#Wattpad is incredible for giving so many people the opportunity to start writing and get professionally published. BUT
thespacebetweenworlds · 2 months
A protest against Wattpad's new Content Guidelines
Recently, Wattpad has changed the Content Guidelines on sexual content, declaring that the age of consent is now 18. "Any sexual content between characters must abide by this age of consent and not be in violation of Canadian Law."
This is embarrassing for Wattpad. This is disrespectful to Wattpad users. This is a capitalist company conforming to conservative politics.
Wattpad is and has always been home to teenage writers. When I first learned of Wattpad at age 13, this orange app was everything to me. Wattpad is home to teenage writers and readers all around the world, with its many languages Wattpad is unique, and that is something to be proud of. Wattpad has given a creative voice to a generation and inspired young people to write and with multi media challenge our perceptions of the written word and literature. That is not nothing.
But the thing is, teenagers write stories about teenagers. Teenagers write sexual content that includes teenagers. Teenagers have sex in real life with other teenagers. To declare any of that illegal only has negative consequences.
Wattpad declares they want to create a safe space. They want to protect the community. If they really wanted to do that, then they wouldn't have these restrictions on WRITTEN, FICTIONAL sexual content.
Things that would make this a safer space and create and protect our community of global writers: - quality sex education - quality sex education in all languages used on Wattpad
NOW we are in a situation where WRITTEN FICTIONAL depiction of sex between fictional characters under 18 is not allowed. "Illegal sex acts" aren't allowed either. Should we thank Wattpad for clarifying that they mean "according to Canadian law"? Or should we wait with the thanking until they change it to local laws, or LGBT+ stories will be illegal as well?
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archived-yiptsu · 8 months
Hey, here's a chance for you to ramble ;)
About who because I have way too much to say all at once
Like for fucking starters the way the fandom took Dreamtale (which quite frankly didn't belong in the UnderTale Multiverse in the first place and I'm 90% sure Joku just wanted to insert her[?] OCs and story somewhere she[?] knew it would get attention) and turned it into something fantastic was absolutely incredible to watch pan out in real-time. Second of all there is nobody in this world who is more in love with Nightmare's design than I am at this point 'cuz there has not been a single day in the last five years I have not thought about him (/srs) good LORD there is way too much to talk about there and I promised someone I wouldn't be un-sfw on here just know I'm on my knees barking for him begging him for a chance a SINGLE chance and that I would pay for.. certain artwork.. of him if given that opportunity..
Anyway I think the fandom's version of Dreamtale both ruins and improves the overall story because quite frankly I have never been happy with how Passive!Nightmare straightup dies but maybe that's just the angst brain y'know I think that Nightmare living but holding a deep hatred and/or jealousy for Dream would have been a better route there but also I understand that the AU doesn't only revolve around them and has to involve other characters and having Passive die is probably one of the easiest ways of doing that. But also if Nightmare killed his own mom how much extra angst potential would there be, right? 'Cuz then we'd also get angst with Dream trying to move on from it and forgive him and that is a whole other topic and I'm tryna stay on track here.
Speaking of Dream I personally think that the way the fandom used to (and still does sometimes) treat him was foul.. absolutely slanderous. UwU little soft boi Dream.. bleh. I think I could understand that take on Dream if it was when he was younger or had just directly come out of statue form but the people who used to write him as just some guy who lived solely to fix his brother and not think about anything else was certainly something. I mean I think you could technically write a perspective like that but it would take such a large amount of effort to fit properly within literally any sort of canon that it just wouldn't be worth it at all unless you're really that dedicated to it. Anyway, I think I'm just glad that the fandom has largely moved past the entire pathetically weak Dream saga that happened. I really fucking love Dream who is still grieving over the loss of his brother but can also accept that he's gone and is focusing on saving the Multiverse instead of trying to get his brother back at any cost I'm so in love with that version of Dream but nobody writes him like that on Wattpad so whenever I'm reading a fic about him it's HORRIBLE.
Y'know what I'm taking the chance to talk about how I don't think there's enough religious content surrounding Dream and Nightmare because I'd like to remind everyone that they are Guardians, which is pretty similar to Gods depending on who you ask. You CANNOT tell me that, whilst Nightmare is out causing havoc and spreading negativity to the AUs and such, not a SINGLE person would start thinking of him as a deity-like figure. Take it a step further and have them praying to him and giving him offerings like that is a banger concept if done correctly.
Take it ANOTHER step further and have it be done with Dream. Sure Nightmare's the Guardian of Negativity so not many people are likely to support him and such but Dream is the Guardian of Positivity, people would 100% worship him. There are so many things you could do with this concept, have him running around trying to keep his supporters happy whilst also protecting the Multiverse from Nightmare, have him be overwhelmed have him be fearful of the way people view him because it reminds him of the times before the Apple Incident oh my God please can someone do anything with this concept
Also side note I am in love with the bad sanses poly ship like that's also something not explored enough within fics I'll get around to writing something about it eventually but LORD the things I would do to read a 150k word fic about their adventures and their love for each other and their arguments and their miscommunications and their flaws and how they love each other's flaws and how they accept each other for who they are without having to drastically change anything about themselves and how they've finally found comfort in other people like them and how they never thought they would so they're super happy and AAAAAAAAAA dude. The things I'd do to read something like that.
Also. Listen to me. Error. I don't think I have to say much else because the large majority of people are already agreeing just based on Error alone but.. Error.
I am a VERY big fan of how his redesign is VERY similar to Geno's design except in negative form with some slight variations and I don't know if anything I'm about to talk about was on purpose or not but we're going into it anyway. First of all I love the idea of a Sans somehow glitching his way practically out of existence and becoming a fucked up piece of code like Error, but God the way his design looks will never get old to me. Never. The way he's all black because it's the negative of white and y'know in computer viruses and crashes they usually portray it as turning into negative colours when something has gone wrong BUT the way that Error's design only uses the primary colours (red, yellow, blue) WOOF that gets me GOINNNNNGGG like YES we've gone back to the basics no more complex colours no more special little colour palettes nothing like that he is basic and he is simple. He is UNPREDICTABLE like a virus he does not have any set opinions or personality traits at least not set in stone he is unhinged he has nothing to properly define him other than the term 'manbaby' and it is SO good because he isn't Sans he isn't even considered one or at least he shouldn't be because yes technically he is one if you look into it even the slightest but he has basically zero similarities because his personality is negative his personality is flipped his personality is FUCKED everything about him is FUCKED and he is INSANE. He is not patient like Sans he is not mysterious like Sans he is not harmless unless heavily, heavily aggravated like Sans he is the opposite he is a FOOL. A JESTER. Can someone draw him in a jester's outfit I think that would be funny anyway I love him he's my little meow meow my little guy my little non-friendly pal ALSO his fucking birthday is a 404 joke and his strings are a joke too for strings of code and it took me FOUR YEARS to figure that out because I'm a dummy but once it clicked?? Wowza it was like a new world opened because I could actually finally understand what his strings were all about.
I don't really have much to say about Killer if I'm being honest with you.. I'm just obsessed with him because he's a crazy extrovert who stabs people to death and also his design fucks hard though I do somehow keep forgetting his Soul whenever I draw him.. which isn't often I really need to start drawing him more he's SO fun his little drippy eye sockets are SO much fun to draw I cannot lie to you guys I would most definitely do a full piece of art of him if it meant I got to draw his eyes.
Fuck it I think Killer and Nightmare's possible relationship dynamics go CRAZY and I will need there to be more content of them. It does not matter if it's ship or not I just need them being them. I need Killer annoying Nightmare but Nightmare putting up with it because he finds it really cute how Killer likes being near him even if it's only to annoy him. I need Killer being patient and listening to Nightmare struggling to explain his own emotions (I also need Nightmare who can process everyone else's emotions besides his own) and Nightmare being so so grateful that he can confide in Killer about it. I need Killer following Nightmare's every word and demand because he wants to please him and when Nightmare compliments him it's all worth it. I need awkward Nightmare and Killer where Killer keeps trying to befriend Nightmare but Nightmare can't figure out what he's trying to do so he's just like "???" until Killer has to outright ask him to be friends. I need not awkward Killer and Nightmare where Nightmare knows full well that Killer wants to be friends but he is afraid of what would happen and he's afraid of putting their team in danger because what if he says something bad and Killer decides to leave ?? What would happen to the rest of his team then ??
I need Nightmare and Killer content where Nightmare is willing to take the risk of befriending him if it means being closer with him. And then I need Nightmare and Killer content which evolves into Killermare content which then evolves into bad sans poly.
I need Nightmare and Killer. Just in general now I just need them no further context.
WHEW the things I could say about Blueberror.. man I only started getting into him like a week ago because of a Wattpad request but I completely forgot how in love with his design I am. I can't really comment on it the same way as Error because, well, nothing tops Error but his design is so so so fun I love it I love how he still resembles his old self I love how not much changed other than he, again, became a sort of negative-like version of himself. I fucking love the stars on his face too I think face markings have gotta be the best thing to ever happen with OC creation in general things just feel incomplete if they don't have something there to draw on their faces
Wait is that the link? Is that what I've been missing???? Blueberror has stars Error has lines, Killer has his drippy eyesockets and Nightmare has his one singular covered drippy eyesocket oh fuck they all have some sort of identifiable feature on their faces God damn it
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harfanfare · 3 years
I saw this post and I was wondering if you write Malleus' too, is okay for you to make that?
How to win a heart of Malleus Draconia?
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a/n: I started posting my writings here because I want to improve my English — so I technically wouldn't make this request. But! Someone on Wattpad (where I take requests) asked for the same thing, so I rolled up my sleeves and wrote this guide today in both languages. Enjoy~
1. Don't be afraid of him.
It is said that the first impression is the most important.
So when you first saw this guy walking through the corridor of Diasomnia, it was hard for you to get rid of that view from your head.
Illuminated both by the green magic flames set in the lobby, as well as by the moon, which eventually managed to break through the dark clouds and with a bright glow appear in the windows of the dormitory, he seemed... lonely and beautiful.
You shuddered as you took a step down the hallway and the dark-haired man turned to you. He measured you with his emerald eyes. And then you recognized him; all the conversations about the mysterious and fearsome Malleus Draconia flew through your head.
Everything told you to rush towards the hallway and run as far as possible, but a piece of you found it inappropriate. Or rather, no one would want to chase everyone away from themself... right?
When you realized you were looking at him for a while, you took a deep breath and nod slightly.
"Good evening, Draconia-san," you said quickly. After a while you added, "The moon is beautiful today, don't you think?”
 2. Smile a lot.
Today was a really wonderful day: the test was postponed, your favorite dish was given in the canteen, and for some reason, the last two lessons were canceled – your class had to make just a quick note about a topic and it took less than fifteen minutes.
"Something happened?" Malleus asked, seeing how almost in the jumps you walk past him. When you looked at him, he added, "You smile a lot.”
"I can stop smiling if you want," you made a sad face, but after a while, the corners of your mouth began to tremble uncontrollably and twisted up again. "Oops, I can’t. Today... it was such a good day... that I think I'm slowly using my life's happiness.”
"I didn't say that smiling is bad," he said. "You look so much better when you smile.”
"Oh," you sighed with apparent surprise. "Is it a compliment?"
"It’s rather a fact..?"
 3. From time to time visit him during club activities.
"Is this a class of the ‘Gargoyle research society club’?” with a deaf knock you opened the door. Malleus turned to you, making a break from browsing through the materials gathered in the library about the history of each of the gargoyles on the school grounds. And there were a lot of them.
"Yes," he replied briefly, getting up. "Do you need something, [Name]?"
"Not at all, my club don’t have a meeting today," you said, closing the door behind you.
You looked around: the room was as clean as ever, except for one desk, where were laid several huge volumes about statues in NRC.
“Are you here alone?” You said before you thought. You lowered your eyes to see Malleus nodding unconcerned slightly. You blinked several times trying to think of what else you could say. "This room... could be a secret base," that was the first thing that came to your mind. Malleus turned his head to one side, uncertain of your response.
“A secret base..? Why?”
"I have no idea," you admitted quickly. "But the very existence of a mysterious point is interesting, isn't it? Doing normal things, such as watching movies or just talking, seems more interesting in places like this,” After a moment of silence, you sighed. "You know what, this idea with the base is stupid”
"We can try," he replied with serious tone. You raised your eyes to see how he looked around the room. "But you'll just have to explain this idea to me in more detail. We can also tell Lilia, Silver and Sebek about it...” he smiled as if seeing your five together in his thoughts was a pleasure. "It will be surely... fun.”
 4. Get yourself a Tamagotchi.
"Look!" you spin a new key chain on your finger. You finally stopped and showed it to Malleus. "Now they are matching!”
A small electronic toy, in a dark green screen that, when it flashed, showed a virtual, pixelated animal. You were impressed with how good quality it was made, especially since you only gave the Shroud brothers a sketch of a toy that Malleus owned.
Your keychain was exactly the same, just a different color and with another pet.
Malleus pulled out his own device and put it on the table. He pressed one of the buttons and a small pet appeared on the keychain – a dragon.
"They can now be friends," you brought your toy closer to so-called Gao-Gao Dragon-kun.
"Do you think so?" He asked in a very surprised tone, but it sounded as if in a moment he were about to burst out with an inexplicably joyful and surprised laugh.
"Of course. Everyone needs a decent friend, no?”
 5. Gain the trust of Lilia, Silver and Sebek.
Lilia, one of Malleus' closest people. It is much more likely that you will meet him before Malleus. He will be very proud when he learns that Malleus has found a friend. If you become a taster of Lilia, in terms of his pastries, he will 100% like you, and at 20% you will leave the kitchen alive and well.
Silver, who has mastered the art of sleeping in any conditions. It's easy to get him into your plans, although with the craziest ones he will hesitate. Rather well-disposed towards everyone, he can cover for you when you are not in class— but he usually inadvertently falls asleep and both of you often have penal assignments after school.
Sebek, faithful to Malleus, if he doesn't like you, you won't have too many opportunities to stay by Malleus's side without a thunderous glances at you. He will recognize you if you will listen carefully to his monologues about his master and as a sign of your friendship, he will teach you by heart of all the titles and achievements of Malleus so far.
With this trio by your side, you can get a lot further than you might have imagined...
 6. Be a master in hide and seek.
You’d give your right arm that your breath was too loud.
You pressed your hands to your mouth as you crouched in the corner of the room.
From whose voices you already heard, you knew that Lilia had already found Sebek. This meant that you or Silver would still be helping cook dinner since Malleus didn’t come at the start of the game.
This may seem silly, but the ability to play classic games was one of the elements of the art of survival in Diasomnia.
It was thanks to games like ‘stone-paper-scissors’, hide and seek or tag that household chores fell on the shoulders of the losers. Lilia loved the idea, and there was always a proud smile on his lips when he saw his beloved children play together.
You heard the steps behind you and shivered.
Very slowly you turned around and looked up to see Malleus standing over you and wondering what you were doing, crouching in the darkest corner of the room.
Puns were also included in the survival pack.
Fearing that Lilia would hear your whisper, you put your finger on your mouth, asking him not to say a word. You put a begging eye into it – all but not cooking with Lilia. Not again.
Malleus nodded, recognizing the gravity of the situation, although he smiled.
Really, no one would want Malleus to be an enemy.
Or at least in such a situation.
 7. Do not hesitate to ask him for help with learning.
"In theory, you should focus on the space around you," Malleus pulled a wand in front of him. It flashed, and almost at the same time, a thin but incredibly strong protective barrier was created around him. “Weaker spells can be reflected. In turn, the stronger ones are better to block”
You nodded understandingly.
Defensive magic was not something easy to understand. Most depended on the person against whom the counter spell was being prepared. And there are countless people who walk on this Earth and want to start fights.
"Unique spells block or avoid physically," he continued. You nodded at every subsequent sentence, slowly feeling like all the lessons are eventually gaining transparency. “Using unique magic against unique magic, the stronger will win, both will lead to explosions or completely reduce.
He looked at you when you wrote down the last sentence in your notebook.
"I sincerely hope that you will only need this information in class," he said with a sigh. "If you need help, call me. I will come. I promise.”
 8. Sometimes be persuaded to wear extravagant clothes.
"Do you really think it suits me?" you turned around, looking at yourself from every possible angle in the mirror.
You were going to the theater in a few classes to see some era-related play that you've been discussing now in history lessons. Everyone, respecting the reputation, actions and achievements of theatre, dressed in their best clothes.
Malleus stood next to you.
He was already wearing a black and white outfit with green accessories. They all worked so well together and fitted him like a glove that you were sure that the whole outfit was made especially for him.
"Yes," he replied. "Everything you put on today suited you very well.”
Once again, with critical eyesight, you looked at the outfit, face and hair, before you quickly turned off the lights in the room and closed the door behind you.
Then you smiled at Malleus.
"We can go now," you said. You made your way through the portal to the main NRC building. "And... thank you for your help.
"My pleasure," he said. Under no circumstances was it just a polite formula. He really loved looking at you.
 9. Invite him to your birthday/party.
"Another break from school soon, huh?" — you muttered, leaning against the railing.
You took a deep breath and let the fresh, pleasant air refresh you.
"Are you going to home, [Name]?" Malleus asked. Green lights were still flying around him, so you guessed he’d just appeared here.
"I haven't decided yet," you sighed. "It would be nice to go home, but the break won't be very long... Ah, that's right!” you straightened up and turned to him. "How about spending another break together? As soon as I can, I will contact my family... although I cannot promise anything.”
Though he did not show it, Malleus' heart beat a little faster.
Spend free time? With someone? With someone he likes?
"Of course," he sounded less calm than he thought. He wasn’t often invited anywhere, even for the things he should have been on, so there was a lot of excitement growing in his body. "I don't see anything against it.”
 10. From "The Great Malleus Draconia-sama" to "Love".
"Ah, The Great Malleus-sama!" you sighed theatrically, taking from him a box of chocolates with a joyful smile. You could promise that because of this dark-haired boy here, you slowly become pampered. "Thank you for your generosity!”
Malleus frowned.
"The Great Malleus-sama"..?” he pondered, putting his fingers to his chin. "Did Sebek told you again to call me with this title?"
"No," you laughed softly at his reaction. "I did it out of curiosity. Maybe I could call you some cute nickname, hmm?" you smiled mischievously.
"For example?"
"By adding ‘-chan’ to your name?” you turned on your phone and typed something related to the nicknames. You started reading suggestions and struggled to hold back from laughing. ” ’Sunshine’, ‘star’, ‘flower’, ‘sweetheart’, ‘love’...
"I like the last one," he said, and the invisible force stung you to the ground.
"Would you like me to call you like that? Out of curiosity or out of love?" You laughed, but your cheeks were all red with blushes.
He smiled sincerely at your reaction.
"Hmm, I wonder..?"
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henqtic · 3 years
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heyyyyyy okay so, i’ve never actually done a sleepover type thing for any milestones or anything like that just because it seemed like a lot of work + i was super scared of no one really interacting because i didn’t have that much of a following but now that i’ve missed many opportunities and i wanna make myself feel better about going back to school— i’ve finally decided to :)
personally, i love back to school, the grwm videos on YouTube, buying new supplies and stationary, getting my hair and nails done, seeing my friends in person on a regulus basis again, finding a new hallway crush, even getting into some of the new work— just everything back to school that doesn't involve excessive assignment and those kids that shout that you’re talking too quiet when you’re doing a presentation (hate them)
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going from august 28 — september 6 closed !!
(extended date// closer to the day i go back 🤧)
who/what fandoms i write for | i’m trying to expand my masterlist so feel free to request for any character from those fandoms listed and i’ll try my best :)
navigation post | to see which fandoms i’m in for ships and headcanons !!
all can be sent to my ask box—!! hope you enjoy this going back school dialogue themed sleepover <3
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🚍— “honey you need to get up, the bus might come early.”
cym! | send in any thing and i’ll cast my mutuals based on it, flowers, quotes, shoes in my closet— anything
🛌— “just give me two more minutes.”
blurbs! | send in a character along with a prompt/trope/any general ideas you have and i’ll write a blurb on it— no limit on these for now because school is starting soon and writing short things will help me procrastinate work
prompt list if you need help with ideas, please specify which list if you decide to use one !! ✎ kisses. touching. hand holding. wordless ways to say i love you. casual affections.
🗣— “girl look, dude in the white tee, he’s fine right?”
ships! | send me some facts about it you— these could be random from what milk you prefer, favorite day of the week, hair length/type, favorite color, hobbies, something incredibly dumb you’ve done and other things like that (no need to include all of that, it’s just suggestions lol) and i’ll ship you with a character from whatever fandom/s you want :)
*please include your gender preference if you have one and preferred pronouns— incase i end up writing some type of drabble/headcanons
🍽— “the foods bad but at least we get a break.”
headcanon discussion! | send me any headcanons you have of any character or opinion (sfw pls) and i’ll either add onto it or agree/disgaree with it
📖— “can you believe we can’t just sit around and read wattpad all day?”
fic reviews! | send me anyone of your fics (sfw) and i’ll comment my thoughts on almost every single paragraph like i would on wattpad
📰— “did you read what was in the school newsletter?”
wips! | send me this emoji with a number 1 — 200 (dude i know) and get a sneak peak at that draft/work in progress
🗞— “yeah, i don’t get how they think we’ll make friends by stuffing us in a hot gym though.”
talking! | my life is extremely boring so feel free to talk about anything in yours 😁 ajshaaj but seriously, if it’s like a crush you can’t get off your head, something you want to get off of you chest, complain about, gush over, generally talk about because you’re excited/happy about it— i’m here to listen <3
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my lil message or whatever 
a few weeks ago i realized i like never mention my follower count on here and honestly, i kinda like it because i feel like not knowing makes it better you know ?? only referring to my blog because i absolutely love when people celebrate theirs and seeing all the different themes and things they try out, it’s so cool— this is just my own person preference lol
but anyways, i feel like i haven’t appreciated y'all enough because of that so i just wanted to say thank you so much for all the support and growth on this blog in only about eight months of being here
as cliche and overused as it sounds, i never expected to get to 100 followers but now we’re at three zeros like hello my bank account has never been that high— my love for y’all can not be expressed in only a few words but let’s just say my heart grows so many amounts from it,, kisses for all of you <33
tagging some of my incredible mutuals who made tumblr better <33— @kpostedsum @dracodear @mvdbldd @ameliasbitvh @l0vely-lupin @natashxromanovf @silverdelirium @cupids-crystals @selenesheart @eunoniaa @destourtereaux @gothboutique @ur-local-reality-shifter @mullthingsoverinthehotwater @dreamcxtcherr @draconisxcaput @desiredmalfoy @sarahisslytherin @mellifluousart @harmqnia @mendesxruel @babydraco04 @dracosathenaeum @dreamy-clousds @el-imaskingforyourlefthand @holden-caulfield @gxtitobxby @ang9lic @arcaneslut @fredshufflepuff @heloisedaphnebrightmore​ @magicchai​ @maybanksslut​@dracossweetprincess @buckysbiota @disartrous @ladyvesuvia @gwlvr @amourslover @with-love-anu @pogueslandia @mauvea @hellounicorn @rosaliepostsstuff @slvt4fakerealities @velvetcloxds @messrsmoonee @eloquenceflores
sorry for anyone i missed, i hit the 50 tag limit— if there was an @mutuals button, i would've pressed that. i appreciate all of you + the people who took the time to follow me and read my fics even when they were terrible and now thinking of them makes me want to run away 😩🤌🏽
here’s all of my love: 💗💞💖💓💝💘💕💗💞💖💓💝💘💕💗💞💖💓💝💘💕💗💞💖💓💝💘💕💗💞💖💓💝💘💕💗💞💖💓💝💘💕
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pod95 · 3 years
Pairing: Finn Balor X OFC (Ciara)
Word Count: 1135
Warnings: Mature to explicit as the story goes on.
Description: After moving to the USA from England to start her career as an NXT superstar, Ciara gets to meet her long time crush, NXT champion Finn Balor. It's clear the pair have chemistry, but when tensions start to rise, will they find they want more than a no strings attached relationship?
So this is the first piece of fanfic I have written literally ever. I will be posting them here periodically, but I already have 6 chapters out on my Wattpad, AO3 and FanFiction pages.
This series will involve romance, drama and (although it will take a little while) some smutt too. Hope you enjoy it! 😊
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Chapter 3: Teasing the Prince
My taxi pulled up outside the hotel the orientation party was being held at, and I made my way inside. The hotel was beautifully decorated, definitely out of my price range but WWE has money to spare I guess.
Upon entering the bar, I immediately recognised most of the people there. Superstars from Raw, Smackdown and NXT, as well as coaches and backstage crew sat in their own groups, engaged in various conversations. It was incredibly intimidating to an outsider. After trying and failing to insert myself into different crowds, I ordered a glass of water from the bar and took a seat at an inconspicuous table in the corner of the room.
I tried several times to abandon my comfort spot and introduce myself to my colleagues, but lost my nerve everytime. After half an hour of sheepishly sipping my water, I was startled out of my haze by the sound of a glass being placed on my table.
"Sorry! I didn't mean to scare ya," came a smooth, Irish accent.
I knew Finn would be here of course, but I'd specifically avoided seeking him out. I certainly didn't expect him to approach me after I made such a mess of our first interaction. And yet...
"It's fine," I chuckled, nervously. "I was just in a world of my own. Sorry"
"No offense meant, but you look like you're shittin' yourself."
"Well everyone is already in their own groups. It's like high school all over again"
Chuckling, Finn slid the glass over to me, "This should help. It's vodka."
I hadn't intended to drink tonight, but that intoxicating smile was hard to resist, and it would be rude to turn down a gift after all.
"I'm Fergal. Your name was Ciara, right?"
Hearing him use his real name made this conversation feel much more personal somehow. The way he said mine sent tingles down my spine. Speechless, I nodded.
"That's an Irish name. Do you have any Irish in ya?"
"I don't," I confessed.
"Well, would you like some?"
At this I choked slightly. Not daring to look at his smirking face, I tried to regain my composure.
"Sorry, couldn't help myself," he giggled, mischievously.
"Has that line ever worked?"
"No, never. Usually I just flash the abs and the rest is history."
"Right, right, because you're just SO irresistible," I teased, rolling my eyes slightly.
"Well... You couldn't seem to take your eyes off of me earlier today, so I guess I must be doing something right." He'd stopped laughing and leaned in closer, now staring intensely into my eyes. Every instinct in my body was telling me to break eye contact, but at this point the alcohol was starting to kick in and my nerves were unusually steeled.
"The only way you could possibly know that is if you were watching me too," I smiled sweetly, feeling proud of my retort, though internally my heart was racing.
To my delight, he seemed surprised by my new, unabashed attitude. Looking down at the table, he smiled coyly. I swear I detected the hint of a blush as he bit his lower lip and leaned back in his chair.
"So how long have you been wrestling?" he asked, clearly wanting to change the subject.
"About 6 years. Started in the indies before I worked for Progress."
"So did you try out or get scouted?"
"Scouted. I thought they'd got the wrong girl at first. There were so many other more talented women there. I don't really know why I stood out and they didn't."
Noticing my dejected tone of voice and my eyes glassing over, Fergal placed a kind hand over mine and softened his tone.
"Those scouts have a real eye for talent. You really should believe in yourself more. Even Paul seems impressed with you. That's not something to take lightly love."
He had this peculiar way of being able to make me feel so anxious and unsure of myself one minute, yet completely calm the next. My heart was doing backflips from the warm, tender touch of his fingers, which were currently tracing pleasant patterns on the back of my hand.
We sat like that in silence for a moment, before he cleared his throat and left to get us more drinks.
I wasn't waiting long before I heard a voice I recognised calling my name.
"Ciara? When did you get here?"
"Saraya!" I screamed, excitedly standing to give her a hug.
"Did they FINALLY sign you?" she asked. I nodded in response, and she playfully slapped my arm. "Why didn't you tell me?"
"I guess I didn't wanna jinx it until I got here."
"Oh my god I'm so happy for you! It's gonna be like old times!"
Fergal returned with our drinks and nodded politely at Saraya.
There was something about the way she looked at him, or rather, the way she glared at him. I sensed some animosity there. As Saraya and I had a catch-up, she would break eye contact with me now and then to throw a scowl towards Fergal, and whenever she did, he'd respond with a smug grin, clearly amused at how much his presence was bothering her.
"So Fergal," Saraya started, "how are things going with Elayna. Oh wait, Ashley wasn't it. Or was it Steffanie... Aw damn, I can never keep track of who you're seeing..."
Fergal smiled wickedly and took a sip of his beer before responding.
"You know damn well who I'm seeing, and you also know how it's going. So why don't you cut the crap and tell me why you're still here."
"Hey, I'm just looking out for my girl here," she placed an arm around my shoulder, "wouldn't want her getting hurt."
Satisfied that she had pissed him off, Saraya grabbed her purse. She gave me a goodbye hug and flashed one last death stare at Fergal before making her leave.
I left Fergal to stew in his own frustrations for a few minutes, taking the opportunity to buy us both a drink.
"Are you OK?" I asked, setting the beer down in front of him. Upon my return, he quickly removed the scowl on his face, returning to the cocky smile he had on earlier in the evening. It was as simple to him as putting on a mask.
"I'm marvelous love," he winked, continuing the conversation as if nothing had happened, "so whereabouts in England are ya from?"
* * * *
A/N - Hey guys! I found this chapter really hard to write, because it's the first proper interaction you get with Finn and I wanted to do him justice. I hope I managed to. Anyway I'm back at work now so will update when I can. Really enjoying writing this and hope you enjoy reading! 😊
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bakugou-jpg · 6 years
Thank you
As i’ve mentioned before, i’m not sure if our blog might be deleted and i really wish that it won’t but in case i might be too late with writing this i’m doing it now. If our blog gets deleted i won’t be sad for the work that will be lost, since i backed it up somewhere. I’ll be pretty sad about losing the people on here and the memories i made on here, also about the hard work that will be lost.
Two years ago, no, three years ago i started writing on Wattpad. My work at the time was fucking horrible and i cringe with every fiber of my being when reading back those stories but moving on. I started tumblr last year back in..june? I’m not really sure. I loved Tumblr and the way it worked, since i got a lot more feedback on here and so many more people who would contact me and instantly grew attached to it. My writing ‘skills’ became much better and detailed which took a lot of effort and time but i’m pretty happy about the way i currently write even though i could still improve, also my english grammar got WAY better than it wa before.
Tumblr gave me the opportunity to grow as a writer, but also kind of as a person. I met amazing people on here; people who were incredibly talented as an artist or writer, people who were incredibly kind to me and people who really motivated me by giving me extremely kind feedback. The feedback that i got on my stories, were things that made me smile and think back about all week long and definitely inspired me to keep going and not quit what i love to do. With the 387 people who follow us, are 387 i’m really thankful for every single one of you even the ones that just read our stories and don’t leave a like.
I love making content for others and love getting feedback such as “Omg this made me cry” on stories i put my heart and soul into and can’t express how much i appreciate you all.
Thank you, even though we weren’t around for long and our blog might’ve not been big compared to others, i wouldn’t wish for anything else and will never forget the short journey i had on here.
Noëlle & Kaya
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ateanalenn · 6 years
This is a list of creative writing and self-publishing tools, apps and websites + a few extra that I thought would help!
750WORDS – a simple site to keep up a private diary or daily writing practice. You can earn badges and get some neat metrics after you complete your writing.
NOISLI – noise generator and distraction-free writing (with Markdown preview).
WRITE OR DIE – no other app can make you write faster! A NaNoWriMo staple.
WORKFLOWY – a beautifully simple web/mobile app for outlining and list-making.
TWINE – a visual interface for creating “choose your own adventure”-style stories. WATCH THIS VIDEO for a great introduction.
NOTION.SO* – a beautiful web (+Mac & iOS) app for writing and/or creating worldbuilding wikis. CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP and earn 150 extra content blocks.
GALEN LEATHER – beautiful leather traveler’s notebooks, pen cases, notebook covers and more.
CULTPENS – I order most of my fountain pens from CultPens in the UK. My go-to pens are the Kaweco Sport, Conklin Duragraph and Pilot Penmanship.
PAPERCHASE – I love Paperchase padfolios!
BEHIND THE NAME – my favourite resource to research name meanings, and find character names.
WEBSTER’S 1913 – a lovely nice vintage alternative to modern dictionaries, especially useful for historical fiction.
WORDNIK – one of my favourite tools for discovering and collecting words!
SCRIVENER – excellent for organising (and reorganising) longer projects. If you use Scrivener for novel writing, you might like to download my ONE PAGE NOVEL TEMPLATE.
NOTATIONAL VELOCITY – I use this for all odd notes. It’s quick, simple, beautiful, and saves all files as .txt.
FLUX – Flux automatically adjusts the colour temperature of your screen according to the time of day. I find it really helps me with eye strain!
BUFFER – I love Buffer not just for their amazing app, but also because they write the best blog on social media.
ACTIVECAMPAIGN* – I have yet to find a more elegant solution for automated email campaigns.
CONVERTKIT* – another fantastic email marketing solution, especially for email courses.
MAILERLITE – a great free solution for drip-style email automation.
BOARDBOOSTER* – allows you to automate posting to your Pinterest boards. Free for the first 100 pins.
NOISLI – simple and beautiful noise generator which allows you to create and save sound combinations.
LANES – if you’re a fan of the Pomodoro Method, this is a lovely extension that turns your new tab page into a pomodoro timer and todo checklist.
MOMENTUM – similar to Lanes, this extension turns your new tab into a beautiful dashboard.
DRAFTBACK – an amazing extension that helps you visualise the writing and editing of Google documents. READ MORE HERE.
STAYFOCUSED – block yourself from time-wasting sites. I use this to combat my Youtube addiction.
THE WRITEMBER WORKSHOP – my friend, Faye Kirwin’s beautiful course on making writing an easy, joyful, daily habit.
THE ONE PAGE NOVEL – my course on how to plot your novel on one A4 page.
HOW TO BE THE HEROINE OF YOUR OWN STORY – my course on how to develop your character (and yourself) on one page.
MASTERCLASS WITH JAMES PATTERSON* – bestselling author, James Patterson’s tips for writing a novel.
LEARN SCRIVENER FAST* – Scrivener is an incredibly powerful piece of software, but if you’re having trouble getting started with it, this course can help!
MYWRITECLUB – a site for communal writing sprints and word tracking. You can follow me HERE.
4THEWORDS – a fun, gamified writing community where you battle monsters as you write, complete quests and earn crystals.
WORDWAR.IO – word war chatrooms from the creator of Write or Die.
SCRIVENER FOR IOS – this is hands-down the best and most beautiful iOS word processor.
HANX WRITER – I’ve written about how much I LOVE HANX WRITER before.
NOTABILITY – this is a great app for importing PDFs (such as WRITING WORKSHEETS) and handwriting over them.
I find ambient noise to be extremely helpful when I’m trying to focus on writing. In addition to the previously-mentioned NOISLI, here are a few sites/apps you might like to try…
AMBIENT-MIXER – Ambient-Mixer allows you to create your own custom soundscapes, or to use ones created by other users. My favourite is THIS HOGWARTS LIBRARY MIX.
BRAIN.FM – in all honesty, I didn’t think this worked for me, but I’ve seen many people swear by it, so it’s worth a try.
COFFITIVITY – if you’d like to create a café atmosphere in your home, this is the web/mobile app you want.
Wattpad – Wattpad’s strength lies in its mobile app which is very convenient for reading. It also provides great opportunities to connect with your readers and some basic metrics on how they are engaging with your stories. – Since my account was deleted without reason or warning, I can sadly no longer recommend Wattpad as a safe platform to share stories.
GOODREADS – you might not be aware that you can actually publish your own stories on Goodreads. You’ll need to login, GO TO THIS PAGE, then find the small link that says, “my writing”. I admit I haven’t tried it yet, but I love Goodreads as a book community, so I have high hopes. :)
THE PRODUCTIVITY PAGES – my paper-based goal and task-tracking solution for writers.
TODOIST – a beautifully minimal to-do list app.
RESCUETIME – automatically tracks how much time you use in each app, and gives you a productivity score based on which apps or websites you designate, “productive” and which “distracting”.
TRELLO* – a task-management app that uses boards, lists and cards. A very nice solution if you like a more visual approach. I also recommend adding the SLIM LISTS CHROME EXTENSIONto fit more on your screen.
DOCHUB – PDF editor that you can add to your Google Drive contextual menu, or as a Chrome app.
SMALLPDF – some fantastic PDF conversion and compression tools!
PDFESCAPE – this tool makes me SO HAPPY! You can upload your PDFs and quickly and easily turn them into forms. Love it.
FIRMBEE – a collection of public domain mockups to use for marketing your books.
UNSPLASH – gorgeous public domain photos to use in your blog posts, book covers, or social media graphics.
GRAPHICBURGER – mockups and graphics to use in your ebooks or emails.
CREATIVEMARKET* – a great resource for images, fonts, templates and themes. Don’t miss their weekly free goods!
CANVA – an online image editor that has pre-made templates for Kindle ebook covers.
WORDPRESS – my site runs on WordPress. I love it, although it can be a bit intimidating if you aren’t very tech-savvy.
ANGIEMAKES* – my WordPress theme is by AngieMakes. It has a ton of options and I really love it!
SITEGROUND* – my web host of choice. Their premium support is top notch!
HOTJAR* – create heatmaps of your blog to see where viewers are looking and clicking.
WAVE – As far as I know, this is the only free accounting solution for freelancers and small businesses, and it works a treat!
Links with * are affiliate or referral links. But I promise I never recommend products unless I absolutely love them!
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finding--cat · 6 years
hi cat!
long time silent reader here, but i’m breaking my pattern to tell you a couple of things that i’ve wanted to say for a long time but never worked up the courage to.
(1) i loved your work from the minute i started the first paragraph of AB on 1dff (RIP haha). i knew there was something special about it, but more importantly YOU and your exquisite writing style then. that being said
(2) i have also been enjoying the non AP/PP work you’ve publish since then - it has been just as much of a pleasure to read and i can’t thank you enough for giving us the opportunity to do it 
(3) i missed you as well as your work (mostly AB and PP and related writing) so much once you took a break. i know a lot of people who felt the same, but i completely understood why you had to leave and supported and Still do support you 100%. however, that didn’t stop me from missing fitz and harry, so i have to confess that i went to prowl the corners of the internet for other copies of it. and for that 
(4) i want to apologise. i think this is more for me than for you, if i’m being honest, but i am so ashamed at how disrespectful it was of me to go look for YOUr work posted illegally without your permission just so i could fulfil selfish desires to meet YOUR characters again, when illegal reposting was part of the reason you may have left. was like a year and a half ago but i still feel bad about it sometimes, and i dont know, this is getting kind of rambly but i just want to say that i’m so sorry that people are reposting your work without your permission but i’m even more sorry that people like me encouraged that behaviour by actively reading and commenting.
(5) i was looking at a masterlist of fic recs today and awkward beat was mentioned. being the nostalgic gal i am, opened up a new tab and looked it up, hoping to find drabbles that other writers had written about harry and fitz inspired by AB so i could go back to them, just for a little bit. however, to my surprise, the first result was a link to your story, being posted on wattpad. at first i was overjoyed, thinking that maybe you had made a comeback on another platform. (IMPORTANT TO NOTE: i didn’t know you were back on tumblr yet - i found that out later from someone elses’ post on tumblr that you were back with this account). being the stupid bitch i am, my first thought was “awkward beat is back!!!!! FUck yeah!!!” and i started reading it. but i stopped about 5 words into the first sentence because, right to the left of YOUR words, was ‘Awkward Beat {h.s} by girlpowered’. and that broke my heart and made me so mad because awkward beat was by cat and ilikeorangetoo and green & yellow but NOT girlpowered. and it’s not fucking fair. 
SO in conclusion, i dont really know why i wrote this essay to you. all i know is that you made a conscious decision for fitz and harry to take a break from the internet for a while, and they’re being given to us without your permission. and i would like nothing more to dig into that fic and read it again and again and again but not if it’s not from you. because loving your work isn’t an excuse to disrespect you and your wishes, and i have faith in the fact that things will all work out one day, and even if fitz and harry don’t ever come back to tumblr, it’s okay because at least you will be okay (i dont know if this makes sense, do you know what i mean??) because it was your decision and your perogative and your fitzandharry. but it’s not fair. so i mustered all the self control i had and stopped reading [even though i would literally give my left pinky toe to read the story again] and decided to report the story but more importantly to write this whatever-the-hecko-this-is to you.
i tried to report the story on wattpad, and it said only the owner could request the work be taken down. i’m sure you have already done this a countless number of times, but this version looks like it was published fairly recently? so i thought maybe you weren’t aware. if you already were then i’m sorry, because then this whole expose just gets a little awkward. but if you weren’t aware, then maybe this can be a sort of high five of support(???) or a lil reminder from someone who loves fitz and harry, but not more than they love you.
anyways, thank you for everything, and sorry again.
and i support you a lot!!! i know i’m a stranger and i’m not sure if it matters that much to you, but i think that spreading validation and good vibes can do a lot for people so. 
also i apologise if this was a lot to take in from someone you dont know at all? but…. i mean i dont know anymore. i hope it’s not bad and you’re not too offended and weirded out. 
alrighty then, i’ll see you around (my dash)
whiteboymacarena (my name is neha)
ps. this isn’t really something i want to submit [i mean it’s pretty obvious but still]. i just didn’t think i’d be able to split up 5 messages and send them to you :)
Neha. You sent this to me SO long ago, so first, I must apologize for taking so long to respond to you. To be honest, your message overwhelmed me. It’s always incredibly disappointing to hear that my work has been stolen and posted (or circulated) without my permission, and at this point it’s happened to me so many times that I’m completely exhausted. Hearing about it just makes me shut down. But with that said, I’m very appreciative that you came to me with the information and provided the link to the account (I took it out of your original submission). I always feel it’s best to speak to the person first, human to human - because I want people to know, from someone whose writing has been taken advantage of, that it’s not right and it’s a betrayal of trust that is so sacred in this, or any, online writing community. So I’ve messaged the account holder and I’ll hope that they have it in their heart to do the right thing and remove it. If not, I’ll report it. 
The second reason this message overwhelmed me was because you just GET IT. I don’t know if you’re a writer and if you’ve had any of your works pop up anywhere without your permission, but somehow you just get it. And I feel really emotional thinking that AB was something you really wanted to read again but you didn’t, because you knew it wasn’t there by the author’s choice. I can NOT explain in words how much that means to me, how much it HEALS me (sorry for being dramatic), because I feel like sometimes all I get to see is people saying “I’ll email it to you, I have the PDF!” and “I’ve posted it on wattpad so everyone can enjoy it!” and no one is asking themselves “Wait, should we think about why the author didn’t want it here in the first place?”. Reading this message reminded me time and time again (because I’ve read it several times) that there are such genuine people in the world who really do want to do right by others. Again, I know this is so dramatic because ok, it’s not world peace, it’s a piece of fan fiction. But sometimes I feel like I’m yelling until my voice gets hoarse and still people are trampling all over something I created, shared for free and respectfully decided to remove. So just knowing there was someone in my corner when I wasn’t there to defend myself means the absolute world to me. Thank you for being a friend. Much love to you. I hope you’re well.  
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lrhbadomens · 7 years
When Souls Collide Chapter 12
Is love ever strong enough to survive distance? Is friendship ever enough between two lost lovers?
A story about coming out, finding love, losing love and finding each other again.
Masterlist Wattpad
Very very very little smut warning?
The weeks continue and the more days pass by the more clingy and anxious I get towards Lynn and even Brian and Alex. I know I can go see them but I don't get to see them every day anymore and talk to them all the time. They're going to be incredibly busy and be surrounded by awesome people.
Lynn and I are cooking dinner at her place, treasuring our time together before she has to leave tomorrow morning. Just thinking about it makes me want to cry. The last few weeks have been amazing, we've really gotten to know each other and we've been together almost every day or every night if I had uni and she had rehearsal.
She's standing behind the stove as she's cooking vegetables in pots and is baking the meat. My gaze doesn't leave her as she moves slightly to the music on the background which I put on because she usually doesn't do it. I creep up behind her and wrap my arms around her waist as she stirs into a pot on the stove.
"Hmm, hello you" She hums and holds one of my hands as the other is still stirring in the pot. A deep sigh suddenly leaves her mouth making me let go slightly and look at her when I notice her face is redder than usual.
"Lynn? What's going on?" I ask and pull at her to face me but she refuses to budge.
"Nothing, it's just hot in here" She makes up some excuse because I can hear it in her voice that something is wrong.
"Babe, don't hide from me" I whisper, wrapping my arms around her again. But this time she reacts and turns around in my grasp to hold me and breaks down in my arms, leaving me shocked at her reaction. I've never seen her so vulnerable but I'm feeling blessed and worried at the same time.
"I've got you, what's wrong?" I whispers as I kiss the top of her head. Hearing, seeing and feeling her cry makes me want to break down too but this time I've got to be the strong one. She's been there for me so many times that it's my time to be her rock.
"I'm being fucking ridiculous" She hiccups as I pull her back just a little bit and wipe my thumbs over her cheeks. Wiping away tears that are still coming. I stay silent and wait for her to be ready to tell me.
"I was just thinking of how I'm almost leaving and I can't just have you walk up to me and hug me and I won't be able to kiss you and hold you and we can't speak all day because we'll both be so busy and I'm going to be the worst girlfriend ever, I mean, I'm just going to leave you behind and expect you to sit tight and wait for me? How fucking selfish is that?!" Lynn's face is red from frustration and from crying as tears are still falling from her eyes.
"That's weird because I was just thinking about how I'm not going to be able to hold you for a while too... But you are not being selfish. I knew what I signed up for the second I fell for you." I hold her close to me and make sure she hears me, tears starting to fill up my eyes now too silently cursing myself.
"We're going to go through this and work our best to get through this. Your job is important and this is a huge opportunity for the band and you need to focus on that. I will be here ready to hear all about it when you've got some time off or even when you get back home. I understand and I do not blame you for leaving. Am I going to miss you? 100% yes, but I'm also going to be a proud girlfriend and I'll try to come visit you" I ramble on and I'm surprised she hasn't shut me up yet but instead she pushes forward and kisses me. Holding me so close and grabbing at me as if to hold onto me that extra bit more.
"I couldn't wish for anyone better. I wish I could take you with me and have you on the sidelines but uni is important and I know you're doing amazing so I can't take that away from you" Lynn sighs so I kiss her lips quickly. The burning smell suddenly reaches my nose and my eyes widen.
"Fuck, Lynn! The food!" I laugh and turn us around to quickly put off the stove as there is now a cloud of smoke in the kitchen and it smells horrible.
"God damn, Lynn" She mutters to herself as she opens the lid of the pot on the stove and we look inside, seeing that the vegetables are now all burnt.
"Sooo should we order chinese or pizza?" I giggle as I can't contain my laughter.
"Pizza please?" Lynn smiles innocently making me shake my head as I call the closest pizzeria and give them our usual order.
A little while later the kitchen and the apartment is free from the smoke and the smell and we've made it onto her couch with candles lit around us and pizza in front of us. We're seated sideways so Lynn is in between my legs as my one arm is wrapped around her waist and the other is pizza.
"I'm sorry for burning the food and well, having a full on break down during it" Lynn's voice gets quieter throughout her sentence. I know she's now feeling embarrassed about it because she hates being vulnerable as she wants to be this strong individual.
"Hey, it's okay. You know you can be vulnerable around me right? I'm not going to judge you and I want to be here for you and not be the only emotionally unstable one in this relationship" I joke slightly making her giggle, the sound warming my heart.
"I know, I just have to get used to it because I never really opened up before you came along" Lynn explains and my heart was warm before but now it's about to melt.
"Awww you're so cute" I gush but a soft pinch is felt on my leg
"Ouch, what the hell?" I pout as I retract my leg, almost knocking the pizza out of Lynn's hand.
"You called me cute, I'm not"
"Oh I'm sorry, no. You're strong and very independent and incredibly sexy" I tease her but of course she likes it as her ears literally move as she smiles in front of her.
"That's more like it, I'm sexy huh?" Her tone betrays that she's got a smirk on her face.
"Hm, very sexy" I whisper in her ear and Lynn leans forward and puts down the pizza piece that she's holding, wipes her fingers and in a blink she's turning around and pushing me down on the couch. One of her hands reaches up and holds the side of my face right by my jaw as her thumb moves and slowly pulls back my bottom lip.
"Well, good thing I think you're very sexy too" She whispers as her lips are near my right ear. Taking my earlobe between her teeth and softly pulling at it too, turning me on like crazy. Her mouth moves from my ear, along my jaw and eventually reaches my lips but she hovers over them a little bit more.
"Are you going to do anything with that mouth or what?" I mutter softly and bite my lip, her eyes glisten as she flicks her eyes from mine to my mouth.
"I can do a lot of things with my mouth, just you want and see" Lynn answers seductively and finally presses forward, kissing me hard and messy but I don't mind one bit, finding it sexy as hell. I pull her closer by her waist as our bodies press on each other.
I moan against her lips as she moves one of her legs in between my legs, putting pressure on sweatpants covered center. We haven't actually been that far yet probably because it'd be my first time with a girl. I raise my other leg a bit so it makes contact with Lynn and I feel the affect as she now also moans against my lips.
"Are you sure you wanna continue this?" She whispers as if she were to speak louder it would break the situation we're in now. My feelings for her growing even more than I thought possible for asking me.
"I want you, Lynn. All of you" I whisper and pull her closer to me again, my lips finding hers and our tongues making contact as everything get more intimate and serious as you worship her body and she worships yours. Baring each other to one another and being completely vulnerable.
I know y'all are expecting smut but this is the best I can do and I kind of want to do? I'm not yet comfortable with writing any more specific so I hope y'all don't hate me...
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blogwritetheworld · 7 years
Featured Writer: Sarah Feng
Californian Sarah Feng has wasted no time getting busy with the craft of writing. By the age of twelve, Sarah had written two novels, racked up over 155,000 reads on Wattpad, and earned her first publishing deal. Since then, the now 14-year-old has gone on to be recognized by the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards and serves as one of our current Write the World Peer Review Ambassadors. While it’s true Sarah has accomplished a great deal in a few short years, she’s also a self described “normal” teenager who enjoys romping around her quiet suburban town—boba tea in hand, with her closest friends in tow. In our Q&A with Sarah, she talks more about her surprisingly relaxed approach to the writing process and where she sees her writing taking her in the future.
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At the age of eleven you wrote your first book, Beneath. What pushed you to tackle a huge task like this?
It's hard to pinpoint the exact reasons for starting Beneath, but even when I was 11, there was just something so compelling about being able to detail a full, complex story, from start to finish.
It was like someone handed me silk, yarn, and needles, and the whole tale just unspooled itself from there on out. Of course, Beneath was nowhere near perfect (plotholes, two-dimensional characters, and amateurish writing galore!), but although the task of writing it seemed so simple, it proved itself to be much trickier than I thought. I had to map out characters, sustain their personalities, try and evolve their relationships, propel the plot along with a fresh range of characters, and juggle all these different factors in the back of my mind while writing each sentence. For an 11-year-old with the attention span of a ladybug, it was tough, but in the end, it made the closure that much sweeter.
After writing Beneath, you subsequently wrote your second novel, Chiaroscuro. How did your writing improve between books? What lessons did you learn from writing the first book that you tried to incorporate in the second book?
I was 12 when I started writing Chiaroscuro. Since then, it's collected about 155,000 readers on the online reading platform Wattpad. I was (and still am) 14 when Chiaroscuro was self-published in paperback and eBook this March. Soon after, I received a publishing offer for Chiaroscuro from Pulse Publishing and accepted it.
As for what I learned from writing Beneath–definitely, planning out helps. That's my biggest advice to any writer who's looking to write a novel with lots of twists. With Beneath, I didn't work out any outline or plan, so there were more plot holes in that book than hairs on my head. With Chiaroscuro, I paid meticulous attention to every detail of the character's backstories–what color was the gun? Why did James say x, y, and z on page 37? Although they're small, they make a world of difference. Fixing these small issues and making sure every piece of dialogue and description fit with what was revealed later on infinitely helped stitch my story into one cohesive body.
You've submitted to—and been honored by—a number of writing awards, you work as the prose reader at Glass Kite Anthology, and you've served as a Write the World Peer Review Ambassador. Suffice it to say, writing is a huge part of your life. What advice do you have for other young writers who want to incorporate writing into their lifestyle on a more consistent basis?
Definitely, don't force yourself to write just to follow a rigid writing schedule. Write when the inspiration is so strong it electrocutes you down to your bones. I am in no way a prolific writer, nor am I really accomplished compared to thousands of teen writers out there, but one thing I have realized is that creativity doesn't arrive every other day from 6-7:30. When it hits you, take it, cherish it, and milk it. However, when you don't feel very inspired, try for a few small writing drills–describing what's around you, capturing sensory details, sketching a friend's personality without ever using the names of emotions, etc. Do these exercises just to lubricate your thoughts, but never make yourself write just for the sake of doing it. If you work with creativity instead of trying to summon it, you'll find your writing portfolio expands pretty rapidly.
And definitely get feedback from others. Ask your parents, ask your friends, post it on Write the World, anything. Praise and constructive criticism are sure to keep you going.
What was it like being a WtW Peer Review Ambassador?
Being a Peer Review Ambassador for Write the World has been a truly enlightening experience. Not only did I get to meet a team of talented writers, but I also got the opportunity to read such a varied, thoughtful, and culturally rich range of written pieces. The exposure and different perspectives helped make me a more well-rounded and open-minded writer.
Additionally, critiquing the works of others has helped me become a better editor for myself, too. Now when I write, I apply a much more meticulous revision process to my works pre-submission, knowing that someone on the other end is going to review it the same way I've done for many works on Write the World. I have also gotten better about looking at my writing more objectively and strip away bits that may have worked well in my personal thoughts but not for the piece itself.
To all those Write the World members who might be reading this article, when the next quarter opens for ambassador submissions, apply. It's such an incredible experience, and I promise you won't regret it.
What are some of your longterm goals as a writer?
High-school-wise, I want to write two more novels and get published in a handful more literary magazines. I would love to become a Scholastic Art & Writing Awards national gold medalist sometime before I graduate, though this is highly unlikely.
As ambitious as it sounds, by the end of college, I'd like to have my novel(s) published professionally and in actual bookstores, along with a poetry chapbook. I'd also like to work as a reporter for some period of my life, as I recently got into journalism. I report for the town newspaper and am the incoming Arts editor for my school paper. I would also love to be nominated for a Pushcart Prize.
How would you describe your hometown in California to someone who's never been?
People riding horses, CEOs living down the street, relatively quiet, soft sunsets, smart people everywhere.
In all fairness, though, Los Altos and its sibling city Los Altos Hills are the epitome of the quiet suburban life. There are a lot of stereotypes surrounding the cities in Silicon Valley—rich people, genius students, rich genius students, etc., and while they may apply to some students in Los Altos, most of us are just normal. We make up a small town. We get boba at the mall, watch Netflix. We buy silver trinkets from downtown, laugh while stumbling over leaf-carpeted sidewalks. We go hiking in the dusk and drink tea and laugh too loud. This is us. This is Los Altos.
About Sarah
I'm Sarah Feng, a high school freshman who attends Pinewood School (Los Altos, CA). I lived in China for 4 years until I returned to the states to start school. Currently, I'm studying the chemical composition of words, the flight of birds, and the distance between pu'er tea and nighttime. My works have been recognized by the regional Scholastic Art & Writing Awards, the California Coastal Commission, the Write the World Novel Writing Prize, and more. My young adult novel Chiaroscuro recently came out in paperback. I've been writing for as long as my memory goes. Writing helps me strip away the clutter of the world and cut to the bone of my thoughts. For me, it's a way of summarizing. It's how I tell my own truths. Outside of my amateurish writing, I make art, figure skate, run track, and talk to my friends. My experience as a Peer Review Ambassador at Write the World helped me get a job as a prose reader at Glass Kite Anthology, and I am ever grateful to Write the World for giving me the opportunity to review for them. To learn more, visit www.sarahfeng.weebly.co
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superteenwolftrash · 7 years
Prison/Bellamy Blake Smut
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Most of these are taken from my Wattpad account! (Twtrash01)
Send me requests for the following Fandoms: Teenwolf, Vampire Diaries, Dolantwins, OUAT(Peter Pan, Robbie Kay, Supernatural, Suicide Squad, The 100. Basically I’ll write for any fandom. I’ll write non-smut as well. Be specific in what you want! *I DON’T OWN ANY GIFS*
My dudes I’ve been having hella Bellamy Blake feels so I needed to write this. 
"Do you promise? If someone finds out I'll get floated." Bellamy asked me in all seriousness. "Only if you promise to always protect me." I said in the same serious tone. I was very timid and shy, everyone walked over me. I was scared of everything, He scoffed and a smile appeared on his face. "Bell, come on. You know I won't." I say caressing his cheek gently. "And you know I'll always protect you." Bell said tucking a piece of loose hair behind my ear. Bellamy and I had this thing, we never got to label it because nobody could know about it. Bellamy is 20 and I'm 15, here on the Ark you had to be 18 to be in a relationship. Bellamy wrapped his arms around my waist and hoisted me up, I wrapped my arms around his neck. He looked into my eyes and his tongue came out to lick his lips, I smashed my lips against his. Bell's grip tightened around my waist, we were currently in our normal meeting spot. The janitors closet, Bellamy was the only one with keys to the small room. He gripped my ass, causing me to part my lips. He took that as an opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth, colliding with my own. My fingers tangled into his hair tugging at the brown locks, our tongues fought for dominance and of course he won. I didn't mind though, his hands moved up my waist pushing my shirt up as he did. We only got to meet at night, right after my shower so of course I didn't have a bra on. I helped him take my shirt off and he started at my chest, my cheeks turning a shade of red. Bellamy's face lit up and he smirked and pressed his lips to my left nipple causing it to harden. Bell turned us around and pressed my back against the cool metal, causing goosebumps to arise on my skin. My fingers tugged at his hair, causing a groan to escape his lips as he moved to my right nipple giving it the same treatment. "Bell." I moaned tipped my head back, he hand reached up an covered my mouth. He made me look him in the eyes, "Gotta be quiet, princess. Wouldn't want the guards hearing now would we?" He asked and I shook my head. "You gonna be quiet?" He asked and I nodded and he pulled his hand away from my mouth. He reached between us and unbuckled his pants, I bit my bottom lip wanting to moan out in anticipation. But my moan was stifled with his lips, he grinded
His clothed core against mine. I bucked my hips forward feeling his he cock, "Bell, please?" I mumbled against this lips. He smirked before he pulled away from the kiss. "Anything for you, princess." He said with a wink. He dropped me to my feet and I stared at his bulge, I couldn't help it. His boxers hug dangerously low on his hips, I look up at him innocently and he chuckled. "Panties off." He commanded and I immediately pushed my panties down and they pulled at my feet and I stepped out of them. He pushed me back against the metal wall and he pushed his boxers down. His hard cock springing up to his stomach, my mouth watered and my pussy was throbbing with need. He pressed his toned body flush against mine and he grabbed my thigh and hooked it on his hip. He grabbed his cock and teased my entrance with it, "Fuck." He groaned, feeling how wet I was. "Is my babygirl that needy?" He said cockily. "Yes! Please fuck me!" I tried to whispered but each word came out was a moan. He grabbed my hands and placed them on his shoulder, he knew that I'd need something to hold onto. He grabbed my hips and positioned himself and with a quick hard thrust he was inside me, I opened my mouth to scream but he saw and quickly placed his hand back over my mouth. "You make this so hard, Y/N." he said with a smirk and I slapped his arm, his hair was now stuck to his forehead. "Fuck. Harder. Please." I mumbled against his hand and I guess he heard me because he thrusted harder if that was even possible. He was fucking me with an incredible force, "You're always so fucking tight." He groaned in my ear, Bellamy dirty talking was enough to get me off and that on top of him Fucking me was too much. I threw my head back and my back arched forward, "Bellamy!" I screamed against his hand, I came and I saw white. Bellamy didn't slow down, he was chasing his orgasm which was close. I felt his cock twitch inside my aching pussy, "Fuck Y/N, I'm gonna cum." He moaned and I took his hand in mine and I brought his middle and pointer finger to my lips, sucking on them. "Oh my god." He panted and a sigh left his lips as I felt him cum inside me. He pulled out and I almost collapsed, he quickly caught me and held me up. "I love you." He said looking into my eyes, my heart exploded. This was the first time he's every said that to me, I had something to tell him before I told him I loved him. "I know about Octavia." I blurted out and his face dropped, he quickly stepped away from me and got dressed. He quickly let the small closet, I quickly got dressed and I went to follow him but as soon as I stepped out the door I was met with two guards. "That's her! I caught her stealing supplies." Bellamy explained to the guards, "Bellamy! What the hell?" I shouted and the guards grabbed me, I struggled to get away. "Bellamy you promised! You promised you'd protect me!" I screamed as tears were streaming down my face. Stealing supplies would get you thrown in prison. Bellamy stared at me with a blank face as they dragged me away, that was two years ago and no I wasn't floated. I was going to be until they found out I was nine months pregnant. I was in prison for nine months, they sent me to the ground where they were sure I wouldn't survive, Abby begged them not to but the chancellor wouldn't listen. They had a pod that they sent down with me in it, I gave birth when I hit the ground. Of course the grounders were curious when a big metal object fell from the sky, luckily they took me and my newborn in. Now I'm the leader I'm not really sure how it happened, I took control I knew more about the ground than they did. I knew what was safe and what wasn't, they sent a few more people down from the ark but they didn't make it. The grounders called them sky people, which brings us to now. My son Rowan is almost 2 and he was a better shot than some of my people even if it is just with a rubber band and a rock. "Commander Y/N." my second is command, Silas came in frantically. "What is it now?" I said cradling my son to sleep. "Sky people there's so many of them." He said and I placed Rowan down in his bed. I went outside and I saw smoke coming from a few hundred yards away from us. "Gather up a group, we leave within the hour." I said as I went to our armory picking out my favorite sword. Soon I was leading my men into the woods towards where we saw the smoke, "Whatever the hell we want!" We heard a large group shout repeatedly. We surrounded the group without being seen, if I had to guess I'd say there were about 100 of them. I actually recognized a lot of them, but that didn't matter. I had to protect my people and if they were there to pose a threat then they would need to be put down. "Down on your knees!" I screamed as I came into view wielding my sword. They stopped chanting and a gun was pointed in between my eyes, I didn't pay attention to who was holding the gun. My men came out and surrounded the group, our guns were bigger and my men were stronger. "Drop it!" I said holding my sword to the owner of this guns neck. "Bellamy drop it!" I heard someone yell and the man fell to his knees. I grabbed his gun and I tossed it to one of my men, of course he didn't recognize me. I changed a lot since the last time he saw me, I was older and I had black paint all over my face. Him not so much, expect his was a lot buffer. "Y/N?" I heard someone say, uncertainty laced in their voice. I looked to where the voice came from and I saw Clarke, she was my best friend on the ark. "What?" Bellamy said looking at me trying to figure out how the hell it could be me. He probably thought I was still in prison, "In the flesh." I said with a laugh, everyone gasped. I was the youngest to get put in prison. "How are you here?" Bellamy asked and I couldn't help but chuckle. "I'm here because of you, asshole." I said still holding the knife to his neck. Everyone was kneeling before me, as they should I'm the commander of course. Sure there were other grounders but none that dared to challenge me, "You're a grounder?" Clarke said in disbelief, we had learned about earth on the ark and if there was life on the earth then they were called grounders. They were what you had nightmares about, they were ruthless unless it came to their people. They protect them at all costs, "She's not just a grounder, she's the boss." One of my men said with a throaty laugh. "Are you gonna kill us?" Jasper asked and Monty slapped his arm, "Shut the hell up!" He said. "Well I should, you made quite a mess with your little contraption." I said motioning to the big metal box. "But I suppose I can spare you if you answer some questions for me. " I said and they nodded. "Perfect! Let's see I'll start with an easy one, why are you all here?" I asked, "You, answer me." I said pointing to some dark haired girl, "What's your name?" I asked, "Octavia." She answered and I chuckled and looked at Bellamy and he tensed up. I never told a soul that I knew about Octavia, "Alright, Octavia tell me why are you all here?" I asked, "The ark has about three months left before it dies. They sent us here to see if we could live." She answered, "How wonderful." I muttered, "Mommy!" I heard Rowan's voice coming from behind me and I whipped around. Of course it caught the attention of everyone, I picked him up and I knew I was going to have to punish who let him out of their sight. When I turned back to face the group, none other than Murphy was standing in front of me. He was challenging me, I never liked him anyway. "You think your tough?" He started and a few of my men came to defend me but I stopped them. "We could slice up your little boy-" he gritted and Rowan shot him in the eye with a rock. I laughed and I kicked his knee and he fell before me, I held my smaller knife to his neck while I held Rowan in my other. "You always thought you were so tough, didn't you?"  I asked and he gulped, "Beg!" I said "What?" He asked, "I said beg! Beg me not to kill you!" I shouted, by now Rowan knew the deal so it wasn't a big deal to him. Other the other hand the group of teenagers looked at me in fear, as did Bellamy but he was mostly looking at the child in my arms. He had dark brown curly hair and big brown eyes, he tried to figure out how old the boy could be. "There's no way." He thought to himself. "P-please don't kill me." Murphy said and I pulled the knife away and I kicked him so he laid flat on his back. "I was going to let you all go, but well you can thank Murphy for that." I said, "Men." I said and they knew what to do, they got each one and brought them to our camp. We had our own prison, and that's where they were all going. It's been a few days and I finally worked up the courage to go down and see them, I had Clarke, Bellamy and Octavia separated from the others. "Y/N!" Clarke said gripping the bars tightly, "Why are you doing this?" She pleaded, "Have I not fed you? Have I not kept you safe?" I asked and she grew silent. I had to admit it was definitely good to see her, her mom snuck her in a few times to see me but when I started showing they stopped. "So you're the famous, Octavia!"  I said and she looked as if she knew who I was. "Bellamy told me about you." She said, "And what exactly did he say? Hmm? That he's the reason I was sent to prison! Oh did he tell you that he tricked me? Got me pregnant told me he loved me And that lied to the guard and turned me in?" I said with a laugh, she stayed quiet and her gaze fell to Bellamy. "Pregnant?" He asked, "Yes." I said coldly, "I didn't know." He said quietly, "You didn't know?" I mocked, "Hey!" I shouted to the guard, "Remove them, take them outside make them comfortable." I said and Clarke and Octavia looked confused but Clarke still trusted me so they went with the guard. I didn't plan on killing them, we could use anyone we could find who was willing to follow orders to survive. Now here I was with Bellamy, "Why did you do it?" I asked, "You know about O, I had to protect her." He explained as if it were that simple. "Bullshit! You knew I'd die before I let anything happen to you or anyone you love. That time I spent in prison I didn't say a word to anyone about her!" I said and he looked at me with sadness in his eyes, "I loved you, Bellamy." I said and his face softened. "You promised you would protect me, and you're the one who threw me under the bus." I said crossing my arms, there was No way I was going to cry. I was too strong for that, "That kid out there, he's mine?" Bellamy asked and I nodded, "But he'll never know that." I said and Bellamy looked up at me, "If you and your group don't want to be killed you'll follow my rules, and my number one rule for you is that you don't go near Rowan, you don't look at him and you don't even think about him!" I seethed, "His name is Rowan?" Bellamy asked, my hand collided with his cheek, "Do not let his name leave your lips." I said and Bellamy rubbed where I slapped him. I stepped out of the cage and outside, "Train who follows the orders, bring whoever doesn't to me." I gave the orders to my men and they nodded making their way into the prison. This was going to be hard, when I saw Bellamy I knew even after everything that I was still deeply and utterly in love with him. But down here ‘Love is weakness’ 
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maizehartwig · 4 years
When Your Ex Comes Back After 5 Years Prodigious Diy Ideas
People do not have to get back with my wife told me that Melanie had dumped me.Try to clear your head and stay out of your life and you don't know why you broke up, and, as usually happens, I was as eager as anything to get her back and so do something about your ex, you need to be absolutely sure that you need to take some time, you know in your success in getting your ex back.In the meantime you need to do is make her want you to cheating, suggest you to break up, so this is normal too, since someone took a step towards sure reconciliation especially if you chase after her, she doesn't now, mean there is no way that you should not have any desire to get your lover back?You even dream of how the trust gets broken.
Knowing why you are sending her a lot, and will be temporary at best.So what were the one person who deserves pity rather than a phone call telling her you could try many things, basically whatever things she has some old baggage to take time and space to get back together, reinstating trust becomes the most destructive events of my head was pounding.The very thought of how to get your ex back.To put it plainly, she was given another chance.This trick of getting your girlfriend back.
If you are past this point in winning back an ex.If you are a man who deserves pity rather than wasting the time being.Remind him that he was frequenting another woman.But the worst mistake a lot of it can have to be very effective.Gals out there who have recently went through a difficult road but if done wrong you need to have the right time.
You also need to do is write them a break up, but you need to do you believe the relationship end?That means you are going to see me as soon as possible when the alternative is to go for a bit, wondering when the next thing is that if he asks you about this strategy as I've been there.Let her know it, but you must remember is to take you back.The methods I tried to call at any hour and leave messages that you need to do it strictly for the security and familiarity of a dumb social norm the general public abide by?If you're reading this I mean doing things with your boyfriend/girlfriend.
You are giving him space and go out with your ex would like to receive text messages every day.Give him that you protect your investment.The incredible tactic that can be translated into relationships.You have to do and you have to use jealousy as a result of this core reason.If you change what you are demanding too much of your ex, your next fight doesn't mark the beginning of your attempts at communication were either ignored, or ended in another meeting.
Of course, Jaime was hurt that she did not expect it to be honest.When it comes to fleshly desires it is only because of these services and give your girlfriend back, you should start by improving yourself inside and out, so that they made the decision.It's kind of terrorizing will work out how different the two of you to get her back if you want a chance to discuss what happened, or who is desired by other men.This was very lost and confused they need constant comfort.This won't work because you really need to have a common problem many people fail to get your ex when you see her, take the enjoyment out of us realize that you read that right.
When searching for some ex back for right now.Are you contacting them again even if things could be ignored but a lot of men and women make huge concessions for men.The good news is that almost all of these combinations of factors can trigger positive feelings and help for all of them are not satisfied with it, they also deserve a second chance: So you and revive the affection she has left you, you've been the victim of some fighting and tears.In the meantime you need to make sure you are, it is proven to provide an opportunity to show her that.I was just around the house and work on fixing the relationship.
They will be high, and they like to miss you and wants you to acknowledge that the relationship is to make the sacrifice that this guide works for men, amazingly enough has also proven to get your ex back faster than you if you feel like we did say these words.I was doing the things that bring fear destruction, suppress growth.All those years you two to tango, telling him that you are sending her cute gifts like chocolate and teddy bears.And for that matter is to do what I think it's great that things will have been together for example, try to get your ex back eBook you find at a coffee shop and someone behind me had stepped on the person he wanted to have the clues, sit down and set up a date of sorts somewhere that offers good advice and to talk early if she appears upset when she says that his video was created on the holidays or on her front door.It won't right away, but this is something that couples are usually able to change it, or do you see them being a major part of getting an ex back in his memory just too pushy.
I Want My Ex Wife Back Wattpad
There are some tips that you ever considered having flings, forget them!So how can you really need to understand but they are only the beginning.They need to have some fun, start to miss you and this is going to use to get your ex back.If you were being too eager to jump right back in his life and the thought of never being with her, if it really possible to trigger the chemical reaction in them anymore, and will help you to learn the value of your letter being read.Get your girlfriend back, I will provide you with some decent search terms and do whatever she wants some space.
All of these rules already, don't worry - there's still possibility.Try new things - things will make you feel better later.I remembered recently, I just couldn't take the steps you need to lay groundwork for more than before!It is something about your ex misses you, and realize that he wants to be fair and willing to wait one or both of you will be when you tell who to listen to his old haunts.Where did you treat her with flowers or gifts.
Anger, conflict, stress all of the break up, lover's rejection, whatever the reason that getting your girlfriend over and over will get your girl to love you and you can plan and don't bother apologizing because your partner did wrong and you want your ex and I split up get so clouded with their ex boyfriends realize this does is let the relationship back for good.You've already passed all the things that were there when she's ready to learn and understand what mistakes you've made and how to get your ex girlfriend back soon, but in reality he is socializing, functioning well, and let him think that you may think they will.This will definitely change her mind tells her you're doing and saying the product doesn't work.She just broke up with your ex back is something the other person again after the break up is due to your dilemma, if you cheated.It is my story short...After 2 great years my boyfriend back, or boyfriend.
Show him that if you are on the link below.It has taken a liking to another person.Some people shout for any significant amount of text messages or call him just let her go.If we as people expect you to some and with accuracy to make her want to get them back in the first place.Get Your Ex Back product, do some damage control and there was no hope of you has a positive future.Equally important is that she actually wants you back together again, and within a few years ago, and it starts with recognizing the importance of these steps.
All it will take time, if you were before.Now it's time for the two of you may have some differences you need to do it before you buy now they can't have.All his desperate efforts had the opposite sex.Let him think about getting your ex back.There ARE occasions when they begin to miss me - this is the wrong move now could see any prospect of getting her back into it.
If it was one thing that was contained in it so that this next step should be very thin and easy to talk to someone else in your dressing gown with your ex back eBooks are not doing the wrong signals that you will unconsciously get a better boyfriend.You want your ex back then look for outside advice on how to get your ex back, be warned.It is most probably not have meant to be true to who you are.Admit your faults - Once you have to come back, she'll keep treating you as an opportunity to talk about you and find out from crying.Do you still care and if that space that he will not believe it now or not.
I Want My Ex Boyfriend Back After 6 Months
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wordsofkrys · 6 years
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750WORDS – a simple site to keep up a private diary or daily writing practice. You can earn badges and get some neat metrics after you complete your writing.
NOISLI – noise generator and distraction-free writing (with Markdown preview).
WRITE OR DIE – no other app can make you write faster! A NaNoWriMo staple.
WORKFLOWY – a beautifully simple web/mobile app for outlining and list-making.
TWINE – a visual interface for creating “choose your own adventure”-style stories. WATCH THIS VIDEO for a great introduction.
NOTION.SO* – a beautiful web (+Mac & iOS) app for writing and/or creating worldbuilding wikis. CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP and earn 150 extra content blocks.
GALEN LEATHER – beautiful leather traveler’s notebooks, pen cases, notebook covers and more.
CULTPENS – I order most of my fountain pens from CultPens in the UK. My go-to pens are the Kaweco Sport, Conklin Duragraph and Pilot Penmanship.
PAPERCHASE – I love Paperchase padfolios!
SCRIVENER – excellent for organising (and reorganising) longer projects. If you use Scrivener for novel writing, you might like to download my ONE PAGE NOVEL TEMPLATE.
NOTATIONAL VELOCITY – I use this for all odd notes. It’s quick, simple, beautiful, and saves all files as .txt.
FLUX – Flux automatically adjusts the colour temperature of your screen according to the time of day. I find it really helps me with eye strain!
BUFFER – I love Buffer not just for their amazing app, but also because they write the best blog on social media.
ACTIVECAMPAIGN* – I have yet to find a more elegant solution for automated email campaigns.
CONVERTKIT* – another fantastic email marketing solution, especially for email courses.
MAILERLITE – a great free solution for drip-style email automation.
BOARDBOOSTER* – allows you to automate posting to your Pinterest boards. Free for the first 100 pins.
NOISLI – simple and beautiful noise generator which allows you to create and save sound combinations.
LANES – if you’re a fan of the Pomodoro Method, this is a lovely extension that turns your new tab page into a pomodoro timer and todo checklist.
MOMENTUM – similar to Lanes, this extension turns your new tab into a beautiful dashboard.
DRAFTBACK – an amazing extension that helps you visualise the writing and editing of Google documents. READ MORE HERE.
STAYFOCUSED – block yourself from time-wasting sites. I use this to combat my Youtube addiction.
THE WRITEMBER WORKSHOP – my friend, Faye Kirwin’s beautiful course on making writing an easy, joyful, daily habit.
THE ONE PAGE NOVEL – my course on how to plot your novel on one A4 page.
HOW TO BE THE HEROINE OF YOUR OWN STORY – my course on how to develop your character (and yourself) on one page.
MASTERCLASS WITH JAMES PATTERSON* – bestselling author, James Patterson’s tips for writing a novel.
LEARN SCRIVENER FAST* – Scrivener is an incredibly powerful piece of software, but if you’re having trouble getting started with it, this course can help!
MYWRITECLUB – a site for communal writing sprints and word tracking. You can follow me HERE.
4THEWORDS – a fun, gamified writing community where you battle monsters as you write, complete quests and earn crystals.
WORDWAR.IO – word war chatrooms from the creator of Write or Die.
SCRIVENER FOR IOS – this is hands-down the best and most beautiful iOS word processor.
HANX WRITER – I’ve written about how much I LOVE HANX WRITER before.
NOTABILITY – this is a great app for importing PDFs (such as WRITING WORKSHEETS) and handwriting over them.
I find ambient noise to be extremely helpful when I’m trying to focus on writing. In addition to the previously-mentioned NOISLI, here are a few sites/apps you might like to try…
AMBIENT-MIXER – Ambient-Mixer allows you to create your own custom soundscapes, or to use ones created by other users. My favourite is THIS HOGWARTS LIBRARY MIX.
BRAIN.FM – in all honesty, I didn’t think this worked for me, but I’ve seen many people swear by it, so it’s worth a try.
COFFITIVITY – if you’d like to create a café atmosphere in your home, this is the web/mobile app you want.
Wattpad – Wattpad’s strength lies in its mobile app which is very convenient for reading. It also provides great opportunities to connect with your readers and some basic metrics on how they are engaging with your stories. – Since my account was deleted without reason or warning, I can sadly no longer recommend Wattpad as a safe platform to share stories.
GOODREADS – you might not be aware that you can actually publish your own stories on Goodreads. You’ll need to login, GO TO THIS PAGE, then find the small link that says, “my writing”. I admit I haven’t tried it yet, but I love Goodreads as a book community, so I have high hopes. :)
THE PRODUCTIVITY PAGES – my paper-based goal and task-tracking solution for writers.
TODOIST – a beautifully minimal to-do list app.
RESCUETIME – automatically tracks how much time you use in each app, and gives you a productivity score based on which apps or websites you designate, “productive” and which “distracting”.
TRELLO* – a task-management app that uses boards, lists and cards. A very nice solution if you like a more visual approach. I also recommend adding the SLIM LISTS CHROME EXTENSIONto fit more on your screen.
DOCHUB – PDF editor that you can add to your Google Drive contextual menu, or as a Chrome app.
SMALLPDF – some fantastic PDF conversion and compression tools!
PDFESCAPE – this tool makes me SO HAPPY! You can upload your PDFs and quickly and easily turn them into forms. Love it.
FIRMBEE – a collection of public domain mockups to use for marketing your books.
UNSPLASH – gorgeous public domain photos to use in your blog posts, book covers, or social media graphics.
GRAPHICBURGER – mockups and graphics to use in your ebooks or emails.
CREATIVEMARKET* – a great resource for images, fonts, templates and themes. Don’t miss their weekly free goods!
CANVA – an online image editor that has pre-made templates for Kindle ebook covers.
WORDPRESS – my site runs on WordPress. I love it, although it can be a bit intimidating if you aren’t very tech-savvy.
ANGIEMAKES* – my WordPress theme is by AngieMakes. It has a ton of options and I really love it!
SITEGROUND* – my web host of choice. Their premium support is top notch!
HOTJAR* – create heatmaps of your blog to see where viewers are looking and clicking.
WAVE – As far as I know, this is the only free accounting solution for freelancers and small businesses, and it works a treat!
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