#Water Lock Mode
andorjimi · 1 year
How to Activate Water Lock mode in WatchOS 10
How to Activate Water Lock Mode in WatchOS 10
I wrote How to Use Water Lock Mode on Your Apple Watch in Class back in July. In that post, I shared how I use the Water Lock mode. I am still using this to stop my students from playing with all the buttons on my Apple Watch. WatchOS 10 has changed the way that you access Control Center. Instead of swiping up from the bottom of the screen, you now need to press the side button. Turn on Water…
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Every time I watch a piece of media with implied shower sex it makes me cringe so hard. Are you not overstimulated? Steam in there
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cravetive · 8 months
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✩。 Pairings: Neighbor!Jungkook x Fem!reader
✩。 Synopsis: Y/n didn't think testing out a new sex toy would cause so much havoc but no worries, her next-door neighbor Jungkook doesn't mind lending her a bit of assistance.
✩。Warnings: Smut! cussing, mentions of masturbation, spanking, doggy style, sex in a public place, unprotected sex (sigh), teasing, creampie, rough sex, pinning, sex toys, sweat and other bodily fluids, a bit of exhibitionism i guess (elevators have cameras), sexual frustration, consensual sex, if you're reading this for the plot don't, there is no plot.
✩。 Authors Note: lord give me one chance, one chance is all i need.
✩。 Word Count: 5.k
“Are you using it right now?”
“Yes, it’s a bit uncomfortable, to be honest.”
“Omg! Are you in public?!”
“I just made a quick run to the convenience store for a few snacks.”
“Oh, you’re brave” Mina, Y/n’s friend spoke through the phone that was pressed between her ear and shoulder. Y/n sighed, grabbing a bottle of water and making her way to the front of the store. “it’s in low mode anyways, it just feels like I’m riding the bus on an unpaved street” Y/n laughed whilst placing her items onto the counter for the cashier to scan.  
“I've never had anyone try it out in public, this is exciting!” Y/n rolled her eyes and scanned her card, grabbing her receipt and bag before stepping out of the convenience store and into the scorching sun of July.
“Relax I’ll be home in like 3 seconds” Y/n huffed, wiping some of the sweat beaming on her forehead. Having been locked in her air-conditioned apartment for the last 2 days had caused her to forget the heat wave that had taken over the city in the last week and it didn’t matter that she was wearing her shortest summer dress because she felt like she was boiling alive.
“Okay, just remember you can change the motions and speed on the app, but I would recommend you start off slow so that you can adjust” Mina spoke urgently on the phone, but Y/n could only focus on her apartment building as it came into view, her flip flops dragging against the pavement as she took hurried steps. “Yes, yes just know that you owe me big time!” Y/n yelled into the phone.
Y/n wasn’t experimental in any aspect of her life, she liked what she liked, and she knew what she didn’t. Her life was simple, boring as Mina would describe it, but she preferred it that way, it had worked out for her, and she didn’t see the need to stray from it. which had only made her that much more apprehensive when Mina came to her with the proposition of testing out one of the new sex toys her company was developing.
Y/n didn’t like the idea at all, and she had even readied herself to decline but upon noticing the desperation in Mina’s eyes that late afternoon she just couldn’t bring herself to say no. Y/n first-handedly witnessed how hard Mina had worked on this project and she couldn’t be the reason behind its failure which had led her to reluctantly accept. It had only taken 4 days for the package to be delivered to her front door, the small box containing the pink bullet vibrator Mina had designed which was now nestled between her legs.
“I will kiss the ground you walk on after this!” Mina promised on the other end of the call which caused Y/n to laugh as she stepped into her building. her feet shuffled as she leaned forward to tap on the elevator button and She subconsciously pressed her legs together as she stood waiting for the doors to open, the low vibrations from the toy leaving her a bit out of breath.
“Alright, I’ll call you back later on” Y/n huffed which caused Mina to giggle on the other end.
“Hot and bothered already?” Mina joked which caused Y/n’s already flushed cheeks to deepen in color.
“Shut up, it’s the heat” Y/n yelled as she watched the elevator doors open.
“sureeeee” Mina teased which led Y/n to end the call without further explanation.
She stepped into the small space and pressed the button to her floor before standing all the way back into the corner, her back pressed into the mirrored wall behind her. Y/n bit her bottom lip as she watched the elevator doors close slowly. she didn’t understand the buzz behind these sex toys or this market, the bullet wasn’t even doing anything to stimulate her and if she was honest, the vibration alone was starting to irritate her.
Y/n was sure her hand could do a better job.
“Hold it!” a voice shouted which caused Y/n to snap out of her frustrated trance, she reached forward and stopped the doors from shutting. The voice’s owner rushed inside, and Y/n took in his flustered appearance as he turned back to thank her. She recognized him as the man who lived 2 doors away from her and was notoriously known for his loud parties and for the woman who came and went from his apartment. It had been more than a few times she had found herself knocking on his door at 3 am due to the loud music.
And if it wasn’t for the fact that the guy was easy on the eyes she probably would’ve already complained to management.
 His name is Chun-woo? Jungkook? Something like that she thought.
Y/n offered him a small and awkward smile before pressing herself against the wall once again. She rarely ever interacted with any of the residents in the building and today would not be the exception. She was already hot and sweaty and all she wanted to do was to get to her cool air-conditioned apartment and binge on her delicious snacks.
“It’s really hot outside” the man commented, tapping on the button that Y/n had already pressed earlier. She dragged her eyes over to his back and hummed, nodding her head in agreement.
“you’re from apartment 902 right?” He glanced back at her, and she noticed the piercing that wrapped around the end of his bottom lip, she had never stood as close to him to notice it before and for some reason it only made him appear that much more handsome.
“Yeah” she smiled, squirming in the small space in which she stood.
Within the silence that soon overtook the small elevator, she could hear the way the man struggled to catch his breath, having fallen victim to the heat wave outside. His long black hair had stuck to the dampened skin of his forehead and his broad shoulders rose and fell as the elevator began to ascend.
Y/n tried to focus her eyes on the floor beneath her and not on the man who stood there with his back now turned to her but ever so often she would find herself staring at the white loose fitted t-shirt he wore, drenched with his sweat. She also tried to stop herself from biting down on her bottom lip while she noticed the muscles that pressed from the thin material around his shoulders while subconsciously rubbing her legs together.
It was rude to stare, she knew that, but the elevator was so crammed there were only so many alternative places she could look, and he was so tall, so broad and his tattooed arm called for her attention, the intricate colors and patterns leaving her in a trance…she blinked quickly, her cheeks turning crimson from the thoughts flooding through her mind.
She opted to stare at the ceiling instead, noticing the way the bright lights would flicker subtly as the elevator continued to climb levels, and then suddenly there came a pulsation from between her legs, one that was probably already there but she hadn’t been able to notice before. Her eyes widened in horror as her mind registered the cause and her hand reached for her phone in urgency as the small vibrations from the small toy caused a faint sound inside the compact space.
“Do you hear that?” Jungkook spoke, turning to look at a very disheveled Y/n, she looked back to him in pure embarrassment, her fingers frantically searching for the app her best friend had downloaded onto her phone. 
“Mhm? Ah No, I think it’s the elevator” she giggled nervously and Jungkook nodded, biting down on his lip and turning to face the elevator doors once again.
Y/n had forgotten all about the small object that lowly vibrated inside of her, which was now causing her clit to pulsate painfully under her black thong. Her hands shook as she pressed on the pink icon shining through her screen, and her eyes scanned the app quickly trying to find the off button on the small evil little thing stuck inside her pussy.
“fuck” she breathed as sweat beads began to form on her skin.
The panic running through her body didn’t allow her to focus on the small words in front of her, no matter how hard she squinted. Her fingers continued to urgently press against random buttons, trying to shut off the damn thing but all she had accomplished was for it to change motions, going from a light vibration to full-on pumping. She covered her mouth in shock at the new movement and gripped the handrailing on her side for support.
“how the fuck- “she groaned.
“What was that?” Jungkook asked, looking at her through the reflection on the doors and for a moment she loathed how attentive this man was.
Y/n could only shake her head, her hand trembling against her phone while she tried to overpower the sensation taking over her body.
She had underestimated the damn thing, thinking all would be good if she kept it at a low tempo, who even goes to the store with a sex toy in their pussy? She cursed herself for the irrational idea.
She stared at the screen in concentration, soon finding the pulse button and beginning to tap on it frantically but the thing wouldn’t budge and soon she felt the speed increase. Her mouth widened in horror; her eyes fluttered closed as the vibrations rocked through her body in waves and soon her breaths became extremely uneven. She hoped and prayed her neighbor wouldn’t notice but Jungkook watched from the distorted reflection in front of him at how much she struggled to stay still.
She was sure the universe hated her, she must have been paying for some karmic event she had forgotten about because there was no way in hell this was happening to her.
Suddenly almost as if in coordination, the elevator began to tremble underneath her feet and then her eyes opened wide, was this a figment of her imagination? Was this a silly joke being played on her by the gods? Was this punishment for experimenting with her sex life?
The elevator shook uncontrollably causing Y/n to lose grip of the railing, she fell onto the floor with a loud thud, her bag of snacks ripping open and spilling its contents on the floor. The lights above her flickered on and off and then everything stopped.
Her heart, the rocking of the floor, her brain, and even the elevator came to an abrupt halt but not the vibrations between her legs, it was the only thing that remained as her body squirmed on the floor from the pulsations erupting from her clit.  
“What the fuck” Jungkook muttered as he held onto one of the railings, his arms strained with veins running under the skin as he was too shaken by the sudden tremble.
“Did we just have an earthquake?” he exclaimed while his eyes trailed to the spot where Y/n once stood but she was no longer there and then his eyes trailed down, where he found Y/n thrown across the floor along with her snacks. Jungkook let go of the railing and reached for her limp body in an attempt to help her.
“Hey, are you okay?” he asked, taking a step towards her but Y/n squirmed, backing into the wall behind her.
“Hey, relax” he spoke, his voice but a whisper as he grabbed onto her arm and lifted her off from the floor. She whimpered as he brought her back onto her feet, her hands holding onto his forearms for support.
“I think we’re stuck” he concluded, unable to feel the motion of the elevator beneath his feet. Y/n didn’t say a word, afraid that her attempts at speaking would demonstrate the utter pleasure she was in, and she was mortified. Jungkook noticed the way she slightly trembled underneath his touch, her eyes looking up at his in fear and then an urgency to calm her came over him.
“don’t worry, we can just call someone to help us” he removed his eyes from the agitated woman and scanned the panel at the side of the door, reaching to tap on the red button at the very end. Y/n could only focus on 2 things, the wetness that soon pooled through the thin fabric of her panties and the feeling of his hand on her arm.
His hands were big and soft, and she could feel the small callouses on his palm pressing against her skin. She had to get out of this situation and quickly, she could feel the pressure building in her gut and it was familiar to the one she always got when pleasuring herself during late nights.
She was going to come.
She should’ve been focused on the elevator, on trying to get out of the cramped space, and not on coming undone in front of her neighbor from 2 doors down while he held her. She pushed aside her current desires and removed her eyes from Jungkook's hand on her arm. She carefully scanned the floor for her cell phone and once in her view, she bent down to collect it, her hand fumbling with the device as she picked it up from the floor.
When she turned it over, her heart plummeted. The screen had cracked completely, a few pieces of glass missing, and the screen blinked in different colors in front of her. at that very moment, she wished the elevator would plummet down to her death, she gasped for air as the realization hit her that the only other option she had was to remove the little bullet herself, but she couldn’t, she wouldn’t.
What would her neighbor think? She would have to move from the building entirely to escape from the humiliation alone. What would she even say? oh, hey yeah hold on a minute let me remove my SEX TOY from my vagina…she was mortified.
Her attention was drawn back to the elevator in which she stood as a voice appeared from within the small speaker inside the panel and her heart skipped a beat at the sudden relief that someone would come to help her leave this hellish predicament.
“Sun tower, how can we help you?”
“Uh yea, listen we’re stuck in the elevator” Jungkook spoke his hand reaching to wipe away some of the sweat forming on his face.
“Oh yes sir, sorry about that the building has lost power due to the heat but no worries we are working on the issue, and the elevator should be up and running in no time” Y/n groaned in frustration, deciding it would be best to move away from Jungkook’s touch entirely and found her place back to the corner of the elevator.
“How long do you think it’ll take?” Jungkook sighed, growing frustrated with the entire situation.
“Mhmm, it should take about an hour” the person informed.  Y/n jolted in surprise, An hour!? Y/n wouldn’t be able to hold off for an hour. Her legs were trembling, and her heart was beating abnormally fast against her chest. She knew her body and she had a good 5 minutes at best.  She ran to the speaker, attempting to focus on controlling her body as she screamed into it in desperation.
“No sir” she moaned, her teeth coming down to bite down harshly on her lips as she attempted to contain herself “You don’t understand I need to get out of here!” her hands held onto the elevator panel for dear life, and she was almost at the verge of tears. “Sorry ma’am we are doing everything we can” Her breaths were uneven as she retracted from the wall, her hands falling by her sides in defeat.
Jungkook noticed the way she struggled to breathe, her chest heaving as she attempted to bring oxygen to her lungs and his eyes squinted in suspicion.
“Hey, are you okay” he asked again, taking a few steps towards her but Y/n raised her hands, her stare darkened and blurred. “Please just stay on that side” she panted, her legs pressing together once again as she battled with another moan that sat on her tongue.
“Are you claustrophobic?” Jungkook asked and oh how Y/n wished that was the reason her body convulsed in the way it did now, her extremities shaking at the feeling of the sex toy vibrating inside of her.
“I-i” she whimpered, attempting to form words but her brain was too consumed by the pumping between her legs, her hands reaching to force her hips from buckling at the feeling. She promised herself she would never speak to Mina again, this was all her fault, she didn’t even want to do this and now she was masturbating in front of this complete stranger. She leaned over and her mouth fell wide open, a loud yelp falling from within.
“woah” Jungkook rushed to her side, his hands reaching to give her support but that only caused her to shiver, the stimulation of both the toy and the man holding her throwing her into complete disarray.
“What is that buzzing sound?” Jungkook asked again, his eyes falling on the floor in an attempt to find the source, but he was met with bags of chips and bottles of water. He focused his hearing on the sound, it was faint, but it was there, and it was driving him crazy. He followed the sound and once his eyes reached the exposed skin of Y/n legs, he looked up into her eyes in surprise.
She looked back at him in embarrassment, her face reddened in shame as sweat trickled down her forehead. She didn’t have the energy to pretend anymore or to try to explain how she wasn’t a sex addict of some sort, she could no longer control what was happening, deciding that she was no match against the orgasm that would soon rock through her.
“Are you? - “his eyes looked into hers and a moan escaped her lips in response. His body tensed at the realization, but he couldn’t take his eyes off hers, entranced by the way she trembled underneath his hands. “Is that?” he gulped looking back down to her shaking legs.
“ah fuck” Y/n moaned, burying her face into his chest, the action causing Jungkook’s heart to leap out of its position. he should’ve been focusing on the predicament they were in, how it would take an hour for the apartment to get them out of there, how hot it had gotten in the cramped space, but he could only think about the girl who was coming undone in his arms, soft pants and moans erupting from her lips into his chest.
“My phone” she whimpered “Ah my phone is broken” She gripped his arms trying to regain control of her body but it was no use, she had been pushed past her limit and she could feel her arousal drip from between her legs.
Jungkook couldn’t ignore the way her whimpers caused goosebumps on his skin, the way her soft moans called upon his member to rise and press against the fabric of his underwear. It was wrong and he knew it, she was vulnerable and unraveling in front of him, but he couldn’t fight it, he was salivating at the thought of what her pussy would look like underneath the skirt of her dress, he imagined it glistening with her juices as the toy moved inside of her and his dick quivered underneath the constraints of his clothes.
“Can I-? “He whispered his half-lidded eyes glancing into hers with lust and desperation.
“Can I help you?” Jungkook gulped, his body tensing at the question. He wouldn’t be surprised if she pushed him back and screamed at him, in under different circumstances he probably wouldn’t have been so upfront, but they had an hour to kill and it almost pained him to see her like this, the toy not being able to assist her in the way he knew he could.
It took a moment too long for Y/n to realize what he was asking, it was not like she was even in the right state of mind to think over anything at that moment yet, she nodded her head miserably, her eyes shutting as another wave of pleasure ran through her body whilst she permitted him to assist her.
“Shhh don’t worry, I’ll take care of you” Jungkook whispered into her ear which lured a moan out of her lips.
He moved in front of her, and his eager mouth found hers, their lips melting as they slid against each other, Jungkook felt the warmth of her skin as she pressed her body into his and his hands snaked along the fabric of her short dress. She was so complaint, so willing and it was driving him over the edge. He responded by pressing his body against hers and she soon felt Jungkook’s prominent boner against her lower belly.
She wondered how long he had been that hard, how long was he pondering if he could fuck her…Y/n wasn’t like this, she didn’t think about these things, and she also wasn’t often so eager to fuck a stranger in the elevator. She couldn’t control herself; she needed relief, and she needed it fast.
“mm gonna take it out” Jungkook dragged his lips away from hers with a hum and trailed his fingers down to the hem of her dress. Y/n whimpered as he teased her, his fingers hovering over the skin of her thighs which were tightly pressed together in an attempt to stop her wetness from dripping down her legs.
“Is that okay?” Jungkook whispered, staring back into her eyes with hunger and she was sure that look alone was going to have her spazzing in a short moment.
He guided his hand past her thighs, his fingers brushing by the hem of her panties and hooking his fingers along them, Y/n threw her head back in pleasure at the intrusion, her legs shaking beneath her as he played with the lace material that was between his digits.
“p-please” she begged, her body trembling from the mere anticipation.
Jungkook smirked at the sight before him, he loved the control he had, loved the fact that she needed him. he unhooked his fingers and dipped his hand inside her panties, turning it over so that his palm was now facing her sensitive clit and applied just enough pressure to make her squirm.
“Fuck, you’re wet” Jungkook hissed, his lips finding shelter on the exposed skin of her neck.
“p-please” Y/n whimpered, unable to repress the longing from between her legs.
Jungkook dipped his hand down further, finding the toy embedded between her warm walls, and groaned at the feeling of her juices coating his fingers as he slowly extracted the toy from its rightful home. The pink little object vibrated against his hand, and he chuckled lowly at the feeling, Y/n sighed in relief, perhaps thinking that was the end of her torment.
Her pussy pulsated sorely, her mind clouded by the impending climax that pressed down on her gut and she needed it, she needed it badly. She pulled Jungkook closer and crashed her mouth into his with eagerness. She would often hear the screams of pleasure that poured out of Jungkook’s apartment when she walked past his door and right now, she needed him to help her in the same way.
Y/n reached for the strings of his sweatpants and quickly undid the knot there, pulling them down from his waist and then dipping her hand into his underwear where she found his rock-hard cock, painfully quivering against the material. Jungkook groaned into her mouth, his body lurching forward at the sensation of her warm hand stroking him under his Calvin Kleins.
“fuck” he muttered as he pulled away from her kiss, his eyes fluttering close.
“I want to fuck you so bad” he groaned, his hands reaching to caress her breasts through the fabric of her dress.
“Then fuck me” Y/n moaned, and it didn’t take more than a second for Jungkook to turn her around and press her against the mirror of the elevator, his hands moving quickly to pull down her black thong and throwing it across the floor. He parted her legs and Y/n watched from the reflection as he licked his lips in admiration.
She didn’t know what she had gotten herself into and she sure as hell wasn’t prepared but she didn’t care, she needed his cock inside of her walls and that’s all she could think about.
Jungkook pushed down his underwear, exposing his cock as he gave it a few more pumps before aligning himself to her welcoming pussy. He watched her arousal drip from her core, and he whimpered at the sight. it was all that he had expected and more, he slowly dragged the tip of his cock against her wet folds which caused Y/n to yelp, her hands reaching to grip the handrails for support.
They moaned in unison as he entered her walls, her legs bucking as he began to move himself inside of her. Jungkook moved slowly, patiently waiting for her to adjust to his length but the feeling of her walls gripping him tightly like his dick was meant to be there was urging him to lose control and it didn’t help that he had a full view of her ass while his dick retracted from her pussy ever so slightly.
“f-fuck me harder” she moaned, and Y/n was sure she had never used those words before, but it was all the instructions Jungkook needed to pick up his pace. He began to thrust roughly inside of her, his hands coming down to hold her hips in place, keeping her from moving away as he pounded into her. Y/n leaned her head against the mirror, her mouth wide open as whimpers and moans fell from it.
The small elevator was soon filled with the symphony of moans and skin clashing together, Y/n could feel a burning sensation building as Jungkook kept his tempo, his black locks hanging over his face as he continued to ram into her. his hand came down quickly against her ass cheek, leaving a red imprint there and Y/n screamed in excitement.
“look how good you’re taking it” Jungkook moaned as he watched his wet cock retract and enter into her pussy over and over again. he reached underneath where their bodies remained interlinked and pressed the vibrating bullet that was still in his hand against her clit. Y/n yelped; her eyes fluttering shut at the sudden action.
“Come on, be a good girl, you know you can take it” he hummed his eyes taking in the way he was completely destroying her. He removed his other hand from her hip and reached to grab her arms, pulling them behind her back and pinning them tightly together on her lower back. Y/n shrieked in pleasure, sweat dripping down the sides of her face.
Jungkook moved his hips skillfully as he fucked into her, his eyes remaining on the view of her ass trembling as his cock glistened with her juices. It was beautiful and it only made his cock pulse with anticipation. He bit down on his lip as groans poured from his chest. never in a million years did he ever think he would be fucking his neighbor but never in a million years did he ever want to stop.
Y/n felt her clit vibrate against the toy, the nerves there buzzing with enjoyment. Her arousal dripped from between her legs onto the silicone material and down Jungkook’s hand, but he kept it pressed there while he hammered into her. She didn’t know if she liked it rough but whatever it was, he was doing, she wanted him to keep going.  
“Come for me baby” he moaned, licking his lips as if he was tasting her juices in his mouth. “I know how badly you want to come” his hand came down harshly against her ass cheek again and Y/n responded with a yelp. Y/n was bent over, her tits flowing past her dress and her hair a mess, but she could only focus on the feeling of Jungkook’s balls slapping against her clit, the bullet that worked hard to keep up with Jungkook’s thrusts, and the way this man was fucking her into oblivion.
It felt good, fuck that, it felt amazing.
Jungkook plunged into her pussy with such need, with such desire that she was sure he was close to his climax as well. Y/n’s walls clenched around his cock, urging him to come undone inside of her and Jungkook groaned loudly, his hips beginning to move with a mind of their own as he searched for his own relief.
“Ah'm gonna come” Y/n yelled, her legs giving out from under her as they began to tremble, but Jungkook held her, and gave her the support she needed. He pressed her against the mirror and continued his pace, his eyes trailing to the reflection in front of them.
“Look at us baby, look how good you look while I fuck into you” he whispered into Y/n’s ear, his eyes falling on her hooded eyes and reddened cheeks. Her walls were tight and warm, and he knew he wouldn’t last long, his hand fell on her hip once more, gripping it there while he continued to drive into her quickly. Y/n couldn’t take her eyes from his strained arms, the way his veins stuck out from underneath the skin as he gave her his all, it was almost poetic and that’s all it took for her to reach the peak, her body shuddering against the wall and Jungkook’s chest. Y/n couldn’t hear anything, her eyes falling tightly shut as her orgasm rippled through her body. Her senses were completely gone as she tried to control herself and then there was a sudden warmness dripping from her core, it dripped down her legs and onto the floor.
“Fuck, you squirted baby” Jungkook groaned, his hips buckled and with one last hard thrust, he came into her quenched walls. He let out a trail of curse words Y/n couldn’t make out, too stuck on the way she had unraveled.
She had never felt something so euphoric, and she felt guilty about it.
Jungkook removed the toy that had remained pressed against her clit and threw it on the floor beside them. the bullet buzzed and jolted on the floor before turning off. Y/n blinked her eyes open and stared at the floor in shock, the little fucking thing had finally given out after tormenting her for so long, but she was too high off her orgasm, unable to find any other emotion but relief.
She turned over and looked up at Jungkook, his face was flushed just like hers and sweat dripped from his forehead as he adjusted his dick back in his sweats, a small smirk appearing on his face once he glanced back at her. He reached down to grab her thong and assisted her with slipping it back up her legs, his stare remaining on her. He took in how her chest rose and fell with each harsh breath she took. His fingers glided upward against the sides of her legs as he brought her panties back, his hands landing on the sides of her hips before grabbing the hem of her dress and sliding the fabric down to its rightful place.
Y/n was beyond embarrassed and sore, she didn’t know what to say to the man who had just fucked her literally senseless. Thank You? no that was fucking ridiculous. She reached for her bottle of water and extended her arm out to Jungkook, offering him some refreshment, it was the best she could do given the circumstances.
“Here, drink some” she smiled while Jungkook reached for the bottle, removing the cap and bringing it to his lips, taking a large gulp.
“don’t use those stupid toys anymore, next time just knock on my door” Jungkook muttered, passing her the bottle. Y/n nodded biting down on her lip before taking a drink herself.
“Hello! Is everyone okay? we are coming in to get you out” a voice yelled from outside the elevator doors. They both giggled at each other before innocently standing side by side waiting to be freed from the confined space.  
© 𝐂𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞, 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝.
5K notes · View notes
halcyone-of-the-sea · 11 months
Hello, Congratulations on the 5k follows!!
I discovered this fandom a few months ago and have been living for your writing ever since.
I was thinking as a drabble of the taskforce gentlemen coming home at the crack of dawn from a long mission and seeing their spouse's hand, limp on the ground peeking out from the side of the couch. All the panic and worry going thru their heads, so much bubbling up, horrible scenarios. They rush over and find you sleeping on the floor. The power had gone out last night and the hardwood floor was the coolest place to be (you didn't want to open the window because you know how they worry), so you were watching stuff on your phone and drifted off. Crisis averted!
Thank you for your time 💜
—Wide-Eyed Panic
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⇢ ˗ˏˋ 5k Drabble Masterlist ࿐ྂ
╰┈➤ ❝ [Why were you behind the couch?] ❞
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I’ll start by saying all of them would be concerned and immediately go into panic mode—why were you behind the couch? Why was your hand sticking out? Why, in God's name, were you not moving? Cue the horrible thoughts and flashes of what went on in their work lives.
John Price ➺
John entered the house with a sigh, slipping off his boots as the door was closed and deftly locked behind him. Grunting under his breath, the man rubs over his face, the lights off as he calls out with a tired grumble to his voice. 
“I’m back,” his voice echoes, the tone moving through the darkness far louder than it should have. There’s no answer. “Love…?” Pausing, John blinks slowly at the wall, ear twitching to the utter silence of the home. No water in the pipes. No buzzing of electricity. No you. Eyes rising, they dart around quickly as his finger moves out to the light switch. A small push elicits nothing, just as he thought. The power was out. 
Dread slowly creeps into John’s chest.
Hand reaching behind his back, the man’s fingers inch over the smooth metal of a pistol, grasping the weapon before he begins walking forward. He keeps silent, feet moving to where he knows the wood won't creak. 
His mind runs. 
Why was the power off? Where were you? Why didn’t you respond—were you hurt? John’s mind goes to blood and bullets, his jaw clenching tightly as the pistol comes out to rest in front of him; hands shifting the grip as he takes a soothing breath. Panicking wouldn’t help anyone, but it would be pointless to lie about how his heart hammers. 
“Fuck,” he growls, eyes going tight. 
That’s when he sees it. Blue eyes widen sharply. 
“Love!” John shouts, all other concerns about intruders meaningless to him. Your hand was sticking out from behind the couch, a dark shadow in the low light. He rushes over as you jerk, yelling in alarm as he rushes to grab you, pulling you up into his arms and pulling you away into the closet across the room.
“John!” You blink rapidly as you’re set back against the wall. 
“Shush now,” he grunts, eyes panicked. “Keep awake, let me look.” A hand moves all over your body, searching and pulling at clothes to touch the skin for any wounds. “Tell me where it hurts, then. Quickly. We have to move—”
“John, what the hell,” you push at him, moving him back. Your eyes try to adjust to being so rudely awakened at such an hour. “What are you doing?!”
You weren’t hurt. 
The Captain’s face pulls in with confusion, back against the closet door and now in more darkness than ever before. He can barely make out your face before you sigh and put your hands against his arms. 
Things begin to calm down as his hand rests at your hip, nearly tight enough to bruise. In his other is the gun just before you put your hand to it and softly peel the item away from him—putting it on the shelf that you know is to your left. 
Hands find John’s cheeks as he pants.
“John,” you say his name again. “...what happened.”
“Why were you on the ground?” He forces out firmly, voice a low grunt. “Why were the lights not—”
“The power went out for everyone, okay?” You speak slowly, rubbing your thumbs over his beard. “It was on the news. I didn’t open a window because I knew you would worry about that—the floor was cool and it was getting too hot in here.” 
Your mind tells you to explain quickly and fluently. You move forward and press your forehead into John’s as he sags with a great exhalation of breath—his arms circling you tightly until your spine might crack. 
He doesn’t speak for a long while, just holding you.
“Scared me,” he mutters, missing you deeply on the forehead, speaking into your skin. “Fuck, you scared me.”
“I’m sorry,” you whisper. 
He keeps you to his chest, eyes fluttering shut and his spine hunching over you, fingers splayed over your back. You run your hands through his hair and calm the swelling of your heart.
You can feel his pulse mirroring your own.
Simon Riley ➺
When he sees your hand, he freezes. 
Simon wasn’t a stranger to the lights being off in the home—you opted for lamps and low light more often than not; this wasn’t new. He had only quirked a brow when he came home to the pitch-blackness, off from his recent deployment and eager for a warm bed to fall into. He admits he’d let himself calm down on the car ride home—your home was where he could relax and release tension until it became as unimportant as an ant on the pavement. 
But when he’d closed the door silently behind him and walked the few steps it would take to enter the living room, where he was sure you were still up either reading or watching something on your phone under a blanket, his body had stiffened immediately. 
Your hand sticking out from behind the couch. Limp. 
He’d been staring at it for only a few seconds before the memories came back—the ones of gore splattered to the walls and ceiling of an old flat back in Manchester. 
Simon’s thoughts had hit him like a bullet.
Not again.
Rushing forward like a bear, the man slips along the hardwood as his knees go down, shaking the home at the force at which he grabs at your body and flips you from your side to your back. 
You gasp awake and instinctually throw out a fist, connecting with a stone chest as you hiss and blink in panic. 
Fingers ruthlessly dig into your shoulders, wide brown eyes open, and…and afraid. 
“Simon?” You mutter softly, all fear in your heart is squished in an instant. 
The man breathes through wheezes, balaclava fabric moving from the force of his breaths. His fingers are shaking, blinking as his head jerks to look your lying form up and down swiftly. 
You hesitantly put a hand on his cheek and he flinches before nuzzling into it. 
“Don’t…” he takes a quivering breath into his lungs, and after, loosens his grip on your skin. Simon’s hands go to your waist, dragging you up and stapling you to his chest. “Don’t do that again.”
His voice is low. Vulnerable. 
You blink, hands holding him back on the floor. 
“...The power went out,” you try to explain only half of it softly, muffled by his neck. 
He only holds you harder, eyes open and blankly staring at the floor a foot away.
Johnny MacTavish ➺
Johnny hums a song under his breath, hanging his keys on the hook near the door.
“Dearie!” He calls to you loudly, itching at the side of his head and chuckling. “Don’t run too fast to me now, I’m all yours for two w—”
The light switch is moved by his finger, but no light illuminates his path to the living room. Pausing in the entrance, the man’s brows furrow tightly, speech cutting off like scissors to paper. 
“...eeks?” Johnny ends his sentence, turning back around to look at the switch in confusion. “The hell’s going on with that?” He mutters to himself, a frown growing on his face before he refocuses on his mission to find you—now with the added task of figuring out why the power was out in the house. 
“Swear,” the man grumbles, huffing while he runs a hand over his face, “if those kids down the street did something I’ll be livid. Little devils, I swear.” 
Johnny steps farther into the living room, glancing around. 
“Dearie?” He pauses, listening before calling out your name. “Where’s she off to?”
He sighs softly, wanting to hold you now that he’s home to do so—squeeze you in his arms and take in your scent again; he’d missed you immensely while he was away.
Johnny came across your hand sticking out from behind the couch by accident, moving to make his way into your bedroom thinking that you were sleeping. He sees an odd shape in the blackness and pauses, feet slowing to a stop. 
When he notices that it’s a hand—your hand, he doesn’t even realize that he’s completely gripped the side of the couch and wrenched it back until the scratch of the wood floors screams in his ears. 
You wake up to hands on your cheeks, sharp yelling, and your head being shaken up and down until you’re conscious. 
“Dearie, hey! What the fuck,” the last sentence is growled on fast lips. “What the fuck.”
Your hands slap to Johnny’s wrists, nails digging in. 
He breathes out quickly, looking into your eyes to look for dilation as the darkness forces him closer. “There we are, tell me where you’re hurting, now, yeah? Did you hit your head? Let me take a look. It’s okay, I’ll get you all fixed up, there’s no need to worry.”
“Hey!” Your hands push at his, trying to shove the brick wall away from you. “Quit it! Johnny! I’m fine! ”
The man pauses at your animated movements, blinking rapidly before his grip loosens. 
When it’s obvious that you’re perfectly fine, he moves back and groans, thumb and forefinger digging into his nose bridge. 
“Hell’s bells, Hen.” You glare, panting on the floor before you push yourself up. 
“‘Hell’s bells’, me?” Johnny’s head plops to your shoulder. “You just shook me like a fucking rabbit!” 
“Scared the shite out of me, you terror.” The man huffs. “Need to put a heart monitor on you.”
“Piss off,” you sigh, putting a hand to your chest to feel the pace of your pulse and the blood that runs furiously.
Johnny, moments later as he’s still resting on your shoulder, starts…laughing. Low at first, then gaining noise the more it goes unchecked—a deep rumble into chest-jerking amusement. You look down at him, the couch tilted and long scratches over the floor. Pausing, you blink at his shaking shadow before your lungs start quivering. The two of you bend over one another with shared, house-shaking laughter. 
“What the fuck were you doin’ behind the damn couch?” Johnny grabs you close, kissing along your neck as he picks you up, dragging you to your feet. 
“The power went out!” You giggle, chest hurting from the fast gasps of breath as more kisses are spread over your skin. “It was colder down there and I didn’t want to open one of the windows because I knew you’d throw a pouting match about it.”
“Christ, Dearie.” Lips meet your own. “I had half the mind to think you had a heart attack. Nearly gave me one.”
Kyle Garrick ➺
Kyle sighs as he rubs at his jaw, itching the skin and slipping out of his jacket. 
“I’m home, Love!” He says, his voice echoing over the flat. “Want me to start on supper or have you eaten yet?” The man smiles, taking off his cap and putting it on the coat rack, sighing softly. 
It was good to be back. 
Bending down to unlace his boots, he pulls at them until they’re loose enough to slip out of, thumping to their sides on the rug until he reaches out and fixes them. 
“What’s that, then?” He calls into the darkness, not hearing your answer as he quickly checks the time on his phone. “Fuck, it’s late,” Kyle utters to himself. 
Walking into the kitchen, he touches the light switch only to be met with nothing. Pausing, the man’s face pulls in—fingers twitching at his sides as he glances at the window and the moonlight that seeps in to glare along the floor. 
A deep frown takes hold of him, and he looks around once more before backing up.
“...Love?” Kyle wasn’t too concerned—the building wasn’t always the best, and power outages weren’t unheard of. But, damn, if the high of getting off of a deployment didn’t put him in a negative head-space when it came to a change in routine involving you. 
Why weren’t you answering him?
Walking slightly faster into the living room, his hand nearly reaches into his pocket to call your phone if you didn’t end up in any of the rooms—pulse beginning to be infected with a steady injection of adrenaline. 
Brown eyes find your hand behind the couch when they’re about to shift to the open door of your bedroom. A sharp gasp is inhaled instantaneously. 
Kyle races over, grappling to it and pressing his fingers to your neck for a pulse. You softly breathe, none the wiser as you lightly shift and sigh in your sleep; a delicate hum moving out as familiar fingers dig into you. 
It’s through his panic that a thought quickly cuts through the man’s mind. You’d mentioned this before. 
Kyle pauses, just about to loudly wake you. 
‘It gets hot when the power goes out, Kyle, I swear one of these days I’m going to just fall asleep on the floor. At least it’s cool down there.’
Well, the power was out, and, it seemed, you really had fallen asleep on the floor. Now that he thought about it, the flat was running hot—and he also knew that you knew he had gotten nervous of late when you left the windows open at night. 
“Bloody hell,” the man releases a long breath, free hand moving to grip the back of his head. A few seconds later, Kyle chuckles to himself, shaking his head with a small smile. “You are losing it, Mate. Losing it.” 
Without another word, he grips you, and with a grunt, picks you up and takes you to bed, setting you down on the pillows and making sure to leave the sheets off of you so you don’t grow uncomfortable.
A kiss is pressed to your forehead, and you hum in slumber, smiling unconsciously.
“You’re gonna be the death of me, Love.” 
He leaves to go make a quick supper of cereal and milk.
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seullovesme · 1 month
cockwarming w/ kim minjeong
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pairing ⥬ stuco pres!minjeong x reader
genre ⥬ smut
summary ⥬ you'd do anything to get the student council's president to help your club out.
warnings ⥬ g!p idol, virgin idol, winter is a loser, penetration, cockwarming, mdni
WC ⥬ 1.1k
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“so what do you say, pres? you think you could do that for me?” minjeong’s heart wavered at the way you were talking to her, like she was your obedient little girl. you placed your hands on her desk and her eyes darted to then before returning to your eyes, a little intimidated by the aura you gave off.
you leaned in closer, inching towards the girl’s face. minjeong’s eyes widened and she leaned away, supporting herself by putting them behind her on the edge of her seat. once you were centimeters away from the girl, you stopped and stood up straight again.
it was like minjeong’s heart was racing at a mile a minute and was about to pop out of her chest as you turned away. she finally let the breath out that she was holding in, her face of disbelief showing now that you weren’t looking. fuck her soft spots for girls like you… “uh, i—”
“this is a great offer! my club’s performance will be absolutely life changing for the school with the help the council gives us.” you bite your lip and cross your arms, trying to come up with something to convince the student council president to just give in.
“that’s–that’s not even an offer…” minjeong whispers, but you hear her words anyway.
you spin around and minjeong locks eyes with you, startled by your sudden movements. you look the president up and down. you can’t lie, kim minjeong was a piece of work. her slim figure and defined features made her stick out like a sore thumb whenever she was with her friends, so you’d be a liar if you said she never piqued your interest.
“ah. so, you want me to offer something in return…” you walk up to her and begin playing with the tie of her school uniform. “how about in return for helping my club, you can have me?”
you reach for the buttons to your white uniform shirt and begin undoing them one by one, watching as minjeong stared intensely at your fingers as they moved.
like she was snapped out of a spell, the girl shook her head as if to warn off the thoughts that were starting to pop up in her mind. she turned away and covered her view of you with her hand. “nononono, no, don’t say that! you don’t have to do that, you don’t have to offer yourself! or… whatever.. i was only stating you weren't making an offer, so you can stop.” she spoke the words at the speed of life as she felt her heart begin to jump up and down in her chest again.
you chuckled at how innocent the girl was and put down her hand, grabbing her jaw gently and turning her to face your way. “don’t be scared, jeongie. i won’t bite… unless that’s what a good girls like you are into.” you continued undressing in the empty classroom in front of the council president.
minjeong was frozen once again. jeongie? that nickname alone could’ve killed her, but the way you said it in such a seductive tone short circuited her brain. and her being into biting? how would she know what she was into? she’s barely gotten close enough to kiss someone with all her responsibilities being her number one priority.
by the time her brain was done going into panic mode and jumping to thoughts about random things, your whole shirt was already gone, leaving you with only a pink lacey bra and your uniform skirt. minjeong’s mouth just opened and closed repeatedly like a fish out of water. she also felt like she was suffocating like a fish out of water the way the heat of the room intensified by 100. seriously, what was happening? and what was her luck?
“take your pants off, jeongie.” you instructed. the girl immediately responded by getting up and undoing her pants, strongly compelled to follow your order for some odd reason. she shimmied her slacks off and sat back down. you peered down and admired her package, a tent forming in her cute spongebob boxers. minjeong heard you snicker and saw you staring, so she put her hands over her boner, feeling shy.
it was cute how she was trying to hide out of embarrassment, but the last thing she should be embarrassed. “you’re still a virgin, right?” you asked to which she hesitantly nodded. “you’re okay with me taking your virginity?”
her face flushed at your straightforwardness before nodding again. you hummed, “can you say it out loud?” she looked up at you and tilted her head like a puppy.
“i want you to use your words and verbally tell me that you’re okay with this.” mustering up the courage to, she affirmed that she in fact did want this.
“i’m very okay with this, so please… please take care of me.” without taking one second, you lunged toward her and pulled her boxers down to her knees. her dick sprung up and hit her lower abdomen, her tip a pretty shade of pink.
as much as you wanted to take things slow for the girl’s first time, you had to finish this meeting to tell your club you got permission, that way you could help with preparing for the stage.
on that note, without engaging in any foreplay, you straddled minjeong in the chair, sliding your panties to the side with one hand as the other tightly held on her shoulder.
“just trust me okay? tell me if it’s too much.” minjeong grabbed your hips and nodded eagerly, her eyes fixated on what was underneath your skirt. it was adorable to see the girl so innocently let you do whatever you wanted to her.
you lined up her tip to your entrance and lowered yourself at a slow pace, pressing your lips together as she filled you up so nicely. “shit…” minjeong whispered under her breath as she threw her head back.
“i didn’t know you knew how to curse, ms. president.” you tease as your hips met her’s.
the girl grit her teeth, desperate to feel more pleasure like an addict. “how about you shut up and ride?” you were shocked by how aggressive her words were, but for some reason you just followed her orders obediently. but not without asking a question first.
“so you’ll help my club now, right?” you say, trying your best to not whimper as you fight the urge to begin moving. minjeong loved how warm it felt to be inside of you, the feeling being something she had never felt before. she could hold you here forever, even if it meant having you warm her cock as she did her homework and went over papers.
minjeong was getting distracted and she hummed, recalling your question. “oh, you already had the green light from the beginning. i was supposed to tell you that your other club leader let me know in advance, and i had sent some members of the committee to go help out earlier today.” she finished, and your eyes grew twice in size, your face flushed.
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pretentious-blonde · 12 days
soft spot
pairing: steve harrington x reader
summary: after being drenched by the rain, steve just wants to take care of you whilst reminiscing over his “king steve” days
warnings: none
a/n: it was raining so here you go, also steve is a gossip you can't change my mind
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The stairs leading up to your apartment were usually a challenge, but today they felt endless. Each step you took was accompanied by the squelching sound of rainwater trapped in your shoe, only irritating you further as you climbed. Your hair was plastered to your face and you could tell how horrendous the strands looked as they stuck to your skin, drops of rain that still clung to your eyelashes blurred your vision. You started to regret your ambitious decision to walk home, Steve had insisted on picking you up but of course, it had to start pouring halfway home. Typical. 
You let out a sigh as you reached the top floor, rummaging in your bag before your hands managed to snag your keys, shivering slightly from your soaked clothes, the coldness seeping into your bones. The door let out a gentle creak as you entered, stepping inside and savouring the warmth of the flat as you allowed it to flow over you. 
“Steve?” You called out into the empty room. 
Within a few seconds, his head poked out of your shared bedroom, brown hair falling over his forehead from jumping up so quickly. His brown eyes widened as he took in your drenched state. 
“Oh, honey, what happened?” His voice was laced with concern, his question answered by the loud crash of thunder that rumbled loudly from outside. 
“You said you would call. Look at you! You’re soaked through.” His large hands flew to your coat, heavier due to the rain, peeling it off your body like it was tissue paper. 
“I was fine—“ You began to say, only to be cut off by his excessive fussing. 
“You’re clearly not,” he shook his head as he hung up your jacket, a small puddle already forming underneath that he would have to deal with later. “I can hear your shoes from here, sweetheart. And your hair—“ he brushed a wet lock out of your face and behind your ear, his concerned expression making you giggle. “You’re shaking, honey. Gonna get sick like this.” 
You just smiled at him through your waterlogged lashes, his over-the-top worrying making you laugh more are you batted his hands away. “I’m fine, Steve. Really. It’s just rain, it happens all the time.”
“Nope. No way,” he said, not letting you respond as he was already halfway to the bathroom. “You’re gonna catch a cold and I’m not gonna let that happen.”
His voice was playful but still firm, the sound of running water became audible as he returned to your side. 
“Bathtime,” he said teasingly and you knew there would be no point in arguing, not when he was in full-blown protective mode. God, he could be so stubborn sometimes. 
The brunette boy led you into the bathroom, muttering under his breath about how you should have just phoned him as you trailed behind, wet clothes dripping onto the floor. You stood patiently in the doorway as he rummaged in underneath the sink, his furrowed brows relaxing as he found what he was searching for. He straightened up with a playful grin and held two bottles, bubble bath from one of those birthday sets you got ages ago and forgot about, finally being put to good use. 
“Alright, angel, we got options here,” he said as he inspected the labels on both. “Lavender or…this one’s called ‘Sunset Bliss’. I guess they are bottling sunsets now.”
You roll your eyes before tapping your finger against the small orange bottle, trying to hold back a smile. “Sunset Bliss, obviously.”
“Good choice,” he said whilst nodding as if you passed some sort of test, opening the cap and pouring it into the tub. “Gotta get some sunshine back into today, right?” His voice was light as he leaned over the bath, holding his hand underneath the faucet to check the temperature, adjusting it just how you like it. Just shy of scalding.
He stood back up and hesitated as he looked down at you. “Do you want me to stay with you, or should I wait outside?” His tone was gentle, so as to not pressure you. Just that lovesick gaze that was laced with a hint of concern. 
You shrug your shoulders at his question, still shivering slightly as you respond. “You can stay. I still have to tell you what Robin and I got up to.”
Steve’s eyes softened as he nodded, stepping towards you with a tender smile. His fingers were gentle as they brushed against your skin, treating you with care as he helped you out of your rain-soaked clothes. He was so sweet as he worked, treating you as if you were the most precious thing to him. To which he would probably agree. 
There was nothing suggestive in his movements, no expectation—just the quiet intimacy you had come to associate him with. He adored being close to you in this way. 
Once you were free of the drenched clothes, he held onto your arm as you lowered yourself into the water, feeling a sense of pride as you sighed in relief. The water was soothing to your freezing skin, helping thaw out your numb fingers and toes. He took a seat on the bathmat next to you, resting his chin on the edge of the tub as he gazed at you expectantly. He always had a soft spot for your ramblings. 
“So,” he began as he drew out the word, an amused look on his face. “What did you and Robin get up to while I was slaving away at work? Any trouble?”
You splash a bit of water on his face at his teasing before sinking deeper beneath the bubbles, beginning to babble about your day, not leaving anything out as he loved hearing all the small details. No matter how mundane. He listened, amber eyes focused as he nodded along, occasionally throwing in a sarcastic comment and then laughing at his own joke. God, he was a dork. 
Steve reached out and traced small patterns on your arm with his fingers, his touch light. “Do you want me to wash your hair, sweetheart?” He asked you with eager eyes—he always wanted to do things for you. Things you really didn’t need help with. He was constantly coming up with excuses, helping you made him feel good. He liked to feel needed. 
You shook your head with a chuckle. “You don’t have to.”
He scoffed and you knew he would not take no for an answer, already reaching out for the shampoo bottle on the side of the tub. “I know I don’t have to. I want to.” He said with finality, popping open the cap and allowing the scent of citrus to fill the steamy air. “Besides, I’ve got hair down to a science,” he said with a wink as he moved behind you. 
You tilted your head back to look up at him and he placed a soft kiss against your lips, gently moving you to face forwards, careful not to get any water in your eyes. His fingers were firm as they massaged your scalp, blunt nails moving perfectly as you shut your eyes, leaning closer to where he knelt. 
“You do have great hair,” you tease, eyes still shut, focusing on the motion of his hands. 
“Steve ‘the hair’ Harrington was my nickname in high school,” he smirked, you don’t see how proud he looked of the title at that moment. 
“Part of your charm huh?” You poked at him. 
“Oh, absolutely,” he agreed as he carried on with his movements. “Speaking of charm,” he continued, “any updates on Robin and Vicky? Has she finally made anything resembling moves?”
You groaned as you recalled the previous conversation you had earlier that day, the hour spent listening to Robin pining. “She is still being awkward about it. I swear she panics every time she talks to her, and you know how she talks too much when she’s nervous.” 
Steve snickered, a sound so boyish you couldn’t help but join in. “Robin? No way.” His sarcasm earned him another splash to the face, making him laugh even harder. 
“Hey! I’m just stating the facts!” He said. “But seriously, she needs to just ask her out already. Vicky is clearly into her.”
“I know right? They would be adorable together,” you agreed with him, enjoying the playful sass he was giving. If there was one thing Steve secretly loved, it would be gossip. He ate it up just like he did back in school, he always knew the drama from listening to people talk in the hallways. Plus he could never keep a secret, that’s what he had you for. You pretty much knew what every citizen of Hawkins was going through based on their movie choices at Family Video, he always kept you up to date on those. 
“She better not mess it up,” Steve added, rubbing conditioner through your hair, making sure to focus extra on the ends. “Might have to step in. Play matchmaker.”
You scoffed at the statement. “Like you’d do any better?”
He shoved your head playfully. “Honey, I have excellent matchmaking skills. You’re looking at the guy who got Nancy and Jonathan together—but maybe that’s not the best example.” He paused, thinking for a second, before the both of you burst into laughter.
You felt his hands slow as he finished working product through your hair, you turned your head to find him looking at you warmly. “I’m not worried about Robin and Vicky. If they’re meant to be, they’ll figure it out. Just like we did.”
Your heart clenched at the look on his face, all soft eyes and adoring smiles. The expression that was reserved for you and you alone. 
“Yeah,” you whispered as you turned back around, allowing him to carefully rinse your hair for the final time. “Just like we did.”
He finished up and shifted to your side once more, fully facing you. “All done, angel. Feeling better?” His voice was low and sweet, like syrup. Sticky and saccharine. 
“Thank you,” you tell him honestly, as you move to get up. He rose as you did, hands outstretched to help you climb over the ledge of the bath, making sure you were steady on the bathmat before reaching for a towel. Wrapping you up with exaggerated care.
“Alright, sweetheart, wait here. No running off,” he said as he finished tucking the towel around you. 
You giggled, watching him scoop up your pile of wet clothes from the bathroom floor. “And where exactly would I go?”
He walked to the door and held a finger up, pointing at you. “Knowing you, you’d probably find some trouble to get into. Plus, I don’t want to mop up any more water from the living room, so stay put.”
He disappeared into the hallway and you could hear the familiar beep from the dryer, along with him talking to himself about what buttons to push. He always complained about how many setting the damn thing had. 
Not wanting to keep you waiting for long, he reappeared, holding a pair of your pyjama bottoms and—of course—one of his old school jumpers. 
He handed them both to you with a small smile. “Vintage Hawkins, what do you think?”
You raised an eyebrow as you inspected the item. “Didn’t think you’d want me wearing something that is so… ‘King Steve’”
Barking out a laugh as he helped you into the soft material. You had spoken a bit about his past, he openly disclosed that he may not have been the best person then. You withheld using the nickname, usually reserving it for when you wanted to rile him up. 
“I don’t mind,” he said with a shrug. “You would’ve been way too good for me back then. No way we’d be friends in high school. I was kind of a dick.”
You hummed as you wriggled into the dry clothes. “Kind of?”
Steve held a hand to his chest in mock offence. “Wow, okay! That hurts, honey. I’m nicer now aren’t I?”
He helped you tug up your pyjama bottoms, taking a step back to admire you, as if you were dolled up for a date. He loved you like this. Warm and comfy, wearing his clothes. “You are very nice. Maybe too nice.”
He flashed that beautiful, boyish grin once again. “Too nice? No such thing.” He pulled you closer to him. “I had to change my tactics to win you over. I’m whipped for you, just ask Robin.”
Leading you to the couch and pulling you down next to him, he grabbed a blanket and draped it over you both, looking over your shoulder to make sure your feet were covered too. 
“You know, I don’t think I would have liked you much back then,” you teased, poking his side and earning a surprised yelp from the boy beneath you. “Mr. ‘I’m too cool for everyone.’”
Steve ruffled your drying hair playfully before continuing. “Yeah, I was pretty insufferable,” you can hear the cringe in his voice as he looks away, cheeks heating slightly at the embarrassing memories. “But look at me now, completely reformed and with a gorgeous girl looking all pretty in my lap.”
It was your turn to blush as you hid your face in his chest, TV playing softly in the background as you let yourself melt into his embrace. He always made it easy for you to unwind around him. Completely relax. It was simple with Steve, it always was.
“I’m glad I’m not that guy anymore,” he said, his quiet voice laced with sincerity, fingers running through your hair. “Because now, I get to be here with you.”
You tilted your head upwards, eyelids beginning to droop, surrounded by his warmth. “I’m glad too,” you tell him as you feel your body getting heavier.
The white noise from the TV and Steve’s embrace lulled you into a gentle sleep. He smiled down at you, seeing you completely at peace on his chest. He placed a soft kiss on your temple, inhaling the smell of you mixed with the citrus shampoo he had used earlier. He felt content, full. 
“Goodnight, sweetheart,” he whispered, not speaking too loud at the risk of waking you. His fingers drew shapes across your back as the TV droned on, but he wasn’t paying it the slightest bit of attention. Way too focused on the sweet girl in his arms, and nothing in this world could make him want to move. 
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wwaheoh · 2 months
hehe, i know im probably not the first and definitely won't be the last to ask, but we need a part 3 of the rejected confession series!! whether its a happy ending of reader and the character getting together or just making up and staying friends (or forever parting ways) we need closure!! so when you think you are ready for it, could we possibly have a final part? :,)
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“Reconciliation”, Zenless Zone Zero x gnReader
Von Lycaon, Anby Demara, Zhu Yuan
a/n: thank yall so much for the support! its meant so much! i hope everyone enjoys the "good ending" to the Unrequited Love series.
a/n²: also thanks to that one anonymous requester, loved your ideas and helped a bunch when writing! hope i did well in realizing it!
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
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The day before heading to the scheduled meet, you were stressed out of your mind. Having made up your mind, you decided to go, whether it be for reconciliation or- no, you shouldn’t think so optimistically. Maybe this was just a way for them to berate you for ghosting them before cutting ties forever…
With that optimistic thought, you made your way back home, finally getting off the bench you’d been glued to with thought after the brief encounter with the shark-girl. Sorta embarrassing to be told to fix your relationship by a high school girl but at this point any push that didn’t get you deeper into becoming a shut-in was better than none.
Stepping into your home, you shut and locked the door behind you before heading to your room, beelining straight for the closet. Sliding it open, you began to look through the hanged clothing, contemplating what you should wear. Something cute? Something bold? Something that you’d think he’d like or something you felt comfortable in?
After several minutes of this, you finally picked out an outfit, now onto actually getting sleep. Setting the clothes onto a chair, you went to your bathroom and undressed, putting on sleepwear and throwing yourself onto the bed.
A wave of exhaustion passed through you, wow, you were a lot more tired than you thought…
The outing with you had been going well, Lycaon thought, today was a beautiful day, thankfully Rina was aiding Corin today so he had no worries about being forced to cut it short and attend to any accidents their junior was prone to.
Strolling by the pier of Lumina Square, water a sunset orange as thr Sun began to set into the horizon, you stopped walking, with him following, a sign of confusion on his face.
“Hey, Lycaon?” You spoke nervously, demeanor slightly shaking. Worry began to draw in, not outwardly showing it, not wanting to make you more nervous in speaking. Something that he usually did when with clients- unconsciously leading him to thinking of you as a client rather than his friend at the moment.
Then you confessed.
His mind stopped- cool breaking as the words spilled out of your mouth and into his ears. Forcing his tail to not wag, he was about to reply. Yet what came out of his mouth was not what he intended, having forced his brain into ‘work mode’ to protect himself from all the possibilities of what you might have said.
So instead of accepting your feelings, happily rejoicing and telling you that he returned them wholeheartedly. He… rejected you. The words tumbled out of his mouth, rushed, the professional tone he used with clients slipped in. As if he were a prisoner in his body.
The look you gave him immediately showed he screwed up. Unable to approach as you began to cry, not wanting to take back the words- not because he believed them, but because he believed you would think he was simply pitying you and throwing a bone.
“I’ll start the car up. It’s getting late.”
“I- it’s- hic- it’s f-fine. I’ll get home on m-my own.”
“I must insi-”
“I said it’s fine!”
His ears drooping, wild guilt painted on his face, internally berating himself for having somehow messed up the interaction of his dreams. He went back to his car, turning it on and beginning the drive back home.
Atleast, that’s what he led you to believe. Instead, he parked in a nearby alley before shadowing you- unwilling to not see you home.
The day after that, he texted you, yet you never responded. Days of being left on ‘Read’ became days of you not opening his text messages at all.
It had begun to get at him, his voice became colder than usual with clients, still professional but with more sharpness to it. The others noticed their boss acting like this, yet were unable to pry into the why. It was a shared silent agreement between them and their boss, a wall between their professional work and personal lives. He met with Master Phatheon a few times and even they noticed something was off with the butler.
One day Ellen overheard him murmuring, quickly figuring out who he was so hung up about and what had happened- with some aid from Miss Rina. Unbeknownst to Lycaon, she met up with you unexpectedly, getting you to meet with Lycaon at the cafe. With Rina “booking an appointment” with a client, for Lycaon to meet with at the very same time.
Stepping into the cafe, bell jingling behind you, looking around the cafe before finding the spot Ellen had directed you to, tilting her head to the farthest seat with her signature bored look and lollipop in mouth. Nodding gratefully, you made your way to the table and sat down. Nerves ablaze, you fixed your clothes, making sure nothing was out of place. Worries bubbled up in your mind, thoughts of what could go wrong swirling in the bubbling soup of anxiousness.
Silver fur snapped you out of your spiraling, the Therian that’d been on your mind now realized in front of you. He mirrored your expression of shock, not having thought to see you again, before he quickly closed the gap, holding you tightly.
“I am so sorry.” Breathless, he looked deep into your eyes, “I had not meant to say what I did. I do wish to be with you. If you’d have me.” Not a man to screw up an opportunity like this- especially after having messed up so badly, any and all grievances be damned- he would say his peace and lay his heart into your hands, to either hold or crush at your whim.
You returned his hold, tears welling up as the two of you embraced, hearts swelling with joy as his hard, fluffy body pressed tightly against you, finally together once more. Sobbing openly as finally, the two of you were together, this time as lovers.
It was a little awkward stepping out of the cafe, with some customers very obviously glancing at the two of you after your two very public reunion…
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After Anby had run from your confession, she spent a lot of time rewatching movies. Romance and tragedy specifically, trying to find a solution to what has transpired. The rest of the Cunning Hares were confused about her seemingly out of nowhere interest in those genres, usually seeing her watch action or thrillers.
There was an aching in her heart, one she had originally attributed to the loss of a friend, yet it felt stronger, much stronger. As she watched more and more, she came across an animated film, one of a failed relationship, of how being apart makes the heart grow fonder, ending with the two getting together, stronger than before.
That’s what she wanted.
While originally she was true to herself, only wanting you as a friend, time revealed that she wanted more, especially after forcing herself to dodge into alleys after even a glimpse of your hair, oftentimes leading to odd looks from the Cunning Hares or Phaethon. She wanted to be closer to you, like how the protagonists in the films were.
Standing up, resolution in her heart and an apology on her tongue, she exited the door and began making her way to your abode, moonlight and street lamps lighting the way.
You couldn’t sleep. It wasn’t a one-off occurrence either. Thoughts powered by the late night struck harshly, leaving lasting impressions that made sleep impossible. Especially those of a particular silver-haired girl.
Sighing, you shook your head, as if to shake the thoughts physically out, getting up from your bed and heading to the kitchen. Opening up the refrigerator, you grabbed a cold pitcher of water and a cup from the cupboard, turning the pitcher and letting the cool liquid spill into the cup, only turning it back upright as it neared the top.
Putting the pitcher back into the fridge before closing it, you grabbed the cup and steadily began to drink from it. Refreshing, always helping whenever those thoughts arrive…
A notification from your phone rang out, having left it in your bedroom you began to make your way to said room, when a knock at the door stopped you. Nothing good ever came from someone at your door at near midnight.
Grabbing a nearby object- your hand finding the handle of a knife, you quietly made your way to the door. Looking through the peephole, you saw a familiar face that made your muscles freeze.
Anby, staring right back at you. In her usual getup, with the same mono-look, but a hint of anxiousness hidden in her eyes.
Setting the knife down onto the counter, you slowly opened up the door, nerves threatening a rebellion against your body as you opened the door.
Finally face to face with Anby, without the blurriness and fish-eye view that the peephole provided, you could see how less kept she was than usual. Eyes tinged with red- a sign of screen overuse. Sweat, faster breaths, a flush of red coloring her pale cheeks.
The two of you stared at each other for a second before she quickly closed in.
“I’m sorry.” Her voice cracked, monotone as it was, a hint of breathiness from her seemingly having sprinted here from wherever she was prior. “I shouldn’t have ran.”
You didn’t know what to do, worried that nodding or shaking your head would give the wrong impression- whatever the impression you wanted to give was lost to you.
You just stood there, listening to what she had to say.
“In the movies they always get together after the first confession. But it didn’t feel right at the time- but it also didn’t feel right saying no.”
A silence before you decided to share your two cents.
“Anby-” her attention diverted back to you straightaway, “How about this. We date for a bit- say, a year, then if you feel like it’s right, then we can continue. If not, then atleast we tried…”
“Just don’t run again, even being friends would be better than never seeing you again.”
She quickly closed the gap between the two of you, embracing you tightly, with you following suit. “Okay…” her voice was shaky, her grip on you was not.
Okay actually it was too tight- “Anby I think you’re gonna break my spine!”
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Stepping out of your assigned police car, you nodded to your partner as they exited the vehicle and went to leave the premises. Qingyi having gone back to Zhu Yuan’s side after the one day the two of you were assigned together, message delivered, you wondered how she pulled off getting to be your partner.
You began to make your way to Zhu Yuan’s desk, with her filling out some final papers regarding what happened to the blimp atop of the Ballet Twins Towers. A situation that had been narrowly avoided ending in catastrophe by an inorganic citizen being insusceptible to the knock-out gasses found in the systems of the victims. Her squadron had been the first to the scene, being stopped at the first tower before being forced to evacuate and find another way up by several explosives being detonated at the bridge.
It was a headache for everyone involved, happy that the worse situation happened but not looking forward to the amount of paperwork needed to be filed, especially since the prime suspect of a major case and now this case had gone off-grid with the blimp to who knows where now.
Thankfully it seemed Zhu Yuan didn’t mind it too much, all too happy to do her work, no matter how monotonous it seemed. Turning off the computer for the day and filing papers into cabinets, she had been adding a sprinkle of water into the tomato plant she’d been growing, thoughts swirling as she continued with the monotonous task.
It’d been days since she last saw you. Invitations declined, only glimpses of you before you seemingly disappeared into the crowd or entered somewhere she couldn’t follow. Her days had been growing duller, work becoming a distraction to her problems.
Her mom had commented on this, citing worries about how she’d been seemingly throwing herself deeper into work and training, questioning the near-null appearances of you in recent times. She hated to lie to them, yet didn’t want to confront the facts.
She’d been too late to tell you how she felt. She would never get the opportunity again...
One day Qingyi told Zhu Yuan that she'd have to stay a little later, orders given to her to give to Zhu Yuan a little extra work. While to most, this’d be an annoyance, Zhu Yuan readily accepted the new work, not wanting to go back to her lonely apartment.
You knocked on the doorframe- breaking her out of her thoughts, face lighting up as she laid eyes on you.
“Uh, hey Zhu Yuan…” She set the water-can down and stood up hastily. “Hey! Uhm…” The two of you stood awkwardly as you tried to form the words you wanted to say.
“I’m sorry.” Zhu Yuan looked at you, worry on her face, urging you to continue. While she had been hurt from how you were seemingly avoiding her, she still looked at you as a close friend.
“It’s… stupid of me. But I wanted to tell you that…”
You confessed, deciding to put all your trust in Qingyi and just do it. Ripping the proverbial band-aid off, the words tumbled out.
She stood there, wide-eyed as you finished. There was a brief silence before tears began to bunch at the edge of her eyes. Your heart stopped, worried that you’d done something wrong before she closed the gap and embraced you, repeating “Yes!” and “I like you too!”, nearly squealing in delight.
You were dazed from how hard she was shaking you, before finally getting a hold. “So.. you’re not into Qingyi?”
“Huh? No, where’d you get that idea?”
“Ahh…” it was a little embarrassing to admit this in hindsight, “I thought since… you looked at her like that, that you…”
She giggled a little, before stopping quickly, “Sorry- I- I looked like that because I was thinking of you. Just, I looked away anytime you looked at me since I didn’t know if you returned my feelings…”
Finally love bloomed, no longer covered by the walls of uncertainty.
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drdemonprince · 2 months
I know so many people who are certain the world is about to end. They’ve felt this way since about 2016 or so. They are neurotic and unempowered, refreshing their Twitter feeds and making posts begging others to stay worried and go vote. 
Some of them are leftists, and say they wish to see an end to capitalism, perhaps even to America — but when the possibility starts actually feeling real to them, they fear crime, and chaos, and their own helplessness. They joke uneasily that we live in “The Bad Place” but they are too afraid to get to the good one. They don’t want to see an end to their quiet street corner, their cozy condominium, their favorite television shows on streaming, their door with a lock. They admit this world is hell but they try to claim their own corner of it and keep it comfortable. 
I’ve been in the exact mental spot as these people, so I don’t mean to make myself sound superior. For the longest time, all I wanted to do was find a few comforting distractions to get me through the years before my death. I went to bed with my stomach in knots, certain that one day the power grid would go dark, the water would stop flowing, and the fascists would march in the streets and no one would stop them. 
Back then I didn’t fantasize that I would do anything to stop them. I picture things differently now. 
I used to think that voting and calling representatives were my only avenues for political participation, but now I see that with every choice I am not merely voting for a better world, I am creating it. When I fund a friend’s jaw surgery, when I look an unhoused person in the eyes and ask them how they are doing, when I slow my walking speed, when I share my knowledge, I am making decisions about how the future will be. I am not powerless. I am small, and vulnerable, but I always have something to give. 
I think that when we are feeling powerless and afraid of the collapse, it’s helpful to shift our attention toward practical, empowering questions like these:
If the government collapsed today, what would I do tomorrow?
The End of the World is a big, frightening abstraction. But if some terrible disaster (or glorious revolution) were to happen today, all I’d have to do tomorrow is make a few basic decisions. What would I eat? Where would I sleep? Who would I contact first? 
At the end of the world there are still dirty clothes and rumbling bellies. Those pressing physical needs are the most immediate questions we will need to answer, not larger philosophical quandaries about what life is “for,” or what the ideal new political system should be. For those more essential questions, there will always be answers: canned food to gather, lakes to wash off in, stories to be traded across candlelight. 
The future that we expect is just a fiction we tell ourselves, and it has never been guaranteed. And so, when some dramatic change comes, we can focus not on the loss of certainty, but on the practicalities: finding shelter, getting fed, and keeping the people around us as safe as we can. This is already what life is about — and we’re all more practiced in survival than we might think. 
If the world as I know it ended, what would still be important to me?
Hitting my weekly wordcount goals wouldn’t matter at all anymore, I know that much. But in the wake of a terrible collapse I would still value my friends, my immediate family, my chinchilla, and the people I see every day. I wouldn’t be so fixated on never seeming ‘awkward’ or ‘creepy’; the moment disaster happened, I would just get over myself and knock on my neighbors’ doors. 
If the world ended, I’d stop caring about my appearance, but I’d still long for a mode of self-expression like fashion currently provides. I wouldn’t think of my writing “career,” but I’d still want to be heard. I can imagine myself giving a small speech to my neighbors, trying to persuade them to take whatever course of action I thought best. I would be wrong often and not always persuasive, but I would still get to express myself and witness how that expression influences the world. I’d take care of more animals. I’d worry less about my apartment getting banged up and wrecked. 
It’s worthwhile to contemplate the people we will become after capitalism. The rhythms of our lives will change, as will our priorities. We may harbor fears about all that may be lost, but it’s worth asking whether our possessions and favorite TV shows and Twitch streamers are really all that important. I often find myself looking forward to the person I could become in this new reality. And those thoughts often motivate me to make small changes in who I am and what I prioritize right now.
The full essay also contemplates these questions about the apocalypse:
What would I feel unburdened from?
What important work would I keep doing?
What skills do I have that people will always need? 
What help would I ask for? 
You can read the full piece for free, or have it narrated to you in the Substack app, right here.
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wileys-russo · 7 months
jenni hermoso, ”they need to stop looking at what’s mine”, beach
beachball II j.hermoso
"you're blocking my sun hermoso." you cracked one eye open and glared upwards at your girlfriend who stood over you with a wolfish grin, casting a shadow across your face as you sighed.
annoyed as you might have been with the break to your tanning routine you couldn't help but allow your eyes to rake over the footballers toned and tattooed body, rippling muscles glistening from her dip in the caribbean ocean.
"you look hot querida. maybe you need a swim?" the spaniard purred, dropping to her knees and leaning down hovering over you where you lay on a towel on the beach.
"jenni!" you whined as she shook her head and droplets of water from her hair rained down on you, freezing cold in contrast to the warmth of your dry sun soaked skin.
"thats my name bebita, i know how you love to say it." your girlfriend teased with a suggestive smirk as you smacked at her shoulder, dropping your sunglasses down over your eyes.
"vacation mode jennifer is somehow even more annoying than world cup winning jennifer." you mumbled with a shake of your head, your girlfriends overly confident demeanor just as infuriating as it was admirable.
"yet both are so very in love with you mi vida...and just as hot. winners are sexy, no?" the striker hummed, accent thick as you withheld the urge to smile at her words.
but this wasn't missed by the taller girl who ducked down and pecked your lips several times before laying down beside you on her own towel, body pressed as close against yours as it could be.
physical touch had always been jenni's favourite love language, even something as simple as her hand on the small of your back as she guided you to a table on date night, a finger locked with yours beneath the table of a family dinner, her hand sat on your thigh as she drove.
"amor." you spoke with a warning tone as her pointer finger traced circles against your hip, flicking teasingly at the waistband of your bikini bottoms.
you glanced to the right to see she'd covered her face with her cap but you had no doubt her lips would be curled into a smug smile. hand lashing out you flipped the cap off her face and promptly flipped over, laying on your stomach now.
you flinched as fingers quickly and skillfully tugged on the knot of your bikini top, untying it as the strings fell either side of your torso. "wouldn't want you to get tan lines princesa." your girlfriend rasped as your head twisted to raise an eyebrow at her.
"and they say chivalry is dead." you retorted as your girlfriend hummed and poked your nose, placing the trucker cap backwards on her head and pushing herself up to comfortably rest back on her elbows.
finally having a few moments of peace you were almost ready to flip around again when suddenly something wet collided with you, hitting you in the ass and splattering droplets of water across your back.
your first thought was that it was your girlfriends hand, jenni never afraid to smack, poke, pat or squeeze her favorite part of your body. but as you sat up slightly and watched her grab the beachball with a frown, you knew for once she was in the clear.
"sorry!" a young boy grinned, gesturing for jenni to throw the ball back as his friends hovered behind him, eyes very unsubtly checking the both of you out.
"hey, just give it back to them cari it was an accident." you reached out to squeeze her thigh, nodding encouragingly as her eyes flicked downward to you, jaw clenched clearly not missing where the boys own eyes were falling.
swallowing what she really wanted to say the older girl exhaled and tossed the ball back to them, the boys hurrying back over to the net as you flipped over and sat up.
"hey, amor." you poked at her side, trying to wrench her glare away from where it was trained on the young boys like a laser, jaw still tense and biceps bulging as she clenched and unclenched her fists.
"jenni." you called out again, hand softly falling to her cheek and physically forcing her head to look at you. "let it go. don't let one little thing ruin our day, okay?" you spoke firmly but gently.
"they need to stop looking at whats mine." jenni murmured, eyes now trailing down your body as you recognized the hungry look in her eyes which had your mouth curling upward into a smile.
"you think it is funny bebita? that i am joking?" your girlfriend challenged, raising an eyebrow as if daring you to agree, your stomach flipping at the almost predatory way her gaze roamed over your body, your other hand holding your undone top so it wouldn't fall down.
"no, but it is amusing you think i would give a bunch of stupid little boys the time of day when i have one of spains finest half naked on a towel next to me." you quipped back, the answer seeming to please her as some of the jealousy melted from her features.
"how about if you had her fully naked in a very comfortable hotel bed?" jenni purred with a smirk, reaching around to tie your top up for you as her mouth ghosted yours, eyes never leaving your own.
"mm i don't think i could be held accountable for my actions amor." you replied honestly, that same hunger now ablaze in your eyes as your girlfriend chuckled, pulling back right as you leant in to kiss her.
"well isn't it a good thing i am feeling so generous cariño. if you do what i want then maybe i will let you look and touch."
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silv3rswirls · 8 months
taking care of their drunk girlfriend
Anon asks: Seventeen when they have to take care of their drunk gf? Maybe they're sick, or need a ride home, lost something? However you want to write it!
Note: Thank you for requesting, I hope you enjoy :)
Warnings: Drinking/being drunk, throwing up in Vernon's, some light mentions of creepy men in Hoshi's
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Normally you wouldn’t go out much without Seungcheol, especially when you planned on drinking and having a carefree time, but your coworkers insisted. Everything was fine initially, until they all ditched you and you were left alone at the table. Your tipsy fun ending, and leaving you sitting there with a new bout of nerves sitting in your stomach as you looked around. So you text your boyfriend, complaining how they left suddenly, how you felt uncomfortable on your own and would be heading home soon.
Cheol on the other hand feels his face heat up in anger when he gets your messages. He can practically feel your sadness through the texts. He picks you up instead of letting you catch a car home. He fully plans to give your coworkers an earful if he sees them. For the rest of the night, he sighs in frustration and comments about how rude or angry he feels about it, how could they leave you like that? He stays in the rest of the night with you, cuddling and talking until you start to drift off to sleep.
You went out for a friend's birthday, leaving Jeonghan with a warning that you wanted to really party with her tonight. He gave you the go-ahead, so long as you checked in now and again with him and kept your location on so he didn’t have to worry. So there he was, comfy in bed watching his show, enjoying an evening alone when he got about a dozen texts from an unknown number; you had lost your phone, your keys, you wanted to come home, etc., etc. etc. He’s out of bed to get you in an instant, but he’s complaining the whole time. How could you be so careless? What do you mean you can’t find your purse? Was no one in their right mind over there?
He’s bothering everyone around you for your lost items, looking everywhere he can think of. While you're clinging to him, feeling emotional over the whole ordeal as he drags you about the club. You’re very lucky that he found your items being held behind the bar. He takes you home and puts you to bed, still (lovingly) teasing you over your drunken mishaps, you won’t be forgetting this anytime soon.
Oh no, you’re not feeling well? Joshua’s taking you home the instant you complain about a stomach ache and the drinks just not agreeing with you. You had gone out with him and some of the other members for dinner and then some drinks afterward, but it seemed your body just didn’t want to partake that night. He grabs your coats and makes sure you’re bundled up for the cold outside and then you go straight back to your place. You get comfy, he makes you drink some water and just take it easy- he doesn’t care if you think he’s overreacting, he’s in sweetest boyfriend in the world mode and doesn’t plan on stopping. 
He got home after you, shockingly enough. You had gone out to celebrate a big promotion at work, while he had been stuck late at the company. He felt bad not going out with you but had promised you to celebrate tomorrow. He even picked up a little cake for you on his way back, leaving it on the counter with some flowers. And when he went into the bedroom to greet and suffocate you in a big hug- you had already passed out. The sweetest boyfriend in the world mode activated instantly. When you refuse to get up he starts making you comfy. He takes your shoes off, tries his best to wipe your makeup away, and brushes your hair. He moves you under the covers, tucks you in and leaves a bottle of water and some medicine at your bedside table. He snuggles next to you, ready to celebrate a slow morning with you.
You were hiding in the bathroom. The stall locked and your eyes glued to your phone as you tried to focus on texting Hoshi, trying to ignore how the room felt like it was spinning. You had gone out with friends- you hardly ever went out, let alone drink much, but they had pestered and pushed for you to let loose for once. Of course, the night you finally decide to go out, they’re creeps crawling all over the place, and your friends have all wandered off. It was becoming too much, you didn’t want to go back out there, let alone wait outside for a car home. With nothing else to do, you texted your boyfriend pleading for advice on how to handle the man outside waiting for you. 
Hoshi tells you to stay put and comes to the club, pushing through the crowd of people and bee-lining for the bathroom. He knocks repeatedly, telling you to come out so he could take you home. And when the creep from earlier tries to stop you, grab at your arm and say something about you coming to dance with him- Hoshi argues with him instantly. He holds your hand on the car ride back to his apartment, he makes you lie down and rest until your tipsiness starts to calm down. He clings to you all night and morning, promises to never let you go out alone and be harassed like that, apologies, and is extra sweet on you.
Lost? What do you mean you’re lost?? Wonwoo keeps texting you, but all he gets are messy, misspelled messages about how you’re lost, your friend left you, you want to go home, etc. Luckily, you still had your location on so he ventures out to find you. He hadn’t expected your big night out to end like this, lost? He can’t wrap his mind around the situation; especially when your location is down the street from the club where you met your friends. He’s pretty worried though, but hopes you found safety in the cafe it seemed your phone was at.
And there you are, sitting in the cafe and frowning as you wait for him; drunk and feeling far too silly to get up on your own. He smiles and lets you cling to him as he guides you and home. He’s laughing and shaking his head the whole time you stumble and babble on about nothing in particular. He makes you drink some water and settle into bed, and he sits up well after you fall asleep to watch over you.
If he didn’t love you so much, he would tell you off the moment you mentioned walking home alone that night. You went out with coworkers and called it a night when you started feeling tipsy. You tried getting a car home but failed. You missed the bus and the next wasn’t scheduled any time soon. So you walked home, it wasn’t that far. The next morning you off-handedly mention it to Jihoon, who nearly drops the plate in his hand. He repeated what you said with a question, nose scrunching a bit as he took it in. He’s mad and spends all morning telling you how dangerous it was, how you should’ve called him and he would’ve left the studio to get you or got you some kind of safe way home. 
The two of you went out together to celebrate a friend's birthday. He decided not to drink, not really in the mood for it while you were happy to drink alongside the birthday girl all night. He takes care of you the whole time. He doesn’t let you wonder, holds your drinks, and watches your drink when you leave for the restroom. He even sneaks in glasses of water whenever he can. He takes you home with him, makes sure to help you get your coat and shoes off, and lets you flop onto the sofa with a happy sigh. 
You both had a pretty fun night, or so he thought until he noticed tears shining in your eyes. You throw yourself onto him, crying and rambling about how much of a good boyfriend he was, how much you loved him, and how he always took such good care of you. He’s about to start crying alongside you. Hushing your tears, and carrying you off to bed. You fall asleep cuddled together.
You went out with an old group of friends you haven't seen since graduating. You hadn’t been keen on the idea but decided to give it a chance. Unfortunately, old drama was brought up and you were caught in the middle. Nonstop arguing and jabbing at one another, the drinks weren’t helping so you decided to leave and let them hash the rest out on their own. Mingyu hadn’t expected you home for another few hours. But when you come home early, tipsy, and red with anger? He’s at your side in an instant. When you start to recite all the drama between your friends that happened? He’s listening intently, taking mental notes, and gasping at every twist in the story. He’s agreeing with you 100%, he’s so entertained hearing your drunken rants, and sides with you completely. 
Minghao had advised you not to drink too much when you mentioned going out with your sibling for their birthday. You kept his warning in mind the moment you began to feel the room spin a little too fast and a nagging pain in the back of your head started to pound. You called it an early night and caught a cab to his place. He was a bit surprised to see you, as you had planned on staying with them for the night. But he can’t turn you down. You’re complaining about your head, how you’re not feeling well and just want to be around him. The sweetest boyfriend in the world mode activated. He gets you water and some medicine, offers to make you some tea, and maybe even tries to get you to eat something small. He lets you cuddle and lay on him all evening, rubs your back, and massages your head to try and help. If you’re still not feeling well the next morning, the sweet treatment continues.
Honestly, he’s not above scolding you in your drunk state over how unsafe it was for you to drink so much tonight. He’s not truly mad at you, he just wants to make sure you’re taking good care of yourself and being safe. He doesn’t care if it's going in one ear and out the other, but the moment he notices your eyes well up with tears he’s lowering his tone and asking what’s wrong. He feels bad, holding your hand and apologizing if he sounded too harsh. He lets you cry all you want on his shoulder, cuddling into the crook of his neck and drunkenly ranting about any little thing that stuck in your mind.
He decides to put you to bed, urging you not to worry anymore and just to rest now that you’re emotionally drained, drunk, and getting sleepier every minute. He will properly pester you about your recklessness tomorrow, and for now, he’ll let you cling to his arm and drift off to sleep- eagerly of course.
He’s trying his best, really he is, but his words offer little comfort in the moment. You’re drunk, hunched over in the bathroom throwing up everything that was in your stomach after a rowdy night out. He’s just standing in the doorway asking if you’re good at first. Eventually, when everything begins to calm down he’s kneeling beside you, rubbing your back and asking if you’re okay again. While you brush your teeth and rinse your face he gets some water and waits for you to crawl into bed and curl up next to him. He rubs your back and tells you it’s okay, he’s not upset with you for getting sick or drinking too much. He tries to stay up with you until you can fall asleep, and if he passes out before you he makes you promise to try and wake him up if you need him. 
You both went out drinking to celebrate a friend’s promotion. Laughing and enjoying the cheery atmosphere until it was time to head back to his apartment. You flop in the living room, both silent as you soak up the alcohol and comfy vibes; until you mention that you’re hungry. He sits up instantly because no way- he’s starving and takeout sounds amazing right now. He orders nearly the whole menu for you, not even caring what he ends up getting for himself as long as you’re happy with what he gets. You stay up late, trying and failing to finish your feast before going to bed. Giggling between bites and poking fun at each other.
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callmedaleelah · 16 days
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toji fushiguro x non-sorcerer!reader
you are home alone while toji at work and someone tried to break into your house.
warnings : criminal scene, angst to comfort, no (y/n) mentioned, writing in second person pov, english is not my first language
[ masterlist ] | [ ask daleelah go to box box 🐭 ]
The house was still, quiet. It always felt a little too quiet when Toji wasn’t around, but it was something you’d gotten used to. You had just finished cleaning the house from top to bottom, scrubbing every inch of the floors and counters, a task that kept your mind busy in Toji's absence. The sun had dipped low in the sky, casting a warm orange glow through the windows as you padded barefoot across the floor, feeling the satisfaction of a job well done.
You made your way to the bathroom, eager to reward yourself with some much-needed self-care. The soft click of the door closing behind you echoed in the empty house. You turned on the warm water, feeling the steam rise around you as you washed away the mud clay mask from your face. The sensation was soothing, and for a moment, you allowed yourself to relax. Wrapping a towel around your head, you took a deep breath, feeling the weight of the quiet afternoon settle over you like a blanket.
Standing in front of the mirror, you unraveled your damp hair from the towel, watching it fall messily around your shoulders. You reached for the hairdryer and plugged it in. The faint hum of the appliance filled the room as you prepared to dry your hair. But just as you were about to turn it on, another sound cut through the air—faint, but unmistakable.
You froze. The house was supposed to be empty, so any noise out of the ordinary instantly set off alarms in your mind. Your heart pounded against your ribs as you strained to listen, trying to figure out if you were just imagining it. The hairdryer hung limply in your hand, forgotten.
Then you heard it again—faint but deliberate, the sound of someone jostling the front door handle. Your breath caught in your throat as the realization struck you like a cold wave. Someone was trying to break in.
Your first thought was Toji, but you quickly dismissed it. No, it couldn’t be him. He always made his presence known, either by calling out for you when he got home or by slipping into the bedroom to find you. He wouldn’t be struggling with the door. He wouldn’t be sneaking.
Fear settled in your stomach like a rock as you took a cautious step toward the open bathroom door. From your vantage point, you could see into the bedroom—your phone was lying there on the bed, screen dark and silent. The bedroom door was shut but not locked. A cold realization swept over you. You never locked the bedroom door. You never had to. But now, in this moment, you regretted it.
You stood frozen, mind racing. Should you try to lock it now? What if you made a sound? What if they heard you? What if it was already too late? Anxiety clawed at your chest, tightening like a vice as you fidgeted with the tie of your bathrobe, your fingers trembling. But you couldn’t just stand there. You needed your phone. You needed Toji.
Taking shallow breaths, you tiptoed out of the bathroom, every creak of the floorboards feeling deafening in the stillness of the house. Your eyes darted toward the door, half-expecting it to burst open at any moment. Your heart thundered in your chest as you reached the bed, snatching up your phone before turning on your heel and rushing back to the bathroom. You closed the door softly behind you, pressing the lock with a barely audible click.
You huddled beside the sink, hiding yourself near the lower cabinet, your back pressed against the cold tile wall. Your breath was coming out in shaky gasps now, the fear seeping into your bones. You quickly turned your phone to silent mode, your hands trembling as you dialed Toji’s number.
It rang once. Twice. Then again. No answer.
You swallowed hard, biting your lip as tears welled up in your eyes. The ringing seemed to mock you, each tone stretching out longer than the last until, finally, it clicked to voicemail. Panic surged in your chest, your pulse racing as the reality of the situation hit you full force. You were alone.
Your breathing grew more erratic as you fumbled to dial him again. Desperation clawed at you as you listened to the phone ring endlessly before going to voicemail once more. A sob caught in your throat as you tried to hold it back, biting down on your lip to stop the trembling.
“Toji,” you whispered into the phone, voice barely above a breath as you left him a voicemail, hoping against hope that he would hear it soon. “Toji, please pick up the phone, I need you. There’s someone… someone broke into our house. I’m in the bathroom. Please, please… come back and help me, please.”
You could hear the faint sound of footsteps moving through the house now. They were soft, but each step made your heart jolt in your chest like a drumbeat. You pressed yourself further against the cabinet, trying to make yourself as small as possible, your mind racing with a thousand horrible possibilities.
“I’m sorry, Toji,” you whispered shakily, your voice barely holding together as tears rolled down your cheeks. “I think… I think I need to call 911. I’m sorry, Toji, I need help. Please, come back and get me.”
Your hands shook uncontrollably as you hung up the phone, fresh tears spilling over your lashes. You could hear the intruder moving closer now, the footsteps unmistakable as they padded across the floor, drawing nearer to where you hid. Every breath you took felt like a struggle, the air thick with fear and tension. You pressed a hand to your mouth, stifling a sob as you heard the faint creak of the floorboards outside the bedroom door.
For a moment, everything was silent again, the kind of stillness that makes the world feel as though it's holding its breath.
Your gaze darted toward the door, watching it intently, praying that it wouldn’t open. Seconds stretched into what felt like hours, the tension mounting as you waited for any sign of Toji—or the intruder. Each passing moment felt like an eternity, your heart pounding so loudly you were sure it would give you away.
You closed your eyes, gripping your phone tightly, clinging to the hope that he would come through that door any second now. You just had to hold on a little longer. Just a little longer.
Your hand shook as you dialed 911, your fingers slick with sweat as you struggled to press the right numbers. Toji wouldn’t be happy about it, you knew that, but you were too desperate for help now, the fear overriding any concerns about what he might say. You couldn’t wait for him anymore—not when they were so close. Not when you could hear their footsteps echoing in your home.
The line rang, and for a moment, you feared no one would answer. But then, a calm voice filled your ear, grounding you for just a second.
"911, what is your emergency?"
Your throat tightened, and for a split second, the words stuck. But then they tumbled out in a rush.
“I-I think someone broke into my house,” you stammered, your voice barely holding together as you tried to keep your sobs at bay.
“Okay, ma’am, I need your name and your address,” the operator said, their voice a lifeline of calm in the storm of fear that surrounded you.
You whispered your name and address quickly, hardly daring to speak too loudly in case the intruders heard you. The words came out in a rush, the fear in your voice palpable.
“I’m all alone,” you continued, your voice shaking as you hugged your knees tighter to your chest. “My fiancé is still at work. I don’t know how many of them there are… but I can hear them. They’re in the house. Please… please come and get me. I don’t know how long I can—"
"Stay calm, ma’am," the operator cut in gently, though you could hear the urgency in their voice. "The police are on their way to your location. Just stay on the phone with me, okay? You're going to be alright."
You barely heard the reassurance as your entire body froze. The sound of footsteps on the stairs sent fresh terror coursing through your veins. You bit down on your hand, trying to stifle the sobs that threatened to escape. They were getting closer. Your heart pounded so hard it felt like it would burst out of your chest.
Then, you heard it. The creak of the bedroom door opening. They were inside.
"Shit, man," a voice muttered, low and irritated. "There’s someone in the bathroom. The light's on."
You heard another voice grunt in annoyance, and you cursed yourself silently. Of course. You had forgotten to turn off the bathroom light in your panic. You squeezed your eyes shut, trying to keep yourself from breaking down entirely. Every muscle in your body trembled, the weight of your fear pressing down on your chest.
“Th-they found me,” you whispered, panic rising in your voice as you spoke into the phone. “They see the light. They know I’m in here.”
The operator's voice remained calm, though there was a new edge of urgency. "Ma'am, stay as quiet as you can. Help is on the way. Don’t hang up, okay? Just hold on a little longer."
You couldn’t answer. You were too focused on the sounds outside the bathroom. The doorknob rattled violently, and you heard one of them curse under their breath as they tried to force it open. Your entire body went cold as you realized they weren’t going to stop.
The handle rattled again, harder this time. There was a loud bang as something heavy hit the door, and you heard one of them laugh darkly.
“Come on out, sweetheart,” a voice called from the other side, dripping with malice. “You can’t hide in there forever.”
Tears spilled down your cheeks as you clamped a hand over your mouth to keep from sobbing out loud. Your breathing came in short, panicked gasps, your chest tightening painfully. You could hear the door creaking as they began to force their way in, the lock straining under the pressure.
“I know you’re in there,” the voice taunted again, now closer to the door. “You can’t run away. No one can witness our crime, baby.”
The sound of something scraping against the lock made your stomach drop. They were going to break in. You could feel it, the air thick with dread as the door shuddered under the force of their attempts to break through.
You cried into the phone, your voice barely audible but thick with terror. "They’re breaking in! They’re going to get me! Please! Please hurry!"
The operator's voice was still there, trying to comfort you, but their words barely registered in your mind. All you could focus on were the sounds of the intruders—the heavy thuds against the door, their low, cruel laughter as they inched closer and closer to getting through.
Your mind raced, each thought more panicked than the last. Would the police arrive in time? Would Toji? You couldn’t bear the thought of what would happen if they didn’t.
The door splintered, and you could hear their frustration turning into determination. Another loud bang, and you felt your heart drop into your stomach. It wouldn’t hold much longer.
You pressed yourself tighter into the small space beside the sink, your entire body trembling uncontrollably. Tears blurred your vision as you whispered desperate prayers under your breath, hoping against hope that someone—anyone—would come to your rescue.
Then, through the haze of your terror, you heard it: the faint, distant wail of police sirens.
The sound of the sirens pierced through your panic like a lifeline, even as your mind struggled to comprehend that help had finally arrived. You heard the men curse loudly from outside the bathroom. They shouted something incoherent, their voices dripping with frustration and panic as they realized their time was up. You heard their heavy footsteps retreating quickly down the stairs, their once arrogant bravado now laced with fear as the police closed in. The house filled with shouts—commands from the police, the heavy thud of doors being kicked open, the scuffle of the intruders trying to make their escape.
But all of that felt distant. You were curled up on the cold bathroom floor, trembling uncontrollably, the phone still clutched loosely in your hand though you’d forgotten about it entirely. The tears didn’t stop as you sobbed quietly into your hands, your entire body wracked with emotion. Even though the danger seemed to have passed, the fear lingered, a weight that pressed down on your chest and made it hard to breathe.
The sound of the bathroom door being forced open startled you, and you flinched, your breath catching in your throat. You looked up, tears clouding your vision, to see a policewoman standing in the doorway, her expression soft but determined as she searched the small space.
“Ma’am, it’s clear now,” she said gently, her voice calm and reassuring as she reached out a hand toward you. “We got them. You can come out now. You’re safe.”
Her words washed over you, but it took a moment for them to sink in. You slowly reached for her hand, your body trembling as she helped you stand. Your legs felt weak, as if they might give out beneath you at any moment, but she held you steady, guiding you out of the bathroom. Every step felt surreal, the world around you moving in a blur as you tried to focus on anything—something to ground you.
Outside, an ambulance was parked at the front of your house, its lights casting a soft glow in the darkened street. The paramedics greeted you, their voices calm and professional, but you could barely register their words. They wrapped a warm blanket around your shaking body, and you sat down on the back bumper of the ambulance, staring blankly ahead. The paramedic spoke softly as he checked you over, his hands gentle, though his voice seemed to echo in the distance.
“Your heart rate is high—likely from the shock,” he said. “Do you have any internal pain, ma’am?”
You shook your head weakly, not trusting yourself to speak. Your throat felt raw, your voice small and cracked as you tried to take sips from the water bottle they handed you. Everything around you felt muted, as though you were seeing it from behind a glass wall—just out of reach, too far for you to fully understand.
Then, through the haze of your thoughts, you saw a familiar car screech to a halt at the curb. Your breath caught in your throat as you saw him—Toji—leap out of the car and rush toward you with wide, frantic eyes. His normally calm and collected demeanor was completely gone, replaced by a desperate look of fear and concern. The sight of him broke through the numbness that had taken hold of you, and fresh tears welled up in your eyes.
“Toji…” you whispered, your voice breaking, but he was already there, pulling you into his arms before you could even finish.
The moment his arms wrapped around you, you collapsed into his embrace, sobbing into his chest as all the fear and tension came pouring out of you. He held you tightly, his strong arms encircling you, grounding you in a way nothing else could. His hand cradled the back of your head, his fingers tangling in your hair as he pressed his face into the crook of your neck. You could feel the way his body shook, the tremor in his hands as he held you like you might disappear if he let go.
“Doll… I’m so sorry,” Toji whispered into your hair, his voice rough with emotion. “I’m so fucking sorry I wasn’t here. Are you okay? Did they hurt you?”
You couldn’t answer, only shaking your head weakly as you buried your face deeper into his chest, your tears soaking into his shirt. His scent surrounded you—familiar, comforting—reminding you that you were safe now, that Toji was here. The tightness in your chest began to ease, replaced by the overwhelming relief of being in his arms again.
“They… they caught them,” you whispered shakily, your voice trembling. “The police got them.”
Toji’s grip on you tightened for a moment, as if the very thought of what had happened made his blood boil. You could feel his breath hitch against your skin, a mixture of anger and helplessness weighing on him. But when he pulled back slightly to cup your face, his touch was impossibly gentle. He brushed away your tears with his thumbs, his dark eyes locking onto yours with a fierce intensity.
“I’m so sorry I’m late,” he whispered, his voice rough with guilt. “I should’ve been here. I should’ve been the one to protect you.”
You shook your head, more tears spilling down your cheeks. “I called the police…” you whispered, guilt twisting in your chest. “I’m sorry, Toji… I didn’t know what else to do.”
Toji’s expression softened, and he let out a deep breath, his thumb brushing over your cheek as he stared at you with something close to tenderness. “Fuck, doll… don’t apologize. You don’t need to say sorry for that,” he said softly, his voice steady now. “I don’t care about the police or any of that. What matters is that you’re okay. That’s all I care about. You did what you had to do, and I’m proud of you for it.”
His words broke something inside you, and you let out a sob, collapsing into his chest again as more tears streamed down your face. Toji’s arms tightened around you, and he pressed a kiss to the top of your head, holding you as if he could shield you from the world. He murmured quiet reassurances into your hair, his voice low and soothing as he rocked you gently back and forth.
“I’m here now,” he whispered, his lips brushing against your temple. “I’m not going anywhere. I’ve got you, love. I’ve got you.”
And in that moment, with Toji holding you so close, you believed him. Despite the chaos that had unfolded, despite the terror that had gripped you, you felt safe again in his arms. His warmth and strength were enough to chase away the lingering shadows of fear, and for the first time since it all began, you allowed yourself to feel at peace.
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maculategiraffe · 8 months
when I was a kid there was a nursery rhyme in my mother goose book that went
cross-patch, draw the latch,
sit by the fire and spin.
take a cup, drink it up,
then call the neighbors in.
and in little women there's a line where jo is being snippy with aunt march and aunt march's parrot says "cross-patch, draw the latch, sit by the fire and spin!" and aunt march says "most observing bird"
which is hilarious and also gives me to understand that the nursery rhyme was once used to comment when someone was being bitchy (or "cross"). like the nineteenth century version of "why don't you have some bread and maybe you'll calm down"
but like it's actually great advice for if you find yourself in a snappy mood. draw the latch / lock the door / put your phone in airplane mode, get comfy, do something constructive and mindless with your hands, drink some water or tea or beverage of choice. after that you can declare yourself fit for company again
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yellowmelle · 27 days
Making paintbrushes with thistle fluff
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Just goofing around and really didn't think it would work, but he handed me some thistle fluff and my fairy craft mode locked in.
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Silicone glue on a stick, for water resistance. I'd say the wire was just for show if it wasn't so ugly. Oh well, maybe next time will be prettier!
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It's actually holding together and picking up paint, AND creating a variety of line weight? Are you kidding me?
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It actually works?? 🥹
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frightwrite · 2 months
Cecaelia Boyfriend: Vasa Pt.1
Weee another repost! Still need to work on the second part of this one
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GN Reader x Male Cecaelia
。゚•┈꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱┈• 。゚
The salty sea air brushed gently through your open window, and a few loose-leaf sheets blew off your desk. You huffed, placing your pen down and getting up from your wooden chair which let out a loud screech. The draft sheets for your upcoming novel were scattered all over your desk. You thanked your past self for labeling each of the pages earlier on. 
Finally gathering the draft and patting the pages together against the desk, you glanced at your digital clock. 1:05 am. You have been stuck in a writer’s block for almost three hours now. You were unsure how to keep the plot moving and make it lead up to the suspenseful twist towards the end of the novel.  Rubbing your sore eyes, you decided that the best thing you needed right now was to relax, and what better way than to sit on the beach reading a book that you adored with the calming ocean sounds as a backdrop? Sure, being at the beach at 1 in the morning was a little self-destructive, but your sleep schedule was already a mess. Might as well make the most of the night and wind down. 
You scurried around your beachside home, grabbed your book, locked your windows, and searched for a pair of jeans and a sweater to wear over your pajamas. Stepping out of your home, you breathed in the relaxing scent of the ocean air, grateful that you made the move closer to the Pacific Ocean. It was a different setting from the fast-paced lifestyle that the city had. Out here you felt more at peace, everything seemed to move slower and it was quieter, save for the whooshing sound of the waves now and then. As you descended the white wooden stairs that entered the beach, you glanced back at the small town that was farther uphill. From what you could see there were very few lights that were on, most of the stores out here closed at around 8 pm due to a majority being small family-owned storefronts. Another perk of the move that you enjoyed.
As your bare feet buried into the sand, you took a moment to take in the sight in front of you. The moon was full tonight, a milky white that illuminated the seaside in a calming glow. The waves rushed to the shore back and forth like a gentle dance. The dark ocean sparkled with the moonlight, and the cool air that came with the usual temperature drops caused a tranquil scene. 
You made your way down to the shorefront, not too close to the water, yet far enough for you to watch as the tide pulled in and then pulled away again. You sat down on the sand, gazing out at sea for a moment before flipping through the pages of your book. You sat there for about thirty minutes or so, casually reading your book and taking in the nighttime scenery when a bright light glinted against your reading glasses. Your attention was pulled away from your book as you searched the area around you for the source of the sudden interruption from your fantasy world. The light was bright but not much larger than the size of a half-dollar coin. You tried your best to teach where the light was coming from, picking yourself up off of the ground as you followed where it was coming from. A silhouette of a person in the sand started to become clearer as you approached and you went into full panic mode. The person, from what you could tell, was lying on their side, a dark liquid soaking deep into the sand around them. 
The sight of the unknown liquid caused you to move quicker, coming to a screeching halt when you tried to process what you were staring at. It looked like a person from afar, but now that you have a closer look you assumed that what you were staring at was a fish…human? A mermaid-like being from your old storybooks as a child. Except instead of a fishtail you were met with several tentacles. Eight to be exact.
Despite the octopus monster briefly causing you to be hesitant with your rescue, the sight of the suspicious liquid pulled you back into a helpful headspace. You bend down, touching the soiled sand as you coat your fingers with the sticky red liquid. Blood. The source of it you weren’t sure. But all you knew was that he was in desperate need of help. Your eyes roamed across the monster man's body, finding the source of the bleeding. An old barbed wire was buried deep in his torso. You couldn’t free him with your bare hands, risking cuts to your own if you did so, instead you checked to see if the fish monster was still alive. His chest seemed to rise and fall, meaning he could intake oxygen much like a human, though you didn’t want to risk seeing just how much longer he could do that for.
Rushing towards your house, you discarded your book and reading glasses onto your couch. You made a brief detour to your bathtub, hurriedly turning on the water and plugging the drain. You searched through your hall closet, shuffling through the toolbox you kept there before coming across a pair of wire cutters. With the adrenaline rush still in you, you made a beeline back to the beach. 
“This is fine, this is fine, this is fine,” You kept chanting to yourself as you approached the octopus merman once more. “This is just like helping an injured animal? Human? This is fine.”
You bent down again, carefully cutting the wires away and freeing him from their sharp grip. The merman gave no response, as you attempted to hoist him up. You know it was probably better for him to wait and get professional help, but who would you call for something like this? Especially at this time of night. The hospital? An animal hotline? Folks might just think you were going crazy, and given the circumstances, you sure felt like it. You managed to drag the merman into your home, grimacing at the trail of blood you left. You made a mental note to clean it up as best as you could before someone saw it leading up your stairs and front porch. The last thing you needed on your record was a suspected murder charge.
Laying the man onto the bathroom floor, you rummaged underneath your sink cabinet for the first aid kit. It was novice work but you managed to stop the bleeding briefly and clean the wound with antiseptic before wrapping the gauze around him a few times for good measure. You then hoisted him up into the overflowing tub of water, quickly closing the faucet once some of the water spilled out over the edge. Something else to clean that you’ll worry about later. Your main priority was the blood now. 
Seeing that the monster man seemed to be doing okay for now, you continued your work, cleaning up the blood around your property. Hoping the sea would wash away the rest of the evidence. By the time you came back, the octopus man was still passed out in the tub. It was getting late and with all the cleaning you did,  you lost any motivation to clean up anything else all you wanted was rest. You laid yourself on your couch, having a good view of the bathroom from where you sat and you eventually dozed off.
。゚•┈꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱┈• 。゚
The next morning you were woken up by frantic splashing and an animalistic screech that reminded you of an old kraken movie. You shot up, rushing to the bathroom and almost running into the doorframe. Your injured patient had awoken, his dark long hair cascading over his face shielding him from your view. He let out a very snake-like hiss, his clawed fingers scratching against the bathtub’s ceramic, water spilling out of the tub. You raised your hands in defense, staying in place as you tried to calm him down.
“Hey, hey! You’re safe, it's okay!” You tried to reassure him. ” 
He sneered, relaxing his shoulders slightly yet still keeping his guard up. “Release me.”
You tilted your head, trying to see around the man and check on his bandages. “I’m not sure I can do that right now, you’re still recovering. And you could get your wounds infected, especially if I don’t change your bandages.”
He lifted his head more and you caught a glimpse of his face. His skin looked like a corpse, with a very light purple hue to it. His eyes, a pale white with no irises that you could see just a blank empty stare, had dark circles underneath and his lips were the same darker color.
His nose looked like two slits and his teeth were black and sharp. His purple tentacles rested over the side of the tub, his many appendages slowly slinking around it. One of his hands hung over the edge too, sharp claws and webbed fingers were two features you instantly noticed. 
The water sloshed as he moved slightly, tilting his head in curiosity yet the intense glare remained on his face. You slowly placed your hands down, moving to the sink to grab a fresh batch of medical gauze.
“I need to change your bandages.” You repeated, holding out the gauze and gesturing to your torso hoping he understood. The octopusman sneered when you made your way over to him again, but instantly winced from the pain. He curled in on himself, a guttural groan leaving his lips as you started to notice the pinkish tint in the tub. Angry or not, you couldn’t leave him with his soiled bandages.
You took in a deep breath, sucked in your fear, and approached closer ignoring the territorial growl he gave you. You reached out towards him, pushing his arms away from his torso while you unwrapped the soiled bandages. You didn’t know much about fish health, especially fish monster health, but you thought keeping him in the water helped a lot. Especially since you saw gills along the sides of his neck and just below his ribs on either side of his torso.
The monster man seemed to calm down after the initial defensive state he took. He opted for staring at you, his blank eyes unmoving from your form as you worked. After the bandage was removed, you began draining the tub, filtering out the dirty water with the running water you turned on from the tap. You checked on his wound, which started healing remarkably quicker than you thought. You started to wrap the clean gauze around his torso, noticing how his muscles tensed at the stinging pain.
You quickly apologized, trying to work a little faster so he could go back to relaxing as best as he could in your bathtub. You could still feel the cold stare his eyes had on you and when you finally lifted your head you jumped back a bit from how close he was. He had an unreadable expression on his face. His brows knit together in either curiosity or disdain for your presence, you weren’t sure. Your nose brushed just against the ridge of his nostril slits, his deep empty pools of white never wavering from your own eyes. 
“Release me, human.” It sounded more like a request this time rather than a demand. His voice took on a softer tone you didn’t think you would hear from him. 
“Shouldn’t you rest?” You asked, unmoving. “You were passed out on the beach when I found you. Are you sure you could swim under your conditions now?”
His tentacles sloshed in the water, some of the liquid spilling over the sides in the process. “Am I to sit here as your pet until then?”
“You’re more like a patient...or a guest at this point?” You shrugged, backing away slowly. “I wasn’t sure if you could last long without water.”
You gestured towards the bathtub, his eyes following your hands to glance down at the ceramic tub. He let out a weird clicking and hissing sound, shaking his head as he sank into the water. You watched as he closed his eyes, the gills under his ribs expanding and then relaxing. You paused for a moment, watching as he remained unmoving before you stood up.
“Your name, what is it?” His voice caught you off guard, especially with how calm it sounded. No hints of malice laced in his words, just a genuine question out of curiosity. 
You told him your name, listening to him repeat it back to see if he said it right. “What about you? What’s yours?” You asked.
There was a pause. “I am called Vasa.”
The water sloshed at his movements again as he peered over the edge of the tub, his empty eyes staring up at you. You said his name back, earning a nod of approval from Vasa at your pronunciation. 
“How long am I to stay here?” He questioned, stretching his arm against the side of the tub before letting it hang there for a second. “I need to return, you cannot keep me here for long.”
“I know that, but you’re obviously still in pain.” You sighed. “Maybe a few days or a week? That should be enough time to get you to heal.”
Vasa went silent again, leaning his head against his forearm. He gave you a curt nod, closing his eyes and lazily moving his tentacles in the water. You assumed the conversation was over and decided to stand up and leave your bathroom. You had some errands to run that day to keep yourself busy. There was the transcript you had to keep writing, then a bit of cleaning and restocking your fridge. You paused, as you sat down at your desk again, the thought suddenly dawning over you. 
What did tentacle fish monsters even eat? You doubted there was an answer to your inquiry from Google, yet you couldn’t help but reach for your phone and quickly type in the words “Fish Octopus Diet.”  You skimmed the first few links, settling on adding various sorts of seafood and a few vegetables for good measure. It was a little expensive the more you thought about it, but you had to take into account that Vasa might be staying with you for a bit longer. Up until he recovered of course.
You managed to write a little more of your transcript before heading out for the town’s local market. You had stopped by the bathroom to check on Vasa, noticing he had sunk into the tub again and his eyes remained closed. Assuming he was asleep, you dimmed the lights in the bathroom and headed out. The trip didn’t take very long since the small town you were in only had one major market. Besides the awkward looks and sideways glances you got for buying out so much seafood, you managed to do the round trip in record time. You were also very grateful you lived near an ocean town since a lot of the seafood was freshly caught and in great abundance.
You brought your haul back into your home, taking out the batch of clams from one of the big brown bags. You walked towards your bathroom but not before making a quick detour to your kitchen to pick up a knife. Flicking on the lights, you hear the water sloshing again as Vasa’s head emerges from the water. 
“I’m back!” You triumphantly announced, waving the bag of clams up for him to see. “And I brought you some food.” 
You sat close to the tub, opened the bag, and got to work on shucking the clams open. Vasa watched you, tilting his head at the small knife you had in your hand. 
“Can you not prepare it on your own?” He reached out a webbed hand, wordlessly asking you to hand him the clam. You struggled with the knife on the clam a little more before sighing and handing it to him. 
“They make it look easier on TV.”
There was a raspy-sounding hiss from him and if you hadn’t noticed the curve of his lips and the crinkle of his eyes from the abnormally wide smile on his face you wouldn’t have known he was laughing. It was very animalistic, yet you couldn’t help but be entranced by him a little more. There was a loud crack as Vasa effortlessly split the clam open with his sharp claws, he tilted his head back, taking a deep gulp of the gooey insides. You watched his throat as he ate, noticing small gills at the sides of his neck too that fluttered with every swallow he took. He stopped after popping open his third clam, noticing the intense stare you had on him. You flinched once you were caught, opting to turn your gaze back down to the grocery back near your feet. You had made a couple of stops at some other stores for snacks for yourself. Removing the wrapper to the chocolate bar you took a small bite from the treat with a tiny snap. 
“What is that?” Vasa’s voice echoed in the silent bathroom. You took another mouthful of the treat. You broke the candy bar into two small halves, holding out one towards Vasa.
“S’chocolate. Wan’ shome?” You knew it was bad manners to talk with your mouth full, but maybe fish people had slightly different customs than humans. You watched as Vasa leaned over the edge of the tub, a bit of the water dripping off of the side, as he sniffed the chocolate. His nostrils flared with each sniff he took before a long, dark tongue slithered out of his thin lips. He licked the bar slowly, recoiling after a moment once the taste finally registered. 
“Humans are strange creatures.” His voice sounded raspy as he reeled away from the chocolate, handing the treat back to you.
You hummed, rewrapping the chocolate and leaning against the tub. You crossed your legs in front of you as you gave him a pointed look. “Could say the same about you.” 
He let out an animalistic hissing sound, a weird mix between a sneer and a laugh. He composed himself, chuckling every now and then as he reached out to hold a strand of your hair in between his index and thumb fingers. “You do not even know what my kind is. Humans still refer to us as mermaids.”
“Are you not a merman…or something like it?” 
“Something like it.” He repeated back to you, still studying your face. “We refer to each other with a different name in our tongue. But the myth you humans created is called cecaelia. A rather interesting name for us.” 
As you stared into his eyes, you hadn’t realized how vibrant they looked up close. Despite the lack of a pupil, they were clear and reminded you of two bright pearls. They reflected the light interestingly. Vasa went quiet, studying your features, letting out a clicking sound now and then. He finally let go of your hair, the water in the tub making a sloshing sound as he shifted back into it. Vasa submerged himself into the water, a few bubbles escaping through his nostrils as he did. You found his behavior adorable and almost childish. You finished up the candy bar you were chewing, leaving the one he discarded wrapped up and next to the tub. If he wanted to try again he could, if not then you could toss out the $1.50 you spent at the convenience store.
You got up from your seated position, clapping off any of the chocolate residue on your hands. You glanced back at him, noticing his head had peaked out of the water and his blank eyes stared up at you expectantly.
“You are leaving? It is earlier than last time.” Vasa rasped out, more of his head poking through the water. You gave him an apologetic smile in response, head tilting back to where your desk with various papers strewn about sat. 
“I have a draft I gotta send out soon. The sooner I get back to work the quicker I can get it done.” You explained. 
He went silent for a moment before humming and receding into the water. But not before he let out a quiet, “Hurry back.” One you had almost missed as you exited your bathroom. 
While you sat at your desk, typing away on your keyboard, you couldn’t help but occasionally glance back at where you had left Vasa. Your bathroom light was still on, the door opened halfway letting out a bit of light into the dark hallway. It was strange, you only just met him and it felt like the two of you had a connection. A weird pull to him that you couldn’t quite explain. You were beginning to enjoy spending time with him, the small conversations you’ve had and occasionally rewrapping his wounds brought a sense of familiarity to your life. A much-needed change from the constant schedule you had kept since you moved there.
You stretched your arms high above your head with a tired yawn, glancing at the digital clock next to your desk. It was about 6:50 pm. The sun’s rays came in through your window causing your living room to be lit up in a symphony of orange and yellows. You closed your laptop, feeling like you made an ample amount of progress. Leaning back in your chair you glanced back at the bathroom, realizing the occasional movement from Vasa had gone strangely silent. 
“Vasa?” Your voice called into the empty hallway. You were met with the deafening silence, your heart dropped slightly after a moment. You quickly got up from your desk, dropping a few stray sheets of draft paper as you did. You made a beeline for the bathroom, throwing open the door and glancing into the tub. 
Vasa’s body floated on the surface of the water. You couldn’t tell if he was still breathing, he seemed deadly still, unmoving. You kneeled next to the tub to get a better look, holding your breath as you watched his chest. It didn’t rise and fall and the way the water sloshed slightly with how he floated against it reminded you of the goldfish you found dead back in the 2nd grade. 
At that revelation, you got put into panic mode, darting forward to lift his torso from the water ignoring how your clothes instantly got soaked. You shook him slightly, calling his name as his head lolled to the side. You gave him another harsh shake, noticing as he let out a series of clicking sounds before he attempted to push you off of him. 
After a second more of struggling, you sat yourself up against the tub, letting out a sigh of relief.
“What on earth were you doing?” He hissed at you, his blank eyes squinting as he bared his sharp teeth at you. You tilted your head towards him, the concern on your face causing him to ease up on his hostility. Vasa’s expression went from rage-filled to confused as he leaned forward to bring your faces closer together. “What is wrong, human?”
Seeing that he was alright, you shook your head giving him a sheepish grin. “Nothing I’m…I’m just glad you’re okay is all.”
You felt a little silly, jumping to the conclusion that he was dead. You hadn’t even seen how he looked when he slept, a much less urgent approach would have been better. He let out a weird hissing sound with his teeth. You assumed he was mad at you again, instead, he reached out and lightly brushed your cheek with the knuckles of his webbed fingers. Your immediate reaction was to flinch because it caught you off guard, causing Vasa to instantly pull back his touch. You stared at each other in silence, finding a weird comfort in his gaze again. After another pause between the two of you, Vasa was the one to speak first.
“Did you worry?” It was a simple question, one that had a simple answer. Yet something in you caused you to open your mouth before closing it again. You’ve only known each other for a few days at this point. Were you that lonely to get attached to him this quickly?
Vasa took your silence as a yes, causing him to reach out to you again. He touched a strand of your hair, brushing it away from your forehead. His claws scraped across your skin, not drawing blood but enough to cause a shiver up your spine. His hand lowered to where your lips were, touching your lips and then then traveled lower. He was observing you, watching your every reaction as his hand went lower. It stopped at the side of your neck, hovering there for a moment. Vasa used his other hand to touch where his gills were located on his neck. 
“My kind cannot drown.” Any hint of him having a snooty attitude was nonexistent. Instead, his voice was calm and gentle. He was trying to reassure you. “Our gills allow us to breathe in the water. Occasionally we can intake oxygen for a short time.”
His many tentacles that hung off the side of the tub reached out to you, wrapping themselves around your arms and torso. It felt like he was hugging you. A strange tentacled hug. He didn’t pull you closer to him though. The tentacles were also loose around you, allowing you to back away from him at any time. 
He said your name in a lowered voice, capturing your attention again. “So, you should not worry about me.”
The look he gave you as he spoke made your heart racing. His voice was soft and full of something more intimate. If you could even call it that. But you knew the mood between the both of you had shifted. Your eyes flickered to his lips again and slowly, hesitantly, you leaned forward. Vasa remained frozen in place, watching you with an unreadable expression. 
A sudden ring caused you to jolt back in his hold. His tentacles still held you firm as you turned your head towards the bathroom door. The ringing on your landline soon stopped, leaving silence for a moment before the machine beeped. 
“Hey. Just wanted to call, check in, and see how that transcript was going. You must be out of the house right now so you can call me back at this number when you can.” The recorded message from the machine echoed throughout your living room. You let out a deep exhale through your nose, glancing at Vasa who still was staring at you expectedly.
“I, um…” You trailed off, watching as he leaned closer to you before you pulled away, a flash of hurt crossing his face briefly, eyebrows furrowing as you tried to untangle yourself from his tentacles. “I should go answer that. It must’ve been important if they’re calling now.” 
Vasa let out a few clicking sounds, reluctantly letting you go. “As you wish.” 
He sunk back into the bathtub, a few of his tentacles going back into the water as he closed his eyes. You stayed seated close to the tub for a second, watching Vasa float for a moment. You got up, headed into the living room, and left the door slightly ajar. 
This was for the best, you tried telling yourself. You had only met for a few days, the two of you were from completely different worlds. You weren’t sure what you were about to do if the phone hadn’t rang, but you were glad you didn’t. So why were you feeling a heavy weight on your chest and a reluctance to leave him behind?
[More Monsters]
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undying-love · 2 months
Datalounge comments compilation
Remember to take everything here with a grain of salt:
“Ok guys someone told me about this site and i have been loving it so far. Anyway my great uncle who lived in Liverpool told me a story some years ago. He told me that John and Paul actually were living together at some point during the sixties (John even stated it in a 70’s interview) and he is invited by a friend of his to a party that John and Paul are having at their house. He said as he walked in he saw Paul, who was walking around in nothing but a white shorts and John some feet away playing pool. He said throughout the day John and Paul is behaving like a regular couple and he is shocked since so many other ppl are there. Later in the evening as he is getting ready to leave Paul casually walks over to him and thanks him for coming and he leaves. He told me this some years after John’s death because he was sure Paul would have admitted they were a couple, well it has not happened and I don’t think he ever will. I really don’t know what to make of this story since he was the first person I ever heard claiming John and Paul to be a couple but apparently he is not the only one! ”
“Since everyone is anonymous here, I guess I can give a bit of info I got from a female friend of mine who at one time was Paul worked as one of Paul’s assistants. According to her Macca is a bisexual, who makes no secret of this when he is around his inner circle. She does not know for certain if John and Paul were involved but she suspects it since to this day whenever John’s name is brought up he acts in her words ‘like a widow’ and he also addresses John in present tense. He would say things like, ‘John thinks that the music should be like this,’ and during his bitter divorce from Heather he was saying, ‘John says that this is getting nasty.’ Kind of creepy."
“Isn't it well known that Starting Over was written about Paul? At least I heard someone in the music industry mention it, and that Paul knows it. Also, it was reported that Paul locked himself in his music studio and listened to the song repeatedly after John died.”
“I worked in the music industry briefly from 67-70 and I have seen for myself some very revealing things but I don't find it appropriate to dish it out here. One day it will be revealed, definitely not while Paul or Yoko is alive maybe soon after. I'll return here to read all the threads. The most I can say for now, is Yoko gave a very watered down version of the names the Apples' staff gave to Paul, though they also gave a very derogatory name for John as well.”
“Actually the John and Paul rumours did not only emerge in our time. As early as the middle sixties rumours were beginning to spread in the music industry about what exactly the J/P relationship was involved. My grandfather was a entertainment journalist in the 60's and he stated that people were becoming suspicious about John and Paul as early as 1964. He also said that someone had made a comment about seeing John and Paul holding hands backstage during the music Lennon and McCartney tv special, though no one believed the person at the time. According to him the Beatles' camp began to go into panic mode and even went so far as to demand John and Paul no longer sit together in interviews. So believe me this John and Paul thing is nothing new. People have been creating stories about people's 'gayness' for years.”
“This John and Paul thing is so dated. I am from Liverpool and since the 60's rumours were swirling about John and Paul possibly being 'queers.' At the time I didn't think much of it, since it was guys who fought with them as kids who were spreading the rumours and so I assumed it was jealousy that fueled the rumours.”
“My uncle was a sound engineer for Granada tv studios in 60's and actually met the Beatles because he worked on 'the Music of Lennon and McCartney' special. He actually chatted with Ringo behind the scenes briefly but didn't speak with the others. I remember him telling me years ago that he was surprised by Paul's mannerisms because as he put it, it was overly 'swishy.' He also stated that John and Paul acted very strange throughout the evening. According to him they followed each other continuously even when it was not required, as one got up so did the other, as one sat so did the other, they would finish each sentences, and they were often seen staring at each other for excruciating periods of time (his exact words) he said behind the scenes people were joking about them being a couple because they seemed so close. My uncle told me this years ago but I always summed it up to their brotherly relationship. I am now reconsidering my position.”
"The one time I was ever actually in a room with Paul, zillion people between me and him (and no way I'm gonna bother him, all of us who travel in celeb circles have people we're fans of and all of us inexplicably try to hide it to seem "cooler"), he was hitting whiskey a little hard, and apparently it makes him confessional because he started talking loudly about himself and John, and how hard it was not to have him there. (Of course I paid attention and scooted a little closer; when a Beatle speaks about a Beatle, and you've heard rumors about both of them, you want the tea.) I remember him saying something along the lines of not a day passing that John's not still in it with him, but it's not like he can pick up a phone and say, "Hey, just needed to hear your voice today," and even when he got craggy responses, he still missed them. He misses it all, and it's bothering to him that he misses him more as time goes on -- it doesn't heal, he just learns new ways to bandage the wound. Went on and on, and stopped just short of saying too much. He was waxing rhapsodic about John's hands, and finally I think the people he was with noticed interlopers paying attention, and changed the topic".
“Saw this thread and decided I should post what I have heard. I can tell you that John and Paul never hid the fact that they were together in the 60's and they were referred to as music’s 'first official same sex couple' by those in their close music circles. I found this out from my mother who was a 'go for' for a music director in the 60's. She worked behind the scenes for the 'Help!' music video. She has seen John and Paul backstage and always refers to their behaviour around each other as cute, and claims after spending a few minutes with them it was obvious they were deeply in love. She said that George and Ringo would always excuse themselves whenever John and Paul began chatting up each other.”
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house-of-lovin · 1 year
legally binded - 4
Jenna Ortega x F!Reader
masterlist | series mast. | prev part | next part
Chapter 4: Family Bonding, Festivals and Feelings?
Summary: After getting caught in some hot waters with the press, you are forced into an unexpected agreement with America's sweetheart, Jenna Ortega to save your career.
Warnings/Tags: dual!pov, famous!reader, mentions of hard substances, intoxication, mature language, real people (do not read if any of these makes you uncomfortable)
(this is all fiction!)
Note: Things are gearing up 😮‍💨 (ik i said i was gonna take a break, but i couldn’t help myself, now ill take a break lol, happy readin!)
Word Count: 6k+
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“No one’s going to get cancelled — it’ll be fun.” Colin Jost smiles curtly on your flat screen TV.
You sit on the bed with a spoon hanging from your lips, an eye on the bright screen having just finished watching a rerun of Jenna’s SNL episode. You made sure to buy it as soon as it was available; locking yourself away in your room.
Currently, you are watching this week’s episode of SNL and Colin and Che are giving their weekly news update.
“Las Vegas is opening up a pop-up vaccine site in a strip club and don’t worry the strippers say the vaccine comes with singer and actress Y/N L/N. This time she’ll be the designated driver – I heard she’s on a tight leash.”
Your smile instantly drops.
“Speaking of Y/N,” Colin bounces off, reading off the cue cards. “Did you see her last week sitting in the audience during Jenna Ortega’s episode… hey, I wonder if they’re a real thing.”
Colin and Che share a knowing glance, “Nah.” They say in unison then move on to their next bit.
Scowling, you turn the TV off, practically throwing your bowl of cereal on the side table. 
You supposed you can’t be too mad – all too familiar with the snide jabs and harmless jokes from others in the industry. This is what you signed up for, right?
Whatever, you’re sure people are loving it.
It’s been a whole week since you left New York and you haven’t spoken to Jenna. It seems how you two acted back in the Big Apple was a success because it got your managers to back off, for now. You didn’t see a reason to contact the actress so you let the silence pass — you see when she posts on social media. 
You don’t have time to think about it because Coachella weekend is coming up soon. For the first time since Vegas, you will be working and you have been itching – wanting nothing more than to dive head-first into work mode. 
It’s what you do best.
You are invited to do a guest performance on a big producer’s set for the festival. It would be your first ever time performing at Coachella but you were privy to the culture of the festival, having gone as an audience member to support your musician friends.
“Hey, you got a minute?” Link pops his head in your door, holding a phone up.
“Please don’t do this.” Your pleas go underheard.
“I don’t know why you keep trying, the answer is the same Y/N.” Link rolled his eyes, pointing to a house.
“I think this is the one.”
You scan the two-story typical American home tucked away in the boroughs of suburbia up in the desert, otherwise known as Coachella Valley.
Or well, Jenna’s parent’s house at least. 
After Link had dropped the most terrible news; you had to be seen with Jenna in Coachella. Liv and Jake had instructed your team to drive you to stay with Jenna as you prepare for the festival – it was convenient they said.
Convenient my ass.
“Relax... Marcus will be back to pick you up, he’s gonna drop off your bags at the rental house.”
“Why can’t I just go with you then?” You ask.
“Liv said to drive you to this address. Jenna gave explicit directions to drive you here.”
You frown pulling on a loose thread on your sweater.
What could Jenna possibly want that she’d want you here? She looked pretty upset at you, the last time you talked.
You really don’t have it in you to fight with her, again, especially after the long drive from L.A. up to the desert where you thought — you’d be staying in your villa for Coachella weekend.
“Now go see the girl, please.” Link reaches over to open the door.
When you step out, the car is already driving speedily down the street not even giving you a chance to change your mind. You hear a flurry of voices from the side of the house but it sounds far away. Toy cars and trollies litter the grass yard. 
Slowly, you walked up her porch, your shoes scraped as you ascend the concrete steps. Hesitating for a brief moment, you realize: Jenna is inside. Well duh.  But the thought of her on the other side of the door has your heart dropping out of nowhere. You see flashes in your memory of her frown as you explain why you have to leave New York so soon.
Unspoken words as she says ‘well I thought–’
What did she think?
You would probably never know.
The door opens with a creak breaking you out of your thoughts.
“We have to stop meeting like this.” Aliyah leans against the doorframe, smiling.
You laughed, “Yeah, we do.”
She doesn’t say anything else and just yells over her shoulder, “Jenna, she’s here.”
Then walked off. 
“Hi…” Jenna appears, leaning on the doorframe with a hand.
She scans you for a brief moment; not having seen you since New York, a week ago. She had to make sure you’re still alive because she hasn’t heard from you since then.
You also practically ghosted her.
After feeling guilty about how she left things with you, Jenna sent you a text the next day, asking if you made it back to Los Angeles safely.
You liked her message with a thumbs up.
A thumbs up! Not responding would have been better, the actress bitterly thought.
“Hey.” You greet. “How are you?”
“Fine. You?” She answered quickly, smile sealed tight like an envelope.
“I’m… good. Yeah. Just working.” You answer honestly.
“Oh really?” Jenna asked.
“Yeah, something for Coachella actually.”
Jenna raised her brows in surprise. “Like what?”
You send a tight-lipped smile, “It’s a surprise. People don’t know I’m here yet.”
Jenna can’t fight her excitement; giddy about being in on a secret. But then she remembers that she’s supposed to be annoyed at you and not fascinated.
“Why haven’t you texted me?” Jenna sighed, her voice dropping to a lowly whisper, in case someone was walking by.
You raised your brows, surprised by her question. “Oh… um. I’ve been busy like I said, just working, trying to keep my head down and all that.”
“Are you sure that’s it?” She asked accusingly.
You missed her tone and shrugged, reassuring her, “Yeah. Of course.”
“But, I heard you were busy this week too, filming another movie with Barry Keoghan and The Weeknd?” You changed the subject, hoping to talk about something else. She takes the bait after scanning your eyes for a second.
“Yeah, it was just a short role. But it was a lot of fun. Abel actually talked about you.”
“That’s great, I’m happy for you Jen… and yeah he’s an old friend.”
“Sung your praises pretty high, I had to make sure he was talking about the right person.”
You chuckle, “Oh okay, I see how it is.”
Your laugh caused a sudden warmness to manifest in Jenna and she couldn't help but join along. “Come on, my family has been dying to see you again.”
“Really?” You asked, stepping inside her childhood home. “So you think I made a good impression?”
She turned to look back at you, surprised that you care. “Maybe… don’t let it get to your head, though.”
You laughed as you followed her through the house. “Is that jealousy I hear Ortega? Scared you won't be the only movie star around?”
She snorted, rolling her eyes. “Shut up. You’re an idiot.”
“An idiot that may have impressed your family?” You cocked your head and grinned wide.
“Yeah, yeah. Like, I said. Don’t let it get to your head. They could care less about celebrities and Hollywood. They’re pretty grounded.”
You shrugged, looking at the various family pictures hanging on the wall. “It’s fine. There’s only one Ortega I want to impress anyway.”
You’re not sure where that came from and it seemed Jenna shared the same thought because she raised her brows at you – but didn’t comment.
Jenna blocks you from walking when you reached the sliding glass door. “What?”
Jenna chewed her lip anxiously, “My family can be a lot. In numbers and in the other sense too. There’s a lot of us.”
“Oh… that’s okay.” You answered. A bit confused as to why she is telling you this. When you see her genuine concern your gaze softens. “Jenna, relax. I can handle the family… and I can charm anyone’s socks off.”
She relented, rolling her eyes at your joke. “Okay, okay.”
Jenna turns around.
"Why am I here exactly? At your parents, that is. Link told me that you gave my driver instructions to bring me here."
Jenna bites her lip in contemplation. "Um—like I said my family wanted to see you again and I heard you were going to Coachella anyway so you know, two birds one stone."
You nod, accepting her answer.
Jenna opens the door for you two to step out.
Sounds of laughter rang around as you and Jenna sat in lawn chairs in her parent’s backyard.
“What are Timothee Chalamet and Zendaya like in real life?” Markus – Jenna’s brother leaned forward to ask. 
“Markus!” Jenna scolded and threw her brother a glare.
The actress blushed as she sat beside you but all she felt was the vibrations of your laughter, indulging her brother’s question. 
Jenna can’t help but wonder if you have other family members that spend time with you like this. You look so carefree and genuinely happy; comfortable around her family — after knowing you for a couple months now; she guesses it’s a no.
“They’re cool. Just like everyone else to be honest. Especially, Timothee, sweet guy but he’s a bit of a typical frat bro.” You joked, “And Zendaya, well. She’s just as amazing as everyone says she is. Great work ethic, it’s inspiring when you work with someone passionate like that – makes you want to be better and work harder.”
Jenna’s sisters are eating your story up. Secretly she knew they enjoyed the tales of celebrities and pop culture. It’s nearly impossible to live your life without seeing a public figure pop up on an ad on your phone or on the side of a bus stop on your drive home. 
Jenna is barely home enough to be able to have moments like this where she can humour her sister's questions. But they all had their own lives to live. She's has been looking forward to this break for a while, knowing it was coming up after her long week in New York.
She still can’t describe New York.
Something seems to have shifted between you two by the end of the week. But she didn’t know if it was for the better. The two of you have this constant push and pull; where everything is fine one moment, then one of you says something and it turns tense and weird as you both stay silent or you just completely blow up on each other.
Jenna didn’t know if she had it in her to try to decipher what these restrained responses she gets from you could possibly mean.
You are an enigma; a defensive, hot-headed asshole that grinded every gear the actress had.
“Do you like Zendaya, buddy?” You bounced her niece in your lap, enjoying how the baby grabbed at your fingers. 
But then Jenna turns around and you act like this. Sweet, protective, charming. 
How are you the same person?
She can’t fight her smile as she watched the adorable sight.
Jenna didn’t know you were good with babies. 
“I think Z would think you’re just the most adorable thing. Oh my god, Jen, can I send her a picture of us?” You turned to her, with a bright smile.
Jenna didn’t know when you started calling her by her nickname but she certainly won’t say how she enjoys how it sounds when you say it. “Uh–sure, if it’s okay with my sister.”
“Zendaya’s gonna have a picture of my baby on her phone? Uh yes!”
Jenna laughed, nodding. “I’ll take the picture.” She took your phone, opening the camera.
“What are you doing? Get in here with us." You asked with an adorable scrunch in the nose, surprising Jenna.
“Oh, I just thought— okay.” She swallows her growing grin, sliding in beside you.
Her sisters share knowing glances.
You happily scooted in, pressing your chest to her back.
Jenna is suddenly reminded of her you and her, alone in her dressing room.
She presses back into you. 
“Say, cheese guys!” Jenna clears her throat.
With big bright smiles, you placed your head above her shoulder to get in the frame, repeating, “Cheese!”
Even her niece seemed to be enjoying the attention as she smiled brightly and toothless while standing on your lap with her chubby legs. Jenna snapped a couple for good measure, checking over the pictures. The three of you are squished together as she held it in portrait; you all looked cute Jenna can admit. 
Like a little family.
“Oh Jenna, send me that, please. I want to post it on my Instagram.” Her mom spoke up already reaching for her phone. 
“Okay, okay.” Jenna rolled her eyes but sent herself the pictures first before airdropping them to – everyone – who begged for it. 
“This is adorable, I think I’m gonna make this my lock screen.” You grinned, staring at the photo. She sees you typing a message, indeed sending it to the actress like you said you would. “Just for your niece.”
Jenna felt her heart skip a beat. “Are you saying you’re gonna crop me out the photo?”
“No… but now that’s a good idea, thanks.” You mocked with a smile.
“Mom, how did you already post that picture so fast?” Mia asked.
“Don’t be mad.” Jenna begged.
“Mad? Jenna. This isn’t what I signed up for.” You pinched the bridge of your nose.
The two of you were standing in her driveway, in a discord of course. Jenna just forced you into another situation that you wanted no part of.
“You just told Link to call off my driver and now you’re saying don’t be mad. Of course, I’m mad! Why did you say yes to your Mom, Jenna.” You sighed, dropping your hand limply.
“I didn’t know she’d insist.” She groaned walking closer, “She said that you shouldn’t stay in that big house by yourself for the weekend when there is room here, next thing I know she’s forcing me to ask you in front of everybody.”
"I'm sorry." She grabs your arm. “Link said you might be mad.”
You stare at her for a couple of moments. Their hearts are in the right place, you guessed. Eventually, you rolled your eyes and sighed. “Thank you I guess… I appreciate that the sentiment.”
Jenna smiled in relief, “Yeah, of course.” Then scrunched her nose in thought.  “We actually really don’t have the room so I don’t know where she’ll put you.”
She should have known. This is so typical and cliche; sharing a bed trope? Please, can the universe be any more unoriginal? 
“Mom, are you sure?” Jenna whispered as she peaked her head out the small awning of the door – making sure you can’t hear. 
“Jen, go to sleep. We have a packed day tomorrow. Everyone’s coming over for the game.”
Tomorrow is sports night and her uncles, aunts, cousins and grandparents are set to come over. It was a weekly tradition for the extended family to host a gathering to watch the game every Friday; with Jenna’s busy schedule, she hasn’t been to one in months. She’s grateful this one is hosted at her house but then inwardly sighed because she should probably warn you about that too.
“Mom…” She pleaded in a whisper.
“Goodnight and be responsible. I trust you two.”
Jenna dropped her head in defeat as she listened to her Mom’s footsteps dwindle further away. 
“Hey, you should probably get in there before all the hot water runs out..”
She turns, seeing your freshly showered figure. For a moment, Jenna finds herself stuck. You’re rubbing a towel on your wet hair as grey sweats hung lowly on your hips and she was desperately trying to avert her eyes from the small patch of you skin exposed.
“I already showered.”
“Oh okay.” You shrugged walking over to grab your phone. 
“Which side do you prefer?” You asked absentmindedly,
“What?” Jenna blinks away.
“Of the bed. Which side do you prefer?” 
“Oh. The left.”
“Thank god. Every bed I’ve had to share I’ve had to fight for the right side. You’re perfect.” 
Jenna watched as you jump into your preferred side, getting comfortable under her covers.
She doesn’t know why she feels a mismatched thump fall out of rhythm with her heartbeat at seeing you in her bed. 
“Alright, are you gonna be weird about sharing a bed? ‘Cause I can just take the couch or call my driver to pick me up. I can get a hotel room or something.” You sighed sitting up. 
Jenna furrowed her brows, “What no. Can you please stop jumping to conclusions?”
“I’m not.” You mumbled but don’t argue further. Jenna gets in beside you. 
“You satisfied now?” She throws out but it sounds just shy of playful and maybe even flirtatious – definitely not how she meant for it to sound.
“Uh– sure.” You replied sliding the blanket up to your chin as you tried to get comfortable again.
There’s that weird tension again, Jenna thinks and she thinks it’s starting to annoy her.
“Okay, what’s your deal?” Jenna crossed her arms, turning to you.
You blinked, confused. “What?”
“Why are you being so weird?”
“I’m not.” You sat up to face the other actress.
Jenna frowned, “Yes you are. You have been since New York. Did I do something? Because you still haven’t told me why you just left town like that.”
“I told you. Jake wanted me back for Coachella. Why else would I have just left all of a sudden?” You explained.
“I just– I just feel like you’re not telling me something.” She admits, a bit insecure. “I, at least, thought we’re friends now and when I didn’t see you in the crowd or the dressing room after SNL I was a bit… disappointed? I don't know if it’s dumb but you really did calm me down before my monologue and I wanted to thank you over dinner. But, yeah–” 
Jenna looks away, missing your guilty frown. “Jenna… it’s not dumb. God, I feel like an asshole.”
“Well, sometimes you can be.”
You laugh but it’s dry. “I’m so sorry. I–I should have been there.”
You grab her hands. “Look at me, please.” It gets her to look up, the light from the lamp is bouncing off your eyes making them look softer in the dim light. “I promise, I’ll always be there for the important moments from now on. Before, during and after – we are stuck together until the foreseeable future, so.”
Jenna snorts, looking down at your hands. You begin to rub lines with your fingers on her open palm making her shiver. “Yeah, I guess we are.” She whispers.
She doesn’t know when she makes the bold move to intertwine your fingers. But for the first time since SNL, you two hold hands and this time you don’t pull away. But she doesn’t miss the questioning glint in your eyes as you look down. Jenna ignores the attention and squeezes your hand to make you look at her again.
“You mean it though?”
Your eyes soften. “I mean it.”
“Where’s Y/N?” Mia asked over the breakfast table.
“Rehearsals,” Jenna mumbled sleepily shoving spoonfuls of food in her dry mouth – still trying to wake up.
When the actress had awakened, the sun was high above the horizon and the desert heat was already inching inside her cracked window. But she woke up, alone.
Differing from how she went to sleep the previous night with you barely pressed up beside her as you laid with your backs to each other. Jenna only found herself un-tensing after hearing your breathing fall into short even exhales.
When she turned over to grab her phone this morning, you had sent a text:
Sorry for not waking you up. You sleep like a rock but I had to go to rehearsals. I’ll be back by 3 :)
She couldn’t be too annoyed at the smiley face you leave with your occasional messages.
“She’s performing?” Mia asks shocked.
Jenna nods, too tired for words.
“The crowd is gonna lose their minds.” Aliyah laughs. “With who?”
“Won’t say.” Jenna muttered bitterly, thinking back to her incessant begging; you never caved.
“Okay… can we talk about it, now then?”
“Talk about what Mia,” Jenna sighs dropping her fork on her plate.
“You and Y/N.” She says like it’s obvious.
“There is no me and Y/N, it’s all for the cameras. Remember the NDA I had to beg you guys to sign?” The actress rolls her eyes. 
“Then why were you so upset after New York?” She challenges; tired of her sister’s silence over this whole situation. There’s no way she’s just unaffected by this.
“Mia drop it.” Her mom says.
“No. I’m serious, she’s literally staying under our roof, sharing a room with Jenna. And no one is still saying anything? Am I the only one who thinks there’s something going on?”
“Yes.” Jenna says quickly.
Mia rolls her eyes, “You still haven’t answered my question, Jen.”
Jenna crosses her arms, sitting up. “Of course I was upset. She just left town without a warning, if we didn’t catch her in the lobby she was just gonna a send a text. A text! Anyone would be upset at that — but it doesn’t mean what you think it means.”
But her sister doesn’t buy it. She opens her mouth to refute but their Dad swoops in saving the day. “Leave your sister alone, Mia. I’m sure whatever is going on with Y/N and Jenna – they can figure it out themselves.”
Jenna groans, “Dad, not helping.”
He shrugs, sitting at the head of the table with his own plate of breakfast.
Eventually, her family scatters to their own corners of the house to get ready for the day. Her other family members would be arriving soon and the actress had to start getting ready. Crap, she forgot to warn you about game night because you left so early. Jenna decides she’ll send you a text after she gets out of the shower.
With the raucous of the day, Jenna forgets to send the text. Her cousins arrived much earlier than anticipated and she was already getting pulled out to living room to talk about her upcoming projects. She gets so lost catching up with her cousins that she doesn’t realize when you arrive.
"Jenna, your novia is here." One of her aunts shouts making her head snap up to you as the front door opens. "Oh wow, and she's brought the whole store!"
Jenna's jaw drops as you walk in, holding multiple large bouquets of different arrangements of flowers. "Y/N?"
"Hey!" You peek your head out from the large flowers. "These are for your family... but I may have overestimated how big these were and Link refused to help me."
"Oh god, these are beautiful Y/N." Jenna's mom gets up from her seat, grabbing as many flowers as she can. "You didn't have to..."
"Oh, it's nothing, really. You guys are letting me stay here, I just wanted to express a little gratitude." You duck your head, all timid now.
Jenna knows it's not nothing. Those flowers cost a fuck ton, she would know she gets gifted those whenever she has an event.
"Well, gratitude expressed. I don't even know where to put these. Mia, Aliyah help the girl, please!"
The two sisters grab all but one smaller bouquet from your hands, walking away with smug smiles.
"Jen, get up," Aliyah whispers in passing as all the women and Jenna's dad filter over to the kitchen to view the gorgeous flowers.
She still hasn't moved from the couch and briefly, she thinks she can feel her cousin's smirking at her reaction.
"You got my family flowers?" Jenna asks dumbly, walking over slowly; ignoring everyone's eyes on them.
"Uh—yeah. Sorry if it's a bit much. I wasn't sure what everyone liked so... I got them all." You scratch your head with a bouquet in hand, catching Jenna's eye.
"These are for you..." You smile, holding out a smaller albeit more personal? flower arrangement. It felt like Jenna, somehow.
“I picked it out myself.” Your smile turns shy.
Like, if she were to walk into a flower shop and see this bouquet, she would instantly grasp it and never let go.
We still talking flowers?
"Thanks..." Jenna mumbles, grabbing the flowers; your fingertips touching sends sparks down her arm.
"Um—you're back early..." Is all she manages to say.
“Yeah… they didn’t need me for a long time so I decided to come back.” You explained, glancing at the new faces in the room. “Uh– what’s all this?”
The actress sends you a sheepish smile, “Family game night, we watch the game every Friday and cook some barbeque, it’s a whole thing. I forgot to text you, I’m sorry. You can call your driver back if this is too much.”
You laugh, squeezing her shoulder. “And miss out on great food? No, thank you.”
Jenna scans your eyes for the truth, “Are you sure? I know this isn’t exactly your scene so I understand.”
“Jen.” Your hand slides down, softly grabbing her hand. “I can’t even remember how long it’s been since the last time I had a home-cooked meal. I’m so in.”
You squeeze her hand for good measure. “Guys close the door.” Someone shouts.
Jenna doesn’t let you drop your hands this time because she’s already gripping them, pulling you to sit with her cousins – introducing you.
She ignores the giddy feeling in her chest that you want to stay.
You don’t say anything even when you’re both sitting and she’s still holding your hand.
“Who are you performing with?” Jenna tugs on your arm.
You squint to see her through your sunglasses. The Californian sun was making its presence known today and there are crowds of people everywhere as you tried to find some shade. It’s just past 6 PM and people are already starting to get rowdy – before all the good sets are even on. 
Fish nets, sparkles and bedazzles are all you see in the sea of people and you just know you’re at Coachella.
“I can’t say…” You fight the smile on your face, finding her begging adorable. “It’s supposed to be a surprise.”
“But Aliyah knows! I heard you whisper it to her.” She glares back at her sister standing a fair distance away from you two – who was talking to Mia and her boyfriend.
“I didn’t tell her anything, Jen. We were just fucking with you.” You laugh, sliding your hand in hers. 
An unspoken comfortableness has formed between you two. Light touches are a new development in this… situation Jenna had with you.
Whether it was knees touching under the dinner table, walking shoulder to shoulder on your daily walks around the neighbourhood (there wasn’t much to do as Coachella weekend approached) or leaning her head on your shoulder as she slept when you two watched TV before bed.
And now, it seems like things have escalated to a new level of comfort where you two willingly linked fingers whenever you walked anywhere. Neither of you make a peep when someone eventually reaches for the other’s hand. 
“Rude…” She pinches your side making you flinch away from her.
Jenna’s immediately tugging you back closer.
“Hey… I can’t get an injury before my performance. I’m legally binded to a contract.” You state.
Jenna snorts, “I thought you were friends with the performer? Are you really not gonna tell me who it is?”
“Nope and sure we’re friends but, I’m still contractually obligated to the festival and all that.”
“Come on Y/N!” She groaned unconsciously stepping closer to you. “I’ve been so nice to you, I haven’t called you an idiot all day!”
You laugh, “Is that supposed to win me over?”
“You tell me? Is it working?” The laugh dies in your lips when she tits her head in question.
Jenna misses the gulp you take because she was leaning closer, trying to find your eyes behind the dark-tinted glasses you had on. 
“No…” You replied with a vacant tone.
Jenna steps back when the sun blinds her eye. “You’re no fun.”
“I don’t know what to tell you… you’re gonna have to wait like everyone else.”
“Speaking of everyone else, I’m surprised we’re not surrounded by your groupies.” Jenna eyes the group of people hovering not too far away. 
You snicker, “They are not my groupies. I barely know those people but it happens at every music event. They flock over like geese. I let Link handle them.”
Jenna frowns, “Doesn’t it bother you?”
“What?” You look down.
“That you can’t even enjoy yourself at a festival without someone hovering over your shoulder.”
Since Jenna’s started this PR relationship with you her fame’s only increased overnight. She hates to say it but Sarah was right, being associated with you has only made her more famous and well-known. She felt like a Kardashian or Tom Holland who couldn’t even step out of their own homes without a camera being shoved in their faces. 
It’s getting so bad that Jenna has security with her everywhere she goes. She stopped driving herself to places. A headline even dropped that you two are official and serious now and that you have met her family; paparazzi tried to camp at her parent’s house until they called the police.
“Sometimes.” You answer honestly, shrugging. “But it’s part of the job.”
Jenna’s frown deepens, looking around. “This is not part of the job. At least not what I’ve seen.”
“Yeah, but we learn to deal with it, right?” You nudge her shoulder. Seemingly unbothered that made Jenna bothered for you.
“How?” Jenna couldn’t help her curiosity.
“Surround yourself with people that genuinely care about you. That still picks you even after all your fuck ups. Only got me about three of those, so I try to keep them close.” Then you let out a sad laugh, “I make it very hard for them sometimes, though.”
Jenna looks at Link as he holds a bored hand up when a girl tries to walk up to you. Then he’s shooing her away and whispering to both of your security guards.
She wants to fight the urge to say that you have a fourth person in your corner with her.
Instead, she says:
“I think you got a good one with him.” She nods to Link.
You follow her sight, “Yeah, I do... He’s usually right about most things too.”
“What do you mean?” She looks up in questioning.
Maybe Jenna’s not so bad? Flashes in your memory but you don’t tell Jenna. “Nothing.”
Jenna squints her eyes. “Fine… keep your secrets.” Tone a playfully bitter.
Eventually, you, Jenna and her sisters walk around aimlessly from set to set, taking pictures and enjoying the atmosphere. Jenna would be lying if she said she wasn’t enjoying herself right now. Somehow you all managed to find an empty corner by the Artist section of the performances which meant you had loosened up a bit. 
Jenna decided she liked it when you’re smiling, carefree and happy.
It suits you better than your permanent scowl. 
You’ve been so stressed this last week, taking phone calls and Zoom meetings. She tried not to express her concern at seeing how you obsessively fretted over some project, consuming you some nights. 
Jenna knows obsessive. She knows anxiety. This was different.
She finds herself with more questions than answers when it comes to you.
Why are you so closed off all the time? Is this how you work all the time? Where did this recent streak of bad behaviour start? Is there more to it than what you’re saying?
Are you okay?
But Jenna can’t find the right words to ask, so she doesn’t.
Only offering her warm pressure on top of you to hopefully lull you to sleep when you both drift off in her childhood bed.
Somewhere along the evening, she finds herself close to you.
You've loosened up as the days progressed and somehow, you and Jenna have found yourselves wrapped up in each other's arms as you danced.
Jenna had her back pressed firmly against your chest; her head tucked under your chin as your arms wrap around her waist from behind; hands linked as you jammed along to the music.
“The Met Gala’s coming up.” Jenna speaks up after a few moments of silence. “I’m invited.”
“Me too.” You reveal. She perks up, looking back at you.
“Yeah?” She smiles, pleased with your answer.
“Mhmm. I’m actually a co-chair this year.” You send an embarrassed smile.
She turns in your hold, jaw-dropping. “You are?”
“Yeah… why do you think I’ve been taking those calls all week? I was getting ready for the Met.”
“I thought that was for Coachella?” She snorts but can't help but ask, "Do you ever stop working?"
“Says you. Miss Scream Queen.” You tease making her roll her eyes.
“Be my date.” She says all of a sudden. “and walk the carpet with me this time.”
You raise your brows at her bluntness. This time?
You remember the last time she said those words and a tiny part of you prayed she meant it differently this time. But you can't fight your smile because you couldn't even say no if you wanted to — overwhelmed with the sudden want, to show off the girl in your arms. “I would love to be your date.”
Jenna's eyes sparkled with delight, beaming at you widely.
"Great! I'll talk to Enrique and Thom Browne about it."
"But I'm a Prada Ambassador?"
"I'll handle it." She nods with finality.
But before you can say anything, Link slides in with a whisper in your ear and a knowing smirk in Jenna’s direction.
“Hey, I have to go.” You whisper into her ear, pulling away but Jenna tightens her grip.
“Wait.” She steps forward – much closer than she means to.
“Yeah?” You asked softly and suddenly Jenna can’t hear the loud thumping of the bass anymore.
“Good luck and break a leg.” She says in a whisper.
Her hand reaches up to brush your neck still looking into your eyes. Jenna feels the same overwhelming pressure in her chest that she’s recently felt around you and gives into her sudden impulse; leaning in, parting her lips; meaning for them to connect to your cheek but instead swerve and slot in between your lips instead, in a moment’s haste.
She feels you tense for a moment before giving in, cupping her cheeks too. Kissing her back. Jenna loses it a bit, not expecting your lips to feel so soft and smooth and perfect against hers. Jenna can't help but tilt her head to the side, allowing your lips to press harder.
She feels the same electricity from your first meeting – when you shook her hand. The same electricity she tries to fight off every time she's near you. Except this time, it's by tenfold.
Jenna is so lost in you that she can’t even hear her heart beating loudly in her ears anymore — only feeling your thumb softly stroking her jaw.
The sound of coughing breaks you two apart.
“Sorry but Y/N we need to go.” Link sends a sheepish smile but he's trying to fight his grin at having a front-row seat to the show.
When Jenna pulls away she looks deeply into your eyes searching for some kind of indication of your feelings.
You smile shyly, squeezing her waist and rubbing her back. “I’ll find you after the show?”  
“Yeah…” Jenna whispers, still staring into your eyes.
“I’ll find you!” You yell over her shoulder as Link drags you away.
“Holy shit, finally!” Mia slides in beside her. 
Jenna doesn’t have the energy to shrug off the arm Aliyah throws over her shoulder as she brings her fingers up to her burning lips. “I don't know why I did that...”
“Oh my god, you’re an idiot. The both of you.” Mia rolls her eyes walking back to her boyfriend.
Jenna looks around, blinking, immediately catching the phones held in the air capturing her moment with you.
She walks off, following her sisters.
Unbeknownst to you and Jenna, a headline is about to drop:
New developments in Y/N L/N's Vegas case. Caught with cocaine! Las Vegas PD makes no official comments on possible charges or arrests. But is this the end for the bright star?
The strip club and vaccine bit with Colin and Che is from a real line in one of their segments LOL.
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yall happy now?
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