#We love Carol Danvers in this household!
luckyshinyhunter · 4 months
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⭐🦸‍♀️⚔️We love heroes who can kick ass, protect their loved ones and do it with style!⭐🦸‍♀️⚔️
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Hi I love your page so much
Omgggg hi! Thank you I love your user name 🤭🤭🤭 you slay btw 💅 absolute queen 👑 I wish you a wonderful day/night/evening/afternoon
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justzawe · 10 months
Zawe Ashton on resilience, tackling complex roles and the fight for on-screen representation
The actress took to the stage at the 2023 Bazaar Summit
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When Zawe Ashton looks back at her career so far, she’s a little surprised: not at her own success, but at how she’s managed to navigate a notoriously tough industry so well. “When I talk about what I’ve been through, I think, why have I kept going?” the actress and writer told the audience at the 2023 Bazaar At Work Summit, at which she was a headline speaker. “I wonder if, to even become an actor, there needs to be something inside you that is already a little bit fractured. I think there’s something within me that somehow knows this level of crazy. When it gets really hard is when I feel my strongest or most determined.”
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Anyone who has watched and loved the cult favourite TV show Fresh Meat will be very thankful indeed that Ashton did keep going. Her character – the straight-talking, drug-taking, chain-smoking and anti-establishment Vod Nordstrom – was a highlight of Jesse Armstrong’s hit series. The popularity of the sitcom-style show (and particularly of Vod) made Ashton a household name and, to this day, it’s a role she’s proud of playing. “Vod was very left-field, free-thinking and probably, I would say, a queer character without that being made explicit,” she said. “Fresh Meat was 11 years ago now, but there’s still a whole new wave of people who come up to me – lots of young actresses, of every ethnicity – who say thank you to me for being smelly, unlikeable, strange and punky, because there aren’t a wealth of women who are doing that on screen.”
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Ashton clearly feels passionate about portraying real women in her work. In 2019, she published a fictionalised memoir, Character Breakdown, the title of which refers to the couple of lines an actor will receive with a script, which describe who the character is – for women, these mini biographies are often laughably simplistic and purely aesthetic. “They go from one extreme to another,” Ashton sighed with disbelief. “Where do we draw the line? If you’re not seeing women’s humanity, if you’re not seeing a full human life when you’re thinking about the ways in which you’re putting these descriptions together, then you’re not valuing women. And that’s a much bigger conversation than my industry.”
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Throughout her career, Ashton has fought to play complex roles and has always emphasised the importance of making multi-faceted women of every ethnicity visible on screen. When she took the role of Vod, “growing up as a young, biracial girl in Hackney,” she was “willing to do whatever it took to make that character as edgy and authentic as I felt she could be, so that it would invite anyone not seeing that kind of representation to feel really seen”. In 2022, Ashton scored a role in the period drama Mr Malcom’s List, which was a seminal moment for her – and one which she credits to the success of Bridgerton's diverse casting. “I had never seen any actor who looked like me invited to the table to perform [something like that],” she said. “I hadn’t known necessarily that I was hurting so much, until I saw that representation happen and the success of it take everyone by storm.”
Since then, Ashton has continued to push the envelope. This year, she played villain Dar-Benn – a role traditionally written as male – in The Marvels, opposite Brie Larson as Carol Danvers. “The process of learning stunts and fighting is probably one of the most empowering things I’ve done!” she laughed. “But when I thought the film was finished, I got pregnant and had my baby. And then they told me to come back and reshoot basically the whole movie. That has been the biggest journey for me: my physical wellness, my ability to endure, to mentally switch back into that place postpartum and come back to kick some ass again.” Perhaps unsurprisingly, a boundary-breaking superhero feels like Ashton’s best-suited role to date. (x)
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Happy Early Birthday! Could I ask for something platonic with Tony and Rhodey? I wish MIT Bros would get a lot more love! Perhaps Rhodey has some sort of problem and Tony is giving support?
Ooh I love this prompt a lot :) I did lots of research into military ranks and promotions to make the canon timeline work for this fic, but it was fun
Rhodey is already halfway across the living room to where Tony is sitting on the couch, desperately saying, “Tones, I need your help,” before their apartment door has even shut behind him.
Tony, conditioned by a lifetime of living with Howard, automatically says, “No,” only to wince when his brain finally catches up with him. “Sorry.” He’s been trying to be better about his responses to help requests.
Rhodey smiles warmly at him for a moment, aware of how much work Tony’s put in to unlearning the habits growing up in the Stark household taught him. Then he goes right back to whatever’s got him so spun up and repeats, “Your help. I need it.”
“Yoda, we are,” Tony shoots back at him.
Rhodey shoves him into the couch cushions.
Once Tony’s managed to extract himself from their ridiculously plushy couch, he asks, “So what’s up?”
“Alright, so I know you don’t like hearing about my ROTC stuff—”
Not entirely true. Tony doesn’t like hearing about anything that means Rhodey’s going to be fighting overseas where he could possibly die, but he hasn’t told him that.
“But after Senator Mouthbreather—”
“What a dick,” Tony chimes in, knowing that Rhodey has a particular distaste for this guy and his faux-liberal politics. Tony doesn’t like him either, but that’s mostly cause he doesn’t like any guy who makes his wife cry at every party they attend. He gets enough of that at home.
“Yeah, what a dick,” Rhodey agrees. “You know, I heard he pays his aides jack squat? Asswipe sits there and talks about a fair and equal wage for all and then he turns around and—"
“You’re getting off topic there, honeybear,” Tony cuts in amusedly. Not that he minds listening to Rhodey rant about the various politicians he hates—Reagan currently tops the list—but something tells him that Rhodey isn’t actually upset over Senator Mouthbreather’s hypocrisy.
“Right, after what he said about ROTC just picking jobs for cadets instead of giving them a choice, which isn’t true! Anyway, the brass decided to bring in some speakers to talk about what they do for the Air Force, you know, in case any of us wanted to change our careers.” He snorts. “Like that’ll happen at MIT, of all places.”
“And this has to do with me… how?”
“Cause last night, they had the most amazing test pilot.”
Tony starts to grin. He thinks he sees where this is going. “Yeah? What was her name?”
Rhodey glares at him for a long time before reluctantly admitting, “Lieutenant Carol Danvers.”
“So what’s the problem?”
Rhodey thunks his head against the back of the couch. “We’re supposed to be throwing her a mixer so we can get a chance to talk to her, but I overheard her on the phone earlier.”
“Rhodey, you dog! Are you stalking the probably-lovely Lieutenant Carol Danvers?”
“No,” Rhodey tries to insist, but Tony’s on to him now. And after all that talk about how Tony shouldn’t join that physics class last semester just so he could have an excuse to talk to Rumiko Fujikawa too! “We just happened to pass each other on the green. She was on the phone with someone, and she said she was gonna skip out and go to a bar or something.”
“My kind of woman,” Tony says approvingly.
“No,” Rhodey says flatly. “You’re underage.”
“You’re not much better,” Tony points out. “Lieutenant, that puts her—what—four, five years older than you?”
“I’m not going to ask her her age,” Rhodey says primly. “And that’s not why I want to talk to her anyway.”
“That’s because you’re boring.”
Rhodey ignores him. “Look, I just want an introduction. That’s it. That’s all I need from you, Tony, please. It’s not even about being attracted to her. I mean, I am, but I know she’s way out of my league. I just want to get the chance to talk to her about this project that she’s working on. You know I think it’s cool as hell that the military’s letting women be test pilots, even if they won’t let them fly in combat yet.”
“Which is bullshit,” Tony says, a refrain that’s just as old as Rhodey’s complaints about Senator Mouthbreather. “What, they won’t let them die by way of an explosion from an enemy missile, but they’ve got no problem letting them die by way of an explosion from an experimental engine? Sure, that makes sense.”
Rhodey snickers. “Please,” he says again. “You know I want to be a pilot, and what the lieutenant was talking about with the planes she was flying, it sounded like my kind of job.”
“So, what? You’re gonna become a test pilot now?”
“No, but it sounded a lot like the kind of stuff that SI is putting out, the kind of stuff that I want to fly eventually, and I thought it might be good to get a firsthand account of what flying those planes is like.”
“And what about my finals? I’m supposed to be studying tonight.”
“Like you don’t already know all the material,” Rhodey says, waving a dismissive hand. “I can make it up to you later. I’ll quiz you, sound good?”
“Fine, but you’ll also ask Mama Rhodes to make that blackberry pie for my graduation,” Tony counters.
Wow, Rhodey must really like this test pilot. Normally, it takes hours of negotiating to get him to agree to asking his mom to make Tony’s favorite pies whenever they drive to Philadelphia for the holidays.
He sighs and says goodbye to his studying for the night. “Alright, I’ll see what I can do.”
Seeing what he can do mostly just involves putting in a phone call to his Aunt Peggy. He refuses, just on principle, to talk to his dad, even though Howard is more likely to have the right contacts in the Air Force to put him in touch with Danvers, so Aunt Peggy it is. She still heads up SHIELD, though she’s been thinking about retiring sometime in the next few years; she should still have a few contacts or at least know who he should talk to instead.
Fortunately, though, when he calls her, she knows exactly who he’s talking about, and after she spends thirty minutes making sure that Tony isn’t trying to track her down so either he or Rhodey can ask her out (he thinks Rhodey might have wanted to if he were a little older, but his honeybear keeps insisting that it’s all a professional interest), is more than willing to put together a dinner for the three of them—“You will not meet her at a bar, darling,” she says sternly. Lieutenant Danvers, it turns out, is working on a joint project between the Air Force and SHIELD called Pegasus. Tony wonders what she could possibly be working on that requires a collaboration like that, but he knows better than to ask, and ever since Aunt Peggy found him using her pass to hack into the files on Captain America back when he was twelve, SHIELD has kept all of their files as paper copies, so there’ll be no more hacking for him. Looks like whatever SHIELD and the Air Force are up to will remain a mystery.
“But if she says no, you’ll accept that, Tony,” Aunt Peggy insists. “No more trying to track her down. We women don’t like it when men don’t take no for an answer.”
And, huh, Tony hadn’t even thought about it like that. “Agreed,” he says immediately. He doesn’t want to be creepy. “And—” He glances over at Rhodey, who’s been listening in. Rhodey picks up on what he’s thinking and nods. “Tell her it’s not a date or anything. We really just want to learn more about the jets.”
She calls back about an hour later with the news that Danvers has agreed to meet them for dinner. He relays the good news to Rhodey, who immediately freaks out about it like it was a date as though Tony won’t even be there. Tony finds it pretty funny, all things considering, since it isn’t, for one thing, and Rhodey is definitely too young for Danvers, but he keeps his mouth shut. This is one of those Good Bro times, and he’s a Good Bro, which means supporting his best friend through his hero worship and very impossible crush.
They wind up running a little late to dinner since Tony is always late to everything, including, as his mother and Jarvis frequently remind him, his own birth. Rhodey bitches to him the entire way there, complaining that it’ll be Tony’s fault if Danvers is gone by the time they get there. Tony keeps his mouth shut, knowing after three years of living together that when Rhodey gets in this mood, it’s pointless to try to point out the facts, which are that Tony is a Stark and no ambitious pilot would ever walk out on a dinner with a Stark (he also sets aside the fact that this is almost certainly a habit that Rhodey picked up from him, who can also be… slightly irrational when he’s worried about something).
Lieutenant Danvers, however, is still waiting for them outside the little bar and grill that Aunt Peggy had made reservations at. She’s out of uniform in a white t-shirt and jeans, blonde princess curls falling around her shoulders, and Tony can easily see why Rhodey would find her attractive. She looks just a little too much like what Tony’s baby cousin, Sharon, will grow up to look like though for him to share Rhodey’s attraction.
“Lieutenant Danvers, hi!” he says, getting out of the car. Polite, he reminds himself. Not abrasive. Rhodey might actually kill him this time if Tony fucks up his chances again. “I’m Tony.”
“Call me Carol,” she replies, shaking his hand.
Tony waits for Rhodey to introduce himself, but Rhodey seems to be starstruck by her. He rolls his eyes and jerks his thumb at him. “This is—”
“Cadet Rhodes,” Carol says smoothly. “I remember you from yesterday. Nice to meet you both.”
“Rhodey wanted the chance to talk to you some more about the joint collaboration you’re working on—I wouldn’t mind hearing more about it too since all I could find about Project Pegasus was a shitty piece of code that said ‘Stay out, Tony.’ It’s like they don’t trust me or something.”
Carol laughs. “Well, sorry to say, I don’t know much about the project itself, and even if I did, there’s only so much I can tell you before it all becomes classified. I just fly the planes. If you want to know about Pegasus, you’ll have to talk to the research head, Dr. Lawson.”
Tony gapes at her. “You mean Dr. Wendy Lawson?” he squeaks.
“Sounds like you’re familiar.”
“She’s amazing,” Tony breathes reverently. They’d met at a gala a few years ago, and Tony had definitely walked away starstruck. The work she’s doing on interstellar travel is absolutely incredible. Tony would kill people for the chance to work with her.
By the time they’re seated, Rhodey has fortunately found his voice again, saluted Carol (and promptly been reminded that they’re both out of uniform, and she doesn’t stand for that kind of fuss anyway), and struck up a conversation with her about the jets she flies as part of Project Pegasus. Stark Industries doesn’t do a lot with planes, other than arming them, and Tony had been too busy with studying for his exam tomorrow to read up on them. But that’s okay because tonight isn’t about him anyway (it had taken Rhodey a good year to get that hammered through his head), so he contents himself with knowing that Rhodey’s made a friend and tries to make eyes at the guy standing by the bar.
He's gorgeous, all dark hair and grey eyes and a frankly stunning prosthetic that Tony very badly wants to get his hands on, but he’s also more interested in staring at a family eating dinner halfway across the restaurant. Tony doesn’t know what’s so interesting about them, other than that one of them is the president of MIT, but maybe there’s some sort of torrid affair going on between Gorgeous Eyes and the president’s wife—or even the president himself, Tony isn’t judgy.
Eventually, he gives up trying to catch Hottie McDreamy’s attention and tunes back in to Carol and Rhodey’s conversation, just in time for Rhodey to bring up Dum-E. Tony lights up. The bot really is an idiot, but he’s Tony’s idiot and Tony loves him.
He pulls a picture out of his wallet to show Carol, who goes wide-eyed. Apparently, she hadn’t believed they were serious about Dum-E, which is fine. Most people don’t believe that something like Dum-E is possible now and not twenty years down the line.
“Wow,” she remarks as Tony’s settling the bill. “All I’ve got is my boss’s cat. Goose doesn’t like anyone else on the base.”
“Cat?” Rhodey guesses, drawing a laugh from her.
“How did you know?” she teases. “Yeah, little orange thing. Eats just about everything. One time, the remote went missing, and I swear that Goose ate it, I just can’t prove it.”
Rhodey laughs harder than the joke deserved, but Carol seems fondly amused by it, so Tony counts it as a win for his buddy.
As they’re stepping outside, Carol remarks, “You know, this was nice. When Director Carter told me she’d lined up a dinner for me, I thought it was going to be all business.” She shudders as she heads over to a sleek motorcycle that Tony would love to take a ride on. “But you two are alright. You remind me of me and my best friend.”
Rhodey gives Tony one of those looks that he can read so well after three years of living in each other’s pockets. He steps further back, turning away to squint up at the night sky. He can hear Carol and Rhodey murmuring to each other by the bike, but they’re not loud enough for him to make out any words.
After a few minutes, he hears the roar of the motorcycle. When he turns back around, Carol is long gone, and Rhodey is touching a hand to his cheek, a stunned expression on his face.
“Went that well then, huh?” Tony asks cheerfully, slinging an arm around Rhodey’s shoulders. That’s his honeybear!
“She kissed me,” Rhodey says softly, rubbing his cheek. “Said I was a little young for her, but cute, and told me to look her up once I’ve made first lieutenant.”
Tony’s heart leaps in his chest. “That’s awesome!” he says enthusiastically. “Five years, right?”
“Yeah,” Rhodey says, a grin spreading across his face. “She’s pretty amazing.”
“You’re pretty amazing,” Tony says. “No forgetting it. She’s lucky to have you.”
“Thanks, Tones,” Rhodey says, shoving Tony away companionably and then darting back to the car before Tony can do more than stumble. Shouting, Tony gives chase, laughing as he follows his brother.
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oopsitsstella · 2 years
Hi Stella! Can I please ask for number 9 from the list with Carol? :D
Of course you can Sophie! Somehow I’ve never written Carol before, so I really hope you like it!
Prompt 9: Leaning into the other person
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Carol Danvers x Reader
Fandom: The MCU
Summary: Superheroes aren’t immune to wanting to take a nap
Warnings: None! Just fluff
Coming back to Earth was a comforting feeling. It meant you could take a break from being galaxy-wide superheroes and just be people for a while, so Y/N and Carol took every chance they could get to visit their home planet, even if it was just for a day or two, and despite being unable to call ahead and warn Maria and Monica that they were coming, the two were always welcome in the Rambeau household with open arms.
“Your bedroom is all good to go.” Maria informed them. “You two go up and rest, I’ll send Monica when dinner’s ready.”
“Thank you Maria.” Y/N called after the woman when she walked back to the kitchen.
“Don’t mention it.”
When they got to their room, Y/N wasted no time in flopping onto the bed, a deep exhale exiting her body as she relaxed into the mattress.
“Still good?” Carol asked.
“The best.” Y/N replied as Carol sat down next to her.
“Scoot over.” She said, giving her girlfriend a slight shove.
Y/N obliged, sitting up to lean against the headboard, leaving room for Carol next to her. When the blonde sat down next to her Y/N practically melted into Carol's side, resting her head against her shoulder. Carol, in response, leaned her head against Y/N’s and took one of her hands in her own.
“I love coming back here.” Y/N said softly, and Carol smiled.
“I do too.” She said. “It’s relaxing. And I get to spend some non-hectic quality time with you.”
Y/N looked up at her with a smile on her face, and Carol pressed a kiss to her forehead.
“I’m really tired, but we really should not fall asleep right now.” Y/N commented, and Carol chuckled.
“No, probably not.” She agreed. “But we should have at least 30 minutes.” She pointed out.
“That’s enough time for a nap.” Y/N decided, and snuggled closer to Carol.
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lunarsodasims · 4 years
Sims 4 Marvel Challenge!
This is a 10 generation challenge. If you have a specific expansion or game pack that would make the challenge more interesting, feel free to change it up a bit. It’s sort of a legacy challenge, but not quite. Naturally, because the Avengers aren’t related, this is going to be a little strange, but I tried to organize it chronologically for the most part. 
Beware: there are some spoilers.
Generation 1: Steve Rogers “I could do this all day.”
The First Avenger. You’ve always been sickly and weak, so when you see someone being treated unfairly, you just can’t let it go. You might get hurt in the process of helping others, but that’s alright. You could do this all day. 
To start, create teen Steve Rogers and his mother Sarah. Storytellers may start out with steve as a toddler or child. When Steve becomes a young adult, the challenge begins. 
Must have good trait
Must have ambitious trait
Must meet and befriend Bucky Barnes 
Mother must die when he becomes a YA
Enter the secret agent career and buff up
Reach level 10 of the secret agent career 
Have a romantic relationship with one of your coworkers (and an unknown child)
Must fake your own death
Must outlive all coworkers
Strangerville--Steve must join Military career instead (defeat the mother if desired) 
Parenthood--Steve must age up with every positive character value 
Generation 2: Peter Quill “Dance off to save the Galaxy”
You were abducted by aliens when you were a child. Since then, you’ve been kept alive and raised by the aliens (and maybe, you’re happy), but you can’t help resenting them a little. You want to make a name for yourself. (You’re not trying to prove anything. Not at all). This story begins when Peter becomes a teenager.
Must live in one of the hidden worlds with adopted caregiver
Must only leave the realm at night until YA
Not allowed to see “other humans” (other sims besides caregiver) until YA 
Must have a slightly poor relationship with caregiver
Max dance skill 
Dj on the side as “Starlord” 
Become an interstellar smuggler 
Marry an ambitious Sim with something green (preferably skin, but may be hair or eyes)
Have a child
Get to work--Caregiver and coworkers are all aliens, Peter mustn’t see any other humans until YA
Parenthood--Must age up with poor manners 
Get Famous--Become famous for something good
Generation 3: Bruce Banner “Hulk...Hulk like real fire.” 
You have a good life with loving parents (even if one of them happened to be an alien) but you care more about learning and inventing than spending time with family. This story begins when Bruce becomes a YA. 
Must join the scientist (Astronaut if BG) career
Master the logic skill
Master rocket science skill (Handiness if BG) 
Mid-life crisis: get fit and get “green” (skin, hair, (vegetarian? Off the grid?? Whatever you like:))
Must be hot-headed
Must have no children
Must travel to space during lifetime
Get to Work--Live on Sixam for a week
Jungle Adventure--Vacation frequently
Generation 4: Thor “Because that’s what heroes do.” 
You and your brother have always been opposites, but that’s never stopped you from getting along. But he’s been distant lately. You’re too busy to wonder why, taken in by thoughts of future glory. You’ll be head of the family business soon, and you can’t wait to be in charge. This story begins when Thor becomes a teenager. 
Must have self-assured and good traits 
Must be good friends with adopted younger brother and lose relationship over time
Must accidentally cause a disaster for the family (start a fire, etc.) 
Be kicked out of the house to live in another world
Redeem yourself, but family falls apart due to dysfunction
Run the business 
Generation 5: Natasha Romanoff “Just because it’s the path of least resistance, doesn’t mean it’s the right path.” 
All you’ve known is hard work and hard truths. You’re willing to do whatever it takes to make things right, but you might have to give up more than just your reputation. This story begins when Natasha becomes a child. 
Must be adopted
Age up with emotional control character value
Reach level 10 in Fitness, logic, programming, and charisma
Enter the secret agent career
Must have no children
Generation 6: Bucky Barnes “I’m with you ‘till the end of the line.” 
You can’t remember anything, but that’s just fine. You’re content to live in apathy, with no real ties to anything except the ambition of climbing the criminal career ladder. However, when one mission puts all of that in jeopardy, you must choose between what you know and what you...know? This story begins when Bucky becomes an adult. 
Must enter the criminal career
Must live in a household with two other sims (adult or elder)
Max fitness skill 
May only leave the house when working or when both housemates are gone
Must meet Steve Rogers in the wild
Generation 7: T’Challa “It’s time to show the outside world who we are.” 
Father must die when T’Challa becomes a YA
Must not travel out of world until reaching level 10 of career
Max charisma skill
Must enter business, law, secret agent, or police career
Household must volunteer frequently
Visit the ghost of your father (as a spellcaster, at a tombstone or urn, etc.)
City Living: Become leader of the free world
Generation 8: Stephen Strange “Dormammu, I’ve come to bargain.” 
Being rich and showing off is the greatest part of life as far as you’re concerned. You’ve never been happier than you are now, and you’re sure you never could be. You don’t need anyone but yourself. This story begins when Strange becomes a YA. 
Must have Mansion Baron aspiration
Must have noncommittal trait
Max logic still
Reach level 10 of the doctor career
Lose job unexpectedly
Lose all money
Travel to a different world and become a spellcaster (or a different life-state)
Must have 1 child
Generation 9: Tony Stark “I am Iron Man.” 
You love your parents but have a hard time showing it. You’re certain all that really matters is getting rich and having as much fun as possible. That is, until you’re all alone. Now what used to be good times have become distractions. This story begins when Tony becomes a teenager.
Must have fabulously wealthy aspiration
Must have Materialistic trait
Parents must die before Tony becomes a YA
Must have a near-death experience
Aspiration change to friend of the world
Change a trait to good
Marry and have 1 child
Must die while child is a toddler
Generation 10: Peter Parker “Everywhere I go, I see his face. I just really miss him.” 
You’re smart, but that’s not enough to keep you from getting picked on. As things keep changing, you start to wonder if you’re the reason everyone you care about dies. You’ve never been less certain of yourself. This story begins when Peter becomes a teenager. 
Parents must die while a child
Must be cared for by aunt 
Must age into YA with three character values
Straight A student
Max programming and robotics 
Have a rebellious phase and get in fights
Have gloomy trait
Fall in love before YA
Gloomy trait becomes self-assured
This is the current set of rules for the challenge. If you have an idea you’d like to see added, please let me know! Many of them are somewhat similar (since these kids all have a somewhat similar profession ;) so I would love to hear other suggestions. 
I will also be updating the challenge with more alternates for storylines to swap out, such as Carol Danvers, Eddie Brock, and Sam Wilson, so stay tuned! 
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Marvel’s WandaVision Episode 3: MCU Easter Eggs and Reference Guide
This article contains WANDAVISION Episode 3 spoilers, and potential spoilers for future episodes, the wider MCU, and Marvel Comics. We have a spoiler free review here.
WandaVision episode 3 is the first full color episode of the series, and moves the setting from the black-and-white 1960s of the previous episodes to a vibrant Brady Bunch-esque Technicolor of the early 1970s. There’s lots of fun weirdness to find between the lines, both from a Marvel and MCU Easter eggs standpoint and callouts to classic sitcoms of its era.
Let’s get to work…
Let’s start with the big one…
The Brady Bunch
This episode borrows almost the entirety of its aesthetic from all-time classic sitcom The Brady Bunch. Wanda and Vis’s house strongly resembles Mike and Carol Brady’s humble ranch home inside and out. The gorgeous wide wooden staircase in particular is a real tell – as is Wanda’s bold ‘70s attire that seems to be right out of Marcia Brady’s closet in later seasons.
The opening credits title card even adopts the 3×3 grid format as seen on The Brady Bunch. Of course, the Wanda and Vision household isn’t as jam-packed as the Brady’s but there is an undeniable underlying theme of family throughout this installment.
Mork and Mindy
Mork and Mindy was a 70s-into-early-80s show with a weird sci-fi couple, in the sense that the husband is an alien. In the final season, there’s a one-and-done pregnancy storyline episode called “Three the Hard Way.” In it, Mork is the one with child. Due to his alien biology, an egg comes out of his navel and out of it hatches an elderly man, as their people age backwards.
Other Sitcom Stuff…
When Wanda tries to hide her pregnancy from Geraldine, she holds a small basket of fruit in front of her large stomach. This is likely a playful homage to all of the not-so-creative ways that sitcoms have tried to hide actress’s pregnancies over the years.  And funny enough, it seems like the fruit Wanda is eating at various points in the episode corresponds to the fetus size as outlined by their doctor.
The doctor’s name is “Dr. Stan Nielsen.” As in the Nielsen Ratings. And maybe Stan as in, you know, Stan Lee…
And now for the Marvel and MCU stuff!
Scarlet Witch
In the opening credits when Wanda is reading a magazine on the couch and using her powers to vacuum, she’s reading another issue of Glamorous (which we saw in episode one). This magazine features a woman in a red bathing suit, kind of like some of the skimpier Scarlet Witch costumes Wanda has worn through the years in the comics.
Similarly, the scene of Vision barbecuing on the patio shows him wearing an era-appropriate shirt in his comics colors of green and yellow. The swingset he’s struggling to put together is also in his colors.
Wanda’s Pregnancy and the Twins
When Wanda gave birth to her kids in the comics, something similar to what we saw here happened: nobody, not even the doctors, were aware that Wanda was carrying twins, so the arrival of the second child was a surprise to everyone.
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The way Wanda’s pregnancy rapidly progresses through the episode feels like a reference to Avengers #200, one of the most hated issues of any Marvel comic. In the comic, Carol Danvers is discovered to be suddenly pregnant and goes through the entire process over the course of a day or so. Nobody really bats an eye at this and all the creepy, questionable parts are handwaved as a good thing.
When Wanda’s pregnancy starts causing chaos, she and Vision strike a pose based on The Vision and the Scarlet Witch #1.
Not particularly relevant right now, but in the comics, none other than Doctor Strange delivered Wanda’s twins. Given all the ways that this show is supposed to tie into Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (some of which we think we’ve already spotted), this is just worth a mention.
Billy and Tommy
The twins are named “Billy and Tommy” just as they are in the comics. They were later reincarnated as Billy Kaplan and Tommy Shepherd. You likely remember them as Wiccan, the First Gentleman of the Kree-Skrull Alliance, and Speed…uh…his best man? 
Very briefly, because a full discussion of this would take a while: Billy and Tommy were born to Wanda and Vizh in 1985’s Vision and Scarlet Witch. They were unmade when it was revealed they were figments of Wanda’s powers and imagination, imbued with shards of Mephisto’s soul and reabsorbed into Master Pandemonium’s arms in West Coast Avengers. They reappeared as heroes in the first Young Avengers series, and reunited with their mother in Avengers: Children’s Crusade. That is an extremely quick summary of what might be the most Gordian continuity knot in the entire Marvel Universe.
Teyonah Parris returns as “Geraldine” for this episode, but this time it’s even clearer that there’s more to her than meets the eye. As we’ve pointed out before, “Geraldine” is a cover for Monica Rambeau, the daughter of Carol Danvers’ best pal Maria Rambeau, and someone who will play a significant role in Captain Marvel 2.
“Geraldine” tells a rambling story about her boss, “Mr. Haddix.” There’s no obvious immediate Marvel connection with the name. However, it might just be part of the motif – the stork tries to eat the fish on Geraldine’s pants, maybe it’s actually “Mr. Haddocks”? We’re still not finding any Marvel connections with this one, though.
It’s also probably not an accident that Geraldine’s cover story involves her working for an ad agency. The commercials are one part of the show where reality peeks through vividly. Ad agencies are, in a sense, manipulating reality for consumers to make them want a product more, and there’s no shortage of reality manipulation going on here. 
Geraldine is rocking a striking blue and white outfit, with starburst type designs on them that could either recall the log she wore as Captain Marvel, Pulsar, and her other superheroic identities…or possibly dimensional portals.
Geraldine is wearing a SWORD pendant, so it’s pretty clear who she’s working for. Those pesky SWORD agents seem to be everywhere, from our pal The Beekeeper to the folks monitoring Wanda in that command center to…well, who else in Westview is working for SWORD?
While we’re talking about Mr. Haddocks and Geraldine’s job, the cereal in Geraldine’s work story – Gravity O’s, with the marshmallow moon men – is likely a nod to SWORD’s mission in the comics, when they used to watch space rather than “sentient weapons.” 
We wrote more about SWORD here.
Agnes’ brooch looks like it has three witches, one holding a scythe. There are a few options for what this might be referencing:
The obvious one is the three witches from Macbeth who use prophecy to steer the main character to his doom. 
Less obvious and much more unlikely is the Weird Sisters, Quasar villains (!) working for Maelstrom, an Inhuman/Deviant hybrid who has had several run-ins with the Avengers
And the least likely: Jennifer Kale (from Man-Thing), Satana (sister to Damian Hellstrom and the Daughter of Satan), and Topaz (of Werewolf by Night…fame?), three Marvel witches who starred together in a four-issue Jemas era series in 2004. It’s definitely not this one.
Pietro and Age of Ultron
Geraldine mentions to Wanda that Pietro was “killed by Ultron,” referencing the events of Avengers: Age of Ultron. This is clearly one of the memories Wanda is trying to suppress with her sitcom antics, and it doesn’t go well for Geraldine/Monica…who finds herself “banished” back to the real world of the MCU.
We wrote more about what the Pietro connection could mean here.
We actually just wrote in detail about the significance of Westview (which is kind of a real place, too), but here we see the town’s slogan: “Home, it’s where you make it.”
Wanda is indeed “making” her home in whatever image she feels most comfortable with at the moment, so this is a further clue to the House of M-esque shenanigans that seem to be going on with her.
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Other Marvel Stuff
Not strictly a Marvel thing, but the opening credits feature a lot of hexagons, the same kinds of shapes you see in beehives, which brings our creepy beekeeper friend from episode 2 to mind.
The paint cans in the nursery are from a fictional brand known as “Simser” which promises “a universe of color.” Jeremy Simser who works as a storyboard artist on WandaVision, and who is also doing work on Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. So…perhaps “a multiverse of color” might have been more appropriate?
Dottie’s husband fill is reading a newspaper with a headline that says “TWO FIRE HYDRANTS ADDED ON MAIN STREET” but the paper is folded so it says “TWO FIRE HYDRA” at one point. Also…twins. Note the “twin motif” on Phil and Dottie’s lamp, too.
Wanda sings a Sokovian lullaby to the twins.
The episode goes from fullscreen to a more MCU-appropriate and cinematic widescreen when it cuts to Geraldine/Monica back in what appears to be the real world. Not that there was any doubt, but whatever is happening in “sitcom land” is definitely not reality, and time travel has nothing to do with whatever’s going on here.
The final song is The Monkees’ “Daydream Believer” which was also used in trailers. The title is pretty on-the-nose if you consider the dominant House of M-esque theory about what’s actually happening on this show, and that Wanda is using her powers to manipulate reality.
Hydra Soak implores its consumers to “Find the Goddess Within.” We don’t have to tell you what HYDRA is, but what about this “find the goddess within” stuff?
Well, we can kind of speculate that this is a reference to the upcoming Thor: Love and Thunder, in which Natalie Portman’s Jane Foster will end up becoming the new god/goddess of thunder, just as she did in the comics.
Spot anything we missed? Let us know in the comments!
The post Marvel’s WandaVision Episode 3: MCU Easter Eggs and Reference Guide appeared first on Den of Geek.
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Opinion zone
(Boom! You looking for this?)
main discourse(?) stuff
I'm obviously Team Iron Man (exceptions from Team Cap are Sam and Bucky)
Tony Stark Defense Squad!!
Not officially Anti Steve Rogers/Team Cap but I’ve been sort of fed up with the guy, especially when taking Endgame into account
We stan Irondad and Spiderson in this household
Guardians of the Galaxy >> Avengers (fuck Chris Pratt though)
Endgame has a bunch of flaws (separate post might be made at some point... maybe)
Vision deserves better
MCU Wanda Maximoff can go die in a hole
Tom Holland's Spider-Man is good, but I agree that the MCU is handling him poorly
Zemo and his stans can fuck off
Howard Stark is a horrible father
top 15 fave MCU character list (not really in order except for Tony and Peter lmao)
Tony Stark
Peter Parker
Scott Lang
Carol Danvers
Bucky Barnes
Sam Wilson
Peter Quill
Some ships o’ mine (more to be added I guess)
Stevebucky (I’m in conflict when it comes to this one lol)
Carol x Maria
Carol x Valkyrie
Ironhusbands (both as BROTP and OTP)
Peterliz (it's super cute!!)
Interwebs (both platonically and romantically as well :>)
Absolutely love the Spider-Verse movies! Miles Morales is awesome!
I hate Harry Potter.
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blackmachine312 · 5 years
Why Sony and Kevin Feige didn’t go with Miles Morales when they rebooted Spider-Man into the MCU
Yes, because it wasn’t just Feige making the decisions.
After Amy Pascal allegedly threw a sandwich in Feige’s face and told him to fuck off, I believe they sat down and talk about their plans for the future of Spider-Man. Surely they talked about Miles, but I believe there are 3 simple reasons why they went with Peter instead of Miles.
Sony being the ones with the rights to the character, were the one that had the last words and they decided on being a reboot of Peter Parker.
Since Sony already had plans to make a movie with Miles, they couldn’t use that character in the MCU or it would have been too confusing for the general audience.
Miles isn’t that well known to the general audience. I know what some of you will say: “Yeah, but the Guardians of the Galaxy were not that well known either until they made a movie about them.” That might be true, but the Guardians are not a household name like Spider-Man is. Everyone and their mother know that Spider-Man is Peter Parker. There’s a reason why in Spider-Verse there were 5 different versions of Spider-Man including 2 Peter Parker, one being the Peter Parker that we all know and love. Miles alone, would not have been able to carry this movie. Even the most recent comic books, they don't know what to do with him and personally, as a black man, I don't connect so much with Miles. (It's the same reason why they went with Carol Danvers instead of Monica Rambeau for Captain Marvel. They took the version of the character that was more popular.)
Seriously if they went with Miles just to appease a certain demographic and give him Peter’s storyline in Civil War it would have been disrespectful to both characters. And like someone said on Reddit: You can’t really have Miles without Peter being involved somehow, especially considering that Peter is in every miles morales storyline is important to his character in some way, always being either inspired by him or mentored by him. And let’s be honest, Peter Parker is the Spider-Man, unless they read every comic, the average movie goer would be very confused if they saw a spider-man movie without Peter. It’d be like if DC rebooted the DCEU and made Batgirl without Batman being ever mentioned, it just doesn’t make sense.
Maybe in the future, we will see Miles in the MCU. We already saw his uncle and in a deleted scene, we saw him talk to Miles on the phone, so one can only hope.
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arostormblessed · 5 years
Soo this is my first time writing a fic and it’s a little bit iffy but eh I’m posting it anyway. It ended up being a lot longer than originally intended so I’m only putting up the first part right now. WIP so don’t judge too hard. It looks like it’s going to be a cool action story about some looming villain but is actually just about the avenger kids babysitting Morgan. Lots of Peter & Morgan being siblings ‘cause I love them. Oh and contains Endgame spoilers I guess so don’t read if you haven’t seen it yet. Enjoy
Communication was iffy, to say the least, among the remaining Avengers after the second snap. What with many retiring, some being halfway across the world, and a large percentage of them in space, it wasn’t always clear as to how to get in touch with each other. Whenever a threat arose big enough to alert everyone, it usually went through Nick Fury, who seemed to have an obscure way of contacting everyone. At the moment, though, he and Agent Hill were investigating the aftermath of some European incidents, and were indisposed. That meant the process was much slower.
It had started when Carol Danvers, Captain Marvel herself, had heard about trouble brewing on a distant planet; something that might affect the rest of the galaxy as well. Upon visiting the said planet and realizing it was much worse than she could have imagined, she made the decision to call in some backup.
 She managed to track down the Benatar, because of the homing device the Guardians had entrusted to her. From there, Thor gave Rocket Bruce’s email address and sent him a message, hoping for the best. Intergalactic messaging is normally not the quickest, but it was going to have to work. Carol led the Guardians to the planet, insisting there was no time to waste. The Earthens would make it there eventually, but until they did, there wasn’t a minute to spare.
 Dr. Bruce Banner, currently large, green, and Hulky, received the email approximately twenty-two hours after it was sent. He was working in his lab then, and at first was delighted to get correspondence from his adventuring buddies, but quickly became horrified at the news. He made nine phone calls in the next half-hour, to a various number of people.
“So, uh, because of all that there will be a Wakandan airship arriving on your farm in about two minutes…”
“Um, what? Buddy, you gotta be kidding me. I’m retired, I thought you were too.” Clint had his phone pinched between his ear and his shoulder, attempting at multitasking. 
 “I know, I know, but-” Bruce paused and flinched as loud grinding sounds came from the other end. “What exactly are you doing right now?”
 “I was trying to finish building our new shed.” Holding a wooden beam upright, he clicked the button on the drill he was holding and it whined as it forced in a screw. Using his left hand to dust sawdust off of his shirt, he set the drill down on his workbench and laid the phone flat on his shoulder. “Lila, hon, come here a sec. Tell your Uncle Bruce why I’m not skipping out on our father-daughter weekend.”
“Sure, Dad.” She laughed, setting down the bucket of apples she had been picking from a nearby tree. She jogged over to him and was handed the phone. Clint returned to building his shed.
 “Clint- are you there?”
“Hey Uncle Bruce, I’m really sorry but my dad is unavailable this weekend because mom took the boys to her parents and I finally don’t have to deal with them for once, and once he’s done with his latest construction project he promised to teach me some moves on his sword and then we’re staying up late and eating ice cream-hey Dad what’s that noi-”
 She dropped the phone in surprise as huge gusts of wind blew down on them from above. Lila’s hair whipped around her face as a glowing hexagonal shield appeared in the sky, revealing a sleek black airship. She glanced at Clint, who was shielding his eyes with his hand. He sighed. “Guess we’re going to have to pick this back up next weekend.”
The couch at the Lang household was, as far as they were concerned, the most comfortable piece of furniture in the world. Scott, Hope and Cassie had all settled into it, gigantic bowls of popcorn on their laps, and were just about to press play on their favorite movie when their phone rang. Scott dramatically dropped the remote beside him in defeat, and reached over to grab the phone from the coffee table.
“Who is it, Dad?” Cassie asked, looking over to see the number.
“If it’s Luis again, just leave it,” Hope joked, playfully stealing some popcorn from Cassie’s bowl. 
“No, no. I gotta take this. It’s Bruce, my favorite guy!” he exclaimed, stepping into the next room.
“Is that the big green one?” Cassie whispered as Hope laughed.
“Hey, Doc Green, what’s up? Scott asked, leaning against the wall.
“Something bad, I’m afraid. We need both of you to come in.” 
Scott rubbed his forehead. “What’s wrong? Can’t someone else take it for once? We just started movie night, man.”
“That’s pretty much what Clint said. But no, it’s an emergency, and we’re calling in the whole team.” Cassie listened from the living room, waiting anxiously. Secretive phone calls were never good. And neither were giant airships in your backyard.
“Bruce- are you sure? I mean, I’ve got both the kids here, and-” Pepper spoke into the phone with a hushed voice, leaning against the kitchen counter. She glanced over to the dining room table, where Peter was helping Morgan with her homework. Not that she had much homework at six years old, but Peter had taken it upon himself to make sure she lived up to the reputation of her genius father. That meant many late-night reading sessions.
In the year since the second snap, Peter and Morgan had grown close. They were basically siblings. Peter bounced from his apartment to the lake house to HQ, and Pepper had gotten to know him better. She really liked the kid, and decided to keep up her late husband’s legacy of parenting him. It’s what Tony would have wanted, anyway.
“I’m sorry, Pepper, but we really need everyone we can get. Rescue’s needed, too.” Bruce hated calling everyone in from their lives, but it was crucial.
Careful not to disturb the kids, she sighed and said quietly, “All right. But the kid stays here.”
“But Pepper, he’s got some powerful skills-”
 “Out of the question. He’s seventeen, and he’s already had to deal with enough after everything Fury put him through.”
He started to protest more, but just sighed. “Okay, fine. Everyone’s going to meet up at your place in a few minutes. Expect lots of airships.”
 “At this point, nothing would surprise me.” She hung up and set the phone down on the counter. She rested her chin in her hands, deep in thought. She had never been to space before; it was both exciting and terrifying. She didn’t want to leave Morgan, who had already lost one parent to a supernatural battle, but everything Bruce had told her made it clear this mission was more important than their daily lives. If Carol Danvers, one of the most powerful people in the galaxy, called for help, it was definitely serious.
“Close, look at the context clues.”
 “Yeah, you got it! Nice job, Morgs.” Pepper watched from the kitchen as Peter gave Morgan two high fives. Morgan was usually ornery as a donkey when it came to learning new words, but with Peter she didn’t seem to mind. She thought he was the coolest person in the world.
“Can we take a break? We’ve been going for hours,” she whined, yawning a little and slumping over into his lap. “And I want a juice pop.”
 “Perfect timing. It’s probably getting close to your bedtime, too,” he teased, tickling the back of her neck. She squealed and sat up, batting away his hands. Scampering into the kitchen, she made a mad dash for the freezer before Pepper sidestepped in front of her, blocking it.
“Uh uh, little miss. Supper before dessert.” Morgan crossed her arms and stamped her foot, but failed to contain a smile. 
 “You haven't cooked us dinner yet, Mommy! How are we supposed to eat it?” she cried, throwing up her arms. 
 “There’s the leftover risotto in the fridge, I told you I would heat it up when you wanted it.”
She made a face. “That stuff’s gross.”
Pepper shrugged. “Guess you don’t get juice pops, then.”
“Hey- hey, Mrs. Stark, what’s happening out there?” Peter had pulled aside the curtains and was peeking out the window, where in the soft evening light you could just make out several descending airships. And a lot of noise.
“Mommy?” Morgan asked hesitantly, looking at her with wide, anxious eyes.
“Don’t worry, kids,” Pepper replied, walking up to the door and unlocking it. “This is just...well, you’ll see.”
Part two to come soon!
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amandajoyce118 · 5 years
Shazam Easter Eggs And Comic Book References
Now that Shazam has been in theaters for over a week, I thought I’d share the list of Easter eggs I found. A tiny bit of background for those non comic book fans: Shazam was originally named Captain Marvel back in the day, but that name didn’t work out for many, many reasons that’ll pop up in the list below. Shazam stands for Solomon, Hercules, Atlas, Zeus, Achilles, and Mercury, the deities that the powers were supposed to provide nods to. The movie premiered on the 80th anniversary of the character debuting in comic books. In the movie, Billy Batson is gifted with the powers of Shazam in order to battle a great evil, but Billy’s more preoccupied with taking care of himself, avoiding his foster family, and finding his birth mother.
Now, there will be spoilers, so if you haven’t yet seen the movie, you’ve been warned.
Sivana’s Father
Recognize the actor playing the elder Sivana? That’s John Glover. As DC loves to do with its movies, they’ve given a small, but noteworthy, role to someone who has worked in other DC projects. In this case, Glover was Lionel Luthor on Smallville, a mad scientist in Batman and Robin, and provided voiceover work in animated series as the Riddler. (Also previously cast in DC projects? Adam Brody and DJ Cotrona. They appear as a adult versions of Freddy and Pedro, respectively. They were also both cast in Frank Miller’s Justice League: Mortal as Flash and Superman, again respectively. The movie never got off the ground. Likewise, Djimon Hounsou also appeared in Aquaman. He and Zachary Levi have also been in Marvel movies.)
The Caterpillar
We learn more about this caterpillar looking creature in the mid credit scene. He’s actually the classic Shazam villain Mr. Mind. Looks like he’s being set up as the villain for the sequel.
So you remember the doll from Annabelle getting a cameo in Aquaman? She also gets a cameo here. She’s on a shelf in the pawn shop when Billy traps the police. It’s a nod from director David S. Sandberg since he also directed Annabelle: Creation.
Billy Wants The Tiger
I think it’s cute that toddler Billy really wants that stuffed tiger. Why? Because the Shazam family actually has a tiger at one point in the comics. Or maybe it’s the Flashpoint version of the family, which is actually the Captain Thunder family in that universe. Either way, they have a tiger. It’s a nice way to show Billy letting go of his past later when he gives a stuffed tiger to the little girl hiding at the fair. There’s also a nod in the tiger on his backpack and the faces of tigers on the pins holding his cape in place (which I couldn’t see on film, but did in HD photos online).
The Smiley Face
There are a lot of smiley faces on the desk of Billy’s social worker. A coffee mug, stress ball, and a few other things have the yellow smiley faces on them. It’s a nod to the smiley face of the Watchmen comics.
The Crocodile
The same scene features a small toy crocodile, which might seem like an odd choice. That’s only if you don’t know that Shazam has a few villains in his Captain Marvel past with a crocodile theme. I’m not sure which one this is a nod to, but take I like Sobek AKA the Crocodile Man for the nod. Especially since the Crocodile Men get a nod later in the many magical doors.
Freddy, Mary, Darla, Pedro, and Eugene
These five feature in a lot of Shazam backstory. Freddy actually debuted in the original Captain Marvel comics as a disabled newsboy while Mary was Mary Batson, Billy’s long lost sister. Before Flashpoint and the New 52 relaunch of DC comics, there was a plan to launch a new Shazam AKA Captain Marvel title, rebranding the hero as Captain Thunder. The plan was to introduce Darla, Pedro, and Eugene then, but it never got off the ground. Instead, they were all introduced as Billy’s foster siblings in Flashpoint, officially becoming part of the DC Universe in the new 52. Together, all of the kids could unite to form Captain Thunder (with their tiger). In the original Captain Marvel series, Freddy was actually Kid Marvel and Mary was Mary Marvel when Billy shared his power with them. Different from the movie, they each didn’t have full power, but instead, a portion of the same finite amount of power, making each new addition progressively weaker than the one before.
DC Memorabilia
Making it clear that the DC superheroes have become household names, Freddy owns a lot of memorabilia. Not only does he have action figures of long time big names Batman and Superman, but he also has newspaper clippings of all the main events, even some from the Daily Planet. He also sports logo tee shirts for Wonder Woman and Aquaman, meaning they’re better known than they were before.
The Rock Of Eternity
The Rock of Eternity is the name of the place where Billy receive’s Shazam’s power. In that “lair” though, there are a few relics from the comics that come people might miss. There is, of course, Mr. Mind’s jar and the statues of the Sins. Beyond that though, there is also the magic mirror (named Francesca in the comics) and a scepter called the Ibistick (it belonged to the Egyptian prince Ibis the Invincible).
Black Adam
A lot of fans thought Black Adam would appear in some cameo form in the movie. He might be the most famous of Shazam villains, and there were talks of Dwayne Johnson taking on the role. The villain doesn’t appear in the movie, but his story does. He’s the subject of the story the wizard tells Billy. He’s the hero that decided he wanted all of the power of the council for himself.
Fawcett Central School
The school is named for Fawcett Comics. Fawcett Comics was the original publisher of Captain Marvel stories, the name given to the Billy Batson superhero. National Comics (AKA DC Comics) eventually sued Fawcett because they thought Captain Marvel was too similar to Superman. Fawcett Comics quit publishing his stories and eventually went under, the copyright for the character transferring to DC. DC started publishing Captain Marvel stories until Marvel Comics decided that a name like Captain Marvel fit more with their brand. These days, Carol Danvers is Captain Marvel (Marvel Comics) and Billy Batson is Shazam (DC Comics) instead of the way things started.
The security officer at the school’s name is inspired by another version of Captain Marvel. A British publisher rewrote the American Captain Marvel stories as Marvelman AKA Miracleman after the Captain Marvel lawsuits. The hero’s name was Michael Moran.
Ace Chemicals
Batman fans know this name because it’s the company that gave birth to the Joker. We got a glimpse of one of their factories during a Suicide Squad flashback sequence as the Joker took Harley Quinn to prove her love for him. That same location, and therefore the same factory, was used in Shazam. It’s the location where Freddy and Billy try to figure out his powers. You can even see a bit of the faded company logo on tanks in one shot.
Captain Sparkle Fingers
One of the many names Billy gets over the course of the film, this one is unique. Why? Because it’s a shout out to the Carol Danvers version of Captain Marvel. She actually gets called Princess Sparkle Fists a few times. When Freddy uploads videos of Billy’s powers online, he also calls him Zap-tain America in one as a nod to Captain America and Red Cyclone as a nod to a DC Comics character.
C.C. Batson
Billy’s father’s name is a nod to C.C. Beck, who helped create the original comics. Likewise, Billy’s mother is from Minnesota, which is where Beck was born.
The Floor Piano
During the climactic fight scene, Billy and Sivana go across a piano matt on the floor of a toy store, or the toy section of a department store. It’s a brief few steps, but it’s a nice, quick homage to the Tom Hank movie Big where a little boy becomes an adult overnight, not unlike how Billy’s super powers work.
If you pay attention, the number seven is all over this movie. There are, of course, Seven Deadly Sins, Billy’s mother is on the seventh floor of her building in room 707, and Freddy wants seven bedrooms for their family in a new lair. Seven is long thought to be a magical number (see the Harry Potter books for examples of the way it’s used), so it’s fitting that it gets used a lot for a superhero who gets his powers from a sorcerer. It’s also the number of realms the family explores in the modern comics.
A Little Foreshadowing
When Thaddeus first enters the Rock of Eternity and peers at the orb, the light of the orb reflects on the lens of the same eye where it will eventually embed.
Billy’s new foster siblings have their favorite colors. The jackets they wear in various scenes throughout the movie correspond to the colors of their super suits.
That’s all I’ve got, guys. But this isn’t a time I’ve watched the movie more than once, so I’ve likely missed some things. Let me know if you’ve spotted something I missed.
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ao3feed-thorbruce · 5 years
Thanks To The Old Friends And The New, To The Family We Were Given And The Family We Chose
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2Hdk9Q9
by H_L_Hunter
The New Avengers Facility was nowhere near as grand as the Compound had been, yet the Manhattan Townhouse had space for everyone. With nine bedrooms and more guest bedrooms, a small gym, two labs in the basement and a rooftop garden, the place was impressive, and when you included FRIDAY in every corner of the building and the tightest security system known to man, it made it the best facility so far. But the thing that made it home was none of this. What made it home was the dining hall. --- It's Sunday at the Avengers' household, and this calls for family dinner.
Words: 1636, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of Guess How Much I Love You
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Multi
Characters: Tony Stark, Peter Parker, Pepper Potts, May Parker (Spider-Man), Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Clint Barton, Wanda Maximoff, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Bruce Banner, Thor (Marvel), Brunnhilde | Valkyrie (Marvel), Carol Danvers, Loki (Marvel), Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Scott Lang, Hope Van Dyne, Cassie Lang
Relationships: Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, Bruce Banner/Thor, Brunnhilde | Valkyrie/Carol Danvers, Scott Lang/Hope Van Dyne, Peter Parker & Tony Stark
Additional Tags: Avengers: Endgame (Movie) Spoilers, Not Major Spoilers, You Have Been Warned, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Not Avengers: Endgame (Movie) Compliant, Peter Parker is Tony Stark's Biological Child, Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Fluff, very light angst, Like blink and you'll miss it angst, Loki (Marvel) Lives, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, I am still broken after endgame, this is for my friend's birthday, Happy Birthday Yasmin!, sorry this is shit
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2Hdk9Q9
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ao3feedstuckony · 5 years
Thanks To The Old Friends And The New, To The Family We Were Given And The Family We Chose
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2Hdk9Q9
by H_L_Hunter
The New Avengers Facility was nowhere near as grand as the Compound had been, yet the Manhattan Townhouse had space for everyone. With nine bedrooms and more guest bedrooms, a small gym, two labs in the basement and a rooftop garden, the place was impressive, and when you included FRIDAY in every corner of the building and the tightest security system known to man, it made it the best facility so far. But the thing that made it home was none of this. What made it home was the dining hall. --- It's Sunday at the Avengers' household, and this calls for family dinner.
Words: 1636, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of Guess How Much I Love You
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Multi
Characters: Tony Stark, Peter Parker, Pepper Potts, May Parker (Spider-Man), Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Clint Barton, Wanda Maximoff, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Bruce Banner, Thor (Marvel), Brunnhilde | Valkyrie (Marvel), Carol Danvers, Loki (Marvel), Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Scott Lang, Hope Van Dyne, Cassie Lang
Relationships: Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, Bruce Banner/Thor, Brunnhilde | Valkyrie/Carol Danvers, Scott Lang/Hope Van Dyne, Peter Parker & Tony Stark
Additional Tags: Avengers: Endgame (Movie) Spoilers, Not Major Spoilers, You Have Been Warned, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Not Avengers: Endgame (Movie) Compliant, Peter Parker is Tony Stark's Biological Child, Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Fluff, very light angst, Like blink and you'll miss it angst, Loki (Marvel) Lives, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, I am still broken after endgame, this is for my friend's birthday, Happy Birthday Yasmin!, sorry this is shit
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2Hdk9Q9
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fxrtescue · 5 years
have you been re-introduced to ALICE FORTESCUE? last we heard, the PUREBLOOD was most familiar with TIMELINE THREE. I don’t recall if they were always a SLYTHERIN, but I’ve heard the SEVENTH YEAR is still OPEN-MINDED, AMBITIOUS, EMPATHETIC  and CONTROLLING, ESCAPIST, COMPARTMENTALIZING so that’s familiar. at least SHE/THEY remember their way around the castle.
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CHARACTER INSPIRATIONS: allison argent ( teen wolf ), parker (leverage ), trish walker (jessica jones ), clara oswald ( doctor who ), clarke griffin ( the 100, s1&2 of the 100 not any further thx ), margaery tyrell ( asoiaf & got ), sutton braddy ( the bold type ), gaby teller (tmfu ), carol danvers ( captain marvel )
plant mum to mr. jenkins. droobles blowing gum champion. lover of popcorn, jewelry, strawberry bubblegum ice cream, divination, collector of sunglasses & happy memories.
AESTHETIC: gym mats, sweat, the smell of grass in the early hours of the morning, sunshine that lights but also burns, flowers put in doc martens, a legacy to protect, changing your hair when shit gets weird, idealism that haunts you, smiling more than you feel happy, smoke & mirrors, records, badly sewn flower patches on jeans, wand & dagger thigh holsters,  craving power, a different pair of sunglasses for every day, stacked rings, long pendants, glitter eyeshadow, being the sword and the shield, music being an escape that you didn’t realize you needed, a lion’s heart but chameleon’s adaptability, using people’s perceptions of you against them.
childhood started off as a dream. being close with both of her parents, gervais& lucille, spending most of her time learning trades from them, she felt like she floating on cloud nine. growing up in galway, ireland, with all the life around her, the world was hers to explore, hospitality was in no short supply in her neighborhood. alice was so effervescent, that people were drawn to her light, to her kindness, to her free-spirited nature. alice had always been particularly close with her dad who brought back souvenirs from his missions as an auror, the unknown was something she wanted to discover as each trinket from every which corner of the world was collected. When her was dad away on missions, her mom would instill these ideals in her on how to be a kid, lifeskills, just fun things about magic, playing in her expansive garden, things for the soul – stories about home. when her dad came back her mom stepped back while he taught alice how to do savate, self defense, how to hold a wand properly, wand formations, about history, everything she could & very well should know. thanks to gervais’ influence, alice started asking question after question until she was absolutely convinced that being an auror was now her calling as well – all at the age of five. alice was a naturally kind child,  drawn to the profession of being an Auror is because it was driving some sort of darkness away. she wasn’t alone in her goal as she knew other people wanted to be aurors as well. her heart swelled at the idea of being part of something bigger than herself, being part of a group of people who were as passionate about saving the world & helping people as much she was.
after lucille’s stillborn child was when alice had to learn to have the emotional & mental capacity to learn to take care of herself, to deal with her emotions, feeling obliged to take care of her mother. alice was their only surviving child, who was spoiled rotten, and never had to go through anything relatively traumatic until the one thing that felt like it broke her family. she had a choice, to soothe herself or fall apart. alice would not fall apart, so she internalized it all, the ugly, the grief, the despair, the anger feeling like she had to shoulder all of the burden of balancing out the household.  while she had always been close with her uncle florean, aunt ophelia and cousin atlas it wasn’t until after the trauma that she was left more so with them when her dad was on missions and her mom retreated into herself. alice was able to escape from her home quite often into the shop, spending time with atlas in particular helped Alice to move on from the loss her family had endured. fortescue’s was the respite she needed from navigating her parents, florean being a role model and an especially influential figure in alice’s life during a time that she felt like she was suffocating. without him & atlas, alice would’ve collapsed into herself, would’ve surely lost sight of who she was going to be & what she wanted due to the pressure. florean reminded her that she was allowed to be a kid, she was allowed to let loose, those days were spent thinking of whimsical ice cream flavors and helping fix his various motorcycles & bikes while listened to pink floyd, the beatles, the supremes. florean & ophelia picked up on the spiritual education that she’d been lacking in since her mother had pulled away, something that was sorely needed after what felt like losing her mother entirely.
getting to hogwarts, there was a part of her that was surprised that she was sorted into slytherin even if alice did fit into the house like a glove. now in her last year at hogwarts, alice is prepared to face the outside world, prepared to graduate and become the auror she’s always meant to be. she feels a pull, a connection and feels as if she has to carry bloodlines in being an auror. alice needs power, she craves it, especially as the years pass & her mother has further retreated into herself. she was sorted into slytherin for many reasons – one of them being  because of her subconscious and burning need for the power over people’s feelings like her mother’s she wished she had, and the power over her own she she wishes she could master. the more power she can have as an auror, the more good she can do with her influence by having access to the training & information she needs to take down dark wizards. not only that, but the more she can learn how their minds operate so she can get the better of the death eater movement. alice is singleminded in her pursuit, willing to do whatever it takes & push herself as far as she needs to get to her goals &to help make this world a better place.
there’s a new legacy that alice wants to plant for her family, one that her father started, one she intends to finish as the years go by. despite a war having been brewing, alice knows she can be a soldier, she knows she is going to be part of the order when the time does come while also having high hopes to be an auror as she has since she was child can be conflicting, but it’s her path, she knows it. war is always a necessary evil, alice knowing her whole life fighting was never something she could avoid. so, she excelled in it. with how she was raised, with how her father &uncle left nazi occupied france, alice sees the death eaters as very similar to nazis. both groups advocate for genocide, using violence, brainwashing, manipulation, indoctrinating kids from the time they could use the silver spoon in their mouths to feed themselves. alice is aware she has privilege as well, as a white womxn, as very well off, as a pureblood, she’s aware that if she doesn’t stand up & fight as hard and as smart as she possibly can, she’ll just be part of the complicit. while she is a queer womxn, a known blood traitor with a pretty big target on her back related to her father, her privileges have enabled her to have a life that wouldn’t be possible for many other people. it’s her duty to fight, to stand up, to do something, to put her ass on the line. With several universes coming together – her objective, her goals do not change. in a way, this change has brought out the side of alice usually reserved for when she’s smoking a joint or indulging in the occasional psychedelic, the dreamer, the person who’s so curious that she could spend all her time just exploring the world if she could. new universes, alternate realities means more information, more opportunity to learn about the world around her and use that information to make the world a better place.
TIMELINE ONE: Some mornings, she misses her runs. Alice lets go in this verse, she lets herself fully indulge in the side of her that’s always been there and lets loose. The most fun at parties, the best person to take you on an adventure, in this verse Alice loves traveling and travels as often as possible. Becoming an Auror gets put on hold, Alice has so much more life to live before she dedicates herself and her time to the academy and the Ministry. Gervais Fortescue is alive and well, as is Alice’s mother who was able to cope and move on from the grief of losing her second child. Alice is extremely close to both of her parents and loves her extended family just the same. Teamed up with Frank Longbottom, they throw some of Hogwarts most memorable & exciting parties, a duo and now recent couple for the ages. 
TIMELINE TWO: When Gervais Fortescue is murdered just after Florean & Ophelia, Alice feels devastated. Alice and Atlas only have each other and though they are the same age, Alice feels protective over Atlas in the way someone would a older sister does over their younger brother. She’s not crumbled after tragedy before, she won’t do so now, Alice joins the underground Order the summer before her seventh year hoping to pick up where her father left off or do his legacy proud in some way even though they barely trust her to do patrols. As long as she’s doing something, she’s fine, as long as she’s protecting Atlas and keeping busy, pushing herself past exhaustion, she’s great. Because the Order won’t take her as seriously as they did her father ( she’s just a kid after all ), she decides it’s time that the students at Hogwarts have a chance to fight back, to do something, to let the world know there is still hope -- no matter how mangled it may be. 
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ryanmeft · 6 years
Captain Marvel Movie Review
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*This review contains heavy spoilers* The tagline of the latest Marvel solo outing, “Higher. Further. Faster,” implies some kind of quantum leap in superhero movies, as does the very feminist-focused marketing surrounding it. This is mostly hype; the actual movie delivered by directors Ryan Fleck and Anna Boden is firmly a product of the Marvel/Disney studio machine, breaking very little new ground and offering no serious change to the formula. The question is whether that harms the movie. It does not. It’s an enjoyable sci-fi action flick that will please everyone and offend no one. That is both its strength and its weakness.
Carol Danvers (Brie Larson) is a member of an ill-defined alien race called the Kree; some are blue and some are entirely human-looking. Their enemy, the shape-shifting Skrull, are more consistent; their heads look kind of like pickles with faces. They are determined to infiltrate the Kree homeworld, and are opposed by crack commando teams like the one Danvers is on. It is led by Yon-Rogg (Jude Law), the no-nonsense military man who rescued Carol when she showed up six years ago with no memory. After being captured and escaping from a passing Skrull ship, Danvers crash-lands in a Blockbuster and meets a young Nick Fury (a digitally de-aged Samuel L. Jackson), whose help she enlists against a Skrull invasion of earth. To do that, she needs to find a secret technology that was being developed by a scientist named Lawson (Annette Bening).
All is not as it seems, and the movie has a few twists that are definitely spoiler-territory. Initially, we think S.H.I.E.L.D. (translation: it does not matter) has been subverted by Talos, a Skrull leader whose human disguise is Ben Mendelsohn. As things progress, we learn that the Kree are actually the greedy imperials, determined to wipe out the Skrull for not bowing to their rule. This could be the plot fodder for something on the scale of a Star Wars trilogy, but at least for now it serves mostly as background to Danvers’ story. The main benefit of this war for those of us who are comic book apostates (or never-believers) is the addition of three of our most excellent actors to the Marvel franchise. Law has one of those faces where, even if you don’t trust him, you believe him. He turns out to be the film’s central antagonist, yet even then, I was fully convinced he believes in what he is doing; he comes across not as bloodthirsty but as a soldier doing a job for his homeland. Like many soldiers, he seems to regard the ethical questions around that job as being above his pay grade. Mendelsohn is someone every person in the theatre should know but does not, as he lacks either the perfect looks or comedy bonafides needed to make him a household name. He spends most of the movie in a suit, but unlike the crimes against cinema that befell Ciaran Hinds in Justice League or Oscar Isaac in X-Men: Apocalypse, even behind a green pickle mask his talents help his character immensely. Perhaps no newcomer has more fun with their role, though, than Annette Bening. She’s pretty straight-forward while playing Danvers’s actual mentor, but there’s a scene where she gets to be the embodiment of a scheming A.I., which is drawing the image from Danvers’s own head, that is the best single exchange in the film.
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The center of this particular story is what amounts to a buddy movie starring Larson and Jackson. It’s set in 1995, before the Fury character took a full-time job saying cryptic things in badly-lit rooms, and Jackson has been de-aged to match this. To my everlasting surprise, it works. Jackson does not look like his modern self with a bad coat of CG paint. I’m notably opposed to resurrecting dead actors with the ghoulish black magic of computers, as was done to poor Peter Cushing in the unworthy spin off Rogue One. Computers as a fountain of youth is a more agreeable use. He’s also a more relaxed and less serious version of the character, cracking actual jokes instead of spooky pronouncements and taking an immediate liking to a cat named Goose who, you might have quickly deduced, is not an actual cat. Larson fits her role well, which is good, because we’ll probably be seeing that role quite often over the next few years. She’s always been capable of striking a note somewhere between power and pain, seen to stupendous effect in her Oscar-winning role in Room. This talent seems to be why she was chosen, for Captain Marvel is a bit of a mercy. Many “strong female characters” are just male movie archetypes with the gender swapped. CM feels mostly like her own person, even if she never does escape or transcend the shallow demands of the genre. An ace fighter pilot in her lost human life, she is strong enough to casually kick alien butt and thoughtful enough to come up with non-butt-kicking solutions. If you ever see any films not made by Disney, she won’t be too surprising. It is only fair, however, to judge her by the standards she is set against, and she successfully fills a role the MCU has had trouble with in the past. Other fine actors get walk-on roles, including Clark Gregg, Djimon Hounsou, Gemma Chan and Lee Pace, though it is sisters Akira and Azari Akbar who, playing the daughter of Danvers’s best friend (Lashanna Lynch) at different ages, get the real power moments, a clear call-out to the little girls in the audience.
Yet for everything it does right, the film will not go down as one of Marvel’s most memorable (at least, if you are an adult). It follows the pattern exactly: the hero has doubts, the hero discovers who they really are, the hero saves the world in a bang-up finale. That finale is typical, and ends up enjoyable mostly because it knows when to stop. In some MCU films, particularly Avengers: Age of Ultron and Black Panther, the wow finish drags on and on and on, until all but the most patient or comatose of the audience are tapping their armrests impatiently. Here, there’s no excess; the last fight does what it needs to do and lets us get on to dinner. The entire film, in fact, feels quick and easily digestable, perhaps as a mercy; after all, next month’s Avengers entry is almost certain to be a bit too complex for its own good. Boden, Fleck and fellow writers Geneva Robinson-Dworet, Nicole Perlman and Meg LeFauve have chosen expediency over flash, conciseness over complexity. While Boden and Fleck’s unique directorial style (for the love of cinema, please run right out and find a copy of their last film, Mississippi Grind) is entirely devoured by the hungry maw of Marvel’s marketing monstrosity, this is still a fun, if non-essential, little tights caper whose cultural cachet is greater than the thing itself.
Verdict: Recommended  
Note: I don’t use stars, but here are my possible verdicts.
Highly Recommended
Not Recommended
Avoid like the Plague
 You can follow Ryan's reviews on Facebook here:
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 All images are property of the people what own the movie.
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natsubeatsrock · 6 years
10 Marvel Heroes Who I’d Like to See Get a Movie in the MCU
NOT Fairy Tail Month - Post #4 (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
I’ve had a lot of fun getting into the MCU with my siblings. In the process, I’ve fallen down the rabbit hole of the Marvel universe and am learning about its weird inner workings: the good, the bad, and the ugly. While there are two movies left in Phase 3, (I haven’t seen Ant-Man and the Wasp yet) I figured that it’s about time that I talk about some of the characters I’d like to see Marvel Studios tackle next.
There’s no particular order to this list, except for a definite #1. The only qualifier is that my picks can’t already be in the MCU either in film or TV. You’d be shocked how much of a blow that was to this list. Between confirmed easter eggs in films, cameos on the Netflix-verse, and appearances on other television shows, both airing or planned, there are a lot of heroes already in the MCU. Still, here are some I’m hoping will get their chance in the next few phases.
#10. Miss Marvel
Before someone mentions how Kevin Feige has already confirmed that Kamala Khan is coming to the MCU, consider two things. First, that her arrival is dependent on the establishment of Carol Danvers as Captain Marvel, a character whom we haven’t actually seen on screen as of yet, as a part of the universe. If you know anything about Kamala, that’s kind of a big deal. Though, with apparent plans to make Captain Marvel the new center of the MCU, that might not be much of an issue.
Second, and most importantly, he never actually said that she was getting her own movie. She may only end up sharing the screen with another major hero. Who knows, she might even only be on TV as many of my other hopefuls have. Here’s hoping things all work out.
#9. Spider-Woman
I want to see if Marvel will be able to work their magic with Sony and get at least one character to have their own live-action movie in the MCU. The obvious issue with this is that their contract to “share” Spiderman runs out after next year’s films. Still, a guy can dream, huh? 
Miles would be an interesting pick. However, he’s getting his own treatment in animation and it was hinted that he’s in the universe already in deleted scenes. (Does that still count?) Originally, I was hoping that we could get a Silk movie. But her alter-ego Cindy Moon already is a part of the MCU. Yes, this is a thing I looked up. Here’s hoping Marvel can give Jessica Drew a chance.
#8. The Mutants
This won’t be the last time I kind of cheat on this list. 
With the Fox-Disney merger becoming all but a reality, the obvious next step for the MCU is to bring on the idea of mutated humans into their universe. I’ve always loved the Mutants growing up across at least three different animated series. While I haven’t exactly gotten into their recent live-action film endeavors, I've heard that’s mostly a good thing.
Of course, there’s also the matter of logistics when it comes to bringing in established franchises into the MCU. Does this deal mean we’ll get the X-Men or New Mutants in the fold? How much of the previous movies will matter in the MCU? What about stuff like Legion and the Runaways? Who will take up the mantle as the next Wolverine? Considering this company made adding Spiderman into this narrative work well after two different live action runs, I’m not too worried. As long as Ryan Reynolds gets to stay as an R-rated Deadpool, things will probably be fine.
#7. She-Hulk
And speaking of breaking the Fourth Wall, She-Hulk has made a name for herself by jumping through the panels of her own comics. It would be cool to see her come to life. Who knows, we could actually get some payoff to loose ends from The Incredible Hulk, which has been around for 10 years. 
There’s a bit of an issue with her though. Technically, the rights for her and the rest of the Hulk Universe belong to Universal Pictures. Of course, that’s not as much of an issue as with the Spiderverse, considering we already have the Hulk. But it still is kind of a hurdle. But it’s not like walls should mean too much to her.
#6. Devil Dinosaur
This is a bit of an interesting pick. Current fans of Marvel comics might know about his partner Moon Girl, a young African American girl. Older fans may know of the partner Moon-Boy, the alien who stopped him from dying out with the rest of his kind. The difference between the two feels more jarring typing it out.
If Kevin Feige decides to go with this pick, I’m sure that either side of the fandom would probably be disappointed in the event that they decide to do one over the other. Still, I think it should be obvious that the most important character in this equation has to be Devil Dinosaur as the original namesake for the comic. Though, I’d like to see Star-Lord find out about Devil Dinosaur for obvious reasons.
# 5. Power Pack
Look. I talked about the Fox deal and the idea of Mutants in the MCU is really exciting to me. And I guess it would be cool to see the Fantastic Four join in as well. But I’ve never been all that hype over them, to begin with. Like, part of it is that they haven’t had good movies. But I’ve never been all too interested in the group past the concept of astronauts becoming superheroes.
While I’m interested in seeing their potential movie in the MCU, I’d also like some attention go to other groups in the Marvel Universe. My pick is one of the other sets of families in Marvel. The Power Pack is a group of four siblings with superpowers- two brothers and two sisters. Incidentally, I’ve heard that there was some talk about them getting a movie soon. Here’s hope we get to see it happen.
#4. Hawkeye
What? You didn’t think I would add Hawkeye? For those of you who think I’m breaking my rules here, obviously, Clint Barton has been in the MCU for a while now. The new Hawkeye, Kate Bishop, has yet to make an appearance in the MCU.  I feel like this would be a good time to introduce her. Not to mention, we could finally get some explanation for Clint’s past if he decides to stick along in order to be Kate’s mentor.
There have been a lot of shake-ups in Marvel comics. The Spider-verse gave us a ton of new versions of Spiderman. Kamala took up the mantle as Ms. Marvel from Carol. And Carol took it up after the original Captain Marvel died. That’s in addition to a bunch other things. While there are a lot of legacy characters in Marvel nowadays, with Iron Heart, Jane Foster’s Thor, and even a new Wasp, I’d like to see what Kate can do for the Hawkeye mantle.
#3. Nova
This may feel like a bit of a lame pick if your only exposure with him is the Ultimate Spiderman cartoon with Drake Bell as Peter Parker’s voice. (A concept which has forever ruined my own readings of Spidey) Still, this one actually has some weight behind it. After the events of Infinity War, Nova Prime has a great alternate reason to actually build Nova. (Originally, the reason for building him was the work of Helmut Zemo. You can see why this is a problem for the MCU.)
Not to mention that Kevin Feige has actually stated that he’s high on a hypothetical board of characters who could get a movie. If anything, this might be one of the more likely picks on this list. Who knows? He might be a part of that mythical easter egg in the Guardians films James Gunn has mentioned a few times.
#2. Namor
First, let’s get something straight. The Sub-Mariner came out a few years before Aquaman. I’m not saying that DC ripped off of Marvel (in this case). After all, the opposite is also true. Still, it’s crazy to think how unkind time has been to Marvel’s King of Atlantis. While Aquaman is getting a new film pretty soon, Namor hasn’t seen too much time to shine. It would be great to see what he can do.
Unfortunately, it’s not clear where his film rights lie. Marvel Studios thought they had control over him, but they don’t seem to anymore. And that’s if they ever did in the first place. So it’s not that they necessarily don’t want to rather than they technically can’t. With the new merger, hopefully, the other original members of the Illuminati will be able to pull something to bring their final ally into canon.
#1. A Surprise
Don’t judge me on this pick as my number one, okay? I can’t be the only one who hopes that we get something special and out of the blue as a hit. Could anyone honestly have thought Black Panther was going to end up being anywhere close to as huge as it’s become ten, or even five years ago? And I don’t just mean that it would be a really well-liked hero movie for Black people. This movie is one of the highest grossing films ever made and the only superhero films to make more than it is two of the Avengers films.
Similarly, Guardians of the Galaxy, Ant-Man, and Doctor Strange went from relative obscurity to household names after only a few movies. Heck, Iron Man wasn’t all too popular before his first movie more than a decade ago. Who’s to say that Marvel Studios won’t give us a movie none of us asked for but won’t end up being able to live without? Whether that be making a name from an obscure set of heroes we haven’t seen or gaining success from heroes with less than stellar comics, who can tell what will happen next in the MCU?
And that’s my list. Any heroes you’d want to see? 
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