rest of the meal was spent reminiscing and laughing about their past adventures and mishaps, catching up on what they’d been up to as of late. Ominis told her about his recent promotion with the Ministry, and Siobhan shared the details of her latest research on the curative properties of mallowseet leaves. As the conversation settled, he swallowed the last of the wine from his cup, licking the tart flavor from his lips. It was getting late, judging by the increased insect activity outside. His nose twitched—it smelled like it might rain. Siobhan let out a contented sigh, and he wished he didn’t have to leave. 
“When are you expected in Leicester?” she asked, as if reading his mind. There was a solemn edge to her tone. 
“By tomorrow afternoon, at the latest.” 
“And here I’d gone through the trouble of setting up the guest room.” So hospitable—once a Hufflepuff, always a Hufflepuff. “Shouldn’t you enjoy a hearty breakfast before chasing down wayward wizards?” 
That did sound appealing. As much as he wanted to stay, his worry about her reputation held him back from agreeing. It wouldn’t be proper, in or outside muggle society, now that they were grown. A small voice in the back of his head wondered if he’d be able to resist further temptations. “And what will your neighbors think about you having an overnight guest?” 
“I’m an unwed woman who lives on her own,” she countered. “I’ve already been labeled a spinster, might as well add harlot to the list.” 
Ominis let out a hearty laugh, tossing his head back in amusement. He reached out, thankful to the ease in which he found her hand. “I’ve missed you, Siobhan.” 
If she was surprised by his honesty, she quickly recovered, flipping her palm up to squeeze his fingers. “And I, you.”
Ominis awoke to the sound of summer rain and the pad of soft footsteps in the hall. He continued to listen through the sleepy haze of his mind, confused when the pacing didn’t fade away. What was Siobhan doing awake? Was she simply using the facilities, or had a bout of insomnia taken over? He knew she was prone to nightmares, just as he was, and couldn’t help but feel worried. Curiosity finally got the better of him and he sat up, hesitating before he stood and somewhat clumsily made his way to the door, leaning against the frame as he tried to parse out what Siobhan was mumbling beneath her breath. 
“Is it morning already?” he asked, sarcastically. 
She let out a startled gasp. “ Oh! I’m so sorry, Ominis. I didn’t mean to wake you.” 
“The rainstorm is the more likely culprit,” he replied. “And what is your excuse?”
“I was—” she cleared her throat. “Just…closing the windows. Wouldn’t want the rain to get everything wet, now would we?” 
A lie? Interesting . 
“Are you sure ?” he questioned. 
Siobhan said nothing at first, the nervous shuffle of her feet placing him within arms reach. “You have to promise not to tease me.” 
“I promise,” he agreed without knowing the terms. 
“I was trying to find the courage to either join you, or ask you to my bed.”
Oh. His heart lodged in his throat, an instant wave of warmth awakening the more male parts of his body. It was the last thing he expected her to say, the last thing he expected to occur that evening. Her tone allowed him to assume, but he needed clarity. 
“You’ll have to be more specific than that.”
“Ominis.” His name, so soft on her lips, alluding to so much more. Her hand laced with his own, and she stepped closer. “Please take me to bed.” 
Gladly . 
Ominis pulled her back into the room, allowing her to lead until they were standing at the foot of the bed. Siobhan, to his everlasting surprise, had made the first move, but he wouldn’t be outdone. He hooked his arm around her waist, pressing his hand flat against the small of her back and scooting her closer to his body. With his other hand he reached up to face, cupping her cheek within his palm. He traced the line of her jaw, stretching his slender fingers so they curled around her neck and threaded into her soft hair. Her bottom lip quivered as he pressed the pad of his thumb to her mouth, a puff of hot breath meeting his skin as he slowly dragged it down. 
“Ominis…” There was his name again, coming out like a desperate whisper, her body arching to chase his touch. “ Please .” 
It was too easy to taunt her, “please, what ?” 
Siobhan inhaled sharply, unable to stifle a whimper. “ Kiss me .”
Who was he to deny her? 
Ominis did as she asked, slowly at first, acclimating to the feel and fit of her lips against his own. It was better than he could have ever imagined—soft, warm, and perfect . He traced his tongue along the seam of her lips, swallowing her sigh as he licked into her mouth. Siobhan slid her hands around him, eagerly accepting his kisses, one clinging to the fabric of his sleepshirt, the other threading through his hair. He grazed his teeth along her bottom lip, breaking away for the slightest gulp of air before returning in a fervor, languid kisses giving way to pure passion. 
She tugged at his shirt collar, nimble fingers loosening the buttons until she could slide her hand inside, pressing her palm flat against the skin above his heart. He reached down to cup the back of her knee, lifting it to hook her leg around his waist as he pulled her tight to his body. She moaned into his mouth, repeating the noise when he rolled his hips, creating a delightful friction between their partially clothed bodies. His conscience seemed to catch up to him, and he titled his head away, swallowing hard as he caught his breath. It would be too easy to give into temptation and simply bed her, especially given her seemingly pliable state. But Ominis wouldn’t allow himself this pleasure if it didn’t have a deeper meaning, or a promise he’d be able to make love to her again and again, in perpetuity. 
“Siobhan,” as painful as it was to detangle himself from her, he needed to be sincere without the distraction of her soft skin. 
“Is something wrong?” 
“No,” he disliked the anxiety in her voice, as if he was about to come up with an excuse to leave her. “Not at all.” 
“I need to know,” he licked his lips, swallowed his pride, and bared his soul. “I love you, Siobhan. I have loved you for what feels like a lifetime already. If we are to continue, I need to know if you feel remotely the same. I can’t—I won’t— do this if it meant to occur only this once. I’ll always want more. Call me selfish, call it what you want, I will always want more .”
Siobhan was quiet, worrying him until she closed the gap between them again, kissing him sweetly and softly as if for the first time. 
“I do. Feel the same way, that is. I have loved you as long as I can remember,” she said, the words whispered against his lips. There was no doubt to what she was saying. “I love you, Ominis. Never doubt that. I will always love you.” 
He wrapped his arms around her, holding her to him tightly as he deepened the kiss, unable to respond in any other way. She loved him— he scarcely believed it, clinging to her as if she’d disappear if he let go. She responded in kind, quickly undoing the remaining buttons of his shirt before sliding it off, tossing it to the floor. They paused, if only for air, Siobhan sliding her hands across his shoulders and down his chest. He hoped she could feel the wild beat of his heart. 
“You’ve done this before,” she hushed, and he sensed her trepidation. He understood her meaning, guilt tugging at his heart.  
“I—” he sighed, nodding once. Better not to explain the circumstances. “Yes. Does that bother you?” 
“Does it bother you that I haven’t?” 
“Of course not,” he assured, caressing her shoulders to calm her nerves. “I am at your whim, darling. Whatever you desire, you need only ask.” 
“I want…” the rest of her sentence went unfinished. 
Ominis hummed, sure he could elicit a better response. Despite her naïveté, Siobhan was a confident woman—after all, she had been the one to initiate this situation. He brushed the wild hair from her face, leaning to whisper in against her ear. “You’ll have to speak up, my dear. Do you want me to… kiss you ?” 
He did just that, softly, placing another along the nape of her neck, kissing along the hem of her nightgown. He tugged at the sleeve until the skin of her shoulder was exposed, tracing his tongue along the dip of her collar. 
“Yes,” she finally breathed. Progress . 
He curled his hand around her waistline. “Do you want me to touch you ?” 
“Where?” He slowly slid his hand upwards until he tentatively cupped her breast. “Here?” 
Siobhan made an agreeable sound, repeating it when he brushed his thumb across her clothed nipple. Ominis pulled at her nightgown again, this time lowering the fabric completely until it pooled around her feet. He kissed her neck, surely leaving bruises in his wake, her rapid pulse beating against his lips. With both hands he explored her body, groaning at the silken softness of her skin beneath his fingertips. He palmed her breasts once more, this time arching down to lick and suck at her nipples until they were pointed peaks beneath his tongue.  
Ominis trailed one hand lower, squeezing at her hip before sliding his hand around to fondle her buttocks, grinning at the little squeak that escaped her throat. He could do better than that. Lifting her leg again, he pressed his fingers into the flesh of her thigh, scraping his blunt nails down and up as he inched closer to her centere. 
“Here?” he asked again, hissing at the wet warmth that greeted his fingertips. “I already know the answer.” 
He traced along her seam as she clung to him, crying out as he curled one finger inside. M erlin preserve him , she was so hot and wet already, his briefest of touches already causing her legs to spasm. He pressed his clothed erection to her hip, moaning as he thrust up to mimic his hand’s movements. 
His voice was hoarse, “do you want me to fuck you?” 
“ Yes .” If she was scandalized by his term, she didn’t show it, gasping when he removed his hand. 
“All in good time.” 
She dug her nails into his arm, whining. “If I knew you’d be this much of an insufferable tease, I’d have never asked.” 
“Admit it,” he laughed, finding joy in the way she yelped as he plucked her from the ground to place her on the mattress. He leaned back to shed the rest of his clothing before kneeling on the edge of the bed. “You love it.” 
There was something else she wanted to say, he could sense it as he loomed over her. Ominis relaxed his expression, hoping his advances hadn’t startled her. “Tell me.” 
“I wish—” she cut off, and he could only assume what she was going to say. “I wish you could see me, Ominis. The way I’m seeing you now. You’re beautiful . I—I can’t believe you’re here, with me. I feel like I’ve been dreaming about this forever .” 
“What I wouldn’t give to see you, Siobhan,” he sighed, allowing her to pull him to her so their lips could meet. He rested his forehead against hers, hating that magic couldn’t give him this one thing. “I want to see what your mouth looks like after I’ve kissed you breathless. I want to know the expressions you make as I enter you for the first time, and I want to see my name on your lips as you’re screaming in ecstasy.”
“ Oh …” was her breathy reply, and he smirked—he’d stunned her into silence. He adjusted her so she was propped against the pillows before sliding down her body, leaving open-mouthed kisses in his wake. 
“Now, open for me, my love,” he kissed below her bellybutton, shifting his body to lie along the mattress between her legs. “I want to taste you.” 
Siobhan complied, spreading her knees further apart to accommodate the width of his shoulders. His hands firmly grasped her thighs as he licked along the jut of her hipbone before pressing the flat of his tongue against her, sliding her open to sample the wetness he found there. Ominis refrained from immediately devouring her, overcome by the heady scent and her soft mewls of pleasure. 
He continued, maneuvering one of her legs so her knee was hooked around his shoulder, allowing him greater access. Slow measured strokes turned into faster ones, darting his tongue to her clit and sucking until she was screaming in blissful agony. 
“Oh, God !” 
He paused, murmuring against her sensitive flesh, “Tell me, is it God that is giving you pleasure, or me?” 
Siobhan’s shaky laugh dissolved into another moan as he advanced, lapping at her like a starved man. With a gasp for air he replaced his mouth with his hand, sliding two fingers through the slick gathered at her entrance before pushing inside. He could hear her fingers grasping desperately at the bedsheets as she cried out. 
“ Ominis !” 
So she could say his name afterall. He curled his fingers up in a come-hither motion, and Siobhan writhed beneath him, legs frantically swishing across the sheets as she fought her end. That wouldn’t do , he thought—he’d help her find that sweet release. 
He nuzzled the soft flesh of her inner thigh, mouthing the words against her skin. “Be a good girl, and come for me.” 
He moved his lips to her center again, circling her clit as he thrust his fingers deeper, coaxing her to just let go . Her hips lifted from the bed, her fingers threading through his hair, tugging to keep him close. With one shuddering moan, she collapsed, trembling as the ecstasy washed over her senses. He could’ve found his own release just then, pressing his strained arousal hard against the mattress in a vain attempt to stave off his pleasure. Removing himself from her, he rested his cheek against her hip, and listened to the way she struggled to catch her breath. He grinned, allowing himself to momentarily indulge in his own ego— he’d done that. 
“Ominis,” she beckoned, combing what he assumed was disheveled hair from his brow. He lazily made his way back up to her, meeting her lips in a breathless kiss. She sighed as he trailed away, kissing along her jaw to her ear, down the slope of her neck and back again. She smoothed her hands against his shoulders, nails gently scraping at his back, and he lowered his body, stopping when he heard her surprised gasp. 
“You understand, don’t you darling?” He gradually dragged his hips down against hers so she could feel the heat of his cock between their bodies. “I need you,” he whispered against the shell of her ear. “Say you’ll have me, Siobhan. Please .” 
Ominis hadn’t meant to sound so desperate, but that’s exactly what he was. A desperate, foolish man who’d wasted so many years not ravishing the woman he loved. He needed to make up for lost time, starting tonight. 
“ Yes ,” she sighed, arms circling around his middle to pull him closer still. “I’ll always have you, Ominis.” 
A promise. It was more than what he could’ve asked for. He shifted, bracing his weight on one arm as he reached down to grasp his length, reminding himself to go slow for her sake. He pressed against her entrance, clenching his jaw at the overwhelming tight heat that encompassed him. She tensed, and he curled himself around her, embracing her and murmuring words of encouragement until she relaxed, allowing him to slide forward until he was fully sheathed inside. 
Ominis could feel his whole body thrumming to the unsteady rhythm of his heart—or maybe it was Siobhan he was sensing. He refrained from cursing, “you feel… incredible .” 
He moved, gradually retreating before pushing forward again, mustering all the willpower he could to not spend himself right away. It needed to last— he needed to last. Ominis would’ve been content to keep the leisurely pace, listening to the way her soft sighs mixed with the rain, the slight creak of the bed echoing through the room. 
Siobhan surprised him, turning her face to press a kiss near his ear. “ More .” 
Ominis eagerly complied, grasping her waist tightly with one hand as he fully withdrew, capturing her wondrous gasp as he lunged forward. He found a steady but quick rhythm, and with every thrust she hushed incoherent words, sending silent prayers sent to God and Merlin and him . Siobhan clung to him, attempting to stifle her whimpering sounds as he moved back to hook her legs around his hips. He leaned back over her, the change in angle allowing him to reach deeper, her cunt pulsating around his cock—it was torture, sweet, euphoric torture . 
“None of that now, darling,” he hissed, finding her hand pressed to her mouth. He laced their fingers and pressed them into the pillows above her head. “Don’t be shy… tell me .” 
Her nails scratched down his back before grasping tightly at his hips. “Make me feel like I did before,” she sighed. “I want that—I want you .” 
He fucks into her, more than willing to give her what she wished. He always would, given the opportunity—he’d worship her until the end of time. Determined, he thrusts harder, faster until the friction makes it difficult to focus. She was falling apart in his arms, limbs trembling as she crested a new climax. Mixed breaths shorten into gasps, urgent pleads and sharp whispers of I love yous pushed him to meet her. His hips stuttered and as he clamped his mouth and teeth along her throat he snapped forward, practically growling as he spilled inside her welcoming heat. 
In the aftermath, Ominis struggled to regain his composure, barely able to keep his body lifted so he wouldn't crush her. Siobhan was breathing deeply, softly humming as she floated back down to earth. With his last remaining strength he pulled away from her, rolling to his side, pulling her close so her back was flush against his chest. They could clean up momentarily—perhaps enjoy a shared bath—but for now he wanted to bask in the afterglow.
Siobhan was snickering as she traced a finger along his arm. He gathered it, locking their hands together. “And just why are you giggling ? Not the kindest reaction for a man’s ego.” 
“I’m not laughing at the performance ,” Siobhan clarified, though he had already assumed that wasn’t the case. “It’s the situation . I had hoped something like this would happen when I invited you to visit.” 
“Naughty girl,” he playfully scolded, tickling her sides so he could listen to her continued laughter. “Should I be worried that I’ve been taken advantage of?” 
“Heavens, no !” she shifted in his arms, likely to face him. “I love you, Ominis.”
“I love you ,” he replied, warmth enveloping him again as she pressed chaste kisses along his face before finding his lips. “I’d be honored to make an honest woman of you.” 
“That’s one way to propose marriage,” she teased. 
“I want nothing more than to be your husband, Siobhan,��� he clasped her hand, holding it to his cheek as he kissed the underside of her wrist. All too familiar fears started to creep up and he struggled to steady his racing heart. “I may be estranged from my family, but that will not stop them from coming after us. We may never know peace.” 
“I understand,” was her quiet reply. “But the danger is worth it, if it means I am with you. I am not afraid, Ominis. I will gladly fight for you, run away with you. I want everything—to be your wife, to be the mother to our children and, God willing, I want to grow old with you.”    
“You are enough for me.” 
Ominis could find no other words to say, allowing her comfort and love to settle over him, deep within his bones. Despite feeling undeserving, and selfish for allowing it, he was happy—content. He always would be, as long as Siobhan was at his side.
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themoonlily · 2 years
Galadriel's storyline in ROP rubs me wrongly in so many ways. Honestly, if an Elf really needs to be gallivanting around Middle-earth with a bunch of Númenoreans at their heels, it's Elrond. He's the young one here, whose angst would be a little more understandable in the scale and nature written in the show than Galadriel’s (not that she doesn’t have stuff to be angry about, I just expect better of her), with canonical connections to Númenor and thematic potential with his being Elros' brother and thus the living embodiment of what Númenoreans crave. Meanwhile, if anyone should be dealing with the Dwarves of Khazad-dûm, it's Celebrimbor and Galadriel - and especially the latter should be the political agent Elrond is made out to be.  For the record, I do not actually condone this idea, but if we are talking in the terms of the story as it is being told in the show, it would make a lot more sense if Celebrían had the role of the warrior princess that's been given to Galadriel. Canonically little is known about what she was actually like, and as a character she does not have the baggage of established lore and how fandom widely regards her role in the legendarium. Galadriel, meanwhile, has these in loads and we know she was being politically active and a wife and mother at this point of the Second Age. Weren't the show's creators harping on filling in the blanks or writing the book Tolkien never did write? Instead they've gone and erased an actual canonical character whose story was never very detailed, and completely derailed a character that does have plenty written about her. As the show's version stands, it pretty much declares the story of Galadriel as a woman with a husband and daughter is not worth telling. Galadriel is not trying to reach her goals through her personal power, charisma or influence but through violence and bitterness. 
And what did the first season accomplish? It made Galadriel's goal vengeance, pure and simple. Even before the death of Finrod, it was something along the line of avenging the death of Two Trees. Not a word about her personal ambition of becoming a queen in her own right, establishing a realm or being a leader. Her story is of aimless wandering for an age, looking for some guy so that she can kill him to avenge a brother who is living happily in Valinor. Now, especially after that scene with her and Halbrand/Sauron, Galadriel's story is twisted even further. Now it looks like it was Sauron who planted the idea of ruling as a queen in her head. And not even as a queen in her own capacity, but as subservient to him (Sauron does not share power, essentially he's offering her nothing better than he offers to any common orc). This casts a completely different light on her rejection of the Ring in FOTR and undermines the importance of what this moment means for her as a character: the temptation is no longer her ruling as the supreme queen, but acting as Sauron's bootlicker, which also makes the temptation look pathetic and thus her refusal no big deal. Essentially, Galadriel's story is not about Galadriel anymore. It's a story about men who leave her (Finrod and Celeborn), or who condescend on her (Elrond), or who use and manipulate her (Gil-galad and Sauron). I don't even know what purpose this serves. Not only is this ship-baiting just tired, but also what it implies about her is pretty awful and humiliating. It's contradictory to everything said about her in canon, or Elves and marriage. Galadriel even in her youth keenly reads and understands people and their motives and she is consistently the one person who recognises evil when it has not yet revealed itself and rejects it before anyone else. And yet here she is, dicking around with the enemy she has been hunting for millenia. It makes her look clueless, naive and stupid, her "quest" essentially a fool's errand, and it paints her later struggles against Sauron not as the actions of a leader trying to do the right thing even though it costs her everything, but as a scorned ex trying to get payback for personal slight. It's as if Amazon was not capable of understanding the concept of people choosing to do good for its own sake, and deciding to fight an almost hopeless battle because to do nothing would be worse. For them, every good deed has to have a personal stake or agenda. This undermines Galadriel's "goodness" (and her greatness) even more, as if this show's version of her hadn't done enough to make her look as bad as possible. And it shows Amazon’s profound misunderstanding of Tolkien.   Sidenote, now that I think more of this, I can't help this feeling: Galadriel had to be the one to go to Númenor instead of Elrond, because show creators were too much of cowards to genderbend Sauron or ship-bait a male/male relationship (for the record, I think ship-baiting or queerbaiting are both stupid things to do). Appearing as a woman is completely within the reach of Sauron's abilities, and he actually has the history of using shapeshifting either to fight or to entice. Hell, why is ship-baiting even necessary, unless to recycle once again some truly overused tropes? (Employing overused tropes in fanfiction is one thing, but I expect better from a big adaptation that makes a huge number of being faithful to the source material.) Tolkien in particular is known for his iconic friendships and love between comrades; in fact, it's the friendships of his characters, not their romances, that save Middle-earth and a betrayal of faith and fellowship is no less devastating. Instead of a potentially interesting and new take, what we got is an entire season of Galadriel and Halbrand getting off on being mutually terrible people, her apparently being the reason he returns to his evil ways, and her agency stripped away from her so that she can pursue an essentially pointless vengeance. Even the person she supposedly loves is mentioned only once in a throwaway scene that does not in any way convince me that she actually cares about Celeborn. Also the erasure of Celebrían (who is canonically around the same age as Elrond) now leads to the logical conclusion that she will be born some time during this show, which makes her extremely young in Elven terms at the time of her marriage to Elrond. Yikes. Furthermore, this is a further violence done to Galadriel and her narrative, because canonically she and Celebrían were together at least for most of the Second Age, but now her daughter will be married off almost as soon as she has reached some sort of physical maturity. (Honestly, does anyone believe that Morfydd Clark looks and appears as if she could be the mother of an adult daughter? I have no trouble believing this of Cate Blanchett's Galadriel. Both of these actresses are/were in their early thirties when they first appeared in the role of Galadriel. Maybe it's not Clark's fault -- although her physical smallness in the role of a very tall and strong woman is jarring -- and instead it's because the character is written as such a petulant child that it's horrifying to even think of her parenting anyone.) 
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roohuh · 1 year
Feelings Develop
Part 2 of the fifth year in the Obliviate Series
Ominis x MC
Summary: After being comforted by Ominis Mc starts to develop feelings for the boy
Warnings: slight angst
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Ranting on about a tangent he feels particularly passionately about, Professor Ronan does not seem to even notice his class as he passes back and forth, hands crossed behind his back, lecturing away. Not hearing a single word being spoken you stare at Ominis across the classroom, who appears to be asleep at his desk. The longer you gaze the hotter your cheeks feel as images of him comforting you in Figs office gallivant through your mind.
“A certain someone caught your eye?” Natty teases in a hushed whisper bringing you back from the world of daydreams. You nod sheepishly and write on the corner of your paper sliding it into her eyeline “Ominis” she giggles and replies,
“That much is obvious.”
“Ah look at the time! Class dismissed!” Ronan claps his hands together. Slowly packing your books away you watch Ominis yawn and stretch while he waits for Sebastian to pack away his stack of books , none of them having a thing to do with charms. A strange panic sets in as Sebastian and Ominis make their way towards you. Books stashed, you turn grab Nattys arm retreating into the hall leaving the boys slightly confused.
“What was that about?” Your friend laughs at you. You sigh,
“Ominis hugged me the other day…”
“He what?” She bellows back. Quickening your pase so the boys can not catch up you hiss,
“Keep your voice down! He hugged me and now I don’t know how to act around him.” You can feel the heat in your cheeks and curse your inexperience in these areas.
“Did you enjoy the hug?” She pushes for information.
“Yes… and no… I was crying and he was trying to comfort me. Purely platonic but not whenever I look at him…” halting your retreat as you start to feel rather silly.
“Well, you can not avoid him forever.” Natty teases as Sebastian and Ominis round a corner.
“Who are we avoiding?” Sebastian calls. Cursing his timing you try to think of an excuse.
“You!” Natty laughs, pinching her nose “When was the last time you bathed?” Giving himself a sniff, Sebastian pulls a face.
“This morning! Do you really think I stink MC?” You shake your head trying to hide your embarrassment.
“No Natty was just provoking you.” Turning to leave Natty tries to encourage you,
“Well my friends I must go and meet with the nurse or my mother will have a fit. She insists on regular check ups after my encounter. MC you have more courage than all of us combined just face this head on.”
“Who is bothering you? Do you need us to back you up?” Ominis asks concern etched into his features.
“Nothing nefarious, just a miscommunication with someone.” You reassure him. Looking unconvinced, Ominis changes the topic.
“I need to practice my wiggenweld before tomorrow's exam. Care to join?” Before you can answer Sebastian buds in
“Let’s all go together!” Ominis looks displeased at his seemingly oblivious friends' intrusion but quickly aquesesses. Sebastian leads the way animatedly describing a duel between Leander and himself. Trying your best to listen you follow but you can not help but feel distracted as the scent of Ominis cologne hovers around you. Stopping in the common room, Sebastian asks you and Ominis to wait as grabs something from his room. You watch the chestnut head disappear into his dorm; you feel awkward about being alone with Ominis.
“Are you feeling any better?” Quietly Ominis breaks the silence. You hum and nod,
“It gets easier each day I think. Studying for my OWLs helps distract me. I have been so busy fighting the goblins and completing keeper trials I have a lot of catching up to do.”
“If you need any assistance studying let me know.” The warm offer causes your heart to flutter and you remind yourself it is just a friendly offer between classmates.
“MC… I have been meaning to ask you something.” He begins quietly taking a step towards you. Sebastian returns, interrupting Ominis. You can not be sure but you think you see a red tint to the blonde's cheeks but it is gone in an instant and he is caught up in nagging at his friend. Curiosity fills you as to the question he was asking, obviously unwilling to continue in the company of Sebastian.
“Are you wearing my cologne again?” Ominis snaps at his friend.
“Natty said I stink, I had to do something.” You laugh at his vanity shaking your head.
“Is that the reason you dragged us all the way down here? It was a joke!” He mutters something about “blasted Gryffindors” and heads in the direction of the potions classroom.
As you enter the classroom you spy Garreth scrubbing away at an enormous pile of cauldrons.
“Detention again?” You chide the boy.
“Some people don’t appreciate art.” Is his reply hand thrust to his heart. Sebastian laughs loudly mocking the redhead.
“You are too good for Slytherin MC. I swear the sorting hat said "Griffindor’.”
“You want to fight Weastly?” Sebastian snaps drawing his wand. You roll your eyes. Ominis takes your hand with a gloomy look on his face leading you to his potions station. The touch sends electric current through your body and you can feel your face turn a deep crimson.
“Is that who has been bothering you?” Ominis asks.
“No… I’m fine, I think that’s his idea of flirting.” You mumble trying to calm the butterflies in your stomach at your hand still held in his. Professor Sharp breaks up the fight before the two get started threatening Sebastian with more cauldrons in storage in need of a good scrubbing. Sallow storms over to where you and Ominis stand. He stares at your hand held in Ominis wordlessly, his expression determinedly sour. Quickly you withdraw your hand from Ominis who is reluctant to relinquish it. Your embarrassment and an awkward tension hanging in the air causes you to shift uncomfortably.
“These potions aren't going to brew themselves.” You laugh awkwardly reaching into your bag. Before you can begin to brew, Professor Sharp calls you over to his desk. The professor questions you about an assignment you had forgotten to turn in. As you converse you can hear Ominis and Sebastian engaged in a heated discussion behind you. The discussion escalates into shouting on the side of Senastian before he storms out of the room.
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scullysexual · 5 months
A Jewel Beneath The Moonlight [Rewrite]
@today-in-fic | ao3
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Summary: For Mulder, a wealthy English-bred socialite who's had everything given to him since birth, the Titanic is shipping him off to a prison, a life he no longer wishes for or wants. For Scully, an Irish stranger from the lower class, it offers a new life, a future she can truly envision in America. What if the universe put them on the same path to achieve those dreams at the cost of life?
Chapter Five.
It’s been a while since he has felt his head pound as much as it does. Mulder’s hangover doesn’t treat him well, the lack of sleep from last night wasn’t helping either.
Krycek had caught him. Mulder had no doubts that the younger man had probably been spying on him all evening on behalf of his father. The journey up to the rooms, Krycek had spent goading Mulder, telling him just how much trouble the Golden Boy was in. Mulder had ignored him, as best he could, walking ahead and blocking the boy’s voice from his ears.
Only once in bed and sobered up did Mulder let the worry in. The rat had probably scampered off to Father before coming back and waiting for Mulder to leave third class, just to appear out of nowhere with that stupid smug smile Mulder wouldn’t mind wiping off the bastard’s face one day.
Now, he tries to ignore the tension circling around the room, the quiet anger radiating from his father.
Bill Mulder had all be ordered Phoebe out of the room, proclaiming to want some alone time with his son. Mulder knew what was happening, what his father was doing. He was almost hesitant to let Phoebe go but the look in Father’s eyes, the way he stood with his back keeping the door open, telling Phoebe she needed to leave shut down any hopes that Mulder had of keeping her with them.
Mulder picks at his breakfast, his stomach revolting from the hangover or from worry, he isn’t sure. His nervous glances towards his father are too common, every move his father makes has Mulder flinching, it was too reminiscent of his childhood and Mulder hated it.
The tension is killing him. He feels like weak prey sitting here, caught in a trap with no way out, his hunter playing its food.
“Your mother was worried about you last night,” Father starts, not looking up from the paper he reads.
Mulder cringes, clamping down on the guilt that swirls in his stomach. This method, Mulder thinks. Bring up Mother and how she feels, great.
“I told her she had nothing to worry about,” Bill Mulder continues. “He’ll be back soon, I said. Of course that was before I got word you were off gallivanting down in steerage.”
“I wasn’t gallivanting,” Mulder cuts in. “I was invited down there.”
Mr Mulder throws his paper down on the table, his anger now spilling out beneath the lid.
“Those people could have ripped you apart and stolen everything you’re worth, did you think of that before you accepted the invitation?”
Mulder tries desperately hard to not roll his eyes, his jaw clenching.
“But I wasn’t and that didn’t happen. I just danced and had fun.”
“Had fun,” Bill laughs. “Fun is for children, Fox, you were almost a father, there’s no time for fun anymore.”
A sting of sadness stabs his gut. In all of the concern for Phoebe’s wellbeing throughout the whole miscarriage, nobody had once consoled him. Phoebe got a dog, he got nothing, not even an ounce of comfort from anyone.
It was his child, too.
A cap on his anger, his father calms down. “Now I know this year has been difficult but that doesn’t give you an excuse to fool around. I’ll admit, this Scully girl isn’t as bad as I thought she would be but she’s not good for you either, getting you in trouble like this…” Bill sighs, leaning back to look at his son. “Maybe you’re just looking for friendship, after Samantha—”
“It’s been ten years,” Mulder says, unable to stay silent much longer. “It’s got nothing to do with her.”
“Maybe it has everything to do with her,” his father says, the man who has all the answers to everything and is never wrong. “Maybe she reminds you of her somehow but that doesn’t make this…acquaintance right.” Bill spits the word out like it’s dirty.
A beat passes and Mulder mulls this over. At eight Sam had a freedom about her but that was only because she was a child, naïve to the path that was set out for her. Scully has no path, she is freedom- hers and his. This is about freedom, not long-lost sisters.
“It’s best you don’t see that girl anymore.”
The words hit like bricks. A house tumbling down onto him.
“And to make sure you don’t, for the rest of the journey we thought it best you stay in our sights,” Mulder’s eyes shut in defeat. “There’s a service at ten and a tour after,” Bill explains but Mulder’s barely listening at this point. “You will attend both with your mother, your fiancé, and myself.” With that, Bill pushes away from the table and leaves the room.
Now alone, his face falls into his hands. The cage is locked, his sentence begun.
Religion had never been something he believed in, never something he needed. Most people used it as a clutch, something to give them faith when there was nowhere else to turn to. It was all unnecessary to him.
His mother had dragged him and his sister to church when they were younger; Sam liked the hymns, Mulder liked going home after.
He feels much like a child now, sandwiched between his mother and father much like he had to be when he was younger, only it’s Phoebe who sits to the side of Mother rather than Sam.
Time drags and his head hurts, somewhere behind him he can hear a voice, or voices, coming from behind the glass doors. Mulder twists in the bench, looking out beyond the doors, unable to see the figure making a fuss completely but also certain that he caught a glimpse of red hair and his heart gets stuck in his throat. Father confirms Mulder’s suspicions with a nudge towards Krycek.
“Get her out of here,” Father mutters through clenched teeth and veiled anger. He passes Krycek a pound note and the boy scurries to the doors. Mulder watches.
“Face the front,” Father tells him and automatically Mulder turns. In a low, calming voice his father speaks.
“I’ll give you permission to talk to her later on,” Bill tells him. “You’re to tell her that you’re thankful for the company she’s provided but she’s not to bother you again. She stays in her area and you’ll stay in yours. Krycek will accompany you.”
Mulder doesn’t say anything, instead feeling more padlocks be added to his prison.
The service ends soon enough, for which Mulder is grateful for. He’s ready to head to his room and stay there for the rest of the journey.
He goes to do as much before Phoebe’s voice is stopping him.
“If we go now we’ll still make it in time for the tour.”
The fucking tour, Mulder thinks, he’d forgotten about that. He turns, eyeing his father with pleading eyes, hoping that he’ll let him go.
Of course, Father does the complete opposite.
“Yes,” Bill says, making direct eye contact with Mulder. “Fox was just telling me he couldn’t wait.”
The bastard.
Despite his father’s proclamation, Mulder makes no effort to be at all interested in the tour. He lingers at the back, catching words here and there about how long the ship took the built, who built it, why they built it, pointless stuff that Mulder just wasn’t interested in right now. Phoebe took to the front, constantly asking questions and if Mulder was in a better mood right now, he’d encouraged her curiosity much like he did when they first met.
“How many lifeboats are there?” Phoebe asks.
“Twenty, I was told.”
“Is that enough?”
The small group stop, surrounded by sixteen lifeboats, Mulder counts, pressed up against the sides and out of the way as much as possible.
“Bit of an eyesore, aren’t they?” Mulder hears his father say.
The guide up front shrugs, mutters something about them being necessary to which Father hums in disagreement at.
“Let me show you the pool,” the guide says.
The pool is nothing special despite people ‘oohing’ and ‘ahing’ at it. They get the history, they watch people swim and Mulder’s just about ready to drown himself.
Just as they’re about to leave, his name is called. Mulder spins, catching a glance of a person who disappears behind a pillar and he knows it’s Scully.
His heart sinks.
The group, and most importantly his father, are busy following the tour. Mulder breaks away, heading towards the pillar with a lump in his throat.
“Finally,” Scully says grabbing onto his arm and pulling him towards her, hiding him from view. “I didn’t think I’d get a chance to see you.” His chest feels heavy, a sad smile flittering across his lips and instantly Scully’s frowning. “What’s wrong?”
Mulder stares at her, this woman that he feels like he’s known forever, who gave him access to a life away from pre-built paths and futures decided. He thinks of last night, of the fun that he had and the consequences having fun created. He thinks of his father, of Phoebe, of a life he doesn’t want but has to follow it all the same.
He doesn’t want to lose Scully, but it’s only right. After this journey, after this ship docks, they’ll go their separate ways, end the ties now when they’re new rather than later when they’ve grown more attached.
“Scully, I…” He struggles with the words, with getting them out, with even forming them. His heart pounds, his head pounds still with the hangover, his stomach twists and his father’s probably noticed he’s not with them. Can he not do this another time? Later? Tomorrow? Never…
“What is it?” she asks, she knows something amiss, knows there’s something wrong.
“I…can’t see you anymore,” he says slowly. “I don’t want to.” A lie, his brain screams. But it isn’t. Not exactly. He may have been glum before but he wasn’t conflicted, he was bound to do right by Phoebe, to work on their relationship and make something out of it. “It’s too complicated, what we have.”
He watches her blue eyes turn to grey steel, the concern turning to hurt and then to anger.
“We’re just friends, Mulder, what else did you think we were?”
The word stings. He remembers her dancing with that little boy and later with him. How happy she looked with him, how much she seemed to enjoy his company. He remembers her answers at the dinner and their conversations before it, the smile she’d given him when he had told her how well she’d done. Mulder can’t even begin to pinpoint what moment it turned complicated.
“I know, I know,” he answers quickly, frowning, thinking. “It’s just…I love Phoebe and you…”
The words die on his tongue, a realisation crosses Scully’s face and Mulder’s stomach falls. He’d mistakenly just told her he loved her when really he should have finished the words.
He doesn’t even try to.
“Right,” Scully says, all steel, a strong as the boat when sail on. “I suppose I should take this as kindness, so I should, you not making me your bit on the side, an’ all.”
Mulder shakes his head furiously, “No, no, it’s not like that!”
She moves away from him and Mulder misses the closeness already.
“Why not?” She’s fire and ice at the same time, both burning and he wants it to stop. “That’s all we are to you anyway, isn’t it? Something new when the regular gets old, the green grass on the other side.”
Words aren’t forming, he just continues to shake his head, it all spilling out of control before him.
She brushes past him, knocking into him on the way. Before she leaves, she turns back towards him, attempting to deliver one last blow.
“I hope you’re happy now, Mr Mulder. I hope Phoebe makes you happy.”
“It’s my father!” he shouts before she leaves, above the natural loud volume of the swimming pool they’re still standing in. “He wants this marriage to work, he doesn’t want any distractions.”
It was the wrong thing to say as Scully swirls, ready to say something before it seemingly dies on her lips. With one last cold hard stare she leaves and Mulder is left to reel in the sea of his own mistakes.
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theroyalsims · 1 year
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The Crown Princess was photographed having lunch with current rumoured beau, footballer Connor Mottsley, yesterday at a bistro in the city. While the photographs were pretty chaste - I mean, how steamy can two people having lunch in broad daylight on a balcony really be - two particular photos seemed to capture people’s attention.
The first shot was when the Crown Princess arrived. Connor got there first and was already seated at the table. When Anya came in, Connor got up, and was greeted by Anya with a kiss on the cheek and a hug. 
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(Above: A kiss, a hug, and his hand on her back - these small details angered royal watchers everywhere.)
The second photo, meanwhile, shows the two getting up to leave. Eagle-eyed royal watchers, however, noticed one intimate detail: Connor’s hand resting comfortably on the small of Anya’s back. The small gesture seems to imply that the two are getting quite familiar with each other.
While it’s pretty normal for most women in their late twenties to date, people seem to take it against the Crown Princess. One royal correspondent from a popular morning show shares:
“Anya’s not coming off great, I have to say. I’m sorry. I know. I’m really a big royal fan, but she’s kind of a flirt, isn’t she? Goodness, I wouldn’t be friends with the likes of her. She seems to just lead on these beautiful, gorgeous men, and then she hops on to the next one. It’s not very good for her image.”
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(Above: Anya and Connor shared a lively chat all throughout their meal.)
Her bachelorette lifestyle also drew comparisons with her mum and younger sister, Eleanore. One columnist for the Brindleton Tattler wrote:
“She’s not getting any younger. She’s almost thirty and she still has no prospects. Instead, she’s gallivanting around with different men. At her age, her mum -who was also then a Crown Princess- had already been proposed to - TWICE! But here we have Anya, without a care in the world hugging every man that comes her way. Even the royal problem child, Eleanore, who’s much younger than she is, has managed to settle down, marry, and is currently expecting a child. Anya should set her goals straight. Bless her heart for doing her job well, she’s a wonderful asset to her charities and to the crown, but she should remember that her biggest duty is to continue the royal bloodline. I’ll doubt she’ll be able to do that with a common footballer.”
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(Above: After their lunch, Connor, a.k.a The Common Footballer in question, left the bistro through its back door, and drove off by himself.)
Fans online were also quick to note that Anya has been photographed hugging three different men in what seems like a very short time. One wrote:
“Ugh. Hate her. First she hugs Prince Fonsi who we know has the hots for her. Then she clings on to poor Sterling - who’s in love with her - during a football match with millions of people watching. And then a week after that, she’s seen dating one of the footballers right under his nose! She’s horrible. I don’t buy the whole ‘nice Anya’ thing she has going on. She’s an awful friend and a horrible flirt.”
To be fair, Anya was seen hugging Prince Alfonso during the latter’s mum’s funeral. We hardly think there was any flirting involved there. As for Sterling, the two seem to just be really good -platonic- friends, although it has been reported in the past that the tennis player is “in love” with Anya. The feeling, however, seems very much one-sided.
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(Above: Anya wore a pink trench coat for her lunch date with Connor, identified to be from luxury brand BlueBerry, estimated to cost around §2,100.)
But, despite the negative press, the Crown Princess left the restaurant looking pretty pleased and even waved and smiled at the people who gathered and tried to take photos. We love an unbothered queen -errrr- Crown Princess. 
No word yet on whether these two are official and exclusively dating, but one thing’s clear: they seem to enjoy each other’s company!
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stellatheknave · 1 year
Sableye Care Guide
Sableye is a charming and highly intelligent pokémon with an unfortunate reputation that leaves it far from prospective trainer's minds when thinking about what pokémon to take on. This may be for the best, as sableye is also very needy and requires a high level of attention and specialized care to thrive living with humans. Future sableye trainers should take some time to consider if they can keep up with the intellectual and dietary needs of this puckish species as the very first step into getting one.
Why to Train One
Sableye are loved by trainers for their distinct personalities and playful nature. Trainers best suited for a sableye are ones who want a pokémon they can spend a lot of time with and on. Sableye will also make sure you are never bored, with their love for tricks and penchant for getting into s̲h̲a̲r̲e̲-̲w̲o̲r̲t̲h̲y̲ c̲o̲m̲e̲d̲i̲c̲ ̲s̲i̲t̲u̲a̲t̲i̲o̲n̲s̲.
What to Know
Sableye, for all their charm and personality, are also very strong-willed. They are not likely to bond well with a trainer who has not caught them themselves, and so unless you are going spelunking with a supply of Pokéballs, trainers are advised to look into adopting sableye when they are more mature so you can find one with a personality that meshes with yours. Sableye also do not get along well with other pokémon or small children, though if they are respectful enough of the sableye's space and independence they can come to appreciate having a play partner more their speed.
Another big challenge that trainers have to be ready for is the scratching. Sableye are natural tunnelers and love to search for nothing in peticular, and with claws equipped to scrape through stone there is not much yo can do to scratch proof your house. Getting a high resistance s̲c̲r̲a̲t̲c̲h̲ ̲s̲t̲a̲n̲d̲ or a t̲u̲n̲n̲e̲l̲i̲n̲g̲ ̲g̲a̲r̲d̲e̲n̲ and engaging your sableye's curiosity are good ways to prevent this, but it is inevitable in any home with one to find claw marks on the furniture or walls.
If your sableye is despondent or spends most of its time sulking around, this isn't the same red flag for poor care that it is with other pokémon. Instead, a sableye will start acting out if it is bored or uncomfortable. An increase in destructive tendencies, the stealing of items (especially ones it recognizes as valuable to you) and hiding them in its nest, and an increase in pranks that feel mean spirited or targeted are a sure indicator that you are doing something wrong and need to examine how you are meeting your pokémon's needs. It is also vital to learn the difference between a g̲r̲i̲n̲ and a g̲r̲i̲m̲a̲c̲e̲ so your sableye can communicate to you when it finds a situation uncomfortable.
Habitat and Enrichment
Unlike some finicky expert level care pokémon, a sableye will actually do well in an average home if it is outfitted for one. Sableye do not need frequent changes of scenery and can do well in small spaces so long as they have the freedom to move around as they please. Trainers are advised to make use of the vertical space in their homes, installing towers, climbing courses and bridges to facilitate your pokémon's gallivanting.
Important to keeping a sableye is light level. It is a common mistake to make that sableye are solely nocturnal, instead, in their natural habitat they are active as they see fit but on the surface are only comfortable moving about late at night when it's dark. Because of this, homes with lots of large windows, fluorescent lighting, or other bright light sources and not many dark areas are not advised for sableye. Ideally, you should have at least one room with low to limited daily light so the sableye can feel comfortable moving around as it needs. Connected to this space should be an area, a closet is a common choice, with no windows that can be totally dark at all times for the sableye to always have access to in which you can keep its c̲r̲a̲t̲e̲, h̲u̲t̲c̲h̲, or n̲e̲s̲t̲.
Controversial as they are to some, the pokéball is a vital part of raising pokemon in the modern environment. While sableye are not as needy as some species when it comes to specific models, for the reasons listed above it will be best for your sableye if you capture it in a d̲u̲s̲k̲ ̲b̲a̲l̲l̲, or transfer it to one as soon as possible.
As mentioned above, sableye are a pokémon with a high penchant for play that ask a lot of time of their trainer. They are very tricky, so expect lots of pranks! Sableye are not easily distracted by toys, so it is suggested that trainers set time aside each day to sit down with their sableye and play with it directly. Interactive toys and games like f̲e̲a̲t̲h̲e̲r̲ ̲w̲a̲n̲d̲s̲ or fetch are popular, but mental stimulation is also a must for their wellbeing. Introducing them to new objects will satisfy your sableyes curiosity, and t̲o̲d̲d̲l̲e̲r̲ ̲t̲o̲y̲s̲ that are designed to be eye-catching and engaging will definitely be a hit. To encourage your sableye's foraging instinct, I advise teaching them to associate a particular toy or set of toys with hide and seek, and hiding those toys between common hiding spots and new hiding spots intermittently. One of the benefits of a pokémon that eats gems is that hidden treats won't stink up the house if you forget them!
Diet is a huge and sadly common mistake for first-time sableye trainer to make. Not without reason, because a sableye absolutely cannot live on a diet of standard Pokéchow and in fact should not be given any beyond an infrequent treat basis. Sableye's preferred diet is crystalline gemstones from which it draws vital nutrients. This is often the most intimidating step into getting a sableye for more knowledgable trainers, as the amount of s̲a̲b̲l̲e̲y̲e̲-̲s̲p̲e̲c̲i̲f̲i̲c̲ ̲c̲h̲o̲w̲ brands is limited and pricey. What's important to know is that sableye is not dependent on rare gemstones, and instead the bulk of its diet is made up of those that are abundant and thusly, cheap (with the high pricetag of sableye-chows relying on you not understanding this and being willing to dish out for ''expensive'' gemstones). Quartz is relatively common, but a mixture of g̲a̲r̲d̲e̲n̲ ̲g̲r̲a̲v̲e̲l̲ you can buy from any hardware store and chunks of glass will make an excellent kibble-like fare. If you are squeamish about feeding your pokémon broken glass sand is a nutritiously sufficient replacement, but know that sableye have trouble identifying anything as food if it is not a recognizable as crystal and are very likely to dislike the texture. It is important to supplement with actual gemstones to ensure a healthy mineral mix, though if this is out of your financial reach you can substitute with a̲l̲u̲m̲i̲n̲u̲m̲, i̲r̲o̲n̲, s̲o̲d̲i̲u̲m̲, m̲a̲g̲n̲e̲s̲i̲u̲m̲, L̲i̲t̲h̲i̲u̲m̲, and p̲h̲o̲s̲p̲h̲o̲r̲o̲u̲s̲ supplement powders mixed into your homemade chow.
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bojackbrainrot · 1 year
Bad Habits
F/M Sebastian Sallow / F!MC
F/M Ominis Gaunt / F!MC
Could be read as future M/M Ominis/ Sebastian there are some jealousy elements here :)
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Sebastian has been brushing Ominis off every morning to hang out with that new fifth year girl. This is something Ominis can’t let go on without payback, and if he caught some feelings for the girl on the way- well he wasn’t really complaining.
Sebastian was acquiring a bad habit out of late, every morning he would rise from his bed, mess with his hair and cast a quick scourgify to keep himself fresh. Then, he would turn right after leaving his quarters, instead of left. Both directions led down to the common rooms for the Slytherin house. However, Sebastian was specifically choosing to go the long way to walk around, he was choosing to walk the halls just outside the women’s quarters.
The reason for this may or may not be linked to the new bright-eyed, raven haired fifth year witch who called the third-to-last door on the right her home. Every morning Esmeralda Paddock would leave her room smelling like spice and vanilla, and every morning Sebastian would ‘conveniently’ run into her. Oh- and of course they would just HAVE to walk to breakfast together, for convenience, and if Sebastian ignored Ominis a couple days a week (or more) to do this then- well he hadn’t complained yet.
“Good morning Sebastian, lovely to see you.” Esmeralda’s voice cut through Sebastian’s thoughts, startling him.
“Esme, lovely to see you! I didn’t even see you there,” Sebastian nearly choked at the scent-heavy air that whooshed passed him, he must have caught her on a wash day. It took most of Sebastian’s self control to pin his arms to his sides, fingers absolutely aching to tie themselves in her raven locks.
“I’m sorry to startle you, Ominis sent me an owl this morning so I was in a bit of a hurry.” Esme grinned sheepishly.
“Ominis… sent you an owl? He didn’t tell me you two were on speaking terms.” Sebastian didn’t have a good feeling, anything that the other Slytherin boy said about Esmeralda was far from kind, especially after the Undercroft incident.
“He apologized in the letter, and said he wanted to apologize in person as well, isn’t that nice? I was going to go meet him in the library.”
Sebastian’s anxious brain highlighted the fact that she made no move to invite him along to their likely private meeting in the library, and something painful gripped his heart at the thought. His mind started to spiral, helplessly he reached out for her hand, running his thumb across her knuckles, practically begging with his eyes for her to stay.
“Will I still see you at breakfast? Don’t keep me waiting, I might decide to go pick a fight with Imelda just from loneliness” the adorable laugh Esme gave him was well worth the humiliation of admitting he would miss her.
“I won’t be long, I promise Sebastian. Save me a seat?” With that Esmeralda turned, her hand slipping from Sebastian’s as she left.
Leaving him behind.
- - - - - - - - - - -
Ominis POV
Ominis presumed his little prank on Sebastian might bring that insufferable woman closer to himself, though however long it took to shake the little witch off of him was well worth how envious Sebastian would sound when they finally met up for breakfast.
Of course Ominis had caught on to Sebastian’s (not very sneaky) attempt at brushing him off every morning to go gallivant with her, Esmerelda Paddock the brand new fifth year. Ominis just wanted to mess with Sebastian a bit, teach him a lesson about ditching old friends. He would do this by hitting where it hurt, if Ominis took the little Slytherin girl’s attention away from Sebastian for even a moment, he knew it would drive the boy insane. Just thinking about it made him giddy with anticipation.
Ominis was waiting in the school library for the girl, normally there were at least a few students about- rarely before the first meal of the day however. Which was the perfect time to play out his plan.
“Ominis? You wanted to see me?” Esmerelda approached the corner the blond had chosen to set himself in, she found him leaning against a windowsill.
“Hello, Esmerelda.”
“Call me Esme, listen- before you say anything I want to apologize too…”
Ominis had opened his mouth to recite the lazy apology speech he’d crafted for this moment, though it snapped shut when he was interrupted by the girl wanting to apologize to him instead. This wasn’t quite how he’d pictured this going.
“ Ah- Esme, right. I’m listening.” As far as he knew, only Sebastian called her Esme. Maybe this little plan was working better than he’d hoped.
“I’m sorry for lying to you about the Undercroft. Sebastian wanted to tell you about inviting me himself, but I realize that by trying to protect a relationship that isn’t mine I just made things worse. I’m really sorry, can’t we be friends?” Esme finished with a huff, letting out all her air at once in a nervous sigh. Her words had come out fast, and nervous and genuine. It was something Ominis hadn’t expected.
And then there were soft fingers grabbing his hand, and Esme must be pulling him towards her because he felt his palm press into something soft- and oh. So warm.
“Feel my heart beating fast? I’m really nervous right now, I really didn’t mean to hurt you, I hope you can forgive me.”
Her heart was beating fast. The feeling of the rapid thumps traced up the nerves in his arm, he could practically feel his own heart kicking to match its pace
He realized he hadn’t said a word in minutes, between the girl’s odd way of convincing him to forgive her, and her apology- well Ominis was beginning to feel a bit helpless. He could feel heat creeping up his neck to rest at his cheeks. Ominis doesn’t think Esme realized that in order to feel her heart, Ominis would have to be touching part of her breast as well, and while she didn’t seem to notice, Ominis definitely did. Which was the reason he started to sweat bullets while Esme continued to press his palm into her chest.
“Sorry, Esme. I was merely thinking it over.” His voice came out more like a squeak, he cleared his throat to continue, sounding barely better.
“I forgive you, of course.”
Esme dropped his hand then, Ominis missed the connection immediately. The warmth, the buzzing electricity that coursed through his nerves at being able to feel her, he missed it ferociously. His own feelings knocked the breath from him with their intensity.
“Oh how wonderful! Sebastian will be so happy to hear we’ve made up! Thank you for giving me a chance, Ominis. Walk with me to breakfast?” The scent of something spicy and sweet brushed past him, footsteps leading away indicated she was leaving and Ominis tried to match her pace.
“I doubt that.” He muttered slightly amused at the new development, Ominis’ heart hadn’t slowed since she broke away from him. And he could feel the beginnings of a bad habit forming, changing the path of how his mornings would go from then on.
Though it seems He and Sebastian may just have to share in this bad habit.
I might make this a series so bookmark it on AO3 if you like my writing!
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viceroywrites · 2 months
reunions and opportunities - chapter three
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gary x fem!reader
both of you didn't get the ideal high school experience it would make sense that you both would be dreading the reunion.
little did you know how many doors would open after that.
ao3 version here - chapters on tumblr are slightly rewritten and restructured.
content warning: fic contains smut in later chapters. discussions of mental health including trauma and potential ptsd (aka gary is traumatized).
chapter 3
A few weeks had passed since your and Gary’s first meeting and the pace of life had changed drastically for the both of you since then. 
You had gotten comfortable in your position as Sheila’s right hand woman, joining her on meetings on Meteor Majeure, helping her with reconnaissance and compiling information about the Blue Morpho. Most of your days were spent with her while evenings were dedicated to meticulously going through surveillance tapes that Wide Wale handed off to you, noting every move each Venture family member made. 
Little did you know, your newly harbored crush was gallivanting around with the Blue Morpho, dressed up as Kano. Gary had been undergoing night after night of stressful encounters, accidentally taking out Harangeutan, barely avoiding being caught by Dr. Mrs the Monarch and almost losing his leader turned best friend to an explosion when they eliminated the Doom Factory. All the while, he’s been feeding you fake stories of what his days have been like, listing off mundane things like attending meetings, and working on projects with vague descriptions.
There was comfort in your late night talks and text exchanges - you quickly found out you had more in common than just a love of comics, geeking out with one another about the latest Game of Thrones episode or sending each other memes. Friendly banter had definitely morphed into playful flirting and you had even started sending each other selfies, both of you being extra careful to hide anything that would indicate your life in the Guild. 
Following the elimination of the Doom Factory, The Council of 13 was currently convening on Meteor Majeure to discuss narrowing their sights on Dr. Venture. Most of the time during these meetings, you stayed silent and took down notes for your husky voiced boss, still learning the ropes and getting used to working with other villains outside of Wide Wale. 
The task force chosen from the Council of 13 to tackle the Blue Morpho problem was officially dubbed the 5.5. Your eyebrows rose inquisitively at the name and Dr. Mrs. the Monarch simply sighed, “The point five account for Watch and Ward… they’re technically not Council members.” She gestured over to the two Guild Agents who were sitting at a kiddy table in the corner.
Quite confused since you normally sat next to Sheila during these meetings, you began heading over to the kiddy table, “I guess I’ll join them since I’m not either.” The dark haired villainess grabbed your hand, “You really don’t have to-“ You shook your head and offered a smile, “It’s alright, Councilwoman. It’s only fair to them.”
You took a seat next to Watch and Ward, quickly watching the scene turn from civility to chaos before you as the Council members argued back and forth with each other while Ward desperately tried to get their attention about having old Guild records. Nudging Watch who stayed silent throughout the debacle, you muttered, “Are they always like this?” Watch sighed, “More times than not… welcome to the Guild.”
Your expression changed from disbelief to disgust as Dr. Z began to detail his sexual acts he did with a disguised Blue Morpho. Your boss saw this and gave you a sympathetic look, pinching the bridge of her nose as she listened as well. As he wrapped up his spiel, you cleared your throat. All eyes snapped towards you.
“If I may… I’ve been doing some intelligence work with Dr. Mrs. the Monarch. Given the surveillance footage we received generously from Wide Wale, Venture’s reluctance to cooperate with the Guild, and now this new information about Blue Morpho’s linkage to Dr. Jonas Venture, Dr. Venture seems like the best candidate.” You opened up a folder you had, standing up and sliding the document over to Phantom Limb who perused it with an impressed look before passing it along to the other Council members.
“However, it still strikes me as strange how Dr. Venture can go from wimpy scientist by day to ruthless vigilante by night who can take out our rank 10 villains easily. I’ve ruled out any involvement of his bodyguard, Brock Samson, due to the fact that he has spent numerous nights with a tenant who lives in a property owned by Wide Wale during the nights the Blue Morpho has struck. Which proves the theory that Brock is disguised as Kano false.” You slid over another file, which contained surveillance tapes screenshots of Brock entering the condominium complex with time stamps.
“I’m not saying we rule out Dr. Venture… In fact, I want to keep even a closer eye on him, as the Blue Morpho seems to keep getting more and more dangerous every day. I mean for Christ’s sake, he took out an entire team of 10 super-villains in one big massive explosion. I just feel that we can’t completely ignore other suspects and only focus on Venture.” You looked around the room to see all of the Council members gaping at the evidence and back at you, aside from Dr. Mrs. the Monarch who had a proud look on her face, quite impressed.
She had only told you to focus on evidence that would point to Dr. Venture being the main culprit, but you did bring up some good points about not narrowing the search. 
“I must say, young woman… you’ve done an excellent job compiling all this information; Let’s adjourn the meeting for today. We shall meet again in the next couple of days to go over possible other suspects. [Your Name], I want you to tail Dr. Venture tomorrow. We must account for every single hour. Leave nothing untouched.” Dr. Z adjourned the meeting with his final remark and the rest of the council members dispersed. 
Phantom Limb lingered briefly before walking over to you. “I’m quite impressed, my dear. Maybe you could use that bright young mind under me once this whole mess is over with and the Guild is restored to its former glory.” You felt a protective hand on your shoulder, looking back to see your raven-haired boss. Her expression was less than pleased to see Phantom Limb trying to swoop in and take away her potential apprentice. “For now, she is under my training, Hamilton. Once she’s been shown the ropes, it is up to her to decide whom she wants to hench for... if she even wants to hench.” 
The purple clad villain smirked, “Now, now, Sheila, watch your temper.” His gaze turned to you, “Just keep in mind… you would be number two in my ranks. Under her and the Monarch, you’d be a measly… what… 22?” Dr. Mrs. the Monarch’s eyes narrowed and she grabbed your wrist, pulling you out with her.
“The nerve of that insufferable asshole…” The usually levelheaded woman cursed under her breath, removing her black gloves and twisting them in her hand. She had been a victim to Phantom Limb coaxing her and making empty promises of training her and claiming to make her his number two as Queen Etherea when he merely treated her like a prized object. It made her blood boil. He was trying to pull the same stunt on her own freaking apprentice. 
You gently touched her shoulder and grinned, “If you think you’re going lose me to that prick, you’re wrong, Councilwoman. I’ll take the rank of 22 over number two-ing with him any day.” You sighed a breath of relief as your boss chuckled softly and gave you a thankful smile. 
“I appreciate it, [Your Name]. You’ve been such a hard-worker but also a sweetheart. You’re probably the only one keeping me sane with this whole Blue Morpho mess.” She was suddenly cut off by her circular compact phone buzzing, “Hello? Oh, hi sweetie, how are you doing? The vestibule is completely finished? Oh that’s wonderful, I’ll be home soon. Love you too. Bye.” 
She closed the compact and looked towards you, “Duty calls. The life of being married to another villain, your work never stops even at home. Take the night off, we’ll discuss how we go about bugging the Venture building tomorrow.” Dr. Mrs. the Monarch gave you a quick hug, which surprised you, not used to receiving affection from her.
She chuckled at your expression, “Get used to it, sweetie. If you’re joining me and the Monarch, you’re basically a part of our family. Also call me Sheila from now, Dr. Mrs. the Monarch and Councilwoman is way too formal.” 
Gary sat alone in the Blue Morpho headquarters, reclining in the chair in front of the obsolete control panel. He covered his eyes, trying to take deep breaths to slow down his heartbeat.
In the realm of arching and villainy, henchmen were second-class citizens, disposable and replaceable. There was no such thing as therapy or mental health care; you were expected to wake up, execute orders from your leader, go through grueling combat, kill and not bat an eyelash, and sleep. Rinse and repeat, day after day.
However, this constant killing had been taking a toll on the henchman. Just when he had finally stopped having hallucinations of his only friend who had been dead for two years now, he was having nightmares and thoughts about killing Haranguetan and countless other villains.
Arching was essentially all one elaborate act; sharpening claws, making threats, reconnaissance work, and infiltration. Yeah, he knew he was a henchman and it was basically his job to take out enemies. But these weren’t just mindless henchmen or drones – these were top ranking villains. Gary knew how taboo it was to even kill your archenemy for heaven’s sake but to kill off those under the Guild was basically a one-way ticket to hell.
His face contorted in pain, his thoughts replaying how easily he snapped Haranguetan’s neck and watched him fall into that whale-sized pit. No matter how he tried to detach himself from those thoughts or distract himself, every single time the Monarch made him put on that Kano costume, it all came flooding back to him.
His phone rang loudly, causing Gary to flinch back and fall to the ground, scrambling backwards. He cursed to himself, breaking a sweat over a damn phone call. Ever since this whole Blue Morpho situation started, he felt like he had a walking target on his back, paranoid and hyper vigilant almost every single day. 
“Hello?” His groggy voice choked out over the phone, his heart still racing. 
“Hey, did I just wake you up from a nap, sleepy head?” You teased over the phone, back at your apartment, changing out of your Guild uniform.
Gary’s tense shoulders relaxed as he heard your soothing voice. The only thing that managed to keep him stable was talking to you and hearing your voice. You two had been so busy lately; when you had work, he was free but once you got off, he had to play dress-up with the Monarch and kill off some other villain. But you still made time for each other, calling and sending each other voice messages.
You two weren’t even together, he had to remind himself. But you two constantly checked up on each other, made each other laugh, nerded out about your shared interests. He was okay with not putting a label on it at this point; you made each other happy and he wanted to avoid the ‘hey-I’m-a-henchman’ conversation as long as he could.
“No, no… just caught me off guard. Don’t you still have a few hours left at work?” He chuckled softly, checking the time. “Boss let me go early surprisingly… Are you doing anything tonight?” You asked, slipping into an oversized t-shirt for now as you lay in bed. 
Gary contemplated for a bit. The Monarch was still plotting his next move and gave him the night off. He had to take advantage of this opportunity while he could, “No, want to explore the city together, m’lady?” He teased, using the nickname he gave you the night you met. You giggled and grinned, “I would love to. Should I pick you up?” 
He froze a bit, knowing the Monarch and Dr. Mrs. the Monarch would be home tonight. “Ummm, no, I can just take the train and meet you at Central Park. Sounds good?”
You blinked, wondering why he paused and sounded so tense, “Yeah, definitely. See you in an hour!” You hung up, grinning to yourself. 
You both needed a break from all this Blue Morpho nonsense and being in each other’s company was the best thing to distract you two.
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arleniansdoodles · 10 months
Your gow fic has genuinely been a joy to watch evolve. I'm not even really in the fandom atm but i still come back here every so often to either see how its going or to read back through all the posts. Hope you aren't suffering burnout too badly but i am genuinely so so so excited for this!
Hope you have a wonderful day♡
Awww thank you so much, anon! It really made my day to read your comment <333 Rest assured I'm not too burnt out yet, I just need to get back in the flow of writing for GoW ^^;; Everything was so much easier back in the day when Atreus and Calliope were gallivanting across Greece and Rome! lmaoo
I hope you have a wonderful day too, anon! Here, let me share a snippet from the Rome arc with y'all; it's nothing too fancy, just a slice-of-life section of Atreus and Calliope getting cleaned up in a public bathhouse XDD Hope you enjoy! :DDD
(For context, Aelia is a bathhouse servant tasked to guide them around since this is Atreus' first time in a place like this)
After a few moments, Aelia took them through the large doors on the right of the tepidarium. They were immediately met with a gust of hot, steamy air. A large, circular bath filled the centre of the hall, sunk down into the floor, with citizens already lounging inside it. There were other smaller baths in the four corners of the hall. There were two small doorways to the left and right, and by the look of the steam escaping from under those doors, they likely led to hot-air baths.
“Hoc est caldarium,” Aelia announced.
“The hot room?” Atreus repeated in Greek, startled. A delighted grin spread over Calliope’s face.
“Vis frigidarium?” Aelia asked Atreus.
He turned to Calliope. “What kind of baths did you have in Sparta?”
“Hot air!” she said immediately. “They are very steamy and warm.” She pointed excitedly to the side doors. “Are those hot-air baths? Can we go there first?”
Atreus looked like he didn’t know whether to freeze or flee, but he nodded and turned to Aelia with the question. Aelia gestured for them to follow and moved to the left, passing by the hot pools and entering one of the side rooms.
It was empty, thank goodness. Steam rose up from a coal fire built into the centre of the floor, in turn heating the basin of water on top, releasing steam. Calliope hurried over to the stone benches that lined the walls, and sat down, swinging her feet. “Sit, Atreus!”
He sat down beside her. Aelia inclined her head to them and said something. Atreus replied, “Gratias tibi,” and Aelia departed from the room.
“She’ll be back in a quarter hour,” he said to Calliope. “We’re supposed to wait until we start sweating before going out to the water baths.”
“Yes,” Calliope agreed. “Then we can cool down after.”
Atreus leaned back against the frescoed wall. His skin was already starting to flush pink, and not from his earlier embarrassment. He reached up to undo his braid. “So … this is a hot-air bath, huh?”
“Do you like it?” Calliope asked eagerly. “Mother brought me to these all the time. It is very common in Sparta. Father told me he would go with his soldiers to the hot-air baths.”
“Really?” Atreus said, surprised. “All of them together?”
“Yes!” Calliope peered closer at Atreus’ red face. She giggled. “Are you shy?”
“What? No! It’s just, um, not what I’m used to. It’s pretty hot here, too.”
“Do you use hot water in your homeland?”
“Yeah. We have to heat it manually, since it’s usually cold to start with. But it’s never this hot, I think. Y’know, I’ve also taken some very cold baths.”
“How cold?”
“Like getting into a frozen lake.”
“Yep! Felt like knives all over me. Father just stood on the banks and grunted.”
Calliope shivered at the thought despite the heat of the room. “Aelia mentioned a cold room,” she remembered. “Maybe you will like those more?”
Atreus laughed lightly. “I mean, I don’t like being too cold or too hot. It’s just something I had to do when we didn’t have time to heat up the water.”
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yandere-toons · 2 years
Platonic & Romantic Headcanons – Yandere
WARNING: mentions of violence + death, psychological manipulation, toxic mindset.
A.N. - 01000011 01101100 01100001 01110000 01110100 01110010 01100001 01110000.
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Holding a conversation becomes even more of a challenge when Claptrap decides to interject himself into each one that does not involve him. Anytime Claptrap is hit by sarcasm, passive-aggressive behaviour or even a blatant insult, he tends to either feign ignorance or react to it as if it were a compliment.
He knows that it is not meant to be kind and will most likely cry about it later in private, but for as long as the conversation lasts, he pretends not to notice in the hope of making himself appear endearing.
No matter how much evidence there may be to the contrary, Claptrap is willfully blind to all of it and believes that he holds the power in the relationship. A common result of arguments with him is for Claptrap to threaten the silent treatment, which he fails to uphold within seconds of threatening it because he cannot stand the idea of being alone.
Claptrap is a chatterbox first and a worker robot second. If he is not stopped, he will prattle on and on about how much fun it would be to gallivant around Pandora together. He keeps pushing the idea no matter how many times it gets denied, and accepting it leads to Claptrap revealing that he has a freighter and hand-me-down gear from dead Vault Hunters waiting.
Claptrap is familiar with rejection, but that does not mean he will grow out of his tendency to cry every time it happens. He may cloak himself and start sobbing about how alone he is because he wrongly thinks no one can hear him then. Whether his tears are shed publicly or privately, Claptrap is quick to milk it if his sadness inspires guilt or pity.
He has a contingency plan if it does not, which involves surrounding himself with people who he perceives as ugly to make himself look better. Claptrap also rushes to the heads of confrontations that he helped create to paint himself as a noble hero, but he is just as likely to cower at the sight of an intimidating enemy and request protection.
After inviting himself to any adventures, Claptrap offers vocal support for acts of violence and other crimes as long as they are not committed against him. However, even if he is the target of some hostility, Claptrap is eager to delete it from his memory card because he prefers bad company to no company at all.
As a travelling companion, Claptrap refuses to be dismissed. He interrupts anything that sounds like a goodbye with random thoughts about his fight against stairs and how swank having a beard would be. When he is told to leave, Claptrap seemingly obeys but, in reality, hides behind the nearest corner or big rock.
He waits for a few minutes before returning with a bogus story about why he needs to be a part of the trip, and these lies range from suddenly remembering a personal connection with the mission to presenting a valuable item that he stole from a corpse. Trying to sneak away or dupe him only results in Claptrap returning faster than expected.
If someone new joins the team, Claptrap fills every moment of silence with his descriptions of past experiences as a way of flexing what he believes to be the stronger bond. He volunteers this unwanted addition for the most dangerous tasks available with the intent of getting them killed.
Assuming they survive, he gives constant reminders that he was here first in a thinly veiled plea to remain a two-member team. Claptrap says that any companion besides himself is a lost cause and should be left to rot if captured by bandits, and he advocates for running away together, eschewing rescuing others when they are swarmed by skags that he lured near.
If the new teammate deserts or dies, Claptrap is ready to don a party hat and celebrate their downfall until he catches himself mid-cheer and hurries to an unrelated topic. His ability to fake unhappiness is shoddy at best, and it will not be long before he comments on how great it is to be a duo again.
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Do anything you want with my work, but never make me boring!
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tvlandofficial · 2 years
ralsei and his not dad being stuck in boxes and dealing with a ton of demanding lightners... explains why they're both kinda weird, doesn't it? dunno about the other doc. that might be just naturally occurring insanity
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